From Critical Theory To Critical Race Theory To Woke

From Critical Theory To Critical Race Theory To Woke

Recently, @MikeNanya, observed that the “Critical Theory” canon is taught to students before they’re given a chance to adequately understand the object of their ire, with many imbibing in abstract theoretical philosophy that forms the bias of their relationship to reality. He then continued and explained “Critical Theory.”

  • Differing from scientific practitioners who attempt to disprove their starting assumptions, they begin with their conclusions and then move into the field to accumulate proof and punish dissent.
  • These critical agents of change then move from department to department applying their “Critical Theory” to any discipline they can convert to their current cause.

As I thought about it, I remembered my concerns many years ago when “Political Correctness” raised its ugly head. It has taken a while, but what started as Political Correctness evolved into the Wokeness that permeates our society today.

If you go back in time and look at the progression of things, you will see they are all related in some way and being used to move America toward Cultural Marxism and Communism of some sort.

To see where most of the action was during the period from 2018 through 2023, I did keyword searches using archived articles from the years below and was saddened as I read the article titles:

Those searches produced the results shown below.

  • The 1619 Project = 19 Articles
  • Critical Theory = 4 Articles
  • Critical Race Theory (CRT) = 200+ Articles
  • Cultural Marxism = 11 Articles
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) = 60 Articles
  • Marxism = 34 Articles
  • Political Correctness = 23 Articles
  • White Privilege = 14 Articles
  • Woke = 530+ Articles

If you take a few minutes to peruse the article titles I’m sure you will be concerned as I am about the future awaiting Americans if things aren’t turned around soon.

A good place to start is the elections in November 2024.

We not only need a President who loves the American dream that has been lost but also representatives in the Senate and House of Representatives to accomplish desperately needed changes on many fronts.

The 1619 Project – 39

2018 = 0
2019 = 7
  1. The New York Times Dismisses Actual Historians After Getting Called Out for Pushing 1619 Project Falsehoods
  2. A Divisive, Historically Dubious Curriculum – Teachers should reject the 1619 Project
  3. The New York Times’ 1619 Project Reeks Of Herbert Marcuse’s Divisive Ideology
  4. Who Benefits from the New York Times 1619 Project?
  5. We Must Say No to the Progressive 1619 Project in Schools
  6. The Ghost Of John C. Calhoun Haunts Today’s American Left – The irony of the New York Times’ 1619 Project
  7. The Mountebank Left Is Banking on You – Introducing the 1619 Project
2020 = 17

I’m only listing 10, but there were 17 articles on The 1619 Project

  1. The 1619 Project: An Autopsy – Seeking to debunk American principles, the 1619 authors ignored history
  2. Counterfactual history – The New York Times’ 1619 Project
  3. An Open Letter Calls for Withdrawal of the ‘1619 Project’ Pulitzer Prize

