2022 Conservative Article Reference List Archives

2022 Conservative Article Reference List Archives

Below are links to primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is going on in America and the World right now. Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines will provide adequate insight.

Hopefully, you will take the time to read some of them which should open your eyes to the reality of the #DeepState and those promoting the #NewWorldOrder as well as consistent #MediaBias, and ongoing #FakeNews gaslighting as well as the relentless attack on American values by Liberals and the #Progressive Left.

Liken the process of becoming better informed to working on a large puzzle. As you read more and more about what is going on, things begin to fall into place and you finally see the big picture.

(FYI – I occasionally include links to articles that although not newsworthy are so silly and/or outrageous that they need to be seen to show the level of idiocy that exists these days.)

You can use your browser’s search function to find articles of interest to you. Hold down the CTRL key at the lower left of your keyboard and simultaneously press the F-key. Then enter a word in the pop-up box that appears toward the top of your screen. This will show you how many articles there are with that word in the title. Then click on the up or down arrow to see each article title.

Links for articles from The Epoch Times, National Review, and a few others that were behind paywalls used the “archive.ph” service to provide access to those stories. It no longer works, so those links will no longer provide access. 

December 31, 2022

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has worked against conservatives throughout his career. Here are nine times he betrayed, opposed, and contradicted conservatives in 2022

ZH: Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That Will Be Validated In 2023 – #10, As the relationship between Big Tech and the spy agencies becomes clearer, we will learn that our smartphones are tracking our every move

ZH: 2022’s Ten Most “Conspiratorial” Events – #9. Monkeypox

Sharyl Attkisson: Did Democrats intentionally let the Jan. 6 Capitol breach happen? – Revelations, released in a House GOP report are prompting serious questions about whether the Capitol breach could have been prevented

Wall Street capped a quiet day of trading with more losses Friday, as it closed the book on the worst year for the S&P 500 since 2008

Washington Examiner: The Top 10 Editorials Of 2022 – #5. A mass exodus from the Democrats’ America

When Compassion Becomes Warped – Compassion camouflages the child’s hurt so that an adult can imagine himself to be morally superior

The World Economic Forum plans to issue guardrails on Metaverse creation – Guidelines for building and controlling the next wave of technology

A-Thinker: Disturbed to the nth degree, men are now inserting frozen tomato paste cubes for a mock “fem cycle” – At this point, can we please, please admit that these “transgender” ideations are a debilitating mental health crisis?

Jeffrey Younger lost the court case to prevent his ex-wife from taking their son to California, where he could be medically transitioned – Younger has been trying to stop this from happening for years and has now reached the end of the line

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Dead At 95 – He was born in 1927 as Joseph Ratzinger and was the first pope to resign from his office in over 500 years

“The Year of the Gaslighter” began in January, when corporate media, health authorities, and other major organs of the “New Normal Regime” suddenly “discovered” that the official Covid narrative was “inaccurate,” and a bunch of lies…

The mainstream news media have mutated from providing useful information into multi-biased, overbearing, omnipresent purveyors of false, useless information that is critical for them to report and useless for us to receive – This must stop

Taking stock of the situation in Ukraine $111 billion and 10 months later – Corruption and cronyism were widespread and innate in Ukraine long before the war

The Year of Diversions: Governor Gavin Newsom Clings To His Covid Powers, Climate Lies, and More – California Globe headlines describe the things that happened here during 2022 that citizens should know about

A Mandate For The New GOP House – Americans are fed up with business as usual in DC where the two parties talk about the nation’s problems but take little or no action to change things and implement solutions

Under Wokeism, Animal Farm Comes to Life – The moral of the story is that collectivism and socialism do not work


December 2022 Covid-19 and mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

December 30, 2022

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just declassified 400,000 documents that expose child trafficking and a child sex ring in Washington DC

America First conservatives refuse to support McCarthy in his bid for Speaker Of The House, so he does not have the support to win – Representative Matt Gaetz has a solution and wants US Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio to run

Cops Fled Six Major Democrat-Led Cities In Droves In 2022 – Issues like low morale and insufficient pay plagued departments as officers worked overtime amid continuing violent crime, with New York City Leading The Way

Barbara Walters Is Dead At 93 – Robert Thompson: “She was playing in a field that was such an old boy’s network, literally and figuratively, and she didn’t take no for an answer”

Nancy Pelosi boosts maximum pay for House staff members to $212,000 as she ends her speakership – Top staffers can now make $38,000 more than House and Senate lawmakers

Ray Epps, a person some theorized to be a federal informant, told his nephew that he “orchestrated” what transpired that day in 2021 – This assertion was revealed in a lightly redacted transcript released by the January 6 Committee

HOW EXTREME CAN YOU GET? – Benjamin Netanyahu is back as Prime Minister of Israel, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the world’s liberal press is wonderful to behold

Watch Out, Drag Queen Story Hour: A Giant Crowd Attends Faith-Based Story Hour – This story hour teaches biblical wisdom rather than radical sexual ideology

China’s Manufacturing Industry Is Rapidly Collapsing – Zero-COVID quarantines fostered unpredictable supply chain shocks for foreign companies causing a push to build manufacturing and logistics capabilities elsewhere

ZH: Russia will soon provide the Islamic Republic with dozens of Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets – Israeli reports are even citing “Western intelligence officials” in making this claim

The Man in Custody Over Idaho Killings Is a Ph.D. Candidate with Interesting Area of Study – Did He Use What He Learned From Taking Criminal Justice Classes In School To Elude Authorities For So Long?

2022: Goodbye and Good Riddance – You will have to admit that this year was stranger than satire

Elon Musk Puts The Media On Notice: “You Should Be Worried Because We Have Only Just Begun” – “Why is corporate journalism rushing to defend the state instead of the people?”

Fauci Leaves a Broken Agency for His Successor – NAIAD failed to promptly fund key research during the pandemic that would have abruptly ended many of the COVID controversies that divided our country

A group of prominent research scientists conducted a risk-benefit analysis of the COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults and found that college-based vaccine mandates are “unethical” and are not “science-based”

ZH: The Most Common Causes Of Death By Age Group Graphic – Homicide and suicide are common causes of death for young age groups in the United States, second only to accidents for those between the ages of 15 and 34

Mesmerizing Photos Show Homes Completely Encased in Ice After A Massive Winter Storm – This Christmas weekend blizzard was very destructive for people living in the areas of Crystal Beach, Canada, and Erie County, New York

A Young Mechanic Breaks Into Empty School, Leaves a Note, And Now He’s Being Hailed as a Hero – His efforts saved the lives of several stranded motorists

A person believed to be connected to the quadruple homicide of four college students in Moscow, Idaho, has been taken into custody Friday, more than 2,000 miles away – The suspect has been identified as 28-year-old Bryan Kohberger…

WSJ: Six Years of Donald Trump’s Tax Returns Were Released by House Committee – Democrats publish the records after a long legal dispute and before they lose control of the House

Former President Donald Trump and his wife Melania reported negative income in four of the six years covered by the couple’s joint tax returns, which were released on Friday by the Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee

China’s mishandling of Covid and its chaotic reopening exposed its assertion of political superiority as a lie – Their disastrous reopening is not a validation of its “zero Covid” policy but an indictment of China’s political system

We know now the CIA and FBI have been corrupt for seventy years – The truth of what the CIA and FBI had been up to for decades came to light in 1975 with the creation of the Church Committee, formed to investigate their illegal activities

ZH: The Austrian Defense Minister Warns Europeans Are Unprepared For The Coming Days-Long Blackouts – “The question is not whether it (the first blackout) will come, but when it will come”

ZH: FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried has allegedly cashed out $684,000 from a crypto exchange in Seychelles while being under house arrest, according to an on-chain investigation…

FTX founder and accused crypto-crook Sam Bankman-Fried met with senior White House officials on at least four occasions in the months leading up to his firm’s massive implosion

Cybersecurity in 2022 – Hacking attacks are especially dangerous because they can originate from anywhere and are very difficult to detect and stop – These are some of the more notable cyberattacks that occurred in the past 12 months

Ukraine has a new Western backer that is not a nation-state, or a military contractor, but the financial firm BlackRock – BlackRock will be coordinating investment efforts to rebuild the war-torn nation, but what about their previous US efforts?

A Terrifying Conclusion From the Twitter Files That Is Being Ignored – Big Tech algorithms can be used to amplify or suppress content instantly, so government-approved narratives are amplified while counter-narratives are suppressed

How to Be a Successful Politician in California – “Early voting lets us know how many votes we need, and ballot harvesting lets us control how many votes we’ll get”

9 Controversial California Laws Taking Effect on Jan. 1 – #3) AB 2098 allows doctors to face discipline for spreading supposed misinformation/disinformation about COVID-19, including information about vaccine effectiveness… 

Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago Will End 2022 with at Least 723 Homicides – Moreover, motor vehicle theft was up 95%, when contrasted with 2021 – Theft was up 50%, burglary was up 10%, and robbery was up 10%

Are You a “Thought Criminal”? – Unfortunately, there is now an overwhelming consensus among elitists in the western world that radical measures must be instituted to control what people think and silence them

The FBI Is Starting to Look a Bit Like the KGB – Recently it seems that the FBI is willing to go to any length to protect the party – the Democrat National Committee

The world population is projected to be 7.9 billion people on New Year’s Day 2023, with 73.7 million people added in 2022, according to the U.S. Census Bureau – That marks a 0.9% increase in the world population over the past year

December 29, 2022

The 10 Most Influential Figures In The History Of Oil – The history of oil can be traced back as far as 3000 BC when builders began to use bitumen to strengthen bricks, the story of the modern oil industry began in the 1850s

How Did EVs Handle America’s Arctic Blast? – EVs are not ready for frigid road trips but aside from their range issues, EVs handled the Arctic air well

Joe Biden Signs The 4,000-page, $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill After His Staff Fly It to His Virgin Islands Vacation Home To Meet The January 30th Deadline For Signing It

President Biden and congressional Democrats imposed a long list of tax increases as part of their “Inflation Reduction Act” passed in 2022 – On Jan. 1, 2023, the following Democrat tax hikes will take effect

Iran’s Nuclear Holiday Gift to al-Qaeda – With the weapons-grade Iranian-made uranium they provided, al-Qaeda could fashion a dirty bomb

Our Killer Green Energy Infatuation – With many, if not most, utilities embracing “green” policies, their shift from more reliable and affordable conventional energy sources to wind and solar has undermined the resiliency of the power grid

Release Nancy Pelosi’s Tax Returns – The Trump tax return release sets a precedent

The U.S. Virgin Islands government filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase accusing them of helping Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking operation – Over more than a decade, JPM knew it was not complying with federal regulations

Why Does WEF Chair Klaus Schwab Say China Is a “Model” for Many Countries? – Between China’s “social credit score system,” we explore the role of “environmental, social and governance” concerning Schwab’s model for “stakeholder capitalism” in the West

The CDC is one of several formerly-respected federal agencies that have fallen into disrepute – The  CDC has become a tool of the Left and it seems that its people are more interested in political activism than in disease control

Dr. Robert Malone: The WEF shifts into high gear in preparing for the next Pandemic – Theme #6 invokes things like CBDCs, universal basic income, and a social credit system like we are seeing in places like China and India

ZH: Timepiece aficionados are leaving their expensive watches at home as they attempt to stay under criminals’ radar while in public – From Los Angeles to Manhattan to London to Paris, violent high-end watch robberies are rising

Brazilian soccer legend Pelé dies at age 82 – Pelé is widely regarded as the greatest soccer player of all time

Donald Trump chides Pelosi’s partisan committee after the subpoena for him to appear before the January 6 committee was withdrawn – “Perhaps the FBI’s involvement in RIGGING the 2020 Election played into their decision”

Southwest Airlines Woes Continue With Nearly 5,000 Fights Canceled in the Last Two Days – They are operating at what has been described as a “reduced schedule,” leaving thousands of passengers stranded in various parts of the country

Was Pete Buttigieg Asleep at the Switch? – Southwest isn’t currently collapsing because of horrible weather; its meltdown stems from a massive technology failure, as a result of their entire crew-scheduling system failing on an epic scale

WSJ: Southwest Airlines Resumes Ticket Sales And Prepares to Restart Regular Flights Friday – Employee volunteers rebuilt crew schedules manually after storm disruptions overwhelmed systems and led to thousands of canceled flights

The United States will mandate COVID-19 testing for all travelers from China, joining a growing list of nations adopting entry curbs in light of the country’s recent COVID surge

Is This Taiwan’s Overlooked Linchpin? – Americans should pay more attention to Kaohsiung, the heart of Taiwan’s defense–industrial base

China’s economic migrants are joining the global rush into America as President Joe Biden’s deputies widen legal loopholes in the southern border, according to Radio Free Asia

I&I/TIPP Poll: Voters want the recent election changes driven by the Covid pandemic scrapped – They found that a “monster majority” — Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike — want the old voting system back

Gun Owners of America Labels 18 Republican Senators ‘Turncoats’  – The lobby group slams members who voted to pass Omnibus spending bill that it says funds Biden expanded gun-control programs

ICE: Actually, we don’t have any records on those 377,000 illegals we released – The flood of humanity washing over the southern border is now apparently so bad that our immigration laws are being enforced on the honor system

Shipping containers were placed along parts of the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, on Tuesday to discourage migrants from attempting to cross into the city, according to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

The Top 10 Stories the Establishment Media Ignored in 2022 – #7, The Media Ignored Alleged Payouts to the Biden Family Detailed in Hunter Biden’s Texts

The Federalist Staff’s 2022 Winners And Losers Of The Year – ie. Loser: Mitch McConnell started the year poorly and ended it even worse when he threw Republicans’ chance at controlling the Senate so he wouldn’t be replaced as leader

From Work From Home To Collect At Home – In 14 states, unemployment benefits and ACA subsidies for a family of four with two people not working amounts to an annualized equivalent of $80,000 a year in wages and benefits

Joe Biden, “The Transparent,” sure has a way of hiding out from the press – Trump granted 82 interviews in his first year as president, Ronald Reagan granted 32, despite being shot in the lung, and Obama granted 131 interviews

U.S. and foreign globalists are using old Soviet propaganda tactics, domestic influence operations, and brute force to attack basic American rights – These bad actors wish to change our liberties from individual rights to collective rights…

Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in on Thursday for the sixth time as Israel’s prime minister, while his predecessor Yair Lapid flouted the traditional handshake that occurs at the change of power and exited the Knesset plenum early

Airbus’s Unfriendly Skies – Investigators have found that over a decade Airbus has bribed officials in at least 20 countries, including China, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Russia, and Taiwan

December 28, 2022

Nearly 302,000 apprehended or getaways were reported in California in FY22 – This is out of a record 3.3 million illegal entries reported by Border Patrol for all nine southwest border sectors in the fiscal year

Will the Fed Blink in 2023 And Will Congress Throw More Fuel on the Fire? – Let’s hope for the best, as politicians aren’t known for doing the right thing when times get tough

Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon Claims Victory As The January 6 Panel Drops Their Trump Subpoena – Dhillon is challenging Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to lead the Republican National Committee

Trump Makes Announcement on Whether Jared Kushner, Ivanka Joining 2024 Campaign – Trump says he “specifically asked” Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner not to join his 2024 campaign

Normalization Between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Oman Are the Biden Administration’s Wins to Lose – The greatest impediment is the Biden administration’s continued antagonism toward the Saudi government

Elon Musk slams the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, a branch of the DHS as a “propaganda platform” – This censorship network used 120 analysts to censor millions of social media posts on elections and covid-19

The Democrats’ list of policy proposals for 2023 includes expanding automatic voter registration systems, preregistering teenagers to vote, granting the franchise to felons, and criminalizing what the left thinks is election “misinformation”

The Governors of California, Illinois, and New Jersey Are Worried They Can’t Pay Out Retirement Benefits – All three Governors, Newsom, Pritzker, and Murphy are considered potential candidates for the 2024 presidential race

The California Exodus Is Gathering Steam – California loses population for the third year in a row, as 343,000 people, the equivalent of a decent-sized city, moved to other states

Fauci is departing his government job within days, but “dirt” on him is already surfacing – Few realize that the head of bioethics at NIH is his wife and not only that, but Fauci authored a 2012 paper promoting “Gain of Function” research

WSJ: Inflation Is Taking Its Biggest Bite From Middle-Income Households – Purchasing power from paychecks fell for middle-income households in 2022, while rising for people at the top on those subsidized at the bottom

Zogby Poll: Independent voters have lost faith in President Joe Biden to handle the problems facing the United States and would choose former President Donald Trump or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis instead in 2024

SCOTUS is keeping Title 42 in place, for now –  California has yet to figure out how to meet the needs of an influx of migrants when it does go away, due to a projected budget deficit of $24 billion for the next fiscal year

Neil Gorsuch Gets It Right on The Border As Related To Title 42 – Gorsuch articulated clearly that “this is a decision for policy-makers, not the courts”

Here’s A Better Reason To Cheer For The Supreme Court’s Title 42 U.S. Border Reprieve – The victory here is not mandating immigration policy, but addressing the manipulative use of consent decrees and settlement agreements

Funny what even a flimsy border fence can do – Migrant crossings plummeted in a mile-long stretch of Downtown El Paso where the Texas Army National Guard set up concertina wire and portable fencing along the Rio Grande

The Air Force escalates plans to eliminate its small fleet of surveillance planes used to counter drug smuggling at the border by the end of the month  – Despite its reliance on the planes to intercept drug smuggling missions at the border

The End of Honest Elections? – This week people testified they changed the print settings, on election morning, so Republican votes would not be tabulated and the Maricopa County judge said “…it wasn’t intentional”

Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has filed an appeal against a Maricopa County judge’s ruling to dismiss her lawsuit challenging the midterm election results

Harvesting Low-Effort Votes Is Working Great For Democrats, So They’re Going For More – While some congressional Republicans might think the post-2020 election integrity fight is over, that couldn’t be farther from the truth

Joe Biden has lied a lot before and during his presidency, so here are the top 15 most outlandish lies from his career – 9) He Has Never Spoken to Hunter About Family Business

Ukraine President Zelensky Brings in Globalist BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to Coordinate Ukraine’s Money Laundering – This is the program referred to by corporate media as “recovery efforts”

Pavel Antov, Russia’s “highest-earning elected politician,” was recently in India celebrating his 66th birthday when he reportedly fell to his death from a hotel window – Antov had recently criticized Putin’s actions in Ukraine

FTX had a back channel with the White House – The back channel was facilitated by a Democrat operative and ally of Bankman-Fried, Sean McElwee

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are gearing up for a political showdown over raising the country’s $31.4 trillion borrowing limit this coming spring or summer after punting the issue to a new Congress

On a year-over-year basis, pending home sales collapsed 38.60%, the largest annual drop ever

ZH: A Leaked Southwest Memo Reveals “State Of Operational Emergency” Before Christmas Storm – As of Wednesday morning, Southwest has scrapped 62% of flights today, plus 58% on Thursday, according to FlightAware data

ZH: On the evening of 26 December, China released new guidelines to significantly relax its Covid control policy for domestic infections and inbound travelers, effective 8 January 2023

Musk Drops Bomb on Big Tech, Claims This Woke Company “Makes Links Disappear” – “The government was in constant contact with virtually every major tech firm, including FB, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, Pinterest, and many others”

Governor Ron DeSantis Offered Sanctuary for “Libs of TikTok” Creator after Doxxing, Threats –  “When my account started growing, I realized the hatred that the Left has and their violent nature… “

ZH: Visualizing 25 Years Of Lithium Production – The lightweight metal plays a key role in the cathodes of all types of lithium-ion batteries that power EVs – The recent rise in EV adoption has sent lithium production to new highs

December 27, 2022

Ukraine War Hawks’ Policy Proposals Don’t Match Their Rhetoric – Proposing more aid to Ukraine may be reasonable, but irresponsible rhetoric, as we have learned, can have dangerous consequences

In Response to the Twitter File Releases, Establishment Media Rushes to Defend the FBI – The Hunter Biden laptop story shows the extent to which the corporate media has become the propaganda arm of the state

In many states, welfare and benefits pay more than median income – Yet lawmakers in the swamp are puzzled over the fact that the American labor force is still “missing” in action, with a predominance of those missing being young males

WSJ: The Supreme Court Leaves The Title 42 Pandemic Border Controls in Place For Now – Next year Justices will consider whether GOP-led states can fight a lawsuit saying the restrictions aren’t legal

CFIS: If You Like Title 42, You’ll Love Section 212(f) – The ‘suspension of entry’ provision that “exudes deference to the President in every clause”

And So It Begins: A federal judge has approved a $10.3 million class-action settlement with a university healthcare system and workers who were denied religious exemptions from COVID-19 vaccine mandates

Twenty-five governors signed a letter asking President Joe Biden to end the federal public health emergency in April, saying Medicaid costs are costing their states millions

Canada’s Prime Minister said he felt “serene” while ordering the bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protesters to be frozen – Justin Trudeau commented during his testimony before the Public Order Emergency Commission

Mild winter weather in many parts of Europe, rising wind power generation, and lower electricity consumption dragged European natural gas and power prices lower on Tuesday – Prices at the TTF were down to a six-month low

ZH: Three Canada Events, Connect The Dots If You Dare – #1, Bill C36 in British Columbia “redefines” informed consent and enables the government to force medicate citizens for any illness while allowing the censorship of anyone that dissents, and to seize their property and imprison them

There is a strange but all too widespread coalition of left-wing anti-war activists and alleged “right-wing” isolationists trying desperately to dimmish any perception that Russia and China are working together against American security

More than 1.5 million people in the US are waiting for their asylum claims to be heard, as the Supreme Court weighs the merits of the Trump-era Title 42 health policy — and could order it ended as soon as Tuesday

NR: Who’s Attacking Our Power Grid? – Is shooting up power substations becoming the latest fad – If this sounds familiar, it’s because earlier this month, someone still at large attacked power stations in North Carolina

The Omnibus Spending Bill Scam – Senate and House Budget bills are supposed to be voted on by April 15 each year…If Congress followed its process, it would avoid this annual “crisis” where almost nobody has read the final bill

Recently Senator Rand Paul released his annual “Festivus” report that reveals how $482 billion of your tax money was wasted in 2022 – For example, $168 million was dedicated to assisting illegal immigrants to avoid deportation

ZH: 15 Facts Which Prove That A Massive Economic Meltdown Is Already Happening Right Now – #8 Even the biggest names on Wall Street are starting to let workers go, with Goldman Sachs expected to layoff 4,000 employees

Dr. Robert Malone: – Keeping up with the World Economic Forum In Davos On January 16th-20th, 2023 in Jan –  “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”

The FBI Office Investigating Hunter Biden Sent Twitter Numerous Censorship Requests Right Before 2020 Election – When the bureau’s own former general counsel calls the FBI’s conduct ‘odd,’ it’s clear who’s discrediting the agency

Twitter Files 10: The WH “rigged the COVID debate” by censoring information “inconvenient to government policy,” discrediting doctors and experts who disagreed with their narrative, and by suppressing ordinary users, including those who shared data from the CDC

CFIS: Biden Doesn’t Have a Border Plan And Likely for Good Reason – Few Americans know the important facts about illegal immigration, and most Democrats don’t care

What are Senate Conservatives Going to Do about McConnell? – McConnell and his gutless gaggle continue to trudge across Democrat lines and ignore their constituents

CFIS: The Biden Administration’s New Public Charge Regulation Goes into Effect DHS doesn’t seem to know who exactly they work for

A Child Regrets Transitioning Soon After Getting A Mastectomy & Hormones – Chloe Cole was 12 years old when she decided she wanted to be a boy. At 13, she started puberty blockers and testosterone. Two years later…

A winter storm barreled through Buffalo, New York, over the weekend and ended Christmas morning, but the emergency was far from over, as claims across social media indicate widespread looting

ZH: Adidas Sits On Half Billion Dollars Of Unsold Yeezys After Terminating Deal With Kayne West – One research analyst said Adidas never told its investors “how big it [Yeezy brand] was and how important it was to their growth…”

December 26, 2022

China’s Approach to Taiwan: Rhetoric vs. Reality – Qin Gang formally writes about “upholding world peace,” but the real meaning is world peace with China in control of Taiwan

The Jan. 6 “Criminal Referrals” Against Trump Are Pure Political Bunk – The committee should be investigated in the new Congress

What Did Nancy Pelosi Know and When Did She Know It? – The January 6 select committee never intended to act as a truth-seeking mission but rather perform a cover-up for what indeed did happen

Year in Review: Biden’s top 10 blunders of 2022 – ie. “Let me start with two words,” he said from a Volvo factory in Hagerstown. “Made in America”

The GOP’s Moronic House Speakership Fight – A rump caucus of Republican malcontents take their party hostage and ignore what Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has done for the GOP

Elon Musk: “To be frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true” – “If we’re going to be trusted in the future, it’s important to kind of clear the decks of stuff that happened in the past

The WEF Proposes Surveillance Tech to Track Individuals’ Climate Impact – They claim they can tackle climate change by monitoring the carbon emissions of every person so that their “impact” can be addressed on an individual level

The 1969 Memo of Tyrannical Population Control Ideas That Are Now in Place – Back then, these Planned Parenthood ideas were written off as utter tyranny under the assumption that a free society would never submit to such extremes

After western New York was hammered with historic blizzard conditions that claimed multiple lives, the New York State Police have confirmed that several looting incidents have occurred

JAMA Network Study: Many Democrat-Run Cities Are More Dangerous Than War Zones – The new study confirms it’s not fair to refer to violent Democrat-run cities like Chicago as “Chiraq” – because that would be unfair to Iraq

300,000 California residents left the state in 2022, more than any other state during that period, per census estimates from July 2021 to July 2022 – Those fleeing California included Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s in-laws

US Utilities Impose Blackouts, Issue Warnings Over Deep Freeze Power Grid Strain – “Conserving energy as much as possible now will help ensure adequate natural gas supplies for the rest of the weekend”

The Department of Homeland Security called on would-be illegal immigrants to not cross into the United States this weekend due to the Arctic-cold temperatures across the country

Twitter appeared to succumb to pressure from federal officials to moderate content around COVID-19, including blocking a post by a former Harvard scientist who offered critical feedback against COVID-19 vaccines in 2021…

Dr. Robert Malone: World News Round-up – Modern Day Stasi Tactics Are Weaponizing COVID-19 tracking technology to follow, track down, investigate and arrest people for reasons that have nothing to do with COVID

The Transgender Menace – You may not be interested in transgenderism, but transgenderism is interested in you — especially if you have school-age children or grandchildren

50+ people have died after much of the US faced freezing temperatures and heavy snow –  The “bomb cyclone” deaths were recorded in Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Wisconsin

There Certainly Was an Insurrection, But Not by Trump – An his January 6 speech, he promoted the First Amendment’s protections of “freedom of speech and assembly” and “the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”

Ron DeSantis will never be president unless he runs in 2024 – In short, the conditions may never be as good as they are right now for a run in 2024 by DeSantis – In fact, they are very likely to never be this good again

Year three of the Biden border crisis will be the worst yet – Biden repealed Trump’s Remain in Mexico program on day one – Asylum claimants have no interest in crossing the border unless it means they will be let loose inside the U.S.

