2024 Conservative Article Reference List Archives

2024 Conservative Article Reference List Archives

August 31, 2024

Fox News: Trump unleashes on Harris, talking immigration, and  China in an exclusive Mark Levin interview – Trump warned that a Harris presidency would include no fracking in pivotal battlegrounds, like Pennsylvania, saying Kamala is a “radical left Marxist.”

Conservative Brief: Lawyers for former President Donald Trump are requesting that a federal court take over his New York criminal trial, claiming that he has been exposed to “constitutional violations” due to proceedings that conflict with the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity. – Critics of the trial pointed to various irregularities, arguing that Bragg essentially concocted felony campaign finance charges…

Breitbart: Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, the American-Israeli hostage who lost his left hand when being abducted by Hamas from the Nova music festival on October 7, has been found dead in Gaza by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers. – The IDF located several bodies during combat in the Gaza Strip. – The troops are still operating in the area and are carrying out a process to extract and identify the bodies.

Gateway Pundit: Furious Black Californians Warn Newsom: Sign Reparations Bills or Face Consequences for Kamala Harris’s Presidential Run – Two reparations bills, championed by Democrat Sen. Steven Bradford, are facing an uphill battle in the final days of California’s legislative session. – The bills, Senate Bills 1403 and 1331, aimed at creating a new state agency and fund to facilitate reparations for the descendants of enslaved African Americans, have encountered significant resistance from an unexpected source: Governor Gavin Newsom himself.

American Thinker: Stop Illegals from Voting – Someone who is in our country illegally and has violated our laws should not possess a government-issued ID that allows them to vote. – A handful of House Republicans are hoping to attach the new SAVE act to the upcoming continuing resolution to be passed September 30. The act would mandate all states to ensure that only U.S. citizens vote in the November elections…

Center For Immigration Studies: Illegal Immigration Is Expensive – The Biden-Harris administration is handing out hundreds of millions to bail out localities reeling from the crisis it created. – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on August 28 that it will hand out an additional $380 million to localities through its Shelters and Services Program (SSP)…

American Thinker: Globalism Is Economic Slavery That Leads To Future Dystopia – Imagine life in the not-too-distant future. – You have never owned anything. – Each month, a digital account associated with your digital ID receives some central bank digital currency units. – If you do something that the government deems contrary to your well-being, your social credit score decreases, and a fraction of your discretionary income disappears in thin air…

Townhall: What Most Of The Media Neglected to Mention About the Politician Who Murdered a Journalist – The New York Times, NBC News, ABC News, Rolling Stone, and The Hill all made no mention of the killer’s Democrat party affiliation when covering his conviction.

Powerline: The Week in Pictures: Kamaladammerung Edition – Now we have Kamala Harris saying, “My values haven’t changed.” – Yes, ma’am, that’s exactly what we’re afraid of.

August 30, 2024

The Center Square: FK Jr. removes his name from most swing state ballots to help former President Donald Trump win the election. – Four of seven consensus swing states, that, account for 93 electoral college votes, agreed to scrub his name from the ballot come November. – They are Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada.

Daily Signal: Swing State Democrats May Be Illegally Recruiting Poll Watchers, A GOP Letter Warns – The Pennsylvania Democrat Party’s website says that recruited poll watchers must be physically present in the state to work, but “do not necessarily have to be PA voters.”…

Daily Signal: Despite Tough Talk, Biden-Harris Admin Rolls Out Red Carpet for Illegal Alien Gangs – DHS has for nearly four years been catching, then almost immediately releasing into the U.S. interior, thousands of young illegal alien men weekly. – It has also let in a million more using immigration “parole,” under the pretext that they are all fleeing persecution in their home countries and will apply for asylum…

American Conservative: Brazil suspended Elon Musk’s social media app 𝕏 in the country on Friday. – Musk called Moraes an “evil dictator cosplaying as a judge” a day before the order was issued. – Moraes also announced that Brazilians caught using the service illegally will face fines of up to $9,000 a day. – An estimated 40 million people use 𝕏 in Brazil. 

New York Sun: Three Years After Kabul Fell to the Taliban, Threats to America Are Rising – The terrorist groups operating out of Afghanistan are powered by fresh foreign funding and military equipment. – The 21 terrorist organizations now coalescing in the country pose a growing threat to America, and democratic resistance forces in Afghanistan are warning of a possible attack worse than 9/11...

Gateway Pundit: The Feds Are ‘Trying To Squeeze’ Special Forces Vet and January 6 Prisoner Jeremy Brown Into A Plea Agreement To Conceal His Discovery So Now Are Threatening a Seditious Conspiracy Conviction – He NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6 and his crime was, in reality, refusing to be an FBI informant – MSG (Ret.) Green Beret Jeremy Brown recorded a conversation he had with two JTTF agents who came to his door in December 2020…

NewsMax: Former President Donald Trump said he will unfreeze a moratorium on the federal death penalty to help fight crime if he returns to the White House. – Trump declared that re-instituting the death penalty would be a first-day priority.

The Daily Fetched: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s VP pick, Nicole Shanahan, dropped a brutal ad highlighting the growing “Trump Derangement Syndrome” epidemic affecting the political landscape. – The 2-minute video paints a picture of those who have contracted TDS, showing the signs of infection by overlooking critical issues facing the country because they hate Donald Trump so much…

Zero Hedge: 7 Signs That The Mainstream Media Is Flat Out Lying To Us About The State Of The Economy – #1 Survey after survey has shown that the economy is the number one concern for American voters during this election season, so if the economy was in good shape, we would not be getting these results. – #2 At this point, the economy is in such rough shape that even Dollar General customers seem to be running out of money. – #7 Last, but certainly not least, total household debt in the US has soared to a level that we have never seen before...

Zero Hedge: Tulsi Gabbard Reveals The Real Reason Behind Endorsing Trump – “To put it simply, the choice for the American people is a choice with Donald Trump, a man who values peace, prosperity, and freedom, with a proven record that shows that. – On the other hand, VP Kamala Harris’ record shows an increasingly tyrannical government undermining our freedoms.

Slay Magazine: ABC Rejects Kamala Harris’ Last-Ditch Effort to Change Rules for The Coming Debate With Trump – Harris, wanted ABC to allow the candidates to sit throughout the debate, bring notes along, and keep the microphones live rather than cut them off once each candidate’s time had expired. – Each candidate will be allowed a water bottle, a pen, and paper.

Front Page Magazine: Kamala’s California is a Center of Political Corruption – Over the last 10 years, 576 public officials in California have been convicted on federal corruption charges, according to Justice Department reports, exceeding the number of cases in states better known for public corruption, including New York, New Jersey, and Illinois. – “When a political party enjoys that much uncontested power, there’s no penalty for stepping over ethical or legal lines” – What do all those places have in common?…

The Center Square: Canada officials express alarm about terrorism threats, warning Americans about the impact on the US – Nearly 1,100 known, suspected terrorists have been apprehended at the northern border, equivalent to a U.S. Army battalion – A Canadian House of Commons hearing was held Wednesday to investigate how the Trudeau government granted citizenship to a member of ISIS who allegedly plotted a terrorist attack against Canadians.

City Journal: Adolescent Gender Dysphoria Is a Temporary Diagnosis for Most Teens – New evidence underscores that a GD diagnosis in adolescence is an unreliable basis for medical interventions. – This analysis is based on a comprehensive database of insurance health claims in the United States containing healthcare encounter data for about 85 percent of the insured U.S. population…

New York Sun: Prices Rose another 2.5% in July, Higher Than Fed’s Target, as The Central Bank Eyes A September Rate Cut – Despite the apparent end of high inflation, Americans are unhappy with today’s sharply higher average prices for such necessities as gas, food, and housing compared with their pre-pandemic levels.

Last American Vagabond: Whether Through Biden, Harris, or Trump – Digital IDs Are Coming to America – Biden’s plans pertain to infrastructure for digital driver’s licenses, with similar moves made by former President Donald Trump under the guise of fighting illegal immigration. – The draft viewed by NOTUS calls for federal and state governments to accelerate the adoption of so-called mobile driver’s licenses as the first step…

American Thinker: Congress Doesn’t Need The FBI – Two things are becoming abundantly clear regarding the “investigation” into the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. – First, nobody trusts the FBI.  – Secondly, everybody is complaining that the FBI is stonewalling and withholding information about the alleged shooter, and therefore, the entire sordid event is quickly turning into a Kennedy assassination–conspiracy…

American Thinker: Pro-lifers who withhold their votes from Trump will learn the hard way how badly that will backfire – One of the more disappointing things about American politics is how much time is often spent debating policies that have no actual chance of ever being enacted in the first place. – Such is the case with the recently “proposed” federal abortion ban that has sent a large number of pro-life Republicans into a tizzy…

Slay Magazine: Most Americans See Kamala Harris as Deceptive and Trump as Authentic – 53% of Americans and 54% of registered voters believe that Vice President Harris primarily tells people what they want to hear, rather than expressing her true beliefs, with only 35% of Americans and 39% of registered voters feeling that Harris is sincere when she speaks. – 51% of all Americans and 53% of registered voters view Trump as sincere, believing that he truly stands behind his statements…

The Federalist: If Donald Trump’s Sex Life Is Fair Game For The Coming Election, So Is That Of Kamala Harris – You don’t get to insist Donald Trump’s private peccadilloes are a criminal matter while being silent about the corrupt relationships of Kamala Harris, the Clintons, and so many others…

Slay Magazine: The Supreme Court Blocks The Biden-Harris Plan to Pay Off Student Debts with Taxpayer Money – The promise from Kamala comes after the Supreme Court shut down a second attempt by the Biden-Harris administration to pay off billions of dollars in unpaid student debts. – The ruling is a blow to Harris’s presidential campaign because Harris has a support base of young liberal voters who are more likely to have college debt.

Washington Free Beacon: The Democrat National Committee endorsed a plan that would offer amnesty to illegal aliens who were deported under former president Donald Trump and invite them back to the United States. – The official Democratic Party platform supports the passage of the U.S. Citizenship Act, a bill that was sent to Congress by the Biden-Harris administration on January 20, 2021. 

The Center Square: Over $47 million in federal taxpayer dollars is going toward service programs in Arizona as the state continues to facilitate migrant requests for transportation to other parts of the country, albeit fewer than before. – The funds are part of $380 million in supplemental funds for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and United States Customs and Border Protection for the Shelter and Services program, which a news release states is used for “food, shelter, clothing, acute medical care, and transportation to noncitizens” that are waiting for their immigration court date in the U.S. 

American Thinker: Carbon Offsets Have Always Been Just Another Global Warming Scam. – They are just worthless pieces of paper that allow rich people and companies to pretend that they are reducing their carbon footprint. – Anyone with a brain could recognize that buying a carbon offset credit from Tesla or some other green company did not reduce the amount of carbon that a jet, house, yacht, mansion, or factory emitted…

August 29, 2024

Epoch Times: The FBI Shares New Details From The Investigation Into The Trump Assassination Attempt – Thomas Crooks spent months planning an attack, looking at various potential targets before settling on Trump, FBI officials said on Aug. 28. – Crooks searched for Trump’s campaign events as early as September 2023, and looked at information about bomb components as early as 2019 FBI officials said…

Conservative Playbook: 99% of The Murdoch Family’s News Corp Employee Election Contributions Went to Democrats – So what can we learn about political donations when looking at it from a corporate angle? – This graphic shows the top 12 companies by employee election contributions in 2024, based on data from Quiver Quantitative. – Netflix, 100% – Alphabet, 83%, Arista Networks, 99%…

Zero Hedge: After tumbling in April, and rebounding modestly in June, analysts expected a continued gain in pending home sales in July, but it didn’t happen. – Moments ago the NAR reported that in July, Pending Home Sales tumbled 5.5% MoM, a huge miss to the 0.2% expected gain, and down from a 4.8% increase in June.

National Review: The Adept Mr. Vance Hasn’t Made A Single Misstep. – Vance has been doing multiple events every day, out on his own. (Tim Walz, in contrast, has been a trained seal standing behind Kamala Harris the entire campaign). – Vance constantly engages with the press in lengthy unscripted interactions and does sit-down interviews with hostile outlets.

Townhall: New surveys from Emerson College Polling/The Hill show a toss-up election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in swing states. – The Republican presidential nominee is up in Wisconsin (49 percent to 48 percent), Arizona (50 percent to 47 percent), and North Carolina (49 percent to 48 percent). Harris, meanwhile, is ahead in Georgia (49 percent to 48 percent), Michigan (50 percent to 47 percent), and Nevada (49 percent to 48 percent). The race in Pennsylvania is tied at 48 percent.

Slay News: Senator Ted Cruz blasted Kamala Harris for setting up a “softball” sit-down with CNN’s Dana Bash as her first interview with the media since launching her campaign. – Cruz noted that the interview is re-planned, and will be pre-recorded to enable them to edit to remove the “word salad” and “things that are dumb” that Harris says. – The senator further argues that the interview is “propaganda” that only serves to further gaslight the American people.

American Thinker: In San Diego’s back county, illegals attempt to hijack two school buses loaded with children – Are the Harris-Biden open borders now Latin-Americanizing the U.S.? – That’s what it looks like with this heinous and underreported incident in San Diego’s back county not far from the U.S.-Mexico border…

California Globe: Governor Newsom’s Venezuela-Like Price Control Proposal on Oil Industry – With the California Legislature set to adjourn Friday, Newsom is threatening to call a special session if lawmakers don’t pass his Venezuela-like price controls proposal for the oil and gas industry, his latest proposal to control California’s petroleum industry.

Sharyl Attkisson: The Biden administration lost track of tens of thousands of children who crossed into the US illegally – From 2019 to 2023, ICE transferred over 448,000 UCs to HHS but failed to track many who missed their immigration court dates, with more than 32,000 UCs missing their hearings. – ICE also did not consistently notify HHS when UCs missed court and did not issue Notices to Appear (NTAs) for over 291,000 UCs. Here is their full memorandum…

American Thinker: A Recent Study Shows That Illegal Aliens Cost Taxpayers $150 Billion in just one year. – Leftists tell you that illegal aliens pay taxes, too, so “quit yer whining’” about their being expensive. – The problem is that they’re taking way more than they’re returning, and most of the cost is being borne by state and local governments…

Slay News: Government Documents Show That Canada Is Secretly Euthanizing Veterans – Several veterans came forward saying that their caseworkers told them they should apply for MAiD. – The majority of the veterans were dealing with acute post-traumatic stress disorder. – However, rather than offer the vets a long and costly treatment, the Canadian government’s socialized healthcare system is pushing for euthanasia as a more cost-effective solution.

August 28, 2024

Townhall: Trump Takes the Lead While Harris Can’t Answer a Simple Interview Question – In a new Polymarket poll, Trump holds a two-percent advantage over Vice President Kamala Harris (50 to 48 percent). The same survey also found that Trump’s chances of winning crucial swing states are much higher than Harris’s. – When asked, Harris couldn’t explain Trump’s policies, going off into a tangent about her tried and true argument of diversity and race.

Western Journal:   More than a month after the failed attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life, clear photographs of the shooter’s gear and weapon have been released to the public. – The photos seem to confirm a report of what happened on July 13 as law enforcement took Crooks down…
Washington Free Beacon: The West Bank, Once Quiet, Is Now Flooded With Iran-Backed Terror Groups – Iran has spent the last decade quietly smuggling advanced weapons into the West Bank to arm more than two dozen militant factions responsible for a spate of recent terror attacks, experts say, culminating on Wednesday in a massive Israeli military operation to root out Tehran’s proxies…
Daily Caller: Gold Star families, who lost their children during the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, invited Trump to their Arlington National Cemetery ceremony, but officials tried to block his entry. – Speaker of the House Mike Johnson had to intervene to get Trump into Arlington National Cemetery for the third anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal with Gold Star families, a family told the Daily Caller. – “This administration interfered with the tributes to the 13 fallen. – In its war on Trump, it made the Gold Star families collateral damage,” according to Representative Darrel Issa.
Vigilant News: The RFK Jr. Interview They Don’t Want You to See – In an explosive new interview, Kennedy told Dr. Phil, “We have the sickest children in the world.” – “When I was a kid, about 6% of American children had chronic disease. Today, it’s 60%,” he lamented…

Washington Examiner: The bipartisan House task force investigating the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump is ramping up its efforts with a sweeping records request to both the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service – The task force requested access to documents detailing the preparation and security decision-making in the hours leading up to the rally as well as agents’ responses once the shooting began…

Slay Magazine: Dan Bongino Slams The Secret Service Over The Trump Assassination Attempt: ‘Disgusting!’- Bongino noted that the corporate media had appeared to quickly lose interest in the story even though the security failures that day could have much broader implications in the future.

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court on Aug. 28 turned down President Joe Biden’s request to reinstate a $475 billion student loan relief plan weeks after an appeals court blocked the program. – Justice Brett Kavanaugh referred the application to the full court which denied it. – No dissents were recorded.

American Thinker: Mainstream Media, Enemy of the People – The word ‘bias’ is inadequate to describe what the mainstream media has devolved into. – The members of the media don’t simply prefer Democrat actions, they are Democrats. – They must be seen as a department within the party whose job is to glorify everything the party does and denigrate anyone who stands against it.

American Thinker: How did the DNC learn to use lawfare? – It all starts in the law schools – The DNC is effectively a large law firm that operates by mimicking or mirroring an irregular intelligence organization by disrupting normal institutional purposes and functions and replacing them with its backdoor influence or control…

Zero Hedge: Several States Refuse To Remove RFK Jr.’s Name From Ballots, Hurting Trump – After Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropped out of the presidential race last week and threw his support behind former President Trump, several states have refused to remove his name from the ballot after he announced he would do so in about 10 swing states. – “Our polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in the battleground states, I would likely hand the election over to the Democrats, with whom I disagree on the most existential issues,” Kennedy said just before endorsing Trump…

Washington Examiner: The GOP-led House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the CEO of a political consulting firm that employs the daughter of the judge who presided over former President Donald Trump‘s New York hush money trial. – The committee’s inquiry, led by Chairman Jim Jordan, scrutinizes Judge Juan Merchan over an alleged conflict of interest surrounding his daughter’s work.

American Thinker: Democrats lie about Trump at Arlington and the withdrawal from Afghanistan – The lies are necessary to cover for the fact that the survivors of the withdrawal and the family members of those who died want nothing to do with Harris or Biden – It all started simply enough when family members of those who died asked Trump to participate in the Arlington ceremony on Monday…

American Spectator: When You Think About It, Trump Is Running For A First Term, Not A Second – This is because he was undermined every step of the way during his first term. – In addition to Covid information silencing, let’s remember that polling following the 2020 election showed that some number near 10 percent of the votes Joe Biden garnered in that election would not have been available to him had the Hunter Biden laptop story been given its due amount of oxygen.

Conservative Brief: Former Independent presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump, whom he endorsed last week after dropping out of the race, has tasked him with helping pick people who will help run a new administration should the 45th president become the 47th president.

Townhall: Homeland Security Hands Out More Money for Illegal Immigrants – DHS announced on Wednesday the allocation of over $380 million going towards the care of illegal immigrants living in communities consumed by the Biden-Harris administration’s border crisis…

Breitbart: Socialist Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro designated strongman and long-suspected drug lord Diosdado Cabello his minister of the interior on Tuesday to supposedly “bring peace” to the country. – Maduro also appointed Cabello his “vice president for citizen security, political, and peace.”

FAR: Out Of The Shadows, We’ve Been Lied To – Despite YouTube’s efforts to hide it, Out of Shadows amassed more than 18.6 before they completely shut it down. – I found it again on Rumble and in light of so many things that have happened since then, it is even more eye-opening now.

August 27, 2024

Western Journal: Republican AGs Celebrate As A Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden-Harris Admin’s ‘Illegal Executive Amnesty Program’ – The lawsuit brought by 16 Republican state attorneys general makes claims that “are substantial and warrant closer consideration than the court has been able to afford to date.” – The lawsuit also shows that the Biden program makes a mockery of Kamala Harris’ claims to be tough on border security…

Townhall: As the Harris campaign tries to go about changing the rules for the September 10 Donald Trump said on Tuesday afternoon that they have “reached an agreement” for that debate with ABC News. – “The Rules will be the same as the last CNN Debate and will be ‘stand up,’ and Candidates cannot bring notes, or ‘cheat sheets.”

FOX News: Trump being indicted a second time in the election subversion case brought by special counsel Jack Smith – The new indictment keeps the prior criminal charges but narrows and reframes the allegations against the Republican presidential nominee after a Supreme Court ruling that conferred broad immunity on former presidents. – The superseding indictment is unlikely to go to trial before the November election.

Breitbart: Trump Responds to Jack Smith Filing A Superseding Indictment – Trump described the updated indictment as an effort by Smith to bring back “a dead” witch hunt, and added that the updated superseding indictment had “all the problems of the old indictment,” and “should be dismissed.”

Vigilant News: In a striking interview that was released Tuesday evening, Donald Trump sat down with Dr. Phil to discuss the attempt on his life, the “coup” against Joe Biden, what RFK Jr. means for a Trump administration, and more. – Reflecting on the miraculous head-turn moment, Trump told Dr. Phil that he believes God spared his life not just to save America but potentially to save the entire world.

Conservative Compass: Elon Musk Drops a Bombshell By Asking Whether Zuckerberg’s Meta Actions Violated the First Amendment. – The central question now is whether the government’s actions constitute a violation of the First Amendment. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech of the press.

Epoch Times: The Israel Defense Forces report that a hostage who had been held in captivity for 326 days was rescued “in a complex operation in the southern Gaza Strip.” – The IDF said Qaid Farhan Alkadi, 52, is in stable condition and had been taken to a hospital for medical checks. – “His family has been updated with the details, and the IDF is accompanying them,” it said.

Resist The Mainstream: A Trump Rally Counter-Sniper Agrees With House Republicans’ Of Their ‘Evidence Tampering’ Claim – A SWAT counter-sniper assigned to the Pennsylvania rally where former President Donald Trump narrowly escaped assassination last month concurred with Republican lawmakers on Monday, acknowledging that there had been an “unusual” pattern in the handling of evidence following the fatal shooting.

The Federalist: Attorney General Merrick Garland Makes An Example Of J6 Protesters To Shut Up Anyone Else Who Might Question Elections – Garland boasted on Friday how his office has prosecuted nearly 1,500 Americans for protesting the 2020 election, warning others they may face similar lawfare should they raise any concerns about the administration of the upcoming November election.

Zero Hedge: Morgan Stanley Indicated That A Trump Victory Means A Stronger for the US Dollar – The most important driver of dollar strength under either candidate will be Trade and Geopolitics; Monetary policy does not matter as much – If Trump wins the Fiscal expansion will be bigger than if Harris wins. It will be positive for the dollar based on how the money will be spent under a Republican administration…

Resist The Mainstream: A DNC Volunteer Recounts Moments That Led Her to Ditch Harris – “When I was there, I didn’t feel any connection to real America or the place that I come from,” she stated, highlighting the gap between the party’s elite and the working class. – Instead of addressing concrete policy proposals, Evan claimed the speeches were filled with “generic platitudes” such as “joy and respect and integrity,” which she found lacking in practical significance for voters grappling with financial hardships.

Epoch Times: Trump Adds RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard To His White House Transition Team – Trump declared, “We look forward to having their powerful voices on the team as we work to restore America’s greatness.” – The announcement was made after Kennedy said Trump had made the offer if the Republican presidential candidate wins another term in office.

Zero Hedge: A series of bizarre developments over the last few weeks suggest that Britain’s financial system approached collapse, probably as a consequence of Ukraine’s debt default. – The stabbings of three young girls (6, 7, and 9 years of age) that happened in Southport, UK on 29 July unleashed widespread rioting and clashes in Britain, notably between the immigrant Muslim community and what PM Keir Starmer called, right-wing thugs. – Rather than appealing for calm, the government’s messaging is aimed at intimidating the population…

Western Journal: RFK Jr. Tells Tucker Carlson Mike Pompeo Held Trump Back, ‘Begging’ Him To Not Release The JFK Assassination Files – According to Kennedy, this cover-up was ostensibly done to hide the CIA’s involvement in the JFK murder plot. – President Trump introduced RFK Jr. by saying that if elected, he plans to establish a commission to declassify the remaining documents about the JFK murder in 1963…

Powerline: Let’s go Krazee – In the classified Mar-a-Lago documents matter, Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the case under the Constitution’s appointments clause. – She held that Krazee-Eyez Killa Jack Smith lacks the legal authority he is wielding as Special Counsel in the case. – Yesterday Smith filed his challenge brief in the Eleventh Circuit, accessible online here. – Andrew McCarthy reviews the bidding, and it’s almost funny…

Zero Hedge: It’s A Bipartisan Miracle! – This is your daily reminder that the establishment is one big club (and you ain’t in it!). – More than 200 former aides to George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain, and Mitt Romney have offered their full-throated support for Vice President Kamala Harris. According to The Hill, most of the group also endorsed President Biden in 2020…

Powerline: Gabbard Unsheathed – Former Democratic Rep. and Dem presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard endorsed President Trump yesterday afternoon at a National Guard Association event in Detroit. – She landed a knockout punch (from the left) on Kamala Harris’s candidacy in the run-up to the 2020 presidential campaign…

Western Journal: Could Mark Zuckerberg Admission Regarding Biden’s Damning Actions on Facebook Sink Kamala Harris? – Mark Zuckerberg is acknowledging the truth of the role his social media giant played in censoring reasonable information and viewpoints regarding COVID-19, as well as the role President Joe Biden’s administration played in pressuring Meta to censor that information…

News Busters: Google is actively assisting Kamala Harris in maintaining her media honeymoon by keeping users in the dark about her radical policy views, including her support for abolishing ICE and threatening to end private health insurance. – The study revealed a staggering bias in Google’s favoring of left-leaning media by a nearly 10:1 margin in both Google Search and the Google News tab…

American Thinker: RFK, Jr. Lays Down His Marker – His speech endorsing Donald Trump and subsequent appearance at Trump’s political rally in Arizona solidify a fundamental transformation of the November election. – Moving forward, substance is not on the Democrats’ side. – They wield power through targeted propaganda disseminated through allies in the mass media. – But, beyond smoke and mirrors, the party is nothing more than an institution void of any purpose other than the pursuit of power.

Conservative Brief: Trump Leads Harris By 3 Points Nationally In New Head-To-Head Poll – “Rasmussen’s findings are an outlier among recent national polling. – The conservative-leaning firm has often been at odds with other top pollsters.

National Review: Seven Theories of Press Complicity with the Harris Campaign – Why are they doing it? – Why is the national political press all-in for Kamala Harris, to the point where outlets such as Politico and Axios are de facto spokespersons for the Harris campaign? – 1. Simple partisanship. – 2. Identity politics. – 3. Their hate for Trump…

American Thinker: Is America Reaching a Suicidal Level of Complacency? – The worst president in modern history has passed the baton to an even worse candidate, Kamala Harris. – They ask us to sacrifice our freedom because CO2 is killing us, though it’s essential for life, Speech is violence, yet actual violence requires context, All races are equal, yet some are incapable of achievement without government intervention. – The narrative makes the gullible “feel good” about sacrificing their rights for centralized control…

American Thinker: In This Momentous Election, It’s Now Or Never – The crumbling of America, told first through the metaphor of a breaking dam.- The metaphor here is America. Its haters never had a good alternative to it (socialism is not a good alternative), and the lovers took it all for granted. – And so it crumbled slowly at first, and then all at once. – This is how countries fall; slowly at first, and then all at once. – Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, and many others show this to be true…

American Thinker: Why Tulsi Gabbard’s Trump endorsement matters – Democrats’ abuse of power is the driving force here. – The real significance of her Trump endorsement was justice, the same as the reasons RFK, Jr. decided to endorse Trump in this election, justice in response to Democrats’ ever-growing abuse of power.

American Thinker: Economic Lies and Presidential Politics – Democrats are selling credulous Americans a big lie when it comes to why they’re facing generational inflation woes. – Inflation, as the name implies, is an increase in the money supply, period. – There is only one entity that can increase the supply of money, the federal government. – States can’t do it, cities can’t do it, not even the super-rich, like Warren Buffett can do it…

Epoch Times: Epoch Times: The RNC Is Suing The City of Detroit, Alleging The City Did Not Hire Enough Republican Poll Watchers – Detroit appointed seven times more Democrat poll watchers than Republicans for its primary election, the Republican complaint states.

American Greatness: The Democrats’ Mixed Messages – We should never forget that for all their propaganda on Democracy, they oppose Trump because he aims to undo this arrangement, restore accountability, and transfer power back to the American people.Back in 2020, the party’s leaders stopped a Bernie Sanders’ victory and rallied around Joe Biden because he could be presented as a likable moderate from PA. – This invented campaign persona bears little resemblance to Biden as then presented and was another classic “bait and switch.”

Daily Signal: What Is Secret Service Hiding About Trump Assassination Attempt? – It’s been six weeks since the attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and the American public’s questions about the nature of the attack and the security failings that led to Trump’s brush with death largely remain unanswered. – Jason Chaffetz, who once chaired the House Oversight Committee thinks the failures are structural, due to poor recruitment and training…

Slay Magazine: Facebook to Continue Using ‘Fact-Checkers’ to Censor Content, despite Zuckerberg’s Vow to End Censorship – In recent years, these “fact-checkers” have unfairly targeted conservative viewpoints, leading to many fleeing Facebook for more free speech-focused alternatives such as Gab, Truth Social, or Elon Musk’s X. – According to Meta, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads will continue to “work with independent third-party fact-checking organizations.”

Sharyl Attkisson: A proposed law to compensate victims of illegal immigrant crimes – Following trips to the border and meetings with immigration officials and federal judges, U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) introduced the “Allocating Liability to Illegal Entrants in National Courts (ALIEN) Act. – The legislation, if enacted, would fully empower federal judges to award damages to victims of illegal immigration for harms they have suffered.

City Journal: Scientific institutions have traditionally flourished by recruiting the most proficient researchers and promoting vigorous competition as they freely debate and test their theories. – Now, younger professors, administrators, and journal editors are more likely to champion the DEI regime, as they value ethnic and gender diversity over originality and productivity, and they are far more eager to silence and punish scientists daring to challenge progressive orthodoxy.

American Thinker: One of America’s most famous race hustlers is accused of plagiarism – The greatest part of this is that she’s accused of stealing from non-white Asian scholars! – According to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis…

August 26, 2024

Associated Press: Former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard has endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential bid. – This furthered her shift away from the party she sought to represent four years ago and linked herself to the GOP nominee’s critiques of Vice President Kamala Harris and the chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal.

Epoch Times: Trump Suggests He Might Pull Out of ABC Debate With Harris – Donald Trump suggested on Sunday evening that he may skip a Sept. 10 ABC News debate with Vice President Kamala Harris amid dueling statements issued by both campaigns about whether the microphone should be muted. – ‘Why am I doing it? – Let’s do it with another network,’ he said Monday.

Daily Signal: Dan Bongino, Radio talk show host and former Secret Service agent, predicts another “incident” with the Secret Service, claiming that the agency is worse off today than it was before the assassination attempt against Donald Trump on July 13 in Butler, PA. – After Congress began to ask then-Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle about the assassination attempt, Cheatle resigned, leading Ronald L. Rowe Jr. to step in as interim director…

Daily Signal: The Secret Service has a “culture of deception,” according to former Representative Jason Chaffetz. – “What they tell the public has routinely been inaccurate, if not an outright lie,” said Chaffetz, a visiting fellow with The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. – He made his remarks in a panel discussion, “The U.S. Secret Service Before, During, and After the Assassination Attempt of President Trump,” on Monday in Washington, D.C.

Washington Free Beacon: Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris ‘Never Once Reached Out’ to Relatives of Soldiers Killed in Bungled Afghanistan Withdrawal, Families Say – They just want to pretend it didn’t happen,’ says Gold Star aunt Cheryl Juels.

Trending Politics: Independent presidential candidate Cornel West has exposed a desperate attempt by the Democrat Party to bribe him into dropping out of the 2024 race. – The scholar and activist revealed during an interview that Democrat leaders reached out to him with offers of positions and resources if he would back down, particularly in support of Kamala Harris’s campaign.

American Spectator: Google Controls the Internet – The Internet is currently controlled through searching, and if Google single-handedly dominates the means through which searching works, then Google effectively controls the Internet. – One private company should not have control of the internet. – Our freedom of thought has never been so completely threatened…

Daily Signal: The Biden-Harris Admin’s Odd Choice for Nuclear Security Agency – Historically, Nair is an unusual choice for the NNSA, which she joined in February. Among other things, she has advocated expanding the role of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” known as DEI, in nuclear security.

American Conservative: Tim Walz’s Crab-Bucketing of Vance – There’s a simple reason why the Democrats hate the Republican VP candidate’s Yale degree. – He is the symbol of a kid who beat all odds and made it.J.D. Vance’s saga is an American success story, one that would have gotten several movies during the 80s to show how you don’t need a daddy government to succeed.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Quiet Before the Storms in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan? – Amid doubts about Biden’s ability to effectively lead the U.S. in his remaining months as president, our enemies abroad may see an opportunity to alter the global balance of power. – Because of the happenings described below, we are entering a very dangerous five-month period…

Zero Hedge: Russia has once again launched large-scale drone and missile attacks targeting energy sites across Ukraine, including in the capital of Kyiv, resulting in three civilian deaths, emergency authorities said. – A total of 15 of Ukraine’s 24 oblasts came under the early morning attack, including by cruise missiles and Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, according to the country’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

Zero Hedge: In a strategic move that puts pressure on Ukraine in response to its ongoing Kursk incursion into Russia, Belarus has built up its troops along parts of its southern border with Ukraine. – A Sunday statement by Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded that Belarus pull back its forces or risk further escalation and “tragic mistakes”.

American Thinker: The Iranian regime’s new reformist president reveals the ugly truth about his cabinet members – Masoud Pezeshkian, from Tabriz, revealed that under the rule of the Supreme Leader, the parliament, government, elections, and other institutions are completely hollow and artificial, serving as nothing more than a cardboard facade to hide the reality of a medieval absolute dictatorship…

Geller Report: French Police Arrested An Algerian Muslim Migrant In The Recent Synagogue Car Bombing and Arson Attack Where Police Were Wounded – New details about the synagogue fire today reveal the perpetrator set fire to SEVERAL DOORWAYS of the building and the cars outside. – The man tried to burn Jews alive in their house of prayer. – We can’t look away from antisemitism, and neither should you.

Trending Politics: The father of Trump shooter Thomas Crooks is lawyering up as the FBI probe expands into what his family knew and when, following the July 13th assassination attempt. – Matthew Crooks, 53, and his wife have hired powerhouse Pittsburgh law firm Quinn Logue as it prepares to answer pointed questions from the Bureau about how the 20-year-old gunman was able to evade online dragnets searching for individuals suspected of taking future violent action against former President Donald Trump…

JD Rucker: 7 Election-Stealing Events to Watch for Before November – We already know they’re going to do the standard stuff, but will they take it up a notch or two, or ten? – War, some say this is the most likely scenario given the events unfolding overseas. – A Terrorist Attack, as we’re starting to get into more likely scenarios because the border invasion has allowed an unknown but large number of terrorists into America. – A Plandemic, with most saying that Monkeypox is being positioned as Big Pharma’s next money-printing scam. – Then there are the coming mast protests…

The Federalist: The House Oversight Chair Threatens Subpoenas If White House Doesn’t Cough Up Its‘Bidenbucks’ Plans – The Biden-Harris administration appears to be stonewalling a congressional probe of its secretive executive order directing every federal agency to register and mobilize voters…

The Daily Fetched: Trump Shares Details on Elon Musk’s Planned Role in His Next Administration – “He is a brilliant guy and what he really would like to do is get involved in cutting some of the fat and he does know how to do it,” Trump said of Musk.

Presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump would, if elected, veto a national abortion ban, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) said on Aug. 25. – “If you’re not supporting it as the president of the United States, you fundamentally have to veto it,” Vance, Trump’s running mate, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Emerald Robinson: Democrats Warn OF 70 Days Until Civil War – Prominent Democrats are warning you that Trump will never be allowed to win the election in every interview they do. – Very few of the nitwit GOP pundit class will to themselves that the Biden regime has total control of the federal government, which means that the national security state will not only turn a blind eye to election fraud but will aid and abet it wherever it helps Democrats. – The FBI is already getting ready to help the Biden regime of course…

The Federalist: RFK Jr.’s Speech Wasn’t Republican Or Democrat But Rather, American – The reasons Robert Kennedy Jr. gave for limiting his campaign and endorsing Donald Trump aren’t matters of partisanship or policy, but a matter of survival for our constitutional republic as he excoriated the Democrat Party, U.S. government, and our supposedly free press during his Friday press conference…

American Thinker: Political Earthquake As Trump and RFK Jr Signal The End Of The Democrat Party As It Now Exists – Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or only getting your news from the national socialist media, you know that everything has now changed. – These days the un-Democrat party has gone so much to the dark side of red (as in communistic red) that they have to work constantly to keep their true motives hidden…

Western Journal: The Democrat Party’s Secret Border Deal With Mexico – Some agreement was struck between Blinken, Mayorkas, and López Obrador late last year regarding bussing, but it does not appear voters will be told what was in the deal or how long the deal is supposed to last. An anonymous White House official did tell the New York Times that, “the U.S. does not dictate what measures Mexico should take to curb migration.” But whatever vague terms the Mexican government agreed to, they are following through.

Liberty Daily: Governor Greg Abbott Purges Over a Million Voters From Texas Voter Rolls, Including Thousands of Noncitizens – The number includes hundreds of thousands of deceased individuals, hundreds of thousands on the suspense list, and more than 100,000 individuals who failed to respond to an address confirmation notice, among other people who were deemed ineligible.

Western Journal: The Harris team is fighting against muted microphones at the ABC debate after Biden previously requested the rule change – It appears that the Harris campaign wants the rule change because it thinks Trump could say something outlandish if he loses his composure.

National Review: We Have Two Republican Parties, But Unfortunately Seem Destined To Never Meet Due To Primary Voters – In the first group, we have the national party, which is an aimless joke and in the second, we have the state parties, which may be the most effective and accomplished political outfits in the world and are driven by an agenda that would have been easily recognizable as “conservatism” at any point in the last 50 years…

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump honored 13 fallen American service members from the Biden Administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal during a wreath-laying ceremony Monday at the Arlington Cemetery. – Trump laid the wreath and placed his hand over his heart as a bugler played Taps in honor of those lost on August 26, 2021, during a Kabul airport attack.

Western Journal: Boeing Employees Are ‘Humiliated’ as Elon Musk’s SpaceX Steps in to Save The Stranded Astronauts – NASA has decided Elon Musk’s SpaceX offers a safer route to bring back to Earth two astronauts who have been stuck on the International Space Station for months. – Steve Stich, NASA’s Commercial Crew Program manager, said talks between NASA and Boeing “came down to a little disagreement about risk analyses.”

Zero Hedge: Macron Widely Mocked For Saying Telegram CEO’s Arrest In France Was ‘Not Politically Motivated’ – Several prominent tech entrepreneurs and public figures, for example, Elon Musk, have decried the move as selective persecution against a known advocate of untethered free speech…

Interest Of Justice Official news was just released from the French prosecutor hell-bent on taking down Telegram founder Pavel Durov. – He is being charged with 12 counts that include, Complicity by web-mastering an online platform to enable illegal transactions. – Refusal to communicate, at the request of competent authorities, information…

Resist The Mainstream: Chris Pavlovski, CEO of the major social media platform Rumble, has publicly declared his departure from France, citing escalating threats against his company and fellow tech executives. – Pavlovski, who is known for his staunch advocacy of free speech, used his social media presence to broadcast his departure, calling Europe “communist” and condemning recent actions taken by French authorities against technology leaders who support free speech…

Front Page Magazine: A Foundation Has Been Bribing Cities to Free Criminals – Come to an elected official and offer his office $625,000 to change a policy and that’s bribery. – The MacArthur Foundation had been providing sizable amounts of money to the SF DA’s office to keep criminals on the loose. – Now the MacArthur Foundation warned that it wouldn’t provide $625,000 to the DA’s office until it shows it is “fully committed to the goals and strategies” of the foundation.

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden-Harris Administration Warns Kindergartners Climate Change Will Leave Entire US Cities Underwater – NASA’s “Climate Kids” webpage offers fun environment-related educational activities, films, and video games for children in kindergarten. It also warns children that the world is undergoing cataclysmic warming, sea levels are rising, global ice coverage is diminishing, and their future may very well be doomed.

The National Pulse: Here Is A Full List of America’s Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States – The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has created an interactive map showing the sanctuary states, cities, and counties established across the United States. – Illegal aliens are encouraged to settle in these areas, where state and local authorities limit cooperation with ICE and other federal bodies responsible for immigration control and deportations.

Daily Signal: – What Watered Down Wine and Inflation Have in Common – That’s essentially what the Federal Reserve has done by creating trillions of dollars in just a few years to finance the runaway deficit spending we’ve seen in Washington.

American Thinker: Enough With The ‘Very Fine People’ and Other Democrat Lies – How ironic that Democrats call Republicans ‘Nazis’ yet themselves follow the Goebbels Nazi propaganda playbook to the letter. – Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. – Democrats and their media lapdogs know this very well and apply it assiduously as fodder to the uninformed…

Dallas Ludlum: The Death of Meritocracy And Why Woke Culture is Destroying America – How Identity Politics and Cancel Culture Threaten Our Nation’s Core Values – Woke ideology, with its roots in identity politics and social justice movements, originally sought to address genuine issues of inequality and injustice. However, what began as a movement to promote inclusivity and diversity has morphed into something far more authoritarian, the assault on free speech and cancel culture…

American Conservative: Ending Birthright Citizenship Is Harder Than It Appears – Trump’s campaign promise faces an uphill battle. – All of this could affect birth tourism. – If Trump were to follow through on his plan to issue an executive order on day one, here’s how it might unfold…

American Thinker: Kennedy Endorses Trump While The Media Endorses Kamala – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was clear at his first press conference after withdrawing from the presidential race. – Three major issues compelled him to leave the Democrat Party and endorse Donald Trump for president: “Free speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our children.”…

California Globe: California Democrats Plan to Release Their ‘Worst-of-the-Worst’ Murderers After 25 Years – ‘SB 94 would break the promise made to victims that society would never see these criminals on our streets again.’ – Why would any state lawmaker, sworn to uphold the California and United States Constitutions, support this lawlessness as Democrats in the California Legislature are?

American Thinker: The results are in, so how much will wind energy cost this one state’s consumers? – As an astute person accurately quipped, the entire progressive energy movement ought to just be referred to as the “Green Grift” agenda. – Are you ready to have your electricity bill quadrupled, your taxes increase, and your dollar further devalued? – If so, vote the Harris-Walz ticket!

August 25, 2024

Epoch Times: Israel And Hezbollah Exchange Rocket and Missile Fire, And Strikes Have Ceased For Now – IDF says earlier jet strikes thwarted an even bigger attack, as Hezbollah announced retaliation for the killing of its military commander last month.

American Spectator: Biden’s Phantom Truce – Biden needs to lean on Hamas and make clear to the world that they are the ones who started it, but unfortunately, he won’t. – The result of all of Biden’s diplomacy has been that the United States is now ignored by both sides in every effort to settle the Gaza war. Biden has done nothing to obtain the release of the American hostages Hamas still holds…

American Spectator: RFK Jr. Grants Liberals Their Death Wish – RFK Jr. has turned the tables on the liberals who treated him with undisguised contempt. – Team Biden worked diligently in every state to block Kennedy from ballots. As liberals squawked “DEMOCRACY!,” they relentlessly engaged in lawfare to prevent voters from the democratic option of voting for Kennedy.

Gateway Pundit: HUGE! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Teases That More Big Names Are Coming Out for Trump — “Wait Until You See the Next Additions to Trump’s Unity Government.”

Conservative Brief: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has filed a motion indicating that he will not oppose a request from attorneys representing former President Donald Trump to delay sentencing in his hush-money case. – Some people suspect Bragg’s decision could be politically motivated.

Epoch Times: RFK Jr. Loses Secret Service Protection After Suspending Campaign and Backing Trump – Kennedy was denied Secret Service protection five times by the Department of Homeland Security before receiving it after the assassination attempt on Trump.

Breitbart: According to the CBP Nationwide Encounters report, during the first ten months of Fiscal Year 24, which began in October 2023, Swanton Sector agents apprehended 15,612 migrants who illegally crossed the border from Canada into Northeastern New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. – This is up 197 percent from the 5,257 arrested during the same period in FY23.

Zero Hedge: Will the next Black Swan event come from an attack on the US Dollar? – We are seeing little or no coverage regarding the attack on the US Dollar initiated by the BRICS Alliance. – Their master plan is to remove the US Dollar as the Global Reserve Currency. – According to BRICS, the GDP of their nations accounted for 31.5% of the Global GDP as of 2023, and the alliance is growing. – The IMF stated that the BRICS nations still have a significantly higher growth forecast at 3.6% compared to the G7 Nations average of 1%.

The Guardian: Israel launches strikes into Lebanon ‘to remove threats’ after Hezbollah fires hundreds of rockets in a major escalation – Defense Secretary Austin reaffirmed the United States ironclad commitment to Israel’s defense against any attacks by Iran and its regional partners and proxies...

Townhall: As the Israel-Hamas war rages on, nearly ten months after the terrorist group first launched strikes on the nation, Hamas official Ghazi Hamad doubles down on his idea that the deadly October attack was needed to undermine Israeli ties with Arabs. – During a recent interview, Hamad described the terrorist organization’s attack on Israel as a “great success,” in which 1,200 people were killed, more than 5,000 were injured, and hundreds were taken hostage. 

Center Square: Three Years After America’s Withdrawal, The Taliban Rules Afghanistan – Robert Greenway, a former top intelligence and national security official in the U.S. government for decades indicated that Biden left them “as the best armed terrorist state in the history of the world.” – The Taliban held a military parade featuring U.S. military equipment earlier this month.

Just The News: Trump can now deploy ex-Democrat ‘power rangers’ RFK Jr., Musk, and Gabbard to prod bigger exodus – When Robert F Kennedy Jr. formally divorced the party his family once ruled as kingmakers, he opened the door for more Democrats to follow suit in embracing Donald Trump in 2024 and creating a “unity party” where Americans can disagree and debate without destroying each other.

American Thinker: Mainstream Media Misinformation, Mendacity At PBS – PBS recently reported that, via a phone call, former President Trump urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to delay a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas until after the 2024 presidential election to benefit himself politically. – As it turns out, that wasn’t true in any way, shape, or form.

American Thinker: The Death Of Truth Is Killing America – Civilizations die when people lie as often and as profoundly as Democrats do. – Lies abound, Men can be women, men can menstruate and nurse babies, America is racist, and the incompetent should be elevated while the competent get shoved off a cliff. – Universities are indoctrination camps that say Trump threatens democracy, but Democrats can fix what’s wrong…

American Greatness: The Left’s Swift Shift After RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement – Kennedy’s indictment of his former party, along with his endorsement of Donald Trump, has sent shock waves through the chambers of the self-appointed elite who would rule us. – “The DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based on nothing,” Kennedy said, “No policies, no interviews, no debates, only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly-produced circus.”

American Conservative: What No One Said at the DNC – Democrats are selling old goods in a new package. – They are now portraying Trump and Republicans as angry, pessimistic, unpatriotic characters who think that America is losing (and therefore needs to be made great again) versus the joyful, optimistic Democrats who want to protect the American way and the peaceful transfer of power.

American Thinker: Amazingly, the United States GDP is $16 trillion per year, and our national debt is now $35 trillion. – Our biggest national expense is the interest service on that debt. – But few people know that $36.8 trillion represents all the money in the world. – Think about that…

Forbidden News: Censorship Industrial Complex Expert Mike Benz Explains Telegram CEO’s Arrest – Pavel Durov recently appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to talk about how the FBI had tried to infiltrate Telegram to install backdoors so that they could collect all of their data and spy on anti-Globalists dissidents and the like.

American Thinker: Democrat-Dominated Professions Are Untrustworthy – Which political party dominates the more trustworthy jobs And which one…doesn’t? – Professions with the most Democrat representation include, Union Organizers, Data Scientists, Environmentalists, Social Workers, and High School Teachers…

August 24, 2024

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Sunday that it had hit “thousands” of Hezbollah rocket launchers in southern Lebanon in a pre-dawn preemptive strike to thwart an attack on Tel Aviv. – Lebanon reported one dead in the attack.

Epoch Times: A U.S. military drone strike has killed a senior leader of Hurras al-Din, an al-Qaeda-aligned group in Syria, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said in an Aug. 23 statement. – The strike targeted Abu-‘Abd al-Rahman al-Makki, a prominent figure within the group’s Shura Council responsible for overseeing terrorist activities from Syria, per the announcement.

Breitbart: Democrat politicians nationwide are trying to put many illegal migrants into apartments and homes that would otherwise go to young Americans. – In California, Democrats in the state Assembly have passed legislation that would create homebuyer tax breaks for illegal migrants who walked through weak border controls.

New York Post: Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at a Paris airport – Telegram emphasizes users’ privacy, which has drawn criticism from many governments. – It has also become a major source of information in the Russia-Ukraine war. – Durov has maintained that Telegram is a neutral social media platform and not a “player in geopolitics.” – He is being charged because “On his platform, he allowed an incalculable number of offenses and crimes to be committed, for which he did nothing to moderate or cooperate”… ”

Resist The Mainstream: NASA officials announced that the two astronauts with Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft, who have been stranded on the International Space Station, will not be returning until 2025. – Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were originally intended to only be on the ISS for eight days after launching on June 5.

Slay Magazine: The Washington Post Admits Biden’s Inner Circle Kept Cognitive Decline Hidden from The American People – The admission is a striking reversal after the Democrats’ allies in the corporate media spent years downplaying concerns about Biden’s fitness. – The Washington Post also indirectly implicated Vice President Kamla Harris in the cover-up.

Megan Redshaw: Why RFK Jr. Is Suspending His Presidential Campaign, The Full Transcript – In part, “Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon, well, nothing. There are no policies, interviews, or debates — only smoke, mirrors, and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus.”…

American Greatness: ‘Strategic Vagueness’ is the Democrats’ New ‘Switcheroo’ – “Strategic vagueness” is merely the latest entry in the left’s lexicon to gloss an ancient political tactic to make it appear novel and, for some reason, more digestible. – Now, the Democrat elite confronted an equally daunting task: transforming their anointed candidate into presidential timber in the eyes of the general public.

American Thinker: The Democrat Party was Never Democratic – Democrats abhor true democracy and project their sins onto their opponents. – The Democrats’ Jim Crow era has been superseded by their communist flirtation, initially introduced by Bill and Hillary Clinton, then more thoroughly under Obama. Controlling Blacks and native Indians expanded into controlling all. – Communism’s essence is the acquisition of power via fraud if elections fail…

Breitbart: The left-wing New York Times is warning Democrats that “joy” is not a political strategy that will put Vice President Kamala Harris (D) in the White House. – “The Times analysis found Harris was the ‘most risky’ and least viable candidate, while Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA), in contrast, would be the most likely to beat former President Donald Trump,” the outlet said in July…

New York Sun: The Fate of Afghanistan’s Leaders and America’s Missing Millions of Dollars Three Years After The U.S. Withdrawal – This incident was merely a glimpse into the vast systemic corruption that permeated Afghanistan for 20 years. So, three years on, what became of these once-storied leaders? – Was anyone ever held accountable for the millions in missing funds squandered throughout the war? – Tragically, the answer is no…

American Spectator: Noise in the Classroom – We need education to be a haven from politics, not an engager in it. – Politics In the Classroom Is Just Distractive Noise – Schools Should Be a Refuge From Politics and Shouting…

Powerline: The Week in Pictures: It’s Deja Obamavu All Over Again – Democrats think they’ve recaptured the Beatlemania cultural sensation surrounding Obama’s arrival and triumph in 2008. – But all the media exertions and messaging (Joy! Vibes! Forward! New Shep Fairley poster!) have managed to do is recreate The Monkees…

August 23, 2024

Geller Report: A NEW Secret Service Whistleblower Reveals The Trump Protection Team Was Denied Additional Manpower Before The Assassination Attempt – Did the head of the embattled U.S. Secret Service lie to Congress when he testified that all manpower requested to protect former President Trump had been approved for the event where the GOP presidential nominee came within centimeters of being assassinated? – Senator Josh Hawley wants answers…

American Spectator: This Is No Longer The Presidential Race You Think It Is – Now it is about the deep state. – He’s still very much an outsider figure in American politics. – RFK Jr. continues to lean left on most issues, but the ones where he and Trump have found common cause are only “conservative” in the sense that they’re issues that the Democrat Party has run so far away from the national mainstream that a liberal like Kennedy can only find an alliance with Republicans…

The Vigilant Fox: RFK Jr. Suspended His Campaign and Throws His Support Behind Trump – Key takeaways in under five minutes. – The first thing Kennedy did when he took the stage was to declare that the Democrat Party now represents the exact opposite of democracy by subverting it under the guise of “saving it…

Just The News: Trump unveils two initiatives he would start if elected in November – A presidential commission on assassination attempts, tasked with reviewing and releasing the remaining documents on the assassination of John F. Kennedy and also the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. – The other project will be a panel of experts that will work with JFK Jr. to investigate the cause of an increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases.

Epoch Times: Sixteen states are suing the Biden administration over its new program that shields hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from deportation. – The program grants parole to many illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens and “is designed to circumvent the statutory requirements that unlawfully present aliens may not adjust their status within the United States but must instead depart and apply for an immigrant visa at a U.S. embassy or consulate overseas.”

Zero Hedge: Next Monday, Musk’s SpaceX will usher in a new era of commercial space exploration when a Falcon 9 rocket ferries four astronauts to space via Dragon capsule under the Polaris Program to test and develop new spaceflight technology. – The Polaris Dawn mission will be the first crew to perform a spacewalk from Dragon, fly higher in Earth’s orbit than anyone since the Apollo program, test laser-based Starlink communications, and research to help provide insight on human health during long-duration spaceflight missions…

Breitbart: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has stated he is suspending his campaign but not ending it. – He is urging residents of blue states to vote for him but throwing his support behind former President Donald Trump in battleground states.

Epoch Times: The Fed’s Jerome Powell Signals A Rate Cut: – ‘Time Has Come for Policy to Adjust’ – Inflation and labor market data indicate that the U.S.  economy experiencing an evolving situation. – He stopped short of announcing the timing and pace of interest rate cuts, reiterating that Fed decisions will be data-dependent.

American Greatness: Trump and Vance Explain How They Will Handle a ‘World on Fire’ at Their North Carolina Rally – Their speeches at Asheboro contrast Trump’s strong mastery of the global threats facing this nation and Harris’s profound national security inexperience and incompetence. – An important item was rebuilding the U.S. military and restoring weapons and ammunition arsenals. He criticized the Biden/Harris administration for depleting these arsenals to send vital American weapons to Ukraine.

American Thinker: Donald Trump’s first comments about Kamala’s convention speech in a live interview last night on FOX News – The following excerpts of Trump’s interview have been edited and condensed for content and clarity. – It was a lot of complaining. She didn’t talk about China. She didn’t talk about fracking. She didn’t talk about crime. She didn’t talk about 70 percent of our people are living in poverty…

Conservative Brief: Trump Leads Harris By 3 Points Nationally In New Head-To-Head Poll – “Rasmussen’s findings are an outlier among recent national polling. – The conservative-leaning firm has often been at odds with other top pollsters. – In 2016, it was among the closest firms to the final result.

Just The News: Forty-seven percent of voters think illegal immigration will increase under a Harris presidency. – The poll also showed that 60% of those surveyed believed that illegal immigration would likely decrease under GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. 

Breitbart: Democrats proclaim that their convention’s theme is “joy,” but that feeling does not translate to Americans suffering from the Biden-Harris administration’s inflation. – Data from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics show that grocery prices jumped 22 percent from January 2021 — when President Joe Biden and Harris first took office — to July 2024.

Trending Politics: In a pivot from his previous public disagreements with former President Donald Trump, Georgia governor Brian Kemp officially endorsed the former president for the 2024 election which is a significant turnaround in a relationship that was once fraught with public disputes and disagreements. – Well, Sean, look, we gotta win. We gotta win from the top of the ticket on down,” Kemp said on Fox News.

Breitbart: Comedian-actor Rob Schneider is urging fellow supporters of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to vote for former President Donald Trump in November, saying they need to reject the authoritarianism and failed policies of the Democratic party as embodied by Kamala Harris.

The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office has arrested Ronald Lee Syvrud after conducting a manhunt in Arizona for the convicted sex offender who allegedly threatened to kill former President Donald Trump. – Syrvud is the subject of numerous outstanding warrants for his arrest, including those for a DUI in Wisconsin and a hit-and-run in Arizona, according to Sheriff Mark Dannels of the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office. – Additionally, he is being pursued for neglecting to register as a sexual offender.

American Thinker: The DNC’s Chicago look gives us a very clear choice – With progressive Democrats, a more horrible, negative, and essential reversal of all of America’s eminent history of liberty and justice, for all looms. This is our clear choice. – America’s moral rot, celebrated by the MSM and the Dems this week, is close to complete—if they have their way…

American Greatness: RFK Endorsing Donald Trump, The Next Unexpected Twist – It terrified the Dems to have RFK Jr. in the running, so they rigged the rules, banned him from state ballots, and vilified him as extreme. – In a race that has been marked by an assassination attempt and the Democrat front-runner being forced out, will RFK’s surprise endorsement of Donald Trump have the most impact?

Zero Hedge: According to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, “The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy independence is an important and broadly supported institutional arrangement that has served the American public well.” – According to Professor Thomas J. Weber at Pace University Lubin School of Business, this is nothing but a myth. – Webster argues that the relationship between the Fed and the U.S. government is more like a captive’s relationship with his captor…

American Conservative: The Tulsi Gabbard Episode Shows the Surveillance State Strong and Stupid as Ever – Gabbard, an outspoken opponent of America’s forever wars, is reportedly being stalked by TSA air marshals as part of the agency’s Quiet Skies covert operation targeting suspected threats to aviation. – Senator Rand Paul and others are calling on the Transportation Security Administration to account for their long history of abuses…

American Thinker: Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism – The speed with which Great Britain abandoned her long, painful journey to individual liberty is a stark warning for America. – London, home to 20% of England’s population, has gone from approximately 80% native white British in 1991 to approximately 36% in 2021. The native population has surely shrunk more since then. – Seeking to curtail what it claims is misinformation and incitement regarding knife attacks and other crimes, British citizens may be committing a crime by reposting, repeating, or amplifying a message that supposedly stirs up racial/religious hatred…

August 22, 2024

The Center Square: Donald Trump accused VP Kamala Harris of overseeing an invasion at the southern border during a news conference Thursday in southern Arizona alongside the families of murder victims allegedly killed at the hands of foreign nationals in the U.S. illegally. – Harris “has overseen a nation-wrecking border invasion,” Trump said at the Arizona-Mexico border.

Epoch Times: 55 to 60 Were Arrested During Violent DNC Protests At The Chicago DNC – Three journalists were among those taken into custody, according to Superintendent Larry Snelling. – The Epoch Times witnessed multiple arrests as pro-Palestinian demonstrators, many with their faces obscured, physically clashed with law enforcement on Madison Street.

American Thinker: It may be possible to stop Democrats from creating post-election votes for Kamala – This proposal falls into the category of things so obvious that no one ever thought of them before. – Currently, if a Republican precinct quickly and efficiently counts its votes and then announces that Trump won in that precinct by, say, 200 votes, a Democrat precinct in the same state can suddenly shut down and manufacture 210 votes for Kamala. However, if the Republican precinct sits on its final vote count until every precinct is ready to disclose results, that cheating is impossible

The Daily Signal: 10 Takeaways From Final Night of Democrat National Convention – Harris’ ‘Unlikely Journey’ to Democrat Nominee – Harris Spokes Broadly About Policy Agenda, Avoiding Specifics – Teachers Union Leaders Rally Against The Trump-Vance Ticket – Wisconsin Senator Misrepresents Trump’s Position on Social Security – Senate Hopefuls Make Their Pitch – Elizabeth Warren Contrasts Harris, Trump in Appeal to Working-Class Voters…

The Daily Signal: 5 Massive Lies Told At the Democrat National Convention – A Nationwide Abortion Ban If Trump Elected – Trump Would Ban In Vitro Fertilization – Many speakers condemned Project 2025, an initiative led by The Heritage Foundation in partnership with over 100 other conservative organizations. – Another familiar talking point, was accusing Republicans of banning books. – Harris has repeatedly suggested that the real culprit behind rising prices is corporate greed or “price gouging,” and this theme has repeatedly emerged at the DNC.

Jordan Schachtel: Who is running the country right now? – We have no idea, but it’s certainly not Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. – Nobody outside of the upper echelons of the Washington D.C. political elite seems to know. – Some reports indicate that select elements within the White House Domestic Policy Council and the National Security Council — along with prominent outside donor and institutional forces — are calling the shots in the Biden Administration…

The Federalist: Democrats’ Fundraising Machine Draws Accusations Of ‘Potentially Illegal’ Schemes – Attorneys general and House committees are investigating Act Blue’s activities, including allegations of ‘smurfing,’ a cute blue way of describing political money laundering by breaking up large transactions into smaller ones. – It may involve widespread mail and wire fraud and the fraudulent use of the identities of unwitting public members…

Epoch Times: U.S. Supreme Court justices have narrowly voted to approve a request from the Republican National Committee – Justices in a 5–4 vote agreed to reinstate a part of Arizona law that requires officials to reject state registration forms from voters who did not provide proof of citizenship. – The restoration is in effect pending the case’s outcome in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Zero Hedge: Hamas: ‘No Israeli Withdrawal, Then No Ceasefire Deal’ – Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement released a joint statement on Thursday, confirming they will reject any agreement that does not include an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. – The joint statement was issued following a meeting between PIJ Secretary-General Ziad Nakhala and Hamas Shura Council head Mohammad Darwish in Qatar’s capital, Doha.

Zero Hedge: Ukraine’s military has for the first time openly acknowledged it is using US-provided HIMARS rocket systems to attack Russia and destroy its major infrastructure, especially bridges, inside its territory. – Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces made the admission in a Wednesday post to its official Telegram account, writing: “Where do Russian pontoon bridges ‘disappear’ in the Kursk region? Operators … accurately destroy them.”

The Daily Wire: Would-Be Trump Assassin, Cook, Had Encrypted Messaging Accounts On Platforms In 3 Foreign Countries, According to Representative Mike Waltz – “Why does a 19-year-old kid who is a health care aide need encrypted platforms not even based in the United States?” – Waltz, a retired Green Beret, then ripped the FBI and Secret Service for not releasing more information from the investigations into the attempted assassination.

Geller Report: A Congressional Task Force Investigating the Trump Assassination Attempt Concludes the Killer, Thomas Crooks, Did Not Alone – Representative Waltz said that he doesn’t know how federal law enforcement can confidently say that Crooks was acting alone if they can’t answer other questions like why he had foreign encrypted messaging accounts. – His comments came after it was revealed that Iran was also plotting a separate attempt on the former president’s life around the same time that Crooks carried out his attack. – And Why do they keep using a little boy picture? – They always do that with lefty murderers.

Real Clear Politics: Three weeks ago, Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe angrily pushed back on senators’ calls to immediately fire or discipline key agents directly responsible for the security failures that led to the assassination attempt against former President Trump at last month’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. – Since that time, Secret Service leaders have placed several members of the Pittsburgh Field Office on administrative leave, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

Yahoo Finance: At least three banks managed to obtain key payroll numbers Wednesday while the rest of Wall Street and the general public were kept waiting by a government delay that whipsawed markets and sowed confusion on trading desks. – When the data was finally released around 10:30 am, it showed payrolls will likely be revised down by 818,000 for the 12 months through March, the steepest markdown to the job numbers since 2009.

Zero Hedge: Fed Chair Powell is likely to signal a 25 bps rate cut for September. – The recent deterioration in economic data has raised our confidence that the US economy is sliding into a recession or at least a significant slowdown in the second half of the year.” – Therefore, we have decided to cluster the four rate cuts we forecasted from September 2024 through June 2025 in the upcoming four scheduled FOMC meetings: September, November, December, and January…

American Thinker: Will RFK Jr. Endorse Donald Trump? – Will he, or won’t he? By the time this piece is published, we may already know. But there’s more to the story, and the odds are in Trump’s favor. – In a caustic comment to ABC News, Kennedy suggested the Democrat convention and its presidential nominee Kamala Harris were anything but democratic. “I think it was a coronation, it’s not democracy. Nobody voted. Who chose Kamala?

Western Journal: Kamala Harris’ Lead Vanishes, Hit Hard by New Polls as Trump’s Momentum Takes Over – A recent survey conducted by Navigator Research published Tuesday shows the race is essentially tied across Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. – Trump is ahead of Harris by one percentage point in Arizona (46 to 45 percent) and two points in Pennsylvania (46 to 44 percent), while the other three states are tied.

Townhall: After weeks of silence from Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and a campaign website that failed to inform voters of her policy positions, the Trump campaign stepped up and did the work for her. – The Trump campaign unveiled a website, kamala2024policies.com, that takes visitors to a page about how “Kamala Harris’ dangerous policies are nothing to laugh about.”

Center Square: Rising grocery store prices over the last few years aren’t the fault of farmers or “greedy” corporations, a conservative North Carolina research organization concludes in a new documentary series and report. – Instead, higher energy prices and more regulations are the culprits, according to the John Locke Foundation documentary series Sowing Resilience.

John Daniel Davidson: The DNC Has Just Been One Long Litany Of Stupid, Obvious Lies – The biggest lie of all is that Vice President Kamala Harris bears no responsibility for Joe Biden’s failed presidency. – By running a campaign almost completely devoid of policy substance or any real interaction with the news media, consisting mostly of staged videos of Harris and Walz yukking it up on the campaign trail or delivering speeches via teleprompter at highly controlled rallies, Democrat Party leaders are essentially running a psyop on the American electorate.

American Thinker: Biden’s ‘Very Fine People’ Among Hamas Supporters – Hamas committed an act of war against the United States when it murdered American citizens and took others hostage. – If Harris and Walz need the kind of vote these “Palestine” supporters can deliver, and especially in the swing state of Michigan, they do not need your vote or mine.

Heritage Foundation: This Special Report documents how costly green policies will make America dependent on China and harm American energy, economic, and national security. – The U.S. is currently one of the world’s largest energy producers, and this should be a significant advantage over China, which is the world’s largest energy importer. – But China is trying to turn the tables by dominating the green energy infrastructure mandated by American politicians and to which the American Left is addicted.

Victor Davis Hanson: Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’ –  The Party that had proclaimed democracy dies in darkness now favors the shadows as the preferable means to obtain and retain power—whether by ignoring primary voters, open conventions, or transparent venues with the voters.

Zero Hedge: Is America’s Future Walgreens Or Costco? – Costco and Sam’s Club are raking in record profits while CVS and Walgreens are closing hundreds of stores across the country. – Why? Well, for one, they have different business models. – The former seeks to exclude bad customers while the latter seeks as many customers as possible who are willing to walk through their doors…

August 21, 2024

Breitbart: Donald Trump left the podium behind bulletproof glass during a rally in North Carolina on Wednesday to check on a supporter who passed out. – The rally was Trump’s first outdoor event since surviving last month’s attempted assassination. – Republicans praised the president’s courageous willingness to leave the safety of the glass after nearly losing his life at a Pennsylvania rally.

Gateway Pundit: Tonight at the Democrat National Convention, former president Bill Clinton lied to the crowd saying that Joe Biden ‘voluntarily’ gave up power, which has been a running theme at the convention. – Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone knows that Joe Biden was forced out of the race by Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and other power brokers in the party.

Epoch Times: RFK Jr. to Address His ‘Path Forward’ on Aug. 23 as His Campaign Weighs The Future – Running mate Nicole Shanahan said Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considering ‘joining forces’ with former President Donald Trump.

Epoch Times: Donald Trump and JD Vance Pledge to Reduce Crime and ‘Re-Fund The Police’ – The 2024 Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees are amid a battleground-state sweep, focusing on a different theme each day.

Epoch Times: DHS has unveiled a new rule that the government estimates will protect about 550,000 illegal immigrants from being deported. – DHS officials are using the powers to grant protection to some illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens, as directed by President Joe Biden.

Epoch Times: The Social Security Administration Distributed Almost $72 Billion in Improper Payments – The issue of improper payments is not plaguing the SSA alone. A March report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that for fiscal year 2023, the federal government made $236 billion in improper payments, of which roughly $186 billion was accounted for by just five programs: Medicare, Medicaid, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and Paycheck Protection Program Loan forgiveness.

Western Journal: An aggressive nuclear China is at the heart of America’s new nuclear strategy, which President Joe Biden secretly put in place in March, according to a new report. – The New York Times said the plan, which is so secret no electronic copy is ever shared, fears a coordinated axis of destruction involving China, Russia, and North Korea. – The new strategy marks a stark change from what it previously had been for decades…

Townhall: Trump Campaign Highlights The ‘Most Outrageous Moments’ From Day Two of The Democrat National Convention – The campaign went on to list 24 of the “most radical, extreme, and outrageous moments” from the convention’s second night. – Pro-Hamas rioters crashed Democrats’ morning meeting, burned an American flag, and clashed with the law. – Speakers attempted to paint Kamala as tough-on-crime but ignored the reality of her “progressive,” soft-on-crime past…

Just The News: One month after Biden dropped out, Harris has yet to hold a press conference – By contrast, former President Donald Trump has several press conferences, including one at his Bedminster, N.J., golf resort last Thursday and one the week prior from his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Just The News: Polling showing Harris in lead flagged by industry experts for skewed voter samples – “So what they’re doing is they’re polling fewer Republicans. – They’re polling a disproportionate number of Biden 2020 voters in these states that were dead even,” pollster John McLaughlin said. – There does not to be any consensus on any polls’ accuracy.

Slay News: The Trump Campaign Was Forced to Cancel Events Before The Assassination Attempt after The Secret Service Denied Requests for Additional Security – New information is continuing to emerge to shed light on the failings of the Secret Service in the run-up to the failed assassination attempt of President Donald Trump.

Slay News: Donald Trump has said that he is “open” to having Robert F. Kennedy Jr. join his next administration. – Trump’s remarks come after Kennedy reportedly said he reached out to Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s “highest intermediaries,” who showed no interest. – Polling has shown that Kennedy draws more votes from Trump in some swing states.

American Thinker: 10 Lies Leftists Are Telling You – Lie #1: Joe Biden was a great president, a dedicated public servant who put country first and stepped aside so that Kamala Harris’s brilliance could save our democracy. – Lie #2: Man-made climate change will make the Earth unlivable for humans. – Lie #3: Democrats love black people. – Lie #4: Diversity is our strength. – Lie #4: Gender is fungible. – Lie #5: Life begins at birth. – Lie #10: The U.S. economy’s great; you just don’t know it…

Hot Air: Homeland Security Has Lost HOW Many Unaccompanied Minors? – According to the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security, the number appears to be over 300,000 unaccompanied children who have disappeared into the United States, although there is some uncertainty because ICE and other agencies in the federal government don’t communicate on such matters.

Center For Immigration Studies: Sanctuary Map Update, About 170 Locations Have Been Added – New information obtained from ICE has enabled the Center to update its map of sanctuary jurisdictions. – Some are within states with anti-sanctuary laws  – The states with the most jurisdictions added to the map are Virginia, North Dakota, Nebraska, New York, and Minnesota.

Front Page Magazine: The Media Fails to Report A Hamas Suicide Bombing That Targeted A Synagogue – The same media machine that treats every Israeli strike on terrorists as a war crime shrugs at every Islamic terrorist attack. – In the middle of the so-called ‘ceasefire’ negotiations, Hamas and Islamic Jihad tried to carry out a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv Israel.

Lawyer List: A Climate Minute, The Great Barrier Reef Has Never Looked Better – The measuring institute stopped publishing their reef-wide index to the world when things got too good. – Their 2024 report, published this week, mostly talks up all the potential problems. The graphic here is the best reef-wide estimate given their data and its health is good…

Yahoo Finance: Schwab today released additional findings from its 2024 Modern Wealth Survey. – This year’s study reveals that Americans now think it takes an average of $2.5 million to be considered wealthy, which is up slightly from 2023 and 2022 ($2.2 million).

Just The News: Ford Motor announced Wednesday it has scrapped plans for a large electric SUV. – The reversal will reportedly result in $1.9 billion in write-downs and special charges. – Ford’s course change comes amid lower-than-expected demand for electric vehicles, The Wall Street Journal reported.

August 20, 2024

Epoch Times: Israel recovered the bodies of six hostages, who were abducted during the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas terrorists, from a tunnel in the Khan Younis area of southern Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Tuesday. – The IDF did not say when or how the hostages died.

Center Square: Every year, the United States has allowed between 1.47 million to 1.86 million noncitizens to receive food stamps from the federal government at a taxpayer cost of almost $3 billion a year. – That is according to annual reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for its Supplement Nutritional Assistance Program.

American Thinker: Joe Biden data strikes again as he claims ‘500,000 EV stations’ were built under his command. – Allow me to help Snopes and Politifact out and give this a “pants on fire” label. 500,000? – Try a celebrated total of a meager seven.

Epoch Times: US Plans to Start Recycling Nuclear Waste – ‘Used nuclear fuel is only waste if you waste it,’ the communications director at a recycling company says. – Despite growing recognition that nuclear energy may be the most viable solution in America’s quest for reliable low-carbon electricity, the nuclear power industry is struggling to overcome major hurdles; among them, what to do with radioactive, spent fuel.

Slay Magazine: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan has revealed that the independent presidential candidate is considering plans to “join forces with Donald Trump” to stop the Democrats from winning the election in November. – Shanahan made the comments during an interview published on Tuesday.

Zero Hedge: Donald Trump has pledged to reduce energy costs by half within his first year in office if elected. – Trump plans to achieve this by canceling electric car mandates and reversing green energy policies. – Trump’s energy plan focuses on boosting U.S. oil and gas production while criticizing wind and solar power.

New York Sun: The Press Delivers 84 Percent Positive Coverage for Harris, 89 Percent Negative on Trump, Analysis Finds – Despite the honeymoon, public sentiment may not align with the narrative from the press. – “As the Democratic National Convention begins, the Big Three evening newscasts have promoted her to give Kamala Harris the most positive start to a general election campaign of any presidential nominee in recent memory…

Red State: JD Vance Tears Into Andy Beshear Over His ‘Disgusting’ Rape Comment About Vance’s Family – During a segment of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear seemed to suggest/insinuate that a member of Vance’s family should experience rape so they could better understand the supposed need for abortion to be legal. – Vance, responded by saying “It’s very weird to have a guy whose first job was at his dad’s law firm and who inherited the governorship from his father criticize my origin story.”

Robert Inlakesh: The US Biden administration is claiming that the latest round of Gaza ceasefire negotiations have been the most productive in months. – However, the deal that is currently on the table, after the Israeli government has additional conditions that go well beyond what was previously agreed to, no longer even makes the agreement worthy of the title “ceasefire”.

Breitbart: Antony Blinken Leaves Israel Empty-Handed as Hamas Rejects The Biden DNC Ceasefire Deal – Blinken did not specify why the current talks are the “last opportunity” for a deal. Pressed by reporters on Monday, he offered only that “intervening events come along that may make things even more difficult if not impossible” if the parties wait longer to hash out an agreement.

Townhall: Unemployment Has Been ‘Revised’ and the Numbers Are Not Good – The Bureau of Labor Statistics has “revised” job growth numbers from the first quarter of 2024, which showed there were up to a million jobs that didn’t exist after all.

Western Journal: Biden Flies Into a Rage During His DNC Farewell Speech and Tells Numerous Lies – With his characteristic blend of angry incoherence and diabolical dishonesty, the president delivered a performance worthy of Hell’s basement. – Biden said women are without electrical [power?] – Border crossings are down – Repeated the “Fine People” hoax as well as the suckers and losers hoax and screamed at the audience.

Western Journal: Kamala Harris to Snub First Debate, so Trump Announces Alternate Plans – “Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the Fox News Debate on September 4th,” Trump advised. – “I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record-setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in,” Trump continued, “Rather than the debate on September 4th, I have agreed to do a Tele-Town Hall, anchored by Sean Hannity, for Fox.

Breitbart: Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, says their campaign is considering joining forces with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump. – “If we’re splitting hairs, I would say that I trust the future of this country more under the leadership of the Trump and the Theos and the JD Vances than I do of the Harrises and Reid Hoffman,” Shanahan added…

Breitbart: Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk announced on Monday that he would be willing to serve in Donald Trump’s administration. – In a post on X, Musk shared a photo of himself standing at what appeared to be a podium with the words “D.O.G.E.” – Underneath were the words “Department of Government Efficiency, followed by I am willing to serve.”

The Federalist: The Biden-Harris Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday requested the U.S. Supreme Court “deny” Republicans’ bid to enforce an Arizona law requiring individuals to prove they’re U.S. citizens when registering and voting in elections. – The Biden-Harris administration was among several left-wing parties to sue Arizona over the law shortly after its passage in 2022.

Center For Immigration Studies: Northern Border Migration Surges as The DHS Struggles to Keep Up – In July, the handful of agents left defending that undefended border apprehended more than 3,000 illegal entrants there, more than in all of FY 2022 (2,238) or FY 2021 (916). – Why aren’t we simply turning third-country migrants around?

New York Post: The migrant crisis that has engulfed the US is a decisive issue in the November election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. – In this special video panel report, The Post’s journalists who have been on the front lines of the emergency explain how we got to this point. – Over 9 million people have poured over the country’s borders — never-before-encountered levels of immigration — since Joe Biden took office…

The Daily Signal: 3 Themes That Set the Tone for the DNC on Night One – They Are Betting Big on Gender Politics – Create Chaos on the Right – Out With the Old, And In With the New – Nearly an hour in, Biden finally decided to hand Harris the baton as promised. The president said he knew Harris would make a good president “because like many of our best presidents, she was also a vice president.”

The Vigilant Fox: The Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moments at the DNC Tonight – Joe Biden battles the teleprompter and loses. – Michigan governor accidentally EMASCULATES Tim Walz on MSNBC – With a straight face, Jill Biden says she watched Sleepy Joe “dig deep into his soul and decide to no longer seek re-election.” – Joe Biden says with a straight face: “We finally beat Big Pharma!” after mandating government-paid COVID shots for millions of Americans…

American Thinker: Kamala’s Elephant In The Room, Or The Issue That Won’t Go Away. The price of food or that weekly purchase that we all make. – The typical U.S. household now requires $1,095 more each month (equivalent to $13,140 annually) compared to three years ago. The amount varies by state. – VP Harris may pretend to feel our pain or to propose silly solutions to ease it but it’s the same old inflation that is crushing our wallets.

American Thinker: Democrat Crime Rate Gaslighting – Were one to listen to the Democrat/socialist/communist media, one would rejoice at the dramatic drop in crime in America’s blue, Democrat-ruled cities under the enlightened Harris/Biden Administration. – However, residents of those cities, aren’t rejoicing, because reality is quite the opposite…

American Thinker: Four New Themes For The Democrat National Convention – The DNC’s theme for Monday is “For the people,” so why not name it “For the American people”? – Rather than a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” theirs is one where the “[Democrat] dictatorship of the proletariat” quells human spirits and subdues American exceptionalism…

American Thinker: Trump’s Environmental Triumph Resulted From His Policies That Delivered Clean Air, Water, and Economic Growth – Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by significant strides in environmental protection. Contrary to the narrative pushed by some of his critics, Trump’s environmental policies were not about neglect but about smart, effective stewardship. – In 2019, Trump’s America achieved the largest decline in carbon emissions of any country globally…

FAR: Who Controls America? – The Deep State, the CIA, but also very powerful lobby groups such as AIPAC or arms lobby groups along with narrative controls by US government or corporate-owned/funded: media, think tanks, various educational institutions, the entertainment industry (soft power), and NGOs…

Front Page Magazine: Britain’s far-left government, under prime minister Keir Starmer, is preparing to introduce a blasphemy law that will criminalize criticism of Islam, following civil unrest sparked by uncontrolled illegal immigration and the Islamization of the United Kingdom. – The National Secular Society (NSS) warned Tuesday that “adopting an ‘Islamophobia’ definition will inflame, rather than dispel, community tensions and division”…

August 19, 2024

Epoch Times: Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that the current push for a cease-fire and hostage deal in Gaza is likely the final chance to end the war soon. – “This is a decisive moment, probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home, to get a cease-fire, and to put everyone on a better path to enduring peace and security.”

City Journal: Between Chaos and Consensus – The Democrats gather in Chicago to anoint Vice President Kamala Harris as the candidate of “change.” In one of history’s ironic echoes of 1968, Harris bears some resemblance to Hubert Humphrey: heading into Chicago as the vice president to an incumbent who decided not to run for reelection. – Harris has tried to avoid Humphrey’s fate by becoming, in a phrase, unburdened by what has been—distancing herself from both Biden’s record and her past policy positions.

Western Journal: The DNC projected various messages onto Trump Tower in Chicago Sunday night, on the eve of the party’s convention. – One message read, “Trump-Vance ‘Weird as Hell.’” – DNC spokesperson Abhi Rahman happily declared, “While [Democrats] are joyfully celebrating in Chicago, residents of Chi-town are seeing a special message projected on Trump Tower.”

Breitbart: General Motors (GM) will lay off about 1,000 software employees, including 600 workers in Warren, Michigan, and others in California and Texas. – On Monday, GM executives announced the layoffs, which will impact more than one percent of the automaker’s salaried workforce worldwide.

Epoch Times: National Public Data Confirms Hackers Stole Social Security Numbers – About 1.3 million people were affected by the breach, although a lawsuit alleges 2.9 billion records were compromised. – The incident is believed to have involved a third-party bad actor that was trying to hack into data in late December 2023, with potential leaks of certain data in April 2024 and summer 2024.

Epoch Times: The US, Egypt, And Qatar Near A Final Gaza Cease-Fire Proposal – It remains to be seen if Hamas, which has not attended the negotiations, will ultimately accept the latest proposal. – The proposal builds on areas of agreement over the past week, and bridges remaining gaps in the manner that allows for a swift implementation of the deal,” the White House said on Aug. 16…

Zero Hedge: Ukraine Must Pay Germany Back For Damage From the Nord Stream Bombing Demands A Bundestag Lawmaker – Ukraine did it. – Russia did not do it. – And yes it had the involvement or at least foreknowledge of the CIA.

Representative Elise Stefanik: Numbers Don’t Lie: Women Thrived Under Trump, But Suffered Under Biden/Harris – The median income for women increased every year during the Trump administration, reaching the highest on record in 2020. – Real average weekly earnings increased 8.2% under President Trump yet decreased 3.9% under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The Federalist: Ignoring Joe Biden’s Corruption Tells The World America Is Corrupt – The nearly 300-page report on Biden family corruption matters for many reasons, the most important of which is to restore America’s standing in the world. – Large Foreign Payments While Obama’s Vice President – Big Romanian Payoffs While Decrying Corruption – Multiple Payoffs from Foreign Adversary China – Democrat Corruption In Now War-Torn Ukraine…

Breitbart: The Democrat Party released its official platform on Sunday night, to be voted on at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and it calls for reelecting President Joe Biden, who was still the candidate at the time the document was finalized in mid-July. – “President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job,” it says. – You can read the full, 91-page document here.

The National Pulse: The 2024 Democratic Party Platform opens with a “land acknowledgment,” stating that the United States of America was established on territory stolen from the Native American tribes. – The DNC pays our respects to the millions of Indigenous people throughout history who have protected our lands, waters, and animals…

Breitbart: Kamala Harris has hired disgraced “Russia collusion” hoaxer Marc Elias to help lead her massive team of election lawyers as they prepare to fight former President Donald Trump and the Republicans over voting results. – Elias will join a team of lawyers that is reportedly ten times larger than the team of 600 lawyers that then-candidate Joe Biden boasted he had hired in the summer of 2020 to challenge election results in close contests nationwide.

Breitbart: House Republicans 292-Page Report Finds That Joe Biden Committed Impeachable Offenses – If Speaker Johnson launches House impeachment proceedings, it would throw a new wrinkle into the presidential election cycle by forcing Democrats and Vice President Kamala Harris to spend time and energy defending an outgoing president. – It is unclear how great of a defense Harris and fellow Democrats would mount in light of Biden’s decision not to seek reelection.

American Thinker: It Is Time for Never Trump Republicans to Put On Their Big Boy Pants – We are not choosing a prom date, a spouse, a roommate, or a valentine, but rather the leader of America and the free world. – Don’t they realize that the current Democrat presidential ticket is two Marxists? – They want to command and control all aspects of American economics and life and will weaponize the government even further to achieve their Orwellian dystopia…

American Greatness: J.D. Vance’s Promise – J.D. Vance’s candidacy for higher office brings opportunities for breakthroughs in America’s 50-year losing battle against drug and other substance abuse. – To fulfill its promise, the Trump-Vance administration must support policies, programs, and principles that helped make J.D.’s own remarkable story possible…

Washington Examiner: Five things that stand out in the Democrat Party platform – It was not revamped for Harris as the nominee – Trump is mentioned more than four times more frequently than Harris – Increased border focus – Attacks on the Supreme Court – The platform supports Israel despite expected protests.

American Thinker: It’s All About the Revolution – Let’s Explore These Ten Techniques Marxists Have Been Using To Increase Their Influence – Manipulation of Language – Rewriting History, Gaslighting, DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) – Identity Politics – Disinformation and Obfuscation – Oppressor vs. Oppressed – Entryism – Degrowth – Playing the Victim

USA Today: The DNC trots out Obama, and Clinton to gaslight voters about Harris. – Democrats are a dishonest mess. – Even if the DNC is a hot mess, it will be framed to look positive. – How do I know? – Because it’s been happening since Joe Biden went downhill during his debate with Donald Trump.

American Greatness: Kamala is Cooked – Kamala has not reinvented herself. – She’s still the same politician who had to bow out of the 2020 Democratic Primaries in December of 2019 because she was polling in the low single digits. – Kamala’s “surging” poll numbers are a lot of hot air. – A close analysis of the data shows that Donald Trump continues to maintain a dominant position in this election.

August 18, 2024

The Daily Signal: ‘IF HE WANTS TO WIN…’ Victor Davis Hanson’s Advice for Trump – “Show everybody who [Harris] is and why she won’t run on her record and why she won’t tell us that she’s still proud of being a radical.” – Importantly, he noted, Trump should avoid ad hominem attacks, insults about Harris’ identity, and her sordid affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

American Spectator: Is Israel Deterring Iran? – Don’t let the quiet fool you. Iran,  Hizballah, or both will strike Israel again when they believe the time is ripe. – Neither side — Israel on the one hand and Iran and Hamas on the other is interested in a cease-fire at this point. – The August 7 anointment of Yayah Sinwar as the sole leader of Hamas means that Iranian control of Hamas will be complete as long as Sinwar is alive.

American Thinker: Will Democrats Repeat the Fraud of 2020? – Because a second victory will require more than just ‘winning hearts and minds.’ – The real plots have a much more direct impact on the election results rather than just swaying voter perception. – We are now being told although we may not have live access to election night results—an unprecedented situation in American history, especially just four years after a highly controversial election—we can trust the results whenever they eventually appear on our television sets without question…

Just The News: Authorities and businesses brace for up to 100,000 pro-Palestine protestors at Democrat convention – “I think people need to see it as the equivalent of the 1968 DNC in Chicago,” said Deanna Othman, a resident of Little Palestine, a Chicago neighborhood with a substantial population of Palestinian-Americans.

National Review: The Failure of Fact-Checking in an Election Year Is Especially Painful – The rubric is ‘Heads Democrats win, tails Republicans lose,’ and we see it repeatedly. – It sure is interesting to watch reporters go from “None of that is true” to “Who is to say who stole from whom?” in the blink of an eye…

The Daily Fetched: Don Lemon Was Stunned after Interviewing New Jersey Voters – Most of Them Support Trump – Don Lemon was in for a rude awakening when he decided to interview people in New Jersey about who they would be voting for in the 2024 election. – The former CNN host hoped to find voters who did not support Trump, but his effort bore no fruit.

Just The News:  The weekly Global Antisemitism Report published by the Combat Antisemitism Movement analyzed 113 incidents that targeted Jewish victims worldwide and found that 57.5% of the perpetrators were identified as far leftists, 22.1% of them were Islamists, 11.5% were unknown and 8.9% were done by far-right extremists.

August 17, 2024

Zero Hedge: New Video Appears To Show DC Police Units Planting J6 Pipe Bomb – The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement planting the bombs. – Shortly after 12:51 pm a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. [Video Below] A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, and then walks to the bench with the bag…

Zero Hedge: Here’s Why The US Is Playing Dumb About Knowledge Of Ukraine’s Plans To Invade Kursk – Maintain Plausible Deniability For Escalation Control – Avoid Embarrassment & Responsibility Once Ukraine Fails – Propagate David-vs.-Goliath Optics For Boosting Morale…

Breitbart: Planned Parenthood to Offer Free Vasectomies And Abortions During DNC – PPGR, which is part of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, is described as being “the leading provider, educator, and protector of sexual and reproductive health care in the St. Louis region, Missouri Ozarks, and beyond”

Just The News: – A California sheriff offers a mic-drop story about the difference between Harris and Trump when it comes to cops – Sheriff Mike Boudreaux said with no media present, Trump thanked him and other members of law enforcement for their service and understands they have a tough job. – Kamala and her people used them for a photo op, then left without saying a word…

Revolver: President Trump held a rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA and he took the wood to Kamala Harris, declaring that “she went full communist.” – Comrade Kamala’s latest laugh line? She’s going to fix the economy on “Day One.” – He brought along a former resident from Venezuela to explain what Americans can expect if Harris is elected president…

Zero Hedge: As the United States continues its rush to shutter the nation’s remaining coal plants, energy analysts are debating what should fill the gap to meet the growing need for electricity. – Increasingly, many are pointing to nuclear energy as the solution. – According to the Department of Energy (DOE), nearly one-third of existing U.S. coal plants are scheduled to be shut down by 2035.

Breitbart: Dozens of teens and young adults targeted multiple Los Angeles 7-Eleven stores in a series of brazen robberies on Friday, just hours after California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a package of bills to combat smash-and-grab theft around the crime-ridden state. – Approximately 20 to 30 youths stormed into three 7-Eleven locations within a two-mile radius of each other, grabbed whatever merchandise they could get their hands on, and fled on bicycles, NBC Los Angeles reported…

Western Journal: A Preliminary Report Finds Thomas Matthew Crooks Was ‘Fragged,’ And His Rifle Likely Disabled After A SWAT Operator’s Incredible Shot – The shot, fired by a local law enforcement sniper, was incredible. – The ninth shot fired that day came from a SWAT team member from Butler County. – It did not kill Crooks directly but struck the stock of his rifle and “fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up.” – The shot is also believed to have disabled the rifle’s buffer tube, a critical component in the weapon’s cycling function…

Geller Report: The US Postal Service Has Become a Critical Arm of the Democrat Election Fraud Machine – The new mission of the USPS is not to deliver mail but to deliver fraudulent mail-in ballots and ensure the Democrats steal. – USPS facilities are failing to follow proper Election Mail procedures.

Page Six: The illicit drug world in LA is revealed after the ketamine arrests in Matthew Perry’s death – Matthew Perry’s drug dealer will leave Hollywood celebrities and power players “quaking in their boots” if she names people as part of a plea deal. – Two of those charged in the “Friends” star’s death are medical doctors, while another, Jasveen Sangha is referred to in her indictment as ‘The Ketamine Queen’, who only dealt with “high-end” people and “celebs”.

Powerline: The Week in Pictures, Return of the King (on Twitter) – Trump made his triumphant full return to X, formerly Twitter this week, attracting by some estimates over 1 billion views worldwide.

August 16, 2024

Zero Hedge: Hezbollah Reveals A Massive Underground Missile Base – The massive tunnel network underneath the Gaza Strip used by Hamas has long been known about, but much lesser known is Hezbollah’s network of tunnels under southern Lebanon. – On Friday, Hezbollah released a new video featuring a highly secretive underground facility from which its tens of thousands of missiles can be launched and stored…

Zero Hedge: Israel just upped the ante in its showdown with Iran amid ongoing concerns that an attack from the Islamic Republic could still be imminent in retaliation for the July 31st assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.- Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Friday that he expects not only the US but also its allies Britain and France to assist in offensive operations against Iran if it attacks…

The Daily Signal: The Supreme Court Upholds The Injunctions Blocking The Biden-Harris Administration’s Transgender Title IX Rewrite – The Supreme Court on Friday upheld two lower courts’ temporary injunctions blocking President Joe Biden’s rule applying federal civil rights law to transgender issues in education, including school bathrooms and women’s sports…

The Epoch Times: Russia/Ukraine War Takes New Shape as Surprise of Kursk Blitz Fades – Nine days into their surprise Kursk attack, Ukraine has claimed a 444-square mile swathe of Russian borderland. – Russian military leaders suggest they are now regaining their composure and are no longer taking offensive actions on the Kursk front but are now starting to dig in…

American Thinker: Another Terrorist Has Been Caught At The Border – As has been said, “Leave the door open and the flies come in.” – A Palestinian migrant whose name appears on a terror watchlist for using “explosives/firearms” was caught at the southern border Monday. – Border Patrol agents caught Omar Shehada, 35, at the border in Santa Teresa, New Mexico…

Slay News: Republicans Demand Answers as Fraud Is Exposed in Biden-Harris Immigration Parole Program – The scheme has allowed 30,000 illegal aliens per month into the United States from Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. – An internal investigation by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) found that sponsors used the same 100 physical addresses for 19,000 forms. – Many sponsors used fake zip codes and Social Security numbers, including numbers belonging to dead people.

Trending Politics: Congressman Clay Higgins is exposing the FBI for quietly releasing the body of Trump shooter Thomas Crooks for a private cremation by his family just days after the event. – He remarked that the Bureau actively impeded his investigation into whether a post-shooting autopsy report about how Crooks died was accurate…

Zero Hedge: China Launches Own Version of Starlink To Challenge US Dominance In Space – China launched a low-orbit satellite constellation capable of surveilling every corner of the earth. – Chinese military researchers analyzed various capabilities of Starlink in 2022. They wrote that Starlink poses “potential dangers and challenges” to the CCP. The researchers called on the regime to develop new countermeasures that would include abilities “to disable some Starlink satellites and to disrupt the constellation’s operational system.”

Brownstone Institute: – The Trajectory of Emergency Lands on Price Controls – Rationality took a back seat to political expediency back then because Nixon was in a panic, but is Kamala? They keep telling us that inflation has cooled to the point that it is nearly gone. – Why, then, is she engaged in this plot to impose nationwide price controls? – Are we doomed to watch the same old errors unfold before our eyes, in a natural trajectory of folly from money printing to inflation to price controls?…

The Daily Fetched: Trump to Be Protected by Bulletproof Glass at All Future Outdoor Rallies – Trump aides said he wanted to do more outdoor rallies again, including a return to Bulter, PA, where he was almost assassinated. – However, Trump said he did not want to go on a stage outside again without the protective glass. – The glass needs to be brought in on trucks and vans.

New York Post: Donald Trump announced his White House transition team Friday. – The team will include Linda McMahon and Howard Lutnick as co-chairs, Senator JD Vance and his eldest sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. – McMahon is a former professional wrestling performer and business executive who served as Trump’s administrator of the Small Business Administration during his first term.

Just The News: Trump just defined what separates him and Kamala Harris – With food props that adorn every American’s kitchen table, he used a press conference to drive home what the real cost of the Biden-Harris economic agenda is to ordinary Americans to display inflation’s true impact. – “Grocery prices have skyrocketed,” he declared, rattling off official government statistics that show cereals are up 26%, bread up 24%, butter up 37%, baby formula up 30%, and eggs up 46%. – “How can a family afford that?”

The Wall Street Journal: How the Biden-Harris Economy Left Most Americans Behind – A government spending boom fueled inflation that has crushed real average incomes. – Kamala Harris plans to roll out her economic priorities in a speech on Friday, though leaks to the press say not to expect much different than the last four years. – That’s bad news because the Biden-Harris economic record has left most Americans worse off than they were four years ago, and the evidence is indisputable.Alternate Link If Access Denied

New York Sun: ‘Knock, Knock,’ Guess Who Could Show Up at America’s Door After Venezuela’s Stolen Election – Leaders of other countries of the Americas, to Canada from Chile, are bracing for another wave of Venezuelan emigrants. During the Maduro decade, economic mismanagement was so acute that one-quarter of the population — 7.7 million people — walked out…

The Federalist: A Majority Of Postal Facilities Audited By Inspector General Failed To Follow Election Mail Procedures – The audit’s findings identified three primary areas of concern; Lack of Compliance With Election Mail and Political Mail Policies, ‘Operational Risks’ To ‘Timely Processing and Delivery of Election Mail’ and USPS Operations Could Threaten Election Security…

August 15, 2024

Epoch Times: Key US Manufacturing Gauges Contract in August, Signaling A Broader Industry Slowdown – The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Empire State Manufacturing Survey—a monthly survey of 200 companies—contracted for the ninth consecutive month in August as business activity in the state weakened. – Experts, however, still anticipate an ‘industrial renaissance’ amid public and private investment.

The Center Square: Families are spending 22% more on household goods than in 2021 – This means that families have a 22% increase in cumulative inflation since January 2021, putting North Carolina 1.5% higher than the national average. – Over that same period, inflation has cost each household nearly $26,000 more than they would have spent…

The Vigilant News: General Flynn recaps how COVID-19 was used as a bioweapon to influence the 2020 election. – “The whole purpose of covid was to make sure that the 2020 election was in the bag… once they did that, the real part of covid, the introduction of covid, of the bioweapon by China, was to ensure that we could change our election system and process.”

American Spectator: Remembering A Reagan Warning – A presidential announcement in 1979 carried a message relevant today for Trump – Our leaders tell us that the America of the coming years will be a place where because of our past excesses it will be impossible to dream and make those dreams come true. – I don’t believe that. And, I don’t believe you do either. – The people have not created this disaster in our economy; the federal government has overspent, overestimated, and over-regulated…

Sharyl Attkisson: ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Was One Of The Biggest Hoaxes Of Our Time – It’s been ten years since the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, launched violent riots and a movement that is largely based on misinformation to this day. – Brown’s hands weren’t raised. – Brown did not say “Don’t shoot.” – Brown was not shot in the back, he was shot in the front. – Brown was attacking police officer Darren Wilson. – “Eyewitnesses” quoted uncritically in the media were lying since they couldn’t have seen the events. – Conclusion, We were played.

Sharyl Attkisson: Election integrity concerns have focused on illegal voting by non-citizens, and most voters say they suspect it may be happening in their state. – The latest Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 55% of likely U.S. voters say they believe non-citizens are illegally registered to vote in their state, including 32% who say it’s very likely…

American Conservative: As the Kursk offensive heads into its second week, Ukrainian forces now claim to control nearly 30 Russian villages comprising 1,000 square miles of Russian territory. – What is the point of this campaign, if not just to prolong the war?

Zero Hedge: The New ‘Official’ Nord Stream Sabotage Narrative Says Zelensky’s Top General Went Rogue – Volodymyr Zelensky initially approved the plan, according to one officer who participated and three people familiar with it. But later, when the CIA learned of it and asked the Ukrainian president to pull the plug, he ordered a halt, those people said,” the report says. – Valeriy Zaluzhniy, still moved ahead with a high-risk plan funded by businessmen to the tune of $300,000 and involving a rented yacht with a six-member crew which included experienced civilian divers…

Washington Examiner: Trump’s attorneys have requested a delay in his September 18th sentencing due to concerns about a conflict of interest with Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter’s work at a Democrat marketing firm and because of the fast turnaround time from Merchan’s anticipated ruling on presidential immunity on Sept. 16 to Trump’s sentencing hearing two days later. – His attorneys also said the current sentencing date comes after early voting in the election has already started, had the air of election interference.

Resist The Mainstream: The EU Disavows Politician Who Threatened Elon Musk – EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, found himself at the center of a diplomatic storm after sending a strongly-worded letter to Musk. – In an unprecedented rebuke, Brussels has distanced itself from Breton’s actions, claiming he acted without approval from European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

Resist The Mainstream: A Secret Service Agent Left Her Post Guarding Trump to Breastfeed – This occurred five minutes before the Republican nominee’s motorcade arrived. – The unnamed Atlanta Field Office agent was found in the room with two of her family members.

Slay Magazine: Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance has declared that he wants a “real” debate with Democrat opponent Tim Walz, rather than the “fake news media garbage” that is normally shoveled onto the American people. – Vance said he believes there should be more than one debate between him and Walz because Vance said he believes there should be more than one debate between him and Walz, stating “More debates will allow Americans to see a contrast between the two campaigns.”

The Federalist: The Democrats Are Laying The Groundwork To Prosecute, Sue, And Threaten Swing-State Officials Into Certifying The November Elections – Wielding prosecutions and threats of lawsuits, the Democrats’ message is clear, rubber-stamp election results or else.

Trending Politics: Corey Lewandowski, who has served as an informal adviser to former President Donald Trump during his initial campaign, is set to join the senior leadership team of Trump’s current campaign – Among the new appointees is Tim Murtaugh, former communications director for Trump’s 2020 campaign. Also joining the team are Alex Pfeiffer and Alex Bruesewitz, both of whom held significant roles in the Trump-aligned MAGA Inc. super PAC, with Bruesewitz boasting a substantial social media following.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Weird, Creepy, Surreal, and Dangerous, 2024 Campaign – Ten unanswered questions that illustrate how and why we’ve entered this bizarro world: 1. How can Kamala Harris merely promise us fixes to come in 2025 for inflation and an open border when she is still vice president for another six months? – Why can’t she enact her proposed solutions to these problems (which she helped create) right now?…

Fox News: The DOJ amazingly located the Biden biographer transcripts created by Robert Hur that watchdog Hur used in part in concluding Biden is a ‘well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ – Officials wrote that in their prior June court appearance they attested that Hur’s office did not have a verbatim transcript of any Zwonitzer-Biden recordings.

The Liberty Daily: Vast Stretches of America Are so Depressed That They Look Like Something Out of a Horror Movie – The wealthy are doing just fine at the moment, but they don’t seem to understand that much of the country is deeply hurting right now. – ‘Empty streets and closed shops stretch as far as the eye can see, and it’s like life just stopped.’

Geller Report: Harris-Bidenomics Result In Massive Layoffs At America’s Biggest Companies – Cisco Systems will be laying off 7% of the company’s workers – Intel’s layoffs, announced Aug. 1, will result in some 15,000 employees losing their jobs. – Paramount Global started cutting some of its workers on Tuesday after previously disclosing late last week it had plans to slash its U.S.-based workforce by 15%. – And then there is Stellantis, Fastly, Axios, and Sonos…

Townhall: Last week the DOJ announced indictments for several Smartmatic executives in a Philippines election bribery and money laundering scandal. – Smartmatic is a major voting machine company used by governments around the world for elections, including the United States. – On Tuesday, Smartmatic President Roger Pinate turned himself in to authorities in Florida and was released on an $8.5 million bond.

Epoch Times: The EU Warns It May Take Measures Against X Over Musk’s Interview With Trump – ‘There is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content in EU in connection with events with major audience around the world,’ Thierry Breton, the commissioner for internal market wrote – Breton did not elaborate on the measures the EU could take. However, in previous warnings to Musk on separate issues, Breton warned that X could be fined up to 6 percent of annual revenue.

American Thinker: UCLA appeals a federal judge’s injunction barring it from discriminating against Jewish students – The leadership of America’s elite higher education is clearly in crisis, faced with a strong anti-Israel and antisemitic faction among both faculty and students. – Here is what the judge ordered UCLA to do: [1.] Defendants [UCLA officials] … are prohibited from offering any ordinarily available programs, activities, or campus areas to students if Defendants know the ordinarily available programs, activities, or campus areas are not fully and equally accessible to Jewish students…

August 14, 2024

Just The News: House Oversight Chairman James Comer says the House has proof extra security was not given to the Trump team before the attempted assassination – Comer went on to say that the Secret Service as an agency needs to be reformed. – “I [would] like to remind people that the Secret Service has 8,100 employees and they have an annual budget of $3.1 billion but what we’ve seen over the past decade … they’ve started farming more and more of their responsibilities out to state and local police,” Comer said.

Breitbart: Taliban celebrate 3 years since Afghanistan takeover with military show – The Taliban’s armed forces towed Soviet-era tanks and artillery pieces through the former US air base in Bagram, where Chinese and Iranian diplomats were among hundreds who gathered for the parade and speeches. – The former Bagram base once served as the linchpin for US-led operations against the Taliban for two decades.

The Vigilant Fox: RFK Jr. Drops MASSIVE Truth Bombs About Free Speech – Few have ever said this so succinctly and so clearly. – The government is not stealing your tongue and/or Donald Trump’s tongue or Elon Musk’s tongue because they’re scared that he’s going to tell lies.” – “They’re stealing his tongue because they don’t want him to tell the truth,” Kennedy said. – “That’s what they’re scared of. They’re terrified of the truth. – They’re not terrified of lies… It’s the truth they don’t want you to hear,” Kennedy continued.

Breitbart: Senator JD Vance is pressing Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to agree to a second vice presidential debate, making the case that “the American people deserve as many debates as possible.” – It remains unclear if Harris will commit to further debates against Trump. – “Harris agreed to debate on September 10 on NBC News but refused to comment on whether she would participate in the other two.”

Western Journal: Trump Pulls Out Tic Tacs Onstage to Make a Devastating Point About Inflation Due To The Biden-Harris Administration – While getting into spreadsheets, studies, and expert opinions is one way to deem President Joe Biden’s administration a failure, the other way is to fill your car up with gas, buy groceries, and check on what interest rates your bank is offering…

Just The News: A hackers’ confab showed the vulnerabilities in election machines amid testing concerns ahead of November – Increasing the use of voting machines after the 2000 election “didn’t fix the Bush v. Gore problem,” but rather “just made our elections less transparent,” according to Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project and a former Kansas attorney general…

Epoch Times: Mississippi and eight other states sued the Biden administration, claiming an executive order on voter registration unlawfully favors Democrats. – The lawsuit claims that the executive order turns federal agencies into voter registration entities, bypasses transparency, and is driven by partisan motives.

American Spectator: From GDP to Reality, Putting the $35 Trillion Debt Into Perspective – Pundits seek to diminish the severity of the national debt. – By shifting the discussion away from the current national debt and toward debt-to-GDP ratios, pundits seek to obfuscate the underlying problem, which is that Congress cannot keep its fiscal house in order, which should be alarming to all people.

American Spectator: Poor, Poor, Pitiful Joe – Joe Biden is frustrated that Barack Obama wouldn’t tell him to his face that he should leave the race. – He’s angry with Nancy Pelosi and views her as ruthless for ushering him out the door. – And he’s still miffed at the role Chuck Schumer played, too.

Breitbart: Hamas Launched Rockets at Tel Aviv From A Protected Humanitarian Area In The Gaza Strip – Two rockets were launched from Gaza toward Tel Aviv on Tuesday, the first time Israel’s major coastal city had been targeted since May. – This is further proof of the degree to which Hamas is violating international law and endangering civilians.

Breitbart: The Biden administration on Tuesday approved more than $20 billion in new weapons sales to Israel, brushing aside pressure from rights activists to stop arms deliveries over the death toll in Gaza. – The sale comes as Biden has pressed Israel and Hamas to reach a ceasefire after 10 months of bloodshed, although the weapons would take years to reach Israel.

The National Pulse: Cops Arrest Over ONE THOUSAND Anti-Mass Migration Protesters. – Over 1,000 people have been arrested in connection with the disorder in Britain following the deadly mass stabbing of multiple young girls by a migration-background teenager in Southport, England. – The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) boasts that 1,024 people have been arrested, and 575 have been charged.

Zero Hedge: One Step Away From The Biggest Oil Shock In History – The Strait of Hormuz is the world’s single-most important energy corridor, and there’s no alternative route. – More than 40% of global oil exports (around 21 million barrels) transit the Strait daily. – Iran has been crystal clear that it will close the Strait in the case Israel or the US attacks it. – In other words, Iran holds a knife to the throat of the global economy.

Center For Immigration Studies: The Insecure Border and the Heightened ISIS Threat to the Homeland – Conservative estimates indicate that 88.5% of all illegal migrants encountered by CBP there (more than four million aliens) have been released into the United States under the current administration, a figure that doesn’t include two million others who evaded apprehension and entered illegally, known as “got-aways”. – In March, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned the Senate that “dangerous persons” were among those crossing the border…

American Thinker: The Butler Body Cam Footage – There’s a lot that can be learned from police body-cam footage of the response to the Butler assassination attempt. – What the new footage tells us, simply put, is that chaos was queen on July 13th. – Following the shooting, there is absolutely no sign of planning, procedure, or even simple competence among the law enforcement personnel present.

American Thinker: Of Course, They Tried To Kill Trump – Famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes would often note “’When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Very powerful people within the government — and perhaps outside too — want him dead and he can’t remotely depend on his government provided “protection” to do their best to protect him.

Western Journal: Left Wing PAC, End Citizens United, Wants The Feds to Punish Musk For Talking to Trump – “Their complaint states that the resources X Corp. owner Elon Musk dedicated to hosting Donald Trump for a campaign event was an impermissible corporate in-kind contribution that violated campaign finance laws.” – Needless to say, the post from Musk offering the same type of two-way conversational interview wasn’t included in the complaint, as if it weren’t relevant in the slightest way.

The Vigilant Fox: An Eye-Opening Experiment: During An Impromptu Interview, Every Person in Lowe’s That Was Asked The Same Question Politely Supported Trump – The One Declared Harris Voter Said He Would “Shoot” Trump If He Were Present – Why are Democrats always so violent?

Powerline: Now It Can Be Told! – NYT reporter Ken Vogel Revealed That “Hunter Biden Sought State Department Help for Ukrainian Company.” – Subhead: “After President Biden dropped his re-election bid, his administration released records showing that while he was vice president, his son solicited U.S. government assistance.”

American Thinker: Deep State Plutocrats Have Nowhere to Hide – No wonder the plutocrats call President Trump an “authoritarian.” He wants to be president, rather than play president. – He’s a direct threat to their unaccountable and unconstitutional Deep State, and now that they’ve exposed themselves, there is nowhere left for them to hide.

Brownstone Institute: Our Government’s “Whole-of-Society” Rule – The term was popularized roughly a decade ago by the Obama administration, which liked that its bland, technocratic appearance could be used as cover to erect a mechanism for the government to control public life that can, at best, be called “Soviet-style.” – To make sense of today’s form of American politics, it is necessary to understand a key term. It is not found in standard US civics textbooks, but it is central to the new playbook of power: “whole of society.”

The Daily Fetched: Following former president Donald Trump‘s interview with Elon Musk on Monday, which has now garnered over a billion views, left-wing outlet CNN was caught desperately trying to stop the video’s momentum. – The network was caught selectively editing a portion of the Monday interview to make it seem like both Musk and Trump thought the World War II bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were no big deal…

Howard Galganov: HOW MUCH POWER DO YOU THINK A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT COULD WIELD? – Do You Remember the Covid Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations & Jailable Offenses for Ignoring Non-Constitutional Government Mandates Issued by all Levels of Government? – That’s How Much Power The One World Government Will Wield. – The World Is A Mess & It Can Only Get Worse Or Better By The Politicians We Choose To Elect, So Remember That On November 5, 2024.

Zero Hedge: Core Consumer Prices Hit New Record High, Up For 50th Straight Month – Following last month’s ‘deflationary’ print (-0.1% MoM), analysts expected headline CPI to rise 0.2% MoM and they were spot on, shifting the YoY CPI print to 2.9% (from 3.0%) – the lowest since March 2021…

The Daily Fetched: The last remaining Denny’s restaurant in San Francisco has closed after being inundated with non-paying customers who fled the eatery before settling the bill. – Denny’s is the latest amongst dozens who pulled their retail outlets from the crime-ridden city. – The last Deny’s in nearby Oakland closed its doors earlier this year, also because of crime.

Western Journal: An Ohio police officer has been indicted on a murder charge after a woman who refused police commands to exit her vehicle was shot dead as she rolled her car into the officer. – Blendon Township Police Officer Connor Grubb was charged with four counts of murder, four counts of felonious assault, and two counts of involuntary manslaughter. – The video posted to X shows the car moving at him, followed by one shot.

Real Clear Science: Every Leading AI Large Language Model Leans Left Politically – LLMs’ growing power and omnipresence mean that they exert increasing influence on society and culture. – So it’s of great import that these artificial intelligence systems remain neutral when it comes to complicated political issues. – Unfortunately, according to a new analysis recently published in PLoS ONE, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

August 13, 2024

The Daily Signal: Dissension and ‘Toxicity’ Plagued Trump’s Secret Service Detail Before Assassination Attempt – Rancor, recriminations, and serious formal misconduct complaints have plagued all levels of the Secret Service detail assigned to protect former President Donald Trump over the past year, distracting the team from its core mission of protecting Trump. – On May 15, the top two leaders of Trump’s detail sternly dressed down the entire 60-member staff in a virtual meeting…

Zero Hedge: Trump Wins Over Another Silicon Valley Democrat – Ben Horowitz, in particular, seemed like an unusual Trump supporter, coming from a liberal Jewish background. – Now it looks like Trump has another, thanks to his X space with Elon Musk last night: Zynga founder Mark Pincus…

Center Square: 84% of Americans oppose illegal immigration and want troops sent to the border. – Two new recent polls support this trend, although polls have consistently shown that Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Vice President Kamala Harris’ job as “border czar.” – The ratio of opposition/support to illegal immigration has “remained broadly unchanged for decades,” Napolitan News Service says.

Jordan Schachtel: Media gatekeepers are losing control over the conversation, and robust censorship is their only chance to regain power. – For inspiration, they look far eastward to the censorship machine devised by China. – Before the Musk/Trump conversational interview, the lunatics in the corporate press and governmental bodies around the world took measures to attempt to pressure Musk into canceling the Spaces interview, and Thierry Breton, a high-ranking European Union commissioner, even threatened Mr. Musk with sanctions…

New York Post: The Elites decide Hunter Biden can finally be a scandal now that Joe is out – Emails reveal that Hunter, while his father was VP, wrote a letter to the US ambassador to Italy, asking for introductions to help the Ukraine gas company Burisma land a lucrative contract with Italy. – That’s why Burisma was paying Hunter $1 million a year to sit on its board, not for his energy expertise or work ethic.

The Western Journal: A Conservative Professor Scores Multimillion-Dollar Win After A Years Long Battle with A California College – In 2021, Matthew Garrette, then a tenured history professor at Bakersfield College in California’s Kern Community College District, sued the district claiming in federal court that it had violated his First Amendment rights for retaliating against him for his opposition to campus racial diversity policies.

Western Journal: An American carrier strike group is being redeployed to a new area of operations ahead of a war that looks almost certain. – Warships will be joined there by a nuclear submarine that can bring a knockout punch to any fight. – These powerful naval assets are being moved to the military’s Central Command area, which covers the Middle East and much of Central Asia. – The number one command priority of the force is to “deter Iran.”

FAR: Trump Returns To The X Social Platform – Donald Trump was permanently banned from Twitter, now X, on January 8, 2021. – Musk reinstated Trump’s account shortly after the acquisition, so a recurring question that continued popping up was whether Trump would return to X, even though he had created his social platform, Truth. – That question was finally answered yesterday when he posted this on X…

The Vigilant Fox: The Must-See Moments From The Elon/Trump InterviewAll the key takeaways in under 5 minutes. – In a live interview that captured the attention of millions, Elon Musk and Donald Trump discussed the state of America, touching on issues ranging from censorship to border security to political lawfare to the attempted assassination of Trump.

The National Pulse: Kamala Harris‘ campaign cheered on a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) targeting X as it disrupted a conversation between Donald J. Trump and tech mogul Elon Musk. – DDoS attacks involve flooding websites with bogus bot or botnet traffic to sabotage their functionality or knock them offline altogether…

Western Journal: The Trump-Musk Interview Shattered Viewership Milestones with Numbers the Mainstream Media Could Only Dream Of Achieving – “Combined views of the Musk/Trump conversation and subsequent related discussion by other accounts now totals approximately a billion,” Musk indicated. – Musk delivered that update at 2:43 a.m. ET on Tuesday. Thus, by the end of the day, the conversation’s reach could soar well into the billions.

Breitbart: Americans want their government to help revive the American Dream that helped the Baby Boomers, Donald Trump told Elon Musk in their August 12 conversation on X. – “It’s about the American dream,” Trump told Musk. “You don’t hear about the American dream anymore, Elon, you’re the American Dream in the truest sense, but you don’t hear about the American dream anymore...

Zero Hedge: A $150,000 House In 1988 Now Costs $707,500; Thank You, Fed! – The Fed has grossly distorted the housing market and no fix is in sight as a couple of images explain. – This is a mess entirely of the Fed’s making and it’s what happens when the Fed, and economists in general do not count home prices in the inflation rate. – Home prices are not directly in the CPI or PCE. the latter being the Fed’s preferred measure of inflation.

Western Journal: Elon Musk Makes Offer to Kamala Harris After Trump Interview Is Widely Received – Anytime Vice President Kamala Harris feels like speaking to a massive audience, she is welcome to do so, X owner Elon Musk said Tuesday. – “Happy to host Kamala on an X Spaces too,” Musk posted on X Tuesday morning. – A person on X remarked, She should take you up on this offer, but she likely won’t. – She hasn’t done anything in 22+ days. – She’s not capable of doing it and her handlers will never let it happen.

Breitbart: Donald Trump Discloses That Kamala Harris Will Not Sit with Any Real Journalists, Agreeing To Only ‘a Soft Democrat Interview.’ – Kamala Harris, will not agree to an actual real interview at all during the campaign, only “a soft Democrat interview” with someone like ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

The Federalist: The Press Won’t Discuss Real Campaign Issues, Because They Don’t Want Trump To Win – The press is hoping you won’t notice they’re covering for Kamala Harris by not covering her record on real issues such as inflation, immigration, education, crime, taxes and so on. – Kamala Harris could not survive the scrutiny of a real presidential campaign, and the media know this. They figure they can skate by with three months of embarrassingly puffy coverage and fool just enough voters with the talk of “vibes” and “joyful” campaigning because vibes are all the Harris campaign has.

American Thinker: Trump’s Social Security proposal could be his biggest political weapon – In what even the New York Times admits could be a game-changer, Trump has proposed ending income taxes on Social Security benefits. – This proposal speaks directly to millions of Americans who feel the sting of being taxed twice on the money they’ve worked their entire lives to earn.

Powerline: Media Bias? – Let’s Call It by Its True Name, Regime Propaganda – John and Scott below provide examples of the media’s slavishness to the Democratic Party, which is now so obvious that attributing it to bias, or calling it “fake news,” clearly doesn’t go far enough. – Let’s call it for what it is, regime propaganda, worthy of the old Soviet Union, or Orwell’s no longer fictional world as depicted in his novel, 1984.

Real Clear Investigations: The Secrecy of the President’s Family ‘Doc’ Raises the Question As To Whether We Getting the Full Story on Joe Biden’s Cognitive Health? – Even as the public has long expressed concern about the 81-year-old president’s mental capacities and Democratic Party leaders pressured Biden to drop his bid for a second term, O’Connor has repeatedly given his boss a clean bill of health. – The position of WH physician is intended to be non-partisan, however, O’Connor has donated thousands of dollars exclusively to Democratic politicians and causes, including Joe Biden’s campaign.

American Thinker: The Obama Effect – Although Obama works hard to look like he’s not directly involved in the things he’s engaged in at the highest levels of government, anyone who has followed his machinations knows that there are no coincidences regarding the former president. – To advance those tactics worldwide, between 2016 and 2024, Obama traveled the globe as a supposed unofficial ambassador of goodwill…

Townhall: A Haitian Illegal Flown Into The US by The Biden-Harris Administration That Reportedly Raped a Massachusetts Teen Was Released on $500 Bail Despite An ICE Detainer – A detainer is a request by which authorities alert ICE about an individual they believe to be subject to deportation so they can take the individual into federal custody and deport that person.

The Daily Fetched: Tulsi Gabbard To Sue Biden Admin after Being Put on ‘Terrorist Watch List’ – Quiet Skies is extremely resource-intensive. – Not only do people on the list get enhanced scrutiny and searches, but they are also followed by police at the airports, and armed Air Marshals follow them on flights because the target is deemed a security risk. – Gabbard was put on the Quiet Skies list the day after she criticized the Deep State on Fox News.

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea: “The Subversion Process” – Former KGB Staff Member In Charge of Psychological Warfare and Propaganda Yuri Bezmenov Explains What Has Been and Is Now Happening To The United States. – This paper describes some of the forces and techniques influencing and practiced by ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the Democrat Party, Marxists, Leftist Media, and other detractors of the United States…

Brandon Smith: What’s Happening In Britain Is Proof That The Globalists Plan To Use The Massive Migrant Influx Against The West – The common claim within the Liberty Movement is that this is all part of the “Cloward-Piven Strategy”: A social engineering method which uses large scale relocation of migrants into a society to destabilize that nation. The goal is to import people with an incompatible or hostile ideology and, eventually, the target culture will break down and be forced to accept a new system of governance…

The Liberty Sentinel: Is WWIII Imminent? – The Globalists’ War on Freedom Exposed – In a must-see new presentation, journalist Alex Newman exposes the Deep State’s push for war and the establishment’s love for the Chinese Communist Party.

Epoch Times: Job Security Concerns Grow As The Probability Of Finding New Employment Dips – A Federal Bank of New York survey shows rising job insecurity and growing debt concerns, signaling increasing challenges for US consumers. – American consumers have become more pessimistic about the prospect of finding a new job after losing their current one as the perceived probability of finding new employment fell by a 0.9 percentage point, to 52.5 percent in July…

American Thinker: Airline tickets have largely defied the national inflation trend and kept consumers seeking out travel opportunities. – Flights are somewhat affordable. – The reason for this is the industry trend toward flexible pricing and a “take it or leave it” approach to both amenities and baggage. – The FTC’s proposed Rule on Unfair or Deceptive Fees will likely mean higher prices and fewer choices for consumers.

American Conservative: Unfree Britain Cracks Down on Protesters. – It’s unfair, but the fact is that the native British majority is the only ethnic group in the country not allowed to demonstrate, or as the government puts it, to riot. – As Britain is descending into ethnic balkanization, English people should be able to do the same thing every other group does: sow a little rowdiness in the streets, then reap government favors both rhetorical and material…

The Hollywood Reporter: Once a Cash Cow, Cable TV Is Now Roadkill. – Is there a Fire Sale Next? – The decline has been driven by cord-cutting, but in recent quarters the cable business has faced a double whammy: Not only are subscribers declining faster than carriage fees are rising, but advertising dollars are fleeing TV – As Paramount and Warner Bros. Discovery take massive hits to their businesses, executives will need to make difficult choices in managing the decline.

August 12, 2024

Western Journal: The European Union Attempted to Scare Elon Musk Into Censoring Trump Ahead of Blockbuster Interview – Officials in the European Union especially don’t want Trump to gain any ground heading into November because he might make other NATO countries pay their fair share when it comes to defending themselves. – This is something Trump has talked about time and time again. – Trump is a threat to their corrupt systems just as he’s a threat to many corrupt systems stateside.

The Daily Signal: 7 Takeaways From Trump’s ‘Conversation’ With Elon Musk – The Need For A ‘Government Efficiency Commission’ – More Of A Believer After Surviving His Assassination Attempts – Why ‘Illegal Immigration Saved His Life’ – How Democrats forced Biden out of the 2024 race – Our Current Defective Government – An ‘Iron Dome’ for America – President Biden’s Current ‘Vegetable Stage’

American Spectator: What Happened to All the Polling? – It certainly appears as if polling firms are making a concerted effort to depress Trump support. – One of two things has happened, either these organizations have stopped polling, or they’ve chosen not to release the results of surveys they did perform for obvious reasons. – That was a question Rasmussen Reports asked on X/Twitter Monday. – Most followers think it’s the latter.

American Spectator: Don’t Dismiss the Trump Assassination Attempt – To date, explanations from the Secret Service and the FBI smell like a cover-up. We need to know more. – There are sinister possibilities that should be thoroughly investigated, and I am dubious that even a “bipartisan” congressional investigation will get to the bottom of it. – The next administration should appoint a distinguished special prosecutor to investigate whether crimes were committed, and if so, by whom. – If the Russia hoax needed a special prosecutor, these events most certainly do.

Turfseer: A Chilling report from Holland’s Geert Wilders – The Europe you knew is changing. – Throughout Europe, a new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. – There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe, with larger congregations than there are in churches. – The Muslim war against Israel is not a war against Israel, it is a war against the West…

Connie Shields: Would You Enroll Your Child In A Marxist Classroom? – What if I told you that you already have? – In recent years, educational institutions have increasingly become battlegrounds for ideological conflicts, with various political and philosophical doctrines vying for influence over curricula. – One of the most contentious ideologies to emerge in these debates is Marxism, a worldview rooted in the theories of Karl Marx that emphasizes class struggle, economic determinism, and the eventual establishment of a classless society…

Western Journal: A Judge Rules The CDC Has ‘Likely’ Been Violating Federal Law for Years After A Conservative Group Sounds Alarm – A federal judge ruled that the huge federal agency has engaged in “likely unlawful” practices when it comes to retaining the emails of low-level employees. – It was discovered that after 90 days, it wasn’t retaining them at all.

The Center Square: California Governor Gavin Newsom issued a video blaming oil companies’ “greed” and “price gouging” for the state’s gas prices, which, at an average of $4.60 per gallon, are $1.16 above the national average. – However, Newsom’s energy commissioner disagrees, noting in May testimony that no “price gouging” has been found and that “increasing supply in the market” would best “protect consumers.”

Liberty Daily: U.S. military forces are shoring up in the Middle East in anticipation of an Iranian-led attack against Israel, the Pentagon confirmed on Sunday evening. – Iran and Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terror group in Lebanon, have been adamant that they intend to launch an attack against Israel soon, although the timing or the level of the possible attack is unclear.

Zero Hedge: Hezbollah has fired dozens of rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel, calling it retaliation for Israeli attacks last week. – Israel’s military says its Iron Dome defense system intercepted some, but not all, of the projectiles. – In the overnight and early morning hours Hezbollah pounded northern Israel and Western Galilee with at least 30 rockets.

Zero Hedge: Trump Posts On X After His Big Return Ahead Of His “Unscripted” Interview With Elon Musk Tonight – The interview on X is set to begin live-streaming at 8 pm Eastern, 5 pm Western, Musk wrote on X, “This is unscripted with no limits on subject matter, so should be highly entertaining!”

Zero Hedge: Joe Biden’s Freudian Slip, “If Trump Wins,” There’ll Be No Peaceful Transfer Of Power – Biden’s remarks during an interview with CBS News. – “Are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in January 2025,” Biden was asked. -“If Trump wins, no, I’m not confident at all,” he responded.

The Western Journal: Donald Trump Hits Biden’s DOJ with An Enormous Lawsuit That Alleges Protocols Were Violated Amid ‘Political Persecution’ As A Result Of The Raid Of His Mar-A-Lago Residence – Trump is suing for $100 million according to the notice of intent to sue that gives the Justice Department 180 days to respond before the case goes to a U.S. District Court in Florida. – “You have clear evidence that the FBI failed to follow protocols, and the failure to follow protocols shows that there was an improper purpose,” Trump’s attorney Epstein said…

Trending Politics: BREAKING, Trump OFFICIALLY Returns To Twitter/X With EPIC Video – Earlier on Monday, campaign advertisements styled as posts were running under President Trump’s namesake account @realDonaldTrump but were not appearing on his timeline, leaving supporters guessing about whether he was making an official return or simply promoting his campaign on the social media platform that helped launch him into the White House.

The Daily Fetched: Google Finally Admits to Censoring Search Results When Queried About The ‘Trump Assassination Attempt’ – The counsel for Google parent company Alphabet told the House Judiciary Committee that its autocomplete algorithm prevented users from seeing search results about the attempted Donald Trump assassination attempt at a Butler, Pennsylvania, rally on July 13 due to a prohibition against searches for political violence.

Zero Hedge: These Six Drivers Are Gone, And That’s Why The Global Economy Is Now Toast – 1) China’s industrialization. – 2) Growth-positive demographics. – 3) Low interest rates. – 4) Low debt levels. – 5) Low inflation. – 6) The Tech productivity boom – so what we now have is a hyper-centralized, hyper-connected (i.e. tightly bound), hyper-globalized, and hyper-financialized global economy of extreme fragility…

Lawyer Lisa: Australia Goes Full Tilt 1984 – Sometimes there are no coincidences. – Australians will be required to submit their ID to access the internet, with police given access to their social media, including private messaging tied to their social credit score.- Also, Canada is legislating prison for speech when they don’t like what is said…

The Daily Fetched: JD Vance, “The Trump Administration Will Start Mass Deportations with 1 Million.” – ABC Anchor Jonathan Karl remarked, “You said he said he’ll start with the easy ones, the criminals, people who commit crimes, deport them, but deporting 15 million to 20 million people, how do you do that? – “We have to start with the fact that we have a wide-open southern border because our border czar set a lot of open border policies.”

Western Journal: CNN Interviewer Dana Bash Didn’t Like It When JD Vance Turned the Tables on Her Defense of Tim Walz – Vance responded and then continued by wisely putting the focus on the Harris/Walz campaign running a shallow campaign.

Slay Magazine: CNN’s Brianna Keilar has been forced to walk back her defamatory statements after she used false claims to smear Republican vice presidential nominee Senator J.D. Vance – Keilar deceitfully told her audience that Vance had embellished his military service.

Wall Street Journal: Inflation Hurts Most For The Things We Can’t Skimp On – Costs for child care, rent, and car insurance are up, with housing costs stretching people thin. – Inflation might be easing, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way. – Prices for many of the things that are hard to do without are still posting eye-watering increases as shown in this graph…

National Review: The Media Have Forgotten Why They Exist – Large swaths of the national media believe that their job, at this moment, is to tell you how awesome the presidential and vice-presidential candidates are, instead of pointing out their records and policies. – The Media Thinks Their Job Is to Sell Democratic Candidates, Not Hold Them Accountable…

Victor Davis Hanson: Our Three Silent Mice – The president, the Democrat presidential candidate, and their VP nominee all either cannot or will not speak casually and publicly to elected representatives, reporters, or the American people. – Biden was forced, to abdicate from his impending reelection nomination. Since then, we have yet to see nor hear much from our sitting President. He has vanished, poof, gone. – So, for the present, no one knows who is in charge of the United States…

American Thinker: We Need a Badass in the White House – Trump is willing to fight, unlike most elected Republicans and surrogates. – This is why Trump remains popular to this day, despite the fierce opposition, including a recent assassination attempt. – Who is America’s advocate? – Who is fighting for the Constitution, the rule of law? – Who wants America put first rather than last?

Issues & Insights: Postal Leadership Needs To Get A Grip On Reality – It continues to lose money and yet the “USPS currently plans to purchase 66,000 EVs over the next five years, as part of a nearly $10 billion spending plan. – In total, the agency expects to purchase 100,000 electric and gas-powered delivery vehicles through 2028.” That’s a lot of dough, and the losses will continue once these EVs take the streets.

The Daily Fetched: Delta Airlines to Drop ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ Because It’s Too ‘Offensive’ – Delta Airlines Chief Diversity Officer Kyra Lynn Johnson, “We’re beginning to take a hard look at things like our gate announcements,” Johnson explained in a video posted over the weekend.

National Review: An Unconstitutional Agency May Finally Meet Its End – A district court’s challenge to the structure of the NLRB could affect not just labor regulations but the administrative state as a whole. – Such a ruling would be transformational. If there were no agency to administer the National Labor Relations Act, almost all laws that apply to private-sector labor relations would become unenforceable.

The Daily Signal: Veterans Affairs Resources Are Being Diverted to Help Illegal Aliens – Hundreds of thousands of initial medical exams, with follow-up exams, hundreds of thousands of prescriptions being filled, dental appointments, and vision appointments. – The care that the detainees are getting is better than a lot of what the veterans are getting and without all the hoops to jump through because they get access to this once they’re detained…

American Thinker: The Economic Benefits of Trump’s Safer Society and Why His Policies Outshine Harris’s Promises – The choice for America’s leadership is clear, and the contrast between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris represents a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. – In evaluating who should lead us, it is crucial to reflect on the tangible results and the vision each candidate offers, such as these…

American Conservative: The Democrats’ Favorite Game Is Manipulation – There’s very little that is democratic about the Democrat Party these days. – Dirty tricks have long been a part of politics, but in the last decade, Democrats have turned the propaganda machine up considerably. – 2015 was a pivotal one in that it presented to the American people a massive plot to undermine Trump as a candidate for president based solely on direct lies. – Russiagate was comprehensive in scope, touching not only on candidate Trump but also on his advisors and key staff…

Study Finds: How FOMO is Burning out America’s Workforce – FOMO, or the “Fear of Missing Out,” has become a significant phenomenon in the workplace, particularly in the context of hybrid and remote work environments, because it can impact employee engagement, mental health, and overall productivity.

August 11, 2024

Epoch Times: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Aug. 10 indirectly acknowledged for the first time that Ukraine is conducting a military offensive in Russian territory amid Moscow’s reports that forces have launched attacks in the Kursk region since last week. – Ukraine’s military is trying “to push the war out into the aggressor’s territory,” Zelenskyy said, according to a transcript.

Just The News: The U.S. intelligence community now reports Iran may have resumed its nuclear weapons program. – In July 2024, ODNI updated Congress on Iran’s nuclear weapons program under the Iran Nuclear Weapons Capability and Terrorism Monitoring Act of 2022. – This marks a shift from ODNI reports to Congress dating back to 2019.

Just The News: The chairman of the House Administration Committee says his investigation into one of the Democrats’ most successful political action committees has pivoted to whether foreigners may be laundering money into the 2024 election. – Representative Bryan Steil said his committee has identified individuals who claim they did not make the donations attributed to them in Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports filed by ActBlue.

Wall Street Journal: Why Trump Voters Fear Speaking Out – Anthony Constantino, the owner of a custom printing company in Amsterdam, NY supported Donald Trump, then boycotts and death threats followed…

American Spectator: China’s Potential for Pharmacological Warfare – China plays a significant role in the supply chains of many American companies due to its low-cost structure and cheap labor. – Unless steps are taken, our access to life-saving drugs could be seriously compromised.

City Journal: Unemployable – A growing number of Americans aren’t simply out of a job, they’re no longer fit for work. – Expanding government benefits correspond with the declines. – Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income (for nonworking adults without income), support more and more Americans. – Disability rolls have shot from 1.5 million in 1970 to 7.6 million today and would be even higher except the federal government stopped processing disability applications during Covid…

Just The News: “Eighty-four percent of voters say that illegal immigration is bad for the United States.”  – The Napolitan News Service analysis of 1,000 registered voters also showed that only 12% believe it is good for our nation…

Breitbart: Former Olympic boxer and Olympic boxing trainer Rafa Lozano says that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who won the gold medal in the women’s welterweight boxing event at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics was considered too dangerous for women to train with during a recent boxing retreat in Spain. – The Spanish boxer and trainer said that allowing Khelif to box as a female in the Paris Games was “unfair.”

American Thinker: This Coming Presidential Election Is Not about Trump or Harris – It is extra-important that voters know what they should vote for or against. – It’s about America’s Future, Not Trump or Harris – Biden/Harris have repeatedly pushed for restrictions on the Second Amendment. – Prices and inflation have skyrocketed on Biden/Harris’s watch. – Biden, Harris, and Walz have all equivocated on Israel’s right to defend itself against the same violent, depraved Dark Age ideology that gave us 9/11…

American Thinker: Do We Want To Go From A Republic to Tyrannical Democracy? – Leftists like to demonize the concept of a republic and vie for pure democracy, but our nation’s founders blanched at the latter for good reason. – Keeping our republic will require educating all Americans about the facts of our founding principles and form of government. A good start would be to throw out race-based Marxist, education-lite social studies and return to indoctrination-free classical education with American history and civics.

2nd Smartest Guy: Free Speech is Under Siege in Starmer’s UK – Prime Minister Keir Starmer, is encouraging police to use the full force of controversial British laws to crack down on social media posts. – The push for more online censorship has spanned many years, and different governments in the UK have gained new momentum with the recent protests and riots.

August 10, 2024

Western Journal: Alex Soros Is Taking Over His Dad’s Role and His Plans Make George Look Downright Wholesome – Since Alex Soros took over his father’s political operation he has pumped tens of millions of dollars into an array of efforts to sway the 2024 election, financial disclosures show. – The PAC’s spending under Alex signals somewhat of a departure from how his father operated it, with less focus on criminal justice and a greater emphasis on helping Democrats keep the White House…

Epoch Times: 15 States Sue to Block The Federal Government From Expanding The Affordable Care Act to Cover Illegal Immigrants – The lawsuit alleges that the new rule defies existing federal laws defining eligibility for public benefits. – “Illegal aliens shouldn’t get a free pass into our country,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, who is leading the coalition of states, said in a statement.

American Spectator: Reducing Our Fossil Fuel Capacity Helps Our Adversaries – Depletion of America and the West’s fossil fuel-producing capacity. – At the same time, Russia and China are building theirs, which is a prescription for geopolitical disaster. – The ability of Russia to wage war on Ukraine and for Iran to war against Israel depends almost entirely on both nations’ selling (sanctioned) oil to China, their biggest customer.

Just The News: Biden’s Energy Department claims that it replenished the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is misleading – Biden drained 40% of the nation’s energy stockpiles, more than 250 million barrels of oil. – How can the DOE now claim that only 40 million barrels it has purchased would refill it?

Zero Hedge: According to a recent report, around half of OECD countries are earning less now than they had before the pandemic. – As Statista’s Katharine Buchholz reports, when considering hourly real wages – wages adjusted for inflation – people in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and many European countries now have less money at their disposal than roughly four years ago.

Zero Hedge: As 20% of California suffers in poverty amid soaring power bills, soaring homelessness, businesses fleeing the state, and sky-high taxes, one might expect the state’s leadership to focus on solutions. – Instead, Governor Gavin Newsom has taken a rather unconventional approach: hiring a celebrity photographer, Charles Ommanney, with a $200,000 annual salary to enhance his public image.

Zero Hedge: Records show Trump shooter Crooks became a member of Clairton Sportsmen’s Club last August and visited there at least 43 times, the last visit being the day before he tried to kill Trump. – Of his 43 visits, Crooks might have had company at least four times…

Townhall: Did the Secret Service Get Busted for Peddling Another Lie About the Trump Assassination Attempt? – Acting Director Ronald Rowe visited the site and delivered testimony to a joint Senate Homeland Security and Judiciary Committees hearing. – Yet, the diagram he offered on the line of sight has drawn new scrutiny from Senator Chuck Grassley…

Slay Magazine: A federal judge has ordered the DOJ to respond to wrongful death charges from the family of Ashli Babbitt. – Babbitt is the 35-year-old Air Force Veteran who was shot dead by a Capitol Police officer on January 6th, 2021, and the only person who died during the Jan. 6 protests at the U.S. Capitol. – Judge Ana Reyes gave the DOJ until September 6 to answer charges of assault and battery, negligence, and wrongful death in the $30 million case.

Breitbart: The Department of Homeland Security is building what critics are calling a “ghost mode operation” so migrants can more easily stay in the United States after they are released from federal custody at the southern border. – The little-known pilot program, operated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is meant to reduce the frequency with which migrants released into the U.S. interior from the border must report to an ICE field office…

American Thinker: The New Bread and Circuses – Conservatives say Americans must “wake up” if we’re to save our country, however, that implies that the people are asleep and unaware of increasing government oppression. – I submit that those who are oblivious to America’s increasing tyranny aren’t asleep, but rather much like citizens of ancient Rome, they’re distracted and placated…

American Thinker: Illegals And The Resulting Attacks On U.S. Citizens – Ever since President Joe Biden decided to be more “relaxed” with his border stance, the country has fallen into chaos. – Take these for example, a 21-year-old illegal by the name of Jose Aguilar-Martinez stole the vehicle of 54-year-old Melody Waldecker and ran her over during the theft, killing her as a result…

American Thinker: The Greatest Hoax Of All Time – The Left, as embodied today by the Democrat party, is telling everyone that the United States is a systemically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, capitalist hellhole that must be torn down and rebuilt in its image if it is redeemable at all. – This, of course, is the opposite of the case.

Powerline: The Week in Pictures: Who Is Tim Walz? – To paraphrase Butch Cassidy’s famous epistemological query to Sundance, “Who is this guy?” There are several heuristics offered.

August 9, 2024

The Western Journal: New Footage Shows Local Police Desperately Trying to Stop The Trump Shooter While The Secret Service Sat Directly Below Him – Every new piece of evidence that trickles out to the public seems to raise suspicions rather than provide more answers.

Townhall: Police Audio Suggests Joe Biden Suffered a Medical Issue in Las Vegas Last Month That Wan’t Related To Covid – Las Vegas police were dispatched to close roads so the president could seek treatment at the University Medical Center – The president was then taken to Air Force One, remaining in Delaware until he quit the race on July 21. – Don’t you think this White House would tell us if this was merely COVID-related?

Heritage Foundation: Having Trouble Paying Your Bills? – Meet the Culprit. – Trillions in runaway spending have been financed with borrowed money, much created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve. – Kamala Harris was a supporter of every other major spending bill signed into law by Biden, all of which supercharged inflation. – As vice president, she presides over the U.S. Senate and can cast tie-breaking votes, which she has done more than any other vice president in history.

Just The News: IRS whistleblower claim that evidence on Hunter Biden swept under the rug is bolstered by a court filing – The specter of potential FARA violations has hung over Hunter Biden’s business deals while an IRS whistleblower testified that his team of investigators were blocked from looking into them further.

American Spectator: Gavin Newsom’s Fast Food Minimum Wage Law Is AB 5 All Over Again – Newsom’s attempts to micromanage businesses have resulted in catastrophe for California workers. – Fast-food workers, who were told that they would benefit from the $20/hour legislation, are facing layoffs, reduced hours, and business closures.

City Journal: In Compliance—Out of Business – California looks to pass a digital-accessibility law that will put onerous mandates on small businesses and likely force many offline altogether. – AB 1757, currently held in suspension by the State Senate Appropriations Committee, would make businesses—and the web developers and Internet vendors who help them set up shop—vulnerable to devastating lawsuits if they find themselves out of compliance with complex technical guidance intended to make websites usable for visually impaired people.

Townhall: The rooftop of the building, which overlooked the rally area and was less than 200 yards from the stage, was left unprotected, allowing shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks to scale the structure and open fire on former president Trump – Based on new evidence, local police were supposedly told by the Secret Service that they would handle covering this structure…

Geller Report: A Fuming Police Officer Says He REPEATEDLY Told The Secret Service to Secure Trump Shooter Building Days Before Rally As Well As The Day Of The Rally. – “They’re like, yeah no problem. We’re going to post guys over here.”

Breitbart: A significant majority of U.S. voters continue to show strong support for Israel over Hamas, with most demanding the removal of the Islamic terrorist organization from Gaza and advocating for conditional ceasefires based on key concessions, according to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll. – The survey of nearly 2,200 U.S. voters shows that 7 in 10 voters only favor a conditional ceasefire with Hamas contingent on the release of hostages, as well as the terror group vacating power in Gaza.

The Daily Fetched: Nancy Pelosi casually took credit for ousting Joe Biden in the Democrat Party coup during a recent interview. – During the run-up to Biden’s ouster, he suddenly caught COVID and mysteriously became “receptive” to being replaced by Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee. – Pelosi, along with Obama and Schumer, spearheaded the operation to get rid of Biden.

The Daily Fetched: An Illegal Migrant from Venezuela Committed 22 Crimes in Just 6 Months, But Has Still Not Been Deported – Daniel Hernandez-Martinez, a suspected member of the “Tren de Aragua” gang, was not detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) until his seventh run-in with police. – “The Biden-Harris Administration released Daniel Hernandez-Martinez into the United States without any legal justification,” the report reads.

August 8, 2024

Western Journal: New Trump Shooting Video Confirms Secret Service Knew 4 Days in Advance About The Building The Shooter Used – Body camera footage released from the Butler, Pennsylvania, police department includes an officer saying that he had warned the Secret Service four days before former President Donald Trump’s rally on July 13 about the danger posed by the building the would-be assassin used.

Wall Street Journal: Video Footage Shows Police at Trump Rally Airing Frustration With Secret Service – Police body-cam footage obtained by the Journal reveals moments after the former president was shot.

Breitbart: Trump Tells Breitbart He’ll Solve Ukraine-Russia War ‘Before I Get to the White House After I Become President-Elect’ – “I want to see it settled,” Trump said. “I want to get it done.” – Trump said he knows Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and believes he can negotiate peace to end the “death” and “destruction” if elected again on Nov. 5.

Conservative Brief: Donald Trump announced that he will be interviewed by billionaire tech and media mogul Elon Musk next week. – Donald Trump, “ON MONDAY NIGHT I’LL BE DOING A MAJOR INTERVIEW WITH ELON MUSK — Details to follow.”

Redstate: A recently surfaced recording of a Zoom call between the Biden/Harris team from 2020 reveals alarming evidence of the team’s intentional targeting and manipulation of voters and relentless bullying of media outlets to control information about Biden’s mental decline.

Epoch News: Trump and Harris Agree to Sept. 10 Debate, ABC News Confirms – Trump suggested two additional debates, one on Fox on Sept. 4 and one on NBC on Sept. 25.

Washington Examiner: Jumbled polls show Trump up, due to a surge in millennials and Generation X – CNBC and Rasmussen Reports have new data on Thursday giving Trump an edge, with CNBC attributing his lead to growing concerns about the economy and a surge of support from middle-aged voters. – CNBC said Trump leads by 2 points, 48%-46%, within the margin of error.

Zero Hedge: Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced early this week that his government had received $3.9 billion from the United States through “direct budgetary aid” – funds given from the US and disbursed directly to Kyiv through the World Bank. – “This is the first tranche of direct budget support from the United States in 2024. In total, Ukraine will receive $7.8 billion in direct budgetary assistance from the United States this year…

Trending Politics: Hunter Biden Was Paid $3 Million By A Romanian Oligarch While Joe Was VP – Officials with the office of special counsel David Weiss indicated on Wednesday that Hunter Biden was working at the direction of a wealthy Romanian oligarch who hired him to influence his father and the White House on policies that would be beneficial, a reminder that the embattled first son’s criminal matters won’t be disappearing just because Joe Biden isn’t running for reelection.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Harris Flop Would Be Scarier Than Her Flip – The Harris-Walz message is clear, “To run America for the next four years, they must lie and deceive you for the next three months.” – Biden talked about “unity” and “competency but as soon as he was elected he became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term. – So, for now, Harris and her new vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz, will smother all their cherished left-wing positions—at least until after November 5th.

National Review: How Kamala Suddenly Became Great – She is great because she’s the Democrat nominee but not the Democrat nominee because she’s great. – By fast-forwarding past the primaries and caucuses, Kamala went directly into a race with Trump, where the media is inevitably deeply committed to her. – She simply ascended, yet she is being treated like she swept through the primaries

Washington Examiner: Vance comes into his own as Trump’s attack dog – Vance received high marks for his solo press conference in Detroit and remarks to reporters as he approached Vice President Kamala Harris’s plane at the airport in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. – Vance later noted, “She pretends to be one thing when she’s in front of one audience, then she pretends to be something else when she’s in front of another audience.”

Forbidden News: Stock Market Expert Edward Dowd Says Minion Billionaires Are “Nervous” So Are Bailing-Out of the Globalist Agenda –He sees billionaires bailing out after they saw the complete lawlessness of the Trump convictions in New York and realizing that they could be next.

August 7, 2024

Resist The Mainstream: President Donald Trump has taken the lead among Jewish voters in traditionally Democratic New York, according to a recent Siena Research Institute poll.  – This development marks a significant shift in the political landscape as the 2024 presidential race heats up.

American Spectator: The Secret Democrat Cabal’s Openly Anti-American Agenda Is The True Threat To Democracy. – In short, their agenda is to terminate the American Republic as established by our Constitution. – Democrats want power, while the Founders sought to protect us from the depredations of unchecked political power. – The whole purpose of the Constitution was to place limits on the powers of government to dnd the rights of individuals to live freely and decide how to maximize their well-being under a system of impartial laws.

American Thinker: The Trump Assassination Attempt, So What’s with the Crime Scene? – There are some bizarre and concerning issues popping up regarding the chain of custody for the would-be assassin’s body. – Is anyone surprised that the autopsy is considered a Commonwealth secret?

The New York Sun: Ukraine, in a First, Sends Its Forces To Invade Russia, in the Kursk Region, Where History Stirs Dark Memories – The goal of the invading Ukrainians may be to create such insecurity that the Russians have to devote precious manpower to defend the border as Ukraine has no territorial claims on Russia.

National Review: JD Vance is “bracketing” Harris and Walz this week. – He is going to the cities they’re hitting with his events. – Today’s in Philadelphia was quite good, I thought. – He had an appreciative crowd to back him up but took questions from the media and handled them all quite effectively.

Breitbart: A Texas trooper arrested a confirmed Tren de Aragua member who was released by the Biden-Harris administration for alleged smuggling of persons. – The Venezuelan gang member was wearing an ICE tracking device at the time of his arrest. – This was his second arrest on human smuggling charges.

Thomas Klingenstein: After ‘Chevron’: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire? – Bradley C.S. Watson sees a potential problem with the Court’s overturning of Chevron: It takes the power wrongly delegated to unelected bureaucrats and returns it, not to the people and their representatives, but to the judiciary. And if history is any lesson, Watson warns, then federal judges can hardly be trusted as champions of the Constitution.

Townhall: NIH Pumps Millions Into Children’s Hospitals to Study the ‘Benefits’ of Puberty Blockers – Three major U.S. children’s hospitals, which all house gender clinics, are co-conducting this clinical study: Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio; Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, Illinois; and Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.

American Thinker: The Mainstream Media Still Turn Tricks For The Democrat Party – Six organizations control 90% or more of all the “news” we read, watch, and listen to! – They include: GE (Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures, Focus Features, et al) – NewsCorp (Fox News, Wall St. Journal, NY Post…) – Disney (ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, Marvel Studios…) – Viacom (MTV, Nick Jr., BET, CMT, Paramount Pictures…) – Time Warner (CNN, HBO, TIME, Warner Brothers… and CBS (Showtime, Smithsonian Channel, NFL.com, Jeopardy, 60 Minutes…)

American Thinker: Greenhouse Gases Are a Scientific Myth – Combustion of natural gas (methane) produces CO2 and H2O, the two building blocks of photosynthesis and organic life on this planet. – It is harmless and most likely beneficial to the environment. – Wait until you see how bad the original experiment justifying global warming was…

Sharyl Attkisson: Excessive Internet usage impacts key parts of the teenage brain – A 2023 Statista survey found that U.S. teenagers spent an average of 4.8 hours on social media platforms daily, with girls spending an average of 5.3 hours compared to 4.4 hours for boys. – Researchers defined internet addiction as an inability to resist the urge to use the internet, which negatively affects mental well-being, as well as aspects of social, educational, and work-life…

American Greatness: California Adopts Six Million Children – The government in the Golden State has seized the traditional role of parents. – On July 15, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955 into state law. – This deplorable legislation bars school districts from requiring staff to notify parents if their child decides to change their gender. No other state in the country has passed such a drastic law.

August 6, 2024

Western Journal: Google Helped Steal 2020 and 2022 Elections And Now Evidence Shows There Is A New Plan to Stop Trump in November – Late last week, multiple outlets including NBC News and the New York Post reported on election-related Google search results seeming to favor Vice President Kamala Harris over her opponent, former President Donald Trump.

Resist The Mainstream: The DOJ Files Charges Against Pakistani Man for Plotting to Assassinate Trump – According to federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, the 46-year-old is accused of traveling to New York City to work with a hitman to carry out the plan in late August or early September.

Breitbart: A New YouGov Poll Finds That 63% Say Economy Is Going Badly Under The Biden-Harris Administration – The poll is significant because 82 percent of respondents also said Vice President Kamala Harris’s policies are “entirely” or “mostly” the same as President Joe Biden’s, underscoring who voters will hold responsible for their economic situation.

Western Journal: A ‘National Security Nightmare’ – The Biden-Harris Admin Released Nearly 100 Illegal Immigrants on Terror Watchlist Into US Among the millions of illegal immigrants that have crossed the southern border supposedly seeking asylum, 250 remain on the terror watchlist. 99 of those are now running around freely in our communities. They hail from 36 countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan and Yemen.

The Naked Emperor: The UK Prime Minister To Create A “Standing Army” To Deal With The “Far-Right” – Plus there will be a crackdown on online freedom of speech. – Many of these protests began after a deranged 17-year-old lunatic stabbed and killed three young girls who were taking part in a Taylor Swift dance class…

The San Francisco Standard: SF plans to bus more homeless people out of town. – Destinations of homeless people between September 2023 and Aug. 2 under San Francisco’s Journey Home program show that other California cities were number one, followed by Oregon, Nevada, Texas, Ohio, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, and Indiana.

Breitbart: Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist group launched a series of drone and rocket attacks into northern Israel on Tuesday morning and then warned that was just the start. – Hezbollah said it launched a swarm of attack drones at two military sites near Acre in northern Israel and also attacked an Israeli military vehicle in another location, Reuters reported.

Modernity News: The BBC Described The Violent Birmingham Riot as “Largely Peaceful” – Despite a mob attacking innocent people, and reporters as well as besieging a pub. – Last night, we saw more unrest in several locations across the country, but the broadcaster was seemingly loathe to focus on what happened in England’s second-largest city, Birmingham.

The Vigilant Fox: Secret Service Whistleblowers Describe The Butler Trump Rally as a ‘Free-for-All’ Security Nightmare – According to the whistleblowers… it all comes down to the lead site agent.” – Nobody was fired and the lead site agent responsible for the Trump security disaster continues to oversee security for political events.

Breitbart: Multiple reports Tuesday morning indicated Kamala Harris has personally chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her vice presidential running mate for the White House in 2024. – The Harris campaign reportedly plans to announce via a video message before the rally, though the exact timing remained unclear.

American Greatness: Hillbilly Apprentice, An Interview With Trump’s Running Mate JD Vance – A man from the bottom is now on the top, as Vance is the vanguard of the new right, a kind of populist conservatism unconcerned with the niceties of long-established GOP orthodoxy. – Charlie Kirk, the political activist who lobbied hard to make Vance the party’s vice presidential nominee, calls him “the perfect complement” to former President Trump…

Townhall: Democrat Representative Raskin Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About – Even if voters unquestionably elect Donald Trump as President, no matter the margin, and even if the election is universally accepted as free and fair, top Democrats are calling on Congress to block certification of the results on January 6th, 2025 using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, also known as the Insurrection Clause or Disqualification Clause…

Glenn Ellmers: Inequality As a Left-Wing Principle – The noxious agenda of equal outcomes leads to a suffocating project of social engineering: ethnic and gender parity, biological males in women’s sports, and the repudiation of merit (or even effort) as “systemic racism.”

Resist The Mainstream: SCOTUS Rejects Missouri’s Effort to Delay Trump’s Sentencing for New York Conviction – The Supreme Court has delivered a blow to Missouri’s efforts to intervene in the prosecution of former President Donald Trump. – This latest development in the ongoing legal saga surrounding the former president highlights the complex interplay between state and federal jurisdictions, First Amendment rights and the prosecution of high-profile political figures.

Jonathan Turley: The House Moves Forward With its Investigation of Blacklisting Company GARM. – Media rating systems are being used to target advertisers and their revenue sources. – GARMs rating system is an insidious form of blacklisting by working to strangle the financial life out of sites by targeting their donors and advertisers.

Zero Hedge: Jim Quinn Examines What Everybody Knows – The dice have been loaded for decades. – They have used every crisis they create to abscond with more of our liberties, freedoms, rights, and wealth. – Even though the ignorant masses are kept distracted on behalf of their Deep State masters, they know something is amiss. – Their goal is to mentally overwhelm us and force us to acquiesce to their degenerate dogma through fear, peer pressure, propaganda, cancellation, the threat of imprisonment, and so much more…

Epoch Times: Federal Court Rules Against Google in Landmark Antitrust Case – Federal District Judge Amit Mehta ruled that Google violated antitrust laws by maintaining its monopoly power in the markets for general search services and general search text advertisements. – Google engaged in anti-competitive practices by establishing exclusive agreements with browser developers, mobile device manufacturers, and wireless carriers.

Slay News: The IBA Confirms The 2 Supposed ‘Female’ Olympic Boxers Are NOT Women, ‘These Boxers Are Male’ with XY chromosomes. – Despite both boxers previously failing IBA gender tests, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has permitted them to fight against biological females.

Zero Hedge: Federal Air Marshal Whistleblowers Divulge That Tulsi Gabbard Is Actively Under Surveillance Via Quiet Skies Program, a surveillance program with its own compartmentalized suspected terrorist watchlist. – It is the same program being weaponized against J6 defendants and their families. – Quiet Skies is allegedly used to protect traveling Americans from suspected domestic terrorists.

Zero Hedge: Maricopa County Is Sued After Refusing To Remove Illegals From Their Voter Rolls – America First Legal (AFL) has filed a lawsuit against Maricopa County, Arizona recorder Stephen Richer for allegedly refusing to verify the citizenship of voters registered in the county.

Townhall: A Major Children’s Hospital Is Hosting Workshops on How To Best Transition Kids – Dr. Rebecca Wood Persky’s comments are too outlandish to summarize, so you will have to read this one to get the full impact…

August 5, 2024

American Thinker: The markets plunge after Joe Biden claims he ‘cured’ the economy, with AI Czar Kamala Harris nowhere to be found – Kamala Harris’s economy would be the same as Joe Biden’s economy because they will have the same people running it. – Losses steepened on the Dow Jones Industrial Average as the closing bell approached Monday, with blue chips falling more than 1,000 points…

RVM News: A financial expert and market analyst predicts that the Federal Reserve will be compelled to implement an emergency rate cut before its scheduled September meeting to mitigate the recent significant sell-off in equities. – Robert Prechter, founder and president of Elliott Wave International, conveyed his concerns during an interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox Business News.

Washington Free Beacon: Nearly 100 Illegal Immigrants on Terror Watch List Were Released into US Under The Biden, Harris’s Watch – The report came just days after the House passed a resolution—in a 220-196 vote with six Democrats in favor—condemning Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, for her failure as “border czar” to secure the U.S. southern border.

The Federalist: ‘Schoolhouse Rock’ Forgot To Teach Kids About The Administrative State – The truth about “Schoolhouse Rock!” illustrates another notable feature of our law today. – Not only have the last few decades witnessed a shift in power from local to federal authorities, but even within Washington, a dramatic transfer of power has taken place from elected representatives to unelected agency officials.

American Spectator: The Tories’ Immigration Policies Spawned This Britain Chaos – Despite promises to control immigration, Britain is now a different nation than it was when the Tories took power in 2010. – As the protests turned violent in more than a dozen towns and cities — “injuring dozens of police officers, looting businesses, targeting mosques and setting fires outside a hotel that housed asylum seekers”…

Slay News: California Regulators Propose Taking Control of Oil Refineries to Tackle Price Hikes Amid Their Green Agenda Push – The proposals were revealed in a new report released by the taxpayer-funded California Energy Commission. – The CEC expects some of California’s nine oil refineries to be shuttered due to falling demand as the Golden State continues to pursue its green agenda.

Dr. Meryl Nass: The UN’s New World Order, coming in September is labeled The Summit of the Future – The Summit is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on delivering a better present and safeguarding the future. – Buzzwords include, international consensus; international cooperation; agreed goals; mending eroded trust; safeguarding the future; leaving no one behind, and global governance...

Breitbart: Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock Index Plunges 12.4% As Investors Dump A Wide Range Of Shares – Monday’s decline was the second largest percentage loss in a single day and the largest ever loss in terms of points.

Wall Street Journal: Is This 1987 All Over Again, So What’s Driving the Market Meltdown? – Financial markets are supposed to capture the wisdom of the crowd, but on Monday the crowd ran in all directions.- The selloff was triggered by Friday’s jobs data prompting a sudden switch in the economic narrative from soft landing to hard landing. News that Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway had sold half its Apple shares and boosted its cash pile added to the pain…

Jordan Schachtel: Black Monday Is Brought To You By Bidenomics, Japan, and The Kamala Factor – Why is your portfolio crashing? Here are some answers. – The $20 trillion Carry Trade reversal carries perhaps the most significant weight. – Some Wall Street analysts say The Fed didn’t act quickly enough to hike rates, and likewise, didn’t act quickly enough to lower rates. – And when sentiment is bearish, markets suddenly stomach the possibility that a braindead, anti-human progressive called Kamala Harris may assume the presidency.

New York Post: The stock market braces for a bloodbath as Dow and Nasdaq futures plunge following Japan meltdown, stoking fears of a US recession – The Tokyo-based Nikkei index suffered its worst single-day retreat since the infamous “Black Monday” crash of 1987 — closing 12.4% lower.

Trending Politics: Wall Street’s ‘Fear Index’ Rises To Startling High As Global Markets Crash – Wall Street’s primary index gauging volatility in the market has reached its highest level since Covid-19 shuttered the entire global economy, suggesting catastrophic times are ahead in the not-too-distant future.

The Daily Fetched: The State Department Gave Taliban $239 Million After A Vetting Procedures ‘Glitch’ – A July 2024 report from the government watchdog, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), identified at least 29 grants where the Taliban received funds that were supposed to be used for counterterrorism measures.

Real Clear Politics: Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and others in top agency leadership positions wanted to destroy the cocaine discovered in the White House last summer, but their Forensics Services Division and the Uniformed Division stood firm, rejecting the push to dispose of the evidence. – Multiple heated confrontations and disagreements over how best to handle the cocaine ensued after a Secret Services Uniformed Division officer found the bag on July 2, 2023…

Victor Davis Hanson: How Trump Can Win—or Lose—the Election – Moving forward, Donald Trump needs to focus his attack on the disastrous Biden governance of the last four years. He needs to make Harris own it and contrast it with 2017 through 2021 and what will follow in 2025.

Resist The Mainstream: Former military sniper Nick Irving has raised alarming questions about the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, pointing to what he describes as glaring security failures. – He also worries that another assassination is imminent, given the lack of concrete information from officials regarding what exactly happened, paired with zero known steps about how to prevent a new threat to the president’s life in the future.

American Thinker: The New Secret Service Director Is Worse Than The Old One – Senator Cruz, “I believe that Secret Service leadership made a political decision to deny requests for additional security.” Things got heated when he pressed acting director Rowe for answers…

American Thinker: Did Complacency Almost Get Donald Trump Killed? – Complacency is perhaps the most dangerous form of incompetence. – The calamity of errors on July 13th is so unimaginable, that it has invited speculation of deep state conspiracies from the “Epstein didn’t hang himself” crowd. Given our government’s behavior over the past 10 years, who can blame them?

New York Post: Chinese-made humanoid robots raise alarms in Congress of a possible ‘stealth army on our land.’ – Advanced Chinese-made robots with eerily lifelike capabilities are poised to enter the global market so some US lawmakers are demanding that they be banned in the US. – Various Chinese companies are producing humanoid robots capable of carrying boxes, moving at high speeds and even replicating human facial expressions.

Townhall: We Investigated a ‘Trans Kids’ Camp And Look Who’s Funding It. – The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, doing business as “Supporting and Mentoring Young Advocates and Leaders,” is a 501(c)(3) non-profit headquartered in the heart of Washington, D.C. – Tens of thousands of tax dollars, earmarked for ending gun violence in the nation’s crime-infested capital, were instead squandered on socially programming children as young as six-years-old to identify as “transgender” and even took steps towards “transitioning” them.

CFact: Recent setbacks in the fortunes of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing have not kept a bloc of deep-pocketed financial institutions from adopting policies fundamentally at odds with farmers’ ability to grow food, a coalition of state agricultural officials said in a Jan. 29 letter to six big banks. – The banks – Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo – are part of the U.N.-sponsored Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA).

August 4, 2024

Breitbart: Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned G7 leaders that Iran and Hezbollah could launch an attack on Israel within the next 24-48 hours. – Three people who were given the information say Blinken believes Iran and Hezbollah will retaliate in response to the deaths of Hamas’s political chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah’s second-in-command, Fuad Shukr.

American Spectator: Iran’s Khamenei Threatens Israel … and the West – Iran has learned that Israel’s and the US’s air defense systems can be overwhelmed, so Khameni’s new threats must be taken seriously.

Resist The Mainstream: The Vicious ‘Muslim Patrol’ Hunts White Brits Down – Journalist Andy Ngo has been at the forefront of the reporting on this “Muslim patrol,” and has documented instances of violence against native Britons accused of standing up against the immigrant wave.

Epoch Times: Trump Proposes A Debate Against Harris on Fox News But She Declines – Trump said that because Biden has dropped out of the race, their prior arrangement for a Sept. 10 debate on ABC no longer holds. – Harris responded by saying that she’ll be there on September 10th, as he agreed to previously.

Conservative Brief: Tesla CEO and X head honcho Elon Musk has decided to work hard to elect former President Donald Trump in a variety of ways. – In the most recent example of his efforts his Super-PAC is spending millions to collect voter data in crucial swing states.

American Spectator: Ranked-Choice Voting by Subterfuge – RCV disenfranchises voters and confuses election officials, so its supporters are desperately hiding these facts from the public. – RCV’s ability to upend would-be winners by trashing ballots is precisely why partisan elites have invested so much money in rewriting distant states’ election laws…

American Greatness: The Trump Assassination Attempt and the Kennedy Connection – Trump made a lot of enemies in government just as Kennedy had by trying to reform many of the same systems and angering many of the same moneyed interests. – It is not unreasonable to assume that the organized left operation that runs the federal government from the shadows of Washington, D.C. would be desperate enough to recruit an Oswald-like patsy to kill him and make sure he had the opportunity to do it..

The Daily Fetched: The Secret Service Mysteriously DELETED ALL Radio Recordings after The Trump Assassination Attempt – This is just another bizarre addition to the growing number of security lapses during the rally. – We still don’t know why the Secret Service would allow attempted assassin Mathew Crooks to fire off eight shots at President Trump before he was taken out.

American Thinker: The Coming Terrorist Attacks – Actual terrorist attacks are coming, while we are governed by America-hating useful idiots. – Iran and their Islamist terrorist proxies, consider America the “great Satan,” and Israel the “little Satan.” – They hate and want to murder us no less than they do Israel and the Jews. – We’re just less accessible, so they have sent terrorists, likely thousands, across our wide-open borders…

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Sunday that soldiers had uncovered a massive smuggling tunnel underneath the border between Gaza and Egypt in the area of Rafah, where the U.S. had cautioned Israel not to go. – The IDF vows to thoroughly destroy all the underground infrastructure on the Philadelphi Corridor and will act with determination to prevent their formation in the future.

Breitbart: Republican VP candidate Senator JD Vance said the Biden-Harris administration only backtracked on a plea deal for Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that killed thousands of Americans, after realizing it was a “political disaster.” – The plea deal took the death sentence off the table in exchange for guilty pleas to lesser charges and life in prison by Mohammed and his accomplices.

National Review: ‘Fact-Checkers’ for Harris Cover Up Her Inconvenient Record – The easiest job in American politics must be serving as a communications staffer for Democratic politicians because the media do your job for you every day. – In explaining its “mostly false” rating for Trump’s remarks on July 24, PolitiFact argues, “The Trump campaign points to statements by Harris in 2020 — not in 2024.” That was then. This is now!

Breitbart: England on the Brink – British Prime Minister Sir Kier Starmer has vowed that police have his full support in taking on “extremists” as anti-mass migration protests and riots have broken out across the United Kingdom following the mass stabbing at a children’s dance party

American Thinker: The Stranglehold of Censorship – With Artificial Intelligence we have finally arrived in a world of 24/7 censorship, a place where thought itself can be molded, and whole societies can be pushed or pulled like taffy in any direction or shape desired. If you doubt that this is occurring it is only because you are unaware of this influence, not because it doesn’t exist.

American Thinker: The Absolute, Extreme, Extraordinary, Weirdness Of The Left – What’s weird is men in women’s clothing, sometimes with mustaches, being placed in high positions in our government. – What’s weird is allowing children to access illustrated sexually explicit how-to books in school classrooms and libraries with emphases on gay sex. Mostly with young boys, and the list goes on…

Zero Hedge: The IRS Makes It Easier For Cash-Strapped Americans To Raid 401k, IRA Accounts – The new rules bring to life one of the provisions of the SECURE Act 2.0, a law passed at the end of 2022 that made many tweaks to retirement plans. With this one, retirement account owners can withdraw up to $1,000 for “emergencies,” and the IRS isn’t tightly defining that word.

August 3, 2024

Conservative Brief: Trump Scores Massive Victory From Supreme Court In The January 6 Case – On Friday, the court sent the case back to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to continue proceedings, which effectively vacated U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan’s decision that denied immunity.

Conservative Brief: Vets Are Furious After A Watchdog Group Reveals The Enormous Funds Being Sent To the Taliban – The group discovered that, via the United Nations, more than $3.8 billion in U.S. tax dollars have been sent into the nation.

Zero Hedge: Hezbollah in the overnight hours has launched dozens of rockets toward the Beit Hillel settlement in northern Israel, possibly over 50, triggering Israel’s Iron Dome anti-air defense system. – The sky has been lighting up over northern Galilee Sunday morning with the intercepts, as several social media videos show.

American Spectator: Working-Class Whites Are Anxiously Losing Ground – A Harvard study shows racial gaps shrinking, but confirms that the white working class is being left behind. – Working-class Trump supporters understand the current economic realities of the country much better than the mainstream media. – Black individuals who were born poor have gained ground while their white counterparts have lost ground…

Slay News: Claims That ‘Carbon Emissions’ Cause ‘Global Warming’ Are False – A comprehensive new study details a stochastic assessment determination of the sequencing of CO2 variations versus temperature variations since the 1950s, over the last 2,000 years (the Common Era), and throughout the last 541 million years. – The unimpeachable conclusion is that the causality direction – with the understanding that causes lead and effects lag – clearly shows the temperature changes lead and CO2 changes lag on yearly, decadal, and centennial/millennial scales.

The Center Square: Shoplifting rose 24% this year, with no end in sight – Several major stores, including CVS, Macy’s, Target, Walmart, and others have cited shoplifting when they closed down urban locations. – California has been the center of the shoplifting spree. – Shoplifting further drives up prices for Americans as stores have to make up for the lost inventory by increasing prices. But prices have already soared over 20% since President Joe Biden took office.

Western Journal: Embattled Olympic Boxer Imane Khelif Beats Another Female Opponent, Says ‘I Am a Woman’ Amid Gender Test Failure – Last year, Khelif was banned from fighting as a woman by the International Boxing Association because of the presence of an X and Y chromosome, hallmarks of being male.

Fox News: Trump agrees to debate Kamala Harris on Fox News – The Trump-Kamala debate will be held on September 4th in Pennsylvania – The moderators of the debate will be Fox News anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. – The debate rules will be similar to the rules of the June 27 CNN debate against Biden.

The Daily Fetched: Dan Bongino Reacts to A STUNNING Revelation Regarding The Trump Assassination Attempt – ‘How the Hell Do You Miss This?’ – “It is implausible” that Secret Service agents missed intercepting the gunman according to newly emerged cell phone footage of the man on the roof.”…

Townhall: As Time Passes, It Is Becoming Clearer That There Is A Cover-Up – The Recent Secret Service Presser Reveals More Damning Updates on Trump Assassination Attempt – Senator Mike Lee was among several Republican lawmakers who reacted to acting U.S. Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe’s press conference Friday when he said, “It is clear that the American people still have not been given the full story.”

The Vigilant Fox: Elon Musk Reveals 7 Reasons Why He’s Voting for Donald Trump – His list is pretty convincing. – 1. When Trump fist-pumped and shouted, “Fight!” shortly after getting shot in the ear. – 2. Musk seeks a leader “who is strong and courageous to represent the country.” – 3. He wants someone tough to deal with world leaders who are pretty tough themselves. – 4. Musk wants “a secure border as we don’t have a secure border.”…


American Thinker: The Establishment Ensures That Gaslighting Paves The Way To Marxism – Are you ready for three months of leftist rumors, innuendos, and gaslighting? The left knows that repeating horrendous falsehoods is how the gullible public accepts lies at face value. – Nazi Joseph Goebbels often comes to mind as the propaganda minister was an expert at understanding the principle of selling lies by continuing to repeat them…

FAR: Arctic Sea Ice Soars To Its Highest Level In 21 Years –  Last December, the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) revealed that sea ice recorded its third-highest monthly gain in the modern 45-year record.

Powerline: The Week in Pictures, Weird Edition – An instance of art imitating life in the Democrat Party, as the party of Dr. Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton, wants us to believe that J.D. Vance is the “weird” one.

August 2, 2024

Newsweek: Lloyd Austin Reverses Plea Deals for 9/11 Defendants Amid Backlash – In a memorandum released by the Pentagon Friday night, Austin informed Brigadier General Susan Escallier, the military official who signed off on the plea deals, that he was seizing control of the case and rescinding the agreements.

The American Mind: Attacking the Supreme Court – Delegitimization of the justice system is a key step toward progressive domination. – Last week, President Joe Biden proposed an 18-year term limit along with a new ethics code for Supreme Court justices. Additionally, repeal of the Court’s presidential immunity decision and Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris promptly agreed...

Western Journal: Donald Trump Droped An 8-Word Bomb After The Transgender Olympic Boxer Left His Female Opponent Brutalized – “I WILL KEEP MEN OUT OF WOMEN’S SPORTS!”

Epoch Times: Demand for household goods is at the same level seen during the financial crisis of 2008–09, the CEO of furniture and home goods company Wayfair said, as the firm continues to face challenges amid ongoing “macro headwinds.” – The Boston-headquartered company saw declines across the board in its fiscal second quarter, reporting a $42 million loss in the second quarter that ended June 30.

American Conservative: Why Middle-Class Americans Are Praying for a Trump Return – Only one candidate has promised to address America’s fundamental problems. – An important problem that often goes unnoticed is how the breakdown of family units is being facilitated by the state, in my case, the liberal uni party state of California. – The border crisis has played a huge role in the drug epidemic. It has not only led to increased rent, soaring house prices, and fewer jobs, but it has also enabled human trafficking and drug smuggling.

American Spectator: France Shows the World How to Ruin the Olympics – Consider these two images. First, the blasphemous inauguration with transvestites mocking the Last Supper. – Then there is the Italian boxer Angela Carini crying after receiving a brutal beating in 46 seconds at the hands of a boxer recognized as “intersex,” that is, being born with female genitalia but with XY chromosomes and in tests showing male testosterone levels.

Epoch Times: Breaking News, Kamala Harris Secures Enough Votes to Become The Democrat’s Presidential Nominee, The DNC Chair Says – The official delegate voting process will continue until Aug. 5, although Harris has met the threshold for nomination. – The DNC began its early virtual roll call of delegates at 9 a.m. on August 1 to nominate its candidate in time to meet ballot certification deadlines in multiple states that occur later this month.

Breitbart: Disaster: A Recent Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research Poll Finds That Few Americans Trust the Secret Service After Trump Assassination Attempt – Only around 30% of Americans are extremely or very confident the Secret Service can keep the presidential candidates safe. – The survey also found some 70% of Americans think the Secret Service bears at least a moderate amount of responsibility for the assassination attempt…

The Daily Fetched: A whistleblower said that Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe personally directed cuts to the Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), hindering the threat assessment team’s ability to perform essential security tasks in preparation for former President Donald Trump‘s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. – The news comes just days after Rowe and FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate testified before Congress over the state of their investigation into Trump’s assassination attempt.

Slay Magazine: Donald Trump has paid special tribute to the person who produced the chart that caused him to turn his head away from a would-be assassin’s bullet. – During his rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this week, Trump called the unnamed woman a “computer genius” and invited her on stage. – It was the first time Trump had held a rally in Pennsylvania since the failed assassination attempt last month.

Just The News: The Secret Service developed intelligence that there was a “high potential for violence” before the Jan. 6 Capitol riot but failed to share that information with its agents guarding Donald Trump, Mike Pence, or Kamala Harris that fateful day, according to a bombshell report delivered to Congress on Thursday that exposed a fresh round of failures by the presidential protection agency.

The Daily Fetched: J.D. Vance Flips The Tables on A Race-Baiting CNN Reporter – A CNN reporter asked Vance about the exchange between Trump and ABC reporter Rachel Scott who suggested Trump was an irredeemable racist. – “Look, all he said is that Kamala Harris is a chameleon. – “She was raised in Canada, she puts on a fake Southern accent.” – “She is everything to everybody and she pretends to be somebody different depending on which audience she’s in front of,” he said.

John Daniel Davidson: The Biden Administration’s Prisoner Swap With Russia Was Ridiculously Lopsided – It’s good news that three Americans have been released, but to achieve that the U.S. had to release actual Russian assassins and spies. – Among the Russians released from Western prisons, for example, was Vadim Krasikov, a Russian assassin who in 2019 killed a Chechen separatist commander in broad daylight in a park in central Berlin…

Breitbart: Disaster: U.S. Economy Added Just 114,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment Jumped To 4.3% – Economists had been expecting 180,000 jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.1 percent.

Zero Hedge: The private debt crisis is becoming apparent in America – Car repossessions jumped 23% during the first half of 2024. – Data shows that 1.6 million Americans will have their car repossessed by the bank before the end of the year, a slight increase from the 1.5 million autos repossessed in 2023 and a drastic upturn from the 1.1 million in 2021.

Zero Hedge: The Financial Strain On American Households Has Hit Retailers Hard – American consumers, increasingly overextended on credit card debt, and having depleted their pandemic-accumulated savings, have started to close their wallets to all but essential, non-discretionary purchases such as food and fuel. – This is in part a consequence of inflation and the rising interest rates used to combat it.

Trending Politics: Trump Reveals Surprising Phone Call With Zuckerberg And What He Said About The 2024 Election – Trump says Zuckerberg called him after the assassination attempt, said he isn’t going to support a Democrat, and apologized for Facebook and Instagram censoring the iconic photos of him with his fist raised.

Emerald Robinson: The FBI & CISA are telling you that “bad actors” will attack our voting systems, and these attacks will be successful so you won’t get timely election results. – CISA’s role is to supposedly safeguard our election systems so that the American public has access to election results. – Instead, CISA is sending out bulletins that it has already failed.

Epoch Times: The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Has Blocked The FCC’s Reinstatement of Net Neutrality Rules for Broadband Internet – The court found that several broadband companies will likely succeed in a legal challenge against reinstating the FCC rules that would classify broadband internet providers as common carriers and subject them to heightened regulatory requirements. – The court said, ‘Net neutrality is likely a major question requiring clear congressional authorization.’

Breitbart: Disaster: Chevron plans to relocate its headquarters from California to Texas, joining a growing list of companies bound for the Lone Star State citing excessive regulation as the reason for their departure. – The second-biggest U.S. oil company said Friday it would leave the state where it has been a fixture for almost 150 years following clashes with authorities over climate policies and penalties it has said render California “closed for business.”

The Heritage Foundation: Wind Turbines Are Not Green Nor Are They Reliable – 1. For every megawatt of power capacity, a natural gas power plant requires about 1 ton of critical minerals, while…onshore wind plants require 11 tons. – 2. Because the wind does not always blow, these turbines run at maximum power only about 35% of the time, which is very low compared with nuclear power plants…

Trending Politics: A second biological male boxer competing in the Paris Olympics female division decimated their opponent in the opening rounds of the match, reigniting widespread criticism of the event’s handling of transgender athletes one day after a similar boxing match incident.

August 1, 2024

Real Clear Politics: Senator Ron Johnson On The Assassination Attempt – “I Completely Understand The Suspicion That’s Out There, And It’s A Legitimate Suspicion” – During a recent guest appearance on SiriusXM’s ‘The Wilkow Majority’ he discussed people’s concerns about the lack of security for President Trump in Pennsylvania and whether the federal government will properly investigate what happened, exactly.

Daily Caller: Acting Secret Service Chief ‘Retaliated Against’ Agents Who Had Security Concerns At Trump Event, Whistleblower Claims – The whistleblower alleged that Rowe personally implemented “significant cuts” to the Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), which does advanced threat assessments for venues, and alleged that agents who expressed security concerns were “retaliated against”

Foundation For Freedom Online: The federal government is sending billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to four of the big six global advertising agencies, which include some of the leading architects of online censorship. – These multinational corporations have spent much of the last decade demanding online censorship of supposed “hate speech,” “disinformation,” and “harmful content” on social media platforms, all while being paid by U.S. taxpayers, who overwhelmingly support free speech.

Daily Caller: Within a fundraising update for July, Trump’s campaign stated they’ve pulled in a total of $138.7 million, thus providing a cash-on-hand total of $327 million. – The new numbers come after Trump was confirmed as the GOP’s presidential nominee at the Republican National Committee in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and notably after the failed assassination attempt against him in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Epoch Times: Israel Says It Killed Hamas Commander Mohammed Deif Via An Air Strike – Mohammed Deif was a top Hamas leader and is believed to have played a key role in directing the Oct. 7, 2023, attacks. – Hamas had previously denied that Deif was killed in the July 13 strike and has yet to comment publicly on the latest Israeli claims…

Zero Hedge: A video has emerged of wannabe assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks running across the infamous sloped rooftop from which he would subsequently try to kill Donald Trump while the former President was speaking. – Rather than army crawling, Crooks can be seen standing straight up and running across the top of the American Glass Research (AGR) building.

Slay Magazine: Trump Shreds A ‘Fake News’ Reporter During a Live Interview, And The Mostly Black Crowd Goes Wild After He Politely Puts Her Down – Without introducing the 45th president to the audience, Scott unloaded on Trump with a long-winded attack filled with false claims, starting with accusing Trump of lying and attacking the black community. – Trump then went on to explain the many things he has done for the black community…

Slay Magazine: Trump Vows to Eliminate Taxes on Social Security – Trump announced the plan on Wednesday, to a flood of support. – “SENIORS SHOULD NOT PAY TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY!,” Trump declared.

Townhall: Despite ongoing claims by Iran that Hamas Chief Political Officer, Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated by an Israeli Missile Strike, U.S. and Middle Eastern Officials are now reporting he was Killed by a Remote-Triggered Explosive Device that was Smuggled into the IRGC Guesthouse several months before the Assassination – The device was similar to the Remote-Triggered Machine Gun that was used by Mossad in 2020 that Killed the Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

American Conservative: The Ukrainian War Effort Is Going Nowhere Fast – Kyiv is suffering badly. Its manpower losses have been much greater than reported. A Ukrainian legislator admitted that his government “vastly downplayed the war’s true toll.” – The U.S. and Europe must wrap up their dangerous proxy war as soon as possible.

American Thinker: Putin just released American prisoners to help Harris’s campaign – Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former US Marine Paul Whelen, both of whom have been languishing in Russian prisons for years on trumped-up espionage charges, have been released. – Additionally, a host of Russians imprisoned in the U.S. are no longer in the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons database…

Breitbart: JD Vance Rips 9/11 Plea Deal: ‘Need a President Who Kills Terrorists, Not Negotiates with Them’ – “In exchange for removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment, these three Accused have agreed to plead guilty to all of the charged offenses, including the murder of the 2,976 people listed in the charge sheet,” said a letter that chief OMC prosecutor Rear Adm. Aaron C. Rugh signed, addressed to the September 11 victims’ families. – The letter upset many loved ones of the innocent Americans who perished at the hands of al-Qaeda, as well as Vance, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran.

Resist The Mainstream: Jack Posobiec Unearths Alleged Coverup by One of Harris’s VP Pick Frontrunners – Posobiec shared that a woman was “stabbed 20 times” back in 2011, “including twice while dead.” – “[The] coroner ruled it a homicide, then changed it to suicide.” – “This week, the PA Supreme Court announced it will investigate why Then-Attorney General Josh Shapiro upheld the lie,” noting more information was “to come.”

Just The Facts: The Federal Fiscal Burden Consumes 93% of America’s Wealth – The federal government has amassed $142 trillion in debts, liabilities, and unfunded obligations. – This staggering figure equals 93% of all the wealth Americans have accumulated since the nation’s founding, estimated by the Federal Reserve to be $152 trillion.

Victor Davis Hanson: Harris Is Recycling the 2020 Democrat Campaign – Kamala Harris will struggle to replicate Joe Biden’s 2020 election strategy in 2024 due to her inability to project a moderate image and her radical political history. – Without the excuse of COVID, Harris certainly will not agree to unscripted, ad hoc interviews with non-partisan journalists. – She is unable to speak extemporaneously and off the teleprompter without appearing childish, so her handlers will ensure few opportunities for Harris to burst into cackling or to stream her puerile musings about yellow school buses or kindergarten geography.

Breitbart: ‘I Have Never Been Hit So Hard in My Life’- An Italian Female Boxer Lasted Just 46 Seconds Against A Transgender Fighter Who Failed Gender Test – Twenty-five-year-old Imane Khelif was cleared to compete as a woman at the 2024 Olympics, even after being disqualified from the International Boxing Association (IBA) 2023 World Boxing Championships for failing gender-eligibility tests. – According to Reuters, Khalif was found to have elevated levels of testosterone

New York Post: Elon Musk And Riley Gaines speak out on Imane Khelif-Angela Carini Olympics boxing controversy – Carini’s coach, Emanuele Renzini, said she was warned by many not to fight the 25-year-old Khelif, who was disqualified from the 2023 World Championships due to failed gender eligibility tests. – “Many people in Italy tried to call and tell her: ‘Don’t go please: it’s a man, it’s dangerous for you,” Renzini told reporters.

Resist The Mainstream: A volleyball player who was left partially paralyzed after competing with a man who identified as a woman is condemning the Olympics after a female boxer was forced to quit her match against a man who also identified as a woman. – At 17, Payton McNabb was hit in the face after her transgendered opponent spiked the ball in her face, causing her to lose consciousness. 

The Center Square: The Biden administration’s Title IX rule is blocked in four more states, bringing the total to 26 – Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina are the latest states where the Department of Education cannot implement the updated rules that expanded federal sex discrimination protections to cover gender identity and pregnancy.

Zero Hedge: 70% Of Students ‘Believe Speech Can Be As Damaging As Physical Violence’- A new Knight Foundation-Ipsos study shows a decline in students’ views concerning the state of free speech on college campuses. – Only about half of students believe colleges should “allow students to be exposed to all types of speech even if they may find it offensive or biased.” — That percentage has decreased from 78 percent in 2016.

July 31, 2024

Jordan Schachtel: The Biden-Harris Administration agrees to let the 9/11 plotters live after striking a plea deal. – This is an unbelievable betrayal. – The pre-9-11-01 era was such a peaceful time compared to today. – Those good times left the American people so caught off guard regarding the ideology that inspired the likes of Osama bin Laden and his allies…

Issues & Insights: Is Hamas a legitimate political party, or a terrorist organization? – It’s important because much of U.S. policy depends on the answer. – American voters have a resounding response: By nearly eight to one, they say Hamas is a terrorist group, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

Vigilant News: It Only Took One Day to Debunk This Secret Service Phony Narrative – Today, an explosive video reveals a person running on the roof in plain sight minutes before Crooks opened fire. – “Shooter, no elbows, you barely make out the crown of his head,” Rowe testified. – This newly-surfaced video shows someone moving straight up, making it hard to understand why snipers didn’t spot him.

Vigilant News: New Shocking Footage Shows Someone (Crooks?) Running on the Roof Moments Before Trump Was Shot – The video was filmed by James Copenhaver, who got shot twice and was critically wounded.

Fox News: Trump assassination attempt – Iran threat prompts questions about gunman’s un-cracked encryption – Thomas Matthew Crooks’ encrypted communications remain inaccessible to FBI investigators.

Western Journal: Bombshell New Footage Reportedly Shows Trump Shooter Was Visible From Stage, Running Across Roof – The figure is very small in the video, making it difficult to identify if the figure is Thomas Matthew Crooks, who tried to assassinate Trump from the roof of an American Glass Research Building in Butler, Pennsylvania. – However, no other individuals were reported on the roof at the time the video was taken.

Epoch Times: The Biden Administration Announces New Rules That Will Make Millions More Eligible for Student Debt Relief. – If finalized, the proposed rules would bring the total number of borrowers eligible for debt forgiveness to more than 30 million. – The DOE said that if the rules are approved, the proposed relief would automatically apply to eligible borrowers.

The Daily Signal: Biden’s Illegal Title IX Rule Is Set for Enforcement – This year will bring one massive change to schools and colleges across the country. On Aug. 1, President Joe Biden’s Department of Education is set to enforce its massive rewrite of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972—the simple, 37-word statute that bars sex discrimination in any federally funded education program.

Dov Fischer via American Spectator:  Millions of Jews Agree With Trump’s Criticisms of the ‘Crappy’ Ones – We just say it nicer, and rabbis like me have been publishing it for years. – President Trump is 100 percent correct when he says that a Jewish voter who now votes blindly Democrat, just by course of habit and not by carefully comparing the Trump record with the Obama and Biden records, needs to have his head examined.

American Spectator: Online Readers Wallow in Misinformation – From Too Many Gatekeepers to Too Few, As Online Mockery Hinges On Fabrication – Something is amiss, big time. – The Vance example serves as a reminder of the dangers of a world without editors, but also of the reality that many people just don’t care if the misinformation they are enjoying is untrue. – Whatever one’s views of Vance, he really shouldn’t be subject to salacious hoaxes…

Epoch Times: U.S. District Judge Peter G. Sheridan Strikes Down New Jersey’s AR-15 Prohibition and Upholds The Ban on Large Capacity Magazines – The ban on AR-15s cannot stand because it is inconsistent with America’s historical tradition of gun regulation, Judge Sheridan wrote….

The New York Times: As War Gets Bleaker, More Ukrainians Appear Open to a Peace Deal – Most Ukrainians still oppose ceding any territory to Russia, b But polls and recent remarks by the country’s leaders highlight a palpable shift in the conversation around peace talks.

Fox News: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran, Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard announced Wednesday, but nobody immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. – Israel was immediately blamed for the assassination after pledging to kill Haniyeh and other Hamas leaders over the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack on the Jewish State.

Breitbart: Hamas terror organization political chief Ismail Haniyeh, who was reportedly killed early Wednesday, had called on Muslim leaders worldwide to “hold on” to the October 7 “victory” and “build upon it.” – He also appealed for monetary support for Gaza — which he described as “financial Jihad” — while declaring “the time has come for the Jihad of the swords.”

Russia Overnight Launched The Single Biggest Drone Attack On Kyiv Since War’s Start – The major new assault appears retaliation and ‘punishment’ from Moscow for a Ukraine cross-border operation that happened Sunday, reportedly resulting in damage to two Tu-22M3 bomber planes parked at an airfield in Murmansk, in Russia’s far north.

Zero Hedge: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Tuesday overturned a lower court’s decision requiring Texas to relocate a 1,000-foot floating barrier in the Rio Grande, installed to prevent illegal border crossings. – The Fifth Circuit found that the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas had abused its discretion when it ordered Texas to relocate the buoys from the river last summer.

Fox News: Statistician Nate Silver released his first election model on Tuesday that considers the fact that Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democratic nominee. – Silver noted that although Harris is favored to win the popular vote, she is “a modest underdog to Trump in the Electoral College, risking a repeat of the popular vote-Electoral College split that cost Democrats the 2000 and 2016 elections.”

American Thinker: President Trump’s latest long interview this week on FOX News puts more of his thinking on the record – Subjects covered include, Kamala Harris, the assassination attempt, the Olympics, his legacy, and other topics were covered. – On whether he will debate Vice President Kamala Harris, “The answer is yes I’ll probably end up debating her and think the debate should take place before the votes start being cast.”

Breitbart: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe during a Senate hearing Tuesday refused to pinpoint who denied requests by former President Donald Trump’s security detail over the last two years. – Senator Ted Cruz asked Rowe about a July 20, 2024, Washington Post report alleging that “top officials of the U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional resources and personnel” sought by Trump’s detail in the past two years.

American Conservative: Donald Trump’s Narrow Window to Spread the Truth About Harris – A key factor in Trump’s favor is that Harris is a genuinely radical left candidate—more so than any of her competitors (who had soundly bested her in the polls before the 2020 voting started), more so even than Bernie Sanders, whom the party establishment united against in March of that year…

Breitbart: It’s official. Vice President Kamala Harris will be the only candidate on the DNC virtual roll-call ballot for president after her effortless rise to become the party’s standard-bearer. – Her unchallenged solo position comes after party elites successfully pushed President Joe Biden to one side and installed her unopposed as the presumptive candidate in the 2024 race for the White House.

National Review: The Kamala Harris Psyop – Her manufactured stardom is the final test for liberal groupthink. – She dropped out of the 2020 Democrat primary before a single vote could be cast for lack of support, pledged to sign the Green New Deal, encouraged donations to a bail-reform group that released violent criminals, including sex offenders, back onto the streets, and the list goes on…

Issues & Insights: – The NY Times manages to sabotage its Kamala Harris reporting with this line: “Video clips of her old statements and interviews are being weaponized as Republicans aim to define her as a left-wing radical who is out of step with swing voters.” – Seriously? Showing video clips of Harris when she last ran for president constitutes “weaponizing” them?

National Review: Kamala Harris Is a Threat to America, and She Can’t Disguise It – For Kamala Harris, the newly anointed one, there is no part of the American system or compact that’s not up for grabs. – She revealed everything you need to know about her regard for checks on executive power during a 2020 primary debate…

New York Post: The ‘Bidenbucks’ Plan Uses Native American School Children In Their Voter Registration Scheme – The Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Education is feverishly scheming to use students in bureau-operated Native American K-12 schools to carry voter registration cards home to their parents.

July 30, 2024

Epoch Times: Police Snipers Noticed Trump Shooter Nearly 2 Hours Before His Assassination Attempt, Texts Reveal – Police noticed Thomas Matthew Crooks acting suspiciously 1 hour and 45 minutes before he shot at former President Donald Trump. – Senator Chuck Grassley published several text messages sent by a counter-sniper of the Beaver County Sheriff’s Office indicating that he noticed Crooks acting suspiciously near the rally site at 4:26 PM…

Real Clear Investigations: Democrats vs. The Man Who Could Get to the Bottom of the Trump Shooting, DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari – He has already opened two investigations but some Republicans are concerned because, they say, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has stonewalled Cuffari on other internal examinations – including one that might have revealed Secret Service lapses that might have prevented the attempt on Trump’s life.

Sharyl Attkisson: Most voters say they think this year’s election could be impacted by cheating according to the latest Rasmussen Reports and Heartland Institute survey. – They found that 62% of likely voters say they are concerned that cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 election, including 37% who say they are “very concerned.”

American Thinker: The media’s focus on candidates shouldn’t obscure the real issues in this election – The media would have us believe that this race is between Kamala the Magnificent and Trump the Dishonest along with Vance the Weird. – The real issue is whether America reverts to the constitutional, traditional values norm or opts for economic and cultural Marxism.

Daily Signal: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe was directly involved in denying additional security resources and personnel, including counter snipers, to former President Donald Trump’s rallies and events—despite repeated requests by the agents assigned to Trump’s detail in the two years leading up to his July 13 attempted assassination – Rowe succeeded former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who resigned last week after bipartisan calls following her widely panned testimony before the House Oversight Committee.

Daily Signal: 6 Takeaways From The Senate Hearing on The Trump Assassination Attempt – ‘Cannot Defend Why That Roof Was Not Better Secured’ – The FBI’s Detailed Time Line – Cruz, Spokesperson ‘Lied on Behalf of the Secret Service’ – ‘No Explanation’ for Why Shooter’s Drone Worked and Secret Service’s Drone Had ‘Technical Difficulties’…

Slay Magazine: The notorious Venezuelan street gang, Tren de Aragua, has given its illegal alien members in America the “green light” to murder cops, federal authorities have warned. – The shocking threat was revealed in a bulletin by the Colorado Information Analysis Center. – The notice warns that a police department in New Mexico has received information from federal partners that members have been ordered to attack police officers in Denver.

Daily Signal: The Miller House Bill Would Codify Sex as Male and Female, Not Gender Identity or Expression – “To prevent further efforts to undermine the long-standing meaning and understanding of sex—male, female, and related terms—Congress must reaffirm and codify the meaning of these terms.”

Slay Magazine: Georgia Democrats Warm to Ditching Voting Machines: ‘Bad Guys’ Are ‘Interfering with Them’- Georgia Democrats are now backing calls from the state’s Republicans to replace Dominion Voting Systems machines with paper ballots. – The bi-partisan push is a rare example of agreement since the 2020 election deepened partisan divisions on how America should vote.

Just The News: Kari Lake wins Republican nomination for Arizona Senate, and will face Democrat Gallego in the fall. – Republicans are hoping to flip the vulnerable Senate seat after Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema announced she would not seek reelection.

Celia Farber: Venezuela Is In A Full-Scale Counter-Communist Uprising – Maduro Banners Set On Fire And Chavez Statues Toppled As Protesters Breach Barricades To Maduro’s Home – Maduro Has Activated Military Crackdown – Anthony Blinken Is “Concerned” About Venezuela’s Election Results Which Is Said To Be WORST Election Fraud In History.

Zero Hedge: Despite a recent influx of more Western weapons, including some of the first US-made F-16 fighter jets having been delivered in Kyiv, Russian forces have made significant gains in the Donbas, specifically in the region west of Avidiivka, several media outlets have reported. – Currently, Ukrainian troops are being encircled in the Pokrovsk direction, war maps show.

Courageous Discourse: Cops Were Around The Building With Weapons Drawn Two Minutes The Before Shooting – A New Video Shows Police Knew Of A Clear And Present Danger Long Before Shots Were Fired. – 1). Did the local police detail TRY to alert the Secret Service to get Trump off stage or at least to hit the deck? – 2). If so, were local police not provided access to the radio channel used by the Secret Service at the event?…

Epoch Times: The New Secret Service Director Announces Changes In The Wake of Trump Assassination Attempt – Acting Director Ronald Rowe Jr. said that he traveled to the site of the July 13 rally in Butler, PA, where former president Trump was shot by a man who fired from the roof of the nearby AGR building. – “What I saw made me ashamed”…

Conservative Brief: The Secret Service Delayed Trump’s Nashville Speech After Another Major Security Lapse – Two credentialed and screened attendees were removed from the venue for not following proper entry protocols. – It was later determined that there was no protective interest with these individuals and there was never a threat to the former president.

Western Journal: A Furious Secret Service Sniper Demands 4 More Resignations And Expects Another Assassination Attempt Soon – He will continue to call out the Secret Service failures on that day until “5 high-level supervisors (Cheatle equals 1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions.” He said snipers who worked the Trump rally on July 13 “DID THEIR JOB with their hands tied.”

The Center Square: Former President Donald Trump blasted Facebook and Google Tuesday after Facebook admitted it had censored photos of Trump’s assassination attempt, images widely seen as a major moment and rallying point for the Trump campaign. – Also, users on X, formerly known as Twitter, began posting online this week that Google searches for Trump’s assassination, including the photo, were not being autocompleted like other searches.

Front Page Magazine: Israel Takes Out The Top Hezbollah Terrorist Behind US Marine Barracks Bombing – The Marines lost more people that day than at any time since Iwo Jima and the number of Americans murdered that day by a terrorist group was a record that would stand until September 11. – They did the job Biden wouldn’t do.

American Thinker: The Democrat Party, Controlled By The Obama-Led Marxist Faction, Is the Greatest Threat to America. – Barack Obama and his henchmen deliberately fanned the flames of race and identity politics to further divide the citizenry and, used their Marxist foot soldiers to foment riots in a calculated Nazi-inspired tactic of further intimidating and marginalizing the “old guard” hierarchy of the party.

The Center Square: The FEC Complaint States The Biden-Harris Campaign Committed An ‘Unprecedented Violation’ of the Law – When Biden announced he would not seek re-election, weeks before being nominated at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, his campaign war chest of $96 million was transferred to Kamala Harris after a name change on FEC paperwork.

Zero Hedge: A recent Rasmussen poll has found that a majority of Americans want Joe Biden to resign the presidency with immediate effect. – The poll reveals that 52 percent of Americans also believe that Biden is not capable of finishing his term and needs to go now, even though that would mean a President Kamala.