  4. President Trump Threatens to Defund California Schools If They Incorporate The 1619 Project Into Their Curriculum
  5. The Liars Among Us – The so-called 1619 Project is a lie
  6. Who is Behind the 1619 Project?
  7. How To Disprove The 6 Most Outrageous Myths Of The New York Times’ 1619 Project
  8. ‘Conspiracy Theory’: NYT’s 1619 Project Faces Scrutiny From Scholars, Historians
  9. Countering the 1619 Project’s False Narrative – The “1776 Unites” initiative corrects NYT’ lies about slavery and race in America
  10. The Disputed New York Times ‘1619 Project’ Already Shaping Schoolkids’ Minds on Race
2021 = 8
  1. The NYT’s 1619 Project Book Version Doubles Down On Junk History – Then dodges and impugns the motives of its critics
  2. The National Education Association finally comes clean – It’s all about Critical Race Theory and The 1619 Project
  3. The Inherent Fraud of ‘The New Yor Times’ 1619 Project’
  4. 1776 or 1619: Why it, Matters – Most Americans do not know what the 1619 Project is about
  5. The New York Times’ 1619 Project Conveniently Overlooks The Racist Past Of The Democrat Party
  6. The Oregon Department Of Education Takes Funds Intended For Disadvantaged Kids and Pays The 1619 Project Creator $50k
  7. Joe Biden Is Using Your Tax Dollars To Make American Kids Hate Their Country – Citing The 1619 Project for Education Grants
  8. Read the 1776 Report That Biden Wants to Bury – It is a rebuke of the NYT’s false and misleading “1619 Project”
2022 = 2
  1. Liberated Ethnic Studies Comes to California K-5 Classrooms  – The foundations of ‘teaching hard history’ are identical to the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory
  2. Another misleading narrative, compliments of the 1619 Project, to make your kids hate America
2023 = 5
  1. Tonight, the ABC television network is devoting 2 prime-time hours to a 1619 Project documentary arguing for slavery reparations –There seems to be no end to the destructive propaganda emanating from the Walt Disney Company
  2. The betrayal. deceptively unleashed on millions – In thousands of schools today, students are taught to hate their own country – Children are being programmed, via various anti-American curricula – including the notorious “1619 Project”
  3. The ‘Disinformation’ Police Become the Peddlers – Questioning the conventional wisdom isn’t only about Covid, but about taking a hard look at the 1619 Project, the politics of transgenderism, Biden’s student-loan decree, etc.
  4. A broad knowledge of US history and our “Founding Fathers” was taught in years past from our schools – They now teach the 1619 project, a complete fiction that attempts to paint the picture that our nation was founded on racism
  5. A six-part TV program, advertised as a “docuseries,” The 1619 Project represents a convergence of Oprah’s media empire with the Disney corporation that owns Hulu

Critical Theory = 4

2018 = 0
2019 = 0
2020 = 0
2021 = 1
  1. Critical Theory Explained – By George Friedman in Geopolitical Futures
2022 = 1
  1. ZH: A “Women’s Bill Of Rights” Has Been Introduced To Counter Transgender Ideology – “Gender ideology is just one strand of a much bigger, radical, Marxist agenda, and that is critical theory,” Carrie Sheffield said
2023 = 2
  1. Tragic Farce: The Origins and Destiny of “Critical Theory” – The critical problem in critical theory is if there is no human nature, then everything is truly destabilized, from the individual self to any other categories one might care to invent
  2. Thinker: Inside the Woke Air Force – Critical Theory and intersectionality spawned out of Marxist scholarship and have grown into legal studies, history, education, social sciences, and military studies…

Critical Race Theory – 200+

2018 = 0
2019 = 0
2020 = 14

I’m only listing 10, but there were 14 articles on Critical Race Theory

  1. The Threat of Critical Race Theory
  2. Critical Race Theory Undermines Racial Harmony – Our nation and people ARE NOT fundamentally racist
  3. The Civil Rights Legend Who Opposed Critical Race Theory
  4. Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic
  5. Princeton’s Woke Letter on Systemic Racism Backfires – And shows the hypocrisy of peddling critical race theory
  6. #DELETED: Critical Race Theory Dominates Big Tech
  7. Defending American Values, and History – President Trump Attacks critical race theory as “ideological poison”
  8. Critical Race Theory in American Classrooms – This radical curriculum may already be at a public school near you
  9. Critical race theory is the most dangerous ideology in America today
  10. Trump ends Federal Funding for Critical Race Theory and White Privilege Because they are “Anti-American Propaganda”
2021 = 150

I’m only listing 10, but there were 150 articles on Critical Race Theory.

  1. Florida v. Critical Race Theory – Governor DeSantis takes a stand against racialist ideologies in public institutions and businesses
  2. Critical Race Theory: From Whence Did It Come? – By using a simple magic trick. Instead of “class,” substitute “race.”
  3. Why We Need to Combat Critical Race Theory – CRT teaches people to regard one another as either an oppressor or one of the oppressed
  4. We Are Educators. Critical Race Theory Is Most Definitely In the Schools
  5. Marxism & Critical Race Theory – The left does everything to scrub their connection, CRC’s Wikipedia entry leads the way
  6. The National Education Association finally comes clean – It’s all about Critical Race Theory and The 1619 Project
  7. Our Kids Can’t Read, Write, Or Do Math, But They Are No 1. When It Comes To Critical Race Theory

  8. Where Are Teachers Getting Started On Critical Race Theory? – In Teachers’ Colleges, of Course
  9. The Ten Commandments of Critical Race Theory – A Bullet List
  10. Money, Power, and Revenge: The Truth About “Critical Race Theory”
2022 = 27

I’m only listing 10, but there were 27 articles on Critical Race Theory.