China Had Biological Weapons Ambitions Long Before The Covid-19 Pandemic – As far back as 2006, China acknowledged that their “Fifth Institute” conducts offensive biological weapons research on SARS coronaviruses

Remembering the Worst Media Misses of 2022 – This week, as 2022 comes to an end, National Review recaps the year’s biggest media misses

From A SCOTUS Assassination Attempt To The Threat Of Nuclear War – Things that seemed hard to believe were happening in 2021 worsened in 2022 – A free pass to serious crimes, millions of illegals flowing across our borders, record national debt, and inflation burning away our dollars, as censorship worsens

I&I/TIPP Poll: U.S. Voters (Overwhelmingly) Want Their Old Election System Back – By far the strongest response was for Requiring voters to show a photo I.D. to vote, which garnered 83%

Kari Lake failed to meet a standard that is impossible to meet – Lake would not be able to do that because she would have to go through the discovery process, get emails, and documents, and take depositions to develop a proof of intent

An election investigator wins her lawsuit over 120,000 missing voters – Far fewer people registered to vote in one state than there were ballots counted

Don’t Buy What Democrats Sell as Reality – They want you to believe whatever they desire to be real is true and anyone who opposes them and tries to correct them is automatically labeled by Democrats as being wrong and false

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The WHO will form the foundation for a one-world government, by coordinating and ensuring global biosecurity – This is evident upon review of proposed amendments to the 2005 IHR and their Pandemic Treaty

How Twitter Rigged the Covid Debate – The platform suppressed true information from doctors and public-health experts that was at odds with U.S. government policy

The Curtain Has Been Opened – Today we have a rather simple revelation of a confluence of the three parts of our government working together – This has evolved over the past 100 years into total control by the financial class

An academic high school hides National Merit outcomes for “equity” – Once children enter, the school instantly loses its commitment to “above average” students and makes sure no students stand out above any other students

U.S. District Court Judge Mark Mastroianni, an Obama appointee, has thrown out a lawsuit from Massachusetts parents who accused public school officials of hiding their children’s gender transitions from them

An American Journal of Medicine Study Says a Belief in Freedom Could Be Hazardous to Your Health – They assert that “unvaccinated people were 72% more likely to be involved in a severe traffic crash than those who were vaccinated…

ZH: Three Power Substations Attacked In Washington State On Christmas Day – The sheriff’s office said nothing was stolen from the substations, while equipment was only vandalized

Excerpts from the Democrat-to-English dictionary: Updated for Woke 2023 – #6, Extremist: someone who disagrees with a Democrat, #9, Fascist: someone who disagrees with a Democrat…

December 25, 2022

King Charles banishes Prince Andrew over ties to pedophile Jeff Epstein – “He isn’t a working royal. He’s on his own”

7 “Woke” Comedians Who Have Become Consumed by Leftist Politics – On the other hand, stars who express conservative leanings can often see themselves demonized or canceled over their views

ZH: Putin is Sure US-Supplied Patriot Systems Will Be Destroyed In Ukraine – There are roughly 90 soldiers in a Patriot battery, with each crew member requiring extensive training on how to deploy their costly $4-million missiles

The Senate’s Mitch McConnell Problem – In this year’s midterms, this Republican leader of the US Senate went out of his way to defeat various Republican candidates for the United States Senate

Census Bureau: Texas leads U.S. with largest population gains, Florida with fastest growth – Census Bureau reports

The EPA is imposing stricter emissions standards on new heavy-duty vehicles – This will significantly raise operating costs and these are costs that not only the industry will bear, but prices will also go up for everybody

How Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Is Weaponizing Banking – Over the past two years or so, the WEF’s influence over governments and institutions of sovereign nations has become increasingly apparent

Republicans Are Complicit in Out-of-Control Government Spending – No one in Washington DC cares what all of this stuff costs

Revelations about Twitter-intel ties raise questions about the other Big Tech sites – Twitter was far from the only platform with the motive and means to purge dissenting voices from establishment orthodoxy

ZH: Google Execs Declare “Code Red” Over Revolutionary New ChatGBT – When asked questions, it gives relevant, specific, simple answers – rather than spitting back a list of internet links

Victor Davis Hanson: What Will the FBI Not Do? – They didn’t merely engage in “correspondence” with Twitter to protect the company and its “customers, but it effectively hired Twitter to suppress the free expression of some of its users…”

Elon Musk Is Using the Free Market, Not Government Censorship, to Fix Twitter – Putting the government in charge of what can be published online would kick the First Amendment to the curb

Three busloads of immigrants arrived in the nation’s capital on Saturday evening from Texas, including one that unloaded passengers outside Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence late Saturday night, according to multiple reports

Christians worldwide celebrate Christmas today, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who was born approximately 4 B.C. in the town of Bethlehem, five miles east of Jerusalem, in the nation of Israel

10 Christmas movie classics for the holidays

God Bless The USA Christmas Display – If you love America, you will love this

How the FBI Used Twitter to Lie to You – For over a century, Hollywood has upheld the belief that a federal law enforcement/internal quasi-spy agency is necessary for the safety of a free society and its citizens

Most Republicans readily agree they should use their forthcoming House majority to take on the so-called Big Tech companies that dominate everything from social media to online shopping. But many disagree on how to do it

December 24, 2022

The Discovery of an underground tunnel about six and a half feet high and a mile long renew hopes that they might find the tomb of Cleopatra – Coins found at the site bear the names of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra and Alexander the Great

WSJ: Kari Lake’s Claims of Election Misconduct Rejected by Arizona Judge – The GOP gubernatorial nominee alleged incorrect ballot counting caused her to lose

ZH: It is debatable how long Americans will buy the line that funding the war in Ukraine will result in a good outcome – Remember, under Biden’s tutelage it has become not so much about defending Ukraine but ending Putin and Russia

ZH: THE TWITTER FILES: Clandestine Government Agency Edition – “Twitter’s relationship to other government agencies that includes some that don’t like to see their name in print much”

The Department of Justice allegedly spied on House Intelligence Committee officials to find out what they knew about the FBI’s wrongdoings in their Russia collusion probe, according to recently discovered documents

ZH: You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, And You’re On It – Mass surveillance is the Deep State’s version of a “gift” that keeps on giving…back to the Deep State

ZH: An arctic blast gripped the eastern half of the US, knocked out power, and slashed energy production – Sub-freezing temperatures resulted in one of the most significant one-day natural gas production declines on Friday

WSJ: Snow, Bitter Winds, Subfreezing Temperatures Set to Continue Through Weekend – Hundreds of thousands are without power throughout the Southeast

“The Worst in History”: Critics Rip $1.7 Trillion Government Funding Bill – Some argue that the 4,155-page spending package is NOT in people’s best interest, especially when most of the members don’t know what they’re voting on

The Gigantic Defense Bill Does More Harm than Good – As is normal when considering monstrous bills that come out of DC, the good in the law may be outweighed by the bad, including but not limited to the following…

Fiscal doom: Five ways the $31 trillion national debt threatens the economy – “These debt levels have not been seen before and will exceed Japan’s, which is the largest debt as a share of the economy in the entire industrialized world”

California Destroys Its Independent Truckers – It started with AB5 and now, “California is leading the transition to wide-scale electrification of trucks and buses”

Christmas Is For Giving – A loving father teaches his young son why this is so in a way he will never forget

The Washington state Department of Health recently released a 5-part curriculum that transcends the typical bounds of the “woke” agenda so characteristic of the political progressives that are driving public “education” into the ground

A Massachusetts court makes the case for pulling children out of public schools – Apparently, no one is supposed to be shocked or Massachusetts public schools are sneaking around to convert children into what is known as transgenders


December 23, 2022

The new House GOP to investigate Biden’s secretive order on voting – “Government Agencies should never be utilized for partisan, political purposes”

The WEF annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland next month will focus on new efforts to ramp up censorship globally – Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel provides a speaker list and details of the exclusive ruling class-only event

ZH: Caroline Ellison, former CEO of Alameda Research, spilled her guts to avoid a 110-year prison sentence – She told a judge earlier this week she and Bankman-Fried conspired to steal billions of dollars from FTX customers

“Let’s Go Brandon” Wrapping Paper Company Hits the Jackpot with Records Sales – The Georgia company struck gold last year when it first launched its “LGB” logo paper and is expected to double last year’s sales this holiday season

Biden Tanks The U.S. Energy Economy – He takes all the wrong lessons from the recent OPEC cuts

2022 Was a Horrendous Year for Biden – Another dreadful year has come and gone for our teleprompter president

WSJ: The House Approves The $1.65 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill With Many House Republicans Opposed – The bill funds the government for the full 2023 fiscal year and now goes to President Biden’s desk for his signature

A Winter storm is significantly impacting air, train, and bus travel nationwide heading into Christmas weekend – Harsh winter weather across the US caused the cancellation of dozens of flights, train, and bus routes leading up to Christmas

This is weird…. After “leading the way” for the “Global Warming” alarmists, Germany now faces a freezing winter and ballooning energy crises — they’re at the precipice of an economic meltdown, so they’re bringing back their coal

ZH: More Than Half Of House Republicans Didn’t Attend Zelensky’s Address – There is growing opposition to the policy of arming Ukraine among Republicans

18 Republican Senators betray their constituents and vote for the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill – The bill grants $45 billion for military, humanitarian, and economic aid for Ukraine with no tracking or accounting measures for those funds

WSJ: The Jan. 6 Committee Releases Its Final Investigative Report on The Capitol Attack – The report begins with a chapter called “The Big Lie,” a reference to Mr. Trump’s supposed false claim that the election was stolen

As the J6 Inquisition made a lavish production Thursday of releasing the final report of its long-running witch hunt, one of the committee’s key witnesses was exposed as a recidivist liar, including whoppers she told J6 investigators under oath

The Electoral Map Favors DeSantis Over Trump In 2024 – Some have argued that DeSantis should wait until 2028 for his turn, but the problem is that if the Democrats win in 2024, the 2028 election will be a foregone conclusion

The same teachers who push CRT in the classroom and revel in discussing sexual orientation/practices with students are determined to keep their charges from being exposed to any Christian symbols during the Christmas season

The Grand Jury Request Goes Through In Florida: “Any wrongdoing” concerning the Covid-19 injections will be investigated – “They Won’t Be Able to Hide Anything” as everything they did or knew about, will become transparent

The amount of deadly fentanyl seized by the DEA in 2022 is more than enough to kill every single American – This news comes as the toxic synthetic opioid has continued to flood America’s streets as it flows across the southern border

December 22, 2022

The Biden DOJ and the SDNY want you to know the SBF case is serious and bail was agreed to at $250 million, so the DOJ could say it is the highest bail amount in history – But SBF did not have to put up $250 million in collateral -The only thing that appears to be posted is his parents’ home in Palo Alto

The 13 facts Trump can take into any Jan. 6 trial – There is nothing new in the three referrals made to the U.S. Justice Department by the Jan. 6 committee about President Trump

The Senate passed a $1.7 trillion government funding bill allowing it to pass to the House before Friday’s deadline – It provides funding through September, preventing the new GOP-led Congress to control the purse strings until then

Traitors – Congressional Republicans think lining Zelenskyy’s army-green pockets with more U.S. tax dollars is a greater need than tackling any number of ongoing crises roiling the country right now

Bill Clinton’s Impeachment Lawyer Abe Lowell to Defend Hunter Biden against Expected GOP House Probes – Lowell frequently engages with clients engulfed in political scandals

The Left’s Big Pitch: Embrace a Worse Life in the Name of Equality – It’s a philosophy that removes the incentive for all that creates prosperity

Rasmussen Poll: Most voters remain concerned about the economy, with no confidence in Biden’s handling of the issue – 86% of likely voters are concerned including 60% who are “very concerned” – 13% say they are not concerned

Pollster Rich Baris testified Thursday at Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s election challenge trial that the level of voter suppression that occurred on Election Day in Maricopa County last month was enough to deny Lake the victory

What Do Americans Think of “ESG” Investing? – Investors intuitively understand, if you’re not sacrificing anything to buy into the cleaner/greener, more-virtuous part of the market, then you’re just buying what you would have bought anyway

CDC: US Life Expectancy Reaches A 25-Year Low With COVID-19 and Drug Overdoses Partly Responsible – Life expectancy for Americans born in 2021 is just 76.4 years, the lowest in a quarter-century

Dr. Robert Malone Raises The Alarm Over The Huge Spike in Sudden Deaths – A bombshell report shows a four times increase in sudden deaths in the past two years – Unexpected deaths have been skyrocketing since the end of 2020

New “Woke” Marine Report: Replace gendered identifiers, “Sir” or “MaM” with gendered neutral language such as “drill instructor,” “senior drill instructor,” “DI,” or “SDI,” to eliminate the possibility of misgendering drill instructors…,

CA had the highest net outward domestic migration out of all 50 states in the Fiscal Year 2022, according to the Census Bureau – 343,230 more Americans moved out of California compared to those who moved into it

The Flavored Tobacco Ban Began In California Yesterday – Customers said they’ll simply stock up on their next trip out of state

Tucker Carlson takes on the Zelensky money grab – Insisting Ukraine is a beleaguered democracy is not true, they have long been an utterly corrupt country to which Western politicians go to launder taxpayer money

WSJ: Senators broke an immigration-related impasse and reached a deal on amendments that clears the way to pass a $1.65 trillion spending bill – Schumer: “We will vote on all of the amendments in order and then vote on the final passage”

House Republicans’ Investigation Report: “January 6 Was Pelosi’s Fault” – Her staff helped edit authorities’ plans and Pelosi turned down several requests from federal law enforcement to protect the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

The Swamp strikes back – Corporate media, irrespective of their organizations they report to willingly parrot Democrat propaganda and even use identical terminology supplied by their Democrat bosses while covering any given story

Caroline Ellison, the former CEO of Alameda Research, and Gary Wang, a co-founder of FTX, have both reportedly pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges in the case against now-bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX

Kari Lake Expert Witness: “The Mis-Sized Ballots That Caused Election Day Chaos Could Not Have Been An Accident” – “Someone must have changed the printer configurations, as the printers are configured via a script…”

The Arizona Attorney General Candidate Abe Hamadeh Gets Huge News in Court – His Election Case Is Allowed to Proceed on 4 Counts

A House Republican Panel Releases Counter Report on Jan. 6 – The report focuses on “why the Capitol was left so unprepared” on Jan. 6, 2021, when protests turned violent, and the U.S. Capitol building was breached

The List of Corporate Media “Journalists” Paid by George Soros to Promote His Radical Agenda – He has been paying dozens of “journalists” and other corporate media figures large sums of cash to promote his radical agenda

ZH: Lumber Prices Collapse As Homebuilder Sentiment Falters – Lumber peaked at $1,336 per thousand board feet in late February but has settled at around $380 this week, representing a dramatic 72% decline in prices…

ZH: The Conference Board’s LEI suffered a significantly worse-than-expected drop in November, tumbling 1.0% MoM (vs -0.5% exp). The biggest positive contributor to the leading index was stock prices at 0.21…

A New House Bill Aims to Strip Away Pharma’s Liability Protections from Injuries and Deaths After Taking Their Vaccines – “It’s a solution to everything that has stood in our way”

December 21, 2022

In 2023, California companies with at least 15 workers will need to add pay ranges to job postings – Larger companies will also have to report more data to the state if companies don’t figure out a way around a new law

Biden Must Go All In Against China’s Tech Industry – His administration is hindering the damage it could do to the People’s Republic of China

Biden pledges to fund Ukraine “as long as it takes” after Zelensky says our support is “not enough”

Questions The Media Will Never Ask President Zelensky – Zelensky should pursue immediate peace talks to end the war, even if it means making some temporary territorial concessions

Acting under orders from TX Gov. Abbott, Texas National Guard troops deployed to El Paso constructed a razor-wire barrier along the Rio Grande and have been blocking people from making unauthorized crossings into the US

It’s Time for Republican Voters to Fire Mitch McConnell – This omnibus package will push the federal debt to a level that might well get us to the point at which investors across the globe simply refuse to buy any more U.S. Treasury debentures

The $1.7T omnibus bill funds border security in foreign nations, but prohibits it in the US – Sen. Rick Scott asks how any Republican can justify voting for the massive spending bill that prohibits CBP from using its $1.5 billion for border security

Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is breaking with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell to oppose the massive $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill – McCarthy is reportedly planning to campaign against the spending bill

Kari Lake Election Challenge Trial Reveals Major Confession – Individual polling locations did not tally the total number of votes cast in the midterm elections, a seeming violation of state law

Immigrant Workers in November 2022 Are Up 1.9 Million Over 2019 – There is no evidence of any “shortfall” in immigrant workers

Victor Davis Hanson: Are Elite Universities Doomed? – Left-wing indoctrination, administrative bloat, obsessions with racial preferences, and campus-wide intolerance of diverse thought further alienated the public and an often enraged alumni

BlackRock’s Failures Are a Warning for All “Woke” Institutions – The problem with ESG investing is that it’s driven by ideology rather than profit. So, unsurprisingly, it generally yields lower profits than traditional, returns-based ventures

The Biden administration confirmed Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is on his way to the U.S. to discuss more assistance –  He is slated to address Congress Wednesday as lawmakers plan to shell out more money for Ukraine

Until the Border Is Secure, Ukraine and Everything Else Should Wait – The federal government not only refuses to do the job of border security; it is preventing state governments from protecting their citizens from an unbridled invasion

A Monday directive to Customs & Border Protection managers gags them from releasing migrant apprehension statistics through social media accounts or directly to the public without the express approval of the DHS

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is scheduled to speak to Congress and President Joe Biden on Wednesday and claim the $45 billion worth of aid designated for Ukraine in the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill is not enough for their support

The $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Is a Scandal – Instead of dealing with it in the open earlier in the year, congress has passed a series of short-term funding beginning on October 1 so they could manufacture a crisis in the waning days of 2022

Here’s Everything Wrong With Congress’s Plan To Give Zelensky Cash For Christmas – The swamp is ready to welcome Zelensky with open arms, but you wouldn’t know it from corporate media coverage, but here is why that’s problematic

Six-Figure Blue-State Safety Nets Drive Americans Out of the Work Force – Workers in some states can receive more from remaining unemployed than their blue-collar counterparts who are working and these funds are not subject to income tax

Social Security Update: Direct monthly payments worth up to $4,194, for those that retired at 70, are arriving for millions

Customs reports and other documents indicate the collapsed government of Afghanistan allowed nearly $1 billion in cash, gold, jewelry, and other valuables to be smuggled out of the country shortly before the Taliban takeover

As the massive $1.7 trillion “omnibus” spending bill is rushed through Congress, a staggering amount of taxpayer-funded handouts to radical-Left “woke” causes such as DEI and LGBTQ+ initiatives are being overlooked

The Omnibus bill ensures continued January 6 persecutions – While the DOJ and FBI have mostly given a pass to the Democrat-backed May 2020 attack on the White House that saw 60 Secret Service agents injured

Joe Biden overstated recent jobs numbers by more than 1 million, raising concerns about data manipulation

VP Kamala Harris declared that Big Tech companies must “cooperate” with the Biden administration to censor information on social media – Harris gave up the game during an interview on NPR’s “All Things Considered”

In Elections, It’s No Longer The Votes That Count, It’s The Ballots That Get Counted – “An election is the counting of preferences expressed by eligible, properly registered voters in the time, place, and manner prescribed by the legislature”

An analysis of the government data from this November shows there are 1.9 million more legal and illegal immigrants working here than before the pandemic – Immigrants are referred to as “the foreign-born” in government data

The GOP Can’t Be Successful Until Mitch McConnell Is Gone – Republican voters are desperately concerned about the country and are looking for bold and persuasive leadership and giving more money to Ukraine simply does not rank

Musk confirmed Tuesday night that he would resign – “I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job!”  – “After that, I will just run the software & servers teams”

“People in the auto industry are largely a silent majority,” says Toyota President Akio Toyoda – They are wondering whether EVs are OK to have as our only option but think it’s the trend, so they won’t speak out loudly

The EPA announced on Tuesday that new heavy truck makers will have to cut nitrogen oxide emissions by more than 80%  – This is the latest move in an effort toward implementing the Biden administration’s “Clean Truck Plan”

Radical billionaire George Soros pumped tens of millions of dollars into anti-police groups in 2021- Newly-emerged tax records reveal that Soros’ Open Society Foundations network funneled at least $35 million into groups and initiatives…

Who Needs to See Trump’s Tax Returns? – IRS Regulations: “The individual tax returns for the President and VP are subject to mandatory review” – This regulation has been in place since 1977 and wasn’t followed for a few years

The House Passed A Bill to End The Military COVID-19 Mandate – Now They Need To Reinstate All Of The Wrongfully Fired Service Members That Refused To Get The Covid Vaccines

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Biden Cannot Enforce Vaccine Mandates For Federal Contractors – “The use of procurement regulations to force obligations on individual contractors employees is truly unprecedented”

Darling Hafod Hardware Christmas Ads Bring Us The Spirit Of Christmas

December 20, 2022

The Georgia Supreme Court Reverses A 2020 Election Case Dismissal for “Lack of Standing” And Sends It Back to The Lower Courts

The $1.7 trillion year-end omnibus spending bill allocates hundreds of millions of dollars to fund border security initiatives in the Middle East while the United States border is projected to set illegal immigration records next year

A $1.7 trillion government spending bill drew overwhelming bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday as lawmakers steered it toward passage before a weekend deadline to avoid a partial shutdown of federal agencies

The  8th round of Twitter Files focused on their role in assisting the US military’s influence operations – They were broken down by journalist Lee Fang, who titled them “How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online Psy-Op Campaign”

The FBI relied more extensively on Christopher Steele’s debunked dossier in their Russiagate investigation than has been revealed – They inserted key parts from it into their applications for warrants to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign

CNN Admits to Being a Propaganda Operation – In its response to the Trump lawsuit, “the most trusted name in news” no longer seeks to hide its true nature from its viewers

The Biden admin asks Supreme Court to end Title 42, but with a short delay on lifting restrictions – They acknowledged Title 42’s end will likely lead to “disruption and an increase in unlawful border crossings”

The House Ways and Means Committee voted Tuesday to publicly release former President Donald Trump’s tax returns – The Democratic-controlled committee voted 24-16 to release the materials at an unspecified time

Border Battalion: Military forms blockade on US side of Rio Grande – Texas National Guard soldiers and military vehicles, along with Public Safety officers, arrived in El Paso Monday and were on guard on the south side of downtown by evening

Former President Donald Trump holds a double-digit lead over his potential 2024 Republican primary opponents, according to a McLaughlin & Associates poll

A 2020 Election Case Quietly Makes It to the Supreme Court – The little-known lawsuit rehashes the controversy surrounding the 2020 presidential election marred by irregularities that undermined its legitimacy

Representative Kevin McCarthy joined 13 Republicans who vowed to tank any priorities of GOP senators who vote for the 4,155-page omnibus bill negotiated with Democrats before a new Republican majority could take control of the House

A National Strategy to Develop Distributed Ledger Technology for Digital ID Was Tucked into The 2023 Defense Budget – It includes provisions for digital IDs, vaccine passports, CBDCs, and, of course, a social credit system

Retiring Republican Sen. Richard Shelby helped Democrats win at least $3 billion to fund their catch-and-release network that delivers economic migrants into Americans’ workplaces and housing – Funding is hidden deep in the omnibus bill

On the sidelines of a Nov. 4 election rally in Oceanside, CA Joe Biden acknowledged early last month that the possibility of re-entering the Iranian nuclear agreement is “dead” but admitted that his administration wouldn’t announce it

So Why Did the FBI Want Joe Biden to Become President? – The most obvious answer was the administration, particularly the intelligence community, knew that with all they had on him, he was the candidate they could easily control

There were so many former FBI employees working at Twitter that they had a very private Slack channel and crib sheet to onboard new FBI arrivals – Apparently, Twitter still has 14 employees on the payroll who worked at the FBI and CIA

NBC News homeland security correspondent Julia Ainsley said that she spoke with migrants in El Paso, Texas on Tuesday, who said they crossed the southern border without “any interaction with U.S. immigration authorities.”

The America Of Today looks more like a European Social Democracy than we are willing to admit – So what are the main components of any serious effort to restore the Founders’ vision for America?

The incoming Republican House speaker must clean the Augean stables – McCarthy must restore the American spirit of liberty and democratic rule to the House, or he will announce, “Gotcha, I am part of the deep state…

THE WORLD ACCORDING TO “YELLOWSTONE” – John Dutton heads in to meet with his “policy advisers” that represent a microcosm of today’s administrative state in action

WELCOME TO STANFORD KINDERGARTEN –  Stanford employed a task force that worked for months to advocate that no one on campus use the word “American” because “This term often refers to people from the United States only, thereby insinuating that the US is the most important country in the Americas. . .”

Corporate America is bracing for a slump in consumer spending – As high inflation depresses consumer demand, businesses of all sizes expect the economy to worsen in 2023

Congress releases spending bill to fund the government through September – The Senate is expected to vote on the spending bill first, with at least 10 Republican votes needed to pass it and send it to the House

House Republicans call the spending bill an indefensible assault on the American people – They threaten that if the Senate passes the bill, they will oppose “any legislative priority of those senators” who voted for it, including Sen. Mitch McConnell

New excerpts from ICE training videos reveal the Biden administration’s relaxed “no processing” immigration policy, resulting in the government losing track of at least 150,000 illegal migrants in the summer of 2021

Howard Galganov: How Far Will They Go And How Far Will We Go? – What I Do know . . . If Trump Stays On, To Fight, He Certainly Won’t Be Alone

Sam Bankman-Fried, the former FTX CEO facing prison time, wined and dined a top government regulator official at a swanky D.C., restaurant with his FTX colleagues while lobbying for friendly industry regulations, emails show

December 19, 2022

The Supreme Court is temporarily blocking an order that would lift pandemic-era Title 42 restrictions on asylum seekers, but it is leaving open the prospect of lifting the restrictions by Wednesday, December, 21

What to Watch For In The January 6 Report – Most likely, the omissions will be more telling about what happened on January 6, 2021, than what’s included in the report

The success of Donald Trump’s presidency dealt establishment politicians a heavy blow, so a second term might kill them and they know it – Be prepared to constantly hear the “people” don’t want him but consider who’s doing the talking

Elon Musk: African American of the Year – He emigrated legally from Africa, built businesses, and restored free speech on Twitter, so the once darling of “The Left” is now their target for destruction

JD Rucker: The FBI Paid Twitter Millions of Dollars to Help Steal the 2020 Election – We’ve always known there was massive corruption coming from the Deep State FBI and now, hopefully, more people will come to that obvious conclusion

The FBI got Top Secret clearances for Twitter executives to help squash the Biden laptop story – The bureau had zero evidence of a Russian “disinformation” campaign but proceeded anyway

Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s election challenge will head to trial after a judge declined to dismiss her case and allowed the suit to proceed

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has revised the number of new jobs created in the second quarter of 2022 down by more than a million, prompting a Bloomberg market expert to issue a warning

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Announce They’ve Reached a Settlement – She’s Sending Him a Huge Check And He’s Donating It To Charity

The Feds’ “Misinformation” Scam – Over the past two years our elected representatives in Congress have been missing in action as they failed to defend freedom of speech against the administrative state

JUST IN: The FBI Contacted Twitter Just Hours Before New York Post Broke their Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Is This Winning? – The mainstream media and the Biden administration insist ad nauseam that Ukraine is winning against Russia. But the facts on the ground do not fit the narrative and the administration and media know it!

The Jan. 6 committee is expected to call on the DOJ to prosecute Donald Trump in the panel’s final public meeting on Monday after their18-month investigation that focused largely on Trump’s conduct surrounding the Capitol riot

Kari Lake Will Not Concede In The Arizona Gubernatorial Election And Says She Plans on Taking Her Lawsuit “Right Up to Supreme Court”

It’s “Trump Will Never Be President” All Over Again – DeSantis is a politician and Trump is not – Almost everyone wants something and can be bribed with it, but Trump – What would you bribe him with?

” They are coming out of the woodwork” now has a rather horrific comparative in El Paso, Texas where hundreds of illegals, at least, are now crawling into the U.S. through their sewer system

Elon Musk Suggests He’s Stepping Down – On Sunday, Musk posted one of his famous polls asking whether he should “step down” – “I will abide by the results of this poll,” he declared and 57.5 percent said “yes”

Why reparations now? – This absurdity of slavery reparations, which ended several generations ago, is mind-boggling, but there’s a logical reason because formerly reliable Black voters are now slipping away from the Democrats

A new Migration Policy Institute study shows that the foreign-born alums of US institutions out-earn U.S.-born ones by about 10 percent. largely because the foreign-born ones have more graduate degrees than the native-born ones

Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, and the WHO cohosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,” involving a novel pathogen called SEERS-25, which primarily affects children and teens

December 18, 2022

Japan’s New Defense Strategy Is Driven by China’s Threat and Biden’s Weakness – The Biden administration and Congress were pleased, seemingly unaware their new strategy is designed in part to make up for U.S. deficiencies

A lawsuit is heading Supreme Court in weeks alleging that “a majority of Congress, by not investigating serious allegations of election rigging and breaches of national security, violated their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution…

A former aide to Trump adviser Peter Navarro took a “deep dive” into the laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden, finding at least 459 illegal acts, including seven felonies by Joe Biden, after reading “every single email, every single text message”

Victor Davis Hanson: 10 Steps to Save America – Yes, there is a way, but is there the will?

A supplemental installment of the Twitter Files release, details how the FBI pressured Twitter to find evidence of foreign influence on the platform, despite Twitter having said that what the FBI was looking for was not in existence

Stanford University Professor of Medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Was Censored On Twitter After His COVID Lockdown Warnings And Says “Unspecified Agents” Were Behind Blacklisting – “I was put on a trend blacklist the moment I joined”

On Sunday, Twitter alerted users to a new policy, entitled the “Promotion of alternative social platforms policy,” which is a new rule about advertising other social media platforms on Twitter

Only Ron DeSantis Can Win in 2024, his time is now or it will never happen – Trump is the weakest he’s ever been politically and will also be in his mid-70s – Trump’s record is mixed at best although his heart is in the right place

An Internal Email Shows Major Problem Was Identified in Maricopa County: “There’s a 15,000 Difference Somewhere” – Given that a razor-thin 17,000 votes decided the race between Lake and Hobbs, one can imagine the questions raised

ZH: More people have been admitted to hospital with influenza than Covid for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic began, according to the latest figures by the UK Health Security Agency

Deep State Suspicions – This week both the FBI and CIA are in the line of fire.