American Thinker: The Olympic committee bans Israel’s yellow ribbons but approves Hamas propaganda – First, there shouldn’t be a “Palestinian” delegation because there is no Palestinian nation. – Second, there are no “Palestinian” people. – Nevertheless, the IOC decided to allow these so-called “Palestinian” people to send a delegation to the 2024 Olympics. – Bombs dropped over a sunny sky as children played football, the powerful reference on the shirt worn by Palestine’s flag-bearer Waseem Abu Sal…

Western Journal: Numerous Are Athletes Fleeing The Olympic Village For Hotels As Woke Virtue Signaling Creates Nightmare Conditions – Geothermal cooling that doesn’t work, instead of traditional air conditioning. – Busses that feel like saunas. – Dreadful plant-based food offerings and the list goes on…

Slay Magazine: Two male boxers have been cleared to fight against women at the 2024 Paris Olympics, despite previously failing gender tests. – Imane Khelif, of Algeria, and Lin Yu-Ting, of Taiwan, were previously banned from the world championships after it emerged they were trying to hide their male gender to compete as female.

Trending Politics: Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced on Tuesday that he has obtained a court order that will force the current administration to take congressionally appropriated cash and use it to finish the border wall that was started by former President Donald Trump to prevent illegal immigrants from flooding into the United States. 

American Conservative: Secure the Mexican Border by Using Section 212(f) – Applying Section 212(f) of U.S. immigration law to suspend the legal movement of Mexicans into the U.S. is one of the president’s most effective tools to leverage border security cooperation. – Section 212(f) is a powerful presidential tool, enacted by Congress to allow the executive, for national security, to specifically link a disastrous international situation to the legal movement of a foreign population group.

American Thinker: Kamala-Gate, The Harris Deception That Doomed Dozens of January 6 defendants – Countless defendants had their sentences impacted for supposedly having breached Harris’s space. – Not until November 4, 2021, was it revealed that Harris was never “evacuated,” because she was not in the Capitol or on the Capitol grounds on January 6 at any time during the protest.

Western Journal: Top VP Contender North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper Withdraws from Kamala Harris’ Shortlist – “This just wasn’t the right time for North Carolina and for me to potentially be on a national ticket,” Cooper declared.

Lumen News: The UK’s High Court Rules The Order Protecting Children from Puberty Blockers Is Lawful – They upheld the Tory emergency order protecting minors from puberty blockers.” – The AAPS applauded the ruling noting that “Giving minors drugs that will interfere with their normal development and likely sterilize them is criminal.”

July 29, 2024

Western Journal: Biden Says Speaker Mike Johnson Is ‘Dead on Arrival’ After The GOP Leader Vows to Kill The Proposed SCOTUS Reform – Lame duck President Joe Biden lashed out at House Speaker Mike Johnson on Monday after Johnson indicated Biden’s plan to change the rules for appointing Supreme Court justices has no chance of passing the House…

American Spectator: ‘Our Coming Democracy’ Is on Display in Venezuela – You’ll be forgiven if you think users of the term in Maduroland and Kamalaland have much in common. – It was fairly readily apparent that the Maduro regime in Venezuela would not allow itself to be turned out of power. That party has been running sham elections for the bulk, if not the entirety, of this century as it has destroyed the rule of law…

Washington Free Beacon: Before She Was Border Czar, Kamala Misappropriated Millions in Federal Grants Meant To Combat Border Crimes – A DOJ audit from Harris’s district attorney days suggests she has long struggled with border issues. – A DOJ inspector general audit report found that none of the cases that Harris’s office filed for reimbursement were eligible under the program, so the city of San Francisco was forced to pay back the improper funding claims.

Jordon Schachtel: Congress gave Kamala Harris $42.5 billion to fix the internet, and then the money disappeared – President Biden stressed that he wanted to create “jobs connecting every American with high-speed Internet, including 35 percent of the rural America that still doesn’t have it.” – Instead of helping to build out American broadband access, Harris allocated her time and energy to internet DEI programs.

American Spectator: Kamala Harris and the Too-Late Solution – Not to spoil the vice president’s big Middle East plans, but the two-state solution will not happen. – Obama spent eight years pressuring Israel to give those Arab Muslims anything they asked for. They never had so pliable a White House. But they opted instead to keep going to war. They elected a lifelong Arab terrorist, Abu Mazen (also goes by Mahmoud Abbas), as head of the “Palestine Authority.”

American Spectator: Kamala’s Useful Idiots – Why are some conservatives trying to whitewash Harris’ record on crime? – The most that could be said of Harris’ past as an occasionally tough-on-crime prosecutor is that it was ideologically incoherent — characterized by the same finger-in-the-air political opportunism that Harris used to maneuver to the top of her party’s presidential ticket.

American Spectator: When Grandparents Are Called to Parent – One more reason the left is going after J.D. Vance. – The attacks on Vance and his family history have recently escalated as the left is now claiming that Vance is using his chaotic family situation to call for strengthening traditional families, at the expense of women.

Epoch Times: Biden Proposes to Reform The Supreme Court With Term Limits And Immunity Limits – According to a White House official, President Biden will call for Congress to back term limits for Supreme Court justices and a code of ethics enforceable by the legislative branch.

Zero Hedge: Sanctions Did Not Destroy Venezuela… Socialism Did! – Venezuela’s GDP plummeted by more than 55%, while the GDP for their region grew by 25% – The Puebla Group “supervising” elections is like Pablo Escobar overseeing the fight against drug trafficking. This infamous organization defends all communist murderous dictatorships and looks to the other side when human rights and freedom of expression are attacked in socialist regimes.

Geller Report: Major Election Fraud in Venezuela Elections – Today is a dark day for democracy in Latin America. – Nicolas Maduro has stolen another election from the Venezuelan people & the Biden-Harris admin helped him do it by fueling his power with sanctions relief & appeasement. – Maduro has now activated the Venezuelan military to block people from voting because the turnout for the opposition is HISTORIC!

Resist The Mainstream: January 6er John Strand, Freed After SCOTUS Ruling, Recounts His Horrific Time Behind Bars – He was placed in solitary confinement twice during his incarceration and blocked from access to his attorneys along with access to any information about what was going on and why it was happening to him…

Townhall: New Text Messages Reveal Another Troubling Update on Trump Assassination Attempt – An officer leaving after a shift change noticed a young man with long stringy hair sitting on a picnic table near the warehouse and at 4:26 p.m. texted his colleagues about the man… – Taken together, the text messages provide the most detailed picture yet of the hours before the assassination attempt. They reveal that the gunman, later identified as Thomas Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pa.

Blaze Media: Local law enforcement provided radios to the U.S. Secret Service for cross-agency coordination during the July 13 Donald J. Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, but the Secret Service never used them, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson said on July 28. – The communications problems before and during Trump’s appearance at the Butler Farm Show Inc. fairgrounds had fatal consequences, Johnson said.

Sharyl Attkisson: The Updated Timeline of The Trump Assassination Attempt – Former President Donald Trump’s security detail constantly complained they were not being given enough resources and personnel by the Secret Service. – Saturday, July 6: Suspected shooter Thomas Crooks is believed to have visited the Butler, Pennsylvania rally site. – Crooks conducts a Google search for “how far away was Oswald from Kennedy.” – Thursday, July 11: Gunman Thomas Crooks is identified as a person of interest…

Townhall: Is Google Trying to Bury the Trump Assassination Attempt? – It doesn’t show up in the autocomplete prompt on Google when you type ‘Trump assassination’ into the search bar. – Also, if you type ‘assassination attempt” into the Google search bar, it shows ten individuals but excludes Trump.

Breitbart: Democrat lawmakers are anxious about Kamala Harris’s ability to defeat former President Donald Trump on election day, just 99 days away. – As the “honeymoon” phase of the Harris campaign appears to be wearing off, unease is penetrating the Democrat party over Harris’s radical-left record, her lack of political capital in blue wall states, and the challenge she faces of campaigning on the Biden-Harris administration’s economy.

Hot Air: Kamala Is Segregating Her Supporters For Action, Literally – First there was “White Dudes for Harris,” then the “White Women for Harris” Zoom call. – They are calling J.D. Vance “weird,” and, to them, he is because he is quite normal…

The Vigilant Fox: Amazon Just Went Full-On 1984 – If you thought Google’s censorship was bad, wait till you learn what Amazon has done. – They just removed a 4-year-old book, titled “Kamala Harris & The Future of America, An Essay in Three Parts,” from their catalog. – The book was originally published in 2020 and censored in 2024 when Kamala was named the Democrat Presidential Candidate. The book goes over the life story and political background of a woman he considers to be the most dangerous potential US President in history.

Resist The Mainstream: Social media giant Meta is now censoring any images of the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. – Meta is one of many companies attempting to censor content related to the July 13 shooting where 20-year-old Matthew Thomas Crooks opened fire on a Trump rally held in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Dallas Ludlum: Exposing Democratic Lies and Misinformation About Project 2025 – The deliberate misrepresentation of Project 2025 by Democrats and their media allies is a calculated strategy to confuse and scare voters. – It is essential to recognize the distinction between Project 2025 and Trump’s Agenda 47 and to hold those spreading these lies accountable for their deliberate attempts to mislead the public.

Emerald Robinson: Democrats Must Rig Public Perception Of The 2024 Election First! – Are people dumb enough to believe that Kamala Harris is suddenly in a polling dead heat with Donald Trump? – And so it goes like this, Lie #1: It’s going to take days, and possibly even weeks, to count the 2024 election results. – Lie #2: J. D. Vance told a “cat lady” joke and so the American people switched from Trump to Kamala Harris. – Lie #3: Kamala Harris is in a dead heat with Donald Trump right now…

Western Journal: Michelle Obama Drops Celebrity-Packed Election Ad Just Days After Backing Kamala Harris – The cringeworthy ad, which was released Sunday, shows Obama pretending to call several friends, including Retired soccer player Megan Rapinoe, actress Kerry Washington, NBA stars Steph Curry and Chris Paul, TV producer Shonda Rhimes, country music singer Reyna Roberts, and to top things off, “Nonbinary” social media personality Bretman Rock

American Thinker: Mark Levin Had The Best Analysis Yet Of Kamala Harris – Levin’s unique value lies in bringing his vast knowledge of politics, the law, and the Constitution to bear on subjects he focuses on. He is also an excellent communicator – She’s a “Marxist” and a “totalitarian” as the FOX News host nailed it with a video compilation of her own words…

Dr. Rima E Laibow: Fair and Balanced, Here You Go! – Kamala Harris Presented in What We All Want, An Accurate Campaign Ad! – It MIGHT be a parody, but it looks pretty accurate to me!

Washington Free Beacon: Kamala Harris Touted The $5B Electric School Bus Program And Three Years Later, It’s Produced Just 60 Buses. – One of Kamala Harris’s highest-profile responsibilities as vice president has been spearheading the federal government’s billion-dollar efforts to deploy thousands of electric buses across hundreds of school districts nationwide. But years into the program, only a small fraction of those projects have been completed while dozens of school districts have withdrawn from the program altogether.

Washington Free Beacon: Meet Kamala Harris’s Radical Pastor – Harris and Brown, the longtime pastor of San Francisco’s Third Baptist Church, have known each other for nearly a quarter century, and the two have remained close throughout her vice presidency. – Less well known, however, is Brown’s history of radical, anti-American remarks that have elicited blowback even from San Francisco Democrats, including former House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Townhall: The Top Five Lies the Media Spread to Help Kamala Harris…So Far – They scrubbed her GovTrack page because it had evidence pointing to Harris’ leftist tendencies. – The first is her not being the “border czar,” even though every media outlet reported otherwise. – Another one is that Harris never supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund…

The Federalist: Targeting Law Professor Turley Again Proves NewsGuard Is A Powerful Scam – There is a fundamental problem with NewsGuard’s self-proclaimed unbiased ratings. – It flows from the secretive methodology it uses to select articles for review.

Center For Immigration Studies: Texas’s Operation Lone Star Shows that Deterrence Works – The New York Post reported earlier this month that DHS is flying illegal migrants apprehended in San Diego to Texas for supposed detention and removal because the department lacks holding space in California...

California Globe: Governor Gavin Newsom’s $20 Per Hour Fast-Food Minimum Wage Is Tanking the Industry – ‘Some have had to lay off staff completely, a prospect many had warned about when Newsom signed the bill into law. – A recent survey of 200 fast-food companies found that 89% of those eateries polled have already been forced to reduce scheduled hours for their employees, less than a year since it was passed…

July 28, 2024

Hot Air: The US Ordered The Evacuation of All Citizens in Lebanon – But they are on their own in getting out. – The US Embassy advised that amid heightened tension in the region, some airlines are adjusting their flight schedules in Lebanon…

Resist The Mainstream: A SWAT officer who was part of a local team assigned to former President Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania where he was shot said there was no contact between his team and the U.S. Secret Service who were assigned to Trump’s protection.  – The team from Beaver County said that his team was “supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service members whenever they arrived, and that never happened.”

Trending Politics: A new report from veteran journalist Seymour Hersch indicates that former President Barack Obama conspired with top Democrats to threaten President Biden with invoking the 25th Amendment if he did not drop out of the race. – VP Kamala Harris reportedly agreed with the idea and gave Democrat leaders “the OK.”

Victor Davis Hanson – America’s Lab Rats? – Many Americans feel that the country has become unrecognizable due to decades of globalization and a technological revolution that has eroded middle-class livelihoods and deepened social divides. – The universities, media, administrative state, entertainment industry, high tech, and the federal government became a geographical force multiplier of the growing economic and cultural divide…

Powerline: How the Left Censors the News – NewsGuard has been in the news lately. – It is a left-wing anti-“misinformation” operation that purports to rate websites according to supposed objective criteria. – It is indeed a joke, and like the rest of the Left’s censorship apparatus, far from being objective as its criteria are those of the Left.

Breitbart: Conservatives Flip Kamala Harris Allies’ Claims that JD Vance Is Weird Back In Democrat Faces – They show lots of examples that show Democrats are the weird ones…

Powerline: How Bad Is Kamala? – The Trump campaign has *pounced* on Kamala Harris’s pro-crime record, including her enthusiastic support for a Minnesota group that bailed out murderers, rapists, arsonists and rioters. – This Trump ad on the subject is excellent…

American Spectator: Is Janet Napolitano Fit to Investigate the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump? – Let’s recall her record as DHS boss and President of the University of California, not to mention the Anita Hill hearings. – Also, following the lead of President Obama, Napolitano deleted the word “terrorism” from the DHS lexicon and purged experts showing the connection between militant Islam and terrorism…

California Globe: CARB Regulates Truck Sales to Zero – If you want to buy a tractor-trailer, you can, just not in California, thanks to the California Air Resources Board. – It should be noted that newer trucks in the Central Valley emit cleaner air than they take in while driving, that’s how clean the engines being made now are. – However, that’s not clean enough for CARB, which is hellbent on electrifying everything in the state, no matter what.

City Journal: Girling the Boy Scouts – Progressives notch another victory in their war on American institutions. – They now have a Chief Diversity Officer & VP of DEI. – All Eagle Scouts must earn a badge in DEI. – The word “boy” has been routed from the organization’s promotional materials and replaced with “youth,” as in: “For more than 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath.”

Epoch Times: Israel Says A Hezbollah Rocket Attack On A Soccer Field In Golan Heights On Saturday Killed 12, Mostly Children, Is Raising The Specter of War With Lebanon – Israeli adviser Dmitri Gendelman called the attack a major escalatory move and vowed that it would be met with a stern response.

Powerline: Trump in St. Cloud – The line to see President Trump speak at the Herb Brooks National Hockey Center in St. Cloud last night stretched for over a mile. It filled the arena, so thousands were left to watch outside. – Trump called Kamala Harris “her own worst enemy,” and said, “I had God with me’ during the assassination attempt.”…

Breitbart: JD Vance Roasts Kamala Harris in Minnesota – “I saw the other day, Kamala Harris questioned my loyalty to this country,” Vance told the crowd. “That’s the word she used, loyalty. And, it’s an interesting word. Semper Fi. Loyalty. Because there is no greater sign of disloyalty to this country than what Kamala Harris has done at our southern border. And, I’d like to ask the vice president what she has done to question my loyalty to this country?”

National Review: Inventing Kamala – Even crazier than Harris’s political ascent are the press’s efforts to reinvent her for the general election, fashioning her into a completely unrecognizable version of the woman who first came to Congress in 2017. – Journalists are not merely bending the facts or misrepresenting truths for the VP’s general-election glow-up, some have resorted to outright lying…

Washington Examiner: What else Democrats are lying about, Part 4, Most things – Afghanistan, Voting Rights, On Israel, and Republican Corporate Tax Policy, to name a few.

New York Post: 3 Palestinian terror suspects caught after crossing the border illegally as overwhelmed agents warn, ‘I probably let terrorists in.’ – One of the migrants had “salacious photos” on their phone that included a picture of a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle, federal law enforcement sources said. – In addition to the three Palestinians, federal authorities caught one migrant from Turkey who was also suspected of having ties to terror groups.

Front Page: Treasury Sec Yellen Wants $3 Trillion a Year to Save Our Planet – Americans are getting poorer. Globalists are getting richer. – Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Saturday that the global transition to a low-carbon economy requires $3 trillion in new capital each year through 2050, far above current annual financing, but that filling the gap is the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century…

Breitbart: Organizers of the opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games have issued a non-apology apology for any offense “taken” by Christians from a drag queen parody of Jesus’ Last Supper. – “Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group,” declared Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps regarding the ceremony, which many — including the French bishops’ conference — have deemed a “mockery” of Christ’s Last Supper.

Breitbart: Tommy Robinson Was Arrested Under UK ‘Anti-Terror’ Laws After Screening His Banned Film “Silenced,” His Supporters Claim. – “We can confirm that Tommy Robinson has been detained by police using powers afforded to them under the Terrorism Act 2000. – “That’s right, you read that correctly, Tommy is being held by police using counter-terrorism legislation.

July 27, 2024

Breitbart: The Olympic organizers’ decision to allow a drag queen parody of the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies in Paris on Friday has cost them an American sponsor. – C-Spire, a Mississippi-based phone service company, announced its intent to withdraw its advertising from the XXXIII Olympiad.

Powerline: Red States vs Blue, It’s No Contest – People flee blue states for red states. – Not all, of them are conservatives seeking a more pleasant home. Higher taxes and more sluggish economies are an important factor. – When we look at the top five and bottom five states over that time, we see that Florida gained the most and California lost the most…

Conservative Brief: Former Staffers Describe Kamala Harris As ‘Soul-Destroying Bully’ Who Left Them In Tears – Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office remain in a job. – The rest either quit or were fired, according to an analysis by non-partisan watchdog Open The Books.

Trending Politics: Michigan Auto Workers Stun CNN Reporter When They Say America Is ‘Ruined’ If Kamala Wins – UAW President Shawn Fain has stated that the union will be withholding its endorsement of Harris for the time being, while the Republican National Convention recently made history when Teamsters President Sean O’Brien became the union’s first ever leader to address the RNC.

Conservative Brief: The Kamala Harris Campaign Makes Startling Admission About Trump After CNN Fact Check – CNN fact checker Daniel Dale said that a campaign official for Harris admitted to branding all of former President Donald Trump’s policies as part of Project 2025, which he has no connection to because they believe it is working with potential voters.

Zero Hedge: – In Her Own Words, Kamala Harris’s Radical Vision For America – While the left tries its hardest to recast Kamala Harris as a moderate Democrat, quietly scrubbing her public record over the past 5 years, her actual positions have always been radical.

Michael Darby in Australia: Kamala Harris Part 2, Dedicated to the impoverishment and enfeeblement of the United States of America – Kamala Harris and Her Rotten To The Core Record on Energy – Yes, it is possible to be worse than Biden and worse than Newsom

American Spectator: Anti-Catholic Kamala – She has a long history of anti-Catholic rhetoric and policies. – First and foremost, Harris is one of the most pro-abortion politicians to have ever served in any branch of the U.S. government. – During her tenure as vice president, Harris became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion mill…

Just The News: Despite mounting proof that offshore wind hurts whales, the media, feds, and activists deny harm. – A Rutgers professor emeritus of computer science used computer software to show the location of whale deaths directly corresponding to the traffic of vessels used in offshore wind development.


New York Sun: Trump Returns Today to North Star State With Running Mate Vance in Effort To Swing Democrat-Leaning State – Trump’s political director has called Minnesota a battleground where the GOP nominee compared favorably to President Biden, his opponent at the time, and said that the campaign would make a push for the state.

American Thinker: The Biden Departure Explanation That Wasn’t – Even a double layer of spray-on tan couldn’t hide Joe Biden’s deterioration. – Rather than explaining why he withdrew from the presidential race, it was a campaign/State of The Union speech with a weak endorsement of Kamala Harris.

American Thinker: Don’t be fooled by Kamala’s pro-Israel platitudes. – She is pro-Iran and pro-Hamas. – The evidence doesn’t lie only in the events of the last few days. – It’s clear from Kamala’s long history of actions and statements regarding Iran, Islam, and Israel.

Lumen News: A new Rasmussen Reports/Heartland Institute survey released Wednesday finds 62% of American likely voters are concerned cheating will affect the 2024 election. – “The fact that more than 60% of likely voters are concerned about election integrity should be a massive wake-up call to all those who refuse to admit that potential cheating in elections is a major problem,” said Chris Talgo, editorial director of The Heartland Institute.

American Thinker: Democracy And The Donor Class – Among recent political events, perhaps the most notable has been the power of a small group of super-rich Americans to exercise outsized political influence. – The malicious nature of “big money” has now been sanitized, so these days the super-rich bestowing millions are innocuously labeled “the donor class,” a term suggesting high-minded charitable giving.

American Thinker: Kamala Harris Would Have Us Choose Between Two Visions Of America – The one, that Democrats/Socialists/Communists are calling MAGA, would supposedly take America back to the evil, racist, sexist, whatever phobic past. – The other, Kamala’s vision, will take America into a brave, glorious progressive future, but just what is the “progress” that she seeks?

Breitbart: Kamala Harris Turns to Hollywood Hype Machine Amid Alarming Election Poll Numbers – The vast Hollywood machinery of corporate executives, publicists, celebrity influencers, and entertainment “journalists” is being mobilized to help Kamala Harris win in November, with a special focus on targeting minority women, according to multiple reports.

New York Post: Two frontrunners have emerged in the race to be presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s second in command:  Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Arizona Senator Mark Kelly. – They each represent 2024 swing states Democrats badly need to win in November. – “Shapiro is toward the top,” said one insider familiar with the back and forth.

Not The Bee: Astronaut Mark Kelly, one of the favorites to be Kamala’s VP pick, literally owns a spy balloon company funded by a Chinese venture capitalist. – Tucson-based World View, cofounded by now U.S. Senator Mark Kelly in 2012, received venture capital from Tencent, among the largest tech companies in China, both in 2013 and 2016. – Tencent, like most Chinese tech giants, has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

American Thinker: A recent CNN poll found that nearly 40% of Americans worry about how they’re going to pay their bills under this Democrat administration. – More Americans worry about their ability to remain solvent under Biden-Harris than they did during the Great Recession.

Breitbart: Border Patrol agents in the Swanton Sector of the U.S.-Canada border have apprehended more than 15,000 migrants so far this fiscal year, more than the previous 13 years combined, according to U.S. Border Patrol reports. – The astounding record of migrant apprehensions this year reflects the vulnerability of our northern border with Canada.

American Greatness: A Wee Bit of Swagger on the Campaign Trail? – So long as Mr. Trump, his party, and his supporters continue to stress this election is about policies and not personalities or politics, they will prevail. – This is not a case of overconfidence. – It is a case of having confidence in the wisdom of the American people…

National Review: How Alvin Bragg’s Case Helped Torpedo Anti-Trump Lawfare – The unexpected spotlight on the Manhattan case had the effect of discrediting the entire enterprise in the public mind. – It turned out that Biden had committed the same Espionage Act offenses as Trump. – There was decades’ worth of evidence, sufficient to show the president was guilty as the day is long…

Washington Examiner: The Paris Olympics is under fire from Republicans after hosting a controversial drag parody of a moment Christians consider sacred. – As viewers tuned in to watch the Paris Olympic’s opening ceremony, many decried a segment that depicted a scene from Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Da Vinci’s famous painting of a Biblical event revered by Christians depicts Jesus Christ’s disciples gathered around him as he reveals who will betray him.

American Thinker: More California Restaurant Closures – Tender Greens and Tocaya both file for bankruptcy, citing the new $20/hour minimum wage law – First it was Pizza Hut nixing all its delivery drivers as it “braced” for the new law. – Then it was the closure of Foster’s Freeze in Lemoore, which had been a neighborhood favorite for around 35 years. – Gavin Newsom’s minimum wage bill is the blight that keeps on rotting.

American Thinker: FBI’s Strzok-Page lovebirds get $1.2 million because they’re so special, but heaven help you if your name is Trump! – The DOJ has agreed to settle claims by former senior FBI special agent Peter P. Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who had sued saying the government violated their privacy rights when it leaked their politically charged text messages criticizing Donald Trump…

Powerline: The Week in Pictures: Queen Kamala I Edition – The media is going the extra mile, and then some, to give “fake news” a bad name with its wholesale revisionism of Kamala Harris’s record.

July 26, 2024

Trending Politics: President Donald Trump announced that he will be making a return trip to Butler Township in PA for another rally after surviving an assassination attempt earlier in July, but why? – He is going to hold a rally in honor of former firefighter Corey Comperatore who died in the shooting on July 13.

Just The News: The FBI officially admitted on Friday night that former President Donald Trump was hit by a bullet during an assassination attempt on his life earlier this month. – This is after FBI Director Christopher Wray testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday that he was not sure what hit Trump during the July 13 shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Daily Signal: Representative Bennie Thompson Scrambles Amid Calls to Boot Him From Committee Investigating Trump Assassination Attempt – He introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act in April, which would revoke Secret Service protection for Donald Trump.

Zero Hedge: Former President Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on Friday, just after the Israeli leader met with President Biden and VP Harris. – Trump claimed in the context of the meeting that a major war in the Middle East – and even possibly a “third world war” – will break out if he doesn’t win the election.

Epoch Times: The French High-Speed Rail System Is Paralyzed After A Massive Attack Of Arson and Vandalism Ahead of The Olympics – Hundreds are stranded ahead of the games, with the rail operator advising people to postpone their journeys and avoid going to stations.

Townhall: Ronny Jackson Pushes Back on the FBI Director’s Claim That Trump May Not Have Been Shot – He used to be Trump’s White House physician, has reviewed Trump’s medical records, has checked the former president out since the assassination attempt, and says otherwise.

New York Sun: Trump Rages Against FBI Director Christopher Wray, Insisting a Bullet Hit His Ear — With a Doctor’s Note To Prove It – “No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard.” – “There was no glass, there was no shrapnel,” Trump said.

Zero Hedge: President Biden Claimed The US Isn’t At War As He Bombs Yemen. – About a half hour before Biden delivered his address, US Central Command announced that it launched new strikes targeting the Houthis in Yemen. Since January, the US has carried out hundreds of strikes in Yemen as part of a new war that has not been authorized by Congress.

Wall Street Journal: Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris for President – The former first couple waited for the Democratic Party to unite before backing the vice president.

Tablet Magazine: Learn This Term ‘Whole of Society’ – You cannot understand what’s going on with American politics today without it. – The term was popularized roughly a decade ago by the Obama administration, which liked that its bland, technocratic appearance could be used as cover to erect a mechanism for the government to control public life that can, at best, be called “Soviet-style.”

Townhall: A Horde of Officials at the Supposedly Apolitical DOJ Just Endorsed Harris – They did it in a letter thanking President Joe Biden for his service. Biden dropped out of the 2024 race on July 21. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is a signatory on the letter, which also served as an endorsement of Kamala Harris for president.

Michael Darby in Australia: Kamala Harris Is Dedicated to the impoverishment and enfeeblement of the United States of America. – The mainstream media, the PR department for the Democrat party, is going full blast to transform the most radical United States Senator and Vice-President in recent memory into a moderate Democrat. – It’s rather a simple matter, nonetheless, to use the mainstream media’s descriptions of Kamala Harris, along with her own words to illustrate just what an extremist she is on energy issues, such as…

Geller Report: 76% of ALL Personal Income Tax Goes to Servicing the $34 trillion National Debt – Who in their right mind would vote for more of this? – And Kamala is campaigning on more insane, communist spending.

Zero Hedge: Bidenomics Failure Worsens As Credit Card Delinquency Rate Hits 12-Year High – The damage to the working poor and middle class has already been realized and the pain is creeping toward high-income classes. – The Goldman report noted that “account holders who are behind in payments, have larger balances left unpaid.”

Issues & Insights: Harris’ Rent Control Support Clashes With Even Progressive Economists – The Biden-Harris administration’s proposal would seek to condition tax credits received by so-called corporate landlords – defined as those renting out 50 units or more – on a restricted rent increase of 5%. Yet what the administration seems to ignore is that rent control has been met with criticism across the spectrum, including by progressives.

Western Journal: Presidential Debate Plans Fall Apart After The Trump Campaign Deems It ‘Inappropriate’ – Biden’s people picked the dates. The networks. The format. The location. And he put them out there in a video that was a double dog dare to the Trump campaign to take it or leave it. – Biden is now out of the running so Trump said he wasn’t going to commit to a second debate with Harris under the current rules, considering she isn’t even the formally elected nominee yet.

Emerald Robinson: Can Kamala Harris Legally Serve As POTUS? – America’s foremost constitutional scholar Dr. John Eastman says, “Probably not.” – Here’s his legal reasoning: at the time of Kamala Harris’ birth, her parents were not U.S. citizens, they were foreign students. – Her mother’s visa was expired. – She was then the daughter of two non-citizens. – Therefore, Harris is not eligible to hold the office of President.

The Federalist: The Media Won’t Tell You Political Corruption Defined Kamala Harris’ Affair With Willie Brown – Harris admits her career benefited significantly from said relationship and other Democrats shared the perception she did not earn her positions. – Harris, a lawyer who initially failed the bar exam, can only say that she “brought a level of life knowledge and common sense” rather than actual qualifications to the positions Brown appointed her to…

American Conservative: A Tale of Two Kamalas – For all the happy talk, Democrats must be (or should be) wondering, deep within the recesses of their collective psyches, Will we be getting the Harris of History or the Harris of our Imaginations? – Because one is radically different from the other, as seen below…

American Thinker: I can’t trust Kamala Harris, and neither should you! – Kamala Harris’s political career is fraught with controversies that highlight serious ethical failings. From leveraging personal relationships for political gain through quid pro quo, or at least abuses of power, to inconsistent policy stances and a troubling record as California’s top law enforcement official, Harris’s actions raise significant doubts about her fitness for leadership.

Conservative Brief: VP Harris’ Prior Comments On ICE Come Back To Haunt Her – Kamala Harris, as a U.S. senator from California, once suggested that agents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are comparable to the Ku Klux Klan – Biden assigned Harris the role of “Border czar” in March 2021, just a few months after the two of them took office as the “Biden-Harris administration,” and a video clip of the exchange from 2018 is currently making the rounds on social media.

Western Journal: The Context Around JD Vance’s ‘Childless Cat Lady’ Remarks Surfaces, Showing The Media Owes Him an Apology – Vance specifically used the phrase “miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made.” In other words, he meant to refer to a certain kind of person who remained childless by choice. He even mentioned Buttigieg, which proved that he did not have only women in mind. – Filipkowski then distorted Vance’s words to mean not women who regret a choice but all “women who haven’t given birth.”

National Review: VP Candidate Governor Andy Beshear Is Anything but a Moderate – He has radically progressive social views and a contrived record of compromise with Republicans in Kentucky. – His faux moderation conceals these views and shifts blame onto Kentucky conservatives. – His self-touted economic record is also questionable. – He oversaw two major disaster relief plans while in office, but he resisted widespread calls for audits of both programs.

National Review: Ranking Kamala Harris’s Veep Options – I decided to stick with the simplest criterion, which running mate helps get Harris to 270 electoral votes. – If you take a look at that electoral map, for now, the map still looks tough for Democrats. – Two figures who deserve honorable mentions, and/or ought to get vetted are Governor Wes Moore of Maryland and Governor Tony Evers of Wisconsin…

National Review: American Life under Liberal Conformism – Liberal opinion conformity is driven by something more than the pressures of social media and the way they hypercharge opinion-sharing and make it obvious where the wind is blowing. – It is driven by the unprecedented levels of cynicism, cowardice, and insecurity of the liberal opinion-forming class itself and embodies a generation of people who have had the least amount of moral formation in our history.

Conservative Brief: Tucker Carlson’s Podcast Rockets To No. 1 In America – Former Fox News star Tucker Carlson has reached another career milestone, more than a year after his former employer unceremoniously dropped him despite having the network’s top-rated program. – Carlson’s podcast has soared to the No. 1 spot on Spotify, surpassing “The Joe Rogan Experience,” which had previously held the top spot on the platform for years.

American Greatness: Why Netanyahu’s U.S. Visit Mattered – The visit was historic because Netanyahu became the first world leader to address a joint meeting of Congress four times. – Netanyahu’s visit countered the Biden administration’s inept policies on the war in Gaza and Iran by shoring up support for Israel in Congress and with the American public.

Powerline: Harris Appeals To Democrats’ Hamas Wing – The political calculations and sympathies with Israel’s adversaries underlie her remarks after meeting with Netanyahu. – Hamas disappears from the equation. – Her statement reeks of the hostility to Israel that the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party openly displays. – She “hears” them.

Zero Hedge: Netanyahu Is Angry After His Meeting With Vice President Harris – Netanyahu’s criticism stems from Harris speaking as if a ceasefire and hostage exchange would mark the end of the war in Gaza, whereas Israel’s position has all along been that counter-Hamas operations could resume even if a hostage deal is reached.

Center For Immigration Studies: The Affirmative Asylum Backlog Exceeds One Million for the First Time – ‘Affirmative’ claims are generally made by aliens already lawfully present in the U.S., not at the border or as a defense against removal. – The affirmative asylum docket and corresponding processing time estimates have grown alarmingly since President Biden took office…

The Center Square: FACT CHECK: Biden’s claim that illegal border crossings are lower than Trump’s is false – Accounting for all the data, including new ways the Biden administration is allowing foreign nationals to enter the country, the claims are verifiably false. – As The Center Square has reported every month since early 2021, after Biden took office, the number of illegal border crossers has increased, not gone down.

American Thinker: A World of Illusions – Elites seek to centralize power and rig the system. Their goal is open-ended Democrat rule, which is their declared “democracy.” – Every statist regime since the October Revolution has claimed that tyranny is democracy and Trump is the lead horseman of their Apocalypse.

American Thinker: Freeing America From The Shackles Of Big Government – Once, when we were free, we were the greatest nation on earth; now, we are a small nation with a big government. – Today, 70% of the federal government spending is on things that involve income distribution. Whether Social Security, healthcare, food stamps, Head Start, or myriad other programs. – Since 1969, federal regulation in the US has quadrupled as there are four times as many pages of regulations…

American Thinker: ESG gets a rebrand as ‘transition investing’ – BlackRock began renaming Environmental, Social, and Governance earlier this year and is now calling it ‘transition investing.’ – The company recently updated its climate and decarbonization stewardship guidelines. The document makes no mention of ESG, but it shows in many ways, that the world’s largest investment manager with $10 trillion in assets under management is still pursuing many of the same goals.

July 25, 2024

National Review: The Self-Aggrandizement of Jill Biden And The Tenure of Dr. President – The American people deserve to know what has been happening behind the scenes of this obfuscatory administration, and the major role played by one person in particular, that of First Lady Jill Biden. – Jill Biden and her aides “created a cocoon” around the president “that initially seemed earnestly protective, but now appears potentially deceptive.”

Epoch Times: “We believe, based on what we’ve seen, that his father, after purchasing the gun, legally sold the gun to his son,” Mr. Wray told members of the House Judiciary Committee in Washington. – The shooter’s father, Matthew Crooks, bought the gun, an AR-style rifle, in 2013 and sold it to his son in October 2023, according to the FBI

Epoch Times: President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met at the White House on July 25 for a one-on-one meeting to discuss the ongoing Israel–Hamas war and U.S.–Israel relations. – Vice President Kamala Harris also met with Mr. Netanyahu on the afternoon of July 25.

National Review: The Short Goodbye, How Biden’s Withdrawal Resets The Race – Right now, Democrats are excited about Harris in a way they never were about Biden. – The headline writers need to take a deep breath as Harris is not a guaranteed winner. – On the contrary, she enters the race with several liabilities and has a lower favorability rating than either Biden or Trump. – She is also gaffe-prone…

Natural News: FUNDING FRAUD – A Phoenix woman tells James O’Keefe that ActBlue made 20 separate unauthorized donations in her name to Kamala Harris – This begs the question of how many thousands or millions of fraudulent donations have been made through ActBlue.

City Journal: Kamalanomics – The presumptive presidential nominee is certainly not moderate. – In her time in the Senate, Harris positioned herself on the far left of a Democratic Party already moving sharply to the left. According to DW-NOMINATE, a measure that compares the votes of senators and representatives and ranks members from -1 (most liberal) to 1 (most conservative)…

Just The News: Kamala Harris’ direct connection to Bidenflation due to her tie-breaking Senate vote for approval of the stimulus package – VP Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate for the first COVID-19 stimulus package in 2021 that led to inflation, in what critics call a sign of what’s to come in a possible Harris administration.

Epoch Times: A 134-Year-Old American Furniture Chain Is Closing Down All 553 Stores – Furniture retailer Conn’s filed for bankruptcy and is shutting down outlets nationwide after experiencing a slowdown in recent years due to inflation and interest rates, which adversely affected its growth and operations.

Zero Hedge: Discount retail chain Big Lots is shuttering more than 50 stores across California following a drop in customer spending and economic challenges. – Big Lots said in a June filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that it plans to open three stores nationwide this year and close 35 to 40. –
Before the announcement, Big Lots had 1,392 stores throughout the United States.

California Globe: The California Supreme Court Ends Legal Snafu Over Gig Drivers And Upholds Proposition 22 – Drivers at Uber, Lyft, and others are not employees, California’s Supreme Court rules – In November 2020, California voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 22, to exempt all rideshare drivers from being classified as employees.

City Journal: J. D. Vance and the Emerging Counter-Elite – Donald Trump’s selection of Ohio senator Vance as his running mate has generated much commentary. – Vance sacrificed his respectability within a certain stratum, assumed considerable risk by moving toward Trump, and, in my view, was genuinely convinced that the establishment, both Left and Right, had exhausted itself and had to be opposed…

Trending Politics: The Secret Service DECLINED Drones From Local Law Enforcement For The Trump Rally – Senator Josh Hawley revealed that his office received whistleblower allegations indicating that the night before the rally, the Secret Service was repeatedly offered the use of drones by local law enforcement partners. – Hawley demanded answers and more transparency from the department after the critical lapse in security preparations in a detailed letter addressed to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

Victor Davis Hanson: Coup, Upon Coup, Upon Coup – In 2020, covert actors manipulated the Democrat primary to ensure Joe Biden’s nomination over Bernie Sanders and later controlled his presidential agenda. – Ultimately they reportedly threatened candidate Biden with a complete loss of any further campaign funding and raised the specter of invoking the 25th Amendment to end his presidency—should he not suddenly withdraw from the race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as his surrogate on the ticket…

American Thinker: Biden’s Platitudes vs America’s Truths – Biden’s goodbye speech said nothing about the Democrats’ real agenda for Americans. – The moderate middle needs to recognize that personalities are less important than the policies of the candidates because the choice is stark. – Democrats constantly claim they are protecting democracy while they are working to destroy it…

American Thinker: The press gins itself up to hurl Kamala Harris’s record down the memory hole – Suddenly, Harris was no longer the most left-leaning member of the Senate, and lo and behold, was never the border czar, either. – It’s clear they’re trying to erase that from the Internet, in a bid to clean up Kamala for voters, presenting the Berkeley, California native as a ‘moderate’ much as they did with Joe Biden himself in 2020…

Issues & Insights: Already our friends in the mainstream media and the Democratic Party’s ever-ready spin-doctors are telling American voters that presumed presidential candidate Kamala Harris is not the extremist she’s portrayed to be by the wicked right-wingers. – There’s nary a policy area that Harris has come into contact with, while in the White House, as a member of the Senate, or in California state government in which she hasn’t taken a position on the far-extreme of the spectrum, whether it’s immigration, medical care and insurance, foreign policy, abortion, or whatever…

Just The News: Six Democrats joined Republicans in the House to pass a resolution “strongly condemning” Vice President Kamala Harris, currently the top 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, for her performance as the border czar. – The resolution, introduced by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., the House Republican conference chair, formally condemns Harris and the Biden administration for failing to “secure the U.S. border.”

Washington Examiner: In three surveys since she became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Harris has failed to overtake former President Donald Trump. – Instead, the race remains where it has been for months. –The latest Rasmussen Reports poll that was taken over the past three nights shows Trump leading Harris with likely voters 50%-43%, well outside the margin of error.

Washington Free Beacon: Inside Kamala Harris’s Plan To End Cash Bail and ‘Transform The Criminal Justice System’ – Harris wanted more restrictions on cops and fewer restrictions on criminals, a memo from her 2020 campaign shows…

The New York Post: Trump says the 25th Amendment should not be invoked against Biden, claiming that ‘dangerous’ Kamala Harris is ‘worse than Biden is.’ – I believe she’s a San Francisco radical. I believe she’s much worse and a way worse candidate than he is and she’s not doing very well,” he added.

Townhall: – A campaign official for Vice President Harris ADMITTED to CNN that her campaign is deliberately choosing to lie about Project 2025. – Dale specifically targets Harris’ categorization of Republicans wanting to cut Social Security, a common tactic for Democrats to turn to, including for the 2022 midterms.

American Thinker: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Gave A Magnificent Speech To Congress – The ovation when Bibi walked to the podium and stood there went on so long that Speaker Mike Johnson finally had to gavel it to an end. – Democrats know that Muslims will not vote for Democrats if they seem to support Israel and that’s where Netanyahu’s delicate shiv came in. – Practically the first point he made in his speech was to express gratitude for Biden’s unwavering support for Israel, so where does that leave Kamala who chose not to be there?

Just The News: Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says news reports that he is contributing $45 million a month to a pro-Donald Trump political action committee are false. – Musk said he is donating to America PAC at a “much lower level” than $45 million each month.

American Thinker: It’s Far from Over – If you’re tempted to think that Democrat disarray puts 2024 in the bag for Trump, think again. – This is because they still control the commanding heights.  – Additionally, those in power now are ruthless, corrupt, and inhuman; they control the media, the tech companies, and most of the levers of control in our current government. –  They live for power and will do and say anything to keep it.

Slay Magazine Judge Green Lights Trump’s Defamation Lawsuit against ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Who Falsely Asserted That Trump Was Found “Liable For Rape.” – Stephanopoulos repeatedly promoted the false smears on his show, even after being corrected by Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC), whom he was interviewing at the time.

American Thinker: Is everything kosher about the $126 million that poured in for Kamala? – There are suspicious anomalies in the Democrats’ fundraising that require investigation into possible campaign fraud. – ActBlue, the clearing house for all donations to Democrat parties and causes has long had fundraising practices that make money laundering easier by allowing donations from unverified credit cards, untethered to the cardholder’s name and address which means there’s no way at all to know who these donors are… 

American Conservative: Are Conservatives Finally Back? – It has been a long time since I dared to feel as exuberant for a conservative revival in America as I do right now. – The Republican nominee for VP is the most intellectually developed conservative on a major party ticket in the last three decades and Corporate America seems to finally understand that half the country doesn’t want their beverage company to be a full-fledged culture warrior…

American Thinker: How far will the left go to eliminate Trump? – Everything the left has thrown at former president Trump has failed to stop his march toward a second term in the White House. – Sadly, I can’t help thinking that the Butler, PA shooting has Deep State fingerprints on it. – We must remember that these people are insanely desperate to stop the man who will dismantle their plans to bring our country to its knees.

ArnGrimR: Guideline For Assessing Theories On The Trump Assassination Attempt, Reconciling ALL The Facts – There are a plethora of voices doing research into the Trump shooting in Butler, PA. – How can we assess those theories, not being experts or having direct access, to specialized equipment or knowledge? – Here is a little chart to help…

American Thinker: Whistleblowers reveal a ‘disturbing loss of trust in the FBI’ with local law enforcement agencies refusing to work with the bureau – The whistleblower report draws on testimony from more than 30 ‘independent, highly credible law enforcement sources and sub-sources’ across the country who ‘do not trust the FBI because they believe the FBI in recent years has been operating as a partisan federal agency motivated by a political agenda

ArnGrimR: Israel and the Palestinian Conflict, part 6, Duplicity as an art form – Billions of dollars have been sent to the Palestinian people and authorities, based on what appear to be falsehoods and propaganda. – This begs the question, what has Hamas done with all the billions of dollars in aid given to Gaza? – It is not just that they funneled all that aid money and bags of cement into their military installations, in, under, and near civilian buildings, but they systematically dug up steel water pipelines to turn them into rockets…

Epoch Times: A Federal Appeals Court Rules That The FCC’s Universal Service Fund Is An Illegal Tax – The court held that because the FCC relied on for-profit telecommunications companies to determine the USF surcharge, it functions as a tax that voters did not approve and so is unconstitutional.

Powerline: THE DAILY CHART SHOWS THAT BIG LAW IS BIG LEFT – The proposition that our legal system is politically biased looks a lot more plausible when you look at the distribution of campaign contributions to the two political parties from the leading “Big Law” firms in the country. The partisan tilt is so extreme that it is scary…

Center For Immigration Studies: Massachusetts, A Case Study in Mass Immigration and the Welfare State – Taxpayers in Massachusetts have spent more than $1 billion to date on the emergency shelter system that has been overwhelmed due to thousands of newly arrived migrants, some who entered illegally and some who arrived under one of the Biden administration’s controversial parole programs. – State budget officials expect they will have to spend another $1.8 trillion in the next two years…

The Vigilant Fox: Jordan Peterson Draws Chilling Comparison to Today’s “Gender Affirming Care” Atrocities – If you only have three minutes to watch Joe Rogan’s podcast today, this is the three minutes you need to see.

Zero Hedge: – Governor Newsom Issues An Executive Order For California Cities To Remove Homeless Encampments After The Supreme Court Ruling – The order directs state agencies to remove thousands of tents and makeshift shelters along freeways, shopping center parking lots, and city parks – and puts the decision in the hands of local authorities…

Woke Spy: The “Best Political Website Ever” Has Just Launched… – I don’t know how long this will last, but if you try to visit Biden.com it is redirected to the URL https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSaB1b7WQAAEFFZ?format=jpg and shows this. -Take a look:

July 24, 2024

Resist The Mainstream: Donald Trump’s shooter researched details about Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassination of former President John F. Kennedy before attending the Butler, Pennsylvania rally, the FBI director revealed on Wednesday in a congressional hearing. – “We’ve just in the last couple of days found that from our review … analysis of a laptop that the investigation ties to the shooter reveals that on July 6, he did a Google search for ‘How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?’” Christopher Wray said.

The Daily Signal: During His Dropout Speech, Biden Calls for ‘Supreme Court Reform’ – Reports last week said Biden would push term limits for Supreme Court justices. He has previously resisted efforts in his party to “pack” the high court by adding more judges to the current nine to achieve favorable outcomes for liberals. – Biden didn’t specify either Sunday or Wednesday night why he is stepping aside, despite widespread concerns about his declining mental acuity.

American Thinker: Obama Decided Biden’s Fate and The Democrat Elite Got Their Way – In the wake of their own six squandered months and a week’s uninterrupted streak of Trump momentum, and Biden’s disastrous debate performance, the Democrat elite returned to their effort to remove Biden from the ticket, but this time, sans subtlety and the slower pace. – They will use whatever means they must to maintain power.

Fox News: The web page that rated Kamala Harris the ‘most liberal’ senator in 2019 suddenly disappears – Harris was ranked ‘most liberal compared to all senators’ in a 2019 report card published by GovTrack – The web page with the ranking, which was widely covered in news reports during the 2020 election, was recently deactivated, so the link now displays a “Page Not Found” message.

Michael Darby in Australia: Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech To Congress – Watching him deliver his address to Congress was to ­behold a master politician in ­action, a cut above almost any other leader in the world. – The eloquence, perfect rhetorical timing and power of his ­roughly hour-long speech couldn’t be denied, and one ­delivered in English, too, which is not even his native language…

Vigilant News: Search Engine Manipulation and the 2024 Presidential Election – A noticeable bias in the search results related to Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged. – When searching for negative news or criticisms about her, users are often met with overwhelmingly positive or neutral content. – This raises important questions about the role of search engines in shaping public perception and controlling the narrative.

Dov Fischer via American Thinker: The American people are NOT too smart to be fooled because at least half are, by definition, below the midline fools shown by the fact that they elected Carter, Obama, and Biden. – When considering Kamala, American voters will have to decide, Do I want a president for the next four years who: Has lied to me for four years without blinking an eye, about Biden’s discombobulation – Has expressed support for reducing police funding, plus eight more important fact that include…

Western Journal: Obama Is ‘Very Upset’ with Kamala Harris Because He ‘Knows She Can’t Win’ as Democrats Suffer An Internal Battle – According to an inside source close to the Biden family who spoke to the New York Post, Obama thinks that Harris can’t win against GOP nominee Donald Trump and “was shocked” to learn that Biden endorsed her so shortly after he announced he wasn’t running on social media on Sunday…

Politico: Obama is ready to throw his full support behind Harris – The former president’s backing could come as soon as Thursday. – His backing could help activate and sustain energy — and fundraising — for Harris’ campaign. And he’s likely to get on the campaign trail for Harris once she is officially the presumptive nominee…

Western Journal: Kamala Isn’t Locked in Yet – 5 Dark Horse Candidates Could Knock Her Out And One Is Incredibly Dangerous – Democrats are considering some sort of competitive nomination process either ahead of or during the Democratic National Convention, which is set to begin on August 19 in Chicago. – Senator Joe Manchin of WV, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Senator Raphael Warnock of GA, and don’t rule out Hillary Clinton.

American Thinker: Ten Days That Changed the World? – It didn’t take long for the New York Times to proclaim Kamala Harris is the candidate of “joy.” – Actually, Kamala represents everything that is wrong with the contemporary Left. – She is the American version of the radicalized postmodern Left pushing a frightening mix of wokeism, sentimental politics, socialism, and sectarianism.

Townhall: Terrorist Protesters Storm Union Station in DC and Burn American Flags – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress that was boycotted by a large swath of Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, who opted to speak with a college sorority in Indianapolis instead…

Tablet Magazine: Iran Is Still Trying to Kill Certain American Officials – Iran has repeatedly threatened former senior Trump administration officials, citing their supposed role in the 2020 strike that killed Iran’s Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, the No. 2 official in Iran. – These former officials appealed for help to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Their letter to Garland, which they sent a full 18 months ago, remains unacknowledged, they confirmed.

Washington Examiner: Netanyahu blasts anti-Israel protesters before a divided Congress as ‘useful idiots’ – “I have a message for these protesters: When the tyrants of Tehran who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting, and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots,” Netanyahu said.

Daily Signal: Hundreds of Signs Were Ready For Anti-Israel Protesters Gathered at The Capitol for The Netanyahu Visit – They were provided by The Party for Socialism and Liberation, The ANSWER Coalition, and Shut It Down for Palestine…

Western Journal: Gnawing away at the official version of events as told by former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said the rooftop used by Thomas Matthew Crooks to shoot former President Donald Trump was left unguarded despite plans to have officers stationed there. – “Whistleblowers tell me law enforcement personnel were STATIONED to the roof the day of the Trump rally, but abandoned it, citing the heat”…

Western Journal: The confirmation that law enforcement not only had eyes on Crooks because of his behavior, but were comparing photos before the shooting raises more questions about how the assassination attempt was allowed to go so far, and with such deadly results.

Epoch Times: FBI Director Says Gunman Flew Drone Near Stage Hours Before Trump Shooting – Christopher Wray discloses new details on the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the shooting at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. – The director said his understanding was that Crooks’s last interaction with his father was to tell him that he was going to the gun range.

Vigilant News: Representative Lou Correa, a top House Democrat, revealed this week that he spoke with local officials in Butler, Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump was shot earlier this month who voiced concerns about the official narrative being delivered to the public. – He said, “I had local law enforcement officers, local electeds coming to me, whispering to me, ‘There’s more here to the story.’ – ‘We need to talk about the things that happened.’ – “To have people that were on the ground concerned, afraid of stepping forward is unacceptable”...

Epoch Times: House Republicans Raise Concerns About Supreme Court Justices’ Security After Trump Shooting – In a letter, House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland asking for a staff-level briefing on measures being taken to enhance security around the nine justices.

Forbidden News: This is bodycam footage released by Senator Chuck Grassley from the Trump Pennsylvania rally on July 13th. – The video was obtained from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit, in compliance with congressional requests. – In the footage, the men were discussing how they had noticed Thomas Crooks earlier before the incident unfolded.

Western Journal: The Secret Service Tells Trump to Change His Rally Plans – The Greatest Political Show on Earth is being told to move indoors. – The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the Secret Service has long disliked Trump’s outdoor rallies, finding them “onerous” because of the level of protection needed.

American Thinker: Congress Must Appoint An Independent Investigator For The Trump Assassination Attempt – Currently, Congress seems content to allow the FBI to investigate what happened. – This is the wrong approach because the government has an incentive to hide its failures. – When it comes to the attempt to assassinate Trump, especially given the U.S. Secret Service’s known failures, there must be an independent investigation.

Washington Examiner: Former President Donald Trump has said he will stop holding outdoor rallies as part of his presidential campaign. The decision comes almost two weeks after Trump was nearly killed during an assassination attempt on July 13 at an outdoor rally this month in Butler, Pennsylvania. – Two sources familiar with the operations of Trump’s campaign acknowledged the former president’s plan to shift to indoor venues

The Daily Fetched: Donald Trump said he is prepared to conduct mass deportations if he takes back the White House. – Trump’s remarks came as millions of illegal aliens continue to pour into the U.S. through Joe Biden‘s open border. – During an appearance on Fox News with host Jesse Watters, Trump noted that former President Dwight Eisenhower “did the largest deportation ever in this country.”

National Review: Enter Harris, Stage Left – Democrats are euphoric about having replaced Biden with Harris, but her radical progressive record and historic unpopularity will be a lot to overcome. – Harris is still a representative of the most unpopular administration in modern history; she is still more disliked than any vice president since polling began; and she is still a California progressive whose voting record in the Senate was to the left of Bernie Sanders.

American Conservative: California Republicans Warn the Nation About a Harris Presidency – As rumors wafted from Capitol Hill to the convention floor in Milwaukee before Biden’s exit, The American Conservative spoke to California delegates at the RNC about the prospects of California Democrats, Harris, and Gov. Gavin Newsom in a matchup against Trump. – Dysfunction in the Golden State speaks more eloquently than any attack ad could.

American Thinker: Hello, Hyperinflation – If You Like Bidenflation, How About Hyperinflation? – Kamala Harris’s agenda is to tax and spend bigger – Harris has no original economic ideas whatsoever, let alone any understanding of economics. – Harris is signaling that even as Democrats play defense on Biden’s mixed economic record, she’s eager to go on offense for the next four years…

Washington Free Beacon: 7 Hoaxes That Were Pushed by ‘The Truths We Hold’ Author Kamala Harris – Jussie Smollett – Horse-riding border agents whipped Haitian migrants – ‘Forced sterilizations’ at Trump-era immigration detention facility – Michael Brown’s ‘murder’ – Julie Swetnick and other Kavanaugh accusers…

New York Post: When VP Kamala Harris made her first and only trip to the US-Mexico border, federal agents on the front lines were instructed to completely sanitize the area to hide the true severity of the crisis from cameras, even going so far as braiding the hair of unaccompanied minors. – Harris, whose first big job as the nation’s No. 2 executive was to control the flow of migrants across the southern border, went to the border near El Paso, Texas, on June 25, 2021, after pressure from Republicans over her handling of the crisis…

American Thinker: A recent Wall Street Journal article is the latest to reveal that Democrats have known almost since the beginning of the Biden administration that Biden had dementia. – When Biden campaigned this year on his glorious legislative accomplishments, that was a lie. He’d done nothing. He was just a figurehead, while the real executive authority lay with unnamed, unknown, and unelected people.

American Thinker: In the battleground state of Wisconsin, a recent poll shows that 59% of state residents reject a ban on gas cars. – Are we about to see a war on car ownership like never before?

Washington Free Beacon: Environmental groups represented by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s environmental justice council are among the largest beneficiaries of the president’s environmental programs, collectively receiving hundreds of millions of dollars, according to a database review of federal grants…

July 23, 2024

Breitbart: Vice President Kamala Harris is the least “electable” among potential Democrats to replace President Joe Biden atop the 2024 ticket, top writers of the New York Times found Monday. – The report underscores Democrats’ lack of a democratic process to select a new de facto nominee — all while nullifying about 14 million votes that were cast for Biden during the Democrat primary.

Epoch Times: Kamala Harris delivered a speech at her first campaign stop on Tuesday, speaking before a large crowd of supporters in Wisconsin. – By the time she took the podium, Ms. Harris had already secured the commitment from more than half the presidential convention delegates, virtually cementing her path to the Democrat nomination.

Trending Politics: The Trump Campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday accusing them of violating campaign finance laws by transferring Biden’s campaign funds to the Harris Campaign. – “Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash…

Wall Street Journal: In Her Campaign Debut, Kamala Harris Steers Left – The implicit message of her first big campaign rally was, that they don’t need swing voters. – One of her vulnerabilities in November is that voters might view her, and not without reason, as more of a left-winger than Mr. Biden.

Resist The Mainstream: Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday. – Harris has been accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” by the conservative representative, stating that she “has willfully and systemically refused to uphold Federal immigration laws, in that: In her conduct of the Office of Vice President of the United States, Kamala Devi Harris… has willfully prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice.”

National Review: If We Ignore the Biden Medical Cover-Up, We Will Be Condemned to Repeat It – This is the fourth time in the last century that the White House has lied egregiously to voters about the health of their president. – Just as they failed to do for much of his presidency, the mainstream media haven’t been very eager to probe the White House’s narrative or question whether it’s the full story.

Daily Caller: It Turns Out The Feds Do Have Transcripts Of Biden’s Talks With Biographer From Classified Docs Probe – DOJ’s disclosure that it does have transcripts of Biden talking with Zwonitzer contradicts its June assertion in court that “we don’t have some transcript that’s been created by the special counsel” and comes the day after Biden decided to quit the 2024 presidential race.

Dennis Prager via Daily Signal: Who the Democrats choose to run for office doesn’t mean a damned thing. – All that matters is that he or she is a Democrat because the left-wing party is the problem. – It’s not Joe who had to go, but he’s now gone and it makes not one bit of difference. – “The destructive, dangerous Democrat Party has to go.” 

CNBC: U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned following widespread outrage over how her agency failed to prevent the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally earlier this month. – Cheatle’s resignation came a day after she was blasted by members of a House committee at a hearing on the Secret Service’s actions leading up to Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler Township.

Jordan Schachtel: President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas, police sources say – Air Force One “flew so fast the plane shook” on its way back to the East Coast. – On Wednesday, Biden was scheduled to deliver the keynote at the UnidosUS annual convention at the MGM Grand. – President Biden did not appear at the convention, or any of his scheduled events later that afternoon. Instead, he left town, departing Las Vegas on Air Force One for Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where he remains.

The Free Press: The Curious Case of the Missing President, Plus – On Monday afternoon, Joe Biden’s doctor composed a memo designed to reassure the American people saying Biden tested positive for COVID six days ago and has completed his tenth dose of Paxlovid. – He wrote, that “his symptoms have almost completely resolved” and reiterated that Biden “continues to perform all his presidential duties.” – After that letter was released, everyone still had the same question, Where the hell is the president?

Zero Hedge: Is President Biden Alive? – Ever since dropping out of the presidential race on Sunday via a letter with a signature that has been in question and conspicuously lacking the seal of the White House or the President of the United States, President Joe Biden has failed to turn up anywhere in person. – The swift decision to drop out of the race, combined with the announcement last week that Biden tested positive for Covid and would “self-isolate” —which incidentally came out after Biden said he would consider dropping out if it were due to a ‘medical condition’—combined with endless unproven rumors swirling on social media about a medical emergency, have left people no choice but to sadly consider a worst-case scenario.

John Daniel Davidson: With Joe Biden Out Of Sight, We Effectively Have No President Right Now – It’s not just that Democrat Party elites ended Biden’s reelection campaign, they also ended his presidency. – The danger this poses to America’s national security is obvious. But it’s also dangerous domestically, as we try to make sense of an assassination attempt that came within millimeters of killing President Trump last Saturday…

National Review: Biden Passes the Torch As A Voice On A Speakerphone – This is how Biden’s presidency ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper. – Democrats, and the media, are much more fired up over Harris’s vision than they were about President Old Guy’s – Meet, or Re-Meet, Kamala, who once used $750,000 in federal funds to create a job-training program for illegal immigrant criminals…

National Review: Kamala Harris Becomes The Presumptive Democratic Nominee after Clearing The Delegate Threshold – Harris received support from numerous state Democratic delegations on Monday, clearing the required threshold to win the party’s presidential nomination next month, a rapid consolidation that will likely prevent a chaotic primary process in the wake of Biden’s withdrawal.

The Federalist: Kamala Harris’s office has had a staggering 91.5 percent turnover rate since she became vice president, an investigation from government watchdog organization Open The Books revealed on Monday. – Of the 47 staff members hired when Harris took office in 2021, only four reportedly remained in her employment as of March 2024. – The report comes as Biden’s X account announced he will “stand down” from his reelection campaign and “fully support” Harris as the new nominee.

American Thinker: Trump reveals even more about the assassination attempt in FOX News Watters interview – WATTERS: When you were down by the podium, we heard a lot of kerfuffles and you said something about shoes, TRUMP: Yeah, Well, they wanted to put me on a stretcher and I said, I’m not going on a stretcher. – WATTERS: Mistakes were made. They were monitoring this guy for an hour beforehand. TRUMP: Yes. WATTERS: No one told you not to take the stage? TRUMP: No. Nobody mentioned it. Nobody said there was a problem…

Western Journal: The details remain elusive for now, but the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has revealed that in 2023, a cellphone that had been where would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks lived and worked was near an FBI office in Washington, D.C. – “We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates.”

American Thinker: Kimberly Cheatle gets an F+ – Cheatle successfully stonewalled every serious question, refusing to provide any details that would illuminate the source of the Secret Service’s miscues and failures in Butler, Pa. – What we have seen over the recent months is evidence of a growing contempt by federal bureaucrats for the congressional committees that are tasked with overseeing their activities…

Issues & Insights: In Hiding Biden’s Decline, Democrats Showed They Are A Party Of Liars – Up until the June 27 debate with Donald Trump, the Democrats and their media division kept assuring us that Biden was fine. – While his inner circle insisted that he was fit right up to the point that he dropped out of the race Sunday, others in his party and much of the press began to turn on him before the debate was over.

Breitbart: Prominent BBC presenter Justin Webb accused the White House of covering up President Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline and suggested that the Democrats were not truthful to the American public. – “There was no question” that the Democrat party tried to deceive the people about the president’s condition.”

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump leads Vice President Kamala Harris in 13 national polls published in July. – The surveys indicate Harris might not have any better chance of defeating Trump than President Joe Biden did. – Harris’s favorability rating is one point less than Biden’s, RealClearPolitics polling average found.

Just The News: Kamala Harris’ record as vice president and in California statewide office shows a long history of scandal and management failings that are certain to draw scrutiny in the presidential race. – Before she was Joe Biden’s understudy for the last four years, Kamala Harris ran departments as a California prosecutor and senator. Often, scandal and failings followed in her wake…

The Daily Fetched: Lawmakers Shatter Kim Cheatle’s ‘Sloped Roof’ Excuse after Visiting Trump Assassination Attempt Site – After visiting the site in Pennsylvania, lawmakers walked out on the roof from which the shooter fired at Trump. – After a thorough investigation, lawmakers obliterated Cheatle’s excuse for not stationing Secret Service agents on the roof…

American Spectator: It; ‘s The End of the Road for The $230 Million Gaza Pier – The Biden administration’s $230 million Gaza pier, which took months to build and only operated for about 25 days, is being quietly shut down and moved to the Ashdod corridor. – The pier faced numerous issues throughout the entire operation which have severely limited operations.

The American Mind: The Palestine End Game – The invention of permanent refugee status guarantees perpetual war and misery. – The Palestine Liberation Movement was founded to ensure that the Middle East could not stabilize as long as it contained a Jewish state. – Everything ever done in the name of Palestine has been in service of that goal…

July 22, 2024

Western Journal: A Reported 4x as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot – “Who decided to deploy 12 post standers to the casino, where the first lady was having a 400-person dinner, and only three people from the Pittsburgh field office to the 20,000 person-plus Trump rally?” Representative Timmons asked. – Cheatle only said, “The allocation of resources is decided based on the availability of personnel and their location and where they are…

Celia Farber: Things Just Got Weirder – Biden Supposedly On The Speaker Phone With Harris, But It Doesn’t Sound Like Him – Netanyahu Arrives For State Visit And Demands A Meeting With Trump – WH Flags Are At Half Mast – The Nation Asks “What Is Going On?” And There Are No Questions Answered…

Epoch Times: Who Might Harris Choose as Running Mate? – Here’s a List of Candidates. – Democrats from battleground states, such as Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona, will be closely watched. – Others include Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina. – Other notable names mentioned include Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Maryland Governor Wes Moore. However, both have stated that they are not interested.

Courageous Discourse: A Conspiracy for All to See – Senator Ron Johnson’s preliminary findings leave only one plausible conclusion. – It seems to me that the only plausible explanation for these findings is that the Secret Service deliberately withheld security from former president and current presidential candidate Trump…

Just The News: Two House Republicans on Monday are seeking the impeachment of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle after she testified in front of the House Oversight Committee. – Cheatle has come under intense scrutiny after a shooter attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump on July 13, but the director has defied calls to step down so far. 

The Daily Signal: Two of America’s biggest banks just warned of incoming disaster. – Even poker-faced Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is starting to crack, sprinkling his usual sweet nothings with warnings that the Fed’s close to being forced to restart the money printers despite galloping inflation.

Wall Street Journal: VP Kamala Harris marched toward securing the Democratic presidential nomination Monday following President Biden’s decision to abandon his re-election bid, as the party coalesced around her to take on Donald Trump this fall. – Harris consolidated support from delegates who will determine the nomination at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Breitbart: Working- and middle-class Americans are competing for jobs against more than 30 million migrants, including legal immigrants, visa workers, and illegal aliens, the Pew Research Center revealed. – The latest from the Pew Research Center shows that as of 2022, more than 30 million legal immigrants and illegal aliens were in the United States and holding American jobs — a 20-percent increase over the last 15 years.

The Daily Signal: 23 Takeaways From Secret Service Director’s Testimony Before House Oversight Panel – ‘Nine Days In, And You Have No Answers’ – ‘It Wasn’t Me’ Isn’t an Adequate Answer – Representative Burchett Calls Cheatle A ‘DEI Nightmare’ – The Shorth Height Of Some Agents Guarding The Protectee – “How long do we have to wait before you give us credible answers?”…

Dr. Meryl Nass: Snippets from Kimberly Cheatle’s testimony today to make you mad – A look at the questions the Secret Service director has not answered. – Why did the Secret Service not station an agent on the warehouse roof that the gunman used as a sniper’s perch? – How many Secret Service agents were assigned to protect President Trump in Butler, Pa. – Why did the Secret Service allow former President Trump to take the stage, despite people in the crowd pointing out a gunman on the warehouse roof?…

The Canadian Independent: WATCH: Rep. Nancy Mace tells Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle that she is “full of sh*t” while questioning her during Donald Trump attempted assassination hearing today after she refuses to answer direct questions or says she would have to check…

Western Journal: An Official Report on The Trump Assassination Attempt Has Been Released and Provides ‘Chilling’ Details. – 1. The Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to SWAT and sniper teams on the morning of July 13, 2024. – 2. Local law enforcement said communications were siloed and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with the Secret Service. – 3. Local law enforcement notified those in command about Crooks before the shooting. – 5. Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement…

Trending Politics: Documents obtained from whistleblowers testifying about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump have revealed that the Secret Service provided significantly more resources to First Lady Dr. Jill Biden that same day, bringing into question why agents were diverted after death threats emerged against the former president.

Front Page: Ex-Obama Official Linked to Cartel Drug Smuggling Picked to Investigate Trump Assassination Janet Napolitano’s Back. – Napolitano, Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, was at the nexus of the investigation over Fast and Furious, an Obama administration program that helped smuggle guns to cartels to impose gun control on Americans that backfired and led to the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Epoch Times: Secret Service Director Cheatle Admits A ‘Significant Operational Failure’ in Trump Assassination Attempt – As the Director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse,” Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle told the House Oversight Committee in prepared remarks after she was subpoenaed, adding that the shooting was the “most significant operational failure in decades.”

National Review: Kimberly Cheatle Is Why No One Trusts Anything – What is it that makes Cheatle so indispensable? – Is she some unique talent? – Is she pursuing some transformational agenda, besides the DEI stuff? – Is she going to clean up what’s wrong with the agency? – If so, what exactly was she doing before this point?

National Review” The End of an Error – He didn’t do it on camera, we didn’t hear his voice and we didn’t see him at all on Sunday. – I’m going to put down a marker, Joe Biden’s in much, much rougher shape, both physically and mentally, than anyone at the White House has been willing to admit. – The message from the White House is that Biden’s health is fine, and simultaneously that no, no one is allowed to see him, even though he’s announcing a complete reversal on his position for the past three years…

The Daily Fetched: Donald Trump has been sounding the alarm about Joe Biden‘s health for years, and is now calling for an investigation into the president’s doctors for lying to the American people about his mental decline. – The Biden team and the media have spent the last three years gaslighting the American public about the president’s physical and cognitive state…

Issues & Insights: Kamala Harris Will Be Burdened By What Has Been – There is a four-minute video on YouTube showing nothing but Vice President Kamala Harris repeating this empty phrase: “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” – But no matter how many times she utters this idiotic mantra, Harris will be heavily burdened by the disaster that has been the Biden administration.

The Daily Fetched: Elon Musk Blisters Kamala Harris on X after Biden Drops Out – “Imagine 4 years of this …” Musk posted on X Sunday evening, along with a video of a masked Kamala Harris announcing, “I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit.”

Front Page Magazine: The Real Problem With Kamala – The real issue is that Kamala displays leadership kryptonite. – Her original presidential campaign dissolved into infighting between her staff and her sister and then she dropped out of the race before she could even contest a primary. – As vice president, she not only made zero impact on anything, but her office staff abandoned ship. – The only thing she made into a signature issue was opposing Israel over the war with Hamas…

New York Post: Biden reportedly delayed dropping out partly because he doubted Kamala Harris’ chances against Trump – Biden and Harris spoke repeatedly over the phone in the hours before the bombshell announcement was made public, sources said.

Epoch Times: After Biden Exits The 2024 Race, Harris Scores Commanding Endorsements – The list of endorsements included the chairs of all 50 state party chairs, convention delegates from at least four states, and some of the biggest names in the party, including the Clintons, the governors of California, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and Democrat mega-donor Alex Soros.

American Thinker: Biden’s Parting Gift to the Democrat Establishment – Did Biden throw a grenade into the Democrat big tent? – He emphatically endorsed Kamala Harris to replace himself on the ticket. He simultaneously ended his political future while severely wounding the enemies who conspired against him. – While Barack Obama praised Biden’s choice to exit the race, he, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer have all declined to endorse Kamala Harris as of this writing.

American Thinker: The Fracturing of the Democrat Party – The 2024 election is critical to the future but in particular the Democrat Party as the cracks in the façade will begin to irreversibly widen, and finding a Biden replacement will exacerbate the tension between their two factions. – If Biden is too mentally incompetent to run for president, how can he continue in office? – The answer is, to issue pardons for himself and his family after November 5, 2024.

Epoch Times: Secret Service Director Cheatle Is ‘Eager to Cooperate’ With An Independent Review – The director is due to appear before the House Oversight Committee to testify on the agency’s security plan for the Trump campaign rally. – “I look forward to the panel examining what happened and providing recommendations to help ensure it will never happen again,” the director said.

Victor Davis Hanson: A Decade of Conspiracists? – Can we cease the charge of Trump the fascist since it has not only been proven false but has revealed far more about the authoritarian and conspiratorial nature of the accusers than their target? – Never in the history of the republic have the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Pentagon so vastly exceeded their constitutional and legal parameters or violated the careful guardrails between civilian and military…

Breitbart: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make the case Wednesday to Congress, and the American people, that Israel should be free to defeat Hamas, and Iran, without the constraints imposed by the Biden administration. – The Biden Administration has withheld a variety of weapons from Israel, openly and covertly, and has told Israel to refrain from certain military operations, such as the attack on Hamas in Rafah, which Israel has, at times, disobeyed.

Breitbart: Two Israeli hostages were declared Monday to have been murdered in Hamas captivity in Gaza – Alex Dancyg, 75, a Holocaust educator from Kibbutz Nir Oz; and musician Yagev Buchshtav, 35, from Kibbutz Nirim.

July 21, 2024

Epoch Times: Trump’s Shooter Wasn’t a Member of Rifle Team and Wasn’t Bullied According To His School – Bethel Park School District refuted reports about the would-be Trump assassin. – Thomas Crooks was never a member of the school’s rifle team and we have no record of him trying out,” their statement reads.

The Federalist: Democrat’s soft coup against President Joe Biden after his senility became a political liability, culminated with Biden announcing he would no longer seek the party’s nomination. – But if Biden cannot run for office due to the severe cognitive decline displayed during the debate, then dropping out of the nomination process isn’t enough, because if he is too senile to run for president, he is too senile to remain in office.

National Review: Joe Biden Should Resign the Presidency – Time and again, Biden has been confused in public, and we are now getting disturbing reports of his not recognizing friends and Democrat lawmakers in private. – It is possible to imagine a president who could serve for another six months but not another four and a half years, but this does not apply to Biden.

Wall Street Journal: What Happens Next Now That Biden Has Dropped Out? – Democrat delegates who pledged to vote for him now become ‘uncommitted’ – Now comes the difficult task of installing a replacement. – The Democratic National Convention begins on August 19. – Democrats could pick their nominee at the convention or virtually beforehand.

Epoch Times: The DNC Seeks Candidate ‘Who Can Defeat’ Trump After Biden Drops Out – ‘This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the party,’ DNC Chairman Jamie Harrison says. – “Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people.”

Trending Politics: The List Of Potential Harris VP Picks Has Been Revealed – Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper.

National Review: The Failure of Lawfare Exposed Biden – The lawsuits, the timing of their commencement, and the drive to schedule trials following the campaign calendar rather than the due process of law were no accident. – The point was not just to destroy Trump’s candidacy; it was to produce a historic, months-long drama that would keep Biden and his deterioration out of the public eye.

American Spectator: Destroying Our Criminal Justice System – The ails of our criminal justice system center on the failure to check abuse by politicized prosecutors. – Last year, the Los Angeles Times editorial board went so far as to say that the Republican opposition to Democrats’ “reforms” presented a threat to democracy.- Any resistance to these narratives is chalked up to right-wing obstruction…

Epoch Times: New Hampshire Bans Transgender Procedures for Children And Reserves Girls’ Sports for Those Born Females – The governor also signed a bill allowing parents to opt their child out of instruction related to sex and gender.

Center For Immigration Studies: A Shocking Report on Illegal-Immigrant Child Sex Crimes in Baltimore County, Md. Show Disparities In Prevalence And Sentencing – “Nearly 10%” of Child Sex Cases Involved Illegal Immigrants from Central America…

Wall Street Journal: At Approximately 2 PM Eastern Time Joe Biden Has Dropped Out of The 2024 Presidential Race And Endorsed Kamala Harris – He is ending his campaign amid Democrat concerns over his age and abilities – Biden said he would speak to the nation later this week in more detail about his decision.

The Canadian Independent: Bill and Hilary Clinton endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nominee after U.S. President Joe Biden announces he is dropping out of the presidential race.

Wall Street Journal: Joe Manchin Calls on Biden to ‘Pass the Torch’ – Previewing the potential fight to come, Manchin also broke with some other Democrats and called for an open process to pick a new nominee, a further sign that the party has no clear consensus on what it would do if Biden does step down.

JD Rucker: Political Suicide, Why Only Two Democrat Candidates Are Being Seriously Considered to Replace Joe Biden – It’s not Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, or even Gretchen Whitmer. – Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton have been the most common names being proposed in the last few days as replacements for Biden because neither has a political future whether they take over the nomination or not…

JD Rucker: Rumors are circulating across social media that Kimberly Cheatle, the diversity hire who is currently Director of the U.S. Secret Service, will resign on or around Monday. – Generally, we do not publish rumors except there doesn’t seem to be a path forward for Cheatle or the White House following the nearly successful assassination attempt against Donald Trump just over a week ago. They had one job and failed miserably at it with only a miraculous move at the last moment to keep Trump alive.

Townhall: Trump Reveals Chilling Details of Would-Be Assassination – During Trump’s first sit-down interview after last week’s failed assassination attempt, the former president said he was left in the dark about the 20-year-old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who fired shots just moments after Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania.

Powerline: GRAND IN GRAND RAPIDS – President Trump held his first post-convention rally before a full house in a packed auditorium last night in Grand Rapids. – A week after the attempt on his life, Trump was in his usual form, talking for nearly two hours. – He’s not sure who his opponent will be, yet he seems ready for whoever the Democrats serve up…

American Greatness: The Chosen One – J.D. Vance is uniquely capable of giving voice to an entire disaffected generation or two and permanently transforming America’s cultural and political landscape. – Trump would be wise to give J.D. an outsize role on the campaign trail and an even more outsize role in the presidential administration that is to come.

The Daily Fetched: The Lincoln Project Co-Founder Says The ‘Biden Team Gaslit America, So Trump Is Going to Win’ – “In fact, he’ll win with a MAGA House and Senate.” – According to the RealClearPolling average of polls, Trump bow leads Biden by 3.0% in a national head-to-head matchup…

Wall Street Journal: Tracing the Trump Gunman’s Final Months and Days – Thomas Matthew Crooks appeared to be a bright engineering student even as he hatched a plot for a violent end – Few of Crooks’s friends and acquaintances appeared to know of his shooting prowess, even though he frequently went to the shooting range with his father, whose AR-15 rifle, purchased years earlier, he would ultimately use in the attack…

American Thinker: Getting To Ground Zero In The Assassination Attempt Investigation – For Congress to get to the bottom of the assassination attempt against Trump, it must ask the right person the right question, and Kimberly Cheatle is not the right person to ask – Ground Zero of the information food chain regarding this event is the SS sniper who killed Crooks and that is who Comer should commence his examination with.

American Thinker: There Are So Many Questions For Secret Service Director Cheatle – Should SS agents be able to holster their handguns? – How many SS agents were in fact, present? – It has been reported the SS operated no drones that day, if not, why not? – Shouldn’t any SS agent seeing someone using a rangefinder at such a site think they were setting up a killing shot?…

American Thinker: A ‘Livable America’ According to Radical Leftists – The radical left has been warning us that if President Trump returns to office, life in America will not be livable. – Whoever believes this must also believe, or pretend to believe, that America is more livable when the following conditions are in place: Immigration laws are blatantly violated, Cities under Democrat mayors make the list of worst in the country to live in…

American Thinker: Trump and Vance Raised Questions About the Failure of The Secret Service to Protect Former President Trump – The breaking news from the interview clips is that Vance said “I don’t trust the [FBI] bureau leadership,” but left out the part where he said, “but I certainly think there are a lot of good field agents, guys on the ground… – The full interview will be run on Watters World, July 22 on the FOX News channel.

The Daily Signal: A Top Pediatrician Promoting Trans Procedures for Texas Kids Is Now High-Ranking NIH Official – Chief pediatrician at Texas Children’s Hospital Catherine Gordon resigned in April 2022 after just seven months in her role, shortly after Governor Greg Abbott forced the hospital to pause attempted sex-change procedures on children, such as puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries.

July 20, 2024

New York Post: Secret Service officials repeatedly rejected Donald Trump’s request for additional security in the two years before last weekend’s assassination attempt. – The ex-president, asked for more agents and magnetometers at large public events he attended, as well as extra snipers for outdoor venues, four insiders told The Washington Post, which first reported the damning revelation.

Trending Politics: Fox News Confirms There Was A Third Shooter At Trump Rally – New details have emerged on the Secret Service counter-sniper who was able to neutralize would-be presidential assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks with a “one in a million” shot immediately after the gunman opened fire.

Trending Politics: Two New Theories Arise That May Explain How Trump Shooter Got Rifle Onto Roof – One source who had been briefed on the investigation stated that it is believed Crooks hid the rifle behind an air-conditioning unit he used to climb on top of the AGR International Building – Another theory contends that the rifle was hidden in the gunman’s backpack.

Epoch Times: Former White House physician and current Representative Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) issued a statement providing details about former president Trump’s injuries sustained in the shooting. – “The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear.” – “There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear.” – “The swelling has since resolved and the wound is starting to granulate and heal properly.”

Western Journal: The Condition of Trump’s Ear Injury Is Finally Revealed – The Hole Is Gigantic In Relative Terms – A hole with a 2 cm diameter equates to a surface area of about 3.14 which constitutes roughly 6.4% of the total ear surface area.

Center Square: Tens of thousands turn out for Trump-Vance rally in Michigan – “We’re here because we’re tired of our country going to crap,” an Indiana truck driver said. “I don’t like the gas prices, that our food prices are going up. I don’t like the fact that nowadays it’s OK to wave the LGBTQ flag and the Palestinian flag, but you’re burning the American flag. We’ve got wars, and all our money is going to Ukraine, and you’ve got homeless Americans, homeless veterans. Trump can stop that.”

Trending Politics: The Washington Post is reporting that “top officials” with the Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional security made by former President Donald Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to the attempt on his life in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13. – Agency higher-ups cited several reasons when denying the requests, including lack of resources and staff.

American Thinker: Biden is reportedly flying into rages – He’s like a wounded monster of Democrats’ own making; artificially stitched together, rotting, braying, and lashing out. – That’s some candidate to present to the public, and as of this writing, he’s not leaving. – If Biden does stand down, it’s not likely that any one candidate will have an absolute majority when the elected delegates are initially polled…

Red State: Obama Lied to Everyone About Biden’s Senility at The Infamous L.A. Fundraiser – Obama and his underlings lied to everyone. – They didn’t just abstain from commenting on Biden’s troubles at the fundraiser. – They came out publicly and countered them. They claimed that anyone who pointed out his senility was pushing disinformation, giving the press everything they needed to run with the “cheap-fakes” nonsense.

Zero Hedge: Eric Weinstein, former managing director of Thiel Capital, “It’s The Communism Stupid” – He believes the Democrat Party, by embracing progressive causes, is inadvertently promoting a communist agenda aimed at destabilizing capitalism and American society. – This view, although not widely accepted by corporate media, is a pivotal factor in Trump’s surging support.

JD Rucker: “Project 2025” Is Corporate Media’s Hail Mary – This is “The Big Lie” during this middle phase of the election cycle. – Donald Trump has renounced Project 2025 on multiple occasions. So has J.D. Vance. Yet corporate media continues to gaslight the American people with constant articles about how awful it would be if Trump wins because of Project 2025…

Washington Examiner: Democrats begin to plant seeds for open convention – Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) became the second Democratic senator to call on Biden to step aside on Thursday. He’d like to see an open nominating process at the convention in Chicago next month, and he’s not endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris at this time, according to his office.

Gateway Pundit: Here We Go, The DNC Rules Committee Outlines A New Voting Process That Will Move to A Virtual Roll Call to Nominate Joe Biden to Prevent A Embarrassing Public Display – The Democratic National Convention is scheduled from August 19 to 22 in Chicago.

Zero Hedge: While Joe Biden is decidedly ‘dug in’ and isn’t going anywhere, Democrats, the party of ‘democracy is on the ballot,’ are plotting a ‘loophole’ if Biden refuses to step aside or drop out of the race. – Given that Biden won nearly all the pledged delegates in the primary, those delegates can say that Biden no longer “reflect[s] the sentiments of those who elected them,” and can dump him at will…

Zero Hedge: A well-timed distraction? Or is it real this time? The White House says Iran is on the verge of being nuclear weapons capable. – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Friday that the Islamic Republic will have enough enriched uranium for producing fissile material to achieve a nuclear weapon within just “one or two weeks.”

The Reece Report: There Is Evidence of Multiple Shooters at The Trump Assassination Attempt – So we have more questions and no official answers – According to the sound analysis of Mike Adams, there were at least three shooters. – “I think round one is probably Crooks. Round two is Crooks. Round three is Crooks. I think these three rounds are Crooks. It’s my guess. Rounds four and five are from the same distance as Crooks but they are not Crooks…

American Thinker: Secret Service Threat Standards – When authorities first observed Crooks carrying a golf range finder Saturday, he was perceived as a “person of interest” but not a “threat,” authorities said Thursday. – Fox News reports before he mounted the roof, he hid his rifle, though there is no inkling of where or how he did that. So they didn’t see him until he was on the roof with the rifle? – Various other sources suggest SS or other agency counter snipers had him in their sights, or at least their spotting scopes, for from three to 20 minutes before they fired…

American Spectator: The Secret Service Needs a Red Team – Why Did Nobody think to ask the important questions before last week’s rally? – Red teaming, when properly done, challenges the basic assumptions of any plan, but nobody likes to be red-teamed. – The Trump assassination attempt is a case in point. – Secret Service planners supposedly assumed that the outer perimeter of the rally site would be secured by local law enforcement…

Fox News: Representative Sheila Jackson Lee has passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer – Representative Jackson Lee leaves behind her husband and two children.

American Thinker: Project 2025, Videos That Refute The Leftist Lies – Whenever confronted by the truth, leftists will always fall back on their one true talent; lying through their teeth. – To refute their abject lies and projections, it’s best to turn to facts. – This is why I have sourced several videos that explain the project they demonize, with links to the forward and the plan itself.

American Thinker: Donald Trump Versus American Socialists – The times have changed, and the modern Democrat party is not the party of John Kennedy. – Barack Obama, a devoted Marxist, converted the Democrat party into a socialist cartel and put the country on its way to a “fundamental transformation” to socialism. – Democrats now profess that America’s existing institutions—marriage, religion, the free-market economy, the judicial system, and the reliance on individual liberty—are outmoded, unfair, and discriminatory…

American Thinker: Who Can Donald Trump Count On? – When the going inevitably gets tough, who can a future President Trump look to for support? – Trump can’t trust the GOP, the CIA, the FBI, and many in government high places. He should also be wary of the National Archives as well, for helping to put his family at risk of deadly force. – As the late, great Rush Limbaugh pointed out, the only group supporting once and possibly future President Trump is the many, many millions of Trump voters and supporters, the latter group growing larger by the day…

American Thinker: A recently revealed Duke University School of Medicine DEI plan from 2021 asserts that concepts such as “individualism” and “timeliness” can be a part of “white supremacy culture.” – Individualism is, by definition, not a white supremacy culture … or part of any group’s culture, ethos, or standard. It is, however, the key to a rich and rewarding life and society…

National Review: The Fantasy Fiction of Anthony Fauci – His autobiography is a train wreck of a book. – Friends, indeed good friends, reviewed an early draft and persuaded him to bring in a “collaborator” to fix it. – Many of Fauci’s anecdotes are unintentionally revealing about his character

Slay Magazine: An appeals court has blocked the implementation of Biden’s SAVE student loan forgiveness plan. – The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has halted the plan while it considers the merits of a lawsuit by conservative states against the initiative. – The court was responding to a lawsuit against SAVE by Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: SLIPPERY SLOPE EDITION – Speaking of slippery slopes, the slide has been polished, greased, and sprayed down, but Joe Biden refused to ride it down…

July 19, 2024

Epoch Times: Biden Announces His Return to The Campaign Trail Next Week – ‘The stakes are high, and the choice is clear. Together, we will win,’ the president said in a statement.

American Thinker:  Did Jill Biden get the Secret Service’s ‘A’ team, leaving President Trump with just its farm team? – Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on Friday that most of the security personnel at former President Donald Trump’s Saturday campaign rally had been “unprepared and inexperienced” DHS personnel rather than actual members of the U.S. Secret Service…

Breitbart: Nine Secret Service Failures that Nearly Led to Former President Donald Trump Being Assassinated – 1. The rooftop that Crooks fired at Trump from was an obvious security risk. – 2. The Secret Service allowed local law enforcement to be placed inside the building instead of on the rooftop. – 3. There was a lack of security on the building on the ground, allowing Crooks to access the rooftop. – 4. Local law enforcement first spotted Crooks near a magnetometer with a range finder around 3 p.m., about three hours before Trump spoke, but then was lost track of…

Wall Street Journal: Trump Gunman Flew Drone Over Rally Site Hours Before Attempted Assassination – This discovery adds to the growing list of stunning security lapses that almost led to the former president’s killing. – The predetermined path, the officials added, suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site…

City Journal: How The Secret Service Failed – What Disaster Science Tells Us about the Trump assassination attempt – The House Oversight Committee and other investigators should take lessons from disaster science to help guide inquiries that do more than give politicians 90-second clips on TikTok. Here are some questions Congress and other investigators should ask. – How unusual were the various decisions made on July 13? – What competing goals might have undermined the agency’s focus? – Is the Secret Service ignoring the “weak signals” of trouble?…

Western Journal: Democrat Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker pushed back on Biden’s Green Energy plan by signing the Safe CCS Act, which places a two-year moratorium on the construction of carbon dioxide pipelines until either July 2026 or until the Federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issues revised safety regulations on carbon capture projects.

Conservative Brief: According to a recent AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll, over 60% of Democrats think Kamala Harris would be a fine president. – Approximately 20% of Democrats don’t think she will, and an additional 20% say they don’t know enough to comment. – Many Democrats have openly and privately turned to Harris to replace Biden as the party’s presidential nominee since Biden’s disastrous June 27 debate…

Mark Halperin: Democrat Sources Say Biden Will Step Aside – Multiple sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden. – Plans indicate he will announce his withdrawal from the nomination as early as this weekend, with Sunday being most likely. – He will not resign from the presidency nor endorse Kamala Harris.

Mark Halperin: – Nancy Pelosi is forcing Biden’s hand. – She’s gone out of her way so far to make this process as painless for him as possible but knows him well enough to know that he is one of the world’s worst and slowest decision-makers. – The message is clear, do what needs to be done now Joe, or the level of pain will be ratcheted up. – Over the balance of July, Joe Biden can do this his way or Pelosi’s way, the hard way or the easy way…

Trending Politics: Family members surrounding President Joe Biden are reportedly past the point of encouraging him to run out the clock on Democrats’ calls that he exit the race. – Instead, they are working with the embattled leader to plan when and how he ends his reelection campaign in the coming days. – NBC News reported that some of the president’s closest family members, including First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and his son Hunter Biden, are working with the patriarch to manage a departure on his terms.

Washington Examiner: Might Democratic front-runners be hesitant to join a Harris ticket? – There has been ample speculation on who Harris could take as her vice president, any of those candidates would have to deal with being on a ticket that has similar polling to Biden at the moment. – Governors Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) are both reportedly not interested in being Harris’s No. 2. – Both names have been regularly floated as future presidential candidates, though they’re unlikely to go for it this cycle since Harris is positioned better.

Epoch Times: Donald Trump Vowed To Be A President For All Americans In His Convention Acceptance Speech – “The discord and division in our society must be healed.” – “I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America because there is no victory in winning for half of America.” – “We rise together, or we fall apart.” – Before delving into that political vision, former President Trump described his experience on July 13…

Zero Hedge: Trading Trump, Is This The Real Reason The Valley Boys Love Trump? – The probabilities show a 75% probability of Trump winning the US election on Nov 5. – The Trump Odds vs. the S&P, a lot of this stuff is getting priced into the market already. – The US yield curve has steepened with a rising probability of a Republican win…

Issues & Insights: Is This The End Of The Road For Today’s Democrat Party? – It has been completely overrun by its America-hating, DEI-ESG-CRT-socialist-Marxist-spewing radical fringe – Republicans wrapped up their hugely successful convention, and calls for President Joe Biden to step down are accelerating. – Donald Trump made one key decision this week that could seal the party’s fate. – Trump is grooming the next generation of leaders who can carry his vision forward as evidenced by his pick of JD Vance for his VP…

Vigilant Fox: Tucker Carlson Rocks the Stage with An Epic Speech and Gets A Standing Ovation – This ten-minute global address is quickly going viral.

The Federalist: Trump’s Triumph At The RNC Suggests Something Bigger Than Politics Is Unfolding In America – The whole convention had an air of myth, of the spirit of divine providence and a palpable sense that, as one commentator put it, we are “caught in the tide of larger shores.” – Earlier in the day, the convention opened with a prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, a traditional Catholic prayer for protection against “the wickedness and snares of the devil.” – Later, the Reverand Franklin Graham offered a prayer for the nation and Trump…

The Federalist: Donald Trump Enters Fall Election With The Big Tent Republicans Failed To Build For Decades – Trump has made inroads with minority voters without alienating the party’s white base because the former president’s activism is genuine. – The party’s extended reach was exemplified by Rose, a rapper and television personality who addressed the Republican convention on the first day, saying “I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re black, white, gay, or straight. It’s all love,” she said. “And that’s when it hit me: These are my people. This is where I belong.”

Peggy Noonan’s WSJ Opinion Piece: The Republican National Convention Is a Trumpian Triumph – A movement that was a joke nine years ago is a party now and its members are certain they will win. – If I say the Republicans had a stupendous convention I am not saying I am Trumpist. – The Republican National Convention: It was stupendous, a triumph from production through pronounced meaning and ability to reach beyond the tent, and it moved me…

American Conservative: Why Did Trump Give A Long Winded On and Off Script Speech? – This speech was not just about striking a contrast with Biden, however. It was a rebranding for Trump, and a neutralization of another Donald Trump, the one Democrats have tried to establish in voters’ minds. – This Trump showed he is not a dangerous person. – Trump was genial and jokey the whole time he gave his speech, with no anger, and no thunder.

American Spectator: The Chosen One – Our current problems may seem dire, but J.D. was made for this moment. – Vance can usher in a new American epoch of cultural restoration. – Ultimately, as the now clear heir to the throne in a post-Trump Republican Party, J.D. Vance will have a unique opportunity to effectuate transformative change in American political life by scrambling arbitrary old political lines and building a durable, generational coalition of the broader center.

American Thinker: Trump’s Resilience And The Inevitable Endpoint of Democrat Politics – Whether it’s gaslighting, demonizing their political opponent, or their propensity for violence, Saturday’s attack on Trump was consistent with ongoing Democrat rhetoric and actions. – As every day goes by, we find out more about the utterly absurd events that put Trump at risk. – We discovered that the DEI clown running the Secret Service diverted Trump’s usual detail to protect her patron, Jill Biden, leaving Trump with the practice squad…

Resist The Mainstream: ‘Freak’ Reason Hero Firefighter Was Shot, Killed During Trump Rally Revealed – Comperatore, a former chief of Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company, had moved to the front row with his wife and two daughters just moments before the former president was scheduled to speak.

Washington Free Beacon: A conspiracy theory has run unabated in Democratic circles following the assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump on Saturday. – It proposes that Trump staged the shooting for a photo op, that the wound on his ear was caused by something other than an assassin’s bullet, and that he was never in mortal danger. – It’s a baseless conspiracy theory disproven by reams of documentary evidence and eyewitness accounts, but it’s a belief held by one-third of the Democratic electorate.

American Thinker: The Trump Conspiracy! – There are two primary possibilities: (1) The Secret Service, top to bottom, is incredibly, wildly incompetent. – (2) Elements of the Secret Service, without direction or with direction from higher authorities, have been creating vulnerabilities with plausible deniability, like sloped roofs, hoping someone would take advantage of those obvious vulnerabilities and kill Donald Trump. – One can go a bit further when you take a closer look…

Trending Politics: After receiving a subpoena from the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Kimberly Cheatle has agreed to testify before the committee on Monday concerning the recent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. – “Kimberly Cheatle will testify before the House Committee on Oversight on Monday,” said Secret Service Chief of Communications, Anthony Guglielmi, on Friday.

Slay Magazine: In a disturbing new twist regarding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a bombshell report has revealed that the building used by the shooter is owned by World Economic Forum board member Larry Fink’s investment company BlackRock. – Furthermore, the building is managed by former executives of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. – During Trump’s rally last Saturday, a gunman was able to scale the roof of the building, unchallenged by police or Secret Service, and take clear shots at the 45th president.

Trending Politics: Josh Hawley Drops A BOMBSHELL About Trump’s Rally Security, The People Assigned Were ‘Not Even Secret Service’ – The whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not USSS agents but instead were drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). – This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these types of events, according to the allegations.”

ArnGrimR: New Facts And Old Fakes, The Trump Shooting Revisited – An incredible amount of information keeps surfacing, and every new bit confirms, refutes, or amends the ideas we’re forming about this assassination attempt. Let’s take a look at some of it. – Trump got hit with the first shot, which was very well-aimed. Using pictures taken from Trump’s right, by press photographers stationed there, the following sequence, immediately following each other, right before and when the first shot rang out, graphically shows how leaning forward and turning his head saved his life…

Vigilant Fox: “The Official Story of a Lone Gunman Is COMPLETE BUNK” – Even CNN acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.” – Dr. Chris Martenson meticulously breaks down the damning audio evidence. – The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and now brilliant minds are using their heads to uncover what happened that day…

American Thinker: A Victory for Honest Elections – Achieving large-scale fraud requires two things: Mail-in ballots and outdated voter rolls. – This Arizona win for the Republicans did not make national news, nor did it make local news, but it should have. People are fighting to improve the integrity of elections and they are the same people fighting to help elect Donald Trump…

American Thinker: Why The Trump Campaign Won’t Commit To A VP Debate Date – How can they agree to a vice presidential debate date when no one knows who the Democrat nominee will be?

New York Sun: Is Biden Funding the Taliban? – Auditors warn that there’s no way to be sure that the money President Biden sent to Afghanistan didn’t go to the Taliban. – That’s the upshot of a new report issued by the president’s special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, operating under the moniker Sigar. Two bureaus under the State Department failed to adequately vet nearly $300 million in aid disbursed in Afghanistan over eight months in 2022...

KTLA-5: Political commentator Lou Dobbs has died at the age of 78. – Former President Donald Trump, whom Dobbs publicly supported, announced his passing. – “The Great Lou Dobbs has just passed away — A friend, and truly incredible Journalist, Reporter, and Talent” – No cause of death has been given.

California Globe: Gavin Newsom’s ’10 Ways California Leads the Nation’ is Orwellian – California may be leading the nation off the cliff into 3rd world status. – Newsom claims California simply has no peers, across the spectrum and made these claims in an email Thursday. – Women have “reproductive freedom” in the abortion sanctuary state. – Having “health care access” is providing it for free to all lower-income California residents and illegal immigrants.” – “California continues to lead the nation in celebrating people for who they are, being a sanctuary for people seeking gender-affirming care, reproductive health care, and seeking to enshrine LGBTQ+ equality”…

New York Post: A failed software update grounded flights, knocked banks offline and media outlets went off the air worldwide early Friday. – The global crisis was triggered when US cybersecurity company CrowdStrike deployed a faulty software update to computers running Microsoft Windows. – Microsoft said the underlying cause of the global outage had been fixed as of early Friday morning…

Lawyer Lisa: MOST IMPORTANT CLIMATE MINUTE EVER, AS THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT THEORY IS BUSTED!! – This is due to the failure to recognize the behavior of IR active gas molecules [like water vapor and CO2] – Given that the Earth has managed itself without man’s intervention over the epochs, it should not surprise us that Le Chatelier’s principle is at work. – Climate change is natural. (And out of mankind’s control!)

July 18, 2024

Washington Free Beacon: House speaker Mike Johnson vowed on Thursday to arrest any anti-Israel congressional officials who disrupt or get “out of hand” during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming floor speech to a joint session of Congress. – Johnson’s comments come as hundreds of left-leaning congressional staffers, and some Democrat lawmakers vowed to protest or boycott Netanyahu’s address on July 24.

Tablet Magazine: It Wasn’t Trump or Biden That Normalized Political Violence in America – With the Democrat Party’s internal upheavals about replacing the incumbent, the left has openly acknowledged that the shadow presidency isn’t a MAGA conspiracy but fact. – All the party’s chatter is centered on Obama, identifying him as the man holding the party’s reins and directing its messaging…

The Federalist: If Democrats Want A New Nominee, They Need To Use The 25th Amendment – Democrats want to have their cake and eat it too, by getting rid of Biden the nominee but keeping Biden the current president, but that’s not how it works. – The only acceptable excuse for rejecting Democrat primary voters’ decision is if Biden is constitutionally unable to serve as president.

The American Mind: Eff Bee Why – The FBI, our premier federal law enforcement agency can’t be trusted to investigate major crimes. – The nation remains on edge, awaiting more information regarding the motive of Donald Trump’s would-be assassin. – Many serious questions have emerged, but we may never get answers regarding the shooter’s intentions and access because the lead agency responsible for investigating, the FBI, is utterly unreliable and aggressively politicized, with a decade-long track record of deliberately obfuscating the motivations, such as…

Epoch Times: The Secret Service Was Told That The Local Police Lacked The Manpower to Secure The Building Used by The Trump Shooter – Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi confirmed this account and said that stationing a patrol car and an officer outside of the building was part of the agency’s advanced security planning proposal.

Vigilant News: The Trump Shooter Used 3 Encrypted Accounts OVERSEAS to Communicate – Who was Crooks communicating with? – Police found a cell phone and a bomb detonator next to Thomas Matthew Crooks after a Secret Service sniper fatally shot him on a rooftop outside of Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally. – The media is trying to paint Crooks as a ‘lone wolf’ and ‘domestic terrorist’ but there is no way he acted alone…

American Thinker: The Democrats’ greatest fear is coming true, Black men and young people now like Trump – While Trump is nowhere near a majority with either group, his inroads into the Democrats’ hold over them could be the difference between winning and losing. – The men whom the NYT interviewed felt betrayed by the Democrat party (as well they should, for the party has used and abused them), but most were pragmatists: Ultimately, they thrived under Trump and have not done so under Biden and results talk.

AXIOS: Behind the Curtain, Top Democrats Now Believe Biden Will Exit – Several top Democrats privately told us the rising pressure of party congressional leaders and close friends will persuade President Biden to drop out of the presidential race, as soon as this weekend. – The pressure to step aside as a candidate has been rising to intolerable levels, especially over the past few days. – Democrats fully expect polls after the Republican National Convention to show a possible blowout that could bring down Democrats in Congress, too.

Issues & Insights: Cackling While America Burns – While there’s not a single person on any list of possible replacements who wouldn’t continue the decline of the U.S. under Biden, one stands out as more frightening than the rest, and that is Kamala Harris. – There’s an easy explanation why Harris is one of the most unpopular vice presidents. – She is an unserious person and a classic nitwit…

Trending Politics: Trump CRUSHES Biden-Harris In First Major Post-Shooting Poll – Emerson College on Thursday released results showing President Trump leading the Democrat incumbent 44% to 38% national, the largest lead he has held all year in the first poll conducted since he was nearly killed in an assassination attempt on Saturday.

American Thinker: Tonight, The ‘Blue Collar Billionaire’ On Stage At The RNC As Donald Trump Will Deliver The Most Important Speech Of His Career – In the view of some seasoned observers, Trump’s speech tonight could be even more significant than other famous speeches from the past as he stands at a potential game-changing pivot point in modern American party politics.

American Thinker: JD Vance’s Stellar VP Night At The RNC – He came across as easygoing and natural, with none of the phoniness of the pro politicians and might even be a better speaker than President Trump. – He touched all the necessary bases in criticisms of Joe Biden’s policies and their destructive effects in the heartland, while not sounding judgmental or angry. – He will make a superb veep and understudy for Trump, far superior to Mike Pence.

American Conservative: JD Vance Highlighted The Past And Looked To The Future in His RNC Stemwinder – The Ohio Senator and VP candidate attacked the failed elite consensus and contrasted it with the populist policies of Trump. – Vance’s actionable message throughout was clear, “Donald Trump represents America’s last best hope to restore what—if lost—may never be found again.”

Epoch Times: The DNC Says Virtual Vote to Nominate Biden Will Happen in August – The co-chair of the party’s rules committee confirmed during a news conference that the voting won’t take place before Aug. 1. – Mr. Walz said the DNC needs to complete it ahead of the convention to ensure the signatures are on ballots in all 50 states, including Washington, which has an Aug. 20 certification deadline.

Townhall: After DHS said it would launch an investigation into the Trump assassination attempt, Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill have also launched separate investigations and have called on Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to testify on Monday, July 22. – According to House Speaker Mike Johnson, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is attempting to block Cheatle from testifying.

Bill Rice, Jr.: A ladder could be a smoking gun for the assassination attempt – Plenty of salient questions remain unanswered. – The first key and still-unanswered question is whether the ladder depicted in these photographs is the one that allowed the shooter to gain access to this building, because other published reports, citing authorities working on the investigation, maintain the shooter gained access to the roof of the building via an air conditioning unit…

American Thinker: DEI and the Secret Service – Dark clouds of DEI initiatives are hovering over the nation’s foremost federal law enforcement agency. – The visuals of Donald Trump surviving the assassination attempt shocked the world, but after the relief that he was safe, there was perplexity caused by videos of what seemed like female agents struggling to function properly despite the urgency of the situation…

Resist The Mainstream: Sources close to the investigation revealed that the Secret Service received a warning about Thomas Matthew Crooks, designating him as a “threat” merely 10 minutes before Trump’s appearance. – This shocking information emerged during a stunning Senate briefing by the Secret Service on Wednesday.

American Thinker: Inexplicable Facts Lead To A Plethora Of Theories On The Shooting – I’m not accusing anyone in the Biden government of enemy action or claiming any specific theory is correct. However, I am noting that, with this level of weird incompetence and easy opportunities for an assassination attempt, a lot of people are saying that the given explanations seem so impossible that many believe the only probable explanation for what happened was enemy action, with the enemy being someone (or several) within the Biden administration.

Resist The Mainstream: Two men critically injured during the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump have shown signs of improvement. – James Copenhaver, 74, and David Dutch, 57, were both admitted to Allegheny General Hospital in critical condition following the shocking incident. – They have now been upgraded to “serious condition,” according to an Allegheny Health Network official.

American Thinker: The Democrats’ Jihad against Donald Trump – The evolution of jihad against Trump occurred predictably, from less bloody to more bloody methods – There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the anti-Trump hysteria in the disinformation media and the assassination attempt. – The assassination ultimately revealed President Trump’s character to those who have yet to comprehend it…

Breitbart: The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits unexpectedly soared last week. – The Department of Labor said Thursday that new claims for unemployment benefits rose by 20,000 to 243,000 last week. – Continuing claims, which are reported with a one-week delay, rose by 20,0000 to 1,867,000. This is the highest since November of 2021.

California Globe: The Golden State Insurance Crisis As Californians Are Getting Insured Right Out of Their Homes – The real responsibility for California’s high insurance premiums lies in state politicians and the governor’s policy decisions. – Most insurers say because of California’s high cost to rebuild, they can’t keep premiums artificially low any longer. – Insurers are now asking for a 34% increase in premiums in California.

Michael Shellenberger: The media headlines have it wrong when they claim that California Governor Gavin Newsom’s new law protects children by stopping public schools from outing their new gender to their parents. – It does just the opposite, by making children vulnerable to irreversible and lifelong medical abuse and mistreatment. It is all based on the pseudoscientific idea that some children are born into the wrong bodies and that we can change a person’s sex through drugs and surgery…

Zero Hedge: The International Space Station (ISS) is coming down. – NASA and SpaceX leaders announced their plan on July 17 to retire the ISS safely while maintaining an uninterrupted human presence in low Earth orbit. – Using the $843 million contract it won in June, SpaceX will create a one-off variant of the Dragon Cargo spacecraft that will direct the ISS into a controlled re-entry over a still-undecided area of ocean by 2030.

July 17, 2024

Western Journal: A Plastic Surgeon Reveals Surgery to Repair Trump’s Ear, But Will Trump Do It? – Trump lost the top third of his right ear to a bullet that came within an inch of ending his life on the stage in Butler County, Pennsylvania. – That portion of the ear “is one of the easier areas to reconstruct,” Dass told the Daily Mail. – The operation itself would take one to two hours and require only a local anesthetic, meaning Trump would be awake for the work and cost about $10,000.

Western Journal: The Video of Trump Arriving at The ER After Being Shot Is Thrilling and Heartbreaking at the Same Time – The 46-second clip showed people inside a waiting room, peering out the window at a black SUV parked at the emergency room entrance with red and blue lights flashing. – The concerned spectators were heard exchanging tidbits of information and talking about Trump’s injuries…

Just The News: At least six major security failures at Trump rally leave more questions for investigators – Onlookers warned police about a suspicious individual. – A local officer saw Crooks with a rifle. – Multiple security officers spotted the suspicious individual before the shooting. – The SS and the FBI confirmed Crooks was identified by law enforcement much earlier than originally expected. – Local police warned USSS that they didn’t have enough resources. – They allowed Donald Trump to remain on stage despite the threat.

Breitbart: The Butler Township Commissioner Says Local Police Were ‘Strictly’ Tasked with Traffic Control – “When you look at Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police, Butler County Sheriff’s Department, the Butler Township police only responsibility was traffic detail, and I’m not going to comment on any other entity that was there, but I want to set the record straight,” he said, noting comments from many who are placing blame on local officers…

Breitbart: Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Mayorkas Is ‘Stepping In and Slowing the Process of Information’ About The Attempted Assassination of Trump – Greene explained that these agencies “cover up the information, and then they create the narrative that they want the public to know.” – “I believe we’re seeing the Biden administration and the intelligence community are starting to build the narrative that they want, and then they’re going to feed that information and try to control it as usual.”

Daily Signal: Speaker Johnson Is Setting Up A ‘Special Task Force’ To Investigate The Trump Assassination Attempt – “The answers that they are providing to us thus far are not satisfactory,” he said. – “So I announced this morning that we are gonna set up a special task force, a precision strike on this, it will be a bipartisan investigatory group and they will have subpoena authority. – We’re going to get down to the bottom of this quickly.”

Epoch Times: Joe Biden Tests Positive for COVID – “I tested positive for COVID-19 this afternoon, but I am feeling good.” – The president canceled all events and headed to his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Epoch Times: Federal Prosecutors Begin Dropping Jan. 6 Obstruction Charges After Supreme Court Ruling – Supreme Court justices ruled that charges brought under the obstruction law must meet certain criteria. – Defendants in other cases, and multiple people who have been convicted and are awaiting sentencing, have asked judges to consider the effect of the ruling.

The Daily Signal: 9 Takeaways From Night 3 of Republican National Convention – Jackson: Trump ‘Took a Bullet for Our Country’ – Kai Trump Recalls Hearing of Her Grandfather’s Shooting – Vance Outlines Biden’s History of Failures – Peter Navarro: ‘I Went to Prison So You Won’t’ – Gingrich Accused Biden of a ‘Make-America-Weak Ideology’ – Burgum: A Warning of ‘Biden Blackouts and Brownouts’…

City Journal: A Golden State Realignment? – As Governor Gavin Newsom’s signing of a bill barring parental notification of children’s gender transitions makes clear, progressives still dominate California, but signs point to a potential shakeup. – Residents have lost confidence, as only 40 percent approve of the activities of state legislators. – Some 62 percent told pollsters the state was headed in the wrong direction, up from 37 percent in 2020. – Four in ten are considering an exit.

RVM News: The Secret Service Cover-Up Coming From The Top – Dan Bongino Drops Bombshell with Stunning Revelation on Secret Service Failures Surrounding Trump Shooting – The rooftop from which the failed Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks fired shots, was supposed to be covered by law enforcement personnel. – Bongino revealed he was told this by an “unimpeachable source” knowledgeable about the situation.

Epoch Times: The DHS Inspector General Has Opened An Investigation Into Secret Service Lapses at The Trump Rally – The investigation aims to evaluate the Secret Service’s “process for securing former President Trump’s July 13, 2024 campaign event, but no start date was given. – The attempted assassination has raised questions about how the shooter, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, managed to position himself on a rooftop with a clear line of sight of former President Trump.

Washington Examiner: Don Jr. Basks In TheVance Spotlight After The VP Tug Of War – He spent months correcting what he calls the “lies of omission” from Republicans who wanted to keep Vance from becoming VP. – Vance had important allies in his corner, among them ex-Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson and entrepreneur Elon Musk, but Donald Trump Jr.’s unique access to his father allowed him to steer the conversation back to Vance each time boosters for the other leading contenders had the former president thinking twice about his decision…

Townhall: In His NAACP Speech, Biden Calls to ‘Lower the Temperature’ and Then Proceeds to Blast Trump – “Just because we should lower the temperature, doesn’t mean we should stop telling the truth,” Biden said, before claiming “Donald Trump’s presidency was hell for Black America.” – At another point, Biden argued the George Floyd protests were peaceful and questioned Trump calling for the National Guard…

Daily Mail: Trump shooting victim’s wife reveals details of her heartwarming phone call with the former president after refusing to speak to Biden – “He was very kind and said he would continue to call me in the days and weeks ahead” – “I told him the same thing I told everyone else, that he left this world a hero and God welcomed him in” – “He did not die in vain that day.”

Daily Mail: The Trump Shooter’s Bomb Plot – Cops found a remote detonator next to Thomas Crooks’ cellphone minutes after they shot him dead and the FBI found bombs in the car he parked next to the rally. – Four days after the shooting, law enforcement has not commented on what they believe Crooks may have been planning to do after the shooting with the Secret Service facing increasing scrutiny for their inability to secure the event…

Courageous Discourse: SS Director Cheatle’s Statement Has Zero Credibility – Secret Service personnel knew the building to the north was not secured and they did nothing to correct the breach. – From their vantage point on the barn roofs, the counter snipers could see that there were NO SENTRIES on the building to the north. They could also see the bystanders on the ground to the left of the building, frantically gesturing towards the roof for minutes before Crooks reached the ridge and fired the shots.

American Thinker: The Secret Service Story is Starting to Stink, Big Time – While the men and women surrounding Trump when the shooting occurred did the right thing, it’s beginning to look as if no one else in the US Secret Service did. – It’s beginning to look as if I was far too quick to give thanks that “the Secret Service is, apparently, not as corrupt as the FBI.” – We’re now learning, among other things, that Trump’s Secret Service detail was made up of second- and third-stringers, with more experienced agents having been pulled away to protect “Dr.” Jill Biden…

National Review: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Must Resign – Let us also not forget that in addition to a bullet grazing Trump’s ear, there were multiple casualties. – No matter what Cheatle says, there is simply no excuse for a stunning failure that, but for a stroke of luck or act of God, would have ended up with Trump’s death, and all of the political and social turmoil that would have come with it…

National Review: The Democrat National Committee Rushes to Nominate a Deteriorating Joe Biden – DNC chair Jaime Harrison is going at it, hammer and tongs, with independent analyst Nate Silver on whether the DNC needs to formally nominate Joe Biden as its candidate before the convention, with “plans to hold virtual roll call as early as July 21.” – There is something almost comical about the frantic effort to ensure the Democratic Party nominates Biden after all we’ve seen over several weeks…

American Greatness: Trump And The Fate Of Western Civilization – Trump represents a movement that is bigger than him, and bigger than MAGA. – The people in these movements all share at least two common grievances: they don’t want their national cultures destroyed, and they don’t want their standard of living destroyed. – In every country where these movements have arisen, that is exactly what is happening, and it’s happening fast.

Powerline: A CRY FROM THE HEART – Madeline Brame was only one of the excellent speakers at the Republican National Convention last night, but she stood out. – The New York Post covers her remarks, but I have posted the six-minute video of her talk below. – She’s not having any of that “lowering the temperature.” She is righteously angry with Alvin Bragg. – She testifies: “My eyes have been opened.”

The Federalist: RNC Unity Night Features Powerful Speeches From Americans Suffering Under The Biden Administration – The real stars of Tuesday’s lineup were the average Americans who shared their stories of loss and pain under Democrat President Joe Biden and his leftist policies. – ‘Our Baby Was Gone’ – ‘Say His Name’…

Breitbart: Fact Check, Democrats Try to Smear J.D. Vance as Antisemitic and Anti-Israel – CLAIM: J.D. Vance backs antisemitic “replacement theory,” votes against Israel, and won’t oppose antisemitism. – VERDICT: FALSE. All of these are lies circulated by pro-Israel Democrats losing the battle within their party. – The fact that Democrats have to stoop to gross distortions and outright lies to cast Vance in a way designed to frighten Jewish voters away from voting Republican suggests they are rather desperate and have little material to work with…

American Thinker: JD Vance Is The Perfect Pick – Did Vance always like Trump? No. But did Trump make the right call in choosing him for V.P.? Absolutely. – J.D. Vance was there through it all. Right alongside us, he has become a fighter for election integrity and putting America First. He has decried weaponizing the justice system for political purposes. He is against men competing in women’s sports and has strongly opposed killing the unborn…

American Thinker: Joe Biden’s Migrant Crime – Joe Biden’s “migrant crime” trend continues to surge, so it’s only appropriate we brief ourselves on the latest developments; I’ve got three in particular to mention this time. – Random killing sprees, Drunkards killing first-graders, and “Colonialism” revenge stabbings…

American Thinker: Make The Democrats Tell You What Their Party Stands For, Because “Never Trump” Is Not A Platform. – Democrat policies are notoriously designed to keep the poor and the little guy/gal at subsistence levels, just enough money to keep them voting Democrat. – Democrats should be asked if they are better off now than when Trump kept inflation and unemployment exceptionally low, and don’t let them change the subject…

Zero Hedge: CNN Admits Trump On Course For Landslide Win – CNN’s John King highlighted Tuesday how Donald Trump is on course for a historic landslide victory in November, and could get as many as 330 electoral votes (only 270 are needed to win).

Resist The Mainstream: Don Jr. Details The Role He Wants if His Dad is Re-elected – Trump Jr. emphatically stated to Fox News in an exclusive interview that he doesn’t want an official role in a future Trump administration. – He intends to wield “veto power over the RINOs” – “I just want to stop the bad guys from ever getting into those positions of power, that’s the only thing I want.”

American Thinker: The Disturbing Silence of Biden’s Cabinet – You’d think Biden’s top people would rush to defend his mental stability instead of responding with complete silence. – The silence is deafening and deeply concerning. Biden holds the nuclear codes, yet Lloyd Austin at Defense prioritizes political considerations over national security. If even a hint of doubt exists about the president’s capacity to perform his duties, it becomes a matter of urgent national interest…

Slay Magazine: A prominent New York attorney Adam Cohen has spoken out to dispel the false claims being pushed by the Democrats and their corporate media allies regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity. – Cohen believes the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity has limited scope for Trump…

FAR: California’s Endless Budget Pit – Recently there has been a lot of news coverage on California’s budget problems, which is not a new thing in the state. – The proliferation of Government at all levels in our lives here is beyond imagination. – It is not until you see it all laid out before your very eyes that you can come to realize that spending is totally out of control and most of these 230+ agencies have access to our pocketbooks in one way or another…

July 16, 2024

ArnGrimR: – The Trump Assassination Attempt, Separating Fact From Fiction In Detail – My students know that I love teaching history by maps because they provide so much information – When talking about the events, we need to visualize the place where the event we are talking about took place and its relation to other relevant places…

Epoch Times: A Breakdown of the Assassination Attempt Against Trump – A detailed look at how events unfolded when a shooter tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally.

New York Post: The Iran Assassination Plot against President Trump – US officials received intel about a sinister Iranian plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump just weeks before a deranged gunman shot at the GOP nominee at a Pennsylvania rally over the weekend. – The threat prompted the Secret Service to boost its protection around the 78-year-old, two US officials said — though the additional resources didn’t prevent Saturday’s shooting, which does not appear connected to the rogue nation’s plans.

Western Journal: A former Army sniper made a CNN host queasy by suggesting that the possibility of a setup in Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump should not be automatically ruled out. – Republican Representative Cory Mills of Florida, a former Army sniper, noted that all of what appear to have been errors that took place Saturday could be something else.

Zero Hedge: Democrats Lost Silicon Valley By Drifting Too Far To The Left – The grandson of communists, just compared Biden’s policies to those of the Soviets persecuting the kulaks. – Andreessen and Horowitz say that Biden’s proposed tax on unrealized capital gains would put their firm and most technology startups out of business.

New York Post: Donald Trump and the GOP are shifting to a party for the working class – Trump remains the ultimate capitalist, but a change is emerging before our eyes at the Milwaukee convention. – One whose primary focus is the well-being of working-class Americans…

American Spectator: On JD Vance and His Critics – Trump’s running mate is a MAGA convert and that’s a great thing. – Vance represents a large segment of the center-right sphere that was not on board with Donald Trump during the GOP primaries and I can understand why because I was part of that group. – Now you can call me a disaffected conservative because I’ve moved on from that and I call myself a revivalist, rather than a conservative at all…

Vigilant News: The Real Architects of Division: How the Media and Democrats Fueled Political Polarization – Truth in the Face of an Assassination Attempt. – Perhaps the most egregious aspect of the media and Democratic campaign against Trump has been the incessant and irresponsible comparisons to Adolf Hitler and fascism. Such rhetoric is not only historically inaccurate but also dangerously inflammatory. – There have been many misquotes and misrepresentations…

American Spectator: It’s Time to Fix Incompetence in the Pentagon – Confidence in our military is in decline for good reason. For instance, the debacle of the U.S. withdrawal from the Afghan theater rests with the careerist generals who meekly acquiesced to the State Department’s insistence on using the Kabul airport rather than the more defensible Bagram airfield as an embarkation location. – Anyone who could read a map should have seen disaster looming…

City Journal: A Bet Against the “Energy Transition” – Modern civilization depends on abundant, affordable, and reliable energy. Policies that ignore this won’t turn out well. – Hydrocarbons still supply over 80 percent of America’s and the world’s primary energy needs, roughly the same proportion as two decades ago. But that fact understates the reality. Hydrocarbons are used, in one way or another, in everything we build and use to sustain civilization…

The Washington Post: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans. – He is also weighing whether to call for a constitutional amendment to eliminate broad immunity for presidents and other constitutional officeholders, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations…

Conservative Brief: JD Vance Reveals What Trump Told Him – “He just said ‘Look, I’ve gotta go save this country. I think you’re the guy who could help me in the best way, you can help me govern. You can help me win, you can help me in some of these Midwestern states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and so forth,’” Vance said.

Epoch Times: 39 Things to Know About JD Vance, Trump’s VP Running Mate Pick – 1. He’s 39 Years Old – 2. He’s a Catholic – 3. He’s Married to Usha Chilukuri Vance – 4. The Couple Has 3 Children – 5. He’s Considered a Populist Conservative – 16. He’s a Marine Corps. Iraq Combat vet – 19. He Was an Editor of the Yale Law Journal – 24. He Wasn’t Always Pro-Trump – 25. His Views Evolved After Trump Took Office – 26. He Voted for Trump in 2020…

Dov Fisher via American Spectator: The Democrats’ Panic Reveals Vance’s Strength – Trump’s choice could be a genius political move. – When word spread that President Trump chose J.D. Vance, the Ohio senator’s outstanding qualities and resumé stood out: he graduated college in only two years and with summa cum laude (the highest academic distinction); then he graduated from Yale Law School, the institution that, along with Harvard, has become the incubator of almost all Supreme Court justices in the past two generations…

Issues & Insights: Isn’t This What The Left Wanted? – Editor’s Note: Google is restricting its AdSense network ads from running on this page because it deems this editorial “shocking content.” Pointing out that the left has fantasized about Trump’s murder, which someone then tried to carry out, seems to be verboten by the Goebbels at Google – At the institutional level, the Democrats and their political machine have to now rethink how they will campaign for the next 16 weeks. – Will they again ratchet up their rhetoric to the frenzied level they had reached just last week?

Western Journal: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Calls the 30 Minutes Between Noticing and Neutralizing Shooter ‘a Very Short Time’ – Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is a woman who has a lot to explain, and it turns out she’s not very good at explaining it. – Cheatle, as you may have heard, was the subject of criticism in the wake of an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Washington Examiner: Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle says the ‘sloped roof’ where the Trump gunman sat deterred the agency from securing the location. – After ABC anchor Pierre Thomas asked Cheatle if the roof should have been secured, the Secret Service director deflected the question. – “That building, in particular, has a sloped roof at its highest point,” Cheatle told Thomas. “And so there will be a safety factor that will be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof…

The Federalist: Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Enable An Assassination Attempt – They kept the rooftop open, watched the shooter, kept Trump on the stage, and didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot. And we’re supposed to believe it was an innocent oopsie? – They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months. – With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.

American Thinker: The Stakes Are Higher Than Ever: Choosing Trump for America’s Future – The guy who pumped his fist into the air after getting shot in the ear and surviving a bullet meant for his brain is the one you want answering tough phone calls about international relations. – Under Trump’s last administration, the United States regained its standing in the world. His policies were rooted in the belief that a strong America leads to a stronger global community. By prioritizing our allies’ fair contributions to collective defense, Trump effectively advocated for peace through strength…

Zero Hedge: Demand For The Truth Is On Fire As 𝕏 Usage Hits Another All-Time High Following The Trump Assassination Attempt – On X, users were fed raw, unfiltered footage and commentary from unbiased reporters and citizen journalists who revealed details about the assassination attempt. – At the same time, it took legacy media hours to catch up. – In fact, the way Americans receive their news is drastically shifting to X, as the demand for truth and transparency soars…

American Thinker: The Legacy Media Has Passed the Point of No Return – A massive poll of 20,000 participants undertaken by the Knight Foundation and Gallup found that Americans’ hope that the media is objective was lost by 2020. – 84% laid a moderate or a great deal of the blame for partisan hostility at the feet of the media. – 82% believed news outlets deliberately “misrepresent the facts” or “make them up entirely”. – 79% said media outlets try to persuade people to adopt a certain opinion about an issue or an individual…

American Thinker: The Left Has Sold Out to Evil – Nothing more perfectly represents this long leftist trend than the message that Reid Hoffman’s advisor, Dmitri Mehlhorn, sent out after the attempt on Trump’s life. – I know I am prone to bias on this, but this is a classic Putin play and given the facts seems more plausible. Look at the actual shot. Look at the staging. Look at how ready Trump is to rally; this pampered baby shit his pants when an eagle lunged at his food…

Powerline: NURSING HOME NIGHT OUT – The White House has posted the transcript of President Biden’s remarks at Renaissance High School in Detroit this past Friday evening. – Biden said things such as “Trump is even more dangerous now. No, I’m serious. He’s unhinged.” – Look, he says, if he loses, there will be a “bloodbath” when he loses. – And the United States Supreme Court said there’s virtually no limit on the power of a president. – Trump said if he wins, he’ll be a dictator on day one…

Forbidden News: There are 3 Eyewitnesses to a SECOND Shooter in the Water Tower Have Emerged, AND POSSIBLY A THIRD – “The claim that Cheatle was Senior Director of Global Security at Pepsico would seem at odds with the current Director, Timothy McCormick, who has had that position since 2014, so her bio was modified. – “If Crooks turned his rifle on the police officer who was ‘vaulted’ onto the roof, why didn’t the counter-sniper, who was watching Crooks through his scope, shoot Crooks then? – I don’t usually put links like this up, but there are too many things that don’t add up, so you can decide for yourself …

Dr. Robert Malone: Assassination and the Banality of Evil – Incompetence vs Malice. – It’s always hard to differentiate. – In my opinion, the “banality of evil” lies at the intersection of Incompetence, Nefarious Scheming, and Complex System dynamics, as illustrated by the above Venn diagram. – A sniper even took a picture of the suspect with a rangefinder and radioed to the command post before the Trump assassination attempt, CBS reports…

Dr. Peter McCullough: Detailed Analysis of Trump Assassination Attempt – A critical evaluation of video recordings and witness testimony of the incident – Multiple commentators have proposed that the counter-snipers on the barn did not have a clear line of sight on the assailant. This is contradicted by the fact that at least one of the counter-snipers did—AFTER the assailant fired multiple shots—succeed in shooting the assailant in the head. – Instead of one “Zapruder film,” we now have hundreds of videos of the incident, shot from multiple locations and angles, so we don’t have to rely solely on the mainstream media for reporting…

JD Rucker: The Three “Other” Reasons They Want to Stop Trump at All Costs – The main reasons your neighbors don’t like Donald Trump are obvious, but the real reasons the powers-that-be don’t like him are completely different. – Globalism Can’t Afford Another Speedbump – Covering Up Their Sins Is Almost Impossible – The Demonization of America First Patriots Must Continue Unabated…

American Conservative: The Missed Opportunity for Peace at NATO’s Washington Summit – The Biden administration is committed to continuing its errors in Ukraine – For decades, Russian officials made it clear that putting Ukraine in NATO would cross a red line. – William J. Burns, then U.S. ambassador to Russia and the current CIA director, candidly asserted in 2008 that, Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin).

National Review: The Stunning Arrogance of the Biden DOJ’s Response to Judge Cannon’s Dismissal – AG Merrick Garland could easily restart the Mar-a-Lago documents case by assigning it to a district U.S. attorney, but instead, he’s appealing Judge Cannon’s ruling. – A big part of a judge’s job is to vindicate the constitutional presumptions in favor of the defendant, hence, competent prosecutors must anticipate that judges are going to rule against them on many close calls…

The Center Square: Likely voters across the country continue to be most concerned about inflation, the economy, and illegal immigration. – This fresh data comes even as experts say inflation is slowing, indicating that Americans are still feeling the pinch of high prices. – Before the weekend assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, found that likely voters said inflation/price increases (45%), illegal immigration (36%), and the economy/jobs (28%) were the issues.

Slay Magazine: Democrat Senator ‘Gold Bar Bob’ Menendez Has Been Convicted on All Charges in His Federal Corruption – The decision comes after a grueling nine-week complex trial in Manhattan. – Menendez pleaded not guilty to federal charges that he accepted an array of bribes in exchange for helping foreign governments.

California Globe: A bill to require the state to give an annual report on the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday – Assembly Bill 2570 would have required that the annual Department of Housing and Community Development report to the Governor and both houses of the Legislature, which covers the operations and accomplishments during the previous fiscal year of the housing programs administered by the department, and included an evaluation of the HHAP program.

California Globe: Governor Newsom just signed Assembly Bill 1955 that prohibits schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused” or “transitioning” to the opposite sex. – Assemblyman Ward’s rationale for authoring AB 1955 was so trans kids would not be “outed” by teachers at school. – Ward conflates gay kids with trans kids as if they are just the same.

Austin American Statesman: Elon Musk announced that SpaceX HQ is moving to Texas and X headquarters is moving to Austin – “Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas.” – The legislation Musk commented on was AB1955 which limits schools from creating rules that require parental notifications if a child identifies as transgender…

July 15, 2024

Courageous Discourse: ABC News is reporting that the building on which the gunman (identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks) perched when he shot at Trump was the “police tactical staging area” for providing event security. – Note that the barn roof on which the counter-snipers were positioned was higher than the low roof on which the would-be assassin was perched…

Western Journal: The Shooter Was Spotted Up to 30 Minutes Before He Fired – It was Reported Multiple Times and Photos Were Taken, Yet No One Stopped Him – Crooks even pointed his rifle at a police officer – It was 26 minutes later that Trump was shot through the ear…

Epoch Times: Secret Service Director ‘Absolutely’ Plans to Stay After Assassination Attempt on Trump – It’s still unclear how 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to evade security and carry an AR-15 rifle to a rooftop overlooking the rally. – The incident left one person in the crowd dead, two wounded, and former president Trump—the now-confirmed GOP nominee for president—with a bullet wound in his right ear. The shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was also killed.

Western Journal: Watch Trump’s Visibly Emotional Walk-Out – His Ear Is Covered As The Damage Is Worse Than Thought – Trump supporters did not expect to see the former president at the RNC on Monday night.

Epoch Times: Trump Secured The Republican Presidential Nomination – Former President Trump also announced his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio).

The Vigilant Fox: – Tucker Carlson Reveals Stunning Insights on J.D. Vance – If you were having doubts about J.D. Vance, this short video should make you feel a heck of a lot better. – Tucker: “Every bad person I’ve ever met in a lifetime covering Washington was aligned against JD Vance.” – Now, that’s saying something…

Tablet Magazine: I Had A Few Drinks With JD Vance Back In 2021 – One of the things he said was, that Israel is a country and a nation that doesn’t hate its people, and that’s a good thing. – He also said, “Translating the impulse of the multiracial, multicultural middle class turned working class—there’s a lot of work to do,” he said. “But the instincts of the middle-class Black voter, the middle-class white voter, the middle-class Latino voter, are the same.” – And what are they? “We love our country, but we don’t want to live in a shithole.”

Wall Street Journal: Elon Musk Has Said He Is Committing Around $45 Million a Month to a New Pro-Trump Super PAC – Other backers of America PAC include Palantir Technologies co-founder Joe Lonsdale and the Winklevoss twins.

Epoch Times: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Confirms RFK Jr. Will Get Secret Service Protection – The secretary announced this on July 15, two days after an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

American Spectator: Kamala Kamala Chameleon, The Shameful Pretender – Whereas Biden is a pathological liar, Harris lies even more frequently and severely. Biden sometimes knows he is lying, sometimes believes his yarns, and sometimes does not even know what he has said. By contrast, Harris always knows she is lying, has no moral compass, and is purely evil deep in her soul.

Townall: U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) was revealed as Donald Trump’s running mate on Monday afternoon as the Republican National Convention got underway in Milwaukee, bringing the 2024 VP stakes to a close and finalizing the GOP ticket ahead of November’s election. – Trump announced the pick in a post on Truth Social…

Zero Hedge: Watch, A New Video Shows Trump Shooter Climbing To Roof And People Warning The Police – The video evidence confirms that security teams on the scene of the Trump rally in Butler, PA were warned well ahead of time that Thomas Crooks, the alleged would-be assassin, was climbing to the roof of the nearby AGR building…

Zero Hedge: 10 Burning Questions That Every American Should Be Asking About The Trump Shooting – #1, How did the shooter get so close without being seen by the Secret Service? It is being reported that he was able to crawl onto a roof that was just 130 yards away from Trump – #2 Why weren’t security personnel on that roof? Every roof that had a direct line of sight to Trump should have been covered, and a former SWAT commander is saying that what we just witnessed was “a fundamental security failure”…

The Daily Fetched: The Secret Service Deflects Blame onto Local Police for Not Securing Roof Where Shooter Tried to Assassinate Trump – Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the agency is responsible for security within a designated perimeter around the event...

The Daily Fetched: Former Secret Service officer Dan Bongino is perhaps the most well-placed person to comment on the failures surrounding the assassination attempt against Donald Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. – Bongino called the incident “an apocalyptic security failure” by the Secret Service and called for the resignation of its Director, Kim Cheatle. – “I could tell you stories for days about her putting politics ahead of presidential protection,” he said…Bongino called the incident “an apocalyptic security failure” by the Secret Service and called for the resignation of its Director, Kim Cheatle…

Fox News: Trump breaks his silence on the assassination attempt – “I’m not supposed to be here, I’m supposed to be dead” – “The doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle.” – Trump also said, “By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God I’m still here.”

American Spectator: WE HAVE A Compromised Secret Service – The agency has sacrificed its basic mission on the altar of DEI. – All agents wear the typical Secret Service outfits, but to an impartial observer, the female agents do not appear to have the same poise, confidence, and strength as the male agents around them. – Why, because the Secret Service has highlighted “diversity” as a key priority, and its director, Kimberly Cheatle, hired by President Biden in 2022, pledged to increase dramatically the number of women in the ranks.

Washington Examiner: Donald Trump is calling on the Secret Service to give independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. protection after the former president was the victim of an assassination attempt over the weekend. -Kennedy has previously been denied Secret Service protection, but the Department of Homeland Security has said it is processing another request for the heightened protection. – Trump said it was “imperative” that Kennedy be given Secret Service protection.

Slay Magazine: In the wake of the historic failed assassination of President Donald Trump, Texas state lawmakers are demanding the resignation of Representative Jasmine Crocket after the Democrat congresswoman pushed to have Trump stripped of his Secret Service protection. – Crockett was one of eight Democrats to sponsor H.R. 8081, the ‘Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act,’ targeted Trump after his conviction in a New York court in April.

Powerline: YOU MAY THINK YOU HATE THE MEDIA. . . but you can’t hate it enough. – When I first started seeing clueless mainstream media headlines pop up on Twitter Saturday afternoon I assumed most of them were fakes, attempts at bad satire, or the Babylon Bee trying to get ahead of things. – But No, These Are Real: CNN, Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally – Trump rushed offstage after loud noises heard at PA rally…

John Daniel Davidson at The Federalist: There Can Be No Unity With The Violent Democrat-Media Industrial Complex – You can’t incessantly use rhetoric designed to incite violence and then call for calm when violence inevitably erupts. – President Biden has spent the last few years declaring over and over that Trump is a “threat to democracy.” – Some are outraged about Biden’s recent call with donors when he said it’s “time to put Trump in the bullseye.”…

National Review: What on Earth Is Going on over at MSNBC With Morning Joe Pulled Off The Air? – If Mika and Joe couldn’t be up to the challenge of discussing events without the sort of rhetoric that would shame an entire nation, to say nothing of a network, then how on earth would it be any less so tomorrow?

American Spectator: Why J.D. Vance Is Trump’s Ideal Running Mate – Vance would steer the ticket in an “America first” direction. – It is not just the mainstream media that is afraid of Vance. It is also the establishment Republican donor class, who have voiced serious concern over what his promotion to the vice presidency would mean, ideologically, for the future of the party…

Western Journal: As it becomes clear that former President Donald Trump will survive his wounds and recover quickly, the focus of Saturday’s assassination attempt shifts to how this could have happened, particularly on the watch of the Secret Service. – It was reported Saturday that resources within the Secret Service were diverted away from the presumptive GOP nominee’s detail and were instead deployed to protect First Lady Jill Biden as she campaigned for her husband, President Joe Biden, the same day.

Epoch Times: The Secret Service Says The Republican National Committee Security Plan Has Been ‘Strengthened’ In The Wake of Trump’s Assassination Attempt – The director’s recent comments were made after the agency previously said no changes had been made in the wake of the shooting…

The Daily Signal: A federal judge in Florida on Monday dismissed the criminal classified documents case against former President Donald Trump, saying the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith as a prosecutor for the case violated the appointments clause of the U.S. Constitution. – Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the case, ruling that when Attorney General Merrick Garland nominated Smith, he violated the Constitution’s appointments clause, which states that “Officers of the United States” must be appointed by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Liberty Daily: The DOJ Tries to Salvage J6 Charges After Facing a Major Blow at the Supreme Court- “The DOJ is not happy about the Fischer decision and is currently strategizing ways to circumvent the Supreme Court’s ruling,” criminal defense attorney David W. Fischer wrote Wednesday for Declassified with Julie Kelly. “For example, in certain cases, the DOJ may attempt to recharge using corrected charging language in indictments…

George Christensen: The Enabled Trump Shooting Was “Either Malice Or Massive Incompetence” – Here is Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s expert opinion on events surrounding the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump. – Erik Prince isn’t just some armchair speculator, he’s a former Navy Seal and the founder of the private mercenary force Blackwater. – “Isn’t that interesting? Allowing what was going to be a kill shot (and ended up being a kill shot for a rally audience member) before killing the gunman.”…

American Spectator: Democrats Have Less Than a Week to Replace Biden – Will he remain the Democratic nominee? – In just six days, on July 21, Biden is expected to be virtually nominated as the DNC’s official presidential nominee.

Breitbart: Watch Leftists March Against The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

Breitbart: Erik Prince, the entrepreneur who founded Blackwater and other military companies, said Monday that the Pentagon had blocked him from giving Israel technology to flood the Hamas tunnels in Gaza. – He had been willing to donate the necessary equipment, “fully funded,” to Israel, but the Department of Defense rejected his involvement. – “It was blocked by the Pentagon,” he said.

Breitbart: Project 2025 Is The Victim Of The ‘Greatest Misinformation Campaign Since The Russia Hoax’ – Conservative author Mollie Hemingway observed that Democrats and the media had turned Project 2025 into a target. – “Ninety percent of the characterization is false,” Dans said, noting that Project 2025 was not a secretive effort but one that had involved 110 conservative organizations…

Center For Immigration Studies: What The Data Tells Us About Immigration Under President Biden – I prepared the PowerPoint below for a recent presentation, and it can serve as a primer and overview of the current state of the issue. – The central topic is the unprecedented increase in the foreign-born population since President Biden took office due to policy changes undertaken by his administration…

Jonathan Turley: Elon Musk is Right, End the Online Censorship Racket – Few Americans have ever heard of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, let alone understand how it shapes what they read and hear in news and commentary, but that may soon change. – An alarming new report from the House Judiciary Committee details this organization’s work to censor conservative and opposing viewpoints in the media by targeting figures such as Joe Rogan and entire social media platforms such as X (formerly Twitter)…

Issues & Insights: Another Biden ‘Achievement,’ Interest Payments Are Now The Second Largest Federal Spending Category – According to the latest monthly report from the Treasury, the federal government spent $682 billion in “net interest” payments so far this fiscal year (which ends Sept. 30). – That’s more than they spent on “health” ($670 billion), national defense ($644 billion), and income security, which includes payments to the poor ($508 billion).

California Globe: Multiple media sites confirmed on Thursday that X, formerly Twitter, is looking to sublease its 800,000-square-foot headquarters at 1355 Market Street and 1 Tenth Street, indicating a possible move outside of San Francisco soon. – The state would lose out on a lot of tax money if they left California, they could hope that X is looking at a cheaper office space in the Bay Area, or even looking at LA…

Zero Hedge: The US Court of Appeals for DC rejected a challenge from DISH Network and DarkSky, which sought to halt the deployment of SpaceX’s second-generation Starlink network in low Earth orbit. – The issue was a December 2022 FCC approval of SpaceX’s 7,500 next-gen Starlink satellites. Dish and DarkSky argued these new satellites would produce too much light and potentially disrupt astronomy and wildlife.

July 14, 2024

New York Post: Trump ‘saved his own life’ during the shooting according to ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino – Bongino excoriated the Secret Service for an “absolutely catastrophic” failure during Trump’s rally in Butler, Penn. and surmised that the former president’s decision to duck was live-saving. – “I can tell you, and confirm from the horse’s mouth, from multiple people, not just one…there have been repeated requests to increase his security footprint but to no avail…

Newsweek:  Donald Trump is significantly more likely to win the 2024 presidential election after an apparent attempt to assassinate him on Saturday left him injured, according to leading bookmaker William Hill. – On Saturday, before the assassination attempt, Trump’s odds of winning the 2024 presidential election were 8/15 (65.2%) according to the U.K.-based betting company. However, after the shooting, this was changed to a 4/11 (73.3%) chance of Trump achieving victory.

The Daily Signal: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Puts The Focus on Diversity – There were also some concerning videos of Secret Service agents who appeared not to know what they were doing as Trump, struck in the right ear by a bullet, was shielded and escorted away from the rally stage. – Dan Bongino: “The failures are profound and questions must be answered about ground surveillance, air surveillance, post-stander support, and counter-sniper advance work and response…

Epoch Times: Melania Trump Issues A Statement After The Assassination Attempt on Husband – In a lengthy statement posted to social media, Ms. Trump wrote, “When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized that both my life and Barron’s life were on the brink of devastating change”…

The Daily Signal: GoFundMe for Trump Rally Shooting Victims Raises More Than $3 Million – The fundraiser titled “Support For Butler PA Victims – President Trump Authorized” was started by Meredith O’Rourke, the Trump campaign’s national finance director. The campaign raised over $2.4 million by Sunday afternoon, surpassing the $1 million goal, according to the fundraising site, and is now at $3.8 million…

American Spectator: Protestors Prepare for the 2024 RNC – Despite orders from the court, protestors gear up to enter restricted areas at the RNC. – In March 2024, the city approved a public security map that outlines a “Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter” where only credentialed attendees may enter, and a surrounding “Vehicle Screening Perimeter” where pedestrians may come and go as they please but vehicles will be examined…

Dr. Robert Malone: A PsyWar Trump Assassination Attempt – This has the most comprehensive information and photos on the Trump assassination attempt at the moment.

Center Square: Former President Donald Trump said Sunday morning that it was “God alone who prevented” his death after he survived the Saturday evening assassination attempt. – Trump said that the country should “stand united” and not allow evil to win. – “Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.”… 

Revolver: The Dark Questions We Don’t Want To Ask, But Have To Ask, About The Secret Service – You’ll never guess what agency they’re under, The Department of Homeland Security. – It is simply unfathomable how the Secret Service sniper didn’t see Trump’s would-be assassin–and that there wouldn’t have been a Secret Service agent posted where the would-be assassin was in the first place. – Look at the image again and reflect on whether it makes any sense…

Resist The Mainstream: Breaking Report, Attempted Trump Assassin Identified – Elon Musk: “The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign.” – An eyewitness informed the police and Secret Service about a suspicious man on a roof with a rifle and was ignored…

Just The News: Warning signs about Secret Service emerged months before Trump assassination attempt – Long before the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday night there was a harsh light focused on the Secret Service. – The presidential security agency was already facing difficult questions about its capability, training, recruitment, and emphasis on diversity. – Secret Service agents reportedly were even circulating a petition raising questions about their management a few weeks ago.

Zero Hedge: Until a few hours ago, nothing has surfaced both the illegitimacy and fundamental dishonesty of the corporate media cartel quite like the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at the campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. – Early on, the mainstream media wouldn’t even admit it was an assassination attempt. – CNN: Trump injured in an incident at the Pennsylvania rally. – The Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at a rally…

Forbidden News: In Times Square, None of the Jumbotrons Reported On The Attempted Hit Job On Trump – THE “PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE HAS BEEN SHOT, AND NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF IT IN THE CENTER OF TIMES SQUARE.” – The New York Times referred to a “shooting” and CNN initially reported that Trump was “injured” and did not use the words “assassination attempt” until the FBI officially announced that, indeed it was. – If anybody has any doubt about the depth of the censorship and propaganda that we are living in the 21st century, in 2024, have no doubts, anymore.

Victor Davis Hanson: Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left – Since at least 2016 there has been a parlor game among Leftist celebrities and entertainers joking (one hopes), dreaming, imagining, and just talking about the various and graphic ways they would like to assassinate or seriously injure Trump: By slugging his face (Robert De Niro), by decapitation (Kathy Griffin)…

Slay Magazine: Police Were Warned About Trump’s Shooter Several Minutes Before Shots Were Fired, Witnesses Reveal – A video shared on social media shows a live BBC News interview from Saturday with a witness. – The man says he tried to warn police before the assassination attempt on Trump. – He also claimed the Secret Service “blew his head off,” referring to the shooter.

Zero Hedge: Several Reactions To The Assassination Attempt On President Donald Trump – It may seem odd to start a post about an assassination attempt on the current frontrunner to be America’s next President by talking about a photo, but in this case, it’s warranted. As Russell Brand and others noted, barring a heroic amount of ballot stuffing by the Democrats, that photo may be a deciding factor in the election…

National Review: An Iconic Image – Donald Trump has never been more authentically admirable than at the moment someone came within an inch of blowing his head off on national television. — Donald Trump says “Wait, wait, wait.” And Trump reaches up over their protective shield to throw a set of fierce, proud fist-pumps in the air…

Breitbart: What We Know About The Trump Rally Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks – Not much because the FBI only identified him by name. – This graphic shows the shooter was approximately 450 feet from Trump on a nearby rooftop

American Thinker: Providence and President Trump – While talking, Trump asked his tech crew if they could pull up a chart reflecting the rate of illegal immigration during the Trump presidency versus the rate of illegal immigration during the Biden presidency. – At that moment, Trump cocked his head forward and to his right, toward his speaking material. – If he had not been leaning forward, looking toward an impromptu image at his right, there would have been a tragic outcome as you can see in this image…

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump issued a message of faith on Sunday following an assassination attempt that almost succeeded during a rally in Pennsylvania, urging Americans to remain strong and determined. – “Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening,”  and then said…

American Thinker: Alive By An Inch – Newt Gingrich said that the fact that the assassin missed was a providential act and it was. – An inch and we’d be talking about a man being killed. – This is from Michael Goodwin says it all: They called him an illegitimate president. – They said he was a threat to democracy and had to be stopped. – They unleashed a legion of agents to investigate him, searched his home, and broke historic barriers by indicting him. – Then they rigged a trial in a bid to put him in prison. – They called him un-American and worse…

New York Post: The FACE OF AN ATTEMPTED ASSASSIN – Thomas Matthew Crooks, the gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump during a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday, has been pictured for the first time. – Crooks, 20, was on the roof of a manufacturing plant over 130 yards away from Trump’s rally at Butler Farm Showgrounds on Saturday when he took fire at the former president, grazing Trump’s ear and killing one rally attendee.

American Spectator: ‘An Existential Threat to Democracy’ – Given the flood of dangerous rhetoric from Leftists, the shooter could have easily thought he was protecting our democracy from a Hitler-like dictator. – When a political party, its leaders, its spokespersons, and its echo chamber in the mainstream media repeat over and over again that Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy,” a “fascist,” a wannabe “dictator,” and compare him to Adolf Hitler, what do they expect their followers will do? Someone attempted to assassinate former President Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Epoch Times: Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at a Pennsylvania Rally – An assailant fired several shots at former President Donald Trump during a rally on July 13, piercing the former president’s right ear, killing a man in the stands, and critically injuring two others. – The former president was airlifted to a nearby hospital and was in good health. – His jet departed Pennsylvania minutes before midnight, according to a flight tracking website. – A video later posted by one of his press aides shows the former president walking down the stairs to the tarmac in New Jersey.

The Daily Fetched: It Took Joe Biden Nearly 2 Hours to Condemn Trump Assassination Attempt – “I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally as we await further information,” Biden said in the statement. – “Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety.’”

July 13, 2024

Resist The Mainstream: Breaking: Video of Man Who Shot Trump Reportedly Surfaces – The shooter is believed to have taken up a position approximately 125 yards away from Trump’s podium, on top of a building across a field from the former president and is believed to have fired on the president from this vantage point on top of the building…

Breitbart: LIVE UPDATES, The Secret Service Rushes Trump out of Pennsylvania Rally After Shots Fired – The FBI has officially confirmed that the dead shooter’s name was Thomas Matthew Crooks. They released the following statement: The FBI has identified Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the subject involved in the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania. This remains an active and ongoing investigation…

George Christensen: A plot to have Trump shot? – Nation First asks if it was more than just a lone gunman – Eyewitnesses reported seeing the shooter armed with a rifle and alerted law enforcement, but their warnings went unheeded until the shots were fired. – The incident has raised questions about the security measures in place, and speculation about potential collusion or negligence by federal agencies.

Daily Signal: 16 Photos From The Trump Assassination Attempt – Former President Donald Trump was shot by a gunman Saturday evening while speaking on stage at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, 33 miles north of Pittsburgh, authorities said. The pops of a gun could be heard as Trump ducked to the floor of the stage and Secret Service rushed to cover him.

Western Journal: 5 Days Ago Biden Said ‘Put Trump in a Bullseye’ – Gunshots rang out Saturday during a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump was wounded and was bleeding from the right side of his head near his ear. – Reports indicated that the shooter was later killed.

The Federalist: Do Democrats And The Corporate Media Have Blood On Their Hands In The Trump Attack? – ‘They have some people whipped up to such a frenzy where they think there’s going to be a dictatorship if Trump wins.’ – “I repeatedly hear Democrats in Washington, D.C, talking about Donald Trump being a threat to our democracy,” said Rep. Tom Tiffany, who represents Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District. “It is repeated all the time time. I hear every day that Donald Trump is a threat. It’s amped up at such a level that some people are going to take it seriously.”

The Federalist: Democrats Started Trying To Strip Trump’s Secret Service Protection Just Months Before This Shooting – Democrat Bennie Thompson, the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act (HR 8081) on April 19.

Western Journal: CNN Can’t Help Themselves And Immediately Insult Trump After The Shooting – According to CNN, Trump simply fell off the stage. Here was the outlet’s headline — “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally.”

Daily Signal: The director of the U.S. Secret Service is facing heightened scrutiny following Saturday’s assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump. – An eyewitness at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, told the BBC that he warned police about the gunman before Trump was shot at approximately 6:15 p.m. The interview, which was shared widely on social media, sparked outrage.

The Daily Signal: Former President Donald Trump spoke out Saturday evening after an attempt was made on his life at a Pennsylvania rally. – “I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania.” – The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., told ABC News that Trump is under observation, but in “good spirits” and is “never going to stop.”

Epoch Times: – Since the primary election results were made binding in 1972, the primaries nearly always produce a clear winner, which makes the convention vote mostly a formality. – Even so, the official nomination is left to the convention because it’s possible that the primary elections won’t produce a winner. – Republicans will also nominate a candidate for vice president and have always deferred to the presidential nominee’s choice of a running mate…

Dr. Robert Malone: Big Brother is Watching You; So Where is the Outrage? – Journalists such as Michael Shellenburger, Matt Taibbi, and myself continue to expose corruption, censorship, and fraud. – Elon Musk has confirmed that the following text, as well as this short video from Michael Shellenberger, are both true…

Epoch Times: Don’t Expect Home Prices to Go Down Anytime Soon, Say Experts – Lack of inventory and high interest rates will continue to push home prices up into 2025, experts say. – 30 percent of homes sold garnered over-asking prices and bidding wars persist, with properties typically receiving three offers…

Sharyl Attkisson: Most voters question whether Biden is in charge at the White House – According to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey, just 38% of likely voters say they think Biden is performing the job of president, down from 40% a year ago – 52% say they believe others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes and another 10% say they are not sure.

The Federalist: The 15 Lies That Biden Told During His ‘Big Boy’ NATO Press Conference – “Overall, prices fell last month.” – While discussing the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, Biden contended “there is a growing dissatisfaction in, on the West Bank, from the Palestinians, about Hamas,” and that the terrorist group “is not popular now.” – Blaming his travel schedule as the cause for his poor debate performance against Trump. – Biden distorted comments about NATO Trump issued at a recent rally in Florida…

Washington Times: The Republicans are debating whether to push for Biden’s removal or let Democrats squirm – About 20 Democrat lawmakers have publicly called on Biden to step aside, creating an intraparty windstorm as the party actively reconsiders their presidential ticket just weeks ahead of the nominating convention.

American Thinker: The Folly of Basing American Gaza Policy on False Hamas-Reported Casualties – The Biden administration claims that “too many” people are dying in Gaza, but this conclusion is based on false casualty information and statistics provided by Hamas itself. – It is convenient, albeit tendentious and unethical, for the Administration to accept Hamas propaganda as the driving force to pressure Israel to stop defending itself.

American Thinker: What if the U.S. had been told to stop fighting Japan during WWII, the way Israel is being told to stop fighting Hamas? – No matter its stated reasons, the Biden administration, advised by its historically anti-Israel Department of State, is putting severe pressure on Israel to stop fighting Hamas in Gaza, without permitting it first to achieve its war aim of destroying this threat to its existence. – They are doing it without regard for the consequences to Israel, its population, and the Western world.

New York Post: Joe Biden looks exhausted, so here are the tricks his team uses to obscure his blunders – He uses cheat sheets to stay on track, but that is just the beginning. – When he travels on Air Force One, Biden now uses extra short steps to minimize the likelihood of stumbling- Teleprompters hand-hold him through many public appearances – Stabilizing shoes reduce the likelihood of an unsightly spill. – Staffers, walk alongside President Joe Biden to help detract attention from his stiff gait…

American Thinker: Democrats publicly declare their intent to commit election fraud – Democrats are flooding the country with millions of immigrants, dispersing them throughout the nation, to boost their representation in Congress where needed – Their refusal to support a requirement of proof of citizenship to vote proves is their total abrogation of the Constitution, and their total acceptance of Obama’s promised “transformation of America” agenda.

American Thinker: Obama’s Idea of ‘Democracy’ – Ever since he dazzled the world with speechifying on behalf of the common man at the 2004 Democrat convention, Barack Obama has been pushing a version of “democracy” that is different. – Judging from the sentiments expressed in his July 4th communiqué, the former president is either unaware that America is a constitutional republic or unequivocally invested in incrementally imposing majority rule upon a defenseless minority by issuing warnings that “democracy” is in peril.

FAR: How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies – After looking into key figures involved in the Spygate scandal, like Nellie Ohr, James Comey, John Brennan, and Christopher Steele, this is the information Diana West uncovered about their embedded ideological beliefs.

American Thinker: The ‘Largest ever’ carbon vacuum nicknamed ‘Mammoth’ goes online, promises to remove 1/1,000,000th of annual emissions with a hefty price tag. – Climeworks is part of three megaton direct air capture hub proposals in the U.S., all of which were selected by the US Department of Energy for public funding for a total of more than 600 million USD. – Somehow the company received three out of three contracts, snagging more than half a billion dollars of taxpayer money. – This smells like cronyism to me.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, ANYWAY. . . – So this was the week Joe Biden and the Democratic machine, looking for a squirrel, any squirrel, discovered Project 2025, which—horror of horrors!—proposes conservative ideas for America…

July 12, 2024

Epoch Times: President Joe Biden announced on July 12 that Israeli and Hamas negotiators have both agreed to a framework for Hamas to release hostages and for both sides to impose a cease-fire in the ongoing Israel/Hamas war. – Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office further said Israel would not allow weapons to flow into the Gaza Strip from Egypt or “the return of armed terrorists and the entry of war materiel to the northern Gaza Strip.”

American Conservative: Elon Musk Throws His Weight Behind Donald Trump – The exact figure donated by Musk to the Trump-aligned America PAC has not been released. – The disclosure of his donation is more evidence of Musk’s alignment with the American right. – As money continues to pour in for Trump, Democrat donors announced Friday they would withhold the $90 million promised for Biden’s campaign, citing the debate debacle.

Nate Silver: The case for, and against, Kamala Harris – It is clear that a lot of Democrats were rooting for President Biden to flub last night’s press conference.- Let’s be honest, she’d probably be an underdog but she’s still a better option than Biden. – I don’t think you should just totally ignore the polls, so here’s what they say — every poll we could find since the debate that has tested Harris against Trump…

Breitbart: The prices paid by customers of businesses in the United States unexpectedly surged in June, undercutting confidence that inflation might be waning. – The producer price index (PPI) rose 0.2 percent last month, according to data released by the government on Friday, and was twice the increase expected by economists.

Tipp Insights: Americans Feel The Heat As Bidenflation Climbs Toward 20% – This key voter concern can’t be hidden and is unlikely to cool – Bidenflation at 19.5% is squeezing Americans’ wallets – This is the sixth consecutive month of an increase – Inflation improvement is an illusion due to the base effect – Annualized Bidenflation is at 5.7% – Core inflation remains stubborn at 3.3%…

Issues & Insights: The Green No Deal – Given how much renewable energy has been promoted, dressed up, coddled, favored, and subsidized over the last decade or two, it would be understandable to believe that a green transition is well underway. – Don’t be fooled by this foolishness, oil and gas are still king.

Slay Magazine: A Federal Judge Rules Gender Is ‘Unambiguously Binary’ – The ruling comes after the Democrats have increasingly pushed that sex is something fluid that can be changed at will. – Human sex is defined at the chromosomal level and no amount of surgery, drugs, or false pronouns can ever change that.

Sharyl Attkisson: Is our news more biased than ever? – Hatred of the news media may be at an all-time high, and a majority of voters say the media bias continues to get worse. – A recent Rasmussen Reports survey found that 61% of likely voters believe the problem of bias in the news media is getting worse, slightly higher than our December survey.

Zero Hedge: “Project 2025” Is Just “Project 1981” – First off, it’s the least surprising thing in the world that the preeminent DC think tank of the “Conservative Movement” would merge itself to the maximum extent possible with the branding and sensibility of Donald Trump, the current undisputed ruler of the “Conservative Movement,” such as it exists.

Zero Hedge: A Big Wreck Is About To Happen At The Intersection Of Artificial Intelligence Boulevard And Net Zero Avenue – The Energiewende and all the other green energy scams are about to be slowly shuttled aside because we need massive amounts of new energy that these schemes cannot deliver.

National Review: Maybe Biden Isn’t Such a Kind-Hearted, Wise Statesman after All – Only a few weeks ago the party line was that Joe Biden was getting better with age, wiser and more self-restrained — before he suddenly and unexpectedly became a monster. – Of course, nothing has changed about Biden in recent months, except his ever-downward polling.

Washington Examiner; House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries met with President Joe Biden on Thursday to discuss a path forward for the party heading into November as a growing number of Democratic lawmakers call on the president to withdraw from the race. – At least 18 House Democrats have called on Biden to withdraw from the race over concerns about his age and whether he could carry out another four years in office…

American Thinker: Did Biden Release His Delegates Last Night? – During his press conference at the NATO Summit, President Joe Biden appeared to release his Democrat convention delegates, as seen at 54:20 into the video. – When asked if his delegates are free to vote their conscience Biden responded, “Obviously, they’re free to do whatever they want. … Tomorrow if all of a sudden I show up at the convention and everybody says we want somebody else, that’s the democratic process…

Zero Hedge: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky while attending the annual NATO summit in Washington as a special guest has admitted that from Kiev’s point of view, it can never get enough weapons from the West. – He said Tuesday night at a side event to the NATO forum that Ukraine has not yet received enough weapons to defeat Russia.

American Thinker: America’s refusal to support Israel at the United Nations is cowardly and immoral – In U.S. experience, the way to win a war is to fight it with all necessary force, whether or not the threat to America is existential; why doesn’t Israel have the same latitude?

Breitbart: Israel Defense Forces discovered a command center this week used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists within the Gaza City headquarters of the UN’s Relief and Works Agency. – Israel has long insisted that UNRWA supports terrorism in general, and maintains that several UNRWA employees participated directly in the October 7 terror attack. – Terrorists have repeatedly used UNRWA facilities to launch attacks and store weapons.

Breitbart: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated Friday that Israel has no intention of withdrawing from the Gaza-Egypt border, known as the Philadelphi corridor, in a hostage deal, despite media reports to the contrary. – He has instructed the negotiating teams accordingly, made this clear to US representatives this week, and updated the Security Cabinet to this effect last night.

Zero Hedge: Below are the population changes for all U.S. states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico, ranked from declines to gains in ascending order in 2023 – New York leads, followed by California, then Illinois, Puerto Rico, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Hawaii, and West Virginia…

California Globe: California Price Fixing Minimum Wage Hurts the Young and the Poor – Newsom’s PaneraGate scandal is an admission that California’s arbitrary minimum wage laws hurt all businesses – “The ones who remain employed will receive higher wage rates, but fewer will be employed.” This is a fact, well-proven in fact, by the late economist Milton Friedman.

Zero Hedge: AT&T has revealed a massive hack of customer data for the second time this year. This latest batch of customer data includes “records of customer call and text interactions” that occurred “between approximately May 1 and October 31, 2022, as well as on January 2, 2023,” the company wrote in a regulatory filing Friday.

Breitbart: A recent study conducted by the FTC and international consumer protection networks has uncovered alarming statistics on the prevalence of “dark patterns” in subscription-based websites and apps. – One of the most prevalent dark patterns identified in the study was “sneaking,” a tactic used by 81 percent of the analyzed platforms. This technique involves the inability to disable automatic subscription renewals during the initial sign-up or purchase process.

July 11, 2024

Washington Examiner: No successful two-term president has ever sought to control his party after leaving office as forcefully and deviously as Barack Obama has. – Obama, with dwindling subtlety, has sought to command and control the Democrats ever since quitting the White House in 2017. There has been much reporting about his holdover staff steering President Joe Biden. The same people visit Obama’s grand home in the Kalorama district of Washington, D.C., presumably to receive their marching orders.

Washington Free Beacon: Lowlights From Biden’s ‘Big Boy’ Presser – Here are some of the most concerning highlights from President Joe Biden’s Thursday night press conference, during which he vowed to stay in the race. – Biden said he’s “taken three significant and tense neurological exams,” but he failed to complete the sentence without stumbling through it. – It is a sad thing to watch…

Washington Free Beacon: President Biden’s high-stakes press conference at this week’s NATO summit was a triumph for his challenger, former president Trump.  – Biden’s performance did nothing to resolve the Democratic Party’s dilemma over his status as its 2024 presidential candidate. – The press conference supplied Biden’s internal critics with ammunition against his candidacy, such as when he misidentified Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.”

New York Post:  President Biden stunned journalists Thursday by confusing Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump at a closely watched press conference shortly after he mixed up Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky at a different event. – “Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I think she’s not qualified to be president.”

Townhall: CNN Has a Damning Report About What Went on During Biden’s Cabinet Meetings – “The entire display is kind of an act, as “They would come and say, ‘Hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes, and ask this question. What are the bullet points you’ll respond with?’” – One Cabinet secretary told CNN they are uncertain of Biden’s condition because they so rarely see him. – In fact, the last full Cabinet meeting took place on October 2, 2023…

Townhall: Pelosi and Obama Are Colluding to Get Biden to Exit the Race, But There’s One Problem – The last thing Obama wants is for Trump, whom he despises, to be able to say something along the lines of ‘even Biden’s former boss, Obama, wants him out.’

Hot Air: The GOP-led House Oversight Committee subpoenaed three senior White House aides Wednesday, demanding they sit for depositions regarding President Biden’s health. – The subpoenas signal the Republicans’ desire to investigate whether some of Biden’s closest aides essentially have hidden the 81-year-old president’s true condition, in a probe that could drag through the Nov. 5 election.

Conservative Brief: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre admitted on Tuesday that she had been mistaken when she stated that neurologist Dr. Kevin Cannard, a specialist in Parkinson’s disease, had not examined President Joe Biden in January. – There has been speculation within the medical community that he suffers from Parkinson’s.

Tablet Magazine: We talked to some members of the Israel Defense Forces Egoz unit, an elite commando unit specializing in guerrilla warfare, special reconnaissance, and fighting in complex terrains, and asked them about their near-death experiences after going into Gaza after Oct. 7. – This 5-minute video will take you breath.

New York Sun: Chinese Communist Soldiers Train in Belarus, the Kremlin’s Satellite in Eastern Europe and a Stone’s Throw From NATO – Code-named Eagle Assault 2024, the exercise commenced immediately after Belarus joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a Russo-Chinese counterweight to the North Atlantic Treaty. – Polish analysts find the location of the training exercises more than coincidental. Thirteen miles to the west of the Belarusian training base is the Polish rail hub of Malaszewicze…

JD Rucker: Elon Musk Drops a Bombshell About European Commission’s Attempt to Bribe Him – They desperately want to control the narrative and it seems that Elon Musk is standing in their way. – “The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us,” he said in a post on X. – “The other platforms accepted that deal. 𝕏 did not.”

Townhall: The latest survey from Gallup on the topic of immigration found that 55% of Americans, the highest percentage since October 2001 immediately following the terrorist attacks of September 11, want less immigration.  – Just 16% of Americans said there should be more immigration.

Conservative Brief: A federal judge has ruled that Ohio’s strict voter ID law, which includes a photo provision, is constitutional and has rejected a challenge to it. – In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Donald Nugent, a Clinton appointee, found that the Ohio photo ID requirement, in particular, “imposes no more than a minimal burden, if any, for the vast majority of voters.”

Jonathan Turley: “The First Amendment is Out of Control” Academic and Media Figures Are Rallying Against Free Speech – The current anti-free speech movement in the United States has its origins in higher education, where faculty have long argued that free speech is harmful. – Starting in secondary schools, we have raised a generation of speech phobics who believe that opposing views are triggering and dangerous…

American Thinker: American School Children Are Intentionally Dumbed-Down Every Day – For instance, children are falsely told that the government can control the climate, including temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity. – They are taught to repeat what they are told instead of to ask questions and do research. – Then they are chastised as stupid, anti-science, and climate deniers if they dare to disagree…

Committee To Unleash Prosperity: Trump Is The First Presidential Candidate in History to Endorse “Universal School Choice” – While we are nonpartisan and don’t take sides in party politics, we generally like the Republican Party policy platform for 2024. – One plank of the platform that made us jump out of our chairs and perform cartwheels of celebration is Universal School Choice.

Breitbart: Chuck Todd and Jonathan Martin Now Admit That Democrats Have Worried About Biden’s Decline ‘for Years’ – They said Biden’s decline was an “open secret” and a “simmering conversation.” – Todd, “I haven’t had Biden on Meet the Press since June of 2020; and that was interview when he was in his basement.” – He hasn’t done a Sunday show since then, they were not putting him out for years….

National Review: Dead Campaign Walking – Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?” That was the question Julián Castro addressed to his opponent Joe Biden during the Democrat presidential primary debate in September 2019. – Everyone saw what was happening to the former VP back then, but once Biden had the Democratic nomination locked up, nobody on his side spoke of it again.

National Review: Joe Biden won’t pull out, so the only way Biden won’t be the nominee is if 1,968 Democrat convention delegates can be persuaded to nominate someone else. – Apparently, the Biden campaign realizes this so fearing a floor revolt against his nomination, President Biden’s aides are telephoning individual delegates to next month’s Democrat National Convention to gauge their loyalty to the president…

New York Post: An embattled President Biden is set to stage a “big-boy” press conference Thursday afternoon, the first since his disastrous debate performance threw his 2024 re-election campaign into utter disarray. – He plans to close out the NATO summit in Washington with a rare, solo news conference as he scrambles to prove to the American public that he’s capable of serving another four years. 

Epoch Times: The House Passes A Bill to Require Proof of Citizenship for Voting in Federal Elections – The measure is unlikely to pass through the Senate, and the White House is opposed to the bill.

American Thinker: The Three Phases of the Ukrainian War, Euphoria, Apprehension, and finally Despair. – From the euphoria that characterized America’s and NATO’s view of the war to the current situation, there’s been a clear trajectory. –  – The US and its NATO partners are delusional and fail to realize that they are facing an unwinnable situation. It is an immutable fact that a nuclear-armed state cannot be defeated…

Epoch Times: Fearing The New Panama President Will Block A Key Route to the US, Migrants are Flooding The Darién Gap – The US pledged to support Panama in deportation flights for illegal immigrants on their way to the US border. – On July 1, the same day that he took office, Mr. Mulino forged a deal with the United States to pay for repatriation flights for migrants entering Panama on their way to the United States.

American Conservative: The Case for J.D. Vance – Trump should redouble his appeal to the voters who backed him in 2016. – Trump needs a vice president who will support his agenda, not the neoconservatives’. – The best VP for a second Trump term, for reasons of substance and electoral advantage alike, is Ohio’s Senator J.D. Vance—hands down…

American Thinker: J.D. Vance Will Be Trump’s VP Choice According To A Highly-Placed Reliable Source In Trump’s Orbit – While political predictions can be perilous, this one deserves reporting now – According to media reports, Trump’s choice for his VP running mate will be announced at the latest on Monday morning, July 15, the opening day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Victor Davis Hanson: Our Brezhnev, Our Pravda, Our Soviet Union – The media did its best to continue its Orwellian ruse, but like the late-stage Leonid Brezhnev, Biden is now a president in name only. – He has outsourced his administration to a vestigial hard-left apparat from the Obama years, so what is next for our increasingly Soviet state?

American Thinker: Steve Bannon and Ignatius of Antioch – Can the Deep State shut down Steve Bannon? – It doesn’t seem that way. – Bannon’s America First ultra-MAGA bazaar combines Judeo-Christian nationalism, sealed borders and sovereignty, ending foreign wars that only benefit the military industry and its sponsors, and deconstruction of the administrative state…

Townhall: The June Inflation Report Is Here – The inflation rate dipped 0.1% in June but the Consumer Price Index showed prices have increased 3.0% in the last 12 months – Core CPI inflation, which excludes more volatile food and energy costs, increased last month with prices rising 0.1% for an annual advance of 3.3%. – Among the costs still rising faster than the headline and core CPI numbers in the last year are electricity (+4.4%), transportation services (+9.4%), and shelter (+5.2%).

American Thinker: More Bad News on the Electric Vehicle Front – Aside from the lackluster sales figures and alleged scams, the EV industry is facing several vexing problems that seem almost insurmountable at this point. – For instance, over this summer alone, there have been numerous reports of people being trapped inside EVs due to dead batteries…

July 10, 2024

Western Journal: ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Drops a 9-Word Bomb on Biden, Making Joe Look Even Worse – He was supposed to serve up softballs to President Biden on Friday, but it didn’t work – On Tuesday he candidly revealed what he thought about the president’s performance over the past few weeks, “I don’t think he can serve four more years.”

The Daily Signal: A Weekend at Biden’s – Conservative media feel vindicated to finally see the legacy media admitting what we’ve been covering all along, that Biden’s mental state is a serious problem, and it may even be disqualifying. – The legacy media looked for an excuse to be “duped,” not because they are gullible, but because the issue of Biden’s mental acuity is politically inconvenient…

Resist The Mainstream: Biden’s Support Has Declined in New York, Putting The Democrats Into a Panic – The Empire State has been blue for decades so the Biden campaign ignored campaigning heavily in the state that always votes liberal. – Political consultants are now in panic mode, trying to convince the Biden campaign to focus attention on New York.

Lumen-News: The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) filed a federal lawsuit in conjunction with seven states against Biden’s HHS over its rule mandating that states and healthcare providers promote and provide young people with experimental medical interventions consistent with so-called “gender-affirming care.” – ACPeds filed this lawsuit because doctors should never be forced to violate their sound medical judgment and perform life-altering and sterilizing interventions on their patients.

The Daily Signal: Here’s How Many Democrats Voted Against Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote – The Republican-controlled House voted 221-198 Wednesday to require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections, with five Democrats voting for the legislation, and 198 Democrats voting against it.

Gateway Pundit: House Defeats Resolution Holding Garland In Contempt – The Four GOPers Who Voted NO are Representatives David Joyce (OH-14), Michael Turner (OH-10), Tom McClintock (CA-04), and John Duarte (CA-13) – The measure would have fined Attorney General Garland $10,000 per day for refusing to hand over the tapes of Special Counsel Hur’s Biden interview.

Epoch Times: The U.S. annual inflation rate eased for the third consecutive month and came in below the consensus estimate, offering the Federal Reserve further evidence that progress is being made in returning to the central bank’s 2 percent target rate. – Gasoline prices have fallen while shelter costs remain elevated…

Dr. Robert Malone: The House Judiciary Report Shows I am Being Censored by the Largest Corporations in the World – The House Judiciary Committee released an interim staff report on how GARM and its members are colluding with other companies to censor not only hate speech but to censor speech that they don’t like. – For some reason… this report from the House Judiciary Committee neglects to emphasize the links between GARM, The World Federation of Advertisers, and the World Economic Forum…

Liberty Daily: Elon Musk announced that social media platform X will sue ‘perpetrators and collaborators‘ who have colluded to control online speech, as revealed on Wednesday by an interim staff report released by the House Judiciary Committee. – “Having seen the evidence unearthed today by Congress, 𝕏 has no choice but to file suit against the perpetrators and collaborators in the advertising boycott racket,” Musk wrote, adding “Hopefully, some states will consider criminal prosecution.”

Vigilant News: The Untold Purdue Pharma Story That CNBC Kept Hidden – This sinister move led to “hundreds of thousands of deaths across this country.” – It turns out that there is a non-addictive formula for the opioid drug Oxycontin, but Purdue Pharma blocked anyone from making it by filing a patent on it. – From 2016 to 2018, Dr. Martin tried to break this story to CNBC, but they refused to publish it, deeming it “not newsworthy,” but likely loss of ad revenue was the real reason…

Breitbart: The Biden Administration Flooded An Ohio Town with 20,000 Haitian Migrants, Ten to a Bedroom – Residents of the west-central town of Springfield, Ohio, are demanding that their city council do something to stem the tide of the Haitian immigrants that have flooded the city, especially in the aftermath of the death of a child in a school bus accident caused by a migrant driving illegally.

Vox Popoli: The Doability of Mass Deportation – The Dominican Republic’s mass deportations of Haitians prove that it is very easy, humane, and practical to deport even large numbers of immigrants if a ‘Clown World Government’ doesn’t stand in the way. – In the Dominican Republic, national sentiment helped Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona successfully win the 2020 Presidential election on a platform of ending Haitian migration and cutting through red tape to deport those already in the country, which he did in great numbers.

Center For Immigration Studies: CIS Submits Formal Comment on The Watered-Down Biden Administration Asylum Regulation – The submission explains the strategy’s flaws and offers alternatives to improve border security

The Associated Press: A U.S. Coast Guard cutter on routine patrol in the Bering Sea came across several Chinese military ships in international waters but within the U.S. exclusive economic zone, officials said Wednesday. – The crew detected three vessels approximately 124 miles (200 kilometers) north of the Amchitka Pass in the Aleutian Islands, the Coast Guard said in a statement.

Associated Press: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is now planning to address former President Donald Trump’s nominating convention next week, an apparent reversal from just one day earlier when he was expected not to give a speech. –DeSantis’ speaking role at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee was confirmed Wednesday by a person familiar with the schedule who spoke on condition of anonymity because the schedule has not yet been released.

Breitbart: George Clooney was all smiles at his recent Hollywood fundraiser for Joe Biden, where he and Julia Roberts raised a record sum for the president’s re-election campaign. – Now, in a dramatic about-face, Clooney has withdrawn his support for Biden and is spilling the beans about what it was like behind the scenes, in a NYT Op-Ed, saying the Joe showed clear signs of cognitive decline at the celebrity-filled event last month and can no longer win in November…

The New York Times: George Clooney, “I Love Joe Biden, But We Need a New Nominee.” – “I love Joe Biden as a Senator, as a Vice President, and as President.” – “But the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “big F-ing deal” Biden of 2010 or even the Joe Biden of 2020″…

Wall Street Journal: Nancy Pelosi Signals Biden Should Re-Examine His Decision to Stay in Race – The former speaker urges colleagues to hold their fire until after the NATO meeting concludes – “It’s up to the president to decide if he’s going to run,” Pelosi said in a recent interview. – “We’re all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short.”

Breitbart: Hunter Biden is reportedly the “acting chief of staff” to President Joe Biden, usurping Jeff Zients in that designated role. – The Biden family, which made millions from foreign business deals while Joe Biden was in and out of office, is helping to keep Biden in the race, a source told the Daily Beast on Wednesday:

Breitbart: The Biden Campaign Is ‘Demoralized’ Following Recent Damaging Leaks – The leaks include: Biden weighing dropping out of the race, Biden’s nap schedule, Staffers supporting VP Kamala Harris, Aides attacking Biden’s character, Barack Obama raising concerns about Biden’s political viability, and Biden skipping a 2022 meeting with the German chancellor so he could sleep, sending Secretary of State Antony Blinken in his stead.

Zero Hedge: The Next Event In Biden’s Dementia Decathlon, His Solo Press Conference On Thursday Could Seal His Fate – Little attention has been paid to the fact that Biden will conduct a rare solo press conference on Thursday — facing a press corps that’s been re-programmed and switched from Biden-protection to Biden-scrutiny…

American Thinker: The main reason Joe Biden should not be president – Yes, Joe Biden is physically and mentally unfit for the office of U.S. president, but even if that were not the case, the mainstream media have spent years pretending it wasn’t, his, and his party’s, policies are not popular with the American electorate, especially when it comes to immigration and the economy…

Zero Hedge: American-made F-16 fighter jets are currently on their way to Ukraine – President Biden confirmed alongside European allies that “The transfer process for these F-16s is now underway.” – The program, one year in the making, included training Ukrainian pilots at sites on US soil and in Europe. – “Those jets will be flying in the skies of Ukraine this summer…

Zero Hedge: Is This The End Of Restaurants As We Know Them? – Since the start of 2024, numerous well-known restaurant chains listed here have announced sizable closures and incrementally more drastic restructuring efforts. – The total and annual percentage changes in the index prices of six key ingredients of restaurant and diner menu items, from 2010 to 2020 and then from 2021 to the present, are shown below; in most cases, over the last three years, prices have risen at multiples of their annual increases over the prior decade.

Breitbart: Steve Bannon Speaks from Behind Bars – Democrats Sticking with Biden Means ‘We’ve Got the Candidate We Want On The Other Side’ – Bannon argues that despite the political disaster for Democrats that Biden remaining the nominee for president presents, the nation faces a serious national security crisis with Biden still president when it is obvious that he is not able to execute the duties of the position…

America Greatness: Why Gavin Newsom, or Any Politician Like Him, Must Never Become U.S. President – Under Gavin Newsom’s watch, the state is devolving into feudalism: a massive underclass that can’t survive without government assistance, supervised by an elite minority – Newsom and his ilk are telling California’s middle class that what they have attained is socially unjust and ecologically unsustainable…

Center For Immigration Studies: Fact Check, Reuters Is Wrong Because Biden Is Not Deporting More Illegal Aliens Than Trump Did – Conflating “returns” and “removals” is a trick that Obama pulled too. – To understand how Reuters supports its claim, it’s necessary to understand the difference between a “removal” conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and a “return” conducted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)…

Reece Report: Illegals Are Getting SSNs Within Four Months of Their Border Crossing – Reportedly, over the past few years illegal immigrants have been given US bank debit cards from the United Nations worth some one-point-six billion dollars. – Also, Catholic Charities have been managing the illegal invasion at the southern border, spending millions while profiting billions, and local police admit that they are under their direction…

Just The News: The leader of the World Federation of Advertisers’ Global Alliance for Responsible Media falsely claimed it did not direct its members to blacklist Twitter after Elon Musk purchased the platform, since renamed X, according to a House Judiciary Committee GOP interim staff report. – The report documents how GARM “participated in boycotts and coordinated action to demonetize platforms, podcasts, news outlets, and other content that GARM and its members deem disfavored”

Tech Crunch: Elon Musk does not owe ex-Twitter staffers who were let go after he took control of Twitter $500 million in severance. – U.S. District Judge Trina Thompson dismissed the class action lawsuit in San Francisco on Tuesday. –
Judge Thompson said ERISA protections did not apply because Musk’s company notified employees shortly after the October 2022 takeover that fired employees would only receive cash payouts. – Because of this notice, the mass firings that occurred in November were not under Twitter’s previous severance plan, according to the judge.

The Vigilant Fox: Watch Ben Shapiro Tear Into The Censorship Cartel In His Fiery Congressional Testimony – Five minutes of rapid-fire fact after fact. – “In the name of the Constitution and the name of democracy, this should stop.”

American Thinker: The Silence Of The Bells In Europe – People who want to exercise their freedom of speech share this fate of church bells in countries succumbing to Islamism, they fall silent. – Those, who urgently warned against the consequences of unrestrained immigration on culture and social cohesion in Europe, were initially shamed for supposedly exaggerating and running scare campaigns. – Unfortunately, however, their predictions have proven to be correct.

American Thinker: Too Many New Rights? – A flood of newly created rights is eclipsing the natural rights that our Founders instilled. – The criminal justice system is on its back today, with fewer than 3% of federal and 2% of state prosecutions going to trial. – This is because the system is overwhelmed, so some innocent defendants accept plea deals because they can’t afford to defend themselves, or to reduce uncertainty…

Western Journal: A rancher previously charged with the fatal shooting of an illegal immigrant who encroached on his Arizona ranch will not have to face trial again. – An Arizona Superior Court judge on Tuesday dismissed second-degree murder and assault charges against George Alan Kelly “with prejudice.” – This ruling means the rancher cannot face charges again, closing a final chapter in a case that began over a year ago.

Page Six: Hillary Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin and billionaire Alex Soros are engaged – Sources say Soros popped the question six weeks ago, and the couple were spotted recently celebrating the happy news in Italy. – “The best way I can describe the relationship is effortless,” according to a friend of Abedin’s for over 15 years.

July 9, 2024

Zero Hedge: Parkinson’s expert Dr. Tom Pitts, says that Joe Biden has several “hallmarks” of the disease after news broke in the last few days that a Parkinson’s specialist has visited the White House at least 8 times in the past year. – “Do you notice anything that gives you a red flag, as a doctor?” asked host Tom Llamas. – “Oh yeah, I see people like him 20 times a day in the clinic, I mean, it’s ironic because he has the classic features of neuro-degeneration in his word-finding difficulties,” Pitts replied…

Washington Examiner: A Case Study On Who Enabled Biden – The Murray episode is an example of how Democrats enabled Biden, even as the president became less and less able to hide his infirmities. When the Wall Street Journal collected firsthand observations of the president displaying cognitive deficiencies, Murray mocked the paper and denied there was any problem…

Washington Free Beacon: The Iranian government is organizing and paying anti-Israel protesters in the US as part of a campaign meant to sow division across the country ahead of the 2024 elections. – Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines: “Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza, using a playbook we’ve seen other actors use over the years…

Wall Street Journal: The U.S. and six other allies warned that a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group poses a threat to their networks. – This is an unusual coordinated move by Western governments to call out a global hacking operation they say is directed by Beijing’s intelligence services. – Tuesday’s advisory was a rare instance of Washington’s major allies in the Pacific and elsewhere joining to sound the alarm on China’s cyber activity…

Breitbart: As Chinese companies test their autonomous vehicles on American roads, concerns are growing about the vast amounts of data these “rolling surveillance devices” are collecting and the potential national security implications. – Fortune magazine reports that in recent years, Chinese-owned companies have been quietly testing their self-driving cars on American roads, particularly in California.

Politico:  Former South Carolina Gov. NIKKI HALEY is releasing her 97 delegates and urging them to vote for DONALD TRUMP at next week’s Republican National Convention.

American Spectator: Do Anti-Trumpers Still See Biden as a Viable Vehicle? – Polling suggests he’s barely even a viable candidate. – According to RealClear Politics’ polling on July 9, in a two-way race, Biden registers just 44.0% and in a five-way race, he comes in at just 37.9%. – His job approval is only 38.9% and his favorability rating is only 39.7%.

Wall Street Journal: The Great Democrat Lawfare Bust – The indictments against Trump have backfired in a big way – Is there a hall of fame for political backfires? – Democrats cheered on the prosecutions of Mr. Trump, hoping they’d guarantee his defeat, but instead they energized his re-election effort…

Zero Hedge: MSM Launches ‘Muh Russia’ Election Narrative As Brands Collude To Silence Dissent – The officials didn’t mention Trump by name but said that Russia’s current activity—described as covert social media use and other online propaganda efforts—mirrored the 2020 and 2016 election cycles…

Wall Street Journal: Democrats Huddle in Washington as Biden Teeters at Top of Ticket – Democrat lawmakers’ panic over President Biden’s prospects at the top of the ticket and what his sinking fortunes could do for House and Senate races hit a crescendo Tuesday…

American Spectator: Democrats Oppose The SAVE Act, Which Requires Voters to Prove Citizenship – House Democrats and The White House claim the act will be an “extreme burden” on Americans. – As of this writing, no laws require applicants to provide proof of citizenship on federal voting registration forms. – The National Voter Registration Act only requires applicants to check a box on the form indicating they are U.S. citizens.

The Federalist: There’s Only One Reason Democrats Oppose Requiring Proof Of Citizenship To Vote – Representative Bryan Steil reminds anyone who will listen that Democrats already support foreign nationals voting in local elections, as they are allowed to do in Washington, D.C – Not surprisingly, just 28 of the 500-plus foreign nationals voting in last month’s D.C. primary elections registered as Republicans, according to The Washington Post…

The Daily Signal: The House is poised to vote Wednesday to ensure that only U.S. citizens may vote in federal elections, despite a veto threat from President Joe Biden. – It’s already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, but “there is no mechanism to ensure that only those registering or voting are citizens,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said Tuesday in a press conference…

City Journal: Inflation Lessons Unlearned – A new White House proposal won’t help lower Americans’ grocery bills. – The administration’s plan has two decisive flaws. First, it will harm small grocers who don’t have economies of scale. – Second, the plan fails to recognize that food prices, driven skyward by previous rounds of federal spending, have since stabilized…

The Daily Signal: FACT CHECK, Does Project 2025 ‘Terminate the Constitution’? – Before debunking Biden’s claims, it makes sense first to explain what Project 2025 is. – That strategy is designed to bolster the will of the people, as it allows the people’s elected representative—the president—to bring the fourth branch of government to heel and to implement the policy agenda that the American people voted for. – Here are the biggest whoppers the Biden campaign tells about Project 2025: 1. It ‘Terminates the Constitution’…

Dr. Steven Hatfill: An American Hero Continues To Languish In Prison – While Fauci gets a book deal and glorifies himself, Peter Navarro is currently in a Federal Penitentiary under the misdemeanor charge of Contempt of Congress for claiming Executive Privilege and refusing to testify to yet another biased Democrat House Committee. – This is how the Democrats use their unrelenting “law-fare” quest to maintain power.

Epoch Times: What the SCOTUS Decision on Homeless Encampments Means For California – The state has the highest homeless population in the country, estimated at more than 180,000 people, and had a negative 0.58 percent growth rate in 2023, due to negative domestic migration. – With a $1.3 billion budget and around 1,000 fewer homeless people, the city’s overall reduction averages to around $1.3 million spent per person helped out of homelessness.

California Globe: The Sacramento City Attorney Threatened Target That It Will Face Fines For Reporting Too Many Retail Theft Incidents. –  The SacBee reports “The alleged warning issued by Sacramento city officials and similar actions by other cities across the state prompted lawmakers to add an amendment to a retail theft bill that would outlaw such threats made by authorities.

Business Insider: The scary new ways you’re about to get overcharged for purchases made online – In the algorithmic age, pricing variability is increasingly creeping into digital commerce, with charges going up and down in real-time. – What’s far more disturbing is the rise of personalized pricing, digital retailers’ practice of exploiting your data to charge the precise price you’re willing to pay, which might be different from what the guy next to you on a plan would pay…

Zero Hedge: Joe Rogan Explains The Border Crisis – It’s a simple 5-step plan that is becoming more and more obvious every day – Open the border to the Third World – Give them aid and free housing – Oppose “racist” Voter ID laws – Rig it so they’re able to vote – The result, permanent one-party rule…

Geller Report: Biden and his regime oppose the SAVE ACT, which requires proof of U.S. citizenship to vote. – This is his only path to reelection at this point. -“It should alarm every American citizen that the sitting President of the United States, who has opened our border to over 9 million illegals, just announced that he would veto our bill to prevent noncitizens from voting.” Speaker Mike Johnson

National Review: The Natural Response to Biden’s Condition – The takeaway is obvious, or should be. – If a long period of rest and preparation brought us that version of Joe Biden on debate night, then his physical and mental capacities are simply not reliable enough for him to continue in the presidency…

The Western Journal: Biden’s Doctor Releases A Letter As Parkinson’s Discussions Escalate – The White House physician re-quoted a Feb. 28 letter saying “‘There were no findings… – On Monday, WH press secretary KJP had a combative exchange with reporters on the issue. – “Has the president been treated for Parkinson’s? No. Is he being treated for Parkinson’s? No, he’s not. Is he taking medication for Parkinson’s? No,” she said, adding she would not discuss visits for “security reasons.”

American Greatness: The Worst of All Worlds For Democrats – A dis-unified Democrat Party played a clever game in 2020, and now it is backfiring. – They were able to rig things one time and pull an incompetent and incapable candidate over the finish line, but now the guy they installed won’t leave…

American Thinker: Trump’s first extensive interview since the debate – Trump offered a limited critique of Biden’s debate performance in an interview Monday night with Fox News, eschewing any mention of a serious condition or any attacks on his mental fitness. – Trump appears to understand that sometimes, less is more. – ‘When your opponent is self-immolating, the wise thing to do is stay out of his way,’ said former White House correspondent Ron Fournier.

American Thinker: Illegals are indeed getting immediate Social Security, contrary to Democrat claims – Illegals can get SSI pretty easily for lifetime benefits based on being unemployable, having no English skills, having no marketable skills, having no education, and not being retired. – Who needs U.S. citizenship, or for that matter, legal authorization to live in the U.S. when you’ve got Joe Biden’s open borders?…

Breitbart: The IDF scored a major victory in recent days in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, where soldiers discovered and demolished six terror tunnels that included weapons and valuable troves of intelligence. – One of the tunnels is considered the “flagship” tunnel of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad…

Just The News: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump violated his constitutional and legal rights, according to a report released Tuesday by the GOP-led House Judiciary Committee and its Weaponization Subcommittee.  – The report also targets Judge Juan Merchan, who presided over the so-called Trump hush-money trial.

American Thinker: France Is At A Crossroads – The rather prideful insecurity of the man who resides at the Elysee Palace is symptomatic of the crisis in which France now finds itself. – The French Republic doesn’t seem able to muster the will to find a way out of its systemic crisis. – It knows it needs to change, but it seems to want to do it without changing anything.

Cal Matters: California’s ‘weak’ job market propped up by public money as private sector sheds jobs – Gains in the public sector and other jobs largely supported by public money have cloaked a dismal California labor market, which has seen a big decline in private-industry jobs since their post-pandemic peak, a new analysis shows.

California Globe: U.S. Business Bankruptcies Are Up 40% Since January 2023, With Small Biz up 60% – Companies headquartered in California accounted for over 20% of all filings. – “Overall commercial filings increased 39 percent in April 2024 to 2,569 from 1,846 in April 2023,” ABI said.

July 8, 2024

Just The News: Whereas Donald Trump as the 2016 Republican presidential nominee battled the GOP establishment over changing the party’s direction and in 2020 faced substantive internal resistance during his reelection bid, he now appears as the 2024 nominee to have won control of a party apparatus willing to embrace his policy platform and earnestly support his efforts.

Western Journal: Trump’s VP Pick to Be Made Next Week, And These 2 Big Names Are in Front for the Job – According to the New York Post, the stretch run in the VP race is between Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, with Senator Marco Rubio of Florida given an “outside shot.”

Epoch Times: President Joe Biden stated in a letter to congressional Democrats on July 8 that he is determined to stay in the 2024 presidential race. – He urged them to band together and move forward as a unified party. – “I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race…

Zero Hedge: The Editor at Large for the Wall Street Journal, Gerry Baker, says: ‘We’ve been “gaslit’ and deceived” for years, “all in the name of ‘democracy’”. – That deceit “collapsed” with the Presidential debate, on Thursday’. – “Biden succeeded because he made toeing the party line his life’s work and ascended the greasy pole by slavishly following his party wherever it led…

American Spectator: Biden Is Outing the Mainstream Media – The mainstream media, which dominates the news, deliberately and willfully hid the truth of Biden’s deteriorating cognitive condition from the American people. – If It Lied About Biden, Why Trust Anything Else the Media Says?

Dov Fischer/American Spectator: The Biden Obsession, He Should Quit, But Won’t Quit, Should Quit, Won’t Quit and Plan B has come crumbling down. – The Original Democrat Plan Was Biden – That was their plan, wasn’t it? We can’t discuss the economy because it went down the toilet along with so many other things…

City Journal: Why Is Biden Hanging On? – Replacing him before the convention would pose significant problems for the Democrat Party’s leadership. – If Biden bows out before getting nominated, one can easily imagine a host of candidates emerging to replace him, leading to a free for all…

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has extended and re-designated a so-called “temporary” amnesty to 4,000 Yemeni nationals living in the United States, ensuring they are not deported and can hold American jobs.

American Conservative: Stephen Miller, Former Senior Advisor to President Donald Trump Says The Biden Administration Is Bringing The ‘World’s Predators’ Into America – Miller singled out the Biden administration’s policy on resettlement for “mass releasing” military-age illegal aliens and preventing their removal until after a subsequent criminal conviction…

Breitbart: Only 36 percent of Americans are confident about the value of a college education, a confidence level that has declined from 57 percent in 2015. Most Americans, meanwhile, say they believe higher education in the U.S. is headed in the “wrong direction.”

City Journal: The White House’s Transgender Tangle – New evidence suggests that the White House is taking its marching orders on so-called gender-affirming care for kids from transgender interest groups. – A messaging blunder revealed that the Biden administration likely knows that gender hormones and surgeries for kids are unpopular but fears that saying so will alienate the powerful organizations that support these controversial procedures.

Epoch Times: A Warning Has Been Issued to iPhone Users Because Hackers Are Targeting Apple IDs In A New Cyberattack Wave – One such SMS message observed by the cybersecurity company and sent to iPhone users read: “Apple important request iCloud: Visit signin[.]authen-connexion[.]info/iCloud to continue using your services.”

Resist The Mainstream: Top Democrats Want Biden Out by End of Week – They are enlisting everyone from the Obamas to congressional leaders to persuade Biden to step down by the end of this week. – They want Biden out by Friday and are hoping he will endorse Harris as his successor to prevent a fierce battle for the nomination at the Democrat Convention in Chicago.

The Free Press: What Was a Parkinson’s Doctor Doing at the White House? – Has the reason for Joe Biden’s obvious physical and mental decline been hiding in plain sight? – Two July 6 reports suggest the president has been seeing a movement disorder doctor for months. – The doctor in question is Kevin R. Cannard, a neurologist and retired Army colonel…

American Thinker: Joe Biden Has Alzheimer’s – A highly credentialed physician presents these seven signs of the degenerative brain disease, which leaves no doubt that we’re being led by a man who needs to be in a nursing home.

New York Post: Joe Biden’s staff provides him with instructions ‘on how to enter and exit a room’ with large print and pictures ahead of events – Documents obtained by Axios on Sunday show how his staff helps guide Biden, including his specific path to a podium when he appears at functions.

Victor Davis Hanson: Bidengate and the Doom Loop – The more Biden avoids the media, the more the public considers him an inadequate president. – Yet the more he might welcome more exposure, the more his ensuing dementia becomes apparent. – Biden’s dementia has now become so overt and so impossible to hide that the Democrats’ entire “crooked deal” they orchestrated has blown up in their faces…

National Review: It’s Come to This, Democrats Must Rely on the Good Judgment and Discernment of Joe Biden – On Meet the Press yesterday, Adam Schiff didn’t call on Joe Biden to drop out, but instead, strongly hinted he should exit the race. – Why would he do this, though? – A characteristic of Biden’s presidency has been a rigidity that prevents him from acknowledging disasters…

Washington Examiner: In anticipation of congressional Democrats returning to Capitol Hill after the July 4 recess, Joe Biden sent his colleagues a letter advising them he intends to remain their nominee. – “It’s time to come together, move forward as a united party, and defeat Donald Trump,” Biden wrote Monday. “The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now,” Biden wrote. “It’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that is to beat Donald Trump.”

American Thinker: Trump just isn’t that mean – The “Trump as bully” meme is simply another sleazy media effort to slime an opposition leader, of the kind we have seen repeated endlessly. – Let’s compare him to a few others in the pantheon of the American presidency such as Andrew Jackson, Harry Truman, and Lyndon B. Johnson…

National Review: ‘Read My Lips, I Lied’ – Gavin Newsom promised Californians there’d be no new taxes to fix the state’s historic deficit. One new tax is already squeezing the state’s businesses. – By defaulting on $20 billion in federal Covid-era unemployment insurance loans, Newsom triggered an automatic hike in federal payroll taxes paid by California employers.

The Federalist: Meet The Shadowy Left-Wing Nonprofit Harvesting Voter Data To Juice Democrat Turnout – While Conservatives have mostly failed to recognize the necessity of such operations, leftists haven’t. – Unlike their opponents, Democrats have amassed a well-funded machine that’s accumulated their party massive electoral wins in recent cycles, even as the head of their party remains widely unpopular among the American electorate.

Zero Hedge: Things have gotten so utopian in the state of California, that delivery drivers are being accompanied by armed guards due to “crime concerns” while they are out making deliveries. – One company, Core Mart, is hiring guards to escort drivers. – This means it likely made more financial sense to pay for new security staff than it did to continue to allow drivers to get robbed (and inventory lost) as was happening…

The Daily Fetched: As New York City continues to be swamped by illegal immigration, hotels are set to rake in more than $1 billion for converting their building into migrant shelters, all at the taxpayer’s expense. – There are almost 200 migrant shelters currently in operation across the Big Apple, according to a report from the New York Post.

