COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

Below are links to articles and blog posts primarily covering COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines mandated for the general population as a supposed cure. Because of the many problems associated with them, people are questioning the entire mRNA vaccine schedule. (Vaccine, Big-Pharma, Pandemic, and other health-related articles of significance will also be posted here.)

(From time to time, article links will also be provided for other vaccines or pharmaceutical products that the general public should be aware of.  Health-related subjects of importance will also be covered, including articles relating to the World Health Organization, Health and Human Services, and the National Institute of Health. – If something seems hard to believe, I don’t include it until I see similar reports from other sources.)

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October 15, 2024

Slay Magazine: A Major Study Found That Hospitals Treated Far More Patients Due To Vaccine Injuries Than Unvaxxed Covid Patients – The researchers sought to investigate the differences in COVID-19 outcomes based on gender. – However, the study found that the mRNA vaccines developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna led to a higher adverse event rate than COVID-19 itself as measured by hospitalization…

Brownstone Institute: Anthony Fauci, The Man Who Thought He Was “The Science.” – Fauci’s memoir omits vital details about his failures as an administrator, an adviser to politicians, and a key figure in America’s public health response to infectious disease threats over the past 40 years. – In his memoir, Fauci goes out of his way to deny that any NIH money went to any activities that might have led to the creation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19…

Sharyl Attkisson: Critics warn that certain antidepressants, including Prozac and Zoloft, prescribed to treat depression and anxiety, may increase the risk of violent behavior, including murder. –  Individuals taking these medications have reported uncharacteristic aggressive impulses. – Dr. David Healy, an expert in psychopharmacology and the effects of anti-depressants, has been vocal about the serious risks these drugs pose…

October 14, 2024

Steve Kirsch: Professor Morris has been trying to tell me that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe, and the reason the data shows that the vaccines are unsafe is due to confounders. – So I asked why it’s always a one-way proposition. – Finally, we can understand why there are not any success stories, you know, for example, “After we rolled out the vaccines, people stopped dying from COVID” or “cardiac calls dropped by 1/3 after the COVID shots rolled out.”…

Brownstone Institute: Monkeypox, Evidence of the “Pandemic Preparedness” Lie – The grand deception, the big lie used to justify gain-of-function research, goes something like this: “We need to alter pathogens in the lab to anticipate the mutations that just might occur in nature, and to promote the production of vaccines to protect humanity from these theoretical superbugs.” – In truth, there is no legitimate reason to create superbugs in the laboratory…

Updates For This Date Are Above This Note

Slay Magazine: A Top German Doctor Raises An Alarm over The mRNA Shots – Dr. Karla Johanna Lehmann, a retired independent medical researcher from Dresden, Germany, has warned that the injections carry a huge risk of severe adverse reactions. – However, she argues that COVID-19 is actually “harmless.” – Lehmann published a report in the European Society of Medicine on the reported adverse reactions associated with mRNA Covid vaccination…

October 13, 2024

Steve Kirsch: US data shows COVID-vaccinated kids 5 – 18 die at a 5.7 times higher rate than their unvaccinated peers. – Comorbidity differences, perhaps? – I’m not buying it, and I’ll show you why. – Also, new New Zealand FOIA results show a fivefold increase in < age 40 in cardiac ER calls post-vax rollout!

Steve Kirsch: The Takada paper clearly shows that the COVID-19 vaccines are not safe – For myocarditis, the ROR was 15 for Pfizer and 54 for Moderna. That means Pfizer is very unsafe, and Moderna is a train wreck.

Slay Magazine: A Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Chemotherapy in Treating Breast Cancer – Recent research shows that ivermectin inhibits cancer stem cells. – Scientists analyzed 1,623 compounds and discovered that the one responsible for destroying cancer cells is ivermectin – Tumor growth is generally driven by so-called bulk tumor cells. – The research team found that salinomycin also inhibited the growth of breast tumors…

Slay Magazine: A leading vaccine scientist who played a key role in the development of COVID-19 shots admits that the injections are designed to “sterilize” the general public. – During a recent interview with UK TV network Channel 4, Prof. Bell appeared to let slip that the Oxford/AstraZeneca injection can sterilize between 60 and 70 percent of recipients. – After Bell made the disturbing comment, the interviewer quickly cut him off…

Sharyl Attkisson: Health lobbies push fluoridation despite court ruling on risks – Lobbyists representing groups like the AA) and the ADA continue to defend water fluoridation, even after a federal court ruled it poses an “unreasonable risk” to children’s IQ. – US District Judge Edward Chen’s 80-page ruling summarizes and evaluates the extensive scientific data, including years of research by the National Toxicology Program.