JD Rucker: Donald Trump Leads Florida Governor Ron DeSantis by 23-Points in The Latest 2024 Primary Poll, with Mike Pence Coming In a Distant Third

Tens of thousands of economic migrants invited by President Joe Biden are displacing Americans from homeless shelters just before Christmas, according to the Wall Street Journal

Why Are Communists So Determined to Destroy The US? – The Education Arena, as we will see here, is the first refuge of scoundrels

Sharyl Attkisson: TSA spends $18.6 million on “non-binary screening systems” – People who say their gender was improperly assumed may now ask for a re-screening before a physical pat-down

December 17, 2022

Four major U.S. defense contractors sponsored a Washington, D.C., party for the 31st anniversary of the Ukrainian armed forces as they stand to gain billions from the ongoing war in Ukraine, according to a report

Emails from the FBI to Twitter released on Dec. 16 showed bureau officials flagging specific people for Twitter to take action against, bolstering evidence that the government and Big Tech have been colluding to censor Americans

Harvard/Harris Poll: Two-Thirds of Voters Believe Social Media Engaged in Politically-Motivated Censorship and Demand Congressional Action – The media continues to ignore new evidence of FBI coordination in censorship with Twitter

The EV Zero Emissions Scam – For now and the foreseeable future, the energy required to manufacture and power electric cars will leave a sizable carbon footprint

On Wednesday, Biden told the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit that the United States, along with other G-7 countries, will donate $8 billion in public and private funds to South Africa to get them off coal and on renewables

ZH: The city of Denver declared a state of emergency on Thursday to stave off a local humanitarian crisis amid an influx of illegal aliens from the southern border, mainly from El Paso, Texas

A Judge Rules Major Part of a California Gun Control Bill Is Blocked – The bill in question, AB 1594, is essentially a gun control version of Texas Senate Bill 8, also known as the heartbeat law

Congress Wages Total War on America’s Interests – The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) wages war on nuclear powers abroad and American families at home

Michelle Obama’s final book release event was held this week in Los Angeles – Hosted by Oprah Winfrey, It was supposed to promote Michelle’s new book, but was just another “under the radar” 2024 presidential campaign event

“The People Have Spoken”: Elon Musk Backtracks And Brings Back Journalists and Pundits He Recently Suspended After Reviewing The Results Of A Twitter User Poll Asking Whether Or Not He Should Do So

The Third Annual Hoax of the Year Awards – I bring you this year’s group of highly anticipated and remarkably exquisite hoaxes along with a special new award, the “Lifetime Hoax Achievement Award”

ZH: Global banking giants are starting a 12-week “digital dollar” pilot with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Citigroup Inc, HSBC Holdings Pl, Mastercard Inc, and Wells Fargo & Co are among the financial companies participating

ZH: Universities are poisoning the well of knowledge – Free speech was once sacrosanct, but now it’s a case of defending dogmas

Sharyl Attkisson: More than 2/3 of voters believe Covid-19 came from a Chinese research lab, and agree that Dr. Anthony Fauci testify under oath in a congressional investigation according to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A growing number of people are requesting blood that comes from unvaccinated patients – One high-profile case involves a 4-month-old baby in New Zealand who needs surgery for a heart valve disorder

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: DIE HARDER EDITION – The spectacular fall of leftist poster boy Sam Bankman-Fried is another reminder that leftist dreams die hard

December 16, 2022

Earlier this month Joe Biden announced a $36 billion bailout for the Central States Pension Fund – The private fund has around 350,000 members and was intended to provide benefits for union employees, most of whom are Teamsters

Tucker Carlson warns that Biden’s missiles-to-Ukraine plan isn’t what Americans want – The use of Patriot missile systems will likely require U.S. soldiers to be on the ground in Ukraine

Woke Indoctrination Is Destroying the Military – It’s not a surprise that recruitment is down., but it is a massive problem

An Urgent Warning About Command of the Eurasian Seas – Is the U.S. prepared to enforce the geopolitical pluralism of Eurasia?

DEEP STATE: Why Has the FBI Become So Political? – FBI interference in our elections threatens our liberties and subverts our Constitution

Newly Released Files Indicate Twitter Acted As If They Were A Subsidiary Of The FBI – Between January 2020 and November 2022, there were over 150 emails between the FBI and former Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth

JD Rucker: Latest Twitter Files: The Deep State Is a Tangled Collaboration of State Agencies, Private Contractors, and NGOs – We suspected Deep State involvement but didn’t realize just how intermingled their operations were

The National Archives and Records Administration intends to release hundreds of emails from 2014 when Joe Biden was VP under Obama, referencing Hunter Biden and his foreign business deals unless stopped by the White House

Justice Department Lies About Absent Prosecutor – Just like everything out of Garland’s department, the notion that Jack Smith is in charge and his staff is “independent” is a total fabrication

It’s Not Over Yet: Kari Lake won a legal victory Friday when the judge overseeing her legal challenge of November’s election granted her team access to review some randomly selected“ballot-on-demand” and early cast ballots

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will again make changes to the naturalization test, reducing the difficulty of both the English-speaking section and civics section in response to “feedback received by stakeholders”

ZH: These Are The Richest Billionaires In Each Country – While there are nearly 8 billion people in the world, just over 3,000 are billionaires as of November 2022

TIPP Insights: Bidenflation, At 13.2%, Continues To Hurt Americans – Biden and the media celebrate slaying inflation as Americans struggle with high prices during the holiday season

The Senate blocked Manchin from attaching amended legislation promoting oil and gas drilling to the National Defense Authorization Act, despite Joe Biden’s support for it – A 47–47 vote defeated his objective as 60 votes were required

The Looming Demise of ESG and Virtue Investing – The “virtue economy” bubble is indeed bursting, and we are watching it in real-time

Twitter and Dangerous Thought – The belief, that mere thinking can be wrong and worthy of censorship, is an escalation by the cancel culture mob. – Banning people for their thoughts and words is Orwellian at its worst

Social media platforms should not be thought-policing for Joe Biden – We have reached the point that people’s First Amendment rights are being violated as they work with the government to suppress certain discussions online

Elon Musk Hops Onto A Voice Chat And Tells Group of Journalists The Last Thing They Want to Hear – If you want to annoy someone who thinks they’re special, tell them they’re not special and then put action to those words…

The Golden Globes and the Propaganda Reflex – The tired carping about “representation” has become the activist media’s rallying cry

John Daniel Davidson: Left-Wing Journalists Elon Musk Suspended From Twitter Got What They Deserved – Hypocritical reporters who thought of Twitter as their fiefdom are getting a little comeuppance, which is a good thing

The Republicans Who Voted Against Reinstating Troops Who Refused The Covid Vaccines – Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, and Mike Rounds of South Dakota

Is there a brilliant ulterior motive behind Trump’s digital baseball card fundraiser? – Trump may have devised a way to circumvent the requirement that a campaign must identify all donors, which can be dangerous for Trump supporters

Trump digital trading cards sell out in half a day – All 45,000 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) quickly sold out at $99 apiece, raising about $4.45 million

What the “Respect for Marriage Act” Really Achieves – The law, in part, requires private businesses to perform services they object to on moral grounds, consequently it should be called the “disrespect for personal freedom” act

ZH: The European Union Threatens Musk With Sanctions Over Suspending Certain Media For Doxxing Him, Although Doxing Is Not Allowed Under Twitter Rules – After Totally Ignoring Conservative Media Bans Under The Old Twitter

The Rapidly Dissipating Art of Thinking – Certain evolving modern attitudes are antithetical to a structured and sound thought process!

So Stealing Hurts Businesses?  – If you don’t lock up people who steal from stores, then the businesses will ultimately lose money and close – Well, more big city governments are learning the lesson the hard way

Housing First is the dominant approach to homelessness policy in America – It’s not working  so the only principled defense “Housing First” imperialists have left is the lack of adequate funding

The First Emmy Awards for Children Heavily Pushed LGBT Content And Far Left Concepts – The opening day host identifies as “pansexual” and described herself as “a gay icon” – Young girls danced in rainbow-colored outfits

Belgian federal police carried out 16 raids and charged four people in connection with an ongoing investigation into alleged bribes to members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from the Qatar government

December 15, 2022

A federal judge temporarily blocked the Biden administration from ending a Trump-era policy requiring asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico for hearings in U.S. immigration court – The impact on the program wasn’t immediately clear

The California PUC today overhauled the state’s rooftop solar regulations, reducing payments to homeowners for excess power but providing nearly a billion dollars in incentives to encourage more solar projects for low-income homes

A report by Republicans on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence concludes there are “indications” the COVID-19 pandemic is tied to China’s biological weapons research program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

DHS’s Plan For The Expected Border Surge: Pre-Legalize Illegal Migrants Before They Get to the Southern Border – CIS revealed this fast-expanding, legally questionable program back in November

Dereliction at the Southern Border – How can we get the Biden administration to reverse its open-borders policy? – Their  successful implementation of a purposeful policy of “No Activity” shows what they want in the long run is open borders

Sam Bankman-Fried’s Dirty Political Donations – FTX’s chief spent big-time on contributions – The recipients have some explaining to do

Tucker Carlson’s CIA-JFK Bombshells – The assassination of JFK marked the launch of the modern conspiracy theory movement and decades later, we’re still getting new information and it doesn’t look good for the CIA

41 House Democrats filed a bill to bar Donald Trump from running for president in 2024, citing section 3 of the 14th Amendment – “Donald Trump very clearly engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021, to overturn the lawful and fair results of the 2020 election…”

WSJ: The Senate Passes A $858 Billion Defense-Policy Bill and Stopgap Spending Fix – The NDAA provides pay raises for troops, funds military priorities, and puts an end to the Pentagon’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate

Ronna McDaniel Loses Republican Support Ahead of Vote for The RNC Chair – Key Republicans rescinded their support for her ahead of a vote that could see McDaniel replaced

Texas Governor Abbott asked his AG to open an investigation into NGOs who may have assisted in migrant border crossings into the state – This comes after record-setting large group crossings around El Paso over the weekend

The DOJ is suing AZ Governor Doug Ducey and his administration over the use of shipping containers to build a wall along the state’s southern border with Mexico to keep out illegal foreign nationals – They filed the lawsuit Wednesday

Twitter Suspended The Accounts of Journalists From CNN, The New York Times, And The Washington Post Under Their New Doxxing Policy – Musk indicated they revealed his exact location, potentially putting him and his family in danger

Newly released documents reveal the US government used a secret Twitter portal to censor COVID-19 contradicting the government’s narrative – They reveal that the CDC collaborated with UNICEF and the WHO to mitigate “disinformation”

Senators Grassley And Hawley Allege the Biden Administration Redacted Critical Details About The Disinformation Governance Board In Documents They Received – “It is still “impossible to know the full extent of DHS’s ‘burgeoning’ counter-disinformation efforts”

Two new CA laws go into effect on January 1, 2023 – Senate Bill 357 decriminalizes “loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution” – The other bill, AB 2147, legalizes jaywalking when the pedestrian can reasonably assume a safe crossing

CA’s Ludicrous Slave Reparations Bill – Newsom’s Reparations Task Force is considering an estimated $569 billion to be paid to residents for reparations (2.5 times CA’s current state budget) even though CA was never a slave state

California approves a far-reaching strategy for tackling climate change – Over the next 20 years CA will need about 30 times more electric vehicles, 6 times more household electric appliances to replace gas appliances, and 4 times more wind and solar generation capacity

Steve Kirsch: Celine Dion was disabled from a KNOWN SIDE EFFECT of the COVID vaccine (99.6% certainty) – US government data shows it likely gave her “Stiff Person Syndrome” but she can’t sue because of the liability protection

Steve Kirsch: Do you know anyone who died in 2021 or 2022? – If so, please fill out a short survey for me that is very important as it could end all debate – *ANY* cause of death qualifies for this survey!

Although the GOP position was to oppose the bill, several lame-duck Republican House members passed a resolution to keep the federal government running until December 23 in the hope of passing a massive budget bill by then

Former DNI Official Cliff Sims Warned That Hunter’s Laptop Was Not ‘Russian Disinformation, but CNN’s Natasha Bertrand Wrote The Now Discredited Story Anyway That Used Dozens of Former Intel Officials to Push The False Narrative

Biden, the unseen ghost at the funeral of his presidency – Few people believe he is calling the shots and believe he’s a puppet, willing to preside over the death of a nation to end his corrupt career at the pinnacle of the American government

Arizona 2022 Midterm Elections and Election Fraud Via Ballot Harvesting – Political polling is an art and statistically rigorous polls are generally within the ballpark, yet Arizona’s 2022 election results don’t make sense

DOJ Associate General Council Vanita Gupta admits to targeting pro-lifers as payback for the Supreme Court ruling on Roe vs. Wade – One example of the 26 scalps she has taken is the case of Mark Houck…

US Experts Raise Concerns about China Cornering Market for Old-Generation Chip Technology – The move is causing concerns among experts about this development posing a significant international security threat

China Is Going After Dissidents That Are On U.S. Soil – The U.S. Justice Department is fighting back

ZH: US Retail Sales Tumble In November – 9 of 13 retail categories fell last month including electronics, furniture, and building materials stores – Vehicle sales also declined, due in part to a drop in the prices of used cars and trucks

Why The Redefinition Of The Word “Woman” Matters – “The female of the human race” to “An adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth” and likewise for “Man”

Americans Are Warned To Be on Alert As Tech-Savvy Criminals Use Tracking Device To Stalk and Steal – Reported misuse of Apple’s AirTag became so numerous the iPhone maker issued a statement claiming misuse was rare

The major left-leaning networks NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC spent only 14 minutes between them covering Elon Musk’s ongoing release of the Twitter files, which highlighted a policy of censorship based on their political alignment

Bari Weiss: Our Twitter Reporting – Musk, “I did it because I was worried about the future of civilization” – He wants to transform Twitter into a widely trusted social media platform/digital town square where all ideas can be heard

Money Meets The Mafia – Corruption, treason, and Mafia-like tactics of government may be finally exposed – So widespread it:s incomprehensible to the average American – Kash Patel refers to this behavior as “American gangsters”

ZH: A “close associate” of SBF tipped off Bahamian regulators days before the FTX collapse he had likely funneled customer money into his hedge fund, Alameda Research, which helped accelerate the former billionaire’s downfall

ZH: When asked whether or not the Biden campaign would return 2020 contributions from Bankman-Fried, “White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre wouldn’t say Tuesday whether President Biden” would ask aides to return the cash

Bad news for Democrats: They may have to return Sam Bankman-Fried’s $40 million in campaign donations – Now that he’s bankrupt and under arrest, Bloomberg reports that investigators are going to try to get some of the money back

A massive caravan of 5,000+ illegals recently crossed the border in what is described as “a stunning surge” and where will they end up? – Everywhere inside the US, courtesy of several non-profits working directly with the Biden administration

Republican Senator Josh Hawley charged Wednesday that the Biden administration is purposefully allowing the migrant crisis to worsen and that they are “executing their plan” to completely dissolve the Southern border

Democrats sent a letter to FB/Meta, begging they keep Donald Trump banned from their platforms – Mark Zuckerberg announced that the sitting President of the US had been suspended “indefinitely” just one day after the Jan. 6 riots

Joe Biden claims critics of children undergoing life-altering sex-change surgery are racist because it’s “all connected”  claiming surgically removing or altering the genitalia of “transgender children” is a way to “protect” kids…

It’s All About Saving Kids’ Lives – The Keller Independent School District, in the western side of the Dallas-Ft Worth metro area, has decided to allow some teachers and school employees to carry a gun

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Is Immunity Debt Real, or Should You Keep Kids in a Bubble? – Children who aren’t exposed to germs regularly have different microbiomes that play a decisive role in how well one’s immune system works

December 14, 2022

The Russians Are Laughing At Us, As They Should – Joe Biden swapped Victor Bout for WNBA basketball star Brittney Griner, a black woman married to another black woman, because of his commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community

The curious timing of Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto-bust – Democrats and perhaps Republicans were spared  embarrassment as he was conveniently arrested in the Bahamas, hours before his Zoom testimony before Waters’ hearing

Victor Davis Hanson: Two Antithetical Billionaires – Hatred of the accomplished Musk and the worship of the hollow man Bankman-Fried are sad commentaries on how liberalism has descended into progressivism and ultimately into Stalinism

Mike Lindell officially announced he is running for Ronna McDaniel’s job to displace the RINO as the Chairman of the RNC who claims she has secured the votes to win, yet some executive committees in the State GOPs want her fired and out

WSJ: The Senate Passes A Bill Banning TikTok From Government Devices – This social-media app has come under scrutiny over CCP-based parent ByteDance

Republicans say the latest installment of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” show that censorship ran amok at the social media giant leading up to and after the 2020 election – Republicans are eyeing investigatory hearings next month

The Department of Homeland Security Says It Will Close Gaps Along Southwest Border Wall as the End of Title 42 Looms – Enacted in 1942, Title 42 was designed to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases in the United States

A Lawsuit Was Filed to Halt Removal of Northern CA Klamath River Hydroelectric Dams – “When politically expedient, the governors of California and Oregon turn a blind eye to dramatic and substantial environmental damages”

Analysis of Republican National Committee Spending Since 2017 Shows Millions Of Dollars Were Spent on Private Jets, Limousines, Luxury Retreats, Broadway Shows, And More

Sharyl Attkisson: A Grand Jury report investigating Loudoun County Public Schools was unsealed – It found the school district was looking out for itself instead of the students best interest, resulting in a preventable sexual assault…

The US Land “Shortage” Is The Result of Artificial Growth Limits – The United States isn’t running out of land, but urban growth boundaries and other government controls are limiting the amount of property that can be developed

8 Times Our Federal Government Ran A Protect-Biden Racket – Apparently, the only thing as strong as the get-Trump attitude of the deep state is the protect-Biden stance of the federal government

62% of Democrats May Have “Changed” Their 2020 Election Vote If They Knew Truth About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

ZH: The Biden Administration’s DOJ Funneled Millions in Taxpayer Funds to Chinese Communist Party-Linked Energy Firm LanzaTech

WSJ: The Fed Raises The Interest Rate by 0.5 Of A Percentage Point, Signaling More Increases Are Likely – Most officials penciled in plans to raise rates above 5% next year, higher than previously expected

The Fed’s revised dot plot that will acknowledge the need to raise rates higher than previously anticipated to halt inflation –  The dot for next year is likely to show the median at 4.875% compared with the 4.625% estimated in September

ZH: For countries that see their CPI exceeding 5%, it takes around 10 years for it to fall back to 2% – The Fed does not meet again until February. So the dot plot will likely be the most talked about piece of Fed info between now and then

For decades Democrats have been moving the U.S. from the civil society it was designed to be to the coercive society they want to be in control of – They have a long history of ignoring the Constitution when it impedes their objectives

You’ll Own Nothing, and Hate It – As property ownership increasingly becomes a pipe dream, many young people are turning to socialism, not understanding the long-term consequences

ICE is Told to Stand Down in Advance of the Coming Post-Title 42 Onslaught – We shouldn’t have to choose between criminal aliens on the streets or criminal migrants at the borders

The Department of State’s PRM announced a public-private initiative with the Tent Partnership for Refugees “to support employment opportunities and economic integration for refugees and other forcibly displaced people around the world”

Amid early signs that high inflation is starting to cool the U.S. central bank is expected to lift the federal funds rate by 50 basis points on Wednesday, a slightly smaller increase than previous increases approved at the past four meetings

JD Rucker: AZ Senator Borrelli Files A Lawsuit Seeking to “Nullify the Results” of Maricopa County’s Election Along With Several Unnamed Mojave County Voters That Joined The Lawsuit – This “lesser” lawsuit may be bigger than we think

Kari Lake Gives A ‘Critical Update’ on “The Strongest Election Lawsuit in US History” – Her lawsuit questions the admissibility of 300,000 ballots with no chain of custody and ballots that failed to pass the test of signature verification

Upwards of 70% of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud – We’re learning it’s deeper and more organized than just a few thousand people dropping fake ballots into election boxes – The corruption involves both political parties

Perhaps the most important outcome of Elon Musk’s document releases is the broadening recognition that Twitter, Facebook, Google, et al., are part of extensive government propaganda operations

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey confessed he “completely gave up” on trying to fend off internal activist forces within Twitter and that Trump’s suspension from the platform illustrated to him how big tech has become far too powerful

Howard Galganov: ARE VOTER FRAUD & CENSORSHIP THE GREATEST THREATS TO AMERICAN FREEDOMS? – The Following Facts Don’t Even Begin To Scratch The Surface

America’s most prominent medical journal advocates accepting transgenderism, but Emeritus Professor of Internal Medicine Neil A. Kurtzman exposes their propaganda as arrogant, politically motivated nonsense

THE SUICIDE OF HISTORY IN ACADEMIA – Americans want their children to know their history and to use it to inform and energize civic life, but they do not want history twisted to promote ideological ends

The Most Frightening Words in America Today, Capitalism – For the first 150 years of the republic, the government did not interfere with this miracle – Today, it meddles with the economy, placing this economic miracle in jeopardy

The Tehama County decision to end daytime patrols was rooted in 2 problems plaguing law enforcement across CA and the country – Not enough qualified recruits and the inability to pay deputies enough to keep them very long

The World Suddenly Realizes China’s Covid Stats Are Made Of Cloth – Since early in the pandemic, virologists raised questions about China’s official mortality figures, challenging the way that the country’s hospitals classify Covid deaths

The soon-to-be chairmen of the House Oversight and Reform and Judiciary committees announced they are launching an investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and will be requesting transcribed interviews with some 40 individuals…

December 13, 2022

The Biden administration braces for potentially 14,000 migrants a day – A new rule is in the process of being finalized that would provide factors that would lead to people being considered ineligible for asylum

Senator Patrick Leahy announced they have “reached a bipartisan, bicameral framework that should allow us to finish an omnibus appropriations bill that can pass the House and Senate and be signed into law by the President”

Democrat Oregon Governor Kate Brown commuted the state’s death sentences ahead of leaving the office – “Justice is not advanced by taking a life, and the state should not be in the business of executing people even if a terrible crime placed them in prison”

Criminal Charges Against FTX Cryptocurrency Founder And Democrat Megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried Have Been Unsealed – He Faces Life In Prison And Has Been Denied Bail

Musk’s Success Drives Progressives Crazy – He sees Twitter for the business opportunity that it is, a truly open forum that will attract conservatives, moderates, and independents, along with that rare creature that was once called a liberal

Gavin Newsom’s $700 million Encampment Resolution Fund grant program to close down homeless encampments and get people into housing and shelter is handing out another $240 million – Does it get the homeless off of the streets?

Newsom owes his success to privilege and connections – His ride to the top was powered by family links to high-level politicians and a father-son relationship with a billionaire that provided him with growing power based on a spoils system

The SEC Charges Samuel Bankman-Fried with Defrauding Investors in Crypto Asset Trading Platform FTX – He concealed his diversion of FTX customers’ funds to crypto trading firm Alameda Research while raising more than $1.8 billion from investors

ENERGY Who’s More Un-American: Oil Companies Or Joe Biden? – On his first day in office, Biden shut down construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and at one point he paused all oil and gas leases…

WSJ: A Nuclear-Fusion Breakthrough Accelerates The Quest to Unlock A Limitless Energy Source – An experiment yields net-positive energy, a major milestone in the effort to develop nuclear fusion as a source of clean power

Controlling the DOJ – Their political persecution and years of pre-trial incarceration for some January 6th protestors in direct violation of the 6th Amendment and obsession to indict and convict Donald Trump of any specious federal crime

Iranian soccer star Amir Nasr-Azadani faces execution after campaigning for women’s rights and freedoms – 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in custody after not adhering to Iran’s strict dress code, launching protests against the regime

The Supreme Court Weighs The Biden Administration’s Enforcement Restrictions –  The Solicitor General all but invites the GOP to “make Biden’s life difficult” if they want the law enforced

While explaining why New York City would begin removing mentally ill people from the city streets, even if they posed no obvious threat to others, Mayor Eric Adams said that we had a “moral obligation” to help them – He’s right

The Twitter Files Overshadow The Bigger Scandal: The FBI Lied To Tech Giants To Interfere In Election – Not only did they  prompt Twitter and Facebook to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story, but they also did so by deceiving the companies

Elon Musk, who has never called himself a conservative, is now the nation’s foremost culture warrior – His unwillingness to swallow the orthodoxies of the elite mainstream media and progressive establishment has made him a heretic

America is no longer one country or people as more than half are not Americans in any meaningful sense of the term” but rather aliens and native-born fallen away patriots and socialist progressives who don’t ascribe to American traditions

The judge overseeing Kari Lake’s electoral lawsuit ordered Lake, Secretary of State and Arizona Governor-elect Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors officials, and others to appear at a court hearing on Tuesday

IPSOS Global Climate Change Survey: People in 30 countries across five continents gave their views on what they thought was causing climate change – Nearly four out of ten people believe it is natural and not man-made…

Sam Bankman-Fried, the ex-CEO of bankrupt crypto trading firm FTX was arrested in the Bahamas after the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York shared a sealed indictment with the Bahamian government

ZH: The SEC will file charges against FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried relating to securities law violations, accusing him of “orchestrating a scheme to defraud equity investors in FTX” and seeking to ban him from the cryptocurrency industry

An urgent issue is the conduct of the FBI which created a landscape where censorship and disinformation could thrive and possibly change the outcome of the last presidential election

The Left and their RINO allies created the most complicated electoral fraud system in history – EVERY step of the voting process from who is allowed to vote, how they vote, how the votes are tallied, to how the results are reported, is compromised

All the proof you need that the left wants to confiscate your guns – Gun registration laws and expanded background checks unconstitutionally assert government control over private property and identify who and where gun owners are

Governor DeSantis Announces A Petition to Investigate “Any Wrongdoing” Concerning the Covid Vaccines – In Florida, it’s against the law to mislead and to misrepresent, particularly when you’re talking about the efficacy of a drug

ZH: Twitter has relaunched its “Blue Check” paid subscription to gain higher visibility, the ability to post longer videos, and fewer ads – It costs $8 a month if you sign up via Twitter’s website, but $11 if you do it through Apple’s App Store

December 12, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Trip to Saudi Arabia Shows Gulf Drifting to China – The latest setbacks for Joe Biden in the Middle East – The “Non-interference” Doctrine Benefits China and Arab Countries Alike

Our Fading Deterrence: China knows about it full well – Joe Biden is not about to begin to care, along with military leaders that proper pronoun usage is more important than military readiness

Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh, and Mark Finchem, nominees for state government positions in Arizona, on Friday filed three separate lawsuits to formally contest the midterm election results that saw their Democrat opponents win

Michelle Obama: Censor-in-Chief – Twitter Files reveal Trump’s ban came after Michelle and others pressured the company – Journalist Michael Shellenberger reported They faced ‘internal and external pressure,’ before banning Trump

The latest Elon Musk release of “Twitter files” was published Monday, revealing more internal details about how and why the social media firm suspended former President Donald Trump’s account in January 2021

The Seth Rich Case Gets Richer The FBI claims the second computer of the slain DNC staffer is not an “actual record” –  FBI records boss Michael Seidel claims that a computer is only a physical object, not an “actual forensic record”

There was a time in America when schools did the job they were supposed to do – “Transgenderism” indoctrination did not exist and schools prepared the future generation to succeed in the real world, unfortunately, that has now changed

Pete Buttigieg often flies on taxpayer-funded private jets, flight data show – This Biden Cabinet member has taken at least 18 flights on taxpayer-funded private jets, despite his constant calls to curb carbon emissions

Progressives’ Nationalization Of US Energy – The only aspect that has yet to be finalized would be ‘nationalizing energy’ –  That means electric vehicles retrofit with automatic cutoff capability via a social credit, or perhaps not…

The U.S. Department of Energy appears to have parted ways with Sam Brinton, the nonbinary Biden administration nuclear official who is facing charges for allegedly stealing two pieces of luggage at two separate airports

In recent months, Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson were lost by Russian forces – It is highly unlikely that the Russian military can generate an effective striking force capable of retaking these areas

SEC Chairman Gary Gensler scrubbed mention of a meeting with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and key details of a meeting with billionaire Democrat donor George Soros from the public version of his calendar

Household wealth dropped by $13.5 trillion from Jan. to Sep. for the second-worst destruction on record  – The bear market in stocks and rapid inflation eroded the real wealth of American households during the first three quarters of 2022

The Open Liberal Rooting for Trump 2024 Run For President Has Begun – When your political enemies tell you whom they fear and whom they don’t, you should listen

SILENCE OF THE SHAMS – With the revelations of recent Twitter files on suppression of her Hunter Biden Laptop article, NY Post columnist Miranda Devine has a few thoughts regarding the deafening silence of her colleagues in the media

Twitter Release +5: Members of the “scaled enforcement team” came to view Trump as the leader of a terrorist group, and so responsible for violence and deaths – On that basis, and the totality of his Tweets, he should be de-platformed”

Did Twitter Suppress Covid Lockdown Protests? – As Twitter’s anti-democratic tactics are revealed, Elon Musk needs to determine whether one of our most basic rights was also subverted, the right to protest peacefully

Elon Musk targeted former WH medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a pair of viral tweets on Sunday, including one that appears to call for legal action against the man who has been a lightning rod of criticism over COVID-19 lockdowns

Schweizer: There’s A Cover-Up for Joe Biden – “This it’s not ultimately a Hunter Biden story. It is a Joe Biden story”

Howard Galganov: CAN THERE EVER AGAIN BE A FAIR ELECTION IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? – Before You Can Fix What’s Broken You Have To Acknowledge That It’s Broken

More tales of legalized corruption from Washington D.C. – These examples provide some insight into the functioning of the DC Establishment and Deep State

The RNC has paid Harmeet Dhillon’s law firm nearly $900,000 since 2021 – His law firm is representing the RNC under McDaniel in several lawsuits, even as she is running against McDaniel for her post

Video reports from El Paso, Texas, indicate that a record-setting group of  1,000+ migrants crossed the border overnight  – Border Patrol agents reportedly have more than 5,000 in custody with nowhere to place new migrant arrivals

The Harm That Will Result From “The Merchant of Death,” Viktor Bout, Swap – With this prisoner swap, our covert negotiators signaled to high-value criminals that a prisoner trade is not only possible but has been done with Viktor Bout

Will Kari Lake Prevail in Her Election Lawsuit? – When the forecast for AZ Governor candidate Kari Lake to win did not materialize on Election Day, tabulator and printer issues in Maricopa County were suspect, but it goes well beyond that

Biden and fellow Democrats make a big deal about firearm deaths to push gun-grabbing, background checks, ammo control, gun control, etc., presumably to stop them, but a closer look at the statistics tells a far different story

The AP recently updated the abortion topical guide in its Stylebook that “late-term abortion” be scrapped for “abortion later in pregnancy” – When you control the language, you control the people, because you effectively control thought

Dr. Robert Malone: Welcome to Fifth Generation (Information) Warfare – “The basic idea behind this term [fifth-generation warfare] is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the minds of common citizens”

ZH: As the world moves towards net-zero emissions, sustainable and affordable power sources are urgently needed – Nuclear Fusion, has attracted the attention of governments and private companies like Chevron and Google

Their Homeless Hypocrisy on Full Display as New LA Mayor Karen Bass Is Sworn In – They planned to remove the vast homeless encampments surrounding City Hall for her inauguration – A Rain Forecast Changed Everything

Why Justin Trudeau Just Keeps on Winning- Once multiculturalism became king in Canada, the winning political party is the one that knows how to play the “ethnic card”

Twitter’s co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey is facing possible perjury charges after new evidence has emerged that suggests he lied about the company’s “shadow-banning” of conservatives while testifying before Congress

The Canadian government prepares to “expand care” while euthanizing more citizens – Canada’s medical community isn’t the only one that’s infected with a virus of inverted morality, philosophies of commoditized life now permeate the medical sectors around the world

The Biden Bucks Blowout – Local governments are spending hundreds of billions of dollars in federal handouts, financed by printing money, for dubious needs

The Donald Makes Tim Cook Do The Right Thing, Again – Tim Cook and Joe Biden bask in the glow of a commitment to on-shored tech capacity that two years back, even the New York Times labeled as a “win for Trump”

A retired U.S. Navy SEAL, who became famous after coming out as transgender, has announced he has “de-transitioned” while also revealing that going transgender has “destroyed my life”

A Viral Immunology Professor Explains Why He Does Not Want “Vaccinated” Blood – “Since the general blood supply is now tainted with “fully vaccinated,” spike protein-laden chemical blood, demand for pure blood is soaring”

December 11, 2022

The DOE is to announce scientists have now been able to produce a fusion reaction creating a net energy gain – A major milestone in the decades-long quest to develop a technology that provides unlimited, cheap, and clean power

Donald Trump says he turned down a swap Paul Whelan in exchange for “Merchant of Death” Viktor Bout while in office – “I wouldn’t make the deal for a hundred people in exchange for someone that killed untold numbers with his arms deals”

Why The Moore v. Harper Case Concerning The Definition Of “Legislature” As Used In The Elections Clause Terrifies Democrats – It gives the Supreme Court a chance to end interference by state courts in federal elections

Corporate Media Ignores the Biggest Story of the Decade, Mass censorship – Without the free exchange of information and debate the public remains ignorant, and crisis events have an increasing potential to explode

The media’s silence on the “Twitter Files” is shameful – What happened to “All the news that’s fit to print,” and “Democracy dies in darkness,” the mottos of the two most influential newspapers in the country, The NYT and The WP?

