2021 Conservative Article Reference List Archives

2021 Conservative Article Reference List Archives

Below are primarily conservative-leaning articles or blog posts that I have found enlightening with all that is going on in America and the World right now.

If you take the time to read some of them it should open your eyes to the reality of the #DeepState, #NewWorldOrder Movement, #MediaBias, and #FakeNews along with the relentless attack on American values by the #Progressive Movement.

Think of it as working on a large puzzle, as you read more and more about what is going on, things begin to fall into place and you can see the big picture, hopefully

You can use the search function to find areas of interest to you by holding down the CTRL-key at the lower left of your keyboard and simultaneously pressing the F-key and then entering a word in the pop-up box that appears toward the top of your screen. This will show you how many articles there are with that word in the title. Then press the up or down arrow to see each article title.

December 31, 2021

Big Tech’s Worst Hits of 2021 – 2021 was a pretty terrible year for Big Tech. That’s why people are breaking away

Betty White, May She Rest In Peace – She loved not just animals but people – She was the best

After Meeting With Biden, India’s Modi Covered Up The Results Of Uttar Pradesh’s Miracle Covid Treatment

US President Joe Biden talks sanctions and Vladimir Putin warns of rupture over Ukraine

Donald Trump’s Case Reaches SCOTUS – Trump requested that they block the Jan. 6 committee from getting National Archive documents

136 House Reps and 47 Senators file a brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden’s Mandates

Who Won in Afghanistan? Private Contractors – The U.S. military spent $14 trillion during two decades of war

National Review’s Biggest Stories of the Year – That Includes, What ‘Equity’ Means, Really

POWERLINE”S 2021’S MAN OF THE YEAR – Ron DeSantis, a model of rational governance that made Florida a famously well-governed state

A Salem Oregon Business Owner Was Ordered to Remove An American Flag Mural on His Private Property

Male & Female Athletic Performance Are Worlds Apart – Due to the biology of sexual reproduction and evolutionary pressure on reproductive fitness

Over 95% of Omicron Cases are in Vaccinated People – New data from Germany appears to undermine vaccine urgency

mRNA Inventor, Dr. Robert Malone, Drops BOMBSHELLS During Joe Rogan Interview – Says Federal Government is “Lawless” and Actively “Violating the Nuremberg Code”

COVID Testing Has Become Ridiculous & Counterproductive – Omicron is indistinguishable from the common cold

Young Men More Likely to Get Heart Inflammation After Pfizer’s Booster Than COVID-19

Biden’s China: Freedom Faces Complete Collapse as Police Begin Making Arrests in Hong Kong

RFK Jr.’s Publisher Obliterates The Gaslighting and False Logic Driving Censorship of the Book Exposing Anthony Fauci

The CDC Is Sued By the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) for Withholding Post-Licensure V-safe Data on COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 in 10 sentences – A summary of events that have brought us where we are in the COVID-19 saga

COVID testing has become ridiculous and even counterproductive – The Omicron version of COVID is so mild that it’s indistinguishable from a cold

The CDC Now Treats Those Unvaccinated The Same As Un-Boosted, Just As Florida Governor DeSantis Predicted

The Un-Vaxxed May Soon Be Shipped to Quarantine Camps – In Australia, medical incarceration is already underway

Ted Cruz Accuses Fauci of Playing Politics After Recent Comment About Hospitalized Children With vs. Because of Covid

2022 Covid Hoax – Hoaxers are wrapping up 2021 by massive testing campaigns creating record positive case counts

Forbes Publishes A List of Elite Athletes Who Won’t Say Whether They’ve Had a COVID Vaccine Or Not

Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and China Are Partners in a New Wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for ‘Recombinant’ Rodent Coronaviruses

The stench of corruption: Nancy Pelosi buys Big Tech call options – She’s amassed a reported $120 million fortune on a $223,500 annual congressional salary

Abortion Is The Leading Global Cause of Death in 2021  – 43 Million Baby’s Were Killed

December 30, 2021

Renewables’ Reckoning Is Long Overdue – They are so intermittent & unreliable they must be legislated and subsidized

‘Cruising To Re-Election’: GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Has A Huge Lead Into The Midterm Primary

As 2021 Closes Decked In Democrat Disasters, Nancy Pelosi Clings To January 6

Pelosi Just Can’t Quit January 6 – Her Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome affliction has raged for at least five years

The Video Message That Resulted In Dr. Robert Malone Being Banned From Twitter – His alarming warning about vaccinating children

Why Not COVID Antibodies or Previous Infection? – Why are liberals immune to medical and scientific evidence that’s staring them in the face?

Furious Medical Director Says Biden People’s Use of ‘Faulty’ Data To Halt Antibody Treatments Will ‘Definitely’ Cost Lives

Censorship From Left is on the Rise – A vaccine doctor, Thomas Paine, and an investigative reporter silenced

The Biden Administration Begins Building Infrastructure For A Permanent Pandemic With A $137 Million Deal For A Test Strip Facility

96% Of Germans With Omicron Were ‘Fully Vaccinated,’ 28% Triple Vaxxed and Only 4% Un-vaxxed, Government Says

Biden’s Department of Justice Asks The Supreme Court to Hear The ‘Remain in Mexico’ Case

Five Quick Things: Bloody, Beaten, and Staggering Toward 2022 – #1, Being Joe Biden’s brain goes to Ron Klain’s head

Democrats Have Reportedly Given Up Their Dream of an ‘Insane’ Unrealized Capital Gains Tax on The Ultra-Wealthy

The New Public School Orthodoxy  – A three-pronged revolution in public education threatens society as we know it

Ghislaine Maxwell’s little black book was sealed by the court

The CDC Recommends Against Cruise Travel as COVID-19 Cases Increase

China, Russia, and the Geopolitics of Space – Russia and China’s coziness is yet another way for the U.S. to lose the current cold war

CHINA’S STAR WARS THREATENED BY. LON MUSK? – They supposedly threaten the safety of China’s space station

China Clamps Down on Hong Kong – With a new national security law giving authorities power to deal with acts of secession, subversion, terrorism, or collusion with foreign or external forces

Top Mitch McConnell Staffer Leads Pfizer’s Lobbying Charge to Protect Vaccine Patent and Block A Bill Holding Big Pharma Accountable for Fraud

2021: 1.9M Migrants Were Apprehended Along Southwest Border and 500,000 of them ‘Got Away’

From ‘MAGA’ to ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ in 12 Miserable Months – Joe Brandon’s exceptional year, the first of many to come

The 2022 Reckoning – In the sense of a settling of accounts

On Women’s Sports – Don’t be bullied into silence by transgender ideologues

Continuing Jobless Claims Are Now Below Pre-COVID-Lockdown Levels

The Right’s War Over Freedom – Disagreement about what CRT even means provides an opportunity to reclaim non-liberal truths

The Migration of Public Schools into Propaganda Camps –  And the problem is only getting worse

Thanks To Omicron, Price Increases In 2022 Will Be More Painful Than Anything We Have Experienced Before

The real efficacy rates of the COVID vaccines – Evidence shows the vaccines are NOT as good as advertised

The CDC Director Admits COVID Restrictions Based On What Government “Thought People Would Be Able To Tolerate”

COVID treatment protocols and the death of ‘trust your doctor’ – It appears that mistrust of the CDC, FDA, NIH, and even hospitals and physician groups for incessantly pushing a vaccine is growing

Why Is The FDA Partly Funded By The Companies It Regulates?

Minnesota Doctor Harassed By Medical Board – Requesting Files Of Patients He Prescribed Ivermectin

Twitter Suspends mRNA Inventor Dr. Robert Malone – After months of providing valuable Covid-19 information that runs counter to the official narrative

The Absurdity Continues – A Covid Test For All Seasons

A New San Francisco Order Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters For Workers in ‘High Risk’ Settings

California’s AB 672 Enables Public Golf Courses to be Converted to Affordable Housing Complexes

CONFIRMED: Sexual Misconduct Charges Against Cuomo Are Credible, But The District Attorney Refuses to Prosecute

December 29, 2021

Cuba Signs ‘Belt and Road’ Agreement With China – This has saddled many participating countries with heavy debt loads

China Is Hoarding Strategic Commodities, Many Supplied by the US – From chips and minerals to grains and cotton

No wonder why people and businesses are dumping California – The Cato Institute ranked California 48th out of the 50 states in personal and economic freedom

The Top 10 Inbound vs. Top 10 Outbound US states in 2021 – How do they compare on a variety of economic, tax, business climate, and political measures?

Ghislaine Maxwell for girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein found guilty on five of six counts in sex trafficking case

After Maxwell’s sex trafficking conviction, Who’s next?  – A modeling executive’s trial in France may be the next chapter

The FBI Informant Who Helped Stage The Phony Kidnapping Plot of Michigan Governor Whitmer is Charged with Fraud

Recent Statements Made By Donald Trump on December 29th – 45th President of the USA

Beware Pfizer’s New Covid Treatment Pill Paxlovid – Does the public want to take an HIV/AIDS drug?

Just like that the CDC Abandons the PCR Test – The test can not differentiate between the flu and COVID virus

Because Of Lockdowns, Business and School Closures, and Mandates Nearly 400K Californians Leave The State

The FL Surgeon General Accuses Biden Administration of ‘Actively Preventing’ An Important Covid-19 Treatment – U.S. HHS made a dramatic reduction in the number of monoclonal antibodies be allocated to the State

Aaron Rodgers Bombshell: The NFL is secretly administering ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – Along with monoclonal antibodies, zinc, vitamins C and D

Indications Are The Chinese military has serious problems – Members of the upper classes don’t earn their military commissions, they buy them

China’s Taiwan Threats: Lessons Learned From President Eisenhower – His strategic clarity is woefully missing today

Do Democrats Want to Build Back Better, or Do They Want a Coup Via The Expansion of Government, Including Its Policing Powers?

Facebook’s Pushback: Stem the Leaks, Spin the Politics, Don’t Say Sorry – CEO Zuckerberg drove the response to disclosures about the company’s influence; sending deputies to testify in Congress

Woke school boards have Republicans pushing for party labels in future elections

Victor Davis Hanson Explains How Environmental Regulations Have ‘Killed’ Farming in California

China’s Soaring Production Costs Impact Global Inflation Pressures – Price Hikes on Chinese Exports Adds to US Inflation

What To Expect In 2022 – More growth along with much more inflation and much higher interest rates

Experts: The Falling Gas Price Trend Has Likely Bottomed – Drivers Should Brace for Continued Pain at the Pump

Understanding Election Shenanigans And The Legislative Mess We Are In

CNN Lost ANOTHER 38% Of Viewers in 2021 – Barely anyone left watching the pedophilia scandal-hit network

Bait and Switch: There remains no FDA approved COVID vaccine in the United States – Pfizer is using children as legal human shields to get full authorization

The World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the Covid-19 Experimental “Vaccines”

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate – For facilities in half of US states where the mandate isn’t judicially enjoined

Big Pharma’s War on Scientists to Mandate Jabs for Life – The emails between Fauci and Collins are the smoking gun

The Two COVID Mandate Questions Before SCOTUS – One involving OSHA and the one for health care workers (CMS)

Dr. Peter McCullough Conducts Grand Rounds on COVID 19 – A brilliant man expounds on a subject he has devoted himself to for an intense, almost two years

It’s Madness What Is Happening to College Kids – The outrageous, crushing restrictions being imposed on them

The CDC Estimates 58.6 Percent of US Cases Are Omicron – Significantly Downgrades Earlier Projection

A Vaccine Mandate for Domestic Flights Is Not Being Considered – Says CDC Director After Fauci’s Proposal

Fauci’s Retirement Package Will Be Largest In Federal Government History – Golden Parachute Of $350,000+ Per Year

Report: NIH Under Investigation for Purchasing $1.2M in Beagles for ‘Cruel Experiments’

Pictures: Lake Tahoe’s massive snowfall shatters a 51-year-old record

Newsom’s Revenge – Kevin Kiley removed as Vice-Chair of the Education Committee in retaliation for fighting back against California’s corrupt school policies

December 28, 2021

The Trump Economic Record Looks Better Every Day – He reduced taxes, slashed regulation, massively increased domestic energy production, and overhauled trade deals to get tough with China

Mexico Freed a Suspected Yemeni Terrorist Migrant and Left Americans to Find Him –  Suggests a breakdown in cross-border coordination amid overwhelming mass-migration crisis

While You Say Adios To California, Your New State Wants You to Leave Your Bad Liberal Ways and Policies Behind

What Do They Know?  – China Has Hoarded Over Half of the World’s Grains in the Last Two Years to Prepare for ‘Famine’

Dr. Fauci Threatens Americans with Latest Covid Mandate Under Consideration in Biden White House

A Border Patrol official’s tweet on the capture of ‘potential terrorist’ deleted – The tweet said the migrant was ‘linked to several Yemeni subjects of interest’

Biden’s First Year: Illegal Immigration to U.S. Outpaces Populations of Major American Cities

House Democrats Flock to the Exits Leading into Election Year — With Potentially More on the Way

UK Professor of Medicine: COVID-19 Will Become ‘Just Another Cause of Common Cold’

Schools are Vaccinating Children without Parents’ Consent — Here is the Dirty Trick They are Using to Jab Kids

Doctors Bhakdi and Burkhardt: Pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine

South Africa Study – An Omicron infection appears to protect against Covid delta variant and could displace it

Research: Why The COVID Gene-Based Vaccines Cannot Protect You against Infection

CBS Caught Deleting Footage After Their Reporter Highlights Details About Pandemic Impact On School-Age Children

It Used To Be About Race and Ethnicity – Now, Segregation is all about Medical Status and Fealty To The State

The FAA Vaccine Policy Violates Its Own Rules – According to a group of attorneys, doctors, and other experts

Rasmussen Reports Survey: Most Americans Don’t Trust Teachers and Schools With Shaping Children’s Gender Identity

Gallup Poll: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Polls at Bottom of DC Political Figures List


Why Global Warming Goons Sell Fake Science – These prophecies of doom come from human self-interest

Will Nuclear Fusion Ever Power the World? – The running joke is that it’s 50 years away, but now we’re getting close

REPORT: The U.S. Government Chartered Christmas ‘Ghost Flights’ to Carry Illegal Migrants into Pennsylvania

BIDEN ON COVID: IT’S NOT MY JOB – “Look, there is no federal solution, This gets solved at a state level”

The White House tries to walk back Biden’s admission that there ‘is no federal solution’ to COVID-19

China gave us Covid, took no responsibility for it and the world shrugged it off – Due to money and fear of kinetic action

When Will the Rest of the World Call Out China’s Insanely Implausible Covid-19 Statistics?

A Reading List on China – An indispensable collection to help understand the long march China has embarked on

China’s disastrous one-child policy is finally starting to kick in – What really has the Communist elites worried is the growing number of professional women who aren’t interested in getting married at all

Florida Governor DeSantis takes action against communist China and ‘woke corporations’

Nuclear Scientists Sound an Alarm on Lab Vaccine Mandates – ‘Pandemic Politics Fallout Will Be Felt for Months to Come’

Bolt From The Blue: Nearly a MILLION Americans Left Democrat States to the Safer, Less COVID-Panicked South

The House of Representatives Votes to Eradicate Blasphemy Against Islam – H.R. 5665 makes law respecting Islam and reducing the US government into a tool of the world’s ayatollahs

A US Warship Is Stuck Overseas as The Navy Tries to Halt A COVID Outbreak Among The Fully Vaccinated Crew

If You Think The Build Back Better Bill Is Dead, Don’t Bet On It – Remember what happened with Obamacare

Republicans demand Speaker Pelosi reopen the Capitol – The US Capitol and congressional office buildings have been closed to the general public for over a year and a half

Dov Fischer: My Fourth Annual Year-End Review (Part 1 of 2) – The year 2021 in a nutshell with lots of nuts out of their shells

Sharyl Attkisson needs your help to nail the federal government for spying on her computer

Japan Puts Warnings on COVID Vaccinations! – Japan is also taking strict measures to monitor and report all side effects

The CDC Says It Overestimated The Spread Of Omicron By More Than 200%

A recent study suggests omicron boosts immunity against reinfection from delta variant

Experts are dubious of fourth COVID-19 booster dose effectiveness as Israeli hospital launches tests

Disgraced Fauci-Funded Researcher Peter Daszak Reemerges to Insist ‘No Cover-Up’ From The CCP,

Reality is impinging upon the Democrats’ carefully constructed COVID tyranny – Trump said from the beginning that his role as president was to support the states

A Brand New Study Suggests The Omicron Variant Will Mean the End of Covid as We Know It – Omicron has been described as “generally mild,” and comparable to the Common Cold

How the Endless Covid Boosters Will Destroy Immune Function – A third COVID injection will only perpetuate mutation

Nuremberg Code International Criminal Court Filing – Related To The Covid Vaccines & Related Matters

Pandemic 2022: The Bird Flu – What will grant permanent tyrannical power to the elected and unelected elites?

The New COVID Antiviral Pills From Pfizer and Merck Cause Life-Threatening Reactions With Many Common Meds

The Latest Study Shows Booster Protection Against Omicron Drops 25% After Just 10 Weeks

Kamala Harris celebrates Kwanzaa – Fake recollections of a fake holiday

Judge Rules: The New York Times Must Destroy or Return Materials Prepared By A Lawyer For Project Veritas

What’s your answer to the ‘This Is America, speak English’ Question? – I work to improve my English so others can understand me better

December 27, 2021

Brownstone Institute: Facemasks Are Not a Mere “Inconvenience” – To many people, it is something that is enormously stressful and evokes inordinately powerful negative emotions

Quercetin Fights COVID Like Hydroxychloroquine, yet Easier to Find

A Secret Service report of $100 Billion theft of pandemic relief funds has been covered up by the White House

BRUTAL: 67% of US Voters Believe the Nation Is Headed in the Wrong Path Under Joe Biden and his Administration

NASA Hires Priests as It Appears they are Expecting ‘The’ Big Discovery – To help understand how humans might react when and if intelligent life exists on other planets

You Bastards! –  A farewell message for the Leftist zealots destroying our cities, and voters who keep them in power

The Latest Research Puts the Final Nail in the Coffin for Deniers of ‘Natural Immunity’ Gained From Covid Recover

US Daily COVID-19 Cases Surpass Delta Surge – Hospitalizations Are Lower Due To Milder Symptoms

n95 Masks Don’t Stop Covid Either – Just more pandemic cosplay used to cover for the obvious failure of mask policy

Oracle Supercomputer Simulations – The COVID-19 Virus Is ‘Highly Adapted’ for Human (Not Bat or Pangolin) Infection

Fauci: A Vaccine Mandate for Domestic Air Travel “Would Be Welcome”

Dr. Fauci Article Reveals His Real Agenda – ‘Radical Unrealistic Changes’ That ‘May Take Decades to Achieve’

Is the Legal Bill Coming Due Over California’s Nursing Home COVID Policy Related Deaths?

The Endgame of Transgender Ideology Is to Dismantle the Family – The stage is being set for the legal marginalization of mothers, fathers, and families by force of law

Airlines cancel 2,000 more flights as travel nightmare continues – Due to a combination of weather issues and an increase in COVID-19 cases

Joe Biden, Marionette – Nobody has ever accused Trump of not knowing, good or bad, what people are saying about him

Top 10 Psaki-press showdowns of 2021

These Food Items Are Getting More Costly in 2022 – Kraft Heinz expects to raise prices across many of its products, with some items going up as much as 20%

It’s Time For Black Americans To Embrace A Post-Racial America – This is the least racist period in the history of our country

What ‘Diplomatic Boycott’? China Says U.S. Officials Applied for Visas to Genocide Olympics – A “diplomatic boycott” is not a boycott, as politicians do not play in Olympic sports or participate in events

CDC Admits That the Covid Pandemic Was the Product of Inappropriate PCR Testing

Biden tells governors there is ‘no federal solution on COVID

The Vaccine Mandates Caused a Healthcare Worker Shortage and Now the CDC is Panicking

Vax Passports and Personal QR Codes – The Panzer Tank of the COVID-19 Blitzkrieg

MN Puts White’s at the Back of the Queue For Life-Saving COVID-19 Treatment  – System prioritizes people of color

Peter Schiff: There Is No Ceiling On Inflation – They’ve depleted their savings war-chest so are having to go into debt

13 Happenings In 2021 That I Never Would Have Believed 5 Years Ago – #1. Men As Women

Fauci: ‘Masks Forever’ On Airplanes – Apparently getting triple vaxxed – or perhaps a coming fourth jab isn’t enough

Fauci’s authoritarian impulse is on display about vaccines and masks for flying – The air in airplanes is so clean it’s virtually impossible to catch COVID while flying

I&I/TIPP Poll: Who Are The Real COVID Extremists? – Liberals, Clearly!

2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 4 –  WEF Vision for Global Education System

December 26, 2021

Shock! The New Zealand government provides doctors a bonus to euthanize ‘severely hospitalized’ COVID patients

CAN FEMINISM DESTROY CHINA? – What really has the Communist elites worried about is the growing number of professional women who aren’t interested in getting married at all

China developed an AI ‘prosecutor’ that can identify ‘dissent’ and press charges for common crimes ‘with 97% accuracy’  –  – The system can press charges for Shanghai’s eight most common crimes

The Top 10 Ways the Biden Regime HOODWINKED Americans’ Safety, Health, and Livelihoods in 2021

The 10 state races that will decide the Senate majority

Here’s how much energy prices jumped in 2021

Supply Chain Predictions for 2022 – A Mixed-Bag of Consumer Spending, Port Management, and Omicron

Iconic athletes oppose letting transgender swimmer Lia Thomas compete against women

United Pilots Laid Off Due to Vaccine Mandate Say They Could Have Prevented Holiday Flight Disruptions

Analysis Of Football Injury Data From 2015-2021 – Are Heart-Related Injuries More Frequent In The Year 2021?

The Nations Mask Mandates and Lockdown Policies and Mask Mandates Linked With Lower IQ in Children

Fauci Admits VAXX Mandates Are About Control, Not Healthcare

The CDC Contingency Plan to Prevent Healthcare Worker Shortage Over Possible COVID-19 Surge – Due to the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant

The Friendly Skies are Long Gone and Face Mask Mandates Are to Blame for Massive Spike of Violent Incidents

A Horrific Note Left on Homework by Accused Michigan School Shooter Is Revealed – It is ‘Not a Case of Hindsight’

Women Inmates Seek Help as Law Allows ‘Trans Women’ to Share Spaces in California Prisons

China is in deep trouble – Xi Jinping’s crackdown on almost everything in China may be a sign of insecurity or tremendous fear of their monied business sector

Here’s how much energy prices rose in 2021 – The prices of oil, gas, and other fuels are embedded in the cost of everything, from the manufacturing and moving of products to generating electricity

Good Luck, Former Colonel, Now Mr. Scheller – The USMC is down one warrior and keeps the capons at the top

The Real Reason They Want to Give Covid Jabs to Kids – Once a vaccine is added to the childhood schedule, the vaccine maker is shielded from financial liability for injuries

When Does COVID Stop Being COVID? – As the 2011 movie Contagion subtitle says, “Nothing Spreads Like Fear”

The Covid fear factory is trembling – Because of the news coming out of S. Africa and the U.K. about the Omicron variant

What do the UK Vaccine Surveillance Reports tell us? – It’s time to stop the vaccination mandate and all the nonsense about a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

A new poll shows Americans think Biden has done a lousy job of fighting COVID

Six Political Predictions For 2022 That Are Pretty Likely To Occur

Report: New Symptom for Omicron Variant Emerges – Loss Of Appetite

December 25, 2021

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Licorice Inhibits Replication of Coronavirus

United employees granted vax exemptions put on unpaid leave, can’t work elsewhere, activists claim

Sharyl Attkisson: UPDATED Summary of Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns – Danish study again confirming serious heart inflammation risk from vaccination

New York Times Editor Carlos Tejada, 49, Dies of Heart Attack a Day After Getting His Covid Booster Shot

THREE Professional Soccer Players Died From Heart Attacks in FIVE DAYS

Omicron: Haven’t We Been Here Before?  – No one knows when this all ends but the virus is running out of people to infect

LGBTQIA+ Is Not My Cause Célèbre, OK? – Not every cause is our cause and no one should be imposing it on us, just as we don’t impose our causes on them

Heavy Blue Toll: Law enforcement “Line of Duty” deaths hit a record high in 2021

USA Swimming Official Quits Over Transgender Swimmer Competing Against Women

The Marines Have Now Booted 169 For Vaccine Refusal – All Religious Exemptions Denied

The Biden Admin Rejected An October Proposal For “Free Rapid Tests For The Holidays”

Report: Canada secretly tracked 33 million phones during COVID-19 lockdown

Maskless COVID Cultist Oprah Winfrey and Family Celebrate Christmas Feast In Mansion Alongside Masked Servants

Christmas Comes Early For 1 In 5 American Families That Open Presents On Christmas Eve

A New York Judge Orders New York Times To Remove Story On Project Veritas Based On Confidential Memos

Exclusive Photos: Smugglers Move Migrants into Texas on Christmas Eve

Six social networks to keep an eye on in 2022 – FB and Twitter dominate but an increasingly vocal minority has begun offering alternatives

The James Webb Space Telescope launches into space on Christmas – Providing a chance to learn more about the formation of the universe, stars, and planets

Five Ways the Coronavirus Pandemic Strengthened Authoritarianism Worldwide

Los Angeles And San Francisco Prove COVID Protocols Don’t Prevent COVID!

The Final Straw – The COVID Omicron variant has destroyed any vestige of public credibility in the Democrat party

There Are No Supply Issues With Ivermectin – According To Pharmaceutical Supplying The PRINCIPLE Oxford Trial

Keep This Story About 100% “Fully Vaccinated” USS Milwaukee in Your Back Pocket When Talking to Vaxx-Nannies

Common sense from South Africa on COVID – There’s an end in sight to COVID, you’re free to move on with your lives

COVID Passport Microchip?  – A Swedish Tech Start-Up Sees Another Conspiracy Theory Become Fact


December 24, 2021

Autism Has Soared 28x Since the 1960s, but Why? – Improved diagnosis alone cannot explain this trend

The Florida Surgeon General Promotes Nutraceuticals for COVID-19 – Such as optimizing your vitamin D, staying active, eating nutrient-dense foods, and boosting your immune system with supplements

Census: 1% of California’s Population Moved Out of the State in 2021

Gingrich: Biden won’t run in 2024 – The rumor is Clinton will try again as Kamala Harris appears even “weaker than Biden

Why the Left Doesn’t Like Christmas – “Holly, jolly” is not a left-wing term

The WH’s bizarre singing nurses – Ignore the amateurish performance and Jill Biden’s frozen smile. Focus on the racism

Is There No Longer Room in America for the Christ Child –  Previously it wouldn’t dawn on someone to ask such a question

The NBC Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Christmas Special From Years Past Provides A Lesson On Individualism

Joe Biden says ‘Let’s go, Brandon, I agree’ during Christmas call with kids and parents

The Young Father Who Got Joe Biden To Say “Let’s Go, Brandon!” Posted His Own Video Online Following the Call

‘Biden Seems Confused’: CNN Openly Questions President’s Cognitive Health After Yet Another Slip-Up

Democrats are worried that the wave of House retirements hasn’t peaked yet

How Mild is Omicron, Actually?  – And how effectively are the vaccines holding up against it?

75 Studies & Articles Against COVID-19 School Closures – The existing body of evidence from March 2020 to the present shows that children (particularly young children) are at very low risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2

Unvaccinated D.C. firefighters are working overtime on Christmas to cover for those vaccinated that have COVID

NIH: Check Out Wikipedia to See Why Great Barrington Declaration is ‘Dangerous’ – The declaration says Covid lockdowns  produce negative short-term and long-term effects on public health

US Navy Warship Pauses Deployment After COVID-19 Outbreak Among ‘100 Percent Immunized’ Crew

‘Mitre Corp’ Rolls Out ‘Vaccine Credential Initiative’ With CCP Affiliated Partners – A plethora of major national and international companies are teaming up to normalize digital health passports, hinting at a requirement for future travel

A New Vaccine Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Increase The Probability of Being Infected With Omicron After 90 Days

Canadian Vaccine Authorities Put Yellow Patches on Your Jacket as You Load into Trains – Please tell me you can see the problem here

Hundreds of Flights Canceled on Christmas Eve Due to The Omicron Surge And Inclement Weather

The Truth About Biden’s Dancing Nurses Is the Darkest Story You’ll Hear This Christmas

The US Navy Intercepts Huge Cache Of Arms From Iran Near Yemen On A “Stateless Ship”

Christmas without Rush Limbaugh – He was truly one of a kind. God Bless You, Rush!

The Biden White House Christmas Special Receives Massive Mocking – These ‘Freaking Weirdos’ ‘Are Out of Touch’

The Chines Communist Party Issues More Restrictions to Prohibit Religious Activities During Christmas

Amazon Deleted Reviews Critical Of A Chinese Communist Party Book

The five Senate seats most likely to change parties in 2022 – Republicans are cautiously optimistic to recapture the Senate

A Lawsuit Reveals Fulton County 2020 Absentee Ballot Results Were Physically Impossible and Files Were Modified

The Wisconsin Purchase – How Mark Zuckerberg and the Center for Technology & Civic Life turned Wisconsin blue in 2020

The fightback against wokeness has begun – The classroom will be the key battleground in the 21st-century culture wars

The Biden Admin Sparks Uproar with Plan to Rip Emergency Aid from Rural Areas and Funnel It Toward Big Cities

12 Governments That Are Limiting Christmas Festivities over Coronavirus … Again

The Pandemic Is Over…PLEASE Tell The Democrats – People in charge are more concerned with clicks, tweets, and poll numbers than making sound decisions

Weapons Against Covid Need a Presidential Boost – The Biden administration should make promising anti-viral medications widely available to as many Americans as possible

mRNA Vaccine Inventor Issues Warning To Parents – Do Not Give Children ‘Unproven Vaccines’ That May Permanently Damage Organs, Reproductive System, and Immunity

The UK Does Not Advise “Vaccines” for 5-11 Year Children – While the US Starts to MANDATE Them

Doctors Trying To Bring You The Truth On Covid

This Will Surely Ruin Anthony Fauci’s Xmas – A few things that will infuriate the world’s foremost authoritarian on COVID

We Can’t Stop the Spread of COVID, but We Can End the Pandemic – As normal society resumes, the vast majority will find that living with the virus is not so hard after all

The Official Los Angeles Chapter of Black Lives Matter Conducts A “Smash and Grab” Event As Crime Overtakes City

Commonwealth Court Rules Against Democrats – Will Allow Inspection of Fulton County, PA Dominion Voting Machines

The Inevitability Of Kamala Harris – I come neither to bury Kamala nor to praise her…

Lawyers Ask Why Just Four Epstein Accusers Were Called During The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial – They had a mountain of evidence that they could have brought

December 23, 2021

A Billion-Dollar Network Is Playing Politics in America’s Energy Sector, Driving up Costs – Ken Braun, the senior investigative researcher at the Capital Research Center

Liz Cheney Just Sent Out Christmas Newsletters And Guess What Was Missing – Her involvement with the Jan. 6 inquiry

Pramila Jayapal: Loser of the Year – Everything this Chair of The Progressive Caucus does creates catastrophe for Democrats

Twitter Gets Hit with the Censorship Lawsuit America Has Been Waiting For – By former New York Times journalist and best-selling author on Covid-19 issues Alex Berenson

United Airlines and others cancel dozens of flights scheduled for Christmas Eve amid COVID outbreak – Interesting since United mandated vaccinations for all flight crews

The Lump of Coal Awards 2021, January 6 Edition  – This year’s recipients include several prominent bad boys and girls

National Vaccine Information Center – No doubt that vaccine industry interests are pulling the strings to squash scientific views, studies, scientists, and opinions that are contrary to the narrative

Robert W Malone MD, MS: Omicron has Cracked Open the Overton Window –  Welcome to the new paradigm shift

NIPH Study: Covid vaccines could cause menstrual changes – Women 18 and 30 reported increased menstrual changes

Researchers Say The Majority Of People Who Contract Omicron May Never Show Symptoms

Sharyl Attkisson: The CDC decreases isolation time for Covid-infected health care workers

South Dakota’s Kristi Noem Pitches Bill Blocking Critical Race Theory

NASA’s X-59 Quiet Supersonic Test Jet Spotted – It could revolutionize supersonic travel, is getting closer to its first flight

WSJ: Judges Held Off Congress’s Efforts to Impose Ethics Rules—Until Now Bills to make it easier for the public to learn about court actions and conflicts of interest are on the move following years of resistance by the judiciary

Insider Trading and Congress, a Love Story – Members of Congress have made fortunes selling out the American people

U.S. Scientists Are Lured By Beijing – The CCP has set its eyes on the advancement of China and is willing to go to any lengths to make that happen

An Iranian endgame? – The Iranian regime wants to return to the 2015 agreement that allowed it to maintain its entire nuclear infrastructure, recoup $150 billion, and sell up to 2.5 million barrels of oil a day

Europe’s ‘Green Energy’ Enables Putin’s War Machine – Europe has paid for Russia’s military


Jim Jordan Lays Out Plan to Take on Big Tech After Republicans Re-Take House of Representatives

The Hidden Agenda Behind Biden’s Insane Gas Mileage Requirements – The goal is to reduce car ownership

Biden’s Staff Feel Betrayed After Not Being Invited To His Christmas Party So Sabotage Interview At The Fake WH

United Airlines Pilots Blast CEO Scott Kirby For Enforcing ‘Unreasonable, Discriminatory, and Retaliatory’ Vaccine Mandate

The Swedes Are Now Implanting Microchip Vaccine Passports – It Won’t Stop There

Dr. James Thorpe Explains How Doctors Are Forced to Hide VAXX Truths – ‘We Will Destroy Your Life, Your Career, and Your Family’

The Lancet Editor Admits Peter Daszak Has ‘Significant, Regrettable’ Conflicts Of Interest

Robert Califf, Joe Biden’s Nomination To Head The FDA, Is Tied To Big Pharma

A Florida Court in Florida Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors

“No Country Can Booster It’s Way Out” – WHO Warns Biden His Plan Could “Prolong” The Pandemic

SCOTUS fast tracks Biden Vaccine Mandate – Will decide whether the Biden administration will be allowed to enforce the vaccine mandates while they are being challenged in court

The FDA Releases More Data On “Adverse Reactions” and Deaths Due To Pfizer Vaccine

A California School District Refuses to Enforce Governor Newsom’s COVID Vaccine Mandate for Students and Staff

All I Want For Christmas Is An Un-Woke ‘Survivor’ Season – This one hits close to home, my wife and I agreed to never watch it again due to constant wokeness throughout the season

California’s Zero-Bail Policies Have Been A Deadly Failure – The grim reality of zero-bail policies became increasingly apparent as late summer turned to fall

The Fed’s Favorite Inflation Indicator Spikes To Almost 40-Year-Highs, With Real Spending Flat

The Big Escape from Democrat Governance – 20 states lost population to other states between July 2020 and July 2021, most of them are controlled by Democrats

Both Fascinating and Repulsive – Senator Rand Paul’s Annual ‘Festivus’ Report of Wasteful Government Spending

Could this be the final straw that converts millions of conservatives from Don to Ron?

The US Secret Service Is Investigating Hundreds of Fraud Cases Linked to Funds for Pandemic Relief

Could This Be The Warmest Pile Of Climate Cult Crap On Record?

December 22, 2021

49 States Have Transparent Spending Reports, California Is The Lone Holdout – “Open The Books” Sues For Access

Biden: ‘If We Don’t Pass Build Back Better,’ We Should Prepare for Rate Hikes And Potential Pain

Woke Crime Data Blackout – Hear no evil and see no evil because mainstream media hides it

WSJ: Supreme Court Sets Oral Arguments on Biden Covid-19 Vaccine Rules – Justices will hold a special sitting on Jan. 7

The White House Scrambles to Take Back Biden’s Apparent Press Conference Lie About Manchin

If You’ve Had COVID, Even If It Was A Mild Case, You’re Likely Protected for Life

Based on The Data, This IS a Pandemic of THE VACCINATED! – It was garbage then, and it’s garbage now

CDC: Omicron Accounts for 90 Percent of COVID-19 Cases in Some Parts of US

Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Trials Poorly Designed From the Start, Analysis Shows

Pfizer, FDA Dodge Media Questions About Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine

The U.S. Approves First Injury Claim for COVID Countermeasure, as Backlog Grows to 4,000+ Claims

Sharyl Attkisson: The British Medical Journal calls out Facebook’s fake science ‘fact checks’

Psaki: The White House would mandate vax proof for travel if the impact ‘overwhelming

2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 3: Spirituality in Education Programming

Population growth in the US absolutely cratered last year, hitting “the lowest rate since the nation’s founding” … This is bad

Washington Post-Schar School Poll: Americans widely distrust Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram with their data – People look to government regulation

The FDA Authorizes An Emergency Use Authorization For Pfizer’s New COVID-19 Pill – After Securing $5 Billion Deal With Federal Government

Kamala Harris absolves China of responsibility for COVID-19 – “I don’t think this is a moment to talk about fault”

How much more powerful are the media than you? – 32,000 full-time thought-police in America with a microphone the size of Mount Everest

Director Bryan Singer’s Teen Victim Blows the Whistle on Hollywood Pedophile Ring – “They Give You Money to Stay Silent”

Only Democrats Are Democratic . . . . Really? – I Never Once Heard The LEFT’S Description Of Democracy Used In The Same Sentence With The Word Freedom

Another Word for Life Is Risk and You Can’t Eliminate It – Part 2 – People Protection vs Rights. What was our Government conceived to do?

New Emails Reveal Evidence of Government Efforts to Suppress Free Speech – Behind-the-scenes efforts from Collins and Fauci to discredit the Great Barrington Declaration and disparage its authors

Elon Musk on “The Woke Mind Virus” – A prime example being Saturday Night Live

Joe Biden Is The Least Accessible President In Modern History – As of 12/1, Biden has done just 18 media interviews in the entire year, while Trump had already done 89 at the same point in his presidency

Joe Manchin Is A Hero For Killing Build Back Better – He cited two reasons, debt, and inflation

The FBI Is Not What It Used to Be – There was a time when kids and a lot of cops fantasized about becoming FBI agents

NASA To Launch Telescope Stronger Than Hubble That Can See Back In Time – It will provide further confirmation of an expanding universe

Whistleblower Says Young “Fully Vaccinated” Australians Are DYING Due to Covid Jab Complications

Covid: Omicron has an 80% lower risk of hospitalization, a new study shows

Sharyl Attkisson: The government continues to stall in releasing public documents on Covid vaccine safety – The FDA Rep was a No-Show at The Court Hearing

‘Blatant Religious Discrimination’: US Military Approves Zero Religious Exemptions to Vaccine Mandate

Biden Plans to Deploy Military, Distribute 500 Million Tests Amid COVID-19 Omicron Wave

The World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox – which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body

The Corporate Media Freak-out Over Omicron Is Psychotic – Thanks to our media elite, a certain segment of the American people have lost their minds over Covid

Early signs indicate That Omicron may pose less of a public threat

Biden commits medical triage malpractice – Takes medical care away from those who need it and provides it where not required

Two Dozen States Sue Biden Over Overreaching Orders to Mask Two-Year-Old Children

24 States Sue The Biden Administration Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children, Staff in ‘Head Start’ Education Program

Superior Court Rules Against San Diego Schools Vaccination Mandate – SDUSD may appeal the ruling shortly

Are athletes more at risk from COVID or vax side effects? – Absence of mainstream news coverage on the spike in athlete deaths inspired this research

Oregon Health Authority Data: 622 Fully Vaccinated Residents Died Of COVID – We were told the experimental COVID vaccines were going to “stop the spread”

Hospitals Choosing Patient Death Over Using Ivermectin – Hospital protocols that have a terrible record of saving lives

Austria Hiring People To “Hunt Down Vaccine Refusers” – The unvaccinated could be imprisoned for a year and forced to pay for their own internment

Addressing Social Security’s $19.8 trillion unfunded liability – Retirees are not protected from inflation that occurs in the year that they turn 61

‘Bail reform’ costs 25 Chicagoans their lives this year – Beneficiary of the George Soros’ masterplan of “bail reform”

December 21, 2021

Ben Shapiro: We Can’t Stop COVID – Here’s the Dark Reason Democrats Keep Trying

A Scientific Education – The Early Discoveries of RNA and DNA Vaccination

How omicron broke Covid-19 testing – Rapid tests are sold out everywhere, and help might not come until next year

Putin Beats the War Drums in Worrying Speech “We will take appropriate military-technical measures in response”

PBS Poll: Biden’s approval rating among Hispanics is lower than with white citizens as independent voters continue to leave him

Was the FBI’s Whitmer Chicanery a Warm-up for January 6? – By removing three dirty cops from the witness list, the Justice Department hopes to prevent any cross-examination during the trial and, one supposes, any link to January 6

Voices From the DC Jail – When will AG Garland act on Judge Lamberth’s referral for a civil rights investigation?

Insider: Addictive ‘Brain Hijacking’ Methods Used by Social Media Giants to Keep Users on Their Platforms Are Harmful, Particularly on Children

Biden’s Pentagon Looking to PUNISH Service Members For Being Pro American and LIKING Certain Facebook Posts

US Army Walter Reed Researchers Are Expected To Announce A Single Vaccine Against All COVID & SARS Variants

The Military And Police Need Our Support And We Need Their Support

Public Safety If You Can Afford It – Urban violence triggers the rise of private security services for the affluent

The Democrats’ Dismal Outlook for 2022 Midterm Elections Continues to Worsen As 23 Veteran Representatives in The House Say They Are Retiring

House Republicans Ask Biden When Legal Immunity for Vaccine Manufacturers Will End In Light of VAERS Reports and Mandates

New CA Law Requires Requires Recycling Of Organic Food Waste – Individuals and businesses who don’t comply could be fined up to $500 a day, and cities up to $10,000 a day, with inspections to enforce them

SFO dad of slain 6-year-old slams liberal DA Chesa Boudin: Making ‘justice system a complete joke’ – The convicted killer could serve less time in prison than the age of the boy who was shot to death

Governor Newsom: All CA Health Care Workers Are Now Mandated to Get A COVID Booster Shot

Biden Supposedly ‘Asymptomatic’ of Coronavirus as He Coughs Throughout Speech – After coming into contact with a person who later tested positive for the coronavirus

Joe Biden delivers a double dose of ineptitude as COVID and Build Back Better bedevil his presidency

Interest in COVID-19 news vs. cases over time – The Omicron variant is not jumpstarting Americans’ engagement

Omicron: The Lockdowners’ Last Stand – The vaccine is not working to prevent infection or transmission of the virus

Biden Lied About Why COVID Tests Are In Short Supply – The shortage of tests has been a problem for several months

UCLA and six other UC campuses will start the new term online – And COVID boosters will be required

2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Is Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 2: Programming

Federal Involvement in Health Care Drives Treatment Choices – Doctors cannot question the federal government

CDC: Omicron coronavirus variant now behind 73% of new cases – It first emerged in South Africa in November

Furious Fauci Calls For FOX News Host Jesse Watters To Be Fired On The Spot For ‘Kill Shot’ Comment

Mission Unaccomplished: Describing A Failing US Military As “Awesome”

Year-End Recap: Joe Biden Gaslight Americans Saying We Are Better Off Now Than Under Trump

The Biden economy will crush Democrats in 2022 – You don’t have to be a Republican to see it

Democrats Panic After Manchin Nukes Build Back Better – “I Probably Won’t Be Elected”

What Do We Do With The FBI Now? – Events of the past 5 or 6 years have demonstrated the FBI is no longer the unbiased law enforcement agency it once was

Some Good Omicron News: Symptoms Remain Extremely Mild As UK Cases Are Peaking

Did The Dismissals of Safe Outpatient Drugs Cause Needless Covid Deaths? – Dissenting Doctors Say Yes

The AP’s Hit Piece on RFK, Jr. Symbolizes The Intellectual and Moral Collapse of Mainstream News Industry

Fauci’s Finished – How Accurate Is This Prediction Of What Biden Will Do Regarding Omicron?

Biden Plans to Deploy Military, Distribute 500 Million Tests Amid COVID-19 Omicron Wave

More Children Have Died From Covid Shots Than From Covid Itself

The Omicron Fake-out: We Now Have More Panic Porn From Joe Biden And His Cronies

The FDA Is Prepared To Authorize The New Merck and Pfizer Pills Imminently

A Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors in 10 States

Gaslighting Trump – Truth be told, Trump’s 2020 election Jewish support was the largest for a Republican since 1988

Kyle Rittenhouse Issues A 1-Sentence Warning to Media Outlets That Disparaged Him

There Is Right And There Is Wrong – Clearly, Men Competing Athletically As Women Is Wrong

Abigail Shrier on Freedom in an Age of Fear – Both a warning and a rallying cry

Rescue California Tells Governor Newsom to Call A Special Legislative Session over The Crime Wave


December 20, 2021

The COVID Vaccines Are A Myth – There is clearly no such thing as a vaccine against COVID-19

Oregon’s now requires kindergartners to become indoctrinated in identity politics, including developing “an understanding” of their own “gender”

The CDC will no longer recognize PCR tests as valid methods for diagnosing COVID-19

Yikes: Ports are So Backed Up Halloween Costumes are Still Coming Through Them

Pelosi’s Majority Crumbles – Three Democrats Announce Retirement Within 24 Hours

Chuck Schumer Vows To Call For A Formal Vote On ‘Build Back Better’ Which Will Screw His Own Members in the Process

The Vortex Deepens, and The Danger Grows – Team Biden is drowning, desperate, and increasingly dangerous to American liberty and prosperity

A DC Judge Orders Release of 3 Hours of Capitol Surveillance Video from inside West Terrace Tunnel on Jan. 6 Where Police Were Beating the Hell Out of Trump Supporters

Special counsel Durham is scrutinizing members of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign

Judging Fauci – Does responsibility for the deaths of over 1 million Americans make Tony Fauci a mass murderer?

From Fauci to Big Tech, The GOP already has clear investigative targets if it wins back Congress

The Supreme Court Asks Biden Administration to Respond to Flurry of Challenges to OSHA Mandate

Inside the Omicron fear factory – Public health chiefs and the media are working overtime to gin up hysteria

New Zealand Government Panel: A 26-Year-Old’s Death Was ‘Probably’ Due to the Pfizer COVID Vaccine

1.5 Million Parents Could Drop Out of Workforce Amid Biden Child Tax Credit (CTC) Benefit


Ben Shapiro on Facebook, Israel, and my conversion

Prosecutor Turns Up the Heat: Ghislaine Maxwell Is a ‘Sophisticated Predator’ Who ‘Committed Horrifying Crimes’

Trump Hits Back Against New York State Attorney General with Major Legal Action

Poll: Facebook Is Clearly The Worst Company of 2021

Warning for ALL Facebook, Google, and Hotmail users as 5.5BILLION passwords hacked – How to protect yourself

Power Move: Manchin ‘Refused’ A Frantic Phone Call Right Before He Killed Biden’s Bill on Live TV

Democrats Prepare To Dump Joe Biden Now That He’s Served His Purpose – Just a year after 81 million Americans supposedly voted for him

Analysis: Republican-led States Lead Democrat-led States in Economic Recovery in November

Why the Jan. 6 Inquisition Is the Real Enemy of Democracy

The Elite’s obsession with January 6 – Two reasons: Warding off the return of Trumpism & habitual projection of their own evil onto the seething mass of deplorables

It wasn’t just uncharged Ray Epps leading the Capitol breach – Ray Epps and the Scaffold Commander were on the same mission

New Justice Department report: Prison rates plummeting, the lowest level since 1992 – Criminals are out on our streets

Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Backed Prosecutor

Swimming Magazine Editor Says Trans Swimmer’s Advantage Is Just Like ‘Doping’

Pushback to US Health Agencies Grows Over The Handling of COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters

The Biden Administration Has an Epiphany on Covid-19 . . . Too Late – They should not be focusing on the total number of cases and instead should be focused on severe infections and hospitalizations

Pfizer is Buying a Biopharma Company for $6.7B – They focus in part on cardiovascular and inflammatory medicines

Japan’s COVID vaccination policy – No coercion, no discrimination

Ivermectin Cures Covid – After a massive effort, they found that they had effectively eradicated the disease

South African Officials Advise Government To Stop Tracing And Quarantining Omicron Contacts Because Most Don’t Experience Any Symptoms

Omicron Forces Wave of Closures Nationwide as WH Warns of ‘Winter of Death’ Coming, While South African officials say Omicron hospitalization rate is one-tenth that of Delta

New York Schools Preparing for Cardiac Arrest from Students as Vax Mandates Loom

Only the Anti-liberty Left Is in an Omicron Panic, a Natural Vaccine Means an End to the Covid Crisis

Rosenfield: The Left Has Abandoned Health Care as ‘Human Right’ for Unvaccinated

mRNA ‘Unintended’ Consequences – Miscarriages, heart attacks, myopericarditis, thrombocytopenia, shingles, Bell’s palsy, and a variety of permanent disabilities

Christian Ministries Ask Supreme Court to Block OSHA Vaccine Mandate

Pharmaceutical scientists admit that the COVID vaccines can cause blood clots

December 19, 2021

A New York Bill Will Let The Governor Detain Anyone Suspected To B A ‘Threat to Public Health’

Why Would Hispanics Drop the Left? – The bill for the arrogance and incompetence from leftist elites is now coming due

Retired Generals Urge Military to ‘War-Game’ Against US Citizens – With the first anniversary of Jan. 6

Putin Eyes Ukraine – The U.S. and NATO aren’t doing anything that might deter Russia’s takeover of Ukraine

‘Devastating for the planet’: White House, liberals meltdown after Joe Manchin officially kills Biden’s social spending agenda

COVID-19 Outbreak Reported on Royal Caribbean Cruise Despite Fully Vaccinated Adult Passengers

WSJ: Senator Manchin Says He Won’t Vote for ‘Build Back Better’ – The could doom Biden’s top domestic-policy priority

Another January 6 Conspiracy Theory Debunked: GOP House Members Did Not Coordinate With Stop the Steal Organizer – Democrats are coming up empty again

Spite: Joe Biden would rather let the unused border wall materials rot on the ground than sell them to Texas

The Long Run Is Here And It Kind of Stinks – There is no such thing as a free lunch as somebody always pays

Three companies and one red-state attorney general are asking SCOTUS to stay Biden’s sweeping mandate

India Must Help Cure Global Covid – Be sure to click on the Dr. Pierre Kory link at the bottom of the post

The hospitalization rate is significantly lower during the latest scariant as the radical left starts calling for action

What the VAERS Data Tells Us About COVID Vaccine Safety – The estimated underreporting factor for COVID jab injuries in VAERS is between 31 and 100

10 Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protestors, Including Leader, Arrested in NYC Over Two Consecutive Nights

The woke alphabet – ’Z’ is for zero tolerance (Of straight, white Christians. And other bad things!)

With Crime in California Out of Control, is Gavin Newsom Now the Law and Order Governor?

Mexico’s Supreme Court says you can choose your own age

College Degrees Are Losing Their Value – By the phenomenon known as credential inflation

December 18, 2021

Poll: There is a 50 Point Drop for Biden Among Young People

Sex offenders, gangs and smugglers, and other criminal element surges along the southern border

Memory Hole: Virtually Every Major Health Official in the United States Has Claimed That Covid Shots Stop the Virus

Fifty percent of US adults do not support the requirement of vaccine mandates

A 2022 New World Awareness (NWA) – Driven by the “Covid Hoax” and Global Elite “New World Order (NWO)” Efforts

First Claim Alleging Injury or Death From a COVID-19 Countermeasure to Be Compensated – More than 4,000 other claims await the  decision

Study: Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine 4 Times More Likely to Cause Heart Inflammation Than Pfizer’s

Dr. Ben Carson: The Pandemic Could Be Solved Quickly If Politics Is Thrown Out

Biden set to Introduce New COVID Measures, Issue ‘Stark Warning’ to Unvaccinated

BUSTED: Fauci & Collins Conspired To Discredit Dissenting Scientists … And Google Helped

The 16 US Cities That Hit All-Time Homicide Records This Year

Mapped: The Most Common Illicit Drugs In The World

Exactly Which Dystopian Novel Are We Living In? – All of the big ones, unfortunately

The reality of a One World government – The replacement of America’s constitutional republic with global governance

A Coming Test On Taiwan – Instead of attacking Taiwan itself, China might target one of its remote islands

Republicans Should Help Reform the Electoral Count Act

ABC News distorts history, facts to defend Joe Biden’s stalled agenda

Biden gets 40 judges confirmed in the first year, double Trump’s number

George Orwell was Right – Control the Language and Control the World

Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6

The Soviet-style conditions in which January 6 arrestees molder – What happened to their constitutional rights?

Poling shows the Omicron won’t affect plans for the holidays

The anti-Fauci speaks out – Dr. Scott Atlas’s Book, A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America

Understanding the Psychology Behind Covid Hysteria and Mass Formation Psychosis

VAERS Covid ‘Vaccine’ Death Reports Top 20,000, But How Many Have REALLY Died?

People may finally be seeing the light on COVID mandates

WSJ: What You Should Do If You Test Positive for Covid-19 as Omicron Variant Surges

The Top takeaways from Week Three of Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking trial


December 17, 2021

Bill Gates, Fauci have quietly teamed up to form a multi-billion dollar vaccine empire – Gates strategically targets his charitable gifts to give him control of the international health and agricultural agencies and the media

Pfizer Begins Testing Three-Dose COVID Vaccine for Babies and Toddlers

NIH Director Collins asked Fauci to attack Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford epidemiologists with a ‘quick and devastating published takedown’ of The Great Barrington Declaration

A UK Scientist Reveals Bombshell Data Analysis: Tracks Batches Of Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen, Finds “..Some Batches Are 50 Times Worse Than Others”

Authorities encountered 173,620 people illegally crossing the border in November, up 5%

U.S. pork producer to limit sales in California over the new pig law

These 10 California counties lost the most residents during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Rover finds organic molecules on the surface of Mars

Californians Are Ignoring Gavin Newsom’s Statewide Mask Mandate

A Federal Appeals court reinstates Biden vaccine mandate for business, setting up Supreme Court showdown

A Christmas Miracle! – December Sees Antifa Thugs (Finally) Going to Prison!

The Biden Administration Announces Their COVID-19 ‘Test-to-Stay’ Policy in Schools

27 Business Groups File Appeal Taking Vaccine Mandate Fight To Supreme Court

CORONAVIRUS South Africa: Only 1.7% Have Been Hospitalized From The Omicron Variant

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott announced on Friday that the construction of the state’s border wall has begun

Covington Catholic graduate Nicholas Sandmann reaches defamation settlement with NBC

Is This The Beginning Of The End For Gun Control?

Project Veritas releases name of CNN producer involved in their latest pedophilia scandal

The CDC Endorses Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Over J&J, Citing Blood Clot Risk – But Data Show All 3 Carry Similar Risk

The Sacramento Crime Log Grows While Mayor Focuses on the ‘Unhoused’

To avoid “Racial Bias” accusations, Redfin and Realtor websites won’t provide crime statistics for neighborhoods when homebuyers search for houses

The Top 5 Imported Foods From China You Should Avoid To Protect Your Health

WSJ: ‘The Corpse Bride Diet’: How TikTok Inundates Teens With Eating-Disorder Videos – Sending them down a rabbit hole of narrow interest, resulting in hazardous diets and body shaming

THE WORLD’S TRADING FREEDOMS FOR GOVERNMENT TRINKETS TO COME – As Much As Senators Manchin & Sinema Are Talking The Talk – Let’s All Pray They Actually Walk The Walk

Today’s inflation results from Democrats’ deliberate policy choices

Joe Biden Concedes Delay of Multitrillion-Dollar Build Back Better Bill

Biden Admin Asks Supreme Court to Reinstate Mandates for Many Health Care Workers

Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 committee is proving itself amazingly dishonest in its ambitions to Get Trump and it’s becoming a pattern

The Right Responds To Cancel Culture By Building Its Own Infrastructure And The Left Goes Nuts – It’s not about building an echo chamber it’s about competition and choice


Growing Number of Companies and Organizations Are Walking Back Vaccination Requirements

The CDC announces new ‘test to stay’ guidance for unvaccinated students for schools as closures pile up

America Has Reached Covid Burnout – The pandemic response took a wrecking ball to four of peoples six basic needs

Dr. Peter McCullough’s Dismantles the Covid Narrative With Joe Rogan

A New Study Shows The Moderna Vaccine Is Significantly More Likely to Cause Dangerous a Side Effect

The Scheming of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci – They have created a formidable public-private partnership that wields incredible power over the American public, along with global health and food policies

So Who Isn’t Getting Infected These Days? – It’s the people who have had Covid

What You Must Believe as an American in 2021 – To save “democracy,” we must murder freedom, among others

Fauci says a redefinition of fully vaccinated is ‘on the table’

DHS Alejandro Mayorkas: Silicon Valley ‘Committed’ to Speech Curbs

The Tragedy of Portland: ‘It’s now a Ghost Town, Except for Zombies’ – Shop owners sleep with shotguns and citizens must act as police

Emails show that teachers union labor disputes weighed in Biden’s school reopening guidance

Where are the workers? – What happens when you crush entire sectors of your economy for nearly two years, and then, to compensate for your crime, you decide to inject trillions of dollars of freshly printed cash into the system?

FDA to Make Abortion Pills Available Through The Mail

Bombshell Report: IRS Confirms Election Cash Dump Was Sourced from Zuckerberg Grantee

10 Christmas Songs That Must Be Cancelled By The End Of 2021 To Please The “Woke” Community

December 16, 2021

12 Worst Cases of Big Tech Censorship in 2021

Hispanics’ rightward march – It’s official: The Democrats have a Hispanic voter problem

20,000 Troops on the Chopping Block as Military Begins Discharging the Unvaccinated

The Next Wave of Log4J Attacks Will Be Brutal –  So far they have resulted mostly in crypto mining and a little espionage

20 Democrats Will Not Seek Reelection in the House of Representatives – 4-Times The GOP Needs to Win Back Majority

Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and the New American Fascism – Collaborators in the authoritarian January 6 Committee

With people like Mitch McConnell & Liz Cheney, who needs Democrats? – They are both seriously compromised by CHINA, our chief enemy?

Jim Jordan Confirms What He Did On January 6 In Communications With Meadows – He provided the legal case for VP Pence to NOT certify the election of President Joe Biden

‘It’s Not Safe’: Even a Gang Affiliate Thinks Dem-Run LA Has Become an Anarchic, Lawless Hell-Scape

Fighting Crime the Soros Way The loony-left donor is bankrolling criminal-allied district attorneys and building a body count

‘I Regret Voting for Biden’: POTUS Breaks Key Campaign Promise – And His Voters Are Rushing for the Exits

WSJ: Senate Parliamentarian Rejects Democrats’ Immigration Proposal in $2 Trillion Bill Proposal – Would have provided work permits, deportation protections to millions

THE D.C. BAR GOES TO BAT FOR CONVICTED ANTI-TRUMP FELON – That radically altered a document in the Trump-Russia investigation to justify spying on an American citizen

Liz Cheney just set the stage for the latest January 6 committee letdown – Donald Trump won’t be charged with insurrection, treason, or sedition, but obstruction may be on the table

US Navy A Tests New Laser Weapon Off Yemen Coast

Supreme Court: Justices Barrett and Kavanaugh failed to protect the religious and bodily rights of Americans begging not to be forced to take injections against their will

Emails reveal Zuckerberg offered user data reports to Fauci to help shape lockdown measures in the US

Covid Authoritarians are Starting to Lose the ‘Forever Mask’ War – Americans are increasingly pushing back against the culture machine’s inexplicable obsession with masks

The Biden administration has been sidelining vaccine experts – The FDA, for example, approved booster shots for 16- and 17-year-olds without convening a key advisory panel

Big Pharma, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in a complaint to International court

Inventor of RNA Vaccines: Before You Inject Your Child, You Need to Hear This …

16 States Where Kids Breathe Freely! – No masks, masks optional – you get to choose

‘Many Lives Being Destroyed’ by Government’s Failure to Recognize Natural Immunity, Physician Says

Florida v. Critical Race Theory – Governor DeSantis takes a stand against racialist ideologies in public institutions and businesses

Tucker Carlson Says RINO Republican Liz Cheney Is Considering A White House Run In 2024

Kevin McCarthy Is Under Increasing Pressure to Remove Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the Republican Party

Mark Meadows, an American patriot to the core – Pelosi and her puppets claim he is guilty of sedition for open hostility to the Biden administration – Hopefully, he will be able to organize a new Freedom Caucus?

Regarding The Report Of FBI Sexual Misconduct Overseas – Why Are the Dates Omitted?

Nancy Pelosi’s Majority Crumbles – California Democrat Representative Alan Lowenthal Will Not Seek Reelection in 2022

WSJ: Kamala Harris Says She and Biden Haven’t Discussed Running for Re-Election in 2024 – ‘I don’t think about it, nor have we talked about it,’ she said in an interview, noting it’s their first year in office amid a pandemic

HR1 Is the Democrat Party’s Coup de Grâce in Their Complete Takeover of the United States – It Will Codify Their Election Fraud In Perpetuity

A UN Grantee, International Organization for Migration, Uses U.S. Tax Dollars To Fund Illegal Immigration To The U.S.

The Salvation Army has been ditched by donors and volunteers after the disastrous release of its ‘anti-racism’ guide

General Michael Flynn Goes Live With An Epic New Personal Website

University of PA Parents Plead with NCAA to Change Rules After Trans Swimmer Dominates Women’s Competition

The Biden Admin Planned to Halt Trump-Era Tracking of Teacher Sex Offenses but Public Backlash Forces a Retreat

The Fed Just Started The Countdown To Our Next Recession – Here’s When It Will Most Likely Strike

A Dove Doesn’t Change Its Feathers – The Fed is set to launch its war on inflation carrying a pea-shooter to a gunfight

Inflation Will Cost the Average Household $3,500 in 2021 – For the same level of consumption of goods and services

“Are they trying to lose?” – Watchdog groups fume after Pelosi defends insider stock trading by lawmakers

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, And The Left’s Opposing Narrative – Equals No Coverage By The Mainstream Media

Initial Jobless Claim Rebound From 52-Year-Low – Americans filing for jobless benefits for the first time to 206k (from an upwardly revised 188k)

Nike Execs Funneled Money To Democrat Oregon Senator Ron Wyden Who Just Blocked The Uyghur Forced Labor Bill

‘Woke’ retailers who asked Congress for help amid smash-and-grabs include the chiefs of Target, Nordstrom, and Levi Strauss

Florida Governor DeSantis Introduces The “Stop WOKE” Act and Says CRT Is “Elite-Driven Phenomenon”

ALERT: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK to Adults Is Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 1: Introduction

The Feds charter is maintaining price stability and maximizing employment – Climate change policy isn’t included

Pat Buchanan Was Right About Everything – We’d be in a different and better America if people listened to him about the globalist political machine

The Rate at which people stopped moving to California surprised researchers – Celebrities and companies moving out of California to states like Texas and Florida

New York City Bans Natural Gas From New Buildings – To reduce the city’s carbon footprint

What I’ve Learned While Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy – This is not a cautionary tale, but a warning

WSJ: The Pandemic Didn’t Unfold How Dr. Hancock Expected – Non-Covid patients with chronic diseases, addiction, and mental illness suffered the most in an overwhelmed healthcare system

The Covid VAX Should Not Be Mandated – Covid-19 is not a deadly disease, it is similar to Influenza

New CA rules end the distinction for vaccinated workers – The California Chamber of Commerce opposed the revisions

Omicron: The Delta-Slayer – Infections are mostly asymptomatic or mild (vaxxed or not) and short-lived, with the recovered bestowed with better, more durable, natural immunity to COVID over all the vaccines in the world

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Tells Defense Secretary COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate on National Guard Won’t be Enforced

Poll: A Strong Majority of Voters Oppose Any New Vaccine Mandates To Deal With Omicron

Global Healthcare Knowledge Provider BMJ –  The Pandemic Will End When We Turn Off Our Screens

Just 15 People With Omicron Are Being Treated in UK Hospitals – Despite hundreds of thousands of infections

YouTube Censors Bombshell Joe Rogan Interview With Cardiologist Peter McCullough – He explained how early treatment of COVID is being actively suppressed by governments and big pharma to favor a blind pursuit to vaccinate everyone

COVID vaccines pose a 7 times higher death risk than COVID for young people, Japanese experts warn

The FDA Strengthens Its Warning Over TTS Linked to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine

CDC Officials Are Considering Pulling or Restricting J&J COVID Vaccine Due to Dangerous Side Effects

The CDC Vaccine Advisory Panel to Meet on Severe Condition Linked to J&J’s COVID-19 Vaccine – Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS

A Member of Biden’s Supreme Court ‘packing’ commission breaks ranks – Increasing the number of justices would have a dangerous impact on justice and risked destabilizing that nation’s highest court

What George Soros Backed DA Chesa Boudin is really like around crime victims when the cameras are off

Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal Is Under Fire After Speaking at Communist Group’s Gala

12 Times Joe Biden Completely Made Up Stories, Lied, Or Said Something Crazy

The Biden administration scraps $450,000 payments to migrant families separated under Trump

Senator Kennedy Grills A Biden Judicial Nominee and Finally Gets A Direct Answer To ‘What’s Your Favorite Color?’

An Egyptian Scholar Asks Reasonable Questions about Islam, Gets Arrested

The Atmospheric river is a win for California: Snowpack goes from 19% to 83% of average

December 15, 2021

Justice Gorsuch Pens Scathing Dissent After SCOTUS Allows New York Vaccine Mandate To Stand

MASKS DON’T WORK – California is seeing 4-times more daily Covid cases than Florida

San Diego State University spent $250K to build a racial healing garden – Nobody uses it

House Democrats Force Through ‘Islamophobia’ Bill Without a Single Republican Vote

Florida Governor DeSantis Spends $8 Million to Remove Biden’s Illegals from Florida – It’s Time for the Statutory States to Counter Sanctuary Ones

The San Francisco exodus isn’t over according to new migration data – Here’s where people are moving to

Why Is the Left Worried Suddenly About the End of Democracy? – They are fearful because it works despite their own media and political efforts to warp it

The Democrats Play Dumb About Spiking Crime – They will blame everything for it but their own policies

Senator Cotton: Be Careful What You Wish For – Republicans have a legitimate beef with Big-Tech, but support for government “solutions” will blow up in their faces

School Choice Wins in SCOTUS Could Impact California – These important cases bring school choice and the First Amendment to the forefront of the education debate

Fed Officials Project Three Rate Rises Next Year and Accelerate Wind Down of Stimulus To Cool High Inflation

Newly Released CIA Documents Reveal Lee Harvey Oswald’s Meeting With USSR Officials Just Before JFK Assassination

Does the CCP control Extinction Rebellion? – A Who’s Who of British, European, and American climate activists are blind to President Xi’s ambition

The Real Motive Behind The Push to Vaccinate Kids – Folding the current generation of children into the blossoming global digital identity system

How Could They Have Done This to the Children? – At this point, it is clear that many pandemic experts hurt children

Most Americans Are ‘Worn Out’ by COVID – Public officials’ COVID ratings are down with a dip in support for mandates

Fauci: No Need for Omicron-Specific COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Now – Vaccines may be less effective against Omicron

A Federal Appeals Court Lets Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers Take Effect in Some States

Heart Inflammation Risk Higher From Moderna Vaccine Than COVID-19 for Those Under 40 – Much higher following the second dose of the vaccine

The Senate Passes Legislation to Prevent Dishonorable Discharges for Unvaccinated Servicemembers

American Airlines CEO Doug Parker and Southwest’s Gary Kelly dispute the need for masks on planes

Great Grandparents Who Reported Lesbian Couple For Abusing Toddler Were Dismissed As ‘Racist Homophobes’

WSJ: Hackers Backed by China Seen Exploiting The Flaw In Log4j Security Flaw in Internet Software – Researchers call it one of the direst cybersecurity threats to emerge in years in that it could enable devastating attacks

The Obsessed Biden Administration Feels Israeli Settlements Are An Equal Threat To That Of Iran Nukes

Wednesday Politico Morning Consult Poll: 67 Percent of Independent Voters Say Joe Biden Should Not Seek Reelection


A NYT Columnist Urges Biden to Announce He Won’t Run in 2024 – So potential Democratic contenders can begin making preparations to replace him

The show trial taking place in D.C. – We don’t know all that happened because Democrats refuse to release 14,000 hours of Capital Police video footage

The new Dark Ages – The woke assault on Western civilization is taking us backward with a basic level of literacy in a precipitous decline

During The January 6 Hearing Adam Schiff Doctored Text Messages Between Mark Meadows And Rep. Jim Jordan

Conservatives have a FIRST Amendment right not to testify! – Will the courts protect the rights of conservatives as previous courts protected the rights of the left?

Joseph Stalin And Joe Biden Agree – Who gets to count the votes matters more than who gets to vote

Xi Jinping’s Micromanagement Leaves Underlings Scrambling – He issues cryptic instructions that underlings go overboard trying to carry out

Senator Elizabeth Warren Says It’s Time to Destroy the Supreme Court

A Taiwanese BSL-3 Level Lab Leak Intensifies Questions About a Leak from Wuhan’s Less Secure BSL-2 Facility

The Former Danish Minister is to Be Sent to Prison for 60 Days for Opposing Child Marriages

AZ, NV, and CA are preparing to sign voluntary cutbacks of Colorado River water to stave off future cutbacks

Vaccine Passports are Useless and a Threat to Public Health – The vaccines Do Not prevent transmission of COVID

After 21 Months, A Positive COVID Test in New Hampshire Means You Only Have a 99.9% Chance of Surviving

Rand Paul Warns That COVID Mandates Are “About Conditioning The American Individual To Submit To Government”

Biden’s vaccine mandate will decimate our military – These discharges are as unnecessary as they are unjustified

Wuhan lab leak is now the most likely origin of Covid – Dr. Alina Chan says there is also a risk that Covid-19 is an engineered virus

RFK Jr. dissects, identifies, and exposes the evil influences that produced the unprecedented COVID over-response, related regulatory capture of government agencies, and explains related globalist strategies

The Global Elite “Covid Hoax” To Take-Over America Is Happening

Governments Want Crackdowns on The Telegram App and Other Online Community Platforms Used to Organize Anti-COVID Lockdown Protests

The left’s resistance to Ivermectin is shameful – Ivermectin is so beneficial that its inventor won the Nobel Prize

Sharyl Attkisson: A minority of parents are getting their eligible children vaccinated for Covid-19

A US Federal Court Rejects Bid to Block United Airlines COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Democrats Crammed a Natural Gas Energy Tax into the Build Back Better Boondoggle

The Government Is Your Car’s Next Passenger – The infrastructure bill will require impaired driving technology in all new vehicles

Biden’s Build Back Better Lie Reveals $5 Trillion Isn’t ‘Zero’ – CBO and Removing the Gimmicks Exposes The True Cost

Biden Is Building Backwards Better With Record-High Wholesale Prices – The November producer price index rises 9.6%, sets new record

Manchin snaps after Democrats blame him for killing Biden’s hopes of passing Build Back Better this year- Schumer punts president’s flagship $1.75T to next year

Democrats Greed For Power Is Endless – The corrupt Obama/Biden administration had slush funds at the Justice Department, EPA, and CFPB to provide kickbacks to their special interest groups

What do migrant surges and smash-and-grab lootings have in common? – Now we have social media at the nexus of mass lootings, the center of migrant surges, and cartel empowerment

Millions Of Devices Are At Risk Over New CVE-2021-44228 Software Vulnerability – End-users could see their favorite websites and apps impacted

Are Crude Oil Pipelines Safe? – Yes, safer than all alternative transport methods

WTI Rebounds Back Above $70 After Big Surprise Crude Oil Draw

Joe Biden On The Tornados And Climate Change – Here is what science and data expose about the issues

L.A. Schools Host an LGBT Club For Children As Young as Four  Promoting ‘Two Spirit’ Sexuality And Child Mutilation

December 14, 2021

Liz Cheney Accidentally Undercuts Entire Purpose of Jan. 6 Committee by Releasing Mark Meadows’ Texts

The Omicron Variant has been hijacked to cover up the fact the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work and implement a Social Credit System

The hypocrisy of media manipulators and censors claiming to fight misinformation – With backing from George Soros and Reid Hoffman

Beijing turns inward as US decoupling gathers pace – A Fortress China is under construction

SCOTUS Won’t Block New York’s Vaccine Mandate – Two Trump Justices Side With Liberals

Tucker Carlson: “These People Are a Danger to Children”

The Threat of a China-Centric New World Order – To understand what’s at stake, let’s talk geopolitics

The Chinese Regime Is Committing At Least 3 Genocides According To A Former Senior State Department Official

IMF: The U.S. Is Tied For The Highest Inflation Of All The World’s Developed Nations

The House votes to raise the debt ceiling and sends the bill to Biden’s Desk – Lawmakers expect the increase to last into 2023

Americans Must Defend Our Freedom Globally – The Global Elite “Covid Hoax” To Take-Over America is happening

The Entire Nation of Great Britain Has Passed Mandatory ‘Vaccine Passports’ Over Brewing ‘Rebellion’

The Logic of California’s Leftists Will Keep Us All Children Forever – Some have found a novel way to improve academic results, they’re getting rid of D and F grades

The Mayor of San Francisco Drops ‘Defund the Police’ – Calls ‘Bulls**t’ on Progressive Police Policies

California exempts San Francisco from Gavin Newsom’s new COVID indoor mask rule

Trump Has Earned a Friend – Mr. Podhoretz knows we’re in a war with the Left over the fundamental goodness of America

The FDA approves boosters for minors – without testing boosters on minors

The Latest VAERS Estimate: 388,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines

A New Columbia University “Vaccine” Study Drops Bombshell – VAERS Deaths Are Undercounted by a Factor of 20

Chief Executive: Amtrak Suspends COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Employees

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admits it’s ‘probably true’ that Covid isn’t going anywhere

Study: Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Is Less Protective Against Hospitalization After Omicron Variant Emerged

Google Tells Employees to Get Vaccinated by January 18 – Or face disciplinary actions that could result in their termination

The AP asks the Biden administration why the DHS used a government database meant to track international terrorists to investigate as many as 20 American journalists

The House Votes to Hold Former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in Criminal Contempt of Congress

What Are Public Schools For? – Parents have a different opinion than activists and typical policymakers do

The Left Hates The Miss America Pageant Because It’s A Win For Conservatism – Anything that lasts 100 years is better than woke hysteria

Military Branches Officially Begin Discharging Unvaccinated Service Members


A US Appeals Court Rejects Bid to End Trump-Era ‘Remain in Mexico’ Border Policy

Governor DeSantis Blows the Whistle: Biden ‘Effectively’ Running a ‘Mass Human Smuggling Operation’ – Moving illegal immigrants throughout the country in the dead of the night with no explanations offered

The Right President at the Right Time – Three that can be considered indispensable to the nation’s enduring existence as a free people – George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Donald Trump

Race To The Totalitarian Bottom – The cold war between the US and China is not one between democracy and dictatorship

Mainstream media is doing their best to deflect the blame for high inflation from the Biden administrations policies

Wholesale Prices See Biggest Annual Increase on Record, Adding to Broader Inflation Woes

US Producer Prices Explode To Record High In November – And There’s Worse To Come

“Wipe Out” Below The Calm Surface Of The Bull Market

The White House cries ‘fake news’ on CBO score showing a higher cost for the spending bill

Oil Prices Tumble, Brent Prompt Spread Flips To Contango After IEA Says Global Market Returned To Surplus

In case you haven’t yet realized it, your government is lying to you about extreme weather events

California Looks To Stab Rooftop Solar Customers In The Back With Massive Incentive Rollback and New Fees

The Failure of ‘Latinx’ – The vast majority of Latinos dislike the term and have zero interest in being used as pawns by progressives in the culture war

The Senate Drops Their Bipartisan Plan To Draft Women After Constituent Outcry

Net neutrality was always a hoax. Don’t bring it back now

Axios-Ipsos poll: The danger of vaccine mandates

The UK Government Refuses To Reveal Details About ‘First Omicron Death’ – Leading a professor to deduce the person likely died with Omicron and not from it

Why Children Should Not Get Covid Vaccinations – There is a 99.998% chance of survival for people below the age of 18

The Covid Global Cartel Must Be Punished – COVID VAX is all about MONEY and GLOBAL POWER, NOT SAVING LIVES

Democrats start to break with the Biden administration’s wartime COVID strategy

December 13, 2021

A Famous Covid Study That Shows Natural Immunity is Superior to Vaccinated Immunity is Replicated by Scientists

Pfizer’s Own Stats: 1200+/40,000 Trial Participants Dead, An Interview with Dr. Nagase

What I’ve Learned While Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy

Xi Jinping fears US and allies will try to starve China into submission – China’s top five food suppliers in 2017 were Brazil, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

The WH Denies Reality of CBO Score on ‘Build Back Better’ but Gets Nailed by Biden’s Own Words

Daniel Horowitz: Now we know why the establishment has always opposed early treatment

Twelve U.S. cities, all led by Democrats, broke annual homicide records in 2021 – Blue cities were disproportionately receptive to the Black Lives Matter defund-the-police movement pushed by progressives in 2020

Justice Department Moves to Conceal Capital Police Misconduct on January 6 – Preventing defendants from telling juries exactly what happened

Schumer, Who Accused Trump of Russian Collusion, is Getting Paid by Putin – So is every top Democrat who accused President Trump of Russian collusion

Facebook Admits in Court That its ‘Fact-Checks’ Are Just Third Party ‘Opinions’ –  Facing a defamation lawsuit, they are arguing that their own “fact-checks” are protected “opinion”

Governor Keyser Soze Speaks: Gavin Newsom’s new mask mandate isn’t about public health, but about recriminations

Report: 14 members of Congress have been violating the STOCK Act and handle their finances in a way “that could expose them to ethical problems.”

Progressive DAs Radically Change The Rule of Law in CA Cities – More than 50 prosecutors, support, and victim services staff have quit amid the “smash-and-grab” crime wave

The Federal Reserve is expected to announce interest rate hikes this week to fight off inflation

Trump endorsements win 137-3 with few such parallels in history

A Federal Appeals Court Rebuffs Biden Administration’s Bid to Lift Block Against CMS COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

STUDY: COVID-19 Vaccines Induce Lower Antibodies Against Omicron – With some people failing to have any

Dr. Scott Atlas savages Fauci: He undermined Trump and misled Americans on COVID: “I was stunned at what I saw”

Alleged Cop Killer Will No Longer Have to Face A Jury, Death Penalty Taken Off the Table Despite Severity of Crime

Average new-car prices are up 13% this year, with average non-luxury prices at $43,144  – However, used car prices are up 40% since the pandemic began

Twitter will now ban users that repeatedly claim vaccinated people can spread Covid

Tucker Carlson: Real inflation is significantly worse than even the boldest headlines – The CPI is designed to obscure the impact of government economic decisions

The Uniquely Dangerous Movement to End the Electoral College – The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is an existential threat to our republic

Time Magazine: 2021 PERSON OF THE YEAR IS ELON MUSK – His man accomplishments are described

ESG Advocates Want to Redefine Your Retirement – It is part of their much larger effort to redefine the world of saving and investing to permanently serve progressive policy goals

SCOTUS’s Sotomayor Problem – The Dobbs case reveals the problem with our legal-abortion regime, and one of its biggest champions on the bench

The Democrats’ Massive Entitlement Plans Include Banning Christians From Government Childcare

With Build Back Better, the Shady Trial Lawyer Pipeline Comes to Capitol Hill – Via a change in how the IRS treats expenses in contingency-fee cases

Nancy Pelosi Appears to Break Her Promise to Democrats to Leave Leadership After 2022

Gavin Newsom thinks he’s figured out an end-run around the Second Amendment – But There’s not a single word in the Constitution about abortion

The Biden White House Censors Taiwan at The Democracy Summit – To Avoid Offending Beijing

A Mississippi doctor said he was fired for trying to treat COVID-19 patients with ivermectin, which is approved by the FDA

Japan’s health ministry officially warns of myocarditis heart inflammation as a side effect of Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines

Colorado Democrat Governor Declares The COVID-19 Emergency ‘Over’

Florida Surgeon General Promotes Nutraceuticals for COVID Prevention – Vitamin D, staying active, eating nutrient-dense foods, and boosting your immune system with supplements

A Navy Commander Fired for ‘Failing to Abide by Lawful Order’ – Get Covid Vaccine or Be Tested

Defending Pedophilia Is The Logical Conclusion Of Queer Theory – Queer theorists seek to make things that were once taboo (like sexualizing children) no longer taboo

Fox News Finally Rids Itself of Dishonest Rating Failure Chris Wallace

December 12, 2021

Will the new bacon law begin? – California grocers seek a delay

Beware of California’s obscene budget surplus – But the tax-and-spend machine is still  in full operation

Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Special Committee Hoax – Once again, the regime persecutes enemies to cover for its evils

Lindsey Graham Warns GOP Not to Run Afoul of Trump

WSJ: School Choice Saves Money and Helps Kids – Evidence builds, as political momentum grows in the states

The Los Angeles Unified School District Fires Hundreds of Employees For Refusing to be Vaccinated

THE BIG LIE: The ‘Powers That Be’ Overcount COVID Deaths and Undercount Vaccine Deaths – All for Money and Power

The FDA is working with the USPS to hold packages containing ivermectin

When Politicians Become A Joke, Laughing Comes To An End – Monty Python’s Flying Circus Would be Proud

Cracked Icons – The corrupt and mediocre heroes of the Left are imploding one after another

The High Price of Bidenomics – Economic illiteracy at the White House is getting more and more expensive

Crime Is Spiraling Out Of Control In Democrat-run cities With Soros-Backed District Attorneys

Isolationists Aren’t Conservatives In their way, they’re as foolish as a kneejerk interventionist like Senator Roger Wicker

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Here’s Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Earlier Than Normal

China nakedly threatens U.S. troops – China will attack U.S. troops who attempt to defend Taiwan if China starts a war with the island nation

Spending Is Not Going to Save the Democrats – America has a message for Joe Biden: Your money is no good here

The So-Called Plot To Fix the 2024 Election – The next presidential election is 3-years away and leftists are already writing pre-conspiracy rants

FNC’s Chris Wallace Announces Departure – Wallace will reportedly join CNN’s streaming service set to launch in 2022

DeSantis budgets $8 million to transport illegal aliens sent to Florida to places like Delaware and Martha’s Vineyard

When it comes to Inflation, it’s the Fed, stupid – The main culprit is the Federal Reserve and its extreme monetary response to the COVID pandemic

These Are The Six Most Disastrous Members Of The Biden Administration

mRNA Antibodies May Make Those Who Have Been Vaccinated More Susceptible to COVID The Variants

Dr. Pierre Kory Reviews Outpatient Treatments for Covid-19 – Ivermectin is beneficial in all stages from prevention to advanced illness

With Ivermectin in Hand, Wife Dies While Husband Begs A New Jersey Hospital to Administer It To Her

We Broke Everything In The Name Of COVID – Our government was naive to think it could be cycled off and on at will

December 11, 2021

Original Antigenic Sin is a Very Serious Reason to Stop Vaccinating Everyone – Two papers discover that cross-reacting antibodies from common coronavirus infections can hinder effective antibody response to SARS-CoV-2

No to Vaccine Fascism: Tens of Thousands of Protesters March in Vienna to Stop Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates

Solyndra 2.0? Biden Megadonor Gets $500 Million Loan to Build Solar Company in India

The Big One Is Coming: CNBC Realizes Something Massive Is Happening When It Looks at Latest Midterm Survey Results

Republicans Criticize Process Enabling Illegals To Get Through Airport Security Without ID – Take Migrants At Their Word

Julian Assange Has A Stroke In A British Prison The Day After Court OK’s His Extradition To United States

California Is Hiding The Details $300 Billion A Year In Spending From The Public, Claims It’s For The People’s Own Good

Mass Casualty Event: Amazon Warehouse Destroyed By A Tornado In Chicago, Multiple Medical Crews Swarm Scene

Bidenflation: New Cars and Trucks See Biggest Price Hikes Since 1975 – Used Car Prices Up 31%

The Congressional Budget Office blows the lid off Biden’s agenda as Bidenflation shows its teeth

Covid Related Mandates Should Be Ignored and Resisted Until Sanity Returns to the Setting of Covid Policy

The Biden presidency has made us vulnerable to our enemies – And don’t think they don’t know it

Why does China commit such incredible crimes? – Because the people running it are communists and that’s what they do –  Because they can and China knows it

China’s Economic World War – Their admission 20 years ago into the WTO was a grave mistake – Congress can begin to rectify this error by immediately terminating Beijing’s special trade status

Russia Makes A List of Demands for NATO Amid Threats of Invading Ukraine

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis comes out with a five-point workable plan to get around Biden on illegal immigration

How Government Bureaucracy and Mainstream Media Wokeness Led to January 6 – “The vast majority of the 650 people charged in the riot were not part of far-right groups or premeditated conspiracies to attack the Capitol”

TUCKER CARLSON: We’re becoming Venezuela, but that’s OK because your neighbor will be as poor as you are

The European Union Sees Signs That 4th COVID Wave Is Already Slowing

The CDC Announces That 79% of All US Omicron Cases Have Occurred In Vaccinated Individuals

Two Ivermectin Success Stories – Ivermectin has been attacked by pro-vaccine interests despite it being a cheap, safe, and proven medicine for COVID treatment and prevention

How To Get Ivermectin – Numerous Studies Support Its Use – Funeral Director Comments On Increased Thrombosis Embolisms

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Are Coming – For those with mild to moderate hearing loss, there are ways to prepare for one of the less-expensive hearing aids coming to your local drugstore

If Abortion Is So Popular, Why Do Democrats Need Roe v. Wade? – You would think the “champions of democracy” on the Left would love the chance to enshrine abortion into law through truly democratic means

The top takeaways from week two of Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking trial


December 10, 2021

Norman Podhoretz on the Spiritual War for America – The left wants to win, he says, but ‘I’m not sure anymore what our side wants.’ That’s a big part of what drew him to Trump

The LA Unified School District is poised to push back enforcement of student COVID vaccinations to fall 2022

Ritual Humiliation of Children in Germany – Kids are Forced to go to Front of the Class and State Their Vaccination Status and those that have been Vaccinated are Applauded

The perfect storm is brewing for in Nevada – Democrats are seeing nearly three times as many defections as Republicans over the last three months

Wisconsin 2020 Election Investigation Finds More Illegal Votes Were Cast Than Biden’s Margin of Victory

The CDC Pushes 3rd Shot for Teens, as Number of Deaths Reported to VAERS After COVID Vaccines Nears 20,000

Inflation Jumps to Highest Level in 39 Years – This is the sixth straight month of inflation running above 5 percent

Halliburton CEO: The World Economy Is Entering Period Of Oil Scarcity – The industry struggles to replace those retiring with young workers

Cases of vaccine-induced VAIDS are on the rise due to mass Covid vaccinations

World Health Organization: No Deaths Have Been Reported as a Result of The Omicron Variant to Date

CDC: Zero Omicron Deaths in the U.S. – Only One Person Needed Hospitalization Infections “appear to be mild”

With Glee, United Airlines is Imposing a Harsh Vaccine Mandate on Its Crew Members

The Supreme Court Will Have To Decide California’s Gun Law

Sacramento Homeless Population Grows While The Mayor & Council Wring Their Hands – “Housing First” a dismal failure

Ronald Reagan Institute Poll: Public Confidence In The  ‘Woke’ Military Is In Free Fall

US inflation surges to a 39-year high as consumer prices soar higher

To Fix Healthcare, Restore Americans’ Right to Choose – Government grades doctors on efficiency, not effectiveness

Top Cardiologist: Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis in Young People “Is Way More Serious” Than COVID-Induced Myocarditis

Why does Pfizer want it’s vaccine research protected? – Look at the VAERS COVID Vaccine Mortality Report to know why

Confidential Documents Expose Big Pharma & U.S. Government Collusion For mRNA Vaccines – FOLLOW THE $$

Sweden & Germany: No Deaths In Children Due To COVID

Pfizer CEO Declares FOURTH COVID Shot Will Be Needed “Sooner Than Expected”

Tony Fauci: Jackbooted Thug – A career bureaucrat with too much power, and influence imparted to him by Democrats and the media because he was willing to contradict Donald Trump

Two positive developments regarding January 6

The Supreme Court won’t halt the Texas abortion law, however, clinics can still sue

Report: Border Patrol Agents Forced To Undergo Woke Re-Education Training In Midst Of a Massive Immigration Crisis

Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial

Stunning: A Facebook court filing admits that ‘fact checks’ are just a matter of opinion

December 9, 2021

Pfizer/FDA Hid How COVID Vax Could Make Recipients More Susceptible to COVID Infection and Death

Did The Pilot’s Union Magazine (ALPA) Reveal That Pilot Deaths Increased 1700% Post Vaccine Mandate?

YouTube Slaps An Age Restriction on a Video about Victims of Socialism

A Dozen US Cities Blow Away Their Annual Murder Records – The Thing in Common, They’re all run by Democrats

WSJ: Federal Appeals Court Rejects Trump Bid to Block Records From House Jan. 6 Panel

WSJ: Elon Musk and Other Leaders Selling Stock at Historic Levels – $63.5 billion through November, up 50% from 2020

Trust in The Presidency, Congress, Military and Media in Free Fall – Americans Say China is the ‘Enemy’ and COVID Came from Wuhan Lab

Harvard Study of 68 Nations & 2,947 Counties in the US – No evidence the “vaccines” stop the spread of Covid-19

CDC Director: Most people infected with the Omicron coronavirus variant in the US have experienced mild symptoms

The Democrats’ Hispanic Voter Problem – It’s Not As Bad As You Think, It’s Worse

Jussie Smollett found guilty on five of six counts in hate crime hoax

Senate Clears Key Hurdle for Debt-Ceiling Increase to Avert Government Default – Republicans and Democrats settled this week on a novel path to raise the limit

VAERS Data Indicates the Covid Vaccines Have Killed At Least 140,000 Americans – VAERS is an early warning system used to monitor adverse events that happen after vaccination

Lawmakers Are Surprised By The Outcry Against Bipartisan Bill H.R. 550 That Expands Vaccine Surveillance

A Call Out to Physicians – You too need to do research and ask why we are forcing people to take an essentially useless and investigational vaccine causing by far the most harm in vaccine history – Fortunately, my doctor has done this

Rapid Vitamin D Delivery May Result in Better COVID Outcomes

The NIH Says No Documents Are Available on the Removal of ‘Gain-of-Function’ Definition From Their Website – But you can find what changes were made via this separate link

Biometric Surveillance Coming Soon to an Airport Near You — Your Face Will Be Your Boarding Pass

Our autocratic president, again, oversteps his authority – Judges, throughout the country, are correctly ruling that Biden and OSHA don’t have the Constitutional authority to require everyone to get vaccines

WSJ: School Districts Across The US Confront a Wave of Student Misbehavior, Driven by Months of Remote Learning

Ready To Say, Uncle? – It’s time to draw your line in the sand because you’re not far from having it tested

High-Ranking FBI Alumni Sound An Alarm on Garland’s ‘Politically Loaded’ School-Board Threat Memo

Is Kamala Harris Being Forced Out by the Dems? – By any reckoning, her days are numbered – And what about Jill?

How China Controls Your Covid Life – The U.S. is becoming more totalitarian by the day, with many changes patterned after the CCP’s iron rule

The Concentration Camp Olympics – The games will occur knowing that Xi Jinping is committing some of the most appalling human rights abuses on the planet

Countdown To An Iranian Nuclear Weapon? – If Iran becomes the center of attention again next year, thank the incompetence of Iran hawks

Biden’s Bogus ‘Summit for Democracy’ – He is in no position to lead the world toward it, given his autocratic instincts

Senator Graham signs on to legislation to prevent payments to illegal immigrants

‘Let’s go Brandon’ wrapping paper is a big hit, with 3,000 pounds sold so far

Absolute Risk Reduction for Available COVID “Vaccines” is not 95% – It’s Closer to 1%

How Many New Yorkers Are At Risk Of Losing Their Job Over De Blasio’s Vaxx Mandate? – Between 150,000 and 450,000

Plandemic 1, 2 & 3 – The Great Awakening, Indoctornation & Sneak Peek of Release #3 – Plus Producer Interview

You’d Better Watch Out – The Surveillance State Has a Naughty List, and You’re on It

There’s an unspoken reason that Blacks are attacking Asian people

Latino voters walking away from Democrats like a bad smell – Their agenda stinks to Hispanics as they have no clue as to what Hispanic voters are thinking

December 8, 2021

Clueless Joe Biden Can’t Grasp Any Of The Crises He’s Created

Did QuantumScape Just Solve a 40-Year-Old Battery Problem? – With its revolutionary solid-state lithium-ion cell that could change EVs forever

What Putin Really Told Biden – Kiev simply refuses to respect the February 2015 Minsk Agreement

Ron Paul: Biden’s “Democracy Summit” Is A Joke – It’s really about undermining democracy worldwide with US interventionist foreign policy

Devin Nunes Isn’t Done Saving Our Republic – Now he will do it through direct competition to Big Tech in the marketplace

The Senate votes to reverse Biden vaccine mandate for private companies –  Now it heads to the House, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to ignore it

Chinese Virologist Says The Communist Regime Targeted Her for Exposing Covid-19 Origin

Anthony Fauci: The Definition of Fully Vaccinated Will Be Changed – “It’s going to be a matter of when not if”

Pfizer and Big Pharma Ramp Up Their Lobbying to Sink a Law Aimed at Protecting Whistleblowers

Union Mandated School Shutdowns Are Having Major Consequences – Violence rising and mental health days proliferate, with thousands of kids leaving government schools nationwide

Los Angeles Unified School district likely to lose court fight to impose vaccine mandates – Attorney Nicole Pearson is the hero here for turning this decision around

California Lawmakers, Abortion Proponents Unveil Plan To Create Abortion Sanctuary State

Woke Got What It Wanted—and Then What? – With the collapse of the woke appeal, perhaps we could say, “It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of zealots”

Twitter Blacklists An Account Providing Updates on The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

Biden: Putting American troops on the ground in Ukraine in the event of a Russian invasion is “not on the table”

Wall Street Journal CEO Council Summit: Political and Business Leaders Shared Views on Covid, Inflation, China, and Biden’s Social and Climate Bill

Devin Nunes exit from Congress starts Republicans jockeying for the top spot on the House Intelligence Committee

The American Rescue Plan Is The Worst Spending Bill in Decades?

Why I’m celebrating news that a man is breaking women’s swimming records – It’s amazing how many “transgender” men have kept their original biological equipment and are now “lesbians,” rather than real women who like men

Study: People Who Get Johnson & Johnson Vaccine at Elevated Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Miscarriages and Other Tragic Side Effects of the mRNA Shots – Getting the COVID shot during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is extremely risky

The Kids Aren’t Alright – The surgeon general spells out how the mental health of children has suffered during COVID

The FDA ‘Finds’ Hidden Pfizer Docs and Now Wants 75 YEARS to Release Them –  After what was found in the initial 91 pages, you can hardly blame them

Government Should Have Promoted Vitamin D To Combat The Pandemic – It helps prevent a severe reaction from COVID that result from a “cytokine storm

Regarding Those January 6 defendants – The vast majority (if not all) currently held should be immediately released 

The Great Realignment: Countless More Americans Will Be Moving From Liberal States To Conservative States In 2022

Not Seen Here On The Six O’clock News – Widespread uprisings around the world in response to Covid Vaccine and Lockdown Mandates

Senator Tester To Join Manchin In Striking Down OSHA Vaccine Mandate

CNN’s Don Lemon Allegedly Tipped Off Jussie Smollett During Police Investigation

Will Don Lemon be the next one out the door at CNN?

December 7, 2021

New Fauci Agency COVID Records Reveal Information about NIH Research into the Coronavirus – The grant application appears to describe “gain of function” research involving RNA extractions from bats

The Turn – When I saw the left give up everything I believe in, I changed politically and so can you

Report: The Biden Administration Holding Secret Meetings with Mainstream Media Outlets in Bid to ‘Reshape’ Coverage

Report: Over 120 Ships Waiting to Unload Cargo in California as Supply Chain Crisis Rages

Controversial Biden banking nominee Saule Omarova drops out of contention after a bruising confirmation hearing

WSJ: The House Approves Their $778 Billion Defense Bill – Drop proposal to have women register for selective service

Florida Attorney General Unveils Tools for Reporting Employers Who Violate State Restrictions on Vaccine Mandates

A New Study Shows a 41-FOLD DROP in Pfizer and Moderna Effectiveness Against Omicron While Natural Immunity Shines

Americans must be prepared to publicly resist COVID quarantine camps – The more people that comply, the worse it will get

No Jab, No Food: Canadian Province Imposes New Regulations to Ban Unvaccinated from Grocery Stores

Document: Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Evolution Revealing Vaccine-Resistant Mutations in Europe and America

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Covid Justice will Not Come via the Courts but by the People Rising Up

California Is AGAIN Named The Worst ‘Judicial Hellhole’ in the U.S.

Los Angeles has turned into “The Purge movie,” a police detective warns

Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors Is Now Blocked Nationwide

WSJ: Voters Are Pessimistic About The Economy and Biden’s Leadership – A WSJ poll  shows Republicans in a strong position, though Democrats have advantages in some policy areas

WSJ: Lawmakers Close In on Debt-Ceiling Deal – The Proposed legislation would enable Democrats to raise the limit in the Senate without Republican support

The Time is Now: Differentiating “Force” from “Choice” Surrounding Covid-19 Mandates

Mark Meadows signals Trump 2024 run – Donald Trump wants his political team to start preparing for a 2024 run

The Sun made a scary claim about China’s container ships – Contending that they are likely to contain missile launching capabilities

China Laughs off Joe Biden’s Olympics Half-Measure – “The diplomats you claim are boycotting the event were never invited”

The Biden administration misses congressional deadline to disclose Afghan airlift details

“Absolute And Unmitigated Liars”: Former DC National Guard Official Says Generals Fabricated January 6th Account

Law Professor John Eastman Explains Why Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Select Committee is Not Legitimate

Tucker uses his bully pulpit to highlight Democrats weaponizing January 6 – While Republican politicians say and do nothing to support the innocents being harassed, persecuted, and prosecuted

200+ Local Newspapers Sue Google and Facebook – Claiming they have monopolized the digital ads market

Norwegian COVID Experts Says Omicron Could Provide “Best Scenario” of “Natural Immunity” – Because the variant is likely to be “both very mild and very transmissible

Who’s the Real Anthony Fauci? – Big Pharma’s infiltration of regulatory and public health agencies goes back more than 100 years

Big Pharma to Reap Massive Revenues at the Expense of Lives as Manufacturers Push for Annual ‘Revaccination’

Surviving Ten Days With COVID In A Hospital That Constantly Pushed Remdesivir – Thank God for my tissue box stuffed with Ivermectin

Silver Lining: Austria’s Upcoming Segregated Society Will Be an Opportunity to Prove The Covid ‘Vaccines’ Don’t Work

Misremembering Pearl Harbor – Setting The Record Straight From What Is Taught In Today’s Woke Schools

80 Brave Men – Have our school children been exposed to the feat of these brave men? NO! Unfortunately

New Swedish Research: mRNA Vax Spike Proteins Have Been Found In The Nucleus Of Cells

The Left-Wing Legacy of the Mainstream Media – Thanks to the creation of the FCC that placed de facto control of the electronic media under the federal government and greatly limited competition

December 6, 2021

Big Tech Will Rage After Donald Trump’s New ‘Truth Social’ Amasses A Colossal War Chest

NY Announces Most Extreme Vaccine Mandate in the US – Forced Unemployment for All Unvaccinated People

LAPD Arrested 14 People for Smash-and-Grab Robberies but Let Them All Go Because of California’s “Zero Bail” System

WSJ: Trump Media & Technology Group Names Devin Nunes as CEO

Trump’s new media platform and Rumble have a distribution deal

The Demonization of Rosanne Boyland Begins – With the lie that this Trump supporter from Georgia died of an accidental drug overdose on January 6

Dr. Robert Malone: 500,000 American COVID patients didn’t have to die – If Fauci and the government health establishment did not undermine effective COVID-19 early treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

120 Teens Hospitalized, With 3 Dead Following Pfizer Vaccine Rollout for 15- to 17-Year-Olds in Vietnam

‘I Was Treated Like a Criminal,’ Says Woman Detained for 14 Days in Australian Quarantine Camp – She never tested positive for Covid

Melatonin Affects Thrombosis, Sepsis, and COVID Mortality Rate – Can reduce the rate of severe COVID outcomes

WSJ: The DOJ Sues Texas Over Election Map  – Says the Lone Star state’s redistricting discriminates against Latinos

I&I/TIPP Poll Stunner: Just 22% Of Americans Want Joe Biden To Run For President Again

Business economists expect high inflation through 2023 – We are still millions of jobs short from before the pandemic

Sebastian Gorka Predicts Trump Will Run In 2024 Unless Republicans don’t crush the Democrats in the midterm elections

China is looking into building a naval base on Africa’s Atlantic coast in Equatorial Guinea

WSJ: China Increasingly Obscures The True State of Its Economy to Outsiders – New data restrictions make it harder to get details on what’s happening inside the country

Hundreds of mathematicians warn against social justice-based math standards – It could have unintended consequences

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to impose vaccine mandate on private employers, effective December 27th

NY City Mayor Bill de Blasio Expands Vaccine Mandate to Whole Private Sector, Ups Dose Proof to 2 and Adds Kids 5-11

Here We Go Again, COVID 3.0 Fear Pushing – The Great Barrington Declaration recommends an approach called Focused Protection and has been signed by more than 850,000 scientists, physicians, and health professionals

Biden’s Covid-19 Winter Plan Ignores Science –  It’s based on pseudoscientific myths on how the virus works and who is vulnerable

Vax Mandates for Holiday Travelers? – Psaki Makes Chilling Admission on Possible Domestic Travel Restrictions

Dr. Ben Carson nails it on the suppression of existing therapies for COVID – Why do tropical countries in Africa where HCQ and IVM are widely used have such minor death tolls from COVID?

Senator Johnson Is Right About Fauci & AIDS –  Our COVID celebrity doctor doesn’t like reminders that he badly overhyped the transmissibility of AIDS

The Truth About Omicron and Antibody-Dependent Enhancement – Viruses Typically Mutate Into Less Dangerous Variants

Moderna President Warns The Vaccines May Struggle To Protect Against Omicron

Documents reveal the secrecy of America’s drug pricing matrix

The Communist Plan To Overthrow America From Within – Which political party most closely aligns with these un-American objectives

Conservatives build an echo chamber of their own to circumvent an increasingly liberal internet and media ecosystem

Corporate Media’s Systemic Corruption Is Far Worse Than Chris Cuomo’s Coverup For His Brother Andrew

Can You Name Constitutional Clauses That Prohibit Socialism? – Discoveries Everyone Should Know

NY City To Require Full Vaccination To Access Restaurants, Gyms & Entertainment; 5-Year-Olds Need At Least One Shot

Swedish Professors Face Prosecution for Their Study That Shows Migrants Commit More Rapes

Feminists Yawn At Boys Replacing Girls in Sports – University of Pennsylvania trans swimmer, 22, sparks outrage by smashing women’s competition records after competing as a man for three seasons

How Safe Is Your Password? – A twelve-character password with one uppercase letter, one number, and one symbol is almost unbreakable

December 5, 2021

WSJ: Bob Dole, Longtime Senator, and Republican Leader Dies at 98

Mutiny Afoot As Democrats Prepared To Override Biden’s On The Russia Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline

WSJ: The Media Stonewalls on the Steele Dossier – News companies are even more reluctant than other businesses to come clean about their misbehaviors

A Large Invasion Force Is Lining Up Along Ukraine Russia Border – Officials Warn Major European War Only Months Away

Peng Shuai and the Real Goal of CCP Censorship – It’s not just topics and keywords, it’s about destroying social resources

Report: 60 Police Officers Shot and Killed This Year as Ambush Attacks in The U.S. Skyrocket

The CATO Institute Ranks California 48th in Personal and Economic Freedoms in the U.S.

The Omicron Variant Has Been Found in 38 Countries, But Nobody Has Died From It

Graphene Hydroxide in the mRNA Vaccine Vial And The Resulting Assassination of Dr. Andreas Noack

Omicron May Provide Natural Immunity With Mild Symptoms – Symptoms so far resemble a “mild, common cold”

Why are the vaccinated more likely to get COVID and die? – Where is Government data showing vaccinations are safe?

Why did Gavin Newsom’s family take a vacation in Cabo, Mexico? – The Cabo Stem Cell Center is located just 1.7 miles from La Datcha, where they stayed

The Census Bureaus appalling information about the American family – The nuclear family, if not dead, is on life support

Trump Is Right! Joint Chiefs of Staff  Chairman Mark Milley Is, In Fact, a Fucking Idiot

CNN Fires Chris Cuomo After Probe Into His Efforts to Help His Brother Andrew Cuomo

January 6 Committee Chairman: Any defendants using their Fifth Amendment right will be taken as an admission of guilt

IRS data show Trump tax cuts favored middle and lower-income Americans the most — unlike Biden’s plan

Justice Kagan Should Recuse Herself From The Dobbs V. Jackson Case Because Of Previous Efforts Supporting Partial-Birth Abortion

Obama-Appointed Judge Orders Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Other Attorneys to Pay $175,000 over disputed 2020 Michigan elections

Yale Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch: COVID-19 a Pandemic of Fear ‘Manufactured’ by Authorities

Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay Reveals ‘Massive Danger Signal’ Being Ignored About Covid Jabs – Will cross-react with syncytin in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes

Introduction Section of “The Real Anthony Fauci” Book

WSJ: The Omicron Variant May Cause Less Severe Cases of Covid-19 A Small South African Study Finds

Six Takeaways On The Omicron Variant – We should celebrate new variants as each successive one will be less lethal

Top 8 Most COMMON and SERIOUS Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines By System Organ Classes And Event

Sharyl Attkisson: Covid-19 natural immunity compared to vaccine-induced immunity: The definitive summary

December 4, 2021

Red states dominate the index of fiscal, regulatory, and personal freedoms, while blue states are the least free

The world is becoming more dangerous under Joe Biden – Because hostile actors sense weakness and opportunity

Crime Reform Is Here, Do You Feel Safer? – Democrat office-holders surely can’t be feeling safer

The Incredible shrinking Democrats – America is in the early stages of what could be a major political shift

Immigration Isn’t the Issue, National Identity – Dilution of national identity makes immigration different from most public-policy matters

The Biden Infrastructure Bill Includes Passive Monitoring Vehicle “Kill Switch” Mandates For Automakers

2021 Was the Year of Vindication for Trump – One by one, the lies of the past five years are being exposed

Trump’s social media startup received a commitment of $1 billion from an unidentified ‘diverse group’ of investors

Ethics Experts Alarmed By Nearly 100% Decrease In Clinton Foundation Donations Since $250 Million Peak In 2009

US Companies Are “Hostages” To China – Heads of U.S. corporations don’t dare to criticize the CCP even in private

Nobody in My Home Died from Covid and That Should Make You Angry – Because my family members were all treated using drugs and methods available and known to us since almost the very start of the pandemic

No Jab No Food Mandates Land Quietly in Canada

Australia Is Our “Canary in the Coal Mine” – An advanced version of what is happening in America (and around the World)

Australia Is A Clinical Trial For The New Marxism

The First Thing The Nazis Did Was To Outlaw Citizens Guns – Freedom Is Always Won By The Few Against The Many

The CDC Tightens COVID Testing Requirement to Enter The U.S. On December 6th

The Omicron Variant Has Been Detected in 11 States With Many Cases Among Vaccinated

Why You Can’t Find Cheap At-Home COVID-19 Tests  – Cheap tests are easily available overseas yet Americans are left with few options due to FDA resource issues

The 6th Circuit Court Rules The Against Biden Administration Request For Transfer in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

Actor Nick Searcy on Jan 6: FBI’s Use of Armored Vehicles to Arrest Protesters in Homes Is ‘Terror Campaign’

An Obituary For Russiagate – The Steele dossier exposed as a Nixonesque “dirty trick” authorized and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign

LAT: Brutal, brazen crimes shake Los Angeles, leaving the city at a crossroads after moving to wealthy communities

Soros’ Network of Woke DA’s: He gave Chicago’s Kim Foxx $2M and Philly’s DA, where murder has doubled, got $1.7M

Migrants from all over the world cross our southern border in record numbers

Republicans betray their voters, again, this time in the Senate

Top takeaways from week one of Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking trial

Signs That Our Government Anticipates Sustained Inflation – Americans know that inflation poses a very significant threat to their long term financial wellbeing

Trump Responds to Reports Melania Won’t Return to The White House If He Wins In 2024 – It’s Fake News

Roger Stone Reveals to Tucker Carlson How the Secret Service Tried to Set Him Up on January 6

The Communist Plan To Overthrow America From Within – Via 45 communist goals read into the Congressional Record

Japan warns of myocarditis and pericarditis health issues related to the mRNA COVID vaccines

New York City Mandates COVID-19 Vaccines for Religious, Private School Workers

Pfizer’s Unconscionable Crimes, Past and Present – Sued in multiple venues over unethical drug testing, illegal marketing practices, bribery in multiple countries, environmental violations, etc.

A Federal Judge Strikes Down The DOD Claim That Pfizer’s EUA ‘Vaccine’ and Comirnaty Are ‘Interchangeable’

WHO: Nobody has yet died from the Omicron variant despite the new Covid strain being spotted in 38 countries

Fury Is Rising – The Ongoing Promotion Of COVID Panic Is About To Backfire

An Investigation In Spain Finds Vaccine Passports Have No Impact On Covid Infection Rates

Australia’s Covid Quarantine Camps – Hidden Cameras Expose Tyranny


December 3, 2021

Congressman Norman Introduces Bill to Force FDA to Release Pfizer Documents Within 100 Days, Instead of 55 Years

Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr. VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story – Also, children are being inappropriately injected

Two 15-year-olds, illegally vaccinated before the EUA died of cardiac issues within days – Pay Attention

Rasmussen Report on COVID-19: Voters Worry About Vaccine Side Effects and Oppose Federal Mandates

Will a new indoor mask mandate in Oregon become permanent?

Trump Makes Huge Gains Among Key Demographics, Democrats Are Now Scrambling for 2022

Compulsory Schooling Laws Under Scrutiny in Michigan Following Deadly Tragedy – Their history says a lot about their true purpose

Truckers in U.S. and Canada Warn The Supply Chain Crisis To Get Worse Over The Vax Mandate

Citizens Continue To Exit High-Tax US States An Move To Low or No Tax States

It’s Not The Filibuster’s Fault We Have ‘Gridlock – Senators care more about protecting themselves and their colleagues from unpredictable, inconvenient floor votes than they do about passing legislation

Alumni Are Now Withholding Donations Over Too Much Censorship On Campus – To get colleges to enforce free speech

Is Romney Worried Trump May Win In 2024 – Tells Democrats How They Can Stop His Agenda

What Do They Know? – Insiders Are Dumping Stocks At The Fastest Pace In History

Financial Times Report: Surging Fuel Prices Hurt Poorer Americans the Most

John Eastman’s Lawyers Destroys the Jan 6 Committee and Its Subpoenas – You’re going to want to read this letter in full

America Is One State Away From Constitutional Reform

It’s High Time For Congressional Reform – An excellent list of items that will never happen, but should

Disaster: U.S. Economy Added Just 210,000 Jobs in November – Missing Expectations by 300,000+

U.S. Space Academies Prioritize ‘Diversity’ And ‘Inclusion’ While China Prepares To Eclipse the U.S. In Space

L.A. Arrests 14 for ‘Mass Looting,’ but Lets All of Them Go – Either with or without posting bail

Children are the Faultline in the Covid Vaccine Narrative that Exposes the Fraud – It is widely known that healthy children are at virtually zero risk of severe outcomes from the Coronavirus

The madness stops only when Fauci is stopped – He is the linchpin to the whole “COVID forever” enterprise

Officials Refuse to Reveal Where Omicron Patient Connected En Route to the U.S.

Sharyl Attkisson: According To The CDC The Second U.S. person diagnosed with Covid Omicron was also vaccinated

A New Stunningly Accurate Prediction Model Counters Omicron Hysteria – Worth remembering is that all the current COVID vaccines were designed to address the earliest COVID virus molecule

Do Covid Injections Compromise Natural Immunity? – They could be compromising our broad-spectrum innate immunity at least to some degree

Nevada Is First State to Impose a Surcharge on Unvaccinated Workers – The penalty takes effect in the middle of next year

The State of Oklahoma Is Suing The Biden Administration Over Its National Guard Vaccine Mandate

Sharyl Attkisson: The CDC discloses an alarming increase in US autism numbers – 1 in 44 8-year-olds have autism or a related disorder

Can We All Agree That The Medical Establishment Has Killed 500,000+ Americans?

Sharyl Attkisson: Orwellian Facebook censorship strikes again

Why the Supreme Court Should Return Abortion to the States – SCOTUS comes up with decisions all the time that aren’t directly grounded in the Constitution

The Job Market’s Booming Demand for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Specialists

December 2, 2021

How Does Pfizer’s New Paxlovid Compare With Ivermectin?

The U.S. to Lead A Global Effort to Curb Authoritarians’ Access to Surveillance Tools

DISASTER: Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Languishes at Dismal 36% in New Trafalgar Poll

Will the Public Finally See What Happened in the Capitol Tunnel? – Surveillance footage will make alleged police abuse at Lafayette Square look like a day in the (federal) park

Supreme Court Justice Thomas Sinks A Pro-Abortion Lawyers with One Simple Question

Why Overturning Roe v. Wade Does Not Impinge on Stare Decisis – Laws should not stand that were politically and cynically motivated  in the first place

As Australians Seek Compensation for Vaccine Injuries Under A New Plan, Here’s a Look at COVID Vaccine Liability Laws Around the World

“The COVID-19 Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Transmission of the Disease” – Judge Doughty’s Ruling Destroys Biden’s Vax Mandates

A Call For Global Covid-Related Murder Trials – For those responsible for Covid-19 VAX mandates

mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone: “Fundamentally evil COVID policies are harming children”

Pelosi Suffers Extreme 54-Second Cognitive Failure on Live TV

Tucker Carlson: It’s not surprising Jussie Smollett pushed his hoax as far as he could – They changed the definition of hate crime

Four senior staffers have reportedly abandoned Vice President Kamala Harris in less than one month

CA’s Golden Opportunities for Criminals – California gives criminals strong legal incentives to practice their trade

A Beloved High School Football Player Dies After Trying to Save Classmates from Shooter At Oxford High School in Michigan

Texas Law Enforcement Reveals Scope of the Border Crisis – In one week, 22,651 illegal aliens from 40 countries were apprehended

The US and Mexico to announce a deal reinstating The Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy

Refugees from Communist Countries Are Our ‘Canaries In The Coal Mine’ – What they have to say is very revealing

The Frogs Have Begun Fleeing the Government’s Boiling Pot – Authoritarianism has taken root in America

California’s Crime Epidemic – State Democrats seem incapable of dealing with an increasingly brazen crime spree

Dr. Fauci’s got some explaining to do – Why anyone would listen to, let alone obey Fauci, given his track record

Omicron Shows It’s Time to Move On from COVID Restrictions – People should live not as if they are one variant or booster away from the end, but as if COVID-19 is here forever

Outgoing Chancellor Merkel Announces Restrictions on The Unvaccinated – Vote Coming on Making Jabs Compulsory

The Chinafication of Europe: European Commission President Von Der Leyen Hints at a Bloc-Wide Vaccine Mandate

How Can the Big Pharma Agenda Survive Three Ultra-VAXXED Countries Spiking on the Same Day?

U.S. District Judge Van Tatenhove Judge strikes Biden’s vax mandate — But not for the reason you might think

Tucker Carlson discloses the Democrats’ weaponization of the omicron variant – We’re swiftly going down the path we’ve seen in parts of Australia

Biden to Toughen Testing for International Travelers to Slow Omicron –  He will also extend a mask mandate on airplanes and other public transportation

Evidence That They Knew Covid Jabs Would Kill Thousands – Meanwhile, the drug companies are making a fortune

WHO: “No Evidence” Booster Jabs Offer “Greater Protection” to the Healthy, Challenging UK decision to offer a 3rd jab

A Vaccine Passport Microchip Can Now Be Embedded In Your Hand – Leading to two classes of people, with those willingly conforming is being granted many “privileges” that the other group is being denied

Germany Falls Completely To Davos – Supporting full evolution of the EU into a transnational bureaucratic superstate

Oil Crashes After OPEC+ To Proceed With A Planned 400Kb/d Output Hike As A Result Of A Russia Proposal

House Democrats reached a spending deal to fund the government through Feb. 18 that avoids a shutdown on Friday

December 1, 2021

Research Game-changer: Covid Vaccine Spike Proteins Increases Heart Attacks and Destroy Immune System

The Next Step for the Parents’ Movement: Curriculum Transparency – Parents have a right to know what’s being taught in school to their children

Joe Biden Confirmed To Be Suffering From Dementia

CNN, ABC, and more than a dozen media companies file legal brief JOINING Steve Bannon

Somehow, The Record of Waukesha massacre suspect’s $1,000 bail hearing missing due to supposed technical issues

Is The ‘Lockdown, Vax And Mask’ COVID Cult Finished? – Biden should consider the many large protests in Europe

Jeffrey Epstein’s Pilot Drops Names of Who Flew on Jet, Including 2 Presidents and a Prince – But That’s Not All

Sharyl Attkisson: The First case of US COVID Omicron is in someone who is fully vaccinated

Ignore the Latest Nonsense About ‘Variants’ – Stay Focused on Dangers of COVID Shots

An FDA Panel Recommends The Merck COVID Pill, Despite Having More Questions Than Answers

The 80 House Republicans Who Voted With Democrats To Create a National Vaccination Database

Justice Kavanaugh Just Dismantled Roe v. Wade With A Historic Argument

The cracks are showing in Roe v. Wade – Oral arguments before SCOTUS in Dobbs v. Jackson give hope to pro-lifers

The ‘Stench’ of Abortion Politics – Contrary to what Sonia Sotomayor says, it comes from bad jurisprudence, not challenges to it

Energy Secretary Says CA Could Save Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant – Willing to keep it open in a push for clean energy

Is CA’s gun magazine law headed to SCOTUS? – The High Court has become increasingly critical of restrictive gun laws

The Biden Administration Is Losing Ground to China – It is ill-equipped to handle its improvements in hypersonic missiles

China’s Attempt To Disappear Tennis Star Peng Shuai Fails –  If Not For Massive World Outcry and the WTA’s courage we probably would never see Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai again

Live Updates: Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court Oral Arguments

The Conservative majority in the Supreme Court abortion hearing raised substantial doubts about the jurisprudence behind the 1973 case establishing abortion rights in the United States, Roe v. Wade

How The FBI Raid On Project Veritas Helped Protect The NYT –  Another episode in a long history of the FBI and New York Times wildly abusing their power

Ronald Reagan comes in first and Joe Biden last on America’s most favored recent presidents list

The COVID Vaccine Failure – A chronology of half-truths and deceptions

Conservatives in Congress Plan Drastic Move to Thwart Biden’s Vaccine Mandate – Use of procedural mechanisms that would force a government shutdown as a means of blocking any money that would be used to enforce the mandate

Republicans threaten to shut down the government over vaccine mandates

Thanks to the Omicron variant, the Biden administration has draconian plans – US officials are debating a proposal requiring all travelers, including U.S. citizens, to self-quarantine for seven days, even if their test results are negative

Joe Biden Clings to Dr. Anthony Fauci on Omicron Variant Despite Growing Controversy About Its Severity

A Historic Number of Workers Quit Their Jobs to Start Businesses Of Their Own Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID Con is The ’76 Swine Flu Fiasco on Steroids – A 1979 60 Minutes segment brings back haunting memories

U.S. District Judge Gregory Van Tatenhove Blocks Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds CA’s Ban on ‘High-Capacity Firearm Magazines’ – Dissenting judges suggest the Supreme Court needs to take this case

How the Courts and Government Bureaucracy Destroy the Constitution

Having attacked the trucking industry, California now has a new target,  – Ships that dock at California ports

US Manufacturing Slumps To Weakest Since 2020 As ‘Cost Inflation’ Hits Record High

Is A Stock Market Crash Like We Experience Back In 2000 Possible?

Covid Lockdowns Prevented as Many as 740,000 Urgent Cancer Care Referrals – Medics warn of “biggest catastrophe ever”

A Senior Cardiologist Warns Study Linking COVID Vaccines To Massive Increase In Heart Attacks Is Being Ignored

The CDC is preparing tougher testing rules for international travelers

Republican Senators sound an alarm over dangerous pathogen research at Washington State University

Bidenflation: Home Construction Spending Slumps Despite The House Shortage That Is Pushing Prices Sky High

A Fight Over Putin’s Pipeline Consumes Congress

Will Smallpox Be the Next ‘Lab Leak’? – Human error is 100 times more likely to cause an accidental release of a dangerous pathogen than any kind of mechanical failure

The Woke Salvation Army Surrendered Without a Fight – They now think it’s OK to view people through the lens of “race”

The superintendent of Detroit Public Schools defends critical race theory and says it’s embedded in their curriculum

Emails: Hunter Biden Is ‘True Sheikh of Washington’ – According to a former British SAS officer allied closely with the CCP

Kamala Stopped The FBI From Monitoring Black Supremacists Like Waukesha Killer – The Waukesha killer’s allies are sitting in the White House

Meryl Streep Recently Headlined Chinese Communist Event – The CPAFFC has been dubbed the “public face” of the United Front Work Department

November 30, 2021

EXPOSED: Dr. Fauci’s Secret South Carolina Island Of Monkeys For Bizarre Animal Experiments

WSJ: CNN Suspends Chris Cuomo Indefinitely Over Role in Brother’s Response to Sexual-Misconduct Allegations

A Domestic Travel Ban for The Unvaccinated ‘Is Not Off the Table’ Says Psaki

A Federal judge blocks Biden vaccine mandate for health care workers nationwide – ‘Indefinite states of emergency’ pose ‘grave risks’ to civil liberties

Omicron Variant: The CDC Expanding Surveillance at 4 Major Airports and May Tighten Travel Rules

The Omicron Variant Sends Vaccine Makers’ Stocks Soaring, as VAERS Data Show 913,000 Reported Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines

After A Licensing Board Threatens Disciplinary Action a Maine Physician Asks The Board to Define COVID “Misinformation” and “Disinformation”

A Nutshell Breakdown of What This Infrastructure and Jobs Bill Is Funding

A Brief Guide to Leftist Destruction – Liberals know everything the Left touches it destroys but they vote Left anyway

Epstein Pilot Testifies: Ghislaine Maxwell was ‘No. 2’ in Jeffrey Epstein’s Circle

Police Confirm That Multiple People Shot at Michigan High School – Three people were confirmed dead and six injured

Joe Biden: The Most Corrupt President Since Warren Harding – With both men, the rampant corruption is stunning


The DOJ has a double standard – Take Jacob Chansley, who dared to walk through Congress, and Thomas Alexander Starks, who attacked a senator’s office with an ax for example

LA Public Schools Host Critical Race Theorist To ‘Challenge Whiteness’ While Saying They Aren’t Teaching CRT

‘Partner In Crime’: Maxwell Prosecution Opens With Sordid Details Of Epstein Sexual Predation Of Minors

Sharyl Attkisson: The U.S. Government “Routinely Breaks Freedom of Information Laws”

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell says Federal Reserve could move faster toward rate hikes amid high inflation

The Corrupt NLRB Puts Unions over Workers – Biden’s buddies at the NLRB simply decree the union gets another shot

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Declares “Annual Revaccination” For COVID Is Coming – It’s “the most likely scenario”

Doctors say the American Medical Association’s new “health equity” guidelines will lead to bad physicians

Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a supporter of widespread access to abortion, predicts ‘revolution’ if Roe v. Wade overturned

A ‘ Ted Cruz missile’ drops on Anthony Fauci – Facts are stubborn things and they are catching up with Fauci

Our Failed Pandemic Response Represents The Triumph Of Symbol Over Reality – Our leaders won’t be guided by science and real-world experience, but rather by symbols

Resisting COVID Tyranny In The Medical Community – They are not “vaccines” as commonly understood but “gene therapy,” mRNA platforms that insert themselves into our DNA

mRNA “Vaccines” Put You at Risk for Acute Coronary Syndrome

‘A Year Ago I Was a Hero But Now I’m Treated Like Scum’ – Frontline workers are choosing to lose their jobs rather than get the vaccine. Why?

Get those vaccine cards ready, LA – This week, indoor establishments are required to start enforcing the city’s strict vaccine mandate for customers

The CDC: Nearly One-Third of US Employees in The Health Sector Remain Unvaccinated

The War On Covid Ends When We Acknowledge. . . .These things among others

The Narratives Fail: Omicron Variant Is Indeed A Threat – But To The Biden Regime’s Storyline

How My Family Beat COVID-19 – We analyzed the situation and concludedCOVID-19 would follow a similar fate to the Spanish flu outbreak of 1918

Unvaccinated Austrians Face Prison Time and Huge Fines For Non-Compliance – Booster jabs would also be mandatory

Moderna CEO Repeats That Vaccine Won’t Work For Omicron – The Antibody Cocktails Also Need Modification

Why are Police Officers Refusing the Covid Vax? – They question the efficacy of the jab and believe that public health officials and other government officials have simply gone too far

Oxford Professor: Official Data Shows Face Masks “Made No Meaningful Difference” to Infection Rates

Those Ugly Climate Models – Warming in the Arctic Ocean did not coincide with the post-war industrial acceleration

Why Inflation Is A Runaway Freight Train

November 29, 2021

Trump says potential 2024 running mates are ‘coming to Mar-a-Lago

Elon Musk’s Ca Exit Can Save Him $2 Billion in Taxes – The sale of multiple homes was a crucial step in his departure

Chris Cuomo’s text messages reveal how he used CNN contacts to investigate his brother’s accusers

Whistleblower: Teacher put on leave after exposing critical race theory curriculum in Indianapolis schools

A San Francisco Homeless Insider Tells All – Why progressives defend and finance the open drug scenes

Florida Governor DeSantis – Lockdowns are not an option no matter what new variant they come up with

Biden says ‘no new lockdowns’ if everyone wears a mask and gets vaccinated

An Emergency Room Physician Blows Whistle On COVID Vaccines & D-Dimer Levels (Blood Clotting)

Forced to Get a Vaccine to Remain on a Lung Transplant List, a 49-Year-Old Who Survived COVID Dies After Her Second Moderna Shot

The Twin Pillars of Biden’s Failure – Biden and his followers and minders will go down because of these two issues

Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’ Affirms Joe Biden Is the ‘Big Man and Expected  a10% Cut from Deal with Chinese Giant

Whatever It Takes To Take-Down Trump – If President Trump Is Taken Down, World Freedom Is Taken Down With Him!

Legal Experts Drop Bad News for Those Hoping for a Civil Rights Prosecution Against Rittenhouse

Bombshell Policy Change: The Biden Administration Has Turned Every American Town Into a Sanctuary City

A Federal Judge Blocks The Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers, But It Only Applies To Ten States

The Biden Administration Is Delaying Enforcement of The Federal Employees Vaccine Mandate Until 2022

“Fauci Doesn’t Represent Science to Me, He Represents Mengele, Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi Doctor”

A Declassified Military Report Exposes Hidden Links Between Wokeness and The American Regime

On Day 1 of Ghislaine Maxwell Trial, Her Lawyer Trashes 4 Victims as Gold Diggers and Visa Seeker

Waukesha Christmas parade suspect Darrell Brooks charged with a sixth count of intentional homicide 

Here’s What Twitter’s New CEO Said About the 1st Amendment Last Year

Undermining democracy with chaos – America won’t fall to an external enemy, but to internal subversion that collapses the body politic

New Judicial vacancies open door for Biden to offset Trump’s legacy in the court system

Meet the Technology That’s Uncovering 2020’s Voter Fraud – The search for phantom voters is over

How Biden’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve sale will work and what it will do

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Blame Biden, Not Big Business, For Inflation And Supply-Chain Chaos

Immense Spending and Poor Poll Numbers Have Biden In Dire Straits Over His “Build Back Better” Plan

Joe Biden was involved in a deal with a Chinese giant — and was expecting a 10 percent cut

Lt. Gen. Flynn Sounds the Alarm, Says Democrats Are Going to Try and Disrupt 2022 Midterms With a Financial Collapse

Fauci: I Am the Science – With his latest remarks, he has given his game away and it’s a game we should stop playing

Hard Data Shows the Covid Vaccines Don’t Work – If a vaccine works, then a highly vaccinated population will see either complete elimination of the disease or a significant decrease in its incidence

Omicron Is “Extremely Mild,” Says Doctor Who First Discovered Strain – Numerous Mutations “Destabilize” The Virus

A CDC Funded Study Shows No Significant Difference in COVID-19 Transmission Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

Fauci Admits It: Trump Was Right About ‘Living With’ COVID

The Problem With Natural Immunity – Is That It’s Free, Among Other Things

Big Pharma Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors – Aiding them is a liberal front group called No License for Disinformation

Sharyl Attkisson: 30% of all US hospital workers are still unvaccinated

Where Can We Go for The Truth Anymore? – A Mild illness, Zero hospitalizations, and No deaths, but yet another round of wholesale fear-mongering from the press and various governments

Flashback 2016: Fauci’s Cohort Peter Daszak Explains How Scientists Can Perfectly Create a Coronavirus in a China Lab That Can Lead to Global Pandemic

The Department Of Transportation’s Twitter Meme Doesn’t Just Offend Comedy… It May Also Be Illegal

What Could Trigger Iran’s Mullahs’ Demise? – They face both a foreign enemy and serious threats inside the country

Jussie Smollett Criminal Trial Begins Monday For His Alleged Hate-Crime Hoax

Kyle Rittenhouse’s leftist classmates at Arizona State University want him gone

Jack Dorsey Steps Down as Twitter CEO – The Board Unanimously Appoints CTO Parag Agrawal as His Successor

November 28, 2021

Fighting back: Survey results reveal 63 percent of Americans believe parents should have a “final say” in education

Israel Warns Biden on Iran  – The warning can only fall on deaf ears, as he’s determined to revive Obama’s Iran Deal

Dozens of Chinese military aircraft breach Taiwan’s air defense zone including a Xi’an Y-20U aerial tanker

Florida Reports The Lowest Daily COVID-19 Cases per Capita in The US

Fauci Says U.S. ‘Preparing’ to Tweak COVID-19 Vaccine for The Omicron Variant

Quality of Life is on a Collision Course In CA –  Criminal Justice Reforms: Violence, looting, theft, robberies are owned by California’s Democrats

The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial is About to Begin – Here’s What to Watch For

Four Ways the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Is Already Rigged

Everything You Need to Know About Ghislaine Maxwell –  Will we ever know the truth?

Nick Sandmann’s Lawyer Weighs in on Rittenhouse Slander – His New Target Is the Biggest Fish of Them All

‘More money than God:’ A Chinese titan lavished Hunter Biden with a 3-carat gem and an offer of $30 million

The Looting Craze Spreads Beyond California As Heartland State Stores Are Blitzed By Mobs

A Tale of Two Cities: Kenosha vs. Waukesha – The media’s blatant lies amount to racial arson

Why Crime Is Out Of Control in San Francisco  – They Got What They Voted for With DA Chesa Boudin

Media ignores the weirdness of Biden’s Nantucket stay at a billionaire’s estate – The media silence is even weirder

Fauci on Lockdowns, to Fight Omicron Variant: The U.S. Should Be ‘Prepared to Do Anything’

How crazy must it get before we reach the tipping point? – Let this sink in, Euthanasia facilities in Germany now won’t help you kill yourself unless you’re vaccinated

Is there a wholly unexpected benefit from the left’s COVID madness? – The possibility of a Black Swan event leftists didn’t see coming when they weaponized COVID

A Roadmap For Prosecuting Covid Crimes – For starters, 15 researchers listed on a key paper can be indicted, plus those who funded the research

Sharyl Attkisson: Half of Americans say we should put the brakes on transitioning to electric cars

The Buried Lede: The real reason the Saudis are refusing Joe Biden’s begging to ramp up oil production – Biden’s desire for a nuclear deal with Iran

Joe Isuzu Biden: Showing concern  trolling high energy prices to voters — While working on the sly to raise them higher

The Communist Directive of 1943 – Does this sound like what you are hearing from Progressives today?

How the ‘Woke’ crowd tricked voters into passing California’s looter-friendly Proposition 47

November 27, 2021

Arizona State Senator Paul Boyer Will Not Seek Reelection – Donald Trump Responds

The New COVID Variant Scam was Simulated in Israel Weeks before it was officially “Discovered”

The WHO Skips ‘Xi’ in The Greek Alphabet for Naming The Next Covid Variant ‘to Avoid CCP Leader Stigma’

A President Betrayed by ‘Health System’ Bureaucrats –Scott Atlas’s Masterpiece on the Covid Disaster

UK Cardiologist Highlights Link Between mRNA Vaccines and Heart Disease – Notes Researchers Withholding Data Are Fearful of Losing Funding

Reporters, Question Yourselves – Consider the press briefings following Trump & Biden following their first physicals as president

Tucker Carlson: How can America survive three more years of Joe Biden? – Restaurant Owner: $140 a case vs what was $40 for chicken wings

Biden’s Approval Rating Below That of Least Popular Governor – The GOP Has 9 Out of the 10 Most Popular Governors

Hill-HarrisX Poll: Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama Top The Democrats 2024 Presidential Wish List

There’s No Denying the Socialist Roots of Fascism – It’s not a fight between left and right, but between different leftist ideologies

Trump Enemy, Arizona State Senator Boyer, Will Not Seek Reelection

South African Doctor Who Raised Alarm About Omicron Variant: ‘Symptoms Were So Different And So Mild’

CDC: No cases of COVID-19 omicron variant identified yet in the US – Will be identified quickly if it emerges

Florida Has LOWEST new COVID cases per capita in the nation – Despite DeSantis ban on mask and vaccine mandates

Recent Study: Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection, Severe Disease From COVID-19

Evidence Was Mounting that Covid ‘Vaccines’ and Boosters Offered No Protection Even BEFORE Omicron Came Around

Freedom Fighter Guide – The rising level of Global Restricted Freedom and Government Control can be stopped

Biden’s economy is very successful when compared to the standards Obama set

The Biden Administration Recommends Tighter Constraints on New Oil and Gas Drilling Amid Energy Crisis

Buyer’s remorse: Five California laws that have come back to bite them

It Would Be An Easy Victory – Why hasn’t any state challenged the CDC’s transportation mask order?

The United Nations Is Handing Out $800 Debit Cards to Illegal Migrant Families in Mexico Heading to the US

The Biden Administrations ‘forgets’ to close the southern border over the ‘omicron’ variant

Biden’s South Africa travel ban compared to Trump COVID restrictions he denounced

If woke district attorneys are successful in their quest to do away with the bail system, then what?

Any civil rights lawsuit against Kyle Rittenhouse ‘will fail,’ legal analysts say


November 26, 2021

At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, with many dead

Fines, citations but no compliance: How some restaurants have defied L.A. County on COVID-19

Biden Wants To Empower the IRS Despite Its Track Record of Trampling Rights and Undermining Privacy and Due Process Rights

A slew of new California tax measures coming in 2022 – Be sure you know what you’re signing

There Is Nothing Better About It: The Senate Must Defeat HR 5376 – Americans need to make their voices heard

Tucker Carlson: America won’t forgive Joe Biden for this – “The decline in our standard of living”

Australia embraces the science of control – COVID Zero Is the Technocracy’s Test Run

The Wayne Root One-on-One with Robert F Kennedy Jr. – Dr. Fauci and the Disaster of the Covid Vaccine

A frightening new potential explanation for vaccine-driven myocarditis – mRNA and DNA/AAV vaccines hijack our cells to make a version of the spike protein

The New COVID-19 Variant From South Africa: What We Know So Far

The Omicron Variant and The Great Reset – We’ll see Omicron fearmongering for as long as they can make it last

The Omicron Variant Was First Detected in Four People Who Were Fully Vaccinated

The White House: US to Restrict Travel From 8 African Countries Over COVID-19 Variant

Joe Biden Slammed for Calling Trump’s Travel Restrictions Racist, Xenophobic, Then Enacting His Own

Countries in Europe and Asia on Friday Moved to Halt Travel From Southern Africa Over The New COVID-19 Variant

Why in Virtually Every Single Batch of Ballots Cast in Arizona in 2020 The Election Was it Human or AI Modified?

Bannon pushes for documents in January 6 committee court case to be released

Watergate and the Plot to Remove the President – Everything You Think You Know About Watergate May Be Wrong

Rare Earth Elements: Where In The World Are They?

Republicans point to the number of times Garland has politicized the Justice Department

Why we must boycott the Olympics in China – The IOC has been coerced by China to turn a blind eye to their evil-doing

A Scared Nu World: Here’s What We Know About The New COVID Strain

How vax alarmists are killing us – Because fear, especially irrational fear, is the strongest emotion that can be played upon

Dozens of Vaxxed Athletes Are Suddenly Collapsing and Nobody’s Allowed to Ask Why

Florida is the first state to limit Covid-19 vaccine mandates

Bo Snerdley Makes Tucker Carlson ‘Emotional’ Revealing Story About Rush Limbaugh Before Money And Fame

A Big Flip? What’s Really Driving The Newfound Interest In Kamala Harris’ Incompetence?

November 25, 2021

REPORT: Lucas Film Is Considering Recasting Gina Carano’s Role on The Mandalorian After Cancel Culture Comments

Unionized Workers Won’t Have to Get COVID-19 Vaccine, Automakers Decide

There’s No Cure For Narcissism – Liberals Fear For The Return Of Donald Trump For Good Reason

Kansas Governor Signs Bill Allowing Broad Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Thank You, God, for America – Do we still remember he is the one we thank first and last?

Californians Fleeing the State Rank Among The Top 5 Outbound Migration States

The True Story Of Thanksgiving – As Told By Rush Limbaugh

Donald Trump Releases A Hopeful Thanksgiving Statement – “We Will Be Great Again”

What Americans Say About Rising Prices This Thanksgiving – Noting the high prices of gas and food

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Returns, with all the trimmings

Are You Thankful for America? – Then Fight for Her

It is up to the ‘deplorables’ to save America – The elites are dismantling what we regard as the pillars and attributes of Western Civilization

The Rittenhouse Trial: Thankfully We Were Able To See The Shameless exhibition of prosecutorial incompetence,  misconduct and judicial uncertainty With Our Own Eyes

A Top ICU Doctor is Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Less Costly Life-Saving Covid Treatments

A Former Pro Calls For An “Investigation” After Yet Another Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses

WSJ: Another Reason Inflation May Be Here to Stay – Services inflation appears subdued, but doesn’t look good beneath the surface

Take It from Venezuela: No! Inflation Is Not Good And Don’t Let Them Try To Tell You Otherwise

On Leaving California – I moved to Texas Because It Is NOT California

Comrade Omarova’s nomination crashes and burns as five Democrat senators oppose her appointment as comptroller of the currency

November 24, 2021

Biden Is Giving 1/3 of Oil Reserves He’s Releasing to China and India

Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines ‘Dramatically Increase’ Heart Attack Risk, Renowned Cardiologist Warns

‘Dr. Fauci, Mr. Hyde’: RFK, Jr. Shares Details About New Book on ‘The Corbett Report’

Losing Confidence in the Pillars of Our Civilization – Conservatives now have lost their former traditional confidence in many of the pillars of our civilization. And with good reason

Poultry Industry Whistleblower Warnings  – The problems originated because of the vaccine mandates first and foremost

Australia Is On The Edge – Wake Up America, We Will Be Next If We Do Nothing

Jan. 6 Rally-Goers Describe Their Intimidating Visits From the FBI

In the wake of Waukesha the recent Christmas parade attack, the White House stands by the push to end cash bail

Official Memo Discloses: Tens of thousands entered the US unvetted after the Kabul airlift

In compliance with the court order, Biden to restart the Trump ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy as promptly as possible

A Former Health and Human Services Official Says Liability Protection Should Be Lifted From COVID-19 Shots

Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines ‘Dramatically Increase’ Heart Attack Risk, A Renowned Cardiologist Warns

Scientists Are Facing More Scrutiny About Vaccinations Not Stopping COVID – Announce Discovery of a new vaccine-resistant virus strain

Conservatives have lost their former traditional confidence in many of the pillars of our civilization, and with good reason

Poll: Most Americans Say Biden Is Negatively Affecting Their Lives This Holiday Season – 77% are feeling the crunch

The Chinese Official Accused of Sexual Assault of tennis star Peng Shuai’s Played Key Role in Setting Up Beijing 2022 Olympics

The January 6 commission continues to get it wrong – Just as the Russia Hoax was built upon one lie after another, the January 6 story is falling apart at the seams

A 2024 blowout is brewing – Trump 45%-Biden 32% according to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey

Three Georgia men found guilty of murdering Ahmaud Arbery – They all face life in prison after being found guilty of chasing down and murdering Ahmaud Arbery  a 25-year-old black man

Your Default Assumption Should Be That Everything Corporate Media Says Is A Lie – Because they lie about everything all the time

The WHO Is an Institution of Corruption – The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level

Go, Kyle, go! – Law Professor Turley: “The result was hardly a surprise to many of us who watched the trial, rather than the media coverage

An Image Making Leftists’ Heads Explode – These two men are currently receiving more scorn from the left than anyone

The Christmas Parade Killer Drove in a Zig-Zag Pattern to “Hit as Many” People as Possible – Eyewitness reports in affidavit confirm the attack was deliberate

Bail Has Been Set at $5 million for the Parade Massacre Suspect – Sparking Outrage Among the  Liberal Community

The Biden Administration Has No Clue Why Gas Prices are Soaring – Reserves are for emergencies, not a clean-up mechanism to bail out bad policies, nor a device for lifting bad poll numbers

Biden Says Gas Companies Are Overcharging Americans at the Pump – Facts show the ratios of wholesale gas prices to retail prices and crude oil to retail gas prices are both currently below their ten-year averages

A Lawsuit Has Been Filed Against CA in District Court Over AB 979 Mandatory Minority Board Seat Minimum Law

Big Tech’s censorship in 2021 – The duo of Big Tech and the Biden administration to hide the truth is not an unlikely one

Voting Is For Citizens – NY City wants to allow legal permanent residents to vote which would devalue citizenship, etc.