  1. Proof that Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools – The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research commissioned a study of a national sample of 1,505 18- to 20-year-olds who were still in high school or had just graduated
  2. Yes, Critical Race Theory Is Being Taught in Our Schools – A new survey of young Americans vindicates the fears of CRT’s critics
  3. Sharyl Attkisson: – Judicial Watch has filed a FOIA lawsuit against the DOD asking for Air Force Academy records regarding “systemic racism,” and records related to the teaching of critical race theory at the Air Force Academy
  4. Schools have made considerable efforts to incorporate aspects of critical race theory into math curricula – By modifying achievement standards and student expectations with a push to view mathematics through a racialized lens
  5. Critical race theory, transgenderism, and ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ are destroying our military – Military recruitment in the US is way down at the same time as the Biden Administration is driving out their so-called “White supremacists”
  6. Sharyl Attkisson: The watchdog group Judicial Watch has obtained over 600 pages of records that reportedly reveal “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) instruction is taking place at the US Military Academy, West Point
  7. Liberated Ethnic Studies Comes to California K-5 Classrooms  – The foundations of ‘teaching hard history’ are identical to the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory
  8. Critical Race Theory has infected 80% of the top U.S. medical schools – Our medical establishment is in the process of absurdly identifying “racism” as the major determinant in health care outcomes
  9. Many Roads Lead to Critical Race Theory Indoctrination – This is a hijacking of educational subject areas by the orthodoxy of political correctness and racial animus
  10. First Liberty Constitutional Lawyer: Ketanji Brown Jackson Can’t Uphold Constitution if She Thinks It’s Racist Because Of Her Support For Critical Race Theory
2023 = 17

I’m only listing 10, but there were 17 articles on Critical Race Theory.

  1. Critical Race Theory In Their Own Words – Let us delve into the history, intellectual antecedents, objectives, and methods of CRT in its founding father’s own words, as we would any potential foreign adversary’s work on such strategy
  2. Video footage shows officials across schools in Indiana allegedly admitting to teaching critical race theory (CRT) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles to students under different terms to avoid upsetting parents
  3. The Blue-State Education Nightmare – Obfuscating denials that “critical race theory” is taught in K–12 means that the woke takeover of our schools is still imperfectly recognized and understood
  4. Critical Race Theory’s Pernicious Effect on Scientific Research – Today’s “experts” exclude and distort information in their attempts to show that all racially disparate outcomes are the result of “systemic racism”
  5. Like DeSantis, Every Republican Lawmaker Should Block College Board’s Critical Race Theory Class – They are privately pitching state officials but have refused to publicly release the materials that taxpayers would pay for
  6. Thinker: Campus antisemitism, ‘Social Justice’ Gone Haywire – This is what happens when you romanticize radical political figures, teach Critical Race Theory, and restrict free speech and intellectual diversity on campus…
  7. American Thinker: Harvard’s bureaucracy has exploded, which explains so much – Harvard University employs about 1,352 full-time administrators for every 1,000 undergraduate students enrolled there – It must take a lot of people to keep the wheels churning on LGBTQ+, CRT, DEI, SEL, and all the other acronym ideas leftists keep introducing on college campuses…
  8. The theme of this year’s Pride Month is “We’re coming for your children” – Parents are speaking out against their kids’ exposure to CRT, and pornographic materials in school libraries, and telling six-year-olds how they can change their sex
  9. ZH: More than half of U.S. states passed measures against the teaching of CRT – Another dozen saw successful initiatives on a smaller scale, with single cities, counties, and/or school districts establishing such laws and directives
  10. Video footage shows officials across schools in Indiana allegedly admitting to teaching critical race theory (CRT) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles to students under different terms to avoid upsetting parents