Why Is Joe Biden Still Trying To Raise The Iran Nuclear Deal From The Dead? – Rather than simply wielding the big stick and helping Iran’s beleaguered population to achieve regime change

The Most Selfish Generation – Generation X (1965–1980), And Even millennials (1980–1995) Show A Declining Work Ethic and Respect for Laws, Rules, and Religious Strictures

This fall, as the midterm elections approached, Delaware County, a leafy suburb west of Philadelphia became Pennsylvania’s ballot-harvesting leader – and perhaps the nation’s

Amsterdam is launching an offensive to attract tourists interested first and foremost in its architecture and museums, along with efforts to bar those who are primarily attracted by its Red Light District and drug dens

A German Molecular Biologist Unveils The Concept of The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility – It’s a perfect solution for women who had their uterus surgically removed due to cancer or other complications

Democrats are trying to push their omnibus spending bill through Congress, but can’t reach an agreement – The federal government is currently funded through Dec. 16 thanks to a continuing resolution passed by Congress last September

Musk warns Twitter’s “woke” employees he will sue any staff members leaking confidential information to the media – This comes after “secret leftists” working at Twitter are leaking information to the liberal press in violation of their NDAs

Musk Is Right – His vision for Twitter largely reflects the proper instincts about free speech and transparency – Forget the arguments over the 1st Amendment and Section 230 and consider things from the perspective of the consumer for now

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is fighting tooth and nail to withhold data from the laptops of slain DNC staff member Seth Rich – Mr. Rich may have been the conduit for Hillary Clinton emails published by WikiLeaks, in 2016

Rasmussen/NumbersUSA Poll: A majority of Americans who voted in the 2022 midterm elections favor policies to end illegal immigration and bring legal immigration under control – 58% believe the government is doing too little to reduce illegal border crossings and visitor overstays

Is Ayn Rand’s prophecy of doom coming true? – The rush by Western nations to abandon fossil fuels and punish those involved in extracting and producing them is suicidal – There is no way to quickly transition to solar, wind, and electric without causing massive disruption

California High-Speed Rail: Low Speed Fail – High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) claims it will build a power system of its own that costs more than NASA’s Artemis project

NASA’s Artemis 1 Mission to The Moon Nears Completion With The Return of The Orion Spacecraft – One major objective during the final leg of the moon mission is testing a heat shield that protects the craft’s crew module

December 10, 2022

Sharyl Attkisson: The United Health Foundation released its 2022 America’s Health Rankings which analyzes the overall health of our 50 states and marks the return of the rankings after a two-year hiatus

Defunct Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Used QuickBooks for Its Accounting Software – For any corporate accountant, this is crazy – QuickBooks is a great tool for a small company or startup but it’s not suitable for a billion-dollar company

The latest Twitter files release reveals that executives created justifications to ban Trump – Internal communications show Yoel Roth devising a “strike” system to justify banning Trump – “Progress!” exclaimed a member of his team

Elon Musk Exposes Real Reason Twitter Censored Former President Donald Trump – “The context surrounding” the actions of Trump and his supporters “throughout the election and frankly last 4+ years”

Twitter’s Pre-Musk pedophile problem and other important points – Twitter managed to ban or shadow-ban conservative sites, no matter how small, it couldn’t seem to ban pedophiles who openly used Twitter for their sick needs

House GOP leaders warned President Biden that Elon Musk will testify before Congress on Twitter’s efforts to censor Americans and meddle in elections on behalf of the Democrats – They have already talked to Musk or his team

Kari Lake Officially Files A 70-Page Lawsuit Challenging Maricopa County Officials In the 2022 Election – Here Are the Details

A Federal Appeals Court Permanently Blocks The Biden Administration’s Transgender Mandate – The HHS’s panel of medical experts acknowledged that gender-transition procedures can be harmful and in many cases not medically justified

The European Union is introducing new laws that will ban transactions over €10,000 ($10,557) in their push toward a cashless society – They also seek to impose stricter controls on cryptocurrency payments above 1,000 euros ($1,055)

The European Union will scrap airplane mode next year and replace it with updated 5G services, giving passengers full use of their mobile devices during a flight — but the United States may not follow in its footsteps

Silicon Valley employees who work from home have been put on notice – Management at several tech companies have told employees they’ll be required to come into the office at least three days a week if they want to keep their jobs

Ukrainian nationalists have presented a distorted history of Ukraine – The idea of Soviet occupation of Ukraine is contemporary revisionist history designed to forge a Ukrainian identity entirely separate from Russia

How Russiagate Was Used to Justify FBI Election Interference – The false “Russian Collusion” narrative of 2016 became the pretext for the bureau to put its thumb on the scale for Joe Biden in 2020

The Washington Examiner’s Byron York says former Donald Trump is still influential with the Republican base, – “His influence is slipping even though he remains very influential with maybe as much as half of it”

Maricopa Counting Voting Irregularities Keep Piling Up – It’s been a month since the November election and it’s obvious that serious irregularities exist…

Is Mitch McConnell’s iron grip on the Senate starting to weaken? – Challenging McConnell’s thirty-year reign, ten senators recently voted to oppose his 2022 reappointment

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Is the Cause of Alzheimer’s Connected to Your Mouth? – Researchers identified, a pathogen involved in chronic periodontitis, in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: TWITS EVERYWHERE EDITION – This week brought out supreme competition for Twit of the Week

December 9, 2022

Why Does the GOP Elite Hate Its Base? – In the midst of a lame-duck Congress and aftermath of a disappointing midterm election, we have gleaned even more indicia about the level of scorn Republican elites reserve for their own voters

WSJ: Why the ‘Smart’ Party Never Learns – If your views by definition are enlightened and progressive, why should you step outside of the pervasive Liberal Bubble and bother understanding the views of the other side?

Elon Musk says he will delete 1.5 billion Twitter accounts to free up usernames for current users – He will also add a feature to enable Twitter users to see the number of people that read or interact with their tweets

The Biden Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new rules on Friday restricting the use of refrigerators, air conditioning equipment, and heat pumps that utilize hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) starting in 2025

GOP Senators are seeking information from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) over allegations that the department “knowingly” places some unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors in the hands of criminals

Trump was censored by Twitter “under pressure from federal agencies” before being banned – “As the election approached, senior executives – perhaps under pressure from federal agencies, with whom they met more…

Can The  Biden Administration Ignore Immigration Law? – DOJ lawyers want a free pass so they can ignore Congress – The statute codified in 8 U.S.C. Section 1226, the best and only, tool at their disposal: “prosecutorial discretion”…

ZH: THE TWITTER FILES: The Removal Of Donald Trump, Part 1 – In this episode, which is a 3-parter, we learn what happened behind the scenes which led to the banishment of former President Donald Trump from the platform

Russian state media and lawmakers praised President Vladimir Putin after Moscow sent WNBA star Brittney Griner to the U.S. for convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, hailing the prisoner swap as a “capitulation by America”

The Merchant of Death Is Back in Business – Biden chose a photo-op over what will almost certainly lead to dead Americans – At one point, Viktor Bout was # 2 on the world’s “Most Wanted” list — right behind Osama Bin Ladin

Joe Biden on Friday authorized fresh $275 million in military aid for Ukraine offering new capabilities to defeat drones and strengthen air defenses, according to a memo released by the White House

America’s Power Plants Are Being Destroyed by Sabotage – “In recent attacks, criminal actors bypassed security fences by cutting the fence links, lighting nearby fires, shooting equipment from a distance…”

Ex-Twitter executives face a GOP gauntlet –  The latest “Twitter Files” dump calls into question former CEO’s testimony under oath that Twitter doesn’t “shadow ban” – Jim Jordan’s Judiciary Committee plans to investigate…

Elon Musk revealed on Friday that the head of Twitter’s “trust and safety” team, Yoel Roth, was the company’s de facto CEO before Musk acquired the social media platform in October

Lesley Podesta, who claims to be the niece of John Podesta, resigned from Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council on Thursday along with two others saying it is over their concern about the “wellbeing of Twitter’s users”…

Twitter owner Elon Musk is promising to institute transparency reforms after the latest release of “Twitter Files” that implicate the platform in “shadow-banning” its conservative users

California Was Just Named One of the Worst Judicial Hellholes in the Nation – Again Frivolous ‘no injury’ lawsuits continue to thrive in California costing taxpayers millions

Bloomberg: Elon Musk, continuing a shake-up at Twitter said the company will begin telling users if their posts have been shadow-banned or suppressed in any way and give them an avenue to appeal

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leads former President Donald Trump by five points in a potential 2024 Republicans primary matchup, a Yahoo News/YouGov poll found Thursday

Was The Video Of Brittney Griner’s Release Edited To Remove Handshake With TheRussian “Merchant Of Death’ ? – The optics wouldn’t go down well as even Democrats are slating the White House stating “it was the only deal on the table”

Tucker Carlson: In The Prisoner Swap, Is It Possible Paul Whelan “Paid the Price” for Being a Trump Voter? – The basketball player was there only a few months over the Marine facing 16 years

WSJ: Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema leaves the Democrat Party and registers as an independent – Sinema won’t say whether she will continue to caucus with Democrats

Dov Fischer: Brittney Griner Represents the Best of America? – An ingrate woman, a basketball player, was described by Joe Biden’s official mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Pierre, another masterpiece, as “representing the best of America”

I Am A Misinformation Denier – Misinformation does not and cannot, by definition, exist because it is not about describing factual information but about dismissing and denigrating personal opinion and belief that counters the promoted narrative

Producer Inflation Accelerates Again – The producer price index rose 0.3 percent in November – September and October were revised up from 0.2 percent to 0.3 percent, indicating inflation was already running hotter than previously thought

Taxpayers filing their 2022 taxes could be in for a “refund shock” – Some benefits that were enacted in response to the pandemic have expired since the last tax year, while others that still exist have reverted to their pre-pandemic levels

Republicans Are Immunized Against Change – The end of the vaccine mandate comes at a convenient moment for our weak Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives

Bari Weiss Thread: The Twitter Files, Part 2 – For easier consumption, I used the “ThreadReader” app to make her Twitter posts easier to read

Examples Of When Twitter Executives Lied To Our Faces About Their Insidious Shadow-Banning – The idea that Twitter granted users the ability to ‘share ideas’ ‘without barriers’ was a bald-faced lie

Jonathan Turley: Twitter and Democrats lied, lied, and lied again about censorship – George Orwell warned that “if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” That line has never been more relevant than now

Elon Musk Tells Hillary’s Lawyer To “Make Amends For Their Attempt To Corrupt A Presidential Election” – “Twitter isn’t using Perkins Coie and no company should use them until they make amends for Sussman’s attempt to corrupt a Presidential election”

Donald Trump to Elon Musk: Release The Twitter Files on My Suspension And Any Other 2020 Election-Related Decisions

The WEF: 21st Century Robber Barons  – The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders collective is a veritable who’s-who of politicians, tech titans, corporate executives, philanthropists, celebrities, and financiers worldwide

Electric vehicles are futile as a solution to the supposed “climate crisis” – Let this sink in, just two days of U.S. gasoline consumption can be attributed to EVs over 11 years, and what fuels are used to produce electricity for EVs…

On Thursday, a group of seven conservative House Republicans released a list of demands for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to consider if he wants to earn their support in his bid for Speaker of the House

When Populism and Socialism – Mainstream media headlines are sensationalizing a round-up in Germany of alleged “far-right” conspirators determined to overthrow the Federal Republic of Germany

A second felony arrest warrant has been issued for Democrat President Joe Biden’s “gender fluid” Department of Energy (DOE) official Sam Brinton over allegations of another luggage theft, according to reports

Yale Exposed, Follow the Money: “They Need HHS More Than They Need Its Students” –  Dr. Naomi Wolf’s husband found a shocking trail of evidence from a review of Yale’s records

Most Americans are concerned about the possibility of Covid vaccines having “major” side effects – 40% identified themselves as experiencing at least “minor” side effects from the jab, a recent Rasmussen Reports survey found

The Climate Alarmists Are Deeply Disturbed People – Not a single prediction of global warming catastrophe has occurred and the alarmists know their forecasts of doom have been consistently wrong

The mainstream media (MSM) wants the world to believe that climate change has turned us into rotisserie chickens. However, real-world temperatures are not warming to dangerous levels, nor are they going to

ZH: Climate-Change Lockdowns? Yup, They Are Going There – After establishing a precedent during the pandemic, now the elite intend to impose lockdowns for other reasons as well

Why Does the GOP Elite Hate Its Base? – Many Republicans have added their imprimaturs of legitimacy to the so-called Respect for Marriage Act

Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández was convicted and sentenced Tuesday to six years in prison and a lifetime ban from holding public office for a fraud scheme that embezzled $1 billion through public works projects during her presidency

December 8, 2022

A Shameful Prisoner Swap: “Antiracism is no way to conduct foreign policy”- Viktor Bout, an arms dealer and weapons smuggler who was convicted in 2011 of conspiring to murder American citizens

ZH: Why The US Got Brittney Griner Freed Instead Of A US Marine – Griner is a black lesbian basketball star, making her the ideal citizen in the current woke administration’s US while Whelan only served in the Marines and was a police officer

CIA National Security Apparatus Is Fighting to the Death to Keep The JFK Assassination Files Secret – A lawsuit alleges that the government has not met an obligation to release all files within 25 years of the assassination under the JFK Records Act of 1992

The Great Reset In Action: The government of the Netherlands has announced plans to force the sale and closure of 3,000 farms to meet strict new environmental guidelines put in place by the European Union

The Federalist asked these seven senators if they have any plan to remedy the unconstitutional censorship of voters and news during the 2020 election and not one of them responded

Twitter Files part two was released, exposing “secret blacklists” – Conservatives and lockdown skeptics were targeted by Twitter and tagged with secret internal tags such as “Do Not Amplify” and “Search Blacklist”

The Latest “Twitter Files” Bomb: It Wasn’t Just About Shadow-Banning – Twitter Had Entire Blacklists and We Have Names

Fortify or Die – If Republicans aim to protect their voters, they must secure the ballots of their voters, and to preserve the consent of the governed they must protect their voters from disenfranchisement

The Constitution Is Dead; All That’s Left Is Pay-For-Play – Today our judicial/political system has devolved into a political payoff for loyal democrats/socialists

Russia freed WNBA star Brittney Griner Thursday in a dramatic high-level prisoner exchange, with the U.S. releasing notorious Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout while leaving behind an American that has been imprisoned for years

ZH: The Saudi Prince Behind The Deal To Swap Griner For “Merchant Of Death” In A Curiously Timed “Breakthrough – Mohammed bin Salman and UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed led mediation efforts that secured her release

It’s Time To Meet the ‘Merchant of Death’ Freed by the Biden Administration – Bout had been serving a 25-year prison sentence in the U.S. In April 2012, he was found guilty of conspiring to kill Americans and U.S. officials

Trump Goes Scorched Earth on Biden’s ‘Unpatriotic Embarrassment,’ Abandoning Marine Veteran – Swapping Brittney Griner, a basketball player who openly hates our Country

The Respect for Marriage Act, or H.R. 8404, passed on a bipartisan 258–169 vote – Thirty-nine Republicans joined all Democrats in the lower chamber to pass the bill

Billionaire and Democratic mega-donor George Soros poured $50 million into a Democrat super PAC this fall in preparation for the 2024 election cycle – The massive cash influx went to the Democracy PAC

Doesn’t Anybody Understand How the First Amendment Works? – Elon Musk just showed us how Twitter worked in tandem with the Left to suppress speech and influence the election, Congress must hold Big Tech accountable

Elon Musk said it’s likely that some data contained in files on Twitter servers were hidden and/or deleted since he vowed to make everything public – In response to former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’ requesting releasing everything “without filter”

Joe Biden is set to announce a roughly $36 billion bailout for union pension plans Thursday after his calls for Congress to force rail unions to accept a new contract strained his relationship with labor groups

ZH: Ukrainian officials recently urged the Biden administration and Congress to provide them with cluster munition warheads banned by more than 100 countries but that Russia continues to use inside Ukraine

The Truth About the War in Ukraine – “Misinformation” has been on display regarding Ukraine since the Obama administration supported the 2014 coup against the Viktor Yanukovych government, which was considered pro-Russian

We’ve Finally Reached A Tipping Point – If you had to describe the mood of the nation in one word, what would it be? – Due to a multitude of reasons, how about “Rage”?

A 38-year-old Border Patrol agent has died after a high-speed chase with illegal immigrants on the border resulted in a fatal crash – The Biden WH has said nothing about it, prompting accusations they aren’t looking out for agents

In October, Trump-ally and former WH Chief Strategist Steve Bannon was convicted of contempt of court for refusing to testify before the Jan. 6 Select Committee – Two legal experts report that a higher court will likely overturn his conviction

Tucker Carlson highlighted a story recently concerning an NJ mom being “monitored” by local law enforcement at the behest of military personnel who didn’t like her social media posts questioning the sexualization of children in school

Victor Davis Hanson: Does Trump Want To Be President Again? – Trump seems determined to follow a different, and bullheaded, Teddy Roosevelt model

Joe Biden’s administration has given a $200 million taxpayer-funded grant to a battery company that mainly operates in China – The Department of Energy is touting the massive grant as a boost to meeting green agenda goals

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) responded to Elon Musk’s explosive release of the Twitter Files by arguing that the information proves that Democrats and their allies have been “weaponizing Big Tech” against the American people

Joe, Thanks For Letting Us Know Your True Border Policy Is Continued Chaos – Sorry, Biden Democrats, but polls show Americans want a big change in immigration policy. as the status quo is not acceptable

WSJ: The House Passes A Bill Protecting Same-Sex Marriage and Sends It to Biden’s Desk – Proponents say congressional action was needed in case the Supreme Court ever reverses its stance on the matter

What is treason? – Treason has a very narrow definition that prevents most people accused from having committed actual treason

A Federal judge ordered a Southwest Airlines flight attendant that was fired for her pro-life views reinstated – The court also confirms $800,000 in damages against the airline’s union

ZH: Hertz To Pay $168 Million After Falsely Accusing Customers Of Theft Which Led To Being Jailed – Plaintiffs claim Hertz filed charges after employees simply lost track of the rented vehicles, and in some cases reported them overdue

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Bill Gates, The Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History? – The true beneficiaries of Gates’ philanthropy tend to be those who are already extremely rich, including Gates’ charitable foundation

New York’s Covid Isolation Camps – Regulation, 10 NYCRR 2.13 “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures,” allows authorities to force-isolate citizens without age restriction, time limit, due process, or having to prove that the person is infected

Celine Dion Makes A Heartbreaking Announcement: “I Have Been Diagnosed with a Very Rare Neurological Disorder” – The disorder is called “Stiff Person Syndrome” (SPS) because it can essentially turn people into human statues

December 7, 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the threat of nuclear war “is increasing,” though he also noted that he views the weapons as a deterrent

The House Foreign Affairs Committee narrowly voted down a bill to audit the billions of dollars Congress previously approved on the war in Ukraine – Republicans plan to reintroduce the measure in the next Congress session 

Proposals for the Democrats’ omnibus spending bill, to fund the government through 2023, contains grants for millions of dollars for left-wing organizations and institutions

Dov Fischer: Now for a Painful 2024 Decision Republicans Will Celebrate for a Generation – Presidents are elected by the fools, morons, and schlubs who gave electoral majorities to Obama, Hillary, and Biden, so they must be attracted

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey called on Elon Musk to release all of the company’s internal files after Musk fired former deputy counsel James Baker on Tuesday for the alleged role he played in suppressing a Hunter Biden laptop report

Elon Musk proves the Hunter Biden laptop censorship came from collusion among Biden campaign, law enforcement, and Twitter – The files confirm what most Americans knew, that social media took sides in the presidential election

Twitter set up a special portal for government officials and “stakeholders” to submit posts that allegedly contained COVID-19 misinformation for Twitter to review, according to documents released by America First Legal on Tuesday

Data Analysts Question How 25 Percent of Arizona Voters Flipped to Oppose Trump Candidates Despite GOP Voter Registration Advantage

Progressives’ Bright Idea on Gas Prices: Let’s Blame the Oil Companies! – California’s governor and Legislature want to target the oil companies, refusing to blame themselves for rising fuel costs

Economic growth or quality of life? – This imperative is ultimately the by-product of the fraudulent monetary system we’ve had in place for several centuries now

Radical Gender Theory In American Schools – Chris Rufo’s investigative reporting establishes several facts about Radical Gender Theory

The people who hate Sam Bankman-Fried the most – “It was a fraud, and from where I’m sitting it very much looks like it was intentional and Bankman-Fried looks like a serial liar,” wrote Ben Thompson,

The Death of Sport – As sports become increasingly politicized, and as we enter a new era of online gambling, the pleasure of rooting for the home team is steadily being squeezed out leaving sports fans poorer in every sense

Democrats pressure banks to atone for slavery-era activities to “redress past wrongs” during the House Financial Services Committee hearing – One witness said banks have yet to address the harm they did during slavery

San Francisco’s Failing Political Policies Should Forewarn the Country – Once named the most beautiful city in America. The city is utterly calamitous today with decades of Democrat leadership and mismanagement

Preliminary border data show a record number of apprehensions, plus those that got away in November – Agents apprehended 212,608 illegals and recorded at least 93,461 who evaded them for a combined total of at least 306,069

A 14-year-old was rejected by Duke University Hospital for lifesaving kidney surgery because she is not vaccinated against Covid – This situation is so frequent that the AAPS created an online process enabling people to email their members of Congress

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote later this week to rescind the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate after Republican lawmakers threatened to withhold votes for the $858 billion National Defense Authorization Act

Organic systems achieve 3-6 times the profit of conventional production and 40% higher yields during stressful drought periods, according to the longest-running investigation comparing organic and conventional grain cropping in North America

President Joe Biden will decide whether to run for president in 2024 during the upcoming holiday break according to White House chief of staff Ron Klain in a statement earlier this week

WSJ: China Scraps Most Covid Testing, Quarantine Requirements in Policy Pivot – Their latest measures target the intrusive aspects of their unpopular pandemic regime

With The FBI Supervisor’s Admission Of Feds’ Synergy With Big Tech, The ‘We Are A Private Company’ Defense Is Dead – Big Tech is so in sync with the Federal Government that the former reliably does the bidding of the latter

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have made it a mission to expose the Biden family corruption at whose apex sits President Biden – Their various reports, speeches, and correspondence are all accessible here

Alejandro Mayorkas has earned his looming impeachment – It would be a just outcome for a cabinet official who has so flagrantly violated the public trust to protect the border that was placed in him

For decades Klaus Schwab’s WEF has been cultivating corporate and political leaders from all over the world to embrace a vision and plan for a complete social, political, and economic transformation — a “Great Reset” — which is nothing short of a communist “New World Order”

Harden the Electrical Grid, or Suffer the Consequences – Almost 50,000 Duke Power customers in Moore County, N.C. were left in the dark on Sunday night in what has been called a domestic act of terrorism

House Minority Whip Representative Steve Scalise: “Solyndra Style Slush Fund” Infrastructure Spending Is Going to “Companies That Have to Answer to China”

Representative Lee Zeldin (R-NY) announced on Wednesday that he will not challenge Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel for the leadership position because her victory is “pre-baked by design

Disney CEO Bob Iger attended a Sandy Hook Promise Benefit and referenced people in influential positions and suggested that those who shape culture “have an extra responsibility” to push gun control

The Loudoun County School Board fired district Superintendent Scott Ziegler Tuesday night in a closed-door meeting the day after an explosive grand jury report ripped the superintendent’s actions in response to two sexual assaults in district high schools

The Coroner Releases Final Autopsy Report for Actress Anne Heche – Actress Anne Heche was not driving while impaired by illegal drugs on the day she crashed her car into a Los Angeles-area home, starting a fire that led to her death

Recent headlines you never would have seen just a few short years ago – Get ready for your jaw to drop

December 6, 2022

The Russian Oil Price Cap Won’t Work – Europe will inflict more damage on European economies than on Russia’s

Walmart’s CEO Announces Store Closures and Higher Prices Are Looming Thanks to Rampant Crime – Chicago is seeing  worsening theft and violent crime, and Los Angeles looks like “a third world country” due to “organized gangs”

Severe Blowback on Their Effort to Include The Media Cartel Bill JCPA in The Defense Bill Forced Congressional Leaders to Remove it from the Bill

Meta/Facebook threatened to remove all news from its platforms if Congress passes the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act that would require tech companies to pay outlets whose news is posted on their platforms

Climate Change Background – Research shows that the earth’s climate is not being changed significantly due to mankind.

A former Navy SEAL poster boy who spent almost a decade living as a transgender woman is warning Americans of the dangers of the transgender movement after recently announcing he is de-transitioning back to a man

WSJ: The Trump Organization Was Found Guilty of Criminal Tax Fraud in a New York Trial – The jury finds Trump family business unlawfully paid top executives in cars, apartments, and other off-the-books perks

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear a case alleging that Facebook and Dominion Voting Systems had an illegal and undue influence on the 2020 elections

Senator Lindsey Graham: When We Take The House We Need to Eliminate Asylum Claims Inside the U.S. and Require Asylum Applications Be Made Outside The U.S.

A Brief History Of Democrat Voter Fraud – It is a “brief history” because the complete history of Democrat electoral malfeasance reaching back to Tammany Hall and Tweed would require four volumes or more

Mexico gunrunner and never-charged criminal, political hack, and perpetually aggrieved former attorney general Eric Holder is back and he is bloviating about President Trump being imminently arrested

Democrats insist that the “JCPA” be included in the Defense Authorization Bill – It has nothing to do with national defense and should be stripped out of the defense appropriations bill and considered independently on its own merits

Of Course Trust in the Military Has Declined – Is anyone wondering why public confidence in the military’s Woke upper echelons is declining?