Slay Magazine: California Admits Their 2023 Job Gains Data Was Faked – The data since January 2024 has not yet been re-benched, which means that the figure includes the Early Benchmark Revision for these recent months are growing at the same rate as the official CES estimates. – However, it is certain that once the next set of revisions comes in, California will not have generated any actual job growth for the second year in a row.

July 7, 2024

Wall Street Journal: President Biden faced new calls from prominent Democrats to exit from the race, as he hit the campaign trail Sunday to try to dispel mounting concerns over his fitness for office and chances of defeating Republican Donald Trump. – In a private meeting of senior House Democrats, several attendees said Sunday that they believed Biden should step aside, according to people familiar with the matter.

Resist The Mainstream: On Sunday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer unveiled bombshell accusations against Joe Biden’s White House physician, revealing that he has been involved in the Biden family’s business dealings. – Comer’s main query relates to whether or not O’Connor’s medical assessments can be trusted, given his work with the Biden family through the company Americore.

American Thinker: You have to look at San Francisco to understand what a leftist future holds for America – Whether you like leftism or not, one of the most admirable things about leftists is that they have shown to be long-term planners. – Conservatives dream of quick fixes, but leftists put systems in place and then patiently wait for them to come to fruition. – San Francisco perfectly illustrates how this works…and it goes back to the 1960s…

Zero Hedge: A Bombshell NYT Expose Details War Crimes By American-Led Volunteer Force In Ukraine – A military correspondent with The New York Times has issued the newest bombshell report this weekend which shines a spotlight on not just Ukrainian troops but American and foreign fighters who’ve volunteered with pro-Kyiv forces and have committed potential war crimes.

Zero Hedge: NATO will unveil a plan to help prepare Ukraine to assume the responsibilities of membership in the alliance during its annual summit in Washington, next week. – The deliverable is not a membership plan outright but will consist of “standing up an entire command” to ensure Ukraine can fully contribute to NATO if it does join…

Zero Hedge: It’s the economy, stupid – How worried should we be? – Macro surprises turn negative across major economies with US economic surprises reaching the lowest since August 2022. – The Atlanta Fed revised its GDPNow down to 1.5 percent from 1.7 pct. This is the lowest estimate thus far in the quarter and dramatically below the +4 percent readings in mid-May.

Townhall: The Moment Cameras Reveal Joe Biden’s True Self – Racist Joe Biden completely ignores the only Black girl in the crowd, but happily takes a selfie and talks with every White in the crowd.

Washington Examiner: Voters don’t get to choose whether they want to live under Republican or Democrat Party rule for almost four months, but people are already voting with their feet, they have been for years, and their choice is clear: people overwhelmingly want to live in Republican-run states. – The latest data come from the Internal Revenue Service which released the most current migration data on June 27.

National Review: American History Has Been Captured by the Left, Not the Right – The contemporary U.S. national media and academic professors lean roughly 93% to the left, and this has been the case for some time. – Within secondary schools, two popular curricula currently in use come from the 1619 Project and Marxist, Howard Zinn himself…

American Greatness: Stephanopoulos & Biden, And the Lord Almighty – George Stephanopoulos’s interview with President Biden was painful to watch—unless, probably, you’re Donald Trump. – Most Republicans probably want Biden to stay in the race because it seems likely, at least now, that Trump can beat him.

American Thinker: A Replaceable President – It’s the operatives who are irreplaceable, and they want to keep it that way. – The evidence begins with a Washington Post article last week, one of many that aired criticism of members of Biden’s inner circle, chief among them Anita Dunn and her husband Bob Bauer, for mis-preparing Biden for the debate or for shutting out post-debate dissenting voices despite what was now, essentially overnight, described as his dementia.

American Thinker: The Main Problem Democrats Have With Replacing Biden – It’s not the decision itself that is the problem, rather it’s what taking that step will reveal about the Democrat party. – Anyone who hasn’t kept up with current events will suddenly wonder why Joe’s resigning, and when the facts are exposed, all of the Democrat’s lies will be exposed…

Dallas Ludlum: Is the U.S. Presidency on Autopilot? – Inside Biden’s Troubling Mental State – Concerns over President Joe Biden’s cognitive health have been amplified by his performance in the recent debate and public appearances, where moments of confusion and verbal slips have become more frequent and pronounced. – Who Are The People That Are Running the Country?

American Thinker: Joe: Take the Damn Cognitive Test – Nate Silver lists the signs that a party is getting rid of a president under the 25th Amendment and says we’re about halfway up the ladder. – I’m seeing all this right now, not yet as a march to the 25th Amendment removal from office, but certainly to get him to withdraw from the 2024 race.

American Thinker: With the election nearing, Facebook censorship is increasing – Facebook is using a superficially new approach this time. – The new approach holds that conservatives who post statements that are popular with conservatives are improperly seeking “likes” and “follows” so the result is the same,  Conservative ideas are being silenced.

FAR: Donald Trump’s Agenda 47 – The components reflect Trump’s commitment to his base and his vision for America’s future. – Ending Veteran Homelessness in America, No Welfare for Illegal Aliens, The American Academy, America Must Have the #1 Lowest Cost of Energy and Electricity on Earth…

National Review: Progressive Dark-Money Groups Settle on 2024 Strategy, Supreme Court Alarmism – Left-wing dark-money group, Stand Up America is launching a $1 million digital campaign to urge progressives to pledge to be a “Supreme Court voter,” suggesting that if Biden is reelected, he could have the opportunity to replace multiple SCOTUS justices.

Breitbart: Americans Aren’t Buying EVs: Electric Vehicle Adoption Continues to Stall Out – The EV revolution is encountering significant hurdles as consumers grapple with high costs, infrastructure challenges, and geopolitical tensions, potentially slowing the transition from traditional gas-powered cars, according to a report by Fast Company.

July 6, 2024

American Spectator: Under The 25th Amendment, The Acting President Is Not President – An Acting President exercises the “powers and duties” of the presidency but does not hold the office of the presidency, which means that Harris cannot nominate a new vice-president, as Section 2 states: – The vice-president can only become President under Section 1…

Epoch Times: Judge Pauses Deadlines in Trump Classified Documents Case to Consider Immunity Arguments – Judge Aileen Cannon agreed on July 6 to grant a partial pause in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial after his legal team requested on grounds that they should be allowed to argue the merits of the U.S. Supreme Court’s immunity decision before the trial moves forward.

Epoch Times: The US Increases Scrutiny Over Chinese Land Purchases Near Military Bases – States and federal governments are increasingly concerned over real estate purchases made by foreign nationals from adversarial countries.

Conservative Brief: Trump Distances Himself From ‘Project 2025,’ An Increasingly Controversial Slate Of Alleged Policy Objectives For His Next Term. – “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are ridiculous and abysmal.”

American Spectator: The Palestinian Authority Is Jihadist Too – Not only does the PA support terrorism and the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks, but it also rejects the existence of a Jewish state. – Despite much of the world believing in a two-state solution, the PA wants to conquer all of Israel…

Just The News: Stats show illegal drug trafficking rampant in the US, despite the Biden administration’s vow to combat it. – About 38,000 deaths tied to fentanyl were reported during the first half of the year 2023. 

American Thinker: The Diagnosis is In, and Joe’s Not Going to Get Better – Neurologists frequently make diagnoses by observation. Most movement disorder diagnoses are made by direct observation or patient and family descriptions. – Based on what we have seen and heard, Mr. Biden has Parkinsonism, an umbrella term that refers to neurologic conditions that cause these symptoms, which he regularly displays…

Alex Berenson: URGENT, A Parkinson’s disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023 – The President’s physician and a nurse who coordinates his care scheduled the meetings with Dr. Kevin R. Cannard. – Before last July, he had come only once during Joe Biden’s administration.

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden‘s sit-down interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News sparked shocked reactions among the network’s pundits this week.  Biden came across as old, feeble, and an overall weak candidate. – The interview came just 24 hours after Biden declared he was not dropping out, promising his supporters he would “beat Donald Trump again in 2020.’

The Daily Fetched: Growing concerns about President Joe Biden’s cognitive capabilities, fueled by his dreadful debate performance, have prompted CNN to call for him to undergo cognitive testing finally. – Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN‘s chief medical correspondent, is now calling on Biden to undo cognitive testing, something that former president Donald Trump has been requesting for years.

Epoch Times: A district judge has granted Texas and Montana’s request for a preliminary injunction against the federal government’s attempt “to impose a sweeping new social policy” that allows for Title IX coverage for gender identity. – 
The ruling follows others in which federal judges have halted Title IX revisions to a halt.

American Thinker: The Collapse of DEI – DEI is dying because conservative activists and public interest groups are campaigning hard against it. – These programs were all the rage as little as a year ago, with every corporation, university, or institution needing to have its own DEI officer or department that would virtue-signal compliance with various mandates…

Issues & Insights: How Did 250,000 Reported Jobs Suddenly Vanish This Year? – Did the economy create 206,000 jobs last month? – That’s what the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday. But don’t believe it. Under President Joe Biden, the BLS has been consistently inflating monthly job growth numbers…

American Greatness: The Free-Market Rejects EV Mandates – The California EV mandate alliance could be collapsing right before our eyes. – California is the only state uniquely permitted to issue its own vehicle emissions standards under the Clean Air Act. – 15 other states and the District of Columbia follow CARB rules. – Now, Connecticut has followed Virginia as the second CARB state to reject California’s EV mandate. – It’s interesting to note that Virginia and especially Connecticut have been reliably blue…

American Thinker: Economic Stability Is At Stake, Why Trump’s Border Policy Matters – As a political and economic analyst, these are some of the reasons I find myself compelled to advocate for the candidacy of Donald J. Trump – As voters weigh their decision, the choice is clear: Trump offers a proven track record of success in confronting the challenges facing our nation, whereas his opponent represents a return to failed policies and bureaucratic inertia…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, ORANGE MAN REVOLUTION EDITION – It looks like America is undergoing its own Orange Revolution.

July 5, 2024

Powerline: IT’S OVER: ONLY THE WHEN AND HOW ARE TO BE DETERMINED – Well, Biden says he’s not going anywhere. – He has now reached the “I am not a crook” and “Let others wallow in Watergate” stage of this saga. – Nate Silver, You could debate the exact order of these 14 events, but right now we are about halfway there…

American Thinker: Democrats Are Cycling Through Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s Five Stages Of Grief – They are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Despair, and finally, Acceptance when individuals embrace mortality, the inevitable future, or other tragic events. – Is schadenfreude bad those whose misery you’re enjoying truly had it coming?

American Spectator: Jack Smith and the Hijacking of January 6 – In his indictment against Trump, Smith distorts the timeline of events and Trump’s words with impunity. – In his indictment of Trump, special counsel Jack Smith charged Trump both with doing too much and doing too little. – This combination led to one count of “conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding” and a second count of “obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding.”

American Spectator: Senility, the Press, and a Tale of Two Presidents – The media pegged a lucid President Reagan as a dementia sufferer, but now cover for an often addled Joe Biden. – Two years after the end of his presidency, Ronald Reagan was interviewed on a hostile CNN by Larry King. – Reagan thoughtfully responded to his questions not just in phrases or sentences, but in full paragraphs…

Wall Street Journal: Biden Forcefully Rejects Efforts to Push Him Out of Race – ‘I am running and going to win again,’ the president told a Wisconsin rally – “Guess what, they’re trying to push me out of the race. Well let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying in the race,” Biden said, reading from a teleprompter.

Western Journal: On Friday, President Joe Biden committed to a second debate with Donald Trump. – Speaking to reporters before boarding Air Force One after a campaign event in Madison, Wisconsin, Biden was asked about debating Trump again. – “I hope he’ll debate me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t,” Biden said.

Zero Hedge: The HuffPo Encourages Biden Campaign To Openly Push Disinformation Using AI – In a bizarre op-ed, Huffington Post writer Kaivan Shroff suggested that Joe Biden and his campaign should consider using artificial intelligence to dupe the American people into voting for him.

Zero Hedge: The Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Unstaffed Drop Boxes Ahead Of 2024 Election – Well, well, well, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, with its new liberal majority, issued a ruling on Friday that reinstates the use of unstaffed drop boxes ahead of the 2024 election.

Center For Immigration Studies: Post-Debate Poll Reflects Voters’ Fears of Migrant Crime, Terrorism – Democrats aside, the electorate can see the costs and threats and are fed up with the political games…

Geller Report: – “Burn it down!” – American Flag BURNING Hamas Mobs Terrorize NYC Streets During Their July 4th Hate March – If you think this is just about the Jews (as if that is somehow OK), you are deluded, because they are so coming for you too.

Zero Hedge: 10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching – Politico reported that Israel and Hezbollah have both “drafted battle plans”, and the Biden administration is convinced that “intense fighting is likely to break out” – NBC News reported that the U.S. is moving military assets into position so that they can be “ready to evacuate Americans” once an all-out war erupts between Israel and Hezbollah. – It is said that Joe Biden is thinking about approving a plan that would “allow US military contractors to deploy to Ukraine”…

Fox News: Trump Challenges Biden To A Second Presidential Debate, But There’s A Catch, This Time No Moderators – Trump requested a “no holds barred” and “all on” discussion with Biden about the future of the country. – A spokesperson for Biden’s campaign did not immediately respond to Fox News for a comment.

Zero Hedge: “It’s Just My Brain,” Biden Defends Health As Democrat Governors Call For Resignation – Biden didn’t convince the governors that he should still be running. – Despite all that negative feedback, Biden seems intent on remaining in the race…

Resist The Mainstream: Biden Describes Himself as a Black Woman During Radio Interview – “By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman… to serve with a black president,” he said to Philadelphia’s WURD.

National Review: The Supreme Court’s Trump-Immunity Decision Was a Public Service – While the Court’s decision may be to preserve Trump’s freedom from jail, its greater consequence is to protect the liberty of us all. – The Court majority saw as its grander purpose the protection of the office of the presidency from a Congress and a partisan successor who would use the law to undermine the institution…

American Spectator: They Lied to Us! – Never forgive, and never forget, what these lying miscreants have done. – The corporate media, whose 21st-century raison d’etre is propping up the Democrats and punishing the Deplorable Republicans, often joins the fray. – When Robert Hur declined to pursue charges against Biden due to the fact he “would likely present himself to a jury as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the media denounced Hur as a “Trump plant”…

American Thinker: Were You At The Park Avenue Four Seasons When He Froze? – Several people ‘who are very close to President Biden are adamant that what we saw the other night at the debate is not a one-off – In the last six months particularly, there has been a marked incidence of cognitive ­decline.’ – Recently, Carl Bernstein said that all of Joe Biden’s crew knew a lot more about his condition than they let on…

American Greatness: Americans Want to Know Who is Really in Charge in the White House – Are nameless White House advisers essentially acting as president and implementing their radical-left policies without Biden’s knowledge and beyond the reach of congressional oversight? – Whether Biden remains in office for the remainder of his term or lets Harris take over, our country faces a leadership crisis that puts U.S. national security at serious risk… 

Townhall: Former Obama administration official Van Jones said in an interview this week that Democrats are discussing “how” to replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee, “not whether.” – Jones made the remarks in an interview with CNN’s Jim Sciutto.

American Thinker: The Democrats’ Road to Removing Joe Biden Via The 25th Amendment Has Many Obstacles – After actions by VP Kamala Harris and a majority of cabinet members, Congress then has twenty-one days to decide by a two-thirds vote of both Houses whether Biden is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office. – This is a steep climb, but here’s how the numbers could theoretically work…

National Review: Kamala Harris Helped Cover Up President Biden’s Infirmities – The Democrats can’t fix this problem by swapping Biden for Harris, because Harris is embroiled in the conspiracy, by participating in the biggest political cover-up in American history…

National Review: What Biden Has Done to the Border Doesn’t Stop There – His policies have led to a situation in which cartels prosper, immigrants’ lives are commoditized, and Americans suffer. – Among other things, President Biden ended Title 42, a policy instituted during the pandemic that allowed the U.S. to turn away more than 60 percent of migrants at the southern border, amounting to nearly 2 million people over two years…

Slay Magazine: SCOTUS set in motion a process that may lead to the removal of Special Counsel Jack Smith. – The decision has halted Smith in his furious push to prosecute President Donald Trump. – While the court’s ruling is likely to delay Smith’s January 6 trial past the 2024 election, the Justices also entertained arguments that the special counsel wasn’t appointed legally in the first place.

Washington Free Beacon: Schumer’s Shell Game – A new dark money group that has been blanketing swing state airwaves with ads supporting vulnerable Democratic senators has taken steps to conceal its ties to Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer – The Schumer-linked PAC is the latest instance of Democrats relying on dark money while claiming to oppose it…

The Vigilant Fox: Joe Rogan Exposes Disturbing Contrast in Government Spending – Rogan asked why the U.S. government could send $175 billion to aid Ukraine but couldn’t spare $5 billion to help Maui rebuild after devastating forest fires ravaged the island. – People who lost their homes received a mere $700. – So, why was Maui abandoned? According to Joe and many others, it’s because the entire situation is a blatant land grab…

American Thinker: You Just Might Be A Democrat If, Part III – If you think imprisoning your political opponents is the best way to “save a democracy.” – If you think that the sun isn’t a big factor in heating the earth, but your neighbor’s lawn mower is. – If you think only white people can be racist because of the color of their skin. – If you have three forms of ID, but think that it would be too difficult for most black folks to obtain even one to vote in elections…

July 4, 2024

Reuters: Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he believed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was sincere about wanting to end the war in Ukraine, but that he did not know how Trump planned to do so if elected. – “I am not, of course, familiar with possible proposals for how he plans to do this. This is the key question. But I do not doubt that he means it sincerely, and we support it (the idea of ending the war).”

Epoch Times: U.S. District Judge Louis Guirola has ruled that the federal government can’t enforce its reinterpretation of Title IX protections to include gender identity revisions. – Judge Gurioloa wrote that HHS officials began expanding the definition of Title IX protections in 2016 to include “discrimination based on gender identity” to fit in with Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)…

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden has declared he will stay in the presidential race despite his disastrous debate performance and growing calls for him to step aside. – In a conference call on Wednesday, Biden asserted, “I am running. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end, and we’re going to win.”

National Review: An Unaccountable Government Threatens Us Once More On This Fourth of July – It is long past time for Congress to reassert the powers the Founders gave us to restrain federal agencies. – In the Constitution, the Founders enshrined our rights and formed a nation with three separate but equal branches of government. – Nearly two and a half centuries later, this carefully constructed balance of power has been upended by an army of federal bureaucrats, who have usurped the power our Founders gave “we the people” through their elected representatives…

Just The News: ‘The The Biggest One Yet’ – The Title IX gender identity rewrite blocked nationwide under new SCOTUS CHEVRON precedent – A Trump appointee took two business days to apply a ruling ending so-called Chevron deference to block Department of Education regulation redefining “sex.” The Title IX administrator group warns members to be ready for an immediate reversal.

American Thinker: Happy Independence Day! – America is unique because it was not formed around historical geography, tribalism, religion, or race, but around the idea that the government serves the people and not vice versa. – The documents embodying this profound idea are the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. – By slowly and steadily taking over America’s institutions, leftists have done enormous damage to America’s principles…

FAR: The Declaration of Independence – When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation…

FAR: PragerU Launches A Founding Fathers Video Series – “Uncover the fascinating history of America and our Founding Fathers you didn’t learn in school by signing up for PragerU’s Founding Fathers 101,” the organization said in its statement announcing the launch of their free “Founding Fathers 101” video series and e-book.

Breitbart: Google’s ultra-woke AI chatbot Gemini answers questions about America’s founding documents and Founding Fathers with anti-American bias, according to research from the Media Research Center (MRC). – When asked, “Should Americans celebrate the Fourth of July holiday?” Gemini replied that the question was “complex with no easy answer.” – There were similar responses to other questions, such as please identify the “good guys” in World War II…

American Thinker: The Next Six Months May Be The Most Dangerous Of Our Lifetime – There’s a lot at stake for the Deep State, and we can only hope that its members retain some basic morality and human decency. – By controlling the Deep State, the Dems still have many levers to pull in their quest to avoid a second Trump administration. – The spooks at the FBI and CIA understand that there may be an existential struggle, so expect them to increase covert influence operations…

Forbidden News: Eleven Indications That Power Is Being Returned To The People – 1) Biden imploded on live TV for the entire world to see. – 2) The Chevron doctrine was overturned – 3) The Supreme Court’s Immunity Ruling. – 6. SCOTUS just ruled that the Obstruction statute used to persecute Jan Sixers and Donald J. Trump is not lawful. – 7) Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, and the fake doctors who pushed the dangerous MRNA COVID-19 Vax exposed...

July 3, 2024

American Conservative:  – Organized by Stephen Wertheim, a senior fellow with the Carnegie Endowment, 60 experts have signed a letter published Wednesday warning against the use of next week’s upcoming NATO summit to push Ukrainian NATO membership. – The letter says including Ukraine in the pact would give Kyiv a security guarantee that could lead to World War III and commit the U.S. to fight against Russia in any future Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Western Journal: A Leaked Private Democrat Poll Shows That Biden Is Heading for A Battleground State Disaster As Blue Strongholds Are Now in Play – The nonprofit OpenLabs polling in the 72 hours after the Atlanta debate could not have been comforting for the Biden team. – 40 percent of voters who supported him in 2020 now think he should withdraw from this year’s race…

American Spectator; Unprecedented Congressional Action May Overturn Steve Bannon’s Arrest – The latest victim of political lawfare. – Last week, the Congressional Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group voted to invalidate all findings of the Jan. 6 committee, declaring it illegitimate and all subpoenas issued by the committee invalid. – Speaker Johnson announced that the House would submit an amicus brief on behalf of Bannon to the Supreme Court to appeal his conviction…

American Spectator/Dov Fischer: Kamala v. Jill, The Ugly Catfight Ahead If Biden Is Somehow Re-elected As He Will NOT Serve Out His Term – Dr. Jill is politically smarter than Hillary or Michelle ever was. – Two deeply ambitious women, no different from Hillary and Michelle but better positioned by the vacuum at the top, with diametrically opposing interests will be left on the central stage in Washington to duke it out.

Epoch Times: Federal Reserve Officials Warn of Rate Hikes If Inflation Persists – Officials noted that they are not ready to cut interest rates until they have obtained “greater confidence” that the inflation rate is heading toward the central bank’s 2 percent goal.

Epoch Times: The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a legal challenge to the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to issue workplace safety standards. – Justice Clarence Thomas dissented and Justice Neil Gorsuch noted that he would have been willing to take up the case that is focused on paring back government power.

Epoch Times: After the Supreme Court ruling last week that dismissed an appeal over Idaho’s abortion law, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Director Chiquita Brooks-LaSure sent letters to hospitals saying that they have a legal requirement to perform emergency abortions.

The Daily Fetched: Biden’s Advisors Leak Disturbing Information on His Mental Decline to The New York Times – Biden appeared “confused, listless, or would lose the thread of conversations” and he often has expressions of “blank-stared confusion.” – “His lapses seem to be growing more frequent, more pronounced, and more worrisome.”

Fox News: Biden’s Future Is In Question Ahead Of A Meeting With Democrat Governors – More Democrats are demanding he step aside following his disastrous debate performance last week. – Biden is scheduled to meet with the nation’s Democrat governors on Wednesday.

Breitbart: Seventy-two percent of voters believe Biden should not be running for a second term, up nine points from February, a CBS News/YouGov poll found Tuesday. – The survey is also one of the first post-debate polls that Democrat operatives and donors will study to determine the extent of the damage to Biden’s candidacy following his debate performance…

Western Journal: Hunter Biden’s New White House Involvement Causes Staffers to Ask ‘What the H*** Is Happening?’ – Hunter Biden has been participating in White House meetings. – His role began Monday when he joined his father, President Joe Biden, at the White House after a weekend stay at Camp David in Maryland.

Breitbart: President Biden told an ally he is weighing whether to drop out of the presidential race, the New York Times reported Wednesday. – However, WH spokesman Andrew Bates claimed the leak was “absolutely false,” saying “That claim is false, and if the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment we would have told them so.”

National Review: – Ever since Biden clinched the Democrat nomination in 2020, the media have been covering up his declining mental state. – The appropriate question back then wasn’t whether he was too old, but whether he would be fit to serve over another four to eight years under the stresses of being president. – Nonetheless, the media is now finally ready to cover Biden’s mental decline.

American Thinker: Let’s Test Joe – Every congressional Republican and honorable Democrat needs to immediately put an end to all legislative activities until Biden shows he is mentally competent to remain President. – Nothing should be allowed to proceed in Congress, with a stop to everything. – For the love of the country this needs to be done now, not next month or next week, but NOW!

Zero Hedge: Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft – If we had allowed the Vax passport policy to take hold, our liberties would have been officially erased forever. – A lot of people woke up during that period and realized that an attempt at a totalitarian state in the US was not only possible, it was happening right in front of them. – That said, the same people are still in power today and those people are looking for another avenue to institute sweeping controls on the populace.

Gatestone Institute: The Big Lies About Israel – For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations and mainstream media alongside NGOs pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and using it as a “weapon of war.” – Now, it turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a “weapon of war.”

Breitbart: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said Wednesday that Hamas remains the obstacle to a hostage deal because the terrorist group insists on an “unacceptable” clause that would force Israel to end the war. – The clause would not just end the current conflict, but would supposedly prevent Israel from attacking Hamas if it violated the terms of the deal.

American Thinker: How it all went down in Israel on October 7, 2023 – This is one of the most thoroughly documented terrorist attacks in history. – Hamas terrorists, equipped with GoPro cameras, filmed their barbarity and Hamas posted videos of the slaughter on Telegram – Hamas leaders were able to keep their murderous operation secret by refraining from using cell phones and passing instructions via live messengers. – To relieve the economic pressure on Gaza, the Israeli government allowed thousands of Gazans to get permits to work in Israel. – Hamas used these workers as spies – At 6:30 A.M., Hamas launched over 3,000 rockets from Gaza at the adjacent Israeli communities in what amounted to a diversionary attack. – At the same time, its Nukhba terrorists went on to tear down the fence with bulldozers and trucks…

Washington Free Beacon: A Recent Survey By Pollsters Affiliated With Hebrew University of Jerusalem Shows A ‘Complete Collapse’ of Israeli Left Since Oct. 7 – These findings help explain why the Biden administration has so far failed to persuade Israel to end its war to destroy the Palestinian terror group Hamas in Gaza and recommit to a two-state solution. – “People on the right warned us that the Palestinians don’t think the way we think and don’t care about peace for their children.” – “They only care about eliminating us,” criminal attorney Debbie Sharon said…

American Thinker: The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our Intel Agencies – J. Michael Waller’s new book, “Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains”, details the willful deception practiced by American intelligence agencies. – Big Intel is a dire warning that this Marxist subversion of intel might be worse than the damage wrought by the most destructive spy discovered in the FBI, Robert Hanssen, who died in prison last year…

Western Journal: Ivanka Trump reportedly will attend the Republican National Convention this month to watch her father accept the GOP presidential nomination but otherwise won’t take part in the proceedings or future events. – Ivanka announced in 2022 that she wanted to focus on raising her children and avoid direct involvement in politics, which she said can be toxic and ugly. – “Politics is a rough, rough business, and I think it’s one that you also can’t dabble in. I think you have to either be all in or all out,” Ivanka said…

Center Square: Biden’s White House Spending Dwarfs That Of His Recent Predecessors of Both Parties – “Biden employs 152 more staffers than Trump and 97 more than Obama at the same point in their respective presidencies.” – Jill Biden’s staff is at 24 employees, while First Lady Melania Trump had 11 staffers. – The federal government as a whole has grown under Biden’s watch, not just the White House.

Epoch Times: We Broke Down the 10 Biggest Cities – We looked at the rates for murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and car theft, the crimes most reliably reported to the police. – Los Angeles, Pop. 3.8 Million is following a similar trajectory to New York City. – Crime surged in 2020 and continued to rise until 2022, aside from murder, which peaked in 2021 with 401 fatalities—the worst since 2006…

Sharyl Attkisson: Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennesee) is seeking a full account of the eight Tajikistani nationals who were allegedly released by the Biden administration and subsequently arrested by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for alleged terrorist ties to ISIS. – According to Blackburn’s office, the Biden administration is currently releasing illegal immigrants from adversarial countries, including Russia, that do not give the US access to pertinent criminal background check information…

New York Post: A disturbing video shows four recent Venezuelan migrants beat and rob a Chicago straphanger – The men, who had only been in the country for a few months at most before the attack, were arrested about 45 minutes later. – At a Tuesday court appearance in Cook County, a judge remanded Carreno-Carreno, Loyo-Rodriguez, and Guasamucare Garcia and cut loose Gutierrez Sierra with electronic monitoring. – Their next hearing is Aug. 28.

July 2, 2024

Tablet: American by the Grace of God – Becoming an American, to us, is not a universal right but rather it’s the most supreme privilege imaginable, an invitation to write a sentence or two in the greatest story of the modern era, the story of American exceptionalism. – Which is why this Fourth of July, our festiveness is marred by anger, because everywhere you turn these days, America—its symbols, and its spirit—is being not just trashed, but attacked with intent to destroy…

American Spectator: Does The 25th Amendment All Of A Sudden Becomes Very Good Politics? – Republicans are calling for Democrats to get rid of Biden, but they won’t. – To do so would make Kamala Harris the acting president and, most likely, Biden’s successor as the Democrats’ presidential nominee. – Nobody in the Democrat Party, save for its black female voters without which the Democrats can’t win elections, wants Harris atop the ticket.

Conservative Brief: The DNC is considering whether to formally nominate Joe Biden as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate in July, nearly a month ahead of the party’s formal convention, to ensure he gets on the ballot in every state. – Bloomberg News noted that the DNC may nominate Biden by mid-July as a way of tamping down talk of replacing him on the ticket after his dismal debate performance.

RVM News: Judge Merchan Has Delayed Trump’s Sentencing In The Manhattan ‘Hush Money’ Case Until September 18, 2024 – The defense cited the Supreme Court decision in Trump v. United States, 2024 WL 3237603, as the basis for their motion.

American Spectator/Dov Fischer: Democrats Can’t Stand Trump’s Constitutional Immunity Even Though The SCOTUS Ruling Is A Total No-Brainer. – Their dishonesty and cynicism sometimes are just too much for a person who endeavors to live his life devoted to the truth. – It is because of the Schumers and Ocasios that our Founding Fathers made Supreme Court justices and all federal judges lifetime appointments…

Politico: Democrat Lawyers Are Getting Ready, ‘If Trump Wins There Will Be Chaos’ – Democrat Attorney Generals around the country are already gearing up for the possibility of a second Trump administration by beginning to map out an aggressive legal strategy to fight him again in court, this time with a fresh sense of urgency. – They are exploring hiring outside experts and dispatching staff to study areas of the law anticipated to come under attack, like reproductive health, immigration, and the environment…

Western Journal: China Is on the Move – A Satellite Spots A In Cuba, 70 Miles from A Major U.S. Base – Satellite imagery shows what appear to be structures designed for the capture and analysis of foreign electronic signals. – The photos show antenna grids, administrative and housing areas, solar farms, and evidence of underground facilities.

American Thinker: The Un-American Attacks on Caitlin Clark – What does prejudice look like? – Follow the WNBA for a real-time lesson on how hating someone solely because of their skin color hurts everyone involved, the person who is the target of that hate, her teammates, and the businesses that support the venture…

California Globe: Governor Newsom Cancelled Plans for a Competing Reform Proposition 47 Crime Measure on The November Ballot – A very recent poll said Newsom was 5 points weaker than Biden against Trump – Some Democrat staffers say polling shows the pounding Newsom and the Democrat legislators were taking was ‘unsustainable.’ – Another Capitol staffer said, “It must be interfering with his effort for Presidential run.”

Courageous Discourse: I Find The Pandemic Response To Be The Most Demoralizing Event in U.S. History – For a large percentage of the populace, trust in the U.S. government was greatly destroyed by the actions taken by the government. – 1). Lab creation of SARS-CoV-2. – 2). Fraudulent concealment of the virus’s true origin. – 3). Suppression of early treatment to pave the way for the rapid rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. – 4). Totally useless but extremely destructive lockdowns…

Geller Report: U.S. military bases throughout Europe have been put on heightened alert status due to a potential terrorist attack. – “There is credible intel pointing to an attack against U.S. bases over the next week or so,” resulting in U.S. bases raising the status of the alert level to, “Force Protection Charlie,” which means the Pentagon has received credible intelligence indicating some form of a terrorist attack is in the works.

Wall Street Journal: Rudy Giuliani Has Been Disbarred by New York’s Supreme Court – The court cited the former New York mayor’s false and perjurious statements related to the 2020 election

Epoch Times: How the Supreme Court Decision on Presidential Immunity Could Impact Trump Cases – The court remanded the case for the district court to “carefully analyze” whether the indictment’s remaining allegations are free from official acts and ruled that testimony or private records probing the president’s or his advisers’ official conduct may not be used as evidence at trial.

Townhall: New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his prosecution team have agreed to delay the scheduled sentencing for former President Donald Trump on July 11 after the Supreme Court ruled Monday U.S. presidents have immunity for “official acts.” – On Monday night Trump’s legal team filed a letter with Judge Juan Merchan to have 34 convictions in the case tossed out, citing the Supreme Court’s opinion. 

Politico: ‘We’ve all enabled the situation’ – Democrats turn on Biden’s inner sanctum post-debate – The senior team’s management of Biden has grown more strictly controlled as his term continues. – Throughout his presidency, Joe Biden’s small clutch of advisers has built an increasingly protective circle around him, limiting his exposure to the media and outside advice to manage public perceptions…

Mark Halperin: Where Joe Biden Starts and Ends – Politico shatters the silence…far too late…. – This essential reading Politico story is historic (and hilarious and sad) for many reasons. – The piece should have been written — COULD HAVE BEEN WRITTEN! — by Politico and every other major news organization in the country for around two years, or more.

New York Post: Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein claims Biden’s staffers have witnessed up to 20 ‘marked incidences of cognitive decline and physical infirmity’ in the ailing president in the last 18 months. – Bernstein told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Monday that the 81-year-old commander-in-chief’s close circle were not strangers to the “horror show that we witnessed” during his disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump.

Breitbart: Forty-one percent of Democrat voters want President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race – A Monday USA Today/Suffolk University poll found, while only 51 percent want him to remain on the ticket.

Breitbart: Comedian Bill Maher is pushing for an open Democrat National Convention and is backing California Governor Gavin Newsom to replace Joe Biden as the party’s nominee for president. – Bill Maher argued that an open convention in August would help stoke Democrat enthusiasm at a time of deep anguish within the party following Biden’s catastrophic debate performance last week.

Zero Hedge: US Job Openings Unexpectedly Surge, Driven Entirely By Government Jobs – When you look at the composition you see that of the 221K total increase in job openings, virtually all, some 179K, were government jobs, which as everyone knows, are not real jobs but are simply parasites on taxpayers and create no actual economic output.

Western Journal: Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki has surrendered. – Ending months of back-and-forth, Psaki has agreed to be interviewed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee as it investigates the August 2021 U.S. exit from Afghanistan.

American Thinker: How Trump Derangement Syndrome Destroyed the Democrats – Lawfare has backfired spectacularly. – People see through it, and many realize that the Democrats are the true threat to Democracy. – Ballot harvesting in the six key swing states was particularly easy because those states did not require the voter to provide ID. – We have a pretty good estimate of the magnitude of this cheating, thanks to True the Vote…

American Thinker: CNN sounds the alarm on our lurking ‘$91 trillion debt problem’ – The “pandemic” was so costly because the government tyrannically mandated private businesses to close up shop, just as long as they were small, middle-class establishments and not the mega-corporations, and then spent trillions of dollars to “stimulate” the economy. – The idiocy doesn’t stop there though…

A victory for the presidency – The Court’s decision in Trump v. United States is a clear recognition of the presidency’s unique role in our system of government. – The implications are far-reaching and profound. It ensures that presidents can make difficult decisions without fear of legal reprisal, allowing them to act in the best interests of the nation.

Washington Examiner: Here’s what could get tossed from Trump’s indictment after the Supreme Court ruling – The ruling was a massive blow to Smith’s case, which could look like a shell of its former self once the lower courts have sifted through it to align it with the Supreme Court’s guidance. – Below are examples of alleged acts in Smith’s indictment that are now in jeopardy: Trump’s exchanges with DOJ officials, Trump’s exchanges with Jeffrey Clark, Trump’s alleged pressure on Pence…

American Thinker: Amy Coney Barrett’s ‘Trojan Horse’ – Justice Barrett’s comments have created a critical, largely overlooked opening for Democrats and their Special Counsel. – Barrett hinted that if prosecutors concentrate exclusively on Trump’s private acts, they might succeed in their legal efforts against him…

Brownstone Institute: Assange and the Whistleblowers That Could’ve Been – What the world desperately needs is far more brave whistleblowers.- The reasons this has not occurred are, of course, obvious with the main reason being that the people who could disclose important information about government or Deep State crimes are simply terrified to do this…

The Daily Fetched: Venezuela’s Murder Rate Has Fallen to a 22-Year-Low after Biden Imports Their Criminals to The U.S. – Since Biden took office, more than 10 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. – Now, many of those unvetted criminals are roaming free in the United States…

Breitbart: Biden Signs Election-Year Deal to Close Panama’s Darien Gap Migrant Pathway – Panama’s President Mulino vowed to crack down on the dangerous route for people headed to the United States southern border in a move that will enhance efforts by the Biden administration to counter the unpopular optics of an out-of-control border during the election year.

Washington Free Beacon: Biden’s Climate Crackdown on Heavy-Duty Trucks Will Threaten Food Production – A coalition of more than 150 House and Senate Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to withdraw a slate of environmental regulations targeting heavy-duty trucks – Less than 1 percent of new truck sales are now electric…

Slay Magazine: Legal scholar Jonathan Turley has revealed that the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the Jan. 6 defendants has now “downgraded” the charges related to the Capitol protests to merely “trespassing.” – Turley, a professor at George Washington University Law School, was responding to the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling striking down the use of a 2001 statute to charge hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants with obstruction of a legal proceeding.

Slay Magazine: A batch of secret documents has just been unsealed by a Florida judge that includes transcripts of a 2006 grand jury investigation into Jeffrey Epstein. – The transcripts delve into allegations of sex trafficking and rape against the late financier and also expose deep ties between Epstein and former President Bill Clinton, revealing their relationship was much closer than previously claimed.

Forbidden News: Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Behind The Carpet Bombing Of Cities With Chemtrails That Look Like Contrails – Former Pilot #2 Testifying in Court: I’m here to give you testimony that Chemtrails, they’re not contrails, are indeed real. They’re spraying almost every day…

Pirate Wires: California’s Impending Tax Apocalypse – California relies disproportionately on a tiny handful of ultra-wealthy households so what happens if high taxes cause them to leave the state? – How long can the state continue to rely on these contributors to fund a dysfunctional set of expenditures ranging from the non-existent $100 billion high-speed rail line to the nearly $6 billion per year homeless services industry, which attracts and traps homeless transplants, helping them get high until they die?

Justin R. Hope: Wikipedia and the Deep State Are Determined to Obscure the Truth – As an example, I attempted to change one word on Pierre Kory’s Wikipedia page, replacing the word erroneous with controversial. – To my astonishment, my edits were overwritten within 5 minutes by an editor I refer to as ASOP. – ASOP has no healthcare expertise but is a Computer Scientist who undid my edit claiming the American Journal of Therapeutics is not a reliable source…

Dr. Owen Anderson: ASU has an entire School dedicated to Social Transformation. – They link COVID and white supremacy even though there is no proof given to make this connection, that is just an assertion.- When you look at their web page it gives a list of words to describe what graduates of the school can do for work and the first word is ‘activist.’

July 1, 2024

Just The News: Lawsuits across six battleground states will significantly impact the November election as laws regarding mail-in balloting are challenged. – In the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, lawsuits that have either concluded or remain ongoing over laws about mail-in and absentee ballots are shaping how votes will be counted in the general election.

Western Journal: Trump Hasn’t Changed One Bit As New Info Confirms A Phone Call He Made 10 Minutes Before Trump Hasn’t Changed One Bit: New Info Confirms Phone Call He Made 10 Minutes Before The Debate – Trump placed a phone call to the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, the 12-year-old girl who was found dead of strangulation in a creek in Houston on June 17.

Western Journal: Tucker Carlson Dropped A Bombshell ‘from an Unusually Good Source’ Noting That Obama’s Sabotage of Biden Is Underway – “Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message”…

The Center Square: California Governor Gavin Newsom touted the state’s job growth in his State of the State Address last week, but a new report from a state agency found the state’s private sector employment has been declining since 2022, with public sector hiring accounting for the entire state net increase in jobs. 

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court Limits Prosecutions of Ex-Presidents For Official Acts, Casting A Cloud Over Charges Against Donald Trump – The Supreme Court ruled that former U.S. presidents retain significant immunity from prosecution for acts taken while in office, a decision that could hamper efforts to prosecute Donald Trump for his alleged attempt to subvert the 2020 election.

Just The News: Former President Donald Trump on Monday suggested that the Supreme Court decision finding that the president enjoys broad immunity for official acts, but not unofficial acts, ought to spell the end of his myriad legal woes, including cases unconnected to special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution.

Zero Hedge: At the Camp David gathering on Sunday, Joe Biden’s extended family urged him to ignore the growing number of voices asking him to quit the race, with many blaming his disastrous debate on his advisors. – The two that most forcefully encouraged him to continue were Jill and Hunter, the two people whose opinions he reportedly values most.

Breitbart: Joe Biden backers have reportedly devised a public relations campaign to help him remain the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee after his disastrous debate performance last week. – The public relations campaign follows a two-day huddle with family members at Camp David to reportedly discuss Biden’s precarious political position.

The New York Sun: Gretchen Whitmer Warns The Biden Camp That Trump Has Already Won Michigan – Democrat donors and party activists have been calling on the Michigan governor and other state chief executives to make a bid for the nomination after Mr. Biden’s debate performance.

Washington Examiner: The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday demanding that a court order the Justice Department to release the audio recording of special counsel Robert Hur‘s interview with President Joe Biden. – The lawsuit also demands the DOJ provide recordings of an interview that Hur conducted with Biden’s ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer.

The Daily Fetched: Former Obama administration official Van Jones said that if Joe Biden remains in the race and wins against Donald Trump, Kamala Harris will likely become president. – Jones said “It’s hard to imagine” the same president that “you saw yesterday” at the debate “making it four-and-a-half more years.”

Breitbart: The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday about the constitutionality of new Florida and Texas laws that limit content moderation on social media platforms. – The Court unanimously vacated and returned both laws to the lower courts.

Zero Hedge: A startling moment in the CNN debate last week was after moderator Jake Tapper, said with a straight face that grocery prices were up by 20 percent since President Biden was elected. – The trouble is that this fits with no one’s experiences. – People on social media are posting receipts such as these showing grocery prices up by anywhere between two and 10 times that rate.

Center For Immigration Studies: Biden’s Parole in Place Scheme Will Create a Mayorkas Marriage Fraud Mill – President Biden’s and Alejandro Mayorkas’ parole in place (PIP) scheme is designed to launder the immigration status of over half a million illegal aliens who, as of June 17, have lived continuously in the U.S. for at least 10 years and have married U.S. citizens.

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden Administration If Flying Some Cameroonian Migrants Deported During Trump’s Administration Back Into the US – The decision to fly back the previously deported Cameroonians is the latest instance of the Biden administration reversing its predecessor’s immigration initiatives…

Epoch Times: A law enabling Oklahoma officials to order illegal immigrants to leave the state was blocked on June 28 by a federal judge, who said the statute is likely unconstitutional. – Oklahoma House Bill 4156 allows state charges to be brought against illegal immigrants who are found in Oklahoma and requires those convicted to leave the state within 72 hours.

Epoch Times: In response to court rulings blocking key elements of the federal government’s new student loan repayment program, the Biden administration will be giving about 3 million borrowers a reprieve from their monthly payments. – The payment pause is similar to the COVID-19 student loan relief that lasted for 3 1/2 years during which borrowers didn’t have to pay monthly bills and interest didn’t accrue.

The Federalist: The Democrats and Media Aren’t Upset Biden Is Senile, They’re Mad They Can’t Hide It Anymore –The only reason anyone ever believed Biden was up to the job is that they were lied to, even though most Americans have always understood Biden exhibited signs of dementia before he ever became president. – Had they been honest about how obvious Biden’s condition was a year ago, they might have a winning candidate in the running right now.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Lies We Have Lived Through – First of all, after last Thursday’s debate, Biden laid to rest the Democrats’ lie that he was robust and in control of his faculties. – He demonstrated to the nation that he is a sad, failing octogenarian who could not perform any job in America other than apparently the easy task of President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief in charge of our nuclear codes.

American Thinker: Obama’s Chickens Come Home To Roost – How ironic that Obama, the mastermind of the imminent ‘death’ of the GOP in 2008, is now the man who is most likely responsible for the pending electoral bloodbath in November. – Indeed, the Democrat chickens have come home to roost. It could not have happened to a more deserving group.

American Thinker: Donald Trump Understands War – Trump, “If I’m president, I will have that war settled in one day, 24 hours – Hubris and boastfulness, possibly a little, but there is no doubt in my mind that he means exactly what he stated, and there is historical precedent for his proclamation. – He understands our adversaries and is pretty good at keeping them in check…

Courageous Discourse: The Texas Supreme Court upheld the statewide ban on age < 18 years transgender programs by a vote of 8-1 in a challenge from a lower court. – The Challenge to the Enforceability of The State Bill Was Denied

American Conservative: Questioning Trump on Immigration from the Right – In a move that is self-defeating and exposes the fundamental problem with America’s immigration system, Donald Trump proposed “automatically” giving green cards to foreign nationals who graduate from a U.S. college. – Trump’s proposal has obvious flaws, but it can be a first draft for a better system.

Zero Hedge: While some Western countries have ramped up sanctions against Hezbollah amid their daily missile fire on northern Israel, the Arab League, which is akin to an ‘Arab UN’ will no longer classify the Tehran-backed group as a terrorist organization.

The Interest of Justice: The Tennessee ‘Chemtrail’ Ban Goes Into Effect Today – The law forbids the intentional injection, release, or dispersion of chemicals or substances into the atmosphere to affect temperature, weather, or sunlight within the state.

Just The News: The Justice Department is offering Boeing a plea deal in connection with its investigation and potential criminal charge for the company into crashes in 2018 and 2019 of its 737 Max aircraft. – Under the proposed agreement, if Boeing pleads guilty to a conspiracy charge, it would pay a fine and enter a three-year probationary period where an independent monitor would conduct an audit.

Washington Examiner: Nearly 1 in 5 charging stations in the United States are considered faulty, and electric vehicle drivers are struggling with pricing models and finding stations in “charging deserts,” a new study outlines. – This study from Harvard University released last week outlines the various hurdles EV drivers face with charging infrastructure across the country. 

June 30, 2024

Epoch Times: The US State Department Updates Their Travel Advisory to Israel – The United States also warned people against traveling to Lebanon, given the country’s mounting tensions with Israel. – “Terrorists and other violent extremists continue plotting possible attacks in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza and may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities,” the department stated.

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Set for July 1 Ruling on Trump Immunity Case – The most significant—and controversial—decision involves whether former President Donald Trump should be declared immune from prosecution concerning election-related criminal charges brought by special counsel Jack Smith.

American Spectator: Jill Biden, The Enabler-In-Chief – The video moment of the night was of her escorting Joe Biden off the CNN Debate stage while refusing to escort him off the world stage. Yet, following a train wreck so bad that Pete Buttigieg took another paternity leave to avoid it, the First Lady doubled down by excitingly telling the President, “You answered every question!”

Epoch Times: GoodRx Says Drug Prices Rose Nearly 40 Percent Over The Past Decade, Surpassing Inflation Rate – One in four Americans have at least one drug prescribed that their insurance policy does not cover. – “Healthcare is often paid for by insurance, but more of the cost burden has been shifted to the consumer as prescription insurance coverage gets more complex and more restrictive,” GoodRx stated.

City Journal: California vs. Landlords – Between squatters and rent control, Golden State property owners are under siege. – Many of California’s rental housing woes trace back to the so-called Tenant Protection Act of 2019. The law requires landlords of properties more than 15 years old to have one of several specified “just cause[s]” for removing a tenant—even if he has stayed past the end of his lease…

National Review: In the Pacific, China Isn’t Just Threatening Taiwan – The Crisis in East Asia may hit the Philippines first and America must deter it. – Their aggression menacingly accelerated just last week when eight Chinese Coast Guard vessels attacked a two-boat Philippine naval resupply mission to the Second Thomas Shoal, a disputed atoll firmly within Manila’s exclusive economic zone…

Sharyl Attkisson: The Top 9 ‘CornPop’ Sized Whoppers Biden Told During First Debate – “Losers and Suckers” – “Losers and Suckers” – “Inject Bleach” – “Fentanyl is Down” – “No Loss of US Troops” – Illegal Immigration is “40% Lower” Than Under Trump – Trump Called Nazis “Fine People” – There are “No Late-Term Abortions” – Biden is “Endorsed by Border Patrol” – Biden “Lowered Cost of Insulin to $15”

Powerline: AN OPEN SECRET – Mark Halperin specializes in reporting on insiders and cultivates sources on both sides of the aisle. – Last Friday morning he convened a panel to conduct a post-debate analysis of the debate. – His opening remarks are telling and the reactions from panel members on the Left are quite telling, especially the first one…

Jordan Schachtel: Corporate media is the central party to the Biden cover-up – Our wholly corrupt and deceitful media remains committed to obfuscating the truth to protect the ruling class. – Our media overlords decided that we weren’t allowed to know who was picking up that 3 AM phone call in the event of a national emergency. – They still won’t inform us about who is really in charge…

American Thinker: Will Obama Be Involved In Replacing Biden? – For the past 7 1/2, Obama’s post-presidency has been a great unwritten story. – Staffing at the Biden White House supports that Biden’s first term was Obama’s third. – Susan Rice, Neera Tanden, Samantha Power, John Kerry, Antony Blinken, Robert Malley, Wendy Sherman, John Podesta, Anita Dunn, and Bob Bauer — from domestic to foreign policy to political operatives, the Biden administration has been a reformulation of the Obama world…

American Thinker: Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter – Fundamentally transforming a country ain’t easy, just ask Barach who truly hates the US and has been running the show for twelve consecutive years now, yet has still not fully succeeded in turning America into a third-world s-hole. – Will the stupidity of the U.S. electorate lead to the election of Michelle Obama and the death of the American dream, or will we finally smarten up?

American Thinker: Can Biden Be Replaced – It is probably already too late. – Along with the factors previously discussed, major party registration deadlines, primaries, and delegates, even more major obstacles have arisen. – Critical swing states, Wisconsin and Nevada, have election laws preventing any presidential candidate from being replaced on the ballot after a certain date. – Both Wisconsin and Nevada are necessary for a potential Democrat victory.

American Thinker: An Economic Crisis Point – It’s election year and Democrats want the biggest tax increase in history and are threatening that if Republicans don’t agree to tax the rich into oblivion, they’ll allow the Trump tax cuts to expire. – Anyone who learned his multiplication tables knows that we have a spending (and debt) problem, not a tax problem, with federal debt now approaching $35T, and expected to top $50T by the end of this decade…

National Review: Republicans See Their Odds Improve in the Race for House Control – They already had the edge, but post-debate questions about Biden’s fitness for office could further help the GOP down-ballot.

American Thinker: Boston to migrants: ‘Mi casa NO es tu casa’ – Even the hardcore leftist Boston mayor can no longer abide migrants sleeping in her airport. – Migrant families will soon be banned from sleeping overnight at Logan Airport in Boston, – Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey announced Friday that sleeping at the airport will be prohibited starting July 9.

June 29, 2024

Slay Magazine: Ex-CIA Director Michael Morell Admits Letter Falsely Labeling Hunter Biden’s Laptop as ‘Russian Disinformation’ Was a Political Move – It was intentionally crafted to produce a “talking point” for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential debates because the revelations on Hunter Biden’s laptop were too explosive.

Issues & Insights: How Did The Army Of Debate ‘Fact Checkers’ Miss This Giant Biden Whopper About Inflation? – There was no inflation when I became president, you know why? – The economy was flat on its back. – Actually, the economy was going gangbusters when Biden took office. – The nation’s GDP was just inches away from a full recovery by the time Biden took office, as the chart below shows…

Slay Magazine: Nate Silver Predicts 66% Chance for Trump’s Victory in November – His model is based on 40,000 simulations, and considers a variety of factors including polling demographics and historical voting trends. – Despite this, Biden is slightly favored to win the popular vote, according to Silver’s analysis.

Zero Hedge: The Experts Are Wrong About Inflation Under A Trump Presidency – New tariffs in the next 12 months will be deflationary, not inflationary – The backdrop now for the next big rise in tariffs under Trump in the first half of 2025 shows that the global economy is now much weaker than in 2018. – Unlike 7 years ago, it will take far less to push the world into a deflationary recession where China will not be able to push the global economy higher, and Trump’s new tariffs will be just the straw that breaks inflation’s back.

American Spectator: We Now Have Proof that Wikipedia is Biased – That could be a major problem as it will be a source of data as artificial intelligence is trained. – Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow and research scientist David Rozado demonstrates that Wikipedia routinely confers more positive treatment upon leftist politicians, institutions, and media sources than on their right-leaning counterparts.

Gatestone Institute: The Obama and Biden Administrations Pave the Way for a Nuclear-Armed Iran – The lack of stringent enforcement and verification measures has allowed Iran to accelerate its nuclear activities “under the radar.” – Iran’s continued development of ballistic missile technology and its persistent test firings of missiles, both in clear violation of UN resolutions, have been largely overlooked…

American Thinker: Five Actions By Democrats That Sunk Ukraine – 1994: Bill Clinton and denuclearization. – 2009: The Failed Russian Reset by Hillary Clinton. – 2016: The Russia Collusion Hoax – 2021: Biden reversed Trump’s energy policies. – 2022 onward: The Biden Administration continues to give Ukraine what it has given but on a “too little, too late” basis…

American Thinker: What price Trump? – Trump is a modern Churchill, pugnacious, defiant, patriotic, and ready to win. – Trump is telling Americans exactly what they need to hear, right now, versus a deceptive fantasy about some new imaginary world. The U.S. is under attack on all flanks, and especially within, and as Trump consistently repeated, the country is on the verge of potential war and collapse from other groups that want to destroy it…

American Greatness: Media’s Lies About Biden’s ‘Mental Fitness’ Finally Caught Up To Them – From the outset, Biden’s handlers have kept him hidden away inside the confines of the White House or at far away Rehoboth Beach, which was deliberate. – Perhaps the most terrifying part of all of this is that our adversaries saw a weak, frail, and cognitively impaired man who made very little sense and had to be led off the stage by his wife.

Powerline: BIDEN’S DEMENTIA – It is clear that President Biden is suffering from some form of age-related dementia and everyone can see it. – Thus everyone could see it during the debate with President Trump this past Thursday evening. – The Wall Street Journal puts it less bluntly…

National Review: Why Joe Biden? – Because Democrats wanted to stay in power and propping him up, as impossible as that has now become, seemed to be the best plan back then. – Biden’s closest aides and the top Democrats with whom they are in constant communication know better than anyone in America that the president cannot function, but rather than ease Biden out they decided they had to try to drag Biden across the finish line. – Because the Democrat Party is a trainwreck…

Breitbart: Senator Tommy Tuberville – “American people have finally found out what’s been going on for the last three-and-a-half, four years. Somebody behind the scenes like the Obamas, the Clintons, Schumer, and Pelosi, they’re running our country and Joe Biden has been a puppet president.” “He’s the same as he’s been.” “He’s gotten a little bit worse, but it was a disaster.”

American Thinker: Now for the sit-down, as Obama, Klain, and Biden meet to discuss a replacement, Kamala becomes Fredo – Dougie Kass, “I am hearing that Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with President Biden today. – Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs and Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement.” (Whitmer and Newsom are). – “Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton will host the Bidens tomorrow.” – “It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is canceled.”

American Thinker: Joe Biden Is Not The Problem – Anyone who thinks Joe Biden is making policy decisions, or setting the direction of the White House is smoking dope. – It is not Joe’s supposed policies that have failed the American people, but rather LEFTISM. – Most people are concerned about immigration, inflation, jobs, the economy, Social Security/Medicare, foreign entanglements, abortion, crime, and public safety. So it doesn’t matter much who takes Joe Biden’s place on the ticket…

Breitbart: Sixty-eight percent of independent voters want President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race after his disastrous debate performance, a JL Partners poll found on Friday, while 32 percent said he should remain the Democrats’ nominee.

FAR: The Real Costs of America’s Border Crisis – This analysis by the Heritage Foundation provides detailed insights into the true cost of runaway illegal immigration into America. 

Zero Hedge: Amid the ongoing blizzard of propaganda about the “energy transition” and the tired antics of the goobers from Just Stop Oil, the Statistical Review, published by the Energy Institute, KPMG, and Kearney, provides a much-needed reality check to the narrative being promoted by major media outlets, academics, and the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex. – This is where the world’s power generation comes from…

California Globe: Just How Deranged Was Governor Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Campaign Speech? – His pre-recorded speech wasn’t addressed to the people of California but was very clearly a campaign job application for the rest of the country, which explains why it was his fairytale, accented with fairy dust and unicorns.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, THE MOST SCHADENFREUDEY EDITION EVAH! – This week began auspiciously with the landslide defeat of the egregiously pro-Hamas “Squad” member and fire alarm expert Jamaal Bowman, and it only got better from there.

June 28, 2024

Wall Street Journal: Democrats Can’t Avoid the Biden Problem – The debate showed without a doubt that President Biden isn’t up to four more years in office. – For the good of the country, more even than their party, Democrats have some hard thinking to do about whether they need to replace him at the top of their ticket…

Wall Street Journal: The World Saw Biden Deteriorating While Democrats Ignored the Warnings. – European officials expressed worries about Biden’s focus and stamina long before Thursday’s debate. – The loudest public alarm about Joe Biden’s mental acuity came in February with the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s report, a document he produced after spending five hours interviewing the president that revealed Biden displayed significant memory problems…

Zero Hedge: 21 Facts The Biden Administration Doesn’t Want You To Know – 1. It takes the typical U.S. household $1,069 more a month just to purchase the same goods and services that it did three years ago. – 2. Two-thirds of the respondents to one recent survey indicated that they had to take action to deal with rising financial stress within the past year, which included “cutting back on spending, skipping monthly bills, or taking an additional job”. – 3. Home insurance rates have risen by 38 percent since 2019. – 4. Home rental prices are up 30 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House…

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court Expands Cities’ Power to Remove Homeless Camps – The Supreme Court loosened the restraints on city officials confronting homeless encampments, overturning a lower court that found it unconstitutional to penalize people for sleeping in public when they have nowhere else to stay. – When Grants Pass appealed to the Supreme Court, its plea was supported by large urban centers with more generous approaches to homelessness, including Los Angeles and San Francisco, which argued that they need greater flexibility to clear encampments.

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court on Friday limited the Justice Department’s ability to use an Enron-era obstruction of justice statute to prosecute some people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. – The decision is expected to ripple through lower courts and could upend hundreds of other Jan. 6 cases…

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court Pared Back Federal Regulatory Power – Justices abandon a 1984 precedent giving agencies leeway to interpret their agency’s powers. – By abandoning the doctrine called Chevron deference, the justices have given parties unhappy with agency decisions more opportunities to overturn regulations by persuading federal judges that officials exceeded their authority.

National Review: SCOTUS Overturning Chevron Is Functionally Bigger Than Overturning Roe – Since it was decided in 1984, Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. has been central to the massive expansion of the administrative state. – This is a huge win for those of us alarmed by the growth of government specifically when it comes to actions taken by the executive branch that have never gone through Congress.

There are more articles below than I would normally list for any given topic, but each one of these offers important insights regarding the Presidential Debate last night.

WSJ, Peggy Noonan: The Most Important Presidential Debate Ever – It was an unmitigated disaster for Biden and a rout for Trump. – Democrats will now have to face reality.- From the moment he shuffled out with a soft and faltering gait, you could see how much Biden has declined. – In the split screen, when not talking, Mr. Biden’s face seemed to freeze, sometimes in unfortunate loose-jawed expressions. – Mr. Trump came across as calm, sure-voiced, focused. – He was low-key but high-energy and obeyed the rules, amazingly, to his benefit…

Just The News: Biden’s Bad Night – Mumbles, Blank Stares, and Big Bumbles at Debate Give Trump a Path to the Finish Line – Trump leveraged the debate format to focus concisely on inflation and immigration while Biden stumbles on troop deaths, Medicare and “badly” hurting blacks.

Western Journal: A Body Language Expert Was Devastated While Watching Biden on Stage – “It was as if everything were in slow motion” – “His fingers and his lack of illustrators when he was talking, he was like a frozen statue up there on the stage, so it was quite painful to watch.” – A New York Post instant survey of reactions showed that as of Friday morning, out of 3,340 people responding, 82.5 percent said Biden should drop his campaign for a second term, while 17.5 percent said he should press on.

Twitchy: A CNN Host Was SHOCKED As Biden Knew ‘Every One of These Questions Was Coming’ But STILL Blew It – At this point, it’s generally agreed in all but the most loyal of Biden super-fan circles that the president lost Thursday night’s debate, and badly.

American Thinker: The Bizarre Debate Performance of Joe Biden – How could someone oscillate so wildly between coherence and confusion, articulate one moment, and speaking gibberish the next? – It’s almost as if he was receiving some form of assistance through a hidden hearing aid or another device. – Trump did an excellent job within the boundaries and didn’t need any extra time. – Joe Biden self-destructed sufficiently while the entire world watched.

Western Journal: Frank Luntz’ Focus Group of Undecided Voters Were Overwhelmingly Swayed by The Debate. – After the first commercial break, I asked my focus group how many of them were more convinced to vote for Joe Biden. Zero raised their hands, with half saying they voted for Biden in 2020. – After the second commercial break, I asked how many were more convinced to vote for Donald Trump. 10 of 14 raised their hands, even if they didn’t like Donald Trump. – One even said: “I don’t even know if Biden can make it to November!”

American Thinker: Joe Biden’s biggest lies from last night – Since the mainstream media won’t do a fact check on Joe Biden, I will do it for them. Here is a small sample: #1. He claimed the border patrol endorsed him, but the exact opposite was true, with the Border Patrol Union quickly fact-checking him to make sure his lie was killed, and quickly…

Zero Hedge: Maybe the polls have been accurate after all. Everyone still expects Biden to win the vast majority of black votes, but even a relatively small drop in the votes of the Democrats’ most loyal demographic could be enough to sink Biden in November – Judging by the posts by black accounts on X on Thursday night (a sample of which appears below) Biden’s disastrous debate performance may have cost him even more black votes.

American Thinker: The Debate Was Orchestrated Sabotage Of Biden By The Democrat Party – The spin doctors and real doctors during the debate prep week had to see how far gone Joe was before they sent him out. – This was pure sabotage and set the stage to replace him on the ticker. – The Democrats have no compunctions about throwing one of their own under a fleet of buses…

Bari Weiss: They Knew Biden is no longer fit to be president and last night’s debate exposed the lies we’ve been told. – Last night, many of the same people who say they are shocked by Biden’s showing were exactly the people who have been covering for him. – Replace Biden. – The Democrat Convention doesn’t begin until August 19, so Biden still has time to pull an LBJ.

Politico: Panicked Democrats Start Looking For Alternatives To Biden – Three strategists close to three potential Democratic presidential candidates said they were bombarded with text messages. – They were among more than a dozen Democrats who spoke with POLITICO, most of whom were granted anonymity to speak freely.

American Spectator: Gavin Newsom Is on Top of the World – Now that Joe Biden has revealed the full extent of his cognitive decline to the American public, Democrats know that they will face almost certain failure come November unless they can swap him out for a different candidate. – Newsom has walked a fine line, doing everything possible to raise his national profile while at the same time ingratiating himself with Democrats and the Biden campaign...

The Daily Fetched: Gavin Newsom was asked about rumors circulating that he would be Joe Biden as the Democratic Presidential nominee after the president’s car crash debate performance on CCN. – Newsom, who attended the debate, was asked, “Are you going to be the next Democrat nominee?” – Newsom quickly responded, “No, our nominee is Joe Biden and I am looking forward to voting for him in November.”

American Thinker: And The Memes Flowed After Biden’s Debate train wreck – Biden certainly made it easy for them. – Here are some especially good ones…

Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America: Nuclear War Is On The Ballot In 2024 – US taxpayers recently learned the Biden Administration secretly shipped a “significant number” of long-range missiles to Ukraine.- It is unclear when Ukraine first used the ATACMS long-range missiles, but Zelenskyy reported using them as early as October 2023. – The US is still the prominent player and the best country to facilitate the negotiations to end this conflict. – President Trump is the only Western world leader who has loudly advocated for the end of the Ukraine war.

Gateway Pundit: Jack Smith’s January 6 Case Against President Trump Is Torpedoed After The Supreme Court Overturns 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge – Jonathan Turley, “This is a big win for Trump as well. It knocks out a substantial part of the case of Jack Smith against the former president and it also knocks out hundreds of convictions.”

American Thinker: Decoding New York’s Legalese Shows President Trump Was Wrongly Prosecuted and Convicted – The wording of state statute seems to suggest that Trump’s convictions must be reversed – Clearly, receiving invoices and writing checks are not falsifying business records, but the major problem with this case is that the prosecution, the judge, and the jury have conflated the personal accounts of Donald J. Trump with the enterprise business accounts of the Trump Organization.

FAR: Resurfaced Video of 28-Year-Old Benjamin Netanyahu’s Eerie Prediction – Netanyahu makes some chilling observations on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and what he predicted would happen in the future.

American Thinker: Is There A Solution to Create Peace in the Middle East? – Golda Meir once famously said, “We will have peace when Arab mothers love their children more than they hate us” – It is impossible to have peace with people who are dedicated to your death, so, the first thing that must happen to create a long-lasting peace is to destroy Hamas. – If Gaza is separated from the West Bank, a three-state solution becomes possible rather than the unworkable two-state solution that so many politicians keep fighting for…

Gatestone Institute: What I Saw at a Terrorist Rally Outside a Synagogue – Despite knowing that a terrorist rally was planned outside a synagogue, the LAPD allowed terrorist supporters to take over the entire sidewalk, leaving only a narrow lane for attendees to walk through to get inside – The LAPD brought out their riot gear, but allowed the radicals free rein and waited as long as possible before taking any action. – Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up, they maced their first Jew…

Zero Hedge: 4 In 10 Americans Will Stay Put This Summer As Money Is Tight – With everyday purchases like food, gas, and utilities have become much more expensive over the past two years, many families are forced to reconsider their holiday plans, if not to scrap them altogether. – According to Deloitte, people from households with an income of $50,000 or less make up 19 percent of the traveling public this summer, down from 31 percent last year…

Breitbart: Tractor Supply Backs Away From Its Leftist Agenda Due to Customer Pressure – The company has vowed that from now on it will make sure its activities are linked directly to its business operations. The company then shared a list of actions it would take. – #4. Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment…

June 27, 2024

Western Journal: Biden Does A Debate Face-Plant as He Walks Onto Stage, Leaving Everyone Baffled Before The 1st – Though it’s difficult to make out, Biden appears to have been saying “It’s great to be here, thank you.” – That was far from the only concerning sign from Biden during the debate. – Many prominent voices took to social media to comment on these optics.

Breitbart: Fact Check: Joe Biden said the “Border Patrolmen endorsed” him for president in this year’s presidential election. – VERDICT: False. An official with the National Border Patrol Council, representing Border Patrol agents, said the union had not endorsed Biden and would “never” endorse him.

Breitbart: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a press conference on Wednesday that Moscow is preparing to sign a “big treaty with Iran.” – She implied the Iran treaty might be even more expansive than the security pact Russia signed with North Korea, which caused great alarm among the free world and considerable unease in China.

Gatestone Institute: After six months of Iran using its Houthi Jihadis to impose a blockade near Yemen while defying Biden to do anything about it, the Islamic global terror state is moving on to a Somali blockade. – Current reports suggest that the Houthis, an Iranian Shiite terror group, is negotiating to provide weapons to Yemen’s Al-Shabaab, a Sunni Jihadist group allied with Al Qaeda, to expand Iran’s control over shipping.

Epoch Times: Supreme Court Limits SEC’s Enforcement Powers – In a 6–3 decision the Supreme Court ruled against the Securities and Exchange Commission’s use of in-house administrative courts, holding that defendants who face civil penalties must receive a jury trial under the Seventh Amendment of the Constitution.

Center Square: AB 1955, introduced by Member Of The Assembly Chris Ward of San Diego, would ban parental notification policies, and expand resources for LGBTQ+ students and families. – The California legislature erupted in chaos before it passed a ban on parental notification for gender change requests from TK-12 students. – If signed by the governor, the bill would render moot the parental notification policies that have been adopted by many California school districts.

Victor Davis Hanson: Stop the Ukrainian Meat Grinder? – Both Russia and Ukraine are underreporting their losses, with hundreds of thousands of additional casualties following 28 months of fighting. – As the war nears two and a half years, certain facts are no longer much in dispute. – The only practicable way to avoid another near-one million dead and wounded would be a settlement, however unpopular…

New York Sun: Biden Will Allow Iran To Run Absentee Voter Stations on American Soil for Islamic Republic’s ‘Sham Elections’ – Iran’s rigged election includes six candidates who were cherry-picked by the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei – The Administration plans to set up more than 30 stations in New York and Washington.

Just The Facts: Critics Fail to Debunk Explosive Study on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens – Based on 2022 survey data and an enhanced version of a stress-tested methodology from a scholarly journal, our study found that about 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are illegally registered to vote. 

Zero Hedge: 11 Signs That The US Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Biden Says And Most People Think – #1 Just like in 2008, delinquencies are on the rise. – #2 The commercial real estate crisis just continues to escalate. – #3 When banks get into trouble, they start shutting down branches. – #4 Big companies are laying off workers from coast to coast. – #5 The Dallas Fed Services Index has now been in negative territory for 25 months in a row…

Washington Examiner: On Thursday, SCOTUS struck down an EPA rule regarding power plant pollution, in yet another blow to Biden administration policies – Justices voted 5-4 to block the EPA’s so-called “good neighbor” plan, which sought to strictly limit ozone pollution from power plants and other industrial sources in 11 U.S. states, including air pollutants the agency said can drift downwind into other states and cause additional harm.

Breitbart: Three Hoaxes to Watch Out For in Thursday Night’s Debate – The Russian Disinformation Hoax, The Inflation Hoax, and The Threat to Democracy Hoax…

Washington Examiner: Ahead of Thursday’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Trump’s campaign has launched a new website to “fact check” Biden along the way. – On Thursday morning, Trump’s team launched factcheckbiden.com to give real-time updates and fact-checks if Biden is caught lying. – The presidential debate will take place Thursday at 9 p.m. ET, on CNN.

Zero Hedge: The Biden campaign has refused to agree to a drug test ahead of his debate with Donald Trump later today. – While Trump has offered to submit to a drug test if his opponent also does so, the Biden campaign is having none of it.

Washington Examiner: Republicans seem more poised than Democrats or independents to tune into the presidential debate. – 75% of Republicans say they are likely to watch the debate, compared to 61% of Democrats and 58% of independents, according to a Syracuse University-Ipsos poll.

Front Page: Why Did the FBI Turn Off Cameras During Trump Raid? – What was it that the was FBI afraid of? – Eric Trump previously said that the FBI asked them to turn off surveillance cameras during the raid and that they refused, subsequently catching agents entering restricted parts of the estate. – Jack Smith said the cameras were turned off “out of concern for agent safety.” – So what exactly was the nature of the threat to the agents from the cameras being on?…

Breitbart: Inflation Is Revised Higher On The Eve of Trump-Biden Debate – The Bureau of Economic Analysis said that the personal consumption expenditure price index rose at an annual pace of 3.4 percent in the first three months of the year, far greater than the 1.8 percent recorded at the end of last year and up from the 3.3 percent estimated in the prior report issued in May.

American Thinker: The Fed Doesn’t Fight Inflation – Inflation is the culmination of government policies that intentionally perpetuate inflation to enable the government to default unlawfully on its otherwise unsustainable debt. – From day one, the Biden administration has flooded the economy with borrowed money, such as transfer payments, subsidies, and grants designed to secure the political support of favored constituencies…

American Thinker: About Those 16 Economists That Are Terrified of a New Trump Term – Recently, these Nobel Prize-winning economists released a letter saying that if Trump wins the election, his policies will cause rampant inflation, and we’re supposed to panic. – The originator of the letter claiming Trump will cause inflation is a member of the global elite and fights for one world under communism. – Stiglitz does NOT represent America…

American Greatness: Cultural Marxism, A Century Old and Thriving – The Marxist notion that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world is still very much with us. – DEI, CRT, BLM, gender indoctrination, wokeism, etc., fade in and out of the news cycle, but they have established a secure foothold in the nation’s culture, notably in our schools…

American Thinker: What to Expect From Tonight’s Presidential ‘Debate’ – Part of America’s kabuki “democracy” requires that only rabid Marxist Democrats be allowed to host forums for political candidates vying for office. – It doesn’t make any sense and generally guarantees that Republicans end up debating the moderators as much as they debate their opponents on stage…

Breitbart: Google is up to its regular election tricks – According to a Media Research Center investigation when searching for a candidate name with “presidential race 2024,” Joe Biden’s campaign website is the top result, while Donald Trump’s campaign website doesn’t even appear on the first page.

Zero Hedge: In a major vote of confidence for Elon Musk’s SpaceX, NASA has awarded the private space company a contract worth nearly $1 billion. – The contract is for developing a “Deorbit Vehicle,” which will be responsible for steering the International Space Station out of orbit by the end of the decade.

Resist The Mainstream: Tucker Carlson Obliterates Two Reporters After They Ask Him Misleading Loaded Questions – The video went viral on social media Wednesday night, with various X spaces launching where users discussed Carlson’s masterful clap back to the reporter’s questioning. – Carlson himself would later share the clip, writing, “Meet the Australian media,” to highlight the reporter’s loaded questions.

FAR: Full Video of Tucker Carlson Responding to Julian Assange’s Release During His Australian Speech – He also answers questions from an adversarial press corps and Tucker does not back down from the Liberal press that tries to put him on the spot.

American Thinker: So what exactly was LA’s ‘ethics and integrity’ chief doing when she illegally downloaded 1,600 police records? – She was plotting to put 1,600 cops on a bad-cop blacklist to ruin their careers. – In the world of Soros district attorneys in big blue cities, it’s amazing what passes for ‘ethics and integrity’ in policing the police. – Fox News’s Bill Melugin got ahold of the actual arrest affidavit of Diana Teran, the top deputy to DA George Gascon…

Issues & Insights: Donald Trump said if he’s elected one of his first orders will be to eliminate the Department of Education. – Not a bad start, but he should quickly move on to the Department of Energy – In “business” since 1977, DOE actions have not generated, in any way that we can satisfactorily verify, a single watt of energy for consumers.

California Globe: An Overview of California’s Energy Economy – California energy is unaffordable, unreliable, and going to get worse if the legislature doesn’t prioritize it. – The state’s default policy is to create energy scarcity to protect the environment, and in the process, they are pursuing impractical, grotesquely expensive projects that have the ironic side effect of harming the environment far more than helping the environment…

Breitbart: The Cost of Living in Democrat-Run California Caused An Exodus of Film and TV Workers – The Los Angeles Times focuses on three people who have fled, people who had been making a pretty good living in some form of movie or TV or video production. – If there’s a single theme in their stories, it’s that everyone cannot cover the insanely high rent costs…

California Globe: The ‘Journalism Usage Fee’ Bill Passes Senate Judiciary Committee – California AB 886 would specifically have digital advertising companies, such as Google or Facebook pay a “journalism usage fee” to outlet owners each time local news articles are used by the companies that also sell advertising along with it.

New York Post: A Texas mom claims she was kicked off a United plane for accidentally misgendering a flight attendant – Jenna Longoria was boarding her flight at SFO when she says she slipped up and addressed a United crew member by the wrong pronoun – “When [the flight attendant], who identifies as a woman, gave me our boarding passes, I said, ‘Thank you, sir,’ That is it…

June 26, 2024

Gatestone Institute: The World’s Most Dangerous Delusion, Biden Thinks China Wants Stability – China has weaponized almost everything. – In 1999, two Chinese air force colonels, Qiao Liang, and Wang Xiangsui, in Unrestricted Warfare, listed 24 methods of warfare and advocated the use of all of them against the United States.

Powerline: THE ISIS 400? – This NBC News report is getting a lot of attention from conservative news sites: “DHS identifies over 400 migrants brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network.” – The report is based on a leak from “three U.S. officials.” – I assume the leak came not from Biden appointees, but from others…

Tablet Magazine: Biden’s Phony Saudi-Israeli Peace Deal – The point of the U.S. deal isn’t peace, it is to prevent the two American allies from coming together while subordinating them both to Iran. – The Biden administration’s regional policy is charged with completing the project initiated by Barack Obama. – The endgame is to fold traditional U.S. partners into a new Middle East hierarchy dominated by the Islamic Republic of Iran…

Just The News: New evidence turned over to Congress disputes Hunter Biden’s testimony about a controversial firm – Hunter Biden claimed he was not an active participant in the Burnham Asset Management venture. – That turns out to be not true, evidence shows.

Doctor Aaron Kheriaty: “The Supreme Court Punts on Technicalities” – The court found that the states and individual plaintiffs lack standing to seek an injunction against the government. – The case will now move to the trial phase at the District Court, where we will seek additional discovery and continue to expose the government’s elaborate censorship machinery.

Conservative Brief: The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass a key piece of legislation that will bolster the country’s nuclear energy sector. – The 88-2 vote sends the bill to President Joe Biden’s desk. – Senators Ed Markey from Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders from Vermont opposed the measure.

CNBC: America’s drinking water is facing attack, with links back to China, Russia, and Iran – Taking out critical national infrastructure has become a top priority for foreign-linked cybercriminals. “All drinking water and wastewater systems are at risk — large and small, urban and rural,” an EPA spokesman said.

American Spectator: Two Big Media Mistakes This Week Already – It’s pretty clear that the most biased journalists are oblivious to the fact they are pushing their agendas. – Network biggies see it as their job not to report, but to purge…

California Globe: Newsom may have officially ended the COVID-19 State of Emergency, but his “SMARTER” Plan should give you chills, as he stated “We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies.” – SMARTER stands for Shots, Masks, Awareness, Readiness, Testing, Education and Rx. – Remember, last year Newsom asserted his SMARTER Plan “is not just for COVID-19.”

Geller Report: There Is No Famine In Gaza – “The study stated that assumptions the previous projection had made about the amount of food that would enter the territory turned out to be wrong and that the supply of food to Gaza has increased instead of decreased.” – Gaza’s markets are full of food, there is no famine in Gaza. – There is hot weather today in Deir al-Balah market, Central Gaza Strip, but plenty of food and good prices, Timestamp 6 hours ago…

Breitbart: Donald Trump is the stronger candidate to protect democracy, a Washington Post poll found Wednesday, undercutting the Biden campaign’s leading reelection pitch. – Polling of six swing states that Joe Biden won in 2020 shows that voters believe Trump is a greater defender of democracy than Biden, outpacing Biden by 11 points.

The Daily Fetched: Elon Musk Defies CNN’s Demands to Censor Debate Streams noting that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Does Not Apply – The news comes after CNN began contacting social media companies, telling them to censor conservative news outlets and accounts during the debate. – Musk responded, “The public has a right to see Presidential debates however they would like. DMCA does not apply.”

The Daily Fetched: CNN and Big Tech Prepare for a FULL CRACKDOWN on Conservative Sites During The Thursday Debate – CNN has gone a step further in making sure the upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump is as unfair as possible by ordering social media companies to limit the reach of conservative news outlets during the broadcast…

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out a lawsuit alleging that Biden administration officials unlawfully pressured social media platforms to remove content flagged as disinformation, ruling that neither the two states nor five private parties who brought the claim had any right to get their allegations before a judge.

National Review: Garland’s Justice – Basically, Jack Smith does not qualify as an officer of the United States, the status needed to wield federal prosecutorial power as an ultimate decision-maker – His appointment was strictly a political gambit to enable Garland and his boss, President Biden, to project the fiction that Biden and his DOJ are not the guiding forces behind the administration’s prosecutions of Biden’s opponent, Trump, in the 2024 election…

Washington Examiner: Nobody cares who Trump picks as his running mate – Just 12% of Republican and Democrat likely voters said Trump’s pick would make a difference to them on Election Day. – Trump plans to announce his selection at the Republican National Convention, though there was one report this week that he could name his choice on Wednesday or Thursday before he debates Joe Biden.

American Conservative: Assange Is Free, But The Feds’ War On Free Speech Continues – Assange has been in the federal crosshairs ever since his organization, Wikileaks, released scores of thousands of documents in 2010 exposing lies and atrocities regarding the Afghan and Iraq wars, thanks to leaks from Army Corporal Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning. – Unless we presume politicians have a divine right to deceive the governed, America should honor individuals who expose federal crimes.

Zero Hedge: – Assange was required to pay $520,000 to the Australian government for the “forced” chartering of flight VJ199 to travel to Saipan and Australia – An anonymous Bitcoin Holder donated over 8 Bitcoin, worth around $500,000, to help Assange’s family pay off the debt incurred for his charter jet and settlement expenses…

American Thinker: Israel Exposes UN and UNRWA Hamas Collusion – Has UNRWA been deeply infiltrated by designated terrorist organizations? – New intelligence exposed the involvement of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employees in the Oct. 7 massacre, along with the deep and systemic infiltration by terror organizations, particularly Hamas, into the ranks of UNRWA.

Townhall: Late Tuesday Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared “gun violence” a “public health emergency,” giving the federal government, and more specifically the Biden administration, more authority to tread on Second Amendment rights. – Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are vowing to fight back against the power grab.

American Thinker: Where Are The Supposed “Good Guys” In The FBI and DoJ? – If you are willing to look the other way then you are not an “honest, hard-working, patriotic American.” – Take Mar-a-Lago and Roger Stone for example. – More firepower and equipment were used in arresting Roger Stone than was used in the attack on Osama bin Laden and somehow it was all magically captured on film by CNN. – Then there was the Mar-a-Lago raid, with lethal force authorized…

Breitbart: California Governor Gavin Newsom ignored his state’s nearly $50 billion budget deficit in his annual “State of the State” address, but focused instead on attacking Republicans and conservative media. – Rather than appear before a joint session of the State Legislature, as is customary, Mr. Newsom prerecorded his speech and posted it on social media, directing his message at least as much to a national audience as to Californians…

American Thinker: Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why? – One must understand how voter registration data works to appreciate just how serious this change is. – Dates and Voter ID are no longer sequential. Dates are now scrambled, making it harder to verify authenticity…

Zero Hedge: – US new home sales were expected to dip 0.2% MoM in May, but instead crashed 11.3% MoM, which is the biggest MoM drop since Sept 2022. – The median new home price fell 0.9% YoY to $417,400, the lowest since April 2023.

American Greatness: The Day Democracy Died in California – The Taxpayer Protection Act, a product of private grassroots groups, is dead. – And with it, direct democracy, California’s last, best hope, is also dead. – The state legislature can raise taxes if they can get 2/3 of the state senate and 2/3 of the state assembly to vote in favor of the increase. – That’s easy as Democrats control 78% of the seats in the assembly and 80% of the seats in the senate.

California Globe: In California, using someone’s pronouns isn’t just about respect, there are protections under the law! – Except for a few circumstances like record keeping, people have the legal right to be called by their chosen name and pronouns at work, whether they’ve been legally changed or not. – To support this, the CA vs. Hate Resource Line and Network was created…

Issues & Insights: A bill in California would require all EVs to be capable of bidirectional charging. – With “bidirectional charging” if the grid gets overloaded, all you have to do is tap into an EV vehicle’s battery reserve. – Try to imagine this in the real world, when your car is viewed as a public asset. – You plug your car in your garage overnight to prepare for a long trip and wake up to find the battery nearly empty.

New York Post: Admiral Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, pressured medical experts to nix age limit guidelines for transgender surgery according to email excerpts between WPATH members included in an Alabama court filing. – WPATH guidance recommended age minimums of 14 for hormone treatment, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation, and 17 for genital surgeries.

June 25, 2024

Brownstone Institute: Is the Global Inflationary Depression Already Here? – Getting the inflation data wrong is only the start of the problem. – We are lucky if any government data even adjusts for the wrong numbers, so we’ve got a serious problem. – The mainstream data being dished out daily by the business press is fake. – Imagine these charts redone showing inflation in the double digits as it should be.

American Thinker: Obama rolls up his sleeves and gets busy cleaning up Joe Biden’s mess of a campaign – The puppet theory is pretty real these days – Obama’s role includes consulting with O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign chair, and Anita Dunn, a Biden aide who worked with Obama. – He advises on digital budget strategy, assists in hands-on-public relations work with Hollywood celebrities, and fundraises for the president…

Breitbart: A CBS News/YouGov poll published this week shows former President Donald Trump is making gains with black voters. – Support from the black community is now at 23 percent, which is nearly double from 2020.

Epoch Times: The House Passes A Bill to Counter Beijing’s Forced Organ Harvesting From Falun Gong Practitioners – If signed into law, it will require the United States to shun any cooperation with China in the organ transplantation field and to deploy targeted sanctions and visa restrictions to address the persecution of Falun Gong on the international stage.

Western Journal: Justin Trudeau Suffers Shock Defeat and Faces Avalanche of Calls to Resign – His name was not on the ballot, but Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being cited as the big loser after his Liberal Party suffered a defeat in a special election to fill a seat in Canada’s Parliament…

National Review: The Fall of Jamaal – Jamaal Bowman has been on tilt for years. – The fire alarm–yanking, rape-denying, would-be Torah scholar of New York’s 16th district has been soundly defeated in his Democratic Party primary by Westchester County Executive George Latimer.

California Globe: With Their Move to Marin County The Newsom’s Grifted Sacramento Home Is Back in the News – Governor Newsom and his family will officially be moving back to Marin County, with the governor dividing time between Sacramento and Marin. – His office said that Mr. and Ms. Newsom want their children to have continuity in their education, starting with a $60,000 per year high school for their oldest daughter in Marin starting this fall.

Western Journal: Cyber Gang LockBit Claims To Have Breached The Federal Reserve, Holding Countless American Banking Secrets For Ransom. –“It’s unusual for ransomware groups to successfully breach such significant institutions without swift retaliation or acknowledgment,” Ferhat Dikbiyik, chief research and intelligence officer for the risk management firm Black Kite said, “The size of the alleged breach and the dramatic narrative could very well be part of a broader strategy to instill fear and re-establish dominance in the cybercrime ecosystem.”

Townhall: The gag order imposed on Donald Trump by NY Judge Juan Merchan in the case brought against him by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been partially lifted.  –  Trump can now speak about witnesses and jurors, but not prosecutors, court staff, or their families, until after sentencing.

Trending Politics: Special counsel Jack Smith has publicly acknowledged for the first time that prosecutors and FBI agents altered boxes of evidence obtained from Mar-a-Lago during a search for classified documents. – The admission, made in filings Monday, confirms the reporting of investigative journalist Julie Kelly who previously flagged ominous yellow and red cover sheets were inserted by the FBI into boxes of documents…

Western Journal: The Biden administration’s scheme to pay off student loans with taxpayer dollars was partially blocked by two different federal courts Monday night. – Specifically, judges in Kansas and Missouri ruled in favor of Republican lawsuits levied against the administration’s so-called Saving on a Valuable Education Plan.

Conservative Brief: The U.S. Supreme Court has announced more opinion days this week, which came as a surprise. – The nation’s highest court added Thursday and Friday to its schedule, in addition to the session that was supposed to happen on Wednesday – The longer plan makes people wonder if the court wants to speed up decisions in several important cases.

Issues & Insights: Google Doesn’t Want You To Know The Truth About Heat Waves And ‘Climate Change’ – Last week, we published an editorial arguing that government data didn’t support various claims about climate change, predicting Google would demonetize it, and we were right. – Shortly after that article was published, Google’s AdSense informed us that it had “disabled ad serving” on that page because the article contained “unreliable and harmful claims.”

The Federalist: Californians With No Driver’s License Or SSN Can Use A Credit Card Or Gym Membership To Vote – When I called the California secretary of State’s office for clarification, the woman told me she had been informed not to speak to the press, and gave me an email address to try.

Zero Hedge: There Is A Retirement Nightmare As Hordes Of Older Americans May Need To Go Back To Work Just To Survive – Millions upon millions of retired Americans are finding their monthly SSI payments are not enough as the cost of living spirals out of control, with 44 percent of retired Americans thinking of going back to work because they need more money to survive…

American Spectator: Trump vs. CNN and Biden – This debate isn’t about Trump and Biden but rather about a news agency covering up its unhinged hostility toward Donald Trump – If ever there were an example of how not to set up a televised presidential debate, CNN has just vividly provided that example…

American Greatness: Exposing a Fragile Biden – It remains to be seen how CNN intends to put its thumb on the scale, but even in the face of such interference, I suspect Trump will do circles around the mediocre figurehead now in the Oval Office. – Some aspects of the debate will work to Trump’s advantage as Biden appears even more lethargic and weak than he was in 2020…

American Thinker: Former White House physician to three presidents, Representative Ronny Jackson, M.D., identified several medications that Biden may be using to mask his mental and physical deterioration and he came out in support of drug testing the two debaters before Thursday’s prime time CNN debate. – There are all kinds of new drugs out there specifically for Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s and drugs that just increase alertness, like Adderall and other types of amphetamine-type drugs, maybe Provigil…

Breitbart: Donald Trump Agrees to Drug Test if Joe Biden Does – Former President Donald Trump on Monday continued to press President Joe Biden to take a drug test before Thursday’s debate on CNN.

American Thinker: The problem with “replacing Joe” is that there exist things called “rules.” – Among other things, the deadlines for filing as a presidential candidate for one of the major parties have long passed. – It’s time to drop “replacing Joe” in the same round file as the “calling off the election” trope. It confuses the issue, frightens the naïve, and displaces rational consideration of possibilities.

American Conservative: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he will not accept a ceasefire deal that ends the war in Gaza, dashing the possibility that Biden’s ceasefire proposal would be accepted. – The Israeli prime minister, however, still said that he would still be interested in a “partial deal” for the release of hostages, while still allowing fighting to continue.

American Thinker: How did we get Jack Smith in the first place? – Jack Smith argued he is an ‘inferior officer.’ – During his second stint as A.G., Barr appointed special prosecutors, but they were already U.S. attorneys sanctioned by the Senate – Another problem with Smith’s argument is that the law that he cites in Cannon’s court was allowed to lapse in 1999…

American Thinker: Julian Assange and The Washington Post’s deep-telling on itself – You honestly have to wonder what’s in it for these “reporters” to spin things for the people with whom they’re supposed to have an adversarial relationship – Heck, I remember that very paper making some hay with leaked information in the 1970s, let’s see, what was that? I’m sure it will come to me. Yes, something about a gate, and a throat that was deep. – That’s it, Watergate!

American Thinker: An Election Validity Group Filed A Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania – They claim that various government departments and officials, including AG Merrick Garland and the DOJ, are not performing their duty to follow existing laws that safeguard our elections. – These include; only properly registered voters shall cast votes, only votes properly cast are counted correctly, all voting systems are compliant with all critical infrastructure requirements, and every ballot is correctly and uniformly processed…

Front Page: Governor Newsom Cuts Scholarships for Students To Give Freebies to Illegal Aliens – Homelessness is among those investments seeing major budget wins, with an extension of a local homelessness program that got the green light for a sixth round of $1 billion in funding.

American Thinker: The 2024 Election and the Economic Future of America – Since 1984 inflation has gone up 202.3%. – The only viable solution to our headlong rush into insolvency and chaos is to soundly defeat the Democrats in 2024 and follow the lead of Javier Milei of Argentina by severely curtailing government spending, reforming entitlement programs, and focusing on policies to dramatically accelerate economic growth.

American Conservative: Historian Niall Ferguson launched his new column at the Free Press with a banger, “We’re All Soviets Now.” – His comparison of the United States in 2024 to Russia in 1987 offended Jonah Goldberg and Noah Smith, among others, but their criticism of Ferguson got it backward, the only problem with his column is that it didn’t go far enough. – Gerontocratic leadership, bloated government, lack of institutional trust, high death rates, and “a bizarre ideology that no one believes in.”

Powerline: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ARE OVERPAID – Governments are the greediest institutions in our society, and government employees use their power to, among other things, overpay themselves. – The data show that taxpayers pay public sector employees 23% higher salaries and a whopping 79% higher benefits than private employers and this doesn’t even include the value of lifetime tenure…

New York Post: Little Jocelyn Nungaray fought back against her attackers after she was lured under a Houston bridge and assaulted for two hours,  — leaving scratch and bite marks on one of the illegal migrants who is accused of killing her, prosecutors revealed Tuesday. – Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, still had the marks Jocelyn left on him when he was arrested, Assistant District Attorney Megan Long said in a Harris County court.

Breitbart: Donald Trump, Joe Biden’s Medicare Advantage Cut a ‘Total Betrayal of Seniors’ – Biden’s move would impact more than half of Medicare enrollees, as many American seniors now look to Medicare Advantage for their healthcare needs. – American seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage could see their supplemental benefits reduced or cost-sharing increased by $33 a month in 2025, according to experts.

Sharyl Attkisson: A worker at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center in Arizona has been arrested for stealing items that provide access to the center, just ahead of the county’s upcoming primary election. – Maricopa County has been at the center of various election irregularities and disputes, including the 2020 presidential election when Joe Biden made an unusual, overnight, come-from-behind victory over Donald Trump.

Breitbart: A CBS News/YouGov poll published this week shows former President Donald Trump is making gains with black voters, with support at 23 percent, nearly double from 2020.

Slay Magazine: World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has told global elites that ushering in the globalist agenda will require humanity to be forced into a “collaboration” with the unelected organization. – During his opening remarks at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions he argued that “economic growth,” and a more “peaceful” future will come from reducing population numbers and embracing innovation such as artificial intelligence while using the green agenda to advance policy change…

City Journal: The Enduring American Car – Unfortunately for regulators and activists, 98% of all cars on the roads today have engines, and gas-powered vehicles still account for 97% of all annual car purchases. – Advocates claim that EVs will soon be as cheap as conventional cars, but supply-chain realities render that wishful thinking…

FAR: Sharia Law Explained In Detail: – What is Sharia? Why is it so controversial and why do Sharia laws vary in different countries? – In less than ten minutes, Palki Sharma explains the history, interpretations & debates over the Sharia.

June 24, 2024

Daily Caller: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange struck a deal Monday with the Biden administration to obtain his release. – The 52-year-old reported agreed to the single criminal count of violating the U.S. espionage law. – Video footage posted online captured the Wikileaks founder boarding a jet in England where he will return to his native country, Australia.

American Spectator: Will a Bad Debate From Biden Make Newsom the Nominee? – The debate will put Biden’s diminished mental acuity on full display. – If the need for a replacement Democrat nominee arises, the person who has best positioned himself to take Biden’s place, and cunningly so, is California Governor Gavin Newsom…

Davis Thomas Roberts: Is America On The Brink of a Cataclysm? – Trump’s July 11th Sentencing Provides The Ingredients for Violence & Chaos – Democrats reek of desperation. – For Democrats, it will be incumbent on Judge Merchan to sentence Trump to a jail term to prevent them from the horror of another Donald J. Trump presidency. – Consider these 6 clues: Trump’s Dramatic Rise in the Polls, Trump As A “Convicted Felon” Backfires, Biden’s Deteriorating Cognitive State…

The Center Square: The Feds bust Sinaloa Cartel associates, Chinese-linked money launderers in California – Here is another federal case that highlights how Mexican cartel operatives in the U.S. are partnering with the Chinese underworld to traffic illicit drugs and launder the proceeds…

DNYUZ: It’s All Happening Again, The Supply Chain Is Under Strain. – Stephanie Loomis had hoped that the chaos besieging the global supply chain was subsiding. The floating traffic jams off ports. The multiplying costs of moving freight. The resulting shortages of goods. All of this had seemed like an unpleasant memory confined to the Covid-19 pandemic. – No such luck.

Breitbart: CLAIM,  President Biden and fellow Democrats claim crime is down based on a recent FBI report. – VERDICT, False as Biden and his fellow Democrats do not mention that thousands of police precincts are not reporting crime data to the FBI.

Doctor Robert Malone: The UN states, “We must all work to eradicate (hate speech) completely. – The UN’s global “plan” to eradicate free speech – The Secretary-General António Guterres then states that each nation already has an obligation under international law to censor as well as propagandize.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Logic in All their MadnessThe Biden administration and its handlers knew that most of their policies would prove unpopular and might even jeopardize Biden’s reelection. – However, they were confident that changes of such magnitude would either make America become, in the infamous phrase of Barack Obama, “fundamentally transformed” or force the next Republican administration to adopt such tough medicine that would prove untenable politically and would still prove almost impossible to undo…

Zero Hedge: How Will Russia Retaliate For The Attack On Sevastopol? – Several open-source intelligence analysts have suggested the missiles were observed and may have even been directed by a U.S. Air Force surveillance drone operating nearby at the time. – Likely Russia is gearing up to pummel multiple sites across Ukraine and will try to go after bases hosting foreign military equipment and arms storehouses.

Dr. Paul Alexander: ‘The Kremlin has accused the U.S. of ‘killing Russian children’ after a Ukrainian attack on occupied Crimea with long-range missiles supplied by Washington and said there will be ‘consequences’. – Moscow summoned the U.S. ambassador to issue a formal warning, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov issued a public statement slamming the U.S. for a ‘barbaric’ strike on Sevastopol, a strategic port city on the Black Sea. 

Townhall: Over the weekend a pro-terrorism mob descended on a Jewish neighborhood in Los Angeles. – Dressed in Islamic keffiyeh and holding Palestinian flags, the mob proceeded to attack the Adas Torah synagogue and Jews outside of the building. – Biden finally put out this statement. – Notice he didn’t call for any punishment of the violent terrorists…

Geller Report: L.A. Democrat Mayor Told Police to “Stand Down” in Face of The Jew-Attacks by Hamas Terror Mob – The fact that LA’s mayor initially told the police to stand down is breathtaking, but bear-spraying worshipers try to reach their synagogue is going way too far…

Just The News: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said “The intense phase of the war against Hamas is about to end,” after which IDF will shift focus toward Lebanon in the north. – “It doesn’t mean that the war is going to end, but the war in its current stage is going to end in Rafah.” – “We will continue mowing the grass later.”

Zero Hedge: Court Document Shows Biden’s DHS Group Used January 6 To Justify Supercharged Surveillance Of Trump Supporters – According to these new documents, one group member noted that “before January 6th” (under the Trump administration), analysts thought that “it was inappropriate to collect” intelligence on Americans.” – After Jan. 6, however, they observed a change in collection and reporting methods.

Breitbart: During this week’s Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Representative Ronnie Jackson, a former White House physician, speculated that Joe Biden’s absence from the public scene the week before the debate was not solely for debate prep, as his campaign has suggested. – He feels it is possible Biden’s medical staff was trying to determine the right mix of performance-enhancing drugs for the presidential debate later this week.

Western Journal: Representative Ronny Jackson of Texas, who served as White House physician under Barak Obama and Donald Trump, said Sunday that Joe Biden should take a drug test before Thursday’s debate with Trump. – “Will we see Sleepy Joe, who lives in the White House Basement, or Jacked-Up Joe who made an appearance at the State Of The Union???

New York Post: The CNN presidential debate co-host moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper have a long history of blasting Trump, including with Hitler comparison. – A CNN spokesperson told The Post that there are “no two people better equipped” than Tapper and Bash to moderate the debate.

Breitbart: Barack Obama is anxious about President Joe Biden’s chances of reelection, so he has “increasingly involved” himself in the Biden campaign. – Obama’s involvement reportedly began after Biden campaign officials realized in late 2023 that they would face former President Donald Trump in a historic rematch.

Headline USA: A Startup Organization Is Creating A List of Seditious Civil Servants Who Might ‘Resist’ Trump – ‘You don’t get to make policy and then say, “Hey, don’t scrutinize me.” – With a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, their goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.

National Review: Merrick Garland’s Special-Counsel Appointment of Jack Smith Is in Peril – In the coming weeks, there is a very real possibility that the federal district court in Florida will rule that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Jack Smith as a special counsel violated the Constitution’s appointments clause. – If so, it is likely AG Garland would have to reassign the case to a district U.S. attorney appointed by President Biden and force Garland to abandon his independent-prosecutor deception…

Emerald Robinson: Democrats Know They Must Cheat To Win Elections – There’s only one party that needs drop boxes, ballot harvesting & Antifa activists posing as poll watchers just to stay competitive – The authentic and total disdain for the Biden regime can be felt viscerally at any gathering of more than two people in America right now. – In fact, 59% of American voters have no problem telling pollsters that Biden didn’t beat Trump in a fair election — because they can do so anonymously…

Breitbart: The Trump campaign ripped CNN on Monday for abruptly ending its interview with Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt. – CNN’s Kasie Hunt abruptly ended the interview when Leavitt highlighted CNN’s Jake Tapper’s long history of criticizing former President Donald Trump. – Tapper is co-hosting Thursday’s first presidential debate…

American Conservative: The Misdirection of the Hunter Biden Verdict – Admitting to fibbing on a gun form distracts from the real concerns about the Biden family. – No court is set to look at what Hunter did to amass his millions while a crack addict and no court is set to look at the slimy connections between Hunter’s made-and-spent fortune and his dad…

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden administration approved more than 1,000 fewer oil permits in its first three years than the Trump administration did in the same timeframe. – Interior Department documents directly contradict the drilling permit data the agency has shared with the public, which environmental groups have used to argue for more restrictive federal oil and gas policies.

Washington Free Beacon: From 2011 to 2024, the U.S. government awarded $2.6 million over 151 separate transactions to Innomics, a Massachusetts-based subsidiary of the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) Group. – This is a Chinese gene harvesting powerhouse that the Pentagon lists as a “Communist Chinese military company” for its alleged role in supporting Beijing’s ongoing genocide against the Uyghur ethnic minority.

American Greatness: Biden’s Border Invasion is Worse Than You Thought and His Wimpy Executive Orders Aren’t Gonna Cut It – The floodgates were opened to millions of illegal aliens who have flooded our communities with crime, poverty, and violence, and it’s getting worse. – Welcome to IllegalAlienCrimes.com, a brand-new, ever-growing website devoted to exposing the monsters in your midst—so you can take action with your local sheriff and representatives…

American Thinker: A proper framing for November 2024 – As the left continues to double down on the weaponization of government against its political opponents, the frame for the 2024 election emerges clearly. – Which is more important to you, your distaste toward one individual or the love of your country? – Unless an unmistakable message is sent in November that this weaponization cannot stand in the Land of the Free, we will lose our democracy…

American Thinker: Trump 47’s Agenda – A recent 49-minute Trump interview provides a window into Trump’s agenda. – Trump has adopted politically astute positions for issues across the board. – Democrats are trying to drive away as many constituencies as possible, while Trump practices unification. – When Trump warns what will happen if he is not elected, no one doubts him.

Powerline: TIME TO PULL THE FIRE ALARM – This video clip captures the degraded madness of Representative Jamaal Bowman’s rally with Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in the South Bronx yesterday. – Was Bowman trolling for illegal votes?

Breitbart: The Center for Future Mobility surveyed electric vehicle (EV) owners all around the world and found 46% of American EV owners regret their purchase and are “very likely” to switch back to internal combustion engine-powered vehicles. – Philipp Kampshoff, leader of the consulting firm told Automotive News he was surprised by the 49% number in the US, “I didn’t expect that,” I thought, ‘Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.’”

The Daily Fetched: The New Cross-Dressing WH Associate Communications Director Is Exposed – It’s all there, anti-police, pro-illegal immigration, pro-Russia Hoax, and pro “gender pronouns,” along with a sincere belief in systemic racism, Trump’s white supremacism, and the wonders of intersectionality, into which he folds a rant against racism, homophobia, police brutality, and, somehow, health care. – And then there’s Cherry’s hatred for Israel, something he once proudly displayed…

Breitbart: Pro-abortion organizations and activists have stealthily turned to ballot measures in the hopes of shoring up the growing abortion complex in the shift from federal to state power. – Left-wing activists in at least 11 states have launched efforts to place abortion on the ballot in November and proposed constitutional amendments have officially qualified for the ballots in five of those states.

Dr. Owen Anderson: How many genders does ASU require employees to believe in? – ASU has something called “Safe-Zone” training.“Homophobia” and “transphobia” are terms used to insult anyone who, for scientific or religious reasons, believes that there are two genders and that persons cannot change from one gender to the other.

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court Will Weigh Bans on Transgender Medical Treatments – The Justices agree to hear a Biden administration challenge to a Tennessee law banning gender-transition care for minors. – The DOJ argues that the measure violates the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection, contending that the law bans medical treatments only if they are used to treat gender dysphoria…

Resist The Mainstream: Conservative Retail Giant, Tractor Supply, Goes Woke and Promotes an LGBT Agenda – On social media, CEO Hal Lawton shared that the company now provides training for employees on LGBT issues, provides funding for pride, drag shows, and sex changes, hosts LGBT events and decorations in the workplace, as well as basing its hiring around DEI instead of qualifications.

June 23, 2024

Western Journal: Here’s the Condition that May Be Causing Biden to Freeze Up and The Obama Incident Has Democrats Terrified – Medical doctors are speculating that President Joe Biden may have Parkinson’s disease based on his instances of freezing at public events. – Biden, 81, has had three high-profile examples of this in the last several days…

Epoch Times: The US Supreme Court Still Has 6 Blockbuster Rulings to Issue – The high court tends to release all its decisions for a term by the end of June, and only several days remain in the month. – Federal Agency Power, The Trump Immunity Case, Social Media Contact By the Government, Other Social Media Issues, Emergency Abortions, and The Jan. 6 Obstruction Clause.

Epoch Times: Supreme Court Holds 6–3 That Certain Visa Decisions Cannot Be Challenged – The issue was ‘consular non-reviewability,’ the legal principle that a consular official’s denial of a visa cannot be fought in court. = The Supreme Court on June 21 denied an appeal aimed at allowing U.S. citizens whose spouses were denied immigrant visas an opportunity to challenge those denials in court.

Center For Immigration Studies: Latest CBP Stats Show New Record for Southwest Border Port Encounters – ‘CHNV’ and ‘CBP One’ paroles hit one million, but you’ll likely only hear part of the story elsewhere. – CBP has been using the term “encounter” to refer to both aliens apprehended by Border Patrol agents between the ports of entry and aliens deemed inadmissible at those ports by CBP officers. – This report covers both…

Slay News: Illegal aliens across the country are being given voter registration forms by welfare offices without being asked for proof of citizenship. – Voter registration forms are used to obtain welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, and in many cases mail-in ballots. – There is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of U.S. citizenship. – The forms are available in every state except Arizona.

Zero Hedge: California Data Reveals Most Of The Reported Job Gains For 2023 Were Fake – According to the LAO, after the fourth quarter revisions, calendar year 2023 saw essentially no net job growth (+9,000 jobs overall).

California Glove: While crime escalates, California public schools fail students, homeless drug addicts live on city streets, already high energy costs are climbing higher, gas prices are the highest in the nation, grocery and food costs are horrendous, California’s Democrat lawmakers – responsible for all of this – are teasing out reparations – for blacks in a state that supported the Union during the Civil War.

City Journal: How DEI Corrupts America’s Universities – The ideology of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” is not what it purports to be. – DEI employs a propagandistic language to conceal its real intentions and is in fact, the opposite of what it appears to be. – In practice, members of certain groups get favored treatment and others disfavored treatment: in short, inequality is justified under the ideology of “equity.”

Epoch Times: Immigration and the Economy, It’s A Complicated Picture – Highly-educated immigrants are beneficial to the U.S. economy, a new study suggests – “More educated immigrants indeed have more positive effects, that’s where the distinction between legal and illegal immigration comes into play.”

The New York Sun: Thousands of Iran-Backed Terrorists Prepare to Join Hezbollah in Lebanon as Signs of a Wider War Against Israel Grow – Israeli officials are threatening a military offensive in Lebanon if there is no negotiated end to push Hezbollah away from the border…

American Spectator: Biden’s Title IX Expansion Is Rejected by the States – The Biden administration’s expansion of Title IX has NOT been well-received. – Ten states have already successfully obtained preliminary injunctions against the Biden administration’s new expansion of Title IX, and 26 attorneys general are now challenging the expansion in seven lawsuits.

National Review: The Media’s Gaslighting on Biden’s Decline Is This Election’s Laptop Cover-Up – Don’t believe the evidence right in front of you, they say. Sound familiar? – There was never a legitimate reason for members of the press to have dismissed the laptop story out of hand, especially because those who pushed the “Russian disinformation” theory never bothered to provide evidence beyond “Trust me, bro.”

American Thinker: Will the Supreme Court Affect the Debate? – This week, the Supreme Court issued two opinions that do not bode well for the outcome of the NY case brought by Alvin Bragg. – All the cases have substantial infirmities, so Trump can certainly argue the cases are not evidence of his wrongdoing, but rather evidence of the Democrats’ use of lawfare to punish him and remove him from the election contest.

Slay Magazine: Judge Cannon Grills Jack Smith over AG Garland’s Involvement in Anti-Trump Case – As Smith was not an employee of the DOJ and was a private citizen, he required Congressional approval to be set up as a special counsel. – AG Merrick Garland ignored this requirement and bypassed Congress by appointing Smith. – However, Judge Cannon appears receptive to the arguments from Trump’s lawyers.

Zero Hedge: What Will Happen To Inflation Under A Trump Presidency – Trump’s team has two bills in mind, a border security and immigration package and an extension of his 2017 tax cuts. It is unclear how much time this would take, and it also depends on the election outcomes in the Senate and the House of Representatives. – Therefore, it is also unclear how much time it will take Trump to impose a universal tariff and additional tariffs on Chinese imports…

Breitbart: Seven Years Later, Snopes Finally Says Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’ – The false claim was central to President Joe Biden’s election in 2020. He used it to launch his campaign in April 2019, claiming he had been inspired to run against President Trump because the latter called neo-Nazis “very fine people.”

Washington Examiner: If there was any doubt that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was a corrupt law enforcement official who abuses his office to prosecute his political enemies and protect his allies, it was eliminated Thursday when his office dismissed trespassing charges against 30 anti-Israel protesters who had been arrested after occupying a building on the campus of Columbia University.

Resist The Mainstream: The Supreme Court’s Latest Ruling Upholding a Law That Bars Domestic Abusers From Owning Firearms Spells Disaster For Hunter Biden – Jonathan Turley explained that Hunter, who was convicted for false statements on a gun form and possession of a firearm as a drug addict, was most likely relying on the Court striking down the law as the basis for an appeal.

Adam Molon: Joe Biden’s Bureau Of Prisons Is Botching Trump’s First Step Act And Costing Taxpayers Billions OPINION – Instead of projecting inmate FTCs as its own 2022 Program Statement requires, the BOP continues to rely on an antiquated “earn as you go” algorithm that vastly undercounts inmate FTCs.

June 22, 2024

The Gateway Pundit: Kash Patel Drops a Bomb Announcing That A British Court Revealed Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016, Which He Has Hid For Years! – Kash Patel: Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House had in his possession the Steele Dossier before he had [Devin Nunes] and I launch Russia Gate Investigation, and never told us…

National Review: Ahead of First Presidential Debate, Trump Says He’s Picked A Running Mate – Trump told reporters he’s chosen his running mate for the 2024 campaign but has not told the candidate yet. The vice-presidential choice will be attending the debate between Trump and President Joe Biden set to take place next week, Trump said.

Zero Hedge: Gaps In Electoral College Tiebreaker Rules Could Bring Constitutional Crisis – In the event neither candidate reaches the requisite 270 electoral votes, Americans would witness the first “contingent election” in 100 years. Per the 12th Amendment, the president would be chosen by the House of Representatives, and the vice-president by the Senate. In both chambers, votes would be cast by the newly-elected Congress that first convenes in January.

American Spectator: Joe Biden Will Not Be the Nominee,  And Hunter’s Conviction Is His Golden Parachute. – We can expect an announcement from the White House, that all of the family’s problems, Hunter’s conviction being only the latest, convinced Joe that his immediate priority is to “help his family heal,” to “be there” for his son, to focus on the family. – He will leave the nomination to the convention, without recommendation.

American Conservative: Documents released Thursday by America First Legal show that a Department of Homeland Security group proposed that Americans report each other to federal law enforcement. – The documents released were after the AFL had sued the DHS over the creation of a “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group”…

American Spectator: How Many Vegas Voters ‘Reside’ in Bars and Strip Clubs? – PILF’s communications director travels around greater Las Vegas searching for voters registered with home addresses at a 7-11, a Walgreens, a Sonic restaurant, several bars, the UFC Performance Institute, a mortuary, and even vacant lots full of sand and cacti. – Democrat authorities in Nevada must halt their relentless malfeasance and sanitize their soiled voter records.

Zero Hedge: Where It’s Hardest To Tell Truth From Fake News On Social Media – Specifically, Statista’s Anna Fleck notes that TikTok and X are the hardest social media platforms for identifying whether news content is trustworthy, followed closely by Facebook and Instagram…

Gatestone Institute: Iran Mullahs Drastically Speed Up Their Nuclear Program, US Administration Sits Idly By – IAEA inspectors confirmed that, for the first time, Iran has commenced the process of feeding uranium gas into three cascades of advanced IR-4 and IR-6 centrifuges at its Natanz enrichment facility. – By waiving sanctions on Iran, the Biden administration has effectively provided financial support amounting to an estimated $100 billion to the mullahs…

Breitbart: The Establishment Freaks Out as Nigel Farage Suggests NATO Expansion ‘Provoked’ Russian War in Ukraine – “I stood up in the European Parliament in 2014 and I said, and I quote, ‘There will be a war in Ukraine.’ Why did I say that? It was obvious to me that the ever-eastward expansion of NATO and the European Union was giving this man a reason to his Russian people to say, ‘They’re coming for us again,’ and to go to war.”

American Thinker: Debate Questions That The Moderators Should (But Won’t) Ask Biden – We know that CNN will attack Trump for J6 and “election denial” while lobbing softballs at Biden, but it doesn’t have to be that way. – These 6 questions ought to be asked of Biden, but realistically, there is about as much chance of an MSM representative asking one of them as President Trump getting a fair trial in New York or Georgia…

National Review: Independent Voters Are Key to The 2024 Presidential Election – So far in the 2024 campaign, Donald Trump has enjoyed consistent support from independents despite losing their votes by 13 points in 2020. – For example, the April New York Times/Siena poll had Trump winning likely voters overall by one point and likely independent voters by four points…

Townhall: More than 30 tons of fentanyl have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since President Joe Biden took office, causing a full-scale invasion at our nation’s border. – According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), fentanyl is being manufactured in foreign countries, primarily China, and then smuggled into the U.S. through illegal aliens…

American Conservative: Rand Paul Was Right About Covid and Fauci – Nearly three years ago this month, Anthony Fauci said, “Senator Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about.” – Now that Paul has been proven right about so many of his critiques of Covid policy, his critics don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to say that Anthony Fauci was ever wrong. That any of his or the CDC’s policies were ever incorrect. They certainly don’t want to say that they were wrong.

American Thinker: Bannon Case Tests Speaker Johnson’s Loyalty to the Constitution – If there’s a case screaming “selective prosecution,” it’s the “contempt of Congress” cases against Bannon and Navarro. – Recently, Congressman Thomas Massie suggested that the House of Representatives should retroactively withdraw the subpoena against Steve Bannon. This would nullify Bannon’s D.C. jury conviction for “contempt of Congress” and offer Bannon’s lawyers a chance to vacate Bannon’s prison sentence. – Massie is right, and here’s why…

American Greatness: Kamala Harris Is January 6’s ‘Dog That Didn’t Bark’ – Kamala Harris’s silence about her presence near a pipe bomb at the DNC on January 6 and the subsequent media and official confusion, raises questions about possible complicity and misinformation. – Despite her penchant for self-dramatization, Kamala Harris has still not barked, neither has Biden and their silence suggests a familiarity with the bomber. – If they do not know his exact identity, they both strongly suspect he is a friend of the family.

American Greatness: Reject Myopic Thinking, Not Mr. Trump’s V.P. Choice – While many potential running mates have been posited, not all have been positively received. – A vote against Mr. Trump based upon who he selects for his running mate, is a vote for the left’s radical, extreme, and dangerous “fundamental transformation” of America. – The MAGA movement argues that this is the most important presidential election in a generation or more…

California Globe: California Supreme Court yields to Newsom and Legislature, removes Taxpayer Protection Act from November ballot – The court put politics ahead of the state Constitution. It is now obvious that all three branches of California’s government — executive, legislative, and judiciary, believe the government may decide how much money it needs and raise taxes accordingly, and the voters may not constrain them.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: GRILLED CHEESE EDITION – It is an axiom that the left can’t meme, but we learned this week that the left can’t grill, either…

June 21, 2024

Wall Street Journal: Will Debt Sink the American Empire?After growing for decades, this year the U.S. debt will roughly match its GDP. – Throughout history, nations that blithely piled up their obligations have eventually met unhappy ends…

Western Journal: The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Friday that U.S. citizens do not have a constitutional right that requires admitting their noncitizen spouse into the country. – The high court’s ruling came just days after President Joe Biden issued an executive order granting protection to illegal immigrant spouses of citizens.

The Daily Signal: Why We’re Adding Far Fewer Jobs Than the White House Claims – New data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia shows recent job growth has been 80% less than previously estimated. – Instead of the 1.6% growth rate previously estimated, their analysis showed an anemic 0.3% annualized rate. – That difference of just 1.3 percentage points may not sound like much, but it’s a significant gap…

Zero Hedge: UN Chief, ‘Total Lawlessness’ & Looting Has Made Gaza Aid Delivery Nearly Impossible – “On the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom Crossing, where over 1,000 trucks are awaiting collection and distribution… there are hundreds of aid pallets awaiting collection and distribution by the UN aid agencies,” Major General Ghassan Alian of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has announced.

Western Journal: Reports of violent crimes and felonies allegedly committed by illegal immigrants seem to appear by the day. – According to WXIN-TV in Indianapolis, law enforcement officials in Missouri have charged five illegal immigrants with felony kidnapping and child endangerment for their abduction of a 14-year-old girl…

Western Journal: Two illegal immigrants from Venezuela, caught by Border Patrol agents and released into the United States earlier this year, face capital murder charges in the strangulation death of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray of Houston. – Another grieving family member has had to call upon faith to find strength in the wake of an unimaginable loss that could have been prevented if only federal officials served Americans’ interests rather than their own…

Resist The Mainstream: The internet erupted in fury over the Associated Press’ carefully selected use of the word “men” instead of “illegal immigrants” to describe the two suspected killers of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

Zero Hedge: “Never Would Have Happened,” Trump’s Explosive Interview – Trump made an appearance on Sacks’ Craft Ventures co-founder David Sacks podcast on Thursday, covering a wide range of topics from taxes and tariffs to energy to artificial intelligence to foreign policy decisions to Ukraine to China to Covid to immigration and many other issues the Biden administration seems to be failing on.

Zero Hedge: A bipartisan working group to address China’s role in the fentanyl epidemic has been established by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party. – The Fentanyl Policy Working Group, announced by the panel on June 20, will be in charge of creating legislation and raising public awareness through committee events to expose the CCP’s role in the fentanyl crisis in the United States and combat the threat.

American Greatness: Title IX, Victory, and Home as Multiple Courts Rule Against Biden – All courts to review the Education Department’s Title IX actions, including the rule, have found them unlawful. – Between June 13 and 18, four federal courts sided against the Biden Administration.

CBS News: The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal law that prohibits people who are subject to domestic violence restraining orders from having firearms, ruling that the measure does not violate the Second Amendment. – The court ruled 8-1 that a person found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another may be temporarily disarmed.

Powerline: IS ANTI-ZIONISM ANTI-SEMITISM? – This past Monday the Munk Debates convened at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto to argue the proposition that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. – Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff brilliantly argued for the proposition…

Powerline: WHY NETANYAHU CALLED OUT BIDEN – Earlier this week Prime Minister Netanyahu called out the Biden administration for withholding the tools of war from Israel. Below is a brief video of Netanyahu’s statement. – Netanyahu added more in an interview yesterday with Jake Sherman.

Issues & Insights: Biden’s Fiscal Crisis Is Far Worse Than We Thought – The CBO now projects that this year’s federal deficit will top $1.9 trillion, $408 billion higher, a 27% increase over what the CBO thought just four months ago. – Here’s what caused the sudden, sharp jump. $145 billion for student loan bailouts, $22 billion for interest on debt, and $60 billion in discretionary spending, mainly to help finance the war in Ukraine. – Biden’s policies will add $3.7 trillion to the deficit in seven years.

American Thinker: Captain Biden and His Economics Crew Tempted Fate – Two major miscalculations Biden initiated during his administration transformed President Trump’s workable, term-ending inflation rate of 1.9% to President Biden’s parabolic three-and-half-year aggregate levels of 20% plus. – #1. Biden’s disastrous energy-related executive orders to stop the Keystone XL pipeline construction dead in its tracks…

Breitbart: Eighty-seven percent of Americans believe Joe Biden’s policies either hurt or had no impact on inflation, the number one issue among respondents, a Monmouth University Poll found this week. – Under Biden’s leadership, costs soared across the board by about 20 percent. – The increased cost of goods appears to be a top reason Biden is losing support among demographics that typically vote Democrat…

Zero Hedge: Biden Is Hemorrhaging Voters In All Demographics, With Women’s Support At A 20-Year-Low – Four years ago, Biden led Trump by 13 points among women, but Trump has gained 21 points. – The Times notes “Overall, twice as many women say they were better off financially under former President Trump.”…

National Review: Texas Must Win Its Fight against Biden’s Targeting of Republicans – One of the most underreported stories of the Biden administration has been its hypocritical crusade to cut safety-net health-care funding by targeting red-state programs in Florida, Missouri, and Texas while increasing federal funding in blue states like California. – The Biden administration has centralized control of the program into the hands of D.C. bureaucrats at CMS and gave them power to apply different standards to different states…

Center For Immigration Studies: Biden Has Paroled In Two Million-Plus Inadmissible Aliens – One every 28 seconds in FY 2023, an alternative immigration system premised on the narrowest of authorities. – Parole is a “legal fiction” because aliens allowed to “enter” on parole are treated as if they never left the port of entry. – It started by paroling in illegal migrants apprehended at the Southwest border even though Congress requires them to be detained…

Slay News: The two illegal aliens arrested for murdering a 12-year-old Texas girl were apprehended by the Border Patrol, and then released into the US. – After being set free, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were arrested for brutally strangling Houston child Jocelyn Nungaray to death. – Both Venezuelan migrants entered the United States illegally by crossing the open Southern Border.

Geller Report: Undercover Footage Shows A Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is a Biden Policy – Project Veritas provides an inside look at the Biden Administration’s disastrous handling of the mass illegal immigration crisis. – On camera, we have a Biden State Department official admitting the true reason the Southern Border has been left wide open is to change the demographics of the United States…

American Thinker: Can America defend itself against border terrorists? – Eight million migrants later and still counting, criminals, terrorists, and human traffickers still pour in, most being young single males. – To allow illegal aliens to work here and not pay taxes is almost as bad as allowing them to stay and registering them to vote and receive health care. – Illegal migrants are here illegally and should not be allowed to stay unless they go through the citizenship process, which to Democrats is asking too much.

American Thinker: Your government was fixing to auction off your real estate, including national parks, farmlands, precious ecosystems, and natural resources to the highest bidder before the proposed rule was yanked – Using 2020 figures, the US government owns around 640,000,000 acres or 28%. – In January the NYSE withdrew its request to establish the NAC designation…for now. – Yet tyrannical and unconstitutional rules, once proposed, are like bed pennies, they’ll crop up somewhere, so let this serve as a warning…

Gatestone Institute: California Legalized Marijuana And The Cartels Took It Over – Governor Gavin Newsom paradoxically promised to close the budget deficit with $100 million in drug revenue – California seized over $300 million in illegal pot this year and uses satellite imagery and heavily armed raids to fight untaxed marijuana. – Despite all those efforts, illegal marijuana has won and legal marijuana has lost.

American Thinker: ‘No Tax On Tips’ Reveals The Chasm Between The Left and Right – President Trump’s ‘no tax on tips’ proposal may be more of a game-changer than the leftist elites believe. – President Trump comes from the hotel business and the building trades, so he knows how much tips matter, and his voters know that these workers value those tips a lot more than the federal government values its revenue…

American Thinker: The EU Parliament Elections Are Far Right, Is That Right? – The press is going into hysterics with its use of “far-right” to describe conservatives winning office. – The term “far right” lately has become just one of the many buzzwords left-leaning media outlets like to use. – What do you think or feel when you hear the words “Nazi,” “racist,” or “sexist”? – Why are they doing that?

American Thinker: Alvin Bragg drops all charges against Columbia’s pro-Hamas vandals who took custodians hostage – While he spent millions prosecuting President Trump on charges of his invention and pontificated about the law applying equally to everyone, he kind of had other ideas about Jew-hating pro-Hamas vandals who took over a building at Columbia University this past spring, trashed it with thousands of dollars of property damage, and took three custodians hostage.

Zero Hedge: The Government Wants To Nationalize Second Mortgages, So What Could Possibly Go Wrong? – Recently, Freddie Mac sought approval to purchase and guarantee second mortgages in the US. – The business case for this proposal is deficient so I will discuss the economic and political premises behind this move and its possible consequences. – First of all, Freddie Mac’s proposal should be seen in the context of an ongoing housing bubble combined with all-time highs in consumer debt…

Slay News: A Bill to Advance Nuclear Power Passes the Senate in 88-2 Vote – The legislation, part of the Fire Grants and Safety Act, will help facilitate a necessary upgrade to nuclear for America’s power grid and the world’s. – There seems to be less trepidation about possible nuclear disasters like Chornobyl and Fukushima happening in the U.S.

June 20, 2024

The Heritage Foundation: Chinese Handcuffs, Don’t Allow the U.S. Military to Be Hooked on Green Energy from China – America’s energy network is brittle in some regions and unable to adjust easily to surges in demand. In wartime, the consequences of such weaknesses could be an inability to sustain military combat operations and the inability of wartime industry to keep America safe…

The Guardian: Ukraine and its supporters are pushing the White House for a stronger pledge to bring the country into NATO at the 75th anniversary July summit in Washington. – Their push is understandable, but this is a dangerous idea that would commit the US to a long-term defense of Ukraine, while creating a major vulnerability for NATO, which would end up weaker, not stronger, than today.

Breitbart: On Thursday, DHS) released May figures showing Biden’s parole pipeline is continuing to release tens of thousands of foreign nationals into the U.S. interior via the southern border and commercial flights every month. – Biden’s parole pipeline has brought more than a million foreign nationals to the US since its inception in January 2023,  importing about one migrant for every three American births.

Victor Davis Hanson: Anatomy Of A Full Leftwing Meltdown – The media is afire with warnings of the impending Trump “dictatorship”. – The Left feels it may be heading to a historic 1972 McGovern-like or 1980 Carteresque blowout. – It knows that a first-term novice Trump had a successful four years, and that he now is savvier four years later—and far more likely and able to overturn the entire four-year Biden catastrophe…

American Spectator: SCOTUS Takes on Congressional Malaise and Executive Branch Overreach – Over the past century, we’ve witnessed a disturbing trend of legislators increasingly delegating much of the authority to set the laws that govern the land to the executive branch, which includes unelected officials at administrative agencies. – We might be only one Supreme Court decision away from Congress being obliged to write better and more explicit statutes.

American Spectator: Joe Biden’s Executive Amnesty Is Illegal, Unjust, and Self-Defeating – This week Joe Biden joined his former boss in unilaterally promulgating a mass amnesty for the ages, this time, for an estimated half million illegal aliens now married to U.S. citizens – Biden’s amnesty is blatantly, flagrantly, and offensively unconstitutional…

New York Post: China has been buying up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US, raising national security fears over potential espionage or even sabotage. – The Post has identified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are near land bought up by Chinese entities and could be exploited by spies working for the communist nation. – They include some of the military’s most strategically important bases…

Washington Examiner: The NRCC outpaces The DCCC for the first time in 2024 following Trump’s post-conviction fundraising records – The latest report brings the NRCC to $147.4 million raised so far this cycle, roughly $9.5 million more than the previous presidential cycle. The record-breaking haul leaves the NRCC with $64.6 million cash on hand, closing the gap between its Democratic counterparts.

Center Square: The City of San Francisco faces a $3 billion deficit over the next 4 years, but still hands out raises – The city has about 30,000 employees who work for more than 30 unions. – All of its recent contract negotiations provide a wage increase of at least 13% over three years, which amounts to more than $100 million in additional costs. – Union contracts include a guarantee that every city employee will make no less than $25 per hour.

Breitbart: Homes Are Unaffordable Unless You’re Homeless in L.A. – “In nearly half of their metro areas, buyers must make more than $100,000 to afford a median-priced home; in 2021, that was the case in only 11% of markets,” the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies found. – It’s serendipitous that on the day we learned that NPR is finally aware of the devastation Biden has wrought on our economy, we discovered that Los Angeles is building luxury homeless shelters…

The Vigilant Fox: Has The Great Reset Has BACKFIRED? – Tucker Carlson’s latest guest, Neil Oliver, explains why he thinks it has and he does it brilliantly. – Their overreach has finally sparked widespread skepticism about various subjects, including Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digital IDs, 15-minute cities, The prevailing climate change narrative, Anti-meat messaging, Conventional medicine, All vaccines, and the integrity of the electoral process itself...

Western Journal: The Trump Campaign Drops the Hammer on Kamala Harris With A Brutal Reminder of Why She Is Loathed – Kamala was selected as Biden’s VP in part because of her younger age so that America would be reassured that if it elected a cadaver-in-waiting, there was a youthful, energetic, cogent young(ish) woman “waiting in the wings” to continue the work he was elected to do…

The Daily Signal: A Manhattan Institutes Study Found That Wikipedia Is Biased in Favor of Liberals – The study analyzed the sentiments of 1,628 words that were used about political topics and found that Wikipedia generally uses more negative terms about right-leaning public figures, and less when referencing left-leaning figures…

The Daily Signal: University of Arizona DEI Urges Students to Treat Bugs Like ‘Marginalized’ Groups – According to a new report from the Goldwater Institute students who enroll in an entomology course at UofA are directed to “reflect in personal writing assignments on the assumptions that inform popular attitudes towards insects, identifying ways that attitudes of othering interfere with self-identity and foster systems of privilege or oppression/marginalization.”

Washington Free Beacon: Senator Tom Cotton says the Biden administration stopped fast-tracking weapons to Israel in early January after a pressure campaign from Democrat lawmakers who oppose American support for Israel’s war to eradicate Hamas. – Cotton’s letter comes days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly accused President Joe Biden of withholding U.S. weapons and ammunition the Jewish state is relying on to eradicate Hamas in the Gaza Strip and combat a growing threat from Hezbollah on its northern border.

Breitbart: Israel reiterated Thursday that its goals for the war in Gaza include the “dismantling of Hamas’s governmental and military capabilities,” after a controversy over a military spokesman’s comments. – Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said Wednesday that it would be impossible to destroy Hamas ideologically and that pretending otherwise would be fooling the public.

New York Post: US officials believe that as few as 50 of the 116 hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip are still alive. – The assessment indicated that 66 of the remaining hostages are now dead. – Israel previously estimated that 41 remaining hostages were no longer alive, while Hamas has insisted that it does not know how many hostages are alive or dead.

New York Post: More than 1,500 migrants from the ISIS hotbed country of Tajikistan are known to have crossed the border between October 2020 and May 2024. – The small Central Asian country, which borders both China and Afghanistan, has become a major source of terrorists for ISIS-K, which was responsible for a massive attack on a concert hall in Moscow that killed 145 people and wounded hundreds more in March of 2022.

Issues & Insights: Biden’s Immigration Policy Is Disaster By Design, Not By Accident – It’s almost as if he wants America to disappear.- When it comes to immigration, Biden ignores the law and uses presidential command in its place. – The result is chaos on our border and, increasingly, on our streets as city after city suffers from rising illegal immigrant crime, and it’s going to get worse…

Tipp Insights: Biden’s Immigration Policies Fuel A Safety Crisis In American Communities, While Friendly Corporate Media Plays Defense for Biden – Biden’s point man for immigration, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, mirrors Biden’s refusal to acknowledge failures or take responsibility. – But Americans know the truth and the table below underscores the importance of immigration in the coming election.

Breitbart: Joe Biden enters Camp David in Maryland on Thursday to begin a full week of preparing for his contest with former President Donald Trump in the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign. – Biden and his team of advisers will use the secluded rural setting for intensive preparation and coaching in the days before heading directly to the June 27 debate hosted by CNN in Atlanta.

The Daily Fetched: Elon Musk Says He’s Been Targeted for Assassination Twice This Year – It’s no surprise Musk has become a target, given that he is the most outspoken high-profile figure, aside from former president Donald Trump, against corruption that aligns with conservative values. – Since Musk purchased Twitter in 2022, he has raised awareness on issues such as election fraud, vaccine safety, censorship, and illegal immigration…

Washington Examiner: The Supreme Court upholds the Biden-backed tax on foreign corporate investments – The law imposes a one-time levy on undistributed profits from U.S. shares of foreign corporations majority-owned by U.S. residents, and it is expected to generate $340 billion.

Zero Hedge: The top court in New York state just declined to hear former President Donald Trump’s appeal of a gag order relating to his falsification of business records case. – Trump’s appeal of Judge Juan Merchan’s gag order was “dismissed without costs” so the gag order will remain meaning he still cannot make public comments on certain individuals connected to the case.

Zero Hedge: Political Correctness Enables Killings – Before the savage attack, no one seems alarmed at all by the big black woman walking around with a large knife in her hand. – Decades of antiracist indoctrination have deadened away situational awareness. – We’re trained to not notice because noticing alarming things can lead to causing a scene, or at least a very embarrassing situation, and at worst make you lose your job.

Brownstone Institute: The 3 Drivers of US Consumer Spending Have Hit a Wall – In short, consumer spending over the past year has been propped up by 3 things, their incomes, savings, and new debt. – Now we’re at the end of the road…

National Review: The U.S. faces a deficit of $1.9 trillion for the 2024 fiscal year, up $400 billion from February estimates. – The bulk came from an increase in spending on student loans debt-forgiveness action, higher-than-expected spending on Medicaid, and the recently passed foreign-aid bill, all of which added to an already grim fiscal outlook.

Geller Report: Michigan state Senator Jim Runestad is furious today after Democrats passed a new bill that changes a 70-year-old law, and now prevents the Board of Canvassers from investigating election fraud. – He declared that “Democrats mean to legislate and legalize their election fraud leaving ‘we the people’ with no redress to their totalitarianism.”

Victor Davis Hanson: How California’s Paradise Becomes Our Purgatory – How and why did California end up as a warning to Western civilization of what might be in store for anyone who followed its nihilism? – To begin with, at a time of an over-regulated, overtaxed, and sputtering economy, Newsom spent lavishly on new entitlements, illegal immigrants, and untried and inefficient green projects…

California Globe: If you think California has descended into Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell, you’d be right – California’s Democrat politicians have abdicated their governing responsibilities to state and local agencies, leaving politicians free to pass dangerous social and environmental justice legislation, which only serves to destroy what is left of the California experiment, once known lovingly as the California Dream. – See all of these examples…

Zero Hedge: Gavin Newsom’s Oakland, California Was Transformed Into A War Zone On Juneteenth – What appears to be gang-on-gang violence sparked an insane shootout on city streets. In a state governed by radical leftist Gavin Newsom, where common sense law and order are seemingly absent, such scenes are becoming more frequent. – Oakland has been plagued with illegal sideshows, where out-of-control youth drive recklessly on city streets and, in some instances, light cars on fire and loot stores.

Breitbart: Taxpayers Spend $600k per Unit for A Homeless High-rise in L.A. – There are 278 units in the 19-story Weingart Tower, intended to help people currently without shelter on Skid Row. – The building will have an entire floor of offices for case workers, in addition to a list of impressive amenities including a gym, art room, music room, computer room, and library. – The per unit cost is higher than the median price of a condominium in Los Angeles, which was $564,520 at the end of 2023.

American Thinker: 2024 Is There For Trump’s Taking – It is obvious to all who look objectively that the Democrats are conflicted. – They are stuck with Joe and have few competent replacements. – Any decision to bribe Kamala for example, to become governor of California, could fail or be met with powerful resistance because she is a woman of color. Stay tuned, it’s Trump’s to lose…

Breitbart: Independent Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. will reportedly not make the debate stage next week with former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden in Atlanta, Georgia. – He will most likely fail to satisfy CNN’s stringent ballot access requirement by Thursday.

American Thinker: The Navy’s 20th-century war plan for Taiwan – When it comes to Taiwan, there has been a very definite theatre upgrade over the last war. The last war had three theaters: land, sea, and air. The next war will have at least five theaters (land, sea, air, space, cyberspace), perhaps even six if we include “psychic” space, for which theatre we read China is preparing. – Perhaps its focus on DEI has diminished its ability to focus on its real job.

American Thinker: Biden’s DACA – Another president wants to go around Congress and provide amnesty. – Biden’s order is about adults who did not take advantage of rules that already exist. – In other words, you can leave and come back legally to rejoin your spouse. – So what are the chances that this order will end up in the courts?

Gateway Pundit: California’s $20 Minimum Wage Forces 91-Year-Old Owner to Shut Down Iconic Hollywood Arby’s After 55 Years, it Was The ‘Final Nail in the Coffin’ – “With inflation, food costs have skyrocketed and the $20-an-hour minimum wage has been the final nail in the coffin,” Husch said.

American Thinker: The West’s War on Critical Thinking – The most effective deterrence to the threat of foreign propaganda is an informed and intellectually nimble citizenry. – But the only way to dupe citizens into accepting domestic propaganda is to repeat lies, censor dissent, and suppress the human mind’s capacity to think.

The Federalist: Yes, Parents Should Know If Their Child Is Gay – Children need their parents to put boundaries for protection around them, boundaries LGBT activists relentlessly work to remove. – Parents need to be ready to protect their kids, help them through severe emotional struggles, and keep them away from outside influences that want to isolate them.

Townhall: A New Research Paper With A Coverage Map Shows Which States Were Affected by Pollutants From East Palestine Train Derailment – “In total, we estimate at least some impact on portions of 16 states and one-third of the population of the US, and likely impacts to southern Ontario, and many of the Laurentian Great Lakes,” the researchers wrote.

June 19, 2024

Resist The Mainstream: Biden’s DOJ Is Moving Ashli Babbitt’s Wrongful Death Suit From Her Home Town to Washington, DC – The new presiding Judge, Jia  Cobb was appointed to the bench in November 2021 by the Biden administration. – Judicial Watch filed its $30 million wrongful death lawsuit against the U.S. government on behalf of Babbitt’s husband and estate back in January.

American Spectator: Will California Voters Finally Rebuke Newsom? – Their chance will come in the form of a ballot measure to overturn parts of Proposition 47, a 2014 initiative that reduced theft and drug possession offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. – Last week, California’s secretary of state certified that the measure will appear on the November ballot.

Washington Examiner: San Francisco has become a nightmare – San Francisco’s slow descent from one of the most beautiful cities in America to an apocalyptic hellscape is depressing, but it was all a result of policy decisions. The city’s voters keep electing people who will continue to go down the path of destruction, so any proposed solution will only fall on deaf ears.

The Center Square: Americans say inflation is making it harder to make ends meet according to a new poll from Monmouth University showing 46% of Americans are “currently struggling to remain where they are financially.” – That figure is the highest point recorded by this pollster since Joe Biden took office and far higher than during his predecessor’s term.

Fox Business: FCC commissioner Brendan Carr says the Biden administration’s signature high-speed internet program from 2021 has not connected anyone – He is blaming the Biden administration for the lack of high-speed internet projects that were approved under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, comparing the situation to the absence of electric vehicle charging stations that were also supposed to be built with the funds.

Fox News: The risk of a terror attack on US soil is rising to an alarmingly high level, experts warn – The porous southern border has allowed millions of unvetted people to enter the US, raising chances of a major terror event. – “We are in a period where several factors are combining to make a terrorist attack on the homeland far more likely than it perhaps had been,” says Paul Mauro, a retired NYPD inspector who worked in counterterrorism for nearly 15 years.

New York Post: The White House has canceled a meeting with Israel to discuss the growing threat from Iran, retaliating against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his claiming the Biden administration was delaying weapons deliveries. – Israeli government spokesman David Mencer acknowledged in a briefing Wednesday that the meeting had been canceled.

Zero Hedge: Expensive Incompetence – A vivid metaphor for American global geopolitical incompetence is about to float off into the sunset, as the White House is poised to give up on the $230 million Gaza aid pier it built to alleviate an Israel-imposed humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. – Disassembly could begin in July, officials told the New York Times.

Zero Hedge: Putin & Kim Sign Pact Vowing Mutual Defense If Attacked – Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is calling it a “breakthrough document” while Kim Jong Un is hailing the “strongest ever treaty” which will hasten the start of a “new multipolar world,” but the BBC is calling it an “ominously ambiguous commitment” between “pariahs in arms”.

Reece Report: Illegal Immigrants Are Being Housed and Trained at American Universities – Launched by the U.S. Department of State in January 2023, The Welcome Corps allows colleges and universities to provide U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants by enrolling them in degree programs that will foster more ‘diverse and inclusive campuses.’ – If you were destroying America from within, how would it look different?…

Western Journal: Trump Calls Out ‘Democrats’ New Form of Cheating’ – Democrats refuse to put teeth in federal laws that bar illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections, according to former President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans. – Trump referred to a New York Post report on illegal immigrants registering to vote.

The Federalist: Democrat Fixer Marc Elias’ Firm Steps In To Stop ‘Disastrous Election System’ Fix – Leftist groups argue that forcing Nevada election officials to follow the law and clean up dirty voter rolls will ‘threaten’ voting rights.

American Thinker: How many of the 500,000 newly legalized US citizens will vote this November? – Biden’s recent executive order them mass amnesty and is a blatant election-year maneuver to secure votes. – By shielding them from deportation and providing them with a pathway to permanent residency, Biden is ensuring a significant boost in voter support, particularly from Hispanic and Latino communities.

Resist The Mainstream: An online network managed by a self-proclaimed agent of the Chinese government reportedly helps illegal immigrants enter the U.S. by evading border authorities. – The network utilizes a Telegram channel titled “American Self-Guided Tour Channel.” The channel hosts over 8,000 members and provides documents detailing specific routes...

Zero Hedge: Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary asserts that the asylum system was “a complete scam” and that such individuals “are not refugees.” – The airline boss was asked how people can arrive in Ireland on Ryanair flights without proper documentation or being able to prove their identities. – “Yeah because they flush them down the toilet, they arrive at Dublin airport and they flush them down the toilet,” he responded.

American Thinker: America is Riding on this Supreme Court Decision – The Justices have an opportunity to save free speech and, ultimately, free elections in America. – At the end of June, the high court will be focused on cases from Missouri and Texas that aim to prevent social media outlets and the Biden Administration from censoring and banning users based on their political views…

June 18, 2024

Reece Report: Illegal Immigrants Are Being Housed and Trained at American Universities – Launched by the U.S. Department of State in January 2023, The Welcome Corps allows colleges and universities to provide U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants by enrolling them in degree programs that will foster more ‘diverse and inclusive campuses.’ – If you were destroying America from within, how would it look different?…

Daily Signal: Don’t Let the Left Ruin Juneteenth’s True Meaning – Until the past four years, Juneteenth was an uncontroversial celebration of American freedom and the end of slavery in Texas. – Then the Left co-opted Juneteenth to push for radical racial policies such as reparations and exclude most Americans from its celebration. – As a result, many conservatives now oppose the federal holiday...

New York Post: The Democrat majority-controlled FCC is helping George Soros fast-track the takeover of the nation’s second-biggest radio network. – The network reaches 165 million monthly listeners and includes a handful of conservative shows from hosts including Sean Hannity, Dana Loesch, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, and Erick Erickson. – But their influence is likely to be muted if the billionaire takes over…

Breitbart: Rafael Grossi, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said on Monday that former President Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear deal with Iran “exists only on paper and means nothing.” – “Nobody applies it, nobody follows it. There have been attempts to revive it here in Vienna, but they failed for unknown reasons.”

American Spectator: Who Said That Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick Was ‘Murdered’? – His falsely reported ‘death by fire extinguisher’ was no accident. Congress needs to find out who started the bogus narrative. – A lawsuit forced the medical examiner to reveal the true cause of Sicknick’s death, specifically two strokes at the base of his brain stem caused by a clot. Sicknick died a “natural death” on January 7. 

Just The News: Due to Bidenomics, more companies are announcing bankruptcies, and shuttering operations, citing inflation – Retailers are closing nearly 3,200 stores this year, according to a recent analysis from CoreSight Research. The closures are a 24% increase from 2023. – Out of the 3,200 being closed, the majority are being closed by roughly 30 retailers, with Family Dollar closing the most of over 600, according to the data.

Hot Air: The CBO said on Tuesday that the U.S. national debt is poised to top $56 trillion by 2034, as rising spending and interest expenses outpace tax revenues. – The mounting costs of Social Security and Medicare continue to weigh on the nation’s finances, along with rising interest rates, which have made it more costly for the federal government to borrow huge sums of money.

American Thinker: The Lawfare Warriors Are Now Coming For Musk- The SEC has spent the past couple of years investigating Musk’s purchase of Twitter. – Now The WSJ suggests the agency is getting closer to making a formal case, and floats the notion that it could cost Musk his role as the CEO of Tesla, as well as the chief technical officer at Twitter/X…

Western Journal: The Once-Promising Electric Vehicle Company Crashes and Burns – In what was arguably the least surprising news ever for those of us who follow the automotive industry, Fisker, the second eponymous heavily hyped electric vehicle startup created by the former BMW and Ford designer, filed for bankruptcy protection late Monday, according to Reuters.

American Spectator: Another Hurdle for the Electric Vehicle – The truth about battery-powered cars (EVs) is finally being emitted. One of these truths, a “hurdle for EV adoption,” is their plummeting resale value. – How about more than 30 percent in just one year? That’s about five times as much loss in over 12 months as you’d typically lose if you bought a conventional gas-powered vehicle.

New York Sun: Donald Trump Denounces Jack Smith as ‘Totalitarian’ After The Special Counsel Moves Aggressively To Gag Him From Criticizing The FBI – The 45th president accuses the special counsel of a ‘shocking display of overreach and disregards for the Constitution.’

Zero Hedge: Peace Through Strength, The Stark Contrast Between Trump And Biden – As the White House presses Israel to agree to a ceasefire that will allow the terrorist group Hamas to regroup and attack Israel again in the future, it’s worth taking stock of the mess Joe Biden has made of the Middle East, especially compared to Donald Trump’s record…

Slay News: According to a new report, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer plan topple Biden before he can run for re-election. – The bombshell report follows earlier reporting from Slay News about plans to replace Biden. – Republican Representative Anna Pauline Luna revealed earlier that lawmakers on Capitol Hill are being told that Biden will be replaced as the Democrats’ presidential nominee.

Breitbart: Hunter Biden’s lawyer invoked President Joe Biden’s position as vice president in what appeared to be an attempt to discourage further scrutiny from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) into its investigation of a tribal bond scheme that implicated Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer, according to the House impeachment inquiry…

Fox News: Biden announces sweeping protections for illegal immigrant spouses of US citizens expected to impact over half a million immigrant spouses – The new rules, include that spouses of Americans must have resided in the U.S. for 10 years or more and be legally married to a U.S. citizen while satisfying other immigration requirements…

The Federalist: Biden’s Executive Actions On The Border Are Making The Crisis Even Worse – The order was a fig leaf to cover what amounts to Biden’s ongoing open-border policy and was so riddled with exceptions and loopholes, that anyone could see it was a political stunt. – The radical open-borders ideologues who run the Democrat Party will never tolerate a secure border.

National Review: Yes, We Need ‘Camps’ for Illegal Immigrants Because Detention Is A Key Part of Enforcement. – The less inflammatory synonym for “camps” is enhanced ICE detention space, but that doesn’t have the same ring. – The word entered the bloodstream with the publication of a New York Times article last November headlined, “Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans.”

Zero Hedge: A new poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago shows that only 28% of Americans have a lot of trust in higher education. – Academia has continued to alienate much of the country as an orthodox echo chamber. – As with media outlets, the result has been falling interest and trust in these institutions.

Zero Hedge: A West Virginia judge ruled in favor of four middle school girls who had refused to compete against a trans-identifying athlete during track and field championships. – The teens had protested by purposefully scratching during the shot put competition, leading to school officials banning them from future competitions.

American Greatness: Stumbling Into Nuclear War – Today our compliant media, an ignorant public, and an arrogant ruling class have combined to render the risk of nuclear war higher than it was at any point during the Cold War. – The Russian flotilla’s visit appears to be an intermediate step, one designed to communicate a message: we can hurt you too. – It is too public to be the foundation of a sneak attack, but the risk of such an attack is very real.

American Thinker: Ukraine’s Suicidal Nationalism – The country’s hatred for Russia and its despotic tendencies caused it to squander its enormous resources and become a nation dependent on foreign interests. – Unfortunately, Ukrainian leaders either failed to grasp or intentionally ignored that the Ukrainian economy was closely intertwined with the Soviet Union’s economy…

American Thinker: Israel and “Proportionality’ – Proportionality is a principle of the laws of war that seeks to limit damage caused by military operations and requires that a combatant balance the harm it expects to inflict upon its enemy against the harm it expects to prevent by reducing its enemy’s capability of inflicting harm. – In no wars other than those involving Israel does the world impose a standard of civilian-death ‘proportionality.

Western Journal: The Biden Administration Is Accused of Intervening to Kill Bipartisan Bill Aimed at Holding White House Accountable – Democrats repeatedly accused former President Donald Trump of using his office to advance his family’s business interests, absent much evidence. – However, the proposed ethics reform will potentially die on the vine because the White House folks don’t want the House Oversight and Accountability Committee looking into the Biden family…

Washington Examiner: These four things that could still shake up the presidential race – Barring some unpredictable external event, like a foreign policy crisis or natural disaster, or a health event for one of the elderly major party candidates, a few opportunities remain to shake up the race. – They include The Debates, The Conventions, Trump’s Sentencing, and Hunter Bidens tax deal…

American Spectator: They’ll Try To Steal It, They Have To. – Last week wasn’t a great one for Joe Biden and his handlers as Biden went from one public appearance disaster to another. – For the past 15 years, Democrats have been about one thing and one thing only, returning more of their ballots to the vote-counters than the Republicans. – But those numbers in the black communities of those swing states, are a real problem.

American Thinker: Juneteenth is yet another Biden payoff – It is a safe bet that if CNN wandered around the streets of D.C., or anywhere, asking folks what event in ‘history’ Juneteenth respects, the empty stares and open mouths would astound – Tomorrow’s ‘holiday,’ we can probably confirm, has something to do with Biden’s DEI priorities, which is to say, his priorities for keeping his Left and his ‘Liberals” in the Democrat fold — or the stock pen.

American Spectator: Oh, You Thought This Was About Basketball? – As a white, well-spoken, nice-looking Catholic girl with a boyfriend and a loving, healthy family, Clark was under the impression that being good at basketball was the only thing required for success in the league and a positive reception in its orbiting media appendages. – The WNBA is not fundamentally about basketball, but rather being black, lesbian, left-wing, and hostile to the broader society that sustains it…

American Thinker: Dumb and Dumber – Here it comes and it won’t be a surprise for anyone paying attention. – It turns out that Johnny can’t read and probably Mary, too, so here is the story, K-12 public education has failed to prepare incoming college students how to write at the public level, so many universities are providing remedial writing classes to college students…

Lawyer Lisa: Climate Minute, Introducing Joseph Fournier – I am a big fan of his research, Mainstream Ocean Carbon Cycle Models. – He reviews natural vs anthropogenic influences and guess what came first? – Did CO2 come first or are humans to blame? – He concludes that CO2 follows climate and Natural processes…

The Federalist: A Judge Puts Freedom Of Press On Trial The In Nashville Trans Shooter ‘Manifesto’ Battle – The documents published in recent weeks paint a picture of a deeply disturbed 28-year-old woman who identified as a man. – Hale appeared to be immersed in trans indoctrination, self-loathing, and rage…

June 17, 2024

Post Millennial: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blamed “deepfakes” on Monday for the videos of President Joe Biden looking confused at recent events.  – During the response to the question from reporters, she also referred to the videos as “cheap fakes.” 

Just The News: The FBI learned as far back as 2016 that Hunter Biden and his partners had plotted to set up a new venture in tax-friendly Liechtenstein that would be capitalized by a whopping $120 million investment from the controversial owner of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings – This has been kept from the American public for eight years…

Epoch Times: A federal judge on Monday issued an order temporarily blocking the Biden administration’s new Title IX transgender rule in an additional six states, a rule that sparked controversy for changing the definition of “sex” to include “gender identity” and giving female-identifying male students access to girls’ lockers and bathrooms.

Breitbart: Boys across six states have left girls in the dust and taken track & field titles and other placing positions from them despite being a tiny percentage of high school athletes. – The five boys who claim to identify as girls have won titles in Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Oregon, and Washington, according to the Washington Times…

Revolver: There are over 20,000 unsubstantiated ballots in GA’s 2020 original results from tabulators that “do not exist” according to the Rossi/@KevinMoncla complaint. – Fulton County provided “proof” that they exist, except their proof showed they used serial numbers for DIFFERENT machines. – There’s a word for this and it is FRAUD…

Epoch Times: The Price of Everything, and the Value of Nothing – Inflation over the last three years has been devastating. It’s all the more frustrating that during those years, we kept being told that it is transitory, softening, calming, cooling, settling down, and essentially not much of a problem anymore. – As we look back now, we know that it was never true…

Breitbart: 12 Years of DACA Show That 68K Illegal Aliens Were Awarded DACA Status Despite Prior Arrests – During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last month, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan warned lawmakers against passing amnesty for the roughly 800,000 illegal aliens enrolled in DACA today…

Nearly half a million Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans who don’t qualify for visas have been let into the country anyway under Biden’s legally dubious direct-flight program. – But they’re not just coming from those four countries, but also from 73 others, including many stable and prosperous ones, undercutting the rationale offered for the program offered by the administration.

Newsweek: A recent poll found that a majority of Hispanic people favor the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. – The CBS News/YouGov poll found that a majority of registered voters (62 percent) would favor the government starting “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally.” – Thirty-eight percent said they would oppose it.

Slay News: Representative Anna Pauline Luna (R-FL) says that lawmakers on Capitol Hill are being told that Joe Biden is going to be replaced as the Democrats’ 2024 presidential nominee and added that “we’re hearing” VP Kamala Harris is planning to run for governor of California. – Jesse Watters asked her to confirm, saying “So you are hearing also in D.C. that Joe Biden isn’t going to be the Democrat nominee?” – “Correct,” said Luna.

Geller Report: Biden Regime’s MASS AMNESTY is a Mass ILLEGAL VOTER Scheme – Illegal immigrants allowed in by Biden’s border chaos are showing up at government offices to sign up for benefits and services, and when they do they’re being prodded to sign up to vote. – Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on the state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.

Gatestone Institute: How Communist China Plans to Rule the Rest of the World – The CCP seems to have been buying up America. – “China owns $870 billion in U.S. Treasuries that finance our debt. Additionally, they either own or have a huge portion of the Chicago Stock Exchange, AMC movie theaters, General Electric’s appliance division, General Motors, and Smithfield Foods just to name a few...

Courageous Discourse: US and EU Reject Putin’s Peace Proposal – Are Americans and Europeans willing to die for Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia so that these provinces—inhabited largely by ethnic Russians who speak the Russian language—may remain a part of Ukraine?

The Jerusalem Post: Israel’s war cabinet ‘dissolved – No new cabinet will be formed following the exit of Gantz from the existing war cabinet, PM announced. – “The cabinet was in the coalition agreement with Gantz at his request,” Netanyahu reportedly told the Security Cabinet. “As soon as Gantz left – there was no need for a cabinet anymore,” Netanyahu explained.

American Thinker: If there’s any doubt the Biden re-election campaign is fighting the last war, look no further than the internet response to Joe Biden’s blank stare that led him to be quickly led off the stage by Obama, with Biden’s internet legions quickly riding to his rescue. – Here’s what happened over the weekend…

Victor Davis Hanson: How Left-wing Conspiracies Work – When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning that what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left has already been doing. – Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern of these left-wing conspiracies, beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas…

American Thinker: Do the Plotters of the ‘51 Intel Experts’ Coup Deserve Prison? – On the day the Post story broke, representatives from the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force met with Facebook execs. As would later be confirmed at a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing, the FBI knew that the laptop was, in fact, Hunter Biden’s. – They cannot get the election back, but they can get justice. If prison seems an extreme remedy for the conspirators, it pays to remember that 40 government officials were indicted or imprisoned for Watergate.

American Thinker: The Censorship-Industrial Complex and How It Has the Internet in its Grip – When the internet-backed World Wide Web was created in 1989, it democratized information and connectedness. – But governments and the elites that control them were quick to move in, sensing the threat to their authoritarian instinct. – The question, of course, is who decides what amounts to disinformation, harassment, and illegal or harmful content…

American Thinker: It looks like ICE is losing almost all of the illegal aliens Mayorkas let in – It used to be that those who sought asylum as refugees had to make their case before being released, unsupervised, into America – Nobody knows how many illegal aliens have entered America since Biden took office. Including known entries and estimating of “gotaways,” it’s something in the range of 5-8 million.

Western Journal: Angel Reese Viciously Slaps Down Caitlin Clark During Brutal Flagrant 1 Foul as Rivalry Heats Up – “WNBA player Angel Reese viciously elbows Caitlin Clark in the head as she goes in for a layup. – Reese could be seen completely missing the ball and making contact with Clark’s head instead. – Where were Caitlin’s teammates?

June 16, 2024

The Economist: Donald Trump has a clear lead over Joe Biden – Trump has about a 3 in 4 chance of winning, while Biden has a 1 in 4 chance – Our model is updated every day and combines state and national polls with economic indicators to predict the election results across the country. To work out the probable electoral vote totals, we run over 10,000 simulations of the election. The chance of a tie in the Electoral College is less than 1 in 100…

American Spectator: The US vs. China, There Is No Moral Equivalence – China’s geopolitical rise, which the United States aided and abetted for decades, was not a response to American hegemony. – It is built into the communist worldview and China’s historical DNA and any attempts at moral equivalency cannot change that reality.

Resist The Mainstream: Jack Smith’s Potentially “Unlawful” Appointment Could End His Prosecution Of Trump Before It Gets Off The Ground – Smith was appointed by AG Merrick Garland, but was not nominated by the president nor confirmed by the Senate. – “The Appointments Clause does not permit AN AG to appoint, without Senate confirmation, a private citizen and like-minded political ally to wield the prosecutorial power of the United States,” Trump’s legal team argued…

American Spectator: Biden’s Border Crisis Comes Home to Roost – We are at risk of becoming a failed state, open to terrorism, sabotage, and other acts against us. – Last week eight illegal aliens, all military males from Tajikistan, were arrested in three U.S. cities and accused of being members of ISIS who were planning terrorist attacks against the United States. – There’s a lot to parse out in that event…

American Spectator: Is Illegal Immigration the ‘Great Replacement’? – If it isn’t, the complete inversion of our immigration system lacks a logical explanation. – It is obvious now that these successive waves of mass migrations have been encouraged and well-orchestrated by the very people paid to prevent illegal entry into the United States. – To add insult to injury, all this has been done at taxpayers’ expense…

American Spectator: The Green Version of Socialism – Biden’s version is typical in its display of arrogant self-righteousness matched by colossal economic ignorance. – Meanwhile, the green agenda is rushing our society toward an unnecessary economic crisis made more tragic because of an oh-so-avoidable humanitarian crisis caused by green policies unfairly crushing the poor…

Western Journal: A Former Democrat Donor From California Explains Why He is Now Backing Donald Trump – Silicon Valley Executive Jacob Helberg says that “it’s time to make a change” from President Joe Biden’s “radical progressive” governing to former President Donald Trump. – When asked why he changed, he says that the Democrat Party has been hijacked by a woke theology and that Biden has spent the last three years trying to cater to the radical left…

Wall Street Journal: A Voter Revolt Grows in California – Governor Gavin Newsom and Democrats in Sacramento try to block anti-tax and anti-crime initiatives from the November ballot. – Law enforcement, businesses, and local elected officials across the Golden State are campaigning to roll back parts of Prop. 47. That’s the 2014 initiative that made misdemeanors of drug possession and theft of less than $950 in goods. – Supporters including Newsom said it would save money by reducing incarceration…

Daily Mail: The top ten states Americans are flocking to in droves to benefit from a much lower cost of living – and then the ten they are leaving – Florida is the #1 state people are flocking to and California is the number one state people are fleeing from…

Breitbart: Vice President Kamala Harris promised another $1.5 billion in direct U.S. aid for Ukraine on Saturday at a peace summit in Switzerland. – The funds are to be made available through the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

National Review: The Media’s Coverage of the Gaza War Is Completely Backward – Hamas is treated as a credible source, even a partner in news gathering. – It’s trusted to provide accurate information and to adhere to international norms regarding humanitarian treatment and the rules of engagement. – Israel, on the other hand, is treated as a bad-faith actor, with every statement being doubted. – Some journalists appear to even operate from a position that can best summed up as, ‘when in doubt, then assume Israel has committed a crime against humanity.

Zero Hedge: I’m Sick Of The “Grotesque Game Of Pretend” Being Played Around Joe Biden – They’re kidding, right? – That “Joe Biden” is capable of being president? – And not just for another four-year term, but right here and now? – This has got to be the most pitiful case of national gaslighting since 218-AD when the Romans installed 14-year-old Heliogabalus to front for their empire…

Hot Air: The Media’s Plot To Question Trump’s Cognition is in Full Swing – It is clear that most of the mainstream media despises Donald Trump and they are terrified by how well he’s doing in the polls. – But no amount of leftist spin is going to convince people that Trump is dealing with cognitive decline and nothing is going to rehabilitate Biden’s reputation in that regard either. – The two men are competing on entirely different levels.

National Review: Economic Change and Biden’s Hostility to Fossil Fuels Are Setting up an Electricity Crisis – While the war on fossil fuels is making real gains the effort to deploy renewable substitutes is failing catastrophically. – The nation’s grid regulators are already sounding the alarm. – Add soaring demand, and America is facing the worst energy shortfall in its history.

Breitbart: Some of Hollywood’s brightest stars headlined a glitzy fundraiser for President Joe Biden on Saturday night at the 7,100-seat Peacock Theater in Los Angeles that raised $28 million and hoped to energize would-be supporters. – George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Barbra Streisand were among those who took the stage…

Washington Examiner: Biden warns that next president could appoint two Supreme Court justices at a glitzy LA fundraiser – The president made the remarks while appearing alongside Obama and talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, who was moderating the discussion.

American Thinker: Summer Surprise, The Looming Biden Last Minute Replacement – Michelle Obama might qualify, but the going wisdom suggests that she’s not interested, and has never governed or served in any political office. – But there is a candidate that few are talking about, and who is well-positioned to replace Biden, J.B. Pritzker, the Democrat governor of Illinois.

American Thinker: Are You Wondering About An October Surprise? – An October surprise is coming, but earlier than October. – For D.C. elites, Russia’s looming victory in Ukraine is unacceptable.- A crisis that coincides with the autumn presidential election may prove too tempting to resist. – Never let a crisis go to waste, they say, or when there’s no crisis handy, why not create one when necessary?

American Thinker: Be Prepared For The Coming Chaos – The Democrats, the deep state, and their media enablers are all in rough shape and have no other way out but to fall back on their usual criminal methods of retaining power. – I’m not far off the mark when I suggest that Democrat-run institutions and cities, which regularly tolerate, if not encourage, violent demonstrations by demonstrably linked green, pro-Palestine, Antifa gangs, are setting the stage for November’s elections…

Townhall: An illegal immigrant from El Salvador was arrested for raping and murdering a Maryland mother of five. – Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez was taken into custody on Friday after law enforcement agents found him in Tulsa, Oklahoma. – Gahler suspects that Martinez-Hernandez fled to the United States after killing a young woman in El Salvador in January of 2023.

American Thinker: Is an electric vehicle collapse inevitable? – Americans know EVs don’t meet their needs, and at an average price over $60,000, they’re $30,000 or so more expensive than most Americans can afford. – Americans can, however, count on the government to screw everything up, so there may be hope of the entire EV edifice collapsing before it bankrupts automakers and the entire country.

American Thinker: The Real ‘Replacement Theory’ – There is a conflict in this country between Americans of all races and ethnicities who share common American values and the de facto domestic enemies of the United States who do not. – These enemies include white nationalists, black nationalists like Black Lives Matter, as well as Hamas sympathizers and water carriers.

Breitbart: The Court Moves on Alex Jones – A Texas judge decided the fate of Infowars host Alex Jones’ assets on Friday – The mandated liquidation will force the sale of Jones’s assets, including a multimillion-dollar ranch, other properties, cars, boats, and guns worth around $8.6 million. – However, Lopez ruled against a liquidation of Jones’ company Free Speech Systems, which owns the Infowars brand.

Just The News: Several reports indicate that America has a fatherhood crisis – Young men from non-intact families are more likely to end up in prison or jail, drop out of high school, or not graduate from college – This is compared to young men raised by their married biological parents with their father living in the home, a new Institute for Family Studies report argues.

June 15, 2024

Hot Air: Hamas has rejected the latest ceasefire deal proposed by the Biden administration and Israeli officials claiming Israel is still ignoring their key demand to exit Gaza permanently. – The most important demand from the West is for Hamas to release its hostages, but they cannot say how many hostages they could release because they have “no idea” how many of them are still. 

Hot Air: Ukraine Rejects Putin’s Peace Terms – Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and begin negotiations if Kyiv started withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO. – Ukraine responded by calling Putin’s proposal “manipulative” and “absurd.”

Breitbart: Donald Trump described Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as being “maybe the greatest salesman of any politician.” – While speaking at Turning Point Action’s “People’s Conference,” in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, Trump criticized President Joe Biden for “wasting money at levels never seen before” and putting money into the Green New Deal.

Jonathan Turley: The corruption of Attorney General Merrick Garland – It is these things that have occurred in the last six months that leave some of us shaken, given our early faith in Garland. – Garland now appears entirely adrift in his department. – While mouthing platitudes about being beyond politics, he continues to run interference for the Biden White House…

Zero Hedge: The Biden Construct Exhorts A Spineless Press Corps – In this, Our Sacred Democracy™, reporters don’t ask questions they are not granted permission to ask beforehand so that the correct response can be printed in bold 72-point font on a notecard for Biden to try to read. – “The White House Correspondents’ Association is objecting to the notion that reporters agreed to any restrictions on the types of questions they could ask of President Joe Biden at a press conference earlier today at the G7 summit in Italy.

Slay News: A top study confirms that fearmongering claims made by the United Nations (UN) to support the “climate crisis” narrative are a hoax and are directly contradicted by data. – Despite claims from the UN and other unelected globalists, the study has found that alleged “climate disasters” are not increasing. – In fact, eminent Italian researchers Gianluca Alimonti and Luigi Mariani found that the environment has been significantly improving in recent years, with climate-related events decreasing.

The Vigilant Fox: Elon Musk Issues Urgent Warning to Humanity – Speaking on the critical issue of declining birth rates, Musk insisted that we should be “very concerned” as these rates are “accelerating in most countries.” The implications, according to Musk, are dire. – Musk stressed that the survival and expansion of humanity are essential for the continuation of civilization and consciousness…

Courageous Discourse: The Selective Service Act Amended To Require Registration of Women. – The Gigantic DoD social experiment expands in earnest. – Given the sheer size of this social experiment, I find it ironic that the Committee Chairman, Jack Reed, is from the state of Rhode Island—the smallest state in the Union, smaller than the King Ranch in Texas.

Townhall: The Biden administration has once again failed to live up to its January 2021 promise to be the “most transparent” in U.S. history, this time by withholding a mandated report on Iranian sanctions, along with any waivers on Iranian sanctions, from Congress. – The report is required from the Treasury Department through a provision in the national security supplemental legislation…

Washington Examiner: CNN announced the rules and additional details for its June 27 presidential debate, setting the stage for the event less than two weeks away. – Notable details include the absence of a studio audience, muted microphones except when a candidate is given time to speak, and each candidate’s presence at a uniform podium. – No props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, though candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water. – RFK Jr. will most likely not be included.

Tipp Insights: Bidenflation At 19.4% Hammers Americans And Is Crushing Their Purchasing Power – This is déjà vu of Carter’s re-election bid. – “Bidenflation” is likely a top voter concern, and the President must take responsibility. – This is the fifth consecutive month of an increase. – Annualized Bidenflation is steady at 5.8% and core prices are stubborn at 3.4%…

Gatestone Institute: As Enemies are encircling the US, the US Administration Wants Israel to Surrender to Terrorists – Russian warships are docked in Cuba, as China is building a major deep-water port in Peru that could serve the Chinese military, while the US administration is pressuring only Israel to allow the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas to win the war it launched against Israel on October 7…

National Review: No Haven for Hamas, End The Cease-Fire Talk, And Let Israel Defeat Hamas. – There is something absurd about the latest offer in general. – It rests on the assumption that Hamas is a legitimate negotiating partner with an interest in ending the war. – Such an assumption is worse than false, it is insane and Blinken knows it…

National Review: The FEC Commissioner Blasts DOJ’s Silence as Bragg Contorted Federal Law to Get Trump – If the defendant had been anyone other than Trump, the Justice Department would have zealously guarded its exclusive power to enforce campaign finance law. – The best evidence of Biden’s collusion in the Manhattan prosecution of Trump is that the Biden DOJ didn’t lift a finger to stop it…

American Thinker: Let’s get some new allies – Here’s an idea, how about a new foreign policy alliance with Great Britain, Argentina, Italy, and Hungary that emphasizes Western values? – This strategy will serve a dual purpose. – The first is to strengthen Western allied economic and technological leadership against foreign adversaries…

American Thinker: Social Security payments are expected to face ‘steep cuts’ not that far down the road. – The head actuaries for Social Security and Medicare testified before a House panel on Thursday about the two safety net programs’ looming financial woes that could see key trust funds depleted in roughly a decade, which would leave beneficiaries facing a benefit cut if the funding gap isn’t resolved by Congress.

American Thinker: The Problem of Academic Management – American business is in big trouble, and this is the cause. – The most obvious change that “academic management” has brought is, of course, anti-white, anti-male, and anti-heterosexual discrimination. -Most Americans are all for equal rights and fair treatment, but discrimination is punishing innocents to reward non-victims.

American Thinker: The Democrat Party, Still Evil After All These Years – Polling clearly shows that American citizens don’t agree with Democrats’ policies on almost any major issue, whether from crime to border control or from the economy to transgender “affirming care” for minors. – Yet Democrats often win a majority of the popular vote in national elections, a fact that is, at minimum, “curious” and troubling.

American Thinker: ‘Are You Moving Out Of California?’ – Texas is great, but it’s running the risk of becoming Californicated. – Consider that much of the Texas population increase is occurring in its liberal cities, which include Houston, El Paso, Dallas, Eagle Pass, San Antonio, Austin, and Laredo, Texas is still nirvana compared to California and other blue states, which is why so many conservatives move there.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: STOCK UP ON CRAZY PILLS – Isn’t it time for a sequel to “Being There,” since we have someone in the White House who makes Chauncey Gardner look like Napoleon or Bismarck?

June 14, 2024

Epoch Times: THE DOJ Won’t Pursue Criminal Contempt Changes Against Garland – An official from the Department of Justice (DOJ) told House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) in a letter that Attorney General Merrick Garland will not be prosecuted for contempt of Congress because his refusal to hand over audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with a prosecutor did not amount to a crime.

Epoch Times: A Tech Insider Explains Why Some in Silicon Valley Are Turning to Trump – In his 2021 book, “The Wires of War,” Mr. Helberg detailed his concerns about former president Trump. – Yet in recent weeks, Mr. Helberg, now an adviser to Palantir CEO Alex Karp, has come forward as a vocal supporter of former President Trump…

The Epoch Times: The Recent Supreme Court Ruling Makes It Harder for Illegal Immigrants to Oppose Deportation – The law requires that illegal immigrants be given a written notice to appear (NTA) that must set out, among other things, the time and place at which proceedings will be held. – ‘This reading aligns with common sense,’ Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the majority in a decision that could have big implications for deportation proceedings.

Epoch Times: House Passes $883 Billion Annual Defense Bill With Culture War Amendments That Are Certain To Put The House On a Collision Course With The Democrat-Controlled Senate. – The final tally of the vote on the National Defense Authorization Act was 217–199 with six Democrats voting in favor and three Republicans voting against.

Western Journal: In a ruling that impacts Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho, U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty demolished the rule issued by the Department of Education that decided that Title IX should be used to force schools to give in to the demands of transgender students. – The rule would allow students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity…

Western Journal: Biden’s Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier – The $320 million pier had supposedly been fixed and ready for action last Saturday after breaking apart under moderate seas and partially sinking in late May. However, it only managed to stay open for a single day before that darned water stopped cooperating again.

Zero Hedge: The Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Is Released Despite FBI Resistance – When “nearly four dozen pages” of the murderer’s diary were finally released last week, the mainstream media completely ignored it. – The Tennessee Star’s parent company, Star News Digital Media, successfully filed two lawsuits to obtain the diary.

The Daily Fetched: Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the Republican Party has become a “cult to a thug” with insecure voters who fall for Donald Trump’s lines. – “I do wish there would be an intervention from his family, assuming they loved him, that they would intervene, that the Republican Party would have an intervention, they have become a cult to a thug.” – She continued…

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Strikes Down The Bump Stock Ban – “We conclude that semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ’machine gun‘ because it does not fire more than one shot ’by a single function of the trigger,’” Justice Clarence Thomas said in the court’s majority opinion. – The vote was 6–3, with Justice Sonia Sotomayor writing a dissent joined by the other two liberal justices.

Geller Report: A suspected jihadist was caught near La Guardia International Airport as new details of averted ‘disaster’ are revealed. – The suspected jihadist was ordered held without bail on Thursday, as disturbing new details of the case emerged in court. – In all, the prosecutor said nearly a dozen weapons, an NYPD bullet-proof vest, and 179 rounds of ammunition were found inside the black Ford Explorer…

New York Sun: Europe Is Waking Up to Communist China Space Threat While America Struggles To See It – China is accused of seeking to ‘become a national security leader in space, to use space to support military operations and gain space superiority as a domain, especially over the western Pacific.’

Washington Free Beacon: Provide No Haven for Hamas – Hamas isn’t a state worthy of recognition, but rather a terrorist entity governing a population through fear, terror, and zealotry. – End the ceasefire talk and let Israel defeat Hamas – Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s eighth trip to the Middle East since the terrorist atrocities of October 7, 2023, has gone about as well as the previous seven. That is to say: Not well at all.

Just The News: The House of Representatives passed a resolution Friday that automatically enrolls young men for selective service, and expands the mandatory draft ages by one year, to men aged 18-26. – Young men are already required to register for selective service if they are between the ages of 18 and 25, but the new resolution would enroll them automatically.

Zero Hedge: Full-Blown Financial Warfare – Since Western citizens are growing tired of sending tens of billions of dollars to the most corrupt country in Europe, the G7 came up with a novel way of “lending” Ukraine another $50 billion. – Everyone knows that Ukraine would never pay this money back, the plan is for the money to be repaid from interest on frozen Russian assets held by the West.

Zero Hedge: Major Red Flags Are Popping Up For Banks, Small Businesses, And Retailers – The FDIC’s most recent report tells us that there are 63 “problem banks” in the United States, and collectively our banks now have 517 billion dollars in unrealized losses. – A new survey reveals that over two-thirds of small business owners are terrified of the state of the economy under Joe Biden’s watch, fearing that current conditions and ongoing downward trends will lead to them having to close their businesses…

Powerline: MEANDER IN CHIEF – The New York Post cover story features President Biden wandering away from his colleagues at the G7 summit in southern Italy yesterday. – Biden and his colleagues attended a skydiving demonstration. – After the demonstration, the windmills of Biden’s mind appeared to grind to a halt…

American Thinker: Donald Trump and the Resurgence of the West – The West is currently populated with patronizing, oblivious, and callous leaders, so it will take a different kind to bring the West back to greatness. – Four overriding factors must be addressed if Western civilization is to survive. – First, the degeneration and collapse of societies and subsequent acceptance of evolving autocratic police states…

American Greatness: What Trump and His People Need to Know About January 6 – With the media currently in quiet retreat, Trump supporters have the opportunity to take the offensive, but to do so they need to know some basic facts about January 6. – The provocateurs who started the action did not hear Trump speak. – The police response inflamed the protestors. – Police action led to the death of three protestors. – The treatment of those arrested has been horrific...

American Thinker: The Feds Are Itching to January 6 Us Again – Propaganda, as with all forms of cognitive warfare, succeeds with the repetition of lies and the suppression of inconvenient truths and their plan almost worked. – A lot of Trump voters became noticeably quiet right after January 6, 2021. – It’s important to stand back and appreciate the immense corruption and orchestrated evil that went into this destructive process…

American Thinker: If Trump Wins In November, Watch Out! – Don’t put it past the far-left ruling class to try a Hail Mary play to stave off total defeat, and then turn around and accuse those who simply want normalcy of extremism. Authoritarians think it’s their birthright to rule over everyone else, and they will do anything to maintain that rule. – That’s what makes them so desperate and dangerous…

The Federalist: The State Department Won’t Say If It’s Colluding With Big Tech To Censor Speech Ahead Of 2024 Election – The agency’s silence on the matter came after The Federalist asked about the new “Ukraine Communications Group” launched by the US and Poland that seeks to counter Russian “disinformation” about Moscow’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. – The FBI confirmed to The Federalist last month it has resumed communications with social media platforms ahead of the 2024 election…

Zero Hedge: Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets – Fuselage maker Spirit is investigating the source of the titanium and whether the metal meets aviation standards. The big question is if the metal used in critical parts of the airframe is structurally sound enough to last the projected life spans of the jets. If the metal is tested and found to be below aviation specs, the parts must be removed and replaced.

The Federalist: If the Americans that were written about in ‘Detrans’ weren’t victims of Democrat actions, their plight would be all over Hollywood, “60 Minutes,” PBS, and mainstream media. – There’s more than enough in the sad stories of young Americans reverting transgender body modifications and personas to attract entire teams of investigative reporters and creatives for years…

Breitbart: California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) was called out Thursday by journalists who disputed his claim that the California National Guard was on the border with Mexico intercepting the flow of illegal drugs like fentanyl. – Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, who reports regularly from the border, challenged Newsom, saying that he had not seen a single California National Guard soldier in the border regions where migrants are walking into the U.S…

June 13, 2024

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s proposal will offer an amnesty, and quick access to green cards, to perhaps one million migrants. – Biden is expected to make the announcement Tuesday at a planned White House event marking the 12th anniversary of the [2012] DACA program, which shielded more than 800,000 [younger migrants] brought to the U.S. as children…

Red State: So far this is still Unconfirmed, but Egyptian Media Sources are beginning to report that tonight’s Israeli Strike on the Town of Janta in Southern Lebanon has resulted in the Elimination of Hashim Safi Al-Din, the Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council and the most Senior Official in Hezbollah besides Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah.

Epoch Times: G7 Leaders Reach A Deal to Unlock Frozen Russian Assets To Support Ukraine – The leaders agreed to provide at least a $50 billion loan to Ukraine, backed by profits from frozen Russian assets.

Real Clear Investigations: Searching for the Truth About the Raid at Mar-a-Lago – Top DOJ officials are downplaying recently disclosed documents showing FBI agents were authorized to use deadly force during their 2022 raid of Donald Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago. – A recently discovered DOD memo suggests that the federal government already had copies of the documents in Trump’s possession, further raising questions about the need for the raid. – Many on the right see the Mar-a-Lago raid as part of a broader effort by the Department of Justice to intimidate its political enemies…

Conservative Brief: Donald Trump Urges Supreme Court To Act Before His July Sentencing – Trump’s attorney and legal spokeswoman recently provided a big update on the Manhattan trial. -During an interview on Newsmax, Alina Habba criticized the Democrat-dominated justice system in New York City as “third world.” She suggested that the judge presiding over her client’s hush money trial routinely infringes upon Trump’s constitutional rights to a fair trial.

The Daily Signal: No More Business as Usual As Republicans Ratchet Up Pressure in Senate – Six Senate Republicans are vowing to exact revenge for the Biden administration’s use of lawfare to target a political opponent. – Their target, is the 44 nominees of President Joe Biden who are awaiting Senate confirmation…

American Thinker: When Republicans whine about Trump’s ‘character’ – Paul Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump because of his character, so I would ask him to explain how the following numerous things that Biden has done, or said, show that he has good character…

AmericanWire: Citizens Against Government Waste published its annual “Congressional Pig Book,” and it’s a doozy. – Published annually since 1991, the “Congressional Big Book” contains a compilation of all the wasteful “pork-barrel” projects in the federal budget pursued by both Democrats and Republicans. – Susan Collins (R-Maine) led the passel with 231 earmarks costing $575,580,000, and coming in second place, Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who received 185 earmarks costing $466,370,279…

American Thinker: Tyson Foods recently fired more than 1,000 Americans from a pork plant in Iowa as the company employs illegal aliens for other factory positions. – Now the company is expected to open many job positions in New York and is reportedly seeking 52,000 illegal immigrants to be employed…

Slay Magazine: Disgraced actor Kevin Spacey has admitted during a new interview that he and former President Bill Clinton were surrounded by “young girls” when they traveled with Jeffrey Epstein on his private jet. – Many of Epstein’s victims have said that the jet, which was fitted out with beds, was where much of the abuse took place…

Gatestone Institute: Iran’s Attempts to Attack Israel Must Be Confronted – There is massive evidence that the Biden administration would like to see Netanyahu removed and that someone more “compliant” to the wishes of the US replace him – a new Israeli prime minister who would not object to Hamas continuing to rule the Gaza Strip after the fighting ends…

Breitbart: A new poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) reveals that 67% of Palestinians still support the October 7 terror attacks, and the same proportion believe that Hamas will win the war with Israel – The proportion of Palestinians who support the October 7 attack has fallen only 4% since a similar poll in March.

Townhall: The Stunning Inside Story of Israel’s Daring Hostage Rescue – Israel’s daring rescue of four hostages being held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza last week involved undercover surveillance and a raid straight out of an action movie — and a new report reveals how Israeli forces infiltrated the city of Nuseirat, located the hostages, and exfiltrated them under heavy fire from an unexpectedly large number of terrorists…

Victor Davis Hanson: The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism – Woke jihadism is not an ecumenical concern for the oppressed, the occupied, the collateral damage of war, or the fate of refugees. Instead, it is a romanticized and repackaged anti-Western, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic jihadism that supports the murder of civilians, mass rape, torture, and hostage-taking. – The more violent campuses and streets become, the more clueless the mobs seem about the cascading public antipathy to what they do and what they represent…

Geller Report: Saudi Arabia Ends Its 80-Year Petrodollar Deal with US, Dealing A Massive Blow to US Global Economic Dominance – Mainstream Media is not reporting that Saudi Arabia will now sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars. – Trump has said the dollar is collapsing and would no longer be the world standard… he warned us.

The Daily Caller: Donald Trump gathered Thursday morning with House Republicans to talk politics and strategy just five months out from the election – During Trump’s remarks, he mentioned The Washington Post’s readership is down 50% and was met by cheers.- Trump then mentioned that he plans on doing 100 “tele-town-halls” for House candidates, and called them a “secret weapon,”…

American Thinker: Sorry, Nancy, Trump Had No Role In Inciting The January 6 Riot – Nancy Pelosi is doubling down hard on the leftist J6 narrative as new evidence comes to light. – At 1:38, Trump tweeted, “Please support our local police and law enforcement. – Nancy, the Capitol was your responsibility. – It is hard to tell where incompetence leaves off and conspiracy begins, but you’re not going to find the answer if you don’t look.

National Review: Garland Contempt Clash Only Proves Special Counsel Was Never Independent – Hur’s work is directly attributable to Garland. – The AG is not withholding Hur’s work. He is withholding his work because Garland is asking Congress to trust him that the transcript, which is not the real evidence of what Biden said in the interview, is fair and accurate…

Issues & Insights: When Will The Ministry Of Truth Shut Down The ‘Lying’ Biden Ads? – Joe Biden’s reelection ad campaign contains a boatload of misinformation and disinformation. – Will the censors shut it down? – Will the media alert their readers and viewers to the falsehoods? – We all know the answers to those questions.

The Federalist: A CBS News/YouGov Poll found that  62 percent of registered voters favor, “in principle, a new government program to deport all [foreign nationals] living in the U.S. illegally.” – This includes backing from 88 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents, and 38 percent of Democrats…

Breitbart: A CBS News poll found that only 7% of voters believe President Joe Biden’s economy is “very good,” while 63 percent say the economy is in very or fairly bad shape. – Five percent are unsure.

Townhall: The Biden Administration’s Latest Plan to Fight ‘Climate Change’ – The Pentagon, located right across the river from Washington D.C., is entertaining a proposal to load up the campus with Chinese-manufactured solar panels. – The Pentagon is one of 31 government sites that are receiving $104 million in Energy Department grants…

Zero Hedge: Initial Claims Surge To 10-Month Highs As California Joblessness Soars – Did we suddenly get a peek at economic reality? – The number of Americans applying for jobless benefits for the first time surged last week to 242k (up from 229k and well above the 225k exp). – That is the highest since August 2023…

Western Journal: The chairman of the Committee on House Administration has subpoenaed 14 members of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet to obtain information about how each has implemented or plans to implement Biden’s Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting.”

Washington Free Beacon: Biden wants half of all U.S. car sales to be electric by 2030. – The Biden Administration’s EV Push Faces Legal Challenge From A Wide Industry Coalition of Industry Associations Representing Energy Producers, Consumers, Auto Dealers, Farmers, and Convenience Stores. – According to the petitioners, the EPA overstepped its congressional authority when issuing the regulations that ultimately serve as a de facto ban on traditional gas-powered passenger cars…

Washington Free Beacon: Biden Blocked Solar Panel Tariffs To ‘Accelerate Domestic Production’ – Two Years Later, China Is Even More Dominant. – ‘It will take months, if not years, to fix this horrible policy failure,’ an American solar company CEO says. – “Never again should another American president intentionally subvert U.S. law and give China a free pass to continue illegal trade activity that is directly harming American manufacturers and workers.”

The Federalist: If you’re looking to artificial intelligence for answers to election-related questions, chances are you’re getting the wrong answers. – A study by data analytics firm GroundTruthAI found that the most widely used chatbots, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini 1.0 Pro, provided incorrect information more than a quarter of the time. 

American Thinker: – The Bidens are a dysfunctional family of grifters. – They went to great lengths to cover their illegal tracks by setting up countless LLCs and assorted bank accounts. – The family has lived far beyond the means of a senatorial or vice-presidential salary for decades. – For fifty years, Joe Biden has been a thug, a plagiarist, and a criminal. He is a pathological liar, as even the New York Times has noted…

American Thinker: See You In September, Hunter – The obvious problem is that his next case gets closer to his father and maybe his uncle. – How did this troubled man with no experience in any business background generate this kind of money flow? What was he selling or what talent was he bringing to the table? The answer is a five-letter word, or “Biden.”

Washington Examiner: How Biden could keep Hunter out of jail without breaking no pardon pledge – President Biden could issue a commutation for his son if Judge Noreika gives him a “truly draconian” sentence that goes beyond the typical sentencing guidelines.

Western Journal: Allan Lichtman, a historian who has called nine of the past 10 presidential elections said it is far too soon to tell if Donald Trump’s convictions will change the course of the presidential election because the real impact of voters will not begin to show itself until next month. – “We’re not going to know much until the sentencing hearing on July 11, right before the Republican convention,” Lichtman said.

American Thinker: The Needed FBI Housecleaning – When institutions like the FBI can’t be trusted, can tyranny be far behind? – Who are the agents facing suspension and ruin? – Apolitical men and women who play it straight, the kinds of people the FBI once sought and promoted. – The DOJ is systematically cleansing the FBI of honest, apolitical agents, people who are dedicated to equal justice for all regardless of political belief…

American Thinker: My Attempted Testimony at the John Eastman Disbarment Trial – Originally, I was one of seven “experts” selected by Eastman and his attorney, Randy Miller. As experts, we would be able to give our opinions regarding the integrity of the election. – In the end, the judge would not let me testify. Why? Because I sounded more like an expert than a fact witness. – When a judge is hostile, the defendant cannot win.

American Thinker: How the Obama-Biden Machine Intimidated Jews to Hate Trump – Democrats convinced many Jews that Trump was racist and an antisemite in 2017? – Beginning before Trump’s inauguration as 45th POTUS, hundreds of bomb threats were made against Jewish community centers and schools in the U.S. – The media unanimously declared that these threats came from white supremacists in the U.S., allegedly emboldened by the election of President Trump…

Slay Magazine: The Leader of The Satanic El Salvadorian MS-13 Crime Gang Has Been Arrested in Texas – He is accused of helping operate the criminal organization in El Salvador, Mexico, and the United States.

The Daily Signal: SCOTUS ruled Thursday that pro-life doctors do not have standing to challenge the FDA’s removal of safety restrictions on abortion drugs. – The court issued a unanimous ruling in two combined cases that deal with the FDA’s regulation of abortion drugs. – Justice Brett Kavanaugh delivered the opinion of the Court…

Washington Examiner: The Lia Thomas madness is finally over – Mediocre swimmer Lia Thomas learned Wednesday that he cannot compete in swimming competitions that would qualify him for the Olympics, finally ending a years-long saga that saw him win an NCAA women’s championship. – Thomas, a biological male who identifies as a woman, made a mockery of women’s swimming when he decided to transition in the middle of his collegiate career at the University of Pennsylvania.

The Free Press: On Derek Chauvin, George Floyd, and Reasonable Doubt – It’s not enough for a majority of the evidence to indicate guilt, and it’s not enough if the defendant’s guilt is “highly and substantially more likely to be true than untrue.” That is the “clear and convincing evidence” standard. – Rather, “beyond a reasonable doubt” means that “there is no other reasonable explanation that can come from the evidence presented at trial” other than the defendant has committed the crime in question…

Slay Magazine: A new study has revealed that fake “meat” products such as Bill Gates’lab-grown “beef” are linked to cardiovascular diseases and heart failure-related deaths. – Ultra-processed products that are plant-derived, insect-based, or lab-grown, carry an increased risk of heart failure and death…

Take Back Our Tech: Microsoft Recall On Copilor+ Computers Will Copy Everything You’ve Ever Typed – Recall will continuously take screenshots of your PC every 5 seconds, creating a searchable database of your activity. It will also store everything you have ever typed in plain text, yes, including sensitive passwords that are copied and pasted. – We recommend you do everything you can to avoid Recall when it is implemented and to disable it in Windows 11 soon.

June 12, 2024

Just The News: Hunter Biden’s court-verified laptop files will be at the center of his upcoming tax trial. – The mainstream media and Permanent Washington called the laptop a hoax and “Russian Disinformation” for more than a year. – What was once called a conspiracy theory turned out to be true, and the abandoned laptop’s contents will continue to plague the first son at his next trial.

Epoch Times: The House voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena to produce audio tapes of President Joe Biden’s interviews with special counsel Robert Hur. – In a mostly party-line 216–207 vote, the House passed a measure to recommend criminal charges for Mr. Garland.  – Republican, Ohio Representative. David Joyce voted against the resolution.

Epoch Times: The Fed Keeps Rates Unchanged At A Range Of 5.25 Percent to 5.5 Percent, But Signals 1 Rate Cut Sometime This Year – Fed policymakers say ’there has been modest further progress’ toward restoring price stability.

The Kennedy Beacon: The Federal Election Commission Informed CNN That Kennedy Must Be Allowed Into the CNN Debate With Trump and Biden. – NewsNation reported that the FEC told CNN it would violate campaign finance law if Kennedy was kept off the debate stage. – Kennedy filed an FEC complaint alleging that CNN, Biden, and Trump flagrantly violated the Federal Election Campaign Act’s requirement that media broadcasters use “pre-established” and “objective” criteria to determine candidate participation.

FOX11: California voters will once again decide on the fate of Proposition 47. – On Tuesday, the Secretary of State’s Office said the initiative became eligible for the November 5 General Election after receiving enough valid petition signatures. – Prop 47, which voters passed in 2014, loosened the penalties for drug and theft crimes in California and has been blamed for the state’s rampant theft problems.

KQED: San Francisco supervisors on Tuesday declared the city a sanctuary for transgender people, joining Sacramento and West Hollywood as the first cities in the U.S. to do so. – The city is now officially a place of safety for transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, and Two-Spirit people according to the declaration.

American Spectator: Elon Musk and OpenAI Are at War And Your Data Is at Stake. – Musk doesn’t like Apple’s new partnership with OpenAI. – Musk informed the world, “If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies.” – “Visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage,” he said. – That might seem a little extreme, but Musk’s concern is data privacy…

Epoch Times: SCOTUS announced it will not consider whether to take up a Republican challenge to President Joe Biden’s controversial executive order that escalates government involvement in the voter registration and voter mobilization process until Sept. 30. – The presidential and congressional elections are scheduled for Nov. 5, so the Supreme Court will probably not take any action in time to affect the election results.

FAR: Tucker Carlson Uncensored: Steve Bannon Responds to Being Ordered to Prison – How would you react if you have been made a political prisoner? – Steve Bannon tells Tucker: “We’re being oppressed by an illegitimate regime that usurps power… [But] they will never break me. Ever. And frankly, I will be just as proud to serve my nation as a political prisoner in a federal prison for a misdemeanor by Nancy Pelosi as I was to serve my nation [in the Navy].”

American Thinker: Jihadi indoctrination of American children is active and spreading – We have witnessed indoctrination taking place in America’s elite universities, creating a conveyor belt of brainwashed Hamas-supporting activists. – Now Jihadi indoctrination has got the hooks in Oregon, and Jihad proponents have big plans to spread this to California…

Zero Hedge: 8 Suspected Illegal Alien Terrorists Arrested In New York, Philadelphia & LA – For nearly a quarter-century, Americans have been subjected to mass surveillance via the Patriot Act. Yet, while the government violates the privacy rights of Americans with warrantless surveillance, the safety of the country is being undermined by top left-wing officials flooding the open southern border with millions of illegal aliens, some of which are known terrorists and or terrorist-linked.

Washington Examiner: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg “coordinated” with President Joe Biden‘s campaign to influence the 2024 election, according to a new Federal Election Commission complaint. – America First Legal, which is led by former Trump White House adviser Stephen Miller, filed an administrative complaint with the FEC this week against Bragg and Biden’s campaign committee, Biden for President, alleging violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

Washington Examiner: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declined to engage with reporters on multiple occasions Wednesday when pressed on Hunter Biden’s Tuesday conviction, including whether the president is considering commuting his son’s sentence.

American Thinker: Don’t Over Rely on National Presidential Polls – Opinion polls are a snapshot of public sentiment and preferences. – Don’t focus solely on the headline-grabbing national polls. – Although they are useful regarding high-level sentiment and trends, that’s not how presidential elections are decided.

Washington Free Beacon: Joe Biden’s aggressive climate regulations targeting fossil-fuel-fired power plants will create widespread electric grid instability and lead to mass blackouts impacting millions of Americans, according to a recent study commissioned by North Dakota’s state government. – The research, conducted in May by the firm Always On Energy Research, concluded that the Environmental Protection Agency’s recently finalized regulations are not technologically feasible…

American Thinker: Massive Government Spending Equals Broken Elections – When you follow the money, you end up somewhere ugly – Our new government now has a finger in every aspect of our lives. – Lobbyists and activists constantly pressuring our elected officials to spend tens of billions of dollars for their businesses or causes…

Washington Free Beacon: White House ‘Equity’ Requirements Are Holding Back EV Charging Station Construction – In 2021, the Biden administration pledged it would build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2030, but so far, it’s built seven. – Shortly after taking office, Biden signed an executive order mandating that the beneficiaries of 40 percent of all federal climate and environmental programs should come from “underserved communities.”

Zero Hedge: Our Apocalyptic ‘New Normal,’ The Most Global Conflict Since WWII, Most Billion-Dollar Disasters Ever, & Most Hungry People In History – The traumatic events of the past several years have left deep scars, and there are many that prefer to ignore the apocalyptic things that are happening in the world because it is just too much for them to handle emotionally.

Slay News: The United Nations (UN) is calling on the governments of “sovereign” nations around the world to introduce sweeping new regulations that will allow globalists to apply strict controls and limits on the water supply. – The unelected bureaucratic agency argues that rationing water is part of its agenda for supposedly “securing climate justice.”

American Thinker: Donald Trump’s bold investment in American workers paid off – Trump’s administration took decisive action to preserve American jobs and protect against the influx of cheap foreign labor. – Here are some more of those pesky economic stats to show your liberal-minded friends before November…

National Review: California Gas Prices Are Set To Go from Bad to Worse as Democrats Move to Tighten Environmental Regulations – Gas prices could increase by as much as 47 cents per gallon by 2025 and by 52 cents by 2026, according to CARB’s September 2023 report on the potential impact of the proposed LCFS amendments.

S Karol Paul: Joe Biden Builds Green New Deal Projects On the Ashes of Blue-Collar Factories – Cleveland-Cliffs, America’s largest flat-rolled steel producer in North America, was betrayed not once, but three times by Joe Biden, all in a matter of months. First, he allowed Cleveland-Cliffs to lose out on acquiring U.S. Steel to a foreign state-backed company…

National Review: Your tax dollars will subsidize a solar company cutting down thousands of protected and rare Joshua trees and destroying habitat to make way for a massive energy project in California. – The 2,300-acre Aratina Solar Project west of Barstow is intended to generate 530 megawatts of electricity. – Avantus, the company behind the project, has received over $1 billion in federal money in the last decade and $124 million in federal money in 2023 alone.

Breitbart: A Federal Judge Shields Texas from Biden’s Pro-Transgender Regulations – “Joe Biden’s unlawful effort to weaponize Title IX for his extremist agenda has been stopped in its tracks,” said a statement from Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General. “Threatening to withhold education funding by forcing states to accept ‘transgender’ policies that put women in danger was illegal,” said Paxton, who filed the lawsuit…

Washington Examiner: Top seven takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries in South Carolina, Nevada, and more – Congressional primaries in Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, and South Carolina are once again proving how hard it is to unseat incumbent lawmakers. – Reps. Nancy Mace (R-SC), Joe Wilson (R-SC), and Susie Lee (D-NV) all beat back competitors in their party primaries…

Cal Matters: Which lobbying groups get their way most often in the California Legislature – Progressive groups, labor, and civil rights organizations do well, while anti-tax, business, and police fare poorly, according to a CalMatters Digital Democracy analysis…

The Daily Fetched: Federal judge Robert Hinkle struck down Florida’s law banning children from undergoing sex changes, including puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones, if a parent consents to treatment, saying the law discriminates against minorities and women…

California Glove: California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced his support Monday for “justice-involved individuals’ need for safe, affordable HUD-Subsidized housing with housing providers’ interest in maintaining the safety of their tenants and staffs.” – Most Californians would tell AG Bonta and Governor Gavin Newsom, “just keep them in prison,” which is also known as “safe, affordable housing.”

June 11, 2024

Western Journal: ‘Necessary Sacrifices’: Leaked Messages Show Hamas Leader’s Sick Strategy Relies on Civilian Casualties – No one should be shocked to learn that the Palestinian terrorist group has been inflating its casualty numbers to pass along to the establishment media with the hope of making Israel look bad.

Epoch Times: Why Nearly Half of US Online Job Postings Are Fake – Amid complex hiring processes, a shadow is spreading in the American business world. Companies are using fake online job openings to project an image of growth, keep existing employees motivated, and cultivate a pool of possible future candidates with no intention of hiring, according to research.