Have We Finally Reached Peak Davos? – They couldn’t pull the world together in Glasgow over climate change, so they are now going full-court press for control where they can over COVID-9/11 jabs

The Coming Supply Chain Nightmare – The Biden administration will demand all essential foreign travelers entering the U.S. across land borders to be fully vaccinated beginning on January 22nd

Global warming scaremongers are refuted – Arctic ice is growing and it is on track to be the most ice in 20 years

How (and Why) to Explain Your Opposition to Vaccine Mandates to Brainwashed Family Members on Thanksgiving

The Democrats Are a Communist Party Now – They don’t want to defeat China, they seek to replicate its totalitarian system

A California County Issues a Mask Mandate for Private Homes Ahead of The Thanksgiving Holiday

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Pushes For No Jab, No Subway Travel in NYC: “We Know Vaccine Mandates Work”

Sharyl Attkisson: MEDSCAPE POLL SHOWS one in three doctors won’t give Covid-19 vaccine to their kids

US COVID Deaths In 2021 Have Surpassed 2020’s Total… Despite Vaccines And Treatments

The Los Angeles Covid Surge Defies The ‘Vaccine’ Narrative – The Most Vaxxed Areas Are Now Most Heavily Infected

Best Buy Crashes As Margins Slide Due To “Organized Retail Theft” – Liberal socialist utopias such as California make it easy due to lack of prosecution for shoplifting

November 23, 2021

How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?

A Judge Stands up to a Hospital: “Step Aside” and Give a Dying Man Ivermectin Which Led To His Recovery

Washington Public Schools Lose Over 55,000 Students – Didn’t like closures and teaching students CRT

Chilling Unseen Footage: Doctor at Capitol on Jan. 6 Re-Enacts FBI’s Terrifying SWAT Raid on Her Home

Gas Prices Are Rising, Who Did That? – Biden’s, agenda undermines U.S. oil and gas production and energy independence

The Disturbing And Shocking Plan To Replace Kamala Harris – Due to Biden’s mental deterioration and lack of stamina and are running scared that Biden may soon have to resign as president

A Woke Dilemma Is Coming For Realtors’ – And it’s coming for you

Leftists’ Push to Redefine Conservatives as ‘White Supremacists’ – It’s rooted in an anti-racist ideology that is itself racist

Trump, Graham Decry Biden Plan to Tap Strategic Petroleum Reserve – Blaming Biden’s “anti-American” domestic energy policies.

Yes, Media Bias Still Matters – Most American “journalism” is partisan propaganda for Democrats

Poll: Trump is now LEADING Biden in the five swing states that flipped blue in the 2020 presidential election

The Biden administration owns the worst illegal immigration numbers since record-keeping began

Governor Newsom Extends COVID-19 Emergency in California and Then Jets Off to Mexico for Thanksgiving

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, a Democrat, to Sign Bill That Makes Businesses Allow Broad Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements

George Soros-backed district attorneys are ruining America – ‘Woke’ criminal justice reform simply does not work

Waukesha Police Chief: ‘There Was No Police Pursuit That Led Up To This Christmas Parade Incident’

Biden Administration asks the Sixth Court of Appeals to reject an order from another federal appeals court to Reinstate OSHA Vaccine Mandate Rule

China’s Authoritarianism Is On The Rise, Is America’s Left Next? – The Progressive Left does not hesitate to use any means available to accomplish its goals

How Do Real Americans Fight Such an Enemy? – We need to start calling out the real hate which is wholly on the left

Report: There Is ‘Overwhelming Evidence’ That Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Sexually Harassed Women

Military News: Democrats Want To Introduce Law That Would Allow Police To Confiscate Guns From US Troops

Oil Prices Surge As The Biden SPR Release of 2.5 days worth of consumption over several months backfires

15 Republican Governors Launch ‘Operation Open Road’ to Fix Supply Chain Snarl

In Case With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Speaking About Their Faith

Pew Research: 25% of Twitter Users Produce 97% of All Tweets

How Covid-19 Vaccine Benefits Are Exaggerated – Absolute Versus Relative Risk Reduction

Weapons to defeat those who irrationally push Covid mandates over the restraints of the Constitution and rational thought

The Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive People And Contacts To Quarantine Camps

Dr. Scott W. Atlas: I Watched The Nation’s ‘Top Scientists’ Lie About COVID And Get Away With It – Knowing the media would latch on to it and create even more public panic

The Shoplifting Capital of America – Will San Francisco ever stop favoring criminals over law-abiding businesses?

Kevin Spacey Ordered to Pay TV Studio Behind ‘House of Cards’ $30 Million After Violating Sexual Harassment Policy

November 22, 2021

Uncensored: A Conversation About COVID, Vaccines and Dwindling Trust in Global Public Health Officials

CBS News/YouGov Poll: Only 3 Out Of 10 Americans Say The Country Is Doing ‘Well’ Under Biden

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ivermectin Effectiveness Study Is Designed To Fail

Attorney Releases First Pages from Subpoenaed FDA Files – Basis of the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

The Select Committee Covering Up Police Brutality on January 6  – No more stonewalling and cover-ups by House Democrats, the D.C. coroner, and the D.C.-based police departments

The Christmas Parade Massacre Suspect Rapped ‘F***’ Trump, Was Against Rittenhouse Verdict and Supported BLM

Kyle Rittenhouse And Every Able-Bodied Man Had A Moral Obligation To Protect Kenosha

Kyle Rittenhouse recounts Kenosha riots, reacts to the media portrayal of trial in the first interview since the acquittal

In the Wake of Rittenhouse, Our Defamation Laws Must Be Changed (Part Two of Two) – Laurence Silberman’s eloquent explanation on the need for revisiting American defamation law 

Rittenhouse On Filing Defamation Lawsuits: ‘Really Good Lawyers’ Are ‘Taking Care Of That Right Now

VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years

Over 500 Vanguard Group Employees Stand Together For Medical Freedom Against Covid Mandates

One Size Doesn’t Fit All – Biden’s vaccine mandate is a dangerously expansive vision of federal power over public health

How many times must Facebook be caught censoring the truth?

Deep Chinese Influence Pushed Australia Into Covid Tyranny – Unprecedented Communist-style social controls enacted

Congress can’t let Biden bungle our nuclear posture review – The White House veers toward ideological sloganeering

State troopers are overwhelmed with rising illegal migration in West Texas – These illegals are trying not to get caught

My Hippie Vietnam War Era Professor Was Right About Patriot Act Dangers – The Feds are now isolating and targeting very different enemies of the state than it was in 2001, to say the least

Joe Biden Is Planning to Blame Businesses for Inflation and Higher Prices

WSJ: Fed Chairman Powell Faces an Utterly Different Economy in a Second Term – He must pivot from dove to hawk at risk of recession and political blowback

Corrupt Corporate Media Did Not Just Fall For The Russia Collusion Hoax, They Were Part Of It!

California’s Alarming Cocktail of Criminal Justice ‘Reforms’ is Responsible for Their Major Crime Wave

The Police Officer Fired for Donating to Rittenhouse Defense Speaks Out After Not-Guilty Verdict, Wants Job Back

If the Vaccines Work, Why Aren’t They Working? – CDC Website: “COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and free”

Woke Racialism Is a Clear & Present Danger to the American System – Threatens Anglo-American legal norms

THE FALL OF BLACK LIVES MATTER – BLM is a partisan political movement, no matter what they said back in 2020

SFO retailers are venting their frustration at Mayor London Breed and the city administration after “mass looting” events

Did the Capitol Police murder someone other than Ashli Babbitt? – Collapsible sticks are designed to break windows in emergencies not to be used against another human being

The Suspect in Wisconsin Christmas Parade Car Attack Has Long Rap Sheet and Was Recently Released on Bail

November 21, 2021

UK data shows the COVID vaccines are NOT saving any lives at all – Zero… Zip… Nada

The White House doctor is hiding Joe Biden’s brain drain – So where is his cognitive test?

In the Wake of Rittenhouse, Our Defamation Laws Must Be Changed (Part One of Two) – Has big media abused its privileges one too many times?

Sheriff announces criminal charges being filed against almost every member of the election commission in a battleground state

Stop Joining the Woke Military – Enough is enough so when the recruiter comes calling, just say no

Shocking UK Study: Vaccinated People 60 and Younger Are Twice As Likely to Die as Unvaccinated People

DO NOT COMPLY: Thousands of New Yorkers  March for Freedom As WORLDWIDE RESISTANCE Against Covid Tyranny Continues to Grow


Build Back Badly – The House passage of BBB proves once again that the Democrats are unfit to govern

COVID Smashes Office Architecture – 60% of firms are redesigning their offices for the post-pandemic era

Americans Panic – Buy Firewood And Stoves Amid Energy Crisis

WSJ: How Companies Raise Prices Without Raising Prices – Companies try to make price increases hard to see

More failure on the Southern border – 164,000 migrants arrested after crossing the southern border this October

80 crowbar-wielding looters in ski masks ransack Walnut Creek, CA Nordstrom in a raid lasting less than one minute

Six Things We Learned From The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

800 Times Deadlier: Covid Vaccine Shots Are the Deadliest ‘Vaccines’ in Human History

The FDA Produced First Batch of ‘Confidential’ Vaccine Docs — Now We Know Why It Will Takes 55 Years

Fauci Says Babies and Toddlers Could be Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine By Spring 2022

Europe Erupts Against COVID Lockdowns, Vax Mandates with Protests in Rome, Vienna, and the Netherlands

The Pandemic Will Not End – High vaccination rates are not producing good results in many countries

Sharyl Attkisson: Cardiologist ‘Warning’: Heart risk measure ‘dramatically’ increases in Covid-19 vaccinated patients

What Happens In An Internet Minute In 2021

November 20, 2021

The Small British Territory of Gibraltar Hit 100% Vaccination Rate in March Is Now Urging Cancellation of Christmas Celebrations over COVID Fears

The CCP Persecutes A Tennis Star – Biden could champion freedom by inviting China to the Dec. 9-10 Summit for Democracy

About Those ‘Rare’ Adverse Reactions: CDC VAERS Total Nears 900,000 as Government Pushes Boosters That Will Take Down More Americans

War on the Unvaccinated: – A Desperate Attempt to Demonize and Destroy – The ruling class is very worried about non-compliant citizens

Business Lobby Files Court Notice Over Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: Stop ‘Bullying Businesses to Comply’

Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization

More than half of NYPD cops wish they never joined the force, say far-left politics ‘ destroying’ New York City

Biden and aides tell allies he is running in 2024 amid growing Democratic fears

Tucker Carlson Reveals What Biden’s Relatives Have Told Him About Joe’s Cognitive Decline

Why Biden can’t get rid of Vice President Kamala Harris

The Democrat coalition is starting to implode – “Intersectionality” and “diversity” are unsustainable in a party that views the world as a small pie, with every victim group vying for top victim status and the biggest slice

The NIH and EcoHealth Colluded to Evade ‘Gain of Function’ Research Restrictions

WSJ: With The Vaccine Mandate Looming, Business Owners Face Wary Workers – Small-business owners say efforts to prepare for federal rules are meeting resistance among some staffers

A summary of the Kyle Rittenhouse case – Jurors knew nothing about the criminal records of the men attacking Kyle

Rittenhouse Defense Attorney Mark Richards: It Is ‘Scary’ How Many Death Threats Were Received During The Trial

GoFundMe reverses ban on Kyle Rittenhouse fundraisers after acquittal

How Long before Mexican Cartels Establish Their States in the USA? – Cartelville USA is a string of communities in the California desert that have been taken over by drug cartels

Charlton Heston On Winning the Cultural War – Social issues we are facing today have been rising  for decades

Axios-Ipsos poll: Independents are fed up – Their faith in voting choices is in a dismal place after the 2020 election


November 19, 2021

China Is Busted: They Are Building a Secret Military Facility on US Ally United Arab Emirates Soil

Google Is Censoring American Journalists On Behalf Of the CCP – Regarding the suspicious disappearance of Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai

The DOJ is Told to Review Federal Charges for Kyle Rittenhouse After Jury Found Him ‘Not Guilty’ on All Counts

As Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines Near 1 Million Mark, CDC, FDA Clear Pfizer, Moderna Boosters for All Adults

California Governor Newsom’s ‘Legal Unit’ Denies Globe Request for his Public Schedule

Los Angeles Times: Biden freezes billions in funding to punish California for an old pension reform law

Whistleblower Videos Capture Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroying Evidence –  Election officials were tearing tapes into pieces and placing and them into the trash stating they will have a campfire to burn the data

COVID rapid tests face holiday demand spike –  The U.S. has been slower to embrace rapid at-home COVID-19 testing than Europe

NYT: Where Is Peng Shuai? – The Chinese tennis star that publicly accused a former senior Politburo member of sexual assault

A new study from Germany confirms that the higher the vaccination rate is, the higher the excess mortality becomes

Why the Pandemic Will Not End – What the government is doing (and not doing) will ensure no end to the pandemic

Taking Advantage of the COVID Pandemic to Change the Way We Vote – There was no need to vastly increase the number of absentee ballots or to push the public to vote by mail

Marxist Greed – Those who fatten their bank accounts with other people’s money are perfect practitioners of the ideology

The CDC’s Vaccine Panel Unanimously Recommends Pfizer, Moderna Boosters –  Six months after their first two doses

Biden Issues a Hypocritical Statement on the Rittenhouse Acquittal

Trump praises Rittenhouse acquittal and calls out ‘prosecutorial misconduct’ – Rittenhouse is the ‘poster boy’ for self-defense-based innocence

Will Rittenhouse’s Not Guilty Verdict Be Overturned by the Feds? – Jerry Nadler signaled a possible DOJ investigation

Portland Rittenhouse protest declared riot; windows smashed, objects thrown at police – Protesters have taken to the streets across the country

Kyle Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted on All Five Counts Brought Against Him

European Medicines Agency Data Shows 1,163,356 Adverse Drug Reactions and 30,551 Fatalities by COVID-19 Vaccinations

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee Invites America’s Unvaccinated Officers to Join Its Highway Patrol

Official Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates are Higher in Those Vaccinated vs The Unvaccinated

WSJ: The House Votes 220 to 213 to Pass Their $2 Trillion Social Spending and Climate Bill

KEVIN MCCARTHY SPEAKS – 8 hours and 32 minutes to delay the vote until a few minutes after 5:00 a.m. this morning

The House Passes Behemoth Build Back Better Act – It could cost as much as $4.91 trillion over ten years if Congress continues to fund those programs with arbitrary policy sunsets

Yes, Democrats, Let’s Just Give Our Oil Reserves Away As Gas Prices Are Going Through The Roof

ATA President Chris Spear warns Biden that 2.5 million truckers threaten to quit over the vaccine mandate

MSNBC’s History Of Doxxing Normal People Shadows Their Attempt To Follow The Rittenhouse Jury

Here is What Will Happen if the Rittenhouse Trial Ends in a Hung Jury

From George Zimmerman to Kyle Rittenhouse: A Decade of Woke Misrule

WSJ: Secret Chinese Port Project in the Persian Gulf Rattles U.S. Relations With The U.A.E.

Why I won’t be watching the CCP Olympics? (Let me count the ways)

The World of Tennis Stands Up to The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

THE GEEK IN PICTURES: BLOWOUT EDITION – Numerous Charts and Graphs That Tell Interesting Stories

How Digital ID Will Control Your Life – Starting with digital vaccine passports via the Vaccine Credential Initiative (VCI)

The FDA says it needs 55 years to release all of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine data – If the FDA is correct then the approval it gave after only 108 days is a fraud

Dr. Simone Gold Explains Their Preliminary Injunction Against Kaiser Permanente – To prevent Kaiser Permanente from implementing its mandatory vaccine mandate for all employees

Fauci Finally Admits Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Serious Covid or Death – It appears that antibody-dependent enhancement is occurring

The Never-COVID-Endemic Story – We don’t need to hang onto every mitigation effort in perpetuity

The FDA endorses Pfizer and Moderna COVID boosters for all adults

The new COVID war: Redefining those who are officially vaccinated

Hey, you fair-weather RINO Republicans and Never-Trumps – How’s all this working for you?

Conservative activists say that ‘social-emotional learning’ is just a Trojan horse for Critical Race Theory

Border Patrol Migrant ‘Those That Got-Away’ Count Reaches 75K in 47 Days

November 18, 2021

The 3-Day Wedding of Billionaire Heiress Ivy Getty Was a Show of Elite Power and Symbolism

How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids – Leaked Documents and Audio from the California Teachers Association Conference Reveal Efforts to Subvert Parents on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation


WSJ: The FBI’s Raid on James O’Keefe – The DOJ had better have a good reason for seizing a journalist’s records

After OSHA Suspends Their Covid Vaccine Rule The White House Tells Businesses to Move Forward With It Anyway

FDA is on the Hot Seat for Misreported Deaths Linked to Pfizer Vaccine Before Authorization

Over 60% of the Vaccinated ALREADY Had COVID – How do you calculate the ongoing efficacy of a vaccine against a disease you’re already immune to?

The Google Search Trend for “Died Suddenly” Reached an All-Time High During The Last Two Months

Teachers Reveal How They ‘Stalk’ Kids And Sideline Parents To Pull Middle Schoolers Into LGBT Groups

Is Pegasus Peeping on Your iPhone? – It has reportedly been used to spy on journalists and politicians across continents

Quinnipiac University Poll: More Americans want the GOP rather than Democrats to control the House and Senate

New Rasmussen Poll: Bannon/O’Keefe Targeting Viewed as Politically Motivated by a Majority of Voters

The Biden Vortex Deepens – Revivalism is beyond the Biden party as the gaps keep getting wider deeper and wider

WEF founder Klaus Schwab Announces ‘Great Narrative’ Project – Which is just a continuation of the Great Reset agenda

Bank of America Initiates Pilot Program Separating Vaccinated From Unvaccinated Employees 

These 13 people went missing in Yosemite National Park and have never been seen again

Maya Angelou fibbed about her age to become a San Francisco streetcar conductor

The judge banned MSNBC from the Rittenhouse trial courtroom after reportedly following jury bus

Something very peculiar is happening with our Strategic Petroleum Reserve – Biden is selling massive amounts of SPR oil to Asia!

The phony math behind Biden’s Build Back Better spending agenda keeps getting debunked

Pouring Fuel on the Spending Fire – The Biden Administrations Build Back Better agenda is music to inflation’s ears

In South Texas, The Border Crisis Threatens To Become A Constitutional Crisis Due To Federal Inaction

 Democrats Were Warned About Kamala – Harris isn’t even up to her empty role of vice president

The second annual ‘Hoax of the Year’ award goes to…It’s difficult to pick with so many to choose from

How the Tentacles of Bill Gates Are Reaching Deeper Into Mainstream Media – $319 Million In Grants Isn’t Chicken Feed

The FDA Asks A Federal Judge Court for 55 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data – What Are They Hiding?

COVID Mandates In Victoria, Australia, Have Unexpected Consequences – The most locked-down place in the world

Days After Locking Down the Unvaccinated, Austria Hits a New COVID Case Record – A full nationwide lockdown could follow

Lockdowns In Scotland Vs. Freedom In Sweden — Guess Who Won?

Vaccine Mandates Sow Mass Chaos Throughout Military As Service Members Seek Religious Accommodations

Wake up America: We Are at War! – Leftists have thoroughly weaponized how laws are enforced and are wielding them against the American people

What Isn’t Simple Is Usually A Lie – What’s Not Complicated Is How We Are Ripped-Off Daily By Government & Industry

Will Republicans have an advantage after redistricting? – Turning vulnerable districts  into  safer Republican districts

Intel’s chip recovery plan could restore US manufacturing prowess – It is risky and will take years, even with government subsidies

November 17, 2021

Victor Davis Hanson: The Latest Whistleblower Confirms the FBI Has Just Lost Its Last Shred of Dignity

America’s First Mom Raided By FBI After October 4th DOJ Memorandum? She Fought Against Voter Fraud, Critical Race Theory and Forced Masking in Schools

Bill Maher: ‘If Don Jr. Had Done What Hunter Biden Had Done, It Would Be Every Night, All Night on MSNBC’

Gallup Poll: Stricter Gun Laws Are Now Less Popular in the U.S.

THE LAST REFUGE OF A SENILE SCOUNDREL – Democrats want oil and gas to be more expensive and have admitted it in candid moments for the last twenty years

Fauci Says Imminent CDC Rule Change Requiring Boosters Will Cause Millions of Americans to Lose Fully Vaxed Status

Florida governor Ron DeSantis is poised to sign bills limiting COVID vaccine mandates

The Media’s Verdict on Kyle Rittenhouse – Why so many got this story so wrong

Hidden on page 1,647 of Biden’s Huge Spending Bill Is a Plan Allowing Illegals to Get Billions of Dollars – No SS# to get child tax credits

An FDA report shows Pfizer’s clinical trials showed a 24% higher all-cause mortality rate among the vaccinated compared to the placebo group

How Many People in Key Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Died? – More Than Pfizer Disclosed To The Public

Emails Reveal That Researchers Who Alleged Trump Links To The Russian Alfa Bank Were Anti-Trump

San Francisco Mayor London Breed introduces legislation for supervised drug-use site

In the wake of the 6th plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the CCP – There Is No Alternative to a Confrontation With China

The Biden administration is letting America’s nuclear superiority slip through our fingers

WSJ: Biden Asks The FTC to Examine Oil, Gas Companies’ Role in High Gasoline Prices

“Objective Journalism No Longer Feasible:” Project Veritas Whistleblower Exposes CBS Affiliate’s Depraved Diversity Training

America Won’t Be Fixed By The Current Republican Class – They just want to kick the can down the road to avoid blame, avoid tough decisions, and even tougher scrutiny

Another Democrat economist jumps ship on Biden’s inflationary spending – It’s not “paid for” and will throw fat on the fire of inflation

Did AG Merrick Garland sic the counterterrorism division on concerned parents? – An email from an FBI whistleblower shows that Garland, at worst, lied and, at best, seriously misspoke

Senate Republicans are united and will formally challenge Biden OSHA vaccine mandate

It’s Happened Again: Maryland School Gives Almost 100 Kids Wrong Vaccine Dose

Germany Preparing to Impose Austria-Style Lockdown on the Unvaccinated – No jab equals no social life

OSHA Suspends Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate For Private Businesses After Court Blocks It

Sharyl Attkisson: Scientist explains Pfizer anti-Covid-19 drug compared to ivermectin – Ivermectin appears to be better

The Biden admin offers drug makers billions to spur the Covid vaccine supply

Pfizer Asks The Food and Drug Administration to Authorize Use of Their COVID-19 Treatment Pill

The FDA Will Decide on Pfizer Booster Shots Without Hearing From An Expert Panel

Vaccinated And Unvaccinated COVID Break Thru Cases Show The Same Viral Load – The 1905 SCOTUS case held that mandates can only be considered to “prevent the spread of contagious disease”

Are Biden and his people plotting with the House to give Kamala the boot?

Mistrial Motion Filed: Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger Withheld HD Drone Footage from Rittenhouse Defense

Attorneys Are Back in Courtroom – Rittenhouse Defense Rips Apart Binger for Withholding HD Drone Footage

The Rittenhouse Trial Judge Response After The Jury Asks to See Videos: ‘My Nightmare Has Come True

What about the mysterious bricks surfacing in Kenosha – – Again? Pay No Attention to the Brick Wizard Behind the Curtain

A Gallup survey of Americans Shows Support for Stricter Gun Control is at The Lowest Point Since 2014

November 16, 2021

St. Paul Just Implemented the Nation’s Strictest Rent Control Law And It’s Already Backfiring Tremendously

Family members of 60 US troops are stranded in Afghanistan and the Biden administration is not helping them

Nancy Pelosi: House members will NOT leave for Thanksgiving until Biden’s $1.8trillion Build Back Better bill passes

The second-biggest program in the Democrats’ Build Back Better  plan gives billions to the rich 

Biden’s Made-in-America Corporate Tax Hikes Sabotages American Competitiveness

A Historic pro-GOP voting gap is revealed – There is a potential 70-seat House of Representative’s pickup for Republicans

13 States Are Now Suing to Block The Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers

NYT: The Federal Bureau of Dirty Tricks – Comey’s F.B.I. was mitigated only by its incompetence

The Rittenhouse Judge Tells Jury to Ignore Biden, Who Once Suggested Teen is a ‘White Supremacist’

Rittenhouse Trial Bombshell: Prosecution’s Star Witness Is a Criminal with a Rap Sheet a Mile Long

The Rittenhouse Defense Files Late Motion for Mistrial with Prejudice — Which Means No Retrial if Granted

A Kenosha Marshal Reveals 2 Jurors are Hesitant About The Rittenhouse Verdict Because They are Afraid of ‘Backlash’

Nicholas Sandmann: The corrupt liberal media came for me, just like they came for Kyle Rittenhouse, and if he decides to sue I say go for it and hold the media accountable

Doctors and Nurses Speak on the Consequences of Rejecting Mandatory Vaccination

Sharyl Attkisson: VAXX Mandates Are the Ultimate Showdown That Makes No Exceptions For Natural Immunity

Healthy un-vaxxed Americans are a reminder that political elites are lying about COVID science

CDC Data: We now know the common flu and swine flu were deadlier to children than COVID-19

Pfizer Hid from Public the Number of Deaths in COVID Clinical Trials — The Actual Number Was 21 Which Was 6 More than was Reported and 4 More than the Unvaccinated Group

RFK, Jr.’s ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ Hits Bookstores – How Fauci, Gates, and others achieved their agenda

The USPS’s Hare-Brained Rescue Plan – Try to compete with FedEx and UPS in package delivery

Sharyl Attkisson: Guillain Barre paralysis sets in after young man gets Covid-19 vaccine – Plus other adverse event reports

15,000 People Were Checked by The Police During The First Day of ‘Lockdown of The Unvaccinated’ in Austria

GOP House Judiciary: The FBI Whistleblower Claims DOJ Used Counterterrorism Tools Against Parents

Electric-Car Startup Lucid Overtakes Ford in Market Value  – Their market value hits $83 billion

New Reports Show That Military Families Are Included in List of 14,000 Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan

The World’s Worst Human Rights Criminal Xi Jinping Threatens to ‘Burn’ Biden over Taiwan Support

The Congressional Budget Office Confirms Biden Lied About Build Back Better

The Democrat ‘billionaire tax’ on unrealized capital gains would damage stock ownership, critics say

Biden’s Inflation Is Taking Americans To The Cleaners – Natural gas prices are up more than 180 percent since September 2020

The Longest Serving Dem Senator Calls It Quits, Creating Another Opening for The  GOP in The 2022 Midterms


Goldman Sachs Investment Research: Inflation will get worse this Winter before it gets better

Are Gas Prices Increasing on Purpose? – Liberals hatred for traditional forms of energy is well known

The Oil industry accuses the Biden administration of smothering their ability to respond to surging prices

NRCC Poll: Only 39% of State Voters in Battleground Districts Support Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda

A Word About Democracy from a Man Brought Up in a Dictatorship – Under Soviet socialism, there is no democracy

THE JAMES O’KEEFE PROJECT: THE SEARCH WARRANT – Ashley Biden’s “property,” the word diary never used

The Persecution of Steve Bannon – A corrupt January 6 committee show trial

Proposed California Ballot Initiatives Raise Corporate Taxes to Pay For Climate Change Mitigation

Biden Is Poised to Create Crisis in US-Israel Relations – His administration is supporting a Fatah-Hamas unity government

Please Stop Trusting Anything The Mainstream Media ‘Report’ – America’s mainstream/legacy media have an agenda

7 Media Lies Katie Couric And The Aspen Institute Would Decry If They Hated Disinformation

Corporate media strikes back at Substack and Other news outlets are revamping their strategies to meet demand

Howard Zinn and the Book That Poisoned a Generation – A radical, leftist professor who despised his subject

Who’s Surprised That Kamala Harris Is Toxic? – Even Democrat voters knew she was a disaster on the way

A doctor gets suspended for speaking her mind about COVID – Her offense is what was called a “thoughtcrime” in the dystopian novel 1984

The Pentagon Says It Has Authority to Require The Oklahoma National Guard to Follow Vaccine Mandate

The Most VAXXED Nation on Earth Just Canceled Christmas Because of Their ‘Exponential Rise’ in Covid Cases

A Comprehensive List Of The Lies, Half-Truths, and Misinformation Used to Sell the Covid Vaccines

Covid Shots Are Far More Dangerous Than Advertised And Are An Epic Failure

The Biden administration plans imminent booster expansion to all adults to begin as early as this week

The anomaly that is the OSHA-based vaccine mandate – OSHA rules are mostly logical and backed by extensive testing; not so for the vaccine mandate

Prime Minister Johnson: People In The UK Will Need 3 Vaccine Shots To Be Considered “Fully Vaccinated”

UK Supermarkets Are Lining Store Shelves With “Decoys” To Hide Supply Shortages

The Climate Change Social Engineering Project – They need two things to be implemented without causing a revolt

How Many Zombie Agencies Does Government Need? – Looking at the USA.gov website recently, I counted 456

November 15, 2021

Fauci Issues Warning to Vaccinated People: ‘A Booster Might Be an Essential Part’ For Better Immunity

These People Are Not Stable – Oregon Governor Kate Brown Is A Perfect Example

The Infrastructure Bill, Explained – There’s no such thing as free infrastructure

California Could Become Americas Abortion Provider

Jan 6 Commission Chairman Bennie Thompson Backed Extremist, Secessionist Group Seeking Violent U.S. Takeover

Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates Admit COVID Vaccines Don’t Work as Advertised

Austrian Police Patrol Shops And Highways Hunting for the Unvaccinated

Fauci: ‘There is a Misplaced Perception About People’s Individual Right to Make a Decision that Supersedes the Societal Safety

School Walkout: ‘Government Is Not A Co-Parent’ rally At CA State Capitol Monday – ‘Bow to the state or they will take everything from you’

Gavin Newsom is lying about his COVID vaccine injury and here’s how I will prove it to you

The UN Climate Summit Exposed as a Sham After World Leaders Kowtow to the Top Polluters on Earth

An Oklahoma Bill Would Allow Employees to Sue for $1 Million Over Mandated Vaccines

The Republican Party of Wyoming votes to no longer recognize Rep. Liz Cheney as a Republican

Report: RINO Liz Cheney’s Husband Works for a Chinese Communist Party-Linked Law Firm

WSJ: Biden Signs $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill  – The largest federal investment in infrastructure in more than a decade

NATO warns Russia over their Ukraine border military build-up

NINE TIMES the Obama Regime Fought Subpoenas or Blocked Democrat Officials from Testifying Before Congress

MISDEMEANOR FROM HELL: Defiant Bannon Tells Biden He Picked The Wrong Target in Fiery Courthouse Speech

Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers: There Is No End in Sight to Inflation Unless The Fed Makes A ‘Significant’ Course Correction

Budget Watchdog: The cost of the Democrats spending bill will double if temporary provisions are extended

We must respond to China’s saber-rattling about Taiwan – Sadly, Biden could fit Neville Chamberlain’s mold very easily

REVEALED: Rep. Adam Schiff Met With Former Chairman Of Chinese Communist Party’s Foreign Influence Operations

WSJ: Trump Ally Steve Bannon Surrenders to FBI to Face Contempt Charges – He will make a court appearance later Monday

The Ten Stages of Genocide – See if any ring a bell with how supposedly “free” governments are behaving today

‘Yellowstone’ Reveals Much About America, Just Not What Critics Say – It reminds Americans of what our past endured to make the present possible

I&I/TIPP Poll: The Public Has Also Lost Faith In Biden As The Commander In Chief

Cultural Marxism Is Grinding Down Our Public Schools – Children Are Being Taught To Be Ashamed Of Being American

A Rhode Island Teacher Warns CRT ‘Absolutely Everywhere’ In Schools – “It’s in the plot narratives; it’s in the characterization; it’s in the imagery, it’s in the art projects, the history class, and even in the English classes”

Billionaire Bill Ackman shows ‘the truth shall set you free’ – Rather than what corporate media says about Rittenhouse

Judge Dismisses Count 6 in Kyle Rittenhouse Murder Trial – Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18

Rittenhouse prosecutor falsely claims ‘You lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one who brought the gun’

Inflation is hurting Americans and Biden’s BBB makes things worse – Consumer sentiment survey came in at 66.8, the lowest in a decade

NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle Embarrasses Herself Over “The Dirty Little Secret” About Inflation

Time To Trust Bust Big Tech – Antitrust legislation is the tool conservatives need to do something about corporate power

They Intend to Get Us to Accept ‘You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy’ – Inflation is rising much faster than our paychecks

The Infrastructure Bill Throws Money at Past Problems – It contributes to irresponsible deficit spending with minimal economic benefits

The UFO Phenomenon 7-NEWS Spotlight Documentary

Why are COVID Cases Spiking? Again? – If the vaccines work, then why aren’t they working?

Grounded by Vaccine Exemption: Married United Pilots That Filed For Religious Exemptions Feel Betrayed

Buried Information On The Pfizer Vaccine For Kids Under 12 – It’s very hard to find this document on the FDA website

Ivermectin Covid NIH Study Results Due March 2023 – Meanwhile The CDC, FDA, and NIH (and other Global Governments) continue to issue anti-Ivermectin propaganda and guidelines

The CDC Admits There Is No Record Of Naturally Immune People Transmitting The COVID-19 Virus To Others

It’s Time to Declare Victory Over COVID – This disease is now endemic and that’s how it’s going to be no matter how much pandemic theater we perform

The World is Going Full Commie And It’s Time To Stand Up To Them – Do Austria and Australia Foretell Our Future?

In-Depth: A Pfizer Whistleblower Sinks AThe Integrity Of The Pfizer Phase 3 Vaccine Trial

States Versus Cities – As local officials plunge into controversial policy areas, they clash increasingly with governors and legislative leaders

The USDA To Increase Pig Slaughtering At Processors To Tame ‘Meatflation’

The Big Green Push To Get Rid Of Coal Has Had The Opposite Effect

November 14, 2021

WSJ: An Illegal Vaccine Mandate – An appellate court blocks OSHA in a withering rebuke

Belgium’s most-vaccinated province also has the highest number of Covid cases

Trouble in Paradise: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Sour on Each Other

Biden’s Moribund Vaccine Mandate – SCOTUS will concur with the 5th Circuit that this arbitrary edict is fatally flawed

The GOP Has Biggest Statistical Edge to Retake Congress in 40 Years

Corporate Media Admits That Their Trump Dossier Coverage ‘One of the Most Egregious Journalistic Errors’ in History

Is Our Military in Decay? – Twenty years after 9/11, is its leadership just about DC’s revolving door and huge contracts?

An Ex-Security Guard for Ghislaine Maxwell Says Her Team Hired ‘Lookalikes’ to Help Alleged Rapist Hide

A Doctor on Trump’s COVID Task Force Says Fauci, Birx Ignored Data That Disputed Their Preferred Theories

Austria Orders Lockdown for Unvaccinated  Millions Starting Monday, Directs Police to Carry Out Spot-Checks

A 19-yo Australian Equestrian Star Hospitalized with Blood Clots Days After Getting Vaccinated – The Media Gaslights It

Oklahoma Attorney General: A Hospital System That Operates in 19 States Blocked From Firing Workers Over Vaccine

Why The Left Always Projects – They have always known these sins firsthand as their own

Behind the NYT’ Unholy War on Project Veritas – The newspaper of record is now officially the newspaper of smears

The EWG has updated its database on tap water in the US, revealing where testing has detected potentially deadly pollutants in the nation’s water systems

Whatever It Takes To Achieve Leftist Utopia – The vaccines are “leaky” NOT sterilizing and don’t wipe out the virus

The Worldwide Vaccine Failure – But don’t worry, the boosters will fix everything!

Vaccine Holdouts at Key Bases Pose a Military Dilemma

YouTube censors information about COVID vaccine injuries on Senator Ron Johnson’s channel

Remember “Just Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve?” – “Herd Immunity” of 70% to reach a point where we could relax restrictions

The Real Anthony Fauci – Fauci had a hand in creating the vaccine gold rush that started with a Bill Gates meeting

Pew Research: What Is Your Political Typology? – Answer 16 Questions To Find Out

Woke CA Math Won’t Deliver Equity – Math is not just a “neutral discipline,” it also can be used to promote equity and “social justice”

The real villains in the Rittenhouse trial – Officials abdicating authority to violent activists in cities around the country

California’s high unemployment rate may be too low because of what they are not counting

November 13, 2021

We are seeing over a 60X increase in pro sports adverse events since the vaccines rolled out – 

Bill Gates says governments must PUNISH people for questioning mask and vaccine mandates online

The Washington Post Retracts There Steele Dossier Russia Collusion Reporting And Points Finger At Hillary Clinton

Court Filing: Multiple January 6 Defendants Were Taken Out of Cells on Stretchers to Medical Bays

Trump Slammed ‘Sellout’ Republicans and Demands They Face Primary Challengers

The Biden Administration Hikes Medicare Premiums, Blames Drug Costs and Pandemic

Biden Targets the Religious Freedom of Federal Contractors – The Labor Department seeks to rescind a Trump-issued rule protecting them

The American Awakening of The FBI as an Official Enforcement Mechanism of The Fourth Branch of Government

Joe Biden and John Kerry’s Great Green Reset Punishes America While Rewarding China

The Biden Nominee To Run A Foreign Aid Agency Has 6-Figure Investment In Chinese State-Run Fund

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Brilliant Opinion Staying OSHA’s Illegal Vaccine Mandate

Americas Military Branches Have Not Granted Any Religious Exemption Requests From TheVaccine Mandate

CNN To Reportedly Fire a “Good Number” Of On-Air Talent and Staff In a Major Shakeup

General Flynn on Tucker Carlson: The Assaults on Our Freedoms Won’t End Soon – Where Are our Republican Leaders?

The Left’s Bungled Revolution – They scarcely attempt to hide their actual agenda anymore

The CDC Twisted The Definition Of ‘Vaccine’To Make Billions Of Dollars For Drug Companies – Before vs. After

Dr. Pierre Kory: ‘Covid-19 Is Highly Treatable’ but ‘There Is a War on the Truth’ To Keep the Disease Going

Guarding against Cheating in Elections by the Far Left – Two important activities that need to be greatly minimized

Why They Hate Kyle Rittenhouse – For being strong and standing up for what is right

Those Who Claim Men Are Women Are Brazen Liars – Honesty is a prerequisite of virtue and courage makes it flower

Black Lives Matter: America’s Homegrown Marxism – Marxism and racial identitarianism came to a head in the 1960s


November 12, 2021

When All The Corporate Media Narratives Collapse – In case after case, the US MSM just keeps getting it wrong

Why the Chip Shortage Drags On, and On – Because demand is still surging and it takes time to build new factories

The Los Angeles City Council Makes Big Changes To Its COVID-19 Proof-of-Vaccine Mandate


 The judge opens a path for the jury to clear Kyle Rittenhouse on his firearm possession charge

Ann Coulter: The Leftist Message on Kyle Rittenhouse Is ‘We Are Supposed to Just Stand There and Be Murdered’

Potential Witness Tampering: Grosskreutz Had Two Prior Charges Dismissed by Prosecutors Only Days Before Trial

CA Signs International Agreement To Phase Out Oil & Gas Production – Currently set to phase out oil production by 2045

Why Special Counsel Durham Subpoenaed The Brookings Institution – They were ground zero for the Russia collusion hoax, with several key staff embroiled in the damaging lie

Foreign Cyber Attacks Target Both Public and Private Sectors – China and Russia run circles around America in the new online theater of warfare

Desperate for Guilty Verdict: Rittenhouse Prosecution Scrambles to Add Lesser Charges as Their Case Falls Apart

Why the Military Must Repudiate Radical Politics – They moved the neo-Nazis out but have allowed the neo-Marxists in

The CDC says it doesn’t keep records on whether unvaccinated Americans with natural immunity spread COVID-19

VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots

Oops! The White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain’s Retweet Cited in Ruling Against VAXX Mandate

A Federal Appeals Court Blocks Biden’s ‘Staggeringly Overbroad’ Vaccine Mandate

US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit – Petition for Review of OSHA Emergency COVID Temporary Standard 

The Royalist Left – From Lenin to Pol Pot to Pelosi, their democracy becomes the road to serfdom, not the remedy for it

The Real Crime in Kenosha – It’s injustice from top to bottom in Kenosha, and it’s provoked by the media

How George Soros’ Secret Network Used Ukraine To Cover For Hillary, Hunter, & Target Donald Trump

More Georgia 2020 Corrupt Election Acts Revealed – 770,000 Ballots Ordered Shortly Before the 2020 Election Are Missing – Where Did They Go?

China’s Glasgow gambit – China used backroom negotiating to make itself a player at the global COP26 climate summit

The Democrats’ Russia-ruse exposed – Understanding the Durham indictments – What you need to know

Steve Bannon Is Indicted on Contempt Charges for Defying The January 6 Panel Subpoena

Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows fails to appear before the January 6 panel, could face contempt

Is the Biden-Harris Regime Purposely Destroying the American Economy? – Is it idiocracy, controlled demolition, or both?

A Missouri Power Company Warns Customers of Blackouts as Biden Admin Considers Shutting Yet Another Pipeline


Senator Manchin opposes Biden’ FDA nominee, citing his ties to ‘greed’ of the pharmaceutical industry


We Think We’re Free, We’re Not – Unconstitutional vax mandates have given Americans a glimpse into the control the government has—or thinks it has over our lives

Heroes: 26 Christian Navy SEALs Make a Bold Final Stand Against Biden and His Hated Vaccine Mandate

FDA Alert: 2 Million Ellume At-home COVID-19 Tests Are Being Recalled Over False Positives

Gavin Newsom Extends COVID Executive Orders Again (And Again) – CA will be under Pandemic Order for over 2 years

The World’s Largest Meat Company Warns That Labor Shortages Are “Holding Back Production”

Inflation Is a Dagger Aimed at Joe Biden’s Presidency – The eroding dollar is going to stop with him

True: Trump’s ‘Truth’ has bolstered the GETTR social media platform

WSJ: Robert Califf, Ex-FDA Commissioner During The Biden Administration, Is Biden’s Pick to Run the Agency

The NSBA Coordinated With The WH & DOJ Before Sending The ‘Parents Are Domestic Terrorists’ Letter

Witness Testifies That Rittenhouse Tried to ‘De-Escalate’ The Riot And Rosenbaum Charged Him from Behind

The NYT’s 1619 Project Book Version Doubles Down On Junk History – Then dodges and impugns the motives of its critics

WHEN ADAM SCHIFF LOVED THE DOSSIER – March 2017 was a heady time for Trump-Russia conspiracy theorists

US Firms Splurge On Chinese Semiconductor Deals, Aiding Beijing’s Bid For Chip Dominance Despite The Security Risks

Nuclear Power: The Only Viable Solution To Climate Change – This green technology ignored at the Glasgow conference

A US District Judge Orders The FBI To Stop “Extracting” Data From Veritas Devices Amid Mystery Leaks To The NYT

Why Doesn’t Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Apply To Welfare Recipients And Others?

Oops! The Cal Berkeley football team that is 99.5% vaccinated did the unthinkable! – 44 tested positive for COVID

Whistleblower A California Community College Overrun With ‘Fake Students, Bots’ – Enabling them to get financial aid

The CA Redistrict Commission Releases First Congressional District Draft Map – Devin Nunes District Goes Blue Big Time

A War Memorial in Canada Was Defaced With the Words “The Real Heroes Are the Vaccinated!”

November 11, 2021

Eleven Vaccine-Injured Physicians Have Been Repeatedly Ignored By Government Agencies

Donald Trump: “THE OLD REPUBLICAN PARTY IS GONE FOREVER” – The America First movement will be its’ future

An Interview With James O’Keefe of Project Veritas – “I started with nothing but a camera and a passion for truth”

The FBI Illegally Leaked Privileged Project Veritas Communications and the NY Times Illegally Reported on Them

‘Unprecedented’ Capitol Protest Sets New Precedents – The Constitution is subverted on the premise that January 6 was “unprecedented.”

Biden Responding to Border Crisis With Plans to Fire Thousands of Unvaccinated Patrol Agents on November 22nd

Hospitals Overrun by New a Covid Surge in 86% ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Belgium Prompts a Ludicrous Solution – BOOSTERS!

Iran-Backed Militants Storm The US Embassy in Yemen Then Seize Hostages and Equipment

The White Supremacy Hoax – Every GOP victory brings a new wave of fictitious claims about white supremacy

The local BLM chapter threatens riots if Mayor-elect Adams reinstitutes the NYPD anti-crime units

The Federally Funded Takedown of Natural Immunity – Government medicine is so wedded to its mandates that it can only argue against the superior power of natural immunity, as in an astounding recent CDC report

A Cardiologist Who Said He ‘Won’t Cry at Funeral’ For “Selfish” Unvaccinated People Suddenly Dies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab

The CDC Admits It Has No Record of an Unvaccinated Person Spreading Covid After Recovering From Covid

Florida school board finally drops its mask mandate after suspending an 8-year-old 38 times for violations

The Queensland president of the Australian Medical Association Says People Who Don’t Get Vaccinated Will be “Miserable” and “Lonely” For Life

WSJ: Hillary Clinton’s Russian Helpers – Durham uncovers evidence of Moscow’s attempts to influence the Steele dossier

A Federal Appeals Court Delays Release of Trump Records to the House While Fast-Tracking Arguments

TUCKER CARLSON: Why Biden doesn’t care about inflation – Economists haven’t seen numbers like this in decades

Riot Fears? Chicago PD Cancels Days Off for Officers as Verdict in Rittenhouse Trial Approaches – Amid speculation that he could be acquitted of the most serious charges

The Rittenhouse Prosecutor’s Case Comes Down To Rioting is Good and Self-Defense is Bad

DeSantis Nails Biden, Says POTUS Has Blood on His Hands After His Administration Flew An Alleged Murderer to FL

The PA DOH refuses to share complete information on how it counted COVID deaths for House ordered reports

Joe Biden is appointing an infrastructure chief to ensure his administration properly implements its trillion-dollar legislation

Big Tech Unleashes AI in Their War on Online Anonymity – Moving towards a world where AI will be used for “woke” ends

Why Do You Suppose Energy Prices and Inflation Are Through the Roof? – Biden vows inflation is his “top priority,” but hasn’t caused it to be his top priority all along?

They Have Lost Control And The Dollar Will Die – The “experts” have put us on a path that leads to currency collapse

Time To Pin A Medal On Larry Summers For His Bidenflation Prediction – Exactly what is happening with inflation today

Covid ‘Vaccines’ Do NOT Impact Infection – There is no medical case that can be made to justify vaccine mandates

Study: Only 6 Healthy Kids Died Of COVID-19 In A Full Year

Despite Vaccine Passport Schemes COVID Cases Surge Across Europe – No lockdown no mandate Sweden is doing fine

What Is an America that Holds Prisoners Indefinitely without Charges? – Habeas corpus rights is a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment

Analysis: The New Pfizer Drug PAXLOVID™ vs. Ivermectin

The UK Vaccine Mandate May Force 123,000 Out Of Health Care Sector

America’s COVID future has arrived – The worst of the pandemic is likely behind us, but the virus is here to stay

Investigating Human Trafficking of Aborted Infants – Kamala Harris’ actions increasingly appear like obstruction of justice

A National Firearm Registry Might Be Closer Than You Think

New Jersey Senate President Sweeney finally concedes in his stunning election loss  to a virtually unknown Republican

What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It? – It is increasingly clear then-President Obama was very much in on the effort to smear Donald Trump as colluding with Russia

November 10, 2021

Republicans Who Voted for Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Did So After Securing Cash from The US Chamber of Commerce

The Presiding Judge Makes A Huge Announcement in Rittenhouse Trial – The Jury Members Were Filmed

Arrests of Illegal Immigrants at the US–Mexico Border Set a New October Record

Nancy Pelosi and Pramila Jayapal Scheme to Rush the Reconciliation Package Through House Without CBO Score

Bidenflation Road Wreck: A huge tide of inflation swamped the automobile sector in October

Judicial Watch: DC Police Release New Audio, Video, and Photos from Investigation of U.S. Capitol Police Killing of Ashli Babbitt

It’s Official: The Era of Cheap Everything Is Over – Not since George H.W. Bush’s administration has your paycheck been pummeled by inflation like this

Report: Democrat Senator Joe Manchin Could Delay Biden’s Build Back Better Bill Until Next Year

Joe Biden’s Marxist Treasury Nominee Says Gas, Oil, Coal Industries Going ‘Bankrupt’ Will Help ‘Tackle Climate Change

Israel to hold the world’s first drill to test readiness for new Omega Covid variant 

Newsom’s COVID booster plus flu shot made him sick enough to cancel his Scotland trip and disappear from public view

Former WH Doctor Reveals What Obama Said After He Called on President Biden To Undergo a Mental Fitness Exam

Prosecutorial Misconduct: Rittenhouse Could Walk After Prosecution Grossly Mishandles His Questioning

New DHS Bulletin: Warns ‘Domestic Extremists’ Are Pushing Violence Against Congress, School and Health Officials

North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park On ‘Candace’ Warns Americans About Creeping Authoritarianism

The Biden Administration Is Sued by 11 Supply Chain Trade Groups Opposing The Employer-Based Vaccine Mandate

Durham’s indictment doesn’t paint a pretty picture for anyone involved in the sourcing & production of the Steele dossier

Irony: The Key to Proving that the ‘Vaccines’ Do Not Work May Be The Highly Vaccinated LGBTQ+ Data

RIGGED: A British health agency deleted a study that found COVID jabs substantially increase infection risk

A Michigan School System Closes After A ‘Large Number’ of Teachers Become Ill after getting COVID Shots

Sharyl Attkisson Investigates: Two new ads have been released by a group advocating for the Covid-19 vaccine-injured

Sharyl Attkisson: Exclusive Summary –  Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns (Updated)

YouTube Is Removing ALL Dislike Votes in Their Latest Effort to Prop Up The Dishonest Media And The White House

Kyle Rittenhouse Takes The Stand And Reveals What Was Said to Him Moments Before Pulling The Trigger

Consumer Price Index Preview: Brace For The Highest Number Increase In Three Decades

Relief From Continuing High Prices Is Unlikely, Analysts Say Ahead Of Consumer Inflation Data Release

U.S. Energy Information Administration: Natural Gas Prices Expected to Be Volatile This Winter Amid Weather Uncertainty

How shutting down a key Michigan pipeline could worsen Biden’s fuel crisis

Biden Won’t Be Able to Spin His Way out of Inflation Crisis

Mainstream Poll: A Plurality Of U.S. Voters Want Joe Biden Out Of Office Next Year

A record-breaking number of container ships are reported to be clogging up the California coast

Biden’s Treasury Department nominee wants to bankrupt fossil fuel companies – She is a graduate of Moscow State University in the former Soviet Union and is a Marxist to her core

The Tragic Consequences of Excess Welfare – Dad stays home all day, living off his unemployment check

China’s home builders are on the brink – The Federal Reserve warned that financial fallout from China’s real estate shakeout “could pose some risks to the U.S. financial system

WSJ: China’s Plan to Manage Evergrande: Take It Apart, Slowly – Via a controlled implosion of the real-estate giant

Time for Republicans to take a stand against Pelosi’s Jan. 6 circus – This panel was selected only by Pelosi, contrary to normal House procedures

The reason innocent January 6 prisoners are pleading guilty – Today, in the USA, you’re guilty until you can afford to be proven innocent

The sinister predawn raid on James O’Keefe – Pre-dawn raids have a troubling history

Trump Criticizes McConnell Over Infrastructure Bill – Why were you “incapable” of producing an infrastructure plan when I was president

The Climate Agenda: Financial Power over Democracy?

The draft COP26 deal targets fossil fuels and aims to strengthen the Paris plan

John Kerry: The U.S. ‘Won’t Have Coal’ by 2030

Sharyl Attkisson: Two Watchdog Groups sue government for Fauci’s professional finances, including royalty payments

‘Experts’ struggle to explain why Florida has half the Covid case rate of masked and vax mandated California

The CDC Hits A New Low With Two Manipulated Studies Of Questionable Quality That Have Several Problems

Fully Vaccinated Choir Concert Has A Substantial COVID-19 Outbreak – Unvaccinated with negative tests were banned

WSJ: California Scrutinizes Doctors as Parents Seek Exemptions From School Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate

The ‘Russia Lie’ – As Revealed By The National Pulse

John Durham Is Getting Close To The Jugular – The special counsel’s probe is methodically unraveling a huge conspiracy

Jim Jordan says lies exposed by Durham matter because they underpinned the Trump-Russia investigation

Afghanistan: How It Became America’s Disaster – Our leaders know about levers of power but have never worked them

Opposing Tyranny – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis details how his state has resisted federal overreach

74 Of Georgia’s 159 Counties Can Not Produce Original 2020 Election Ballot Images

A woman who live-streamed her Chicago looting spree released the day she arrived to serve her 17-month sentence

The San Francisco Board of Elections certifies the petition to recall District Attorney Chesa Boudin

A Primer on Vehicle-Miles-Traveled Taxation Concepts – How any VMT would be charged is not yet determined

November 9, 2021

Mass Resistance To Unconstitutional Mandate Grows As 27 States Sue – And Start To Win – Over Forced Jabs

Is In-N-Out Burger Following The New Los Angeles Proof Of Vaccine Rules After Facing Fines In Northern California?

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Says People Who Spread What He Deems ‘Misinformation’ On Covid Shots Are ‘Criminals’

Whistleblowers to play a key role in enforcing Biden vaccine rule – OSHA doesn’t have nearly enough workplace safety inspectors to do the job

The Principal at Fairfax County High School Told The Mom Who Exposed Pornographic Books That Parents Aren’t Allowed in District’s Libraries

Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan revealed as the ‘foreign policy advisor’ named in the Sussman indictment

Jonathan Turley says the FBI’s involvement in the alleged theft of Ashley Biden’s diary raises ‘legitimate concern’

The Pentagon Admits That ‘Dozens’ of Family Members of US Troops Are Still in Afghanistan

The Jan. 6 Committee Issues 10 More Subpoenas –  Kayleigh McEnany, Stephen Miller, and other former Trump aides

American consumers are paying a steep price for Biden’s policies due to ever-rising inflation

Biden’s Build Back Better agenda would make the US income tax rate the highest in the developed world

Just in Time for the Holidays: The Biden Administration is Considering a Vaccine Mandate for Domestic Air Travel

LA City Workers Protest Vaccine Mandates – Firings of 25% of unvaccinated workers next month would ‘cripple’ city

Life Without the Vaccine – I have never in my adult life—or even in high school—experienced peer pressure like this

Senior NIH Doctor Pushes Back on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates – NIH to host a seminar on vaccine mandates on Dec. 1

Naturally Immune Federal Workers Lodge Class-Action Suit Against Fauci, Walensky Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Dennis Prager: Natural Immunity Versus Vaccine Immunity

Unions Issue Warning: Biden’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Could Slash Truck Driver Workforce by 37%

Sharyl Attkisson: Solid facts about Covid-19 vaccine info that were censored by Facebook

CCP Media Admits That A Large Number of Officials ‘Lack Confidence in the CCP,’ And Could Flee at Any Time

State School Board Associations Continue to Flee The NSBA – 23 states have now distanced themselves

Remington Arms, America’s oldest gun manufacturer, is moving its headquarters from New York to Georgia

Did GOP Rock Star Ron DeSantis Just Reveal That Donald Trump Is Running for President in 2024?

It Was Unconscionable – Time Has Long Passed For Civil Conversation – They Declared War On American Freedoms

Will the courts strike down Biden’s vaccine mandate?

Covid Pandemic Blood Is On Many Hands

RESOURCE: Tracking Legal Action & Legislation Against Covid-19 Mandates

A Must-see Tucker Carlson Video About  America’s Woes – Joe Biden’s weakness makes him a target for predators

How 31 Republicans Betrayed The US To Reward Illegal Immigration, Worsen Inflation, And Pay Off Democrat Donors

Amid The Parent Surge, Republicans Can Either Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way+

MIA Gavin Newsom spotted at high society Getty wedding officiated by Nancy Pelosi

Biden’s FBI Targets Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe – The Politicized DOJ turns from Virginia Moms to journalists

Recent jaw-dropping testimony in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial should end the case

American Federation of Teachers President Weingarten should have learned in school that she cannot fool everyone

How Long Can Lies & Control Supplant Reality & Free Markets? – It’s becoming harder to keep up with increasingly downgraded GDP growth estimations

The Corporate Tax Extortion Racket – G20 Summit members intend to consolidate wealth among themselves at our expense

Some hard and telling questions on climate change to stump those at gabfest COP 26

Trump files to block Jan. 6 investigators and gets rejected in just two hours by District Judge Tanya Chutkan

With help from the DOJ, the National Archives enter the political fray around January 6 – NARA is supposed to be “one of the most significant non-partisan agencies of the US government”

Used Vehicle Prices Hyperinflate as Inflation Begins to Spiral out of Control All Over America

Senate Democrats Beg Joe Biden to Lower Seven-Year High Gas Prices

Internal Report: More Than HALF Of US Border Patrol Agents May Be FIRED For Being Unvaccinated

Doctors Gather at a Summit in Florida to Warn Against Vaccinating Children

You can and should protest the OSHA mandate about workplace vaccines

Masked California’s COVID rate is now twice Florida’s – California has mask requirements and a higher vaccination rate than Florida

Fauci should ‘get’ while the gettin’ is good – Like his boss and enabler, the immensely hypocritical Francis Collins

It’s Time To Talk About Masks And Mental Health – Implications of mask-wearing for those with mental health issues

Texas Filling Border Barrier Gaps With Shipping Containers – Deployment began in late October

Critical Race Theory: From Whence Did It Come? – By using a simple magic trick. Instead of “class,” substitute “race.”

Why We Need to Combat Critical Race Theory – CRT teaches people to regard one another as either an oppressor or one of the oppressed

First look: What your congressional district is searching for on Google

How Getting Fired For His Beliefs Became A Huge Opportunity For My Husband And Our Family – Canceling conservatives is not silencing or cowing them

General Electric to break up into 3 independent companies focused on aviation, health care, and energy

November 8, 2021

Florida will consider removing itself from OSHA, banning employer vaccine mandates in a special legislative session

The 50-State List of Top Tax Rates Under The Democrats Proposed Tax-And-Spend Reconciliation Bill

The Biggest Ransomware Bust Yet Might Acke an Impact

Do Transgender Women Have a ‘Right to Gestate’? – That is, to obtain uterus transplants so they can become pregnant and give birth

Sources: California Governor Gavin Newsom Had Major Adverse Reaction to a Moderna Booster Shot

Los Angeles Approves New Proof-of-Vaccine Law To Enter Indoor Businesses – Enforcement begins on the 29th to allow businesses time to get used to checking for proof and give employees ample time on working out systems

The White House tells businesses to proceed with the vaccine mandate despite the court-ordered pause

Poll: It’s Official, Kamala Harris Is the Least Popular Vice President in American History

Florida Governor DeSantis to Unveil New Legislation Banning Employers From Requiring Vaccination 

Biden Administration’s Ominous Response to Question on Domestic Travel Vax Mandate: ‘Everything’s on the Table’

The Unscientific Method – An astronomer’s peer-reviewed work is passed under the “equity” lens and found wanting – He aimed to reduce the role of individual subjectivity in scientific hiring and tenure decisions

Trump Hints at Biden Rematch: ‘You Think I Kid, But I’m … Not’

Democrats seem to be giving up on challenging DeSantis’s re-election bid on 2022

Legal Scholar Jonathan Turley: Why is the FBI investigating the theft of a diary?

13 Republicans Just Betrayed The Country –  To Reward Illegal Immigration and approve the largest cradle-to-grave expansion of federal power since the New Deal

The threat of massive tax hikes is slowing economic recovery In America

Hiring Difficulties May Be on Horizon as the US Labor Force Participation Rate Remains Unchanged

Truckers warn that the ‘disastrous’ COVID vaccination mandate will worsen the supply chain chaos

California Governor Newsom Has Been Out Of Public Sight Since Getting A Vaccine Booster Shot 11 Days Ago

The Risk of Death for Kids Age 5-11 from the ‘Vaccines’ Is EXPONENTIALLY HIGHER than from Covid Itself

Regeneron Shares Surge As Their Monoclonal Antibody Cocktail Cuts COVID Risk By 81.6%

An Alarming Number Of Athletes Dropping Dead After Getting The COVID Jab – Links to cases of athletes who just dropped dead and all of them are recent

Vaccine mandates inflame the culture wars – The planned mandates will impact more than two-thirds of the workforce

The county of Los Angeles has gone loco with its vaccine mandate

Arizona Christian University Study: Nearly a third of millennials identify as gay or transgender

Oh CRAP! A ‘WOKE’ Press Release From The Minneapolis City Council

WSJ: Pilots Are in Demand Again, as Strained Airlines Go on a Hiring Spree After the Covid-19 Pullback led to a surge in early retirements

A critique of CRT – It seems odd that skin color must be the primary way to identify and categorize people

Arresting the Recruitment Crisis – When police departments struggle to attract and retain officers, public safety suffers

November 7, 2021

WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki Also Hasn’t Been Seen in Public for Eleven Days Since Revealing She Got Covid, Despite Being ‘Fully Vaccinated’

2,433 Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women

The Marxist Manifesto (Circa 1850)

What did the FBI have on Danchenko? – Deciphering a curious FBI question

Californians Invited To Join Nationwide ‘#AxeTheVax’ Strike To Take Place November 8th Thru Veterans Day On The 11th

Trickle-Down Bidenism – This Biden socialist cadre has no clue about the damage they have done to America

A gloomy landscape for Democrats in midterms as Biden’s approval drops to 38% in USA TODAY/Suffolk poll

Former Sr. Trump Official Kash Patel: John Durham Is Building a Bigger Conspiracy Case

This sure looks like Biden’s Department Of Justice are persevering an opposition journalist

Vermont, The US State With Highest Vaccination Rate Reports Record 527 COVID-19 Cases

Sharyl Attkisson: A Covid-19 Vaccine Fractured Fairy Tale

US Milestone: Muslim Candidates Take All Elected Positions in Detroit Metro Area City That Was A Former Polish Enclave

Procter & Gamble employees, numbering over 100,000 worldwide, issue a warning to America

The Raid on Project Veritas Journalists Once Again Shows Different Standards in the Application of Law

Everyone Should Watch Tucker Carlson’s ‘Patriot Purge’ – Watch it and decide if Tucker has raised relevant issues

Let’s Play The “Conspiracy Theory” Game – The reason for the name becomes clear as you play the game

NM Republican Chair: A Tea Party Style Republican ‘Revolution’ Is Coming in 2022

SHARYL ATTKISSON: 53% of immune-compromised patients hospitalized with Covid symptoms were fully-vaccinated

California’s invisible governor – If Newsom is hiding a bad reaction to the booster, that’s not going to be a selling point for the pressure he’s putting on California parents to vaccinate their children

Vaccines for children looms as White House’s next big fight

Study: The Effectiveness of 2 of 3 The COVID-19 Vaccines Used in the US Drops Below 50 Percent

It’s The Vaccines: Adverse Reactions to Covid Jabs Likely to Blame for Hospitals Suddenly Being Flooded Worldwide

Hillsdale College Live Stream: The Great Reset – The idea, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives

Google’s parent company Alphabet takes another step towards the pharmaceutical industry

An Official SOS From The People Of Australia – Australia is at war with its’ government and they need help

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Women are most at risk of brain vein clots after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine

Some House Republicans Explain Why They Voted for The Infrastructure Bill

You Don’t Need to be “Qualified” to Homeschool Your Children – If you can do three simple things, you’re already qualified

The Political Class Is Working To Make Americans Expendable

Do DOT’s reasons for daylight saving time hold up? – Most scientific data indicate permanent Standard Time would result in improvements to health, safety, and economics

The U.S. Navy Launches Ship Named After Gay Rights Leader – The USNS Harvey Milk was welcomed into service by former Navy officer Paula M. Neira, clinical program director for the Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health

November 6, 2021

The Biden Admin Amassing Millions of Records on US Gun Owners Amid New Crackdown on Firearms

Tucker Carlson Documentary: The Man Arrested After Sitting at Pelosi’s Desk on Jan. 6 Claims Guards Tortured Prisoners

The Biden Regime Will Turn the Military on the People Unless We Push Back – What Christopher Rufo did with critical race theory must be done with the post-9/11 security state

James O’Keefe: The FBI Searches Homes of Project Veritas-Linked People

Candace Owens Asks A Pertinent Question After Ashley Biden’s Alleged Diary Is Purportedly Published

Report: Mexican cartels are using Biden’s border disaster to increase Fentanyl smuggling operations

Where is Governor Newsom? – Could this disappearance be a 10-day COVID quarantine?

2020 Swing State Lawsuit: Nearly 26,000 Dead People Allegedly Found on Voter Rolls, Almost 4,000 Dead for 20 Years

Truck Companies Are In An Unprecedented Scramble to Find Spare Parts To Keep Their Fleet On The Road

SCOTUS can stop blue-state suppression of the 2nd Amendment rights – Justice Thomas dubbed it a “disfavored right”

Concern Rises in Ohio After Redistricting Map Appears to Eliminate Jim Jordan’s Rural Conservative District Seat

What About The Unbelievable Stretch of Nonsensical Drunken-Like Speech And Arm Waving From Nancy Pelosi

A New Forbes report sounds a massive privacy invasion alarm for mobile phone users: ‘Delete Google Chrome on your phone

Federal Court Freezes Biden Vaccine Mandate Over Possible ‘Grave Statutory And Constitutional’ Issues

OBITUARY: The Sad Passing Of Common Sense – Its’ health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned, but overbearing, regulations were set in place

Election 2020 Was Rigged – The Democrat party has followed a pattern of cheating, inch by inch, for a long time

GOP Poll Worker in 2020 Detroit: ‘They Treated Me Like a Criminal!’ – The story of a whistleblower, Jessy Jacob

WSJ: The House of Representatives Approve a $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill, Sending to Biden’s Desk

GOP members betray their base — 13 GOP members help pass Biden’s porky $1.2 trillion ‘infrastructure’

Take away the gimmicks and Biden’s infrastructure spending bill costs twice as much as they say it will

Procter & Gamble Employees Issue An Eerie Warning To American Consumers – Many employees will not follow the mandates and supply chain issues will get worse

When will the CDC correct its COVID death counts drastically downward, as Italy just did?

Alyssa Milano conducts a child vax poll regarding 5-11-year-olds, but it doesn’t go the way she expected it to

We Are Educators. Critical Race Theory Is Most Definitely In the Schools


The new vaccine mandate will promote the gig economy – The Labor Department will be regulating fewer employees, which is contrary to the Democrat party’s authoritarian drive

MSNBC Guest Michael Eric Dyson Says Virginia’s First Black Lt. Gov Is A Ventriloquist’s Dummy For White Supremacists

Why U.S. Supply Chain Problems Will Only Get Worse – Less liberty and more centralization equals less production

The Biden Administration sent 70 secret night flights of migrants from the border to Florida

NJ Senate Pres Won’t Concede to Conservative Truck Driver Who Beat Him: ‘12,000 Ballots Recently Found’

Dr. Robert Malone: ‘The Vaccinated Are the Ones That Are Creating the Highest Risk for Everybody’

The establishment is vigorously attacking those who oppose the COVID vaccines – Where’s the truth?

South Carolina Governor Prohibits State Agencies From Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines in a New Order

Austria Moves Closer to Imposing A Lockdown on the Unvaccinated – They could be forced to stay at home

As The Fear of COVID Wanes, There Is A Hard Leftist Pivot Back to Climate Change

WSJ: Help Really Wanted: No Degree, Work Experience, or Background Checks – Employers are easing job requirements

More humans a ‘mistake,’ young people say – Americans are having fewer babies than ever before

Glasgow: Inside the climate circus that is filled mainly with experts, journalists, and bureaucrats specializing in the subject

November 5, 2021


Defund the Police will be the death of the Democrats – The progressive policy perishes at the polls with a whimper


100,450,000: More Than 100 Million Not in Labor Force for 14th Straight Month; No Job, Not Looking

Consumer Debt Explodes Higher as Americans Grapple with Biden Induced Inflation


Biden’s Energy Secretary Bursts Out Laughing When Confronted About Sky-High Gas Prices – Prices are a result of deliberate choices

Protecting Pravda: Media censorship is THEIR protectionism

Epic Fail: Los Angeles Ports Are More Clogged Now Than Before Biden’s Supposed Supply Chain ‘Fix’

The Biden Administration Is Weighing Shutting Down Oil Pipeline In Michigan As Gas Prices Skyrocket Across U.S

Goodbye, MIT – As the university increasingly caves to “wokeness,” two alumni explain why they are withdrawing their financial support

Project Veritas turned Ashley Biden’s diary over to law enforcement, reportedly under investigation by SDNY

New York City Firetruck Availability Down to 55 Percent Due To A Manpower Shortages Related to Their Vaccine Mandate

Pfizer Board Member: The COVID Pandemic Could Be Over in The US by January

The Pfizer COVID Vaccine Fails Risk-Benefit Analysis in Children 5 to 11


3 More Reports of Teen Deaths After COVID Vaccines, as Reported Injuries Exceed 850,000

Voters Are Done With COVID-19 and Pandemic-Powered Officials – Now they want their country back

Florida Republicans Officially Outnumber Democrats in Voter Registration for the First Time

If Not Now? – When? – The “WOKE” Have Awakened The Sleeping Giant

Barack Obama Appointed Judge Makes Example of Jenna Ryan Who Spent Two Minutes in the Capitol on January 6

A Drone Tried to Disrupt the Power Grid and It Won’t Be the Last – Not enough is being done to stop it

Hebron Spokesman Weighs in on US-Israel Relations Under Biden – Israeli politics are completely unpredictable

Woke San Diego BANS the use of ‘he’ and ‘she’ in future city policies and laws to make it more ‘welcoming’ for 1% of people who prefer to use ‘they’ and ‘their’ pronouns

11 States File a Lawsuit Against Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Businesses

Kansas Democratic Governor Laura Kelly Defies Biden, Comes Out Against His Tyrannical COVID Vaccine Mandat

After big Democrat election losses, Pelosi leans on centrist holdouts to back the massive social spending bill

How did women and minorities ever hold jobs without the benefit of the proposed new entitlements? See the stats

‘He’s not with it’: Nikki Haley says politicians over a certain age should take a cognitive test

White House: Illegal Immigrants Separated From Family Members by U.S. Border Agents Could Get Government Payouts

First, they came for General Flynn, but I said nothing – Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

EXCERPT: How Soros’s Secret Network Used Ukraine to Cover for Hillary, Hunter, and Target Donald Trump

Whitehouse Reversal: Illegal Immigrants Could Get Government Payouts – But won’t say how much

Beware: Excessive Federal Tax Hikes Will Push Wealthy Americans To Move Overseas

College Made Me a Conservative

Educrats and false advertising – Educrats do not want citizens asking about what they do with our tax dollars

Why Do They Want to Vaccinate Children? – For all practical purposes, the chance of a healthy child’s dying of this disease is zero

Italian Institute Of Health Drastically Reduces Its Official COVID Death Toll Number – Died From Covid, NOT With Covid

Elite Athlete Explains Vaccine Injury and Doctor’s Ignorance – Diagnosed With Pericarditis, POTS, and Reactive Arthritis

November 4, 2021

California Tries to Close the Gap in Math, but Sets Off a Backlash – Proposed guidelines de-emphasize calculus, reject the idea that some children are naturally gifted, and build a connection to social justice

OSHA Is Considering A Permanent COVID Vax Rule with 7 Horrifying requirements for Americans

Sacramento’s ‘Solutions’ and $pending are Growing The Homeless Population Not Eradicating It

The Reconciliation Bill Gives Special Tax Handout to Media Companies with Up to 1,500 to “Local Journalists” per company

Ten Months Later: The WP finally reveals sketchy details on “pipe bombs” – Another stunt to fuel panic and outrage about January 6?

Is Pelosi Trying To Make a Fool of Joe Manchin – NYT “shell games” and “budget gimmicks” are exactly what Manchin will get if the House’s bill passes

NYT: In The Spending Bill, Democrats Rely on Budget Gimmicks They Once Derided Budget –  Experts say the true cost of legislation could be $4 trillion

Marxism & Critical Race Theory – The left does everything to scrub their connection, CRC’s Wikipedia entry leads the way

Global Fertilizer Production Plants Halted, Delivery Trains Crashing, Operations Compromised, All Leading to FOOD CROP FAILURES in 2022

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Promises to File Suit Against The Department of Labor and OSHA Rule Tomorrow

Battle Lines Drawn: The Year Of The Parent – The great parent awakening of 2021 will have permanent consequences

An Australian Senator Slams Covid ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects – It is Inhumane to Force a Second Shot

Labor Department: OSHA COVID-19 Vaccine Rule May Be Expanded to Businesses With Fewer Than 100 Employees

OSHA Is Considering a Permanent COVID Vax Rule with 7 Horrifying and Outrageous Requiremrequirementsricans

Town Council Votes to Make Oroville, CA a Constitutional Republic City – Citizens have rights under the U.S. Constitution to make their own decisions about their health

Ozone treatments REVERSE blood cell clotting and lumping caused by COVID vaccines – Striking visual evidence

SHARYL ATTKISSON: The Covid-19 vaccine-injured – Hidden by mainstream media and ignored by public health officials

USA TODAY: Doctors must be honest with parents about the unknown risks of the COVID-19 emergency vaccine

Microbiologist: Why I Won’t Get A Second COVID Shot — And Why Enlisting Kids in ‘Clinical Trial’ Is ‘Unfathomable’

What’s Taking the FDA So Long on COVID Drug Molnupiravir? – The breakthrough pill approved in the United Kingdom

What is Luciferase? How a firefly enzyme that glows could inevitably lead to a biometric ID embedded into your body

Church v. Biden Update: Covid Inoculation is Irreversible

More Than Half of Unvaccinated Americans Say Nothing Will Change Their Mind – Won’t be convinced by anything or anyone

The Justice Department Sues TX Over Aspects Of Its New Voting Law Related To Helping Certain Voters and Mail-In Ballots

The Igor Danchenko arrest illustrates how the Steele dossier was a political dirty trick orchestrated by Hillary Clinton

The Truth Is Finally Coming Out: Clinton-Operative Charles Dolan Orchestrated the Russian Collusion Hoax

Glenn Youngkin’s victory in the Virginia gubernatorial race shows Trump is still strong

‘An Absolute Train Wreck’: Rittenhouse Prosecutors Left Scrambling After Their Oitness Ruins Their Narrative

Food Prices Vault to Highest Level in a Decade – Due to tightening supply conditions coupled with robust demand

Google Staff Squirm as Remote Workers Face Pay Cuts On A Take It or Leave It Basis

How the climate lobby crushed debate – Anyone dissenting from stringent climate policies is branded an enemy of ‘The Science’

House Republicans: Nancy Pelosi Is Using The ‘Economic Disparity Committee’ to Push Socialism

Congressional Scorekeeper: The House Democrats bill would raise taxes $1.5 trillion

WSJ: Russia Analyst Igor Danchenko Charged in Connection With Steele Dossier – He lied to the FBI

A George Soros’ Open Society Group Spent $500k to Defeat a Ballot Measure That Would Have Bolstered Police as Murders Skyrocket

Inflation: A High-Class Problem? Not So Much – What the data say about inflation and its consequences

WSJ: Employer Covid-19 Vaccine & Testing Rules Unveiled by Biden Administration – They take effect Jan. 4 and apply to employers with 100 or more employees

2021’s Big Election Lesson: ‘It’s The Culture, Stupid’ – Average Americans are fed up with the Democrats

The Biden Administration Reverses Trump Policy Limiting The Number of Asylum-Seekers at The Southern Border

Biden’s Move To Wreck U.S. Oil Industry – New EPA methane-emission regulations will strangle domestic oil production

Did Provocateurs Spark The January 6 Protest At The Capitol? – A Reader’s Digest version of what occurred at the Stop the Steel rally

Why Rapid COVID Tests Are So Expensive and Hard to Find  – What We Found After Months-long silences and Mysterious rejections

San Francisco to Force 5-Year-Olds to Show Vaccine Passport to Enter Restaurants

How COVID Vaccine Coercion Drove Me Out Of West Point – Mocked for being in the ‘dirty’ platoon of only unvaccinated cadets

Britain’s Royal Marine Commandos defeat the Woke US Marines at the ‘Battle of the Mojave Desert’

President Biden’s Not So Stellar Report Card – He flunks in his handling of the pandemic, economy, and immigration

“Anti-Critical Race Theory” school board candidates are winning – Won 75% of 58 races across seven states on Tuesday

The Supreme Court heard an important gun rights case – Challenging NY’s ‘Right To Carry’ law

Never-Before-Seen Kyle Rittenhouse Video Shows the Moment the Mob Almost Got Him

November 3, 2021

Germany: Long list of athletes who “suddenly” died or were seriously ill. Over 75 known cases in the last 5 months

The real reason ‘Comirnaty’ is not available – It’s all about liability. It will magically become available when the vaccine for children is fully approved, not before

Church v. Biden: The Government Says There Is No “Ripe Claim” Over Religious Exemptions

Royal Marine commandos force US Marines into a humiliating surrender halfway through a five-day war training exercise

The Pentagon: China’s nuclear stockpile is growing at an ‘accelerating pace’ – Will have 1,000 warheads by 2030

Illegal Migrant Caravan Leaders Issue Violent Threats to US Border Security – Biden regime is nowhere to be seen

The Vaccine-Injured Speak Out, Feel Abandoned by Government Who Told Them COVID Shot Was Safe

Over 10,000 Active-Duty Air Force Personnel Not Vaccinated by Deadline – No religious accommodation requests have been granted yet

The Top-Selling Drug in the World — Pfizer COVID Vaccine 2021 Sales are on Track to Hit $36 Billion

Fauci Staffers Flagged Potential Gain-Of-Function Research At Wuhan Lab In 2016, Records Reveal

Senate Republicans Filibuster The Democrats’ Latest Election Bill

The US Would Have Highest Top Income Tax Rate Among Developed Nations Under Biden Plan – Impacts Entire Economy

A ‘Blue Collar’ Truck Driver on Verge of Unseating Leader of Democrat Machine Durr – He spent $153 on his campaign

New Jersey Gubernatorial Election Worker Tells Non-Citizen and Non-Registered Voter She Will Allow Him to ‘Fill Out Completely a Ballot Now’

GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says Republicans could flip 60 seats next year

Republicans Primed To ‘Comfortably Take Back’ Congress In 2022 After Democrats’ Election Disaster

WSJ: Biden Says Payments to Families Separated at the Mexico Border Are ‘Not Gonna Happen’

More than 140,000 Amazon delivery drivers are getting back nearly $60 million in illegally withheld tips

WSJ: Pelosi Says House Democrats Will Add Paid Leave Back to Bill – The fate of the provision is uncertain in the Senate

Jack Posobiec: Pelosi iS Telling People She Won’t Seek Re-Election After Virginia Disaster

WSJ: Glenn Youngkin Wins Virginia Governor Race Race – Ends years of Democrat gains in the state and gives the GOP a playbook ahead of the midterms

Minneapolis voters reject replacing police with a new agency

The Virginia Republican upset points to a troubling 2022 for Democrats

Trump sweeps Election Day As His Endorsements Go 4-0

5 Takeaways from the Virginia Governor’s Race – Including, 2022 Could Be a Bloodbath for Democrats


Red Wave: A Republican Flips Texas House Seat in District Where Biden Won by 14 Points

How Democrats will be their undoing in 2022 – Democrat politicians love power and they love exercising that power

The Sweetest Revenge: Atlanta Braves Win World Series

Afghan Men Use Taliban Rule to Settle Scores – ‘If You Don’t Have The Money, You Have Sisters’

Democrat Voters are Among the Most Gullible People on Earth – They do not comprehend that the philosophical underpinning of the American left

As Global Food Prices Spiral out of Control, Panic Buying of Food Will Become Increasingly Common

Report: Federal Election Commission Allows Foreign Funding of American Ballot Initiatives

In 10 Charts: What Are Americans’ Biggest Worries?

How The Massive Money Manager BlackRock Endangers U.S. Prosperity And National Security

Doing The Work – Part One of a two-part look at how professional leftist activists train and prepare for protest actions

WSJ: The Biden Administration to Order Federal Agencies to Fix Hundreds of Cyber Flaws After balking at such measures in the past

The Deadliest Vaccine Ever – In just ten months, deaths attributable to the Covid vaccines is almost 63 times the annual number for all other vaccines

A Researcher Blows the Whistle on Data Integrity Issues in Pfizer’s Vaccine Trials

The CDC Changed The Definition of ‘Vaccine’ On September 1st So It Would Include The COVID-19 Vaccines

Why A cell biologist believes COVID-19 was man-made in Wuhan – Nine irrefutable facts

The New Crimes Retail Reality in SF: Private Guards, Enhanced Security, and Massive Losses

November 2, 2021

Dr. Paul Offit lied about myocarditis teen boy myocarditis rates – Vaccines more likely, not less, to kill or cause myocarditis

Whistleblower Exposes Pfizer for ‘Falsifying Data’ in Covid Vaccine Trials That Were Used to Justify Mandates

Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial

Electricity will be most expensive at dinnertime under California Edison’s new ‘time-of-use rate plans

EARTHQUAKE! Republicans Sweep The Virginia Statewide Races

A Former DEA Agent Charged in the Jan 6 Incursion Says FBI Informant Urged Him to Break Into Capitol with Mob

The Injustices Facing January 6 Protesters Are Warnings to You – Because you are the threat to America the Left wants

The D.C. Jail Transfers Out 400 Prisoners for Disgusting, Inhumane Conditions—But Not a Single J6 Detainee

Sharyl Attkisson: U.S. cattle ranchers say they aren’t profiting from the sky-high cost of beef – The beef packers are ripping people off

CDC Advisors Unanimously Endorse Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine for Kids 5-11 – Despite Expert Concerns Over Clinical Data

To Protect Fauci, The WP is Preparing a Hit Piece on the Group Denouncing The Gruesome Dog Experimentations

Researchers Call for a Halt on COVID-19 Vaccines for Pregnant Women After Re-analysis of the CDC Study

‘Brought to You by Pfizer’: The Big Pharma Giant Spends More on Ads, News Sponsorships, Than Research

A Review and Autopsy of Two COVID Immunity Studies – How the analyses differ and explain why the Israeli study is more reliable

A Kentucky Man That Challenged The Federal Mask Mandate Immediately Gets Placed on Terrorist Watch List and Harassed When Flying

WSJ: Democrats Reach Deal on Lowering Prescription Drug Prices – Lawmakers also look to roll back cap on state and local tax deduction as they finalize spending package

The Teen Trans Craze – The majority of those requesting ‘Top Surgeries’ were adolescent girls

Cars Are Going Electric – What Happens to the Used Batteries?

They Can’t Stand It When We Ridicule Them – Let’s Go, Brandon!

The EPA Moves to Limit Methane Emissions From Oil and Gas Production –  New rules would also cover existing wells

An Orchestrated Fake “Covid Pandemic” Was Used to Destroy Health, Civil Liberty and the Doctor/Patient Relationship

What’s All The Buzz About Quercetin? – Today there is a strange hostility toward certain medications that are on the list of the WHO’s list of essential medicines

How To Fight ‘Vaccine’ Mandates & Passports – Mass noncompliance is the only strategy that can save us in the long run

Over 20 Fauci-Funded Researchers Have Served At the Chinese Communist-Run Wuhan Lab

Whatever the left accuses you of is exactly what they are doing

Blame Public Schools for Transgender Bathroom Rapes – The origins of radical sex education date back nearly a century to a Marxist program


It Doesn’t Matter Who Wins In VA, Democrats Have Already Lost – McAuliffe revealed how weak and out of touch Democrats are

Scandalous Silence About China’s Christians – U.S. leaders remain silent about the persecution of Chinese Christians

We Should Not Cancel Our Heroes – Indignation need not supplant conversation

November 1, 2021

Stop Telling Kids They’ll Die From Climate Change – Many young people feel like their future is in peril

6-Month Old Infants May Soon be Eligible for COVID Vaccines


The Stakes, Higher Than Ever – The consequences of a watershed election continue to unfold

The New Digital Driver’s License Will Include Your Vaccine Status – May Eventually Include Your Credit Score, Travel Records, and Social Credit Score

To ‘Save’ 14 Children From Covid, 28 MILLION Kids Must Get ‘Vaccinated’ – VAERS data shows a massive increase in serious health conditions among the 15- to 24-year-old demographic, the latest demographic getting injected

Weeks before COVID appeared in the U.S., Congress redefined the word “vaccine” to include mRNA injections

OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden’s Vaccine Mandate on American Businesses Within Days

The White House: More Flexibility to Enforce COVID-19 Vaccine Rules for Millions

The FDA Won’t Approve Moderna’s Vaccine for Teens This Year – They Cite The Risk of Deadly a Heart Condition

Study: Americans with the J&J COVID Vaccine 3.7 Times More Likely to Develop Blood Clots Than The Average Person

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen – The Four Phases of The Operation

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Get Priority Over American Citizens in Boarding Flights from Texas

Tennessee Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger Introduces the “Natural Immunity Is Real Act”

The Biggest Race Of The Year: Everything You Need To Know About The Virginia Gubernatorial Election

The Supreme Court Questions Texas’ Abortion Law – Concerned about state’s efforts to shield its stringent restrictions

Experts Fear Biden’s Global Minimum 15 Percent Tax Rate on Big Corporations Could Harm Small Businesses

SCOTUS Petitions Claim Public Employees’ First Amendment Rights Violated by Unions – California Teachers Assoc., United Teachers LA, SEIU, Oregon Educational Assoc. named in the petitions

Senator Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) Criticizes Democrats’ Revised Social Spending and Climate Bill

Pfizer Is Calling the Shots to Jab Kids – Disclosed contracts between Pfizer and Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, the European Commission, Peru, the U.S., and the U.K. reveal nations have handed over unprecedented power to Pfizer, and in virtually all scenarios, Pfizer’s interests come first

Fully Vaxxed Psaki catches COVID – The vaccines provide low or possibly no protection, so why is the Biden administration trying to force it on everyone?

Democrats Are Using The Same 2020 Election Shenanigans To Overtake Virginia This Year

The World Is Laughing at Joe Biden – Australia News Host: ‘He Needs a Retirement Home and a Bowl of Soup’

It Is Only Going to Get a Lot Worse: Why Authoritarian Socialism Has Already Failed in the United States

Perception Is Not Reality, No Matter What the Liberal Media Say – Americans have lost all faith and trust in DC and the mainstream (complicit) media

Why China Matters Heading Into 2024 – When it comes to China, we did it to ourselves, but they sure did it to us, too

If China Controls Taiwan’s Chip Manufacturers, It Will Control The World

Taiwan Means War Only If We Want It To Part – Two of a two-part essay arguing the Taiwan question says more about the U.S. than China

How Biden Responded When Asked About Plan to Give $450K to Illegal Immigrants

I&I/TIPP Poll: Just 42% Now Think Biden Is ‘Mentally Sharp’

This Can’t Be True – Unbelievable is the only way to describe the never-ending onslaught of bad news

Southwest Airlines opens an investigation into a pilot who announced ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ on flight

A Physician Explains Why There Is No Improvement in COVID Case Rate with Increasing Vaccinations – It’s relative to the changing formulation for regular flu shots each year

How The FDA Failed In Its Duty To Ensure Vaccines Are Safe For Children

How Journalism Abandoned the Working Class – What’s with the media’s obsession with race and power?

The Health care industry is plagued by new supply chain shortages

October 31, 2021

COP26 is at Odds With Leaders of Nearly 40 Percent of World’s People And Is Likely to Fail

The Nov. 3 Kick-off for World Walkout Day Is a Thing—Will the Media Ignore It to Its Own Peril?

American Airlines Cancels 104 Flights At Phoenix Sky Harbor – Whistleblower Reveals Weather Is NOT The Cause, It’s Crew Shortages – “High winds My ass. High winds of freedom!”

Companies Warn Biden Administration They May Need to Drop Fed Contractor Status Because Workers Will Not Comply With The Vaccine Mandate

Elon Musk warns Austin, Texas, not to become a ‘copycat’ liberal city

October Footnotes to the Age of ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ – Powell’s Pottery Barn rule – If you break it, you own it!

The Chuck Todd: 2022 Polls Looking “Scary” For Democrats

When You Vote This Tuesday, Be a DREAMer – Act out your dream tomorrow and remember the Alamo!

Trump predicts Virginia gubernatorial race and said he thinks Republican Glenn Youngkin will do ‘very well’

Biden uses a prepared list of reporters after G20 summit in Rome: ‘I’m told we should start with AP’

Third-party candidate for Virginia governor, Princess Blanding, gives left-leaning voters another option

The January 6 Insurrection Hoax – As President Trump said more than once, “They’re after you, I’m just in the way”

Former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson Rips Covid Vaccines For Kids: ‘This Is Really A Giant Experiment’

Moderna says FDA delaying review of COVID-19 vaccine for teens as they review possible heart risk

With one photo, Adam Housley highlights ‘modern day train robbery’ in lawless Democrat-run Los Angeles

China Uses ‘Whole-of-Society’ Effort to Steal Intellectual Property, R & D, and Technology From the US

Political Prisoners of January 6 – Americans who accepted the Capitol Police’s invitation to enter the Capitol are quite literally being tortured in prison

Report: ‘At Least 160,000 Illegal Immigrants’ Have Been Released Into The U.S. Since March

CDC: Breakthrough Infections, Deaths Among COVID-19 Vaccinated Rose in Recent Months

Something Big Is Coming – The country’s energy is strange and everything is amped up in every direction

Various Probable Causes For The Supply Chain Mess In California ports

WSJ: Supermarkets Play ‘Whack-a-Mole’ to Keep Products on Shelves – Buy bigger and earlier  now

Bill Maher Tells Democrats It’s Time to Admit Something That Will Surely Infuriate Anthony Fauci

Biden’s release of 16,000 COVID-infected illegals into the U.S. shows his hypocrisy on public health

Adam Schiff Now Admits to Mueller’s Obvious Dementia – “Heartbreaking” to Witness His Mental State During 2019 Testimony

October 30, 2021

Joe Biden Nearly Pushed Off the Stage in The G20 Rome Official Photo – Caught Talking to Himself

26 FDNY firehouse companies are out of service due to a vaccine mandate staff shortage

Pfizer-Connected FDA Panel Approves Pfizer EUA Covid Jab for Children 5-11 While Comirnaty Remains Unavailable and IA2030 Push for Life-Course Vaccines for All

Waterford, Ireland, With a 99.7 Adult Vaccination Rate, Exposes Covid Vaccine as a Fraud

How to Wake People Up to the Astronomical VAERS Reports – Data shows the vaccines are so bad, it’s difficult for people to accept it

Biden Border Policy: Criminals Welcome –  Driven by recklessness, heedlessness, and incompetence

A South Carolina Congressman’s Solution for the Illegals Surge: Send them to wealthy Democrat enclaves

Terry McAuliffe Reportedly Accepted a $350K Donation from a Foreign Entity Linked to a Money Laundering Probe

The House plans to pass the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and $1.75 trillion social spending bill as early as Tuesday

Biden’s Gender Strategy Brings The Great Reset  to the Nearest Bathroom

American Airlines Cancels More Than 1,000 Flights in 24 Hours – Blames Staffing Shortages and ‘High Winds’

A Southwest Pilot Sends an AP Reporter into Absolute Panic After Signing Off with ‘Let’s Go Brandon!’

Chicago and Los Angeles Launch Universal Basic Income Pilot Programs to Solidify Welfare State’s Hold Over the Poor

Sleepy Cow Town Sacramento Is Now A ‘Dangerous Hellhole’

Legal Experts: Kyle Rittenhouse Has Strong Self-Defense Claim

Why You Should Be Careful Venturing into Malls and Shopping Centers in Northern Virginia This Weekend

The true heinousness of the proposed $450,000 payments to illegal aliens

19 States Sue The Biden Administration Over Their COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate After Florida Launches Its Own Lawsuit

LA County Sheriff’s Department Sees Massive Loss of Employees and Applicants Due To Vaccine Mandate


October 29, 2021

The World’s Top 10 Most Dangerous Rulers – Yes, Joe Biden Made The List

Democrat Operatives Caught Dressing Up As White Supremacists in Desperate Last-Ditch Virginia Election Stunt

Republicans demand answers from Biden Cabinet on reported $450,000 payments to illegal immigrants

Poll: More Registered Voters Oppose BLM for First Time Since 2018

A POLL: Majority of Americans Say Anthony Fauci Should Resign

Bidenomics’ Build Back Better Blunder – It appears the most efficient ways to destroy the U.S. economy,  is to put Joe Biden in the White House

The FDA Grants Emergency Use of Pfizer Vaccine for Kids 5 to 11, as Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines Near 840,000

Biden Moves to End ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy Despite Raging Border Crisis

The Biden doctrine: America’s planned obsolescence – Biden’s has intentionally caused unbelievable damage

A Federal Judge Temporarily Bans Biden Administration from Firing Unvaccinated Employees

What’s in and what’s out of the Biden spending framework

What If Glenn Youngkin Wins in Virginia? – Next year’s midterms could look particularly bleak for the Democrats

7 Insane Things I Just Learned About How U.S. Elections Are ‘Rigged’ – Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery

4 Indispensable Conditions For A Truly Free And Fair Election – Restore the local in-person option everywhere, including states that have long abolished it, such as Oregon

Peter Navarro Drops Bombshell About First Time He Met Fauci and How He Cost Hundreds of Thousands of Lives

Biden and Democrats are Undermining the Rule of Law – H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process

Tucker Carlson: The Biden Administration Illegal Immigrant Reparations Proposal the ‘High-Water Mark of Political Lunacy’

Dan Bongino puts his career on the line over Cumulus Radio’s vaccine mandates

I&I/TIPP Poll: Trust In Media Is In Free Fall – It is true for both the traditional and alternative media

AT&T’s ‘Racial Re-Education Program’ Asserts “White People, You Are the Problem” – Demands employees to promote trans activism and defund the police movements

COP-26 is a global energy embarrassment – Net Zero maniacs destroy reliable energy from coal, oil, nuclear, gas, and hydro while forcing us to subsidize their net-negative dreams

FDA Adviser Abstained From Vote on Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine for Young Children – Due to limited safety and efficacy data

How COVID shots will make it into kids’ arms – The rollout could begin as early as next week

Hospitals Should Hire Nurses with Natural Immunity—Not Fire Them

Two Doctors Detail Being Silenced Over Their Views on COVID-19 Mask Mandates and Vaccines


90 percent of Germans Who Haven’t Had the Vaccine Say They Won’t Get It – Vaccine passports harden opposition to getting jabbed, survey finds

Will Governments Survive the Coming Peasant Revolt? – Governing systems in the process of failing compensate by eliminating competition and increasing overall control

Three NBA Players That Are Standing Up To Cultural Tyranny

October 28, 2021

Cackling Kamala – Observations on a political albatross

A New Era of Stagflation? – The US is midway through a massive social experiment with no historical precedent

‘Domestic Terrorism’ and the Bad Faith of the Democrats – Tucker Carlson knows full well what Jan. 6 has really been all about

The Freak-Out Over Tucker’s January 6 Documentary Begins – The officiall narrative is not to be disturbed, no matter how many facets of that original narrative have been shattered

Kill the Biden Reconciliation Bill Disaster – Senators Manchin and Sinema stand in the way of Senate Democrats getting the 50 votes necessary to pass the bill with the majority provided by the Vice President

Two Cheers for the WSJ in Running Trump Letter – Media attacks them and ignores PA’s serious history of voter fraud

UK Study: Vaccinated People Easily Transmit COVID-19 Delta Variant in Households

A Shocking Study on Vaccine Rates and COVID-19 That You May Have Missed

Why Kids’ Immune Systems Can Handle COVID, and How Vaccines Could Compromise Their Natural Immune Response

Again? U.S. Government Just Poured $125 Million Into Gain-of-Function Lab Leak Research this Month

CA Governor Newsom & U.S. Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg announce $5 billion in loans to fix CA’s clogged ports

Obama’s Third Term – 74 of Biden’s top 100 aides worked in the Obama Administration along with the same tactics and policies

Who Owns the World? – Top shareholders, Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway

Democrats’ Spending Plan Gives the IRS Massive New Power and Resources

WSJ: The U.S. is in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Illegal Allien Families Separated at Border – $450,000 per person for those impacted by the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy in 2018

Team McAuliffe emails reveal an effort to ‘kill this’ Fox News story – ‘Can we try to kill this,’ a spokesperson asked

Virginia shocker: Glenn Youngkin up 8% over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in gov race poll

Facebook changes its corporate name to Meta – A “metaverse” company that focuses on building virtual work and social communities

Taiwanese President: U.S. Forces  Are In Taiwan Helping Them Prepare – The Threat From China Is ‘Increasing Daily

Why I Fear Chinese Dominance – China’s power is rising, and the US is rapidly losing the ability to keep them at bay

Truckers Warn That Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Will Worsen The Supply Chain Shortages Across the Country

Biden COVID-19 Adviser: Vaccine Mandate on Private Businesses Will Be Ready ‘Soon’ – Claims the supply chain crunch won’t be worsened because employees will comply

12 NYPD Officers Relocate to a Single Florida Police Department as ‘Anti-Cop Sentiment’ Grows

The CEO of Blackstone Is Warning That ‘a Real Shortage of Energy’ Will Cause Social Unrest All Over the Planet

The White House Announces a $1.75 Trillion Budget Framework Agreement

WSJ: Biden Pitches a $1.85 Trillion ‘Social Spending & Climate Framework’ to Ease Passage of Parallel Infrastructure Bill

Joe Biden is hopelessly out of touch with voters’ priorities – But Biden’s “National Gender Strategy” that will turn everything around

Rutgers professor: ‘White people are committed to being villains’, ‘We gotta take these MF’ers out’

1,000 Private Jets Assemble at the Davos Event to Plan How To Carry Out ‘The Great Reset’

Elites Are Losing Control And Lashing Out In Desperation – Their increasingly authoritarian actions are a sign of their weakness  and loss of control

Rock Bottom: GOP Poll Shows Nancy Pelosi Net Favorability Dropping Double Digits in Past 8 Months

Pelosi Pushes Electric Vehicle Subsidies As Husband’s Tesla Stock Soars –  Owns up to $1 million of Tesla call options

The Trump effect is gathering steam – As retrospection becomes clearer, knowledge of the positive impact of the Trump presidency has been taking form

Four U.S. Intelligence Agencies Produced Extensive Reports on Afghanistan, but All Failed to Predict Kabul’s Rapid Collapse

The Vatican Cancels Live Broadcast of Biden Meeting With Pope – The Vatican to provide edited footage after the fact to accredited media

Freedom Has Priority Over Safety – Biden appears to believe that freedom and safety are exclusive matters of preference

AG Garland’s outrageous Senate testimony sparked ringing denunciations from GOP senators – He basically stonewalled on all the difficult questions that he was asked

The Biden Administration Expands Its’ List of ‘Protected Areas’ Where Immigration Officers Cannot Make Arrests

Economic growth slowed dramatically to a 2% annual rate in the third quarter

To Beat COVID, Start By Fixing Politically Correct Medicine – We need to embrace real science not continue to denigrate it

Microscope Proof: The Pfizer Vaccine Causes Blood Clots

Pfizer adds an ingredient used to stabilize heart attack victims in its vax for kids

22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population

The State-Owned Alaska Railroad Rescinds its Vaccine Mandate for Employees

California Health Officials Announce A Rollout Vaccination Plan For Children Aged 5-11

Are Vaccine Mandates For Kids Comming Next? – The myocarditis risk isn’t theoretical; it is very real

Sharyl Attkisson: U.S. businesses ask White House to delay Covid-19 vaccine mandates

Exposed: The U.S. Navy’s Plan to Issue BLANKET DENIALS of Religious Exemption Requests for Covid Vaccinations

Marketing Executive ‘Fired For Being White’ Wins $10 Million Discrimination Suit  – Replaced by two women to meet a diversity goal

A retired teacher speaks out – Progressive schools encourage juvenile delinquency

‘Internal Legal Hold:’ Facebook Orders Workers to Preserve All Messages Sent in Last 5 Years

October 27, 2021

Donald Trump Statement On New Trump Media & Technology Group

‘King Coal’ Roars Back – Due to rebounding economies and the ongoing global energy crisis

Deaths among male Children in England and Wales are 83% higher than the 5-year-average since they were given the Covid-19 Vaccine

WSJ: President Trump Responds on Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election – Donald Trump writes a letter to the editor

California Derails Supply Train Various state policies are drying up the supply of truckers – Soros Funded PolitiFact says such claims are “mostly false” so there’s nothing to see here

Unearthed Wuhan Lab Docs Show ‘Bat Lady’ Shi Zhengli Isolated Coronavirus Strains For ‘Direct Human Infection’

Sharyl Attkisson: Amish Community Covid: ‘No Hospitalization, Isolation or Vaccines = Herd Immunity’

Big Government’s Vax Hysteria – Arroganct liberals refuse to consider that COVID mandates will endanger the health of anyone who already has had COVID

An Oregon Hotel cancels a Turning Point USA conservative youth event after outside threats of ‘damage or disruption’

Top Pentagon Official: ISIS-K Could Be Ready To Attack The West In 6 Months and al-Qaeda could be ready in one to two years

Florida has excellent COVID-19 case and death rates despite DeSantis refusing to implement mask or vaccine mandates

Biden’s vaccine mandate is set to worsen the supply chain crisis as scores of truckers, already in short supply, contemplate walking away

Bailed-Out Hospitals Overwhelmed Themselves After Decades of Warnings – Anyone who quits will be replaced by a National Guard person that risks prison for refusing to deploy

Poll: Majority Of Vaccinated Americans are Wearing Masks –  78% of Democrats say they wear a mask outside their home

Florida Governor DeSantis Blasts Republican ‘Boneless Wonders and’ Totally Destroys The ‘Fake News’ Media

Lessons from Venezuela – “Inflation is like cancer, and you never know when it’s going to hit you”

Study Debunks The Leftist Lie That the GOP Suppresses the Vote – Their Precious Facebook Does

A Liberal Think-Tank Says Biden Plan Will Cause Childcare Costs to Skyrocket

California is ruled by regulators, such as the California Air Resources Board, that answer to no one at all

The Ignoble Lie – “Noble lies” are rarely spun for anyone’s interests other than those of the liars themselves

Special Counsel John Durham Plans to Call Former FBI Lawyer For Testimony Against Democrat Party Attorney

The Rockefeller Foundation and New York Stock Exchange’s New Asset Class Will Put The Natural World ‘Up for Sale’

Nicolas Cage Stormed Off Set of A Different Movie Set After Working with Rookie ‘Rust’ Armorer: ‘She Needs to Be Let Go’

15 Things That Reportedly Went Wrong on Alec Baldwin’s Deadly ‘Rust’ Set

The Santa Monica Chess Park adjacent to Muscle Beach closes due to crime and homelessness

Why The Democrats’ Scheme to Tax Unrealized Capital Gains Should Terrify You – Taxing people for money they have not yet earned or received

WSJ: Democrats Drop Paid Leave From $1.75 Trillion Proposal – Talks continue on the healthcare, education, and climate-change package

The Biden Regime Wants More Money – Democrats seek to raise taxes on individuals and corporations and undo the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

US Demand for Oil Surges, Depleting Tanks in Oklahoma

Biden’s FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6  – The FBI won’t share the same information

Left Unchecked, Biden’s Border Crisis Will Become The New Normal  – If states don’t act, it will become permanent

The DOJ arrests 150 people in international dark web opioid probe

How Many Vaccine Sciences Are There? –  FDA gave clearance to children being vaccinated against a disease they have higher than a 99.997% chance of survival

Stunning New Data: Covid Case Rates Among the ‘Fully Vaccinated’ are Now Higher Than the ‘Not Vaccinated’

New York City protesters stand against vaccine mandates, saying ‘F*** Joe Biden’

Americans are fighting back against vaccine mandates – With a known survival rate between 97% and 99.75% there is no reasonable way to claim that it warrants the government mandating vaccination on the population

Children SHOULD NOT Get COVID-19 Vaccines, Harvard Professor Says

The Inhumanity of Forced Vaccination – Where is the compassion?

The Coming Collapse of the Public Education Lobby – Yes, Virginia, change is in the air

Hours After Loudoun County Students Walk Out of Schools, Parents Take Their Demands to School Board

The National Education Association finally comes clean – It’s all about Critical Race Theory and The 1619 Project

Biden’s poll numbers are even worse than they seem at first

All About the Bidens: Introducing Real Clear Investigations’ Hunter Biden Reader

Senator Rick Scott: Suburban voters are rejecting the Democrats’ radical agenda

Republican Study Committee: 42 Reconciliation Policies to Wreck America

How the Billionaires Income Tax Would Work –  Details of plan to impose multibillion-dollar tax bills on people such as Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Tesla CEO Elon Musk

Durable Goods Orders Tumbled in September, Weighed Down by Autos and Planes

The startup that wants to disrupt big internet providers – Using The Open Access Model

District Attorney: You’d better believe criminal charges are “on the table” in Baldwin shooting

Loudoun County Requires Parents to Sign an NDA-Like Form to View Their CRT-Style Curriculum

James O’Keefe, Abigail Shrier, and David Daleiden on Investigative Journalism – Two have been arrested for their work

Longtime Clinton Operative Charged with Securities Fraud and Theft, An Arrest Warrant Issued

The United States issues its 1st passport with an ‘X’ gender marker for people who don’t identify as male or female

October 26, 2021

Congress Didn’t Give OSHA Authority to Impose Vaccine Mandates

FDA Committee Members Reviewing Pfizer Vaccine For Children Have Worked For Pfizer or Have Major Pfizer Connections

The 10-day application period for L.A.’s $1,000 per month guaranteed income program begins Friday

Email Shows Biden Ordered Afghanistan Evacuation Flights Be Filled With Unvetted Refugees

WSJ: The Corporate Minimum Tax Resurfaces as Democrats Hunt for Money

Florida Leads Nation’s Economic Recovery – And It’s Not Even Close

New Billionaire Venture Focused On ‘Disinformation’ Exposes The Left’s Fight For a Monopoly On ‘Their’ Truth

‘We Have a Communist Takeover’: Thousands of NYC Firemen and Police Officers Defy Vaccine Mandates in Largest Protest Yet

Los Angeles Blinks on COBID Mandate – City employees have a new December COVID vaccine deadline

A California Port Worker Exposes Labor Union for Exacerbating The Supply Chain Crisis – ‘They Keep Cutting the Work’

America Gone Mad – Knowledgeable British &Europeans not only do not think America is back, they think it has gone mad

How Free Stuff From Democrats Is Used To Addict The Urban Poor To Welfare

The White House ‘Gender Equity’ Plan Calls for Elimination of Cash Bail – Unprecedented murder spike in 2020

Blockbuster Buried by MSM: 100-200 Members of Congress Were Successfully Treated for Covid-19 with Ivermectin with ZERO Hospitalizations

Contra Costa Co. shuts down Pleasant Hill In-N-Out and fines 2 others; The San Francisco location is under investigation

A COVID-19 Vaccine Advisor To FDA, CDC Attends Wuhan Conference Featuring Chinese Military Researchers

More Than 3 Million Americans Retired Early Due to COVID-19

FDA panel recommends authorizing Pfizer COVID vaccine for younger kids

Buried 6 Hours Into FDA Video: Doctor Makes Chilling Admission on Child COVID Vax

Dr. Jessica Rose Unloads on FDA Advisory Panel After It Votes to Authorize Vaccines for Young Children

Trump’s New Social Media Platform to Have a Feature That Will Make It Immune to Cancel Culture

Host of Trump social media platform expecting more than 75 million users

Controversial Democratic IRS bank reporting proposal is likely dead, Manchin says

WSJ: The Proposed Billionaire Tax On Unrealized Capital Gains Faces A Likely Constitutional Challenge

Trump Declares New Media Company Is ‘Much More Than Politics,’ He Says It’s About ‘Saving Our Country’

Scalise argues Democratic spending plan will help GOP win the House next year

Tucker Carlson: Biden ‘Actively and Intentionally Breaking Federal Law’ — ‘Presidents Have Been Impeached for Less’

Isn’t it astonishing how often conservatives are called domestic terrorists? – The DHS Labels Those Questioning COVID Shots “Domestic Violent Extremists”

McAuliffe’s Infamous ‘Parents’ Quip Wasn’t a Gaffe — It’s How Democrats Think

At Least 50 High Powered Law Firms That Raced To Defend Terrorists In Gitmo Leave Jan. 6 Defendants Out To Dry

BORDERING ON INSANITY – The Biden administration has essentially erased our southern border

Biden’s heating oil fiasco – Biden is suppressing U.S. energy production while buying energy from our rivals

A Must-See-and-Share 10-Minute YouTube Video About Public Schools Sewing Gender Dysphoria Into Children

Axios-Ipsos poll: Confidence in Biden Administration COVID recovery success tumbles

Biden The Puppet – He takes the heat while the rest of the elected Democrats remain hidden in the shadows

Get politics out of the CDC – Powerful political interests have pushed the CDC to issue the mask guidance for children

What Are The Important Questions We Must Ask Concerning COVID Vaccinations for Children?

The Wall Street Journal rebukes Fauci for lying – There is no reason to ever believe another word from his lying lips

Health Care Workers Speak Out on Why They Would Rather Lose Their Jobs Than Take a COVID-19 Vaccine

Beating the COVID Mandates in Court – COVID-19 vaccines are in no way comparable to smallpox vaccines

New York City’s Largest Police Union Sues The City over Their Vaccine Mandate

National Counterintelligence and Security Center: The US Intel Report on Risks of Doing Business With China ‘Doesn’t Go Far Enough’

Missouri and Ohio Terminate National School Boards Association Membership Over Letter Labeling Parents ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Biden Administration Announces Vaccine Rules For Travelers Into US

Fauci’s Done Worse Than Killing Dogs – And these evils are paid for by American taxpayers

Two Former San Francisco Assistant DA’s Join Recall Effort Against District Attorney Chesa Boudin

Teen Sudanese National Charged with 3 Counts of Murder Was Released from Jail to Attend School

October 25, 2021

10 red flags in the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer’s EUA application to inject American children 5 to 11 with its mRNA product

A Million Absentee Ballots Ordered Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out – Why?

The Misogynist Left’s Crusade to Erase Women, Facilitated By Women

Why is Pfizer Requesting Legal Immunity if Vaccines For 5 to 11 Year-Olds are Safe?

The US Marine Corps Warns Marines Will Be Kicked Out for Refusing the Vaccine

The Shadowy Big-Money Group Behind NewsGuard, the Internet’s ‘Thought Police’ to Enforce COVID Narratives That Benefit Big Pharma

A Chorus of Mostly Republican Lawmakers Call For Arrest, Prosecution of Fauci Over Claims He Lied to Congress

Ivermectin vs. Merck’s New Antiviral, Molnupiravir – Merck gathered 1,850 clinical trial participants but released data on only 762

The NIH Removes Language on ‘Gain-of-Function’ From Website Amid Criticism Over Funding Chinese Research

CHD to Sue FDA for ‘Recklessly Endangering’ Children if Agency Authorizes Pfizer Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 Years Old

Governor Inslee to mandate COVID vaccination for all private businesses in the state of Washington

GOP Senator Presses Biden Admin To Disclose The Number of Illegal Immigrants Released into the US – Estimated at more than half million

Biden’s America: Supply Chain Breakdown Preventing Cancer Patients from Getting Life-Saving Drugs

The ‘Mystery Man’ AG Garland Won’t Deny Was a Fed Inciting Jan. 6 Rioters Was Scrubbed from FBI ‘Most Wanted’ List

The Likely Fed Operative Ray Epps Was Filmed Hurling Massive Trump Sign at Capitol Police

Biden’s America: Latest Stats Say You Can’t Find Gas Below $3 Per Gallon Anywhere in the Country

The Biden administration wants to the tax increased value of assets before those assets are sold

CNN Analysis: Amid Crises, Biden Has Logged More ‘Personal Travel’ Days Than Any President In Decades

Schiff and Democrats Pivot Hard on DOJ Election Interference – The Democrats torched the department’s credibility

First responders resign on social media nationally over coronavirus vaccine mandate

Does This Mean Trump subpoena? – The Capitol Riot Panel Chairman Says ‘Nobody Is Off-Limits’

What we’ve lost with the ‘new normal’ – Just reflect on how different things are now than they were just 22 months ago

The Biden Left’s totalitarianism – Consider a country where a leader sets about chipping away at the pillars of democracy

I&I/TIPP Poll Shocker: Trump Beats Biden In Presidential Poll In Every U.S. Region But The North East

Attorney General Merrick Garland Tanks in Latest Approval Data – Everything Biden-related is collapsing fast

Joe Biden’s Breakfast with Joe Manchin in Delaware Ends with No Deal

WSJ: Hertz Orders 100,000 Teslas It’s Part of Plan to Electrify Their Fleet

The OECD Warns Developed Economies to ‘Remain Vigilant for Signs of More Persistent Inflation’

Is the U.S. Economy Headed Toward a Recession? – Vaccine Mandates Could Be The Final Straw!

Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The January 6th Attack On The U.S. Capitol

WSJ: U.S. Covid-19 Battle Turns a Corner as Borders Open to Foreign Travelers

As vaccination rates climb to near 100% in some areas, the problem is finding people to blame for continuing Covid cases

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Threatens a Major Trucking Disruption, Industry Insiders Say

‘Ample Scientific Data’: Congresswoman Introduces the ‘Natural Immunity Is Real Act’

Moral Objections to the Current Vaccines – We’ll never know the extent of injuries because the manufactures eliminated this possibility by vaccinating the placebo group after only a few short weeks

The Secretive Group Steering the Democrats – The Democrat caucus won’t release its rules or disclose its members

A Columbia Law Professor Explains Why Public Schools Are Tearing America Apart – Using Schools to Co-Opt Other People’s Kids

In completely unsurprising news, Facebook employees actually hate conservatives and their ideas

Sheriff’s Advice If Stranded In The Snow

October 24, 2021

The Chinese State Media Calls The Biden Administration ‘The Most Incapable’ in U.S. History Amid Taiwan Tension

Protesters Break Through Barclay’s Barricades to Stop Vaccine Mandates in NYC

CDC’s Walensky: Biden Administration Planning ‘Education and Counseling’ for the Unvaccinated

Demand for forensic audits of the 2020 election in all 50 states is rapidly gaining support

Trump Unleashes on Biden: ‘How Stupid Our Country Has Become’

Trouble Won’t Be “Transitory” – Inflation, the supply chain, and energy shortages won’t resolve themselves quickly

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was evasive when asked if she’ll run for reelection

Governor Abbott Deploys TX National Guard to Border – Key Tactic So They Won’t Have to Hand Migrants Over to Biden

The WH Will Send Afghans to Cities Across the US, Refugees to Be Granted Thousands for Things Like Furniture and Silverware

John Durham: Knowingingly concocting a fake narrative to fool the FBI and CIA is going to affect many Hillary Clinton campaign players

Grieving Mother Appeals To Biden Before FDA Meeting – “This should not be a political issue. This is a human rights issue”

Secret Documents Reveal The FDA’s Attack on Ivermectin

New Zealand Prime Minister Admits It Is Her Intention To Create Two Classes of Citizens, Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

Covid Is Government Tyranny – Covid-19 is not a “killer disease”. It is a blood and vascular respiratory health condition

WSJ: Facebook’s Internal Chat Boards Show Politics Is Often at The Center of Decision Making

Trump Slams The Biden Administration’s Lack of Response as 2,000 Migrants Continue to Walk Through Southern Mexico

An insider’s take on the Biden energy strategy – It shifts economic leverage from the U.S. to authoritarian monopolies

The Biden agenda is driving families apart – By making it harder for the poor to marry and start families

Biden Plays Chicken With Semi-Truck Drivers – By increasing pressure on them to take the vaccine—willing or unwilling

Florida tries to lure ships waiting at backlogged California ports – Florida ports are humming along with little or no delays

Beagle-Gate Strikes Fauci – What word is strong enough to describe the horror of this “research?”

Six Indefensible Military Actions While Chinese Aggression Continues To Intensify

Media bias in its two main species – From selling advertising to pushing an agenda via commission and omission

An “Atmospheric River” is set to whiplash Northern California from drought to flood

Biden Delays the Release of JFK’s Assassination Records – Blames COVID

Take a look at the charmer leading the aggressive new migrant caravan that is counting on ‘Joe Biden’s incompetence

The U.N. Warns of Global ‘Famine, Chaos, Terrorism and… War’ if the COP26 Climate Summit Fails

Brian Laundrie Autopsy Deepens Mystery After Coroner Left Dumbfounded With No Clear Cause Of Death

The Pandemic in Perpetuity – For some progressives, the prospect of a post-COVID normalcy is terrifying

A 2020 Study In NIH Archives – “COVID-19 Vaccines…May Worsen COVID-19 Disease Via Antibody-Dependent Enhancement”

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Study Shows Significant preterm births in AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine study

91 Research Studies Confirm The Value of Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19

October 23, 2021

NIH Quietly Changes Definition Of ‘Gain-Of-Function’ Amid Fauci, Wuhan Lab Scandal Fallout

Child Vaccination Mandates Are A Mid-Term Election Issue

Axios AM 6-Part Deep Dive: America’s murder surge

Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Biden then Heads to Connecticut to Lead “Let’s Go Brandon!” Chants at Rally

The Farce of American Despotism – Is it more worrisome that Joe Biden might not be in charge, or that he actually is in charge?

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Mistakes in the Biden Era,  The Definitive List, 24 and Counting

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Mistakes in the Biden Era: the Definitive List:

The gaslighting of America – Keeping the January 6 imbroglio alive is just one of several diversions

Joe Biden Has Not Held a Formal Press Conference in 100 Days

Biden’s Unlawful Plan to Federalize Elections It’s not only unsettling but unconstitutional

A Record 2 Million Migrants Cross Border Between Ports of Entry During Past 12 Months

The DOJ Targets Domestic Terrorists — AKA Angry Americans, But Ignores The Real Ones

A New Patent Proposes Digital Surveillance to Vaccinate People Based on Social Credit Style Scores – Another dystopian pandemic-era tech proposal

EDITORIAL: Fauci shows that trusting scientists and trusting science isn’t the same

Often-Overlooked Facts About Covid – We have in fact lived with respiratory and other virus infections since prehistory

The FDA is unable to guarantee the safety of Pfizer shot for kids as it moves toward approval

A separation, if we can keep it – Our Framers gave us this brilliantly designed separation but we did not keep it

This Winter, We Could Potentially Be Facing Simultaneous Shortages of Oil, Natural Gas, Propane, and Coal

WSJ: The US Is Turning Green. What Will This Climate Plan Cost and Who Pays? Washington and the private sector are expected to pledge $ trillions

FB And The Law – The platform facilitates illegal immigration & human smuggling because its mission is above mere nations

What was Huawei buying for that $500k it handed to Tony Podesta?

The Recall Effort Against SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin Turns In 83,487 Signatures, Likely Enough To Trigger Recall Election

The Loudoun County Superintendent Warned School Board of Alleged Sexual Assault Incident back in May


October 22, 2021

General Electric Workers Stage A Walkout Protest Vaccine Mandate

George Soros Worked With John McCain To Help Frame Donald Trump For Russian Collusion

How the 2020 Election Was Rigged and Stolen In Four Phases

Attacks on Cops Soared in ‘Mostly Peaceful’ 2020 – This Year Is Even Worse

The Arizona AG Seeks Temporary Restraining Order to Stop Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Los Angeles Psychiatrist Says COVID Policies Are ‘Not About Health,’ They’re About Authoritarian Control – Their endgame is a Chinese style authoritarian government

California ports that move 40% of cargo coming into the US are rated among the WORST behind third-world countries like Kenya and Ghana

Joe Biden Loses His Mind on Air, Claims to Have Been a Senator for 370 Years, Among Other Things

Migration Crisis Overview: Americanists vs. Transformationists – Biden’s immigration policy represents an existential conflict

Is The Fed Boosting Inflation By Buying U.S. Government Debt?

White House officials clarify multiple Biden comments made during the CNN live town hall

Dock Workers Warned Officials of a Potential Port Backlog Crisis and Maintain It’s Not Their Fault

Biden’s Many Mounting Failures Summon Return Of The Misery Index

The State Dept: We know of 363 American citizens still abandoned in Afghanistan

The WHO Seeks More Power in Future Pandemics – November meeting to discuss and possibly implement a new treaty agreement on pandemic preparedness

WSJ: Facebook Increasingly Suppresses Political Movements It Deems Dangerous

The Politics of Innocence – The Biden administration ushers in a destructive new version of the ‘American Regime’

Border Patrol Arrests Shatter All Records at Southern Border

17-Year-Old Develops Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome and Myocarditis After Pfizer Vaccine, Report Shows

2 New Studies Test Quercetin and COVID-19 Outcomes

17,000+ Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines, Including New Report of 12-Year-Old Who Died After Pfizer Vaccine

China Is Actively Trying to Acquire Your Genetic Data, US Officials Warn

DHS pays over $455K to build ‘security fencing’ around Biden’s beach home

Backflip: The White House Quickly Contradicts Joe Biden’s Promise to Defend Taiwan

Biden “Doesn’t See” Any Reason to Think Gas Prices Will Go Down Any Time Soon

How Texas Protected Its Vote From Getting ‘Rigged’ In 2020 –  Confirms the many fears about Democrat plans to change state election laws

Tens of thousands of Brazilians and Venezuelans have illegally crossed the US-Mexico border

Experts: Newly Released Documents Show NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research in China

AG Garland’s Message To Concerned Parents Is Clear: Shut Up Or Else –  The collusion between Biden’s White House, woke school boards, and the DOJ serves one purpose: to intimidate parents into silence

Mandatory 10-Digit Dialing Begins on October 24, 2021, for Multiple States and Area Codes

Florida Governor DeSantis says Florida ports are ready & have the capacity to ease pressure on California ports

New York Representative Nicole Malliotakis: Vaccine Mandates Drive ‘Supply Chain Shortage and’ ‘Inflation’

COVID and Medical Ethics – The political decision to wage asymmetric warfare against COVID through social restrictions that destroy jobs, contravene human rights, and trash medical ethics”

To Win the Vaccine Wars – Civil disobedience from ordinary citizens, lawyers, businesses, and even our politicians

How To Get Ivermectin – After my doctor advised I would have trouble finding a pharmacy that would fill his prescription

Biden disappoints far Left and the first lady with spending package free community college dropout

A Deleted Government Report Celebrates How The Public Loves to ‘Conform’ – Climate change technocrats plan on using the same methods that convinced the public to obey lockdowns

Newsom Administration Announces Ban Regulations on Oil and Gas Facilities – Trying to make drastic changes overnight

October 21, 2021

Google Sister-Company Verily, Which Partnered With Pfizer in 2019, is Carrying Out Pfizer-Funded Study On ‘Long-Term Safety’ of Pfizer CV Shot

Ventura County Nurses Blow Expose The Local COVID Crisis In Healthcare Regarding Lack of VAERS Reporting

TX welcomes patients denied life-saving organ transplants in Colorado because of COVID vaccination status


Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition

Joe Biden Forced Americans Into A Game Of Chicken Over Their Livelihoods, And They’re Not Flinching

Democrats aim to make anyone who disagrees with them an enemy of the state

Prime Minister Trudeau Announces New Federal Standard for Vaccine Passports, Pfizer Vaccine Deal for Children

Joe Biden: Police and Emergency Responders Should Be Fired if they Won’t Get Vaccinated

Empire Lost – America is at its weakest point in at least a century, and China, as well as the rest of the world, notices

Trucking Leaders Urge Newsom To Declare a State of Emergency Over Port Backlog Crisis – Ignoring the bigger picture

Shipping Costs Surge: $17,000 to Ship Container to California from Asia, Up from $3,800 in 2020

Former Attorney General Phil Kline: Zuckerberg’s unprecedented intervention in 2020’s election was not legal

Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager: Inflation is the ‘Single Biggest Threat’ to Society – “It can be much worse than what we fear”

The Truth About Breakthrough Infections – CDC procedure is not to count any negative health impacts occurring within 14 days of the last vaccine shot

Covid Vaccines Spread Covid – Safe, inexpensive, effective, at home Covid-19 treatment protocols that will cure Covid in less than 7-days have been available for the past 18-months

The Assault on Ivermectin – It is working the world over against COVID-19 but you won’t hear about it through Pharma controlled media

Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER – Vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus

America’s Frontline Doctors agree: Aborted infants are at the heart of vaccine research

California officials prepare to vaccinate children age 5-11 – Planning “family-friendly” events to persuade parents and guardians to get their kids vaccinated

Michigan Woman Died From Blood Clots After J&J Vaccine, an Autopsy Confirms

Patented Fake Meat Is All About Big Profits for Large Corporations — Not Health

WSJ: House Votes to Hold Steve Bannon in Criminal Contempt of Congress –  For refusing to comply with a subpoena

Former NYPD Chief Calls Big Brian Laundrie Development ‘Very Strange,’ Suggests ‘Something Is Amiss’

Biden Peddles Build Back Better Plan: ‘We Will Take, Literally, Millions of Automobiles off the Road’

An Iconic San Francisco Target Store is Closing Amid Shoplifting Tidal Wave – “This store loses $25,000 a day to shoplifting,” an SFPD officer says

Experts: Chinese aggression toward Taiwan is a test of US resolve in the wake of our Afghanistan withdrawal

Federal Reserve: Vaccine mandates are hurting employment

It Turns Out Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Wife Was Heavily Involved in Stopping Election Audits in 2020

Bizarre Video Shows Kids Dressed up in ‘COVID Suits’ to Meet their Grandparents in their Back Yard

Michael Flynn Suggests Biden’s WH is ‘Trying to Turn America into a Communist Nation’, Urges the Public to ‘Take a Stand’

Democrats Try A New Lie To Get Rid Of The Senate Filibuster Rule

How does a Great Reset get accomplished? – It is no conspiracy. Proponents told us what they were doing at the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and more

Biden is CHOOSING Not to Fix Supply Chain Crisis – The Biden-Harris regime is giving our supply chain woes the same treatment they gave Afghanistan, the border crisis, and pretty much everything else since taking office

Corporations Pull Out the Long Knives for Their Employees – Despite no actual published rules having been put in place

NIH CONFIRMS Flip-Flopping Fascist Fear Fuhrer Fauci Lied About Funding Gain-of-Function Research

Washington state suspends a physician assistant for prescribing Ivermectin

Governor DeSantis: Businesses Should Pay For Adverse Vaccine Reactions If They Mandate Them

The State of Nebraska gets it right on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

COVID cases and deaths keep falling

Under Biden, We’ve Gone From ‘Make America Great’ To ‘Lower Your Expectations’

COVID Versus The Bill Of Rights – Fauci says we need to put our personal freedoms on hold for the greater good

Author Newman: Media deception is no longer to mislead people into believing lies but to demoralize them into total submission

Attorney General Merrick Garland defends DOJ’s handling of Jan. 6 probe

Are the COVID Jabs Responsible for the Rising Mortality Trends?

REPORT: 6,644 Washington State employees refuse Covid-19 vaccines

Joe Manchin denies he’s considering changing parties and calls the report BS

Megyn Kelly Drops BOMB – Her Sons’ School SECRETLY Promoted PUBERTY BLOCKERS To Third Graders

THE DYING CITIZEN – Victor Davis Hanson’s new book published earlier this month could not be more timely

Everything is a mess, but at least we have a transgender 4-star admiral

October 20, 2021

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti to Unvaccinated L.A. City Workers: Get Vaccinated or ‘Lose Your Job’

Lancet COVID Origins Investigator Wins $1 Million Chinese Prize For Claiming Virus Developed Naturally

Imagine If Conservatives & Centrists Had the Guts of the Left – What about the Left’s gall? There are ways to neutralize it

Why Is Biden Moving Refugees Under Cover of Darkness? – If Americans supported allowing unchecked numbers of foreigners into the country, this kind of subterfuge would not be necessary

The Pentagon spells out penalties for civilian employees who refuse the coronavirus vaccine

US Marshals Are Investigating Whether January 6 Defendants Are Being Deliberately Mistreated

Republicans Successfully Filibuster The Democrats’ Election Bill

PEOPLE ARE CATCHING ON #2 – Only 27% of Likely U.S. Voters are Very Confident that Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States

Transition to Nowhere – California’s switch to a primarily solar and wind-powered grid is a dead end

Christopher Steele, the Foreigner Who Interfered in Our Election – A threat to democracy that the ruling class can overlook

WSJ: The $2 Trillion Is Phony Too – Biden is bowing to the left again by keeping new entitlements and disguising their cost

Donald Trump announces media company and ‘TRUTH Social’ social media platform coming next month

Over 12,000 Air Force Personnel Are Poised Not to Meet The COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Deadline

California Keeps Mask and Vaccine Mandates Even as State Boasts Near Lowest Cases in the US

A Leaked Audio Shows White House Official Discuss Combating COVID Vaccine Mandate Religious Exemption Claims

‘This Is Politics, Not Science’: White House, CDC Prepare to Vaccinate 5- to 11-Year-Olds Prior to FDA Authorization

Border arrests hit highest levels since 1986’s amnesty bill – The Rio Grande Valley sector came in with the most arrests

In a US Historic First, Texas National Guard Soldiers Start Arresting Illegal Migrants on the U.S.-Mexico Border

The Presidio Trust: Nancy Pelosi’s Earmarks And Boondoggles – Little-known but important facts to the American taxpayer

Jen Psaki Hates You – She’s clearly a perfect representative of our spiteful ruling class

Durham unloads thousands of documents to Sussmann’s defense council

Will Obama Deny the ‘Obama Scientist’ at Glasgow Summit? – He puts the former president’s demagogy in a new light 

The Specter of a One World Government Looms Large – The ideas for Agenda 2030 began with The League of Nations

THE BIDENS: CORRUPT OR CRAZY? – Matt Tabbi re-examines some ugly questions about President Joe Biden

Senator Joe Manchin Tells Associates He’s Considering Leaving the Democrat Party and Has an Exit Plan

The Morning Consult-Politico Poll: Sixty-two percent of people think Biden bears responsibility for our high inflation

Leftist Shadow Governments Control Much More Than Our Elections – A key strategy is “advocacy philanthropy”

Facebook is reportedly set to announce rebrand under parent company with a different name

Why Government Cover-Ups Succeed – Because people trust government officials to investigate themselves

Dr. Anthony Fauci Received A Big Pay Increase for his biodefense research activities to Prevent Pandemics

Sometimes it pays to have a vacuum at the top – Is this actually a surreptitious third term for Obama?

Biden’s Build Back Better: Hefty Hidden Subsidies for Idleness and Desertion Are Provided

‘People Are Hoarding’ As Food Shortages Spike and the Supply Chain Crumbles

Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best – We find are badgered, bullied, and browbeaten into bearing the brunt of their arrogance

Joe Biden Joins the Leftists to Push Moderates for a $1.9 Trillion Spending Bill

The Southern border crisis is now in East Coast communities unvetted and unvaxxed

Thousands of Haitians Leave Colombia for the US – Undeterred by the Darien Gap, they continue to the US border

The Man Accused of Raping a Woman on Philadelphia Commuter Train Is an Illegal Immigrant with a Criminal Record

Sinclair TV Stations Nationwide Go Dark During A Massive Ransomware Attack, With Data Stolen

Debt in the Time of Plague – Biden falsely said that Trump added nearly $8 trillion in his four years to the national debt

The White House unveils a plan to “quickly” vaccinate kids ages 5-11

In-N-Out Burger refuses to demand vaccine ‘passports’ in their SF store and is then forced to close for indoor dining

Moderna: A Company ‘In Need of a Hail Mary’ – The COVID-19 crisis obliterated hurdles that had previously prevented them from taking a single product to market

Was Colin Powell’s death caused by COVID or with COVID? – When are Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, and other “experts” going to tell the public the truth about how many people died from other causes that were instead attributed to COVID?

The ‘News,’ As Brought to You by Pfizer – Mainstream media’s puppet status for Big Pharma is now out in the open

The Real Cost of Government-Mandated Wind &Solar – Wind or solar are 5 to 10 times more expensive than natural gas or coal electricity

The Fake News media is going to have a field day: Murdoch’s son hands AP big cash for more global warming coverage

We Are Not Pencils – We are now witnessing the dangers of reliance on complex, uncontrolled, globalized supply chains

Fauci: A tyrant like in a Twilight Zone episode – “I lied to make you feel better, now I’m telling the truth for your own good”

America’s Current Intelligence Community — A study of consistent failure

Kamala Harris wants more union memberships in the federal workforce

Virginia Governor Candidate McAuliffe Walks Out Mid-Interview, Scolds Reporter: ‘You Should’ve Asked Better Questions’

A NY ballot proposal threatens doom for private property –  “Each person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment” Bait & Switch

October 19, 2021

Biden in Wonderland – The White House can’t pretend away the spiraling crises before our eyes

IHS Market Warns Of “Armageddon” For US Propane Market

Why Biden won’t tell you where the record number of illegal immigrants in the US are going

Defense Department Pulls a Bait and Switch –  Soldiers do not get the approved Pfizer COVID vaccine

Two Longtime House Democrats Opt to Retire Rather Than Face The Biden Curse

Ted Cruz Introduces Bill to Hold Biden and Democrats Accountable for ‘Man-Made’ Border Crisis

Federal Agencies Unveil Plans to Combat “Anti-Voter Burdens” Faced by People of Color – That could conveniently result in more votes for Democrats

There Are A Record-breaking 100 Ships Anchored, Waiting at Los Angeles and Long Beach Ports

VAERS Scandal Interview: Deborah Conrad, Physician Assistant, Exposes Potential Massive Covid-Fraud

OSHA Will Not Require Employers To Record Worker Side Effects from Receiving Forced COVID Vaccine

The Supreme Court Declines to Stop COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Maine Health Workers

Precinct Strategy Now Has Statewide Groups You Can Connect With

Newt Gingrich’s Prophecy – Republicans have the wind at our backs

WSJ: Democrats Try to Salvage IRS Bank-Account Reporting – Reporting threshold would go to $10,000 from $600

A Dangerously Seductive Idea New York’s proposed Green Amendment could usher in “vigilante regulation through litigation”

The Wuhan Lab Announces A Network Of New Labs That Only Hire Chinese Communist Party Members

A cybersecurity option for the 2022 elections – If voting machines are connected to the internet, they can be hacked

The DOJ has finally disgorged some exculpatory evidence about January 6

Biden’s administration faces crises of its own making at the southern border, at the nation’s ports, in Afghanistan, with inflation, and in public health

The First Post-National Country American – Democrats’ love affair with Justin Trudeau’s Canada is cause for grave concern

Democrats’ Medicare expansion trick pushed by Bernie Sanders won’t be a treat – Many seniors are already enrolled in privately administered Medicare Advantage plans

WSJ: Some Workers Want Covid-19 Recovery Accepted as Evidence of Immunity – And exempt employees from vaccine mandates

Radio and Blog Personality Dan Bongino puts principle before money on vax mandate and advertiser censorship issues

Some Thoughts About Courage: We are living through an epidemic of Cowardice – The antidote is Courage

Is COVID-19 (Almost) Over? – Numbers don’t look anywhere near as bad as they did a month ago

Southwest Airlines backs off plan to place unvaccinated employees on unpaid leave in December

Winter Is Coming And a Dark, Cold Night is Likely If Democrats Get Their Way – Families will struggle to afford to heat their homes

PHOTOS: 66 Cargo Ships Hover Near L.A., Long Beach Ports

Report: Ace Hardware Shelves Go Bare While Supply Chain Crisis Rages

WSJ: P&G Uses Its Size to Lessen Impact of the Supply-Chain Mess –  P&G, Ikea, and Albertsons are among the large companies tapping alternative sources of inventory

Decoding the Proposed New Invasive IRS $600 Bank Reporting Rule – Allowing the IRS to monitor the bank accounts of virtually every American

Huawei’s Long Game – Huawei has long been regarded with suspicion by western nations for its attempts to dominate the emergence of 5G networking

A housing slowdown threatens China’s economic muscle

Massive Non-Compliance Fines Tucked Into Spending Bill Are Worse Than Biden’s Upcoming Vaccine Mandate

There Has Been No Mandatory Vaccination Executive Order Issued

Oh COVID, What Have We Done? – We are now in a vulgar and bleak place

Why is the medical profession letting us die? – And why are politicians setting themselves up as the chief medical officers?

How The Left Has Redefined Words In The Covid Era – “In the end, we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible because there will be no words in which to express it” – 1984

General Keith Kellogg: Our military and the alarming disappearance of accountability

A 6th Grader Secretly Records Teacher Peddling CRT To Class – District superintendent previously claimed it wasn’t happening

CA Representative Maxine Waters hit by nepotism storm after paying her daughter more than $80,000 of donors’ cash so far in 2021 – She has earned $1.1 million for her work since 2003

The U.N. Climate Summit: A Meaningless Meeting Of Useless People

October 18, 2021

More vaccinated people tested positive for COVID-19 than unvaccinated in San Diego County

Project Veritas: The DHS Whistleblower Who Exposed ‘Reasonable Fear’ Migrant Asylum Loophole Goes Public

Soros Helped Elect Loudoun Prosecutor Who Wanted Jail Time for Dad Whose Daughter Was Allegedly Raped

Is Aspirin the New Horse Dewormer? – “Aspirin use is associated with decreased mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit admission, and in-hospital mortality in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019”

Republicans Are Winning the Debate on Voter ID – In June, Monmouth found that 82% of the public back photo ID for voters

Critical Peer-Reviewed Study on Vaccine Induced Myocarditis “Temporarily Removed” after being fully accepted with executed publishing agreements

The Nebraska AG Says Doctors Can Legally Prescribe Ivermectin, HCQ for COVID, Calls Out FDA, CDC, Fauci, Media for ‘Fueling Confusion and Misinformation’

California School Walkout: Thousands of Parents, Students, Teachers Protest Newsom’s School Mandates

California Governor Newsom Signs Cultural Marxist Bills

Math Is Hard: Los Angeles Leftists Lose Millions Writing Traffic Tickets

Donald Trump Sues to Prevent Records From Being Disclosed to Jan. 6 Committee – Says request for release of White House documents is illegal

Christopher Steele: Product of a Corrupt FBI – Christopher Steele is a symptom, not a cause, of what ails the FBI

NARRATIVE DESTROYED: Video Proof Capitol Hill Was Not An Insurrection – The Capital Police Let Them In

An Endorsement from President Donald Trump is Good as Gold

China’s WeChat, which President Trump sought to ban from operating in the US, Admits To Secretly Scanning Users’ Photos

Coming Into Focus: Hillary’s Secretive, Russiagate-Flogging Pair of Super-Lawyers

Biden’s people are secretly flying underage migrants into NY in the dead of night

New York City Billionaire Supermarket Owner Warns: Food Prices Will Go Up ‘Tremendously’

Regarding Their Vaccine Mandate: Dan Bongino Gives Cumulus Radio On-Air Ultimatum – You Can’t Have Both of Us

Hundreds of Southwest Workers Line Streets Outside Airline’s HQ to Protest COVID Vax Mandate

Supreme Court protects cops from lawsuits in two qualified immunity cases

Did Zuckerberg Buy the Oval Office for Biden? – With a donation of nearly $419 million to nonprofit originations that aided in the administration and infrastructure of the 2020 election

I&I/TIPP Poll: Are We Becoming The ‘Divided States Of America’ Under Biden?

Inflation Is More Complex Than You Think – Produced by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output

The Democrats’ Formula For Oppression: The Equation CP + MSM = T – It all begins with Overwhelm to Overthrow

The hidden blessings of the supply chain crisis – Reveals Our Dependency on China and Governments’ Incompetence

Unions Have Made Supply-Chain Problems Worse – This can not be fixed quickly

What Biden’s “Affordable Housing” Plan Will Do To Suburbia

The Left Wanted To Destroy The Police, And So Far They’ve Succeeded – In virtually every major Democrat-run city

Congress Wants To Give Very Small Businesses An Impossible Choice: Success Or Privacy?

All You Need To Know About COVID Vaccine Safety

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell Dies at 84 From COVID Complications – He was fully vaccinated!

The Biden administration threatens to make Navy SEALs resisting the vax mandate to repay their training cost

Sen. Bill Cassidy, a physician, calls for senility test for aging leaders

It’s Time To Disobey Covid Mandates – Laws contrary to the human good are not only false laws but acts of violence

The real estate problem the Justice Department is trying to fix – High commissions and property steering

Zuckerberg Knows Exactly How Bad Facebook Is – Whistleblower testimony proves it can’t be trusted to regulate itself

October 17, 2021

The $1-Million Challenge: Have COVID vaccines killed approximately 200,000 Americans?