We Shouldn’t Be Promoting Voting by Mail – If public confidence in our elections is to be sustained, mail-in voting needs to end

When Do Democrats Give The Media Gold Medals for Lying About Jan. 6? – The New York Times continues to insist that the protesters have blood on their hands – Fact check: FALSE

Trump’s Dinner With Ye – Democrat Jew-haters are having a deleterious effect on U.S. policy toward Israel and Jewish Americans

See How Bad Gavin Newsom Let Crime Get in California – “I don’t know how businesses can survive like that”

The Georgia Senate Race: Sen. Raphael Warnock wins re-election, defeating GOP nominee Herschel Walker

The State Of Georgia is pushing back against the Democratic National Committee’s proposal to reshuffle the order of presidential primaries in 2024, as other states also grumble over the changes

The Jan. 6 Committee Chairman Announces There Will Be Criminal Referrals – He did not disclose who the targets will be or whether former President Donald Trump will be among them

Kevin McCarthy Will Face GOP Challenger for Speaker on House Floor – Republican Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona has announced that when the new Congress convenes, he will wage a floor battle to become speaker of the House

Elon Musk confirms James Baker, former FBI counsel was FIRED from Twitter for his major role in the Hunter laptop censorship revelations

The FBI’s collusion with Facebook & Twitter to censor the bombshell New York Post story about the Biden administration’s corruption provided far greater election interference than anything Russia ever did

Katie Hobbs Hit with Calls for Federal Investigation Into Alleged Big Tech Collusion – Hobbs, now the governor-elect successfully managed to have Twitter employees censor or remove posts at her office’s behest

JD Rucker: The Biden-Harris Regime Quietly Changes Rules to Incentivize Financial Advisors to Put Your Money Into Woke Investments EVEN IF IT LOSES MONEY – The use of a self-directed IRA enables you to maintain control

The US trade deficit widened 5.4 percent in October to a four-month high of $78.2 billion – This was lower than expected as economists had forecast the deficit would rise to around $80 billion

WSJ: Congress agreed to rescind the requirement that members of the military be vaccinated against Covid-19 to secure Republican support for the annual defense policy bill that authorizes spending for new weapons and troop pay increases

George Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media – His leftist “Open Society” agenda encompasses  ideas on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism, and LGBT fanaticism

December 5, 2022

The Dumbing Down Of America On Russia – In 2017, Shawn Henry, head of the cyber security firm CrowdStrike, testified to the House Intelligence Committee that there was no technical evidence that Russia hacked the DNC emails

The FBI Met with Twitter ‘Weekly’ Ahead of the 2020 Election And Warned of “Hack-and-Leak” Operations – This led to Twitter’s unprecedented decision to censor the Post’s “Hunter Biden Laptop” story after it first broke on 10/4/2020

Yes, the 2020 Election Was Stolen – The Right must never concede the Big Lie that this nation’s oppressors rule legitimately, nor should we draw conclusions about how to move forward from this false premise

Advice to DeSantis: Wait for ’28 – DeSantis is a good governor with a bright future but he doesn’t stand a chance against the most popular Republican candidate of all time. That’s not a slight. It’s just a fact

The Anthony Fauci deposition is released: Fauci replied ‘I don’t recall 174 times as attorneys extract contradictions in a 7-hour conversation under oath

The Attorneys General for Missouri and Louisiana released the full 446-page transcript from their deposition of Dr. Anthony Fauci taken as part of a lawsuit against the Biden Administration for colluding with social media companies

How the Transgender Industry Targets Victims of Autism – These vulnerabilities of people with autism place them at great risk of being considered for “gender reassignment surgery”

December 4, 2022

Missouri Attorney General: Officials from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security frequently met with major social media companies ahead of the 2020 election and pointed out users and pieces of content for removal

SCOTUS is set to hear arguments Wednesday in an NC case where Republican efforts to draw congressional districts  in their favor were blocked by a Democrat majority on the state Supreme Court because the map violated the state constitution

Railroad Workers Get Railroaded Again – For 55 years they have been trying to get some sick time into their contracts to stay home when they have the flu without getting written up and threatened with dismissal…

House Oversight’s Incoming Chairman Launches A Probe of Biden’s Energy Deal with Saudis – “Since Day One in office, President Biden has waged war on American-made energy and driven up costs for Americans”

Media Undertakers Must be Getting Exhausted – They worked hard to bury the FTX scandal where Sam Bankman-Fried “lost” eight billion dollars and shelled out at least $40 million to various Democrats

“If I Commit Suicide, It’s Not Real” – His comment was a response to a question about whether the new Twitter CEO was “suicidal” because there had been lots of talk about Musk’s mental state

Twitter’s Largest Advertiser Returns to the Platform – Apple Has Now “Fully Resumed” Spending

Post-Fauci America – Without crucial reforms, former NIAID boss Anthony Fauci will be neither gone nor forgotten

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that influenza is on the rise across the United States, and 44 states are experiencing high levels

December 3, 2022

Elon Musk Goes Nuclear: ‘If This Isn’t a Violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment, What Is?’ – Documents released on Twitter appear to indicate that Twitter became a tool of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election campaign

JD Rucker: Did the Biden-Harris regime show their gratitude to Hunter Biden’s laptop story “chief censor” Vijaya Gadde by appointing her to a coveted advisory committee for the DHS? – Somehow his little tidbit certainly slipped under the radar

What If MAGA Shrugged? – Pelosi, Schumer, McCarthy, and McConnell sported grins suggesting they got exactly what they wanted in undermining MAGA candidates during the mid-terms – McConnell’s iron-fisted control remains absolute

JD Rucker: Elon Musk Reveals The Details of What Happened to the Hunter Biden Laptop Story And It’s Worse Than We Thought – I will be doing a full analysis of this over the weekend, but this is pretty self-explanatory and very damning

Former Twitter Legal, Policy, and Trust & Safety Lead, Vijaya Gadde played a key role in suppressing the Hunter Biden story a year earlier – She was appointed adviser to President Biden’s DHS in 2021

House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Representative James Comer: We Knew Back In April Something Was Wrong And Every Twitter Employee Involved in Squelching Hunter Laptop Story Will Testify Before Congress

Elon Musk promises the release of more Hunter Biden info after lackluster first dump – “Tune in for Episode 2 of The Twitter Files tomorrow!” Musk tweeted Friday night

The Democrats’ Contempt for the American People – Inflation is still hovering around 8-9% and a record number of people (853) have died at the U.S. southern border in the past 12 months. and those are only the ones we know about…

ZH: An Unexplained, Record 2.7 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In The Broken Payrolls Report – To facilitate its rigging of the data, the BLS boosted the business “birth-death” adjustments, which in October hit a record high

The Futile Quest to Protect Racial Diversity – In June of 2023 the Supreme Court will render its decision regarding the legality of racial preferences in higher education and is likely to ban outright or at least severely limit these preferences

Apple Makes Plans to Move Production Out of China – The iPhone maker is looking to diversify the supply chain that has powered its growth


December 2, 2022

Reform the CDC Before Another Pandemic Hits – A bigger budget and more “expert review” will only insulate the agency from change

Elon Musk releases files on Twitter’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story – Musk revealed that Twitter interfered with elections with the suppression of Emma Jo Morris’ New York Post bombshell reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop

The five revelations from Musk’s disclosure on Hunter Biden laptop suppression – #5, Biden’s team and DNC asked Twitter to nix tweets they didn’t want the public to see

WSJ: Democrats Advance a Plan to Make South Carolina The First Primary State  – This change, supported by Biden, would reduce the influence of less liberal states Iowa and New Hampshire

How many new illegal aliens are coming in 2023? – 2.6 million illegals are likely to cross the southern border next year, bringing the total of illegal border crossing to nearly 7 million in President Biden’s first three years

Governor DeSantis: We will not undo the repeal of Disney’s tax district – A spokesperson for DeSantis said the governor “does not make U-turns”

“Every city” in Brazil is filled with protesters claiming election fraud –This is possibly the largest demonstration in history yet the global mainstream media is not covering it at all

A Federal Judges Give The DOJ a Huge Win Over Trump Documents Case – On Thursday a federal appeals court panel threw out a lower court’s ruling allowing a special master to review documents taken from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

When Will the Left Condemn Solar-Energy Slavery? – A Breakthrough Industry report indicates that a shocking percentage of the world’s production of the silicon used for solar panels occurs in areas of China known to employ slave labor

New Federal Data Shows There Were 73,000 Illegal Immigrant “Getaways” In ONE MONTH ALONE – Almost 600,000 escaped into the U.S. this year

The Case for Putting It All on Ron DeSantis – Ron DeSantis is the only figure in the Republican Party who has substantially expanded the appeal of the GOP in this recent era

Returning CEO Robert Iger Indicates Where He’s Steering the Ship – The Walt Disney Co. is poised to back away from politically slanted left-wing content he seemingly admitted at an internal company town hall

Right After Biden Successfully Buys Votes With Student Loan Bailout, SCOTUS Will Weigh In – Biden might not even care if the Supreme Court strikes his loan forgiveness program. If already worked to get out Democrat midterm votes

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel (niece of Mitt Romney), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy have failed miserably in their duties and should be replaced

Advice for Kari Lake, Blake Masters, and Mark Finchem – Standard ballot recounts will not suffice – A real audit should be designed to determine the validity of the ballots that were cast

TikTok Accounts Operated by the Chinese Communist Party Push Divisive Videos About U.S. Politicians – The TikTok accounts are run by MediaLinks TV, a registered foreign agent of a CCP television news outlet, China Central

The East and West Will Part Ways On The “Great Reset” – This will come about due to differences that fall into four categories: (1) environment, (2) food production and delivery, (3) global currency, and (4) global governance

Is a manmade global famine in the works because of UN and WEF actions? – The various measures enacted around the world to assuage supposed global warming all have the funny effect of lowering food production, intended or not

ZH: Marauding Bands Of Looters Are Stealing Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Merchandise As America Descends Into Lawlessness – By now almost everyone knows that ORC stands for “organized retail crime”

How Long Do They Get to be Wrong On US Relations With Israel? – There is simply no evidence that the Palestinian Authority — let alone Hamas — is the least bit interested in the Kurtzer/Miller proposed “peace process”

California’s reparations task force names a staggering dollar amount – Their current proposal envisions giving each of California’s 2.5 million self-identified Black Americans $223,200 (totaling $559 Billion

ZH: Banks have been working on technology to “identify potential mass shooters” by tracking gun-related purchases and filing “Suspicious Activity Reports” with the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

The Elites’ War On Food – The Environmental Protection Agency is quietly quadrupling the regulatory cost of carbon emissions in a new war on fossil fuels, which is, of course, also a war on the food supply

December 1, 2022

The GOP can’t write off a generation – If we wish to understand why Republicans aren’t notching more victories, we should consider the Right’s continuing struggles to swing over Millennials and Generation Z

Zhongnanhaiologists Connect Xi to Marx and Lenin – The United States and the West cannot responsibly engage China while it is ruled by the Chines Communist Party

WSJ: The Senate Voted 80-15 to Pass A Bill Blocking The Nationwide Railroad Strike – President Biden says he will sign the measure blocking a shutdown as soon as it gets to his desk

Trump Was Set Up – Rightwing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos claims he arranged for Fuentes to attend the dinner with Donald Trump and Kanye West “to make Trump’s life miserable”

On Wednesday, House Republicans Voted Against Banning Earmarks – “A Shameful Display of Swamp Politics”

WSJ: The Supreme Court Will Decide Whether The Biden Administration Can Provide Mass Student-Loan Forgiveness – Justices set arguments for winter, putting the matter on track to be decided in the current court session

We Are Still Against the “Dead Consensus” – There is exceedingly little political appetite for the kind of laissez-faire absolutism, free trade maximalism, and fiscal austerity that long dominated the pre-Trump GOP

The FTX Collapse: A ‘Perfect Crisis’ With Many Unanswered Questions – There are several aspects of the event that reach well beyond the cryptocurrency world, and as more information comes out, the more important the situation appears

WSJ: Austan Goolsbee Is Named The Next President of the Chicago Fed – This University of Chicago economist will be a 2023 voter on the Fed’s interest-rate setting panel

In What Has Become An All Too Familiar Site, Watch the Dazed Look on Joe Biden’s Face as Jill Biden Has to Direct Him Off Stage At The 100th National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony In Washington, D.C. Yesterday

A Recount Was Ordered for Representative The Lauren Boebert–Adam Frisch Race In Colorado because of the slim margin of 0.16% after all votes were counted – Colorado law mandates a recount if a race is within 0.5%

“It’s The First Time I’ve Seen This in China” – On the ground in Shanghai, where young people born after the Tiananmen Square Massacre are fed up and fighting back against the Chinese Communist Party

The East, led by China and Russia, and the West, led by the US and EU globalists, want a New World Order, via “The Great Reset”, termed by the World Economic Forum – The WEF consists of the world’s wealthiest people, including over 1,000 global corporations and most of the G-20 leaders

WSJ: The FTX Collapse Draws Senate Hearing Scrutiny as Lawmakers Push for Crypto Oversight – CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam says his agency needs authority to write rules, oversee trading

Republicans betray their voters…again…twice – The 2nd Potential Betrayal is that congressional Republicans are collaborating with the Democrats to pass a massive spending bill before the end of the year

The DOJ’s creepy press release touts disturbing Jan 6 convictions – It indicates more than 900 arrests were made, but no figures were provided to inform the American people how many went to trial and the number still held without trial…

The EPA quadruples its carbon ‘social cost’ claim Regulatory change means higher costs for just about everything – This maneuver to redefine the cost is creating “future impact for Americans’ wallets and a new headache for the oil and gas industries

November started with talk of a red wave, turned into the GOP winning the House by a small majority, and closes with a bad jobs report

Pelosi Says Democrats Might Release Trump’s Tax Returns – “The decision would be up to Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) and members of the House Ways and Means Committee”

Apple’s Logo Finally Makes Sense –What sort of company sides with those who want to silence conservatives in the United States while working with the CCP to thwart freedom protests?…

Elon Musk met face-to-face with Apple CEO Tim Cook to discuss reports that Twitter may be removed from the App Store – After discussing the issue with Cook, Musk said the matter is now “resolved” and Twitter will not be banned by Apple

The Trumpification of Elon Musk – They see Musk’s promise to restore free speech on Twitter as a threat to their power to control the narrative on social media

Beware Of Michelle Obama’s “The Light We Carry” Book Launch – It is Michelle’s crafty attempt to position herself to be the Democrat nominee for president in 2024

A 3-Judge Panel On The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals has denied a Biden administration request to temporarily reverse a lower-court order that blocked the rollout of Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan

The “Naming Commission,” initially proposed by Congress in 2021 to strip military bases of Confederate leaders’ names has just made the Arlington National Cemetery the latest casualty of the military’s woke cancel culture

Now that we know vaccinated blood is tainted blood, many are now demanding “pure” or “safe” blood from sources that were never contaminated with mRNA, spike proteins, and the many other contaminants found in covid vials

European Country-Specific Data Shows a Clear Link Between Immigration and Their Rising Crime Rate – Like the One the U.S. Seriously Downplays

U.S. Air Marshals are planning to defy President Joe Biden and refuse to deploy to the southern border to help with the migration crisis – You’re almost going to have a mutiny of a federal agency, which is unheard of

By the numbers: California’s mild 2022 wildfire season – Moderate weather and well-timed rainstorms in much of California combined to curb the acreage and structures burned

A black hole ripped apart a star and brought together astronomers from around the world – Astronomers spotted a ‘weird’ flash in February, equivalent to the light of more than 1,000 trillion suns

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Thought Police “NewsGuard” Is Owned by Big Pharma – Their warnings may be enough to prevent someone from clicking a link, but their true intent is to bury targeted content from search results and social media feeds

November 30, 2022

Biden’s Move Infuriates Rail Unions as The Strike Looms – Many of the unions agreed to the offer proposed by the Biden administration, but several did not and they are now leveraging their power to secure every last union demand

Republican Senators Stand With Armed Forces, Demand Senate Vote on Ending Military Covid-19 Vax Mandate – There are several factors unique to the COVID vaccine that make it different than other mandates

Dov Fischer: On Trump, Kanye, Biscuit, Jews, and Dinners – Donald Trump is a Philosemite, meaning he loves Jews, even despite certain Jews (just as I do) and is not a Jew hater as his detractors would have you believe

A Constitutional Comedy of Errors Will Lead to Constitutional Tragedy – We must understand that our wide-open border is a deliberate policy of the Biden Administration, and the resultant crime is owing to that policy

Reacting to the announcement that Google/YouTube will fund a global fact-checking network through the media institute Poynter, media expert Mark Crispin Miller said “This is grotesque, almost to the point of comedy, except it’s not funny”

Be it Resolved: Do Not Trust The Mainstream Media – The story is no longer the boss, because now they sell a narrative, as part of a new business model that’s increasingly indifferent to facts

Governor Newsom Shirks The Blame for Increasing Homelessness in California – The Sacramento City Council gave over a publicly owned, publicly funded city park/marina to hundreds of homeless without even a vote

ZH: Republicans are increasingly an endangered species on many college and university campuses, even in states which are primarily Republican – Almost half of the departments in those states did not have even a single registered Republican on the faculty

Tanks Are Deployed On The Streets In China Amid Massive Protests – “Somehow nobody in any newsroom in America noticed when Xi Jinping decided to replay Tiananmen Square”

The Biden administration approved a possible military sale to Qatar on Tuesday worth an estimated $1 billion – The announcement was posted during the World Cup 2022 match between the United States and Iran, held in Doha

WSJ: The House Approves Imposing A Railroad Labor Deal And Plans Vote on a Paid Sick-Leave Measure – Lawmakers aim to end a long-running dispute between freight companies and workers

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said that former President Donald Trump’s team is making significant changes to his Mar-a-Lago’s vetting process following his meeting with rapper Kanye West and Nick Fuentes

Will there be any media introspection over the Paul Pelosi story?

Is this the SCOTUS case that will drain the swamp? – “How can you support, and defend, the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic? You investigate” – But an alarming number of members of Congress chose to ignore it

The Oath Keepers Verdicts Correct the Record on January 6 – The jury concluded that there was a spontaneous riot at the Capitol, rather than an elaborate plot to make war on the United States

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that congressional leadership is in “widespread agreement” that the lame-duck session of Congress should pass an omnibus spending bill

Elon Musk confirms what we already knew about Twitter – Expect more inside information because Twitter’s ex-safety chief, the one who pulled the plug on the Hunter Biden laptop story, just admitted that he shouldn’t have done so

The Biden regime is knowingly participating in the sex trafficking of minor children, according to a volunteer who has assisted HHS in processing unaccompanied migrant children at its Emergency Intake Site in Pomona, California

WSJ: Jerome Powell Signals The Fed Is Prepared For a Slow Rate-Rise Pace in December – The Fed chair says a labor-market slowdown will be needed to bring inflation back to the central bank’s 2% target

ZH: Housing Demand “Vaporized” After Rates Hit 7%…And A New Wave Of Inventory Is Next – With overvalued real estate and record-high interest rates, housing affordability is at an all-time low

WSJ: Representative Hakeem Jeffries was chosen to lead House Democrats next year, making the first Black person to lead a major political party in Congress and marking a generational shift following the departure of three longtime chiefs


How They Used Database Latency To Pull-Off Real-time Election Fraud – County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3, so they are undeliverable, then someone collects those valid ballots…

Elon Musk Announces He Will Make Internal Twitter Files Relating To Suppression of Free Speech Public –  “This is a Battle for the Future of Civilization”

Elon Musk confirms Twitter “interfered in elections” – Musk made the revelation as he prepares to release internal files from Twitter on the company’s censorship practices before he took over the social media platform in late October

The European Union Bureaucrats Threaten Elon Musk With Twitter Ban Unless He Follows Strict DSA Rules on Content Moderation – According to people briefed on the video call, Musk said he thought the DSA was “very sensible”

A “Dark Money” network’s anti-Twitter censorship campaign coalesces behind Apple’s App Store attack vector – Under the guise of demanding a “safer” platform, Gates, Soros, and a Left-Wing Swiss billionaire chip away at Twitter’s most potent revenue stream

Janet Yellen says she ‘misspoke’ on the need for an Elon Musk national security review

Article V Of US Constitution, Part 2 – Most of the time a Convention of States is mistakenly referred to as a “Constitutional Convention”, but nothing could be further from the truth

ZH: The new CEO of Disney, Bob Iger, announced he will seek to “quiet things down” following high-profile controversies, such as an executive producer under his predecessor declaring that Disney is operating an openly LGBT agenda

Bari Weiss: Bibi’s Back,  A Conversation With Israel’s New Prime Minister – How many leaders have come back from political death, not once, but twice? – “I’ve come back. The question is: what am I coming back for?”

Reports confirmed on Wednesday that notices are going out Wednesday and Thursday to paid CNN contributors and staff members of the company that spent the four years of President Trump’s first term in combat with him

The Balenciaga Fans Of An Anti-Christian World “Condemn” Child Abuse While Castrating, Traumatizing, And Exploiting Kids

Sharyl Attkisson: As an American obesity epidemic expands, there seem to be efforts to normalize obesity rather than address the root of the unhealthy trend – Liberal-tilted Medpage declares it’s time to retire BMI as a clinical metric

Private financial information that could include income, refund amounts, college scholarship amounts, etc. used in filing taxes online has made its way to Facebook, even if you are not a member, via a bit of code called the Meta Pixel

November 2022 Covid-19 and mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

November 29, 2022

The Fight Over Eurasia Will Determine the Destinies of Tomorrow’s World – Today’s challenge confronting the United States is greater than the earlier 20th century’s Cold War

US DOD: Joe Biden’s fumbled withdrawal from Afghanistan was a propaganda gift to China – “They employed multiple diplomatic tools to erode U.S. and partner influence,” the report reads, including “highlighting the U.S. withdrawal

WSJ: The Senate Passes A Bill Protecting Same-Sex Marriage – The measure will have to pass the House before heading to President Biden’s desk

The Federal Reserve Is Set to Introduce Privacy-Crushing Digital Currency That Can Be ‘Controlled’ and ‘Programmed’ by Government Bureaucrats – The endgame objective is to control behaviors through “programmable” money

Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake did not concede on Monday after Maricopa County certified its election results in favor of Democrat Katie Hobbs and said she is “firmly in this fight”

As Kari Lake challenges Maricopa County’s certification of the 2022 election in court, the chairman of another county said he voted to certify under duress – “I have no choice but to vote ‘Aye’ or I will be arrested and charged with a felony”

Tucker Carlson: “Everybody in power is panicked over Elon Musks’ acquisition of Twitter” – “A country that censors is not a democracy”

WSJ: Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Was Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy in The Jan. 6 Case – The Jury also found one other member of the group guilty of the most serious charge leveled in connection with the Capitol riot

Elon Musk Replies with 1 Question After A White House Reporter And Karine Jean-Pierre Reveal What They’re So Afraid Of – “Why are so many in the media against free speech? This is messed up”

As a driving force placing pressure on public and private sectors to comply, “IRENA” plays a key role in funneling trillions from the global economy while influencing government policies and propping up the climate hoax narrative

In 2020 CA launched the “adverse childhood experiences initiative”, to cut the number of those experiences in half within one generation – Screening for adverse childhood experiences is increasing, but are patients getting needed treatment?

Article V Of The US Constitution Allows For The Calling Of A Convention Of States To Propose Amendments To The Constitution- Perhaps the time has come to take action


Congressional Leaders Commit to Quickly Pass Legislation to Avert A Rail Strike – President Biden had urged lawmakers to step in to break the deadlock

5 of Biden’s Secret Service rental vehicles burst into flames after he left vacation  – The cause of suspicious fire reportedly unknown

Should The U.S. Be More Like China? –It’s a fantasy often dreamed of, usually in secret, by Western elites that want more power, but for the rest of us, it’s truly a nightmare

Is the Biden Family’s China Scandal Warping Biden’s China Policy? – The administration’s response to the Covid-lockdown protests has been disheartening

Should it be Trump or DeSantis in 2024? – The answer lies in these four words: Form Always Follows Function, ie, if you’re shopping for a new vehicle, you must consider where the vehicle will typically be driven and for what purpose

A Republic, If You Can Keep It – It has been said that the Deep State will never permit Donald Trump to hold office again, which raises the question posed to Ben Franklin at the Constitutional Convention: do we still have a republic?

House Republicans can help drain the swamp by banning earmarks – Earmarks, which are a way for members of Congress to dole out favors using taxpayer money

The DNC will vote on a flurry of voting rules ahead of the 2024 elections this week, with party leaders set to consider changes to the presidential primary calendar that could boot Iowa from its coveted first-in-the-nation voting slot

A federal judge ruled on Monday that Devin Nunes, an ally of former President Donald Trump and former California congressman, can sue NBC Universal for defamation

ZH: Apple Turned Off A Protest Communication App Right Before The Anti-Lockdown Uprising in China – The smartphone company thereby helped the CCP crush dissent

The New Voting System that Gave Democrats a GOP House Seat is Dangerous – It was a function of Alaska’s new ranked-choice voting (RCV) and Top-four Primary (TFP) system — a system electoral engineers would like to institute nationwide

In 1992 “Agenda for the 21st Century,” a roadmap for global totalitarianism, was adopted by 179 nations, including the US – We’ve seen various facets of Agenda 21 implemented during the last 3-years in response to the Covid Pandemic

In 23 Words, Elon Musk Defines the Battle of Our Lifetimes – “This is a battle for the future of civilization. If free speech is lost even in America, tyranny is all that lies ahead”

ZH: Twitter will no longer enforce its Covid-19 misinformation policy under which users deviating from prevailing establishment narratives frequently had their accounts locked or suspended – Their former policy didn’t apply to misinformation from government officials that lied about transmission, masks, vaccine efficacy, side effects…

Fox News host Tucker Carlson discussed the growing pressure campaign against Twitter owner Elon Musk’s effort to restore free speech on the site Monday

Always the Victim, Never the Villain – The people who identify as transgender are at the top of the victim hierarchy, so a victim can’t be a villain!

November 28, 2022

“Save us!”: China eases lockdowns as massive protests erupt across the country – “This is what eventually happens when people power mobilizes against oppressive governments”

Protests in China Make War in South China Sea More Likely – Xi may launch a war to maintain internal control

The U.S. Geological Survey Issued A “Code RED” Warning After Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Volcano Erupts for 1st Time in 40 Years

I&I/TIPP Poll: Voters Favor More Drilling, Fewer Rules To End Diesel Fuel Shortage – Due to dwindling supplies, diesel fuel prices are up 50% from last year, raising the cost of food, transportation, manufactured goods, and even gifts

Joe Biden Is Making the Student Loan Mess Worse – Extending the date of the student-loan repayment freeze will cheer borrowers, but the rest of the country will bear the costs

WSJ: Joe Biden Calls on Congress to Pass Legislation to Avert A Rail Shutdown – Such a move would cut the short long-running dispute and override votes by four unions

Sharyl Attkisson: Gallup Poll Highlights – 57% of Americans want stricter U.S. gun laws, down from 66% in June – 86% of Democrats, 60% of independents, and 27% of Republicans want stricter laws 

As A Result Of The Mid-terms, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell Throws His Hat Into The Ring And Seeks to Oust Ronna McDaniel as The Republican National Committee Chair

Elon Musk says Twitter suffers from a “ridiculous” number of “psyops” referring to the dissemination of propaganda or, when used by state actors like the military, psychological warfare tactics meant to manipulate one’s enemies

Elon Musk Reveals Apple Threatening to Ban Twitter from App Store – “Who Else Has Apple Censored?”

Maricopa County certifies election after irate citizens testify of vote suppression – Kari Lake charged voting tabulator and printing malfunctions suppressed the vote on Election Day vote when most of her supporters planned to cast their ballots

Over 500 Voters Were ‘Disenfranchised’ at One Maricopa Polling Place Alone, Election Worker Testifies – Similar issues took place at polling places across the county, potentially putting the number of affected voters in the thousands

Miguel Almaguer remains absent from NBC since stunning Paul Pelosi attack report was mysteriously retracted – The NBC News correspondent hasn’t appeared on air in nearly a month

This Is the Danger of Sacrificing Merit for Equity in Education – Low-quality students detract from a top-tier educational institution

St Louis Federal Reserve president James Bullard expects inflation to persist through to 2024 – Federal Open Market Committee minutes imply the Fed may yet raise interest rates by another 75 basis points at its December meeting

During seven hours of questioning under oath relating to a lawsuit alleging he and other Biden administration officials colluded with social media companies to censor COVID-19-related content, Dr. Anthony Fauci said he had “no clear memory of details that would shed light on his involvement in speech suppression”

ZH: Oil is Now Confirming What Bonds Have Already Told Us – Demand destruction is when the economy rolls over and there is less demand for oil, and it only happens during recessions

After Getting In Bed With TikTok, Will Biden Ignore Its National Security Threat? – Just weeks before Wray and Warner raised their threat level, Biden brought TikTok “influencers” into the White House to enlist them to help Democrats avoid defeat in the midterm elections

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin could try to run for president in 2024 – He will be facing strong Senate candidates, including Governor Jim Justice

Zelensky demands $55 billion more from Americans to fund his bureaucrats – Extended wars create entire consultant classes of special interests, intent on keeping the war fires burning, the budgets expanding, and the salaries rising

A Journalism “Crisis” So Embarrassing You Have to See to Believe – Adam Davidson, formerly of The New York Times, worked to set up a new social network called “Journa-Host” to save the world of journalism from Musk’s new Twitter

Politicians and Media are Trying to Foist Another Covid Winter on America – Hysterical and misleading headlines from mainstream media tell the story as Newsom clings to his autocratic State Of Emergency Powers from March 4, 2020

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Is the Ukraine War a Money Laundering Scheme? – Many feel that the U.S. government’s “security assistance” to Ukraine is related to questionable activities involving American Biolabs in Ukraine

Merriam-Webster Word Of The Year: Gaslighting – Mind manipulating, grossly misleading, downright deceitful – It was pervasive and online lookups for the word on their website increased 1,740% in 2022 over the year before

Elon Musk reached his limit and banned the violent far-left Antifa collective “Crimethinc” from Twitter – The move comes after Antifa members were caught organizing arson attacks against dealerships for Musk’s electric automaker Tesla

Jonathan Turley: New Twitter Sign-Ups Hit a Record Despite The Cancel Campaign – The media and political groups have campaigned to use pressure from corporations and foreign governments to force him to restore their censorship policies

An Ex-FBI Investigators Theory: The quadruple murder that occurred at the University of Idaho may have been a targeted attack because if it was someone on a rampage they would’ve also gone downstairs and harmed the other students

November 27, 2022

Top Senate Democrat Chris Murphy Admits Biden ‘Probably’ Doesn’t Have The Votes To Ram Through Gun Control In Lame-Duck Session

WSJ: China’s Revolt Against Zero-Covid – Protests across the country reveal deep anger and frustration at three years of lockdowns and social control

China’s Belt and Road Initiative Expands to Cuba – China has agreed to restructure Cuba’s debt and to provide trade and investment credits to Cuba’s struggling economy

A Hunter Biden Investigator To The GOP – “This is not about Hunter’s laptop, this is totally about Joe Biden”

Victor Davis Hanson: Was Trump Our Captain Queeg?  – Will the Never-Trumpers finally be exposed to have been as contemptible as the Never-Queegers were in The Caine Mutiny?