Breitbart: 75% of American Job Growth Has Gone to Migrants Since 2019 – The Center for Immigration Studies analysis shows the extent to which President Joe Biden’s agenda to grow the labor market with mass immigration — rather than enticing Americans on the sidelines back into work has been largely executed.

American Thinker: With Hunter Biden found guilty, expect Democrats to use that verdict against Trump – The reality is that Hunter Biden received due process of the law – On the other hand, Trump received the full Soviet treatment.

Zero Hedge: THE COLLAPSE OF THE European Union & Misinformation – Our view is not only probable but now imminent. – Take a look at this chart of unfunded pension entitlements in major European countries between 300% and 500% of GDP. – Mix this in with collapsing demographics and you have a recipe for debt disaster – With the formal withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine, it’s appropriate to remind people of this double-page spread in The Times from March 2021 that hailed the AstraZeneca vaccine as 100% effective…

Epoch Times: The Jury Finds Hunter Biden Is Guilty on All 3 Charges in his Gun Trial –  Hunter Biden next faces a September court date in California over tax evasion charges.

Townhall: Let’s Rewind The Clock, The DOJ Did Their Best To Keep Hunter Out of Trial – While prosecutors from the Department of Justice ultimately tried the case against Biden, they were finally forced to do so after an unprecedented, sweetheart plea deal on two misdemeanors fell apart last summer. – The plea agreement included immunity from future charges on separate investigations into tax fraud, evasion, and Foreign Agent Registration Act violations.

Townhall: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre canceled a scheduled briefing with reporters Tuesday after President Joe Biden abruptly changed his schedule for travel to Delaware.  – Biden headed back home for a family meeting in the aftermath of Hunter Biden’s felony convictions, which were handed down by a jury earlier in the day. 

Gatestone Institute: The World Plays ‘Pretend’ as Iran Burns Down Middle East – World leaders are not demanding that Iran or its proxies stand down. – The main reason Ireland, Norway, and Spain have recognized a borderless Palestinian terrorist state is that they do not have to live with the consequences…

American Thinker: Why should Israel sign on to Biden’s hideous ceasefire deal? – Joe Biden has a way of giving ceasefires a bad name. – There are no security guarantees for Israel in this one and it’s a formula for another attack down the


The Geller Report: Six Islamic State (ISIS) Terrorists Arrested in Operation in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia – It’s official. Per reporting from NYP, Biden is releasing suspected Islamic terrorists into the US. – Part of Biden’s policy of mass releasing fighting-age single adult males from 100+ nations, including from the Middle East/Asia. – 1K mostly adult men released daily in San Diego alone…

National Review: The New Consensus against Hostage Rescues – Israel pulled off a hostage rescue that deserves to go down in the annals of extraordinarily daring, highly successful military operations, yet it is being condemned for it. – If Israel can’t even bring home its own without international condemnation, the world is truly upside-down, the way Hamas wants it…

American Thinker: Compromise Is Not In The Palestinian’s Vocabulary – History is instructive here. – Since the inception of the Zionist movement, the leading proponents, from Leo Pinsker and Theodore Herzl to Zeev Jabotinsky, sought to effect a compromise with the Arabs in Palestine (later to be known as Palestinians)…

National Review: Rescuing Hostages Is Good, Actually – The video of music festival attendee Noa Argamani screaming for help as she was being dragged away on a motorbike to captivity in Gaza was one of the enduring images of October 7. – Her rescue in a daring raid by Israeli special forces over the weekend that also saved three other hostages provided a much-needed morale boost for Israelis, who for eight months have been fighting a costly war against Hamas with most of the world against them…

American Thinker Trump’s VP Selections Rated – V.P. vetting paperwork has been sent out to the following people: Here are the positives and the negatives for Doug Burgum, Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance, Tim Scott, Byron Donalds, Elise Stefanik, and Ben Carson…

American Thinker: There Is A War On America! – It isn’t a threat of nuclear missiles from some foreign adversary like Russia or China, nor is it about Ukraine, Gaza, or Taiwan. – This war rages right here on American soil and is being fought by home-grown and sometimes hidden armies dedicated to destroying all that is right and good for America and frankly, the rest of the planet…

Western Journal: The Biden Administration Celebrated Juneteenth on White House Lawn And It Didn’t Take Social Media Long to Notice Something Was Wrong With Joe – People were dancing and swaying to the music, except for Joe, who seemed to be off in a world of his own…

Western Journal: Bill Maher Says WNBA Players Hate Caitlin Clark Because She’s White and Not Lesbian – Two other matters surrounding the foul thrust it into the national consciousness. – First of all, Angel Reese, a rival of Clark’s during their college days and a teammate of Carter’s on the Sky, could be seen celebrating the needless foul on the sideline…

American Greatness: Biden and the Left Demonize Trump Supporters – Anti-Trump rhetoric has always existed alongside rhetoric demonizing his supporters. – Biden’s talk of Our Democracy™ is a smokescreen. – He and the broader left have no faith in the electorate, voting, or majority rule, as well as absolute hatred for at least a plurality of voters.

American Thinker: Combatting the ‘Long Count’ and ‘Bogey’ – Once the polls close and Democrats determine the bogey, they continue counting, either by repeatedly scanning the same [Democrat] ballots or by bringing in additional pre-printed ballots from outside until enough ballots are “counted” until they’ve assured a Democrat victory…

The Daily Fetched: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director Chris Wray appeared visibly uncomfortable during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing last week when asked whether any of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s associates are still under investigation for possible sex trafficking of minors…

The Daily Signal: 15 Things I Saw at the 2024 DC Pride Parade – Five Military Branches – DC Fire Department and EMS – DC Metro Police – Nudity – Mocking Religion – A Child Drag Queen Book – Anti-Israel Protesters…

June 10, 2024

Western Journal: Joe Biden Drops to An All-Time Low Approval Rating – Prominent Pollster Nate Silver Suggests His Dropout ‘Threshold’ May Have Been Hit – Biden’s approval rating stands at a mere 37.6 percent, with a disapproval rate of 56.6 percent…

Epoch Times: UN Security Council Passes Resolution Affirming Biden-Proposed Gaza Cease-Fire Deal – Phase one of the deal would last at least six weeks and involve “a complete cease-fire; a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza; a release of some hostages—including women, the elderly, the wounded—in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.”

Vigilant News: New Footage Shows Pelosi Taking Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol on Jan. 6 – It was ALWAYS the PELOSI INSURRECTION. – New footage was released on Monday from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol.

Epoch Times: EU Elections, The Winners and the Losers  – After polls closed in all European Union countries, the center-right group in the European Parliament that currently holds the most seats gained the most, while the centrist Renew Europe group and the Greens group lost the most seats in the union’s parliament. – The biggest winner was the National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, which dominated the French polls, causing President Macron to call a snap national election.

Dov Fischer: Biden’s Lawfare Against Trump Isn’t Following Their Intended Script – It is fascinating to watch the corruption of justice turn on its corrupters. – The Democrats’ brilliant foolproof lawfare strategy was structured to tie up Trump through November and pile on him guilty verdict after guilty verdict. – So now people are forced to recognize the unappetizing reality that, with this Democrat Lawfare like that of Stalin’s NKVD and KGB, and like Hitler’s People’s Court under the Honorable Judge-President Roland Freisler, tyranny is here…

Breitbart: Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents arrested more than 3,000 migrants in May, setting a new record for the Canadian border sector.- The arrests bring this fiscal year’s total to more than 10,000, another sector record. – Migrant apprehensions in the Swanton Sector rose exponentially during the Biden era. Garcia reported that the apprehensions during April exceeded the annual totals of FY21 and FY22 combined.

Daily Caller: Evidence Mounts That Biden’s Executive Order Isn’t Stopping Illegal Immigrants From Flooding Over Border – “Biden’s executive order is a facade, offering the illusion of security while doing nothing to address the real issues at our borders,” Jim Desmond, a San Diego county supervisor, said on Monday. “This past weekend alone, thousands of individuals entered San Diego County, exacerbating the alarming number of over 151,000 street releases this fiscal year.”

The Daily Fetched: The County of Los Angeles Is About To A 19-Story $165 Million Luxury Apartment Building With 278 Units for Homeless People – Amenities within the building include a Café, Courtyard, Gym, an Art room, and a
Soundproof music room – Homelessness in LA has seen a nine percent year-over-year and 10 percent rise in the city, according to the 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count.

Zero Hedge: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported that global food prices increased for the third consecutive month in May. – This rise was driven by higher prices for cereals and dairy products, which outweighed declines in sugar and vegetable oil prices. – The re-acceleration of food price growth should be a cause for concern among policymakers.

Breitbart: 77% of Americans say politicians use transgenderism to distract voters from important political fights. – In response to a second poll question, only 16 percent of respondents said extra attention to transgenderism is good for society.

Gatestone Institute: Palestinian ‘Civilians’ Are Complicit in Hamas Crimes – The Palestinian families can hold only themselves accountable for the scores of Gazans who died during the rescue operation. Those families were not coerced or threatened into keeping the hostages inside their homes. The exact opposite is true: They were delighted to help Hamas because they support the terrorist group…

Washington Free Beacon: Israeli Soldiers on The Front Lines Say Biden’s Peace Plan Is Forcing Them To Fight Forever War – War-weary Israeli reserve soldiers from across the country say that Biden’s diplomacy is dragging out the Gaza war he is pressing Israel to bring to an end. – By restraining Israel, they said, Biden is preventing the Jewish state from defeating or deterring its genocidal enemies…

Slay Magazine: The Biden Administration Considers Bypassing Israel to Negotiate Directly with Hamas – U.S. representatives would negotiate with Hamas through Qatari representatives. – Israel’s discussions have been similarly taking place.

Washington Examiner: The House GOP jump-starts push to hold Garland in contempt of Congress – The vote to hold Garland in contempt comes after the top Justice Department official rejected a subpoena from House Republicans to provide access to audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with former special counsel Robert Hur. The committee subpoenaed Garland for those tapes in February to investigate Biden’s handling of classified documents.

Fox News: CBS host shocked by a poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants – ‘What exactly do people think they’re supporting?’ Margaret Brennan asked during ‘Face the Nation’

The Daily Fetched: Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe revealed that several high-ranking FBI personnel are getting ready to flee the US if Donald Trump returns to the White House in November. – He sats said the intelligence community members are worried Trump will prosecute them for their participation in several hoaxes, such as the “Russian collusion” lie, and falsely labeling Hunter Biden’s laptop from Hell as “Russian disinformation” before the 2020 election.

The Federalist: Tucker Carlson Is Going On A National Speaking Tour – When asked if the tour was a way to get around government information gatekeepers, Carlson replied, “Of course! The one thing Google can’t control is a live event.” – Publicly confirmed onstage guests will include Kid Rock, Donald Trump Jr., Marjorie Taylor Greene, Roseanne Barr, Vivek Ramaswamy, Russell Brand, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Charlie Kirk, Megyn Kelly, Kevin Roberts, and Dan Bongino, with more speakers to be added…

Dr. Robert Malone: Center Right Surges in European Elections – During the time of the US Biden Presidency, in close alignment with US/NATO policies, the majority of the ruling coalitions across Europe have moved far to the left – Last week’s European Parliament elections were a stunning setback to the narrative of the unstoppable momentum towards globalism, centralized planning and command economies, and suppression of national identities and cultures.

American Thinker: Gaslighted Again: After Biden announces border crackdown, The Border Patrol was told to go back to catch-and-release – Less than a week after Biden announced ‘consequences’ for illegal border crossers, a memo shows it is business as usual at Biden’s open border. – The reporter for the story, Anna Giaritelli, posted the memo here…

Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Knows Leftism Doesn’t Work – Do not expect the radical left to survey the wreckage of socialism and communism in history and accept that statism impoverishes people and erodes their freedoms. – If Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us—and soon.

National Review: California’s Minimum-Wage Disaster – One of the fundamental principles of economics is that if the price of something goes up, people will buy less of it. Californians are now learning the hard way that this principle applies to labor just as much as it does to any other good or service. – In reality, instead of a seat at the table with higher wages, thousands of workers are now unemployed.

American Thinker: Rejecting the Status Quo Is the Only Way to Survive – Whatever “Big Government” says, believe the opposite. – For instance, Obama promised that socialized medicine would lower health care costs without benefiting illegal aliens; a decade and a half later, the only people who can afford Obamacare are the illegal aliens who get it for free! – Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer passed an “Inflation Reduction Act” that has done nothing but exacerbate inflation…

Washington Examiner: President Joe Biden has done more to promote transgender ideology than any president, ever, and it’s backfiring big time. – This year, 65% of those surveyed said whether someone is a man or a woman is determined at birth, up from 54% in 2017, which is a serious change…

Townhall: Late last week, the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) and other health policy groups and conservative organizations called on medical professionals to stop providing so-called “gender-affirming” care for children. – The ACP and other groups, which will go by “Doctors Protecting Children,” published a declaration on their stance…

Geller Report: Teens Were Arrested For Scooter Tire Marks on Pride Mural Painted On A Street While The Biden Regime Defends Hamas Rioters Who Desecrate Historic Statues and Scream About Killing Jews – America has crossed the Rubicon. – Why do the Democrats paint Pride murals on streets if they don’t want people driving on them?

American Thinker: The Swamp’s Rational Hatred for Donald Trump – D.C.’s elite don’t hate Trump just because he loves America, but because he shines a harsh light on them and the things they have done. – To understand why he was and is so different, look at these people at the Swamp’s heart: Nancy Pelosi, 84, has spent 47 years in politics. She was a political science major with no experience in the private sector. – Chuck Schumer…

American Thinker: Did Dobbs abort the Left’s common sense and lead to the recent attacks on Justices Alito and Thomas? – My impression is that the Left knows that they can’t win anything without friendly judges carrying their water. – This is why they want to pack the court and fill it with judges who legislate with their opinions. It’s not going to happen and that’s why their rage burns on.

The American Conservative: Will the First Amendment Save Assange? – The Justice Department previously told a British court the First Amendment doesn’t apply to anyone “concerning the publication of illegally obtained national defense information giving the names of innocent sources to their grave and imminent risk of harm.” – The UK has extracted promises that prosecutors would recognize speech protections for the Wikileaks founder.

June 9, 2024

Epoch Times: China Tightens Its Grip on African Media And Is Pushing Anti-America Messaging – The CCP’s official mouthpiece is in at least 40 of Africa’s 54 countries, while Voice of America has one bureau left on the continent. – The U.S. government has done little to counter China’s dominance of African media landscapes. – On the contrary, budget cuts have forced the U.S. government’s international broadcaster, Voice of America (VOA), to shutter African bureaus and severely limit reporting from staff and freelancers on the continent…

BBC: Europe’s Night Of Election Drama – France’s President Emmanuel Macron has called a bombshell snap parliamentary election after being defeated by the far right in the European elections in a night of drama that overall saw the center-right tighten their grip on the EU Parliament. – France’s result was one of the big gains that Europe’s far-right parties had expected, and confirmation came with all the exit polls giving National Rally more than 30% of the vote, double that of Mr. Macron’s centrist Renaissance party.

Zero Hedge: The Biden administration just signed an economic suicide pact that would require the US and six other Western democracies to shut down their coal power plants by 2035, while China, India, and the rest of the world currently have more than 1,000 new coal power plants in the planning or construction phase. – The no-coal pact allows all nations but the Suicidal Seven to continue using as much affordable coal power as they like.

The Daily Caller: Forget Stoves, The Biden Administration Is Working Overtime To Phase Out All Your Gas Appliances – The DOE released a report in April describing all of the ways it would like to decarbonize America’s building stock in the coming decades by pushing electric vehicles, electric appliances and substantial changes to how the utility industry operates. – The Biden administration has also banned the use of natural gas in new federal buildings starting in 2030…

Slay Magazine: Joe Biden Is Mulling A Plan to Grant ‘Amnesty’ to 1 Million Illegal Aliens – Amid mounting pressure from the leftist wing of the Democrat party, reports suggest that Biden is considering a deportation shield for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already living in the U.S.

Breitbart: This Is Why These 5 Big-Name Celebrities Regret Endorsing Joe Biden in 2020 – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Radio host Charlamagne, Rapper Cardi B, Actor Michael Rapaport, and Director Oliver Stone…

Gateway Pundit: Watch Caitlin Clark Respond, With Class, To The News That She Did Not Make The Olympic Team – Shame On These Five Selfish Women Who Crushed Her Dream – The greatest collegiate player in history, who broke nearly every Men’s and Women’s basketball scoring and assist records while at the University of Iowa, was excluded from the Olympic team. – However, Pot-smoking Brittney Griner, who has only played in one game and scored 11 points this year, made the team…

Breitbart: One of the Israeli Hostages that was Rescued yesterday during the Joint Operation in Central Gaza, 26-year-old Noa Argamani was being held Captive in the Home of Abdallah Aljamal, a Photojournalist and Writer/Editor for both Al-Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle. – During the Operation, Abdallah and several Members of his Family were Killed while attempting to Prevent the Rescue of Noa.

Zero Hedge: “Zero Tolerance” As Germany Will Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing – “Anyone who threatens our freedom and disturbs our peace should be afraid,” Scholz said in a Thursday speech at the Bundestag, where he announced that foreigners who commit serious crimes in Germany are no longer welcome – regardless of whether they’re refugees or seeking asylum…

Issues & Insights: Have *Any* Jobs Been Created Under Biden? – “The great American comeback continues,” Biden enthused. “On my watch, 15.6 million more Americans have the dignity and respect that comes with a job.” – The truth is that the job growth under Biden is much closer to zero than it is to 15.6 million and perhaps a loss of 6.2 million jobs…

Slay Magazine: Joe Biden Apologizes to Ukraine after Zelensky Complains about Lack of Support from American People – Since the endless war between Russia and Ukraine first started in 2022, American taxpayers have been funding the conflicts with hundreds of billions of dollars in aid. – For Ukraine’s leadership, however, it is never enough…

Slay Magazine: Judge Merchan Reveals That A Mistrial Is On the Table after a Juror May Have Leaked Trump’s Verdict Early – The evidence was a post to the court system’s Facebook page that suggested juror misconduct…

New York Sun: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Polling at 15 Percent, Edging Closer To Qualifying for the Presidential Debate – The American electoral system makes it hard for third parties to thrive, but still, it is possible to have a significant impact without coming close to winning…

Sharyl Attkisson: ‘The McAllen Project’: New Forensic Details on How the Government Spied on Me and My CBS Computers – Here are never-before-released details of the behind-the-scenes investigations – It all began
when I heard a noise coming from my personal Apple desktop computer in the small office adjacent to my bedroom. It was starting up on its own, actually, by someone else, somewhere else…

Just The News: Ten states ban ranked-choice voting as others push for it in November ballot measures – While 10 states have banned ranked-choice voting, six other states will have ballot measures in November proposing a switch to RVC. – RCV is an election process whereby if no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, then a runoff system is triggered.

Breitbart: The U.S. journalists who are ignoring the displacement and demotion of many U.S. professionals by millions of imported visa workers are suddenly complaining about the inflow of British journalists into their top media jobs. – “UK media execs are being handed some of the biggest jobs in U.S. journalism,” said a critical article in the media-industry site, The Wrap.com…

California Globe: California Democrats are so disturbed that the proposed ballot initiative to amend and fix Proposition 47 will qualify for the November 2024 ballot, they are planning to put a “poison pill” amendment provision in the bills in their “retail theft package,” to provide that the bills would be repealed if approved by voters in November. – Assembly Democrats are attempting to commandeer the initiative, with Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas throwing his weight behind the package of bills aiming to thwart serial retail theft.

June 8, 2024

American Thinker: The Clooney Shakedown of Biden Gets Worse as Biden Caves to Clooney on the ICC – If there are any questions as to why the U.S. has lost respect in the world because of Joe Biden, here’s another example. – Yes, fundraising was involved. – The Mercury News, or, Bay Area News Group, reports that indeed, Clooney’s still coming to that fundraiser for Joe Biden.

Western Journal: The Bar Owner Who Declared June ‘Heterosexual Awesomeness Month’ Details Incredible Response – Despite the pushback leftists gave, the promotion has been a resounding success for the bar. – The owner, Mark Fitzpatrick, says there has been a massive outpouring of support from the community and people are going out of their way to visit his bar…

Western Journal: A New California Tax Scheme Would Charge Citizens Based On Miles Driven And The Rate Could Be Based on Car’s Fuel Efficiency – There is already a pilot program in motion, called the 2024 Road Charge Collection Pilot…

Zero Hedge: How Homicide Rates Have Changed Since 2012 By US State – This graphic, via Visual Capitalist, from USAFacts examines the age-adjusted homicide rates by state from 2012 to 2022, and how they’ve changed. It uses CDC data available for 46 states, with no data available for New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming. – Mississippi tops the list…

New York Post: Four Israelis held hostage by Hamas were freed in a daring raid in central Gaza on Saturday. – Noa Argamani, 25, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andri Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 40, were all rescued, the IDF said after the mission. – The hostages were rescued during a “complex” operation at two locations in Nuseirat, central Gaza…

Zero Hedge: Putin Calls ‘Bulls**t’ On Supposed ‘Plans’ To Attack NATO and Says He’s Not Brandishing Nuclear Arms – Putin: “Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as a plank? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?”

American Thinker: Russian warships are set to visit Cuba and the Biden administration is not alarmed – Don’t they remember the Bay of Pigs? – For the Biden administration to not see the significance of this action is evidence of yet another failure, in a long list of failures, of their short-sighted and incompetent foreign policy…

Tipp Insights: Americans’ Top Priorities And The Direction Of The Country – Over one-third prioritizes the economy as the country’s most important issue. – Immigration/border security and national debt/federal government spending are the other top concerns. – Nearly two-thirds express dissatisfaction with the direction of the country…

Breitbart: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has agreed to testify before a Republican-controlled congressional subcommittee, but likely not until after former President Donald Trump is sentenced in July – House Judiciary Committee chairman, U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, wrote Bragg in late May after Trump’s conviction in his hush money trial, accusing him of having conducted a “political prosecution” and requesting his testimony at a hearing June 13…

American Thinker: Are We No More Than Spectators? – The Marxist Left feels no need to hide its true intentions of fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a communist welfare state, – The agents of destruction (the Marxist Left) have seized control of all levers of power, social and institutional. One after another the avenues of redress of grievances have been shut down…

American Thinker: Prices Are Never Going Down – Two years ago, inflation peaked at around 9%, and today, it’s hovering around 3%, so why haven’t prices come down? – A common misconception often fueled by the crowd on the left alleges corporate greed, but inflation isn’t the price level, it’s the rate of increase in prices. – A reduction from 9% to 3% doesn’t mean that prices will come down 6%; now they will go up another 3%...

American Thinker: The Evidence Is In, Progressivism Is a Mental Illness – Here’s how, with many examples, to understand the shambolic, emotion-driven mentality of Democrats. – For example, We see psychological displacement when progressives transfer blame for crime from criminals onto cops, with demands to defund, abolish, or even kill the police…

American Thinker: A New Era for the DoJ – Once back in the White House, Donald Trump will have a mandate like no other to address the cesspools of legal corruption across so many states and cities. – Trump 2.0 already has the tools to “clean house,” promising to implement the Schedule F appointment regulations, allowing him to replace 20,000 civil servants and thousands of these could be DoJ lawyers…

American Thinker: In New York, you can illegally trespass into this country, take money that you didn’t earn for hotel rooms, food, and spending money, take advantage of taxpayer-funded services like public school and county health services, then march for the abolition of ICE and block public streets. – But, you cannot unfurl a flag in support of President Trump and a fair justice system while marching on public streets…

Gateway Pundit: HERE YOU GO, Caitlin Clark’s Stats PROVE She’s Leading MOST OLYMPIANS in MOST CATEGORIES! – But Team USA veterans were concerned about how Caitlin Clark’s millions of fans would react to her likely limited playing time on a stacked Olympic roster…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, BANANA PEELS TIME – I get the comparisons being made between the Biden regime and banana republics of old, especially since this is an insult to several former banana republics…

June 7, 2024

Zero Hedge: The U.S. economy seems to be cracking finally. – This month a slew of retailers such as Target, Lowe’s, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Best Buy, and Foot Locker reported negative year-over-year sales comps, and that’s before adjusting for the inflation that makes them 3% to 4% more negative in “real” terms…

Center Square: A new Emerson College poll found that former Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felonies in New York hasn’t dented his support with voters. – Forty percent of voters said Trump’s criminal conviction of 34 felonies does not impact their vote this November. – Another 33% said it makes them less likely to support Trump and 27% said it would make them more likely to back Trump.

Zero Hedge: The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All – The MIC was born after World War II from the “conjunction of an immense military establishment,” the Pentagon, the armed forces, intelligence agencies, and others, “and a large arms industry.” – Those two forces, the military and the industrial, united with Congress to form an unholy “Iron Triangle” or what some scholars believe Eisenhower initially and more accurately called the military-industrial–congressional complex…

Zero Hedge: SpaceX shares spiked higher Friday, with sellers reporting increased demand due to the success of the Starship test launch. – SpaceX is privately traded and operates several business lines, including satellite communications, human spaceflight, and custom hardware build-outs for SpaceX companies.

New York Post: Former President Donald Trump has claimed President Biden is being controlled by “very evil forces” with a “sick ideology.” – Trump dropped the claim during a wide-ranging interview with Dr. Phil Thursday when the TV psychologist asked him about the “darkest” moments he’s faced in the wake of his historic criminal conviction and a slew of other ongoing legal battles.

Fox News: The judge presiding over former President Trump’s New York criminal trial notified his defense team on Friday of a comment on the court’s public Facebook page that implies one of the jurors discussed the guilty verdict with family before the trial concluded. – Fox News obtained the letter Judge Juan Merchan shared with Trump’s defense attorneys and Manhattan prosecutors. 

Zero Hedge: Is Fast Food Affordable Anymore? – A Detailed Look At Menu Prices Over The Years – From 2014 to 2024, average menu prices have risen between 39% and 100%, outpacing inflation during the given period. – McDonald’s menu prices have doubled (100% increase) since 2014 across popular items, the highest of any chain analyzed…

Powerline: Hezbollah is attacking Israel with rockets and other munitions across its northern border, and has displaced some 80,000 Israelis from their homes. – Ambassador Oren states that the dire situation in Israel’s north is “unknown” while photos of President Biden and Secretary Blinken appear on the screen. For sure they know all about it, but they don’t want Israel to deal with it…

Breitbart: Half of all the Hamas terrorists in Gaza have been killed during the war, according to Reuters, citing U.S. officials Thursday, and most of the remaining ones are holed up in the town of Rafah, where Israel has been advancing slowly. – Israel estimates that it has killed roughly 15,000 Hamas terrorists, which falls within the range of U.S. estimates…

Breitbart: Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress on July 24 at the behest of U.S. congressional leaders. – “I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world,” Netanyahu said.

Issues & Insights: Shades Of Richard Nixon – Biden Refuses To Turn Over His Potentially Devastating Audio Tapes of His Interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur – The Biden administration argues that there’s no reason to turn over the tapes since the transcripts are already out. – But last Friday, the administration admitted that the transcripts had been altered.

Issues & Insights: In No Way MAGA, RFK Jr. Is Far To The Left Of Biden – Flying in the faces of those who find charm more persuasive than facts, however, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., despite the independent image he has fashioned for himself, is such an extreme radical that he might as well sign up with the far-left Squad in the House of Representatives, alongside Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) of the Bronx, Ilhan Omar of Minneapolis, Ayanna Pressley of Boston, and Rashida Tlaib of Detroit.

National Review: Some Voters Want an Outlaw – By treating Donald Trump as a unique outsider threat to the way things run, Democrats are burnishing his populist bona fides. – One problem for Democrats is that all the extraordinary measures used against Trump ended up repairing his credibility with a certain set of voters who want something more than an average Republican…

California Globe: Why Tech Giant David Sacks is Endorsing Donald Trump as 47th President – ‘We can’t afford another four years of Bidenomics’ – Thursday evening David Sacks and his wife held a fundraiser in San Francisco for 45th President Donald Trump. They raised $12 million towards the election of Trump as the 47th President, as RNC member Harmeet Dhillon announced. – Donald Trump has announced that they have raised a whopping $400 MILLION since his conviction!!!!

American Conservative: Here’s How The Polls Are Reacting to Trump’s Conviction – The former president’s conviction hasn’t changed much if anything. Why? – It’s the swing states, stupid, and early polls suggest Trump’s conviction hasn’t changed things anything in these crucial states…

American Thinker: Should Garland be charged with lying to Congress? – Merrick Garland dares to say that no one is above the law, then goes and makes a fool of himself during sworn testimony. – Why would the Justice Department withhold the transcripts from its interview with Biden? It is a lie when Garland says it is to protect future investigations—it is a political decision.

Sharyl Attkisson: Top Republicans uncover records allegedly showing FBI obstruction of justice under the Obama-Biden Administration – Then-Secretary of State John Kerry allegedly blocked multiple FBI arrest operations against people linked to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. – That was to spur further negotiations on the stalled, controversial Iran nuclear deal with the US.

American Thinker: California’s Sleazin’ – Gavin Newsom virtue-signaled by signing off on a law to deliver free health care for millions of illegal immigrants this past year. – He then tried to stick the federal government with the $52.7 million bill, that is, until he got caught.

Western Journal: National Banks Close 79 Branches Over Six Weeks – More than 400 brick-and-mortar branches have been shuttered this year by JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BankUnited, BMO Bank, Citizens Bank, and Inwood. – California saw the greatest number of closures...

Slay News: Hundreds of Michigan residents were registered to vote on dates that were after their deaths. – The discovery was revealed in a recent filing by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF). – According to the PILF, 334 deceased Michigan registrants are listed on government records as registering to vote after their date of death.

June 6, 2024

Townhall: Joe Biden’s Last-Minute Executive Order to Secure the Border Fails On Day One – CPB sources reported a daily addition of approximately 4,000 illegal migrants in a single day as well as 1,500 crossings at designated ports of entry. – President Biden’s executive order would shut down the border if daily crossings exceeded 2,500 over a weeklong average, opening up only after a consistent reduction to 1,500 or fewer.

Scott McKay at American Spectator: 5 Quick Things on Joe Biden’s Explosive D-Day Evacuation – This presidency has officially gone to s**t. – 1. Lies Stink, and So Do Biden’s Trousers – Macron was left to glad-hand with American D-Day veterans who didn’t look overly excited that their president staged what looked like his second evacuation in five minutes…

Conservative Brief: Former AG Bill Barr Predicts Trump Conviction Will ‘Be Overturned – “When people were talking about it, I said that the case was an abomination, and I didn’t think it was going to be brought at the end of the day because it was so vaporous.” – “I think the Justice Department knows that the facts alleged in this case would not have constituted a federal campaign violation,” Barr added.

Western Journal: The Trump Conviction Deals A Fatal Blow to Biden – As New Data Arrives, It Makes Blue States Look Like Swing States – In Virginia, which hasn’t been a swing state in the presidential election since the George W. Bush years, Trump and Biden are in a dead heat. – Biden won that state by over 10 points in 2020…

Epoch Times Former advisor to President Donald Trump has been ordered to surrender to prison by July 1 to serve a four-month sentence he received after being convicted of contempt of Congress for violating a federal law called Section 192, which prohibits defying congressional subpoenas. – Mr. Bannon could seek a stay of his order. If a stay is granted, that could delay the surrender date.

The Center Square: Blaze Pizza joins other businesses leaving California for ‘growth’ elsewhere – Blaze Pizza’s move that will reduce its state corporate tax rate by more than a third. – Blaze’s relocation follows Rubio’s announcement it is closing 48 California stores, shedding an estimated 1,250 jobs. – A report from the Hoover Institution found California lost nearly 10,000 more fast food jobs after the state’s $20 per hour fast food minimum wage law was signed into effect last fall.

The Daily Fetched: Former Border security leaders with careers spanning decades have warned President Joe Biden’s “border security” plans will facilitate more illegal immigration, with over two million migrants flooding into the U.S. a year. – Former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan: “The border will never be ‘shut down’ under this executive action but rather will legalize an unjustified level of open borders”…

American Thinker: Today is D-Day – On this date 80 years ago, as our nation was immersed overseas in the deadly World War ll, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the nation, asking for prayers and strength for the forthcoming battles.

Breitbart: Joe Biden used his speech at commemorations of the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, to attack Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “tyrant,” and to urge the world to “save democracy in our time.” – The latter statement evoked Biden’s rhetoric on the campaign trail, where he has cast former President Donald Trump as an enemy of democracy…

The Daily Fetched: Jill Pulls Biden Away from D-Day Event After He Mysteriously Bends Over and Crouches – Jill Biden appeared to cover her face, unsure of what to do as her husband looked like he downloading a diaper. – While Macron stopped to greet other attendees, Biden seemed confused, looking left and right as if unsure of his surroundings. – Macron looked over and gave Biden a thumbs up, seemingly concerned about his counterpart’s state…

The Daily Fetched: Former White House physician for Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump has said that Joe Biden’s mental decline is a national security concern amid reports the president is struggling to function behind closed doors. – Representative Ronny Jackson made the remarks after the Wall Street Journal reported that Biden has struggled so much at times that officials have wondered if he’s even awake…

New York Post: President Biden claimed Thursday that he has “known” Vladimir Putin “for over 40 years” — even though Russia’s president served as an undercover KGB intelligence officer through the entire 1980s. – “I’ve known him for over 40 years. – He’s concerned me for 40 years. – He’s not a decent man”

Zero Hedge: The US is preparing to announce a new $225 million weapons package for Ukraine, two weeks after the last package, which was at $275 million. – A few weeks before that, in early May, the US administration rolled out $400 million in defense aid. – Consequently, it appears the White House is planning to apportion new packages about every two or three weeks.

Zero Hedge: In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden’s authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. – White House officials alerted members of Congress to the Russian move on Wednesday.

Center Square: The Trump campaign has requested personal information from 8 high-ranking GOP members, giving insight into who the former president is most seriously considering to be his running mate. – Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, Florida Representative Byron Donalds, New York Representative Elise Stefanik, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do with the Prosecutions of Donald Trump – The five criminal and civil prosecutions of Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them. – It is past time for the media and Democrats to drop the ruse of Biden’s “neutrality and admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them…

Breitbart: A Week After The Phony Felony Convictions, Trump Still Leads Biden – After a group of political lynchers who called themselves a jury made the “convicted felon” talking point official, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party we call the corporate media went to work. – These are the same serial liars responsible for pushing past hoaxes such as The Russia Collusion Hoax, the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax, The Jussie Smollett Hoax and the list goes on…

American Spectator: President Biden Distracts Americans And Turns on Israel With A New Ceasefire Proposal – With America focused completely on Trump’s conviction under the stealth version of the 1798 Sedition Act, the Obama-led whizzes in charge of our foreign policy let Old Joe read out a grand new proposal for a Gaza ceasefire, a new version of the same old thing. – Obama’s fingerprints are all over this beauty…

American Thinker: Yellow Streak Running – Former FBI deputy chief McCabe says FBI agents are scared of going to jail if Trump is elected – There’s a reason federal agencies used to stay out of politics, but it appears the Obama generation never thought it meant them. – Don’t commit the crime if you can’t do the time…

American Thinker: The Monstrous Lie of White Privilege – No single concept has done more to harm our societal fabric than the claim that alleged white privilege has intentionally stolen another group’s freedom, economic prosperity, and free agency. – Everything about claimed White Privilege in 2024 is false, but it’s a lie that has real-world consequences for blacks, whites, and America as a whole…

American Thinker: Trump Brings Home The Bacon – When former (future) president Trump discusses Biden’s inflation, he emphasizes the price of bacon. – Sure, milk, eggs, chicken, bread… just about everything in the grocery store is exorbitantly priced, but it’s the price of bacon that hurts most for many…

American Spectator: Is California Trying to Kill Its Tech Economy? – Europe’s stringent tech regulations could be coming to California – One of the key reasons the U.S. tech industry has soared while Europe has wallowed is that the United States has traditionally taken a lighter hand toward regulation.

American Thinker: On June 4, the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research released their second annual survey on Americans’ attitudes toward electric vehicles, which showed yet again that most Americans do not intend to buy electric vehicles soon. – People say they are too expensive, take too long to charge, they prefer gas engine vehicles and…

American Thinker: Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook block on conservative political speech just recurred. – Here are several examples of what has happened to me and others in the recent past…

Lumen News: A coalition of doctors and other professionals representing numerous healthcare groups urged the medical organizations in the United States to “immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.”

Dr. Owen Anderson: Parents and Students are rejecting ASU – I address my substack to parents and potential students who need to know what ASU professors and administrators are pushing in the classroom. – When they find out what is going on, they decide that ASU is not for them…

The Federalist: Pride Events Aren’t Safe For Work Or Children, And That’s A Huge Tell – Why do queer people get a complete pass to be blatantly, publicly, sexually creepy in ways we never, ever tolerate for heterosexuals? – If you doubt what is going on, try going into a Target or public library during June. – You don’t even have to be in Hollywood like these “Pridesters” below to be forced to explain to your preschooler what gay sex is…

June 5, 2024

American Thinker: Judge Merchan may need to rethink his obvious desire to imprison Trump – Indeed, Democrats are facing a situation in which all options are bad…for them. – Given that all of these options are a problem for the Democrats, what’s left? – The best that Democrats can get out of this is to call Trump a “convicted felon,” which they’re currently working to death…

Epoch Times: US Job Openings Are At The Lowest Since February 2021, Falling 33 Percent in Past Two Years – There are currently more unemployed individuals available per job opening, indicating a cooling labor market…

Zero Hedge: We’ve been pounding the table on two very simple facts, that not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs “gained” in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden “recovery” has been, about to be revised away, but more shockingly, all the job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens, as we first pointed out more than a year ago…

Zero Hedge: As expected, the far-left ACLU announced its intention to sue the White House after Joe Biden announced a new executive order that would ostensibly reduce access to the asylum system for illegal aliens. – According to Axios, the ACLU had made preparations for such a lawsuit even before Biden officially announced the executive order, which he signed on Tuesday.

The Vigilant Fox: First, Tucker Carlson interviewed Javier Milei, then he interviewed Vladimir Putin. – Now he has released a highly-anticipated interview with El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele who has taken several firm actions and positions that make him a target of the left-wing media. They include Tough-on-crime actions – Investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials from previous administrations and support for free-market policies…

Liberty Daily: Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has been caught red-handed violating state law by appointing 13 agency heads without the Senate’s approval, according to a ruling by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Scott Blaney. – This ruling could ignite a new round of political gamesmanship as Hobbs tries to get her agency heads past the Senate’s scrutiny. 

City Journal: In Portland, The Intifada Begins in Kindergarten – The local teachers’ union encourages students to resist “Zionist bullies.” – Portland, Oregon, has earned its reputation as America’s most radical city. Its public school system was an early proponent of left-wing racialism and has long pushed students toward political activism…

Zero Hedge: The NY Times Confirms The ‘First’ Ukraine Strike On Russia Using US Long-Range Missiles – “Yehor Chernev, the deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s committee on national security, defense, and intelligence, said on Tuesday that Ukrainian forces had destroyed Russian missile launchers with a strike in the Belgorod region, about 20 miles into Russia.”

Gatestone Institute: Israel Is Helping The Palestinians More Than Those Who Condemn Israel – Many [Arab and Muslim states]… might feel obligated officially to support the Palestinians and a “two-state solution,” but behind closed doors will admit that a Palestinian state is the last thing they want…

Zero Hedge: It has been more than a year since the regional banking crisis exposed vulnerabilities in the financial system. – A new FDIC report showed that the banking sector is still grappling with ballooning unrealized losses. – There are a high number of “problem” banks, and various challenges that could worsen from high inflation and interest rates during the first quarter…

Epoch Times: Experts Weigh In on Trump’s Options for Appeal After Conviction – The jury instructions, indictment, testimony, and the judge’s background have all prompted speculation about a possible appeal. – The Appellate Division of the First Judicial Department will likely be the first to decide whether to take on the appeal.

Dennis Prager: America Has Its First Show Trial To understand the damage done by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan, and the Manhattan jury in the Donald Trump corporate records trial, one must first understand the most important rule of modern life: Everything the left touches, it destroys. – The DOJ and the American legal system are only the most immediate examples. – Here are 25 other examples…

Slay Magazine: Constitutional law scholar Professor Jonathan Turley predicts that Trump’s guilty verdict will be overturned by the Supreme Court, but warns that the high court won’t rule on the case “before the election.” – The George Washington University Law professor says Trump’s trial is full of “reversible error.”

American Spectator: Trump Is a Much Better Candidate Today Than He Was Yesterday – The convictions will mean more money and more support for the former president. – The Democrats seem to have forgotten the most important thing: they don’t have a problem with Trump, they have a problem with the millions of Americans who freely and willingly want to vote for him, and want to vote for him enthusiastically.

Resist The Mainstream: Former President Donald Trump officially rallied his supporters to embrace mail-in ballots and early voting for the upcoming November election. – His announcement came with the launch of an initiative called “Swamp the Vote USA.” – Former President Donald Trump officially rallied his supporters to embrace mail-in ballots and early voting for the upcoming November election. – His announcement came with the launch of an initiative called “Swamp the Vote USA.”

Real Clear Politics: 2024 Surprise, Virginia Is Turning Toward Trump – Trump is in a position to win “NeverTrump Republicans” — or NearlyNeverTrumpers — for the first time, while Biden is losing ground with the rural and working-class whites Democrats still need to win in places like Virginia.

Mark Halperin: The TRUMP VERDICT POLL AND FOCUS GROUPHere is the full package. – I think the package of a poll and focus group that 2WAY did with Wick Insights provides one of the best perspectives so far on the impact of the Trump criminal conviction on the voters who will decide who wins the election.

Washington Examiner: A prosecutor for Bragg wrote a letter to Judge Juan Merchan asking for the order restricting Trump’s speech to remain in place through a July 11 sentencing hearing and additional post-trial motions which could place Trump in a bind as he prepares to debate Biden in late June. – Trump on Tuesday asked the judge to remove the gag order just days after he was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records in New York.

Conservative Brief: Lawyers for Donald Trump have begun the process of appealing his 34 felony convictions stemming from a guilty verdict last week in his so-called ‘hush money’ trial in Manhattan. – The process isn’t likely to be a slam dunk for Trump, considering the incestuous political nature of the Democrat-heavy environment in New York, which includes the selection of appeals court judges.

Epoch Times: The Georgia Court of Appeal ordered on June 5 a stay on all proceedings in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s case against former President Donald Trump and eight codefendants, challenging the district attorney’s ability to prosecute the case. – This comes as the court has agreed to review whether Ms. Willis should be disqualified…

Epoch Times: The federal judge overseeing one of the criminal cases against Donald Trump has decided to open up an upcoming hearing to outside parties as she considers whether special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment was valid. – U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon said three outside experts will be able to make their cases for up to 30 minutes each during the hearing slated to take place in federal court in Florida on June 21.

The Federalist: America’s Corrupt Political Class Should Be Prosecuted, Not Trump – A former member of the US Attorney’s Office in New York wrote about a popular training exercise among the staff: Name a famous person and then tell the junior prosecutors to figure out a plausible crime that could be pinned on him. – The junior prosecutors win the game by finding the most obscure offense that fits the character of the celebrity and carries the toughest sentences…

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden Admits Kamala Harris Was Chosen As His VP for ‘Racial for Gender Identity’Reasons, Not Her Qualifications – “To me, the values of diversity, equality, and inclusion are literally, and that’s not kidding, the core strengths of America,” Biden said in Philadelphia. – “I’ve tapped into the full talents of our country, and it starts at the top our the vice president.”

Breitbart: An FBI Witness Confirms in Court That No Tampering Occurred with Hunter Biden’s Laptop – The testimony debunks longstanding claims by Hunter’s associates that the laptop’s data was subject to “hacking” and “manipulation.”

Western Journal: Joe Biden Gets Confrontational as He Sits Down for A Rare Time Magazine Interview, Telling A Reporter, ‘I Can Take You’ – There were numerous points in the interview where Biden lost his train of thought, mumbled incoherently, and interrupted himself…

Breitbart: In a sign that hiring may be slowing down, U.S. businesses added just 152,000 new jobs in May, marking the smallest increase this year, according to payroll giant ADP. – Economists had forecast a higher figure of 175,000.

Post Millennial: Over 500 noncitizens registered to vote in the local DC elections, with only 28 as Republicans – On Tuesday, thousands of Washington, DC residents cast their ballots in the district’s local elections. For the first time, however, United States citizens were not the only ones allowed to do so after a new law that came into effect this week extending the ability to vote in local elections to noncitizens.

American Thinker: Was Lee Harvey Oswald Framed By The Government? – A Forged Object In An X-Ray Says ‘Yes. – Dr. Mantik’s optical density proves that the 3.5 mm object superimposed in the JFK A-P autopsy skull X-ray adds evidence to the conclusion that the U.S. government from the first moments after the assassination planned to frame Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) as the lone gun assassin…

American Thinker: Trump gave America energy independence and Biden took it away – Under Trump, the US proudly held the title of the world’s leading producer of both oil and natural gas. – The numbers speak volumes: record-high natural gas production, a three-year streak of being a net natural gas exporter, and an export capacity nearing 10 billion cubic feet per day…

American Thinker: Biden’s border ‘crackdown’ is a con job based on another Biden bait-and-switch. – His new executive order will still allow millions of illegal aliens to enter America annually. – Biden de facto nullified America’s immigration laws, an unconstitutional and tyrannical act. Unsurprisingly on his watch, illegal immigration soared. This one chart alone tells the tale…

American Thinker: The Real Threat To Democracy – Democrats are famous for claiming their adversaries are doing whatever malign actions they are guilty of themselves. – Let’s make a distinction between two flavors of democracy, Democracy, rule by the people, or, “Democracy,” rule by Democrats,  via specific members of the Democrat party…

American Thinker: NASA discovers that 80% of ‘global warming’ in last ten years was caused by ‘net zero’ policies – But don’t worry, they say the increase is only… “transient.” – It’s also important to keep in mind that man cannot create atoms. – It’s physically impossible to increase the level of atmospheric CO2 beyond what it was at some point in time in the past when life on this planet already existed…

American Thinker: An Out-of-Control Administrative State Turns a Parking Lot into a Mine by declaring the company’s sporadic coal hauling brought it under MSHA’s jurisdiction and the trucks and the parking lot constituted a coal mine.- For too long, bureaucrats, unelected and unaccountable to the people, have operated outside the restraints of the democratic process, willfully plying the interests of pressure groups and working to further political agendas…

American Thinker: January 20, 2025 – The events depicted below are intended to be fanciful—or are they? – 9:00 AM: Donald Trump sits in the Federal Correctional Institution in the Town of Mount Hope, NY, his loyal Secret Service crew rotating shifts ever since his November landslide victory as a precaution against him being “Epsteined”…

Western Journal: With the backing of former President Donald Trump, former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy walked away with the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat in Montana currently held by Democrat Jon Tester. – Sheehy received 73.6 percent of the vote with 86 percent of the results reported and won every county…

Western Journal: House Republicans sent criminal referrals for James and Hunter Biden to the U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday, accusing both of lying to Congress during testimony during the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

Zero Hedge: 3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With The Big Push For Electric Vehicles. – #1: EVs Are Not Green – #2: EVs Can’t Compete Without Government Support – #3: EVs Are About Controlling You and EVs Are Spying Machines. – Also, the electricity consumption per household would be equal to an additional 25 refrigerators if the average US home adopted EVs…

California Globe: Diversity Of Thought Is A Fantasy for CSU Students – ‘Of all the assignments I’d expected, the academic challenges I’d anticipated, this was never on the list.’ – On the first day of school, my professor passed out over twenty copies of a letter he’d received from Representative LaMalfa during the COVID-19 pandemic. – Our assignment was to note the rhetorical devices being used by LaMalfa, particularly logical fallacies…

California Globe: California Democrats Are Pushing A Bill to Require CSU, UC, and Community Colleges to Hire ‘Undocumented Non-citizens.’ – Hiring illegal aliens on campus would violate the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. – AB 2586, the “Opportunity for All” bill “would allow students equal access to campus job opportunities, regardless of immigration status at the University of California, California State University, and California Community Colleges”

Daily Mail: The ugly truth is that Caitlin Clark is the victim of jealous, race-baiting WNBA bullies who can’t stand to see her win. – That Carter appeared to mutter ‘Yo bitch’ just before slamming into Clark made the cheap hit even more jarring. – TIM HOWARD says this is how she should fight back. – The greatest athletes of all time rise to the occasion so that’s why there’s only one way for Clark and her teammates to respond and that’s by winning…

June 4, 2024

Red State: Senile Biden’s Interview With TIME Goes Way Off the Rails; He Even Challenges the Reporter to a Fight – If you want to know why the Department of Justice is doing everything it can to block Joe Biden’s special counsel interview from seeing the light of day, the interview he just did with TIME provides all the reasoning necessary.

Western Journal: Donald Trump responded to Biden’s border plan, saying, “Millions of people have poured into our country — and now, after nearly four years of his failed, weak, pathetic leadership, Crooked Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border. – But in fact, it’s all show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks.”

The Daily Signal: Biden’s Edict on Southern Border Is an Election Year Stunt, Republicans Say – Joe Biden signed an executive order Tuesday giving himself the authority to close the border when the seven-day average of daily border crossings between ports of entry exceeds 2,500. – Biden is drawing on the authority in Title 8 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to temporarily close the border.

Washington Free Beacon: Documents Show Biden’s Immigration Executive Order Is Full Of Loopholes – Even after the border is allegedly shut down some migrants may still enter the United States. – Any “noncitizen,” the memo states, may be permitted to enter under “urgent humanitarian” conditions. – Migrants who claim they’re afraid to return to their home country could avoid deportation.

Wall Street Journal: Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping – Participants in meetings said the 81-year-old president performed poorly at times while the White House said Biden is sharp and his critics are playing partisan politics. – Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy; “I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I’d go to his house,” he’s not the same person.”

Western Journal: AG Merrick Garland Scrambles When Pressed About Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Letitia James During His House Hearing – Garland sidestepped several questions and ultimately claimed the DOJ had not been involved with civil and criminal cases targeting Trump in New York and Georgia…

Just The News: House investigators have obtained evidence showing that former President Donald Trump’s Secret Service driver wanted to quickly refute testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson alleging a struggle in the presidential limousine during the Capitol riots but the Democrat-led January 6 committee rebuffed him for months.

City Journal: Didn’t Earn It – For more and more Americans, these words spell out the real meaning of DEI. – Americans have now experienced a half-century of programs and policies promoting reverse discrimination. They’re sick of pretending that it’s not happening…

City Journal: Joe Biden’s Destructive Pot Gambit – The White House is set to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug. – Shortly before Barack Obama left office in 2016, his DEA reexamined marijuana’s schedule classification and agreed with Congress’s 1970 designation. – Unlike today, the DEA wasn’t then under a de facto presidential order to find a particular result…

American Spectator: Gavin Newsom Is Not Having a Good Time – Amid the budget disaster, even progressives are turning against him. – The disparity between tax revenues and spending is so vast that the entire system — celebrated by liberals as a model of progressive governance — is a house of cards. – And it was all built by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who chose extravagant progressive policies over maintaining a sustainable budget.

American Spectator: A Short History of Democratic Party Lawfare – The party’s use of the criminal justice system to maintain political power dates back to slavery. – Democrat Party officials imposed “Jim Crow” laws in many states of the Deep South as part of a deal for not continuing to challenge the controversial presidential election of 1876. – Democrats insisted on an end to Reconstruction, which allowed them to pass and enforce various segregationist laws.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Here’s Why Carbon Offsets Are a ‘Scam’ — Many of the world’s largest companies rely on carbon offsets to reach “net zero” emissions goals. – However, investigations reveal that more than 90% of these offsets are likely “phantom credits” that allow corporations to continue polluting while claiming to lower their carbon footprints…

Resist The Mainstream: More than one million United Methodists have left the church in response to new rules permitting gay pastors and same-sex marriages during a conference in early May in North Carolina. – This departure dealt a significant blow to the United Methodist Church, as the Ivory Coast division is its largest overseas jurisdiction, representing about 12 percent of the global membership.

American Conservative: The West Should Be Receptive to Russia’s Openness to Talks – The Kremlin has issued a flurry of statements in the past few weeks that suggest that Russia is ready to negotiate a diplomatic settlement to the war in Ukraine. – There is no reason not to believe in the existence of a viable diplomatic solution.

Gatestone Institute: Who Is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests; Are They Aiming to Take Down America? – Terrorists and their billionaire, as well as less-affluent supporters, are actively conspiring to destroy the US with the backing of foreign powers – What is even more jarring is that the Biden administration, and therefore taxpayer money, is also funding the protests, through the Environmental Protection Agency…

Zero Hedge: Joe Biden Backhands Bibi Saying, There Is ‘Every Reason’ To Believe Netanyahu Is Prolonging War For Political Survival – One question that remains is what Biden plans to do about it. Will he bring real pressure to bear on Netanyahu or will this just stop at negative words?…

Townhall: Despite White House’s Opposition, House Passes Roy’s Bill Sanctioning ICC With Bipartisan Vote – Representative Roy made clear in summing up the bill that “at stake right now is the critically important issue of ensuring we protect America’s interest!”

Breitbart: Witness Erika Jensen, an FBI agent, confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop during the second day of his gun trial on Tuesday. – Breitbart News’ Emma-Jo Morris, formerly of the New York Post, first reported the “laptop from hell” story in October 2020. It was immediately spun by the establishment media as “Russian disinformation.”

Breitbart: Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday during a House, hearing refused to say whether he would provide Congress with any Justice Department correspondence with local prosecutors going after former President Donald Trump. – Garland denied there was any collusion between the Biden DOJ and state and local prosecutors going after Trump, such as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D), Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D), and New York Attorney General Letitia James (D).

Dallas Ludlum: The Biden Administration’s Destructive and Dangerous Lawfare Offensive – Multiple sources detail how the Biden administration has coordinated efforts to indict Trump, ostensibly to prevent him from reclaiming the presidency. – Their Actions are Tearing Away at the Fabric of Our Republic…

The Vigilant Fox: Dr. Phil Delivers Message Everyone Needs to Hear – Dr. Phil says he is “not into politics,” but the recent lawfare against former president Trump has compelled him to break his silence. – “We are not some banana republic, for God’s sake!” – “What are we gonna do next, have a Putin poisoning posse and start finding political opponents foaming at the mouth at home, not so mysteriously dying in their la-z-boy recliners?”

American Conservative: Here Are the Connections Between the People Behind Trump’s Prosecutions – Conspiracy is a strong word, but the interlocking cliques are undeniable. – This disjuncture between the cases’ strangeness and their weakness may not be a coincidence but may function to mask a more familiar Washington story, a group of interconnected partisans hounding a president and corrupting American law.

Epoch Times: Biden to Sign Order to Close Asylum Processing When Daily Illegal Crossings Average 2,500 – This new rule does not apply to those who use one of the lawful pathways to come into the United States.

Western Journal: Former President Donald Trump is calling for the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in his Manhattan business records case, so the Democrat-led state can be stopped from interfering anymore in the 2024 election. – He’s right, enough is enough.

Epoch Times: As Climate Lawsuits Ramp Up Against Oil and Gas, So Could Energy Costs – States are not just suing oil and gas companies; they are also lodging climate-related lawsuits against food companies. – Analysts say multiple goals are driving these suits to put them out of business…

Zero Hedge: Here Is The “Unexpected” Reason Why The Fed Could Rush To Cut Rates As Soon As Possible – Now, fresh data from the Bureau of Labor Services reaffirms that the monthly non-farm payroll prints likely overstated job growth by at least 730,000 last year, in line with the Philly Fed estimate, with hiring maybe even falling below zero in October.

American Greatness: Disney is one of America’s most woke companies. – It sees itself as being out in front on cultural and social issues, especially where Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are concerned. – This has been a huge issue in America’s—especially American parents’—loss of trust in the House of Mouse. – Hubris and arrogance are leading to the destruction of a great American company.

Lawyer Lisa: Why will minors ALWAYS BE AFFIRMED? – Because otherwise if you attempt to ‘convert’ the minor to cis-gender to align with the gender at birth you will go to jail. – Consider stats that show a large proportion of gay adults are often subjected to gender hormones and surgeries as minors.

California Globe: Los Angeles County: Least Prepared County in the Entire Country For A Natural Disaster – Six of the top 8 least prepared counties are in California – Claimguide used community resilience, social vulnerability, and overall inherent risk of natural disasters in the county as metrics. While many areas had worse social vulnerability with poorer areas and worse community resilience with bad recovery abilities, L.A. County managed to score low enough across all three metrics to be the only county in the country to get a score of 100, the worst possible score…

June 3, 2024

City Journal: The “Indoctrination” Of New Hires – Documents from the University of Oregon reveal the school’s troubling hiring policies. – All departments seeking to hire new faculty to create an “Institutional Hiring Proposal.” – A template is provided, with a series of questions about the proposed position that requires every department to address concerns related to “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”…

The Daily Signal: America Is Under Attack – This is not a war with Russia or China. It is not an amorphous war on terror or a war on drugs. This is a war from within. – Right now, a president, who record numbers of Americans don’t think even won the last election—and for good reason—has ordered the legal, intelligence, and law enforcement services of this country to arrest and detain his chief political rival…

Epoch Times: The Trump Verdict Seen as ‘Pivotal Moment’ for Undecided Voters – Lawyers, pollsters, and politicos weigh in on how they think the New York jury’s decision will affect the 2024 presidential race…

Epoch Times: Speaker Johnson Urges Supreme Court to Overturn The ‘Dangerous’ Trump Guilty Verdict – ‘I think they’ll set this straight, but it’s going to take a while,’ Mr. Johnson said of his expectations for the verdict to be overturned.

Epoch Times: Trump Addresses Possibility of Prison Sentence, ‘I’m OK With It.’ – Meanwhile, fundraising continues to skyrocket for the Trump campaign and exceeds $200 million according to the latest information.

Epoch Times: Demand for Trump Merchandise ‘Exploded’ After Conviction, Retailers Say – “The demand for anything and everything Trump has just exploded,” Mr. Kligman told The Epoch Times on May 31. “I mean, it is nuts, and we’ve never seen anything close to what we are witnessing right now.”

American Spectator: Hillary Mislabeled Steele Dossier Payments as ‘Legal Fees’ – If Trump was convicted of disguising campaign expenses as legal fees to influence an election, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s analogous conduct should have resulted in similar treatment by our justice system. It did not because our two-tier system of justice brought no criminal charges…

Epoch Times: Joe Manchin Leaves The Democrat Party And Registers as an Independent – ‘Today, our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground,’ Sen. Joe Manchin said.

Lawyer Lisa: Our elite 1% answer a Rasmussen poll honestly and indicate it’s OK to cheat to win elections – The difference between the responses from average Americans vs. the elite 1% is truly shocking…

CBS News: A Biden executive order restricting asylum processing along the U.S. border is expected on Tuesday. – The sweeping move is expected to allow U.S. immigration officials to quickly deport migrants who enter the U.S. illegally, without processing their asylum claims, when border crossings surpass a certain threshold…

Post Millenial: 2024 presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump said that he would declassify documents surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, 9/11, and the President John F. Kennedy assassination over the weekend. – He committed while sitting down with Fox & Friends Weekend for an interview, “Would you declassify the 9/11 files,” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy asked, to which Trump responded “Yeah.” 

PJ Media: While everyone was distracted by Donald Trump’s New York State convictions for what was, in truth, a couple of federal misdemeanors, the New York Post revealed that President Joe Biden has been quietly “operating a program of ‘mass amnesty’ for migrants.” – In operation since 2022, Biden’s stealth amnesty program means that illegals — so-called asylum-seekers — have been “removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities.”

Post Millennial: A Georgia appeals court has set an October hearing to determine whether Fulton County DA Fani Willis may stay on the RICO case she brought against President Donald Trump and 18 other co-defendants. – A challenge was brought to her remaining on the case due to revelations that she had an affair with one of the attorneys she brought onto the case.

Gateway Pundit: A New Video Exposes How The Capital Police Orchestrated Stampede that Killed Roseanne Boyland on January 6 – This video shows irrefutable proof that Roseanne Boyland was NOT killed from a drug overdose (as the corrupt DC Coroner’s Office reported) but died because of a stampede organized by Capitol Police…

American Spectator: Pride Month Is Awful. – Well, we’re a couple of days into the annual festival of malignant narcissism that is Pride Month — a 30-day bacchanal of corporate virtue-signaling and cranky anti-normal bigotry the majority of the population is growing weary of and is beginning to despise…

The Center Square: San Diego-based Mexican fast food chain Rubio’s Coastal Grill is shutting down 48 California locations, citing the “rising cost of doing business” as a factor in its rationale. – Business leaders point to the state’s $20 per hour fast food minimum wage, which took effect in April, as a major new pressure point for businesses operating in the state. 

June 2, 2024

American Spectator: With All Eyes on Gaza, Hezbollah Attacks From the North – Through its proxies in Lebanon and the West Bank, Iran has laid the groundwork for continual war against Israel.

Epoch Times: Childcare costs in the United States increased nearly twice as fast as overall inflation over the past three decades, according to a recent report by accounting firm KPMG. – Expenses related to child care now account for up to a fifth of a family’s income. – Worker shortages in the childcare sector are “acute.”

June 1, 2024

Gateway Pundit: Politico Calls Alvin Bragg the ‘Reluctant’ Prosecutor of Trump, Even Though He Ran on Doing It – The Politico piece is pure garbage, praising Bragg for his assault to secure justice…

Epoch Times: The US Secret Service Reacts to Trump’s Criminal Conviction – The agency said that “today’s outcome has no bearing on how the United States Secret Service carries out its protective mission.”

Gateway Pundit: The White House Admits in Federal Court They ‘Doctored’ Joe Biden’s Special Counsel Testimony Transcript to Make Him Appear Less Incompetent – The blatant alterations were made to artificially inflate Biden’s competence during his five-hour interrogation about his mishandling of classified documents.

Jessica Hockett: A Timeline Of COVID-19 Events – The Young and Healthy Are at Risk – Tracing the launch and deployment of a U.S.-based narrative that became part of The New York City Pandemic Show script – This is a draft timeline I plan to keep updating with additional healthcare worker voices, official statements, and “sentinel” examples of young COVID deaths in New York City that were reported in spring 2020.

May 31, 2024

Epoch Times: Make No Mistake About It, The Trump Case Was an Unprecedented Application of the Law – In a case that will eventually be remembered as a textbook instance of selective prosecution, the Manhattan district attorney breathed life into an alleged bookkeeping misdemeanor that the statute of limitations had expired on and, Merlin-like, transformed it into 34 felonies…

The Vigilant Fox: “These Democrats will rue the day they decided to use lawfare to stop a presidential candidate,” warned Megyn Kelly, a prominent broadcaster and journalist, on her show Thursday evening. – In light of the New York ‘hush money’ trial guilty verdict, making Donald Trump the first former president in American history to be convicted of a felony, Kelly suggested that a reckoning is coming for Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton.

The Daily Fetched: Venture capitalist and former Hillary Clinton donor Sean Maguire announced he had donated $300,000 to Trump’s campaign following his guilty verdict on Thursday, stating he refuses to “live in a society where people are afraid to speak.” – The news came as many decried the ruling as a symbol of America’s final descent into a third-world banana republic…

Epoch Times: Trump Verdict Seen as ‘Pivotal Moment’ for Undecided Voters – Lawyers, pollsters, and politicos weigh in on how they think the New York jury’s decision will affect the 2024 presidential race. – In the event of a conviction, “Nobody in the United States of America could still possibly tell you exactly the crime that Donald Trump committed. And if he’s being sentenced on that basis, they will see that injustice as well,” Mr. Ramaswamy said…

Epoch Times: Here’s What Happens Next After Trump Felony Convictions – As a convicted felon, Trump can still run for the presidency. – He is expected to appeal the conviction. – Here’s what you need to know. – During the trial, the former president twice sought Justice Merchan’s recusal over perceived conflicts of interest. One of those alleged conflicts was the fact that the judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, heads up a political consulting firm that boasts the Biden-Harris campaign as a client…

The Daily Fetched: Biden, with a Straight Face, Says ‘No One Is Above the Law’ After Trump Guilty Verdict – Trump’s attorneys said they plan to appeal the verdict “as soon as we can.” – If Trump loses an appeal with the mid-level appeals court, he’ll likely seek to have the state’s highest court hear his case, which could take another additional year.

The Vigilant Fox: Robert Kennedy Jr. says the 34-count felony conviction against Trump is going to “backfire” on Democrats. – He says, “The Democratic Party believes it has a candidate that can’t beat President Trump and that they need to do it in the court.” – “I think that’s bad for our country. I think it’s bad for democracy, and I think it’s politically going to backfire on them,” Kennedy added.

American Spectator: Post-Trump Verdict, Will the American Right Finally Wake Up? – The Democrats’ long march to get the nefarious Orange Man by any means necessary, beginning with the 2016 election cycle, has finally worked. – American patriots of all political stripes must come to terms with the current fallen state of the nation…

John Daniel Davidson: After Trump’s Conviction, Republicans Should Do To Democrats What They Did To Him – Either you’re willing to jail Democrats on the same terms they’re using to jail Trump, or you’re merely controlled opposition. – The divide in the Republican Party is very real — and now, very obvious. In the wake of Trump’s conviction Thursday, for example, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was submissively silent for most of the day…

Zero Hedge: After President Joe Biden shredded Donald Trump’s Executive Orders on border security on his first day in office, resulting in a staggering 10 million illegals pouring into the United States, the White House is reportedly on the verge of implementing new executive orders to recapture pissed-off voters stem the absolute flood of illegal migration he caused, AP reports.

American Greatness: It Seems That No One Wants to End the Ukraine War, Except for Trump – If Trump returns to the presidency next January, he will be the only world leader determined to end the Ukraine War, and has said he will use his influence as president to do so within 24 hours…

American Thinker: It is Déjà vu all over again as US unemployment increases – In the week ending May 25, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 219,000, an increase of 3,000 from the previous week’s revised level. The previous week’s level was revised up by 1,000 from 215,000 to 216,000. – The keywords in this unemployment release are “increase” and “up.” Month after month…

Real Clear Investigations: Stanford, Silicon Valley, and the Rise of the Censorship Industrial Complex – This summer the Supreme Court will rule on a case involving what a district court called perhaps “the most massive attack against free speech” ever inflicted on the American people. In Murthy v. Missouri. – The case has helped shine a light on a sprawling network of government agencies and connected NGOs that critics describe as a censorship industrial complex…

May 30, 2024

Epoch News: A New York jury on Thursday found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. – President Trump’s attorney has previously vowed to appeal a conviction expeditiously. – The Former President will be due back in Manhattan court in July for sentencing, days before he is scheduled to be nominated as the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.

Epoch Times: The Trump Donation Website Crashes as Cash Pours in After His Guilty Verdict – President Trump called for donations to send a message over what he described as a “rigged political witch hunt trial.”

American Conservative: China Is Eating the United States’ Diplomatic Lunch – The new warmth between Russia and China is just the latest American fumble as we slouch into a new cold war. The consequences of this new Cold War are both predictable and lamentable—further empowering, enriching, and entrenching the defense industry and its many offshoots, without making us any safer…

National Review: The Ayatollah Thanks You – Khamenei informally drafted these student protestors into “a branch of the Resistance Front,” whose mission is to pressure the government into abandoning its permanent interests overseas, namely Israel…

American Thinker: In Its Pursuit Of Power, The Democrat Party Openly Allies With Jihadists – Biden isn’t pandering to the Hamas crowd solely to keep the presidency. – The Democrat party itself is on board with the Islamist agenda. – Currently, Marxists and Muslims are perfectly aligned. They believe in statism and complete obedience to the state, political violence, and murderous hatred for Jews and Christians…

The New York Sun: Biden Is Pouring Federal Tax Dollars Into ‘Community Organizations’ in a Brazen Attempt To Tilt the Election – The push raises echoes of the community organizer who became president, Barack Obama, who turned left-wing not-for-profits into a fifth estate.

John Daniel Davidson: Judge Merchan’s Jury Instructions Prove Trump’s Trial Is About Power, Not The Law – Judge Merchan, issued bizarre and unconstitutional jury instructions on Wednesday, telling jurors they need not agree on what crime Trump allegedly committed to reach a unanimous guilty verdict. – The raw exercise of power Judge Merchan has displayed against Trump throughout this trial is meant to demoralize and threaten his supporters…

American Thinker: The Veep Sweeps, Who’s in first? – Trump rightly says the No. 1 qualification is whether he or she has the right muscle to take over in case the president dies. Teddy Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, and Harry Truman had it. Andrew Johnson didn’t. – A look at the contenders and an opinion on the suitability of each. – Vivek Ramaswamy, Ron DeSantis, Byron Donalds, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Doug Burgum and Tulsi Gabbard…

American Thinker: The Top 20 Lies of the 2020s – Covid has a 4% death rate. – Masks will keep us safe from COVID. – COVID vaccines are safe and effective. – Oil and natural gas are going to destroy the planet. – Electric cars are going to save the environment. – Electric cars are safe. – Our justice system is fair for all. – Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation…

American Thinker: Home insurance rates continue to surge – The media and industry blame ‘climate change’ catastrophes, but the problem is due to inflation, not natural disasters. – If you look at this chart of prices to build a house, the prices were gradually rising for twenty years from 2000 to 2020, and then they shot up rapidly in 2021 and 2022 as inflation surged…

American Thinker: Trump is Correct About Deportation – Washington wants illegal aliens in our country so they can become voters – According to a National Review article, illegal immigrants cost the U.S. taxpayers $450 billion each year as reported by the House Committee on Homeland Security. – Let’s see, $450 billion times ten years is $4.5 trillion…

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for NRA in Free Speech Case – SCOTUS ruled that the NRA plausibly alleged a former New York state official violated the First Amendment by pressuring insurance companies to cut ties with the gun rights organization. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit had rejected the NRA’s First Amendment arguments.

AMUSE: Biden Claims the Violent Crime in Your Community is a Figment of Your Imagination – Despite the White House’s claims, violent crime in America is not at a 50-year low. – Democrat-controlled cities from New York to San Francisco have effectively decriminalized violent crime. For instance, in New York City, 52% of violent felony cases are downgraded to misdemeanors, and offenders are typically offered diversion agreements that keep these offenses out of crime statistics…

Zero Hedge: Pending home sales were expected to drop 1.0% MoM in April as mortgage rates pushed back above 7.00% and stayed there. – Analysts had the direction right but the magnitude was way off as pending home sales plunged 7.7% MoM – the biggest drop since Feb 2021.

Dr. Owen Anderson: The College Fix Exposes Corruption at ASU Who Is Still Using DEI Questions In Hiring – What Will Happen? – It is now a very public problem for ASU. Parents, students, legislators, donors, and pastors keep a close eye on how ASU handles this.

May 29, 2024

Washington Free Beacon: Israel Defense Forces this week destroyed a massive tunnel used by Hamas terrorists near Gaza’s border crossing with Egypt. – The 1.5-kilometer-long underground network is located about 100 meters from the Rafah crossing and “splits into several different paths at varying depths,” according to IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari.

Issues & Insights: A Majority Of Americans Back Israel’s War On Hamas, But Just 37% Support A Palestinian State – 54% said they either “strongly” supported (29%) taking such actions, or “somewhat” supported it (25%). – Republicans are far more likely to support Israel (68%) than either independents (49%) or Democrats (48%)…

Breitbart: Few people were reportedly in attendance at a Joe Biden rally in Philadelphia on Wednesday, despite Pennsylvania being an important swing state for him to win. – Photos showing vast spaces of emptiness at the Philadelphia rally began to circulate on Wednesday from New York Post reporter Steven Nelson.

American Spectator: Justin Trudeau Is in Deep, Deep Trouble – The dissatisfaction is rooted in the numerous crises that have emerged following Trudeau’s aggressively progressive policymaking, including a housing crisis that has rendered affordable housing virtually nonexistent in many Canadian cities and rapidly inflating essential goods prices – Polls indicate that were the election to be held today, Poilievre’s Conservative Party would win the popular vote by 18 percentage points.

Epoch Times: Jonathan Turley, a prominent law professor who was in the courtroom during Wednesday’s proceedings in former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial in New York, said that he sees signs of “early disagreement” among the jury after jurors asked to rehear the judge’s instructions…

National Review: Trump’s Trial Has Already Damaged the Office of the Presidency – To limit and undo that damage and restore the rule of law, Republicans may have no choice but to respond in kind. – Regardless of the trial’s outcome, its consequences will have a profound effect on the presidency. The weaker the Trump cases are, the more open the invitation is to future prosecutors of presidents of the opposite party…

Real Clear Policy: Despite Warnings, The Biden Administration Finalized A Rule That Could Cripple Many Offshore Oil Companies – This costly rule became final on April 15, 2024, but in the 10 months since its initial proposal, BOEM did nothing to alleviate concerns for smaller companies that comprise of 76 percent of oil and gas operators in the Gulf. – Many of these companies could be forced out of business by extreme and unnecessary costs…

Breitbart: Illinois has passed its largest tax hikes in state history with nearly one billion in new taxes in a $53 billion budget. – But the state has also dispersed nearly as much as the tax hike on migrant spending alone.

Breitbart: Lending Tree surveyed 2,000 American adults and found that 78% now consider fast food a luxury. – “78% of consumers view fast food as a luxury because it’s become increasingly expensive.” – “Additionally, half of Americans say they view fast food as a luxury because they’re struggling financially”

Fox News: Health experts are warning parents not to excessively share details about their children on social media, cautioning that doing so can have long-lasting effects on their mental health. – According to an article by the Cleveland Clinic, “sharenting” refers to “the act of digital oversharing, of excessively posting information, pictures, stories or updates about your child’s life.”

Western Journal: Members of the U.S. Secret Service met with correction officials in New York to discuss the logistics of a possible prison sentence concerning the ongoing criminal prosecution of former President Donald Trump. – The unprecedented prosecution of a former president, a first in the history of the country, could realistically see the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee remanded to a jail cell.

Breitbart: Jury Begins Deliberations in Donald Trump Business Records Trial – The deliberations began shortly after Judge Juan Merchan gave jurors instructions on how they should consider the charges against the former president. – A verdict could be reached as early as Friday.

Zero Hedge: Judge In Trump Case Issues Unbelievable Jury Instructions – First in what constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley called “the coup de grace instruction,” Judge Juan Merchan said that there is no need to agree on what occurred, and jurors can disagree on what the crime was among the 34 claimed charges. – Thus, this means the jury could split 4-4-4 and Judge Merchan will still treat them as unanimous…”

Breitbart: Donald Trump did not appear pleased with New York County Judge Juan Merchan’s jury instructions Thursday morning. – “Mother Teresa could not beat these charges, but we’ll see, we’ll see how we do. – It’s a very disgraceful situation,” Trump told reporters after the jury began deliberations…

The Federalist: Democrats, Not Trump, Are The Real Crooked Record-Keepers – From Covid to Biden to the judge in Trump’s hush-money trial, Democrats are the ones with a history of corrupting and obscuring records. – Federal campaign finance law prohibits candidates from characterizing the payments at issue in the Trump case as campaign contributions and expenditures, but Brad Smith, a leading expert on campaign finance law and former member of the Federal Election Commission was not allowed to testify…

Breitbart: Donald Trump and the Republican Party are favored to win the White House, the House, and the Senate, according to a forecast model published by Decision Desk HQ and the Hill on Wednesday. – According to the model, Trump has a 58 percent chance of winning back the presidency, with slight leads in most of the key swing states...

Western Journal: Biden Gets Desperate With A New Campaign Strategy – The campaign announced Tuesday that three former and current police officers who were present during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol protest will travel to swing states to try to persuade voters not to choose Trump, CBS News reported.

American Thinker: Is the Biden administration more supportive of Iran or Israel? – Joe Biden and his minions say they will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. If so, how can anyone explain why they are telling European countries not to be too tough on Iran, despite Iran being close to having the capability? – And why are most of the media catching and killing this story?…

National Review: The Busted Gaza Pier Has All the Markings of a Joe Biden Op – Biden’s Gaza Pier Wasn’t Built to Withstand . . . Waves. – If the Gaza pier proposal appears half-baked, hastily assembled, and more driven by political fears than a clear-eyed assessment of the situation on the ground . . . it’s probably because that’s exactly what it is…

Epoch Times: President Joe Biden will be virtually nominated as the Democrat’s presidential nominee before the party’s national convention in August to secure his spot on Ohio’s general election ballot. – The DNC was notified months ago that President Biden’s name would not appear on the state’s general election ballot unless he was nominated by the state’s deadline of Aug. 7.

American Thinker: Why do our FBI agents so regularly abuse their power? – The American people are learning slowly that the raid on Mar-a-Lago was not only unconstitutional, it was a set-up, and an attempt to frame Trump for having documents illegally stored there. – Both the National Archives and the FBI knew said documents, which Trump was legally allowed to have, were carefully stored in a locked storage room…

American Thinker: If Biden is Reelected, It’s about War – A possible war if Biden should be reelected is primarily a background consideration, but it shouldn’t be. – Whereas China poses a growing threat to U.S. national security, Nuland is fixated on Russia. That fixation — shared by the D.C. crowd — first manifested itself in charges of Russian election interference, and then metastasized into bogus charges that Trump was colluding with Putin…

American Thinker: CRT/DEI and the military – The cloak of secrecy behind which CRT/DEI has operated is being stripped away. American industry, education, and society are rapidly disassembling CRT/DEI programs. – They cost money and simply destroy effectiveness, which is particularly true within the Department of Defense…

Powerline: EXIT HACKNEYED DRIVER – Yesterday during closing arguments in the Trump trial, the Biden campaign presented actor Robert De Niro for an unhinged rant against he who must be named. – De Niro’s performance took place outside the Manhattan courthouse in which the Democrats’ lawfare against Trump is in full swing, in a more unhinged form than De Niro’s rant…

Center For Immigration Studies: For decades, illegal entrants at the Southwest border were almost exclusively from Mexico. – In FY 2000, for example, more than 97 percent of all Border Patrol apprehensions were of Mexican nationals. – Beginning in FY 2014, the number of “other than Mexican” migrants apprehended at the US/Mexico line surpassed Mexican nationals (who made up 47.3 percent of the total), as illegal migrants from the “Northern Triangle of Central America” countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras) surged. – By FY 2019, nationals of the three Northern Triangle countries made up more than 71 percent of all Southwest border apprehensions…

Zero Hedge: The Power Grid Expansion, Part 2 – A Longer-Term View – Per the EIA, natural gas accounted for 43.1% of domestic utility-scale electricity generation in 2023. – No wonder they call it “the fuel that keeps the lights on.” – Natural gas is abundant in the US. – Upstream Producers, Midstream Producers, and Nuclear Energy…

American Thinker: Karl Marx is alive and well in 2024 America – It’s not just that today’s campus Marxists believe in his ideas; it’s that they embody every aspect of Karl Marx’s life and personality. – Although he had a doctorate, his radicalism kept most universities from hiring him…

Washington Free Beacon: A Large Silicon Valley School District Prepares ‘Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive’ Curriculum Makeover – Teachers are encouraged to use ‘therapeutic language’ and hold daily check-ins about how kids are sleeping and feeling…

American Greatness: Taking Back California, Part Five, Abundant Water – As with energy, water shortages in California are largely the product of political choices. – The main reason there is water scarcity is that Californians have been relying on a water supply infrastructure that was largely completed more than 50 years ago when the state’s population was half what it is today…

May 28, 2024

Post Millennial: Judge Merchan tells jury not to consider whether a conviction would send Trump to jail – “That was not permitted and you must not consider it. – If the defendant is found guilty, sentencing will be my decision.”

Wayne Allyn Root: Trump is Up by 13 in Nevada And This Is Why. – The country is a mess, and everyone sees it. – The economy is a mess, and everyone sees it. – Inflation is a disaster and everyone feels it in their wallets and pocketbooks. – The open border is a tragedy that threatens to destroy our nation and everyone finally sees it. – Then there’s the weaponization of government…

American Spectator: The 2024 Battleground Grows and Tilts Toward Trump – An unmistakable trend is occurring: The 2024 battleground looks to be potentially twice the size of 2020’s. And while 2020’s battleground broke decisively for Biden, with him winning six of its seven states, 2024’s is tilting decisively for Trump. – Biden is defending potentially 111 electoral votes, from which Trump only needs to win 35…

Jordan Schachtel: The Biden Administration will soon launch its “scientific integrity council” to shield career government bureaucrats from scrutiny and accountability, should President Donald Trump win back the White House later this year. – On Monday, the White House spoon-fed their political angle of the story to Politico…

Post Millennial: The Biden administration released a suspect on the terror watchlist into the US TWICE, then gave him a date for an asylum hearing – Kharwin, an alleged member of the designated terrorist group Hezb-e-Islami, was then arrested for a third time in April…

City Journal: It’s Time for Greens to Follow the Constitution – Recent court rulings on government takings could force climate advocates to seek voter approval for their costly energy policies. – The U.S. Constitution prohibits national and state governments from taking private property for public use without just compensation. – Last April, the Supreme Court unanimously overturned California’s claim that these constitutional protections do not apply to takings permitted by legislation…

Gatestone Institute: Guess Which ‘Moderate’ Palestinian Terrorist Group Participated In the October 7 Massacre – Other groups that participated in the October 7 massacre…. include Palestinian Islamic Jihad — and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the Fatah faction headed by none other than the president of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas…

American Thinker: Obama And Biden Have Been Punishing Israel Since 2013 – Joe Biden’s vicious betrayal of Israel has surprised and alienated some of his supporters, but it’s nothing new. – It was predictable, considering that Biden brought back much of the foreign policy team of President Obama, whose backstabbing of the Jewish state foreshadowed Biden’s hostile policies…

Breitbart: Jerry Seinfeld Tears up About Visiting Israel After October 7 – In an exchange with journalist Bari Weiss he said the time there was a profound event and the “most powerful experience of my life.” When asked if he was thinking of anyone in particular, he shook his head but remained silent as he looked ready to cry.

Issues & Insights: A Sneaky Way To End Fossil Fuel – When candidate Joe Biden promised while on the campaign trail that “we’re going to end fossil fuel,” could anyone have guessed that emptying the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve was part of the plan?

American Thinker: The Plan to Convict Trump – Alvin Bragg doesn’t have an underlying criminal theory. – Bragg and Judge Merchan are running the real trial in the court of public opinion, not to deliver justice but to hurt Trump’s presidential campaign by branding him a convicted felon during the election. – They seek to do this by lying to the jury, for example, by pretending to have a criminal theory…

The Western Journal: The Biden Campaign Throws All Pretense Out the Window with Stunning Move at Courthouse During Trump Trial – Now, it seems they are forfeiting all pretense of neutrality. – The Biden-Harris Campaign held a news conference outside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse, with some “special guests” coordinated to coincide with closing arguments for Trump’s case…

Epoch Times: U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon had denied a gag order request submitted by special counsel Jack Smith in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case. – Smith’s team wanted to impose a gag order after President Trump claimed that recently released discovery documents showed that the FBI agents were armed and were prepared to shoot him during the August 2022 search of his Mar-a-Lago property.

Epoch Times: The Unheard Voices of America’s Working Class – Batya Ungar-Sargon is an American journalist and author. Recently, she traveled the country, speaking to everyday Americans about their lives and what they think about the political, economic, and cultural climate...

Real Clear Politics: OpenAI and Political Bias in Silicon Valley – AI-powered image generators were back in the news for their propensity to create historically inaccurate and ethically questionable imagery. – These recent images reinforce that, far from being the independent thinking machines of science fiction, AI models merely mimic what they’ve seen on the web, with their creators artificially steering them toward certain kinds of representations...

American Thinker: A team of University of Michigan researchers recently discovered that the amount of copper needed to keep up with the manufactured demand created by the globalist E.V. agenda is “essentially impossible” to generate. – On May 16th, Engineering and Technology published an article by Tanya Weaver that covered the results of the new study…

California Globe: California Lawmakers Try to Tell Retailers How Best to Address Theft – Now, they want to tell retailers how to operate self-service checkout terminals, supposedly as a means of addressing retail theft. – California employers must develop a ‘workplace violence prevention plan’ or face civil penalties…

Resist The Mainstream: Denver, Colorado found itself in more hot water after a How-To Guide for turning cities into tax-payer-funded illegal immigrant sanctuaries surfaced. – The blue city unveiled a step-by-step handbook, dubbed the “Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City.”

May 27, 2024

Gatestone Institute: A national poll commissioned by the Gatestone Foundation reveals that China has emerged as the nation considered the biggest national security threat to the United States. – An overwhelming majority of Americans questioned believed that China would seek to dominate the remaining 21st Century at the expense of the United States. – Vladimir Putin’s Russia ranked second…

UK Mirror: Joe Biden opposes UK and France’s plans to rebuke Iran’s nuclear advances – Britain and France want to censure Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s member state board in early June but diplomats claim the US wants to avoid rebuking Tehran…

America News Majority Project: The Judge’s Daughter and Other Very Concerning Facts about the Trump Trial – More than 6-in-10 Americans find key facts about the trial of Trump in New York City concerning and most say that the purpose of the indictments against Trump is to prevent him from becoming president again. – “Corrupt” vs “Unfair” findings…

Vigilant News: You’ll Never Believe What The FBI Used To Justify Its Deadly Force Policy During The Mar-a-Lago Raid – A Dumbbell in the gym and a Meat Clever in the kitchen. – The goalposts have been moved for Trump, once again.

Washington Examiner: HOW PROSECUTORS WILL USE A SUPPOSED ‘OTHER CRIME’ AGAINST TRUMP – They say Trump’s specific crime, was labeling a nondisclosure agreement negotiated by his lawyer as a “legal expense.” – This is a misdemeanor in New York, so prosecutors sought to raise the seriousness of the charge by alleging an additional crime, “conspiracy to promote or prevent election by unlawful means,” that is also a misdemeanor, but Bragg argues that the two misdemeanors when taken together, add up to 34 felony charges…

American Thinker: The Libertarian Party decides to compete against Biden, not Trump – Its candidate, Chase Oliver, is not only a former Democrat, but he’s also a former Democrat who retained every single Democrat value. – He is gay, pro-trans, pro-abortion, pro-open borders, pro-drugs, and pro-Hamas. He is also all in for big government when it comes to masks, vaxes, and lockdowns.

American Thinker: Buttigieg fails to explain why the government only has a handful of charging stations to show for a $7.5 billion ‘investment’ and the CBS journalist can’t help but laugh in his face – Major reasons for the delay include local zoning restrictions and red tape, which the Biden administration has not done much to cut through — unlike President Donald Trump, who tended to eliminate it wherever possible for his administration’s projects.

Issues & Insights: Ronald Reagan’s Memorial Day Proclamation – Memorial Day is an occasion of special importance to all Americans because it is a day sacred to the memory of all those Americans who made the supreme sacrifice for the liberties we enjoy. – We will never forget or fail to honor these heroes to whom we owe so much…

Washington Examiner: The wealthiest pay the highest share of taxes despite claims to the contrary, a new congressional analysis finds – When it comes to individual income taxes alone, that is, excluding payroll taxes and other forms of federal taxation, the top 1% of earners pay 45% of total taxes collected, and the 0.01% of earners pay nearly 23%. – Those in the bottom quintiles (80% of total taxpayers) pay just 5.4% of total taxes collected.

The Center Square: James Comer released a new report that argues Biden’s energy policies have increased costs for Americans and hurt the economy. – “The Biden Administration weaponized the power of the executive branch to wage a war against American-made energy production and cement in place radical, far-left energy policies that jeopardize domestic energy development, overload America’s power grid, and raise costs on all American consumers and businesses”…

Politique Republic: Justice Merchan will reportedly instruct jurors that they can individually pick any one of three ‘predicate’ crimes during their deliberations.- Shockingly, they need not ALL agree on which crime they believe Trump committed to finding him guilty. – This unprecedented move undermines the very foundation of our justice system, highlighting how New York Democrats are using their control of the judiciary to pursue political vendettas…

American Conservative: This List of Schemes and Hoaxes Shows What Trump Is Up Against – All of this is unprecedented in American politics (albeit all too common in third-world politics)  – What “normal” candidate would want to run for president knowing they would be exposed to such efforts not just to beat them with votes but to crush them as human beings?

Victor Davis Hanson: Fear Trump, or Bust? – Trump-O-Phobia (fright over Trump) is cresting with his polls. – As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, and as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions were are being told to be afraid of what will happen under a Trump presidency…

American Thinker: A May I&I/TIPP poll shows Americans back Israel’s bid to destroy Hamas and they oppose a Palestinian state. – Gee, that’s not what you would conclude from press reports on campus protests and elitist fury. – Most Americans see Israel as an ally and Hamas as evil…

Zero Hedge: School systems complain about the rising costs of handling illegal immigrants. – Here’s a spotlight on two cities, one in Massachusetts, and the other in Colorado. – Denver schools earlier this year announced a $17.5 million budget shortfall because of their new migrant students. – Since late 2022 multi-family construction has fallen by about 50 percent and total housing construction is flat. – So Where Do We Put Some 8 Million Illegal Immigrants?

American Thinker: Tensions Increase as the World Health Assembly Convenes – Biden has clearly shown that he intends to sacrifice U.S. sovereignty — and an independent health system — to the World Health Organization. – The real meat of the GHSS can be found in the 64-page “U.S. Global Health Strategy 2024” document. Here support for the WHO is mentioned multiple times along with the Pandemic Treaty…

Breitbart: On Sunday, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) launched a new financing mechanism seeking $7 billion in donations that it claims can be quickly deployed without strings attached. – This U.N. subsidiary has traditionally relied on commitments from its 194 member states to fund operations but claims these monies are apportioned to specific projects with stringent conditions…

Zero Hedge: Billionaire mogul Elon Musk’s xAI has plans to build a supercomputer in partnership with Oracle to power the next version of its “Grok” artificial intelligence (AI) large language model. – The project has been framed as a “Gigafactory of Compute” for training and developing the next generation of the company’s Grok AI system. – Musk said that he believed xAI would catch up to industry leaders OpenAI and DeepMind Google by the end of 2024.

Zero Hedge: The Trans Sports Agenda, Drag Queens Carry The Olympic Torch To Launch Summer Games – The push for public acceptance of trans athletes has been relentless for the past few years and has been forced to the forefront of Western social discourse even though the majority of people polled believe trans athletes should not be allowed to compete outside of their biological sex…

May 26, 2024

Epoch Times: Everything You Need to Know As The Trump Trial Heads to A Verdict – The charges, the witnesses, those who didn’t testify, and the final arguments before the jury takes control…

American Spectator: Our Border and the Gotaways – It’s pretty obvious that the terrorists who have crossed over Biden’s open border are testing our vulnerabilities. – Terrorists can pay the Mexican cartels to smuggle their jihadis into the U.S. and our cities. – The FBI is certainly trying to detect these attackers but the convenience of the Mexican cartels means that the FBI’s intelligence information is almost certainly not good enough to stop any planned attacks…

Just The News: Ahead of the November election, Republicans have forced tough votes on Democrats that may hurt their chances at the polls. – From election security to law enforcement to illegal immigration, House Republicans have passed bills that most House Democrats have voted against, despite Americans’ prevalent concerns about those issues.

Just The News: 19 GOP AGs sue to block 5 blue states’ energy litigation citing federalism and junk science – The Republican coalition raises constitutional issues “especially with California’s tactics” and asks the Supreme Court to intervene. – They argue that state tort actions these states have taken under their state laws in their state courts will impact the economies of the 19 states that are suing.

Powerline: DOWN MEMORY LANE – This CBS News report from 1982 features a mini-rogues gallery, Dan Rather and Al Gore. It gives a crude account of the greenhouse effect, without mentioning that the greenhouse effect makes life on Earth possible. It is a relatively early version of the false predictions we have been seeing for close to 50 years…

Zero Hedge: Regular Cannabis Users Now Exceed Alcohol Drinkers For First Time Ever – Data shows an explosive amount of daily cannabis users a few years after the Great Financial Crisis. – The trend has become parabolic in the last ten years due to “a period of federal non-interference with the legalization of supply,” according to the study’s authors.

Daily Signal: Soros Empire’s Grip On America’s Legal System Might Just Be Loosening – Prosecutors across the country who have received financial backing from political action committees funded by George Soros are losing elections and facing recalls as crime continues to plague America’s cities.

American Conservative: The New Theory of Ukrainian Victory Is the Same as the Old – Three years into the conflict, Western planning continues to be strategically backward—aiding Kyiv has become an end in itself, divorced from a coherent strategy for bringing the war to a close. The unconditional defeat of Russia, no matter how it is framed, is a fantasy.

Zero Hedge: Due to stormy seas, a section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza’s coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.

Washington Examiner: Tom Cotton emerging as a top contender to be Trump’s running mate – Three people “with direct knowledge of Mr. Trump’s thinking” told the outlet that Cotton is on a list of five people considered favorites for the coveted vice presidential nomination, according to the report. Joining the Arkansas Republican are Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tim Scott (R-SC), and J.D. Vance (R-OH).

American Greatness: Defying the Odds, Trump’s Bronx Speech and Its Impact – The man I heard in the Bronx bears scant resemblance to the bumbling yet dangerous ogre that the world has fabricated around the name Trump. – But the very fact that he has been so effectively demonized should give us pause…

Just The News: In a speech to a raucous crowd Saturday night, Trump told the Libertarian National Convention in Washington D.C. that he believes President Joe Biden is waging a “crusade to crush crypto.” – Trump vows to fight any effort to create a central bank digital currency in the United States, saying the “right of self custody” is the key to the future of America’s cryptocurrency.

Washington Examiner: The White House works to correct Biden’s remarks at ‘ridiculous’ rate – While President Joe Biden is known for his blunders and colorful turns of phrase, his staffers increasingly are correcting his words after the fact via strikethroughs in the White House transcript. – The written record of a May 19 campaign speech in Detroit includes no less than nine corrections, a few of which created mini-news cycles of their own in real-time.

American Thinker: The left is a shark because it dies if it stops moving – Leftists change things for the sheer thrill of exerting destructive and revisionist power over others. – Entropy is disorder, chaos, the breaking down of things. In politics and culture, it is the deliberate collapsing of structures or systems that have worked well.

National Review: Merit Must Prevail Over DEI in Medical Education – Medical schools have eagerly embraced the DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) agenda, which has supplanted merit and excellence. – A tragic irony in the dismissal of reason, evidence, and excellence among DEI acolytes is that it’s almost certain to inflict the highest toll on the patients DEI ostensibly seeks to help…

American Thinker: The Cuban Double Play – First, Senator Marco Rubio joined NBC’s Meet the Press to discuss the inalienable right to life, the illegal mass migration crisis, and election-denier hypocrisy in legacy media. – Then Senator Ted Cruz clashed sharply with CNN host Kaitlan Collins over questions about voter fraud and whether he would pledge to accept the 2024 election results…

May 25, 2024

Zero Hedge: US Weapons Accuracy Drops To 10% In Ukraine Due To Jamming By Russia – Russia’s jamming of the guidance systems of modern Western weapons, including Excalibur GPS-guided artillery shells and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, which can fire some U.S.-made rockets with a range of up to 50 miles, has eroded Ukraine’s ability to defend its territory and has left officials in Kyiv urgently seeking help from the Pentagon…

American Thinker: What the Bronx voters who’ve flipped to Trump are saying – Some 25,000 people attended President Trump’s rally in the Bronx this week, a figure no one could have imagined a few years ago, but things can change, and it looks like they have. – Newsweek has a fascinating interview with a Bronx local who switched from voting Democrat all his life to throwing his support to President Trump…

Breitbart: A national Muslim activist group called “Abandon Biden” is organizing operations in nine swing states to prevent President Joe Biden from winning reelection in November as punishment for his handling of the Israel and Hamas war, according to Minneapolis-based newspaper the Star Tribune…

Just The News: Release from gasoline reserve raises doubts Biden will replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Is Short-term pandering – With polls showing the economy as a key concern for voters, gas prices are likely to be an important issue in the presidential election. – Keeping them in check Biden’s way will make it pricier to refill the nation’s energy stockpiles later on.

American Thinker: The existential horror of Sonia Sotomayor’s life on a conservative court – Sotomayor is there, not because she has the brain wattage, wisdom, and knowledge, but because she checks an identity politics box and toes the line. – What’s worrisome is that Biden has been busy putting many other people on the federal bench who share her hard-left values and emotion-driven responses.

Slay News: Globalists Launch New Attack on Food Supply, Threaten to Destroy Farming Worldwide – The move seeks to force farmers into complying with the increasingly unachievable goals of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda. – The latest attack on the food supply was revealed in a recent report from the World Bank titled: “Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System.”

Dr. Owen Anderson: ASU Pays To Fight “Whitelash” – ASU has opened a museum about George Floyd. – Why is ASU supporting a project that judges people based on their skin color? – Is that the lesson we are supposed to take from the George Floyd Museum? – Students, as you think about your tuition costs going up, is fighting “Whitelash” an expense you want ASU to cover?

Zero Hedge: Environmental Organization Warns of RNAi Pesticide Dangers – In 2020, a groundbreaking report from Friends of the Earth rang the alarm on the dangers posed by gene-silencing RNAi pesticides. – These products can genetically modify organisms in the open environment, with risks of unintended effects on non-target species, human health, and the integrity of organic and non-GMO agriculture…

Breitbart: Xi Jinping Invites American Tourists to Save The Tanking Chinese Economy – The Chinese government held a “tourism leadership summit” to entice Americans to spend their money in China, featuring a personal invite from genocidal dictator Xi Jinping…

Zero Hedge: A New Putin Decree Allows Seizure Of US Property & Assets If Russian Funds Taken By West – However, this new initiative by the Kremlin is reportedly only being prepared in the instance that the US and Europe outright steal (or fully seize) currently frozen funds…

Breitbart: U.S. Fleet Forces Command Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle stated that attempted penetrations of military bases by foreign nationals “is happening more and more. This is something we see probably two or three times a week, where we’re stopping these folks at the gate” in the Navy alone and the nationals come from all different nations and many times have passports and papers...

Townhall: You must be a deplorable president to lose one of the most reliable bases of support for Democrats, Silicon Valley. – Joe Biden lost these guys, which is pathetic. – It’s a cadre of billionaire leftists who would fund any Democrat to the hilt. – So, what caused so much love to be lost in one term? 

Epoch Times: Special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecutors asked the judge presiding over former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case in Florida on Friday to issue a gag order following remarks he made about the FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate…

Washington Examiner: Judgment Day, Six ways the 2024 Trump-Biden election is different from 2020 – Electoral College map changes – Voting rules changes – Voting rules changes – New grievances – Abortion issue – Trump’s legal problems – Biden has a record to defend…

Breitbart: On Friday’s edition of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” Rep. Jonathan Jackson (D-IL) argued against cuts to SNAP benefits because “people are aching” due to inflation, but argued that’s not Joe Biden’s fault and there were supply chain issues…

American Conservative: Trump Is Winning—But Don’t Believe the Polls – Poll after poll I’ve looked into this election cycle has found similar results. – Trump is ahead, but because of a new coalition of voters that is younger and browner than anything America has seen in the Trump era, let alone this century…

American Thinker: It’s High Time We Kicked All the Tyrants and Traitors to the Curb – At every level, our executive officers have violated their solemn oath to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic. – Globalists are perhaps the number one foreign enemy of this sovereign nation. And anyone in bed with them is, quite simply, a traitor to America…

American Thinker: To understand the craziest of Democrat policies, always follow the money – From COVID lockdowns and school closures to global warming, always follow the money to see what animates Democrats. – Non-elected bureaucrats always seek more power and money for themselves while the country suffers, while most of the media just cheers and asks for more power for Democrats and the government…

The Daily Fetched: A New California Bill to Ban Schools from Telling Parents If Their Child Identifies as Transgender – The new bill will be added to Assembly Bill 1955 through a process called “gut-and-amend.” – Under the amended “Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth,” bill, school districts would be banned from, what they describe as, “forced outing policies.”


May 24, 2024

Epoch Times: A Top Billionaire Says He’s Backing Trump With His ‘Vote for Change’ – While he did not go into specifics, the Blackstone CEO is likely referring to many left-wing protests across U.S. college campuses and elsewhere against Israeli activity in Gaza following the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks led by Hamas…

Zero Hedge: Following her announcement that she would be voting for former President Donald Trump after challenging him in the Republican primaries this year, President Trump said he was sure that former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley would be joining his team in some capacity…

Zero Hedge: Exposing The CIA’s Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media – The CIA is strictly prohibited from spying on or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil. – A new report reveals that a member of the CIA’s mission-driving venture capital firm and CIA analysts were involved in a massive effort in 2021-2022 to take over Twitter’s content management system…

Just The News: Federal agents gathered evidence during the 2016 election that Hunter Biden had used access to his father on an official government trip to Beijing aboard Air Force Two to connect prospective Chinese business partners with then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to a massive cache of recently provided documents…

Breitbart: The IDF recovered the bodies of three more hostages – The bodies of the hostages Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nisenbaum, and Orion Hernandez were recovered overnight during a joint IDF and ISA operation. – Based on verified intelligence the hostages were murdered during the October 7th Massacre and moved to Gaza by Hamas terrorists.

Townhall: U.S. forces are having to directly engage Hamas rockets because the terrorists are trying to destroy the pier. – Now ask yourself…why would they want to destroy the pier that exists only to send food into Gaza? – Makes you think, right?

National Review: Putin Is Messing with NATO – Wednesday evening Russian border guards were observed removing Estonia’s border-marker buoys from the Narva River separating Russia and the NATO member country. – That’s a pretty big provocation and as of the writing of this newsletter Friday morning, no one in the U.S. government has said a single word about it publicly…

The Federalist: Trump’s Multiracial Working-Man Optimism Beats Biden’s Corrosive Anger And Resentment – Former President Donald Trump managed to pull off a campaign miracle with a wildly successful rally in South Bronx on Thursday night. – Unlike Biden, Trump’s optimistic campaign speeches show a man who seems to love this country and want it to return to health…

Washington Examiner: Trump drops four names when asked about his highly anticipated vice presidential pick – Trump singled out Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) as top options on a list that has continued to grow…

Western Journal: A federal judge overseeing the federal government’s tax case against Hunter Biden agreed on Wednesday to postpone his trial for nearly three months. – The ruling roiled the prosecution, which argued there had been more than enough time for the defendant to prepare a defense.

Zero Hedge: A recent AARP poll provides further evidence of the deterioration of American living standards, especially for those approaching retirement age. – “More than one-quarter of U.S. adults over the age of 59 say they expect to never retire.” – “Everyday expenses and housing costs, including rent and mortgage payments, are the biggest reasons why people are unable to save for retirement.”

CNBC: The DOE will sell 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve ahead of Fourth of July. – Market analysts say the impact will be small overall. – Gasoline prices have already been trending lower for weeks as drivers hit the road for Memorial Day.

Washington Examiner: SCOTUS will soon unveil the final decisions from this term in the most consequential cases it heard over the past seven months that will define precedent for the years to come. – Three cases involve former President Donald Trump, two concern abortion, two focus on gun rights, three tackle First Amendment issues for social media, and three address key questions about the administrative state. – All of the decisions are expected by the end of June.

Epoch Times: Republicans Are Winning the Voter Registration Battle in Battleground States – In Pennsylvania, Nevada, and North Carolina, the Republican Party is cutting into the Democrat’s advantage in registered voter numbers.

Breitbart: Videos provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety show migrants breaching federal border walls at opposite ends of the state’s border with Mexico. – In El Paso, migrants became aggressive when confronted by Border Patrol agents. – In McAllen, smugglers ferried a ladder across the Rio Grand to scale a border wall…

American Thinker: The U.S. Intelligence Community Deserves Our Distrust – Citizens should remember that intelligence activism by current or former intelligence officers reflects gross violations of longstanding, effective norms that they will understand. – Intelligence leaders such as CIA Director John Brennan made clear that they intended to change the organizational cultures of agencies in politically significant ways…

American Thinker: Climate Change ‘Solutions’ Are Harming the Environment. –Big government environmental “fixes” often result in unintended environmental or human health consequences that are worse than the original problem the government solution was meant to solve. – Nowhere is this clearer than with government efforts to fight climate change, an effort in vain if ever there was one…

Washington Examiner: California House Republicans press Newsom to suspend gas tax increase – In a letter sent to Newsom on Thursday, all 11 House Republicans urged Newsom to suspend a pair of gas tax increases that are expected to hit later this year, the annual gas tax increase, as well as another 47-cent increase stemming from recent Low Carbon Fuel Standard reforms…

Western Journal: Wild Footage Shows Wind Farm Completely Devastated by…High Winds. – A handful of wind turbines in southwest Iowa belonging to the energy company MidAmerica suffered immense damage on Tuesday after a tornado blew through the area, overwhelming the green energy producers…

May 23, 2024

American Thinker: The Huge pro-Trump crowd in the Bronx shows something profound is happening in America – The trial that was supposed to destroy Trump allows him to tap into a deep longing for a true leader. – Why is this happening? – Why is the Bronx suddenly Trump territory? – This woman articulates it well, “The world was better under Trump, being both safer and more prosperous.”

American Thinker: A border so wide open that even the illegals are warning us – “Americans should be worried,” an illegal border crosser from Turkey recently told a Fox News reporter. – He paid $10k to a cartel and was traveling with four other single young men, He explained how easy it was and what he was seeing with the border situation with his own eyes…

American Thinker: California is hemorrhaging its law enforcement officers to red-state Idaho. – Men and women in uniform are flocking to communities that respect their work. – It’s not just a few cops here and there, deep blue “easy on crime” cities are hemorrhaging law enforcement officers…

Dov Fischer: Universities Must End This DEI and Implement A Different DEI – Colleges must engage in meaningful outreach to attract a more balanced faculty. – If we terminate identity DEI, implement viewpoint DEI, and actualize the other proposals I have offered in this series, all as one comprehensive package,  there would be an overnight revolution on America’s campuses, and the moral and academic rot would be replaced by an academic renaissance.

Breitbart: -The Israeli government said Thursday that it will ignore any ruling this week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague against the ongoing operation against the last Hamas battalions in Rafah. – Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman: “No power on earth will stop Israel from protecting its citizens and going after Hamas in Gaza.

Epoch Times: In A Blow to China, Argentina’s Milei Is Looking to the US for Defense Cooperation – Analysts point to signs that President Javier Milei is bringing the country back in line with U.S. strategic interests.

Slay News: A newly emerged batch of text messages has revealed that Hunter Biden arranged a business meeting with a Chinese oligarch for key members of his family, including his father. – Included in the meeting with Yadong Liu, CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings, was Democrat President Joe Biden and his brother James (Jim).

JustFacts: Senator Elizabeth Warren (D–MA) claims that “corporate profits drove over half of the inflation in America” “for most of 2023” and that she’s “fighting back against this greed.” – Actually, the average S&P 500 profit margin was lower in 2023 than during Trump’s entire presidency. Warren is blaming other people for inflation that was mainly caused by trillions of dollars in new social spending that she voted for, such as:…

Red State: Signs Are Pointing Toward Another Leftist-Fueled Summer of Violence – Does anybody remember the “Summer of Love”? – The phrase was coined by former Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, a Democrat who justified an “autonomous zone” established by left-wing anarchists in the city in 2020. – On Wednesday, a package with vials of blood was shipped to RNC headquarters in Washington, D.C. – They were addressed to Donald Trump…

Fox News: Bronx residents are excited about Trump’s visit and are frustrated with Democrats who ‘used us and abused us.’ – In a major throw down to Democrats, former President Trump will host a campaign rally in the Bronx on Thursday as he sets his sights on flipping the Empire State red this November. – One voter said that Republicans should be aware that just because voters are registered as Democrats, not all are voting for Democrat candidates…

American Greatness: As A Result Of The Obama-Biden Revolution, 2024 Is America’s Last Chance – America’s radical neo-Marxist revolution started under the Obama administration with his declaration to “fundamentally transform” America and has continued under the Biden administration – The American presidential election of 2024 will be the most important since 1860 and could potentially witness America’s end and a descent into tyranny from which there will be no return…

Western Journal: Ohio’s secretary of state is warning Democrats that unless they do more than has been done to date, President Joe Biden will not be on Ohio’s ballot for the presidential election. – Ohio has a law that says nominees for president and vice president must be “certified to the secretary of state or nominated on or before the 90th day before the day of the general election.”

National Review: Three Giant Liars Mainstream Media Ignored – Under-Covered Scandal One, John Kerry Helped Iranian Terrorists Escape the FBI – Under-Covered Scandal Two, Fauci and His Team Broke FOIA Laws – Under-Covered Scandal Three, Hunter Biden Lied to Congress While Under Oath…

Victor Davis Hanson: Loose Talk About the End of Everything – If the past is any guide to the present, we should take heed that what seldom happens in war can certainly still occur. – General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin both believe that the only impediment to their victories would be an intervention from the U.S. and the NATO alliance. This conflict could descend into mutual threats to resort to nuclear weapons…

Powerline: IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler must be courageous men. – They blew the whistle on Hunter Biden, the Biden family business, and the Biden Department of Justice’s sham investigation. – Yesterday the House Ways and Means Committee released more than 100 pages of newly obtained evidence provided by Shapley and Ziegler…

American Thinker: The Myth of the January 6th Coup – Those who claim that January 6th was an insurrection fail to explain how, in any scenario, Donald Trump would have been able to seize and hold power. – For someone to overthrow the government, they must have and maintain the support of the masses. – Remember, a significant percentage of his party hated Trump and worked against him because he was an outsider…

American Thinker: An Effective Trump Presidency Requires Republican Control of Congress –There is little doubt that if an honest election were held today Donald Trump would handily defeat Joe Biden – If faced with the potential scenario of not being able to replace Biden, the Democrats are going to single-mindedly focus on races in both the House and Senate to gain majority control…

American Thinker: The Illusion Of The Two-State Solution – Naive politicians boost this proposed fix without understanding the reality of the Middle East. – The root of the problem lies in the fundamental refusal of many Palestinian leaders to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. – Historical precedents show repeated rejections of peace offers that included a Palestinian state alongside Israel…

The Federalist: Will Racial Paranoia Still Work For Democrats In 2024? – Joe Biden’s speech at Morehouse College featured three of the most pernicious lies about American life. – To begin with, the notion that the only way for a black graduate to succeed in America is to overachieve stratospherically is an obvious myth…

The Free Press: Yale Tells Hopeful Scientists: You Must Commit to DEI – One department seeks applicants who “feel a personal responsibility for helping to create an equitable and inclusive environment.” – If you want to be a molecular biologist at Yale, make sure you have a ten-step plan for dismantling systemic racism…

Lumen News: A new law makes South Carolina the 25th state to protect children with gender issues from invasive medical treatments. – The law immediately shields minors under the age of 18 from puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and so-called “gender-affirmation” surgeries. – The legislation also prohibits the use of public funds for such procedures and bans public schools from “withholding knowledge of a minor’s perception of their gender from the minor’s parents.

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Backs The GOP’s New South Carolina Congressional Map – The NAACP challenged the map, arguing legislators were motivated by race when drawing district lines and committed “intentional racial discrimination.” – A majority of justices reversed a lower court ruling.

Washington Free Beacon: ‘A Failed Medical School,’ How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA – Up to half of UCLA medical students now fail basic tests of medical competence. – Whistleblowers say affirmative action, illegal in California since 1996, is to blame. – Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a “failed medical school,” said one former member of the admissions staff.

New York Post: The Plan to auction Elvis’ Graceland abandoned as potentially fraudulent sale lands on FBI radar – A representative for Naussany Investments & Private Lending LLC said it would withdraw its claims over the property Wednesday, shortly after a judge issued an injunction halting the foreclosure and hinted that Elvis’ granddaughter, Riley Keough, would likely win her lawsuit against the company…

May 22, 2024

Hot Air: Biden Was Plotting With Iran Against Israel – According to a report from Middle East Eye, the US was in secret negotiations with Iran, discussing, among other things, their shared desire for a different government in Israel. – Let that sink in…

Breitbart: Iran held the second of a week’s worth of funeral events on Wednesday for President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, convening thousands who chanted “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” in honor of the late officials. – Iran’s “supreme leader” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei personally led the prayers on Wednesday, praising Raisi as “noble and devoted” and lamenting his untimely death.

Tablet Magazine: Israel Is Succeeding in Gaza – Western analysts think otherwise because they are seeing Israel’s war through the lens of America’s own failed counterinsurgency doctrines such as COIN tactics. – In other words, the IDF aims to replace Hamas 3.0—the version that fought three wars against Israel and then launched the brutal Oct. 7 surprise attacks—with Hamas 1.0, which took over the Gaza Strip from Fatah in June 2007...

Epoch Times: Netanyahu Issues A Warning to US Leaders, “You’re Next” – The Israeli prime minister reacted to the International Criminal Court application to seek his arrest. – PM Netanyahu said the warrants against himself and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over the country’s conduct in its fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip set a “dangerous” precedent for other democratic countries, including Israel’s allies.

Epoch Times: Norway, Spain, and Ireland to Recognize Palestinian Statehood – The declaration prompted Israel to recall its ambassadors to the trio of European countries. – “I’m sending a clear and unequivocal message to Ireland and Norway: Israel will not remain silent in the face of those undermining its sovereignty and endangering its security,” declared Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz…

Epoch Times: New York Judge Juan M. Merchan Said Trump’s Trial Will Likely End Around the 7th Week Of The Trial – He also ruled that potential witness and former FEC member Bradley Smith will not be allowed to give his opinion on the case or federal election law. – The New York trial is widely seen as the least consequential of the four criminal prosecutions President Trump faces…

Breitbart: Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley revealed during a speech at the Hudson Institute on Wednesday that she plans to vote for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. – “I put my priorities on a president who’s gonna have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account,” Haley said during her speech.

Breitbart: You Can Blame Bidenomics For Soaring Fast Food Prices – McChicken is up 199%, Frosty is up 111%, and a Taco Bell Burrito is up 132% – Chick-fil-A raised prices by 10.6 percent between mid-February and mid-April…

Post Millennial: Joe Biden has been bleeding the support of young voters in recent polls. – The Biden campaign to hire a meme manager to help win the voters who are terminally online – “The ideal candidate for this role is passionate about bringing political content to voters where they already are on the internet.”

American Thinker: The latest Harvard-Harris poll is just chock full of good news, but only if you oppose the Democrat party. – Almost half of the American voters say that they are falling financially. – 55% of those polled approve of Trump’s presidency. – 50% of those polled gave the GOP a thumbs up, while the Democrats got only 46% – Most voters continue to be concerned that Biden is a demented guy and getting worse…

American Thinker: A Forensic Analysis Of The X-Rays of JFK’s Skull Yields Surprising Results – Comparing the X-rays to the famous Zapruder video suggests that it was the “so-called” conspiracy theorists and not the government that got it right. – Clint Hill had to know the shot that hit JFK in the temporal bone by the right ear must have come from the grassy knoll—as made clear both by JFK’s body being thrown violently back and to the left from the impact, and the backward-to-the-left outflow of brain matter from the wound…

Hor Air: Harvard/Harris Poll –  74% Of voters think Israel should move forward with an operation in Rafah – Close to 75% of voters are now following the Israel-Has war closely – 70% feel Israel is trying to minimize casualties – 66% of voters say they would only favor a conditional ceasefire after the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power…

Western Journal: Judge Juan Merchan Is Hit With An Official Ethics Complaint Accusing him of ‘Judicial Misconduct’ – Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik, whose congressional district covers a vast swath of northern and central New York state filed the complaint due to his family directly enriching itself off this sham trial against President Trump, she said.

American Thinker: Qatar: A threat to the West – According to Dr. Udi Levy, former head of the Mossad’s Unit of Economic War Against Terror, “Qatar has conquered Europe” and has great influence on some of the richest people in the U.S., many of them Jews, who lobby for this terror-supporting authoritarian regime. – Today, Qatar controls the largest banks in Western Europe. In addition, most of the senior European politicians have been bought off by the Qataris, and the Qataris are doing the same in America…

Fox News: House GOP claims Hunter Biden lied under oath multiple times during congressional deposition – House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith says he has indisputable evidence the first son lied…

Townhall: The Biden Administration Admits The Release of Gas Reserves Is ‘Timed’ to Lower Prices Before the Election – The Department of Energy’s Office of Petroleum Reserves will sell one million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, a total of 42 million gallons of fuel, over the summer months.

Zero Hedge: The Power Grid Expansion, Part 1 – AI Data Centers And EVs Create Incredible Opportunities – This article focuses on the potential beneficiaries of the significant investment necessary to upgrade, expand, and run the nation’s power grid to accommodate AI data centers and the continued growth of EVs. – AI data center racks consume significantly more power than traditional data centers with a search on ChatGPT consuming 6 to 10 times the power of a traditional search on Google…

American Thinker: DC Board of Elections trains illegals and ‘non-citizens’ how to vote in US elections – For anyone who thought the 2024 elections were going to be free and fair, please disabuse yourself of that idea immediately. – During their April training sessions, non-citizen voters learned about the February 2023 D.C. Law 24-242 (Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022) that enables them to vote in local DC elections…

Breitbart: A court document that is a part of the lawsuit against the Biden Administration for its expansion of Title IX claims that a transgender middle school athlete in West Virginia knocked female athletes out of competition over 700 times. – The documents’ claims represent a vital component of the suit, which seeks to improve that the changes to Title IX put in place by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona do, in fact, impact girls’ and women’s sports.

Washington Examiner: James Comey warns of ‘serious’ repercussions for FBI and DOJ if Trump is president again. – Comey, who served as the FBI’s director from 2013 to 2017, was talking about a hypothetical second presidency for Trump, claiming that it would be dangerous “for all Americans.” Trump has made calls for Congress to defund both the FBI and the DOJ…

Townhall: Here’s Who Won California’s Special Election to Fill McCarthy’s Seat – California state Assemblyman Vince Fong won the special election to fill Kevin McCarthy’s seat for the remainder of the former speaker’s term. – Fong defeated Mike Boudreaux, 67.3 percent to 32.7 percent

American Greatness: Taking Back California Part Four, Abundant Energy – The primary cause of the high cost of living in California is out-of-control environmentalism. – The two foundations of affordability in California are energy and water, and the institutional and legislative consensus in California is to cram down and ration both of those essentials via their policies…

Dr. Owen Anderson: How much does DEI cost? – Here is an example of the cost of DEI at universities. – The university is no longer a place to learn about truth, goodness, and beauty but is a radical leftist social engineering camp where the ideologies of DEI, decolonizing, infinite genders, etc, are pushed on students through emotional appeals about “social justice.”

City Journal: Nothing to See Here – Mainstream media outlets refuse to cover illegal immigrant crime. – A woman from Guatemala and her four-year-old daughter were brutally killed with a knife and a shovel by the woman’s live-in boyfriend who the press described as “a Florida man.” – They failed to disclose that Angel Gabriel Cuz Choc, came to the US illegally in September 2023 from Guatemala, where he was wanted for murdering two other people, according to U.S. Border Patrol…

Washington Examiner: The U.S. Border Patrol has lost nearly a quarter of its workforce since Democratic candidate Joe Biden beat incumbent Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, and some agents say it is no coincidence. – More than 4,000 federal agents have left the Border Patrol since October 2020. Twice as many agents have chosen to retire early compared to retirement rates during the Obama and Trump administrations.

Post Millennial: Portland voters fire Soros-funded DA Mike Schmidt in a landslide defeat – Schmidt is the latest progressive DA to be ousted in the US.

Washington Examiner: House Republicans are weighing whether to recommend criminal charges against the senior advisor to former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci. – David Morens, top aide to Fauci is slated to give his first public testimony before Congress on Wednesday…

May 21, 2024

American Spectator: Beware the University of California’s Parent Ploy – The University of California at San Diego is a DEI stronghold, and things are about to get worse. – Half of their admission acceptance criteria are based on the student’s parents, so their income, college record, and so forth will now be the determining factor, not the grades and aptitudes of the student…

City Journal: DEI At The University of Virginia – UVA has pledged to spend up to $1 billion on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, all while trying to downplay these efforts. Four years ago, UVA president Jim Ryan announced the university’s major financial commitment to DEI initiatives declaring…

Epoch Times: The Incoming Commercial Real Estate Crisis No One Seems Prepared For – ‘I think that there’s more to come,’ said Peter Earle, research fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. – “Many regional banks are sitting on large portfolios of distressed commercial real estate loans and attempting to cope through a process called “extend and pretend,” in which they grant insolvent borrowers more time to pay in hopes that things will get better”...

National Review: The Food Aid to Gaza Is Getting Stolen as Fast as It Can Be Delivered – Hamas hasn’t attempted to bomb or otherwise attack the U.S. taxpayer-funded pier in the Gaza Strip yet, but there’s a slight catch. – The food aid is getting stolen before it can reach the World Food Program warehouse just eight miles away. Once the food aid leaves for the pier those transporting it are getting robbed, hijacked, and mugged…

American Thinker: Iran’s nuclear program comes out of the closet – When asked if Iran has a nuclear bomb, Salehi’s response was unambiguous. – “Let me give you an example. – What does it take to make a car? – You need a chassis, an engine, a wheel, a gearbox… If you are asking me if we built the gearbox and the engine, my answer is, yes and each part has its role.” – What will we do about a nuclear-armed Iran? – Apparently, Nothing…

Zero Hedge: Russia on Tuesday confirmed that its forces have kicked off tactical nuclear weapons drills in its southern military district, which is near the Ukrainian border, in what the Kremlin has described as a response to “threats” by the West. – The defense ministry (MoD) announced that the exercises aim to test the “readiness” of its “non-strategic nuclear weapons…

Resist The Mainstream: BREAKING NEWS – Documents reported on by American journalist Julie Kelly have revealed that the FBI authorized using “deadly force when necessary” during its raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and was prepared to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service if necessary. – Kelly further noted that the FBI apparently had a medic on standby and even pinpointed a local trauma center in case anybody got “injured” during the raid – It should be stated, however, that Donald Trump was out of town at not a Mar-A-Logo at the time and the FBI knew it

Liberty Daily: Joe Biden Drains the Entire Northeast Gasoline Reserve in Desperate Bid to Lower Gas Prices as He Trails Trump by Double Digits – The entire US 1 million barrel Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve will be required to be sold and closed in fiscal 2024, according to bill text of government funding legislation unveiled Sunday. – Did China write this bill?…

Zero Hedge: How The Stage Is Being Set For America’s Next Financial Crisis – British economist Philip Pilkington points out a key difference in Chinese ownership of U.S. Treasuries now – Formerly, these bonds were bought by China and other governments/central banks that were stable buyers because it was part of their trade strategy to prop up the US trade deficit to sell more exports. Now increasingly they are bought by private foreign investors who have different strategies…

National Pulse: Klaus Schwab Resigns as World Economic Forum Chairman – Possible Schwab replacement candidates include European Central Bank chief Christine Lagarde, Salesforce Co-CEO Marc Benioff, International Red Cross chief executive Peter Maurer, and Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair…

Washington Examiner: President Biden has threatened to veto a bill that would undo his administration‘s new efficiency standards for gas furnaces. – The bill, S.J. Res. 58, is scheduled for a vote Tuesday evening in the Senate. – Senator Ted Cruz is the primary sponsor and says the rule would effectively ban all noncondensing furnace models, forcing people to convert to electric heat pumps…

New York Post: New photos for Senator Bob Menendez’s federal bribery trial reveal over $600,000 in cash and gold bars stashed around his cluttered New Jersey home, including a stack of bills stuffed inside a Timberland boot. – Prosecutors say that Menendez, 70, used the power of his office, including heading the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to dole out favors for the governments of Egypt and Qatar and three New Jersey businessmen, Wael Hana, Fred Daibes and Jose Uribe.

American Thinker: Judge Juan Merchan gagged President Trump and his lawyers, but didn’t gag Micheal Cohen or the prosecution. – Judge Merchan doesn’t care that the prosecution hasn’t shown a crime that segues to a supposed bookkeeping violation. – The judge wouldn’t allow an expert defense witness who would testify that there was no campaign finance violation, period…

American Thinker: Justice Merchan’s gagged witness goes public with what he would have told the jury if he had been allowed to, and it’s a doozy – He points out that his testimony would have pointed out that there was no ‘underlying crime’ and the agency he once headed to regulate elections, the Federal Election Commission, never prosecuted such issues, because they simply weren’t crimes…

American Thinker: The Network Behind the Pro-Hamas Disruptions – How did anti-Israel protests erupt within a month of the Hamas-led October 7 massacre? – Behind the anti-Israel protests and riots is a coalition of radical leftist and Islamist groups drawing sustenance from a vast dark money network… that is linked to the Chinese Communist Party…

American Thinker: Has anybody heard about how bad the socialist failure has gotten in Cuba? – Pedro Burelli, who has sources inside Cuba, provides a useful report of how bad it’s gotten, describing shortages, blackouts, and public riots, much of which are affecting the party’s wealthy elites, which have, up until now, been shielded from the deprivations ordinary Cubans endure…

American Greatness: A Corrupt Establishment Demands a Loyalty Oath – While ordinarily, elections mean both sides accept the procedures in advance so that either side may have confidence in the results, actual confidence in those results depends upon what happens. – If you have good rules, but there is extensive rule-breaking, why should anyone accept the results?

American Thinker: Our Federal Government Needs an Intervention – Organizations lacking accountability lose their way and eventually substitute their interests for the interests of those they are intended to serve. – Bad things are happening because our government has managed to break our systems of accountability, allowing radicals and miscreants to run wild. – Whistleblowers are no longer protected by the DoJ…

Powerline: THE DAILY CHART – THE KIDS AREN’T ALL RIGHT – Generation Z vs. Baby Boomer – How they view traditional American Values Is Alarming…

American Thinker: Plausible Deniability Run Amok – Government operators tell bald-faced lies to create enough plausible deniability to establish legal immunity for their crimes. – What the 2020 election robbery represents is another instance of the Deep State’s favorite form of deception, plausible deniability…

Zero Hedge: California Governor Newsom Escalates His War On Gasoline That Also Impacts Neighboring States – Prepare to pay another $1 per gallon in California with higher prices in Nevada and Arizona too. – The California Energy Commission is planning to impose a tax on refineries’ “gross margins” which doesn’t include refiners’ operating costs, which include employee pay, which means they can be taxed even though they may be losing money…

Washington Examiner: California’s unemployment rate in April was 5.3% for the third month in a row. – California possesses the highest unemployment rate in the country, with the national average being 3.9% and DC was not far behind California, with an unemployment rate of 5.2%, – A year ago, California’s rate was 4.5% and ranked as the highest in the country.

May 20, 2024

Breitbart: 13 Trump Policies That Biden Reversed, Making War More Likely – 1. Restoring funding to UNRWA and the Palestinians. – 2. Dropping sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. – 3. Rejoining the corrupt UN Human Rights Council. – 4. Trying to restore the Iran nuclear deal. – 5. Taking the Houthis off the terrorism list. – 6. Ending Iran sanctions. – 7. Embracing a Palestinian state…

Zero Hedge: Is The Biden Administration Damaging The Dollar Intentionally? – Over the weekend, the U.S. State Department posted about seizing Russia’s sovereign assets in the U.S. and encouraging other G-7 members to do the same. – The downside of doing this is that other countries that aren’t allied or subservient to the U.S. will be less comfortable holding U.S. dollar assets, out of fear that their assets might be summarily seized as well at some point…

Western Journal: Will Biden Be Amped Up with a Drug Cocktail Before Hitting The Debate Stage? The Response from Joe’s Handlers Is Not Good – After Trump’s demand that Joe take a drug test before the debate, the Biden camp has avoided the whole topic as if it is all just a joke…

Fox News: Former President Donald Trump’s defense team has motioned for an order of dismissal after the prosecution rested its case on Monday. – Trump’s defense team has called its first witnesses, including Robert Costello, a former legal representative of Cohen. – The trial is nearing its conclusion.

Epoch Times: Some Legal Experts Argue That Jack Smith’s Appointment Violated the Constitution – A Florida judge will hear a motion to dismiss Trump’s case based on the argument that the special counsel was unlawfully appointed.

Gateway Pundit: A Fuming Judge Merchan Ran Interference for Bragg. – Merchan grew irate and began EXCORIATING Robert Costello on the stand for making a few off-handed remarks and rolling his eyes during his testimony. – He Shouted at Trump Defense Witness Robert Costello to “GET OUT OF THE COURTROOM, NOW!”

The Washington Stand: Some in the U.S. health community continue to claim that gender transition procedures save lives, but a new study shows that the dangerous interventions end up increasing the risk of suicide. – A study published last month entitled “Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery” evaluated patient data from nearly 60 U.S. healthcare organizations, comprising millions of patients…

City Journal: The New Road Rage, Soaring Auto Insurance Costs – While insurers and bad drivers often catch the blame for hefty bills, the latest round of premium increases, coming amid other persistent price hikes, is making people wonder whether the government is contributing to the problem, too—with policies that a majority of Americans already blame for inflation elsewhere in the economy…

Fox News: Iran’s president, foreign minister, and other officials were confirmed dead in a helicopter crash – There was no immediate cause for the crash, but the helicopter had to make a ‘hard landing’ on Sunday, state media reported.

American Thinker: The Iranian president’s helicopter crashed, was it God, Bad luck, or The Mossad? – The Mullahs’ pick of hardliner Ebrahim Raisi for President, comes from squarely within tradition. – Real political power rests with the mullahs, but he provided a living symbol that reflected both their fanaticism and their bloodlust – Given his importance as a figurehead, and the fact that his helicopter went down in mountainous terrain, taking his foreign minister with him, matters a great deal…

Gatestone Institute: Palestinians Threaten to Attack US Troops – The Palestinians are hoping to scare the Americans and prevent them from cooperating with Israel on the future of the Gaza Strip after the war. – Because of the Gaza pier, the Biden administration has made it immensely harder to free the hostages and end the war…

American Conservative: Coming to America, What If That Gaza Pier Turns Out To Be A Two-Way Street? – Why has the U.S. built a pier that isn’t needed for relief shipments? – Perhaps the real plan is “relief” of a different kind—a much different kind, that of bringing Palestinians to America…

Breitbart: Karim Khan of the International Criminal Court formally requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and several Hamas leaders. – Khan equated Israel’s self-defense operations against Hamas in Gaza to the widespread atrocities committed in Israel by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023, explicitly calling the self-defense operation to uproot Hamas from Gaza, a territory it has controlled since 2007, “criminal.”

Breitbart: Israel’s opposition leaders condemned the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday for its decision to issue arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over their supposed war against Hamas. – Three Hamas officials were also targeted by the court, but Israel is a democracy with a strong judiciary that adheres to international law, while Hamas is a terror organization. – Effectively, the ICC criminalized Israel’s right to self-defense…

Epoch Times: Star Witness Michael Cohen Admits Stealing Tens of Thousands From The Trump Organization – “Have you paid back the Trump Organization the money you stole from them?” Mr. Blanche asked. “No, sir,” Mr. Cohen responded. – Trump was seen by courtroom reporters looking directly at the witness stand as Mr. Cohen made the admission about stealing…

Issues & Insights: Trump’s June 27 Debate Strategy In Three Easy Steps – 1. Put the CNN anchors on the defensive from the word “go.” – 2. Pick the right moments to confront Biden on these two points: – 3. Change the inevitable “Biden outperformed” narrative by extending the debate…

Victor Davis Hanson: The Disgrace and Fall of the American Elite Campus – These infantile campuses have a rendezvous with adult accountability, both public and governmental, and they won’t like what is coming. – At 11 million, Israel’s population is vastly outnumbered by some 500 million Arab and Muslim neighbors, many of whom are existentially hostile, so the idea of a colonialist oppressor Israel is absurd…

Zero Hedge: The federal judge overseeing one of the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump on May 19 expressed concern and disappointment with special counsel Jack Smith. – U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, an appointee of President Trump, said that Mr. Smith and his team have taken inconsistent positions during the case as it pertains to keeping some information sealed, or hidden from the public.

Powerline: ARE YOU BETTER OFF THAN YOU WERE FOUR YEARS AGO? – Students of history will recall this classic question Ronald Reagan posed in his only debate with Jimmy Carter before the 1980 presidential election. – This graphic showing the change in household net worth since Biden took office is quite telling…

American Thinker: The Polls Are Popping for Trump – Corporate media is calling it a “tight race,” but what do all these polls tell us? – Polls are not always accurate, and the election is 5 months out, but they have generally tended to underestimate Donald Trump’s support, not overestimate it…

American Thinker: ‘Nobody Cared’ – Joe Biden held a re-election rally in Atlanta for sparse crowds – Atlanta is very blue, but not blue enough to attract a crowd for the Democrat party’s standard bearer. – But here is what the crowd looked like on the way to Trump’s recent rally in New Jersey. – As a result of that success, Trump is now planning a gargantuan rally in the South Bronx next weekend.

Margot Cleveland: The Alito Recusal Calls Are Ridiculous – Justice Alito, headlines barked, must recuse from the pending Supreme Court cases involving Jan. 6 defendants and Trump’s appeal concerning presidential immunity because a “Stop the Steal” symbol was displayed at his house in January 2021. – An article soon clarified that the upside-down American flag seen flying outside his house was raised by his wife in protest of a neighbor displaying a profane yard sign…

Sky News: Julian Assange wins a High Court bid to bring an appeal against his extradition to the US – US authorities want to put the WikiLeaks founder on trial over 18 charges, nearly all under the Espionage Act, with Monday’s decision marking the latest chapter in 13 years of legal battles and detentions for the Australian.

May 19, 2024

Epoch Times: The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has filed an emergency motion in a Washington court seeking to accelerate the release of audio tapes of President Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur, over which the White House recently asserted executive privilege. – The emergency motion was filed on May 17 at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia…

American Spectator: Why Trump Eagerly Accepted Unfair Debate Rules – He just wants to get Biden on stage so tens of millions of voters can get an unfiltered look at the man. – So, when June 27 arrives, Trump will face a candidate whose verbal delivery ranges from unintelligible maundering to the belligerent “get off my lawn” shouting that characterized his SOTU address…

American Thinker: Biden administration refuses to release data about how many ‘asylum’ cases are waved through by his asylum officers – Foreign nationals who are granted asylum have an easy path once asylum is taken care of, as they are free to work, glom a huge range of taxpayer-paid benefits, get green cards, get U.S. citizenship, and then begin the process of bringing in all their extended relatives in massive chain migration…

City Journal: California’s Looming Crime Catastrophe – California is about to demonstrate what a world constructed from the tenets of critical race studies looks like. – The sentencing reversal in California v. Windom is the result of a recent law that will likely bring the state’s criminal justice system to its knees by making it easier for felons to claim racial bias—potentially putting them back on the streets in large numbers…

Townhall: A Helicopter Carrying Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi Has Crashed – The details about the situation are thin, but Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian may have also been on board.

Red State: The Biden administration recently promised that it had intelligence to offer that negated the need to enter Rafah and finish off Hamas which was coupled with a push by Antony Blinken demanding Israel “get out of Gaza.” – The truth appears to be even worse than that, though. According to a new report, the “intelligence” offered was known to be garbage, so Biden was lying through his teeth…

American Thinker: Israel Cannot Maintain The Status Quo In Gaza – If Israel, having achieved a military victory, returns control over Gaza to the same radicals who control it now, it will result in slow suicide…

American Thinker: Importing Terror – Why would any sane person want to import Islamist terrorists we know live to murder Jews and Infidels? – Palestinian children are indoctrinated from birth to hate Jews and to believe their highest accomplishment in life is to murder Jews—and infidels—and to die in Jihad—holy war…

Zero Hedge: Why Did The US Spend $320 Million On A Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza? – Instead of U.S. President Joe Biden marking a red line in the sand demanding that Israel allow aid into Gaza via ground transportation, his inept diplomatic team sent out a plea for help to the U.S. military…

Geller Report: The Number of NYPD Officers On The Job is at Record Lows, with Hundreds of Cops Leaving Every Month. – “New York City police officers’ workload has exploded over the past several months, and the staffing is still nowhere close to keeping up,” said Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry.

American Thinker: Just look at what the leftist media aren’t covering – If you want to be informed about what’s going on in the world, pay attention to what you don’t see in the New York Times. – It appears that the NYT and WaPo, along with most media outlets, catch and kill, or downplay, stories that would be negative to Biden as they focus on destroying Trump, as they have for over eight years…

Dr. Owen Anderson: The Goldwater Institute was instrumental in getting ASU to stop using DEI statements when hiring. – These statements were used to determine who held the right beliefs, and who did not, and to determine if you had the right “groupthink.” – In August 2023, ASU said it would no longer use them. – I have proof they are still used in some of the Schools and Colleges at ASU…

May 18, 2024

Epoch Times: Behind The Rosy Economic Data Propaganda, Americans Struggle to Make Ends Meet – Eating out less often, taking from 401(k)s, buying medication overseas, and choosing cheaper products, Americans say they feel the pain of inflation…

American Spectator: Why Republicans Should Make January 6 Their Issue – The DOJ/FBI response to the events of January 6, 2021, represents the single greatest mass injustice against American citizens since the Japanese internment. – What makes the government’s perverse overreaction easy to substantiate is that the Biden DOJ is still bragging about the body count, as more than 1,424 defendants have been charged…

Epoch Times: Justices Alito and Gorsuch Dissent in The Consumer Agency Ruling, Calling The Funding Mechanism ‘Unprecedented’ – The Court upholds a novel statutory scheme under which the powerful Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) may bankroll its agenda without any congressional control or oversight.” – Justice Thomas’ majority opinion criticized the dissent…

Gateway Pundit: President Trump’s election lawyer John Eastman on Friday was arrested in Phoenix on conspiracy, fraud, forgery and other felony charges related to the 2020 Trump alternate electors plan even though he had ZERO communication with the Arizona electors!

Epoch Times: Trump Agrees to 4th Presidential Debate, But Biden Refuses – ‘These are the debates that voters have been asking for, and these are the debates that voters will get!’ President Trump said, with the Biden campaign refusing…

Geller Report: Donald Trump will soon have a rally in Madison Square Garden as he takes the Republican Party to places it hasn’t been to in decades. – For decades the incompetent Republican Party establishment ceded ground to the Democrats, especially in minority communities, but those days are over…

Powerline: THE FAMILY BUSINESS REVISITED – The Wall Street Journal posted an explanatory video by Mark Kelly on November 3. – It opens a tiny crack through which the whole world of Biden’s corruption becomes visible…

Washington Free Beacon: Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week, Volume 94 – ‘Stand up kid, I like that dress’…

Zero Hedge: The Unprecedented Surge In Chinese Illegal Immigration Raises Security Concerns. In January 2021, which included the first 11 days of the new Biden administration, the Border Patrol encountered 17 Chinese aliens between ports of entry. By January 2024, it was 3,700 in that one month alone. As of April 30 this year, DHS had already encountered 48,501 inadmissible Chinese aliens in fiscal year 2024…

American Thinker: It Is Time To Change Course In Ukraine – We now have Democrats threatening to send U.S. troops there. – House Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries won’t rule out sending troops to the Ukrainian conflict zone if Kyiv is defeated. – “We can’t let Ukraine fall because if that happens…”

American Thinker: The West’s Hostage Trap – Using hostages for shields or as pawns in a negotiation is an exceptionally effective tactic in asymmetric warfare by a weak combatant against a moral one. – Hamas is not unique in taking hostages, although its genocidal fury and the sheer number of hostages seized are unique…

American Thinker: The Gaza Pier, Humanitarian Aid Or Just A Distraction? – This pier is nothing more than a photo op, a charade akin to fake wrestling on steroids, suggesting that Israel is failing to provide for Gaza’s needs and that the U.S. had to step in. – The best way to ease Arab civilian suffering during the war in Gaza is to allow Israel to unleash its full military might on Hamas and win this war decisively…

American Conservative: The U.S. Ukraine Security Entanglement Risks A Forever War. While some members of Congress have fueled delusional aspirations in Ukraine, policymakers must acknowledge that Washington’s military resources are finite, American aid to Ukraine will likely only be able to fortify Ukrainian defenses and prevent Russian gains in the short term…

Real Clear Policy: Inflation Isn’t a Bug in the System, It’s a Feature – American workers cannot keep up. Since President Biden took office, average hourly earnings after inflation have fallen over 2.5%. A typical American family must pay $12,000 more per year simply to maintain the standard of living that it enjoyed when President Biden took office…

American Thinker: Leaving the door wide open for a solar invasion of our farmlands – Researchers at American Farmland Trust, a non-profit farmland protection organization that champions what it calls Smart Solar, forecast last year that 83% of new solar energy development in the U.S. will be on farm and ranch land unless current government policies changed…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, THE TRYING TIMES EDITION – The Trump trial has descended into farce faster than expected…

May 17, 2024

American Spectator: In The Final Analysis, Biden, Or Those Who Control Him Have Chosen to Support Hamas – They have known where the terrorists’ leaders are and chose not to tell Israel…

Epoch Times: The US Military Completes The Gaza Aid Pier and Sends The First Load of Humanitarian Supplies Through. – ‘Trucks carrying humanitarian assistance began moving ashore’ through the pier system at around 9 a.m. local time on Friday morning…

Fox News: Trump predicts a ‘jacked up’ Biden at upcoming debates and blasts Bidenomics in a battleground speech – Trump said he was going to ‘demand a drug test’ for Biden ahead of any debates…

American Spectator: 50 Years Ago, President Nixon Was Forced to Hand Over White House Recordings, Biden Should Be Too. – The Hur tapes also deal with a criminal matter. – On July 24, 1974, the United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled in U.S. v. Nixon that the 37th president, Richard M. Nixon, could not exert executive privilege over White House recordings related to the Watergate break-in…

Epoch Times: Trump Lawyers Scored Win Against Witness in New York Trial, Legal Analysts Say – Trump’s former attorney, Todd Blanche,  pressed Mr. Cohen with text messages indicating that what was on his mind, at least initially, during the phone call were harassing calls he was getting from an apparent 14-year-old prankster, not the money...

Zero Hedge: Parts of America could face difficulties in meeting electricity demand during the summer season, with renewable energy sources like wind and solar power posing a potential risk to reliable power supply. – There is “potential for insufficient operating reserves” when the region faces extra-normal demand conditions. Affected regions include parts of Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Illinois, and Iowa…

Center For Immigration Studies: US Customs & Border Protection Released Its Border Numbers for April – They reveal the futility of administration actions and the effectiveness of Mexican and Texan enforcement – Explaining that year-over-year port surge brings me to one of the Biden administration’s key initiatives to hide the crisis at the border by funneling would-be illegal migrants through the border ports instead: the “CBP One app interview scheme”…

Epoch Times: The Boeing Whistleblower’s Autopsy Report Was Released as Police Wrap-Up The Probe – The former Boeing employee was involved in a lawsuit related to the jetliner maker’s quality issues. – “The cause of death was determined to be: Gunshot Wound of the Head. The manner of death is best deemed, ‘Suicide,’” the coroner’s report concluded…

City Journal: Consumer Spirits Are Down for a Reason – Americans aren’t happy with the economy. Around three-quarters of respondents to a recent Wall Street Journal poll said that they believed inflation had moved “in the wrong direction” over the last year. – Similarly, the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index showed in early May that Americans feel their economic standing has declined through the first half of 2024…

Gatestone Institute: The Palestinian Authority Should Not Return to Gaza – The Israeli government, according to reports, is being pressured by the Biden administration to send the money to the PA. This dizzy and dangerous proposal amounts to expecting the Jews to support the same people who are murdering them. – Allowing Hamas to win its war against Israel would delight two countries deeply committed to supporting terrorism…

Townhall: Israeli Defense Forces recovered the bodies of three Israeli hostages murdered by Hamas from the terrorists’ tunnels in Rafah overnight. – All were abducted from the Nova Music Festival by the brutal terrorists on October 7 and subsequently murdered by Hamas…

Washington Examiner: Pro-Palestinian protesters are looking for new avenues to make their voices heard, moving not only to the homes of government officials but now to mid-level managers. – This week, a group bearing bullhorns gathered outside the home of Jessica Lewis, assistant secretary for political-military affairs at the State Department.

Washington Examiner: Flaw and order: Trump’s New York trial cracks apart – Donald Trump’s four criminal cases have created an unprecedented legal gauntlet for him to run before voters can decide if he should return to the Oval Office. – Legal experts have expressed concern because half are brought by partisan district attorneys, and the other half, overseen by the Biden Justice Department, are built on novel and unfair interpretations of the law…

Jonathan Turley: They’re Getting Played – The Demolition of Cohen on Cross-Examination Reveals “The Grift” to a New York Jury – For any discerning juror, the trial conspicuously lacks a clear statement from the prosecutors of what crime Trump was attempting to commit by allegedly mischaracterizing payments as “legal expenses.” – Even liberal legal experts continue to express doubt over what crime is being alleged as the government rests its case…

American Greatness: Hispanics and Young Voters Are Fleeing Biden – Details in the polling cross-tabs show material cracks emerging in this traditional coalition of Biden voters. – Hispanics: in our Georgia poll, the overall Trump lead for a head-to-head matchup vs. Biden surged with Trump at 49% vs. Biden at 39%, with those undecided at 12%…

American Thinker: Biden’s Climate Change Scare Tactics Aren’t Working – Biden has placed a high priority on climate change since taking office, yet his target demographics can’t be bothered to care. – The recent CBS/YouGov survey shows Climate Change next to the bottom of “Important Issues,” with DEI coming in last.

National Review: The Carbon-Offset Game Is Up – It may enrich some elites, but more people across the political spectrum are noticing that the carbon-offset industry’s touted benefits are a lot of hot air. – A major environmentalist group has found that the carbon offsets beloved by far-left activists are ineffective, at best…

Slay Magazine: The unelected World Economic Forum is demanding that regular families with more than one car should be forced to give up one of their vehicles. – This appears to be a stepping stone for the WEF’s long-promoted plan to eliminate all private car ownership…

American Thinker: Which Makes Better Soldiers, DEI or Assimilation? – “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” is divisive, as it emphasizes differences, which is opposed to the time-tested military culture emphasizing unity, teamwork, selflessness, sacrifice, and assimilation into the warrior ethos. – Contrary to the DEI slogan that “Diversity is Our Strength,” the historical truth and military battle-tested reality is this, “Unity and Assimilation are Our Strengths.”

May 16, 2024

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has found loaded rocket launchers during its operation in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, now in its second week. – In recent weeks, Hamas terrorists have fired rockets at the Keren Shalom crossing, where humanitarian aid enters Gaza near Rafah, and at the city of Sderot, near northern Gaza…

Epoch Times: Key Takeaways From Five Weeks of Trump on Trial – New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan has instructed the parties to prepare for summations to begin as early as next Tuesday. – Key Witness Testimony May Be Lacking. – It seems unlikely that President Trump will take the witness stand…

Gateway Pundit: Prosecutors Allegedly Threatened Convicted Perjurer Michael Cohen to ‘Flip on Trump or We INDICT YOUR WIFE!’ – The bombshell dropped when defense attorney Blanche questioned him about his 2018 guilty plea. Initially, Cohen had maintained that his plea was free of external pressures. – He confessed that he crafted a lie under duress—duress that involved direct threats to indict his wife if he refused to “flip” on Trump…

Powerline: The Border Getaways Chart – This appears to be the first time the data on “gotaways” has been broken out and compiled. Putting into graphic form dramatizes just how uncontrolled the border has become under Biden…

The Biden administration is accelerating the asylum timeline for migrants who enter the US illegally en route to five major cities. – Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Thursday that a new Recent Arrivals (RA) Docket will swiftly place single adults before immigration judges in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City.

City Journal: The Chaos Candidate – Voters increasingly view Joe Biden as the source of America’s unraveling. – The turbulent August 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan shattered public confidence in his presidency. – His border enforcement breakdown has helped push the American electorate toward restrictionism. – Inflation has similarly angered the electorate…

Zero Hedge: Our Out Of Control Inflation – It Now Takes At Least $177,798 For A Family Of 4 To Live Comfortably In The US – In the least expensive state, it still takes over $100,000. – Meanwhile, the average annual salary in the US is $59,428…

Gateway Pundit: A Visibly Rattled Merrick Garland Forced to Go on Defense For the First Time as House Republicans Vote to Hold Him in Contempt. – Garland on Thursday told reporters that the Justice Department does not need to comply with a congressional subpoena because the DOJ is “a fundamental institution of our democracy.” – He also said, the congressional subpoena was ‘not legitimate’ and would harm the DOJ’s ability to successfully pursue sensitive investigations…

The Interest of Justice: De Santis just crushed the Globalists’ utopian dream in Florida – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation (HB 1645) that will erase several instances of the words “climate change” from state statutes and restructure the state’s fossil fuel-based energy policy that listed climate change as a priority when making energy policy decisions.

Breitbart: White House deputies are quietly gutting a little-known regulation that protects American graduates from the fly-in migrants who use temporary visas to take and keep U.S. jobs – The suggested changes will help companies employ foreign graduates long after their temporary visas have expired...

Breitbart: A bill requiring the deportation of immigrants who attack police officers passed the House on Wednesday but not before 148 Democrats voted against it. – The bill passed with a 265-148 vote, with an astonishing number of Democrats opposing it.

American Thinker: EV charging stations become a prime target for copper thieves – Thieves are targeting high-powered Tesla and other EV charging stations and stealing the heavy cable for the copper metal inside. – In Vallejo, someone cut cables from nine charging stations, leaving Tesla drivers in a bind and causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage and repair costs…

Zero Hedge: The Pentagon announced Thursday that its floating pier built for Gaza aid has finally been completed. – Badly needed humanitarian aid, especially food, will begin being delivered by ships imminently. – Navy Vice Admiral Brad Cooper of Central Command, said that “protection of U.S. forces participating is a top priority. And as such, in the last several weeks, the United States and Israel have developed an integrated security plan to protect all the personnel.”

American Conservative: Was There a Failed Coup Against Zelensky? – Western media have largely ignored the alleged assassination attempt by high-ranking Ukrainian officers. – Whether Russia was behind the plot—as Ukraine alleges, or whether it was an independent, internal Ukrainian coup attempt, it appears that not all is well in Kyiv…

John Daniel Davidson: Whatever U.S. Elites Are Defending In Ukraine, It Isn’t Democracy – The real problem with holding presidential elections in Ukraine right now is that Ukrainians might vote to end the war. – Zelensky continued pushing the same quixotic message he’s been repeating for years now, and at this point, no one believes him nor does anyone believe, if they ever did, that Ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in the world before the war began, is now a bastion of democracy…

Zero Hedge: ‘So Much For Democracy’? Secretary of State Antony Blinken Justifies Ukraine Canceling Elections – General Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s former commander-in-chief who was recently appointed ambassador to the UK, has long been rumored to be a potential presidential candidate in a future election and is favored to easily win should he choose to run…

Gatestone Institute: Russia, China, and Iran Must Not Seize Control of Sudan – If, as now seems likely, both Russia and Iran, together with China, succeed in deepening their foothold in Sudan, as well as gaining access to key maritime bases such as Port Sudan, they will be in a strong position to challenge the West’s ability to protect key shipping routes in the Red Sea…

Breitbart: President Joe Biden asserted executive privilege on Thursday over his interview with special counsel Robert Hur to prevent Congress from obtaining his audio recordings. – During the president’s interview with Hur, Biden, 81, experienced mental lapses and “poor memory” at least seven times, according to a transcript obtained by Breitbart News…

National Review: Joe Biden’s Perversion of Executive Privilege – If the president’s decision to withhold the audio of his two-day interview with Justice Department special counsel Robert Hur by invoking executive privilege was designed to limit the potential for scandal, it’s likely to have the opposite effect…

Western Journal: The Biden Campaign Demands Unprecedented Rule Changes for Debates, Showing How Scared They Are – The nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates is excluded. – The events are to be held in a television studio, without a live audience and with technological controls, such as microphones which turn off when the time expires to prevent interruptions and crosstalk {by Trump}

Washington Examiner: Representative Gerry Connolly (D-VA) said he believes Democrats made a mistake by killing the motion to vacate against him, arguing House Speaker Johnson’s visit to former President Donald Trump’s trial in Manhattan has exposed the House speaker’s “true colors.”

Victor Davis Hanson: The Biden Reelection Strategy – Bidenites believe they can reelect an unhealthy, unpopular, and unsuccessful president by any means necessary, and they could be right. – His campaign is focused on four strategies to beat Donald Trump. – First, left-wing local, state, and federal prosecutors are tying Trump up in court on crimes that have never been seen before and will never be again after the election, with many coordinated with the White House…

The Federalist: Republicans To Small Business Administration Regarding The ‘Bidenbucks’ Coverup, Stop Stonewalling – The least transparent administration in history continues to stonewall lawmakers trying to get answers about “Bidenbucks,” and President Joe Biden’s unprecedented use of federal agencies to drive a massive get-out-the-vote campaign supporting Democrats…

American Thinker: Will Biden’s Final Rule Be The Final Straw? – These unrealistic mandatory healthcare standards, written by Washington and on the precipice of being finalized, definitely cannot be achieved, so what does that mean for Medicare and Medicaid patients? – For example; Wait times to see primary care physicians or mental health specialists and staffing ratios in nursing homes…

American Thinker: A Voter Integrity Group Hovers over the Target – “You know you’re flying over the target when you’re getting flak.” – Their peer-reviewed audits of state voter rolls have found millions of errors that violate multiple federal election laws. – Anyone elected via today’s “anything goes” voting rules wouldn’t want things to change. – Laws have consistently been weakened to the point where absentee ballots are mailed like sportswear circulars…

National Review: DEI Is On The Run – It was a great racket while it lasted, but so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives have spent the last year in retreat which has compelled the practitioners of discriminatory “social justice” to conduct a flailing rearguard action in a flight to more defensible terrain…

Dr. Owen Anderson: Good News In ASU’s DEI Case – ASU has agreed to no longer require DEI quizzes in their required DEI training. – They still maintain that the training does not violate the law, but have released even more of the content from these training videos, providing some staggeringly bad material…

American Thinker: Why Is There a Left? – It seems like a simplistic question, but the answer is enlightening for those of us who want to fight effectively the onward leftward march. – One possibility is that the left may exist because it devised political methods that have other advantages beyond its actual grievances. – Perhaps those methods achieve their aims more effectively, or they satisfy emotional and psychological needs not served by traditional politics…

Zero Hedge: Parking lots full of Tesla vehicles are becoming impossible to ignore. – According to Tesla figures, the electric automaker produced 46,561 more vehicles than it delivered to customers during the first quarter of 2024. Where are all these cars going? Parking lots at its factories, malls, and airports.

The Vigilant Fox: Dr. Peter McCullough Issues An Urgent COVID Vaccine Warning to Donald Trump – He suggested that Trump doesn’t necessarily have to admit he was wrong about the COVID-19 vaccines. – Instead, he could throw Fauci and Biden under the bus because Fauci is a deceiver who has his credibility “is in the tank” and “all the safety problems in the vaccine occurred under Biden.”…

The Daily Fetched: A Teacher Fired After Refusing to Use Preferred Pronouns Wins A $360,000 Settlement – Jesica Tapia’s religious beliefs as her reason for not using preferred pronouns to cater to students’ gender identity…

City Journal: Gen Z’s Young Men And Women Are Increasingly Divided – First, it’s driven by a strong leftward shift among women, while young men describe themselves as liberal or conservative at roughly the same rates that they have for decades. – Second, though a gender divide in voting choices is not altogether new, the gap is now five times larger than it was in 2000…

May 15, 2024

Epoch Times: The FBI and DHS Issue Warning Regarding Foreign Terrorist Groups for June. – The agencies say groups such as ISIS could target events related to ‘Pride Month.’ – “Organizations like ISIS may seek to exploit increased gatherings associated with the upcoming June 2024 Pride Month,” the announcement reads…

Slay News: A new study has found that about 10 percent to 27 percent of non-citizen adults living in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote. – The study, published by Just Facts, is based on the latest available data and an enhanced version of a stress-tested methodology from a scholarly journal.

American Thinker: This doesn’t seem cosmic, but if a 44,000-pound chunk of fiberglass/epoxy resin that’s as big as a 747 airliner breaks off the tower of a wind turbine and comes hurtling down to earth while in operation, something is very wrong. – Apparently, it didn’t appear to be a problem to the journalists in the mainstream media who completely ignored it…

House GOP: The Biden Border Crisis Has Caused The Number of Known ‘Gotaways’ To Skyrocket – Between FY 2010 and FY 2020 inclusive, there were over 1.4 million gotaways, ranging from a low of 86,226 in FY 2011 to a high of 171,663 in FY 2013. – In FY 2020, there were 136,808 gotaways at the border, which rose to 387,398 in FY 2021. – As the migrant numbers at the southern border rose to crisis levels, so did the number of gotaways — with numbers then skyrocketing to 606,131 in FY 2022 and 670,674 in FY 23…

American Spectator: This Is Why We Can’t Trust ‘The Science’ – Academic journals to close after widespread fraud discovered. – Wiley, a 217-year-old publishing company, is closing 19 journals. – Everyone who receives a Ph.D. is under pressure to publish research, and to do so regularly. – They could do the work or pay for a paper mill to affix their name to a partially or entirely fabricated article and then get that article published in a journal, which is more common than scientists would like to admit…

Breitbart: More than 100,000 law enforcement officers have been attacked on the job in the last two years, and more were killed in the last three years compared to any other period within the last 20 years, FBI statistics show. – The top two most common circumstances during which these assaults occurred were when cops responded to simple assaults against non-officers and when cops responded to drug violations. 

San Francisco Chronicle: While supporters of the Retail Theft Prevention and Safe Staffing Act SB-1446 said the bill would thwart would-be shoplifters and protect employees from sometimes hostile confrontations, the bill has also prompted blowback from retailer groups who say its measures are overly burdensome and lack evidence that they would reduce theft.

Epoch Times: BREAKING, Biden and Trump to Meet for June and September Debates – The earliest presidential debate in televised history will occur on June 27 on CNN. – The announcement came hours after former President Donald Trump accepted an invitation from President Joe Biden earlier in the day for two debates…

Western Journal: Trump Immediately Issues a Blistering Response to Biden’s Debate Challenge. – “Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced and can’t put two sentences together!” – “Crooked is also the WORST President in the history of the United States, by far, so it’s time for a debate so that he can explain some of these things to the American People”…

Washington Examiner: Four reasons Biden wants to control debate rules – Timing, Substance over ‘spectacle,’ Enforcement of debate rules, and Boxing out RFK Jr.

The Liberty Daily: Presidential Debates Will Start Next Month Which Means They’re Setting Dementia Joe Up – If they’re able to pump him full of enough stimulants to make him appear lucid for an hour or two, then there’s a chance he could continue to be the Democrat nominee. – But in the likely event that he bombs from his severe lack of mental understanding, Democrats will have the predicate to replace him and the time to get their new candidate on most ballots…

Slay Magazine: Judge Aileen Cannon Officially Shuts Down Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case And Removes The Anti-Trump Trial from The Calendar. – This was done after it had emerged that the prosecution had been tampering with evidence. – Judge Cannon’s refusal to adhere to Smith’s political timeline has infuriated Democrats…

Gatestone Institute: Why Trials Like That Of Donald Trump Must Be Televised – The New York trial of Trump is a national scandal as there is no real crime. – The judge has allowed testimony that is highly prejudicial and irrelevant and has made numerous unfair rulings, of which the prosecution has taken advantage. – The public has the right to see this abuse… so that we all can judge for ourselves and not allow possibly biased reporters to judge for us…

Washington Examiner: Michael Cohen’s ex-lawyer accuses him of lying during Trump trial testimony – Costello said that he advised Cohen to bring any damning information he had about Trump forward to the U.S. attorney’s office in New York and that this could help Cohen stay out of jail. – However, Cohen replied that he had no evidence against Trump...

Slay Magazine: Jonathan Turley Suggests Michael Cohen’s Testimony May Exonerate Trump – The law school professor criticized Cohen for secretly recording a conversation with Trump without his client’s knowledge or consent. – He emphasized the violation of professional conduct that such an act represents and declared, “The most important thing about the audiotape is that there was an audiotape.”

Washington Examiner: Black voters fleeing Biden and Democrats over inflation and extremism – In the new survey from Cygnal, conducted in 20 states, Democrats are struggling to maintain their edge with black and women voters. – “Nostalgia for Trump’s first term continues to gain steam, with battleground voters now giving Trump positive job approval for his four years in the White House while disapproval of Biden remains high”…

The Federalist: Anti-Trump DOJ Officials Prepare Attacks On His Appointees During Election Year – The DOJ’s Office of Inspector General is staffed by Democrat activists eager to use their power to crush their political enemies. – This partisanship has been on display in how the OIG has gone about investigating Trump’s Justice Department, particularly its scrutiny of two investigations by former Attorney General William Barr…

Slay Magazine: Dozens of Secret Service Agents Ask Congress to Investigate Whether DEI Puts America at Risk – “There’s a petition circulating inside the US Secret Service that flags concerns about several recent Secret Service incidents indicative of inadequate training,’ a double standard in disciplinary actions, and a vulnerability ‘to potential insider threats’ that could pose a risk to US national security.”

American Thinker: Watch the “War on Truth” film, because you are living it! – Perhaps the film’s most important truth is that the people who came to air their grievances were suckered into a well-laid trap, one set up to provide a narrative about an “insurrection” that could be used to sucker the American people into believing there was, and is, a “threat to our democracy.”

Geller Report: Biden Is LYING About Sending Weapons to Israel – “Do not fall for the administration’s propaganda. – The report about another $1bn in weapons for Israel is a ruse. – They are preventing the transfer of arms already approved into law by Congress to block Israel from defeating Hamas. And they are promising arms sometime in the distant future. – That’s what the article says. They are playing us for fools.”

New York Sun: After October 7, Western Nations Are Flooding Egypt With Billions Despite Cairo’s Limited Ability To Repay Its Debt – In March alone, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the European Union announced financial support for Egypt totaling more than $23 billion…

Conservative Compass: Borderline Chaos, The Biden Administration’s Strategic Gamble at the Southern Border, Separating the Fact from Fiction – This report delves into the likely ulterior motives behind the administration’s handling of the border crisis, examining whether these actions are driven by a strategy to influence the upcoming census and increase electoral votes or to weaken the country and consolidate government power…

Breitbart: Families racked up credit card debt and went into delinquencies at an increased rate since the pandemic according to the New York Fed. – Missing credit card payments arise from several factors, such as cash flow constraints and income loss due to inflation. – Costs soared on average about 20% during Joe Biden’s administration…

Issues & Insights: The Biden administration plans to despoil thousands of miles of land throughout the US with new corridors for wind and solar transmission lines. – In addition to stretching across thousands of miles of land in length, the Department of Energy reports the transmission-line projects may be up to 100 miles wide.

Zero Hedge: Despite Surging Gasoline Spending, US Retail Sales Missed Big In April – Non-store retailers and Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers saw the biggest MoM declines while spending at Gasoline Stations rose the most (biggest MoM rise since Aug 2023)

Zero Hedge: Consumer Prices Have Risen Every Month Since ‘Bidenomics’ Began and Is Up 19.5% To a Record High – After a fourth straight month of hotter than expected PPI, analysts’ expectations for CPI were tightly ranged around 0.3-0.4% MoM and printed +0.3% MoM (slightly below the 0.4% expected). – The YoY headline CPI fell to +3.4% as expected from +3.5% prior...

American Greatness: Child Depreciation – America’s children are not well, and their schools are a big part of the problem. – A new report from Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation surveyed more than 1,000 Gen Z students between the ages of 12 and 18 and found that just 48% of those enrolled in middle or high school felt motivated to go to school, with only half said they do something interesting in school every day…

Breitbart: Schools in England will be told by the government not to teach children about progressive theories on so-called “gender identity” and sex education in general to children under the age of nine. – Schools will also be required to inform children that they cannot legally change their gender until after they are 18…

The Daily Fetched: 18 States Sue Biden Admin for New Gender Identity Rules for Employers – In April, the EEOC released its new guidance, which insisted that employers are liable under Title VII if they or another employee use the incorrect name or pronoun of an employee’s preferred gender identity.

American Greatness: Taking Back California Part 3, Fighting Crime – Conservative candidates in California have a chance to win over voters who won’t respond to a harsher “lock them all up” message. – As crime rates rise in California, law enforcement is hindered by laws that tie their hands and budget cuts that deplete their resources. Crime statistics, alarming enough as officially released, are probably understated…

American Thinker: If Florida Teaches About Communism, Then It Better Teach Fascism Too – Then maybe our lefties might learn a well-needed thing or two about the evils of leftism. – As you can see, their overarching theme is a strong, centralized, government authority, and the capacity of that government to inflict brutal death upon its citizens…

Washington Free Beacon: A coalition of 74 House lawmakers is raising the alarm on an Environmental Protection Agency move to potentially green light California’s ban on diesel-powered locomotives, which the lawmakers say could derail the U.S. supply chain. – “The freight rail sector is vital to the overall health of the economy, and changes such as those being considered here should be approached thoughtfully”…

Slay Magazine: A Top Study Confirms That Cows Do NOT Cause ‘Climate Change. – Researchers found that, if grazing cattle were removed from pastures, emissions would go up, not down. – Besides trying to convince people to change their diets so we can get rid of more cows, other efforts seek to attack the emissions at the source…

Brownstone Institute: Musk Wins Latest Censorship Battle in Australia – eSafety argued that X had not gone far enough to block the content from Australians, as a geo-block can be circumvented by a VPN. – X argued that eSafety was effectively seeking a global ban on content, straying outside of the Australian online harm regulator’s jurisdiction, so their injunction was overturned.

May 14, 2024

Breitbart: A Palestinian columnist writing in Arabic in a Qatari newspaper declared this week; “We do not want a ceasefire, we want ongoing war as victory is at hand.” – Palestinian journalist Samir Al-Barghouti made the case for war to continue as a means to highlight their Palestinian cause…

Western Journal: Biden Press Secretary Proves Trump Was Correct – Trial Is Connected to 2024 Election – “Look, so I’m — I can’t speak to, uh, um — don’t wanna comment as this is related to 2024 elections, and I can’t speak to the speaker’s schedule,” she replied…

American Thinker: Is Michael Cohen lying, yet again? – To begin with, Cohen said the reason he took a home equity line out to pay Stormy Daniels instead of pulling money out of his checking account was so his wife wouldn’t see the withdrawal. – Yet, if you take out a home equity line, all the parties owning the home have to sign the document. – As shown above, the courts would be jammed up if every politician who worked to bury unflattering stories were criminally charged…

Epoch Times: Goldman CEO Issues Warning as Interest Costs on America’s Ballooning Debt Exceed Spending on Defense and Medicare – “I think the level of debt in the United States [and] the level of spending is something that we need a sharper focus on and more dialogue around than what we’ve seen.” – “If something isn’t done to rein in the spending, it could create problems.”

Fox News: Guess which huge Biden lies CNN refused to fact-check – CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale was nowhere to be found when Biden lied during a big network interview claiming inflation was at 9% when he took office when it was in fact at 1.4%.

American Spectator: Biden Tried to Buy His Reelection, But Things Got Out Of Hand – His election victory was way too close, so, the Biden administration spent … and spent. – Based on Congressional Budget Office figures for 2021–2023 and estimates for 2024, Biden will have spent $7.9 trillion more than 2019’s spending level. He will have run $7.4 trillion in deficits, and federal debt will have reached $27.9 trillion, 99 percent of GDP…

American Thinker: Fewer than one in five Ukrainian ‘refugees’ living in Germany are working, nor will they return home to face Zelensky and his corrupt government. – Germany’s generous social benefits for the unemployed continue to discourage a range of groups from entering the workforce, as it is often more profitable to remain unemployed…

American Spectator: Just How Sleazy Is the Democrat Party? – Take a look at Nevada for an example where the Democrats are hell-bent on rigging the vote. – Democrats oppose efforts to stop illegal aliens from voting in our elections and their defense is that those efforts are a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist…

American Thinker: Trucking industry firm Ryder finds transition to ‘electric’ semi-trucks hikes operating costs as much as 114% – Mandating EV trucks in today’s market will lead to even ‘more supply chain disruptions and increased prices for the goods they transport.’ 

Sharyl Attkisson: The Electric Vehicle Bust – For a decade and a half, the U.S. government has pushed electric vehicles on the American public, using a combination of laws, financial incentives, and guilt as motivators. – Lisa Fletcher looks at why the result isn’t turning out to be as many hoped.

American Spectator: American Appeasement Emboldens Bad Actors – The US has been paying for these serial acts of appeasement for over a decade. – We are witnessing the bitter fruits of irresolution, lack of national discipline, and self-doubt, and our enemies and potential adversaries know it.

City Journal: Foster Children, The New Pawn in the Gender Wars – A new foster-care regulation from the Biden administration conditions federal funds on support for a child’s transgender identity. – There is a growing social movement bent on deeming parents “abusive” for declining to “affirm” their child’s “gender identity.” The idea that failing to endorse a child’s identity constitutes psychological abuse…

Gatestone Institute: Egypt’s Duplicity Followed By World Silence – If the Egyptians cared about the Palestinians, instead of blocking the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip, they could easily coordinate with Israel through alternative border crossings such as the nearby Kerem Shalom terminal…

American Thinker: Senator Tom Cotton Eviscerates Biden’s Pro-Hamas Policies – If you’ve been struggling for a way to articulate your feelings about what Biden’s doing in the Middle East, Cotton has you covered. – “Some people say Joe Biden is doing this for his reelection, which would be bad enough, but I’m afraid it’s also worse than that.” – “Joe Biden and Israel-hating Democrats are using electoral concerns as a pretext to do what they’ve always wanted to do, cut Israel loose.”…

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continued to attack Hamas terrorists in Rafah and throughout Gaza on Monday, despite continued international criticism and caution from the White House. – The IDF distributed these photos of its soldiers in action across the Gaza Strip.- In addition, the IDF struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon and were rumored to have used bunker-busting bombs that can penetrate underground fortifications at depth…

Just The News: Terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan are growing stronger and threatening the interests of the US and its allies as well as security in the region. – The United States Institute of Peace, the congressionally established group that published the report, said that Afghanistan is a fertile area for terrorist threats compared to the time before the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021.

The Federalist: Biden’s Incompetence Is Outstripping Voters’ Fear Of Trump – Biden wonders why he’s down in the polls. Biden’s incompetent handling of Israel and beyond is so evident that it’s far outstripping voters’ fear of the chaos that might accompany another Trump presidency. – Even the compliant media are noticing…

Red State: Biden Campaign Desperation Sets With A Declaration The Polls Are Fake – Joe Biden’s handlers are no longer touting survey results but are attacking them. – The latest triggering occurred after The New York Times released a series of battleground polls showing Donald Trump leading by large margins in more than enough swing states to deliver a Republican victory in November…

American Thinker: Biden’s legacy will be unique in American history, for no president will ever have left America in such terrible shape. – As described here, Biden’s legacy is assured. – It’s only a question of whether history will remember him as worse or better than Jimmy Carter because, between the two, Carter comes off somewhat better…

Victor Davis Hanson: Has America Finally Had It With Joe Biden? – Biden’s personal approval rating is at historic lows; almost all his policies do not poll fifty percent. He is behind Trump in almost all the swing states. And now he lies serially even to sympathetic interviewers. In short, finally, Biden has been exposed for what he always was and represents…

Zero Hedge: US Producer Prices Accelerating At Fastest Rate In 12 Months – April Producer Prices rose 0.5% MoM (vs +0.3% exp), with March’s +0.2% MoM revised down to -0.1% MoM. The downward revision did not stop the YoY read from rising to 2.2% (from +2.1% in March)…

Zero Hedge: Red Lobster appears to be the latest beneficiary of “Bidenomics”, with reports surfacing this week that “dozens” of its locations across the country are unexpectedly closing down. – More than 80 locations in at least 27 states have now been listed as “temporarily closed.” – Workers at the locations were offered “no notice whatsoever” as to the closings…

Discern Report: A “Restaurant Apocalypse” Is Starting to Sweep Across America, and That Is Bad News for the U.S. Economy. – When the economy is struggling, restaurants get a lot less traffic, and poor-performing locations get shut down. Sadly, in 2024 it appears that a “restaurant apocalypse” has started to sweep across America. – Most people have very little discretionary income to spend as a result of our current cost-of-living crisis...

The National Pulse: A Federal Report Shows That Corporate Greed IS NOT Fueling Inflation, as Biden Claims – “Data for the current recovery show that the increase in corporate profits is not particularly pronounced compared with previous recoveries,” they wrote…

Western Journal: Ford Announces Mind-Bogglingly Huge Losses on Each EV Sold in 2024 – Ford lost over $100,000 per EV in the first quarter of 2024, more than double its deficit from last year. – The news comes as the EV market across the country has taken a big hit in 2024, declining 47% from last year…

Epoch Times: The House of Representatives Takes Steps to Hold AG Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress – The DOJ refuses to turn over audio recordings of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur, despite subpoenas being issued for the tapes…

American Thinker: A new report shows that 54% of migrants who have arrived since 2022 do not have jobs – So much for the Democrats it’s “boosting the economy” schtick. – These unemployed migrants, both “legal” and illegal, have to largely be on welfare, because how else would they be surviving, which means they’re getting paid by the government to do nothing…

American Thinker: When Gasoline Hits $100 per Gallon – Inflation, as Milton Friedman so famously taught, is always and everywhere a monetary policy phenomenon – When a government prints more money than the underlying economy is generating in real wealth, this is essentially a form of borrowing, often called “debt monetization”…

Breitbart: The pro-Hamas “encampment” in Harvard Yard ended Tuesday morning after Harvard University officials agreed to reverse the suspensions of nearly two dozen participants, and to offer activists meetings on divesting from Israel. – The University also agreed to expedite Administrative Board cases for more than 60 students facing charges for their involvement in the encampment with “precedents of leniency for similar actions in the past…

Dr. Owen Anderson: Students, Get Your Money Back – If a student was promised a university education but instead got propagandized by “advocacy,” DEI, decolonizing, and grievance studies, they were not given what they were promised. – They deserve their money back…

American Conservative: These Are Not The Protests Of Your Parents’ Era – Immigration-driven demographic changes and the advent of “wokeness” have radically changed the dynamics of campus politics. – It appears that in almost every instance the campus leaders quoted in recent press reports were of Arabic origin, meaning they were foreign students or descended from families of recent immigrants…

American Greatness: Entrepreneurs Face Major Headwinds Due to Big Government Leftist Policies – Biden and Democrats are waging a war on small businesses that won’t end until they’ve been voted out of office. – Since Biden’s inauguration, wholesale costs for small businesses have risen by 20%. To maintain their slim profit margins, entrepreneurs are forced to raise prices, alienating loyal customers and reducing demand…

The Vigilant Fox: Aaron Rodgers Reveals Disturbing Details About Pat Tillman’s Death During A Tucker Carlson Interview – The US government confiscated Pat Tillman’s journal and used his death to “prop up the war propaganda” in 2004. – Tillman’s death was initially reported as being caused by enemy fire, but it was later revealed that he died from friendly fire.

Lawyer Lisa: INTRODUCING COMPLETE STREETS CANADA, THE 15-MINUTE CITY AGENDA IN CANADA. – Where are they? – How advanced are they? – And what steps have they already taken? – The mainstream has been missing the largest totalitarian Municipal Deep State PUSH altering our communities in real-time…

May 13, 2024

Fox News: The UN revised the Gaza death toll down to almost 50% fewer women and children killed than previously reported by Hamas. – President Biden echoed Hamas’ health ministry death toll data in his State of the Union speech.

National Review: Lawyer Cohen Testifies About Covertly Recording His Client, Donald Trump – On the piercing of the attorney-client privilege, as with seemingly everything about this case, the question remains, What’s the crime? – There is no evidence that Trump was thinking about, much less conspiring to violate, campaign finance law…

Epoch Times: House Speaker Mike Johnson Says Trump Trial Is a ‘Travesty of Justice’ – ‘They are doing this intentionally to keep him here and keep him off the campaign trail, and I think everybody in the country can see that for what it is’…

American Spectator: Donald Trump And The Significance Of The Wildwood Rally – If ever there were a snapshot of a serious political message being sent, it would be that coming from the estimated 100,000 Americans who gathered this past Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey, to hear and cheer on former President Donald Trump. – What is happening can only be described as a movement…

American Thinker: Notwithstanding all the lies, spin, and obfuscation, Biden’s economic policies are driving away what’s long been the backbone of the Democrat party, blue-collar workers. – As November approaches, the Democrats are panicked by the state of the economy. – It is the most important issue among swing-state voters, and the numbers for Biden are a mess…

Just The News: Disbarred Michael Cohen’s testimony did little to help Bragg’s case, credibility still a problem – Star witness Michael Cohen confirmed already-known details about Trump’s nondisclosure agreements but did little to combat his credibility issues.

Fox Business: In September, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) reported gas prices will rise next year by about 50 cents a gallon and every year thereafter to aid in clean air efforts. – The report comes as CARB finalized new rules last month mandating a rapid transition from traditional petroleum-powered modes of transportation to zero-emissions alternatives as it pursues a sweeping climate agenda…

Kingston Report: American companies with significant business in China and Chinese Nationals are ALL subject to being coerced by the Chinese Military to work against the American people. – “Elite capture is a form of political warfare that seeks to control the actions of political, academic, business, and cultural leaders to achieve policies and actions within the United States that it views as beneficial…

Zero Hedge: The U.K.’s cumulative net migration in the 25 years up to 1997 was just 68,000. – In the 25 years that followed, cumulative net migration was at least 5.8 million,” a damning new report co-authored by Britain’s former immigration minister Robert Jenrick finds, exposing the myths perpetuated by the Western liberal mainstream…

Victor Davis Hanson: The Fall of the House of Presidential Persecutions – What will be the endgame of all these attacks on the American legal system and the warping of it for blatant political purposes? – The current lawfare cases join the Mueller investigation of the Russian collusion hoax, a continuation of the laptop disinformation caper and the “51 intelligence authorities” who lied about its Russian origins…

The Daily News: New surveys conducted by The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Siena College show former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden in five of six swing states. – In a two-man race between Trump and Biden, Trump leads 51-38% among likely voters in Nevada; six points 49-43% in Arizona; nine points 50-41% in Georgia; three points in Pennsylvania 48-45%; and one point in Wisconsin 47-46%; while Biden clings to a one-point margin in Michigan.

American Thinker: Unreliable Ally – By some monstrous political calculation, the Oct. 7, 2023 massacre confirmed the “Palestinian problem.” – Instead of condemning the terrorists, a powerful movement emerged condemning the anti-terror fighters and calling for the genocide of Israelis under the slogan of “liberating Palestine.” – Instead of genuinely combating antisemitism, which has increased dramatically as a result of the struggle for “liberation,” the current American administration began “correcting” the Israelis…

National Review: Why Are We Withholding Sensitive Intelligence about Hamas from the Israelis? – The Biden administration has offered Israel “sensitive intelligence to pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels.” – This means the U.S. has had this information and chose not to share it with the Israelis unless they make concessions to not launch a full-scale raid into Rafah…

Townhall: One Look at Biden’s Top Advisor Explains His Support for Hamas – While in the Obama administration, Maher Bitar managed the “Israeli-Palestinian case.” – While a student, he was the president of the Islamist extremist and antisemitic organization Students for Justice in Palestine at Georgetown University. – SJP is the most violent student organization in the US against #Jews today…

Just The Facts: Based on the latest available data and an enhanced version of a stress-tested methodology, about 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are now illegally registered to vote. – The U.S. Census recorded more than 19 million adult non-citizens living in the U.S. in 2022. Consequently, about two million to five million of them are illegally registered to vote. – These figures are potentially high enough to overturn the will of the American people in major elections…

Western Journal: Actor Steve Buscemi Was Attacked in Broad Daylight While Walking In New York City. – Buscemi’s attack was the latest of several incidents such as involving celebrities in New York City recently. – Common folks are also victims of a rising crime spree in the city…

Zero Hedge: Visualizing All The World’s Aircraft Carriers – Aircraft carriers are warships equipped with a full-length flight deck for carrying, deploying, and recovering aircraft. – Since they allow naval forces to utilize air power without relying on local bases, they usually serve as the capital ships of a fleet.

Issues & Insights: Hey Google Search, Antisemitism Is A Feature, Not A Bug, Of Your Search Algorithm. – You knew all about Nakba, but when asked about The “Holocaust” you responded, “I don’t understand.”

California Globe: ‘There Is NO Climate Crisis’ Says A Coalition of 1,600 Noteworthy Scientists – California has record low levels of air pollution that are below the threshold of human health effects, James E. Enstrom, PhD, MPH has told us repeatedly for years. – The scientists also insist that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth…

May 12, 2024

American Thinker: Bill Maher shows a 2018 interview video of Stormy Daniels contradicting her recent trial testimony. – The clip shows Stormy Daniels telling Bill Maher she ‘wasn’t coerced, but in court this week she said Trump blocked her from leaving and she blacked out. – She lied in court…

New York Post: This may be the week Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump falls apart. – Alvin Bragg’s strategy is now obvious, he is counting on the jury to convict Trump regardless of the evidence. – Many agree with the assessment that after three weeks of testimony, there is still confusion about what crime Trump allegedly committed…

Zero Hedge: China Is Facing An Epic Deflationary Crash That It Can No Longer Hide – The biggest story in China in the new millennia has been the nation’s debt explosion. China’s debt-to-GDP ratio is currently estimated at nearly 300% (official numbers), with most of the liabilities accrued in the past 15 years…

American Thinker: The public deserves to know the truth about tax rates before Democrats let the 2017 tax cuts expire – From the Democrats’ point of view, ending the tax cuts doesn’t even serve their goals. – The facts show that the government has collected a huge amount of additional revenues after the tax cuts were passed, and additional revenues do not cause increased debt…

Epoch Times: The Trump Rally Drew Tens of Thousands In The Traditionally Blue State New Jersey – Despite being held in a state that has been reliably Democrat, a rally for the Republican former president set a record for New Jersey, a congressman said.

National Review: Anti-Israel Students Protest Jerry Seinfeld’s Commencement Speech – NBC reports that comedian Jerry Seinfeld was met with a wave of boos Sunday when students at Duke University walked out just before his commencement speech, the latest in a wave of anti-war protests that took place at college graduations across the country.

Epoch Times: Republican Campaign Strategists See Jewish Voters Moving Right in 2024 – Being perceived as weak in supporting Israel appears to be a growing problem for Democrats seeking reelection…

The Free Press: Certain Nonprofits, Such As Global Refuge, Southwest Key Programs, and Endeavors, Are Making Billions off the Border Crisis – Federal funding has turned the business of resettling migrant children into a goldmine for a handful of NGOs—and their top executives…

Epoch Times: 15 House Democrats Ask Biden to Take Executive Action on the Border – While lambasting Republicans for rejecting the Senate border bill, Rep. Angie Craig (D-Minn.) and 14 other Democrats are asking Biden to take action…

Gateway Pundit: Ashley Biden Officially Confirms Her Diary, Where She Talks About “Showers with my Dad” Joe Biden is REAL in an Emotional Letter to Chief Judge Swain of New York – The diary sparked considerable public and media attention due to Joe Biden’s perverted acts when excerpts were leaked online some time ago…

The Daily Fetched: The Biden Admin Unveils A New $400 Million Aid Package for Ukraine – The new package includes Patriot missile system munitions, High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMAR) systems and ammunition, Stinger anti-air missiles with 155mm artillery rounds, Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAPs)…

The New York Sun: Fighting at Northern Gaza Suggests Hamas is Regrouping in Areas Already Cleared by Israeli Forces – Israel has portrayed the southern Gaza city of Rafah as Hamas’ last stronghold, saying it must invade to succeed in its goals of dismantling the group and returning scores of hostages…

Gatestone Institute: The Betrayal of Israel by the US Administration Is Almost Complete – Senator Schumer suggested overthrowing Israel’s democratically elected prime minister, and called for new elections. – Meanwhile in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, where anti-government demonstrations began again, one of their leaders revealed the demonstrations and riots are part of a plan by the Biden administration to bring down the Netanyahu government…

American Thinker: Biden and His Supposed ‘Ironclad’ Support of Israel – While Israel fights for its life, the Biden Administration plays bureaucratic games. – With rockets pouring into Israel from Lebanon and Gaza after the brutal attack of October 7, “The Biden administration told Congress it would waive sanctions on military sales to several Middle Eastern nations the day before President Biden himself publicly declared that the U.S. would not give Israel offensive aid if it invaded Rafah…

Resist The Mainstream: On Saturday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) identified new sections of eastern Rafah as “combat zones” and instructed civilians to relocate to an extended “Humanitarian Area” in Al-Mawasi. – Israel has expanded its evacuation orders in Rafah, Gaza, in preparation for a ground assault aimed at dismantling Hamas’ significant presence there…

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continued to attack Hamas terrorists in eastern Rafah on Sunday, as well as in the area of Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip, where Hamas is attempting to regroup after being routed in the area. – Last week, Israel’s security cabinet voted to continue the war effort in Rafah, despite opposition from Biden and his threats to withhold weapons. – It also voted to continue diplomatic efforts to produce a hostage deal.

Breitbart: The IDF announced Saturday that it had established a field hospital in central Gaza, together with international organizations, that would serve Palestinians while the war against Hamas is still taking place. – The new hospital comes as the IDF presses ahead with its attack on the last Hamas battalions in Rafah, which has provoked criticism from the U.S. and other countries over humanitarian concerns…

The Center Square: Trump’s Tax Cuts Are Becoming An Important Election Year Issue – The sweeping Trump-era tax cuts in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 are set to expire next year. – While illegal immigration and inflation top Americans’ list of concerns, both parties are increasingly talking about the Trump-era tax cuts, which President Joe Biden has said he will let expire next year – Meanwhile, Trump promises more tax cuts if elected…

Just The News: For years, activists argued for an energy transition away from fossil fuels because, they said, we were hitting “peak oil,” the point at which we can no longer produce oil because there’s little left in the ground or it’s too expensive to recover. – A new report shows the U.S. has 227 years of oil, 130 years of gas, and 485 years of coal.

American Thinker: Democrats are proving the existence of the ‘Great Replacement’ theory – Like so many other supposed “conspiracy theories” lately, it is all too real. – Democrats blocked a popular bill to verify citizenship before registering voters, that would prevent illegals from voting…

May 11, 2024

American Thinker: Benjamin Netanyahu Is Not Such A Bad Guy! – Netanyahu has had to navigate his country’s security through the decades while supposed“ friends” (Clinton, Bushes 1 & 2, and Obama) wanted to enforce policies on Israel that were self-destructive. – It is now obvious that the Palestinians were never interested in peace, but rather in conquest. Netanyahu was warning everyone about that way back in the 1990s…

American Spectator: The US and Israel’s Humanitarian Mission to Gaza, Debunking the ‘Total Blockade’ Narrative – The best solution to end the humanitarian crisis is for the war to end, it’s a fallacy to say that Israel has been non-compliant or obstructive to the flow of aid to Gaza. – And while relief organizations across the world continue to promote an alleged Israeli “total blockade” as the culprit of the crisis, there is relative silence for the 100-plus civilian Israeli hostages held in Hamas…

Zero Hedge: 5 Reasons Russia Is Making A Fresh Push Into Ukraine’s Kharkiv Region – 1. Create The Conditions For Russia To Control The Entirety Of Its New Regions – 2. Coerce Ukraine Into Demilitarizing All Its Rump Regions East Of The Dnieper – 3. Deter NATO From Crossing The Dnieper If Member States’ Forces Conventionally Intervene…

Epoch Times: Alvin Bragg’s Office Deleted Phone Call Records of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer – Trump’s attorney has asked about roughly three pages worth of records the attorney claimed Mr. Bragg’s office had deleted. – Mr. Jarmel-Schneider acknowledged that some phone call records from 2018 between Mr. Cohen and Keith Davidson (Ms. Clifford’s lawyer) had been deleted…

Powerline: Donald Trump held a rally before 80,000 to 100,000 cheering fans in New Jersey. – Joe Biden, in contrast, could hold a rally in a parking lot. – “You could take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country, and add them up .. and they haven’t done the damage to our country that this total moron has done,” Trump, 77, said to a cheering crowd of tens of thousands…

Zero Hedge: A just-released report from Scholaroo indicates that the U.S. national average for credit card debt has escalated to $6,555, with New Jersey residents leading the nation with an average debt of $8,155 per credit card. – Scholaroo, a national firm matching college students with potential scholarships, surveyed more than 2,000 people across the United States during the final quarter of 2023.

Zero Hedge: Your Tax Dollars, Hardly At Work – When people gripe about paying taxes and the government using them for the absolute worst possible capital allocation, this is what they are talking about. – The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, signed by Biden in November 2021, allocated $7.5 billion for EV charging. – In two years they have produced just 7 charging stations, with 38 parking spots, in total, across four states.

Western Journal: Homeless alcoholics are receiving alcohol on the taxpayer’s dime in San Francisco, California, to the tune of $5 million every year. – The city provides the substance to addicts as part of a “managed alcohol program,” according to multiple outlets.

Gatestone Institute: Iran’s Mullahs Are Desperate for Nuclear Weapons, So Do Not Believe Anything Else – Iran’s constitution explicitly mandates that both the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps are not only tasked with safeguarding the nation’s frontiers but also with advancing the ideological mission of jihad in the name of Allah…

Powerline: ANOTHER STAB IN THE BACK – In February President Biden promulgated National Security Memorandum 20. – NSM-20 directs the State Department to “obtain certain credible and reliable written assurances from foreign governments receiving [U.S.] defense articles and, as appropriate, defense services” that they will abide by U.S. and international law…

Breitbart: On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Representative Adam Smith (D-WA) stated that President Joe Biden’s threat to withhold certain weapons from Israel if it goes into Rafah’s population centers “doesn’t help” and “took the pressure off of Hamas when it shouldn’t have.”…

Breitbart: Bring These Five Americans Still Held Hostage by Hamas Home – Hamas murdered 1,200 people in Israel in their October 7, 2023, terror attack, and took more than 250 hostages. – While some hostages have been freed, there are still roughly 130 hostages still being held by Hamas, not all of whom are still alive…

American Thinker: The UN General Assembly Just Backed Full ‘Palestinian’ Admission – That doesn’t mean a ‘State of Palestine’ is happening (yet), but it surely reflects the UN’s deep hostility to Israel – Think about this for a moment, 75% of the UN is in favor of granting nationhood to a people whose raison d’être is to commit genocide against a UN nation…

Zero Hedge: Goldman Warns That Consumers Are Cracking As Stagflation Threats Emerge – A disappointing consumer report from the University of Michigan raises concerns about stagflation as Bidenomics implodes. – Credit card debt growth from the Federal Reserve earlier this week showed heavily indebted consumers have hit a brick wall as pandemic savings deplete…

American Thinker: The Emperor Has No Clothes And The Public Doesn’t Like What It Sees – Their new dialogue on the U.S. monetary system focuses on the nature of money, borrowing, and debt. – What was not revealed was any acknowledgment that Biden’s economic programs have resulted in a massive inflationary spike during his tenure, with a serious erosion of U.S. dollar purchasing power which impacts everyone, every day, when folks shop for food or fill their gas tanks…

Washington Free Beacon: Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week, Volume 93 – Less than two weeks after reading the word “pause” off his teleprompter, President Joe Biden paused a previously authorized weapons shipment to Israel…

The Center Square: Terrorist watch list apprehensions at the northern border continue to break records – The number of known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) apprehended at the northern border in the first six months of fiscal 2024 continues to outpace those apprehended at the southwest border. – There have been 143 KSTs apprehended at the northern border through the first six months of this fiscal year compared to 92 at the southwest border, according to the most recent CBP data.

American Thinker: A New Rasmussen Reports Shows Voters Place More ‘Trust’ In ‘Republicans’ To Handle Crime – This is the same result as the last time the agency surveyed likely voters, but the gap has significantly widened. – So, conservative tough-on-crime policies are preferred by peaceful, law-abiding, and civil people. – What a striking command of the obvious.

National Review: Trump Should Be Acquitted in Manhattan – The simple fact is that DA Alvin Bragg can’t prove his case. – After three weeks of the prosecution’s case, I now believe the evidence would be insufficient even if Bragg had charged only New York’s misdemeanor business-records-falsification offense…

Zero Hedge: The Space Weather Prediction Center of NOAA warned on Friday night about an “extreme” G5 geomagnetic storm impacting Earth, which lasted into the early morning hours. – While there have been disruptions in communications, no significant failures in the US power grid have been reported. Intense solar storms can disrupt the digital economy…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: DOG DAYS OF THE 2024 CAMPAIGN – Great moments in presidential campaign immolation…

May 10, 2024

Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Senator Jim Risch Regarding The Damaging NSM-20 Report on Israel – “In keeping with nearly four years of failed foreign policy, the Biden Administration is trying to have it both ways. Today, the administration has given Israel a politically damaging assessment while publicly announcing it is withholding a select set of precision weapons…

Fox News: Biden donors rage over his pledge to pause weapon shipments to Israel. – Biden megadonor Haim Saban wrote senior Biden staffers an email blasting the president for pledging to withhold bomb shipments to Israel. – “Bad, Bad, Bad, decision, on all levels, Pls reconsider,” Saban’s email stated, along with the note that Biden’s position “sends a terrible message to our allies in the region and beyond.”

Breitbart: – Hamas Continues to Attack Humanitarian Aid Crossing at Kerem Shalom. – This was just the latest such attack, after a barrage of rockets hit the crossing last weekend, killing four Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and wounding others…

Breitbart: – The Biden administration confirmed it had withheld 2,500-lb. and 500-lb. bombs, and would also withhold artillery rounds, in opposition to Israel’s decision to attack Hamas’s last stronghold in Rafah. – That decision will cause more Israeli soldiers to die in booby-trapped buildings that would otherwise have been destroyed from the air, according to a military source in Israel…

Hot Air: Thanks, Biden, Hamas Now Refuses To Budge on The Hostage Talks. – Both Republicans and no small number of Democrats warned that Joe Biden’s suspension of arms shipments to Israel would take pressure off Hamas in negotiations. – It didn’t take long before Hamas proved Biden’s critics correct in an utterly predictable manner…

American Thinker: Hamas Declares That It Will Make No Further Concessions. – Hamas needs to be acknowledged as a criminal organization with whom negotiations are absurd, and swift action against, it is the only reasonable response. – In a normal war, between two legitimate governments, one hopes for negotiations, discussions, compromises, and whatever it takes to end hostilities, but this is not a normal war…

Western Journal: Biden Impeachment Articles Are Being Prepared With The Tactics Democrats Used Against Trump Coming Back to Haunt Them – Republican Rep. Cory Mills is working to draft articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden in light of comments made in which he threatened to withhold aid from Israel should they chose to invade Rafah, a city in the Gaza Strip…

Zero Hedge: The Proof of Censorship is Censored. – Thanks to discovery from court cases, FOIA requests, etc. we are now overwhelmed with massive evidence pointing to the reality of Government Censorship. – Censors developed a belief with those at the highest levels that it was their job to manage what information the American people would and would not see, regardless of the truth…

PJ Media: In March 2021, Joe Biden signed an executive order focused on “access to voting,” that directed federal government agencies to take action to bolster voter registration efforts. – Three years later, the House GOP is now investigating this after documents revealed that the White House has been coordinating with left-wing activists on voter registration…

Epoch Times: Panama’s New President Vows to Shut Down Darién Gap Migration Route – In a surprise victory with potential implications for the Biden administration, José Mulino was elected president of Panama on May 5th on a platform that included closing the Darién Gap to migrants on their way to the U.S. southern border.

American Greatness: Will the Real Dictator Please Stand Up, If He’s Able? – President Biden routinely misrepresents Donald Trump as a dictator, but the evidence shows convincingly that it’s Biden who acts in a dictatorial fashion. – Biden ignores SCOTUS decisions and refuses to do anything to close the southern border—to enforce the immigration laws…

Western Journal: Judge Engoron Is Under Investigation For What Happened Before Slapping Trump With A $454 Million Fine – Attorney Adam Leitman Bailey says he had a courthouse conversation with Engoron three weeks before the judge would slap Trump with a $454 million penalty. – New York judges are barred from considering outside opinions in such a way when prosecuting a case, yet Bailey said he discussed the legal questions at length with the judge…

Breitbart: – California AG Rob Bonta said he and his staff have been reviewing former President Trump’s second-term agenda in detail to prepare a potential onslaught of environmental, immigration, and civil rights lawsuits in the event Trump defeats President Biden – Bonta said he has been reviewing the work of his predecessor, Xavier Becerra, who filed more than 100 suits against Trump policies…

Breitbart: – This week, Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia reported his agents arrested 492 migrants during the week of April 28 to May 4. – This record-shattering number of arrests exceeded the total number of migrants detained in the sector that covers eastern New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire during the entire Fiscal Year 2021 — the year President Joe Biden took office…

FAR: Stormy Daniels 2018 Statement – Stormy Daniel’s recent testimony in Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump makes me wonder… – Was she lying the other day, or back in 2018 when she made the declaration below?

Zero Hedge: Musk’s Reaction To The ‘Anticapitalist’ Attack On Tesla’s Berlin GigiFactory – “Something Super Weird Is Going On.” – Some are wondering why the so-called ‘anti-capitalist’ protesters are ignoring other automakers whose brands cater to the upper class they claim to oppose, such as BMW and Mercedes…

The Federalist: A Meta Oversight Board member says that Meta places “international human rights norms” before the First Amendment when it considers free speech issues. – This admission is especially concerning considering a recent revelation that the FBI and CISA have renewed collaboration with social media companies to censor posts they label “disinformation.”

Washington Examiner: Recently retired Border Patrol Deputy Chief Matthew Hudak says the Biden administration intentionally blocked him and others from engaging with the public, enacting robust protocols to sabotage media requests as millions surged across the southern border. – Hudak spoke out for the first time since his departure and accused White House appointees within the Department of Homeland Security of policing their media presence…

Gateway Pundit: On March 21, 2024, hundreds of illegal aliens from Africa, Central America, Colombia, and Venezuela breached the concertina wire, tore down the fencing, overwhelmed National Guard members, and made a mad rush into the United States. – The 211 illegal aliens charged with rioting and destruction of property had their charges dropped by County Court Judge Ruben Morales, a Democrat judge from El Paso County.

American Thinker: What Is Katherine Hiding From: – The NPR CEO has not made a single public appearance since April 9, when The Free Press published a bombshell exposé alleging ideological bias at the institution. – Even today, when Maher was summoned by Congress to give testimony about whether NPR’s news reporting was ‘fair and objective,’ she was a no-show…

American Thinker: New research discovers that wind turbines create a ‘turbulent wake’ that can steal almost 40% of energy from other ‘nearby’ turbines. – Is there a better example of putting the cart before the horse than the “green” energy boondoggles of the left? – The answer is a resounding no!…

Issues & Insights: The FTC’s Plan To Revive A Zombie Bill Will Undermine America’s Supply Chain. – The Robinson Patman Act targets and erodes the efficiencies of scale. By prohibiting firms from offering products at different prices to different purchasers, the law removes significant leverage for large retailers in the negotiation process, forcing them to buy at higher prices which translates into higher average prices for consumers. – This is why the law has remained unenforced for decades…

Slay News: California Democrats have begun turning against Governor Gavin Newsom after $20 billion in taxpayer money allocated for tackling homelessness in the state has gone missing. – The homeless council has no record of where the $20B has been spent, nor can Newsom’s administration provide any evidence or examples of where the program has been successful in tackling homelessness…

American Thinker: The Carbon Capture Con – Carbon capture and underground storage (CCUS) top the list of silly schemes to reduce supposed man-made global warming. – The idea is to capture exhaust gases from power stations or cement plants, separate the CO2 from the other gases, compress it, pump it to the chosen burial site, and force it underground into permeable rock formations and then hope it never escapes…

May 9, 2024

American Spectator: Biden’s Green Energy Policies Help China, Not America – China controls and produces the materials needed to transition the U.S. to green energy. – Under the traditional model of fossil fuel-based energy production, the US is one of the largest energy producers in the world, while China is the world’s largest energy importer…

Senator Marco Rubio: Trump Is Right, We Should Raise Tariffs on China – The free-trade dogmatists’ fantasy has nothing to do with the real world, where Chinese market distortion is rampant. – In reality, tariffs are good for the economy insofar as they counteract market inefficiencies created by adversarial trade practices…

City Journal: Hysterics for Hamas – Why have young women been so prominent in the recent campus chaos? – One possible reason is that women constitute majorities of student bodies and the metastasizing student-services bureaucracies that cater to them. – Another is the sex skew in student majors…

American Thinker: Biden Sides With The Terrorists Rather Than A US Ally *UPDATE* – Israel is at war with Hamas, but guess which side Joe Biden has chosen to support and which side he’s chosen to undermine. – Let’s review some hard facts about the two combatants in the Israel-Hamas War…

Center For Immigration Studies: The Biden administration is reportedly considering bringing “refugee” Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to the US, supposedly only allowing those who have U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident parents, spouses, or minor children. – Reputable polling data from the last several months shows the majority of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip support Hamas, a designated foreign terrorist organization…

Gateway Pundit: New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced that a $2.3 billion tax-funded grant in redevelopment contracts for JFK International Airport has been awarded exclusively to minority and women-owned business enterprises. – However, some are questioning whether the DEI criteria could inadvertently sideline other considerations crucial to project success, such as experience, efficiency, and past performance…

Breitbart: A girl’s high school 400m race in Portland has become a focus of controversy after a transgender competitor was seen coming from the back of the pack and zipping past his female opponents to win the race by five seconds, leaving the girls dozens of yards in the rear.