Cultural Marxism = 11

2018 = 1
  1. The Curse Of Cultural Marxism – A Spot-On Analysis Of Progressivism
2019 = 1
  1. Spectator: Cultural Marxism and Its Conspirators – First off, you will not find a foundational book from, say, the 1930s, called The Cultural Marxism Manifesto – The fact is, there are many Marxists today working far more aggressively on the cultural front than the economic front, so they are, in effect, cultural Marxists…
2020 = 3
  1. Wokefornia – California’s ethnic studies mandate for K12ers is dead for now, but cultural Marxism is flourishing
  2. Cultural Marxism and Its Conspirators: Part 2 – The Marxist mind defines a term only in terms of an attack on its critics
  3. Economic vs. Cultural Marxism: The Most Important Distinction
2021 = 1
  1. Cultural Marxism Is Grinding Down Our Public Schools – Children Are Being Taught To Be Ashamed Of Being American
2022 = 3
  1. The Curse Of Cultural Marxism – Pat Condell makes the point that Progressivism is Marxism attempting to wear a liberal mask, and failing – His analysis is excellent and very thought-provoking
  2. JD Rucker: The Utter Lunacy of the LGBTQIA+ Supremacy Agenda – It was never my intention to cover so much about Cultural Marxism, but it’s become such an important topic that patriots need to pay attention
  3. The Pre K-12 School Where Judge Jackson Sits on Board Pushes Cultural Marxism on Kids
2023 – 2
  1. Xi Van Fleet on Maoist Revolution and Cultural Marxism in North America – “Communism is about the abolition of private property, but I would say, more important than that, is the abolition of independent thinking – It’s really, really about the control of people’s minds…
  2. The Curse Of Cultural Marxism – I’ve watched Pat Condell’s videos for many years, as he laments socialist policies that are creating so many problems in Europe, but  sadly they are now coming to America

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) = 60

2018 = 0
2019 = 0
2020 = 1
  1. The best ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ statement in the history of Political Correctness
2021 = 1
  1. Life at a woke company – Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts have stolen untold hours of company time from actual work performed
2022 = 13
  1. Life at a woke company – Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts have stolen untold hours of company time from actual work performed
  2. The State Department is planning a massive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion event expected to involve more than a dozen federal agencies and up to 50,000 government employees ignoring a world on the brink of a nuclear showdown
  3. The Biden administration just released its 2022 National Security Strategy – It is committed to wokeness, diversity, equity, and inclusion and is fundamentally a domestic political document as it only lightly addresses China and Russia
  4. The top schools in the country are weeding out applicants who are NOT sufficiently devoted to the leftist creed of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), according to a new report released by the non-profit organization, Do No Harm
  5. The Center for Organizational Research & Education: California has spent up to $500 million on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in its local government, K-12 school districts, and higher education between 2020 and 2022
  6. The DEI Regime of Corporate America – Every Fortune 100 company has now adopted “diversity, equity, and inclusion” programming
  7. Critical race theory, transgenderism, and ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ are destroying our military – Military recruitment in the US is way down at the same time as the Biden Administration is driving out their so-called “White supremacists”
  8. NAU requires students to take 4 “Diversity Perspective” courses and loads the courses with ideological propaganda – Requirements follow a concerted effort to weave diversity, equity, and inclusion into the fabric of the institution
  9. Twenty-one days to brainwash your child – Students forced to take a “21-Day Equity Challenge” as part of the district’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion” curriculum
  10. DEI Must DIE – The damaging “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” racket needs to be extinguished
2023 = 45