A New Strategic Landscape in the Middle East – Despite what most Western readers have long been conditioned to assume, the Middle East and Arab-Israeli relations are a source of good news these days

Don’t Shut Down the January 6 Committee,  Supercharge It!- A better idea would be to renew the committee and stack it with Freedom Caucus Republicans and a few “Never-Biden” Democrats if any exist

Both Senator Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy got some financial help from FTX – Both of them used the funds to destroy MAGA candidates

The US Congress Is Starting to Question This Whole Crypto Thing – Do you think Washington DC lawmakers have what it takes to tackle the volatile world of cryptocurrencies? – Well, neither do they

A public-interest law team is warning that the U.S. Supreme Court has gone into dangerous territory with its recent decision on denying defendants in criminal cases their constitutional right to a 12-person jury trial

Early Voting Has begun In a Senate Run-Off Election And Democrats Are At It Again – Georgia allowed an extra day of early voting on the Saturday following Thanksgiving

Under San Francisco’s GIFT program, residents earning less than $600 monthly who identify as one of the 130 genders listed will receive $1,200 per month – Genders eligible for the money include “brother-boy,” “sister-girls” and “butch”

China has descended into a COVID lockdown hell-scape – 34,000 (.0034% of the population) COVID cases in the entire country have been enough to put the entire nation of one billion into a lockdown prison — of mankind’s worst nightmare

Protesters pushed to the brink by China’s strict COVID measures called for the removal of the country’s all-powerful Xi and clashed with police as crowds took to the streets in several cities in an astounding challenge to the government

Evangelist Franklin Graham is calling on Americans to contact their senators, warning them that the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” legislation would fail to protect individuals with the traditional concept of marriage

Biden eases sanctions on Venezuela – The good news is that the Biden administration is finally doing something about the energy crisis, encouraging more oil drilling – The bad news is that the drilling will be taking place in Venezuela, not the US

When Journalists Become Speech Police – Whatever the story and however complex its details, members of the American press will react by announcing who must be forbidden to speak going forward

Justice Amy Coney Barrett was urged to recuse herself from an upcoming Supreme Court case on free speech and LGBT issues by former members of a niche Christian group she is affiliated with, arguing the faith organization has discriminatory policies against same-sex marriage

A Texas gun dealer has just sued the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) for using small, non-substantive clerical errors as an excuse to revoke gun dealers’ licenses

A new long train of abuses by our government – We now live in a country where Secret Courts make decisions permitting nameless government officials unbridled power and access to whatever information is available on each citizen

Elon Musk-eteer – Elon Musk, Twitter’s new owner, is creating a genuine open forum and he’s actively participating as a commentator in the most amusing way

Ex-Surgeon General Jerome Adams reveals his struggles while seeking employment after leaving Trump’s White House – Every time he applied, he received polite rejections from university officials who feared that he would be badly received by their left-leaning student bodies

Before the film Died Suddenly was released, various investigations received far less attention but were pivotal in uncovering the truth about the Covid vaccine-induced “fibrous clots” that are causing people to die

November 26, 2022

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) bid to clinch the speaker’s gavel is at risk of falling apart due to insufficient support from his conference

Elon Musk Addresses Trump’s Silence on Twitter – The company made a “grave mistake” when it banned former President Donald Trump in early 2021 because it broke trust with half the country

A longtime Christian ministry in Wyoming that the government had ordered to hire non-Christians filed and won a lawsuit so their rescue mission is now free to hire like-minded employees who share the ministry’s religious beliefs

The Brazilian people have flooded the streets in protest at an allegedly rigged and stolen election – The Brazilian military now stands with Bolsonaro and is prepared to invoke Article 142 which says that the military has the role of “guaranteeing constitutional powers”

Before their power is diminished, Democrats are rushing to address the debt limit, get more funding for the war in Ukraine, and codify same-sex and interracial marriage

Who Is in the Best Position to Restore American Greatness in 2024? – Donald Trump is the only prominent Republican who has acknowledged the extraordinary level of corruption in the US, and it is the beneficiaries of that corruption who may fear him the most

ZH: The newly appointed special counsel to oversee probes related to former President Donald Trump is a “left-wing hatchet man” in pursuit of a “witch hunt,” according to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

SEC chair Gary Gensler is preparing to unveil plans for the way stocks are routed from buyers to sellers and wants to get much of the work on it done before the new GOP Congress takes over on Jan. 3

The Democratic operatives leading  a “war room” launched to combat forthcoming congressional investigations into matters including Hunter and Joe Biden have links to Chinese foreign influence groups and dark money networks funded by George Soros

Marjorie Taylor Greene Confirms The Democrats’ Worst Nightmare – She invited Twitter CEO Elon Musk to come to DC and reveal what was going on at Twitter when they banned accounts like hers and Trump’s at an Oversight Hearing in the 118th Congress

Arizona’s Election Bungle Once again, the Grand Canyon State is in the headlines for all the wrong reasons – “Botched and broken” the election is set to be certified on Nov. 28, the date by which the attorney general’s office has demanded a full report on election mismanagement

ZH: The Biden administration has quietly approved plans to build a new crude oil terminal in the Gulf of Mexico off Texas, seemingly in contradiction to the president’s climate agenda

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet discussed using tanks to crush protesters taking part in the peaceful Freedom Convoy protests earlier this year, a recent probe has found

ZH: How Economic Dystopia Will Come to America – CBDCs will be used by governments to exert massive control over people – With such tools at their disposal, governments will be able to more readily snoop on people and harass them

A 1,050-page report details whistleblower findings from the FBI and DOJ – Republicans found that the FBI waited over a year to begin a comprehensive investigation into the pipe bombs planted in front of both major parties’ headquarters on Jan. 5, 2021

President Trump and all of us who love our country are now in the crosshairs of a regime that has weaponized its federal law enforcement with the specific intent of hamstringing, if not destroying, all of its political/ideological enemies

It Is Time to Get Serious about Preserving and Protecting America – China has emerged over the past 30 years as a hostile and formidable rival, angling to supplant us as the dominant world power

House Republicans alerted at least 42 officials in the Biden administration that they will be expected to testify in a slew of GOP-led investigations early next year

The Uniparty, FTX, and Electoral Fraud – We have just experienced the second great election steal in two years. Will the Uni-Party of Democrats and RINOs succeed in evaporating the Red Wave? – Blockbuster Content

Biden’s ominous demand to ban and confiscate semi-automatic firearms – Leftists are no longer hiding the fact that they want to ban and confiscate guns

California GovernorGavin Newsom insists he will not challenge President Joe Biden for the Democratic candidacy in the 2024 presidential election, despite much speculation that he will run

ZH: A Gas Price Cap Could Cause Irreversible Harm To Energy Markets – Even a short intervention would have severe, unintended, and irreversible consequences in harming market confidence that the value of gas is known and transparent

Dr. Joseph Mercola: According to the 2022 Greenpeace report on the state of plastic in the U.S., recycling is impractical, expensive, and toxic, and the majority of plastic in the recycle bins is going to landfills

Leftist groups have been exerting pressure to ban Twitter from Apple and Google Android Phones, claiming he allows “hate speech” – Musk says he will create new smartphones if Twitter is removed from Apple and Google’s app stores

Big-Time Smackdown: Elon Musk refutes phony claims about taking cash from FTX and exposes his exposers – Now a lot of the mainstream media has egg on its faces, especially Semafor

Has the Democrat party converted to Islam? – Under this bills clause, no reports of any violence and killing committed not against Muslims, but by Muslims against other religious groups, nor the suppression of non-Muslims in Muslim-ruled nations, would be authorized – Only acts against Muslims


THE WEEK IN PICTURES: CRYPTO-PHAN EDITION – What we have unfolding right now is a full-fledged crypto-phan stupor overtaking the pretensions of Silicon Valley and its progressive cheerleaders

November 25, 2022

The DOJ Once Again Changes The Trump Seizure Evidence List Dropping “Empty Classified Folders”, and Continues Refusing to Give President Trump’s Lawyers the Affidavit Used for Search Warrant

The Newly Appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith Makes His First Move, Challenging Claims From The Trump Team – Assertions by Trump’s attorney are “incorrect,” Smith said in a brief, one-page letter to an appeals court

The Federal Communications Commission on Friday closed a “loophole” that allowed U.S. companies to purchase electronic equipment from companies, including Huawei, that the U.S. government has deemed too risky to buy from itself

Fauci-Based CCP-Style Lockdowns on One Person’s Opinion – The Missouri v. Biden case is the most important in decades for the protection of free speech and against government overreach

His resume is beyond impressive: Musk isn’t perfect but he knows what he’s doing – The fact that so many journalists are doubting that just because they lost their safe space is all the evidence one needs that it’s absolutely the truth

If You Have Not Been Taught to Think for Yourself, Then “Disinformation” is a Scary Thing – ”There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation” – There is only the information you accept and  the information that you do not accept

Letter to the Editor: How About a Federally Supported 24-Hour Election Day? – A suggestion for increasing both election confidence and voter turnout

The Recent Republican Governors Association Shows The GOP May Not Have Learned Anything From The Midterms –  Doug Ducey, Asa Hutchinson, and others blame Trump for their failures. Don’t let them get away with it

Elon Musk indicated he would support Ron DeSantis for president in 2024 – “My preference for the 2024 presidency is someone sensible and centrist. I had hoped that would the case for the Biden administration, but have been disappointed so far”

Jonathan Turley Warns Liz Cheney Irate Staffers Are Turning against Her over her Jan 6 Committee Plans – “Cheney’s spokesman Jeremy Adler said that the staffers in the other teams produced  “subpar material” full of “liberal biases”

ZH: California’s Air Resources Board laid out a plan that all new trucks operating around busy railways and ports be zero-emission vehicles by 2024, all diesel trucks would be phased out by 2035, and eventually, banishing every diesel truck and bus fleet from California roads by 2045

House GOP leadership rejects 6 of 8 rule changes sought by conservatives, with more pending – Proposed amendments pending include the reimplementation of the Holman Rule that permits targeted slashing of specific federal programs…

McCarthy Has Something Planned for the House on Jan. 3, 2023, That Hasn’t Been Done in Years – The entirety of the United States Constitution will be read on the first day of the new Congress

Kevin McCarthy told media that the newly elected Republican-controlled House of Representatives, next year, will move to re-open the U.S. Capitol to the public after several years of restrictions under Democratic leadership

AZ gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is planning a larger legal challenge than the one filed against Maricopa County – “We have whistleblowers and inside information about how this was run, what was going on behind the scenes…”

ZH: The Average Home Size In Every US State In 2022 – In 1949, the typical single-family home was just 909 square feet and by 2021, it had shot up to 2,480 square feet

ZH: H&R Block, TaxAct, and TaxSlayer sent Facebook sensitive financial information when Americans file their taxes online – The data included names, email addresses, income, filing status, refund amounts, and college scholarship information

The San Francisco Police Department Is Pushing For Police Robots For Deadly Force Situations – A Similar proposal failed in Oakland last month

Italians on unemployment benefits who turn down reasonable job offers will have their access to social security payments revoked in new laws expected to be introduced by Giorgia Meloni’s new administration

A start-up that Hunter Biden’s hard drive reveals he invested in, has received several six-figure grants from federal agencies under the Biden administration, including the DOD and the Department of Veterans Affairs

If You Are Surprised by the Midterm Election Results Take a Look at the Data – Could aggressive ballot harvesting likely explain the disparity between pollster predictions and actual results in the 2022 midterm elections?

Now that the 2022 election is over, Senator Chuck Schumer has announced the Democrats’ plan to give a path to citizenship, a path to the voting booth, to all the people that broke US law by sneaking into the United States illegally

World Economic Forum founder and Chair Klaus Schwab recently proclaimed China a “role model” for other nations and said he respected China’s “tremendous” achievements in modernizing its economy over the last 40 years”

It turns out the Biden Administration was the shadowy hand behind Justin Trudeau’s tyrannical acts against Canadian truckers – The White House pressured Trudeau to stop their trucker protest by any means necessary … or else

Josh Hsu, Vice President Kamala Harris’s chief legal advisor, intends to leave his current job by the end of the year – The administration’s inability to retain minority personnel at its highest levels has proved a course of concern for Biden staff

Take one look at some of the employees fired from Twitter in the past two weeks and it’s easy to see there was a severe leftist bias that specifically targeted and censored any viewpoints or facts that did not fit with their narrative

Elon Musk Announces Blanket Amnesty for Suspended Twitter Accounts – Twitter will begin unbanning accounts next week en masse, except for those who broke the law or engaged in excessive spam

Elon Musk unveils Twitter’s new verification program – A gold check for companies, a grey check for governments, and a blue for individuals, whether they are a celebrity or not

Thousands of Amazon workers across approximately 40 countries are planning to take part in ‘Black Friday’ protests to demand better wages and working conditions – Protests will coincide with the largest holiday shopping season of the year

November 24, 2022

Protests Spread In China As Backlash Grows To Their Lockdowns – Dozens of cities across the country have gone back into lockdown with millions of people impacted, a situation that has negatively impacted economic forecasts

YouTube deleted Independent YouTuber Matt Orfalea’s video that compared Donald Trump’s statements questioning 2020 election results to Democrats questioning the 2016 contest

2 House Races Remain Uncalled, With Republicans Leading in Both – In the 12th Congressional District in CA, John Duarte and Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) already declared victory over her Democrat opponent Adam Frisch

Sharyl Attkisson: Republican voters are overwhelmingly negative about Mitch McConnell as the party’s leader in the Senate according to Rasmussen – 64% view him unfavorably and 35% have a “very unfavorable” opinion of him

Trump’s Arc Must Play Out – It remains an observable fact that the average American voter—the MAGA voter—is not going to abandon Trump, not even for another attractive candidate

Is Congress Poised to Investigate Whitmer Fed-Napping Hoax? – The pathway to truly exposing the corrupt rot at the FBI runs through the Whitmer fed-napping hoax

Foundation for Freedom Online: The National Science Foundation spent $38.8 million to battle “misinformation” since Biden took office, with $31.8 million in grants given to 42 colleges and universities to “research” the concept of “stopping viral ideas”

The Ports of LA and Long Beach are Free Of Cargo Backup For The First Time Since October 2020 – The port backlog crisis in Southern California has officially ended

Over 250,000 Ballots Still Remain Uncounted in California – The vast majority of the uncounted ballots are from people who voted by mail, with Sacramento County failing to count a whopping 84,000 mail-in ballots

ZH: Cancel Culture’s War On History, Heritage, & The Freedom To Think For Yourself – There will come a time in the not-so-distant future when the very act of thinking for ourselves will not just be outlawed but will be unthinkable

CRC Research: 81% of parents with children under 18 are “cutting back” on their Christmas shopping in a time of extreme inflation under Joe Biden’s economic policies – More than half the nation” is spending less on the holidays

What Thanksgiving is really about – Thanksgiving is a hallmark peculiar to the Judeo/Christian heritage and faiths

Republicans Criticize White House’s “Talking Points” List of Biden’s ‘Top Accomplishments’ – The list included “tackling inflation and lowering costs,” citing lower gas prices since June, and the cost of living “moderating”

The Twitter Exodus Hits Teams Tasked With Regulatory, Content Issues – Globally, Regulators have asked the company about its ability to comply with privacy and content laws after losing a significant amount of staff

The War in Ukraine Reaches a Tipping Point The Ukrainian missile that landed in Poland portends graver risks down the line – So flagrant was Ukraine’s dishonesty that allied diplomats privately expressed their dismay

ZH: Diesel refining capacities are tight, and stockpiles are being depleted as the Northern Hemisphere cold season begins. Supply crunches could jeopardize critical transportation networks since it powers ships, trucks, and trains and is also used for heating homes and businesses, as well as a power generation source for utilities

Are You Freer than You Were Two Years Ago? – What “democracy” and “freedom” actually mean is the right of individuals to do as they like without regulation, restriction, or intimidation from government or other powerful institutions

“They’re Trying to Run Out the Clock” on her – Lake sued Stephen Richer, the county’s recorder, and other officials in Arizona Superior Court

Balenciaga: Child Sacrifice, Cannibalism, & Couture – Even more sinister signaling from the Haute couturier’s disgraced ad campaign that sexualizes children

Kevin Kiley vows to upend DC as California’s newest House member – For the past 6-years, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley has dogged Newsom and liberal legislators about everything from the gas tax to school closures to excessive spending

Lotteries Winners Vs Election Results – Do you think that perhaps US voting systems and election laws might be broken on purpose?

The Lancet bows down to the COVID cult – As a postscript to the recent article by Emily Oster in the Atlantic, the COVID Cult is still at it, with no signs of letting up

Are you connecting the pandemic dots yet? – The master manipulators licked their chops as they upgraded this virus from a molehill to a mountain – They’d finally figured out how to stop Trump as they used COVID to take him down


November 23, 2022

Disney Is Expected To Carry Out Major Layoffs After Billions In Losses – The board only made its offer on Friday to bring back former Disney CEO for 15-years Robert Iger, and the speed in which he has taken the helm is startling

Is There a Conservative Re-Alignment Taking Place in the Golden State? – Ric Grenell and Fix California are succeeding at an improbable task

ZH: Alignable’s Rent Report is out today and rent delinquency rates have escalated for the second month in a row in the U.S., breaking a new 2022 record – 41% of small business owners could not pay their November rent in full and on time

This week the Pentagon has refused to provide key details about the Biden administration’s request for an additional $37.7 billion in funding, a request that would put total U.S. taxpayer support to Ukraine above $100 billion

ZH: The Fear of Fear Itself: The Gripping Truth Out of Ukraine – Retired U.S. Colonel Douglas MacGregor says that Washington and London’s leaders are on a mission to destroy Germany and the German-Russian cooperative potential

MyPillow Founder and CEO Mike Lindell says he will challenge the “failed” Republican National Committee leader Ronna Romney to lead the organization

A national freight rail strike is viewed as increasingly inevitable as four rail worker labor unions have rejected a tentative agreement with rail companies

I’m Thankful This Year For Everyone Fighting Against “Trans-ing” The Kids – The success of the year has been making the weird and kinky things that liberals are doing with the nation’s children a fundamental political issue across the country

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was a major donor to several liberal media outlets, including ProPublica, Vox, The Intercept, and The Law and Justice Journalism Project, leading to speculation about their ability to objectively report on FTX

ZH: Howls Of Outrage After New York Times Confirms FTS’s Sam Bankman-Fried To Speak Alongside Zelenskyy, Yellen – It is becoming increasingly unlikely this prominent Democratic donor will ever see the inside of a courtroom

Statistically Impossible: Down Ballot Arizona GOP US House Races Received Thousands More Votes Than AZ Races for Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and the US Senate

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has vacated a contempt order by a federal judge that landed True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and veteran election fraud investigator Gregg Phillips in jail for more than a week

Federal Reserve officials at their last meeting saw “very few signs that inflation pressures were abating” before raising their benchmark interest rate by another three-quarter of a point for a fourth straight time

Gas prices over this Thanksgiving 2022 are the highest ever recorded – The national average price for a regular gallon of gasoline is about $3.60, the highest figure for Thanksgiving since AAA has been tracking this data since 2000

Here Are 7 Long-Standing Twitter Bans Elon Musk Has Already Reversed – It Looks Like He’s Keeping His Promise

Twitter owner Elon Musk confirmed this week that the social media platform’s prior operators had used its censorship policies as a vehicle to de-platform only conservative viewpoints

Trump’s Political Obituary Is Premature – As they did in 2016, critics cast him as unviable even as he commands a strong following

Five Quick Things, Thanksgiving 2022 Edition There’s plenty to be thankful for. After all, we’re finally rid of Nancy Pelosi

Poof! The California Surplus Is Gone – The latest figures suggest that California is heading from a massive budget surplus into a deficit situation, which might finally show whether Governor Newsom is up to a budget challenge

Louisiana Attorney General: During his deposition, Dr. Anthony Fauci said he could not recall key details about his actions during the COVID-19 pandemic

92-Year-Old John Perkins Said It Right Out with the old and in with the woke – His ministry has been defined by the truth that, as creatures made in the image of God, human dignity cannot be given by man, but only recognized and affirmed

Shoppers Say Thanksgiving Price Increases Are “Just Astronomical” – Heading into the holiday season, Americans nationwide continue to struggle with high prices for everything from food to gas to rent

Trump-backed Republican Kevin Kiley defeated his Democrat challenger Kermit Jones to win California’s 3rd Congressional seat, raising the GOP’s House majority to 220 seats

It looks like the recently anointed governor-elect of Arizona, Katie Hobbs – Reports indicate as many as 48 percent of voting locations in Maricopa County, Arizona, suffered printer or tabulator malfunctions

Are we living in a ‘post-truth’ society? – In which people are more likely to accept an argument based on their emotions and beliefs, rather than one based on facts”

WSJ: The Supreme Court Clears The Way for Donald Trump’s Tax Returns to Be Released to The House Panel – The Order gives House committee access to the former president’s tax returns

The Anti-Trump Wave Comes From All Directions – America’s Worst Enemies . . . Are The Republican Enemies From Within

Wednesday, FNC host Tucker Carlson criticized the media for ignoring what he deemed to be the sexual exploitation of children, referring to Balenciaga’s child “bondage” ad

WSJ: Musk’s Twitter Takeover Triggers A Partisan Clash – Democrats say company staff cutbacks are threatening user security, while Republicans counter that the criticism is a thinly veiled attempt to stamp out conservative voices on the site

Fraudulent, Illegal, Unconstitutional, Unconscionable, And False: A Short Tour Of Our Government In Action – The flagrant rule-breaking, cynical manipulation, and violation of basic standards should come as no surprise considering our history

Scientific facts rarely appear at climate change conferences – Their policies are based on inaccurate, easily manipulated computer models, as facts would be inconvenient when they are trying to scare eight billion people into submission

How Big Tech took over the Democrats The Sam Bankman-Fried FTX debacle reveals a party deeply in hock to Silicon Valley

John Hinderaker: WILL TRUMP BE A FACTOR IN 2024? – Commentators suggest that Trump could be hard to beat, but I think the trend will move away from Trump and toward DeSantis and others will continue over the next year

As Dr. Anthony Fauci officially “retired” on Tuesday, former White House Coronavirus Task Force advisor Dr. Scott Atlas eloquently summarized the legacy Fauci leaves behind, which is one of “massive harm” to society

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The WHO is working with Big Tech to combat misinformation online – As a result,” 850,000 YouTube videos related to supposed COVID-19 misinformation” were removed from February 2020 to January 2021

Dr. Joseph Mercola: With Musk behind the wheel at Twitter will the platform become a haven for free speech? – Things are moving in the right direction as information gatekeepers and controllers are already going into convulsions

November 22, 2022

WSJ: The Biden Administration Extends Pause on Federal Student Loan Payments – Legal challenges have stymied President Biden’s plan to forgive up to $20,000 in student debt for many borrowers

It is nice to see that the NY Post has raised the question of whether an indictment of President Trump on charges similar to his second impeachment would constitute “double jeopardy,” which is barred by the Fifth Amendment of our Constitution


Jean-Pierre shuts down a reporter who had questions for Fauci on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic

Was Xi’s Triumph at the 20th Party Congress a Defeat? – In the end, could he fall victim to the “paradox of power”

Attorneys for Anderson Lee Aldrich, the individual charged with 5 counts of murder and 5 hate crimes, said that Aldrich is “non-binary” and uses “they/them” for his pronouns

After the Maricopa county voting debacle, Arizona must reform its election laws – The Governor needs to call a special legislative session to deal with this issue

Patriot groups in Arizona are rallying to push for a new election on December 6, 2022, and so far 4 counties have said they will hold off on certifying the election results they have been given

Brazil has started freezing the bank accounts of citizens found to be protesting against the nation’s recent presidential election results, according to reports

Brazilians have been flooding the streets in protest over the country’s controversial election as their “very patriotic” military is on standby and waiting for President Bolsonaro to “give the order” to “restore law and order” in the embattled nation

When Ideology Trumps Empathy Progressives profess to care deeply about inner-city black Americans, but their voting patterns suggest otherwise

ZH: Bloomberg reported on Monday, “Germany will send Patriot missiles and fighter jets to Poland as part of an air-defense deal following a strike that raised fears of a significant escalation between NATO allies and Russia”

ZH: Surging tanker rates are weighing on the crude trade two weeks ahead of the biggest uncertainty for physical oil flows this year—the EU embargo on Russian crude oil imports and the associated price cap on Russian oil

ZH: Davos Will Use CBDCs To Destroy Commercial Banks – A CBDC would eliminate the need for commercial banks as transactions would take place directly between the central bank and the retail consumer

Alvin Bragg, NY District Attorney, Revives Stormy Daniels Hush Money Criminal Investigation Of Donald Trump

The Ninth Circuit Court ruled that EIPC, and recent and future congressional candidates, have standing to challenge CA’s election laws, regulations, policies, and procedures that have weakened or removed integrity from the election process

The CMS still requires “nursing homes to educate their residents” on COVID-19 vaccines and to offer vaccines to them, also nursing homes with low vaccination rates will be referred to state survey agencies for scrutiny

Former Vice President Mike Pence Pence Tries to Distance Himself From Anthony Fauci, But Is It Too Late? – He was in charge of fighting COVID in an administration that promoted shutdowns

A Rasmussen Reports survey from late September found that 84% of likely voters were concerned about election integrity in this year’s congressional elections – This belief is shared by every category of voters, including liberals and Democrats

As Shortages Persist Under The Biden Administration, It’s Time To Ask: Is This On Purpose? – Let’s start with the biggest one: the shortage of diesel fuel

WSJ: An Ethics Watchdog Group Seeks Probes Into Oversight of Officials’ – A Stock-Trading Conflicts Campaign Legal Center files complaints with federal agencies following a Wall Street Journal series

Trump’s special counsel’s wife produced Michelle Obama’s Netflix documentary Katy – Chevigny led the program’s creation and worked closely with Barack

Federal prosecutors in New York were investigating the recently-imploded cryptocurrency exchange FTX months before it filed for bankruptcy on November 11 but dropped the case

Election Day problems in Maricopa county are far greater than they admit –  Widespread equipment failures, hours-long lines impacting the vote tallies for Republican candidates much more than the vote tallies for Democrat candidates

Could App Store “Gatekeepers” De-platform Twitter Itself? – A journalist contacted Apple, Amazon & Google asking if they plan to take such action

The LA County Department of Public Health Is Pushing Indoor Masking Due To An Increase in COVID Cases – Other counties could follow suit in the coming weeks

November 21, 2022

Joe Biden Trashes the Abraham Accords – Bibi Netanyahu wants peace with Saudi Arabia and the Saudis probably want it, too, but the Biden Administration has other ideas

The Merrick Garland Insurrection – A rogue attorney general’s assault on democracy with a Trump special counsel

Indicting Trump: The Appointment of Robert Mueller’s Successor – Statute special prosecutors works for the AG, who works for the president, so any prosecution of Trump is likely politically motivated unless proven otherwise

Texas Governor Abbott sent a letter to Joe Biden saying TX will escalate border security measures by invoking a clause of the US Constitution to “protect its territory against invasion by the Mexican drug cartels” amid rampant illegal immigration

Joe Biden signed a G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration to adopt vaccine passports to “facilitate” all international travel. – The White House states it supports “the WHO mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub” as well as other tracing programs…

Joe’s Student Loan Scam Heads for the Garbage Bin – Two courts have blocked the administration’s debt forgiveness monstrosity

From Covid to CBDC: The Path to Full Control – The parallels between “Central Bank Digital Currencies” and Covid Pandemic Panic Theater are striking, with the common denominator being Control

A federal judge ruled Monday that former White House press secretary Jen Psaki must comply with a subpoena and offer deposition in a lawsuit that claims the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech to censor speech

The  New Age of American Politics – It’s time to hit ballot harvesting hard or die trying because the thing—the only thing—that truly matters now is a “ballots out, ballots in” machine

Newt Gingrich Sets Adam Schiff Straight: Pelosi & Democrats “Started This Dance” – She did something that had never been done before and reached into the minority party to decide who could and could not serve on some committees”

Following the recent implosion of the crypto exchange FTX, the sandal has exposed cryptocurrency Tether and its links to the CIA, drug cartels, Ukraine, and al-Qaeda

The Climate Cons – The world’s climate criminals aren’t the energy companies selling the fossil fuels needed to power a modern economy, the real offenders are the global warming alarmists enabling the redistribution of wealth

California Threatens to Ban Diesel Trucks – California’s nonsensical diesel regulatory rules threaten to worsen the supply chain – on top of a potential rail strike that could grind supplies throughout the country to a halt

The US Department of Energy Awards $1.1 Billion In Funding For A Diablo Canyon Plant Extension – The Civil Nuclear Credit Program funding would help keep the plant open well into the 2030s

Roger Kimball: Elon Musk Does the Unforgivable – Musk just committed the media equivalent of the unforgivable sin when he reinstated Donald Trump on Twitter.