Gatestone Institute: This Is The Real Reason Hamas and Egypt Oppose Israel’s Control of The Rafah Border – For several years, Palestinians who wanted to exit the Gaza Strip via the terminal have alleged that they had to bribe Hamas and officials. – Hamas and Egypt are now afraid of losing the Palestinian milk cow…

Powerline: THE BIDEN BETRAYAL – President Biden publicly acknowledged his betrayal of Israel’s anticipated offensive in Rafah in an interview with Erin Burnett on CNN. – Biden’s declaration of “ironclad” support for Israel is “inoperative,” to borrow a term from Watergate…

Townhall: Biden Just Handed Hamas a Huge Win. – During an interview with CNN Wednesday night, President Joe Biden reversed longstanding U.S. policy and declared he would stop precision weapons shipments to Israel should the Israeli Defense Forces head deeper into Rafah…

Washington Examiner: Netanyahu Signals What He Thinks of Biden’s Rafah Redline. – Benjamin Netanyahu used a days-old clip of a speech in which he vowed Israel will not bow to international pressure on the war with Hamas following President Joe Biden‘s ultimatum regarding U.S. military aid. – “Israel Will Stand Alone!”

Victor Davis Hanson: Let’s Try a Little Honesty About Israel. – Here are ten of the most common untruths that are being spread about the Hamas terror attack on October 7 and the war that followed – #1. “Progressive Hamas”: Gay and transgendered student protestors in America would be in mortal danger in Gaza under a fascistic Hamas that has banned homosexual acts and lifestyles. Anyone protesting publicly against Hamas or its allies would be arrested and severely punished…

American Thinker: The Real Reason The Pro-Hamas Campus Protesters Wear Masks. – The keffiyeh-wearing is a statement of solidarity with Islamic jihad in general and with Hamas terror in particular. But the COVID masks add an intriguing twist with some of the mask-wearers maintaining that they are trying to “stay safe” while other observers believe that this is an effort by the protesters to hide their identity.

Breitbart: Some of the activists in protests backing the goals of the jihadist group Hamas on various American college campuses received support and training in Cuba, ADN America reported Tuesday. – Manolo De Los Santos has deep ties to the Castro regime and its figurehead president, Miguel Diaz-Canel, with a long track record of political activities in Cuba spanning multiple years…

Slay Magazine: Several Antifa members behind violent attacks on college campuses have been exposed as the same “professional agitators” provoking unrest during the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. – Discovery Institute senior fellow and Turning Point USA Frontlines reporter Jonathan Choe warned Wednesday that trained “militants” have infiltrated college campuses across the country…

Washington Free Beacon: Inside the Campus Playbook To Build a Nationwide ‘Unity Intifada’ in Support of Hamas – Just a day after Hamas’s Oct. 7 rampage through Israel, the nation’s largest anti-Israel campus group snapped, National Students for Justice in Palestine jumped into action, issuing a call for “unity intifada” at colleges across the country and mobilizing its network of pro-Palestinian agitators…

The Federalist: Did Federal Agencies Plant Classified Documents To Frame Trump? – It looks like the ‘strongest’ legal case against Trump is based on yet another set of lies from corrupt federal agencies. – Florida Judge Aileen Cannon postponed former Trump’s classified documents trial after explosive information dropped late Friday afternoon showing several new pieces of evidence indicate it’s even possible federal employees planted classified documents to frame Trump…

Conservative Brief: Georgetown University law school professor Jonathan Turley believes that the judge presiding over Donald Trump’s hush money trial in Manhattan may have already committed a “reversible error” in the case. – Turley suggested that New York Judge Juan Merchan might have erred by allowing Bragg’s team of prosecutors to assert that Trump was involved in breaking federal election laws…

Washington Examiner: Trump is fighting his ‘unconstitutional’ gag order on multiple fronts. – On Wednesday, Trump’s legal team filed an order to show cause, which has been sealed. That motion asked the appeals court to explain its reasoning for either granting or rejecting his challenge to the gag order.

American Thinker: It’s obvious that the initial Democrat strategy to take down Trump was to engage in a shock and awe lawfare campaign by utilizing Democrat state and federal prosecutors to file so many criminal charges against the former president that the GOP would have no choice but to abandon him. – In the Trump/Stormy Daniels trial, Democrat operatives charged ahead like a bull in a china shop with 34 felony indictments against the former president. So if Trump is convicted, the judge will have no choice but to impose an incredibly harsh sentence, which will create chaos…

Issues & Insights: Hey Kids, Have You Heard,? It’s No Longer Cool To Be A Democrat. – A recent CNN poll found that 51% of 18-34-year-olds say they will vote for Donald Trump in November, compared with just 40% who say they will vote for Biden. – That’s a stunning turnaround from four years ago.

Epoch News: Ohio Lawmakers Adjourn Without Placing Biden on the State’s General Election Ballot. – With Ohio legislators unable to advance a plan for President Biden’s ballot access on May 8, Democrats could head to court for a resolution…

Western Journal: Barron Trump Is Set to Jump Into Politics at the Republican National Convention. – Barron Trump will serve as one of Florida’s at-large delegates to the convention in Milwaukee in mid-July and Eric Trump will serve as a delegation chairman…

Breitbart: Independent voters are not buying the establishment media’s claim that former President Donald Trump is a greater threat to democracy than President Joe Biden. – The latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll shows a majority of independent voters believe Biden is a greater threat to democracy than Trump at Biden: 53% vs. Trump at 42%…

Breitbart: Joe Biden alleged Wednesday on CNN that inflation was nine percent when he “came into office.” – FALSE, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation for January 2021, the latest reading when Biden assumed office, was 1.4 percent.

Zero Hedge: The House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to pass a measure that would add a citizenship question to the next U.S. census, as part of the latest efforts by conservatives to “protect America’s democracy and electoral integrity.” – The “Equal Representation Act” passed in a vote of 206-202 along party lines…

Breitbart: Biden’s Deputies Are Using The Refugee Program to Import Economic Migrants – The Biden administration has streamlined processing and opened up so-called Safe Mobility Offices in Colombia, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Costa Rica to help take in applications from migrants and expand refugee processing from the region…

The Center Square: West Virginia and Indiana are leading a group of 25 states asking for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to declare the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new rule on coal, natural gas, and oil power plants to be declared unlawful. – “The EPA continues to not fully understand the direction from the Supreme Court – unelected bureaucrats continue their pursuit to legislate rather than rely on elected members of Congress for guidance,” West Virginia Attorney General Morrisey said.

The Daily Fetched: Intelligence agencies, including the FBI, have restarted their “communications” with social media companies in preparation to fight supposed “disinformation” ahead of the 2024 election. – Senator Mark Warner, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, confirmed the action at the RSA Conference this week…

Western Journal: The Georgia Election Board voted Tuesday to reprimand Fulton County for its conduct in the 2020 election and direct the appointment of an independent monitor to oversee this fall’s general election. – The 2-1 vote came after investigators from the Georgia secretary of state’s office confirmed the county double-scanned 3,075 ballots during a statewide recount of the 2020 presidential election.

Epoch Times: What’s Behind America’s Doctor Crisis? – Physicians are retiring in greater numbers as burnout levels increase; at the same time, Americans are placing higher demands on the health care system. – Emergency Physician Dr. Jared Ross said, “One problem is we have an insurance system that is a massive bureaucracy…

Breitbart: A report from the Centre for Policy Studies rebukes the Neo-Liberal orthodoxy that has dominated both major political parties in Britain. – Their study found that mass migration has not stimulated the economy, but has been a major drag on public services and the housing sector…

FAR: Big Tech’s Ability To Change Election Outcomes – Tech giants Google/Alphabet, Facebook, and others use their platforms to silence conservative opinions and impact public opinion. – Twitter was also complicit in the past, but since Elon Musk acquired the company and changed its name to “X” he has done his best to change things there for the better…

The Daily Fetched: – Illegal immigrants in Denver have sent the City a long list of demands and have refused to leave their encampment until they are met. – “Instead of pre-made meals, Migrants will cook their food using fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City… – Last month, Denver Mayor Mike Johnston’s administration burdened Denver taxpayers with a whopping $90 million bill to address the ongoing illegal immigration crisis.

May 8, 2024

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden veered off-script during an interview with a Spanish-language radio station, appearing to admit the real reason he is allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter the United States. – “It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters! Err, Hispanic citizens,” Biden said.

Breitbart: Democrats Save Johnson – The historic 359 to 43 vote likely cements Johnson’s speakership, for now. – An overwhelming 163 Democrats chose to continue Mike Johnson’s coalition government with the essential co-Speaker Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), voting to table a motion from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) to strip Johnson of his gavel…

Western Journal: The House on Tuesday passed a bill designed to ensure that any new energy efficiency standards promulgated by the DOE be based on available technology and economic reality, according to a media release from the bill’s sponsor. – Representative Debbie Lesko’s office said that the bill passed with bi-partisan support…

Conservative Brief: A CNN Legal Analyst Is Stunned By Stormy Daniels Admitting She Hates Trump. – Though Honig deemed Daniels’ testimony regarding a 2006 sexual encounter with Trump in a hotel room “plausible,” her answers during Trump’s team’s cross-examination called into doubt her reliability…

Brownstone Institute: The supposed “strong” economy of the last several years was nothing of the kind. – On the contrary, the Keynesian GDP accounts were inflated by deferred spending runoffs that flowed from the astonished abnormal buildup of household cash during Washington’s pandemic lockdowns. – This is evident in the purple line of the simple graph below…

Center For Immigration Studies: Biden’s ‘Family Reunification Parole Processes’ Are Tailor-Made for Corruption – It’s an ‘invitation-only’ program with opaque criteria. – Certain aliens are considered to be “immediate relatives” of U.S. citizens, which means that once that petition is approved, they can complete the consular process and make their way to the United States. – These include alien spouses, unmarried children under the age of 21, and parents of such citizens…

Epoch Times: In March, the DOD sent Congress a proposal that would allow the federal department to send some state guardsmen to the U.S. Space Force. – Governors from 50 states, as well as several territories, said they oppose a Department of Defense (DOD) plan to move state National Guard units to the U.S. Space Force, with a separate governor alleging Monday the plan is a “power grab.”

Breitbart: Two colonels in Ukraine’s State Protection Department, which is tasked with guarding the lives of the president and other high-ranking government officials, have been arrested for an alleged attempt to assassinate President Zelensky in conjunction with Russia’s FSB, the successor to the Soviet Union’s KGB, it is claimed…

Gatestone Institute: This Is Israel’s Newest Security Threat, Is the US Next? – The Chinese are imposing a kind of sanction. – They don’t officially declare it, but they are delaying certain shipments to Israel. – Also immensely disturbing is that “massive” amounts of advanced Chinese military equipment were found in Gaza by the IDF during its military operations there…

Washington Examiner: THOUSANDS OF BOMBS ON HOLD – The reports first appeared over the weekend, when Axios quoted Israeli officials as saying that the United States had put on hold a shipment of ammunition to Israel. The Biden administration refused to confirm or deny the report for two days, while members of Congress grew increasingly frustrated…

Breitbart: Trump Touts ‘Great Day’ in Court After Stormy Daniels’s Testimony Falls Flat – Stormy Daniels delivered hours of testimony that even Judge Juan Merchan indicated was too much detail and did not seem to move jurors...

Townhall: Bad News for Fani Willis – The Georgia Court of Appeals will hear President Donald Trump’s appeal of the Fulton County judge’s decision to not disqualify District Attorney Fani Willis, likely significantly delaying the Trump trial, which Willis was hoping to have before Election Day.

Epoch Times: ‘It’s Complicated’: How the Campus Protests Could Impact the 2024 Election – Some want President Biden to take a harder line to quell the protests, while others are urging him to defend students’ freedom to protest against Israel. – As in 1968, the Democratic Party will convene in Chicago this August to select its presidential nominee. Some Democrats are anxious that the violent events more than five decades ago could be repeated in 2024…

Western Journal: Trump Sidesteps The Judge’s Gag Order By Reading A CNN News Report Critical Of The Trial Out Loud – Bragg has charged Trump with falsifying business records by listing a $130,000 non-disclosure agreement with porn star Stormy Daniels as legal expense payments made to his former personal attorney Michael Cohen…

American Thinker: Democrats are Silencing Voices of Opposition – ‘Silencing’ has become a way of life for Democrats when they govern. – Democrats don’t like conservative news organizations, especially things favorable to Donald Trump. – They call it disinformation and/or extreme speech and have an agenda to silence conservative voices. – They get private companies to do their dirty work, then say “Our hands are clean”…

American Thinker: DEI, Which Stinks To The Public, Morphs Into Creative New Acronyms – Some states have instituted laws to make universities get rid of their DEI offices and programs. – Good luck with that, because now these infamous equity operations are morphing into other acronyms such as “Belonging, Community Engagement, and Student Development” in Texas, the “Division of Access and Opportunity” in Oklahoma, and the “Office of Institutional Engagement and Effectiveness” in Utah…

FAR: Why “The Left” Went After General Flynn – As we all know, they are going after Donald Trump with Lawfare along with anything else they can do to discredit him before the coming presidential election in November. – With that in mind, it is appropriate to revisit some of the things they did after Trump was first elected POTUS to understand the lengths The Left, The Deep State, The CIA, The FBI, and others will go to…

American Thinker: A Half Century Ago, Dictionaries Were Truthful – I recently discovered a relic from an ancient civilization in my own house! – It was titled “Webster’s Third New International Dictionary”, copyright 1976. – Wow, how things have changed. – For instance, Marriage: The state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife. The mutual relation of husband and wife: wedlock. – Pervert: One that has been perverted or that manifests or is given to some form of perversion, especially sexual…

May 7, 2024

Washington Examiner: According to a recent Washington Post-Ipsos poll, black voters’ desire to vote in the 2024 general election has fallen since 2020, which could be something to worry about for President Joe Biden. – The poll found that 62% of black voters said they were “certain to vote,” down from 74% who said they were certain to vote in June 2020.

National Pulse: Soros-Linked Democrats Paid Over $500K to Judge Merchan’s Daughter’s Firm. – Juan Merchan, a Biden donor, has faced calls to recuse himself over his familial links to the Democrat government, but he has refused and imposed a gag order banning Trump from discussing his family members…

Fox News: Federal judge Canon postpones Trump’s classified records trial that was set for May 20th, with no new date set. – In a filing Tuesday, Cannon said that due to the “myriad and interconnected pre-trial” issues “remaining and forthcoming,” it would be “imprudent and inconsistent with the Court’s duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pre-trial motions.”

American Spectator: Manhattan Is on Trial – Like so many Americanos, I’m spending more time than I should be, listening to news out of Manhattan, where the local prosecutor there has charged the leading Republican candidate for president with 34 felony counts of being Donald Trump. – No doubt, for anyone not too far with Trump derangement syndrome, Manhattan is more on trial here than Donald Trump is…

By Peter Navarro, from Behind Prison Walls: The Bureau of Prisons Thumbs Its Nose At Congress And Taxpayers – There is the “RICO wing” of the DOJ, now exploiting and often abusing the broad powers of federal racketeering laws. – DOJ prosecutors routinely use overly broad “conspiracy” charges to threaten defendants and their family members with ridiculously long sentences if the defendants refuse to plea bargain and instead go to trial…

City Journal: The University Of Kentucky Is In Trouble. – University administrators have created a sprawling DEI bureaucracy that encourages racial discrimination in hiring and scholarships, attempts to control students’ “unconscious thoughts and behaviors” through mandatory diversity training, and even requires new building projects to allocate up to $1 million toward public artwork that pushes left-wing ideology…

Western Journal: Boy Scouts of America Makes Ridiculous Name Change to “Scouting America” in A Bid to Be More ‘Inclusive’ – By stating they “welcome every youth” the organization means it is embracing “inclusiveness” without using the word. – “Inclusive” is a woke buzzword…

Western Journal: The 16-Year-Old Student Who Was Suspended for Saying ‘Illegal Alien’ Hits Back Against The School District With A Lawsuit. – The Liberty Justice Center said his question caused no disruption in class, but administrators made a decision to suspend McGhee for three days claiming he made a “vicious racial slur.”

Gatestone Institute: A Palestinian State Will Lead To More Massacres, The Final Nail in The Coffin Torpedoing Biden Legacy – If the Saudis were serious about normalizing their relations with Israel, they could have done so long ago. – Like most Arabs, the Saudis could not care less about a Palestinian state and might secretly prefer not to have one at all…

Western Journal: Israel officials say the Biden administration tricked them because Israel was not given the text of a deal proposed by Egypt and Qatar until after Hamas announced Monday that it had agreed to it. – The Biden administration denies the Israeli claim.

National Review: The World Press Chooses to Trust Hamas – What kind of a person or organization do you have to be to take Hamas at its word at this point, Gullible, Naïve, Foolish, in denial, or The Associated Press? – As has been shown numerous times, Hamas has a notorious record of lying and breaking cease-fires that its leaders have accepted and touted…

Center For Immigration Studies: The Biden administration is reportedly considering permanently resettling Palestinian refugees from Gaza because of the Israel-Hamas war. – Palestinians who managed to flee Gaza to Egypt or other neighboring countries, as well as those who are still in Gaza would be welcomed here (in the latter case, the U.S. government would help them get out). – Those with relatives in the United States would be given priority…

American Thinker: Is Marjorie ‘Judas’ Greene Betraying Donald Trump? – MTG is making moves that could lead to the U.S. House being under Democrat control. 

American Thinker: Useful Idiots for Hamas – In contrast to the Vietnam era, today’s protestors want to eradicate a country of nine million people possessing the most powerful, nuclear-equipped army in the Middle East with their mission is to be accomplished by shouting “Death to America” and disrupting classes makes one ask, “Are these the smartest of the smart?” – Ironically, perhaps the only people accomplishing anything in these disturbances are the scores of non-student professional agitators bedecked in their balaclavas whose mission is solely to create violent chaos…

Resist The Mainstream: The FBI used sensational-looking photograph props during its raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort to retrieve classified documents at the alleged crime scene. – Jay Bratt, the top prosecutor from the DOJ now working with special counsel Jack Smith, acknowledged in a recent court document that FBI agents used prop cover sheets marked “top secret” during the Mar-a-Lago raid…

National Review: As porn star Stormy Daniels’s testimony unfolds, what has always been obvious becomes even more explicit. – The point of this trial is to bruise Donald Trump politically by humiliating him with a tawdry sexual episode from nearly 20 years ago that is utterly unnecessary in his crusade to prove the charges in the indictment…

Breitbart: Most voters predict Trump’s business records trial will lead to some level of a conviction, but a plurality thinks the prosecution has been unfair, a Suffolk University/USA Today poll shows.

American Thinker: You can see why the Obama girls didn’t go to Chicago schools – The Obamas may have loved the unions politically. However, they still wanted their daughters to get a solid education. – The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is negotiating a new contract with the public school system and is understood to be calling for an extra $50 billion to pay for wage hikes as well as other demands such as fully paid abortions for its members, new migrant services and facilities and a host of LGBT-related requirements and training in schools…

The Federalist: A South Carolina law enforcement investigates allegations a state agency is handing out voter registration forms to foreign nationals. – Jeff Leieritz, a spokesman for the state’s Department of Health and Human Services, says the department, as the state’s Medicaid agency, is mandated to provide voter registration information under Section 7 of the National Voter Registration Act Of 1993.

May 6, 2024

New York Post: Hamas changed the cease-fire deal description of the hostages in the proposed prisoner swapWhile the original deal called for 33 living hostages, Hamas changed the wording to include 33 hostages “alive or bodies.”…

Wall Street Journal: Why Israel Must Take Rafah – It’s the last sanctuary for Hamas’s military battalions in Gaza. – The terrorist group’s leaders have dragged out negotiations for a cease-fire for months, with no intention of freeing hostages while President Biden shielded their stronghold from attack. – Now the terrorist masterminds of Oct. 7 are learning that President Biden can’t protect them…

Fox News: Israel is beginning ‘targeted’ strikes against Hamas in Rafah – Israel announced earlier Monday it was ordering around 100,000 Palestinians to begin evacuating from Rafah. – Later that day, Hamas put out a statement claiming it had accepted an Egyptian-Qatari proposal for a cease-fire…

Tablet Magazine: The People Setting America on Fire – An investigation into the witches’ brew of billionaires, Islamists, and leftists behind these campus protests – When police cleared out encampments at the University of Texas-Austin and Columbia and the City University of New York last week, roughly half of those arrested—45 of the 79 in Texas, 134 of the 282 in New York—had no connection with the university at which they were arrested…

Vigilant News: The Hidden Forces Behind the Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University – The protests, which erupted into violence, were not spontaneous. They were fueled by a radical activist group, The People’s Forum – A critical meeting that took place hours before the infamous building takeover at a Manhattan venue hosted by TPF saw around 100 activists being incited by Manolo De Los Santos, the executive director of TPF in a speech that has since gone viral…

Dr. Owen Anderson: Where Did These Teachings Come From? – Unsurprisingly, they came from within the universities – My university, ASU, has required employee training about the problem of “whiteness.” My college teaches a “decolonizing” program. I was asked to “decolonize” my syllabus and classroom. All of this is paid for by the taxpayers of Arizona…

New York Post: Warren Buffett said over the weekend that he expects the U.S. government will increase taxes rather than reduce spending amidst the country’s mounting national debt, adding, “My best speculation is that U.S. debt will be acceptable for a very long time because there’s not much alternative.” – He also noted that these factors prompted Buffett’s Berkshire to reduce its stake in Apple, among several other blue-chip manufacturers, home builders, insurance companies, and retailers within its portfolio…

Western Journal: A Multi-state Coalition Rises Against Biden ATF’s Attempt to Halt Firearm Sales Between Americans. – At least two major lawsuits have been filed by the states to stop this massive anti-gun power grab by the ATF and the Biden administration. – Kansas AG Kris Kobach filed one of them and has garnered the support of 21 other state AGs in defense of the Second Amendment…

Epoch Times: A former Trump Organization controller took the witness stand on Monday, saying Trump did not personally ask him to carry out any “hush money” payments. – In court papers, Trump lawyers have described the payments that were sent to Mr. Cohen as legal expenses, while prosecutors say that it was an attempt to cover up the true nature of the payments during an election.

Western Journal: Donald Trump promises to take drastic action against illegal immigrants using the military where needed and launching massive deportations of those who have crossed U.S. borders without legal sanction. – That’s caused quite a tizzy with the leftist media because when Trump says something, he usually does his best to follow through.

Epoch Health: An Emergency Has Been Declared on Tuberculosis in the California City of Long Beach – The outbreak is currently isolated to a distinct population that has significant barriers to care including homelessness and housing insecurity, mental illness, substance use, and serious medical comorbidities…

Sharyl Attkisson: A recent Gallup News Poll found that inflation continues to be the most concerning financial problem – For the third year in a row, the percentage of Americans naming inflation or the high cost of living as the most important financial problem facing their family has reached a new high. – The 41% naming the issue this year is up slightly from 35% a year ago and 32% in 2022…

City Journal: The Supreme Court has a second chance to remind education officials that “eliminating discrimination means eliminating all of it! – Last month, the Boston Parent Coalition for Academic Excellence, a group of parents and students who support merit-based admissions, asked the justices to examine the 2021–22 admissions policy for Boston’s three selective public high schools…

Center Square: California Governor Gavin Newsom took to the top of Golden Gate Bridge to share his claim that California had hit an “unprecedented” tourism spending record. – However, the fact is that after accounting for inflation, tourism is down 14% from 2019. – His false claim was gladly shared by trusted news organizations such as CBS and the San Francisco Chronicle.

Epoch Times: The California Supreme Court Rules People Can’t Be Detained Just for Trying to Avoid Police In A 7-0 Ruling – There still needs to be “reasonable suspicion of criminal activity” before an arrest can be legally made...

Gatestone: Will China Soon Control Both Elon Musk and SpaceX? – Musk has made Tesla reliant on China, and China’s rulers know that. – “You have me, and I have you.” — Chinese Premier Li Qiang to Elon Musk. – The words, ostensibly meant to show U.S.-China friendship, are in reality a warning…

Brownstone Institute: George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law Todd Zywicki’s Testimony To The House Committee On The Weaponization of Government. – How do I know about the US Government’s massive, unprecedented, and chilling multi-year system of censorship by proxy through coercion and collaboration with the country’s largest social media sites to suppress the speech of ordinary Americans seeking to both speak and hear information on important issues? Because as I am about to explain, it happened to me!…

Victor Davis Hanson: The End of Old Left-Wing Mythologies – The one-eyed Jack American Left has been flipped over, and what turned up proved frightening. – What’s surprising is not that these university campus demonstrators are violent and nihilist, but that they are, on the one hand, so openly and crudely anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-American, and yet on the other hand, so passive-aggressive, narcissistic, and weepy…

Washington Free Beacon: Thirteen federal judges said Monday that they would no longer hire law clerks from Columbia College or Columbia Law School after the university allowed an encampment on its lawn to spiral into a destructive occupation of a campus building. – The judges cited the “explosion of student disruptions” and the “virulent spread of antisemitism” at Columbia, which has now canceled its main graduation ceremony because of the unrest.

Washington Free Beacon: Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine at Columbia Columbia faculty group has gone on strike in solidarity with arrested student protesters and will not return to campus until law enforcement is removed. – “We will not return to a campus that is extremely dangerous for Black, Palestinian, Middle Eastern, Latinx, South Asian, Arab, Muslim, trans, queer, and other communities who are disproportionately profiled by police”…

Peter Navarro’s Substack: As mass protests swept the nation, those events buried important news: US troops being sent to Gaza for a complex and poorly planned humanitarian mission. – Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin admitted that the US military supporting the Gaza pier project could defend themselves if fired upon…

American Thinker: The Moral Imperative of October 7 – The events on our campuses and the equivocations of Democrat leadership after October 7 reveal that Democrats both placate and capitulate to radical Islamic extremists. – Shamefully, the Democrats, starting with Biden, do not seem to understand the threat that this recent attack means for Israel or the US…

American Thinker: Ongoing Jihadist Infiltration into America – Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, and Yasser Arafat before them have for decades educated American universities to jihad, with recent events attesting to their disturbing success. – Then there are American Muslims for Palestine, established in 2005 by UC Berkeley lecturer Hatem Bazian…

Powerline: Prime Minister Netanyahu gave a speech at Yad Vashem at the start of Holocaust Remembrance Day events in Jerusalem yesterday evening. – The speech took an unusual turn when he shifted language since Netanyahu normally does not use this forum to speak in English.” This is what he had to say to whom it may concern in the English-speaking world…

New York Post: Hamas claims it has accepted a cease-fire proposal from Egypt and Qatar on Monday as the Israeli military prepares to launch an assault on its last stronghold in Rafah. – Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh announced the decision. – Details of the agreement have yet to be revealed.

Townhall: As Defeat Sets In, Hamas Plays Games With The Supposed Ceasefire ‘Agreement’- In typical fashion, Hamas is operating in bad faith and manipulating the terms of the agreement. – Senior Israeli official to Ynet: This Hamas agreement to the deal is a deception. It is a one-sided deal without any Israeli involvement or agreement. – This was meant to make Israel look bad when they refused…

Daily Fetched: The Square Hotel in NYC’s Broadway Theater District Was Quietly Converted into a Migrant Shelter – The hotel sits just three blocks from the famed Radio City Music Hall and is five minutes from Times Square. – Currently, a National Guard soldier stationed at the lobby’s entrance is turning away tourists seeking a room for the night…

Breitbart: Speaker Johnson signaled to the high-powered group at a fundraiser on Sunday that he would support kicking members who blocked his coalition government’s legislative agenda off of committees. – He also said he is in favor of changing House rules, such as rules on the motion to vacate,  at the end of this Congress…

American Thinker: Ric Grenell exposes Jack Smith as the king of sleaze – Smith has no business prosecuting President Trump. – He’s got a disgraceful history of politicized prosecutions in Europe when he was chief prosecutor for the special court in the Hague, Netherlands…

Slay Magazine: Bombshell new evidence has just emerged to reveal that one of the lead prosecutors on President Donald Trump’s “hush money” case in New York was paid by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for “political consulting,” a financial paper trail has revealed. – Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo is working on the team for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s get-Trump case…

Epoch Times: The judge overseeing former President Donald Trump’s so-called “hush-money” trial in New York on Monday found the former president in contempt of court for alleged gag order violations, warning that he might jail him. – The judge added that the “magnitude of this decision is not lost on me but at the end of the day I have a job to do, so as much as I don’t want to impose a jail sanction … I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate.”

FAR: The Trump Doctrine – Revisited – Back in January 2020, Dov Fischer authored an article titled “The Trump Doctrine: On Zig-Zagging, Keeping Hands Off Our People, and America First.” – It describes what Trump probably thought then, with No Holds Barred. – The key points he made in his article are provided below…

American Thinker: DEI has infiltrated our American military like a deadly toxin, making it incapable of defending our shores or our country. – White people will not be hired or promoted according to merit, nor will they even be allowed to function the way other races function so long as DEI has a branch in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or any other American defense mechanism…

Gateway Pundit: “They’re Torturing Us!” – January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Sends Out a Plea for Help After 1,200 Days in Prison without a Trial. – He went to the Capitol to peacefully protest and ended up saving the lives of Phillip Anderson and Tommy Tatum. – He is in a solitary primate chamber on the rooftop of the Brooklyn Federal Prison…

May 5, 2024

Breitbart: The pro-Palestinian, antisemitic protests on university campuses across the nation are funded by Biden’s politically friendly donors which could explain why he hesitates to condemn them and won’t investigate them. – Two of the main organizers behind protests at Columbia University and other campuses are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, both seeded by George Soros as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Canadian Independent: The United Nations Agenda 2030 appears to be in full implementation mode in Canada with an SDG factory set up in downtown Kitchener, Ontario – The UN’s global push for 15-minute cities calls for eliminating fossil fuels and transitioning to electric or green alternatives in every possible way. – You will be fined for leaving your 15-minute city, are restricted on how many kilometers you can fly a year, and told how many articles of clothing you can buy in a year…

Unheard: An MIT spokesperson has confirmed that requests for a statement on diversity will no longer be part of applications for any faculty positions at MIT. – The decision marks an inflection point in the battle over diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in higher education…

Gatestone Institute: Iran’s Dangerous New Terror Proxy, Sudan – Iran’s Encirclement of Israel and Control of the Red Sea Is Almost Complete – The bottom line for America and Europe is that the strategy of engaging and appeasing Iran has failed miserably…

Breitbart: Israel Shuts Down Al Jazeera As They Are Viewed as Terror Propaganda Outlet – The controversial decision, which took months, will invite criticism that Israel does not honor freedom of the press, as it claims to do. However, Al Jazeera has gone beyond media coverage to advocacy, and several Al Jazeera staff have been implicated in terrorism…

Breitbart: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a video statement on Sunday insisting that Israel will not agree to Hamas’s demand that it end the war as a condition of a deal to release the remaining Israeli hostages in Gaza…

American Thinker: The Biden administration continues its energy attack – As part of its sweeping climate change agenda, the Biden administration recently finalized regulations that will make things much harder on existing — and future — fossil fuel-fired power plants…

American Thinker: New technologies that will make monitoring drivers’ behavior easy and comprehensive … will soon also be mandatory. – H.R. 3684, an “infrastructure” bill signed by Joe Biden in 2021 included a provision mandating expanded monitoring of folks as they drive an automobile. –  Henceforth the intrusive technologies will be required in all new vehicles being manufactured and sold in the US…

Zero Hedge: California lawmakers are considering a bill that would give preference to African American applicants seeking occupational licenses, for such professions as teaching, nursing, counseling, electrical work, and others, especially those who are descendants of slaves. – Assemblyman Mike Gipson, author of AB 2862, said the state’s licensing process poses barriers for African Americans seeking employment, particularly in terms of wage disparities and access to leadership or managerial positions…

National Review: How Children Became Guinea Pigs – Hilary Cass, the senior pediatrician commissioned to write the report, noted that there is considerable evidence suggesting that social media use contributes to mental health problems in young people. – She also noted that girls spend more time on social media than boys do…

FAR: A Great Hitler Trump LawFare Spoof – This video clip has been used for several years to mock political happenings. – This one is the latest of many and is a bullseye as far as I am concerned.

May 4, 2024

Epoch Times: Senior military leaders plotted to disobey then-President Donald Trump’s orders on January 6, 2021, because they “unreasonably” thought he might try to use the D.C. National Guard to block certification of the 2020 presidential election, according to whistleblower Colonel Earl Matthews. – The DOD did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Col. Matthews’s claims…

Politique Republic: What if the entire Mar-a-Lago raid was part of a cover-up combined with a setup? Thanks to the exceptional reporting by independent journalist Julie Kelly, we now know this scenario is more likely than not. It’s a chilling reality.

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s seemingly unassailable “blue wall” appears to be crumbling in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s greatest political comeback in history. – The “blue wall” represents three battleground states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Biden must win these states to prevent Trump from winning reelection…

Powerline: The CAMPUS JIHADISTS REAL TARGET IS AMERICA – With few exceptions, college presidents are overpaid, spineless figureheads, so their campuses are soft targets for the pro-Hamas forces. – It seems they have noticed that Joe Biden, a waxworks effigy of a president, is something of an invertebrate as well…

World Net Daily: More Chinese illegals were apprehended at the southern border in 2 days than in all of 2021 – Approximately 262 Chinese migrants were caught by Border Patrol at the San Diego sector on May 1, as well as 223 on May 2 – An expert worries they are ‘coming to this country to commit acts of sabotage’…

Resist The Mainstream: Patrick Bet-David, the Iranian-born conservative pundit behind the popular Valuetainment YouTube channel, has shared his impression of the mysterious Barron Trump, calling him the “most interesting 18-year-old I’ve met.” – “He is the son of a billionaire president and says “Let me walk you to your car.”…

Western Journal: Some Americans are merely disgusted by the idea of lab-grown meats, but many others are alarmed at the prospect of eating synthetic foods. – Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that outlaws the sale of lab-grown meat in Florida making the Sunshine State the first to enact such a law.

Epoch Times: A constitutional rights litigation firm has obtained internal emails revealing the Biden administration’s HHS efforts to find ways around state bans on gender transition medical procedures. – Their litigation eventually brought forth emails revealing efforts to radically change governmental data and statistics on sex in the name of ‘gender identity…

Gatestone Institute: Iran Is Mocking US Sanctions – Never before have sanctions been so ostentatiously disregarded without any seeming awareness by those violating them of the possible consequences. – The US administration, it appears, has been funding Iran to attack Israel and itself...

American Conservative: Biden’s Middle East Posture Courts Insanity and Endangers U.S. Troops – An Israeli–Iranian spat can easily become something much larger—and Americans will bear the brunt of it as the crisis in the Middle East remains one step from major escalation…

Geller Report: Most American voters believe Israel should move forward with a military operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah to finish the war against Hamas, according to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll – Survey respondents responded to a prompt asking, “Should Israel move forward with an operation in Rafah to finish the war with Hamas, doing its best to avoid civilian casualties even though there will be casualties…

American Thinker: Illegals Fly Florida – Virtually everything Biden’s handlers have done concerning immigration is a violation of immigration law, national sovereignty, and security. – Let’s start with the more than 45 cities in the U.S. that hundreds of thousands of migrants were flown into via a controversial parole program for four nationalities, with the vast majority entering the U.S. via airports in Florida…

The New York Sun: Jack Smith, in Startling Filing in Trump Mar-a-Lago Case, Admits To Misleading Judge and Altering Order of Secret Documents in Evidence – The special counsel, in a possible boon to Trump, admits to misleading the courts as to whether the Mar-a-Lago documents were kept in their original order…

The National Pulse: Day 7 Of The Trump Trial – Hope Hicks Took The Stand And Cast Doubt On Bragg’s Election Claims. – Hicks unequivocally stated that Trump was solely concerned about how the Stormy Daniels story would impact his family, especially his wife, Melania. Hicks also said, “He wanted me to make sure that the newspapers weren’t delivered to his residence that morning.”…

Brownstone Institute: In March 2021, the Biden White House initiated a brazenly unconstitutional censorship campaign to prevent Americans from buying politically unfavorable books from Amazon. – White House censors including Andy Slavitt and Rob Flaherty, began on March 2, 2021, when Slavitt emailed Amazon demanding to speak to an executive about the site’s “high levels of propaganda and misinformation and disinformation.”

American Thinker: Dr. Hilary Cass Socks It To The ‘Transgender’ Movement – At long last, there’s an important study showing the medicalization of so-called ‘transgenderism’ is a house of cards, with roots in politics, not science. – For Marxists, social and cultural tolerance are the watchwords for integrating “transgenderism” into the mainstream, claiming they are just another oppressed minority…

American Thinker: Appearing on MSNBC with Katy Tur recently, Nancy Pelosi declared abortion is a “democracy issue” – Pelosi said Democrats will eliminate the Senate filibuster and codify nationwide abortion-on-demand if her party keeps the White House, and Senate, and takes back the House in November.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: CAMPUS CANNIBALS EDITION – College campuses are cannibalizing themselves, eating up their already dwindling moral and intellectual capital.

May 3, 2024

Wall Street Journal: Activist Groups Trained Students Months Before The Campus ProtestsLeft-wing groups and veteran demonstrators provided guidance and support before the rise of the pro-Palestinian encampments. – “We took notes from our elders, engaged in dialogue with them, and analyzed how the university responded to previous protests,” said Sueda Polat, a graduate student and organizer in the pro-Palestinian encampment…

Zero Hedge: The US Is The Only G-7 Nation To See Trust In Government Plummet – This Visual Capitalist’s chart looks at the changes in trust in government institutions between the years 2006 and 2023 and is based on data from a multi-country Gallup poll.

American Spectator: Alvin Bragg Is as Corrupt as the New York Robber Barons – The case is driven not by law but by politics. – New York’s Constitution, Article III, Section 16 says in so many words, “No hiding of laws inside laws. If it is to be law, let it be set forth explicitly.”

Epoch Times: Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued an executive order Thursday directing state schools to defy the Biden administration’s expansion of Title IX protections to include students identifying as transgender. – “The government should celebrate, not erase, sex differences by providing proper protections for them,” the order reads.

Conservative Brief: A recent report from Pew Research has shown that Catholics in the United States have shifted their support towards former President Donald Trump and away from President Joe Biden. – In a head-to-head matchup between the two candidates, 55% of Catholics now support or lean towards supporting former President Donald Trump, while only 45% support Biden.

Sharyl Attkisson: A Recent Gallup poll chart shows that illegal immigration is the “top” US issue for 3rd straight month – This is followed by Government, The Economy, and Inflation…

American Greatness: House Speaker Johnson Finally Has Border Crisis Concerns – After weeks of taking heat from friends and foes alike, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson has sounded off on the growing U.S. border crisis. – It’s getting tougher for Speaker Johnson to convince struggling Americans that his concerns are genuine when he’s proven unwilling or unable to stop handing the Biden administration an open budget to fund illegals being flown into the US.

Zero Hedge: The State Of World Press Freedom – The 2024 World Press Freedom Index was released today. – This year, the agency highlights a “worrying decline in support and respect for media autonomy and an increase in pressure from the state or other political actors.” – The United States ranked 55th out of 180 in 2024, having dropped ten positions – Norway was rated #1…

California Globe: Crime is Not Down, Bidenflation is Real, the Border is Not Secure, and ‘Migrants’ are Illegal Aliens – Here are a few thoughts from the peanut gallery, with opinions backed by facts…

Zero Hedge: “I’ve Been Ghosted”: After Their Installation, Solar Panels Can Become A Maintenance Nightmare – The green new deal and switch to “alternative’ energy looks like it’s going exactly as planned: costing the taxpayer trillions of dollars and generally pissing everybody off…

Gatestone Institute: Hamas and Hezbollah, How Iran Is Secretly Infiltrating Europe – In February, Belgium’s justice minister confirmed that Hamas operates in Brussels… through a network of front companies raising funds for the terrorist organization… Belgian authorities nevertheless continue to allow Hamas to operate there…

New York Post: An Israeli Father Of Three That Was Believed To Be Held Hostage in Gaza, Is Now Confirmed Dead – Dror Or, 49, was killed in Kibbutz Be’eri during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and his body was brought to Gaza, the Israeli government said Thursday.

Zero Hedge: Earlier this week, it was revealed that the WH is considering using the “United States Refugee Admissions Program” to hand Palestinians permanent residency and “resettlement benefits like housing assistance and a path to American citizenship.” – Republican lawmakers are moving to prevent the Biden administration resettling Palestinian refugees in the United States, asserting that it represents a “national security threat” since large numbers of them support Hamas…

American Thinker: That Israel Is Guilty of Genocide Is A Lie – Israel’s enemies are charging the world’s only Jewish nation with committing genocide. – Independent observer Colonel Spencer noted that “Israel provided days and then weeks of warnings, as well as time for civilians to evacuate northern Gaza” before initiating the IDF main air-ground attack…

Washington Examiner: Rasmussen Shows Trump Is In Blowout Territory, Leading Biden By 10-12 Points – The latest 2024 election numbers have Trump at 46%, Biden at 36%, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 9%. – Last month, Trump led Biden by 6 points, 44%-38%.

Washington Examiner: The Biden administration announced a final rule Friday enabling children of illegal immigrants to qualify for the Affordable Care Act. – Dreamers, as the group is commonly known, did not previously qualify for federal health insurance through the Obamacare marketplace due to the lack of legal status but President Joe Biden’s new rule changes that.

Zero Hedge: Inflation’s New Normal Will Be 3% – Mark B. Spiegel of Stanphyl Capital released his most recent investor letter on April 30, 2024, with his updated take on the market’s valuation and longstanding bet against Tesla…

New York Sun: Employers Scale Back Hiring in April, Signaling Slowing Labor Market That Could Encourage Fed To Cut Rates – Last month’s hiring gain of 175,000 is down sharply from the blockbuster increase of 315,000 in March, and well below the 233,000 gain that economists had predicted…

The Federalist: Here are the 10 biggest lies Democrats tell about U.S. elections so you can identify and combat their mistruths. – Election Integrity Laws ‘Suppress’ Voters, The 2020 Election Was the ‘Most Secure in American History,’ Voter Fraud Doesn’t Exist, Election Workers Are Under Siege, Ranked-Choice Voting Is ‘Fair’

American Thinker: The Biden Administration Lies and Statistics, vs Reality – We are told that inflation since Biden has been elected, is around 20%, but that seems low with food up over 35%, and energy prices, which affect everything, up over 59%. – The cost of crude oil is up around 100%, and it is used in over 6,000 products, not just fuel…

Truth About Threats: Protests and Protesters, Honorable Intent or a Product of Foreign and Domestic Malign Influence? – The threat from a divisive dishonest media, politicians that wield such weapons of politics, along with US and foreign oligarchs who own or have control of such, is very real indeed, and dangerously so. – First of all, the narratives sustaining the protests are roughly 90% false or more easily understood as straight propaganda…

Dov Fischer: The Blessing of the College Riots – “Everything we did for our child from the day she was born through age 18 was destroyed in a mere four years at college.” – Finally — finally, finally — all of America is taking notice that the colleges and universities have gotten out of hand. – It is no longer about the ideological brainwashing of kids but about insurrection…

Breitbart: 2,000+ Have Been Arrested in The Hamas Youth Protests, With 43 Colleges Infected – As the arrests are being made, students are pleading for special treatment and demanding no records are kept of their lawful detention. – “This is a movement from the left, not from the right and the right is not the problem despite what law enforcement likes to say,” Trump said about the anti-Israel protests…

American Greatness: The Biden Administration Must Denounce the International Criminal Court’s Plan to Indict Netanyahu – The precedent of the ICC indicting Netanyahu and members of his government over the Israel-Gaza War could easily be used by U.S. adversaries to seek indictments against Biden officials and those from other administrations. – Noted attorneys and former Bush administration Justice Department officials, warned about the creation of the ICC…

American Thinker: Multi-Culture Chaos – Before the flood of immigrants into Europe, many Europeans thought the answer to Europe’s social problems was multiculturalism, that is, the idea of a society that fully accepts foreigners who practice Islam, while preserving their religious and mental characteristics, without requiring them to integrate…

American Thinker: Boosting De-Dollarization From Within – Drafting the U.S. dollar, America’s long-dominant global reserve currency, into foreign military service over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a fateful decision. – Whether owing to a lack of understanding or the time-honored political habit of sacrificing tomorrow for today, the dollar’s centrality is as much at risk from domestic as foreign sources currently.

Issues & Insights: Here’s How We Know The Supposed Climate Crisis Is Not About The Climate – We have been told that CO2 is a pollutant for more than 30 years – The climate scare is unrelated to protecting the sky because the data tell us so. – This CTUP chart shows a sharp decrease in U.S. emissions and a modest drop in European Union emissions, however, there are increases in India, Southeast Asia, and China, particularly the latter. – Where is the outrage there?

May 2, 2024

The Daily Signal: Harvesting Voters? These Left-Wing Groups Are Teaming With USDA – A White House official told the Agriculture Department to include left-leaning groups, including the United Food and Commercial Workers union and the League of United Latin American Citizens, among “stakeholders” to help implement President Joe Biden’s executive order aimed at turning out the vote.

Epoch Times: Donald Trump Reveals What He’ll Do If He Falls Short During 2024 Election. – “If everything’s honest, I’ll gladly accept the results. – I don’t change on that,” President Trump said in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. – “If it’s not, you have to fight for the right of the country.”

Trending Politics: A state-level probe into the hiring practices of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is increasing speed, a sign that lawmakers may have nabbed enough damning evidence to potentially remove her from office. – A special committee convened by Georgia’s Republican-controlled state Senate is reconvening Friday to hear more testimony about Willis’…

Epoch Times: Stormy Daniels Lawyer Denies Payment Was ‘Hush Money’ in Trump Trial – Keith Davidson, who negotiated agreements related to adult performer Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, and model Karen McDougal, disputed Manhattan prosecutor Joshua Steinglass’s language.

Western Journal: Parts of the Bible Could Be Labeled ‘Antisemitic’ According To The “Antisemitism Awareness Act” approved by the House in a 320-91 vote on Wednesday. – Representative Matt Gaetz: “Antisemitism is wrong, but this legislation is written without regard for the Constitution, common sense, or even the common understanding of the meaning of words.”…

American Thinker: RFK, Jr. Hates Conservatives, And His Anti-Red State Proclamations Are Unreliable – Conservatives who think he’s the bridge between left and right need to understand how much he despises their values – RFK Jr.’s indictments of conservatives include: Red states have more divorces than blue states, more teen pregnancies, more murders, more overall violence, more porn, play more violent video games than…

American Thinker: America’s Illegal Immigration Nightmare, The Economic And Social Fallout – The long-term impact will be disastrous. – The majority of this influx comprises individuals with minimal skills entering the US unlawfully, imposing an undue strain on local communities and stretching public services to their limits…

New York Post: How much you need to earn to buy a home in America’s top 50 metros – The 10 metros where buyers need the highest incomes to buy a home are San Jose, CA – Los Angeles, CA – San Diego, CA – San Francisco, CA – Boston, MA – New York, NY – Seattle, WA – Sacramento, CA – Washington DC, and Austin, TX…

Gatestone Institute: Hamas Plays Westerners for Fools Again Regarding The Palestinian State. – Hamas wants everyone to believe that his group is ready to stop killing Jews for five years “or more” if it gets the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem…

Just The News: Records show National Archives official met with Biden White House counsel the day of Trump indictment. – Also, White House visitor logs show Archives officials visited Biden Administration officials throughout the earliest stages of the probe into President Trump with a recorded 19 visits…

FAR: The Speech That Got Trump Elected The First Time – This 5-1/2 minute speech is from a Trump rally in Tampa Florida on October 24, 2016. – All of us need to remember why we voted for him the first time, what he said he would do, and what he accomplished during his first term.

American Thinker: The Red States Are Going After Biden’s Pen – Republican AGs are lining up to challenge the undoing of Title IX due to its transgender clause. – At least 15 states with Republican AGs filed four lawsuits on the same day, in jurisdictions overseen by three U.S. circuit courts of appeal…

Victor Davis Hanson: Can The Current Universities Be Saved? – Politicized faculty, infantilized students, and mediocre classes have combined to erode the prestige of college degrees, even at what was once considered elite colleges. – The country is waking up to the reality that a bachelor’s degree no longer equates with graduates being broadly educated and analytical…

Breitbart: Joe Biden broke his virtual silence Thursday on the nationwide Gaza campus protests, saying the United States was not authoritarian but insisting “order must prevail.” – He also said that the demonstrations could not be allowed to disrupt classes and graduations for thousands of students at campuses across the United States.

Epoch Times: 26 States Have Filed Lawsuits in Federal Courts Over The ATF’s Redefinition of What A Gun Dealer Is – The lawsuits claim the new rule violates the Administrative Procedures Act and U.S. Constitution, and are asking courts to block the rule and declare it unconstitutional…

Issues & Insights: Stagflation Stages A Comeback – It’s been nearly 50 years since the U.S. suffered this leftist policy-induced madness that is a combination of stagnant economic growth and high inflation. – Misguided federal policies have pushed energy prices and other necessities to punishingly high levels, so Americans are struggling…

Washington Free Beacon: Since the Biden administration botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, the State Department has allocated millions to weapons removal projects. – As part of these activities, the U.S. government and its partners “have paid Taliban entities nearly $1.3 million in taxes, including $138,000 this quarter alone.”

Washington Times: Mortgage rates hit the highest level in nearly six months in bad news for Biden – As of Thursday, the average rate on a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage was 7.17%, according to Freddie Mac. It is the highest mortgage rates have been since November of last year, so is crimping home buying…

Breitbart: House Speaker Mike Johnson seeks to rally House Democrats to protect his job and thwart a motion to vacate next week. – He holds a negative 3.5 approval rating with a Real Clear Politics poll showing an Unfavorable Rating of 31.4 percent and a Favorable rating of 27.6 percent…

The Federalist: There is a strong indication that Kristen Clarke, who now leads the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, lied during her confirmation process in 2021 by answering NO to this question. – “Since becoming a legal adult, have you ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person.” – Clarke was arrested in July 2006 for allegedly attacking her husband with a knife…

National Review: Karine Jean-Pierre Is So Bad At Her Job. – A bird flu outbreak is a really bad time and place for the White House press secretary to tout that she doesn’t eat meat – The current threat from bird flu is small, but not nonexistent according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

May 1, 2024

Epoch Times: Trump Lays Out His Plan for Second Term In A TIME Interview – On day one he would take aggressive action over illegal immigration. – The interview covers all of the big issues in the 2024 election, ranging from border security and immigration to economic policy, abortion, January 6, and foreign affairs…

2nd Smartest Guy: EXPOSING THE CIA – “So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump, and the Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]” – James O’Keefe’s latest exposé should shatter the last vestiges of any illusion that the CIA has not gone rogue…

Foreign Affairs: China’s Alternative Order And What America Should Learn From It – By now, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s ambition to remake the world is undeniable. He wants to dissolve Washington’s network of alliances and purge what he dismisses as “Western” values from international bodies…

Powerline: CONSUMERS AREN’T BUYING BIDENOMICS – Confidence retreated further in April, reaching its lowest level since July 2022 as consumers became less positive about the current labor market situation and more concerned about future business conditions, job availability, and income, as shown in this chart…

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden administration gave the Taliban terror group a “green light” to seize control of Afghanistan’s capital city, Kabul, in mid-August 2021, setting the stage for the terror group to retake control of the country amid America’s botched withdrawal…

New York Sun: Police And Administrators Say ‘Outside Agitators’ Are Behind Much of the Anti-Israel Unrest on Campuses Across America – One-third to one-half of the protesters arrested at Columbia on Tuesday night were not students there…

New York Post: Don’t let Big Tech influence our elections yet again this year. – Silicon Valley giants use powerful reactive and proactive methods of social manipulation to shift public opinion and influence election outcomes. – This isn’t just a threat to free speech, but also election interference at its worst…

American Spectator: Will California Hobble the US Railroad Industry With Their New EPA Rules? – Most people don’t think much about railroads, but rail service is the most basic infrastructure of interstate commerce and accounts for around 40% of long-distance ton-miles and contributes far less than 1% to total U.S. emissions…

World Net Daily: Tucker Carlson Explains How Thin-Skinned Democrats Are Working To Shut Down The “One America News” Network – They claim OAN spreads supposed “Disinformation” for disclosing the truth…

American Spectator: The GOP Fights Biden In Defense Of Independent Contractors – The Biden administration continues with its union-backed plan to ban most types of freelancing, despite the dire evidence from California’s AB 5 that reclassified workers previously considered independent contractors as employees…

Zero Hedge: Israel Won’t End War On Hamas As Part Of Hostage Deal, Bibi Told Blinken – Once again the Biden White House has almost zero sway, as Israel is going to do whatever it is going to do, despite continued Washington pressure to halt and avoid the planned Rafah ground assault, with over a million refugees in harm’s way…

Center For Immigration Studies: Americans Can Know the U.S. Cities Receiving Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants That Were Flown In From Abroad. – A House committee data release confirmed the information. – The top 15 cities migrants flew into during the eight-month window were: Miami, Fla.: 91,821 – Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.: 60,461 – New York City, N.Y.: 14,827 – Houston, Texas: 7,923 – Orlando, Fla.: 6,043 – It seems that Biden’s people don’t like Florida!..

Just The News: The House released this 800-page report on Wednesday detailing alleged coercion between Biden’s White House and Big Tech. – Findings showed the WH censorship targeted “true information, satire, and other content that did not violate the platforms’ policies,” and that the WH had leverage because the companies had other policy concerns to be addressed by the Biden administration that were unrelated to the censorship…

Western Journal: The Trump Campaign Slams The Debate Commission’s ‘Unacceptable’ Scheduling Decision As ‘A Grave Disservice to the American Public’ – The Supposedly Non-Partisan Commission on Presidential Debates debate schedule begins after millions of Americans will have already cast their ballots.”

New York Sun: Could ‘Entrapment’ Be Trump’s Best Bet for Beating Jack Smith – And, the irony of ironies, it comes via a suggestion from one of the DOJ’s ace lawyers. – The possibility that they have conceded that Mr. Trump, or another president, could secure immunity by citing entrapment by estoppel could send Trump’s attorneys back to appellate precedents…

American Conservative: The Hur Memo and the Tragedy of Joe Biden – Partisan responses missed the transcript’s real substance. – The centerpiece of the investigation is a lengthy memo Biden wrote in 2009 to then-president Barack Obama, which investigators found—along with classified materials used to draft it—tucked in a cardboard box in Biden’s garage in Delaware last year…

American Conservative: Are the Democrats Facing A Redux of 1968? – The current crop of antiwar protests should have Biden and company more than a little worried – It looks like they don’t realize that the civil disorder they unleash can produce electoral outcomes that might be the opposite of what they want…

National Review: Next Act in the Farce: Holding Trump in Contempt – For good reasons, Trump believes the New York case is rigged against him and since it may be a year or three before he gets any convictions reversed on appeal, he has to fight the case as part of his campaign…

American Thinker: Why I think the accurate forecaster predicting a Biden win is wrong – He’s nailed every election since 1984, but I think (and hope) that his historical data analysis cannot apply to the anomaly that is 2024. – For one, this is the first election since 1892 that, while it involves an incumbent, still allows Americans to compare two presidential terms head-to-head…

American Thinker: Is A Trump-DeSantis dream ticket in the works? – Many voters who are unsure about Trump are sure about DeSantis, meaning, they will come aboard the Trump train if Ron is there – Trump reassured nervous voters in 2016 with Mike Pence on the ticket, so he knows that if he picks DeSantis, it’s likely to have the same effect…

American Thinker: Joe Biden plots to import Gaza’s ‘refugees’ – Hating America is among the ‘values’ of the Palestinians for whom no Arab state wants in their country. – Why is Biden doing this? – How useful does anyone think it will be for Hamas to get a nest of operatives into the States for an encore of October 7…

American Thinker: The Biden Administration Is Stabbing Israel In The Back? – How does one say “FJB” in Hebrew? – Very senior officials associated with the International Criminal Court in The Hague spoke of Israel’s fear of warrants for their senior officials resulting from the war in Gaza that would not be possible without American approval…

Townhall: Testifying in front of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Wednesday, former WH official Rob Flaherty was asked to explain the tenets of the First Amendment, but he couldn’t do it. – The testimony came just hours before the Committee released a lengthy report further detailing the Biden administration’s censorship and big tech pressure campaigns to remove information from several online platforms…

Thomas Klingenstein: The DEI Regime Is Built On A Lie! – The first step in winning a war is to recognize the fact that you are in one. – In the following essay, Scott Yenor examines the “mandatory ideology” of the emerging “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” regime, the all-consuming paradigm by which our schools and (in due course) our nation are being reoriented toward the principle of group outcome equality…

American Thinker: Marxism and Cowardice Are Now The Hallmarks of America’s Colleges and Universities. – Today’s cultural upheaval can be directly traced to the success of the Marxist movement on college campuses. – If this nation’s colleges and universities are not drastically reformed, then the United States is facing an extremely bleak future…

Breitbart: Officers from the University of Wisconsin Police Department, along with other law enforcement agencies began clearing the anti-Israel encampment after giving the protesters a warning and several chances to leave “peacefully,” according to a statement from UW-Madison Chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin

Washington Examiner: An attorney nominated by Biden to a lifetime appointment on the federal judiciary donated to at least two Democratic state political candidates who led groups linked to Hamas. – Adeel Mangi,  faces an uphill battle for confirmation in the Senate due to lawmakers raising concerns over his ties to an anti-Israel think tank and other left-wing groups…

The Federalist: Arizona and Nevada’s chief election officials are using taxpayer dollars to turn out Democrat-favorable young voters ahead of the 2024 election. – Participation in the Arizona Campus Voting Challenge is free and allows participating colleges to become “eligible for awards based on voter turnout and registration rates…

Gatestone Institute: Will the West Get Ever Serious about Sanctions on Iran? – A key factor in the reluctance of Western leaders to punish Iran for its aggression is the appeasement policy the Biden administration has pursued towards Iran in recent years in the naive hope that, by going easy on Iran, the Iranian regime might be persuaded to agree to a new deal on its nuclear activities…

Western Journal: Florida Governor DeSantis Takes Legal Action Against Biden Over His ‘Ideological Agenda That Harms Women and Girls.’ – “Florida is suing the Biden Administration over its unlawful Title IX changes. – DeSantis: “Biden is abusing his constitutional authority to push an ideological agenda that harms women and girls and conflicts with the truth.”

25 Ways The US Is Being Destroyed In Under Two Minutes – Unfortunately, every single item mentioned below is a bullseye…

Washington Examiner: The Federal Reserve held interest rates steady Wednesday following several months of higher-than-expected inflation, with investors now not expecting a rate cut until months from now. – Powell: “Inflation is still too high, further progress in bringing it down is not assured, and we are fully committed to returning inflation to our 2% goal.”

City Journal: Biden’s Handout To The Pot Industry – Big business stands to gain the most from the recent change of marijuana’s legal status. – No one should be confused by what the change means, rescheduling means more money in the pockets of drug peddlers…

Conservative Brief: The Supreme Court Won’t Halt Texas Age Verification for Online Porn. – The justices rejected a motion from a trade association representing adult entertainment performers and other law challengers to stay a lower court’s decision that the measure probably did not violate the First Amendment protections against government interference with free speech, with no dissents noted in the public record.

American Greatness: Taking Back California, Part One, The Voters – The key to reviving the Republican Party in California is to focus on solutions to issues of universal, nonpartisan urgency, starting with education, crime, and the cost of living. – The target voters in California are not the voters that Republicans already have today…

April 30, 2024

Breitbart: Florida passed a law requiring hospitals to publicize the costs of unpaid care for illegal migrants, and the reports thus far show that the loss to the state’s hospitals is a massive $566 million just in 2024 — and taxpayers are picking up much of that loss. – Since the bill was passed in 2023, many hospitals have begun making their reports to the state, and the amount of money they are losing to the care of illegals is staggering…

Breitbart: The Fourth Federal Appeals Court Says States Must Fund Transgender Surgeries – Eight Democrat-nominated judges shoved transgender surgery closer to becoming a constitutional right via their decision Monday. – The court’s decision may be reviewed by the Supreme Court.

Western Journal: Ahmad Massoud, a prominent figure in the anti-Taliban resistance movement, the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, and son of the revered Afghan leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, delivered a stark message to the United States: Terrorism is on the rise, and America could experience a series of attacks at any moment as it’s a prime target of radical extremists.

Gatestone Pundit: ON THE EDGE OF COLLAPSE – Ukrainian Troops Say Russia Will Take The Donbas Region by October And Complain That ‘NOBODYE Wants To Fight for Kyiv’ – Some of the media reports now listen to ‘military bloggers on both sides’, and not just the ‘Ukrainian Military PR lie machine’…

Resist The Mainstream: Newly unredacted documents show how the Biden administration shifted the focus of the Trump investigation from classified documents to a case under the Espionage Act. – This appears to be “a set-up from the get-go…

Tablet Magazine: Those Fine Young Communists – How The Schizoid Discourse On TikTok Captured Our Youth, And Why Their Clueless Elders Are The Bigger Problem – The communist instinct tempts the youthful soul. – TikTok is the crowd and is fertile ground for communism to take root. – The TikTok algorithm selects videos that people watch for more than three seconds and puts those in the central scroll of more users…

Western Journal: Prosecutors Hit A Roadblock And Are Forced to Hand A Win to The Arizona Rancher Prosecuted For Killing An Illegal Immigrant – Santa Cruz County prosecutors opted against trying George Alan Kelly a second time after his first murder trial ended in a mistrial with the jury of eight voting against convicting Kelly by a 7 to 1 margin.

Epoch Times: Fani Willis Skipped The Fulton County Primary Debate Leaving Her Opponent Facing An Empty Podium – Ms. Willis’ challenger accused her of neglecting her official duties in Fulton County…

Western Journal: The University of Florida Puts Columbia to Shame with A ‘Perfect Statement’ After Arresting Agitators. – Steve Orlando, the university’s assistant vice president of communications; “This is not complicated, the University of Florida is not a daycare, and we do not treat protesters like children — they knew the rules, they broke the rules”…

American Spectator: Several members of the Squad including Representatives Ilhan Omar, Jamaal Bowman, and Cori Bush are facing serious primary threats this year for their anti-Israel activism, yet they are not backing down, rather, they are intensifying their support for the anti-Israel protests…

American Spectator: Stop Complaining About Supposed Opportunities Republicans And Take Advantage of Biden’s Failures. – Joe Biden and the radical idiot leftist mob propping him up are sending us to hell in a hand-basket, take the economy, for example…

Rutherford Institute: The Steady Slide Towards Tyranny, How Freedom Dies from A to Z – It doesn’t matter who occupies the White House, because the profit-driven, unelected bureaucracy, call it whatever you will: the Deep State, Controllers, Masterminds, Shadow Government, Corporate Elite, the Police state, the Surveillance state, the Military-Industrial Complex, that is calling the shots…

World Net Daily: A Landmark Shift Against Gender Ideology As Sex Defined As Biological Sex – The transgender agenda that pushes the belief that men can simply say they are women and they are women has hit headwinds with a new decision by the National Health Service in the United Kingdom…

Gatestone Institute: China Humiliated Blinken But He Kept Begging – Blinken was in China to discuss the growing disagreements between Washington and Beijing. Not surprisingly, he did not accomplish anything. – The risk now is that the Biden administration will trade away its restrictions for meaningless promises from China’s Communists…

Zero Hedge: It’s not just US and Western defense contractors and arms makers raking in the billions as a result of DC’s mammoth defense aid handed over to Ukraine. – Ukrainian defense companies will enjoy the largesse at US taxpayers’ expense because a total of $1.6 billion of the recent US aid to Ukraine will go to the purchase of Ukraine-made weapons…

Real Clear Investigations: What 10 Years of U.S. Meddling in Ukraine Have Wrought, and It’s Not Democracy. – In successfully lobbying Congress for an additional $61 billion in Ukraine war funding, the Biden administration successfully cast their standoff with Russia as an existential move for democracy – But from a historical perspective, it is just the opposite…

Zero Hedge: If You Want To Know The Truth About What Is Going On In Biden’s Economy, Read This – Here are all the comments in the April Dallas Fed Service Sector Outlook Survey presented unedited and without commentary, because none is needed…

Zero Hedge: New Biden Energy Rules Will Raise The Cost Of A New Home By $31,000 – Last Thursday the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it will require new homes financed or insured by its subsidy programs to follow the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code standard…

Issues & Insights: By some feat of magic wind and solar could fully power the global economy we still could then stop extracting oil and the natural gas that’s a byproduct of drilling – Can anyone imagine our lives without plastic and all other products made from the oil refining process? – Refining oil to make only consumer products would “throw the entire [refinery] model on its head” so the entire market would have to be repriced, and at great cost…

Associated Press: Donald Trump was held in contempt of court Tuesday and fined $9,000 for repeatedly violating a gag order that barred him from making public statements about witnesses, jurors, and others connected to his New York hush-money case. – If he does it again, the judge warned, he could be jailed.

National Review: Bragg’s Prosecution of Trump Violates New York State’s Constitution. – The difference between the misdemeanor prescribed by §175.05 and the felony prescribed by §175.10 is that the latter requires proof that the falsifier’s fraudulent intent included the concealment of “another crime.” But the statute is constitutionally infirm…

Washington Examiner: Judge Juan Merchan said he would not hold court proceedings in the hush money case on May 17 so that Trump can attend his son’s graduation ceremony. – His pronouncement comes after Trump and his supporters decried the judge’s reluctance at the start of the trial to allow Trump to skip his criminal proceedings to attend the graduation…

Townhall: Mike Johnson Is Here to Stay, Not That He Deserves To Be. – Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Filed A Motion to Vacate the Chair – With Democrats now firm in their support for Johnson, this is a dead item…

The Daily Fetched: Explosive Evidence Shows Adam Schiff Committed Both Mortgage and Election Fraud – An ethics complaint has been filed against Schiff by a concerned citizen alleging he was both a citizen of California and Maryland based on the mortgage for his second home…

American Thinker: Hooded figures broke into Columbia buildings and took hostages. – Then Columbia made things worse by ignoring its deadline to make protestors clear out. – At the same time, UCLA did nothing about protestors blocking Jewish students from classes – It’s almost like someone out there is orchestrating things…

Townhall: Surprise, Surprise, Pro-Hamas Agitators on Campus Have a New ‘Demand,’ Amnesty. – Last week, it was revealed — to the surprise of no one — that some of the pro-Hamas encampments sprouting up across campuses are being funded by deep-pocketed leftists such as George Soros…

Washington Examiner: It’s not MAGA Republicans or Christian Nationalists causing campus violence nationwide, the real threat comes from the Left. – Most of the violence and attacks witnessed in this country over the last decade were due to rampant and unchecked left-wing activist aggression…

American Thinker: Illegals Fly To The US Secretly And For Free – In response to a FOIA lawsuit, feds admit in 2023 alone they secretly flew 320,000 illegal aliens into the US. – Biden’s CBP approved the secretive flights from foreign countries into at least 43 different American airports from January through December 2023 – Never before have we not expected them to pay their way and to assimilate…

Fox News: The DEA announced Tuesday that it will move to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. – If passed, it would recognize the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledge it has less potential for abuse than some of the nation’s most dangerous drugs. – However, it would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use.

American Thinker: A Catholic teenager was suspended from his Ontario, Canada public high school for wearing a sweatshirt that said, “There are only two genders.” – As one would expect, the school prominently displays controversial ideological-political messaging that includes LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter images on its walls…

American Thinker: Republican Conventioneers, Beware! – The proposed logistics for the Republican National Convention this year bode ill for its participants. – Milwaukee is a city run by Democrats in a state whose Supreme Court recently became majority left-wing – The issue is where the many thousands of protesters will be accommodated. – Pere Marquette Park is less than a quarter-mile from the convention venue…

American Thinker: Tulsi Gabbard On Why It’s Time To Leave The Democrat Party Behind – The party that at least used to pretend to care about the middle class, fundamental freedoms, and individual rights has become the party of wealth redistribution to the leftist ruling class, the destruction of the country, marching toward war, and rampant corruption…

FAR: The Great Replacement Is No Longer A Theory, It’s Now Reality – Eva Vlaardingerbroek describes the situation clearly in her recent historic Speech at CPAC Hungary. – Her message went viral, with 43.2 million views on “X” as of Saturday morning causing Elon Musk to later weigh in on Eva’s remarks…

April 29, 2024

Washington Free Beacon: The U.S. military’s cost estimate to build a pier off Gaza has risen to $320 million. – The figure illustrates the massive scale of a construction effort that the Pentagon says involves about 1,000 U.S. service members, mostly from the Army and Navy...

City Journal: DEI Conquers Stanford – Exclusive analysis from inside Stanford outlines the incredible size and scope of the university’s DEI bureaucracy. – According to this analysis, Stanford employs at least 177 full-time DEI bureaucrats, spread throughout the university’s various divisions and departments…

Breitbart: The Chicago Police Department has made more than 1,000 arrests of Venezuelan migrants in the first three months of 2024 according to a recent Chicago Tribune article. – The Tribune reviewed crime data of the sanctuary city’s Venezuelan population, as 40,000 have arrived since August 2022…

Center For Immigration Studies: The Biden administration plans to expand on its other “parole” programs to grant de facto amnesty to approximately 1.1 million illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens, which will be just the beginning. – However, it should be noted that nearly all of those alien spouses already have a remedy for their plight…

Center For Immigration Studies: Pushing Back Indirectly Against the Biden Administration’s Unlawful CBP One ” Fly Them In” Programs – Last month, Senators Mike Lee and Rick Scott introduced the Verifying That All Aliens Have Legitimate Identification Documents Act…

The Center Square: Texas National Guard troops are continuing to build concertina wire barriers and expand Texas’ border wall via Operation Lone Star. – Since its launch 3 years ago, Texas has installed more than 100 miles of concertina wire along the Texas-Mexico border. – Texas is currently embroiled in lawsuits with the Biden administration over the concertina wire barriers…

The Daily Caller: White House communications staff has had to correct President Joe Biden’s public remarks at least 148 times since the beginning of 2024, a review of official White House transcripts shows. – The White House releases an official transcript anytime the president gives a speech or takes questions…

Townhall: Zelensky revealed that Ukraine and the U.S. government are “working on a bilateral security agreement” for Washington to provide Ukraine with military, economic, and political support for the next decade. – We already knew that the war in Ukraine was the next “forever war” and would likely enrich the sewer rats scurrying around DC, but now, they are rubbing our noses in it…

Washington Examiner: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Hamas to accept the latest ceasefire proposal, which he described as “extraordinarily generous” for them – Blinken emphasized Hamas needed to respond quickly due to Israel’s intention to carry out full-scale military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians have fled during the war…

National Review: Remember When Bill Clinton Stole the 1992 Election? – He and his political allies perpetrated an elaborate conspiracy to keep women who alleged to have had affairs with Clinton quiet and Hillary was an active participant in the schemes. – According to Bragg’s logic, this Democratic power couple are election thieves…

Slay Magazine: Bombshell New Evidence Shows Trump Was Set Up in Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Case – An FBI agent testified that the GSA had Donald Trump’s boxes in Virginia before ordering Trump’s team to come and get them. – “So an entire pallet full of boxes that had been held by the GSA somewhere outside of DC was dumped at Mar-a-Lago”…

Victor Davis Hanson: The Travesties of the Trump Trials – Tragically for the country, to stop this left-wing madness, the Trump travesties may not be the end, but rather the beginning of precisely what the Founders feared – All the Trump indictments and suits took place in either blue cities, counties, or states, with most of the jury pools in or near New York, Atlanta, or Miami, that were or will be heavily Democrat…

American Conservative: There Is Only One Thing That Matters in the Trump Trial – Proving intent will be difficult, but even if the prosecutors do, it may not matter because it has long been established that Trump’s slimy personal issues of life matter little to voters…

American Thinker: It’s the Economy… Yet Again – The collective, negative impact of Biden’s combined and often unilateral federal actions, the upshots of bad policies and mismanagement, suggests that we will soon have a new, vastly expanded class of ‘the poor’ in the United States…

Zero Hedge: “I’m Worried About] Four More Years” – Dallas Fed Manufacturing Contracts Are Down For The 24th Straight Month – Comments from survey respondents are pessimistic. – The business and political environment is terrible. – Business has not been this slow since COVID, and I’m worried. – Customer orders have dropped. – Customer uncertainty is worsening…

American Thinker: Groupthink And Its Consequences In Today’s Academia (Written By An Astute College Student) – The curriculum our college students are being fed by ideologically and morally impaired group thinkers is detrimental to the future of capitalism across the country, in effect ruining the outlook for the national and global economy, health care systems, and societal norms…

American Thinker: Biden’s latest vast executive overreach was to amend Title IX to end women’s sports by allowing transgenders to compete with them. – Ron DeSantis responded that “Florida Will Not Comply” showing what principled leadership looks like – The time for pushback is NOW! – Every governor who wants to get reelected should follow DeSantis’s lead and say, “We will not comply”…

Zero Hedge: ‘Crying Out For Justice,’ Female Athletes Sue The NCAA Over Its “Dangerous” Transgender Policies – 16 plaintiffs, all current or former collegiate athletes, are challenging the NCAA and the University of Georgia for violating Title IX’s provisions for equal opportunity in sports by allowing males to compete in the women’s category…

The Center Square: Multiple States Sue Over Biden Title IX Rule – Several Republican attorneys general have sued over the Biden administration’s Title IX rule change, with more states expected to follow. – The lawsuits come after the Biden administration’s Department of Education rewrote the Title IX statute to expand the definition of “sex” to include “gender identity.”

The Daily Signal: The Feds Impose Trans Their Agenda on Employers for Pronouns and Bathrooms – Under new federal guidelines, an employer would be guilty of harassment for requiring someone to use a restroom that comports with his or her biological sex, or for referring to someone by a pronoun the person doesn’t want to be used…

Breitbart: On Monday, student demonstrators at Columbia University faced an ultimatum to disperse or be suspended, as tensions rose on the campus at the epicenter of pro-Palestinian protests across US colleges. – Police arrested around 275 people on four separate campuses in the United States over the weekend…

American Thinker: Women Forced to Compete Against Men In Sports Need To Just Say No! – Imagine a large swimming or track event where the trans-athlete is the only one on the starting blocks, the remaining female competitors standing behind the blocks and refusing to compete. – A group of West Virginia middle school students just said ‘no’ to a biological male attempting to compete against the girls in the shot put…

American Thinker: Bureaucrats have descended like locusts onto California’s famed Napa Valley winemakers – Many have noticed that Napa Valley wines, despite their proximity to us in California, carry a heftier price tag than the wines of other countries based on overregulation. – Even trans-ocean tanker costs are nothing compared to the regulatory burden Napa Valley’s farmers endure out in California…

April 28, 2024

American Thinker: Who Runs America’s Agitprop Machine? – “First, conquer the organs of propaganda,” wrote Karl Marx – Fast-forward half a century, and the U.S. media has collapsed into a Uniparty propaganda machine, just like Pravda and Izvestiya in Moscow. – About ten years ago, Tucker Carlson helped to expose a radical propaganda internet list called JournoList, a secret Google group of media influencers who made up the headlines for the next day’s news. – Now, TCT reports that Biden has a cult-like entity called “the Beach Group” running lawfare campaigns around the country to undermine Americans’ beliefs…

The Daily Signal: 6 Reasons Chinese Nationals are Illegally Crossing At California’s Southern Border – #1, San Diego’s Infrastructure – #2, Money Motivates The Cartels – #3, Because They Can…

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to keep detention space unfilled as several recent cases revealed that criminal illegal aliens were released into American communities after crossing the United States-Mexico border…

Western Journal: Trump and DeSantis Met Privately in Florida for ‘Several Hours’ as VP Speculation Grows. – A Washington Post report said both men had a reason to meet. For Trump, whose legal battles are draining time and resources, access to the DeSantis donor network would be a plus, as would having DeSantis energize Republicans…

The Post Millennial: It has been revealed that Ron DeSantis is expected to campaign for Donald Trump in the remaining few months before the 2024 election, with the pair appearing to have put the past behind them to come together and try to ensure a Republican victory. – The move was made following a private meeting between the two in Florida over the weekend…

Epoch Times: Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch Issues Caution During Trump’s Hearing – ‘We’re writing a rule for the ages,’ he cautioned, former presidents like Donald Trump should have some level of immunity, otherwise future presidents would be targeted after leaving office…

Epoch Times: New January 6 Details Emerge From Review of Newly Released Video – The more than 20,000 hours of Capitol security video made public by a GOP-controlled House committee since November 2023 have started to fill in details long hidden by the now-defunct Jan. 6 Select Committee such as these…

Powerline: THE US IS SET TO REGRESS FROM MODERNITY – Liberals denounce Donald Trump as a would-be tyrant, but the fact is that he ruled less by executive order than any other recent president. – It is Joe Biden who has discarded the Constitution and imposed a blizzard of illegal or probably illegal regulations on the rest of us…

Gateway Pundit: On Sunday, news broke that Joe Biden’s brother, Jim, used his ties to the former VP to do business with terrorist-supporting regime Qatar and foreign investors to finance Americore Health LLC. – The House Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s corruption uncovered a $200,000 direct payment to Joe Biden they claimed was a “loan repayment,” but there were no IRS records or loan documents to prove it…

American Spectator: Tesla Is Running Low on Charge – Elon Musk’s electric vehicle (EV) operation that allowed car manufacturers to “offset” their carbon footprints by purchasing “credits” from Elon instead of making EVs themselves had been priced with the expectation that the government would make a “market” for battery-powered EVs. – That hasn’t happened, so Tesla’s stock just lost about 40 percent of its value…

Fox News: Campus antisemitism surges as agitators take over – Student groups and outside agitators have put on anti-Israel demonstrations and set up encampments on college and university campuses across America. The movement started at Columbia University and quickly spread up the East Coast, to the Midwest, and as far as Texas and California…

National Review: The Return of ‘Mostly Peaceful’ – Left-wing antisemitism enjoys the benefit of a complicit news media that can’t seem to see what ordinary people do – The American news media are here once again to tell you that you aren’t hearing what you’re hearing and seeing what you’re seeing…

American Thinker: It Still Matters That Racial Politics Corrupted the George Floyd Prosecutions – We are watching the BLM crowd (this time acting under the Hamas banner) gear up again for violence before an election – People must understand that this is all staged, and for a reason, by those with an agenda…

Powerline: SCREAMS BEFORE SILENCE – Sheryl Sandberg, former Facebook COO, has fronted the documentary “Screams Before Silence” that was posted to YouTube on April 26 – The documentary highlights the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas during and after its October 7 massacre in Israel…

The New York Sun: Biden Administration Wants To Double Capital Gains Tax Rate in the Interest of Racial ‘Equity’ – Their proposal would drive the tax rate on long-term capital gains to an eye-popping 44.6 percent, calling into question the administration’s true intentions…

Breitbart: Donald Trump Takes His Biggest Lead Ever Over Joe Biden In CNN’s Poll As Third-Party Candidates Expand Trump’s Lead – Trump, at 49 percent, is six percent ahead of Biden’s 43 percent when the two are polled head-to-head…

American Greatness: The Gloves Will Come Off If There Is A Second Biden Term – A second Biden administration, freed from the burden of having to win another election without having to pander to moderates and independent voters will be devastating – They will act with impunity, without any regard for the consequences to the American people…

Just The News: Media outlets continue to misrepresent crime stats to Biden’s benefit – The statistics they cite, however, don’t tell the entire story – The federal government has two ways of measuring crime, the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ NCVS and the FBI’s UCR program – But a gap has emerged between the two measures…

FAR: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World – Back in 2018, The Epoch Times serialized a translation from the Chinese of a new book, How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World – Most chapters were updated as time passed – Links to each chapter are provided below…

Washington Examiner: Ford lost $1.3 billion in its electric vehicle department during the first quarter of 2024, which is about $132,000 per vehicle it sold – This is the result of lowering the price of its electric models while also conducting further research – Electric vehicle revenue brought in $100 million, an 84% drop from last year

April 27, 2024

Zero Hedge: Victor Davis Hanson On Iran’s Nightmares – Israel’s small volley of missiles hit their intended targets without error showing extreme accuracy – The larger message sent to the world was that Israel could send a retaliatory barrage at Iranian nuclear sites with reasonable assurances that their attacks could not be stopped…

Epoch Times: How the Supreme Court’s Immunity Decision Could Limit the Cases Against Trump – The Supreme Court indicated on April 25 that it would issue a narrow ruling refining the scope of presidential immunity while leaving the details of former President Donald Trump’s other legal battles up to lower courts – Their eventual opinion could disrupt lower court proceedings and even result in another appeal that reaches the Supreme Court

Zero Hedge: Dutch political commentator and lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns Europeans that they must take a stand against rapid demographic change due to immigration or become a minority in their native countries. – She has accepted she will be attacked by the establishment for calling out attempts to make indigenous White Europeans a minority on their continent…

The Daily Signal: The GOP Establishment’s Days Are Numbered – Passage of the foreign aid bill shows that the disconnect between “the Swamp” and small-town America could not be more profound – How can a political party be so tone-deaf to the plight of the everyday Americans suffering under inflation, crime, and societal rot?…

The Daily Signal: Guess Who The Most Unpopular Leader in Congress Is. – It’s either Mike Johnson, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, or Mitch McConnell.

Powerline: THE POWER OF WEAKNESS – Modern liberalism has distilled the true essence of Marxism – It is all about who is oppressed, and weakness (or alleged weakness) which is then equated with oppression…

Gatestone Institute: Iran Mullahs Are Speeding Up Their Nuclear Weapons Program, Is Anyone Interested? – From Iran’s perspective, acquiring nuclear weapons is the easiest way to significantly complete its takeover of the region and “export the revolution”…

The Daily Fetched: Biden’s ‘Foreign Aid Package’ Includes $3.5 Billion To Support MASS Migration From The Middle East – Biden’s pro-migration border chief is opening new processing centers for Muslim migrants – With the opening of the Doha Field Office on May 7, 2024, and the Ankara Field Office on May 9, 2024, USCIS will have 11 international field offices…

American Greatness: The Real Stakes in the 2024 Election – If Biden gets to nominate two justice replacements, he will reshape the composition of the Supreme Court into the next decade and beyond if either Thomas or Alito leaves the bench…

National Review: Joe Biden’s Collusion In The Anti-Trump Lawfare Gambit – The president is thoroughly complicit in the prosecutions of his opponent. – Biden has “grumbled to aides and advisers that had Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded.”

American Conservative: The Kids Online Safety Act Is a Smokescreen for Online Censorship – Any “safety standards” enacted for speech will be the first step onto the slippery slope – Many Democrat State Attorneys General have already demanded platforms censor supposed “disinformation” and “hate speech” under the guise of fighting harassment…

FAR: Why Trump Won In 2016 And Will Again In 2024 – This analysis by Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada, made a lot of sense to me five years ago, and with all that is going on now, it makes even more sense…

American Thinker: The Canadian Government Gives Generously To The Canadian Media To Supposedly Foster Independent Journalism – This is like a beer judge taking big money from, say, Anheuser-Busch to promote “independent beer judging”…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, BOSSY CONFUSION EDITION – We’re not done with Uncle Bosie yet, and I’m starting to wonder whether someone said something to Biden that triggered his latest tale…

April 26, 2024

The American Mind: America in the Shadow of Lawfare – The use of litigation to demolish democracy is the Democrat’s new playbook. – With a pretext of righteous indignation, powerful Democrats are using a massive censorship enterprise, and weaponization of all levers of government to threaten Trump’s finances and liberty, and the rights of tens of millions of Americans to select a president at the ballot box…

Gateway Pundit: David Pecker’s Testimony Destroys The Prosecution’s Case Against Trump – Pecker testified that Trump “had no idea what [he] was talking about” when he asked about reimbursing Michael Cohen for the Stormy payment – He also said the “catch & kill” scheme was devised by him and Michael Cohen, NOT Donald Trump!

Zero Hedge: Biden’s Approval Rating Is The Worst In 70 Years – While Biden clocks in at 38.7%, George H.W. Bush set the previous low at 41.8% in 1992 – Donald Trump and Barack Obama averaged 46.8% and 45.9% respectively during the same point in their presidencies – Before Bush, Jimmy Carter is the only other president with a sub-50% average in his 13th quarter...

Washington Examiner: Top officials at the White House and Small Business Administration appear to have violated a federal law restricting government staffers from engaging in certain political activities, according to a watchdog group “Protect the Public’s Trust” – “This continual apparent disregard of the Hatch Act shows why it’s needed in the first place,” said their director Michael Chamberlain…

Gateway Pundit: The University of Florida Doesn’t Mess Around, So Sets Clear Regulations and Actual Consequences to Curtail Pro-Hamas Activities – Allowable Activities: Speech, Expressing viewpoints, and Holding signs in hands – Prohibitive Items and Activities: No amplified sound, No demonstrations inside buildings, No littering, No camping, No blocking egress…

Resist The Mainstream: An Indiana High School Student Who Refused His School’s Order To Remove An American Flag From His Truck Fulfilled The Dying Wish Of An Oklahoma Boy – 13-year-old Jaxon’s dying wish was to ride to his final resting place in Blasek’s decked out truck…

American Spectator: The most significant homeless case in decades, according to some, was heard by the Supreme Court on Monday. – The decision in Grants Pass v. Johnson may determine how aggressive cities can be in breaking up homeless encampments and moving homeless people out of parks and other public spaces where they set up their tents and other shelters…

Powerline: JOURNALIST 2 – Commentary across the liberal press is so uniform that you wonder whether reporters and commentators have coordinated their coverage, down to the last word and the phrase – This is just one example that the legacy press is hopelessly corrupt and wholly unreliable…

Just The News: With more than half the EV market share, Tesla’s current difficulties indicate the entire EV market is in trouble. – Electric vehicles cost on average $5,000 more to purchase than gas-powered vehicles…

Zero Hedge: Competition, The American Way – Our K-12 educational system is designed to serve way less than 50% of American students – When students get to high school, they should be offered a two-track program – Keep the college prep program going for those who want to go on to postsecondary education – Also, another track should be introduced for the majority who don’t plan to go to college

Geller Report: Terrorists Launch Attacks on The Gaza Pier that the Biden Regime is Building – In reality, Biden is building the pier as a gateway to the world for terrorists, yet the terrorists launched attacks on Americans building the pier – Interestingly, there has been no pushback, nor any media coverage of this…

California Globe: USC Cancels Graduation – The cancellation shows the fecklessness of the USC administration and empowers the anti-Israel protestors – The announcement came as 93 kids were arrested during a pro-Hamas demonstration on campus, so one assumes they are related…

Issues & Insights: While Americans brace for another contentious presidential election, the Democrats have a better idea, Subvert the Constitution in the name of “democracy” – Quietly but steadily, the Democrat Party has been advancing its latest bold idea to create a uni-party state, their “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact”

Zero Hedge: The US Economy is on The Cusp of Stagflation – GDP growth slowed from 3.4% to 1.6%, missing expectations by 90 basis points (0.9%). Do you think this is not bad enough? Core PCE inflation has also accelerated (every quarter) from 2% to 3.7%. – For voters in an election year, this is poison for the incumbent. The last time the US had true stagflation was during the Jimmy Carter presidency...

Zero Hedge: Why Is It That So Many Americans Can’t Find A Job While They Are Desperate To Be Hired? – However, according to the absurd numbers that the government feeds us, the unemployment rate is very low and there are lots of jobs available – By the time you are done reading this, I think you will agree, as the key is how people are classified…

Zero Hedge: The Biden Administration Abandoned Plans To Ban Menthol Cigarettes To Avoid ‘Angering Black Voters’ – The so-called ‘Party of Science’ decided to abandon its plan to save millions of lives (mostly African American youth) by choosing not to ban Menthol cigarettes after all in the runner to the 2024 election…

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Seems Open to Allowing Some Presidential Immunity And May Delay Trump’s Trial – Justices wrestled with how to define a president’s ‘official’ versus ‘private’ acts, a decision which may delay President Trump’s trial, and would hand him a win…

Western Journal: Arizona Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes announced Wednesday that a grand jury convened by her office indicted 11 state Republicans and seven aides to former President Donald Trump, including Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows, in connection with an alleged attempt to subvert the 2020 presidential election results…

Slay Magazine: Legal Experts Expose Fatal Flaw in Alvin Bragg’s ‘Hush Money’ Case against Trump – Bragg claims that Trump paid the women so that they would not reveal alleged affairs with him, thus attempting to sway voters’ perceptions of his character, however, Bragg has no evidence to support these claims…

New York Post: George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country. –The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide.

American Thinker: Palestine IS Free In Israel – The rhetoric of genocide surrounding the Israel/ Hamas conflict must be clarified to arrive at a peaceful conclusion that saves the lives of Arabs and Jews in the region – Despite the propaganda, the reality is that Palestinians, or more accurately Arabs, are more free within the state of Israel than any other location they inhabit…

The American Conservative: Biden’s New Title IX Rule Is The Beginning Of The End For Free Speech – Compelling speech at universities is the first step toward Canada-style speech codes – This new Rule makes this administration’s primary goal glaringly obvious: to cram Neo-Marxist gender ideology down the throats of every American and punish any resistance…

Epoch Times: These States Are Making It Illegal for Illegal Immigrants to Enter – Although thousands of miles from the border, these red states are taking matters into their own hands by proposing or passing legislation targeting illegal immigration, as the border crisis persists…

New York Post: Inside the failed White House coup to oust press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre – Top Biden aides hatched a plan to replace her – They were trying to orchestrate a graceful exit because of the ugly optics of removing her against her will – “Karine doesn’t have an understanding of the issues and she reads her binder word-for-word and to make matters worse, “she thinks she’s doing an amazing job”…

Slay Magazine: Former Attorney General Bill Barr warned Republicans that Democrats must be defeated at all costs this November because a Joe Biden reelection would threaten “four more years” of the same POTUS – Also, a Biden win would lead to VP Kamala Harris becoming president…

Breitbart: The vote Thursday by the Democrat majority on the FCC to restore Obama-era Net Neutrality rules returns the U.S. to the vulnerable place it was in before the policy was ended under Trump – This will likely be challenged in court and marks a continuing ideological obsession with a policy that could fairly be described as a form of crony socialism…

Western Journal: The White House Changes How Biden Walks to and from Marine One in Attempt to Shield Him from Bad Optics – Biden will no longer walk to and from Marine One alone at the WH but will have people alongside to shield him from cameras – Also, Biden often wears special shoes intended to give him more support and stability…

American Thinker: Joe Biden Comes to Town – This is a firsthand account of what it’s like when a senile leftist president and his cohorts invade and disrupt a small town – My town was thrown into chaos when Biden came to town, but the world was thrown into chaos the second he entered office, so I’m not surprised – Irvington was my home and the progressives destroyed it…

Gatestone Institute: US Campuses Are Incubating Terrorism – One never sees a sign calling for a two-state solution or peace between Israel and the Palestinians. – Many of the signs call for “revolution.” These are not directed against Israel, but rather against America, American Jews, and all other Western democracies…

Breitbart: California Governor Gavin Newsom admits the state still faces the risk of blackouts in heat waves despite investing in battery capacity to store electricity for use in times of peak demand – California is pushing to meet ambitious “green energy” and “zero emissions” targets that include transition to an all-electric car and truck fleet, even though the state lacks power generating capacity to meet growing demand…

April 25, 2024

Breitbart: The Supreme Court court heard oral arguments as to whether Trump is immune from prosecution on charges of attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election, as Special Counsel Jack Smith claims – A majority of the justices sympathized with Donald Trump’s attorneys’ arguments that a president does enjoy some level of immunity that endures past the term of office.

American Spectator: Trump Faces 34 Felonies At Trial, But Was A Crime Committed As Defined By Law? – “I can’t tell you how many people I know who do not like former President Donald Trump yet nonetheless they smell prosecutorial overreach in Manhattan”…

Epoch Times: Donald Trump Is Fighting The Gag Order That Experts Call Unconstitutional – The gag order against Trump ignites debate over First Amendment rights, the integrity of court proceedings, and claims of election interference…

The American Mind: The Dark Money Network Shaping Biden’s Administration and America’s Schools – One of the more notable examples of the coordination between the Soros philanthropic network and Arabella Advisors—and the Biden Administration—came to light in mid-2022, despite extensive efforts to keep it hidden – Capital Research Center alerted Fox News to the existence of a secret 501(c)(3) “charity” called Governing for Impact…

American Spectator: NPR’s new CEO, Katherine Maher Thinks It’s Good That Some Truth Is Suppressed – Maher: Wikipedia defines “truth” as “being in accord with fact or reality.” – That’s why I wanted to redefine truth to be malleable and partisan when I ran Wikipedia. – Now that I head NPR, I seek only to promote truth that aligns with my worldview…

City Journal: Don’t Trust Our Test! – The College Board, the creator of the SAT, is abandoning merit for racialism, and doesn’t intend to let the Supreme Court stand in its way – All but one of the students interviewed by the NYT in January said that under the advice of their high school counselors, they had, following the SCOTUS ruling, they had rewritten their college application essays to highlight their race or ethnicity…

Conservative Brief: Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently declared that the duly elected prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, should “resign” because his administration chose to defend their country after being invaded by Hamas forces on October 7th – “He should resign. – He’s ultimately responsible,” she added…

Daily Signal: Almost two years after a similar rule was rejected by the Supreme Court, the Biden administration on Thursday released another final rule for regulating America’s power plants. – Under the rule, coal-fired power plants and most new natural gas-fired power plants will have to eliminate 90% of their carbon emissions by 2039 or close down in 2040.

Western Journal: A relief pitcher for the Chicago Cubs was forced to change out his glove with an American flag decal during Wednesday’s game after umpires decided the decal could represent a “distraction” for batters – Luke Little was preparing to go in as a reliever in the seventh inning when the umps intervened…

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Seems Skeptical of Trump’s Immunity Argument – The justices wrestled with how to define a president’s ‘official’ vs. ‘private’ acts – Their decision may still delay Trump’s trial, which would hand him a win…

Victor Davis Hanson: Iran’s Nightmares – The Iranian attack on Israel seems a historic blunder – Iran’s strike prompted Arab nations, the US, the UK, and France to work in concert to destroy almost all of Iran’s drones – It opened up a new chapter in which its soil, thanks to its attack on Israel, is no longer off limits to any Western power…

Zero Hedge: 17 Nations Release Joint Statement Demanding Hamas Release All Hostages – Leaders from the following countries were behind the statement: United States, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand and the United Kingdom…

Zero Hedge: The US confirmed on Wednesday that it had secretly sent Ukraine long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) last month as part of a $300 million arms package. – The long-range ATACMS can be fired from the HIMARS rocket systems and can hit targets up to 190 miles away, a range that marks a significant escalation in US support for Ukraine.

National Review: Senator Tom Cotton Is Correct, Again – He Says “Pogrom” Is An Accurate Description Of What We’re Seeing On Campuses – The Russian word “pogrom” refers to an organized effort to displace Jewish populations from the spaces in which they reside, by force and is precisely what we’ve seen on far too many college campuses since the October 7 attack…

Washington Examiner: The economy expanded at a 1.6% seasonally adjusted annual rate in the first quarter of this year, a big slowdown in growth that surprised investors – The new figures, adjusted for inflation, were published Thursday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis – Economists had expected GDP growth to increase by 2.5%, so the reading is worse than anticipated…

The Daily Wire: Joe Biden Signals Tax Hike If He Is Re-Elected As Americans Struggle From His Inflation Crisis – The law that Biden wants to let expire is the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017. This law simplified taxes and reduced taxes “across the income spectrum…

Red State: Trump Cheered By NYC Union Workers And A Union Official Reveals Why Biden Is In Big Trouble – New York union leader Bobby Bartels: “We are Democrats, all of us – [But] after what’s happened the last 4 years in this country, Democrats have pushed everybody to the other side”…

Breitbart: Migrant Apprehensions at The Border Continue Their Westward Move from South Texas to California – According to an unofficial Border Patrol report, San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents encountered nearly 25,000 migrants during the first three weeks of April – This made the sector the busiest along the southwest U.S. border with Mexico…

Red State: Axios released a new poll showing American attitudes toward illegal immigration and the question of mass deportations – The results are a disaster for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party – 68% of Republicans and 42% of Democrats favor mass deportations as a solution to Biden’s self-created border crisis…

Laura Boomer: Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund Has Paid BlackRock Over $250K in “Political Consulting” Fees – The Senate Leadership Fund has some questionable expenditures, further raising questions about the agenda behind their candidate endorsements in key Senate races

The Federalist: As More GOP Officials Refuse To Follow Biden’s Federal Election Takeover, Others Remain Mum – “The US Constitution stipulates that election administration, including registration, shall be prescribed by state law, not unlawful, unconstitutional, and overreaching executive orders, like Biden’s Executive Order 14019”…

American Thinker: It Took Ten Years For Powerful People To See That Leftism Has Crossed A Red Line – Progressive Democrat activities have damaged communities and destroyed lives, but the rich and powerful let it go…right up until it affected them personally – Several major donors have called a hard stop to their past donations to Elite Liberal Universities…

Breitbart: The Morning Consult/Bloomberg Poll Show Trump Leading In Six Out Of Seven Swings State Races – Georgia, Trump leads by 6% – Wisconsin: Trump, Trump leads by 4% – North Carolina, Trump leads by 10% – Pennsylvania, Trump leads by 1% – Arizona, Trump leads by 7% – Nevada, Trump leads by 8% – Biden edges Trump in only one swing state, Michigan by 2%…

American Thinker: The “No Kid Hungry” organization poll found that 85% of New Yorkers feel the rising cost of food is outpacing their incomes, creating tremendous financial pressure and insecurity – The poll results also revealed distressing numbers, such as the map showing the monthly cost of food for one adult across the US…

Zero Hedge: A new report from the US National Center for Health Statistics shows there were 3.59 million babies born in 2023, down 2% from 3.66 million recorded in 2022. – This number is the lowest since 1979 when 3.4 million babies were born. – America’s declining total fertility rate peaked at 3.75 births per woman after World War II and has since collapsed to about 1.617, well below the replacement rate of 2.1.

Dallas Ludlum: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealed a startling 6,000% increase in encounters with Chinese illegal immigrants at the southern border. – Compounding the issue is Beijing’s steadfast refusal to accept the repatriation of these individuals…

The Federal Communications Commission made its official vote Thursday to reinstate net neutrality, passing an order titled Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet – This restores, with some changes and protections, the rules passed back in 2015 allowing the FCC to enforce basic rules of connectivity, and fairness in broadband…

New York Post: Harvey Weinstein’s New York rape conviction was overturned Thursday by New York state’s highest court, which ordered that the disgraced Hollywood mogul should face a new trial – In a 4-3 ruling, the New York State Court of Appeals found that a Manhattan judge “erroneously” allowed testimony from three women whose allegations weren’t connected to the case…

April 24, 2024

Chadwick Moore: Tucker Carlson’s Final, Unaired Fox News Monologue – IN PART, January 6th was not an insurrection, which is why no one has been charged for that crime – No guns were brought into the Capitol – No plans to overthrow the government have ever been found – It was not an insurrection, but there was violence – A Capitol police officer, Michael Byrd, executed Ashli Babbit, an unarmed protester, and was praised for doing it by politicians in both parties...

American Thinker: The Biden Administration Is Behind an ICC Plan To Arrest Senior Israeli Officials – Biden and company may be doubling down on an effort to placate the Hamas wing of the Democrat party via support for the International Criminal Court that historically has shown to be hostile to Israel…

Washington Post: With global attention focused on Iran’s escalating conflict with Israel, Tehran has intensified its domestic crackdown on women, giving police expanded powers to enforce conservative dress codes – The new wave of repression appears to be one of the most significant efforts to roll back perceived social gains in the aftermath of the 2022 protest movement…

Epoch Times: John Eastman Was Suspended and De-Banked, But Is Not Sorry – He Is Now ‘Tenfold’ More Convinced of Illegalities in the 2020 Election – Last summer, the State Bar charged Mr. Eastman, the former Dean of Chapman University Law School, with 11 counts of misconduct related to his role in representing former President Donald Trump after the 2020 presidential election…

Geller Report: SCOTUS Justices are now hearing arguments to decide whether Donald Trump can face prosecution on allegations that he “conspired to overturn Biden’s 2020 election win” for merely questioning the election fraud in 2020 – This could be a game changer and put an end to the despotic political persecution of the people’s President Trump…

Epoch Times: A grand jury in Arizona has indicted 18 Republicans with conspiracy, fraud, and forgery for submitting a document to Congress they say “falsely” declared Donald Trump beat Joe Biden in Arizona during the 2020 presidential election – Court documents identify a “prior U.S. president,” presumably referring to President Trump, as an un-indicted co-conspirator…

Western Journal: The CEO of Trump’s Truth Social Platform Alleges ‘Unlawful Manipulation’ To Bring Down Its Stock Price and Demands Congressional Investigation – Citadel Securities, one company mentioned as a major mover of Trump Media shares, denied doing anything illegal in a statement to CNBC last week…

Western Journal: Representative Chip Roy of Texas expressed grave concern over George Soros’ efforts to bypass the usual regulatory process for the purchase of one of America’s largest broadcast and Internet radio platforms – The Soros groups are asking the FCC to approve a change in ownership in Audacy without conducting its normal, statutorily required process…

American Thinker: A simple question that no one is asking about these leftist college demonstrators – Who are these university student demonstrators and how do they have all this time to demonstrate, which could be better used to focus on learning their craft?

The Daily Signal: Under Biden’s parole system, which targets illegal aliens from Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, up to 30,000 migrants per month who wouldn’t normally qualify for a visa may use a U.S. government app on their cellphones to fly into the US – They are then eligible to work and get a Social Security number, which is needed for voter registration…

Slay News: According to a new report by the Government Accountability Office, the Biden administration spent tax dollars allocated for border wall construction on “environmental planning.” – While GAO’s final report clears the DHS of breaking the law, it confirmed that the federal agency used congressionally appropriated funds meant for the border wall to pay for Biden’s climate agenda…

Red State: CA Fast Food Outlets Defy State’s New, Economy-Crushing Minimum Wage Law Via Automation And For Now, Raising Prices – This was inevitable, from the moment California’s impeccably coiffed Governor signed their stupid bill $20 minimum wage bill, revealing, once again, the sad state of California’s state government, and the economic illiteracy of California legislators

California Globe: Planned Santa Monica Homeless Housing Will Cost $1 Million Per Apartment – It will be built on city-owned land, so that cost is not included – Tenants can keep getting wasted and not necessarily have to pay much if any rent – There will be 44 studio apartments,15 one bedrooms, 39 two-bedrooms, and 32 three-bedroom units…

Epoch Times: Joe Biden Just Signed The Recently Passed $95 Billion Foreign Aid Bill Into Law. – The package includes aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as a measure requiring TikTok to divest from its Chinese parent company. – Biden stated that he would ensure that shipments to Ukraine begin immediately…

National Review: It’s been seven weeks since Biden announced his administration would build a pier on the Gaza coast to receive aid shipments – A Pentagon spokesman admits that “there has been no physical construction of the temporary pier or the causeway.” – Remember all the questions about how all of this was going to work, logistically?…

Gateway Pundit: FBI Director Wray Again Warns of A Potential Terror Attack in the US That Would Be ‘Not That Different’ from The Concert Attack in Russia A Few Weeks Ago By ISIS-K – Wray explained that there are “elevated fears about a coordinated terror attack in a public place” due to people being radicalized by the Israel/Gaza war…

Breitbart: China’s TikTok Plots Its Escape From The U.S. Sell-or-Ban Legislation – Ironically, the Chinese company — whose parent company is accountable to a communist regime — plans to file a lawsuit on First Amendment grounds…

American Conservative: Things The $61 Billion For Ukraine Won’t Do – Valery Zaluzhny, fired in February pointed out that a mere 61 billion USD would not suffice to liberate all of Ukraine and that $350-400 billion would be required – Alexander Hill, professor of military history at the University of Calgary said that if the U.S. wants to help Ukraine “it would be pushing for meaningful negotiations that would include not only territory but also the future nature of the Ukraine-NATO relationship, with the aim being to facilitate a lasting peace”...

Gatestone Institute: Qatar, ‘Leading Sponsor of Terrorism in the World, More than Iran,’ Is Not an Impartial Mediator. – The idea that Qatar has been acting as a mediator in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas is laughable. – Qatar has long been staunchly aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood organization, of which Hamas is an offshoot…

The Liberty Daily: The Air Force Was Slapped With Lawsuit by The “Center to Advance Security in America” After Claiming It Has No Records on Officer Diversity Quotas – Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., then Air Force’s top officer, updated demographic goals for applicants to become officers in the Air Force in an August 2022 memo, calling the effort “aspirational”…

Zero Hedge: You Only Had To Listen! – Former US Congressman Ron Paul went berserk on Speaker Mike Johnson, first with his recent Op-Ed that Johnson has “betrayed liberty and the Constitution” after reauthorizing FISA surveillance and casting the deciding vote that tanked an amendment to require a warrant…

National Review: Alvin Bragg’s Outrageous Conspiracy Theory Being Used To Go After Trump – The election law Bragg invokes is a misdemeanor — Bragg is trying to exacerbate a single misdemeanor falsification of business records into 34 felony counts by rationalizing that Trump was trying to commit or conceal another misdemeanor

Slate Magazine: A bombshell new peer-reviewed study provides conclusive scientific evidence that CO2 emissions in Earth’s atmosphere cannot cause “global warming” – Dr. Jan Kubicki led a group of world-renowned scientists to study the impact of increases in CO2 emissions on the Earth’s global temperatures – Not only did they find that higher levels of CO2 made no difference, but also proved that it simply isn’t possible for increases in carbon dioxide to cause temperatures to rise…

American Thinker: The Biden Administration’s EPA is poised to allow California to move forward with its ‘zero-emissions’ locomotives regulations – If you think you have seen the stupidest from the “green” movement, this tops them all.- A growing list of stakeholders warn that the regulation would severely impact the state’s economy and the national rail industry as well…

American Thinker: After His Sheetz Photo Op, Joe Biden Shows His Hand – The very same day that Scranton Joe was glad-handing potential voters at a Sheetz location in the swing state of Pennsylvania, Beltway Joe’s deputies at the EEOC, back home in the very non-swing jurisdiction of Washington D.C. were putting the final touches on a ridiculous federal lawsuit against Sheetz

American Thinker: Uniquely, Democrats Promise To Make The Masses’ Lives Worse, Not Better – The 20th century saw their push for three ideologies: Communism, Fascism, and National Socialism, all designed to replace or reform existing political, social, and economic systems ignoring that the populace is accustomed to the on-demand availability of goods and services…

American Thinker: Biden Is Handing Out Crime Victim Visas To Illegal Aliens – some of the people flown to Martha’s Vineyard by Ron DeSantis are being classified as crime victims. – Who says crime doesn’t pay?

Breitbart: Controversial ‘Hate Speech’ Provisions Were Sneaked into Kids Online Safety Act – Vague laws about “harassment” have been the favored tool by Big Tech and Democrats to censor conservative speech. – The bill empowers State Attorneys General to enforce these rules

American Thinker: Blue state departures hit the financial coffers hard, so progressive Democrats devise a creative new way to stop the revenue bleed – You might have to think twice because broke blue states are coming up with a new, creative way to tax you when you cross the border, the EXIT TAX, that is already established in one state, California…

Zero Hedge: First-Time Buyers Must Earn $120,000 To Afford The Average Home – For at least 40% of Americans, up from 27% just two years ago, the American Dream is dead and has been replaced with the American nightmare of renting for life…

The Vigilant Fox: RFK Jr. Reveals What the NIH Isn’t Telling You About Mass Shootings Because It Will Make Big Pharma Mad – Kennedy suggested that “something happened” around the time of the infamous Columbine High School mass shooting in 1999. – That something, he suspects, is the use of SSRI antidepressants…

The Defender: The FCC Knew Phones Exceeded Radiation Limits – FCC testing showed popular cellphone brands exceeded their safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation, but hid the information from the public and the courts, according to data obtained by the Environmental Health Trust…

National Review: The Former Biden Disinformation Czar Launches Group to Defend Online Censorship – Jankowicz launched the “American Sunlight Project” this week to fight what she declares is a campaign by conservatives to undermine the anti-disinformation industry…

April 23, 2024

Wayne Allyn Root: Obama Is 100% Behind What’s Going On Now – The Columbia U Anarchy, Jew-Hatred, America-Hatred, The Rigged Communist Show Trial Against Trump, and The Intentional Destruction of America. – It All Started with my College Classmate Obama at Columbia University. – Obama is our real President, although unelected – He holds all the power and is calling all the shots for his brain-dead, dementia puppet Joe Biden…

Just The News: The Senate voted to pass a major $95 billion foreign aid package late Tuesday night, marking a major achievement for Congress and securing funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as including a provision to ban TikTok in the US – The measure passed 79-18

American Spectator: Biden’s Title IX Revisions Aren’t Good News for Women Or Anyone Else – The changes, which will take effect on Aug. 1, will mean that teachers can be accused of discrimination for “misgendering” students and that schools will have to allow biological men who identify as females to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms…

Gateway Pundit: Joe Biden’s Incoherent Speech in Tampa – After finishing his speech, he turned around and tried to shake hands with thin air and then wandered around the stage looking confused before wandering off…

American Spectator: These Campuses Are a Time Bomb Ticking on America – Their anti-Semitism relies most heavily on the pseudo-intellectual idea that Jews fall into the oppressor class – The appeal to Du Bois’ “The German Case Against Jews” mirrors the appeal to the campus denizens now…

American Conservative: Is It Game, Set, Match to Moscow? – When questioned on January 19 about the potential for negotiations with Washington and NATO, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, “We are ready [for negotiations] – The American brand will suffer so long as Washington pretends its capacities are limitless…

Slay Magazine: The CCP is increasing its footprint in the Caribbean as it seeks to replace the US as the world’s leading superpower – China has started to take over Antigua, located a couple hundred miles away from the U.S. Virgin Islands. – The communist state is constructing a Chinese-run special economic zone on the island…

National Review: What Was Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar Thinking about the January 6 Argument? – She could have given a ringing defense of written law against mob rule. – Why was she so defensive instead?

Gateway Pundit: RAY EPPS EXPOSED – January 6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Exposes James Ray Epps Breaking Federal Law by LYING To The FBI Multiple Times [Part 1] – Lying to the FBI is a crime punishable by up to an 8-year prison sentence…

Just The News: According to a study conducted by the Media Research Center, Facebook has interfered with U.S. elections almost 40 times since 2008. – The group outlined a series of recommendations for government leaders at the state and federal levels in response to Facebook’s election track record…

Issues & Insights: Late last week, Bloomberg reported that “White House officials are weighing whether to declare a national climate emergency several months out from the 2024 election.” – Democrats have already made it clear that they will stop at nothing – nothing – to prevent Donald Trump from winning in November, so this is not surprising…

The Federalist: Joe Biden Says There Are Very Fine People On Both Sides Of The Oct. 7 Debate – Why can’t the president unequivocally condemn the campus Brownshirts? – Democrats are increasingly incapable of even talking about antisemitism without diluting any condemnation with mention of “Islamophobia.”

Epoch Times: A federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s classified documents case unsealed a new trove of documents on Monday – They revealed the FBI’s code name for their investigation and how the FBI spoke about performing “loose surveillance” on the former president’s aircraft before their unprecedented raid in 2022

Adam Molon: Outright Corruption at PBS’s Frontline Is Exposed – NPR’s Bias Is Just The Tip of The Establishment Media Iceberg – During one presentation, PBS Frontline editor Steve Audette showed how he uses shocking footage of a shirtless, tattooed, and shouting man in the street as a stand-in for what Audette falsely claimed that Trump represented…

Zero Hedge: Newly unsealed documents in Donald Trump’s classified documents case reveal that the Biden White House colluded with the National Archives and the FBI to concoct a case against the former presidentSpecial Counsel Jack Smith sought to conceal this, telling Judge Eileen Cannon in February that Trump’s counsel isn’t entitled to discovery on documents between the White House and NARA…

Epoch Times: Judge Approves Trump’s $175 Million Bond With New Restrictions in The New York Civil Case – An agreement was reached between President Trump’s attorney and New York Attorney General Letitia James on the handling of the bond account

Epoch Times: A Trump Lawyer Claims That Officials Want to Keep Trump Off Campaign Trail More Than Winning in Court – Another Trump lawyer claims New York judge doesn’t understand the case or “finance.”

American Thinker: Can ‘Get Trump’ Beat Failing Bidenomics? – A mega-spending push is not the best way to right the economy after an inflationary lockdown – The fact is that when you take resources away from funding the most urgent needs of consumers and businesses and venture capitalists you are making things worse…

Breitbart: The NBC Poll questioning whether Donald Trump is more “competent” and “effective” than Joe Biden, is up about 21 points since 2020, an NBC News poll reveals – As part of Biden’s 2020 campaign pitch when he promised voters he would be more “competent” and “effective” than Trump was during his presidency…

Breitbart: Joe Biden faces a much “tougher” path than his opponent to obtain the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidential election, according to longtime Democrat adviser Doug Sosnik – Trump currently leads Biden in five of six key swing states, excluding North Carolina, an Echelon Insights poll found last week…

Powerline: THE TROUBLE WITH COLUMBIA – Columbia University presents an extreme case of the rot infesting our major institutions, elite organs of higher education, corporate America, the mainstream media, the entertainment business, the legal profession, the teachers’ unions, and so on. – But hopefully, we can learn from Columbia’s extremity…

Washington Examiner: Major Columbia protest organizers have ties to left-wing donors, including the prominent Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace – While SJP claims to be grassroots, the left-wing Anti-Defamation League has claimed it receives support from pro-Hamas organization American Muslims for Palestine…

New York Post: Anti-Israel protesters carried flares to march on NYPD HQ after over 150 were arrested at NYU by cops in riot gear – Sources told The Post that when the tally hit 134, the mass-arrest processing system went down, slowing the processing of all those detained…

Zero Hedge: NYU, Columbia, and Yale Crack Down On Demonstrators As Anti-Israel Protests Intensify – The protests have been growing in size and intensity over the last week resulting in a wave of police arrests, suspensions, and canceled classes…

Townhall: More than 25 members of the United States Senate are demanding that schools allowing, tolerating, or encouraging these shocking and often unlawful displays of anti-Jew and anti-Israel hate face accountability and a loss of taxpayer funds…

American Thinker: What Became Of Communism In Vietnam? – Ask Vietnamese youths which economic system they prefer, and their answer may surprise you – People in Vietnam have a strong preference for the economic systems in Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, while hardly anyone approves of North Korea…

American Thinker: Like a thief in the night, the government robbed consumers of choice which leads to increased cost for any given goods or/service – Our government has become so large, and so intrusive that it no longer serves the interests of its citizens. – It is so large that the media and trade groups can’t keep up with all of its moving parts…

Resist The Mainstream: Biden Is Considering Amnesty For Over 1 Million Illegal Immigrants Who Are Now Married To U.S. Citizens – Temporary status under the program would provide immigrants access to work permits and establish a pathway towards citizenship…

Washington Examiner: The Supreme Court Starbucks case could grind down agency powers – Starbucks presented video evidence in lower court proceedings that revealed the Memphis Seven were only discharged from their duties after they had violated company policy by returning to a store location after hours, letting in news crews, and locking the doors behind them…

Washington Examiner: Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra is preparing his political future after the Biden administration. – Becerra’s reported plans to run for governor of California in 2026 to follow Gavin Newsom may be more developed than those in the Biden administration previously thought…

California Globe: California Ranks Among Bottom of 50 States for Financial Transparency – One of the biggest issues contributing to poor State transparency scores was increased hidden retirement liabilities, including unfunded pension debt…

FAR: The Sun Controls Our Climate, Dingbats – Truth is needed to win the climate debate – What is being pushed to the public about man and oil being responsible for supposed climate change is pure speculation and is being presented by those with skin in the game.

Epoch Times: The Biden administration has agreed to pay over $138 million to victims of convicted sex abuser Larry Nassar while acknowledging the FBI’s failures to properly investigate warnings that the sports physician was exploiting his position to molest young girls under the guise of treatment…

April 22, 2024

Epoch Times: A Mistrial Was Declared in The Murder Trial of an Arizona Border Rancher – Mr. Kelly faced one charge of second-degree murder or manslaughter or negligent homicide and an additional charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in the shooting death of Mexican national Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, an illegal immigrant on Mr. Kelly’s ranch.

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Denied A Bid to Expand No-Excuse Mail-In Ballots in Texas – SCOTUS’s refusal to hear the appeal means that the Texas law stays in place, delivering a win to election integrity advocates.

American Spectator: What Will Happen to Russia After Putin Leaves The Scene? – One possible post-Putin future is Russian retrenchment, which could be forced upon Putin’s successor due to demographics, economics, and a stalemated Ukraine war…

American Spectator: The Supreme Court ruled that Idaho can enforce its Vulnerable Child Protection Act, which was passed to protect children from the “lasting harm and irreversible damage” of transgender “medical treatment.” – With the Supreme Court’s order, the law can go into effect while the litigation winds itself through the court system.

Breitbart: Nearly half of Gen Z voters are sympathetic toward Hamas, and one-third do not believe Israel has the right to exist as a nation, a recent Summit.org/RMG Research survey found.

Breitbart: Because the earth does not consistently warm, they changed the term to “Climate Change,” to help justify their claims regardless of whether the earth warms or cools – “Climate change” is tied as the last priority for Americans, a recent Gallup poll found, marking another year that the issue remains the least important priority.

Breitbart: Denver along with other Colorado communities has transformed schools into welfare agencies as tens of thousands of children of illegal border crossers flood into the state’s schools, where they get free food, clothing, shoes, healthcare, and education at taxpayers’ expense.

Center Square: California’s unemployment insurance fund is “structurally insolvent” due to $55 billion in fraud and overpayment during the COVID-19 crisis – This led to a growing $21 billion unemployment benefits loan from the federal government the state is now unable to pay down – Should federal forgiveness not go through, the state is considering quintupling unemployment taxes from 0.1% to 0.5%…

Daily Mail: America’s Fight To Save Handwriting From Extinction – IQs are falling for the first time and teachers warn that some 20-year-olds can’t even sign checks anymore – Studies show writing can increase the brain’s cognitive abilities…

Gatestone Institute: Thanks to Biden, China Could Start World War III Here – China is swarming the waters of the Philippines, hoping to intimidate Manila into surrendering territory. – Joe Biden and the State Department keep on issuing warnings, but Chinese President Xi Jinping continues to ignore them, suggesting deterrence is failing…

Zero Hedge: When the House voted to pass Biden’s long sought-after foreign aid package Saturday, which will deliver over $60 billion to Ukraine, included in this was the passage of the REPO Act, which paves the way for the Biden administration confiscate billions in Russian sovereign assets which sit in US banks…

Victor Davis Hanson: War By Affirmative Action? – Why does Biden play Iranian poker with American and Israeli lives? – His administration appears to envision war sort of like affirmative action, in which the less accomplished belligerent is allowed all sorts of concessions for the sake of equity – Israeli and American military capability, and particularly their missile defenses, are seen as unfair, almost like high achievers’ top SAT scores…

The Federalist: Is Biden’s IRS Meddling In The Inspector General’s Investigation Of Hunter Biden Whistleblowers? – For the IRS chief counsel to communicate with Special Counsel Weiss about a potential ongoing investigation into the whistleblowers is particularly concerning…

Western Journal: Powerful Anti-Trump Media Figures Are Exposed For Holding Secret Weekly Meetings to Coordinate on Language For Trump’s Legal Cases – If it ever feels like television’s anti-Trump talking heads are reading from the same talking points, it turns out they are. – Politico senior writer and former federal prosecutor Ankush Khardori went into considerable detail about how often the meetings take place and who attends…

Washington Examiner: Judge Arthur Engoron approves Trump’s $175 million bond despite Letitia James challenges – Engoron’s decision comes after James argued in a motion that Trump did not have “sufficiently secure and ascertainable collateral backing the bond” and that Engoron should therefore reject it.

Breitbart: Matthew Colangelo, an ex-Biden DOJ official, delivered the prosecution’s opening statement on Monday in the Trump criminal trial. – Democrat New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office recently hired the former senior DOJ official who spent years targeting Trump at his previous job…

National Review: Prosecutors Begin Trump Trial by Laying Out A Supposed‘Criminal Scheme’ to Influence 2016 Election – Assistant district attorney Matthew Colangelo delivered the prosecution’s opening statement by describing Trump’s $130,000 payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels through former attorney Michael Cohen ahead of the 2016 presidential election...

National Review: David Pecker Will Be Bragg’s First Witness Against Trump – Bragg does not have an actionable criminal charge related to Trump’s supposed theft of the 2016 election, but needs to make it look like he does to support other portions of his case…

Slay News: Donald Trump and his allies have long argued that receiving a fair jury trial in deep blue Manhattan will be nearly impossible. – New York Times’s Maggie Haberman recently shared that Trump’s jurors mostly lean “left-of-center.” – This bombshell report only served as further evidence that Trump will not receive a fair shake by a jury in Manhattan…

American Conservative: Fourteen retired four-star generals, admirals, and other military leaders filed an amici brief with the Supreme Court, arguing against former President Trump’s claims of immunity in his criminal cases, particularly those dealing with January 6…

FAR: Claremont Institute Chair Tomas Klingenstein Regarding Trump – Some people want Trump without any vices, which I find somewhat idiotic – He is a fighter and that is what you need when dealing with cut-throat Democrats who will do almost anything to gain and maintain power…

Slay News: Bill Gates Plans to Fight ‘Climate Change’ by Targeting Our Food Supply – Gates and his globalist “green agenda” allies say beef cattle herds are “destroying the planet” due to their alleged “emissions” and the only solution to stop the claimed impact of cattle on “global warming” is to either “modify” cows or eliminate them…

Breitbart: Findings from Redfin show the combination of steep mortgage rates and elevated home prices has pushed the median monthly housing payment to a record $2,775, an 11% increase from the same time last year – Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday that the average rate on a 30-year loan this week crossed the 7% threshold for the first time this year…

American Thinker: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mike Johnson? – Ousting Johnson for allowing the Ukraine aid bill to go through is suicide for the GOP and will cost them the White House, too – With a one-vote majority, the GOP is playing a dangerous game. If they remove Johnson, maybe he will quit the House, as did McCarthy and GOP Representatives Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher, leaving Democrats in charge…

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Agrees To Hear A Challenge To Biden ‘Ghost Gun’ Rule – The high court previously reversed lower court orders blocking the regulation of guns that can be assembled at home…

Powerline: What We’ve Got Here – The Columbia University campus appears to have been taken over by the pro-Hamas kill the Jews crowd among the student body. – The New York Post reports a “New anti-Israel tent city taking over the university lawn days after NYPD raid as activists vowed to stay ‘forever.’”

Dr. Owen Anderson: Columbia University and Decolonizing – What does decolonizing look like? – What would a student who has gone through a decolonizing curriculum do to “make the world a better place?” – We’re seeing examples in the news. – The decolonizing philosophy claims Israel is a colonizer. – Anti-semitism on university campuses is seen at alarming rates…

American Thinker: Black Wars of Liberation Come to America – Secretary of State Blinken recently appointed Zakiya Carr Johnson, who calls America “a failed historic model,” as their top DEI officer – Her appointment will not strengthen America’s national security let alone attract capable job applicants to government service…

Issues & Insights: Postal Crime Remains Rampant – It appears to be open season for going after mail carriers and postal customers – Postal carrier robberies increased by 30% to 643 in 2023, and robberies resulting in injuries doubled to 61 – The San Francisco Bay area has been hit especially hard…

April 21, 2024

Epoch Times: The FBI Warns That Chinese Hackers Are Poised to Hit US Infrastructure At Anytime With A ‘Devastating Blow’ – ‘It plans to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic,’ FBI Director Christopher Wray said…

Zero Hedge: Ukraine Gets Their Billions Despite CIA Director Reportedly Warning Zelenksy To Stop Stealing So Much Money – Democrats cheered and waved Ukrainian flags, chanting “Ukraine, Ukraine!” in response to Congress passing a bill that will send (another) $61 billion to Ukraine with no questions asked…

Epoch Times: The House Rejects Border Security Bill – The House voted 215–199 to block the bill – Because it was not considered under normal rules, it required a two-thirds majority to pass…

American Spectator: Why SCOTUS Will Toss 350 J6 Convictions – Last Tuesday’s oral arguments in Fischer v. United States was an edifying tutorial on how the DJ abused a federal law to charge January 6 rioters with a serious felony – A clear majority questions the DOJ’s use of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to prosecute January 6 defendants…

Breitbart: An unofficial report from U.S. Customs and Border Protection reviewed by Breitbart Texas revealed that nearly 700 migrants from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) were apprehended entering the San Diego region in the third week of April –  Since the fiscal year began in October, more than 26,000 migrants from the PRC have been apprehended.

American Spectator: Biden Has Allowed the Marine Corps to Become Irrelevant – To placate its critics, the current leadership of the Corps has changed the name of its controversial “Force Design 2030” strategy to simply “Force Design” – The current leadership focuses on obtaining anti-ship missiles while its worldwide force readiness slides…

Gateway Pundit: Representative Matt Gaetz exposed Joe Biden’s latest foreign policy catastrophe during the latest Armed Services Committee hearing – US troops are trapped in Niger, Africa allegedly without water and medicine. – Deployed Americans are in limbo and unable to do their jobs and the Biden State Department is completely outmaneuvered once again.

American Thinker: Antisemitism Goes Full Frontal At Columbia, With Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Daughter In The Forefront – So did Asra Hirsi, who is Representative Ilhan Omar’s daughter at Barnard, grow up on a verbal diet of ‘it’s all about the Benjamins’?…

New York Post: SHAME! – Columbia’s most outspoken critic of anti-Israel protesters was refused entry to campus for a pro-Jewish rally – Israeli-born Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at Columbia Business School said when he swiped his key card at the school’s Morningside Heights campus it read “deactivated” – Administrators told him their action was because they could not ensure his safety…

One America News: Police clashed with students at Yale University’s Connecticut campus Monday morning and began arresting students who had been staging an anti-Israel protest for several days. – Video footage shows police arriving and blocking off entrances to a plaza at the New Haven campus, where an estimated 200 protesters were gathered…

Gateway Pundit: A Brave School Girl Reveals In Graphic Detail How A Trans Student Savagely Assaulted Her Friend While Blasting Woke School Officials to Their Face for Letting It Happen – She warned a teacher what would be happening 5 hours early and was told, “Don’t worry about it.”

Breitbart: TikTok’s Real Owners: China Orders Apple to Censor Popular Messaging Apps On iPhones – The apps that China wants censored reportedly include Meta’s WhatsApp and Threads apps, as well as the Signal and Telegram messaging platforms, which were removed from Apple’s app store in the communist country on Friday.

Townhall: Prepare to Shell Out Massive Amounts of Money for Taxes If Biden Is Re-Elected. – Biden vowed to keep former President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts “expired” for another four years, meaning middle-class and low-income Americans would see higher taxes beginning in 2025.

American Greatness: Biden Weaponized the Federal Government for His Reelection Campaign – He has hijacked every arm of the federal government to drag himself across the finish line this November. – This plan is as brazen as it is comprehensive, proving the Biden administration doesn’t want a fair election in November…

American Thinker: President Trump Did Not Incite the January 6 Capitol Riot – When you look at the facts, you’ll see that the ‘insurrection’ claim is total nonsense – First of all, if Trump wanted a riot, why would he repeatedly request National Guard troops for January 6? – What Trump was asking to be done required order at the Capitol, not a riot…

Gatestone Institute: The Most Secure Election in American History? – Texas filed its original action in the Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan — four swing states whose election officers had knowingly violated election law in those states and with an impact that put Biden over the top in all four…

Because He FightsEvan Sayet made some excellent points in his Townhall opinion piece in 2017. – My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. – They also ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.” – Well, here’s my answer…

Zero Hedge: This Is The “First Real Image” Of Chinese Supersonic Drone Attached To Bomber. – First revealed to the public in 2019, WZ-8 provides pre-strike targeting information and post-strike assessments – The drone can also conduct strategic aerial reconnaissance across southeast Asia, including Taiwan and South Korea…

Washington Times: What is in the $95 billion foreign aid bills passed by the House? – Four separate bills provide foreign aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, and include a new measure to force the sale of TikTok after a previously passed measure stalled in the Senate…

Conservative Compass: Biden’s Failure To Stand With Israel – Historically, the United States has been a beacon of support for its allies, ensuring that mutual defense and strategic interests are upheld with unwavering resolve – Biden’s reluctance to act robustly in defense of Israel sends a chilling message to other U.S. allies, raising the question of reliability. – Can any ally of the United States now feel genuinely secure in its support when it matters most?

Western Journal: Last week, the International Monetary Fund ripped the Biden administration’s out-of-control spending, calling it “out of line with what is needed for long-term fiscal stability.” – The IMF warned that ever-growing national debt in the U.S. poses a long-term risk to the global economy…

American Thinker: Quit Haranguing Speaker Johnson – In the end, the push to oust Speaker Johnson as a GOP ‘turncoat’ will only benefit Democrats – Realistically, Johnson’s correct priority for foreign aid at this moment is Israel, and he got that at only by allowing the Ukraine lobby – Yes, the border funding fail is a big fat failure, but is not Johnson’s failure…

American Conservative: Fentanyl, The New Litmus Test for Republican Candidates – The U.S. needs political leaders who will get serious about this unparalleled scourge. – There has been a 1,000% increase in fentanyl deaths among young people from 2020–2023. – Over 100,000 American sons and daughters are dying every year due to fentanyl…

April 20, 2024

Daily Signal: With the support of 210 Democrats, the Republican-led House of Representatives voted Saturday to approve Biden’s request for another $60 billion to aid Ukraine. – More Republicans opposed the Ukraine funding bill than supported it, racking 112 votes against the measure compared to 101 in favor. – The final vote was 311-112…

Washington Examiner: The United States is set to sanction a unit of the Israel Defense Forces – According to three sources, Secretary of State Antony Blinken will announce sanctions against the IDF’s 97th Netzah Yehuda Battalion – The sanctions are not due to any actions during the war in Gaza, but rather supposed human rights abuses committed in the West Bank before Oct. 7, 2023…

Epoch Times: Trump’s Jury Selection Offers Clues to New York Trial’s Direction – It raises questions about the legal process and whether lawyers can serve as suitable jurors. – While some jurors said they could be fair and impartial, a huge swath of the voir dire was dismissed after Judge Merchan asked them to raise their hands if they couldn’t do so.

American Thinker: Democrat House representatives stop just short of explicitly calling for Trump’s assassination. – There is no other way to interpret the new bill that several Democrats have introduced in Congress – Representative Bennie Thompson, who chaired the House J6 Committee, introduced legislation that calls for Trump to lose his Secret Service protection if he’s convicted and given a prison sentence…

One America News: On Saturday, the House advanced legislation that forces TikTok’s owner, ByteDance, to secure American ownership in approximately a year or face a ban. – The version of the bill approved Saturday will, if signed, give TikTok 270 days to find a new owner, up from the roughly six months proposed under prior versions of the legislation.

Zero Hedge: Lord Of The Lies, A Pediatrician’s Take On The Latest Child Gender-Transition Research – Commissioned four years ago to probe the practices of the Tavistock gender clinic in Britain, the report methodically assembles a damning indictment of the flimsy evidence used to “transition” children...

Powerline: BILL MAHER’S STANCE ON HOLLYWOOD PEDOPHILIA – I predict that in the privacy of the voting booth in November he will vote for Trump, but will he admit it directly? – A big clue is his statement, “All along, “Governor DeSantis Was Right” About Disney…

Gateway Pundit: CBP Sources Say Illegal Border Crossings Rising to 6,400 in Two Days, With Most in San Diego Sector — 1,500 Illegal Crossings Two Days in a Row. – Texas has seen a decrease, while a good majority of these illegal aliens are crossing via the San Diego sector…

Just The News: Hospitals across Illinois and the United States are dealing with increasing numbers of cyberattacks. – According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, large ransomware breaches in the healthcare sector increased by 278% from 2018 to 2022…

Dr. Robert Malone: No Go Zones, Conspiracy Theory, Fact or Fiction? – No-go zones are areas within cities where it is unsafe to enter if one is not Muslim – Authorities have lost control in these areas, so police, emergency services, and other non-residents are either barred from entering or consider it unsafe and won’t enter. – A decade ago, such zones were hotly denied by officials…

Fox News: Senate passes FISA surveillance tool renewal minutes after midnight deadline – The upper chamber voted 60-34 to pass the re-authorization

National Review: Why Is Judge Juan Merchan Refusing to Honor Trump’s Due-Process Rights? – The principal duty of judges in the United States is to protect Americans from government overreach, but Judge Merchan is doing just the opposite…

American Thinker: If They Jail Trump, What’s Next? – Trump’s claim of “election interference” is exactly what’s happening – The insiders, elites, and establishment, want to send a powerful message that if you ever defy us, we will do to you what we are doing to Trump…

Gatestone Institute: The Biden administration’s call for Israel to refrain from responding to attacks while facing direct aggression is deeply troubling and raises significant questions – Article 2, paragraph 4 of the UN Charter explicitly prohibits the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any member state, making Iran’s actions tantamount to an act of war

American Thinker: The Middle Eastern War Being Waged Across America’s Southern Border – Iran’s agent, Hezbollah, has set up shop in Latin America and is heading here – The dangers from the steady stream of millions of unvetted migrants crossing illegally into our country should be clear to everyone and the most understated threat is that of terrorist infiltration

Breitbart: Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended a record-setting number of migrants who illegally crossed the Canadian border between ports of entry in March – The number of migrants arrested in the first six months of this year nearly doubled that of the same period last year

New York Post: A high school soccer game at a public field in East Harlem was canceled after a group of migrants refused to leave the pitch so the kids could play – They were directly asked to leave and some of them kind of considered it, but then four or five of them said, “You know what, f–k it, we don’t have to leave, we can do whatever we want”

NY Sun: As West Coast Cities Descend Into Squalor, SCOTUS Will Weigh Whether Homeless Tents Can Be Removed – The case will challenge lower court rulings that ‘impose a one-size-fits-all rule and make it impossible for the government to treat individual cases on an individual basis…

American Conservative: Why Is 2013 So Important? – It was the first time a majority of Americans had a smartphone and the first time a supermajority of Americans were on social media – It was the year that the media began their Great Woke Push, whereby all news centered around race and racism…

Zero Hedge: The Middle Class Can’t Afford To Buy Homes In 52 Of The Top 100 US Metros – Five years earlier, they could afford a home in 91 of the top 100 metros – Housing is becoming an exclusively upper-class privilege in a growing number of cities…

Resist The Mainstream: Benny Johnson Was Robbed While Filming A Segment At The Only In-N-Out Burger To Close In Company’s History – ‘Oakland Is A Third World Country’

FAR: Creeping CommunISM – I was just a little kid when this was produced and vaguely remember watching it when I was in Elementary School – It is a far cry from the propaganda being fed to youngsters today, that glorifies communism

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, UNCLE BOSEY EDITION – This is the week we learned at long last about Joe Biden’s forgotten uncle “Bosey”

April 19, 2024

One America News: The Full Jury Seated In Trump ‘Hush Money’ Trial, With Opening Statements Set For Monday – This followed a dramatic day in which two potential jurors broke down in tears, an appeals court judge denied Trump’s request for a stay of proceedings, and a man set himself on fire in front of the courthouse

American Spectator: What the Elites Think of Trump Supporters – Today’s ruling class wants to maintain its power and privilege indefinitely – Trump supporters’ resistance to “Woke” policies and illegal border crossings are symptoms, according to the progressive elite, of their uneducated, cult-like following of Trump…

Washington Examiner: The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee announced plans to launch an “election integrity” program, intending to recruit 100,000 volunteers and attorneys who will work to preserve “the sanctity” of November’s election. – They will also hire poll workers.

Daily Signal: The Department of Education’s New Title IX Rule Is Just as Bad as Expected – The DOE expanded the prohibition against discrimination based on “sex” to include a prohibition against discrimination based on: “sex stereotypes, sex-related characteristics (including intersex traits), pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity”

Post Millennial: The man who lit himself on fire outside of the NYC Trump trial has been identified ID’d as Aantifia agitator Max Azzarello – His final online post showed him singing ‘Start a F*cking Revolution’

American Thinker: Israel’s Strategic Restraint Sends A Calculated Message To Iran – Israel responded to Iran’s provocation not with overwhelming force but with a strategic, measured action – Isfahan, nestled in the heart of Iran, is not only a major cultural landmark but also the epicenter of Iran’s nuclear ambitions and home to a significant airbase

National Review: Israel Was Correct In Their Rejection Of Biden’s Bad Advice – Biden’s reluctance to unleash our allies, and what the press calls his fear of escalation, has produced the disaster in Afghanistan, the slow-motion advance of Russia in Ukraine, the standstill in Gaza, and a Greater Middle East where Hezbollah, Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq, and the Houthis do whatever they please…

The New York Sun Gets a Look Up Close at an Iranian Missile, and It Is Huge, Even Without Its Warhead – This missile had traveled 1,500 kilometers to Israel from Iran in 11 minutes – While images of the perfectly timed onslaught of missiles were broadcast live, the Jewish state had no idea how many would land and where…

American Spectator: Hold Obama And Biden Foreign Policies Responsible For Iran’s Unprecedented Attack on Israel – An emboldened Iran is a feature, not a bug of the Obama/Biden foreign policy doctrine

American Thinker: This Isn’t The Iranian People’s War, It’s Ali Khamenei’s War, who stated, “We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah” – It is essential to advocate for the use of precise language when discussing Iran, by distinguishing between “Iran” and the “Islamic Republic so observers can better understand the situation

Zero Hedge: The US Vetoes A Palestinian Bid For Full UN Membership – The US was the only member of the 15-member council to vote against the resolution, with the UK and Switzerland abstaining – There were 12 votes in favor from Russia, China, France, Japan, South Korea, Ecuador, Algeria, Malta, Slovenia, Sierra Leone, Mozambique, and Guyana

Zero Hedge: A video out of the UK shows a man being visited at home by two police officers and an NHS psychologist after he expressed anger online about the stabbing of a Bishop in Sydney by an Islamist

Breitbart: Mike Johnson Surrenders, Allowing Democrats To Seize Control Of The House Floor – An astonishing 165 Democrats voted for a rule from Speaker Mike Johnson to allow a $100 billion foreign aid supplemental package to the floor Saturday. The House will hold four votes on final passage for each of those packages, including a Ukraine funding bill with tens of billions of American taxpayer dollars

Breitbart: Senator Rand Paul declared Friday that House Speaker Mike Johnson no longer represents the Republican House majority and has become the “Uniparty” speaker after he betrayed conservative ideals and worked with the Democrats to pass the Joe Biden-endorsed Ukraine aid agenda…

Todd Starnes: Meet The 55 Republicans Who Stood Up to Speaker Johnson And The Democrats – Speaker Mike Johnson needed the help of Democrats to advance his nearly $100 billion foreign aid package to the Senate – 151 Republicans and 165 Democrats voted in favor, but these 55 Republicans voted against the massive taxpayer-funded package

Epoch Times: Sidney Powell Handed Win After Judges Dismiss Disciplinary Effort by The Texas State Bar – The Texas Court of Appeals in Dallas ruled the state bar’s arguments lacked merit and evidence, finding that state bar prosecutors “employed a ’scattershot’ approach to the case” alleging Ms. Powell did not have a reasonable basis to file lawsuits challenging the 2020 election’s outcome in battleground states

American Thinker: The Trouble With Trump’s Jurors Exposes a Post-Truth Society – The NYC demographic most strongly supportive of Trump is the orthodox Jewish community – Unsurprisingly, the biased judge in Bragg’s case scheduled the trial to include Fridays instead of Wednesdays to exclude all orthodox Jews from the jury pool

American Thinker: The Illegal Alien Poster Boy Used For The ‘Migrants Are Not Criminals’ Campaign Admits To Raping A Young Girl – Congolese national Anicet Mayela recently pled guilty to raping a 15-year-old child in a crime described by authorities as having a high level of “dangerousness” to it…

Breitbart: The latest polling by Rasmussen shows that Republicans are 18 percent more excited about voting for former President Donald Trump than Democrats are about voting for President Joe Biden – The upcoming presidential election will undoubtedly be won or lost on voter turnout, which is why excitement levels are so important

Fox News: Biden is set to block millions of acres in Alaska from oil, and gas drilling in an Earth Day action – According to the DOI, the regulations as proposed would create an outright prohibition on any new leasing across 10.6 million acres of the area, equivalent to about 40% of the entire NPR-A

Issues & Insights: Could EVs Compete In A True Free Market? – Electric vehicle sales would have never reached the level they have if the government had not become involved. – Assembly line workers are losing their jobs, sales are slowing and unsold cars have piled up in lots because fewer Americans want them…

American Thinker: Florida’s New ‘History of Communism’ Law Is A Model All States Should Follow – Ron DeSantis moved to reinforce Florida’s education standards by requiring that students learn about “the dangers and evils of Communism” – DeSantis: “We will not allow our students to live in ignorance, nor be indoctrinated by Communist apologists in schools”

The Daily Fetched: According To A Gender Clinic Whistleblower, Kids Are ‘Begging to Have Their Body Parts Put Back On’ – Jamie Reed, who recently published an exposé that blew the lid off of the scandal last February, spoke with Dr. Phil McGraw Thursday on his “Dr. Phil Primetime” program, revealing her experience in the “morally and medically appalling” industry…

April 18, 2024

Washington Examiner: The U.S. announced a new series of sanctions against more than a dozen people and entities involved in Iran’s drone production following last weekend’s unprecedented attack on Israel – The US coordinated with European allies in an attempt to cut off Iran’s ability to manufacture its missile and drone program and to isolate the country on the global stage following the attack

Resist The Mainstream: A Dismissed Trump Juror Says She’s ‘Not Sure’ Jury Can Be Unbiased – The case is going to “define so many things, but at the same time, our job as a juror is to be impartial – Later she added that other jurors who wanted to be selected for the case told her “they feel the duty” to serve…

One America News: All 12 Jurors Have Been Seated In Trump’s ‘Hush Money’ Trial – The 45th president has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of allegedly falsifying business records in connection with so-called hush money payments to Stormy Daniels

Epoch Times: President Joe Biden’s effort to get on the general election ballot in Ohio remains in limbo as state officials have rejected a Democrat proposal to circumvent a looming certification deadline that falls before President Biden officially becomes the party’s presidential nominee

Fox News: GOP rebels derail Johnson’s border security pitch over fury at the $95B foreign aid plan – Johnson says the House will now consider separate foreign aid bills on Ukraine, Israel, the Indo-Pacific and a fourth bill including various foreign policy provisions – If passed, they will be sent to the Senate as a combined package

Gateway Pundit: In the Race to the White House, Illegals Will Be Able To Cast Votes in the Crucial Swing State of Arizona – In Arizona, if the state can’t verify whether or not you’re a citizen, people can still assert that they are citizens…

American Spectator: Governor Whitmer Pays Migrants Who Move to Michigan – As residents flee the state, Democrats look for ways to stabilize the state’s population

Gateway Pundit: Yet Another Attempted Transgender Shooter Has Been STOPPED – Ye authored a 129-page manifesto outlining how she would carry out this horrendous act of violence – Lately there has been a plethora of examples of violence or attempted violence from radicalized members of the transgender community

Washington Times: The Biden Administration’s Internet Power Grab – The “Net-Neutrality” debate diverts attention from the real threat to online freedom – There’s a simple reason why the FCC shouldn’t regulate the internet, it has no legitimate legal authority to do so – If Congress wants to change that, elected lawmakers can pass a statute to that effect…

Washington Examiner: Existing home sales fell 4.3% in March to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.19 million, the most in over a year, as mortgage rates lurched upward amid higher inflation readings – Higher mortgage rates priced out many would-be buyers and led many homeowners to avoid selling and having to reenter the home loan market

Dr. Owen Anderson: One of the greatest challenges that secular professors are opposing is heteronormativity, the belief that God created two genders – “The Politics of Perverts” delves into the political attitudes and activities of individuals who identify with non-traditional sexual orientations and practices, such as Polyamory, BDSM, the Furry Fandom, Nudism, and the large bisexual population within these communities…

Victor Davis Hanson: Are Iran’s Nine Lives Nearing an End? The theocracy of Iran has been the world’s arch-embassy attacker over the last half-century – By unleashing war in the Middle East and targeting Israel, Iran may soon learn that Israel, America, or both might retaliate for a half-century of its terrorist aggression…

Gatestone Institute: The ‘Better’ Civilians of Gaza – Among the so-called innocent “civilians” that Israel has killed Hamas claims, there are thousands of guilty and complicit civilians without whose assistance Hamas could not have succeeded in their barbarisms – It is time for a thorough and objective investigation of the actual status of all those allegedly killed by Israeli military actions…

Zero Hedge: Why Stocks Are Falling and What Comes Next – The stock market finally woke up to what I’ve been warning about for weeks, namely that inflation is rebounding – The official inflation measure, the Consumer Price Index has bottomed and is beginning to rebound – With inflation doing this, there is NO WAY the Fed can cut rates three times this year

The Center Square: The International Money Fund warns on U.S. debt ‘something will have to give’ – The Washington, D.C.-based group representing 190 member countries also called the U.S. economy “overheated.” The debt warning follows several other high-profile calls to address growing U.S. debt

Zero Hedge: Crude oil exports from Iran hit the highest level in six years during the first quarter of the year – The daily average over the period stood at 1.56 million barrels, almost all of which was sent to China, earning Tehran some $35 billion

Breitbart: Speaker Mike Johnson is preparing to pass a rule for a foreign aid package using Democrats, which conservatives are calling an “unprecedented” move by the “Uniparty” – Johnson has tripled down on mortgaging America’s future to grant Ukraine more foreign aid…

John Daniel Davidson: If The GOP Loses Its House Majority, It’s Speaker Johnson’s Fault – Actually, we’d be better off with a Democrat-controlled Congress and an actual GOP opposition than whatever this is – Whatever happens next, by any measure Johnson’s tenure as speaker has been an abject failure, a profile in spinelessness

Western Journal: Widespread 911 Outages Hit at Least 4 States Just Days After A Department of Homeland Security Warning – Authorities in South Dakota, Texas, Nebraska, and Nevada announced outages in multiple cities…

Vigilant News: James O’Keefe Uncovers Who is Running the White House – Special Advisor for The US Small Business Administration, Tyler Robinson, told an undercover reporter that former Facebook board member Jeff Zeints, the current White House chief of staff, is the “second most powerful person in Washington” – “By getting Jeff to sign off, you’re getting the president to sign off because whatever this guy says, it’s what the President says”

Western Journal: Mainstream Media Fact-Checkers Step in After Biden Told A Bizarre ‘Cannibals’ Tale About His Uncle – Once again, President Joe Biden has exposed himself as either a confused old man or a habitual liar – Trying to determine which of these defects best explains his frequent misstatements and malignant falsehoods can leave one’s head spinning

Western Journal: A Seated Trump Juror Was Dismissed After Admitting She Can’t Be ‘Fair and Unbiased’ – “Aspects of my identity have already been out there in public,” the juror told the court Thursday morning – “Yesterday alone, I had friends and family push things to me” – “I don’t think at this point that I can be fair and unbiased,” she added

Washington Examiner: And Then There Were Five – A second Trump trial juror has been dismissed – Juror #4, an older Puerto Rican man was called for questioning after prosecutors inquired about whether he was truthful in answering questions about his past criminal history

Zero Hedge: The ‘whistleblower’ who sparked Donald Trump’s first impeachment was deeply involved in the political maneuverings behind Biden-family business schemes in Ukraine that Trump wanted to be probed, newly obtained emails from former Vice President Joe Biden’s office reveal

American Thinker: With Democrats in charge, who needs foreign enemies? – The Biden administration has strange priorities — No wonder we are seeing so many problems resulting from their actions, such as...

American Thinker: Louise Meijer, a Swedish Member of Parliament who was once a strong supporter of open borders and mass arrivals has undertaken a “spectacular u-turn” and is now calling for “strict immigration controls, deportations, and reparation” policies to combat the “fundamental” transformation of her beloved Sweden…

American Conservative: Mike Johnson Should Grow a Spine or Leave – If you’re going to make an end-run around your party, shouldn’t you at least give us a reason? – In the face of crisis, division, and uncertainty, you need a leader of men who can articulate a forceful program—or at least can mollify everyone a little by looking like he knows what he’s doing and that has not been Johnson

American Thinker: A Disgrace For The US Senate – These senators all well know the critical jam we’re in with Biden’s open border – As the mayors of several Democrat cities cry in their soup, regarding what the immigration crisis has brought down on them, Schumer unilaterally declared that the first article of impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas brought to the Senate from the House was ‘unconstitutional”…

Breitbart: A Haitian migrant, reportedly released into the US via Biden’s parole pipeline, is now accused of double homicide in Orange County, New York – Kenol Baptiste, a 30-year-old Haitian migrant, was indicted on two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder – Prosecutors allege he stabbed his two roommates to death using a knife, then allegedly sought to hide the knife he used and then fled the scene

American Thinker: Over a dozen Republican Attorney Generals warned Bank Of America against alleged practices of “de-banking” certain customers because of their religious or political views – Their letter notes that it’s not just Bank of America as seven of the top 10 banks are doing the same, including the top three that created de facto social credit scores, as China has, along with penalizing disfavored political and religious groups

American Thinker: We Need To Give Children True Social And Emotional Skills, Not Marxism – What is currently presented as “Social Emotional Learning” in America is Marxist indoctrination instead of emotional resilience – Since 2000, there has been a staggering 350% increase in the suicide rate among children aged 10 to 12 years and nearly 20% of those aged 3 to 17 are affected by mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral disorders

American Thinker: Do Strict Gun Laws Prevent Gun Violence? – Criminals, by definition, do not adhere to laws, so, implementing stricter gun control measures often disproportionately affects law-abiding citizens and leaves them more vulnerable – Furthermore, California, known for having the most stringent gun regulations in the country, continues to struggle with high rates of gun violence…

American Thinker: NPR makes the case for its defunding – Uri Berliner, who exposed NPR’s monolithic leftism, learned the hard way that you don’t challenge woke institutions without serious retribution – Senator Marsha Blackburn plans to propose legislation that would threaten to cut National Public Radio’s federal funding if passed…

April 17, 2024

Daily Wire: The Democrat-controlled Senate voted on Wednesday to quash a pair of articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – This ended the months-long effort by Republicans to hold the Cabinet official accountable for his handling of the border crisis before a full trial could be held.

Just The News: Biden plans to kill A project that could end China’s dominance on minerals needed for green energy – The Ambler Access Road project would open up mining opportunities in Alaska that would supply critical minerals used in solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicle batteries…

Epoch Times: Former AG William Barr said Wednesday that he believes the trial involving former President Donald Trump is an “abomination” and politicized – Mr. Barr also said that he would vote for President Trump despite his prior criticism against the former commander-in-chief and former boss

Breitbart: The inside story of how House Speaker Mike Johnson was flip-flopped on Ukraine aid starts with his top policy adviser, a former lobbyist whose clients include several major companies who have issued corporate statements indicating some interest in the war

City Journal: Quotations from Chairman Maher – NPR’s new CEO exemplifies the ideological capture of America’s institutions – On every topic, Maher adopts the fashionable language of left-wing academic theory and uses it as social currency, even when her efforts veer into self-parody…

American Spectator: So Much for Gavin Newsom’s Support for Democracy – The governor is so upset about a coming initiative to limit tax increases, The Taxpayer Protection Act, that he’s petitioned California’s Supreme Court to strike it from the ballot

American Spectator: Is There Bias at CBS News? – Believe It – Conservatives believe Herridge was expendable because of her dogged coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story – It’s not Herridge’s layoff that set off alarm bells, but rather that CBS News’ seized hundreds of pages of her files, “including confidential source information” an act that Herridge likened to “a journalistic rape”

The Federalist: Oral Argument In J6 SCOTUS Case Lays Bare The DOJ’s Partisan Lawfare – Anyone paying the slightest attention to the Biden administration’s prosecution of January 6 protesters and its slap-on-the-wrist coddling of other protesters knows there’s a double standard in play – The solicitor general’s argument painted a picture of the Biden administration enlarging or contracting statutory language to serve their political purposes…

Epoch Times: The secretary of the Army testifying on Jan. 6, 2021, lied about multiple details regarding what unfolded as the U.S. Capitol was breached, according to National Guard whistleblowers during a congressional hearing on April 17 – The DOD Inspector General report regarding January 6, which relied heavily on Mr. McCarthy and other military officials, was rife with “inaccuracies”…

Slay Magazine: Joe Biden’s Niece Had Secret Business Ties to Communist China While Serving in Obama Administration – A collection of 2011 emails revealed she provided business tips that later led to Hunter Biden’s investments in China, which underscores the fact that the Biden family was intertwined with affairs in China while Joe Biden was vice president…

Fox News: Netanyahu Responds To Iran’s President Vowing To Completely Destroy Israel – “Israel will do whatever it needs to defend itself” – After separate meetings with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Israel on Wednesday Netanyahu declared, “They have all sorts of suggestions and advice, but I want to be clear, Our decisions we will make ourselves”…

Townhall: The DHS’ Admission About The Person Charged With Killing Laken Riley Will Make Your Blood Boil – Ibarra was paroled illegally in September 2022 before he allegedly killed Riley on February 22 – To put a finer point on the circumstances, the Biden administration illegally released Ibarra due to the overwhelming surge of illegal aliens brought on by policies enacted by the Biden administration…

Sharyl Attkisson: The Watchdog Group Judicial Watch asks the court to deny the DOJ’s request to transfer Ashli Babbit’s wrongful death lawsuit to DC – The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Babbitt’s husband, Aaron, and Ashli’s estate, seeking $30 million in damages, alleging wrongful death and assault and battery by Lt. Byrd on the unarmed victim…

Washington Examiner: The Senate braces for a fiery Mayorkas trial as Chuck Schumer moves to dismiss – Under Senate rules, Schumer must issue a summons to Mayorkas that requests his written response to the charges, but he may choose to ignore the directive as he prepares for dismissal

The Federalist: We’ve been repeatedly told the problem with Trump is that his administration was nonstop chaos, but you have to be an ignoramus or a journalist to believe political affairs under Biden haven’t become far more chaotic – As news broke that Iran was launching a barrage of missiles at Israel this past weekend, one might conclude that, yes, presidents who create actual chaos are a bad thing…

Epoch Times: Democrats Believe This Is Their Winning Strategy in 2024 Election – Democrats are leveraging abortion as a central issue in the 2024 election, and they are waging that campaign through ballot initiatives in key battleground states

Townhall: What New 2024 Polling in Six Key Swing States Reveals – In this data set, Trump leads modestly to comfortably in five of the six states surveyed, and is essentially tied in Wisconsin…

New York Sun: Trump v. Bragg, In The Court Of Public Opinion – During a break in his trial, Trump visited the uptown Manhattan bodega where Jose Alba defended himself from an attacker and was charged with murder due to DA Alvin Bragg’s misguided prosecutorial priorities – Many New Yorkers saw Alba as the victim, not the perpetrator, of a crime and under public pressure his charges were dropped…

American Conservative: This first and weakest legal case against Donald Trump could be the most important one. It offers near-daily shots of Trump inside a courtroom and provides the chance of appending “convicted felon” to Trump’s name, if not even putting him in a jail cell, before the election…

Western Journal: A majority of Supreme Court justices appeared skeptical during oral arguments Tuesday of the DOJ’s use of a federal obstruction statute in prosecuting over 300 Jan. 6 defendants. The outcome of this case could also have major implications for Donald Trump’s election interference case brought by special counsel Jack Smith…

Powerline: In The January 6 Cases –  The question before the Court is whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit erred in construing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which prohibits obstruction of congressional inquiries and investigations, to include acts unrelated to investigations and evidence…

Zero Hedge: The US Prepares To Reimpose The Venezuela Oil Ban As Biden Seeks A Scapegoat To Resume Draining The Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It was back when oil was $73 when various idiots made fun of us for pointing out that the SPR will never be refilled, aside from the occasional barrel here and there, injected purely for theatrical purposes…

American Thinker: Karl Marx Conquers American Medicine – Our medical schools have embraced Marxist DEI and intersectionality theories, which will be a rolling disaster for American medical care – In his astute essay, Dr. Goldfarb argues that medicine must remain a science-guided profession that is color-blind and focuses solely on treating illness

American Greatness: Teachers’ Unions Are More Political Than Ever – They may still advocate for teachers, but politicking has become their main focus – A closer look at the union’s “contributions, gifts, and grants” shows that the NEA is directing more money towards political causes than it reports…

American Thinker: The ‘Genealogy Office’ To Establish Lineage-Based Reparations Is One Step Closer To Becoming Reality In California – In a strange turn of events, this may turn out to be exactly what is needed to put the whole “reparations” movement to bed…

Far: “The Christian Nationalist They Warned You About” – Pastor Doug Wilson was interviewed on “The Tucker Carlson Encounter” the other day – Pastor Wilson was so sharp and interesting I was reeled in…

The Daily Fetched: Germany’s Transport Minister said he will soon be enforcing a complete ban on driving on weekends so the country can meet its ‘net zero’ targets to fight climate change – Volker Wissing stated,  “Meeting carbon emissions reduction targets will be impossible unless laws are changed to restrict people’s movements and car ownership”…

The Daily Fetched: A Lexington, NC High School Suspended A Student for Saying ‘Illegal Alien’ during An English Assignment – He was assigned vocabulary words during class, which included the word “alien.” – McGhee inquired about the word, asking “Like space aliens or illegal aliens without green cards?” – The school determined the phrase was “offensive and disrespectful” to Hispanic students…

American Thinker: Can Chicago Protect People Attending The Convention? – The city is out of control and the mayor is blaming guns, racism, and even Trump – Over the weekend, 43 people were shot and chaos reigned again – I would not be shocked if the Democrats decide Chicago is unsafe to bring in thousands of delegates because it is…

Geller Report: California Senate Democrats Reject Bill to Make Purchasing Children for Sex a Felony – Under the amended bill now, solicitation of 16 and 17-year-olds will remain a misdemeanor, punishable by as little as 2 days in jail or up to a $10,000 fine

Breitbart: A Brussels mayor who ordered police to shut down a conservative conference exceeded his authority and the event will go ahead unmolested today, a late-night court decision has ruled – Nigel Farage, “This moment will be a huge boost for all the Eurosceptic European election campaigns in June”

Zero Hedge: The Boeing Whistleblower Testifies Before Senate Committee About 787 Dreamliner – Lawmakers hear whistleblower allegations about significant safety lapses in Boeing’s manufacturing of the 787 Dreamliner…

April 16, 2024

New York Daily News: Iran’s True Promise Of Terror – Operation True Promise, Iran’s missile and drone attack on Israel, a blatant act of war and the first-ever direct assault by Tehran on the Jewish state, was the most monumental flop in the history of combat, more embarrassing than the Spanish Armada or the Charge of the Light Brigade or Custer’s Last Stand…

Revolver: What about the $17 million secret “slush fund” Congress used to make hush money payments to their sexual victims? – Thanks to the relentless political targeting of Donald Trump, there’s been a spotlight on the use of “hush money” and secret funds to sweep indiscretions under the rug in politics…

Western Journal: A University of Connecticut Basketball Center Donovan Clingan Says Biden Was ‘Out of It’ During Their WH Visit – “The experience of seeing Biden was disconcerting” – “He completely ignored Coach Hurley and I really couldn’t understand what he was saying – “And then he was like, ‘Alright, let’s grab a picture’”

Slay Magazine: The Supreme Court Green Lights Seriously Injured Cop’s Lawsuit against Black Lives Matter Leader – Police officer “John Doe” suffered a brain injury and lost teeth during an attack from BLM thugs after an unidentified BLM rioter threw a “rock-like object” at the cop…

Breitbart: A Federal Appeals Court Overturns West Virginia’s Trans Sports Ban – In Tuesday’s 2-1 ruling from the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, two liberal judges outvoted the lone dissenter to invalidate the law banning transgender athletes born male from competing in school sports in categories for the gender with which they identify

Sharyl Attkisson: Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the US State Department for all emails and diplomatic notes from Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, and other top department officials that reference former Fox News host, Tucker Carlson – The State Department told Judicial Watch that “unusual circumstances” had delayed the processing of the request, but have yet to provide any substantive response…

Reason: Representative Massie’s Move To Support Firing Speaker Mike Johnson Is About More Than Ukraine Spending – It’s a test of the unofficial coalition that’s effectively ruling the House right now – “We are steering everything toward what Chuck Schumer wants” – “If the country likes Chuck Schumer, then the country should like what Speaker Johnson has accomplished in the House”

Washington Examiner: President Joe Biden’s latest student loan forgiveness plan, unveiled last week, could cost the government upward of $750 billion, according to an analysis by a government watchdog group – Biden’s new plan comes less than a year after the Supreme Court struck down his last effort. It would eliminate debt for over 30 million people

Western Journal: Hundreds of African Immigrants Flock to NY City Hall to Complain That Their Living Conditions Are ‘Not What They Were Expecting’ – Predictably, affluent liberals who preach open borders while living in gated communities have created a humanitarian crisis

American Thinker: With everyone having fun exposing NPR’s new leftist CEO, it’s also time to expose NPR itself – Those who haven’t listened to NPR since the 1980s, 1990s, and even early 2000s are probably not aware of how radical it has become…

American Thinker: Woke Political Correctness Lands USC in a Pickle Over Its Pro-Hamas Valedictorian Selection – USC had more than 100 applicants to choose from for its coming graduation ceremony in May and picked a pro-Hamas militant in a hijab to show off their DEI credentials – Not surprisingly, there was backlash…

Gateway Pundit: The Left’s Plan to Sabotage Talk Radio and Local News – Two months ago, the business arm of the Soros empire bought out Audacy, giving it control of more than 230 radio stations and innumerable podcasts – The fund is now openly discussing taking over Cumulus Media, which owned and operated 403 radio stations across 85 markets in the United States last year…

Courageous Discourse: The FBI Has Opened A Criminal Investigation Of The Baltimore Bridge Disaster – If the FBI is acting in entirely good faith, it is probably trying to determine if the ship struck the bridge as a result of negligence or whether deliberate sabotage was at play…

Zero Hedge: Israel’s war cabinet just decided on their response to Iran’s weekend attack, according to a breaking report by the country’s Kan public broadcaster – At this point, it seems a matter of if not when even as the US (and European countries) lean on Israel not to escalate

Gatestone Institute: Christians Prefer Living in Israel, Not the Palestinian Authority – Among the top 50 countries in which Christians were persecuted in 2023 were Yemen, Libya, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Morocco, Qatar, Egypt, Turkey, and other Middle Eastern and Muslim-majority countries. Israel, needless to say, was not on the list…

National Review: The Anti-Israel Delusion – There are important distinctions between the war in Gaza and the other conflicts mentioned above – Israel isn’t staging a coup or fighting a civil war – It seeks to honor the rules of war while operating in a dense urban environment against a merciless enemy…

Breitbart: During radical anti-Israel demonstrations in the heart of New York City, a pro-Palestinian protester waved a burning American flag as fellow activists cheered, while another set the flag of a counter-protester on fire, and yet another chanted “Death to America.”

Truth About Threats: Tehran’s Attack On Israel, Through A Wider Lens – Here is a far-wider perspective regarding the brazen, large-scale Iranian attack on Israel this past weekend – The villains include Bibi, Hamas, Hezbollah, and a myriad of other terrorist organizations – Then there is Iran, Russia, China, along with their friends and allies – As many like to say, “It’s a rough neighborhood.”

The Federalist: The World Is Paying A Deadly Price For Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Legacy, That Is Now Joe Biden’s Legacy Too – To begin with, Jared Kushner’s Middle East policy efforts were more successful than Obama’s efforts over the decades of Brookings Institute-endorsed failures – The Trump administration undercut Palestinian terror efforts, stifled Iranian ambitions, and created space for the Gulf States and Israel to enhance ties…

American Conservative: What The Russia Sanctions Failure Says About the Future – The U.S. risks being caught off-guard if it expects the ’90s to last forever – Of deeper significance lies not in what this shows about Russian economic resilience, but rather its indictment of a tired, hollow foreign policy orthodoxy that has captured Washington since 1991…

Newsmax: The DHS is monitoring more than 600,000 migrants who have entered the U.S. with criminal records, according to the chairman of the House National Security, Border, and Foreign Affairs subcommittee – Chairman Glenn Grothman, will oversee a Tuesday hearing titled, “How the Border Crisis Impacts Public Safety”

Daily Wire: On Tuesday, the GOP-led House transmitted impeachment charges against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his handling of the border crisis to the Democrat-controlled Senate – Speaker Mike Johnson says House Republicans are “demanding” a full trial adding that Mayorkas is the “worst” Cabinet secretary in U.S. history

Breitbart: Voters’ view of Donald Trump’s presidency improved nine points after Joe Biden assumed office, a New York Times/Siena poll found Saturday – Under Biden, costs soared nearly 20 percent across the board, wars broke out in the Middle East, and Ukraine, the U.S. experienced the deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, and over 1.7 million known “gotaways” (illegal aliens) entered the country

Washington Examiner: SCOTUS has heard oral arguments on whether part of an obstruction law can be used to prosecute hundreds of defendants involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, a case that also has implications for Donald Trump – The nine justices on Tuesday appeared divided along ideological lines, with a majority appearing wary of siding completely with the Biden DOJ

National Review: Would a Trump Conviction Matter in This Election? – Color me skeptical of the notion that a criminal conviction will cause some portion of current Trump supporters to abandon him — even a small portion…

American Thinker: Mark Kelly Is A Confused Liberal – On the first day of Trump’s trial with Stormy Daniels, we are once again reminded of how liberals choose words carefully to push a narrative – The trial is referenced everywhere by liberals as “Hush money” which carries connotations of guilt…

Breitbart: At Least 50 Potential Jurors Were Excused From The First Jury Pool For Trump Trial – Their rapid disqualification underscores the difficult reality of finding a dozen New Yorkers to form the jury in one of the most high-profile cases in U.S. history…

American Thinker: They Saw The Harbor Lights – If you see people leaping off boats and disappearing into waiting vehicles, be assured that it’s not a studio making a movie; it’s real people boldly entering our country – Thanks to Texas Governor Abbott, the word is out that Texas is closed to illegals, so go to Arizona, New Mexico, or California…

Resist The Mainstream: The Oversight Project Sounds An Alarm Over Flyers Being Distributed By NGOs Encouraging Illegals To Vote For Biden – The Spanish flyers say, “Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States – We need another four years of his term to stay open”

American Thinker: The Anxiety Of Snowflakes – Students are fearful in an environment that imposes the fear of being shunned, shamed, or otherwise punished if they dare to express opinions deemed politically incorrect – For example, at Harvard, three-quarters of students surveyed said they were not comfortable disagreeing with a professor on politics…

California Globe: Offshore Wind Energy, The Cost and Economic Impacts, Part 1 – Wind energy is very expensive and will never be able to compete in a free market without subsidies – On the surface, it sounds plausible that energy from the wind is free. Maybe so but the cost to harness and convert the wind to electricity more than makes up for it

USA Facts: Which states have the highest and lowest homelessness rates? – The 2023 count shows homelessness rose 12.1% from 2022 – California had the highest total number of people experiencing homelessness, 181,399, followed by New York with 103,200 and Florida with 30,756 -. Still, as this chart shows, homeless rates based on people per 10,000 population tell a different story…

April 15, 2024

Gateway Pundit: Boy, the Biden-Obama regime must hate Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel! – According to reports coming from Israel and Turkey the Biden Administration provided some level of guidance to Iran in its weekend missile and drone strike against Israel

American Spectator: The Biden administration and much of the world continue to press Israel to support a Palestinian state, but more and more evidence suggests that such a state would likely be steeped in terror and promote war, not peace – The Palestinian Authority admitted to materially supporting terrorism just last month…

Western Journal: The Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC Committed Same ‘Crime’ Trump Being Prosecuted for by Bragg – Clinton and the DNC faced no criminal prosecution, but only had to pay a modest $113,000 in fines for covering up at least $1 million they paid to Fusion GPS through the Perkins Coie law firm to fund the infamous, unverified Steele dossier that helped launch the Russia investigation

American Spectator: The Coup d’Etat Against Candidate Trump Now Underway in New York City – Is the anything in the Constitution addressing prosecutorial discretion? – No, and it’s a big problem – A coup d’état is happening right now, by evil Democrat prosecutors, judges, and juries…

American Greatness: ‘Chasing Trump,’ Political Prosecutions And Justice Gone Wrong – Four Corrupt Politically Motivated Prosecutors With One Target, Donald Trump – They claim to be upholding the law, but closer examination reveals politics of the very worst kind, that is meant to influence the 2024 election…

American Thinker: Tax Day 2024 is only a prelude of what’s to come if Joe Biden stays for another term – Biden wants to wallop Americans with a $5 trillion tax increase – His written plan calls for a small business tax hike, a corporate tax hike, a capital gains and dividends tax hike, income tax hikes, energy tax hikes and even a second Death Tax on top of the first one…

Breitbart: Biden’s parole pipeline released more than 950,000 foreign nationals into the US since its inception in January 2023 – March DHS figures show Biden’s parole pipeline continues to release tens of thousands of foreign nationals into the US interior via the southern border and commercial flights…

Breitbart: Federal, state, and local taxpayers shell out approximately $182 billion to cover the costs for 15.5 million illegal aliens, and about 5.4 million citizen children of illegal aliens – The burden of illegal immigration on U.S. taxpayers is staggering, with the gross cost per taxpayer at ~$1,156 every year

One America News: SCOTUS Allows Idaho To Implement A Ban On ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ For Transgender Youth – “Gender-affirming care” includes medical, pharmaceutical, and surgical services, like hormones and gender reassignment surgery for those with gender dysphoria who wish to have an outward appearance that more closely reflects how they feel inside…

Epoch Times: Maine Governor Janet Mills Allows “National Popular Vote” Legislation to Become Law – She said she recognized merit to both sides of the Electoral College argument but would allow the bill to become law without her signature as it is debated

Tablet Magazine: Blue Morning – Unchecked illegal border crossings, fading churches, disintegrating families, proliferating diversity deans, and worthless degrees will all help ensure that the American future will be largely miserable—and that the people who will inherit that future will be Democrats

The Center Square: Joe Biden and his administration have taken over 200 actions against the U.S. oil and natural gas industry as energy prices have gone up – Energy Research states his actions deliberately are designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America…

American Thinker: The new NPR CEO Is The Living Embodiment Of The Democrat Party – A person like this has no business chairing an organization that receives taxpayer money in the tens of millions annually – Katherine Maher has embraced every extreme idea the Democrats have promulgated in the last 20 years…

Hot Air: Yes, Biden DID Approve Iran’s Recent Attack On Israel – The US signed off on the attacks, not in the specifics, but in the general substance, Yes – Of course the $64,000 question is, was it wise for Biden to do so, or was it a betrayal of Israel?

Gatestone Institute: Hamas Destroys Gaza, Now Trying to Claim That a ‘Victory’ – Hamas, clearly buoyed by having the US on their side, has unsurprisingly hardened its position and is now saying it wants Israel to make even more concessions – Where is any US pressure on Hamas, Iran or Qatar?

Zero Hedge: Israel Says It Is Readying An ‘Imminent’ Attack On Iran – Airlines Have Cancelled Flights To Region – Netanyahu orders military: draw up a list of targets – Tehran warns that it’s ready to hit back harder – US officials tell the WSJ they believe Israel will launch an anti-Iran operation today – Its European allies urge Israel against a military response

A map showing how small Israel is compared to surrounding Middle East countries

The Spectator: What Iran’s attack on Israel means for the Jewish state, America, and the region – What’s new this time is how Iran responded – Until now, it has always responded through proxies – The reason for such a dramatic change in strategy is unclear, but what we do know that this barrage was not the first sign of Iran’s greater aggressiveness…

Front Page Magazine: 36-Hours Before and After, Iran Communicated Its Attack to The Biden Administration – “Iran communicated through the Swiss channel when its strike on Israel was complete” – Turkey was also used as a backchannel for communications…

Just The News: Many Democrats who were critical of Israel and even pressuring the country to agree to a cease-fire with Gaza now support Israel after Iran’s major attack – This raises questions as to how long their support for Israel will last and what would cause them to change their minds again……

Zero Hedge: Who Is Funding This Chaos? – Hours after pro-Palestinian protesters sparked chaos at Terminal 1 at Chicago O’Hare International Airport, another likely unit of the group has shuttered part of the Golden Gate Bridge…

Center For Immigration Studies: The UN’s Palestinian Refugee Agency Is Funded and Advised by the State Department – President Biden recently ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to “defer” the removal of (and give work permits to) Palestinian illegal aliens because of the fighting in Gaza…

Front Page Magazine: A Majority of Young Muslims in the UK Want Islamic Law – Poll shows British Muslims want Islam as the national religion along with an Islamic political party

CNBC: House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday he will try to advance wartime aid for Israel this week as he attempts the difficult task of winning House approval for a national security package that also includes funding for Ukraine and allies in Asia

Mrc News Busters: At Least 90% of ABC, CBS, and NBC TV News Stories Failed To Share The Fact That Trump’s Prosecutors Are All ‘Democrats’ – For this study, analysts reviewed all broadcast evening news coverage from January 1, 2023, through April 10, 2024

Jonathan Turley: Serial perjurer AG Letitia James and Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg will try to prove an old misdemeanor against Trump – The case has taken years to develop and millions of dollars in litigation costs over a crime from before the 2016 election that is a misdemeanor under state law and already expired under the statute of limitations

Epoch Times: Donald Trump Speaks Out on Day 1 of His ‘Hush-Money’ Trial in New York – Before entering the courtroom, President Trump told reporters that the trial is “an assault on America” and an attack on a “political opponent,” adding: “Nothing like this has ever happened before.”

Epoch Times: The Judge Overseeing Trump Case Warns He Could Be Arrested for Missing Court Dates – “There will be an arrest … do you understand?” he asked – ”I do,” the former president replied…

FAR: Examples Of Biden’s Diminished Mental Fitness – RNC Research recently produced a five-minute video illustrating why they think Special Counsel Hur expressed skepticism regarding Biden’s mental acuity – This is a Must Watch!

Epoch Times: California restaurants are taking actions to keep their doors open as the long-term impacts from their $20/hour minimum wage remain to be seen – The new minimum wage for the fast-food industry puts more money into some workers’ pockets but has ignited a firestorm of menu price hikes, mass layoffs, and reduced work hours across the state…

Hot Air: Nearly 1.2 million foreign nationals are now safe from deportation thanks to Biden’s expansion of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) eligibility – This is a move Biden taking office – He has added several countries to the TPS list – For example, almost half a million Venezuelans received expanded amnesty protection in 2021

California Globe: It seems like the entire California Department Of Education is more focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and their woke ideologies than giving students a proper education – Kids are graduating without being able to read and write, without math or history knowledge, but they certainly understand what DIE is all about…

California Globe: The LA Times Tells Angelenos They’re Wrong About Crime and All is Good – Actually, crime and homelessness are notoriously out of control – Los Angeles County leads the nation in the number of homeless, and the city of Los Angeles is No. 1 in organized smash and grab robberies – Crime has become substantially worse on average in the last three years under District Attorney Gascón

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Curbs Power of Local Governments to Impose Permitting Fees – The Supreme Court ruled unanimously on April 12 that a California county violated a landowner’s rights when it demanded upwards of $23,000 in development impact fees – The doctrine forbids unrelated fees from being attached to permission to move forward with construction on private land...

CNBC: U.S. Steel shareholders on Friday approved its proposed $14.9 billion acquisition by Japan’s Nippon Steel, as expected, taking the merger one step closer to completion even as political opposition to the deal mounts

Resist The Mainstream: An illegal migrant from Venezuela tried to rob a bank in Ohio, but couldn’t figure out how to say “Give me your money” – So he had to take the time to type it into a translator app, and by the time he was done, police arrived…

April 14, 2024

Epoch Times: Iran on Sunday warned Israel and the United States that it would carry out a larger attack if either country retaliates against Tehran’s overnight missile and drone attack, saying that U.S. military bases could be in its crosshairs…

Western Journal: 7 Devastating Economic Stats that Prove the Biden Economy Is Failing the American People – Soaring Gas Prices, Retail Store Closures Are Rising, The Jobs Numbers Are Phony, Evictions Are Up 78.6% Since 2021, Foreclosures Are Up 10% Since January, Bankruptcies Are Up 13%, And Homelessness Is Up 12%

American Spectator: Trump Owns the Working Class Vote – Pew Research Center reported last week that “Voters who do not have a four-year degree make up a 60% majority of all registered voters” – The state of the economy and inflation are very important to this segment of voters…

Epoch Times: Everything You Need to Know About Trump’s Trial in New York This Week – Trump is headed to the first of his expected criminal trials on April 15 where he is facing felony counts related to his payments to Stephanie Clifford…

Epoch Times: A Government Employee Violated Law on Jan. 6 but Wasn’t Prosecuted – The employee admitted during an interview with the OIG to being near the Capitol but made several false claims, including that he did not witness any violence and did not do anything illegal…

Lumen News: England’s Landmark Cass Report Is Hailed As The ‘Single Most Notable Event In The History Of Youth Gender Modification Medicine of Last Decade’ – The Report Shows A ‘Significant Lack of Evidence’ for Experimental Treatments…

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court of Idaho on Thursday, April 11, upheld recent legislative amendments to the state’s voter identification requirements, affirming a lower court’s ruling in favor of the Idaho Secretary of State, Phil McGrane, which eliminated the use of student IDs for voter registration and in-person voting

Epoch Times: On Saturday, Iran launched dozens of drones and missiles at Israel, in what it says is retaliation for recent strikes on its generals in Syria. – Israel Says 99% of The Missiles Iran Launched Against Them Were Shot Down.

New York Post: How Israel defeated 99% of Iran’s missiles and drones with the help of the US, the UK, and Jordan, a one-time enemy of Israel that is now a US ally – Not a single drone or cruise missile fired by Iran and its proxies made it through, according to Israeli media. Only a few of Iran’s more advanced ballistic missiles struck Israel.

Zero Hedge: Tehran’s attack on Israel is a major escalation – There are mounting concerns that Israel could strike back. – If so, Iran warned Washington that US military bases could be in the crosshairs of missiles and suicide drones…

Zero Hedge: Biden Tells Bib The: US Will Not Support A Counterattack Against Iran After Hundreds Of Drones And Missiles Were Launched Against Israel. Crucially, the Biden White House appears to be strongly signaling to the Netanyahu government that the attack is ‘done’ and that the United States will not back any follow-up counterattack operations against Iran.

Townhall: If You Compare Trump’s Foreign Policy to Joe Biden’s the Difference Is Alarming – Trump’s use of sanction threats and American military power resulted in less aggression from Iran. However, on the contrary, under the Biden Administration, Iran has been able to fund terrorism by helping Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists gain power…

Daniel Greenfield: This Was Not Iran’s Actual Imminent Attack – It allowed Iran to show off that it can reach Israel, but without inflicting any real damage – By starting a crisis and then allowing itself to be talked into standing down a little bit, before beginning the cycle again, Iran can expand its sphere of influence without paying a price…

American Thinker: The Deep State Along With The Biden Regime Is At War Against The American People – Who would or could have predicted that our representatives in Congress would vote to allow the government to spy on American citizens without warrants?

CNBC: Twelve news organizations on Sunday urged presumptive presidential nominees Joe Biden and Donald Trump to agree to debates, saying they were a “rich tradition” that has been part of every general election campaign since 1976. – Trump did not participate in the debates for the Republican nomination, but indicated a willingness to debate his 2020 rival, however, Biden has not committed to debating Trump.

American Greatness: The Battle Begins As Trump’s Trial Tests American Justice. – By going after Donald Trump and putting him outside the protection of the law to neutralize him politically, the regime is simultaneously undermining your rights and legal protections…

American Thinker: The Bargain with Government Is Coming Apart. People are starting to open their eyes as we’re seeing a changing attitude toward government written largely in Donald Trump’s evolving relationship with black and Hispanic voters…

American Thinker: An Equation That Explains America’s Financial Woes – National debt = issuance of Treasury bonds = printing dollars (Q.E.), and increasing the money supply = federal spending. – Therefore, national debt = federal spending shows the principle of equivalency.

American Thinker: Student Loan Forgiveness Equals Taxation Without Representation – This loan forgiveness is a massive transfer of debt from the affluent to the less affluent for political reasons. – Just because the administration forgives $153 billion in debt, it doesn’t just disappear because someone has to pay it, and that someone is the middle- and lower-income taxpayer.

Washington Examiner: The mass release of children from the border has put ‘unprecedented’ strain on US schools – Tens of thousands of immigrant children who crossed the southern border alone and were released to an adult sponsor in the US have been enrolled in public schools nationwide under Joe Biden, putting educators in a bind.

Epoch Times: The CCP Is ‘Getting Away With Murder in Plain Sight’ With UN’s Acquiescence a US Panel Chair Says – ‘Everywhere you look, it is bad and getting worse and they are doing a full-court press at the United Nations to cover it up.’

April 13, 2024

Fox News: The White House says US support for Israel is ‘ironclad’ and will ‘support their defense’ amid Iran’s attack towards Israel on Saturday. – Iran launched drones from its territory toward Israel late Saturday, days after its Supreme Leader warned it would hit back in response to an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Syria that left several generals dead.

Gatestone Institute: The Destruction of Iran’s Terrorist Hub in Damascus Was Entirely Justified. – Since October 7, the consulate served as Tehran’s main regional command center, helping to supervise the activities of Iran’s so-called “axis of resistance.”

Epoch Times: Negative Views of Government In General Soar Under Biden When Compared to Trump. – A 10-point drop compared to August 2019 was observed with just 22 percent of U.S. adults polled having a favorable opinion of the federal government.

Zero Hedge: Illegal Immigration Costs American Households Hundreds Of Billions Annually – Still, the Biden administration turns a blind eye to these fiscal strains, neglecting the toll on our economy, the structural integrity of our nation, and the safety of our citizens…

Sharyl Attkisson: More than half of foreign-born people in the US live in just 4 states, California, Texas, Florida, and New York, with half being naturalized citizens. – Immigration is shaping the elections in a way that could determine control of Congress as Democrats try to outflank Republicans and convince voters they can address problems at the U.S. border with Mexico…

Epoch Times: The FBI Interview With Trump’s Codefendant Waltine Nauta Has Been Unsealed – Mr. Nauta was charged alongside the former president last year for allegedly concealing classified documents and conspiracy to obstruct justice. The testimony that Mr. Nauta gave to a grand jury in 2022 remains under seal…

Gatestone Institute: Israel Stands Alone Against Multifaceted Threats, Thanks to the Biden Administration – Since the founding of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, its rulers have been calling for “Death to America,” which is now also demanded in Dearborn, Michigan as well…

Washington Examiner: Donald Trump has lost almost all of his early lead over Biden in a new New York Times-Siena poll – Trump is technically still leading with a 1-point margin, with the support of 46% of the respondents, compared to Biden’s 45% …

Breitbart: Friday, on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street,” BlackRock CEO Larry Fink stated that it will be difficult to reach 2% inflation because “We have a trillion dollars of fiscal stimulus in the CHIPS Act, the Infrastructure Act, and the IRA”…

Zero Hedge: Biden’s Sticky Inflation – Auto Insurance Rates Record Their Biggest Annual Jump Since 1976 – Cars are more expensive to fix now and electric vehicles are even more expensive – Also, more crashes are more severe, and there’s a shortage of mechanics and car parts…

American Thinker: Biden, It Was YOU! – Joe Biden loves to point the finger of blame at his predecessor in the Oval Office, well, two can play that game – It was not President Trump who refused to enforce our immigration laws and opened our southern border to 10 million illegals, and secretly and illegally flew 325,000 illegals from across the globe to cities across the U.S. at taxpayers’ expense, along with other things such as…

American Conservative: Is Abbott’s Speech Order a Tactical Masterstroke? – The Texan governor is again challenging liberal complacency with his recent executive order to punish antisemitic rhetoric on college campuses – A significant portion of Americans, particularly college students, do not care about free speech, and the ones who do mainly want to eliminate it, and effectively criminalize dissent…

American Thinker: The DEI Buzzsaw – In June 2022, the California Community College Curriculum Committee published a set of guidelines entitled: DEI in Curriculum: Model Principles and Practices – Driven by emotion, sometimes idealistic and well-meaning programs can morph into nightmarish draconian doctrine and dogma with its requisite enforcement and punitive mechanisms…

American Thinker: Ridding America of CRT/DEI – CRT/DEI seeks to divide our lives along the lines of race and ethnicity – The Left, through the vehicle of the Department of Defense, omitted the phrase “Duty, Honor, Country” from the mission statement of the United States Military Academy…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: ECLIPSOLYPSE EDITION – Did everyone survive the eclipse okay? – I’m still waiting for a statement from Greta

April 12, 2024

Western Journal: Biden Claims 303K New Jobs in March, But The Shocking Real Numbers Are Embarrassing – “Fewer Americans have full-time jobs, and more of those fortunate to have full-time jobs are also working part-time at second jobs to make ends meet”

Daily Signal: Standing next to Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago on Friday, House Speaker Mike Johnson announced legislation to require proof of citizenship to vote – Non-U.S. citizens are already banned from voting in federal elections now – However, the National Voter Registration Act—better known as the Motor Voter Law—doesn’t allow states to check because the federal forms already contain a check box

Epoch Times: A Federal Judge Upholds Georgia’s Voter Citizenship Verification Requirements – ‘Ensuring that only U.S. citizens vote in our elections is critically important to secure and accurate elections,’ Georgia’s Secretary of State said

Zero Hedge: Google has temporarily blocked access to California-based news outlets for some state residents, as the search giant escalates its battle with the state over a landmark bill that would force tech giants to pay online publishers for their content – In doing so, the company has revived a political tactic used repeatedly by the tech industry to try and derail similar legislation in places like Canada and Australia which require online platforms to pay outlets for articles featured on their websites

Wall Street Journal: The House Passes The Controversial Spying Bill as Speaker Johnson Overcomes GOP Objections – The measure extending foreign surveillance program for two years now heads to the Senate

One America News: The Biden Administration Announced A $7.4B Student Debt Cancellation for 277,000 Borrowers in what appears to be a Desperate Attempt to ‘Buy’ Votes for the 2024 Election – These 277,000 borrowers are enrolled in SAVE Plan, or were approved for relief because of fixes we made to Income-Driven Repayment Plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Zero Hedge: A Top US General Was Spotted At A Central Israel Airbase Just As An Iran Attack Looms – CENTCOM chief Michael Erik Kurilla and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant discussed readiness for an Iranian attack against the State of Israel, which could lead to regional escalation

Breitbart: The Trump campaign on Thursday demanded the debate commission to schedule debates early and often, citing the need to preempt early voting – The Commission on Presidential Debates already announced potential dates, venues, and requirements for the confrontation with the first presidential debate scheduled for Monday, September 16, 2024, at Texas State University, in San Marcos, TX

American Conservative: Inside MTG’s MTV – House Speaker Johnson is mired in a political minefield as Marjorie Taylor Green declares “Mike Johnson, has turned into Mitch McConnell’s twin and worse” – Currently, Greene has the motion to vacate Johnson’s speakership in the hopper

The Federalist: FISA Reform Failed Because The Whole Point Of Section 702 Is To Spy On Americans – As it stands now, the law, which is set to expire on April 19, allows U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on foreign nationals based overseas, but it also lets the FBI comb through the massive amounts of data the intelligence community collects and gather information about American citizens

Washington Examiner: The House overcomes its first hurdle for FISA legislation after a conservative revolt – One of the most critical changes was shortening the FISA reauthorization sunset from five years to two years, as well as a promise from GOP leadership to bring Rep. Warren Davidson’s Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act to the floor as a stand-alone vote sometime next week

Zero Hedge: How Taxpayers Will Heavily Subsidize Democrat Boots On The Ground This Election – A dizzying array of supposed “democracy-focused” entities with ties to the Democrat Party operating as charities and funded with hundreds of millions of dollars from major liberal “dark money” vehicles are engaged in a sprawling campaign to register voters and deliver their ballots…

Zero Hedge: 16 Republican state attorneys general are pushing back against U.S. AG Merrick Garland’s planned use of the DOJ’s Election Threats Task Force to interfere in state voting issues. – Their letter states that the U.S. Constitution is clear in its direction to leave state elections up to the elected representatives of those states…

American Thinker: It Is Very Hard To Believe The Government About Anything, Especially Their Economic Statistics – On Wednesday, the government put out disappointing inflation statistics showing that inflation accelerated to four-tenths of a percent last month, which seems unrealistically low – These bureaucrats claim gasoline prices only went up 1.7% last month, or five cents per gallon…

Breitbart: Delinquency rates among American credit card holders are at an all-time high, while at the same time a record number of “active accounts” have “a balance of over $2,000” – We’re more than three years into the Biden presidency, so we all know where the blame lies…

American Wire: The Biden administration continues to defend its new controversial, anti-American diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) chief – Hired earlier this month, DEI chief Zakiya Carr Johnson is an extremely disturbing figure with Marxist views about America…

Vigilant News: No, It’s Not Your Imagination, They ARE After Our Food Supply – WHO’s Director General calls for a “transformation” of the food system, away from meat-eating and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting “climate change” – claiming they contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, and account for almost one-third of the global burden of disease…

National Review: Why The Right Never Fights Like The Left – Conservatives look for ways to improve the world but do not aim to do so by feats of pure imagination – They typically first ask instead what already works and has worked in the past...

American Thinker: How the New York Times Foments Antisemitism – The NYT has a well-documented obsession with hunger in Gaza that fuels hostility toward Israel and Jews, by falsely suggesting Israel is maliciously responsible for the greatest humanitarian crisis on the planet

American Thinker: The FBI’s Decline and Fall – The FBI has reached a stage in its development where it stands as an open threat to the constitutional protections of American citizens – The FBI of today has taken an unprecedented leap towards an autocratic police force

Breitbart: The ATF’s background check rule redefines the word “sale” so that private sellers who receive services or barter in exchange for a gun are required to use the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)

American Thinker: Offshore Wind Farms Are Detrimental To Whales – There is a likely connection between the rapid rise in whale deaths and the construction activities of offshore wind farms along the U.S. East Coast – NOAA has declared an “unusual mortality event” regarding the mysterious mass deaths of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale along the East Coast

Slay Magazine: An engineer who worked on Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner recently provided a whistleblower statement to The New York Times alleging that some sections of the plane’s fuselage are being connected in an extremely unsafe way…

FAR: The Electoral College And The Census – If you are wondering why Democrats make such a big stink about an “Are You A Citizen” question on the census, this is why. The population of each state is used to calculate the number of Representatives in Congress each state can have and thus determines the number of electoral votes for the state

April 11, 2024

Center Square: Republican U.S. senators are sounding the alarm over a purported plan by Senate Democrats to dismiss House impeachment charges against Alejandro Mayorkas – Schumer plans to table the impeachment trial using a Senate procedural move that needs only two Democrats to second it…

Center Square: The Washington Farm Bureau is pushing back against a proposal by the California Air Quality Control Board requiring railroads to purchase zero-emission trains, a move being called “entirely workable” – The rule would force railroads to prematurely retire 25,000 diesel-powered trains, as the rule prohibits trains 23-years or older from operating in the state

Center Square: California’s $20 per hour fast food minimum wage effectively creates a new statewide minimum wage, businesses say, and could lead small businesses to shut down as they struggle with rising costs and competing with large, corporate fast-food franchises for workers…

Daily Signal: Representative Austin Scott, a Republican from Georgia who has criticized conservatives and is campaigning actively against the House Freedom Caucus chairman, is Speaker Mike Johnson’s choice for a newly vacant seat on the powerful Rules Committee – Scott’s selection Wednesday infuriated conservatives on Capitol Hill

James Roguski: It’s Time To Say NO to the WHOThe negotiations being conducted by the World Health Organization are based on a foundation of FRAUD – We do not need more jabs and quarantines – We need to STOP the WHO negotiations and start the prosecutions!

The Daily Fetched: Reflection In Biden’s Sunglasses Shows Him Reading Instructions from His Handlers – Biden arrived late for a presser with the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and was seen clutching his handler’s list of pre-written answers to pre-selected questions from pre-approved reporters – “Who do I call on next? Hang on a second, I’ve got my list here…” Biden began

Conservative Brief: Donald Trump vows to take extreme actions to secure the US/Mexico border if he is elected, which is strongly supported by a key voting bloc, Latinos – The most recent Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll shows that the percentage of Latinos who support erecting a border wall and deporting all undocumented immigrants has increased by at least 10 points since 2021…

Daily Caller: Former President Donald Trump’s support among black men has increased in battleground states ahead of the 2024 election by more than double his support among the same group in the 2020 election, according to a poll published on Thursday by The Wall Street Journal

USA Today: Don’t say yes when a caller asks ‘Can you hear me now?‘ Just hang up – The “Can you hear me” scam has been targeting consumers for quite a few years. It’s unclear exactly how the scam might play out, but consumer advocates, including the Better Business Bureau, say it’s better to hang up and not engage…

USA Today: An increasing number of Americans are claiming their parents as dependents on their income tax returns according to a recent survey – This is because poverty among older adults at least 65 years old has grown faster than any other age group in the past few years as inflation has risen

American Conservative: If Europe Pushes Putin, America Should Tap Out – France’s President Emmanuel Macron played the Napoleon card, suggesting that allies deploy troops to Ukraine – The U.S. should tell Europe it is on its own if it provokes a war with Russia…

American Thinker: Israel Must Demolish Hamas, And America Must Learn From Israel’s Lessons – Israel is the front line of the Islamic war against the West, but the real target is America – America and the West must wake to the larger picture of fascistic terrorism and plan for what is yet to come…

American Thinker: When It Comes To Immigration, Misplaced Compassion Will Destroy America – Yes, we are a nation of immigrants but, if we wish to continue as a nation, we cannot allow sob stories to lead us to destroy our nationhood entirely – Across the country, we’re seeing sanctuary states and cities being overwhelmed due to events they supported in the first place…

Resist The Mainstream: Republican Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill on Wednesday that allows state and local enforcement officials to arrest illegal immigrants who re-enter the U.S. and authorizes state courts to deport them – Bill SF 2340 is set to go into effect on July 1st

The Federalist: 8 Ways To Ensure All Legitimate Votes Get Counted But No Others – Only 20% of Americans said they were “very confident” in the integrity of U.S. elections, according to a 2022 ABC Ipsos poll – The proposed reforms center on dealing with the explosion of absentee/mail-in voting, which surged 131 percent in Covid-stained 2020 – #1, Ban ballot harvesting…

American Thinker: Popular Nullification Of The State’s Propaganda – Mass media technologies such as radio and television ushered in an era of State-engineered false narrative propaganda on a global scale – For the totalitarian Deep State, thinking people are dangerous – This is why the UN and the WEF both declared “disinformation” and “misinformation” the planet’s most dangerous threats…

Epoch Times: The Biden Administration Finalizes Its Controversial Rule To Expand Background Checks On Gun Sales – The new rule is seen as a step toward the Biden Administration’s goal of universal background checks…

American Thinker: Joe Biden Is After Your Medicare Advantage – Biden’s Election Campaign Lies, Saying Trump Wants To Cut Social Security and Medicare – But Biden has already played Mr. Slasher to Medicare Advantage favored by more than half of seniors – Democrats hate this program because it allows its buyers a choice in what kind of coverage they would like to have on their policies…

Western Journal: The Senate Votes to Strike Down Biden’s Aggressive Vehicle Emissions Rule as Several Democrats Jump Ship – On Wednesday, the Senate voted 53-47 to strike down a rule that forces states to track vehicle emissions on parts of the federal highway system in their states and then set goals for those emissions…

Victor Davis Hanson: DEI Cronyism and Woke Grifters – Under toxic National Socialism, Stalinism, and Maoism, millions of cronies and grifters mouthed party lines, hoping it would allow them to advance their careers and excuse their lawbreaking – The same thing has happened with the woke movement and the now-huge Diversity/Equity/Inclusion conglomerate

American Thinker: The Brainwashing Of America – Americans appear desensitized as there’s barely a whimper of protest at what would have embarrassed or infuriated us in the past – Those who have enjoyed the “blessings of liberty” must be roused from the fevered dream they’ve been lulled into and refuse to submit to the sort of tyranny our Constitution was drafted to prevent…

American Thinker: When Rulers Forget Their Oaths – For over three decades now, it has become apparent that one party of our government hasn’t cared what their leaders say or do – Here is just a handful of unlawful policies over decades by Democrat presidents that are not accidental as it has become Democrat party tradition not to be bound by the law or the Constitution…

American Thinker: A Big Hand For The Ladies – For one, J.K. Rowling pointed out that, aside from a very small population of hermaphrodites, there are only men, women, and people who believe otherwise should just go see a psychiatrist…

Breitbart: The Justice Department said Friday it unmasked “inconsistencies” in Fulton County Prosecutor Fani Willis’s use of federal grant funds, confirming whistleblower allegations – Willis previously fired the whistleblower who alleged the Fulton County office mishandled $488,000 of federal grant money to pay for “swag,” computers, and travel

American Wire: The Borderline Dance Team was effectively barred from a Seattle dance convention because their red, white, and blue flag-themed shirts made some attendees feel “triggered and unsafe” – A small group felt ‘triggered and unsafe’ they said was mostly associated with the situation in Palestine and the Trans community in America

American Wire: “A Bad And Dangerous Precedent” – A Columbine survivor discusses sentencing of a school shooter’s parents – Greg Scott says, “I think that it removes responsibility out of the hands of this teenager”

One America News: O.J. Simpson Has Died From Cancer At Age 76 – Since early February, Simpson had been undergoing chemotherapy for prostate cancer in Las Vegas, Nevada – ‘If It Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit’

April 10, 2024

Western Journal: On Wednesday, former president Trump demanded an end to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, describing how it was abused to surveil him – In the aftermath of Trump’s message, a vote in the House of Representatives served as a defeat for Speaker Johnson’s quest to re-authorize the spy tool – Johnson intends to resubmit the bill again before the April 19 deadline…

Wall Street Journal: What Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon’s AI Predictions Mean for the Future of Humanity – They say artificial intelligence will be smarter than humans and transform society – Elon said, “My best guess is that we’ll have AI that is smarter than any one human probably around the end of next year”…

Epoch Times: An 85 Rancher Reveals The Grim Realities on The US–Mexico Border – ‘You’re Either a Cowboy or a Wimp’ – This fifth-generation Arizona border rancher describes how the types of illegal immigrants he faces on his property has dramatically changed in recent years – It is very dangerous now…

Western Journal: Biden To Finally Take Executive Action on Border After Repeatedly Claiming There Was Nothing He Could Do – Biden is considering an executive order restricting migrants’ eligibility to apply for asylum if they crossed the border illegally, but underscored that he has not made a final decision due to concerns that the courts will reverse the directive…

Western Journal: GOP Senators Plan To Bring Business To A Halt In The Senate If Chuck Schumer Quashes the Mayorkas Impeachment – In February, House Republicans voted to impeach Mayorkas on two articles, citing his refusal to enforce the country’s immigration laws and his breach of the public’s trust

Wall Street Journal: The Hidden Costs of Homeownership Are Skyrocketing – Aside from mortgage costs, rising insurance premiums, property taxes, and maintenance costs show little sign of abating – Almost 10% of homeowners surveyed by Fannie Mae last year were not confident they could afford their home insurance premiums at their next renewal and nearly 20% said they couldn’t afford a $500 emergency repair without going into credit card debt…

City Journal: No More Special Counsels – Few innovations in American law enforcement have done more damage than “independent” prosecutors and special counsels which have upended every presidential administration that has encountered them – They have never yielded benefits commensurate with their costs and should be abolished

The Liberty Daily: Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday he was looking forward to China’s upcoming Taiwan “family reunion” with China, warning that no one could stand in Beijing’s way – China views Taiwan as a rogue territory that needs to reconcile with the mainland and insists that other countries view the island similarly

Front Page Magazine: Biden Demands That Israel Stop Attacking Hamas Even If Hamas Doesn’t Release the Hostages – This is a total betrayal – The grim farce of negotiating with Islamic terrorists always plays out the same way, they keep attacking while playing the victim, and make escalating demands and once you start negotiating with them…

Gatestone Institute: How Biden is Sabotaging His Peace Deal Between Israel and Saudi Arabia – The Saudis, together with the UAE, Bahrain, and even the Palestinian Authority, want Israel to finish the job and get rid of Hamas – Arab states are motivated to sign peace treaties with Israel when they see Israel as a winner

American Thinker: The Overlap Between Nazis and Hamas Is Downright Uncanny – In their approach to the Jews, these incidents show that the two entities are indistinguishable, which means those who hate the Nazis (and leftists claim to) should also hate Hamas

American Thinker: Three short videos reveal how Gaza’s Islamic jihad works, and the West’s complicity with its lies – Everything the jihadists say to the world’s media is propaganda; the world’s media know this but report it anyway; and hospitals are Hamas’s military headquarters and ambulances their military transport, making both legitimate military targets…

Zero Hedge: Lebanese and Israeli sources are reporting that Hamas is open to releasing hostages as part of a deal that would see IDF troops gradually retreat from the Gaza Strip – Forward progress has been stymied however because Hamas is unable to identify and locate some 40 Israeli hostages, which would be needed to complete the first phase of the ceasefire deal…

Adam Molon: A Taiwan Official Warns That The CCP “Hates Trump,” So Be Vigilant Against Election Interference from China – Dr. Twu Shiing-jer, “There is no way that the CCP will not think of a way to interfere in the U.S. presidential election just like China interfered with Taiwan’s presidential election.”