Dr. Stella Immanuel: “The Whole Pandemic Was A TROJAN HORSE For Vaccines – Fauci Is The Epitome Of Evil”

Why Interventionist Governments Love Inflation – Their soaring debt is slowly eroded by inflation

Election Fraud Is Alive and Well in 2021 – We’re told vote fraud is a myth but the Democrats didn’t get the memo

Can This Single Stunning Action Blow Apart the Big Tech Bias? – Disclosure of their Algorithms

Six State-Ruining Bills Signed By California Governor Gavin Newsom Since His Recall Victory

What Happened to the Beloved Military? – Too many concurrent Pentagon crises that threaten our freedoms and security

Republican Attorney Generals Say There Is No Federal Vaccine Mandate for Private Workers and Vow to Sue

Southwest Airlines Asks Court to Reject Effort to Block COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

The Pentagon Faces Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates on Military, Federal Employees, and Contractors

Biden People Quietly Slipped Secret Clause into Vaccine Mandate Docs That Allow Damages for Serious Side Effects

Whistleblower Reveals Hospital Intake Was 90 Percent Vaccinated Patients and Hospital Administration Refusing to Report Adverse Events

New Zealand’s Lockdown Prime Minister Throws In the Towel – Concedes her infamous Covid crackdown hasn’t worked

‘Rapidly Deteriorating Conditions’: Portland Police Reveal Why No Arrests Were Made Despite $500,000 Riot

The Biden administration has lost track of 45,000 unaccompanied minors who entered illegally

Obama steps in to gin up flagging Biden support

China’s frightening test of new hypersonic weapon: ‘We have no idea how they did this’

FCC head Rosenworcel is on the way out because she’s not liberal enough for Biden’s people

The ‘Plandemic’ and the Great Awakening – It seems less and less like that a series of experiments just went wrong

Thanks to the vax mandate, Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists face mass firings – Who do they expect to replace them with Chinese PhDs?

The Most Frightened Nation – Why the United Kingdom will never be the same after going all-in on COVID

Fauci: Vaccinated Americans Are Allowed To Enjoy Holidays Gathering With Family

WTF!? Biden’s USAID Launches $125 Million Project To Find 12,000 New Viruses

The suspect arrested for assassinating Brit MP is finally named by police, but the NYTs won’t print his name: Ali Harbi Ali

The Difference Between A REPUBLIC & DEMOCRACY – Many Americans believe they live in a democracy, but they don’t

Did the World Economic Forum admit something very unnerving? – Building better humans through science

Books indoctrinating children in LGBTQism are everywhere

October 16, 2021

Our Kids Can’t Read, Write, Or Do Math, But They Are No 1. When It Comes To Critical Race Theory

Dark Prediction On Biden’s Infrastructure Bill – It’s basically the Green New Deal combined with Critical Race Theory

Delta Airlines CEO Claims It is Not Forcing Employees to Be Vaccinated – But the Truth is More Complicated Than That – Because Of Their Monthly Fine Alternative

The US Set to Pay $712 Per Patient for Merck’s COVID-19 Treatment Pill

CA Scrambles to Find Electricity to Offset Gas-fired Power Plant Closures and its Last Remaining Nuclear Facility Closure

A New Navy Order: Unvaccinated Sailors are to be Discharged and Could Face Financial Penalties

Ivermectin’s ‘Immeasurable’ Impact Won Scientists Behind It the Nobel Prize for Medicine

Melbourne, “the world’s most locked-down city,” to lift stay-at-home orders

The GOP Must Stop Schumer’s New Bill Before It Makes the Federal Government Too Powerful

Revealed: Biden Allowed Transportation Sec. Buttigieg to Take Months-Long Paid Leave as the Supply Chain Crisis Raged

DC Comics changes Superman’s motto, replacing ‘The American Way’ with ‘A Better Tomorrow’

Must-see TV: A Devastating 2-minute video of shifting narrative on Covid vax

Poland Passes Law to Turn Away Migrants at their Border and Build a Wall

WSJ: Democrats Bet on Raising Taxes on High-Income People and Big Businesses

The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week – As an RN asked, “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?”

What Happened to the Pilot Just Before His Plane Crashed Near San Diego? – Could it have been a blood clot?

Resignation, Assignation, and Deterioration – America faces a trifecta of crises

The Politics of Parental Revolt At School Board Meetings – And the need for a conservative education agenda

U.S. Navy to discharge the unvaccinated, imperiling individual liberty…and Taiwan – FYI, more people in Taiwan have died from the vaccine than the virus

The Chicago police union is resisting a vax mandate in a city on the brink of domination by armed criminals

The Islamic State claims responsibility for a deadly bombing in southern Afghanistan on Friday

WSJ: As Afghanistan Sinks Into Destitution, Some Sell Children to Survive – U.N. warns that 95% of Afghans aren’t getting enough to eat as winter approaches

Joe Biden’s State Department finally gets around to saying they’ll evacuate Americans and allies from Afghanistan

Italy & Northern Australia Impose Vaccine Mandates Amid Citizen Outrage – “That’s not a free country at all”

A Massive California Statewide School Vaccine Walkout Protest Is Planned For Monday, October 18th

Boeing workers rise up over vaccine mandates! An awesome scene

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Trump on decertifying the Arizona election results and restoration of McCabe’s retirement benefit


October 15, 2021

Economists to Cattle Ranchers: Stop Being So Emotional About the Monopolies Devouring Your Family Businesses

Devin Nunes warns ‘future of this country’ hinges on Durham indictments

Nearly 40% of California state workers are unvaccinated against COVID despite Newsom order

Biden Priorities Put Citizens Who Disagree With His Agenda, Not National Enemies, in the Crosshairs

America Won’t Save Taiwan – A protracted insurgency is needed to ensure long-term independence from China

Murderer of Conservative MP Revealed to be 25-Year-Old of “Somali Origin” and Likely Islamic terror attack

Australia is building Permanent Covid-19 Quarantine Camps for “Ongoing Operations”

An Obama-Appointed Judge is Sentencing Non-Violent Jan. 6 Defendants To More Prison Time Than Requested By The Prosecution

A Soros-tied group met with the FBI during the Russia collusion probe and hired Christopher Steele

DHS says it anticipates restarting Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy in November, is rebuilding tent courts

The Biden Administration Blocks Bipartisan Lawmakers From Accessing Afghan Evacuee Holding Site

Joe Biden Has Not Held a Press Conference Since July—92 Days Ago

Some Americans Already Pulling Their Accounts from Credit Unions Over Dems’ IRS Spying Plan

The White House Announces That Fully-Vaccinated Foreign Visitors Can Enter US On November 8th

Squalor By the Seaside – Homelessness and RV fires have overrun Venice Beach, California

This is what happens when Lake Tahoe hits a critically low water threshold

Bad news for Joe Biden and His People – The Public has soured on his big-government expansion plans

A Military judge goes light on ‘outstanding’ Marine Lt. Col. Scheller who blasted military brass for a botched Afghan pullout

Was the January 6 Incident Part of the FBI’s ‘Operation Cold Snap’?

When is an insurrection not an insurrection? – It’s All About Politics, Unfortunately

Federal buildings were breached by activists on Thursday with no response from Democrats

Andrew McCabe’s FBI Pension Restored with via a Biden Administration DOJ Settlement

Leftist thought leaders declare that intact ‘Nuclear Families’ are effectively racist and an extension of white supremacy

IN SEARCH OF BILLIONAIRES’ FINANCIAL INFO – In the middle class estimated at about 50% of America’s population

Biden signs the $480 billion debt limit hike, but a December standoff looms

Why the Productive Middle-Class Leave California – A bullet-pointed primer of the 17 of the most salient points

Empty Christmas stockings? Blame California – Air Resources Board’s Truck/Bus Regulation that started in 2020

PHOTOS: Biden Finally Has His Own Boat Parade, But it’s in a Cargo Ship Jam off the California Coast

First look: a new bipartisan bill to counter China’s economic coercion

Italy Rocked by Nationwide Protests as Resistance Against Vaccine Passport Scheme Explodes – Dockers vow to block ports until government scraps ‘green pass’ law

Beef Will Now Be a ‘Luxury Product’ and Cheap Chicken Dinners ‘Are Coming to an End’

Tucker Carlson opening statement on the economy and inflation – The Biden Administrations Policies Are The Problem

Joe Biden’s Misplaced Anger At Unvaccinated Americans – Confirmed Cases & Deaths Among Vaccinated Much Higher

COVID-19 — Who benefits? – Follow The Money

European Journal of Epidemiology: Higher Vaccination Rates Are NOT Linked to Lower COVID Rates

The Vaxxer Regime Has a Real Problem Denying The Value of Natural Immunity

Studies Confirm That Pfizer Vaccine Immunity Wanes at 2 Months

The suddenly disappearing news about Florida COVID cases that are dropping dramatically

A Factory Worker Explains What Happened When the ‘Safety Man’ Told them No Jab, No Job – And they all walked out

Narrative Not The News: No Wonder Media Is Loathed – Gallup Poll and Katie Couric show why the media is utterly distrusted and disliked

The public can’t be allowed to see that the Southern Hemisphere experienced record-setting cold this year

Rigged: Investigation Finds Amazon Brands & Exclusives Hold the Top Spot in 7 Out of 10 Customer Product Searches

Portland along with other ‘Defund The Police’ cities are destroying their own livability

The Inherent Fraud of ‘The New Yor Times’ 1619 Project’

October 14, 2021

Who Are These COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics and What Do They Believe?

Why China Is Winning the War for High Tech – It funds the development of the technologies that will dominate the world

The California Version of The Green New Deal and October 16, 2020, EPA Settlement With Transportation is What’s Creating The Container Shipping Backlog – Working CA Ports 24/7 Will Not Help, Here’s Why – All semi-tractors have to be current with new California emissions standards

Bidenflation: Supply Chain Inflation Rockets to 23.9% with Final Demand at a Record 8.6%

Prices Are Continuing to Surge: Here’s What’s Becoming the Most Expensive

Welcome back to ‘70s-style stagflation misery, thanks to Uncle Joe

Opening the Port of Los Angeles 24/7 Isn’t the Game Changer Biden Claims It Will Be

The Biden Presidential Commission Splashes Cold Water on Supreme Court Expansion and Flirts with Idea of Term Limits

Biden Announces The Vaccine Mandate For The Private Sector Is Coming Soon

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Border business lost; paying college athletes; and Five for Fighting’s song about the Afghanistan withdrawal

Florida COVID cases have plunged 88% in the past six weeks and they have NO MANDATES

It’s Obvious What Phase-2 of Biden’s Private Sector Vaccine Mandate Will Include, Yet It Is Being Ignored

The WHO’s New ‘COVID Origins Investigation’ Includes CCP Advisors & Wuhan Lab Collaborators

Fauci and NIH Covid Pandemic Corruption Exposed

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase & graphene oxide compounds

A 21-Year-Old Fully Vaccinated Student Dies of COVID, as Breakthrough Cases Continue to Climb

A Pfizer Senior Director Breaks Into a Full Sprint After a Journalist Confronts Her About Fetal Cells in COVID Vaccines

The White House Tells Governors to Get Ready to Vaccinate Young Kids, Even Though FDA Hasn’t Approved It –  Pediatrician Says, Not so Fast

Biden presses parents to get kids vaccinated – Says parents anxiously awaiting for shots and takes no questions

An FDA Panel Unanimously Recommends Authorization of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Booster

WSJ: The FDA Delays Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine for Adolescents to Review Rare Myocarditis Side Effect

A Former NBA Player Says Blood Clots from COVID Vaccine Ended His Season and the League Tried to Bury It

Clark County, Nevada School Board Served with $200 Million Lawsuit in the Middle of Meeting Over Mask Mandate

Lt. Col. Scheller, Marine who criticized Afghanistan withdrawal, pleads guilty to all charges in his court-martial hearing

Virginia Democrats Voted to Allow Schools to Refrain from Reporting Sexual Battery Cases in 2020

Walmart vs. Whiteness – Walmarts CRT training program denounces the United States as a “white supremacy system”

Biden is down to a 36% performance rating and ‘sinking like the Titanic’

U.S. Customs and Border Protection to Report Record of Nearly 2 Million Migrants Encountered in 2021

As a result of a FOIA filing, Ashli Babbitt internal police docs reveal ‘there was no good reason for shooting her’

The Marines Lt. Colonel Scheller Case – What happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force?

CBO Blows Up Democrats’ Spin (LIE) on On HR1 and That It Is Already Paid For With No New Taxes

Winter Is Coming and the Global Energy Crisis Is Going to Hit Those Of Us That Want To Keep Warm in the Pocketbook

People in California Pray for Rain as ‘Near-Record’ Rainfall is Predicted for Late October

The silver lining in the Democrats’ assault on kids in the public schools – Parents have figured out what is going on

The EPA head shows who’s really in charge in America – Most  rules that burden Americans come from the uncontrolled, permanent, hard-left regulatory state

WSJ: The Labor Shortage Is Here to Stay – Businesses are adjusting by raising wages, reinventing services, and investing in automation

Democrats pour fiscal accelerant on the inflation fire – Inflation is spreading to every sector of the economy

Hard Questions Jen Psaki Will Never Be Asked by The Mostly Complicit Press Pool

The Biden Administration’s latest immigration policy on Workplace Enforcement’ may be the worst yet

YANKING OUR SUPPLY CHAIN – Even Reuters isn’t buying what Biden is selling

The U.S. supply chain is too snarled for the Biden administrations Christmas fix to work, experts say

The COVID-19 Outbreak & Cover-Up Infographic – Updated

‘It’s a lie’: Joe Rogan accuses CNN of ‘unfavorably framing’ ivermectin as a ‘horse dewormer’

The Worst Is Yet To Come From Biden’s Vaccine Coercion – The vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission, yet we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rational

The Manipulators: Pollster Frank Luntz and a Far-Left Group Wage Disinformation Campaign for COVID Tyranny

Will Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Tank The Economy? – Companies & Institutions are using Biden’s phony “order” for cover

10 Ways the Chinese Government Lied, Misled and Messed Up Early on in the COVID Pandemic

Dementia: Joe Biden Today Reminds Me of My Father’s Alzheimer Symptoms Back Then

October 13, 2021

Mexico’s war on the cartels has created 400 new gangs that are taking on the police and cartels that are left

Why I’m Leaving My California Teachers’ Union

Leaked Border Patrol docs show enormous release of illegal immigrants into the US – Often with little to no oversight

The Biden administration plans to exempt some Taliban-era Afghan civil servants from US terror-related entry restrictions

A Federal Judge holds DC corrections officials in contempt over treatment of Jan. 6 defendant – Questions whether other Capitol riot defendants are facing similar conditions

Republican Wins Special Election to Flip Seat Held by Democrats for Decades – Being viewed as a sign of things to come

Congress Raises Debt Limit by Sneaking It Into Bill Titled ‘Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act’

Ann Coulter: Kill Back Better – This isn’t a Chicago story,  It’s a Democratic Party story

Gavin Newsom, who said Democrats should ‘lean into’ vaccine mandates, asks court to halt one for prison guards

The FDA Says The J&J Booster Might Bolster Protection, but Not Enough Time to Independently Analyze The Data

Dr. Bridle: “We Made a Big Mistake…We’re Inoculating a Poison”

NYT best-selling author Alex Berenson: ‘Vaccine Mandates Have Absolutely Nothing to Do With Medical Realities’

Pfizer’s Nervousness About Its COVID Vaccine’s Origins Conceals a Horror Story – That at an absolute minimum require the approval of any employee’s request for conscience-based religious exemptions

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Another fake fact check from FB’s “Science Feedback”: this one about Amish Covid-19 herd immunity

The Risk to Kids From COVID Is Miniscule. Do Not Let Them Mandate The Vaccines

Biden Admin Urging Oil And Gas Companies To Bring Down Rising Fuel Costs – By pursuing policies that restrict supply Americans will have to pay more for their energy

Electricity, by Force, In California – If electric technology is so great, then they wouldn’t need to force us into it

The Overt Lies and Exaggerations of The Authoritarians Among Us

Nearly Half Of Afghanistan’s Taliban Government Leaders Are Designated Terrorists

Consumer prices rise 5.4% on the year for the highest inflation rate in 13 years

WSJ: Accelerating Inflation Spreads Through the Economy –  Impacting cost of living, wages, and social-benefits programs

‘We aren’t the Postal Service’: The WH won’t guarantee packages arrive on time for Christmas amid supply-chain issues

The ‘Let’s go Brandon’ awake-up to the woke – Our response to the media & elites saying something despite everyone knowing it’s not true

Gas prices hit a seven-year high, and Biden remains – Under Trump, the US achieved effective energy independence

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Covid-19 natural immunity compared to vaccine-induced immunity a definitive summary

Southwest CEO backs down and says he will not fire employees who refuse to get vaxxed

An Australian Police Officer Calls Out Government & Media Lies About Covid-19! – Why Are Australia’s Leaders Lying To Their Citizens?

A Federal Judge Brings United Airlines’ Vaccine Mandate Plans to a Halt with a New Order

Are the Covid Shots Working? – A Near-Maximum Vaccination Rate In Israel Yet No Herd Immunity

Tucker Carlson: The Framing Of Michael Flynn By The Deep State

Don’t shrug off the latest Iranian military exercise –Their targets are unmistakable: Israel, Jews, and a longtime Jewish-Muslim alliance that they simply cannot tolerate

THE CASE OF HUNTER BIDEN – The alliance of the Democrat Party with the mainstream media and Big Tech serves to suppress politically inconvenient news

What Is Critical Race Theory, Really? – Parents rightly want an honest, fair, and reasonably apolitical curriculum

Where Are Teachers Getting Started On Critical Race Theory? – In Teachers’ Colleges, of Course

Former Superman actor Dean Cain has some ideas about a really brave Superman would do

October 12, 2021

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: How Mail-In Voting Became a Democrat Electoral Strategy

FAIR: DHS Secretary Mayorkas, Once Again, Defies the Law and Gives Employers the Green Light to Hire Illegal Aliens

Exclusive book excerpt: How Facebook and Twitter rigged the game in 2020 – Enlightening But Not Surprising

Big Tech is censoring the climate change debate – Fossil fuels are a miracle but don’t go trying to say that on YouTube

Jen Psaki: Biden Wants to Use The Pandemic to ‘Make Fundamental Change in Our Economy’

Emails reveal Joe and Hunter SHARED bank accounts, paid each other’s bills, and that Joe may have even funded his son’s 2018 drug and prostitution binge

“F**k the USA!” – Dominion’s Eric Coomer Admits Under Oath to Being former Skinhead, Heroin Addict & Lied in Denver Post Screed

Revolver Uncovers Buried Details on Just Who Is Funding Newsguard’s Fraudulent “Covid Fact-Checking” Scam

Gas prices are at a 7-year high and rising as Biden wages an offensive against domestic energy producers

The House votes to lift the debt ceiling, likely delaying the default showdown until December 3rd

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas orders ICE to stop worksite raids in latest limits on immigration enforcement

House press secretary Psaki Can’t Say When The  Vaccine Mandate for Private Businesses Will ‘Be Finalized’

Fully Vaccinated Are COVID ‘Super-Spreaders,’ Says Inventor of mRNA Technology

Union Official: The Seattle Police May a Fire ‘Devastating’ Number of Officers Over The Vaccination Mandate

‘We Have All the Power’: Airline Pilot Warns Biden’s Mandate Will Create ‘Massive Disruptions’ of Shipping and Travel

A Federal Judge Rules That Religious Exemptions to Vaccine Mandates Must Be Allowed

Report: Joe Biden could get drawn into the FBI probe into his son Hunter

‘Wokeism’ Undermining Operation of Military, An Army Officer Says

Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle Lead the Way in (Another) Massive Fall Exodus from The US Public School System

Loudoun County School officials covered up his daughter’s rap – Now The NSBA wants to make him a ‘domestic terrorist’

Democrats are going down, down, down – Americans are sick and tired of the authoritarian Democrats

Baltimore Schools are tracking your kid’s activity online; it’s meant to help, but we fear it could do more harm than good

California’s ‘New Normal:’ PG&E Power Shut Offs on Windy Days

The Jan. 6 Select Committees Purpose Is To Suppress Free Speech – Exercise your First Amendment rights for a cause that those in power have not approved, you will be targeted

Standing with John Eastman – Pence could and should have paused the counting and asked each state legislature to clarify which slate was legitimate

88% of Small Business Owners Are Hurt by Supply Chain Disruptions

Report: Our Supply Chain Crisis Will Damage The U.S. Economy Until 2023

OMG: China’s AI can kick our AI’s ass – Why we must regain technological superiority in the field of Artificial Intelligence

Pelosi signals their big-spending package will shrink to $2 trillion – With no deal in sight, she was vague on the deadline

$100 MILLION In Border Wall Sections Discarded In a Texas Field While Biden Still Pays Contractors To NOT Build It

Let’s Go Brandon to you, too – So many instances where Let’s Go Brandon applies

Why The Dominion Voting Systems Security Directors Deposition Was Sealed

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg – How he privatized government voter registration and vote counting for Democrats in 2020

AstraZeneca Says Its New Anti-Bacterial Drug Cocktail is Effective Against COVID-19 in Late-Stage Study

Attorney: An Entire Family Given COVID Vaccine Instead of Flu Shot,  Now Their Two Children Are Suffering Heart Issues

Vaccine Mandates and Jacobson v. Massachusetts – The Supreme Court’s recognition that an individual has a constitutionally protected right to refuse medical treatment

Southwest Airlines CEO says he’s against vaccine mandates & Biden has forced his hand with the federal mandate

Questions arise over vaccine mandate enforcement as multiple industries suffer – OSHA is still working on a draft rule

Will The US Require Shots for Flying? – The White House is seriously considering a “no shot, no-fly” rule within the U.S.

A Veteran Pilot Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates – And explains what ‘Shifting Baseline Syndrome’ is

TX Governor Abbott’s EO Came Hours After Allen West Said, ‘I Will Vehemently Crush Anyone Forcing Vaccine Mandates’

DATA: Most Americans Say Fauci Has ‘Lost ALL Credibility’ – He continues to falter as Americans wake up to bureaucratic tyranny

The Benefits of Blue State Bankruptcy – Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to let it get worse

It’s Take-Off Time For Solidarity –  Now is the chance for the right to stand with American workers

School Shootings and Students of Color – For all the disinformation the major media spreads, on no other subject are they as consistently and perversely wrong

Loudoun County schools are worse than you can imagine – So many important details this only touches the surface

YouTube Removed a Pro-Family Group’s Page for Sharing Bannon Interview Clips featuring Posobiec, Kassam, & Schilling

October 11, 2021

Dr. Mike Yeadon: Most Covid-19 Deaths were a direct result of the administration of Midazolam or Remdesivir

Biden’s Failures Embolden Islamists – To a degree not seen since the Soviet departure from Afghanistan in 1989

There are scandals from top to bottom in Joe Biden’s cabinet of horrors – Here are 17 examples

U.S. AG Garland’s Family Ties to CRT Exposed Threatening to Curb Parents Alleged ‘Intimidation’ of School Boards

Sane People Must Fight Back against the CRT Lunacy – Dissent is not patriotism when Democrats are in charge

John Durham and the Amazing Disappearing DNC Hack – Evidence grows that the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC server in 2016 was actually an inside job but no reference to the Seth Rich Murder

Why The Two Dose Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine That Is The Most Used in The US is a Failure at Preventing Infection

FDA Responds To Nordic Countries Suspending Moderna COVID Vaccine Usage – Say the benefits outweigh the risks

A Southwest Pilot Explains Why More than 2,000 flights Cancelled Friday through Sunday and hundreds more on Monday

Texas Governor Abbot Issues an Executive Order Banning All Vaccine Mandates in the State

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Blame Biden For The Growing Border Chaos

Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, No Evidence It Was the Original Ballot Received

Arizona Attorney General Sends Letter to Secretary of State Demanding Documents Based on Forensic Audit Results

Just Say No to the Renew America Movement – It is nothing but the latest version of the American “socialist ratchet

770 new laws coming to California – Here is a sample of what people can look forward to

PIERS MORGAN: All hail Emperor Newsom, the woke dictator fiddling with one pointless PC policy at a time while crime-ravaged California burns

Gavin Newsom Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day by Welcoming Immigrants From Across The Glove

Lego Goes Woke, Promises to Make Toys ‘Free of Gender Bias and Harmful Stereotypes’

WSJ: Oil Price Jumps Above $80 and Natural Gas Races Higher –  Crude prices outpace copper and other commodities by the widest margin in more than a decade

Why is Joe Biden buying drones from China? – Back in May he warned forces at a Virginia military base that China believes it will “own” America

Biden 2020 win ‘tainted,’ as 56% of likely voters say it was a cheater’s paradise

According to Johns Hopkins University’s data, more people will have died from COVID under Biden than Trump

Decoding China’s brazen aggression on Taiwan – The Chinese have a common strategy to gain both political and economic advantage

Biden’s Failing ‘Infrastructure’ Agenda Threatens The Democrats’ 2022 Midterms

Lawmakers Seek A Federal Investigation for The Manipulated COVID-19 Death Data Collection

Because It’s Working: The Reason We MUST Keep Disseminating the Truth About Covid ‘Vaccines’

Why Is the COVID Case Count So High? – There is no pandemic and never was since only 6% of “COVID deaths” were from only the bug

Southwest Airlines was forced to cancel 1800+ flights a day after the pilots’ union filed for a restraining order on its vaccine mandate

In NYC, The Left Tells Parents Yet Again: Your Kids Belong To Us – Leftists are right about one thing, public school problems are systemic

New York City’s Unvaccinated Teachers Need to Waive Right to Sue In Order To Get 1 Year of Health Benefits

One Chart That Exposes Biden’s Gigantic Border Lie

What’s with France’s hissy fit over losing the diesel submarine deal plagued with cost overruns to the Aussies? – Diesel subs are vastly inferior to nuclear ones

A Few Steps More Toward Authoritarianism – They take baby steps to seize your rights that are not immediately noticeable

Why Are Moms Like Me Being Called Domestic Terrorists? – Showing up at school boards over their dereliction of duty isn’t a crime

Let’s go, Brandon! (Brandon Straka, that is.) – No specifics on his supposed attack, only accusations, and innuendo

Tucker Carlson: The Democrats Accuse The GOP of Authoritarianism While Practicing It Themselves

If Polls Are Right, Dems Are Doomed. If They’re Wrong, Things Get Worse

Reports: Biden To Provide Aid To Afghanistan After Taliban Announces It Won’t Work With The U.S. To Fight ISIS

Hundreds of Thousands of U.S. Military Members Are Unvaccinated as The November Deadlines Near

The Left Got What It Wanted, So Now What? – There is no schadenfreude in seeing the Left destroy everything it touches

China Is Not Yesterday’s Enemies – The Biden Administration and the U.S. military are sticking to old playbooks instead of understanding a new situation

The Texas-Mexican Border now ‘wide open’ after red states pull their National Guard and police

Numerous Human Rights Declarations Speak Out Against Coercive Medicine – The Nuremberg Code and Many Others

SHARYL ATTKISSON: NYT wildly overstates the number of children hospitalized for Covid-19 – 63,000, NOT 900,000

Conspiracy or greed? The big question – From the pandemic’s beginning, our response has mimicked an exercise’s worst-results scenario

COVIDLAND: Episode 1 – The Lockdown

A new study finds aspirin can significantly cut COVID risks — and even death

The other virus that worries Asia – The death rate for the Nipah virus is estimated to be up to 75%

Think the involuntary vaccination situation is bad now? – Big Pharma is now developing “Self Disseminating Vaccines”

Live Free or Die: Why Medical Autonomy Matters – I never considered forcing people to get vaccinated against the common flu

Trump commemorates Ashli Babbitt’s birthday: ‘We must all demand justice’

After Keystone Pipeline Cancellation, Oil Finally Begins To Flow Through The New Route On Line 3

A Citizens Ballot Initiative filed to Fulfill Funding of Long-Overdue California Water Projects – There is plenty of funding for water projects available

Superman Comes Out, as DC Comics Ushers In a New Man of Steel – Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!

October 10, 2021

Official government reports show that the fully vaccinated lose their immune system over time due to immunodeficiency syndrome

Hedge Funds Cash Out Billions in PG&E Stock. Fire Survivors Suffer and Wait

Goldman Sachs cuts forecast for US economic growth in 2021 and 2022

There is an orchestrated crisis to bring tens of thousands of people to the southern border in the coming weeks

Biden Headed for Disaster in 2022: New Poll Delivers Grim Warning to Democrats Across the Country

Beware of Regime-Approved Whistleblowers – That align the top to usher in a more perfect form of surveillance capitalism

A Navy Nuclear Engineer and Wife Arrested in Counter-Espionage Raid

Biden Admin to Send the Taliban Millions in US Dollars After Arming them with $83 Billion in US Military Weapons

Federal Foreknowledge or Federal Incitement? – Trump supporters unknowingly crossed an imaginary Maginot Line and effectively walked into a booby trap

Pfizer Whistleblower Steps Forward with Emails Describing Use of Aborted Fetal Cells for Vaccine

How Amish Communities Became The First To Achieve Covid “Herd Immunity” Without Higher Death Rate, Shutdown, Masks, Or Vaccines

Senator Ron Johnson: There is NOT an FDA Approved COVID Vaccine in the U.S.

New Ivermectin Protocols Used in Five Argentinian Provinces Further Prove the Drug’s Effectiveness Against Covid-19

SHARYL ATTKISSON: 10-10-21 Update of Exclusive Summary of Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns

American Marxism Is Enabled by The COVID Hoax

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops reportedly aren’t vaccinated as the deadlines approach

Leaked CCP Documents: China Bracing for a Possible Large-Scale COVID-19 Outbreak

Trump Denies Biden’s Presidential Records Demand, Sets Stage for Massive Court Battle

Watters investigates Nancy Pelosi’s wealth growth up to $315 million in assets – Where Is The Money Coming From?

The White House throws up its hands at new questions regarding Hunter Biden’s ‘art’ scam

Brian Laundrie’s Parents Change Their Story; Police Working the Case Say Something Just Isn’t Right

America is Being Sabotaged: Endless deal-making and subversion of ethical principles have marked the life of our country during the past 50 years

California Gov Gavin Newsom signs law to eventually ban gas-powered lawn equipment

Gavin Newsom Admits Daughter is Not Vaccinated Despite His Mandate for California Students

Chaos Nationwide Over Southwest ‘Sick Out’ Due to Vaccine Mandate: Mainstream Media Scrambles to Cover Up

ER Doctor Exposes Authorities Standing In The Way of Ivermectin Use – You know this is not only happening in Canada

Vermont Boasts Highest Rates of Injection and Infection – It turns out that it’s the vaccines that wane

WSJ: Covid-19 Booster Shots Are Available for All in Israel But Younger People Aren’t Convinced

GoFundMe Updates Their Terms of Service, Then Removes a $180K Fundraiser for a Suit Opposing Vaccine Mandates ‘Misinformation’

Life in Seattle is about to get very interesting (and that’s not good) – As a result of defuning the police

Has the White House dumped Kamala? – Harris is known to have annoyed the president of Mexico on her phone calls and in-person meetings

Green Policies Return the World to Coal – It’s no secret that the cleanest, nuclear power was murdered by the greens

October 9, 2021

Jacksonville Air Traffic Controllers WALK-OUT over Vax Mandate Which Resulted In 650 Flight Cancellations

Top Scientist Dr. Stephen Quay Lays Out Case for Wuhan Lab Leak – Warns They May Have An Even Deadlier Virus

Fauci warns the vaccinated to wear masks OUTSIDE this winter though Covid deaths & hospitalization are decreasing

Biden Expands Utah monuments in a Massive Federal Land Grab

Trump slams Biden over the border, CRT, and Afghanistan at a huge Iowa rally

More Than 200,000 Have Died From the COVID Jab in the US – People under 50 are more likely to die from the jab than from Covid-19 itself

871 Los Angeles Firefighters to File $1.7 Billion Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandate

Trump slams Biden over the border, CRT, Afghanistan, etc. at huge Iowa rally

Garland Just Tipped Over the Dominos – Parents across the country have suddenly awakened to the wokeness haunting their schools and poisoning the minds of their children

Representative Boebert writes AG Garland demanding data backing his memo on “threats of violence” by parents protesting CRT

In Defense of Street Fighter Politicians – Sometimes voting for people with glaring faults is a sane and a wise decision

California mandates gender-neutral toy aisles for large retailers

There is an orchestrated border crisis to bring in tens of thousands of people southern border in the coming weeks

Team Biden, for better jobs numbers, stop discouraging work – It’s is bad for the economy and it’s bad for them

Like ‘Homicide’: Private Biden Call Reveals White House Panic as Critical Democrats Break Ranks

The Taliban say they won’t work with the US to contain extremist groups

Alleged Texas school shooter parties at home after posting bail while victims remain hospitalized, including one in a coma

School’s Out For the Marxists – Remote learning exposed what kids are being taught to their parents

Food Prices At Highest Level in a Decade – Due to tightening supply conditions & robust demand according to the FAO

Supply chain snarls threaten holiday shopping – Pandemic lockdowns created unheard-of supply chain snarls and jams

From ‘Illegal Aliens’ to ‘Migrants’ – It had a scary connotation, so it had to go because politicians and the media are well-schooled in the use of connotation versus denotation

How does COVID compare to other illnesses that kill Americans each year?

Local Teacher Admonished For Having An Opinion On Covid Vaccine Mandates

FDA Failures And The Public Health Regime – Like every bureaucracy, it is far from a gold standard in its operation

Students Love Socialism, Want To Abolish Private Property Rights – Campus Reform

Sen. McConnell actually did a good thing with the debt ceiling


October 8, 2021

The True Story of the Antifa Invasion of Forks, Washington

Tucker Carlson Michael Flynn Interview: The US has ‘two governments’ one that is elected and the other that actually runs things

Elon Musk Confirmed Tesla’s move to Texas came after a California legislator tweeted ‘F***k Elon Musk’

Google to Cut Off Ad Money to Sites Challenging Official Narrative on Climate Change

Attorney: COVID-19 vaccine were given to a family, including small kids, instead of regular flu shots

Tesla’s move to Texas came after California legislator tweeted ‘f-k Elon Musk’

Biden’s Mandate Lie That Vaccines Stop The Spread is So Ridiculous It Was Even Debunked by the CDC

Time to Hold Doctors Accountable for Perpetuating Vaccine Lies – They shouldn’t be manipulators, nor easily manipulated

Biden’s Pretend Vaccine Mandate – On Sep. 9th, he said OSHA would develop an emergency law to dictate his command

Biden Lifts Sanctions On Iranian Missile Producers As Iran Nears Having Enough Nuclear Fuel For Bomb

Biden’s DHS CANCELS Remaining Border Wall Contracts in 2 Overwhelmed Sectors as Illegals Continue Pouring In

California first to let kids add their illegal alien parents to their health insurance plans

California makes ethnic studies a high school graduation requirement

Rand Paul Warns Americans That Watchlists Of Dissenters “Already Exist” – “I fear that the left has become more authoritarian than we can really even imagine”

Trip Advisor Shuts Down Reviews For Afghan Migrant Camp Hotel – No reviews = No bad reviews

Matt Gaetz Nomination For 2022 Speaker Is Genius… Is He Just The First One?

Energy Crisis May Trigger Winter Blackouts Across US: Coal Firm CEO

Reports of Serious Injuries After COVID Vaccines Near 112,000, as Pfizer Asks FDA to Green Light Shots for Kids 5 to 11

Merck, The Pharma Company Behind Miracle COVID Pill Is Marking Up Price 4,000%

The Texas Abortion Law Again In Effect After Appeals Court Temporarily Pauses Injunction Against State

Why Are High School Students Afraid to Speak Up in Class? – Viewpoint diversity is not alive and well, and students fear repercussions

Here’s What Trump Told Mollie Hemingway About ‘Stupid F—er’ McConnell, McCarthy’s Bromance With Luntz, And The Fake News That Bothered Him The Most

The U.S. Military Is Investigating A Battle-Scarred Marine For Shaking Trump’s Hand At A September Rally

Maricopa County admits they deleted election data to hide it from auditors after receiving a subpoena

George Orwell was Right – Todays’ America of Biden and the Deep State is unrecognizable to that of President Trump

The Left Doesn’t Actually Care About ‘Democracy,’ They Just Want To Get Their Way

Lt. Col. Long MD Affidavit For A Preliminary Injunction On Military Vaccine Mandates – All three of the EUA Covid 19 vaccines (Comirnaty is not available), in the age group and fitness level of my patients, are more risky, harmful, and dangerous than having no vaccine at all

WHERE WE ARE NOW – Striking data on relative death risks in the matter of Covid-19

UCLA doctor ‘willing to lose everything’ escorted from work for refusing COVID vaccine

Biden falsely claims vaccinated people can’t spread Covid in an Illinois speech promoting his vax mandates

Putting The Chinese Taiwan Flights In Context – Nothing new, America should focus on its own interests and sovereignty

Suspected Texas School Shooter Released from Jail as Family Claims He’s ‘No Bad Kid’ And a Bullying Victim

Bail for a high school shooter? While Jan. 6 defendants languish in prison as a danger to the republic?

Communist Elitism – There is little evidence that Marxists attempt to make life better for their people

A New Era of Depletion & Disruption – Whatever you want or need at work, play, or home, you’re going to have to wait

IS THE RULING CLASS IN FREE-FALL? – Collapsing public approval of President Biden, Democrats, and the news media

11 Senate Republicans Advance Debt Ceiling After the GOP Caves

‘Civility is gone’: Manchin slams Schumer broadside against GOP

The Vast Majority of Incidents Cited by the School-Board Group to Justify Federal Intervention Didn’t Involve Threats

Elon Musk’s Tesla Abandons California and Moves Headquarters to Austin, TX

The Inflation Lie: ‘Shortages’ Aren’t Causing It – Excessive Demand Stimulus and Money Creation Are the Real Culprits

Geena Davis’s new role: Training Artificial Intelligence bots to scrub movie scripts of anything that is NOT Woke

The Second Amendment Needs Defending – Political efforts to constrain and undermine firearm ownership won’t stop

The U.S. economy adds just 194,000 jobs in September – Disappointing job growth for the second month in a row

LGBT and Trans ‘Minority’ Farmers Given Taxpayer-Funded ‘Wellness’ Grants By The University of Deleware

CA is the first state to ban ‘stealthing’: Victims can sue if their partner removes a condom without consent during sex

October 7, 2021

Study: Those Who Are Fully Vaccinated are More Likely to Carry More Resistant and More Infectious Variants

Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist –  It’s Just A Press Release and OSHA Hasn’t Released Any Guidance

Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA Vaccines Says Physicians Are “Hunted” For Speaking Out by Press & Medical Boards

At the Heart of Our Divisions – Socialism is immoral and it makes us hate one another

Special Counsel John Durham Probes Pentagon Computer Contractors in an Anti-Trump Conspiracy

Trump told Hannity ‘the country can’t take much more’ of Biden’s policies, he was equally heated about Mitch McConnell

Man Accused in Sicknick Case: ‘We’ve All Been Destroyed’ – Confronting a biased Beltway legal system is only half the battle for January 6 defendants

Haitian Migrants Have Located ‘The Gap,’ a ‘New Route’ to Illegally Enter the US

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Formally Charged with 6 Crimes for Criticizing Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

WSJ: Progressives Hold the Capital Captive – Biden far less moderate than advertised & voters don’t like what they see

Yes, CRT Is Being Taught in Public Schools – The basic tenets of Critical Race Theory are taught in sundry ways

Compelling Testimonies from Covid Whistleblowers – Comprehensive and Mindblowing To Say The Least

A Definitive Study Concludes Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Covid-19 and May Even ENHANCE Their Spread – Follow Real Science

Pfizer Formally Asks Drug Regulators to Let Kids as Young as 5 Get Its COVID-19 Vaccine

Kaiser Permanente Puts 2,200 Unvaccinated Employees on Unpaid Leave Nationwide

Attorney: ‘Gotcha’ Questions on Pennsylvania Religious Exemption Forms

Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva says he will not enforce the vaccine mandate

At the Heart of Our Divisions, Socialism is immoral—and it makes us hate one another

Report: Hackers Are Selling the Personal Data of 1.5 Billion Facebook Users

A Trump Adviser Explains Why Biden Uses ‘Fake White House’ Set – It enables him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera

An Explosive Email Leak Shows Hunter Biden Working with Chinese Communist Party-Connected Group

American Students from are California Still Trapped Behind Enemy Lines in Afghanistan

Senator Rand Paul Blasts “Lying” Fauci; ‘He Ignores Natural Immunity Because It Foils His Mass Vaccination Plan’

Doctors are getting angry at their patients that demand treatments instead of COVID vaccines

Dr. Nathan Thompson Discovers Troubling Autoimmunity Findings From Bloodwork Tests in Vaccinated Patients

Pfizer asks the FDA to authorize its vaccine for use with children aged 5-11

About COVID: What does ‘follow the science’ really mean and which science??

Pfizer Lobbying Hits a Decade High as DOZENS of High-Profile Political Appointees Become Big Pharma Reps

The ‘Reopen California Schools’ Group on Fascist Facebook Locked Without Warning or Explanation

WSJ: Schumer Says A Deal Has Been Reached on a Short-Term Debt-Limit Extension

Democrats Are Playing Political Games with the Debt Limit


Maine Tries Ignore a Clear Supreme Court Ruling on Subsidizing Private Schools

The Coast Guard investigating a massive cargo ship’s connection to the California pipeline oil spill

White House: We Want to Keep Gas Prices Low, but the ‘Climate Crisis Can’t Wait’

‘Soros funded prosecutors’ are making US cities uninhabitable again

Poll: Nancy Pelosi Rated Least Popular Leader in Congress

October 6, 2021

How Tight Is Trump’s Grip on the GOP? – Five candidates in the Ohio Senate Primary offer slight variations on Trumpism

How is the Davos World Economic Forum involved in the coronavirus pandemic?

Victor Davis Hanson: ‘Open Borders,’ ‘Globalism,’ ‘Tribalism’ Are Reminiscent of Rome’s Collapse

Biden Gaslights All of America: My $3.5 Trillion Bill Is Actually a Tax Cut

The US warns China: Taiwan threats could trigger a major accidental conflict

How and Why Covid Deaths Are Being Amplified While Vaccine Deaths Are Being Suppressed

World-Renowned Psychiatrist: ‘Global Predators’ Fauci, Gates, and Schwab Are Behind the COVID ‘Reign of Terror’ – This Comprehensive Article Is A MUST REED!!!

PFIZER LEAKS: Whistleblower Reveals Internal Emails Discussing COVID Vaccine … ‘We Want to Avoid Having the Information on the Fetal Cells Floating Out There’

Report: Disney Rolling Out Sticker System to Identify Vaccinated On-Set Workers

92 Legislators From 31 States Sign A Letter Calling For Audits In All 50 States And Decertification

The AP Falsely Claims Biden Was not Asked To Call Parents ‘Domestic Terrorists’, The School Boards Association Actually Requested It

Tucker Carlson Outlines How the DOJ-NSD Has Morphed Into a Political Targeting Operation

Americans Really Don’t Like President Biden

The vast majority of delta variant deaths are occurring in those that have been “fully vaccinated”

Sweden, Denmark Pause Moderna’s COVID Vaccine for Younger Age Groups Citing Reports of Myocarditis

SHARYL ATTKISSON: (UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns

Armed Cartel Smugglers Are Standing in the Rio Grande and Taunting Texas Border Guards

Republican governors unveil 10-point plan for ending border crisis

Conservatives lobby for federal intervention in private tech firms but ignore the dangers of a more aggressive federal government

Expert: Cargo Ship Buildup off L.A. May Have Caused California Oil Spill

McConnell Proposes Deal With Democrats on Suspending Debt Limit Until December Based On Current Spending Levels

Los Angeles Passes One of the Strictest US COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates – To enter indoor restaurants, movie theaters, salons, shopping centers, and many more indoor venues

Our Power Grid Isn’t Ready for the Renewable Energy Revolution – Homeowners become critical actors in its operation

The Kabul Bomber Who Killed 13 Service Members Had Just Been Released from a Prison Biden Ceded to Taliban

Stephen Moore: ‘It’s going to take decades to undo’ harms of $3.5 trillion bill if it is passed

How the secrets of the Pandora Papers were freed The leak includes a colossal 2.94 terabytes of data

Private-sector hiring picks up as extra unemployment benefits expire – Private payrolls rose by 568K in September

Where is Kamala Harris? – The VP maintains a low profile in order to boost her image

Democrats Exploit the California Oil Spill to Call for an Offshore Oil Drilling Ban

Gas Prices Are Now The Highest Since 2014, Amid Supply Concerns

Poll: After Eight Months of Biden, Americans Say the GOP is Better for Prosperity and Security

The DOJ’s Appalling Crackdown on Parents – A crass intimidation tactic from a politicized Justice Department desperate to appease the radical Left

Across America, Parents Refuse To Be Intimidated By Biden’s Attorney General Labeling Them Domestic Terrorists

Hands off: 402,537petition signers demand Biden stop his SCOTUS court-packing scheme

The NSA director says the public can expect ransomware attacks ‘every single day’ for the next five years

The Dirt on What’s Included In The Democrats’ Reconciliation Bill

Capital Gains Tax Changes in the Reconciliation Bill – The proposed changes for gifts and estates are sobering

Top Military Brass Resigned Over ‘Black Hawk Down,’ But Not Afghanistan

Can SCOTUS Be Trusted On The 2nd Amendment? – They aren’t comfortable with Americans being armed as the Framers intended

Medical Tyranny: Woman in End-Stage Renal Failure Denied Life-Saving Transplant Because She’s Unvaccinated

COVID-19 IS NOT A ‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’ – A majority may have been fully or partially vaccinated

DoD Data Analysis Reveals Accelerated Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) In Those Vaccinated

The White House is set to spend a billion dollars to quadruple the COVID-19 home testing market by the end of 2021

Tucker Carlson: Your children, our rules – Mocking someone calling for medically unnecessary mask mandates is now domestic terrorism and a chief concern of the FBI

Exactly who or what is the NSBA? – A federation of state associations that represent locally elected school board officials

WSJ: Student-Debt Relief to Include More Public-Sector Workers – Will help roughly 550,000 borrowers of the 1.3 million enrolled in the program

Governor DeSantis Promises to Defend Parents at School Board Meetings Against The DOJ

Will Congress’ hubris make us a deadbeat nation? – The debt limit is actually a call to pay for past spending choices of Democrats and Republicans over many years

How to Reclaim Freedom of Speech in a Culture of Censorship

WSJ: Why Airlines Can’t Stop Rewriting the Rules for Fliers – Travelers usually miss these slight changes to the rules

Georgia Opens Probe Into DropBox Ballots and Chain of Custody in DeKalb County

A Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded for an “ingenious” tool to build molecules

October 5, 2021

Science Closes In on Covid’s Origins – Four studies provide powerful evidence favoring the lab-leak theory

Letter To Becerra, Drs. Fauci, Walensky, and Woodcock from Senators and Congressmen Regarding Early Treatment Alternatives to Vaccines

Just Shy Of 100 State Lawmakers Call For A Nationwide Review Of The 2020 Ballots

The FBI Raids The Headquarters of an NYPD Union That Publicly Opposed Biden

SHARYL ATTKISSON: America’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal: ‘It’s even worse than people know’

The CIA admits informants are being killed in a memo to spies around the world as former staff reveal Iran and China executed networks of US spies after the agency’s classified communications system was breached

Former Border Patrol Chief booted by Biden says there is a ‘real’ threat of terrorists trying to enter the US

There is a big bailout for the corporate propaganda media tucked away in the spending bill

The US Government secretly orders Google to track anyone searching certain names, addresses, and phone numbers

6 Scandals The Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About The Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins

Woman Dies of Blood Clot After Receiving COVID Vaccine, Wahington State Health Department Confirms

LA County Employees File Suit Over Mandatory Worker Vaccine Mandate – Claim that the mandate is unconstitutional

A Healthy Young Mother Dies of Vaccine-Induced Blood Clot And Then Twitter Censors Her Obituary

The Vaccine Mandate Is a Harbinger of a Government Health Care Grab – Biden has resorted to brutish coercion

Sharyl Attkisson: 80 of the most common adverse events reported after Covid-19 vaccination

A CNBC host confronted Dr. Fauci about breakthrough cases and asked why the CDC no longer tracks them

Pfizer Scientist: Natural Immunity Is Better Than the COVID Vaccine

Facebook ‘whistleblower’ was part of a team that censored Hunter Biden’s laptop story – A left-leaning activist who declared her own war against “misinformation”

The Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Has Ties to Group Behind Trump’s First Impeachment, Jen Psaki’s Former PR Firm

The Far Left Whistleblower Quit Facebook Because It Wound Down Election Interference Unit

WSJ: Facebook Whistleblower’s Testimony Builds Momentum for Tougher Tech Laws

WSJ: Facebook Needs to Empower Parents, Not Censor Political Speech – They should worry more about users

Facebook Censorship Partner Steve Hayes Defends Facebook’s Election Meddling On Behalf Of Joe Biden

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen defends IRS rule requiring banks to report all transactions over $600

The Supply Chain Problem Is Here to Stay – The predominant cause in the supply chain bottleneck is COVID policies

AG Merrick Garland’s Daughter Married to Co-Founder of Company Selling CRT Resource Material to School Districts

Over 160 Arrested in Massive Ohio Human Trafficking Sting, Including a Teacher, a Professor, and a Politician

The Biden Administration Loses As Supreme Court Orders Lower Court To Reconsider Funding The Border Wall

Why Is Biden Embracing Europe’s Failed Green-Energy Socialism? – They fail to produce enough energy and conventional energy prices are shooting through the roof

Liz Cheney is running scared in Wyoming – Wyoming loves Donald Trump

We Should Arm Taiwan to the Teeth

Why an Israeli Military Option against Iran Is Back on the Table

The Big Magnet! Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion bill hands cash to illegals worth more than the per capita income of 74 countries

Joe Biden is failing to deliver as the legislator in chief

A New Trump Endorsed Super PAC Officially Announces Its Formation: ‘MAGA, Again!’

The Progressive Left Piranhas Come for Kyrsten Sinema – For the cardinal sin of not letting them have what they want

The U.S Attorney General is siccing the FBI on disgruntled parents who present their gripes at school board meetings

MIT Abandons Its Mission. And Cancels a Professor – His crime, arguing for academic evaluations based on merit

What’s behind the rising energy prices

Vaccine Mandates From Private Employers Are Destroying American Livelihoods – What does the future hold

A Denver Police Officer Forced to Take COVID Vaccine Now He Says He Lost the Ability to Walk

Report: PCR Test Sales Soared in Wuhan Before the 1st Official COVID-19 Cases Were Publicized

Project Veritas Undercover Highlights Three Pfizer Scientists: “Basically, Our Organization Is Run on COVID Money Now”

Stunning Data from Never Before Seen Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking System – Hard data from the largest database available in the U.S.

People Injured by COVID-19 Jab Share Their Horror Stories

The great anti-vaccination hoax – Is “anti-vaxxer” now the new “racist”?

New York’s Largest Healthcare Provider Fires 1,400 Workers For Refusing Covid Vaccinations

The Hyde Amendment Is The New Obstacle to Biden’s Spending Plan

Ukrainian Politicians Dominate The List Of Elites Exposed In The ‘Pandora Papers’

October 4, 2021

78% of Covid-19 Deaths are among the Vaccinated, 47% Rise in Teen Deaths After Vaccination, 999 Calls for Cardiac Arrest at an All-Time High

John Durham and the Mysterious DNC Email Hack – If the DNC’s server wasn’t hacked by the Russians, who was behind the inside job and why?

The Government Secretly Orders Google To Identify Anyone  Searching A Sexual Assault Victim’s Name, Address, And Telephone Number

The Radical Prosecutor in Charge of the January 6 Investigations – He is not blind in the application of justice, as the American people expect

A George Soros-Linked Group is Behind Public Harassment of Kyrsten Sinema

Parents and Kids are Abandoning CA Public Schools Due To No Parent Choice – The un-enrollment trend is about to become a torrent

Here’s California’s Latest Attack on Poor and Middle-Class Residents Who Drive Cars—in the Name of ‘Equity,’ of Course

Trump Is Not the Cause of the Crimes Threatening America – He should lead responsible opposition to the damage to the American political system his haters mindlessly cheered and promoted for five years

Fauci Changes His Position on Americans Gathering for Christmas

The Pentagon Gives Civilian Employees Until Early November to Get Fully Vaccinated

The Research Is Clear: Ivermectin Is a Safe, Effective Treatment for COVID. So Why Isn’t It Being Used?

The Truth About COVID And The Vaccines – A lot of people have died from taking the COVID/mRNA vaccines

Skin Problems, Neuropathy, Paralysis All Part of Over 500,000 Adverse Events Reported After COVID Vaccine

COVERT VIDEO: Pfizer Scientists Admit Natural Immunity is better Than Vaccine… ‘Our Org is Run on COVID Now’

COVID Outbreak Sparked by Fully Vaccinated Patient Challenges Vaccine-Induced Herd Immunity Theory

Are You Awake Yet? If Not, Watching This 2-Minute, 19-Second Video Should Do the Trick

NIH Director Francis Collins Resigns After His Gain-of-Function Falsehood Exposed

Disney Set To Launch ‘FAUCI’ National Geographic Propaganda Film, Trailer Omits His Role in Wuhan Lab Funding

China PCR Test Orders Soared Before First Reported COVID Case – Surges in Wuhan-Area Purchases Starting May 2019

Cybersecurity Expert Brian Krebs Explains What Is Known About Catastrophic Facebook Outage

The Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Donated 36 Times to Democrats, Including to Anti-Primary Extremists And AOC

REVEALED: Facebook whistleblower is working with a former Obama operative

China Flies 52 Military Planes into Taiwanese Airspace in Largest Incursion Ever

Biden Won’t Secure the Border, But TX Governor Abbott’s Operation Lone Star Has Caught Thousands of Criminal Migrants

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Wife’s Cancer Diagnosis: ‘She Will Never, Never, Never Give Up’

Are the Russia hoax’s ‘big fish’ finally in John Durham’s crosshairs?

Conservatives everywhere should fear a Canada-like woke future

WSJ: Broader Inflation Pressures Begin to Show – Price indexes point to inflation running ahead of the Fed’s 2% target

The lights are back on at Bagram Air Base; Speculation is rampant that the Chinese military has taken it over, but the Taliban denies it

I&I/TIPP Poll: Most Independents Oppose Biden’s Massive Spending Plan

The Research That Shows How Destructive The Biden Spending Will Actually Be

Top Transition Doctors Blow the Whistle on ‘Sloppy’ Care

WSJ: Is It Flu or Covid-19? It’s Harder to Tell the Symptoms Apart This Year

Fauci: “You Have to Give Up Your Individual Right of Making Your Own Decision” On Vaccines “You have a responsibility to society”

The COVID-19 Outbreak & Cover-Up – A Comprehensive Infographic

Ivermectin Opposition Ramps up as Big Pharma Begins Marketing Expensive Copies of It

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why Is Information on COVID and Dealing With Vitamin D Deficiency Being Suppressed?

Pandora Papers Exposes Secret Dealings Of 130 Billionaires, Royalty, And World Leaders

October 3, 2021

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Covid-19 natural immunity compared to vaccine-induced immunity: The definitive summary

More than 500,000 adverse events were reported after COVID vaccines, from temps to neuropathy

A Marysville, Washington Teacher was ordered by the district to take down a Thin Blue Line flag from her classroom, but BLM and Pride flags are OK

Donald Trump on What Went Right, What Went Wrong, and Running Again in 2024

Catch-and-release at the Mexican border up more than 430,000% in August

Michael Flynn Warns of 17 ‘Major Issues Bombarding America’s Psyche’ & Causing ‘Confusion and Chaos’

So much for vaccine-generated herd immunity – In an Israeli hospital outbreak with 96% vaccination rates (and universal masking) – Guess who had mild cases? Hint: not the vaccinated

The Associated Press’s ‘Fact Check’ on Natural Immunity is a Modern Day Masterpiece of Journalistic Dishonesty

DOD Data Show That 60% Of “Covid” Hospitalizations in 65 and Older Patients Are “Fully Vaccinated”

Fauci Says It’s Too Soon to Say if Families Can Gather for Christmas; Migrants ‘Absolutely Not’ Spreading COVID

There Is No Pandemic and There Never Was — But Early Treatment Would Destroy Mega Dollar Profits

A California study finds that vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to COVID variant infections than unvaccinated

Inflation Hits 30-Year High, And Now Biden’s Economic Adviser Is Dropping More Bad News

Our Woke National Icons – Milley, Fauci, and Biden are soulless men who reveal the bankruptcy of our ruling class

Kamala Harris Truly Is as Empty-Headed as a Veep Can Be – And she slept her way into public life

Don’t let California persecute gun owners – AB 173, will give researchers data on all gun and ammunition purchasers

The NYPD Commissioner Calls Their Bail Reform Law ‘Insanity’ as a Violent Criminal Arrested The 57th Time This Year

How do Biden’s actions stack up against a common list of Alzheimer’s symptoms?

The Marine Jailed for Criticizing Disastrous Afghan Withdrawal Gets Massive Surprise as Patriotic Americans Pitch In

Life under the Taliban mirrors Nazi occupation, Afghan residents lament

WSJ: The Democrats’ Tax Plans Worry High-Income Business Owners – Most small businesses won’t face higher taxes

Democrats’ Determination to Vaccinate Us All – Forcing 98% of the country to be guinea pigs for a leaky vaccine and endless boosters?

Study: Antibodies Persist for At Least a Year After COVID-19 Infection,

US Study: COVID Vaccine Antibodies Decline 7 Months After Second Shot

America’s Supply Chain Truck Wreck – Too many truckers ended getting paid more for staying home than going to work

Plandemic, Literally: Patents Prove COVID Fraud and Illegal Dealings – Since 1999, at least 4,000 patents involving coronavirus have been filed, including patents detailing key features of the so-called “novel” SARS-CoV-2 virus

Interview: Donald J. Trump Discusses Election 2020 and 2024

WSJ: Home Mortgage Payments Haven’t Been This Unaffordable Since 2008

The Biden progressive FTC agenda faces pause as Democrat member leaves

‘Let’s go, Brandon’? NBC reporter ‘mishears’ NASCAR fans chanting ‘F**K JOE BIDEN’ during a post-race interview

October 2, 2021

Trump Asks Judge to Reinstate His Twitter Account, Says Company Was ‘Coerced’ Into Banning Him

Dr. Anthony Fauci *Finally* Backs Experimental New Covid Treatment – Wait Until You See What It Costs Taxpayers

The ICIJ will release tomorrow its new investigation into international finance and tax havens, named Pandora Papers

Living in Another Time and Place – The botched US withdrawal from Afghanistan vs. the Battle of Mogadishu

Homeschooling Inquiries Skyrocket After CA Governor Newsom Announces his Statewide Student Vaccination Mandate

Heroes of the Pandemic – Meet 15 of the leading physicians & scientists exposing the truth about COVID-19 and preventive treatments

Fauci Email Proves He FundedTraining for Wuhan’s Most Deadly Lab – Paper trail linking Fauci to Wuhan’s BSL4 lab

China Sends More Aircraft Toward Taiwan, One Day After Their Largest-Ever Incursion

3 of Biden’s ‘Vetted’ Afghan Refugees Jump a Female Soldier in the Middle of the Night at Fort Bliss

Public health COVID data are being massively manipulated to justify power grabs and governmental overreaches

J&J’s Vaccine Possibly Linked to Two More Serious Health Conditions, EU Regulator Finds

The UK Government Blacks Out Details of Conversations Between Fauci and British Doctors on COVID’s Origins – Fauci lied about the fact that most all of COVID victims had comorbidities

American, Alaska, and JetBlue Airlines Impose Employee Mask Mandates – They provide special flights and other services for the government so fall under Biden’s mandate

Claremont Under Fire – Expect the attacks on the Claremont Institute and scholars like John Eastman to increase

Judge grants probation in US Capitol case, questions prosecutors’ ‘credibility’ compared to lenient treatment of BLM rioters

The Vaccine Mandates Will Cost Us All –  And will do so in many more ways than most can imagine and Biden, clearly, never considered

Our Manufactured Crisis – Cargo Ships In A Holding Pattern Offshore – COVID mandate labor shortages are preventing goods from being delivered

Back the Blue? – Will our police officers respond as those in Melbourne did Or will they stand with us and say “No”?

Yes, Tell Me Your Truth, You Progressive Liar – The Left has taken this beautiful language and made it into lies and deceit

Donald Trump asks a federal judge in Florida to force Twitter to reinstate his account

Democrats surprised to find their sneaky amnesty measures are going down in flames – They can always hold a vote for amnesty for illegals in Congress, but for some curious reason, they don’t want to

Homeschooling Is Growing by Leaps and Bounds – Numbers have increased over 300% in the last two years, Guess why

Huawei’s Fall Should Serve as a Blueprint for U.S.-China Policy – We cannot sit idle and hope things will get better

Green bubbles threaten to pop stock markets – Investment in hydrocarbons has collapsed under pressure from the Green agenda adopted by international consensus

New video from Australia: Bloody hell for COVID mandate protesters… like something out of ‘a dystopian horror movie’

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Leads To Totalitarianism


October 1, 2021

Public Lands Have Become a Refuge for People Priced Out of Housing in the West and Local Tensions are Increasing

Biden’s biggest Afghanistan lies exposed – Capitol Hill hearings showed a sidelined military leadership struggling to clean up a mess

Oh Look, COVID-19 Hospitalization Rates Liberal Northern States Are Increasing

Hunter Biden and the Art of Corruption – An ethical nightmare for the White House, and a masterpiece of congressional and media dereliction of duty

The WH Staff Veto Joe Biden, Keep Him from Taking Democrat Lawmakers’ Questions

House Republicans Demand Immediate Release of Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr. Jailed for Criticizing Biden Policy

The Real “Domestic Terror” is BLM’s Murder Explosion, And Here Are The Shocking Numbers

‘My 12-year-old has to get vaccinated but a teacher doesn’t’? Fury as Gov. Newsom mandates shots for ALL California students from 7th to 12th grade – but exempts staff

Senator Johnson Provides COVID Data on the Senate Floor – ‘The Type of Data We Are Not Getting From Our Healthcare Agencies’

Twitter Fact Checkers Just Revealed Their Whole Entire Backside as Shameless Shills For Big Pharma

As Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines Near 16,000, THE CDC Urges Pregnant Women to Get the Vaccine

Fauci Misled Public on Dangerous Virus Research That May Have Caused Pandemic, An Investigation Reveals

Joe Biden Bails to Delaware After Agenda Deadlines Stall in Congress

Rigged: Democrats Consider a Redistricting Map that Would Eliminate Jim Jordan’s District, Solidify Pelosi’s Majority

Supply Chains Workers Issue A Bone-Chilling Warning – A potential supply chain collapse in the coming months

US Service Members File Lawsuit Against Department of Defense Over Mandated Vaccine Requirement

US Officials Are Quietly Preparing For ‘350,000 to 400,000’ Migrant Encounters At The Mexico Border In October

Merck Presents COVID-19 Pill With Showing 50 Percent Reduction in Hospitalization – How similar is it to Ivermectin?

Fauci Emails Congratulate Wuhan Collaborator On Xi Jinping Award – Sheds light on the closeness to the CCP of US healthcare officials

The National Organization of Public School Boards Ask Biden Admin to Treat Parents’ Protests as ‘Domestic Terrorism’

The Strange Death of Conservative America – Who now cower in fear and that makes them a threat to democracy

Justice Sotomayor Exposes the Lie of an ‘Apolitical’ Supreme Court – “You can go out there and be lobbying forces in changing laws that you don’t like”

The New Memo From Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas Effectively Fully Opens The Border

Hey, Hey, We’re The Haitians – Nearly 30,000 Haitian have come here in recent weeks, and far more are on their way

California to Require COVID-19 Vaccine for Students to Attend Schools

America’s descent into totalitarianism advances unabated – You think things are bad now, it is about to get worse

NYC Restaurateurs: Business Down 40 to 60 Percent Due to their Vaccine Mandate

‘Take me to the brig, I want to see a real Marine’ – Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller is a political prisoner of the Biden administration

Obama was right after all – When warned allies not to underestimate Biden’s ability to “f— things up”

America, Take Note Of China’s New Nationalists – Patriotic Americans could learn a thing or two from them

How is Tucker Carlson still alive? – I am very, very surprised that the Deep State has not taken Tucker Carlson out!

Australia: Police Want No-Fly Zones Over Massive Anti-Government Protests – To prevent more people from  rising up

Fully Vaccinated Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19

Senator Feinstein has introduced a bill to place limits on domestic travel for the unvaccinated

Public Health Or Power Play? – Here are few serious questions that need to be asked about the vaccine being pushed on us

Are you Pro-Choice or Pro-Life on Vaccines? – When applied to the vaccine controversy vaccine mandates are anti-choice and anti-life 

Merck says Its new experimental pill protects against the worst effects of COVID-19 and seeks authorization

As Inflation Fears Rise, Biden Starts Looking For Scapegoats

The Fed’s Preferred Inflation Gauge Shows Prices Continued a Skyward Vault in August

Biden’s very questionable choice to be comptroller of US currency – Author of “The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy”

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Back Government Spending Cuts To Control Inflation

US Mail Delivery Getting Significantly Slower Starting Today – First Class Mail goes from 3-days or less to 5-days or less

Biden and the Democrats have zero credibility on their $3.5 trillion spending bill

American Kleptocracy – The Democrat Party, the party of government and not of anybody else

KEEP NOPE ALIVE – “Only in Leftie-Land is $1.5 trillion considered a ‘compromise”

Pelosi Suffers A Humiliating Setback, Forced to Call Off The Spending Bill Vote as Democrats Quarrel

Joe Manchin Hit the Nail on the Head About The High Number of Available Jobs and The Number Still Unemployed

Wikipedia Co-Founder Larry Sanger Says The Online Encyclopedia is Now Largely Just “Leftist Propaganda”

Between Afghanistan and Immigration, Have We Ever Had a Less Competent President?

‘We’re in the middle of a pandemic’: Psaki claims Biden still expelling refugees… because of Trump’s ‘bleach’ comments

First Workers, Now Blacks: Democrats’ Betrayals For Big Business Are Piling Up, But Will Republicans Seize This?

The disastrous impact of illegal immigration on our public education – It’s time for parents to remove their children from government schools

Can the Dems Bust the Filibuster? – A vote now to eliminate the filibuster would yield 48 yeas and 52 nays

The Pinocchio Six: Democrat Myths, Lies & Debunked Claims About Taxes

Faux Capitalism – How many of Capitalism’s key characteristics are alive and well within our economic system today?

September 30, 2021

Trying to Prevent Illegal Conduct From Deciding an Election Is Not Endorsing a ‘Coup’ – The numerous election irregularities deserve a full airing

The New York Times Lies About  The January 6 White House Rally – When figures of speech are fighting words

Five Quick Things:#1 Free Stu Scheller! – Then Sickness, Spartacus, Stupidity, and Sacrilege!

More Federal Indictments Are Issued Against Hillary’s Lawyer for Their Russia Hoax Operation

The Democrats Earned Their ‘F’ on Infrastructure This Week – Governing like Biff Tannen tends to get one into a mess

THE MANCHIN PROVISO – The Democrats multitrillion-dollar spending-palooza “reconciliation” bill

A Democrat Mayor of a Border City Turns on Biden: ‘Ilegal Immigration Was Under Control With Trump’

Why Conservatives Legitimately Feel the System Cheats Us – Because it does

HOW PATHETIC IS KAMALA HARRIS? – She can’t even speak to a small group of college students without revealing her anti-Israel views and giving aid and comfort to our enemies

CDC: COVID-19 Cases Fall by 20 Percent Across the US in the Past Week

A Woman Injured by COVID Vaccine Pleads With Health Agencies for Help as Local News Agency Kills Story After Pressure From Pfizer

Broadway Producers Cancel ‘Aladdin’ and Harvard Moves Classes Online as Breakthrough COVID Cases Surge

The Senate Votes Down The Republican Amendment to Block Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

Forget About COVID and Masks: Now the CDC Is Getting Involved with Your Guns

Eco-terrorist-linked Biden nominee, Tracy Stone-Manning, who endorsed population control is confirmed by theSenate

Pelosi cancels the vote on the Democrats trillion-dollar infrastructure bill in the House after promising a vote Thursday

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas issues new ICE deportation guidance telling officers to ‘exercise their judgement’

A Recent Inspector General Audit Finds ‘Widespread’ Problems With The FBI’s FISA Applications

TODAY’S LEFTIST TEMPER TANTRUM – A great idea: annoy the people with the most sympathy for your cause

A Democrat Bid to Legalize Millions of Illegal Aliens was shot Down Again

The Senate passed emergency funding to avert a government shutdown

Trump Issues Warning About Dangerous Provision Democrats Have ‘Snuck Into’ Spending Bill – Unlimited funding to support Afghan refugees

AZ Auditors Speak Out – “There Were Large Pieces Torn Off, Bubbles Filled Absolutely Perfectly, 60,000 Illegal Ballots”

Senator Joe Manchin Won’t Vote for The Democrats Reconciliation Bill Without Hyde Amendment

Pelosi plans a vote on the infrastructure bill despite steep opposition

The mother of real estate bubbles looms in China

Del Rio Madness Proves Biden Can Stop The Border Crisis If He Wants – With 50,000 immigrants every single week

Say, Where Is That Biden Regulation on Vaccine Mandates He Said Was Coming Soon?

Not Making Headlines: Senator Johnson Just Exposed on Senate Floor that the COVID Vaccines Do Not Appear to Work as Advertised

Here’s Why the Vaccines Aren’t Working – A Primer on the COVID Vaccines With Understandable Graphics

WSJ: In Well-Vaccinated Maine, Covid-19 Still Fills Hospitals – The Delta variant finds vulnerable pockets

WHISTLEBLOWER: Grounding of All Vaxxed Military Pilots – Army Flight Surgeon recommends all injected pilots and flight crews be grounded for risk of cardiac arrest in flight while carrying personnel or munitions after they had 3 pulmonary embolisms in the ICU within 48 hours of  covid vaccinations

Vaccine Mandates: A Tale of Two Legal Battles

When Will The US Be Released From COVID Prison? – Japan joins Norway, Sweden, and Denmark in returning to normal

A proposed bill would require a COVID vaccine or a negative test for domestic air travel ahead of our holidays

The San Diego Unified School District Announces A Vaccine Mandate for Students For In-Person Learning

The New Trustees Report for Social Security Should Raise Alarm Bells

Leftist policies are wrecking global supply chains and triggering shortages and looming hyperinflation. Stand by for capitalism to be blamed

Stagflation Risk: Stephen Roach Is The Latest Economist to Sound An Alarm on Our 70s-Style Inflation

Senator Ernst Responds With List of Legislation After Psaki Says GOP Hasn’t Proposed Solutions for Border Crisis

Why I Am Suing UCLA – I refused to discriminate against my students, then the problems began

September 29, 2021

General McKenzie Admits The Taliban Offered US Control of Kabul During The Withdrawal – But He Didn’t Accept

Biden’s Border Lies Show Contempt For Constitution – Telling us that they’re not doing what we clearly see they are doing

The Border Patrol Breaks All-Time Migrant Apprehension Record in 2021

The ‘3 Warfares’ Doctrine Underpins CCP’s Campaign to Infiltrate the West – Psychological, Public opinion and Legal Warfare

The Dollar Tree Store Chain Is Forced to Abandon $1 Price Cap Amid Biden’s Rampant Inflation

Australia’s Sky News Releases Documentary – What Really Happened In Wuhan? Featuring Trump

The Former Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving his 3rd Covid Shot

Poll: Vaccinated Older Americans Are Vastly More Worried About COVID-19 Than Unvaccinated

Safety Signals for COVID Vaccine Dangers Are Loud and Clear. Why Is Nobody Listening?

The Evilil Deadly Coordinated Attack on Ivermectin Is a Crime Against Humanity

Goalposts Moving Again: Fauci Reveals What You’ll Need for ‘Complete’ a Vaccine Regimen

Poll: A Large Majority of Americans Oppose Firing Unvaxxed Employees

Workers Who Maintain Supply Chains Warn of a Coming Worldwide ‘System Collapse’

Biden’s “C-Team” Administration And History Tell Us A Lot

The Jan. 6 Committee Issues Second Round of Subpoenas, Targets 11 Pro-Trump Protest Organizers

The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny – World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda, “own nothing & be happy”

15 BIG SOLUTIONS to Survive and Thrive Through Our Increasing Tyranny

Joe Biden’s America – Not the America we grew up in, not America as founded, nor would anyone would recognize

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could postpone the Thursday infrastructure vote

The Senate plans a vote to avert a government shutdown

New York Governor Kathy Hochul Is One Weird Duck

Top US Generals scramble to avoid responsibility for Afghanistan

General Mark Milley: The Most Dangerous Man In America – Ambitious, incompetent, progressive, and wildly self-assured

The Biden Admin Is Blocking an Afghanistan Evacuation Flight Carrying Americans, Rescue Group Leader Says

Protesters Against Vaccine Mandates in NYC: ‘This Is a Turning Point’

COVID-19 Is the New Global Warming – Everything about COVID is controversial

Parts of Australia lapse even further into a dystopian COVID reality – Like something out of an over-the-top Hollywood movie

United Airlines is set to Terminate 593 Workers for Refusing the COVID-19 Vaccine

YouTube Goes Full Vaxx-Nanny and Bans Huge Accounts that Posted the Truth About the COVID Vacines

TX Public Policy Foundation Study: The True Cost of Biden’s Legislative Agenda Is Worse Than We Could Have Ever Imagined

September 28, 2021

The Biden Admin Gave Border Patrol ‘Official Notice’ To Get Vaxxed By November Or Be Fired, Says Whistleblower

House Democrats Use January 6 Inquisition To Provoke Major Court Battle Over Executive Privilege

Heroes One Day, Fired the Next: Over 40k Health Care Workers Face Termination as NY Rolls Out Its Vaccine Mandate

9 high-stakes issues the Supreme Court will take up this coming term

A Major British News Outlet Appears to Question The Legitimacy of The Biden Election Victory

Psaki does damage control after Milley and Austin tell congress they advised Biden to keep troops in Afghanistan

Between the lines: Hidden partisans try to influence California’s independent redistricting

Does Joe Biden Believe That Laws Should Only Be Observed Selectively?

Biden’s Vax Mandate On Companies With 100-Plus Employees To Be Enforced With Fines of $70,000 To $700,000?

John Durham Dissects a Smear Campaign – Overt acts and statements made in furtherance of the illegal but thus far uncharged conspiracy

A Union Representing Thousands of Pilots Warn Vaccine Mandate Could Cause Travel Chaos

UCLA Prof. Gordon Klein Sues After Suspension & Smears For Refusing Preferential Exam Treatment For Black Students

AB-1346 could phase out gas-powered generators in California

$3.5 Trillion Democrat Fantasies – State power at all costs — trillions, if need be

Despite Europe’s Energy Woes, Senate Democrats Want to Follow Its Carbon Pricing Lead – A price on carbon guarantees electricity will be harder to come by

Covid Lockdown, Third-World Edition

Lancet Scrubs The ENTIRE COVID Origins Investigation Team After National Pulse Exposés

Another NBA Player Explains His Vaccine Hesitancy and Its Stellar

Democrats Repeat the Mistakes of 2016 –  Anti-Trump and NeverTrump Republicans won’t help Democrats so America and the world should start preparing for Donald Trump’s return

Disaster by incompetence or by design?

Say, How Is Joe Biden’s Memory These Days?

The GOP accuses Pelosi of manufacturing ‘fake momentum’ for progressives

Elites’ Racial Animus Is Resulting In Targeted Harassment Of White People

Top Pentagon officials contradict Biden on Afghanistan advice – Wanted to keep a small contingency force there

NY Governor Hochul Declares State of Emergency as Thousands of Healthcare Workers Remain Unvaccinated

Navy SEALs Have Been Told They’re Undeployable If They Don’t Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

The Marine Corps Jails the Marine Corp Lt. Colonel Who Blasted Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

GOP Senators Block Democrat Bill to Fund Government and Suspend Debt Ceiling  – As Democrats try to advance their $3.5 trillion package

‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’ Says He’s Made a Major Breakthrough in the Gabby Petito Case

September 27, 2021

Joe Biden’s history tour from hell From 1970s gas lines to the 1918 pandemic, where will this President take us next?

Sidney Powell Countersues Dominion for Bad PR and Fraud

The Chip Shortage Absolutely Tanking New Car Sales

Ex-ICE Director: The Biden Administration Is Lying About the Number of Haitian Migrants Released Into US

The FDA Approves Ivermectin ‘Horse Drug’ in Fight Against COVID

The Taliban Endgame: Former National Security Advisor Warns Extremists Could Secure 150 Nuclear Weapons

Trump: Biden’s Twin Debacles Have Made Us ‘A Nation Humiliated Like Never Before’

Democrat Mandates Will Doom Hospitals Starting Tuesday – Already-Understaffed Hospitals Forced Into Mass Firings

Pfizer Starts New Study of Oral Drug for Prevention of COVID-19 – People are already calling it PhizerMectin, Ha!

House Judiciary Committee Lawmakers Demand DOJ Explain Dropping of Cases Against Chinese Researchers Accused of Hiding Military Ties

The Arizona Audit Findings the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to See

The Arizona 2020 Vote Audit Finds Potentially Election-Shifting Numbers Of Illegal Ballots

Economists Give Painful New Projection for the US as Biden’s Inflation Runs Rampant

U.S. Murders Soared 30 Percent in 2020 – The Largest Annual Increase on Record

Joe Biden lied about the cost of his ‘Build Back Better’ Agenda

WSJ: Joe Biden’s Economic Fantasy World – He seems to think that if you pay for something it doesn’t cost anything so hold on to your wallet

Pelosi’s ‘toughest challenge’: Breaking down infrastructure, spending, debt limit, and shutdown fights

The NYT Quietly Corrects Story on CBP Agents ‘Striking’ Haitian Migrants as their Narrative Falls Apart

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas: We won’t build a wall because it might work

The Biden administration unveils a revamp of DACA following a federal judge’s decision  that it was illegal

Even House Democrats Think Biden’s $600 IRS Bank Spying Plan Is Bonkers – They are moving threshold to $10,000 but said that this figure could well change

Is The Fox Guarding the Henhouse On COVIDS Origins and Research Funding? Yes, indeed!

Study: Vaccinating Children Against COVID Makes Zero Sense; More Children Are Harmed by the Vaccines Than From COVID

Indiana Parents Sue Governor Over COVID Rules: ‘These Are Healthy Kids They’re Quarantining…And We’re Just Done’

The English to Biden Translation Guide – Key phrases needed to make sense out of Biden’s presidency

CDC Director: Loss of Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers Is a ‘Challenge’ – We need to understand why they are so vaccine-hesitant

A Fired New York Nurse Speaks Against Mandate: ‘Not Just About Vaccines, It’s About Human Rights’

Anatomy of a Hoax – Democrats focus on punishing the messenger, blocking the story, and spinning the narrative to distract

Pfizer CEO: ‘Normal Life’ Will Be Back ‘Within a Year’ but More Vaccinations Will Be Necessary

The Word is getting out – Reuters reports that another 20,000 migrants are on the march to the U.S.

New York’s decline picks up pace – NY and CA are the coastal enclaves of the Marxist Democrats

Because Trump Fights Back – For the past 60 years the LEFT has been engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are Gridlocked as the Democrat Party Grows ‘Infuriated’

WSJ: The Pandemic Hit Cities Hard – And Then There’s Washington, DC’s Particular Challenges

Two stories that highlight why the Second Amendment matters so much

The End Of Angela Merkel – Europe’s iron lady exits with neither Germany nor Europe better off

The scurrilous attacks on Tucker Carlson reveal the Democrats’ panic over their racist plans being exposed

New WHO Probe Into Pandemic Origins As Another Probe Closes Over Ties To EcoHealth Alliance

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans’ Trust In The Media Continues To Crumble

A WA State School Forced Teacher to Take Down ‘Political’ Pro-Police Flag, Despite Allowing BLM Symbols

California woman suspected of being serial arsonist pleads not guilty in starting the Fawn Fire

A frightening story from Southern California that highlights the risks of our wide-open borders

Gabby Petito’s life didn’t have to end the way it did – The feminist movement has sold some huge lies to young women

September 26, 2021

As CA Goes to Pot, Gov. Newsom Signs Woke Legislation to Remove The Word ‘ Alien’ from State Laws

Bongino destroys ‘disgraceful’ Biden admin: ‘The big lie is that we actually have a southern border… there is no border’

Pelosi Backs off Monday Vote on Infrastructure, Which May Be the Death Knell of Biden’s Agenda

Tennis Star’s Season is Over after Taking COVID Vaccine – Experiencing violent, near-paralyzing pains across his body

Tucker Carlson, We’re Here and We’ve Got Your Back – Greenblatt has turned the ADL into a wing of the Democrat Party

Representative Devin Nunes: “We’ve Made 14 Criminal Referrals – We Expect Durham to Do His Job”

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas’ 7 border lies

Symptoms of Our Insanity – What explains these insanities that are insults to the American people’s intelligence?

Operation Lone Star: Texas Calls for Volunteers to Hold the Line at their Southern Border

When Joe Does Afghanistan – He learned his withdrawal shtick when in charge of the U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq

Taliban Hangs 4 Bodies in Public Square in Western Afghanistan – Alerting criminals that they are not safe

Dr. Robert Malone Reminds People He’s NOT Anti-Vaxx but Adamantly Opposes the Current Covid Injections

Dr. Joseph Mercola: COVID Vaccinations Are Killing Two People for Every Person They Saved

The FBI’s Maria de Blasio File – What other NY Mayor has been as loyal to his mother’s subversive politics?

The White Backlash That Wasn’t – Opposition to critical race theory is broad and bipartisan

Biden is in Deep ‘Trouble’ in Polls With Every Group — Even in Deep-Blue Minnesota

Updated: Speaking of Big Lies… Here are some of the Democrats biggest whoppers

Big Pharma’s Five Major Minions that Everyone, Vaxxed or Unvaxxed, Must Oppose

WSJ: Cargo Piles Up at CA Ports – Operations clogged as ports, truckers and warehouses can’t find enough workers or agree on 24/7 operations

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer backs off strict COVID protocols as her bid for reelection tightens

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas: Approximately 12,000 Haitian Migrants Released into the U.S. — ‘The Number Could Be Even Higher’

What about the 2020 election audit in AZ? – Trump had to lose because was an existential threat to the entire liberal project

Chinese President Xi Jinping warns of ‘grim’ situation with Taiwan

There is Proof That The CDC and FDA  New mRNA vaccines and Remdesivir Are Lethal

The Deceptions of Public Agencies About COVID – “Truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and by extension, the greatest enemy of the State”

Time to end vaccination thuggery – Vaccination bullies are becoming ever more aggressive

The Leftist Filmed Harassing White Students at Arizona State is Exposed as a Ford Foundation Fellow

TX Governor Abbott Promises to Hire Border Patrol Agents Punished by the Biden Administration

George W. Bush and Trump become central figures in a GOP civil war

1776 or 1619: Why it Really, Really, Matters – Most Americans do not know what the 1619 Project is about

The Anthony Fauci Documentary Bombed So Badly, Nobody Is Releasing the Numbers

September 25, 2021

The FBI Admits to Having Informants at January 6th Protest

Jake Sullivan repeatedly promoted the Alfa Bank story that is at the center of the Durham indictment

The Tyrannical Scenes Coming Out of Australia Grow Darker and More Disturbing

A Top Chinese Defector Makes Bone-Chilling Claim on Where COVID Really Started

Public COVID health mandates only harm people – Sweden and Belarus were able to outperform other nations by simply doing nothing

After a Murder Over Mask-Wearing, German Authorities Are Cracking Down on COVID Skeptics on Telegram Which is Considered A Messaging App

The NYT Reveals The FBI’s Role in January 6 – It’s the tip of the iceberg and more proof it was an inside job

JOE BIDEN, IMMIGRATION NON-ENFORCER – You can’t be a refugee from Haiti if you have been living for years in a safe country like Brazil or Chile

CA Schools Prepare for Influx of Afghan Refugee Students – Set Aside Muslim Prayer Rooms

Border Chaos Reflects Migrants’ Home Countries – “Who are we letting in? And for whose benefit?”

#Send Them Back – Illegal immigration hurts African Americans

The Army War College Goes Woke – They say the army needs to ferret out the “far-right extremists”

Trump Shares Arizona Audit Findings At Georgia Rally

I&I/TIPP Poll: Biden Voters Abandon Him In Droves

Biden Says Democrats Are Stuck in a ‘Stalemate’ in Talks on the $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill

Under Biden Plan, IRS would track all activity on bank accounts with more than $600

A Preview of Biden’s Activist Judiciary Liberalism’s advance requires the diminution of religious freedom

ARE ELECTRIC VEHICLE MANDATES A JOKE? – Where will all the electricity come from since nuclear power–is off the table?

Trump says only a ‘bad call from a doctor’ would keep him from running in 2024

‘F**k Them,’ Tucker Carlson Goes Off On ADL Calling For His Firing

Arizona AUDIT: The Cyber Ninjas Conclusively Proved Their Case

Attorney Matt DePerno: Arizona Audit Officials Were Threatened and Forced to Water Down Audit Report

Zogby Poll: Biden ‘Is in big trouble and gets a ‘D’ for the week

Democrats set up a spending showdown for next week

The Arizona Audit Did NOT ‘Prove’ Joe Biden Won and the Reason that Narrative Exists Should Infuriate You

Contra “Root Causes” What the work of James Q. Wilson can teach us about the fight over criminal justice today

Look past all the Democrats hand-waving, and you’ll see a wide-open Mexican border

Biden’s big border lie will only bring crisis again

WSJ: The Covid-19 Panel of Scientists Investigating Origins of Virus Is Disbanded

‘China Is Its Own Biggest Enemy’: French Report Gives Panoramic View of Beijing’s Push for Global Influence

Every Tragedy Government Caused Is Done with the Best of Intentions – With eventual excuses such as we had the people’s best interests at heart, really

‘Infamous Survivor’ Catchphrase Falls Victim to Wokeness – Woke just for the sake of being woke

BIDEN GETS TOUGH – False narrative on border agents on horses whipping illegal aliens

Wall Street giants are moving toward using their financial power to pressure cities to enforce a Social Justice Warrior agenda

The ‘Tax the Rich’ Mantra Is Rooted in Sociology, Not Economics

September 24, 2021

Australian Government Shuts Down Internet at ISP Level – Don’t want word out on what is going on as protesters are brutalized

It Gets Worse: Look Who Worked Together to Frame Donald Trump With Fake Russia Hoax

Forget Ukraine, New Hunter Biden Emails Tie Him to a scam in a Completely Different Country

More Than 726,000 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS as CDC, FDA Overrule Advisory Committees’ Recommendations on Third Pfizer Shot

The CDC Director Overrules Her Own Agency’s Vaccine Safety Committee and Sides With the FDA to Approve Boosters for ‘High-Risk’ Workers

AZ Auditors Say Ballot Envelopes Without Signatures and Blank Duplicates Verified and Approved by Maricopa County

AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By

Auditors Say 23,344 Mail-in Ballots Were Sent to the Wrong Address But Were Completed and Counted Anyway

The AZ Auditors Say Hundreds of Potential Dead Voters, Thousands Potentially Voted in More Than 1 County

Numbers game: 10,000 Del Rio migrants processed — Leaked figures show how many were released


The Biden Administration’s Secret Service, FBI Purchase Drones From Firm Complying With Chinese Government Data Requests – Beijing Biden is letting China back into U.S. federal infrastructure after Trump banned their drones

Biden Attempts to Blame Trump as Crises Mount: ‘Look at What I Inherited’

5 False Narratives About The Spygate Indictment Of Michael Sussmann

Adam Schiff: Select Committee to Enforce Subpoenas with ‘Criminal Contempt’

The National Socialist Media Insurrection With Jan 6 Is Nothing but Propaganda and Rewriting History

The White House says it expects federal contractors to be vaccinated by Dec. 8

A Female U.S. Soldier Has Been Assaulted by Afghan Refugees in New Mexico

Democrats Can’t Have It Both Ways on the ‘Great Replacement’ – They want open borders to change America’s racial demographics

Hunter Biden’s new $2 million Libya bombshell more proof ‘media lied to the public’

Derek Chauvin Just Officially Appealed His Conviction and Sentence, Citing ‘Clearly Biased Jurors’ and 10 Other Allegations

Did Matt Walsh Just Pull off the Most Epic Troll of the Year?

Arizona Senate Audit: Dominion Machines Contained Non-Maricopa County Data — From South Carolina and Washington State

Democrats Furious After Texas Announces Full 2020 Election Audit in 4 Counties

AZ Auditors Say 335% More ‘Bad Signatures’ Found Than Maricopa County Initially Reported

Norway Official: COVID-19 Can Now Be Compared to the Flu and considered as one of several respiratory illnesses with seasonal variations

California Colleges and Public Schools Ordering More Vaccine Mandates Than Most Other States

Big Data Poll Shows Vaccine Severe Adverse Affects More Often In Young, Blacks, And Women

The White House says it expects federal contractors to be vaccinated by Dec. 8

The Photographer Behind Photos of Border Agents on Horseback Blows A Massive Hole in the Establishment Media and Biden Narrative

Democrats in Congress Try to Abolish Space Force – While China and Russia have been doubling down on expanding their military capabilities in space

What Pro-Abortion Dems Did Besides Passing So-Called Women’s Health Protection Act Adds Insult to Injury

The woman suspected of starting the Fawn fire and being a serial arsonist pleads not guilty

California Governor Newsom Signs Bill That Requires All Self-Driving Cars To Be Zero-Emission By 2030

What Will The Democrats Do about the Maricopa County 2020 Election Audit? – 173,000 “lost” ballots and 96,000 “ghost” votes

Biden’s grand return of ‘catch and release’ – Only 300 Haitian’s have been returned

The vaccination noose around our necks – The unvaccinated are now relegated to 2nd-class citizen status

The Covid Vaccine Pass Slippery Slope – The Dutch must now show their papers to live a normal life

The Great Reset and COVID – Now, the threat is that the United States’ fundamental institutional framework will be eroded

Fauci: psychopath or narcissist? – The criteria checkboxes match

‘Good Luck and Be Careful’: Infuriating Report Shows Facebook’s Role in Texas Border Emergency

AUKUS Is Good For Australia – The French submarine program was clearly not meeting Australia’s needs

Biden exposes his dementia to the world – He can’t function without either a teleprompter or pre-printed cheat sheets

Congress Wants to Tax You by the Number of Miles Travelled In Your Car

September 23, 2021

The Fed has signaled an inflection point – US taper may be steeper, and its first rate-rise sooner than expected

This 83-Second Video That Shows His Mental Abilities Is Absolutely Devastating for Biden’s Presidency

The War against Woke Communism – For woke communists justice equals outcome equality

A Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Pfizer Vaccine Pleads With Top U.S. Public Health Officials for Help — and Gets None

Biden’s Economy Is Plagued By Shortages and Price Hikes

Voters Want to Curb the Influence of Big Tech Companies, New Poll Shows

FDA Ignores Safety Committee’s Guidance, Authorizes Pfizer Booster for 65 and Older, Plus ‘High Risk’ Groups

California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs $15 Billion In Climate Change Legislation

California Governor Newsom: A Vaccine Mandate for Kids ‘on the Table’

Two Afghan Refugees Recently Brought to the United States Have Just Been Charged with Sex Crimes and Domestic Abuse

The Jan. 6 Committee Issues Subpoenas to Four Former Trump Officials

An American Horror Story – Former Navy Lieutenant Commander Thomas Caldwell’s is just one of several stories of American patriots living the nightmare of being American political prisoners

The Biden Administration Bans Border Patrol from Using Horses in Del Rio After Media Manufactures Outrage

Don’t Let Those Damned Jews Defend Themselves – When it comes to Israel, AOC and friends are proud to act like Nazis

Russian Peacekeepers Enable Iranian Criminality in Azerbaijan – Both Russia and Iran make it harder for any settlement to take root

The WH Treats Media With Well-Earned Disdain – Their obsequious coverage of Biden’s blunders has earned them nothing but contempt

Who’s Really at Fault if the Government Defaults? – Hopefully, Republicans won’t give Democrats cover for all the spending they’ve unleashed

September 22, 2021

A UC Riverside team studies ways to put mRNA vaccines in salads

The Media Continues to Ignore Hillary’s Dirty Tricks – It yawns over Durham’s indictment of Sussmann

A Group Of Republican Congressman introduced Articles of Impeachment Against Biden

New COVID Variant That Emerged in Kentucky Nursing Home Infected Fully Vaccinated Individuals

Biden’s Border Crisis Explodes as Haitian Migrants Take Control of ICE Transport Bus

Florida’s New Surgeon General Comes Out Swinging – Florida will completely reject fear as a way of making policies

House GOP Leadership Will Encourage Members to Vote Against Infrastructure Bill

Despite Bans on CRT, Educators Are Teaching Other Educators How to ‘Back-Door It’ Into the Classroom

TX State Troopers Take Matters Into Their Own Hands, Create ‘Steel Barrier’ of Hundreds of SUVs to Protect Border

The WH Staff Proves They Don’t Want Biden Answering Questions – The WH press pool was given none

A New Gallup shows a new low for Biden, even below that of Harris

Can Xi Jinping Defeat Biden-led America? – He knows his window for conquest is during Biden’s tenure

Biden State Department Punts on Crucial Taliban Question – Should the UN recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government

Kamala says it’s time for heads to roll – As far as the Democrats are concerned, what’s happening at the border is not a “crisis

Biden Is Flooding the Country Now with Non-Vaxxed Haitian Migrants from Del Rio Border Squatters Camp

Biden faces a big border backlash – The crisis has taken on a racial character, and coverage is increasing

NBC: Another 20,000+ Haitians May Migrate to Texas

Tucker Carlson on Border Crisis: Biden ‘Did This on Purpose’

LIFE IMITATES “CLUELESS” – The Biden administration leaked the story on the deportation of Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio is mostly untrue

Democrats Want to Put Obama’s Title IX Enforcer Back in Charge

Trump Doubles Down On Wuhan Lab Leak Theory, As Former Intelligence Chief Pushes For Document Declassification

Remdesivir Reduced Risk of Hospitalization When Given to COVID-19 Patients Early

Why Do Doctors Go Along with COVID Panic Porn and CDC Dictates? – The financial risks may be extreme

Vaccine Mandates: The End of Covid? Or the Beginning of Tyranny?

In Australia, the people’s fight against the countries COVID tyranny escalates

September 21, 2021

Americans Need A New Media – In reality, they are the modern newsletter of the Democratic Party

Pelosi Gets Nasty Greeting in England: Protesters Shout ‘Trump Won,’ ‘Get Back to Epstein’s Island’

WSJ: Abolish the FBI – How much more do we need to learn about 2016 to realize the agency is a disaster?

Expert Medical Examiners Say COVID Death Numbers are ‘Immensely Inflated,’ Scientists Say Hospitalization Numbers are Too

The County Clerk Submits Report That CO Secretary of State And Dominion ‘Destroyed’ Election Data

Biden Sounds Like Bumbling Fool in Front of UN – Embarrasses the US on World Stage

THE SQUAD SCREWS ISRAEL – House Democrats are removing the Iron Dome provision from the CR amid pushback from progressives

The Four Zeroes of the Biden Regime – COVID, CARBON, BORDER, and INFLUENCE

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development: Inflation Will Rise Faster Than Previously Projected

The Treacherous Road to Runaway Inflation – Biden’s ideas are systemically crippling our economy

Fauci Has The Gall to Fund  ANOTHER COVID Study By Disgraced Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance

Tucker Carlson Reveals US Army PowerPoint Discussing Vaccine, Listing ‘7 Tenets of Satanism’

WSJ: Debt-Limit Suspension Bill Passes House – Faces GOP opposition, would keep the government funded until early December

Beijing Unleashes Sweeping Bid to Remold Society – From tech to entertainment to private tutoring, few sectors have been left untouched

A North Carolina Hospital System Suspends Hundreds of Employees After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Break Up Big Tech? – A conversation about the future of the industry

53-to-1: Big Tech Censors GOP Members of Congress Tons More than Democrats

White House: Joe Biden U.N. Speech to Highlight Working Together with China

House Democrats Worry Joe Biden’s Radical Agenda Is Failing, ‘We Better Have a Plan B’

DEMOCRATS PANIC – They based the future of their entire agenda on a trick and are now terrified the trick won’t work

County Clerk Submits Report That Colorado Secretary of State And Dominion ‘Destroyed’ Election Data

House Republicans Shouldn’t Rescue Biden’s Presidency

A nurse may have figured delta variant out – #1, The “vaccine” isn’t a vaccine, it’s a radical gene therapy

Pfizer Admits Israel Is the Great COVID-19 Vaccine Experiment

The COVID vaccination program is the largest medical experiment in human history

Are COVID-19 hospitalization numbers at Bay Area hospitals inflated?

COVID Vaccine effectiveness is limited, says CDC

In Melbourne, Australia, the fury over vaccine mandates is exploding

I take no pleasure in being right about COVID, its treatment, vaccines, and masks

YOU TALKIN’ TO ME? – Does it matter that Joe Biden is operating at some fraction of his original mental capacity?

Biden administration doubles his refugee cap from 62,500 to 125,000  – A 110,000 increase from Trump’s cap


The Great Reset of Beef Consumption – “You are not going to eat much beef in the future, guaranteed”

The Democrats’ dwindling 2022 map for flipping seats

How Durham’s Bombshell Made an Obama ‘Birther’ Out of Me

September 20, 2021

Federal Govt Whistleblower: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’

New Evidence Reveals How Biden Set Free ISIS-K Member Who Ended Up Killing 13 Service Members by Suicide Bomb

Analysis: Midterms Look Like They Will Be Worse for Democrats than We Could Have Imagined

A new lawsuit could halt Sacramento’s $100 million homeless shelter and tiny home plan

Where does John Durham go from here? A review of the Special Counsel’s next targets

A Federal Court Is Expected To Address Constitutionality Of Vaccine Mandates In A Puerto Rico Case

Illegal Immigrants Rush to Mexico From Their Texas Camp to Avoid Deportation

California’s War on Bacon Has Tempers Sizzling in the Farming States

California’s Dirty Little Secret: Unemployment in CA Is High Because of Vaccine Mandates and AB5

The U.S. Has Funded Over 250 Studies for Chinese Communist Military Researchers

Half of All US Governors Sent Biden a Letter Demanding He ‘Take Action to Protect Americas’ Borders

GBN News: A Professors ‘Natural Immunity’ Lawsuit Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Ends with a  Surprising Result

An Alabama Hospital Defies the Biden Administration by  Ending COVID Vaccine Requirement for Staff

Tens of Thousands Join Protest Over COVID-19 Passports and other Measures in France

Wall Street Opens in Red, as Economic Recovery Worries & China’s Property Bubble Troubles Roil Markets

The Supreme Court to hear oral arguments challenging Roe v. Wade on December 1st

COVID-19 Hospitalization Numbers Might Be Significantly Inflated – Admitted For Other Reasons And Tested Positive For COVID

Public School Tactics Feed Private School Enrollment – It is likely a result of their failure to handle the COVID pandemic effectively

Democrats Plan a Tax Giveaway To The Rich to Bailout To Blue States

Senate Rules Didn’t Dash Dems’ Mass Amnesty, They Did (But Amnesty Might Still Survive)

The Chief architect of the 2017 tax cuts: Biden’s spending package is ‘ the most dangerous’ he has seen – It will “hook a lot of Americans into government dependency”

The January 6 Solidarity Protest Was Entirely Media Concocted – They framed it as a massive domestic terror opportunity in the making

Joe Biden and his administration in way over their heads and way beyond their abilities to understand and to respond to events appropriately and intelligently

Biden’s struggles with China and Europe invite unwelcome comparisons to Trump

Biden Has Lost the Middle…But a Lingering Question Remains – Will this continue into the 2022 midterms?

Let me ’Splain’ It for You – You are more likely to get infected today than months ago because the vaccines only attack alpha spike

Is the Biden Administration trying to Murder Its Red State Opponents? – Rationing monoclonal antibody treatments

Our Bodies, Their Choice – So what happened to “My body my choice”?

Maybe we should learn something from all of the CDC and FDA’s failures!

Nicki Minaj and the vax mandate may portend the crumbling of the Dems’ hold on 90% of the Black vote

HAITIANS OUT FROM UNDER THE BRIDGE – “They heard Biden was opening the border up so they came”

The Effectiveness Gap Between Moderna’s, Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines Widens Over Time: Study

On The Immediate Horizon: How fusion power will make the Left’s Green New Deal obsolete

What If the FBI Threw an Insurrection and Nobody Came? – They have a long history of orchestrating entrapment situations

September 19, 2021

Thousands Gather at ‘Freedom Rally’ in New York City to Oppose Vaccine Passport

The ‘Clinton indictment’ blows Russia collusion conspiracy wide open, top GOP investigator says

Return to sender: Couple receives a mountain of EDD mail that isn’t theirs – ‘Why doesn’t it stop?

Terrified American Trapped in Afghanistan Breaks Down on Live TV, Pins It on Biden Administration

The Afghanistization of America – We are doing our best to become a Third-World country of ……………. 

Why Is There Suddenly an Extremely Severe Shortage of Workers All Over the World?

Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration – 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND

Biden’s War on Red State COVID Patients – How many patients will die because of Joe’s political vendetta against GOP states?

The Myth of ‘Long COVID’ – For all the twists and turns of the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps none is stranger than the so-called “Long Covid”

The State of COVID Treatment – Why have early treatment options been missing from the pandemic?

Only the ‘Hired Help’ Required to Wear Face Masks at Emmys While Celebrities Hug and Kiss Each Other

Don’t Let This Happen to You: AZ Woman Gets Jabbed With COVID Vaccine When She Asked for Flu Shot

Immigration Measure Can’t Be Included in $3.5 Trillion Package, According To Senate Parliamentarian

Gov. Abbott Goes Rogue, Dispatches Texas Forces to Take Control of Border at Del Rio

Trump Looks for Challenger to Depose Mitch McConnell as Policy/Politics Split Widens

The Biden Administration Warns States Federal Debt Crisis Might Trigger Recession

Ripping Off the Racial Preference Veil – The sordid business behind all racial-preference regimes

Tax Increases Alone Cannot Pay for the Democrats’ Proposed Reconciliation Bill

So how did 15,000 Haitians suddenly find their way to Del Rio, Texas?

The Immigration Radicalism of the Democratic Reconciliation Bill

We Need to Talk about Pakistan


Conscientious Objections to the COVID Vaccine Should Be Honored

Recall Fails: What’s Next for California? California voters chose to remain a one-party state


September 18, 2021

After defunding the police by $15 million, Portland’s mayor wants money to rehire retired police officers

A Reporter on the Rio Grande is ‘Absolutely Stunned’ as Masses of Migrants Ford River Into America

THE COMING JUDICIAL CONFRONTATION WITH SOCIAL MEDIA – The double bind Big Tech exploits to avoid accountability

28 US Citizens Depart Kabul via Charter Flight, State Department Confirms

Disney Employees Revolt Over COVID Vaccine Mandate and March on Park in Full Protest

Tucker: Biden’s botched drone strike killed kids – Forces the Biden administration to stop lying

Testimony from FDA Vaccine Hearing –  ‘It’s Worse Than We Thought’ – ‘The Vaccines are driving the Variants

A Detroit TV station asks for stories of unvaxxed COVID deaths and gets an overwhelming response on deaths and injuries from the vaccines

Australians in Sydney & Melbourne Resist Govt. Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates, Get Heavy police crackdown

Who decides who gets treatment? – Using What Criteria?

Hillary Clinton used the deep state to fabricate the Trump Russia collusion narrative

Clarence Thomas identifies the greatest danger in America – Activist Judges

An urgent message to Deep State elitists – When it all comes crashing down you will be left outside in the cold


September 17, 2021

“Thousands” of COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblowers Are Contacting Project Veritas Wanting to Tell Their Stories

Tax The Rich – The Magic Slogan That Justifies Everything

The Biden Admin Shuts Down All Border Patrol Checkpoints in Laredo Sector – Due to the Haitian migrant crisis unfolding in Del Rio

The 3 Most Important Things Corporate Media Should Cover Don’t Matter – Because their purpose is to distract

Joe Biden’s Political Prisoners – BLM rioters, Antifa thugs, and anti-Kavanaugh protesters are off the hook while Trump-supporting, anti-Biden protesters suffer in jail for months

AMERICAN GULAG – The New Informational Website on the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners

In These Swing Districts, Joe Biden Is Becoming Radioactive

Joe Biden and The Peter Principle –  Advancing leaders to positions where they prove to be completely inept

Biden Promise Broken: Tax Hike on Mostly Middle and Lower Classes Would Fund their $3.5T Spending Spree

Here’s How Many Afghan Refugees Are Headed to Each State in the US

GOP Senators Demand NIH Provide Answers on Deletion Of COVID-19 Data At The Request of the CCP

How The NIH-Funded Research in Wuhan China Could Have Led to the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID Vaccine Earthquake! Top FDA Scientists Write Letter to Lancet Warning Against Fauci’s Booster Shots

DeSantis Office: Over Half of Those Seeking Lifesaving Monoclonal Antibody COVID-19 Treatment in South Florida Are Fully Vaccinated

Sorry, Biden! Desantis to Buy Antibodies Direct From Manufacturer After Biden Tried Crippling Florida

The Absolutely Astonishing Success Rate of Ivermectin in Indian State Shreds ‘Horse Dewormer’ Propaganda

The Anti-Liberty Left Doesn’t Care About COVID – The Illegal Invasion Proves It’s Using It to Take Control of the Country

Jefferson County Commissioners Declare State of Emergency, Call on State to Scrap Vaccine Mandate – To prevent further exhaustion and departure of providers of core public services

Republicans Call on the Biden Administration to Investigate the World Bank After a Probe Uncovers Their Stunning China Ties

The Biden Administration Finally Admits It Killed an Innocent Afghan Man and His 9 Family Members: Report

Newsom abolishes single-family zoning in California SB 9 allows up to four units on many single-family lots

Judgment Day in Canada Come Monday, Justin Trudeau may regret calling for a snap election

The Arizona Senate Settles With Maricopa County Elections Board, Routers To Be Given To ‘Special Master’

A reason for the strong push for COVID vaccinations – If most get vaccinated, there will be no control group to make a comparison to

DeSantis Team: More than Half of Those Seeking Lifesaving Coronavirus Treatment ‘Fully Vaccinated’

Biden cuts off Republican states’ supply of an important COVID treatment

So FB is now hosting cartels to recruit hitmen? – Behind every human-smuggling racket is a cartel

The Pelosi-Milley Insurrection  – General Milley is in deep trouble, and Nancy Pelosi is in deeper trouble for setting him up

After The Recall, California is about to get democracy ‘good and hard’

Why is COVID Natural Immunity Being Ignored? – There are two types of immunity, active and passive

The Biden Administration’s Attempt to Immediately Shut Down Texas Abortion Law Just Crashed and Burned

Covid Vaccines Seem to Be Working – But what we really need is a vaccine that targets part of the COVID virus that never mutates

What the New CDC Report on Unvaccinated Left Out – The percentage for “fully vaccinated” increased a lot in the second period

The FAA prevented a Fox News drone from filming thousands of illegals gathered at Del Rio, TX crossing

Senator Cruz Explains Why the Illegal Immigration Crisis in Del Rio, Texas, Exploded in the Last Eight Days

FTC releases findings on how Big Tech eats little tech, with many acquisitions not even reported

Biden people want to get into your financial accounts

General MacArthur was fired; Milley should be court-martialed

Illegal marijuana farms take West’s scarce water

September 16, 2021

The Michael Sussmann Indictment No surprise – The Trump/Russia was a Hillary Clinton operation all along

Rap Star Nicki Minaj Compares Cancel Culture in U.S. to Communist China: ‘Don’t Y’all See What’s F**king Happening?’

The Latest Indictment Shows that John Durham Is Going After More People than Michael Sussmann

The FISA Court Confirms The Government Lied In Every Spy Warrant Application Against Carter Page

Interview: Trump Calls Sept. 18 Rally A ‘Setup,’ Says GOP Senate Should Fire ‘Disaster’ McConnell

The Australian pedophile who created the global online child porn trade finally caught after a 20-year manhunt

America ‘Can’t Survive Treason’ – US Lawmakers Demand Article 15-6 Investigation of General Milley

All Three Major Vaccine Companies Change Names for Their COVID Shots For America

The ‘Systemic Racism’ Stereotype – Monolithic accusations are bad for cops and communities

Biden Wants to Waive Sanctions on Syrian Pipeline, Give Bloody Dictator a Chance He Refuses to Extend to the American Worker

One Day After His Recall Win, Newsom Says Leaders ‘Shouldn’t Be Timid’ on COVID Prevention Measures

A New Study Reveals Just How Quickly COVID Vaccine Effectiveness Plummets

The CDC Warns of ‘Alarming’ Increase in Child Obesity During Pandemic

How Many Afghan Refugees Are Headed to Your State? – Here Are the Numbers

9/11/2001 + 20: From Grace & Power to Disgrace & Cower, America is in steep decline – Is it irreversible?

Biden and the Pentagon circle their wagons around Joint Chiefs Chairman, General Mark Milley

If Government Concern for Your Health was Real (and not Political) – The COVID “vaccines” do not provide immunity & merely “produce protection” – You can still get the virus, and you can still pass it on

States See A Looming Monoclonal Antibody Crunch as the Biden Administration Rations Doses

Biden met with top business leaders Wednesday to build support for a sweeping vaccine mandate

A pandemic of the incompetent, not the unvaccinated – A virus like this cannot be contained or shut down, It can only be managed, and part of managing a virus is treatment options

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) Admits Vax Pass App is Sharing User Facial Recognition Data With Police

Biden And Planned Parenthood – Flouting the law to push through a massive financial favor to the powerful and lucrative abortion industry

Delusions of the Ruling Class – Trump Derangement Syndrome, not Trump, that posed the greatest threat to America

Why is Biden so angry about unvaccinated people? – Because we will not provide the unconditional compliance he has demanded — now or ever

Recalling a Nightmare –  Newsom repelled a recall effort by stunning margins and will now be unstoppable

Two contradictory forces are at play in today’s America – Including the two-tier justice system

Durham Seeks Grand Jury Indictment of Perkins Coie, DNC Lawyer – Finally, something but is it big enough?

September 15, 2021

Durham Is Said to Seek Indictment of Lawyer at Firm With Democratic Ties

The US, UK, and Australia Announce New Security Partnership Amid The Rise in Chinese Influence

Trump Defense Secretary Says Milley Went Rogue, Had No Authority To Pass Secret Intel To Communist China

23 Attorneys General Threaten Legal Action Against Schumer, Pelosi on ‘Voting Rights’ Legislation

Ex-Defense Secretary: I Never Authorized Milley’s ‘Disgraceful’ China Calls and He Should Resign ‘Immediately’

A Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Covid Hospitalizations Up 8-Fold Compared to Last Year in Super-Vaxxed UK

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Is Unconstitutional – Time and again, SCOTUS has held that there must be clear authorization from Congress for powers of “vast economic and political significance”

Leaked Zoom Video Reveals Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics

Uttar Pradesh, India Announces State Is COVID-19 Free Proving the Effectiveness of “Deworming Drug” IVERMECTIN

Los Angeles County to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: Officials

Covid-19 Resources: Medical, Legal, Forms, Jobs & Other Critical Information


You Can Now Ditch the Password on Your Microsoft Account to access Windows and Office 365

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Asks Supreme Court to End Proxy Voting

Why would they do all of these horrible things? – Because They Are Evil!

Calls for Milley to be fired and Blinken to resign are getting louder

Leftists: Health Care Is A Human Right – – – Unless You’re Unvaccinated

Tucker Carlson: ‘Mark Milley Did His Best to Make Certain the Elected President Had No Power’

How States and Communities Can Fight Back Against Biden’s Covid Tyranny

How bad is Covid now? A tale of two charts – In an era with information at our fingertips why are we so manipulated?

Lawmakers Unveil Bipartisan Bill to Freeze Funding For Gain-of-Function Research

Don’t freak out about hospitals filled with supposed COVID patients

Stanford Faculty Smear Professor Who Accurately Summarized Data On Masks

Another Fiery Year: Survey Reveals More Than 3 Million First-Time Gun Buyers as of Mid-2021

Newsom Wins California Recall Election as Elder Concedes Defeat

Frustrated California Voters May Have Lost The Recall, But The War On Newsom Isn’t Over

The Democrats propose a billion-dollar subsidy for local newspapers (that overwhelmingly support them)

September 14, 2021

General Milley Told Military Officials Not to Take Orders From Trump After Capitol Riot

“Life Has Not Improved By As Much As We Hoped” – Singapore Outbreak Worsens With 80% Vaccinated

Quinnipiac Poll: Biden Underwater On Job Approval And Handling Of Key Issues, Americans Believe U.S. Troops Will Return To Afghanistan

WTF? – Surging protests are a sign of hope and change

Fact Check: The Democrats’ False Claims on Their Crippling Tax Hikes

Keeping Mobile Homes Out of Reach – New regulations sacrifice housing affordability on the altar of climate change

A Journalist asks for unvaccinated obituaries but gets flooded with vaccinated horror deaths instead

A Federal Judge Blocks New York State Health Care Worker Vaccination Mandate

Biden Sneaks Special Present for Congress Into His Punishing Vaccine Mandate

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 10 – Understanding Knee-Jerk Leftist Jews

America Has Given Millions for ‘Research’ At CCP-Run Facilities Since The  COVID Outbreak – Over half came from Fauci

More Than Half of US States Vow to Fight Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

Janssen, Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Statement – With the ability to download a PDF version

Arizona Police Begin  Recruiting in Washington State Just Days After Their Vaccine Mandate

Why Did the Staff at Last Nights Metropolitan Museum of Art Event Wear Masks, While the Celebrities Went Without?

Half of America Says The Jan 6 Protesters are ‘Persecuted, Political Prisoners’ –  New Rasmussen data reveals a dark underbelly to the Biden regime

The Taliban Cries Poor: Urges The U.S. to Show Some ‘Heart’ and Send Money

Consumer Prices Are Up 5.3 Percent as Food, Fuel, and Shelter Surge Higher

Xi Jinping Is Slowly Restoring the Imperial Chinese Regime

COVID Surges Out Of Control in Singapore Where 81% Are Vaccinated…

A Study From Japan Shows mRNA Vaccine Will ENHANCE Delta Infectivity

BUSTED! Vaccine Passports Are “Only Intended to Put Pressure The Unvaccinated to Get Vaccinated”

Incompetence, corruption, and the Pelter Principle – Unpromoted workers get things done, but their productivity is restricted by the incompetence of those in charge

Democrats say that crime is down – As long you don’t count the massive spike in homicides!


A Former Google Senior Engineer Reveals Googles Future Plans For Humanity By Using Artificial Intelligence

California’s recall election: Everything you need to know

WSJ: FB Knows Instagram Is Toxic for Teen Girls – Company documents show a significant teen mental-health issue

The Federal Election Commission is just fine with social media suppressing the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop

China, like Waldo, is hiding in plain sight – One lie after another about COVID has been put forth

No! ‘Anti-Vax’ Republicans Are Not To Blame For The Weakening Economy – Republican states have been leading the economic recovery

Secretary of State Binken Was Firing Blanks At House Foreign Affairs Committee Yesterday

California County Sheriff: ‘I Will Not Enforce A Vaccine Mandate’

Education in California is a mess – Newly minted teachers in CA in 2021 face the wreckage that is education in this state

September 13, 2021

HHS is reviewing all doctors’ orders for monoclonal antibodies. Rep. Chip Roy wants to know why

Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn Suggests Biden’s Afghan Exit Was Intentionally Botched to Aid China

COUP: General Milley Secretly Pledged to Warn Chinese Communist Party if Trump Planned a Strike

Renewed outbreaks of COVID-19 in Asia are compounding global supply chain problems

Fauci-Funded Wuhan Research Relied On Human Blood Samples Provided by China’s Military

The US to deliver $64 million in ‘aid’ to citizens of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan

America’s high-tech tyranny is far more sophisticated than Putin’s crude autocracy

Questions That Must be Answered by the California Secretary of State Regarding Potential Election Fraud

WSJ: The Democrats Tax Proposal – The corporate tax rate up to 26.5% from 21%; capital-gains taxes would also go up

CDC Director: Agencies Urgently Working on COVID-19 Vaccine for Younger Children

Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals That Graphene Oxide is in the CoVID-19 Vaccines

The White House abruptly cuts the feed of Biden mid-sentence as he asks a question at wildfires briefing 

Chuck Norris: 7 Reasons Why Gavin Newsom Has Got To Go!

Sacramento Braces for Wave of Traumatized Afghani Refugees

San Diego Could Lose Half Their Police Force From Vaccine Mandate, 45 Percent Are a Hard NO and Willing to Be Fired

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 9 – On Deep Red Conservative Dixiecrats

More Trouble for Biden: North Korea Claims The Successful Test of a ‘Weapon of Great Significance’

If Junior Officers Had Botched Afghanistan Like Our Top Generals, They Would All Have Been Fired Already

House Democrats plan to hike capital the gains tax to pay for Biden’s spending package

House Democrats seek to hike the top income tax rate to nearly 40%

Ten Questions Republicans Must Ask Antony Blinken When He Appears Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee

California Recall: Some Republicans Arrived At Polling Center and Were Told They ‘Already Voted’

In spirit, Trump is still president – No matter how hard Democrats assert unconstitutional authority, they will never be able to tame the 75-million–plus Trump voters

Most voters say Biden vaccine mandate an unconstitutional abuse and fear that it sets a precedent for future abuses

The Revolution Will Be Bureaucratized – Our growing federal bureaucracy is a vehicle for cultural revolution, not a distraction from it

FDA Leaders and Other Scientists Say Most People Don’t Need The Vaccine Boosters
The Disposable Children of the Pandemic – Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive

Fauci Calls for ‘Many, Many More’ Vaccine Mandates – “The alternative is for them to be forced to do as they are told”

In California, Red Counties Drift Back To Normal While Los Angeles Remains Frozen In Hysteria

Finally, there might be a COVID treatment that leftists won’t denigrate – PF-07321332 entered its phase two and three trials in August 2021and is administered orally

I&I/TIPP Poll: Only 45 Percent Trust Scientists on Coronavirus Origins Theory

The 27 Things that the Taliban of Afghanistan Really Want? – More Simply, They want a society of Sunni Muslims ruled according to the principles of Shariah law

Biden’s Deflection Mandate – His vaccine mandate is a red herring meant to distract us from his Afghanistan debacle

The Capitol Police Are Vigorously ‘Covering Up 14,000 Hours Of Video About What Really Happened On January 6th’

If Biden’s Mandates Force Millions of Americans out of Their Jobs, Our Supply Chain Nightmares Will Get Much Worse

Here’s How Deep CRT Goes In The U.S. Government –  A single agency produced nearly 1,000 pages on ‘unconscious bias’ training alone

Can the Post Office Be Trusted With Mail-In Ballots? – Favors just in time for mail-in Tuesday

Pfizer Is Develohttps://spectator.org/hot-off-the-press/ping A Twice-Per-Day COVID Pill To Be Used With Vaccines – It is expected to be available by year-end

CAUGHT ON MEETING VIDEO — ‘We need to be scarier to the public, we need to inflate the real Covid numbers’…

I&I/TIPP Poll: The Distrust Of Scientists To Do Their Jobs Honestly Is Widespread — Including On COVID Vaccines

The Media’s Shameless Shielding of Joe Biden – “What If Everything You Think You Know Is Fake?”

The Vaccine Agenda is About Control, NOT Healthcare –  Never in our history has a conspiracy been so widely accepted by the victims themselves

A Healthy Student-Athlete Develops Myocarditis After Second Jab, Warns America About Biden’s Medical Dictatorship

House Democrats are about to release a tax-increase package, the ‘biggest in decades,’ to offset $3.5T spending bill

A Resourceful Daughter Speaks Out For Her RN Mother About The COVID Situation In Australia

Will Californians recall Newsom to keep their state from flying over the cliff?

Leftists destroyed yet another great school – Lowell’s new principle makes it clear that what leftism matters, not academics

A secret FB program reportedly let celebrities avoid moderation – But Facebook claims XCheck  helps improve moderation

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 8 – The Rise of the Absolutely Ignorant American Jew Who Knows Judaically “from Nothing”

September 12, 2021

Covid-19 natural immunity compared to vaccine-induced immunity: The definitive summary

Trump Says America’s Enemies Are Leveraging Biden’s Mistake By Leaving All That Military Equipment in Afghanistan

Biden Quietly Removed Our Most Advanced Missile System & Patriot Batteries From Saudi Arabia To Appease Iran

The White House Is Requesting $6.4 billion for Afghans and immediate access to ‘entitlements’…

The Red Cross: Vaccinated Can’t Donate Blood Because The COVID Vaccines Wipes Out Antibodies

Wokeness: An Evil of Our Age – Even the Chinese apparat could not invent a more evil, more macabre way to destroy the United States

Alan Dershowitz: The Courts Will Rule Against Biden on Vaccine Mandate Penalties

A Major Supermarket Chain Warns Inflation Is About to Impact More Americans

China sells oil reserves to lower prices in an unprecedented move

The Most Dangerous Man Of Our Times – Biden, An Idiot Of Stupid Repute – Who Can Be Depended Upon To Fuck Everything-Up That He Touches

Former CIA director predicts future domestic terrorist attacks from al Qaeda

Family of Trump Supporter Murdered By Antifa Militant Files Lawsuit Against Portland City, Mayor, and DA

INFLATION, BIDEN STYLE – Biden’s NEC guru Brian Deese makes excuses, but for some reason, certain food conglomerates have only woken up to their dominance and ratcheted up prices since the election of Joe Biden

Don’t let California become Texas, Newsom says — as residents and businesses flee

Gavin Newsom on the Eve of the Recall: No Apologies and No Policy Changes

Larry Elder & Rose McGowan to a Drop Bombshell: Gavin Newsom’s Wife Was Harvey Weinstein’s Deal Broker

The crowd goes wild for Trump at the Holyfield fight…

The newly released FBI memo fortified suspicions of official Saudi involvement with the 9/11 hijackers

The Declassified FBI 9/11 memo ‘puts to bed any doubts about Saudi complicity’ says a group of victims’ families

Texas is the latest state to crack down on Big Tech social media censorship

It’s Time to Acknowledge The Promotion of Anti-White Racism in America

U-Turn: No COVID Vaccine Passports for England, Health Secretary Sajid Javid Announces

If your employer demands you get a COVID vaccination, don’t quit – Make them fire you

A Legacy of Corruption in the FDA & Big Pharma – Regulatory capture is a reality and Big Pharma is fraught with examples

Lara Logan does a dynamic segment on Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandates and OSHA hiding adverse reaction data

Richard M. Fleming Ph.D., MD, JD: Vaccine Chasing – Data show the problem is not the unvaccinated 

When it comes to vaccine mandates, Biden is counting on OSHA

The Head of the Tokyo Medical Association recommends ivermectin for COVID treatment

In Australia, the COVID vaccines are not necessarily about your health

September 11, 2021

The Disconnect – We are not yet a year into  Biden” presidency, but he is already in trouble

Biden’s Big Mistake Gets Even Worse on Afghan Refugee Flights – Dozens who are national security threats

Biden Judges Will Eviscerate Religious Freedom – Can the First Amendment survive under this regime?

Prominent Medical Boards to Physicians – Keep Quiet on COVID-19 Vaccines or Risk Loss of Licensure

Constitutional Attorney Robert Barnes Offers a Striking Revelation About the Government’s Handling of ‘Vaccines’ –  And the CDCs evolving definition of a “vaccination”

Anthony Fauci Has No ‘Firm Answer’ on Why Americans Who Recovered From COVID-19 Should Get Vaccinated

Revolver Investigation: “The Two Faces of Fauci” — The Structure of the Pseudo-Scientific COVID Revolution

The New York City Teacher’s Union Wins It’s Battle Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Medical Exemptions

The incoherent logic behind Biden’s vaccine mandate – “This is not about freedom or personal choice”

Dr. Richard Fleming: Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?

Twenty years have passed — and still, no trial for already identified 9/11 masterminds?

Donald Trump makes surprise visit to NYPD and FDNY on 20th anniversary of 9/11

The FBI releases declassified records on its investigation into possible Saudi Arabia 9/11 links

“POTENTIAL TERROR THREATS” UNDER BIDEN’S DHS – While Afghanistan crumbles, the DHS issues a tone-deaf warning against conservative Americans

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 7 – The Phenomenon of the Jewish Un-Jew

A few inconvenient and hard-hitting facts about Biden’s vaccine mandate

Ivermectin, ‘Noble Lies,’ and Whom Do We Trust? – When we know CDC studies show the effectiveness of ivermectin

What Radical Islam and the Woke Have In Common

Somebody Paid $3.7 Million In Cash for The Estate Given To CA Gov Newsom and His Wife, But Who?

How Much Is Gavin Newsom To Blame For California’s Wildfires? – California’s most destructive season yet, two years after Gov. Gavin Newsom divested from prevention efforts

September 11th – Never Forget!

Larry Elder’s Campaign Slams The LA Times Over A Photo ‘That Made It Appear’ He Was ‘Hitting’ His Supporter

Unplugged? California lawmakers send Governor Newsom a bill that includes banning gas generators

Unvaccinated Workers Say No Way to Biden’s Medical Tyranny; 72 Percent Will Quit Rather Than Submit


September 10, 2021

A Scientific Paper Reveals Exactly How Ivermectin Blocks The Viral Replication Of SARS-CoV-2

‘It’s the inflation, stupid’ – Biden faces revolt against WH spending plans, sets the stage for GOP landslide in 2022

Patients Declare The US Government Is Colluding With The Medical Community To Classify Horrific Covid-19 Vaccine Neurological Injuries As ‘Anxiety’

The Biden Administration Orders An Ideological Purge Of All U.S. Military Academies – To ensure all officers hew to the Democrat party line

Zach Vorhies on Google’s plan to ENSLAVE humanity in favor of artificial intelligence – Counterfeit Journalism Is Here

REVEALED: Biden Cabinet Secretaries & Local Mayors Collude With The Chinese Communist Party on Agriculture Policy

Joe Biden Marks the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Criticizing ‘Dark Forces’ in America Against ‘Peaceful Religion’ of Islam

A Letter from a Vietnam Vet to Afghan Vets – Your presence in Afghanistan has not been in vain

A New York hospital was forced to pause baby deliveries after staffers quit over vaccine mandate

Report: The Feds are suddenly trying to purge records of the $-billions’ worth of equipment left for the Taliban

The Whitehouse Chief of Staff May Have Doomed Biden’s Vaccine Mandate With His OSHA Work-Around Comment

Reports of Injuries and Deaths After COVID Vaccinations Hit New Highs, as Biden Rolls Out Plan to Force 100 Million More Americans to Get Vaccinated

The White House Announces Vaccine Exemption for Illegal Aliens While Mandates on American Citizens Remain

Measles cases halt US-bound flights of Afghan evacuees – But COVID, Not So Much

The First District Court of Appeal reinstates DeSantis’ mask mandate ban in Florida schools

Biden’s White House and the CDCs Political Corruption On School Reopenings Exposed The (AFT) and (NEA)

Joe Biden Committed a War Crime by Drone Striking Civilian Aid Worker, Not ISIS-K, Evidence Reveals

With Biden Floundering, New Democrats 2022 Strategy Emerges – An All Out Culture War and Grievance Politics

Trump Commemorates 9/11 Anniversary by Releasing Stirring ‘You Will Never Be Forgotten’ Video

Why You Can’t Watch the ABC Miniseries “The Path to 9/11” – The Clinton Administration’s 9/11 coverup is disturbingly similar to the Biden Administration’s lies about his Afghanistan debacle

Lessons We Didn’t Learn from What We Were Forbidden to Say About The 9/11 Perpetrators

A Bail Reform Bill Dies In Assembly Following High-Profile Crimes Linked To No-Bail Release – Hertzberg Will Resubmit

Members of Congress, Federal Judges And Staffers Are Exempt From The Vaccine Mandate

WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki says vaccine mandates are for Americans, not illegal immigrants at the southern border

Biden shares Obama’s motive for failing to punish terrorists

The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and Taliban Are All Fighting Together

Joe Biden’s trillion-dollar The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) violation

Where are All the Americans Returning Home from Afghanistan? – the U.S. government has no idea how many Americans remain in Afghanistan

Producer inflation accelerated in August, as wholesale prices rose record 8.3% from a year ago

Republicans denounce Biden vax mandate as ‘absolutely unconstitutional’ and say he has ‘ZERO’ authority to do it

The Problem with Biden’s Hardball-Vaccine Strategy – SARS-CoV-2 is extremely likely to become endemic

A Biden Adviser Says Administration Will ‘Run Over’ GOP Governors Who Resist Vaccine Mandates

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Has Nothing To Do With Fighting COVID Because Deaths Are Already Coming Down

How much longer can we debate away our freedoms? – I do not agree. I do not consent. I will not comply!

Are the mRNA vaccines driving the COVIID delta variant? – The CDC’ own data shows it is

Why is nobody questioning the false-positive PCR-based COVID tests in hospitals?

Public Health Hypocrites – This is not how ‘the experts’ treated recalcitrants during the AIDS crisis

Report Shows Fauci Lied To Congress — So Why Does He Still Have A Job?

Desperate Democrats on the House Oversight Committee disgrace themselves with their Afghanistan cover-up efforts

Study Finds Teenage Boys 6-Times More Likely to Suffer Heart Problems From Vaccine Than be Hospitalized by COVID

I’m 17, Black, Grew up in The Bedford-Stuyvesant Area of Brooklyn and I’m Immunized from Woke Politics

The Los Angeles board of education requires COVID-19 vaccine for students 12 and up

GOP governors rip Biden over his new vaccination mandate and threaten legal action

Biden’s plan for forced vaccinations doesn’t include illegal immigrants

Former FDA Commissioner: Fauci Funded Gain Of Function On AN EVEN DEADLIER MERS-like Coronaviruses

Mainstream Media ignore the racial attack on Larry Elder because he’s a black Republican

‘I’m no dictator’: US conservative media outlet Daily Wire vows to defy ‘unconstitutional’ vaccine mandate

U.S. District Judge Orders Apple to Loosen App Store Restrictions in a Mixed Verdict

The NFL Kicks Off New Season with a televised with a Social Justice Themed Performance of the ‘Black National Anthem’

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 6 – What Judaism is to Jews…and what it isn’t

September 9, 2021

Fact Check: GOP Tax Reform Helped American Workers

A Texas Doctor Warns Florida and Others: Feds May Ration Monoclonal Antibodies

The CDC Again Manipulates Death Toll Numbers from the COVID Vax – Doses that were given instead of people injected


Biden Exempts Over 600,000 USPS Workers From The Federal Mandatory Vaccination Order

19 Governors and2 AGs Resist Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

Joe  Biden Is Lying: Oxford University Data Shows We Are Actually Experiencing a ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’

The Taliban Is Thrilled: Psaki Confirms Biden Will Not Speak on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Biden’s Rush to Bring Disease & Extremism to America –Bringing foreign nationals into the country is a primary concern

The Justice Department’s Foremost Felony Charge On January 6th Offenders May Be on Thin Ice

AOC threatens to tank the infrastructure bill without the Democrats’ $3.5T spending plan: It would ‘give me pleasure’

‘A Huge hole’: Congressman says feds aren’t vetting social media posts of Afghan refugees

Rose McGowan Spills the Tea on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Wife and Harvey Weinstein

Dismal Sequels: 20-years after 9/11, Afghanistan has reverted to the Taliban & America disappeared down a rabbit hole

WSJ: Biden Goes Full Tyrant, Announces Vaccine Mandate Via OSHA for Employers with Over 100 Employees

Newly Revealed Emails Show The Biden Administration Caved-In to Teachers Union on Mask Rules

WSJ: The Biden Administration Sues Texas Over Its New Abortion Law

The Biden Administration airlifted tens of thousands of unknowns after promising to evacuate Americans and allies

Will China Move On Taiwan Now And Risk War With America? – History suggests an answer on when it might happen

After All That They Already Pushed Through, The $3.5 Trillion Biden & Democrats Want Is NOT Going To Happen

WSJ: Biden to Require All Federal Workers and Government Contractors to Be Vaccinated Against Covid-19

A censored biologist views the COVID vaccine debacle as part of a ‘noble lie’ that is causing a drastic loss of freedom in America

The White House Announces New Restrictions and Mandates Are Coming for Unvaccinated Americans

A health care worker reports from inside on the COVID insanity – They speak in whispers, afraid of who may be listening

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Will Fauci Be Held Accountable for Lying to Congress?

The unvaccinated and lack of trust in the Democrat media

‘Angels From The Sky’: How Americans Are Rescuing The People The Biden Administration Left Behind In Afghanistan

The Taliban clear a flight with 200 passengers to leave Kabul airport – The plane will head to Doha, Qatar

The Future Emirates of Afghanistan – About 95% of the evacuees had nothing to do with the government of the USA, or of Afghanistan

NOW THE TALIBAN HAVE GONE TOO FAR – How will the WOKE crowd respond?

Biden Tells Israeli Government He’s Reversing Trump’s Jerusalem US Consulate Move Despite Its Strong Objections

Stupidity Is No Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Excuse For Team Biden’s Many Screw-Ups

Progressives’ overwhelming, alarming disregard for human life – They have no moral compass and must be stopped

A 9/11 Law Enforcement Lesson – The terror attacks radically changed how America does intelligence work and how it monitors and battles extremism

The Australian Public Health Chief Says COVID Contact Tracing is Part of “The New World Order”

The CDC Rushed to Change Definition of ‘Vaccination’ On Same Day Israel Study Touts Natural Immunity over Vaccine

Introducing Real Clear Investigations’ Jan. 6th BLM Riots vs The 2020 Summer Riots Dataset

China recognizes the Taliban as Afghanistan’s new government, calling it ‘open and inclusive’

The Ultimate Gaslight – 2: What Eric, Joe, Vodka, Nance & The Kraken Have In Common

The Desperate Democrats wheel out Obama to try and save California Governor Newsom

Biden to Withdraw David Chipman Nomination to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)

United Airlines Employees With Vaccine Exemptions Told They’ll Be Placed on Unpaid Leave

Many Businesses Expect to Hike Selling Prices in Face of Higher Input Costs

It Is Time to Oust The California Slimy Six from Congress

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 5 – What Jews Who Know Authentic Judaism Believe

September 8, 2021

John Pierce, The Attorney For 17 Capitol Riot Defendants Finally Reemerges Following His Mysterious Disappearance

Mass Vaccination Triggers Viral Spike Evolution Towards More Infectious Variants Says a Top Virologist

The Largest Issuer of China’s Commercial Paper, Evergrande, Is Facing Bankruptcy, Could impact Entire World Economy

Menace Confirmed: Chinese Engineers Are Developing an F-35 Killer for The CCP Army

Anchors away! Biden purges Trump appointees from the Naval and Air Force academies along with West Point

The Biden White House stonewalls two key senators in an inquiry into the president’s use of private emails

The Biden administration misses deadline to provide GOP senators with number of Americans left behind in Afghanistan

Team Biden’s lies continue to pile up as the Taliban hold abandoned Americans hostage

WSJ: The Biden Administration Prepares to Sue Texas Over It’s New Abortion Law

Tormenting the Public – The CA Legislature is banning off-road engines, putting an end to the sale of gas-powered lawn equipment and generators

The House Armed Services Committee Approves NDAA Amendment Requiring A Report on the Pandemic Origins

Powerful People Are Going To a Lot of Trouble to Cover up Fauci’s role in the COVID leak

One North Carolina Supreme Court case could destroy the court for years to come

Shocker! The DC Bar Has Reinstated The ‘Russia Collusion Hoax’ Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith

Don’t Be Evil – A Google employee program claims that America is a “system of white supremacy” and that all Americans are “raised to be racist”

CA DAs are Outraged Over Zero Bail Release of Violent Parolee and Murder of Sacramento Woman and Her Dogs

“Harmful Language” Trigger Warning Added to US Constitution on the National Archives Website

Report: Democrat Senator Joe Manchin Will Only Support $1 Trillion of Joe Biden’s $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill

This administration seems to be acting with malice aforethought – No punches were held back in this article

The ‘Taliban Five’ go from Guantanamo Bay prison to the new Afghan government

The Taliban’s acting interior minister may be holding an American hostage and is wanted by the FBI

Afghan Christians Risk ‘Being Hunted & Killed’ – The Taliban considers them to be apostates, punishable by the death

China licks its chops for Bagram Airfield – They may deploy military and economic development personnel to Bagram

‘We were embarrassed in front of the world’: Donald Trump slams Joe Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal

The State Department is keeping Americans from leaving Afghanistan – Withholding approval for privately chartered flights

The former U.S. Army major and Fort Hood gunman congratulates the Taliban from death row in a handwritten letter

When our military leadership loses the respect of the troops we are in a serious crisis

Anthony Fauci’s entire dishonest house of cards just collapsed – That’s how sociopaths lie—with verve and assurance

When a Western Society Goes Insane – Australia’s COVID response is a warning for how easily core freedoms can erode

How to Prepare for COVID (and How Not To) – “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst”

Geoengineering Is No Longer a Secret Conspiracy As It Is Being Considered By The United Nations

This Gradual Communist Revolution In America Started Decades Ago, and We’ve Been Totally Blind To It

The Sucess of Orwellian Vax “Passport” Schemes Depends on a “Social Contract” Lie

Businesses are grappling with vax mandates and COVID policies

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Powerful Case Against COVID mRNA ‘Vaccines’

Rand Paul vindicated, Fauci reported to the DoJ for lying to Congress: ‘It’s a felony punishable by five years in jail’

HEY, BIDEN VOTERS!! – You’re grownups with no excuse. Do you miss Trump yet?

Peter Boghossian: Portland State University Sacrificed Ideas for Ideology. So Today I Quit.

The Actual Reasons Why Medical Costs Are So High

September 7, 2021

Prior to COVID, The ACLU Denounced Mandates and Coercive Measures to Fight Pandemics

Merck and Pfizer COVID-19 antiviral pills advance to late-stage trials

Californians Are Leaving In Droves – Here’s Where They’re Going

Voter Fraud Is a Supreme Court Problem – It is time for states to end this tyranny by reasserting their own rights

Biden asks Congress for funding to help bring 95,000 Afghans to the US

Biden to make a COVID speech Thursday outlining a ‘6-pronged’ plan based on more vaccine mandates & school policies

THE TALIBAN FORMS A PRO-AL QAEDA GOVERNMENT, PART 2 – The Bergdahl five are murderers and terrorists

Biden’s National Security Council China Director Is A Former Fellow At A Chinese State-Funded Group

650,000+ Injuries Reported to VAERS After COVID Vaccines, as Biden and the FDA Spar Over Boosters

Report: 100+ Ontario Canada Youth Sent to Hospital for Vaccine-Related Heart Problems

The Arizona Attorney General: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Tucson City Employees Is Unconstitutional

Migration & Double Standards – If Americans must be tested before returning home, the U.S. should ask the same of anyone who seeks asylum here

Finding a Remedy for the CRT Pandemic – Critical race theory is spreading rapidly, but countermeasures are in progress

COLLEGE MEN AND THE TURTLE THEORY – Barkin, “What is the expiration date for cis white males?”

The Washington Post’s Downward, Demagogic Spiral – Three cheers for House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy

That Staged Buttigieg’s Photo – “So where’s the mother?” A good question, but a highly inappropriate one

The Taliban invite 6 nations to the Afghan govt formation event – The list is not surprising and what role will they play?

Taliban announces formal  government, name an acting prime minister and interior minister wanted by the FBI for terrorism

What If Intelligence Officers Were Asking these Questions at a Biden Press Conference? 

Byron York’s Daily Memo: Two questions about the Afghan refugees

Poll: 63 Percent of Americans Believe the Biden Administration Botched the Afghanistan Withdrawal

Joe Biden’s ally the Taliban paint Taliban emblems on the $700 Million recently built US embassy in Kabul

NY Times: Biden Admin Officials Are ‘Relieved’ SCOTUS Restored Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy

Texas Governor Abbott Signs New Election Integrity Voting Bill into Law –  Democrats say it is aimed at suppressing votes

Antifa starts using guns – They previously confined their violence to beatings, chemical “milkshakes,” and mob violence

Is COVID a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated? Not Quite – Shaming people with inaccurate data won’t win converts

The Australian government introduces new surveillance laws that allow authorities to quietly modify or delete Twitter and Facebook posts

Australians Suffer from Excessive COVID Lockdowns – The political class is largely insulated from the consequences

The false narrative on ivermectin – More likely, the truthful answers circle back to money and reputations

Nobel Prize Given For Ivermectin

Attacks On Ivermectin And Hydroxychlorquine Are Textbook ‘Saul Alinsky’ Tactics

Like a Rolling Stone – Lessons from the journalistic crimes of Rolling Stone are applicable to much more than just them

Newly Released Official Documents Prove US Grants Funded Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Lab

An Unvaccinated Rutgers Student Says He’s Barred from Taking His Remote Off-Campus Courses

Seattle Police, Already Decimated by Pro-Antifa Policies, Could Lose 200 More Officers Due To Their Vaccine Mandates

Police and Firefighters In LA Form a Group To Resist Vaccine Mandates

The Great Reset Demands The Firing Of All Unvaccinated Employees

An Explosive Report Reveals New Details On Coronavirus Research In Chinese Labs, Including Third Lab

Court-packing is back in vogue

American Homeschooling Goes Boom – Parents yanking their children, some five million of them from schools they say aren’t working

The Woke Nonprofits Behind the CDC’s ‘Inclusive Communication’ Guide – Progressivism moves into the public health’s arena

Trump builds a ‘turnkey’ campaign operation for 2024

The 6 reasons why Joe Biden’s popularity numbers won’t recover, which includes, Biden is not a charismatic leader

California Has One Week to ‘Flatten the Newsom’

September 6, 2021

Those Fully Vaccinated May Transmit Delta Just As Easily—And New Variant Shows Signs Of Vaccine Evasion

A Nursing Baby died with blood clots, inflamed arteries following mother’s Pfizer shot, a VAERS report says

Congressman Issa: At Least 500 Americans Stranded in Afghanistan, Contradicting White House Estimates

Biden seeks to shift focus to domestic issues after his outrageous Afghanistan exit

Joe Biden Is a Total Failure – Barring a miracle (that do occur sometimes), Biden will not go on for another 3 1/2 years

As The Taliban holds Americans ‘hostage,’ Biden admin says there’s little it can do: ‘We do not control the airspace’

What Did the Capitol Celebrity Cops Do to Roseanne Boyland? – Now that we know who shot Ashli Babbitt

The Unchanging Telos of the Democrats: importing thousands of Afghans refugees for the Democrats’ plan to transform America

CDC Bases Covid Jab Death Toll % on Doses – Not People, as Death Toll Topples all Other “Vaccines” for 3 Decades

Most Of The Hospitalizations In Israel Are Those That Have Been ‘Vaccinated’…Breakthrough Infections Skyrocketing

The Lack of Media Contrition or Correction for the OK Ivermectin Hoax Proves They’re Preying on Universal Ignorance

A Black Market Baby Trafficking Organization Exposed by Civilian in China

Lawmakers sound the alarm over Americans stranded in Afghanistan

No More Government Unions? – A proposed California ballot initiative would outlaw public-sector labor groups

The Hollywood China Syndrome – Hollywoke TV will continue to showcase unmasculine losers

A Generation of American Men Give Up on College: The number of men enrolled at two- and four-year colleges have fallen behind women by record levels

Biden to revive economic campaign and promises in an effort to pivot dialog away from Afghanistan, aides and allies say

Apparently, there’s no getting rid of the Afghan ‘refugees’ we recently let in who don’t pass their vetting

The Taliban seized control of the rest of Afghanistan three weeks ago, promise formation of a government ‘soon’

HOSTAGES (NOT HOSTAGES) – Taliban won’t allow flights to leave from Mazar-i-Sharif Airport in northern Afghanistan

Why Is the State Dept blocking private rescue flights from Afghanistan?