I’m only listing 10, but there were 45 articles on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  1. Victor Davis Hanson: A Rendezvous With Rwanda? – As Americans separate, do we know what the final consequences of the diversity, equity, and inclusion tribalism truly entail?
  2. How DEI Is Supplanting Truth as the Mission of American Universities – An obsession with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion threatens students, professors, and the very credibility of higher education in the U.S.
  3. DEI Training: Harmful, Phony, And Expensive – Every company has Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training, which costs serious money, but there’s no evidence it works and some evidence that it makes things worse
  4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs Have Already Killed Public Education – Leftist indoctrination such as this begins in elementary school and continues through college graduation
  5. Victor Davis Hanson: Destroying Meritocracy Is Deadly – Our government is playing with our lives as it prefers Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies  instead of  ensuring that the best-qualified employees are hired
  6. JD Rucker: The End Goal of DEI Is LGBTQIA+ Supremacy – The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda has used race and sex issues to build its power, but the shift is underway to bring its ultimate goal to the forefront
  7. American universities and colleges are pushing students to get degrees or certifications in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) when major U.S. corporations are reportedly laying off DEI-focused senior officers and thousands of employees
  8. DEI Is Poisoning Our College Campuses – College campuses are well known for strong political correctness, but nowadays, they are specifically known for their so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion programs
  9. Atlas Mugged: ‘DEI’ trumping merit, people to DIE – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies lower requirements and threaten public education as well as safety
  10. Victor Davis Hanson: Weimar America – Something eerie and creepy, is happening in the world—and now in America as well – The dark mood is brought on by elite universities, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion industry, and massive immigration from illiberal nations and anti-Enlightenment societies…

Marxism = 34

2018 = 3
  1. American Socialism through the Prism of Marxism
  2. The Farm Murders – More Proof That Marxism Kills
  3. Marxism Runs Amuck in South Africa
2019 = 3
  1. A Fellowship of Losers Marxism — Never has there been anything so destructive yet so alluring to the modern Democrat
  2. The AFL-CIO’s Daft Marxism
  3. Marxism, the Frankfurt School, and the Leftist Takeover of the College Campus
2020 = 5
  1. Marxism: A Breeding Ground for Useful Idiots – And The BLM Team Knows Just How To Leverage Them
  2. Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism
  3. Straight Outta Marxism: BLM Protesters Take Over A Grocery Store to Protest Lack of ‘Access’ to Grocery Stores
  4. MEET THE NEW MARXISM – They conquered universities, media, and corporations, and now the political arena as a whole
  5. Insanity Wrap #32: Liz Warren Spells Out the Marxism for You, Plus Billy Joel as Nostradamus
2021 = 12

I’m only listing 10, but there were 12 articles on Marxism

  1. Australia Is A Clinical Trial For The New Marxism
  2. Black Lives Matter: America’s Homegrown Marxism – Marxism and racial identitarianism came to a head in the 1960s
  3. Marxism & Critical Race Theory – The left does everything to scrub their connection, CRC’s Wikipedia entry leads the way
  4. The COVID Hoax enables American Marxism
  5. No One Can Disagree with Socialism – Their goal isn’t to expel all religions, it is to expel all competing religions to Marxism
  6. What is Critical Race Theory? – Academics simply substituted “race” for “class” and relabeled Marxism as CRT
  7. Our Government Is Evolving into Something Horrifying – As Progressives Push a Marxism-style political order
  8. Critical Race Theory: Warmed Over Marxism – Pushed by leftist professors to breathe new life into their failed philosophy
  9. The U.S. Space Force Commanding Officer Was Relieved After Denouncing Marxism, Critical Race Theory in Military
  10. The shame of American Marxism – What will our enemies do when they see American strength and resolve replaced by weakness, feminization of our grand power, and self-hate?
2022 = 6
  1. Howard Galganov: Why The Spending Orgy? – The Strategy Of MARXISM (Communism) . . . Is to Overwhelm the System in Every Way Imaginable, which Includes Flooding the Border, Bloating the Government & Collapsing the Economy
  2. The Raid On President Trump’s Home Is A Wake-Up Call – It will go down in history as the day America realized that Marxism had infiltrated our federal government when Biden used his DOJ as a weapon against a political opponent
  3. The Axis Strikes Back: Exposing the domestic Nazi-Soviet Pact now menacing the people of America – National Socialism would have been inconceivable without Marxism
  4. The BLM Founders’ Mansion Marxism – Patrisse Cullors is yet another example of Marxist greed