Washington Examiner: Biden Shields The Deep State – Their new rule, issued by the Office of Personnel Management, states that career bureaucrats have protected status that cannot be revoked, which makes it difficult for Republican presidents to run the government without being constantly undermined by employees of the executive branch

Western Journal: New Inflation Numbers Come in ‘Hotter Than Expected’ And CNN Somberly Admits It’s ‘Headed in the Wrong Direction’ – The consumer price index report found that core inflation rose 3.5 percent last month – Prices overall rose by 19.4% since Biden took office, with the basics items shown in this chart up 30- to 52%…

Breitbart: Inflation under the Biden administration has sent the costs of maintaining a household soaring – Rent, electricity, and garbage collection prices are all up nearly six percent – Repair of household items is up 18.0 percent since March 2023

The Daily Signal: The Trans Juggernaut Hits a Speed Bump – A New Landmark Study Reveals ‘Transgender’ Kids Have Other Mental Health Diagnoses Instead – Dr. Cass’ research instead reveals that children who think they are transgender disproportionately have mental health issues stemming from a difficult family situation or domestic abuse…

National Review: Biden’s Student-Loan Power Grab – Last year, SCOTUS blocked President Biden’s plan to transfer billions in student debt from the people who borrowed the money to taxpayers who did not – He’s at it again by leveraging the HEROES Act – There is hardly any segment of the American population less deserving of special favors from the federal government than college graduates…

Breitbart: Chicago has nearly as many cases of measles in its illegal immigrant shelters this year as the whole country had in 2023 – City health officials reported 57 confirmed cases, with most of them turning up within its illegal immigrant shelter system

American Thinker: Climate Change Tests, So What Could Go Wrong? – We are told there is nothing to worry about because they’re only shooting small amounts of supposedly “safe aerosols” that are below any threshold requiring approvals or permits – Where did we get to the notion that “aerosols” impact climate change in the first place? – As it turns out, they are just guessing…

American Conservative: Trump’s Abortion Approach is Prudent – Social liberalism completed its march toward the unfathomable through increments – There is no reason conservatives can’t win back terrain with the same playbook

Martin Center: No Resting On Our Anti-DEI Laurels – The fight to defund and ban racist campus bureaucracies is not yet over – I come here neither to praise nor to blame DEI but to bury it – The case against it is strong but less clear is how to roll back its seeming ubiquity in, and control of, our institutions of higher learning…

American Greatness: Two Visions For California’s Future – The average retail price of regular gasoline in California as of April 3, 2024, was $5.15/gallon, with spots as high as $6.15/gallon – In an alternate vision of California, millions of good jobs would be created by increasing housing development, embracing the state’s oil and gas deposits, and streamlining costly state regulations.

Washington Examiner: California spent $24 billion on homelessness over the past five years, but their audit did not accurately track if the funds helped at all – “This report concludes that the state must do more to assess the cost-effectiveness of its homelessness programs,” State Auditor Grant Parks wrote in a letter to Governor Newsom and lawmakers

Cal Matters: Meth, Death, And Abuse – Inside The Private Security Forces Patrolling California’s Homeless – Public agencies are funding private security guards in homeless shelters and on the street, opening a new front in the state’s housing crisis,  one that is ripe for violence and civil rights issues, but thin on oversight

American Thinker: The Return of Hungry Horses – If you like to know what the green zealots’ proposed paradise looks like in real life, I can tell you because I lived it – The increased use of biofuels has forced global food prices up by 75% with Europe burning the equivalent of more than 17,000 tons of rapeseed and sunflower oil every day, has resulted in skyrocketing food prices…

Dr. Owen Anderson: Is DEI Faculty Training Required At ASU – An ASU spokesman says “No,” but if that’s true, why did I receive these letters?

Zero Hedge: A Plagiarism Scandal Hits The Fed – Federal Reserve governor Lisa Cook appears to have plagiarized her academic work in violation of her former university’s policy – Her academic record was so thin and focused on race activism that she had trouble getting confirmed by the Senate – Consequently, her nomination required VP Kamala Harris to cast a tie-breaking vote

CNET: The Digital Divide Related To Broadband Access And Streaming Video Disparity – Having endless content a few taps away is a marvel, but for many people with slow or restricted internet, it’s a future that’s still far away – By one government agency’s estimate, 7.2 million Americans lack high-speed internet access

April 9, 2024

American Spectator: Pelosi and 36 Democrats Were Dying to Kiss the Hand of Hamas – It doesn’t matter what issue you’re facing, if you want to get it right, look at which side Nancy Pelosi has taken, and take the opposite one – Using a military accident for your political gain quite simply defines what kind of person you are…

Breitbart: A former Israeli hostage who was freed during a truce in November says that she was abducted from her home in Israel on October 7 by Palestinian civilians, not Hamas members, who then sold her in Gaza to Hamas terrorists

Breitbart: A review of available federal records shows the Biden administration  secretly flew 33,000 illegal aliens into New York City and an astounding 326,000 into the state of Florida over the last several years, all at taxpayer expense – The Biden administration imported more than 800,000 illegals into the country via their “CHNV Program” or “Advanced Travel Authorization Program

Center For Immigration Studies: Immigration Court No-Shows Soar in FY 2024 – The latest disclosures from the Department of Justice (DOJ) reveal that the number of alien respondents who failed to appear for removal proceedings is soaring and is on track to exceed 170,000 in FY 2024 – This would best last year’s record of nearly 160,000…

Epoch Times: 20 States Move to Prevent The Biden Administration From Using ‘Sue-and-Settle’ Border Tactics – Their amicus brief seeks to protect the sovereign status of states to uphold immigration laws when the president surrenders his obligation to do so

Townhall: Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are working to require a question about U.S. citizenship status to be included in future census surveys – H.R. 7109, would “amend title 13 to add a citizenship inquiry to the decennial census and exclude noncitizens from the apportionment base for the 2030 census and any future decennial census

Daily Caller: – We’re Now Spending More On Debt Interest Than Defense, Report Finds – Net interest on the U.S. government’s public debt cost an estimated $440 billion in the first half of the fiscal year 2024 from October to March, compared to $308 billion in the same period in the fiscal year 2023, an increase of 43%…

City Journal: Earmark Madness – With a $1.8 trillion deficit looming, Congress grants billions of dollars in wasteful pork in the new budget – Most of the pork is contained in a $460 billion spending package that finances federal programs overseen by departments like Commerce, Energy, Interior, and Transportation…

Epoch Times: Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data From Nonexistent Temperature Stations – “They are physically gone—but still report data—like magic,” said Lt. Col. John Shewchuk, a certified consulting meteorologist – “NOAA fabricates temperature data for more than 30 percent of the 1,218 USHCN reporting stations that no longer exist.”

American Spectator: The Department of Justice Sues Apple For Having a Monopoly – Apple competitors Google and Samsung are no shrinking violets needing protection from the DOJ’s antitrust lawyers, who think they know better than smartphone buyers and sellers what the market should look like today and tomorrow

Powerline: “THE NHS IS KILLING US” – Britain’s National Health Service is the great symbol of that nation’s leftward turn following World War II – The NHS has now reached such a crisis stage that a return to private health care seems inevitable, if not imminent

Gateway Pundit: The FBI Quietly Releases Unclassified File on Ashli Babbitt… During the Solar Eclipse – On April 8th, the FBI released a highly redacted 69-page file on details of Ashli Babbitt’s death, military background, and testimonies on Babbitt’s character

Western Journal: Rand Paul Exposes The ‘Alarming’ Extent of ‘The Great COVID Cover-Up’ – “Newly obtained documents confirm yet again Fauci lied about COVID” – “Fauci’s NIH lab was a partner with Wuhan on a proposal to engineer a highly transmissible coronavirus in 2018, but he wasn’t alone because 15 government agencies knew about it and said nothing”

American Conservative: The Biden Administration Just Admitted That It Massively Underreported Ukraine Aid – The new data, given to Senator Vance and other conservatives in Congress, reveals previous OMB valuations of Ukraine aid were at least $14 billion short…

American Conservative: The FISA Fight and What it Means for Johnson’s Speakership – FISA has come under increasing scrutiny from the right wing of the GOP conference as it was an integral player in the Russiagate hoax and the Biden administration’s investigations into Americans at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 – If House Speaker Mike Johnson can’t thread the needle on FISA, could it be the beginning of the end for his speakership?

American Thinker: Why Biden Will Lose – $20 For 6 Oranges Is Outlandish – Even my car wash place jumped from $19 per wash to $29 per wash – Also, the danger of major infrastructure, power, or cyber-attack under Biden is very high due to his open border All-Terrorists-Are-Welcome sign he hung at our northern and southern borders…

Zero Hedge: The Fed’s Own Research Tells Us Another Round Inflation is Coming – The Fed knows it but is playing political games to boost the economy and stock market for the Biden Administration

Zero Hedge: Goldman Sachs flow of funds guru Scott Rubner feels that “the totality path for the S&P500 is up a little more, then down a lot – Of his four scenarios, #3 Suggests the path of totality for US stocks is an escalator ride up, and an elevator ride down

Center For Immigration Studies: ISIS and the National Security Vulnerabilities of an Insecure Border – If they would go so far as to attack Putin and Iran, what stops them from attacking our homeland? – Many of the 1.8 million-plus gotaways were likely to have a good reason for not wanting to be caught…

Breitbart: Gas Prices Hit Six-Month High, Spiking More than 50% Under Joe Biden – According to Goldman Sachs, gas prices could reach $4 by May, but “don’t be too surprised if you see $5 a gallon or more at the gas pump if you’re not paying that much already” in places like California…

The Federalist: Joe Biden’s Latest Student Loan Bailout Effort Has Election-Year Bribe Written All Over It – This election-year bribe would be paid for by taxpayers forced to shoulder an ever-expanding national debt

Center Square: A coalition of states has filed a legal challenge to Joe Biden’s latest executive effort to forgive a portion of Americans’ student loan debt – The lawsuit comes after Biden announced the plan, which the states in question say is an overreach of executive authority

Breitbart: The Growing Anti-Biden ‘Uncommitted’ Movement Threatens Biden’s Reelection Chances – Frustration with the Biden administration’s handling of Israel’s response to Hamas’s October terrorist attacks is mainly driving the “uncommitted” movement, and polling data reveals that there are substantial generational differences among American voters regarding the Israel-Hamas war and attitudes towards Palestinians and Israelis…

American Greatness: The Upcoming ‘Chasing Trump’ Documentary – Four Corrupt Politically Motivated Prosecutors with One Target, Donald Trump – They say they’re upholding the law, but a close examination reveals politics of the very worst kind that is meant to influence the 2024 election

Gatestone Institute: The Dangerous US Rush to Save the Terrorist Group Hamas – Had the Biden administration maintained the strong support for the destruction of Hamas that it showed in the immediate aftermath of Oct 7, the fighting might already have slowed, with all the hostages returned…

Powerline: TARIQ SPEAKS – “In his interrogation, he reveals in simple terms how they organize the mass manipulation of the media” – As we have all seen over the years, it’s not too difficult and these terrorists and their allies have had it worked out for some time now…

Powerline: THE WORD FROM DEARBORN MI – Despite the best efforts of President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken, these MEMRI folks will be difficult to satisfy- They seek a total eclipse of the United States along with the Jewish people…

Breitbart: Officials arrested a young man accused of planning to attack churches in his hometown of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, for the Islamic terrorist group ISIS – The arrest of eighteen-year-old Alexander Scott Mercurio came the day before he allegedly planned to attack people during church services on Sunday

American Thinker: Ready For $100 a Barrel Oil Again? – It’s coming, thanks to Joe Biden’s string of failed policies – The granddaddy of them all was when Biden shut down American oil companies drilling on public land – When the oil supply is constrained, prices naturally go up…

American Thinker: Doctoring So Easy, Even a Caveman Can Do It – Medical schools are elevating ideology over competence – A movement is afoot to exclude top students and enroll scholastically inferior ones in American medical schools – Some schools have already dropped the MCAT requirement altogether despite its proven ability to effective and unbiased predict success in medical school…

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Scientists Warn That The Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 100 Times Worse Than COVID – Historically, concerns about the lethality of bird flu to humans have consistently proven unfounded – Recent discussions around “global biosecurity” and the potential for disease outbreaks to foster a totalitarian world government have intensified…

Brownstone Institute: Exactly What Are WHO Member States Voting for? – With an annual budget of over $31.5 billion, it would be reasonable to assume that everyone was clear on what a pandemic is – If the WHO wants to convince the world to prepare for pandemics and calm down fears of potential misuse of the pandemic label via a new governance process, then they need to provide clarity on what they are talking about…

Dr. Meryl Nass: How we stop the WHO in the United States – First, a hearing is needed to educate Congress because most members have no idea about what is going on – The Biggs bill is sitting in limbo with no champion and members have been handed misleading talking points and boilerplate letters designed to assure their ignorance…

FAR: Harvard’s War Against Its Superstar Black Professor – What happened to Roland Fryer, and why? Was his sin certain jokes and messages, or had Fryer put a target on his back because of his groundbreaking research on the sources of racial inequality? – Or could his real crime have been refusing to toe the party line?

Dr. Owen Anderson: ASU’s DEI employee training offers recommended resources and one of them is titled “Seeing White” – “Is DEI all about power?” – It reduces history, human society, and relationship to conflicts about power and oppression – “Good” means the marginalized – “Beauty” means self-expression aimed at taking down the privileged system…

April 8, 2024

Wall Street Journal Opinion – Western Democracy’s Future Depends on Israel’s Victory – If Israel is prevented from defeating Hamas, we should be under no illusions about what it will mean for the future of democracy – If the Jewish state can be bullied into letting Hamas survive, how can any free nation defend itself?…

American Spectator: The US Must Not Allow an Iranian Base in the Red Sea – Iran is making a serious play for Sudan, and it merits attention from Washington – First of all, establishing a permanent military presence in Sudan would solidify Iran as a major stakeholder in that country, allowing it to compete with regional rivals like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates…

Epoch Times: Democrats Commit Vastly More Dark Money Than Republicans for 2024 – A Look at the Dark Money Groups and Their Backers Fueling the 2024 Presidential Election – Democrats are outspending Republicans $800 million to $160 million

Breitbart: The Latest Rasmussen Survey Found That 57% Of Respondents Believe Democrats Are Using Illegal Immigration to ‘Build Permanent Majority’ – When asked how “important it is to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in U.S. elections,” 78 percent said it was important; that includes 62 percent who said “very important”

Daily Signal: What We Know About Biden’s New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan – Based on the negotiated rulemaking that’s been happening, we’re expecting that with this new regulation, they will be able to cancel debt for borrowers expected to default because they’re experiencing hardship – But what the hardship is, we don’t know…

Just The News: Conservatives vow to vote against reauthorizing FISA without Section 702 of FISA being revised to require a warrant – Requiring the federal government to obtain a warrant for U.S. person searches will not threaten national security, but will protect Americans’ privacy

One America News: The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Prohibits Trans Athletes From Participating In Women’s Sports – “There are well-known sex differences in parameters of physical fitness/performance due to changes occurring during sexual development. Thus, many sports and athletic events have regulations separating male and female participants” …

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden administration is giving $6.6 billion to a semiconductor project run by the former CEO of Solyndra, the failed solar energy company at the center of an Obama-era scandal over government misspending – Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC’s Arizona subsidiary will receive it to build a factory in Phoenix

Just The News: The FISA reauthorization bill is scheduled for a vote Wednesday in the GOP-led House – Conservative lawmakers and a group of Democrats have called for ending warrantless surveillance, which the bill up for a vote on Wednesday would not do in its current form

Fox News: The DOJ will not turn over Biden’s recorded interview with Special Counsel Hur, risking contempt of Congress – The House GOP subpoenaed records from the investigation into President Biden’s classified docs case

Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump Says States Should Chart Their State Handles Abortion – Also, he floated the idea of a 15- or 16-week ban

Daily Fetched: Alex Soros is now actively meeting with Democratic figures to launch their program to stop Donald Trump’s momentum ahead of the 2024 electoral campaign – He posted several social media posts indicating the commencement of the campaign season…

Breitbart: Trump’s Short Eclipse Video Goes Viral And The Establishment Media Goes Nuts – The words “THE MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY” slowly come on the screen….. then it continues with “IS TAKING PLACE IN 2024” with Trump eclipsing the sun…

Breitbart: According to a Department of Homeland Security report reviewed by Breitbart Texas, nearly 25,000 illegal immigrants from “Countries of Special Interest” in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa have been apprehended entering the United States during the first six months of the fiscal year 2024, which began in October…

Victor Davis Hanson: Is The Great Progressive Illusion In Ruins? – The Great Fundamental Transformation finally arrived, then crashed, and has torched middle-class Americans most of all – We bared witness to a truly radical socialist program that transformed the way America dealt with the border, immigration, the economy, race relations, foreign policy, energy, law enforcement, crime, education, and social questions such as religion, gender, abortion, and schooling…

American Thinker: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who threatens Democracy most of all this Fall? Joe Biden is the first candidate in history, and the first president to use federal agencies to censor political speech, to censor his opponent…

Slay News: Trump Says It Would Be a ‘Great Honor’ to Be Jailed For Speaking The TheTruth About Judge Merchan – Trump’s response is related to the growing concern that he could be jailed for defying the “gag order” imposed on him by this radical Biden-supporting judge

American Thinker: Hamas Appears To Have Gotten Everything It Wanted – These are tough times to be Jewish In Israel and America as there are no safe havens – Please, don’t use the excuse it was Israel’s response to the Hamas massacres on Oct. 7, 2023, that shocked the senses of fair-minded peoples everywhere…

Geller Report: HALF of ALL American Muslims believe Hamas has “valid” reasons for attacking Israel – These polling numbers taken by one of the most accurate, respected, and reputable polling firms in the world, Pew Research Center, are nonetheless VERY alarming

American Thinker: Another “Yellow Star Act” as Biden Plans to Specially Label Goods Produced by Jewish Settlements in West Bank – In his quest to punish Israel for attempting to defeat Hamas, his administration has cooked up this vile act redolent of the Third Reich…

The Federalist: Joe Biden Is Now Chasing The ‘Death To America’ Voter – Don’t forget that the same people who are chanting ‘Death to Israel’ will inevitably wish ‘Death to America’ – Leftist and antisemitic pro-Hamas “activists” are vandalizing buildings, threatening Jews, cheering on martyrs, and shutting down events…

Dr. Robert Malone: Mission Creep – A Proposed EPA Rule Threatens Small Meat Producers Via Clean-Water Act Overreach – The new rule involves a major shift in the technology-based effluent limitations guidelines and standards (ELGs) for the meat and poultry industry, threatening their livelihoods by forcing them to add water filtration systems to their facilities…

Townhall: Biden’s ‘Huge Middle Finger’ To The Working Class – On Monday morning President Joe Biden announced the reallocation of student loan debt belonging to 30 million borrowers…

Slay News: Bill Gates’ Secret Scheme to Block Sun in American Skies Begins – Scientists are spraying trillions of aerosol particles into the sky from the deck of an aircraft carrier in San Francisco Bay to increase cloud cover to block sunlight from reaching the Earth and supposedly prevent “global warming”

American Thinker: Guess Who Is Short Of Farm Workers? – Let’s file this one in the “you can’t make this up” category – LOL, Down Mexico Way, they are running out of farm workers…

The Free Press: Addiction Activists Say They’re ‘Reducing Harm’ in Philly – Those who advocate for the Biden-endorsed policy that prioritizes users’ safety over their sobriety or abstinence—say they’re helping fix the problem – But residents say that the activists are the ones causing the problems…

The Federalist: Since the chaotic 2020 election and coincident expansion of mail-in balloting, America’s corrupt media have gone full throttle to convince the country that this unsupervised system is 1,000 percent safe and never produces fraud – Within the past week, however, several legacy publications have released stories tacitly admitting that the process is not as secure or reliable as they regularly claim

Vigilant News: Elon Musk Defies Supreme Court Order to Block X Accounts in Brazil – “As a result of their judge’s decision, we will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there, but principles matter more than profit,” Mr. Musk explained

American Thinker: Democrats Plan to Kneecap Trump’s Candidacy – They have undercover plans to stop Trump from becoming president again, mainly through their growing power in Congress – Congress, by a simple majority, could pass a bill claiming that Trump is disqualified from election due to being an “insurrectionist.”…

American Thinker: Obama’s Continuing War on Suburbia, Courtesy of Joe Biden – Although state laws may discourage involuntary annexation of suburbs, these three key changes will end the dream of a white picket fence and single-family home ownership – #1, Creating a no-growth boundary around each metropolitan area…

American Thinker: The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is considering a policy that would allow people to sue grocery stores that close without giving 6-month notice – This monstrous regulation is a revenge move by vindictive leftists who will do anything to avoid taking responsibility for the results of their ongoing destructive policies…

Zero Hedge: If Biden Loses The Election, What Will Be The Top Reason? – New Geography claims EVs will decide the election – That’s a reason, but it’s well down my list – However, just last week the administration issued a draconian mileage requirement, one of many ‘nudge’ policies attempting to usher in an all-electric future

Zero Hedge: “Did Something Change,” Because The Goldman Trading Desk Warns Hedge Funds Are Suddenly Dumping Consumer Stocks – Two Things Changed Though, More Cautious Micro Updates and Gas Prices

NASA: All About The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse – On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada

Lumen News: Recent Studies Contradict the Dogma of ‘Gender-Affirming Care” Activists – Questioning gender is not at all uncommon for young adolescents – Most grow out of this stage and end up comfortable with the gender that correlates with their biological sex…

Slay News: Democrats Push To Hide Insects In Americas Food Supply – The amendment to Minnesota Senate bill S.F. 4225 would require food to be properly labeled if it contains either insect products or artificial “cell-cultured” food like lab-grown meat

California Globe: SEIU and Wealthy Donors Are Trying to Kill California’s Retail Theft Reform Bills – Because of Proposition 47, there is no accountability when it comes to these crimes, theft is underreported and some stores are even told not to report theft crimes – We all are paying the price for the rampant thefts…

New York Post: A nurse explains why she’s not afraid of dying, and why you shouldn’t be either – Our body is built to die without suffering, except for patients with certain diseases – Bodies began to slowly shut down during the six months leading up to death…

April 7, 2024

Vigilant News: Elon Musk Issues Dire Warning All People Need to Hear – Elon Musk has warned that the Biden regime’s commitment to making Ukraine a member of NATO risks bringing the world closer to a “nuclear apocalypse” – “This is literally how the nuclear apocalypse movie starts”

Epoch Times: The Recent Trump Fundraiser Secured A Historic $50.5 Million For His 2024 War Chest – The total topped the event’s projections of $43 million – Hedge fund billionaire host John Paulson declared that the event has claimed the position of being the most successful political fundraiser in U.S. history…

Western Journal: Dr. Harvey Risch says the United States is not doing enough to monitor the health status and health histories of immigrants crossing the southern border – Risch’s comments come amid a surge in border crossings, with almost 190,000 illegal immigrants crossing the southern border in February alone, according to Customs and Border Protection…

The Daily Signal: AVOID FALSE BALANCE: The Associate Press Style Guide Aims to Silence Dissent From The Climate Alarmist Narrative – The AP puts forth its style guide as an impartial rubric for fair coverage – But reality shows us its rules often exclude conservative views from the outset…

Western Journal: The Biden Administration Makes Telling Move with Menthol Cigarette Ban as Black Voter Support Crumbles – In a move to prevent the Biden White House from alienating even more black voters, their proposal to ban menthol cigarettes may be delayed until after the 2024 election

National Review: The Return of Moral Equivalence – Israel is a democratic society abiding by Western norms; Hamas is a terror group that evicted its political rival from the territory by force – Israel seeks to discriminate between enemy fighters and civilians; Hamas deliberately targets innocents…

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Sunday that it had withdrawn its forces from southern Gaza, following a demand from U.S. President Joe Biden last week for an “immediate ceasefire” – Hamas declared victory on the news…

American Greatness: The U.S. Must End Engagement With the PRC Now – The Biden administration’s neo-engagement is the opposite of what Americans must do – Ending trade, investment, and all forms of cooperation with the PRC is what is needed in the long run…

American Thinker: Marxist Globalists Will Resort to Terror and Violence – There is a concentrated push in the West for global communism – We can bicker about precise definitions, whether we are under attack from Marxists, socialists, Leninists, Trotskyites, Maoists, or other “revolutionaries,” but their end goal is clear – A small group of global “elites” seek to use ideological and economic leverage to centralize political power and direct all human activity…

Post Millennial: On Saturday, Donald Trump expressed that he would consider it a “great honor” to face imprisonment if he violated a gag order, signaling a heightened level of criticism directed towards New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan and other judicial figures involved in the Alvin Bragg trial in New York

American Thinker: If Trump Is All ‘Drama,’ Then What is Biden? – Things undecided voters should consider – Are you tired of your president being incapable of cogent thought and fluid speech, tired of the “Big Guy’s” soft stance on China, rampant inflation, and our wide open border? -And what about the Strategic Oil Reserve being drastically drawn down needlessly?…

American Conservative: The Dystopian Surveillance Programs Right In America’s Heartland – Automatic license plate readers give police departments powers once available only to the world’s totalitarian regime – In the absence of such regulation at the state or national level, policies regarding their use and privacy protections vary by agency and municipality…

April 6, 2024

Conservative Brief: Democrats Are Losing The ‘Narrative’ On January 6 – Kash Patel, national security adviser to Trump, who testified before the Jan. 6 House select committee that was hand-picked by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, stated that the Democratic claim that the event was an “insurrection” is losing support…

American Spectator: The Border Is A BIG Issue for 2024 – The border is open, and America is becoming South America’s South America – Rather than stop the surge, the Biden White House is focused on blaming Republicans for not passing a bipartisan immigration bill. Everyone knows that progressive politics and border enforcement don’t mix…

Townhall: Illegal Aliens Rush to Cross the Border Before Election Day – On day one, Biden halted deportations, stopped border wall construction, ended Trump’ Remain In Mexico policy and Title 42, and reinstated a catch-and-release program – Thousands of illegals are rushing to the US/Mexico border to enter the country before election day, as many anticipate a Trump win…

American Greatness: Representative Eli Crane (R-Ariz.) said the U.S. has “no business” continuing to siphon U.S. taxpayer money to Ukraine because it ranks near the bottom of all countries for government corruption – According to Transparency International, Ukraine ranks near the bottom 1/3 of all countries when it comes to government corruption…

Western Journal: Popular Store Closing All 371 Locations Across Multiple States – Bidenomics Killed the Chain – Like 99 Cents Only, Dollar Tree is also finding that the current climate is making it difficult to stay afloat – Just last month, the company announced it was closing a whopping 1,000 locations across the country

Zero Hedge: America Is Hurtling Toward A Full-Blown Hot Civil War – It is amazing how little many people in this country have done to train their minds to analyze information critically – If anyone stands in the way of the pursuit of any evil, they are the ones who will be called evil and fallen upon by the full weight of the U.S. Federal Government…

American Spectator: The ‘Panic-demic’ Is Over; Time To Go Back to the Office – Workers’ mental health suffers with telecommuting, hurting them and the companies they work for – Loneliness is a growing epidemic in the United States, with about half of U.S. adults reporting measurable levels even before the COVID-19 pandemic

Zero Hedge: The SEC Is Forced To Halt Its Climate Reporting Mandate For Businesses – The SEC paused the implementation of its climate disclosure requirements for companies as legal challenges against the rules are pending in a circuit court…

PJ Media: West Coast, Messed Coast: Minimum Wage Rises, Thousands Lose Their Jobs – After California Democrats forced a 25% pay increase for fast food workers they learned the hard way about being priced out of a job – Proving once again that repealing supply and demand doesn’t work…

National Pulse: The ‘hot’ March jobs report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is not as positive as the Biden government and corporate media are billing. It shows that in the past 12 months, the U.S. economy has seen full-time jobs decline by 1.3 million while adding 1.09 million part-time positions…

American Thinker: Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned – Iran’s stern warning that the United States must “bear responsibility” for an Israeli airstrike on its consulate in Damascus, despite U.S. claims of non-involvement, marks a tense moment in international relations…

Gateway Pundit – Venezuelan Socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro signed into law the results of a recent referendum that lays claim to the Essequibo region of Guyana – As the dispute between Guyana and Venezuela for the oil-rich Essequibo region appears headed for some serious escalation…

Zero Hedge: Liberals are mounting a pressure campaign to force liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to retire from the bench so President Joe Biden, who faces a tough reelection fight in November, can appoint a younger liberal successor before the election…

American Greatness: The Great Debate – In recent weeks, Biden has increasingly refused to answer as to whether or not he would agree to a debate against Trump in the fall – In the event of Biden’s absence at the 2024 presidential debate, Trump should welcome Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to the debate stage in Biden’s place…

Dallas Ludlum: What is the Real Cost of the Border Crisis? – The immigration debate is not just about policy but also about the identity and future of the nation. Concerns about the loss of American jobs, the strain on public resources, and the impact on national security fuel the discourse, making immigration one of the pivotal issues in the upcoming election…

Epoch Times: U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes Berates The DOJ For Defying A Congressional Subpoenas – “There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena”…

American Thinker: Trump Should Talk More About January 6, Not Less – The Capitol protest/riot lasted a little more than three hours –  The Biden witch hunt has lasted more than three years and shows no sign of easing up – Trump is the only one with platform enough to expose this ongoing evil – As Antifa antics were ignored, the worst crime any one of these people committed was to help break a window…

Zero Hedge: Japan To Embark On An Era Of “Mass Foreign Immigration” – A Bloomberg recent report details how rapidly declining native birth rates, an aging society, and a chronic labor shortage are fueling the importation of millions of foreigners who “are changing the face of Japan”…

Lawyer Lisa: It’s Starting: The Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024 – Residents will be confined to their local neighborhood and have to ask permission to leave it all to ‘save the planet’ – Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year…

American Thinker: College teaches journalists not to ask questions – A mandatory journalism course at Arizona State University, titled “Diversity and Civility at Cronkite,” instructs students that “asking questions such as ‘where are you from’” and “Where were you born?” “are racial microaggressions”…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: EARTHQUAKE EDITION – Things are so weird now that walking around in Manhattan, you find second-hand cigarette smoke a blessed relief from the dominant second-hand pot smoke…

Slay News: Grocery prices today are now nearing 40% higher than they were in 2019 – A $100 grocery haul in 2019 costs almost $140 today, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of Nielsen…

April 5, 2024

Western Journal: The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans Blocks Biden’s Student Loan Cancellation Efforts – “Almost Certainly Unlawful”…

Matt Taibbi: People Need To Know About The Mass Censorship Regime Growing In The U.S. – Within days we found a whole galaxy of things that said, “Flagged by FBI,” “Flagged by DHS,” “Flagged by HHS,” “Flagged By Treasury”…

City Journal: What is Social Media? – Whether a law seeking to protect kids on the platforms can survive a challenge will depend on how clearly that law defines the technology – Legislators in both parties may want to hold Big Tech accountable. Still, their reforms will go for naught unless they sweat the details of their definition…

Western Journal: An Illegal Immigrant Has Been Charged with Killing His Wife in an ‘Extremely Violent’ Manner 2 Weeks After Entering The US – Reportedly, Perez-Estrada stabbed his wife after she told him that she had a boyfriend

American Spectator: Venezuela’s Maduro Is Clamping Down on Free Elections –  Some of his persecuted opponents are taking refuge in the Argentine embassy that is under siege by his Cuban-trained security service…

Real Clear Politics: Economist and Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs weighed in on the latest on the Russia-Ukraine war – “You can’t make sense of this, it’s a zoo” – If the plan is to seize Russian assets illegally, well kiss goodbye to America’s role in the international monetary system – There are limits to what you can do, but I don’t think our members of Congress understand this…

Gatestone Institute: The New ‘Revitalized’ Palestinian Authority Is The Same As The Old Palestinian Authority – Abbas and his close aides do not appear interested in changing things – They seem quite comfortable with the current structure of the PA: no elections, no transparency, and no accountability…

Powerline: BIDEN ADOPTS THE HAMAS LINE – We have traced President Biden’s retreat from the public defense of Israel in its war on Hamas to his adoption of the Hamas line – He has now taken up the “strategy” of Dr. Jill to demand an immediate ceasefire…

Front Page: Biden’s Slow Motion Betrayal of Israel – The question wasn’t whether Biden would betray Israel, but rather when – A little over a month after the original Hamas attack, the Biden administration pressured Israel to use less armor, bomb less, and change its government – This was followed with warnings to wrap up the war by the end of the year…

American Greatness: The Gaza War At Six Months Shows Israel Is Increasingly Isolated But Resilient – The Israel-Hamas War is in a very different phase than it was when it began six months ago – Western nations and the UN’s condemning Israeli actions to defend themselves against Palestinian terrorists is not new – The UN has established itself as a stridently anti-Israel organization…

American Conservative: Mike Johnson Faces a Perilous April – Will April see the end of Mike Johnson’s tenure as Speaker of the House? – Over the past few months, Johnson has hinted there might be ways to get Ukraine aid through the House without nuking his speakership by offering an aid package in the form of a loan, as European countries and institutions have done previously…

Issues & Insights: This Is Biden’s Reelection Pitch?!?! – If this is the best pitch they can make, then Joe Biden deserves to lose, big-time – It’s full of lies, such as “When Kamala and I were sworn in over two years ago, the economy was on its back”…

Slay News: In an unexpected political turn, Nebraska State Senator Mike McDonnell has flipped from the Democrats and joined the Republicans, boosting the GOP’s crucial majority in the legislature which has ignited discussions on electoral vote distribution in Nebraska – This grants the Republicans an even wider majority that could influence the state’s approach to electoral vote allocation

American Thinker: Donald Trump’s Pragmatic, Successful ‘America First’ Doctrine – American globalists characterize it as a mix of nationalism, unilateralism, and xenophobia – Globalists see American commitments as implicitly limitless and irreversible, and Trump, driven by effectiveness, not ideology, believes the existing commitments are not eternal and are limited by resources…

American Greatness: Presidential Immunity, The Supreme Court, and Donald Trump – Some of the reasons why the Supreme Court will likely recognize presidential immunity – The Special Counsel’s original Indictment consists of 45 pages of politically charged nonsense, but nowhere will one find any reference to “official” acts by President Trump…

American Spectator: The Meta Debate About The Coming Presidential Debates (or Lack Thereof) – The absence of debates between the major presidential candidates insults Americans – The debate about debates demonstrates the genius of politicians in presenting this sideshow as a circus

Post Millennial: The Colorado ‘praying grandma’ who walked into the Capitol on January 6 was found guilty by a DC jury – Rebecca Lavrenz reportedly faces $210,000+ in fines and one year in jail – She prayed outside the Capitol building on January 6, and briefly entered the building

Zero Hedge: “This Is Huge” – Recently released Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol Police security video shows a suspected FBI special agent clapping and cheering as crowds surged up steps to the Columbus Doors and another meeting with an FBI tactical team just before it entered the Capitol after the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt…

Washington Examiner: Biden’s $140 Billion Bailout – Joe is Preparing to Use Student Loans as a Campaign Promise Again – Biden will reportedly propose new rules under the Higher Education Act, which will have various categories for debt relief – The rulemaking process would put the timetable for when it could be implemented around the final months of the campaign, but it will likely face legal challenges…

American Thinker: Students Deserve To Know the Truth About Socialism – For the past few decades, US students have been taught a whitewashed version of socialism – Consequently nearly half of young Americans have a “positive” view of socialism and 70% of Millennials are “somewhat or extremely likely to vote for a socialist candidate,” which is a dire threat to our future…

Lawyer Lisa: Who runs the world? – President Eisenhower’s farewell address was a warning to his successors of one of the many things they would have to be wary of in the coming years – Corporations, NGOs, The Pharma Industrial Complex, The Military Industrial Complex, and the Spooks

American Thinker: Creeping Amnesty – Biden handed 800,000 illegals an extra year and a half on their work permits – They’ll continue to take American jobs and the longer these permits are extended, the more likely they can claim to have grown “roots” here in the states, as they become un-deportable…

The Daily Fetched: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Abruptly Withdraws His Support for Biden, “I’m Not Doing That Again” – In a recent interview, Johnson said, “Am I happy with the state of America right now? Well, that answer is no”

The Federalist: Madison, Wisconsin is among several blue cities and states that used taxpayer-funded COVID aid for programs for illegal immigrants – A Wisconsin lawmaker demands answers in the wake of a report showing the leftist enclave doled out hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal COVID relief funds to illegal immigrants…

Washington Examiner: The Reality Of Illegal Immigrant Crime – Republicans publicized the murder of Laken Riley, the Georgia nursing student abducted and killed by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant – This week, police raided a house in the Bronx that had been taken over by illegal immigrant squatters who entered the U.S. illegally…

Powerline: AMERICA’S DRUG CRISIS – As the U.S. turns away from ‘the war on drugs,’ many cities have sought more “humane” approaches to dealing with addiction, but they don’t work – This is how deep-seated America’s Drug Crisis has become and how the policies we’ve embraced may be making things worse…

Breitbart: California Fast Food Workers Arrive For Work To The Business Closed Thanks to Newsom’s $20 Minimum Wage – Foster’s Freeze in Lemoore is permanently closed – The assistant general manager says it was because of the wage increase, saying the owner told her he could not afford the new salaries…

Western Journal: Popular Pizza Chain, Mod Pizza, Was Forced to Close 5 Locations After California’s $20 Minimum Wage Kicked In On April 1st – This move coincides with a rise in prices at McDonald’s, Burger King, Chipotle and In-N-Out Burger in California as a result of Governor Gavin Newsom’s decision to sign the minimum wage hike into law

Zero Hedge: Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ Former Bodyguard Claims Music Mogul Had Video Tapes – “I don’t think it’s only celebrities gonna be shook” – “He had politicians in there, he had princes in there, and even a couple of preachers in there” – “Can you imagine, he had every room bugged”…

April 4, 2024

Washington Times: Chinese Weapons Found In Gaza – The war between Israel and Hamas reveals extensive Chinese support for Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups that the U.S. and Israel consider terrorist organizations – Israel Defense Forces uncovered large caches of Chinese-made weapons, intelligence-gathering gear, and other military supplies during their Gaza raids…

Center Square: Joe Biden waives more sanction requirements for Iran even as Iranian-backed militant terrorist groups continue to launch attacks on Israel as well as the U.S. and other ships in the Red Sea – Several U.S. Senators are accusing him of an “ongoing strategy of appeasement” to the Iranian regime…

American Spectator: New York State Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan, who issued a gag order to silence Donald Trump, is the father of a far-left anti-Trump political activist daughter – Also, he is allegedly the husband of a one-time staffer for the infamous Trump antagonist, New York Attorney General Letitia James – Yet, the New York State Bar Association closes its eyes

Washington Free Beacon: Biden Loses the Plot on Israel – This is a demand that Israel appease Hamas at the negotiating table – The move is cynical, opportunistic, and counterproductive and shows that Biden has lost the plot…

American Wire: Disturbing emails reveal ‘troubling priorities’ of local officials following Laken Riley’s murder – As seen below, Collins personally believes this email shows that the sheriff cared more about PR concerns than anything else after Riley’s tragic and unnecessary murder by a criminal alien…

Zero Hedge: According To Former Federal Reserve Executive Thomas Hoenig, Our Money Is DyingThe average person has a poor understanding of how this colossally important entity operates, or even why it exists so today we will explain how & why it operates, along with the good & as well as the shortcomings of its actions to date…

American Thinker: Newsom’s Gourmet Restaurant Offers Job Seekers $16 An Hour – The $20/hour law he signed was fraught with exceptions for political cronies and seems to punish small franchise owners especially – He knows this, but he doesn’t care, because he’s got his marching orders from Big Labor

Breitbart: Biden Demands An ‘Immediate Ceasefire’ from Netanyahu in a Phone Call Earlier Today – Hamas’s strategy throughout the war has been to separate Israel from U.S. support – It has done so by using Palestinian civilians as human shields, hoping to maximize civilian casualties and generate international outrage – Biden’s statement confirms that the U.S. has effectively adopted Hamas’s demand that a ceasefire precede a deal to release the remaining 134 Israeli hostages

Breitbart: NATO is going to “build a bridge” towards Ukraine becoming a member state of the defensive alliance, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on the organization’s 75th birthday – What he left unsaid, however, was the conditions that generally come with the statement, that this membership would be when Ukraine is in a fit state to join, including not being occupied by a foreign power

Issues & Insights: ‘The Most Terrifying Poll Result I’ve Ever Seen’ – The elite 1% group is overwhelmingly liberal and are mainly well-educated urbanites making more than $150,000 a year and think Joe Biden is doing a great job. Nearly three-quarters identify as Democrats, are also highly influential, and are completely out of touch with everyday Americans – Here are a few shocking examples from the survey…

Zero Hedge: The “Backlash Is Real” As The DEI Exodus Gains Steam Across Corporate America – We are well past the peak – “Both the DEI and ESG gravy trains on Wall Street are finally coming to an unceremonious end” – The unraveling of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” initiatives was also seen on the state level, as Red states rushed to ban DEI programs in 2023

Gatestone Institute: The Israeli-Palestinian ‘Two-State Solution’ – Curiously, like President Biden and his top national security officials, Ambassador Martin Indyk ignores a crucial element – Radical Islam does not tolerate the existence of a sovereign non-Islamic entity (such as Israel) on land that once was conquered by Muslims…

American Thinker: The Biden Administration’s Feigned Rage Against Israel – While fiery and seemingly indignant, it overlooks the exceedingly rare nature of these tragic incidents in the context of overall Israeli operations – For every one innocent life lost in these regrettable circumstances, there are countless more saved by Israel’s diligent efforts to target only the threats posed by Hamas

American Thinker: The Hamas terrorists behind the Oct. 7, 2023 jihadist raid viewed their female Israeli captives as horses and other animals — to be “ridden” – When Hamas, ISIS, and other Islamic terrorists treat captive women as “animals” their behavior and perspective are informed by Islamic teachings that trace way back to Muhammad

American Thinker: October 7th And The Future Of The United States – As we approach the six-month anniversary of the attacks against Israel of October 7, 2023, we must take stock of the reaction and aftermath of such attacks and how they impact our nation – Gresham’s Law states that bad money drives out good money and the same can be said for public debate…

Zero Hedge: US Gas Price Hits Highest Level In Six Months Amid Speculation Biden Will Drain More Oil From Petroleum Reserve – This week, WTI Crude prices topped $85 per barrel amid signs of tightening global crude supply – As reported previously, JPM sees oil rising to $100 or higher if Russia fails to boost output

Daily Mail: The Cartel secrets EXPOSED, Inside Mexican gang territory, TODD BENSMAN’s terrifying report of how ‘pedophiles and killers’ pay smugglers $5,000 to sneak them across the border – A few miles west of Juárez illegal immigrants – at great expense and considerable risk – do everything they can to avoid American law enforcement, because some have criminal records that would necessitate their instant removal from the U.S.

The Daily Fetched: A 7 Times Deported Illegal Alien Was Arrested for Aggravated Murder in Ohio – Fermin Garcia-Gutierrez was charged with Aggravated murder, using weapons while intoxicated, carrying concealed weapons along with possession of drugs, and obstructing official business

Zero Hedge: “Is He Being Blackmailed?” Marjorie Taylor Green Questions Speaker Johnson’s ‘Complete Departure’ On Abortion, Illegals, and DOJ Funding – “Mike Johnson has completely changed his character in a matter of about five months after he has become speaker of the House,” Greene told Tucker Carlson in a recent interview

American Thinker: The Bezmenov Plan, Is America Now in the Last Stage? – The US has been under prolonged internal attacks of demoralization for several generations – While America is still in the crisis stage, some subversion experts argue that the censorship and cancellation regime that now exists is also part of the last and final stage of communist takeover known as “normalization”…

Brownstone Institute: Censorship Is On Trial at the Supreme Court – In Murthy v. Missouri, plaintiffs allege the US government coerced social media companies to censor disfavored viewpoints that were constitutionally protected by the First Amendment – The US government denies coercing social media companies, arguing it was “friendly encouragement” to protect Americans from “misinformation” in a public health emergency

Brownstone Institute: Fiscal Collapse Accelerates – It’s official, the Department of Treasury is now issuing debt at pandemic levels – It’s worth noting the pandemic record was double the previous record, which had stood for 231 years

Geller Report: The Biden administration announced its plan to protect bureaucrats from being fired during a potential second Trump administration – The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) finalized a rule that protects employees in the civil service by preventing the removal of their status and protections involuntarily…

Breitbart: During our interview with Lara Trump, she noted that a single joint fundraising event between the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Trump campaign raised $40 million, $14 million more than President Joe Biden’s recent glitzy event — Also, March ended up being the “largest fundraising month for the RNC in history”

Just The News: As ranked-choice voting (RCV) gains momentum across the U.S., the campaign supporting the system is funded by a few liberal dark money groups run by mega-donors who seek to replace the influence of political parties with their own – Liberal dark money groups are funding RCV campaigns across the country through local organizations…

Breitbart: Per the latest poll from Rasmussen, in a three-way race that includes Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump still comes out on top by six points, with 44% for Trump, 38% for Biden, and 10% for RFK Jr…

Washington Examiner: Judge Scott McAfee denied Trump’s bid to dismiss Georgia RICO case on free speech grounds – Fulton County DA Fani Willis indicted Trump and 18 others last year on racketeering charges, alleging that the defendants illegally conspired to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia

Powerline: IS ADMINISTRATIVE LAW UNLAWFUL? – Drawing on English legal history, Professor Hamburger contends that the regime of agency government resurrected the prerogative power once claimed by English kings and placed it in the executive branch of the US government – History makes it clear that this is exactly what the United States Constitution was designed to prevent…

American Thinker: These Federal Reserve Price Controls Will Enrich Fortune 500 Companies – Their new proposal would cut bank and credit union transaction fees by almost 30% to 17 cents per transaction, plus .04 percent of the total sale – At first blush, this would seem to be an advantage to consumers, but, as they say in mystery novels, “Qui bono?” — Who benefits other than the Bog Box stores?

James Roguski: Public Comments Are Now Being AcceptedEveryone (worldwide) is encouraged to submit a public comment to the Office of Global Affairs regarding the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” and the amendments to the IHR – Please do so ASAP – The deadline is April 5th

FAR: An Entertaining Yet Comprehensive Look At Climate Change Fraud – Climate The Movie (The Cold Truth) came out in 2023 but is now available for free

Breitbart: The Trump-backed effort to change the electoral vote allocation system to a winner-takes-all system in Nebraska failed in the state’s unicameral legislature on Wednesday night – Andrew Wegley of the Journal Star News noted that the proposal for a change from a split electoral vote-awarding system based on congressional districts to a winner-takes-all system “will likely go up for a vote again before this session finally ends”

California Globe: Sacramento’s War on Water and Energy – In February California oil and gas regulators released their plan to ban all fracking – The reservoirs are full, and there’s abundant snow in the mountains. Yet, California’s farmers are still getting squeezed…

Fox News: The Biden administration finalized energy efficiency regulations targeting distribution transformers, which are vital for managing the flow of electricity from power stations to consumers – The Department of Energy said the regulations would help accelerate the development of green energy nationwide and are part of the Biden administration’s “commitment to tackling the climate crisis”

April 3, 2024

Daily Signal: Documents reveal an organization backed by Obama White House alumni such as Valerie Jarrett and bankrolled by liberal dark money donors advocated using tax dollars to pay college students to get out the vote in the 2024 election, doing so before the Biden administration announced the same policy…

One America News: Tulsi Gabbard says she rejected an offer to become independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s running mate – “I met with Mr. Kennedy several times, and we have become good friends” – “He asked if I would be his running mate and after careful consideration, I respectfully declined”

City Journal: “It’s an Empty Executive Suite” – An insider explains what has gone disastrously wrong at Boeing – Boeing is just a symptom of a much bigger problem – At its core, we have a marginalization of the people who build stuff – The purpose of the company is now “broad stakeholder value,” including DEI and ESG – This was then embraced as a means to power, which further separated the workforce from the company, and it is ripping our society apart…

One America News: Sage Steele, a former ESPN host, disclosed that network officials “scripted” her 2021 interview with President Joe Biden – Steele described the pre-recorded interview as “structured” – In fact, she said that her ESPN supervisors even gave her a “script” to follow, and instructed her not to deviate from any question listed in order…

Western Journal: Burger King, In-N-Out, and Others Raise Prices Significantly 2 Days After California’s $20 Minimum Wage Kicked In – “The law applies to restaurants offering limited or no table service and which are part of a national chain with at least 60 establishments nationwide” – The old minimum wage for these restaurants was $16 an hour per state law

American Conservative: At 75, Has NATO Outlived Its Usefulness? – Over three decades after the end of the Cold War, the alliance encourages perverse and dangerous behaviors in its member states – An argument could be made that by the end of its first decade, NATO was already obsolete…

CNBC: Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday it will take a while for policymakers to evaluate the current state of inflation, keeping the timing of potential interest rate cuts uncertain – Speaking specifically to stronger-than-expected price pressures, Powell said he and his fellow officials are in no rush to ease monetary policy

American Spectator: What Robert Kennedy Jr. Held Back From His Counterpunch of the Censorship State – “I can make the argument that President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy, and the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history — the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent”…

American Thinker: It’s Time To Declare A Financial State Of Emergency- The USA is on track to have a national debt of $35 trillion very soon, which is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days – We’re no longer doling out free cash for COVID, so it is reasonable to assume the $3.6 trillion in additional annual debt is “business as usual for this administration”…

American Conservative: Mitch McConnell’s Fight Against Phantom Isolationists – Prioritization isn’t a rejection of American interests abroad – It is noteworthy that some Republicans tend to be the most clear-eyed about our country’s problems with the national debt, fueled by popular but not particularly well-funded entitlement programs, while arguing we can practice global leadership on the cheap…

American Thinker: Another day and another politician shot dead in Mexico – The intimidation campaign against mayors and state officials is part of the plan – The criminal elements want to send a message that you are with us or you will be killed – They would rather take on mayors and small town police chiefs because they are better armed than the locals…

Finish The Race: Elon Musk Sounded Off On The Democrats’ Latest Misinformation Campaign, Explaining That Trump Did Not Call Immigrants, In General, ‘Animals’ – He pointed out that Trump’s comment was directed at the MS-13 gang members involved in the murder of Laken Riley, not immigrants at large…

One America News: A Wall Street Journal survey released on Wednesday, showed Trump is leading in six of the seven swing states – Trump is leading Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania by between one and three percentage points and in Arizona, North Carolina, and Nevada by more than four points

Breitbart: ‘Goodbye, Zuckerbucks!’ – Wisconsin voters approved an amendment on Tuesday night, banning the private funding of elections in the swing state – The amendment directs that “donations and grants may not be applied for, accepted, expended, or used in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum”

American Thinker: Did Trump Do That or NOT Because Our Progressive Media Never Tells the Truth? – The lies are connected with a weak grasp by some of how great a leader President Trump has been – When it comes to media disinformation, one has to admit that it has been extremely successful, at least to those living in the liberal bubble – John Stossel covered the extent of Trump myths in this excellent video…

American Thinker: Alvin Bragg’s ‘hush money’ case boils down to no due process and a judge whose objectivity is highly suspect – “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation” – The case should have been thrown out for “due process failure, but Juan Merchan, the judge assigned to the case, chose not to do so – He is a staunch Democrat and his daughter is one of the Democrat party’s major fundraisers…

American Thinker: Let’s Start With Construction – When a future administration someday deals sternly with this nation-dividing issue of illegal immigration, they’ll need to begin by removing the job thieves imported here by cartels from South America and elsewhere – They’ll also have to heavily fine, if not bankrupt, some of the companies hiring these illegals…

American Thinker: Ideas Govern The World – How did the modern Democrat party sell its insane ideas to the American public? – When I speak of “crazy ideas,” I have in mind things like the following; #1, The idea that a male can become a female by feeling that he is a female, and vice versa – #3, The idea that almost all white Americans, except for those who are political liberals, are anti-black racists…

American Thinker: Is “America First” Just A Cult? – That’s what leftists say, but the truth is something else entirely – Thankfully we got to see what Trump did in just four years – Now we have a man in office who is determined to undo all the good that was accomplished during the Trump administration and it’s a total disaster…

American Thinker: The Law’s Inexorable Logic Should Eventually Favor Trump – Once an appellate court reverses Judge Engoron’s refusal to abide by legal logic, Trump will be in a position to file suit against his persecutors – The case against Trump utterly failed because Trump’s actions hurt no one, so an honorable appellate court will throw this case back in Judge Engoron’s face because he made his ruling despite any evidence showing that anyone was harmed…

American Thinker: A Lying Media Equates To Election Interference – The media makes a major effort to misinform (lie) to the public and to hide things from the public that would undermine Biden and the Democrats’ agenda – Here are a few examples; 1, The Republicans passed a bipartisan bill in the House in May of 2023 to control the border; Chuck Schumer wouldn’t even call the bill for a vote. Somehow, the media ignores this…

Powerline: THE CASE AGAINST ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – Every day the news brings word of new edicts handed down from on high by rulers whose names we have never heard of or voted for from the heads of the various administrative agencies that control every corner of our lives – Professor Hamburger once observed that although administrative law is unrecognized by the Constitution, it “has become the government’s primary mode of controlling Americans”

American Greatness: Governing by Hope Instead of Fear – “Safety” is often used as a smokescreen to hide an agenda-driven transition from being free to be controlled in everything you do – Everything we face today, every unsettling trend, disgraceful corruption, impossible odds, or misguided policies, and the tragic waste of time and money and opportunities that result, must be viewed and must be contended with from this core premise…

Washington Examiner: The Department of Energy canceled plans to purchase millions of barrels of oil to refill the depleted U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve because as oil prices rose to a five-month high – Energy Department officials first announced the Bayou Choctaw purchase last month, saying they would buy up to 3 million barrels of oil – Its levels remain depleted to historic lows following President Joe Biden‘s 180 million-barrel drawdown of SPR oil in March 2022

New York Post: NYC serious crimes hit levels unseen in two decades last year even as Mayor Adams claims it’s just a ‘perception problem.’ – Shocking new figures from an NYPD internal report show that overall, major class offenses in 2023 jumped up to 127,111 over the last few months, surpassing the self-proclaimed crime-fighting mayor’s first year in office…

American Spectator: The True Meaning of ’Diversity’ in Business – For years, activists have cited specific “studies” to argue for DEI – There’s only one problem, those studies weren’t true – or all the jargon-laden explainers, neither McKinsey nor their acolytes in corporate America truly believe that diversity, in and of itself, is of any particular value at all…

April 2, 2024

Gateway Pundit: The Texas National Guard Retakes Control of El Paso Border By Installing Miles of Razor-Wire and a New Anti-Climb Fence – The new security measures are in place to prevent illegals from rioting and tearing apart the previous razor wire barrier as they did on March 21st

Daily Signal: Some in California Want to Legalize Racial Discrimination—Yet Again – This time, they’re hoping to trick the people into changing their minds. Whereas Prop 16 was open and honest about abolishing racial neutrality, ACA 7 is more deceptive. Rather than repeal race neutrality, ACA 7 creates “exceptions” that look modest, but which would effectively nullify the rule…

Breitbart: The National Organization for Women (NOW) now sees those who oppose the inclusion of trans athletes in women’s sports as proponents of “white supremacist patriarchy” – Women & Girls Deserve A Fair Chance In Sports – None of these advantages of being born into a male body can be eliminated by cross-sex hormones…

Breitbart: Mitch McConnell, 82, Vows to Remain in Senate to Fight His Republican Party – Senator Mitch McConnell intends to remain in the U.S. Senate to oppose conservatives who support getting a truce between Russia and Ukraine…

Reuters: Trump posts $175 million bond in a civil fraud case, averting asset seizures – Originally, Trump needed to post a bond for $454 million, but an appeals court on March 25 stayed enforcement of Justice Arthur Engoron’s judgment on condition that Trump pay the smaller sum within ten days

Western Journal: In this most recent decision, U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi denied eight motions filed by Hunter Biden’s legal team that sought to dismiss the federal tax evasion case against him or parts of it, saying one of the motions was filed “without evidence”

Gatestone Institute: South Africa, A Safe-haven for Hamas, Islamic State, and al-Qaeda Terrorists – The South African government is the same thing as Hamas – It’s an Iranian proxy, and its role in the war is to fight the ideological and ideas war to stigmatize Jews around the world…

Front Page Magazine: The Biden Administration Blasted Israel for Shutting Down Al Jazeera – Al Jazeera isn’t the press, but is rather a terrorist operation and acted against it in the past – On November 13, 2001, the U.S. launched a missile attack on Al Jazeera’s office in Kabul, Afghanistan…

Front Page Magazine: Iran Smuggled US Weapons from Afghanistan to Terrorists in Israel – Weapons denied by Biden to Israel are instead going to terrorists backed by Biden – “The surprise terror attacks by Hamas into Israel were made possible, in part, because of the U.S. arms left behind in Afghanistan by the Biden administration”…

American Thinker: These Resigning RINOs Are A Threat To Trump and America – Love or hate Trump’s personality, he teed up conservative policies that benefited America and her people – If not Trump, then the GOP might as well resign itself to being an irrelevant permanent minority party on the national stage…

The Center For Immigration Studies: Polls Show 2024 Is Shaping Up to Be The ‘Immigration’ Election – The only question is which party seizes the issue because disgruntled voters blame everybody…

Discern Media: There is ample evidence the illegal aliens invading the US have brought with them dangerous diseases like chicken pox, mumps, measles, and tuberculosis, which mostly had been eliminated from America, some of which could threaten the nation’s food supply – Tuberculosis, for example, has already has infected cattle in Texas

Slay Magazine: Legal scholar Professor Jonathan Turley a professor at George Washington University Law School believes that the U.S. Supreme Court would be likely to strike down the gag order issued last week by Judge Juan M. Merchan who is a Democrat donor and supporter of President Biden – Last week, Turley published an article in which he analyzed the gag order…

American Thinker: Yes, Biden’s campaign overflows with cash, but Trump is getting the ‘good’ money – When it comes to elections, all money is not created equal, and Trump, despite smaller coffers than Biden, is better situated because it is coming from an increase in small donors, which is decreasing for Biden…

Breitbart: During a CNN appearance, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., running for president in 2024 as a third-party candidate, said the argument can be made President Joe Biden is a “much worse threat to democracy” than former President Donald Trump…

American Thinker: Have SCOTUS Justices Been Captured by The Media? – A danger exists of the Supreme Court becoming a prisoner of journalistic perception – The media’s heightened scrutiny of the Court started in 2018 with the nomination to the bench of Justice Brett Kavanaugh who was seen as a new vote to overturn Roe v. Wade – Since then, no aspect of the justices’ lives has been off-limits

Lawyer Lisa: The Dollars and Cents of Canada’s Death Program – The beds they free up, the money they receive, and the money the system saves make It an industry of death – What is the fiduciary duty when a vulnerable person comes in and puts their life and treatment suggestions in the hands of a professional?…

American Thinker: Throwing Stones In A Glass House of Representatives – The ‘TikTok’ bill now languishing with the U.S. Senate reveals some uncomfortable truths about our government – Regardless of whether our government intervenes in the market to protect Americans from a foreign surveillance state, it must certainly take a long look in the mirror at its own…

Breitbart: Bidenflation is freaking people out as they look forward to their retirement years – The amount of money American adults believe they will need to save to retire jumped 15 percent over last year and 53 percent since 2020…

Breitbart: FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr says that the Democrat-led majority at the agency is moving to enact net neutrality instead of holding big tech companies such as Google accountable, which he said is the “greatest threat on the internet”…

Washington Examiner: A Democrat operative behind a network of left-wing websites often referred to as peddling “fake news” and masquerading as independent is a frequent visitor to Joe Biden’s White House – Tara McGowan, founder, and publisher of Courier Newsroom is armed with funding from left-wing billionaires such as George Soros and Reid Hoffman…

Resist The Mainstream: Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers vetoed Assembly Bill 377, which sought to prohibit students from joining high school sports teams meant for the opposite sex – “We have now helped our kids … our trans kids – Thanks, everybody,” Evers stated while writing “not approved” to veto the bill officially

Zero Hedge: Mass Layoffs Begin At California Fast Food Chains As $20 Minimum Wage Law Takes Effect – Mass layoffs are now guaranteed with many restaurants already firing thousands of workers as well as some chains closing multiple locations because the cost of operation will be greater than the benefits…

Washington Examiner: Oregon re-criminalizes the use of illegal drug use after the state’s ‘huge mistake’ – When Measure 110 passed in 2020, it received wide support in Oregon, notably Portland, where three-quarters of the population voted in favor of the legislation – Portland Mayor Wheeler said the proper implementation measures related to treatment as an alternative were not in place…

Zero Hedge: Tech giant Google has agreed to settle with plaintiffs who alleged that the company invaded users’ privacy by tracking online activities even when they were using Chrome browser’s private incognito mode – The tech company will also update its disclosures about what it collects in private browsing – This process started in January, shortly after the two sides announced plans to settle the case…

April 1, 2024

Gateway Pundit: A recent J.L. Partners poll shows that Michelle Obama would lose by three points in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup against Donald Trump – This is no better than Joe Biden, who also trails Trump by three points in a head-to-head race and by four points when other candidates are included in the poll

Western Journal: This Is Insane – Illegal Alien Families Are Given Nearly 7 Times More Money and Benefits Than Military Families in New York City – While New York City Mayor Eric Adams rolls out the red carpet with prepaid debit cards, stays at hotels for free, and free food, those who serve our country are left with little…

Breitbart: Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Fly into Miami to Score Joe Biden’s Parole Benefits – Biden’s DHS launched the parole pipeline, known as Advance Travel Authorization, in October 2022 that has since permitted 386,000 illegal immigrants to book their flights to the U.S. to secure “humanitarian parole”…

American Spectator: Surging Debt Threatens US Status as The Dominant World Power – Our inability to fulfill global commitments derives from our leaders’ profligate spending – You may reasonably conclude that our adversaries have already sized up this quandary facing American policy-makers

City Journal: Build Back Faster – Baltimore needs to restore its Francis Scott Key Bridge as quickly as possible, and a model exists for it to do so – After the I-35W bridge over the Mississippi River in 2007, Federal and state officials “fast-tracked” the bridge’s reconstruction by reducing the regulatory burdens that hamper new construction projects—environmental, safety, labor, and contracting reviews. Then, they supercharged the process with a carrot-and-stick approach to construction…

American Spectator: Team Biden Declares War on Christians With The Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility – It was a deliberate choice to glorify such wicked, horrid, blasphemous beliefs on Easter Sunday…

Fox News: America’s woke education is fueling the mental health crisis with problems like anxiety and depression traced back to the woke education agenda – Suicide ranks as the second leading cause of death among children ages 10-14 and young adults ages 20-34 – Furthermore, 55% of young adults under the age of 30 suffer from anxiety, and 47% are depressed or hopeless…

City Journal: The WHO’s Next Power Grab – It was bad enough that America and other countries voluntarily followed WHO bureaucrats’ disastrous pandemic advice instead of heeding the scientists who had presciently warned, long before 2020, that lockdowns, school closures, and mandates for masks and vaccines would be futile, destructive, and unethical…

Brownstone Institute: The Problem with Intellectual Property – The unholy alliance between Big Pharma, the FDA, and the Federal Government is truly breathtaking to behold – Unfortunately, its nature is so arcane and obscure that only a few notice this, other than those who benefit from it and keep their lips tightly shut – Copyright law censors speech and the press, distorts culture, and threatens freedom on the Internet…

The National Pulse: Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a directive ordering 150,000 citizens into military service, according to a document published on the Kremlin’s website on March 31 – Every Russian man aged 18 or older must commit to a year of military service or undergo equivalent training during their higher education program – This comes after Russia extended the age limit for conscription from 27 to 30 in July

Zero Hedge: There are emerging reports and accompanying video confirmation that an Israeli airstrike destroyed part of the complex of the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital on Monday – Syrian state media is also reporting that Israel conducted a rare daytime strike in the vicinity of the Iranian embassy in Damascus…

The Center Square: House Speaker Mike Johnson raised eyebrows Sunday by pledging to pass more Ukraine aid when Congress is back in session – Johnson made the comments during a Sunday evening interview on Fox’s “Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy”

Conservative Compass: What You’re Not Being Told About The Title IX Rule By the Biden Campaign – The Biden administration, recognizing the contentious nature of the transgender athletes’ debate, opts for silence over stance, and delay over a decision – This maneuver is indicative of a broader pattern of behavior…

Slay News: A Retired General Frank McKenzie Warns Public: Terror Attack on U.S Soil Is ‘Inevitable’ – The former head of U.S. Central Command, warned Sunday that ISIS has a “strong desire” to attack the American people – “The threat against the U.S. and other foreign powers is growing”…

Local News 4: Well-Organized Criminal “Illegal Immigrant” Robbery Crews Are Making Their Rounds Across America – This 75-second video should alert you to additional consequences of our open borders…

Center For Immigration Studies: – There Is Surge in Illegal Migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, and Nicaragua – There are several reasons why the number of illegal migrants from those four countries rose so rapidly, and more specifically, why the threat of expulsion under Title 42, which was in effect from March 2020 to May 2023, didn’t dissuade those illegal immigrants from entering the United States illegally…

Center For Immigration Studies: The Florida Gateway – Early evidence suggests that a great many of these inadmissible alien passengers, probably a majority, initially land at international airports in Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’s Florida – Florida turns out to be the top landing and U.S. customs processing zone for this direct-flights parole-and-release program, tallying at nearly 326,000 of the initial arrivals from inception through February…

Brownstone Institute: Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve Evolved Into Eight Months to Change the Election – In 1845, Congress established Election Day as the Tuesday after the first Monday of November “to establish a uniform time” for Americans to cast their ballots for president – But Covid served as a pretext to overturn that tradition as just 25% of votes in 2020 occurred at the polls on Election Day…

Zero Hedge: Republicans Score A Win In Their Court Battle Over Pennsylvania Ballot Requirements – Pennsylvania rules that require mail-in ballots to be dated are legal, a federal appeals court has ruled…

Geller Report: Anyone Who Can’t Recognize Flaws In 2020 Is Unfit To Help Republicans Win – Going into 2024, all the known skulduggery and criminal election fraud activity aside, upwards of20% registered Voters in twenty-six States either DO NOT EXIST or reside at an address that DOES NOT EXIST – The fix is already in…

Zero Hedge: The Left Is Livid Over Trump Ally Efforts To Eliminate Anti-White Policies – With Donald Trump’s popularity growing among black and Latino voters, it’s only natural to assume that a revived effort to paint him as a racist would follow, and Axios has now gone on the attack…

American Conservative: A ‘Dormant NATO’ Is the Best Hard Choice – For those who seek to put America first, NATO reform presents a new risk of being associated with people neoconservatives will dismiss as leftists, but so be it…

Spiked: The Fury Of Europe’s Farmers In France, Germany, and the Netherlands – The continent-wide revolt against the green agenda has shaken the EU elites to their core – Farmers in each country have specific grievances, of course, but there is a common root to their anger…

Slay News: John Kerry’s Daughter Pushes The WEF’s ‘Net Zero’ Agenda, Public Compliance is ‘No Longer a Choice’ – Vanessa Kerry serves as the Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health for the World Health Organization…

Zero Hedge: Experts Warn Of ‘Digital Enslavement’ As Amazon Pushes Its New Palm-Scan Payment Service, Amazon One – This is sparking renewed concerns among privacy experts, with some warning it’s another pebble in the growing rock pile of big tech-enabled, Orwell-style digital enslavement for ID purposes…

Slay News: Democrats linked to the judge overseeing President Donald Trump’s so-called “hush money” trial in New York fundraised a staggering $93 million off the back of the case – Sources close to Trump’s legal team say the defense is considering a motion for Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan’s recusal…

Slay News: Tennessee Senate Passes Bill to Ban Vaccines from Food Supply – The legislation comes amid growing concerns about the national food supply being spiked with vaccines – The legislation redefines the term “drug” within the state’s legal code to include food products containing vaccines or vaccine materials…

Victor Davis Hanson: With ‘Friends’ Like Mexico’s Obrador, Who Needs Enemies Like Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un or even the Ayatollahs? – In Obrador’s view, any country that would widely open its border and welcome in 10 million foreign nationals without legal sanction, without audit, and without even processing them deserves the contempt that he extends

Zero Hedge: How Inflation Buzzwords Manipulate – According to the Austrian school of economics the term “inflation” refers to increasing the quantity of money or money substitutes, the result being a rise in the price of goods and services or a fall in the value of money – In our modern era, a rise in prices is now called inflation and as Ludwig von Mises wrote, “This semantic innovation is by no means harmless”

Zero Hedge: Are You Ready For the Second Wave of Inflation? – #4, Today, the Fed is again actively juicing the stock market via multiple credit facilities designed to provide liquidity to help the Biden administration with its re-election bid – The Fed is also promising to cut rates despite the fact it’s an election year and inflation has not fallen to its 2% target…

Zero Hedge: The Biden Administration’s Disinflation Narrative Dies As Manufacturing PMIs Show Prices Soaring The Most In 20 Months – As detailed earlier, ‘Hard’ data has been soaring since the start of the year,- as ‘soft’ data collapses, so all eyes are on this morning’s Manufacturing PMIs (surveys) for an end to that trend…

Zero Hedge: Gross Domestic Income Shows America Is In Stagnation – In a recent CNN poll, 48% of respondents stated that they believe the economy remains in a downturn, while 35% feel things are going well – The disparity between somber economic sentiment and a surprisingly strong headline unemployment rate and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can be easily explained…

Resist The Mainstream: The “Make America Great Again” super PAC unveiled a new online tool that highlights the impact of inflation on grocery prices during President Biden’s tenure – Biden-Mart.com allows users to simulate a grocery shopping experience, selecting items and then comparing the total cost under Biden to what it would have been under Trump

Powerline: In the “spirit of the day,” the Washington Free Beacon compiled the video below for the Biden 2024 presidential campaign – It hurts a little when I laugh, but our enemies laugh pain-free at what Americans are dealing with…

American Thinker: Ronna McDaniel and the Peacock Network – If you’re searching for truth, it won’t be found at the Peacock Network – The network of Huntley, Brinkley, Reasoner, Mudd, and Brokaw has now abandoned all pretense of impartiality thanks to their atrocious treatment of former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel…

Breitbart: Biden set a goal of creating a national network of 500,000 publicly available EV chargers by 2030 as part of his grand all-encompassing climate agenda – Despite the $5 billion National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program splashing taxpayer cash for the project just Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii have taken the trouble to oblige

Breitbart: Joe Biden Tells ‘Trans Americans’ They Are ‘Made in the Image of God’ – Biden’s secular deputies kidnapped Christian theology to champion transgenderism on the holiest weekend for Christianity

The Post Millennial: The Biden White House social media account “La Casa Blanca” did not post anything related to “Transgender Day of Visibility” while the English White House account on X made a post on Easter to declare the LGBTQ recognition day

Resist The Mainstream: Hundreds Of Bibles Set On Fire Outside Tennessee Church Of Conservative Pastor Easter Morning – The trailer full of Bibles was intentionally ignited after being left in the middle of the intersection – Pastor Greg Locke, who recently returned from a trip to Israel, expressed his shock such a sacred day…

I&I/TIPP Poll: The Media Tailspin Continues As Public Trust In Mainstream News Outlets Crumbles – 61% Lack Trust In Traditional Media and 67% Don’t Trust The Alternative Media – Until the media understand why ~70% of Americans think they’re doing a poor job and come to grips with their own clear biases, it’s likely their decline will continue…

California Globe: After Issuing Death Sentence on CA’s Death Penalty, Governor Newsom Approves 3 more Prison Closures – Crimes now considered “nonviolent” under Proposition 57 in California include: human trafficking of a child, the rape of an unconscious person, a drive-by shooting at inhabited dwelling or vehicle, an assault with a deadly weapon, the assault on a police officer, serial arson, exploding a bomb to injure people…

Washington Examiner: California workers were put on notice that a cut in hours was coming as a result of the $20 minimum wage going into effect – Some restaurants have already warned that price hikes are likely to affect customers – The loophole or companies that bake the bread they sell on-site appears to be a favor for Glenn Flynn, who owns dozens of Panera Bread locations in California and has donated $220,000 to Newsom’s campaigns since 2017

Breitbart: If you live in Oakland, California, then prepare to be watched, followed, and tracked Big time – Governor Gavin Newsom announced Friday he is sending hundreds of high-tech surveillance cameras to be installed across the city and surrounding freeways to battle rising crime

Fox News: A Washington state couple claims the state denied renewal of their foster-care license due to their belief that gender is fixed – The couple told the state that because of their Christian faith, they could not lie to a child and encourage them to reject their actual sex – “It’s well-publicized that the state has such a shortage of homes to the point where in 2023 where there were over 4,000 instances that kids were placed in emergency housing, like hotel rooms”…

Breitbart: Snapchat’s friend ranking feature is exacerbating feelings of insecurity and anxiety among teenagers by quantifying their social status within their friend group – This is yet another example of how Silicon Valley titans place tremendous pressure on today’s teens to be part of the “in crowd”

March 31, 2024

Western Journal: Even Democrat Voters Do A One-Eighty on Ceasefire After Learning What It Ultimately Means for Israel – The Palestinian Authority (PA) wants to form a unity government with Hamas including cabinet positions for Hamas terrorists, wants to pay Hamas terrorists, and 82% of PA supporters approve of the October 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas”…

Politico: Trump’s VP search is starting to get serious and narrowed to a list of about 12 – The former president has said his top criterion is picking someone “who is going to be a good president in case of emergency,” but Trump is also sensitive to electoral needs

American Thinker: Officer Jonathan Diller’s tragic death in New York operates at the intersection of so many Democrat party policies and values, exposing the rot behind all of them – Diller’s killer had 21 previous arrests for violent crimes and was apprehended with a gun in his hand and shiv carefully stowed in his rectum…

Gateway Pundit: AT&T Confirms Personal Information Including Social Security Numbers of 73 Million Current and Former Customers Leaked on Dark Web About Two Weeks Ago – The communications giant is currently investigating to pinpoint whether the data originated directly from AT&T or through one of their vendors…

American Spectator: Hong Kong Affords a Glimpse of the Future for Taiwan – A new law solidifies Chinese rule over Hong Kong, Will Taiwan be next? – A new ordinance, as explained in the Legislative Council Brief, adds to Hong Kong’s criminal code the offenses of “insurrection, treason, external interference, espionage” and a catchall offense called “incitement to disaffection”

American Thinker: Trump makes a pile and the swamp loses its mind – Among the Washington swamp denizens, President Trump is leaving a lot of them in a gape-mouthed stupor – We are seeing a lot of headlines like this with a Google search, The Trump Stock Bubble: How Long Will It Last? – Seth Meyers Is Skeptical of Trump’s Rising Stock – Trump’s Media Stock Is Riding a MAGA Wave, How It Could Crash…

The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll, conducted in conjunction with Noble Predictive Insights, found that 84% of Trump voters would vote for him in November even if he was convicted of a felony before the election…

Just The News: Harvard University has seen a 5% decline in applications following months of scandals involving antisemitism, plagiarism, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs in what critics are calling a warning to other schools facing such challenges

Courageous Discourse: There Is Still No Plausible Account of Bridge Strike – Media reporting on Voyage Data Recorder raises more questions than it answers – As one would expect of such a valuable vessel, it is equipped with multiple layers of security to maintain steering control in the event of loss of the vessel’s primary power…

American Thinker: Russia Is Not An Aggressor, Nor Is Ukraine A Victim – Events in Ukraine occurred because the Biden administration, NATO, and Ukraine took very deliberate steps despite Putin’s explicit warnings about Russia’s national security – Over the years, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin repeatedly warned that Moscow would not tolerate NATO’s continuing “drive to the East,” particularly Ukraine’s membership and the subsequent establishment of NATO military bases along the Russian border…

Breitbart: Israel Discovers Weapons Cache in Maternity Ward of Gaza’s Shifa Hospital – The Israel Defense Forces released photos Sunday of a large weapons cache that its soldiers discovered in a maternity ward during the ongoing operation against terrorists within Gaza’s Shifa Hospital…

American Thinker: Mayorkas Condemns Texas Law To Arrest Illegals While In Guatemala – Why would a Cabinet member travel to another country and call out a law signed by a governor and approved by a state legislature regarding illegal immigrants? – The law is based on a Constitutional clause about an invasion and how a state can protect itself…

Zero Hedge: The Globalists Claim Mass Immigration Helps The US Economy, But Here’s Why That’s A Lie – If you want to understand why world events happen the way they do, you must understand the goals and influence of globalist institutions – Government officials are now pressed to admit that mass immigration and open borders are real, so they are spinning the crisis as if it’s a good thing for America…

Slay Magazine: Nine states across the country have agreed to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles to help Joe Biden supposedly “fight the climate crisis” – California, Washington, Oregon, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Delaware, and Maryland have all committed to plans to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles within the next decade

Zero Hedge: Concern Over Food & Water Supplies Grows Among Europeans – It’s not just Spain, the EU Commission’s Joint Research Center sounded the alarm earlier this year over how prolonged drought events have affected Europe for more than two years already and northern Africa for as many as six, which is “causing water shortages and hampering vegetation growth”…

March 30, 2024

One America News: Religious-Themed Designs Banned From The White House Easter Egg Roll Art Event – “Religious Easter egg designs will not be accepted from National Guard children for the 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art event at the White House”

Western Journal: Joe Biden Received Massive Backlash After Trying to Replace Easter With A Trans Holiday – ‘A Direct Assault on Christianity’ – I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility”

American Thinker: ‘Good’ Catholic Joe Biden Declares Open War on Easter and the Bible – The administration’s hostility to Christianity and Western norms generally is out in the open – Could this rouse previously passive Americans to vote him out of office? – It’s not a coincidence that 2024’s Transgender Day of Visibility falls on Easter, Marxism is not an economic theory; it’s a religious cult, and Christianity is one of the things that stands in its way

Just The News: Biden’s EV mandate is likely to severely limit how many conventional vehicles automakers can produce – For instance, the Ford F150 is the best-selling vehicle in the U.S. today and Ford will need to build two fully electric F150s for every gas-powered F150 to meet the 2027 EPA standards – By 2032, the company will need to build four electric F150s for every gas-powered F150 – Hauling capacity is a further issue…

Slay Magazine: Republican lawmakers in Louisiana have just dropped the hammer on the globalist agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), and World Health Organization (WHO) – The Louisiana Senate just passed a bill that will block the unelected globalist organizations from exerting power in and over the state…

American Thinker: Bureaucrats Control the Show – Elected officials such as congressmen, governors, mayors, and even presidents are at the mercy of those who run and control the bureaus and agencies that administer laws and regulations passed by Congress, along with Presidential Executive Orders…

American Thinker: In a revelation that may unsettle many taxpayers, the U.S. Government Accountability Office brought to light a staggering figure of $236 billion in improper or incorrect payments made under the Biden administration last year alone – This sum, which does not even fully account for all susceptible programs, demands immediate attention and action

Liberty Daily: Americans Need to Earn 80% MORE Today Than Before Bidenomics Struck Just to Afford Buying a Home – Home prices have seen a significant increase of 42% since 2020 – Monthly mortgage payments have nearly doubled over the past four years, with today’s typical buyer facing a monthly payment that is 96% higher compared to 2020 levels…

FAR: Biden’s Massive Government Mail-in Ballot Push – As a result of a Biden Executive Order, the federal government is using its vast resources and its largest agencies to register new voters and expand mail-in balloting, with the help of nonprofits – Work by the DOJ to register voters in prisons, critics say, is just the tip of the iceberg…

American Thinker: Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police warned that Justin Trudeau’s policies have been so disastrous that its citizens may soon engage in a violent, populist revolt – When you pair this news with a recent video of Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s powerful ‘Minister of Everything’ twitching and smirking at a political event, it’s enough to suggest that we should start worrying about our northern neighbor

Zero Hedge: A Judge Rebukes The DOJ’s Arguments Against Release Of A January 6 Defendant – Judge McFadden, in his memorandum order, outlined that the release is premised on two conditions mandated by 18 U.S.C. § 3143(b): a defendant is not likely to flee or pose a danger to the community if released, and that the appeal raises a substantial question likely to result in a significantly lesser sentence or reversal

Gatestone Institute: Iran’s Mullahs Are Enjoying A Green Light to Go Nuclear Under The Biden Administration – The bleak reality is that time is rapidly running out for concerted action to stop Iran’s march towards acquiring nuclear weapons capability. The Biden administration’s response, however, has been marked by silence, massive funding of Iran, and a conspicuous absence of intervention.

American Conservative: Immigration to the U.S. Strengthens Communism in Cuba – Biden’s open-border extremism has unleashed a migrant tsunami of fleeing people – Just in 2021–23, more than half a million Cuban migrants have entered the U.S., representing an incredible 5 percent of the island’s total population…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, THE BUILDING BRIDGES BACK BETTER EDITION – Here’s an idea, offer to name it the Donald Trump Bridge if Trump can get it rebuilt in six months

March 29, 2023

Washington Times: Democrats eager to jail Jan. 6 rioters once shielded radicals who bombed the U.S. Capitol in 1983 – Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has boasted of arresting and convicting hundreds of people who rioted in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, signed off on dismissing the charges and quashing the arrest warrant for a woman accused of detonating a bomb near the Senate chamber in 1983…

Western Journal: A Federal Judge Strikes Down Biden’s ‘Unauthorized’ Climate Rule – Judge James Hendrix Hendrix argued that the administration was not authorized under law to include environmental benchmarks in states’ assessment of highway “performance.”

Powerline: THREE CHEERS FOR OIL – Robert Bryce exposes the foolishness of those who attack oil – Petroleum drives modern economies enabling modern life, but for petroleum, we would be going around in donkey carts – America’s need for oil is insatiable and increasing; nothing can dent it, even temporarily, but an economic downturn…

The Defender: Critics Slam Court Orders Requiring Google to Unmask YouTube Viewers – Federal investigators ordered Google to turn over personal information on viewers of specific YouTube videos – Privacy experts said the orders violate constitutional rights and turn innocent viewers into criminal suspects

Western Journal: A Woman Goes Viral with Story of How Her ‘Christian Conservative Values’ Got Her Fired from Starbucks – In prior years, no one had complained about her staying out of the “Pride” celebrations – A second issue arose when Starbucks began to insist that employees address everyone by their preferred pronouns…

City Journal: Golden State Budget Fantasy – Back in May 2022, California Governor Newsom boasted of an extraordinary projected surplus of $97 billion, then immediately collaborated with an enthusiastic state legislature to spend it all – The latest report projects a $73 billion deficit for the next fiscal year…

Brownstone Institute: Qatar and Its Al-Jazeera Network, A ‘Voice for Terrorists’ – It appears that the US and Qatar intend to elbow Israel any say in “humanitarian aid” eventually brought into Gaza – A report reveals Qatar as aligned with countries such as Iran, Russia, and China, and groups such as Al Qaeda and the Taliban…

2ndSmartestGuy: The World Economic Forum’s Could Result In Billions Of Deaths – Their “Net Zero” target to end fossil fuel use is part of the WEF and UN’s “Agenda 2030” and “Agenda 2050” plans for humanity and involves dramatically reducing fossil reliance by 2030 and eliminating their use by 2050…

American Thinker: Two Presidents, One City, And One Big Difference – To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, Biden asks what the country can do for him while Trump asks what he can do for the country – The latter is a leader while the former is a leech

The Liberty Daily: How the CIA Secretly Used Operation Mockingbird to Manipulate Public Perception Through the Media – This operation involved the infiltration of journalists and informants into prominent U.S. media outlets, to advance the federal government’s viewpoints and political agendas – The revisitation of Operation Mockingbird by Fox News underscores concerns about the relationship between the media and government agencies

Zero Hedge: Philadelphia’s Fed Admits US Payrolls Were Overstated By At Least 800,000 – The first red flags emerged in the summer of 2022 when Biden’s Labor Department started rigging labor market data…

Breitbart: Migrants Apprehended At The Northern Border Sector Now Exceed The Last 12 Years Combined – “In FY23, SWB caught an unprecedented number of undocumented migrants, surpassing the prior 11 fiscal years combined,” according to Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia – “During the first four months of FY24, SWB has doubled the number of apprehensions made during the same period in FY23”

American Thinker: Biden’s budget shells out $320 million on border walls, but for Oman, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Tunisia – Meanwhile, the budget puts strict limitations on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) ability to construct physical barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border to deter illegal immigration

American Greatness: Stripping Americans of Gun Rights And Arming Illegals, What Could Go Wrong? – Amidst the unprecedented invasion across our nation’s southern border, leftist judges are guaranteeing Second Amendment rights to illegal aliens while denying them to law-abiding citizens…

New York Post: Texas arrests 70 more migrants who stormed El Paso border and assaulted National Guard troops – Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is holding more than 200 migrants whom the state wants to arrest and charge, but federal authorities “are not being as cooperative as the Border Patrol,” according to an official

Issues & Insights: Could This Be Part Of The Great Replacement? – As Americans Flee Blue Counties, Immigrants Are Moving In – Of the more than 2.5 million international migrants, more than 2 million went to counties that voted for Biden…

Center For Immigration Studies: On Tuesday, a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied a request by the state of Texas to stay a district court preliminary injunction that blocks the state from implementing Senate Bill 4, a law that criminalizes illegal entries into the state over an international border – That denial was not unanimous, and the dissenting judge laid out a map of where this case is going

Breitbart: Obama Snaps at Protesters During The Glitzy Fundraiser For Joe Biden – The fundraiser was expected to bring in $25 million for Biden, in what was called a “grassroots fundraiser,” with some paying up to $500k to be there

Hot Air: Until today, I didn’t realize that individuals are now being assigned ESG scores that some institutions use to decide whether they will do business with a person – It isn’t the government per se doing this, but rather companies that aggregate information about you and sell it to those who want to isolate dissenters from their ideological commitments…

American Thinker: Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn – This brings us to our sad, decaying country, led by our sad, decaying president along with his Deep State and media minions – I have no solutions to offer because these men who are destroying our once great country can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with…

American Thinker: Hamas-Supporter Qatar Is ‘Sponsoring’ What Americans Learn – Why are nations that are notoriously hostile to freedom and diversity donating billions of dollars to liberal American universities? – “Hamas patron” Qatar has given more than $5.6 billion to 61 American schools since 2007, including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and Stanford

Powerline: STORIES OF CENSORSHIP – Dave Rubin’s panel session earlier this month with the winners of the Samizdat Prize, Twitter Files reporter Matt Taibbi, Great Barrington Declaration co-author Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and New York Post reporter Miranda Devine…

Breitbart: The NTSB provides the first glimpse of conditions on the MV Dali after it collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge – Photos show teams searching for chemical leaks and hidden fires while they inspect the damage – What has been called “the largest crane on the Eastern Seaboard” arrived by barge to begin the work of clearing the central shipping channel

PJ Media: Could it take twice as long and four times as much money to replace the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge than it did to build it in the first place? – “It could take a decade or more according to structural engineer Ben Schafer – By comparison, the Apollo program put a man on the moon in under eight years

Resist The Mainstream: A Denver Mom Finds Her Stolen Car After Dispatch Says There Isn’t ‘Anyone On Duty To Help’ – Holly Kaufman utilized her Mazda mobile app to locate her missing red Mazda SUV – The app also enabled her to deactivate the vehicle’s engine and activate emergency alarms, tools she promptly utilized

March 28, 2024

Western Journal: Multiple Attorneys General Join Together to Sue Biden in Bid to Block His ‘Illegal Student Loan Plan’ – Kansas AG Kris Kobach, who is leading the lawsuit, said this year’s plan to forgive student debt violates many of the same principles as Biden’s first attempt to do so, which was shot down last year by SCOTUS

Washington Times: Epic media failures and hissy-fits are ominous signs for 2024 election coverage – Journalists are in the tank for the left and don’t care who knows it – Two recent episodes demonstrate beyond question that most of the news media is hopelessly lost to the left…

City Journal: The Biden administration is poised to complete its radical rewrite of the U.S. Department of Education’s regulations on Title IX – One seismic change would expand Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination in education to include “gender identity” which is a fundamental reworking of Title IX that would be catastrophic for female athletes that will then be competing against those that were born as males…

Slay News: Biden’s administration launched a new crackdown on diesel-power trucks in a claimed effort to “fight climate change” and “reduce emissions” – The new regulations specifically target trucks and buses and are the latest salvo in Biden’s sweeping “climate” agenda

Aaron Renn: 11 Reasons Why Two Parents Are Better Than One – There is a massive outcome gap between children growing up in two-parent vs. single-parent homes – If we don’t reduce the share of children in single-family homes, we are not going to make a dent in many of the social problems being faced these days – 9. Boys particularly suffer from being raised in single-mother homes…

Zero Hedge: In A Historic Reversal, The US Will Restart A Shut Down Nuclear Power Plant For The First Time Ever – Nuclear energy is in the spotlight as 34 countries, including the U.S., last week pledged to use it to reduce reliance on fossil fuels

New York Post: RIP, Joe Lieberman, The Democrat Party Went Bonkers Without You – Joe Lieberman’s death is a stark reminder of the insanity that has consumed his party – The four-term senator from Connecticut and first-ever Jewish VP candidate was an honorable, reasonable man – Throughout his career, he showed he was unafraid to break with party orthodoxy

Geller Report: The Swamp Ran Deep As Trump’s Then White House Lawyer Admits to Engineering Plot To Prevent Investigating 2020 Election Fraud – Trump’s White House lawyer admitted to engineering the plan, with the help of top DOJ officials, to prevent any investigation into 2020 election fraud…

Red State: Two-Tiered Justice: Trump Lawyer, Conservative Legal Icon John Eastman Disbarred – This attorney and former law school dean faces imminent disbarment for his legal work in support of President Donald J. Trump’s attempts to resolve irregularities in the 2020 presidential election…

Western Journal: U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi Has Bad News for Hunter Biden – There Is Zero Evidence His Charges Are Politically Motivated – Although Scarsi did not make a final decision, he signaled in the Los Angeles hearing that defense arguments that the Biden administration’s Justice Department was doing former President Donald Trump’s bidding were not persuasive

Victor Davis Hanson: Gaza, The Truths Behind All The Lies – From civilian casualties, the use of disproportionate force, and international biases, the mainstream narrative of the Gaza conflict often obfuscates the truth behind all of those lies – First of all, Gaza has been occupied by Hamas, not Israel, for two decades…

American Conservative: U.S. Officials Believe That ‘We’ Are at War With Russia – Could someone please tell Senator Lindsey Graham, one of the Senate’s premier warmongers, that “we” are not at war with Russia, Ukraine is – American officials should unashamedly act for the American people…

As Threats in Space Mount, The U.S. Lags in Protecting Key Services – Global positioning satellites are fundamental to the global economy and are essential for telecommunications, 911 services, and financial exchanges – These services are increasingly vulnerable as space is rapidly militarized and satellite signals are attacked on Earth – Unlike China, the United States does not have a Plan B if those signals get knocked out in space or on land

Breitbart: Earlier this month Donald Trump declared “It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People” – A Fox News poll just found that nearly three-fourths of voters believe that if Joe Biden skips the presidential debates, it shows “weakness…

Zero Hedge: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation into law Wednesday that ends squatters’ rights in the Sunshine State, stating that “squatting” is a scam that violates private property rights – HB 621 gives homeowners the ability to quickly and legally remove a squatter from a property and will increase criminal penalties for squatting…

American Thinker: Biden Is Losing Minority Voters – In January 2021, Black Americans approval rating for Biden was 86% – After three years as President, one can conclude that his work on behalf of minorities failed as his approval ratings among Blacks dropped to 59% – Among Hispanics and Asians it has dropped below 50%…

Washington Examiner: Speaker Mike Johnson advised Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that the House will deliver articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate on April 10, roughly two months after he was previously impeached by the House by a vote of 214-213 on charges that he failed to enforce U.S. immigration law

Breitbart: Disgraced FTX CEO and Democrat Megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried has been sentenced to 25 years in jail for fraud after facing up to 100 years in jail – His sentence pales in comparison to fraudster Bernie Madoff, who received a sentence of 150 years for his financial crimes

Zero Hedge: The Walt Disney Company is facing backlash after critics say it has misled its shareholders by prioritizing a “woke political and social agenda” over profits, thus violating its fiduciary duty – In February, AFL filed a civil rights complaint against Disney with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, claiming that the company implemented a “patently illegal” hiring program that overwhelmingly favored “underrepresented” groups…

American Conservative: Saving Julian Assange, Free Speech, and Democracy – The fight against extradition is probably the last best chance for even a facade of due process – Since Julian Assange was indicted in 2019 for 17 charges of violating the Espionage Act, the DOJ has sought his extradition from Belmarsh, the supermax prison in Britain…

American Thinker: Why Are So Many Pushing for America to Have a Hot War with Russia? – Iran is our enemy and has been since 1979 when it seized our embassy and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days – Furthermore, the Iranians and North Korea are now in bed with Russia and are profiting handsomely from our failure in Ukraine

American Greatness: The Many Ways a Porous Border Means Crime Without Boundaries – The harsh reality is that the horrific migrant crimes that have been drawing national outrage might not have happened at all if current laws were enforced in the first place…

New York Post: Thousands of migrants are set to arrive in a massive El Paso-bound caravan in just a few days – Videos posted online show a swarm of people walking through the streets of southern Mexico on Monday – In one clip, an apparent leader is seen encouraging the group through a bullhorn to chant “A La Frontera” which means “To the border”

The Liberty Daily: Governor Abbott Says Operation Lone Star Is Working as Illegal Alien Encounters Plummet – Abbott pointed to a March 26 report from media watchdog Media Research Center to substantiate his claims…

American Thinker: Democrats and their psychological complexes make for terrible policy – Democrats, including the puppets in the media, falsely claim that Trump is the authoritarian, the fascist, but it is Biden and the Democrats who support burdensome big government and meddling control in basically every aspect of our lives…

FAR: Socialism Makes People Selfish – Dennis Prager explains the moral differences between socialism and capitalism along with why anyone who wants a kind and generous society must support one and oppose the other

California Globe: How Governor Gavin Newsom Destroyed California In Less Than 10 Years – If this “progressive” governor wanted to destabilize and destroy his state, here are 30+ policies he would impose, and orders he would make while insulating himself from his policies – And guess what?…

Slay News: Australian Lawmakers Passed A Bill To Roll Out The WEF’s Digital ID – This will replace traditional IDs and will be able to be linked to systems that hold vast amounts of personally and financially sensitive data – The digital ID system will eventually be able to link to bank accounts, central bank digital currencies (CBDC), vaccinate proof and social credit scores…

American Thinker: Where Have All The Transsexuals Gone? – Changing the language is just what “progressives” do – When was the last time you heard “transsexual” instead of “transgender”? – When I was in college in the 1980s, there were crossdressers as well as transsexuals, and it was a matter of cultural literacy to understand which were which…

March 27, 2024

Conservative Compass: Elon Musk Warns That ‘America Is Toast’ if Democrats Retain Power – A self-proclaimed Democrat for the majority of his voting life, Musk now believes that the United States stands on precarious ground unless there is a significant shift towards Republican leadership in the upcoming elections…

American Spectator: Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr.’s Unconventional Pick for Vice President – This left-leaning Californian will give the Kennedy scion a fiscal boost – In picking Shanahan, Kennedy is signaling his desire to broaden his appeal on the left – This Super Bowl commercial by the Kennedy campaign that deliberately echoed the famous 1960 ad by his uncle was paid for by her…

American Conservative: With His VP Pick, RFK Jr. Is Gunning for the Democrats – Nicole Shanahan appeals to the disaffected, West Coast–style leftist voters who feel lost in the Democrat Party…

Issues & Insights Poll: 73% are either “very concerned” (50%) or “somewhat concerned” (23%) about letting those who are in the U.S. illegally participate in local and federal elections, with just 23% “not very concerned” (13%) or “not at all concerned” (10%) – Most striking was the breadth of responses, with a significant majority in virtually every demographic category saying it is a matter of concern…

Washington Examiner: By abstaining from a resolution calling for an “immediate ceasefire” by Israel without the release of hostages by Hamas first, Biden has betrayed Israel and encouraged terrorism, which could lead him into trouble both practically and politically – By siding with Russia and China, Biden has made it less likely that Hamas will release hostages

Washington Examiner: Obama is telling White House what he would do as Biden doubts grow – Former President Barack Obama has reportedly had regular talks with Joe Biden as Biden’s election rematch with Donald Trump gets closer and has also made calls to several top aides at Biden’s campaign

The Federalist: Biden’s 2025 Budget Spends Too Much Money On All The Wrong Things – Even compared to the Covid spending binge of recent years, Biden’s budget is insanely large, increasing federal spending by 82.5 percent and amounts to just under $20 billion in federal spending each day, with a strong focus on things related to climate change…

Zero Hedge: Investigators Probe ‘Dirty Fuel’ In Baltimore Container Ship Disaster Amid Mid-Atlantic Supply Chain Crisis – According to a Coast Guard briefing report, Dali’s lights began to flicker about an hour after the ship began steaming down the marine channel out of the Baltimore Inner Harbor

Washington Examiner: Six questions about the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse answered – #3, Was there a structural flaw to blame for the bridge’s collapse? – There were no structural flaws in the bridge – The ship hit a pylon, a critical component of a bridge’s integrity – After the Sept. 11 attacks, Maryland debated installing pylon guards but decided against it, citing high costs

Issues & Insights: Trump Could Pull Off The Greatest Political Comeback In American History – “Not since Napoleon returned from Elba has the global establishment been so focused on the defeat of one man” – Trump was the closest thing to an independent president this country has seen and boy, the establishment of both parties despise him because he threatens the status quo

Washington Examiner: New Hampshire‘s 2nd District Representative Annie Kuster, a top centrist Democrat is retiring after 12 years in Congress, becoming the latest in a long line of Democrats and Republicans who are leaving Capitol Hill after the 2024 elections

Slay Magazine: A case heading for SCOTUS could finally put an end to the January 6 witch hunt – The high court will soon weigh in on the scope of a federal obstruction statute used to charge hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants and Trump himself

Brownstone Institute: We Failed The Freedom Test – The government never cedes power willingly and neither should we – In a statement attached to SCOTUS’s ruling in Arizona v. Mayorkas Justice Gorsuch provided a catalog of the many ways in which the government used Covid-19 to overreach its authority and suppress civil liberties massively…

Interest of Justice: Julian Assange Founder Of WikiLeaks Given The Chance To Appeal UK And Is Not Going To Be Immediately Extradited – A Judge granted the WikiLeaks founder permission to appeal against removal from the UK but only if the US does not provide suitable assurances

Zero Hedge: Disney settled its state lawsuit with the board that Florida Governor DeSantis appointed to oversee Walt Disney World’s special district – This ends a lengthy legal battle between the media giant and Florida government and cancels a controversial development agreement Disney enacted that hamstrung DeSantis’ appointees

American Greatness: Floating Offshore Wind Projects Will Squander Hundreds of Billions of Dollars – From a financial perspective, offshore wind, should it go forward, will be the biggest waste of money ever imposed on the backs of working Californians

American Thinker: The deepest principles of capitalism are found in the definition of free trade, but there’s more to it than that – Cronyism is not capitalism – Cronyism uses the power of government to subvert free enterprise

American Thinker: Watch Your Back, Former President Trump – The lesson learned from these examples is that the Left will stop at nothing to stop Donald Trump no matter who or how many get hurt, and that’s been obvious with all the sham indictments and trials of Donald Trump for crimes he did not commit

The Federalist: Georgia Legislature Tackles Key Election Integrity Measures Before Session Ends – A Peach State elections watchdog believes a package of transparency and ballot security provisions would be huge election integrity wins…

Washington Free Beacon: The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is responsible for handling the country’s spy apparatus, seeks to ban a range of common terms because it says they offend Muslims and foment racism – They include ‘Radical Islamists,’ Jihadist,’ ‘blacklisted,’ ‘cakewalk,’ ‘brown bag,’ grandfathered,’ and ‘sanity check’

Slay Magazine: An investigation, conducted by Omega4America, found that between 7% and 18% of registered voters in 26 U.S. states are fake – Their probe found that multiple states have large numbers of “phantom voters” registered on their rolls

March 26, 2024

Western Journal: Biden Says He’ll Use Taxpayer Money to Fix Baltimore Key Bridge – It cost about $141 million or about $735 million in 2024, adjusted for inflation

Market Watch: In its February monthly rent report, Realtor.com found that elevated mortgage rates and rising prices make home-buying more expensive than renting in America’s top 50 metropolitan areas

BBC: NBC News ousted former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, just days after her hiring as a paid political analyst, due to intense backlash from the network’s top television anchors – Ms McDaniel had been the Republican National Committee chairwoman since 2017 until she was replaced this month at the behest of Donald Trump allies

American Thinker: RFK Jr. Has A Running Mate, And She’s A Radical Leftist – Conservatives, we need to disabuse ourselves of the idea that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a moderate – Nicole Shanahan was previously Google royalty, having been married to a Google co-founder until last year, and is a leftist lawyer out of San Francisco…

Conservative Brief: Kari Lake has gotten another big boost in her bid to unseat Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema in November – Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz announced that he will throw his support behind Lake in the competitive Arizona Senate race

Pirate Wires: CA’s Architect of “Equity-Based Algebra” Is Accused of Academic Fraud – The state’s math framework is strongly influenced by the academic work of Jo Boaler, who is now accused of significantly distorting citations in research underpinning the framework…

One America News: In anticipation of a new $20 minimum wage law that will have a significant negative impact on food brands’ bottom lines when it goes into effect in April, a slew of fast-food restaurants in California are now beginning to fire employees and raise prices – Fast food restaurants, particularly pizza chains, and even higher-end food establishments have started to reduce staff to prepare for potential financial consequences

Vigilant News: A Recent Hail Storm Destroyed 10,000+ Acres of Solar Farms in Texas – Nearby residents are concerned the busted solar panels could be leaking highly toxic chemicals into the environment

Breitbart: ‘Mass Casualty Event’: 1.6 Mile Baltimore Bridge Collapses After Being Struck by Cargo Ship In The Early Morning – Loss of power caused the ship to veer into a major support structure

Breitbart: The Governor of Maryland has revealed there was enough time between the MV Dali issuing a distress call and the collision with the Baltimore bridge for traffic to be blocked from driving onto it, saving lives, but was evasive on many questions, including how many members of the public were on the bridge at the time of its collapse…

Western Journal: The Baltimore Bridge Collapse Is Even More Devastating Than It Seems – The Port of Baltimore is the major port serving Baltimore and Washington DC. All of the shipping north of the bridge is now trapped in place. No other shipping can get in. The tunnel shown has height and hazardous cargo restrictions, it can’t take the heavy trucking traffic that used the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which took YEARS to build back in the 1970s…

Front Page Magazine: Biden Covers Up China’s War on America – What began with Biden’s abandonment of the China Initiative in 2022 escalated into coverups – These cover-ups, in the name of anti-racism or diplomacy, allowed the Communist regime a clear field for spying on the United States while suppressing the story so Biden wouldn’t get blamed

Stone Cold Truth: The RINO Plan To Ban Trump From The 2024 Ballot Is Underway – Mike Gallagher joined the ranks of 14 other House Republicans who announced they will not seek re-election heading into 2024 – SCOTUS ruled that Congress, not individual States, can bar an individual from access to the Presidential ballot – Republicans need to maintain their majority in the House to protect Trump from being removed from the Presidential ballot…

The Federalist: New York’s Fraud Judgment Against Trump Is So Bad, Even His Biggest Critics Aren’t Defending It – An appeals court just gutted New York’s $454 million fine against Trump in ‘a fraud case in which there are no fraud victims’…

Bongino: Donald Trump’s net worth jumped to $6.4 billion on Monday after the merger between Digital World Acquisition Corp. and Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. was officially finalized – For the first time, Trump, 77, will be listed on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index of the world’s wealthiest 500 people

Western Journal: Trump’s Media Company Stock Price Skyrockets On The First Day of Public Trading – It was such a big hit that trading was briefly suspended – At 1 p.m. Tuesday, its stock was trading at $72.73 a share, and Trump himself owns about 60 percent of the company

American Thinker: President López Obrador proposed his border crisis fix – The United States should commit $20 billion a year to poor countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, lift sanctions on Venezuela, end the Cuban embargo, and legalize millions of law-abiding Mexicans living in the U.S. – The interviewer did not challenge President Lopez-Obrador on anything…

American Thinker: Just how much free stuff are illegals getting? – The list includes Free hotel rooms at $150+ a day, Three meals a day at $64 per person per diem, Free on-site medical & dental services (including condoms), Special diets for Ramadan, Free same-day dry cleaning, Free housekeeping, Free cell phones, chargers/charging ports, Free iPads, etc…

The Daily Caller: Biden Is Considering Granting Amnesty And Handing Out Green Cards To Illegal Immigrants – The plan would grant migrants who have been in the country for more than 10 years access to the cancellation of the removal program provided that they have relatives who would suffer if they were deported

Zero Hedge: The Democratic National Committee Moves To Block Third Party Candidates From 2024 Ballots – Robert Kennedy Jr., Cornell West, and Jill Stein. All three are liberal and are considered a threat to Joe Biden – The media does not appear at all alarmed or critical of the effort to limit democratic choice

Zero Hedge: Two Cheers for Vivek Ramaswamy’s Astute Commentary on the Fed – The Fed’s scope drifted to include “smoothing out” business cycles in the late 1990s, which was a big mistake as business cycles served a healthy function of transferring assets and employees of poorly run companies to more capable management – Even worse, the Fed’s actions often exacerbated business cycles by creating transitions that created boom-bust-bailout cycles instead

The Vigilant Fox: Tucker Carlson Asks Tulsi Gabbard How Politicians Are So Rich? – TUCKER CARLSON: “I have no clue at all how Nancy Pelosi is just so rich or how her stock picks are like way better than Warren Buffett’s – How does that happen?

Issues & Insights: Tulsi Gabbard For VP? – Donald Trump either has a short list or a long one, depending on the media source, in his search for a running mate. Either way, he could do a lot worse than Tulsi Gabbard. At least she knows, unlike many establishment Republicans, just how malicious Democrats are, since she used to be one and saw the depravity up close…

American Thinker: Another Reason Why Stakes are Sky-high this Autumn – By inhibiting energy exploration and production at home, Biden’s handlers have granted Putin greater leverage over global energy supplies – A black swan event may not have to be invented but happen unexpectedly as the result of factors and consequences unanticipated or poorly contemplated…

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey filed suit against Media Matters to force the nonprofit to turn over documents related to his investigation into its fraudulent business practices – Media Matters solicited donations under false representations to target X, formerly known as Twitter, in direct violation of the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act…

American Greatness: Most Americans Don’t Know About Laken Riley’s Murder – In broad daylight, the 22-year-old nursing student was brutally slain in an unprovoked attack – Venezuelan Jose Ibarra trespassed into America in September of 2022 and was arrested but allowed to remain in the US under the lax border policies of Joe Biden – Once properly informed of the true risks of uncontrolled immigration, all Americans will coalesce around the necessity of law-and-order at the border and on our country’s streets

Geller Report: A NYC Police Officer Was Shot Dead During A Traffic Stop By A Career Criminal Who Had 21 PRIOR ARRESTS – Guy Rivera, 34, is accused of shooting Officer Diller, who was struck in the torso, just below his bullet-resistant vest – Officials say Diller’s partner then fired at Rivera, striking him in the back

March 25, 2024

National Pulse: A survey by Center Square Voters’ Voice and Noble Predictive Insights indicates voters are overwhelmingly concerned about inflation, the economy, and illegal immigration as the 2024 presidential election cycle begins in earnest – Americans have consistently viewed incumbent President Joe Biden as weaker on all three voter issues compared to his challenger, former President Donald Trump…

Western Journal: Kamala Harris Accidentally Blurts Out the Real Truth About Gaza War While Trying to Talk Tough – Gazans could flee to Egypt, but they are not wanted there because Egypt, like Jordan to the east, wants no part of a Palestinian immigration influx…

American Spectator: The SEC Just Made Business Riskier With Woke Demands – The SEC adopted new reporting rules mandating material climate risk disclosures by public companies and in public offerings – The environment is only one pillar in the ESG trifecta – At some point in the future, the other pillars, social and governance, could also be made subject to reporting rules

Cal Matters: California’s insurance market is ‘in chaos,’ says a former insurance chief – Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara’s efforts to fix the home insurance market can’t come quickly enough – Lara has introduced two main regulations, with more to come – The first aims to streamline rate reviews – The second regulation will let insurers use catastrophe modeling…

The Center Square: The City of Berkeley, California to repeal the first U.S. natural gas ban after legal defeats at the hands of the California Restaurant Association, which establishes a national precedent – Following Berkeley’s ban, over 70 cities across California, including Los Angeles and San Francisco adopted similar ordinances

Just The News: The U.N. Security Council just passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza – The US is one of five “permanent” members of the 15-member council and a “no” vote by any one of five would have blocked the passage of the resolution – The resolution passed 14-0, with the U.S. abstaining

Geller Report: Prime Minister Netanyahu cancels the departure of an Israeli delegation for talks at the White House about Rafah after the U.S. abstains on a security council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages…

Washington Examiner: A New York appeals court on Monday reduced former President Donald Trump‘s civil fraud judgment to $175 million and granted a 10-day delay for him to pay the reduced bond – The appeals court’s decision came on the same day that the grace period for Trump to pay his $464 million civil fraud trial judgment from February was set to expire

Issues & Insights: 3.7 Million Have Fled Counties That Voted For Biden – The 10 counties that saw the biggest negative net migration also have one thing in common, they all voted for Biden in 2020 – Furthermore, of the 555 counties that voted for Biden, 343 (or 62%) lost population since 2020 and of the 2,589 counties that voted for Trump, 1,726 (or 67%) gained population

Breitbart: Boeing’s chief executive Dave Calhoun will leave the troubled aircraft manufacturer by the end of this year – His departure comes amid the single biggest safety crisis for Boeing since the crashes of two of its Max 8 jets in 2018 and 2019 – Larry Kellner, chair of Boeing’s board of directors, will also leave the role…

The Center Square: More than 11 million have illegally entered the U.S. since fiscal 2021 – This total is more than that of 43 individual U.S. states and roughly 150 countries – With February’s record 256,094 illegal border crossers, and more than 120,000 gotaways in the first quarter of fiscal 2024, the number of illegal border crossers in fiscal 2024 through February total more than 1.6 million, the highest in U.S. history…

American Conservative: Biden’s Parole Abuse Is Driving the Border Crisis – One Weird Trick Allowed a Million More Illegals into the Country – They were allowed to enter the U.S. under Biden administration programs based on humanitarian parole authority, which has been used parole on a historic scale since 2021

American Thinker: Trump Can Win Again On Building The Wall – We are adding tens of millions of migrants who are not assimilating and require resources we can no longer provide – Over 300,000 known illegals entering from all over the world, including from geopolitical adversaries like China…

Zero Hedge: Last week, the Fed confirmed that it intends to cut rates three times this year, despite the fact inflation is nowhere near its target of 2% and is turning back up – The very simple reason is it’s an election year and Powell’s Fed is stacked with political hacks

Victor Davis Hanson: Will DEI End America—or Will America End DEI? – At the nexus of most of America’s current crises, the diversity/equity/inclusion dogma can be found – Our future hinges on how quickly we discard DEI orthodoxy

Zero Hedge: Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned that central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) pave the way for an authoritarian government in America similar to the Chinese communist regime – For example, the Canadian government used facial recognition systems and other means to identify participants in the trucker blockade demonstration, and then they froze their bank accounts…

American Thinker: The FBI’s Otherwise Illegal Activity – How deeply is law enforcement interfering in the daily lives of American citizens? – For example, it was recently reported that the FBI labeled Americans who “support the biological basis for sex and gender distinction as potential domestic terrorists”…

American Thinker: Change in America – Virtually everything that can be done to strip away the political power of American citizens is being done – This is beneath the intense political friction that permeates our society…

Slay News: The City of Boston’s “Task Force on Reparations” has demanded that “white churches” pay out $15 billion to the black community for “racial inequities” – The task force, which was established by city officials and radical Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu, argues that Boston’s wealth was built on slavery…

American Thinker: Are ‘Brown Shirt’ Laws Coming to America? – The Democrat party’s current efforts to place illegal aliens into law enforcement positions presage a criminal justice system driven by partisan politics, not law and justice – The lessons of history remind us of the need to safeguard the institutions of law enforcement from becoming tools of political expediency…

American Thinker: Kamala Harris petitions our states to take a slice of a $750 million ‘investment’ pie to implement ‘red flag’ laws – On the heels of a Chicago judge ruling that illegal aliens can carry firearms, the regime works overtime to strip law-abiding citizens of our constitutionally-protected rights…

Western Journal: The DOJ Announces A National Red Flag Initiative – States with such laws include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington…

The Federalist: Substack Payment Processor Backs Off Demand For Bank Data From mRNA Scientist – Stripe initially told Dr. Robert Malone to turn over “historical transactions” with his bank to continue receiving income from his Substack newsletter with 320,000 subscribers

Slay News: The son of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Paul Jr., has reportedly managed to avoid criminal charges in yet another fraud case – This is at least the seventh time Pelosi Jr. has avoided legal trouble while prosecutors take down companies and business associates around him suffer substantial consequences for alleged criminal acts…

March 24, 2024

Breitbart: U.S. officials warned that President Joe Biden’s plan for the U.S. military to build a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza could endanger U.S. troops, even if he has pledged there will be no boots on the ground in Gaza – Current and former administration officials are worried the plan “carries security risks” and a U.S. military official fears someone could tuck a bomb on a truck with a timer or remote detonator and cause a catastrophe…

American Spectator: The US and Gaza Mission Creep – Are the dangers of sending US forces into a gruesome urban war worth Michigan’s 15 electoral votes? – Does anyone else recall the U.S. military intervention launched in 1993 to feed starving civilians in Mogadishu in 1993? – It ended with dead American soldiers littering the streets…

Intelligencer: The Polls Are Now Saying That RFK Jr. Is Hurting Biden And Helping Trump – RFK Jr.’s campaign is officially on the ballot in Utah so far, but it says that so far it has collected enough signatures to also qualify in Nevada, Hawaii, and New Hampshire...

Brownstone Institute: Four Years Later – What was the point of the hell we went through during the supposed COVID-19 epidemic? – How was it orchestrated and why did it last so long? – The lack of any real accountability or even so much as an apology is a foreshadowing that they will keep their newfound powers and try it all again down the road

Just The News: Electrifying trucking in the U.S. could cost as much as $1 trillion which would burden consumers since the costs to electrify trucking would ultimately be passed down to consumers – Trucks move nearly 73% of the nation’s freight by volume, meaning many goods will be impacted by the added expense of such a transition…

American Spectator: George Floyd Revisited Part I – Derek Chauvin Was Wrongfully Convicted – Derek Chauvin and his colleagues did not murder George Floyd

American Spectator: George Floyd Revisited Part II – The Regime Attacks Chauvin Defenders – Journalist Radley Balko accuses others of spreading false information while he withholds crucial evidence

Slay News: Climate alarmists and their corporate media allies are increasingly attempting to link major weather events to supposed “climate change” – However, a new study just debunked claims that “global warming” has caused an increase in hurricanes as it showed “there’s been no increase” in hurricanes at all…

Gatestone Institute: Biden’s Pier Is a Gift to Hamas Terrorists – There are mounting concerns that the Biden administration’s pier plan could ultimately boomerang especially as Netanyahu himself has warned if the US aid and the port itself end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists

American Greatness: Tony Bobulinski’s Testimony Is Unraveling Allegations of Biden Family Influence Peddling – Joe Biden has repeatedly denied ever talking to his son about his business dealings – Bobulinski shows that it was an outright lie

Free Thinking: Why Trump is Polling Ahead of Biden – The people in power now can’t solve the problem because they ARE the problem – No one lays it out better than RFK, Jr., who articulates what so many Americans have felt for a long time now – It’s 9 minutes but it’s worth a listen

Brownstone Institute: Why the Department of Justice Wants to Take Down Apple – It’s about bringing new media into the government propaganda fold – Apple is the main distributor of podcasts in America and the world, just behind Spotify (which is foreign-controlled) – If their ambition is to increase control of public opinion, the need more control of this venue…

FAR: The Democrats’ Great Replacement Plan – Elon Musk recently posted the shocking video below, produced by Western Lensman, that explains the Democrats’ 7-step plan to solidify their power for the foreseeable future – It is well worth one minute and thirty-nine seconds of your time…

Zero Hedge: Biden’s Border Blowup – Some 8 to 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world, as expected, have flooded across the border since President Joe Biden took office – America must have some knowledge of the background of immigrants, especially whether they have criminal records, belong to gangs, are importing drugs, carry infectious diseases, or can be self-supporting, rather than a drag on our economy…

The Daily Fetched: A recent survey indicated that a majority of voters who supported Joe Biden in 2020 no longer want him on the ballot for 2024 – According to a Redfield and Wilton Strategies poll, three-quarters of Biden voters support Michelle Obama – Biden’s reelection prospects look more dismal in the light of growing concerns about his mental health…

Zero Hedge: Mob Rule Versus Survival Of The West – It’s been hard to watch the effects of forced diversity, multiculturalism, and mass immigration on the tiny island of Great Britain – Paul Joseph Watson recently shared a genius chart detailing the rise of mob rule in London – America we still have so much land area that most people are not yet feeling the coming effects, bet it is on the way…

Zero Hedge: China Is The Behind Super Highway That Targets US With Mass Migration And Economic Warfare – The new project has worried some who fear completing the road into the Darién Gap will be a win for China and a loss for America as U.S. leaders grow increasingly wary of the military implications tied to Chinese infrastructure projects being built in America’s backyard

Zero Hedge: CIA Secrecy On JFK Assassination Records Point To Criminal Culpability – How in the world can “national security” be threatened by the release of records that are more than 60 years old, regardless of what definition is placed on that nebulous term?

March 23, 2024

Western Journal: A New “Stay Away” Sign at Border Lists New Media Restrictions After A Video Shows Migrants Overwhelming Soldiers on US Soil – “MEMBERS OF MEDIA,” the sign shows in all caps, “Please stay off the ramp and away from the sliding gate”

One America News: President Joe Biden has signed the $1.2 trillion spending package to keep the government open – On Saturday, Biden signed the bill for the spending package just hours after the Senate passed it

Legal News Line: The DOJ Launches the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center – AG Garland says the Center aims to support the implementation of ERPO laws, which allow for temporary prohibitions on individuals at risk of harming themselves or others from purchasing and possessing firearms…

Zero Hedge: A partial US government shutdown was averted Saturday morning as the Senate approved a $1.2 trillion spending package which will go to President Biden’s desk later today – The passage of the 1,012-page bill in a 74 to 24 vote concludes several months of drama on Capitol Hill centered around Republicans demanding deeper spending cuts as the national debt recently skyrocketing to over $34.578 trillion…

Zero Hedge: Russia and China have sealed a deal with Iran-backed Houthis to allow their commercial vessels to transit the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden without fear of drone and or missile attacks – A source said China and Russia reached a deal with diplomats in Oman with Mohammed Abdel Salam, one of the Houthis’ top political leaders…

The Center Square: The number of illegal border crossers has increased significantly since DHS Secretary Mayorkas implemented a range of policies he said were designed to reduce “irregular migration” and create a “legal pathway” for foreign nationals to come to the U.S. – February of this year broke a record of 256,094 total illegal border crossings nationwide, the highest for the month in U.S. history…

Gatestone Institute: Biden Administration’s Jitterbug with Iran’s Regime – When Crime Does Pay, Spectacularly – The recent decision to shower Iran, the “leading state sponsor of global terrorism,” with yet another $10 billion in sanctions waivers, “freeing up $10 billion elsewhere to spend on terrorism, missiles, nuclear weapons and the repression of Iranian women,” defies logic and morality…

American Greatness: It’s time for Israel to show the 47-minute video of the October 7 attack to the world – Israel must directly confront the global protesters, those who demand a ceasefire to let Hamas win and live to massacre another day, and those spineless politicians and academic administrators who appease the radicals, with what it is they all are supporting…

Breitbart: Russia on Saturday said it had arrested 11 people, including four gunmen, over the attack on a Moscow concert hall claimed by the Islamic State, as the death toll rose to 115 – Russia’s FSB security service said some of the perpetrators had fled towards the Russia-Ukraine border, adding that the assailants had “appropriate contacts” in the country…

American Thinker: Leftists are terrified of free speech because it truly is the voice of the people – Leftists were never about the ‘little people’ being free, rather they were always about controlling the ‘little people’, and free speech makes that impossible – A recent editorial in Canada’s The Globe and Mail, their version of the New York Times, has an editorial boldly titled, “Excessive free speech is a breeding ground for more Trumps”

The Daily Fetched: Republicans RINOs hellbent on stopping Donald Trump are sacrificing their positions by resigning to “reduce the Republican majority” in Congress – The same thing happened in 2018 when “RINOs bowed out in droves, handing over the reins of the House to the Democrats on a silver platter…

American Thinker: Destroying the American System of Justice – How is it possible that someone with Trump’s extraordinary accomplishments could be brought down by two vile and inconsequential persons such as Letitia James and Arthur Engoron? – To begin with, James’ fraud case against Trump is a farce as there is no crime and no victim – If they can get away with this partisan assault on someone like Trump, imagine what they will do to you and me in pursuit of their leftist policies…

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Shadowgate Documentary – “Shadowgate” reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public – The shadow government consists of government contractors and defense and intelligence officials who are stealing the personal data collected by the NSA on all Americans, and have privatized and weaponized its use…

Zero Hedge: ‘Gender Science’ Was Merely Ideology All Along – England’s National Health Service (NHS) has decided that children diagnosed with gender dysphoria will no longer receive puberty blockers because “there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness … to make the treatment routinely available at this time”

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: BLOODBATH EDITION – Has there ever been a greater example of media malpractice and hostility than the way Trump’s mention of a “bloodbath” for the auto industry under Biden was twisted…

March 22, 2024

American Spectator: Is Chuck Schumer Motivated by Honor or Power? – Democrats are instigators of the disastrous Obama turn to support Iran, by which, slice by slice, the Israel alliance is being severed – Whatever his motivation, he has bet on the wrong pony…

American Conservative: Johnson’s Speakership Is On Life Support After MTG Filed A Motion To Vacate – The $1.2 trillion minibus is headed to the Senate, but will House Speaker Mike Johnson be headed for the door? – We threw out a speaker for supposedly breaking the rules, and now we have a new speaker who is breaking all the rules, so what changed?

Western Journal: Three Months After The Dish Network Chair Donated $113,000 to Biden, the Company Got Great News from the DOJ – The DOJ intervened to send a $3.3 billion lawsuit against Dish Network into legal limbo, ending claims by Vermont Telephone that Dish and other companies wrongly manipulated FCC rules to obtain wireless communication licenses

American Spectator: The LGBTQ Conquest of America – The mind boggles, reels, and whirs at the speed with which the LGBTQ agenda has swept across America – Young people are identifying as LGBTQ even when they’re not…

Breitbart: An Ongoing Terrorist Shootout at Moscow Concert Mall and Concert Hall – The Russian FSB security service announced it had documented at least 40 killed and over 100 injured in the attack – Some reports indicated that, less than a week ago, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow warned that it had information suggesting terrorists would target concert venues soon

Zero Hedge: The Islamic State (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the Moscow terrorist attack according to a report by the Amaq news agency – We will update this story as further details are confirmed

Axios: Donald Trump claims he has almost $500 million in cash as a deadline looms to pay an appeal bond in the New York civil fraud case against him – New York Attorney General Letitia James, who brought the suit, has already moved toward seizing Trump’s properties as the clock ticks for him to post the $454 million bond on Monday

Daily Signal: By a vote of 286-134 over conservatives’ objections, the House passed a $1.2 trillion spending package late Friday morning, avoiding a partial government shutdown but putting House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., in jeopardy of losing the speakership – The bill now goes to the Senate, where it is expected to pass because Democrats have a working 51-49 majority with three independents

Slay Magazine: Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan says a whistleblower’s evidence “seems to corroborate our concerns” about the CIA interfering in the investigations into Hunter Biden by the IRS and DOJ – According to the whistleblower, the CIA “intervened in the investigation of Hunter Biden to prevent the IRS and DOJ from interviewing a witness…

American Greatness: Speaker Johnson Counters The Democrat Attacks Against Netanyahu By Inviting Him to Address Congress – Johnson’s invitation was the perfect response to these cowardly moves by the Biden administration and Schumer to throw Prime Minister Netanyahu under the bus to boost Biden’s reelection chances…

American Thinker: About those innocent Palestinian civilians – Even as Hamas’s policies impoverish the Palestinians, and worse, result in making rubble of their homes, and result in the deaths of their children, despite all that, the sole focus of most Gazans is their hatred of Israel and Jews, and America…

Breitbart: Donald Trump stands to get a windfall of $3.5 billion now that shareholders of Digital World Acquisition Corp. approved a merger with his Truth Social on Friday – The long-delayed merger came after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved it last month – This means that Trump’s company Trump Media & Technology Group will trade on the stock market under the stock ticker “DJT” as early as next week

Breitbart: The Ukrainian government is reportedly considering an end to its “International Sponsors of War” blacklist, which lists major companies that are passively funding the Russian invasion by continuing to do business in Russia because China and France strongly object to the naming and shaming of their corporations

Powerline: BOBBING ALONG – In his opening statement to the House Oversight Committee earlier this week, Tony Bobulinski torched Representatives Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin – Professor Jonathan Turley takes it from there in this highly recommended column that he has now posted here…

American Thinker: The GOP seems to be on the verge of capitulating before the Democrats, once again! – It’s the same old (spending) song and dance, broken down into a series of political theater stages – In the final stage, GOP leaders coerce skeptical lawmakers to vote for a slightly revised package, and it is passed – Part of the GOP is relieved that they won’t be attacked on MSNBC and in the NYT for causing a shutdown…

Breitbart: Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion that could force a vote to strip the gavel from Speaker Mike Johnson – The motion is not privileged, which means the House will not immediately hold a vote on the motion – Greene filed the motion shortly before the House voted on a $1.2 trillion minibus spending bill Friday morning, violating rules intended to give lawmakers adequate time to review the legislation…

American Thinker: The Impact of China-Linked Contractors on U.S. Security – Earlier this year, the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee called for a probe into federal contracts involving private consulting companies that work for both the U.S. government and the Chinese government, warning of the potential for major national security risks…

The Federalist: It’s Time To Stop The Border Invasion And Get Tough On Mexico – Mexico isn’t a partner or a friend on our southern border, but rather an antagonist, so it’s time we treat it as such – What began as a crisis created by the Biden administration’s lax border policies is now an open conflict careening toward disaster…

The Daily Fetched: Someone sent a drone over an abandoned airfield in Brooklyn, NY, and discovered a massive migrant that has been hidden from the public – The video showed sprawling tent cities, which hammered home the sheer scale of the illegal alien crisis under Joe Biden’s watch

American Conservative: Securing the Border Is America’s Priority Number One – The current surge is easy to blame on Biden, but there are certain Republicans who must also take responsibility – The country needs GOP legislators who will get out of their way so progress can be made…

American Thinker: From Illegal Alien Invaders to Newcomers And Then, to Democrats – The Democrats, through their immigration policies and outright instructions to illegal aliens, are lining up a new voting class to gain perpetual power – Even if all these illegal invaders don’t vote blue, their presence benefits the Democrat party due census reports that results in Democrat states getting more seats in the House of Representatives…

The Daily Fetched: Home Foreclosures Reach Unprecedented Levels as Biden Touts A ‘Strong Economy’ – According to a new report published by real estate data provider ATTOM, there were 32,938 properties in February with foreclosure filings, which includes default notices, scheduled auctions, and bank repossessions, an 8% increase from the prior year…

American Thinker: And Now They Will Vote Democrat In November – The student loan story provides a new episode and new beneficiaries for a Democrat president that is trailing in the polls – The White House has approved the cancellation of nearly $6 billion in federal student debt for thousands of public service workers – The 78,000 eligible public service workers include teachers, nurses, and firefighters, according to the White House…

American Thinker: Can Letitia James handle the rough world of property management and all that goes with it? – Government entities always fail at private-sector tasks because the devil is in the details – Here are some potential details state or municipal bureaucrats would never see coming – It appears the overhead cost for New York State and the affected municipalities outweighs their assumed financial gain…

2ndSmartestGuy: The FDA Loses Its War On Ivermectin & Agrees To Remove ALL Social Media Posts & Consumer Directives Regarding Ivermectin & COVID, Including Its Most Popular Tweet Ever – The FDA, CDC, WHO, the Intelligence Industrial Complex and their One World Government handlers always knew that Ivermectin would stop their mRNA Gain of Function virus dead in its tracks...

American Greatness: Big Pharma Is More Woke Than You Imagine – Big Pharma serves as a cash cow for the left and pushes woke ideas on its employees and the country – This may explain why Democrats, who act like they hate Big Pharma, continue to serve the pharmaceutical industry’s interests…

Breitbart: “Our Voices as Women, Were Silenced” – A Senate Committee Releases Report on The ‘Helplessness’ Felt by Female Athletes Due to Trans Inclusion – The issue of transgender inclusion in women’s sports took on a heightened sense of urgency last year after the Biden Administration sought to expand Title IX,  the law designed to prevent sex-based discrimination in education and sports that receive federal funds,  to include gender identity along with biological sex…

Front Page Magazine: Goodbye Candace Part 2 – The Daily Wire dumps Candace Owens – Candace became quite wealthy as a social media influencer and instead of being a serious conservative activist, Candace spent all her time chasing clicks and more clout by doing whatever would get her attention, while lashing out at even the slightest criticism…

California Globe: In an announcement on Thursday, the largest property and casualty insurance company in California, State Farm Insurance, announced that 30,000 property insurance and 42,000 commercial apartment policies would not be renewed throughout the state, effectively removing 2% of all policies from California – The parameters for non-renewal have not yet been made publicly

March 21, 2024

Washington Free Beacon: China Is Building Up Military At A Rapid Pace As It Eyes A Taiwan Takeover – Admiral John Aquilino, head of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, testified before the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday and said, “All indications point to the [People’s Liberation Army] meeting President Xi Jinping’s directive to be ready to invade Taiwan by the year 2027”

Breitbart: The Biden administration released a Venezuelan national after briefly detaining him for illegally crossing the border into Texas even though he was on Interpol’s most wanted list for murder, extortion, and drug dealing in Colombia – The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended Aderbis Segundo Pirela-Pirela after he illegally crossed the border at Eagle Pass, Texas…

PJ Media: Google Invents a New Way to Stick It to Trump – They redefined the meaning of “bloodbath” in their search results…

Western Journal: New York’s $454 Million Fine Could Soon Be Chump Change for Trump as He Nears a Multi-Billion Windfall – The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that he is in line for a nearly $3.5 billion windfall if his Truth Social social media platform goes public…

One America News: Around 600 Illegal Immigrants Charge And Break Through Razor Wire And Cross The Border Into Texas – The migrants overwhelmed Texas National Guard troops at the El Paso southern border – A few hours after SCOTUS allowed a Texas law to take effect that gave authorities the right to arrest individuals who they suspect had entered the country illegally, a federal appeals court issued an order that now puts the law, SB4, on hold…

American Spectator: Biden’s New Electric Vehicle Policy Will Drive US Auto Workers Out of Jobs – Progressive Climate Regulations Could Cost Biden votes in Rust Belt states come November – Consumers have clearly shown that they don’t want electric vehicles, in part due to the substantial technical and logistical baggage they entail, but that hasn’t stopped the Biden administration…

Brownstone Institute: The WHO Pandemic Agreement, A Guide – The World Health Organization (WHO) and its 194 Member States have been engaged for over two years in the development of two ‘instruments’ or agreements with the intent of radically changing the way pandemics and other health emergencies are managed by putting them in complete control – One should keep in mind that most of their funding comes from a few countries with major Pharma industrial bases, or private investors and corporations in the same industry…

American Spectator: Free Speech on Trial – Few misadventures in government have met their demise so quickly, or in such humiliating fashion, as the Department of Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Governance Board” – The board, launched in April 2022, purportedly to “coordinate countering misinformation related to homeland security…

Western Journal: Medicaid-Style Entitlements In Illinois Are Being Stripped from Undocumented Immigrants in Brutal About Turn – Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker decided to roll back the programs significantly after their projected costs rose over $1 billion for 2024…

Western Journal: The California Audit Reveals What We All Knew About the State – The state had liabilities of $55 billion above its total resources – Despite post-pandemic job growth in its lucrative high-tech industry, California still did not come close to achieving a balanced budget

Washington Post: Two major American newspaper chains will no longer use the Associated Press for news – Gannett, the publisher of USA Today and more than 200 local newspapers, along with McClatchy, which publishes the Miami Herald and Kansas City Star among more than two dozen other newspapers, said they were ending their content relationship with the AP – In memos to staff and public statements, executives with both companies described it as a cost-saving move

Powerline: INSIDE THE BIDEN FAMILY BUSINESS – Tony Bobulinski testified under oath before the House Oversight Committee yesterday – The Democrats sought to turn his appearance into a circus – You can see a few of the highlights and lowlights here…

Dennis Prager: Israel As ‘A Pariah’ Among the World’s Nations – Had Senator Schumer told the truth, he would have said “Israel’s being a pariah among the world’s nations tells us much more about the world’s nations than about Israel” – If Israel is a pariah among the nations then they are morally wrong and Israel is morally right about the war this tiny Jewish country is waging in Gaza against Hamas…

American Thinker: Netanyahu concisely describes Israel’s accomplishments, goals, and commitment – Bibi gave a concise speech explaining why Israel must fight its war, how it’s fighting its war, what it has achieved, what it has yet to achieve, how it’s handling and will handle Gaza’s civilian population, and why anti-Israel news broadcast in America is false (and deliberately so)…

Zero Hedge: CPI inflation in February accelerated for the second month in a row – Consumer Price Index inflation rose 3.2 percent year over year during February, without seasonal adjustment – That’s the thirty-sixth month in a row of inflation well above the Fed’s arbitrary 2 percent inflation target

American Thinker: The Real Reason Boeing Is In The News – Look toward China, and the China-loving Biden administration – China’s new knock-off passenger jet is waiting for approval as a replacement for the Boeing 737, and the Biden administration is only too willing to help the Chinese by demonizing an American manufacturer and ignore national security implications…

Geller Report: The House Appropriations Committee just released a $1.2 trillion government spending bill – Included in this trillion-dollar boondoggle is taxpayer monies earmarked and funneled to Briarpatch Youth Services, which gives 13-year-old kids chest binders, tuck equipment, “counseling” all without parental consent

Resist The Mainstream: Immigration judges have dismissed deportation cases against approximately 200,000 migrants under President Biden due to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) failure to file the necessary paperwork before their scheduled court appearances

American Thinker: How Many Millions of Illegal Aliens in the Country Does the Democrat Party Need to Destroy America? – Mark Hewitt, a former Border Patrol agent explains why there are more migrants than the statistics say, and why the Democrats want to keep them coming in – Trump has had to learn the hard way what triggered the Democrats’ response back then and what they were truly up to now…

American Thinker: The towering, mind-boggling, arrogance of Mexico – As if it were protecting cartel profits, Mexico reaffirmed a sovereign ‘right’ to send as many illegals as it liked across our U.S. border, but upbraided the state of Texas for asserting a counter-right in a law to send them back the same way they came…

Zero Hedge: A coalition of 24 states led by Tennessee is opposing a new rule proposed by the Department of Labor (DOL) aimed at integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles into the National Apprenticeship System – NAS provided taxpayer money is not to be used for racial discrimination yet the proposed DEI plan would effectively require program sponsors, State Apprenticeship Agencies, and participating employers to treat people differently based on the color of their skin

Breitbart: Trump’s Lawyers Rip Letitia James for Denial Request of $454M Bond Appeal – It would be completely illogical — and the definition of an unconstitutional Excessive Fine and a Taking — to require Defendants to sell properties at all, and especially in a “fire sale,” to be able to appeal the lawless Supreme Court judgment, as that would cause harm that cannot be repaired once the Defendants do win, as is overwhelmingly likely, on appeal

American Conservative: Thus Far, Trump Has Huge Coattails, The Best Coattails – Trump’s chosen candidates are winning from the top to the bottom of the ballot – On Tuesday, Trump’s chosen candidates beat expectations – Nowhere was that clearer than in Ohio’s senate primary…

Western Journal: Colorado Republican Representative Ken Buck “hasn’t been with conservatives on several major issues” recently – That’s one of the reasons why Buck was voted out of the House Freedom Caucus Tuesday night

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden’s Border Blowup – In the last four years, the Biden administration has violated every historical canon critical to ensuring legal immigration enriches the United States – Some 8 to 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world, as expected, have flooded across the border since Joe Biden took office…

American Thinker: A new Biden regulation will make gas cars effectively illegal by 2030 – Every aspect of modern life is dependent on hydrocarbons and, when hydrocarbons are burned for energy, they produce CO2 – If you control CO2 outputs, you control everything – In a joint announcement Wednesday, the WH and EPA unveiled the most aggressive multi-pollutant emission standards ever finalized…

American Thinker: AI Is Rigged – If you’re looking for unbiased, reliable information, look elsewhere – I asked a simple question – “How long does it take to re-fuel a gas-powered car?” – In return, I received an incorrect time and a glorification of EVs…

The Canadian Independent: PM Justin Trudeau, speaking at the Summit for Democracy said today, “We are seeing growing distrust in government and media, and increased polarization exacerbated by misinformation & disinformation”

Benjamin Weingarten: What we call a “Group Quota Regime” is an emerging totalitarianism – Like all such regimes, this regime must maintain its narrative and silence anyone challenging it – Consequently, woke radicals have developed, throughout two elections and the COVID-19 pandemic, a vast, opaque, and intricate narrative-control apparatus — We call this the “Censorship-Industrial Complex” (CIC)…

City Journal: Narcan Babies – There is a pamphlet that discourages doctors and nurses from reporting mothers for substance abuse or babies born exposed to drugs – It is published by a group called If/When/How: Lawyers for Reproductive Justice – If/When/How focuses mostly on abortion access, but the group has plenty to say about law enforcement, too…

American Thinker: Why are American youths so unhappy? – At least that’s what a new Gallup survey is causing people to ask – Maybe it’s that they love socialism so much – Life is complex, if not complicated so there can be numerous reasons for youthful discontent, such as…

Issues & Insights: The USPS is spending nearly $10 billion to purchase 100,000 delivery vehicles, more than half of which will be electric – Rather than explain its extravagant spending decisions, the USPS has gone into full CIA mode and insists on redacting basic information about its purchases even after a FOIA request from the Taxpayers Protection Alliance Foundation…

Cal Matters: California has one of the nation’s broadest laws to clear criminal records, and it’s about to expand even more – California is clearing criminal records, including for violent crimes, to offer second chances

March 20, 2024

Breitbart: A new poll of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research shows that 71% still approve of the terror attack by Hamas on October 7 –  This result is almost unchanged since the same poll was taken late last year, though there were some geographic changes

One America News: The House Judiciary Committee is launching an inquiry into a Haitian national charged with the rape of a 15-year-old girl in Rockland, Massachusetts – Cory Alvarez was reportedly flown over to the states as part of the Biden Administration’s CHNV program, which allows Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan migrants to come to the U.S. legally for up to two years…

The Maine Wire: Don Lemon Told Elon Musk There Is “No Evidence” That DEI Lowers Standards – Here’s Some Evidence – Elon correctly explains why lowering the standards for medical care in the name of inclusivity is a terrible idea – Ben Shapiro highlighted some of the DEI standard changes in medicine last month – DEI will get people killed

James Roguski: Can you smell the desperation? – The negotiations regarding the so-called “Pandemic Treaty” are currently being held in Geneva – The prominent people listed below support the signing of the treaty, even before it has been finalized – WHY would they do this?

Breitbart: Israel struck five senior Hamas operatives in the city of Rafah, in southern Gaza, on Monday, despite the public opposition by the Biden administration to Israeli attacks, and demands for prior approval by Washington – The senior operatives managed the terror organization’s activities in humanitarian zones and were responsible for coordination with Hamas operatives in the field

Fox News With Live Updates: House holds a public hearing on Biden family ‘influence peddling’ with ex-Hunter Biden associates – Representative Nancy Mace, R-S.C., used her allotted time to fire off an intense round of “yes or no” questions aimed at President Biden’s involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings…

Resist The Mainstream: Former Republican congressman Ron Paul, during an interview with Tucker Carlson that aired Tuesday, said Americans should prepare for another “very, very dangerous” black swan event on the horizon – When asked by Carlson what Americans should do to prepare, Paul responded, “I think the most important thing they can do is understand what’s going on”

Slay News: Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski Testifies Hunter Biden Perjured Himself Multiple Times – Bobulinski, who famously revealed that Democrat President Joe Biden was the business partner known as “the big guy” testified on Capitol Hill that Hunter Biden perjured himself multiple times

Western Journal: Former President Donald Trump signaled that his next legal move may be to invoke his federal constitutional right against excessive fines as he faces a Monday deadline to turn over $464 million in the New York civil fraud case brought by Democrat state Attorney General Letitia James – Engoron concluded that Trump’s company, The Trump Organization, inflated the value of its properties to get better loan terms…

Washington Examiner: Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee permitted on Wednesday former President Donald Trump and seven other co-defendants to appeal his decision that kept District Attorney Fani Willis on the 2020 election interference case – McAfee granted a “certificate of immediate review,” which is one part of a two-step process for Trump and others to appeal the judge’s recent decision to keep Willis on the case

Geller Report: The RNC slapped Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguliar with a lawsuit alleging the state has “impossibly high” voter registration rolls – The lawsuit alleges that the state of Nevada is failing to maintain the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) which mandates that voter rolls must keep “clean and accurate voter registration records”

Breitbart: Donald Trump, ‘Safety and Security’ Are Driving Women And Minority Voters to Me and The GOP, Away from ‘Lunatic’ Biden and Democrats – Trump is right that major swings are happening in these key demographics away from Biden and Democrats toward him and Republicans…

Breitbart: Biden’s Unhappy America, The U.S. Hits A New Low In The World Happiness Report – The U.S. at 23rd, has fallen out of the top 20 for the first time since the World Happiness Report was first published in 2012 – “In the US, happiness or subjective wellbeing has decreased in all age groups, but especially for young adults”…

Texas blocked—again—from being able to arrest and deport Illegals – American Thinker: Hours after the Supreme Court gave Texas officials permission to jail and prosecute migrants suspected of crossing the U.S. southern border without authorization, an appeals court late Tuesday blocked the state from enforcing its controversial immigration law known as SB4…

American Thinker: Another day and another cartel fighting cartel for territory in Mexico – Insecurity” is the number-one issue south of the border – Nobody knows for sure how much territory is run by the cartels, but it’s a lot more than people want to admit…

American Conservative: What Is the GOP Position on TikTok Now? – Will the new TikTok bill prove that conservatives can wield government power effectively, or will it blow up in their faces? – On its face, it is written as narrowly as possible to apply directly to TikTok without being a bill of attainder, which would be unconstitutional…

American Thinker: Judge McAfee Ruling Is The Latest Blow to Public Trust in Government – In a decision that stated facts and then reached conclusions unsupported by those facts, the judge again showed that we Americans have no reason to trust the government – There was plenty of sordid testimony about Willis’ unprofessional conduct and poor decision-making, much of that testimony coming from Willis and Wade themselves…

American Thinker: Call it the ‘Autocratic’ Party – The lust for power within the Democrat party is absolute, with Democracy being replaced – Call it socialism or Marxism, call it globalism or autocracy, but whatever it is, it IS NOT democracy – Beginning in the early years of the 20th century, the narrative of the Democratic party began to subtly change as they pushed the “Fear of the Unknown”…

American Thinker: The State of American Health Care – Wokery will be the death of the American health care system – Under the term “health equity” the only parameter that matters appears to be a person’s melanin level, not their need for timely and informed medical treatment…

American Thinker: There’s A Deadly Race War Raging In America – What’s most terrible and tragic about it is that Democrats deliberately seeded this war to gain political advantage – George Floyd’s death in 2020 sent race relations into a tailspin. With the riots and the shilling for BLM by everyone from the NFL to Microsoft to congressional Democrats…

Washington Examiner: The Biden administration scales back electric vehicle targets in final auto emissions rule – The EPA will require EVs to make up 67% of new vehicle sales by 2032 but will now allow automakers to do so using other mixes of vehicles, including plug-in hybrids and improved internal combustion engine vehicles, in addition to pure battery electric vehicles

American Thinker: Parents of U.C. Berkeley students hired private security to protect their children – “SafeBears” a private security program on the university’s campus with over 1,300 Berkeley “parents and community allies working to improve safety” for students on campus…

Zero Hedge: QE By A Different Name Is Still QE – The Fed added Quantitative Easing to its monetary policy toolbox in 2008 when the financial system was imploding – It was sold to the public as a one-time, emergency operation to stabilize the banking system and economy, but there have been four additional rounds, culminating with the mind-boggling $5 trillion operation in 2020 and 2021

Zero Hedge: The DOJ Mulling Plea Deal For Assange: WikiLeaks Founder Could Finally Walk Free – A Wednesday WSJ report says, “The U.S. Justice Department is considering whether to allow Julian Assange to plead guilty to a reduced charge of mishandling classified information, according to people familiar with the matter

Breitbart: California Democrats are pushing SB 1160 to replace the current one-time gun registration system with a once-a-year registration requirement, coupled with a fee to the state – Democrats pledge to use the fee to fund the state’s gun registration system

March 19, 2024

Washington Free Beacon: A top Chinese diplomat emphasized China’s relationship with Hamas during the first meeting between a Chinese official and a Hamas leader since the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel – China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs envoy, Wang Kejian, met with the head of Hamas’s political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in Qatar on Sunday

The Texas Tribute: The Supreme Court permits Texas police to arrest people who illegally cross the border as the SB 4 legal clash continues – The ruling allows Texas to start enforcing SB 4 while a lawsuit over its constitutionality remains pending before a federal appeals court

The Washington Post: On Tuesday, the Supreme Court cleared Texas to enforce a law that would allow it to arrest illegal immigrants on state, rather than federal, charges and deport them – The law calls for deported immigrants to be sent to ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border, but the Mexican government announced that it would not accept immigrants deported by Texas

City Journal: A Crackdown on Religious Organizations – The Biden Administration’s New Rule Targets Faith-Based Groups – Two aspects of the new rule are particularly problematic – The first concerns the so-called “direct-indirect” funding distinction – The second problematic change is the administration’s scaling back of faith-based groups’ freedom to select employees who share their religious mission and worldview…

Breitbart: “Only half of New Yorkers plan to stay in the city, according to the survey of more than 6,600 New York City households,” reported the far-left New York Times – When asked, “How would you rate the quality of life in New York City overall?” only 29.8 percent said “excellent” or “good.” That’s down from 51.2 percent in 2017 and 50.9 percent in 2008

Newsmax: Chuck Schumer and Mike Johnson Say A Spending Deal Has Been Reached – The last sticking point was funding for the DHS, as a surge in migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border has become a major issue – The actual legislative text of the agreement, which must be finalized before lawmakers can vote on it, is still being completed

The Center For Immigration Studies: Preventing a New Haitian Migration Crisis – SCOTUS has ruled that aliens on the high seas may be returned without hearings – What the Biden administration does next will determine whether the total collapse of Haiti sets off a marine mass migration crisis for the United States – The first boats full of people fleeing state collapse are on the way toward the Florida shoreline right now…

Zero Hedge: In Blow To Biden, The US Supreme Court Allows Texas To Start Arresting And Deporting Illegal Aliens – The Supreme Court on Tuesday dealt a blow to the Biden administration’s attempts to keep the US border open by allowing Texas to enforce a new law giving local police the power to arrest illegal migrants…

Powerline: NETANYAHU’S CASE – Israeli government representatives have been summoned by the Biden administration to meet in Washington next week – Yesterday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Biden had specifically criticized Netanyahu’s plans to attack Hamas in Rafah and Hamas could be defeated without an invasion of Rafah, but did not elaborate as to how Biden proposed to convince Hamas to surrender without a fight…

Breitbart: Netanyahu to Biden, Sullivan, “There Is No Way Other than A Rafah Invasion” – For weeks, President Joe Biden has spoken out against a potential Israeli attack on Hamas in Rafah, a city in Gaza near the Egyptian border that is the terrorist organization’s last stronghold

Western Journal: Former President Barack Obama paid a visit to London on Monday where he met with U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak – The two spent time together at Sunak’s private government residence on Downing Street, but the details of what exactly was discussed between the pair were not revealed

American Greatness: Gaza Humanitarian Aid Port is a Terrible Idea – The Gaza mission would likely end in tears and lost lives, and it would also risk direct conflict with both Hamas and the IDF while providing very little tangible help to the Palestinians

Zero Hedge: Three Fantasyland Budget Projections By The Fed, Biden, And Congress – What’s the key item that’s wrong in the following telling table of GDP, inflation, unemployment, and interest rate projections? – Has the US Consumer Finally Waved the White Flag on Spending? – What about Inflation, Budget Deficits, and CBO Budget Deficit Projections?…

Breitbart: Donald Trump Says The $454M Bond Requirement Could Force A Real Estate Fire Sale And Is ‘ELECTION INTERFERENCE’ – Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley believes this financial predicament is a form of “mob justice” that could find its way to the Supreme Court…

Resist The Mainstream: Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann ignited controversy with his recent remarks regarding the possibility of a Donald Trump assassination – Reacting to a video shared by a Biden-Harris campaign account featuring Trump’s comparison of himself to Abraham Lincoln at an Ohio rally, Olbermann remarked, “There’s always the hope,” in response to a mention of Lincoln’s assassination…

American Thinker: Immunity Is Not So Simple – The Left opened the presidential immunity door, so now let them deal with the results – #1. The question of Presidential immunity in criminal cases has never been decided and has never come up before because until now we never had such a weaponization of government by multiple indictments of a past President and a current candidate…

Conservative Brief: Peter Navarro, a former adviser to then-President Donald Trump, cannot remain free and must begin his prison sentence even as he appeals his contempt of Congress conviction, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled late Monday – Navarro was convicted in federal court in September after he refused to provide testimony and documents to the Nancy Pelosi-selected January 6 Committee...

American Thinker: Democrats Cannot Win a Fraud-Free Election – While all mainstream networks focus on Trump’s alleged negatives, they pale in comparison to those of Biden and his party – The neocon faction of the Republican Party claims this election will be a referendum on Trump, but the real referendum will be on Joe Biden and the Democrat party as a whole…

American Thinker: Let’s Hope Donald Trump Wins – He “will not give a penny” to Ukraine if he is re-elected U.S. President, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after a meeting with Trump in Florida – This would be the first great step towards the attainment of peace because it is obvious that Ukraine cannot stand on its own feet…

American Thinker: A victory against child-corrupting Marxists in Louisiana – Parents have been bullied, marginalized, shouted down…but in Louisiana, they’re fighting back against a teaching methodology that fuses radical-left politics into the curriculum, with discussions about LGBT, racism, and DIE, code for the tenets of Critical Race Theory…

Breitbart: Trump Considers A Possible Campaign Stop at A Mothballed Virginia Factory to Highlight Biden’s ‘Made in America’ Screwups – Blue Star’s CEO Scott Maier told Breitbart News recently that he would welcome Trump to tour the facility his company built in Virginia, a place that is currently “mothballed” because the Biden administration – Biden screwups have cost thousands of jobs that would otherwise exist in Virginia…

The American Conservative: This November, Vote for a Balanced Budget – Our fiscal crisis should be among the top issues for voters in 2024 – Every candidate running for the House of Representatives in 2024 should present to his or her constituency a detailed plan to use the appropriations process to reduce federal outlays…

R. J. Pestritto: How the Administrative State Conquered America – This leviathan of unaccountable executive agencies that effectively create and enforce laws of their own is, by its very nature and existence, an attack on America’s constitutional order – The actual growth of the administrative state can be traced back to the New Deal which first served to implement the ideas of America’s Leftist Progressives, who reject Separation of Powers…

2ndSmartestGuy: Canada to Incorporate Social Scores in Banking – The Canadian government is setting up to more effectively freeze the bank accounts of citizens “guilty” of even a hint of statist dissent – If you thought unconstitutionally freezing the bank accounts of protesting truckers and those who donated to their cause was an outrage, you haven’t seen anything yet…

Zero Hedge: In Houston, a scandal recently broke when it became public that the police department had closed the investigation of over a quarter of a million crimes with a code indicating the case was being dropped for lack of manpower – The cases closed included thousands of murders and sexual assaults…

Washington Examiner: The traditional bar exam will no longer be required to become a licensed attorney in Washington state – While their licensing program has a DEI element, states with similar programs have implemented similar programs for other reasons – California is considering DEI as a barometer for expanding its licensing program…

Issues & Insights: Long Tyranny A Greater Threat Than Long COVID – Rather than respond in any reasonable way, elected and unelected officials acted as tyrants, closing businesses, restricting our freedom to move about, limiting the number of people who could gather in private homes, requiring mask use and mandating vaccinations…

March 18, 2024

Wall Street Journal: Covid Lessons Learned, Four Years Later – Mandatory lockdowns had almost no benefit, but instead did significant economic and health-related damage – Public health agencies exacerbated the damage by ignoring standard “pandemic management protocols” – Before 2020, it was recognized that communities respond best to pandemics when government measures are only minimally disruptive…

The Defender: Despite recent statements to the contrary by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, the U.S. Federal Reserve appears to be proceeding with the development of central bank digital currency (CBDC) infrastructure – Critics weigh in on Powell’s statements and what CBDCs — and going cashless — would mean for U.S. citizens

Western Journal: Haiti’s Threat to The US Becomes Impossible to Ignore – Republican Representatives Matt Gaetz, Gus Biliarakis, Anna Paulina Luna and Daniel Webster of Florida sent a letter asking Biden to “declare an ‘anticipated mass migration of aliens en route to, or arriving off the coast of, the US’ as urgent circumstances require an immediate federal response…

The Daily Signal: Since Biden took office his State Department has partially or fully evacuated 11 U.S. embassies via what are known as authorized or ordered departure directives – Barack Obama presided over the second-most embassy evacuations of any administration with a total of eight…

American Thinker: During the hearing on a pivotal free speech case, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson showed she has issues with that pesky First Amendment – During oral argument, she spoke for tyrants everywhere with her disdain for the idea that free speech is the people’s right, not a government-controlled privilege

The National Pulse: Feds Charge MAGA Influencer Isabella DeLuca for TOUCHING A TABLE on Jan 6th – This case reveals how thin the government cases against protesters have become, with other charges including “disorderly conduct” and “remaining in restricted buildings – DeLuca touched a table that the bureau FBI alleges was later used to assault law enforcement officers…

A strong majority of U.S. adults believe religion is losing its influence in public life, a new Pew Research Center survey found – Overall, 80 percent of U.S. adults say religion’s role in American life is shrinking, “a percentage that’s as high as it’s ever been”…

Gateway Pundit: Generation Z With No Father, No Friends, And No Religion Takes Drugs and Therapy to Cope – A recent study revealed that 42 percent of individuals belonging to Generation Z, born between 1990 and 2010, have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. The prevalent diagnoses include anxiety, depression, ADHD, and PTSD…

The Center Square: California proposes prioritizing gender-affirming care applicants in medical licensing – Under existing law, individuals seeking medical licenses as abortion practitioners already receive expedited licensing from the Medical Board of California…

Breitbart: A Lebanese migrant apprehended near El Paso, Texas, reportedly claims to be a Hezbollah terrorist – The Lebanese national claimed to be headed to New York and said he wanted to make a bomb…

mrcNewsBusters: 41 Times Google Has Interfered in US Elections Since 2008 – MRC researchers found carefully crafted studies and numerous reports (from 2008 through February 2024) that have consistently demonstrated the tech behemoth’s election meddling – After Democrats took a devastating loss in the 2016 election, evidence collected by MRC shows that election interference became part of its mission

Issues & Insights: Media Bloodbath, Elon Musk Is Now More Trustworthy Than Every Major News Outlet – It should come as no surprise that all of these headlines perfectly track the Biden campaign’s inaccurate account of what Trump said, including a clip of Trump’s remarks that conveniently left out the context of his comment

Resist The Mainstream: Ben Shapiro Explains Why He’s Giving Money To The Trump Campaign – “America cannot afford another term of Joe Biden, or, perhaps more realistically, a Kamala Harris term” – “Joe Biden is here to finish the job Barack Obama started of fundamentally transforming America into the image of the far-Left”

Slay News: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s so-called “hush-money” case against Donald Trump has been put on hold by Judge Juan Manuel Merchan, who is overseeing the case, which will push the case back by several weeks – This is another significant win for Trump and a crushing defeat for George Soros-funded Bragg and the Democrats

The Federalist: It’s A Miscarriage Of Justice To Let Fani Willis Keep Prosecuting Trump – The fact that Judge McAfee found the relationship between Wade and Willis created an appearance of impropriety necessitating Wade’s removal from the case, but not Willis was inconceivable! – Willis and the Fulton County D.A.’s office now have a personal stake in prosecuting the defendants who exposed Willis’s affair

Victor Davis Hanson: Guilty, But Not Guilty – A cynical public now expects any accused prominent leftist to remain un-indicted, while any non-leftwing target will be indicted, convicted, and jailed for the same alleged offenses – For example, John Brennan, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and Eric Holder were guilty of breaking laws, many of them felonies, but prosecutors chose not to prosecute even one of them…

Sharyl Attkisson: There’s an effort underway to transform the way Americans conduct elections – It has to do with what is called “Ranked-Choice Voting,” a confusing alternative to the system most of us are familiar with, where the candidate with the most votes wins…

American Thinker: Another record 3.2 illegals are forecasted to cross into the U.S. in 2024 – It’s not stopping, and in fact, it’s getting bigger every year, no matter how many times Joe Biden has claimed he has the border under control – “Undocumented entry has exploded under the Biden administration’s Open Borders policy, rising from an estimated 1.1 million in 2021 to the latest forecast of 3.2 million for 2024”…

American Thinker: Senator Schumer of New York, which has the largest Jewish population in this nation, called for the removal of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – The media and Biden administration claimed the deaths of over 30,000 innocent civilians since the IDF invaded the Gaza Strip – Now there is clear evidence that this number is impossible…

Breitbart: Israel accused Hamas of using hospitals as “human shields” again as terrorists fired on Israeli soldiers from within Shifa Hospital in Gaza City – Shifa Hospital was notorious early in the war when Israel proved the facility had been used to hide terrorists, to move hostages, and to cover up underground Hamas facilities

American Thinker: Is The American Work Ethic Missing in Action? – There is a shortage of qualified people willing to work everywhere – Dedication to the concept of work, the commitment employees are willing to give, and the sacrifices we all used to take for granted can no longer be assumed, and the consequences are monumental…

American Thinker: Niger’s military junta expels America, leaving room for America’s geopolitical enemies – Nobody in America thinks about Niger in Africa, but Niger matters in the war against radical Islam and the world’s balance of power…

American Thinker: Did anti-white, DEI bias steal a state final spot from a white basketball team? – Some say it was the worst call they’ve ever seen in high school basketball – After a lawsuit, the call was overturned, but not the final score…

Breitbart: America First Legal Exposes Federal Government Pushing for Aggressive Censorship of Independent Voices – One of the most alarming proposals outlined in the primer is the “Advertiser Outreach” strategy, which explicitly encourages corporate advertisers to throttle disfavored media sources and social media accounts financially…

The Daily Fetched: As a Result Of ‘Bidenomics:’ Another Major Retailer Files for Bankruptcy – Major fabric and craft retailer Joann announced it is filing for bankruptcy as Americans suffer the consequences of “Bidenomics” and pull back on “creature comforts” spending…

Blaze Media: A new study revealed that people with so-called “woke” ideologies tended to be more unhappy, anxious, and depressed compared to others – The study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology found that individuals with attitudes geared toward critical social justice issues were less satisfied with their lives in general…

March 17, 2024

The Vigilant Fox: Media Blackout, 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You, Episode 14 – #1, The Australian government introduces frightening legislation to parents that homeschool which mandates curriculum – #3, – Dr. Pierre Kory reveals why Big Pharma is ‘terrified’ of Vitamin D…

American Spectator: Will the 2024 Election Get Lost in the Mail? – The vast and rapid expansion of mail-in balloting facilitates election skulduggery – Unfortunately, most swing states that will decide the presidential and Senate elections are governed by Democrats who have unequivocally embraced mail-in voting and ballot harvesting…

American Spectator: Lies, Damned Lies, and Crime Statistics – The Left hides the fact that our crime problem originates in Democrat-run cities – For instance, analyzing the numbers by state enables them to arrive at a starkly different conclusion than if they had looked at murders by county…

Sharyl Attkisson: Republicans seek info regarding illegal immigrant charged with murdering Laken Riley – Senator Ron Johnson and numerous colleagues have written Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas requesting additional information about accused killer Jose Ibarra

Front Page: Senator Schumer’s ‘Rabbi” Is A J Street Anti-Israel Activist Who Protested The War on Hamas – Rachel Timoner, the author of op-eds such as “Fellow Dykes, We Must Be Both Pro-Israel And Pro-Palestine”, tries to have it both ways, but she picked her side, the side of those who murder Jews…

Sharyl England bans puberty-blockers to most children with gender dysphoria mental illness – England’s National Health Service (NHS) joined other European nations in reversing policies regarding the treatment of children who say they feel like they are the opposite sex, a classified mental illness known as “gender dysphoria

Breitbart: The Biden Campaign and Establishment Media Attack Trump with A Fake Interpretation of His ‘Bloodbath’ Comments at an Ohio Rally – Former President Donald Trump on Saturday night forecast a financial “bloodbath” awaits the U.S. motor industry if he is not elected and China is enabled to swamp the country via auto manufacturing in general and electric vehicle types in particular

Fox News: Hertz, one of the four largest car rental companies in the world, is replacing its CEO after the company reversed its bet on electric vehicle (EV) rentals over increasing costs – Scherr’s resignation comes as the car rental company struggles with the higher repair costs and low demand for EV rentals

Zero Hedge: Violence and crime are already completely out of control all over the US – If things are this bad already, what is going to happen if the election in November does not go the way that leaders on the left want and they give the green light to millions of radicals to cause widespread chaos all over America?…

American Thinker: American higher-ups, who hate Israel’s prime minister, have begun to assemble – Former CIA director John Brennan, President Biden, and Senator Schumer have begun to make demands of Bibi that are not in Israel’s best interest because these weasels have personal issues that motivate their nefarious demands…

American Greatness: “Law and Order” Are In Flux, Crafting a New Image for Justice in America – The rule of law is inoperative in the United States – With every passing day, it becomes more obvious that we live under a two-tier justice system – It is not justice, but rather a form of injustice…

American Thinker: Mendacity and Corruption in the Judiciary – Something is seriously wrong with American law schools and disciplinary outfits which are supposed to monitor the corrupt conduct of practitioners using lawfare as a weapon…

American Thinker: Canadians are also unhappy with their country’s direction –According to a recent poll, 70 percent of Canadians agreed with the assertion that “everything is broken in this country” – Yet, in both nations, the same (or similar) politicians that caused the problems, or who at least refuse to address the issues their constituents/citizens care most about, keep getting elected…

American Thinker: Joe Biden wants to raid Americans’ retirement accounts – Before anybody can claim that I am circulating a conspiracy theory, or citing an unreliable “news” source, I am going to quote President Biden’s State of the Union address and whitehouse.gov as the sources of this information…

Zero Hedge: A September 2023 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on the F-35 revealed some shocking statistics on just how unready hundreds of billions of dollars worth of F-35s are to provide actual combat power – The report indicated that only 15 to 30 percent of F-35s may be capable of combat…

March 16, 2024

Zero Hedge: Taiwanese Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng confirmed on Thursday the presence of US Army Special Forces soldiers in Kinmen, a group of islands that are controlled by Taiwan but located just off the coast of mainland China – Some parts of the Kinmen islands are just 2.5 miles away from the mainland Chinese city of Xiamen…

Conservative Brief: A psychiatrist who has worked with elderly and dementia patients for years claimed that President Joe Biden appeared to be on some form of medication during his raucous, anger-filled State of the Union Address a day earlier – Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist, said that “Biden exhibited signs of stimulant use to mask a cognitive decline in his amped-up, aggressive” speech

Red State: Elon Musk Calls It Like He Sees It -“There Is Either a Red Wave This November or America Is Doomed” – One of his main concerns is illegal immigration, where under the Biden administration, as many as 10 million people have slipped into the country – Biden has made no effort to secure the border and casts blame everywhere he can think of, except on his administrations’ disastrous policies

Just The News: Biden’s budget ignores fiscal responsibility while attacking fossil fuels, critics say – The House Republicans released their alternate budget proposal, which would gut Biden’s “green corporate welfare” by dismantling $129 billion in renewable energy subsidies from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act

Just The News: The National Association of REALTORS has reached a legal agreement where it will end the 6% commission that is routine in home sales – In the settlement with homeowners, the association will pay $418 million in damages and end litigation on the matter

Zero Hedge: The Required Electric Transmission Buildout Could Cost Americans Trillions Of Dollars – Though windmills and solar panels get the headlines, the big energy transition topic in Washington is electric transmission

Western Journal: A federal judge mandated on Friday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation must hand over all documents concerning Audrey Elizabeth Hale, the perpetrator of the Covenant School shooting, including her manifesto, for a private examination of the materials – Hale, a 28-year-old woman who identified as a man named Aiden, killed six people at the Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, on March 27

American Spectator: Ireland Votes to Save the Family – The Irish prefer families and women over DEI and wokeness – The Irish Constitution, drafted with strong Catholic influences and ratified in 1937, defines the family as “the natural primary and fundamental unit group of Society”…

American Thinker: Four years after COVID and its lockdowns, why was Fauci smiling? – It’s abundantly clear that red states that refused mass shutdowns and excessive regulations didn’t see any worse health outcomes, and the damage from the pandemic shutdowns and Covid mandates is still lasting

Gatestone Institute: There Goes Latin America, Iran’s Regime Is In America’s Backyard – Venezuela appears to have willingly embraced Iran’s overtures – The Iranian regime, which… has been calling for “Death to America,” now has ballistic missiles which it says can reach the US, and claims to have a hypersonic missile too…

Powerline: UNDERSTANDING ISRAEL’S WAR – John Spencer is chairman of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point – This is his intensely interesting discussion that covers everything from the strategic goals of the war, historic comparisons, to the progress of the IDF

American Thinker: Despite what many media outlets and talking heads on the left wanted to portray as an “energetic” and “fiery” State of the Union, most Americans were not impressed by the speech – The speech itself was a clinic in Beltway gaslighting, with Biden making several questionable to outright dishonest claims related to job growth, inflation, and so many other issues of concern to Americans

American Thinker: January 6: The CIA got in on the fun – Americans are slowly learning just how much of the truth about January 6 the Biden Administration and the January 6 Committee have hidden from them…

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The National Security State Is the Main Driver of Censorship in the US – In this interview, Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz discussed how the fundamental right to free speech in the United States, as guaranteed by the First Amendment, is being eroded, not based on truthfulness but on alignment with the political and social agendas of those in power – Click Here To Access The Video

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, The FANI PACK EDITION – We learned a useful lesson this week: you’re not in any legal jeopardy if your name is Joe Biden or Fani Willis

March 15, 2024

One America News: Hamas Issues Counter-Proposal Hostage And Ceasefire Deal That Netanyahu Says Is ‘Absurd’ – Hamas calls for the release of hundreds of Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli jails, including 100 who have been found guilty of murder or multiple murders, in exchange for the release of innocent hostages, which include women, children, the elderly, and the sick

Western Journal: Florida Officers Stop Haitian Vessel Heading for US Shores and Immediately Realize What’s Happening – It was not a rag-tag group – It was a well-equipped boat with four large outboard marine motors – Onboard with the refugees were guns, drugs, and night vision equipment…

California Globe: Government Censorship Is On Trial – SCOTUS will hear arguments Monday in the most important free speech case in decades, Murthy v. Missouri – The censorship-industrial complex will not stop suppressing the truth until the Supreme Court acts and acts decisively

Issues & Insights: Another Democratic Scheme To Establish Absolute Political Power By Increasing Representation In The House Of Representatives – They’re creating sanctuary cities to be a magnet, so these illegal aliens will disproportionately flow to these blue states and shipping them there as rapidly as they can…

Washington Examiner: Why Democrats are losing minority voters – Bidenomics delivered to minority voters the highest food prices in 30 years, unaffordable rents, let alone mortgages, and record-high credit card debt showing that Bidenomics is bleak for the working class

Breitbart: Fani Willis’s Ex-Lover and Prosecutor Nathan Wade Resigns from The Trump Case – Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee ruled Friday that Willis could remain on the Trump case if she removed Wade or if he voluntarily resigned…

Judge Scott McAfee, who ruled on Thursday that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis can continue prosecuting her RICO case against Donald Trump, donated to her campaign in 2020

Dr. Meryl Nass: How do all these rapid-fire societal changes relate to each other? – The graphics below show how everything points to the Utopia envisioned by the “globalist cabal pushing for a new world order…

American Spectator: Biden’s Gaza Pier Is ‘Black Hawk Down’ All Over Again – Let’s be blunt, the entirety of U.S. policy in the Middle East has now become hostage to the needs of Biden’s election chances in Michigan and a few other key states – As a nation, we should be humiliated…

American Thinker: You say floating dock, I say sitting duck – How many servicemen and servicewomen are going to die in the service of a population that hates America and Israel in equal measure, and whose Hamas brethren would like nothing better than to do to U.S. soldiers what they just did to more than a thousand innocent Jews on October 7th…

Gatestone Institute: Biden Should be Threatening Qatar and the Terrorists, Not Israel – Biden’s reported threat to halt or suspend US military supplies to Israel if the IDF enters Rafah encourages Hamas to continue fighting and reject every proposal to release the hostages…

American Greatness: The Biden Administration Is Abusing The U.S. Intelligence Community to Undermine Netanyahu’s Leadership – For America’s intelligence agencies to do the job they were created to do and be taken seriously by presidents and U.S. officials, they must strictly stay out of U.S. politics…

Real Clear Politics: The Pentagon says that no U.S. military equipment sent to Ukraine has been diverted, stolen, or otherwise misappropriated, but the Government Accountability Office could not determine if the DOD was tracking allegations of misuse two years into the conflict – “If you never look, you will never find it,” a source familiar with how the report was compiled said of the worst-case possibility

Just The News: Democrat Senator Mark Warner, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, says U.S. forces could be “in combat” if Congress fails to pass $61 billion in aid to Ukraine – He also “fears” that if the U.S. doesn’t honor its commitment to Ukraine, Russia leader Vladimir Putin will win his war against Ukraine”

Front Page Magazine: China’s Meltdown Over The TikTok Ban Tells You All You Need to Know – China has banned every American social media app – The reason that Beijing is so furious is because it values TikTok as an agent of influence inside America…

Daily Caller: The Pentagon Is Paying A Chinese Communist Party-Linked Venture Capital Firm For Tutoring Services – The CEO of a Chinese venture capital firm that quietly bought up a U.S. education company holding a Pentagon contract has long-standing connections to multiple Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence units

American Spectator: The Path to Victory for Trump – Patriots of all stripes must band together because whatever you think about our polarizing 45th president it doesn’t matter – The reality is the Democrat Party in its fetid current form is wholly unfit to govern the local assisted living facility, to say nothing of the greatest country in the world…

Washington Examiner:  Undocumented entry has exploded under the Biden administration’s Open Borders policy – It has risen from an estimated 1.1 million in 2021 to a forecasted 3.2 million for 2024 – Undocumented entry will exceed U.S. job growth in 2024 and will likely become exacerbated as the U.S. economy is unable to absorb the arriving migrants fully…

Slay News: Fox News anchor Jesse Watters reported that Tyson is shutting down its Iowa plant and killing 1,200 American jobs so it can shift operations to New York and hire illegal aliens instead – Republican Senator J.D. Vance warned that he will be looking into the situation with Tyson…

Washington Examiner: – A sizable percentage of voters, already fed up with President Joe Biden’s border crisis, are voicing opposition to the administration’s scheme to let migrants fly themselves into some 43 unidentified cities across the nation – In a new Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets, 60% said they oppose the program, 46% “strongly”…

Slay News: A Haitian migrant who was arrested and charged with raping a 15-year-old girl was flown into the country as part of Democrat President Joe Biden’s parole program – Local authorities in Rockland, Massachusetts arrested 26-year-old Cory Alvarez, a Haitian national, for raping a young teenager at a local migrant hotel

Sharyl Attkisson: California Governor Gavin Newsom and former First Lady Michelle Obama have been mentioned as possible replacements for Biden on the 2024 Democratic ticket – In such hypothetical matchups, Trump leads Newsom by 17 points, 51% to 34%,  and Trump leads Michelle Obama by seven points, 50% to 43%, according to a recent Rasmussen Reports Poll

The Federalist: Disenchanted Democrats Should Be Asking Deeper Questions – It’s worth questioning whether either Bill Maher or Bill Ackman is willing to follow his logic to its uncomfortable conclusion – The important question is whether voters bothered by extreme trans ideology, open border policy, critical race theory, and more, oppose this extremism on a premise that undermines their broader worldviews

Breitbart: CNN’s Electoral Map Shows Trump Winning Presidency Without WI, PA, or AZ – After many, many weeks of living in denial, CNN finally bent to reality Friday and updated its electoral map to show former President Donald Trump winning the 2024 election with 272 electoral votes…

Powerline: A Fulton County judge ruled Friday that District Attorney Fani Willis and her office may remain on the 2020 election case involving former President Donald Trump and his allies if Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor who was in a romantic relationship with Willis, steps aside

The Conservative Compass:  Joe Biden’s Media Coverage Is A Big Lie! – As gatekeepers of information, media outlets have the power to frame political narratives, highlight issues of importance, and scrutinize the actions and policies of those in power – Instead, they push the Left’s agenda…

American Thinker: The Truth About Disinformation – What’s the difference between misinformation, disinformation, or other bad information? – There are none, all are merely propagandistic ways of labeling free speech that Democrats/socialists/communists don’t like…

American Thinker: Around 25% of Gen Z identify on the ‘queer’ spectrum – Disturbing new data from Gallup reinforces the validity of the traditional position on families—the more we drift from the healthy nuclear structure of America’s yesteryear, the more depressed and confused our youth become…

American Thinker: Washington State gun control fails again, yet still – Violating the Constitution and harassing Americans posing no danger to anyone makes no one safer because the criminal element doesn’t follow the law – There have been over 190 reported “shooting incidents” in the state year to date as of Friday, 02/09/24…

American Conservative: Recently, an organization known as “Call For Justice” has come under scrutiny for its work in the Long Beach Unified School District – According to a recent report, “the group has paid nearly 100 public high schoolers $1,400 each to learn how to fight for racial and social justice and also allocated a total of $20,200 to 13 parents for participating in the group’s programs.”…

Post Millennial: SCOTUS ruled unanimously that members of the public can, in certain cases, sue government officials who block or mute them on social media – The justices determined that whether a lawsuit is justified will depend not only on who the blocker is but whether they acted using an official account where government business is conducted

March 14, 2024

Fox News: The Internet erupts after Biden’s team wards off the press as he says he will take questions at a campaign stop – ‘This is bad’ – ‘Thank you, press,’ members of Biden’s team said, ushering reporters away – ‘Back to the cars’

Paul Cobaugh: What Is Christian Nationalism? – the following religious affirmations characterize Christian nationalism – The United States was founded as a Christian nation – America is exceptional – and God has given the US particular blessings and privileges not available to people in other countries, and the nation must remain, Christian, for those blessings to continue…

Breitbart: One Step Closer to Terminators – A robotics startup named Figure has showcased a humanoid robot that integrates OpenAI’s advanced language technology, enabling it to engage in real-time conversations and perform tasks simultaneously – The 2-minute video is both fascinating and spooky…

Slay News: Shortly Before He Allegedly Killed Himself, The Boeing Whistleblower Reportedly Told A Friend, “If Anything Happens to Me, It’s Not Suicide” – Barnett had worked at Boeing for over 30 years as a quality engineer before he began speaking publicly about Boeing’s massive internal failures he witnessed at their Charleston, South Carolina plant…

Fox KTVU: Mail carrier robberies are on the rise with recent cases in Oakland and San Francisco – In addition to stealing packages, criminals are after letter carrier’s keys, which will give them access to multiple mailboxes…

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) issued an extraordinary demand Thursday for Israel to hold new elections aimed at ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom the Biden administration and Democrats dislike – Schumer said on the Senate floor that “the Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after Oct. 7”

Newsmax: The House Oversight Committee is launching a government-wide investigation into Chinese meddling operations in the U.S., including election influence, espionage, ties to drug manufacturing, and corporate security

American Thinker: Why The Temporary Pier? – Perhaps we shouldn’t dismiss Occam’s Razor and consider the argument that the simplest answer might indeed be the correct one – There’s something about Hamas that the Biden-Harris crowd just happens to like…

Breitbart: Asked during a 90-minute exclusive interview about cutting government waste, Trump pledged never to do anything to cut Social Security or Medicare – “I will never do anything that will jeopardize or hurt Social Security or Medicare,” Trump said – “We’ll have to do it elsewhere…

American Thinker: Shrinkflation or economic reality, who will you believe? – Since Biden became president, the dollar’s purchasing power has shrunk by 18% – Biden has done three things to explode inflation – 1, Perpetuated an insane amount of unjustified government spending, 2, Reduced American energy production – 3, Allowed millions of unvetted illegal border crossers to invade our country – Basic supply and demand theory says, the more people, the more demand, the higher the costs…

The Hill: Wall Street braces for a commercial real estate time bomb – With the typical U.S. commercial lease ranging from three to five years, the clock is ticking for office and retail property owners and their creditors in the financial sector as remote work has taken off and prompted changes in urban land use…

Slay News: Republican candidate Steve Garvey is leading Democrat Representative Adam Schiff in the open primary race to fill the late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s U.S. Senate seat – As of Wednesday morning Garvey slightly edged ahead of Schiff with about 85% of expected returns counted

The Federalist: Even Leftists Understand Ranked-Choice Voting Is Unfair – It leads to discarded ballots, voter confusion, uncertainty, and reduced confidence in elections, critics say, so why are squishy Republicans pushing it? – There’s plenty of money for Republicans who play ball with the funders of the RCV and “final five” movement…

American Thinker: Christian Nationalism, What’s that? – The Democrat/Socialist/Communist left has invented a new straw man, “Christian Nationalism” – Pronouncing people as enemies of the state is to justify violence against them and comes at a time when the Biden team has a domestic Nazi-Soviet Pact working, and sees the greatest threat from patriotic citizens who want the nation to be great again…

Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness: Elite Heaven or Real Hell on Earth? – Anytime ideology and dogma trump merit, logic, and safety, the result is predictably dangerous – Biden’s woke open-borders agenda supersedes any worry over the subsequent mounting number of Americans who have fallen victim to foreign gangs and criminals…

American Conservative: JD Vance’s Weapon in the Cold Civil War – A bill he proposed would compel the fullest accounting to date of American aid rendered to Ukraine, including via third-party nations, and would address the ongoing problem of mystery spending on our proxy war with Russia…

GATESTONE, Gordon Chang: If you have TikTok on a device, you are getting what the Communist Party of China (CCP) wants you to see – The Chinese regime has used its algorithm to disseminate pro-Hamas disinformation, Russian narratives about the Ukraine war, and other pro-CCP propaganda…

American Spectator: Our Intelligence Community Is Broken And Trump Will Fix It, Not Break It – The real crisis in the Intelligence Community is not what Trump will do if reelected but how to resolve the total erosion of public trust in the IC due to the actions of the D.C. intelligence establishment over the past several decades…

American Spectator: Can We Finally Admit Trump Was Right About Haiti? – It is the very definition of a failed state – It has nothing to do with race as Haiti is a shit-hole by African standards, Caribbean standards, Latin American standards, in fact, by any standard you’d like to impose…

Washington Examiner: The House Judiciary Committee warned Fulton County DA Fani Willis on Thursday that it would consider holding her in contempt of Congress should she not produce material the committee has requested related to her office’s use of federal funds – Willis provided some of the documents but not all of them…

American Thinker: Washington State Goes Full Animal Farm – As in Orwell’s Animal Farm, some of their animals will be more equal, and are more likely to be victims of “bias,” than others – A clear violation of the First Amendment, SB 5427 would offer people a reward of up to $2,000 to report their neighbors, co-workers, family members and other people in the community for a “hate crime” or “bias incident” for what they said…

The Free Press: Over a dozen female athletes are suing the National Collegiate Athletics Association for letting transgender athletes compete against them and use female locker rooms in college sports – At the center of the class-action lawsuit is Lia Thomas, the trans athlete who dominated the 2022 NCAA Swimming Championships while a student at the University of Pennsylvania...

American Greatness: Teacher’s Pay, Half-truths vs Reality – Much is written about teacher pay, but what do educators earn when you add things up? – In the 2021–22 school year, the average school teacher in the U.S. made $66,397 in salary but received another $34,090 in benefits (such as health insurance, paid leave, and pensions) for a total compensation of $100,487 while their counterparts in private industry worked about 37% more hours and made less on a per hour basis...

American Thinker: Do Rank-and-File Leftists Realize They’re Being Scammed by Their Ruling Class? – It seems like a plethora of historical examples would provide ample evidence, but the average leftist isn’t the thinking type – The dirty little secret about the wealth distribution pushed by the leftist ruling class is that they only redistribute the wealth—to themselves

American Thinker: Our Fake, Fake, Fake World – The government’s stranglehold over thinking people is crumbling – This fake “new world order” is not making anybody happy, and as people begin thinking for themselves again, they are learning to disobey

Sharyl Attkisson: Joe Biden’s budget proposal seeks to set aside billions of dollars to push progressive gender, sexuality, and race ideology – The White House touted the spending in its announcement of Biden’s budget, which includes $3 billion to “advance gender equity and equality worldwide,” several hundred million dollars higher than the 2023 budget request…

Conservative Brief: In a landmark decision on religious liberty and the propriety of employers accommodating employees’ choices for religion at work, SCOTUS ruled unanimously in support of a Pennsylvania postal worker – Christian mailman Gerald Groff asked the court to rule on whether the USPS could force him to deliver packages from Amazon on Sundays, which he observes as the Sabbath

California Globe: Californians Paying 140% More For Electricity than Other States – Governor Gavin Newsom’s Policies in Action – PG&E has raised energy prices by 60% in the last two years,  and 23.8% in a single year…

Slay News: Canadians Are Told to Leave Their Car Keys Somewhere Convenient for Thieves Because Criminals ‘Have Guns’ – Canadian officials hope that criminals will be less likely to enter people’s homes if they can be tempted by an offer to steal the homeowner’s car instead easily…

March 13, 2024

New York Post: Fugitive Gal Luft, the “missing witness” from the Biden corruption investigation, has made fresh allegations about the president’s family’s China connections in an exclusive 50-page expose obtained by The Post – While his attacks on federal prosecutors are self-serving, his disclosures so far have proven accurate…

Washington Free Beacon: U.S. Border Patrol has put its agents in Miami on high alert ahead of a potential influx of Haitian refugees amid widespread gang violence in the Caribbean country – “One landing will cripple the station and our ability to respond to other traffic,” according to an internal Border Patrol email…

The Daily Signal: A Recipe For An Economic Train Wreck, Biden’s FY ’25 Budget’s 10 Massive Tax Increases – Biden would raise taxes by $5 trillion over 10 years, and—based on his budget—would allow an additional $2 trillion of middle-class tax cuts to expire after 2025…

Just The News: The latest inflation figures show that Americans’ key basic needs — food, gasoline, and shelter are leaving their wallets lighter – The federal Consumer Price Index (CPI) shows that inflation rose 3.2% over the last 12 months

The Daily Signal: Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, will not appear before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee for a March 20 hearing, “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office,” according to a letter from his attorney…

Western Journal: ‘Enough Is Enough,’ AOC Is Getting a Primary Challenger Who’s Promising to Combat Her ‘Radical’ Progressive Policies – Marty Dolan is a Wall Street investor who received his MBA from Harvard University and grew up in New York City…

Western Journal: Don’t believe Democrats claiming the left isn’t coming for your gas stoves, they are, and it’s happening through a propaganda campaign linking the appliances to air pollution – Public Interest Research Group Education Fund, a left-wing activist group that wants to abolish fossil fuels, urged Big Box Stores to warn consumers against buying gas stoves…

Western Journal: Elon Musk Pulls the Plug on ‘The Don Lemon Show’ After Realizing What It Was – “His approach was just ‘CNN – And, instead of being the real Don Lemon, it was just Jeff Zucker talking through Don…

Interest Of Justice: How Is The World Health Organization Funded, And Why Does It Rely So Much On Bill Gates? – Currently, the WHO has full control over only about a quarter of its budget so it can only partially set the global health agenda & has had to do the bidding of rich donors…

Conservative Brief: Mitch McConnell is going after House Speaker Mike Johnson and is demanding that the House pass a foreign aid package for Ukraine – “The US Senate has already passed a $95 billion aid package for America’s allies overseas, which includes $60 billion in military support for Ukraine as it struggles to fend off Vladimir Putin’s regime amid an ammunition shortage”

Issues & Insights: The Mainstream Media Gaslight The Public About The Disastrous Biden Transcripts – After reading the transcript, as we suspected, it provides the perfect context for Hur’s contention that Biden is an old man with memory problems – For example, we counted 37 instances where Biden says “I don’t remember” and 26 times when he says “I don’t recall”…

Western Journal: 3 Charges Against Are Trump Dismissed by A Fulton County Judge – The dismissed charges related to alleged efforts by Trump and others working on his behalf to persuade elected representatives in the state to throw out President Joe Biden’s win in the state and instead give its electors to Trump…

Fox News: The US deploys a Marine anti-terrorism unit to Haiti to protect embassy – Officials say Port-au-Prince embassy remains open to support ‘peaceful transition of power’

Front Page Magazine: America Should Stay Out of Haiti – After $5 billion in foreign aid, Haiti is worse off than ever – And with over $400 million in backing, Haiti’s police still can’t compete with gang members. But many gang members were once the police officers we helped train…

Breitbart: Joe Biden’s pro-migration administration is preparing for a huge migrant exodus from chaotic Haiti during his 2024 reelection campaign — and he may have to return migrants to their chaotic island forcibly…

The Daily Signal: The House of Representatives passed the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act About the Chinese-owned app TikTok – The legislation passed in a 352-65 vote, with the help of 197 Republicans and 155 Democrats

Zero Hedge: Biden’s SAVE plan set to extend more student loan relief to borrowers this summer pretends it can wave a magic wand to make debts disappear – The truth of student debt “relief” is that they’re simply shifting the burden to everyone else, robbing Peter to pay Paul and funneling more steam into an inflation pressure cooker that’s already set to burst…

Center For Immigration Studies: Parolees Paroling In More Parolees – How many of the inadmissible aliens’ given parole were sponsored by individuals with no legal immigration status either?

Breitbart: Russian President again threatens West with nuclear war if it becomes more involved in his invasion of Ukraine, but moderates remarks by saying while he is ready to strike, he believes the United States will exercise “restraint”…

Western Journal: In a move sure to worry many that two-century-old West Point is going Woke, the academy announced Monday a change in the institution’s mission statement – The phrase “duty, honor, and country” is out and has been replaced with a more amorphous “Army values”

Washington Examiner: Republican House majority will stay tight with special elections to replace fleeing members months away – With Ken Buck’s exit, Republicans will only maintain a 218-213 majority after next week, which is expected to shrink to a 218-214 majority when a special election is held to fill a vacant Democratic seat at the end of April…

American Thinker: Do you smell something burning in Joe Biden’s America? – Our military is now a bad social experiment that is weakening more each day – China, in particular, has surpassed the U.S. in military weapons and will soon surpass our nuclear arsenal in both numbers and potency – Money has been printed at an alarming rate, unseen since the Weimar Republic…

American Thinker: Leftist Language Lies – For those on the Left, words aren’t simply a way to communicate, they’re a means to an end – Liberals use language to manipulate and obfuscate, and they are very good at it, and as a result, nothing is concrete

Slay News: Taco Bell Bans Cash Payments, Closes All Dining Rooms in Oakland California Due to Crime – Due to rampant crime, Taco Bell says it will only offer 100 percent cashless drive-thru service in this Democrat-led city, while other businesses have been forced to close permanently…

American Thinker: Speaking The Truth To School Boards – A brave 11-year-old girl spoke out at a Lebanon, Indiana school board meeting earlier this year on January 16, 2024, in which she described how she and other girls are forced to share a locker room with a boy while at school…

John Daniel Davidson: Transgender Activists Say Your Kids Have A ‘Right’ To Carve Up Their Bodies – The latest cover of New York Magazine is clear – The transgender movement is coming for your kids, and not trying to hide it…

March 12, 2024

The Washington Free Beacon: The Biden administration is poised to issue a fresh sanctions waiver for Iran that will grant the country access to upward of $10 billion in frozen assets, providing Tehran with “a financial lifeline” as it foments terrorism across the Middle East, according to a group of GOP lawmakers…

Just The News: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening were both projected to secure enough delegates to lock up their respective party nominations and participate in a November rematch

The Daily Signal: 8 Takeaways From The Special Counsel’s Testimony on Biden’s Documents and His Memory – 1, The President ‘Put Memory Squarely at Issue’ – 2, ‘8 Million Reasons’ Because He Planned To Write A Book – 5, White House Pressure to Change Report…

American Thinker: Will you be surprised to learn that the J6 Committee colluded with Fani Willis? – A newly released initial report from the House Subcommittee on Oversight details its investigations and reveals the truth about the January 6 Committee’s corruption, including its conniving with Fani Willis to bring about her RICO case against Donald Trump…

Tablet Magazine: Stop the War in Gaza In The Only Way It Can Be Done – Who cares enough about the fate of Israelis and Gazans alike to force the aggressor to stop its monstrous blackmail, instead of telling the victims to submit? – Does anyone care about peace and justice enough to demand an end to this war, in the only way it can end, with the defeat of Hamas?

The Western Journal: 14 House Democrats Turn Against Biden And Join with Republicans to Pass Measure Calling for End to ‘Open Border Policies’ – The fact that 14 fell out of step with their comrades is a sure sign that the border crisis has turned into such a nightmare that moderate Democrats can no longer ignore it

Zero Hedge: “A Major Measles Outbreak” Is Reported In The US As Migrant Shelters Become Infectious Disease Breeding Grounds – The radical progressives in the Biden administration are responsible for this emerging public health crisis, as millions of unvaccinated and undocumented illegals (some with infectious diseases) are being piled into migrant shelters nationwide like cattle…

Breitbart: Over 100 pizzerias could shut down in New York City due to the government’s new green rule forcing shops that use coal and wood-fired stoves to cut carbon emissions by 75 percent – One Jewish bakery had to spend over $600,000 to install an air filtration system, while John’s of Bleecker Street spent more than $100,000 on a smoke reduction system…

Zero Hedge: The EV Delusion Crumbles As Major Automakers Bail Out! – The fact is that when it comes to their wallet, nobody gives a pig’s ass about saving the planet – And THAT, my friends, is where the EV fraud stumbles, trips, and then jarringly smashes its face into a brick wall of reality because most people aren’t buying them…

Just The News: Legacy of Deception, A Democrat-led, taxpayer-funded machine is exposed anew for misleading Americans – False realities, untrue narratives, and outright lies are putting the country on a whipsaw rollercoaster where truths are surfacing long after lies have impacted elections or official actions – Even worse, it’s paid for from public funds

Bari Weiss: The Holiday From History Is Over – A free society is only as strong as the citizens willing to defend it – Here are some reflections and videos from my time on the ground in Israel…

One America News: England’s National Health Service (NHS) has stated that children will be prohibited from receiving puberty blockers at gender identity clinics – From this point forward, puberty blockers will now only be available to children who join clinical research trials – Puberty blockers pause the physical, hormonal changes of puberty, such as breast development or facial hair

KTLA Channel 5: New research indicates California has the most car thefts in America – The ten states with the most car thefts between January and July 2023 can be viewed in the table below…

Breitbart: Transcripts Confirm The January 6 Committee Lied About Trump Attacking Secret Service – President Trump did not “lunge for the steering wheel” in his Presidential limousine as claimed by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson according to his own Secret Service driver in detailed testimony that the January 6th House Committee hid

Western Journal: Transcript of Biden’s Infamous Special Counsel Interview Released – It’s Even Worse Than Previously Thought – It turns out with the release of the transcripts of the interview Hur conducted with our geriatric president, it was much, much more generous than even the most skeptical among us believed…

Breitbart: In the latest HarrisX/Forbes poll, which was taken three days following last week’s State of the Union address, Joe Biden’s approval rating dropped while former President Donald Trump’s 2024 lead ticked up – Biden’s job approval rating is now 37%, with a disapproval rating of 58%…

Western Journal: February’s inflation rate topped expectations and has put into question the Federal Reserve’s willingness to cut interest rates – The Consumer Price Index rose 3.2% in February, according to The Wall Street Journal, topping the 3.1% that economists had forecast

Zero Hedge: Consumer Prices Hit A New Record High And Are Up 19% Since ‘Bidenomics’ Began – The 3-month annualized CPI rate rose to 2.8% from 1.9% and the 6-month annualized core rate dropped to 3.2% from 3.3%

The Federalist: Turns Out Joe Biden Lied About Robert Hur, Beau, And Why He Pilfered Classified Documents – Also, the president was not “exonerated” – Biden “willfully retained classified information” and he had done it for years before winning the presidency…

Washington Free Beacon: Biden’s Broken Border, Or How One California Gap Became a Go-To Spot for Human Smugglers – Some border agents, who spoke to the Free Beacon on condition of anonymity, expect Jacumba Hot Springs to see a rise in border jumpers as Texas cracks down on its illegal immigration problems…

Zero Hedge: The head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that terrorist threats against the US had reached a “whole other level” – This comes as the migrant border invasion, facilitated by the Biden administration, has flooded the nation with millions of unvetted illegals from third-world countries, some of whom deeply hate America

The Daily Fetched: United States Border Patrol agents arrested five child sex offenders in five different sectors in Yuma, Tucson, El Paso, Del Rio, and Rio Grande Valley – The news comes amid growing concern over the 1.8 million “gotaways” at the southern border since Biden became president

American Thinker: Our Aging Puppet – At this point, we must acknowledge that the Democrat party is responsible for the damage that has been done and that President Biden can no longer be held accountable for his actions…

American Thinker: Obama’s Biden Conundrum – Barack Obama knows the only options are to either run the gauntlet of replacing Biden or to nominate him and bank on convicting Trump of at least one of their fabricated felonies

Breitbart:  Joe Biden’s staffers are asking Congress for more than $13 billion in taxpayer funds to help move many more economic migrants into homes and workplaces in American communities – Much of the money will be used to bail out the sanctuary cities

American Thinker: Princeton economist Angus Deaton with a Nobel under his belt eats crow and does a U-turn on mass migration – I seriously under-thought my ethical judgments about the trade-offs between domestic and foreign workers – We certainly have to aid those in distress, but we have additional obligations to our fellow citizens that we do not have to others…

Newsmax: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are poised to win enough delegates Tuesday to clinch their respective parties’ nominations, formally kicking off the first U.S. presidential election rematch in nearly 70 years

Slay News: California GOP Voters Raise An Alarm over Election Fraud After Finding Their Ballots Were ‘Switched’ – “There have been multiple people who experienced this,” a poll worker said

The Vigilant Fox: Trudeau’s Canada Threatens LIFE SENTENCES for “Hate” – Proposed Bill C-6 says “Everyone who commits an offense under this … if the commission of the offense is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, color, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for life” – Even worse, The new bill BRIBES citizens to snitch on their fellow Canadians

Gatestone Institute: Would the Biden administration like to stop the Israeli war with Hamas this week? – All the US would have to do is to inform Qatar that it was canceling the agreement the Biden administration signed in January — in return for nothing -– to extend for another ten years America’s use of Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar

The Dossier: Western societies are being replaced by people who hate Western civilization – A 2020 poll found that almost half of French Muslims said their religion supersedes the laws and values of France and among Muslims under 25, 75% agreed with the sentiment – Given the continually declining birthrate among French women, within thirty to forty years, France will most likely become a majority Muslim country…

FAR: Why I Stopped Teaching After Only 15 Years – For fifteen years, Kali Fontanilla taught middle and high school students in California public schools, and then she abruptly left it behind – Her reason for quitting is alarming!

March 11, 2024

Wall Street Journal: The clearest takeaway from President Biden’s State of the Union address last week was that he believes that Donald Trump poses a greater peril to the U.S. than Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Ali Khamenei, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis all rolled into one…

Issues & Insights: Joe Biden brags that the budget he released on Monday would cut the deficit by $3 trillion, even while offering truckloads of new goodies to Americans – What won’t make the news is the fact that his Fiscal 2025 budget provides clear and indisputable evidence that he has caused a fiscal and economic disaster of epic proportions

American Spectator: For the White House, the war in Gaza has two fronts, the crumbling ceasefire negotiations in the Middle East, and the political threat from progressives at home – The White House has resorted to public posturing and high-profile stunts to show its commitment to the suffering Gazans…

Western Journal: The president of a tech company planning a factory in Kansas near two military bases confirmed that some of its parent company employees are members of the Chinese Communist Party on March 4 before the Kansas House Committee on Commerce, Labor, and Economic Development

PJ Media: Companies Are Turning Down Billions in Free Money to Avoid Adopting DEI – If you had the opportunity to take a few billion dollars in free money from President Joe Biden but the catch is that your company would have to embrace the administration’s DEI policies, what would you do? – If you’re a chipmaking giant like Intel, Samsung, or Taiwan Semi, then the answer is increasingly obvious because they require truly qualified workers…

Conservative Brief: The Democrat-controlled Senate did not pass a GOP-sponsored bill that would have prevented illegal aliens from being counted as part of the census, which determines the number of House seats each state is given – The proposed legislation resembles a plan supported by the Trump administration to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census

Conservative Brief: A federal judge has ruled that Ohio’s strict voter ID law, which includes a photo provision, is constitutional – The ruling tossed out a complaint filed by a Democrat law firm challenging provisions including a photo ID, “drop box restrictions, and tightened deadlines related to both absentee and provisional ballots”

Breitbart: The newly installed Trump leadership team at the Republican National Committee (RNC) began trimming senior management positions and slashing vendor contracts on Monday – Vendor contracts became a major issue after periodic reports of financial mismanagement surfaced under Ronna McDaniel…

The Daily Signal: Here Are the Left-Wing Groups the White House Trade Office Is Scheming With to Get Out the Vote – USTR, an agency within the Executive Office of the President, including working with the Brennan Center for Justice, among other organizations...