Smuggling Is On Full Swing In Afghanistan As The Taliban Transfers American Automatic Weapons And Humvees To Iran

I&I/TIPP Poll: Biden Gets Lion’s Share Of Blame For The Afghanistan Debacle

Biden People Lose 4,890 Migrant Children After Releasing Them Into America, And The Left Yawns

All Hell Is About To Break Loose In Georgia – 240 ballot harvesters in Georgia illegally went from dropbox to dropbox……

UK Vaccines Minister: COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Will Be Imposed on England This Month

Floundering Fauci Demands Simple Answers to Complex Problems – Too many variants reduce vaccine effectiveness

Study: Covid Shot ENHANCES Delta Infectivity – CDC, people who got the COVID shot early are at increased risk 

Where are the apologies for spreading ‘harmful misinformation about fake ivermectin overdoses in an Oklahoma hospital?

Dr. Robert Malone: Ivermectin, Escape Mutants, And The Faulty Logic of Vaccine Mandates

Too lazy to work and too callous to care: COVID’s lesson on teachers unions

Australian State Premier: All Non-Vaxed Citizens Will Be Locked Out of Economy, Freedom Only for the Vaccinated

COVID’s elephant in the room: The obesity epidemic – 78% of COVID hospitalizations are Obese and Overweight people

The Real Reasons Newsom Has Failed Californians – Out-of-control corruption by California’s ‘progressive’ movement

September 5, 2021

A Marine Instagram Message Suggests There Was Countdown to the Suicide Bombing in Kabul

Computer Chip Shortage to Keep Vehicles Prices at Record Highs Until 2023

An inside look at a deadly trip through Taliban-controlled Afghanistan

The Taliban Holds 6 Planes Carrying American Hostages as Biden Regime Tries to Shove Afghanistan Down the Memory Hole

An Afghan National Stabs A Woman Gardner Because He Didn’t Think It Was an Appropriate Job for Women Due To His Islamist Beliefs

Biden’s Afghanistan Speech Fails to Fool America  – Approval numbers plummeting, along with his party’s 2022 prospects

The State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: ‘Blood is on their hands’

The Border Patrol scrambles to fill the gap in the wall left by the Biden administration when they stopped wall construction

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Case study links Covid-19 vaccines to acute Central Nervous System Demyelination and Multiple Sclerosis

California animal welfare laws will impact pig farmers in other states – Analysts predict pork prices will increase in CA

What the California Recall Candidates are Saying About Newsome and Homelessness

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 4 – Non-Jews

US Coast Guard Pacific Chief: China’s New Maritime Rule is Very Concerning, it Violates International Agreements and Norms’

A Democrat Texas state judge just blocked the new abortion law that The Supreme Court refused to stop

WSJ: 9/11 Triggered a Homeland-Security Industrial Complex That Endures – After the attacks, federal policies swelled...

Joe Biden, Comforter-in-Chief? Not Really – He repeatedly checked his watch at the dignified transfer ceremony

Biden’s Meeting with Gold Star Family Blows Up in His Face as Family Members Walk Out on Him

With Afghanistan around Their Necks, Generals Austin and Milley Must Resign

Terrorist Group, Al-Qaida, That Committed 9/11 Joins with The Taliban in Afghanistan

What the Taliban’s victory means for Afghanistan’s neighbors – It’s a strategic victory for Pakistan, which has assisted them

The Taliban’s Goal in Governing Afghanistan May Surprise You – To deal relatively well with the Taliban requires people who fully understand Islam, Muslims, and what makes them tick

Dr. Robert Malone On The Latest COVID-19 Data, Booster Shots, and the Shattered Scientific ‘Consensus’

Fake News: The strange mainstream media campaign against ivermectin escalates

Get ready for more Central American migrant caravans

Have you ever wondered why WOKE People hate America so much?

September 4, 2021

COVID-19 mRNA vaccination leading to CNS inflammation: a case series

The Top FBI Official in Charge of Crimes Against Children, Arrested for Sex Crimes Against Children

The Biden Administration’s IRS is Sued for ‘Targeting Christian Groups for Discrimination’

Liberals Panic As They Fear Trump Republicans Are Taking Over At Local Level After Listening To Steve Bannon

Here’s Why the Capitol Police a.k.a. ‘Pelosi’s Stasi’ Deserve Zero Respect From People That Love America

Biden used ‘cheat sheet’ in LA while surveying storm damage: Included the name of New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell

More than 50,000 evacuated Afghans are expected to be admitted into the US

They Pushed Their Way Onto Planes: NYT Annialates Biden Admin’s Claims of Orderly, Thorough Afghan Evacuation

US Marine in Kabul Says Biden Admin Filled Planes with Unvetted Afghans – Those with Papers were Left Behind

Biden Surrendered to the Taliban, the GOP Must Not Surrender to Biden – Impeach Biden and court-martial the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Tucker Carlson: The U.S. Military Has Been Lying To Us About Afghanistan For 20 Years

A Diner Owner That Posted Sign Saying It Doesn’t Want Biden Supporters Gets Surprise Reaction From Customers

This Is Your Brain on Identity Politics: The Abortion Edition

Gavin Newsom bets fear can fend off voters’ fury at his misrule in CA recall election

Things are bad in California and seem to be getting worse for Governor Newsom

The Last Straw Before the Recall: Newsom Wants To Pay For As Many Afghan Refugees As He Can Pull Into CA

Leading Candidate in CA Recall Election Has Plans for Feinstein: ‘She Has a Worse Mental Condition Than Even Biden

Crisis in America: Millions of Veteran Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

Are We Experiencing A Covid Government Betrayal or Could It BeJust Plain Incompetence? – You Decide!

Despite a 95% vaccination rate, Cornell University now has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year

Berkeley California adds vaccination verification rules

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why the WHO Is a Corrupt, Unhealthy Organization

Biden will not support, defend, or rescue Taiwan – Based on his colossal foreign policy errors it’s a pretty reasonable conclusions

WHO WE BROUGHT OUT – We have yet to get a handle on the 120,000 Afghans included with some 6,000 American citizens in the airlift out of Kabul


Tucker Carlson Mocks The ‘Childish’ Media Celebrating ‘Adults’ Are Back in Charge After The Afghanistan Debacle

‘Social Responsibility,’ ESG Scores, and China’s Social Credit System

Why CA’s recall could deliver a sucker punch to Biden, not just Newsom – 700 Pro-Newsom staffers begin ballot harvesting

The official explanation for California’s suspicious recall election envelopes

The SCOTUS Ruling in Favor of Texas Abortion Law Prompts Senate Judiciary Committee to Examine ‘Shadow Docket’

One America News Network’s Dan Ball Sits Down With President Donald J. Trump For An Exclusive Interview

COVID is bringing out the tyrant in America’s politicians – “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

CA Assembly Employees Who Weren’t Vaccinated by Sept 1st Have Been Placed on Unpaid Leave

Fauci-Funded Researchers & U.S. Officials Star In Chinese State Propaganda Documentary To Absolve China of Responsibility For COVID-19

How Big Pharma corrupts public health – It has never been shy about using money to buy influence

Top Health Officials Push Back Against Biden’s Booster Vaccination Plan

Two utterly fascinating and important facts about COVID


September 3, 2021

More than 100 Ontario youth sent to hospital for COVID-19 vaccine-related heart problems

Public and Private Outrage Over Ineffective, Unsafe, Forced Vaccinations

California Governor Gavin Newsom Shares His Closing Message: You will Die of COVID if I’m Recalled

GOP Representative Jim Jordan Makes Announcement After Call With Trump – He Will Run in 2024

Court Orders Feds to Disclose Identities of Ghislaine Maxwell’s “Unnamed Co-Conspirators”

40,000 From The Afghanistan Airlift Have Entered The US According To Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

Was Biden Snubbed by Troops at Walter Reed? No Reports of Purple Hearts Awarded, No Photos of Meetings with Kabul Terror Attack Wounded

Afghan evacuation raises concerns about abused or child bride trafficking

One hundred Afghan evacuees flagged for possible terror ties

Making ‘Allies’ of Terrorists: As Disastrous as You Would Expect – To Understand Look at Syria and Libya

The Afghan Endgame and the Proxy Myth – Those who seek to legitimize the Taliban only serve to delegitimize themselves

Afghan Refugees Not Tested for COVID Before Landing in the US, but are tested after arrival

States battle Biden administration in court for failing to deport criminal illegal aliens

Poll: Biden Gets Devastating Impeachment News from Democrats

Donald Trump Says Biden Is Doing So Bad, Foreign Leaders Are Calling Him to Complain

The WH warns the US ‘not adequately prepared’ for future pandemics – Effort to transform capabilities to cost $65.3 billion

A 2019 CDC Memo on Ivermectin Resurfaces After Media Blasted The Drug as a ‘Horse Treatment’

Fauci Praises Case-Surging Israel and Moves the Goalpost Again: ‘Full Regimen for Vaccination Will Likely Be 3 Doses’

Governor Newsom and California lawmakers hit an impasse on financing bullet train

California’s Ethnic Studies Programs Are Hopelessly Compromised And Tied to Marxist A Revolutionary Group

US 2020 Election Fraud At A Glance – Updated As New Information Becomes Available

Disaster: Biden’s Economy Created Just 235,000 Jobs in August

Biden’s purely political 9/11 anniversary related Afghanistan timeline got Americans killed

Joe Biden Is Lying To Americans About Afghanistan – Saying the Afghanistan retreat was a great success

The Taliban Press The Last Afghan Resistance Fighters in North – The humanitarian crisis intensifies

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: ‘President Biden Knew the Truth’ on Afghanistan

Joe Biden and his administration. have consistently lied to Americans about Afghanistan

The Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of the CCP’s blackmail of Joe Biden

The Leftist’ Afghanistan Whitewash/Spin Is Already Happening

Why Afghan Refugees Don’t Go to Other Muslim Countries


Regrets, you’ve had a few: 20% of 2020 voters want their Biden vote back

Why Biden is Capping Off His Disastrous Week with Another ‘Vacation’ – Off The Record Meetings With His Advisors

Liz Cheney Appointed Vice-Chair of January 6 committee – Will She Investigate Pelosi’s Role in January 6 Riot?

Shocking Conclusions from an Africa Study Expose Why Big Pharma’s Puppets are Suppressing Ivermectin Data and Calling It A Horse Dewormer

The CDC: 80% of US adults have some level of immunity to COVID…

Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Launch Could Be Delayed – The FDA needs more time to collect and assess the data on safety and efficacy

Florida to Start Fining Businesses $5,000 for Violations of Vaccine Passport Ban

Joe Rogan Beats COVID-19 In A Day – Using Ivermectin, and a few other things

Why all the fuss about Ivermectin? – First hydroxychloroquine, now ivermectin, is the hated deadly drug de jour

Red Cross Vaccine Alert – Vaccinated can not donate convalescent plasma as vaccines wipe out natural Covid antibodies

Ultra-Vaxxed and Booster-Heavy Israel Now Has More Covid Infections per Capita Than Any Country in the World

A COVID testing facility in CO that refused to test Candace Owens for COVID reveals the political con behind the panic

An Australian state begins use of an app that dispatches police if you don’t prove your location with a selfie within 15 minutes of random checks

Donald Trump Jr. Posts Four Words that Every Freedom-Loving American Should Echo – Don’t Australia My America

California Wildfire Devastation Was Entirely Preventable Through Proper Land Management

Nancy Pelosi Says House Will Vote On An Abortion Access Bill Following Supreme Court Ruling

A Bill To Make Vote-By-Mail Permanent in California Passes The Senate

September 2, 2021

As Vaccines Continue to Not Work as Promised – Ivermectin Continues to Work and This Secret is Getting Out

Real Progress Is Not What Progressives Have in Mind  – The facts show there is no black voter suppression in America today

Ben Dugan Works for CVS. His Job Is Battling a $45 Billion California Crime Spree By Organized Crime

Democrats Tuck Female Draft Into Defense Bill – Republican bids to eliminate critical race theory, protect all-male draft shot down in late-night debate

The Zelensky-Biden Meeting and the TAPI Pipeline – Mostly a diversionary ploy to deflect attention from Afghanistan

‘Cheers’ Star Kirstie Alley, 70 Used Joe Rogan Ivermectin Protocol And Recovered In 12 Days – With most symptoms subsiding in two days

Nancy Pelosi knelt for George Floyd in Congress but refused to the read names of US military killed in Afghanistan

House Republicans Demand The Full and Unedited Transcript From The Biden-Ghani Phone Call

Donald Trump on Joe Biden: ‘There’s Something Wrong’ with Him – I’ve received calls from some dismayed foreign leaders

Victor Davis Hanson: There’s a problem in the Upper Reaches of Our Military

The Taliban Announces That China Will Be Their Main Partner – And will help rebuild Afghanistan

The Former British commander in Afghanistan calls Biden’s exit the greatest disaster since World War II

Joe Biden to Go Back on Vacation, as Even His Own People Are Horrified About The Americans Left Behind

His foreign policy in shambles, Biden’s domestic agenda is falling apart too

The Ft. Dix, NJ Base Commander Issues Order to Not Photograph or Video Any Afghan Refugee Resettlement Processing

Roger L. Simon: My Chat With Larry Elder On The Mystery of California

Biden Rips SCOTUS, Orders Federal Crack Down On Texas Over ‘Heartbeat’ Law

The ‘Cure’ for COVID — a Global Takedown of the 99% — Has Proven Far Worse Than the Disease

As Vaccines Continue to Not Work as Promised – Ivermectin Continues to Work – This Secret is Getting Out

FL Governor DeSantis Touts Success Of Antibody Treatment For COVID-19, Says It Is As Efficient As Vaccines

Grace Community Church Wins Lawsuit Against Governor Newsom’s Attacks on Religious Liberty

Blame Cronyism, Not The Free Markets – Big Business shouldn’t be relying on Big Brother

Sacramento Parents Demand Prosecution of AP History Teacher who Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 3 – The Ethnicities

GM idling 8 plants, Ford halting pickup line as chip shortage worsens – The shortage is accelerating in the wrong direction

Alleged “Fact Checkers” Try and Fail to Debunk Claim Biden Checked Watch During Dignified Transfer of Fallen Soldiers

A Ruling Class with Blood on Its Hands – Three Cheat Codes For Separating Truth From Propaganda

WSJ: Tens of Thousands in Afghanistan Are Trapped as Neighboring Countries Close Borders

America’s Biggest Media Institutions Are Now Turning Away from The Afghanistan Disaster

Donald Trump: All U.S. States Should Go to Paper Ballots, Same-Day in-Person Voting, and Voter ID

Joe Biden Has Fundamentally Weakened America –  Whatever diminishes the country, he calls progress, just like Obama

130 Retired Generals and Admirals Call for Biden Admin Resignations over Fatally Botched Afghanistan Exit

Our Defeat In Afghanistan Is Only The Beginning – First and most obvious, Afghanistan will revert to being a terrorist haven

A Mysterious Audio Recording Threatens Those Afghans That Aided The US

Trump’s Save America PAC is out with another savage anti-Biden ad

Joe Biden’s Job Approval Has Entered Dangerous Territory – The most important predictor of a party’s performance in a midterm is the president’s job approval rating

Coming events in Afghanistan are about to destroy our American complacency 

Harsh Mainstream Media Coverage of The Afghan Exit May Reflect Buyer’s Remorse

The One Thing Joe Biden Is Right About – Why conservatives should oppose “nation-building”

The time to hold Iran accountable for its horrific crimes is right now

Hans von Spakovsky: Missing Ballots in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin Exceed Joe Biden’s Victory Margins

The U.S. In More Trouble Than At Any Time In Its History – Biden’s mental decline that began long before the 2020 election

Good Leadership Leads by Example, Not by Coercion – Speaking the truth has become a career-ending decision?

20 States Sue The Biden Administration For Corrupting Title IX With ‘Gender Identity’ Mumbo Jumbo – That denies basic biological reality

mRNA Vaccine Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Discloses The Dangers of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

Boosters and the War on the Unvaxxed: Preparing for the Coming Covid Case and Death Spike – Everything is changing

Is Disabling the U.S. Military Through Mandatory Vaccinations Part of the Globalists’ Plan?

Did Roe vs Wade just get effectively overturned? – The Texas law was written in such a way that it is difficult to challenge

An Update On Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller

Landlords Crushed By The Eviction Bans Rush to Sell Their Properties And It Is Stifling The Rental Market

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews, Part 2- The Orthodox


Desperation Time: Gruesome Newsom Threatens that People Will Literally Die if He Is Recalled

September 1, 2021

Kayleigh McEnany: If Democrats Had Integrity, They Would Impeach Biden Over July Phone Call with Afghan President

6 lies Joe Biden told about Afghanistan – How can Americans believe anything he says after he’s lied so blatantly?

U.S embassy in Dushanbe: The U.S. to help build border facilities on the Tajik-Afghan border

A pill to treat COVID-19? Pfizer takes next step in a study of Tamiflu-like drug – And it continues……..

A 16-Year-Old Who Suffered Heart Attack After Taking Pfizer Vaccine Receives $225,000 Settlement From Singapore

Mask mandates for children are not backed up by data

Congressional Democrats And The Biden Administration Plan To Impose The Largest Tax Increase Since 1968

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Covid-19 was Intentionally Created with Material Support from the US and Chinese Governments

Michelle Malkin: Ivermectin Horse Hockey, Versus Truth – Don’t be cowed by Big Pharma and their bought-off Swamp bureaucrats

A new COVID variant detected in South Africa is the most mutated variant so far

Countries are canceling COVID vaccine passports for those without booster shots – 


Is Our Military Woke, Broke, or Both? – Somehow our new woke Pentagon is hell-bent on losing the trust of Americans

Jim Jordan Puts Adam Schiff on Notice and Lays Out What He Can Expect for His Role in Afghanistan Disaster

What Did France Know About Afghanistan That We Didn’t? – They started pulling people 3-months before the fall of Kabul

Is Texas Shooting The Start Of A Biden-Fueled Terrorism Surge? – What “inspired” Rasheed to go on a killing spree?

Biden National Security Adviser Gives Mind-Blowing Response When Asked If Taliban Is America’s Enemies

Military Service Members With Natural Immunity File A Lawsuit Against DOD, FDA, HHS Over COVID Vaccine Mandate

Science Killed Itself Over COVID-19 – Science is not supposed to be about intimidating, or abusing, or censoring data

Top FDA Vaccine Regulators Resign in Protest, Reportedly Point the Finger at White House For Pushing Booster Shots

Who’s Really Being Hospitalized? – Breakthrough cases reach majority levels in some places but numbers elude CDC

Governor Newsom’s ‘Attacks on Religious Liberty Led to Five Supreme Court Losses’

Newsom’s stimulus left out many retirees, veterans, and disabled Californians – Will they vote to recall him?

The US Knew About Kabul Bomber, Had Drone Lock but Didn’t Take the Shot For Fear Of Upsetting The Taliban

Taliban fighters gleefully paraded outside the city of Kandahar with captured American vehicles and abandoned weapons

The Taliban Battle Opposition Militias & Wield New Power in Kabul As Hundreds of American citizens and residents look for a way out of Afghanistan after U.S. forces depart

Biden’s People Left Behind a 3-Year-Old California Boy in Afghanistan – The Child Was Beaten by Taliban and Forced Into Hiding

They Chopped-Off An Actress’ Feet: Afghan-American Filmmaker’s Chilling Taliban Story

Taliban Supporters Hold Mock Funerals With Coffins Draped With American Flags

Resign now: 52% want Biden out but fear worse things will happen under Harris

Blood on HER Hands: As The‘Last Voice in the Room,’ Kamala Harris Could have Prevented the Afghanistan Crisis

The White House Hopes We Will All Forget Afghanistan and The Press Will Do Their Best to Help

The Biden Administrations Unspoken Aim: Demoralize Americans – We must defeat this gathering tyranny

Representative Jeff Duncan Co-Sponsors Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: “The president is not going to be removed from office with a Democrat House and a narrowly Democrat Senate

29 California School Children are Still Stranded in Afghanistan – The Taliban Prevented Them from Reaching Airport


Ingrate Joe Biden abandons the Afghani interpreter who rescued him and two other Senators in 2008

Investigate Pelosi and Her Politically Motivated January 6 Committee – This should never ever be repeated

A Palestinian Exposes Hamas For What It Really Is

Bill Gates and the Vaccine Heist – Gates friend Jeffrey Epstein, the vaccine agenda, and The Great Reset

The FDA’s cozy relationship with Big Pharma – Face it, the pharmaceutical industry is the central engine of the global health establishment 

HHS: COVID-19 Hospital Admissions Fall for First Time in Weeks Across US

Covid is the “Eye of the Storm” – We need to push back against the Biden “Oligarchy of Elites, as follows…….

Delta variant threaten economic recovery – Business travel has been scaling back as the delta variant rips through the US

The Left’s Hysteria About Kids And COVID Is Much Worse Than QAnon – The Democrats’ entire rationale for ruling right now is far more destructive conspiracy theories

Japan suspends use of Moderna injections after “metallic particles” found in vials – The country continues using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19

West Virginia Governor: Over the last 8-weeks, a “25% increase in deaths of people who are FULLY Vaccinated”

The Supreme Court Green-Lights The Texas Six-Week Abortion Ban

3,000+ Pediatricians, Health Care Workers Sue Biden Over His Transgender Mandate

Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews – There are only two ways to be a Jew

Fact-Checked: Gavin Newsom Shouldn’t Have Dared Us To Check Middle-Class Taxes in California vs. Texas

Gavin Newsom Had 10 of His 11 Businesses Funded by Billionaire Family Friend Gordon Getty Straight Out of College

The Sacklers, OxyContin, and Two Unstated Questions – Are the Sacklers responsible for the opioid epidemic?

Critical Race Theory is On the Ropes – Protests against CRT are breaking out all over America

A Soros-backed DA is destroying another American city – Boudin was never  a prosecutor before his election as SFO DA

Is California Really Going to Free Sirhan Sirhan? – Let’s not forget who he was and still is — an assassin

Except for the media and academia, support for Roe vs Wade is pretty thin

Now NPR trashes free speech – Are the ruling elites getting ready to move in for the kill?

New “Woke” Navy guidelines include allowing men to be bald and wear earrings and women to have ‘very short’ hair

August 31, 2021

The Go-to Lawyer for Capitol Riot Defendants That Implicated The FBI Disappears

A bombshell transcript from July reveals Biden pressured Afghan President Ghani to create the ‘perception’ the Taliban wasn’t winning ‘WHETHER IT’S TRUE OR NOT’

Biden’s Presidency Is Already A Total Disaster – He is turning every challenge he faces into a crisis and disaster

The U.S. Govt’s Crisis Response Director Resigned After Biden’s State Dept Canceled ‘Lifeline’ Group Over Trump Links

In secret texts, U.S. military officials lamented leaving Americans behind in Kabul – Army colonel: “We are f*cking abandoning American citizens”

The number of green-card Americans stranded in Afghanistan could be in the thousands, along with 3-year-old American

Why Alternative News Is America’s Last Hope for True Journalism – Every mainstream media outlet is 99% agenda-driven

House Republicans Furious After Democrat Blocks Their Bid to Ensure Americans Trapped in Afghanistan Are Evacuated

WSJ: Texas GOP Lawmakers Send Voting Bill to Governor’s Desk With Tighter Restrictions

Consumer Confidence Falls to 6-Month Low on COVID-19 and Inflation Worries

Afghan Interpreter Who Helped Rescue Biden in 2008 Left Behind After U.S. Exit

Ultra-Vaxxed Israel Shattered Their Record for New Covid-19 New Cases – Are ‘Vaccines’ Spreading Covid-19 Faster?

The CDC Endorses FDA Approval of Pfizer COVID Vaccine for 16 and Older, Amid Questions About Missing Data and Which Vaccine Is Actually Approved

Larry Elder Versus Governor Newsom: A Battle for the Soul of America

California’s Recall Election Has Already Been Stolen – California politicians have already done their dirty work

FB Will Adjust Their Algorithms to Reduce The Visibility of Top Performing Political Posts – Most of which are conservative

The U.S. Forest Service Closes All National Forests In California Until Mid-September Due To Wildfires


Biden Official Confronted Over Report That Admin Knew Likely Time, Place Of Terror Attack

Pro-Antifa High School Teacher in California Admits Communist Indoctrination of Students … ‘I Have 180 Days to Turn Them into Revolutionaries’

The Day the Music Died: The Taliban Ban Music and Then Execute The Leading Afghan Folk Singer – The Killings Begins!

The FAA Tells US Carriers Not to Fly Over Afghanistan After Final Withdrawal


WSJ: The Taliban Celebrate U.S. Exit From Afghanistan and Vow to Enforce Islamic Rule 

Take Bagram now, before Beijing does – There have been many warnings about China’s diplomatic and economic inroads in the region

Biden waived congressional mandate to see reports on risks associated with the U.S. troop withdrawal in Afghanistan

NO BLINKEN WAY – These statements have to be seen to be believed & compound the disgrace of our surrender & exit

U.S. Citizen Mother and Her Three Children Escorted by Taliban to Kabul Airport Denied Entry by U.S. Generals Donahue and Milley

Nearly 90 Retired Generals & Admirals Call for Pentagon Chief Austin and General Milley to Resign in a Scathing Letter

Chase Bank just canceled General Michael Flynn – Chase claimed it was doing so due to “reputational risk”

U.S. Black Hawk Helicopter, Inexplicably Left Operational, Used By Taliban To Hang Man In Afghanistan

Animals rights group says the US handed ‘death sentence’ to working dogs left behind by troops in Afghanistan

The U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan Announces Suspension of Operations

Dr. Jane Orient: Where Are the Autopsy Results of People Dying After Getting COVID Vaccinations?

Axios-Ipsos poll: Vaccine hesitancy may be crumbling

Here’s Why No One Can Force You to Take Pfizer’s Newly ‘Approved’ Comirnaty Vaccine

Gavin Newsom – It’s All In The Family – Four San Francisco families intertwined by blood, marriage, money, culture, and, of course, by politics – the Browns, the Newsoms, the Pelosis, and the Gettys

California Will Be Fine If Larry Elder Becomes Governor

Can Americans still beat Democrat voter fraud? – The Democrats are the party of voter fraud. Republicans know it, and so do Democrats

Biden’s Semiconductor Chip Executive Order Missteps Empower China

Canadian Bank accounts are frozen if people don’t get vaccinated and sign up for their 1984 surveillance app

August 30, 2021

General McKenzie Lied – The U.S. Military Abandoned THOUSANDS of Americans to the Taliban

Importing Enemies – The demand to resettle Afghan refugees here brings the war home

WSJ: Climate Change to Be Treated as Public-Health Issue – The new federal office is likely to face pushback over actions that target health industry

Homeschooled children increased from 13K in 1973 to 5M in 2020 – 2% to 8% annually and exploded beginning in 2019

Biden’s Meeting with Gold Star Family Blows Up in His Face as Family Members Walk Out on Him

WSJ: The Last U.S. Troops Leave Afghanistan After Nearly 20 Years  – Leaving behind more than 100 Americans……….

Pfizer Board Member: ‘Natural Immunity’ Against COVID-19 confers durable protection and Needs to Be Included in Policy Discussions

COVID-19 Vaccines and the Delta Variant – The correlations between Covid-19 events and vaccination rates are weak

ZELENKO PROTOCOL: Treatment Plans For Covid-19 – Based on clinical suspicion ASAP, preferably within the first 5 days of symptoms

Mitch McConnell Refuses to Oppose Vaccine and Mask Mandates, Passes the Buck to ‘Employers and School Boards’

Democrat lawmakers drop the idea for a California statewide vaccine mandate

The L.A. teachers union calls for vaccination mandate for eligible students, stricter quarantines

More Similarities Between the Whitmer Plot and January 6 – It’s almost impossible to believe that the FBI had nothing to do with the U.S. Capitol melee

10 Examples of the Left’s Blatant Hypocrisy – “Anti-racists” have an all but monopoly on racism

Hurricane Ida leaves New Orleans without power as it weakens into a tropical storm

Hurricane Ida shuts down refineries — It is likely to lead to some increase in gasoline prices, but nothing dramatic

Reports out of Kabul are too awful to believe – American authorities are denying our citizens access to Kabul airport

The Biden Administration’s Scorecard – The botched Afghanistan withdrawal is just the latest of their atrocities

It’s Not the Dementia, Stupid – The truth is that as a Senator, Biden’s voting record was to the left of Barack Obama

The Taliban wants pallets of cash to extend the US 8/31 evacuation deadline – Unfreeze the Afghan funds and they will extend the deadline

A Family of Marine killed in Afghanistan slams the Biden Dover meeting as scripted, a ‘total disregard’ to Marine’s death

More Rats Abandoning the Biden Ship – The next dominoes are predicted to be Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Ukraine

A Previously deported convicted rapist made it back to the U.S. on an Afghan evacuation flight

‘Seven buses loaded with women American citizens are all likely dead now’…

Is Afghanistan the Next Killing Field? – People stranded there are now realizing this administration will do things that are truly unthinkable

Joe Biden Makes Islamic Terrorism Great Again

Biden Walks Out of Storm Media Event After A Reporter Asks About Afghanistan – “I’m not supposed to talk about that”

Veterans Have Been Ordered to Stop ‘Disrespecting’ Biden, VP Harris and Members of Congress

The US Intercepts 5 Rockets Aimed At Kabul Airport

Demand for underutilized monoclonal antibody treatments used by Trump grows in states where delta is surging

Pretending COVID Is An Emergency Is Killing America – There is no justification for the continued suspension of the American form of self-government that secures all our individual rights and liberties

The factual post that got Alex Berenson banned from Twitter for pointing out the obvious about the vaccines

The U.S. Intelligence Community Offers a Useless Report on COVID-19’s Origins

A growing number of states are rolling out digital credentials/vaccine passports following an initiative the Biden administration signaled this spring

COVID Vaccine Mandates Make No Sense – Why ignore a group with better protection than those vaccinated?

Just Say No To Vaccine Passports – Whether imposed by the government or the private sector

Who’s Skipping the COVID Vaccines? – The Answer May Surprise You

Larry Elder Derangement Syndrome – The possibility of a Black conservative CA governor is driving Democrats nuts

Gavin’s Lament: Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful – Things he should have done, but didn’t

If recalled, what’s next for Gavin Newsom? – Whatever he does, his pathway to the White House remains uncertain

Pushback on CRT Starts with the States – Progressives have spent generations corrupting the education system

August 29, 2021

The CDC to Spend Millions of Taxpayer Dollars on What They Define As The ‘Gun Health Threat’

An Afghan TV Show Is Host Surrounded By Taliban With Guns And Tells The Public Not To Be Afraid And Cooperate

The loss of Afghanistan ultimately ends the Empire – Empire builders are motivated by the imperative to maintain hegemony over the Eurasian landmass

Few Options Remain in Afghanistan – Finding a common cause with the Taliban should not be one of them

Our Afghan Nightmare: Afghanistan is now the best-equipped terrorist nation in the world, with the prestige of humiliating the world’s superpower

The fatal failure of General Miley over closing Bagram Air Base –The chairman of the Joint Chiefs must go

Secretary of State Antony Blinken Was Vacationing in the Hamptons Hours Before The Taliban Took Over Kabul

The Biden Administration Could Have Kept Control Of Kabul But Declined The Taliban’s Offer

The Kabul airport was targeted in a rocket attack foiled by the US’s C-RAM missile defense system – No reported casualties

CENTCOM is investigating reported civilian casualties after a drone strike on ISIS-K suicide vehicle

An Activist Judge Asks Mom a Surprise Vaccine Question, She Gets It ‘Wrong’ So He Strips Her of Custody

Tens of Thousands Protest in Germany and France Against COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

With The  ‘Supposedly Approved’ Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Not Yet Available, Mandates Are Preying on People’s Ignorance

Former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Estimates FDA Will Authorize Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine For Children By Early Winter

In LA, the price for admission at the nation’s second-largest school district is a weekly negative covid test

The Recall is the best way to slap down Governor Newsom for California’s disastrous decline

WSJ: The .S. Carries Out Airstrike to Prevent Kabul Airport Attack – Pentagon says vehicle contained multiple suicide bombers affiliated with Islamic State

Biden Is Emboldening Iran – He has failed to contain the country’s nuclear ambitions

The U.S. is in the final phase of Kabul evacuations, Taliban says ready to take over the airport

The US handed out blank copies of visas in Afghanistan, setting terrorists up: Ex-FBI agent

The Taliban’s chilling order to Kabul residents – Hand over your weapons and ammunition

Biden’s People Seem To Prefer Islamic Refugees to Christian Ones –  Not all refugees are equal for his State Department

The military brass may regret firing Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller

The Biden Administration Can No Longer Deny It, Dark Economic Inflation Prediction Is Now Doubled

Why Was Kamala Harris Chosen? – Because She Couldn’t Outshine Joe

Biden Warned Another Attack in Kabul ‘Highly Likely’ and Imminent Very Soon

The Taliban Won Through Unity of Effort & Narrative – They used propaganda, social media, and negotiation

Iran Hits the Jackpot as Taliban Realizes 1 Thing About the Vehicles Biden Left Them – They will need lots of fuel 

Secretary of State Blinken: US ‘on-the-ground diplomatic presence’ unlikely in Kabul after the withdrawal deadline

Doctors: Mandates Will Not Stop Covid, but Will ‘Cause Crushing Harms and Deaths Due to the Collateral Effects’

WSJ Support in Lacy v. Newsom Lawsuit to Repeal Death Penalty Protocols

The Ten Commandments of Critical Race Theory – A Bullet List

August 28, 2021

Did the US Support the Growth of ISIS-K?

California Nurses Seeking Exemptions Face ‘Extreme Duress’ as a Vaccine Mandate Deadline Looms

Fauci Discusses Coronavirus Booster Shots – Should it be shorter than eight months? Should it be as little as five months?

Why You Suddenly Need To Delete The Google Chrome Browser

Psaki Admits Biden Admin Not Likely to Get All Americans Out of Afghanistan

The British somehow seem to be getting their people out of Afghanistan

U.S. Citizens Told To Leave Kabul Airport Due To a ‘Credible Terrorist Attack Threat’

The Pentagon Releases Names of 13 U.S. Service Members Who Lost Their Lives in Afghanistan Terrorist Attack

WSJ: The U.S. Used a Special Hellfire Missile in Afghanistan Airstrike on Islamic State

  1. Christian Adams: 15 Million Mail Ballots Unaccounted For in 2020 Election

Capitol Police Seek to Shut Down Lawsuit to Obtain Videos and Emails Related to January 6 Incident At Capitol

CDC: Effective October 1st, Green Card Applicants Will Need COVID-19 Vaccine to Be Eligible

Australia Created a Police State to Stop COVID-19 And Data Show It’s Not Working

Ashli Babbitt Shooters shocking admission – “I could not fully see her hands or what was in the backpack or what the intentions were”


A Majority of California Latinos Favor Ousting Newsom – There is a growing middle-class push for the recall

The January 6 Committee Seeks Records From 15 Tech Platforms

No guarantees for Americans and allies left behind in Afghanistan after the August deadline

Biden Subcontracts U.S. Security to Terrorists – The airport massacre occurred because Biden relied on the Taliban for security

Estimating the Costs of our 20 Years in Afghanistan

Seven Major Biden Disasters And Failures To Deliver On Campaign Promises in Seven Months

WSJ: The U.S. Begins Final Stages of Afghan Withdrawal – Kabul on high alert for further possible terrorist attacks

Afghanistan is not going down well within the U.S. military’s ranks

Sixty-Six Progressive Democrats Demand Reparations and Open Borders for Afghan Migrants

Tucker Carlson: We Don’t Owe Afghanistan Anything — ‘They Were the Staging Ground for 9/11’

The Afghan refugee crisis is about to get much worse as when tens of thousands of Afghan refugees look for new homes

The text from a business associate in Afghanistan that will haunt me for the rest of my life

An Afghan intelligence officer asks his US General mentor for help escaping the Taliban

California wises up and chooses natural gas for power plants

Landmark study finds vaccinated people 13 times more likely to catch COVID-19 than those who have recovered and have natural immunity

DNA, COVID Shots & And The Path To Transhumanism – Dr. Carrie Madej Connects The Dots

Anthony Fauci’s Continued Prominence Proves ‘The Great Reset’ Architects Have Absolute Control

Reality bit us, and the wound is festering as described in a letter I sent our children last November, after the election

The recent Supreme Court eviction ruling puts new pressure on Pelosi


August 27, 2021

WHO: Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates, vaccination status, and technical specifications implementation guidance


Kash’s Corner: We Knew This Would Happen in Afghanistan, and We Had a Strategy to Prevent It

COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week, FDA Pulls ‘Bait and Switch’ With Pfizer Vaccine Approval

A Marine Lt. Colonel Demands Senior Leaders Accept ‘Accountability’ for Afghanistan and Gets Removed from Position

Five Reasons the Media Might Be Abandoning Biden

With the recall looming, Newsom gets some help from his friends in the Legislature

The Emerging One-Party State – Republicans should expose Democrats as a totalitarian threat to our constitutional system

Trump Responds to Kabul Attack with Video Statement: ‘It Would Not Have Happened If I Were Your President’

WSJ: In Its Last Days in Kabul The U.S. Turns to Taliban as a Partner As Resources Are Stretched Thin

Pentagon: 11 hours ago the U.S. Carries Out Airstrike Against Islamic State in Afghanistan

The Taliban is asking the US to keep some American Diplomatic presence in Afghanistan

Marine Battalion Commander Fired After Blasting ‘Inept’ Military Leadership Over Afghanistan Withdrawal

The Afghanistan debacle fuels general officer crisis because general officer ranks are rarely held accountable

The Mainstream Media’s ‘Lab Leak’ Denial Darling Is Actually an Ex-Chinese Communist Advisor


Joe Biden Turns Afghanistan Into A Slaughterhouse and The Taliban Into A Regional Military Superpower

WSJ: Afghan Crowds Return to Kabul Airport after Islamic State bombings killed 13 U.S. troops and nearly 200 Afghans

A Cry From The Heart For Accountability: Marine Lt. Colonel Scheller on our withdrawal from Afghanistan

Biden Tried to Send Pallets of Cash to the Taliban as Kabul Fell

Democrat Rep. Admits Democrats Don’t Have Plan to Rescue Stranded Americans After August 31st

We Will Hunt You Down! – Biden’s bloviating bluster means zero because the world knows what he really is

Joe Biden must accept accountability for his Afghanistan debacle

Who’s in Charge of Afghanistan? – The most interesting country to watch on recognizing the Taliban is India

Al Qaeda and ISIS members from Afghanistan could resurface on the Southern border according to experts

U.S. Supreme Court hands Biden another loss – As they strike down his eviction moratorium

What the polio vaccines can teach us about the COVID ones – Did political pressure compromise the safety protocols and standard procedures at the FDA and Big Pharma?

A High Ranking U.S. Naval Officer Says Navy Chaplains Are Blocking Religious Vaccine Exemption Requests

Did the FDA Pull a Pfizer Bait-and-Switch on the American People?

How ‘Informed Consent’ Became ‘Coercion of the Uninformed’ – Where are the disclosures that commonly appear at the bottom of most American drug commercials

Newsom Deserves to Be Recalled – Even for deep-blue California, this progressive governor has gone way too far

Gavin Newsom’s Recall Undermines The Democrat Party’s Plans To Californicate America – The California model is dead

The Blue State Blues: Voters Are Furious About Afghanistan, and California Is Their First OpportunitTo do Something

Is Larry Elder about to be sabotaged? – Just like the Democrats attacked Gray Davis

The Federal Reserve’s Preferred Inflation Gauge Posts Fastest Annual Price Gain in 30 Years

Apparently, it is now OK for a Capital Police Officer to kill an unarmed female Trump protester

Apple agrees to let iPhone app developers directly email users which will cost the tech giant billions 

Analyst: Google to Pay Apple $15 Billion to Remain Default Search Engine For Their Phones and Tablets

August 26, 2021

Obama Tried to Warn Us: ‘Don’t Underestimate Joe’s Ability to F— Things Up’

Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine, but no infection parties, please

13 US Troops Killed in Afghanistan Bombings By ISIS Suicide Bomber

‘KILL LIST’: US officials gave the Taliban names of American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies

White House Staff Are ‘Afraid’ to Tell Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan ‘They’re Wrong’

Hiding behind his tears — Sorry Biden’s adamant decisions led to Kabul carnage

Shame – The long-term consequences of the Administration’s complete failure in Afghanistan and their obsession with January 6th and the imaginary “domestic terrorists” will be deadly!

Dr. Peter McCullough – “The failed mass Covid-19 vaccination program will go down as one of the most deadly in history”

Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Is Linked to Heart Inflammation Risk in Real-World Study

AZ AG Brnovich – Maricopa County Must Fully Comply With Senate Subpoenas Or Lose MILLIONS in State Revenues

LIVE UPDATES: Kabul airport explosion leaves 3 US Marines injured after a second blast reported

Live Updates: Suicide Bombing Outside Kabul Airport

THE WINKIN’ OF BLINKEN – He doesn’t acknowledge the difficulties of getting to Kabul for Americans spread around the country

Afghan Christians ‘Panicking’ as They’re Turned Away from US Evacuation Flights

Nigel Farage: ‘No way’ U.K. parliament will approve military cooperation with the U.S. under Biden

Biden’s revealing joke with NBC correspondent about Americans stranded in Afghanistan – You’ll be the first person I call

Police Lieutenant Who Killed January 6 Capitol Rioter Ashli Babbitt Finally Identified

H.R. 4 Is Just Another Power Grab – Requires states to submit any election law changes to the DOF for pre-approval

House Democrats Pass HR 4 Bill To Steal Elections The Old-Fashioned Way – A radical assault on election integrity

China Tells VP Kamala Harris US Has No Credibility To Criticize China After Chaotic Afghanistan Actions

75,000 U.S. Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons & 208 Planes Left In Afghanistan

The Bad & The Ugly About COVID In America – Evidence suggests COVID-19 was engineered in the Wuhan virology lab

Florida Surpasses 10,000 Monoclonal Antibody Treatments

Government-Approved ‘Experts’ Are Lying to Us About The Value of Natural Immunity to Covid-19

The FDA did NOT grant full approval to the Pfizer shots – It is still under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization)

WSJ: As The Delta Variant Surges, So Does Demand for At-Home Covid-19 Tests

The Arizona Attorney General threatens To Withold Maricopa County Funds Over The Election Audit

A glimpse of what is happening in Iranian prisons

Is Apple Gearing Up for China-Style Internet Control in the U.S.? – With their announcement of NeuralMatch

California businesses leaving state accelerates in 2021

Why So Many Jews Vote for Democrats–And How to Change That

August 25, 2021

An American Family Says Biden Has ‘Betrayed’ Them, Reveals the Truth About Trying to Escape Afghanistan

Pelosi’s Jan 6 committee makes a blacklist of conservative media figures

A ‘Bombshell’ study finds natural immunity superior to COVID shots – The implications for Covid policy could be profound

CDC: Schools With Mask Mandates Didn’t See Statistically Significant Different Rates of COVID Transmission From Schools With Optional Policies

Judicial Watch: New Fauci Agency COVID Emails Detail Discussions about Wuhan Institute; Describe Gates Foundation Placement of Chinese Representatives on ‘Important International Counsels’

The 15 studies that indicate natural immunity from prior infection is more robust than the COVID vaccines

The Three Great Tragedies of COVID – These tragedies aren’t just the direct consequences of a deadly virus

Despite Chip Shortage, Biden Administration Approves Sales to Huawei

Biden’s intelligence agencies bow to Beijing and claim they can’t make a conclusion on the origin of COVID

The California Legislature Guts Transportation Bill to Create One That Forces Vaccine Mandates on Private Industry

The Liberal Mob Against Larry Elder – As They Give Him The Clarence Thomas Treatment

There’s Definitely Something Very Wrong with Pfizer-BioNTech’s ‘Full Authorization’ Documents

52% of Southern Nevada COVID-19 Deaths Were Fully Vaccinated? That’s What This Data Says

Oregon Democrat Governor Kate Brown Has Long-Standing Ties To Chinese Communist Influence Groups

Critical Race Capitalism – Verizon teaches employees that America is fundamentally racist, promotes “defunding the police

Pfizer Scheme to Churn Out ‘Variant-Specific’ Vaccines Will Lead to More Variants, Experts Warn

California is in a 3-Way Tie for 2nd Worst Unemployment in the U.S.

Groups Say Holes in Absentee Ballot Envelopes in LA County Create The Potential for CA Recall Vote Fraud

Harris and Newsom require rally-goers to get vaccines or negative tests despite that they can stay in cars

WSJ: In Kabul, Private Rescue Efforts Grow Desperate as Time to Evacuate Afghans Runs Out, Some Planes Leave Empty

As planeloads of Afghans come here, nobody is asking the obvious question – When will Islamic countries come to the rescue of oppressed Islamic people?

Americans Await Evacuation As Biden Takes A Knee To The Taliban – Only 4,000 Americans were among those evacuated

Biden’s latest statement shows who’s calling the shots in Afghanistan – Joe’s claim that he’ll get everyone out in the next six days is not believable

Trump’s New “Surrender In Chief” Ad – Nothing good will come from the Biden Administrations’ stupidity

The Day Afghanistan Died – Our lack of support as the Taliban captured city by city indicated “nobody is coming to help”

The Lies Are Exposed in Kabul – The collapse of Afghanistan exposes the national-security establishment’s deceptions

Who are the Americans that don’t want to come home from Afghanistan? – Is this a catch-all for anyone left behind?

You Don’t Need To Go To Kabul To See The End Of Order In American  –  It’s Among Us In many of our major cities

The Biden administration details plan to resume oil and gas leasing in response to a court ruling

Vice President Kamala Harris has an ‘unprecedented’ negative rating

Election Rules Have to Mean Something – By changing the rules to achieve the desired result, democracy is imperiled

The Progressives have ruined California – Newsom’s hapless reign exposes the rot at the heart of America’s liberal elite

TUCKER CARLSON: The Recall May Be The Last Chance To Save California

Larry Elder Begins To Lay Out Plans If Elected Governor at Speech In Los Angeles

The Good News—A COVID-19 Update That Details Why Things Are Much Better Than You Are Being Told

Bombshell Discovery: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, One of Two Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab To China

COVID is the “Eye of the Storm” – We need to push back on the Biden “Oligarchy of Elites, as follows

‘Ultra-Vaxxed’ Israel Sees a Huge Surge in Covid as the ‘Experts’ Avoid the Only Logical Conclusion – The “vaccines” aren’t working

Even The Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About The Covid Vaccines

Trust The Science? The CDC Counts People Dying Within 14 Days Of Getting The Jab As “Unvaccinated”

Vaccine Mandates and the “Great Reset” – Why are these vaccination campaigns so important and who benefits?

Was The Pfizer Vaccine Given Full FDA Approval Or Not?

China Warns of Retaliation Ahead of U.S. Report on Virus Origins

The Pentagon orders troops to get COVID-19 vaccinations immediately

The Four Reasons Real Science Fails to Sway Vaccine Mandators – FYI, the Pfizer shots are the least effective

The History of the Case That Could Topple Roe vs Wade – Understanding Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

August 24, 2021

Pelosi Forced to Scrap Key $3.5 Trillion Budget Vote After ‘Internal Revolt’ from Moderate Democrats

Americans Want to Live in GOP Districts – They are voting with their feet and here’s the Census Data to Prove It

A Leaked State Department Document Shows Only A Tiny Fraction of The Evacuees from Afghanistan Are Americans

Twitter Users Notice A Tiny Detail On An Airplane Revealing A Stunning Mistake Biden’s DOD Made – It Wasn’t a US Plane

The UN warns the Taliban are already carrying out civilian executions, recruiting child soldiers and repressing women

WSJ: The House Passes a $3.5 Trillion Budget Blueprint and Sets a Deadline for Their Infrastructure Bill 

WSJ: The Supreme Court Reinstates Trukmps ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy for Asylum Applicants

Awkward: Joe Biden Can’t Explain Why He Picked Kamala Harris as His Vice President

COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness is Dropping as the Number of ‘Breakthrough’ Infection Cases Rise

A Washington public school forces student-athletes to wear ankle monitors for contact tracing

Frontline Health Care Workers Protest Mandatory Vaccinations in California

Healthcare Experts: Vaccine hesitancy unlikely to disappear because of FDA approval

Are We Jumping the Gun on COVID Boosters? — Efficacy, safety, and ethical questions linger

Fauci Wants You Captive Until Spring 2022 – Fear has become a steamroller capable of tearing down the walls of freedom

YouTube Double Censors A Gavin Newsom Critics Video – Uses mostly screenshots from totally reputable new sources

Voter fraud concerns are mounting in the tight California recall election

DHS Insider Blows The Whistle on International Child Sex Trafficking Gangs Exploiting The ‘Reasonable Fear’ Loophole 

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Predicts A Vaccine-Resistant COVID-19 Variant Is Likely to Emerge At Some Tine In The Future

Overnight Nancy Pelosi Changes House Rules in Order to Ram Through $3.5 Trillion Green New Deal

Trump: The New Churchill – Nobody has been more prescient about what a Biden presidency would mean for America

The Taliban Bans Afghans from The Kabul Airport: ‘We Need Their Talent’

Joe Biden Caves to Taliban And Sticks With The August 31 Withdrawal Deadline

WSJ: Taliban Say They Will Block Afghans From Kabul Airport – Their warning complicates evacuation efforts

US official: CIA Director Burns met with Taliban leader in Kabul On August 23rd

John Bolton: A Taliban seat on The UN Commission on the Status of Women is ‘likely’

Russia and Saudi Arabia Sign a Military Pact amid Biden Chaos in Afghanistan

“A living hell”: A Leaked email describes Afghan refugee conditions

The Really Bad Afghanistan Crisis – This may be morphing into a mega version of the Iran hostage crisis of 1979

As the historic national humiliation of the US continues in Afghanistan, they seek to turn our attention elsewhere

The G-7 grapples with Afghanistan, an afterthought not that long ago

The Deep State and Afghanistan – The Deep State has a love affair with war, so the withdrawal “offends their ideology”

The Lessons of Afghanistan – Eleven Things To Carefully Think About

Mass Migration Was Never Part Of America’s $2 Trillion Afghan Debacle – We cannot be blind to the awful experience of Europe in recent years trying to deal with a massive influx of Afghan refugees

Biden’s Betrayal – A betrayal of Britain and other European allies whose soldiers fought and died alongside Americans

America’s Failure In Afghanistan Is A Call To Ordinary Americans To Clean House

MUST-SEE VIDEO: In Afghanistan, the fix is in – Lara Logan’s observations are enlightening, to say the least

‘Everything Woke Turns To Shit’ – Donald Trump’s most profound insight yet

U.S. Satisfaction With The “Way Things Are Going” Dropped to The Lowest Point in Biden’s Presidency

The US Surgeon General says there’s “not nearly enough” social media censorship – Demands more scrubbing of “misinformation”

Vaccine mandates may herald the end of the republic – Without the COVID pandemic, Biden would not be president today

Vaccine Mandates & Bribery Headed for K-12 Schools – Gift cards, housing, and even tuition credit are being used as bait

Mandatory Vaccinations: The Greater Evil of Society – COVID-19 presents a high risk of severe illness and death to a few and a negligible risk to the majority

The Director of the NIH grossly misstates the science on vaccination vs. natural immunity after recovering from COVID

Democrats that control statewide offices sped up Gavin Newsom’s recall to avoid California crises – They’re happening anyway

Tucker Carlson: Elitist Democrats want you to shut up and obey  – What happens when countries tolerate authoritarians

California Is At A Crossroads – The state is staring down a Detroit-like decline and the upcoming recall offers a rare chance to avert that disaster

Checking The Census Frenzy – We must resist using the Census to advance narratives about race and demographic change

The California Exodus: How to Exit the State With Your Fortune Intact

WSJ: Behind The Florida Condo Collapse: Rampant Corner-Cutting on waterproofing, thin columns, and faulty concrete

August 23, 2021

Death Spiral: Right After Biden’s Afghanistan Defeat, the UN Proves that Iran Is Able to Build a Nuke

Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times The Viral Load and Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients & Co-Workers

Nobel Laureate Warns: COVID Vaccine is Creating Variants

‘This Is A Massive F*** Up’: The Team Organizing Private Flights Out Of Afghanistan Says The Biden Administration Has Been An ‘Impediment’ To Their Evacuations

Joe Biden Walks Away When Questioned About the Thousands of Americans Still Stranded in Afghanistan

Afghan Refugee: The Taliban Is Raping Both LIve Women and The Dead Bodies of Their Victims

155,000 Hospitalized Due To Vaccine Adverse Reaction… So Why Our Government Is Hiding This Fact?

The Latest COVID Numbers The Media Does Not Want You To See

Can We Trust the FDA Approved Covid-19 Vaccine? – That was approved without following their standard procedures!

The FDA Grants Full Approval of Pfizer Vaccine As Critics Blast The Agency for Lack of Data and Scientific Debate

Surgeon General: FDA Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Approval Will Likely Lead to More Mandates

Biden Calls on Companies to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccinations

7 Horrifying Videos Show That Australia Now a Brutal Police State Thanks to their COVID Fascists

Joe Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, Implies Kamala Harris Will be President ‘Pretty Soon’

What the Recall Candidates are Saying about California’s Escalating Crime

Over 300 unopened California recall election ballots were discovered in a suspect’s vehicle alongside a gun and drugs

Cuomo grants clemency to convicted murderers during his last hours as governor that included Chesa Boudin’s father

Let’s Be Honest About Afghanistan – For starters, you know Trump would have handled the withdrawal infinitely better

WSJ: A Firefight Erupts at The Kabul Airport as The Security Situation Worsens in Afghanistan

The Ongoing Afghanistan Evacuations – But Who Exactly is Being Evacuated, because the media isn’t saying?

‘Silent amnesty’: The Biden administration is quietly dismissing thousands of deportation cases

The Taliban draws an August 31 red line for US troop withdrawal: “There would be consequences”

Biden Says The Kabul Evacuation Going Well, But U.S. May Need Extension From The Taliban Past August

The Taliban Threatens Joe Biden: Stay in Afghanistan Past August and Suffer The ‘Consequences’

The Taliban Are Hunting Afghan Contractors Who Are Hiding From Taliban Death Squads in Kabul

Afghan Fallout: Biden Blows Up His Entire Case For Being President – Crisis doesn’t build character, it reveals it!

Biden Has So Neutered Himself That He Can’t Criticize the Taliban – He’s afraid of what will happen by offending them

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans See Many Threats, But Violent Crime Is No. 1

While Cooking Up Their Whitmer Kidnap Plot The Crooked FBI Tried to Implicate An Innocent 3rd Party Man

General Flynn’s 4-Part Interview In One Place

The FDA grants full approval to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine

To understand the COVID vaccines and the delta variant, check out Marek’s disease chickens – Leaky vaccines set up a constant mutation in the viruses

A Victory for Natural Immunity and Sanity – Thirty-five million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19

Let’s Stop Pretending About the Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines And That Breakthru Cases Are Uncommon

Why All 14 ‘Gold Standard’ Randomized Controlled Trials of Face Mask Effectiveness Have Been Suppressed

Australia has gone stark, raving mad with their lockdowns and mandates

The Biden Administration Top Priority for People in Henri’s Path Is . . . Get Vaxxed and Wear Face Masks

New York Still Needs to Come Clean On Their COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths Scandal

Nancy Pelosi Holds Fundraiser With Hordes of Maskless People

Larry Elder vows to roll back the Newsonian vax mandates and the crowd erupts in cheers

August 22, 2021

Richard Grenell Provides His Proof That It’s Susan Rice Who’s Really Running The Biden Administration Show

Secretary of State Blinken Directly Contradicts Biden When Pressed By Chris Wallace: ‘Does The President Not Know What’s Going On?’

Local Policing Under Attack – Should we conclude that Biden “Oligarch of Elites” plan to take over local law enforcement

The Drossy Touch of Joe Biden – As the cognitively challenged President is pulled in every direction

“On A Scale of 1 to 10… I Would Say It’s a 12!” – Jovan Pulitzer On the Seriousness of the Arizona Audit Results Report

The CDC Releases A School COVID Transmission Study but Buries One of the Most Damning Parts Regarding Mask Effectiveness

‘No need to rush’: Senator warns of FDA’s outrageous shortcuts taken to grant full approval of COVID-19 vaccine

The FDA Ignores New UK Study Showing Pfizer Vaccine Destroys T Cells, Weakens the Immune System

Tax Foundation: COVID-19 Relief Measures Make US Tax System ‘More Progressive’

American Citizen FactSheet – Wow, and so you don’t miss the PDF links, they are provided below:

The most ‘incredibly well equipped’ fighting force in Afghanistan now! – The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan – The Taliban

Trump’s Alabama rally gave us a powerful phrase – This will go down as one of the greatest military defeats of all time

With almost 15 million mail-in ballots unaccounted for – How Could You Not Question the 2020 Mail-In Voting Process?

The Drooling Class – In case you ever doubted America is now in the hands of some very stupid and corrupt people

Pelosi sees the clock ticking and has to ditch Biden to stay in power

Hi! I’m Carly, A Cardiac Sonographer, And Here Is Why I Choose NOT To Get A COVID Jab

Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

US Officials Investigating as Dangerous Vaccine Side Effects Seems More Common Than Previously Thought

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Explains COVID Jab Effects – One of the most common side effects is abnormal blood clotting

The Situation Is Deteriorating at Kabul Airport, Hardened Soldiers Tell Reporter the Truth

The Pentagon compels commercial airlines to help with Afghanistan evacuation – American, Delta, Atlas, Omni, Hawaiian, and United aircraft will be used

Biden recess plan omits Afghanistan – Biden Is Betting Americans Will Forget About Afghanistan

It’s All Your Fault! – So many legitimate questions that need truthful answers

WHEN BORIS JOHNSON CALLED JOE – Why he wasn’t so eager to talk with Boris

However bad things were before, they’re worse now – Here is a starter list

A Reporter Nails Joe Biden as He Leaves Room: ‘Why Do You Continue to Trust the Taliban, Mr. President?’

Charging ‘Racism,’ California Media Treating Larry Elder as if He’s a White Republican Candidate

August 21, 2021

Those vaccinated for COVID are worried and scientists don’t have answers

BOMBSHELL: Two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are from people that have been vaccinated

RNC 23-Page Report: Democrats Exploited COVID to Change Election Rules That Helped Biden Win 2020

The Pentagon Confirms Americans Have Been Beaten in Afghanistan

Nikki Haley Has a Warning for Biden on Recognizing Taliban as Legitimate

Trump blasts Biden over ‘total surrender’ in Afghanistan at massive Alabama rally

Death By Congressional Committee – We Need Freedom From Our Government Employees . . . Who Are Our Employees

The 82nd Airborne commander tells Brits to stop rescuing stranded nationals because they’re making the U.S. look bad?

The US Tells Americans to Avoid Traveling to the Kabul Airport Because of ‘Potential Security Threats’

The State Department Denies Charging $2,000 for Rescue from Kabul But Look What Its Own Website Says

America Has Been in Denial about the Taliban from the Start – Jihadist enemies of the US committed to a sharia-supremacist worldview

Kamala Harris’ Face During Biden’s Afghanistan Presser Tells Us Everything We Need to Know About The State of USA

The Biden Admin Has No Plan to Stop Taliban From Seizing Billions in Assets and Cash

Tucker Carlson: ‘Senile’ Biden ‘Not Capable of Running the County’ — ‘Senior Appointees Are Contradicting Him in Public’

Joe Biden Is Who We Said He Was – Nobody should, any longer, pretend that Joe Biden is fit to lead this nation

A Call To Action – It’s time conservatives stop agonizing and start organizing

Tucker Carlson sees a coverup plot behind the FBI finding little evidence of coordination among Jan. 6 demonstrators

The Aussies Are Finally Waking up and Fighting Back – When Will Americans Do the Same? 

Proof of Jab required to retain your right to life – Elites have used COVID-19 to dramatically increase their own power

A Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccines Affect Cells – Spike proteins can cause multiple, tiny blood clots

Healthcare systems are wary of instituting COVID-19 vaccine mandates over fears of losing staff

The Biden Afghanistan debacle holds a stark warning for Taiwan

Californians, not just Republicans, should vote to recall Gavin Newsom – The SacBee described his attitude as “defiant” and “angry”


August 20, 2021

The Science of Masking Kids at School Remains Uncertain

Will the Taliban welcome al-Qaeda back to Afghanistan? – Ties that bind Al-Qaeda and the Taliban

Science Matters and So Do Individual Rights On vaccines, natural immunity, and mandates

Burial costs will now be covered for Canadians killed by approved COVID vaccines

Biden Gets Caught Off-Guard When NPR Reporter Changes His Question at Last Minute

British Troops Are Now Rescuing Americans Trapped in Kabul After Joe Biden Refuses to Extricate Thousands of Stranded Americans

Thanks, Biden! The Taliban Now Have U.S. Planes, Guns, Night Vision Goggles

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Biden’s ‘Tragic’ Afghan Disaster: ‘It Didn’t Have to Be this Way’

WSJ: The Final Days Before Kabul’s Collapse – A lack of urgency in the U.S. and Afghanistan was the main problem

POLLING DATA: A Majority Say Biden Isn’t In Charge, Nor Is He Mentally Capable

13,000 Deaths, Nearly 600,000 Adverse Events Reported After COVID Vaccines, as Debate Heats Up Over Boosters

WSJ: Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Expected to Get Full FDA Approval Next Week – Could lead to more employers requiring vaccinations

Scientists Blast The ‘Rash’ Push for Boosters, Citing ‘Weak Evidence’ to Support the Third Shot

Biden and Pelosi Are Set to Impose Tax Hikes on Small Businesses, Breaking Biden’s Campaign Promise

Democrats confront a nightmare scenario in California recall

Recall Alone Won’t Fix California Governance – California needs a good governor but also a competent state legislature

Public Safety Power Shutoffs should not be the new normal in California

AG Barr Told Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer to Stop Looking Into Truck Driver Jesse Morgan’s Testimony That He Moved More Than 200,000 Fraudulent Ballots from NY to PA Before the 2020 Election

An Alameda County Superior Court Judge rules California gig worker initiative is unconstitutional, a setback to Uber & Lyft

In California, your recall vote is not secret – Be careful how you insert your ballot so they can’t see how you voted

General Flynn Reveals Why The Taliban Are Not Attacking The Chinese Embassy

ABC News Did Not Aire Over 900 Words From Their Biden During Interview On GMA – Here is what they deleted

Why Joe Biden can’t resign or be removed, or DIE – Because of possible tie votes in the Senate

Unprecedented Dishonor: The UK Holds Biden in Contempt for ‘Shameful’ and ‘Catastrophic’ Afghanistan Withdrawal

A newly revealed State Department memo reveals explosive news about our withdrawal from Afghanistan

Lara Logan confirms our fears about Afghanistan – That’s what the government wants, much as it wants an open border

The Panjshir Afghanistan Resistance is No Coincidence – Corruption made way for the Afghan government’s fall and ethnic identity will dominate the resistance

A tale my father told me about the war – The only real choice Total All Out War with a total commitment to winning it

Governor Newsom to Require Vaccine for Smaller Events After Recall Election – Self-attestation to verify a person’s vaccination status will no longer be accepted

Larry Elder’s Ex-Fiancee Denies Politico’s Bogus Report that He ‘Waved’ a Loaded Gun at Her


August 19, 2021


I ran Team Trump’s Afghan Withdrawal — Biden’s attempt to blame us for all that has gone wrong is just sad

U.K., French, and German Leaders Blast Biden Over Afghanistan: ‘We Thought America Was Back’

US Black Hawk Helicopters Captured by Taliban as ‘Horrified’ Senators Demand DOD Audit

‘Is it anti-vax to be concerned?’: Magazine editor reports changes to her period after Covid jab, the latest in over 30,000 UK women

Durham Grand Jury Is Investigating If Someone Presented FBI With Fabricated Evidence in the 2016 Russia Probe

Shocking New Study Reveals Covid ‘Vaccines’ Do Permanent Damage to 62% of Recipients – Long-term damage is much wider spread than anyone is reporting

Updated government. numbers on brain injury cases paid in federal vaccine court – More than $4.6 billion has been paid to vaccine-injured children and adults

Former National Security Council Senior Director Kash Patel reveals Trumps Afghan withdrawal plan that Biden scrapped

US diplomats sent a memo urging the swift evacuation of Afghan allies weeks before the Taliban takeover

Biden’s Administration Tells Americans To Pay Their Way Out Of Afghanistan, Shortly After Telling The Press Otherwise

WSJ: An Internal State Department Cable Warned of Kabul Collapse – July memo shows officials were cautioned about the Taliban’s quick advance

Intelligence Group: The Taliban is Carrying Out Door-to-Door Manhunts For People On Their Wanted List

Judge Blocks Biden Administration From Limiting Arrests of Illegal Immigrants That Committed Crimes

Washington State Rolls Out The Strictest School Vaccine Mandate in the US

Poll: Democrats increasingly embrace censorship by the government and Big Tech

A Life Destroyed for ‘Parading’ at the Capitol – The Justice Department, and media don’t care how many lives they destroy

House Democrats Launch A New More Radical Effort to Federalize Elections

Why Did the United States Abandon Bagram Airfield on July 5th?

Biden Reveals There May Be About 15,000 American Citizens Might Still Be in Afghanistan

Border Patrol asking overwhelmed agents about helping process Afghan refugees

Inflation Hits Its Highest Since 1974 in Philly Fed Manufacturing Survey as Growth Unexpectedly Slows

Joe Biden’s Surrender Presidency – His actions as president reveal a theme of surrender

Biden lags far behind predecessors Trump, Obama in holding sit-down interviews by a large margin

Money, Power, and Revenge: The Truth About “Critical Race Theory”

Making sense of COVID data and recommendations – Health officials do not have the public trust

I’m Not Going To Wear A Mask In A County Where No One Is Dying Of COVID

Can Larry Elder Save California? – Would the bully pulpit and the ability to make and repeal executive order be enough

California To Require Vaccination Proof or A Negative COVID Test For All Large Indoor Events

Money, Power, and Revenge: The Truth About “Critical Race Theory”

August 18, 2021

Nearly 15 Million Mail-in-Ballots Are Unaccounted for in the 2020 Election, Report Says

Trump’s Pledge to Exit Afghanistan Was a Ruse, His Final Secretary of Defense Says

Assabiya Always Wins – The success of the rising tribe is its group solidarity or assabiya augmented by religious ideology

Joe Biden’s State Dept Halted A Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed At Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before The Taliban Takeover

The President America Deserves and The Mess We Saw Coming – Could There Be A Musical in Joe Biden’s future?

What California Democrats Call ‘The Illegitimate’ Recall – Power to the people unless it puts progressives out of power

mRNA Tech Inventor Dr. Robert Malone: It’s Easier for Delta to Kill The ‘Vaccinated’ than Not-Vaccinated People

Construction Is Under Way for Massive Covid Quarantine Camp in Australia as a CDC Blueprint Calls for Covid Internment Centers Across America

Highlights From New Book — ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’

The US has no plans to rescue Americans, Afghans stranded behind Taliban lines outside Kabul airport

The Taliban says it will ensure women’s rights in Afghanistan. Who actually believes that?

The Taliban is executing people if they find a BIBLE app on their phones

Biden Tells Nursing Homes to Vaccinate Staffs to Keep Medicare, Medicaid Funds – To scale up Covid-19 inoculations

Biden Threatens Legal Action Against Governors Who Ban Forcing School Children to Wear Masks

More than a third of Lassen Volcanic National Park has burned

Newsom’s other COVID-19 recall vulnerability: California’s broken unemployment system

The T-Mobile Breach Is Much Worse Than It Had to Be – The vast majority of victims weren’t even T-Mobile customers

The Biden Administration Issues Transgender-Themed ‘Back-to-School Message’ Urging Students to File Complaints Against Their Schools

Here Come the DINOs – Democrats In Name Only defy easy categorization

The Taliban Opens Fire on Hundreds of Protesters Opposing the Group’s Takeover of Afghanistan

Mike Pence Reveals That Joe Biden Broke The Trump Administration’s Taliban Deal With May 1st Deadline

Are the wheels coming off the Biden administration?

WSJ: The Taliban Block Routes to Kabul Airport, Hampering Evacuations From Afghanistan

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley Deserves To Be Fired And Court-Martialed For His Afghanistan Lies

The Taliban’s words on women belie decades of atrocities

What Biden Actually Knew About A Rapid Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Why won’t Biden prioritize American safety in Afghanistan?

The US Threatens ‘Overwhelming Force’ If Taliban Interferes With Evacuations – Taliban promises ‘safe passage’ of civilians to airport

Psaki: We’re Helping Those in Afghanistan Who ‘Self-Identify as American Citizens’

They Hate Trump More Than They Love America – If Our Government Isn’t Changed TODAY, Tomorrow Will Be Too Late!

The FBI Knew Of Hunter Biden’s Missing Laptop As Early As December 2019 -And that laptop contained material making the Biden family a national security risk, subject to Russian influence

Is Natural Immunity More Effective Than the COVID Shot? – Declining case rate appears to be natural immunity from previous infections

Is Natural Immunity More Effective Than Getting The COVID Shot?

The University of Washington Medical Center pulls heart transplant patient from recipient list after refusing COVID vaccine

A new COVID treatment? – REGEN-COV is now an early treatment option for primary care physicians

August 17, 2021

The Gates Foundation Partnered With ‘Socialist’ Internet Group Running China’s COVID-19 Propaganda Operation

Taliban Warning: The US Must Fully Withdraw American Troops by September 11

Biden Hit with Another Failure as OPEC Smacks Down His Request for More Oil

General Michael Flynn: Since New DHS Alert, You’re a Potential Terrorist if You Oppose White House Lies

Tucker Carlson: American Citizens Must Speak Up or Become Complicit in a ‘Soviet Society’ of Censors, Conformists

Fla. Gov. DeSantis Announces Opening Of COVID Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Centers

Dr. Joel Hirschhorn: Vaccine Deaths Pile Up Without Mainstream Media Coverage

An Alarming Study Confirms Vaxxinated Will Face Catastrophic Antibody-Dependent Enhancement Injuries and Deaths

School board recall attempts spike amid concerns about COVID closures, critical race theory

The U.S. Supreme Court Limits Police Power To Enter Homes With No Warrant

Connecticut: The GOP Flips State Senate Seat in a District Biden Won by 25 Points

The Maricopa Audit Report Being Prepared, Expected To Be Released In ‘Several Days’

Donald Trump explains how a withdrawal should be done

The Intelligence community defends itself after the US was caught out by the speed of the Taliban takeover

Nose Dive: Biden’s approval hits the lowest point yet, 2-1 ‘wrong direction’

Poll: Nearly 70% of Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of Afghanistan

The Biden Illusion Crumbles to Dust – Joes Indefensible Defense

Let’s talk about what to expect as the Afghans head for America

America’s Loss In Afghanistan Is China’s Gain – China has expanded its geopolitical influence with astonishing speed

China Dispatches Warships, ASW Aircraft and Fighter Jets off the Coast of Taiwan Following The Fall of Afghanistan

WSJ: The Taliban Consolidate Control in Afghanistan’s Capital; Thousands Remain Stranded

Obama ‘released Taliban leader Khairullah Khairkhwa from Guantanamo Bay in a 2014 prisoner swap’

Seth Keshel On The Afghanistan Situation – Two decades of horrific decision-making has its consequences

The FDA Must Not Hastily Grant Final Approval for Covid-19 Vaccines

The CCP Takes Financial Stake In TikTok and is Now Directly Linked To Facebook Fact-Checker ‘Lead Stories’

Former Soccer Player Hope Solo Says Megan Rapinoe Would ‘Bully’ Teammates into Kneeling for Anthem

25 Percent Food Stamp Increase Means Higher Food Prices for All

August 16, 2021

WSJ: Afghanistan Reveals All of Biden’s – Kabul isn’t another Saigon. It may be more similar to Tehran in 1979

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Post COVID-19 Vaccination – The First Reported Case and Its Gruesome

A grim warning from Israel: Vaccinations blunt, but don’t defeat the COVID Delta Variant

The Lucrative Business of Woke Education – Bureaucrats who dictate school standards are also paid to implement them

Biden is Not Giving Priority To Americans in Afghanistan Evacuation

Suspected terrorists are crossing the border “at a level we have never seen before” according to the outgoing Border Patrol chief

Taliban Leaders Used Twitter and WhatsApp to Help Capture Kabul

A Single COVID Virus Case Puts New Zealand Into Nationwide Lockdown

How The CDC Manipulated Data to Create Their ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative

Fauci Urges Americans to ‘Put Aside’ Their Concerns About Personal Liberty and Freedom

Reports of Injuries and Deaths After COVID Vaccines Climb Steadily as the FDA & CDC Sign Off on Third Shots

The Biden Administration to Advise a Covid Boosters For Most Americans 8 Months After Vaccination

The Larry Elder Campaign Accuses The Sacramento Bee of ‘Doctoring’ His Responses to Voter Guide

The T-Mobile Data Breach Is One You Can’t Ignore – Hackers claim to have obtained the data of 100 million people

The Taliban Seized The Presidential Palace and Will Soon Declare the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

WSJ: Violence Erupts at Kabul Airport as Afghans Try to Flee Taliban – Mass evacuations follow the capture of Kabul after a rapid sweep of the country

Sharyl Attkisson: Recent Trump statements on Afghanistan: “Never would have happened if I were President!”

Top Biden official admits the fall of Afghanistan ‘unfolded at unexpected speed’

Videos: Yes, Joe, Kabul Is Just Like The Fall Of Saigon

Biden Can’t Blame Trump For His Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster – Hundreds of Humvees seized & million-dollar drones

US Base taken; Taliban frees thousands of Hardened Taliban prisoners, al-Qaida killers released- and then armed

As Afghanistan falls to Taliban, Jen Psaki goes on vacation as Biden hides at Camp David

I&I/TIPP Poll: Support For Biden Spending Plans Evaporate If It Means Tax Hikes Are Required To Fund Them

A Brief History of the Assault on Conservatives being tagged as ‘Violent Extremists’

Sharyl Attkisson: Covid-19 vaccine passports don’t prove immunity; only compliance

Why Is The CDC Creating A Secret National Database of Households With Unvaccinated Children? – And What About Their “Green Zone” Plans?

No Vaccine, Then No Liver: Father of Two Told Covid Jabs Are Mandatory Before Live-Saving Transplant

The OC Register Endorses Larry Elder over Gavin Newsom in the California Recall

Sepsis: The Killer Nobody Talks About – What is it and why is it one of the leading causes of death?

August 15, 2021

A Former Google Employee Reveals Company Changed Their News Algorithm To Target President Trump

Jen Psaki ‘out of the office’ as Biden remains silent on the rapid Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

U.S. Government: ‘Thousands’ of Americans Stranded in Afghanistan

Afghanistan fell while Biden vacationed, exposing intelligence failures and policy missteps

Are We in a Revolution But Just Don’t Know It? – We are in the midst of a revolutionary epoch and most don’t even know it

Navy Commander Warns of National Security Threat from Mandatory Vaccination Efforts

COVID Spike Proteins Suppress Natural Immune Respons According To Researcher

This Year, ½ Million COVID Illegal Cases Could Infect 2 Million Americans

Thousands of Counterfeit COVID-19 Vaccination Cards From China Seized in Tennessee

T-Mobile investigating a customer data breach that reportedly involves 100 million peoples sensitive information

While We Were Sleeping, Ted Cruz Saved America from Democrats’ Attempted Election Process Takeover

When “For the People” really means “For The Politicians” – Fortunately, Ted Cruz blocked Schumer’s effort

The Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act: Both Fantasy and Fiasco

Biden Marches US Into Disaster: Soldiers Sent Back to Kabul Now Have Only 1 Way Out As The Taliban Approaches

Diplomats flee the US Embassy in Chinook helicopters as Taliban fighters storm Afghan capital

Reality Bites Biden’s Policies – On Jan 6, Vaccines, The Open Border, Oil, etc.

Vaccine Hesitancy By Level Of Education – The Most And Least Educated Lead The pack

14 Doctors at the Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable Agree: Halt the Global Vaccination Campaign

‘Fully Vaccinated’ Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant That Took All Precautions Dies of COVID-19

You’ll Never See China Held Accountable For COVID – Because the US would then have to actually do something about it

‘Case’: Another COVID semantic Trojan Horse

Vaccine ratios vs. Wuhan Virus ratios

The Biden Administration Discussed Mandating Vaccines for Interstate Travel But Worries It Would Be Too Polarizing

The Menace of Hezb’allah – With Iran’s help, it has more than 15k rockets & missiles, many can reach any place in Israel

FB ‘Fact Checker’ Worked to Bankrupt Conservative & Indy News Sites by Convincing Advertisers to Drop Them

August 14, 2021

The Media’s COVID Narrative Crumbles Under the Weight of the Latest Data

California unions for firefighters and blue-collar workers challenge Newsom’s vaccine rules

Construction of Mickleham COVID quarantine camp in Australia starts

Russia Deploys Supersonic Bombers to Border as Biden’s Big Mistake Gets Even Worse

The DHS Suggests Opposition To COVID-19 Restrictions Could Make Someone A Domestic Terrorism Threat

Gaslighting, a Covid love story – If at first, you don’t succeed, lie about what you promised

UNREDACTED: Fauci Emails Show EcoHealth’s Daszak Admitting Collaboration With CCP Virologists

The Remain-in-Mexico court ruling is a win for Texas and Missouri over the Biden administration

California Recall Ballots Arrive; Gavin Newsom Faces Voters’ Verdict

Skyrocketing Federal Debt Is a Crisis, No Matter How Much Liberals Pretend It’s Not

NBC’s Flagrantly Liberal Olympic Coverage – The progressive viewpoint is assumed and unquestioned

CA Governor Newsom Received More Than $700,000 in Free Legal Services to Establish and Defend His Death Penalty Moratorium

Tucker Carlson on the utter horror of how we pulled out of Afghanistan

The ‘infrastructure’ bill bait-and-switch – Most of the money does not address infrastructure in the traditional sense

The Real Reason YouTube Silenced Rand Paul Regarding His Mask Statements

A Federal Judge Orders Biden The Administration to Resume The ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy

The Four Horsemen of the Biden Apocalypse – Invasion, Catastrophe, Assault, and Plague

H.R. 4980: Anybody on a flight that departs or arrives at an airport inside the US must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19

TUCKER CARLSON: YouTube doesn’t think you should know things because with the true facts you’ll be harder to control

Some People Who Work From Home Have a Big Secret: They Have Two Full-Time Jobs


August 13, 2021

California Sets the Stage for Election Integrity Nightmare as It Allows Voters to Print Ballots at Home

“A Big Money Funneling Operation” — An Afghanistan Vet Reflects On Withdrawal Of US Forces

Department of Homeland Security: Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

Two Charts Totally Destroy The Big Lie About ‘Climate Change’ And Wildfires

Humiliation: Biden Stopped Trump’s Insulin Executive Order, Now Scrambling to Make Things Right

‘Do you miss me yet?’: Trump slams Biden over Afghanistan and inflation

The FDA Approves Boosters for Immunocompromised – Pfizer & Moderna Set to Reap $Billions From Sales of Third Shot

‘Historic Win’: CHD Wins Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless

The Taliban Nears The Gates of Kabul as the US Prepares to Fly Out Thousands

Texas border town makes deal with Biden administration to ship illegals to Austin, Dallas, and Houston after they are released by the Border Patrol

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: We are “going to lose” the border crisis as “unsustainable” numbers of migrants continue to pour into the United States

Consumer Confidence Plunges to 10-Year Low on Inflation, Unemployment, Financial Woes

VACCINE FAIL: 64% of Israel’s COVID-19 patients in serious condition are fully vaccinated

The CDC Creating Secret National Database of Households With Unvaccinated Children

The Biden administration may consider mandating ‘vaccine passports’ for interstate travel

The Taliban Seizes a Massive Stash of US Weapons of War in their Afghanistan Blitz

The Disaster Of The Green Energy Push When You Face Reality

Release of Detailed 2020 Census Data Sets the Stage for 2022 Midterm Congressional Elections

Moderate Democrats defy Pelosi and the ‘Squad,’ as they block $3.5T spending plan until infrastructure passes

The Crisis Of Confidence In America’s Military – Conservatives have turned on the generals while public trust plummets

The US scrambles to avoid a Vietnam-like moment in Kabul as panic spreads through the Afghan capital

Hunter Biden’s Russian Prostitute Videos Indict Both His Father And The U.S. Intelligence Agencies

WSJ: The Durham Probe on What Sparked The Russia Investigation Examines FBI Tipsters

The COVID Vaccines: What if all the silenced doctors and scientists warning against them are right after all?

Alex Berenson Shares The Unreported Truths About Covid

Here Are Some Of The Unintended Consequences Of The mRNA Vaccines Against COVID

Death Of The COVID Vaccinated: Where are the autopsies and why aren’t they being done?

WSJ: Job Postings Requiring Covid-19 Vaccination Jump in Past Month  – The requirement for new hires nearly doubles

This is Racism: Blacks Are Four Times More Likely than Whites to Be Oppressed by Vaccine Mandates

Our Politicians And Bureaucrats Are Failing At Virology – COVID isn’t going away, so get used to it

The Biden Administration Is Lying About The Border – Federal authorities made more than 212,000 arrests in July

The Supreme Court: Are They Cowards, Crooks, or Have They Been Compromised?

Pelosi Announcement Means House Staffers Can Make More Than The $174,000 Earned By Most Members Of Congress

Behind the scenes of the Biden administration as the U.S. ditches Kabul

August 12, 2021

The real reason YouTube silenced Rand Paul

The CDC announces “Green Zone” covid internment camps for every US city and will separate families by force

Parents across America revolt against school boards regarding masks, critical race theory, and gender issues

The Taliban Seize The Second- and Third-Largest Cities in Afghanistan

Stop Encouraging Panhandlers – Welcome to the Hobopocalypse

Mike Lindell claims he was ‘attacked’ at his hotel after his cyber symposium on 2020 voter fraud

The Texas Senate Passes A Election Reform Bill After Democrat Ends Their Filibuster

Jonathan Turley: Hunter Biden Purpordedly Admits That Russians Have Blackmail Material On Him

A Majority of Registered Democratic voters now prefer socialism to capitalism, Fox News poll finds

Whistleblower Exposes Gavin’s Catastrophic PG&E Corruption

Today’s Democrats Are Anti-Choice – Jettisoning the Hyde amendment makes abortion absolutism its calling card

WHO scientist: China pressured us not to mention lab leak in the report and maybe there’s a reason for that

We’ve Never Seen Vaccine Injuries on This Scale — Why Are Regulatory Agencies Hiding COVID Vaccine Safety Signals?

The European Union Launches An Investigation Into New mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects

Fox New Whistleblower That Walked Off Job On-Air: My boss told me NOT to report on the deaths after GMO jabs

40 Percent of Illegal Immigrants Released in Texas City Near The US Mexico Border Tested Positive for COVID-19

Heart Inflammation After COVID Vaccines More Common Than CDC Claims, New Research Shows

STUDY: mRNA vaccines present “tragic and even catastrophic” side effects

January 6 political prisoners deserve much more outrage than they’re getting – How long would it have taken leftists to respond if the Trump DOJ had held Antifa defendants in jail for seven months without trial?

Trump to Ashli Babbitt’s Family: ‘There Must Be Justice’

Too bad about those acclaimed worker wage gains, Biden’s inflation has already wolfed them down

The Biden White House is jammed up on rising gas prices

President Biden missed one thing with his executive order that electric cars need – More Powerplants

The Seen and the Unseen in the Infrastructure Plans – The “unseen” direct and indirect effects must also be considered

COVID Is In My Office Daily – This Is What I See As A Typical Clinical MD

‘The Delicate Dance’: Joe Manchin and AOC hold the keys to the infrastructure bill

Why the Left Desperately Needs Ron DeSantis to Fail

The Intelligence Community Prepares to Punt on The Origin of COVID-19

Byron York’s Daily Memo: Why 2020 Was Unique – ‘Lend me a hand’ versus ‘Leave me alone’

The Left’s Irrational COVID Rage – With selective anger toward one group among several that are refusing vaccines

Meet Bettina L. Love, Your Typical Critical Race Theorist Coming To A School Near You

Public and private school teachers are choosing to homeschool their own kids

Joe Biden broke America’s oil production – And now he does this

Climate Scientists Admit Exaggerating Warming – Sending shock waves through the climate-science community

O.M.G! You won’t believe what Hunter Biden told a prostitute

August 11, 2021

The new data on coronavirus vaccine effectiveness may be “a wakeup call”

A Month Before Recall, Unthinkable Move on homeless relief from Newsom Is Being Called a ‘Death Wish’

New California rules move the state away from natural gas in new homes and office buildings

BLM Net Approval Craters And Is Now Just 2% – Has Dropped Whopping 92% Since It’s 2020 Peak

Biden Admits The Keystone Pipeline Cancellation That Needlessly Killed Thousands of Union Jobs Was Political

Biden won’t release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home to Delaware

Governor Newsom’s ‘State of Emergency’ Is Now Being Challenged in The California Supreme Court

A Federal Judge Blocks Biden Mandate Requiring Medical Professionals To Provide Gender Reassignment Procedures


The L.A. City Council Unanimously Votes For Proof of Vaccination Requirement for Indoor Public Spaces

Breakthrough COVID cases among the vaccinated are the norm, not the exception – vaccines are failing across the board

Biden Official Says New Study Is ‘Wake Up Call’ After Pfizer’s Efficacy Plummets to 42% as Delta Variant Takes Hold

  1. JOSEPH MERCOLA: Are COVID Shots Fueling More Dangerous Mutations?

A Leaked Email Reportedly Reveals The Biden Administration’s Plan to Introduce Kids to COVID Vaccinations

Do Masks Work? – A thorough review of the evidence

What’s Inside Senator Bernie Sanders’ $3.5 Trillion Budget Proposal?

Americas Armageddon – What started out as stupid elite woke nonsense is now warping everyone’s daily life

California is now requiring teachers to get COVID vaccine or be tested weekly, the first state in the US to mandate this

The Biden Admin Reportedly Flying Illegal Immigrants to Interior Texas Town, Distributing Them Throughout US

Latest in the prosecution of Jan 6 defendants – ‘Unless we can tell the public where we draw the line, there’s a problem

Biden Follows California’s High-Tax Lead – From his capital gains to labor rules, he echoes policies that are driving Californians to other states

Texas House Speaker Signs Arrest Warrants for Absent Democrats Obstructing Texas Legislature

Annual inflation hovers at 5.4% in July amid overheating fears

The CDC Considers 12 of the 13 Most Vaccinated Countries To Be a Travel Risk

This Is 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated – The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!

Harvard Professor: Coercing People to Get COVID Vaccines Damages Trust in Public Health – It has to be voluntary. There shouldn’t be any mandates

The Biden disclosed that they are examining whether they can order universal masking in public schools

Three Charts The Delta Variant Scaremongers Don’t Want You To See

The Great Parent Revolt – As overreach in classrooms by progressive school administrators increases, parents are fighting back

Why The Nineteen Republican Senators the voted for the so-called “Infrastructure Bill” need to be primaried

The Supreme Court has become a Council of Kings

How Many Other Andrew Cuomo Types Are The Elites Covering For?

The GOP Stands Up ‘Permanent’ ‘Election Integrity Operations’ Nationwide to ‘Kill’ Democrat Takeover Attempts

Liberalism Drops Its Mask – This past year’s devastation reveals elite special interest groups as liberalism’s master

The CDC Adjusts Florida COVID-19 Numbers After Being Call-Out By The States Health Department

The U.S. Citizenship requirement will be waived for many L.A. County government jobs, including department heads

August 10, 2021

Las Vegas Conventions Struggle to Bring in Attendees: Most at under 25% Attendance after COVID Mandates Instituted

College professor charged with starting blaze near the California Dixie Fire

How States Could Constitutionally Assume Abandoned Responsibilities of Federal Government – The doctrine of protective resumption

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Is a Sham – Another $3.5 trillion bill is in process

Blue-State Disaster: Oregon Governor Signs Bill Allowing Students to Graduate Without Knowing How to Read or Write

Seventeen new legal ways that California plans to attack the traditional “Nuclear Family”

WSJ: Most GOP Senators Sign Pledge to Not Help Democrats on Debt Ceiling

The Texas Supreme Court Allows for Arrest of Democrats Who Don’t Show Up at Capitol

The four questions that will determine the outcome of the recall of Gavin Newsom

Amid Growing Calls for Vaccine Mandates, Employers and Employees Weigh Options – They are also going after kids

Medicine Is Getting Major Injections of Woke Ideology That Will Likely Affect Your Health Care – Part 1 of 2

Biden threatens to withhold federal funding from universities, nursing homes, and other federally-funded institutions if they don’t hit mandatory covid vaccination quotas

WSJ: Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul to Become New York’s First Female Governor – After Andrew Cuomo resigned

WSJ: Andrew Cuomo Resigns as New York’s Governor – Kathy Hochul will take over as governor

Biden accuser Tara Reade calls for ‘real investigation’ into Biden after New York Governor Cuomo’s resignation

Fauci: Coronavirus ‘Will Disappear’ When an Unknown ‘Majority’ Are Vaccinated – But We Don’t Know What That Threshold Is

How Sweden Triumphed over COVID – Without Closing Schools and Lockdowns

Dr. Fauci: COVID Vaccines ‘Should’ Be Mandated for Teachers

Tucker Carlson: You’re either ‘sophisticated’ or a ‘superspreader’ – Obama’s Big Birthday Party vs. The Sturgis Rally

Biden’s Broken Economy: Small Business Owners Still Can’t Find Workers or Inventory

The corporate tax hike will hit middle-class Americans, study shows

WSJ: Senate Passes The Infrastructure Bill – The roughly $1 trillion package is a central piece of Biden’s economic agenda

Trump Rips McConnell For Allowing Infrastructure Bill To Pass – The ‘Most Overrated Man In Politics’

The Biden Blowout Is Just Beginning – One of the largest non-emergency spending bills of the past 50 years

Here Are Joe ‘Supposedly Moderate’ Biden’s 10 Most Insanely Radical Nominees

Senate on Verge of Voting on $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill – Schumer: ‘We have come to an agreement’

Fauci’s latest faux pas – A massive misstatement that COVID vaccines protect to the same degree as the measles shot

Biden’s Remaking of America Agenda – His 92-page outline is a blueprint to remake America by far-left radicals

Their biggest lie about COVID – Asymptotic spread of COVID

Woke Politics Backfire as NBC’s Olympics Coverage Hits Ratings Rock Bottom

Dominion Sues Newsmax, One America News Network, Others – Seeks billions in damages, citing lost profits, etc.

The Arizona Attorney General Opens Investigation Into Maricopa County Over Refusal to Comply with Audit

Election Workers Scored Thousands of GA Ballots Rejected by Voting Machines, Hand-Picked Votes: Report

Dr. Dan Stock: The Futility Of Mask Mandates & Government Covid-19 Protocols – School Board Presentation

Byron York’s Daily Memo: The Texas Democrat Lawmakers’ Farce Continues

Is California’s ‘Hydrogen Highway’ actually a road that leads you to nowhere?

The Left’s Revolution Dominates Every American Height, And They Don’t Know Why We Aren’t Cheering

Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium opens with a $5 million prize for anyone who can prove the election wasn’t hacked

There’s a lesson to be learned about Dan Bongino’s edited Trump interview On Fox

A massive dose of common sense about what happened on January 6

August 9, 2021

Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants – A potential risk for mass vaccination?

The Democrats’ Budget Proposal Includes Green Card Expansion & Mass Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Pediatrician: Don’t ‘Facemask’ Your Child Medical science proves a face mask can be harmful to children

Sean Spicer Says Donald Trump Running For President In 2024: ‘He’s In’

Two brothers out on probation for previous crimes have been charged in the fatal shooting of Chicago cop Ella French

The Oregon Legislature passes a bill to suspend the graduation “Essential Skills” testing requirement

Sooner or Later, Ability Rules – On a long enough timescale you can’t just pass them along as there’s nowhere to hide

Antifa Attacks Christians in Portland – “Where is your God now?”

Pelosi’s Contemptible January 6 Fraud – When this slander fest bombs out, unreasoning Trump-hate will be a harder sell

The Democrats’ Gavin Newsom recall nightmare – What’s unfolding in California is a national embarrassment

Five controversial policies tucked inside 2,700-page bipartisan Senate infrastructure bill

Teachers unions’ mask demands have gotten them into a Catch-22 dilemma – Loss of students to private schools

What the Recall Candidates are Saying About the State of California Public Education?

Consultancy Firm: Some Companies Now Deducting $50 From Unvaccinated Workers’ Monthly Paychecks

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 3: The Key Implementers of Your Digital Identity onto The Blockchain

Why Fox News Edited Out President Trump’s Comments to Dan Bongino About the 2020 Rigged Election

American Politics Finally Reaches Its ‘Worse Than Trump’ Phase

They are losing the argument on recalling Gavin Newsom so California’s Democrats turn to vote-rigging

Governor Newsom wants voters to ignore the recall ballot’s second question – They don’t have to

The fading rule of law in California is another one of the reasons people are fleeing the state

Senate Democrats release their $3.5 trillion budget resolution expected to pass without any Republican votes

Yellen urges Congress to raise the debt limit with GOP support – Says failing to do so would “cause irreparable economic harm”

Consumer Inflation Expectations Hit Eight-Year High in Federal Reserve Bank of New York Study

Report: Big Tech Is Pressuring Its Customer Service Workers to Install Surveillance Cameras in Their Homes

America Desperately Needs to Embrace Trumponomics – Neoliberals have sold out our country and Trump knows how we can take it back

Vaccine And Mask Coercion Is A Purge Of Republican Voters From Employment and Schooling, And Republicans Are Letting It Happen

The Vaccine: Experimental Times Two – mRNA vaccines are a radical departure from traditional vaccines

Pathologist Explains The Impact Of COVID Vaccines On Human Organs

Recent Research: The Restrictions on Unvaccinated People Is Resulting In An Explosion of Fake Vaccination Cards

mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone takes Ivermectin for relief of COVID related cough and rebounds in Carmel


The Pentagon to Require COVID Vaccinations for All Troops by September 15

The Canadian Government on Monday Lifted Restrictions ON Non-Essential Travel for Fully Vaccinated Americans

Barack Obama’s 60th Birthday Bash Was a Clear and Appropriate F*ck You to Joe Biden

The Castle is Crumbling: Cuomo’s Top Aid ‘Enabler and Enforcer’ Is Latest to Turn Her Back on Embattled Governor

Former Navy SEAL Gallagher’s Powerful insights – Thank Obama & The Top Brass He PromoteD For Todays Problems

Biden’s Six Months In Office Have Us Marching Down The Road To Communism

The Death of Brian Sicknick To Exploit Tragedy for Political Gain – So much for “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Oil Prices Tumble on Worries Over COVID Delta Variant Outbreak – Crude oil futures prices fall to near their lowest levels since May

All Six Democrat Huntington Beach City Council Members Served with Recall Notices –  We Won’t Let You Destroy Our City Without a Fight’

August 8, 2021

Bad Faith –  Post-60’s liberalism: The birth of Critical Race Theory and the Creation of Bad Faith in America

In 1 Brilliant Move, DeSantis Gives Parents Power Via Private School Vouchers to Punish Hyper-Mask Public Schools

Georgia ballots rejected by machines were later altered by election workers for counting

Fauci Expects ‘Flood’ of COVID Vaccine Mandates After FDA Approval – He hopes to see within the coming weeks

VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Data Through August 8, 2021

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten Backs A Vaccine Mandate For Educators

Countries That Buy Pfizer’s Vaccine Undertake to Break the Law  – A bombshell that mainstream media is ignoring

California Institutes New ‘Print-Your-Own Ballot From Home’ Program – Is this an audit-proof way to steal the recall and future elections?

Governor Newsom’s True Recall Opponents – Lack of Water and Raging Out of Control Fires

Why isn’t our government telling us about Chinese nuclear weapons?

25th Amendment: First Ever Involuntary Departure? Part IV: When will Kamala make her move?

Did the CDC Director just kill the rationale for vaccine passports? – “The vaccines neither prevent people from catching COVID nor from spreading COVID. At most, they simply reduce the severity of the symptoms people experience if they do catch COVID”

WSJ: Companies Thought They Had a Plan for Fall. Now They Are Scrapping It Because Of The Delta Variant

San Francisco Sheriff’s Deputies Threaten to Resign over Vaccine Mandate

Your papers, please! – Welcome to the Vaccine Passport Era in America

August 7, 2021

You Need To Read This To Prepare For What’s Coming – America, England, Germany, Australia, You’d Better Wake Up

Michael Savage: Can China Be Made to Pay Reparations for COVID?

Tracking Chicago shooting victims n 2,021, 164 more than in 2020 – Includes Interactive Map of Shooting Locations

More than 1 million people entered the U.S. illegally in the first six months of 2021

Could COVID-19 Concentration Camps Be Coming? The CDC Publishes Document Outlining “Green Zone” Protocol

COVID-19 Survivors Have Broad and Longer-Term Immunity

The Truth About COVID Countermeasures

China Expert Gordon Chang: Xi Jinping’s Actions Show Their ‘Deliberate Spread’ of COVID-19

THE CDC’S VOODOO EPIDEMIOLOGY – Our covid response has been dictated by politicians and bureaucrats

As The Delta Variant Loses It’s Fearmonger Strength, The Powers-That-Be Create a New Boogeyman: ‘Delta Plus’

Senate advances Biden’s $1T infrastructure bill in rare Saturday session

Former NYT Science Reporter: Israel data suggests doomsday scenario for the vaxxed – #3 Censored by Twitter

The US sends in B-52s in a desperate bid to stop the Taliban from seizing key Afghan cities

The Case against the Wasteful and Ineffective Senate Infrastructure Agreement

When it comes to vaccination, the Biden administration is doing it wrong – Four Key Flawed Assumptions

The San Francisco sheriff’s union warns deputies will quit over vaccine mandate

Scientist: Delta variant is more transmissible, but not more deadly

New guidelines will call for a third COVID shot for vulnerable people

Why the Border Crisis Is Here to Stay – Absent a credible impeachment threat the Biden administration won’t act


August 6, 2021

Does the U.S. Want the Lab-Leak Truth? – It’s hard to see a political upside, we get intelligence agency shoulder-shrugging

Princeton offers ‘#BlackLivesMatter’ course with readings by avowed Marxist and former Black Panther Angela Davis

Covid hospitalizations among the fully vaccinated spike 10-fold in Israel – Annihilates the safe and effective narrative

The Democrat ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Would Increase Deficits by $256 Billion

Government-Funded Researchers Linked to Dr. Fauci and the NIH Sought Aborted Minorities for Organ Harvesting

Dan Bongino Says Secret Service Agents Told Him That Joe Biden Is In ‘Significant Trouble’

WSJ: Could a Conservative Replace Gavin Newsom? – The recall is gaining steam and Larry Elder is the front-runner

White House Press Secretary: ‘We’re Not Going to Lock Down Our Economy or Our Schools’

Fact Check: Kevin Cramer Misleads Americans on ‘Woke Agenda’ in the So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

California Democrats’ Audit-Proof Voter Fraud Mechanism Rolls Out Ahead of Newsom Recall Vote

Ashli Babbitt’s Family Lawyer Says Cop ‘Ambushed’ Her on Jan. 6 with No Warning He Was Prepared To Shoot

VAERS Latest Data Include 2 New Reports of Teen Deaths Following COVID Vaccine – Total Reports of Deaths Exceed 12,000

“Yes, He Was Infected In The Lab!” – New E-Mails Obtained Under FOIA Confirm Origin Of Chinese Lab Director’s Infection

WSJ: Why I’m Suing Over My Employer’s Vaccine Mandate – I have natural immunity, so they have no justification

Doctors share THEIR OWN vaccine injury horror stories, revealing the vaccines are devastating the medical profession

COVID mandates at schools will cause a red wave of very angry parents

United Airlines to Require Vaccinations for All US Employees By This Fall

The WH Considers Withholding Federal Monies to Private Business To Pressure People to Take Vaccines

CA Republicans Smell Blood In The Water – Cautious optimism pervaded Wednesdays debate

WSJ: The CBO Estimates Infrastructure Bill Would Add $256 Billion to US Deficits

Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Includes A Massive Slush Funds for Green Energy Boondoggles

“Doctor” Jill Biden runs an abusive office that’s like that depicted in the movie ‘The Devil Wears Prada’

You Were Warned: Automakers Team Up With Biden To Force Electric Cars On Consumers

Stunning! A New George Floyd Case Exhibit Confirms That There Was Witness Coercion

August 5, 2021

INVESTIGATION: Governor Gavin Newsom’s office ‘micromanaged’ PG&E’s independent state regulators

The Biden team’s misguided and deadly COVID-19 vaccine strategy

Only One U.S. Women’s Soccer Player Refused to Take a Knee Before Bronze Medal Game – Carli Lloyd

The CDC and Facebook ‘Coordinated Closely’ in controlling the narrative of the CCP virus/pandemic

Mandatory Vaccinations Undermine Roe v. Wade – Democrats no longer subscribe to “my body, my choice”

The 4th Wave of Restrictions in France Met With Fierce Resistance – People have had enough

Why Won’t the Government Release Officer Fanone’s Bodycam Video? – They used a trick to prevent it

The Department of Justice Backs The CDC on Biden’s Eviction Moratorium

Five Minutes a Thief In Gavin Newsom’s California – Crime is just too, too easy thanks to Prop.47

Humane and orderly? Border photos show migrant disaster amid overflowing toilets

Biden’s lawless eviction ban deals another blow to the rule of law

Landlords and Real Estate Groups Ask Judge to Block CDC’s New Eviction Moratorium

With Biden’s Illegal ‘Eviction Moratorium’ Democrats Openly Embrace Lawlessness – The president knows what he ordered the CDC to do is illegal

A New Rasmussen Survey Totally Destroys the Left’s Narrative About Voter ID

Who Believes Anthony Fauci Regarding Future Lockdowns?

DeSantis Hits Back at Biden, Says Virus Coming Through ‘Wide Open’ Southern Border

How Those Delta Variant COVID Charts Are Lying

A Covid Outbreak Hits a Carnival Cruise Ship Despite Every Guest and Staff Member Being ‘Vaccinated’

McAllen, Texas, declares disaster after 7,000 COVID-infected illegals pour into their city

Masks Off In The Classroom We owe children, who are not an at-risk population, face-to-face instruction

Biden pushes for electric vehicles to make up 40% or more of U.S. auto sales by 2030

Could Newsom Actually Be Recalled? – Maybe

The New York Times’ 1619 Project Conveniently Overlooks The Racist Past Of The Democratic Party

College Students Can Look Forward to Courses in ‘Ecofeminism,’ ‘Community Activism’ and ‘Queer Desires’

August 4, 2021

Thousands of COVID-positive migrants are passing through the Mexican border city of McAllen, Texas

Dominion Whistleblower Steps Forward – Releases Admin Password Proving Remote Access

The CDC Confesses: Vaccinated People Spreading COVID Variants With High Viral Loads

First Autopsy of Dead Person Vaccinated for Covid Found to Contain Spike Proteins in Every Organ of Body

Eradication of Covid Is a Dangerous and Expensive Fantasy  – Now ruinous, oppressive lockdowns are back

At least half of new COVID infections now happening in vaccinated people as the “vaccine failure” phenomenon worsens

Shock poll shows Gavin Newsom losing recall vote by double digits

Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Would Require Alcohol Monitors for All New Cars

Why Trump Still Terrifies the Democrats – And the Democrats should be afraid, Very Afraid

Does the Biden Regime Believe in Its Own Legitimacy? – Would a regime, confident in the faith and backing of the people, assert its right to rule so aggressively?

Hidden on Page #508 of the Infrastructure Bill  – A national motor vehicle per-mile user fee (MBUF)

Tucker Carlson: Rochelle Walensky now makes the laws, and it is impacting your private property rights

The Orange County Board of Education Sues California Newsom Governor Over School Mask Mandates

Larry Elder, The Governor California Voters Don’t Deserve, But Surely Need

Media Blackout: A Renowned German Pathologist’s Vaccine Autopsy Data is Shocking and Being Censored

Senator Rand Paul: Mask mandates and lockdowns from petty tyrants – Choose freedom and Resist

As Health Officials and The Media Ramp Up Vaccine Coercion, They Are Scapegoating the Unvaccinated

America’s ‘Re-Education’ Camps – We have a milder than China, We call our camps public schools

The CA State Water Resources Control Board Votes To End Water Diversions For Over 5,700 Farmers

Defying the Supreme Court, Biden Issues an Outrageous Eviction Moratorium

Why I Refuse to Be Vaccinated Despite The Fact That I Am In My Late 70s

Big Pharma and its vaccines – To combat COVID with an (IFR) death rate of a mere 0.26% of those infected

Countries with the highest vaccination rates have the highest COVID infection rates

A Supreme Court precedent opposes Critical Race Theory in public schools

Why that poll showing 54% of CA Hispanics want Gavin Newsom recalled may mean a big surprise for Democrats

WSJ: Who Assassinated Haiti’s President? – The mystery gets murkier with more new questions than answer

25th Amendment Implementation, 1973-2021 Part III: The Modern Precedents

To mask or not to mask: Biden administration takes all sides on mask mandate – Masks don’t work, unless you’ve got an N95 surgical grade one

The homeless may not be as homeless as they appear

August 3, 2021

The FDA accidentally displays a list of COVID vaccine side effects including death, myocarditis, and autoimmune disease

17 Arrested in Undercover Child Predator Operation in Florida, Including 3 Disney Employees

The Biden DOJ Orders States Not To Conduct Arizona-Style Forensic Audits Of 2020 Election, Threatens Prison Time

NYC to Require Proof of Vaccination to Work and Shop Indoors – De Blasio makes NYC the first city to mandate proof of vaccination

Biden Calls for Gov. Cuomo to Resign After AG Report Released

FDA Authorizes Antibody Cocktail as COVID-19 Prevention Treatment

Politico’s GETTR Hit-Piece Was Covertly Funded By The Big Tech Giants

Tyranny Has Returned to the US, This Time by Proxy – A hallmark of tyranny is the unequal application of justice

The House Foreign Affairs Committee Report Contains Shocking Detail about the Wuhan Lab

WSJ: NY Gov. Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women – Unwanted kissing, groping, and inappropriate comments

In Reality, It’s The “Do-Nothing” Republicans Who Are a Threat to Our Future Democracy

Biden’s infrastructure tax would hogtie miners and developers, industry warns

Great Reset: The World Economic Forum Declares the ‘Age of Human Robots Is Over’

New York City to Require Restaurant Customers to Show Vaccination Proof


Biden & Co. try to stem the alarming flow of minority voters away from Democrats ahead of midterm elections

Kinzinger, Cheney: Aiding & Abetting the Pelosi January 6 Cover-Up – What did Pelosi know and when did she know it?

What Are We Doing Wrong Regarding COVID-19? – What about that leftward mantra from the past: My body; my choice

An Epidemic of Mandatory – A Strategic Shift From We Can Beat It, To Follow Our Shifting Orders Carefully to Coexist

A Guide To Long-Term Strategic Thinking For Parents Who Oppose CRT In Schools

Masks And CRT Are Just The Start: It’s Time To Break The Public Schools (And Here’s How)

Newsom Recall Backers Sue to Block Democrats From Framing the Effort as a ‘Republican Takeover’ of California

Anatomy of a Bad Idea: Affirmative Consent

A Wokesters’ Nightmare: Almost all of the Olympic medal winners are patriots

Yellen Details ‘Extraordinary Measures’ to Raise Cash as U.S. Debt Ceiling Hits

Newly Released Documents Suggest Coercion in the George Floyd Case – Neck compression has to be in the diagnosis

August 2, 2021

Dr. Malone: CDC’s Own Data Shows Masks & Vaccines Don’t Stop COVID; Junk Science Is Driving Authoritarianism

Analysis: Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Study Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA, and MN

Maricopa County and Dominion won’t comply with new the subpoenas issued by the Arizona Senate

Why Purple-State Voters Want Election Reforms

World-renowned private investigator opens up about just how bad human trafficking is in America – and what becomes of the victims

Peggy Noonan Trying to bury Donald Trump isn’t the answer – Restoring integrity to the electoral process is

The Border Crisis Goes Into Overdrive as Cameras Catch 1,000 Immigrants Being Held Under a Bridge

The Feds are inventing ‘absurd’ excuses like obesity to release illegal border crossers, whistleblower tells Congress

New Videos Emerge From Jan. 6, Raise Questions About Capital Police Agitating Peaceful Crown

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Pushes Private Businesses to Mandate ‘Vaccine-Only’ Admission

Biden’s slip & slide — Americans now doubt his honesty, empathy & leadership – Democrats know they are in trouble

Vaccinated People May Play Key Role in Aiding Evolution of More Dangerous COVID Variants, Study Says

A CDC Study on 12- to 17-Year-Olds Who Got Pfizer Vaccine: 397 Reports of Heart Inflammation, 14 Deaths

A New Study Shows Just How Much School Lockdowns Harm Innocent Kids

A Chinese Communist-Linked Group Is Partnering With American Schools To ‘Transform Education’ With ‘Social Justice’

Donald Trump to Fight Release of Tax Returns To The Congressional Committee, His Lawyer Says

Wake Up RINOs! – The Steele dossier, Crossfire Hurricane, and two impeachments were not about Trump, but power

LA Times Editorial: Newsom could be replaced by someone with a tiny fraction of the vote. That’s nuts

The New York Times Lies About Trump Again With Their Claim That He Pushed DOJ To Declare Election ‘Corrupt’

Poll: Just 36% Of Independents Think The January 6 Commission Is A Genuine Fact-Finding Effort

If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The January 6 Uprising, Then You Better Start Paying Attention

As COVID re-surges, why is YouTube suppressing SkyNews for its reports on HCQ and Ivermectin?

The Democrats Covertly Plan for a Complete Takeover of Healthcare – The fight over Obamacare isn’t over

It’s Unethical to Force People to Get Vaccine as Efficacy Wanes –  Current vaccines will soon be rendered obsolete

Both Nancy Pelosi Anthony Fauci believe that calling a virus a ‘PANDEMIC’ suspends our constitutional rights

The Gay Festival Behind the CDC’s New Mask Guidelines – The CDC’s justification involves an orgy of hairy homosexuals

August 1, 2021

The Link between cases and deaths is greatly weakened in the delta surge

Who’s Watching the Billions in New California Homeless Spending?

The Database That Shows How Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Gain of Function Research Has Been Taken Offline

Our Freedom Is in Danger: Protests Erupt Across Europe Over COVID-19 Mandates

The Biden administration’s border policies are spreading COVID – No Tests For Illegal Border Crossers

The Newsom Recall is Nonpartisan and Here’s Why

Polls: Kamala Harris Is The Least Popular Vice President in Modern History

Incompetence + Arrogance = Woke Politically correct ideology masks & contributes to the failure of our institutions

Sarah Palin Floats Big 2022 Possibility That Puts Senator Murkowski on Notice

Nullifying Nuremberg – All COVID vaccines are emergency authorized by the FDA, have not yet been approved, and are experimental, as they have undergone no long-term safety trials

Dr. Robert Malone: COVID-19 Injection Campaign Violates Bioethics Laws

COVID 1984 – NIH Director Collins sAYS Businesses Should Require Vaccine Credentials for Customers

Counties Ignore Low Death Rates and Return to Mask Mandates – Republican legislators say “Don’t comply”

Oh my God, the Delta Variant is going to kill us all! – Declining death rates apparently don’t matter these days

WSJ: The FDA Is Under Pressure to Grant Full Approval to Covid-19 Vaccines – As some schools, hospitals, and employers are hesitant to mandate vaccines while shots are still only authorized for emergency use

Dare I Say That January 6 Was Not an Insurrection? – This canard of “insurrection” does grave damage to the country

CCP Style ‘Justice’ Comes to America – These January 6 Show Trials Are A Definite Threat To All of Us

Voters are rightly blaming the Biden administration for inflation

Assessing Biden’s Faculties –This week we had the “Sir, there is something on your chin” display

Trump Has $102 Million in Political Cash as GOP Eyes Midterms – He remains a draw for Republican donors

Sneaky: Biden officials ordered workers to cover up COVID outbreak at the migrant center, whistleblowers say

Biden looks to have the federal government provide lawyers for migrants at the border

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin stands up for shoplifters and drug dealers

Does Ukraine Exist? – Apparently, Vladimir Putin Doesn’t Think So

Sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind: California and its epic wildfires while not holding PG&E accountable

It’s absolutely unbelievable what the American Medical Association wants to do on birth certificates

July 31, 2021

Dershowitz to Newsmax: The DOJ Doesn’t Have The ‘Last Word’ on State-Level Election Audits According to Constitution

When Will the COVID Revolt Come? – At some point people will revolt & the longer this arbitrary insanity persists, the more violent the reaction will be

Pilots May Hold Key to Mobilizing Against Military COVID Vaccine Mandate

Postal Workers Union Delivers Stunning Blow to Biden: End Your Vaccine Mandates

Most Recovered COVID-19 Patients Have Broad, Robust Immunity That Likely Provides Some Protection Against Variants

Senate ends Saturday session with the infrastructure bill still in limbo – The Senate to reconvene Sunday

Critics mock PolitiFact’s ‘unintentional honesty’ for a job opening on its ‘misinformation team

When ‘Terrorists’ Aren’t Terrorists: The Danger of Twisting Words to Suit Our Current Politics

Biden’s past lies resurfaced this week

Rising Inflation Slams American Businesses and Consumers – Inflation hits prices in all sectors

WSJ: How a Landlord Making $75,000 a Year Could End Up in the Millionaire Tax Bracket Due to Biden’s proposal to raise capital-gains taxes

The data about delta variant infections do not support panicking – While cases are rising, mortality is not

School Shutdowns Were a Disaster for Children – McKinsey reports the academic, mental, and future consequences of school shutdowns

North Korean Defector Shares Her Story – Observes That America Is Falling Into Tyranny

Open Letter to US Legislators from Dr. Li-Meng Yan – How CCP influence and ambitions are undermining America

The dark side of transgenderism: Moral monsters are mutilating children without parental involvement

Biden Pushes Vaccine Mandates, Incentives – Federal workers and the military must jump through hoops if not vaccinated

A Pro-Life Decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Will Save the Lives of Countless Women and Children

Governor Newsom Speaks On Recall, Predicts ‘Profound Consequences’ For Democrats Nationwide If He Loses

Pork products could DISAPPEAR in California as a new law requiring more space to breed pigs takes effect

Olympics Games grapple with trans athletes – After 125 years of having no openly transgender competitors


July 30, 2021

‘Truly The End Of Female Sports’: Athletes And Congresswomen Fight The Transgender Takeover

Coercive ‘Vaccinate or Face Testing’ Plan for Federal Workers Tramples Rights, Violates Nuremberg Code

General Flynn: 10 INDISPUTABLE FACTS on the 2020 Election That Argue for Audits

The North Coast Recall Turnaround – In favor of the recall & would vote for a Republican Gov. for the first time in 15 years

Liz Cheney is in trouble: 77% of GOP would not reelect and 53% call her a ‘liberal’

Reports of Serious Injuries After Vaccines Surge as CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as People Who Are Unvaccinated

With Every Passing Day . . . America Is Slipping Into Totalitarianism – Doing & Saying Nothing Is Not An Option

The Pelosi Bid to Head Off Evictions Crumbles in a Setback for Biden

GOP Senators Reveal Contents of Redacted Fauci Letter – HHS Hid Fauci Collaboration with Dr. Daszak and Wuhan Lab

Tucker Carlson: Democrats and the CDC have been lying about COVID and the vaccine

CDC FINALLY releases data behind mask guidance U-turn – Vaccinated who get COVID-19 have the same viral levels as the unvaccinated

According To The CDC, Most of Those Infected in Massachusetts Recent COVID Outbreak Are Fully Vaccinated

CDC: Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed as Reports of Serious Injuries After Vaccines Surge

Latest Data Obliterates The Vaccine Narrative: Fully Vaccinated Make-Up Huge Portion of COVID Cases

Biden Makes It Official: Federal Workers Must Get Vaccine or Submit to Regular Testing, Postal Union, Others Push Back

Do You Need a Vaccine Exemption? Here Are Pre-Formatted Letters You Can Use

UPDATED Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

Vaccinated Covid Deaths 20X More Common Than Fauci Claimed – Crickets from the media after Fauci & the CDC are caught in another transparent lie

A White House Walks Back Statement on COVID-19 Lockdown Possibility

Democrat Insiders Are Terrified About What They’re Seeing from Kamala Harris

Democrats Pass A Bill to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Be Hired as Congressional Staffers

WSJ: The Justice Department Advises Treasury to Release Trump’s Tax Returns

WSJ: Official’s Notes Show Trump Pressed Justice Department to Discredit the 2020 Election

The Infrastructure Bill Includes a $7.2 Million Earmark to Build One Block of a Road in Pelosi’s District

The Pathetic Republican Surrender – As senators move forward on a piece of legislation that does not exist yet, driven by an artificial timeline

Biden’s truly bizarre behavior draws renewed scrutiny – Is it time for him to step down?

Biden’s Approval Rating Is Dropping Fast – The inevitable decline has only begun

Biden’s ‘Accomplishments’ So Far: A Troubling Tale In 8 Charts

Isn’t it about time that the media and Democrats stop pretending they care about facts?

The Woke IOC Declares ‘Transwomen are Women’ as The Transgender Kiwi Readies for Weightlifting Debut

The White House is Confronted on Mask Hypocrisy as COVID-Positive Illegals Are Released Into the U.S.

Health officials are less confident in COVID vaccine efficacy with the rise of the Delta variant 

Dr. Joseph Varon Reveals The Newest MATH+ Protocol to Treat Covid-19 with Banned Reporter Ivory Hecker


Nope, I Won’t Mask Up Again – The science doesn’t support the latest CDC whim

‘The Left’ Has A Pedophilia Problem, And Now It’s Out In The Open

Kamala Harris: We Can’t Secure The Border Until We Transform Central America Into A Paradise 

The Trump political brand takes a beating, but experts say it’s still the gold standard for the GOP

July 29, 2021

Defense Threats in Cyberspace – The Biden administration must resist complacency

Bill de Blasio and the Decline of New York City – The next mayor will have to contend with a legacy of wreckage

Undoing the Enlightenment – The thought revolution on the left targets truth in academia, science, business, and the law

Just 41% buy into Biden’s call for re-masking and only 40% will wear one

UPDATED Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

The Justice Department threatens Texas with legal action over COVID-19 migrant order

The Biden Admin Refuses to Rule Out ‘Shutdowns and School Closures’ if Recommended by the CDC

FDA Made ‘Dangerous Error’ by Advising Against COVID Antibody Testing

AZ State Representative Finchem Says AZ AG Will Likely Seize Maricopa County Election Routers Within 30 Days

Democrats should investigate themselves for the insurrection – For going after protesters who did not break the law 

Capitol Police ordered to arrest staff and visitors not wearing masks after Pelosi mandate – Such an overstep of authority

Report Reveals Shocking Double Standards For Justice – The similarities and differences between the treatment of the 2020 rioters compared January 6 riot rioters are shocking

The Federal Government Gives Millions to Group That Supports Defunding the Police

Questions that Definitely Won’t be Asked or Answered by the Biased January 6 Commission

Two Moms Fought against Left-Wing Indoctrination – Unfortunately, Their Kids Paid the Price

A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Shock & Awe or Calm Before the Storm? – Revelations about what actually transpired keep popping up

DoJ Threatens Lawsuits To Lock In 2020 Election Chaos – To squelch investigations, silence critics, and cement free-for-all voting ‘procedures’

The Black Lives Matter Effect – How a poisonous ideology has made cities more dangerous

How the Left Used COVID to Bankrupt the US –  All of this will add $20 trillion of new debt spending over a decade

Return To Mask Theater – Americans are outraged at this scare tactic that has been overplayed and shows no end

Tucker Carlson: Now They Have the Vaccine, Politicians ‘Can’t Part with the Enormous Unprecedented Levels of Power They Have Amassed’

Corporate Media View Of Election Integrity Before 11/2020 – Their narrative was much different back then

Bearing Witness to China’s ‘Orwellian Dystopia’ – Kodak deleted these images & conversation with the photographer

Evidence That China Aims to Dominate Global Governance

A Winning Formula to Biden’s War on Oil: Green Fracking Via Clean Oil Recovery Technology (CORT)

Build It Back Bluer: Biden is trying to flip ‘Trump country’ voters

Biden Asks Congress to Extend The Federal Eviction Moratorium Scheduled to Expire Sunday

Progressives Declare Credit Scores Are Racist – They focus entirely on a person’s well-documented financial behavior

July 28, 2021

European-Style Vaccine Passports May ‘Be A Path Forward’ In The US, CDC Director Says

The Department of Justice indicates it might sue states that return to pre-pandemic voting regulations

Federal Data Shows Fauci’s Agency Dumped Millions Into Chinese Entities To Study Infectious Diseases Since 2012

The data the CDC used for the mask mandate is from a single study from India that was rejected in peer review

CDC: Studies Propelling The Current Shift in Mask Guidance Are Not Available – What they are saying now

The CDC Is Now Calling for Vaccinated Individuals with No Symptoms to Be Tested for COVID If Exposed

WSJ: Why Is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug? – Ivermectin is a promising Covid treatment and prophylaxis

There Is No Good Reason You Should Have to Be a Citizen to Vote – Unsurprising to see this in the New York Times

Rage Against The Machine: These 7 States Banned Mask Mandates In Public Schools

Regulatory Corruption: How CDC & NIH Pull-in Millions From Licensing Deals, Including COVID-Related Technologies

The Feds are exempting some illegal migrants from normal ID requirements on airline flights

Police In Texas Just Discovered an Entire Hotel Has Been Rented Out for COVID-Positive Immigrants

A Devastating Side-by-Side Video Shows Joe Biden Pushing Strict Penalties for Using Crack While Hunter Smokes It

Nancy Pelosi says Biden cannot cancel Americans’ student loans – That takes an Act of Congress

The Dissident California Right Is the Future – The rest of America’s Right has a ways to go to catch up

The Novel: It Can’t Happen Here, But It IS Happening Here! – The parallels with the Biden Administrations directives

Rasmussen: Biden Approval Hits New Low, at 46%; 52% Disapprove – Putting Him Six Points Underwater

Most voters hold the Biden administration responsible for our higher inflation

WSJ: The Biden Administration Plans to Require Covid-19 Vaccine or Regular Tests for Federal Workers, Pending Review

The COVID Vaccines and the Precarious State of Our Freedoms – People are taking to the streets in other countries

CDC Director says European-style health passes for access to public venues ‘may very well be a path forward’ in US

The US Is Releasing Illegal Immigrants Who Test Positive for COVID-19: Say Texas Police

Understanding the unvaccinated – Who is likely or unlikely to get a COVID-19 vaccination?

America had its first show trial on Tuesday and it was loathsome – This hearing isn’t about facts; it’s  all about narrative

Biden Floundering: It is increasingly unlikely that President Joe Biden can finish this year, let alone his term

The January 6 Yawn Committee – Nancy Pelosi’s kangaroo court fails to impress the American people

Ohio Representative Jim Jordan Says Pelosi Kept Him off Jan 6 Commission Because He Pressed Her On Her Role In Security Breakdown

WSJ: An Infrastructure Agreement on Major Issues Reached by a Bipartisan Group, GOP Sen. Portman Says

‘Kamala, You’re Doing A Heckuva Job On The Border’ Situation

The CDC’s Hysterical Delta Variant Flip-Flop Might Be Its Final Undoing

Newsom’s Vaccine Rhetoric is out of Control – Equated being unvaccinated to drunk driving and killing those around you

Their earlier recall election strategy could now backfire on California Governor Newsom


The Duplicitous Ruling Elites Have Awakened the American People – American Marxists are, for the moment, in charge of governing this nation and thus are wreaking havoc on the citizenry

July 27, 2021

The Biden Administration Unveils a Plan that Allows Immigrants to Be Granted Asylum and Bypassing the Courts

‘Mathematically Impossible’ for Vaccines to Eliminate COVID – Data suggest we reached herd immunity has set in and vaccinated actually becoming more prone to infection

FDA Urging, Pfizer & Moderna to Include More Children in Clinical Trials Citing Concerns About the Risk of Heart Inflammation

CDC: Fully Vaccinated People Should Wear Masks Indoors in Areas With Over 50-100 per 100,000 Over a 7-day Period

New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccinated May *SPREAD* the Virus: NBC News Report Deleted from USA Today Article

The Department of Justice Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Legal For Public Agencies and Private businesses

Twitter Suspends 2020 Election Audit Accounts For Multiple States

How to Interpret Section 230? – Big Tech uses this “as a license to censor with impunity,” restricting any material to which they object.

Liz Cheney Leading Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Committee Exposes This Partisan Probe – After Barring Reps Jordan & Banks

LAA Voter Integrity Project: 157,299 Illegal Ballots Cast in Wisconsin Presidential Election

No One Can Disagree with Socialism – Their goal isn’t to expel all religion, it is to expel all competing religions to Marxism

SURPRISED? – Hunter Biden’s Art Dealer Has Ties To China

The Jan. 6 committee, after the very partisan battle over appointees, holds its first hearing on the Capitol attack

CRT and the Threat to the American Family – College-bound kids will soon learn that skin color matters more than their grades

A 15-Year-Old High School Student Exposes Critical Race Theory At His School And What Students Feel About It

‘Equity’ in Education: Equal Opportunity or Equal Outcome? – Uniformity demands have hijacked the goal of opportunity for all students to succeed

Coercion, COVID, and free will – Could it be a test by those in power to see if there are still limits as to what they can force Americans to do?

Regarding The Delta Variant: Natural Immunity Is 700% Better Than the Vaccine

The Problem with the Early Vaccine Mandates

Medical Schools Now Deny Biological Sex – Professors apologize for saying male/female as students police them

It Served Its Purpose So The CDC and FDA  Are Recalling The Faulty COVID PCR Test

Protests Erupt After Countries Mandate COVID Passports – France is the latest to propose vaccine and travel restrictions

It’s not the vaccine, stupid! – Millions of Americans no longer trust their government

The Real Purpose Behind Arizona’s Election Audit – Ensuring that elections are secure going forward

A Seven-Day Journey Through The Revolt Against The American People – Americans are held hostage by the ideology of an elite that has the privilege of avoiding nearly all consequences for its own actions

The Myth of ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’: Part One – There never was an “Arab Palestine.” It never existed as a polity

It’s time to stop playing nice and get tough with our congresspeople and corporations

This Australian Reporter Thinks Joe & Kamala Are A Joke – What People Outside of The U.S. Were Thinking Back Then

California Democrats are getting anxious as support to recall Gavin Newsom grows

China Will Win Only if America Allows It – Another American Century, if you can keep it

July 26, 2021

Better Red Than Taxed – GOP-led states are cutting taxes while Democratic states ponder increases

The Tide Is Turning: Democrats Begin to Doubt Biden’s Election ‘Victory’ as Majority of Voters Now Support Election Audits

Democrats may slip amnesty into infrastructure bill, an ex-Trump aide warns

The Arizona Senate issues audit subpoena for Maricopa County routers

France Warned US in 2015 About Wuhan Lab It Helped Build, A Former COVID-19 Investigator Claims

First Federal Agency Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine

NYC and California Require Government Workers to Be Vaccinated or Show COVID-19 Test Weekly

The White House Announces COVID-19 International Travel Restrictions Will Remain

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 2: How Your Digital Identity is Moving to The Blockchain for Full Control Over Humans

A Modern Guide To Gaslighting: “That’s Not Happening and It’s Good That It Is” – The most common, oft-deployed lies

Five Years Later: The Spawn of Crossfire Hurricane – The five-year arc between July 2016 and July 2021 is stunning

The tech giants will now target the “far-right” as they shift their focus away from Islamic terror

PayPal Partners With ADL To ‘Fight What They Define as Extremism & Hate’ By Researching & Disrupting Their Payments

Are Democrats Finally Realizing That Wokeism Is a Fool’s Errand?

Democrats’ Massive Effort To Suppress Election Concerns Is Dangerous – Americans should understand that election integrity MUST BE RESTORED

Want to See Election Fraud in 24 Hours? Send Us Your Data!

Chinese Officials Blame the U.S. for Stalemate in Current High-Level Talks

Why Is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID?

Here are some of the private and public entities that are requiring employees to get COVID-19 vaccinations

Covid Stockholm Syndrome – Dartmouth study, American media considerably more alarmist than counterparts abroad

BlackRock: One Company to Rule Them All – Think about who stands to gain the most out of a manufactured pandemic

How Intelligent Is Our Intelligence Community, Really? – Their foundation has to be the knowledge that is gathered and analyzed

The DHS would need years to prepare for a new amnesty – Secret study found 11 million man-hour work backlog at the citizenship agency

I&I/TIPP Poll: Trust In Corporate Media Is In A Freefall and Especially Among Conservatives

BIOWEAPON: New Study Reveals Spike Protein in Coronavirus Vaccines Responsible for Adverse Reactions

Trickle Down Economics, Gaslighting At It’s Best – It doesn’t exist – and it never has

How Food Stamps Are Like Broken Windows

July 25, 2021

New Study Finds ‘Zero COVID Deaths’ Among Healthy Children, as Schools Begin to Mandate Vaccines

Fauci says it’s ‘negligent’ not to fund research at Wuhan lab and suggests collaboration with China should continue

The CDC to Withdraw Emergency Use Authorization for RT PCR Test Because It Cannot Distinguish Between SARS-CoV-2 and the Seasonal Flu

WSJ: Covid Mania Returns Australia to Its Roots as a Nation of Prisoners – Sydney citizens may leave their homes only for ‘essential’ purposes and not go more than six miles

Report: 1.8 Million Americans Have Turned Down Jobs To Stay On Unemployment

People Watching Donald Trump’s Rally in AZ Noticed One Big Difference from Joe Biden’s Town Hall

Governor Abbott: The Biden Administration’s Plan Is Catch and Release — The Texas Plan Is To Catch and Jail

China’s Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere – As dangerous and also as vulnerable as its failed Japanese predecessor

EXPOSED: BLM Leaders Praised Foreign, Communist Front Group At a Co-Hosted Event and Accepted a Foreign Trip

Maricopa County Witness Evidence Confirms SharpieGate Effort To Hurt Trump In 2020 Election

Protests Rage Across Europe as Lockdown and Vaccination Mandates Begin

If ‘Corporate Media’ Reporters Had Any Integrity, Here Are The Questions They Would Be Asking

Illegal aliens are bringing things across the border that are far worse than COVID

Where the Money Goes, No One Knows – FEMA stonewalls Congress on spending to relocate illegal immigrants

Rahm Emanuel: We Must Make COVID Vaccinations a ‘Reward-Punishment System’ 

Biden in Deep Trouble as Optimism About Country’s Direction Takes a Dive

Larry Elder explodes into the lead in California – If he gets elected how will he deal with the Democrats supermajority in the legislature?

Larry Elder Can Win – He will have a bully pulpit and he will use it effectively to disclose what needs fixing

Combined Capital Gains Tax Rate in California to Hit 56.7 Percent Under New Biden Plan

Want to Solve Homelessness? Call a Cop  – Instead, Newsom’s typical progressive move is to throw more money at it

A New California Recall Poll Sends ‘Big Warning Signs’ to Governor Newsom

S.F. is considering downtown ‘congestion pricing’ – Here’s how much it would cost people that enter congested areas

Reporter Looks at Group Protesting Police and Those There to Support Them and Has ‘Surreal’ Moment of Realization

As The Worm Turns – Voting Machine Use – Here is what several prominent Democrats had to say not very long ago

The Biden administration wastes $2 billion paying contractors not to build Trump’s border wall

The Lancet’s reputation continues to decline – They played an even bigger role in covering up China’s (and Fauci’s) role in creating SARS-CoV-2

July 24, 2021

Doctors Raise Awareness on Ivermectin Treatment for COVID-19

Victor Davis Hanson: From JFK to AOC: How the Democrat Party Turned Into a ‘Neo-Maoist Movement’

Trump returns to AZ and urges the crowd at an election-integrity rally to restore ‘American birthright’ of ‘honest, fair elections’


Losing Our Liberty All at Once? – Joseph Hackett was a supporter of Donald Trump so he must be neutralized

Doctor Groups Raise Awareness on The Use of Ivermectin For Treatment for COVID-19

Justice Official: The Durham Report Likely to Be Made Public When He Finishes His Investigation

Minnesota Student Says Teacher Told Her to Hide ‘Equity Survey’ Questions From Parents

Soros hands $1 million to a group attempting to defund police and has pushed to defund the police across the country

Biden Administration Officials Signal That COVID-19 Booster Shots Will Be Needed for Some Americans

Biden is breaking his tax increase pledge – Corporations don’t pay taxes, people pay them as a result of higher prices

Gavin Newsom’s Situation Gets Worse  – The 9th Circuit Slaps Him Down For Shuttering Private Schools Due To COVID

There may be some method to the January 6 overcharging madness – It’s about future voting and gun ownership

Former Obama Doctor: ‘Serious Stuff Going On’ with Biden That Will Soon Lead to Resignation or 25th Amendment

The Democrats’ spending bill is bigger than being advertised and includes budgetary sleight of hand

Truth and consequences or just California recall politics?

The Biden administrations infrastructure plans could cost a projected $225,000 per job created through 2031

The closest you can get to mind control is speech control – It”s not “censorship” itself, but the things a society censors


July 23, 2021

The End of Merit – Our schools, even without CRT, are failing to prepare students for a skills-based job market

A Teacher and an Assistant Principal Just Got FIRED Because They Dared to Oppose Transgender Orthodoxy

A CDC Panel Signals Support for Booster Shots, as Reports of Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccines Near 500,000

George Mason University rejects exemptions from vaccine mandate for natural immunity, prompting a legal threat

Last Years Data Reveals The Lockdowns Caused More Deaths Than Coronavirus Itself

The New Censorship – The danger of suppressing scientific debate are known, but social media platforms persist

House Conservatives Call on Minority Leader to Oust Nancy Pelosi

Cry — The Beloved California – Where there is scarcity, there is profit – Where there is rationing, there is power

What is going on in DC? – The surge in crime there is finally starting to affect Washington’s cozy and wealthy elite

The Department of Homeland Security announced the cancellation of two Trump-era border wall contracts

South Africa: A Glimpse of America’s Future? – Of all its problems given its history, “RACE” is always front-and-center

Therapy Is Often Successful at Treating Gender Dysphoria – Yet 24 states have banned this psychological therapy

California Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla Stand Up For Continued Bullet Train Failure

Is the FBI actually asking Americans to tattle on family members and friends? – Regrettably, yes, it’s true!

The Whitmer Kidnapping Case Reveals That The FBI’s New Counterterrorism Target Is Actually You

The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Unanimously Rules the CDC’s COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Is Unlawful

The Governments License To Lie – The WH should stop worrying about what people are sharing on FB and focus on winning back public trust

Sweden’s no-lockdown Covid strategy vindicated as their 7-day rolling average for COVID deaths hit zero

Who Are The Real COVID Vaccine Refuseniks? Hint: It’s Not What You’ve Been Told

Canada Shows Us What Marxists Could Do to America

The Senate defense budget bill would require women to register for the draft

Now we have ‘Woke!’…… Because ‘Political Correctness’ Wasn’t Idiotic Enough

Wokeness Means Forcing Everyone To Live Inside The Prison Of Mental Illness – Refusing to acknowledge or attempt to befit oneself to reality

Nancy Pelosi gets her puppets for the partisan January 6 commission

Recent Studies Fundamentally Change The COVID Narrative

20 Years Ago A Mass Migration Plot Was Hatched To Help The Left Change The West Forever, They Even Admitted It

Why is America bailing out the terrorism supporting Palestinians?

Not wishing the U.S. woman’s soccer team well after their 3-0 loss to Sweden in the first round of the 2020 Olympics

San Francisco might spend $20,000 per trash can to block garbage scavengers

July 22, 2021

How Congress Makes Infrastructure Math Add Up: ‘Killing the Dead’ and Other Budget Tactics 

Nonprofit Sues HHS to Stop Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccines – Citing whistleblower’s claim that true deaths following vaccination are much higher than reported

Gov’t whistleblower says coronavirus vaccine deaths at least 45,000 – Deaths within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5

Mississippi’s Case against Roe – On abortions after 15 weeks of gestation

Elder Wins Recall Legal Victory and Shakes Up California Race – Judge rules tax returns not required for recall elections

Gavin Newsom invites homeless to California – During a whirlwind “Comeback California” recall-tour

BIDEN’S ANIMATRONIC SHORT CIRCUIT – CNN clearly concealed all the empty seats

Democrats And The Media Panic as Biden’s Domestic Agenda Stalls in Congress

Kamala Harris claims she’s in talks with GOP on Democrat voting ‘reform’ bill, can’t name a single one

Why Spending Matters in Times of Inflation and High Debt – It’s all-around bad news, including future tax increases

The Democrats That Were Featured In the Infamous ‘Maskless Flight’ Picture Now Call For “Universal Mask-Wearing”

Reasons to ignore the American Academy of Pediatrics – Children are not COVID spreaders and not very susceptible to COVID

Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance Donors Are Bankrolling An ‘Independent’ COVID Commission

The Coming ‘January 6’ Train Wreck – After the DOJ’s first sentencing, the left’s lust for blood is exposed

The Antifa/FBI Coalition – The FBI appears to have actively facilitated the January 6 incident

DHS Training Course: Prepare For Mass Public Quarantine Of Unvaccinated Rural Americans – Why do this training?

Mike Lindell Puts His $$$ Where His Mouth Is – $5-Million Paid If His 2020 Election Data Is Proven Wrong

The jobs market’s progress appeared to stall last week – Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Jump 51,000 to 419,000

Biden’s Border Crisis Is About To Make History – This could be a record-breaking year for illegal immigration

The Real Reason Google is Pushing ‘Vaccinations’ – They invested in the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID “vaccine

China Refuses To Cooperate With WHO Investigation; Says Lab Leak Theory Is A “Conspiracy Theory”

Senator Rand Paul finally takes action regarding Anthony Fauci – Fauci seemed to be all ego, no substance

Yes, Fauci Must Go – After congressional panel appearance, he should resign or be fired for incompetence and dishonesty

Why Is AEI Hosting The New York Times And The Atlantic To Tell Us How To Produce Honest Journalism?

July 21, 2021

California taxpayers OK’d reservoir funds back in 2014 So Why is Newsom avoiding water storage projects?

A Recent Johns Hopkins Study Finds Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy Kids – As the CDC continues to use ‘flimsy evidence’ to push the COVID vaccine upon children

A Virginia Public School District Sends Educators PPT On How To Implement Critical Race Theory In The Classroom

Immunologist and former NIH Scientist Says COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders

Did scientists stifle the lab-leak theory? – Jeremy Farrar’s pandemic tale raises more questions than it answers

Pennsylvania Voting Machines Decertified As a Result of Audit by GOP Lawmakers

Senator Ron Paul Is Sending a Criminal Referral of Fauci to Department of Justice For Lying To Congress

WSJ: Senate Republicans Block Infrastructure Bill but Talks to Continue – Hoping for significant progress by Monday

Public Health Experts Tell House GOP Forum CCP Virus ‘Likely Originated’ in Wuhan Lab Leak

WSJ: States Announce $26 Billion Settlement to Resolve Opioid Lawsuits

Republicans Threaten Boycott of Jan. 6 Panel After Pelosi Rejects 2 GOP Choices

U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Takes Stunning Loss After Kneeling For BLM At Olympic Opener

California makes a clumsy effort to kick Larry Elder off the recall candidate ballot – Because they know he could win

Three growing crises could affect Newsom recall

Pelosi Rejects GOP Picks Representatives Jim Banks and Jim Jordan for Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Panel

Citing overriding federal authority under CISA, the North Carolina State Board of Election Denies Audit Request

The Biden administration is promoting a radical group pushing critical race theory in schools

Rand Paul: I Will Be Seeking a Criminal Referral Against Fauci for Lying to Congress


US Life Expectancy Drops 1.5 Years, Driven by The COVID-19 Pandemic

V-Safe Has More Vaccine Adverse Reaction Data Than VAERS but CDC Keeps It Absolutely Secret. Why?