  5. Militant BLM Embraces  Full-Blown Marxism – When they identify anyone making unfavorable remarks they contact accomplices at the social platforms who shut them down. They even hire private investigators to go after them
  6. America’s Military Aircraft Readiness Has Tanked Amidst a Focus on Woke Politics – Trump-administration targets were dropped as the military focused more on Marxism
2023 = 5
  1. Thinker: How the left infiltrates through government – By its nature, Marxism, and its spawn, Communism, can’t create, they destroy the private economy through “wealth redistribution,” which requires a strong central government – The list of our federal bureaucracies is now legion…
  2. Understanding Marxism Is Key To Understanding Today’s Leftists – Leftists no longer speak in terms of the “bourgeoisie” or the “proletariat,” but they are still operating under the same principles, only at a more granular level
  3. The greatest betrayal of our lifetime – Students in thousands of schools today are being taught to hate America because Marxism has taken over in our public schools
  4. What Is Happening in Our Schools? – One goal of Marxism is to separate children from their families, religion, nation, and culture
  5. If China Invades America, Will Leftists Rejoice? – After all, the grand utopian fantasies of our America haters are firmly grounded in Marxism and a power grab to create some new yet undefined authoritarian nirvana

Political Correctness = 23

2018 = 3
  1. Despite Stock Woes, Big Tech Toes the Line of Political Correctness
  2. 80 Percent Of Americans Think Political Correctness Is A National Problem
  3. America’s Lost Antidote to Political Correctness
2019 = 7
  1. Political Correctness Versus Common Sense
  2. Are Comedians Finally Fighting Back Against the Far Left’s Political Correctness Cultural Clampdown?
  3. Political Correctness: The Tool of Totalitarianism
  4. Rasmussen: Most Still Say Political Correctness Kills Free Speech
  5. Political Correctness Blinds Us To The Causes Of Anti-Semitism
  6. Political Correctness Is a Tool for Socialist Censorship and Thought Control
  7. Political Correctness Knows No Statute of Limitations
2020 = 2
  1. The Winds of Woke – Can Joe Biden withstand the storm of political correctness?
  2. The best ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ statement in the history of Political Correctness
2021 = 6
  1. Now we have ‘Woke!’…… Because ‘Political Correctness’ Wasn’t Idiotic Enough
  2. Waking Up From Wokeness – Usually some absurd piece of academic, corporate, or government political correctness
  4. The war on Professor Jordan Peterson – A canary in the toxic coal mine of political correctness and petty thought police
  5. Media outlets falsely claim that Dr. Jordan Peterson, author of Political Correctness Gone Mad, has schizophrenia
  6. HOW TO READ A SOCIETY – Political correctness has now been absorbed, enhanced, and spread in the tyranny of cancel culture that permeates our institutions
2022 = 3
  1. Many Roads Lead to Critical Race Theory Indoctrination – This is a hijacking of educational subject areas by the orthodoxy of political correctness and racial animus
  2. The Biden Administration Ends The Trump-Era “China Initiative” in the Name of Political Correctness
  3. Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials? – At the heart of this nonsense is political correctness in a form even  George Orwell could not have foreseen
2023 = 2
  1. DEI Is Poisoning Our College Campuses – College campuses are well known for strong political correctness, but nowadays, they are specifically known for their so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion programs
  2. A new study found that people with higher cognitive ability are less likely to be concerned about political correctness and more likely to support free speech – In other words, people with higher cognitive ability are less woke