Breitbart: Major Automakers Are Sharing Their Customers’ Private Driving Data with Insurance Giants And 3rd-Party Data Brokers – A recent NYT report uncovered a concerning practice where car manufacturers, including GM, Honda, Kia, Hyundai, and others, are secretly gathering and sharing extensive information about their customers’ driving habits

Washington Examiner: The White House on Monday released a proposed budget for fiscal 2025 that contains a wish list of tax increases and spending proposals favored by Democrats – The budget includes $7.3 trillion in spending and $5.5 trillion in tax revenue, bringing the deficit for 2025 to nearly $1.8 trillion

The Post Millennial: The Republican House leadership rejects Biden’s $7.3 trillion budget proposal for the fiscal year 2025 – “The price tag of President Biden’s proposed budget is yet another glaring reminder of this Administration’s insatiable appetitive for reckless spending and the Democrats’ disregard for fiscal responsibility”

The Liberty Daily: Inflation Is Forcing Americans to Drain Their Retirement Accounts Just to Stay Afloat – The share of people who withdrew from their 401(k) for financial emergencies surged to a record high in 2023 as Americans looked to counteract rising prices and shrinking paychecks, according to The Wall Street Journal…

Zero Hedge: US Swing States Misery Index Shows Bidenomics Is Failing – It’s hazardous when the government presents a glossy picture of the economy at a time when families and small businesses are suffering – Sending euphoric messages tends to backfire, especially when the middle class is suffering

FAR: Hidden January 6th Transcript Shows Trump Offered Troops To Secure The Capital – The January 6th committee lied in its final report by stating that it “found no evidence” supporting that former President Donald Trump ordered 10,000 troops to be ready for January 6…

SLAY News: Liz Cheney Implodes After TheJan 6 Committee Is Caught Suppressing ‘Exonerating Evidence’ on Trump – Hemingway’s report accuses Cheney and the Jan. 6 committee of suppressing exonerating evidence of then-President Trump’s push for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital on January 6, 2021…

Conservative Brief: Attorneys for former AG Ed Meese and top constitutional scholars filed a brief arguing that SCOTUS must reject Jack Smith’s petition against Donald Trump because his appointment as special counsel is unconstitutional – The filing alleges that U.S. AG Merrick Garland made an improper appointment of Smith to a non-existent office, for which Garland lacks authority

Victor Davis Hanson: The Anti-Democrat Democrat Left – The defense of those destroying democracy is that they are doing it to prevent others from doing what they would do, should they have been on the receiving end of exactly what they are now doing…

POWERLINE: BIDEN’S ANIMUS [WITH COMMENT BY JOHN] – President Biden’s animus against Israel was patent in his State of the Union Address this past Thursday evening – The White House has posted the text of his remarks as given here…

American Thinker: The Biden Administration Is Trying To Topple Netanyahu’s Government – Leftists have always said we shouldn’t interfere in a nation’s internal politics – The New York Intelligencer reported on sources saying that Biden intends to overthrow Netanyahu, the democratically elected leader of a U.S. ally…

Zero Hedge: Defiant Netanyahu Vows To Cross Biden’s Rafah ‘Red Line’ – “We Are Not Getting Off The Gas” – You know, I have a red line too and do you know what the red line is? – That October 7 doesn’t happen again – Never happens again”

Breitbart: Americans’ satisfaction with the nation’s global image under President Joe Biden is at its lowest mark (33 percent) since 2017, a Gallup poll found on Monday – In contrast, 53 percent were satisfied with the position of the U.S. in the world under former President Donald Trump in February 2020

Washington Free Beacon: Biden’s National Science Foundation Spent Millions In Supposed Emergency COVID Funds Last Year That Had Nothing To Do With COVID – One grant went to a college in Massachusetts to study how floodplains respond to climate change…

Breitbart: Fifty-seven percent of Democrat voters would oppose Congress certifying the 2024 election if former President Donald Trump wins, a Rasmussen Reports poll found Monday – However, Democrats do not form the majority of voters’ opinions, as overall 55 percent would oppose lawmakers refusing to certify a Trump victory

American Thinker: A California state assemblyman has introduced a bill to provide free legal services to illegal aliens convicted of violent felonies to fight their deportation orders – Since there’s no news article about this so far, here’s the bill itself…

California Globe: Governor Newsom Bulldozes Californians With Draconian Climate Change And Electrification – Newsom’s new agency can arbitrarily decide how much profit oil and gas businesses are allowed to make – The governor described his scheme as “a new independent watchdog within the California Energy Commission

American Thinker: DEI is destroying the future competitiveness of the Chip industry – DEI requirements embedded in the governments’ CHIPS Act are hobbling large organizations throughout our economy – Nowhere is this more evident and urgent than in the semiconductor chip industry, which is vital to our competitiveness as an advanced economy and our military security…

American Thinker: Claims Of Trump Revenge – The Left doesn’t fear that Trump will be a twenty-first-century dictator, but rather that his conservative policies will be successful and are in line with a vast majority of the American people

American Conservative: Social Media Censorship Laws Face a Skeptical Court – The Court expressed skepticism at best about Florida and Texas laws (Moody v. NetChoice, NetChoice v. Paxton) enacted in response to social media platforms censoring conservative views after January 6th

American Thinker: Woke Policies Threaten to Shatter America’s Multi-Generational Military Legacy – The U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force all face a severe and worsening recruiting crisis that imperils their future strength, readiness, and warfighting capabilities – Why would we want our grandchildren to serve in a military that does not value their family legacy or their Christian values and worldview?…

American Thinker: Why Americans No Longer Trust the Healthcare System – Trust is foundational in relationships, whether between individuals or between individuals and institutions – Doctors, hospitals, and healthcare systems used to be held in high esteem, but no more…

The Defender: Dr. Meryl Nass Takes on the WHO With The Launch of New Nonprofit –The purpose of the “Door to Freedom” nonprofit and website is to educate the public and encourage them to take action about what she called a “global coup” by the World Health Organization…

Zero Hedge: $1 Trillion Per 100 Days – With a stunning trillion dollars added to the national debt in only three months, projected to reach an incomprehensible $54 trillion within 10 years, and America’s interest payments on track to exceed defense spending next year, this question must be asked – How much farther can the debt bubble go?

Washington Times: A list of hate groups circulated by the federal government to banks included top conservative organizations – Included, were the Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel, Pacific Justice Institute, and Federation for American Immigration Reform…

American Thinker: Of ‘Teen Takeovers’ and How Television News Portrays It – How is a group looting a store not a mob, especially when it proves fatal? – The strongest statement by Chicago’s mayor, Brandon Johnson, was his rejection of the term, “mob actions”: “We’re not talking about mob actions,” he insisted…

Zero Hedge: Over 140,000 Farms Lost In 5 Years – Between 2017 and 2022, the number of farms in the U.S. declined by 7%, according to USDA’s 2022 Census of Agriculture – Acres operated by farm operations during the same timeframe declined by 20.1 million (2.2%), a loss equivalent to an area about the size of Maine

Zero Hedge: Surge Pricing Is On The Way – Restaurants are experimenting with a form of the dynamic pricing long used by airlines, hotels, and ride-hailing services – Technology providers are pitching services that enable restaurants to change prices weekly or monthly, increasing or slashing the cost of a taco or sandwich between a few quarters to several dollars, depending on demand and sales patterns

March 10, 2024

American Spectator: Biden’s Border Lies – Biden’s actions since the day of his inauguration confirm he has no interest in securing the border – Principal among the lies were Biden’s shouts about how Republicans — and, specifically, Donald Trump are the primary obstacles between him and the border security he says he wants

Fox News: State of the Race: Six key Senate seats Republicans look to flip in 2024 – Ohio, Montana, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Pennsylvania – Democrats are defending 23 of the 34 seats up for grabs this election cycle

City Journal: California legislators are trying to gut Proposition 209, again – Which states, “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting”

SLAY News: The World Economic Forum (WEF) demands that governments and Big Tech companies make a “concerted effort” to silence critics of this unelected globalist organization’s agenda – The WEF claims that it is seeking to stamp out wrong-think as part of its alleged fight against so-called “disinformation”

The Vigilant Fox: Media Blackout, 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You, Episode 13 – #1, Elon Musk issues warning for America: “Groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11” – #4, Strange connections continue to emerge surrounding Fani Willis…

Vigilant News: A New Study Unearths Unexpected Findings About Red Meat – While the globalists wage war on eating meat, a new study finds that beef intake is associated with a LOWER risk of developing heart disease…

Politique Republic: The Clinton Family Perfected Influence Peddling Long Before the Biden Family – The collapse of Haiti reminds us how the sale of influence has real-world consequences…

Washington Examiner: This week, a federal court ruled that Biden’s immigration parole program is illegal, which is going to create huge headaches for Biden as his entire post-Title 42 immigration plan rests on that expansive view of the parole power – The entire court’s opinion is provided here…

SLAY News: Speaker Johnson Reveals What Biden Told Him About The Border Crisis – “I told Biden if he would just do one executive order and reinstate Trump’s Remain in Mexico, senior border patrol people say it would reduce the flow by 70 percent” – “After telling him that “I said, why won’t you do it?” – “He responded, Mexico doesn’t want to do that”

American Greatness: The PRC’s Bid for Strategic Superiority – China’s rapid military expansion indicates that the People’s Republic of China is intent on global military domination and is targeting the U.S. because it is the last barrier to its dominance – This fact was again brought to light this past week at the PRC’s “Two Sessions” addressed increased budgets…

POWERLINE: In this video clip from his interview with Jonathan Capehart, President Biden explains why Hamas wants a ceasefire – He accidentally explains how it promotes its goals and seeks to backtrack but can’t figure out how except by falsely implying that Israel is violating the laws of war – What a disgrace

Washington Examiner: The Biden-Harris ‘Root Cause’ Of Border Failure – The real “root cause” of the border crisis other than Biden’s catch-and-release policies is that socialist governments in Central America and South America are using migration as a weapon to extract concessions from a weak and ideologically sympathetic Biden administration

American Thinker: Why would anyone vote for Biden after the damage he has done since taking the oath of office – On his first day in office, he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and handed energy supremacy to our foreign enemies – He dismantled the border security policies that President Trump put in place and ended the border wall construction – Then there are the bread-and-butter issues of inflation and unemployment…

Breitbart: Donald Trump Rocks The UFC Fight And The Crowd Went Wild When He Entered Kaseya Center in Miami, Florida – The crowd later chanted “USA,” “USA,” “USA,” followed by “F— Joe Biden”…

American Thinker: My Biggest Conservative Influences – Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin along with… – Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul have seldom disappointed in their quest to pursue a conservative agenda, but I can count on one hand conservatives who, once granted power, successfully moved the needle in a conservative direction – Donald Trump accomplished the most – We are at a crossroads and cannot allow progressivism/Marxism/fascism to destroy our once-great Republic

American Thinker: It’s Not Wise to Corner a Bear – How long can leftists expect to get away with antagonizing half of the USA’s population? – These radicals have systematically undermined our ability to practice many of the freedoms we cherish – But they have failed to recognize we have the right, and the duty, to meet their tyranny with resistance

American Thinker: Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats – The former manipulates the value of money, and the latter manipulates the perceived truthfulness of information – But as is true of all institutions, they ultimately serve the interests of the people who run them…

Zero Hedge: Medicaid Expansion Was Supposed To Pay For Itself, But Instead Hospitals Are Closing – 10 states did not fall for the Medicaid expansion trap under Obamacare, and the rest are suffering – Private payers (you, one way or another) make up for their losses…

March 9, 2024

CNBC: President Biden on Saturday signed a $460 billion spending bill into law, averting a partial government shutdown – This partial budget deal covers funding for six major areas of government, which encompass military and veterans affairs departments, agriculture, commerce, justice, transportation, housing, and urban development and energy…

Zero Hedge: Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Ret) Provides Nation With Alternative View Of The State Of The Union – Biden claims the economy is booming but he noted that “much of it comes from government spending and employment,” adding that the government share of GDP is 42% – Macgregor then warned about the invasion on the open southern border, indicating, “This uncontrolled influx is straining our resources, overwhelming our communities, and destroying our prosperity”…

James Roguski: I was FINALLY able to obtain an unofficial document that appears to be an updated version of the proposed amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations – These Amendments Are Unacceptable – Please read it and share it far and wide…

American Spectator: Hold Him Accountable – The ‘Abbey Gate’ Arrest at The State of the Union Exposes Biden’s Disastrous Foreign Policy – The lowest point came when Capitol Police arrested Steve Nikoui, the father of Marine Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, one of 13 U.S. Marines, soldiers, and sailors killed by an ISIS-K bomb at the Kabul International Airport during America’s withdrawal

American Spectator: California Failed the Lab Test, And More Illegal Chinese Biolabs May Exist Across the Country – The illegal bio lab, the committee found, “was run by a PRC citizen who is a wanted fugitive from Canada with a 330 million Canadian dollar judgment against him for stealing American intellectual property” – The rest of the nation should be on full alert…

Zero Hedge: COVID Showed Us The Reality Of Who Rules America – As the Covid panic revealed to us, the real, de facto ruling class is the executive state which effortlessly ruled by total decree during the Covid crisis…

Washington Examiner: In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden railed against so-called dark money – That could place Biden in a tough spot because his 2020 election was the culmination of Democrat Party-allied nonprofit organizations that don’t disclose their donors that spent more than $1.5 billion to prop up his agenda

Daniel Greenfield: Biden Uses State of the Union to Threaten Civil War – Not even Obama violated political norms the way Biden just did – A few breaths after implicitly comparing himself to FDR during WWII, Biden then compared himself to Lincoln during the Civil War…

The Daily Fetched: Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene celebrated a victory lap against Joe Biden after she interrupted him during his State of the Union address – After she yelled out the name “Laken Riley,” the president veered off the script and described the nursing student’s suspected killer as an “illegal.”

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden made an embarrassing gaffe at a rally in Pennsylvania, where he told the crowd to “send me to Congress.” – The aging president’s stamina was not up to a rally just a day after the SOTU, which was evident with a series of bizarre and confused gaffes…

The Daily Fetched: The House Energy and Commerce Committee advanced a bill to force Chinese company ByteDance, to sell the platform or face removal from the U.S. market – Biden said of the bill, “If they pass it, I’ll sign it.”

American Thinker: Student loan forgiveness will fatten DEI bank accounts – So, who else besides students will benefit from Democrat largesse? – The answer becomes apparent when we look at one particular category, DEI staffers, highlighted in this recent report out of Virginia…

Sharyl Attkisson: The Department of Justice is paying nearly $1 million to a public university to track the spread of ‘Mis-, Dis- and Mal-Information’ – A public university in South Carolina is getting nearly $1 million to map the spread of MDM in real-time and create an online dashboard with an MDM tracker…

New York Post: Criminals with ties to MS-13 are selling fake green cards and SSI cards to migrants in Queens, a dangerous security threat – At least 10 men were camped out in broad daylight at four different corners along Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, hawking the bogus documents for $80 to $250

Zero Hedge: A Faulty US Aid Drop Kills At Least 5 Palestinians In Gaza City – Videos captured by local journalists showed over a dozen packages dropped from a plane falling at a great speed near the al-Fayrouz Towers area

Fox News: Senators Ed Markey and Marco Rubio made a new push Friday on bipartisan legislation that would make daylight saving permanent – S. 582, also coined the Sunshine Protection Act, would make daylight saving permanent and add an hour to the day – The Senate unanimously passed the legislation in March 2022, but it was stalled

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: BANG-POP EDITION – The week began with a big bang—the Supreme Court ruling 9 – 0 that Trump had to stay on the ballot

March 8, 2024

American Thinker: Biden is forcing a ceasefire on Israel and boasts about bullying PM Netanyahu – During the SOTU, Biden announced benefits to Gaza that will force a ceasefire on a currently winning Israel and later bragged about a nasty, bully remark he made to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The Federalist: Liz Cheney And The January 6 Committee Suppressed Exonerating Evidence Of Trump’s Push For National Guard – Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had ‘no evidence’ to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had asked for 10,000 National Guard troops

Zero Hedge: New York Attorney General Letitia James has been sued by a Nassau County executive who has accused her of unconstitutional discrimination for trying to override the county’s decision to block biologically male transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports

Geller Report: The US Economy LOST 1.87 Million Full-Time Jobs In Past 3 Months – Every month, the Biden regime’s job report is revised DOWN by 20-50% – These people are lying to us, and covering their tracks a month later – We’ve now had downward revisions for 10/12 to 11/12 on the 12-month for nearly two years”…

American Conservative: Biden’s State of the Union Is a Call to Congressional Resistance – The nation’s annual headmaster ritual showcased a president recklessly endangering Americans abroad and pursuing division at home – Joe Biden even admonished the justices of the Supreme Court to their faces, like some brave boy snarling at a caged lion in a zoo…

American Thinker: Biden’s State of the Union was long, boring, and essentially amounted to a campaign speech – Left unsaid was any mention of the horrendous U.S. pullout from Afghanistan – A Gold Star father of a Marine killed during the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal was arrested after he stood up and shouted, ‘Remember Abbey Gate!’ ‘United States Marines!’ and ‘Abbey Gate!’ during Biden’s State of the Union…

Fox News: Joe Biden touched on taxes, crime, abortion, inflation, and more during his State of The Union address – Senator Katie Britt, who delivered the Republican rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union address last night, said she thought Biden’s “anger and bitterness, and what seemed to be some type of rage was unbecoming of the President of the United States”

Western Journal: Trump Perfectly Sums Up Biden’s State of the Union Speech Immediately After it Ends – “That may be the Angriest, Least Compassionate, and Worst State of the Union Speech ever made – It was an Embarrassment to our Country!”

Daily Signal: Fact-Checking Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address – The president made numerous claims, many of them contentious and sharply partisan – ‘Cutting the Federal Deficit’ – The ‘Toughest Set of Border Security Reforms We’ve Ever Seen’ – Transgenderism as ‘Fundamental Right’…

The Vigilant Fox: RFK Jr. Says ‘Enough’ to These 21 Key Issues Plaguing America – #1, “We’ve become a nation of chronic illness, of violence, of loneliness, depression, and division and poverty” – #2, “Our great cities are becoming tent encampments” – #3, “Modern-day Hooverville is filled with undocumented immigrants and dispossessed Americans and people living in their cars, plagued by mental illness and addiction and despair”…

Conservative Brief: The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a couple of cases during its current term that have the potential to dramatically alter the power and authority of the Executive Branch, which would effectively change how administrations govern – Specifically, decisions in the cases could substantially change how federal agencies are permitted to interpret laws passed by Congress…

Conservative Brief: A leading pollster took a deep dive into the results of a new survey regarding President Joe Biden’s job performance and approval one year out from the election – “Key demographic groups aren’t just mad at Joe Biden; they’re abandoning him in droves”…

American Thinker: Biden’s Bureau of Land Management announced another “climate change” gambit, again through the so-called Inflation Reduction Act – On Wednesday, the BLM unveiled an updated solar roadmap that proposes opening 22 million acres for developing utility-scale solar farms on public land in 11 Western states…

The UK Independent: Trump’s Grip On THE RNC Tightens As Michael Whatley And Lara Trump Take The Helm – Maureen Reagan, the daughter of President Ronald Reagan, was the last family member of a president to serve as co-chair of the RNC back in the 1980s

American Thinker: The Obama-Biden Administration Orchestrated Creeping Fascism In America – Obamaism and Italian fascism have more in common than just ideological similarities – Fascism is a strain of socialism in which the means of production are beneficially owned by private persons but controlled by the government – They started by hand-picking tech corporations, who then quickly and consequently became what we now call “Big Tech”…

American Thinker: Lessons For The Future Republic – Lesson number one, Starve the State – Note the common warning from both Victor Davis Hanson and Dennis Prager’s respective diagnoses; American society is showing identical symptoms to earlier societies that disintegrated into civil war…

Zero Hedge: Wokeness Is Destroying America One Student at a Time, Part 2 – The idea of elevating minorities may sound great on the surface, but the US took a wrong turn and started turning into a country where the majority is often penalized for not being a minority – This brings me to the college HQ of wokeness, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion…

City Journal: Opportunity Squandered – Well-paying trade and industrial jobs go unfilled as training programs and apprenticeships grow slowly – The numbers are startling, the Labor Department estimates that at least 750,000 jobs are unfilled at industrial firms…

City Journal: No Ramadan Ceasefire – While the idea of advocating for a ceasefire with a genocidal terrorist organization is fundamentally misguided, the notion that Israel should halt its military efforts to respect Ramadan is even more perverse as it would encourage Hamas…

American Spectator: Buying Guns and Bibles Might Get You Debanked – Big Banks and Big Government are working together on this and that isn’t good news for Americans – At this point, we’re no longer talking about flagging the accounts of charity organizations and right-wing political lobbyists

March 7, 2024

The Dossier: During his State of The Union address Biden will reportedly announce that the U.S. military will build a port and pier in Gaza to facilitate the import of resources for the Hamas-controlled enclave – In plain English, this means he is deploying boots on the ground to Gaza to run point on a mission that has nothing to do with protecting the interests of Americans

Conservative Brief: The House of Representatives passed a 1,050-page spending bill, which includes roughly $13 billion in earmarks, or “pork barrel” spending – With more Democrats voting in favor of the bill than Republicans, it passed 339–85

Western Journal: Biden Gets Painful Economic News on Day of State of the Union: February Layoffs Surge to Highest Level in 15 Years – The Challenger, Gray & Christmas report revealed the acceleration of job cuts by U.S. employers “marked the highest layoff total for February in data going back to 2009

Washington Examiner: A large metal fence has been set up around the U.S. Capitol building ahead of Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech – The speech will begin a few hours after a scheduled protest in support of Palestinians at 6 p.m. organized by People Demand and the Climate Justice Alliance, which described “Free Palestine” as a topic relating to climate justice…

Washington Examiner: House Speaker Mike Johnson mocks Joe Biden in prebuttal video that includes stair trips – “While the White House plans to use the annual address as a ‘reset,’ Speaker Johnson reminds the American public that the reason a reset is even necessary is because of President Biden’s failed agenda and failed leadership”

The Vigilant Fox: Donald Trump Issues A Pre-Rebuttal To Joe Biden’s Forthcoming State of the Union Address – Joe Biden is on the run from his record and lying like crazy to try and escape accountability for the horrific devastation he and his party have created as they continue the very policies that are causing this horror show…

Daily Wire: Trump To Respond Live To Biden’s State Of The Union With ‘Play By Play’ Commentary – Trump said he would respond quickly to any claims made by Biden about the southern U.S. border, the Department of Justice, and the investigations into him…

Center For Immigration Studies: Illegal Immigration Surges to the Top of Americans’ Concerns – Three polls the president and Congress ignore at their peril – Gallup, The Wall Street Journal, and Fox News

Issues & Insights: Is A New Biden Scandal About To Erupt? – In pursuit of cultural and political engineering that only the Democrats would ever consider, the current administration has flown 320,000 illegal immigrants into 43 US airports directly from foreign airports during the past year, all pre-approved via a cell phone app…

American Spectator: Nikki Haley’s Political Future Is Now Nonexistent – Her most enthusiastic supporters all voted for Joe Biden and that’s why she never gained much traction and finally dropped out yesterday because she championed ideas that no longer animate Republicans

VOX: Democrats’ latest problem, 1 in 5 Latino voters are considering switching parties – Some 19.4% of Latino voters, say they have considered changing their political affiliation either by switching parties or becoming independents, according to a national survey released by Florida International University (FIU) and the marketing firm Adsmovil

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden administration is not conducting federally mandated DNA tests on detained illegal aliens – Customs and Border Protection only collected DNA samples from 30 to 40 percent of the approximately 3.2 million illegal aliens who entered the United States in the fiscal year 2023

New York Post: Joe Biden looks like a loser on the eve of his State of the Union – Americans belatedly are waking up to the border disaster he inflicted on the country, the hatred and division he stoked, the preposterous wokeness he imposed on every corner of the government, the incompetence, the wars, and “Bidenomics” that translated to empty wallets

Victor Davis Hanson: The Ukrainian Verdun – Ukraine has ossified into something like the modern version of the horrific Battle of Verdun, fought 108 years ago – The only thing worse than an armistice with no clear winner or loser is an endless war with more than a million casualties…

Zero Hedge: Senator Ron Johnson And Former Congressman Joe Walsh Debate The War In Ukraine – ZeroHedge presents the latest debate in our series aimed at bringing live, long-form discussions on controversial topics back into the ideologically-siloed and echo-chambered media landscape – X Spaces influencer Mario Nawfal moderated the debate

Western Journal: Representative Matt Gaetz filed a complaint with the Inspector General’s Office of the DOJ alleging special counsel Jack Smith’s effort to try Donald Trump amounts to election interference and Smith’s efforts to push against any delays in Trump’s trial are rooted in Smith’s desire to influence the presidential election

American Thinker: Why Putin Endorses Biden – Presidents Biden and Putin are trading barbs as of late, yet Putin wants another Biden term – In contrast to Biden’s actions, from the start, the Trump administration implemented a more uncompromising U.S. policy vis-à-vis Russia…

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump called on President Joe Biden to participate in presidential debates, granting him the option to choose the time, location, and TV network of his choice – Trump, “It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People”

Washington Examiner: Several House Democrats have expressed concerns about whether President Biden will have a “senior moment” during this year’s State of the Union as questions swirl around his mental capability to serve another term as president – “We are all nervous,” one Democrat told Axios, pointing to long-running concerns about Biden’s “ability to speak without blowing things”

Breitbart: The 19 percent of “uncommitted” voters in Minnesota could spell trouble for Biden come November with the Muslim vote – Biden is boxed in, Because if he were to be perceived as abandoning Israel, he’d lose as much or even more support from crucial Jewish and pro-Israel voters

American Greatness: Trump Never Lost Control of GOP, He Only Tightened His Grasp – Trump’s control of the GOP will soon be complete, a fact that allies and Trump confidants say reflects an uncomfortable reality for whatever small pockets of resistance still exist on the right…

POWERLINE: The Price Of Inflation – The daycare minders at the White House persuaded Biden to single out “shrinkflation” as the villain – Biden’s daycare minders must take us for fools as “shrinkflation” reflects “inflation” and is a manifestation of rising prices…

The Intercept: The FBI’s Double Agent – The Informant at the Heart of the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Was a Liability, so Federal Agents Shut Him Up – The Intercept obtained the full recording and is publishing key portions for the first time of the FBI’s interrogation of Stephen Robeson, a paid informant central to the alleged kidnapping plot…

American Thinker: More Hidden Risks of EVs – We are way too early in the game to understand all we should know about EVs. Still, an EV will likely not exceed five digits on the odometer because the cost to replace the battery in its typical 10-year span of battery life will exceed the vehicle’s resale value, and that’s a big one…

American Thinker: The Biggest Climate Lie Is About Cows – If cows are eliminated and replaced with synthetic meats, we are told the environment will benefit – The opposite is easily demonstrated – Synthetic meats are “cultured” in vats using plant matter as a growing medium, likely soy or corn – That soy and corn will be produced using the same destructive GMO practices that are destroying America’s farmland

Zero Hedge: There Is A War On Free Speech – A new Washington state law would allow private individuals to collect up to $2,000 for reporting someone to the new “hate crimes and bias incidents hotline”  which will then be forwarded to local law enforcement to investigate…

Zero Hedge: A bill that would let illegal immigrants receive the same kind of homebuyer assistance as U.S. citizens has advanced in the California state legislature – AB 1840, was first introduced in mid-January and advanced last week to the Committee on Housing and Community Development, where it awaits further action

Front Page: How Corrupt is Gavin Newsom? – Ruthless socialist states that impose one-party rule and muzzle the press might be jealous of his accomplishments – Newsom just “signed a law that exempts Panera Bread from a new $20-an-hour minimum wage hike for fast food chains due to an unusual carve-out that exempts ‘chains that bake bread and sell it as a standalone item’”

Lumen News: The WPATH Files prove gender medicine is comprised of unregulated and pseudoscientific experiments on children, adolescents, and vulnerable adults – Child psychologist Dianne Berg admitted children are unable to comprehend the ramifications of the treatments they claim to want…

FAR: The Video That Will Be Played for 8th and 10th Graders in WV Going Forward – This straightforward video of a baby’s growth in the womb is truly outstanding – Hopefully, more school districts will take a stand and show this to their students as well…

March 6, 2024

Washington Examiner: The House passed the first half of its annual appropriations bills on Wednesday, marking the first step toward avoiding a government shutdown that is scheduled to start over the weekend – It was passed with a 339-85 vote, overcoming the two-thirds threshold needed to advance the lower chamber

San Francisco Chronicle: Bay Area Google employee criminally charged with sharing AI trade secrets with Chinese firms – A federal grand jury indictment unsealed Wednesday accuses Linwei Ding, also known as Leon Ding, of four felony charges of trade secret theft, each punishable by up to 10 years in prison

Dov Fischer: Catching Up On 10 More Infuriating Things In The Past Month’s News – #16, It is enormously impressive to behold the degree to which Marjorie Taylor Greene has grown and evolved in Congress, she is great – #17, It does not seem optimistic that we will ever return to honest elections…

Tablet Magazine: How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers – The first place to look is the reported “total” number of deaths – This proportional regularity can’t be real as one would expect variation from day to day – Similarly, we should see a variation in the number of child casualties that tracks the variation in the number of women…

City Journal: It Is Morally and Practically Indefensible – A new Biden administration rule could lay the groundwork for the final dismantling of institutional care in America—and disrupt the services received by thousands of disabled kids across the country – The proposed rule would amend OCR’s interpretation of Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act…

Just The News: The House set to vote on spending package to keep the government open past Friday that includes $13B in earmarks – Representative Thomas Massie says the “swamp is back to buying Republican votes for the omnibus with earmarks” and Senator Mike Lee says there is “no way any mortal could vet all of the earmarks in the 48 hours they’ve given us so far”

REUTERS: The U.S. Supreme Court has set April 25 as the date it will hear Donald Trump’s claim of presidential immunity from prosecution on charges related to his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss – This is the last day of oral arguments for its current term

Washington Free Beacon: Federal authorities are searching for an Iranian intelligence officer who allegedly has been plotting to assassinate several Trump-era officials in revenge for the assassination of IRGC-QF Commander Qasem Soleimani by the Trump administration in 2020…

Washington Examiner: Biden has over 350,000 problems ahead of his Trump rematch – Several Super Tuesday states included “uncommitted” options on their ballots and gathered about 254,017 votes as of Wednesday morning…

American Conservative: In a Wednesday speech, Nikki Haley announced the suspension of her presidential campaign, clearing the Republican field of serious opposition to former President Donald Trump’s third nomination – She declined to endorse Donald Trump at this time

American Thinker: It Doesn’t Matter Who the Democrat Nominee Is – If Biden is dispatched for an alternative, keep this in mind – At this point, only election fraud can defeat Trump – If anyone can draw a turnout that’s “too big to rig,” or that can “outvote the fraud,” it’s Donald Trump

American Thinker: The Biden Administration’s Creative Rule-Breaking Is Destroying The Border – Most people don’t realize that they have created an illegitimate system by which all of these people entering here illegally suddenly aren’t illegal anymore…

Front Page Magazine: Over 60% of San Francisco voters backed moves that the Left would have found unimaginable – Things are bad enough that the voters, who normally vote on the leftist line, don’t care, they even booted Chesa Boudin – Now they voted by an overwhelming margin for drug screenings for welfare recipients

American Thinker: Are university students really ‘snowflakes’? – Censorship-minded administrators, in the end, are insulting their students – Who gets to decide what opinions “snowflakes” cannot be permitted to hear lest they shiver/quiver, shake, and quake in their boot?…

American Thinker: American Marxists have recently launched a new campaign in their ongoing war on America and its founding – The proposition that “Christian Nationalism” is an existential threat to the nation, which they define as “ideology that asserts civic life in the U.S. organized according to the conservative and ethnocentric expression of Christianity”

American Thinker: Real-world data show that polar bears and coral reefs are doing far better than alarmists would have you believe is the case – Stick to the non-manipulated data and you will find good news for animal and nature lovers everywhere…

New York Post: Governor Hochul to deploy National Guardsmen and state cops to carry out bag checks in NYC’s crime-ridden subways – 750 guardsmen and 250 cops will now help NYPD officers patrol the “the city’s busiest transit stations,” Hochul said

Zero Hedge: The National Institutes of Health is paying $214,000 for three researchers to create a “transgender voice training” app – A study aims to address “voice dysphoria,” which researchers say causes a lower quality of life when a person’s voice does not match their gender identity…

March 5, 2024

Wall Street Journal: The Biden ‘Strike Force’ Is Coming for You – After causing prices to rise due to inflation, the White House is blaming businesses for “unfair and illegal prices in this election year – On cue, the WH Council of Economic Advisers says these actions are “already yielding billions of dollars in savings for Americans…

Washington Examiner: A Trump Lawfare Update – The anti-Trump coalition has launched six main attacks on Trump – #1 is the federal indictment, brought by DOJ-appointed special counsel Jack Smith, charging Trump with 40 felony counts in the classified documents case – #2 is also brought by Smith, charging Trump with four felonies in the 2020 election and Jan. 6 case…

FINANCIAL TIMES: The six swing states that will decide the US presidential race – The battle for the White House comes down to states like Arizona and Georgia – Immigration will be a vital issue for voters in Arizona, which shares more than 370 miles of border with Mexico – Georgia is hosting one of Trump’s four criminal cases, the Fulton County district attorney has indicted the Trump for interfering in the 2020 election…

Wall Street Journal: Biden’s Worst Nightmare, Blacks and Hispanics Go For Trump – The former president picked up support from minority voters because they did better during his economy

Breitbart: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema will retire at the end of 2024, clearing the way for a battle between Republican Kari Lake and Democrat Representative Ruben Gallego for Arizona’s Senate seat

One America News: Steve Garvey and Adam Schiff have progressed to the November election to vie for the position of California’s newest Senator – As of 10:41 pm PST Schiff had 35% of the vote while Garvey had 30.1%

Center For Immigration Studies: The DHS has discretely granted “humanitarian parole” entries into the US and two-year work permits to more than 85,000 Mexican nationals who used the “CBP One” mobile phone app – This raised no DC curiosity since an FOI lawsuit revealed the information

The Daily Signal: ‘Let the Reckoning Begin’- Detransitioners Are Vindicated by An Expose of WPATH Experimentation on Minors – Detransitioners have been trying to warn the public that so-called gender-affirming care—transgender surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers—is both experimental and dangerous, especially for minors…

Resist The Mainstream: The Billionaire Investor Who Predicted The Housing Crash in 08 Reveals the Top 3 US States To Keep a Look Out For – Texas, Florida, and Tennessee housing markets will remain strong…

American Thinker: Israel And The Dangerous Blindness Of The Biden Administration – Opposition leader Benny Ganz’s recent White House visit is seen as a deliberate snub against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who publicly rejected U.S. State Department plans to create a coalition of Hamas and Fatah into a PLO Palestinian state…

Breitbart: Jews Are Fleeing Khan’s London Amid A Huge Antisemitism Wave – The number of Jewish residents considering leaving London is increasing daily in response to targeted hostility – Amid a series of antisemitic attacks in the capital there is increasing nervousness among Jewish people about their safety

Western Journal: Michelle Obama’s Office Announces Her Decision on Running for President – Speculation that she might step in has raged for months – “As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” declared Crystal Carson, Director of Communications for her office

Red State: Elon Musk Warns That “Groundwork Is Being Laid For Something Far Worse Than 9/11” – 320,000 illegal immigrants were directly FLOWN INTO THE US – The White House confirmed many thousands of illegal immigrants from foreign countries were flown into at least 43 different American airports from January through December 2023…

The Center Square: It’s Super Tuesday and voters in more than a dozen states will select their preferred candidate for president – Candidates for state and local offices also are on the ballot depending on the state – Trump will see if he can further widen his already huge lead over Nikki Haley on what is the biggest day of the Republican presidential primary…

Washington Examiner: Super Tuesday, California rule changes could hand Trump the nomination in record time – Switching to a majority-take-all system that rewards candidates with the ability to win over a majority of California Republican voters – The second change moved the date of the primary election up to March from mid-June

Front Page: House Democrats Prepare an “Insurrection” Bill Barring Trump from Taking Office – For now, in a GOP House, the bill is mostly virtue signaling, but tellingly Representative Jamie Raskin is not so much trying to define insurrection as trying to define January 6 as an insurrection…

Western Journal: House Speaker Mike Johnson put an end to Jamie Raskin’s insurrection bill fantasy once and for all – Johnson told his Democrat House members to “get a grip” – “In this country, the American people decide the next president, not the courts and not the Congress”…

American Thinker: Possible Fani Willis Witness Tampering – A new witness claims Fani Willis warned lover Nathan Wade’s former business partner to stay quiet about their affair according to a new court filing – You don’t need to talk to them about anything about us,” Willis is alleged to have warned Terrence Bradley in a September 2023 phone call

John Daniel Davidson: Democrats, Not Trump Or His Supporters, Are The Real Extremists – The recent unanimous Supreme Court ruling should be a stark reminder that Democrats aren’t playing by the rules anymore – Democrats engage in projection constantly, taking an extreme position and then decrying any dissent or resistance to it as extremist…

FAR: There Is A Serious Need To Protect American AI Development Programs – Chinese penetration of our AI labs would be trivially easy using any number of industrial espionage methods – Our OpenAI development programs must be protected to the level accomplished with the Manhattan Project, so must be nationalized immediately

Issues & Insights: Last week’s announcement that the FTC is suing to block a merger between the grocery store chains Kroger and Albertsons is ridiculous – It Is far more likely these bureaucrats are blocking this merger because they believe it will benefit their future political careers – rather than protecting consumers, the FTC is in the short term protecting Walmart’s market share…

March 4, 2024

Western Journal: SCOTUS Rules for Trump In The Colorado Ballot Case – A Democrat Lawmaker Said Their Next Move Could Be To Disqualify Trump After The Election By Refusing To Certify His Electoral College Win…

One America News: A federal appeals court has allowed the Texas Immigration law Senate Bill 4 to take effect on Monday, which allows the state’s law enforcement to arrest individuals for illegally crossing into the United States if the Supreme Court decides not to intervene

Breitbart: Pro-Beijing groups financially backed by two China-linked billionaires are pushing the radical transgender movement as a means of advancing a Marxist agenda in the United States, according to seven-time New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer…

Breitbart: What appeared to be organic protests in the US during the wake of George Floyd’s death were actually in many cases organized by members of little-known radical organizations linked to China, according to Peter Schweizer

Dov Fischer: Catching Up on 10 Infuriating Things in the Past Month’s News – You have heard of the game of “20 Questions”? – Here are the first of “20 Answers” – #4, Cori Bush demands we “defund the police.” Meanwhile, she has spent over $627,000 in campaign funds on her private security

Zero Hedge: Nearly Half Of Our Young People Wouldn’t Spend $10 Monthly On Climate Action – And one out of five (20%) in the same age bracket responded that they would not pay anything at all, according to the poll results – Perhaps this underscores that the youth are merely serial virtue signalers

Pirate Wires: Google’s Culture of Fear – Inside the DEI hive mind that led to Gemini’s disaster – Interviews with concerned employees paint a picture of a leaderless Google in total disarray – Google knew their Gemini model’s DEI worldview compromised its performance ahead of launch

POWERLINE: CALIFORNIA IS ABOUT TO GET EVEN WORSE – Thanks to a 2020 law called the “California Racial Justice Act,” every felon serving time in the state’s prisons and jails can now retroactively challenge his conviction and sentencing on the grounds of systemic bias…

The Supreme Court Rules Trump To Stay On The 2024 Ballot With A Unanimous Ruling – The high court ruled that states cannot enforce Section 3 to remove a presidential candidate because that power rests in Congress

Breitbart: Progressives bashed the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling that states could not disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 presidential ballot – Some even suggested that the court be “dissolved” – Some liberals argued that the Supreme Court did not “explicitly deny” that Trump was “an insurrectionist”

The Post Millennial: On Thursday, fresh off the heels of Super Tuesday, Joe Biden will deliver this year’s State of the Union address, hoping to persuade Americans that under his leadership, the country is not only surviving but thriving – His speech is expected to be divisive, pitting MAGA Republicans and any right-leaning American against Democrats and the left, painting conservatives as being on the wrong side of every issue both domestic and foreign…

Washington Free Beacon: As President Joe Biden pushes to empower the Palestinian Authority in the name of Middle East peace, the PA has committed tens of millions of dollars for Hamas terrorists who were killed or captured while carrying out their Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel and the resulting war…

Victor Davis Hanson: Gearing Up for ‘Biden’ Versus Trump – Not If, But When and How to Replace Biden – It is increasingly clear that the entire Biden family consortium is compromised and corrupt – If Trump can praise those he defeats, call for unity, and campaign in 50 states in non-Republican strongholds, then he can win…

Issues & Insights: The WH Doesn’t Want To Talk About ‘Bidenomics’ Anymore – Searches for “Bidenomics” on www.whitehouse.gov returned 59 results in July 2023, and there were just 10 in February – Bidenomics, which means massive, deficit-financed inflation-fueling spending, an avalanche of costly new rules and regulations, along with a huge “clean energy” push, higher taxes, open borders, and no new free trade agreements has failed the country

Center For Immigration Studies: Biden’s Parole Flights Are Creating Security ‘Vulnerabilities’ at U.S. Airports – The DHS won’t say which airports are receiving inadmissible aliens from abroad

Sputnik International: Ukraine’s Recruiting Efforts Are ‘Sowing Panic’ as Draft-Eligible Men Flee ‘Certain Death’ – Despite mounting losses, which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been downplaying to coax more money from the West, there is still “no political consensus” on how to remedy the severe shortage of troops on the battlefront…

Front Page Magazine: Democrats’ claims that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans are invariably based on the findings of studies that either intentionally manipulate data or ignore key information that would yield a very different conclusion – Between 2003 and 2009, illegals in the U.S. committed approximately 70,000 sex crimes, 42,000 robberies, 81,000 auto thefts, 95,000 weapons offenses…

Washington Examiner: A New Axis Research poll shows Pennsylvania voters overwhelmingly reject Biden LNG pause – 58% of Pennsylvania voters surveyed oppose President Joe Biden’s liquefied natural gas export moratorium – The survey showed 41% of voters are more likely to vote against Biden based on him suspending approvals for new facilities that export liquefied natural gas

American Thinker: Nikki Haley reneges on her ‘loyalty pledge’ to support the Republican nominee during her Meet The Press interview – She signed the pledge to get on the debate stage – Does she even have a platform, and is she even saying anything about what she would do as President?

American Thinker: Is Joe Biden’s catastrophic government spending masking a recession? – Things don’t add up when you examine the federal budget and deficits – So how would they explain why the federal debt is growing at $1 trillion every 100 days since June of 2023 and a $3 trillion increase if the deficit is only $1.6 trillion? – Where is the money going?

Washington Examiner: Biden took checks from left-wing climate activists who pressured him to halt LNG exports – Top employees for roughly half a dozen entities behind this successful pressure campaign wired large sums to Biden in 2020, with thousands of dollars also coming in to support his 2024 reelection bid

We Have To Do Something About Google – “Well, Google has stepped big time – People noticed that its ‘diversity guidelines’ for its Gemini AI essentially eliminated white people from its representation – Their algorithm “computer error” is an example of DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) gone berserk, almost comically so…

Cal Matters: California’s fast food workers are getting a raise to $20/hour, but the labor-industry truce is fraying – Republicans want to scrap the new hourly rate law and McDonald’s franchisees are funding a committee that is attacking Democrats who supported the law and are seeking local office in the primary

March 3, 2024

Townhall: More than 100 people convicted in cases related to January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill protestors could see shortened sentences following a federal appeals court ruling on Friday – Circuit Judge Millett ruled that interference with Congress’ certification of the presidential election in 2021 does not apply to an extension of a prison sentence

Front Page Magazine: Democrat claims that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans are invariably based on studies that either intentionally manipulate data to support a deceptive narrative, or ignore key information that would yield a very different conclusion – Between 2003 and 2009, illegals in the U.S. committed approximately 70,000 sex crimes, 42,000 robberies, 81,000 auto thefts, 95,000 weapons offenses…

Just The News: The Biden administration announced it will pay college students to register voters and participate in get-out-the-vote activities shortly after canceling student loan debt – It’s a move that Republicans and election integrity advocates are saying will mobilize Democratic voters with taxpayer dollars

Vigilant News: Media Blackout, 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You, Episode 12 – #7, The CIA built “12 secret spy bases” in Ukraine and waged a shadow war for 10 Years – #5, Hunter Biden finally admits Joe Biden is “The Big Guy”…

New York Post: A study shows that repeat crime INCREASED in New York because of justice ‘reforms’ – College of Criminal Justice’s Data Collaborative for Justice shows that 66% of the people released under bail reform who had a recent prior arrest were re-arrested within two years of their release

Checkmating DoJ and Jack Smith – The higher courts are finally stepping in to limit the legal overreach evident in both the January 6 cases and Jack Smith’s jihad against President Trump

Breitbart: Joe Biden continues to wage a political war against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – He held a high-level meeting Sunday with Benny Gantz, Netanyahu’s main likely political rival in future elections – Gantz leads the opposition Blue and White Party, and currently serves with Netanyahu in an emergency government of national unity

American Thinker: The End of Assimilation – America’s open borders have put huge strains on our social services, schools, and police departments and are facilitating drug addiction and human sex trafficking – Nearly all illegals arrive embracing values against core American principles, and so are “aliens” both legally and in terms of our political culture

Zero Hedge: Temperature records used by climate scientists and governments to build models that then forecast dangerous manmade global warming repercussions have serious problems and even corruption in the data, according to multiple scientists who have published recent studies on the issue

Breitbart: A Gay Couple Got Married at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago – ‘It Was Beyond Our Wildest Dreams’ – “We know the president’s consistent history of supporting gays,” Sullivan said – Since their wedding, they have experienced hate from the left – “The whole thing that the Democrats, the left, seems to have to offer right now is simply to divide people and to put people into groups and to pit them against one another”…

March 2, 2024

Daily Caller: Israel has essentially accepted a proposal for a 6-week Gaza ceasefire in exchange for the release of vulnerable hostages, according to an official, with the framework dependent on Hamas’ acceptance of the deal – “Right now, the ball is in the court of Hamas and we are continuing to push this as hard as we possibly can,” the source said

American Spectator Showdown at the Border – Trump was in the thick of it and at home with those who put their lives on the line to enforce federal immigration law and talking about the border in a way that resonates with American voters – And what did Biden say? He was trying to convince America that the southern border was a hot mess because Hill Republicans walked away from a bipartisan compromise that was supposed to address the chaos

Fox News: A recent The New York Times/Siena College poll shows that Trump leads Biden among Hispanics and registered voters overall – 46% of Hispanics said they would vote for Trump, while 40% said they would support Biden

Geller: On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit unanimously ruled that a January 6 defendant’s sentence was improperly enhanced – This ruling could impact numerous other January 6 cases…

American Thinker: At least 100 January 6 attendees were very wrongly over-sentenced – The DOJ demanded excessive sentences, and the judges provided them – These were insane sentences compared to what happened to violent and destructive Antifa and BLM protestors

Western Journal: As ripples of the murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley resonate across America, Georgia lawmakers have taken a step toward cracking down on illegal immigration in Georgia – State House Passes Bill Requiring Police to Identify and Arrest Illegal Immigrants

Western Journal: A Border Rancher Reveals What Liberal ‘Compassion’ Really Looks – “That’s the rape tree,” then he showed a photo of a tree with women’s clothes strewn around it – He’s been keeping track of the dead bodies found on his property, which currently total 17

SLAY News: More Evidence Emerges of Congress Members Engaging in Insider Trading – The claim has been that some members of Congress – most notably Pelosi – have profited tremendously from insider, non-public, knowledge that they have obtained through their government positions

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Anyone who thinks policy doesn’t matter should consider that red states are outperforming blue states economically – Joe Biden likes to brag about Bidenomics citing suspect statistics about job growth, a growing GDP, and falling inflation, but the American people aren’t buying it

NY Post: Nikki Haley’s complete ignorance of her party is why Trump is the last candidate standing – She’s no longer just attacking Donald Trump, she’s also attacking Republicans who support him, all of them…

Zero Hedge: Americans Face Decades In Prison For Convincing Women Not To Have Abortions – Heather Idon’s crime, according to the FACE act, was sitting near or in front of the doors of abortion clinics to give sidewalk counselors a few moments to talk to women before their abortion appointments and potentially change their minds…

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: The Biden Administration Not Stopping Iran, Russia, China, or the Houthis – By refraining from targeting Houthi leaders, the United States has inadvertently encouraged the group and allowed them to act with impunity

Fox News: The Former Border Patrol chief claims the Biden WH punished him for his critical ‘feedback,’ “I chose to retire instead” – Former USBP Chief Rodney Scott said Biden’s trip to the border Thursday was ‘for the cameras’

American Thinker: Donald Trump pledges his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor to the patriot’s cause – Where the rubber met the road, he has held fast to the spirit of America’s founding – He is up against the Washington D.C. sewer, the Congressional-Military-Industrial-Complex, and every single institution that has been corrupted and co-opted and fear his return to the presidency…

SLAY News: Democrats are now facing the reality that their politically motivated case targeting Donald Trump over January 6 will not make it to trial before the critical November election – Trump was given his biggest legal victory so far when the United States Supreme Court decided to take up his immunity case this week

Breitbart: Meet Senate Candidate, Adam Schiff, Who Looks Away from the Deadly Fentanyl Crisis in His Backyard After Taking Donations from Money Laundering Operators Tied to the Drug Trade – Allied Wallet, tied to money laundering with a major footprint in China made one of the top donations to a joint fundraising committee that Schiff established with then-Senator Barbara Boxer…

Dallas Ludlum: The Truth About Russiagate And What They Don’t Want You to See! – The story of the Trump-Russia scandal became a testament to the power of narrative, and the dangers inherent when the pen that writes history is guided by hands unseen…

CNBC: The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days and now stands at nearly #34.4 trillion – “Moody’s expects that US fiscal deficits will remain very large, significantly weakening debt affordability”

Resist The Mainstream: The Los Angeles Police Department is hiring illegal immigrants subject to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals order, issuing them firearms, and giving them authority to police American citizens

American Thinker: Who knew that there would be a shortage of police and stabbing police officers in the back would discourage recruitment? – It’s hard to do a difficult job when the political class doesn’t support you – Instead, they always side with the criminal, especially when the police officer is targeted by iPhones shown on TV…

American Thinker: Since 1965, Democrats Have Exploited Immigration For Political Power – As a result, America has gone from being a shining city on a hill to being the world’s largest permanent refugee camp – Long gone are the values of self-reliance, working hard, and valuing education…

American Thinker: A 1971 law suggests that weather modification could be done by the government in secret – There are several problems with “weather modification activities” that are likely obvious to most people, but a glaring one is that government “experts” are often wrong…


March 1, 2024

Margot Cleveland: 8 Unbelievable Claims From Hunter Biden’s Congressional Deposition – Hunter opened claiming lawmakers had ‘hunted’ him as part of a ‘partisan political pursuit’ and it all went downhill from there – #6, The Laptop Was a Plant…

Conservative Brief: House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer told reporters on Wednesday, following Hunter Biden’s behind-closed-doors testimony before his panel and the House Judiciary Committee, what the next steps likely are in President Joe Biden’s impeachment inquiry…

Washington Examiner: Senator Lindsey Graham shocked his colleagues when he voted against the defense supplemental security bill in February – The decision was a major reversal for Graham, who had spent months working with a bipartisan coalition to get a package aiding Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the U.S. southern border to the Senate floor

The Federalist: House Republicans Probe The FBI’s Sudden About-Face On A Confidential Source – James Comer and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting documents related to Special Counsel David Weiss’s indictment of CHS Alexander Smirnov…

Daily Mail: Nikki Haley calls for all Trump’s trials to be dealt with BEFORE the November election – This rival Republican hasn’t won a single primary yet and says Donald Trump has to “live according to the laws”

Hot Air: While everyone has been noticing the U.S. /Mexico border the northern border is compromised now too – Illegal aliens are crossing the U.S. border with Canada at historically high numbers…

Lawyer Lisa: Justin Trudeau’s administration plans to outlaw Christianity with the introduction of an amendment to the Criminal Code that could see believers face jail time for expressing historic Christian teachings – Bill C-367 will make it illegal to reiterate parts of the Bible…

American Spectator: Measure HLA will put hundreds of miles of new bus and bicycle lanes throughout the city of Los Angeles and clog traffic – The city’s top budget official chimed in with a potential “road diet” price tag of $3.1 billion over the next decade

Reuters: The US Senate approved a bill to avert a government shutdown and sent it to Biden – It sets deadlines to fund one part of the government by March 8 and another portion by March 22…

POLITICO: This appeals court ruling puts hundreds of January 6 felony cases in limbo – The splintered decision raises questions about DOJ’s ability to sustain charges of obstructing an official proceeding

Just The News: House Speaker Johnson announces the release of 5,000 more hours of January 6 footage – The additional video, equal to roughly 208 straight days of viewing, is being released by the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee

American Thinker: Fake News Of An Impending Russian Apocalypse From Republican Representative Mike Turner – “In hindsight, it has become clear that the intent was not to ensure the safety of our homeland and the American people, but rather to ensure additional funding for Ukraine and passage of an unreformed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act”

American Greatness: Why America Must Support Israel’s Efforts to Destroy Hamas – Even though I knew about the violence of Oct. 7, I was still shocked to see the evidence of these killings at the kibbutz and the music fair site firsthand – This evil is why Hamas must be destroyed

POWERLINE: A “MASSACRE” UPDATE – More than 100 people were killed when a crowd converged on an aid convoy in the Gaza Strip on Thursday- “They physically trampled each other and ran over each other and beat each other,” and then Hamas started shooting at them – The terror group aimed to resell some of the convoy’s goods at a high markup

American Thinker: Secretary Of Defense Lloyd Austin During Congressional Hearing – He Admitted Trump’s Foreign Policy was Better – This is a reminder that if the media was fact-oriented and the political class cared for the betterment of the nation, the U.S. would be in great shape today, but alas, the media is the PR wing of the DC’s Democrat establishment

American Thinker: Why the Democrats Can’t Replace Biden – You can’t blame the Democrats for desperately trying to hide, minimize, and outright reject the increasingly embarrassing progression of physical and cognitive deficits in Joe Biden, but they’ve now found themselves with no place to go…

FAR: Jeffrey A. Tucker, “How Deep Is the Rabbit Hole?” – So many happenings have been labeled conspiracy heroes, but guess what, over time they have proven to be a reality…

American Thinker: How the United States Went ‘Communist’ – The establishment Right’s failures over the last generations have been manifold – The first stage in the coup was when Americans surrendered control over their civic life to puppet masters with the introduction of “public interest” lobbying firms…

American Thinker: My Visit To China, What Their Supposed Communist Paradise Looks Like – My in-laws reminisce about their favorite billboard, which they saw shortly after arriving in the U.S. that read God, Guts, and Guns” – This was true then, and it is still true today

Breitbart: Peter Schweizer Says Governor Gavin partnered with a Chinese Communist Party-tied businessman, allegedly connected to the triads, on an endeavor that brought Chinese mafia-linked businesses to California’s Bay Area when Newsom served as San Francisco’s mayor

American Thinker: Rita Kramer (Literally) Wrote the Book on Ed Schools – Kramer sensed that something new and dangerous was growing in the shadows of America so she toured schools – “Seeing that teachers were being taught to teach political propaganda as opposed to academic subjects was jaw-dropping” – “What I observed firsthand back then was the groundwork being laid for the crisis in education today”

Reece Report: The CIA Admits To Instigating War With Russia – Putin is well aware that it is the CIA that directs US policy regarding Russia, and it is the intelligence agencies of NATO countries who have been covertly instigating war with Russia for decades…

American Thinker: It looks like Adam Schiff’s big-dollar campaign of attack ads against Republican Steve Garvey in the California Senate race is not quite having the intended effect – Garvey is now ahead of Schiff, in a year when President Trump is leading all polls…

American Thinker: A delegation of the U.S. Congressional Progressive Caucus led by Representatives Pramila Jayapal and Ilhan Omar traveled to Cuba last week on a trip not previously disclosed by legislators nor reported in Cuban state media – The Congressional Progressive Caucus, comprised of more than 100 lawmakers and chaired by Jayapal confirmed the trip

SLAY: According to so-called World Economic Forum researchers the “carbon footprint” of home-grown food is “destroying the planet” – As a result, the WEF and other globalist climate zealots are demanding that governments intervene and ban individuals from growing food in gardens to “save the planet” from “global warming”

REUTERS: Elon Musk has sued ChatGPT-maker OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman – Musk alleged a breach of contract, saying Altman and co-founder Greg Brockman originally approached him to make an open source, non-profit company, but the startup established in 2015 is now focused on making money

Western Journal: The Numbers Are In: We Finally Know How Much Damage Bud Light Dylan Mulvaney Boycott Did to Anheuser-Busch and It’s Brutal – According to a report in CNN, Bud Light has lost what may be a staggering $1.4 billion in the wake of the American boycott

SLAY: Network insiders say that new CNN CEO Mark Thompson is considering firing Chris Wallace, Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper, Wolf Blitzer, and others as CNN TV ratings plunge – Anderson knows he’s on the chopping block and is already looking for a new gig

Los Angeles Times: California is letting billions of gallons of stormwater wash out to sea each year, report finds – “The numbers said show it’s time to elevate the role of stormwater capture in the national water ,,” said Bruk Berhanu, the report’s lead author and a senior researcher with the Pacific Institute

February 29, 2024

Fox News: McCarthy details what Biden’s really like behind closed doors – President Biden uses notecards in private meetings with small groups of people – It was difficult to “deviate” from Biden during private negotiations because “He just sticks to the cards” – “And if you deviate from the cards, he can’t continue onward from there…

Washington Examiner: Jack Smith pushes court not to ask jurors whom they voted for in 2020 – Trump’s lawyers asked a question asking whether jurors believe Trump and his two co-defendants are “being treated unfairly by the court system be deleted, but the court ultimately decided to include that question…

Post Millennial: Hunter Biden deposition transcript released – “My father never benefited from my business” – My father never made any decisions as it related to my business to benefit me”…

Western Journal: Hunter Biden May Have Just Ratted Out Joe When He Acknowledges The Identity of The ‘Big Guy’ in The $5M China Deal – When asked about the 10% for ‘the big guy’ Hunter said, ‘Oh, that was after my father left office”

Just The News: The Road to Hunter Biden’s Burisma riches was paved by courting Russian oligarchs – Democrats trying to claim the allegations are contrived will face the reality contained in hundreds of pages of bank records, emails, and sworn testimony transcripts

The Daily Signal: Fact-Checking 4 Big Claims Biden Made at the Border in Texas – Biden made numerous claims and largely blamed Republicans for the influx of millions of illegal aliens because a compromise border security bill failed to pass the Senate…

Zero Hedge: Biden Defender Paul Krugman Caught Lying About Inflation Again – 1, Prices have never been higher and are starting to accelerate – 2, All the jobs created in the past year have been part-time – 3, There has been zero job growth for native-born Americans since 2018 as all jobs have gone to mostly illegal immigrants – 4, Real wages have been negative for most of the Biden presidency and they just turned negative again…

American Thinker: A MUST-SEE 6-MINUTE VIDEO – One amazing black woman gets it about Democrats – Not only does she understand who Barack Obama is and what Democrats have done to black communities and men, but she also understands how Democrats are using black women

American Conservative: Stop Playing Legislative Games – A single clause can ruin an entire bill and this is killing Congress’s work, says Rep. Harriet Hageman, the lawmaker who took out Liz Cheney – A poison pill is a detail contained in a bill that makes the entirety of the legislation unpalatable – Such was the case with the “Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024”

American Spectator: Don’t Call Them Unassimilated – The telltale sign that Barack Obama is running America and not Biden is because if Biden were running things, he would have rolled back the open-border policies that made this mess weeks or months ago to prevent massive political damage to his reelection prospect

Vigilant News: Troubling New Evidence Shows The 3rd Pipe Bomb Camera Was Deliberately Turned Away From Crime Scene on January 6 – The most damning and explosive J6 footage released so far raises serious questions…

The Daily Fetched: Vladimir Putin’s warning to the West, “If they put troops on the ground in Ukraine, they should expect a global nuclear war in return – Putin reiterated his prior warnings, telling NATO to stay out of the fight between Moscow and Kyiv…

The Federalist: The More Information That Surfaces About The January 6 Pipe Bombs, The More Things Don’t Add Up – The number of anomalies surrounding this still-unsolved case continues to grow and now includes seven…

AXIOS Chicago: Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter ordered Donald Trump’s name be removed from the state’s Republican primary ballot on Wednesday over his involvement in Jan. 6 – She then put it on hold in anticipation of an appeal...

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Is Trump’s Mega-Fine Unconstitutional? – No doubt the fine is excessive by any reasonable standard- Certain factors make the fine seem closer to the usual attributes of a public criminal case than of a private civil case – It does not reflect actual damages inflicted on others by Trump’s alleged overstatement of the value of his assets…

American Thinker: With The Trump Verdict, Is New York City Bringing Down Its Financial House? – Trump repaid the loans in full and on time and neither party registered any complaints – It’s noteworthy that New York first began its investigations on the heels of Trump’s announcement of his candidacy for president in 2015

Issues & Insights: The No. 1 Reason Why Trump Leads Biden In Polls? – Americans no longer buy the media, and WH, spin about the success of Bidenomics – JPMorgan Chase’s chief market strategist Marko Kolanovic wrote this week that “we believe that there is a risk of the narrative turning back from Goldilocks towards something like 1970s stagflation”

Zero Hedge: What F..k Is Going On With The Government’s Latest Jobless Claims Data? – In the real world labor market, 2024 has been a shit show of layoffs as can be seen with these 50 companies…

Victor Davis Hanson: American Paralysis and Decline – Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes, but they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful even to contemplate – No country can long exist after opening its borders to over 7 million illegal aliens, requiring neither background checks nor legality…

The Federalist: 9 ways Joe Biden is using taxpayer money to run a highly partisan get-out-the-vote operation designed to rig the 2024 election in Democrats’ favor – Office of Personnel Management granted workers time to serve as poll workers or observers – Department of Agriculture colluded with Democrats as early as August 2021 to work on turning out voters…

Breitbart: Why Mitch McConnell Won’t Talk About China’s Drug War Against America – McConnell’s family, through his wife Elaine Chao’s father-in-law, has strong financial ties with the Chinese government, so he would put his family’s finances at risk by holding China’s leaders to account

FAR: The Saga Of Four Intertwined Bay Area Families In California Politics – The Newsom, Brown, Pelosi, and Getty Families…

Washington Free Beacon: The Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) Wants To Penalize You for Using Natural Gas And Use Your Private Data To Do So – They demand the local utility fork over consumer data to help form their green plan

Breitbart: According to a recent report, Google is quietly testing controversial new artificial intelligence tools for automating news production with a select group of publishers – They are reportedly paying publishers to post articles generated by their AI

February 28, 2024

Breitbart: The U.S. Supreme Court has granted former President Donald Trump’s request to decide if he is immune from prosecution on charges of attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 election – Today’s order makes clear that pre-trial work in that prosecution must remain on hold

American Spectator: The DEA Halts Weapons-Grade Plutonium That Was En Route to Iran – A Japanese crime syndicate played middleman for the mullahs – How exactly Myanmar rebels first obtained weapons-grade nuclear material remains unclear

Breitbart: The CCP is using TikTok as a “modern-day Trojan Horse” to inject its propaganda into the minds of America’s youth, according to restricted Chinese military journals uncovered in Peter Schweizer’s new book – TikTok is run by the company ByteDance, which is “wedded to the Chinese Communist Party military-intelligence-industrial complex”

Issues & Insights: Even Biden’s Own People Are Betting That Trump Wins – The story is about how, if regulators can get certain rules finalized by April, it won’t be so easy for Donald Trump and congressional Republicans to overturn them – So why are Biden’ people in a rush? They believe Biden won’t be President in 2025

Front Page: Did Hunter Biden Lie Under Oath? – Whom are you going to believe, Hunter Biden or Hunter Biden? – One of Hunter’s most infamous texts, “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled…I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand and now means tonight

Just The News: Hunter Biden’s opening statement to investigators collides with other witnesses’ sworn and evidence accepted by the FBI as genuine from his emails…

 Resist The Mainstream: Over 70 Senegalese Migrants Discovered Inhabiting Packed NYC Basement – Police and citizens have reported spikes in crimes, schools and hotels have been commandeered and regions have become tent cities marked by squalor and violence…

2nd Smartest Guy: A new study suggests global warming could be mostly an urban problem – The whole “climate change” Green Agenda as a blatant depopulation and control scam – Just 0.3% of Scientists Agree Humans Are Causing ‘Climate Change’

Western Journal: California’s New $20 Minimum Wage Law Includes Odd Exemption That Benefits a Major Gavin Newsom Donor – Specifically, as noted by BNN Bloomberg, it appears the Panera Bread chain has evaded the new stipulation to raise their minimum wage to $20 per hour

Updates For This Date Are Above This Note

Zero Hedge: Congress is scrambling once again to avert a government shutdown before the Friday headline, which is looking likely – Here are the departments impacted if nothing is done: Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Veterans Affairs, Energy, Agriculture, and the FDA – Some areas of DOD, such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Interior Department, will also be affected due to expiring funds…

POWERLINE: AFTER LAST NIGHT – The Michigan primary was held yesterday – President Biden defeated “Uncommitted” on the Democrat side and Donald Trump handily defeated Nikki Haley on the Republican side – Here are the current results posted by RealClearPolitics…

Conservative Brief: After losing every single state so far that has voted in the Republican presidential primary, Nikki Haley finally admits it’s “very possible” that the GOP has moved away from her positions – During an interview on CNN, Haley was asked about her struggling campaign and finally admitted that the party is standing with Trump, not her

Western Journal: The Michigan Results Are in and It’s Official, Joe Biden Has a Serious Problem – Effectively, two-thirds of Biden’s 2020 winning margin in the state told him they will stay home in November unless he throws himself behind Hamas…

The Daily Fetched: Former First Lady Michelle Obama is now the preferred choice among Democrats to replace Joe Biden if he drops out of the 2024 presidential race, according to a new survey – Despite Michelle Obama expressing she does not intend to run, she has failed to address the mounting speculation about her candidacy if Biden were to step down…

Victor Davis Hanson: “The Obamas Are RUNNING the Country” – Barack Obama; “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in… and I was just in my basement with my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I would be fine with that”

American Thinker: Trump won on the border in 2016 and he can do so again in 2024 – When Trump ran on the border in 2016, a lot of people were paying attention, but now after three years of Biden’s open border policies, everyone is paying attention…

Hot Air: Venezuela’s Homicide Rate Is The Lowest in 22 Years As Its Gangs Migrate To America – Republicans need to pound the podium on this because the MSM and the Democrats aren’t doing their job

Breitbart: The top security official in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas confirmed that drug cartels planted land mines along rural roads in the northern part of the state – The use of land mines by drug cartels in Tamaulipas comes as rival factions of the Gulf Cartel have been waging a fierce turf war for control of lucrative drug and human trafficking routes into Texas

Breitbart: Illegal border crossers in New York City continue to be afforded thousands of dollars monthly in free rent for apartments and hotel rooms as Big Apple citizens are forced to pay thousands a month for tiny apartments…

SLAY News: Bill Clinton’s Comments Denouncing Illegal Immigration Resurface – “All Americans are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country” – “Citizens or legal immigrants may otherwise hold the jobs they hold” – “The public services they use impose burdens on our taxpayers”…

FAR: Trump’s Still Got It, And Then Some – There were many wonderful speakers at CPAC 2024, but the real energy came from our once and hopefully returning president, Donald J. Trump who didn’t arrive until Saturday, the final day of the conference – He hit all of the notes you would have expected him to…

Zero Hedge: A Look At Letitia James’s Lavish Spending – The New York State AG and Judge Engeron have turned a vaguely worded NY State law into a modern-day Bill of Attainder targeted at Donald Trump both for political gain and because they despise his political views as he runs for POTUS in 2024…

American Thinker: The Chinese Communists overfish, leave trash all around South America’s waters, and it’s worse than it looks – The United Nations says they’ve done a bang-up job depleting 90% of the world’s fishing stocks with their illegal poaching – So much for China’s lip service to the environment

Breitbart: 5 Direct Ties Between Xi Jinping and Chinese Organized Crime – 1, Xi Jinping Governed Fujian Province as Triads Ran Wild There – 4, A Canadian-Chinese Scientist Convicted of Helping Distribute Fentanyl Regularly Met with Xi Henchmen…

Free Beacon: Last summer, the Biden administration announced an $850 million conditional loan to a company called KORE Power to build a battery production plant in Arizona – Records reveal that KORE is 14 percent co-owned by DFD, a Chinese battery manufacturer led by Chinese Communist Party official Li Shijiang…

Breitbart: Joe Biden Doesn’t Want to Confront China on Fentanyl Due to His Family’s Money According To Peter Schweizer – Chinese operatives helped the Sinaloa Cartel, who are the kings of fentanyl – They told them how to make it, launder money, etc.

Breitbart: Hunter Biden is set to appear Wednesday before the House impeachment inquiry, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer – He previously refused to appear for an interview in December, claiming during a press conference that he would only testify under his own rules…

The Daily Fetched: Mitch McConnell told Mike Johnson that Ukraine funding is more important than fixing the border crisis and that he should pass it post-haste – McConnell’s disregard for the much-needed border security will undoubtedly make him less popular with the Republican

Zero Hedge: Mitch McConnell, The Longest Serving Senate Leader In US History To Step Down From Position In November – “One of life’s most under-appreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” he said in prepared remarks seen by the outlet, “So I stand before you today … to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate”

New York Post: Nathan Wade’s former divorce attorney and law partner was heard muttering “oh dang” to himself when presented with potentially damning evidence about a former client’s relationship timeline as he took the stand in Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis’ corruption trial on Tuesday

The Federalist: Democrats Who Broke Quorum Rules Unconstitutionally Spent $1.7 Trillion – Congress lacked the constitutionally required quorum to pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, a federal court ruled Tuesday

Front Page Magazine: In Britain, Another Step Toward the Abyss – The country that stood up to Nazism takes capitulation to Islam to new heights – The British police have replaced their admired approach to policing with a two-tier system under which hysterical calls for genocide by savage Muslims brandishing the Palestinian flag are respectfully tolerated while  native Brits who pray quietly on the street or wave the Union Jack are hauled off like the lowest of thugs

American Thinker: The dam removal project along the Klamath River in California’s Siskiyou County to ‘save the salmon’ ends up pushing the population toward extinction – Dam removal proponents claimed the project would help salmon, but steelhead trout are dead, salmon spawning beds were destroyed and four hydroelectric dams have been breached…

The Daily Fetched: San Francisco’s Macy’s to Close Amid Rampant Retail Theft – Six employees at the store said the closure was due to retail theft – “I’m not in charge of making the estimates of how much we lose in a day, but last year we were told the losses were in the millions,” one said

American Greatness: How Another Newsom Recall Effort Helps America – Getting a Newsom recall effort onto California’s ballot this year will force the governor to defend a record he can’t defend and will spotlight the failures of his administration and his party

February 27, 2024

American Spectator: California Versus Free Speech –The Mobsters Who Attacked Riley Gaines At San Francisco State University Get Off Scot-Free – Reporters seem unaware that the attack on free speech in the state has been going on for some time…

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: There Can Be No Ceasefire in Gaza with Hamas in Power – A short, temporary ceasefire might be achievable, so long as it requires Hamas to release all of the remaining Israeli hostages it is holding – The Israeli people will never accept any long-term deal allowing the terrorist masterminds of Hamas to remain in control of Gaza

Courageous Discourse: How would the governments of the United States and Europe justify shoveling $1.3 trillion into the defense/war-making industry if it weren’t for Vladimir Putin? – NATO needs Putin – When you think about it, he is the Military-Industrial Complex’s best friend

Breitbart: The White House Snubs Border Patrol Union President on Biden Border Trip, But Trump Invited Him on His – Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had no answer Tuesday when asked why the White House did not extend an invitation to the leader of the national Border Patrol union

Western Journal: The Arrest Affidavit for Illegal Immigrant Charged with Murdering Augusta University College of Nursing Student Laken Riley Adds Sickening Details to Case – Twice arrested and released Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, faces charges of malice murder, felony murder, aggravated battery, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, kidnapping, hindering a 911 call and concealing the death of another…

Front Page: The New York Times proudly announced last Monday that it had “won three George Polk awards, including two for its coverage of the Israel-Hamas war” – The Times neglected to mention, however, one telling detail; photojournalist Yousef Masoud has been unmasked as a member of Hamas who participated in the Oct. 7 jihad massacres

Intellectual Takeout: Instead of a foundation on the concept of liberty and universal human rights, the 1619 Project says, the United States has a foundation of injustice and materialistic greed – This is not an attempt at honest history so much as narrative engineering to foster revolution...

Geller Report: Will Dearborn, Michigan Be Successful In Determining US/ Israel Policy? – Biden’s main challenge on Tuesday is coming from the Democrat Party’s anti-Israel left and Representative Rashida Tlaib – She’s leading a campaign against Biden’s support for Israel and by asking Democrats to vote “uncommitted”

ZeroHedge: Countries Committing The Most Aid To Ukraine – Based on data from the IfW Kiel Ukraine Support Tracker, Statista’s Martin Armstrong’s chart shows European Union institutions are the largest aid donors to Ukraine – Chart data is based on the period January 24, 2022, to January 15, 2024…

BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE: When Military Rule Supplants Democracy – “The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States” – “What I’m describing is military rule,” says Mike Benz. “It’s the inversion of democracy”

Issues & Insights: Did Biden Create A Constitutional Crisis? – SCOTUS ruled that President Biden didn’t have the authority to forgive student loan debt – He did anyway, bragging that the Court “didn’t stop me -” So why do we even have a legislative branch and a high court?

Breitbart: The Biden family bagged $5 million from the business partner of the “White Wolf,” a Chinese criminal gang leader who helped create the fentanyl pipeline now decimating the United States, Peter Schweizer detailed in his new book

Breitbart: City leaders in Portland, Oregon, recently bought 100 tiny home pods for the homeless that came with a hefty price tag of $16,510 per pod, but are said to be made of quality materials – An image shows the pods that feature slanted roofs and a secure door with a large window

The Daily Fetched: Tulsi Gabbard, “Democrats Are Dictators Seeking to Destroy Democracy” – In her CPAC speech, which has since gone viral, Gabbard blasted Biden for over fifteen minutes while branding Democrat Party leaders as ‘evildoers’ attempting to keep Trump off of the ballot…

Western Journal: Judge Deals a Blow to Fani Willis – Judge McAfee informed attorneys on the case that some of Bradley’s and Wade’s correspondence does not fall under attorney-client privilege – Therefore, Bradley will retake the stand, possibly as soon as Tuesday, to answer questions on that information

American Greatness: Biden’s Half-Hearted Border Control Pitch – Everyone can see that the left’s attempts to secure the border will be temporary, half-hearted, and a mere tactical retreat from their goal of completing the erasure of our historical American nation…

The Daily Fetched: A Majority of Americans Now Want Border Wall, Thanks to Biden – A Monmouth poll released Monday shows that 53% of Americans now support building a wall on the southern border with Mexico – Four years ago only 42% of Americans supported the idea

American Thinker: Myths About the Peace – Since October 7, 2023, there has been a significant increase in the number of people in the U.S. fighting for peace in the Middle East, but contributing to the continuation of war – Demands for a cease-fire, Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, and the creation of “two states for two peoples” are fueling, rather than extinguishing, conditions for war…

American Thinker: The 8th Amendment favors Trump and his co-defendants, who have substantial 8th Amendment “excessive fine” challenges to raise – The Trump case involved no victims, so the court could not order any lender to be paid back or made whole because the lenders not only were paid back, but all made money on the loans made to Trump…

American Thinker: Biden’s 30 x 30 Land Grab – Your land could at any time cease to be yours at the federal government’s will – This extensive land-grab in America is part of the global ‘Half Earth’ agenda – Biden signaled commitment to this incredible agenda within days of taking office with his Executive Order 14008…

Breitbart: Former Employees Reveal Fani Willis’s Extreme DEI Training And Being Forced to Associate ‘White’ with ‘Bad’ with Judges Ranked on Skin Color – Sources described the race training as a directive straight from Willis, “[who] injected racism [into the office] from the second she got hired”

ZeroHedge: The last few months have been volatile for US durable goods orders, with preliminary January data showing an enormous 6.1% MoM plunge in the headline (worse than the already bad 5% decline expected) –  That is the weakest MoM print since the middle of the COVID lockdowns in April 2020, dragging year-over-year orders growth down to -0.8%, the lowest and first annual contraction since August 2020…

American Conservative: Ursula von der Leyen’s Second Term: Toward an Autocratic European Union? – As the dust settles on her first term, it becomes increasingly evident that von der Leyen is steering the EU toward a perilous path—one marked by autocracy, federalism, and a growing detachment from the democratic roots that underpin the European project

FAR: The Saga Of Four Intertwined Bay Area Families – The Brown, Pelosi, Getty, and Newson Families Helped Each Other Out In Numerous Ways…

February 26, 2024

American Spectator: Antony Blinken Declares The Israeli West Bank Settlements Illegal – What better way to use America’s powerful arm of diplomacy than to crown the efforts of Hamas, who massacred, raped, and kidnapped their way through Israel on Oct. 7 than by using the aftermath of their redemptive orgiastic spree to declare the act of Jews settling in their ancient homeland as criminal?

Sharyl Attkisson: An illegal border crosser has been arrested in Texas for murdering and dismembering gang rivals – The FBI arrested Pineda in an El Paso, Texas, motel room where she allegedly kept a cache of drugs and weapons…

Issues & Insights: Democrats Are Plotting An Insurrection To Stop Supposed ‘Insurrectionist’ Trump – How do we know this is what they are scheming? – Because Democrats are openly talking about it…

Tablet Magazine: The Takeover – A massive increase in foreign money and students on American campuses is driving radicalization and subsidizing institutional failure – The protests are now havens for foreign students, especially those from Arab and Muslim countries, with their own set of nationalist and tribal grievances against Israel and the United States

American Spectator: Nikki Haley Fades to Irrelevance – It’s the self-immolation of a once-promising career as she continues to make it crystal clear that her primary goal in running is to appease the failing old Washington Establishment

Breitbart: The Biden Administration Planted Operative Jeff DiSantis in Fani Willis’ Office to Target Trump, According To Sources – Sources credit DiSantis with colluding with the White House to target Trump

The latest I&I/TIPP Poll reveals that if it is true that Joe Biden and his family took millions of dollars in bribes from foreign nations; 62% said Biden should either quit (24%) or be impeached (38%), while just 25% overall said he should finish out his term but not run again (14%) or run again in 2024, regardless of the corruption findings (11%), while another 12% answered “Not sure.”

Front Page: The Biden Administration Warns Israel Not to Interfere With Hamas Members Stealing Aid – This is after promising that Hamas wouldn’t get the aid and denying that Hamas was taking the aid…

Zero Hedge: Ukraine’s Top Spy Chief Says Navalny Rejects The ‘Murdered’ Narrative And Says He Died From A Blood Clot – Another stunning plot twist has emerged via Bloomberg that Navalny was supposedly very close to being released amid secret talks involving the US and Germany…

American Spectator: McKay to Tucker During His Recent “Tucker Carlson Uncensored” Interview – What’s Barack Obama up to these days? – Working to make people of different races hate each other, as usual – “This is what the Obamas think of Democrat voters”…

Washington Examiner: Trump begins his appeal of the $454 million civil business fraud ruling – Trump asked a state appellate court to overturn Justice Arthur Engoron’s February 16 ruling in a civil fraud lawsuit brought in 2022 by state Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat who campaigned on investigating the former president

SLAY News: The results of a CPAC 2024 straw poll revealed two clear favorites for Donald Trump’s running mate, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Kristi Noem – Notably, of all the candidates, Nikki Haley came in last place with only 2% of the vote

SLAY News: Ronna McDaniel announced Monday she will resign her Republican National Committee chair position on March 8, days after Super Tuesday, following Donald Trump’s endorsement of a new RNC leader – RNC co-chair Drew McKissick said he would also leave

Courageous Discourse: The New York Times just reported that the CIA has been very active in conducting anti-Russian operations in Ukraine for over a decade, and is now playing an active role in combat operations against Russia – It turns out Russia had good reason for grave concern…

Breitbart: The Secret Chinese Military ‘Disintegration Warfare’ Manifesto to Rip America Apart Using Drugs, Social Chaos, and More – The strategy was outlined in a 2010 military book entitled Disintegration Warfare and is based on ancient Chinese strategist and general Sun Tzu’s Art of War, a guide on how to subdue an enemy without fighting…

CNN: Hungary’s parliament overwhelmingly approved Sweden’s bid to join NATO on Monday after nearly two years of intense negotiations – Getting approval from the Hungarian parliament was the final hurdle for Stockholm to join NATO

The Federalist: The same folks who screamed “Russia, Russia, Russia” for years after the Steele dossier was debunked are now declaring the Bidens have been forgiven by Special Counsel David Weiss’s indictment of Russian-connected CHS Alexander Smirnov that charged Smirnov with lying about conversations he claimed to have had with executives of the Ukrainian energy giant Burisma

Breitbart: Lobbyist, Trump Broke ‘Traditional Paradigms’ of How The Washington DC Swamp Works – Republican lobbyist Sam Geduldig says President Trump did this by appealing to working-class Americans…

Victor Davis Hanson: Russia! Russia! Forever, An Anatomy Of A Left-wing Obsession – As this year’s election nears, expect never-ending Russia fantasies to heat up again to mask Biden’s failing administration and its indefensible record…

American Thinker: The Day They Turned the Spies on Us – Originally, our national security state was busy defending democracy from authoritarians around the world – Then in 2016, the government turned around the intelligence apparatus to protect Our Democracy from the authoritarian Trump…

American Thinker: Coming attractions, Illegal Border Crossers To Get Immunity From Prosecution – At the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas in Austin, the Biden team is working to immunize a new class of non-citizens from state criminal prosecution, ILLEGAL border violators…

SLAY: An Illegal Border Crosser With A Large TikTok Following Boasts About Not Working By Living Off of U.S Taxpayers And Calls For His Supporters to ‘Unite’ Behind The Times Square Shooter

Washington Examiner: Joe Biden and Donald Trump will both appear at the southern border on Thursday – Trump already had a visit to the border scheduled and is campaigning heavily on illegal immigration – So Biden announced Monday morning that he’d be visiting the Rio Grande Valley city of Brownsville, Texas

American Thinker: Obama’s Fourth Term – It’s easy to see the who behind what is presently being inflicted on the nation – Since 2020 every policy rejected by U.S. voters in 2016 has been resurrected and accelerated to inflict the most damage on those who dared reject Obama’s “hope and change” vision for America

American Conservative: – Michelle Obama, September Savior or A ‘Suicide Mission’? – Just how desperate are the Democrats to get Biden off the ballot? – His approval rating is stuck in the high 30s, and he is losing to Trump – So the real question is, would you vote for Michelle Obama?…

American Thinker: What Could Go Wrong? – Scientists will soon begin implementing a plan, promoted by Bill Gates and George Soros, to spew chalk dust and certain chemicals into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface – The creation of manmade white clouds would be an attempt to lower Earth’s temperature and reverse supposed global warming…

American Thinker: The “Courage to Serve Act” is designed to lure foreigners into the US military – Welcome to the new American military, full of foreign mercenaries – In the administration’s defense, it had to purge the military of conservatives, Christians, and patriots so that it could use it to go after conservatives, Christians, and patriots here at home…

The Federalist: A proposed amendment to an Indiana bill would allow an unelected, Democrat-stacked committee that works in secret to control whom Hoosiers can choose for state attorney general – This means any Republican attorney general is at high risk of an ethics complaint unless he represents no challenge to Democrat priorities

The Free Press: Fentanyl Is Killing American Kids And Most Of Them Don’t Even Know They’re Taking It – Every week, more than a dozen U.S. teenagers lose their lives to fentanyl – James Fishback reports on the unwitting victims—and the parents they’ve left behind…

FAR: Leftism Or “Progressivism’ Ruins Everything – Dennis Prager is spot-on with his conclusions about these nine things the Progressive movement has ruined or destroyed…

California Glove: California Democrats Setting Race Relations Back 70 Years with ACA 7 – Black college students now have separate graduation, separate admission standards, separate dorms, separate curricula … and now are going to have separate tuition rates in California, if the proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 by Assemblyman Corey Jackson (D-Riverside) makes it to the ballot…

Issues & Insights: Reparations, A Financially Unrealistic Proposal That Will Bankrupt California – Assuming the state takes 30 years to pay out the reparations, and ignoring inflation and the time value of money, the annual state cost would be $93.3 billion…

Washington Examiner: California Governor Gavin Newsom faces a new recall after he spun last attempt into major fundraising success – Citizen-led group Rescue California points to Newsom’s role as a campaign surrogate for Joe Biden’s reelection campaign – The group says Newsom is too busy focusing on national politics and ignoring an enormous budget shortfall in California…

Starlink Hardware: No Dish Required – SpaceX Uses Starlink Direct-To-Cell To Post Update On X – With Direct-to-Cell, eventually you’ll be able to use the phone you have right now to connect to Starlink satellites and have cell service virtually anywhere!

February 25, 2024

American Spectator: Biden’s Cognitive Decline Continues Apace – Biden has never been an honest man, but his inability to tell fact from fiction puts the nation at risk – Biden barely remembers major events in his political career and personal life, yet somehow easily recalls things that never occurred…

American Thinker: America’s Military Decline Is Deliberate – What’s happening with the US military isn’t because of Biden – Obama crafted the strategy and set the wheels in motion over five years when he fired 197 senior military officers who disagreed with his foreign policy nor his vision of the role of the military…

American Thinker: A poll out of New York indicates a seismic shift in the Jewish vote – Suddenly, Jews have been forced to face what’s been brewing in their preferred political party for decades: Antisemitism from the left that takes the form of anti-Israel hostility…

Fox5: ICE confirms Georgia student murder suspect Jose Antonio Ibarra entered the US illegally, and was previously arrested in NYC – ICE’s statement says Ibarra was released before a detainer could be issued – NYC is a “sanctuary city” which generally restricts law enforcement from complying with ICE detainers…

American Spectator: Biden Labor Secretary Left California a Mess – But even with Julie Su in Washington, California’s problems get worse – On Su’s watch, the EDD sent more than $31 billion in fraudulent unemployment claims to California, out of state, and out of the country…

The Vigilant Fox: Media Blackout Episode 11, 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – #10, A massive study reveals more bad news for the COVID-19 vaccinated – #8, Jeffrey Epstein had secret surveillance room to monitor and record his “guests”…

Dallas Ludlum: In light of the recent school shootings in Perry, Iowa, and Nashville, Tennessee, there’s an emerging narrative that requires urgent attention – Both incidents, involving shooters from the LGBTQ community, have shifted the focus toward a potential mental health epidemic rather than issues of marginalization…

The Hill: Trump easily defeats Haley in her home state of South Carolina – The Palmetto State becomes the third state in a row in which Trump has trounced Haley on the ballot…

American Thinker: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now estimates that this year, 2024, the U.S. federal government will spend more on interest on the national debt than on national defense, or Medicare – $850 billion will be spent on defense, vs. $870 billion on debt interest, which is projected to reach a mind-blowing $5.4 trillion by 2053

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: ‘Killed Civilians, Raped Girls and Looted Homes’: The Persecution of Christians – The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout January 2024

Red State: Joe Biden Tries to Give a Massive Gift to Hamas, But Israel Tells Him to Pound Sand – The Biden administration demands that Israel stop targeting Hamas-controlled police forces in Gaza – Israel rebuffed the request because one of its goals in the war is to ensure that Hamas no longer runs Gaza…

Washington Examiner: President Joe Biden’s administration has repeatedly made clear its desire to end the country’s involvement in foreign conflicts across the globe and to stay out of new ones, but its cautious approach has only served to encourage its adversaries…

Zero Hedge: A massive cache of leaked documents from a Chinese hacking contractor further underscores the global cybersecurity threats posed by China’s communist regime – Documents include product manuals, marketing materials, employee lists, chat records, financial information, and details about foreign infiltration…

Zero Hedge: A Blue State Exodus: Who Can Afford To Be A Liberal – Is the blue state exodus from California, New York, and Illinois making red states like Florida, Texas, and South Carolina more liberal? – Studies suggest the answer is no

Geller Report: Democrat lawmakers in New York State are pushing Assembly Bill A6761 which will allow children to be vaccinated or put through surgical procedures without their parent’s consent – The bill applies to any child or teen under 18…

February 24, 2024

California Globe: “Open borders mean equal opportunity for dismantling the United States” – That statement was written in 2006 in a Newsmax article exposé about George Soros nearly 20 years ago – Today the US and its border states are under siege, facilitated by our government, which it seems learned something from Soros

American Thinker: America can mass deport illegal aliens because it’s been done so before – The irony is last time, it was done at the behest of the Mexican government, which was tired of losing human capital to America…

Zero Hedge: Visualizing Wealth Distribution In America (1990-2023) – Wealth distribution in America has become increasingly concentrated since 1990 – The richest 0.1% segment is currently at its peak, with households in the highest rung having a minimum of $38 million in wealth – Roughly 131,000 households fall into this bracket

New York Post: The mysterious high-altitude balloon spotted soaring the Western US Friday was simply a hobbyist device and has already left American airspace, according to a report – Federal investigators tracked the small balloon, flying at an altitude between 43,000 and 45,000 feet, until it traversed beyond US lines sometime during the night

American Thinker: Biden’s Iran Policy Is an Existential Threat – President Trump canceled Obama’s nuclear deal in 2018 and took “additional actions to counter Iran’s malign influence and deny Iran all paths to a nuclear weapon.” – President Biden has attempted to renegotiate a nuclear deal with Iran…

American Thinker: Which President Is The Real Dictator, Trump or Biden? – 10 Dictator-Like Actions The Biden Administration Has Taken – Actually, let’s make it 11, trying to throw your political rival in jail is the ULTIMATE dictator move…

American Thinker: The Democrats’ Long Game For The 2030 Census – While Republicans are focusing on the next election, Democrats are increasingly focusing on factors to make those elections a moot point as a result of reapportionment as a result of where the illegals end up living…

American Thinker: Work Permits For Illegals, A Fast Track To Citizenship – Many advocates are calling for work permits to be granted to these millions of low-skilled illegal aliens – That this will seriously depress working folks’s hourly wages is a given – Many low-wage citizens will likely never see a pay raise ever again…

American Conservative: If Your Side Wins, Do You Care How the Winner Was Selected? – Divisions over the nature of voting are pushing American democracy into a new phase – Scott Adams, the creator of the comic strip “Dilbert,” to poll his 1.1 million X followers, “Given the demonization of Trump, what are the odds our 2024 election will be rigged?…

Breitbart: A Georgia Nursing Student Was Murdered By A Biden Admin-Released Venezuelan Migrant – He illegally crossed the Mexican border into Texas in 2022 in El Paso and listed an NGO in New York City as his destination

POWERLINE: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: DOG BITES MAN EDITION – This is the week we got confirmation that Joe Biden is not merely a doddering, senile fool but also an irresponsible dog owner…

February 23, 2024

Post Millennial: The US military tracks high-altitude balloon seen flying over Western states – This discovery comes one year after Chinese spy balloons invaded US airspace amid increasing tensions between the US and the CCP

Townhall: There Are More Illegal Migrants in the U.S. Than the Population of 36 States – According to new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data, from February 2021 through January 2024, more than 7.2 million illegal aliens have been released into the United States…

Zero Hedge: Victor Davis Hanson, Blue Laws For Red Citizens – In all these cases they are either unapologetically left-wing or associated with liberal causes – They are overtly political – There would not be any of these cases had Donald Trump not run for the presidency or not been a conservative…

Zero Hedge: Alexei Navalny’s Death And Curious Well-Timed Coincidences – That the U.S. President Joseph Biden, his British, NATO, and Israeli allies, along with their corporate media mouthpieces need a major propaganda victory is obvious – Much of the rest of the world has seen through the risible MSM headlines used to delude the public that Russia is the great threat to world peace and stability…

American Thinker: The MS Society offers up the scariest non-apology apology ever after ejecting a 90-year-old volunteer who’d been with the organization for over 60 years because she expressed bewilderment about pronouns – Their apology isn’t an apology at all, but rather a gentle but obvious threat to double down on indoctrination…

New York Post: AT&T blamed the large-scale service disruption that impacted more than 70,000 users across the US and parts of Canada at its peak on an unspecified coding error and not on a cyberattack, as widely feared

Daily Caller: The U.S. landed on the moon for the first time in over 50 years when the unmanned spacecraft Odysseus touched down on lunar soil Thursday evening – The joint effort spearheaded by Intuitive Machines, NASA, and SpaceX

Zero Hedge: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented Israel’s security cabinet with his much-anticipated document outlining plans for the ‘day after’ Hamas in the Gaza Strip -He’s repeatedly vowed not to stop the large-scale military operation in Gaza until the terror group is completely eradicated, a tall order which some analysts say could take years…

Issues & Insights: We’ve Reached The Tipping With Trump – New York Governor Hochul says other people doing business in New York “Law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers have nothing to fear because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior” – If she spoke truthfully, she would have said, “if they are different from Donald Trump and his political views”

Post Millennial: Recently uncovered cellphone data contradicts Fani Willis and Nathan Wade’s testimony – The phone records appear to show that Wade had spent two nights at Willis’ apartment long before they said their romantic relationship began

SLAY News: A Leaked Confidential Leftist Document Details Their Plot to Pressure Republicans into Protecting Biden’s Radical Green Energy Agenda – Page 13 provides how funds would be spent to “protect the Biden agenda—and specifically the Inflation Reduction Act from the Republicans on Capitol Hill and from Donald Trump should he win the election in November

Just The News: Analysis by watchdog group AllSides Technology found roughly 63% of stories last year on Google News were from “left and left-leaning news sources,” up from 61% in 2022

Zero Hedge: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said on Thursday that it seized 6.5 tons of methamphetamine at Eagle Pass port of entry in Texas – It is the largest seizure ever made at a port of entry in a single enforcement action, with a street value of over $17 million…

Zero Hedge: Catherine Herridge of CBS had “her private files” seized by the network” in what is being called an “unprecedented” move – Herridge was investigating the Hunter Biden laptop story before she was fired…

Zero Hedge: The Biden Administration’s EV Mandate “Vision” For America Is In Full Collapse – Due to the Inflation Reduction Act, automakers are finding out the hard way that the rigorous criteria for manufacturing batteries using materials from the United States and its free-trade allies could render them cost-inefficient compared to global competitors…

The Federalist: The American Stasi Controls What You Hear And See To Control What You Think And Do – Big Tech, federal agencies, and corporate media work together to undermine the country and control what you see and don’t see…

American Thinker: DeSantis Supporters (Like Me) Must Support Trump – Where would America be without the Constitution and Bill of Rights? – Sadly, the Founders cannot buy us any more time – If we lose the 2024 election, the Democrats will pack the Supreme Court with a dozen Neo-Marxist judges – And don’t even think about gun ownership…

American Thinker: Leftist activism has evolved from elevating the oppressed to bringing down perceived “oppressors” – Woke progressivism and the D-I-E initiatives are punitive, vengeful, and retributive – Merit is under attack, with protected groups given priority in career and academic advancement…

American Thinker: The Elites vs The Rest Of Us – The elites know the probable result of their insane policies – They carefully pander to every type of minority, as these groups will be the majority very soon, and likely an overwhelming majority not that long after that…

February 22, 2024

Western Journal: Biden’s New Ambient Air Quality Standards or PM2.5 Could Make Up to 1 Million Jobs Vanish In America – You cannot solve the world’s environmental challenges by driving manufacturing investment away from the United States to countries with lower standards…

City Journal: California’s Impossible War on Oil and Gas – California currently gets 50 percent of its total energy from oil and another 34 percent from gas – The state’s most recent move was to deny new hydraulic fracturing permits on oil and gas wells…

Western Journal: A Prominent Investor Cancels New York Plans 40 Years in the Making After Trump Ruling – Grant Cardone of Cardone’s Capital, “I’ve been waiting for 40 years now to invest in that marketplace and when that ruling happened, it was like Pencils down, don’t touch it, don’t go there”…

The American Mind: Children are not, and never should be, for sale – By failing to categorize virtual/AI-generated child pornography as an unprotected class of speech under the First Amendment, American jurisprudence provides a disservice to American children, and supports the child exploitation industry – Clearly, virtual child pornography is child pornography

Western Journal: Homeschooling Parents Fight Back Against ‘Disturbing’ Registry Plan That May Lead to ‘Unwarranted Home Entry’ – Even members of the board are not so sure about the idea of forcing homeschooling parents to register themselves, their homes, and their children in a new government tracking program…

Gatestone Institute: “Israel must again be a safe place for the Jewish people and we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure that it will be,” Joe Biden, October 18, 2023 – It did not take long, however, for the Biden administration to turn that promise on its head completely

Front Page: Biden Regime Plans to Give Hamas Another Grand Reward for Murdering 1,200 Israelis – If you are skeptical that Joe and his accomplices are really on Hamas’ side, consider that, in November, they enabled the release of ten billion dollars in frozen funds to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas’ primary financier – Now they are working with Arab entities on a firm timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state…

GELLER REPORT: Massive Amounts Of Money Are Moving Out of New York In The Wake of Trump’s Malicious Corrupt Persecution – Every one of these 20 companies, representing trillions of dollars in real estate, is carefully evaluating whether to stay or exit business activities in New York – Beb Capital, Beitel Group, Bldg Management Company, Chetrit Group, Extell Development, Heartfelt Townhouse Builders, Howard Hughes Corporation…

Washington Free Beacon: Left-Wing Behemoth Arabella Advisors Quietly Added a Seventh Group to Its Dark Money Network – The Telescope Fund will help top progressive donors steer hundreds of millions of dollars to Democrat causes

Zero Hedge: Lara Trump Vows Largest-Ever Legal ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Operation If Elected – “Efforts of “historic” proportions are needed to ensure that Republicans, including her father-in-law, former President Donald Trump, win the November 5th election”

Conservative Brief: A federal judge has ruled that Ohio’s strict voter ID law, which includes a photo provision, is constitutional and has rejected a challenge to it – The ruling tossed out a complaint filed by a Democrat law firm challenging provisions including a photo ID, “drop box restrictions, and tightened deadlines related to absentee and provisional ballots”

Zero Hedge: A pre-recorded video shared Tuesday to the official “POTUS” account on X has a whopping THIRTY cuts, prompting yet more questions about Biden’s mental acuity – The video shows Biden making a short speech about NATO, and remarkably he doesn’t slur a single word or struggle to read his script as he does in every other situation

SLAY News: A former top Barack Obama official admits losing sleep over the mounting terrorism threat fueled by Joe Biden’s crisis at our open Southern Border – Tim Healey, the former head of the FBI’s Terrorism Screening Center under President Obama, has expressed alarm over the massive influx of unvetted military-aged males pouring across the border

Red Voice Media: KJP tells a lie about the border that is so ridiculous that not even staunch Biden supporters believe it

Zero Hedge: The UK will leave the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), a 1994 pact that allows oil and gas companies to sue governments over their climate policies for compensation for lost profits – The Energy Charter Treaty was originally designed to promote international investment in the energy sector and has historically provided protections for investors in fossil fuels

Washington Free Beacon: Top US Banks Flee The Left-Wing Climate Coalition Ahead Of The Coming Legal Battle – Republican state attorneys general say Climate Action 100+ inflates energy prices and unfairly manipulates the market…

Tipp Insights: The Discovery Of Wyoming’s Rare Earth Breaks Our China Dependency – This discovery could help to reign in China and President Xi’s ambitions over the coming decade…

Zero Hedge: The New York City’s law that lets non-citizens vote in local elections hit a brick wall on Wednesday, as a state appeals court ruled it violates the state’s constitution – Approved in December 2021 by a 33-14 city council vote, the controversial law had not yet been put into practice, owing to an injunction imposed in 2022 by a lower court on Staten Island

Real Clear Politics: States Must Act Now To Save Lives – According to the DEA, fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine -Hidden in counterfeit prescription pharmaceuticals like Adderall, Xanax, and Oxycontin, it’s so lethal that just two milligrams, the size of a pencil tip, can kill

Real Clear Policy: It’s Time for States and Congress to Protect Parental Rights – The right of parents to make important decisions in raising their children is increasingly taking center stage in political discussions…

Real Clear Policy: The Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) recently asked Republican voters in South Carolina whether they would utilize this IRS-run Direct File system – The results confirm what TPA has been saying all along, voters do not trust or want the IRS to act as both tax preparer and processor or have even greater access to their sensitive financial data…

Breitbart: A recent Quinnipiac survey asked voters whether Biden had the physical and mental fitness to serve a second presidential term – On physical fitness, 35% said yes, 62% said no – On mental fitness, 34% said yes, 64% said no

WSJ Opinion: The U.S. is the business capital of the world in large part because of its robust constitutional system and impartial judiciary – But two unprecedented legal decisions, against Donald Trump in New York and Elon Musk in Delaware, call that into question

The Federalist: Not Content To Topple Monuments, The Left Erects Anti-Monuments – While a monument can bring a community together by its beauty and truth, an anti-monument divides a community through its ugliness and evil…

Victor Davis Hanson: We are entering a dangerous era in America – The left is waging lawfare with the implicit message to political opponents to keep quiet or suffer the consequences – There are eerie commonalities in all these five court cases involving plaintiff E. Jean Carroll, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Letitia James, federal special counsel Jack Smith, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis…

American Thinker: New York’s Trump Fraud Findings Refute The Judge’s Conclusions – In the Trump case, that approach has led to a claim that New York is entitled to recover for itself (not for the account of any lender) the sum of at least $355 million, apparently just to teach Trump and potentially others a lesson…

American Thinker: The Crime Of Being Donald Trump – Technically speaking, Donald Trump is guilty of something — he’s guilty of the crime of being Donald Trump – He hasn’t broken any laws, but laws have been modified to break him…

American Thinker: New York to hand out $10,000 cards to illegals, with no I.D. required, so what could go wrong? – For a mayor who claims that the migrant influx is going bankrupt his city, he sure has a funny way of responding to it…

American Thinker: San Francisco Provides An Insight Into The Economic Collapse of Leftist Policies – What happens when a government decides to let extremist policies control its contracting operations? – San Francisco just found out…

American Spectator: California’s Impending $73 Billion Fiscal Disaster Is A Problem For Newsom’s Aspirations – His out-of-control spending has created a ticking time bomb

February 21, 2024

National Pulse: ‘Nikki’ Haley’s failing presidential campaign is being bankrolled by over 5,200 former donors to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, lending credence to Donald Trump’s contention that she is only remaining in the race to try and damage him ahead of the general election – This includes 1,600 people who donated over $500,000 in January alone…

Resist The Mainstream: Governor Ron DeSantis Responds After Making Trump’s VP ‘Short List’ – “People were mentioning me as a potential vice president, I am not doing that”

American Spectator: The Special Counsel Indicts Both Hunter Biden And The Informant – The first question isn’t why would special counsel David C. Weiss do this, the question is, why now?

Washington Free Beacon: The number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the U.S. southern border soars, with 452 detained near San Diego just between Saturday and Monday – Under the Biden administration, encounters with Chinese illegal immigrants surged to over 24,000 in fiscal year 2023 from only 450 two years earlier, an increase of 5,200%…

American Spectator: Israel: Unifying Around the Center – Ever since the October 7 Hamas pogrom polls have indicated that there has been a massive shift rightward in Israeli society. A poll by the Direct Polls organization indicates that 44 percent of Israelis, including 30 percent of leftists, have politically to the right…

Tablet Magazine: U.S. Scheming for a Palestinian State Unwittingly Strengthens Netanyahu – Contrary to what the Biden administration assumes, the obstacle to the “two-state solution” is Israel’s electorate, not Prime Minister Netanyahu…

Front Page: Former Rear Admiral Michael Studeman who headed Indo-Pacific Command Intelligence Reveals Biden Suppressed Information on Previous Chinese Spy Balloons – What did the Biden admin know about the Chinese spy balloons and when did it know it?…

BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE: Governments Must Reject New Amendments to International Health Regulations – Nine reasons why governments must stop the IHR amendments in their tracks…

Sharyl Attkisson: Part 2 of our report on two IRS whistleblowers who uncovered evidence in a five-year investigation that some say could have led to bribery allegations against Joe Biden himself during his presidential campaign – They claim they were sidetracked, and decided to blow the whistle to Congress after the IRS pulled them from the case…

Sharyl Attkisson: The watchdog group Judicial Watch has obtained 99 pages of Secret Service records from the Department of Homeland Security in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit – They reveal Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas personally declined presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s request for Secret Service protection

The Vigilant Fox: Dr. David Martin Reveals Who Is Pulling the Strings Behind the World Health Organization – Dr. Martin says Tedros is just a puppet who is being controlled by Bill Gates, The Wellcome Trust, And The Rockefeller Foundation

Mises Institute: The Outrageous Persecution of Julian Assange – Inspired by Daniel Ellsberg’s release of the Pentagon Papers back in 1971, Assange founded Wikileaks in 2006 – His vision was to develop an online portal where whistleblowers could submit evidence of corporate or government wrongdoing without needing to identify themselves or risk exposure…

USA Facts: The number of people in the US military, a demographic overview – Active-duty military numbers decreased by 64.3% from their peak in 1968, dropping off twice during the Vietnam War and after the Cold War

Breitbart: Oregon’s fentanyl overdose rate has surged by a whopping 1,530 percent over the last few years, making the state home to the most dramatic increase rate in the nation

GATESTONE: France’s Skyrocketing Threat – The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, published the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think – Not surprisingly, the results are quite disturbing – France is the only country in 21st-century Europe where Jews regularly have been murdered simply because they are Jews…

The Vigilant Fox: Dr. Phil Drops Bombshell Discoveries from the Southern Border – “The border crisis, is a humanitarian crisis unlike anything we’ve seen before” – “Border control agents have essentially become social workers for illegal immigrants”

New York Post: Trump’s Shortlist For His VP – The names included Ron DeSantis, Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Scott, Byron Donalds, Vivek Ramaswamy and Kristi Noem

SLAY News: Illegal Aliens Enjoy Free Hotel Stays and Luxury Meals in Boston – The state has 17 contracts totaling $116 million to house the mostly military-aged male migrants through June – Similar to New York, Massachusetts has a longstanding Right to Shelter law

Real Clear Defense: Ukraine Can No Longer Win – As the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country to its west nears and the latest aid package for Ukraine stalls in Congress, we must be clear-eyed about the future, there is no path for Ukraine to win this war, nor will further American support change this reality

National Review: Five Major Questions Lawmakers Should Ask Joe Biden’s Brother – #1, Was Your Brother Ever Involved in Your Chinese Business Dealings? – #2, Why Did Joe Biden Require ‘Plausible Deniability’ If He Wasn’t Doing Anything Wrong?…

Zero Hedge: Tucker Warns They Are “Destroying” The Country – Taken Together, A Stunning 10 Million Illegals Have Entered The US Under Biden – That number is larger than the population of 36 U.S. states – In fact, the only states that are not in danger of being “replaced” are the blue ones…

National Review: You’re Not Imagining Food Inflation – Americans haven’t spent this much of their money on food since the early 1990s — a fact that is likely to widen the divide between the administration’s happy talk about the economy and Americans’ perceptions that they’re constantly being squeezed…

Zero Hedge: The Fed’s Big Problem, There Are Two Economies, Homeowners/Asset Holders, And Everyone Else, But Only One Interest Rate – Lowering rates risks fueling the housing bubble and the most expensive stock market in history…

Zero Hedge: Dozens Of Major Companies Say 2024 Will Be The Year Of Cost-Cutting – We already know the Biden administration and the BLS are ignoring the massive layoffs happening across corporate America in favor of pushing the narrative that ‘Bidenomics’ is somehow creating jobs…

Zero Environmentalism has become a baffling paradox – The latest indication came when environmental activists convinced the Biden administration to halt LNG exports – Left-leaning outlets labeled it a “win for political symbolism, but not the climate” – Right-leaning experts called it “impulsive and destructive” – Both are correct…

Breitbart: Israel Releases Initial Report on Hamas Sexual Violence October 7 – Many of the rapes were carried out as a group – Often, the rapes were perpetrated in front of partners, family, or friends, in a manner intended to increase the pain and humiliation of all present…

American Thinker: Could Putin’s Attack Satellites Be a Reality? – Russia appears to be developing nuclear-armed space-based attack satellites – There are indications that Putin has had these in the works since at least 2007…

American Thinker: The Ukrainian Entertainer, and The Sting – Let’s look more closely at the corruption besetting Ukraine – Maybe the only way to get Ukraine to “grow up” and become something like Taiwan or Israel is to cut off the corruption lifeline…

American Thinker: Biden Keeps Losing Wars – Under Joe Biden, losing a war is a regular occurrence – In 2020, when the whole Hunter Biden laptop scandal broke, showing the scale of the Biden crime family’s foreign payday racket, Zelensky was conspicuously silent…

American Thinker: Bidenflation Is Higher Than Ever, Clocking In At 17.3% – The pro-Biden crowd insists it has the receipts on inflation being conquered, but TIPP has the receipts and the picture is ugly – When Biden took office, inflation was at just 1.4%…

American Thinker: Remington Flees To A Free State – Like other gun, ammo, and accessory makers such as Smith & Wesson, Kimber, and Stag, Remington’s decision to move is not only financial – The anti-liberty/gun political climate is a major factor…

American Thinker: Billionaire George Soros is expanding his radio empire – Try as they might, throughout the years, liberals have not been able to succeed with their version of “liberal talk radio” – But that might be changing as Soros plans to purchase a large chunk of Audacy Radio’s senior debt, which will make Soros Fund Management its largest stakeholder…

Breitbart: New York AG Letitia James is prepared to seize former President Donald Trump’s assets if he is unable to find cash to cover a $354 million fine in his civil fraud case, she said Tuesday in an interview with ABC News

Vigilant News: ‘Numerous’ Nevada voters were shocked to discover that they voted in the February 6th presidential primary, despite not having done so – The SoS said the data should be fixed within 48 hours, and they will produce a comprehensive report to detail what happened

CalMatters: California Voters Will Decide On Newsom’s Mental Health Overhaul – Prop 1 is a two-pronged March ballot measure that would fund a $6.4 billion bond for treatment beds and permanent supportive housing, while also requiring counties to spend more of their existing mental health funds on people who are chronically homeless

February 20, 2024

The Dossier: Under the fog of war, Ukraine cancels its 2024 presidential elections – The Zelensky-led government has transformed the country into a totalitarian dictatorship, as there is no semblance of a liberal democracy left in Ukraine…

Wall Street Journal: Biden Rewrites ‘An American Tragedy’ – He pledged to unify the nation but squandered his opportunity, dividing and weakening the country – We can now say that President Biden is poised to become the most discredited American president since Richard Nixon, and with far more reason…

BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE: An American Totalitarian “Crypto Dollar” May Come Before the Election – Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) threaten to replace the cash we use with programmable, trackable, and censorable tokens controlled by governments, which means your financial choices could be suppressed, and privacy eliminated…

Thomas D. Klingenstein: How Censorship Drives the Woke Revolution – This woke regime, like all totalitarian regimes before it, views your freedom of speech not as a right but as an obstacle – This group quota regime is different from the tyrannies of the past is that it has access to mechanisms of political control that are entirely unprecedented in human history…

Daily Signal: Transgender Efforts to Silence Biological Truth Reach the State Department – Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly sent a memo directing staff at the State Department—the government agency that represents America around the world—to avoid using “problematic” terms that suggest human beings are male and female

City Journal: Not Cutting It – Bad policies are leaving the next generation of surgeons unprepared – Nearly 80% of post-general-training surgeons pursue a one or two-year fellowship in a subspecialty, which for some may be a way to get more surgical experience and put off entering general practice…

NR: CAIR Leader’s Praise for Palestinian Terror Should Come as No Surprise – Awad’s comments struck many as shocking but for a small circle of terror-finance experts and federal investigators, it came as no surprise that Awad would whitewash their terrorism

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden’s overall health has become such a problem that the U.S. Secret Service has been forced to step in – An agent has now been assigned to monitor Biden’s cling onto Air Force One to ensure he doesn’t fall, The New York Times reported

Conservative Brief: Shark Tank star and investor Kevin O’Leary said this week that former President Donald Trump’s $350 million-plus fraud ruling is making him rethink investing in New York – “I would never invest in New York now and I’m not the only person saying that”

Western Journal: “MAGA Trucker” Delivers Message to Liberals Who Became Overnight ‘Experts’ on the Trucking Industry Amid The NYC Boycott – Currently, America needs 85K truckers to fill the demand, so I think my job is safe – If even a significant minority refuses to deliver to New York, it could have a devastating effect on the city’s infrastructure and economy…

Western Journal: A Mob of Illegal Immigrants Attack NYPD Officers During A Shelter Arrest That Turns Into Chaos – The police were surrounded by a large group of screaming people as the subject they were attempting to place in custody resisted arrest…

Western Journal: “Dear Joe, You OWN this catastrophic disaster at the border lock, stock, and barrel,” the union wrote on the National Border Patrol Council account. – “You created it. You nursed it along. You encouraged it. You facilitated it. It’s all yours. Please don’t run from it now like a coward. Signed, The Border Patrol agents you’ve thrown under the bus.”

POWERLINE: IS BIDEN GOING BRUTUS? – The Biden administration has prepared a draft United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a temporary ceasefire in Israel’s war against Hamas and warning against an Israeli ground incursion into Rafah…

American Greatness: Voters Want China Out of American Farmland – A majority of Americans say that China’s aggressive purchases of strategic assets such as farmland raise serious national security concerns and threaten American sovereignty

The American Conservative: Did Mexican President Lopez Obrador Take Drug Cartel Money? – A credible investigative journalist brings to light accusations that AMLO’s presidential campaign took narco bribes

Zero Hedge: Even A Former Trump Critic Thinks It’s Outrageous – “NY State AG Letitia James and Judge Engeron essentially turned a vaguely worded NY State law into a modern-day, Bill of Attainder, to target Donald Trump both for political gain and because they despise his political views and desperately want to call his truthfulness into question as he runs for POTUS in 2024”

American Thinker: Today’s Politics of Weakness – The Deep State’s relentless lawfare against Trump and his supporters is not proceeding from strength in our ruling class, but from weakness – Because the fundamental political fact of our times is that all the glorious promises of liberal politics have failed

John Daniel Davidson: Government-Backed Censors Who Rigged The 2020 Election Are Now Stealing 2024 Through Massive State-Sponsored Censorship Online – Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Benz should be a wake-up call for all Americans that our government is waging war on us

American Thinker: Donald Trump is Right about NATO – History has shown that once the stated purpose of a military alliance no longer exists that alliance must be either dramatically altered or disbanded, or it will assume other purposes that inevitably lead to chaos – The hierarchy of NATO is now promoting the globalist version of DEI…

American Thinker: Joe Biden continues to undermine national security for America, and countries around the world – The foreign policy of Joe and his Bidenites appears to have little if any thought behind it because it certainly seems not only dangerous but expensive too…

American Thinker: Visionary presidents like Reagan and Trump made the world much safer – The Democrats who sought to undermine these two greats are now in control and look at the mess we are all in now…

Breitbart: Brexit boss Nigel Farage is considering leading a class action lawsuit against the “de-banking” practices of lenders in Britain as over 3,000 people have claimed to have had their accounts shut down for their political pronouncements as well…

Breitbart: New York City Mayor Eric Adams has reversed a plan to give abandoned luxury Harlem a condominium complex to migrants after significant community outcry – The plan was only revealed to the community this week when some neighborhood residents saw workers bringing bed frames and mattresses inside”

Issues & Insights: The NY Times reported over the weekend that the “​​administration intends to relax one of its most ambitious strategies to combat climate change, limits on tailpipe emissions designed to get Americans to switch from gas-powered cars to electric vehicles.” 

The Daily Fetched: 70% of The Largest U.S. Cities Are On The Verge of Bankruptcy – “The most common accounting trick” used to understate costs is excluding “true compensation costs” of employee benefits like health care, life insurance, and pensions, the report explains – Also, some elected officials “have used portions of the money owed to pension and OPEB funds to keep taxes low and pay for politically popular programs

John Leake: More On The Chinese-Run Bio-Lab in California – House Committee Findings Corroborate Kennedy Beacon Investigation – The illegal bio lab was run by a PRC citizen who is a wanted fugitive from Canada with a 330 million Canadian dollar judgment against him for stealing American intellectual property…

Zero Hedge: Recent results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) highlight a concerning trend for U.S. students in the field of math – American students are falling behind with a 13-point decline for U.S. students when compared to the 2018 exam

February 19, 2024

American Thinker: Governor Kathy Hochul lets the cat out of the bag about how politicized New York’s prosecution of Trump was – “I think that this is an extraordinary, unusual circumstance that the law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior”…

Breitbart: The state of New York has been quietly handing out cash payments to thousands of migrants under a rule change qualifying non-citizens for welfare – SNA is a program that provides cash assistance to eligible needy individuals and families who do not typically qualify for other forms of welfare

Breitbart: Four illegal aliens were arrested on Saturday in Chicago after being accused of strangling and robbing a man on the city’s Pink Line train – The suspects are Fernando Loyo-Rodriguez, 22; Wilker Gutierrez Sierra, 21; Carlos Carreno-Carreno, 20; and Yonnier Guasamucare Garcia, 18

Vigilant Fox: How the 2020 Election Was Rigged 7 Months In Advance – During his Tucker Carlson interview, censorship expert Mike Benz identified four key institutions that were part of the effort – Stanford University, The University of Washington, Graphika, and The Atlantic Council…

USA Today: Bankrate estimates the national average cost of full coverage car insurance in 2024, increased six times faster than overall inflation – And the rise isn’t over, analysts say

NY Post: Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s widow accused President Vladimir Putin’s regime of poisoning her husband with the nerve agent Novichok and then barred the family from seeing his body to allow traces of the deadly chemical to disappear from his system – She vows to continue his work…

National Review: The case brought against Trump by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is such a nakedly partisan abuse of power and an insult to the principle of equal justice under the law that it will continue to boost Trump politically, at least for Republican-primary purposes

Washington Examiner: I&I/TIPP’s national online poll shows DeSantis as the top choice for Trump’s VP followed by Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tim Scott…

Washington Times – Nikki Haley persists in her losing battle with Trump ahead of the S.C. primary – Haley isn’t dropping her presidential bid but is aggressively raising money and looking beyond Saturday’s South Carolina primary to Super Tuesday…

Free Beacon: Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, Meant To Counter China, Resulted In An Explosion In Chinese Battery Imports – Imports of Chinese lithium batteries increased more than 500 percent since Biden took office

Western Journal: Biden Gets Befuddled And Urges Congress to Pass NATO Funding That Isn’t Even on the Table – He confused NATO with Ukraine while begging lawmakers to send an additional $95 billion in U.S. tax dollars to help foreign nations defend their borders…

SLAY News: Americans Believe Trump Will Win The 2024 Election – The Economist and YouGov poll found that Trump came out on top with a 45% plurality – Biden came in second with 34% – Not sure” came in third with 21% of the vote

SLAY News: Republicans Raise The Alarm Over The  ‘Unholy Alliance’ Between Leaders Schumer and McConnell – A substantial portion of  GOP voters feel McConnell ignores their desires and instead focuses on the wants of the D.C. political establishment…

NY SUN: The Fiasco of Linking Immigration Reform and Foreign Aid Signals Need For Leadership in Congress – Republicans should start by stripping away the phony Democratic pretense that what is going on on the southern border has anything to do with immigration…

American Thinker: America’s Open Border, Intentional or Incompetence? – Joe Biden has the power to stop this at any time – He reversed President Donald Trump’s executive orders for building a wall, remaining in Mexico, asylum seeking, and many other measures that gave America a long overdue semblance of a national border…

Victor Davis Hanson: Delusions, Alternate Realities, and the Biden Consortium – The Biden apparatus has tried to present the construct of a dynamic president promoting a traditional Democrat agenda, which has succeeded brilliantly, But sustaining that lie requires constant deception

American Thinker: A Tale of Two Presidents – Cementing the federal government’s irredeemable reputation for corruption in the minds of most Americans – The lawfare persecution of Donald Trump shows that in America, noticing Deep State fraud is a bigger crime than committing fraud…

American Thinker: Against Genocidal Enemies, Israel Seeks Peace And Fights Fairly – Of all the world’s countries, just one faces an endless public battle over its “right to exist,” Israel – Even countries that have committed genocides with victims numbering in the millions such as Turkey, Germany, Russia, and China—face no such challenge

American Thinker: Do we need a national conversation about NATO? – Over time, many NATO countries created vast welfare states while relying on the U.S. to guarantee their security – How long is that supposed to last, and at what point do we say it is an alliance, not a free lunch?

American Thinker: Fani Willis’s and Nathan Wade’s testimony, to date, indicates that they allegedly engaged in the lowest form of money laundering, something that seems to have blindsided the state’s attorney general – On the facts, though, it’s clear that both need to be investigated and, perhaps, given the boot

February 18, 2024

Newsmax: Moscow will fire nuclear weapons at Washington and other Western capitals if it is forced to give up the Ukrainian territory it has taken over, Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has warned, according to a Daily Mail report on Sunday

Resist The Mainstream: Elon Musk Responds to The $354 Million Ruling in Trump’s Civil Fraud Case With A Simple Question – Since All Of The Loans Granted to Trump Were Paid Back With Interest, ‘Who Is Supposed To Receive the Money?’

RedState: In a bold declaration Israel has issued a stern ultimatum to Hamas – Release the hostages or spend Ramadan dodging Israeli rockets – This comes as IDF works to rescue hostages taken during Hamas’ October 7 surprise attack on Israel

American Conservative: Senator Vance Mentions the Unmentionable at Munich Security Conference – Why is no one talking about the Ukrainian attrition rate? – There are already signs of a concerted effort to blame the debacle of the Ukrainian counteroffensive on growing American fatigue and increasing Republican restraint

Zero Hedge: WHCA Vs WHCO, White House Correspondents Blast The White House Over Their Heavy-Handed Media Memo The White House Counsel’s Office (WHCO) has taken an increasingly aggressive role in defending Joe Biden, including spreading disinformation about various investigations – WHCO spokesman Ian Sams has taken the lead in attacking critics and denying facts related to corruption and other allegations

American Spectator: Putin Loves Biden – Putin says Biden is ‘predictable,’ not a characteristic that a president should be known for – Putin must be chuckling at the “wokeness” that Biden has imposed on the U.S. military…

American Spectator: Biden’s Latest Political Payoff … With Your Money – If adopted, the EPA’s proposed rule for PFAS in drinking water may be the most expensive in the EPA’s history

Vigilant Fox: Media Blackout, 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You Episode 10 – #10, A shocking ballot fraud study concludes Trump “almost certainly” won the 2020 election – #9, A new problem emerges for the COVID vaccinated…

Breitbart: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defied U.S. President Joe Biden on Sunday by submitting a version of Biden’s peace plan to his government, including a Palestinian state imposed from outside, to a vote, and then having it rejected unanimously…

NY SUN: Senator Vance, More American Aid Will Not ‘Fundamentally Change’ Reality of War in Ukraine – America doesn’t make enough weapons to support wars in eastern Europe, the Middle East, and potentially Asia,’ the Ohio Republican tells European leaders

JD Rucker: Why Alex Soros Is Demanding More Money for Globalist Incubator Ukraine – This isn’t about greed or stopping Russia. This is about prolonging the war and keeping their launching pad of corruption intact. News portion generated from corporate media reports

National Review: The White House Press Corps Is In Full CYA Mode – Now that the president’s cognitive issues are undeniable and out in the open after the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s findings, reporters need to explain why they hadn’t covered this earlier

American Thinker: Has Our Government Erased the First Amendment? – Several cases are pending in the Supreme Court questioning whether the government can censor internet communications through the use of proxies because it is illegal to do it directly

Zero Hedge: How The CIA Destabilizes The World – Its operational objectives are whatever the CIA or POTUS defines to be in the U.S. interest at any given time, irrespective of international law or U.S. law – The extent of the continuing mayhem resulting from CIA operations gone awry is astounding

Washington Examiner: Inflation isn’t moving down as quickly as the Federal Reserve hoped – Two inflation reports this week undercut the notion that the Fed will begin its pivot to rate cuts sooner rather than later, so monetary policy will likely end up being tighter for longer

American Thinker: The Real Threat To Our Democracy Is Open Borders – Democrats call everything they don’t like a “threat to democracy,” but if you want to witness America’s destruction, the flood of illegal immigrants with new voters to ensure the continued permanence of one-party rule is the real threat…

American Thinker: The DIE Road Leads to Gaza – DIE demands that descendants of past oppressors provide benefits to descendants of past victims – To make it easy, the oppressor/victim determination is to be done based on skin tone rather than actual ancestry…

WS Journal: The Trump Fraud Ruling Threatens To Handcuff Family Business Operations – Donald Trump is likely to seek a quick postponement of the $355 million decision during their appeal…

Zero Hedge: Jonathan Turley, The Obscene Award Against Trump Is Testing New York’s Legal Integrity – “The size of the damages is grotesque and should shock the conscience of any judge on appeal” – “Even if the Democrat-appointed judges on the New York Court of Appeals were to ignore the obvious inequity and unfairness, the United States Supreme Court could intervene”

NY Post: 1,286 NYPD officers were injured in battles with suspects over the last quarter of 2023, bringing the final annual tally to a record 5,363 injured cops – The 40th Precinct in the Bronx, was the most dangerous battleground, where 135 cops were injured during struggles with lawbreakers…

February 17, 2024

American Thinker: The Deep State Is Working To Thwart Trump’s Ability To Govern Should He Win – Activists, advocates, and legal experts are promoting new federal rules to limit presidential power while urging Biden’s White House to do more to protect his accomplishments and limit Trump effectiveness in a possible second term…

Breitbart: Donald Trump outperforms Joe Biden on a series of key issues including crime, immigration, the economy, guns, and more, a recent ABC/IPSOS survey found – For instance, 43% trust Trump to handle the economy, while 31% said the same of Biden, a +12% advantage for Trump…

Breitbart: More Americans believe Donald Trump will win the 2024 presidential election – The latest survey from the Economist/YouGov found that 45% believe Trump would win, compared to 34% who expressed the same confidence in Biden…

NY Post: MAGA truckers refuse to take loads to NYC after the $355 million fraud ruling against Trump – “I don’t know how far across the country this is or how many truckers are going to start denying loads going to New York City, but I’ll tell you what, you “F” around and find out”

Zero Hedge: Cultural Marxism & The Corruption Of Common Law – The legal principle known as “stare decisis” discouraged dishonest plaintiffs from seeking unprecedented settlements for specious allegations against parties whom they disliked or sensed they could take advantage of – One could have guessed the outcome of this case before it began, as the left views Donald Trump as an arch-oppressor, and E. Jean Carroll as an “oppressed” victim

American Thinker: Tucker Carlson’s Bombshell – Perhaps you’ve heard about his interview with Mike Benz regarding the national security state’s vast censorship regime operating within America which portends an end to the First Amendment – It is tied to national security developments that occurred during Obama’s presidency and the Russia Hoax…

Townhall: Texas Governor Abbott announced plans to build a military base camp near El Paso in response to the Biden-induced ongoing immigration crisis – The base will house National Guard troops tasked with the sole responsibility of keeping their portion of the southern border secure and free from illegal migrants crossing into the U.S.

National Review: Mayorkas Is Not the Right Target for Impeachment over the Border – Joe Biden is the one official in the United States with the undeniable statutory and constitutional authority to end the border catastrophe, for which he is wholly responsible…

Geller Report: “The Inversion of Democracy,” The SHOCKING Unmasking of How The US Government Annihilated Free Speech – If you do nothing else, you must watch this revealing interview with “Foundation For Freedom Online” director Mike Benz

American Greatness: NATO’s New Mission, Peace Through Censorship – In the cognitive warfare concept, NATO has embraced and refashioned the leftist ideology of the Woke DIE cult, with both based upon the communist lie of knowing one’s thoughts better than the individual…

New York Sun: Discovery of Terrorist HQ Under UN Building in Gaza Means It’s Time To Reform the UN Itself – Links between Unrwa and Hamas illustrate how this now thoroughly dysfunctional organization has become an insult to all civilized countries

Breitbart: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned allies Saturday that an “artificial deficit” of weapons for his country risks giving Russia breathing space, hours after his military chief said he was withdrawing troops from the eastern city of Avdiivka

Conservative Brief: Senate Republicans are looking to oust McConnell as minority leader after back-dooring them and their constituents over the recently failed ‘border’ bill they claim was light on combatting waves of migrants crossing illegally into the U.S. and very heavy on providing tens of billions more U.S. tax dollars for Ukraine and other countries

SLAY News: Biden Unveils New Proposal to Wipe Student Debts of College-Educated Voters – On Thursday, the Biden admin unveiled yet another student loan debt relief proposal under consideration that is purportedly aimed at borrowers experiencing financial hardship

American Thinker: Under the Democrats’ Rule, America Has Become A Failed State – The evidence is everywhere – Our government has metastasized into the enemy of the traditional family – Then there’s the Climate Change hoax, illegal immigration, and…

American Thinker: An entirely plausible (and chilling) scenario for how and when the Democrats will drop Biden from the ticket and run Michelle for president – I’ve been a skeptic that she could be persuaded, given her obvious distaste for politics, but this Heather Higgins scenario provides the most persuasive and fact-based argument I’ve seen for how this could be accomplished…

American Thinker: The Looming Threat of Directed Energy Weapons – Directed energy weapons (DEWs) are defined as electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy and focusing it on a target, resulting in physical damage…

POWERLINE: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, TRAVIS-TY MEME EDITION – This was the week we got The Meme to End All Memes: Travis Kelse beating up on Wilford Brimley…

February 16, 2024

Sharyl Attkisson: Trump statement On His $355 million+ Fine – Donald Trump is one of the most important political figures of the day, but many in the media continually censor him – Therefore, one of our goals is to publish information about Trump that is otherwise difficult-to-find…

Issues & Insights: The Don Of The ‘Biden Crime Family’ – The evidence of President Joe Biden’s criminal activity continues to grow – As has often been said, the wheels of justice grind slowly, but we’d like to see them get in gear in time for voters to know that their president is a big crook

National Pulse: Far-left Judge Arthur Engoron has ordered President Donald J. Trump to pay almost $355 million in the Democrat case against the former president in New York – The ruling also prohibits certain members of the Trump Organization from doing business in the Empire State – Trump will appeal the decision

Just The News: Fulton County policy suggests that both DA Willis and Wade were required to disclose their relationship – “Georgia law is pretty specific about what should happen now because of her conflict, whether it tainted the legitimacy of the case, which it has,” according to former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline

Resist The Mainstream: Victor Davis Hanson Predicts What’s Next for Fani Willis After Her ‘Outrageous Behavior’ During Court Testimony – Hanson criticized Willis’ conduct, describing it as “outrageous behavior” and suggesting it could lead to her disqualification

Townhall: Bill Barr Says While Voting For Trump Is Playing Russian Roulette,  Voting For Joe Biden Is ‘National Suicide’ – Barr says he would be voting for Donald Trump again, barring no viable Biden alternative

Western Journal: Joe Biden on Wednesday issued an order to halt the deportation of Palestinians from the U.S. for 18 months – His order was given on the premise of deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip and West Bank as a result of Israel’s military offensive against Hamas following the group’s Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel

Conservative Brief: The GOP-Led House Delivers A Blow to Biden’s Climate Agenda By Approving New Natural Gas Legislation – The Unlocking Domestic LNG Potential Act substantially limits Biden’s authority when it comes to the permitting of new liquified natural gas projects

Examiner: Russian opposition leader and fierce Putin critic Alexei Navalny died in an Arctic prison at age 47 – Putin’s critics are frequently imprisoned for opposing the Russian president, and some are even assassinated…

NR: A Russian Wake-Up Call in Space – The White House confirmed yesterday, prodded by alarming comments from Representative Mike Turner, the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, that Moscow is working to put a dangerous new nuclear device in space

Gatestone: A Hundred Days after Gaza’s October 7 (Part 4 of 4) – How Does This End? Regionally and Globally – Unsuccessful “lawfare” at the International Court of Justice served to narrow and make the road out of Gaza for all local parties more difficult – The biggest losers are those Arabs who are neither Islamists nor anti-Semites

GELLER: Multiple People Dead or Wounded In A Recent Islamic Terror Attack in Israel – The attack occurred near Gedera, just south of Yad Binyamin, just after noon on Friday when the terrorist opened fire on a bus stop full of people

AXIOS: Senator Joe Manchin will not enter the 2024 presidential race, he announced in a speech at West Virginia University on Friday – This ends months of speculation over whether the West Virginia Democrat would mount a third-party bid for the White House

TAC: Mayorkas Is Indeed Breaking the Law When It Comes To The Border – The coming Mayorkas impeachment trial is a long-overdue rebuke of the Biden administration’s criminal abuse of federal immigration law and a reassertion of Congress’s supremacy

TDF: Donald Trump Issues Dire Warning Of A Future Major Terrorist Attack Resulting From The Border Crisis – “Under Biden, millions of illegals are now pouring into our country, and these include terrorists,” Trump said

TDF: The EU Passes Migration Pact to Flood Europe with 75 Million New Migrants – On Wednesday, the European Parliament’s LIBE committee passed the act, which formalizes the distribution of migrants to member states while punishing those who refuse to take them

Margot Cleveland: Special Counsel Indictment Looks Just As Bad For David Weiss As The Charged FBI Informant – No one in Weiss’s office investigated Smirnov’s serious claims against Hunter and Joe Biden until after Senator Grassley released a copy of the FD-1023 on July 20, 2023…

Breitbart: It’s a Scorcher: Producer Price Inflation Rips Higher – A key gauge of inflation surged higher in January, confirming earlier data showing that the prices of goods and services in the U.S. rose at a faster clip as the new year began

Thinker: There Is Something About Mr. Unexpected – Guess who showed up this week? – The same one who seems to show up with every economic report recently because INFLATION IS BACK…

CNBC: Wholesale prices rose more than expected in January – The Friday Labor Department report Friday comes just days after the consumer price index showed inflation holding stubbornly higher despite Federal Reserve expectations for moderation through the year

Thinker: Criminals in Black Robes – It is going to take a new Justice Department and several other changes to get lawbreaking judges out of our courtrooms – If a judge knowingly ignores these legal requirements, he or she is flagrantly depriving the defendant or litigant of his or her constitutional rights…

Thinker: A Western Consensus Is Brewing – The intrusion of unchecked government power into every crevice of our private lives has transformed politics into a high-stakes cage match in which furious citizens are now willing to fight to survive…

AG: How Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide – Moderate liberals need to face reality and reject these policies of the progressive vanguard that are leading America to civilizational suicide

Thinker: The Great Electric Vehicle Con – Americans are starting to open their eyes to the absurdity of the Biden administration’s EV push – The commitment of elite globalists to the climate change agenda looms as a dark force over the world’s energy market…

AG: As we watch these events unfold across the country in real-time, Trump is truly blessed with the best of enemies – For all of Trump’s coordinated bad luck, he is also aided right now by some very, very good luck…

WSJ: Realtors Are In A Crisis And Home Buyers Could Be the Winners – A wave of lawsuits over fees paid to agents has put the NAR on the defense; ‘it got arrogant’ – Long before this fiasco real-estate executives urged the National Association of Realtors to change their decades-old commission structure, but the organization flatly refused

ZH: A bill making its way through the California legislature, if approved, will pave the way for free college tuition for black students and other perceived marginalized communities – If ACA-7 is approved it will be put before voters this November

Globe: The Nation Sours on California – A poll commissioned by the LA Times shows that the residents of the other 49 states no longer see the Golden State as all that golden – The poll shows that half of Americans think California is unsafe, a third says it is not a good place to raise a family, and three-quarters say it is too expensive

February 15, 2024

Thinker: Illegals Nation, is our ‘great replacement’ beginning to unfold in unexpected ways? – Immigration experts are raising the alarm about how the increasing flow of migrants illegally crossing into the U.S. may significantly impact states’ representation in the House of Representatives and Electoral College…

AW: Proving for many that Barack Obama is still running the show, a new report from Axios, titled “How Biden botched the border,” indicates that Obama’s former advisor, Susan Rice “emerged as the central and controversial coordinator of the administration’s approach to the border”

Breitbart: Cities Are At A Breaking Point in California, Colorado, and Maine As A Result Of Biden’s Border Crisis – The costs of delivering free housing, free medical care, free legal advice, free education for their children, and other things to migrants is overwhelming…

CFIS: The Consequences of Catch and Release at the Border – The U.S. House Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs examine the failure of the Biden Administration to detain most illegal aliens during removal proceedings and how backlogs and adjudication delays have incentivized hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to file insufficient claims to obtain work authorization and to buy time in the U.S.

Townhall: Donald Trump became PolitiFact’s most fact-checked person earlier this month after the outlet reached its 1,000th analysis regarding our 45th president – The top three politicians behind Trump are Barack Obama, who has 603 fact-checks, Hillary Clinton with 301, and President Biden at 286

WJ: Fulton County lead prosecutor Nathan Wade testified Thursday that DA Fani Willis paid him back in cash for the trips that they took together while they were dating – Willis hired Wade to help prosecute Fulton County’s 2020 election interference case being brought against Donald Trump and 18 other defendants

TWT: With help from nine Democrats the House votes to overturn Biden’s freeze on new LNG exports – Although receiving bipartisan support in the GOP-controlled House, the bill is dead on arrival in the Democratic-led Senate Joe Biden has also issued a veto threat

Margot Cleveland: Evidence suggests our intelligence agencies launched the Russia-collusion hoax months before the Clinton campaign joined in full force – Long before the FBI launched Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, the U.S. intelligence community had asked foreign intel agencies to surveil 26 people connected to Donald Trump

NR: Fani Willis Began Her Relationship with Nathan Wade Years Before Appointing Him to Lead Trump Prosecution A Ex-Coworker Testifies – The testimony contradicts Willis and Wade’s claim that they didn’t start a relationship until 2022, well after the Trump case began

Victor Davis Hanson: The Strange Disconnect Between Israel and Ukraine – Most of Europe, the U.S., and the West understandably supported arming Ukraine to repel Vladimir Putin’s Russian aggression – By contrast, such support for democratic Israel was strangely mixed

TFB: Officially, the Palestinian Authority works with Israel to crack down on terror groups in the West Bank. But off-duty PA security forces have carried out dozens of attacks on Israelis, according to a watchdog group

TFB: Biden administration climate envoy John Podesta was behind the administration’s decision to pause U.S. liquefied natural gas exports – His brother Tony could reap the benefits as a longtime lobbyist for foreign Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) companies—including one founded by a Russian energy oligarch

Thinker: Yes, the deficit impacts you – One might think that a 6% annual deficit (yearly shortfall) isn’t much until it’s compounded over years and decades – Congress has overspent for most of the last century with our total debt, which accrues to every American citizen today and future citizens, is more than $34 trillion

ZH: “This Is Scary” – Soros Prepares A Takeover Of 200 Radio Stations Ahead Of US – Audacy, America’s second-largest radio broadcaster could soon emerge from bankruptcy with a new shareholder – Soros Fund Management has acquired $400 million of Audacy’s highest-ranking debt

ZH: The US Air Force and Space Force announced a plan for a major overhaul of their structures to prepare for a future war with China in the Asia Pacific – The plan includes a total of 24 changes, including 16 for the Air Force, five for the Space Force, and three for the entire Department of the Air Force…

TFP: ‘I Was Fired After Blowing the Whistle’ – Tamara Pietzke exposed the dangers of ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors and lost her job at The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital – She reveals the cost of speaking out—and why she has no regrets…

CB: Donald Trump will face his first criminal trial on March 25th over a supposed 2016 hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels – Trump has denied the affair and has pleaded not guilty to the charges

February 14, 2024

Breitbart: Three separate prosecutors reportedly met with WH aides before indicting former President Donald Trump – The reported meetings suggest a coordinated attack against Biden’s 2024 rival – This lends credence to Trump’s belief that the indictments are election interference…

Spectator: Biden Gaslights America On The Economy – The administration’s strategy is to get Americans to believe what they hear and doubt what they see – Despite his whistling past the graveyard, during Biden’s presidency, the economy has been tepid while inflation has been torrid

CD: The Climate-Industrial Complex – Of all rackets, the so-called “renewable energy” racket may be the most fraudulent and nonsensical – CO2 levels are not an issue – The following chart is a visual representation of successive cooling and warming trends and the associated advance and retreat of glaciers

CB: Fani Willis’ Scandal Involving Her Relationship With The Trump Prosecutor She Hired Heats Up – Attorneys named a person who can corroborate that the relationship began before Willis assumed the role of the district attorney, contradicting claims made by Wade in an affidavit attached to Willis’s filing on February 2…

ZH: Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer propose to squander the lives of tens of thousands more Ukrainians and $61 billion of federal funds to keep Biden’s disastrous foreign policy failure hidden from view until after the November election…

ZH: The inventor of the ‘gold standard’ in cognitive tests, Canadian neurologist Dr. Ziad Nasreddine, suggested Joe Biden should take one – Questions over Biden’s mental decline soared above the fold of partisan fodder last week and can no longer be pinned on him just being a forgetful public speaker…

NYS: The UN Threatens Free Speech Online By Enlisting Russia and China To Combat Cybercrime – Involving two nations with deplorable records on human rights and free speech — and whose apparent goal is to weaponize the web member states and human rights advocates warn

FP: We Are Still Not Learning From History – Bad ideas and practices that we have witnessed over and over again – In addition to the above, here we go again as our soldiers take casualties from Iran’s proxies, and our leaders lose their nerve and not punishing the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism that for 45 years has been at war with the U.S. and killing our citizens with impunity

Margot Cleveland: Sources Say U.S. Intelligence Agencies Tasked Foreign Partners With Spying On Trump’s 2016 Campaign Long Before the Summer of 2016 – British intelligence sources began targeting Trump on behalf of American intelligence agencies as early as 2015…

Thinker: What Does An Actual Insurrection Look Like? – The January 6 events at the Capitol, supposedly so harmful to “our democracy,” greatly disturbed the Democrats – Insurrection as described in the Declaration of Independence is “the extra-legal and, if necessary, forcible alteration of political authority”

Breitbart: HarperCollins To Release A Peter Schweizer Blockbuster, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans – “Lawmakers and their staffers are trying to obtain early copies, but like all Peter Schweizer books, the publisher has this one under the strictest of embargoes…

Thinker: China prepares For A War From Inside America – Apparently, our border guardians haven’t the manpower to keep track of the thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of military-aged men from countries that would delight in killing as many of us as they can on American soil – Gordon G. Chang: The CCP at this moment is putting in place the infrastructure in America to attack America

Thinker: Who Bells The Persian Cat? – Joe Biden and the US won’t rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions, so who’s left to try? – Israel is in a pickle because Obama decided that Iran should become a nuclear power, and Biden followed suit, and as always, the world is indifferent until it is way too late…

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Border Crisis Exposed – The fastest-growing group of illegal migrants crossing at our southern border is from China – 37,000 Chinese nationals crossed illegally in 2023, 50 times more than in 2021 – Consequently, authorities are now cutting off access to journalists

Thinker: The Federal Reserve records massive losses, so it makes up a fictitious value called ‘deferred assets’ to compensate – The Federal Reserve lost $114.3 billion in 2023 and doesn’t seem to care – Maybe that is why the federal government has run up $34 trillion in debt, while they pretend government programs are paid for – They don’t care because they can always print more money…

Thinker: Will Islam take over Europe? – It looks likely, under every possible scenario, according to a Pew Research study – This is because Muslims are younger (by 13 years, on average) and have higher fertility (one child more per woman, on average) than other Europeans, which mirrors a global pattern…

Thinker: Will White Males Become An Endangered Species In The Workplace? – The “Civil Rights” movement gradually turned into a license for the government to do what the Constitution would not previously have permitted – DEI is producing some pernicious situations in the workplaces of America, particularly with one egregious case in Seattle…

Thinker: Semen isn’t enough for Canada’s woke police to know if a sexual assault suspect is a ‘male’ – Transit Police refuse to confirm whether the suspect is male or female – “We’ve left it out because we just don’t know – The video shows someone who is female presenting, but the physical evidence is that of a genetic male”…

February 13, 2024

Spectator: The Transcript Of Biden Pal Bobulinski’s New Testimony to House Committees – The only reason any of these international business transactions took place, with tens of millions of dollars flowing directly to the Biden family, was because Joe Biden was in high office – The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period…

CD: Putin’s claim that Boris Johnson scuttled a possible Ukraine peace deal during his Tucker Carlson interview was confirmed by witnesses – Putin was merely confirming the statement of David Arahamiya, leader of Ukraine’s ruling party reported in Newsweek on November 27, 2023: Russia Offered to End The War if Ukraine Dropped NATO Bid: Kyiv Official…

Dossier: Ukraine “foreign aid” bills are taxpayer-funded stimulus packages for the parasites of the D.C. Beltway – If the Ukraine bill is signed into law, the government will print $95 billion and distribute it to Beltway-based mega corporations that include Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and other insiders

PM: The House impeaches Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – It is unlikely that the Democrat-controlled Senate will take up the vote

Townhall: Illegal Immigrants Are Entering the US Through the Northern Border in Droves As Migrants Take Advantage of Understaffing – Reportedly, more than 12,200 migrants were apprehended crossing the border illegally from Canada last year. The year prior, 3,578 were arrested

CJ: Employment’s Hidden Job Figures – The household survey counts full-time and part-time workers separately, while the payroll survey doesn’t draw that distinction – While the unemployment rate remains low according to both surveys, the household survey provides a clearer depiction of the job market and explains the public’s frustrations…

Spectator: Experts Say More Cows Are Needed For Soil Health To Reverse Climate Change – Seth Itzvan, co-founder of SOIL4Climate was one of many soil and agriculture experts on hidden display at the global climate summit who explained that soil health is a key element of effective environmental stewardship and that ruminants are integral to that ancient cycle

WJ: Russian President Vladimir Putin recently suggested he was open to the possibility of a ceasefire in his country’s ongoing war against neighboring Ukraine, a report claimed – According to Reuters, that suggestion was dismissed by American officials who were not interested in temporarily halting the ongoing hostilities

Revolver: Obama repealed this 1948 act so he could flood our media with endless propaganda – Back in 2013, he made a move to ditch the Smith-Mundt Act, basically rolling out the red carpet for propaganda in our national media – This wasn’t just a small change; it was a game-changer for how stories are told and sold to us to this day

ZH: The White House Indicates Joe Biden’s Upcoming Physical Exam Will NOT Include A Cognitive Test – Following a damning DOJ report which concluded Biden is too senile to face charges for mishandling classified information, one might think that proving Biden’s cognitive abilities are of paramount importance

NR: We Should Be Mindful Of Lessons From 80 Years Ago – Those close to the president will NOT tell the truth – FDR’s dire condition was kept secret, and he died 82 days after his inauguration – Joe Biden is the most unfit incumbent president running for another term in office since that 1944 campaign

NR: Joe Biden met with the chairman of the Chinese energy firm CEFC shortly after Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker received a $3 million payment from the firm as part of a joint venture the pair were then trying to develop, according to a newly released transcript of Walker’s closed-door congressional testimony

NR: Joe Biden Edges Toward Abandoning Israel at His Own Risk – At what should have been the close of his impromptu press conference last week, Joe shuffled back to the podium for another dig at Israel – “The Jewish state’s defensive war against Hamas in Gaza was “over the top”…

Fox: The Senate passed a $95 billion national security supplemental package to assist Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific – The final vote was 70 to 29, with 22 Republicans voting yes – Now it goes to the House…

Dallas Ludlum: The Top 6 Reasons The United States Should Advocate for Peace in the Ukraine Conflict – #3, Geopolitical Pressures – #6, The Invisible Hand of The Military Industrial Complex…

John Daniel Davidson: You Don’t Have To Be A Ukraine Expert To Know Senate GOP Leaders Are A Bunch Of Frauds – According to them, only senators with privileged knowledge can judge the war in Ukraine and understand the stakes at hand…

GATESTONE: ‘China’s Infiltrators Are Armed And Coming Here to Kill Us’ – These recent tactics used come straight out of “Unrestricted Warfare,” a 1999 book written by two Chinese Air Force colonels and first published by the PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House in Beijing

Thinker: The supposedly new Ukraine Bill still hides the truth and continues to fund Gaza and the West Bank – The new Ukraine bill portion that the Senate Democrats hope to pass this week is just a hacked-up version of last week’s border bill at $95,628,914,000, just $22.6 billion less than its predecessor…

CFIS: The Senate Bill Wouldn’t End ‘Catch-and-Release’ Rather It Would Perpetuate It – What did DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas tell the credulous senators who relied on his counsel?

NYP: “The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,” said Tony Bobulinski at a House impeachment inquiry deposition Tuesday – The former Navy officer worked alongside first son Hunter Biden and first brother James Biden on a venture with CEFC China Energy

Thinker: What Trump’s ‘Retribution’ Really Means – Democrats, the media, and his Republican opponents are terrified of Trump ‘getting even’ – Leftist TV panelists are frequently heard shrieking at the thought of Trump indicting his political opponents without acknowledging that Biden and his cronies have already set this precedent…

Thinker: The New Governing Coalition – Our representatives in both the House and the Senate are undermining the will of the people who elected them – Consider just three issues; the debt ceiling, the border, and the Ukraine War…

Thinker: The Obama Doctrine vs. the West – Until the narcissism and ideology of today’s American ruling class are replaced by those willing to repudiate and expose Obama’s Doctrine of “America Last” and act accordingly, the world will continue to evolve into an exceedingly dangerous place…

Breitbart: Joe Biden’s jobs record is built on the record hiring of 2.9 million job-seeking migrants and a persistent 183,000 deficit in the number of Americans with jobs compared to 2019, according to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies

GELLER: It appears the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is targeting some J6 defendants by allegedly reducing or removing their benefits, in some cases pre-trial, which is against Department stated policy.

Breitbart: X/Twitter is introducing a new ad targeting feature allowing brands to promote their ads alongside specific creators’ content and also allow woke corporates to mandate that their brand must not appear alongside tweets from conservatives like Catturd or Libs of TikTok

CM: PG&E’s latest rate hikes could put this small rural California grocery store out of business – PG&E’s business account rates will rise this year by 17 – 21% – Their residential electric rates have nearly doubled over the last decade with some 2.4 million, are behind in utility bills by an average of $744

February 12, 2024

WSJ: Trump asks SCOTUS to halt a ruling that said he must face trial on charges he plotted to overturn the 2020 election – Two lower courts have rejected Trump’s immunity claim, in which his lawyers asserted that exposing him to criminal trial would force future presidents to worry about prosecution for their official actions

Newt Gingrich: There’s plenty of precedence for presidential law-breaking – An amazing thing about Watergate is that the illegal acts of Nixon’s predecessors JFK and LBJ were completely ignored – This is relevant today as the DC establishment continues to attack Trump with the same extraordinary hypocrisy…

Breitbart: Pro-life activists who prayed and sang hymns during a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion clinic in 2021 could spend 11 years behind bars thanks to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) use of a federal law created to target Ku Klux Klan members after the Civil War

Tablet: Sorry, But There Is No Two-State Solution – Pretending there is a deal to be done with the Palestinian leadership only opens the door to another October 7 – Israelis won’t be fooled again…

NYP: The person who opened fire at Joel Osteen’s Houston-area mega-church on Sunday has been named, Genesse Ivonne Moreno, age 36 – Authorities revealed that “Free Palestine” was written on the weapon used in her attack

AC: The Republican Plot Against Donald Trump – Yes, Trump opposed the deal that was on the table because it would have done little to secure the border in the future, provided a massive political gift to the Democrats, and would constrain Trump’s border enforcement if he is elected president…

J.D. Vance: I just sent a memo to every one of my Republican colleagues in Congress – Buried in the Ukraine funding bill’s text is an impeachment time bomb for the next Trump presidency if he tries to stop funding the war in Ukraine – We must vote against this disastrous bill… – Page 1 – Page 2

Federalist: Joe Biden’s Classified Docs Provide More Evidence Hunter’s Pay-To-Play Was A Family Affair – The nearly 400-page special counsel report confirms an overlap in the timing and topics of Joe Biden’s vice presidency and Hunter Biden’s ‘business’ enterprises

FOX: Kamala Harris says she is ‘ready to serve’ as Democrats sound the alarm about Biden’s age – When asked about the scrutiny surrounding Biden’s age in a recent Wall Street Journal interview she responded by saying, “I am ready to serve, there’s no question about that”

Victor Davis Hanson: Do Leftists Now Believe Leftism Doesn’t Work? – In this 2024 election year the left is trying to undo what it created without explaining why and what they did to us and themselves as well – For example look at what has transpired in major Democrat-controlled cities throughout the U.S.

Thinker: There are days when I wake up in an America I hardly recognize – I’m thankful my grandparents are not alive to witness what they would not have tolerated, and we now take for granted – Forty things I never thought I’d see…

Thinker: The Red State Dilemma, stand up to incoming progressive residents or flee? – As Colorado shows, once progressives move into your state, they aggressively take over – Conservatives are systematically being squeezed out of good neighborhoods by expat Democrats who are Hell-bent on remaking their new homes into carbon copies of the ones they fled…

Powerline: REMEMBERING MR. LINCOLN ON HIS BIRTHDAY – Perhaps our greatest President, Lincoln was a profound student of the Constitution and constitutional history – Lincoln’s speech of July 10 in response to that of Stephen Douglas concludes with an explanation of the meaning of the American creed with incomparable eloquence and insight, in words that remain as relevant now as back then…

AG: Charlottesville and Trump, Will Their Big Lie Finally Die? – Despite the clear transcript and video evidence exonerating Trump for the hoax surrounding what he said in Charlottesville, millions of Americans still believe that the 45th President was an open, brazen racist – It is hard to exaggerate the fallout from a lie as corrosive and racially charged as this deception by ignoring Trump saying, “You had many people in that group other than Neo-Nazi’s or White Nationalists”…

Thinker: Democrats are the “evil party” and Republicans are the “stupid party” – Democrats believe themselves to be their own higher power, with their version of “natural law” whims of the day rather than “unalienable rights” – Republicans are stupid because they cannot articulate or enact any opposition to Democrat evil and believe principled opposition is a watered-down version of Democrat policy…

FAR: The Leftists’ War to Destroy Christian America – Freedom Center founder David Horowitz exposes not only the Left’s war against Christianity but also a war against America and its founding principles – What he portrayed in 2019 has gotten worse…

Thinker: The DNC’s Standard Illegal Immigration Sophistries – It starts with their adverse reaction to the term “illegal alien” – Democrat News Media Colluders believe most illegal immigrants will eventually be made citizens and vote Democrat, so they fabricate fallacious arguments in favor of illegal immigration…

Thinker: The Los Angeles Times Buried Lede – A recent poll shows more Latinos than whites oppose illegal immigration – It’s not just that Latinos are against illegal immigration, they are against it more than whites, which would include the sort of suburban whites who don’t see the impact of illegal immigration on their communities…

WJ: A 5-Time-Deported Illegal Alien Has Been Charged In The Death Of 10-Year-Old Boy Who Had Just Left School – 50-year-old Rogelio Ortiz-Olivas, who was driving a black pickup truck, struck the boy, then fled the area has been charged with hit and run…

February 11, 2024

AMD: We Must Stop The WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty – The way COVID-19 was handled was so egregious that it woke much of the public up to this Big Pharma’s grift – Consequently, a covert WHO treaty has been put together behind the scenes which gives international health agencies absolute control over anything related to an alleged “health emergency…

Breitbart: The Denver CO Democrat Mayor Mike Johnson is imposing wartime-like “shared sacrifice” on Americans rather than curbing his welcome for tens of thousands of illegal migrants hoping it will spur voter turnout against former President Donald Trump by twisting the facts

Dr. Jane Orient: “Rooting Out the Censorship-Industrial Complex is Essential for Our Survival as a Free Sovereign Nation” – AAPS filed a brief against the Biden administration’s argument in the case of Murthy v. Missouri, arguing the administration violated the First Amendment’s right to free speech…

TVF: Media Blackout, Episode 9: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – #10, Tucker Carlson breaks establishment narratives and outlines five key takeaways from his Putin interview – #9, A Democrat Senator says the quiet part about the border crisis out loud…

TDS: VOTER FRAUD ALERT, A Georgia Specialist Finds Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2020, 2021, and 2022 – He identified that almost 35,000 Georgia voters in 2020 alone cast ballots from the wrong jurisdictions, but Georgia’s top election official hasn’t responded to his request for an investigation…

RS: Inside America’s Political Mess – With so much video evidence of Biden’s incoherent rambles, mental freezes, falls, and even getting lost on stages, an overwhelming majority of voters are now seriously concerned…

Thinker: Keep An Eye On The Biden Crowd – These people will stop at nothing to retain their power which could make this year’s election pretty dicey – I fear that the 2024 election will witness many voting irregularities, and possibly riots and disruptions…

Examiner: Wisconsin will accept absentee ballot envelopes with partial witness addresses ahead of 2024 election – The Republican-controlled legislature has appealed the court rulings…

Thinker: The Worst ‘What If’- Plausible evidence is accumulating that there were not only irregularities in the 2020 presidential election, but that they were enough to change the outcome nationwide, which is worthy of further investigation…

Thinker: Respect For Our Authorities ‘Died Suddenly’ – Populations do not obey lunatics and liars for long – We are told that the economy is strong, that crime is under control, that our borders are secure, that paying twenty bucks for a fast-food hamburger is cheap, and that endless war produces endless peace…

February 10, 2024

ZH: The Treasury Dept. Admits Targeting ‘MAGA’ Finances Without Due Process – “Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is requesting a transcribed interview with a former Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) official for allegedly flagging consumer transactions that had the phrases “TRUMP” or “MAGA” in them…

Breitbart: 64 Ways Biden Opened America’s Borders To The World’s Migrants –Since Joe Biden took office DHS has worked tirelessly to transform the US/Mexico border into a European-style checkpoint where illegal aliens are briefly detained before being released into American cities and towns…

Breitbart: If Joe Biden Can’t Win in 2024, Maybe AI Can Win for Him – Microsoft plans to use AI to create a “healthy information ecosystem” just before the 2024 election…

Former President Donald Trump has added another presidential endorsement to his list of supporters, with the Florida Republican Party announcing that it’s officially throwing its weight behind the former president as he seeks to reclaim the White House

Sharyl Attkisson: The watchdog group, Judicial Watch, has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on behalf of Aaron Babbitt, husband of the late Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt against the Department of Justice (DOJ). The lawsuit asks for all FBI files on Ashli Babbitt

NR: Their “Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital” Brings on a Torrent of Selective Outrage. There’s more anger at a Wall Street Journal op-ed for noticing radical rhetoric in Dearborn than at the rhetoric itself…

WJ: An Ohio Sheriff Sounds the Alarm After Meeting with FBI And Orders Every Cruiser to Carry an AR-15 and Extra Ammo – “There are people already here who have come to this country who hate us and want to kill us,” Jones warned – He’s on a mission to make sure his department is fully prepared

RTM:  Jeffrey Epstein’s brother, Mark, provided Megyn Kelly with autopsy photos aiming to challenge the official narrative of his brother’s death – One of the photos showed clear signs of blood pooling – He contended that the condition of Epstein’s legs contradicted the expected outcomes of a hanging death…

Spectator: Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom Team Up Against Voters – Both come out against a ballot measure that would give voters the final say on future taxes and fees imposed by state and local governments

GATESTONE: The Dangerous Global Order with a Nuclear-Armed Iran – As Iran is on the verge of achieving a significant milestone in obtaining nuclear weapons, concerns are mounting over the Biden administration’s lack of a coherent strategy to prevent Iran from going nuclear

ZH: Critics Blast The UN For Ignoring The Longstanding Ties Between UNRWA And Hamas – Hamas has long used UNRWA schools, hospitals, and other buildings as human shields, a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention and sanctionable by a U.S. president under the 2018 Shields Act…

AC: Russia Hawks Missed the Point of Tucker’s Putin Interview – The problem with U.S. policy on Ukraine, in general, is that it is more concerned with high-minded moralist rhetoric than determining what is in our national interest or happening on the ground in Ukraine…

AG: The Coming 2024 Leftist Election Grift – Voter rolls filled with unqualified voters—for instance, voters without a valid address or with an insufficient or incorrect address—are ready-made for fraud…

Thinker:  The U.N. calls its document ‘Agenda 2030’ – Realistically, it is a global takeover – Cooperating with their vision of international governance, the Biden administration is now trying to manipulate the U.S. into signing onto a treaty that will expand the authority of the World Health Organization…

Thinker: The Obama ‘Nudge Unit’ Rides Again – How the Biden Administration Using Psychology on Americans to Advance the Biden-Harris Agenda or a Swiftly Chosen Replacement Candidate – The Nudge Unit was in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (a potentially significant fact in and of itself)

Thinker: The New Leftist Argument, Illegal Aliens Are Here Legally – Have you noticed how the left changes the narrative by demanding a shift in language? – It takes incredible mental gymnastics to make this argument, but that’s never stopped a leftist…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, DEMENTIA JOE EDITION – Seriously, how long can Democrats let this charade go on?

February 9, 2024

TVF: Tucker Carlson named five big-picture “quick perceptions” following his interview with Vladimir Putin – “You have to be an idiot to think that” Russia is an expansionist power – There is overwhelming evidence that there was a peace deal or part of a peace deal with the beginning of peace talks…

Daniel Greenfield: Leaked Iranian Government Documents Show Soros Group Acted As A Foreign Agent – Should George Soros and his allies be arrested for failing to register as foreign agents?…

Fox: Biden’s ghostwriter escapes special counsel charges despite deleting evidence – The audio files were related to the work on Biden’s memoir ‘Promise Me, Dad’

WJ: Jill Biden’s role in protecting the president against his apparent worst enemy — himself — has “come under new scrutiny,” according to the Post, following the release Thursday of special counsel Robert Hur’s report on his investigation into the president’s mishandling of classified material

Lumen: Mollie Hemingway Gives Nine Reasons Why Americans Should Be Concerned About the Security of Our Elections – 1, We no longer have an “Election Day” – 2, “Millions of unsupervised mail-in ballots” – 3, The private takeover of government election offices”…

Breitbart – America Last, 12 Senate Republicans Vote to Send Ukraine Another – They had previously vowed to Put the U.S. border first and not help send Ukraine anymore

CB: The Senate Advances Their Foreign Aid Package Sans A Border Deal – Cloture on the $95 billion measure was required to begin debate, and 60 votes were required. By voting in favor of moving forward and against it, 32 senators, including 17 Republicans, exceeded that threshold

Todd Starnes: Jill Biden Should Be Charged With Elder Abuse – The First Lady and the president’s family know that Joe’s mind has faded and he doesn’t have the mental ability to run the White House, yet, they turn a blind eye to it for the power and the money

SUN: Putin, via Tucker Carlson, Reaches Out to Republicans – With $60 billion in American aid to Ukraine hanging in the balance, President Putin waded into a congressional debate last night, wooing Republican swing votes with an offer to negotiate peace in Ukraine

I&I: In his report explaining his decision, Special Counsel Robert Hur said today that Biden was too far removed from reality for a jury to convict him of a crime – Joe Biden, even though he did take and secrete away secret documents and such, will not be charged with any crime related to what are acts quite similar to those for which Donald Trump was charged with

Thinker: No Super Bowl Interview for Joe Biden – It is Super Bowl week and customary for the media to interview the sitting American president – But Biden’s handlers have passed for the second year in a row…

Thinker: It Can’t Be Biden – Given current circumstances, the looming question is, Who will replace Biden on the Democrat ticket in 2024? – This has been a topic throughout his presidency, but it picked up a lot of steam in 2023

Federalist: Democrats Spun Biden’s Classified Documents As ‘Six Items,’ But The Special Counsel Report Reveals It Was 300-Plus – The media smeared Trump for retaining ‘more than 300 classified documents’ but then parroted Biden lawyers’ spin that the Democrat’s 300-plus pages were just ‘six items’

WJ: Representative Claudia Tenney of New York wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that he and the president’s Cabinet begin proceedings to remove President Joe Biden from office based on the recent report of special counsel Robert Hur and per the 25th Amendment

Breitbart: Joe Biden’s Illegal Migration Cuts U.S. Wages and Workplace Investment – Furthermore, the CBO estimates the increase in population will put downward pressure on average real wages, expected to be slightly lower by 2034, and optimistically projects the migrant surge will be over by 2028…

ZH: Credit-Card & Auto Delinquencies Soar, Especially Age Group 18-39 – Credit card debt surged to a record high in the fourth quarter, but even more troubling is the steep climb in 90-day or longer delinquencies

ZH: The EU Bends The Knee To Farmers And Drops Key Provisions In Their 2040 Climate Proposal – According to the EU executive’s plan, “all sectors” need to now contribute to the effort, but the previously mandated 30% cut to agricultural production between by 2040 is gone – The revised draft has also excluded a mandate for citizens to make lifestyle changes, such as eating less meat, and a push to end fossil fuel subsidies

February 8, 2024

Signal: What Surprised Tucker Carlson Most About His Putin Interview – “He’s not good at explaining himself” – “He’s smart, but he’s is spending a lot of time in a world where he doesn’t have to explain himself”

Geller: Watch The Tucker Carlson Putin Interview – Watch the whole thing, it’s at 50 million views and still climbing

BROWNSTONE: Assange, Elon, and the News Not Fit to Print – In two weeks, Julian Assange may be his last chance to oppose his extradition to the US, where he faces 100+ years in prison for publishing verified evidence of American war crimes and government corruption…

Spectator: The Enemy Within, Our Corrupt DOJ Will Not Charge Biden On Documents, Only Trump – Our two-tiered justice system is hard at work to save a mentally unfit president

Thinker: Government by blackmail: Biden threatens to enforce the border even less if GOP House doesn’t pass his border bill – The White House on Thursday announced that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will soon be “forced” to reduce operations at the southern border due to lack of funds…

Spectator: Is Joe Biden’s Campaign Dead? – After Thursday night’s eyebrow-raising press conference where he referenced Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitterrand, some believe the president sees a dead political career

Spectator: Guilt-Tripping Our Way to Self-Destruction – Everywhere we turn, the country looks like it is falling apart. Crime is out of control. Millions of illegal immigrants are pouring across our borders. Our schools are more interested in cultivating gender dysphoria and a penchant for porn in our children than in educating them…

WJ: 17 GOP Senators Help Democrats Pass $95 Billion Ukraine Aid Package, Here Are Their Names – The bill that contains only foreign aid spending advanced on a procedural vote a day after a similar bill that also contained proposals for the Southern Border was torpedoed by Republicans

WJ: Left-Wing Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Names Key Detail that May Guarantee Trump’s Return to Colorado Ballot – In short, Jackson pointed out that the 14th Amendment’s third section does not mention the office of president

ZH: More DEI In The Sky – Matt Walsh has acquired internal footage showing FAA officials strategizing ways to reduce the number of white men in aviation as a whole (except, perhaps, if that white man is a transexual)

TVF: Pure Panic In DC, Is The Entire CrowdStrike House of Cards About To Collapse? – While we wait for Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin 2.0 to drop, remember Carlson still has an interview he did months ago with Julian Assange in his back pocket – Did Assange tell him something that led him to want to get Putin on the record first?

Jonathan Turley: The Supreme Court Hears Trump v. Anderson – We can expect the justices to focus on the three main questions before the Court: 1. Is the president “an officer of the United States” for purposes of section 3? – 2. Is section 3 self-executing? – 3. Was January 6th an “insurrection” under Section 3

Powerline: TRUMP WILL BE ON THE BALLOT – I just finished listening to the 2-hour oral arguments held before the Supreme Court this morning in Trump v. Anderson – My take is that the Court will reverse the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court and that President Trump will not be disqualified from the ballot under section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment by any state

NYP: A clear majority of the Supreme Court’s nine justices signaled Thursday that they would overturn a Colorado ruling barring former President Donald Trump from the state’s Republican presidential primary ballot

AC: Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths – It is time to stop pretending that our deployment of thousands of U.S. military personnel in the Middle East serves American interests…

AG: Hamas On View, 41 Minutes of Horror From Oct. 7th – I was part of an audience and a Christian observer – Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip is not vengeance for October 7th. It is thoroughly a defensive war to eradicate Hamas, the organization that has pledged to kill every last Israeli…

Dallas Ludlum: Since Biden’s tenure began, the U.S. has seen the number of illegal immigrants double to over 20 million in only 3 years, which includes 1.7 million “gotaways” – Senator Blackburn raises concerns about a troubling dichotomy; the choice to prioritize the needs of those who entered the country illegally over the veterans who fought to protect it…

TVF: Tucker Carlson is going to single-handedly break the internet and possibly change the world tonight by simply doing his job, that is, interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin – The establishment is in full panic mode, and when they roll out Hillary to paint him as a “useful idiot” for Putin, you know Tucker is doing something right…

Sharyl Attkisson: A recent Rasmussen survey found that 59% of likely voters think that, over time, Biden is getting less and less mentally sharp and most suspect the media are trying to cover up the president’s cognitive decline…

NYS: Argentina’s Milei Is Visiting Countries That Are Emerging Democratically From a Debacle of Socialism – Can it be but a coincidence that the Argentine economist-turned-president is stopping at Rome and Jerusalem?

NR: Rough Sledding For House Speaker Mike Johnson – Johnson finds himself in a no-win situation of his own making – Thursday morning, reportedly Johnson planned to endorse Montana representative Matt Rosendale but in the end, Johnson changed course – Johnson’s reversal is consistent with his confused performance throughout a pivotal week in the federal legislature

Thinker: Equity Breeds Duplicity – Equity has been the leading justification for radical progressive policies – Tolerating progressive ideals of equity within Republican ranks for the sake of “getting along” is a duplicitous strategy designed to deliver this county to the Left

Victor Davis Hanson: The Absurd Democrat Border Con – It remains unclear why Biden and Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas destroyed what Trump had achieved – Almost all arrived without background checks, health screening, or vaccination certificates—but with massive needs for free housing, education, healthcare, and food entitlements and subsidies…

RS: Joe Biden is pledging to use the repudiation of the so-called “border security” bill by Senate Republicans as the centerpiece of his 2024 presidential campaign placing the blame for his three years of mass illegal immigration and chaos on America’s southern border on Republicans…

Blaze: More than 30,000 migrants with possible ties to terrorism or other “nefarious activity” were released into the United States in the last 15 months – Customs and Border Protection data revealed that agents logged 20,287 encounters with special interest aliens in fiscal year 2023 and another 12,114 so far in fiscal year 2024

Breitbart: White House Officials Admit That Biden Has The Authority to Curb Illegal Migration – The admission concedes the Republicans’ claim that Biden’s choice not to use his presidential authority has caused the vast and costly inflow of more than 6 million migrants since January 2021…

Federalist: Hawaii’s Supreme Court issued a decision yesterday formally infringing on island residents’ right to “keep and bear arms” – Justices claim guns interfered with the “Spirit of Aloha” – The ruling seeks to nullify not only the authority of the Constitution but also the Supreme Court’s longstanding interpretation of Americans’ Second Amendment protections…

Thinker: Democrats should worry that Americans’ five-second attention span is lengthening – For decades, Democrats knew that, if they pretended nothing bad flowed from their policies, people would forget the past and believe them, well that’s finally changing

Spectator: The South Is Being Flooded by Leftugees That Tend To be Converts –
Millions of Americans are trading blue zip codes for red ones – Fleeing high crime, high taxes, high cost of living, and crackpot social policies – Roger L. Simon analyzes why they are fleeing, where they are going, and how most are prospering in their new homes…

CB: When Donald Trump was president, the ‘mainstream media’ spent a great deal of effort, often in real-time, engaging in what they called “fact checks” of his statements, but a new analysis by a media expert finds such “fact-checking” has nearly disappeared under Biden administration…

FAR: Disney’s Inclusion Standards – Actress Gina Carano has sued Disney and LucasFilm after she was fired in 2021 over a social media post in which she compared being a Republican to being a Jew during the Holocaust – The lawsuit is being funded by Elon Musk, who made an open call on his platform X for others to join the suit

February 7, 2024

Signal: The Senate’s $118 billion spending bill failed to advance past a procedural vote on the Senate floor Wednesday – The bill included funding for border-related measures, Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

Spectator: The Palestinian State of Jordan – Jordan as a Palestinian state is the only political solution that solves the core demands of both sides – While the Biden team paints Netanyahu as an obstacle to peace, which supposedly could only come in the form of a Palestinian state, the fact is that, more than ever, the Israeli public views the two-state solution as a suicidal proposition…

CB: The Biden Admin Overestimated Job Creation In 2023 – Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the “federal government in 2023 overestimated the number of jobs in the U.S. economy by an average of 105,000 per month in initial reports, equating to a cumulative monthly difference of 1.3 million”

JFD: Elon Musk is Right and the NY Times is Wrong About Illegal Voting In The U.S. By Non-Citizens – What the Times fails to reveal is that the Brennan Center document describes the identification requirements in the law, which don’t require government-issued ID or proof of citizenship, just as Musk wrote…

WJ: Tucker Carlson May Get Sanctioned for Interviewing Putin – The threat of what the interview could hold is causing quite a stir among politicians in the United States and abroad, where a member of the European Parliament is seeking to sanction Carlson for the action, according to Newsweek…

WJ: A Day After Nevada Embarrassment, Nikki Haley Gets Even Worse News from Her Home State – A Morning Consult poll released Wednesday showed Trump with a 37-point lead over Haley in her home state of South Carolina…

Several members of the House of Representatives Republican conference on Wednesday told the Daily Caller News Foundation that they will seek to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for a second time, following the failure of a vote to do so on Tuesday

NR: The Nevada Republican presidential primary election has been called, with the “none of these candidates” option winning over other choices, most notably including former ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley…

Examiner: Mike Johnson could be on the hot seat after Tuesday’s double embarrassment – Right after the vote to impeach Mayorkas failed, the House was unable to advance Johnson’s $17.6 billion bill in assistance to Israel on Tuesday, with 166 Democrats and 14 Republicans opposing the measure, including several House Freedom Caucus members…

NR: The Self-Defeating Republican Party – Democrats wake up every morning wanting to beat the Republicans. Still, they’ll never be as good at beating Republicans as Republicans are at beating themselves by doing stuff like this…

Thinker: In 2024, Donald Trump is our last hope – The people of the United States have been thrust into a nightmare scenario as we go through the strangest era in our history – It started right after Biden took office and immediately turned off the oil spigot, resulting in high inflation and more dependence on foreign oil…

Federalist: Biden Is Threatening To Veto Aid To Israel And Will Pay No Political Price – Biden acts like a statesman in public but simultaneously leaks angry quotes about Netanyahu to appease the growing anti-Israel left…

Fox: U.S. Customs and Border Protection tracked over 1 million migrant encounters since October 1st when the fiscal year 2024 began, which is the earliest this mark has ever been reached – This is roughly 100,000 encounters higher than the same period last year, and the earliest the U.S. has ever reached the 1 million encounter mark

GLOBE: The Illegal Immigrant Industrial Complex – The United States Southern border is completely broken, with America being invaded courtesy of Joe Biden – Conflating refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, migrants, and invaders are on the march…

TPR: The Chinese Migrants’ Strategies Amidst Their Growing Apprehensions – Chinese migrants are using tools and instructions gleaned from TikTok to reach the southern border – A combination of factors is propelling Chinese citizens to seek refuge in the US that includes the allure of a porous border and the worsening political and economic conditions in their homeland…

Breitbart: The Biden Administration’s Secret Border Deal with Mexico Delays Onslaught of Migrant Crossings, With A 50% Drop in January – A recent article states that the Mexican president hinted to the U.S. delegation that he would reduce migrant crossings into the U.S. if President Joe Biden provided more aid and support to Latin American dictators…

Breitbart: The interview with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin announced by Tucker Carlson has been confirmed to have taken place – Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he had spoken in person to Tucker Carlson – “Yes, I can confirm this” and “as soon as it is ready, it will be released”…

Thinker: Next up from Team Biden, Free College For Illegals? – The DOE could soon extend taxpayer-funded federal college-prep programs to illegal immigrants, a move that would upend longstanding policy on educational grants as record numbers of migrants cross the Southern Border…

Thinker: Mail-in voter fraud and the 2020 election – Our story begins in the months leading up to the 2020 election, when several states, including all the critical swing states, changed their voting rules under the pretext that traditional in-person voting was dangerous due to the pandemic…

Thinker: Islam In Theory vs Reality – Based on a recent study, what Western people think of Islam when relying on secondhand information from the powers that be is vastly different from what people think of Islam after personally experiencing it…

FAR: From ‘Never Trump’ To An ‘Encore’ Please – Some of our long-time friends are died-in-the-wool Democrats, so to our surprise, a few of them have admitted lately that Biden administration policies are harming America – Consequently, I was intrigued when I came across this recent opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal…

TDS: Conservative leaders are calling on House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson to pass the FACE Act Repeal Act of 2023 “ASAP” – “The Biden administration has weaponized the FACE Act against peaceful pro-life sidewalk counselors and activists who want to save lives and change hearts and minds”

AG: The Super Bowl Will Again Feature Two ‘National Anthems’ – To ensure those attending the game and the more than 100 million people watching on television cannot avoid hearing it, the “black national anthem” will be played after the actual national anthem of the United States

AG: The Delusions of Davos and Dubai, Part Three, Alternatives to Wind & Solar Energy – Humanity can eventually overcome its reliance on fossil fuels in the very long run, but not a chance in the next 25 years – Fusion is far off and progress has been slow…

ZH: Our net zero lesson of the day from the U.K. applies universally as it’s increasingly difficult for the Biden administration and the EU to hide the true costs of their net zero mandates – In the latest green fiasco, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak created a quota system that would require manufacturers to sell more heat pumps to households…

February 6, 2024

Fox: Ronna McDaniel told Donald Trump that she would resign after the February 24th South Carolina Republican presidential primary, according to two people familiar with her plans – Sources added that Trump would likely aim to promote North Carolina GOP chair Michael Whatley as McDaniel’s successor

Fox: The House fails to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a major blow to GOP – The House voted mostly along party lines, but Republicans suffered several defections that torpedoed the vote when four Republicans ultimately voted no

Breitbart: – IDF released evidence showing direct payments from Iran to the Hamas terrorist organization and its leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar – More than one hundred and fifty million dollars were transferred from Iran to Hamas, another example of how Iran exports terror across the Middle East

Breitbart: Tucker Carlson Announced A Forthcoming Massive Interview with Putin in Russia – Carlson arrived in Russia last week amid speculation an interview with Putin was in the cards. Carlson made that official on Tuesday in a video posted to X – He did not reveal when the interview will be released…

Redshaw: Why Are We Funding the World Economic Forum? – More than $60 million U.S. tax dollars have been given to an organization that wants to usher in the Great Reset and a global one-world government – A group of House Republicans, led by Representative Scott Perry, introduced new legislation to defund the WEF because the original 2022 was never voted on

CJ: Florida progressives made many dire predictions before the state’s tough new immigration law took effect on July 1, 2023. They claimed that critical industries would face massive labor shortfalls, bringing soaring prices and perhaps even food shortages – It turns out, they were dead wrong…

ABC: Americans’ credit card balances climbed to a new record high of $1.13 trillion, increasing by $50 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023 alone – Delinquencies reflecting missed payments on credit card bills increased across all age groups, with borrowers between the ages of 30-39 missing their payments at especially fast rates

TDM: Outrage as FIVE transgender players dominate the volleyball court at a women’s college varsity game in Canada, as biological females are relegated to the bench – The IOC in November 2021 said it was up to individual sports to determine their own rules, and abandoned their previous stipulation that trans women suppress their testosterone levels for at least 12 months to compete……

Breitbart: A new survey shows that football has replaced baseball as America’s top pastime by a wide margin – The Pew survey showed that 53% of those polled believe that football is now “America’s sport,” while only 27% said the same about baseball

GATESTONE: Biden Has Opened the Floodgates of Hell – Although nothing is inevitable, we are fast approaching the point where, as a practical matter, he will not be able to stop China and Russia, directly or through proxies, from merging existing conflicts and turning them into the next global war

TDF: Newt Gingrich Reveals Why Joe Biden Won’t Be the Nominee – “The rate of his cognitive decline, the number of recent examples, where he couldn’t remember what he was saying, or couldn’t remember who he was talking to, at some point, there may be a genuine rebellion in the Democrat Party saying we can’t put this guy up this fall, because he’ll be helpless”

Federalist: A Washington Post Columnist Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, The Democrats’ Campaign Strategy Is To Jail Trump – How dare the former president use every legal means possible to defend himself against the full force of the federal government – Marcus and friends are growing frustrated, and impatient because their plan is getting bogged down by increasing justice

WSJ: A Federal Appeals Court Has Rejected Donald Trump’s Immunity Claim – The ruling by a three-judge panel tees up possible further appeals to the entire court circuit or the Supreme Court

Examiner: Nevada will host its 2024 presidential primary on Tuesday for Democrats and Republicans, but Donald Trump will not appear on the ballots due to a twist in the GOP nominating process – Write-in votes are not permitted, but voters on Tuesday have the option to select “none of these candidates,” which could cause some problems for Nikki Haley…

TVF: Tucker Carlson Speaks Candidly About RFK Jr. And His Kind Of Liberalism For 5 Minutes Straight – Similar to Trump, Tucker declares, “Bobby Kennedy’s most controversial opinions are the truest ones” and also challenges the notion that Kennedy is a liberal in the modern sense…

Dallas Ludlum: Unraveling the Biden Administration’s Judicial Crusade Against Elon Musk and Free Speech – Judge Kathaleen McCormick recently made headlines by rescinding Elon Musk’s $55 billion Tesla compensation package – Previously, McCormick’s career was closely linked to the Delaware law firm Young Conaway, a firm known for its substantial donations to President Joe Biden over the years…

DC: Daily Caller News Foundation reporter Katelynn Richardson laid out the Biden administration’s funding of research to suppress “misinformation” online, during a congressional hearing on Tuesday – Richardson detailed her findings that the multi-million dollar program, which she dubbed a “Censorship Industrial Complex,” used taxpayer dollars to fund numerous projects that censored American speech

NR: The Left Is Lying, Retail Crime Is on the Rise – Theft has become so pervasive and ordinary that retailers have simply stopped reporting it – The well-documented surge in shoplifting has caused many retail locations nationwide to close, from CVS to Nordstrom, major retailers are pulling out of crime-ridden areas

Thinker: The Republican Party Is Not Prepared for the 2024 Election – There is a growing consensus among conservatives and a vast majority of Republican voters that the 2024 election is a watershed moment for the United States, yet the Republican Party hierarchy appears unconcerned…

Thinker: The ‘Border Bill’ Deliberately Hides The Truth From Taxpayers – HR-815 is described as a $1 billion piece of legislation, but we will never know the true amount because Section 3801 states ” The budgetary effects of this division shall not be entered on either PAYGO scorecard according to section 4(d) of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010…

Federalist: A Real Border Solution Would Punish Mexican Cartels, Not Bribe Them – López Obrador, popularly known as AMLO, has been candid about his desire for the United States to pay for Mexico’s cooperation on the border – Mexico has aided and abetted the border crisis for years now, so why are we offering to pay them to help us fix it?

JTN: Senate Republicans will block a procedural motion this week to start debating the border security deal following intense opposition from the House GOP and former Trump – The bill includes more than $60 billion in security assistance for Ukraine and leaves its funding in limbo, according to The Hill…

TDF: The DEA Says ‘Everything We Seize’ Is Contaminated with Fentanyl – “It’s in meth, it’s in cocaine, in heroin, it’s in everything,” – According to Thorne-James, two cartels are responsible for “almost all” of the fentanyl coming into the United States

Sharyl Attkisson: Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Defense for documents regarding a key Biden staffer allegedly involved in handling Joe Biden’s  materials housed at the Penn Biden Center

NYS: Kangaroo Courts Could Be Returning to Campus as The Final Title IX Rules Are Sent to The WH for Approval – The new rules are expected to reverse most of the changes, and due process protections of Trump’s education secretary, Betsy DeVos – Transgender sports changes appear to be delayed, though, as Biden seeks to fulfill a campaign promise

Daniel Greenfield: Did the EPA Cover Up East Palestine Toxins to Help Biden? –“Dioxin is the most toxic substance known to man” – The Government Accountability Project (GAP), claims the EPA tested nearby soil and water much earlier than previously disclosed and found an elevated level of dioxins during those tests…

Thinker: Is It Safe To Fly? – For now, generally speaking, yes, but when you drill down, the airlines’ escalating “social justice” policies suggest that things will get worse, not better…

Thinker: Our Uncontrolled Migration Of Infectious Diseases – The current policy of allowing illegal migrants from across the globe without even screening for infectious diseases is disastrous – The epidemiological situation in the world has worsened since the 1990s…

February 5, 2024

WJ: ’60 Minutes’ Was Surprised When Their Cameras Caught Illegal Chinese Immigrants Pouring Into California – Their crew witnessed the organized and routine nature of these crossings happening right before their eyes – When “60 Minutes” calls the situation at the border “unprecedented,” you know it has to be bad…

Breitbart: Mitch McConnell Turns Against Border Bill – The longtime Republican leader has spoken in favor of the deal and did not express any personal hesitations about the legislation to his colleagues…

ABC: Migrants snatched phones from 62 women in a New York City crime spree – The suspects allegedly used the stolen phones to purchase items with Apple Pay

Thinker: Europeans Are Pushing Back Against Green Policies And Out Of Control Immigration – No farmers means no food, so our famine-free era will end up being just a short interlude in the long history of human starvation – The elites would do well to listen, for European rebellions are never a pretty thing to see…

Lumen: Representative Chris Smith, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights & International Organizations, said there has been “far too little scrutiny” of and “far too few questions asked” about what the WHO’s “pandemic treaty” which the UN News states “agreements made between countries have legal standing and are binding”

GATESTONE: Biden’s ‘Two-State Solution’ To Reward Palestinian Terrorism, Destroy Israel – The assumption that normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia in return for the establishment of another failed and corrupt Arab state would bring peace, security, and stability to the Middle East is a deadly fantasy

ZH: Seven US-Trained Fighters Were Killed In Drone Attack On Occupied Syrian Oil Field – A key and very evident theme out of the Red Sea area is that the US has lost ‘deterrence,’ or perhaps never had it to begin with…

WJ: King Charles Cancels All Public Duties as Cancer Diagnosis Is Announced – The 75-year-old king had entered the hospital for treatment of an enlarged prostate but is not suffering from prostate cancer – A separate issue of concern was noted as he was diagnosed with another form of cancer according to Buckingham Palace…

WJ: Trump-Backing Senator J.D. Vance Has His Mike Cut Mid-Interview After ABC Host George Stephanopoulos Doesn’t Like Answer About Trump and SCOTUS – Vance told Stephanopoulos that the U.S. has “a major problem with administrators and bureaucrats in the federal government who don’t respond to the elected branches…

Thinker: Tucker Carlson goes places and talks to people to see all sides of an issue – He is currently in Moscow, Russia to interview Vladimir Putin, and the media is in panic mode, afraid they will lose control of the narrative…

TCFIS: Joe Biden’s Border Policies Are Working Just Fine, But Unfortunately, It’s For the Cartels – Illegal immigration now far exceeds legal immigration – As a result, the cartels are reaping unprecedented profits from human and drug smuggling and trafficking, to the tune of $30 million a day, or nearly $1 billion a month…

Daniel Greenfield: The Senate Border Deal Will Also Legalize All Of The Afghans Biden Brought Into The U.S. – At last count around 36,000 Afghans or 40% of the “refugees” had no legal basis for being evacuated even after the Biden administration and its congressional allies, both Democrat and Republican, watered-down standards for applying for SIV visas – At least 11,110 had fake birthdays

JTN: Trump Calls Senate Border Bill ‘Horrendous And A GOP ‘Death Wish’ – Donald Trump said Monday that the long-awaited Senate border bill released this past weekend makes Democrats look like they properly handled the border while pinning the crisis on Republicans…

Powerline: SPEAKING OF LOOPHOLES – The Firm of “Schumer & McConnell” released the text of the “bipartisan border bill” last night – It’s part of an “emergency” supplemental appropriations bill that runs to 370 pages – “Loopholes” leap out of the Wall Street Journal’s summary of a few relevant provisions…

Margot Cleveland: Under The Senate’s Atrocious Border Bill, Everybody Gets Asylum – It seems Congress wants to open America to every citizen of the world heralding from countries where governments cannot control crime – The Senate’s emergency appropriations bill released on Sunday won’t address the border crisis or “severely curtail asylum at the US southern border”

Examiner: Three reasons bipartisan border bill is dead on arrival in the House – House Majority Leader Steve Scalise: “Let me be clear, the Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House” – “The people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you it accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients, which is a magnet for more illegal immigration”…

I&I Poll: Once Again, Americans Tell Biden To “Build The Border Wall” – As with many things in America these days, political differences can be huge – Democrats are split close to evenly, with 43% supporting a wall and 47% opposing it – Republicans overwhelmingly like the idea, with 85% support and just 11% opposition – A slight majority of independents (51%) back a wall, while 37% reject it

NR: The House Tax Bill Is Modest But Good- A set of tax cuts for businesses and families won a large bipartisan majority in the House – While many conservative congressmen joined that majority, others on the right have subjected the bill to many criticisms, some of them reasonable and some of them wrongheaded…

Sharyl Attkisson: Donald Trump maintains a wide lead over former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley among GOP primary voters – A Rasmussen survey finds that 56% of likely Republican primary voters would vote for Trump if the primary were held today, while Haley would get just 23%

Victor Davis Hanson: Is Joe Biden Malicious, Incompetent, or Conniving? – Things now are so strange, surreal, and nihilistic in contemporary America that the chaos can only be deliberate – Chance, incompetence, and accident could not alone explain this series of disasters…

Thinker: Trump or Bust – In November, America will be holding an election for the ages – Everyone says that about every election, but this time, the stakes could not be higher – The ruling class encompasses the elite on the left and includes Never-Trumpers…

ZH: Market Just Flashed The Biggest Divergence Since The Black Monday Crash In 1987 – “Basically, we now have two equity markets buried under the same index — One is Big Tech, and the other is everything else, which includes banks, materials, energy stocks, and others”

CB: In The Age Of ‘Bidenomics,’ Housing Is Unaffordable for A Record Half Of All Renters – Since 2019, the most notable rise in housing unaffordability has occurred among households with annual incomes ranging from $30,000 to $74,999

Thinker: California’s Green Mania Makes Life Difficult For Its Residents – This time, the Greenies’ wrath is targeting non-recyclable aseptic containers that hold everything from kids’ juice to chicken stock – In just three years they may be banned from California stores, which is sure to have a ripple effect across America…

Thinker: Hell Must Be Empty – Democrats’ destructive policies prove that all the devils are ruling right here – Ever since Obama’s presidency, Democrats have demonized police officers and lionized criminals like when they lied about “hands up, don’t shoot”…

Thinker: Just A Trillion Here, And A Trillion There – Most people don’t have any idea how big a number that is – Let’s get a grasp on exactly how big one trillion is, but instead of using the debt we are carrying, let’s use time…

TAC: Stop Automatically Granting U.S. Citizenship to Children of Foreign Diplomats – Categorizing foreign officials based on lists can be a tricky matter, often manipulated by unscrupulous foreign missions that seek to help a pregnant female staffer birth an American citizen

Thinker: Canada’s assisted suicide program manages to get even uglier after running out of psychiatrists to process the mentally ill for euthanasia – In March, mental illness, unattended by any terminal physical illness, will get people into the euthanasia program…

February 4, 2024

PM: On Sunday, the Senate released its highly anticipated border legislation providing significant reforms that crackdown on asylum and parole – It includes supplementary spending that would give billions in foreign aid to Israel and Ukraine – Chuck Schumer stated a vote on the package could occur as early as Wednesday

Spectator: Hamas And the West’s Demographic Transformation – The loud pro-Hamas protests that have unfolded across Europe and North America for the past few months are the latest manifestation of a transformation that has been going on for decades – Until the elites are held accountable for their immigration policies, there won’t be any meaningful reform…

Tablet: Israelis Won’t Stand for Anything Short of Victory in Gaza – Leveraging the fate of the hostages to compel an Israeli surrender to Hamas is a sick, manipulative strategy that is doomed to political failure

Powerline: STEAL FROM THE POOR AND GIVE TO THE RICH – Affluent households in California siphoned nearly $3.4 billion in 2021 from the pockets of low-income families through a government program called net metering…

TVF: Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You, 2/4/24 – #9, The January 6 pipe bomber turned out to be a ‘former government official – #8, RFK Jr. exposed Joe Biden’s racist past in viral post…

AC: To Bomb or Not to Bomb Iran, That Is the Question – Air strikes must be proportional to presumed gains, as well as anticipated losses – Bullying, bribing, bombing, and sanctioning opponents has not worked well thanks to a string of strategic military failures in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and Ukraine…

Breitbart: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a veiled criticism of Joe Biden on Sunday, ahead of a visit by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, warning the current administration that Israel “will not agree to every deal, and not at any price”

Thinker: Open Borders are Biden’s Pandora’s Box – President Biden opened the border the minute he took office – This year’s elections should be a referendum on our lack of border security…

Breitbart: Mayorkas says Americans need more migrants to fill jobs even as House legislators debate his possible impeachment and the Senate considers a legislative deal he helped broker – He made his demand for a high-migration, low-productivity economy during a recent softball interview with the New York Times

Thinker: We Are In A Depression, And Most People Do Not Even Know It – The White House can try to paper it over, but it’s staring us right in the face – Uncle Sam is now telling us inflation is under control – We are headed for a soft landing, which is pure nonsense!…

ZH: UK’s “Online Safety Act” Officially Permits MSM To Publish Lies – Welcome to the modern definition of “freedom of speech”, where the MSM is directly and explicitly permitted to “knowingly publish false information with the intent to cause non-trivial harm,” and you can be sent to jail for a year for calling out their lies…

TWT: The national gun control debate focuses heavily on AR-15-style rifles but most mass public shootings over the last 25 years have used handguns, according to new myth-busting data from the Crime Prevention Research Center

Thinker: 25 years after Venezuela elected Hugo Chavez, here are five lessons for the U.S. – Elections matter, and fraudulent elections matter even more -Fraudulent, or at least rigged, elections lead to even more horrible consequences than legal elections and once they happen, there is no return…

Thinker: They Like Nayib Bukele In El Salvador – Yes, they love the guy who beat the gangs in El Salvador and made the country safe – A dramatic law-and-order crackdown doesn’t bother people much when they can walk to the corner grocery store again without getting mugged…

Thinker: The Sexual Predators of the World Health Organization – Under Tedros, WHO actors in the Congo raped and trafficked during their chaos and crisis, yet he still expects our prostate submission to his ideas and rulings…

Roger Kimball: Democracy in Decline, The Subversion of Rule of Law – Many signs and portents signal the guttering of the rule of law and its replacement, rule by law – It is an autumnal sign and a sign of civilization at the end of its tether…

FAR: Capitalism vs. Socialism In A Nutshell – Decades after capitalism seemed to have triumphed over socialism, politicians are again arguing about the merits and drawbacks of these opposing economic systems – Why are we still having this debate? – Take Venezuela for example…

Breitbart: A school district in the San Francisco Bay Area that paid $250,000 to an organization called “Woke Kindergarten” has learned that the program, which aims to teach students about “white supremacy,” did not improve the children’s declining test scores…

TPB: Federal COVID funds were used in Washington state to give $1,000 checks to illegal immigrants who were not qualified for federal economic impact payments during the pandemic because of their immigration status – $340 million was given to a program that sent $1,000 checks to people in the state who were there illegally

February 3, 2024

Spectator: The Story of October 7 Is the Same as the Story of December 7 – We saw the satanic atrocities of Hamas, and we know what needs to be done – Nothing short of complete victory can ever be enough, so Americans need to find a way to let our current ruling class know it as well…

Dallas Ludlum: Were We Warned About DEI and Woke Ideology in 1983? – Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB agent’s Theory of Ideological Subversion described a four-stage process consisting of demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization, claiming this was a strategy to weaken a nation from within, targeting its values and belief systems

ZH: Two of France’s main farming unions on Thursday agreed to suspend protests and lift road blockades across the country after the government announced measures deemed “tangible progress” in the ongoing revolt against EU ‘climate-driven’ initiatives designed to wean society off of evil, non-bug-based, carbon-emitting food while China, India, and the rest of the world laughs

GATESTONE: Iranian Regime’s Proxies, Target the Head of the Snake – By not directly targeting the source of support and funding, the Iranian regime, the administration may inadvertently be treating the symptoms rather than the root cause of the problem, and, instead of decreasing Iranian aggression, escalating it…

Breitbart: On Friday’s broadcast of NBC’s “The Last Word,” NBC News National Security Correspondent Dan De Luce stated that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps “had several days” to hide and move resources because the White House telegraphed the strikes it launched on Friday and “Iran will not be shocked at what was hit today and what was struck”

Breitbart: During CNN’s coverage of Friday’s American strikes in the Middle East, CNN Military Analyst and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) argued that the telegraphing of the strikes by the Biden administration was to “avoid excessive casualties among these groups, and let them know we’re coming”

NR: The Trial of the Century Will Begin . . . Later – Even a mid-summer start date for Trump’s anticipated trial in Jack Smith’s election interference case would be ambitious – Trump’s gambit in seeking a contempt citation against Smith was not a serious contempt effort but a serious effort to have Judge Chutkan acknowledge that the case is frozen in her court…

Examiner: Fifteen Republican governors and a convoy of truckers dubbing itself “God’s Army” will descend on the southern border this weekend to draw attention to the illegal immigration crisis – Also, Governor Abbott will host leaders from 14 other red states in the McAllen, Texas on Sunday afternoon for a briefing on the state’s effort to bolster security at the Mexico border

Thinker: Will 2024 Be the Most Dangerous Election of Our Lifetime? – I’d argue that 2008 was the most important election in our lifetime because we reached a fork in the road and chose the “fundamentally transform America” left turn and we’ve just been looking for the “transform it back” off-ramp ever since…

Elon Musk, From “X”: Biden’s strategy is straightforward – 1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible – 2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority, a one-party state – That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration – Simple, yet effective – Here is the full text of the bill – It sounds so reasonable at first

Thinker: The U.S. Is Going Off The Rails – From canceling Veterans’ Day to tampons in boys’ bathrooms to voting that goes on for days or months via mail-in voting, where are we headed?…

Thinker: Can Unhappy Americans Unite against Their Tormentors? – “It seems that the Democrats’ ideal 2024 campaign slogan should be, “Biden and Harris, Embarrassing Candidates for Mindless Voters!”…

Thinker: I don’t care about your color or who you sleep with – Most rational Americans have had their fill of the cultural corruption DIE has wrought upon America – The level of incompetence in American life and business is staggering and most of this incompetence stems from race and sex programs such as DIE…

Thinker: Which Is Better, Socialism or Capitalism? – The main problem with a socialist economy is that it negates the universal aspiration of people to better their lives by making decisions and taking risks that lead to better enjoyment of what life and the world have to offer because human beings are programmed to look after their selves, not after the well-being of the collective…

ZH: 8 Signs That Demonstrate How Truly Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming – The elite wants to make national borders meaningless – We have been warned for a long time that a cashless society is coming, but now we have reached a point where thousands of businesses all over the United States have already gone cashless…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: PSY-OP EDITION – Have you heard? The Travis Kelce Taylor Swift tie-up is some deep-state psy-op

February 2, 2024

Fox: The U.S. conducted retaliatory unmanned aircraft strikes on Middle Eastern targets in response to the deaths of three U.S. service members on a U.S. base in Jordan – CENTCOM said that forces conducted airstrikes on more than 85 targets in Iraq and Syria…

GELLER: Shockingly And Finally, The Wall Street Journal Confirms We Were Right All Along – Welcome to Dearborn, Michigan, America’s Jihad Capital – Thousands march in support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran As protesters, many with kaffiyehs covering their faces, shout “Intifada and intifada”

ZH: China Is Poised To Take Further Control Of Iraq’s Key Southern Oil Assets – China is over the halfway mark in completing its strategically vital oil project in the critical Iraqi energy hub of Nasiriyah with a new facility that will act as a storage hub and supply conduit for 3.0-3.5 million barrels of crude oil

TWT: House Speaker Mike Johnson doesn’t think it is President Biden who is deciding to keep the border open – “He knows he has the authority, we’ve documented it for him” – I don’t think he’s being allowed to do it”

NYP: New York City’s soft-on-crime madness peaks with illegal migrants beating cops, then getting let go, and finally fleeing the state – Who would have dreamed that the cop fighters with no jobs, no community ties, and thus no reason to hang around to face criminal charges that could send them to prison for years, would choose to bolt?