ZH: Zelensky’s Long History of Crushing Dissent – Long before Russia’s invasion, many international human rights groups flagged abuses of the freedoms of speech, press, and association pursued principally by President Zelensky

Ron Paul: Is Washington’s Dangerous Ukraine Boondoggle Starting to Unravel? – The Biden Administration publicly disputed Zelensky’s continued insistence that Russia shot missiles into NATO-Member Poland

Are Slackers Cutting Their Throats? – The potential of AI is not just in the area of fast food. There are already convenience stores that are almost completely automated

The Border Crisis Is About to Get Worse – The Biden administration won’t have Title 42 to mitigate the consequences of his unwillingness to protect the border

The Biden administration has secretly started a new system to let in potential lawbreakers that also puts them on a fast track to legal status, as the new program amounts to an amnesty ticket

Galganov: If You’re Not Angry Now, Then When? – The Blueprint For What’s Happening In America Was Written Long Ago

Why Schiff, Swalwell, and Omar on McCarthy’s hit list to lose committee assignments – “Two of them are untrustworthy and the other made antisemitic comments in the past”

Biden Uses Colorado Shooting to Demand “Assault Weapons Ban” – Despite the motivation for the attack not yet being established, Biden argues that the incident at the Club Q shooting justifies pushing his gun control agenda

The scary part is that the students fell for it – Biden announced an executive to help students with college debt, which was clearly “Pandering 101” and aimed at getting college students to vote Democrat ahead of the midterms

Coleen Huber NMD: Dogma & Anti-Intellectualism at Universities, Part 1 – We saw imposed dogma with climate studies then later COVID religion worship circles dominated the universities, and now the Arizona elections also reveal doctrinaire trends on campus

Coleen Huber NMD: Dogma & Anti-Intellectualism at Universities, Part 2 – What cultural shift made the Arizona counties with the largest universities choose the candidate who refused to debate? Have universities rejected diversity of opinions?

“I don’t give a f***!” – The Maricopa County attorney explodes on an election question – A phone call by a campaign worker for Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake turned into an obscenity-filled explosion on the part of the government official

A new Rasmussen poll revealed that conservatives and Republicans blame Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, and Ronna McDaniel far more than they blame Donald Trump for the party’s underperformance in recent mid-term elections

Did The GOP Learn Anything From The Midterms? – One obvious explanation for what happened is the election process While the Republicans focus on winning votes the Democrats concentrated on gathering ballots

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a potential presidential hopeful in 2024, said during the weekend that the midterm results show that the Sunshine State presents a “blueprint for success” for the Republican Party looking forward

Strong State Federalism Is The Best Path Forward Right Now For The GOP (And The Country) – Arguably, Ron DeSantis has done more good for conservatives as a governor than national Republican leaders have in the past two years

Donald Trump #1 should run, while Trump #2 might be stopped – Rush said they couldn’t destroy Trump because they didn’t create him, so they created a new #2 and have slowly substituted that person in place of #1 in voters’ minds

The top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee warns TikTok is a national security threat and Trump was right to want to ban it – “All of that data that your child is inputting and receiving is being stored somewhere in Beijing”

COP OUT ON COP27: THE STRANGE NEW RESPECT EDITION – The COP27 conference agreed that rich nations will pay poorer ones compensation for the supposed damage caused by climate change

The School-to-Clinic Pipeline – New rules from the Biden administration will worsen gender-related distress in children

ZH: Inflation Or Recession? – While many market participants are concerned about rate increases, they appear to be ignoring the largest risk: the potential for a massive liquidity drain in 2023

Gathering Votes to Re-elect Ronna Romney McDaniel as RNC Chair – McDaniel just blew another huge victory for the Republican party and the country and yet, the party elites want to keep her as chairwoman

Disney Fires ‘Woke’ CEO Bob Chapek, Brings Back Iger to Save Struggling Company – Chapek was booted from the company following a series of “woke” controversies that cratered Disney’s share price

ZH: The CFTC is reportedly looking for crypto industry whistleblowers in the aftermath of the FTX collapse, according to a new BNN/Bloomberg report. The payout for blowing the whistle could be in the millions of dollars, the report says

ZH: It’s been over a year since the withdrawal from Kabul, and the DOD has no clear idea how much US-funded military equipment fell into the Taliban’s hands in Afghanistan, according to a new report from a top government watchdog

California Governor Newsom relented, and released $1 billion despite lackluster local homeless plans – “They need to commit to more aggressive plans to reduce street homelessness”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Manufactured Dystopia – Digital identity, digital twins, programmable central bank digital currency, social credit systems, human augmentation and the Internet of Bodies are all part of globalist’s desired dystopian future

November 20, 2022

The Mass Murderer Who Hit The Homosexual Night Club Had Major Crime Charges Dropped by a Woke Soros-Backed District Attorney Just a Year Earlier

Sorry Liz Cheney: After Reinstating President Trump’s Twitter Account Two of His Tweets from Jan 6 Tell the Real Story

We Need To Nominate A Republican Who Can Get 50 Percent – It’s doable, but, alas, not with Donald Trump

Republicans Are Missing the Point of Donald Trump Running Again – He did more for bullied Americans than the GOP ever has and they haven’t forgotten

4 Days After Trump Campaign Kickoff, Ted Cruz Drops Major 2024 Announcement – “I’m running for re-election in the Senate – I’m focused on the battles in the United States Senate”

Jack Smith, the special counsel appointed by AG Garland to investigate former president Donald Trump’s possession of classified information, was a key figure in the Internal Revenue Service’s infamous targeting of conservative non-profits

JD Rucker: Kari Lake Is Confident She “Will Become Governor” After The Attorney General Launched An Inquiry Into Maricopa County’s Shenanigans

“72 of the 115 Maricopa voting centers had material problems with the tabulators not being able to tabulate ballots, causing voters to either deposit their ballots into box #3, spoil their ballots and re-vote, or get frustrated and leave the vote center without voting”

Beijing is circumventing its firewall to leverage YouTube, and profiting off its advertising service, in the battle to win hearts and minds in the West, according to a new report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

ZH: They Will Lock You Down Again – The lords of lockdowns barely escaped their worst possible fate, namely that the topic would become the national and international source of scandal that it should be

ZH: The 32 Teams Playing In The 2022 FIFA World Cup – The FIFA World Cup is one of the most-watched sporting events in the world – in 2018, nearly 3.6 billion people tuned in to watch the tournament

Sharyl Attkisson: Most physicians supported scrapping Daylight Saving Time and making Standard Time permanent year-round during a discussion on Sunday at the American Medical Association’s Interim Meeting of the House of Delegates

The Biden administration, as it has done with other federal agencies, has redirected the FTC from its core mission of “protecting consumers and promoting competition” to fighting racial inequity and climate change

The Biden Administration to Pay Into United Nations Fund to Compensate Countries for Climate Change – Joe Biden anointed himself a warrior for climate change but donated money rather than make hard, politically unpopular policy

Machines Failed at 70 Maricopa County Polling Places on Election Day – The main issue with the polling places was with Ballot on Demand printers, not tabulation machines

Congressional Hearings, Either Do Them Right or Not at All – A proposed agenda for the new Republican Led House of Representatives

Veterans of former President Donald Trump’s White House and previous campaigns aren’t exactly jumping to join his 2024 effort, more than a dozen Trump World figures suggest

At Least 5 Dead, 18 Wounded, in Gay Nightclub Attack in Colorado – Colorado Springs Police said they have located one individual in the club believed to be the suspect

November 19, 2022

ZH: NBC now reports that police body cam footage has been made available to some media outlets and the footage clearly shows Paul Pelosi opening the door for police in seemingly perfect health

Whitehouse Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Turns Into A Stuttering Mess When Asked About Joe Biden’s Involvement with His Son Hunter’s Business Dealings

The Biden administration, emboldened by the Democrats’ midterm over-performance, is doubling down on its disastrous strategy – Per insiders, Biden plans to remake “the White House into a more political operation”

The Biden Administration will wield one of the government’s most powerful tools to advance a radical agenda on abortion and transgenderism – HHS is leveraging Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act to transform it into a new super sexual-rights statute

Here’s How Many Illegal Alien Sex Predators ICE Just Captured – They Were All Hiding In American Communities

We Now Know How Many AZ Machines Were Down on Election Day – It’ll Make Your Blood Boil

The Arizona Attorney General Takes Action – Ballots Reported in Black Duffle Bags – Officials Broke Election Laws – The State Demands Names

Donald Trump’s Twitter Account Restored – After launching a poll asking Twitter users if Trump should be reinstated, Musk decided to let the more than 15 million users have their way, and bring the former president back onto the platform

Did Elon Musk Lay a Trap for Cheating Democrats? – “Some Interesting Lessons Are Learned About Possible Bots During The Clean Up…”

ZH: A Step Toward National Suicide? – The November 8 midterm elections were a watershed in modern American history

ZH: FTX Post Mortem Part 1 Of 3: WTF Happened? – The dust hasn’t settled, but the smoke is beginning to clear, somewhat… Here’s WTF just happened, and what happens next…

Religious and Political Views Shared on Facebook Profiles Will Be Removed – Facebook is changing the information users are allowed to post as part of their profile beginning December 1st

ZH: A federal judge on Friday ordered the unsealing of documents featuring the real names of some of the “John Does” relating to deceased sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein

ZH: Toyota, Lexus, and BMW are the most reliable new cars according to the annual survey of Consumer Reports – Results were compiled by assessing issues with over 300,000 vehicles in 17 trouble spots over the past 12 months

ZH: Finland has announced it will “build the wall” – along its lengthy border with Russia as relations between the two continue rapidly deteriorating due to the Ukraine war and Finland’s bid to join NATO

Border Patrol agents arrested two previously deported child sex offenders – One of them that was arrested, a Salvadoran National, has a criminal conviction from a New York court for raping a disabled child

The Media’s Latest Defense – Joe Biden’s Judgement Is Unaffected by Hunter’s Business Deals

When considering Trump v. DeSantis, there are intangibles to consider – Which is greater, the number of people he brings into the process just because he is on the ticket or the number of people who refuse to vote for him?

JD Rucker: Why Are Four Republican Senators Leading Talks With Illegal Aliens to Sneak Amnesty Through in a Lame Duck Session?

The Fatal Flaw In Our Constitutional Republic – Our system isn’t designed to withstand it if one side loses its moral underpinnings in favor of a lust for power and is willing to do anything to win

Elon Musk, Echoing ADL Talking Points, Says The New Twitter Policy is “Freedom of Speech, But Not Freedom of Reach” – Negative/hate tweets will be de-boosted to the max & demonetized

Nuclear War Games with HR McMaster – The Lieutenant General and former National Security Advisor speaks candidly about the war in Ukraine and how it might end

The Collapse of Consent in Canada – Canada’s surging number of assisted suicides reveals that consent is a weak and malleable thing

Ann Coulter recently gave a talk on freedom of speech at her undergraduate alma mater, Cornell – Some students and faculty there claimed her previous talks were “harmful” and tried to stop her by claiming she engages in “hate speech

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: CRYPTO-CRASH EDITION – How many Theranose’s, Solyndra’s, Madoff’s, and other liberal pipe-dream companies need to implode before people recognize that woke capitalism is ruinous?

November 18, 2022

The New Congress Must Revisit Postal Reform – Having lost more than $100 billion over the past 15 years (including $4.4 billion in 2022), the USPS is in dire fiscal straits

A Special Counsel Is Appointed For A Trump Probe – AG Merrick Garland, a Biden appointee who heads the DOJ appointed Jack Smith, who currently prosecutes war crimes at The Hague, as a special counsel

Arizona’s Election Certification May Be in Jeopardy After County Board’s Surprise Vote

Oregon’s Gun Control Law Backfires Immediately – It led to a massive uptick in attempted firearms purchases with background checks skyrocketing from 850 per day, before the midterms, to 4,000 per day after the law’s passing

Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake responded to speculation that she could be a conservative star if she pivots away from former President Donald Trump, who had endorsed her. – Never!

JD Rucker: Will Arizona Be the First Domino to Finally Fall in Our Fight Against Voter Fraud? – I don’t peddle false hope, but I believe there’s a chance in Arizona

The “Insurrection!” House of Cards Is Collapsing – The American people should prepare themselves for more stunning revelations about the FBI’s key role in the events of January 6th

It’s Time to Speak the Truth About Ukraine –  Sanctions are destroying our economy, a proxy war is leading the United States to the brink of nuclear annihilation, and America is financing a Nazi regime

The Suspect Who Mowed Down 25 Sheriff’s Dept. Recruits Released Without Bail – “The evidence is there, but we just want to make sure it’s properly presented”

ZH: Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of Theranos is convicted of fraud and sentenced to 135 months in prison, capping the  downfall of what the media and the Clinton Foundation dubbed as a “one-time Silicon Valley wunderkind”

New York Representative Hakeem Jeffries has announced a bid for the top Democrat position in the 118th Congress, which would make him the successor to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

The Massachusetts DPH is facing a class action lawsuit for allegedly working with Google to install “spyware” onto the Android devices of a million state residents without their knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic

DeSantis: “World Economic Forum Policies Are Dead on Arrival in Florida” – “I want to have the values, not of places like Davos inflicted on us, but of places like Destin and Dunedin, where I grew up”

Mike Rowe Issues Warning About ‘Hideous’ Workforce Trend That’s Unprecedented in US History – “We’re in a place where 7 million able-bodied men are not only not working … they are affirmatively not looking for a job”

California Water Facts for Legislators – Spending $100 billion on these projects will ensure perpetual water abundance

Five COVID Investigations the GOP House Needs to Launch on Day One After Taking Over The House – #5: Legal immunity from liability for pharmaceutical corporations

The Mask Parade Charade – In Canada 70% of the public want mask mandates back, even though study after study, peer-reviewed, top-of-the-line researchers are all saying these masks do very little good if any

The Biden Administration Asks Supreme Court to Allow Student-Debt ‘Forgiveness’ Order to Take Effect – They claim the HEROES Act, enables program enactment, exempted from required procedures, including a notice-and-comment period

Two incidents at the G-20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, underline the absurdity of believing that Sino-American relations can significantly improve – Xi’s attempt to cancel Sunak and Trudeau fits perfectly with his preferred diplomatic strategy

WSJ: AG Garland Appoints A Special Counsel to Determine Whether Trump Should Face Charges – To assess whether criminal charges are merited in connection with the handling of classified documents and oversee key aspects of the investigation into efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are calling nearly a dozen DHS officials to give “voluntary compliance” to testimony requests as they gear up to scrutinize the border crisis and other hot-button topics

What do Hunter Biden, Ghislaine Maxwell, and R. Kelly have in common? Federal Sex Trafficking – Ghislaine got 20 years, and R. Kelly got 30 years, so how many years will Hunter Biden get?

How the Game is Fixed – Why is it that multiple unusual occurrences and happenings in a nationwide election are ignored and voters are expected to accept the results without asking questions?

John Daniel Davidson: Conservatives Can’t Run And Hide From The Left Anymore. They Have To Stand And Fight – A tale of two parades in a small Texas town illustrates why conservatives can’t hide from the left no not anymore

Members Of The MAGA World Respond to Trump’s 2024 Run: Our Country Needs Him Now More Than Ever” – In an hour-long campaign address, Trump painted a dark picture of America under the Democrats’ rule…

The conspicuous silence over the fallen crypto king’s Democrat ties – FTX’s Bankman-Fried ranked as the Democrat Party’s second-biggest individual donor in the 2021–2022 election cycle, pumping an estimated $40 million into various Democratic campaigns and activist groups

The Democrat’s FTX Scandal Is Only Just Beginning – Was this a case of massive election fraud? If so, it isn’t just Bankman-Fried who should be punished

The New York Times was planning to host the FTX founder in a swampy celebrity cavalcade – They planned to host and fete him alongside luminaries such as Volodymyr Zelensky, Mark Zuckerberg, and Janet Yellen, on November 30

ZH: Power Blackout Risks Loom For A Quarter Of All Americans – A shortage of fuel used to power the economy, from heating to trucking, has about 25 days left of supplies in storage

ZH: Sweden Finds “Foreign Objects” & Explosive Residue On Nord Stream Pipelines – While not naming a culprit, the Swedish final report of this initial stage of the inquiry uncovered evidence of “foreign objects” placed on the pipelines

ZH: Oil prices are plunging as futures contracts roll with the Jan 23 WTI contract price trading with a $77 handle – Analysts say the rise in COVID-19 cases in China has renewed worries about a reduction in energy demand

Footage captured by a thermal drone shows an army of illegal migrants entering the U.S. at Eagle Pass, Texas, yesterday with the reporter who captured the footage noting that it happens “every morning”

US Consumers Are Doing Exactly What They Did Just Before The Crash Of 2008 – They went on a debt binge of epic proportions as mortgage debt, auto loan debt, and credit card debt all skyrocketed

Beef prices and pretty much all meat prices have been going up the last year at a staggering rate – This seems to be perfectly timed with the burgeoning industries of insect food products and lab-grown “meat” they want us to buy

Twitter On Lock Out After Mass Resignation Exodus and Operations Are At Risk – Elon Musk and his team are terrified employees will sabotage the company and they’re still trying to figure out which workers they need to cut access for

“Equity” is just communism – Equity is forced redistribution of property and demands that those “who have” give to those “who have not.”  It’s not a free exchange; it is forced by a central controller, our government

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Is Your Body the Legal Property of Big Pharma? – COVID has now shown us that this rebranded form of eugenics can be forced upon

November 17, 2022

Illegal ballot harvesting allegedly caught on camera in AZ’s Maricopa County – It’s interesting that for many of the people captured on camera, the stacks they are placing into the drop box appear to have roughly the same amount of ballots

Kari Lake unleashes the heat, and makes 1 fiery promise to America – “Rest assured I have assembled the best and brightest legal team, and we are exploring every avenue to correct the many wrongs that have been done this past week”

House Republicans on the Oversight Committee released a report Thursday alleging that President Joe Biden abused the executive branch through his involvement in Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings

Meet Election Denier Hakeem Jeffries, Front-Runner for House Democrat Leader – This lawyer from central Brooklyn, is a self-described far-left Democrat who declared Donald Trump “will never” be accepted “as a legitimate President”

Another California desalination plant approved — It is located in the city of Marina on the Monterey coast as in the most contentious one yet

ZH: There has been an alarming decrease in the average sperm count of men worldwide over the last few decades – Research reveals a 51% fall between 1973 and 2018, from 101 million sperm per milliliter of sperm to just 49 million

Oil demand worldwide rose in September to exceed the September 2019 pre-Covid levels by nearly 1 million barrels per day (BPD), new data from the Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) showed on Thursday

The WP Quietly Drops A “Bombshell” About The FBI’s Raid on Trump’s Mar-A-Lago – Their “Nuclear Hoax” appears to be a politically driven egregious abuse of power by the Biden administration over a paperwork dispute

George Soros is funding a group urging secretaries of state and other elections officials to ban Trump from running for president in 2024 by enacting the disqualification clause of the 14th Amendment

Joe Biden Tries To Play Geopolitics With China and Russia — And He Loses – The Xi and Putin regimes profit off of our engagement with them and their exploitation of their people

Anti-Trump “Republican” Billionaires Are Deeply Tied to Chinese Communist Money – So it isn’t a surprise that they are lining up against a populist that wants to “launch an all-out campaign to eliminate America’s dependence on China”

YES! The Return of Trump Is Essential – The obsession with stopping Trump has morphed into a battle to silence millions of middle-class Americans who see the country divided between “the Ruling Class” and “the Country Class”

After The 2022 Setback, Trump is no longer the only game in town – Trump’s inner circle appears to believe that other possible 2024 candidates must yield to the former president and that doing otherwise would be “disloyal”

A pro-DeSantis political action committee just released a promotional ad for DeSantis – “DeSantis is DeFuture, Join us in this fight to make DeSantis our next president of the United States”

A group of House Republicans, led by Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, has introduced legislation to audit funds appropriated by Congress for Ukraine

Kari Lake said concerns her campaign raised about Hobbs overseeing the election and with electronic voting equipment turned out to be legitimate, pointing to how tabulators across Maricopa County weren’t working properly on election day

The DC council voted unanimously to lower sentences for burglaries, carjackings, and robberies, reduce penalties for illegal gun possession, and for being a felon in possession of a firearm

G20 leaders have issued a joint declaration promoting a global standard on proof of vaccination for international travel and are calling for the establishment of “global digital health networks”…

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has continued transporting migrants from Texas to various northern cities and most recently, 28 immigrants arrived Wednesday morning in Philadelphia, a “sanctuary city”

A new study shoots holes in gun-control campaigners’ biggest claim  – It reveals that there is “no link” between legal gun sales and the violent crime rate

Republicans Could Set Their Sights on Impeaching Someone Other Than Biden – Mayorkas would likely be at the top of the list since Republicans will probably focus heavily on the crisis at the southern U.S. border 

Joe Biden was the chairman of the board and involved in Hunter’s foreign deals – The White House spent $250K to deflect stories on his son

Some of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world are funneling millions of dollars into schools to push left-wing education initiatives at the expense of students’ academics according to “Parents Defending Education”

The Republican House Oversight Committee is launching an investigation into Joe Biden’s dealings with his son Hunter to determine whether the president “is compromised or swayed by foreign dollars”

Nancy Pelosi to announces her political future on House floor as she steps down as top Democrat – Her potential successors include New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries and California Rep. Adam Schiff…

Get ready for the mother of all illegal immigrant border surges – If you’re an illegal border crosser intent on making the U.S. your home, as of January 1, all you have to do to stay in the states is say the magic word: “Asylum”

Why the Red Tsunami Turned into a Ripple – Here’s how some of the mechanics of vote fraud work

ZH: The Associated Press issued an official correction for its not-so-inconsequential bit of reporting that could have easily set off a chain of events leading to a WWIII scenario – With their story that Russia attacked NATO member, Poland

ZH: Final G20 Decree: “Most Members” Condemn Russia – Many members have not followed the US in sanctioning Russia, including China, India, Brazil, and Indonesia

ZH: With homebuilder sentiment collapsing, it should be no surprise that analysts expected housing starts and permits to tumble in October, and they were right with starts dropping 4.2% MoM and permits down 2.4% MoM…

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer Calls For Amnesty For 11+ Million Illegals – He Says It Is Because The American Population “Is Not Reproducing On Its Own”

12 Republican senators joined Democrats in a bill to protect same-sex marriages – The bill requires that marriages that are valid under the laws of any one state be recognized as such by every other state

American Elections Must Be Called On Election Night No “Better Late Than Never” For Votes! – Ultra-Left states like California, Maryland, New York, and D.C. are over-generous in accepting mail-in ballots after Election Day

Karen Bass defeated Rick Caruso in the Los Angeles Mayoral election on Wednesday, garnering an insurmountable number of votes to become the first African American since 1993 and the first woman to be elected to the position

San Francisco to “GIFT” Transgender Residents $1,200 a Month in Taxpayer Money – The monthly stimulus program that is exclusively for residents who “identify” as the gender that conflicts with their biological sex

Why Are They So Terrified Of Elon Musk? – Very Much Like Donald Trump . . . I Don’t See Musk Taking A Knee

Elon Musk Demands Commitment To “Extremely Hardcore” Work From Remaining Twitter Staff “Only exceptional performance will constitute a passing grade”

On Tuesday, an extremely ambitious 12-week test of the “digital dollar” was publicly announced – As you will see, some of the biggest companies in the financial world are participating…

A George Soros-installed prosecutor has been impeached by lawmakers in Pennsylvania – Larry Krasner was first elected in 2017 and won reelection in 2021 with the help of a $1.7 million boost from radical billionaire Soros

The FDA Says Lab-Grown Meat Is Safe for Human Consumption – The decision means that UPSIDE Foods, formerly known as Memphis Meats, will be able to bring its “cultivated chicken” products to the market

What’s wrong with US broadband? – The Verge and Consumer Reports collected 22,000 internet bills to find out how Americans are getting online and they paint an ugly picture

Consumer Reports: You May Be Paying Too Much for Your Internet – Analysis of thousands of bills showed costs vary widely and charges can be higher when people have fewer providers to choose from

November 16, 2022

Electric vehicles, including those from Tesla, are among some of the least reliable sold in the United States, according to the Consumer Reports 2022 Annual Auto Reliability survey released Tuesday

An advisor to Senator-elect John Fetterman admonished reporters Tuesday for the method in which they asked him questions – You Can’t Ask Questions The Senator Won’t Understand

More than 20 police recruits were injured after a driver plowed into the group out on a morning run – Police have a driver in custody and 10 ambulances reportedly arrived at the scene

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has thrown cold water on the media-driven speculation that he intends to run for president in 2024 – “People Just Need to Chill Out a Little Bit”

Democrats fear Trump so much they want to block his White House run Claim he’s ineligible because of the Jan. 6 riot

Investors who “lost $11 BILLION” in failed FTX sue the celebrities who endorsed crypto company – They include Gisele Bundchen, Tom Brady, Shaq, Larry David, Steph Curry, and Noami Osaka

ZH: Biden’s Sanctions cause more USD inflation than Trillions in QE – Russia sanctions didn’t have any negative impact on the Russian economy, on Putin or his inner circle, on the Russian Military, or anything starting with the letter “R”

The Senate Votes to End The COVID Emergency Declaration On A Bi-Partisan Vote – Joe Biden Says He Will Veto The Bill If It Passes In The House  of Representatives

Man in the Arena – Ron DeSantis shows conservatives how to fight the “culture war as public policy”

Victor Davis Hanson: Let The Blame Games Begin? – For Republicans either different leaders or different strategies—or both—are needed to ensure different results

The Kari Lake campaign for Arizona governor called for a redo of Maricopa County’s election in light of the vote tabulation machines malfunctioning in over 30 percent of polling locations on Election Day last week

Amazon Confirms Jobs Cuts as Rumors Swirl of 10,000 Layoffs

Judge Dorow Throws The Book at Waukesha Christmas Parade Killer Darrell Brooks – She sentenced him to 6 consecutive life sentences for 1st-degree intentional homicide, plus other charges for a total of 762 years confinement …

California Is Facing A $25 Billion Budget Shortfall Next Year – This is what you get when a huge chunk of a surplus goes to pet projects and one-time-only spending programs

Trump Is Back (And So Are the Fact-Checkers) – They no longer have to feign interest in holding the Biden administration accountable as they can concentrate on whatever Trump says

Trump’s Uphill Sequel – The former president’s 2024 candidacy faces challenges not only from within his party but also from an altered political environment

The Media’s ‘Strange New Respect’ for Mike Pence Won’t Last – Pence should be aware that if by some miracle he captures the GOP nomination in 2024, that very same media will turn on him just as they turned on McCain and Romney

The Stupid Party Gets Stupider – Most of the inept GOP figures responsible for the party’s malaise will retain their power

WSJ: The Senate Votes to Advance Same-Sex Marriage Legislation – A dozen Republicans joined Democrats in a vote which opens the effort to pass a bill in both houses of Congress by the end of the year

WSJ: Mitch McConnell Wins Reelection as Senate Minority Leader –  Failure by GOP to take the Senate in the midterm elections fuels the feud that has been running for months

Ivanka Trump Makes a Political Announcement of Her Own – ”I will always love and support my father, but going forward I will do so outside the political arena”

The Paul Pelosi “attack” takes another bizarre twist – Another local report coincides with the network story that was retracted, indicating Pelosi had opened the door for police, and then went back into his house where he was attacked

With No Confirmation Of Who Is Responsible, Biden Unveils $37BN More In Emergency Ukraine Aid On The Heels Of A Polish Border ‘Attack’

Biden demands $10 BILLION more in Covid funds after extending ‘health emergency’ to April – The money is intended to be used to create more vaccines, for foreign Covid aid, and to tell more people to get vaccinated and boosted

The day after multiple missiles struck NATO nation Poland, killing two innocent Polish people, it’s now been revealed that Russia wasn’t responsible for the missiles, Ukraine was

Bidenflation Strikes Again! – The S&P 500 Shows Its Worst Performance In REAL Terms Since 1872 (Worst Since President Ulysses Grant!)