Boiling The Frog In South Africa – Dire predictions about African National Congress (ANC) rule are finally coming to pass

Socialism is Loot & Plunder by a Ruling Clique – The key question, of course, is who gets a share of the loot and plunder

Fixing California – A Nine-Part Series In American Greatness

Poll: Republicans Are Sick of Leftist Big Tech and Big Business

Where are our elected conservatives? – Welcome to 2021 where the truth, as told to us by Democrats and the media, changes daily; and we must accept the new “truth” or else … you’re canceled and silenced

The Biggest Source Of ‘Misinformation,’ Lies, And Delusion Is Leftist Corporate Media

DC leaders struggle with the rising crime after cutting police

Megan Rapinoe and Woke USWNT Suffer Stunning Upset Loss in Olympic Opener After Kneeling Before The Game

July 20, 2021

The FBI Played Larger Role in Whitmer Kidnapping Case Than Previously Reported: FBI Informants Helped Hatch the Plot!

Recent Poll: A Majority of Americans Are ‘Not Confident’ Kamala Harris Is Ready to Be President

Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines, Cites Whistleblower Testimony Claiming The CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths

WH Collusion With FB Not About Public Health – Psaki, only selected individuals should be allowed to share “trusted content”

The Second WHO COVID-19 origins investigation will examine the lab leak hypothesis

Larry Elder Sues California Secretary of State Shirley Weber Over Not Listing Him As Recall Candidate

500+ Doctors, Parents Testify Against MA Bills Targeting Parental Rights and Religious Freedoms Relating To Vaccine Mandates

The Twilight of The Free Press, Thanks to the Left – This Progressive regime will brook no dissent from its official line!

China’s Hitler Decade – It’s not too late to beat Beijing, but it’s too late to avoid fighting with them

The Totalitarian Democrats’ Assault Includes Using The Chinese Communist’s Social Credit System

The Biden Administration’s dangerous assault on freedom of speech

Pegasus spyware: The software targeting the smartphones of activists, journalists, and business executives

10 Reasons to Question the 2020 Election – #10, The whole thing just stinks to high heaven

9-4-2020: The Coming Coup? – Democrats Lay The Groundwork For Revolution – This Prediction Was A Bullseye

A breakdown of the 2020 election challenges that are still underway

Nothing to See Here: China Rejects Coronavirus Audit, Tells W.H.O. to Look at the U.S. for Lab Leak Source

Cyber Hacks: What does China have on Biden? – We have here is actual cyber warfare targeting U.S. institutions

Tucker Carlson: Democrat’s Claim We’re in a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’ Is Untrue – Being vaccinated doesn’t stop you from getting COVID-19 or from spreading it to other people

The WP’s Hit Job on Tucker Carlson – Their very first play & central play in the smear job is … the race card

The Democrats Definition Of ‘Misinformation’ Is Whatever Hurts Them Politically Today 

Virulent Doesn’t Mean Infectious – Respiratory viruses tend to evolve to be more transmissible but less virulent

Could Democrats steal the midterms? – Would today’s Leftist Party draw a line at employing sedition and violence?

The Effects of Vitamin D on COVID Outcomes – To counter immune dysregulation that’s common with COVID-19

July 19, 2021

Pfizer’s Bottom Line: As they make a pitch for booster shots epidemiologists question their motives

Infographic: Beijing’s 22-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong

The Pegasus Project: How Washington power brokers gained from NSO’s spyware ambitions

Capitol Protester Sentenced to 8-Months – One standard for left-wing protesters and one for right-wingers

Trump tells three separate dinner guests he plans a 2024 run for president

WSJ: The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC’s Push to Vaccinate Children – They overcount Covid hospitalizations and deaths, but won’t consider if one shot is sufficient

Infrastructure Bill Is on the Rocks? – Republican’s say it could fall apart because of Schumer’s methods

Democrats’ Carbon Border Tax Would Lead to Higher Costs for Americans – And line the pockets of government cronies

Inside Facebook’s $1.6 Billion Bid to Save Journalism: Secret Deals, Favored Partners and Few Details

It’s infrastructure week — and this time, it’s for real on this $1 trillion infrastructure bill

The White House considering ‘all available avenues’ to close down Guantanamo Bay

The Biden Administration Admits To Working With Big Tech To Help Control What You’re Allowed To Know

CUBA 101: What Is Happening in Cuba Is a Classic Battle of Good vs. Evil – And a simple meme says it all

A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Why Do Democrats Fear a Forensic Audit in PA? – 2/3 of Voters Believe Fraud Occurred

GA Voting Official Makes Excuses For Illegal 2020 Voters – Enough Illegal Votes to Exceed Margin of Victory

Bringing America to its Knees Courtesy of the Biden & Co. – Communists are now at the helm of our government

The Walls Are Closing In on Biden! – Facts about illegal immigration, unconstitutional mandates, and fraudulent votes

‘A Consistent thread’: Kamala Harris staff complaints predate her vice presidency

The Arizona Audit Finds Enough Tainted Ballots To Erase Biden’s Lead – Senators Call To Decertify Election

The Democrats Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste – They are hastily making changes that will be impossible to reverse

The Only Good Soros Progressive Prosecutor Is a Defeated Soros Progressive Prosecutor

The Panic Pandemic – Fearmongering from journalists, scientists, and politicians did more harm than the virus

Police Killed Ashli Babbitt Too – Floyd and Babbitt, two police murders and two very different media treatments

Consumers complain about high prices but are buying anyway

IGNORANCE, The Best Weapon Of Tyranny – Those who know the least yet believe they know the most

A Memorial For Fallen Warriors

July 18, 2021

Cyber Ninjas Found So Many Issues with the Voting Machines & Processes in Maricopa County……………

The Pegasus Project: Spyware sold to authoritarian regimes used to target activists, politicians, and journalists

Joe Biden wants amnesty, but the US tally of illegal immigrants is deeply flawed – It could be as many as 35 million

‘America First’ Rally Canceled – Anaheim’s Jaw-Dropping Statement About Where They Draw the Line on Free Speech

Two Top Wall Street Executives Say Inflation Could Be Worse Than Predicted

The American Descent into Madness – From the freest country in the world to a repressive and frightening place 

Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson: Critical Race Theory Is About Creating Division & Strife That Allows Control

Welcome Back, Carter – The big domestic concerns of the 1970s were inflation and crime, need I say more?

WSJ: The Red-Hot U.S. Economy Expected to Cool – Growth will slow as fiscal stimulus money and reopenings fade

Biden’s Door to Door Plan to Inoculate Americans – While they inexplicably continued to ignore natural immunity

SHARYL ATTKISSON: Comparing Covid-19 vaccine side effects with the FDA’s early list of things to watch for

The missing link in the COVID vaccine equation – Antibody testing to determine if you’ve had COVID and, therefore, developed natural antibodies for natural immunity

Straight From The Marxist Playbook: Evidence Of 2020 Election Manipulation Mounts

The Biden team fumbled their early response to the vast unrest in Cuba

The Biden Regime Has Made Us All Enemies of the State As We Slip Under The Yoke of Totalitarianism

Bayesian Analysis Shows Beyond a Reasonable Doubt the Wuhan Lab Origin of SARS-CoV-2

The Buried Truth: The CDC Reports More Covid Vaccine Related Deaths than Covid Deaths Over the Last Two Weeks

Ten (Plus One) Happenings that show the Age of Biden is Upon Us

July 17, 2021

“This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit”: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Observes COVID Surge In The Most-Vaxxed Countries

U.S. Appeals Court Agrees to Review Decision on Big Tech’s Section 230 Immunity

Trump Says Arizona Election Hearing Shows Enough ‘Fraud and Voting Irregularities’ to Change Election Outcome

Did White House Press Secretary Psaki Just Hand Trump the Key to His Lawsuit Against Facebook Censorship?

Washington needs to answer Beijing’s aggression toward Taiwan – For the stability of the international community

The Los Angeles County Sheriff Says He Will Not Enforce The Latest Mask Mandate

A gun-rights group threatens to sue San Jose over ‘unconstitutional’ firearm fees to pay for the cost of gun violence

California Lawmakers Approve A Guaranteed Income Plan – Checks To Be Distributed Based on Specific Criteria

Biden’s New ‘Double Death Tax’ – All unrealized capital gains are taxable as if the assets had been sold that year

Wisconsin Lawmaker Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ After The Georgia and Arizona Updates

A.U.D.I.T. of Elections, AZ Edition: The Roof Was Just Blown Off – Some bombshell disclosures from that hearing

Think Tank Analysis: Biden’s open-border plan means at least 1.7 million illegals in 2021

A Global Minimum Tax Threatens American Sovereignty – Subjecting us to the authority of international bureaucracies

Appeals Court Defends Gun Rights in Massive Win for Second Amendment – Stand up against unconstitutional laws

Welcome to “Brave New America” –  A realistic look at what the Left’s trying to accomplish unless we stop them

Why liberals target Chick-fil-A – They support Christianity and traditional family values

Bombshell Research Buried by Press: Natural Covid Immunity After Recovery 6.72 Times More Effective than Vaccines

The Annual UN Report Shows Lockdowns Created a Massive World Hunger Crisis

WSJ: Cities Try to Phase Out Gas Stoves but Cooks Are Pushing Back – Getting people to switch to electric is hard

Meet the Newest Woke Catchphrase: Anthropocentrism – This NEA woke ideological project is especially pernicious

WSJ: LA Wants to Clear the Homeless From Venice Beach –  As anger grows among businesses and residents


July 16, 2021

The Real Story of January 6 – The shooting of an unarmed protestor, Ashli Babbitt, in the Capitol building

COVID Bubble children: Democrats say ‘Yes!’ to masks and vaccines in schools

Democrats plan to slip immigration changes into $3.5T budget bill, pass without GOP votes via budget reconciliation

Germany Refuses to Use Voting Machines Like US Over Fears of Fraud – They Will Only Use Paper Ballots

A Federal Prosecutor Deliberately Delayed The Hunter Biden Probe To Shield Joe During 2020 Election

Fascism Before Our Eyes: Psaki Says You Should Be Banned from All Platforms if You’re Banned from One

Border Apprehensions Pass 1 Million for 2021, On Track To Set New Record While Democrats Plan Amnesty

Government dictating what social-media platforms ban is tyrannical

Convincing the Skeptics – COVID Vaccine resisters can’t be persuaded if they feel disrespected

WSJ: DACA Immigration Program Invalidated by a Texas Federal Judge

Michigan Senate Repeals Emergency Powers Law, Governor Whitmer Unable to Veto

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC, as FDA Adds New Warning to the J&J Vaccine

COVID Vaccines: The Hypothetical Benefits to Adults Don’t Outweigh The Risks to Children

Las Vegas advises EVERYONE to wear masks indoors after LA brought back mandate amid rising cases

U.S. Surgeon General, Rockefeller Foundation Announce Big Initiatives to Address the Supposed ‘Urgent Threat’ of Vaccine Misinformation

Why Are California Cities’ Public Health Officers Really Ordering Masks Worn Indoors?

Researcher reveals Pfizer violated coronavirus trial protocol to obtain FDA emergency use authorization for children

Mitch McConnell Calls on Biden to Withdraw Bureau of Land Management Nominee Linked to ‘Eco-Terrorism’ Plot

Biden Just Invited The UN To Investigate America –  He Wants Them To Look Into ‘Racism and Xenophobia’

The Dreaded Misery Index Is On The Rise Under After Biden Administration Actions

The Democrats’ New Amnesty Gambit – For “Dreamers,” those eligible for Temporary Protected Status, and “essential workers”

Birth ‘tourism’ set to explode with Biden’s encouragement – Barring the arrest of new mothers for immigration fraud

A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!

AZ State Senate hearing on audit underway reveals substantial evidence of electoral fraud in 2020 presidential vote

An Arizona Superior Court Judge Rejects The Arizona Senate’s Motion to Keep Election Audit Records Private

WSJ: U.S. Warning Businesses Over Rising Risks in Hong Kong Under China Crackdown – There are ‘financial, legal & reputational risks’

How the DOJ Handled the Hunter Biden Investigation Raises Eyebrows So High They Fall Off

Joe Biden and The Democrats “Big Lie” is Jim Crow 2.0

Conservatives Are Hardly the Ones Waging a War on Campuses

WSJ: Covid-19 School Mandates for Masks, Vaccines Are Blocked in More States –  Families should be allowed to make their own choices

A Compelling Case Against COVID ‘Vaccine’ Approval by The FDA

Rats are fleeing Cuba’s sinking ship? – Resignations and calls for ending communist dictatorship are coming fast

WSJ: Buying a Car Now Is Brutal – New models selling above sticker price, and used-car prices hitting record highs

July 15, 2021

Nancy and Paul Pelosi Are Making Millions in Stock Trades in Companies She Actively Regulates

The CCP Goes to Hollywood – So it’s all about the money — at least for Hollywood

The University of California system finalizes policy requiring students and staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19

Going All In The National Education Association pledges to bring critical race theory to a public school near you

Critical Race Theory Advocates Sent Staff & Students On Chinese Communist Propaganda Trips

The Capitol Cover Up – Release the tapes, the name of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter, and Joe Biden’s political prisoners

Beijing’s Grand Strategy – It wants to build a Sino-centric order for ‘socialist market economies’

Experts Warn of ‘Huge Risk’ as Moderna Launches COVID Vaccine Trials for Pregnant Women

US Health Official Says COVID-19 Boosters Could Risk More Serious Side Effects, Especially A Third Dose

Doctors for COVID Ethics: Halt Use of Pfizer COVID Vaccines in Adolescents ‘Immediately’

Los Angeles County Reimposes Mask Mandates – And further lockdown restrictions could be coming down the pike

Small California school districts will refuse to follow mask mandate

White House Admits ‘We’re Flagging Problematic Posts for Facebook’

AZ Auditors Reveal Massively Disturbing Results in 2020 Election

Were Strong Gun Sales to Blame for 2020’s Violence? – A new study suggests otherwise

Devin Nunes: The Durham report may not be ‘broad’ as hoped but prosecutions in play

Miami Cubans Demand Freedom for Family and Friends Who Remain: ‘This Is the Moment’

Fact-checking Biden’s misleading voting rights speech

Congress Used a Fake Emergency to Create Web Welfare – To provide us with a new entitlement program

Is The Biden Administration About To Make The Border Crisis Worse? – Pandemic travel restrictions expire next week

WSJ: Many Jobs Lost During the Coronavirus Pandemic Aren’t Coming Back – Companies are implementing automation

BLM Blames America for Cuban Suffering, Proving their Neo-Marxist Beliefs – As they oppose capitalism, individual prosperity, and America as a whole

Why So Many Trump Supporters Believe The 2020 Election Was Fraudulent

It’s past time to stop masking children in schools – The masking of children is about power and control, not science

Biden Stands Up for Voter Suppression – And, of course, plays the race card

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Throws Wrench in Leftists’ Plans, Announces He Isn’t Retiring

Biden Inflation is real, and Democrats will make it worse

‘Daddy, where does electricity come from?’ – Let’s breaks down all sources of electricity and their percentage of the whole

The White House quietly signals that this inflationary run could last years

It looks as if there was massive election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia – Here are the key factual assertions

The Dictatorial Democrats – They use the rhetoric of democracy to subvert it

The COVID Aftermath and Lessons Learned – Lesson #1 is that these lockdowns didn’t work, #2 ………..

Can sharing home security data cut 911 response times? SimpliSafe and RapidSOS think so

July 14, 2021

Expert: Americans Could Recover Trillions in Damages From Lawsuits Against the CCP Over Its Pandemic Cover Up

1.8M Americans turned down jobs due to generous unemployment benefits

Election Integrity Group: Analysis of Ballot Images in Georgia County Shows ‘Provable Fraud’ in Audit

Confronting Teacher Union Twaddle – That critical race theory is not being taught in K-12 schools

Whistleblower Leaks Email Revealing Biden Admin Using US Military to Secretly Move Illegal Aliens Around the Country

Class—the Word We Dare Not Speak – The Left does not wish to admit it has become the party of wealth

Will bullet train survive budget wrangle? – CA’s budget package is dribbling out and bullet train funds are up in the air

Cuba finally gets its Black Mirror: The contrarevolución will be live-streamed

YouTube Censors a Regular North Carolina County Government Meeting

Arizona Senate President Says 2020 Election Audit’s Ballot Count Doesn’t Match Maricopa Tally

Former Trump Campaign Adviser Jenna Ellis Leaves The GOP Over Criticism from an RNC Official For Her Position on 2020 Voter Fraud

Inside Facebook’s Internal Data Transparency Wars

Secretary of Homeland Security: People Fleeing Persecution in Cuba or Haiti Won’t Be Allowed Into The US

The Real Cuba Isn’t a Potemkin Airbnb – Antonio García Martínez on what people taking to the streets are protesting

Democrats to take on Supreme Court after justices uphold Arizona election laws

A former U.S. Attorney blows the whistle on Bill Barr for ignoring credible evidence of 2020 voter fraud

The State Department informed Congress that it’s  waiving sanctions on Iran’s illicit oil trade so they can access frozen funds from South Korea and Japan

San Francisco: Half of the People Released Before Their Trial Committed Crimes Before Their Trial Date

Drug overdose deaths soared to a record 93,000 last year – This reflects another factor in the COVID pandemic’s toll 

Biden’s ‘door-to-door’ hunt for unvaccinated rejected by a 53%-37% margin according to likely voters 

Prices received by U.S. businesses for goods and services surges 7.3%, Higher Than Expected

LIVE FROM HAVANA – Communist thugs are imprisoning those who can get the word out on their open-air prison

The regime in Iran, under the Supreme Leader, has lost the Iranian people

Do You Want Proof That Hunter Biden’s ‘Art’ Sales Are An Influence-Peddling Scam?

A Kid And A Flag – It looks to me like this kid is in training to be a good Progressive

One Year after the Riots the Twin Cities are Marked by Lawlessness and Racial Division

Poop soup: China dumps sewage onto coral reefs and is turning the South China Sea into a toilet

TWA 800: 25 Years of Deep State Deception

July 13, 2021

Reality check: What’s really in the Texas voting reform bill that the Democrats so fear?

CPI Report: Inflation climbs higher than expected in June as the Consumer Price Index rises by 5.4%

A Voting Group says it has found ‘massive errors and provable fraud’ in key a Georgia county

Joe Biden’s pathetic attempt to rig voting rules – Before 2020, drive-thru voting was virtually non-existent in the US

White House to Ask SMS Carriers to Monitor Supposed Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ in Personal Text Messages

Democrats Announce Their $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill — Time for Republicans To Walk

‘The Cuban People Will Be Free’: Congressman Introduces Resolution To Support Cuban Protests, Only Republicans Sign-On

Megyn Kelly: Jan. 6 ‘Wasn’t an Insurrection’ and ‘The Media Represented This as so Much Worse Than It Actually Was’

WSJ: Senate Democrats Agree to $3.5 Trillion Healthcare & Antipoverty Plan For Education, Climate Change, etc

The IMF Plan to Flood World With Liquidity Threatens U.S. dollar’s status as a global reserve currency

Trump Releases Letter From Ex-US Attorney Alleging Barr Pressured Him Not to Probe Voter Fraud Claims

Conservative Talk Show Host Larry Elder Throws His Hat in the Ring for California Governor

Just Released Evidence Reveals Georgia Audit Fraud And Massive Errors

Trump Lambastes Biden’s Trip to Pennsylvania ‘To Stop their Forensic Audit’

Cuba is Cracking Down On Demonstrators; Dissidents Say Police are  ‘Arresting, Beating, And Killing’ Protesters

SHOCK REPORT: There Were More COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Last Week in the US than COVID-19 Deaths

‘They Will Be Arrested’ on Return: Governor Abbott Responds to TX Democrats Flying to DC To Circumvent a Quorum

Republican governors are facing 2022 primary challenges from Trump loyalists that are NOT RINO’s

There Is So Much Evidence that the January 6, Incident at The Capital Building Was a Calculated Set-Up

The US Capitol Police are going broke – Democrats will find the money to assure their silence if it’s the last thing they do

Cuba: The Left’s Favorite Dictatorship Is under Siege

Inflation Nation: Consumer Prices Surged Much Higher Than Expected in June

James O’Keefe at CPAC 2021: Six Brave Big-Tech Insiders That Exposed Their Employers Censorship

Woke Capitalists Want to Remake the Financial Landscape – Using climate change and the COVID pandemic to engineer a financial reset

The Left’s Big Disconnect: They Mandate Vaccines While Ignoring homicidal crime waves

Mounting Evidence Shows Haitian President Moïse Was Assassinated Before He Blew The Whistle on Vaccines

July 12, 2021

SHARYL ATTKISSON: (UPDATED) Exclusive Summary of Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns

Jack Posobiec Sits Down With Revolver and Shares An Unprecedented Analysis of Antifa’s Dark Underbelly

A family can’t return to their home because a squatter locked them out – and is being protected by CA laws!

Reasons for vaccine concern, part 3 – If they work, why are highly vaccinated countries seeing spikes in caseloads?

The Democrats’ Topsy-Turvy Spin Machine – The media can’t cover for Biden’s “Gong Show” administration indefinitely

Herd Immunity to Herd Mentality – Forcing vaccines on those who have had COVID is a baaaaaad move

‘Potentially a death sentence’: White House goes off on vaccine fearmongers –They have shifted to a head-on strategy

WSJ: Cuba Cracks Down on Protests Amid Their Worst Economic Crisis in Decades

Pennsylvania State Sen. Mastriano Announces His Committee Has The Votes to Audit Several Counties

Yes, critical race theory is now being taught in public schools

Canadian PM Enables Destruction of Churches – Instead of condemning the violence he sympathizes with the vandals

The FDA To Guillain-Barré Nerve Syndrome Warning To The J&J COVID Vaccine

Democrats haven’t abandoned the plan to kill the filibuster – The big question now is how Manchin will respond to this renewed pressure

WSJ: Texas 59 House Democrats leaving the state to deny Republicans a quorum during a special session


Dan Crenshaw Hammers Biden Admin for ‘Playing Cover for the Communists’ as Cubans Rise Up chanting LIBERTAD!

WSJ: Cuban Protests Demand Freedom, Food & Covid-19 Vaccines –Thousands march in Havana and other cities 

COVID Began Far Earlier Than We Were Told – Most Likely The Latter Part of 2019

Meeting Set: Pfizer and U.S. Health Officials Will Meet to Discuss a Third-Dose Vaccine Booster

Moderna Rep Admits Vaccine Recipients Part of Huge Trial –  Long-term protection against COVID-19 unknown

Say, How Do You Feel About Bringing Back Those Covid Social Distancing and Other Related Rules?

State Republican lawmakers around the country push to ban “discrimination” against unvaccinated people

Every Left-Wing Attempt To Prosecute Trump Has Failed – Their attempts to criminalize him have all fallen flat

Trump v. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, et al – Any legal fund Trump starts to fight them would likely receive $millions

Ignoring Georgia’s Illegal Voting Proves Democrats Don’t Care About Election Integrity At All

Both Republicans and Democrats Are ‘Unified’ Against Big Tech

The Point of the Anti-CRT Fight Should Be to Take Over the Schools To Better Control Curriculum

Establishment Corporate Media Admit Inflation Is Rising with ‘Wild Price Hikes’ for ‘Everything’

Actually, more COVID restrictions resulted in greater economic harm

California’s disastrous one-party rule is affecting the Newsom recall effort – Republicans need to Unite around a candidate

Get Ready for the Wokest Olympics Ever! – Political activists in sports are not a new phenomenon

July 11, 2021

The Boomer Wealth Transfer  – Retirement savings worth trillions  and Biden’s administration is examining ways to tax it

Donald Trump takes on the radical left and the Biden administration in an energetic CPAC speech

Thousands protest in Cuba, calling for the end of communist dictatorship

Biden’s Free-for-All – Expanding universal government-funded education beyond K-12 doesn’t make sense

Richard Branson Reaches Space on Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity – The second time it has carried people

A Federal Report to Congress Confirms Government Payments Are Keeping People Out of Work

Why Big Tech Will Lose the Censorship Wars – Even billionaire oligarchs can’t fight everyone everywhere forever

Nationalizing the Capitol Police – Who wants a nationwide federal police force accountable to a few legislators?

A UK Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with only TWO Deaths Per Million Kids 

Dr. Joseph Mercola: What You Need to Know About Early At-Home COVID Treatment

Our Democrat leaders are blaming White people and capitalism for their own failures

Beware Of The Useful Idiots – Saul Alinsky’s “Rule For Radicals” Target Audience Is On The Move

The Liberal California 9th Circuit Appeals Court sees a year of high-profile reversals at the Supreme Court

Revisited: Gavin Newsom’s Policies Are Tearing My Family Apart, But He Simply Doesn’t Care…. One Bit

Ambassador Obama? UK Govt Denies Boris Johnson Personally Blocked The Former President as Envoy to London

You are Now in the Totalitarian Zone – Some Good News Followed By Some Bad News

CHA Door Knocking Info and Script – What Biden Workers are Using As They Push COVID Shots Across America

Progressives are pushing regressive taxes in California

July 10, 2021

California to Require Masks for All Children in Schools, Despite CDC Guidance

Senator Ted Cruz introduces a bill to ban the creation of a vaccine database, after Biden’s ‘door-to-door’ pledge

Study People Who Recover From COVID-19 Are At A “Very Low Risk” Of Re-Infection

Joe Biden Is In Full Panic: Taking An Emergency Trip Because Of The Full Forensic Audit In PA

The Federal Government is Paying $6.1 Million to Create a Database for use In Jan 6 Capitol Riot Prosecutions

Homicides suddenly spiked last year in California after a long decline. What’s going on?

Trump Sends a Message to GOP Lawmakers: You Are ‘Being Played’ On The Infrastructure Bill

Reading, Writing, and Racism: the NEA’s Campaign to Gaslight Parents On Critical Race Theory

It appears Democrats are panicking over the planned forensic audit of the Pennsylvania 2020 presidential election

A Large Group of Migrant Children Were Abandoned in Arizona Desert Near the Border

The NSA’s spying on Tucker Carlson is the tip of the iceberg – This goes beyond the usual Democrat Party dirty tricks

Does the Biden Administration Understand Inflation? – Because the supply of money governs inflation

Devin Nunes trying to rescue California from its insanity regarding its energy production plans

Teachers and civil rights activists prepare for court fights on Critical Race Theory in public education

A brilliant Twitter thread perfectly explains what drives today’s conservatives

Transgenderism Goes to the Olympics – A New Zealand weightlifter is the Games’ first-ever trans athlete


July 9, 2021

Oregon may use National Guard for door-to-door COVID questions – Health official: ‘We’re looking to bring on a team’

How Amazon Controls Virtually Everything You Watch  – AWS delivers almost all filmed media in the United States

Meet Tim Wu, the Man Behind Biden’s Push to Promote Business Competition

Biden’s Domestic Terrorism Strategy Has Roots in Clinton Years – Ignore Islamic terrorism & target ordinary Americans

Potentially Fraudulent Votes To Prove Trump Won Georgia Election

58% Of Likely U.S. Voters Agree: Media Are ‘Enemy of the People’ And Fake News Is A Problem

PBS’s 13 Percent National Anthem? – Bashing America every waking hour of every day, a divided house won’t stand.

LA Times Editorial: It’s time to put an end to the freewheeling Big-Tech era

AN UGLY TRUTH: Inside Facebook’s Battle for Domination

The Prosecutor Exodus – In an adverse political environment, experienced professionals are leaving and crime is surging

The Number of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Jumps by More Than 2,000 in 1 Week, According to VAERS

Nurse Blows the Whistle on the Medical Industry: ‘They’re Not Offering Informed Consent on COVID Vaccines’

Retail Groups Pin San Francisco’s Rising Crime Rate on DA Chesa Boudin’s  ‘decarceration’ policies

New Evidence Indicates There Were Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip The 2020 Results

Public Health Researcher: Smartphones Emit Harmful Radiation — Here’s How to Reduce Your Risk

Haiti calls on the U.S. to send troops to protect infrastructure after their President’s assassination

The Biden administration signals their support for teaching critical race theory in K-12 schools

GPS satellite network at risk: Those signals are more vulnerable than you realize – How to protect them and what we’re doing for backup

Americans James Solages and Vincent Joseph along with ex-Colombian soldiers detained in the Haiti president’s killing

WSJ: Job Openings Are at Record Highs and Not Being Filled – People are leaving cities or industries where businesses need them most

Biden Is Unfit to Be President And the Media Is Unfit to Cover Him – His slip-ups and their cover-ups are total embarrassments

Ignoring the Public Vote, the California Legislature is Poised to Reverse Prop 25 and Institute No-Cash Bail Anyway

Biden’s cognitive decline continues to be swift and obvious as his brain’s controls and knowledge are regressing

Why The White House Is Probably Behind The Tucker Carlson NSA Email Scandal

It looks like Fusion GPS is panicking over being forced to disclose communications as Russiagate was being hatched

Nations Are Finally Rejecting The COVIDocracy – With plummeting cases and deaths lockdowns unacceptable

Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Vaccine Inventor, on the Bioethics of Experimental Vaccines and the ‘Ultimate Gaslighting’

Poll: A Bipartisan Majority of Americans Now Believe The Coronavirus Leaked from The Lab

COVID Forever: Pfizer Seeking Approval for 3rd Coronavirus Vaccine Dose

HHS Secretary Bacera: When it comes to COVID vaccines, you owe it to the government to get vaccinated


They think we’re stupid: Biden conceals paper trail on Hunter Biden ‘art’ sales and then he calls it ‘ethics’

Biden takes aim at Big Tech and broadband with sweeping order that will urge more regulation and enforcement

July 8, 2021

WSJ: Donald J. Trump: Why I’m Suing Big Tech If Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube can censor me, they can censor you—and believe me, they are

Gallup Survey: Strict Social Distancing in the U.S. Dwindles to 18% – Few are now avoiding nonhousehold members

Bowser & Pelosi Turned Down National Guard on Jan. 6 – FBI Refused to Tell Trump Admin “There Could be Situation”

What does Putin have on Joe Biden? – He won’t act as Russian attacks become more ambitious and more aggressive

The Number of Reported COVID Cases Among Those That Are Fully Vaccinated Continues to Climb

WSJ: The Culture War Is a Leftist Offensive – Democrats extreme on social issues and not prepared for the backlash

Charlie Kirk At Turning Point USA Launches the ‘No Forced Vax’ Campaign

‘China Was Correct’: Biden Advisor Applauds CCP-Style ‘Monitoring And Speech Control’ Of Speech

Progressive Policies Won’t Stop the Crime Wave – Crime-fighting that scorns policing and incarceration doesn’t work

Critical race theory undermines military effectiveness

Don’t buy the hysteria: The new DeltaCOVID variant is actually less dangerous

Moderna doses first subject in Phase I/II trial of a combo COVID and seasonal flu vaccine

A Federal Judge Denies CDC’s Appeal to Keep COVID-19 Cruise Restrictions: It’s ‘Misuse of Governmental Power’

‘No One’s Listening’ as Transgender Inmates End Up in Women’s Prisons – Shocking Assaults on Female Prisoners

Here’s Why California Gas Prices Are Highest in the Country

Scientists’ and ‘Doctors at The Lancet & Nature Have Blood on Their Evil Hands – Used to propagate Covid-19 lies

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: COVID-19 Injections And Lifespan Implications

The Tokyo Olympics to be held under a state of emergency due to rising COVID-19 cases in Japan’s capital

Tucker Carlson Says He Was ‘Unmasked’ By The NSA After Pursuing a Putin Interview

The Biggest Question: Who Illegally Unmasked Tucker Carlson?

Fear, Incorporated: 6 Months After the Jan. 6 Riot, The Only Thing Democrats Are Serious About Is Power

China Is Weaker Than Xi Will Admit

The question is when, not if, Hunter Biden’s laptop will bring down Joe Biden’s presidency

Desperate Democrats Deny Their Agenda On Defunding The Police, Critical Race Theory, and Voter ID Laws

Pelosi’s Husband Makes Big Tech Stock Moves Again, Places $6 Million Bet – What did he know and when?

The Federalist: Andrew Breitbart Revealed Obama’s Ties to Critical Race Theory 9 Years Ago

What Americans Lost When We Abandoned the Secret Ballot Through Massive Voting by Mail

The LGBTs are coming for your kids — and they’re not hiding it

July 7, 2021

Biden admin launching ‘door-to-door’ push to vaccinate Americans, sparks major backlash

Cell phones and cancer: A New UC Berkeley study suggests cell phones sharply increase brain tumor risk

The FBI Just Waived Objection to Attorney Ty Clevenger’s Request to Review Unredacted Seth Rich Documents

Naming the Capitol Police Officer Who Killed Unarmed Jan. 6 Rioter Ashli Babbitt

Former Pfizer exec: Children are 50 times more likely to die from coronavirus vaccine than from the virus itself

Pfizer LIED About Covid Vaccine Being ‘95% Effective’

‘American Journalist’: Tucker Carlson addresses reports that confirm NSA spying

White House: Biden Would ‘Certainly Support’ States Reimposing COVID-19 Restrictions

How To Challenge A School Board in 3-5 Minutes

Buffoonery Abounds as Adam Schiff Accidentally Proves GOP Right About Focus of Capitol Riots Committee

A Planned Parenthood sponsored California bill would make parents pay for kids’ secret sex changes

California to pay victims of forced or coerced sterilizations

The US Postal Service: Now just another tentacle of the US Surveillance State with their iCOP Program

Biden admin to move $860M in COVID funds to house illegal immigrant children

Biden’s plans to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy are losing momentum

A Federal Judge Rejects Challenge to Georgia Voting Law

Red state cities far outpace blue state cities in economic recovery from pandemic lockdowns

PA State Senator Initiates Full Forensic Audit – Has the Committee Votes for Subpoenas to Audit Several PA Counties

Virgin Galactic’s big space launch Sunday: Why you should pay attention

What if the 2020 Audits Show Trump Won? – The Constitution is mute. Federal law is silent & State laws are inconsistent

Pennsylvania Senate Chairman Initiates Forensic Probe of 2020, 2021 Elections

No, Evidence of the Wuhan COVID Lab Leak Is Not a ‘Mirage’

DOJ: Over 535 People Have Been Charged Six Months After The January 6th Capitol Breach

A Majority Do Not Believe Biden Mentally Capable Of Executing His Presidential Duties, Including a Third of Democrats

Byron York’s Daily Memo: The future of Hunter Biden’s laptop – It’s Really About Joe

Jen Psaki Says They Will Be Pressing Kids To Get Vaccinated Too By Using ‘Strike Forces’

Welcome to Hard Reality, New York City Progressives – The notion of a centrist, tough-on-crime mayor sounds good

The Unabomber Praised Ecoterrorist Group Linked to the Biden Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Nominee

What’s happening in SFO is far beyond ‘shoplifting’ – CA decriminalized theft if the stolen goods are worth less than $950

When Stores Close Due To Rising Crime, Urban Blight Is Back – And It Will Get Worse for the exact same reasons

Australia Shows Why The Most Humane Border Policy Is To Actually Enforce The Laws

Donald Trump to sue Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey In A Class Action Suit

Bill Barr re-emerges and spotlights the total corruption of the “Deep State” Department of Justice

It’s Critical Race Theory That Is Un-American, Not Any Laws Banning It

Farewell, Sierra Club –  How environmentalism sold out the state and itself, as California Burns

Do they deserve the government they got? – Yes, because they voted for it again, and then again!

Haiti President Jovenel Moïse killed by a group claiming to be DEA agents

Yes, the Olympics are political, including the ridiculous rules on swim caps

July 6, 2021

Judicial Watch sues FBI for records on obtaining banking information on people in DC on Jan. 6th

Eric Trump Rips Trump Org Indictment: It’s a ‘Political Vendetta’ Because They’re ‘Petrified My Father Will Run Again’

CDC: Delta Variant Comprises More Than Half of COVID-19 Cases in the US

They Say Follow the Science… Except When mRNA Tech Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Blows the Whistle

Dad: My Son’s School Made Him Get a COVID Vaccine, Now He Has a Heart Condition

A Majority of Americans Say ‘Others’ Are in Control of the Biden Agenda – People are divided on who is in charge

OPEC, Biden and Gas Prices – The President wants the cartel to pump more oil, but the U.S. to pump less

The Biden Administration Announces Door-to-Door ‘Outreach’ Teams to ‘Get Americans Vaccinated’

New York’s Trumped-Up Tax Evasion Charges – The disgusting criminalization of political opposition in America

1.3 Million People Awaiting Deportation Hearings; Average Case Now Takes Three Years Due To Backlog

The Glorious Death of American Legacy Media – The public doesn’t trust them, so almost nobody is paying attention

The Olympic Games are in for a rude a-woke-ning as they focus on the wrong kind of ‘race’

Pelosi Directs Capitol Hill Security Police Units to Regional Offices in CA and FL With Future Locations Coming

The Biden Administration Deletes References to Palestinian Terror Incitement From Congressional Report 

Biden tax hikes, to fund his trillions in spending, would put U.S. at disadvantage against other nations, think tank warns

67 Groups Representing More Than 1 Million People File Amicus Brief in Support of CHD’s Lawsuit Against The FCC

A viral video of the Star-Spangled Banner being sung by shoppers is an antidote to the left’s warped view of America

A Warning From Governors: The Biden Administration’s Conservation Plan Hints at A Coming Land Grab

Video evidence suggests Joe Biden is a Potemkin president, one who has no real support

China Is Preparing for Nuclear War – Beijing knows that America is only updating our decades-old weapons 

A Chinese ‘Spy Recruitment’ Scholar Is Now Running Joe Biden’s NSA Personnel Department

THE PALESTINIAN POLICE STATE – Everyone knows that Gaza remains under the thumb of Hamas

Twenty Questions For Nancy Pelosi About January 6th – Including, Who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt?

The Identity of Ashli Babbitt Killer Confirmed – A Careless Capitol Police Lieutenant Is Being Protected by Democrats, Pelosi, and the Deep State FBI

Democrats plan to zero out wall funding and reduce Border Patrol money amid a historic surge at the border

Biden and Fellow Democrats Don’t Like US Farmers – Pretty much everything they are doing puts “America Last”

Joe Biden Has a Dream to Eliminate Suburbs – It Soon Could True Via Elimination of Exclusionary Zoning Laws

Total Media Cancellation of Dr. Robert Malone Shows the Vaccine Con Artists are Terrified of the Truth Getting Out

Censored COVID Vaccine Victims Demand Answers In Their Private Facebook Group

LinkedIn Reinstates Account of mRNA Vaccine Inventor Who Questions COVID-19 Vaccine Benefit for Children

Report Shows How ‘Queer Creators’ Spent Years Pushing the LGBTQ Agenda in Children’s TV Programs

Democrats Are Trying to Recreate the 2008 Financial Crisis and You Should Ask Why – Home Loans for the unqualified

Are We Witnessing The Death Of Our Democratic Republic? – What about hundreds of people jailed for six months without a trial or charge

The Great Big ‘Delta’ Scariant – As a virus mutates, it becomes more contagious and less lethal, then disappears

The Media Scrambles to Explain Away Concerns About Disturbing Israel ‘Vaccine’ Efficacy Numbers

THE FEVER DREAMS OF THE CLIMATISTAS – Democrats Hope to Pass Climate Bill After Failing a Decade Ago

In a cancel culture, it is imperative that anonymity be a civil right

Going Postal: How The Left Will Use Vote By Mail To Federalize Elections

DC excuse-making: Voters blame Biden and Democrats, not filibuster, for gridlock

Mike Pence Twists Into a Painful, Pointless Pretzel – Will run as his own man in 2024

April Powers, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer at SCBWI Condemned Jew-Hate and Then She Lost Her Job

WSJ: Pentagon Cancels JEDI Cloud Contract in Setback for Microsoft And A Likely Win for Amazon

July 5, 2021

California taxpayers to pay $1.3 billion to enroll more illegal immigrants in Medicaid under the proposed plan

China’s Xi throws down the gauntlet to the US – “China will not be bullied, oppressed, or subjugated”……..

Chinese state-controlled magazine “Naval & Merchant Ships” publishes a three-stage plan for invading Taiwan

When Will China Rule the World? Maybe Never – Over the long haul, three factors determine an economy’s growth rate

Wikipedia Co-founder: ‘Wikipedia Is More One-Sided Than Ever’ – Only globalist, progressive sources are permitted

Some Military Members Say They’ll ‘Quit’ If Army Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine: Congressman

Why Trump Haters Have Set Their Sights on J. D. Vance – After announcing his run for the Senate

What I discovered about critical race theory in public schools and why it shouldn’t be taught

I Had COVID And Am Not Getting Vaccinated – Forcing people to take experimental vaccines is a serious violation of civil liberties

Activist Teachers Brag About Injecting Race, ‘Equity’ Lessons in Elementary Classrooms

The flawed studies used to wrongly justify California’s eviction moratorium

Car sales slump as used vehicle prices continue to surge

Biden is not up to his job’s most important requirement – Making quick, decisive decisions when confronted with a major crisis

Joe Biden Keeps Focusing on the Pandemic While Ignoring Underwater Polling on Crime and Immigration

A Biden Response is Lacking as Russian Group Issues Huge Ransom Demand for Biggest Global Cyber Attack Ever

To Prevent Three Deaths, Covid Jab Kills Two or More – The data we’re not allowed to see is extremely troubling

America’s Centers for Disease Confusion – Botched their pandemic response &messaging almost every step of the way

How College’s Excessively Narrow Medical Exemptions for COVID Vaccine Mandates Put Students In Danger

Defending America: A special initiative to educate the public on the critical issues facing the United States today

America’s teachers demand Critical Race Theory be taught in schools

WSJ: FB, Twitter, Google Threaten to Quit Hong Kong Over Proposed Data Laws – It puts local staff at risk of charges

WSJ: Apple Tightens Tracking Rules, IOS users opt-out of being trackedAdvertisers Shift Spending To Android Devices

Newsom and CA Democrats may have outsmarted themselves by changing the recall election from Nov to Sep 14

Poll: 36% of Young People Are Proud To Be American – 68% of adults “very” or “extremely” proud to be an American

Startups are booming thanks to COVID – With a huge rise in small start-ups

“The Tomorrow War” Is the Movie We’ve Been Waiting For – It is excellent, I watched it yesterday and give it 5-stars

The World’s Richest Man Jeff Bezos Steps Down as Amazon’s CEO

The Owner of the closed Keystone XL pipeline seeks $15 billion in damages against the Biden administration

The NSA Does Not Deny Reading Tucker Carlson’s Emails – But Say He Was Not Targeted

Here Are the 10 Best (and Worst) Cities Ranked By Economic Recovery After COVID Shutdowns Eliminated

July 4, 2021

Evidence Reveals DC Police Attacked Trump Protesters on Jan. 6 and Now Chris Wray, Democrats, Media, and DC Police Refuse to Release the Evidence

The COVID ‘Vaccines’ Could Soon Be Mandatory After Upcoming FDA Approvals

A major funder of the Wuhan lab refuses House request for docs as Democrats fail to subpoena

CRT Proponents Gave Their Game Away – Parents must keep up the pressure & Republican politicians must do their part

The 3 Biden Family Scandals You’re Not Hearing About – The Son, The Brother, and Nepotism

Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 commission is a partisan ploy

Under California’s proposed SCA-1 Public housing projects amendment, Yes is No and No is Yes

The Genesis of Our American Collective Meltdown – Adversary actions to divide &impoverish America weren’t needed

U.S. Supreme Court Justices & Federal Judges Double As Visiting Professors At The Top Chinese Spy College

Disney Removes ‘Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls’ from Park Greeting  – For “Good evening dreamers of all ages”

More Than 5,000 Woke Teachers Sign Pledge to Teach CRT ‘Regardless of the Law’

Exposed | Biden Center Received More than 50Mil From China After Presidential Campaign Announcement

Despite Biden’s Pleas to Putin, Suspected Russian Hacking Group Cripples Thousands of Businesses Across America

Independence Day: A Day to Celebrate the American Promise

It’s Independence, not In Dependence, Day – Liberty is slipping away at the hands of vocal minorities who have captured the media, Big Tech, the education establishment, the federal executive branch, and even the military

The US Cannot Afford To Politicize Patriotism – When hatred is polarized it will only feed on itself as polarization grows

The Mainstream Media and Both Political Parties Lie About Black America’s Views

Further evidence (if you really need any) of Biden’s increasing dementia

Is Newsom California’s Most Corrupt Governor or Just a Despot? – He still refuses to give up his emergency powers

WSJ: Lower-Wage Workers See Biggest Gains From Easing of Covid-19 Shut Downs – Reflecting consumers’ desire to get out

A 1-Month-Old Baby Among 130+ Shot in Chicago This Week As DHS & FBI Focus On ‘White Extremists’ Instead Real Criminals

The Threat of Chinese military aggression even more worrisome after CCP’s 100th-anniversary celebration

Trump Promised to Restore Free Speech in America at his third “Save America” rally in Sarasota, Florida

In The Ohio GOP Senate primary, Trump is a kingmaker

Psaki’s BS has gotten so blatant that even reporters from NYT, Bloomberg, Politico, and NPR called her out on Friday

Tucker Carlson Investigates the Various Reasons Kamala Harris Is Always Cackling

July 3, 2021

DC AG subpoenas FB for data on ALL users spreading “COVID-19 Misinformation” and release an internal study that looked at vaccine hesitancy among its users

Why The Epoch Times Is Doing Their ‘Defending America’ Series – To remind Americans of the goodness of our country

Florida Governor DeSantis Denies Report He Asked Trump to Cancel Florida Rally

Human trafficking operations were thwarted in three states – 82 were arrested and 31 rescued, including 4-year-old

WSJ: Justice Barrett Showed Conservative Stripes but Defied Expectations – Often favoring incremental interpretations

At Florida Rally: Trump Asks ‘Who Shot Ashli Babbitt’, ‘And How Come So Many People Are Still In Jail Over January 6’

Photos Show What a US Admiral Meant When He Warned of China’s ‘Breathtaking’ Nuclear Missile Expansion

Joe Biden’s Happy Things – He plays a dubious role in this charade as the public face of the Democrat machine

Why is NEA Pushing COVID-19 Shots and Testing for all Students? – ‘The COVID vaccine does not benefit children’

Federal Judge Strikes Down Ambiguous Tax Mandate Provision in Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Relief Package

Target Will Close All 6 of its San Francisco Stores Early Because of Huge Spike in Organized Retail Crime

On July 5th Trump Will Make A “Significant Announcement” On Protecting Americans’ First Amendment Rights

A Former Chinese Public Security Officer Recounts Witnessing ‘Industrialized’ Organ Harvesting in China

Thomas T. Siler, MD: A COVID-19 Pandemic And Vaccine Update

Vaccine Propaganda & Injection Indecision – Is the word is getting out that the vaccines are not as safe as advertised

After Iran’s Sham Elections, The U.S. Faces New Realities As It Must Deal With An Unstable Regime

Moral Legitimacy and the US Government – Three Statements Set The Stage For Understanding

Justice Stephen Breyer becomes a major Supreme Court player as Democrats clamor for his retirement

What is Critical Race Theory? – Academics simply substituted “race” for “class” and relabeled Marxism as CRT

Democrats Leak More Fears About Kamala for the Future – Beginning to also raise further concerns about her abilities


July 2, 2021

Biden Plots End to Title 42 Border Controls Despite Their Popularity and Effectiveness

Biden Threatens Nuclear War – If they come for people’s guns, he will set in motion what he aims to prevent

The Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 400,000 Following COVID Vaccinations

Retraction of paper by a medical journal on vaccine deaths spurs call for more scrutiny of COVID-19 death reports

MIT Scientist: Covid Vaccines May Cause Auto-immune and Neurodegenerative Diseases in ’10 to 15 years’

Clinton-Appointed Judge Blocks DeSantis Law Penalizing Social Media Platforms From Willfully De-platforming a Candidate

LinkedIn Deletes Account of mRNA Vaccine Pioneer Questioned COVID-19 Shots Being Given To Certain Groups

Sham Surveillance Safeguards Vs. Tucker Carlson – Naysayers should consider the sordid history of illicit surveillance

Survey: Majority Of Teachers Say CRT Should Not Be Taught In Schools

Capital Cowardice – Biden’s death-penalty “moratorium” is, in reality, a backdoor abolition

Teachers unions’ zero COVID-risk demand makes zero sense – Their excuse, some students may be unvaccinated

Justice Alito devastates Democrats’ arguments in AZ voting rights case Brnovich v. DNC and Overturns 9th Circuit Court

The World Trump Created – What the former president’s Ohio rally tells us about his grip on the MAGA base

WSJ: The U.S. Added 850,000 Jobs in June – The Rebound Increase in jobs was the strongest since last August

Fauci Accused of Illegal Activism – He “demonstrated a clear intent to use his influence to affect the outcome of the 2020 national election”

Can you say ‘Ivermectin’ in the USA? – FOX News Reporter Defies Orders to Edit Interview Before Airing It Live

Welcoming Back The Traditional, One-Income Family – Some Good News on the cultural front is rare in the 2020s

Clean-up on Aisle 2: The White House scrambles to salvage flailing Kamala Harris

Pelosi Cancels The Fourth of July – The Capitol Building should be open for tours, but won’t be

California Sets September 14th Date for Recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom

Newsom’s gamble: Recall win could hinge on more jobs and fewer virus cases – The risk is that it doesn’t go that way

Wildfires rage across western Canada and California

Did Biden Really Win California? – Presidential election data from California sets off alarm bells

Colorado’s ‘Governor Unemployment’ – How Polis turned one of the strongest states economies into a basket case

Donald Trump Jr. Likens Manhatten, New York Indictment of Weisselberg to ‘Political Persecution’

Witch Hunt: Manhattan DA Prosecuting Trump Org Previously Refused to Go After Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein

George Soros has been aggressively targeting Israel – By pouring millions of dollars into anti-Israeli initiatives

All 50 U.S. license plates, ranked from best to Michigan – Just For Fun, Where does your state’s plate rate?

July 1, 2021

The Army tells commands to Prepare for Mandatory COVID Vaccines in September,

The Graph That Shatters CRT: July 4, 1776, Set Slavery on the Path to Worldwide Extinction

COVID unmasked the public education cartel and teachers, school boards, unions can’t handle it

Faucists Weaponize The Delta Variant To Whip Up More Fear

Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines and Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore

Prominent medical journals highlight the harm to children from masks and death risk from COVID vaccines

Injured by a COVID Vaccine and Want Financial Compensation? Too Bad, Says Injury Compensation Law Firm

A Federal Judge Rules To Unseal Ghislaine Maxwell’s Documents Possibly Implicating Clinton Organizations

Facebook Now Sending Messages to Some Users Asking Them To Identify Potentially ‘Extremist’ Friends

Republicans need to abandon their loyalty to the FBI – For assisting the Biden regime’s acts against the political Right

Veteran investigators launch a new watchdog group to assist ‘patriotic whistleblowers’

WSJ: Justice Department Orders Pause to Federal Executions – While a review of its policies and procedures is pending

ICE Agents and Sheriffs Sue Biden for Forcing Them to Violate Federal Immigration Law by Not Detaining Migrants

7 Test Positive for COVID in California’s State Capitol Despite Mandatory Masks, Testing, and Vaccines

Trump must be extremely clean if this is all the Manhatten, New York prosecutors came up with

Donald Trump’s Team Launches New Social Media Website Platform Known as GETTR

CDC Experts Disagree With Pfizer on COVID Boosters, Threatening Pharma Giant’s Billion Dollar Revenue Stream

Busted! CDC Data: 82% Of Pregnant Women Who Got An Early mRNA Jab Miscarried. CDC Says It’s Just 12%

Retired CCP Professor: China Has Never Regarded US as Friend in The Past 70 Years

What’s happening with vaccine passports in the US  – Keeping track of what you really need to know

SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Ban on Ballot Harvesting and Out-of-Precinct Voting

U.S. Supreme Court backs conservatives against California donor disclosure

U.S. Wins International Backing for Global Minimum Tax – Officials from 130 countries agree to a broad overhaul of rules

Tucker Carlson Busts Biden’s Past Views on the ‘Surveillance State’ but Details How He’s Using It Now

When Leftists Say They Love ‘The Constitution,’ They Don’t Mean The Real One –

The inscrutable Left – What are leftists so afraid of? An easier question would be what are they not afraid of?

COVID Fear Mongers Are Still Pushing Lies: Don’t Let Them Succeed

Mass Immigration Turned California Blue, And Your State Might Be Next

COMPROMISE, GOP STYLE – Because it is not clear Democrats can pull their infrastructure scam off

Is the Supreme Court gaslighting us? – They are both political and ideological, and everyone knows it

Let’s Make a Deal — to Abdicate Responsibility – Congress’ failures are not the product of gridlock, but rather self-interest

Twenty Republican governors urge Biden to reject the Democrats’ Supreme Court ‘packing’ plan that would add justices

WSJ: Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg Surrenders to Authorities – To face tax-related charges in New York

Kevin McCarthy Will Strip GOP Members of Committee Assignments for Serving on Pelosi’s January 6 Committee

Top Trump Organization executive to plead not guilty after Manhattan grand jury indictment

Report: Kamala Harris Staffers Say They Are ‘Thrown Under the Bus’ and ‘Treated Like Shit’

Giuliani’s Suspension: Questionable Statements, But Not by Him

PG&E Announces Massive 18% Rate Hike Proposal During CA Wildfires

June 30, 2021

The Biden Administrations Domestic Terror Strategy Codifies Woke War on Wrongthink

Wuhan’s ‘Bat Woman’ Worked With Chinese Military on Weaponizing Coronaviruses Using US Government Money

The Air Force revises physical fitness test to allow walking instead of running 1.5 miles

Who killed Ashli Babbitt? – A new theory emerges

Ann Coulter: Democrats Say Don’t Defund the Police. Break Them and Make Them More Passive!

Trump Drops The Strongest Hint Yet, Says ‘Yes’ On Whether He’s Made Up Mind For 2024

Car Break-Ins Skyrocket As Thieves Target Unsuspecting Tourists In San Francisco

California’s rain year just ended – and the data shows we’re in trouble

Why the New Child-Tax Credit Won’t Live Up to the Hype – The missing element is family stability

Department of Defense: Heart Inflammation Has Been Linked to COVID Vaccines in Study of the U.S. Military

BIDEN’S POLITICIZED JUSTICE DEPARTMENT – The Democrat Party’s number-one priority is to pass a voting “reform” bill that would federalize elections under rules favorable to Democrat candidates

Has the Military Lost Middle America? – They’re not yet a revolutionary but are getting there with politicized agendas that split the country in half

WSJ: The House of Representatives Approves The Creation of a Select Committee to Probe The Jan. 6 Attack

A Fauci-FundedTX Lab Trained Wuhan Researchers How To Work With ‘World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens’

The Top Ten Political Eruptions We Can Expect Expect To Blow Sometime SOON

USB DRIVES Were Suspiciously Stolen, Transferred, and Inserted Into Voting Systems Used in the Swing States during 2020 Election

How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender –  This story illustrates how quickly and easily a ten-year-old girl can be groomed into a cross-sex identity

WSJ: The Trump Organization and CFO Allen Weisselberg Expected to Be Charged Thursday

The truly scary China Virus variant – The China Virus We Should Be Most Concerned About Is Communism

The NSA Response To Carlson Sparks Numerous Reactions: ‘This Is Either Poorly Drafted Or Something Worse’


The incredible shrinking Kamala Harris – The problem? Vice President Harris is not ready for prime time

Our ‘Woke’ Pentagon Leaders Are Weakening America’s Defense – As They Embrace Critical Race Theory

Federal Protection of “Oath Keepers” Kingpin Rhodes Breaks The Entire Capitol Building “Insurrection” Lie Wide Open

‘Truth’ vs. Objectivity in American Journalism Today – Journalism is at a crossroads unlike at any time in recent history

What Bari Weiss Won’t Tell You About Human Rights and China – Capitalism is their greatest source of power and most loyal defender

Socialist Leanings and a Lax Work Ethic: A Vexing Youth Recipe For A Worker Shortage

Why almost no one is looking hard for a job – For the first time in decades, workers have the power to be choosy

Get ready for years of new tech regulations – Laws on everything from privacy and AI to cybersecurity and sustainability

The LGBT Community Needs to Draw Lines Against the Pedophiles Attaching Their Name to Them

Bill Cosby sexual assault conviction is vacated by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

June 29, 2021

WSJ: Former CCP Insider Calls U.S. Hopes of Engagement ‘Naive’ – Urges US to take ‘hardheaded defensive measures’

The truth about the COVID Delta variant – It spreads much more easily but appears to also be much less deadly

Elon Musk Just Announced That Starlink Will Go Global in Five Weeks

A Patent Has Emerged That Indicates DARPA built COVID with the help of the Bill Gates Foundation And WHO

California Vaccine Hunters Dressed up as ‘COVID-19’ and ‘The Jab’ Go Door-to-Door Searching for the Unvaccinated

Man Dies After Second Moderna Dose – Complicating theories that prior clotting cases were solely caused by adenovirus-based vaccines

The Left Is Now Scaremongering The COVID ‘Delta Variant’

The Supreme Court Rules Certain Immigrants Can Be Held Indefinitely

The Supreme Court denies bond hearings for illegal immigrants who return after being deported

WSJ: Biden Weighs New Executive Order Restraining Big Business – Going beyond traditional antitrust enforcement

Newt and Callista Gingrich: The Tragic Truth About Organ Harvesting in China

Poll: Most Americans Want No Government Action on Delta Variant of CCP Virus

Musk says he may need $30 billion to keep Starlink in orbit

Poll: 40% of San Francisco Residents Plan to Move Due to Homeless and Crime

How polluted is your favorite California beach? – Read this report card

Progressive Activists Storm white House Demanding Biden Make Climate Change A Priority

CA Legislature Passes $262.6 Billion 2021-2022 State Budget  – Round 3 made up of Band-Aids and Buy Offs

Derek Chauvin ‘Closing In On Plea Deal’ With Fed Prosecutors, Could Include Public Explanation Of George Floyd Arrest

The DOJ’s 9 Most Insane Lies About Georgia’s Voter ID Law – Their complaint would be laughable if it weren’t so frightening

The Justice Department’s Stunt Voting-Rights Lawsuit against Georgia – Painting ordinary voting and election laws as racial discrimination

WSJ: Home-Price Growth Rose to Record in April – S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller national index of average up 14.6%

There Is a Massive Roadblock to Biden’s Infrastructure Plan and It Isn’t Republicans – Environmental Regulation

Exploring ‘Shadow President’ Barack Obama’s Past can Reveal What He Has Planned for America – Obama’s Past Uncovered!

Tucker Carlson says a leaker has revealed NSA spying on him and plotting to get him taken off the air

FDA Advisor Dr. Peter Doshi Explains Why Children Should NOT Receive the COVID Shot

The WHO Stops Recommending COVID-19 Testing of Asymptomatic Cases – Citing cost and its ineffectiveness

Forget About Making Peace with the Islamic World – We all love peace, but not peace at any price

Dan Bongino created a new anti-‘cancel culture’ payment processing platform in response to the Trump ban

Amazon Demands One More Thing From Some Vendors: Access to Their Company Stock at Discounted Prices


The Legal Lynch Mob Going After Trump – What is Vance waiting for? Does he really have anything on Trump?

California bans state-funded travel to Florida and 4 more because of their anti-LGBTQ laws

WAR ON THE SUBURBS, INFRASTRUCTURE STYLE – Via exclusionary zoning and harmful land-use policies

The Delta Variant – The COVID Sequel or Just More Hype and Scare Tactics?

Derek Chauvin Kangaroo Court Confirmed: Prosecutor in George Floyd Case Makes Stunning Admission

The top 100 79 Bidenisms of all time – A “Bidenism” is any dumb thing Joe Biden says

The CCP at 100 – Focus and flexibility helped the party survive a century, but will it survive its current crop of leaders?

Is The Entire Democrat Party Compromised By China? – From corporate donors to the Biden family, a Chinese spy that compromised a sensitive intelligence position, they are clearly in bed with America’s top adversary

What does woke heart surgery look like? – No one would wish to be considered a “Diversity Surgeon”

Big Tech’s threat to democracy – Can the US government tolerate the existence of a rival within its territory?

An Adviser to Pentagon Counter-Extremism Group Warns of Protected Speech Crackdown

Giant Skulls Discovered: Experts Refuse to Believe the Truth Even When It Is Right in Front of Their Eyes

June 28, 2021

Stop Gaslighting Parents on Critical Race Theory – A dogma that most Americans instinctively abhor

China vs. America – The longer the West ignores being aggressively challenged by China the more the future of the West will be in doubt

Explosive Report: China Discussed Making Bioweapons to Target Certain Races

Trump Won’t Be Charged by Manhattan District Attorney

A Whistleblower Told Tucker Carlson Biden Admin’s IC is Illegally Monitoring His Electronic Communications

Critical Theory Explained – By George Friedman in Geopolitical Futures

Corey Diggs: The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed: Part 1

Was There A D.C. COVID Cover-Up? – A Former Trump NSC deputy asks an alarming question of the NIH

A New Risk-Benefit Study Shows COVID Vaccination Benefits Don’t Outweigh The Risks

FDA Adds a Heart Inflammation Warning to Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines as Some Experts Call for Full Approval

Maricopa County Will No Longer Use the 2020 Voting Machines – GOP Senator, “Ban ALL fraud machines!”

The Replacement For CRT: Human Sexuality Programs Teach Kids About Oral Sex and Claims Boys Can Wear Dresses

The Population Bomb Doomsday Scam – The false narrative we’ve been force-fed for decades is being abandoned

Schools Are Forced to Let Transgender Students Use Any Bathroom They Please as SCOTUS Lets Ruling Stand

Court Dismisses Federal Government’s Antitrust Case Against Facebook

Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Believe 1 Important Thing – Freedom of Religion

Arizona GOP Lawmakers Vote to Strip Election Lawsuit Power From Secretary of State Katie Hobbs

The broadband gap’s dirty secret: Redlining still exists but now it’s in digital form

The US Ranks Last in Global Media Trust Among 46 Nations

Scientists Obfuscated Source of COVID-19-Like Virus Stored at Wuhan Lab

ALAN M. DERSHOWITZ: Rudy Giuliani’s suspension from the law is unconstitutional

The Electric Age – Understanding California’s Energy Landscape that should have legislatures scratching their heads

California Democrats Are Trying To Change Their Recall Laws To Aid Gavin Newsom

Newsom sues to fix a ‘good faith mistake’ and place his Democrat party preference on the recall ballot

Updating Antitrust for a Free People – Can it change to save the country from corporate, anti-constitutional vandals?

Trump Calls Biden a ‘Puppet President’ and Says He Doesn’t Know ‘What the Hell’ He is Signing

The Make-a-Wish Foundation now grants wishes only to fully vaccinated terminally ill children

Buried Report: 576 Preborn Babies have Died Following Mothers Getting Covid-19 Injections

Australian Researchers: COVID Is ‘Best Adapted To Attack Human Cells  – Raising even more origin questions

Our Cruel COVID Class System – We Have Three Tiers: essential, inessential, and expendable

Trump Blasts AG Barr In Statement–Exposes The Fact He Didn’t Do A Voter Fraud Investigation

How The Voting Rights Act Lets Biden’s DOJ Insist Georgia’s Photo ID Requirement Is Racist

An Englishman teaches a school board in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, about our Constitution as the audience cheers

Why Newsom Needs to be Recalled – His priorities seem driven by special interest groups, his most ardent supporters

Jill Biden Will Attend Tokyo Olympics and Meet with World Leaders as Joe Stays Home According To A Japanese Paper

America’s Defense Industry Is A Corrupt, Incompetent Mess – The glory days of military innovation are behind us

The Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex Is Actually the World’s Greatest Threat

June 27, 2021

WSJ: ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ Is the Future – Fracking techniques could be used to generate energy with no carbon emissions

How To Get Classified as an Anti-Government Domestic Extremist – Your life could be about to change for the worse

WSJ: The Battle Over Critical Race Theory – Advocates and media try to conceal the truth about a pernicious ideology

Biden’s Woke Pentagon – Thanks to his appointees, the military is now “self instead of the mission”

The Cruel Progressive Creed Undoing Civilization – The Left’s Progressive Wasteland Is The Price We Pay For The Terrifying Visions of Its Anointed

A Crucial Witness in Julian Assange’s Case Admits Lying Repeatedly to Build Case Against the WikiLeaks Founder

Democrats Drag Out a Clearly PANICKED Al Gore to Attack Arizona Audit as Officials Prepare to Release Preliminary Evaluation this Week

CDC: 4,115 Vaccinated People Have Died or Been Hospitalized With COVID-19 ‘Breakthrough’ Infections

Fauci ‘lied’ to Congress by saying he didn’t know why Trump canceled a $370k grant for the Wuhan Institute of Virology

The FDA Adds Warning About Heart Inflammation to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

There Has Been 542 Percent Increase in Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested at Border

11 California Cities Make ‘Most Dangerous In U.S.’ List 2021

Inner-City Violence Is Unfathomable – How many times has the same horrible incident occurred across our nation?

When a Free Society Becomes a Police State – The Apple Daily newspaper in Hong Kong gets closed down

Biden’s Latest Executive Order Will Destroy Our Government – It embeds diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility into Federal hiring and employment practices

House Intelligence Committee Republicans Find China’s Malign Influence in Corporate America

Iran says nuclear site images won’t be given to the IAEA as the deal has expired

WSJ: Americans Are Leaving Unemployment Rolls More Quickly in States Cutting Off Extended Unemployment Benefits

The Real Deep State Revealed – The Bilderberg Group: Where the powerful elite of Europe and North America meet

Bill Barr Leaves No Doubt After Profanity-Laced Exit From Trump’s Orbit

Poll: Joe Biden’s record on the border, Critical Race Theory, and crime are bombing with voters

Massive Manhunt Ends at a Black Nationalist Encampment: The Suspect That Shot a Cop in Head Was Taken Alive

A Grandmother charged with ‘parading’ at the Capitol on January 6th told to denounce her whiteness

Local Officials Knew The Surfside Building That Collapsed Had Problems But Nothing Was Done

June 26, 2021

Are People Who Are COVID-19 Asymptomatics Sick Until Proven Healthy?

Left-Leaning Organizations demand that journalists stop using the words ‘offender’ and ‘felon’ to describe criminals

Bombshell Wikileaks Email: Hillary Knew Wuhan Was a Bioweapon Threat Way Back in 2009

Chinese Scientist Who Shipped Deadly Pathogens to Wuhan Held 2 Patents – Documents were withheld in case related to espionage and/or biological warfare

Trump slams Biden border crisis, critical race theory, woke generals at his Save America rally

TikTok Insiders Reveal Their Chinese Parent Company Can ‘Access U.S. User Data’

Lawmakers Revolt as the Biden Administration Kills a Crucial Ethics Board

WSJ: Biden Walks Back  His Threat on a Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal After Backlash from Republicans

Not Even Mainstream Factcheckers Could Ignore the Lie Biden Just Told About the Second Amendment

Florida Governor DeSantis Says 50 State Officers Going to Help With US-Mexico Border Crisis

Dr. Peter McCullough Cites Whistleblowers Inside CDC Who Claim 50,000 Americans Dead From COVID Injections

An engineer discovered ‘major structural damage’ three years before the recent collapse of a Florida condominium

Harvard poll: 80% see border disaster and want Trump closure restored -They also reject teaching critical race theory

Election Integrity: The Firewall That Keeps America Free – America has been under assault on multiple levels from within

The Arizona Border Patrol Arrests A DACA Recipient in a Human Smuggling Attempt

Facial Recognition Technology Is Not Racist – The Left is ignoring the data to push its narrative of systemic bias

Portland cops tell Antifa there’s no need to riot, cause the guy we just killed was white

Why We Got Had By Critical Race Theory & Identity Tribalism – We disconnected from our cultural and intellectual heritage

Critical Race Theory Is Under Attack So They Are Rebranded it as Social and Emotional Learning

A New Air Force weapon can take out hundreds of drones instantly — and silently

Athletes who have spoken out against transgender females in women’s sports

Businesses face big hit from new climate impact disclosure rules


June 25, 2021

Students sue over California university’s COVID vaccine mandate, saying shots could harm them

Salinas School District Parents Are Exposing The Radicalization Behind California’s ‘Ethnic Studies’

Bank of America Crashes The “Transitory” Party: Sees Up To 4 Years Of “Hyperinflation”

WE CAUGHT THEM AGAIN: New Findings Show Coordination & Collusion Between PA & GA in 2020 Election Steal

Facebook failed to protect against teen sex trafficking on their platform & can be held liable when used for criminal activity

The Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts: 61 Percent of US Counties Are Now ‘Second Amendment Sanctuaries’

Academia’s Anti-Israel Propaganda – They peddle lies and issue denials in “solidarity with the Palestinian people”

The Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 7,000 in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines

Peter Daszak, a major funder of the Wuhan lab, faces growing scrutiny amid the COVID origins probe

Derek Chauvin Sentenced to More Than 22 Years in Prison Over George Floyd’s Death

Businesses Win Fight Against Spurious Class-Action Lawsuits in Landmark Supreme Court Ruling

The U.S. government releases the UFO report – It offers very few explanations for the observed phenomena

California Lawmakers Are Eradicating State Code of Male References – ‘He’ and ‘Him’ and ‘His’ Are Out

Florida cop-shooting suspect, linked to a Black militia group, nabbed after FBI joins manhunt

The Vaccines: When the Boomer generation’s wisdom meets the Millennials’ will to submit – Many Questions to Answer

Kamala Harris tours a ‘border’ spot hundreds of miles away from where the actual crisis is

Israeli Official: Half of the Adults Infected in the Latest COVID-19 Outbreak Were Fully Vaccinated

60% Of US Voters Now Say Fauci Is Lying: COVID Came From A Lab

America’s continued move toward socialism – Just half of younger Americans now hold a positive view of capitalism

Here Is The Reason Conservative Talk Radio Still Thrives While Progressive Anchors Fade Into The Horizon

The Biden Administration is Going to Sue Georgia Over Their New Common-Sense Voting Law

THE DOUBLE-CROSS SYSTEM – Presented to us under the rubric of a “bipartisan deal”

Did Biden, Pelosi & Schumer Already Blow Up the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal With Their Reconciliation Demand?

The Joe Biden Speech That Will End Up Selling More Guns

The CDC & FDA Prepare Mass Distribution of a Merck/Sanofi Six-in-One Kids Vaccine Ignoring Safety Signals

Corruption of Justice: The Attack on Rudy Giuliani as New York judges weaponize the law

Joe Biden’s tax-free deal that really isn’t

Joe Biden Needs to See a Dementia Specialist Right Now if the Mayo Clinic Is Right

A Key inflation indicator posts the biggest year-over-year gain in nearly three decades

Ted Cruz Introduces a Bill to Block Critical Race Theory Funding at Federal Level

Chauvin Didn’t Murder George Floyd – A combo of drugs, excitement, exertion, and a bad heart caused cardiac arrest

June 24, 2021

Threat Inflation – Why the 1970s aren’t coming back

Water Shortages: Why Some Californians Are Running Out While Others Aren’t

WSJ: What’s in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan? – Funding for roads, bridges, transit, airports and broadband

Biden’s Reversal of COVID Rules For Illegals Crossing The Border Is an Act of Sabotage

The Instant Bipartisan Double Cross – Biden and Pelosi hold the Senate deal hostage to the rest of their agenda

Why the Fight over Critical Race Theory Matters – CRT is also an attack on the social function of public schools

Biden Administration Abandoning Israel as They Walk Back Recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli Territory – Click Here to See A Map of The Area

13-Year-Old Michigan Boy Dies 3 Days After His Second Dose of the  Pfizer Vaccine

Judge allows Georgia ballot review case to move forward – To inspect some 147,000 Fulton County absentee ballots

Biden allows illegal immigrants ordered to be deported under Trump to restart admissions proceedings

Biden & Senators Agree to $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan –  Covering transportation, water, and broadband infrastructure

Homicides Have Skyrocketed in These Six Democratic Cities & Black People Are Disproportionately the Victims

People In The White House Know Their Police & Border Policies Are About To Crash, But Can They Stop It?

Democrats — Not Republicans — Are The Radicals We Need To Worry About: Here’s The Proof

Don’t Let Progressive District Attorneys and Prosecutors Turn Back the Clock on Law and Order

Incoherent Joe Biden Warns Americans Who Oppose the Government, We Have F-15’s and Nukes

A Bipartisan Senator Group Reaches a Deal on an Infrastructure Bill ‘Framework’ and will Meet Biden

Are Republicans on the Verge of Giving Up All Their Negotiating Power On Infrastructure?

The Communist Shutdown Of Hong Kong’s Last Free Press Publication Is An Indictment Of Western Fools

California’s Recall Election Is a Go After Not Enough Signatures Were Withdrawn to Stop The Effort

Why is Kamala Harris going to a border area where most illegal crossers aren’t from Central America?

Infrastructure Insanity – Democrats plan to up Biden’s price tag from $2.3 trillion to $6 trillion

It’s Outright War on Conservatives By Democrats

The Massive Coverup of Ivermectin’s Efficacy Demonstrates an Evil Agenda is Driving Everything

Top Doctors Speculate a Reversal on COVID Vaccine Safety Could Be Coming

The ‘The Single Most Qualified’ mRNA Expert Was Censored After Discussing Concerns Over Vaccines

Physicist to Tucker Carlson: Climate Change Is ‘Fiction of the Media,’ Not an ‘Existential Threat’

In Joe Biden’s world, when it comes to gun-related crime, it’s always the gun’s fault, not the criminals

WSJ: Google and FB Pressure Falls Short as Big-Tech Antitrust Measures Advance in House Committee

June 23, 2021

A Month Before the COVID Outbreak, Fauci & Moderna Sent “mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates” to a Wuhan Lab-Linked Doctor

The City of San Francisco will require all city workers to get COVID vaccinations


Why Are They Woke? – The Systemic Con Behind Woke-ism

A Fauci-Funded Researcher Describes Gain-Of-Function ‘Collaboration’ With The Wuhan Lab and Reveals NIH Was ‘Very Supportive’

The CDC Finds a ‘Likely’ Link Between Heart Inflammation and Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines

It’s Beginning to Look Like Enemy Action On The Part Of The CCP – This is a big deal

CA Senate Republicans Call for a Gas Tax Holiday Ahead of the July 1st Increase To 51.1 cents/gallon

James Craig: The Man To Defeat Whitmer  – His actions spared Detroit from lawlessness last summer

COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Another Rare Blood Disease: Israeli Study

The CDC Finds More Cases of Heart Inflammation Than Expected in Vaccinated Young Males

House Republicans Launch Campaign to Hold CCP Accountable Over Pandemic

The Largest US Health Care Union Will Fight Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines

Biden’s Delusions About Crime – His “solution” is to treat the law-abiding as criminals

WSJ: Biden Administration Removes Fannie, Freddie Overseer After SCOTUS Ruling

Inflation: Hello Weimar, We’re on the brink again – Too much money chasing too few goods & services

SCOTUS Strikes Down California Regulation Allowing Union Organizing on Private Property

Isn’t anyone going to mention how confusing and out of it Biden was when discussing crime & violence?

How The Left Is Exploiting Tribal Hypocrisy On Oil Leases In The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Frontier Airlines Received Billions in Pandemic Relief & is Now Charging a ‘COVID Recovery’ Fee

Disguised Leftists Infiltrated Trump Crowd on Jan. 6, Said They Told FBI How to Infiltrate MAGA Group

Trump Exonerated in Another Lawsuit That Was Fueled by Media Lies About Lafayette Park

June 22, 2021

BOMBSHELL: California has 1.8M more registered voters than it should

WSJ: Senate Republicans Block Democrats’ Election-Law Push

WSJ: Are Covid Vaccines Riskier Than Advertised? – There are concerning trends on blood clots and low platelets, not that the authorities will tell you

Twitter Locks News Site’s Account for Report on a Teen Boy Dying After Getting Vaccine

Woke militants blunder into a parental buzz saw

Just One Question To Ask . . . Where’s Justice? – Black Lives Only Matter As A Cultural Problem

The mRNA vaccines appear to be damaging red blood cells – Causing deformations & inflammation

Nearly 4,000 Fully Vaccinated People in Massachusetts Test Positive for COVID-19

Fauci Accidently Lets Slip That Mark Zuckerberg Offered Him ‘Resources & Money’ In Redacted E-Mails

What is the true number of vaccine-related deaths? – Graph Trend Lines Reveal The Truth

Senator Kennedy: ‘Screw the People Act’ an ‘Extraordinarily Cynical Bill’ — ‘Making It Much Easier to Cheat’

Here’s What the American People Really Think of the ‘For The People Act’

The Democrats’ voter ID debacle – Most Americans favor laws requiring voters to produce ID to vote

WSJ: U.S. Existing-Home Prices Rose 23.6% to Hit a Record High in May

The Washington Post ‘Clarifies’ It’s Error-Riddled Hit Piece On a Top Anti-CRT Investigative Journalist

Georgia is Conducting a Secret 2020 Ballot Review While Keeping Plaintiffs in the Dark

Of Course, The FBI Was Infiltrating January 6 Groups – Only Congress can get answers to find the truth

With the election of Raisi, it’s time to get real with Iran – If you thought that Iran could not get more extreme, think again

When Antitrust Becomes Anti-Consumer – Lina Khan’s FTC appointment spells trouble for consumers

“Most of the Protesters Were White”: Native American Businesses See Their Pipeline Equipment Destroyed

Students Speak Out Against Virginia Tech Vaccine Mandate –  “It’s anon-FDA-approved vaccination

Democrats expand stimulus payments … to their favored few – As if COVID lockdowns are forever

WSJ: Wage Gains at Factories Fall Behind Growth in Fast Food In The Fight To Hire Workers

Governor Newsom Declares CA will pay ALL unpaid rent for lower-income households accrued during pandemic using a $5.2billion ‘forgiveness’ pot

The Average LA County gas price reaches its highest amount since 2015

9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocks California judge’s ruling that assault weapons ban is unconstitutional

June 21, 2021

One-third of the nation says Biden won ‘only due to voter fraud’ and 80% want voter ID

Poll: More Non-White Voters Approve of Photo ID for Voting Than White Voters

China’s COVID Coup – They leveraged it for a geopolitical advance at the expense of the West

Recent History Suggests FBI’s Involvement in January 6  – One of our least trustworthy agencies

Mitch McConnell Not Budging One Inch To Joe Biden’s Agenda

The Terrorist Attack on an LGBTQ Parade That Wasn’t – The mayor is unapologetic for hate and stereotyping

Biden’s Admin Considers Overturning a Trump Order That Makes it Easier to Return Immigrants to Mexico

Putin Is Laughing and Counting All the US Dollars Now Headed His Way Thanks to Biden’s Move Against American Energy


McCarthy Calls on Biden Admin to Declassify Intelligence on COVID-19 Origin

The Biden Administration Says No Immediate Plans to Confront China Over COVID-19 Origins

Blaming Almonds for California’s Water Shortage is Just Nuts – As Needed Water Flows Into The Bay

CA’s Most Dangerous Cities – A Big Crime increase due to  Prop. 47 in 2014 and Prop. 57 in 2016

The Most and the Least Patriotic States in 2021 America

A New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ In COVID-19 Deaths

India Could Sentence WHO Chief Scientist to Death for Misleading Over Ivermectin and Killing Indians

The Books Are Already Burning

China Has No Remorse: The CCP Now Says the Wuhan Lab Deserves a Nobel Prize

The Overblown Oathkeepers Indictment – Are the DoJ and FBI grasping at straws

OK – It’s Time To Call-Out The Real Sexism, Racism – Etc.

Business owners ‘disgusted’ after NYC authorities drop hundreds of cases against looters involved in last year’s riots

WSJ: What Investors Can Learn From the History of Inflation – Inflation can dominate stock market returns

Israel is worried about Ebrahim ‘the Butcher’ Raisi, Iran’s new president

Straw Poll: Ron DeSantis Slightly Tops Donald Trump in Presidential 2024 Approval

The Supreme Court sides against NCAA in college athlete compensation case

ADMIRAL GILDAY, MEET TY SMITH – Is the US Navy now pushing Critical Race Theory?

Bill Barr: Our Public Schools Are Becoming Unconstitutional ‘Secular-Progressive Madrassas’

J.P. SEARS ON THE WOKE MILITARY – He has established himself as a primary agent against Wokeness

From mothers to birthing people – Fresh evidence that the left is killing the Democrat Party

Bill Maher Torches California for Its Regulation, Even Where the Golden State’s Sun Doesn’t Shine

Severe drought is wreaking havoc on hydropower in California, risking outages

What Biden Did With Ukrainian Aid Was an Impeachable Offense…Not Very Long Ago

The University Dilemma – American universities have become completely leftist in outlook

The First Transgender Athlete Will Now Compete in Olympic Games Despite a Firestorm of Criticism

A kid with the right attitude takes on her school board’s BLM hypocrisy

June 20, 2021

WSJ: Maskless Among the Lemmings – 49 of 50 Trader Joe’s shoppers covered their faces, even when not required to

Trump, Unbowed  – His candid thoughts on China, the 2020 election, the border, the Wuhan lab leak…..

Steve Scalise: Pelosi is blocking the investigation of the COVID-19 origin with a ‘Soviet-style cover-up’

Secret Documents Reveal Moderna Sent COVID Vaccine To NC University Weeks Before Pandemic

The Dept. of Education Will Enforce Transgender Orthodoxy on Schools – Perhaps via lawsuits 

All the Projection That’s Fit to Print – Regarding the New York Times’s blindness to what it has become

In the Absence of Federal Action, Governors Abbott and DeSantis Ally to Secure the Border

Getting a little Orwellian: California’s online COVID vaccine record system is here for the taking

There is an Over 40% increase in killed police officers so far in 2021

Antifa Harasses Attendees at a Conservative Summit in Denver

Despite campaign promises, 60% of American households could see a tax increase under Biden proposals

The IRS has gotten even more out of control than it was during the Obama administration

10 Studies That Show the Powerful Impact of a Father – A father’s love is as important as a mother’s

CHD and Millions Against Medical Mandates Call on FDA to Immediately Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market

A disturbing look at corporate Critical Race Theory Brainwashing – Click Here For The Graphic That Goes With It

Silencing the Culture Wars? – The coming legal battle over firearm suppressors

Senator Tuberville blows the whistle on the Biden administration’s lawsuit ‘slush funds’

June 19, 2021

Amid Skyrocketing Crime, Major Liberal Cities are Re-Funding Their Police Forces Again

Here we go: Google is using technology to measure how white you are

A Whopping 58% of Doctors in the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons are NOT Vaccinated

Google & USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak’s Virus Experiments For Over A Decade

Father Knew Best, and He Can Again – Will fathers ever make a comeback, or is the era of the two-parent family, safe, stable neighborhoods, and two cars in every garage, truly gone?

Strong fathers are desperately needed to steer families back toward personal responsibility

Does The ‘Defund the Police’ Movement Have a Broader Agenda? – Federal government control of law enforcement

Trump was RIGHT! California will spend $500 MILLION this year to thin its 33 million acres of forests to lessen the chance of wildfires

There’s more information about the FBI and its role in January 6

Iran election: Hardliner Ebrahim Raisi will become president

Yale University Study: The Common Cold Can Help Protect People Against Coronavirus

The University of Florida Lab Finds Dangerous Pathogens on Children’s Face Masks

Maricopa Audit Liaison: We Need to Investigate Anomalies, Like 52 Ballots Submitted From a Two-Bedroom Home

Your Saturday morning quiz – On what the proposed $6-trillion infrastructure bill will cost us

Two ‘Right To Carry’ maps that will infuriate progs and demonstrate the foundational wisdom of federalism

Leftists decry Texas border wall a risk for mass shootings, ignoring crime surge from unguarded borders

SCOTUS Wimps Out on Obamacare Again – Enabling Democrats to reactivate the individual mandate

Life at a woke company – Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts has stolen untold hours of company time from actual work performed

An Unvaccinated NFL Player Defies The  League’s COVID-19 Protocol: ‘I’d Rather Die Actually Living’

NY is now a feral city, with children in the crosshairs – Due to their policies, NOT gun control issues


June 18, 2021

Democrats Seek to Slip Amnesty for Illegal Aliens into the Infrastructure Deal

Who Owns Big Pharma and Big Media? You’ll Never Guess

Wow! A Pro-Vax Doctor Says COVID Vaccines Can Insert Nanoparticles Into The Brain

The Latest CDC VAERS Data for 12- to 17-Year-Olds Include 7 Deaths, 271 Serious Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccines

Why Has “Ivermectin” Become a Dirty Word? – Internet censorship has driven scientific debate underground

Georgia investigator’s notes reveal ‘massive’ election integrity problems in Atlanta

Pennsylvania Senate Leader Says 2020 Election Audit Is a ‘Very Real Possibility

Amazon Deletes America’s Frontline Doctors’ Website from the Internet – They Scramble to Salvage It

Reconciliation Is No Way to Pay for Infrastructure

Is it racist to confront a suspicious suicide bomber because he has brown?

A Group with Marxist ties behind critical race theory push in schools

Most Riot and Looting Cases From Last Year Were Dropped by New York City DAs

Major cities ‘refund the police’ as crime skyrockets and businesses backfire

California Introduces COVID-19 Vaccine Verification System

Every Single Sheriff in Utah Has Signed A Rebellious Letter Pledging to ‘Prepare for Potential Violence’

Here’s What the Chinese Defector Has Reportedly Given Us About COVID…But Also on Joe and Hunter Biden

Georgia investigator’s notes reveal ‘massive’ election integrity problems in Atlanta

January 6 Suspects Held Without Bail More Un-American Than Capitol Incursion

What really happens with the money spent on ‘infrastructure’? – From An Accounting Perspective

Will the HHS Investigation of the Wuhan Virus’ Origins Be a Whitewash or Is Fauci on the Way Out?

The Wuhan Lab Found All The Genes Needed To Recreate an ‘Epidemic Strain’ Of Coronavirus In 2017

Fear: The Contagious Control Mechanism of Covid-19 and The Great Reset

Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in ‘High Concentrations’ in Ovaries

The entire Portland Police riot squad resigns to protest the unjust indictment of a fellow officer

Biden’s people are dumping illegal migrants around the nation without any notice

‘There’s no water,’ says California farm manager forced to leave fields fallow

California, the liberal COVID sinkhole – Citizens exhibit a group psychosis of leftist lemming behavior

British Airways Coverup: Four Pilots Dead in One Week But The Airline Obfuscates on Their Vaccine Connection

Iranian society is inching toward violence – Violence is the result of many shortfalls in any society

Biden Is Cracking Down On Guns Again With AR-15 Pistol Ban, And He’s Using Heller To Do It

June 17, 2021

Victoria’s Secret Seeks to Destroy Brand with Spokeswoman Megan Rapinoe

Chinese Defector’s Identity Confirmed: The Top Counterintelligence Official – Some of what he exposed

Ex-WH Doctor: ‘Biden not physically or cognitively fit to be president’ – Letter Urges Mental Test

Critical race theory makes race relations worse: 43% say yes, 24% say no

After Reopening, CA Gov. Newsom Signs Executive Order Clarifying Mask Use – Sort of

Hunter Biden’s misdeeds stagger compared to Trump’s fake purported scandals

What happens if Republican senators were to get serious and confront the Biden Administration’s political weaponization of the intelligence community?

Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Asks an Inconvenient Question – What happens if ivermectin is safe and effective for COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to have [significant] safety issues?”

Biden’s ‘Death Tax’ Will Harm Middle-Class Families Making Far Less Than $400K a Year

Supreme Court Rules Foster Agencies Can Deny Certification to Same-Sex Couples on Religious Grounds

Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state’s largest county

WSJ: Biden Signs Bill Making Juneteenth a Federal Holiday

Critical Race Theory Poll: 58%, expressed an unfavorable view it while 38% expressed a favorable view

The Death of Rational Science – The Left  manipulates it to justify its agenda

NAC Being Studied for Use Against Covid-19, So Of Course The FDA I Making Threats & Amazon Just Banned It

Biden’s War On Extremism  – A meaningless word weaponized by politicians against their enemies

The Left’s Logic-Defying Race Rhetoric Is Making Normal People’s Heads Spin

Welcome to Wokespeak: Its Logic-Defying Rhetoric Is Making Heads Spin

A Critical Race Theory Reader List – Links To Several Relevant Articles

The Big Club Spit on Trump but Embraces Biden – The establishment, deep state, cabal, elites, etc.

A Who’s Who Of Left-Wing Hacks: Behind The Aspen Institute’s Upcoming Report On Silencing Dissent

The Supreme Court rejects The Republican challenge to the Affordable Care Act

The FBI’s role in the Jan. 6 Capitol fracas is disgusting – Top brass’ “insurance policy” to overthrow President Trump

THOSE 16 SECTORS – Putin was given the stage to disparage the US on a variety of left-wing talking points

WSJ: The Tech Industry’s Glory Days in DC Are Over – Tech company lobbyists now face a tough crowd in Congress

June 16, 2021

A Chinese Lab Virus Accident? So Now What? – What if it wasn’t really an accident?

Vaccination discrimination and the coming assault on civil rights

Taxes by a different name are strangling California’s middle class

Biden Admin Like Nazi Germany: Asks Americans to Report ‘Potentially’ Radicalized Friends and Family

Illegal Immigrants Now Intentionally Damaging Property After Crossing The Border, Says Texas Sheriff

The 10 GOP House Members Who Voted to Impeach Trump Face 2022 MAGA Primary Opponents

About 23 Percent of COVID-19 Patients Have Long-Lasting Symptoms, New Study Finds

Joe Biden is a joke on the world stage –He cannot speak or answer questions unless he is reading verbatim

At NATO & G7, Biden Advances An ‘America Last’ Foreign Policy – A return to disastrous Obama-Biden era policy

Tucker Carlson Outlines The Primary Threat to Our Nation – Our Corrupt Intelligence Apparatus, Including The FBI

Democrats are waging war on conservatives and January 6 is their chief weapon – It’s now a crime to oppose Biden and the Democrat party’s policies

Critical Race Theory For Dummies – The debate about critical race theory is coming to a peak this week

Trump announces a visit to the border, cornering Biden and Harris in a no-win situation

Shifting Tides On Israel – Israel today is less unpopular in the world but far more hated by Western progressives

A massive surge in COVID vaccine deaths – Disclosure of an astonishing 3,000% spike in vaccine-related deaths

COVID, Ivermectin and the Crime of the Century – Censoring information on its effectiveness for treatment of COVID

Why do brilliant doctors & scientists toe the party line against COVID treatments? – Most likely it’s strategic cowardice

More COVID Pandemic Corruption: The Refusal to Fully Recognize Natural Immunity

Biden Accidentally IDs Antifa And BLM As Domestic Terrorists Their Description of Domestic Terrorism

Critical Race Theory For Dummies – The debate about critical race theory is coming to a peak this week

June 15, 2021

The COVID Vaccine Is As Deadly As the Virus

A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found

Dr. McCullough: COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed Up to 50,000 Americans, According to Whistleblowers


Federal Judge Stops Biden Administration From Blocking New Oil and Gas Leases 

The G7 Summits Hesitant, Half-Hearted Stand against China

No Leaders Attended the G7 Summit – Good actors can make good material great, but cannot make bad material good

Hunter Biden Uses Shady Art Dealer with Strong Ties to China to Sell His Artwork –  Buyers Will be Kept ‘Confidential’

Suspected cartel members seize seven million rounds of ammunition destined for the U.S.

Parents seeing through the educrats’ lies about critical race theory can ‘fight the power’ and win

Stop Retaliatory Gang Homicides Before They Start – Empower law enforcement to send violent criminals to jail

Putin Asks a Reporter About The June 6th Capital Incident and If the US ‘Assassinated’ Ashli Babbitt

More Evidence Emerges That Joe Biden Is Definitely Not Well

Biden launches Domestic Terrorism Strategy targeting anti-gov’t ideology, white supremacy, and more

Democrat infighting threatens Biden’s infrastructure deal – Some Democrats want Biden to abandon bipartisan talks

Biden’s Priorities: Trillions for Domestic Spending, Nothing for Defense – The Progressive Wish List Gets Priority

The Oregon State Medical Board Shut Down The Practice of a Respected Pediatrician — Because He Supported Informed Consent and Disclosed Uncomfortable Truths

The World Health Organization won’t root out coronavirus origins, and the G-7 knows it

WSJ: China Repackages Its History in Support of Xi’s National Vision – The largest propaganda drive since the Mao era

Wikipedia’s Big-Tech-Funded Grip On Internet Knowledge Gives It Too Much Power – It’s become a massive propaganda machine

I hope you don’t think masking is ending anytime soon

Governor Newsom Releases His Political Prisoner Residents – But Not Completely & Retaining His Emergency Powers

Americans flee NY & CA for Blue States and the Sun Belt to escape lockdowns and skyrocketing crime

Hundreds still are incarcerated for being in DC on January 6. Why is the GOP so afraid to stand up for what is right?

A Massachusetts Public School District Encourages Students to Report Peers and Teachers for ‘Bias’ Violations

Critical Race Theory For Dummies – A fierce disinformation campaign is underway from its supporters

Georgia to Investigate After Fulton County Official Says Important Election Forms Are ‘Missing’

Socialists Cheer as Marxists Seize Control of Another South American Country – Castillo appears to have won in Peru

Houston Fox Affiliate Reporter: The parent company is ‘muzzling’ her, working with Project Veritas

Mark Levin provides insight into what happened in Israel

WSJ: Lumber Prices Are Falling Fast, Turning Hoarders Into Sellers

141 House Republicans challenge ATF tax & registration of AR pistols equipped with “stabilizing braces”

Why Merrick Garland Must Appoint a Special Counsel to Investigate the Bidens on their Ukraine Business Dealings

June 14, 2021

Corrupt GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Says He Was Unaware of Missing Chain of Custody Documentation

8 Fully Vaccinated Die of COVID in Maine, as States Continue to Report ‘Breakthrough’ Cases

Audit Organizer Says Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots MISSING In Arizona, Boxes Full of Blank Ballots

Who Let Capitol Protesters Into the Building on January 6? – Senator Johnson takes fire while colleagues remain silent

Facebook VP Nick Clegg Admits Their ‘Fact-Checkers’ Could Be Politically Biased

Surprise FDA  Alzheimer’s Drug Approval of Aduhelm – Why approve such a seemingly ineffective drug?

The Supreme Court Rejects Election Lawsuit That Targeted California’s ‘Winner Take All’ Voting Process

U.S. District Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Brought by TX Healthcare Workers Forced to Get COVID Vaccine or Lose Jobs

On This Flag Day: Read This History Of The American Flag, Then Go Put One In Your Yard 

Netanyahu Goes Out with a Bang as He Scorches the Biden Administration in his Final Speech as Israeli Prime Minister

Election Fraud is an Issue that Will Not Go Away – Strange things were clearly happening on Election Night

ICYMI: Trump Exonerates Himself With A Partial List of False Media Stories

The CDC Knew COVID hospitalization rates had fallen among teens but covered it up to the boost vaccination rate

Biden Got Played by Putin and an Adviser Had to Clean up his Mess

American Marxists, Take Your Fictitious Systemic Racism and White Privilege and Shove It You Know Where

Austin’s Major Daily Newspaper Explains Why It Wouldn’t Print The Mass Shooting Suspect’s Description


Biden’s administration is transforming the military – You can’t have an effective military if the troops hate their country, themselves, and each other

Big Tech Now Threatens National Sovereignty – If America does not restrain its social media giants, other countries will

Life Under State Media – The press scoffed at the lab-leak theory and now minimize it while running cover for Fauci

What Dr. Birx Allegedly Hinted About Trump and COVID Is Why the Experts No Longer Have Credibility

G-7 members laugh at Biden as he insists on introducing a guest that already was introduced

Media Alarmism Is The Real Threat to Democracy – Reckless claims about fictitious GOP plots constitute are dangerous

The Left’s Ilhan Omar Problem – The latest in the saga of Omar’s anti-Semitic comments

Why most of us can never understand politicians  – Like a Lion on the hunt, they have no sympathy for the lamb

June 13, 2021

The First case postmortem study of a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2; “viral RNA found in every organ of the body”

The Same Suspicious SQL Software Discovered in Michigan Was Just Found in Pennsylvania Dominion Voting Machines

Coerced Compliance is not Freedom in CA Newsom’s Staged Re-Opening – Some version of a social segregation system

FBI Director Confirms the Worst: Mexico Cartel Activity Is ‘Spilling Over’ Into US

Reopen the U.S. – Canada border – Right now, only essential travel is allowed

Bad teachers a bigger threat to students than school police – Unions, stop protecting the sexual predators in your ranks

The Number of Small Businesses Destroyed by COVID Lockdowns – Nearly 40% for little to no damned good reason

Federalism is Key to Surviving a Divided Nation – We can only be free by creating the conditions for our freedom

Anatomy of the Woke Madness – How did collective madness infect a once pragmatic & commonsensical America?

18-Months Later And The Democrats’ First Trump Impeachment Tale Revolving Around Hunter Biden Is In Tatters

NYT Reports Weissmann and Mueller Sought and Hid Special Counsel Surveillance of Trump White House Attorney

California’s State auditor finds lots of illegal activity – That transcends “normal” government inefficiency

What if the Election Audits Go Trump’s Way? – Vote-winning margins in four key states were about 1% or less

Why Obama Failed – He Was Good at Persuading the Public but Bad at Persuading Beltway Colleagues

Playing Sherlock Holmes on COVID – That it was part of a Chinese military bioweapons program is gaining support

California Governor Newsom: A vaccination verification system is coming ‘very shortly’

California County Vaccination Percentages as of June 11 – With Detailed Graphics

Gavin Newsom and Sacramento’s culture of corruption

Rasmussen Poll: 62% Of Voters Don’t Think Voter ID Laws Are Discriminatory

WSJ: Forget Going Back to the Office, People Are Just Quitting Instead – For jobs more suited to their skills & interests

After the death of Keystone XL, five more oil and gas pipelines are targeted by environmental activists

The Blackout Agenda – No one notices when Green Energy Fails because coal, gas, and hydro keep things going

WSJ: Fake Reviews & Inflated Ratings Are a Problem for Amazon – Sellers use old and new methods to boost ratings

June 12, 2021

“BLM Reparations Demonstration In Palo Alto” – “Mostly Peaceful Joggers” Steal $250,000 In Merchandise While The Police Did Nothing

Carlson on Censorship: Facebook Fact-Checkers Think They Know More About COVID-19 than a Wuhan Virologist

Defector Provides Evidence That The Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 & The Lab Leak

Printing Companies that Supplied Ballots in the 2020 Election May Be As Guilty of Altering Election Results

A Federal Judge Halts Debt Relief Program for Farmers of Color, Says It’s Likely Unconstitutional

Every Disagreement With Liberal Policy Is Now A Threat To Democracy – The real threat’s from those who howl the most

Attorney General Merrick Garland threatens the 2020 ballot audits

Inflation: Oil hits 2018 high in the third week of gains

California Governor Newsom signs order to end most of the state’s coronavirus restrictions and reopen Tuesday

CDC: 42.6% of U.S. Adults Are ‘Fully Vaccinated’

Lost at G-7: Joe Biden wanders into the wrong cafeteria at the G-7 until Jill finally finds him and leads him away

WSJ: China’s New Power Play: More Control of Tech Companies’ Troves of Data 

Election Assessment in Pennsylvania County Uncovers Five ‘Issues of Note’

The Regulatory Capture Of The FDA  – BIG Pharma relies on connections with the agency tasked with regulating it

Why America’s post-vaccine summer is off to a slow start


June 11, 2021

Reported Deaths After Getting COVID Vaccine: Total 5,993

Noted inventor & data analyst Jovan Pulitzer – Pelosi & Democrats Plotting to Get Rid of All Paper Ballots

CDC to Convene Emergency Meeting on 226 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID Vaccine in People Under 30

For Kids, Benefits of COVID Vaccine ‘Don’t Outweigh Risks,’ Experts Tell FDA

California Tells The  Public to Prepare for Heatwave as Power Prices Soar

Top US General: China is Increasing its Military at a ‘Serious & Sustained Rate’ – Could be a threat to worldwide stability

China tests ‘carrier killer’ missiles after threatening the US over Taiwan

Senate Republicans Move To Require Congressional Approval for New Iran Deal – To avoid giving Iran $billions

Yes, BlackRock’s Home-Buying Spree Should Concern You – Redistribution of Wealth

Trump praises his own ‘great and very productive meeting in Helsinki’ ahead of the Biden-Putin meeting

Trump Reveals He Turned Down Multiple Book Deals Because He’s ‘Working on a Much More Important Project’

‘That Ain’t MAGA’: Video Shows Than An Antifa Black Group Were First to Breach Capitol on January 6th

Lawmakers unveil major bipartisan antitrust reforms that could reshape Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google

Corporate Activist Media Is Already Meddling in the 2024 Primary

The Real Reasons Why California Leftists Are Terrified of The AR-15

Urgent: A British report calls for a complete cessation of COVID vaccines in humans

Missouri Governor Parson Will Sign A Bill Nullifying New Federal Gun Laws

The FDA Discovers That 60 Million Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine Doses Were Potentially Contaminated

The Media is Caught In Yet Another Massive Anti-Trump Lie –  Will Election Fraud Be Next?

The Media Didn’t ‘Get It Wrong’ On Lafayette Park, They Lied To America To Hurt Trump And They’re Still Lying 

Everything was better with Trump in the White House – He always put America 1st, Biden blatantly puts America last

Biden’s Disturbing Plans to Expand the IRS – The Donation Disclosure Rules Should Worry Conservatives

Why You Should Worry about Inflation – Higher prices could be the least of our problem, we should have learned by now

Inflation will be a growing problem for Democrats as we move toward 2022

The New G-7 Tax Proposal Is An All-Around Bad Deal For America – Hopefully, Congress will see global taxation is bad

The H.R. 1 Voting Bill Is a Travesty of Legislation – In short, it is a non-solution to a non-crisis

Covering Biden or Covering for Him? – The media’s nothing-to-see-here attitude is unlike its coverage of Trump

Al Gore Lobbies Joe Biden to Kill Another Pipeline and Spend Billions on Green New Deal Priorities

Do Liberals Know That Biden Is Keeping Illegals Separated from Their Families?

January 6th video mystery: A Senator asks about the officer ‘gesturing toward’ doors as intruders file past

Civil Liberties Threatened by Compulsory Vaccines – The healthy young are more likely to be harmed by them than by COVID itself

YouTube Bans a Sitting Senator For Discussing Methods For Early Treatment Of COVID-19

Amazon and Other Tech Giants Could Be Forced to Shed Assets or Split Into Two Companies Under New House Bill

Parents Protest Elite New York School’s Plan to Ax Advanced Math In The Name of Equity

Where does the COVID Vaccine end up? – Not Where It Should Be Because it is not a vaccine at all

Can Schools Mandate Covid-19 Vaccines for Children? – Schools and districts can’t, but state government can

California’s Unemployment Fraud & Unemployment Check Backlog For The Deserving Still Dog Governor Newsom

California Appeals A Federal Judge’s Ruling Striking Down The Assault Weapons Ban

June 10, 2021

Over half of all online recruitment in active sex trafficking cases last year occurred on Facebook, report says

Evidence Mounts That Chauvin Did Not Murder Floyd – The strange evolution of the prosecution’s asphyxiation charge

Letters from a D.C. Jail – The rule of law for anyone involved in the events of January 6th has been flipped on its head

The G7 Is More A G6.5 With Cognitively Challenged Biden In Attendance – This puts America at a disadvantage

Biden Plans to Keep Coddling Europe – Just who is the superpower?

Trump calls for the CCP to ‘pay $10 Trillion in global reparations’ – They allowed the worst event in world history to happen

An L.A. teachers union pact mandates masks and coronavirus tests for all this fall

Half of the pandemic’s unemployment money may have been stolen by criminals and funneled out of the country

European Union Leaders Called for an Unfettered Investigation Into the Origins of COVID-19

Governor Abbott Says Texas Will Immediately Begin Building Its Own Border Barriers

‘Hundreds’ of Whistleblowers Say Military Forcing ‘Anti-American Indoctrination’ on Them: Sen. Cotton

As Trump Banned China Travel, Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Studies Calling For ‘Collaboration.’

CDC Is Cooking the Books on COVID Vaccines – Only counting vaccinated resulting in hospitalization or death

Spike protein variants in coronavirus vaccines are the root cause of blood clots, a new study finds

Democrats move to cover California recall costs to speed up the election date

A Bipartisan Group of Senators Reach Agreement on an Infrastructure Proposal – To be  paid for without tax increases

Street Violence as a Political Tool – To push policies even mainstream Democrat voters oppose and keep them in line

The Consumer prices jump 5% in May, the fastest pace since the summer of 2008


WSJ: Which Higher Prices Are Here to Stay? – Prices are surging for many household expenses as the economy reopens

The Most Dangerous President In American History – You Can’t Be Friends With Those Who Want To Destroy Your World

Biden to Harris: Disaster 1 to Disaster 2…….. – Consider these examples

WSJ: The Keystone XL’s Demise Shows Hard A Road Ahead For New Pipelines In The US & Canada

Who’s The Boss: Why is Jill Biden ‘Prepping’ for G7 at the POTUS Desk on Air Force One?

The ‘Root Causes’ Of The Migrant Crisis Are Biden’s Border Policies – Let’s be clear on what triggered the border crisis

We don’t need Ilhan Omar to ‘clarify’ her typically antisemitic, anti-American comments  – And Her “islamophobic tropes”

A lesson from leftists on how to stop Critical Race Theory – Attack the financial basis of support for applicable institutions

Science Is On The Side Of Those Resisting Transgender Ideology In Schools – Including the world’s leading scientists

Skills Matter – An honest discussion about wages needs to include the skills and attributes of workers

The Woke Burger King ad that targets Chick-fil-A’s Christian faith totally bombs

Woke Capitalism: A History – It began with a focus on the long campaign against apartheid in South Africa

Biden” Quietly” Launches a Plan To Close Gitmo After Obama Tried & Failed

Buried news: A sneaky Democrat scheme to bail out communist Cuba –  Buy American agricultural products on credit

Fauci Is Starting To Look Guilty, Guilty, Guilty On ‘Gain Of Function’ – So far, his answers aren’t exactly helping his case

Stanford Professor: Historians Will Look Back On Lockdowns As The ‘Most Catastrophic Event Of All Human History’

All Orange County California Residents Are Still Required to Wear Masks at Work Until at Least Late June

Was Penn Researcher Bing Liu Murdered Because He Was About to Expose the Truth About Covid’s Lab Origin?

Biden’s Budget Chief Won’t Commit To Ending Wuhan Lab Funding

An Australian Woman’s Death is Linked to COVID-19 a Vaccine

Oregon Confirms 11 Cases of Heart Problems Following COVID Vaccines

There Are Nearly 800 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination in the US

The CDC Admits That Teens Vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna versions are at Higher Risk of Heart Inflammation

What Percentage of Democrats Do You Feel Want to Remain Scared of COVID Forever? It’s Shocking, But Also Not

Disturbing New Info Emerges On Apparent “Magnetic” Side Effects Happening to Some COVID Vaccinated People

The Right Way to Modernize Infrastructure – When everything is infrastructure, nothing is infrastructure, and our existing infrastructure suffers as a result

Demystifying the Magical Multiplier Myth – Government spending reduces the size of the private sector

Waking Up From Wokeness – Usually some absurd piece of academic, corporate, or government political correctness

The Oregon Department Of Education Takes Funds For Disadvantaged Kids, Pays 1619 Project Creator $50k

June 9, 2021

China Returns to Its Strict Covid Limits to Fight a New Outbreak

Senate Democrat Threaten to Block World Cup Funds Unless The Women’s Soccer Team Gets Equal PayTo Men’s Team

Voting Rights: It’s ‘Racist’ Not to Let Democrats Cheat –To help Democrats win majorities in both houses of Congress

IG Report: Trump Did NOT Order the Park Police to Clear Out ‘Peaceful Protesters’ With Tear Gas For a Photo Op

The White House Budget Office approves Biden’s plan to retract Trump insulin and EpiPen discounts

The Southwest “Mega-drought” takes a dramatic toll on the Colorado River system that provides water to 40 million people

The Keystone Pipeline officially terminated after a 13-year bid – GOP Senators want the number of jobs lost reported

Fauci Headlined a Conference With ‘Bat Lady’ And EcoHealth’s Daszak Despite Distancing Himself From Wuhan

A study published by medRxiv shows HCQ & zinc treatments increased the COVID survival rate by almost three times

OC Supervisors Derail Public Comment on Vaccine Passports for Nearly 120 Residents, Sparking Outrage

Newsom and California lawmakers approved to receive 4.2% pay raise amid an improving economy

People Leaving Blue States Advise Those Who Remain – ‘Start Making Better Decisions on Who You Vote For’

This Isn’t Your Father’s Left-Wing Revolution – Today’s revolutionaries aren’t fighting “the Man”—they are “the Man”

While Talk Radio Goes Through Lots Of Change Conservative Podcasts Achieve Subscriber Gains

Biden Walks Away from Infrastructure Talks with Key Republican – Wouldn’t go for increasing spending on the plan

The Biden Administration Revokes Trumps TikTok Ban And Will Conduct Its Own Analysis

WSJ: Biden Administration to Propose New Federal Clean-Water Regulations That Undo Trump-era Rules

A Second Ruling Against CAs‘ Assault Weapon’ Ban Offers SCOTUS a Chance To Fix Their 2008 Heller Decision

TikTok’s Global Operations Chief Is A Former Chinese Communist Party Diplomat

On A Remote Stretch Of Texas Borderland, The Whole World Is Crossing The Rio Grande

Biden Officials’ Family Members Are Working for White House in Spite of the President’s Vow

Barack Obama is Back and He’s Mocking Americans Again – Because they don’t want Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory’s Poisonous Roots Trace Back To Harvard – Professors developed “Critical Legal Studies”

The Coming Backlash against Woke Public Schools – Children are being taught that America is fundamentally evil

AZ AUDIT UPDATE: Via Representative Finchem: 6 States Have Visited The Audit – “ALL States NEED To Come Here”

Almost Overnight, Standards of Color-Blind Merit Tumble Across American Society

A mixed-race Oak Park, IL couple stands athwart Critical Race Theory and yells ‘stop’

A Cleveland Study Finds Those Who Have Had SARS-CoV-2 ‘Are Unlikely to Benefit From COVID-19 Vaccination’

Follow the Science or Follow the Herd (Immunity) – Herd immunity is  suddenly on par with the Earth being flat

Peter McCullough, MD Testifies About Covid-19 Treatments & Vaccines – Reference Documents Provided

Study: Weight-Adjusted HCQ & Azithromycin Boosted Survival of Ventilated COVID-19 Patients by 200%

Dr. Scott Gottlieb says a ‘more dangerous’ Covid variant is unlikely to be a major risk to the U.S. until the fall

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Trump-style campaign to stop an Israel transfer of power

Was Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón Elected by Fraud?

WSJ: From iPhones to iPads: The Apple Gadgets You Should—and Shouldn’t—Buy Right Now

WSJ: Tech Companies Want to Make Holograms a Part of Routine Office Life  – Getting closer to an everyday reality

June 8, 2021

Biden’s Plan to Address Racial Injustice and Inequity Allots $1 Billion to Boost Healthy Food Access

While America Slept, China Stole the Farm – Via While America Slept, China Stole the Farm

8.4 Billion Passwords Hacked, Leaked Online. Check to See if Yours Is Among Them

Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt’s family sues for records on the officer who fatally shot her

Judge orders teacher suspended for speaking out against compelled ‘preferred’ pronouns REINSTATED

27 Experts Launch Citizen Petition Demanding FDA ‘Slow Down and Get the Science Right’ Before Approving COVID Vaccines

China’s Vaccine Propaganda: Maligning the US, Bribing the World – Their vaccines come with strings attached

Lawmakers Respond to Pushback From Medical Freedom Activists, Allow New Yorkers to Opt-Out of State Vaccine Database

Biden’s July 4 COVID-19 Vaccination Target in Peril as Demand Plunges – About 25% don’t plan on getting a vaccine

No Bats or Pangolins Were Sold in The Wuhan Wet Market When The Pandemic Started

Emails Reveal How Influential Articles That Established COVID-19 Natural Origins Theory Were Formed

The Senate passes a $250 billion bipartisan technology and manufacturing bill aimed at countering China

Why I Need an AR-15 A man disarmed by his government is not a citizen—he’s a subject

New faces enter the fray as California’s Newsom recall slowly takes shape

A good unanimous decision from the Supreme Court – Illegals can’t get green cards & ultimately vote in elections

If SCOTUS Upholds Roe v. Wade, Expect An Uprising – The case is about the power of the citizenry to decide for itself

Senator Joe Manchin Issues Response After ‘Constructive’ Meeting With a Civil Rights Groups on Voting Law

A GOP letter to the DOJ digs on ‘harsher treatment’ of Jan. 6 participants versus summer rioters

Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed

Internet Servers Down: The UK Government, Amazon, CNN, and Newspaper Websites Were Impacted

The NYT Blasted for Failing to Run a Single Article on a Major Story – The release of Fauci’s emails

Fauci’s Cost-Benefit Calculation: You Absorb The Cost While He and His Colleagues Benefit

What if Proof of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud Is Actually Proven? – A Convention of States Takes Time

Will There Be a Liberal Meltdown Over Biden DOJ’s Latest Move in a Lawsuit Involving Trump?

The Depravity of the Democrat Party, American Left, and Activist Media To Leverage The COVID Pandemic

America’s Coming War With China – Both undesirable and imprudent but inevitable given our current leadership

Who Loses When the China Bat Cave Lie Implodes?

The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Taxes

An Unearthed Video Shows Peter Daszak Describing ‘Chinese Colleagues’ Developing a ‘Killer’ Coronaviruses

I’ve read that….. Yet no debate to help understand what is true, what is false, and what are shadows on the wall

Senate report: Security and Intelligence Failures Found in the Days Before the January 6th Attack

A World Health Organization Advisor Says China Engaged In “A Massive Cover-Up” Of The COVID Outbreak

A May 2020 Lawrence Livermore Lab Report Found It Plausible That Covid-19 Leaked From the Wuhan Lab

WHO Chief Scientist Served Legal Notice in India for Allegedly Suppressing Data on Ivermectin to Treat COVID-19

Joe Biden is warned as a court slaps down his race-based COVID relief package

The New York Times shows the indisputable power of Tech censorship

June 7, 2021

Health Care Journal Publishes Research Calling Whiteness A ‘Parasitic Condition’ Without ‘Permanent Cure’

The Supreme Court rules illegal immigrants in the US can’t get green cards via their temporary protected status

Why So Many Republicans are Involved in Covering Up 2020 Election Fraud – Being labeled a “conspiracy theorist”

Trump Will Never Be Silenced – He reminds the nation that he’s still the top dog in the GOP

Trump & Bill O’Reilly Team Up for a Project To Inform Americans About Real Problems Being Ignored by the Media

How Trump Could Impeach Joe Biden – It begins by winning a Florida seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022

Facebook and More Media Trump Lies – Big Tech and the Left are the ones really spreading the “Big Lies”

Kamala blasted by Guatemalan president, protestors over border crisis and the 2020 election

Biden needs to make China pay for its actions over COVID

Fauci Continues to Mislead Us About China – Who does Fauci really work for?

The Floodgate is Open on Fauci’s Emails – The Cover-Up, The Censorship, The Coordination and Control

Pfizer Skipped Critical Testing and Cut Corners on Quality Standards in Approval Rush, Documents Reveal

Biden’s D-Day Snub Looks Even Worse When You Remember What Trump Did in 2019

Corporate welfare? The Senate is poised to approve billions for well-heeled computer chipmakers

The Justice Department Proposes a Gun Restriction Rule for Rifles to Pistols With Certain Stabilizing Braces

Buck Sexton On Following Rush Limbaugh

Putin signs law ending Russia’s Open Skies treaty with the US – Biden’s decision not to rejoin the pact a ‘political mistake’

Trump Roars Back to the Stage in North Carolina, Claims Vindication and Issues a 3-Word Demand – China Must Pay!

Even If Congress Pretends H.R. 1 Is Constitutional, The Supreme Court Can’t – Replacing election laws in all states would be doomed by a constitutional principle

Journalist Lobbying Fails: Manchin Officially Opposes Election Takeover Bill as He Digs-In on Protecting The Filibuster

The global stakes of Biden’s infrastructure negotiations – The rest of the world is watching Americas climate leadership

CA’s coming COVID disaster – Pressuring the unvaccinated by punishing everyone around people who won’t get the jab

Winning the Infrastructure Conversation Is Step #1 for the GOP

An Amazon driver’s attack on an older woman warns us – The dangers of Critical Race Theory and claims that words are violence

Ron DeSantis Makes a Promise About Critical Race Theory — AKA ‘It’s a Bunch of Horse Manure’

California Governor Newsom reneges on his promise to give up his emergency powers on June 15th

Don’t Believe Leftist Lies About A Federal Judge’s End To California’s Gun Ban

What James Carville Knows – This Clintonista writes an op-ed warning Democrats not to neglect rising crime

I Shouldn’t Have Watched Wallace On Fox – We Need To Call-Out Liars For Who And What They Are!

OBAMA DECLINES TO ANSWER – Tough Revealing Questions Asked of Him

The Supreme Court shuts down a challenge to male-only draft registration

Who — or What — Occupies Gaza? – Like so much else, the term “occupation” is very relative

June 6, 2021

Unfortunately, ‘Big Is Bad’ Is Back – The antitrust standard should still be consumer harm if plaintiffs and courts can show it

Why Was the US Department of Defense Funding Bioweapons Research at Wuhan?

Promises kept: Newsom protected his Hollywood donors from COVID restrictions, and now they’re helping protect him

Two Arrested for the Road Rage Shooting of a 6-Year-Old Boy on the 55 Freeway in Orange

Trump vs. Pelosi: A Marquee Matchup for the Speakership? – Trump has proven before that old political rules no longer apply

The Great Unmasking of the COVID-Origin Coverup Scheme Continues – Each discovery is more troubling than the last

WSJ: Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak  – Covid-19’s genetic footprint never observed in a natural coronavirus

Obama is Still Accusing Trump of ‘Completely Ignoring Science’ – FYI, 90% of Obama’s people are now working for Joe

The GOP Sweeps in Texas Races Signal Growing Hispanic Support for the Party

10,864 Venezuelans Pour Into a Texas Border Region, Up From 135 Last Year

Biden Memo Urges ICE Attorneys to Simply Not Worry About Prosecuting Illegals

Criminal Aliens Getting Free Pass, Say ICE Agents – Biden policies limit their ability to enforce existing laws

CA Lost 300,355 Taxpayers & $12 Billion In Gross Income to Other States Since 2017 – Most To TX & AZ

CA could see blackouts this summer, utility experts warn –  Wildfires could wreak havoc with the state’s power grid

Big cities continue losing population during the first quarter of 2021 – Moving to warmer, more tax-affordable states

“Rush Limbaugh’s Legacy Lives On Despite a Dirty GOP RINO Move to Erase His Legacy”

Bongino: ‘The great awakening is starting in America’ – People are worried about the fabric of our society being torn apart

How Donald Trump Can Legally and Constitutionally Become President of the United States Again in 2023

Georgia GOP Approves Resolution Censuring Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

Bad Election Rules & Stupid Media Tricks – Democrats push legislation to nationalize presidential races and keep advantageous provisions active after the pandemic

WSJ: The Summer Job Market for Teens Is Sweet – More employers turn to young people to fill hiring gaps

The End of the Wuhan Scam-A-Rama – Lots of Income Emails, But Where Are The Ones Fauci Initiated?

Fauci and Top US Doctors Caught! – They CONSPIRED to Disqualify HCQ as COVID Treatment — MILLIONS DIED

Why was Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘even bigger deal’ offer to Fauci redacted from the FOIA emails just released?

What is Stakeholder Capitalism and Why is it Dangerous?

Senator Joe Manchin to vote against bill federalizing elections, dealing a major blow to Democrats

WSJ: China’s Tech Clampdown Is Spreading – Chinese authorities are targeting hundreds of apps

Big Tech takes a giant step towards totalitarianism – Radicating the Constitution’s guarantee of free speech and assembly

What Do Advocates of a Two-State Solution Actually Advocate?

It Only Took 120 Days Of Leftism Before Jews Were Being Beaten In Broad Daylight In America

How can climate alarmists explain away ancient megadroughts? – Actually, They Can’t

June 5, 2021

Looks Like Trump Was Right About Fauci After All

Trump wanted to publicly grill Fauci on Wuhan lab funding — and bill China for pandemic

JPMorgan Cuts Off Donations to Republicans Who Objected to Certification of the 2020 Election Results

Trump Expresses Interest in Leading US House of Representatives During Radio Interview

House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy calls for Fauci to be ousted: ‘Let’s find a person we can trust’

The Middle-Class Will Revolt Against Progressives – They are creating a bipartisan revolt by ordinary citizens

Unrest Erupts in Minneapolis Amid Protests Over Police-Involved Shooting

Pennsylvania Republicans Are Split Over The Proposed 2020 Election Audit

Democrats’ Racism Obsession Is an Affront to Liberty – They have fallen prey to the very thing they claim to fight

When Mass Shootings Don’t Matter  – Only worry about white people with guns, even if black criminals with guns are a far greater threat to black lives

The News-Break App Founded, Controlled, and Backed by Chinese Entities

GM’s Cruise can give California passengers fully driverless rides – But it can’t charge passengers yet

The Pentagon Gave MILLIONS to Wuhan a Lab-Connected Group with Ties to Dr. Anthony Fauci

Are our federal intelligence agencies compromised?

President Trump Just Demanded a Pennsylvania Election Audit: Here’s Why We Believe PA Was Rigged

Biden’s likely China pick wanted Bill Gates to be COVID CZAR – ‘China should not be held accountable for coverup”

Don’t Use Antibody Tests After Getting Vaccinated to Determine Immunity

The Unmasking of Dr. Anthony Fauci – What broke the ice was Nicholas Wade’s “Origin of COVID – Following the Clues”

Fauci’s wife needs an investigation, too – Why is she in an NIH position as the final arbiter of her husband’s ethics?

Sharyl Attkisson: 3 Points the Media Is Still Getting Wrong About the Wuhan Lab Theory & the Documents to Prove It

Believe Your Own Eyes About Fauci E-Mails, Not the Politicized Fact-Checkers

The Rapid Mass Deployment of COVID-19 Vaccinations & Possible Biological Effects on the Population

71 Percent of Democrats Say Healthy Americans Should Still Stay Home as Much as Possible

Is America heading toward a place where it can no longer call itself a democracy?

U.S. District Judge: California’s Assault Weapons Ban Violates The Second Amendment

TV networks refuse to run a pro-life ad – Following SCOTUS’ announcement of upcoming abortion case


June 4, 2021

Mike Lindell Hits Voting Machine Companies with Lawsuit, Claims $2 Billion in Damages

Vermont GOP Governor Wants to Give Noncitizens the Right to Vote in Local Elections

Biden Targets Moderate Democrats – His jabs at Senators Manchin & Sinema are “detrimental” for 2022 and beyond

Because They Got Away with Russiagate – Without being held to account, the Left is now emboldened

How Fauci & Our Top Public Health Officials Spun a Tangled Web of Lies Around COVID’ Origin & Treatments

CCP scientist filed a COVID vaccine patent when contagion emerged – Was it studied B/4 the pandemic became public

7 U.S. Teens Developed Heart Inflammation After Second Pfizer Vaccine, New Study Shows

The Latest VAERS Data Show: 294,801 Reports of Adverse Events & 5,165 Deaths in the U.S. Following COVID Vaccinations

Nearly $2B Targeted For The Busiest Section of The Border Wall Goes Unused

Schumer and Democrats face a Republican filibuster wall in June – As well as divisions within their own party

Southern Border Smugglers Openly Advertise Illegal Crossings on Facebook

Newsom Extending Emergency Powers & State of Emergency Beyond June 15th, Some mask mandates to continue

Newsom Sees No Conflict Of Interest In Wife’s Nonprofit Getting Money From Big Companies Lobbying California

Remember The Saul Alinsky Message – To Creat a New Society, The Existing Society MUST BE DESTROYED

The U.S. Army Ran an Astrology-Based Recruiting Campaign Linking Zodiac Signs to Job Selection

Volleyball Player Kicked Off Team for Conservative Views Regarding ‘Critical Race Theory’ Sues Former Coaches

Taxpayers Fleeing California Take $8.8 Billion In Gross Income to Other States

Seattle’s police union chief suggests up to 400 officers could depart the force this year

SENATE SENILITY – The Washington Post reports that the current U.S. Senate is the oldest in American history

Facebook suspends Trump’s account for 2 years then will reassess ‘risk’

Extraordinary revelations about scientists colluding to hide COVID’s origins – Showing how deeply corrupt, compromised, and politicized America’s scientific community is

Another Miss: U.S. Economy Adds 559,000 Jobs in May, Unemployment Rate Drops to 5.8%

Biden Misses Job Projections for a 2nd Straight Month of Failure as He Continues to Pay Workers to Stay Home

Our Government Is Evolving into Something Horrifying – As Progressives Push a Marxism-style political order

Proof Of A CCP Cyber Attack On 2020 Election – On the election management systems in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona

Nevada Governor Signs Law Allowing Permanent Mail-In Voting – Passed along party lines in Assembly and Senate controlled by Democrats

The Biden Revolution Sputters Before It Even Gets Started – He doesn’t have enough votes in Congress. And never will

Will America Rise To China’s New Space Challenge?  – Their goal is to surpass the West by the end of the decade

WSJ: U.S. Covid-19 Deaths Fall to Lowest Point Since March 2020  – Seven-day average of reported deaths is below 500


A Major New German Study Finds Lockdowns ‘Had No Effect’ on Stopping Spread of Coronavirus Infection rates

Dr. Singleton: Black People Were Wrongly Targeted for Vaccines Instead of Treatments – Hammers Biden for viewing blacks ‘as helpless morons’

And once upon a time…there was the truth – We cannot survive as a society without truth

WSJ: Hot Housing Market Leaves People Afraid to Trade Up – Many fear they won’t be able to find an affordable home

Biden just scrapped a good border policy, all because it was Trump’s

H.R. 1: A Cautionary Tale of Unintended Consequences

Alabama landlords ask Supreme Court to strike down eviction moratorium

Spending on California’s Homeless Increased The Street Population, with Scant Treatment for Mentally Ill

Governor Newsom Extends Temporary Dining Parklet, To-Go Alcohol Laws Until End of 2021

June 3, 2021

Dr. Frank: 2020 Election Data Research Reveals Troubling Patterns

Australia Forced Google and Facebook to Pay for News… And They Did

Oregon’s COVID-19 $Million vaccine lottery is making little if any impact as vaccination their rate continues to fall

The Fall of #FalseFlagFauci – Selected Emails and Redaction Codes

Fauci Kept Funding Daszak’s Wuhan ‘Gain of Function’ Work with $7.5 Million after Trump Canceled the Grant

The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins – Toxic politics and hidden agendas kept us in the dark

Fauci’s Boss Admits Funding Wuhan Lab: ‘We Had No Control Over What They Were Doing’

As illegal migration explodes, concerns grow that U.S. tax dollars may be aiding trafficking

Another Antifa beating won’t silence truth-teller Andy Ngo

Biden’s Dishonest Domestic Terrorism Claims – It exists, but on a far smaller scale than he insinuated in his Tulsa speech

Revolver Investigation, Part Three: Exposing the Media’s Plot to Hide Record Vaccine Deaths and Deceive Americans

When Doctors Can’t Tell the Truth? – Areas of research off-limits, patients treated based on race & an ideological ‘purge’

The Island of Dr. Fauci – The 20th century should have taught to never trust doctors in or adjacent to politics

Fauci Turns American Dating Apps Into Vaccine Tracking Devices

The Supreme Court: Johnson & Johnson Must Pay On Their $2.1 Billion Baby Powder Lawsuit

‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site And Can Cause Organ Damage

Biden Expands Blacklist of Chinese Companies Banned From U.S. Investment

The Real Cost of ‘Free’ Money: The Inflation Tax – It turns out that free money is very expensive

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Are Hopeful for an Audit After Touring Arizona Regarding Their Election Review

Pompeo Confirms Intense Opposition to Wuhan Lab Probe From State Department And The Intelligence Bureaucracies

Gov. Abbott: ‘Texas Is Going to Start Arresting Everybody Coming Across the Border’

Hating Trump is no excuse for comparing 1/6 to 9/11

A Democrat Lobbying Firm is Under Criminal Investigation For Work With A Company Tied To Hunter Biden

Joe Biden’s Flailing Agenda – Who is looking less and less like a modern-day FDR

Biden Floats New Infrastructure Spending Offer of $1 Trillion – But negotiators remain far apart

What the Fauci Emails Reveal – This evidence can be interpreted in a number of ways

Tucker Carlson’s devastating analysis of Fauci emails leads to a call for a criminal investigation’

Wuhan Lab Funder Peter Daszak is Behind the ‘Lancet’ Article Claiming COVID-19 Arose Naturally

COVID-19 cases hit their lowest point in the U.S. since the pandemic began

Vaccine Mandates Shouldn’t Be The Next COVID Policy Disaster

Biden’s Astronomical Spending Proposals – And this is only the beginning of his big-government aspirations

The Biden administration is squeezing the suburbs out of existence with new zoning laws

When There are No Consequences – Then Retribution Follows With A Vengeance

A California Bill To Seal Felony Convictions Of Ex-Felons Passes The Senate

June 2, 2021

The Fauci Team Scrambled in January 2020 to Respond to Lab Leak Allegations, Emails Show

Fauci Colluded With Zuckerberg On FB COVID-19 ‘Information Hub’ to distribute government-approved information

Fighting Woke Capital – Our biggest institutions are blocking us from pursuing a good American life

San Francisco area schools see their enrollment drop as families flee the district

China threatens nuclear war and is expanding its arsenal in case of an ‘intense showdown’ with the US

TUCKER CARLSON: Fauci’s Emails Merit ‘Criminal Investigation’, Possible ‘Perjury’ In His Confrontation With Rand Paul

Fauci in 2020: Masks From Drug Stores ‘Not Really Effective’ Against CCP Virus

And Just Like That, Dr. Fauci’s Book Has Been Pulled From Presales

Pfizer Vaccine ‘Probably’ Linked to Heart Inflammation, an Israeli Panel of Experts Concludes

Revolver Investigation, Part Two: Exposing the Media’s Plot to Hide Record Vaccine Deaths and Deceive Americans

‘Defending The Republic’ Announces Push Back Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations

Four Portland Antifa Terrorists Facing Slew Of Federal Allegations, Including Explosives Charges

The US Commerce Department Is Not Doing Its Job to Halt Tech to China’s Military: Congressional Report

Five Ways Ayn Rand’s 1957 Novel Predicted Our Present Condition

Biden Appoints Kamala Harris to Lead Again — On Coronavirus Vaccine Promotion Tour

Poll: California parents sour on public schools after the pandemic

How Ending Freedom Of Expression Gives Up Your Right To A Private Life – Totalitarians Always Abolish Speech First

RNC: Republicans Will Boycott Presidential Debates Unless Organizers Change the Way GOP Candidates Are Treated

Another Way to Think about Inflation – An artificial increase in the money supply beyond that needed for economic growth

WSJ: The Economic Recovery Is Here and It’s Unlike Anything You’ve Seen

Biden and His 1 Percent Trump Tax Cut Lie

WSJ: CEO Pay Is Increasingly Tied to Diversity Goals – To add women and people of color to leadership ranks

DOJ Moves to Dismiss Case Against January 6 Protestor Christopher Kelly — It Always Begins With a Trickle

Biden’s border policy keeps getting worse – His actions have opened the door to traffickers, smugglers, and coyotes

Media Confirm Two More Things They Formerly Referred To As ‘Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories’ — Lab Leak & Portland

Joe Biden is fine with Hunter’s sleazy dealing, and the liberal media are giving him good reason via their lack of coverage

There are good people out there resisting Critical Race Theory

JBS, The Worlds Largest Meet Producer, is Poised to Reopen Most Meat Plants Hobbled by Cyberattack

Hey Facebook, Ban This! – Here is a list that should get you going!

Fauci Was Told on January 31, 2020, That TheWuhan Coronavirus Appeared To Have Been ‘Engineered’

‘Too Long For Me To Read’: Emails Show Fauci Ignored Ph.D. Physicist Warnings Over Fake Chinese COVID Data

Fauci worked behind the scenes to cast doubt on the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis, emails show

The Fauci Emails Reveal Ineptitude, Corruption, and Ignored Warnings Over ChiCom Coverup

Researcher Who Funded Wuhan Lab Admitted To Manipulating Coronaviruses Thanked Fauci For Dismissing Lab Leak Theory

Fauci’s ‘Expect The Unexpected’ Book Is Exactly What You’d Expect From A Highly Paid Self-Serving Bureaucrat

A Previous Natural Infection is Superior to Getting Vaccinated for COVID Protection

How To Deal With Vaccine Demands From Your Employer

The Media’s Memory-Hole Privilege – Individuals will be held accountable while ruling institutions will correct their mistakes secretly

To Stop Critical Race Theory, Fight to Control Local School Boards

The left is working overtime to sexualize your children – Gay Pride is an inappropriate topic for preschoolers

As predicted, so-called ‘transgender women’ prisoners endanger actual women

Governor Newsom Pardons Murderers, Bank Robbers, Kidnappers and a Killer for Hire

Does America Want to be the Transgender Leader?

REVEALING CHART: SF crimes go through the roof with District Attorney Chesa Boudin in charge

Happy Ending: A Formerly Homeless Man Gets a Job and Reunites With The Dog He Had to Surrender

June 1, 2021

Trump Found Millions of New Voters in 2020 – Who skipped prior elections, new data show, but lost some habitual voters

California’s snowpack is 0% of the June 1 average. Here’s what that means

Corporate Media Is Full of Liars & Propagandists – The collapse of their narrative on the Wuhan virus lab-leak theory ought to be the final straw for these people

Biden’s Administration Weakens Middle East Peace – Focus is on a Palestinian consulate, landlord-tenant disputes, and Gaza reconstruction instead of peace

Revolver Series, Part One: Exposing the Media’s Plot to Hide Record Vaccine Deaths and Deceive Americans

China’s Grand Theft  – Anything Goes to become the leading superpower, including a global economic espionage

A New York Times Reporter Claims Trump is Telling People He Will Be Reinstated By August

A Few Words About Evil in Men’s Bones – What happens when Joseph Biden is in charge?

The CCP vs. the world — Fight back before it’s too late or China will accomplish its goals in a decade

New Cal/OSHA Recommendations Will Continue COVID-19 Regulations Until July 31st – We knew June 15th wasn’t it!

WSJ: The Biden Administration Suspends Oil Leases in Arctic Refuge That The Trump Administration Approved

Mayor Breed wants to add more than $1 billion to fighting homelessness in San Francisco over the next two years

China Confirms a New Disease Strain of Bird Flu Has Jumped from Animals to Humans

Iran is Rearming Hamas with ‘Thousands of New Rockets’ – Hamas: ‘This war will last forever’

Massive 30,000+ Survey: 67% Want Trump In 2024, Pence Gets 0%

WSJ: How Much CEOs Made in 2020 – The annual ranking of pay and performance for leaders of S&P 500 companies

China’s Xi may be screwing up as badly as Biden – China is alienating most of the world’s advanced economies

Hunter Biden’s Law Firm Tied to NY DA Investigating Trump – Let’s follow the bouncing ball

Barack Obama says Joe Biden is ‘finishing’ the job of his administration

Ignorance of Jew-Haters is Fed by Hamas Anti-Israel Lies

Florida Gov DeSantis signs protecting women’s and girls’ sports – Athletic teams and sports designated for females are open to biological females ONLY!

The ‘I’ word that will take a bite out of your budget – Is Inflation Coming Our Way This Summer or Is It Already Here?

Missed Cancer Diagnoses: Another Tragic Outcome Because of The COVID Lockdowns

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): Businesses Can Make Employees Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Real Science: Pro-Vaccine Doctor Issues Terrifying NEW Warning About Vaccines and Spike Proteins

New Research: Antibodies From Getting A COVID Infection Could Last Years

The ever-changing orthodoxy of COVID – The CDC fits the “facts” to their hypothesis

Facebook Should Reinstate Users Banned for Wuhan China ‘Lab Leak’ Coronavirus Theory

World-Renowned Doctor Blows The Lid Off Of COVID Vaccines – The dangers of the novel COVID vaccine and its rollout

Fauci will be gone in 90 days – It turns out that all roads to Covid-19, even more than expected, lead back to Fauci

Fauci cashing in with a book to be published in November – It appears that Fauci is preparing to retire or lose his job

The WHO Is Renaming The COVID-19 Variants To Avoid Stigmatizing Currently Named Countries

OSHA Suspends Requirement That Employers Report Vaccine-related Injuries – To encourage workers to get vaccinated

The Democrat party in Congress is a Marxist cult and the Republicans are a college fraternity – Disheartenaing and True

Governor Abbott Plays Hardball With Democratic legislators who walked out of the chamber to prevent a quorum

This Is Neither By Accident Nor Incompetence – THE ANTIFA & BLM RIOTS WEREN’T SPONTANEOUS!

Free the Entrepreneurs – The key to a Post-Covid Recovery is lifting restraints to the creation of new businesses

The Radical Insertion of Extreme Ideologies in K-12 Public Education: Gender Redefinition and Self-Selection

A Truly Fraudulent Presidency – It looks like Chief of Staff Ron Klain, unelected, is the real acting president

The Second Amendment: More important now than ever – The tyrants are in charge, and they want your guns

John Cena’s Apology For Correctly Stating That Taiwan’s A Country Shows The CCP’s Power Over Hollywood

The public school system had stopped teaching children long before the pandemic came along

Toward A Critical Woke Theory – An explanation for the behavior of woke activists is needed to successfully combat them

Senate Democrats propose energy tax code updates to combat climate change – Replace 44 energy tax breaks and incentives with three emissions-based incentives

The Supreme Court shuts down an attempt to treat asylum-seekers testimony as credible

May 31, 2021

mRNA technology pioneer says Covid-19 vaccinated people can shed spike protein – Twitter says to delete this

Report: Iran has a uranium stockpile 16-times over the Obama/Biden nuclear deal limit and won’t let anyone inspect it

Anti-Israel liars incite antisemitism via news media and the entertainment industry that parrot Hamas talking points

Russia tells the U.S. to expect ‘uncomfortable’ signals ahead of Putin-Biden summit

Vaccine researcher admits a ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’ – Linked to blood clots, heart and brain damage, and potential risks to nursing babies and fertility

Senator Rand Paul provides a warning about what might be going inside Wuhan lab RIGHT NOW – Covering Stuff Up

No One Will Pay for Their COVID Crimes Against Humanity – The Big-Tech censors and credentialed public health class

Hunter Biden’s laptop keeps damning Joe, but most corporate media just ignore it

A Tale of two economies: Red states are roaring while blue states are beset by high unemployment

Florida Concert Promoter Charging $18 for Vaccinated, $1,000 for Unvaccinated

Trump Calls Out Fulton County, GA, for Delaying and Seeking to Shut Down The Ballot Audit

AMERICA’S HONOR – A Brilliant Column by the late Peter Collier That Commemorates Memorial Day

Arizona Republican Governor Ducey Vetoes 22 Bills, Including Election Integrity and Anti-Critical Race Theory Legislation

Democrats Want to Rewrite VA Motto to Remove Language from Lincoln’s Second Inaugural To Achieve Wokeness

Police Deaths & Retirements Have Reached Record Levels – We now have a law enforcement crisis on our hands

Rand Paul and Mike Pompeo Warn That The Wuhan Lab Is Still Running And Involved With Military Bioweapons

America Might Have Funded The Chinese Coronavirus –  Our taxpayer dollars could be responsible for the pandemic

Corporate Media admits it: They’ve got ‘egg on their faces over their cheap dismissal of Wuhan lab-leak theory

Voting rules, f-bombs, and Obamacare: The Supreme Court court to wrap things up with a bang

The Democrats and Iran: Worse Than Appeasement

Biden’s Summit with ‘Killer’ Putin – The June 16th Geneva meeting is over before it even begins

In What Reads Like A Dystopian Novel – America Might Have Funded The Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus

May 30, 2021

Biden’s presidency is wreaking havoc on America and here’s why it’s only going to get worse

Biden received funds from a top Russian lobbyist before the Nord Stream 2 giveaway

The New Regressive Dark Ages – Arrogance, wealth, and received authority are spreaders of false knowledge

An Explosive new study claims to prove that Chinese scientists created COVID

NH Bombshell – The Voting Machine Firm Knew Folds Would Cause Problems Months Before The Election

The New Film ‘DEEP RIG’ Proves The 2020 Election Was Stolen

It’s been a year of Antifa and unchecked anarchy

Those Who Defied the Lockdowns to Survive Now Face the Wrath of Government

Naftali Bennett Moves to Form Government that would Quickly Send Israel into Turmoil

Google employees shared concerns over location tracking – Google is doing everything it can to spy on everyone it can

Mass Migration Across the Open Southern Border Provides Cover for Drug Cartels

The Arizona Senate is Considering an Expansion of the Maricopa County 2020 Election Audit

Biden’s Budget Blunder – Increases government spending and taxation, while creating trillion-dollar annual budget deficits

The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health – Creates a very robust and unnatural spike protein

Without Dirty Mining, You Can’t Make Clean Cars – The U.S. must ramp up lithium production to compete with China

Stop editing free speech! – The Marxist movement and cancel culture it has produced are devastating our republic

Does Kamala Even Know What Memorial Day Weekend is All About? – What Do You Mean, “Enjoy You Weekend?”