White Privilege = 14

2018 = 4
  1. Under White Privilege Theory, Progressives Won’t Be Happy Until You Hate Your Kids
  2. Does White Privilege Theory Pave The Way For South Africa-Style Property Confiscation In The United States?
  3. How The Theory Of White Privilege Leads To Socialism
  4. Public Schools Now Forcing Kindergarten Students To Study ‘White Privilege’
2019 = 2
  1. What ‘white privilege’ means in a small West Virginia town
  2. Let’s Talk About The White Privilege Farce
2020 = 2
  1. Trump ends Federal Funding for Critical Race Theory and White Privilege Because they are “Anti-American Propaganda”
  2. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About White Privilege – I understand it like no other person on Earth
2021 = 3
  1. American Marxists, Take Your Fictitious Systemic Racism and White Privilege and Shove It You Know Where
  2. The Wokest Place on Earth – Disney’s internal campaign against “white privilege” and racially segregated affinity groups
  3. When everything is attributed to ‘white privilege,’ it ceases to have meaning
2022 = 0
2023 = 3
  1. Victor Davis Hanson: The Damage of the “White Privilege” Smear – It’s past time for Americans to reject all racial stereotyping – Another dividend of the blanket white privilege/supremacy slur is the racial shakedown industry…
  2. What Mao Taught Woke – Who will deny that American universities and other institutions now practice a Mao concept in the form of so-called “white privilege” and other exercises?
  3. Artificial intelligence hunts for “white privilege” – Woke people are bad enough, but woke A.I. is worse because, like the Terminator, it can’t be bargained with, It can’t be reasoned with and it doesn’t feel pity, remorse, or fear

Woke = 530+ Articles

2018 = 4
  1. The Boy Scouts Filing Bankruptcy After a String of “Woke” Decisions Caused It to Go Broke
  2. Don’t Get Played; Get Woke to the Outrage Scam
  3. How Albert Einstein Posthumously Spawned The Theory Of Wokeness Relativity
  4. The Exploited Parkland Kids Are Just the Inevitable Outcome of the ‘Woke Children’ Myth
2019 = 19

I’m only listing 10, but there were 19 articles on the topic of Woke

  1. California’s Woke Legislation For 2020: Students Can’t Be Suspended
  2. How America’s Students Need to Get ‘Woke’
  3. Woke Math Aims to Teach Seattle Kids That ‘Western’ Math Is Racist
  4. How Wokeness Is Turning Back the Clock
  5. If Woke Corporations Had Police Power, They Would Act Exactly Like Communist China
  6. Woke History Is Making Big Inroads in America’s High Schools
  7. Code Words . . . Trigger Words – Woke . . . and the BS of the New LEFT
  8. Woke-Star Wars Toys and Theme Park Attractions Underperform
  9. Woke Racism
  10. Five Surefire ‘Woke’ Political Proposals for Desperate Democrat Presidential Debaters
2020 = 52

I’m only listing 10, but there were 52 articles on the topic of Woke

  1. Americans Beware: New Civics Mandates Will Be Woke
  2. History Demands That We Wake Up the Woke
  3. Wokefornia – California’s ethnic studies mandate for K12ers is dead for now, but cultural Marxism is flourishing
  4. Yelp Now Wants Reviewers to Rate Whether Businesses Are ‘Woke’ Enough – Meet Your Antifa Reviewers
  5. Woke California imposes diversity dogma on corporate boards
  6. Trump Announces Ban On Woke Companies Working With U.S. Government
  7. Against Wokeness – Conservatives MUST understand the threat posed by critical race theory
  8. The Dialectic of Woke – Why politically correct institutions cave to Communist China
  9. It didn’t seem possible, but this year, Oscars are going to be more woke than ever
  10. 7 Woke Rebellions in America’s Newsrooms – Liberal Idiocy In Action
2021 = 170+

I’m only listing 10, but there were over 170 articles on the topic of Woke

  1. The fightback against wokeness has begun – The classroom will be the key battleground in the 21st-century culture wars
  2. Woke Crime Data Blackout – Hear no evil and see no evil because mainstream media hides it
  3. The woke alphabet – ’Z’ is for zero tolerance (Of straight, white Christians. And other bad things!)
  4. 10 Christmas Songs That Must Be Cancelled By The End Of 2021 To Please The “Woke” Community
  5. The new Dark Ages – The woke assault on Western civilization is taking us backward with a basic level of literacy in a precipitous decline
  6. Ronald Reagan Institute Poll: Public Confidence In The  ‘Woke’ Military Is In Free Fall
  7. Report: Border Patrol Agents Forced To Undergo Woke Re-Education Training In Midst Of a Massive Immigration Crisis
  8. How the ‘Woke’ crowd tricked voters into passing California’s looter-friendly Proposition 47
  9. A Woke Dilemma Is Coming For Realtors – And it’s Coming for you too
  10. Racialism Is a Clear & Present Danger to the American System – Threatens Anglo-American legal norms
2022 = 130+

