Who Controls America

Who Controls America

Who controls the USA? – A simplified guide in a Q&A format.

Q: Who controls the USA?

A: The Deep State, the CIA, but also very powerful lobby groups such as the Israel lobby group AIPAC or arms lobby groups

Q: Whose interests do the CIA, the Deep State, and those lobby groups serve?

A: The large defense contractors and other corporations from various sectors and their superordinate financial corporations.

Q: How do the financial corporations control the population and politicians so that they play along?

A: – Narrative control by US government or corporate-owned/funded: media, think tanks, various educational institutions, the entertainment industry (soft power), and NGOs – Non-partisan appointment of puppet politicians promoted in election campaigns with money from lobby groups/corporations.

Q: What about the so-called NeoCons?

A: They form the fanatical, hegemonic, imperial, bipartisan, and highly influential group in US politics that infiltrates the deep state and the CIA. The NeoCons are the spearhead for the maintenance and expansion of US hegemony. The USA as an imperial hegemon with its subordinate institutions such as the IMF, the BIS, or NATO is the guarantor of the global financial USD system to dominate the world power and control the world’s resources in lockstep with or for the global corporations.

Here is an informative video that backs up the above. Of particular interest are the statements of former US officials at the highest levels of government.

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