A California Republican thinks outside of the box – Declare The Four-Inch-Long Delta Smelt Extinct

WSJ: The Jobs Report Could Be Pivotal for The Federal Reserve – It’s charting a plan for ending the easy-money policies

Power and the southern border – The illegal aliens of today are the Democrat voters of tomorrow

May 29, 2021

Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet bandwidth with neighbors

Newsom’s wildfire prevention plan won’t help Californians – It promises to restore healthy forests and lands, but decades of mismanagement have created this colossal issue

After An Official Vote, a PA County District Attorney’s Office Asked to Investigate Dominion Over Election ‘Errors’

Latest economic data show red states are crushing blue states on recovery — and here’s why

The plague of leftist censorship – Republicans should be taking a strong stand against social media censorship?

Biden to the Middle Class on Memorial Day Weekend: I’m Going to Raise Your Taxes….. Suckers!

Dr. Fauci really likes gain of function research – It’s becoming apparent that COVID was not a random bat disease

New ‘Bombshell’ Study Claims to Prove China Bioengineered COVID-19 – Then tried to fake evidence that showed it came from bats and jumped naturally to humans

Poll: 1 in 5 U.S. Adults Do Not Plan to Get Vaccinated for COVID-19

The Number of COVID cases in Delhi India crashes after mass distribution of ivermectin

Hollywood’s Other Foreign Censor: Saudi Arabia – Culture & freedom of expression, the battleground of a new cold war

Schumer to Force Senate Vote on Sweeping Election Reform Bill

New Communist Club? No problem. New Liberty Club? Not so fast!

Transgender ideology versus the truth business – The Word ‘Male’ is Now a Trigger Word

Declassified Military Secrets – Some Advice From Our Finest In The Skies Over The Years

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Memorial Day Meant Something – Why stop celebrating the heroism of our military men?


May 28, 2021

‘Panic’ in Fulton County: Election Board Lawyers Up, Hires Criminal Defense Attorneys to Stave Off Audit

Trump issues rally call after judge cancels meeting to discuss Georgia ballot review

Private Investigator Claims AG Barr Told Him To Stop Investigating Election Fraud

WSJ: Biden Is the $6 Trillion Man A blowout for the ages on everything but defense and security

Ted Cruz Takes Action to Prevent Biden Admin from Enacting Vaccine Passport Requirements

Revisiting Liberal Fascism – When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown or black shirts. It will be in Nike sneakers and Smiley shirts

WSJ: Get Ready for $5 Gasoline if You Live in California or Even If You Don’t – CA laws drive up prices at the pump, and the Biden administration aims to take those laws national

Republicans launch election investigations in multiple states as Arizona audit forges ahead

WSJ: Biden Unveils $6 Trillion Spending Plan – The budget boosts funding for infrastructure, healthcare, and education

A Facebook whistleblower is fired after exposing the company’s plan to police ‘vaccine hesitancy’ posts

A Politician Fighting to Dismantle Police Is Violently Carjacked and Gets Told the Bad News When He Calls 911

Appellate Court Strikes Down Part of Biden’s Race-Based Rescue Plan – Funds for small privately-owned business

Anthony Fauci Backed Virus Experiments Despite A Pandemic Risk

Woman Regrets J&J Vaccination After Suffering Blood Clots, German Scientists May Know What’s Causing Clots

COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds More Than Triple in 1 Week, VAERS Data Show

US Border Arrivals Hail From Increasingly Far Away – Detentions at the southwest border are at a 20-year high

The Big Lie About Sicknick Persists While His Alleged Attackers Languish in Jail – No one killed Brian Sicknick!

With These Numbers, All Trump Has to Do Is Declare His 2024 Run and the GOP Primaries Are Over

WSJ: Senate Republicans Block January 6th Commission – McConnell & Trump had urged colleagues to reject it

An AUDIT of Elections Update: A Week’s Worth of Bombshells – Reports of election irregularities and audits increase

The Case of the Not To Be Found COVID Infected Bat

Study: Those Who Had COVID ‘Probably Make Antibodies for a Lifetime’

Is U.S. Intelligence Sitting on a Large Amount of Evidence Concerning The Lab Leak Theory

The Forced COVID-19 Vaccination of Children: A Crime in Progress – Healthy children and young adults do not need to be vaccinated

Radar shows the USS Omaha being SWARMED by 14 UFOs in the same incident

Heart Inflammation After Receiving A COVID-19 Vaccination Seen Across US

About those overbearing vaccine ads – It obvious that those who want the COVID vaccine has already been vaccinated

California to Give Away Over $100 Million to Incentivize Vaccination. Celebrity Chef Has a Better Idea

DHS Secretary: The Federal Government Taking ‘Very Close Look’ at Vaccine Passports for Travel

China toying with Biden administration at every turn – General Milley spoke about China’s ‘lack of transparency’

Job searches are up in states that opted out of Joe Biden’s unemployment benefit giveaways

Companies and states up the ante on vaccine incentives with everything from date nights to tropical vacations

Democrat or Republican? – JFK Would Be Considered A Conservative Republican These Days

This Is DNCNN: ‘Breaking the News’ Reveals Deep Ties Between CNN and Democrat Power Players

The Blatant, Obnoxious Suckage of Paul Ryan – More proof that we are governed by people who suck

The personal consumption expenditures price index rose 3.1% year over year, higher than expected

May 27, 2021

Israel Has Every Right to Destroy Hamas – The goal should be to end missile terrorism, not get a cease-fire

Republicans Call for Fauci to Be Fired Over Wuhan Lab Controversy

By the numbers: Federal spending keeps on rising

NYT: The U.S. Is Said to Have Unexamined Intelligence to Pore Over on COVID Virus Origins

Day 113: Biden Says “Get Vaxxed Or Stay Masked”

The Capitol Trespassers Aren’t ‘Terrorists’ – We’re seeing political persecution unlike anything in our history

Following the Politics, Not the Science – Scientists & journalists should face their dismissals of the lab-leak hypothesis

In 1958 Communists Had 45 Goals to Take Over the U.S. Without Firing a Shot. Here Are the 17 They’ve Already Achieved

FDA document reveals 86% of children who participated in the Pfizer covid vaccine trial experienced adverse reactions

Governor DeSantis: People Moving to Florida Are ‘Overwhelmingly’ Registering as Republicans, Including Democrats

The Police Officer Who Mocked LeBron James in a Viral Video Has Been Fired

Ireland Snubs Biden’s Global Corporate Tax Rate Plan – More countries should follow its resistance to this scheme

Biden’s Anti-Gun ATF Nominee Lied About Cult Members Shooting Down Helicopters at Waco

30,000 fake ballots found in Georgia from 2020: ‘They’re not real’

WSJ: Biden Budget Assumes Retroactive Capital-Gains Tax Rate Increase – Raising the top tax rate to 43.4% from 23.8%

China Predictably Blasts The Lab Leak Hypothesis as a “Conspiracy Theory”

The Wuhan Lab Leak Controversy Illuminates Why U.S. Corporate Media Amplify Communist Propaganda

General Flynn Believes COVID Was A “Weaponized Operation” By China – People won’t stand for continued lies about the origins of COVID

Mass Vaccination Triggers a Spike in Cases and Deaths in Cambodia

How Anthony Fauci Made Himself The Face Of America’s Institutional Decay – With His Foot Constantly On The Gas

These nineteen outrageous bills will surely finish off California

An Unprecedented surge in California gun purchases spiked in the pandemic as unrest and violence rose

The Illegal Immigration Crisis Just North Of The Border – It’s worse than it’s ever been, with deadly consequences

WSJ: Senate Republicans Unveil a $928 Billion Infrastructure Proposal – Biden’s trimmed their proposal to $1.7 trillion

Republicans Fold Like a Cheap Suit and Prepare to Hand Joe Biden His Top Priority Infrastructure Plan

How can Biden be fair to Israel if he treats Hamas as a tolerable belligerent?

The REAL History Of Israel – And How Palestine Fits In – From The Time of King David Until Now

Jewish Americans worst nightmare is unfolding – Democrat leadership, confront “the Squad” for its consistent antisemitism

Israel: What Happens When a Sovereign Nation Doesn’t Control Its Borders?

Biden’s Taxing Wildfire Policy  – New taxes on insurance companies will make it harder to offer policies in risky areas

Biden’s ATF Director Nominee is Gunning for an AR-15 Ban – Bad news for gun owners

USA Today Blasted For Editing Column by Girl Forced to Compete Against Males – Here’s What They Changed

IRS Sends Out New Batch of $1,400 Stimulus Checks To Certain Individuals

Rush Limbaugh’s Radio Show Timeslot to Be Taken Over by Clay Travis and Buck Sexton on June 21st

May 26, 2021

New Poll: Americans Aren’t Willing to Pay for the ‘Green New Deal’—And It’s Not Even Close

Report: Trump And Newt Gingrich Teaming Up For New ‘Contract With America’

New Study: Masks Didn’t Slow The Spread of COVID

Biden’s plan for a diplomatic mission to the Palestinians in Jerusalem blatantly violates US law

China Wins: U.S. Miners React to Joe Biden’s Move to Abandon U.S. Development of Critical Minerals

Emails reveal that Joe Biden DID meet with Hunter’s foreign business partners while he was Vice-President

Senate Passes the Hawley, Braun Bill for the Biden Administration to Declassify Intel on the Wuhan Lab

San Diego County Being Taken Advantage – Federal and State Government State are refusing to test those entering the US for COVID-19

Dr. Fauci Admits To Funding Bat Virus Research At Wuhan Lab, Says NIH Funneled $600K Over 5 Years

The Woke-Industrial Complex – Lockheed sends key executives on a mission to deconstruct their “white male privilege”

18 Connecticut Teens Hospitalized for Heart Problems After COVID Shots, WH Says Kids Should Still Get the Shots

CDC: Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections and 160 Deaths Recorded in Americans Who Received a Vaccine

Before COVID Vaccine, Her Son Was a Healthy Athlete — Now He Can ‘Barely Walk,’ Mom Says

Fact-checking the fact-checkers – It’s is a tiresome, misleading, and dishonest blight on actual reporting

Censorship reversal: Facebook will no longer spike posts claiming COVID-19 is man-made

A Stunning New Court Ruling Reveals Blatant Institutional Discrimination Against White Americans

Rioters Commemorate the Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death by Setting Fires, Smashing Windows, Attacking Police

Dershowitz: A ‘Dangerous’ New Wave of Censorship Culminating in the US

OSHA Backtracks on their Employer Vaccine Liability Stance

COVID: The Perfect Crime? – The Bottom Line: Everyone Gets Off Scot-Free

CNN: Biden Shut Down Trump Admin Probe into Origins of COVID-19 in China

Wuhan Lab Caught Deleting Files Proving Fauci’s National Institute of Health (NIH) Funding

America’s Frontline Doctors Explain Vaccines & The Law For Employees and Students

Johns Hopkins Prof: Half Of Americans Have Natural Immunity – Dismissing It is A Big Failure Of Medical Leadership

WA University School of Medicine: Those Who Had Mild Cases of Covid May Have Long-Term COVID Immunity

AP: The Top California rail official out of a job in another shakeup for the project

The Left’s Ideology Shrivels When Exposed to the Light – Leftists hide their true intentions and pander to racial groups

Biden’s DOJ Should Release the Trump “Obstruction of Justice” Case Memo

Transforming The Military To Transform The Country – If they are compelled to internalize Progressive ideology, they will cease to be a national military establishment

Nine GOP-led states are going after Critical Race Theory in schools

The Biden-Harris Migration ‘Fix’ Would Throw Good Billions After Bad – Positive effects will be slow and incremental at best

WSJ: In This Tight Housing Market, Thousands of Homes Are Reserved for Certain Buyers

The State-Sponsored Skyjacking by Belarus Can’t Go Unanswered

It’s Time for Democrats to Address Their Anti-Semitism Problem

Google Suppressed News of Death Threats and Terrorism Against Rand Paul

WSJ: Amazon to Buy MGM for $6.5 Billion Excluding Debt For Prime Video – Studio’s library includes James Bond & ‘Rocky

CA’s Newsom ordered to pay $1.35 million to LA-area church over COVID-19 restrictions to reimburse for costs of the suit

Brad Pitt ‘granted joint custody of kids’ with Angelina Jolie after months-long court trial in a nasty divorce

May 25, 2021

Scheme Concocted’ to Bailout Newsom & Padilla – AB 1495 for Two Senate Elections In November to elect someone to serve for a month

Gaza Round 4: Hamas Follows the Classic Terror Playbook – Biden and much of the West seem quite willing to play along

America’s Public Enemy #1, Crime – America is witnessing the breakdown of public order and safety

House Republicans demand action against Woke ‘left-wing extremism’ in military

The Democrat Infrastructure Bill Faces Significant Delay

Indoctrination As Intervention – The Biden administration encourages school districts to conduct “antiracist therapy”

Red Lines: The Constitution invites us—and politics compels us—to consider redrawing state and local borders

WSJ: An Illustration of Two Economic Recoveries – Democrat states that locked down harder and longer continue to experience significantly higher unemployment

These 3 School Board Battles Capture the Pushback Against Critical Race Theory in Our Schools

Assemblyman Kiley Challenges Governor Newsom’s Grandiose Jobs Report

Murkowski (R-Alaska) to back Jan. 6 commission bill – Romney (R-Utah) was the first Republican to announce his support

Dump the Ineffective Kevin McCarthy – He pleads with the corporate media not to call the GOP racist rather than standing up for his members

Trump Bashing CNN Loses Nearly 70% Of Its Viewers After Trump Left Office

House Republicans are Lying About ‘Forgotten’ Vote that would have blocked Capitol Security Bill – Look at their feeble excuses

Day 111: Biden & Company Really Don’t Care About Your Gas Shortages

President Eisenhower Also Predicted Fake Science, Virus Lockdowns, Big Tech, and Leftist Colleges

While We (Conservatives) Politic . . . While Democrats Destroy

I Think You Already Know the Reason Why Leftists Are Obsessing Over the January 6th Capitol Hill Riot Again

Minneapolis police reform stalls as violence surges – New calls for more resources at the beleaguered department

A Surging crime rate in Democrat-run cities spells trouble for Democrats in the 2022 elections

Byron York’s Daily Memo: What one year has brought – Floyd’s death turbocharged the Black Lives Matter movement

Recently Elected Democrat Mayor Dooms St. Louis with a Pledge to the Defund Police as Murders Soar

Critical Race Theory: Warmed Over Marxism – Pushed by leftist professors to breathe new life into their failed philosophy

How Trump Derangement Syndrome Could Save America

Florida Becomes 23rd State to End $300 Unemployment Benefit Boost to Ease Business Hiring Woes

The NY Times & WaPo Give up Game Explaining Why Media Didn’t View Wuhan Lab Leak Theory as Credible Last Year

Claremont Review of Books: GIRLS WILL BE BOYS – Subhead: “The trans-kid craze must be stopped”

Conservatives Aren’t Cancel Culture Hypocrites, But The Left Certainly Is

The deadly threat to America no one talks about – Drug cartels destroy the tens of thousands of Americans each year

 Biden’s Police State – They are using the Jan. 6 Capitol building incident as a pretext for a domestic spying campaign

THE CHAUVIN LEAKS: JUDGE SCHILTZ’S ORDER – Triggered by apparent leaks of grand jury information

We don’t need a Woke Fed – Why state they have a “renewed commitment to dismantling structural racism?”

Defunding Police Unions – Public safety costs comprise 50 percent or more of many cities’ annual budgets

May 24, 2021

Project Veritas releases internal Facebook documents detailing a campaign to censor vaccine concerns on their platform

Time to Confront the U.S. Capitol Police About Its January 6th Lies

Biden State Dept. Official: The US Could Be Aiding Hamas Terrorists as ‘No Guarantee’ Where Our Money Goes

A Leaked State Department Memo Indicates Official Support for the BLM Agenda

The CDC is Investigating Reports of ‘Mild’ Heart Problems in Teens and Adolescents After COVID Vaccine

Governor DeSantis Signs Bill to Stop Big Tech Censorship of Floridians

Without water, California’s farmers make hard choices: which crops go and which ones stay

Iowa and Alabama Governors Sign Laws Banning Vaccine Passports

Students Rally Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines at NJ University: ‘They’re Going to Keep Moving the Goalposts’

Tomorrow Paul Gosar Will Deliver Body Blow to Liberal/Globalist Ruling Class When He Introduces the “MERIT Act” 

There Is No Moral Equivalence between the Palestinians and Israel – Hamas is a recognized terrorist organization

Rasmussen Poll: Most Voters Want Smaller Government and Lower Taxes

The Democrats’ equity scam – They assume that systemic racism is a de facto structural pillar of US society

Smaller communities reap the rewards of an urban police exodus that is spurred by budget cuts and a lack of respect

Exactly How Corporate Media Launders Opinion To Attack Inconvenient People And The Actual Facts

American Journalism Became A Deep State Mouthpiece – The intelligence community uses the media to manipulate the American people and pressure elected politicians

Dear Politicians: Stop Pontificating On TV And Start Governing – It’s time to fix the problems

No Race Has Ever Done More for Another Race than White Americans Have Done for Black Americans

Dr. Mercola: If You’ve Had COVID Don’t Get Vaccinated – A significantly increased incidence and severity” of side effects

Time to get impatient about further COVID lockdowns – Closures, lockdowns, mask mandates, and social distancing rules are unnecessary cruelty

Intelligence Shows Wuhan Lab as Source of COVID-19 – Workers so sick in Nov. 2019 that they required hospitalization

Biden and company want to spy on your bank account through forced reporting requirements from banks on all cash flows

Facing A Dry Year, The CA State Water Board is Draining California’s Folsom Lake Reservoir

The EPA puts inconvenient data on the 1930s drought and heatwave down the memory hole

May 23, 2021

Street Violence as a Political Tool – To push policies even mainstream Democrat voters oppose and keep them in line

What Would a ‘Proportionate’ Israeli Response to Hamas Attacks Look Like? – Critics should think carefully about what they’re asking for

WSJ: Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab In November 2019 Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin

Feet-of-Clay Icons – Our important institutions the military, science, and the law are losing the trust of Middle America

Democrats “Scared to Death” of Actual Ballot Counts – What Scares Them Is “Physical Ballot Count Compared to What Dominion Put On Their Machines”

New US COVID cases reach the lowest level in almost a year and positive tests nationwide came in below 3 percent

Republican Ken Calvert ‘Forgot’ to Cast Proxy Vote to Kill Capitol Security Funding Bill

The Feds seize $90,000 from the Far-Left Rioter who sold January 6th footage to CNN and NBC

Even Folks on the Left Are Tired of their ‘Reform’ From Progressive San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin

The Feds’ Big Miss on COVID Spending – They exhausted their resources offsetting the consequences of lockdowns

Democrat Policies Created a Blue-State Exodus – Americans don’t like strict lockdowns, high taxes, and rising crime

Pelosi doesn’t care about the truth – No interest in bipartisanship as insisted on total Democrat control of the commission

The CDC is Investigating Heart Inflammation in COVID-19 Vaccinated Teens and Young Adults

New Hampshire Audit Identifies Damning Problem; Scan Counts Only 28% of Test Ballots for GOP Candidates

One Year After Defying Trump on COVID Lab Leak Theory Fauci Admits He’s Now Doubts the ‘Natural Origin’ Narrative

Biden Hit with Vaccine Curveball as Pfizer, Moderna CEOs Reveal What Americans May Need Booster Shots In The Fall

The Biden administration is still lying about January 6th – What happened pretty much falls within the parameters of anything Code Pink or Antifa have done on or to federal property, except with significantly less violence than Antifa uses

Rand Paul Won’t Be Getting a COVID-19 Vaccination – “I contracted the virus last year and have natural immunity”

The Rise of the Vaccine Cultists – “I Don’t Care What Your Reasoning Is, Shut up and take the vaccine”

The NY Times Can’t Understand the ‘Rapid Decline’ in BLM Support – Ignoring the riots, assaults, killings, and destruction associated with BLM protests

Democrat Projectionists – Whatever Democrats accuse their opponents of doing, it is they, in fact, who are doing it

A Georgia School District Approves a Resolution to Prohibit Critical Race Theory In The Classroom

Iran says inspectors may no longer get nuclear sites images – They are enriching and stockpiling uranium at levels far beyond those allowed by its 2015 nuclear deal

A young Leftist is shocked to find herself on the receiving end of Cancel Culture

May 22, 2021

Donald Trump to Appear on Debut Episode of Dan Bongino’s Show as Former Secret Service Agent Steps in to Fill Limbaugh’s Time Slot

Tell-All Book Reveals “Hidden Truths” About Obama & Trump – The Deep State works on behalf of a corrupt ruling class and is hostile to the American people

The ‘Wuhan lab leak’ theory looks more credible than ever – Evidence shows COVID-19 originated from a Chinese lab leak

Trump’s 1776 Commission to Reassemble to Tackle Critical Race Theory in History Education

Reasonable AZ Senators & Election Auditors Put to Shame The Belligerent Maricopa County Board

The Texas Senate passes a bill banning schools from requiring the teaching of Critical Race Theory

The Rise of Politicized Fact Checkers – They discredit anything that runs contrary to Corporate Media priorities

San Francisco is on course for a record-breaking number of drug overdoses in 2021

Can The State of New York Arrest Donald Trump? – Hell No!

It looks like China did create and unleash COVID on the world

Red States Are Leading the Charge With The Lowest Unemployment Rates

Maricopa County Is Intimidating the Senate and Its Auditors with Possible Lawsuits If They Complete Their Audit

Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve, Trust Us – It’s a medical issue, a science issue, so all the other issues are non-issues


May 21, 2021

California theme parks can return to full capacity on June 15th but must verify COVID-19 vaccinations and tests

How Israel won the war – Hamas’s leaders had not reckoned on such a devastating response from Jerusalem

The CDC Quietly Reveals 227,805 Adverse Reactions Following injection of one of the three Covid-19 “vaccines.”

The Democrats Will Flip Over a New Poll With Great News for Trump and Not So Much for Kamala

The January 6th Commission Will Be DOA in Senate – Just another partisan vehicle with which to pursue Trump

The Warnings Are Clear: Vaccinating Kids for COVID Is a Dangerous Gamble

Latest CDC Data: Adverse Events After COVID Vaccines Surpass 200,000, Including 943 Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds

Jeffrey Epstein’ prison guards admit to falsifying records

Georgia Judge Approves Absentee Ballot Audit for 2020 Election in Fulton County

Study: Texas Reopening Had No Impact on Their COVID Cases or Deaths

California Air Quality Board Passes a 90% Electric Car Mandate on Rideshare Companies By 2030

Companies Must Make Radical Move to Meet Paris Accord Goal; This Could Sink American Energy for Good

Did Biden Just Try to Take Credit for Ceasefire? – Actually, It was Egypt that brokered the ceasefire

Pro-Palestinians activists harass New Yorkers amid heightened Middle East tension

Stimulus CheckUpdate: Is A Fourth Relief Payment Coming?

Joe Biden, The Democrat Party, and the Abstract Truth – Unity over Division,  Science over Fiction & Truth over Facts

BIDEN’S TUNNEL TO IRAN – Hamas claims victory as Palestinians celebrate after the first night of calm

Biden admin demands Michael Savage resign from the Presidio Trust board – Wants to keep a salute to God and the military at the former military post

John Solomon: ‘Breaking the News’ Exposes the Media’s Corruption and Conflicts of Interest ‘Hidden from the Public’

WSJ: Apple’s Tim Cook Takes Witness Stand in Antitrust Fight – Will emphasize iPhone maker’s value to the app economy

BLM & Hamas; The Rockets and Ronald Greene – Lies, failure, and betrayal characterize the global anti-civilizational Left

Netanyahu warns Hamas against firing further rockets as cease-fire goes into effect – He won’t tolerate ‘a drizzle of rockets

Democrats Hamstring the US–Israel Strategic Alliance –The Ceasefire reveals tensions in the American response

The January 6th Commission – Just Another Democrat Propaganda Tool

Parents Find New Allies in Fight against Racial Indoctrination in Schools

Congressman Hise: The January 6th Commission Would be a ‘Witch Hunt’ of Trump and His Supporters

With shoplifting ‘legal’ after the passing of Proposition 47, organized crime is having a field day in San Francisco

Facing a Dry Year, the CA State Water Board is Draining California Reservoirs

Vaxx or Anti-Vaxx? – Adverse events from COVID injections is hundreds of times greater than any other vaccine in history

The Truth About Wuhan Coronavirus/COVID Treatments & The Supposed Vaccines

A Santa Clara County, California Order Requires Businesses to Track COVID-19 Vaccination Status of All Employees

Don’t tell Fauci: More evidence for Ivermectin as a prophylactic against and for treatment of COVID

The TechLash is a bust – After 3-1/2 years, the U.S. backlash against tech’s biggest firms has failed to dent or daunt them

Science has become a cartel – There’s a reason the medical establishment dismissed the lab leak theory

GOP Lawmakers Furious Because Thousands Of Illegals Were Bussed Into Tennessee In Middle Of Night

Will  The The Warner-Discovery Merger From At&T Mean More Choices Or Pricey Bundles?

LA  Approves Petition to Recall DA Gascon – His twisted social experiment is jeopardizing the safety of our communities

Gunman Kills Old Woman, Starts to Look for More Victims Until an Arkansas Man with a Hunting Rifle Takes Him Out

May 20, 2021

House Intelligence Committee: Evidence shows COVID-19 originated from a Chinese lab leak

Oxford Academic: Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients

Regime vs. Regime – We owe no allegiance whatever to the oligarchy that now runs this country

House Intelligence Republicans Point to the Wuhan Lab as the CCP Virus Origin

Any reputable newsroom would’ve fired Chris Cuomo by now – CNN isn’t reputable

Employers May Be Held Liable for ‘Any Adverse Reaction’ if They Mandate COVID Vaccines

PA Residents Enact Two Constitutional Amendments to Keep COVID Power Grab from Ever Happening Again

House Democrats Reject Republican Measure To Boost Israeli “Iron Dome” Security Aid

20 states oppose critical race theory in schools – “Critical race theory is nothing more than ideology posing as history”

Bidenomics on hold? Poor economic reports raise caution flags for the Democrats massive spending plans

Fully Vaccinated People in Oregon Must Show Proof of Vaccination Status in Order to Enter Businesses Without a Mask

‘They Absolutely Are Swaying Votes’: Josh Hawley Sounds The Alarm on ‘Tyranny of Big Tech’

Facts & Logic Can’t Penetrate the Mental Shields of the Ideological Left – More detached from reality than in years past

The IRS says cryptocurrency transfers over $10K will need to be reported

Governments Emergency Powers Myth – Can it interfere with constitutionally guaranteed freedoms? In a word: No

WSJ Inflation Rate Calculator: Customize Your Own Consumer-Price Index

Anthony Fauci: ‘We Will Almost Certainly’ Require a Coronavirus Booster Shot

Corporate Media’s COVID Origin Coverup Campaign Has Officially Begun

Pelosi Shows It Isn’t About Science When It Comes to Masks, It’s About the Control

Why the Right Hates Fauci – He is not the only expert on coronaviruses, and he frequently contradicts other experts

The Biden Honeymoon is Definitely Over – People were bound to start complaining eventually, and they are!

BLM Sides With Hamas – Declare “solidarity with Palestinians” and completely distort the reality of the conflict in Israel

Democrat Stooges: These 35 House Republicans jump on to Nancy Pelosi’s latest kangaroo court scheme

Lawmakers Demand Answers as Biden Admin Sends Planeloads of Illegals Deep Into the US in ‘the Dead of Night’

Experienced Nurse Practitioner: The Truth On COVID Treatments And The Vaccinated

6 Reasons College Vaccine Passports Are Absurd And Legally Objectionable

A 30-second recording captures the difference between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs

The Deep State Thwarted Trump’s Afghanistan Withdrawal – The War lobby dug deep to defeat him

Biden quietly rolls back Title 42 border COVID protections invoked by Trump

How the theory that “COVID leaked from the Wuhan Level-4 Bio Lab” went from panned to seriously considered

May 19, 2021

Nobel Prize winner: Mass COVID vaccination is an ‘unacceptable mistake’ that is ‘creating the variants’

Walgreens Closes 17 San Francisco Stores Due To “Out Of Control” Shoplifting

Trump Completely Levels the NY AG in Response to Announcement of a Criminal Investigation

Accused Russiagate ‘Spy’ Konstantin Kilimnik Speaks —- and Evidence Backs His ‘No Collusion’ Account

COVID Vaccines May Not Work on People With Underlying Conditions or Are On Immunosuppressive medications

Studies find CA child COVID hospitalizations grossly inflated by at least 40% and likely to be the same across the US

Why Does the Left Hate Israel? – Hating Israel has become the surrogate Western way of hating itself

The ‘New Soros’: Marlow Media Exposé Reveals Immense Secret Power of Tech Heiress Laurene Powell Jobs

A Texas Federal Judge Blocks Biden Administration From Doling Out Grants Based on Race and Gender

WSJ: The House of Representatives Backs Creation of a Commission on the January 6th Capitol Riot

California’s scenic Venice Beach has become a homeless hotspot with tent cities, violent crime and rampant drug use

Gov. Newsom’s State Surplus Found To Be $38 billion not the $76 billion touted in his recent $100 billion budget proposal

GOP Lawmakers Defy House Floor Mask Mandate – Rule won’t be rescinded until all members and floor staff inoculated

From The Desk of Donald J. Trump – The Democrat New York Attorney General Is Out To Get Me 

Inflated Job Numbers Prop-Up CAs Bullet Train – If One Worker works One Day on the project, it’s counted as a “Job”

More than 61,000 illegal aliens have been released into the US from the border under the Biden Administration

Facebook hints its “Oversight Board” could expand to other social platforms – Has its sights set on censorship domination

Biden Tells Israel to ‘De-Escalate’ War with Palestinian Terrorists After Pressure from Far-Left

Wow! Top Chinese academic gloats China won the ‘biological war’ of 2020

China’s Own Population Data Reveals Disturbing Evidence Of Genocide

Anthony Fauci: We Will Require Coronavirus Vaccine Booster Shots ‘Within a Year’

Will Vaccine Passports be America’s Version of Yellow Badges?

Knock, knock. Have you had your vaccine yet? – California sends out thousands to check residents vaccination status

Biden: Pipelines for Putin, just not for America

Biden’s team edits quotes – Journalists must agree to allow them to review and edit transcribed conversations before getting cleared to publish then approved quotes

The Conventional Wisdom on UFOs Is Shifting – Pilots encounter flying objects that we cannot identify on a regular basis

No Self-Respecting Republican Would Vote For The Democrats’ Partisan January 6th Commission

So Much for “Follow The Science” – The CDC Is Still Getting Talking Points from Teachers Unions

Democrats panic after internal poll shows Republicans sticking with Trump

A Hunter Biden-Linked Legislative Group Has Partnered for Years With a Chinese Propaganda Front

Police recruiting suffers as morale hits new lows

Everything that is wrong with the Biden military can be seen in this one paragraph

House Republicans reveal their answer to Biden’s budget, say it could eliminate the deficit in 5 years

Dr. Simone Gold: The True Origins of COVID-19

Facebook shuts down a pro-Israel page after it was targeted with hate speech by “radical Islamic” groups 

COVID ground zero? The Wuhan lab-leak theory and the Fauci connection

Here’s When The American Founders Thought Revolution Was Justified 

Critical Race Theory’s Battle In The Burbs – A Virginia county becomes ground zero in the fight against wokeness

What Will The Petty Tyrants Resort To Once They Lose Their CoronaVirus Leverage?

Two Reasons Why Biden is responsible for the current Hamas-Israeli violence

A Shocking Phone Call Between IDF and Gazan Reveals ‘Entire Conflict in a Nutshell’- We want to die, “This is how we reveal your cruelty”

May 18, 2021

A Unanimous Supreme Court Ruling Handicaps Government Gun Confiscations

The New York Attorney General Announces a Criminal Investigation of Trump Organization

Survey Finds Conservative Media Viewers More Informed Than Liberals on Important Topics

From The Desk of Donald J. Trump – The January 6 Commission. It is just more partisan unfairness

George Soros kicked in $2M to elect the Maricopa County sheriff that is now stonewalling the election audit

Arizona election auditors: Deleted database recovered, but ballot chain-of-custody still missing

CA Leftists Try to Cancel Math Class – Proposed curriculum aims low, abandons the gifted, & preaches ‘social justice

The $392k Lifeguard: “Baywatch” As Union Shop – The LA County Lifeguard Association makes all this possible

WSJ: The Jan. 6th Narrative Commission – There’s little chance of a fair-minded inquiry in today’s Washington DC

Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds information from the public

A Fauci Underling Serves On The Board of The Wuhan Lab Journal

Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, and Masks — 3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer

Texas Governor Greg Abbott bans local governments and schools from requiring face masks

In The Rush for Regulatory Approval of COVID Vaccines, Do We Need More Data?

Google Docs goes woke: It will now offer alternatives if users type words that aren’t considered inclusive enough

The Deep Unpopularity Of Kamala – She has only a few senior aides that have worked for her for more than a few months

House Democrats Vote Against Hamas Sanctions – As Hamas rains rockets down on Israeli civilians


Bill Gates Influence Over The US Education System – Stifles the academic achievement of exceptional students

Peeling Back the COVID Masks Reveals Contradictory Statements, Studies and Mandates

Recent law enforcement leaks reveal training on #antifa’s ideology and tactics

Palestine Shouldn’t Exist – Arab refusal to accept Palestinians into their neighboring lands made them a permanently aggrieved class

A California bill making its way through the legislature would essentially decriminalize street hookers

Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terrorists Fire Thousands of Rockets at Israeli Civilians, Courtesy of Iran

Turkish President Erdoğan – Turkey is ready to militarily support Palestine

Is the Biden administration running an anti-Israel con? – Evidence Hamas operating in a building with civilian media offices

ASSOCIATED PRESS, HAMAS PROPAGANDISTS – The AP’s collaboration with Palestinian terrorists is an old story

The Biden administration’s mixed messages on fuel pipelines are as muddled as their mask mandates

The Great Biden Mask Scam of 2021 – The Real Reason Biden Allowed The US to Dump Our Masks

Rudy Giuliani’s son, Andrew to challenge Cuomo for NY governor – ‘I am focused on turning this great state around’ 

Kamala has an enemies list of the press – In many ways, Harris is merely a non-white version of Hillary Clinton

Trump officials denounce ‘political ruse’ of pipeline reopening – The temporary lifting of a controversial shipping rule

Dr. Fauci admits to masking after getting vaccinated for the sake of optics, not science

Colorado Employers Can Now Require Vaccinations And Demand Proof, But They Are Still Liable for Adverse Reactions

A Patriot Purge Underway in the US Armed Forces – This cannot stand if our constitutional Republic is to be preserved

NYT Admits The ‘Steele Dossier’ Was Fake – A fabricated piece of propaganda designed to smear Donald Trump

Ten Questions on Critical Race Theory

Joe Biden sparks ethics questions by hiring relatives of senior staff members

Customs and Border Protection Officials Seized 40 Million Fake Masks And 200,000 Counterfeit COVID Tests

May 17, 2021

California Announces It Will Ignore CDC Guidance And Keep Restrictions in Place

The Real Radicals Aren’t in Washington – Soros spent millions to elect progressive DAs in major cities across America

AstraZeneca Woes Persist as Vaccine Side Effects Generate Headlines – A Healthy’ man loses half of his intestine

Lawyers and Medical Experts worldwide say they have all the evidence they need to convict WHO, CDC, PHE, Bill Gates, and World Leaders of ‘Crimes against Humanity’

House GOP intelligence panel members seek a major probe of COVID-19 origins

Cheating In Pennsylvania is CLEARLY REVEALED! – A short must-watch video

Jobs Without Takers – Expanded federal unemployment benefits are discouraging work among people who need it most

Bombshell UFO Report: U.S. Military Encounters UFOs ‘Every Day’ That Far Exceed Its Tech, Capabilities

On the January 2017 Felony Intelligence Leaks DNI Suspicions: It was the Obama WH or an SCCI Democrat

AOC and dozens of House Democrats cite ‘racial reckoning’ to oppose the targeting of gang members for deportation

You Don’t Need a Permission Slip to Go Back to Normal – You’ve never needed officialdom’s blessing

Fauci’s Wuhan Lab Friends Held ‘No Compromise’ Communist Party Study Sessions

Pamela Karlan, Biden’s Anti-Audit Chief Once Said Elections Could, In Fact, Be “Stolen”

Americans are tired of the left’s lie that the U.S. is systemically racist – Yet this social pathology is rampant in DC

Rage of the NeverTrumpers – Their fury now is designed to assuage their guilt. It will not succeed, even in that

This Article Is “Partly False” – In the struggle against misinformation, FB and its fact-checking partner spread their own

Medical Examiners Bullied Over Floyd’s Cause of Death – Allegedly witnesses were subjected to coercion & retaliation

California Mask Mandate Will Remain In Place Until June 15th – The only thing holding back a full state reopening

Photos Reveal Years of Meetings Between Bloomberg Executives & Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Propagandists

Pelosi Unilaterally Extends Unconstitutional Proxy Voting Scheme Through July 3

Bombshell UFO Report: U.S. Military Encounters UFOs ‘Every Day’ That Far Exceed Its Technology and Capabilities

SCOTUS Agrees To Take On a Major Abortion Case – Regarding a ban on most abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy

Dr. Fauci is Finally Unmasked – Several things have happened to alter the status quo Fauci-is-god spin

White House Visitor Logs Reveal a Fauci/Klain Situation Room Meeting After Gain Of Function Moratorium

CDC: Over 1,100 Americans Hospitalized and 223 Have Died With COVID-19 After Getting Fully Vaccinated

Some doctors REFUSE to see/treat vaccine-damaged patients as don’t want to get involved in “controversial” diagnoses

Why Are The Media Completely Ignoring Data That Shows A Massive COVID-19 Vaccine Death Spike?

The CDC Inadvertently Outs the Mask Cult – This strange collection of secular zealots have zero scientific credibility

How Politicians’ Stupid COVID Reactions Lit A Match Under Inflation

It’s Time for Our Modern Masking Madness to Be Cast into the Dustbin of History

Three False Narratives Being Used in the IRS Funding Push

There Is No Way To ‘Fix’ The Equality Act. It’s Identity Politics Or Equality Before The Law, And Republicans Must Choose

WSJ: Facebook ‘Fact-Checkers’ Are No Better than ‘Trolls’ – Spreading disinformation under the guise of ‘fact-checking

The Israeli military says their early Monday airstrikes on Gaza destroyed nine miles of militant tunnels

WSJ: After Gaza’s Deadliest Day, Israel Says It Is Targeting Hamas Tunnels – To destroy Hamas’ military infrastructure

Watch: Israeli Precision Airstrikes Eliminate Palestinian Terror Commander and Nine Miles of Tunnel

PHOTO OF THE YEAR – Israel’s “Iron Dome” missile defense system in action

The US approves a $735 million weapons sale to Israel as they continue battling rockets fired by Hamas from Gaza

How I Learned To Stop Loving The FBI And Start Worrying – The FBI and DoJ are pursuing purely political objectives

States are wise to turn down Biden’s poison unemployment money – That Encourages People To Not Work

SCOTUS, siding against the Biden administration, shuts down police attempts to search homes without a warrant

The Other Virus: Learned Helplessness – What is a culture of compliance, and ever-shifting rules, doing to us?

Where’s the Media? Female Vet Allegedly Assaulted in Parking Lot on Mother’s Day by Black Women Attackers

Bill Gates allegedly had a bromance with Jeffrey Epstein – Does pedophilia tie together prominent power brokers?

The Rise and Fall of Bill Gates – When you’re one of the world’s richest men and you……….

Antrim County Audit Attorney Matt DePerno’s Office Broken Into After Announcing Upcoming Bombshell

You Aren’t Actually Mad at the SATs –You’re mad at what they reveal

What Does California’s ‘Taxpayer Protection’ Gann Limit Provide? – Is it being adhered to?

AT&T spins off Warner Media to form a new media behemoth with Discovery

Parler returns to Apple App Store – New hate speech censorship only applies to the content accessed on Apple devices

Liftoff in Brownsville – Elon Musk’s SpaceX is putting an impoverished South Texas community on the map

May 16, 2021

Video Shows U.S. Capitol Police Gave Protesters OK to Enter

Jen Psaki Claims Illegal Aliens Are Part of Fabric of America and ‘What the American Dream Represents’

How to Ensure a Middle East War in 5 Easy Steps – Americas Middle East policy an extension of its new domestic policy

Iran’s unseen hand: Quds Force commander pledges support to Hamas in the fight against Israel

Disney Panics as Subscriptions Fall 6.6 Million Short of Projections – As the not-so-old saying goes, “Get woke, go broke”

U.S. Space Force Commanding Officer Was Relieved After Denouncing Marxism, Critical Race Theory in Military

Confession: I don’t like Anthony Fauci very much and here are the reasons why

Dr. Fauci, the NIH, the Wuhan lab, bats, and COVID-19: Everything you need to know

Origin of COVID, Following the Clues – Lab-Made theory likely but incriminating files hidden by the Chinese government

COVID-19 and America – The state of emergency is over and it’s time to declare it – Deaths have dropped precipitously since early January

Why I’m Not Getting A COVID Vaccination – This Is A MUST READ!

Covid-19 Drugmakers Take On Your Favorite TV Shows to Tackle Vaccine Hesitancy

The Mask Is an Outward Sign of Inward Things – Not a medical question anymore; It’s now a question of cultural allegiance

Newsom uses Federal Slush Fund money to open a big bag of goodies to Californians in a bid to head off his recall

Biden’s Free Community Plan College Faces Resistance – Who will pay and will it broaden access to higher education

Biden must let Bibi fight his way – Hamas fires missiles indiscriminately on civilian areas, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

May 15, 2021

A Company is Offering A Bounty For The Signers Names of the Apple Petition to Fire Antonio García Martínez

The Hidden Ties Between Private Spies and Journalists –  Shaping and misshaping the news

The Clintons Hit with Bad News as Judge Issues Order on Criminal Investigation of Their Foundation

The Unpopularity Of Kamala Harris Presents Real Threat To Democrats In Coming Elections

The H.R. 1 “For The People” act is a straight-up Democrat power grab

Trump Releases New Statement Saying 2020 Election Will Go Down as ‘Crime of the Century’

Dominion Controls Voting Machine Access – Maricopa Claims No Access, So Who Deleted the Missing Files?

Biden Revokes Six Trump-Era Executive Orders, Including The Planned ‘Garden of American Heroes’

NYT: SLOW JOE GETTING SLOWER – Has a quick temper, slow to make decisions, and is heavily propped up by staff

The Associated Press Denies Having Knowledge That The Gaza Office Building Was Shared with Hamas Terrorists

Joe Biden is proving to be even more of a ‘Master of Disaster’ than Jimmy Carter

Trader Joe’s drops mask rules, but many customers keep them on: It’s ‘too soon’

Kamala’s historical unpopularity threatens the 2024 odds for Democrats

The Clintons Are Hit With Bad News as Judge Issues Order on Criminal Investigation of Their Foundation

A Federal Judge Signals He May END Twitter’s Immunity in the Dr. Shiva Case – The Speech Police Are In A Panic

Maricopa County Ballot Audit Pausing for a Week, Massive Irregularities Already Found With Only About 25% Counted

The Israel Defense Forces carried out a deadly bait-and-switch against Hamas

The Beasts Smell Blood – China & Russia know 2021 America hasn’t the desire, courage nor the political will of the past 

NYT Report: Behind Closed Doors, Biden is Short-tempered and Prone to Outbursts that are Laced with Profanity

Pandemics Aren’t Worth It: End Gain-Of-Function Experiments

Fauci admits that only ‘a little bit more than half’ of his employees are vaccinated for COVID

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Are We Being Set Up for Mass Depopulation?

Wuhan Institute of Virology DELETED Fauci’s NIH And Gain Of Function Mentions From Old Web Pages In Early 2021

Stores, States Drop Mask Mandates in Wake of CDC’s Updated Guidance

COVID Passports? No Way – “Did anyone suggest polio passports 60 years ago, or measles passports?

Why Is the Government Trying to Kill Home-Based Businesses? – Overregulation is out of control

San Francisco’s One-Day School Reopening Shows Teacher Unions’ True Colors


May 14, 2021

The Corrupted January 6th Commission –  Also known as the Democrat 2022 Re-election Campaign

Representative Kim: My Texas border visit showed cartels thriving and Biden policy changes are contributing to this crisis

Associate NH AG Caught On Camera with “Secured” Ballots at 11:15 PM Wed Night (Then the Cameras Go Out)?

Disney’s Streaming Subscriptions Miss Expectations, Park Revenue Sinks Following Critical Race Theory Controversy

Should We Trust WHO? – Their Clandestine Are Influences Revealed

Hamas Prepared for a Bloody Last Stand, Then Realizes Too Late They’ve Made Themselves Sitting Ducks

The Times of Israel: IAF bombing of Hamas ‘metro’ smashed miles of tunnels

Anti-Israel Forces Encouraged by Biden’s Weakness – It has taken Democrats just 4-months to screw up the Middle East

CDC Data Show 4,000+ Reported Deaths Following COVID Vaccines as Kids 12 and Older Now Eligible

Toxic PFAS Chemicals Found in 100% of Breast Milk Samples – PFAS, which are found in food packaging, non-stick cookware, waterproof clothing, and stain guards like ScotchGard

Dominion and Maricopa County Officials Rebuff Arizona Senate’s Attempt to Get Election Machine Passwords

Failed Georgia Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Begins to Panic Over The Arizona Audit

The Colonial Pipeline cyber attack is a warning of worse to come  – Ransomware will continue unless superpowers step in

Nancy Pelosi Will Force Vaccinated Members to Wear Masks on House Floor Despite The New CDC Guidelines

California Governor Newsom Proposes Expanding State Health Care to Undocumented Illegal Alien Seniors

54% of Fires Set in Los Angeles Are in Homeless Encampments, HUD Reports Population 66,000+

How Wokeness Works – Wokeness is a political religion with sacraments of ignorance, illusion, and hatred

Netanyahu: Hamas will pay a ‘very heavy price’  – Pounds Gaza tunnels and prepares for a possible ground invasion

WSJ: Israel Ramps Up Gaza Bombardment as Tanks and Troops Mass at Border – 122 Palestinian deaths and 8 Israelis

The U.S. pulls military personnel from Israel, urges Americans not to travel

The CDC’ U-turn on masks – Mask theater, vaccine threats, and discouraging treatment protocols makes people paranoid

Fully-Vaccinated Bill Maher Tests Positive for Covid-19 So Will Miss First Show Since 1993

Biden’s Blast from the Past – The Return of the “Misery Index” and the distinct smell of Democrats in charge

Joe Biden’s State-Sponsored Labor Shortage – Government subsidies and more pay

Josh Hawley Takes On The Tyranny Of Big Tech – The strangest part is that everyone knows this is true

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) Disappears ‘Inconvenient’ U.S. Wildfire Data From Earliest Years

Elise Stefanik Elected House GOP Conference Chair – Regardless of her key issue voting record

Mitch McConnell’s Diabolical NRSC Flat-Out Lies About Trump’s ‘Social Media’ in a Fraudulent Fundraising Email

Bad Jeff Bezos – Amazon empowered small American entrepreneurs, then sold them out

Who’s really in charge in America? – Voters still believe that the 2020 presidential election was a fraud-filled nightmare

May 13, 2021

The CDC Embarks on New COVID Cover-Up – Lowers the CT from 40 to 28 when diagnosing vaccine breakthrough cases

Over 15,000 Gas Stations Out of Fuel Nationwide

A devastating letter was written by Arizona Senate President on voting irregularities & fraud in Maricopa County

House Republicans Defy January 6th Narrative – The truth of what happened before, during, and after is still being written

Tucker Carlson Torches Biden’s Mask ‘Ultimatum’

Fauci To Deliver Commencement Address At University Conducting Gain Of Function Research Tied To Wuhan

Vaccine Passports Have Arrived in New York – Here’s How to Fight Back

CDC: Fully Vaccinated People Don’t Have to Wear Masks Inside

Wait, the pandemic’s over? – Here’s why the timing of today’s mask announcement seems…suspicious

There is a ‘Plausible’ Link Between J&J Vaccine and Blood Clots – CDC Confirms 28 Cases, Including 3 Deaths

The Paranoid Style in Progressive Politics – Today, status anxiety and paranoia are entrenched on the liberal side

Two Waves of Anti-Asian Hate Crime – What data from several cities show about the much-discussed spike

Biden Clean Energy Fundraisers Rake in Millions As Administration Sponsors Business That Gave His Campaign Millions

Facebook’s Star Chamber – They make up their content moderation as they go to suit their politics and preferences

A Former ACLU Chief Counsel Doubled As Professor For Chinese Communist-Run University Flagged For Espionage

California Controller Wrote 49 Million Checks, but Can’t Locate Any of Them? – No line-by-line listing of its spending

The Rockets over Tel Aviv Will Change Israel for Years – The long sordid Israeli history of how the current crisis came to be

Israel’s Iron Dome – See how Israel’s anti-missile system intercepts missiles fired from the Gaza Strip

The CDC Works to Cover-Up Breakthrough Cases – They are lowering the CT to minimize the number of false positives

Former Pentagon Official Backs Off Claim Trump Incited Jan. 6 Capitol Storming – Admits there was an organized conspiracy with assault elements in place

Governor Gavin Newsom: California likely to keep some mask mandates

SFO Teachers’ Unions Are the Ultimate Grifters – It’sabout politics and power NOT the safety and needs of families

The shame of American Marxism – What will our enemies do when they see American strength and resolve replaced by weakness, feminization of our grand power, and self-hate?

The US vs. Russia: Watch These Two Military Recruitment Videos and You’ll Quickly See Why We’re ‘So Screwed’

The Cheney ouster points to a rough time for Biden after the midterm elections

The Colonial Pipeline is back online amid gas shortage following a cyberattack

The Colonial Pipeline Company paid hackers almost $5 million in ransom

Getting vaccinated is a personal choice

Joe Biden walks away from an inflation question – Inflation is a soul-crushing tax on the public

Chris RUFO VERSUS DISNEY: AN UPDATE – Disney backs down on Critical Race Theory Push

California overkill – An F-15C fighter was put on standby to “buzz” possible crowds daring to resist stay-at-home orders Democrats Continue Their War on Charter Schools – The union-controlled Legislature is killing off this alternative

America is finally winning its fight against the coronavirus based on the change in new COVID-19 cases in the past week

No Time for Malaise – Crime, Prices, and Border crossings are up. Unemployment is still up. Our national debt is up, etc.

Getting Disappeared by Google Because Of My Views – And I’m Not The Only One

May 12, 2021

A 45-Year-Old California Father of Two DEAD 10 Days After COVID Injection

Suspected Times Square Shooter Farrakhan Muhammad Arrested – Two women and a 4-year-old girl were wounded

White Coat Supremacist Fauci Still Wears Yellow Beret – Joined the NIH in ’68 to dodge medical service with the U.S. military

California home construction hits a 13-year high but it’s not enough to slow skyrocketing prices

HAMAS ATTACKS ON ISRAEL DIVIDE DEMOCRATS – Support for Israel is largely confined to old-timers

Biden Pressed to Cancel Iran Talks as Terrorists Attack Israel – More than 40 senators say stop appeasing Iran

Biden Mocks Ancient Wisdom – When the past is ignored, then an all too predictable future becomes terrifying

Biden’s Spending Could Become A Hidden Tax On Everything You Purchase – Expect to see rising prices across the board

CDC: Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to More Blood Clot Cases

Dr. Cole on Covid Jabs: “We’ve Seen More Deaths From This Shot Than All Vaccines in the Last 20 Years Combined”

WHO Stands by Vaccines as It Warns of India COVID Variant, Mass Vaccination May Cause More Infectious Strains

As COVID Vaccines Drive Record Profits, CEOs Get Ultra Rich Off Massive Pay Packages and Questionable Stock Sales

120 Retired US Military Officers Signed an Open Letter Warning of a Conflict Between Marxism, ‘Constitutional Freedom’

The House GOP Introduces Bills to Combat Critical Race Theory

The Army Corps of Engineers confirmed that a 13.4 stretch of the wall in the Rio Grande Valley will resume construction

Maricopa County Elections Officials DELETED ENTIRE DATABASE from Voting Machines

Judge Issues Big Ruling That Likely Means a Longer Prison Sentence for Derek Chauvin

A Mom’s Post to a Stranger That Got Down on the Ground to Help Her Autistic Son That Was Having Meltdown Goes Viral

Government Stats Don’t Lie: The Biden Administration Is Getting It Wrong across the Board

Fauci-Funded Researchers Headlined A Wuhan Lab ‘Gain Of Function’ Conference

Analysts Predicted Super-High Inflation – Even Their Dire Predictions Were Tame Compared to Reality

Is open war occurring in Israel? – Hamas fired over 1,000 rockets and Isreal is responding with hundreds of targeted strikes

The National Average Gas Price Surges To Its Highest Level Since The Obama Era

The Colonial Pipeline Company Faces a Deadline to Decide on Restarting The Hacked Pipeline

Let’s demand a recount…of COVID deaths – America counts COVID-19 deaths differently than other countries

At what point do adverse reactions matter? – 3,700 people in the U.S. died shortly after getting Covid vaccinations

H.R. 1 Would Eliminate A Key Signature Verification Safeguard

Joe Biden Is Turning Out To Be A Jimmy Carter Reboot – The parallels are striking

SCOTUS has taken up residence in the swamp – 63% of adults now support term limits for Supreme Court justices

Arabella Advisors: Democrats’ Darkest Dark Money and Best Kept Secret

New Data Shows Biden’s Border Crisis Worsened During April: ‘Disaster Doesn’t Even Begin To Describe It’

Biden’s Energy Secretary Just Admitted Pipelines Are The Safest Way To Transport Oil

House Republicans vote to remove Representative Liz Cheney from a key leadership post

May 11, 2021

How Israel’s Iron Dome missile defence system works – Hamas launches first rockets in seven years towards Jerusalem

An Ohio Doctor Doctor mocks vaccine skeptics, then DIES after a covid vaccination, as media scrubs wrongful death case

The Grand Deception of ALAIC Newsom – And where California’s surplus actually came from

UC Berkeley/Los Angeles Times Poll: Just 6% Of Californians Want Caitlyn Jenner As Governor

WE DON’T HAVE A PRESIDENT – But a man who holds office while handlers make the decisions and craft the narratives


Biden’s American Families Plan Will Bankrupt Our Country – And who will pay the price in the end? American families!

Dr. Anthony Fauci Appears to have Committed Perjury on Tuesday While Appearing Before Congress

Fauci Needs to Go – New revelations on the origin of the Wuhan virus point straight to this famous mask-Nazi

We’ve  always known masks were about control, not safety…Even the N95 mask only goes down to 0.3 microns

Vaccinated People Are Comparing Adverse Reactions in a new Reddit Subgroup

URGENT: D.C. Parents, Take Action to Protect Children From Being Vaccinated Without Parental Consent

2.4 Million US College Students Face Vaccine Mandate, Immune or Not

64 Days and Counting – Why Won’t the CDC Answer Our Questions about 157,277 total adverse events?

WSJ: A Time Bomb for the 2022 Elections The unconstitutional pieces of H.R.1 could blow up the midterms

The Democrats HR1 “voting rights” bill being lobbied by liberal dark money group financed by a foreign national

Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex crimes trial set for November – It was postponed after adding two new sex trafficking charges

Why CA Governor Newsom Keeps Making Homelessness Worse – Ignoring Rampant Drug Addiction and Mental Illness

Palestinians: Our True Goal is to Destroy Israel

Shocking — All Networks Blame Israel for Escalating Palestinian Violence After 160 Rockets Fired From Gaza Into Israel

Senator Feinstein’s former staffer helped funnel millions to Steele and Fusion GPS after 2016

Governors of 20 States Unite and Demand Biden Fix Historic Border Immigration Crisis

A Misleading CDC Number – Outdoor COVID transmission appears to be below 1% and is possibly even below 0.1%

Tucker Carlson attacks St. Fauci’s role in the genesis of the Covid pandemic and ties to Wuhan Lab Research

A Chinese Ph.D. Thesis Sheds Important New Light On The Origin of the COVID-19 Coronavirus

Top Doc: Feds are Demonizing Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin COVID-19 Treatments in Order to Promote Vaccine

WSJ: The FDA Authorizes Use of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine for 12- to 15-Year-Olds

China’s Unreliable COVID Vaccine Is Under Fire – Their vaccines appear to sort of work, sometimes

Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver hopes will soon run into a manufacturing process reality check

Space Force General: US Military GPS Satellites Are Threatened by Chinese Lasers and Jammers

Oxford Researchers Reveal That Twitter and Facebook Refuse To Remove an Army Of Chinese Propaganda Bots

Infrastructure Is Infrastructure – The shutting down of a key pipeline makes clear how important actual infrastructure is

A Record Number of Small Businesses Say They Can’t Find Enough Workers

WSJ: Americans Up and Moved During the Pandemic.  – Big cities lost residents and the suburbs gained 

The 2020 Election Book The Media Doesn’t Want You To Read – From corrupt in 2016 to unquestionably safe in 2020

Joe Biden Is the New Jimmy Carter, and We Now Have the Gas Lines to Prove It


Republicans Aren’t Obsessed With Critical Race Theory, But White Democrats Are

Donald Trump: Caitlyn Jenner is No Republican, No Conservative, and Must Not Win in California

Did Biden Purge a Trump-appointed Scientist From Her Post? Republicans Are Demanding Answers

Over 120 generals and admirals warn that Biden administration policies are a ‘national security threat’

Harvard Poll: Swing-Voters Want Joe Biden to Embrace Trump’s Border Goals

Queen Elizabeth to announce steps to defend electoral integrity in the U.K.- Britons will have to show photo ID to vote in future general elections

Axios-Ipsos poll: ‘Normal’ is in sight – Proof of COVID-19 vaccine should be required for …

Gov. Newsom announces plan to pay rental housing providers 100% of the rent that’s gone unpaid because of COVID-19

New California Bill would force stores to sell gender-fluid clothes

May 10, 2021


Employers may be liable for ‘any adverse reaction’ from mandated coronavirus shots and violating federal law

The myth of the local newspaper, that happens to be looking for handouts – The LA Times is a prime example

Liz Cheney and the ‘Big Lie’ – The real loser will be suppressing real examination of what happened in the last election

Why Is the Government Hiding January 6 Video Footage? – The American public still doesn’t know what really happened

Ex-intel officials silent over letter claiming Russian involvement in Hunter Biden laptop saga

Free the Gig Economy! – Biden’s administration is hurting the labor market by withdrawing the independent contractor rule

National Security, Military Vets Demand CIA Director Resigns Over Chinese Communist Party Links, Lies To U.S. Senate

More Money Can’t Solve the K-12 Education Crisis – In fact, it’s making things worse

Biden Waives Ethics Rules so His Union Buddies Can Keep Their White House Jobs

Scholars Line Up to Join New Anti-‘Woke’ Online Education Platform

Seven Apple Suppliers are Accused of Using Forced Labor From Xinjiang

What to know about DarkSide, the hacking group responsible for the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack

California is rolling in surplus cash, but legislators want to raise taxes anyway

Lockdowns Spawn A New Addict: Covid shouldn’t make us a society of permanently masked, fearful, paranoid loners

If There’s Nothing to Hide, Why Are Democrats Freaking Out about the Arizona Audit?

Here Is Why the Democrats Are Totally Panicked About the Arizona Audit

‘There Is Too Much Free Money’: Employers Refute The Democrats Claims About The Hiring Slump

Democrats Celebrate Swindling Americans Into Believing The Farthest-Left President Ever Is A ‘Moderate’

D.C. jail treatment of Capitol riot defendants draws bipartisan outrage

A Welcome Backlash against Critical Race Theory – And related dogmas of division in our nation’s schools

Canadian Pastor Arrested for ‘Inciting’ People to Attend Church  – Violating Canada’s laws against gatherings during the Covid outbreak

A Plague of Politicians – Covid lockdowns are one of the greatest political, economic, and social blunders of the decade

Why Gas Prices Will Most Likely Spike Soon – But Will Joe Biden and Crew Address It Today?

The FBI confirms that DarkSide ransomware is responsible for the Colonial Pipeline hack

‘Dude, Where’s My Workforce?’ – Here is why you can thank Joe Biden and the Woke Democrats for that

Biden’s Woke Military Will Embarrass America – Wokeness is crawling out of the shadows to neuter our fighting power

The CIA Releases Another One of Their ‘WOKE’ Recruitment Ads

Biden Expanding Feds’ ‘Dollars For Collars’ Program – Growing its already massive surveillance apparatus

America’s Post-Pandemic Geography – The Covid crises might be the most transformative event experienced since the great migration to the suburbs

May 9, 2021

The theory that COVID-19 escaped from a lab may not be so far-fetched – And Fauci Was Involved

Newt Gingrich: In My Mind “There Was No Question” all of the Close Battleground States Were Stolen in 2020 Election

WSJ: Lockdowns Didn’t Stop Covid – A new study finds that there is more virus spread inside homes than at workplaces

Maricopa County Elections Witness Testifies that Dominion Ran Entire Election – County Officials and Observers NEVER HAD Access or Passwords!

GOP Governors Slash Federal Unemployment Benefits as Businesses Plead for More Workers

‘We Build The Wall’ was closing a BIG $$$ cartel smuggling route… Then SDNY stopped it.…

The Dumbing Down of Intelligence – The CIA has shown its true people-of-colors

Tuning Out Wokeism – This madness is the stuff of history as we watch it unfold until we finally say to the mob, no more!

It was Bill Gates’ relationship with Jeffrey Epstein that prompted Melinda Gates to seek divorce

Sen. Mitt Romney Censured for voting to convict former President Donald Trump in the Senate’s second impeachment

Biden’s Ag Chief Hyped A Number Of Massive Chinese Communist Projects, Including Known National Security Threats

Biological Male Who Smashed Women’s Weightlifting Records Will Likely Represent Them in the Olympics

Washington Governor Jay Inslee Signs Bill Mandating Critical Race Training in K-12 Public Schools Across The State

San Francisco Chronicle: How working from home could actually make Bay Area traffic worse

If There Is Absolutely Nothing to Hide, Then Why Are Democrats Freaking Out about the Arizona Audit?

Texas Gov. Abbott Just Showed America What Freedom Looks Like — In One Photo Showing a Filled Stadium

The next political battleground: school boards – Schools are another place where the culture wars are now being waged

WSJ: Remote Kindergarten During Covid-19 ‘Could Impact This Generation of Kids for Their Lifetime’ 

Why are vaccines so favored over treatments? – When it comes to COVID therapeutics you must curb your enthusiasm!

Donald Trump Can Live at Mar-a-Lago as Employee, The Town Attorney Concludes

The wild ride of pandemic consumer prices – They have been more volatile over the past year than at any point in decades

Why China’s future does not look bright – China is paying dearly for supplying the world with low-cost manufactured goods

May 8, 2021

New Evidence in Antrim County: 1,061 Votes Not on Voter Rolls, 100% ‘Turnout’ for 80-Year-Olds and a huge percentage of mail-in ballots mailed to P.O. boxes

Victor Davis Hanson: Conservatives Need To ‘Fight Back’ Against Corporate America’s Assault On Their Values

Disney to White Staff: Decolonize your bookshelves, participate in reparations and complete a ‘privilege checklist

Incredible news and progress from the Maricopa County voting audit

It begins in Vermont: Senate in Bernie Sander’s state moves to allow non-citizens to vote in capital city’s local elections

The Big Jobs Miss – Democrat policies are actually holding back the job market

Elise Stefanik is positioned to replace Rep. Liz Cheney, Views Trump Voters as ‘Critical’ to Republicans Winning Midterms

REVEALED: Liz Cheney’s Husband Works For Chinese Communist Party-Linked Law Firm

Newsmax TV’s Emerald Robinson says a colleague told her it’s ‘only a matter of time’ before Kamala Harris takes over

Kamala Walks Out of 1st Meeting with Mexican President Obrador When He Accuses Biden Admin of Orchestrating Coup

Turn Over Routers or Face Subpoenas, Arizona Lawmakers Tell Maricopa County

Friend of Liz Cheney Spills the Beans, Claims the Lawmaker Orchestrated High-Profile Attack on Trump in His Final Days

No more natural gas stoves? – California prepares to require ‘electric ready’ new homes to prepare for a transition

Why Californians Have Sky-High Electricity Bills – As the state gets greener electricity bills are expected to continue rising

Venice’s beach & boardwalk  ‘crippled’ by a HUGE increase in robberies and spikes in shootings, arson and DOG attacks

Biden’s America: People Are Being Paid $16 an Hour to Remain Unemployed, More Than Double Minimum Wage

DOSSIER: China was preparing for a Third World War with biological weapons – Including Coronavirus – SIX years ago

57 leading scientists, doctors & public policy experts call for the IMMEDIATE HALT to COVID vaccine programs

Census data raises serious questions about 2020 election fraud – 154,628,000 voted vs 158 million actual ballots cast

A U.S. pipeline operator that transports 45% of East Coast fuel shuts the entire network after a cyberattack

CA considering a new proposal for math instruction – Discourages or prevents naturally talented students from being placed in advanced math classes

WSJ: What Happens to Stocks and Cryptocurrencies When the Fed Stops Raining Money?

A Democrats’ dream: Congressional earmarks aim to federally fund ‘wokeism’ – See some examples

STUDY: Democrat Presidents Overwhelmingly Hand Govt Jobs To Left-Partisans, While Trump Was The Most Balanced In Decades

How Critical Race Theory Works – Basically, white people are responsible for everything bad


May 7, 2021

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Warns That COVID-Vaccinated Can ‘Shed’ Spike Protein, Harming Unvaccinated

CDC Changes Rules for Counting Breakthrough Cases For Fully Vaccinated People That Test Positive – Will only report hospitalizations and deaths

Utah teenager hospitalized with blood clots after a COVID-19 vaccine shot

Covid Shot Killing Large Numbers, Warns Top Covid Doctor Peter McCullough! – Must See Video

Buck Sexton: Here is what I witnessed at the most lawless part of the U.S. – Mexican border

Dear Landlord – Courts are now reining in the CDC’s ill-conceived ban on residential evictions

Dominion Refuses to Comply with Subpoena and Turn Over Password to Their Maricopa County Machines

Arizona Senate President Says She Thinks Election Audit Will Uncover ‘Irregularities’

Three Developments That Should Nullify Maricopa County 2020 Election and Put Supervisors in Legal Jeopardy

Democrat Resistance Futile as Texas Is Next Voting Domino to Fall

Vaccine Injuries Continue Climbing as Pfizer Seeks Full Approval – 157,277 adverse events, including 3,837 deaths and 16,014 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 30, 2021

The Wokest Place on Earth – Disney’s internal campaign against “white privilege” and racially segregated affinity groups

Derek Chauvin and 3 Other Ex-Officers Are All Federally Indicted in Death of George Floyd

Telecom Giants Spent Millions on a Secret Campaign to Influence the FCC’s Repeal of Net Neutrality Rules

Obstruction of the Arizona audit adds up to one clear conclusion: They are guilty and they know it

The Wuhan-Lab Theory Isn’t Far-Fetched – Look at China’s Reckless Program that lets rocket stages fall at random

Poll Shows Majority of Voters Doubt Biden’s Ability to Tackle Terror Threats

The US added just 266,000 jobs in April, far below 1 million expected, as the unemployment rate rises to 6.1%

Leftists of the authoritarian 8%, what’s holding you back? – You finally have control of the government. Now what?

New York Baseball Stadiums will Seat Fans in Separate Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Sections – Will attendance suffer?

What’s Behind Vaccine Hysteria? – The “vaccine-hesitant” are very analytical, very calm, and very patient

Can experimental mRNA vaccines act as bio-weapons and transmit coronavirus spike proteins to the unvaccinated?

The Faucian Bargain: How cultish devotion to one man’s direction is destroying America

Report Shows That China Emits More Greenhouse Gas Than All Developed Countries Combined

Institutionalizing Trumpism – By cementing Trump’s politics and policies into the foundation of the GOP for years to come

The Democrats and Doublespeak – They mastered it and have been pumping it out through media outlets for decades

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Committed Professional Misconduct per State’s Chief Disciplinary Counsel

Facebook Permanently Bans LifeSiteNews, a Major Pro-Life News Site – For supposed false information about COVID-19

Death and Lockdowns – There’s no proof that lockdowns save lives but plenty of evidence they end them

China is seeking an Atlantic port for a major naval base capable of hosting subs or carriers on Africa’s western coast

Big Tech’s Monopoly Creep – From “kill-zones” to “waterbeds,” they have ways of making you squirm

Whatever Happened to QAnon? – Big-Tech players are suppressing information about the corruption of the liberal elite

Tucker Carlson Mocks D.C. Ban on Dancing at Weddings – Calls Mayor One of the ‘Least Impressive, Most Irrational Political Leaders’ in U.S. History

WSJ: Elon Musk’s SpaceX Is Buying Up a Texas Village – Homeowners Pressured to Sell Are Crying Foul

May 6, 2021

The Highest Support for Newsom recall comes from California’s rural, northeastern counties, final state numbers show

Democrats Can’t Quash the ‘Big Lie’ – The “Big Lie,” of course, is that the election was perfectly fair and lawful

‘Leftist indoctrination’: The Tennessee legislature votes to ban critical race theory in K-12 public and charter schools

“Why Are You Working So Hard to Shut the Audit Down? What Are You Hiding” – TGP Reporter Confronts AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs — Katie Hobbs Runs!

Governor DeSantis tells unemployed Floridians to start looking for a job – Prove you are looking for work or no benefits

Tucker Carlson: How Many Americans Have Died After Taking COVID Vaccines? – More in four months than from all other vaccines combined in 15-years

A Third U.S. Male Diagnosed With Vaccine-Induced Blood Clots After Getting J&J Vaccine

NPR acknowledges Big Tech’s power to interfere in elections – Their confession was disguised as news commentary

A Socialist Revolution Is Underway in America – To bring every element of the U.S. government, under the control of the executive branch

Biden’s ‘Blame America First’ Policies Threaten Energy Availability – He’s cutting our feet right out from under us

Maricopa County cites ‘security risk’ in refusing to give subpoenaed router info to 2020 election audit team

Diversity Over Discovery at the DOE’s Office of Science as Biden’s war on merit puts America’s scientific edge at risk

Needed: A National Election Fraud Database – Since our first article in American Thinker, over a thousand people contacted us concerning the fraud they personally experienced

The Governor of South Carolina Orders An End To Federal Pandemic Unemployment Programs

Facebook’s ‘oversight’ board that muzzled Trump is 75% composed of foreign nationals

Teacher Reads Transgenderism book to First Graders, School Board President in District Owns ALL AGES SEX SHOP

Critical Race Theory Shines A Light on the Democrats’ Master Plan To End Honest Elections In America

Democracy Institute’s Patrick Basham: The FBI Raid Appears to Be ‘Political Retaliation’ Against Giuliani and Trump

What You Need To Know About Twitter’s Lawsuit Against Texas On May 7th – Twitter May Have Sued, But It’s the One Under Investigation

A Peer-reviewed study shows Ivermectin is effective as a prophylaxis for Covid-19 and as a therapeutic remedy

WSJ: Why Can’t Companies Find Workers? – Fear of COVID, lack of child care, and enhanced unemployment benefits

WSJ: Chicken Shortage Sends Prices Soaring – Suppliers are trying to raise production but can’t get enough workers

COVID cases hit a seven-month low – Deaths & serious illnesses have dropped significantly, and now cases are falling too

The Incredible Vanishing Seasonal Flu – Around 2000 cases, a minute fraction of the tens of millions of cases in past years

Why I Haven’t Gotten The Shot (Yet?) – An Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA is different from FDA approval

There is strong support for ‘vax passports’ as a pathway to reopening – What Have We Become?

We’re Hitting a Vaccination Wall So Just Open Everything – Those over 16 who really want the vaccine has gotten it

People Have Gotten ‘Institutionalized’ by COVID – It is time to embrace liberation from COVID-19 prison

Tony Timpa Suffered the Same Fate as George Floyd – But no attention because the focus on the Floyd case was race

China’s Propaganda War & How To Stop – It is time to target foreign funding of our universities and think tanks

For Democrats, There Is No Crisis – Migrants will eventually vote reliably Democrat for at least two generations

Biden Turns ‘War on Terror’ Tactics on Americans – Uses threat of “white supremacist terrorism” to ramp up spying on private communications

The Biden administration is holding nearly 25,000 migrant children that are without parents

Biden’s Environmentally Friendly Infrastructure Plan Won’t Help Our Infrastructure or the Environment

Biden’s Restaurant Rescue Plan –  Relief is based on race, gender, and whether owners are “socially and economically disadvantaged

The White House unveils approach to 2030 conservation goal – To conserve 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030

Florida GOP Governor DeSantis Signs A Sweeping Election Integrity Reform Bill

Poll: Georgia Voters Support Their New Elections Law And A Large Majority Oppose ‘Woke’ Corporate Meddling

Those Superstitious Democrats – Not the party of science but rather it’s the party of fear, runaway emotions, and myth

Are Americans Becoming Sovietized? – 10 symptoms of Sovietism, are we headed down this same road

House Republicans have had it with Liz Cheney – Why has she has been deliberately “baiting” the GOP?

‘External Devices’ With Up-to-Date Vote Totals Were Taken Offsite Nightly During the Election by Maricopa County or Dominion Employees

Was Ryan Macias, Who Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Inserted Into the Maricopa Audit, a Trojan Horse?

Biden issues National Day of Prayer Proclamation that does not include the word ‘God’

A White Wisconsin farmer sues Biden administration over coronavirus relief plan – He says the plan is “out and out racist”

Does Planned Parenthood Want Justice? – They can no longer hide what their eugenicist founder, Sanger, stood for

May 5, 2021

Washington Governor Inslee brings vaccine passports and segregation to stadiums, colleges, and churches

The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?

A GOP Rep Raises Alarm After Discovering Who Stands to Benefit from Biden Pushing Electric Bus Company

Governor DeSantis touts Florida’s economic recovery over ‘lockdown’ states

FB Oversight Board that upheld Trump ban tied to Soros – 75% worked for or are in jobs funded by Soros foundations

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Plans No Deportations for Illegal Alien Murderers or Sex Offenders

Republicans are furious about continued Trump Facebook ban – Concerned about increasing social media in the future

The Biden DOJ to Interfere with the State of Arizona Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Ballots

An Alleged Second Steele Dossier on Trump Emerges in British Media as John Durham Closes In

The Great Brainwashing – Public school education has never been more propagandistic

SD Governor Noem Pledges to Restore ‘Patriotic Education’ in Schools as liberals push critical race theory in the schools

SHOULD WE LET CHINA CONTROL OUR ENERGY SUPPLY? – Heavy “Green” energy reliance is a terrible idea for many reasons

ICE deportations fall to under 3,000 in April amid new Biden rules that restrict removals

Nearly 50 Migrant Children Test Positive for Coronavirus at Shelter Opened by the Biden Administration

Michigan Woman Died of ‘Complications’ After Getting COVID Vaccine – From Dec. 14, 2020, to May 3, VAERS received 4,178 reports of deaths among people who received a COVID vaccine

COVID-19 Testing on Children Increases in Proportion – Severe illness due to COVID-19 is still rare among children

The CDC Director Defends Their Guidance for Summer Camps: Kids Playing Outside Should Wear Masks

Trump Endorses New York Representative Elise Stefanik to Replace Liz Cheney in Key Leadership Role

Trump Reacts to Facebook’s Decision to Uphold His Account Suspension

Don’t Blame Foster Care – The system has flaws, but Ma’Khia Bryant’s family dysfunction problems began long before she entered it

Trump Says Supporters Will Be ‘Very Happy’ with His 2024 Decision

WSJ: Everything Screams Inflation – Investors are unprepared for what may be a once-in-a-generation shift in the market

RINOs think they can re-live their ‘unity-inclusiveness’ scam – Their calls for unity are absolutely disingenuous.

The Cost Of Virtue Signaling Is Getting High — And It’s Leading Directly To A Social Credit System

Letting dangerous criminals out of prison isn’t wise – It diminishes society’s freedom by abandoning justice & safety

WSJ: Births in the U.S. Drop to Levels Not Seen Since 1979 – Millennials fuel continued downward trend in fertility rate

The CDC Summer-Camp Guidance Is So Absurd, Even Fauci Can’t Keep a Straight Face When Asked About It

The WSJ Warns of Facebook’s ‘Secret Rules’ Behind Their Censorship and Shadow Banning

The Trump agenda, but ‘without the noise’ is popular in swing districts

Huxley foresaw our despots Fauci, Gates & their vaccine crusaders – As written, the left means to criminalize dissent

Derek Chauvin’s Attorney Files a Motion for a New Trial

The Ashli Babbitt Killing: Where’s the Outrage? – There are more questions than answers for the public and police alike

The Migrant Crisis Isn’t Just About Illegal Immigration, It’s Also About The Cartels That Run The Border

WSJ: Donald Trump’s Facebook Ban Is Upheld by Their Oversight Board

The weird photograph that perfectly encapsulates the Biden administration

The Far-Left New York Times Admits That Twice as Many Democrats Live in a ‘Bubble’ than the GOP

Exit Is Nigh For Liz Cheney – A likely end to House leadership for the Trump-hostile scion of a Republican dynasty

WSJ: Biden Blocks Trump-Era Gig-Worker Rule  – Helps Prevent Workers from Being Classified As Employees

May 4, 2021

The GOP finds success with their ‘anti-woke’ agenda

A Form for Employees To Give Employers That Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections For Continued Employment

A Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities Requiring Covid-19 Injections

When Can We Expect That Apology From Those ‘Republicans for Biden?’

Oregon Extends State COVID Workplace Social Distancing and Mask Rule Indefinitely

A Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities Requiring Covid-19 Injections

New Evidence in 2020 Election Case — Experts Were Able to Compromise Data on Data and Flip Votes

The Ashli Babbitt family attorney speaks out

WSJ: Inside ‘Facebook Jail’: The Secret Rules That Put Users in the Doghouse – A vast number of guidelines aren’t made public

A Single Border Patrol Sector Nabs 1600 Illegal Immigrants the Weekend After Biden Declared the Crisis Under ‘Control’

The Biden Administration Drops Dozens Of Charges Against Violent Protesters In Portland

The FDA is Set to Authorize Pfizer Vaccine for Adolescents, But Some Experts Question Need, Ethics

Digital vaccine passport bands have arrived – Ignoring civil liberties concerns, employers are moving ahead

Around 1.3 Billion People Worldwide Don’t Want the COVID-19 Vaccine: Gallup Poll

A Healthy 35-Year-Old Woman Dies of Brain Hemorrhage 11 Days After Receiving J&J Vaccine

I’m Still not Getting the COVID Vaccine – America is having a giant, hysterical, hypochondriacal fit

President Trump Launches New Website to Replace Deleted Social Accounts, Mobilizes Fans to Retake Twitter

College Soccer Player Suing Coach Who Benched Her For Refusing to Kneel During Protest  – This, is a First Amendment violation at public universities

The Supreme Court Declines to Hear an Arizona Resident’s Election Fraud Challenge

Treasury Secretary Yellen says interest rates may have to rise somewhat to keep the economy from overheating

The Shaky Foundations of LA’s Housing ‘Entitlement’ for the Homeless –Plagued by construction delays, massive cost overruns, and accusations of corruption

A surprising number of EV owners switch back to gas power because of home charging issues

Senator Schumer is ‘Actively Exploring’ Granting Citizenship to Millions of Illegal Immigrants Without any GOP Support

There Is No Biden Crisis To Leverage For Outrageous Spending – There’s only an excuse, an occasion, and a procedure

BREAKING: A Michigan lawsuit claims to have ‘cracked’ the Dominion election code

California keeps millions in child support as parents drown in debt – A large portion of the child support payments are kept

WSJ: A Key Question, Who Would Pay Biden’s Corporate Tax Increase – If corporate taxes go up, who ultimately pays?

Josh Hawley On ‘The Book Corporate Monopolies Did Not Want You To Read’

Governor Cuomo, You Probably Shouldn’t Give Advice on the COVID Vaccine – After undercounting the nursing home death count by 50 percent

The FBI’s Failed Ron Johnson Set-Up Is A Case Study In How Agencies Use Corrupt Reporters To Peddle Lies and Hurt Their American Enemies

Vaccine tyranny? – “Don’t be selfish,” they say; get vaccinated – Whatever happened to “my body, my choice”?

The next vaccination push will lean on churches and employers

WSJ: Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Lifts Quarterly Results – Boosted full-year guidance for vaccine sales to $26b from $15b

Confucius Institutes are collapsing nationwide – A CCP arm used for propaganda and malign foreign influence purposes

BLM has a new list of demands targeting President Trump – He must be banned from all digital media and future office

Bill and Melinda Gates to divorce and are preparing to carve up their $130B fortune – A Peek At All The Stuff They Own

A Century Of Big Government – Biden’s agenda both imitates & fails to learn the lessons of past ambitious presidencies

What Biden’s spending plan looks like? – $6 trillion of taxed, borrowed, and printed money needs to be put into perspective

May 3, 2021

Iran Teases an Attack on US Capitol Building as the Biden Administration Prepares To Lift Sanctions

Who Gets To Define What’s Patriotic? – George Washington Warned: Guard against impostures of pretended patriotism

Origin of Covid, Following the Clues – A Deep Dive On Whether People or Nature Opened Wuhan’s Pandora box

Disneyland’s Snow White ride is attacked by the woke crowd for the princes ‘kiss without her consent’

A Chauvin juror who attended a pre-trial rally wearing a BLM T-shirt may jeopardize the guilty verdict

Bearing False Witness – Leading civil rights organizations lend their voices to false claims about police

Why the Left Is Trying to Cancel Tim Scott – He’s is challenging their narrative of racial division

At This Rate, 2022 Could Be a Bloodbath for Democrats

‘Costs Are Up, Up, Up’: Warren Buffett Issues Grave Warning About Inflation – It hits everyday people the hardest

Evidence Reveals That The Chinese Military Team Collaborated With Lab Where COVID-19 Pandemic Originated

Denmark Ditches J&J COVID Vaccine, Says Benefits ‘Do Not Outweigh Risk’ of Blood Clots

Biden Raises Refugee Admissions Cap to 62,500 – He had previously faced blowback for backing away from that number

Biden and the Democrats seek to redefine ‘infrastructure’ to justify $4 trillion more in new spending

Rudy Giuliani says federal investigators are ‘trying to frame’ him

Corporate News Outlets Again “Confirm” the Same False Story About Giuliani, While Many Refuse to Correct it

Records Show Iowa State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Election Posts

Florida Governor DeSantis Suspends Local COVID-19 Emergency Orders and Bans Vaccine Passports

Biden takes a page from the playbook of the world’s tinpot dictators – Just look at some of his recent repressive actions

The COVID Passport: Fascism at Hand – It creates the platform on which to add all kinds of different data types

Why did the Biden Census Bureau add 2.5 million more residents to the blue state population count?

2022: Democrats shiver with the clock ticking

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg And George W. Bush Partner In a Far Left Immigration Push

Florida Governor DeSantis To Sign Bill Banning Biological Males From Competing in Girls’ Sports

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis climbs another rung up the presidential candidate ladder

WSJ: In Los Angeles and San Francisco, Schools Are Open but Classrooms Are Nearly-Empty

A Biden Administration Official Will Not Commit to Reopening Schools by This Fall

Why We Can’t Trust John Kerry’s Denial – His record of appeasement, closeness to Zarif, and disdain for Israel

A CIA Recruitment Ad is Ridiculed For Overdosing on ‘Woke’ Talking Points

The Special Election in Texas Was All Bad News for the Democrat Hopes to Keep the House in 2022

Fake News Still Gaslighting America with Phony Polls – Opinion polls are designed to shape public opinion

May 2, 2021

The Origin of Covid — Following the Clues

WSJ: The Russia Collusion Smear Returns – With dubious stories about FBI briefings intended to tar Republicans

Media hysteria indicates the Arizona election audit may be on to something

The Bleak Biden Way – Surveille, monitor, root out, raid, jail, confine and smear all impediments to transformation

Chauvin juror who promised judge impartiality says ‘join juries to spark some change’ and wore a BLM shirt in 2020

Who’s really running Biden’s White House? Step forward President Klain

How the White House is hiding the true cost of its spending plans

‘Follow the Science’: Documents Suggest Biden Let Teachers’ Union Shape CDC School Reopening Policy

There’s no denying the California exodus – The gates are open and people are going, well, elsewhere

Rudy Giuliani: The FBI Spied on ICloud Communications between me and Trump During The Impeachment Push

Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Lays out a Plan to Control the Global Internet: Leaked Documents Show

What I Witnessed on the Arizona Auditing Floor – The Process is Well Organized and VERY Secure

Their Equity Mess – Democrats’ pandemic policies have widened disparities between races, classes, and genders

A Scottish mom’s legs turn into a pair of “giant blisters” after the first dose of AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine

How Much Worse Can it Get? – Democrats want no opposing viewpoint and no hindrance to absolute Progressive domination

Here Is What Republican Voters Really Believe – It’s a Shame the GOP Has No Idea

Tim Scott Deserves Better – Democratic critics feel a black Republican is an outrageous anomaly and fair game for racist abuse

The difference between militant socialist Obama & awkward socialist Biden – Biden is trying to achieve the left’s goals with the help of financial mechanisms

WaPo & NYT forced to make ‘big retraction’ for their “harmful misinformation” reporting on Giuliani subpoena

May Day Rioters Carry Out Violent Acts in Portland and Seattle

May 1, 2021

The New York Times, Washington Post, and NBC are forced to retract false claims about Rudy Giuliani

The COVID lockdowns cost countless jobs but don’t appear to have saved lives

At Least 9,245 Americans Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Vaccination and 132 Dead

The US Keeps in Place Mask Requirement on Planes and Transit

15-Year-Old Boy Dies Of Heart Attack Two Days After Taking Pfizer Vaccine, Had No History Of Allergic Reactions

Fully vaccinated ‘Liberals’ are scared to take their masks off out of fear of being labeled a ‘Republican’

More Adverse Reactions Reported After Getting COVID-19 Vaccination in People With Prior Infection

Alan Dershowitz: FBI’s Raid of Giuliani ‘Unconstitutional’

Biden needs to stop lying about the cause of the border crisis – His pathetic blame game isn’t fooling anyone

Hundreds of millions in PPP loans went to CCP-backed firms, as U.S. small businesses went under

Biden’s People Deny Veterans Biker Group a Parking Permit for Memorial Day Event – First Time in 32 Years

America First Legal Is Pursuing A Lawsuit Against Critical Race Theory

Candidate Caitlyn Jenner Opposes Trans Biological Boys Competing in Girls Sports, ‘It Just Isn’t Fair’

Will We Keep Our Republic?

Security adviser: US intel believed Kerry’s unauthorized talks with Iran undercut Trump

The Border patrol in California saw a 51 percent rise in illegal immigrants in April

House GOP reelection chair discloses surge in Republican candidates  – Only need to flip 5 seats in 2022

Biden and Fellow Democrats Prefer Growing Government Over Growing The Economy

At Home Again  in Delaware, Biden’s Weekends are Mostly a Mystery

How Nuclear Power Excels Over Renewables

Joe Manchin Puts the Kibosh on Democrats’ Latest Hopes and Dreams for D.C. Statehood

The Blue Bloods TV Program vs. Our Woke Culture

WSJ: Five Tech Giants That Just Keep Growing

This Revealing Data On Masked Vs Unmasked Schools Will Be Ignored By The Mask Cult

The WashPost Complicit in Giuliani Smear, Alleges FBI Warning last fall that Rudy Completely Denies

Will Joe ever get his head out of his … mask? – Fear is the Democrat Party’s coin of the realm

Biden’s 48 Hours of Idiot Supremacy  – He ranks white supremacist terrorism as a greater security concern than Islamist jihad

Elon Musk’s racket – $518 million was “earned” via regulatory credits — which aren’t car sales


April 30, 2021

Biden’s speech was pandemic political theater meant to justify a miasma of government spending

Ann Coulter: My Plan to End Police Shootings – 16 Bullet Points law-abiding citizens can all agree on

3 reasons a Miami private school might be right about asking teachers not to get the COVID vaccine

The Monster Is in the Classroom – Schools indoctrinate children as young as eight on race and gender

Is Coke Rethinking Woke? – Why the soft-drink giant is pulling back from its left-wing posturing

WSJ: The Man They Couldn’t Cancel – Mobs have targeted Jordan Peterson, but he hasn’t lost his university job and his publishers have stuck by him

76,000 California inmates are now eligible for earlier releases

Financial Docs Show John Kerry Was Invested in Oil Companies Before Joining the Biden Administration

Iranian Foreign Minister Said He Had No Knowledge of Israeli Airstrikes Until Kerry Tipped Him Off

Arizona Officials Double the Number of Tables at Veterans Memorial Coliseum to Speed Up Forensic Audit

Governor Kristi Noem Is Done Waiting for Biden Admin. to OK This Year’s Mt. Rushmore Fireworks Show

Nancy Pelosi’s Majority Crumbles: Democrat Cheri Bustos Announces Retirement

The Oklahoma House of Representatives Votes to Ban Teaching of Critical Race Theory in Public Schools

WSJ: A Growing Number of Migrant Families Are Being Allowed Into U.S. at Ports of Entry to Seek Asylum

The Biden Administration Cancels Military-Funded Border Wall Projects

12 Years to Disaster? – How Climate Activists Distort the Evidence

Tucker Carlson Takes On Fox News’ Swamp Person Frank Luntz

A Border Crisis of Biden’s Own Making – Full-blown denial over an entirely avoidable mess

Biden contends The Trump administration failed to plan for migrant ‘overflow’

Team Biden Intends to Never Let Its Manufactured Crises Go to Waste

Biden Deserves Zero Credit For Booming Economy and COVID Gains

Ex-Obama Adviser Steven Rattner Delivers An Eye-Opening Warning to Democrats

Sneaky little media tricks: Presenting Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend speech as a hit with the public

New Evidence Emerges that John Kerry Lied About His Collusion With Iran

Project Veritas Pulled Some Stunning Admissions Out of the New York Times

Politico Publishes a ‘Republicans Pounce’ Claim That’s Destined for the BS Hall of Fame

What You Need To Know About The Big Gun Rights Case The Supreme Court Just Took

Tucker Carlson Rips Media for Response to Presidential Address — Committed ‘a Series of Symbolic Sex Acts’ on Biden

Amazon is spending big to take on UPS and FedEx – Capital expenditures are up a whopping 80%

WSJ: From Tablets to Sex Toys, the Computer Chip Shortage Is Far-Reaching

If you dig down, permanent masks make sense for a lot of people – Because it gives them an advantage

The Fourteen Most Troubling Obama And Kerry Lies About The JCPOA Iran Nuke Deal

WSJ: Big Oil Companies Recover as Prices Rise

April 29, 2021

Ratings for Biden’s Big Speech Are in and He Got Trounced by Trump

Biden’s 100-Day Humiliation – American life is being racialized as never before

Biden Is Using the Pandemic as an Excuse for Permanent Expansions of Government Power

The Family of The Air Force Vet Killed on Jan. 6 Announces a Major Lawsuit Against Capitol Police

Texas Sheriffs Are Overwhelmed by Spillover Crime From Border Surge

What’s “Normal” in America? – A Simon & Schuster petition reveals the confusions of the woke movement

Oregon Changes Mask Mandate for Athletes After Runner Collapses

Florida House Approves Vaccine Passport Ban

Tucker Carlson: ‘Biden is using DOJ to crush political dissent and destroy Rudy Giuliani’…

WSJ: Biden’s First 100 Days: Covid-19 Relief Package, Executive Orders and Appointments by the Numbers

Biden’s Dishonest Sales Pitch – Biden’s address to Congress connected only intermittently with reality

Joe Biden Spits on the Constitution By Repeating a Dangerous Lie He’s Told Before

Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Redefines ‘Broadband’ To Justify Spending $100B on Government-run Internet

WSJ: Biden’s Proposed Economic Plan Would Redistribute Trillions and Expand Government

Joe Biden Proved He Doesn’t Understand the Purpose of the 2nd Amendment

First thoughts on Biden’s address to Congress – The only problem was that it was a lie from beginning to end

Senator Scott’s Home Run Rebuttle To Biden’s Address To Congress

Biden’s Racial Spoils System – Biden is not ending racial resentments but stimulating them

WSJ: A Juror in Derek Chauvin Trial Lifts the Curtain on Deliberations – The video and prosecutions medical expert were crucial evidence

Giuliani’s Lawyer Accuses DOJ of ‘Corrupt Double Standard’ In Executing Warrants Against Him

‘So unfair’: Trump claims FBI raid of Giuliani’s office and apartment are part a of ‘double standard’

American Universities Have Lost Their Prestige – No guarantee that graduates can speak, write, or communicate coherently or think inductively

Seattle Loses 246 Police Officers Since Last Year as Democrats Continue Their War on Police

April 28, 2021

All Of The Reasons Why I Won’t Be Getting the COVID Vaccine

Facebook’s COVID Fact-checker Site FactCheck.org is Funded By $1.9 Billion Vaccine Lobby

California’s 9th Circuit Overturns The Injunction; CA Truckers Will Now Be Subject to AB5 – Good for Unions

Biden’s Administration Paves the Way for Sending Big Money to Sanctuary Cities & Reverses Trump Policy

Texas Official Sue The Biden Administration, Alleging ‘Discrimination’ Against White Farmers

WSJ: Biden’s Joint Address to Congress: He pitched his American Families Plan, immigration reform, and getting vaccinated

Critical Race Theory Is About to Face Its Day(s) in Court

California Already Tried Biden’s Ghost Gun Ban – It Didn’t Work

The San Diego School District Adds 2,000 LGBTQ+ Books for Elementary Students


The Seattle Times ‘inclusive’ group bans ‘justice system,’ ‘inmate’ & other problematic words for social justice

The Democrat Party is Now America’s Extremist Party – Waging civil war to seize power and eviscerate America as founded

What Is Systemic Racism? – Six People Weigh-In

Ditch the mask, Mr. President – When you mask up for the cameras, we understand you are signaling

California records 1,400 coronavirus cases in people that have been fully vaccinated

‘Have You Had the Shot?’ – Asking if you’ve been vaccinated is now pretty common

LA Times Editorial: There is no absolute right to refuse vaccination – Forget The Constitution and Free Choice

The WH Unveils $1.8 Trillion American Families Plan – Saying the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan didn’t go far enough

WSJ: The U.S. Cities Where Airlines See the Most Growth – Austin, Boston, and Raleigh-Durham

Why Has Higher Ed Become So Costly? – Much of the increased cost is due to administrative bloat

Fighting back against Critical Race Theory and other Far-Left ideas – It could mean your survival

Biden Classifies a $200 Billion Obamacare Expansion as a Tax Cut – It merely helps subsidize premiums 

The CCP launches a new app to restrict free speech – The app urges people to report anyone expressing “mistaken opinions”

Investors fret as corporate activism overtakes shareholder prioritization

April 27, 2021

The masquerading cell towers of the American West

Documents Show CA State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Americans’ Election Posts

The Air Force Is About To Lower Its Already Low Standards For Flight Training & Promotions

Sharyl Attkisson Investigates: Did Covid-19 Originate at Wuhan Institute of Virology?

Fauci Reportedly Relaunched NIH Gain-of-Function Research without Consulting The White House

WSJ: Biden’s Post-Trump Honeymoon – He’s riding the end of the pandemic to pass a radical agenda

Burying the Lede for Buddies – The NYT buried the fact that John Kerry disclosed an ally’s secret military ops 

Senator Marsha Blackburn: Democrats are acting in haste like they won’t be staying in power come 2022

A High School Runner Forced by the State to Wear Mask Collapses at the Finish Line


Experts Predict a Gas Shortage Will Hit the US This Summer

What Happened to Census ‘Sabotage’? – Contrary to fears last year, discrepancies helped blue states

The Pfizer vaccine may cause heart inflammation in people under 30 a leaked study suggests

The Arizona AG Rejects Secretary of State’s Call for Probe of GOP-Led Maricopa County Vote Audit

Kerry’s Denial on Leaking to Iran Doesn’t Add Up

The Last Shred of the COVID Panic Lockdown Regime Has Been Eviscerated…Now Reopen the Country

Parents Revolt After Texas’s No. 1 School District Tries To Institutionalize Racism Via Their Cultural Competency Plan

Census data reveals population growth at the slowest pace in decades

Derek Chauvin’s Prosecutor Says There Wa No Evidence of Racial Bias or ‘Hate Crime’ in The Case

Tucker Carlson: These Are the Only People Who Still Voluntarily Wear Masks – The neurotic and zealots

BLM and Hollywood fail: 70% of Black Americans believe their local police departments are doing a good job

The left’s war on language continues unabated – Now it’s “Primary,” NOT Master Bedroom

Dennis Prager: Affluence + Secularism = Boredom = Leftism

A Mom’s Research (Part 4): Why Are Many Elites Leftists? – It’s all about the ESG movement

Where to get straight news – There are lots of good sources here

The Government Is Lying About What Quality Broadband Speed Is and What We Need from It

April 26, 2021

Declassified Document Shows More FBI Abuses – The FBI Continued to Spy on Americans Without a Warrant

California spent $50 million for a COVID vaccine scheduling website – That flopped

NIH chief says it’s time to stop ‘finger wagging’ at Americans hesitant about the COVID vaccine and admits his agency is not requiring employees to get shots

Press Secretary Jen Psaki Makes a Stunning Admission About Biden’s Disingenuous ‘Unity’ Pledge

Climate Change Is Now Infrastructure Too – Buttigieg misleads us about Biden’s American Jobs Plan

Woke Fascism: To Secure The Democrats’ Monopoly of Power in Perpetuity

SFO’s Substance-Abuse Crisis – Hotels for the homeless does not address the real problem: addiction

The Feds’ Nonexistent Case Against Alleged Sicknick Assailants – Their Only Crime Was Supporting Trump

How to Reducing Police Shootings – If the police enter a home searching for drugs, don’t shoot at them, etc.

Fauci Was the Worst Choice to Helm COVID Response – Because of his role in “gain of function” research

Steve Deace on ‘Faucian Bargain’: Second Opinions About COVID-19 Being Denied to Americans

The Gavin Newsom recall efforts succeed in forcing a new election

John Kerry Should Resign Or Be Fired – Outed by Iranian foreign minister for colluding against Israel

The US Census Hands More House Seats to Republican Strongholds Texas and Florida

Epicurious Is Getting Roasted Big Time After Announcing No More Meat Recipes

WSJ: iOS 14.5: A Guide to Apple’s New App-Tracking Controls

The SpaceX starship had a ‘near-miss with a UFO’  – NASA astronauts were told to prepare for a CRASH

Critical Race Theory: The Enemy of Reason, Evidence, and Open Debate

Former-Pfizer VP Yaedon: ‘I don’t think you could come up with a better plan’ for depopulation than the pandemic and vaccines

More parents are speaking up about toxic Critical Race Theory in schools

Byron York’s Daily Memo: Biden’s quiet immigration move

The Oscar Speech That Went Viral…For a Good Reason

FBI Documents Bombshell: An Undisclosed Entity Could’ve Paid For Seth Rich’s Murder

The SCOTUS Agrees to Hear a Landmark Second Amendment Case

Gallup Poll: U.S. Economic Confidence is Positive for First Time in Pandemic

Biden’s ‘First 100 Days – To call it a nightmare is almost wrong because we wake up from nightmares

The Pace of the Exodus of Police Officers From the NYPD Is Picking up in 2021

Joe Biden’s Idiocy Is Revealed After Leaked Tapes Expose Iranian Response to Soleimani Killing

Apple claims ‘no reasonable consumer would believe’ hitting ‘buy’ button means you forever own the digital content it sold you

April 25, 2021

Big Tech Flunks: Media Research Center evaluating their platforms quarterly for free speech, bias, user transparency, and more

A growing number of black leaders embrace voter ID and reject Biden’s Jim Crow claims

Antifa Members Upset About Being Outed as Members Because It Makes Them Feel Threatened

The COVID Panic Mafia’s Mask Fetish Just Went Up in Flames – MIT Researchers Torched It

Millions of Vaccinated People Are Skipping Their Second Doses of COVID Vaccines

Coddling Criminals Is a New Front in the War on the Middle Class – Willful distortion of incidents involving police and black Americans serve the extremist agenda

Former Medical Examiner Will Have His 17-Year Career Scrutinized After Testifying George Floyd Didn’t Die of Suffocation

CDC investigating 3 deaths after J&J vaccine, new VAERS data include 584 more reports of deaths after COVID vaccines

The West Looks Past Covid-19 & Sees Economic Resurgence – Consumers, flush with savings, are expected to drive growth

If China invades, Biden will fiddle while Taiwan burns

The Clinton White House welcomed Epstein, and Maxwell as VIP guests, new photos show

A Surprising Number of Republicans Disapprove of Chauvin Verdict. This Is Probably Why

Why you should NEVER apologize for being white

Following a court order, the FBI uses classic Friday document dump to release heavily redacted files on the death of Seth Rich

The Truth Behind Joe Biden’s Assault on American’s Red Meat Diet

Fox News Poll: Three times as many say border security worse under Biden

Democrats are out to destroy a Chauvin defense witness’s life and reputation

April 24, 2021

Why the District of Columbia Should Not Be a State

Just How Much COVID-19-Related Information Has Been Censored and Why?

Portland’s Democratic mayor begs public to help ‘unmask’ members of ‘self-described anarchist mob’ Antifa

Cut Red Meat Consumption by 90%: UK Paper Says Biden Climate Plan Comes with These Horrible Changes

There’s Only One Reason the Left Fears the Maricopa County Audit – Will Fraud Be Proven?

IT’S HAPPENING! Arizona Election Workers are Running Ultra-Violet Ballot Testing on Maricopa Ballots

Scalise on WaPo Tim Scott Article: The Left is Terrified of a Conservative Black Leader Who Doesn’t Push The Left’s Narrative

Police shortage: Cops are retiring in droves, ‘recruiting crisis,’ applications ‘historically low’

Critical Race Theory— You Paid for It and You Got It – It all started with aggressive identity politics

Alabama Governor Makes History, Signs Transgender Sports Bill Into Law

The FBI Releases Documents on Investigation Into Death of Democrat National Committee Worker Seth Rich


Has Joe Biden Committed Impeachable Offenses?

A School Principal Privately Admits What The ‘Anti-racist’ Curriculum Is Doing to White Kids

Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, China’s Apologist in Chief

Trump’s Hispanic Bump – Where Trump’s Latino supporters were and why they voted for him

German Microbiologist: “They are Killing People with these COVID Vaccines”

CDC: 7,157 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19 and 88 Are Dead

The failure of Imperial College London’ COVID pandemic modeling is far worse than we knew

Following the Chauvin Verdict, a Prominent Private University Hosts ‘Racial Healing Spaces’ — Segregated by Race

Fortnite’s Mastermind Goes to Battle With Apple – Does he have what it takes to defeat the world’s biggest company?


April 23, 2021

What No One Talks About in the Golden State: The Consequences of Socialism in California – It reminds me of Venezuela

Healthy Niece of Bee Gees singer Barry Gibb is found dead of a suspected heart attack days after receiving her second Pfizer vaccine

‘Canceled People’: Online database of victims of the new McCarthyism nears 200 listings

HUGE UPDATE IN AZ: Democrats in Arizona Won’t Post $1 Million Bond So Election Audit Continues

CDC Investigating 3 Deaths After J&J Vaccine, New VAERS Data Include 584 More Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines

CDC Panel Votes to Resume Use of J&J COVID Vaccine Without Restrictions After 10 to 4 Advisory Council Vote

MIT Researcher: You’re no safer from Covid indoors at 6 feet or 60 feet in a new study challenging social distancing policies

The Latest Facebook Bug Exposes Millions of Users Email Addresses

84% Of Republicans But Just 50% Of Democrats Call Police “Important”

The Biden Administration Stops Fines For Illegal Immigrants Who Fail To Leave US And Cancels Their Debt

The 2021 List of Gun Rights Killer Bills is Out and it’s Bad

Astrophotographer snaps his ‘clearest ever photo of the SUN’ – A 230-megapixel image composed of 100,000 pictures

Gavin Newsom Announced He Will Phase Out Fracking in 2024 and End Oil Extraction in California by 2045

Is Big Business Now A Greater Threat To Free Speech Than Government?

The White House won’t say how many green jobs will be created by the infrastructure plan

And so it begins: 12 universities in Maryland mandate vaccines for ALL students and faculty

Liar Liar, Media Pants on Fire – The media is lying to us and we are finally catching on to their lies

Rumble is experiencing massive growth as people ditch Big Tech and abandon YouTube

Cancel culture comes for the cops – Hating cops to the degree you’re willing to lie about them is now a virtue

Corporate Media And Other Race-Baiters Have Incited More Violence Than Trump Ever Did

Wokeism must be defeated to save America – Critical mass sufficient for cultural change resides in the minorit

THE D.C. STATEHOOD GAMBIT – They want two more Democrat Senators, but it’s unconstitutional

Biden’s tax-the-rich plans – A top marginal income tax rate of 39.6% and a capital gains rate of 43.4%

Some Democrats Push for Permanent Expansion of Unemployment Benefits 

Why Coca-Cola Caved – Glenn Reynolds’s slogan “Get woke, go broke” turns out to be very true!

Stick It to the Rich – Biden’s plans to double the tax rate on capital gains will ultimately prove costly to all American

Biden administration presses ahead with critical race theory that some see as ‘racist’

The Postal Service Is a Spy-Op Now – Their monitoring of social media posts looks like an example of mission creepiness

DEMOCRATS VOTE TO CONTINUE DISCRIMINATING AGAINST ASIANS – Will continue funding offending universities

Caitlyn Jenner makes it official that she is running for California governor

April 22, 2021

The Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases

The Courage of Our Convictions – How to fight critical race theory

REPORT: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study

The “Infrastructure” Plan Hits A Roadblock as Joe Manchin Disputes its Scope and Cost

‘I Didn’t Want to Go Through the Rioting’: Juror in Chauvin Trial Makes Stunning Admission over ‘Guilty’ Verdict

Why Chauvin’ Verdict Disappointed Democrats – They needed violent protests to push through their police defunding bill

Senate Republicans Handed Matches to an Arsonist – Not one of them should have supported AG Monaco’s nomination

Reports Say Biden Will Make Massive Tax Announcement, Stock Market Immediately Tanks

The Supreme Court rules against a juvenile that was sentenced to life without parole

Five Quick Things: Giving Bush the Brush-Off – Plus various other items from across the landscape

Parents Organize to Push Back Against Quasi-Marxist Critical Race Theory

Why I’m Not Getting the Vaccine – Is the ultimate test of whether we are free or slaves?

Neighbors Say Officer Had No Choice but to Shoot Ma’Khai Bryant: ‘She Needed to Be Stopped’

Senate Passes Hate-Crimes Bill After Attacks on Asian-Americans – House is expected to consider the bill next month

Russia orders troops back after massive drills in Crimea

US Death Rate 1950-2021 – 2020 & later data are UN projections and DO NOT include any impacts of the COVID-19 virus

The House Passes a Bill Proposing to Make Washington, D.C., the 51st State – The vote was 216-208, along party lines

The crimes Biden & Harris politicize say everything about the ones they choose to ignore to advance the Liberal narrative

GOP Senators Release Outline of $568 Billion Infrastructure Plan Proposal alternative to Biden’s $2.3 trillion plan

86 million vaccinated, yet daily Covid-19 cases are the same as February – The narrative is shifting from “vaccines will make you immune” to “vaccines will make you better able to handle the disease”

Why does the left so passionately want to venerate criminals?

WSJ: The Derek Chauvin Verdict Might Bring More Prosecutions of Police – But likely it will only be temporary

The American Left Now Knows That Threatening To Riot Works Perfectly – Riots or the threat of them are the new ‘normal’

Systemic Racism Myth: 10% of White Homicide Victims Killed by Cops, 3% of Black Homicide Victims Killed By Cops

The Washington State Department of Health allows vaccine centers to deny White people

WSJ: U.S. Unemployment Claims Hit New COVID Low – Initial jobless claims for benefits fell 39,000 to 547,000 last week

A New California Law Could Put Male Serial Rapists Into Women’s Prisons 

April 21, 2021

NBC Deceptively Edits a 911 Call to Cast Doubt on Cop’s Need to Protect a Life

Biden and Waters comments could help Chauvin during an appeal

Senior US Military Official Issues Major Warning About ‘Nuclear Capability’ of China and Russia

Mask Mandates for Children Mostly Harmful: Professor of Medicine

NAMED & SHAMED: Journalists” Who Went On Chinese Communist Party Junkets, Then Delivered “Favorable Coverage

How Much Ruin Do We Have Left? – People abroad shocked, disheartened—and gleeful—as the US cannibalizes itself

A 33-year-old woman hospitalized for ‘mysterious’ paralysis 12 hours after her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine

The Tens of Millions of Vaccine-Hesitant Americans Aren’t Ignorant Rubes, They’re Just Understandably Cautious

Following the Chauvin verdict, there are two videos you should see – Especially The Second One

12,547 Illegal Votes Were Included In Georgia’s 2020 Election Results – Exceeds Margin of Victory In the State

Tucker Carlson Causes Eruptions by Discussing Elephant in the Room of the Chauvin Jury

Democrat Leadership Whipped Votes Hard to Protect Maxine Waters from Censure

A U.S. District Judge Orders Los Angeles To Offer Housing To All Skid Row Homeless By October

April 20, 2021

Herpes infection possibly linked to COVID-19 vaccine, study says

Derek Chauvin Found Guilty on All Charges in Death of George Floyd

A Nevada teen suffers seizures and brain blood clots after getting the J&J vaccine

A Possible Link Found Between ‘Unusual Blood Clots’ and the J&J Vaccine: EU Agency

Biden to Admit Tens of Thousands of Additional Foreign Workers Amid Pandemic

WSJ: Satellite Images Show Russia’s Expanding Ukraine Buildup of Combat aircraft and other military equipment

Trump Is ‘Very Seriously’ Considering a 2024 Run and Plans to Help the GOP in 2022

WSJ: Minneapolis Braces for Derek Chauvin Verdict and Potential Unrest

Minnesota Governor Walz declares a state of emergency prior to the Derek Chauvin trial verdict

Tucker Carlson: ‘Maxine Waters Is Someone Who Supports Mob Violence, She Always Has and We Have Known This’

Maxine Waters Just Set Off a Nuke With Her Chauvin Remarks…and a Lot of Democrats Are Furious

The Sad Future of Law Enforcement – The the only thing standing between criminals and law-abiding citizens

19 Albuquerque Emergency Response Team Members Just Said Take This Job and Shove It!

The CDC violated the law to inflate COVID cases and fatalities – It was apparent in mid-March 2020 they were vastly exaggerating fatalities

Vaccine resistance and COVID fear within families – Nearly all who lost their lives were deficient in Vitamin D

Joe Biden Is Using Your Tax Dollars To Make American Kids Hate Their Country – Cites 1619 Project for education grants

Chauvin: What’s really on trial – Chauvin is on trial for being white, with a backup charge of copping while white

Executive Order Canceling the Constitution – The Russian collusion narrative used to smear conservative movements

April 19, 2021

Scientists Warn of ‘Vaccine Treadmill’ – Booster shots could create new variants more virulent and transmissible than the one before

FIGHTING COVID? IT JUST DIDN’T MATTER – The smart states didn’t impose catastrophic damages on their citizens

Stanford: Facemasks Ineffective to Block COVID Transmission & Can Cause Health Deterioration & Premature Death

Biden, Broken Windows & the American Jobs Plan –  His plan focuses on small benefits & ignores larger consequences

The judge in the Chauvin trial says Maxine Waters’ comments ‘may result in this whole trial being overturned’

Trump to Hannity: GOP must run on ‘MAGA’ agenda if they want to retake Congress in 2022

WSJ: Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick Died of Stroke, D.C. Medical Examiner Says

The Left Turn 2021 Into 1984 – Newspeak is a favorite tactic in redefining issues like riots and illegal immigration in its favor

The Media Lied Repeatedly About Officer Brian Sicknick’s Death And They Just Got Caught

Democrats’ Plan to Bring California-Style Legislation to the Nation – California’s AB 5 is the exact model for this effort.

The French Reign Of Terror Didn’t “Just” Happen – Where Are Riots & Lawlessness Where The LEFT Isn’t In Charge

George Floyd’s Death: How Should the Jury Decide the Charges against Derek Chauvin? – It All Comes Down To Intent

Minneapolis becomes a fortress ahead of the verdict in the George Floyd trial

Press Secretary Psaki touts ‘ambition’ to increase refugee cap by more than 700%

A video from California shows the risks police face – You didn’t hear about this, because it didn’t fit the narrative

Clarence Thomas Is Right about Big Tech – Treating them as common carriers would protect the civil rights of Americans

NASA’s Mars helicopter becomes first successful flight on another planet – Not 400-500, but 2,500 rotations per minute

Big Tech, You’re Running Out of Friends – By adopting a progressive agenda they have embraced a natural antagonist

If Pelosi Doesn’t Take Action Against Maxine Waters, McCarthy Promises He Will

Why Are Biden and Democrats Carrying Out “The Murder of the Middle Class?” – Here are some examples

Even as vaccine numbers rise, Democrats double down on masks

COVID Databases Are Among Us – We Must Fight And Win Now Because COVID-19 vaccine passports are on the march

A Podcast Leads to Solving the Murder of a Cal Poly Coed in California — 25 Years After It Happened

Shareholder Activism: Woke Capitalism From The Inside – A window into the world of woke financial pressure campaigns

The Case for Black Patriotism – An African-American professor sees the greatest force for human liberty on the planet

The Cable news shake-up that has Fox News again at the top

Senator Josh Hawley to introduce anti-trust legislation to ‘bust up’ Big Tech, including Google and Amazon

Chinese labs and Russian bounties: The Biden administration gives partial vindication to Trump theories

April 18, 2021

Chauvin Trial Verdict Prediction (of Sorts): On legal merits alone, Not Guilty! — But political dynamics drive injustice

The Two Apples – Is your iPhone worth China’s tyranny?

The COVID-19 Mushroom Treatment – They are feeding us pseudoscientific BS while keeping us in the dark

Have you been ‘recalibrated’ for COVID? – The shots do not make you immune; you can still get infected, and they do not prevent you from spreading the virus if you’re infected

The Joe Biden Who Never Was – As incompetent as Jimmy Carter and may prove to be as corrupt as Bill Clinton

Coverup: Huge Houston migrant facility for teen girls abruptly shut down after a staffers death and nobody’s saying why

Arizona lawmakers are set for major audit of 2020 election results after winning a legal battle

NASA Announces Gender and Race Requirements for Next Moon Landing – You must be this diverse to ride

Trump knocks Biden timetable for Afghanistan withdrawal – 9/11 should remain a day of mourning the terror attacks

Kroger closes 2 So-Cal stores over the $4 per hour ‘hero pay’ ordinance – Kroger says stores were ‘underperforming’

One guess as to how the Chauvin-Floyd trial might end

Efforts to make Oregon’s coronavirus rules permanent are being met with fierce opposition

A shocking spike in drug overdoses shows ‘death by despair’ a direct result of fruitless Covid lockdowns

WSJ: America’s Longest War: A Visual History of 19 Years in Afghanistan – U.S. withdrawing, but can current peace hold

Three times Chief Justice Roberts has moved left in Supreme Court rulings or held a minority position

The Irreligious Priorities of the Biden Administration – That Promote Invented Rights While Denying Real Ones

George W. Bush goes full squish on the border – Supports amnesty for illegal immigrants brought to the US and more

Representative Maxine Waters Calls for BLM to Get ‘More Confrontational’ if Officer Chauvin is Acquitted

What if COVID-19 variants are like the many flu variants? – Because it is acting that way

Racial Justice Riots: Calling Evil Good and Good Evil – So what’s it like living in Minneapolis these days?

April 17, 2021

Maxine Waters: Derek Chauvin Must Be ‘Guilty, Guilty, Guilty’ or We Take to the Streets

Adam Toledo ‘gang affiliation with Latin Kings’ to blame for death as they ‘gave him the gun he was holding when shot’

The $8+ trillion Biden wants to spend to empower Democrat special interests and impose radical left-wing ideas

Fully Vaccinated Person Dies of COVID-19 in Texas – Immunocompromised people still vulnerable even after vaccination

The Mystery Surrounding Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter Deepens as Curious Disclosure Details About “Capitol Police” Emerge

Joe Biden’s flavors of the weak – Biden set out to be the polar opposite of Trump and is succeeding wildly

An Oregon journalism student  has been charged for an Antifa arson attack

Ontario Canada Announces Virus Restrictions That Cause Such a Huge Backlash, Even Police Won’t Enforce Them

BLM Co-Founders’ Million Dollar Housing Binge Underscores The Marxist Movement’s Hypocritical Power Grab

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland Revokes 12 Trump Administration Climate Policies

Biden’s Presumptive Ambassador Worked At A CCP-Linked Consulting Firm & Harvard Group Advising China’s Military

It’s amateur hour when the Japanese Prime Minister visits Biden – I see a “Japanese Boy” won the Masters Championship

Biden Should Sack Linda Thomas-Greenfield – Her speech at the National Action Summit was an insult to America

An Overwhelming Majority Of Americans Want A Special Counsel To Investigate Hunter Biden

The Supreme Thuggery of Democrats’ Court-Packing Scheme – Justices Are No Longer Riding The Circuits

The White House Walks Back Statement on Agreements With Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras

California Democrats are trying to dox people that signed the Gavin Newsom recall petition

Big Tech Censorship Continues Unabated – They feel It’s best to tell us what to think

The Diversity Industry Has Turned the Clock Back…to 1960 – Whatever Happened to “Melting Pot” and “Assimilation?”

The Courts Are Using COVID To Take Kids From Parents –  Activist judges seize on mask violations to deny custody

The Biden administration will release 400 migrant families per day by June, up from 50 in January

Antifa Rioters Burn Portland Apple Store and fire Guns from Cars

FBI Director Christopher Wray Finally Makes a Big Admission About Antifa


April 16, 2021

A New Law Could Bring a Pork Shortage to California – It’s all about space

California stimulus check: Residents are to be sent $1,200 checks plus a $600 bonus for some

A Short History of the Filibuster – Accidentally created but the tactic nonetheless suits the Senate’s intended character

A San Antonio Police Officer Shoots and Kills Gunman, Stops Attempted Mass Shooting

Latest VAERS Data Show Reports of Blood Clotting Disorders For All Three of the Emergency Use Authorization Vaccines

H.R.1, A Pillow Over the Face of Federalism – It secures the rights & freedoms of “the people” in much the same way the aliens in a classic “Twilight Zone” episode arrived on earth “to serve man”

A Recipe for More Tragedy – The media’s rush to judgment on the Adam Toledo shooting will come with a high cost

FedEx Shooter Known to Locals & Previously Interviewed by FBI — Looks Like Chris Wray Dropped the Ball Once Again!

CNN has lost over half of its viewers since Trump left office

AZ Cop Finds 17 Illegal Aliens in Car, Forced to Set Them Free When Border Patrol Refuses to Help

Musk’s SpaceX wins $2.9 billion moon lander contract – Could bring astronauts to the moon as early as 2024

China Uses Old Communist Playbook – Spread its message, improve international image, & leverage domestic fissures

Fearmongering goes nuclear: ‘We are now in a brand-new pandemic’ that targets younger people

Family Blames COVID-19 Vaccine After a ‘Healthy’ Father of 7 Reportedly Suffers a Stroke

WSJ: Johnson & Johnson Privately Asked Rival Covid-19 Vaccine Makers to Probe Possible Clotting Risks

Unintended: A Theory of Taser / Weapon Confusion – A matter of Automaticity vs. Capture Error

New York State Is About to Pay $2.1 Billion to Illegal Aliens – They will be eligible to receive as much as $15,600 each

Professor Jordan Peterson Predicts The Death Of Mainstream Media – 10 Minutes of insight, It started with Millenials

CNN’s Ratings Have Absolutely Cratered Since Trump Left Office

The Failure of ‘Defund the Police’ – There’s no getting around the fact that “defunding the police” is deeply unpopular

Liz Cheney Was A Primary Culprit Of Spreading Fake News On Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops To Undermine Trump

McCarthy: ‘Do Not Trust Nancy Pelosi’ on Her Claim That She Won’t Act on Court-Packing

The Issue Americans Care More About Than Coronavirus – Illegal Immigration

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Says Lockdowns Were a ‘Huge Mistake’

Supreme Court Justice Breyer is in the hot seat – Pressure for him to retire so Biden can replace him with a black woman

America’s Inflation Staycation – The Fed encourages an unwelcome guest to stay – Ignore that churning printing press

CBS splices out section showing him holding a gun in Adam Toledo’s hand out of police shooting video

So Bill Gates wants to spray dust into the sky to control the Earth’s temperature – What might the correct temperature be?

Let’s Choke Woke Coke – Their British-born CEO led the company over the falls. If Coke wants to reclaim conservatives, then let it sacrifice him

Can we finally start ignoring Fauci? – He endlessly moves the goalposts to maintain his power over the American people

Why We Black Leaders Support Voter ID Laws

A CNN employee continues to give away devastating internal trade secrets

Racial Segregation, Liberal Style – Welcome to Ward 3 in Washington, D.C.

April 15, 2021

Audrey Hepburn: The Secret WW2 History of a Dutch Resistance Spy – Her experience with the Dutch resistance and Nazis in World War II is largely forgotten

Big Tech bans people who discuss election fraud. That’s a bad idea!

Sanctuary Country: Criminal Illegal Aliens in ICE Custody Cut by 70 Percent Due To Biden Orders

VOTERS SAY: ELECTION FRAUD IS A PROBLEM – And likely impacted the outcome of the 2020 election

Republicans Unveil New “Big Tech Accountability Platform” To Rein In Big Tech

Pelosi rejects fellow Democrats’ court-packing bill and will not bring it to a vote

US Intel Chief: ‘Indications’ That China Is Attempting To Influence WHO About The Origins of The Coronavirus

WP Calls Out Media for Ignoring Potential Connection Between Fauci’s “Gain of Function” Research & Covid Outbreak

5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC

A Healthy 43-Year-Old Man Suffers A Stroke From A Blood Clot Hours After Receiving The J&J Vaccine

The Federal Government Caught Buying ‘Fresh’ Flesh Of Aborted Babies Who Could Have Survived As Preemies

People In American will likely have to navigate a maze of vaccine “passports”

WSJ: Cruise Ships in the CDC Dock – The entire industry is shut down in the U.S. while Europe and Asia are sailing again

A 3rd Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Dose Will ‘Likely’ Be Needed Within a Year, CEO Says

MLB and the NBA fall out of favor with Republicans

Nearly THREE times as many San Francisco residents died of fentanyl overdoses than from COVID-19 during in 2020

Mike Lindell: Free, Clean Speech Social Media Site Set to Launch Monday

Texas Ranchers Are Dealing With Armed Smugglers on Their Land

Twitter permanently bans Project Veritas & founder after a series of exposés about CNN’s anti-conservative bias

It’s true: Democrats have court-packing on the menu – They Want Four More Supreme Court Justices

Congressional Democrats Are Now Rolling Out Legislation to Expand the Supreme Court

Coca-Cola says it’s ‘time to find common ground’ on voting measures after product boycott pressure from the Right

Rand Paul: 2020 election fraud was never fully reviewed by the courts

The U.S. imposes sweeping sanctions targeting the Russian economy

Senate Republicans push for a national commission to balance the budget

The Latest Project Veritas Video Shows CNN Staffer Revealing How The Network Manipulates Guests

More Evidence Of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud – Several links to 2020 election fraud articles are provided

Protect and serve: Why take that risk in 2021? – Why would any Caucasian or Hispanic put on a badge in any U.S. city?

Geraldo Rivera Absolutely Loses His Mind on Dan Bongino, Obscenities Fly

South Dakota Governor Noem’s Message For the Biden – We won’t be taking any illegal immigrants you want to relocate

Tucker Carlson Covers DOJ Approval of Un-Armed Ashli Babbit’s Murder without Warning and Sam Montoya’s Arrest

The Gaslighting of the American People – CNN’s COVID coverage was round one. Up next: climate change

Mike Rowe Is Right: A Higher Minimum Wage Takes Away Stepping-Stone Jobs – Has  negative economic & social effects

Just Because It’s Said by Joe Doesn’t Make It So – Is massive government spending the best way to deal with it?

The next wave of leftist propaganda is here – Media are now working with “Covering Climate Now” global initiative

Senator Graham calls Biden ‘one of the most destabilizing presidents on foreign policy in modern history

The Misguided Call for Slavery Reparations

White House Correspondents Dinner Cancelled – Did These Leftist Hacks Finally Realize How Much They Are Reviled?

Examining the Relationship between COVID Death Rates and Population Density

April 14, 2021

Photos: Border Wall Materials Neglected After Biden Administration Halts Construction

As Orange County Announces Pilot Program for COVID Passports, Doctors Warn this is ‘Unjust and Discriminatory’

How to Start a War – Joe Biden, or those around him, seem determined to upset the peace they inherited


On Day 77, Biden Admits That Walls Work, Sort Of – White House’ best infrastructure idea yet: finishing the wall

Guatemalan government pushes back on U.S. claim of an agreement to surge forces at Guatemalan border

Gitmo Captives Reengaged in Terrorism after Release and are At Large – A recently declassified intelligence report reveals

Denmark Drops AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Amid Blood Clot Reports  – They are the first country in Europe to do so

142 Fully Vaccinated People in Houston Test Positive for COVID-19 – More than two weeks after being fully vaccinated

NFL Fans Up in Arms After Politician Announces Vaccination Proof Will Be Required to Attend Games

For Years, The New York Times Reported Absentee Voting Boosts Fraud — Until Donald Trump Agreed In The Year 2020

DOJ: No Charges Against Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt

Capitol riot ‘stand down’ confirmed: IG report finds U.S. Capitol Police were warned multiple times

Democrats’ Put Forth a Joke of a Hate-Crime Bill – And Dare Republicans To Oppose It

Big Tech: What little privacy you have is going away – They’re teaming up to invade your privacy and censor you in new and terrifying ways

House Democrats Vote Today on Slavery Reparations – Sponsored by Texas Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee

How not to get killed when stopped by a cop – During an arrest, the person being arrested has no right to resist

The warrant that Daunte Wright tried to flee was very serious and was not a ‘victimless crime’ as promoted by the media

China conducts ‘combat exercises’ on Taiwan Strait – “Our determination to curb Taiwan independence is not just talk”

Vaccine passports? We’ll pass – It is simply improper to mandate the use of vaccines that have not been fully approved.

Scary Vaccination Reactions In Lytton, British Columbia

What the Defense Department defines as ‘extremists’ somehow happen to look exactly like Trump voters

These Lawsuits Reveal The Left’s Goal To Banish Religion Altogether 

Southern Border Sector Sees a 380% Spike In Attempted Crossings By Convicted Criminals

Project Veritas caught a CNN director telling the partisan truth about their anti-trump agenda

WSJ: Wait, Where Did All the Rental Cars Go? Hertz – Advice, book your car before your hotel

April 13, 2021

Daunte Wright Had an Arrest Warrant for Allegedly Choking and Holding a Woman at Gunpoint: Court Docs

Google Shadow Bans Searches For “Riots Today” Following Violent Unrest in Minnesota – Other search engines didn’t

Poll: 62% of Voters, Including 59% of Black Voters, Say Voter ID Laws Do Not Discriminate

The Voter Suppression Swindle – The facts don’t support Democrats’ lies about election integrity laws

Barack Obama pours gasoline on another race fire by calling officer Derek Chauvin a murderer

I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated – Children are afraid to challenge the repressive ideology that rules our school. That’s why I am

Merchants of Revolution – California’s ethnic studies initiatives push Marxist theory and opposition to the American system

The Real Reason for Daunte Wright’s Death – It is a tragedy, but we need to look at the full picture of why it happened

The U.S. Border Patrol Will Deploy to the Mexico-Guatemala Border – To respond to large migrant caravans organizing in Central America

Fauci Says J&J Vaccine Pause Will Only Last ‘Days to Weeks,’ Rather Than Months

Pfizer Vaccine May Put People at Higher Risk for COVID Variants, an Israeli Study Shows

Disney theme parks will now allow employees to show tattoos and wear gender-inclusive costumes

Orange County California to Launch a Digital Vaccine Passport Pilot – Hawaii Is Not Far Behind

WSJ: Suburban Home Buyers Could Be a Foreign Government – Overseas investors turn to America’s single-family rentals

Kenosha officer involved in Jacob Blake shooting was cleared of wrongdoing by an independent review

Fox News CEO Responds to The ADL’s Call for Tucker Carlson to Be Fired Over His Replacement Theory Segment

Biden to order all US troops out of Afghanistan by 9/11 20th anniversary, report says

Joe Biden Accepts Invitation To Address A Joint Session Of Congress

CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from Presidency -‘Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office’

WSJ: China to Continue Push for Global Power and Press Taiwan for Reunification – Double its nuclear-weapons stockpile

Most blame Biden for border crisis, spells 2022 doom for Democrats – Particularly in 16 battleground states

Big Tech Is Censoring Science Because The COVID-19 Panic Made Them Rich And Destroyed Their Competition

The ‘Simplest Explanation’: CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Says Coronavirus Origin Could Be Wuhan Lab

You Can Only Play This COVID Whack-a-Mole Game for So Long, Dr. Fauci – It’s horrible that we’re getting better, right?

Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you and it could lead to your death’ – Week old story, sorry I missed it

The Obama Crew Makes Things Worse – Guess who’s behind the curtain pulling the levers of the Biden administration

Democrats Consider Firing the CBO Director – To give them the scores they’re looking for to push Biden’s agenda

CBS’s Refusal To Even Explain Itself Is The New, Shameless Reality For Republicans And Conservatives

2020 Election Data: Democrat Identity Politics Faces Headwinds – The Democrat’s hold on minority voters is weakening

Tucker’s statement about Democrats disenfranchising Americans – The words “epic” or “magnificent” certainly apply here

I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated – Children are afraid to challenge the repressive ideology

The Roadmap for the ‘Great Reset’ – It is an all-encompassing attack on capitalism, wealth creation, and freedom

The Latest Assault on Tucker Carlson Over His “Voter Replacement” Theory Backfires

I am a ‘2020 Doubter’ – What if treason happened in 2020 & the media refused to report it while the Swamp collaborated?

Governor De Santis rips corporate hypocrites for opposing voter ID bills while making deals with dictators

Everything Is Infrastructure – Democrats redefine the word to promote an American Jobs Plan that is anything but

The Great Awokening: America’s Latest ‘Religious’ Revival

Generals Flynn & McInerney Expose The Truth

Rural Trump Voters Already Live in the Safe Places – Most dirty, polluted, dangerous, and violent places are governed by Democrats

The Filibuster Gets the Lib-Dem Race Card Play – Democrat count on Republican meekness in the face of political bullying

When 2 + 2 = 4000, we might just be in trouble – I see a red flag raised when grocery store prices rise precipitously

Biden Re-Ignites The Waco Fire – His ATF nominee reminds us of a dark episode of law enforcement lawlessness

The Funeral Aid Program allows death certificates to be altered for those who ‘May have’ died of COVID

Derek Chauvin Did Nothing Wrong – He appears not to have done anything wrong, legally, morally, or technically

April 12, 2021

PUTIN TESTS BIDEN – Russia never amassed troops like this on the Ukraine border while Donald Trump was President

3 COVID-19 Deaths Reported Among Those Vaccinated in Oregon: Officials

5 Reasons J&J Is Having a Very Bad Month – Adverse reactions, blood clots, vaccine contamination, etc.

US Government Scientist Reveals New COVID Monitoring Device That Gets Implanted Under Skin

Newt Rips Kamala – Says She Was Put In Charge Of Border Crisis ‘Because They Knew She Wouldn’t Do Anything’

The Cult of California – The truth is the California I grew up in no longer exists

Police Report Multiple Victims Shot, Including an Officer, in Knoxville, TN School Shooting

MN officer meant to fire Taser, not handgun, in Daunte Wright shooting – 500 National Guard personnel activated

The U.S. & Israel will hold strategic Iran talks – It is unclear how much coordination the Israelis did with DC before strikes

The Migrant family holding center is virtually empty after Biden spends millions on hotels

Chris Wallace questions Buttigiegon ‘infrastructure’ bill lies, Ignores that less than 10% is dedicated to genuine infrastructure

60 Minutes’ acknowledges criticism on Governor DeSantis segment but doesn’t retract story panned as ‘shoddy hit piece

Who decides the sex of your child? – Biology? Not anymore, if some people have their way

WSJ: Covid-19 Drug Prevents Symptomatic Disease in Study, Regeneron Says

It’s Not Okay For Corporations To Take Away Our Freedoms Just Because They’re Not Government 

Around the World of Woke in 80 Days – Biden shows his “woke” credentials by pursuing a full-fledged progressive agenda

The Schoolyard Bully Morphs Into the Corporate Bully

There is good news from Iran: The Israelis are still working to stop the Iranian nuclear program

The Racist Incident At Albion College in Michigan That Really Wasn’t

In 2021, you’re supposed to shout-out about your vaccination

April 11, 2021

Do Californians Support Vaccine Passports? – Patch Survey Shows Just 1.2% favored a federally issued vaccine passport

A Bill to ban coronavirus vaccine passports in the US has been introduced to Congress

CCP Virus Variant Affects Vaccinated People More Than Unvaccinated People

More Colleges Require Students to Have COVID-19 Vaccines for Fall Semester

Antifa Terrorists Set Fire to Portland ICE Facility While Federal Agents Were Inside Building

The BLM & Biden Scandals You Weren’t Supposed to See – Censoring fuels the public’s distrust of the media and Big Tech

The border is even worse than you think – What’s most striking is that the government response is basically improvised

Can the Great ‘Awokening’ Succeed? – Most everything is being “fundamentally transformed” along racial lines

9 of Hollywood’s Biggest Acts of Hypocrisy: China, #MeToo, Guns, Climate Change, and More

Biden punishes the people’ he claims to care about – The “Infrastructure” Plan will cost households $1,400 each year

Forensic Pathologist: If We Found George Floyd at Home with That Amount of Fentanyl & Meth, It Would Be an Overdose

Jovan Pulitzer offered $10M to stay quiet about 2020 Presidental Election voter fraud

Trump calls McConnell a ‘dumb SOB’ and said Fauci is full of crap” about the COVID pandemic at a Mar-a-Lago event

A Liberal Pollster Shreds the Current COVID “Fourth-Wave” Panic Narrative

Biden’s gun control policies treat everyone like a criminal – The beginning of a much broader, more restrictive agenda

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand – November 3, 2020, was not an election, it was a coup

Crime is up and Democrats blame guns – The problem is cities run by Democrats and blaming guns is rather disingenuous

Don’t Give In to Democrat Attacks on Election Integrity – The right to a secure vote for all lies at the core of our republic

Leftists want to keep us masked – Evidence shows they’re not helpful but counterproductive, dangerous, and dirty

A Different Picture than the One Portrayed by Media – Chauvin’s Knee Was On George Floyd’s Shoulder, Not His Neck

Another Clearer Take on the Chauvin Trial – Legal Insurrection consistently provides the most detailed & reliable accounts

The whitewashing of Black Lives Matter – There are a considerable number of extreme radicals in the organization

Trump goes after McConnell and Fauci in Mar-a-Lago speech –  Wil help the GOP retake the House and Senate in 2022

The dispiriting housing boom – A shortage of housing, low mortgage rates, and hot stock market cash is pushing prices up

Poll: MLB wrong on moving the All-Star game as most Americans back Georgia’s election law

Why Amazon Workers Rejected Unionization – Crooked unions & good money compared to what warehouse workers typically make

Parler apparently conforming to Apple’s left-wing speech police protocols in order to get back into the Apple’s App Store

April 10, 2021

Creepy Andrew Weissmann – Still Trying to Harass & Indict President Trump on Some New BS Charges

Israeli data shows South African variant able to ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine

It Begins: Only COVID Vaccinated People Can Be Evacuated from Volcano Stricken Caribbean Island of St. Vincent

Shocking Study: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease

More Side Effects With The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine: CDC Study

Biden’s Jobs Plan could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created –  The WP gave him “two Pinocchios” for claiming it will create 19 million jobs

Derek Chauvin Trial – Prosecution Problems Ignored or Misrepresented In Mainstream Media

A 4th US Site Pauses COVID-19 Vaccinations After Adverse Reactions To Johnson & Johnson Shots

We Need To Reject Vaccine Passports – It’s a battle between those who believe in essential liberties and those who do not

18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

The Biden administration is spending $60 million per week to house illegal immigrant minors

House Democrats Schedule Debate and Vote on Reparations for Black Americans

The Team Biden caves on Iran Sanctions — and gets nothing in return

The Military Junta In Myanmar Reportedly Seizes George Soros Foundation’s Bank Accounts

The Feds are at the Heart of ‘Vaccine Passport’ Development – Health & Human Services is at the helm of the coordination

Over 57% of marines at Camp Lejeune in NC have declined the Covid vaccine

The Left Is Coming to Destroy the Homeland – Their political system doesn’t work unless it’s attacking something

The Masks Mandates Are Counterproductive. How Much More Data Do We Need?

Now there’s more reason to resist using masks – They don’t actually help prevent COVID’s spread and can be dangerous

LIBERALISM’S ZERO-SUM RACIAL SPOILS SYSTEM – Now transfer this same zero-sum thinking to the domain of race

Merian C. Cooper is a hero in Poland and his life story could help break the leftist hold on Hollywood

Biden Builds Back Obama’s Middle East Situation – And makes a mockery of his democracy agenda

The Biden crocodile comes for John Roberts – Joe Biden has moved to pack the Supreme Court with leftist cronies

Chief Justice John Roberts Once Again Shows He’s a Spineless, Authoritarian Coward With His Latest Vote

Businesses breathe a sigh of relief after Amazon defeats unionization efforts

Apple’s Quiet War On Independent Repairmen – Their near-monopoly power allows it to maintain control over its products even after consumers buy them

Chauvin Prosecutors Have Answered One Big Question – But that doesn’t mean they’ve clinched the case

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: INFRASTRUCTURE EDITION – There are some real show stoppers this week

April 9, 2021

Black descendants of Bruce’s Beach owner could get Manhattan Beach land back under the proposed plan

Orange County California announces a test run for its own COVID-19 vaccine passports

WSJ: Ten Signs Things Are Getting Back to Normal, From ‘Friends’ to Full Middle Seats

Researchers Suggest The Remains Of An Alien Planet Lurk Deep Within Earth’s Mantle

The Latest VAERS Data Show Vaccine Injury Trends Continue – 56,869 adverse events following COVID vaccinations, including 2,342 deaths and 7,971 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 1, 2021

More Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Clinics Hit Pause — 18 People Suffer Reactions at an NC Site and 4 Hospitalized

A Woman Documents Severe J&J Covid Vaccine Side Effects in Live Stream

Attorney DePerno Releases MI Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES

A New Hampshire track coach fired for refusing to make athletes wear masks speaks out on “Tucker Carlson Tonight”

Biden’s atrocious opening to packing the SCOTUS – This would destroy the high court, turning it into a political football

SCOTUS rules against CA’s limits on in-home religious gatherings – The 5th time they rejected the 9th Circuit’s rulings on California coronavirus restrictions

What Should Be Done to Curb Big Tech’s Power Over  Americans’ speech rights – Clarence Thomas offers a remedy

Biden’s Border Czar, Roberta Jacobson, is stepping down after 100 days on the job

The White House is weighing cash payments to stem the southern border migration

A New Million-Dollar Purchase by A BLM Co-Founder May Explain Where All that Money is Going

Tinhorn Flats Update: Burbank Sends in SWAT and Boards up the Restaurant

Biden Orders Creation of Commission to SCOTUS Changes – Including the possibility of increasing the size of the court

What’s in Biden’s Budget Proposal – The document is an opening step in the federal budgeting process

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, dead at 99

David Limbaugh: Goodbye to My Brother. . . for Now – A Touching Goodbye and Last Words

Diversity Comes to the Cockpit – To appreciate United’s flawed logic, look at the reasoning of the diversity industry

A Second Vaccination Site Halts Operations After Adverse Reactions to the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Joe Biden’s $400B home care plan props up Medicaid and excludes the millions of seniors on Medicare

A Nation Primed To See Racism In Everything Will Think Only About Race – And will see racism even where it doesn’t exist

Biden Border Policy Goes South – Three major polls find that the majority of Americans believe he has bungled immigration

Biden Tax Hikes Will Cost 1 Million Jobs in First Two Years – A study from the National Association of Manufacturers

Jimmy Kimmel Tries to Make Hunter Biden’s Corruption Funny

NYT Journalist Erases His All of His Tweets After the National Pulse Unearths Posts Admitting ‘Working’ For The CCP

Scientists call BS on the WHO’s Wuhan ‘Iinvestigation’ and Demand a legitimate probe with or without China

What Do Mandatory Vaccinations, COVID Passports, and Forced Sterilization have in Common?