October 12, 2024

2nd Smartest Guy: BRAVE DOCTORS WERE WARNING US DECADES AGO – Vaccines Are Unsafe And Ineffective – A FOIA Request Forces The CDC To Produce Horrifying Records Of A Large Scale Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Study

Slay Magazine: Excess Child Deaths Has Surged 4,100% Since The Covid Shot Rollout – After the vaccine rollout for children commenced, startling reports emerged, revealing a distressing surge in excess deaths among kids and young people.- Excess deaths should only rise when something unusual has happened, such as a war, pandemic, or major natural disaster.

Steve Kirsch: How NY’s Bravest treat disabled people with the COVID Vaccine – O’Brian Pastrana used to be a super-healthy firefighter. – After 2 COVID shots, he was deemed unfit to be a firefighter for life, so he was terminated and only given half-pension.

Brownstone Institute: A Review of Predictions of Epidemic and Pandemic Mortality – Since early in the COVID-19 outbreak, and indeed some years before, there has been an increased international public health emphasis on the risk of epidemics and pandemics. – Modeling of this type has become highly influential. – However, a model with unrealistic assumptions and input parameters gets to an implausible outcome in a shorter period…

October 11, 2024

Steve Kirsch: The authors of a new substantial paper on COVID’s heart risks presented its results in a misleading way that is likely to scare people that the paper itself shows are not in danger – The study, out on Wednesday, appears to have found NO extra long-term cardiovascular risks for most people infected with Covid. – But the Cleveland Clinic, NIH, and the authors pretended the opposite was true…

Slay Magazine: The WHO Admits That Monkeypox Is A ‘Side Effect’ of The Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’ – The admission is buried on the WHO’s VigiAccess website, which contains a database that lists all known side effects of all drugs and vaccines that have been approved for public use. – Under “potential side effects” for the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the WHO lists “monkeypox,” “smallpox,” and “cowpox,” among hundreds of other disorders…

Epoch Times: The FDA Has Proposed A New Vaccine Approval Process for Pandemics – Under the current plan, vaccines can be developed before a pandemic to target specific high-risk viruses. – The new plan suggests that these vaccines should be used during a pandemic and regularly updated. – There are currently three phase 2 clinical trials underway to test three different H5-type vaccines…

Brownstone Institute: Echoes of Tyranny, Forgotten Lessons from HistoryYears after the COVID-19 vaccine mandates were imposed, I find myself in a reflective state, grappling with the seismic shifts that occurred during that time because the world we knew changed dramatically, almost overnight. – Governments enacted sweeping mandates, and freedoms many of us took for granted suddenly became privileges…

October 10, 2024

Epoch Times: The American Hospital Association Has Asked The Federal Government To Declare A National Emergency Due To An IV Fluid Shortage – Medical facilities have begun suspending some elective surgeries following the disruption to supplies. – Baxter International, the largest manufacturer of certain intravenous (IV) solutions in the United States, shut down its North Cove manufacturing plant in North Carolina recently after being impacted by Hurricane Helene…

California Globe: California Mask Dictators Are Bringing Back Mask Mandates – Masks don’t work at all against viruses, as a doctor demonstrated with seven different masks and a vape pipe, yet the San Francisco Chronicle reports that mask mandates are coming back to the San Francisco Bay Area. – Several Bay Area counties have recently issued local health orders requiring face masks to be worn in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and other health care facilities starting Nov. 1 until either March 31 or April 30, 2025.”

Brownstone Institute: Dr. Rachel Bedard Wants To Move From Covid Amnesty to Covid Amnesia – If they are going to claim the pandemic was so serious it cost a million lives, it makes the request for “amnesty” even more excessive. – Dr. Bedard – we will never forget and don’t ever ask again.

October 9, 2024

Slay Magazine: South Korea’s almost universally Covid-vaccinated population has suffered a staggering five-fold surge in excess deaths since Covid mRNA shots were rolled out for public use. – Prominent Korean researchers are raising the alarm after obtaining official data that exposes the massive spike.

Slay Magazine: A new study has confirmed that Covid mRNA shots cause blood clots to form in the lungs. – Researchers in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia conducted a case study of a 26-year-old woman who developed extensive pulmonary embolism. – “The patient did not have any risk factors for thromboembolism” and survived the potentially life-threatening blood clot after doctors quickly identified it.