I’m only listing 10, but there were over 130 articles on the topic of Woke

  1. Under Wokeism, Animal Farm Comes to Life – The moral of the story is that collectivism and socialism do not work
  2. 7 “Woke” Comedians Who Have Become Consumed by Leftist Politics – On the other hand, stars who express conservative leanings can often see themselves demonized or canceled over their views
  3. Woke Indoctrination Is Destroying the Military – It’s not a surprise that recruitment is down., but it is a massive problem
  4. JD Rucker: The Biden-Harris Regime Quietly Changes Rules to Incentivize Financial Advisors to Put Your Money Into Woke Investments EVEN IF IT LOSES MONEY – The use of a self-directed IRA enables you to maintain control
  5. WSJ: The New Woke Discrimination Demands a New Law – Expand the Civil Rights Act to protect employees from being fired for their political beliefs
  6. The New Gatekeepers – How the major institutions of American society all came to sing in the woke chorus, and what can be done about it – Unlike a generation ago, young Americans typically must pass through three gateways, to be economically successful
  7. Voters Throw CBS A Curve – A “Face the Nation” focus group featuring a Republican, Democrat and an independent unanimously agreed that “woke culture” has become a prime concern for parents raising children in America
  8. Why Hispanics are leaving the Democrat Party – The Party’s soul has new ownership that is the property of atheistic, wealthy, woke white people and has moved so far leftward and so fast that no one in the country can keep up
  9. When you are gravely ill, do you want Dr. Woke or Dr. Smart? – Nearly three-quarters of these institutions — and 80% of the top 10 — ask applicants about their views on diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and other politicized concepts

  10. The Woke Plot Against Academic Freedom – Today, if an academic says the “wrong” thing, they can be fired or even physically attacked
2023 = 160+

I’m only listing 10, but there were over 160 articles on the topic of Woke

  1. Thinker: Everyone, including its proponents, knows that DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) isn’t diverse, isn’t equitable, and certainly is not inclusive – Today, DEI stands for Degradation, Exclusion, and Intolerance as shown below…
  2. Epoch: Preferred Pronouns – US Border Agents Are Told to Use “Woke” Language – An internal memo instructs CBP agents not to assume an illegal immigrant’s gender identity
  3. American Thinker: Is the Biden military just too woke? – The Left has been softening up our country for decades, but only recently did they go after our military as well – What if our military won’t fight because it’s gone woke and its generals are more concerned with pronouns, micro-aggressions, and misgendering?
  4. Joe Rogan Thinks He Knows What California School Was Trying to Do to His 5-Year-Old When He Lived There – He talked about how a California school was indoctrinating his 5-year-old daughter into a “woke, guilt-ridden ideology” centered around becoming an antiracist activist
  5. Much of Today’s “Racism” Is Manufactured – Woke elites understand the charge of “racism” is a meal ticket and guarantor of institutionalized political power, so they have a large stake in perpetuating the reign of claimed racism
  6. Dov Fischer: Bigotry in Motion: The Frenzied Woke Attacks Jason Aldean’s“Try That In A Small Town” shows the small-mindedness of the Left – Those on the left are the actual racists as everything in the world to them is about race
  7. Who’s upset about the Hollywood strike? – Hollywood’s arrogance is nothing short of overwhelming, especially when network television and cable are in a free fall as they continue to insist on pushing woke ideology at every opportunity

  8. California Governor Newsom muscles the Temecula school board into accepting his woke curriculum and school book … or else – In doing this, Newsom outs himself as a political thug, with nothing but contempt for local rule
  9. America’s Degradation Is No Accident – “What happened?” – “What the hell happened?!” –  Many of us are asking this question as the full array of woke hoaxes continue more and more to dominate our lives
  10. ZH: House conservatives are bundling the nation’s defense budget with “culture war” amendments they say are needed to reverse the Biden administration’s “woke” politicization of the military through “radical race theories”
  11. Is Woke Hollywood Starting To Shrivel? – Hollywood is losing profitability in the wake of its woke movies that moviegoers refuse to watch

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