Dr. Ryan Cole: COVID Vaccine Concerns & Treatments – Includes Pfizer Biontech Vaccine Risk Statement

WSJ: The Pandemic’s Terrible Toll on Kids –School shutdowns and family trauma leads to social isolation, stress, and mental health issues

Who Needs Vaccination Passports? – People don’t trust the so-called experts who continuously move the goalposts

Faulty Covid death numbers explained – Using the 2003 CDC guidebook Covid deaths would have been 9,684. Utilizing this new reporting and classification method that exclusively applied to Covid-19, the number of deaths is 161,392

Biden’s Green New Infrastructure Deal – Contains many items unrelated to infrastructure, along with special favors for progressive special interest groups

April 8, 2021

The Deep State Just Declared War Against MAGA – Demanding an official investigation of the January 6th Capital incident

Study: San Francisco Is Hemorrhaging Residents To Texas And Florida

The Ninth Circuit court blocks Republican-led states from reviving the ‘public charge’ rule

Joe Biden Lied About Gun Shows and Background Checks

January 6 Is the New Russiagate Lie – It will be a long time before we know the truth about what happened on this day

Mark Meadows: ‘There Is a Better than 50-50’ chance Trump runs again in 2024

A Moderate Senate Democrat Just Dealt Joe Biden a Significant Blow – Manchin Says NO! To Eliminating The Filibuster

Explosive Report: Hunter Biden Finally Brought Down – 26-Year FBI Vet Nailed Him – Dynasty in Ruins

Could mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science Suggests They Might

The seven hotels taken over by ICE will house 1,200 migrants released from custody as part of an $86.9 million contract

The Mainstream Media Just Cooked Up a Scheme to Provide Cover For A Black NFL Player Who Killed A White Family

Team Cuomo’s nursing-home coverup was even worse than we knew

Tennessee Makes History, Grants ‘Constitutional Carry’ of Handguns

A Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Site Was Shut Down In Colorado After Adverse Reactions Were Reported

Dolores Cahill Ph.D.: Why You Shouldn’t Get An mRNA Vaccination

Janet Yellen’s Global Tax Cartel – There will be oppressive measures taken to ensure that it will be paid

Biden Signs Executive Orders on Gun Control – His slew of executive actions on gun control is now etched in stone

The Democrats Are Lying About Guns on Purpose – Here Examples, With Many More Sure To Come

Biden Nominates Anti-Gun Fanatic to Run the ATF – Who tries to shock people with irrelevant and misleading outliers

National Archives Will Make Trump’s Tweets Publicly Available – Twitter is still adamant that they won’t

New York Times Staffers Admit To Previously Working For Chinese Communist Party – “It Has It’s Benefits

When President Harris Breaks the Glass Ceiling (and Everything Else) – By becoming the first female president of the US

Biden caves and will lift the sanctions on Iran

Biden Infrastructure Package Bailes Out California’s Bad High-Speed Rail Plan

It’s about time Newsom reopened California – He has been too slow in allowing Californians to resume normal life

‘Strains,’ the new fearmongering tactic as COVID fear is subsiding – Get ready to be bombarded with the revelations

Behold DeSantis, Destroyer of Narratives – Florida’s governor annihilates 60 Minutes’ attempts to delegitimize his success

The Fed vs. the Real World – As Americans See Increases In The Cost of Living

Peter Thiel Calls Out Big Tech’s Collaboration With The Chinese Communist Regime

Tech Companies Are Putting Billions Into Startups Aiming to Harvest the Blood of Children for Rejuvenation, Anti-Aging

Fans Are Tuning Out on Woke Sports – Viewership is down across the board, but boardrooms just aren’t listening

The Truth About Nation Of Islam Sure Complicates That Capitol Attack Corporate Media Would Like To Forget

Texas Governor Reveals Sexual Abuse Allegations from Inside A Migrant Children Holding Facility

United Airlines goes there: Vows affirmative action for pilots – Embedded Video Shows What Poor Pilot Landings Look Like

Wealthy and Woke – Apparently to rant about “privilege” means the less you need to worry about your own

War Clouds Over Russia & Ukraine? – The U.S. should allow NATO membership for Ukraine its not worth war with Russia

Biden’s Crony Anti-Infrastructure Plan – He’s eagerly subsidizing his big corporate friends whether they need it or not

Not Making National News: Former NFL Pro Guns Down Five People in South Carolina 

George Floyd’s Rotten Friends – Prosecution witnesses potentially perjuring and gravely contradicting their own case

Georgia election chief Raffensperger is in ‘coverup mode,’ says plaintiff in Fulton Co. vote fraud suit

The stock market may be getting too hot – Growing signs the bull market is overheating along with investor complacency

Brad Parscale Is Reportedly Helping Caitlyn Jenner Explore A Run for California Governor – She Is Very Serious

The Governor of Iowa Says She Will Take Executive Action Against Vaccine Passports

April 7, 2021

Government data shows masks had no impact on COVID spread

The ‘Protect Democracy Project’ That Is Threatening AZ Auditors Is Connected to Obama, Soros, China, and Biden’s DOJ

Now We Know Who Actually Pushed The MLB Commissioner to Move All-Star Game – Or players would boycott the game

Immigration and Customs Enforcement is converting these seven hotels into ‘casas’ for migrant families

Biden to Issue Gun Control Executive Orders

Tucker Carlson: Pilot ability no longer matters to United Airlines, but skin color does

It’s High Time We Make “Woke” Corporate America Feel Real Pain: Here’s How We Can Start

Arizona Governor Signs Bill to Defy Any New Federal Gun Control Laws

New E-Mails Place Hunter Biden At West Wing Meeting With Then VP Biden And Burisma Board Partner Devon Archer

EU Regulators Find ‘Possible Link’ Between Blood Clots & AstraZeneca Vaccine, But Claim ‘Benefits Still Outweigh Risks’

Ann Coulter: MINNEAPOLIS VS. THE EVIDENCE – The prosecution’s witnesses keep helping Chauvin

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin opposes Biden’s infrastructure bill opposing the proposed corporate tax rate increase

Senior Senate Republicans Urge Biden Not to Return to the Iran Nuclear Deal

Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Aims to End Single-Family Dwelling Zoning

CBP Deletes Press Release About Arrest of Yemeni Border Crossers on Terror Watch and Their Excuse Is…

Iran Has a Reason to Be Happy with Biden – It’s clear that concessions to the terrorist regime are coming

Building America First In The States – A new states-based conservative grassroots organization

Mike Pence returns to the MAGA world with a Trump-backed political group

Seeing 2020: The Censored Science of the COVID-19 Pandemic!

Papa John Was Railroaded – New audio and transcript files reveal a shameful story of corporate cancel culture run amock

Texas stats expose Fauci’s failure at the scientific method

Vaccine shopping can be surprisingly easy – Those who want to “wait and see” say they would get the J&J vaccine


April 6, 2021

Biden Says Americans Who Get Vaccinated Can Celebrate the 4th of July and Get in the Backyard with a Group of People

White House: Americans Not Required to Carry ‘Vaccine Passports’

CBS’s 60-Minutes faces bipartisan backlash after ’60 Minutes’ aired selectively edited footage in DeSantis Hit Piece

Oxford University PAUSES trials AstraZeneca Covid vaccine trials in children amid fears about blood clots in young people

246 Vaccinated Michigan Residents Diagnosed With COVID, 3 Dead, State Health Dept. Confirms

A Previously Healthy Teenager Is Diagnosed With Guillain-Barré Weeks After First COVID Vaccine

Election Fraud Prosecution is at an ‘All-Time High’: Texas Attorney General’s Office

The 2021 List of California Family Values Killer Bills is Out and It’s Bad

“Cities Will Be on Fire” – BLM Activist Warns “All Hell Will Break Loose” If Chauvin Is Not Convicted in George Floyd Death

Democrats Cry ‘Racist’ No Matter What, Republicans Should Pass Stronger Laws – It has nothing to do with racism

40-year old teacher in good health gets COVID vaccination and dies 4 days later of ‘natural causes’

Fauci struggles to explain why COVID cases are dropping in Texas where they opened back up

Biden Admin Might Backtrack and Resume Border Wall Construction as Crisis Escalates

DATA: Joe Biden Is Detaining 18,000 Minors. Trump’s Peak Number Was Just 2,600

The Deputy Border Chief Estimates ‘Way Over 100,000’ Illegal Border Crossers Have Evaded Capture This Year

The Border Patrol Intercepts Convicted Murders and Child Rapists Crossing US Border

Fund roads and bridges, not this phony infrastructure bill

1 in 4 workers (26%) plan to look for a job at a different company once the pandemic has subsided

WSJ: UAL Plans to Begin Training Pilots at a New Academy – They are anticipating a pilot shortfall as demand returns

Biden offered a strange reason for raising corporate taxes – This won’t cause them to raise their prices

Mask-Wearing Represents Fear and Blind Obedience, Not Science!

Corporate Media And Leftist Corps Are Living In Unreality – Where true things are decried as false and false things are heralded as true

Biden sets a new April 19th deadline for all adults to be eligible for COVID vaccines

The National Labor Relations Board rules that Amazon illegally fired activist workers

John Eastman, former Chapman University law professor discusses election-related advice he rendered in the Oval Office

The U.S. Needs Street Smarts to Deal With Iran – The JCPOA is on the table in Vienna this week, and the stakes are high

California’s predatory water policy is Billionaire Farmer-Friendly

Communist China’s Diplomacy Trap—Former Pompeo Advisor Miles Yu on the US-China Alaska Meeting – Text & Video

April 5, 2021

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen calls for a minimum global corporate income tax

Iran Wants Over $3 Billion to Negotiate with Biden – How many billions will Biden’s date with terror cost us?

The COVID Response Disaster – The COVID fear playbook is nearly identical to the one used after 9/11

Fauci: The Federal Government Won’t Mandate ‘Vaccine Passports’

Epidemiologist: We Could Have Reached Natural Herd Immunity in 6 Weeks

Scientists Challenge Health Officials on Vaccinating People Who’ve Had COVID – It Could Potentially Cause Harm

March Border Crossings Jump to 15-Year High – 171,000 migrants+ and 19,000 unaccompanied minors apprehended

Virtually No Supporters Show Up to Greet Kamala Harris as She Returned to Her Hometown of Oakland

New York’s vaccine passport program is already failing – The Cuomo-IBM idiocracy can’t produce a good product

Arkansas Senate Passes Emergency Clause to Immediately and Permanently End Mask Mandates

Chinese Officials Are Trying to Dodge Getting COVID-19 Vaccinations, Citing Health Reasons: Leaked Documents

WSJ: Senate Parliamentarian Rules in Favor of Democratic Reconciliation  – Allows Democrats to approve more measures along party lines

The Feds Are Considering California’s Long Beach Convention Center as an Emergency “Illegal” Migrant Shelter

The Media and Politicians are Still Spreading the ‘Big Lie’ About Officer Sicknick’s Death, for Political Reasons

Analyst: Gas Prices Could Hit $3 Per Gallon Soon, Biden’s Policies Are Having a ‘Profound Impact’

261 Transgender Prisoners Requested Transfers Under a California Law and 255 Are Sent To Women’s Prison

Arizona Border towns struggle to afford the surge

Congressman Reminds MLB It Still Has 1 Big Legal Protection and Woke Boycott of Georgia May Have Endangered It

Teen girls accused of killing DC Uber driver reach plea deal ensuring they will not be placed in a prison facility

Trump’s call for boycotts may finally teach Big Business to stop siding with the Democrats

Major League Baseball is Expanding Their Presence in China While Pulling Out of Atlanta

Facebook Removes The Capitol Attacker’s Profile and Purges References to Nation of Islam and Farrakhan

An Overview of All Proposed Spending in Biden’s Proposed Infrastructure Plan

California’s ‘Ethnic Studies Curriculum’ Opens Door To Critical Race Theory Indoctrination Throughout Public Schools

A Fact Check on The NYT’s Fact Check That Feeds the Misinformation About Georgia’s New Election Law

60 Minutes’ Ignores Democrat Governors COVID Scandals &Invents One About DeSantis – Partisan propaganda at the expense of the truth

The Media’s Attack on Ron DeSantis Is Desperate – Because he’s ruining what the left wants to accomplish in both narrative and agenda

Biden Transportation Department Halts a Texas Highway Widening Project On The Grounds It Is Racist

Mileage Tax: A Step Towards Full 1984 – It’s also a way to track your movements, Not just how far, but where and when

Media Promote New ‘Double Mutant’ COVID Variant – This takes the cake for most hysteria packed into a television hit

Vaccine Passports to Hell – Vaccine passports are the definition of medical tyranny and are Orwellian and dangerous

The Minneapolis police chief is expected to testify against Derek Chauvin

The FBI Warns & Advises Against Buying, Making or Misrepresenting a Vaccine Card, Which May Be “Breaking the Law”

An Avalanche of Misdirection – The WHO’s report on Covid-19’s origins dances around the likely timing of the first outbreak

Joe Biden’s border crisis – Democrats don’t like “crisis” or “surge.” So, let us propose this description: Joe Biden’s fault

Biden family values crawl out of the woodwork in the Hunter memoir

Dick Morris: Biden’s “Infrastructure Bill” Is a Lie – It’s a Ploy to Collectivize us, to unionize us, and to make us controllable

CNN Versus Biological Reality – The media and medical industrial complex’s drive to deconstruct sex

Justice Thomas argues for making Facebook, Twitter, and Google Utilities – Some digital platforms are “sufficiently akin” to common carriers like telephone companies

Can We Finally Stop Pretending that George Floyd’s Death Had Anything to Do with Racism?

‘Tweeting Is Easy, But Law Making Is Hard’: AOC Ranks Near Bottom in Nonpartisan Study of Congressional Effectiveness

Putin signs law allowing him to run for two more terms in the Kremlin

April 4, 2021

The Boomer death tax – Now, the transfer of property will usually result in immediate reassessment to full market value

Emboldened Iran Steamrolls Its Neighbors – Thanks in large part to the Biden administration, it’s having a very good year

Beijing Is Accelerating Timeline for Possible Invasion of Taiwan an Expert Warns

Democrats want open borders, but won’t say so out loud, which is causing today’s cruel crisis

Biden Edges Away From Israel –  Foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority is a slap in the face to Israel

What’s He Hiding? Georgia’s Secretary of State Petitions Court – Prefers Not to be Forced to Hand Over Ballots for Audit

Democrats demand I.D.s for everything but voting – Which of course would be racist

WSJ: COVID Cases Drop & Vaccination Pick Up, But How Open Is America? – Most of the U.S. Hasn’t Returned to Normal

Charles Barkley’s Comments on Politicians Stoking Racial and Economic Division Hit the Nail on the Head

The totalitarians’ COVID Con unintentionally explained by CNN public health ‘expert’ – Act NOW, Before We Lose The Carrot

Major League Baseball Boycotted The State of Georgia a Day After Expanding Their China Deal

Axios declares CEOs ‘the new lawmakers’ – They have been forced into politics by cultural trends and staff demands

The Strange Sinovac Vaccine Phenomenon: Countries Report Increased Cases After Using Vaccine

How to NOT cower before the COVID mask police – Out, You Nazi-Fascist Psychopaths

The Tax-Subsidy Waltz – Democrats love nothing more than railing against policies they themselves created

Ads discouraging illegal immigration are useless – There is no research to support their efficacy

April 3, 2021

Air Force General says Russia increasing military activity near Alaska

Vaccine passports’ are coming to California – Show proof of vaccination or negative test to attend gatherings like weddings, conferences, concerts, or theater shows

George Soros gives $500 million to NY liberal arts college – $55,000 for a First-Year Progressive Education

This chart shows that California electricity is more expensive than ever, compared to the U.S. average

The International Air Transport Association, a trade association representing most major airlines, announces the development of a “vaccine passport”

My-Pillow Guy: Trump won. Here’s new, definitive proof – Definite Proof of Phantom Mail-In Voters

‘Vaccine passports’ just aren’t worth the trouble

Biden is foolishly reversing one of Trump’s major and successful Middle East policies

Confirmed – YouTube Is Up to Its Tricks – Has Deleted Millions of ‘Dislikes’ on Joe Biden Videos

Science shows mask zealots Are Wrong – Cases in “Optional” school systems are significantly lower than in “Mandated” school systems

Texas & Mississippi defied dire COVID predictions – Although they eliminated mask mandates & other restrictions in March

WSJ: Airlines Want Vaccine Passports but Don’t Want to Pay for Them – As Europe plans document to store Covid-19 data

KGB Defector Bezmenov’s Warning To America – What he foretold many years ago is happening now!

One county and COVID – Weigh the costs of the mental & physical damage done to K-12 children vs. possible lives saved


April 2, 2021

European Plans For ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were In Place 20 Months Prior To The Pandemic – Coincidence or Far Worse?

Hawaii Considering Vaccine Passports For Inter-Island Travel – Lt. Gov. Josh Green “I would love to pilot it in mid-April”

California plans to retire color-coded tiers, as more Bay Area counties are poised to enter the orange tier

COVID: A Disinformation Operation Wrapped In A Virus – The “Wuhan Zombieland” stories don’t make sense

Republicans Are Digging Their Own Graves on Election Reform – The “For the People Act,” is a nearly 800-page poison pill

Poll: 72% Of Americans Are In Favor of Requiring a Photo ID to Vote

A record-setting 19,000 unaccompanied migrant minors crossed into the US in March amid the Biden border crisis

Biden operatives reportedly busing scores of migrants into US interior to pursue more permanent legal status

Joe Biden’s USCIS Removing Term ‘Alien’ from Manual to Be ‘More Inclusive’

Hunter Biden’s full of it — he knows it’s his laptop, and he wasn’t hacked

The Suspect who smashed into a barrier at US Capitol identified as Noah Green – A “Follower of Farrakhan” 

Donald Trump: ‘Boycott Baseball’ and ‘Woke Companies’ Opposing Georgia Election Law

Wait Until You Find Out What They’re Not Telling You About Covid-19

Just Say No to Vaccine Passports – They’re just another hoop to jump through to keep Aunt Karen happy

The Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show

The Professor Who Refused to Call Trans Student by Preferred Pronoun Speaks Out After Winning Court Case

Bipartisan worry grows over the national debt, which now totals $85,210 per person – Because of Inflation Fears

There’s something very wrong with our press – Examples of disinformation and opinions as facts are provided

The Dollar-Sign President – Joe Biden’s administration is shooting money out of a bazooka at everything in sight

I Work in the Public School System. Critical Race Theory and its Varients are Everywhere

CA Governor Newsom and Four Other Democrat Governors Are Under Investigation For Nursing Home Virus Deaths

Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Is a Progressive Slush Fund Boondoggle – Their reimagining the American economy

Representative Greene Introduces Proposal to Bar Vaccination Mandates and ‘Vaccine Passports’

Vaccine Passports Are A Serious Threat To American Civil Liberties – Are we supposed to accept that the government and businesses may stop you and demand your COVID-19 papers?

A Coming COVID Vaccine Catastrophe – Geert Vanden Bossche speaks out against the #Covid19 mRNA vaccines

So Representative Gaetz was telling the truth all along about the FBI probe into extortion, official confirms

Buttigieg’s bicycle fakery shows Biden’s administration in a nutshell – It’s all about optics and perceived outcomes

The U.S. economy added 916,000 jobs in March, crushing expectations – Economists expected an increase of 675,000

Election Fraud Hotspots, 10% of the Data are 70% of the Fraud – Similar characteristics to property-casualty insurance fraud

April 1, 2021

Homeless Shelter Cleared to House Illegal Aliens –  Dozens of Which Are Infected with COVID-19

Illegal Aliens Released by BP Commit Home Invasion Robberies, Store Burglaries in AZ Town – Missed It Last Month So Putting It Here

WSJ: Woke and Weak CEOs – They’re denouncing Georgia’s election law, but have they bothered to read it?

Ben Shapiro: Why I Left California

CNN analyst urges Biden to tie vaccinations to America’s ‘freedoms’ – ‘If everything reopens, what’s the carrot going to be?’

Georgia House passes bill stripping Delta of tax break after airline’s CEO slammed new election integrity law

The Tech tyrants slam a few extra nails into Donald Trump’s coffin

Massive Development in Tiger Woods Case,  They Know What Caused The Accident – He Never Touched The Brakes

Larry Elder: Refuting left-wing myths with facts

The Great California Exodus – A look at why people are leaving the state in droves

Two more high-tech companies are leaving California

California unemployment claims leap above 100,000 despite efforts to reopen battered businesses

Madness Amok In Canada, as trans “justice” goes haywire – A chilling denial of a parent’s authority and attempted silencing

Trump Hires Political Operative To Steer Upcoming Election Operations – What direction will she take the organization?”

Four Antifa Members Imprisoned During Violent Oregon capitol Riot

Biden floats biggest tax hike since Clinton, who paid the price

Yes, COVID-19 Was a Biological Attack by the Chinese Communist Party – Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.

Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Scam – The problem is not infrastructure spending, but bills that are in fact political slush-funds

Biden Plans An Afghanistan Train Wreck – On May 1, U.S. may face an “entirely new war”

Terrorists Are Crossing America’s Porous Borders & Biden Is Making It Worse – This national security isn’t being addressed

WSJ: U.S. Jobless Claims Remain Near Lowest Levels Since Covid-19’s Onset – But still well above pre-pandemic levels

The New Yorker Attempt To Dunk On Conservatives Shows Why H.R. 1 Is A Threat – What H.R. 1 Really Is and Does!

The Ten New Radical Rules Changing America – Many Americans privately reject these new diktats of woke-ism,but publicly, not so much

China’s State Propaganda Group Boasts Control Over Western Think Tanks, ‘Election Integrity’ Groups, And Biden’s National Security Team

5,000 Foreigners Flagged by China in Advanced Surveillance Sweep: Another Data Leak

Ditch the ‘Doom’: It’s Time for Optimism about a COVID Recovery

H.R. 1: It’s Worse Than You Think

The Texas State Senate Passes Election Integrity Bill Targeting Mail-in Ballots

Kristi Noem Has No Good Explanations For Vetoing The Girls’ Sports Bill – As passed, this bill is a trial lawyer’s dream

The AZ Senate Hires 4 Firms to Audit 2.1 Million Ballots From 2020 – Voters want the assurance of a full forensic audit

Why all the lies about Georgia’s new voting law?

Biden’s stimulus checks spark a historic surge in gun sales, especially AR-15 rifles

WSJ: Even Suez Canal Blockage Can’t Hold Back Red-Hot Global Trade – Factories are struggling to secure raw materials

Powerful Evidence That George Floyd Resisted Arrest – This case is more complicated than prosecutors would have it

Los Angeles: MS-13 is Implicated in a Fourth Attack on a Trans Person

NBC’s Lester Holt Urges Journalists to Ditch Objectivity: ‘Fairness Is Overrated’

March 31, 2021

Hundreds of thousands flock to Rumble to watch Trump interview censored by Big Tech

Joe Biden’s ‘Vaccine Passport’ Sounds Like Precursor to China’s Social Credit Score – Here’s How China’s Plan Works

Illegal Border crossers get 1 year ‘renewable’ amnesty and a Social Security card.

District Attorney Gascón to downsize and rename LA County DA Hardcore Gangs unit, sources confirm

Over 100 Fully Vaccinated People in Washington State Test Positive for COVID-19

Los Angeles Should Reach Covid-19 Herd Immunity By Late June, Say Health Officials

Hawaii creating vaccine passport for travelers

Negative COVID Tests For Sale Are Flooding The Dark Web

Day 63: Kamala Appointed Border Czar… Claims To NOT Be Border Czar

After losing to the Dallas FC Under-15 boys squad, the U.S. women’s soccer team wants the men’s pro pay

Foster Parents Say They Were Forced to Break Up Family after Non-Profit Took Home to Accommodate Migrant Children

Radical New Rules for Post-America – Americans privately fear these rules, while publicly appearing to accept them

Trump BLASTS Biden’s $2 TRILLION spending plan in a scathing new statement

NY State Finalizing Plan to Give Illegal Immigrants $20,000+ for financial hardships related to the coronavirus pandemic

Migrants stream through border wall gaps following Biden’s construction halt – This is costing taxpayers $1 million a month

Democrat Hart Drops Challenge To Results Of Iowa Congressional Race, Concedes To Republican Meeks

Americans Wake Up! Outlaw Technocrats Are Stealing Our Democracy

Biden is about to lock up a lot of black people – If his administration is serious about cracking down on the supposed rise in anti-Asian American violence and bias

Whopping Irregularities ‘Could Have Easily Swung’ Elections: Alarming Audit Results in Montana

The Supreme Court: Cowards, Crooks, or Compromised? – Why the justices failed, we just do not know at this time

A Migrant Girl Drowns In The Rio Grande And Corporate Media Shrug – Why are major media outlets un-interested?

Texas Governor Abbot Sends Kamala Harris a Letter Urging Action To End Humanitarian Border Crisis

Man Arrested in the Brutal Attack on an Elderly Asian Woman Was Previously Convicted of Murdering His Own Mother

The Border Crisis Started in D.C. and the 9th Circuit – How we got here and the numbers showing what’s actually going on

Let’s Be Honest About What Today’s Media Actually Are – They are Democrat propagandists and should be treated as such

Mike Lindell: My New Social Media Platform’s Name is FRANK and it will be operational no later than April 12th

Did PPP Work? – The evidence reveals that it did, and in more ways than most realize

Biden and his people are left with egg on their faces as facts of The Capitol ‘riot’ wind through the courts

Biden unveils sweeping American Jobs Plan – That Includes Massive Tax Hikes 

WSJ: Biden to Unveil $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan – Increases corporate taxes to fix roads/bridges, tackle climate change

Joe Biden’s tax proposal hides that the feds already raised taxes – By Causing Inflation

Welcome to the Soviet States of Ameristan – Questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election will not be tolerated!

If these vaccines really work, then why continue these excessive safety protocols?

We Need a Serious Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19 – The WHO investigation into the origins of COVID is an international scandal

The CDC’s Dr. Rochelle Walensky puts on the full drama queen act of ‘impending doom’ for us

Biden’s proposed ‘Vaccine Passport’ is worse than you realize – Circumventing the Bill of Rights via partnerships with corporate America and Big Tech

Vaccine Passports May Not Help Reduce The Spread of COVID-19 – May Be A Distraction from necessary interventions 

New Army policies exclude, isolate unvaccinated, make it increasingly difficult for service members to refuse vaccinations

Where Is Governor Newsom’s apology to “Locked-Down” Californians?

March 30, 2021

YouTube To Remove ‘Dislike’ Feature As Biden Whitehouse Content Continues To See Likes Massively Trail Dislikes

WSJ: The Equality Act Is at War With Reality – Children know the difference between Mom and Dad, yet Congress seeks to outlaw that distinction

Another Democrat Defects from Pelosi’s Partisan Push to Overturn House Election In Iowa District

SFO District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s parents were not victims of an unforgiving justice system, they were terrorists

The New Racists Want to Pillage and Profit in Our Schools – Leftist consultants sell woke “work” to school district leaders

Is California driving businesses away with taxes and regulations that send their jobs to more hospitable states?

Self-Described Coyote Tells Univision Biden’s ‘Benefits’ Encouraged Migrants to Come to the US

Illegal Migrants Explain Why They’re Coming to the US as They Cross Private Land

IMMIGRATIONEXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants With Envelopes Of Cash Seen At Airport Flying Around US Illegally

Do Not Look Away From Evil – To stop Anti-Asian hate you must see it clearly, and these perps aren’t white

WSJ: The Wuhan Whitewash – The WHO report on COVID’s origin echoes Chinese propaganda

How Florida Is Beating COVID — Lockdowns, etc, Governor DeSantis keeps proving the naysayers wrong

CDC Director: New Data Indicates Vaccinated People Do Not Carry CCP Virus

Critics Challenge WHO Virus Origins Report, Saying It Lacks Independence

Canada Does An About-Face on AstraZeneca Vaccine, Citing Blood Clot Concern and Similar Problems in Europe

A Man’s skin ‘peeled off’ in rare reaction to Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine

NYT: What Can You Do Once You’re Vaccinated? – It is unlikely this list will make you feel better!

US Olympic Committee Gives Green Light to Kneeling for Anthem, Other Political Statements

Matt Gaetz DEMANDS FBI, DOJ to Release Recording of former DOJ Official Threatening His Family with Extortion

POLL: For the first time ever, the majority of Americans do not belong to a church

Trump Launches ‘The Official Website Of The 45th President’ – Supporters can get updates on events, submit letters and ask for personalized greetings for “ special occasions”

The Biden Administration Plans to Enact These Four Tax Increases

The Foundation Funding The “Fact-Checkers” That Defend The Chinese Communist Party Is Heavily Invested In China

Lt. General McInerney: Covid vaccines are a national security threat – They are actually experimental pseudo-vaccines

The Border Patrol Warned The Biden Administration of a Huge Surge If Trump’s Policies Reversed

Biden’s Weakness On The World Stage Is Dangerous – Strength deters bad actors and weakness begets war

Pat Condell – A Crisis Of Free Speech – Democratic Socialism, Where Everything Is Free . . . . . Except You

Biden opens ‘clandestine’ migrant processing operation – To process illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas

An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage – It has conducted numerous political operations for Democrats

The Real Five Laws of American Politics – Not The List The American Political Science Association

The Democrats’ Background Check Bill Is Already Tanking

As Democrats Claim Voter ID Is Racist, New Poll Shows Nearly 70% of Blacks Support It

Behind Biden’s Big Plans – Biden says his program is similar to LBJ’s 1960s Great Society and FDR’s 1930s New Deal

‘Your papers, please!’ – Those of us who remember some of the most egregious “scientific” experiments on people are not going to be guinea pigs for the global reset crowd

Gavin Newsom Owes California an Apology –  ‘The lockdowns are the biggest public health mistake we’ve ever made’

The Latest Data Eviscerates the Case for Mandatory Masking – But Democrats and MSM will try to spin these numbers

A Major Southern California School District to Begin In-Person Teaching for Illegal Immigrants While Locals Stuck at Home

Do You Trust Senator Joe Manchin? – Can he make the right decision when casting his vote on canceling the filibuster?

Democrat Tensions Are ‘Intensifying’ as The Biden White House Courts the Far-Left – Moderates Are Getting Nervous

Biden Is Building Coyote Border Business Through His “Benefits” offering

The Majority of Families Crossing The Southern Border Are Released Into  The United States

Who’s going to teach all the illegal alien children coming here? – Sadly, People Like This

Hunter Biden blockbuster: Memos detail a quiet effort to assist an indicted Ukrainian oligarch

Biden’s big, global climate power play – The Biden administration is moving quickly on three fronts

Fauci Was Wrong! Freedom Oriented States Fared Better than Authoritarian States Run by Tyrannical Leftists

Elizabeth Warren Is a Ridiculous, Power-Hungry Crackpot – Along With Other Observations

March 29, 2021

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem kills bill to ban transgender athletes from female sports

Update Your iPhone Today (As in Now) – The iOS 14.4.2 release should fix an active security vulnerability

Take Note! Google Maps to start directing drivers via the most ‘eco-friendly’ routes unless users opt-out

Biden Calls on Governors to Reinstate Mask Mandates, Says He Shares CDC Director’s Sentiment of “Impending Doom” on Covid Pandemic

Scientists warn COVID vaccines may be effective for a maximum of one year, as the virus mutates

Former Pfizer VP: It’s ‘entirely possible’ the vaccine campaigns ‘will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

Coming Soon — Vaccine Passports Will Determine Where You Can Go and What You Can Do

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Take Executive Emergency Action Against Possible Vaccine Passports

WHO investigator admits it took China’s word on Wuhan lab leak

Scientists Push Back as WHO Says ‘Extremely Unlikely’ COVID Escaped From Lab

An Ex-President Strikes Back – Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, two self-promoters trying to reinvent history to cover for their bad instincts and faulty recommendations 

Germany Reports More Blood Clot Cases Associated With AstraZeneca Vaccine

Watch: Biden Has Multiple Verbal Stumbles in Only 53 Seconds

The Systemic Corruption of the Clintons, Bidens, and Cuomo – Using public office for private gain

Alaska Senator Murkowski to face GOP challenge from state official Kelly Tshibaka

Lawyer Lin Wood Launches Bid to Lead South Carolina Republican Party

When does the media cover a horrific crime? – When the perps are white

How To Be an Astronaut in the Age of Woke NASA – They’re hiring — but focusing on the “Lefty” stuff

California has borrowed $21 billion so far to fund unemployment benefits, and there is no end in sight

The Biden Administration Responds to Reports on Development of Vaccine Passports

Former Clinton Adviser: Mandatory Vaccine Passport Could Lead to ‘End of Human Liberty in the West’

Republican Senator Who Voted to Convict Trump Gets Primary Challenger

Biden’s tax hikes are coming for the middle class

The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of Todays’ American Left Cannot Be Ignored

If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try ‘Green Jobs’ Again – Has Biden forgotten his and Obama’s similar failure in 2009?

The States Must Resist the Federal Takeover of Elections – Democrats changes to election law made verification of vote counts even more unobtainable and unknowable

Texas Election Officials Received $36 Million to Turn State Blue –

Several Widely-Repeated Attacks on Georgia’s New Voting Law Are False or Misleading

Biden has no mandate and his left-wing agenda will backfire – He was elected because he wasn’t Donald Trump

If Democrats Ever Get Our Guns, They’ll Get Our Freedom, Too – Gun ownership is not just hunting and sport, but the defense of both home and country

2,000 Migrants Were Released in Texas on ‘Honor System,’ Says U.S. Rep. Cuellar

A Democrat dummy says out loud the future gun control plans they have – When you support a reasonable expansion of something like background checks, you can move onto other interventions”

Rich and Entitled Allies Don’t Need US Support – Why should we protect stable allies who won’t protect themselves?

Good News on the Coronavirus Pandemic – Herd immunity is imminent in the next two months!

Communist Chinese Party Linked Peter Daszak Has A Long-Standing Relationship With “Incomparable” Dr. Fauci

Mandatory Vaccine Passports Could Lead To The End Of Human Liberty In The West

Stop the Vaccine-Passport Revenge Fantasy – Actually, the first thing it would do is close things down again

Biden’s tax hikes are coming for the middle class

The massive container ship is finally freed from Suez Canal

A ‘Heavily Armed’ Antifa Mob Attacked a Pro-Veteran Demonstration

Border Patrol agents arrest several convicted sex offenders – Continue seeing an increase in the number entering illegally

Pfizer Execs Discuss Hiking Vaccine Price After Pandemic Stage Wanes

IS ISLAMIC TERRORISM RESURGENT? – Recent attacks are a reminder that we can’t be complacent about the extent of the ongoing threat

Dinesh D’Souza: My Experience With ‘Woke’ Corporations – Will political conservatives and mainstream Republicans be forced to our own banks and news platforms?


The California Bullet Train contractor warns of further two-year delay as the state struggles to secure land

Media’s false narrative about Sturgis Bike Rally as a COVID superspreader – Cases far lower than the media claimed

March 28, 2021

It Never Ends… UK: People Over 70 to Get a Third Dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine

The Biden Administration is Working to Launch “Vaccine Passports” so Americans Can Prove They’ve Been Inoculated

Is Racism Moral Now? – A strange new ahistorical “antiracism” racism is now growing

861 Criminals Caught Crossing Texas Border Area, Including 92 Sex Offenders

The Department of Homeland Security Readies The Welcome for 800,000 ‘Family Migrants’ This Year

A Biden Staffer Repeatedly Block Ted Cruz’s Camera As He Tries To Expose The Conditions At A Border Migrant Facility

Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki still refuses to commit to when reporters will be allowed in border facilities

Election Integrity and Its Discontents – Democrats decry state efforts to bolster ballot security

When the Party’s Over – We need to get our fiscal house in order now or be at the mercy of our creditors

TN bans biological males from participating in girls’ sports – They are the third state this year to pass a similar measure

Biden ‘Committed’ to Gun Control Efforts, Will Sign Executive Order in Wake of Boulder Shooting

Goodbye Kristi Noem and Nikki Haley – You Had It In The Bag And Then You Blew It!

WSJ: Big Tech Censors Religion, Too – There’s no rest for the faithful when it comes to the woke orthodoxy

NAACP Issues Scathing Letter Urging the NFL to Cut Ties with Fox – Apparently, there’s no such thing as woke enough

Fauci says kids shouldn’t be allowed to play with each other without masks

Biden said a lot of stupid stuff at his press conference and the media fawned

KASH ON THE BARRELHEAD – The Russia hoax perpetrated by the Clinton campaign, the Democratic Party, and the FBI

Biden Picks Gayle Conelly Manchin to co-chair the Appalachian Regional Commission –  Bye-Bye Filibuster

The Supreme Court sits on a possible blockbuster abortion case – Because of potential Roe -vs. Wade Impact

From Europe: 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries

WSJ: In Derek Chauvin’s Trial, Sides Likely to Clash Over Video Evidence

Biden Preparing To Sign Executive Order On Gun Control

The January 6 Prosecutions Hit a Speed Bump – The Courts Were Savvy To Their Over-reach

March 27, 2021

New York Launches COVID-19 Vaccine Passport – Officials say the state is the first in the nation to roll out the technology

How China is prepping for a global financial meltdown

The ‘Pathetic’ Fake News Story About Sidneyh Powell – Assertions that were taken out of context to push a narrative

Biden Pushes Obama’s Sham Vision of the Middle East – Continues transformation of Democrat Party’s views on Israel

How Did the Boulder Gunman Obtain His Firearm?

Car Jacking Video: 13 and 15-Year-Old Girls Murder Uber Eats Driver in DC, Walk Past His Body to Look for Cellphone

We need to stop overlooking one politically incorrect COVID-19 death factor – Obesity

What You Shouldn’t Forget About China – The Chinese Navy is now acknowledged as formidable by military leaders

Businesses that stand up to China Should Be Ready For Their Retaliation

A $15-an-Hour Minimum Wage Could Further Sting Teen Employment Opportunities

Here’s why California gas prices are so high compared to other states

The Top Cuomo Aide at the Center of the Nursing Home Scandal Is Being Looked at for a New Reason

The Case for Prosecuting Hunter Biden – It was already significant before the false statement on a firearms form

The Democrats’ War on Black Americans – Their open-borders policies have undermined black Americans

The Biggest factor in whether Biden’s policies send migrants back to Mexico is pure luck

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Floats Taxing Drivers by the Mile to Pay the for Infrastructure Bill

Biden says Department of Justice “taking a look” at Georgia’s election reform

Americans gained weight during the pandemic – About 1.5 pounds per month or 18 pounds over a year


March 26, 2021

Shocking video: Migrants housed under a bridge and fenced in

Internal Amazon Documents Show Company Knows Employees Are Forced to Pee in Bottles

Potentially toxic Grey and Blue masks distributed in schools and daycares in Quebec

Abolishing the Filibuster Is About Power –  Biden, and Obama acknowledged this basic fact just a few years ago

Piles of People: New Photos Show What Biden Is Trying to Hide at the Border

Trump demands to know if Special Counsel Durham is still ‘living’  – Will there ever be a Durham report?’ Trump said

The Associated Press’ Orwellian push to change the news

White House Confirms Biden Will Sign Executive Order on Gun Control

Democrats Counting on Boulder Shooting to Ban ‘Assault Weapons’ Hit a Snag as Police Reveal The Weapon Involved is Not Classified As A Rifle

Another Fauci prediction blows up: Since lifting lockdown, Covid cases in Texas have DROPPED 36%

The CDC finds masks, indoor dining bans don’t stop the virus, but the media ignores

Once again, Netanyahu could win with a draw

Biden Suffered His Worst Senior Moment During Yesterday’s Presser. Are We Going to Let That Slide?

The Former White House doctor opens up on Biden’s ’embarrassing struggle’ through the press conference

The White House denies their deliberate effort to block Fox News from Biden’s first stand-alone news conference

The Real Reason They Want You To Call It The Biden-Harris Administration – To convince Americans Kamala is acceptable to hold the nation’s highest office

Whites Re Excluded, Yet Illegal Aliens Qualify for Oakland’s $500 Per Month Payout Program

BOMBSHELL: The Former CDC Chief Says COVID-19 Is From a Wuhan China Lab

“SPIKE PROTEIN” – Newer research papers directly attribute [damage}…to the unique SARS-CoV-2 ” SPIKE PROTEIN ” 

The Big Tech tyrants are going hard against what they classify as ‘medical misinformation,’ AKA vaccine questions

Weeks After Texas Reopened, Health Experts Look for Impact – No rise in cases two weeks after businesses fully reopened and numbers are falling

Now Even the Taliban Is Pushing Biden Around – They Issue an ultimatum with American Lives at Stake

A bone-chilling warning from recent totalitarian history – China and Russia  will re-up their pact entitled “The Russian-Chinese Treaty of Good Neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation”

A leading Chinese Professor & CCP Adviser Outlined a Detailed Plan to Defeat US and Manipulate Elections

The Global Race To Build Killer Robot Armies – AI-assisted weapons are in use, but still require human operators to kill and confirm targets, but that is changing.

Ted Cruz to VP Harris: ‘Allow The Media to Film’ The CBP Centers Holding Migrant Kids

The COVID Semmelweis Reflex – A tendency to reject new knowledge because it contradicts an established belief or norm

Dominion Sues Fox News Over Election Claims Lawsuit alleges defamation, citing on-air statements

Who Benefited from the Canceling of Congress’s 2020 Election Probe?

Media Fact-Checkers Are Silent as Nancy Pelosi Falsely Claims She Can Unseat ‘Any Member of Congress’ She Wants

Beijing’s Wolf Warriors in Alaska – Chinese diplomats’ actions suggest Xi Jinping will treat the Biden administration like Obama 2.0

The Worst Thing About Kristi Noem’s Capitulation Regarding Transgender Males Playing Female Sports Is Her Lies

A Time To Choose – Americans who value traditional values need to understand that the time to choose has arrived

A Landmark school choice law covers 90% of the students in West Virginia – It’s the most expansive Education Savings Account program in America

The Border Crisis and the Consequences of Biden’s Bad Ideas – He ran on a platform of open borders

Did the Secret Service attempt to cover up an illegal gun incident with Hunter Biden?

Trump Responds To ‘Outrageous’ Biden Claims About Starving Children During ‘Ridiculous’ First Presser

A 68-Year-Old Woman Died After Receiving A COVID-19 Vaccine, According To Her Family

We Are Governed by People Who Suck – Biden’s handlers are actively promoting the same decline they’ve engineered everywhere they’ve been

March 25, 2021

The Arizona App Store vote mysteriously disappeared; Apple is accused of a backroom deal

Watch: Joe Biden Lapses Into Nonsense During First Solo Press Conference as President

New Photos Show Biden’s Cheat Sheet For First His Press Conference

Tucker Carlson analyzes Biden’s ‘slow and painful’ press conference

WSJ: President Biden’s First Press Conference: The Moments That Mattered

Reporters Ask Biden 3 Times About Biggest Press Conference of His Life, He Responds ‘What Press Conference?’

The first battlefront is drawn in Georgia in an epic fight over the future of our elections – ID requirements and limited drop boxes

The California Supreme Court ends cash bail for some defendants who say they can’t afford it

Pelosi Urges CA Democrats Not To Run In Recall Election – Pelosi and fellow Democrats fear Newsom will be recalled

Trump Didn’t Create The Border Crisis. Democrats Did – Biden and his team own this current border crisis — no one else

Biden’s Plan to House Illegal Immigrants in Hotels to Cost Taxpayers $72,000 per Border-Crosser

CONFIRMED: A Democrat Operative Was Given Secret Internet Connection to Network Where Ballots Were Counted

Where is the GOP Outrage Over The Capitol Probe?  –Our government now holds political prisoners in jail

Why Trump might be the next big name to launch ‘blank check company’

The Unfit President – There was another time in U.S. history when a president was also incapable of serving

The Border Crisis and the Consequences of The Biden Administration’s Bad Ideas – Their ideological roots are clear

Gallup CEO Warns Joe Biden: 42 Million Migrants Want Entry to the U.S.

More Than 16,500 Illegal Alien Minors in CBP and HHS Custody: Official Tally

Biden Amps Up The Immigration Delivery System – Refusal to declare a border crisis is more than a matter of semantics

Partisan Hypocrisy on Immigration – Biden’s approach might even be worse than the Republican’s approach

Biden’s Ill-Considered Gun-Control Gambit

The Government Is Considering a Financial Weapon of Mass Destruction – Tax appreciated assets held by wealthy taxpayers before they were sold

Trump’s tax cuts worked. Tax hikes now will kneecap economic recovery from Covid-19

Here’s Your Primer On Critical Race Theory, Now In A Town Near You

Another Five Reasons Why the Constitution Should Be Revered

Senator Grassley: Why Hasn’t Anyone Who Lied Under Oath About Kavanaugh Been Prosecuted?

Dear Kristi Noem: GOP Voters Are Done Supporting Politicians Who Turn On Their Interests

Has there ever in US history been a more pitiful array of Cabinet members?

History Shows That Wealth Taxes Don’t Work –  Ultimately, the economic burden falls heavily on workers

A conservative storm is brewing in Washington – Weak-kneed establishment Republicans represent the past, not the future

March 24, 2021

Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Showing Fauci’s NIH Accommodated China’s Terms for Confidentiality Surrounding COVID-19 in February 2020

Scientist to FDA: You Are Ignoring ‘Clear and Present Danger’ Associated With COVID Vaccine

The Coronavirus PCR test accuracy ‘may vary by time of day,’ new study finds

Biden Clearly Called for the Border Surge, and Now He Owns It

The President of Mexico blames Biden for the current border crisis

Biden is giving Kamala Harris the thorniest issue to oversee as VP: Immigration

Biden’s New Deal: Re-engineering America, quickly

The Nature of Chinese Contempt for Us – China welcomes U.S. self-loathing that it interprets as weakness

14 GOP state attorneys general sue Biden administration over oil and gas leasing moratorium

The Biden Administration Is Formulating Plans to Start ‘Re-Engineering America Quickly’

The 9th Circuit Rules Americans Have No Right to Carry Guns, Either Open or Concealed – 7 States Impacted by  Ruling

The U.S. Intelligence Community, Flouting Laws and is Increasingly Involving Itself in Domestic Politics

‘Not A Chance In Hell’: Even If Ban Gets Lifted, Trump Will Reportedly Never Go Back To Twitter

Facebook Spends More On Lobbying DC Than Big Pharma And The Defense Industry Giants


Senator Graham: We Will ‘Shut the Senate Down’ if We Are Denied Access to The Southern Border Facilities

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Has Freed 23.4K Border Crossers into the U.S. in Two Months

A Day After 10 White People Were Murdered By An Islamic Extremist, Democrat Senators Demand NO More White Cabinet Appointments

The murder rate jumps back to 1990s levels according to a new FBI crime reporting system

Fact-Checking Feinstein on the Assault Weapons Ban – Her key statistic is an outdated figure based on a false assumption

The Government Accountability Office Launches Probe Into Biden’s Freeze on Border Wall Funding

Biden’s Massive Stimulus Is About Politics, Not the Economy –This bill is kicking the U.S. economy while it’s already down

Crony capitalism – In 1986, Congress authorized the national (VIC) program to respond to adverse vaccine reactions

The Border Crisis on the Other Side of the Border – Leftists’ absurd excuse: climate change. The real problem: socialism

The For the People Act or HR 1 ‘Corrupt Politicians Act’ Rigs Elections for the Radical Left

The Democrats’ Filibuster Hypocrisy – Now Nearly all Senate Democrats, including Schumer, want to kill the filibuster

March 23, 2021

Teachers Unions Hate School-Opening Science Now That They Can’t Influence It

The NYT’s Dishonest Miami ‘Spring Break’ Coverage – They ignored the real story and attacked their opponents

All 10 Boulder Colorado Victims of Ahmad Al-Issa Were White – It’s Time To End Anti-White Race Hate

White People Don’t Have a Monopoly on Hatred – I know, I once held bigoted beliefs myself

The FBI Knew The Bolder, Colorado Suspect Prior To The Shooting

Biden considering executive orders on gun control

Border Agent Gives Inside Account of Overcrowded Facilities – Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant

3 Fully Vaccinated Hawaii Residents Test Positive for COVID-19 – The vaccines don’t prevent infection, but mitigate severe symptoms and lower the risk of hospitalization, health experts say

WSJ: Incredible Shrinking Income Inequality  – An illusion created by the Census Bureau’s failure to account for taxes and welfare

California Senate Democrats Kill Bill to Hold Fentanyl Drug Dealers Accountable with ‘Implied Malice’

10 California counties move to looser COVID-19 reopening tiers. Many could move next week

WSJ: Unusual Leap in Gas Prices Puts $3 a Gallon in Sight – Prices will continue to rise as we approach summer

Open Schools Now – A new CDC report confirms that K-12 schools are not associated with Covid-19 transmission

Surgeon Warns Vaccinating People Infected With COVID Could Cause ‘Avoidable Harm’

The White House Is Insisting That Biden Administration Be Called ‘Biden-Harris Administration’

A Strong Majority of Voters think the proposed Biden tax hikes will hit middle-class workers

Cigna employees are subjected to far-left critical race theory lessons and asked not to consider hiring white men

Once Again, Colorado Baker Jack Phillips Is on Trial for Being Christian

Hero Cop Killed in Boulder Massacre a ‘Devout Christian’ with 7 Kids: ‘He Loved His Family More Than Anything’

Boulder Shooting Suspect Ahmad Al-Issa Posted Anti-Trump Messages

Facebook Scrubs Page Showing Supermarket Shooter Was Anti-Trump, Pro-Refugee Activist Report also claims Biden has been briefed that Ahmad Al-Issa is an ISIS sympathizer

Team Biden Planning $3 Trillion Infrastructure, Climate, and Welfare Bill – Most of which will be directed toward social welfare programs

3 Key Takeaways From The U.S.-China Summit In Alaska – What was accomplished?

No, Sidney Powell is not backtracking on the ‘Kraken’

WSJ: U.S. Health Officials Raise Concerns Over The AstraZeneca Vaccine Data

Biden tells reporters he will ‘re-establish what existed before’ and tell ‘refugees’ to apply for asylum from their home countries

Biden Administration to Use San Diego Convention Center as Immigration Shelter Amid Surge

Reparations For Black People Has Officially Come to America

The Cultural Populist’s Agenda – Elites ignore the economic interests of the public as well as their cultural interests

A decade ago, a prescient thinktank document predicted 2020 – The document was theoretical, but our reality is not

The Derek Chauvin Trial For The Murder Of George Floyd – Trial Day 11 Update

Climate change is the perfect tool to justify complete control

Is Obama taking his third term at the Biden White House? – It sure sounds like it, if the word of Jen Psaki is to be believed

WSJ: NFTs Are Music Industry’s Latest Big Hit – Nonfungible tokens are authenticated using blockchain technology

March 22, 2021 

NY Times: We’re Going to Make Sure That The Free Speech Platform ‘Telegram’ Is BANNED Forever

It’s All Just Displacement – Why does no one in media seem willing to have an honest, uncomfortable conversation about the near-total takeover of their industry by a fringe ideology?

New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots

Children Squeezed Body-to-Body in Illegal Immigrant Facility, Leaked Images Show

On China, Biden Is an Empty Suit – We desperately need a stronger China policy

Democrats may bypass Republicans to muscle through a trillion-dollar infrastructure bill

Jen Psaki’s Sister Gets Cushy Government Job Despite Biden’s “No Family Members” Pledge

The 4th Turning: The Only Way Republicans Win in 2024 Progressive conservatism was Trump’s secret weapon in 2016

The Woke Pentagon Gets Pushback as Troops Question Why Military Isn’t Treating BLM Riots Like Capitol Incursion

SCOTUS Rejects FB Appeal in $15 Billion Lawsuit – Tracking  users online activities when they aren’t on the platform

Leaked Docs Show Obama The FTC Gave Google Its Monopoly After Google Executives Helped Obama Get Re-Elected

Trump Rips Biden’s Border Policies: ‘Our Country Is Being Destroyed!’

Leaked Photos Show Children Packed in ‘Terrible Conditions’ in Border Patrol Facility

Mike Pompeo Explains The Exact Reason The Chinese Are Bullying Joe Biden

Millions of illegal immigrants set to get $4.38B in Biden COVID cash

Federal Judge: ‘One-Party Control Of The Press And Media Is A Threat To A Viable Democracy’

The Equality Act Is a Push for Ideological Submission, Not Civil Rights

Trump is now preparing for his next act

WSJ: Are Electric Cars Really Better for the Environment? – EVs produce fewer emissions, but there are caveats

CA’s two U.S. senators are urging President Joe Biden to set a firm date to phase-out gas-powered passenger vehicles

These California counties are pushing the hardest for the Gavin Newsom recall

Biden’s Follies – The FED never collect more than 18% of GDP, but is determined to spend up to 40% this year

Some People Love the Pandemic – They resist a return to normalcy because their normal lives were not that great

CDC: The Health of Children Receiving Virtual Learning Could Be Worsening

‘The COVID Relief’ Bill Collides With the Constitution – An 11th-hour clause violates the 10th Amendment

Jill Biden – the Edith Wilson of the new administration

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine 100% effective at preventing hospitalizations, company says

Information Sources That Disclose The Dangers of The SARS-COVID-2 Vaccines

The Feds criminally investigating Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby and husband, president of the city council

Militarization Is Here to Stay on Capitol Hill – It will be years before all the fencing comes down — if it ever does!

California homebuyers discover that the government is their enemy – Because Squatters Prevail

March 21, 2021

IDs Required for a Vaccine Shot, but Not for Voting?

Customs & Border Protection authorities are reportedly planning to release migrants into the US without court dates amid the surge

Leaked Documents Reveal Major Concerns About Early Batches Of Pfizer mRNA Vaccine

An Archive of 4,000 Documents Reveals The Government Knew Decades Ago About The Health Impact of Wireless Technology

“The Way Biden Is Hiding from the Public Right Now is a MAJOR Red Flag” – WH Physician for Three US Presidents Breaks His Silence on Joe Biden’s Failing Mental Health

New emails heighten mystery around presidential vote count in Georgia’s largest county

Joe Biden ‘Will Always Tell You The Truth’ – Except About COVID Vaccine, Economy, Border Crisis …

Death and Lockdowns There’s no proof that lockdowns save lives but plenty of evidence that they end them

The mask is slipping, Dr. Fauci… He’s a cable-news star first and a scientist second

Follow The ‘Science,’ They Said – Fauci has rejected science, as he knew it, to mislead the public

Evidence points to Covid-19 leaking from experiments on an ANTIDOTE for their bioweapon

Trump Plans Social Media Return With ‘His Own Platform,’ Adviser Says

DHS Secretary: Border Is Closed but Children Won’t Be Expelled

The Biden administration implements catching and releasing illegal immigrants without giving them a court date

“What Humanitarian Principle Is Served by Rewarding – Monstrous Trafficking of Children?” 

Why are we vaccinating children against Covid-19?

WSJ: Americans Are Ready to Travel. But Where Can They Go? – Domestic travel rebound is expected to outpace international recovery, as barriers to cross-border trips persist

The Battle Of Burbank – A revolution is brewing as ordinary people, alarmed by the weakness of Republican party officials, are standing up to demand more of them

Denmark Reports Two Cases of Serious Illness, Including One Death, After Receiving an AstraZeneca Vaccine Injection

Fauci’s Fall from Grace Began a Year Ago Today – By exposing how Fauci, his colleagues in government, and Big Pharma  handled the AIDS outbreak

Fauci’s fall: Frank Luntz focus group of Trump voters disses both Fauci and the Covid-19 vaccines

Studies: Hundreds of Thousands Infected With COVID-19 in Wuhan in 2020, Patient Zero Emerged October 2019

Opinion: The US Fell Into 4 Traps That Were Set by the CCP During The US-China Talks

The Boy Scout bankruptcy exposes the extent of sex abuse by showing 95,000 people have filed sex abuse claims

March 20, 2021

Former intelligence chief John Radcliff: ‘Quite a few more’ UFOs detected than the public knows

HBO Host Bill Maher Says America Is Becoming Segregated Again, And Leftists Are To Blame

Becerra’s Confirmation Exposes Cowardly Senate Republicans  – They didn’t force a tie-breaking vote on a radical culture warrior

The Biden Administration Awards $86 Million Contract for Hotel Rooms for Migrants to Manage the Crisis at the Border

Biden’s Disrespect for our Borders and Boundaries

H.R. 1 And Herd Count Democracy – The Democrats’ attempt to canonize 2020 election procedures is a mockery of democracy

Governor Gavin Newsom’s Tone-Deaf Email to ‘Stop the Republican Recall’ Insults California Voters

The Arizona State Senate Orders Hand Recount of 2.1 Million Ballots From 2020 Presidential Election

A NY Supreme Court Judge Rules New York Times Used ‘Deceptive Disinformation’ To Smear Project Veritas

The Recall of California Governor Newsom Is Almost Certain After The Latest Signature Update

WHO insider blows the whistle on Gates and his GAVI global health dictatorship

“He’s Not In Charge” – Steve Hilton Says Aloud What We’ve Known About Joe Biden for Months

Governor DeSantis says Florida will not require vaccine passports

Will the government make COVID vaccinations mandatory? – Knowing they are actually early-stage experimental vaccines

US officials are hiding data as other nations reveal the lockdowns are more deadly than Covid-19

Former Secretary of State Pompeo talks to the Washington Examiner about China, WHO, COVID, and the Wuhan lab

Our Growing China Problem – The CCP’s goal is to defeat the U.S. through countless attacks below the threshold of war

Despising Liberal Coercion and Hypocrisy — If 75 to 80 million fed-up Americans stand up and resist, we can truly make America great again

The Equality Act: Big Government Playing Doctor, Very Badly

The Democrats’ Political Mafia: It Cheated Us To Protect Us – They are determined to consolidate power and close all gaps

A Michigan Restaurant Owner Is Arrested for Violating COVID Rules — As Democrats Release Tens of Thousands of Untested Illegals Across  America

Ronald Reagan’s ‘Three-Legged Stool’ of Conservatism, MAGA Edition

Transgender mania wrecks sports equality – Male athletes still retain a significant strength after “transition

The Derek Chauvin Trial For The Murder Of George Floyd – Day 10 Update


March 19, 2021

California Caves on AR-15 Registration Fight  – Will reopen bungled registration system, pay gun group six figures in attorneys’ fees

The CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths and Injuries Reported After Getting COVID Vaccines

Children’s Health Defense Files Emergency Injunction to Stop Rule Allowing 5G Antennas on Homes

Gavin Newsom: A new green tier is coming ‘sooner than most people believe’

South Dakota’s governor Noem issues a ‘style and form’ veto that will substantially alter the girls’ and women’s sports bill

Have We Ever Had A President Like This Before? – Biden aides are doing nothing to inspire confidence in the man

Hunter Biden had business ties with Xi Jinping himself – The laptop scandal is far worse/darker than you ever thought

Who Is Kristen Clarke? – Biden’s pick to head the Justice Dept. Civil Rights Division is an anti-white, anti-police radical 

The Congressional Budget Office: The Democrat Amnesty Bill Would Cost Over $35 Billion

A Federal judge warns that the ‘dangerous’ media has ‘very close to one-party control’ in his blistering libel case dissent

Tucker Carlson Says China Has A Specific Term For The Woke Liberal Class and It’s Not Flattering – “Baizuo” 

The White House Releases A Pathetic Statement After Biden Falls While Boarding Air Force One

What Republicans and Democrats Want to Change About Elections


PG&E is changing how your electricity bill works – here’s everything you need to know

Biden stumbles up steps of Air Force One months after breaking his foot

Democrats Would Regret Nuking the Filibuster – Didn’t they learn their lesson the last time?

A New Cold War with China? – Containing China needs to be the U.S.’s chief overseas objective now and in years ahead

In the First Big China Test, Team Biden Got Rolled…And It’s Painful to Watch

Analysis: The State Department intentionally blew the China meeting so Biden wouldn’t have to  meet with Xi Jinping

Biden’s Administration Will Prove Reagan Right About Big-Government – It will continue to be the problem, not the solution

The Trump Swagger – The harder he falls, the bigger the comeback. And this time his comeback will be the biggest of all

Dan Bongino to Take Rush Limbaugh 3-Hour Radio Time Slot on Westwood One Stations in May

Twitter Locks Marjorie Taylor Greene Out of Her Account on Day Democrats Are Moving to Expel Her From Congress 

Only 1000 People Tune In To Biden Vaccine Speech As ‘President Harris’ Lurks In Background

COVID cases are spiking in a dozen states with high vaccination rates

The Biden Administration Fight You Aren’t Hearing About – No FDA Commissioner nomination amid their COVID focus

Happy Anniversary to the Media’s Deadly War on Hydroxychloroquine

Rand Paul calls out the slippery, flip-flopping, and evasive Anthony Fauci

For One Brief Moment, The Whitehouse Calls The Border Surge a ‘Crisis’

The Derek Chauvin Trial For The Murder Of George Floyd – Day 9 Update

The Woke, the Democrat Party, and the Gohmert Resolution – He calls out the Democratic Party for its history of racism

Trans-supremacy hits beauty pageants as biological male wins Miss Nevada USA – Feminists realize it’s not about equality

The Devil Went Down to Georgia – Sexually frustrated young men sometimes make their problems our problems

March 18, 2021

Months after Trump complaints, some courts are finding irregularities in 2020 elections

America Is Petroleum-Independent, well at least for Now

Analysis: What Vanden Bossche Got Right — and Wrong — About Mass COVID Vaccinations

The State of Oregon Considers Making COVID Restrictions PERMANENT

WSJ: Raising the Minimum Wage Will Definitely Result In Lost Jobs

Officials like Fauci have undermined trust in government- People aren’t skeptical about vaccines in general, Just this batch

21 States Sue Biden Administration Over Revoked Keystone XL Permit

Should sports teams allow transgender athletes to compete? – Bills in states across the country seek to address the issue

Texas Mayor Sounds An Alarm on The Border Crisis: Illegals Are Robbing Houses, Getting Into Car Chases Every Day

Up to 50 Percent of Illegal Immigrants Estimated to Have COVID-19: National Sheriff’s Association

Gaffe-Prone Biden Ducks A Debate Challenge From Putin, Says He’s ‘Quite Busy’

Newt Gingrich: The People of Arizona vs. the Democrat Machine

Soros Backed Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities – He pumps millions into radical district attorney candidate campaigns

Democrats rush to blame ‘White supremacy’ for Atlanta shootings, but police point to sex addiction

Democrat senator caught on hot-mike explaining their plan to push through a multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure bill

Recover the Moral Imperative of Law & Order – We need to move the pendulum back toward the rule of law

Liberal Court Reinstates Conviction of Man Whose Crime Was Outing a Terrorist Who Obama Was Protecting in the US

A new NASA study challenges previous beliefs about water escaping from Mars – They now think it was trapped in its crust

The NYT reports Biden administration quietly reverts to ‘echoing Trump-era policy’ to slow migrants heading to the US

The Biden Administration Is Imposing A Media Blackout At The Border To Hide The Illegal Alien Surge

Biden’s Woke Military Woe to those like Tucker Carlson who stand against it

It’s not possible that people in the White House are faking Biden press moments . . . . . . . .Or Is It?

Biden is playing with fire – Democrats now want to “reform” the filibuster to abuse their power & gain a political advantage

The PRO Act: California Is Coming for You –  The first step toward imposing California’s union work policies on America

The Inequality Act – It actually delivers inequality for Americans, including small businesses and faith-based nonprofits

The Democrats Big Move to Legalize Election Fraud Forever

Our Emerging One-Party State – Like China’s Communists, American progressives aspire to build a perfect one-party state

The So-Called COVID “Vaccine” Is Really A Dangerous Experimental Gene Therapy

Does the COVID risk justify the devastation caused by the lockdowns? – Because Death Percentages Are Extremely Low!

One Of The Lockdowns’ Greatest Casualties Could Be Science

Public Health, Private Anguish – Young adults are suffering from loneliness and isolation thanks to COVID lockdown

Dan Bongino to take Rush Limbaugh’s time slot as the radio syndication giants battle for his listeners

The Derek Chauvin Trial For The Murder Of George Floyd

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison vs. a Fair Trial For Derek Chauvin

Get Governor Newsom Outta Here – Somebody needs to pay for California’s staggering inequality and injustice

Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Climb Despite Reopening The Economy

Taming the Chinese Rare-Earth Tiger – Currently, China controls over 90% of the refined or processed market for REEs

Six Flags to reopen theme parks in Mexico and California on April 3rd

March 17, 2021

Pfizer execs discuss hiking vaccine price after the pandemic wanes – Keyword Search Endemic & Booster Ability

Poll: Sixty-nine percent of black voters and 75% overall support voter ID laws

Portland Sees a 2000% Increase in Homicides Following Police Cuts

The Status of 2020 US Presidential Election-Related Lawsuits

The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing (?) investigations of Jeffrey Epstein’s co-conspirators

Many Migrant Children Will ‘End Up in Sex Trafficking’: Texas Lt. Governor

Economic pain may be a driving factor in the Newsom recall

California’s redistributionist approach – Legislators feel some people just have too much

NO!, A newly declassified report doesn’t prove the Hunter Biden laptop story was ‘Russian disinformation’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says the state’s civics curriculum will not include critical race theory

Biden tax hike could hit people earning $200K, White House clarifies

China Plans to Ask U.S. to Roll Back Trump Policies in Alaska Meeting

Ford plans to move a new project from its Avon Lake plant in Ohio to Mexico

California Governor Gavin Newsom Warns: Recall Me, Endanger Joe Biden’s Agenda

Facebook Voter Drive Swayed Election to Biden: Says an Executive Caught on Camera

Kamala Just Trashed America On World Stage…

Jen Psaki’s Ministry of Truth – Who gaslights the gaslighters?

Months after Trump complaints, some courts are finding irregularities in the 2020 elections

DuckDuckGo Attacks Google for ‘Spying’ After Apple Launches Privacy Labels

Iran has terrorist assets planted in Washington DC and across America – Multiple sources have confirmed this

GOP Senators Allege Biden Broke Law With Border Wall Halt – By refusing to spend money appropriated by Congress

Republican Attorney Generals Threaten Action Against Biden Admin Over ‘Unprecedented & Unconstitutional Intrusion’

P&O Cruises to only allow those who’ve taken two COVID doses & they will still need to wear masks & social distance

Criminalizing Protest at the Capitol – Democrat politicians and the media dishonestly described the Trump rally as a riot

13K Unaccompanied Minors in Border Patrol Custody, Many for 5 Days

MICHELLE MALKIN: The “Anti-Semitism” Smear

The Media’s Entire Georgia Narrative Is Fraudulent, Not Just The Fabricated Trump Quotes

Something is Rotten In The GA Secretary Of State’s Office – Source for the WP’s fake quotes also made Jan. 2 recording

Michigan Judge Rules State Secretary’s Ballot Signature-Matching Guidance Invalid

The House to Vote on 2 Bills That Provide A Citizenship Path to Illegal Immigrants

Mask Mandates Do Not Save Lives – Numbers Don’t Lie

How President Trump Got Control of the Border – And how Biden created a crisis by throwing it all away

Denmark to Limit ‘Non-Western’ Residents in Neighborhoods to 30% – To prevent the creation of ghettos and parallel societies

Manchin’s Mendacious Filibuster Position – Hopefully, fellow Senator Sinema also has the courage of her convictions


Megyn Kelly Just Destroyed Dr. Fauci and Put Him Right Back in His Place

New Data Show 92,367 Mail Ballots in Nevada Went to Wrong Addresses—in a Single County

Critical Race Theory in Primary & Secondary Schools = More time on woke racial theories & less learning needed life skills

Why HR1 Threatens Election Integrity – First, the measure voids dozens of longstanding state voting procedures……….

Gavin Newsom Has Never Been More Powerful, or More Vulnerable – Facing Recall While Filling Government Vacancies

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

House Republicans drop decade long opposition to earmarks


March 16, 2021

The Top Five Reasons Why the Constitution Should Be Revered

The Sovereign Crime of Industrial Scale Vote Fraud

How Woke Whites Are Turning Minorities Into Republican Voters – Minorities Abandoning the Left

Facebook Allows Newsmax and OAN Reports on WaPo Fraud — But Gateway Pundit’s Report is Flagged?

More reason to believe Beijing is to blame for the covid pandemic

Americans Turn On China – 89% see them as an enemy rather than a trading partner

Congressman Reveals Multiple Terror Suspects Have Been Caught at Border Amid Current Surge

Feds Bus Migrant Children in the Dark of Night Into Midland Texas Without Notifying Town Officials They Were Coming

The Cartels Use Wristbands to Track Human Smuggling Over Border

Report: The Majority of LA County Signatures to Recall Governor Newsom Are from Democrats

Why California will Receive the Most ‘COVID’ Bailout Money of all 50 States – ‘The only explanation is political favoritism’

Universities like Columbia encourage racial segregation – They used to call it segregation nows separate but equal is considered woke

What School Shutdowns Have Wrought – Parents are now exploring new educational options for a post-pandemic America

Is everything the Biden administration says about the border crisis a lie? Just about!

CAPITOL RIOT: Fresh Details Confirm Trump & SecDef Pushed To Deploy National Guard While “Optics” Fears Followed Leftist Outrage Over BLM Riot Policing

Is The Pandemic Over? – Did it actually End Before Vaccinations Even Started?

Illegal Border Crossings Will Be Highest in 20 Years: Homeland Security Secretary

Sorry, Democrats, You Can’t Blame The Border Crisis On Trump – People are now flocking to the U.S.-Mexico border is because of the Biden administration, plain and simple

We Can Control Our Southern Border. So Why Don’t We?

California teachers’ unions discussing using COVID relief money for teacher bonuses, trips to Hawaii

Police Make Sudden Admission On US Capitol Militarization

Georgia Secretary of State Raffensberger and His Aides Secretly Recorded Trump’s Phone Call, Lied About Its Contents to The Washington Post, and Then Deleted the Audio in “Trash” Folder

MSM Outlets Issue Major Retractions After Botched Reports On December Call Between Trump, GA Election Investigator

The Washington Post’s Fake Trump Quote Scandal Is a Lot Worse Than You Think

The Biden administration is planning the biggest spending binge since Lyndon Johnson

There’s a new sheriff in town – Rescinding the “public charge” rule was the latest domino in abandonment of all Trump-era measures to restrict immigration and protect the border

Total Recall – Americans across the country are donating to the effort to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom

Reports of deaths after COVID vaccines up by 259 in 1 week, CDC data show

BEWARE – The Current COVID Vaccines Are Dangerous – Dr. Vernon Coleman Lays Out His Case

What You Should Know About The COVID Vaccines

There’s No Mandate for Democrats to Nuke the Filibuster

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warns Senate Democrats with ‘scorched Earth’ amid filibuster removal fight

CHAUVIN TRIAL DAY 6 – Defense counsel concerned over the effect of the city’s $27 million wrongful death settlement

March 15, 2021

A University of Chicago Study Shows VERY FEW Capitol Hill Rioters Had Ties to ‘Right-Wing’ Groups

Raunchy Grammy Awards sparks outrage and sheds viewers – The biggest night in music’ drops 52% from previous year

SHOCK RASMUSSEN POLL: Americans Against Amnesty, 73% Concerned About the Southern Border

This Cuomo scandal article shows how easily biased media shapes opinion

The Inventor of PCR Test Said Fauci ‘Doesn’t Know Anything’ And Is Willing To Lie On Television


10 Percent of Illegal Immigrants Are Testing Positive for CCP Virus Before Release

If Your Gas Is Pumping Slowly, Here’s Why You Need to Notify an Attendant Immediately

Biden planning first major tax hike in almost 30 years – To fund the $1.9 trillion COVID pandemic stimulus package

Like the IRS? Then You’ll Love Elizabeth Warren’s New Tax Bill

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says Wealth Tax Not Off the Table as Biden Mulls How to Pay for Programs

Fact Check: Pelosi Manages to Get Nearly Everything Wrong During 2 Minutes of Interview

Germany, France, and Italy Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine

A Danish Woman Who Died From Blood Clot After AstraZeneca Shot Had ‘Unusual Symptoms’

US prison guards are refusing vaccine despite COVID-19 outbreaks

 Texas Governor Abbot: The Biden Administration Is Covering up the Number of Illegal Immigrants with COVID

Governor Newsom Grants a Sort-Of Re-Opening for Devastated California Businesses

The Media Rebrand ‘Kids in Cages’ – Now It’s Just ‘Children in Facilities Similar to Jail’

Schumer: Changing, Eliminating Filibuster ‘Will Be on the Table’ if Republicans Keep Voting No

No, Obama’s Not Running the Show – Someone is pulling the strings in the Biden administration, but it’s not Obama

It’s Time to Review the 25th Amendment – Kamala Harris will become president of the US before the end of the year

The Fierce Urgency Of Reopening Schools NOW! – Few affluent families are subjecting their children to Zoom sessions, other families don’t have a choice

Trump’s use of the ‘China virus’ is racist yet the Mainstream Media is fine with attaching Covid to other places

MyPillow CEO Says New App Will Be ‘Safe Place’ for Those Canceled by YouTube and Twitter

THE PENTAGON VERSUS TUCKER CARLSON – He mocked the Biden PR campaign and the Pentagon’s participation

Wayne Allyn Root: Has Joe Biden Sold Out America to the Mexican Drug Cartels?

Biden’s Energy Director Called For ‘Accelerating’ Collaboration With China

How safe are the COVID vaccines? – CDC ‘fact sheet’ doesn’t divulge the COVID vaccine being the number-one leader in reported congenital anomalies/birth defects and emergency room visits

Are they going to require COVID vaccination passports? – It is not very far-fetched, given the overblown fear of COVID

Open Borders: An Assault on Common Sense – Our government now intends to take responsibility for the “hopes and dreams” of foreign nationals

Biden Requests EEOC Attorney’s Resignation. She Refused. Here’s What Happened Next

Facebook Is Now Hiring Fact-Checkers – One requirement: You must have spent the last 5 years in a progressive bubble

Liberal and Free Hong Kong Is Dead – The Umbrella Revolution has been rained out

March 14, 2021

“Help is Here Tour” – White House Releases Joe Biden’s Schedule For This Week and It’s a Total Joke

Retired Army Sargeant  Arrested for Attending Jan. 6 Protests – Bank Account Locked Down, Wife Loses Her Job

Breaking the Progressive Union Monopoly on Public Education – Citizens should mobilize and demand reform

Legends of Our Fall – The left-wing postmodern idea of “truth” as a mere pick-and-choose official narrative is now normal

Four hidden ways Big Tech platforms suck up your data

Rand Paul Savages Fauci: A Wannabe Philosopher Who Tells ‘Noble Lies – No evidence mandates slowed down the disease at all”

Why did Democrats sneak a ‘religious test for redistricting’ into H.R. 1?

Climate Change Named a National Security Threat, Biden Executive Order Forces This Policy on the US Military

Senator Cotton Nails Biden DOJ Nominee, Vanita Gupta, on Her Past Claim That All Americans Are Racist

The January 6th ‘Capital Insurrection’ that Wasn’t

Boxing Great Marvin Hagler Dies On Saturday After Taking Vaccine

Where Are All the Girls In Boys’ Sports Stories? – Girls identifying as a boy competing in boys’ sports and dominating?

Why is Biden releasing thousands of COVID-Positive Migrants into the country?

Biden DHS Deploys FEMA as Migrant Children Wave Hits 4K

The Biggest COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics Are Frontline Health Care Workers

Texas to Use All Legal Means Necessary to Rein in Biden’s ‘Radical’ Policies: AG Paxton

WSJ: Why the Next Big-Tech Fights Are in State Capitals

There Are 2020 Election Fraud Charges In Multiple States

Photo ID and Voting: Where the real focus should be

Four hidden ways Big Tech platforms suck up your personal data

‘A ghost town’ The border wall construction zone two months after Biden took office – Exactly how it was left

March 13, 2021

3 Hospitalized with ‘Unusual Symptoms’ After Taking the Newest Single-Dose AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

BOMBSHELL: The Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits MRNA Alters DNA

How Facebook Is Killing Journalism and Democracy – It’s high time the federal government do something about It

China Calls Biden’s Bluff, Moves Forward with Dark Plan as the US Sits on the Sidelines

The FCC designates Huawei and four other Chinese tech companies as national security threats

An Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 83 Cases Total, 18 Still Active – President Trump/GOP Prevailed in 14 Out of 21 Cases Decided on Merits

No Indication Ashli Babbitt, The Woman Shot in The US Capitol, Was Armed – But She Had A Sweater In Her Backpack

WHO Investigator On CCP Payroll Blasts Bannon & Media For Asking Inconvenient Questions… Admits He Refused To Look At Wuhan Lab Data

One year later: A look back at the inaccurate projections that helped drive COVID lockdowns

The CDC vs. Common Sense – The real virus is ‘fear’ and ‘fear’ stops people from thinking clearly

Leaked Numbers Show Migrant ‘Got-Aways’ Soar as Border Apprehensions Hit 15-Year High

Amazon’s book bullying is just the latest act of woke intolerance

Red States need to start nullifying federal law – Powers not delegated to the US by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Biden’s Border Disaster… Migrant Children “never saw the sun” For Days…

Governor Newsom’s Own Appointee Undermines His School Reopening Push

The Truth Behind The mRNA Vaccine Trials – These vaccines are not technically licensed as the clinical trials

New York Governor Cuomo Was Warned His COVID Group Home Policies Would Kill

Five of Cuomo’s other biggest scandals – He has frequently been mired in scandal in a state with a history of corruption

Minneapolis Reaches $27 Million Settlement with George Floyd’s Family – Even though he had a “fatal level” of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death

The West Must Stop Ceding Strategic Initiative to China – China’s strategy, win without fighting by changing the terms of the international order

Victims of Unemployment-Benefit Fraud Face Tax-Season Surprise – States are sending forms showing benefits received to thousands of people who didn’t get any money

Daylight saving time: Health experts and lawmakers sound the alarm over changing the clocks

Movies that haven’t been canceled yet but certainly need to be

Why the Meghan and Harry Show Backfired on Harry and Meghan


March 12, 2021

Seven in 10 positive Covid cases in school are children likely to be wrong

Gas Prices Continue Surging Under Biden

Biden’s ‘Rescue Plan’ Will Sic the IRS on Anyone Who Earns $600 in the Gig Economy 

Senator Feinstein’s Latest ‘Assault Weapon’ Bill Is Just As Illogical As All the Previous Ones

Reports of Deaths After Taking COVID Vaccines Are Up by 259 in 1 Week, CDC Data Show

A National Guard General Wants to Bring His Weary Soldiers Home from DC, But the Biden Administration Won’t Let Him

DeSantis on Biden’s hints of future COVID lockdowns: ‘Honestly, it’s insane.’ “That’s not gonna happen in  Florida”

Biden is crumbling before our eyes – There is no clear answer why his team doesn’t trust him to give a press conference

Cuomo Is Now Under Immense Pressure as Schumer, Gillibrand Join Bipartisan Call for Him to Resign

A 28-Year-Old Physical Therapist Dies Two Days After Taking COVID Vaccine – Her Cause of Death is Unknown

NO VACCINATION AGAINST THIS – Biden’s speech was profoundly dispiriting, mean-spirited, ungrateful, petty, and otherwise wanting in good qualities

Biden: You Better Obey Dr. Fauci Or You’ll Be Locked Down Past July 4th

My Democrat “Friends” are Getting Very Embarrassed – They expected a return to normal, NOT A NEW NORMAL

A Growing Number of New York Democratic House Members Call for Cuomo to Resign

The Two-Pronged Assault on American Democracy – H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process administered by the states

An Oxford University-Trained Artificial Intelligence (AI) Expert Explains How Big Tech Manipulates What You Think

How Biden helps criminals in Mexico by opening up the Southern border

So where are all the nightly network news pictures of the ‘kids in cages’ that we saw when Trump was in office?

Democrats Are Sacrificing American Kids’ Lives To Get More Power

States Need To Protect Children From Trans Abuse By Investigating Planned Parenthood Now

Crossing the Line  – CDC is taking a hands-off approach to stop the spread of Covid-19 across the southern border

Biden’s Stimulus Speech Was a Complete and Total Failure – It demonstrated Democrats’ dependence on the COVID pandemic for the achievement of office and their conduct in office

The Blatant Fraud Behind The New $1.9 Trillion ‘COVID Relief’ Bill – It was really all about “Blue State” relief all along

Incarcerated convicts, including convicted murderers, will get COVID bucks 

What is Mitch McConnell up to? – The last thing he wants is to be remembered as the sell-out

Dr. Richard Fleming Discusses The SARS CoVid2 Vaccines

Country Music Star John Rich Says Conservative Stars Fear Speaking Out

WSJ: Covid-19 Rewrote the Rules of Shopping. What Is Next? – From curbside pickup to virtual fitting rooms. Which of these changes will last?

March 11, 2021

Congress Wants to Give the Establishment Media a Massive Handout

WSJ: The Lockdowns Weren’t Worth It  – No government cost-benefit analysis done: The policy would surely fail

What a US war with China over Taiwan would look like

Biden Backs Law That Could Put 57 Million Americans Out of Work

The Latest Attack on Gig Workers – The Democrat stimulus plan contains a provision that will hammer lower-income workers with a huge tax bill

Californians Rejected a Harsh Law That Destroyed Freelance Jobs But Now Congress Is Trying To Make It Federal Law

One Year Later, Vindication for Lockdown Skeptics – Trump wanted to open the economy but was hamstrung by his own team of advisors and experts

8 House Republicans Vote for Democrat Gun Control Bill

A Healthy 39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine On February 1

WAPO: The Biden Administration Is Confirming Some of Trump’s Wuhan Lab Claims

Stanford Prof: COVID lockdowns are ‘biggest public health mistake we’ve ever made – ‘The harm to people is catastrophic’

Before COVID, Gates planned social media censorship of vaccine safety advocates with Pharma, CDC, Media, China, and CIA

SpaceX’s Fantastic Falcon 9 Launch – From wannabe to workhorse in a mere six years

NYC School Encourages Students to Stop Saying ‘Mom,’ ‘Dad’ – Because it assumes what a “typical” family looks like

House Passes Biden-Backed Gun Control Bill Criminalizing Some Gun Sales

House Approves Measures to Expand Firearm Background Checks

The Acquittal of Derek Chauvin Has Begun – The jury selection process shows how he can, and likely will, win

The Courts Repeatedly Refused To Consider Trump’s Election Claims On The Merits – A fair shake was not given

In his first prime-time address, Biden is to ‘level’ with the public on the COVID-19 next steps

The Blue State Rescue Plan – Democrats use pandemic relief as a pretext to redistribute wealth from red to blue states

$3.5 Billion in the COVID Bill Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB, and Malaria – A Fund That Is Connected to Bill Gates

Congress Gives States Far More Money Than They Need – But Tell Them That They Can’t Use It to Cut Taxes

THE HR1 ‘For the People Act,’ shows the Democrat Party as the party of vote fraud – Shifts total election control D.C.

Denmark and Norway have suspended AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine over concerns about blood clots

How Safe Are The COVID Vaccines? – CDC warns of “most commonly reported side effects,” not the most serious ones

Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy Around The World – Emergency proclamations enabled officials to seize vast new powers

Gallup Poll: Nearly 8 in 10 Parents Favor In-Person Learning

The Race Racket – According to liberals, racism is not a human problem but a uniquely white problem

Will Biden step down or be removed from office? – Does his replacement depend on the resignation of Mitch McConnell

California wants to do “Universal Vote by Mail” again despite questionable 2020 results

The U.S. is losing a military edge in Asia, as China appears poised to attack Taiwan, a top admiral warns

DEREK CHAUVIN TRIAL DAY 3 – Charged With The Murder of George Floyd

Mexico Begs Biden to Return to Trump Immigration Policy – Drug cartels and gangs take advantage of relaxed laws

Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts Has Been…Highly Disconcerting

Beijing Adopts Plan to Control Hong Kong Elections

Disillusioned Administrator: Why I Am Leaving a Great Career in Public Education

Stacey Abrams Pressuring Corporations to Oppose Voter Integrity Laws Making Their Way Through Georgia Legislature

March 10, 2021

Could China Hack Our Electric Grid? Joe Biden Just Made It Easier – Transformers & generators imported from such adversaries as China and Russia could enable those countries to shut down the entire national electric grid

Covid-19 Is Also Raising the Death Toll From Opioids

The House passes $1.9 trillion spending bill without one GOP vote

The Biden Administration Eyes Raising Corporate Tax Rate to Pay for Stimulus

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Provides $1 Trillion in Non-COVID-Related Coronavirus “Stimulus” & “Relief”

Trifecta: Federal Taxes, Spending, and Deficit All Set Records Through February

What Covid Baby Boom? A big drop in the number of births shows what happens if you scare people about the future

Democrats Sneak $60 Billion in Tax Hikes Into COVID Relief Bill – Increases directed at businesses and business owners

WSJ: Merrick Garland Confirmed as Biden’s AG, Also confirmed Marcia Fudge to lead HUD, Michael Regan to head EPA

The Progressive Imaginarium – The number of the victimized has grown to far outnumber the vanishing pool of victimizers

Apple DENIES Parler’s request to be reinstated in the App Store

California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum urges students to chant – Based On Marxist “Pedagogy of The Oppressed”

Several LA Supermarkets Close Due To City-Ordered ‘Hero Pay’  – The ordinance to cost Kroger $20 million in LA alone

Newt Gingrich Pens Op-Ed Slamming Twitter for Suspending Him: ‘I Was Censored’

Required: University of PA Nursing class deducts points if students don’t introduce themselves with ‘preferred pronouns’

The Eli Lilly antibody therapy is effective at cutting COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths

Biden plans a Kamala Harris roadshow – The build-up for VP Harris is preparing the public for his replacement

Biden Executive Order Requires Taxpayers to Fund Gender Transition Surgeries For Military Personnel

The Pentagon Approves a Two-Month Extension of the National Guard Forces in DC

$1.9 Trillion in Spending and $11 Trillion in One-Term Deficits – The bill’s pork and payoffs equate to $1.4 trillion

The COVID stimulus price tag: The Equivalent of $17,000 per person or $69,000 per average family

Texas Isn’t Crazy for Lifting Its Mask Mandate – A steady decline in cases, followed by a similar decline in deaths

Lindsey Graham: The Democrat COVID Stimulus Package Includes ‘Reparations’ for Black Farmers

The Leftists’ inconsistencies are catching up with them

Today’s Big Tech tyranny is a dry run for future dystopian censorship – Things will only going to get better on platforms that are not “woke.”

The LA teachers’ union plotted to hide shocking behavior – UTLA, among the most aggressive in avoiding returning to work

COVID Isn’t A Threat To American Kids — Selfish Teachers, Their Unions, And Their Democrat Allies Are

Yikes! A New Poll Finds Only 36% of US Adults Believe George Floyd Was Murdered by a Minneapolis Police Officer

Fact-Checking California Governor Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Address

A PERMANENT SHUTDOWN? Newsom Says California ‘Not Going Back to Normal’ Once Pandemic is Over

WSJ: The Silver Linings of Pandemic-Era Air Travel – Rebuilt airports, cleaner planes, and new technologies

WSJ: These Businesses Thrived in Lockdown. Can They Keep It Up Now?

Masks Are Part of the Socialists’ Uniform – Mask mandates are a metaphor for a government that demands obedience

The Real COVID Nursing Home Scandal Is Why Some Democrats Did It – As a cynical favor to monied corporate donors

Biden’s Immigration Agenda Puts Americans Last  – His decision to gut border security was a political one

Identity Politics Goes Too Far – It creates racial antagonism where there should be unity among fellow Americans

The Fall Of The Republican Old Guard  –The exodus of these Senators is manna from heaven for would-be replacements

Masks, part of the socialists’ uniform – mask mandates represent administrative abuse and government coercion

The Weather Underground’s Lasting Victory – Who Are Chesa Boudin’s parents and left-wing mentors?

Cancel Culture Continues: Disney+ Removes Peter Pan, Dumbo from Kid’s Profile Accounts

How California Is Embracing Mandatory Racial-Injustice Studies for All of Its 1.7 Million High Schoolers


Turner Classic Movies goes woke – Yet another piece of our national story is now consigned to the memory hole

The People Have Spoken! A Majority of Britons Want Harry & Meghan Stripped of Titles After ‘Betrayal’ of Family

March 9, 2021

Does the Fed’s Monetary Policy Threaten Inflation? – The central bank is headed back to the Seventies and that is bad

Investigation: Soros-Funded District Attorneys Are Help Criminal Illegal Aliens Escape Deportation

Joe Biden’s Handlers Upstage Him During Public Appearance, and This Is Not Normal

Day 49: Half the nation worried Biden not ‘physically and mentally up to the job’

Biden Just Gave Protected Legal Status to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Border Crossings Hit More Than 101,500 in February

House Passes Partisan Pro-Union Bill Decried By Business Groups. Here’s What’s In It

The Worst Yet: Biden Forgets Everything During Speech

A Republican Lawmaker Probes The Biden Admination’s Role in a $1 Billion Ransom Payment to Iran

Democrats Are Rapidly Evolving On Their Filibuster Position –  A push towards elimination is gaining momentum

Exposed: Email Reportedly Shows Biden’s DHS Chief Was Lying About the Southern Border All Along

WSJ: Sheldon Whitehouse vs. the Supreme Court – The Senator threatens the Justices on amicus-brief disclosure

EXCLUSIVE NEWS: Shocking New Evidence Will Turn Everything Around In George Floyd’s Case

ICE Deportation Officer Describes Work Handcuffed by DC – Watching dangerous illegals walk around free  ‘really sucks’

YouTube Suspends Right-Side Broadcasting Network because they streamed Trump’s CPAC speech

The Miseducation of America’s Elites – Affluent parents are terrified of the new orthodoxy in their children’s private schools

Joe Biden’s mental capacity is diminishing before our eyes – It’s the worst kept secret in Washington, D.C.

The Democrats H.R. 1 Is a Partisan Disgrace – And the Left wants to kneecap the filibuster to pass it

The numbers are in and most states don’t need a bailout – COVID hasn’t left them struggling as originally expected

Tucker: Biden Is Erasing America’s Southern Border

China Is at War With Everyone, And It’s Escalating – Massive Microsoft hack shows the US has no strategy for fighting cyberwar that has already begun

Hong Kong’s Swift Descent Into Chinese Oppression Should Alarm – It is becoming an authoritarian state and its decline should terrify the West

Fighting COVID with Monopoly Money – Biden has already said he will sign it into law

Advocates Fight Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns Among Agricultural Workers – Who are reluctant to get vaccinated

The ‘Massive Scandal’ Buried in Covid ‘Relief’ Bill – Only a small percentage will actually going toward Covid-19 relief

What’s New in the third COVID Bill? – A detailed look at the Senate bill going back to the House for approval

The Democrats’ ‘COVID Stimulus Bill’ Erases SFO’s Debt for Pelosi and Eliminates NY State’s Fiscal Year Budget Deficit for Schumer

The New York Times throws The Lincoln Project Overboard – As it is no longer useful to enhancing Democrat power

The Urban Poor Are Paying A Steep ‘Murder Tax’ Since 2020 – Anti-police protests have imposed hundreds of billions of dollars in costs

The Unaccountable California Teachers Unions Must Be Reined In – 91 percent of its members voted against reopening schools until their “demands” are met

An Effort to recall California’s district attorney is now underway as the Newsom recall effort progresses

Democratic-Socialists swept Nevada Democrat Party elections. Hours later, the entire staff quit

March 8, 2021

Obama’s Wingmen Set to Take Over The Justice Department Again

The CDC Study Finds 78% Of COVID-19 Hospitalizations Were People Overweight Or Obese

In 2018 Diplomats Warned of Risky COVID/Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab But No One Listened

Budget-busting spending gives the US the worst ever ‘Economic Freedom Index’ score

The only thing that can stop Gavin Newsom’s recall is if the system is rigged. Which it is.

DHS chief requests volunteers to help at southern border amid ‘overwhelming’ migrant surge

Biden Admin Officials Had Roles in Probes, Surveillance of Trump Campaign

Biden Sued by 12 States Over Climate Executive Order

Turner Classic Movies Surrenders to the Woke Vampires

NRCC Poll: Majority Oppose Democrats Keeping Schools Closed

The Supreme Court rejects the final Trump election challenge

The Recall-Gavin-2020 Campaign Announces 1,950,000 Signatures – 1.4 million valid signatures to qualify the recall campaign

WSJ: The CDC Says Fully Vaccinated People Can Gather in Small Groups Without Masks – HOWEVER . . . . . .

Do We Even Have A Republic Anymore? – Let’s Face It, There Is No Legislative Process Anymore

Where No Legal Challenges to Biden’s Executive Orders? – President Trump’s EOs were usually challenged legally

Biden’s latest executive order is the most frightening yet – It allows the federal government to control political speech

15 Outrageous Things In the Democrats’ H.R. 1 Bill That Will Corrupt Elections Forever

A Conservative Nonprofit Announces Plans to Launch a $10 Million Campaign to Strengthen Election Integrity

Liz Peek: Biden’s monster ‘rescue’ bill destroys campaign vows and endangers recovery

Correcting The Biden Administration’s Lies About The Border Crisis

The COVID Hypochondriacs Think They’re Saving the World, But They’re Actually Destroying It

Vaccine Passports Are a Terrible Idea – They would extend COVID miseries well into a time when vaccines have largely obviated them

Big Tech Acts Like You’re An Idiot Child – The left’s push to censor, block, and purge is part of an agenda to undermine American ideals

The Climate Warriors Are Silent on COVID Mask Pollution – Masks take 450 years to biodegrade

The Academic Freedom Alliance: A Welcome Addition to the Fight against Cancel Culture

Liberal Reporter Asks a Simple COVID Question of Big-Tech – What credentials do your people possess that allow them to be the information Stasi?

Biden to Order Creation of a Gender Policy Council

Biden Approves Release of $3 Billion of Iran’s Funds in Iraq, Oman, South Korea

The Campus as a Factory – Corporatist progressivism and the crisis of American higher education

March 7, 2021

California Governor Gavin Newsom – No Money For Firefighters, But $28 Mil For Illegal Aliens

Representative Matt Gaetz RIPS Joe Biden and Suggests Transition to Kamala Has Already Begun

Govt. data shows masks had no impact on COVID spread – Cases rose and fell while mask-wearing remained constant

An Arizona Hospital Worker Says Nearly All of Their New COVID Cases are Illegal Aliens

Biden Issues Executive Order on the ‘Access to Voting’ Act — And Yes, It’s Even Worse Than It Sounds

Trump Presses GOP Entities to Stop Using His Name and Likeness

Austria Suspends Use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Batch After Death

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Sends National Guard and State Troopers to Respond to Border Migrant Crisis

Hitting Woke Herd Immunity? – A society obsessed with race without mechanisms for a logical category of victimization and reparation

Uh-oh! They let Biden get in front of a microphone again

Biden to Sign Election Executive Order to Increase Voting by Criminals

How to get away with stealing an election – For Mature Audience ONLY!

CDC Adverse Incident Reports Show 966 Deaths Following Vaccination for COVID-19 = 5% Resulted in Death

Mail-in ballot fraud — in Mississippi, it’s real

The CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – They Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks

4th and 5th Women Make Allegations Against Cuomo, Plus Other Aides Confirm Toxic Environment

It’s the End of the Ride – Hopping off the White House reporting roller coaster

March 6, 2021

Brave, the privacy-focused web browser, Is Launching a Privacy-Focused Search Engine to Compete with Google

Report: Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Killed 40 Times More Old People Than The Virus Itself Would Have

Ballots In Arizona’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster – Days Before Senate Audit To Begin

Nancy Pelosi’s Capitol Security Review Recommends Turning the US Capitol Into a Permanent Armed Camp

The Senate Approves $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Stimulus Package on Party-Line Vote

Joe Biden’s Handlers Let Him Out, and Things Are Not Fine

Senate Democrats Reject All Republican Amendments But 3 Before Passing Relief Bill in Strictly Partisan Vote

20 States Send Letter to Senate Leaders Promising Swift Consequences if HR1 Passes

Is Senator McConnell Out? Insiders Drop Bomb, May Not Finish Out Term

Key Things You Need to Know About HR 1, The supposed “For the People Act of 2021”

Are We At Peak Cancel Culture? Don’t Bet on It – We don’t call it “totalitarianism” for nothing

WSJ: This Covid-19 Treatment Pill Shows Promise – Molnupiravir reduced the infectious virus in Covid-19 patients in a mid-stage study

WSJ: Senate Democrats Overcome Impasse, Reach Deal to Advance Covid-19 Relief Bill

The White House Says The Relief Bill Remains ‘Incredibly Progressive’ Despite Senate Compromises

The Equality Act Is Bad Law – Laws like these are bad laws because they make us all guilty until proven innocent

Senate Holds Longest Vote in History Amid Relief Package Negotiations

The White House scrambles on immigration, blames Trump, and calls in the first lady

California’s Radical, Bigoted, Completely Nonsensical Ethnic-Studies Plan

The Largest Government Failure of a Generation – About 3 million marginalized students missed school since March 2020

Children need Protection from Transgender Activists


March 5, 2021

UK: 35 people deaf and 25 blind after taking mRNA vaccine shots

With California Set to Receive Biggest Bailout in History, State Earmarks Millions to House Immigrants in Hotels

Lin Wood Connects The Dots On Deep State… They’re All In On It…

Remember the Papa John’s Racism Controversy? Unsealed Court Filings Allege It Was Set-Up

California Congressman Tom McClintock: ‘No Borders, No Country’

Even the ACLU Opposes H.R. 1’s Free Speech Crackdown

WSJ: Fact-Checking Facebook’s Fact-Checkers – This media giant is employing left-wing vetters to limit scientific debate

How the Left Intends to Preserve Its Press Fiefdom

Biden Deals Blow To Religious Liberty – Fires General Counsel of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Ben Stein Issues WARNING: Suffers Severe Side Effects from COVID Vaccine DAYS AFTER Getting Shot

Congress moves to limit Biden’s power to declare war – Follows Democrat effort to curb his nuclear-strike authority

Kayleigh McEnany: Staff doesn’t want Biden to have press conference –  ‘Does not have faith that he could stand at the podium’ and answer questions

Japanese supercomputer simulations show doubling masks offer little help in preventing viral spread

Pelosi prepared for ‘insurrection’ but no one came – The threat was ‘like a child fearful of the monster in the closet’

Iranian Militia Group Claims to Have Active Cells in Washington DC

Democrat Texas Representative: Warns We Are Possibly Days Away from a Full Crisis on Our Southern Border

Governor Newsom COVID ‘Equity’ Plan: Vaccinate 2 Million Latinos or California Won’t Reopen

California to allow theme parks, including Disneyland, to reopen on April 1st

Placer County Lawmakers & Lawyers Demand Governor Newsom End His ‘Oppressive & Capricious’ Lockdowns

California’s 2035 Zero-Emission Car Mandate Is Empty Virtue Signalling

San Francisco Pays $16.1 Million to Shelter 300 Homeless in Tents

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Reopens Restaurants, Gyms, Theaters, and Water Parks at Full Capacity

We’re Nearing a Serious Immigration Crisis – ICE Expects Border Crossing by Unaccompanied Minors to Be the Highest in 20 Years

Democrats hide radical ideas behind American-as-apple-pie bill titles

The Capitol Police Chief And Her Democrat Bosses Are Lying To You To Hold Our Capital Hostage – D.C. has been occupied for more than eight weeks

Kayleigh McEnany Comments on Psaki’s Job a Press Secretary: ‘I Always Knew Where My Boss Stood’

You might be a Neanderthal IF … You are a governor that is re-opening your state and economy

Governor Cuomo’s Aides Altered The Nursing Home Report to Conceal The Death Toll

Tucker Carlson Zeroes in on the Left’s Biggest Fear’ – If they’re this afraid of American voters, maybe something’s wrong

McConnell preparing to leave the Senate before his term is over – Following the release of IG Report on his wife

The Relentless 9-Year Hounding of Jack Phillips’ Masterpiece Cakeshop Shows the True Threat of the ‘Equality Act’

The Democrats’ cancel culture is escalating Fast – What they most dislike is America and any opposition to their belief


Biden ‘twisted’ Democrat governors in knots with the freeze on fracking leases

In Rural Montana, Locals Pinned Hopes on a Keystone Lifeline – Then Biden Killed It

Fox News reclaims top spot in cable news ratings – CNN & MSNBC hit the wall because Enemy #1 Trump Out & Biden In

March 4, 2021

Embattled NY Governor Cuomo Announces an IBM Vaccine Passport Scheme for Sporting Events, Theatres

Will the real president of the US stand up! – There’s no evidence that Joe Biden is actually serving as president

Which states have recently dropped mask mandates and why – We Are Up To 16 State Now

Arizona Sheriff: Thanks to Biden, Mexican Smugglers Now Have Their Own High-Speed Roads in America

Gavin Newsom Recommends California Residents Wear Two Masks

Kamala Harris Takes Call with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Behalf of Biden – So Who’s Really Running The Show?

37 Things It Is Important To Know About H.R. 1, ‘For the People Act’

The Senate Advances Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Relief Package, as VP Harris Casts The Tiebreaking Vote

The Dreaded Mysterious QAnon March 4th Uprising Failed to Materialize at the Capitol

Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Releases First Official Press Release

FBI Director Christopher Wray: The FBI is Dividing Pro-Trump Ralliers Involved in Capitol Breach Into 3 Different Groups

The Capitol Police Are Asking for a National Guard Troop Extension to Beyond March 12

Google Owned YouTube Has Removed Trump’s CPAC Speech. So Here It Is, In Full…

Church Leaders Tell Catholics to Steer Clear from J&J Vaccine Produced Using Cell Lines from Aborted Baby Parts

CBS Evening News: Former Staffer Says Governor Cuomo Propositioned Her for Sex

A Family on Trial for January 6th –  The Justice Department wants to ruin the Cua family and send a message to others

30-Year Mortgage Rate Tops 3% for First Time Since July of 2020

The Mother of All Stock-Market Bubbles – Buffet’s preferred stock-market overvaluation indicator is flashing warning signs

Congress on Track to Recreate 1970s Welfare Policies – $120 billion in payments to parents who don’t even try to work

WHO Investigators to Scrap Interim Report on Probe of Covid-19 Origins, Amid U.S.-China Tensions

What We Know And Don’t Know About The Events Of January 6th – And What Information Is Being Withheld?

House of Representatives Democrats Pass The Voting-Rights Bill Opposed by GOP

House Democrats pass a bill to change American voting forever – H.R. 1 takes every bad idea blue states adopted in 2020 and nationalizes all of them

The Hunter Biden Probe Is ‘Active And Ongoing’ Without White House Interference

The Top 9 Reasons Democrats’ Latest Gun Control Bill Is A Terrible Idea (Again)

McConnell Wife & Trump Sec of Transportation, Elaine Chao Misused Govt Resources for Personal Gain

Antifa Members Caught with Gun at Jan 6th Protests, Arrested & Released — NOTIFY CROOKED CHRIS WRAY

Biden on Immigration: Another Liberal Experiment Against Common Sense – What Democrats call a return to normalcy is a return to chaos

The White House Abruptly Kills The Video Feed When Biden Says He’s ‘Happy to Take Questions’ from Democrats

Henry Kissinger suggests Biden not abandon Trump’s “Brilliant” Middle East policy

13 Woke Corporations Are Fighting Back Against The Texas Mask Mandate Repeal

The coming clash between Roe v. Wade and the Equality Act – Must transgender people be treated as their imaginary sex?

Earmarks Expose Self-Serving Politicians and Distract Us From Bigger Problems – Like Government’s Massive Spending

March 3, 2021

Trumpism—Without Trump? Who has been right about Donald Trump’s final demise in the last five years?

Joe Biden Nears 45 Days Without Holding A Press Conference

Nancy Pelosi’s Election-Rigging Bill HR-1 – It’s a blatant power grab

House Democrats Pass Bill Critics Say Defunds Police And Reject A Proposal To Condemn Calls To ‘Abolish’ Police

Kids are now 10 times more likely to die from suicide than COVID, Tucker Carlson reveals in a devastating monologue

A Majority of House Democrats vote in favor of lowering the voting age to 16 – Fortunately, That Was Not Enough

A New Poll Shows Where Americans Stand on Biden’s Executive Orders – A majority are unhappy with many of them

A documentary roadmap to special counsel probe of rogue the FBI pursuit of Trump – It Was A Political “Dirty Trick”

The Biden administration inexplicably decides to re-fund World Health Organization

You Can Go Back To Ignoring the CDC’s Impractically Cautious Guidance

WHO team leader admits that no ‘hard facts or detailed data’ were received from the Wuhan lab

A ‘Healthy’ 28-year-old mom dies suddenly following her second Pfizer shot

The Supreme Court Rules States Can Charge Illegal Immigrants For I.D. Theft

A New Biden Deal Cancels Relief Checks for Many Who Received Them Under Trump

The Pentagon releases a video of US forces getting bombarded by Iranian missiles after Trump had Soleimani whacked

Inflation Will Destroy the Middle Class – And Biden’s massive stimulus bill certainly won’t help matters

Trump Got It Right at CPAC – Most of the $1.9 trillion spending bill are expenditures for Democrat pet programs

BOMBSHELL: Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts That Expose Former VP Pence

The COVID Death Data Fraud – Dying WITH COVID and dying FROM COVID are two entirely different things

Death rates from coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States as of March 1, 2021, by state (per 100,000 people)

Dr. Simone Gold: The Truth About The “Experimental” COVID Vaccines – You Can Still Get Sick & Need Annual Shots

Most Small Businesses Are Not Requiring COVID-19 Tests or Vaccines for Employees

Updates on The CCP Virus: Texas and Some Other States Are Easing Virus Rules

Support for Covid-19 Vaccine Passports Grows, With European, Chinese Backing – U.S. holds back for now amid ethical and practical concerns

FBI Counterterrorism Official: No Firearms Were Recovered During January 6th Capitol Breach

FBI Director Wray: Every Employee Mentioned in Damning IG Report on Russia Probe Was Referred for Discipline

Nancy Pelosi Tried To Put $140 Million In Funding For A Rail Project In Her District Into The COVID Bill

“The Entity Itself Has Become Poisoned” – Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell in 2018 Called for Shutting Down the FBI – Director Wray’s Testimony Yesterday Proves Farrell Was Right

Biden’s Plan To Root ‘Extremists’ Out Of The Military Looks Like A Political Operation

Mike Pompeo: Conservatives Want a President ‘Who’s Willing to Break Glass When That’s What’s Required’

Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: Republicans on the Hill Are Too Quick to Exile Trump

Biden’s border policies violate his obligations under the Constitution – Biden’s “vision” supersedes explicit immigration laws

Ignored By Mainstream Media: Al-Asad base in Iraq attacked with rockets after being targeted by Iran

Capitol Police ‘Adding Extra Security Due to Concerns About March 4th – Due To QAnon Predictions

Lockdowns: Which ‘Experts’ Were Right? A year later it’s clear that most media and government experts were dead wrong

The Biden Administration Backed Bill That Would Force Cops to Stop Women in the Street for No Reason

Is Democracy About to Die in Darkness? – Democrats in the House are calling open season on the First Amendment

Taking the GOP Out Behind the Woodshed – Recent history suggests entrenched political infirmities and a difficult road ahead

The Equality Act must die in the Senate – A deceptively named bill that claims to secure equal rights but threatens liberties

Cancel Culture: Its Origins and Future Implications for America – Cancel culture is regressive, not progressive

Nobody Will Now Fear a Who – Canceling voices that make someone uncomfortable will deny the chance to learn from the good and bad of history

The Cancellation Of Dr. Seuss Should Disturb You Because You’re Next

Dr. Seuss Books Hold 42 of Top 50 on Amazon Sales Ranking Chart

Biden Pushes Racially Focused College Admissions – But SCOTUS remains the ultimate arbiter

Massive 78% Of Mail-In Ballots Proved Fraudulent, Mississippi Judge Orders Election Do-Over

DeSantis: Democrats Are Looting The Treasury To Pour Money Into Their Bankrupt States

Meeting The Threat of Racist 3-Month-Old Babies – AZ Department of Education: Parents must instill “antiracist attitudes and actions” beginning at birth

Cuomo’s Misdeeds Highlight Democrats’ Skewed Priorities – He saw COVID not as a problem to be solved but as an opportunity to be taken

A Tweet Exposes Cuomo’s Money Trail of Corruption – Who are the donors that received immunity and raked in millions

Gov. Cuomo: ‘I Never Touched Anyone Inappropriately’ – Says he will not resign amid investigations

Investigation links Fauci to controversial experiments that may have led to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

The Left Is Selling the Idea that Cancel Culture Doesn’t Exist – 49%t of Americans believe cancel culture has gone too far

Over 100 migrants released by U.S. border patrol test positive for COVID, Texas official says

Biden’s Amnesty Plan Would Import A California-Size Foreign Population

Horrific California Crash Involved Human Smuggling of Illegals – A surge of illegal border crossings since Biden took office

March 2, 2021

Tracking “Cancel Culture” in Higher Education – The National Association of Scholars counts academic cancellations in the United States and Canada

Expert: Biden’s COVID Aid Package Will Result in Between 5 and 7 Million Fewer Americans Being Employed

Sloan Kettering scientists discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins so it can promote cancer

Psychiatrist says the world is suffering from “mass delusional psychosis” because of the pandemic

New Yorkers would have to flash their COVID-19 passport to enter venues under a new pilot program

Is This A Cover-Up? The Biden Administration is Refusing Media Access to Migrant Child Facilities

HR 1 must be stopped – This Democrat bill will undermine democracy far more than anything they say Trump has done

Scorched Earth: President Trump Must Call Out ALL The Snakes In The Republican Party

Biden Won’t Publish Schedule, Visitor Logs, Nor Hold A Presser… Deleted White House Comments And Petitions Pages

Biden briefing calls for 20,000 child migrant beds

A Top-Rated News Anchor Resigns And Shines A Light On The Establishments Left-Wing Media Bias in a Video

Texas Governor Greg Abbot declares state is reopening ‘100 percent’

‘America Is Back,’ Unfortunately – Biden’s new slogan means open-ended U.S. military commitments to the Middle East and elsewhere

The missing ingredient for restaurants in COVID-19 recovery – California lawmakers should provide immunity to restaurants and businesses to preempt civil liability for COVID-related claims

Parler sues Amazon again, alleging breach of contract, defamation; drops first antitrust suit

‘We Just Keep Getting Canceled’ – High School Athletes Sue California’s Governor for the Right to Play Indoor Sports

In Defense of Dr. Seuss: Why he shouldn’t be canceled on his birthday — or ever

OUTRAGEOUS!… FBI Director Chris Wray Testifies There Is No Evidence of “Fake Trump Supporters” at the US Capitol During The Riot

FBI Director Wray Won’t Disclose Capitol Hill Officer Sicknick’s Cause Of Death

A Capitol Riot Commission Done Right – Getting smart about domestic extremism means calling the Democrats’ bluff

The DHS warns Biden of crisis: Record 117,000 unaccompanied children expected at the border this year

There’s Only One Reason Democrats Are Turning On Cuomo – A now weakened Cuomo finds himself in the cross-hairs

Trump ‘can’t imagine’ losing in 2024 should he run again – “I’ve done a good job for this party,” Trump said in the interview

Florida Polling on Ron DeSantis Is Out, and Irrational Left-Wingers Are Gonna Be Ticked

Wokeness Strikes Again: 6 Dr. Seuss Books Pulled for Racist Images

Can You Identify The Racist Part of Seuss’s “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street?”

With These Data Points, The New York Post Delivers the Kill Shot to Biden’s $1.9 Trillion COVID Bill

30- Percent of Young Liberals Identify as LGBT – Why is this happening?

If States Don’t Roll Back Lockdowns Civil Disobedience Will Occur – More of the same won’t be accepted by the masses

Transgenderism: A dangerous new fad – As recently as 2015 it was classified as a “mental disorder”

SAY WHAT? Leftists Ignoring Science – The left is conveniently ignoring reality for the sake of teachers’ unions

Biden Does It Again, Nukes 1,500 Jobs That Would Have Paid $150 Million Per Year

The U.S. Scientific Establishment Conducted De Facto COVID-19 Briefings for the Chinese Military in May 2020

Dennis Prager: Questions to Determine Whether a Friend or Relative Is a Liberal or a Leftist

This App Will Soon Unleash Deepfake Videos That Can Frame Anyone – Create deepfakes for fun

GAY THROUPLE: California Birth Certificate Lists 3 Dads as Parents – Outrageous To Say The Least

March 1, 2021


What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen – The universal truth that you can’t get something for nothing

The Paris Accords Will Enable The Establishment to Profit Trillions from “Carbon Credits” While Doubling Pollution Through Collusion

3 Dozen Cases of Spontaneous Miscarriages and Stillbirths Occurring After COVID-19 Vaccination

Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill forces taxpayers to bail out the abortion industry

Representative Nunes: Governors Cuomo & Newsom ‘Are Expendable Now,’ Because ‘They’re a Threat’ to Kamala Harris


OPERATION BROKEN HEARTS: 37 ‘child sex predators’ arrested in undercover human trafficking sting in Arizona

Sorry, but California’s newest deal on school reopening won’t speed things much

Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser & Cabinet Picks Met With Top ‘Influence’ Arm Of Chinese Communist Party

After Trump Blasted 2020 Election, Democrats Move on a ‘Monster’ Election Bill – They shrewdly describe election fraud as a “Big Lie” and are emboldened to get their way

National Guard Troops in DC Hospitalized After Democrat Run City Repeatedly Feeds Them Raw, Undercooked Meat and Meals With Metal Shavings

WSJ: Trade Group Considers Endorsing Carbon Pricing

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Says ‘Trump Will Be President Long Before 2024’ at CPAC

THIRD Cuomo Accuser Comes Forward, Provides Photos & Texts

4 Governors Other Than Cuomo Sent COVID Patients to Nursing Homes – Guess What They All Have in Common?

New Emails Detail WHO/NIH Accommodations to Chinese Confidentiality ‘Terms’

The Communist Takeover of the United States- Part II

No more urine tests: Proposed California law would end most workplace marijuana tests

Jamaican sprinter Yohan Blake would ‘rather miss Tokyo Olympics than get the Covid-19 vaccine’

LA Schools To Launch Microsoft COVID-Tracking App So Children Can Attend Classes

Trump Says He Requested 10K National Guard Troops at Capitol Days Before Riot but Pelosi and Others Rejected It

After Biden Eases Rules, Migrants Stream Across Southern Border

WSJ: Inflation Now Not A Risk? – But an emphasis on maximizing employment could test the central bank’s resolve

Trump knows he won the election – And says so during his CPAC speech

Trump at CPAC 2021: ‘Who Knows, I May Even Decide to Beat Them for the Third Time’

Trump defines ‘Trumpism’ – Principles for the Republican Party in coming years if Republicans actually want to win

Confessions of a Trump Republican – He had me at “Make America Great Again”

The GOP Needs Trump More Than He Needs Them – His CPAC speech proves Republican leaders must embrace him

Is Wokesterism peaking? Hyatt punches back at leftist boycott threat for hosting CPAC

THE FRAUD WILL STAND – Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Cases without Comment

Donald Trump’s 2021 CPAC Speech – Full Text Of His State of The Union Address And Save America PAC Announcement

Trumpism Is Here to Stay – In his  impressive CPAC speech, Trump encourages the GOP to put America First

‘Women’s Sports, as We Know It, Will Die’: Trump Criticizes Policy on Transgender Athletes In His CPAC Speech

Johnson & Johnson says the first COVID-19 shots will come within 48 hours

Democrats Bring Back the Swamp’s Favorite Tool, Earmarks

The battle between Khamenei and Biden – Khamenei and the IRGC have concluded Biden is weak, in contrast to Trump

It’s time to Follow the Science on Masks – What happens with your breath, where do the aerosols go?

The Leftists’ arrogance will be their downfall – They don’t admit to destroying cities, businesses, or the livelihoods

Breaking the Media’s Hypnotic Spell – Conservatives aren’t falling for it any longer

Shocking Video Of Biden & Trump Shows How Bad It Is – Biden needs professional help, Kamala will take over very soon

Top Biden adviser suggests White House will move on reparations to compensate descendants of slaves without Congress

When $15 Minimum Wage Was Disallowed by Senate Parliamentarian Democrats Attempted a Punitive Corporate Alternative

Biden’s State Department Lead Says She SUPPORTS Chinese Propaganda In US Schools


Wikipedia’s leftist bias called out by its co-founder, who is leading the start-up of a rival that will be genuinely unbiased

Moderna posts a 13-fold revenue increase thanks to the COVID vaccine

“Money Printer Go Brrr” – Tax policy is now entirely unrelated to spending policy, both in good times and bad

CPAC Blasts Cancel Culture – Could Dr. Seuss be the tipping point? If you haven’t heard, Dr. Seuss is being canceled

Cuomo acquiesces to demand that AG Letitia James control inquiry – Top Democrats demanded she leads the inquiry

California: ‘The Rich Get Richer’ During Coronavirus Pandemic

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy convicted of corruption and sentenced to jail

The Golden Globes Face Irrelevance – And as it turns out, none of the HFPA’s 87 members are black. Whoops

February 28, 2021

A Complete List of Deep Underground Military Bases In The USA

Democrats’ disgraceful lies keep on giving – Untruths about Capitol Hill riot, Trump’s role in it, and election fraud persist

Sidney Powell: “There Is Substantial Evidence in the Public Now to More than Reverse the Election in at Least 5 States”

Efforts are underway in key battleground states to return voting systems to pre-2020 rules

Trump Hints at 2024 Run, Blasts Biden, and Calls for A Unified GOP – At 2021 CPAC In Florida, NOT Georgia

Biden Becomes Visibly Confused Mid-Speech, Says ‘What Am I Doing Here?’


Fraud overwhelms pandemic-related unemployment programs

A Catholic Priest Declares Joe Biden ‘The Most Aggressively Anti-Catholic President in History’

Anti-ICE Rioters Storm Portland to Protest Joe Biden’s Immigration Policies

A New Crime Wav and What to Do About It – New York City rejected successful policing lessons, now violence is surging

Nancy Pelosi calls Cuomo sexual harassment allegations ‘credible’

CUOMO IS GOING DOWN – It appears that he is detested by many of his fellow New York Democrats

Outlawing ‘Sexist’ Toy Displays: California’s Latest Loony Crusade Is Sillier Than Tthe Last

A Trojan Horse for Woke Education – The dominant and driving force within the project is overwhelmingly progressive

The CDC signs off on Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose COVID-19 vaccine – 3.9 million doses are expected soon

Welcome to the Jungle Recall – With more than 1.8 million signatures in hand, the recall of Gavin Newsom looks likely

Was COVID-19 Our Neutron Bomb? – If Biden’s team gets their neo-socialist transformation—we will enter tough times

Derek Chauvin’s George Floyd murder trial: Countdown to a Kangaroo Court –The idea of an “impartial jury” is laughable

After Leading School Closures, Berkeley Teachers Union President Spotted Dropping Daughter Off at In-Person Preschool

Be Strong and Take Heart California Frightened Mask Wearers – ‘Standard cloth and surgical masks offer next to no protection against virus-sized particles or small aerosols’

Is Biden Losing the Immigration Debate? – A new survey shows significant shifts in public opinion

A culture of lies – Almost everything you are being told to believe by the mainstream media is a lie

The CA state auditor’s office is on a roll – Revealing politically embarrassing facts about state agencies and programs

In His CPAC Speech, Trump Will Reaffirm ‘America First,’ Slam Biden on Immigration And Call For Party Reform

Day 35: Barely A Month In And Democrats Are Already Admitting Biden Can’t Be Trusted With The Nuclear Codes

Time To Impeach Our Government – That appointed itself as judge, jury, and executioner of its own alleged misconduct

The Folly of Lockdowns Exposed in One Simple Graph

Biden launches free taxi to the destination of choice for illegal migrants – Instead of stopping illegal immigration surges, they incentivize them further

House Democrats – They say they’re combatting “misinformation,” but what they really want is to destroy conservative media

They are ending advanced classes in public schools because the wrong races excel at them

Biden Team Readies Wider Economic Package After Virus Relief

Dear Big Tech: Freedom Will Triumph in the End – Even in the face of mass censorship

February 27, 2021

Capitol Siege Mystery: New Evidence Likely Clears MAGA Participant of “Murder” Charge

Los Angeles County COVID-19 Hospitalizations Are Down Nearly 80% From The January Peak

Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 Vaccine Is Now Authorized for Use in the U.S.

The Process Has Begun”- The Newsom Recall Movement Organizer Predicts A Recall Vote This Fall

The US Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna and Fauci’s Covid Vaccine in December 2019! — What’s Going On?

Gordon Chang Sounds the Alarm About China – Their attempts to control Asia, including Japan, Korea, India, Australia

The ‘World’s Largest Bookstore’ Gets Into the Censorship Business 

Dana Loesch Warns ‘Well-Intentioned’ Republicans: You Could Help Biden Kill Gun Rights

‘The Governor Wanted To Sleep With Me’: Cuomo Accused Of Sexually Harassing Second Former Aide

The Sound Behind You Is Reality Catching Up – What value is there in a newspaper that ignores or subverts the truth

US Senator Warning: This Is the Biggest Threat to the Founding Fathers’ Carefully Constructed Federalist America

What’s Below The Bottom Of The Barrel? – DISSENT IS FREEDOM . . . COMPLIANCE IS TYRANNY

Democrats plot to Californ-ify America’s elections – If everything was on the up-and-up, why need to enact such reforms?

The House Passed The $1.9 Trillion Pork-Filled COVID ‘Relief’ Package, Including the minimum wage hike 

Time to dial back the universal vaccine mania – Which could adversely impact our lungs and immune system

The Federal Reserve Is Taking Us into Uncharted and Deadly Waters – Where will the $1.9 Trillion come from?

‘Transitioning’ Children: With parental consent or not, it’s a very bad idea

Jill and Joe Biden Do Yet Another Joint Interview, and It’s Really Awkward – When Co-President Jill Biden cuts-in

Desperately needed policies that Biden doesn’t like – Ending identity politics, Big Tech thought control, and stopping cancel culture

‘Conversations’ Pelosi Had With Sgt At Arms About National Guard Presence Factored Into ‘Blender Of Decision Making’ That Led Up To Riot

Pelosi’s $100 Million Plan For More Walls Around Capital – TO PROTECT THE CAPITOL FROM 75 MILLION TRUMP SUPPORTERS

Women’s rights are about to be erased by statute – The misnamed “Equality” act is a giant leap backward for women

GOP Leader: Pelosi leaving $15 minimum wage in COVID stimulus bill to maintain progressive support


February 26, 2021

J&J’s one-shot regimen adds to the COVID arsenal and offers important advantages over the Pfizer and Moderna options

As The Cuomo Scandal Unravels, Michigan Lawmakers Call Out Their Own Governor’s Nursing Home Folly

Elon Musk’s Starlink is the biggest technology game-changer in history and will kill the cable industry

Pfizer CEO: ‘Every Year You Will Have to Get Your Annual Shot for COVID’

Report: Facebook is a ‘Hotbed of Child Sexual Abuse Material’ with 20-Million Incidents

This Is Not Normal and I Refuse to Pretend It Is – Senator Rand Paul was the only person on the Senate HELP committee to question Rachel Levine’s radical transgender ideology

‘We will not go back to the days of the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear’: CPAC 2021 kicks off

Biden orders military strikes in Syria

Los Angeles DA George Gascón Defends The Law That Puts Guns in the Hands of Criminals

A federal judge in CA approves $650 million settlement in lawsuit over Facebook’s photo face-tagging

Completely Ignored by Fake News Media: Joe Biden Is Completely LOST in Texas Even with His Handler in Tow

Democrats are accelerating their plans to install President Harris

CPAC celebrates Trump as if he didn’t lose in 2020

Representative Kevin McCarthy: The Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID bill is not a rescue or relief plan, it’s a Pelosi payoff

Florida got it right on COVID and the lockdown states got it wrong

A Statement from General Flynn: America First, Election Integrity and Get Involved

Contrary to media reports, COVID-19 vaccines have caused a paralyzing facial condition

The COVID Aid Bill Is a Complete Slap in the Face to Americans as Federal Workers Get Massive Sum of Money

Democrats Ignore Antifa and Black Lives Matter in Calling Out Domestic Terrorism: Representative Greg Steube

Judge Rules Maricopa County Must Provide 2.1 Million Ballots From 2020 to Arizona Senate for Audit

The Biden administration is systematically erasing Trump – The goal is to destroy any vestige of him in the American government

Secret Service Agents Leak Just How Bad Biden’s Condition Is

An Embarrassing excuse offered for Biden’s vanishing State of the Union Address

The Absurd Criticism of Rand Paul’s Rachel Levine Questioning – By asking if minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one’s sex?

Biden decision to kill Keystone XL could spell disaster down the tracks – Risks associated with transporting Canadian crude oil by rail start to pile up

Senators Romney and Schumer Advisers Among Congressional Staffers Participating In CCP Exchange Program

Rush Limbaugh was laid to rest Wednesday in a private ceremony at a St. Louis, Missouri cemetery

Democrats plot minimum wage ‘plan B’ after Senate parliamentarian setback

Ron DeSantis SLAMS the left, and tells conservatives there’s no going back to the ‘establishment’ GOP

CPAC Edition: ACU Chair Matt Schlapp Says Mega Conservative Conference Considering Permanent Move to Florida

Mike Pence and 6 Major Republicans Are Not Attending This Years CPAC

Donald Trump is Getting Set to Launch New Super PAC

The House passed the Equality Act, which will now move to the Senate

UNCLE JOE STARES INTO THE FUTURE – Whoever prepared the text wants to exploit the ignorance of Biden supporters

The Anti-1st Amendment ‘Equality Act’ Passes U.S. House of Representatives

The Border Surge Is Underway, And The Biden Administration Is Unprepared –The number of unaccompanied minors in federal custody is already overwhelming border facilities

‘Florida got it right’: Ron DeSantis touts coronavirus leadership

Facebook, Australia, and the Necessity of a Market Solution to Big Tech – There has to be a better way to resolve the relationship between media and tech

In a strike against federal overreach, a federal judge declares the pandemic eviction moratorium unconstitutional

New Hampshire will confiscate voting machines that ‘shorted’ Republicans by 6% of votes

Mitch McConnell says he will ‘absolutely’ back Trump if the former president is the 2024 GOP nominee

San Francisco to Redistribute $120 Million from Police to Black Community

February 25, 2021

Who Would Have Thought The NY Times Would Bury Truth About Ashli Babbitt’s Death To Mask Identity of 3 Shadowy Figures!

Seriously, stop using Google – The Google of today is not the company that lured us in with their mantra of “Don’t be evil”

Kavanaugh and Barrett’s Share of the Shame – The alliance with the liberal wing is a betrayal of the Constitution

An ‘urgent’ rush to exploit real needs to dump billions on Democrats’ agenda – Most of it isn’t urgent, or even worthwhile

Mounting Voting Fraud Evidence Raises Suspicions Over Democrats’ Refusal To Allow Audit Of Voting Machines

Democrats Dealt Blow on Minimum-Wage Drive for Covid-19 Bill – It doesn’t meet the guidelines for reconciliation

Senator Manchin Floats a VAT to Pay for Federal Spending Binge

About That Mysterious Decline in Seasonal Flu Cases…

A Post-Trump Era? Not So Fast – Those who united to depose him are going to have to do much better than they have

Not a fair fight: Our athlete daughters shouldn’t have to compete with transgender women

Rediculous High School Band Practice Photo Went Viral! – Why Is This So Wrong???

Democrats’ ‘Equality Act’ Narrowly Passes House Without Hearings; Republicans Says Religious Freedom Harmed

Democrat Senator Breaks with Pelosi, Objects to Her Plans for ‘January 6th Commission’ – It is not a balanced commission

Leaked Emails Confirm UN Gave Names of Dissidents to CCP

Trump Plans to Make ‘Forward Looking’ Speech at CPAC: Senior Adviser

Biden’s COVID Bill  Will Have You Fuming – Only 9% goes to Covid with $1400 a week payments for up to 15 weeks for federal employees

What you need to know about the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine – It uses a harmless virus to act as a Trojan horse instead of synthesized mRNA

Democrats Accept Only 2 of 286 Amendments Sought by Republicans for $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Stimulus Bill – So much for Biden’s calls for ‘unity’

‘The Equality Act’ Viciously Attacks Christians, Freedom, Society, Sex, And You – By massively expanding the government’s definition of bigotry

Newly Released Docs: FBI’s Spying on Trump Campaign Was More Wide-Ranging Than Previously Disclosed

Senator Susan Collins Will Not Cosponsor The Equality Act Again

CPAC Promises to Turn Into a Trump Rally

5 Times Biden’s Interior Nominee Refused to Answer Basic Questions on Energy

Is this the dumbest state legislature in the country? – You can tell them what you think

COVID-19 case counts are incorrect – PCR tests using high cycle rates are not picking up a live virus, only virus particles

Why do they want us all vaccinated? – The vaccines are experimental and we are being herded into a mass drug trial such as the FDA has never before attempted

The Police Lieutenant Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt Is The Lead Murder Suspect in Ashli Babbitt Case

Apparently, Hunter Biden’s life was even more sordid than we knew

Your Kids Would Be Better Off Feral Than Going To Schools That Make Them Anti-American Racists

Facebook Fight Over Media Payments Shifts Focus to Europe

Polls: Cuomo’s Support Erodes, Majority of New Yorkers Say It’s Time for a New Governor

Unions Fight Return to Schooling – Bay Area school board gives the public rare insight into the goals and attitudes of public-school officials

House Representative Sheila Jackson Lee Uses ‘Fine People Hoax’ in Hearing and Gets Fact-checked on the Spot

The County That Rush Limbaugh Called Home Refuses Governors Order to Lower Flags for His Death

One Week on and Some Hints Have Emerged About the Future of Rush Limbaugh’s Show

McConnell rejects Pelosi’ proposed 9/11-type Capitol siege commission that has a Democrat majority

Minimum Wage’s Negative Effects – They fall disproportionately on immigrants, inner-city minorities, and young people

The Woke’s Pandemic Power Grab – Elites are largely insulated from the policies they make

Obama comes out of the woodwork TO tout reparations for blacks

Tesla Temporarily Suspends Model 3 Production At Fremont Plant – Due to a shortfall of microchips

The Facebook Fight Over Media Payments Shifts Focus to Europe – As the EU adopts a new copyright law

Afghanistan Buries Another Empire – What was unthinkable 20 years ago is today a very real possibility: a Taliban victory

February 24, 2021

China Gave US Diplomats Anal COVID Tests ‘In Error,’ American Officials Say

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton: We Think Our Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google Will Succeed

A New California Bill Would Stop State Prison Employees From Transferring Immigrant Criminals to ICE Custody

California Is Collapsing – As goes California, so goes the rest of the United States

National Cancer Institute Study: Recovering from COVID Provides Roughly as Much Immunity as Receiving the Vaccine

Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address Suddenly Appears to Be ‘Off’ — For Now Anyway

‘Paid To Stay Home’?! The Democrats COVID Bill Will  Pay Federal Employees With Kids Out Of School Up To $21K

BETRAYED: How Parler Sold Out to the Globalist Establishment in order to Get Back Online

Losing An American Genius – We mourn for Rush, but also for ourselves, we need him more each day that he is now silent

Equality Act ‘the most comprehensive assault on Christianity ever written into law’ – Allows gay rights to trump religious rights

Amazon quietly ends sales of books it labels ‘hate speech’

Liberal censorship opens a lucrative door for conservative entrepreneurs, social media star says

California’s unemployment crisis explained – How to handle up to $31 billion in suspected unemployment fraud

Power-Hungry Xavier Becerra Should Be Nowhere near HHS – He’d use the agency as a weapon in the culture war

Congressional Black Caucus & Biden HUD Nominee Sent Constituents On Chinese Govt-Paid Trips To Laud “Amazing Communist Country”

Tucker Carlson’s Disinformation’ Monologue Triggers the Left – They Fall Into His Trap and Respond With Disinformation

Dozens of Democrat Lawmakers Urge Biden to Give up Sole Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons

A Federal Judge Deals a Major Blow to Biden’s Immigration Agenda

Tucker Carlson: It Took ‘An Hour’ To Prove That Democrats’ Claims Of 11 Million Illegals ‘Is A Lie’ – It was estimated to be as high as 20 million 16 years ago, in 2005

California Bill Would Fine Retailers $1000 For Having ‘Boy’ and ‘Girl’ Departments

US has ‘lowest flu season’ on record during the COVID pandemic – This is the lowest flu season we’ve had on record

The News Nets Ignore Harassment Claims Against Cuomo’s, ‘Let’s Play Strip Poker’

Salesforce Plans to Blacklist Clients for Political Speech

The Biden corporate tax hike would cut 159K jobs and lower wages: Tax Foundation

House Democrats aim to pass $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill on Friday – Not much COVID stuff, but lots of PORK

Sebastian Gorka: Trump Is Back in the ‘Political Arena – With the establishment of Trump’s “Office of the 45th President”

As illegal border crossings surge, Psaki and media redefine ‘kids in cages’ as ‘migrant facility for children’

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Exposes Democrats’ – The TRUTH Behind Capitol Riots

Biden’s Foreign Policy Is Obama All Over Again: Empowering Our Enemies At Our Expense

Judge Bans Enforcement of Biden’s 100-Day Deportation Pause

A Federal judge rules California can enforce its net neutrality law

FDA: J&J’s Covid-19 Vaccine Safe and Effective – Vaccine 66.1% effective in preventing moderate to severe virus disease

‘Very Frightening’: Dr. Scott Atlas Explains How Public Health Officials Have Damaged the American Psyche

Romney Thinks Trump Would Win 2024 GOP Nomination If He Ran for President

The Rise of Tom Cotton – He is someone Senate Republicans look to for leadership on a broad array of thorny issues

Illinois becomes the first state to eliminate cash bail

The Reason The Elites Hate Donald Trump – Because They Are Unable To Control Him

Oh, So That’s What Happened to Those Two NY Lawyers Who Tried to Attack Cops With Molotov Cocktails

Sayonara California: Corporate Relocation Experts Expect Best Year Ever!

February 23, 2021

Biden is a dark money puppet – Nominations of Xavier Becerra and Vanita Gupta show how dark money has infiltrated his administration

Hydroxychloroquine now approved as a preventative treatment for COVID-19

House, Senate GOP: Joe Biden’s HHS Nominee Becerra Wants Taxpayer-Funded Medicaid for Illegal Aliens

L.A. County approves ‘hero pay’ mandate of $5 an hour for grocery workers on top of regular wages

California Efficiency: Newsom’s Bullet Train Is Over A Decade Late, Costs $100B And STILL Has No Start Date

The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Failed – It has become the problem it was supposed to solve

Barack Obama’s Six Most Impeachable Offenses – In keeping with our new tradition of trying ex-presidents

“Irrefutable Proof Is Coming Soon – Sidney Powell Responds to SCOTUS Decision to Ignore Election Fraud

The Minimum Wage – And Other Examples of Government Breaking the Laws of Economics

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s Mother: ‘He Wasn’t Hit on the Head’ on January 6th

Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under a EUA

China’s Reckless Labs Put the World at Risk – Beijing is obsessed with viruses, but not biosafety

Almost a Year Later, There’s Still No Evidence Showing Governments Can Control the Spread of Covid-19

Senate GOP Leader McConnell Reportedly Says He’ll Back Garland for AG

A Key ‘Disinformation’ Hearing Witness–Set To Blast Conservative News–Is A Former Qatari Govt, Al Jazeera Employee

Biden bends to the ayatollah – He hasn’t learned that it’s not very useful to negotiate with Iran from a position of weakness

Byron York’s Daily Memo: Finally, some answers about the Capitol riot?

Merrick Garland! Neera Tanden! and Xavier Becerra! – The Democrats are really overplaying their hand

Andrew Cuomo Is Everything the Press Accused Ron DeSantis of Being

CPAC Organizer Says ‘America Uncanceled’ Conference Will Highlight Attacks on Constitutional Freedoms

We Can”t Allow China to Engage in a COVID Coverup – They’re testing Biden, but his party is still preoccupied with Trump

Blue-Collar Voters Are Flocking To The Republican Party

The Supreme Court Denial Of 2020 Election Cases Invites ‘Erosion Of Voter Confidence’

The five biggest omissions in massive Biden immigration bill

Trump Tops Epoch Times Reader Poll Asking for 5 Favorite Presidents

BLM is coming to a school near you – Whether BLM curriculum is taught at all should be dependent on how it is taught

How Could Anyone Vote to Confirm Merrick Garland? – A left-wing radical the media and Democrats present as a centrist

Biden climate policy is on track to punish blue-collar America and prop up Putin, according to experts

Biden Caught In Another Big Lie – Claims More Deaths from COVID than WWI, WWII, and Vietnam Wars Combined

60 Years After President Eisenhower’s Warning There Are Distinct Signs of a ‘Digital-Intelligence Complex’

Big Tech Backflip: Facebook Drops Its Australian News Ban and Bows to Government Regulation

February 22, 2021

The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction

Is This Proposed ‘Excise Tax’ Designed To Intentionally Subvert the Will of California Voters?

Why the Democrats’ COVID Lockdown Regime Could Come Crashing Down By April

Supreme Court Justice Thomas’s Fiery Dissent Marks The Need for Election Reform

Biden’s HHS Pick Advocates Sex Change For Kids – There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about placing Dr. Levine in such an influential and powerful role

House Democrats Push Cable Companies and Streaming Platforms to Drop Conservative Networks

Gov. Newsom’s Cruel, Indefinite Lockdown of Californians 340 Days Later – The year-long lockdown is a shakedown

Kids Not in School? – Blame the CDC America’s premier health agency is sacrificing kids’ education to politics

Biden Is Attempting ‘Administrative Abolishment’ Of ICE, Termination of Thousands of Jobs at Agency

Fauci cautions against dining out, even when vaccinated – Data is still out on how transmissible the virus is from someone who has been vaccinated

The Rush Limbaugh Revolution – Mark Levin and Sean Hannity talk of their friend and a great patriot

Merrick Garland May Hide The Long-Awaited Durham Report From The Public

The Supreme Court Refuses To Hear A Slew Of 2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits

The U.S. Supreme Court to review a hardline Trump immigration rule regarding those likely to require government benefits

Supreme Court Sides with New York State Against Trump – He must turn over his tax records to a NY state prosecutor

ICE to Release Migrants Further into the U.S. — Away from Texas Border Cities

Planned Parenthood killed at least 354,871 babies: 2019-2020 report – Received $618+ million in taxpayers’ money

The Media’s Coverage Of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Shows They Fear Him In 2024

The $1.9 Trillion COVID Package Includes Funding for Chuck Schumer’s Pet Project

HALF A MIND TO BE PRESIDENT – Sky News Australia’s Cory Bernardi takes up the question of the cognitive capacity Joe Biden

Biden’s nominee for Attorney General, Merrick Garland, Declines to Say He Will Keep Special Counsel John Durham

Supreme Court Justice Thomas: SCOTUS Refusal to Hear Pennsylvania Election Cases Is ‘Inexplicable’

Trump to Use a ‘Show of Force’ at CPAC to Claim Control of the GOP

By Offering Amnesty Now, Democrats Are Setting Up A Massive Immigration Crisis

A Democrat representative has his ‘let them eat cake’ moment – Small business vs the minimum wage hike

Facebook Found Primarily to Blame for the Capitol Hill Riot, Yet Parler Is Still the Only App Punished for It

Unmasking the Medical Experts – Negative mask consequences range from the annoying, like headaches and bad breath, to the potentially harmful, as in impaired oxygenation and gum disease

Radical District Attorney Decriminalizes Prostitution – Even those who solicit sex will not be prosecuted

The Supreme Court Denies Trump’s Bid to Block Access to His Financial Records

In Major Speech, Biden Reveals His Deep Misunderstanding Of Foreign Policy

How Democrats Could Weaken Trump’s Judicial Legacy – Their strategy: expanding the lower courts

Lara Trump: Donald Trump ‘Probably’ Interested in 2024 Presidential Run

February 21, 2021

The CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From Public, Leaked Documents Reveal

Is the Biden Administration Stumbling Into War?  – It’s dangerous when stronger powers send signals that are interpreted as weakness by weaker powers

Data Shows Wind Power Failure was Chief Cause of Massive Texas Power Shortage

Evidence shows Iran violating the nuclear deal that Biden wants to rejoin

The CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From Public, Leaked Documents Reveal

My interview with Rush Limbaugh – David Kupelian shares highly revealing dialogue with the king of talk radio

Australian News Host: ‘Joe Biden Is Struggling with Dementia’ and the Media Is Complicit in Hiding It

The Biden Admin Shreds ‘Fair Access Rule,’ Paving Way for Resurrection of Infamous and Hated Obama Program

The Vast Majority of GOP Voters Say Leaders Should Be ‘More Like’ Trump: Poll

91% Violent Antifa, BLM Rioters Released in Portland…So Far

Nonprofit to File Lawsuit Against CDC Over Statement That Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

Is there a light at the end of the COVID tunnel? – A Johns Hopkins expert says the US is nearing herd immunity

The first 30 days of Biden’s Progressive Purgatory are as bad as we feared

Ask an Engineer – Seven questions, and more than seven answers, about the crisis in Texas

Biden Ends Trump’s America First’ Policies in a G7 Speech From an Unknown Location Filmed at an Unknown Time

A Loyal Trump Republican moves to cut off all non-citizens from government assistance programs

The Mayor of Newport Beach exposes Gavin Newsom’s behested payments’ shakedown scheme

California, land of delusion – COVID cases are rapidly plummeting but we are not opening the state

Biden’s Administration is Politicizing the Military – A defense secretary making moves to politicize the military

Joe Biden Ends Trump Operation Talon Program that Targeted Sex Offenders in the US Illegally

Democrats: Pipelines and walls are bad for America but good for everyone else

February 20, 2021

How Informed are Americans about Race and Policing?

McDonald’s Executives Will Have Bonuses Cut if They Hire Too Many White Men for Top Positions

The Democrats $2 Trillion coronavirus bailout bill is a job killer, GOP House budget panel leader says

Democrats Stuff the COVID Relief Bill Full of All Kinds of Pork – Unfortunately Not for the Americans Who Need It

Judge Merrick Garland invokes DOJ battle against KKK to set the tone for Capitol attack prosecutions

CA Governor Newsom’s Disastrous Handling of COVID Grinds Shipping to a Crawl, Could Have Costly Impact Across America

A Massive Crowd of Two Supporters Welcomes 81 Million Vote Recipient Kamala Harris Back to Her California Home

Biden Fires Chicago U.S. Attorney Hot on the Trail of Democratic Corruption

These Are Some of the Garbage Items House Dems Added to Their New COVID Relief Bill

Ignored by Media: Biden Says US Veterans and Former Police Officers Are Fueling White Supremacism in America

YouTube Takes Down A New Trump Interview

IS COVID ALMOST OVER? – This chart from the CDC shows the trend graphically

Trump to Make First Public Speech Since Leaving White House at CPAC On February 28th

We Have Another Fauci Reversal…This Time on the COVID Vaccine

Biden Fires Chicago U.S. Attorney Hot on the Trail of Democrat Corruption

The China class and its damage to America

Texas Democrats Issue a Stark Warning for Biden Over His Immigration Policies – The Party’s “messaging and policy proposals are too much and too soon”

“Never Mistake My Quiet for Inaction” – Sidney Powell Speaks Out After SCOTUS Meetings Friday on Election Fraud.