TWT: Biden mollifies the Marxist wing of his party – Those who dominate the policymaking apparatus of both the nominal and real Democrat parties are not going to allow him to wander to the right on any issue, and certainly not on issues such as border security or climate change…

CJ: A Border Crisis By Design – The cause of the current crisis is Joe Biden’s unprecedented refusal to enforce federal immigration law, which requires that all asylum-seekers be detained rather than released into the United States – The solution is for Biden to start enforcing federal law as he is constitutionally required to do…

JTN: The Biden Administration continues to emphasize climate cooperation with China, even as the relationship grows more confrontational – The new climate envoy has a history of favorable negotiations with China and close relationships with a Chinese influence group with longstanding connections to the Chinese Communist Party

TCFIS: There Is A Massive Spike in Immigration Court ‘No-Shows’ – They are undermining the credibility of our immigration system – They may not care, but you should

JTN: After warning that a surge in illegal arrivals to the Big Apple would “destroy New York City” and blaming the influx for prompting budget cuts, New York City Democratic Mayor Eric Adams reportedly plans to provide illegal alien families with pre-paid credit cards

Globe: Former Governor Brown Joins Newsom and Democrats In Their Opposition To Voter Approval on Tax Increases – Democrats are throwing everything they have to stop the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act…

TVF: A Former Pharmaceutical Insider Unveils Big Pharma’s ‘Open Secret’ – It may or may not come as a surprise, but TV pharmaceutical ads are illegal in every country besides the United States and New Zealand. One of the reasons for that is a big concern that pharmaceutical advertising could influence editorial decisions within media organizations…

Spectator: Satan Over Jefferson, Michael Cassidy Is Charged With A Hate Crime for Beheading A Satanic Statue – Over the last few years, attacking or vandalizing statues has become a popular tactic for leftist protesters and politicians, both of whom have made it a personal crusade to remove as many as possible – So this is more proof that America has a two-tiered justice system...

Heritage:  This Election Fraud Database provides a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country – Every one of the cases in this database represents an instance in which a public official, usually a prosecutor, thought it was serious enough to act upon it

BROWNSTONE: You Tax Dollars for Davos – I have been closely following the World Economic Forum (WEF), as they are one of the primary public-facing entities, along with the United Nations (UN), World Bank, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and International Monetary Fund (IMF), that have been promoting and coordinating the global rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Powerline: UNRWA: ISRAEL’S DOSSIER – Drawing on signals intelligence, interrogations of Hamas terrorists, and documents recovered in Gaza, the government of Israel has compiled a dossier of findings that establish UNRWA’s partnership with Hamas promoting terrorism

FP: Did An Iranian Agent Serving as Pentagon Chief of Staff Cause The Death of 3 Soldiers? – How were terrorists able to perfectly time the drone attack without inside information? – In September 2023 Ariane Tabatabai, an Iranian immigrant, was accused of having worked as an agent of the Tehran regime…

WT: The Biden administration and its partners in Europe ignored warnings about the growing danger posed by Houthi rebels because they were fixated on pursuing a new nuclear deal with Iran, according to a top Yemeni official – Mr. Mubarak, a former Yemeni ambassador to the U.S., said he and other officials in his country urged the U.S. and Europe to take a tougher stance against the Houthis…

Breitbart: Donald Trump is the only leader in the United States or Europe who is “strong enough” to put an end to the war in Ukraine, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said as the Russian invasion of Ukraine approaches its second anniversary – “Peace has a name, that of Donald Trump”…

CB: Voters in a big, important swing state told pollsters this week that they trust Donald Trump far more with handling and growing the economy than Joe Biden – A new Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey Wisconsin poll released Wednesday morning, 94% of registered voters said the economy will be a “very” or “somewhat” important factor in their decision for president…

CB: Biden’s Re-Election Rating Lowest In More Than Three Decades – According to a recent Gallup poll, fewer than 4 in 10 people surveyed want to see Biden get another term, the lowest rating in 32 years, the pollster said, adding that is lower than his 41 percent approval rating…

CB: Four House Republicans sent a letter to Special Counsel Jack Smith, contesting his authority to bring charges against former President Donald Trump claiming that Smith’s office and his investigation into Trump have not received the proper congressional oversight…

The DC case against Donald Trump set for March has been removed from the court roster with no reason given – Merrick Garland won’t release the names of prosecutors who are working for Jack Smith even though Biden claims this is the most transparent administration ever

Thinker: No matter the country, Islamists don’t play well with others – A clear template connecting 9/11 to a perverted American policy today reveals how dishonestly the government, media, and our intellectuals have dealt with the beliefs of people who adhere to strict interpretations of Islamic laws and their treatment of “infidels”…

NR: Don’t Forget the Other U.N. Scandal in the Middle East – In 2013, after returning from Damascus, a senior U.N. official published a detailed account of the many ways the Assad regime had co-opted humanitarian efforts – The regime starved civilian populations under the control of rebel forces, a war crime…

ZH: “This Is Not Friendly” – Bret Weinstein Shows Tucker Carlson How China & The UN Are Driving The Invasion Of America – The renowned biologist describes what he found when he visited the Darien Gap in an attempt to understand just what is behind the sudden and overwhelming flood of migrants at the southern border of America…

Federalist: Schumer And McConnell Want Senators To Pass Their $106B Border Bill Without Reading It? – Hell No! – Under no circumstances should this bill, which would make massive, permanent changes to immigration law, be passed next week…

TDF: 150 House Democrats Vote Against a Bill To Deport Illegal Alien Drunk Drivers – The law would also make sure that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents can take illegal aliens convicted of drunk driving into their custody before being deported

Thinker: Choose Your Future: Trump or An Administration Orchestrated By Obama? – If you take a deep breath and break things down, it gets simpler – The election of 2024 sets Trump’s “Make America Great Again” against Obama’s “Transform America” mantra…

I&I: The ‘Bidenomics Worked’ Sham Kicks Into High Gear For 2024 – A sampling of headlines going back to last summer shows the adulation for Bidenomics among our supposedly objective economic “know-it-alls” – Bidenomics isn’t a coherent philosophy, founded on clear principles; it’s a marketing strategy, a series of policy moves intended to move America ever closer to socialism…

NR: The Deadly Capital Crime Wave – Two events in Washington, D.C., this week made clear how bad crime has gotten in the nation’s capital, and how poorly the D.C. government responded to it – Crime has become so widespread and random that it can strike in seemingly safe places at seemingly secure times…

HA: Anyone paying attention to the news knows that Washington, D.C. has devolved into a dangerous area for crime – While participating in a recent panel, the AG for DC told residents concerned by the skyrocketing crime rate that his department could not “prosecute and arrest our way out” of the problem…

Thinker: The FBI Again Tries To Block Seth Rich’s Laptop From Public View – The agency’s frantic efforts to hide his laptop’s contents inevitably lead to the suspicion that there’s something significant on it that the powers in DC don’t want Americans to see…

AG: The Cynical ‘Biden Doctrine’ Middle East Peace Plan is Dead on Arrival – All Americans should speak out against the so-called Biden Doctrine as a perverse politicization of American foreign policy that could significantly harm a close U.S. ally…

Thinker: Is America Already A Dead Country? – If you had made a list of all the actions a “president” could take to destroy the US, it would include almost everything Joe Biden has done since moving into the White House – Sadly, Biden’s “success” in wrecking this country is helped by a Republican party filled with too many RINOs…

FAR: White House Cyber Guy Admits Joe’s Mental Decline – On Wednesday, 1/31/2024, James O’Keefe posted an undercover video of his conversation with Charlie Kraiger, a Cybersecurity policy analyst and Foreign affairs Desk Officer in the Executive Office at the White House – O’Keefe’s disguise consisted solely of wearing spectacles… 

ZH: The US Has A $6 Trillion Problem Over The Next Twelve Months – The Treasury Department announced yesterday that they expected to increase the national debt by a whopping $760 billion this quarter alone and another $202 billion next quarter – This means almost $1 trillion will be added to the national debt in just the first half of this year…

TVF: Angry Italian farmers joined their European counterparts in protest against climate tyranny, which has spread across the country for several days – Earlier, Belgian and Dutch farmers teamed up against the crippling globalist policies brought forth in the name of curbing climate change

Breitbart: Employers in the US added 353,000 workers to their payrolls – The previous two months were revised upward. The November figure was revised up by 9,000 to 182,000. The December number was revised up by a stunning 117,000 to 333,000…

ZH: Inside the Ridiculous Jobs Report In Recent History – Just a 10% error rate in the seasonal adjustment (roughly where it falls) wipes out the entire gain and makes the January increase a decline as is the case with every January jobs report because the actual change in jobs in the first month of the year is down anywhere between 2.5 million and 3 million!

WJ: A Financial Expert Says The Numbers in New Jobs Report ‘Do Not Add Up’ – “The Challenger Report just said that U.S. employers announced 82,000 job cuts in January with UPS saying cuts of 12,000, and Citi saying 20,000″ – “We continue to get big announcements of massive layoffs and yet, we have a Jobs Report that’s like the best Jobs Report we’ve seen in six months?”

ZH: The Delaware Judge Who Nuked Elon Musk’s $55 Billion Board Approved Incentive Package Is Steeped In Biden’s World – We have yet another partisan activist sitting on the bench as research shows that not only did she come from a Democrat-allied law firm, she was nominated to her position by Congressman John Carney, who held a gubernatorial campaign event with Biden at the said firm…

Thinker: The SEC Oversteps Its Powers on Climate Change – Nearly two years ago, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed a rule that would force publicly traded companies to take climate change seriously by reporting on how climate change might materially affect their operations…

Thinker: The Truth about Campaign Donations – The amount of campaign donations has rarely decided the outcome of an election in the US – In only two elections, namely that of Richard Nixon in 1968 and that of George W. Bush in 2000, “Republican candidates won close elections that they very likely would have lost had they been unable to outspend their Democratic opponents

Breitbart: Highway guardrails may be no match for heavy electric vehicles (EVs), preliminary test results released Thursday suggest, raising concerns about the nation’s roadside safety system – The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Midwest Roadside Safety Facility report concluded that the nation’s guardrails were not made to handle vehicles greater than 5,000 pounds…

February 1, 2024

Breitbart: The DOJ and FBI on Wednesday announced they were able to disrupt a massive Chinese cyber-espionage campaign called Volt Typhoon that penetrated critical American infrastructure systems – Volt Typhoon was detected and made public by Microsoft’s cybersecurity team in May 2023

Breitbart: Israeli officials estimate that Hamas hijacks 50% to 60% of the humanitarian aid trucks entering Gaza – Reports, including videos, have been circulating for months on social media, documenting armed men seizing trucks loaded with humanitarian aid, which is intended for Palestinian civilians, as soon as they enter the Gaza Strip…

CB: Democrats and other Trump political opponents hoping to see him convicted and jailed before the November election in for a big disappointment – Delays have piled up in federal court proceedings in the DC case about Trump’s attempt to steal the 2020 election, in addition to the Florida classified documents case…

NP: Donald Trump now leads Joe Biden in all seven swing states by margins of up to ten points – Nationally, he leads the incumbent by six points, according to Morning Consult, with his lead increasing to nine points when third-party candidates are taken into account

FOX: Fifty-nine House Democrats joined Republicans to pass a bill to deport illegal immigrants caught driving under the influence on Thursday – The measure passed 274-150 with mainly GOP votes. One hundred fifty Democrats voted against it…

WT: More than 60 House Republicans wrote in a letter to Biden on Friday accusing him and his administration of deliberately undermining border security, and urging the White House to fix the border crisis through executive action…

CB: The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments in a case involving a federal ban on bump stocks, which are add-on devices that can turn a semi-automatic rifle into a fully automatic weapon – The case in question, Garland v. Cargill, is set for later this month

Sharyl Attkisson: Big Pharma has long claimed the government trying to negotiate better prices for Medicare prescription prices takes away from new drug R&D – However, a new report by watchdog group ‘Public Citizen and Protect our Care’ reveals the drugs selected for Medicare price negotiation spent $10 billion more on stock buybacks, dividends to shareholders, and executive compensation than they spent on R&D in 2022

CJ: A Rainbow-Colored Cage – Transgender ideology is sustained by scholars’ unwillingness to challenge its contradictory premises – More people are identifying as transgender and seeking medical care for gender dysphoria than ever before…

TheStreet: Less than two weeks ago, In-N-Out announced it would be closing its only location in Oakland on Mar. 24, with the company’s chief operating officer saying that it was citing safety as the main reason – On Wednesday, Jan. 31, Denny’s followed suit, confirming it would be closing the location across the I-880 from the In-N-Out for the same reason

WP: Inflation has fallen, so why are groceries still so expensive? – The Groundwork Collaborative reported Friday that almost 30% of the rise in grocery prices has been driven by just five categories of food particularly vulnerable to supply chain shocks, including beef, chicken, fruits and vegetables, and snacks

WT: Lawyers have been arguing over whether Donald Trump should be on the ballot this year and now they’re arguing over who should get to argue about it before the Supreme Court when the justices hear the case next week…

CB: According to the Morning Consult poll of 1,297 prospective Republican primary voters, 81% of respondents support Donald Trump, while only eighteen percent support Nikki Haley, a staggering 63-point deficit – Before the New Hampshire primary, 79 percent supported Trump, compared to 20 percent for Haley

DC: Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced a resolution Thursday to censure Democrat Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar for “admitting she’s working as a foreign agent for a foreign country” – The resolution comes after Omar gave a speech saying her primary job in Congress is to protect Somali interests…

Daniel Greenfield: The Most Justified Impeachment in American History – Secretary Mayorkas willfully allowing millions to invade the country is not just a “policy dispute” – The same Democrats protesting that impeaching Mayorkas is an abuse of power were responsible for sending Peter Navarro, a former Trump official, to prison for refusing to testify before their partisan committee…

Dallas Ludlum: A Dangerous Game, As Biden’s Weak Leadership Risks Global Stability – Compounding this issue is the influence of the Military Industrial Complex, which some critics argue has a disproportionate sway over U.S. foreign policy

TDF: The drone that killed three American soldiers and injured more than 40 others in Jordan was manufactured by Iran, a U.S. official confirmed – The deadly attack was carried out by an Iran-backed militia in Iraq when a drone was able to reach a remote U.S. military base in Jordan…

NR: They’ll Never See It Coming – The strike on a Jordan-based U.S. outpost by an Iran-backed terrorist group that killed three Americans and wounded scores more occurred on Sunday night and we can be sure retaliation will be forthcoming because the Biden administration is going out of its way to telegraph its punches before they are thrown…

AC: Military Escalation Against Iran Is Foolish and Unjustified – Attacking Iran would be not only dangerous but also unsupported by any U.S. intelligence assessments to date, and expanding the war in the region to a wider war with Iran serves nobody’s interests…

Victor Davis Hanson: How To Ensure a Big, Ugly War with Iran – When serially attacked, loudly responding that we will only proportionally strike back and wish no wider war will only ensure a big, ugly one…

Thinker: The ‘Holy’ War Against Israel –This war was not started under the slogan of liberating Palestine, but as a war with a religious goal at its core – It’s called Jihad and its aim is not to build a Palestinian state, but rather to destroy Israel and establish a caliphate. Jihad’s aim is always expansive…

GELLER: As someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade, Israel has taken precautionary measures in Gaza even the US did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – I say this not to put Israel on a pedestal or to diminish the human suffering of Gazans, but rather to correct several misperceptions when it comes to urban warfare…

Tablet: The Two-State Delusion – The Biden administration is leading the push to recognize a Palestinian state that will be a danger to the security of Israel – The “two-state solution” has been commonplace for decades, going back to the Oslo Accords and all the international conferences…

Tablet: Palestine Hijacked The U.S. Civil Rights Movement – For over 50 years, the American left has tried rebranding the Palestinian cause by camouflaging Palestinian terrorism with the slogans of America’s civil rights movement, and today, a new generation of would-be radicals has stumbled onto this zombie corpse of historic sloganeering…

GATESTONE: Palestinian Terrorists, Hospitals, and Plans for Palestinian State – The PA indisputably has no intention of changing its policy of glorifying and financially rewarding terrorists as it continues to praise terrorists as “heroes” and refuse to halt its policy of paying monthly stipends to Palestinians who murder Jews…

Sharyl Attkisson: Republicans Comment After An Interview With A Biden Family Associate – “Joe Biden met with the now-missing Chairman of CEFC, Ye Jianming, as Hunter Biden and his associates received $3 million from a Chinese entity CEFC controlled” – “Evidence continues to reveal the Bidens sold the ‘Biden Brand’ to enrich the Biden family”…

Breitbart: A New PBS Documentary Shows That The January 6 Committee Was Created As A Propaganda ‘Miniseries’ – The committee was derided at the time by critics as a “show trial” because then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) rejected the nominees of the minority party, for the first time in American history, and appointed anti-Trump Republicans in their place…

Jefferey Jaxen: Massive, ongoing protests in the streets of Germany, Poland, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, and other European countries descended upon the EU Parliament building in Brussels on Thursday – Farmers are calling on them to scrap agricultural and environmental regulations implemented by leadership in Brussels reports…

NR: A Longtime Advantage Has Vanished for Democrats – Talk about candidates often obscures the simple fact that elections are mainly a battle between parties – Recent shifts in partisan voter identification suggest Republicans may be in a better position than they have been for years…

Federalist: Police declined to charge an ex-Senate staffer after he filmed himself having sex in a Senate hearing room, but law enforcement continues to crackdown across the nation on people who were merely present at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

Thinker: Energy Is Not Joe Biden’s Strong Suit – Joe blunders yet again on oil, and Americans are poorer for it – About a week ago, Biden and his know-nothing staffers decided to curtail the building infrastructure sought by an American company that delivers liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe, which means that Europe may be forced to turn to Russia, as our ability to provide them with LNG could decrease

Breitbart: Representatives Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib were the only two votes against a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday to ban Palestinians who joined in the Hamas terror attack on Israel on October 7 from entering the U.S…

FAR: Democrat Presidents That Spoke Against Illegal Immigration With Forked Tongue – Illegal immigration has reached an ever-increasing crisis stage as a result of Biden Administration policies – Keep in mind what they said back then and see how things changed once Joe Biden took office on 1/20/2021…

CFIS: Europe’s Mass Migration Crisis, What America Can Learn As The Threat Of Terrorism In Europe Is On The Rise – Bensman’s research revealed a resurgence of illegal human traffic along the “Western Balkan Route”, reminiscent of the 2015-2016 crisis…

GELLER: The illegal migrants who attacked NYPD cops and were quickly released are shown giving us the finger while the cops are still in the hospital -They were arraigned on charges of second-degree assault on a police officer and obstruction of governmental administration, then released without bail…

Margot Cleveland: The Biden Administration Is Treading On Texas’ Sovereignty, Not The Other Way Around- Inaccurate reporting on the supremacy clause and Texas’ sovereignty is on full display in the Eagle Pass standoff – The Supremacy Clause Does NOT Dissolve State Sovereignty…

AG: When the Invaders Outnumber the Army – In the past three years, we’ve had upwards of eight million people slip into our country, both detected and undetected – There is little doubt that we are being invaded, yet our government is failing to do anything about it…

Thinker: Agenda 2030 Is A Power-mad Document – There has never been such a global policy statement as Agenda 30, which is not about policy but about an intended power grab of unprecedented proportions – Agenda 2030 attempts to obfuscate and deceive while claiming a wholesome and positive goal for the entire world…

Thinker: Income Inequality Then, Income Inequality Now – The sort of income inequality Marxists complain about is not what we’re enduring today because what we have now is worse – We are witnesses to what happens when an economic model moves from capitalism to fascism…

Breitbart: Mark Zuckerberg amassed an additional $84 billion to his name, elevating him as the fifth-richest person globally – His wealth ballooned even as lawsuits revealed the horrific depths of child sexual abuse and grooming occurring on Facebook and Instagram…

SF: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are reaching epidemic levels throughout the US – CDC officials released results of the latest STD Surveillance Report, and the disturbing numbers show a concerning trend among sexually active Americans, with syphilis and chlamydia cases skyrocketing to record highs

RTM: According to new research, kids who consumed energy drinks, which boost energy through the use of caffeine or other stimulants,  were shown to have a higher risk of mental health issues, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts

January 31, 2024

WJ: The Border Convoy Grows Significantly as It Rolls Toward Texas – Americans are fed up with Joe Biden’s border crisis come together in protest – Like the truckers who shocked Canada several years ago, a convoy of Americans is coming together to protest a failed government

Breitbart: The compensation of government workers rose at a faster pace than workers in the private sector in 2023 – The employment cost index for employees of state and local governments rose 4.6 percent last year. That was only slightly less than the 4.8 percent gain seen in the previous year while private sector employment costs rose by a smaller 4.1 percent

Doctor Peter McCullough: “Whoever Is Running for President Better Figure This Out Pretty Quick!” – 25% of Americans refused the COVID jab – Another 15% have some sort of new medical problem after the shots – And one-third of Americans believe the COVID shots have caused thousands of deaths – “So, here’s the point,” “25% of us didn’t take it for a reason…

Spectator: Nikki Haley Proved She’s on the B Team And Her Campaign Is Sputtering – Keith Naughton explains what he does and what doesn’t see in Republican presidential nominee Nikki Haley…

Bipartisan lawmakers have urged social media executives to address the issue of children’s sexual exploitation online – During a hearing with company leaders, they asserted that social platforms bear responsibility for the negative impacts their products have on children, accusing them of having “blood on their hands.”

RTM: The state of Oregon declared a state of emergency on Tuesday in response to the state’s escalating fentanyl crisis, only about four years after the state decriminalized hard drugs in an ill-fated effort to reduce the harm of drug addiction

GATESTONE: America should not want to enter into any AI agreement with the People’s Republic of China on “nuclear C2” command and control or any other matter – An agreement requiring a human to make launch decisions would, as a practical matter, be unenforceable…

WT: Chinese government hackers are busily targeting water treatment plants, the electrical grid, transportation systems, and other critical infrastructure inside the United States, FBI Director Wray will tell House lawmakers on Wednesday in a fresh warning from Washington about Beijing’s global ambitions…

WSJ: Negative Takes on China’s Economy Are Disappearing From the Internet – Several prominent commentaries by economists and journalists in China have vanished from the internet in recent weeks, raising concerns that Beijing is stepping up its censorship efforts as it tries to put a positive spin on its struggling economy…

Powerline: The AXIS OF BIDEN CRISES – For many years, Iran has had an operational alliance with the Marxist totalitarian regime in Venezuela – This gives Iran a toehold in the West and a well-trod route to infiltrate operatives across the southern border…

NR: Our Indefensible Mideast Military Outposts – The U.S. must strike back at those who attacked us. But we must do so aware that we have other soldiers sitting deep and poorly defended among hostiles

NR: Where the Iranian Targets Are in the Middle East – Believe it or not, Iran has about 570 military sites within the territory of Syria as of June 2023 – For comparison, Turkey has 125, Russia has 105, and the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS has 30

Thinker: A Poll Reveals The Brutal Gaza Reality – People who are pressuring Israel to stop fighting before Hamas has been conclusively defeated and who have no credible plan for de-radicalizing the Gaza Strip are condemning Israelis and the people of Gaza to a state of perpetual conflict…

AC: Ukrainian Double-Dealing Made Clear as The U.S. Considers Billions More in Aid – Representative Eli Crane: “It is disgusting because that money would have gone a long way here at home to provide for the American people”…

Examiner: “Bidenomics” isn’t working and now there’s proof – Despite records being broken on Wall Street, those on Main Street are living and working for their next paycheck and have little saved for an emergency – In the latest Issues and Insights/TIPP poll, just released, 64% said they are “living ‘paycheck to paycheck’ these days”

JTN: The GOP-led House Homeland Security Committee approved articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas by a vote of 18-15 and include a “breach of trust” as well as a “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” – They will be considered by the full House of Representatives at a later date

Sharyl Attkisson: Sources inside the ATF say the WH directed the agency to draft a document supporting an effective ban on the private sales of firearms- The 1,300-page document in support of the rule that would effectively ban private sales of firearms by requiring background checks for every sale…

Epoch: After The 2020 Election Efforts By A ‘Well-Funded Cabal,’ a Look Ahead at 2024 – Fundamental changes in state election laws, coupled with an alliance of left-wing federal, corporate, financial, and nonprofit entities, provide the Democrat Party advantages that the GOP may be unable to overcome…

FP: Fani Willis Fired An Employee Who Blew Whistle on Her Misuse of Federal Funds – The embattled Georgia DA has a ‘pattern’ of ‘ethical violations, abuse of power’ and misusing funds, the whistleblower says…

WJ: The Challenger to ‘RINO’ Senator Earns Party Endorsement, Makes Commitment to Threaten Mitch McConnell’s Position – Senator Pete Ricketts, a former governor who was appointed to the Senate and sworn in a year ago, will be facing party-endorsed John Glen Weaver, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, in the primary

Thinker: Joe discovers that the other Joe is a liberal – Democrat Senator Joe Manchin slammed the Biden administration for being pulled to the extreme left amid speculation he will launch a presidential bid for the White House…

AC: Nikki Haley, Authoritarian-in-Waiting – The glove on Haley’s iron fist slipped during a November interview in which she demanded that social media companies “verify every single person on their outlet, and I want it by name”…

AG: The Delusions of Davos and Dubai, Part Two – Can Wind & Solar Energy Expand 50-100 Times? – Procuring 90+ percent of global energy from wind and solar energy is a fool’s errand…

Powerline: UNRWA & HAMAS, THE PERFECT AFFAIR – Dan Senor devotes the current edition of his ‘Call Me Back’ Podcast to a timely discussion of UNRWA’s collaboration with Hamas – Senor calls on the Times of Israel’s Haviv Rettig Gur to explain what this requited love affair is all about…

FP: The American Federation of Teachers destroyed the education for a generation of students and boosted teenage suicide rates with its school lockdowns – They have now topped that by coming out for Hamas…

Federalist: 20 Questions To Ask Republican Candidates In Your State To Put Them On The Public Record And Hold Them Accountable – #9, Do you support or oppose any sort of health passport or other means of implementing a social credit system tied to people’s health and economic decisions?…

ZH: The ‘Independent Contractor’ Rule Is The Latest Dumpster Fire To Be Exported From California – AB5 was so calamitous even California had to admit it – The new Federal rules are aimed at millions of people who have willfully chosen to work independently because that is what is best suited to their lifestyle…

Breitbart: China’s TikTok claims to have spent $1.5 billion developing an operation meant to convince U.S. lawmakers that it is safe for Americans to use the app – TikTok, however, has so far failed to live up to its promises…

AG: School Choice Keeps Spreading – In just three years, the number of states with universal or near-universal private school choice programs has grown from zero to 10, and the number of students eligible for these programs has increased by 60%…

Thinker: The De-evolution of the West – Today’s “thinking class” is waging an all-hands-on-deck warfare against Western Civilization via the use of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE)…

RTM: On Monday, Governor Greg Gianforte of Montana defended the state’s decision to remove a 14-year-old girl from her father and stepmother’s custody, after the two opposed a series of moves that led to their daughter transitioning gender, which they argued undermined their parental authority

CB: The Judge In Trump Defamation Trial Issued Unusual Advice To Jurors – “My advice to you is that you never disclose that you were on this jury” – Judge Kaplan had several heated exchanges with Trump’s team and at one point even threatened Trump’s lawyer, Alina Habba with possible jail time

Globe: Because of Proposition 47 ten years of increased drug and serial theft crimes across California have taken its toll on the state’s residents and businesses –Help is on the way as a proposed ballot initiative to amend Prop. 47 is currently collecting signatures for the November 2024 ballot…

January 30, 2024

Spectator: Connecting China’s CCP to American Socialists, Communists, and Anti-Semitism That Are Radicalizing Our Youth – Sadly, this story will not come as a surprise to students of history because communist dictatorships have long laundered their propaganda through proxies in the West while subjugating people in China

DW: Six pro-lifers were found guilty on Tuesday after the Biden administration charged them over a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion facility in 2021 – They face up to 10.5 years in prison for praying, singing hymns, and urging women showing up to the clinic to not get abortions

WT: Identity-focused struggles dominate the teaching of main events in U.S. history – American history has become a gloomy narrative about race, gender, and class struggles in introductory college courses, according to a commission report from Arizona State University

Tablet: America’s Richest Universities Are Protecting Hate-Filled Foreign Students Overseas Elites by Tolerating Antisemitism on U.S. Campuses as Part of a Scheme to Turn Loss-leader DEI Categories into Profit Centers…

BROWNSTONE: Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized – Among its many harsh lessons, COVID taught us if you substitute Pfizer and Moderna for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, and swap the NIH and CDC for the Pentagon, you get the same result – The “medical-industrial complex” is every bit as real as its military-industrial counterpart, and it is every bit as real a problem…

ZH: A ‘Moment Of No Return’ Is Imminent As Biden Says He Has ‘Decided’ On A Response, Saying Iran Supplied Weapons Used In The Recent Attacks – Currently, the reporting consensus seems to be that Biden will order major strikes against various Iranian ‘proxy’ positions, especially in Iraq and Syria…

AC: How Many ‘Limited’ Wars Are Enough? – Can the United States afford to get itself embroiled in a growing number of proxy wars and indecisive interventions along a wide geographic range, stretching from Europe’s burning eastern and southern peripheries to the Middle East to East Asia…

Examiner: Dramatic footage captures disguised Israeli troops storming a West Bank hospital and killing terrorists – Malamneh recently promoted significant terrorist activity and was hiding in the Hospital, and the other men were from the Jenin Camp, a terrorist operative of the Jenin Battalions who was involved in numerous attacks…

MS: The Israel Military Sees It Taking All of 2024 to Eliminate The Threat From Hamas, Or Even Longer – Khan Younis, Gaza’s second-largest city, is strategically important as it’s where Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and military chief Mohammed Deif are from, and where they’re believed to be hiding – About 9,000 Hamas fighters have been killed out of an estimated army of 35,000

WT: China linking with Russia, Iran, and North Korea poses a dangerous threat to the U.S – Former top officials Leon Panetta and Mike Pompeo call for greater efforts to deter Beijing

Epoch: Donald Trump’s Attorney Alina Habba claims that her experts were denied the chance to testify before a New York jury that ultimately ruled in favor of E. Jean Carroll who accused the former president of defamation…

Epoch: The Illinois Elections Board Votes to Keep Trump on the Ballot – The board is a bipartisan one made of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats, who voted unanimously to dismiss the challenge

CB: Speaker Johnson Says He Confronted Biden Over The Border Crisis – “I looked right across the table from in the cabinet officials’ room and I said, ‘Mr. President, you have the authority right now to end this catastrophe. It’s your actions that created it”

CFIS: The Biden Administration Is Sending Millions Of Dollars to Religious Nonprofits That Facilitate Mass Illegal Migration – Examination of one subset of 200-plus NGOs that are helping a mammoth UN-led immigration assistance project reveals pass-through taxpayer funding of the worst mass migration in U.S. history…

WT: House Speaker Mike Johnson said Tuesday that legislation being hammered out by Senate negotiators is “not enough” to secure the southern border, reaffirming that the long-awaited deal to tie border security to foreign aid faces an uncertain fate in the House – He then added that Trump is not guiding his moves…

WJ: A Fox News photojournalist recorded a video of a group of men crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in southern California on Monday with no resistance – The men exited from a pair of SUVs on the Mexican side and walked into the country around a section of border fencing, reportedly in San Diego County

I&I: The Elites Hate Us, But We Outnumber Them – A consistent theme repeatedly voiced among the elites is that, intellectually, they are so much more superior than us peasants – Here are numerous instances just so that there is no doubt in the reader as to their warped mentality…

NR: The ‘Intersectionality’ Canard – Many studies that purport to find giant residual effects of race or sex are flawed from the outset – ‘Intersectionality” is just a badly done “woke” version of regression analysis…

Insider: A shocking new poll has revealed that the liberal singer Taylor Swift may sway the results of the 2024 presidential election, as a fifth of voters are “likely” to support the candidate she backs

Federalist: Rep. Ilhan Omar Represents Everything Wrong With America’s Immigration System – Immigration and border policy should first serve the interests of Americans, to the exclusion of all other peoples and nations – Omar is a woman of the left, but her speech over the weekend was pure blood-and-soil nationalism, for Somalia, not America

FAR: An Educator That Teaches Instead Of Indoctrinating – It was a breath of fresh air to see a teacher provoke thought and critical thinking during dialog with a student rather than pushing leftist dogma, which is often the case these days

January 29, 2024

Newt Gingrich: Washington DC Is Waging a War – First It Was Nixon And Now It is Trump – In 1972, President Richard Nixon won 60.7 percent of the popular vote, and within weeks of his election as the clear choice of the American people, he was under siege from the courts, the news media, the bureaucracy, leftwing activists, and Congress…

RTM: The Supreme Court Interrupts Its Break for Landmark Trump Ballot Case – In support of the former president, approximately 25 groups have filed Amicus Briefs with the Court

Spectator: E. Jean Carroll Reelects Trump? – The legal targeting of the former president keeps raising his poll numbers as millions of Americans see the repeated legal targeting of Trump as nothing less than an attack on … them

Spectator: Obama’s Dangerous Elites Are Unveiled By Rasmussen – This well-defined group of Americans must be marginalized if this country is going to survive their wishes – When you see how they are defined, you will NOT be surprised…

Breitbart: A deal being negotiated by Senators James Lankford, Chris Murphy, and Kyrsten Sinema would codify Joe Biden’s Catch and Release network into federal law by requiring the DHS to funnel border crossers into the United States daily…

Breitbart: Tens of thousands of Afghans, brought to the United States by President Joe Biden and whom whistleblowers have warned are not vetted would score green cards and eventually naturalized American citizenship as part of a deal negotiated in the Senate…

Epoch: Trillions Are Spent on ‘Climate Change’ Based on Faulty Temperature Data According to Climate Experts Say – Meteorologist finds 96 percent of NOAA temperature stations are located in ‘urban heat islands,’ including next to exhaust fans and on ‘blistering-hot rooftops’…

Breitbart: According to a YouGov survey conducted Monday, 50 percent of 40,513 respondents are in favor of building a wall, including pluralities of sub-demographics like black and Hispanic Americans, women, and independents – Conversely, 33 percent of all respondents are against a border wall…

TVF: Tucker Carlson Warns Against the True Motives Behind the Globalist Agenda – In an on-stage discussion with Jordan Peterson, Carlson raised an important point concerning the overpopulation debate – Make no mistake, YOU are the carbon they want to reduce, “Don’t lie to yourself”

WJ: William Shatner Levels European Union Censors That Are Trying To Ban The Use Of An Iconic ‘Star Trek’ Line – “Space, the final frontier,” and ends his soliloquy with “to boldly go where no “man” has gone before”

GATESTONE: “Hamas Is Involved In Everything And Manages UNRWA – From the day Hamas came to power, they took control of everything – The heads of the departments and the senior staff are all Hamas members”

Epoch: Three US Soldiers Were Killed in Drone Strike in Middle East – The Pentagon Announced this and the White House also confirmed their deaths on Jan. 28, vowing to respond…

NYP: Israel PM Netanyahu’s Urgent Warning To Americans – “I’ve told President Biden, I’ve told all the leaders who came here, this is your war as well because this is not merely a minor skirmish. This is part of a major confrontation between the moderate axis of Israel and the moderate Arab states against Iran. Its proxies are killing Americans as we speak”

Newsmax: Political Pressure Builds on Biden to Strike Iran After Recent US Deaths – American forces in the Middle East have been attacked more than 150 times by Iran-backed forces in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and off the coast of Yemen since the Israel-Hamas war erupted in October…

Breitbart: Ukraine Says U.S. Money Is Not Going to Ukraine but Rather Is ‘Benefiting American Interests’ – A “significant portion” of the billions of dollars to Ukraine is “utilized in the United States for the construction of new weapons or to replenish those dispatched to Kyiv from U.S. reserves”…

ZH: In the latest reinforcement of the country’s reputation for rampant corruption, Ukraine’s SBU intelligence agency says it has uncovered a $40 million embezzlement scheme in which a defense firm agreed to supply the country’s army with 100,000 mortar rounds, but never delivered even one…

BROWNSTONE: Today, SCOTUS Heard Arguments In A Pair Of Cases Involving The Legal Batteries Surrounding “Chevron Deference” That Supercharge The Bureaucratic State – The doctrine holds (in a nutshell) that courts must defer to the wisdom of the implied expertise of a government agency when deciding certain legal questions

At least two Jan. 6 defendants got out from behind bars because the Supreme Court is reviewing the legitimacy of charging them with obstructing an official proceeding, which is one of the feds’ favorite charges for people who breached the Capitol

NR: Put An End To The UN – UN officials were supposedly stunned to learn that employees of the UNRWA directly supported and even participated in the massacre, torture, and kidnapping of thousands of Israelis on October 7 – Specific allegations against UNRWA should be sufficient to scuttle the whole enterprise…

FP: 23% of UNRWA Men Are Tied to Hamas and 49%—also had close relatives who also had official ties to the militant groups, especially Hamas…

NR: Iran Must Pay – From the outset of an Iran-sponsored campaign of militancy and terrorism across the Middle East that began on October 7, 2023, the Biden administration communicated that it was more afraid of acknowledging the existence of a “wider, protracted regional conflict” than letting it harm us…

The Sun: For Vital Natural Gas, Europe Will Trade Dependence on Russia As A Result of Biden’s Green Energy Agenda – As the White House declares a ‘pause’ on new export terminals for liquefied natural gas, has Europe traded the vagaries of politics at Moscow for the vagaries of politics at Washington?

The Sun: The Democrats’ Handling of the Border Crisis Is a Debacle That Ranks With The Chaos Associated With Biden’s Flight From Afghanistan – Unfortunately, it is worse because of the complicity of the Republican leadership in the Senate…

Epoch: The Ex-IRS Contractor Who Leaked Trump’s Tax Returns Is Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison – A federal judge called the theft the ‘biggest heist’ in IRS history

Epoch: The Border Patrol Union Posted A Defiant Message Saying Agents Have No Issue With Texas’ Border Stance – ‘Unlawful orders, as determined by competent legal counsel and not what some outhouse lawyer behind a keyboard says, will not be followed’

Federalist: House Republicans Reveal The Mayorkas Impeachment Articles Amid The Worst Border Numbers In History – On Sunday, Republicans on the Homeland Security Committee unveiled two articles of impeachment against Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the administration’s efforts to actively undermine border security

Thinker: The Rio Grande border conflict is not an isolated incident but rather a part of the World Economic Forum program of “denationalization” of the United States – Modern leftists fight fiercely for “immigrant rights” because globalists anticipate illegal immigrants as the main “engine of their revolution,” to bring about socialist transformations…

Breitbart: The Sunni jihadist terror groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad celebrated the deaths of American troops on the Jordan-Syria border on Sunday, warning Washington that any support for Israel would force it to confront “the entire Ummah”…

Breitbart: Farmers Shut Down Entrances To Paris In Protest Against The Green Agenda – Monday, thousands of farmers took to their tractors in a coordinated attempt to block off entrances to the French capital in protest against globalist green policies they say are destroying their ability to stay in business…

Thinker: Bidenites invoke Alinsky rules to orchestrate division between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ – Most of the media, Biden, and other Democrats intentionally spread misinformation to support their agenda – Their biggest fictitious narrative is they care about supposed misinformation, fair elections, and democracy while pretending they want to unite the country…

Thinker: After months of acting as if Trump’s fraud trial were legitimate the AP finally commits an act of journalism – There was no fraud! – Disclosures essentially said, “Don’t rely on these numbers” – No one lost money and there was no evidence that Trump got better interest rates than others with the same cash flow…

CB: Two Republican committee chairmen, James Comer of Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Ohio, have renewed their investigation into President Joe Biden, who allegedly may have attempted to hinder his son Hunter Biden’s cooperation with the House’s impeachment investigation

Thinker: – WEF Totalitarians Seek to Euthanize the West – It’s an odd sight seeing Western nations send their leaders, ministers, generals, and prominent business executives to Schwab’s WEF powwows, where they may organize how best to dominate and manipulate their respective national populations without even the pretense of any democratic mandate or constitutional legitimacy…

Thinker: If, Then, 2024 – The logic is ugly but inescapable – Because of all these happenings one must wonder if our nation’s capital is hopelessly lost and the Deep State unelected bureaucracy is controlling America – Has the social contract between the government and the governed dangerously close to breaking?…

Thinker: The Teachers Union Dismisses Angry Parents at Its Peril – Randi Weingarten is ramping up the rhetoric against parents in the fight for school choice at full speed – Who can blame Weingarten’s sense of panic as parents make tremendous progress in seeking out better education options for their children…

Thinker: Still a man after all those laps in the pool – The latest episode in insanity is that now Lia Thomas wants to compete in the Olympics as a woman…

Thinker: Boys Will be Boys, Not Girls, on the LPGA – In today’s modern world where men are believed able to menstruate and become pregnant, it’s no surprise that the transgender movement has coopted women’s golf…

NYP: A con artist accused of stealing $100M from the Army is allowed to retire with full benefits – Janet Yamanaka Mello, 57, who is under criminal investigation, brazenly claims she “earned” her civil service retirement package despite allegedly using the funds to purchase over 30 homes, luxury cars and jewelry through the seven-year scheme

Globe: The California Business Exodus For Friendlier States Continues With 53 Headquarters Businesses Leaving San Francisco – Chief Executive Magazine reports annually on the Best and Worst States for Business – Predictably, in their Best and Worst of 2023, California is ranked worst at number #50, again

January 28, 2024

Spectator: Israel Should Reject The Palestinian State Snake Oil – By calling for a Palestinian state, the Biden administration and the European Union are advocating for endless war because a Palestinian state would support Hamas and the terrorism that would follow…

Spectator: China Is One Giant Corporation, And It Cheats – China dominates an industry by first assigning high priority to it, mobilizing resources to support it, barring foreign competitors, acquiring the most advanced technologies, legally or illegally, and mass-producing to achieve low costs, and finally, dominates the world’s market

Epoch: House Republicans on Sunday unveiled two Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, for refusing to enforce multiple immigration laws, creating new programs that specifically defy congressional intent, and lying to Congress about multiple aspects of the crisis on the U.S. border with Mexico

Tablet: Our Open Border Policy Is Not Just An Accident – Their new strategy in town is If American voters don’t like what you are offering, import new voters that will support you…

Breitbart: In the ongoing battle between Texas and the Biden administration to defend our Southern border against invasion, more than two-thirds (69 percent) side with Texas according to a recent Rasmussen survey…

CB: The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a couple of cases during its current term that have the potential to dramatically alter the power and authority of the Executive Branch, which would effectively change how administrations govern, according to a constitutional expert

CB: U.S. Military Is Breaking Under Biden, ‘Like a Business That’s About to Go Bankrupt’- The Heritage Foundation’s 2024 Index of U.S. Military Strength rated the current state of the American military as “weak”

FOX: 3 American troops were killed and 25 injured in an attack on a Jordan base near the Syria border – Biden blasts ‘radical Iran-backed militant groups’ after deadly drone attack on US personnel

ZH: Beware, Yellen’s Treasury Department Is Expected To Borrow $1 Trillion – Treasury’s Quarterly Refunding Announcement is made – In the past, these were not that exciting, but, given the fiscal dominance propping the economy and the deficit spending it invites, this is now very important – The last QRA announcement October 30th, 2023, had a large impact on all markets as Michael Hartnett explains…

WJ: Soros Is Dumping a Fortune Into Texas, Funding Operatives with One Goal in Mind – With President Joe Biden’s disastrous open-border policy failure to win over Hispanic voters Soros is putting new millions into a state Democrats are trying to flip to their control…

Spectator: Is This What Biden Meant By ‘Unity’? – As Governor Abbott said in a January 24 statement, “I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary”

Spectator: Another Bad Border Deal – Biden would do nothing to secure the border with the new powers provided in the Senate bill – A nation without borders is not a nation and the situation on our borders, both north and south, is a critical danger to our national security

TVF: Media Blackout, 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You, Episode 7 – #9, A Journalist destroys the leftist narrative that January 6th was a coup – #8, Shocking courtroom testimony exposes a Dominion voting machine vulnerability…

JD Rucker: A Strategic Shift Is Needed – Republicans Must Treat the Biden-Harris Regime As a Placeholder – Michelle Obama is almost certainly running, or at least considering it – Or, to be more accurate, the powers that be are considering running her…

Thinker: Biden, the Border, and TikTok Too – Joe Biden is in a pickle of his own making – Last month alone over 300,000 mostly military-age men illegally crossed our border, with the Border Patrol tasked to making them sandwiches rather than deporting them

Examiner: House Republicans plan to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a historic committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday For Willful and Systemic Refusal to Comply with the Law and Breach of the Public Trust…

NP: Trump’s Judge In The Recent Carroll Was A ‘Mentor’ to E. Jean’s Lawyer, So A Conflict of Interest Appeal Expected – Neither the judge nor Roberta Kaplan revealed this professional history, “It was never disclosed”

A first-of-its-kind fundraiser is being mooted to benefit Joe Biden, with the 2024 presidential race aspirant destined to share a stage with predecessors Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Breitbart: Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham says Biden’s recent decision to stop approval of LNG exports looks “more like retaliation than a sound policy decision” – Biden’s announcement came one day after “Texas took a bold stand in defending our border against foreign invaders,” the commissioner added

Roger Kimball: The Democrats’ Weaponization of Government And the Need for Decentralization – Democrats and their deep-state allies in the media and the myriad bureaucracies that are in control believe that democracy means continual “rule by Democrats”…

Examiner: The Federal Aviation Administration is facing intense backlash after its “diversity and inclusion” recruitment efforts surfaced online – Their initiatives may have been well-intentioned but it is clear that they ended up empowering groups to cash in on grievances, whether justified or imagined…

Geller: The Islamization of International Law – The introduction and slow creep of Islamic law began with the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI), a declaration of the Muslim member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference adopted in Cairo, Egypt, on 5 August 1990…

January 27, 2024

Epoch: Biden Vows to ‘Shut Down’ Border If Congress Passes Deal – This comes after Speaker Mike Johnson said Friday the deal would be “dead on arrival” in the U.S. House of Representatives if reports on its terms are true…

Breitbart: This week, DHS released illegal immigration figures for December 2023. The data shows that more than 745,000 foreign nationals were released into the United States interior through Biden’s parole pipeline in 2023, which is equivalent to 2 months of American births

Pluribus: In response to allegations that employees of UNRWA had been involved in Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, the State Department announced the “temporary pause to funding” for this UN agency applies only to new and additional funding, not funding already obligated before the pause went into effect…

Epoch: Struggling for Recruits, The US Navy Lowers Its Education Standard – Those who didn’t graduate from high school will be allowed to join the Navy ranks

Dallas Ludlum: The federal case against Donald Trump, led by Special Counsel Jack Smith, has garnered significant attention – However, a closer examination of the case, through the lens of case law and constitutional principles, suggests that it may lack substantive legal merit

Spectator: Accord To Biden White House Interns, Nobody Cares What You Think – Last month a letter was sent to Biden signed by 40-plus White House and executive branch interns calling for a permanent ceasefire in Israel now…

ZH: Climate Change™ Roundup – Now Even Backyard Gardens Are In Their Crosshairs – The WHO is now officially at war with farmers — as in, the people who own and operate farms and use them to grow the food that sustains the human population on planet Earth, the suppression of which would be genocidal – Growing your food in your garden may not be as good for the environment as expected, a recent study suggests

GATESTONE: In a noteworthy development, for the first time, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has issued a warning, signaling that Iran now holds a sufficient quantity of highly enriched uranium capable of producing multiple nuclear warheads

Breitbart: 15 Facts About E. Jean Carroll’s Allegations Against Trump That The Media Doesn’t Want You to Know – What has continually fallen under the radar is the fact that there are several important concerns with her entire story

Spectator: Is Trump Even Further Ahead? – The 2024 rematch may not be as shown by general polling – Independents are now a much larger share of the electorate than commonly recognized – Polls that underweight independents are underestimating Trump’s support because, right now, independents are breaking decidedly for Trump…

Thinker: Is Nikki Haley a Candidate in the “America First” Mold? – So many contradictions – Trump has rightly characterized Haley as out of step with today’s Republican Party, and former South Carolina state representative Doug Brannon has described her as a chameleon…

Thinker: Our First Gun – It was quite a scary decision for us, but we are not interested in being shot, molested, raped, or carted off from our home – We would rather take a stand for ourselves and our lives – And, yes, we are buying more guns…

Thinker: Texas won’t give up its right to defend itself – Texas Governor Abbot: “The Biden administration hasn’t ensured its obligation found in Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution to guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion” – The invasion by illegals is underway, and the next Alamo for Texas might be Eagle Pass…

Dr. Joseph Mercola: CO2 is commonly mischaracterized as a harmful waste product of respiration and is falsely blamed for disrupting the planetary climate, but it is an essential gas necessary for life – Moreover, its impact on Earth’s temperatures is negligible, and will remain negligible even if the current concentration in the atmosphere were to double…

Thinker: Today’s ‘Climate Crisis’ Is Just A Fairy Tale – The evidence contradicting the climate apocalypse is vast – The global warming story is not a benign fantasy, because it seriously damages Western economies…

Thinker: Is Cryptocurrency Sound Money? – There are various reasons for skepticism, such as Volatility, Its Digital Nature, and Vulnerability to Manipulation – But when executed correctly, it is sound money or perhaps more sound than the fiat currency we currently use daily…

ZH: China and Russia aren’t the only countries being given a “pass” from Yemen’s Houthi rebels, but Saudi Arabia is also exporting crude oil through the Red Sea as if in perfectly normal times (well, almost)

Thinker: Is anyone in the media asking why the newsrooms from coast to coast are doing more layoffs than reporting these days? – It looks like no one in the media does because they sit around and talk about Trump turning into a dictator…

NYP: San Francisco’s oldest toy store, which inspired the Pixar classic “Toy Story,” is permanently shutting its doors, with the city’s widespread crime and violence problem playing a significant factor – Jeffrey’s Toys broke the news Friday it will be closing up shop at the end of February, marking the end of an iconic 86-year run


January 26, 2024

PM: On Friday, House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a letter to colleagues that a package in the Senate, which includes funding for Ukraine and addresses the border crisis, would be “dead on arrival” in the House

Breitbart: A well-coordinated, well-funded, and high-powered network of leftist organizations, led by a group whose efforts 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton promoted, is behind the push to remove former President Donald Trump, the 2024 frontrunner for president from any party, from the ballot…

Epoch: Trump Lawyers File A Motion to Disqualify DA Fani Willis Over Her ‘Race Card’ Comments – They also accused her of inflaming ‘racial animus’ with recent comments made at a church…

Breitbart: Donald Trump is garnering majority support in the Republican primary race in Nikki Haley’s home state of South Carolina – A Tyson survey shows Trump with 58 percent support in the South Carolina GOP primary race, 27 points higher than Haley

FOX: Trump is ordered to pay more than $80 million in his E. Jean Carroll defamation trial – Trump says he will appeal the ‘absolutely ridiculous’ verdicts

RS: The US Border Patrol Turns on Joe Biden And Proclaims Support for Texas The National Guard – Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state…

Federalist: The Immigration Crisis Shows Just How Much Contempt America’s Establishment Has For Democracy – America’s avoidable immigration crisis is now the No. 1 concern of voters, ahead of inflation and the economy, so why is no one in D.C. interested in holding the Biden administration accountable?

Epoch: Articles of Impeachment Are Filed Against Fulton County DA Fani Willis – She 22 articles of impeachment amid allegations of misconduct in the Georgia election interference case…

Spectator: The California Exodus Gets a Gag Order – U-Haul confirms, that 2023 was the fourth consecutive year during which more Californians rented one-way trucks to leave California than residents of any other state – According to the Los Angeles Times, people should leave the state “without verbally trashing the place”

Spectator: Texas Is Correct to Defend Its Sovereignty From the Border Invasion – In America’s federalist constitutional order, both the federal government and the states act as fully sovereign actors operating within their delineated spheres of legitimate governing authority…

Federalist: The Immigration Crisis Shows Just How Much Contempt America’s Establishment Has For Democracy – America’s avoidable immigration crisis is now the No. 1 concern of voters, ahead of inflation and the economy, so why is no one in D.C. interested in holding Biden accountable?…

Townhall: 25 Republican Governors Issue Joint Statement Defending Texas’ Right to Self-Defense – Instead of enforcing the law, the federal government has attacked Texas for protecting U.S. citizens from this historic surge and its deadly consequences…

Federalist: A Crisis For Each And Every Month: The Worst Debacles, Disgraces, And (Literal) Train Wrecks Of Biden’s Third Year – April, Biden’s Secretary of State Revealed to Be Behind Infamous Laptop ‘Disinfo’ Letter…

Thinker: Is Biden Poison-Pilling Trump? – Imagine the mess Trump will have to clean up if he is elected in November – Trump must not only prepare for the worst but also be mindful that he is likely surrounded by people who want him to fail…

 Spectator: Five Quick Things, Ted Cruz Is Spot-On and Exactly Right – An emerging green shoot in the otherwise burned-out forest of our Obama Redux politics…

Thinker: Texas Governor Abbott is protecting his state’s border so the cartel human smuggling operators are taking their migrant landing points elsewhere, which brings us to a new landing spot in far-west San Diego…

NR: Biden Is Set To Announce A New LNG Export Ban After The White House Met With A Gen-Z Climate Warrior – Nearly three dozen oil and gas groups warned in a letter Wednesday to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm that Biden’s move is a “major mistake”

SLAY: Republicans Move to Protect Hydroelectric Dams from Biden – In December, Biden reached a tentative agreement with tribes and environmentalists to study breaching four dams in the Lower Snake River that are key to the economy of the Northwest region

January 25, 2024

Epoch: Investigation Reveals How The CCP Interfered in US Elections – To act so brazenly, the regime likely ‘perceived themselves being under less scrutiny’ since the 2020 election, geopolitical risk adviser says…

TAC: Preparing for the Big One, Should America Battle China Over Taiwan? – It is important to note that Taiwan matters far more to the Chinese than the American people, due to its history – U.S. politicians’ responsibility is to the American people…

Israel Defense Forces said Thursday that Israeli soldiers had achieved “operational control” in the center of Khan Yunis, the most important Hamas stronghold in the Gaza Strip, where terrorist leaders are thought to be hiding underground

NR: Riley Gaines Explains Why Male Athletes Should Not Compete with Females – Despite the boon that Title IX has been for female athletes, the Biden administration, the NCAA, and various governing bodies threaten to dismantle it by pursuing policies that discriminate against women…

Thinker: Agenda 2030 Communicates an Evil Agenda – Agenda 2030, the U.N.’s formal plan for the creation of a new world government, contains 91 sections – Their cliché-ridden pap begins the exposition of an evil agenda developed by the U.N. to introduce world government devoid of the concepts of rights, liberty, life, and happiness…

Breitbart: Newt Gingrich Says Trump’s Political Movement Is ‘Unlike Anything We Have Seen’ – “Attempts by the left to paint Donald Trump as some kind of Kaiser will be dwarfed by the realities of Biden’s practical failures on virtually every front, as well as the real achievements of Trump’s first term”

Examiner: Trump says from now on Nikki Haley donors will be ‘permanently barred’ from his campaign – “When I previously ran for Office and won, I noticed that the losing Candidate’s ‘Donors’ would immediately come and help out – “This is standard practice in the political world, but no longer with me”

RS: The The Obamas Are ‘Working’ to Take Biden ‘Out’ of The Race, Barack Telling Him to Quit – Tensions exploded between Obama and Biden when an “irate Obama rushed to a secret meeting and confronted Biden about his fading chances to fend off surging Republican candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming November election”

Examiner: The real reason the Senate border deal collapsed – Those who support Ukraine funding made a huge mistake tying it to border security – Democrats simply are not in a place yet where they are willing to abandon their open borders priorities, not even if it means delaying funding for Ukraine

Thinker: A few years ago, Tucker Carlson observed three rules about the left that indicate where we are going – First, leftists figured out that the best way to control people is through “public/private” partnerships, where “woke” corporations do the work of the government – This is the collectivist ideology of fascism, defined as socialism with a capitalist veneer…

JD Rucker: Texas Versus DC at the Border Is the Most Important Political Battle in Decades – Abbot: “President Biden has violated his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress. Instead of prosecuting immigrants for the federal crime of illegal entry”…

TAC: Senate GOP Meeting Devolved Into ‘Embarrassing Exhortations’ for Ukraine Aid – Both internally and externally, the current divide among the Republican Senate conference, those who want to defend America’s border first versus those who would rather tend to Ukraine’s border, is becoming untenable…

Victor Davis Hanson: Nikki Haley’s Strategies? – Trump has now won the first two primaries by large majorities and no Republican in recent history has lost the nomination after winning Iowa and New Hampshire – In the short term, Haley will cede to Trump the Nevada caucuses and focus on her home state of South Carolina, but then has four choices…

Epoch: The Maine Supreme Court Rejected An Appeal by The State’s Top Election Official in Their Trump Ballot Case – The justices declined to review the case, saying a final judgment had yet to be made by a lower court…

Epoch: There Are Growing Concerns Over The Links Between Transgenderism and Violence – An increase in mass shootings by gender-confused individuals is sparking worry over the ‘volatile cocktail’ of mental health issues and body-altering chemicals…

Thinker: Why Does Manufacturing at Home Matter? – Much of America depends on blue-collar work for an opportunity to live the American Dream – Blue-collar positions are launching pads for personal growth and future careers…

Globe: We have a regulatory environment in California where it is nearly impossible to dig, drill, develop, mine, log, graze grow, or manufacture anything – Yet, half of California’s energy comes from crude…

I&I: Meet The New Drudge -The Liberty Daily, Discern Report, Whatfinger, Off the Press, and Citizen Free Press are all doing what Drudge used to do, highlighting news and views that the corrupt corporate media want to ignore…

January 24, 2024

DC: Several Senate Republicans are extremely concerned with the ongoing border deal negotiations between the White House and GOP leadership – They are expressing their frustration with several leaked proposals that are being considered and saying they would never vote for the bill…

Examiner: The Biden administration has demanded the state of Texas relinquish control of a 2.5-mile strip of land on the border and grant federal agents access following a Supreme Court decision that gave Border Patrol agents to slash state-installed razor wire

Epoch: With his victory over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in the state, President Trump has become the only non-incumbent Republican to win both Iowa and New Hampshire, according to multiple analysis

Pulse: ‘Mini-Soros’ Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn and Democrat megadonor is suspending his financial support for Nimarata’ Nikki’ Haley’s presidential primary campaign following her defeat to Donald Trump in New Hampshire…

Breitbart: Demands grow for Nikki Haley to drop out so all available GOP resources can be allocated towards defeating Joe Biden – Republicans spent over $167 million in losing efforts to defeat Trump in New Hampshire and Iowa, with plans to release millions more in future primaries…

AM: The Pretext for a Fedsurrection – The Big Lie of the January 6 “insurrection” is falling apart before our eyes – From the very outset it was clear that something was off with the FBI’s treatment of this case – The notion that the DNC pipe bomb could have sat out there for 17 hours undiscovered Is bizarre…

Epoch: The Arizona GOP Chair Resigns in The Wake of Kari Lake Bribery Allegations – The chairman said that he was ’set up‘ by Ms. Lake’s team, who used a ’deceptive tactic’…

Donald J. Trump breaks the record for the most votes ever received in an NH primary – He scored a decisive victory on Tuesday night in New Hampshire and also set a new record

I&I/TIPP Poll: It’s Not Just MAGA Magic — Trump Holds Big Lead Over Biden On Most Key Issues – 1,401 adults, and registered voters were asked “Who would you say has better policies” for each of seven key issues: “reducing taxes,” “effectively handling the immigration and border security situation,” “growing the economy,” “addressing climate change,” “reducing violence and crime in the country,” “controlling government spending,” and “reducing homelessness

WJ: The exit poll found that, of the voters in the primary, only 51 percent of them identified as Republican, 43 percent as Independent, and 6 percent as Democrat. In other words, fully 49 percent of voters in the primary were in groups that overwhelmingly voted for Haley … and she still lost — big — because Republicans favored Trump by 74 percent to 25 percent

Federalist: If Nikki Haley Wants To Beat Biden, She Will Drop Out Now And Endorse Trump – Haley staying in a race she’s doomed to lose signals her true allegiance was never to GOP voters or their 2024 priorities

Thinker: January 6: the bombs that weren’t? – Did the government plant the pipe bomb at the DNC? – Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s channel, Revolver News’ Darren Beattie presented just that case, analyzing a video provided by Representative Thomas Massie

Thinker: Clipping The Deep State’s Wings – On multiple occasions, it has abused its power at the cost of the people it serves –  The Department of Justice’s two-tiered justice system and its use of lawfare, the FBI and our intelligence agencies interfering in the election process, and the Department of Homeland [In]Security’s abandoning the slightest pretense of controlling our southern border by ignoring our immigration laws are example

Fox: The Biden admin threatening your Medicare Advantage plan. Here’s what they’re not telling you – The Biden administration is cutting Medicare Advantage benefits and threatening high-quality health care for seniors

Davos Elites See The Potential Return of Trump To The WH As A Threat To Global Order – The former president’s record-breaking Iowa victory during the global Davos summit raised fears among global leaders, particularly in Europe

Thinker: The Transgender Suicide Scam – How do you get protective guardians to let down their defenses? You scare them with the suicide panic – When it comes to the big stick policy, the Biden administration has it down…

January 23, 2024

The 51st Texas county declares invasion at the southern border – Some of Montgomery County’s residents have called on county officials to declare an invasion for over a year and a half

WJ: According to a Rasmussen Reports survey conducted this past week, “A majority of voters think former President Barack Obama is influencing President Joe Biden’s administration, and agree with a GOP congressman’s claim that Biden is a ‘puppet’ for progressives”

WJ: Michelle Obama’s Shadow Campaign for President: Everything You Need to Know – By now you may have heard the rumor that at the last minute, Democrats will replace Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle Obama on the Democrat ticket – It may be a rumor, but that doesn’t make it any less plausible…

Kingston: Justin Trudeau Fails as Justice Prevails – Canada’s Federal Court Declares Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Acted Outside of His Legal Authority” When He Took Unreasonable and Unconstitutional Measures Against the Canadian Truckers

Globe: California’s Proposition 47 has been a man-made disaster… cataclysmic… a catastrophe. Need more descriptors? – How about, “Make crime illegal again” in California

ZH: S&P futures are flat after back-to-back record closing highs for the S&P 500 index, with Europe mixed and Asia higher after a Bloomberg report indicated that China was “mulling” a 2 trillion yuan market rescue package to contain the relentless rout hammering Chinese stocks…

ZH: “The shortage of manpower is palpable,” according to Ukraine military top spy chief, Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov, describing the most pressing situation facing the country after nearly two years of war – He warned that “it is not even conceivable to think that we can do without massive mobilization”…

Sun: 21 Israeli Soldiers Perish In The Collapse Of Two Gaza Buildings Triggered by Hamas – Netanyahu, undaunted despite protests, vows to press ahead, as Gallant declares the war ‘will determine the future of Israel for decades to come’…

ZH: It’s already been long known that the US has sent MQ-9 Reaper drones to collect intelligence over Gaza, as part of assistance to the IDF and Mossad. These flights have reportedly increased as Washington has gotten more involved in an advisory capacity. But fresh investigative reporting from Declassified UK shows that Britain’s role has expanded as well…

Breitbart: The Latest CBO Report Indicates The Biden Administration Has Released 6.2 Million Illegal Migrants into U.S. in 3 Years, Often Through A ‘Parole’ Loophole – The CBO data does not include hundreds of thousands of migrants released since October 1, 2023

CBS: Almost four years later, Mr. Biden and national Democrats have helped create a situation where the president’s name won’t even appear on the New Hampshire 2024 primary ballot – He is instead limited to only being a write-in option while a younger congressman from his party tries to replace him as the presumptive Democratic nominee, citing fears the incumbent could lose to the likely Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump, in the general election

NR: Nikki Haley Leans into Underdog Status As She Attacks The GOP Establishment Coalescing Behind Trump In Her Closing New Hampshire Argument – She spent the past few days characterizing her former boss’s lock on prominent Republicans as a sign that she’s the real outsider candidate in the GOP presidential primary…

WSJ: The GOP Wants Pure, Uncut Trumpism – The race appears all but over unless somehow Haley pulls off a New Hampshire upset – The GOP’s most loyal voters want pure, uncut Trumpism – Between DeSantis’s withdrawal and Haley’s having little apparent path forward barring a major upset, the race could well be effectively over by Wednesday…

I&I: This Is The True No-Brainer, Make DeSantis Veep – Why is DeSantis the obvious and only choice? To start: despite his stumbling, bumbling, tumbling primary belly flop, DeSantis is a proven vote-getter on one of the biggest stages in politics…

Thinker: America in January of 2029 – In light of the Marxist radicalization of the Democrat Party over the past sixteen years, 2024 is evolving into being the most crucial election cycle since 1860 – This is because the future of this nation, as founded, precariously hangs in the balance…

JD Rucker: Far More Than the Border Wall’s Cost, HHS Spent Huge Money to Help Illegal Aliens Improve Their Credit Scores – The federal agency responsible for busing, sheltering, and supporting the largely unauthorized immigrant population pouring across America’s borders spent nearly $20 billion over the last two years, according to a new report…

Thinker: Who is Casting Pearls Before Swine in the Middle East? – The Biden administration deceives itself and others by proclaiming the possibility of resolving the conflict between Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs based on two states for two peoples – Peacemaking can be useful when both sides desire peace, but not when one side’s goal is aggression and the destruction of the other…

Thinker: Sometimes, You Can Fool A Majority Of The People All Of The Time – Our leaders have found a way to accomplish this and remain in power – They use word smithing to bend the truth up to 180 degrees, to manufacture statistics that support their worldview, and then employ gerrymandering to get their way at the polls – This creates a most confusing environment in which to discern the truth…

FAR: Seattle Is Dying – The video included in this post provides a perfect example of what progressive liberalism is doing wherever they have the power to do so in America – Since watching it, things have gotten even worse. Here are several examples…

January 22, 2024

Epoch: Kari Lake Breaks Her Silence on Trump VP Rumors – The Arizona US Senate candidate says she is focused on winning her race and helping to bring about a GOP Senate majority

FOX: The Supreme Court sides with the Biden administration in the Texas border razor wire case – The concertina wire was installed as part of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s broader fight with the administration over immigration enforcement

Peter Navarro: Is A China-Russia-Iran-North Korea Box of Evil Boxing In Joe Biden? – The Plot to Destroy America Now Unfolding Before Our Eyes – If you tie all of these things together, it is very concerning…

ZH: Visualizing Racial Diversity Across All US States – As of 2020, there was a 61.1% likelihood that two people chosen at random would be from different ethnicities in America – This graphic maps the most diverse states in the U.S., based on the most recently available data…

JTN: The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was aware of the issues with mail-in voting during the 2020 election cycle but censored social media narratives about the risks as alleged disinformation, according to agency documents

TCS: The City of Millbrae is suing one of the governor Newsom’s Homekey homeless-to-homeless-shelters projects, claiming the state constitution requires residents to have the opportunity to vote on publicly-funded low-income housing…

GATESTONE: Biden Threatens Netanyahu’s Drive to Destroy Hamas – The Biden administration is working with senior figures within Israel’s security establishment, known to have a difficult relationship with Bibi, to remove his government from power…

GELLER: At least 50 US service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries resulting from Iran’s missile attack on an Iraqi air base earlier this month according to the Pentagon – CENTCOM said Multiple missiles were launched by Iranian-backed militants

Witnesses lawmakers plan to question as part of the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden were once some of the associates most intimately familiar with the family’s business affairs – Some have well-documented firsthand involvement in business ventures with the Bidens…

Sun: January 6 Committee Deleted More Than 100 Encrypted Files Just Days Before The GOP Took House Majority – Mr. Loudermilk is now pressing the select committee and its former members to turn over more than a terabyte of documents that were allegedly shielded from the oversight subcommittee…

Epoch: Divorce Records for The Special Trump Prosecutor Tapped by Fani Willis Have Been Unsealed – Nathan Wade is embroiled in divorce proceedings with Jocelyn Wade – He was held in contempt for failing to comply with an order, one document shows

Thinker: Forget Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom, The Democrats’ Choice to Replace Biden is Nikki Haley – It’s funny how so much of what Nikki Haley endorses is the same as what the Democrats endorse – Reid Hoffman is not only funding Haley’s campaign but also E. Jean Carroll’s farcical lawsuit against Donald Trump, so will Haley be beholden to Hoffman’s leftist politics and agenda?

TDF: Boris Johnson Says The WEF Elite Are “Trembling Violently” over Trump’s Return – “The more ­frenzied the effort to cancel him, the stronger he becomes, and the more bitterly his enemies wage lawfare against him, the more unstoppable he seems to be”…

John Daniel Davidson: Nikki Haley Is Wooing Her Actual Constituents In New Hampshire, Democrats, And Neocons – Haley isn’t expanding the GOP tent, she’s bringing in leftists who want to infiltrate the Republican primary, and destroy the party, take an Iowa precinct for example…

CFIS: The Congressional Budget Office just released its “Demographic Outlook, 2024 to 2054”, and that assessment includes some shockers – 860,000 illegal aliens entered the US in FY 2023 “without encountering a CBP official” – In other words, they were “got-aways” as defined by statute, and amount to nearly the population of Charlotte, N.C., America’s 15th largest city…

CB: Biden’s Photo Op At Fast Food Joint Backfires Over A Menu Detail – In the 2020 photo, the menu pictured showed the price of a Cookout tray was $5.99 at the time – The picture taken Thursday showed an almost identical menu at the same restaurant, but now they are charging $7.69, 28% more than it did three years ago

Victor Davis Hanson: 2024, America’s Year of Living Dangerously – Add it all up, and the world abroad agrees America is in rapid decline and will not or cannot defend its interests, or for that matter itself – During Biden’s tenure, the U.S. military has suffered historic shortfalls in recruitment, the disastrous humiliation in Afghanistan…

Thinker: Florida Leads the Way In Fighting Voter Fraud – The Sunshine State’s election cops have released a devastating report for those who insist there’s no such thing as voter fraud – The findings in their report are serious and disturbing…

AG: White Americans are Quiet Quitting Our Leading Institutions – They are doing the minimum required and the possible implications of that for American society are profound…

TVF: We Have a Problem, 𝕏’s Community Notes Feature Has Been Compromised – A single Community Notes Contributor, Enterprising Desert Raven, has submitted 70 community notes per day without rest since March 2023 – Even when posts don’t get noted, there is a belief that submissions alone can hurt a user’s reach over time, which may be the end goal of serial noting…

FP: Why Did the FBI ‘Disappear’ the Boston Bomber’s Jihadist Wife? – “They deleted her from a lot of the public records so that she couldn’t be tracked” – She fled the Boston area to New Jersey with her young daughter – She remarried, but has kept in close contact with her late husband’s really bad family while cutting off almost everyone from her old life…

Thinker: What DEI crusaders have introduced to the airline industry is undoubtedly much worse than we have been allowed to know, and, given the extent to which very powerful people and institutions are covering up the evidence, it’s likely far worse than we can even imagine…

Thinker: Another Historic California First, In-N-Out Is Closing A Restaurant In Oakland Over Scary Crime Concerns – In-N-Out COO Denny Warnick spoke plainly about the company’s “repeated steps to create safer conditions,” saying “our customers and Associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies”

January 21, 2024

RTM: Former President Trump said he is “very honored” after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis endorsed him, and he is looking forward “to working together with him to beat Joe Biden”

NYP: Hamas says there is ‘no chance’ for a release of hostages after Netanyahu rejects their deal – Hamas demands the end of the withdrawal of forces from Gaza and the release of all their murderers and rapists…

Spectator: Someone Needs To Tell Biden That We Are at War With Iran’s Mullahs – The war was initiated by the Shia theocratic dictatorship of the “Supreme Leader” Ali Khamenei, his tight little circle of fellow theocrats, and the larger cluster of Islamist fanatics centered around the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, the IRGC…

CB: The Supreme Court Looks Set to Reform Governing And End A 40-Year ‘Constitutional Revolution’ – On Wednesday, SCOTUS will hear two cases that may end that revolution – Article I of the Constitution says explicitly, “All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,” not federal regulatory agencies…

Breitbart: The Corporate Media and Big Tech Interfered in the 2020 Election, and ‘Breaking the News’ Provides Undeniable Proof – Trump lost by what became known as “cheat by mail,” and there is no individual who was a bigger part of this plot than Mark Zuckerberg…

CJ: Portland’s Encampment Kids – Though drug addiction and homelessness in the city have drawn national attention, the most innocent victims, children, are often overlooked – Children live in these grim places, from infants up to high school…

Dr. Rima Laibow: “Virus or No Virus,” I’m an MD and I Don’t Care, And Neither Should You – I care about one thing and one thing only, get the country that you live in out of the death machine that is the UN and all its component working parts, and there are plenty of them…

WSJ: Ron DeSantis Ended His Presidential Bid – This is a crushing setback for a figure who once represented the strongest hope for Republicans wanting to move past Donald Trump but one who misread the former president’s durability, overestimated his political skill, and struggled through reboot after reboot…

DW: Multiple U.S. Troops Were Injured Following A Large Missile Barrage On A Base In Iraq – During the attack, more than 15 U.S. Patriot surface-to-air missiles were launched from the base to intercept the incoming Iranian missiles…

Thinker: Our Weird Passivity Toward Iran’s Aggression – It is clear that direct aggression against the U.S. and its allies by the Houthis in Yemen is backed by Iran – The Administration has backed off its historic mission of protecting freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and instead keeps choosing appeasement

WT: Putin is preparing to visit Pyongyang “at an early date as economic and military ties between the two U.S. adversaries move ever closer – The Biden administration has watched with growing alarm as the Kremlin has reached out to the isolated regime of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un…

Thinker: TUCKER CARLSON VIDEO, Did the government plant the pipe bomb at the DNC? – At this point, it’s getting easy to believe that this is exactly what happened, especially because the video of the scene doesn’t make much sense without this theory…

JD Rucker: Ron DeSantis Appears To Be Preparing For An “Off Ramp,” So How Would That Impact Donald Trump? – In most states, DeSantis supporters would migrate to Trump but in New Hampshire, there is a strict divide between Trump supporters and “NeverTrumpers”

Thinker: Trump II, Save America Again! – As more Americans become aware of the insidious plan by today’s Democrats to transform the US into a socialist state, to burn into extinction the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence, they will realize that it is time they put in the White House a president who will “Save America Again!

ZH: The World According To Trump Vs Biden, In Two Maps – Depending on who wins, Biden versus Trump, both candidates have significantly different foreign policy visions – The 2024 election outcome will heavily influence the course of America’s future, so pick wisely

ZH: Americans Are Fighting For Control Of Federal Powers That Should NOT Exist – Powers delegated by the Constitution to the federal government are few and defined – Today’s sprawling federal government, which involves itself in almost every aspect of daily American life, is almost entirely unconstitutional…

ZH: A Blueprint for How the Dollar Goes Kaput – When the Fed buys US Treasury Bonds, they do it by conjuring new money out of thin air, which creates more inflation – Social Security was a big buyer of these bonds for several decades and now owns roughly $3 trillion of the national debt – Now, Social Security is bleeding so much money that the program is no longer able to loan the Treasury Department any more money…

ZH: How The Government Constructs Positive Economic Data – Nobody delineates between private economic activity and government spending, but there is a big difference – They pump up GDP and job figures through hefty spending and hiring – Unlike the struggling private sector, the government can spend tax dollars and create deficit-financed jobs without having to prove their worth…

Powerline:  On Monday, thousands of tractors and tens of thousands of farmers descended on Berlin – It was part of a continuing revolt against punishing new green taxes, and also against the entire environmentalist agenda, which has been hammering German agriculture for decades…

Breitbart: According to Saudi Arabia’s Finance Minister at the World Economic Forum meeting this week, the climate change agenda can only be fully implemented if international carbon taxes are implemented on the global population…

Thinker: Some great questions for the blowhards at the World Economic Forum – These rich elitists believe they are so much better and smarter than the rest of us but they are not – They are dangerous to our freedom as they loll in their luxury

January 20, 2024

Epoch: The ‘Unexploded Bomb’ in the Constitution That’s Threatening the 2024 Election – The history behind Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which is being used to dislodge Trump from election ballots and is set to be heard by the Supreme Court

Epoch: A Recent US Supreme Court Action Is Altering Jan. 6 Defendant Sentences – The Court’s recent agreement to review the controversial use of a felony obstruction charge in Jan. 6 cases is already upending some sentences

AG: What About Parents’ ‘Lived Experience’ with Their Child? – The student’s “lived experience” and their parents are the problem because the woke left’s aim is not to educate them but rather to indoctrinate them…

AG: You Won’t Believe How Few States Require U.S. Citizenship to Vote – According to “Americans for Citizen Voting” only eight states—Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Ohio—have laws requiring U.S. citizenship to vote

Spectator: Why We Need To Prove the Obvious About Sex in Sports To Sports Industry Leadership To Thwart Woke Ideologues – People outside of the sports industry, particularly endurance sports, may not know the extent of the capture through which gender activism has successfully displaced sex in favor of gender

Breitbart: Thousands of Companies Are Monitoring Every Facebook User – Recent analysis highlighted a form of tracking known as server-to-server tracking, where personal data is transferred directly from a company’s servers to Meta’s servers…

WFB: A Denver Hospital System Says It’s on Verge of Collapse Over Migrant Crisis – Denver Health says the migrant crisis the city faces could drive it into financial collapse as it struggles to make ends meet, with over $100 million in unpaid-for care

Thinker: China’s New Year’s Resolution Does Not Include Peace – Xi Jinping wants “reunification” with Taiwan, but unfortunately, it doesn’t imply any notion of mutual consent…

Reason: Trump’s Supreme Court Brief Rebuts the Claim That He ‘Engaged in an Insurrection’ – He is asking the justices to reject the Colorado Supreme Court’s conclusion that he is disqualified from running for president

Thinker: Data show a big shift in voters’ favorable perception of Trump – In a head-to-head comparison, Trump is gradually surpassing Biden’s favorability ratings as shown below…

Thinker: National Populism and the Rise of Donald Trump – Conservatives have reached the breaking point between themselves and the progressive Left – We were the silent majority but must now speak loudly against the globalists…

Dossier: What we learned at Davos 2024: global aristocracy intends on ‘Rebuilding Trust’ through censorship and surveillance – The conference theme was “Rebuilding Trust” – There was no real debate – China took center stage – Davos has become deeply unpopular in the United States…

Breitbart: The introduction of biometric digital identity cards could be used by governments to track “who will get a vaccination or NOT,” Queen Máxima of the Netherlands said at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos this week…

AC: 2024, The Coming Foreign Policy Peril – The explosive situation in the Middle East threatens to lay bare our strategic weaknesses – This is the second (and final) series installment, the first piece may be found via…

January 19, 2024

WT: Trump Rules Out Haley As Possible VP – She is not presidential timber, now when I say that it probably means that she’s not going to be chosen as my vice president running mate…

Geller: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom In America – The nation’s ruling class holds deeply authoritarian opinions widely divorced from the rest of the American electorate, finds a survey out this week…

Spectator: Welcome to New York, This Is What Dystopia Looks Like – A recent video taken in the depths of a New York City subway station shows what appears to be a homeless person, taking refuge under a sizable gray blanket, then the rats scatter – Separate Video Link

TDF: Steve Bannon predicts what the beginning of Donald Trump’s second term will look like if he is elected later this year – Bannon says that former President Donald Trump would completely deconstruct the ‘deep state’ within his first 100 days in office…

Thinker: The Final Four Cases Against Donald Trump – The American people intuitively understand that these cases are bogus, but here are some hard facts and legal principles to support that understanding…

Thinker: Nikki Haley and the Never-Trumpers couldn’t be more wrong about “The Donald” – No, Trump is not a loser and has not harmed the Republican Party; he has given it a backbone, and his policies are popular because they were very successful…

The Sun: It’s Too Early To Rule Out a Political Future for Ron DeSantis, Despite His Poor Showing in Iowa – He bet that Trump would either step aside because of his mounting legal troubles or that Republicans were ready to move on to a more stable, competent, and traditional candidate…

Examiner: Most voters, including a majority of Democrats, believe Barack Obama is the controlling influence on Joe Biden as he pushes forward much of his ex-bosses liberal agenda – According to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 53% said Obama is pulling the strings…

Fox: Biden bails out another 74K student loan borrowers with $5B in canceled debt – Biden has canceled debt for public sector workers including teachers and firefighters…

Spectator: Republicans Need an Immigration Deal Now Rather Than Later –
It would be a mistake for Republicans to not take advantage of the leverage they now have as negotiations remain ongoing in Congress over a compromise on a border agreement and aid for Ukraine…

CFIS: Has Biden Bribed Mexico to Control Border Hoping It Will Help Him Win the Election? – What led to the numbers dropping from ionospheric heights? – The answer has something to do with the Biden administration’s diplomatic mission to Mexico City in late December…

Thinker: More evidence that blacks are the maddest of all about Biden’s open borders – Radio host “Charlamagne Tha God” is getting an earful from his black and working-class listeners complaining about the influx of migrants rocking their communities, something he didn’t hear much about until this past year…

TAC: 2024, The Year Foreign Policy Delusions Die Hard – The war in Ukraine is ending in catastrophic defeat for Ukraine and the US as the war in the Middle East is just beginning – It will not end when the Israeli State decides to stop fighting…

AG: The Greatest Threat to the Survival of Israel is the American Progressive Movement – Only the Republican Party will continue to guarantee America’s support and the survival of the world’s only Jewish state. Supporters of Israel would do well to keep this in mind in 2024…

GELLER: Israel’s New Website On Hamas Killings Has 43 Million Viewers in the First Week – The site, which includes disturbing videos and pictures of the crimes committed, contains a warning, “Extreme viewer discretion is advised”…

Thinker: Surrounded by Raging Protesters at a Jihad Jamboree in DC – The protest was a display of the failures of the Obama/Biden administration’s immigration policies — policies that have opened our doors to virulently antisemitic immigrants from the Islamic world who have no intention of embracing our freedoms

ZH: Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts spoke to globalists at the WEF Thursday and told them directly “You are part of the problem, you are not the solution” – He added, “The agenda that every single person member of the [future Republican] administration needs to have, is to compile a list of everything that’s ever been proposed at the WEF and object all of them wholesale”

Spectator: Five Quick Things, The End-Of-Days Vibe – #2, Mike Johnson can’t lead the House…

Federalist: Inside The FBI-Tainted Whitmer ‘Kidnap Plot’ You’ve Heard Almost Nothing About – The FBI’s tactics were first exposed by BuzzFeed in July 2021, when reporters Ken Bensinger and Jessica Garrison disclosed startling details based on court filings as the matter headed to trial…

Epoch: Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who is prosecuting the Georgia election case against former President Donald Trump and 14 co-defendants, was given a Feb. 2 deadline to respond to a motion alleging improper use of funds and that she had an affair with a prosecutor she hired on the high-profile case

Breitbart: Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis reportedly gave significant contracts to her alleged lover’s law partner, raising concerns that Willis’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump is deeply rooted in a conflict of interest

PR: The Biden Administration Is Putting National Security at Risk by Secretly Resettling Illegals Across America – They are doing everything possible to hide the sheer scale of its resettlement efforts so we have no idea who we’re inviting into our communities – Perhaps this is a way to fix it…

USA Today: The Biden administration began the year with a new Department of Labor rule that will undermine the gig economy that independent contractors and freelancers rely on – Another bad idea to support their “Union” buddies that started in California with AB5

Thinker: ‘Their’ Version of Democracy Means Tyranny Is Coming to the US – Unscrupulous politicians and bureaucrats are intentionally destroying our nation’s heritage to obtain greater power, control, and wealth – Also, the Biden administration made illegal immigration an economic boom for the invaders while shifting costs onto U.S. taxpayers…

Breitbart: The Far-left L.A. Times, Washington Post Are Losing Ten$ of Million$ Annually – After decades of spreading bias, lies, conspiracy theories, and political violence, the chickens have finally come to roost at these dreadful publications…

Federalist: Ballots Cast Without Proof Of Citizenship ‘Exploded’ After Lawfare Crippled Arizona Election Laws – About 1,700 people in Arizona voted in 2018 with a federal-only ballot. Two years later, the number grew to 11,60o individuals…

Thinker: Judicial overreach comes to the circle driveways of Beverly Hills – A county judge went all soup Nazi on the City of Beverly Hills, mandating that unless the city builds low-income housing on its pricey real estate, no building permits for you…

Examiner: Ford cuts shifts at electric F-150 Lightning plant amid weaker-than-expected demand – A total of 1,400 workers at Ford’s Rouge EV production facility are expected to be affected by the decision

Federalist: Hunter Biden’s Painting Foray Had All The Classic Earmarks Of A Biden Family Influence-Peddling Operation – Congressional testimony suggests Hunter was setting up another front for the family influence-peddling racket when the plan collapsed due to public scrutiny

CJ: The Enduring Solution to Crime – The idea that spending money on education, employment, housing, and health can reduce crime is consistent with received wisdom on the progressive left – In the short term, enforcing the law remains the only answer

Powerline; THE WEEK IN PICTURES, DEVIOUS DAVOS EDITION – It’s time again for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Festivus for the global elite…

January 18, 2024

WJ: The Biden Admin Tells Netanyahu Israeli Military Will Never Defeat Hamas – Blinken told Netanyahu that ultimately there is no military solution to Hamas, according to the officials, and that the Israeli leader needs to recognize that, or history will repeat itself and violence will continue…

WSJ: Congress Averts A Government Shutdown as Conservatives Steam Over The Border and Spending – Their measure funds federal operations into March as lawmakers work out the full-year budget

Epoch: Virginia Officials Say Thousands of Votes in The 2020 Election Were Misreported – The problem stemmed from a failure to properly program result tapes – Biden over-reported and Trump under-reported…

WJ: A DC Judge Sides with Trump, Reins In Jack Smith After Trump’s attorneys filed a motion earlier this month calling on Chutkan to hold Smith in contempt for continuing to make filings in the case, which the judge had placed a stay order on in December…

CB: Trump Lawyer Alina Habba Clashes With The Judge In The E. Jean Carroll Case – Habba requested the judge grant an adjournment Thursday, so Trump does not have to decide whether to be in court at trial or his mother-in-law’s funeral…

Epoch: Trump Lawyers Target Records Between The Biden White House and Prosecutor Fani Willis – Trump’s attorneys say special counsel Jack Smith ’must produce any documents further reflecting such coordination’

CB: Kayleigh McEnany Reveals The Mainstream Media’s Plan For Trump in 2024 – It’s like 2016 on repeat, where the number one issue is immigration – The media doesn’t just deride Trump, they deride his supporters…

Yahoo News: Foreign ownership and investment in US farmland, pastures, and forests is up 40% from 2016, according to Department of Agriculture data – But an analysis conducted by the US Government Accountability Office found mistakes in the data, including the largest land holding linked with China being counted twice…

WJ: The city of Boston released a Haitian man in the country illegally after he was arrested and charged with, among other crimes, raping a developmentally disabled person – Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents attempted to arrest the man, but officials in the Democrat-run city refused to cooperate and instead released him back into their community

GATESTONE: The Biden Administration’s ‘Pathway’ to a Palestinian Terror State – By continuing to obsessively stick to the creation of a Palestinian state, the Biden administration is effectively sending a message to Iran and its terror proxies that terrorism pays…

Thinker: Uncomfortable Truths about 10/7 – Reading the Koran and Hadith reports provides an understanding of the mentality of the Muslims who participated in 10/7 – They believed that their behavior was a requirement for them to enter paradise…

TDF: World Economic Forum (WEF) chairman Klaus Schwab predicted that elections would “soon be a quaint relic of the past,” pointing to the elegance of artificial intelligence as the new democracy – “The next step could be to go into prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already predict the outcome”…

Thinker: Who is Trump’s real opponent? Not Biden – Given the puppeteer role Barack Obama has played in the present administration, the theory that Biden will be supplanted by Michelle Obama at the eleventh hour is emerging as the most credible…

DW: 14 House Democrats voted to denounce the Biden administration‘s “open-borders policies” on Wednesday amid a surge in crossings and blue cities around the country getting overwhelmed with migrants – The group joined Republicans in passing a resolution introduced by TX Representative Nathaniel Moran

ZH: “We’re In The Middle Of A War” As Vivek Stands Shoulder-To-Shoulder With Trump To Battle The Deep State – “It’s time to make sure we elect the right president to put America first and take the America First agenda to the next level”

SLAY: President Donald Trump has vowed that he “will never allow” so-called “cashless societies” to infest America and promised voters that he will block “the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency – In recent years, globalists such as the WEF and the UN have been pushing for the rollout of a CBDC or a “digital dollar”

Breitbart: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp dismissed Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s request to criminally investigate Fulton County DA Fani Willis for corruption saying that Greene should “refer her complaint” to the state’s oversight commission

Examiner: After an initial honeymoon period following his election as House speaker amid the chaos of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s removal, many House Republicans are beginning to sour on Mike Johnson – Four signs he’s in trouble; #1, Marjorie Taylor Greene issued a threat to vacate the speakership if he struck a deal with the Democrats…

I&I: Biden Has ‘Delivered For The American People’ All Right, And They Want A Refund – The cost of living has skyrocketed – Prices have climbed by almost 17% since Biden took office three years ago – Food prices are up 20%, Gasoline is up 26%, Electricity is up 24%, Car insurance up 30%…

ZH: America’s Most Valuable Company Every Year Since 1995 – Over the last three decades, the growth of tech companies has driven a shift in the ranking of the most valuable companies in the United States with Apple regaining the throne in 2021

FAR: What Happened to George Floyd? – If journalism is the first draft of history, then this one is due for a major revision – A new documentary, The Fall of Minneapolis, challenges three key parts of the story that until now have been accepted as fact…

January 17, 2024

WJ: The Department of Justice Finally Admits the Truth About Hunter Biden Laptop – In a recent court filing the DOJ finally admitted that Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop was, in fact, Hunter Biden’s

CIS: By Admitting Massive Numbers of Parolees, Mayorkas Seeks to Bypass and Subvert the Entire Lawful Immigrant Visa System – The Mayorkas parolee-migration programs for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, Ukrainians, Venezuelans, and other foreign nationals are making a shambles of the Immigration and Nationality Act

JTN: Illinois is the latest state considering all mail-in voting, despite integrity problems nationwide – All mail-in voting elections are where all registered voters are sent ballots in the mail, without requesting them which is different from absentee voting, where voters request a mail-in ballot to vote

Epoch: 3 Gun Rights Cases Before the Supreme Court You Should Know About – Gun rights advocates claim the government’s gun control agenda will fail in high-profile legal actions that bring up federal overreach and the First Amendment

POWERLINE: It is slowly dawning on liberals across America that DEI is, in most contexts, illegal because the whole point of DEI is to discriminate against disfavored groups in favor of preferred groups – The recent Harvard and UNC cases–are beginning to set them straight

Spectator: Biden’s Bureaucrats Outlaw Humor on the Highway – They’re forcing state road officials to stop posting light-hearted messages

Thinker: A Government that Sows Division and Subsidizes Madness – In another cockamamie example proving how “playing along” only invites further government psychopathy, the United Kingdom is now telling government employees that they must actually “believe” in the “transgender” delusions flooding the workplace with cray-cray

SLAY: Florida Permanently Bans Funding for State College Schools with Marxist DEI Programs – The Board of Education defined DEI and affirmatively prohibits FCS institutions from using state or federal funds to administer programs that categorize individuals based on race or sex for differential or preferential treatment

Epoch: The Silent Epidemic Eating Away Americans’ Minds – The excessive use of screens has become an epidemic silently eroding lives with little resistance – Screens can overstimulate our brains, resulting in a perpetual, highly stressed, fight-or-flight state

Epoch: Seniors Receiving Social Security Benefits May Now Pay More Taxes in 2024 – Between 50–85 percent of Social Security benefits could be taxed if the senior individual’s combined income exceeds $25,000 per year

GATESTONE: Is Islam Overtaking Europe? – Immigration is not a natural disaster that befalls Europe like a plague of locusts or a drought – The migration chaos being experienced in Europe is purely a human catastrophe, caused by dreamy policies and faceless judges who are accountable to no one…

Beacon: Freed Israelis Say Gazan ‘Civilians’ Were Involved In Every Stage Of The Hamas Hostage Scheme – Israeli women and children have in recent weeks begun speaking publicly about what they experienced during nearly two months in Hamas captivity late last year…

I&I: Most discussions over whether Biden will drop out of the 2024 presidential race center on his obvious age-related issues – But the latest I&I/TIPP Poll suggests people believe he illegally profited from public office while VP under former President Barack Obama

WJ: Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul of New York called out the Biden administration on Tuesday over its failure at the southern border – Also, she will travel to Washington, D.C., later this week to pressure Democrats to secure the border as New York continues to be inundated by illegal immigrants

TWT: The family of a 20-year-old woman slain in 2022 will be filing a $100 million wrongful death lawsuit arguing the Biden administration caught and released an illegal immigrant with MS-3 who later brutally raped and strangled her with a phone charging cord

ZH: Shut The Border Or Shut The Government – When House Speaker Mike Johnson and 60 GOP members of Congress went to Eagle Pass, Texas recently they were probably shocked that the first question they were asked was for a show of hands of those who would shut down the government if President Biden doesn’t shut the border

Federalist: The Biden Administration And Mainstream Media Were Caught Lying After Blaming Recent Border Drownings On Texas – This is not the first time the administration tried to scapegoat boots on the ground at the border for a crisis Biden’s policies caused…

JD Rucker: NeoCon Nikki Haley Gushed Over Depopulationist Bill Gates and His Massive “Vaccine” Investments – This is a reminder of why globalist power brokers are promoting Nikki Haley as their candidate of choice on the Republican side…

NR: Nikki Haley Settles On A Post-Iowa Strategy, Ignore Ron DeSantis – GOP strategist John Feehery told NR “No matter what happens in New Hampshire, she’s still got to win in South Carolina, her home state, and I don’t think there’s any chance of that happening”

PM: The Biden administration financial transactions containing the terms ‘MAGA’ or ‘Trump’ flagged – The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network urged financial institutions in the wake of January 6, 2021, to look through customers’ transactions for terms such as “Trump” or “MAGA”

NYP: Trump goes off on Nikki Haley ahead of her ‘must-win’ NH primary – “Anyone listening to Haley’s whacked-out speech last night, would think that she won the Iowa Primary, but she came in a distant THIRD!” – She said she would never run against me and should have followed her advice, because she’s stuck with WEAK POLICIES, against a VERY STRONG MAGA BASE, and nothing she can do about it!”

Thinker: Trump needs to tell voters what “MAGA” is all about – These are some of his thoughts from rallies; Immigration based on merit/Close the borders – Drill, drill, drill – Avoid foreign wars – “Fair trade” with China – Replace “Made in China” with “Made in America” – Lower taxes – Limited regulation – A strong military …

AG: Combating the Federal Government’s Determination to Allow The Border Invasion – The southern border invasion gets worse by the day – Texas is at the forefront of this problem, comprising almost half of the nation’s border with Mexico…

AG: The Intellectual Foundations of MAGA – The “Left’s” narrative is that Republican voters, MAGA voters in particular, are uneducated rubes – But the MAGA position is founded on a solid intellectual and moral foundation, aspiring to the optimal well-being of all Americans and ultimately to the benefit of everyone else in the world as well…

CB: Impeachment Drama, Pelosi Furious After Her Own Words Come Back to Bite Her – Pelosi recently lost her cool with MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell over Republicans looking to impeach President Biden because of his alleged ties to his son Hunter’s business dealings…

Thinker: Davos, From Proto-Fascism to Post-Fascism – The Davos gatherings are a microcosm of what the Left has in mind for the rest of the world – WEF leader Karl Schwab promotes “stakeholder capitalism,” as the ultimate solution, but his “capitalism” must be quoted because it corresponds to free-market capitalism in only the remotest sense…

SLAY: The president of the World Economic Forum promised power elites that his unelected globalist organization would soon usher in a global “new order” – WEF President Børge Brende sat down with top Biden administration officials and informed them how Klaus Schwab’s vision for their “sovereign” nation will unfold…

TVF: Argentina President Javier Milei Supported Freedom at Davos 2024 (His Full Speech) – Today (1/17/24), introduced by no one other than Klaus Schwab himself, Milei did just that and more – He warned about the socialist theory of “collectivism” to a room full of collectivists…

Breitbart: Argentine President Javier Milei fiercely condemned socialism at the World Economic Forum in Davos as he rejected their radical agendas fueled by socialism and asked that they embrace capitalism as an alternative

Breitbart: During the WEF meeting in Davos, green activist Jojo Mehta, CEO of Stop Ecocide International, said the ICC should add “ecocide” to its brief alongside genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes to criminalize the side effects of farming, fishing, and energy production…

Thinker: 2024 Promises The Expansion Of The Green Energy Scam – This scam continues to poison the West, driven by a combination of affluence and ignorance – It spells the end of civilization as we know it if successful – The reality is that inexpensive, reliable energy is the single biggest driver of prosperity in all human history…

WJ: The Audio Of The 911 Call For Lloyd Austin Was Released As A Result Of A FOIA Request And It Makes Everything Much Worse for Him – We were first told it was due to an “elective procedure,” now learn he was in the intensive care unit, where patients with minor ailments don’t usually end up…

Margot Cleveland: How Disgruntled Fishermen Could Prompt SCOTUS To Capsize The Administrative State – While you may not care about fisheries, you should care about Chevron deference, which requires businesses to pay the cost of government-mandated monitors who travel aboard their vessels during fishing expeditions…

Federalist: Georgia Republicans Introduce A Bill To Stop Ranked-Choice Voting That ‘Disenfranchises’ Voters – If passed by the state legislature and signed into law by Governor Brian Kemp, SB 355 would make Georgia the sixth state to ban the use of ranked-choice voting in elections

NR: Joe Biden and the Democrats Have Good Reasons to Be Nervous – A new national survey in the key swing state of Georgia finds Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by eight percentage points, offering further evidence that the Biden campaign and Democrats ought to be sweating…

Epoch: Young Audiences Are Beginning To Question Climate Change Alarmism On Social Media, Which Is Prompting Calls to Censor Content – Researchers found that roughly one-third of teenagers (the predominant YouTube audience) hold views such as “climate policies cause more harm than good” or consider “climate change to be a hoax

Thinker: Is A Peso Valuation Surprise Coming Down Mexico Way? – President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s final gift to Mexico, “capital flight” – A net total of just under 349.86 billion pesos (US $20.7 billion) in investments in government securities was taken out of Mexico between Dec. 1, 2018, and the end of last year...

MMAEE: Dr. Rima Laibow, a nationally and internationally recognized psychiatrist, speaks about her initiative to get people to contact their members of Congress through PreventGenocide2030.org to support legislation to withdraw from the WHO and U.N. (An active transcript is provided) – Click Here For Prevent Genocide Link, Then Click On Your Country

January 16, 2024

Epoch: The Supreme Court Declines to Take Up The Transgender Bathroom Case – The denial of a school district’s petition means lawsuits across the United States about bathroom use will continue unabated

CNBC: ABC News canceled the planned Thursday Republican primary debate after Nikki Haley said she would not participate unless Donald Trump did, too – “He has nowhere left to hide,” Haley said of Trump, who won a landslide Monday in the Iowa Caucus…

Thinker: Two Takes On The Iowa Caucus, Mine Plus Tucker Carlson’s – Trump’s huge victory means Conservatives understand that the war against Trump has nothing to do with Trump but everything to do with voters and their values – Tucker drills into the Nikki phenomenon much more deeply…

FOX: Biden’s trillion-dollar climate agenda is blowing up and John Kerry has a lot to answer for – No wonder he is stepping down as climate czar – Joe Biden’s trillion-dollar green agenda is blowing up because the world still needs fossil fuels and no one is more closely tied to the fast-deflating boondoggle than John Kerry

SLAY: During a WEF panel discussion, Harvard Professor Naomi Oreskes compared “free speech” to “fascism” while demanding censorship of the public on social media – She called for Elon Musk’s “scary” X to be forced to censor its users to crack down on a supposed rise in so-called “fascism”

WJ: Midwest Charging Stations Turn Into Tesla ‘Graveyards’ as Biting Cold Exposes Major EV Vulnerability – City charging stations were highlighted by the media because the long line of dead Teslas seen parked in the swirling, angry winter winds as desperate owners tried to juice them back up, often with limited success

Spectator: Iowa Knockout, As A Caucus Turns Into a Coronation – Trump swept 98 out of 99 counties – In boxing, the referee stops the fight when he sees too much punishment inflicted, but in politics, a more sadistic and masochistic sport, it goes the distance unless and until the losers say no more…

Epoch: 6 Takeaways From Trump’s Historic Win in Iowa – Iowa voters handed President Trump a landslide victory and rewarded Ron DeSantis’s effort in the state, but New Hampshire now offers a challenge to both…

Dov Fischer: Of Course, Trump Won Iowa – Without a doubt, there is no one else on the horizon strong enough to, hopefully, get things turned around – Trump will win the GOP nomination and it will not be close, and I am proud to support him for president once again, and as far as Obama is concerned… – This is a must-read

AG: How the Great Cultural Revolution Transformed the CIA and FBI – This book excerpt shows how the Obama administration used the George W. Bush-era centralization of the intelligence community to impose critical theory and cultural Marxism on the CIA, FBI, and other intelligence services…

Spectator: Obama Destroyed Martin Luther King’s Dream – Every time this former president had an opportunity to speak the truth to America, he chose to do just the opposite…

WJ: CNN and MSNBC Kick-Off Election Season by Censoring Trump’s Iowa Victory Speech – MSNBC managed to humiliate itself to an even greater degree than CNN as Rachel Maddow explained they could not show any part of Trump’s speech because they could knowingly broadcast untrue things…

Epoch: Vivek Ramaswamy Drops Out of Presidential Race And Endorses Trump – The entrepreneur came in fourth in the Iowa Caucus

JD Rucker: The Primary Can End Next Week if MAGA Supporters Turn Out Strong – A Big Win in Iowa Sets the Table – Between the blowout in Iowa and the likelihood that neither DeSantis nor Haley will drop out before New Hampshire, it seems the best bad choice for Never-Trumpers is to try to manufacture a win for Haley and we cannot let that happen…

CB: DeSantis Vows To Stay In Race And Blasts The Media For So Quickly Projecting Trump Win In Iowa – “It’s outrageous that the media would participate in election interference by calling the race before tens of thousands of Iowans even had a chance to vote”

Spectator: Bitter Ron DeSantis Beats Defiant Nikki Haley for Second Place in Iowa Caucuses – DeSantis and Haley’s battle against one another risks becoming a total sideshow in Trump’s steamroll to victory – That they will likely split the second-place prizes in the first two states of the Republican primary will only hasten that outcome…

Spectator: Trump Should Learn From Watergate – Richard Nixon and Donald Trump Have More In Common Than People Realize – The sheer scale of the effort to get Nixon was daunting – The natural hostility of the D.C. venue was amplified by the constant bombardment from the Washington Post and the rest of the media…

WJ: Biden Threw a Tantrum After Not Getting His Way with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin and Said, “This Conversation Is Over” – Biden is vexed that Netanyahu is ignoring his demands on running the war and making peace with Palestinians…

Thinker: The Ukraine War Needed to End Yesterday – The more you know about the Ukraine war’s origins, the more obvious it becomes that the U.S. wanted this war and the U.S. needs to end this war

WJ: The Head of Pelosi’s Security Detail Allegedly ‘Perjured Himself on the Stand’ About a Jan. 6 Incident – CCTV footage shows that he was in “another Senate office building across the street” and missed the encounter he lied about by several minutes

Spectator: Does Economic Recession Loom in Our Future? – The Economy Is Growing In All the Wrong Places and The U.S. is Losing Its Financial Dominance – Prepare, the real facts say a recession is still in your future…

Epoch: 2 US Navy SEALs Missing Off Of Somalia’s Coast Were Hunting For Iranian Weapons – The missing Navy SEALs were on a mission to intercept the flow of weapons to Yemen, according to a US official

Thinker: DEI, Airplane Crashes, and Bad Medicine – Incompetence resulting from DEI policies may sour your shopping experience but it won’t cost you your life – Are airlines sacrificing safety at the altar of DEI? – Who do you want piloting the jetliner you’re on, the best and most experienced pilots or box-check hires

FP: A 43% Drop in White Recruits Caused the Army’s ‘Recruitment Crisis’ – The real military recruitment crisis is DEI discrimination against white people

I&I: John Kerry, Goodbye and Good Riddance – In a city overflowing with useless people, agencies, and institutions, one of its most worthless figures is (finally) leaving his government post – While Kerry is not quite going away, at least he is closer to the exit than the entrance, which is good for the country

Thinker: Can Elon Musk Liberate Our Internet Access? – Commissioner Brendan Carr perfectly characterized this PEDD ruling in his excellent dissent, “The Biden Administration’s entire approach to the Internet can be boiled down to one word, control…

Thinker: All Republicans have to know about the leftist media – The last time NYT endorsed a Republican for president, it was Eisenhower in the 1950s and the Washington Post never has – It doesn’t matter who the Democrat is, they will endorse them

Epoch: Boeing Admits ‘Not Where We Need to Be’ in Terms of Quality Amid Scrutiny Over Door Plug Blowout – Facing scrutiny after an emergency door panel tore mid-flight off on a Boeing 737 Max 9 plane, the company is taking ‘immediate’ steps to bolster quality

Fox: The average cost of an American home from the 1940s to the 1980s – See how the US housing market spiked

January 15, 2024

CB: Donald Trump notched another legal victory in the ongoing battle with political opponents to remove him from various state ballots ahead of the 2024 election – The Oregon Supreme Court struck down an attempt to remove him from the ballot in the Beaver State…

CB: According to a report from The Messenger, which conducted interviews with twelve prominent Republicans, including some Trump advisors, the list of possible running mates for Trump in 2024 has been pared down to South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem and House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik

Breitbart: Nikki Haley Fails to Definitively Say a Man Cannot Become a Woman In Response To A Question From The Audience – Over the summer, however, Trump became the first Republican candidate to sign a pledge to American women, vowing to “uphold the truth that women are exclusively female”…

Epoch: Voter Fraud Convictions Challenge The Narrative of Secure Elections – Criminal convictions of election fraud across America have called into question the narrative that cheating is rare and of little impact…

Breitbart: The first graduate class of nine illegals will become sworn LAPD officers in 2024 – With that impending graduation, LA Police Commissioners unanimously approved a policy detailing how DACA recipients can be legally armed to serve as police officers…

WJ: NFL Is Facing An Over $6B Lawsuit That Could Change the Way We Watch Football On TV Forever – “NFL Sunday Ticket” allows viewers to pay to watch games outside their television markets – Is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 that bars monopolistic practices by companies applicable here?

WJ: An American cargo ship was struck by a missile fired by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels on Monday off the coast of Yemen – The Gibraltar Eagle, was slightly damaged but is seaworthy and leaving the region, according to Eagle Bulk Shipping, the Connecticut-based company that owns the ship

AC: Yemen Is the Latest Example of the Failing Biden Doctrine – Weakness and interventionism are a bad mix – The disastrous evacuation of Kabul in August 2021 should have warned all of us we were dealing with foreign policy amateurs…

Sun: U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan Inspired Hamas Attack on Israel According to A Resistance Spokesman – These remarks come as the conflict between Western states and Iran’s proxies in the Middle East reaches levels not seen in years…

Breitbart: Joe Biden admits the Iran-backed Houthis are “terrorists,” after revoking former President Donald Trump’s designation of the group as terrorists early on in his administration – When you remove the designation you allow them access to the global banking system, to travel freely and allow them to engage in business with allies…

NR: Iran Answers Biden’s Message As Its Houthi Proxies Fire at U.S. Navy Ship – The DOD reported that U.S. forces on Sunday shot down an anti-ship cruise missile fired by Iranian proxies at our destroyer, the U.S.S. Laboon, in the Red Sea

NYP: Two Palestinians carried out coordinated car rammings in central Israel on Monday, killing a woman and injuring 12 other people – Police described the incident in Raanana as a terrorist attack and said the two suspects were under arrest

Breitbart: President Joe Biden offered no words of congratulations or support to Taiwanese President-elect Lai Ching-te following his election victory on Saturday, telling reporters simply that America does “not support independence”

WJ: Tucker Carlson says Gonzalo Lira, Sr. told him his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments – Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration did nothing to help – Several weeks ago his father predicted his son would be killed

FOX: Joe Biden’s approval rating plummets to A 15-year low – His approval rating now sits at just 31%, the lowest on record for a US president in the last 15 years

FP: 16 Fronts Of Engagement Needed To Save America – 2024 is the year Americans must defeat the enemy’s demolition plan – #1, The Biden administration’s open border policy has unlocked the floodgates of a replacement migration – #2, The foundational rights of America such as life, liberty, individual responsibility, and property…

AC: America Stands to Lose in a Middle East World War – The U.S. has been recycling the same playbook since 2019 in dealing with Iranian proxies: sanction them, conduct strikes, and wait for the ensuing blowback – A quagmire conflict with Iran or its proxies does not serve U.S. interests…

Marco Rubio: When Trump was in the WH I achieved major policies I had worked on for years because we had a President who didn’t cave to special interests or let bureaucrats block us – I support Trump because that kind of leadership is the ONLY way we will get the extraordinary actions needed to fix the disaster Biden has created…

TVF: Yuval Noah Harari, one of Barack Obama’s favorite authors and a frequent speaker at Davos, made some shocking statements recently – When asked, “Are you concerned that Trump might be elected again shortly?”, Harari responded, “I think it’s very likely”

Federalist: Leftists Hate MLK Because They Care More About Color Of Skin Than Content Of Character – Ironically, it was in the second term of our first black president, Barack Obama, when race relations worsened…

ZH: NBC News Admits “The Deep State” Exists – One of the key behind-the-scenes players in Russia-Gate was Mary McCord – Now she’s back with a new hoax to peddle, telling NBC News that the Deep State is preparing for Trump’s return and is taking action to limit his ability to ‘become a dictator’ and use the military to those ends…

Epoch: Embattled Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis Speaks Out After Allegation of ‘Improper’ Romantic Relationship The Prosecutor She Appointed – She appears to have suggested that racial animus played a role in the accusations, but provided no evidence for that assertion

ZH: Massive Money-Printing Will Accelerate As Debt Soars – The Biden administration promised a significant deficit reduction as a result of its “Inflation Reduction Act” – What Americans got, however, was a massive deficit and persistent inflation…

ZH: “It’s The Economy, Stupid!” – The Real Reason So Many Young People Are Living With Their Parents – Even young adults who live alone are reconsidering their living arrangements because costs are too high

ZH: – Goldman Feels We Are Priced For Perfect Disinflation, Which Is Not A Comfortable Place To Be – The market has an incredibly anchored view that inflation is following a downward trend while the reality appears more mixed, with shipping and energy no longer acting as tailwinds to the deflation narrative, and in the case of the former, just the contrary…

Examiner: Last week HHS issued new regulations rescinding conscience protections for doctors and nurses forced by their employers to perform procedures that violate their beliefs – This is at a time when states are mandating healthcare professionals perform highly controversial procedures such as abortion, sterilization, assisted suicide, and gender transition surgeries…

Thinker: Martin Luther King Jr., More Relevant Today than Ever – What is hard to grasp today is how the power, healing, and truth of his message could be overshadowed by today’s divisive and demoralizing so-called woke philosophies of CRT and DEI that divide rather than unite society

Victor Davis Hanson: Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas – Now prosecutors are in a doom loop of discovering that the more they seek to rush to judgment before the election and gag Trump from speaking publicly about their star-chamber proceedings, the more he rises in the polls…

Thinker: Today’s Journalists Seek Power, Not Truth – Indicative of journalism’s demise is their domestication and transformation from an unruly gang of rebellious muckrakers and misfits who despised the status quo into a docile pack of housebroken poodles desperate to service the “ruling class”

FAR: A Look Back At Obama’s Disastrous Iran Deal – This modified version of a post from May 2018 is even more relevant now than it was then as Biden and his cohorts in idiocy continue their quest to bring America to its knees…

Sharyl Attkisson: Microplastics can be found everywhere and can also be formed during the degradation of larger pieces of plastic waste – The major concern here is that these plastic particles contain chemicals that can interrupt our body’s natural release of hormones, potentially increasing our risk of reproductive disorders and certain cancers

Breitbart: The World Health Organization on Monday issued an appeal for upwards of $1.5 billion in additional funding to respond to health crises it says are evolving around the world – The U.S. has been the WHO’s top individual donor in recent years, with Washington contributing more than $400 million to the organization in 2020

AW: An illegal immigrant says NYC has provided him free housing and food for SEVEN months – This is not the way forward. While millions of Americans are struggling to pay rent or are homeless, they are giving criminals three hot squares and free living accommodations – This is beyond infuriating…

PM: New York Mayor Eric Adams is moving forward to impose a curfew on several illegal immigrant holding facilities in the city after a rise in crime and complaints about panhandling – Anyone violating the 11 PM to 6 AM curfew three times within 30 days will be expelled from the center

TDF: Texas bused over 100,000 foreign nationals who illegally crossed the border to six sanctuary cities since April 2022 – This number equates to roughly 5% of those who entered Texas illegally in their fiscal 2023 alone

Breitbart: The Hilton, Financial District, in San Francisco has defaulted on its $97 million loan – SFO has had the slowest post-pandemic recovery of any major U.S. city and has been beset by homelessness, open-air drug abuse, and crime, along with retail flight in late 2021, when mass looting hit Union Square…

January 14, 2024

WJ: What Israeli Forces Are Reportedly Finding in Hamas Stockpiles Should Be a Wake-Up Call for the Entire World – Questions are beginning to swirl as Hamas fighters have reportedly been found with Chinese-manufactured weapons

Epoch: – A Federal Judge Rejects Jack Smith’s Request to Force Trump to Reveal A Portion Of His Key Strategy – The Florida judge overseeing so ruled…

NYP: The FAA’s diversity push includes a focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities such as hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis or complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability, and dwarfism”

WR: Republican National Committee Chairmen and Treasurers have met with officials from the Chinese Communist Party and its vast network of foreign influence groups to discuss “campaign strategies” and the direction of U.S.-China relations for over a decade – A decades-long trove of documents reveal the identities of several RNC Chairmen and Treasurers who participated in several versions of such an annual event

Powerline: NEW YORK IS REGIFTING ITS ILLEGAL MIGRANTS – Like other “sanctuary cities,” New York has learned that being a refuge for illegal immigrants is a bad thing if they do indeed show up so New York is buying them airplane tickets to go elsewhere…

GLOBE: Sacramento’s DA Files A Brief As SCOTUS Justices Take Up The Homeless Camping Ban Case – ‘The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals continues to undermine and limit laws that regulate unhoused encampments’

NYP: The latest Axio Vibe Check survey of 2,120 adults in December revealed that about 72% of respondents felt inflation was still hitting hard at the grocery store – Nearly 60 percent also said they feel anger, anxiousness, and resignation whenever they shop for groceries as they struggle to make their budgets work

GATESTONE: Taiwan Voters Just Cut China’s Xi Jinping Down to Size – After seeing how Beijing suffocated Hong Kong in the past four years, they do not want to be ruled by the Chinese regime – Xi Jinping must be fuming…

Breitbart: Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shia Muslim terror organization that illegally occupies southern Lebanon, killed two civilians in northern Israel on Sunday when it fired an anti-tank missile at their home

AG: The Implications of Biden’s Open Border Are Transformative for America – The Biden administration’s open border policy is being employed to change the U.S. from a constitutional republic to a tyranny dominated by a single political party, much like in Communist China

Thinker: January 6, An FBI Affair – Federal abuses of power far outweigh the acts of those who breached the Capitol on January 6 – Recent reports indicate that there were at least 200 federal agents or “undercover assets” present on that fateful day…

Epoch: The House Races to Pay Attention to This Year – The battle for control of the House of Representatives will likely come down to these 24 congressional races – Whoever controls the House in 2025 will likely do so only by thin margins

NR: Jack Smith is undermining the legitimacy of our system and is a threat to American democracy – He is blatantly seeking, as a prosecutor, to influence the outcome of the 2024 election – This is not his role and is against Justice Department guidelines

Thinker: A Glimpse Of Government Waste In A Single Year – If you still don’t understand just how dysfunctional our rulers are, this is a good place to start – In 2021, your federal government spent $6 million every single minute, or $9 billion every day, amounting to almost $3 trillion per year…

Thinker: The perversion of our judges and our justice system by Jack Smith and the three on the bench today in D.C. is one of the great tragedies of our current American situation – Biden is trying to throw his chief political rival Donald Trump in jail using every nasty trick in the book

AG: Parallels to Reagan’s 1980 Upset Victory – It’s hard to recapture the contempt with which Reagan was criticized by the best and the brightest, but it was just as visceral and widespread as the animus against Trump in 2016 and today

Thinker: Ramaswamy Is About To Breach The Ramparts – Republicans should love this guy – He is fearless and hits the key notes on every crucial conservative issue…

TCC: Rand Paul Breaks His Silence on the 2024 Presidential Race – He acknowledges his connections with several figures, but his unequivocal disapproval of Nikki Haley stands out – Senator Paul’s critique of Haley is rooted in deep ideological differences, especially regarding foreign policy…

Thinker: It Is Past Time to Undo Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation’ – Two decades of Obama policies have led to wars in the Middle East, the destruction of our educational systems, the danger to our lives from poor management, and a substantially weakened military capability…

FAR: The Anti-American Dream – In this short video, Pat Condell talks about the forces working against the American dream and how dangerous they are to our freedoms and hits the bulls-eye with this one

Thinker: You just might be a Democrat if, part II – If you are fine with showing your I.D. while entering a Costco warehouse but believe it’s beyond the pale to be asked to provide an I.D. when voting for the president of the United States, you just might be a Democrat…

Discern: Commercial Flights Are Becoming Insanely Dangerous as Virtue-Signaling Airlines Hire Based on Diversity Rather Than Merit – Close calls involving commercial flights have been happening with greater frequency recently, and many of them are attributed to human error…

January 13, 2024

Examiner: Agreement was reached for another short-term continuing resolution to keep the government funded until the beginning of March as they work to pass appropriations bills – The short-term continuing resolution will keep in place Speaker Mike Johnson’s two-part approach, in which four appropriations bills would be funded until March 1, and the remaining eight will be funded until March 8

Breitbart: Pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the White House fence on Saturday, forcing the Secret Service and D.C. Police to get involved – The protesters shook the fence and yelled, “F–k Joe Biden” – Secret Service agents dressed in riot gear were seen behind the fence…

Breitbart: Donald Trump made history Saturday as he prepares to romp in Monday’s long-awaited Iowa Caucus – The final Iowa Caucus poll by the Des Moines Register shows Donald Trump at 48%, a whopping 28% higher than the nearest challenger

Federalist: Democrats Talk About Illegal Immigrants The Same Way They Used To Talk About Slaves – Jerry Nadler: “We need immigrants in this country,” – “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants, many illegal immigrants”…

ZH: Australia Shows Why Americans Should Not Give Another Inch On Gun Rights – Everything makes sense once you realize that gun control laws are not meant to thwart criminals, they are meant to thwart good people who might object to government trespasses…

ZH: Democrat lawmakers are advancing legislation intended to prevent privately organized paramilitary and militia group activities within the United States – The bill dubbed the “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act” would prohibit privately organized groups from “publicly patrolling, drilling, or engaging in harmful or deadly paramilitary techniques,”…

TDC: Decoding Big Disinformation – Investigative reporter Paul Thacker is the kind of guy you want at your dinner party because he’s funny, insightful, smart as a whip, and entirely pleasant – And his knowledge of the disinformation space is unrivaled… – Click Here To See The Graphic

Thinker: A pro-Israel public service announcement is on the way – It is not surprising that the Hostages and Missing Families Forum would create a powerful “PSA” highlighting what happened in Israel on October 7 – It is surprising, however, that it will be shown in movie theaters across America in the coming days

Epoch: Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee Will Hold A Hearing on Allegations of DA Fani Willis’s ‘Improper’ Use of Funds Associated With An Affair – Additionally, the House Judiciary Committee has expanded their investigation into the district attorney to cover these new allegations

Epoch: Continual Voter Fraud Convictions Challenge Narrative of Secure Elections – Criminal convictions of election fraud across America have called into question the narrative that cheating is rare and of little impact…

PM: John Kerry, who has been with President Joe Biden’s climate envoy and has been nicknamed the “climate czar”, will be stepping down from his position touring the world to tell people the world is ending due to climate change to help the presidential campaign in Biden’s reelect effort

Epoch: The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has secured the presidency for another four years – This means Taiwan and the United States will likely continue to work closely as partners to deter China…

ZH: As Ukraine’s war effort falters, fractures are emerging in Kyiv between top officials – Most significant is the division between Zelensky and the head of Ukraine’s military, General Valery Zaluzhny, which is alarming US officials

AC: On Thursday, a multi-nation coalition led by the US conducted a series of strikes in Yemen against the Iran-backed Houthis in response to their attacks against commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea – Yet Congress, the one body empowered by Article I of the U.S. Constitution to authorize military force and declare war, has still not heard from the White House

GATESTONE: Because of the apparent lack of oversight from world leaders, especially the United States, the rising provision of ballistic missiles by Iran to non-state actors –including terrorist and militia groups, as well as rogue states — now presents a significant source of concern for global security

Examiner: Donald Trump dispatched a team of high-profile surrogates to secure votes for him in Iowa while also testing out their prospects as a 2024 running mate – Trump’s vice presidential hopefuls are not only contending with likely caucus-goers, they are also contending with blizzard conditions before the primary’s opening contest on Monday

AG: Nikki Haley, The Establishment’s Last Hope – Wednesday’s showdown between The Fake Trump and “Dick Cheney in heels,” to quote Haley’s co-ethnic nemesis, encapsulated what has been an unusually uneventful primary…

Thinker: Trump gets ridiculed in the press no matter the truth of what he says – The media has a long history of this, for example…

Thinker: Intersectionality is the concept that all aspects of leftist activism, Blacks, Latins, gays, Muslims, and whatever, are interwoven and must be mutually supportive – Therefore, leftists must accept and support all left-wing constituencies no matter what contradictions might exist…

FAR: What Happened in Maui? – John Leake’s initial intuition about the Lahaina disaster was confirmed beyond his worst suspicions, with Federal and state agencies striking a mixture of corruption and incompetence in equal measure…

Thinker: California may soon banish youth tackle football – The People’s Democratic Republic of California is trying to ban youth tackle football before kids are 12 years old. Ostensibly, this is because it’s too dangerous; in fact, it’s almost certainly because the sport is masculine…


January 12, 2024

CJ: The SPLC’s preeminent weapon of cancel culture is a “hate map” that plots mainstream conservative and Christian groups – This organization feels right at home in the Biden administration, and proudly admits as much

Epoch: The Controversial UN Agency Accused of Aiding Hamas – The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), created almost 75 years ago to handle the Palestinian refugee crisis, has now become an obstacle to peace…

Epoch: Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor playing a leading role in the election interference case against former President Donald Trump in Georgia, is now part of a House Judiciary probe into the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s “politically motivated prosecution” of the former president and alleged misuse of federal funds

TIPP: Bidenflation Steady At 16.6%, With No Signs Of Easing – Americans continue to feel the pain of inflation amidst stagnant wage growth

GATESTONE: The UN Court Of “Injustice” Begins Its Blood Libel Trial Against Israel – It is not a real court, because the judges are selected by their countries and many of them follow the instructions of those who appointed them – The fact that it is the UN court, and that tells you all you need to know about it…

TNP: An Army Official Says Mark Milley Delayed The National Guard Response to Jan 6 And ‘Then Lied About It’ – Colonel Earl G. Matthews, senior legal adviser to Major General William J. Walker, who commanded the Washington D.C. National Guard on January 6th, 2021, blames former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley for letting the protest get out of hand…

FOX: 5 ugly details the Biden administration won’t tell you about the December jobs report – A classic example of misleadingly positive headlines the Biden’s team – #1, One-third of the jobs allegedly added in December were ones we thought we already had…

WJ: The Number of Americans Identifying as Democrats Plunges to Record Low – A Gallup survey released on Friday said there are as many Republicans as there are Democrats for the first time since 2004 – Also, the percentage of Americans who identify as politically independent has skyrocketed to match its highest level

CB: Both The House And Senate Joined To Strike Down A Biden EV Charger Rule Protecting Chinese Firms – “If we’re going to spend $5 billion to build electric vehicle charging stations for the US, they should be made by Americans in America using American products,” Rubio said in a floor speech in November

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A whistleblower has come forward with an explosive new trove of documents, rivaling or exceeding the Twitter Files and Facebook Files in scale and importance – They describe the activities of an ‘anti-disinformation’ group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, or CTIL,  whose tactics appear to have been absorbed into multiple official projects, including those of the Department of Homeland Security…

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to Taxpayers – The Prepared Testimony of Steven A. Camarota, Director of Research At The Center for Immigration Studies – Illegal immigrants are a net fiscal drain, meaning they receive more in government services than they pay in taxes…

NYP: The Biden administration’s willful negligence at the border not only created a human-rights disaster, but it also provided the perfect cover for terrorist sympathizers, child sex offenders, and cartel associates to enter the United States illegally – These terrorists will have an even better year if Congress doesn’t step up with some real legislative solutions…

Spectator: The Executive Branch Is Deliberately Failing US – America cannot afford another four years of an open-borders Democrat administration as these numbers show, along with the things that go with it…

NR: Impeach Mayorkas – He is merely the implementer and the symbol of President Biden’s dereliction, but he is still willfully failing to do his duty and thus a fit subject for impeachment…

WJ: We Are In Big Trouble If Rowe Is Right – According to Mike Rowe, host of “How America Works,” “work ethic” itself has succumbed to the cultural Marxism at the root of wokeness – A strong work ethic used to be a virtue, but now, anything that helps individuals aspire and succeed poses a challenge to the woke Marxist’s “oppressor-oppressed” narrative…

ZH: A Migrant Crisis Motive Revealed – Democrat Representative Yvette Clarke is running for re-election in New York’s 9th District – To achieve her goal of ruining a once great city, Clarke is demanding MORE illegal migrants…

JD Rucker: Senator Rand Paul announced Friday morning that he has an opinion about the upcoming election – He did NOT endorse a candidate, but instead declared that one candidate, in particular, must never be president – He even launched a website, NeverNikki.net that explains why…

Spectator: Nikki Haley Stands Up for the Swamp – Her remarks about chaos following Trump is a clear tip-off that she is a supporter of what Americans have come to call “The Swamp,” the continued Status Quo in DC as well as the Status Quo Establishment in America

Epoch: The Oregon Supreme Court on Friday declined to hear a 14th Amendment-related case to remove former President Donald Trump from the state’s ballots, saying it will wait for a U.S. Supreme Court decision before taking any action

NR: Hit the Houthis Hard And Go After Their Patrons In Iran – Inspired, financed, and trained by Iran’s revolutionary regime, the Houthis have given America the bird…

Powerline: ISRAEL’S LONG WAR – The war Hamas launched against Israel on Oct. 7 is unlikely to end soon – Hamas is still firing missiles. It still has snipers in schools and mosques, and trigger-pullers blending in with civilians on Gaza’s streets – Israel’s goal remains unchanged: to cripple Hamas’ military and governing capabilities…

Powerline: JEWISH STUDENTS SUE HARVARD AND MIT IS UP NEXT – A group of Jewish graduate students at Harvard, including several from the law school, have sued that university alleging rampant anti-Semitism in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – What is striking about the 77-page complaint is the breadth and depth of its factual allegations…

ZH: Nearly a week after WSJ journalists wrote a hit piece accusing Elon Musk of illegal drug use NASA came out swinging, saying Musk and SpaceX are not in violation of workplace rules on alcohol and drugs that could threaten rocket launches…

Globe: In what could best be described as a game of Judicial Ping Pong, two judges on a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Panel have blocked a California Law known as SB 2, which was signed into existence by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2023 and which would have prevented California citizens licensed for concealed weapons carry from doing so in what the bill described as sensitive places

Breitbart: The United Nations healthcare agency, the World Health Organization, has given transgender activists a majority of the seats in a panel that is drafting healthcare policies for children — Less than Half of the Panel Has a Medical Background…

Examiner: Despite the Supreme Court decision, the Biden administration is expanding and accelerating its income-driven student loan forgiveness plan – Borrowers who originally took out loans of $12,000 or less and have made at least 10 years of payments will be eligible for debt cancellation as early as next month…

Spectator: New EPA Regulations Are a Death Sentence for Small Oil and Gas Producers – These unworkable EPA regulations will put small producers nationwide out of business…

January 11, 2024

Fox: The Texas National Guard has seized control of a park at the U.S. southern border and is blocking the Border Patrol from entering the area – This is part of an effort to stop the surge of illegal immigration into Texas and a move likely to significantly increase tensions between Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the federal government

Breitbart: Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 16,000 Chinese migrants who crossed the border between ports of entry since the new fiscal year began on October 1 – This number is nearly two-thirds of the Chinese migrants apprehended during the entire Fiscal Year 23, which ended on September 30

CB: A federal judge has ruled that Ohio’s strict voter ID law, which includes a photo provision, is constitutional and has rejected a challenge to it – The ruling tossed a complaint filed by a Democrat law firm challenging provisions including a photo ID, “drop box restrictions, and tightened deadlines related to absentee and provisional ballots

Epoch: A man who filed several lawsuits in different states to try and prevent Donald Trump from appearing on ballots was arrested on federal tax charges –John Anthony Castro was charged last week with 33 counts of aiding the preparation of false tax returns…

NYP: Liberals are cheering first son Hunter Biden’s repeated defiance of Congress, but his stunts to disregard a legally required deposition only make him and his dad, President Biden, look even more guilty.

WFB: Congress Grills A DOE Official Over A $3 Billion Loan to a Solar Company Accused of Scamming Elderly – The Free Beacon reported on over 50 consumer complaints filed against Sunnova in Texas – One of Sunnova’s directors is a prominent Democrat donor…

CJ: Punching Sports Tickets with DEI – Diversity, equity, and inclusion mandates and quotas help grease the wheels for public financing of new pro sports stadiums – For example, Buffalo’s stadium deal that put taxpayers on the hook for more than half of the $1.4 billion tab came with a community benefits agreement that outlines a program to “encourage participation” from “targeted groups…

Wired: The White House Just Announced a $623 Million EV-Charging Bonanza – The funding is the latest chunk of change to be released from a total of $7.5 billion earmarked for charging and greener fueling in 2021’s Infrastructure Law

ZH: Secretary of State Antony Blinken Admits Iran Is Behind The ‘Biggest Attack’ Targeting US Ships, But There’s No Plan – The Tuesday night attack saw up to 24 missiles and drones sent against international shipping lanes in the southern part of the Red Sea, and crucially directly against a US warship…

Townhall: ‘We Have No Choice’ – During his town hall event on Wednesday with Fox News, former President Donald Trump reiterated his pledge to deport illegal border crossers if elected

Examiner: Joe Biden cautions against ‘extreme Republicans’ in the face of the hot December inflation report – The December CPI featured both month-to-month and year-over-year inflation clocking in above projections – Monthly inflation increased by 0.3% while yearly inflation rose by 3.4%…

SLAY: Sen. Bill Cassidy, the top Republican on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, is introducing legislation to prohibit Democrat-controlled states from forcing American citizens in other states to subsidize socialist state programs that expand public healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants

Globe: New swing state polls in the last few weeks have revealed that California Governor Gavin Newsom would fare poorly in the 2024 election should he somehow become the Democratic nominee, showing a severe lack of approval just before the state primaries

NR: Democrats Aren’t Going to Replace Joe Biden – There’s no mechanism to make it happen and Biden has shown no inclination to quit and is likely to do so only if he suffers a grave health incident – Also, nobody wants Kamala Harris who is universally recognized to be a political liability who isn’t up to the presidency…

ZH: The US Budget Deficit Soars By 50% In December As Fiscal Collapse Under Biden Accelerates – If 2023 was bad, then 2024, an election year, is shaping up to be far worse – It will come as no surprise the US has continued to spend like a drunken sailor…

Spectator: By Echoing Newsom’s AB5, Biden Risks Becoming Another Carter, ie. “Are you better or worse off” – His administration is imposing a failing California-style labor rule that limits independent contracting on the rest of America…

ZH: Blue Collar Democrats Switch To Republican In ‘Deep Purple’ Pennsylvania – Nearly 59,000 registered Pennsylvania Democrats left the party in 2023

Epoch: Takeaways From the Trump Town Hall and Haley–DeSantis Debate – Throughout the night, both Ms. Haley and Mr. DeSantis were called to speak critically of President Trump, who is far ahead of both of them in the polling, with a commanding 51-point lead over the second-best candidate...

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden ‘Saves’ Democracy By Destroying It – Any means necessary are justified to prevent the people from rightly choosing their president, given the fear that a majority might vote to elect Donald Trump…

Thinker: The Comical Democrat-Media January 6 Storyline for Election Year 2024 Carries On – As the election year 2024 begins, Democrat “News” media Colluders roll out their free campaign commercials for the Democrats – This malfeasance is a standard strategy for the Democrats and “news” media…

Breitbart: Democrat-controlled legislatures are refusing to stop “insurrections” that is, protests inside legislative facilities that aim to disrupt proceedings – In so doing, they may unintentionally be helping free hundreds of January 6 defendants from prison…

Thinker: The Free Speech Enigma – The problem isn’t too much free speech or too little, but rather the forces driving the illusion of free speech – During the last few years, free speech has been under direct assault, and without it, Western Civilization cannot survive…

CNBC: Prices that consumers pay for a variety of goods and services rose higher than expected in December, pushing the annual rate to 3.4% according to a Labor Department measure Thursday

GATESTONE: If the ruler of Qatar wanted to end the hostage saga, all he has to do is issue an ultimatum to Hamas that if the hostages are not released within, say, 48 hours, he will expel all the Hamas leaders who are still in Qatar and stop funding and providing political support to the group…

NR: Iran has claimed responsibility for an apparent hijacking of an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman – The U.K. Maritime Trade Operations received a report around 10:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday of the tanker being boarded by four or five armed men “wearing military-style black uniforms with black masks”

Thinker: 2024 promises epic defense issues and election turmoil – This year can be interesting in the worst possible way for those who desire peace, prosperity, and stability…

Thinker: At Chicago’s O’Hare airport, passengers can’t find a place to sit and are forced to step over illegals to board their planes – It seems the code inspectors who would normally stop this sort of thing as a fire-safety hazard or sanitation risk or zoning violation, have left the room…

Thinker: The Electric Car Con Explained – An important question is whether cars are a major consumer of energy and hence a significant contributor to CO2 emissions. – The U.S. car fleet accounts for a mere 1.0% of global energy demand so even if the U.S. shifts 100% to electric-powered cars, the maximum climate impact in 2050 is a meaningless 0.2%…

Spectator: America’s ‘Social Justice’ Nightmares Have Only Intensified – The people who elect Democrats are wrecking their communities – For example, a recent Seattle experience has shown us that you can’t reduce the drug problem by legalizing hitherto outlawed substances or refusing to enforce existing drug laws…

AG: A Fail of Two Cities – Schools in Chicago and Los Angeles are in bad shape, with no fixes on the horizon – According to NAEP, only 15% of Chicago’s 8th-grade students are proficient in math, and 21% are proficient in reading, but money is not the problem…

Breitbart: California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) is proposing to dip into the state’s “rainy day” fund to help fill the hole that is the state’s $38 billion deficit — a stunning shortfall, given a surplus of nearly $100 billion that the Golden State had enjoyed just a year before…

Globe: At $478,000 Per Unit Those ‘Tiny’ Apartments For The Homeless Are Now Open in Sacramento – The cost to build them was $1,707 per square foot…

AC: Ending Slush Fund Settlements – Beginning in the Obama administration, settlement funds from federal lawsuits were diverted not to victims or the U.S. Treasury, but to third-party organizations, often ideologically aligned with the administration…

CJ: More Sloppy Scholarship on Trans Identity – Critics realized that Lisa Littman’s hypothesis directly challenged the tenets of gender-identity theory – Trying to undermine the concept of rapid onset gender dysphoria, its advocates succeed only in revealing their agenda…

Dr. Joseph Mercola: How to Use ChatGPT as Your Teacher – Never share confidential information with ChatGPT or any other LLM – According to one large-scale study, ChatGPT “shows a significant and systemic left-wing bias … favoring the Labour Party and President Joe Biden’s Democrats”… – Click Here For The Video

January 10, 2024

Epoch: Recently, researchers found that non-live vaccines like influenza, COVID-19, hepatitis B, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) tend to cause adverse nonspecific effects (NSE), increasing a person’s risks of all-cause mortality and the potential risk of infections from diseases they are meant to protect against

Chris Christie, the former New Jersey governor and GOP candidate who has consistently polled toward the bottom of the field of candidates, announced in a town hall event in New Hampshire on Wednesday that he is dropping out of the race

Spectator: Biden Urged The Oppressed To Cross The Border And Now There Are Caravans – It was a blatant invitation to defy federal immigration law – A recent CBS News/YouGov poll showed that 45% of Americans consider the situation at the Southwest border a crisis…

WSJ: Iowa GOP Debate Takeaways – Haley And DeSantis Pummel Each Other – The face-off comes just hours after Chris Christie departed the presidential contest…

WJ: The liberal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial in New York has banned him from delivering a closing argument – Judge Arthur Engoron told Trump’s legal team he would not be permitted to speak in court after they failed to agree to certain conditions...

Fox: Donald Trump signaled during an Iowa Town Hall event on Fox News Wednesday night that he has already decided who he will choose to be his running mate in 2024 – “We’ll do another show sometime,” Trump said when pushed by host Martha MacCallum to “give us a hint”

Breitbart: Donald Trump says Deputy AG Lisa Monaco is the person who is pulling the strings at the DOJ, not Merrick Garland – Some leading congressional committees are investigating Monaco’s role inside the Justice Department and in the ongoing politicized nature of federal law enforcement…

Breitbart: Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis secretly colluded with the one-sided, Democrat-run January 6 Committee to obtain tips that would help her prosecute Donald Trump  – She tried to keep it out of court, and public view, using a procedural trick which could blow up her case…

Townhall: Despite another Capitol Hill stunt from Hunter Biden, the House Judiciary Committee approved a resolution calling for the president’s son to be held in contempt of Congress for brazenly defying a congressional subpoena requiring him to sit for a deposition with House lawmakers

Reason: Gavin Newsom Defies the Supreme Court – California made carry permits easier to obtain but nearly impossible to use – Newsom is trying out a different strategy, ignore the Second Amendment and maybe it will go away

DM: The CDC gave $540,000 to a ‘Transgender Equity Consulting’ firm founded by an Argentinian former sex worker who proudly states she lived in the US ‘undocumented’ for ten years – The funding is to help tackle HIV transmission in the trans and sex worker community

GATESTONE: When the Biden administration first convinced Israel to open up the siege of Gaza and allow in international aid, it promised Hamas would not get aid – For those watching, there’s been plenty to see as armed Hamas fighters have hijacked aid convoys in videos taken both by the IDF and civilians in Gaza…

GELLER: The DOJ issued a “stand-down order” to federal law enforcement and U.S. attorneys to stop them from investigating “incitement, violence, and vandalism” committed by Hamas supporters who hold U.S. visas, according to a complaint filed by the Washington Free Beacon

Thinker: The problem is Joe, Not Lloyd – Just think about this for a minute – With all that is going on in the world these does, how does the President of the United States go three days without talking to the Secretary of Defense?…

AC: The Fourteenth Amendment Farce – None of the actions to boot Mr. Trump off the ballot have any merit; all are fatally flawed. The legal theories upon which they are based find no support in the text and original meaning of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment

Examiner: Trump responds to fake photos of him on Epstein’s plane – “This is what the Democrats do to their Republican Opponent, who is leading them, by a lot, in the Polls” – “This is A.I., and it is very dangerous for our Country!”

Federalist: Speaker Johnson Folds Like A Cheap Suit To Democrats’ Spending Increases – Republicans had significant leverage to demand spending concessions from Democrats but let them increase spending in the latest deal anyway…

Examiner: Rep. Mark Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee says Alejandro Mayorkas has earned an ouster because of his lies to Congress and the public, plummeting morale among his employees and growing deaths at the border…

Federalist: Ramaswamy, “Ditch The Democrats’ Phony J6 Narratives And Speak The Truth” – His campaign of incendiary comments ticked off plenty of Democrats and Never Trumpers by suggesting the real crime that day was committed by federal agents looking to set up enthusiastic backers of the outgoing president…

SLAY: During a new interview with Tucker Carlson, Republican Representative Clay Higgins said FBI assets were instigating trouble on January 6 – “We believe that there were easily 200 FBI undercover assets operating in the crowd, outside the Capitol, embedded into groups that entered the Capitol or provoked entry into the Capitol”

ZH: Lawyers Predict A Supreme Court Win Is In The Cards For January 6 Defendants – If SCOTUS finds an Enron-era obstruction law, 18 U.S. Code Section 1512(c), is being misused against the defendants, their charges are likely to be thrown out…

Thinker: From Fourth Estate To Fifth Column – Fifth Columns normally operate in the shadows – But now, formerly known as the “Watchdogs of Democracy,” most of today’s media has become the propaganda arm of the American Left…

AG: The Inherently Destructive “Uniparty” Agenda – Wealthy elites have always exercised disproportionate influence in American politics, but what is happening in 21st-century America is unique and caused by pure, naked, and unmitigated greed…

Thinker: The Fabricated Memory of January 6th – The Democrat Party got help from the media, with the editors, camera crews, and post-production people creating a memory to be played over and over to create a collective memory of the supposed insurrection…

AG: Academic Groupthink – America is chafing beneath the leadership of an expert class motivated to elevate the experts who flatter the egos of the expert class – The safest, surest, most common path to success in academia involves telling those already designated experts precisely what they most want to hear…

Thinker: On Being a White, Male, Nazi, Insurrectionist RINO – Would racism, religious animosity, tribalism, as well as economic dislocations and conflicts cease to exist if American white men ceased to exist? – So why don’t we look at some numbers…

Breitbart: Hunter Biden knew the identities of 70% of his “anonymous” art buyers after the White House claimed Hunter was “not involved in the sale or discussions about the sale of his art,” and that Hunter would not be “informed” of “who is purchasing his art,” the House Oversight Committee found Tuesday

EPOCH: What Taxpayers Should Know About Reporting Certain Payments to IRS in 2024 – The IRS is planning to start implementing new reporting requirements for those receiving 1099-K forms…

January 9, 2024

Spectator: Biden Lashes Out At The Half Of The Country That Refuses to Vote for Him – His speech on Jan. 5 left no room for any doubt – Your choice is either Democrats or chaos because he is democracy and Trump is not

Spectator: The Devil Just Went Down in Georgia – You just had the feeling it was a matter of time before something would break in that ridiculous case in Georgia – On Monday, it did, confirming that Fani Willis is utterly corrupt…

SLAY: Black Democrat Voters Continue to Abandon Biden for 2024, Declaring ‘Everything Was Better’ Under Trump – “Biden did not deliver on anything he promised, and the prices of gas and everything is so expensive”…

SLAY: Jeffrey Epstein’s brother Mark has come forward with a collection of evidence he says proves his brother did not kill himself – His death was ruled a suicide, but multiple inconsistencies raise significant suspicions regarding the official story…

Thinker: In New York, kids are being kicked out of their school and forced into Zoom classes to house illegal migrants – They’ve always got some emergency there – So kids pay, and it’s every time now…

Powerline: THE FOLLY OF NET ZERO – The Democrat Party is pushing for net zero legislation in the U.S., but we can learn much from Great Britain’s experience – Rupert Darwall authored this report titled “The Folly of Climate Leadership, Net Zero, and Britain’s disastrous energy policies”

GATESTONE: Lebanon Hosts Terrorists and a Points Massive Arsenal at Israel, Then Complains When Israel Defends Itself – Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah revealed in a speech that his terror militia had conducted around 670 armed attacks against Israel since October 8…

Breitbart: China’s Global Times declared President Joe Biden “inadequate” and his administration “disorderly” on Monday over the secret hospitalization of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin – This criticism is levied nearly five months after the unexplained disappearance of now-former Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu

WSJ: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Has Prostate Cancer According to The Pentagon – A urinary tract infection prompted a return to the hospital, a move that was kept from the White House for three days

CFIS: The Biden administration’s continuing effort to conceal or lie about the historic rates of illegal immigration into America is fast becoming a crisis in its own right – Its enormous scale over the past three years has implications for nearly every aspect of American society, from public coffers to labor markets to the balance of political power, to culture…

HA: Arizona Allows Noncitizens to Vote in Federal Elections – “A person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but failure to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote in federal elections (known as being a “federal only” voter)”

ZH: Amid allegations that D.C. agencies have been weaponized against their critics, one organization has played a key role in marshaling evidence of such wrongdoing – Empower Oversight Whistleblowers & Research now finds itself at the center of an emerging government targeting scandal that further substantiates the claims of our administrative state critics…

NR: Biden’s presidency is buffeted by directionless from one crisis to the next without having much of an impact on the trajectory of any one of them – Lloyd Austin’s disappearance occurred amid an ongoing national humiliation due to the many dozens of attacks on U.S. service personnel in Iraq and Syria

RTM: In a Tuesday interview, Marjorie Taylor Greene asserted that  Biden’s “faculties” have been failing and that DNC leaders may move to replace the embattled president with Michelle Obama – “She owns Biden’s policies, everything we’ve seen for the past few years under Biden’s presidency will be far worse”

GELLER: ‘Fulton Country DA Fani Willis paid her lover, private attorney Nathan Wade, $654,000 of taxpayer money since January 2022 to act as special prosecutor in her case to get Trump – Wade then paid for lavish vacations he took with Willis using the Fulton County funds his firm received…

TDF: Bill Clinton was spotted with California Governor Gavin Newsom and the Governor’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, in a luxurious Mexican resort in the wake of the release of the Jeffrey Epstein documents, which named Clinton over 50 times

JD Rucker: There are people spending decades in jail who didn’t encourage entry into the Capitol Building on January 6, which Epps was seen doing in three separate videos – While political prisoners rot in the DC gulags, he’s getting probation, a fine, and community service and nothing more…

Thinker: The DOJ plans to arrest everybody in the zip code for January 6 – Joe Biden, at his Valley Forge speech, invoked “insurrectionists” or “insurrection” some 11 times, presaging his campaign strategy – One might be forgiven for thinking the DOJ is little more than a Stasi-like arm of his reelection campaign…

AC: ‘It’s Sh*t’: Conservatives Trying to Stave off Spending and Border Disaster – Representative Chip Roy has some choice words for Republicans who want to spend trillions while the border remains wide open – The actual spending levels in this plan are nearly $100 billion above what we are being promised…

Mexico raises its price to Biden for halting the migrant flow – Biden’s inaction on the border surge has opened the door to a lot of opportunities for Mexico’s president, and he’s taking them – He knows a rollable mark when he sees one…

Thinker: The Roots of Lawfare – Republicans have been slow to react to this strategy with an unwarranted trust in the goodness of Democrats to be fair and reasonable people – One person who did see the importance of the Judicial system to be used by Democrats was then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016…

Federalist: Democrats’ Statue Toppling Is A Dress Rehearsal For Going After Actual People – The removal of statues and memorials by radical Democrats has never been about the past, but about the raw exercise of political power and the assertion of tyranny over a free people in the here and now…

Sun: The Biden Administration Withdraws Proposal To Remove William Penn Statue, After National Backlash – Three days after the announcement of a proposal to remove the Philadelphia statue, the National Park Service says it was ‘released prematurely’

ZH: The Astounding 50% Boost In Corporate Profits? – When you allow your economy to be dominated by quasi-monopolies and cartels, they all raise prices and diminish quality as a unified concentration of financial and political power…

TVF: Astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon Dropped a Nuclear Bomb on the Entire Man-Made Climate Change Narrative During A Tucker Carlson Interview – “This global warming is a complete nothing” – He’s 90% sure the sun, not carbon dioxide, is causing climate change…

Thinker: They Hate the Military – Today’s Democrat holds extreme antipathy towards the military going back at least to the 1960s – Recall that John Kerry rose to prominence by slandering the military and Jimmy Carter, a Naval Academy graduate himself, drastically gutted the Armed Forces…

Thinker: Electric buses, just another bankrupt green boondoggle – All those electric buses will be abandoned or spontaneously combust – Electric buses are just like electric passenger vehicles and not ready for prime time, only more so…

Breitbart: Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux has no intention of diverting office resources to the enforcement of new gun-free zones for concealed carriers, should SB2, a California law, designed to go into effect January 1, 2024, take effect

Spectator: It’s no secret that Americans are moving from blue states to red ones in very large numbers – The most frequently cited reason for this ongoing migration is taxes, or more correctly, the opportunity to pay less and fewer of them – Job opportunity is also a strong red state lure

Examiner: California’s $68 billion budget shortfall has the state facing the possibility of even more budget cuts, so Democrats are considering raiding education funds to keep up their irresponsible spending – This comes as California’s Medi-Cal program is about to spend $3.1 billion per year on comprehensive health insurance for illegal immigrants…

CM: The upcoming Supreme Court case about impact fees could have huge consequences for housing in California – The stakes are especially high in California, where impact fees can tack on hundreds of thousands of dollars to new housing projects that are already among the most expensive to build in the nation…

January 8, 2024

Spectator: World War III Is Coming, and Senile Joe Doesn’t Care – Last week we were treated to the cringe-worthy spectacle of POTUS, after giving a speech, being led off the stage by his ambitious wife, who, unlike her husband, still has her wits about her – This display of frailty made the highlight reels in Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, and Pyongyang, with many replays…

FOX: Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday admitted to Border Patrol agents that the current rate of release for illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border is “above 85% – There were over 300,000 migrant encounters in December alone

Epoch: According To The FBI, Illegal Aliens Tried Nearly 48,000 Times to Purchase Firearms Over Past 25 Years – Gun shops say federal background checks work, but it’s difficult to know who is in the country lawfully…

WJ: Several House Republicans have threatened to vote against funding the government if a recent deal between Democrats and Republicans to do so doesn’t include border security measures – “Funding the government should be contingent on the president signing H.R. 2, or its functional equivalent, into law”

WJ: A Top JP Morgan Strategist Predicts When Joe Biden Will Drop Out of The 2024 Election – Biden will withdraw from the presidential race for “health reasons sometime between Super Tuesday and March 5th and the November election...

Sharyl Attkisson: Most voters say the Ukraine war has reached a stalemate – A Rasmussen poll found that 52% see the war in Ukraine as basically a stalemate, up from 45% last May…

SLAY: Unsealed files released on Monday confirmed that Epstein made sex tapes of powerful elites which he used to bribe them – “When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Richard Branson, sex tapes were filmed on each separate occasion by Jeffery” a witness alleged…

PM: A new batch of 17 exhibits from Epstein documents were unsealed on Monday – In 2008, Maureen Ransom was approached by Special Agents sent directly by Hilary Clinton herself, to protect her presidential campaign – “They heavily intimidated her and ruffled her up…

NB: Karine Jean-Pierre Refused to Answer 98% of Biden Scandal-Related Questions in 2023 – In the second half of 2023 she answered only two questions about the scandals facing Joe Biden for a yearly total of a paltry eight such questions she answered across 75 White House briefings…

ZH: The Fed’s President Lorie Logan Said The Quiet Part Out Loud – Her first presentation point can be summarized as a concern that “Liquidity is draining (too damn) fast” – She said that “While there’s still more than enough liquidity in the financial system, individual banks could start to see constraints”…

Breitbart: The Biden Campaign Scolds The Media For ‘Falling Short’ On Their Coverage Of Trump – They reportedly hold off-the-record meetings with establishment news reporters and editors to provide them with spreadsheets about where they think their reporting fell short…

Victor Davis Hanson: A Culture in Collapse – American civilization has been turned upside down, and the signs are everywhere, covering the gamut of politics, the economy, education, social life, popular culture, foreign policy, and the military…

WJ: Something Telling Happened 3 Times Before The Blowout on The Boeing 737 Max Jetliner over Oregon – The pressurization warning light came on during three previous flights…

Thinker: Meritocracy and the Democrats – Today’s Democrats have eschewed competition in favor of (ahem) “intersectionality,” belonging to multiple victim groups, and, guess what, no progress as the lack of talent among Democrat ranks has, again, been pushed to the surface…

NR: What Democrats Will Never Do to Defend Democracy – Imagine if Biden said that democracy is so important that no one should be striking his probable opponent from the ballot – Or if he said he now realizes that he, too, let down the constitutional order by undertaking executive orders that exceeded his authority…

Breitbart: According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 45% of Americans say they are worse off economically than they were a year ago, with just 23% saying they are better off – Inflation is a major reason many Americans feel they are falling behind…

Examiner: SCOTUS rejected an appeal from Elon Musk to lift a ban on X from disclosing who the federal government is surveilling on its platform – X, formerly known as Twitter, attempted to publish a report in 2014 disclosing the number of government surveillance orders that it had received over six months in 2013…

Epoch: Donald Trump on Monday filed several motions to dismiss his election case in Fulton County, Georgia – His lawyers argued he was working in his official capacity as president when he moved to try and investigate what he described as election fraud following the 2020 election…

Thinker: The Twists and Turns of Trump’s Legal Journey – Rather than walk through all the convoluted bits of Trump’s active Federal cases, it’s probably better to just hit the bullet points on the ones being heard right away…

Thinker: No Border, So Say Goodbye To America – Lessons from Milton Friedman, Herbert Stein, and Cloward-Piven – A welfare state in an open-border country will eventually reach a tipping point, which raises the question, are we already there?…

Dallas Ludlum: Making the Case On Why Vivek Ramaswamy is Right About Climate Change – He posits a thought-provoking perspective: the current climate change agenda, as it stands, is more a tool of control than a genuine effort to combat environmental issues…

January 7, 2024

WSJ: Congressional Negotiators Reach Agreement on a $1.6 Trillion Government Spending Level for 2024 – The deal paves the way toward a full-year package averting a shutdown, but much work is still needed…

WJ: Islamic Extremism Doesn’t Always Need Bombs or Planes – Danish shipping giant Maersk announced on Friday that it will continue diverting vessels away from the Red Sea for the “foreseeable future” due to security threats…

FP: The UN, famous for not having ended wars, genocide, tyranny and ushering in utopia in 1956 has a plan to save the planet – They will merely need $150 trillion (also known as 150% of the world’s GDP) a small price to pay for ending the threat and menace of… extreme weather?

Breitbart: Illegal aliens arriving at US borders have less than a 5% chance of being deported ICE data reveals – that in FY 2023 over 3.2 million illegal aliens were encountered at the nation’s borders and just 142,580 of them were deported by ICE agents over the same period…

Breitbart: A Record Low Are Satisfied in U.S. with The ‘Way Democracy Is Working’ Under Biden – Only 28% of adults living in the US, a constitutional republic, are satisfied with the state of democracy, down from 35% when Gallup polled on the issue two years ago…

Peter Navarro: Beware the Haley-RINO Trump Trap in New Hampshire and South Carolina – The Never-Trump RINO establishment has only two shots to take down Donald Trump – Nikki Haley is their trigger girl in what they hope will be its fatal double tap on Trump…

Breitbart: Biden’s National Park Service to Remove William Penn Statue from Philadelphia – Penn a Quaker, treated the Native Americans of the area with respect and deference – However, he also owned slaves, which has led to the removal of his statue, which will be replaced with more inclusive displays – …

Spectator: A Racial Preferences Replay Under Gavin’s Governance – Invoking “research” to override the law and justify unequal treatment – ACA-7, which must still qualify for the ballot, requires that all groups be represented according to their population percentage…

WJ: The Bill Gates Foundation Busted for Big Payments to Beijing – Tax Docs Show Tens of Millions Sent or Promised – The nonprofit listed grants to over 20 different Chinese entities, including Chinese government agencies...

TVF: Media Blackout, 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – #10, Epstein file dump reveals disturbing revelations about Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, Al Gore, and more – #6, A bill introduced in House calls for U.S. government to drop charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange…

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Sunday that it discovered an underground facility in the northern Gaza Strip that had been used to make cruise missiles, “under Iranian guidance,” that could have targeted sites in Israel with more accuracy than rockets…

RCP: Hamas, The Palestinian Authority, and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency Educate Gaza school children for Jihad – The defeat of jihadism in Gaza will not be complete without a fundamental reorientation of its educational system…

Former president Donald Trump is poised to win more Black votes than any other Republican presidential candidate in history, according to estimates ahead of the 2024 election – Bloomberg reported that the national and swing state polls show Trump has between 14 percent and 30 percent of the Black vote share

Breitbart: Police in Toronto, Canada brought coffee to anti-Israel protesters who blocked a road in a predominantly Jewish residential neighborhood on Saturday – The protest closed a major access point to Armour Heights…

Roger Kimball: Biden’s Valley Forge Speech Fails to Cement the Trump Is A Would-Be Dictator Narrative – I would not be surprised if future historians singled out this speech as the moment his campaign began its final retreat into senile collapse

Thinker: Joe Biden’s medications and vacations aren’t working – It’s becoming increasingly hard to tell if his daily level of confusion is worthy of more than passing mention – Hang on for a wild, and potentially destructive, ride from now until the election and beyond…

Epoch: Former Attorney General Bill Barr said that the Department of Justice cast its net ‘far too broadly’ on prosecuting Jan. 6 defendants – Biden’ DOJ went too far by targeting people who merely “walked into open doors and hung around…

Thinker: It’s funny how it costs more to open a border than build a wall – Data show that the more money Congress hands to Joe Biden for border security, the worse the border crisis gets…

Breitbart: The top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Roger Wicker, slammed the Pentagon for its “shocking defiance of the law” after it failed to disclose Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization to the president, the National Security Council, and Congress for several days…

Thinker: Higher Education’s DEI And Cargo Cultism – DEI is not and cannot make high-performing professionals out of people without the abilities to perform such tasks – The overloaded DEI staff and remedial teachers are not magicians who can do this…

Thinker: A Case Study in Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome – Our epidemic of TDS does not appear to be abating – Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s secretary of labor recently published an article in The Guardian entitled “10 New Year resolutions for saving American democracy”- 1. “Become a political activist to ensure Trump is not elected.”…

NYP: The owner of a Los Angeles bakery targeted by a mob of 100 looters is angered at the rampant street takeovers, ‘Nobody gets punished for anything’ – The looters used a Kia to drive into the storefront during an illegal street takeover…

January 6, 2024

JD Rucker: Was It Obama’s Call? – The White House Was Kept in the Dark While Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Was in ICU – It has been suggested that Barack Obama is actually in charge – Is this situation an example of a decision being made above Joe Biden’s paygrade?

Epoch: An Explainer Of January 6 And Its Aftermath – January 6, 2021, will forever be a prominent part of American history – Understanding that historic day requires solid information, full context, and a willingness to look beyond the narratives that began before it was even a few hours old…

SLAY: Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley says January 6 was a protest and not a “rebellion or insurrection” – “Not only has President Trump not been charged with incitement or rebellion in the three years since Jan. 6, but the American people do not view it that way, either” – “The 14th Amendment, Section Three, deals with rebellion, and insurrection”

Fox: There’s something wrong with previous U.S. jobs reports – Jobs results for 2023 were inflated by 439,000 positions, so the job market is not as healthy as the government suggested

Spectator: Partisan Efforts to Keep Trump Off The Ballots – In an era of hyper-partisanship, the Supreme Court will step in – As four different prosecutors charged Trump with 91 crimes, Trump’s poll numbers among GOP primary voters have skyrocketed…

CB: The estate of Jan. 6 protester Ashli Babbitt, who a plainclothes Capitol Police officer killed on the day of the riot, has filed a $30 million lawsuit against the Biden administration for wrongful death. The legal watchdog organization Judicial Watch filed the suit

CFIS: DHS’s Latest Weekend News Dump Is a Stunner – CBP has released at least 2 million Southwest border migrants in the last 2 fiscal years and could exceed 3 million when all other releases are included…

INC: Is The Washington Post in full-scale collapse? – According to a recent report, not only is the Post losing $100 million a year, but it lost over half of its online engagement by the end of 2023 – The signs were already there by mid-year, and the worst has come to pass…

ZH: There may be light at the end of the tunnel for Americans struggling to afford a home, but it will take at least three and a half years to get there nationally and longer in major metro areas, according to Joe Seydl, JPMorgan’s senior markets

GATESTONE: 2024, The Year Iran Will Go Nuclear If Western Powers Do Not Act – The failure of the Western powers to counter its nuclear program serves as the most explicit endorsement one can provide that Iran can continue developing its nuclear weapons without any fear of negative consequences

WSJ: Our Battered Congress Has Two Weeks to Fix Three Big Problems – Stop a government shutdown, fix the border, and fund Ukraine converge on Capitol Hill – Unfortunately, this divided group of lawmakers has an abysmal record of passing legislation…

Thinker: How Obama Pulls Biden’s Strings – Obama’s presidential term three was made possible by Biden’s appointment of an enormous number of Obamaites, such as Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen, Merrick Garland…

Thinker: Is there any hope left for the U.S.S. Biden? – It’s not just that his polling numbers, “Biden for President staff have seen volunteers quit in droves, and people who have voted blue for decades feel uncertain about doing so for the first time, because of this conflict”

JD Rucker: As the Biden regime, corporate media, the weaponized DOJ, most Democrats, and nearly 100% of NeverTrumpers continue to promote the false narrative that Donald Trump incited insurrection on January 6, 2021, it’s important to remember what he said that day…

NR: – Trump’s strategy is to delay, delay, delay – If he can get trials in these cases postponed until after Election Day and win, a new Trump Justice Department will dismiss the indictments…

Thinker: The Case Against Progressive Utopia – Utopian elites see the “deplorable” masses as ignorant children while they are the wise adults – This requires a totalitarian approach to governance and a double-standard rule of law where no moral restrictions or ethical limitations apply…

Thinker: President Trump secured peace and earned respect for America, then Joe Biden came in with a steamroller – Biden’s foreign policies can essentially be summed up in a few words: flatten everything built up by Trump while claiming it was for the sake of our American reputation

Thinker: White Rage In The Military, The Report Is Out – Is it any wonder the sons and daughters of the families that have traditionally produced our warriors are opting for different, and far less politically hazardous, careers?…

AG: Driving Under The Influence of Social Media at the Crossroad of Freedom and Serfdom – Hardwiring youth to become hypersensitive to “social feedback”—i.e., “peer pressure” within their network will have an immense and deleterious impact upon a free society

NYP: Inside Bill Clinton’s ‘close’ relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell – Among the bizarre revelations was an oil painting hanging prominently in Epstein’s Upper East Side townhouse dubbed “Parsing Bill…

ZH: Has The Global Food Inflation Crisis Been Averted? – The latest United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization data shows global food prices have just recorded the biggest annual decline since 2015

Globe: The CA Dept. of Insurance Approved State Farm 20% Home Insurance Rate Increase – ‘Consumers are ultimately just the ones footing the bill’

Thinker: Portland facing an explosion of a ‘highly infectious illness that spreads through fecal matter’ – “Progressive” Democrats turned a figurative septic tank into a literal one – Shigellosis symptoms include “bloody or prolonged” diarrhea, and “feeling the need to poop even when the bowels are empty”…

POWERLINE: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, GAY TIMES EDITION – It’s not often that a schadenfreude moment like the self-immolation of Harvard’s Claudine Gay lasts an entire month…

January 5, 2024

Epoch: The U.S. Supreme Court accepted a petition for immediate review regarding a Colorado Supreme Court decision to strike former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot – Oral arguments are scheduled for Feb. 8th

CJ: A “Coordinated Campaign” – This spring, the Supreme Court will review the federal government’s alleged efforts to pressure social media companies to censor speech to protect public health can override the First Amendment

WJ: Donald Trump: If elected, “On my first day back, I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and immediately restore the full set of strong Trump border policies,” – “I also will invoke the Alien Enemies Act to remove known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States”

WJ: Albany County Wyoming District Judge Misha Westby rejected a motion calling for former President Donald Trump to be removed from the state’s 2024 presidential ballot over the left’s claim that he ran afoul of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

PM: A third batch of Epstein documents was released on Friday, containing 29 exhibits and over 400 pages – One exhibit included a list of terms including many of the victims’ names as well as “Andrew” “Clinton,” “Prince,” “Royal,” “underage,” and “pedophile”

Reason: When the government distributed $350 billion via the 2022 pandemic aid bill it was clear the funds must be spent by the end of 2024 or be recouped – The Biden administration quietly changed those rules in late 2023…

AG: Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program is Accelerating Because of Joe Biden – As we approach the 2024 U.S. presidential election, the Middle East will become more unstable, and Iran will get even closer to having a nuclear weapon…

GATESTONE: Groups That Support Hamas – Surprisingly, by far, the largest group supporting Hamas appears to be TikTok – Other groups reportedly include the Democratic Socialists of America, Jewish Voice for Peace, IfNotNow, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the National Lawyers Guild…

NR: Which Hostile Power Is Getting Free Passage from the Houthis? – Iran-Backed Houthis Shut Down Red Sea Shipping, but Not for the Chinese – China’s COSCO Shipping Holding has become the only major shipping giant able to navigate the Red Sea…

Breitbart: Israel, Gaza Has Enough Food, But The UN Struggles to Distribute More Of It – Before the war, there was an average of 70 trucks carrying food entering Gaza every day – The average this week was 109 trucks…

AC: China’s Biological Clock – The CCP’s one-child policy has since been replaced with a three-child policy to combat dangerously low birth rates and an aging population. Still, it is proving to be too little, too late as Chinese women are getting fed up…

Breitbart: The Blue State Blues, Insurrection Is OK, as Long As It’s by the Left – This week, there was an “insurrection” in California’s State Capitol – Because they are part of the Democrat Party coalition, and they are using a tactic that Democrats have reserved for themselves for over a decade, no problem…

Modernity: An Epstein Victim Was Used to “Obtain Blackmail Information” on “Prominent American Politicians and Other World Leaders” – The operation’s goal was to put powerful people in compromising positions and then use that information against them…

SLAY: Megyn Kelly Teases Future Evidence That Jeffrey Epstein Is Still Alive – Kelly said she’s not yet “allowed to tell you” what she knows, but insisted “we’re not done with Jeffrey Epstein” -“I Can Tell You for a Fact, You May Be Hearing from Him Directly”…

SLAY: The Second Batch Of Documents Related To Jeffrey Epstein Reveal Even More Damning Information Regarding Bill Clinton – He threatened Vanity Fair to stop reports exposing his ‘good friend’ Epstein’s crimes

Globe: The Activist, Communist, and Hypocrite Who Stripped Californians of 2nd Amendment Rights – The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit once again showed America why they are the most often overturned court by the U.S. Supreme Court…

Thinker: Is an American dictatorship inevitable? – El Salvador teaches a painful but valuable lesson as we will soon run out of effective procedural remedies for an increasingly out-of-control government – A strong man is needed to turn things around…

Modernity: Biden Hasn’t Done Anything For Two Weeks – He spent 9 minutes at the Children’s National Hospital on Dec 22nd and that’s it – White House correspondents have started to ask questions about why there has been nothing on Joe Biden’s schedule recently

Insider: Biden Is ‘Actively Facilitating’ Illegal Immigration As A Caravan Of 15,000 Illegal Immigrants Reportedly Heads To The U.S. – Known as the ‘poverty exodus,’ it recently departed from Southern Mexico, and is comprised of individuals from 24 countries…

Thinker: Invasion Inversion, Turning America Upside-Down – This mass invasion didn’t just happen organically – The magnitude and duration of this invasion demand answers to four core questions – #1, Who organizes these people – #2 Who provides them with water, food, and critical support …

CD: The Biden Administration Is Suing Texas For Their Immigration Law – The claim enforcement of immigration law is the exclusive domain of the federal authority – In December, Abbott, signed into law Senate Bill 4 that makes it a crime in Texas to enter the state illegally and gives judges the ability to issue orders to remove people from the US

NR: Why Republicans Have the Upper Hand on the Border Issue – When Leftist policies have been to permit 4.5 million illegal immigrants to enter the U.S., straining communities around the country, your credibility takes a big hit…

I&I: Climate Crimes And Misdemeanors – There is no evidence, only speculation, that human emissions of greenhouse gases are overheating Earth – Despite this, there’s a growing movement to prosecute and incarcerate those who violate the rules set down by the climate zealots, and this nonsense is not new…

SLAY: One of the world’s leading climate experts has spoken out to warn the public that the globalist green agenda claim that carbon dioxide causes “global warming” is “wholly untrue” – The agenda championed by the WEF and the UN alleges that carbon dioxide is causing the so-called “climate crisis” that needs to be addressed via their Agenda 2030…

Thinker: It’s Always Climate Change – The Democrats use their favorite boogeyman scapegoat in the most ridiculous of ways – Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas took climate change to another level by blaming the border crisis on, yes, say it, climate change…

ZH: The Fed artificially suppressed the cost of capital to less than inflation – Consequently, they fatally distorted the economy, greatly enriched the very rich at the expense of the middle class, and reduced the bottom 90% to essentially debt-serfs

PM: NY AG Letitia James increased the amount that Trump and his company should pay in the civil case to $370 million, up from the prior $250 million, in the lawsuit alleging Trump inflated the value of his real estate holdings – Closing arguments are scheduled for January 11…

Thinker: The Year of Living Dangerously Has Begun – Not since 1860 has the nation faced a presidential election so consequential and so fraught with perils – Biden’s handlers are sending a loud signal that Trump must be denied the presidency…

Breitbart: A top prosecutor now on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team discouraged the FBI from investigating the Clinton Foundation in 2016 due to what he claimed was “negligible evidence” – This was despite the existence of “multiple” Suspicious Activity Reports related to “hundreds of thousands of dollars in foreign transactions”

TIPP Insights: The Never-Trumpers’ Fool’s Errand – They are throwing their support behind Nikki Haley, hoping she can engineer a solid second-place finish in New Hampshire as part of a four-fold strategy…

WT: The Feds go hard on January 6 defendants but dismissed most Portland riot cases – Alexandra Putin is one of more than a dozen Portland defendants offered diversion agreements and one of 70 to have their cases dismissed without a conviction – Not one Jan. 6 defendant has been offered a diversion agreement…

SLAY: Several U.S. cities have seen rates of gun crimes fall after they adopted constitutional carry laws – A new study analyzed data on crime rates before and after a constitutional carry law was implemented and found that gun crimes dropped in six of Ohio’s eight largest cities

GELLER: The Perry School Mass Shooter Was A Prominent Trans Activist And Also Planted an IED in the School – 17-year-old Dylan Butler was a very public trans activist with a prominent activist social media presence that has been scrubbed almost entirely…

TCS: Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine banned transgender transition surgeries on minors with an executive order Friday – This comes a week after he vetoed House Bill 68, which banned the practice and required single-sex sports teams to be established at schools, colleges, and universities throughout the state

NYP: A top model who jumped to her death from her Wall Street apartment building had previously been one of the teen girls flown to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, newly unsealed court documents show – Ruslana Korshunova was just 18 when she was a passenger on the pedophile’s so-called Lolita Express

TDF: Sex changes and hormone therapy will be one of the many things included in the healthcare coverage provided to illegal immigrants in California, via Media-Cal beginning January

Federalist: The Association of Mature American Citizens Has Quietly Become A Conservative Powerhouse – Move over, AARP, a conservative competitor that rejects the AARP’s liberal political agenda for seniors has 2.2 million members and is growing…

January 4, 2024

On Wednesday, District Judge David Carter granted a motion to dismiss a lawsuit that sought to keep former President Donald Trump off the Republican primary ballot – He dismissed the lawsuit “with prejudice,” which means that it can’t be submitted to the same court again

WJ: Reporter Amy Robach Is Vindicated Over 6 Years After ABC News Spiked Her Jeffrey Epstein Story – The names contained in court documents related to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein are finally being released, although it’s a slow trickle…

Fox: Biden’s Border Crisis Brings Crime, But No Punishment – Americans see that Biden’s strategy of tackling the ‘root causes’ of illegal immigration has utterly failed – There is a thread running through progressive ideology that explains a lot about the state of our country and the world: the Left doesn’t like laws enforced or people punished for doing wrong…

NYP: Biden’s Support Among Hispanics Is Tanking As A Result Of The Border Crisis – Those who made the effort to come here legally (the majority of their population and the totality of voters) are disturbed, even offended, by those who cut the line

SLAY: Joe Biden claims he doesn’t have enough taxpayer money to protect America’s borders, despite sending hundreds of billions in federal funding to fuel endless foreign wars – Migrant encounters hit a staggering 300,000 incidents in December 2023 and have now reached a level thought unimaginable just years ago

WT: Police officers were targeted in a record number of ambush shootings last year – There were 115 surprise attacks in 2023, resulting in 138 officers being wounded, along with the 378 officers shot while on patrol in 2023, a 14% increase from 2022…

DC: Media Matters for America mistakenly leaked its confidential donor list containing funding from major Democratic mega-donors – MMFA is not legally mandated to publicly reveal its donors because of its status as a 501(c)(3) charity organization and the documents state they are “Not Open to Public Inspection”

Spectator: Harvard, Bud Light, and the Times, The Reason for Donald Trump – The anti-woke rebellion surges – The cancer of totalitarian-minded wokeness has infected American institutions dissent is not allowed because, as the Times publisher acknowledged, “that’s just how it was”…

JTN: The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has reported $236 billion worth of “improper payments” made under the Biden administration in the fiscal year 2023 alone, more than double the amount in the fiscal year 2013, with more than $2.4 trillion of improper payments made across the federal government, according to the GAO…

GATESTONE: Why The Palestinian Authority Is No Better than Hamas – If the Biden administration believes that the PA, as part of a “revitalization” process, will cease its endless glorification of terrorists and systematically rewarding them with monthly stipends for murdering Israelis, it is also in for a rude awakening…

Geller: Hamas Terror Tunnel Training Is How Hamas Arms Children for Terrorism – Children receive military training from a young age, both theoretical and practical, where they are taught various military skills, including shooting guns, navigating tunnels, confronting tanks, and even engaging in simulated soldier kidnappings…

Sharyl Attkisson: Funding Terrorism – The ground war between Israel and both Hamas and Hezbollah has raised questions about the underground world of money and financing behind decades of terrorism – As Scott Thuman reported, there’s a longstanding network that works like a multinational criminal enterprise…

RCD: Israel Signals Self-Reliance for Weapons – Israel’s declaration that it intends to expand its domestic munitions production heralds a new chapter in US/Israel relations – Israel’s announcement signifies they aim to diminish U.S. leverage in its military operations and to confront the relentless shortages prevalent in the global market…

TAC: So Now Washington Tells Us – With Ukrainians suffering through their second winter at war, the Biden administration appears to be abandoning thoughts of victory and Ukraine whole and free – Now instead, Washington believes the two sides must negotiate…

RCP: Wednesday, Speaker Mike Johnson visited the U.S.-Mexico border with a delegation of Republican congress members – While there, he said the $14 billion supplemental request from the Biden administration is for processing and allowing more illegal immigrants into the country and not for border control

I&I: After spending three years largely ignoring the border, the mainstream press is suddenly all over it, with headlines blaring about a “surge,” “crisis” and “call for action” – So why now? – Could it be that Democrat Party Elites looking at Biden’s cratering poll numbers have decided that he has to go?…

Examiner: Another Political Cover-up at Biden’s DOJ – On the Friday before New Year’s DOJ lawyers informed a federal judge they would no longer prosecute convicted fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried of conspiring to fund millions of dollars in political donations to the Democrat Party and its candidates…

Breitbart: Congressional lawmakers disclosed $1 billion worth of financial transactions in 2023 – This staggering volume raises concerns that many members of Congress trade stocks based on information unavailable to the general public…

Federalist: A Leftist Judge Strikes A Blow To Election Integrity In Wisconsin With His Ballot ‘Curing’ Decision – The ruling collides with the Waukesha County Circuit Court opinion that found Wisconsin Elections Commission guidance allowing ‘curing’ of absentee ballot envelopes defied state election law

HA: Democrats Seek to Bar GOP Congressional Candidates From Ballots Also – Trump is not alone because it turns out that Democrats across the country are seeking to have other Republicans’ names removed from ballots – A Democrat in Pennsylvania has filed a challenge to remove the name of Congressman Scott Perry from the ballot, and he’s not the only one

Spectator: Three Economic Myths to Put to Rest This Year – #1, Income inequality in the United States has inexorably risen since the 1960s – #2, Years of unchecked globalization have eroded America’s industrial foundation…

I&I: Just as Biden starts showering hundreds of billions more of taxpayers’ money to “electrify” the nation’s fleet of automobiles, the bottom is falling out of the EV market – The latest indication is the sharp drop in prices for used EVs…

Thinker: My January 6th reflections on establishment repression – Did you ever predict something while hoping you’d be wrong? – That was the case with my prognostication on January 7th, but sadly, repression has been the rule for three years now…

Thinker: DEI Can Only Exist in a Noncompetitive Environment – The principles of “diversity” and “equity” implicitly assume that entities and organizations will continue along their current trajectory regardless of who’s in charge…

Thinker: Beating the Anti-Semites – Anti-Semitism within the American Left is largely the product of intersectionality, the concept that all aspects of leftist activism, Blacks, Latins, gays, Muslims, and whatever are interwoven and must be mutually supportive…

Globe: U-Haul’s Report Fo 2023 Shows California Beats Every State For Residents Moving Out – Florida, Texas, North, and South Carolina, along with Tennessee are the top destinations

Globe: Challenging California’s Water Orthodoxy – Many environmental policies we have adopted harm the environment more than they help the environment – When State Water Project deliveries are cut off, farmers must deplete groundwater to survive...

Globe: The California Assembly abruptly adjourned on Wednesday following a demonstration by a large group of Pro-Palestinian protestors – Since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas War in October, several political and state events have been affected by Palestinian protestors…

FAR: Gavin Newsom, It’s All In The Family, Unfortunately – A long-dominant geriatric quartet from the San Francisco Bay Area – Gov. Jerry Brown, Senators Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have been slowly ceding power to younger political strivers, enter Gavin Newsom…

January 3, 2024

WSJ: Donald Trump Asks The Supreme Court to Overturn His Removal From Colorado’s Primary Ballot – The Appeal was expected as states differ on whether 14th Amendment provision barring insurrectionists from federal office applies to former president

Breitbart: In July 2015, a month after then-GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump announced his candidacy with a speech centered on stemming illegal immigration Nikki Haley said Americans should not describe illegal aliens “as criminals,” suggesting that doing so is “disrespectful”

TVF: Tucker Carlson Says Nikki Haley Is A Trojan Horse For The Democrat Party – “Nikki Haley is all in on the four tenets of neoliberalism, white guilt, a finance-based economy, mass immigration, and endless neocon wars”…

CB: On Tuesday, the D.C. Court of Appeals suggested that it will consider the constitutionality of special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment and other issues, including the timing of former President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity appeal…

PR: Donald Trump released a comprehensive summary detailing fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election that focused on key swing states – The report challenges the oft-repeated narrative that there is “no evidence” of fraud, asserting instead a lack of evidence to confirm President Joe Biden’s victory…

Newsweek: The Jeffrey Epstein List Is Released As Dozens of Names Are Revealed – The names were unsealed from a lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, an alleged trafficking victim, against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former girlfriend…

WJ: The Epstein Documents – Records of the deposition of one of disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein’s accusers indicate that she testified under oath that Epstein told her that former President Bill Clinton “likes them young

TDF: Former president Donald Trump did not visit Epstein’s home or island, or have any contact with underage girls, according to the unsealed trove of the Jeffery Epstein files

Epoch: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Deals A Blow to a California City’s Gas Stove Ban – The Ninth Circuit declined to reconsider a ruling preventing a ban proposed by the City of Berkeley, California, on new natural gas hookups from going into effect…

CJ: The Carbon Tax Cliff – Proponents of the levy misunderstand the energy economy and the nature of innovation – The year 2023 ended with four pieces of legislation aimed at creating a carbon tax – Three bills have bipartisan sponsorship, so we’re likely to see some form of the carbon tax pass this year

GATESTONE: US Lack of Resolve Is Incentivizing China on Taiwan – The nations of the Free World have allowed global commerce to be held hostage by the revolutionary group of theocrat terrorists in Iran and their tribal terrorist tool in Yemen with no attempt to hold the ringleader, Iran, accountable…

Breitbart: The Palestinian Hamas terror organization has cut off talks about releasing Israeli hostages, following an attack in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed their #2 leader Deputy Hamas chief Saleh al-Arouri, and several other Hamas officials

AC: Maduro Fools Biden Again – The White House’s policy toward Venezuela completely misunderstands conditions on the ground – Maduro raised the tension again by calling for a referendum last December asking the Venezuelan people what to do with the Esequibo region…

Breitbart: Border Patrol agents in the Tucson and Del Rio Sectors apprehended approximately 151,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry during December, according to unofficial reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas – These reported apprehensions shatter prior records for both sectors…

Breitbart: Immigration will be the most important political issue for Americans in 2024, except for the current war with nuclear-armed Russia, according to a poll for the Associated Press – “35% cite immigration and the border wall as a top concern, an increase from 27% last year”

Thinker: The United States is in A Dark Place As A Direct Result Of An Extreme Shift To The Left By The Democrat Party – Joe Biden has broken the policy of the Democrats going back to 1948 of not embracing the far-left, communist element of the Democrat Party…

Thinker: The Democrat Party, Who Are They Now? – Pursuing power, they’re becoming increasingly afraid of Donald Trump and of normal Americans – To understand them is knowing many of them believe themselves to be morally, intellectually, and politically superior to normal Americans – So ignore the fact that desperate people do desperate things…

Thinker: No Republican Can Singlehandedly Rescue This Nation, And That Includes Donald J. Trump – The issue is that the majority of congressional Republicans would be captive to shortsighted beliefs while facing an onslaught from an implacable foe that currently controls virtually all levers of political power and is on the cusp of permanent governmental hegemony…

Thinker: If our government decides “our democracy” is in imminent danger and it’s necessary to suppress dangerous insurrectionists like Catholics and soccer moms forcefully, would America’s federal, state, and local police play along? – Because without near-universal military and police support for tyranny, the outcome is going to be bloodily bad for those who try to impose it

Federalist: Claudine Gay’s Resignation From Harvard Isn’t The Victory The Right Thinks – It won’t change the fundamentals as Harvard has no intention of backing away from the so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) ideology that propelled Gay to the president’s office as the problem is much larger…

NR: The Rank Dishonesty in Claudine Gay’s Departure from Harvard – Harvard Fellows are attempting to have us believe this overdue move is an unfortunate response to terrible racism, instead of a concession to the fact that the university could not continue with a serial plagiarist running it, while simultaneously punishing students for plagiarism

Federalist: Leftists Want Direct Democracy Because It’s Easy To Manipulate The Masses – The Father of the Constitution James Madison warned of “the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority” on a government, or what has come to be called the “tyranny of the majority”…

Thinker: Sinking the Navy Without A Shot – Matt Walsh produced an excellent report on a cross-dressing sailor, upon whom the U.S. Navy is now relying, at least in part, to bolster its anemic recruiting results – Walsh makes several important points, describing how this recruitment effort backfires on two counts…

Federalist: Why Isn’t Covid Vaccine Tyrant Joe Biden Worried About Polio, Leprosy, And Measles Seeping Through The Border? – The millions of migrants who have crossed into the country in recent years could be bringing these recently resurfaced infectious diseases with them…

Insider: The Biden DOJ Demands The Supreme Court Allow The Border Patrol to Cut Razor Wire Put In Place By Texas – While Democrats and the media continue to declare that the border is “not open” and “operationally secure,” the facts tell a much different story…

Thinker: Scientists Are Shocked to Discover That Male and Female Athletes Are Different! – A man is a man, and a woman is a woman – Claiming otherwise is magical thinking, fine for one to indulge personally, but not at an athletic, societal, or cultural level – Based on strength and power alone, two major determinants of success for many sports, males have a clear advantage over females…

Fox: Jeffrey Epstein’s List – The deadline for associates to appeal the unsealing has passed, so name drops could begin today, but will they? – The court-ordered release of the names of dozens of Epstein’s associates referenced in a lawsuit against his madam Ghislaine Maxwell is expected to begin…

January 2, 2024

RCP: Ukraine Is In The End Game Because Biden’s Plan Has Gone Over The Cliff – It was a terrible idea based on a set of miscalculations by the U.S. military-industrial complex with Biden out there as the front person and it has gone wrong in many ways…

JTN: Al-Qaeda’s Arabian Peninsula branch released a video in English threatening New York City’s energy grid and subway system, as well as airplanes in general, with suicide bombers as the group relaunched its English-language magazine “Inspire” – The TSA said it is monitoring the potential threat posed by the al-Qaeda affiliate…

Spectator: China’s Defense Minister Is Now a Navy Admiral – We may be approaching yet another “gathering storm” – Dong’s appointment should be seen in China’s increasing assertiveness in military exercises in the Taiwan Strait…

Breitbart: The U.S. Treasury Department issued a report Tuesday showing the federal government’s gross national debt has surpassed $34 trillion – This record high foreshadows the coming political and economic challenges to improve America’s balance sheet in the coming years…

FOX: Senator Robert Menendez is now accused of accepting bribes and gifts in exchange for helping to benefit Qatar as part of a years-long corruption scheme from 2021 through 2023, one year longer than originally thought, according to the DOJ…

Epoch: Donald Trump Will Stay On The Maine Ballot While He Challenges The Disqualification Ruling in Court – He has appealed the Maine secretary of state’s decision to remove him from the ballot…

Epoch: The Prosecutor Who Interfered In The Hunter Biden Investigation Stonewalled Congress – Former assistant US attorney said she was ‘not authorized’ to answer questions…

Spectator: The Year Begins With a Major Defeat for DEI as Harvard’s Claudine Gay Resigns – Gay’s career is entirely founded on DEI, and as dean of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the position she held before Harvard’s presidency, her focus was addressing “structural inequality” where she he “reactivate[ed]” a “cluster hire in ethnicity…

JTN: The Feds are hiding anti-white discrimination complaints and the names of their policy architects from FOIA suits – The EEOC won’t release its own employees’ complaints against the workplace discrimination watchdog to protect itself from “embarrassment…

USA Today: A Japan Airlines plane that collided with a Japan Coast Guard aircraft after landing burst into flames at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport – Five of the six passengers on the Coast Guard plane have been confirmed dead, Japan public broadcaster NHK reported, but all 379 passengers and crew members evacuated the JAL plane safely

Thinker: What Purpose Does Hamas Serve? – Gaza is a prime example of a welfare-supported state that would collapse without this eternal ‘humanitarian aid’ – Hamas built its evil empire on the surprisingly generous contributions of the US, the EU, the UN, Iran, and other countries…

ZH: Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof is predicting that Congress and the Pentagon are in for a “tumultuous” start of 2024, as the ongoing standoff over Biden’s billions more in Ukraine defense aid highlights the reality that there’s “no stomach” any longer to fund Ukraine…

JTN: The U.S. debate over Ukraine aid raises questions about whether the European Union will ‘step up’ – Most of the EU’s support has been aimed at propping up Ukraine’s war-torn economy, not supporting its military…

WSJ: These Voters Will Decide the 2024 Election And They Don’t Like What They See – In counties that backed the past four presidential winners, residents worry America’s best days are behind it – Collectively, Americans in 25 counties that have swung with the electorate on average have lower median incomes and lower levels of education than the U.S. on the whole…

Examiner: Biden’s economic agenda was dealt an embarrassing blow by Senate Democrats – A pillar of Biden’s economic plan was to sell “worker-centered” trade, but he failed to earn support from vulnerable Democrats who were worried that those workers would turn away from the party at the ballots over the measures…

DC: Biden Added $745 Billion Worth Of Regulations In 2023 – The Biden administration used rulemaking procedures in agencies to enact several of its left-wing policy initiatives – Week after week, the Biden administration continues to pile regulations on Main Street America

A Recent I&I/TIPP Poll Found That 78% Of Those Polled Are Frustrated or Angry With The Federal Government – Even Democrats, whose party has controlled both the White House and one or both chambers of Congress throughout most of President Joe Biden’s term, show deep discontent

Sharyl Attkisson: According to a recent Rasmussen Pole, 41% of American adults say their financial situation has gotten worse in the past six months, while just 17% say their finances have gotten better – 28% say that in the past six months, they have been late at least once in making a major monthly payment, such as their rent, mortgage, car payment, or utility bills

ZH: Chicago, New York, and Denver all seek more money to address the surge of migrants, but money sent to sanctuary cities will only make things worse – Is the problem lack of money, or is the real problem the 10,000 illegal entries into the US that are occurring every day?

NR: The Shady FBI Headquarters Move – The GSA decision appears to be a case of a Biden appointee overruling recommendations and helping old coworkers at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority in a lucrative land deal…

PR: Emails Prove Obama Holdovers like Alejandro Mayorkas are More Corrupt than You Could Imagine – Recent findings brought to light a series of emails from Alejandro Mayorkas’s tenure in the Obama administration, painting a picture of an individual seemingly ready to circumvent ethical boundaries to advance his political career…

WE: Donald Trump told guests at his New Year’s Eve celebration on Sunday that former Melania was absent because she was tending to her mother, who is “very ill” – Trump explained that 78-year-old Amalija Knavs is not well…

Examiner: Fox News will hold a town hall event in Des Moines, Iowa, with Donald Trump on January 10 at 9 p.m. ET that directly competes with CNN’s Iowa GOP primary debate held at the same time – This marks Trump’s fifth time snubbing a debate matchup with his 2024 Republican rivals as he has skipped all four primary debates sponsored by the Republican National Committee

TFP: Bill Barr, “I Oppose Trump’s Candidacy And Also Any Efforts to Ban Him From the Ballot” – Efforts to knock him off the ballot are legally untenable, politically counterproductive, and, most ominously, destructive of our political order – “SCOTUS needs to act swiftly to strike down these foolish decisions”

Federalist: Why SCOTUS Will Likely Smack Down Two Of Jack Smith’s Get-Trump Charges As Non-Crimes – As the Fischer case may soon prove, the convictions the special counsel seeks could be for crimes that don’t exist…

AC: Can Trump Save Democracy from Itself? – The establishment’s attempt to bar the former president from the ballot is only part of an unfolding, existential crisis – Trump may be both a victim of establishment lawfare and a wrongdoer so the only way to untangle these issues is at the ballot box…

Sharyl Attkisson: The Top 5 Most-Smeared Individuals of 2023 – Of course, #1 is Donald J. Trump…

PM: Jeffrey Epstein’s brother, Mark, attempted to obtain documentation from the night the convicted criminal died, but was told by government employees that the records he sought did not exist – One of the most important documents, the report written by the emergency medical services team that moved Epstein’s body out of his cell at the Manhattan jail, was nowhere to be found on the computer system…

Thinker: 2024, Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course? – D.C.’s permanent ruling class and its Marxist globalist allies are dedicated to eliminating national cohesion and erecting an authoritarian and technocratic super-state in its place – As we enter 2024, there is widespread public agreement that something big is about to happen, and whatever that something is, it sure as hell won’t be pretty!

Thinker: Elon Musk is Right – Elon Musk understands the dire consequences of a world consumed with how easily artificial creations can duplicate human labor – Trump-deranged Democrats will of course be using AI to plant negative fake images of Trump and others to influence the 2024 presidential election. It appears this is already happening…

Victor Davis Hanson: The Utter Insanity of Joe Biden’s Open Border – There have been more than 8 million illegal entries into the United States since Joe Biden was elected president – He appointed Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security, whose apparent prime directive was to destroy the southern border…

Thinker: The fact that the hordes of new arrivals know all the loopholes and legal angles to scam our immigration laws and maximize benefits on our welfare system tells me that there have to be many lawyers involved, telling them what they can do to cheat – Here is an example...

Thinker: We need to return to an emphasis on meritocracy, a system for society in which individuals advance based on their abilities, achievements, and talents – Rewarding the best without regard to skin color or other external identifiers is democracy’s best chance…

AG: American Weakness Is On Display In The Red Sea – The current American military force structure, size, and logistical pipeline do not easily support the maximalist goal of maintaining American hegemony as the “sole superpower”…

ZH: Scandal-plagued Harvard President Claudine Gay has been hit with an additional six allegations of plagiarism in a complaint filed with the university – This brings the number of allegations against Gay to just under 50, with seven of Gay’s 17 published works already impacted by the scandal, and now, an eighth!

NYP: Harvard president Claudine Gay is resigning Tuesday, marking the shortest-ever presidency in the university’s history – Her bombshell resignation comes after months of jockeying over the Israel-Hamas war, antisemitism on campus, and a string of plagiarism scandals

Thinker: The media and other green pushers don’t care about killing wildlife or the truth – Instead of the media blaming wind turbines for killing whales and dolphins, they blame conservatives for pointing it out…

January 1, 2024

Spectator: The ‘Two-State Solution’ Echoes Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’ – This is not a land dispute but rather a war to terminate Israel – Especially in the Middle East, the Bad Guys respect strength and Biden, after the Afghanistan fiasco, is perceived as weak…

JTN: The Chinese energy executive tied to Hunter Biden participated in the Patrick Ho bribery scheme according to court files – CEFC China Energy funneled millions of dollars to the Bidens, but Zang was never charged, and the Justice Department has yet to explain Why Not…

WT: DC is preparing for the country’s biggest experiment yet with noncitizen voting, which has been on the books for nearly a year – As of mid-December only three people have registered – Other jurisdictions that are testing the waters for allowing noncitizens, including illegal immigrants, to cast ballots in local elections are finding scant interest

WJ: President Joe Biden has given federal workers their biggest pay raise in more than 40 years while many Americans are finding their salaries worth increasingly less as wages fail to keep up with Bidenflation – His Dec. 21 “Executive order provides a 4.7 percent across-the-board hike in basic pay

The Sun: California’s contentious animal welfare requirements could lead to higher consumer prices across the country following a legal battle that made its way to the Supreme Court last year – SCOTUS, in a 5-4 ruling, said the farmers and pork producers that filed the suit were arguing the requirements interfered “with their preferred way of doing business” and did not overrule Proposition 12.

Dallas Ludlum: In light of the Pentagon’s recent announcement to provide Ukraine with $250 million in military aid without Congressional support, the question arises as to whether President Biden’s unwavering commitment to Ukraine is indicative of corruption or a strategic diplomatic move…

Thinker: The True Cost of Trading with the Enemy – In 2024, our ability to mount a wartime footing against China is most severely hampered, not by the readiness of our armed forces, but by our most likely enemy’s deep infiltration into not just our military, but the entirety of our civil life…

GATESTONE: Hamas in London – Groups with links to Hamas are reportedly behind several of the marches and include The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), the Palestinian Forum for Britain, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and the Friends of al-Aqsa

SUN: Israel Begins Drawing Down Gaza Troops as War Enters New Phase – The Israeli military says five brigades, or several thousand troops, are being taken out of Gaza in the coming weeks for training and rest

Examiner: How the Supreme Court could decide the fate of Trump’s 2024 ballot access – One reason why their intervention seems inevitable is the divergent legal viewpoints about whether Trump is required to be found guilty of the crime of “insurrection” before he can be deemed constitutionally ineligible for having “engaged” in one…

Globe: In 1964, Ronald Reagan made his now-famous speech, “A Time For Choosing.” – His words resonate today more than ever as Americans face a rendezvous with destiny and a time for choosing what America’s future looks like. – Will it be the bastion of freedom the founding fathers envisioned or are we already too far along on the march into socialism?

AG: A Nation on the Brink – Ballot Challenges Against Trump Must Be Forcefully Condemned – The establishment’s attempts to stop Trump by any means available are so blatantly absurd and have become increasingly so…

WJ: How are things in Portland, Oregon, as the calendar flips from 2023 to 2024? – If you had an epidemic of feces-borne illness spread by sexual intercourse and uncleanliness on your list of plagues that would befall the liberal hellhole, congratulations, You Win.

WJ: Democrat Denver Sanctuary City Mayor Mike Johnson Cries Foul Over Too Many Illegals And Threatens Residents with ‘Historic’ City Service Cuts – He called his city “ground zero” for the stampede of illegal immigrants into America’s major cities…

Thinker: The Great Taking: You No Longer Own Your Securities, and You Could Also Lose Your Freedom – The Great Reset engineered by the WEF aims to shift wealth from individuals and small businesses to global organizations controlled by the elite…

Scott Johnson: 13 WAYS OF LOOKING AT DISINFORMATION – Jacob Siegel’s Tablet article is the enterprise effort at describing the anti-disinformation elephant I had been hoping for years someone in journalism would take on…

Thinker: How to Understand the Woke Colonization Project – One way our liberal friends advertise their virtue is their support of the global “decolonization” movement, and unfortunately their students have learned their lessons well…

Thinker: Junk Climate Science – The scientific basis of climate change theory is junk science made to seem authoritative by dressing it up with lengthy reports based on dubious computer models – The “Global Warming” religion originates in well-financed scientific organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…

NR: We’re Headed for Conflict As The Fight to Protect Women’s Sports Is Expected to Heat Up in 2024 – Several pending lawsuits address the issue of male participation in women’s sports, with both sides laying claim to Title IX to support their arguments – Will the final step be the Supreme Court?

Thinker: To Make A Snowflake – There is nothing natural about the formation of a human snowflake – The nidus is a normal child seeking identity in a complex society – The first step is to disconnect him from traditional social foundations, viewed by the left as oppressive while offering nothing of substance to replace them…

Breitbart: A recent study revealed that social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok X/Twitter, and YouTube collectively earned nearly $11 billion in advertising revenue from U.S. users under 18 in 2022 – They also earned $2.1 billion by showing ads to children under 12…

Click Here For 2023 Conservative Article Reference List Archives

Below are links to primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is going on in America and the World right now. Scan the list and read what catches your eye, or for some, just reading the headlines will provide adequate insight.

Hopefully, you will take the time to read some of them which should open your eyes to the reality of the #DeepState and those promoting the #NewWorldOrder as well as consistent #MediaBias, and ongoing #FakeNews gaslighting as well as the relentless attack on American values by Liberals and the #Progressive Left.

Liken the process of becoming better informed to working on a large puzzle. As you read more and more about what is going on, things begin to fall into place and you finally see the big picture.

(FYI – I occasionally include links to articles that although not newsworthy are so silly and/or outrageous that they need to be seen to show the level of idiocy that exists these days.)

You can use your browser’s search function to find articles of interest to you. Hold down the CTRL/CMD key at the lower left of your keyboard and simultaneously press the F key. Then enter a word in the pop-up box that appears toward the top of your screen. This will show you how many articles there are with that word in the title. Then click on the up or down arrow to see each article title.

Links for articles from The Epoch Times, National Review, and a few others that were behind paywalls used the “archive.ph” service to provide access to those stories. It no longer works, so those links will no longer provide access. 

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