Steve Kirsch: How can you tell which studies are right or wrong? – A large study in the UK shows that only vaccinated kids got myocarditis, but the medical community claims that the risk is higher from COVID. – They can’t both be right…

Brownstone Institute: Tim Walz’s COVID-19 Legacy – As a medical professional with over two decades of experience in laboratory science, I observed Governor Tim Walz’s handling of the 2020 COVID-19 crisis in Minnesota with increasing concern. – A reasonable two-week pause quickly evolved into a series of questionable policy decisions that contravened scientific reasoning, constitutional rights, and fiscal responsibility…

October 8, 2024

Sharyl Attkisson: A new bill introduced in the US House of Representatives aims to end the special protections that vaccine manufacturers currently have against injury claims. – House Bill 9828, co-sponsored by 30 Republican lawmakers, seeks to remove the legal immunity provided to vaccine makers under the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

Slay Magazine: Japan Warns That The New Covid ‘Replicon Vaccines’ Are A ‘Third Atomic Bomb’ – Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, just returned from Japan, where he met with experts to discuss the new injections. – The “replicon vaccines,” named ARCT-154, were recently approved for public use by the Japanese government and will be deployed later this month. – Malone revealed an uprising emerging among the people of Japan.

The Defender: ‘Remdesivir Papers’ Allege A Controversial Drug Used to Treat Service Members Led to 601 Deaths – A military whistleblower released a series of documents revealing that the military began “liberally” administering remdesivir to service members who were suspected of having COVID-19 — months before the FDA approved the drug.

American Thinker: Who Raises Your Child, You or the ‘Village’? – The latest assault on parental rights and responsibilities from the Biden-Harris regime in Washington. – Deciding proper medical care is simply one more act of federal regulatory takeover of the role of parents. – This became obvious during the height of Washington’s CoViD scam…

Slay Magazine: Another study confirms that hydroxychloroquine can be a safe and effective measure against COVID-19. – It has widely been rumored that HCQ was suppressed to protect pharmaceutical industry interests as the cheap and widely available drug showed great promise in treating COVID before mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out for public use. – In addition, President Donald Trump touted HCQ as a potential treatment for COVID-19, which led to a global smear campaign against the drug by the liberal corporate media.

October 7, 2024

Slay Magazine: Moderna Is Caught Offering Children Cash to Test Their Covid-19 ‘Boosters.’ – Minors aged between 12 and 18 years old were offered cash to enroll in the NextCove trial that was examining the efficacy of Moderna’s Covid mRNA “booster” jab.

October 6, 2024

Sharyl Attkisson: Government Researchers Indicate Flu Shots Are Not Effective For The Elderly, After All – No matter how they crunched the numbers, the data kept telling the same story: flu shots were of no benefit to the elderly—or anyone else, it seemed.

Washington Examiner: The Public Is Shunning The ‘Triple’ Vaccines For COVID-19, The Common Flu, and RSV – It’s too early to have concrete data about vaccine uptake for this illness season, but September poll numbers indicate that a large portion of adults in the U.S. are not planning on getting vaccinated this year.

October 5, 2024

Slay Magazine: Cancer Patients Are Reporting Miraculous Recoveries From Ivermectin Treatments. – This news comes as leading oncology experts are coming forward with similar stories of miraculous recoveries after ivermectin treatments…

October 4, 2024

Slay Magazine: A damning study has identified a shocking 500% surge in deaths among children who have been “vaccinated” for Covid with mRNA shots. – The alarming study of 64,000 children and teenagers found that kids are six times more likely to die after receiving a Covid “vaccine” when compared to unvaccinated…

Steve Kirsch: The COVID-19 vaccines did NOTHING to reduce COVID mortality, Absolutely ZERO. – I re-analyzed the US nursing home data, which has been in plain sight for years. – One graph clearly shows that we were lied to. – The vaccines didn’t work! – The CDC lied, and people died.

Slay Magazine: Doctors are warning of an “alarming” surge in heart attacks among healthy young Americans as new data shows the numbers are skyrocketing. – The numbers have continued soaring through this year. – When compared to 2020, before the spike started, heart attacks among young people in 2023 were a staggering 60% higher.