A Thousand Little Lies Now Replace the ‘Big Lie’

WHAT HAPPENED IN TEXAS? – How did their energy sources perform, and what contributed to the blackout?

When liberals can corrupt language, they can control conservatives


February 19, 2021

China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On The 2020 Election Is Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao

Biden’s Stimulus Package Risks Shortening the Recover

Arizona Senate Passes Bill Strengthening Its Investigative Powers Amid Maricopa County Vote Audit Dispute

A National Disgrace – The federal budget process threatens America’s future

Facebook’s Ban on News in Australia Is Waking People Up

No Proof January 6 Was an ‘Armed Insurrection’ – Nobody charged with possessing or using a gun inside the Capitol

Biden’s Unity!’ with Genocidal Communist China – He apparently believes there are good people on both sides of this genocide

New CA Bill to Require Gender Neutral Retail Departments

A Texas Border Mayor Begs Biden to Halt Release of Immigrants Into His City

A Very Convenient Narrative Shift on COVID Is Suddenly Happening

Cold, Lack of Water Overwhelm Texas Hospitals More Than COVID-19 Did

OP Officials Urge Biden to Rethink Calling Off Crackdown on Illegal Immigrant Sex Predators

Biden’s Extreme New ‘Citizenship Act’ Rewards Those Illegally in Country Before Jan. 1, Redefines ‘Alien’ and Sends Billions to Central America

Trump reportedly snubbed Nikki Haley’s request for a meeting in the wake of her denunciation of him

Advantage Trump in the GOP Civil War — At Least For Now

Disgusting Hot Mic Moment Ends With SF Bay Area School Board President Sprinting for the Exit

The Biden Administration’s Obvious Politics-Playing On Opening Schools Is Alienating Even Progressive Parents

Email Records Revealed: How Teachers Unions Are Fighting to Keep Virginia Schools Shuttered

Proven Covid Therapies Versus The New Covid Vaccines: Who Actually Benefits?

Frozen windmills show the need for fossil fuels and nuclear power

The US Begins Admitting Asylum Seekers That Were Blocked by Trump

Oversight Republicans warn DHS of an impending border health crisis and blame ‘reckless’ Biden policies 

Limbaugh Producer James ‘Bo Snerdley’ Golden Honors Late Friend — ‘A Second-Generation Founding Father’

Critical Race Theory Is Coming to Your Suburban Community

President Trump Invited to Speak at CPAC Next Week in Orlando

Pompeo Rips WH Plan to Restart Iran Nuclear Talks

Gavin Newsom’s crony capitalism racket

Biden’s Latest Immigration Edict Has the Left Apoplectic – Illegal border crossing have surged since Joe Biden’s election


February 18, 2021

The Uniparty’s Wishful Thinking – The notion that Donald Trump is about to be abandoned by the force that he created is poor and wishful thinking

Biden kills Keystone but promotes pipeline for Taliban – Brokering lucrative deal for jihadist movement and dictatorship

6 Capitol Police Officers Suspended, 29 Others Under Probe Amid its Review of The Events of January 6th

Parler CEO Keeping All Legal Options Open Against Facebook Director: ‘She Knew D*** Well What Was Going On’

The Democrats Introduce A Punishing Bill That Now Targets One Person in the World: Donald Trump

Anti-Fossil Fuel Biden Attempts to Rescue Texas by Sending Them Fossil Fuel And Generators

Donations ‘Requested’ by Newsom Exploded as His Emergency Powers Ballooned

Rush Limbaugh and Standing up to Corporate Censorship – And taught us to be unafraid of The Left

The First Step Towards Righting America Is Refusing To Believe The Left About Anything – The left lies. All communists do. Lying is simply part and parcel part of the ideology

Trump Goes After Biden: ‘Either Not Telling the Truth or Mentally Gone’

Trump invited to CPAC as he begins his return to politics after the Senate acquittal

School reopenings a struggle for Democrat states, while Florida’s have been open for months

Our Descent Into Collective Madness

The Texas Power Crisis Puts The Keystone XL Pipeline Cancelation in Perspective

Hawley: Pelosi Using January 6 Events to Seize Power, Restrict First and Second Amendment Rights

Trump Says He’s Considering a New Social Media Platform: ‘You Can Literally Build Your Own Site’

The Coup de Grâce for Nikki Haley’s Presidential Aspirations

Trump Says ‘It’s Too Early to Say’ Whether He’s Running in 2024

One-Third of Troops Turning Down CCP Virus Vaccine: Pentagon

Biden and Congressional Democrats Are About to Unveil Immigration Bill

What does Trump’s attack on McConnell mean for the future?

Democrats’ Fears Mount Over Overhauling Immigration

The 20 Greatest Quotes From Rush Limbaugh

How Rush Limbaugh rescued me from liberalism

Never Let a Good Manufactured Crisis Go to Waste – We acknowledge its evolving reality instead of simply fulfilling liberal wish lists

Facebook Cancels Australia…Literally

Australia PM Scott Morrison Tells ‘Arrogant’ Facebook: Respect Democracy, Prepare for Regulation

Facebook blindsides Australia in a bare-knuckle struggle over them having to pay for news

Why does Kentucky keep electing Mitch McConnell?

February 17, 2021

Texas Spins Into the Wind – An electricity grid that relies on renewables also needs nuclear or coal power

Rush Limbaugh’s Wife Kathryn Announces His Passing

Farewell, Dear Friend – America lost the finest ambassador of its political values with the passing of Rush Limbaugh

Prominent Conservatives Mourn the Loss of Rush Limbaugh: ‘He Leaves a Legacy That Will Last Forever’

The Indispensable Man Rush Limbaugh, 1951-2021 – This Is A Must Read As You Will See

Hollywood Celebrities Celebrate Rush Limbaugh’s Death: ‘Cancer Killed the Cancer’

Incoherently When Confronted About Biden Admin’s Failure to Reopen Schools

Yes, the media are going easy on the Biden administration

Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Expresses Concern About COVID-19 Vaccines in Leaked Footage

‘Power to the People’: The GOP Bloodbath Has Begun

China Targets America’s Rare Earth Vulnerability

CNN and NBC Paid Antifa Activist for Footage From Capitol Breach

Media Fact-Checkers Cover for Biden After He Lies About COVID Vaccine Availability

Kamala Harris Stammers Incoherently When Confronted About Biden Admin’s Failure to Reopen Schools

Trump Impeachment Attorney Canceled by Law School, Civil Rights Law Group

Biden Blames ‘Former Military, Former Police Officers’ for Spurring ‘Growth’ of White Supremacy

The RNC Announces Plans to Launch Committee Dedicated to Election Integrity

Why No One Believes Anything – As the media failures keep piling up

Woke Politics: The Democrats’ Six-Part Plan for a Permanent Majority

The Wuhan Lab-Leak Scenario Is Still Plausible

Trump Says GOP Won’t Win With McConnell, Plans to Back MAGA Primary Candidates

Graham Says Trump Is Key to GOP Winning Back Senate Majority in 2022

Creepy Kamala hovers over Joe Biden like the Grim Reaper

Lies About Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick Ominously Foreshadow Democrats’ ‘Truth Commission’

US to Pay $200 Million in WHO Obligations – After reversing Trump’s plan to withdraw from the organization

Head of Tokyo Medical Association recommends the use of Ivermectin for Coronavirus patients and their caregivers

California OK’s mailed ballots to all registered voters for 2021 as recall looms

Sick Of The Teachers: Time For Reform – COVID presents an opportunity to bring the public-school teachers’ unions to heel

Texas Governor to ERCOT: We’re Going to Investigate Your Failure in Powering the State During Winter Storm

Laura Loomer’s Lawsuit Against Big Tech Censorship Makes It to Supreme Court Docket

February 16, 2021

The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot

Judicial Watch Sues Capitol Police for Riot Emails

‘Unsmiling political hack’: Trump goes nuclear on Mitch McConnell

Former President Donald Trump’s Full Statement on Mitch McConnell

The Coming Parent Revolt Over School Reopening – They will not sit by while Democrats and teachers unions neglect their children

75 Percent of Republicans Want Trump to Play Big Role in GOP: Survey

When Wind Power Freezes Texas’s disastrous experience is a cautionary tale for the northeast

Harris Takes Customary Role of President by Calling Several Heads of State

Time to End Hostile Foreign Powers’ Influence Operations at American Universities

White House Spox Jen Psaki Gives Laughable Answer to Simple Question About Small Businesses

Transgender Fighter Who Broke Woman’s Skull in MMA Ring Has Now Been Called the ‘Bravest Athlete in History’

Liberals’ Worst Nightmare: Poll Finds Huge Majority of Republican Voters Still Back Trump

Trump supporters line the streets and cheer him in an impromptu Palm Beach President’s Day rally

Why Joe Biden’s Stimulus’ Could Be The Most Pork-Filled Crony Christmas Ever

Tucker Carlson Expertly Points Out How Unreliable Green Energy Is, With the Texas Power Outage as Proof

Rural Electric Companies Hit Hard by Keystone XL Cancellation

Capitol Police Officers Give a Vote of No Confidence in Their Recently Appointed Leader

How Democrats thank Mitch McConnell for his help in bringing Trump down

Married Americans Are Different – Polling shows a strong relationship between marital status and political outlook

February 15, 2021

No Scientific Evidence that Masks do Anything! Sweden Banning Masks

Rockets Strike Near US Military Base in Deadly Attack Claimed by Obscure Islamist Group

Governor Newsom’s Recall is Heading for 2 Million Signatures

California’s Multibillionaires Intend to Conquer the World – Biden is a mere figurehead, we need to first understand California”s role

These Are the Three American Cities the Biden Admin Is Planning to Start Releasing Migrant In

The Vast Bipartisan Pretense of Trump’s Demise – Trump has the largest political following of anyone in the United States, and the attempt to deny him the ability to seek reelection has failed

Pelosi Announces 9/11-Style Commission To Investigate The Capital Riot

The Democrats’ new ‘War on Domestic Terror’ – Normal, patriotic, center-right Americans have become ‘the enemy’

A Doctor’s View About the New mRNA Vaccines

Hong Kong Wants a Rehearing Under Biden – Appeal finds the Chinese Communist Party is still in brutal control

The Chinese Communist Party Replaces US As Europe’s Top Trading Partner

The Aim of Impeachment Was to Paint All Trump Voters as Criminals: Rep. Mike Johnson

Lindsey Graham Just Backed Lara Trump for US Senate Before She Even Announced Her Run

The Polar Vortex Is Proving Exactly Why Heavy Reliance on Green Energy Is a Disaster for America’s Power Grid

Biden And Democrats To Unveil Bill That Would Provide Pathway To Citizenship For 11 Million Illegal Immigrants

Antifa Use Snow Barrier to Block Seattle Police from Responding to Emergencies

Biden Pulls 65 Pending Trump Executive Orders – Many of which deal with key national security and immigration matters

Republicans Are Demanding That Nancy Pelosi Explain Herself Regarding National Guard Troops Around Capital

These girls are hurt by transgender competition – Biological Males Will Always Have The Advantage

A Tragic Side Effect of the COVID Lockdowns Has Hit San Francisco – Children Are Dying, But NOT FromCOVID

The Sole American On The WHO’s COVID-19 Investigation Team Handed Communist China A Propaganda Victory

Biden Breaks Historic Political Norms and Fires Trump Appointed Independent Board Members Which Is Unprecedented

Dr. Anthony Fauci Adds a Caveat to the CDC’s School Reopening Guidelines – The Stimulus Bill Is Necessary

Look What Democrats Snuck into Their $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Package – Title X federal funding for abortions

Republicans mount a campaign against Democrats over lost pipeline jobs

Democrats introduce legislation to kill the gig economy, destroy millions of jobs – The core of their agenda is the PRO Act

The New York Times Descends Into Lunacy – It’s Classic Liberals vs The Woke Left With Progressives Taking Over

Parler resumes social media app after securing new computer servers after Amazon Web Services cut them off

The Lockdowns are killing us – COVID-19 didn’t cause this damage, public officials did

The Compound Fractures of Identity Politics – Characterizing people by skin color or sexual practice violates core principles of a free society and worsens human divisions

February 14, 2021

Eating Biden’s Lunch – From the man who said China is not our competition

Biden Undercuts Israeli-Arab Peace, Boosts China and Iran

The NYT Retracts the Sicknick Story – That Capitol Police Officer was killed by a Trump supporter with a fire extinguisher

The 7 Republican Senators Who Voted to Convict Trump Face Backlash From Within Party

Biden Calls on Congress to Restrict Gun Ownership

McConnell Turns on Trump, Blasts Former President for ‘Disgraceful Dereliction of Duty’

White House Reportedly Asks Department of Defense to Extend Troops’ Occupation of DC

Nikki Haley Being Turned Away By Big GOP Donors After Slamming Trump

California Exit Interview: Fleeing $17 salads and ‘general lawlessness’

Lindsey Graham: Impeachment Based on Political Differences Is Becoming the Norm

Biden Releases Outrageous Statement Following 2nd Failed Impeachment and Quotes Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

YouTube is now blocking links to American Thinker

Biden Calls on Congress to ‘Enact Commonsense Gun Law Reforms’

SCOTUS Stands up to California’s Religious Liberty Abuses – The right to worship has been restored

With Trump’s abortive impeachment McConnell goes full narcissist – Refuses to take responsibility for things that go wrong

Home of Trump Lawyer Michael van der Veen Targeted with “TRAITOR” graffiti

Members of Congress who voted in favor of impeachment or conviction broke their oaths of office

February 13, 2021

Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial Sharpens Republican Divides – Seven Republicans voted to convict, and several more, including Mitch McConnell, criticized the ex-president, who still commands loyalty

DC Leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell Refused Increased Security Presence On Jan 6th Timeline In Question

READ: Donald Trump’s Full Statement on Impeachment Trial Acquittal

Mitch McConnell hints at criminal prosecution for Trump and says former president bears responsibility for Capitol breach

Ted Lieu Drops Bomb About Why National Guard Is Still in DC – Trump Has NOT Officially Conceded He Lost The Election

Yes, The Acquittal Of Donald Trump Is Vindication

Trump celebrates acquittal in Senate trial, foreshadows political future: ‘Much to share’

Senators Graham and Cruz: Subpoena Pelosi To Determine If She Refused Capitol Police Requests

18 States are taking the lead to counter Big Tech’s assault on conservative speech

The Enemy Within –  We need to eliminate our internal enemies and transform the nation in ways never imagined

The Harvard Center Attacking COVID Lab Theory Has Extensive Financial And Personnel Links With The CCP

After a slow start, Trump’s attorneys had a barn-burning impeachment closing

Senator Graham Explains His Reasons for Voting to Bring Forth Impeachment Witnesses

Senate votes to summon impeachment trial witnesses, extending trial indefinitely

Mitch McConnell Tells Colleagues He Will Vote to Acquit Trump

The Biden Administration Postpones THe First Oil Leases of 2021

The Dirty Little Secret of Cancel-Culture Participants – A small but very loud few

The Democrats Pull a Fast One, Make a Motion Guaranteed to Turn Impeachment Trial Into a Dumpster Fire

Trump Defense Team Rests Early, Ends by Blasting Congress for Wasting the People’s Time

It Was A Bad week for Democrats of all stripes

February 12, 2021

653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show

It Sure Looks Like the House Impeachment Team Doctored Evidence Against Trump

Biden wants to ‘Make America California’ – CA is emerging as the de facto Biden-Harris administration policy think tank

Biden warms up to the Green New Deal – Democrat policymakers have been dusting off part of FDR’s New Deal playbook

‘Hypocrisy’: Trump Team Shows Videos of Democrat Lawmakers During Impeachment Trial

Pelosi says $15 minimum wage will be included in the COVID-relief bill

White House Press Secretary Jen Psak Was Asked If Israel Is An Important Ally Of U.S and She Wouldn’t Answer

YouTube Censors Gateway Pundit After They Posted Interview with an NH Official on Stolen Votes from Voting Machines

Lincoln Project co-founder resigns – After allegations from 21 men that Weaver sent them unsolicited and sexually charged messages. One victim was 14 years old at the time

The ‘Sound And Fury’ Of Trump’s Impeachment Trial Signifies Something Sinister – Trump isn’t really on trial here, everyone who voted for him is

Lindsey Graham Tells Hannity The “Not Guilty” Vote GREW After Wednesday Impeachment Session

TRUMP ATTORNEY: Democrat House Managers ‘Selectively Edited the President’s Words Over and Over Again’

Mitch McConnell Unleashes New Plan to Try and Convict Trump – He is pulling out all the stops to  take down Trump

Biden’s Labor Department Veers to the Left of Liberal California – It’s Now Full-On War Against Business

Biden considers restricting travel within the US for COVID while leaving our southern border open

Federal deficit to hit $2.3 trillion in 2021, second-largest shortfall since World War II

California Parents Despair over Mental-Health Toll of School Closures: ‘It’s Criminal’

Some Asylum-Seekers Waiting in Mexico to Be Allowed in the US

Ted Cruz Meets With Trump Team and Observes There Is ‘No Chance’ of Trump Conviction

The NY Governor’s Office Withheld Data on Deaths of Nursing Homes Patients to Obstruct a Federal Investigation

With Biden, the teachers’ unions are getting what they paid for

The CDC Inflated COVID Deaths By 1600% To Hurt Trump During The 2020 Election

Tucker Carlson calls out those trying to shut down his show – The most sweeping mass censorship campaign in our history 

‘There Are A lot of cowboys out here’: Rural California embraces lockdown defiance

Facebook More than Doubled the Number of Items Removed from Its Site And Removed Popular Conservative Voices

Instagram bans popular show ‘The Highwire with Del Bigtree’ for telling the truth

February 11, 2021

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

CA is Dead Last in Survey of States with Fewest Coronavirus Restrictions

Do You Renounce Big Tech and All Their Evil Deeds? – It’s past time for this litmus test for the GOP

Study Finds Massive Errors In the CDC’s COVID-19 Fatality Reports

Biden Declares National Emergency at Border Is Over, Ends Funding of Wall

The Democrat Impeachment Lead Admits Using National Guard To Compel Trump Into An Election Concession

Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so the feds wouldn’t find out

North Dakota House Passes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes From High School Sports Teams

Twitter suspends accounts of Project Veritas, James O’Keefe – For Exposing Twitter Censorship Practices

California Is Making Liberals Squirm If progressivism can’t work there, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else?

National Republicans dive into Newsom recall push

The Constitutional Case Against Late Impeachment – A 1787 Federal Convention review raises significant questions 

Trump Impeachment Is ‘Political Theater’ And Ignores U.S. History According To A Constitutional Lawyer

UK Expert: Kent Variant Likely to ‘Sweep the World’ – More transmissible and reported to be “slightly more lethal”

As Things Stand with COVID – We’re a point where it is almost impossible to differentiate medical truth from medical fiction

Iowa Stops Enforcement Of COVID-19 Restrictions

The Democrats’ Main Evidence Showing Violence at the Capitol on January 6th Was Filmed by Antifa

Trump Lawyer Castor: Impeachment Managers Presented Nothing New – In the nearly eight-hour session on Wednesday

Our American Police State: Where No Questions Are Allowed

Biden’s Policies So Far Are Benefit Beijing According To China Expert

Tucker Carlson Lays Out Some Uncomfortable Questions About the Capitol Riot

The Teachers’ union pet: Biden moves the goalposts out again on re-opening public schools

Nancy Mace Points Out a Glaring Problem With The Biden Administration’s ‘Bold and Ambitious’ Plan for Schools

Big Tech’s Deadly Challenge to Democracy – It can be a willing and able servant of the one-party state

Use All Tools Necessary To Rein In Big Tech – Section 230 is just the beginning, The stakes are bigger than regulation

Employee: ‘Trans-Identifying Kids Are Cash Cows’ For Planned Parenthood – Via pricey hormone treatments

Romney’s Family Security Act Redistributes Wealth, Creates Distortions, and Grows Government


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Banned From Instagram Days After Outlining Bill Gates’ Global Domination Efforts

February 10, 2021

U.K. residents may not be allowed to travel abroad until all adults are vaccinated

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: WHO’s COVID Investigator Is Recipient Of CCP Cash, Worked With Wuhan Lab For 18 Years

Deaths of Elderly Who Recovered From COVID-19, but Died After Getting The Vaccine Are Raise Questions

The Biden Administration Is Considering Whether to Impose Domestic Travel Restrictions – Gov. DeSantis Responds

The World Goes On While America Sleeps – The CCP smiles as American capitalists become laughable Keystone Cops

Iran-Backed Islamic Extremists Bomb an Airport Days After Biden Drops Their Terrorist Label


Bank of America Doxing Its Customers Isn’t Just A Scandal – It Could Be A Crime

Infographic: How the CCP Seeks to Control America – Very Detailed and Informative

The White House Sends a Harsh Message to Female Athletes Forced to Compete Against Transgender Opponents

Mark Cuban Now Claims He ‘Didn’t Cancel’ National Anthem

14 State Attorneys Say Keystone Cancellation Delivers ‘Crippling Economic Injuries,’ Threaten Legal Action

House Committee Democrats Approve Adding $15 Minimum Wage Increase To Proposed Stimulus Bill

The Left Still Can’t Understand Trump’s Appeal – Republicans are motivated by self-preservation in the face of a highly aggressive left

Conservatives rip the Democrats’ impeachment video for not including Trump’s call for ‘peaceful’ demonstration at Capitol

Calling out the Unholy Six Republicans who voted to advance Trump’s impeachment trial – Be gone along with Cheney!

McConnell Declines to Whip Votes for Trump and Remains Undecided on Conviction

Trump impeachment trial’s six most interesting first-day moments

Updates on CCP Virus: One-Third of US Adults Skeptical of Vaccine, Poll Shows

Atlas, Mugged – They are attacking Dr. Atlas for serving in Trump’s administration and questioning public-health orthodoxy

Exposing BLM’s Agenda-Driven K-12 Curriculum – A closer look shows just how politically driven their curriculum is

Democrats Were ONLY Able to “Win” in 2020 By Breaking Chain of Custody Laws in EVERY SINGLE SWING STATE

White House press secretary dodges question on Biden’s EO allowing biological males to compete in girls’ sports

The State Department says the ‘jury is still out’ on WHO’s Wuhan coronavirus investigation

Will the COVID boogie man get you? – Evaluate COVID as you would any other potential illness, from the flu to others

California Governor Newsom Faces Recall Danger as Frustrated Parents Reach Their Breaking Point

Global Warming Alarmists Keep Letting Their Masks Slip And Reveal Their True Motivations

Biden’s Justice Department Begins Replacing Trump-appointed U.S. Attorneys

The PC crowd just canceled a woman of color – Will product sales numbers mysteriously drop under the new brand?

Bitcoin and Its Discontents: What Elon Musk is Telling Us – People distrust government Deeply. The more distrust, the higher bitcoin will rise.

The Face of America’s Erosion: NBA Owner Mark Cuban Refuses to Play National Anthem at Home Games

YouTube shuts down LifeSite’s channel and removes all their videos – Learn where to find their videos here

February 9, 2021

Low kindergarten attendance creates a problem for first-graders and their teachers

Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows

Ashli Babbitt’s Legal Team Breaks Silence on Capitol Tragedy – Requests Public’s Help in Identifying Persons of Interest

The Great Student Loan Scam – Democrats lobby Biden to write off debt for affluent borrowers

Nothing Has Changed, and Trump Will Be Acquitted Again – Senators have already decided how they will vote

Trump Lawyers’ Opening Argument: ‘Majority in the House’ Afraid of Facing Trump in the Future

How is the Lincoln Project still in business? – For people who donated to this, the word sucker applies

The Coming Military Purge – A formula for weakness abroad and conflict at home

SF School Board votes to end merit-based admission at Top-Rated Lowell High and move the school into a lottery system

The Trump Impeachment Trial is to Open With a Fight on the Constitution

WSJ: The Second Trump Impeachment Trial Opens With A Debate Over Senate’s Power

With impeachment, Democrats want to be rid of Trump — and keep him in the spotlight

Newsflash! We are no longer living in a free country – Mass censorship of any and all unacceptable opinions is encouraged

The Democrat who chairs the House Oversight Committee Demands Parler Reveal Its Investors And Creditors

Time Magazine Gushingly Profiles The Successful ‘Conspiracy’ To Rig The 2020 Election

Universities’ Insane COVID Rules And Snitch Culture Are Training The Next Generation To Embrace Totalitarianism

Why doesn’t the WSJ give credit to the Biden administration for the rapid increase in oil prices? – “Supply and Demand”

House impeachment managers really are coming after you – They are using all their power to destroy political opposition

A California OC Man Tests Positive For COVID-19 Weeks After Getting His Second Vaccine Dose

February 8, 2021

A Doctor With Bioweapons Expertise Calls COVID-19 Injections ‘Weaponized Medicine’

Warren to Introduce a $2.75 Trillion Wealth Tax in the Senate – This is a tax on assets held by taxpayers!

What Happened to Officer Brian Sicknick? – Were the circumstances of his death fabricated to support an agenda?

52 Executive Orders/Actions Put into Place by Joe Biden – Yet he campaigned on promises to govern by “consensus”

Democrats Threaten to Punish Trump for Not Testifying at Impeachment Trial

The Price tag surges to keep the National Guard in DC, which is now estimated at $483 million

Biden Quietly Revokes Trump’s Ban On Chinese Communist Propaganda In Schools

Biden’s press secretary says illegal immigrants convicted of crimes will not be prioritized for deportation

Biden’s Appointments Could Destroy Middle East Peace – They’re just asking for trouble

Biden Read From Script For A Phone Call With ‘An Ordinary American’ – Immigration Influx: “Crisis,” or Promise Kept?

Australia pushes forward with vaccine certificates, paving way for mandated shots

The California positivity rate drops to 5% which is the lowest since before Thanksgiving

WSJ: Trump Lawyers Call The Impeachment Trial ‘Political Theater’

Evidence Mounts that Capitol Breach Pre-Planned, Eroding Incitement Allegation in Trump Impeachment Trial

Drag The Impeachment Trial Out And Make Democrats Pay – THEY MUST BE TERRIFIED OF A “TRUMP” COMEBACK

Peter Navarro says AG Barr worked to help Biden issue early executive orders – Or did his people work behind his back?

Biden press secretary fumbles when grilled over job loss from Keystone Pipeline cancellation

The 3 Worst Things About That Terrible Jeep Super Bowl Ad – First, Bruce Springsteen Is Known For Hating Republicans

Gallup Poll: Americans Say Trump Was Better on Terrorism Than Obama

Insurrection? Antifa Mob Threatens to ‘Burn Down’ Washington, D.C.

Why are the Democrats Acting So Guilty?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Pens Encyclopedic Account Of Bill Gates’ ‘Neo-Feudalism’

Mexico Steamrolls Biden Administration, Now Outright Refusing to Accept Captured Illegal Immigrants

Tom Brady Called “Racist” For Winning Super Bowl During Black History Month

Protect Women’s Sports – Biden’s executive order was framed as transgender rights but was an attack on women’s rights

The Trump Impeachment Trial Begins This Week – 17 Republicans would have to join all Democrats in voting to convict

The left attacks Dolly Parton for her Super Bowl ad promoting small business

COVID-19 vaccines: What you need to know about side effects and risks

The Betrayal of the American People by Biden and the Ruling Oligarchy – Climate Change Lies and Printing Money Aren’t The Answer

Why Section 230 Repeal Is Not The Answer For Fighting Big-Tech

February 7, 2021

Biden quietly nixes a Trump-era rule combating Chinese Communist-funded ‘propaganda’ centers

Navarro: DOJ Slow-Walked Trump’s Executive Orders While Fast-Tracking Biden’s

China Lost Millions of Cell Phone Users in 2020: Official Data

The Trump Administration’s Anti-Trafficking Office Had ‘Incredible Impact’

Dick Morris: Any Republican Who Voted For Trump Impeachment Won’t Get Reelected

Biden Now Wants to Strip Trump of Privilege That Every Former Executive Has Access To – Intelligence Briefings

Rand Paul floats impeaching Chuck Schumer

Police Make Horrific Discovery; Anyone Who Trusted the Chinese COVID Vaccine Should Be Worried Over Fake Doses

DHS Goes to the Dogs The ACLU is setting Biden’s immigration enforcement priorities

Experts: Electricity Prices Already Rising Thanks to Practices Biden Wants to Increase

There is Growing evidence Capitol attack was pre-planned undercuts Trump impeachment premise

Trump’s impeachment defense team will show video clips of Dems urging violence in 2020

Trump’s impeachment defense team will show video clips of Dems urging violence in 2020

Trump attorneys have the perfect troll tactic for the impeachment – Evidence against Trump isn’t just slim, it’s non-existent

Something Far Riskier Than Inflation From Biden’s Relief Plan

Bernie Sanders: ‘Room full of lawyers’ arguing to get $15 minimum wage in COVID package

Rigging the Election for China and Profit – How Big Tech, BLM, organized labor, and big business, colluded to defeat Donald J. Trump’s reelection

Iran demands US lift sanctions before it lives up to nuclear deal

Our Nation Looks More Like the CCP Than the USA – BofA targeted anyone that could have been in DC for the Capitol riot

Smoking Is Bad And Will Kill You – Hopefully This Sad Story Will Make You Think!

Trump Mulling Whether to Launch Own Social Media Platform, Says Jason Miller

California again delays bullet train first stage, begs feds for more time to avoid funding cutoff

February 6, 2021

White House Appears to Confirm Hunter Biden Still Holds Stake in Chinese Private Equity Firm

Never Trump Lincoln Project thrown into turmoil amid sex scandal, personnel shakeup

Deceased will get stimulus checks under Biden $1.9T stimulus plan – The problem that caused the money to go to these people last time has not been fixed

Democrats’ $15 minimum wage would drive a nail in the economy’s coffin

Twitter Indefinitely Suspends Gateway Pundit After They Announce More Video of TCF Center Fraud Will Be Released

Climate ‘official’ says gov’t has to ‘TURN the SCREWS’ to ‘BREAK the WILL’ of average Americans over emissions

Donald Trump Jr.: ‘Here’s What Comes Next for Our Amazing Movement’

The “Canceling” of New York Times Reporter Donald McNeil Proves White Liberals Are The Useful Idiots of “Woke Culture”

A new book reveals worst about ‘talented TV a-holes’ Mike Wallace, Chris Cuomo, and more

SCOTUS Slaps Down California’s Church Ban, and the Libs Are Freaking the Heck Out

‘Inconsistent, Conflicting’ And Ignored Threat Assessments Ahead Of The January 6th Capitol Attack

List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far-Left Groups

Biden’s Magical Mystery Energy Plans – Obama and Biden’s efforts energy moves were a complete disaster

Absolute Proof Trump Won The 2020 Election – Informative video plus links to many articles showing relevant evidence

The French president joins other world leaders warning the dangers of Big Tech censoring Trump

Amazon’s New CEO Can Either Help Workers and Sellers—or Automate Them Away

Biden’s full-tilt transgender pandering dwarfs even the Obama years – The LGBT dogma lives loudly in Joe Biden

The FBI criminal complaint on the Capitol incursion used a Photoshopped 4-chan hoax picture as evidence

Pelosi Docks Thousands from Republican Congressmen’s Pay, Punishment Now Set to Double


February 5, 2021

Secretive international banking group may enforce Great Reset ‘green’ agenda on the world

Twitter Suspends Journalist for Posting Pictures of Detroit Elections Office Van Unloading Suspicious Boxes to Ballot Processing Center at 3:30 am on Election Night

Twitter Refused to Take Down Child Sex Abuse Content and Profited Off It: Lawyer

It Looks Like Maricopa County Supervisors Could Soon Face Arrest as Arizona Senate Fast-Tracks Contempt Vote

Supreme Court to consider election lawsuits in February

WSJ: Biden Doesn’t Expect $15 Minimum Wage to Be Included in Final Covid-Relief Bill

Fox News Axes Lou Dobbs’ Show; Top-Rated Pro-Trump Host Not Expected Back on the Air

International banking group may enforce Great Reset ‘green’ agenda on the world – Adherence, for access to finances

People Who Recovered From COVID-19 Should Receive Only 1 Dose of Vaccine: Study

Senate GOP Passes Legislation To Prevent Fracking Ban

VP Harris Casts Tie-Breaker Vote for $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Spending Package That includes $15/Hour minimum wage

The Impeachment Trial’s Stacked Deck – The Senate demanded that Trump prepare a defense in less than a months time

Biden Might Be Screwed Once a Migrant Caravan Likely to Arrive at The U.S.- Mexico Border Within Days Arrives

During The Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks and Test Kits to the US, According to Customs Data

Former Secretary of State Pompeo Eviscerates Biden’s Claim That ‘America Is Back’ in Foreign Policy

TIME Mag: “Trump Was Right. There WAS A Conspiracy”… “Well-Funded Cabal, Powerful People Changing Laws, Steering Media And Controlling The Flow Of Information.”

The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Official Deadline

Biden’s Banana Republic – Some are requesting the White House to establish a version of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth

Smartmatic targets Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Fox News, and others in a lawsuit

California politicians demand grocery stores pay workers more; Marginally producing grocery stores were closed instead

Senate adopts budget resolution for coronavirus relief after Republicans squeeze Democrats in marathon vote-a-rama

Why Is Identity Politics Destroying America? – Tribalism has turned toxic in the age of social media

They escaped totalitarianism twice, only to see it again in America – Because they supported Trump and what he stands for

Newsflash to the ACLU: Boys are different than girls – That’s why we have girls’ leagues and boys’ leagues

The greatest job in America – “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

I Know What Happens To The Kids in ‘Transhood’ Because It Happened To Me

February 4, 2021

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election – Unbelievable That They Actually Admit This

Bank of America Secretly Flagged Purchase History of Customers and Sent the Data to Feds After Capitol Riot

Los Angeles Officials Announce That More than 500 arrested in a statewide human trafficking operation

New Video Surfaces of Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Training Antifa Soldiers and Selling Riot Equipment

What Disney Can Teach Us About Covid-19: Lockdowns Fail – Two states and two Disneys—California vs. Florida

California Sex-Trafficking Sting Nets 64 Arrests

Biden’s Rapidly Deflating Honeymoon Balloon

42 Senate Democrats vote in favor of government payments to illegal immigrants

Looking for the American Dream Outside of California – 58% say the American Dream isharder to achieve in California

Why are Democrats so scared of Trump when they just defeated him? – Hiding behind armed troops and 12-foot fences

Trump Lawyers Dismiss Request for Former President to Testify During Impeachment Trial

Newsom Recall Now “Unavoidable” – Newsom’s Poll Numbers Tank, More Than 1.4 Million Signatures Collected

The SPLC’s Horrifying Plan for Your Children’s Schools – Add new curriculum on structural racism

Trump’s net worth decreased by $2 billion while he was president

COINCIDENCE? COVID Death Rates Plummet in Weeks Following Biden’s Inauguration, Experts Flabbergasted

Actually, Bezos was forced out as Amazon’s CEO – The Board finally had enough of him furthering leftist causes at stockholders’ expense

House Impeachment Managers Ask Trump to Testify Under Oath – If he refuses it will be used against him in the trial

President Trump Ended Kids in Cages – Is Biden Now Bringing Them Back?

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Warns That The World Will Be ‘Deeply Different’ If Biden Mishandles China

The Democrats’ COVID-19 Bill Is A Grab-Bag Of Leftist Goodies — Not A Stimulus Package

WSJ: Economic Policy Makers Double Down on an Elusive Goal: Full Employment

The Defense secretary orders a military ‘stand-down’ to address claimed ‘extremism’ within its ranks

The big difference between Democrats and Republicans – The Choice of Using Persuasion vs. Bullying and Force

Voting-Machine Company Smartmatic Sues Fox News Over Election Fraud Claims

Biden’s Climate Change Follies – They will have no effect on the climate but will fall on the U.S. economy like a cudgel

Chinese Concentration Camp Victims Endured Gang Rapes and Other Tortures – Some might be paying to torture them

A brief history of vaccine screw-ups – I’m eligible for the vaccine but am not lining up for the “jab”

A Trump Appointee Sues Biden Administration Because of an Illegal Termination Threat

TGP to Release SMOKING GUN Video Of Truck Delivering More Ballots After Counting Stopped

Acronyms now are racist – SFO Unified School District Arts Department director says acronyms further white supremacy

How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos” Were Used as Psychological Weapons to Bring America to Her Knees – Some of the most powerful video propaganda I’ve ever witnessed

Palm Beach Town Attorney Sides With Trump – He can live full time at Mar-a-Lago as a bona fide employee of the resort

Liz Cheney Survived in Leadership Role But Shouldn’t Have – With secret ballots Potomac Syndrome can be hidden

Kamala Harris’s creepy ‘constant on-camera presence with Biden’ is attracting notice, even from Mainstream Media

Cocaine Mitch Rides Again, but It’s a Bit Late – The sad issue that plagues Republicans, They love being in the minority

Biden Won’t Follow Trump’s Path to Middle East Peace – Trump’s deals with Israel and others could have remade the Middle East map

Trump Resigns from SAG-AFTRA and Slams ‘Dismal Record as a Union’ – Because They Don’t Support Their Members

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Big Lie” – She Was Nowhere Near The Action

Trump Was Right: Cuba Belongs on the U.S. Terror List – Now, will Biden repeat his Obama-era mistakes?

Hiding Biden: How Democrats Crafted the First Impeachment That Helped Defeat Trump in 2020 With The Media’s Help

The San Francisco city’s school board is stripping the names of public schools that honor Lincoln, Washington, and others, while it refuses to reopen its classrooms

Jen Psaki off to a rocky start as White House press secretary

Under Trump, Americans Breathed The Cleanest Air In U.S. History – Something the Legacy Media Totally Ignored

The San Francisco Murder of Private investigator Jack Palladino Sets Leftists and Social Interest Groups at Odds

At least 50,000 Italian Businesses Revolt Against Restrictions And Reopen, America Must Do The Same

Arizona Senate Drafts Resolution Threatening Arrests of Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for Not Handing Over Requested Election Machines and Ballots

February 3, 2021

WSJ: The Tragedy of the Schools – Many parents are losing faith in their closed public schools—and are looking for alternatives

When (Or If) Comes Pushback? – Biden is openly leading the most radical left-wing movement in America’s history

Former CBP Commissioner: Biden is creating  ‘catastrophic’ post-pandemic border crisis

The Inequality of ‘Equity’ – Equity, you see, is the new woke word of the day. Not equality


Michigan Election Officials Ordered to Hand Over Communications Records with Tech Giants & Dominion Voting Systems

The RNC Finally Says It Will Remove Fake Media from GOP Primary Debates

Dan Bongino sets the record straight regarding the recently-ousted Parler CEO John Matze

Governor Newsom recall backers report raising more than $2.5 million

CA’s top court refused to consider a legal bid to nullify a referendum passed by voters that lets “gig workers” be treated as contractors

CALIFORNIA REVOLT: Newsom Approval Plummets, Just 31% Back COVID Response, Down Another 18%

Trump Impeachment Lawyer: ‘Stolen’ Election Claims Won’t Be Brought Up During Trial

SOCIALIST UTOPIA! NY Times Article Urges Biden to Appoint ‘Reality Czar’ to ‘Regulate Hoaxes and Lies’

Schumer: A Power-Sharing Agreement Has Been Reached, Democrats Can Now Take Control of All Senate Committees

A data maven says fraud absolutely flipped the election outcome in Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin

Biden Signals Openness to Send $1,400 Stimulus Checks to Smaller Group

Biden Wants a $15 Minimum Wage. Here’s What People Say It Would Do to the Economy – Both Sides of The Story

The Democrats Fear True Democracy – Which explains almost all of their recent power moves

Biden’s third Obama term – It is no surprise that President Obama would celebrate government by fiat

Construction workers and their families left in limbo by Biden’s Keystone decision: ‘It’s devastating’

CDC: Mask Order Will Be ‘Further Enforced’ by ‘Federal Authorities’ – Which went into effect this week

Trump Will Play the Senate’s Game Using Democrat Chips

The Department of Homeland Security Nebulous Terrorism Advisory Is Security Theater and Portents of Things to Come


Social Media Bias Just Got Even More Orwellian – New York University Stern Center Study is downright chilling

When everything is attributed to ‘white privilege,’ it ceases to have meaning

Three cheers for Jared Kushner and Michael Pompeo For The Historic Abraham Accords Between Israel and Arab nations

Biden’s Retreat on Crime Could Spell Disaster for American Cities – Video and Transcription of Interview

IN CASE YOU FORGOT: Senator Chuck Schumer Used Violent Rhetoric To Sic A Mob On Two Supreme Court Justices

You can’t impeach all of us- The 75 million Americans who value life, faith, family and freedom are not going away

The Pentagon Ousts Trump Appointees in Sweeping Purge of Advisory Boards

When everything is attributed to ‘white privilege,’ it ceases to have meaning

The 2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits – The Actual Facts

Democrats Reach Power-Sharing Deal With Republicans – They hold a majority in the 50-50 Senate because VP Harris can break ties

They Brought Him Back and Now Mike Lindell Says Newsmax ‘Is Great,’ MyPillow Soars Despite Boycotts

I Fought the Dark Web and the Dark Web Won – This article contains a useful link to “Have I Been Pawned?”

The Gaslighting of the American Mind – Unable to change the facts, they work to alter the definition of reality

Newsmax Brings My Pillow Founder Mike Lindell Back On-Air After Hostile Segment Where Their Anchor Stormed Off Set

GameStop Isn’t a Popular Uprising – Data indicates that big players are driving the price, not the little guy trading “stonks”

Look Out, NASA: The SpaceX Generation Is Coming – Tuesday’s test launch takes Musk & Co. one step closer to orbit

YouTube Cancels the U.S. Senate – It censors testimony from physicians on early treatments for Covid-19 patients

Why Democrats Will Never Stop Talking About ‘Insurrection’ – Their false narrative, if it succeeds, will determine the future of American politics

Cuomo Was a Villain All Along – AG James’ report reveals disturbing truths about the governor’s pandemic deception

FBI Data Shows That Americans Are Now Buying Guns at a ‘Blistering Pace

The CDC Discourages Cheering At Super Bowl Parties – In new “small gathering” guidelines published recently

CBS and NBC Ignored Embattled Lincoln Project Sex Scandal During Their Monday’s Evening Broadcasts

A Closer Look at the Alexei Navalny Case – Can the Kremlin make the embezzlement and money-laundering charges stick

February 2, 2021

Impeachment Poll: 60% Of Battleground Voters and 84% Of Republicans Oppose

The iPhone 12 is still plagued by weird display issues

Joe Biden’s Bibble-Babble – Ladies and gents, I present to you the infallible president of the United States

Beijing Tells Biden Administration to Play by the CCP’s Rules

A Study dismissing concerns about Big Tech bias was funded by far-left Biden mega-donor Billionaire Craig Newmark

The Keystone XL Pipeline Cancelation Impacts More Than Jobs – Their skills are not easily transferrable to other industries

Biden Tries To Justify His Large Number Of Executive Orders: ‘I’m Not Making New Law, I’m Eliminating Bad Policy’

Impeachment Managers File Pre-Trial Brief Claiming Trump ‘Unleashed Death and Mayhem at the Capitol’

Trump Lawyers Answer To Impeachment Article – Senate “lacks jurisdiction because he holds no public office from which he can be removed”

President Trump’s Legal Response To The 2nd Impeachment Attempt By Democrats

Will Donald Trump Be Kicked Out of his Mar-a-Lago Golf Resort, the Home He Loves?

Antifa’s True Goals and Tactics Exposed – It has networks of organizations and some are organized into formal groups

Ron DeSantis’s Florida is the unsung success story of coronavirus – And it’s making NY Governor Cuomo look real bad

Florida Governor DeSantis Blasts Big Tech, Unveils New Legislation To Limit Influence In Florida

A Potential Newsom Challenger Details Recall Effort as Governor’s Approvals Plummet

CA’s Stay-At-Home Order A Costly Failure – The two-month lockdown was less effective than a slow day of vaccinations

Why Are So Many Health-Care Workers Resisting the COVID Vaccine? – About a third are don’t want it yet

Senator Josh Hawley Offered Six ‘Nays’ to Biden’s Confirmed Cabinet Members So Far


How To Stop The World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ – Who’s going to stand their ground, and who is going to give in?

American Energy Independence at Risk With Biden Orders, Experts Say

Facebook Bans Second Amendment Group Without Explanation – The tech giant confirmed this but refused to explain

The second act of Jeff Bezos could be as big as his first He isn’t losing power. His power is just getting less obvious

Poll: California Governor Newsom approval plummeting; a third of voters support recall amid COVID-19 criticism

Report: Adam Schiff Lobbies to Be California Attorney General; Could Run for Dianne Feinstein’s Senate Seat

Lindsey Graham Warns Democrats Not to Call Witnesses – “If you open that can of worms, we’ll want the FBI to come in and tell us about how people pre-planned this attack (on the Capitol) and what happened with the security footprint at the Capitol

Biden’s Left-Wing Start – He’s governing exactly as he promised, in lockstep with the loudest progressives in his party

Democrats Push ‘Baby Bonds’: Every Child Gets $46,000 by Age 18

REVEALED: Biden Advisers’ Have Deep Ties To The Chinese Communist Party Military And Propaganda

Biden targets Trump immigration curbs with new executive orders

Take It from a Teacher: Schools Can Open Safely – This pandemic has shown us that unions hold undue power

What keeps the left up at night? – Now that he has been installed as President, Biden has become a dictator overnight

It Was The Supreme Court’s Liberals Justices Who Established That Protests Are Not ‘Sedition’

‘Black Lives Matter’ Teams with Democrat Cori Bush in an Attempt to Expel Over 100 Republicans from Congress

The Full Legal Brief Against President Trump – Democrats are trying to ban Trump from holding public office ever again

NYT: Health Officials Quit As Cuomo Ignores Scientific Expertise, Rewards Political Allies

COVID’s Legacy: Less Science, More Authoritarianism – Measures make no sense unless you’re trying to consolidate power

Press Secretary  Jen Psaki Has Been Cheating, but She Still Manages to Be Terrible at Her Job

House Republicans Prepare To Oust Liz Cheney From Leadership – After she supported Democrats’ second impeachment of former President Trump

Do They Miss Trump Yet? CNN Experienced a Massive Rating Crash During Biden’s First Week

February 1, 2021

The war on Professor Jordan Peterson – A canary in the toxic coal mine of political correctness and petty thought police

Investigators Recommend No Charges For Capitol Police Officer Who Killed Ashli Babbit, Still Won’t Release His Identity

Rush Limbaugh Sends A Dire Warning After GOP Positions Themselves To Get Rid Of The “MAGA” Movement

Limbaugh: Capitol Rioter Planted Pipe Bombs the Night Before Trump’s Speech Incited Him

Biden Thrown a Curveball as Data Begins to Hint New Variant Resists COVID Vaccines

House Democrats Want Amnesty for Illegals in Their Virus Relief Bill

BUSTED: CDC Inflated COVID Numbers and is Accused of Violating Federal Law

Limbaugh: Lincoln Project Founder Exposed as Deplorable Sexual Predator

#BidenLied Trends on Twitter as Angry Libs Realize They Aren’t Getting What They Wanted

Biden Is Hiring People Based On Race And Sex. Here’s How That Failed Epically In Seattle

Why It’s Unconstitutional To Impeach Someone After Leaving Office – Impeachment is addressed in eight of the 85 ‘Federalist Papers’

China and Taiwan: ‘This has all the hallmarks of the world’s next major military drama’

Antifa sieged a hotel in Olympia, WA, using hatchets, knives, and other weapons, as mainstream media yawns

The political storm ahead – The Big-tech/Deep-State cabal and the progressive/socialist party is curtailing the Bill of Rights

Is Trump’s Exit The End of Populism? Don’t Bet on It

Zuckerberg Explains Facebook’s Blacklisting Trump: He wanted to ‘Undermine’ the Transition of Power

The ‘battery fairy’ and other delusions in the demand to replace gasoline-powered vehicles with electric versions 15-years

Fauci Concedes ‘There Is No Data That Indicates’ Double-Masking Is Effective

It’s Just A Mask – My Version

Peter Barry Chowka explains the real story of Dr. Fauci

Soft on Crime – A Biden administration policy of weak policing & lax prosecution would be a disaster for the nation’s cities

Team Trump Delivers Worst News to Democrats Yet, Announcement Even Putting Republican Turncoats on Notice

Republicans Propose $618 Billion Covid-19 Relief Plan – Which is roughly one-third the size of Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan

Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize Over Israel-UAE Peace Deal

Kushner and 3 Trump-Era Officials Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Don’t Let Apple’s ‘Privacy’ Fight With FB Fool You – They Are Trying To Switch The Narrative After Cancelling Parler App

January 31, 2021

We Must Break Up Big, It’s The Greatest Private Threat to Liberty in Our Modern Age

Day 9 Of The Biden Regime: We Regret To Inform You That “Unity” With Republicans Has Been Cancelled

China’s Warfooting in Space – While Beijing is weaponizing space, the Biden administration is busy weaponizing “Equity”

Fauci flip-flops on masks again – There is absolutely no data that indicates two masks will improve protection

Scandal-Rama: Figures tied to past controversies increasingly land jobs on Team Biden

Why Are Progressives So Illiberal? – Solidarity with elite minorities excuses them from concern for the middle classes of all races

Andy Ngo Unmasks Antifa – His new book challenges the popular narrative on these radical leftists

California’s Ethnic Studies Curriculum is Designed to Eliminate Dissent – Parts read like a manual for left-wing activists

A Google Takeover of Biden’s Justice Department? – A former Google lawyer is being considered for a top job

Trump Names New Lead Lawyers for Impeachment Defense Team

Dr. Simone Gold Blows The Lid Off The COVID Lie and Sounds The Alarm About the Vaccines!

Media outlets falsely claim that Dr. Jordan Peterson, author of Political Correctness Gone Mad, has schizophrenia

The Biden administration is supercharging federal regulations – Which are a heavy burden on small businesses

Some Health-Care Workers Are Still Saying No to a Covid-19 Vaccine – Officials are concerned because of their influence

UK Lockdown: Social Distancing Could Remain in Place Until End of 2021 – If vaccines are not at least 85 percent effective

If One Mask Doesn’t Work, Try Two, or Three, or Four – Unless someone sneezes directly in your face from close range as you are inhaling, they can’t get inside your lungs to make you sick

Follow the Money – Where Washington gets it, how Washington spends it

The deep, inbred swamp tells the rest of us how to live – The spouses of these people says it all

Markets Look Like They’re in a Bubble. What Do Investors Do Now?

THE KARMA COMETH – Cuomo’s sent thousands to death then lies and blames everyone but himself

China Doesn’t Have to Lift a Finger to Push Biden Around – He has already taken steps that certainly encourage Beijing

Canada Joins New Zealand in Shutting Down Virtually All Air Travel Indefinitely To and From Their Countries

Despite Testing Negative Prior to Her Flight, Woman Taken Into Mandatory COVID Isolation in Canada – Won’t Tell Family Where They Are Holding Her

CLINESMITH AVOIDS THE CLINK, CONT’D – Judge felt that Clinesmith believed what he said about Page was true

A New York Times was writer arrested for working as a secret agent of the Iranian government – Yet barely any coverage

Children safety advocates fear lockdowns – Child abuse rates skyrocketing & Crisis hotlines are seeing huge surges

January 30, 2021

Corporations That Support The $15 Minimum Wage Can Afford It. Here’s Who Can’t – The Little Guy

Lessons From Spygate About The Severity of DC Corruption – Systemic Contingencies – They All Knew The Truth

Former Pfizer CEO says PCR test Is ‘monstrously unsuitable’ for diagnosis

Pinkerton: A Bad Romance — How Republicans Fell Out of Love with Big Tech

Chinese Bomber Pilots Were Heard Confirming Naval Strike Orders During a Practice Assault on Nearby USS Roosevelt

Biden’s climate executive orders devastated these US workers in a single day

Vaccinated Congressman Tests Positive For COVID

HD Media Company Filed An Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google and Facebook

Janet Yellen’s Ethics Agreement Is Barely A Month Old And She’s Already Breached It

WSJ Commentary: The Constitution Can Crack Section 230

Politico reporter: Trump base is ‘getting stronger’ since he left office, impeachment would only empower him

Five of Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Leave Defense Team 9 Days Before Senate Trial Over Legal Strategy Dispute

1776 Commission Director: Abolishing the Commission Won’t ‘Get Rid of These Principles’

COVID hospitalizations continue to plunge and near-two-month low Daily new cases have also been on a downward slope

Joe Biden Has Issued 42 Executive Actions In One Week –  He Recently Called This ‘Dictator’ Behavior, List Included

Biden’s Blue-State Clawback – And if Red America has to pay a price in lost jobs and tax revenue, well, that’s just too bad

The hard facts driving impeachment are falling apart – Three men charged in the Capitol attack had communications and coordination dated back to November 

Tucker Carlson: ‘This Is the Most Sweeping and Audacious Assault on Civil Liberties in American History’

The Real Force Driving the GameStop Revolution – Individual traders banded together to move markets like never before.

The Media’s Lies Of Omission When It Comes To The World Health Organization

KEVIN CLINESMITH AVOIDS THE CLINK – The greatest political scandal in American history is being swept under the rug

Are facial recognition programs being used against Trump supporters? – One person found that merely attending the D.C. Trump rally is enough to get you on a government list

Big Tech’s Gravest Sin? Working With The Security State – They are making a fortune contracting with the government

America’s Fake European Friends – They’re sour on the U.S. and sweet on cooperating with China and Russia

Black Lives Matter nominated for the Nobel peace prize – That’s right, a group led by self-described “trained Marxists”

The Game is Rigged – This past week has been perhaps one of the most revealing weeks in modern history

Trump, the COVID Panic and the Symbolism of Masks 

The Great Oval Office Churchill Bust Swap – For Biden, it’s Harry, not Winston, to the right of the mound

Woke Corporations continue to purge conservative employees and affiliates 

January 29, 2021

The Coup We Are Not Talking About – We can have democracy or a surveillance society, but we cannot have both

A New Study By Dr. Steven Quay Concludes that SARS-CoV-2 Came from a Laboratory

Frontline Doctors: Experimental vaccines are ‘not safer’ than COVID-19

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Publishes Statement Addressing the Liberal Mob That’s Trying to ‘Take Her Out’

Janet Yellen Received Big Bucks from hedge fund Citadel at the Center of the GameStop Controversy

Caught with Their Hands in the Cookie Jar – Democrats stole the election, and it’s critically important we keep saying it

We Must Unmask! – A society that stays muzzled up until the government says it’s safe is not as free as we thought it was

California Governor Newsom Is Willing to Re-Open Schools – Just as Soon as the Labor Unions Tell Him To

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Blocks Trump Appointees To Pentagon Advisory Boards

Ric Grenell: Gavin Newsom’s recall — COVID management, political opportunism all the proof you need

Donald Trump Left Biden with Several Parting Gifts That He May Be Stuck with for Years to Come

The FBI Lawyer Who Forged Email in Carter Page FISA Process Sentenced to Probation By Obama Appointed Judge

14 Questions about COVID Vaccines – The promised way back to “normal” was a vaccine. “They” obviously lied!

Twitter Suspends Gateway Pundit for Posting Virginia Court Ruling on Mail-in Ballots — Claiming It Incites Violence!

PETA’s New Woke Campaign to Combat ‘Speciesist’ Language Is Hilarious

Day 7 Of Biden Regime: Climate Crisis – Fighting Their Imagined Climate Change… Absolutely Everywhere

The Democrats’ phony impeachment narrative – All videos of Trump’s speech were removed from the internet by YouTube 

A Huge New Trove Of Jeffrey Epstein Documents Released…They Did Sick Stuff With Kids!

China Rattles Its Saber Again: ‘Taiwan Independence Means War’

Blue State Blues: 9 Signs That Joe Biden Is a Third World Leader

Growing evidence Capitol assault was planned weakens incitement case against Trump, experts say

An Anti-Trump group drops $1M on a campaign to oust key Republicans who showed loyalty to former President Trump

Democrats Introduce Bill to Massively Expand Mail-In Voting – Expanding vote by mail to every voter in federal elections

The Biden Jobs Purge – Those promised new green jobs are going to have to materialize very quickly, count me skeptical

Gitmo terrorist prisoners have now been moved to the head of the vaccine line

Biden’s Worst Executive Order Was Barely noticed – Its seemingly innocent title “Modernizing Regulatory Review”

With Biden in The White House, The 1st Amendment is under assault, and the rest of the Bill of Rights won’t be far behind

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Orders State Agencies to Sue Biden Administration for Climate Actions that ‘Kill Jobs’

The GameStop Saga Isn’t About Finance – The rules here are simple: Heads Wall Street wins, tails you lose

Infections Same/Dramatically INCREASE in Top 2 COVID-Vaccinated Countries – COVID-19 prophylactics are NOT vaccines


Sarah Sanders raises over $1M in four days, her campaign says

Support for Trump-Hater Liz Cheney Drops Like a Rock in Wyoming – Only 13% Would Vote to Reelect This GOP Elite

Conservative Media Has Been Right All Along About Cuomo’s Undercounting of Nursing Home Deaths

Rudy Giuliani Compares Big Tech to Chinese Oppression – You are a pawn once you give up your right to free speech

January 28, 2021

Facebook Says No More Ads for Recall Gavin Newsom Efforts – They Are Doubling Down on Protection of Democrats

L.A. Times: The SEC needs to take a hard look at the GameStop mania

The Big Tech Bullies – Control who gets to speak, and you control the entire political debate

The Continuing Democrat-Media Narrative That There Is “No Evidence of Election Fraud” Is a Bald-Faced Lie

A Lawsuit challenges Newsom’s unilateral end to state’s death penalty – His Executive Order Violated State Constitution

Former White House Stenographer: Joe Biden Has Lost 50 Percent of His Cognitive Capabilities

Limbaugh: Biden Admits He Represents Obama’s Third Term

Disgraced Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s Wife  Named Acting Director of the Division of Enforcement for the SEC

Ted Cruz: Filibuster blocking the ‘most radical legislative agenda ever’ from passing Congress – DC Statehood & SCOTUS

The Nature of the Chinese Threat – No power on earth can defeat or humiliate the US, except the US. Will we?

Limbaugh: There Are Those Of You Who Are Allowed To Make Money And Those That Aren’t, “Everything Is Rigged”

Don’t Wait to Reopen Schools – In-person learning poses little health risk and keeping children home does serious damage

Red-State Governors Lead COVID Recovery After Blue-State Tyrants Tanked The Economy

Newly obtained documents reveal disturbing details of Chinese influence on a university campus

New Study Makes A Discovery About Controversial Drug Hydroxychloroquine

After 440,000 Americans are Dead – Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong

Kamala Harris’ Stepdaughter Signs Deal with IMG Models – More Evidence That Being Connected Gets Results

One week in, Biden’s administration shows its exquisite cruelty- His 22 executive orders have already sent tens of thousands of jobs down the drain 

Even the New York Times is telling President Biden to stop with his executive orders

Biden Signs Two Executive Orders to Restore Obama’s Failed “Affordable Care Act” – Refuses Questions From Reporters

Biden’s LGBT Agenda: Pedophilia Coming Down the Pike? – It will not just destroy girls’ and women’s sports, its impact is broader

Former Advisor Lewandowski: Trump Will Be ‘Actively Involved’ in Republican Politics and is Not Interested in Third Party

America’s Military Is The Best In The World – But Under Biden, Not For Long

Both Biden and Kerry gaslight about green jobs

Populism Is Engulfing Wall Street…And They’re Not Happy About It

The GameStop Stock Frenzy Explained

Tucker Carlson Responds to the Reddit-GameStop Revolt in Fiery Fashion – That Hedge Fund Managers Despise

Crazy Times: Ted Cruz Signals He’s In Full Agreement With AOC’s Call for Investigating Robinhood On Blocking Investors

Merck Stops Development of COVID Vaccine: “Studies Showed People Better Off Catching Virus And Recovering!”

New York AG: Cuomo Administration ‘Undercounted’ Coronavirus Nursing Home Deaths – By as much as 50 percent

The NYT appears to be deeply worried about South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem running for president in 2024

When Big Tech Flexes, Everyone’s Freedom Is Threatened – Via social media bans and Google search manipulation

The Sure To Fail Impeachment Effort Will Backfire On Mitch McConnell And The Rest Of The Republican Aristocracy

It’s All About (Political) ‘Science’ – Governor Newsom’s administration is driven by politics, not science as scandals pile up

Putin Lifts Covid Restrictions! – He announced today the return to normal in Russia

Biden to Take Action to Allow US Funding of International Abortion Providers

January 27, 2021

America needs to know the truth about the Biden family’s corrupt deals in China, Ukraine, and other countries

Twitter makes full tweet archive free for academic researchers – You can be sure the Woke Crowd will leverage this

Recalling California Governor Newsom, Explained

Biden pushes forward on creating a commission to study Supreme Court ‘reform’

Israel Defense Forces chief of staff says he has called for plans to target Iran’s nuclear efforts

Joe Biden Kills The Office Protecting Job Rights of U.S. Graduates

Why are other nations doing so much better than the USA on COVID deaths? – Hydroxychloroquine!

Oligarchy in America Crossing the Rubicon of class

The United States Must Move Forward, Not Back, on Iran –  A Return to the Nuclear Deal Would Be a Strategic Mistake

Democrat governors signal a post-Trump shift to less harsh COVID-19 restrictions

REGARDING COVID: If they haven’t isolated the virus, how can they make a vaccine? – Short Answer, They Can’t!

Rand Paul’s Cage Match With George Stephanopoulos Is A Pattern Everyone On The Right Should Follow

Biden signs climate change orders amid concerns over jobs: ‘It is time to act’

The Senate filibuster’s likely survival could be the death knell for Biden agenda

Israel threatens to strike Iran if Biden rejoins the Nuclear Deal

A circuit judge ruled that VA last-minute election rule change allowing mail-in ballots to arrive late without postmarks illegal

Biden’s Energy Nominee Divvied Millions In Taxpayer Funds To Alternative Energy Startups That Went Bankrupt

The Occupation Of Washington Is Pure Panic Porn And You Are The Target – Worse yet, it’s about politics, not security

Trump Can Turn The 2nd  Impeachment Attempt On The Insiders And Put Congress On ‘Trial 

Biden Voter Buyer’s Remorse? Let’s Blame the Press

If Biden Can’t Get Congress To Open The Borders, He’ll Likely Do It Himself – By simply declaring it as law

Democrats Introduce Bill To Make District of Columbia a State to Completely Change the Balance of the Senate

The Senate Cannot Impeach Donald Trump – He is no longer President nor is he a “civil officer” He is a private citizen

No Impeachment Surprise, Just Dirt – Democrats aren’t ready to give up slinging their outrageous mud at Trump

Biden’s Ban on Oil, Gas Leasing on US Lands is Challenged in Court

Biden Freezes U.S. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. – Who Is He Protecting and Why?

If the media were doing their job, they might ask these important COVID questions 

WHO recordings show China delayed releasing coronavirus information

China President Xi Twists Biden’s Arm at Davos – Bring America back into the fold, or suffer the consequences

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Calls on Biden to Acknowledge CCP’s Role in Pandemic After Memo Released

Biden’s Asia Policy Czar Helped Found Group ‘Heavily Influenced by the CCP’ – The U.S.-China Strong Foundation

Biden Signs Executive Order To Ban The Term ‘China Virus’ – Government is policing language AND facts now

The dystopian reality of Big Tech – Online platforms are now censoring speech on an industrial scale

Sanctuary California should be a cautionary tale, not a goal 

Fox May Have Found an Incentive to Draw Trump Supporters Back, But Will They Confront Cancel Culture and Do It?

Experts see legal counteroffensives against Big Tech crackdown on conservative dissent

The Obstruction Claim Boomerang: The FBI knew DOJ was preparing to fire Comey long before Trump ordered it

The Biden Justice Department rescinds Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ enforcement policy on illegal immigration

Accused sex trafficker in woke defense: Ghislaine Maxwell Tries to Get Charges Dropped by Claiming Jury is Too White

January 26, 2021

Trump won’t get due credit, but the US will be the first Western nation to crush COVID

Ten Solid Reasons a Post-Presidency Impeachment of Barack Obama Should Happen

Tucker Carlson: Democrats Preparing to “Enshrine Fraud” Into Law So They Stay In Power Forever

The Left Keeps Accusing Conservatives Of “The Big Lie” – A Term Invented By Hitler As He Prepared To Persecute German Jews

The Liberal Media Is Starting To Wake Up To Who Is Truly Running The White House due to Biden’s Dementia

Violent Crime in Los Angeles is Skyrocketing; Are George Gascon’s Policies to Blame?

Rand Paul Forces A Senate Vote in a Bid to Get The 2nd Trump Impeachment Declared Unconstitutional

Democrat White House Adviser Sues To Remove Telegram From App Stores – To Conservative Voices

Those Bombers China Sent Toward Taiwan? They Were A Dress Rehearsal For War

Hollywood’s Past Fiction Is Today’s Reality – THIS FIGHT ISN’T OVER . . . AND IT DIDN’T JUST BEGIN

Representative Swalwell: Leaks About His Relationship With Alleged Chinese Spy Are ‘Retaliation’

Companies Inspired by Cryptocurrency Found a Way to Limit Big Tech’s Power Using the Distributed Design of Bitcoin

Trump Makes First Endorsement Since Leaving Office – Backing Sarah Sanders in her race for governor of Arkansas

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema Defies The Democrat Party and May Have Just Saved the Country as We Know It

All but five Senate Republicans voted in favor of an effort to dismiss Donald Trump’s historic second impeachment trial

A Federal judge blocks Biden’s 100-day deportation freeze temporarily

Facebook Says Disagreeing With Biden’s Transgender Policy Is ‘Incitement’ Now?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bristles in warning as Biden seeks reentry to the Iran Deal

YouTube strips rising media company Epoch Times of ability to monetize video content

America Isn’t Make-Believe – The 1776 Report demonstrates a more sophisticated grasp of history than that of its critics

The Teachers’ Unions’ Ransom Demand – They assume that public schools are run for their benefit

Senator Rand Paul SLAMS impeachment attempt and ‘incitement’ of violence by Democrats

Bombshell Found in Memos Declassified by Trump: FBI Suspected Foreign Influence in His Opponent’s Campaign, but Here’s What It Did

Seattle and Portland finally decide they don’t want ongoing rioting, but their bail reform policies could hurt a clampdown

Border Wall Contractors Told to Stop Construction by Tuesday Night January 26th

Educating our sons and daughters about the new gender realities – That Allow Biological Males To Compete As Females 

Biden’s politically correct assault on girls sports – A repudiation of science and eradication of equal opportunities for female athletes

Operation Warp Speed Staffers Refute Claim Biden Is Starting from Scratch on Vaccines

Did Capital rioters receive inside help? – Some important facts are known beyond a reasonable doubt 

‘Free Speech for Me, but Not for Thee’ – Journalists have become closed-minded censors that stifle free expression

What happened with all those arrests from the Jan. 6 Capitol breach? – If they had actual Trump-supporters caught being bad we would be seeing their mug shots everywhere 

Biden’s America Last, Power-Grabbing Executive Action Blitzkrieg Will Only Get Worse

Media headline that Mitch McConnell announces he’s willing to abandon the filibuster – He is out of his ever-loving’ mind!

Stand Down Twitter CEO @Jack: Why The First Amendment Needs To Be Applied To Social Media

Lets Hope the Trump Presidential Library Has a Section Mocking the Impeachment Sham

January 25, 2021

Dr. Anthony Fauci: The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!!

California EDD admits paying as much as $31 billion in unemployment funds to scammers

Steve Hilton finds stunning Covid 19 connections: ‘Specific activity that Dr. Fauci funded and it is terrifying’

Rule by Decree: Joe Biden Sets Presidential Record for Executive Orders in His First Week

Keystone XL general manager: ‘Hundreds of guys’ have already been laid off after Biden executive order

The Supreme Court throws out a lawsuit alleging Trump profited illegally from the presidency

Biden Picks CA Labor Sec Julie Su, Responsible For $10B in Fraud Losses, for Deputy DOL

Biden Sells the Soul of the Presidency – A vote for Biden was really a vote for his radical donors

Biden’s Radical Immigration Proposal

Analysis: More Than Half Of Joe Biden’s Twitter Followers Are FAKE and Were Just Created in January

GOP Election Fraud Deniers Face A Reckoning – One cannot simultaneously defend the integrity of the 2020 election and demand new laws to ensure election integrity

Biden’s ‘Debt Doesn’t Matter’ Theory Guarantees Economic Crisis – An epic bust looks like not a matter of if, but when

Say Goodbye to ‘America First’: President of Mexico Says Biden Offered $4 Billion for Central America

For the second straight day, China sends warplanes into Taiwan airspace

Making America California – The Biden administration seems determined to follow the ruinous model of the Golden State

Democrats Announce Trump Impeachment Trial Will Start February 8th — GOP Senators May Ask for a Secret Ballot

COVID-19 job losses 4 times as bad as 2009 financial crisis

Trump Creates ‘Office of the Former President’ to Advance US Interests, Carry on Trump Administration Agenda

Shock poll: Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost a quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place

Donald Trump’s Team Officially Disavows the ‘Patriot Party’, Affirms the GOP Belongs to Trump

Chief Justice Roberts Will Not Preside Over Trump Senate Impeachment Trial – Instead It Will Be Democrat Leahy

Thousands of National Guard troops to remain in DC for Trump impeachment trial

Right on Schedule, COVID Pivots for Biden – On Biden’s Inauguration day WHO declares COVID PCR test overly sensitive

The First Bill Introduced by Democrats Would Codify Dubious 2020 Election Changes That Handed Them Victory

Mitch McConnell’s Time for Choosing – Will He Support or Thwart A Second Trump Impeachment Effort

Conservatives Should Stop Trying To Justify Impeaching Trump – Blaming him for the actions of a fewi is deeply misguided

The Conservative Purge Isn’t Over, It’s Just Getting Cranked Up

Donald Trump Ends His Patriot Party Talk And Will Now Focus To Primary Never-Trumpers

Biden’s regressive energy policy is one big war on the poor 

First Amendment Rights Being Eroded by Technocrats: Director of Citizens for Free Speech

The Democrats Push Three Amnesty Plans With Different Strategies

Biden’s Transport secretary Buttigieg tells laid-off Keystone XL workers he hopes they get ‘different union jobs’ 

Biden And The Death Of Free Speech – The president’s first day was marked by a harsh crackdown on the right to protest

Biden rolls out Trump-like ‘Made in America’ executive order

As Recall Effort Picks up Steam, Governor Newsom Reportedly Will Lift Stay-at-home Order in California

You Know There Was Industrial-Scale Election Fraud, But What Can Be Done? 

A Complete List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases – 81 total cases, 30 still active, and not one court has allowed the evidence to be shown

The National Review and All its Many Ways of Insulting Conservatives

Representative Boebert Moves to Block Biden E.O. on Paris Treaty by Demanding Senate Confirmation

Sarah Huckabee Sanders announces run for Arkansas governor –  Her father also served as Arkansas governor

January 24, 2021

53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started

Five examples of media’s sycophancy for Biden on inauguration week

Americans must not let freedom of speech slip away

Biden doesn’t know what he signing so Harris tells him to sign it anyway

Trump Impeachment DOA in Senate He will be neither convicted nor barred from holding public office

You Knew Trump Sacrificed While Working for Free as President, Now We’re Learning How Big a Financial Hit Has Taken

Trumpism Needs Trump, Not Guidance From A Bunch of Grifters

Top Trump Adviser Reveals Former POTUS Soon Could Become Huge Figure in Burgeoning Election Integrity Movement

The Coalition Forming to Topple California’s Governor Gavin Newsom Offers Hope to the Nation 

If It Looks Like a Bubble & Swims Like a Bubble – Too Bad The Impact of The Biden Administration Is Ignored

Biden to reinstate COVID-19 travel ban targeting the UK, Europe, and Brazil

The New Censors – Journalists celebrate the destruction of freedoms on which their profession depends

Portland Reporter critical of Antifa flees the US amid threats as decades after his parents arrived as asylum seekers

Back to the Obama’s Failed Policies and Blinkered Personnel – Unfortunately, It’s A Familiar List

New Mexico’s Electoral College Votes Went To Biden; Now They Regret It Due To Oil and Gas Suspension

Joe Biden signs whatever’s put in front of him – To begin his largely symbolic, retribution-based term of office, “President” Biden issued 17 executive orders on his first day

Joe Biden’s First Mistake – COVID-19 is, for the foreseeable future, the only domestic issue

The Constitution ONLY requires the Chief Justice to preside over the trial of “the President” Trump is no longer “President”

Democrats Promoting and Approving Violence Against Trump and His Supporters – A Damning Video Compilation

Keep an eye on California, the progressive model for America 

Biden’s return to the Paris accord is a gift to China

Democrats Introduce Their First House Bill, H.R.1: The Bill That Will Destroy America – This will outrage you!

January 23, 2021

A person in California died just hours after getting the COVID-19 vaccine, prompting a probe

Newsom’s $1.5 billion plan for electric cars shifts rebate money to equity programs

US Marshalls Rescue 33 Missing Children in ‘Operation Lost Angels’

ICE Agents Ordered to Free All Illegal Aliens in Custody: ‘Release Them All’

How Will Women’s Sports Work? – After Biden’s executive order to open public school girls’ facilities to transgender girls

On Day 2 Biden Says Nothing can be done to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months

Rural America, Prepare for Biden’s Newly-Proposed Tax – Based On Miles Driven

Biden Stops Trump Order To Slash Price Of Insulin and the EpiPen

Guess Which Liberal Billionaire Opposes Mail-In Voting in an Upcoming Election?

Trump Will Return – Whether he runs in three years or just takes on the role of conservative kingmaker

Read the 1776 Report That Biden Wants to Bury – Which is a rebuke of the NYT‘ false and misleading “1619 Project”

Democrats Attempt to Purge a Civil Servant from His Job over Prior Work for Devin Nunes and the Trump Administration

Hank Aaron Dead at 86, Two Weeks After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine; Health Officials Reiterate Vaccine’s Safety

DATA EXPERT: 200,000 PA Ballots Were Modified After Election – A Sampling of 100,000 AZ Ballots Show ‘Material Amount’ Aren’t Even Real People

Biden Doubles Down on Amnesty – Proposals that are further to the left than the prior bills pushed by Busch and Obama

The Acting DHS Deputy Head During Capitol Riot Reveals Pelosi Demanded ‘Machine Guns’ to Be Deployed Against Civilians in DC

Andy Ngo: Twitter Did Nothing to Stop Antifa Planning, Promoting Riots in Portland and Seattle


The 1776 Report Reinvigorates the American Mind

The WHO Changes CCP Virus Test Criteria to Reduce False Positives – Significantly fewer new daily case are expected

I wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then – Important things that I didn’t know five years ago or now 

China sends 8 bombers, 4 fighters over Taiwan’s air defense zone – They are testing US protection of Taiwan under Biden

Isn’t it great that the oil from Canada will now be moved by trains and trucks?

Democrats Have Released a Roadmap to One-Party Rule

Rand Paul: Trump Senate impeachment trial an ‘illegitimate procedure’ without John Roberts

Video Shows Trump’s Washington Hotel Lobby Serving as Rest Area for Police Officers on Inauguration Day

So who ordered the National Guard troops stuffed into the icy underground parking garage? 

With Biden Safely in Office, the Media Suddenly Decide to Tell the Truth About Trump and the CDC

The Democrats $15-an-hour national minimum wage canard – A basic college Econ 101 exposes this idiocy

Shocker: MSNBC host actually admits that ‘Trump would be getting crushed’ if he had done what Joe Biden did 

Paul Harvey: What Our Forefathers Gave Up To Start America

Five Reasons Why Killing Keystone XL is a Bad Idea


January 22, 2021

The tech supremacy: Silicon Valley can no longer conceal its power 

‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Trump impeachment trial delayed until the week of Feb. 8, Schumer says

Limbaugh: Are Democrats Insecure or Just Putting on a Show?

Trump plays cards close to his chest when asked about future plans

Clinton’s Russia collusion research started much earlier than thought and made Steele nervous

Joe Biden Is Manufacturing A Crisis At The Border

Yes, Biden Wants to End Fracking – Because he explicitly asserted as much on numerous occasions

Why Was Amazon Waiting? – The timing of their offer to assist vaccine distribution efforts raises some eyebrows

Just Like the Good Old Days: Biden Invades Syria with Convoy of US Troops and Choppers on First Full Day as President

Mitch McConnell privately supports Trump impeachment, wants him gone

Tucker Exposes Full Biden Jailbreak Order for Illegal Aliens – He is not only stopping deportations but setting them loose

White House Announces It Will Codify Federal Abortion Law – So SCOTUS Can’t Overturn It!

Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement In US Power Grid

Google Threatens to Remove Search Engine in Australia Over Proposed Law To Share Ad Revenue With Source

During Biden inauguration, MSNBC openly calls for silencing of conservative voices

A New Tax on the number of miles you drive? Incoming Transportation Secretary Buttigieg likes the idea

Biden’s trans order undoes decades of feminist progress

Biden Doesn’t Salute Marines During Inauguration – Looks Lost – Kamala Harris Waves at Him Trying to Bring Him Back

Donald Trump is NOT Starting His Own Political Party – Because “Third” Parties Dilute The Vote

The Texas Attorney General Threatens to Sue Biden Administration Over ‘Illegal Deportation Freeze’

National Guard Troops Return to Capitol After Being ‘Banished’ to Parking Garage

Newsom Recall Gathers Momentum Over Policies ‘Atrocious and Polarizing’

Kevin Kiley: Gavin Newsom’s Delusional Letter to Joe Biden

Who shot Ashli Babbitt? – We Should Certainly Know By Now

Schumer: Pelosi Will Transmit Trump Impeachment Article Monday

Industrial-Scale Election Fraud – Did It Actually Happen?

California spent $19 million to shield Capitol from protests

Breaking Norms And Precedent, Biden Attempts To Purge a Highly Qualified Career Intelligence Official

Tucker Carlson’s Grave Warning About The Biden Administration – Democrats Are Planning War on Half of Country

Beware of President Biden’s Call for a Return to America’s Role in the World Stage 

Is Biden’s order about ‘transgender’ athletes a great thing?  – Not for Those Pursuing Female Athletic Scholarships

Blue State Blues: 9 Ways Joe Biden Has Already Broken His Promise on Unity

The Keystone Cancellation and Biden’s Climate Cronyism – A sign of dark things to come for America’s energy economy

The Biden administration, Democrats, and media peddle bogus story about ‘no vaccine plan’ by Trump administration

Tucker Carlson: Biden cancels Keystone Pipeline, opens the border, and shows America who he really is

YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED removing dislikes from Biden White House page 

The Fracturing Of America: A Weak Government, Complicit Media, And Radical Silicon Valley Radicals Might Have Finally Set It All Off

The National Guard’s Degrading ‘Logistical Mess’ – Its D.C. occupation has been a disaster, start to finish

President Trump Gives Permission for US Troops to Stay at Trump Hotel in Washington DC

The most important legal pathway that would allow Trump to reclaim the Presidency – By using a writ of quo warranto.

Antifa in Seattle and Portland Smash Property, Oppose Biden, Police: ‘We Are Ungovernable’

It’s a secret: California keeps key virus data from public

Los Angeles District Attorney Gascon Prohibits Deputy DA From Opposing Parole for a Serial Child Rapist

This Is How Democrats Spell ‘Unity’, C-A-N-C-E-L

Senator Chuck Grassley: Don’t let Biden, Democrats exploit COVID to enact liberal laundry list

Google threatens to remove its search engine from Australia as the Big-Tech titan takes on an advanced nation-state 

Fauci assures the World Health Organization that the Biden regime is committed to funding abortions

The Problem Isn’t in Palestinian Numbers

Slouching Toward Post-Journalism – The NYT and other elite media outlets openly embraced advocacy over reporting

January 21, 2021

Victor Davis Hanson’s Thoughts on the 1776 Commission and its report – At any other age it would not be controversial

Media trust hits a new low

Supporters Turn Out in Force to Give Trump a Warm Welcome as He Returns to Florida

The Big-Tech Titans ignore incitement to violence against conservatives

A judge appointed by Jimmy Carter rules that Amazon won’t be forced to host Parler

Fauci Says Coronavirus Infections Might Be Plateauing

I Watched Biden’s Inauguration First-Hand – I’m Haunted and Numb in a Horribly Sanitized City

Representative Dan Crenshaw Reveals Who Biden’s Day 1 Policy Changes Really Help

States Can Reject Critical Race Theory – Even Though Biden has reinstituted this pernicious philosophy

Lindsey Graham Delivers Serious Warning to Anti-Trump Republicans – “If you’re wanting to erase Donald Trump from the party, you’re gonna get erased”

Mitch McConnell Proposes Postponing Impeachment Trial Until February to Keep Trump Under His Thumb

Limbaugh: Two Pieces That Come Close to Explaining What I Felt Watching the Inauguration

The Biden Administration Pauses Federal Permitting for Oil and Natural Gas

Biden Orders Nationwide Cover-Up Of Differences Between Men And Women In Orwellian Crusade For ‘Equality’

Biden signs ‘wartime’ COVID-19 executive orders, imposing national mask mandate on public transportation

Biden Releases National COVID-19 Strategy, Will Require That Overseas Travelers Test Negative

Senate Republicans Warn McConnell Ahead of Impeachment Trial

Poll: Over 80% of voters favor limiting the power of Big Tech in the U.S.

Shanghai Announces New CCP Virus Outbreak, Including Hospital Workers

Beijing Building Military Drones to Rival US in War, Leaked File Shows

Thousands Lined the Streets in Palm Beach Wednesday In a Bittersweet Moment to Welcome America’s President Home

A Trump Impeachment Trial Puts A Fundamental Question to Chief Justice Roberts

Those who celebrate the Biden presidency will be disappointed

Biden Can’t Restore Unity – His early actions on policy matters like Israel and abortion prove his pledge lacked credibility

U.S. Chamber of Commerce to Joe Biden: You Can Help Americans by Importing More Foreign Workers

COVID-19 Epidemic Ravaging Northeast China, Villages Evacuated, Livestock and Crops Left Behind

Representative Crenshaw Explains Who Biden’s Agenda Helps Most – And It Is NOT America

The Biden Administration’s LEFTIST Problem

Day One Biden Markers: The US as Exporter of Energy, Unemployment Rate, Plus The Military and Foreign Policy

National Guard troops gave their backside visual response to Democrat insult

Joe Biden’s DOJ Will Resume Extorting Money From Corporations To Benefit Leftist Groups

The Big-Tech titans continue to ignore incitement to violence against conservative voices 

Trump’s Impeachment Is Unconstitutional and Undemocratic – An attempt to deprive Americans of their right to choose their political leaders

Biden’s spokeswoman refuses to answer abortion policy questions and whips out the ‘Devout Catholic’ card instead

1776 Commission Web Page That Promotes American Values Deleted From White House Site – After Biden Swarn In

Iran’s Mullahs Turn to Bitcoin Mining

January 20, 2021

Words of Division – Cloaked in an appeal to unity, Biden’s inaugural hit expected themes of racial resentment and blame

Before His First Day Is Out, Biden Nukes 8,000 Union Jobs With Keystone XL Pipeline Executive Order

Antifa and BLM Block Streets, Sets Fire in Seattle Inauguration Day Protest

Biden Just Picked A CIA Director With A 7-Year-Long Relationship With Chinese Communist Party Front Organizations

New York Times: Biden’s 17 Executive Orders and Other Directives in Detail

Trump Bids Farewell to DC with 4 Classy Words and 1 Huge Promise

The World Health Organization Finally Updates Its COVID-19 Testing Policy… 1 Hour After Biden’s Inauguration

Amazon, Google, and Apple are sued by Freedom Watch for suspending Parler

Parler Claims Amazon Deliberately Left Security Hole for Hackers to Target Platform

Minutes After Biden Takes Oath of Office, China Announces Major Action Against 28 Trump Officials and Their Families

A Biden Senior Advisor Ranks Mao Zedong Among “Favorite Political Philosophers”

Aide Reveals Worrying Instance of Biden Forgetting His Own Words

Biden to Cancel Trump’s 1776 Commission That Promotes American Founding Values

A New Video of Trump Supporter at Capitol Riot Completely Defies The Media’s Narrative

New Alignment Pushes America Toward Totalitarianism – A nexus of big tech, big media, and big government

Biden Signs Executive Orders on Federal Face-Mask Mandate, Keystone Pipeline, Paris Accord

Biden Admin Embraces ‘Racial Equity’ Ideology in Slew of Executive Action Announcements

‘We will be back in some form’: Trump bids presidency a final goodbye

The Biden administration immediately deletes 1776 Commission page from the White House site

Joe Biden to Issue Executive Order Ending Border Wall Construction

Joe Biden is Sworn In as the 46th President of the United States

TUCKER CARLSON: McConnell Ordered Trump Not To Pardon Assange, Suggested Senate Will Impeach If He Does

WSJ: Biden’s First-Day Orders Will Include Mask Mandate, Blocking Keystone Pipeline

Among first-day actions, Biden ordering agencies to revisit vehicle emissions

Trump’s Anti-Communist Legacy – He didn’t campaign on it, but his efforts over the past four years have been clear

Biden poised to make sweeping executive changes after he’s sworn in as president

Joe Biden Plans a Day of Executive Action: Trump Policies to be Axed as Obama Programs are Restored

Democrats Are Framing Americans As Domestic Terrorists So They Can Do To Us What They Did To Trump In Spygate

Joe Biden is making enemies of America’s allies

WSJ: Joe Biden to Be Inaugurated as 46th President Under Tight Security

Donald J. Trump: On the Threshold of Greatness 

Trump Pardons And Commutes 143 People On His Last Day — But Doesn’t Pardon His Family

Trump revokes lobbying executive order

Tucker Carlson: Mitch McConnell Coerced Trump Into Not Pardoning Julian Assange

America Is Now a Country of Victorious Socialism

Biden to rejoin Paris climate agreement, revoke Trump ‘Muslim ban’ in first executive orders

First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele’s 2017 confession to the FBI

Paul Harvey’s If I Were The Devil – This Is from 1965. Think of all that has happened since then.

January 19, 2021

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming – Those who wield power are demanding it, but will there be much opposition?

People in Five States Say Get Me Outta Here – But Where Are They Moving To

Biden Plans To Put Big Tech In Charge Of Its Own Regulation

Hollywood Celebrities Rip Trump in his Final 24 Hours in Office: ‘F**k Every Single Trump Voter’

Writing a speech for Biden can be hell, and that was before the inaugural – I would never say that, but he did

The Brave browser makes a bold step toward allowing a decentralized web

The Uhaul 2020 Report Ranks California Last on One-Way Arrivals

There is Clarity in Trump’s Wake – The United States of America is now a classic oligarchy

Tucker Carlson Thinks the Real Reason for the Massive DC Military Presence is to send a message about who’s in power now

Why the Left Has To Suppress Free Speech – Leftism is essentially a giant balloon filled with nothing but hot air

Resisting the Left’s Bogus Narrative About Trump’s Presidency – It’s full of lies, lies, and more lies

Moderna “Does Not Know How Many Doses Went Into Arms” In California Adverse Vax-Reaction Cluster

Anti-Gun Pelosi Ordered Crew-Served Automatic Weapons on Light Armored Vehicles for Inaugural – Message, We will crush any decent

Trump Declassifies ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Documents – To the maximum extent possible

CIA Director Gina Haspel Announces Her Resignation

Limbaugh: Former Bush Guru Mark McKinnon: Talks Underway to “Leach Out the Poison” of Talk Radio

Stabbing Hector’s Corpse – All these frenzied efforts to mutilate the political corpse of Trump are reviving him

The media are lying about the 1776 Report – Created to counter the leftist narrative taking over our public schools

German quarantine breakers to be sent to detention centers

Schumer looking for ‘power-sharing’ agreement after meeting with McConnell – Similar to an arrangement when Senate was split in 2001

A New Sub-Hunting Drone Completes Successful Test Off California Coast

Newsom’s COVID-19 briefings often leave more questions than answers, some officials say

AWFUL! Mitch McConnell: Capitol “Insurrectionists” were “Provoked by the President and Other Powerful People”

Senator Ernst Questions Constitutionality of Post-Presidential Impeachment Trial

Donald Trump Cites The Almighty Creator in One of His Final Acts as President

Full Text of The President’s Advisory 1776 Commission Report

Trump’s big decision on family pardons may give clue to his political future

Joe Biden must make clear that immigration laws still apply

Joe Biden’s Foolish Sabotage of the Keystone Pipeline

The Issue That Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden Share Regarding Their Donors

Big questions on the eve of the inauguration – Why do things seem so surreal and so tense?

Tucker Carlson Explains What Message Dems Are Sending With the Militarization of DC

The Taliban Calls on Biden to Honor Trump’s Deal to Withdraw Troops From Afghanistan

The painful symbolism of the 26,000 National Guard troops in D.C. – What Does It Really Mean?

Secure The Vote – We need to harden our electoral system against disaster

Democrats have a newfound love for physical barriers 

Byron York’s Daily Memo: Trump Derangement Syndrome in a post-Trump world

Joe Biden Selects Pennsylvania Transgender Health Official Rachel Levine for HHS

President Trump Issues Executive Order for January 22, Two Days After Biden’s Planned Inauguration, Proclaiming the Sanctity of Life

What happened to the unity thing the Democrats were talking about a while ago?

Will the Tech ‘WOKE-Force’ Be With Us, or Against Us, If We Go to War?

STOP THE STEAL – The title of this article that really rubs Democrat socialists the wrong way

January 18, 2021

Setting the Record Straight on the POTUS “Ask” – Vice President Pence was NOT asked to reject electoral votes

Prager: Why the Left Has To Suppress Free Speech

‘Not my president’: How 2021 inauguration anger compares to 2017 resistance movement

Project Veritas Drops Another Video on Twitter, This One on their Plans for Global ‘Political Censorship’

WATCH: Katie Couric says Trump supporters need to be ‘deprogrammed’

Melania Trump’s Farewell Message: ‘Violence Is Never the Answer’

A New Fairness Doctrine? What Could Possibly Go Wrong? – Down With Conservative Outlets

WSJ: Joe Biden Rejects Trump’s Push to Lift Covid-19 Travel Restrictions

Washington Post Columnist Max Boot: Blacklist Fox News ‘as We Do with Foreign Terrorist Groups’

Dick Morris: Polls Manipulated to Hurt Trump as He Exits

Election Lawsuits Move Forward Despite Silencing Crusade – The Supreme Court can still rectify the election’s many wrongs

Politicians, Trump Allies, Nobel Winners, and More Sent Formal Letter to President Urging Pardon for Assange

Tucker Carlson makes a plea for President Trump to pardon Julian Assange

Impeachment Backfire – Every impeachment before this one was a bad idea and a failure, and this one will be too

Iran loses the right to vote in the UN General Assembly for failure to pay dues

Joe Biden’s Givebacks to Unions and the Bernie Sanders Coalition Will Force Regular Americans to Pay

Critics reject $1.9 trillion Biden COVID plan as ‘liberal wishlist’ – It  may enact racially discriminatory spending priorities

Letter by senior US military raises questions about who is really committing ‘sedition and insurrection’ – Due to The timing of when the rioting started

Hundreds of Publisher Employees Working to Block Trump from Yet Another Platform

The Anti-Trump ‘Lincoln Project’ Funneled Over $10 Million To Its Own Founders’ Companies

2,000 National Guard Troops in DC Sworn in as Special Deputy US Marshals – To give them temporary, limited, law enforcement authority pertaining specifically to the safety and protection of the inauguration and related events

The FBI is reportedly vetting National Guard troops in D.C. amid fears of an insider attack

China ‘Sought to Influence’ 2020 US Election – DNI Assesses Senior CIA officials pressured analysts to withdraw the assessment

What’s going on in DC.? – 25,000 armed troops parading around, dividing the city into zones, barricading it, and walling it 

What’s Next? A Great Awakening or A Great Reset? – In Trump’s poker game with the ruling class Is he holding a royal flush or a pair of threes? 

Top Biden Official Gives Migrant Caravan a Telling Message – Trump’s policies and efforts to protect the nation’s southern border cannot be done away with overnight


CNN Demands That Cable Companies Blacklist OAN and Newsmax TV

De-platformed Social Media Website Parler CEO ‘Confident’ His Platform Will Return by End of January

When The Left Refuses Service, They’re Preventing Violence. But When The Right Denies Service, They’re Bigots

The US Prepares for One of the Most Unusual Inaugurations in History

Joe Biden Will ‘Make America California Again’ – Not the Ronald Reagan version: rather, the contemporary left-wing bubble

Leftists are successfully persecuting those who questioned the election results and aiming to destroy careers

Parler CEO ‘confident’ platform will be back ‘by the end of the month’

Insane request from Biden team…Regarding National Guard Units in DC

Fascism Is Back – But not who the legacy media, big-tech, and the CCP says they are

Trumpism After Trump – Left-behind’ voters who make up his base are not going away

Our Mail-In Elective Dictator – The mail-in voting surge is bad for American democracy regardless of whether widespread fraud occurred

Biden begs 7,000-strong Central American caravan to not surge across the border now – But later is OK

President Trump Helps Joe Biden by Extending The Border Emergency to 2022

How Joe Biden Will Open The Floodgates To Transgendering Public Schools

Don’t Pack the Courts – Joe Biden shouldn’t repeat FDR’s big mistake

The vaccine has exposed teachers unions’ true priorities – Increasing demands and power

Republican-Governed States Can Stop Social Media Censorship

The Trump administration slams China’s Huawei by halting shipments from Intel and others

January 17, 2021

U.S. says Wuhan lab workers became sick with COVID-19 like symptoms weeks before the pandemic started

Trump’s Inauguration Day Plans Revealed – He Will Reportedly Head to His New Home in Florida at Mar-a-Lago

The Media’s Incitement Campaign – January 6th timeline shows that Trump speech didn’t cause simultaneous violence two miles away

Former Facebook official suggests cable providers drop OANN and Newsmax: ‘Turn down the capability of these conservative influencers’

Film Crew Releases Never Before Seen Footage of 2017 Inauguration Riots

Biden indicates plans to cancel Keystone XL pipeline permit on 1st day in office – Which will strain Canada relationship

All Eyes on the Gig Worker – Biden wants to take California’s dangerous Assembly Bill 5 nationwide

Biden Is Already Rewarding Failure – When He takes office on Wednesday, the old gang will be back in the saddle again

Dershowitz: Impeaching Trump After His Presidency Is ‘Plainly Unconstitutional,’ Senate Shouldn’t Accept

RAND PAUL: If Mitch McConnell Impeaches Trump One-Third Of Republicans Will Leave The Party – At a minimum

Lindsey Graham Asks $64,000 Question: ‘Should We Impeach Barack Obama?’ – For His Handling of Benghazi?

Big Tech’s Big Brother Moves – No chance Orwell would have supported unelected billionaires deciding what ideas the public should have access to

CENSORSHIP: CNN discusses plans to ban conservative news organizations and influencers

The Five Most Obvious Acts of Fraud in the 2020 Election that You Are No Longer Allowed to Discuss

Parler’s Website Back Online With a Message From Its CEO – Suggest ng Parler was able to find another hosting service

A lawyer who represented the Trump campaign Ousted as Chapman College Law School Professor

Why Democrats demonize good GOPers, too – It is a deliberate tactic designed to intimidate and silence conservatives

Ric Grenell: Who We ‘Need to Watch’ as ‘Shadow President’ in Biden Administration: It’s Not Who You Think

During the current COVID wave, Florida is outperforming California with fewer restrictions

Oregon Considering Bill for Emergency Seizure of Private Property

NBC Poll: Trump Approval Unhurt by Impeachment, Capitol Riot

China ‘Sought to Influence’ 2020 US Election, Director of National Intelligence Assesses CIA Management Pressured Analysts to Withdraw Assessment

Biden Day 1: Major MAGA Reversals, Mask Mandate and Rejoin Paris Accord

Winston Churchill and President Donald J.Trump were both betrayed from within

Trump Impeachment is Trial Pending, McConnell Calls It ‘Vote of Conscience’

Census Bureau: Citizenship Data Won’t Be Released Until After Trump Leaves Office – Puts his push to exclude illegal immigrants from apportionment in jeopardy

The Biden Team is Already in Talks with Iran over a Return to Nuclear Deal

The organized disappearing and banning of Donald J. Trump – By Big Tech, Big Media and Major Entertainment

Washington Highly Militarized Ahead of Biden’s Inauguration

Joe Biden’s party seeks to divide and destroy, not unite and heal 

Photos Expose ANOTHER #FakeNews Media Lie: Rudy Giuliani Seen Back at the White House on Saturday

January 16, 2021

Why are Some California Doctors Refusing to Prescribe Certain Medications to COVID Patients?

Apple’s Tim Cook Just Comes Right Out and Says It About Canceling Parler: ‘We Don’t Consider That Free Speeck

Gina Haspel threatened to resign over Trump plan to install Kash Patel as CIA deputy

The FBI Arrests Left-Wing Activist Plotting an Attack on Pro-Trump Protesters

Welcome to DC, now show me your papers – The pre-inauguration lockdown of DC is an overreaction

Joe Biden Plans Immediate and Overwhelming Action on Immigration, Groups That Have Seen It Are ‘Stunned’ by How Bold It Is

Migrant caravan demands Biden administration ‘honors its commitments’

So Far 55 People Died in the US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines

40% of L.A. Firefighters Decline to Show Up for Coronavirus Vaccine

Betsy DeVos Warned Congress Before Resigning from Trump Administration – Don’t Forgive Student Loan Debt

The White House Showcases List of Trump Presidency Accomplishments

Biden Team Furious After Twitter Refuses to Transfer a Single One of Trump’s 33 Million @POTUS Followers

Parler CEO forced into hiding with family after receiving death threats

Dershowitz: There’s One Big Reason I Won’t Be on Trump’s Impeachment Team

Fox News reportedly considering top executive firings over their post-election rating collapse 

Washington braces for unrest as the level of threat unclear

The Totalitarian Left Moves to Silence All Dissent 

Capitol Riot Prosecutors Run a Big Risk in Pursuing a ‘Sedition’ Case


Amazon Goes Mad – “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” —Euripides

MyPillow CEO Visits Trump in Oval Office Carrying Mysterious Notes

Now it’s the no-fly lists – Before 9/11 the national no-fly list contained 16 people, It now may be  as many as 47,000 people 

Swalwell demonstrates, yet again, why he doesn’t belong anywhere near his national security committees

You Can’t ‘Just Build Your Own Twitter’

Antifa Activist Daniel Alan Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters —Says He Received Soros Money


January 15, 2021

How Big Tech took over The establishment outsourced censorship to the private sector – and created a tyranny

WSJ: The ‘Common Carrier’ Solution to Social-Media Censorship – Dorsey’s Jan. 13 Twitter thread displays “a rare combination of hubris and ignorance

Democrats were for occupying capitols before they were against it

Canadian Doctor: The “Cure” for Covid is Roughly Ten Times Worse Than the Disease

U.S. Department of State Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

Andy Ngo’s Antifa book is Number One weeks before the release

DOJ Officials Walk-Back Assertion That MAGA Rioters Wanted to ‘Capture and Assassinate Lawmakers’

I Stand With Trump And against the high-tech/big-media lynching of this outsider president

‘Trump Nation’ Numbers At Least 150 Million Americans – Every time they tell another lie, or silence another voice, the number grows

Feel Good Now and Pay Later – The Biden stimulus is crammed with goodies but makes no economic sense

Scientists at Wuhan Virology Lab Had CCP Virus-Like Sickness in Autumn 2019, State Department Says


Lincoln Project Co-Founder John Weaver Admits ‘Inappropriate’ Messages to Young Men, and It Gets Worse

As Democrats Prepare for Full Assault on 2nd Amendment, NRA Makes Bankruptcy Announcement And Move To Texas

EXCLUSIVE: Trump slashed aid to China by 52 percent

Parler said Amazon shut it down to prevent Trump from joining their social platform

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham Releases Transcripts From Russia Probe and FISA Abuse Investigation

Impeachment Witness Fiona Hill Connected Christopher Steele To Dossier Source Shown In Declassified Document

The Rush to Judgment on Trump? – Multiple leftists have been arrested for The Capitol Riot

James Sullivan, the brother of accused leftist provocateur John Sullivan, claims 226 Antifa members started Capitol riots

YouTube Removes GP Video Investigation of Antifa-BLM Organizer John Sullivan That Is Now On BitChute

EXTRAORDINARY NEWS: Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into A Violent Riot

An Obsessed de Blasio Is Purging The Trump Organization From City Contracts

Leaked Video Reveals Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Internal Discussions Before Trump Was Banned From Twitter

How Big Government And Big Tech Conspire Against VotersHow Big Government And Big Tech Oligarchs Conspire Against Voters

Collective Guilt And The New Witch Hunt – Hatred is at an all-time high in Washington DC

Mexico’s president blasts Trump-hating social media censors, vows international action 

Pelosi Selects Swalwell for Homeland Security Committee, Despite Extremely Questionable Past With A Chinese Spy

The IRS delays the start of tax filing season to February 12th

Beyond the Lab – As the vaccine rollout progresses, the public-health establishment is revising its protocols based on real-world demands

CDC: A More Highly Transmissible Variant of CCP Virus Detected in 10 States

The COVID response — Lots of questions but still no answers

Atilis Gym says NJ ’emptied out every single dollar that we have’ from bank account amid COVID-19 lockdown battle with the state

A Big Tech Coalition Is Developing a Digital COVID Vaccination Passport

Liz Cheney reveals her inner Deep State – Liz apparently read the tea leaves wrong when she cast her vote to impeach

A Canadian Expert Confirms Revolver’s Finding That Lockdowns Cause 10 Times More Damage Than Covid

Trump Signs Memo to Secure Government-Backed Research and Development Against Foreign Interference

How the CCP Infiltrates American Universities – They’ve given millions of dollars in undisclosed donations

The Black Lives Matter Activist Who Stormed Capitol on January 6th Charged

Tucker Takes Twitter CEO Apart After Project Veritas Drops Video on Jack

Big Tech v. America: How to Fight Back and Win

Big Tech’s Conservative Purge Changes the Free Speech Debate

Stephen Malthouse MD — Coronavirus Vaccine “very, very likely to cause harm”

January 14, 2021

NYT: High Tech Workers Can’t Leave the Bay Area Fast Enough

An Impeachment Incitement – It was a Parthian shot to discredit President Trump’s supporters

Democrats Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred – They can’t hide much longer behind their Trump hatred. But it’s really all they’ve got

Parler Claims That Amazon ‘Repeatedly Asked’ if President Donald Trump Joined Their Platform

Trump Team’s Peter Navarro Drops Third Major Report on Historic Election Fraud — Confirms “Trump Won”

Parler, Amazon reinstatement feud in judge’s hands

The Assault on the Capitol Has Let Loose the Electronic Octopus

What is this latest impeachment gambit really about? – It was a Parthian shot to discredit President Trump’s supporters

BLM instigator of Capitol riots, John Earle Sullivan, arrested

Trump Set To Release Over Foot-High Stack Of Classified Documents FBI And DOJ Have Been Keeping Hidden From Public For Years

Twitter insider leaks video of Jack Dorsey saying the ban is ‘bigger than Trump’

The suspicious link between population control advocates and COVID vaccines

Los Angeles schools demand COVID-19 vaccination before return to campus

America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates

NASA Researcher Pleads Guilty to Concealing China Ties

The New York Post is banning CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and the New York Times as primary sources

Bizarre CADEM Party Press Conference: RecallGavin2020 is ‘Coup’ and ‘Treasonous’ – Recall groups thank CA Democratic Party for the boost

President Trump’s Executive Order from Yesterday Directly Impacts the Bidens’ Investments in China

Twitter, Facebook: $51 Billion Combined Market Value Erased Since Trump Ban

White House Trade Adviser: Amazon’s Suspension of Parler Is ‘Chilling’

Twitter’s twisted logic – They not only banned Trump but restricted his access to the @POTUS account

Vaccine Passports Trialed in the UK, as EU Leaders Push for ‘Standardised’ COVID Travel Passes

Axios/Ipsos Poll: Republican Voters Side With Trump Over McConnell

4 Reasons McConnell’s Terrible Impeachment Blunder Is Doomed To Failure

The public sector purge of Trump supporters is beginning

A Major Twist in US Capitol Storming Might Gut Democrats’ Narrative on Trump Impeachment – It Was a Planned Attack

Assault on the Capitol Has Let Loose the Electronic Octopus – Big Tech and the Left unleash a tidal wave of censorship meant to silence foes and settle old scores

Why the Right will Neither Forgive nor Forget 

Why It’s So Dishonest to Accuse Trump of Having Sought an Insurrection and Coup – Short answer: Because He Didn’t

Capitol Protesters Speak Out: ‘We Just Wanted Our Voices To Be Heard’

The Republican Party Killed Itself – The particular poison it swallowed is the hatred it harbors for its own voters

Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle Rumored to be Moving to Florida – Fleeing Socialist Politicians and Policies of NY State

A message to RINOs — It’s time to choose – You cannot compromise with people whose values are diametrically opposed to your own 

Johns Hopkins scientist: ‘It’s A medical certainty’ Pfizer vaccine caused the death of a Florida doctor

From the Weather Underground to Twitter Bans  –The pieties of liberalism are hard to take

Re-Open Cal Now Recap: Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones Talks Law Enforcement and Your Constitutional Rights

The Disney company adds to the list of reasons for boycotting it 

Newsom Recall Is No Riot California – Democrat officials reactions highlight their growing level of fear and desperation

January 13, 2021

Blue State Economies Will Soon Crumble – But Will They Take Red States With Them?

A New Poll Delivers Bad News to Any Lawmaker Voting for Impeachment

Democrats and 10 Republicans Vote for 2nd Impeachment of Trump

Why four Republicans didn’t vote at all on impeachment

McConnell will not reconvene Senate for an emergency session impeachment vote

Impeachment 2.0 – No, the Senate cannot convict Trump after he leaves office

Jovan Pulitzer Confirms Numerous Countries Interfered In 2020 Election – Millions of Invalid Ballots Were Inserted 

FBI Reverses What It Told America, Confirms Agency Knew People Were Coming to Capitol ‘Ready to Fight’ and Cause Trouble

The Insurrection Lie – We know, for instance, that many of the troublemakers were not Trump supporters.

The Supreme Court May Finally Reverse Kamala Harris’s Attack on Free Speech

A Domestic Terrorism Bill Only Antifa Could Love – It’s About propagandizing a dangerous narrative and enforcing political bias

Trump Strengthens Ban on US Investments in Chinese Military Companies

President Trump releases video, says no true supporter of his could ever endorse political violence

Pompeo says Big Tech censorship is ‘authoritarianism’ disguised as ‘moral righteousness’

Woke Elementary –A Cupertino elementary school forces third-graders to deconstruct their racial identities, then rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.”

California’s technology woes deepen – California’s government just can’t make technology work well

Statement from the President – In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence……

Trump Calls on Americans to Help Ensure Peaceful Transition: ‘NO Violence’ and ‘NO Lawbreaking’

Mike Pence Issues Forceful Response to Nancy Pelosi’s 25th Amendment Demand

Jim Jordan Calls Out Democrats’ ‘Double Standard’ In Fiery Speech During Impeachment Proceedings

The Attack On America’s Fundamental Right

Kamala Harris Reveals Biden Administration’s Aggressive Immigration Plan

Steve Mnuchin Met With Dem Leaders Last Night to Plot One Final Betrayal of President Trump

91% of Trump voters sticking by him despite the Capitol Hill riot that Democrats say he incited

Democrats Are Drafting a Bill To Erase Trump’s Legacy

Arizona Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Hold Big Tech to Account for Censoring Political Views

Democrats Are Using The Recent Capitol Riot To Consolidate Power

Lawmaker Urges House Leadership to Stop Distributing Communist Propaganda Paper China Daily

UNMASKED: Documents reveal GovernorNewsom’s secret $1Billion CCP deal

Trump allies warn Republicans they risk political peril if they back impeachment

PBS fired their chief counsel for saying what Democrats really think 

Pompeo: ‘History Will Reflect on the Good Work’ Trump Has Done

The Left Closes In – The Left is imposing complete destruction of First Amendment rights to half of America’s citizens 

Abe Lincoln’s Warning About the Perils of Mob Rule

Newt Gingrich: ‘Enormous Danger’ to Dictate Whether Trump Can Runs Again

Western Strength or Softness: Which Do Muslims Respect? 

The “Dons” Behind Joe Biden – Why Biden thinks the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks” and “not competition for us”

Biden inaugural committee planning a star-studded TV special

Trump’s EPA Skips typical Waiting Period, Making It Harder for Biden to Repeal

The US Executes First Woman on Federal Death Row in Nearly Seven Decades

Will COVID Numbers Now Miraculously Shift for Biden’s Benefit? 

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: World War III has started – He describes new information about the manipulation of the 2020 election

We can’t just let the Tech Tyrants destroy us – The conservative Facebook group StopTheScalpings (STS) Expunged

A Short History Of How Anthony Fauci Has Kept Failing Up Since 1984

PGA Cancels Tournament at Trump’s golf course – Sports should be above politics, not controlled by politics

January 12, 2021

Good Morning from New Iran! We are now far removed from the constitutional republic we were promised

Incitement, Insurrection, Impeachment, Imperiousness, and Idiocy – Pelosi’s move to purge the WH of Trump hit a new low

60% of all voters call impeachment a ‘waste of time and money  & 74% say it is to keep Trump from running again

The threats and violence that Twitter won’t police

The Destruction of Parler Exposes One of the Biggest U.S. Shams

Most Illegal Immigrants Arrested by ICE in 2020 Had Average of Four Criminal Convictions or Charges

Joe Biden Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI For Recruiting Western Spies

Rush to Judgment? Three crucial questions remain unanswered about the Capitol siege 

There Was No ‘Insurrection’ – Overstatement of the year

Byron York’s Daily Memo: The crazy impeachment

Ahead of impeachment bid, Democrats pass resolution pressuring Pence to remove Trump

Democrats want to bring down anyone who ever backed Trump

Amazon vows to work with Biden to crush the competition with $15/hr mandate – Small biz will be hurt by it the most

Dan Bongino Regarding Free Speech and Parler

How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler – A Clear Explanation & MUST READ 

Apple and Google Control 99+% of the US Smart Phone Market

YouTube SUSPENDS Donald Trump’s channel

Los Angeles Taxpayers and the Homeless Are Just Pawns in Scheme to Buoy Leftist Donors

The California exodus intensifies as retirees, teachers, musicians seek cheaper, less-crowded pastures

Tucker Carlson’s frightening summation of what’s happening in America – They are “de-personing” anyone who questions the election outcome supports Trump

World Leaders Denounce Big Tech Censorship of President Donald Trump

The Trump Administration Directs States to Release All COVID-19 Vaccine Doses

Billionaire GOP Donor and Trump Backer Sheldon Adelson Dies at 87

Joe Biden’s CIA selection led secret ‘back channel’ negotiations for Iran deal

Antifa Pressures a Portland Bookstore to Stop the Sale of Andy Ngo’s Book that Unmasks Their Tactics

Rush Limbaugh tells Americans, ‘Wake the hell up!’  – After two known communists were elected to the Senate in Georgia

Fox News Doubles Down On Anti-Trump In Daytime Lineup Shuffle As Network Goes From #1 Ratings To Worst On Cable

Purging and Pulverizing President Trump and America, Communist-Style 

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Boomer – A sense of grievance turned the People’s Justice into a bully

Aldous Huxley’s Warning: Totalitarianism in the 21st Century

January 11, 2021

WSJ: Save the Constitution From Big-Tech – Congressional threats and inducements make Twitter and Facebook censorship a free-speech violation

Trump and Pence Signal President Won’t Resign or Be Removed

Limbaugh: What Trump Supposedly Said to Incite Violence – Nobody is replaying Trump’s speech, WHY?

Senator Joe Manchin: Senate does not have the votes to convict Trump if he is impeached by the House of Representatives

Limbaugh: If Democrats Can Erase Us from Social Media, Can They Erase Our Votes?

Navarro: Trump ‘Itching to Defend Himself’ Against Impeachment

Limbaugh: The Democrats Want to Make Sure That Trump Can’t Run Again

Trump Approves Emergency Declaration in Washington

It’s NOT About Trump: Big Tech Went from Temporary POTUS Suspension to Delisting an Entire Free Speech Platform in 72 Hours

Facebook Removing All Content That Mentions ‘Stop the Steal’ Ahead of Inauguration Day

FB shuts down Ron Paul – Let that sink in – No politician has displayed honesty or integrity and he’s also a peacenik

The Conservative Purge Won’t Stop With Big Tech – Democrats and Mainstream Media are encouraging a political cleansing

WATCH: Parler CEO Describes How Big Tech Is Trying to Keep His Site Offline

Parler finds refuge with a right-leaning web hosting service that doesn’t discriminate against free speech

YouTube rival Rumble sues Google for ‘unfairly rigging’ search algorithms – The latest antitrust action taken against them

EX US Attorney General: Social media dominance needs to be monitored ‘carefully’ at federal level

Left-Wing Terrorists Bombed The Senate In 1983. Bill Clinton Let Them Out Of Prison Early — At Jerry Nadler’s Request

Tucker Carlson: Big business, Big Tech and the Democrats are fully aligned and ready to crush dissent

Elon Musk Speaks out on Big Tech Monitoring Free Speech, Sparks Rumors

NYT: Trump dropped by biggest lender Deutsche Bank for future business

Where Does Trump Go From Here? – The idea that Washington D.C. will return to the status quo is nonsense

The Rise and Fall of the ‘Steele Dossier’ – A case study in mass hysteria and media credulity

Free Speech Is a Value, Not Just a Right

WSJ: Cuba Named a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Republican Blocks House From Bringing up 25th Amendment Resolution

Cops, Kids, Reporters & Activists Were Murdered As Democrats Incited 2020 Riots… Now They’ve Accused Trump Of Their Tactics

Democrats Release Laughable Article Of Impeachment For ‘Inciting Violence’

Polling Shows NO CHANGE In Trump Approval Ratings Despite Media, Big Tech Onslaught

A snapshot in time as America falls apart

North Korea’s Kim vows to bring ‘arch-enemy’ US ‘to its knees’

House Democrats’ quick 25th Amendment push urging Pence to remove Trump blocked by Republicans

Parler sues Amazon for antitrust violations

Big Corporate Uses Capitol Riots To Push Communist-Style Social Credit System On Americans

It’s Time to defeat Big Tech’s ‘jamming’ of conservative communications 

Only prosecutions can ensure future election integrity

Second Round of Impeachment Against Trump is Officially Here

A Few Questions For Democrats

Representative Matt Gaetz: Trump Not Resigning, Will ‘Not Leave the Public Stage at All

Forbes boldly announces its intention to discriminate against staffers of President Trump 

The Social Media Powderkeg – 75-million patriots mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore

Why Cowardly Republicans Got Hysterical about the Capitol Riots 

There’s Only One Way to Save Our Union and Bring the Country Back Together and It’s Not Impeachment – Validate The Vote

We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left 

Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley: Profiles in Courage – Fearlessly defending the Constitution when it counts

“Incitement” Timeline Debunked As Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says that Pelosi, McConnell’s Sergeants-At-Arms Refused Security Measures

The GOP Can’t Afford To Leave Trump’s Voters Behind

A First-Hand Account at The Trump Election Protest – The true story is getting lost in the propaganda

The Ghost Who Votes

Why Some Strong Trump Backers Now Are Abandoning – As you’ve probably noticed, that’s the way many people are

Tax hikes are back on the agenda in Sacramento

January 10, 2021

Representative Devin Nunes Calls for Criminal Charges Against Tech Giants

WSJ: The Progressive Purge Begins Tech’s stampede against the right will lead to more populist anger

Pelosi Gives Pence 24 Hours to Invoke 25th Amendment Or Else

Did Pelosi Just Reveal the Motive Behind Her Last-Minute Attacks on Donald Trump? – So He Can’t Run In 2024

General Thomas McInerney: Special Forces Grabbed Traitors’ Laptops

Big Tech Oligarchs Collude To Ban Parler From Internet And Phones

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Mocks Parler after Coordinated Big Tech to Take Down His Competition

Mitch McConnell Explains Why It’s Highly Unlikely Trump Will Be Impeached and Removed

Big Tech’s War on Free Speech – Americans who support President Trump’s  are in a fight for their lives

Big-Tech’s assault on Parler proves it’s gone full cartel

The ACLU Breaks with Liberal Establishment, Warns America of Big Tech’s ‘Unchecked Power’ After Ban of Trump and Conservatives

Biden Says He Will ‘Defeat the NRA’ While in Office

Leaving California? A guide to what state is best to move to

Congressman Nunes calls for racketeering investigation of Big Tech

WSJ: Trump Isn’t Guilty of Incitement – Inflaming emotions isn’t a crime and he didn’t mention violence or provoke it

The timing doesn’t line up for Trump to have incited violence at the Capitol 

Parler CEO ‘Prepared to Take Full Legal Action’ After Big Tech Companies Target Platform

Mozilla Chairwoman: ‘We Need More Than Deplatforming’

The Night Of The Big-Tech Long Knives

Free Speech Platform Gab Reports a 750% Increase in Traffic – So will bring ten new servers online to handle the increased traffic volume


Twenty-First Century Rules for Revolutionaries – Ten rules that explain what the radical left is planning

Dennis Prager: “There Is No Example of the Left Having Power and Not Suppressing Speech Because Is Its Dire Enemy”

3 overseas leaders who know how repression and tyranny work speak out on censorship of Trump and election skepticism

#Twexit Movement Picks Up Steam After Trump Banned from Twitter

Political distraction: Purging conservatives is about the left’s war against faith

January 9, 2021

Pelosi Tried to Foment a Military Coup Against Trump

Pearl-Clutchers on Parade – We’ve had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in many Democrat-controlled cities

Mozilla Threatens To Go Beyond Deplatforming In Creepy Statement

Candace Owens Releases Damning Video Exposing Facebook “Fact-Checkers” Showing That They Are Funded By A Chinese Corporation

Limbaugh: The Swamp Is Really Scared of Trump – They’re terrified that is gonna unleash classified documents

A list of all the platforms that have banned or restricted Trump so far

Nikki Haley Likens Trump Twitter Ban to Act of Chinese Communist Party

Twitter’s Totalitarian Path – This threat to free speech precedes the Trump presidency

Armed Antifa Attack Trump Supporters, Cops in San Diego

Democrat Senator Dick Durbin Reintroduces Domestic Terror Bill That Singles Out Those on the Right

Rush Limbaugh Deactivates Twitter Account in Support of President Trump, But Boy Is He Kickin’ Butt on His Show

Defense Officials Confirm Trump Is Still Commander in Chief, Refuse to Participate in Military Coup to Oust Him

Amazon eliminates Parler app from its servers – To Cancel Conservative Voices

Twitter’s Ban of Trump Just Opened an Entire New Line of Criticism

Former CIA Director John Brennan Calls Public Humiliation Sessions for Trump Supporters Before They Are Accepted Back into Society

Google bans two Steve Bannon YouTube channels following interview with Rudy Giuliani


Twitter Is The Enemy Of The American People – Twitter is destroying American freedom to enrich itself

The Breach of the Capitol Was Obviously a Set-Up

‘Like hell, am I going to let California track my mileage’

The Big-Tech monopolies have sprung into action Big Time

The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun

Mark Levin suspends own Twitter account over the removal of Trump from their platform

Jonathan Turley Issues a Warning to Democrats About Impeachment 2.0

Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats’ Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial

Shapes of Things Now on Social Media – So What’s Next?

Michelle Obama Gave The Order for Big Tech to Delete President Trump From Social Media Platforms

The Capitol Incident: So Much Suspicious Evidence

Who Is Really Running the Biden Gang? It’s Not Joe Biden, So Who Could It Be? Obama or Soros?

The new American aristocracy, like the old European one, hates the peasants 

The Left’s Class Realignment of 2020 – America’s elite bar none are soaking in money and hate middle America

Silence Will Be the Next Hate Crime – This slippery slope eviscerates the First Amendment

POTUS Cut Off from Supporters as Even Email Distribution Company Suspends Trump’s Service

Congress Has Learned Nothing and Left America More Divided 

The Media Word of the Week Is ‘Insurrection’ – The media team are at it again

Tucker on Trump’s Statement About Being Banned From Twitter: Crackdown on Civil Liberties ‘Is Here Now’

Why Trump Will Weather This Nonsense – He’ll be back

Did Twitter cut its own throat in banning President Trump? 

The Purge Is Here: Twitter Banning Influencers on the Right and Removing Followers

The Woke Mob Versus The Trump Mob – Clearly, some mobs are more equal than others

Petition to Recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom Draws 1 Million Signatures


January 8, 2021

New Footage Shows Pro-Trump Demonstrators Being Let Into Capitol, Orderly Protesting Contested Electoral Certification

Lindsey Graham is ‘more determined than ever’ to strip tech companies of legal protections after Twitter bans Trump

President Trump Responds to Twitter’s Permanent Account Suspension


Nancy Pelosi: Trump ‘Deranged, Unhinged, Dangerous’ and Should Be Prosecuted

The Political Future of the Trump Family – The MAGA agenda is NOT Going  Away, 75 million people won’t give this up

Capitol Siege: Four Veterans Give Their Firsthand Account on Thursday’s Protest at US Capitol

The Consequences Of The Capitol Assault

Black Lives Matter Activist Took Part in Storming of Capitol

Rush Limbaugh: The MAGA Agenda Won’t Go Away — And That’s What Bothers The Democrats

Twitter Suspends Accounts of Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn

Parler Removed From Google Play Store, Apple Threatens Ban


President Trump: I Won’t Attend Joe Biden’s Inauguration

Pence to Oppose Pelosi and Schumer’s Calls to Remove Trump From Office Using 25th Amendment

Top House Democrats Make Major Second Impeachment Announcement

NIA: The election theft was an Italian job


Media Outrage Over Capitol Riot Isn’t About Defending Democracy, It’s About Wielding Power – And cleansing the country of Trump supporters

The Left Finds Time for One More Big Lie Against Trump – No, the President did not incite Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol

Trump Supporters Take Stock of January 6th and Feel Mischaracterized by Media

Remember when the Democrats rioted?

The Transition Integrity Project Admitted That Outside Actors Would ‘Turn The DC Protests Violent’

False Flag Operation? You Be The Judge!

Democrats Want Impeachment, but They’ve Already Screwed That Up

Yes, it was a Fraudulent Election

Wall Street Journal Editors Call for Trump to Resign After an Apparent Three-Martini Lunch. Hic …!

Had enough yet? – The Georgia results were 100% predictable

January 7, 2021

Elon Musk is now the richest person in the world, passing Jeff Bezos

28 Times The Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

Facebook will block Trump from posting at least for the remainder of his term

Victor Davis Hanson Provides Sage Advice But Only One Side Listens

Actress Emily Ratajkowski: If Mark Zuckerberg Can Shut the President Off Facebook, He Can Shut Any of Us Off

Congress Certifies Stolen Election Republican Establishment ignores Pennsylvania evidence

Georgia had even more vanishing votes than I realized

Activist Interviewed by CNN Who Stormed Capitol Building Is Radical Leftist from Utah Who Threatened on Video to “Rip Trump from White House”

Video Shows Trump Supporters Attempting to Stop People From Breaking Into the Capitol

Black Lives Matter boomerang: How media flipped the script on violent protests after Capitol riot

Supreme Court Rejects Gohmert Lawsuit Over Counting Electoral Votes

Michelle Obama Goes Full Metal Orwellian: Urges Big Tech to Permanently Ban ‘Infantile and Unpatriotic’ Trump

Speaker Pelosi Openly Calls for VP Pence and Cabinet To Remove Trump From Office

Trump cabinet member on 25th Amendment: ‘We’re not doing it,’ says Trump wants a smooth transition

55 Charged After DC Protests, Top Prosecutor Says

As Democrats Secure Total Control of US Government, China Makes Its Move

Trump Commits to Orderly Transition of Power: ‘End of the Greatest First Term in Presidential History’

Californians shouldn’t travel more than 120 miles from home according to the California Department of Public Health

Is the Wisdom of Homer Immune to today’s Cancel Culture?

President Trump Concedes to Biden (We Think) After Congress Certifies the 2020 Election

All Eyes on Mike Pence as Democrat House Panel Calls for Vice President To Invoke 25th Amendment

Facial Recognition Firm XRVision Claims Antifa infiltratedTrump Protesters

The Georgia Senate Run-Off Election Confirms The Pre-Trump GOP Is Dead And Gone

A Democrat-controlled Senate Spells Doom for Kamala – She will cast tie-breaking votes on almost Every Single Senate Bill

It’s Time For Mitch To Go – Younger leadership needed that is ready to build a new party to serve the middle class, not the ruling class

Mitch McConnell lied on the floor of the Senate – There are mountains of evidence, especially from the six contested states

Dr. Peter Navarro’s The Art Of The Steal

Why did the Capitol Police fail to protect the Capitol? – They Literally Removed The Entry Barriers

Life Under Liberalism’s Lies – It grows stranger and stranger

The Rocky marriage between Donald Trump and the GOP establishment appears headed toward divorce

Get Ready For The Californication Of America – The far left wants to turn the nation into a California-style one-party state

January 6, 2021

Healthy Miami doctor, 56, died of a blood disorder 16 days after getting Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine

New Videos Emerge From Capitol That Show an Alternative Viewpoint – There are always two sides to every story

Photo Slide Show of Capitol Hill Chaos

Her Name Is Ashli Babbitt: Unarmed Protester ‘Shot Dead by Capitol Police’ Identified As 14-Yr Air ForceVeteran

Facebook, Twitter Lock Trump Out of His Account – Remove video of Trump calling on protesters to leave in peace

Sarah Palin: Stop Labeling Protestors ‘Trump Supporters’ – It is unclear at this point whether all of them are Trump supporters or not

Joe Biden taps Merrick Garland as attorney general nominee

The Republicans Blow It – The GOP appears to have lost in Georgia and forfeited the Senate, amidst a chaotic identity crisis in the party

United Van Lines Study Finds The 10 Cities Losing The Most Residents: They’re All Run By Democrats

Protesters Breach Capitol Building, Vote Objection Deliberations On Hold

Trump Makes Statement to Capitol Protesters, Calls on Them to ‘Go Home Now’

National Guard en Route to Capitol on Orders From Trump

A pipe bomb found at RNC headquarters, DNC building is also evacuated A suspicious package was also found at the DNC building

The Second Most Evil People Amongst Us – Will Trump Invoke The Insurrection Act?

Pence: I Can’t Claim ‘Unilateral Authority’ to Reject Electoral Votes

Trump Responds to Reports That Pence Believes He Can’t Block Electoral College Certification

Chuck Schumer Declares Himself Senate ‘Majority Leader’ Despite Uncalled Race

What Can Be Done in This Age of Election Fraud? Whom Can We Count On? 

Republican Lawmakers Objecting To Biden Electors Have A Point: Americans Need To Trust Elections

Full List: 89 Representatives, 13 Senators Pledge to Object to Electoral Votes

The Big Steal’s Big Picture: Cyber Warfare – The rigging is real

A Huge Number of State Legislators From the Contested States Now Join Battle on the Electoral Count

Tens of Thousands Of Trump Supporters Have Already Gathered At Washington Monument For The “Save America March” Today

The Post-Republic Comes To Visit Josh Hawley – All empires fall, eventually

Warnock declared the winner over Loeffler in Georgia as Democrats close in on Senate control

The vanishing vote problem may have struck again in Georgia – Where did the 5,000 votes go? 

Barack Obama was behind funding of subversion campaign and coup against President Trump

President Trump Officially Instructs DOJ to Classify Antifa as a Domestic Terrorist Organization

L.A. Mayor Garcetti Accidentally Reveals Who’s Responsible for CA’s Coronavirus Surge Crisis

January 5, 2021

Apple Maps Cancels Directions To DC As City Gears Up For Protests

Evidence China Was Colluding with the Bidens and Providing Information on How to Defeat President Trump in the 2020 Election

Dr. Peter Navarro Presents His New Report – The Art Of The Steal

Ted Cruz Has Something Big Up His Sleeve for Electoral College Vote

President Trump Committed to Challenging Election Beyond Joint Session on January 6th

State Legislators Officially Ask Pence To Delay Electoral Vote Count

Communist China Is Preparing To Eat Joe Biden’s Lunch

Trump Administration Task Force Determines Russia ‘Likely’ Responsible For ‘Most Or All’ Of Massive Federal Hack

The officer who shot Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, will not face criminal charges

Cuomo and de Blasio’s deadly failure on the COVID-19 vaccine

NY Governor Cuomo threatens to fine NY hospitals $100,000 for slow vaccine distribution caused by his own guidelines

Trump hits 450-mile goal for 2020 border wall construction

I Now Better Understand the ‘Good German’ Concept

Radicals in the Classroom – San Diego’s school district says white teachers are guilty of “spirit murdering” black children

L.A. paramedics directed to not transport patients with ‘little chance of survival’ because ICU beds are at capacity

Recall Movement Against San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin Grows

Report: Joe Biden Advisers ‘Privately Skeptical’ of Chances in Georgia Runoff Election

Explaining the Twelfth Amendment for Those in the Media Who Seem to Be Reading Impaired

The election will not stand – Facts are pouring in from every quarter that fraud of unprecedented magnitude has been perpetrated on the American people 

The GOP wants to win Georgia to check the Biden administration. Trump says there won’t be one

Why Are We Vaccinating People Who Have Recovered from COVID-19?

Solid evidence of vanished votes in Pennsylvania – Data Integrity Group exposes, though the magic “-1 ballots” and “transfer ballots”

How Georgia Trump Votes Were Removed And Switched To Biden

Why An Electoral College Challenge Is Imperative – State legislatures, courts, and the media brazenly shirked their duty

How The 2020 Election Could Have Been Stolen – A political scientist examines the evidence and concludes that widespread fraud took place

Some Hard Truths We Face as Patriotic Americans as We Near January 6th – A List Of Things To Think About 

In accepting his medal, Nunes assails an ‘unscrupulous media’ for ‘information warfare’

Patrick Byrne is back with more astonishing election assertions about printing extra ballots and shredding evidence

Patrick Byrne: Folks, I’m going to tell you a bit more about what is happening

Biden, Inc Looks to Massively Ramp up Regulations

Leaked Documents Reveal the Chinese Regime’s Orders to Steal Foreign Technologies

Appeasing China – While the 90-million strong Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates a good half-century

China’s Secret Aid to North Korea Exposed by Leaked Government Documents

January 4, 2021

The White House is Planning to Refer Brad Raffensperger to Secret Service for Investigation Under the Espionage Act

Pulitzer’s Investigative Team Being Shot At After They Were Given Directive to Identify Fraudulent Ballots in Fulton County

Georgia State Senators Call on Pence to Delay Jan. 6 Electoral Vote Count – There are things going on that just doesn’t past the smell test

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Dodges When Asked If He Leaked Trump Audio to Washington Post

Over 70% Of Republican Voters Want Their Lawmakers To Be More Like Trump

Republic… Or Oligarchy? – When asked what kind of government the Framers had created Benjamin Franklin responded: “a republic, if you can keep it”

DC mayor calls in National Guard for Trump supporters but refused to during BLM/Antifa riots

The Next Border Crisis Will Be Biden’s – Relaxing enforcement will invite mass suffering in the name of compassion

Did Coronavirus Come From A Lab?  – Ten Key Takeaways From A Shocking New Report

Anti-competitive Google – Once again they have fallen under the microscope of the government

Governor Newsom Admits Only About 1/3 Of California’s 1.3M Vaccine Doses Have Been Administered

How big was San Francisco’s pandemic exodus? – Look at U-Haul traffic rates for a better understanding

The Wokest News Stories of 2020 – They took aim at everything from Beethoven to mermaids to skyscraper

Congress Approves Rules Regulating The January 6th Electoral Vote Count

Over 432,000 Votes Removed From Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say

DATA: Report Shows EVERY Midnight Ballot Dump Boosted Biden

Vice-President Pence’s appointment with destiny – If Called, Will He or Won’t He?

Kamala Harris Was Sworn in as a US Senator on Sunday

January 6th Showdown Updates for January 4th

The 2020 Insurrection – A coup d’état.is any “sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force” 

President Trump to award Medal of Freedom to Rep. Devin Nunes

Senator Ted Cruz: Google Is The ‘Most Dangerous Company On The Face Of The Planet’

2021: The Left Is Dead Serious Now

Devin Nunes Tells The Truth Until It Hurts – The more he was attacked, the more he wanted to understand what was behind the Russia collusion narrative

Where Is Alibaba Founder Jack Ma? – What the Saga of One of the World’s Richest Men Reveals About China Under Xi Jinping

JUAN O. SAVIN – PICK YOUR LANE – Can Trump Pull A Rabbit Out of a Hat on the 6th?

Georgia Secretary of State’s Update to GA’s Voting Machine Software Right Before the 2020 Election Was Unlawful

Trump’s Call With the GA Sec. of State — A Case Study in Media Duplicity That Trump Has Battled From Day One

Californians doing as their elected leaders do — ignoring lockdown orders

Opinion: West Point, Soon To Be Yet Another Casualty of the Left’s Long March. (Part II)

A New Strain of Coronavirus: What You Should Know

Shifting Goalposts – COVID Deaths versus Vaccine Deaths 

The greenies’ tales about Hawaii’s vanishing beaches miss one important fact 

A UK judge refuses US extradition of WikiLeaks founder Assange

Lin Wood bombshell: Sex trafficking, blackmail, and pure evil afoot – His latest bombshell is either absolutely insane or the key to exposing the powers and principalities ruling this world

January 3, 2021

Trump’s Call Actually Reveals A President Deep Into Detail, With Establishment Republicans Dismissive, Unwilling, And Rejecting Transparency

Defenders of Civilization? – Politicians seem too exhausted, guilty, or ignorant to pass on and improve the civilization they inherited for others to come

Grennell: Democrats moved from there’s no fraud to not widespread fraud and now not enough fraud to overturn the election,”

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows: Over 100 House Members Plan to Object to Electoral Votes

‘Morale Is High’ as Trump Meets with Lawmakers Preparing To Challenge The Biden Electors

President Trump announces he will attend the January 6th Trump march in downtown Washington DC

Senator Toomey Abandons the Constitution – Comparing Toomey vs. Mark Levin

President Trump Files Two Lawsuits Against GA Secretary of State Raffensperger for Leaking Confidential Litigation Call

The Washington Post Misled About What Trump Said – Full Audio And Transcript Of The Trump-Raffensperger Call

MAGA Patriots Must Win the GOP Civil War – The grassroots need to destroy RINOs in primary contests and more…

Biden and Schools – Federal education policy is likely to take a sharp left turn

President Biden Will Try to California-ize America – Strangling the auto industry, contract workers, and small businesses for the progressive cause

The Opening Prayer of Congress Shows How Far Our Nation Is From God

Pelosi Reelected as House Speaker in Tight Vote – 216–209 to the chamber’s narrowest majority in two decades

January 6 Updates for today, Sunday, January 3rd

64 Days of Angst for Trump Supporters – January 6, 2021, will be one of the most monumental days in American history

A 6-Person Team Briefed Hundreds of State Senators on 2020 Election Irregularities

President Trump: The Georgia Secretary of State is ‘Unable’ to Answer Questions About ‘Ballots Under Table, etc.

More Senators are stepping up to challenge the Electoral College vote 

Vice-President Pence Backs ‘Dirty Dozen’ Bid To Block Biden Electors and Prove Trump Won the Election

These Democrats Are Having a Fit Over Cruz’s Plans to Challenge the Election Results

Proof of fraud may lie in vanishing Trump votes – How were votes subtracted?

Report: A Group of 400 Former U.S. Intelligence Officials Are Investigating ‘Blatant’ Election Fraud

If the SCOTUS doesn’t act soon, Roberts will end up the scapegoat – The chief justice is in dire peril of ruining the reputation of his Court 

This Tuesday and Wednesday Are Going to Be Bumpy for the United States of America

Still, No Chain of Custody Documents Produced in Georgia for 76 Percent of Absentee Ballots Cast in Drop Boxes

Trafalgar Poll: Georgia’s Kemp Would Lose To Doug Collins

There’s something peculiar about the vandalism at Pelosi’s house – There’s something strange about no paint on the bricks?

A Surprising Number of Health Care Workers Are Choosing Not to Receive COVID Vaccine

Pelosi Faces Close Speaker Vote Sunday amid Fears of Coronavirus Absences

January 2, 2021

In 2020, Vote Fraud Claims Were Not ‘Baseless’ – Here Are Some Examples

11 More GOP Senators to Object to Electoral College Votes

Pence Welcomes Efforts by Lawmakers to Object to Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6th

Federal Court Rules Trump Can Bar Uninsured Immigrants From Entering the United States

‘Growing body of evidence’ shows COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab: US official

Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, remdesevir, and more: The evidence on proposed COVID-19 treatments

A Top Biden ‘Pick’ Led Group That Took Sponsored Trips To China For a Pro-Beijing Organization & Co-Authored Reports

Portland Mayor Admits Failure in Dealing with Antifa, Asks for Federal, State Help

A California bar owner could get 1 year behind bars for repeated openings during the pandemic

The 55% Increase in Chicago’s Murder Rate Is Astounding – Defunding the police force, reducing officers on patrol, and reforming bail laws is nonsense

Data Scientist: Georgia Election Data Shows 17,650 Votes Switched From Trump to Biden

The Stupid and Gutless Party strikes again – Why are we not surprised

Iran Is Planning Its Revenge for the Death of Soleimani

Gaslight with COVID: Joe Biden declares scaled-down inauguration 

The strange story of Georgia’s pallets of ballots 

Trump and others linked to the Soleimani killing ‘will not be safe on Earth,’ Iran official warns

The AZ Firm that Allegedly Sent Fake Ballots to Georgia, Runbeck Election Svcs. Is Closely Tied to the Democrat Party

Democrats plan rules changes for incoming House that weaken rights of GOP minority and eliminate ‘gendered terms’ 

WSJ: Newly Reported U.S. Covid-19 Cases Plunge as Hospitalizations Remain at Record Levels

The Politics of BLM, Patrisse Cullors – A curious mix of Marxism, identity politics, and race and gender confusion

HOW TO READ A SOCIETY – Political correctness has now been absorbed, enhanced, and spread in the tyranny of cancel culture that permeates our institutions

Trump supporters ‘un-cancel’ the Rose Parade – At least 600 vehicles participated along the usual Rose Parade route

To Reform Health Care, Make Prices Transparent

Hollywood: No Man’s Land – Only beggarly “male feminists” and posturing macho women survive, and then barely


January 1, 2021

Gavin Newsom recall effort gains momentum – The people of California are in dire straits, Newsom and his friends are not

Gavin Newsom’s recall campaign draws big donors. Here are the top funders

From The Rose Bowl To Silicon Valley, Texas Is Eating California’s Lunch

Proposition 22: California’s new labor landscape – What is an employee and What is an independent contractor?

Hundreds of Israelis get infected with Covid 19 after receiving PfizerBioNTech vaccine reports

Trump says ‘massive amounts of evidence’ of voter fraud will be presented Jan 6, BIG ‘protest’ rally planned for DC

Trump Declares Georgia Senate Runoffs ‘Invalid and Illegal’

Pence May Choose 2020 Election Winner ‘As He Sees Fit,’ GOP Rep Says in New Court Filing


VIDEO RELEASED of Vans Removing Ballots from GA Warehouse with Armed Guards to Sheriff Jackson’s Office

REVEALED: The Senior U.S. Officials Taking CCP-Subsidized Trips, Dinners For ‘Favorable Coverage’ (LIST)

The Senate Overrides Trump’s Veto of NDAA, 13 Members Uphold Veto

Pompeo mocks Xi Jinping’s ‘fragile dictatorship’ after China unveils jail terms for Hong Kong 12


Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Pence Over Electoral College Vote Count

Georgia Runoff Elections Set A New Voting Record

How will California’s new laws affect you?

China Is Getting Away with It And Emerging Stronger Than Ever

China is encircling Australia

Coronavirus vaccine means the masks can come off……….. Eventually

Lin Wood Interview On ThriveTimes

Dr. Fauci: We Won’t Get Back to Normal Life Until Fall of 2021

The NYSE to Delist China’s Major Telecommunications Operators

The House of Representatives Asks the Court to Dismiss Effort to Clarify Vice President’s Power in Electoral Counting

Every one of Trump’s Russia hoax pardons corrected a legal injustice

January 6th is NOT the final deadline for correcting the election – There’s only one constitutional date and that’s January 20th

The Dangers of Government Debt – When debt has no immediate consequences, gratification rules

FDA Fines Distilleries $14K for Producing Hand Sanitizer Their good deed comes with a huge cost

What AG Barr’s Departure Means for Google – The easy ride for Big Tech is over 

Who Are California’s Winners and Losers of 2020?

PG&E bills to rise amid electricity upgrades to combat wildfires But gas bills expected to drop in 2021

Click Here For The 2020 Conservative Article Reference List Archives

8 thoughts on “2021 Conservative Article Reference List Archives”

  1. Pingback: March 2021 Political Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  2. Pingback: July 2021 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  3. Pingback: August 2021 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  4. Pingback: September 2021 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  5. Pingback: October 2021 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  6. Pingback: To My Facebook ‘Friends’ That Think They Know More Than They Actually Know | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  7. Pingback: November 2021 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  8. Pingback: December 2021 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

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