Steve Kirsch: The COVID Vaccine Is All Risk, With No Benefit – Here’s the simplest argument I have, using gold-standard government data from the US and the Czech Republic – The COVID vaccine had no benefit whatsoever and was all downside. – If the COVID-19 vaccine saved lives, then the case fatality rate (CFR) should have dropped after the vaccine rolled out. But it didn’t, it went up.

Brownstone Institute: Josef Pieper, Discourse, and the Age of COVID-19 in Australia – In the case of COVID-19, we even surpassed America with our internationally recognized fanaticism about masking up, locking down, and vaxing. – Public discourse, the moment it becomes neutralized concerning a strict standard of truth, stands by its nature, ready to serve as an instrument in the hands of any ruler to pursue all kinds of power schemes.

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Testosterone Shields Against COVID-19 – Testosterone production declines with age, starting around age 30. – Symptoms of low testosterone include fatigue, irritability, reduced libido, infertility, and changes in body composition – Niacinamide naturally increases your testosterone levels…

October 3, 2024

Real Clear Investigations: The Covid-19 Vaccine Ad Blitz Sidestepped Transparency Rules – Major vaccine companies exploited a regulatory loophole to skirt rules requiring a prominent warning that the medicines had not been fully tested for potential risks. – By casting their spots as public service announcements, promoting the idea that people should get vaccinated rather than promoting a company’s specific product, drug companies claimed the disclosure requirements did not apply.

The Defender: A Study of 1.7 Million Kids and Teens Who Got The Pfizer COVID Vaccine Found Myopericarditis Only in The Vaxed Groups – The preprint observational study using U.K. health system data also found the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine provided children and teens with only about 14 to 15 weeks of protection against testing positive for the virus.

Steve Kirsch: In the US, you can go to jail for disclosing record-level vaccination data. – Privacy is more important than data transparency of public health records. – So, we must trust what the public health agencies tell us. – In the US, HIPAA laws prevent disclosure of dates, only years are allowed in record-level data. – Consequently, the vaccine manufacturers don’t have to worry about record-level PHI being made available to the public anytime soon in the US…

Slay Magazine: An FDA/DOD Whistleblower Drops The Bombshell That Government Countermeasures Killed More People than Covid-19 Did. – In a bombshell article, the dedicated federal scientist declares that more people died from the “vaccines,” lockdowns, masking, and hospital mismanagement directed by U.S. countermeasure protocol than the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus itself.

Slay Magazine: Doctors Link Pfizer’s mRNA ‘Vaccine’ to Deadly Autoimmune Diseases – The link was uncovered during a study led by physician-scientist Dr. Ashraf Ullah, the head of Internal Medicine at May Hospital Lahore, Pakistan. – Shortly after receiving the injection, the patient experienced continuous vomiting, epistaxis, and other related symptoms. – Bone marrow samples and diagnostic studies both indicated severe aplastic anemia…

The Brownstone Institute: The FOIA Lady Pleads the Fifth – David Morens, a former top advisor to Anthony Fauci, implicated Margaret Moore, known colloquially as “The FOIA lady,” in trying to hide information from the American people, particularly that related to the origins of Covid-19, which is a felony.

October 2, 2024

The Defender: There Is ‘Striking Evidence’ That COVID mRNA Shots May Increase Kids’ Risk of Asthma – A new analysis of over 200,000 U.S. children’s health records suggests that mRNA COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of asthma, Alex Berenson reported. – The Taiwanese researchers who conducted the analysis have not formally published their findings.

Slay Magazine: The Canadian government has been forced to admit that death rates surged among citizens who received COVID-19 mRNA “booster” shots. – The damning admission was revealed in previously hidden data that lawmakers compelled that nation’s top federal health agency to hand over. – A parliamentary inquiry ordered the PHAC to unseal and surrender data for the country’s death rates during the pandemic…

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Synthetic Progesterone Is Linked To An Increased Risk of Brain Cancer – Synthetic progesterone derivatives, particularly medrogestone, medroxyprogesterone acetate, and promegestone, have been linked to a significantly increased risk of intracranial meningiomas, especially with long-term use exceeding one year…

Sharyl Attkisson: House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie, and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith have stated recent findings of research falsification at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

October 1, 2024

American Thinker: Free Fuellmich, The Unsung Hero Who Called Out the ‘Plandemic’In Germany, Part II of the COVID takeover is playing out, as the government uses foul means to incarcerate a leader in the fight against COVID tyranny – With a survival rate of 99.97%, Covid-19 was no more dangerous than the common flu, did not cause excess mortality, and children were at no risk from the coronavirus…

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