Elon Musk issues an ultimatum to staff: Commit to a “hardcore” Twitter or take severance – It comes as Musk’s first major feature, Twitter’s Blue Verified, was halted while the company probes issues that arose from its launch

ZH: The lowest oil inventories in developed economies since 2004 are set to combine with the EU embargo on Russian oil imports to further tighten the oil market and the already “exceptionally tight” diesel markets according to the IEA

ZH: US Homebuilder Confidence Collapses In October As Future Sales Hope Hits Decade-Lows – This is the 11th straight monthly decline in homebuilder confidence – the longest losing streak since data began in 1985

ZH: Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum continue to pontificate on the virtues of the “Great Reset” and the usefulness of crisis as a means to accomplish a “restructuring” of the current world order

The Full List of Democrats That FTX CEO Pumped Cash To – One of the biggest scandals emerging from last week’s implosion of cryptocurrency company FTX is how much cash the CEO was pumping into the coffers of U.S. Democrats

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene warned Republicans about Democrat’s plan to take advantage of the slim majority the GOP will have in the House and place a Pelosi-approved person as the new Speaker

ZH: Crude Prices Jump After Israeli Tanker Hit By Iranian Drone Off Oman Coast – Brent crude prices, which were down before the news, jumped and traded above $94 a barrel

NASA’s towering next-generation moon rocket blasted off from Florida early on Wednesday on its debut flight – The crewless voyage inaugurates NASA’s Artemis exploration program 50 years after the final Apollo moon mission

California will now allow nurse practitioners to treat patients without physician supervision – This move aims to expand access to care at a time when workforce shortages plague just about every corner of healthcare

How China Got Our Kids Hooked on ‘Digital Fentanyl’ – TikTok is not only the most trafficked news app for Americans under 30. It was also a major political force this year

Historic Negative Scholastic Impacts of Social Distancing – We are now beginning to see the negative effects play out in the form of historic learning setbacks, falling test scores, and developmental delays

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Censorship Wasn’t Enough – The globalist cabal that seeks to “reset” the world intends to replicate the Chinese surveillance and control system worldwide, but whether they’ll allow the Chinese to rule their New World Order is up for debate

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Sepsis May Be Responsible for 20% of Deaths Worldwide – Sepsis has been identified as a major contributor to influenza deaths – Some symptoms resemble those of influenza, so it’s important to know how to distinguish the two

November 15, 2022

WSJ: The New Woke Discrimination Demands a New Law – Expand the Civil Rights Act to protect employees from being fired for their political beliefs

FBI Director Christopher Wray Refuses to Answer Whether FBI Had Sources ‘Dressed as Trump Supporters’ on Jan. 6 – “I have to be very careful about where we have and have not used confidential human sources…”

The Relationship Among FTX, Ukraine, and Democrats Sparks Speculation – New questions are being raised surrounding these connections, from crypto partnerships to billionaire’s contributions to Democrats

Joe Biden abruptly canceled G20 meeting after world leaders had already gathered in Indonesia – The official explanation for his last-minute dropout leaves some with questions about whether something is seriously wrong with the president

Donald Trump: “To make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for President of the United States”

Decision Desk HQ: Republicans have taken back the house after gaining their 218th seat – In the 117th Congress, Democrats held a narrow majority in the chamber, 220 to the Republicans’ 212, but it appears the GOP has flipped that

JD Rucker: Elections Were Stolen: Do NOT Let Them Gaslight You Into Thinking Otherwise – Never in modern history have the polls been wrong by FAVORING Republicans heavily

Electric Vehicle Makers Are Quietly Switching to a Battery Type That Has Even Less Driving Range – Lithium-iron-phosphate batteries (LFP) – These are the most commonly used battery in Chinese EVs

Kevin McCarthy wins nomination for Speaker Of The House – Representative Steve Scalise also announced that he has been elected by fellow Republican House members as the House Majority Leader of the 118th Congress

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) announced his challenge to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) leadership role during a closed-door Senate Republican Conference meeting Tuesday afternoon

Former President Donald Trump blamed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) after Democrats secured control of the Senate after winning races in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania

Even as media outlets are saying that Democrat Katie Hobbs has defeated Republican Kari Lake in the race to be governor of Arizona, there remain questions – And these questions may not be answered any time soon

The Biden administration is facing questions and backlash after its $500 billion student debt transfer was blocked in court two days following the midterm elections

In Horrific Move, Iran’s Parliament Votes to Execute 15,000 Recently Arrested Protestors to Teach Them A “Hard Lesson”

Sharyl Attkisson: Voters worry about election cheating and don’t trust mail-in voting – 57% of likely U.S. voters believe it is likely that the outcome of some elections this year will be affected by cheating, including 30% who say it’s “very likely”

Steve Bannon Demands Arizona Refuse To Certify Election After Massive Election Errors Discovered

Governor Newsom’s Windfall Profits Tax Scheme on Energy Companies Will Not Lower Energy Prices for Californians – As  Democrats look for a new scapegoat to blame for their failed policies

WSJ: A Judge Strikes Down Title 42, Used to Expel Asylum Seekers A Federal judge in Washington says the pandemic-era policy isn’t legal

Wait, This Is The Inflation News Everyone Is Celebrating? – Biden-Inflation Continues as many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with little or no savings to speak of

Households increased debt at the fastest pace in 15 years due to hefty increases in credit card usage and mortgage balances –  The credit card balance rose more than 15% due to robust consumer demand and higher prices

Moms Were Right: Acetaminophen During Pregnancy Can Cause ADHD And Autism  – There are major lawsuits against acetaminophen manufacturers to compensate for the cost of developmental disorders following its use during pregnancy

November 14, 2022

People Immediately Noticed Something Mysteriously Absent from the White House’s Biden-XI Meeting Summary – There was a glaring omission of the COVID-19 pandemic, the thing that wiped out millions of people worldwide

An FBI official involved in pressuring big tech companies to censor information must sit for a deposition, a U.S. judge ruled on Nov. 14, rejecting an attempt by the Biden administration to shield the official

Republicans are lining up investigations into the Biden’s, the response to COVID, and Jan. 6 – “You don’t have America if you have a Justice Department that’s operating politically”

An Open letter to Donald Trump about running in 2024 – Michael Master tells the former president he would have to end election cheating to be successful

Maricopa election officials started a PAC to stop the MAGA movement! –  Joseph Farah points out the conflicts of interest among those in charge of counting the votes

An AZ Voter Details A Shocking Scene at Poll – Election Worker Yelled “Don’t Believe This Woman!” – She explained, they’re “claiming the printers don’t work, tabulators aren’t working, and they want you to put your vote in box #3”

When Election Day Lasts For A Month – On Sunday, five days after “Election Day,” Americans still didn’t know which party will have a majority in the House while two states were waiting to find out who their next governors will be

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos plans to donate the majority of his $124 billion fortune to charities that fight climate change – Bezos said “The hard part is figuring out how to do it in a levered way”

November 13, 2022

Florida Counts Its Ballots in Hours, So Why Does Arizona Take Days? – On election day, 60 of Maricopa’s 223 voting locations faced problems with their voting machines

The Modern Electioneering Process of “Ballot Submission Assistance” is Taking Center Stage – The effort to attain votes for candidates is less important than the strategy of collecting ballots

Biden’s border chief quits after pressure from all political sides – Less than a day after saying he wouldn’t resign

The UAE is engaged in a longstanding espionage attempt to compromise the US government – Their interference takes the form of political bribery as well as more traditional espionage, per a report reviewed by the officials in question

Young Women In New Hampshire Give Their Local “Miss America” Pageant Their Best Shot – Then a Transgender Guy Named Brian Enters the Picture

November 12, 2022

Democrats are projected to maintain control of the Senate after emerging victorious in key races in battleground states, extinguishing Republican hopes of flipping both congressional chambers

Biden pledges billions in climate spending abroad while adding regulations on U.S. drilling – They are tightening requirements to cap methane emissions and mandated responses to credible reports of excessive methane leaks

November 11, 2022

It’s taken a long time for the Marxists to destroy America’s freedoms – They have erected the illusion of freedom by moving away from the written words of our founding documents into their own created world of verbal leftist fantasies

The Biden Administration Stops Accepting Applications for Student Loan Forgiveness Program – “Courts have issued orders blocking our student debt relief program. As a result, at this time, we are not accepting applications”

Tucker Carlson: The election chaos in Arizona and Nevada erodes faith in our Democracy – Tucker Points out that the Maricopa County budget far exceeds the entire cost of Hoover Dam, but they can’t count the ballots

Cameras at a key vote counting facility in a Nevada county were still counting midterm election votes when they stopped broadcasting overnight, officials said on Nov. 10

The United States is likely to keep in place the public health emergency status of the COVID-19 pandemic until at least April of next year as the Biden administration gave no signal to states Friday that it would rescind the rule next year

November 10, 2022

WSJ: A Federal Judge in Texas Strikes Down Biden’s Student-Loan Forgiveness Program – The plan is an “unconstitutional exercise of Congress’s legislative power”

The Paul Pelosi Attacker Was Indicted by a Federal Grand Jury – David DePape, 42, was charged with assault upon an immediate family member of a U.S. official with the intent to retaliate against the official and one count of attempted kidnapping of a U.S. official on account of the performance of official duties

The Biden Administration on Wednesday put in their cross-hairs a wide range of ordinary firearms owned by millions of Americans, insisting that “assault weapons” be banned all across the country – “We’re going to try like the devil” for a ban

Soros-backed prosecutors score major wins in the midterms – Leftwing billionaire succeeded in installing more radical District Attorneys in Iowa, Maine, and Texas

November 9, 2022

The Big Picture, 2022 Midterm Elections Highlight the Distinct Difference Between Ballots and Votes – Ballot collection has become the key to Democrat party success

A Democrat Who’s Been Dead for a Month Wins His State House Race by Stunning – Compared to this guy, John Fetterman is the picture of health

Western allies take steps to deter former military pilots from obtaining employment as trainers for Chinese military pilots, as reports emerged recently of former military personnel giving aid to China’s military, according to the Wall Street Journal

WNBA star Brittney Griner, who was convicted in August of smuggling drugs into Russia and sentenced to nine years in prison, is being moved to a Russian penal colony and will likely be forced to do manual labor

WSJ: Live Election Results 2022 – Find the 2022 election results here, as we track who wins the Senate, House, and governor’s races, in live maps by state

Key races across the country are still being called – House and Senate majorities are still up for grabs

Pelosi Out as Kevin McCarthy Declares GOP Will Take House Majority

Republican J.D. Vance defeats Democrat Tim Ryan in the Ohio Senate race

Democrat John Fetterman has been projected as the winner of Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate election. Fetterman defeated Republican Mehmet Oz

Republicans Are Fighting to Secure A Narrow House Majority as Their Bid for Senate Control Stalls

Republican Voters Deserve Answers and Accountability – This isn’t solely a Trump-fault or GOP establishment-fault issue — but the two can’t be separated

CAL-MATTERS: California election results: Who won? Which propositions passed?

ZH: Following a WSJ report earlier this week that explained Meta Platforms was about to slash thousands of jobs, CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed 11,000+ layoffs in a letter to employees premarket Wednesday

ZH: FedEx and Danish shipping giant A.P. Moller-Maersk have been vocal about emerging signs of a global slowdown – Both of these companies are widely seen as a barometer for international trade

How China Stole Latin America: The CCP of China, unlike the Biden regime, is making tangible investments in the United States’ backyard

November 8, 2022

The FBI Warns About Child Abductions Through Ride sharing – They have received several reports of child abductions using ride-share services since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic

Florida’s Miami-Dade County turns red for DeSantis – He is the first GOP Governor to win there in two decades

The blow-out victories by DeSantis, Rubio, and other Republicans confirm that the Sunshine State of Florida’s fading purple hue has all but disappeared as it turns red

Brian Kemp defeats Stacey Abrams for Governor of Georgia again

Sarah Huckabee Sanders wins the Arkansas governorship in a landslide with 69 percent of the vote

With 53.37% Of The Vote, Republican Anna Paulina Luna has taken Florida’s 13th Congressional District, defeating Democrat Eric Lynn and flipping the seat red

Virginia Democrat Congresswoman Elaine Luria became one of the first incumbents to lose re-election as well as the fourth member of the House Select Committee of Jan. 6 to leave Congress next year

JD Rucker: The Steal Is Happening in Maricopa County – Just as cheated to stop Donald Trump from rightly winning in 2020, they appear to be doing it again against Kari Lake and Blake Masters in 2022

ZH: Gun Owners of America secured a historic victory in the battle for gun rights on Monday when New York Judge Glenn Suddaby issued a preliminary injunction suspending many parts of New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA)

With the D.C. Beltway awash in rumors that former President Trump will be indicted after the midterms, the  FBI may have “set a perjury trap” at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, according to his former national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn

In a throwback to 2020, ABC News reports that a “red mirage” could make it look like Republicans are winning big on the night, but that a full vote count could take “weeks”

Watch for delayed election results – Democrats cheated their way into power in 2020, so look for some of the same techniques employed to rear their ugly heads again

The Democrat Blame Game in Full Swing as The GOP Poised for Midterm Gains – To fully understand how they got here, Greenberg says, Democrats must return to the choices they made in 2020

Joe Biden’s DOJ Deploys Feds Wherever GOP Poll Watchers Could Disrupt Dems’ Election-Rigging Schemes – It seems partisan activists in the DOJ are taking matters into their own hands to meddle for Democrats in key midterm contests

Why A Virginia-Style Reckoning Is Likely Awaiting Your State’s Democrats Today – The post-mortem on Virginia suggests Democrats across the country are about to be slaughtered at the ballot box

John Daniel Davidson: Democrats Are Not Going To Relinquish Power Peacefully – A political party convinced the country faces an existential crisis if its opponents win at the ballot box is a threat to democracy

7 important election night bellwethers – A few key races will not only decide which party controls Congress for the next two years but will also tell us a lot about where politics is going after the midterms

Bye bye Beto, Beto goodbye – Democrats across the country should be grateful for what Republicans are about to do: rid them of a nagging disease known as Betoism

The California statewide “Controller” race offers a glimmer of hope for taking down the Democrats’ one-party rule

Governor DeSantis’s administration is pushing back against President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice’s apparent effort to send in election “monitors” inside state-run polling locations within several Florida counties

The Democrats Told Us Who They Were When They Locked Us Down – They made it clear during the pandemic that they are the party of authoritarianism

Your Children Belong To The State – The incidents of schools indoctrinating children, along with school boards scorning the wishes and objections of their parents may seem puzzling, so let’s shed some light on it

ZH: The Funeral Business Is Booming (And Not Because Of COVID Itself) – How bad is the rise in the overall mortality rate? –  So bad funeral companies are starting to worry

Pfizer Appears to have Corrupted the Entire Western World – The people have been lied to, everything that various governments did to infringe on people’s rights was based on a gigantic lie

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The COVID Dictators Are Now Pleading for Amnesty – While some now argue ignorance as their defense, there was no lack of data proving their positions were wrong, dangerous, destructive, and deadly, right from the start

November 7, 2022

New evidence: Ex-partner to expose Biden family’s China deals – Ready to testify to GOP-led Congress with never-before-seen documents

Biden’s Gift to the Taliban – He gave our deadly enemies $1 billion, but it gets worse, with  a coverup of that action, which is ignored in the media frenzy over the election

Run President Trump, Run – A vindicated ex-president begins His Return and the establishment elites are terrified

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Seek Big Changes In Immigration Policy After The Election –  Americans are tired of the way things are and want big changes

Former Twitter Employees busted In Scheme To Defraud Users Of Thousands Of Dollars – Musk Confirms Everything

Joe Biden Is the President of the United States And Is Not Just An Innocent Bystander – His recent reflections are from the guy who just tried to illegally spend a trillion dollars without Congress

Vote Like Your Life Depends On It Because It Does! – Hugh Hewitt summed it up in the title of his 2012 book, “If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat”

Elon Musk endorses GOP in midterms – “Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democrat”

American Institute for Behavioral Research: Google Influences Elections by Flipping Votes on “Massive Scale” – They found 1.9+ million “ephemeral experiences” that Google and other firms used to “shift opinions and voting preferences”

168,000 Georgians Moved Right Before The Midterms. How Many Will Vote Illegally This Time? – While early efforts to bolster election integrity following the 2020 election have proved successful, much work remains

A Voter’s Primer: The Seven Health Policy Habits of Insanely Progressive People –To jostle the collective memory before this election, consider the medical implications of the Democrat party’s recent governance

California’s non-Election Day – Gavin Newsom is up by more than 20 points on his Republican challenger, yet 54% of likely voters believe their state is headed in the wrong direction – Compare that to Florida, where 57% of Florida voters say their state is on the right track

Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, leaders of the “True The Vote” organization, were ordered released by a panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit late November 6.

Violence South Of The Border  – Down Mexico way, violence is out of control and that is what everyone talks about when you speak with friends living south of the border

The Fed is hemorrhaging money – The Fed is paying Foreign Federal Reserve Banks $272.4 million each day, which is 40% of the daily cost of the U.S. armed forces and when they add another 50 basis points, they will be paying 45% 

WSJ Poll: The GOP Is Gaining Support Among Black and Latino Voters – Republicans appear to be in a better position with both groups heading into the midterms than they were in 2020 or 2018

Democrats Are Spending A Fortune on Fake News in The Campaigns Final Stretch – They are campaigning on the claim that the “fate of our democracy” is on the ballot this Tuesday

Trump did not insult Ron DeSantis, it was merely a joke – If Trump wanted to attack him he would have called him Non- DeSantis or Yawn De Santis, or perhaps Vain DeSantis for starring in a Top Gun-style campaign ad

As Murder Rates Rise, The Left Lies And The FBI Denies – Democrats have been downplaying the crime wave or blaming Republicans, while the FBI has been making it more difficult to get accurate crime data

Sharyl Attkisson: Would Republican Congress impeach President Biden? – According to a Rasmussen survey, 54% of likely US voters say it’s likely they will impeach Biden and that includes 22% who say it’s “very likely”

Why Bibi Netanyahu won in Israel – Not only because the cost-of-living index soared, normative government conduct went awry, and the Biden administration brokered a gas deal with Hezb’allah, a shameful act of capitulation…

Facebook to Begin Mass Layoffs This Week as Company Collapses – Meta has continued to show slowing growth and falling advertising revenue and has seen a staggering 73% wiped from its value in just one year

ZH: China managed to develop a powerful monopoly on the global rare earth market – As demand for battery metals rises, the world is pushing to break its dependence on China for raw materials used to make rare earth magnets

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Will You Survive the “Triple-Pandemic” Scare Tactics? – Hospitalizations for respiratory infections are apparently on the rise and “experts” warn of a potential “Triple-Pandemic” this winter, ad Covid, seasonal influenza, and RSV are all in circulation

Doctor, Fix Thyself – America’s physicians have been on the front lines of the war against COVID-19 – Rather than supporting them, flawed public policy will soon reduce Medicare’s physician fee schedule…

November 6, 2022

The Biden administration is welcoming at least 6,200 border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities every day, according to figures shared with Breitbart News from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

What to Expect on Tuesday We’re down to the wire now – Here’s what to watch for in the House races and the top 10 most competitive Senate races

Victor Davis Hanson: The Pathetic Democrat Pantheon – Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi are of no use to the Left in the midterms because it is their radical ideology that was finally enacted and wrecked the country

One Weird Trick for Fixing Elections – A public-private partnership formed by elite institutions and the federal government quietly eats away at the First Amendment

ZH: Legendary analyst Martin Armstrong says, “The cheating in the midterm election next week is going to be so great that it is almost impossible to make a prediction, but in a fair election, Republicans would win the House and the Senate”

ZH: Joe Biden Admits The Truth: “No More Oil Drilling” As Energy Stocks Set To Soar – And it will be an even better year (and decade) for energy stocks

JD Rucker: 5 Reasons to Believe Joe Biden Will Resign After the Midterm Elections – Many believed Joe Biden wouldn’t make it this far, while others assume he’ll simply not run in 2024 – Here are some reasons to believe now is the time

Kari Lake’s office is shut down indefinitely as the FBI probes “terroristic” powder attack – “We are taking this security threat incredibly seriously”

News Headlines Expose What this Midterm Election is Really About – The Democrats are in danger during this election, not democracy

Dov Fischer: Who Is the Real Threat to Democracy? – Spelling out what you’ve long known

WSJ: Democrats Have Developed Elon Musk Derangement Syndrome – They oppose his takeover of Twitter for the simple reason that they want to silence conservative views

Musk Permanently Suspends Kathy Griffin from Twitter after she edited her “blue check” Twitter account to impersonate Musk, using his name and profile image, and then encouraging people to vote for Democrats in the midterms

ZH: Iran admits to supplying Russia with drones, after weeks of condemnation from the West over their widespread use by pro-Kremlin forces in Ukraine – Tehran insists that its drones were being transferred before the Ukraine invasion

ZH: More than 30 tankers carrying $2 billion worth of LNG are currently idling off Europe’s coasts as regasification terminals are full and traders expect European natural gas prices to start rising again as winter approaches

President Joe Biden has made several false or misleading claims while campaigning for congressional Democrats before the Midterm Elections, according to CNN

The Lunacy of U.S. Racial Categories – University administrators are bad and incompetent racialists

More than a dozen “election deniers” have shaken up the typically under-the-radar secretary-of-state races across the United States during the 2022 midterm elections

Angry Voters Should Vote Proudly – Particularly in this election cycle an angry voter is a voter who is paying attention to what is going on in America, so it is impossible, except for those willingly wearing blinders, not to be angry about:…

Elon Musk is threatening to “name and shame” Twitter’s “woke” brands and advertisers who are boycotting the platform over his free speech plans – Several brands, including Pfizer, General Mills, General Motors, and United Airlines, have publicly announced they are “pausing” ads until Musk agrees to continue censoring users

According to Dr. Scott Atlas, restrictive pandemic policies shouldn’t be forgiven after the “massive harms and destruction” the lockdowns caused to the American public. Atlas, a COVID-19 adviser under the Trump administration

November 5, 2022

In preparation for Tuesday’s midterms, the National Guard will be activating cybersecurity teams in 14 states to assist in keeping election authorities’ networks secure from cyber attacks and any malicious activities, Politico reported

The heavy price of the Biden administrations overspending – The Federal Reserve has no choice but to raise interest rates

Twitter Launches Monthly Subscription Service – The first major product update since Elon Musk bought the CA-based company, Twitter Blue is being offered to certain users for $4.99 a month and others at $7.99 a month

Data Indicates School Closures Didn’t Reduce The Number Of Child COVID Deaths – Claims of teachers unions and Democrats, now having faced the test of history, loom large in 2022’s elections

Watch: An Act of God Unfolds Directly Behind Fetterman as He Slams Trump and Praises Obama – Wow, watch the flags!!!

New groundbreaking research, compiled by two atmospheric scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville shows 50% less warming over 50 years across the eastern United States than official data claims

ZH: Why Are Fact-Checkers Ignoring False Statements On School Closures? – With each new report on the effects of pandemic-era school closures on American children, the story only seems to get worse…

TSA Continues Requiring COVID-19 Vaccine Proof for Non-US Citizens to Enter The Country – The  United States is now the only western country to require COVID-19 vaccine proof for entry

Dr. Robert Malone: Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED] – This 9-Part Documentary Blows the Lid off The Collusion, Corruption, and Conspiracy between Government, Big-Tech & Big-Pharma Surrounding The Covid Pandemic

HUNDREDS of Accidents Have Occurred at U.S. Biolabs but Were Never Reported – Some 5,500 pages of documents from the NIH uncover a “litany of mishaps” including several instances involving “deadly or debilitating viruses”

Let’s Demand a Covid Mea Culpa – Pandemic measures that closed businesses, churches, and schools had serious costs and caused real damage. We cannot and should not allow our leaders to escape blame for their failures

Russia’s ambassador to the United Kingdom has warned that Britain is “too deep” in the Ukraine war, bringing the NATO member “up to the line” of “no return” in terms of a possible conflict with Moscow

The total number of people who have entered the United States illegally since President Joe Biden took office has climbed to 5.5 million, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform

Joe Biden said Friday that all US coal plants should be closed because they’re too costly to operate and can’t be relied upon as a dependable energy source for future generations, Declaring “Wind and solar” will replace them

Key GOP Groups Are More Fired Up To Vote In Midterms Than Democrats – An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll found that Democrats have lost ground among definite voters in November’s midterm elections

The Pennsylvania Courts Bungle Election Law – Ballots will be segregated, and when there is a close election on November 8, a losing candidate (likely a Democrat) will file suit and attempt to count the segregated ballots that have not been counted

It’s time, once again, for another climate conference –  This will be the 27th desperate effort to save the planet and the fear-mongers are hard at work and have put out no less than 8 reports in the run-up to the event

Sharyl Attkisson: Most Americans say crime has worsened – Public perceptions of an increase in crime at the national level have edged up since last year, as 78% say there is now more crime in the US, tied with the 2020 number

It’s Not Just Twitter: This Tsunami of Tech Layoffs Could Soon Be the Largest We Have Ever Seen – Lots of other large tech companies are conducting mass layoffs, and in each case, the current economic climate is being blamed

Transgenderism Is Being WEAPONIZED to Divide Parents in Custody and Divorce Battles as Children Pay the Price as a result of Chemical Castrations and Genital Mutilations

NBC Quietly Removes Report Claiming Paul Pelosi Walked Away From Police, “Did Not Immediately Declare” Emergency – Also, Pelosi and attacker David DePape were reportedly alone for 30 minutes

The West has been given a rare, intimate look inside the confines of a Chinese Covid-19 concentration camp after Financial Times Shanghai correspondent Thomas Hale was ensnared by President Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid regime


November 4, 2022

China Is Now a Major Space Power – With the Tiangong station’s completion, the country has a long-term platform in orbit

The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm – One cannot credibly deny there exists a conscious purpose behind a concatenation of simultaneous events, envisaging a new and reductionist world order and along with population diminishment

Google shifting votes in my party’s favor – Empirical research shows Google affected the outcome of the 2016 and 2020 elections in favor of Democrats, and the tech giant “has its digital thumb on the scale” of the current midterms

Gatestone Institute: Why is the Left so Afraid of Twitter? – Censorship requires censors, and when they can pick and choose what the public will hear, this slippery slope moves us away from freedom and toward repression

If Republicans Win On Tuesday, Thank The Election Integrity Movement – Against a hostile propaganda press, many Americans have poured themselves into restoring election integrity, and it’s working

ZH: Dear Liberals, How Many Of These 35 Mainstream Hoaxes Did You Fall For?

Lockdown lefties struggle in governor’s races as “Reopen Righties” take big leads in Michigan, Nevada, New York, and Wisconsin, all known for very strict lockdown policies – Unexpectedly, Left-leaning sports show host predicts “red wave …

Why Are Democrats Predicting An Economic Crash Next Year? – Democrats know they’ve set the economy on course to crash and they’re hoping to blame Republicans when it does

The New Collectivism of Big Government Elites – The supposed climate crisis, social justice, and public health in the face of the pandemic now animate the centralizing impulse of the new collectivists

ZH: The One Chart That Explains Everything – It explains why Washington finally regards China as its biggest and most formidable strategic adversary that must be isolated, demonized, and ultimately defeated

ZH: Getting Away With Murder In The US? – 2020 saw a record low of only 54.4% of the country’s homicide cases cleared – The drop in 2020 can partly be attributed to the fact that police and sheriff’s departments were overwhelmed with cases

A GOP Candidate’s Home Was Shot Up Nearly Killing Kids – That same property was featured in a campaign ad recently aired by his primary Democrat opponent, a scathing spot that showed the house and all of its surroundings

Twitter’s content ‘curation’ team axed amid mass layoffs – According to Twitter’s description, the curation team is “responsible for highlighting and contextualizing the best events and stories that unfold on Twitter”

Twitter Employees File A Lawsuit Over Mass Company Layoffs – Multiple staff members sued the company over an alleged violation of federal law, with workers claiming they were not given enough notice regarding planned layoffs.

The New York Times Crowns George Soros The “Largest Donor” in 2022 Mid-terms – His contributions of at least $126 million were nearly double the roughly $67 million that the next two largest donors

Who is running America? – Job +1 is exposing the probable Soros “shadow government” that is running things, and driving them completely out – If we don’t derail it soon, there will eventually be no turning back

It is impossible to pursue an aggressive anti–fossil-fuel agenda and not harm an economy that is still largely powered by oil and gas, but it looks like the Biden Administration believes that it can square the circle with blame-shifting

The Biden Administration Sold The Last of Released Oil from Strategic Reserve – It is now at its lowest level since 1984, with many criticizing Biden’s actions as taking advantage of an emergency stockpile purely for political purposes

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) decries stonewalling by the Biden administration over $1.1 billion aid to Afghanistan

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee released a 1,00-page report detailing how the DOJ and FBI are “broken” on Friday, days ahead of the midterms in which the GOP is heavily favored to retake the House majority

California DAs want the state prison system to explain why it is releasing violent prisoners who haven’t earned sufficient rehabilitation credits early from prison – In some cases, they have re-offended and committed even more serious crimes

ZH: Twitter’s “Red Wedding” Moment Arrives As Musk Layoffs Begin – According to the New York Times, workers were instructed to go home and not come back on Friday as the cuts proceeded

Is Biden The Best They’ve Got? – “The Democrat Party’s Presidential Field For 2024” set as a horror movie trailer

The Miss US Pageant is protected under the 1st Amendment – The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the pageant  may exclude transgender contestants through the enforcement of its rule providing that only “natural born” women may compete

A Record Surge of Infections in Children – Censored scientists and doctors have long warned that the mRNA COVID jabs destroy people’s immune systems, and we’re going to see an avalanche of infections as immune system failures set in

ZH: Mapping Energy Poverty In Europe – Europe has a tough winter ahead without Russian natural gas, but even before the energy crisis began, having a sufficiently heated home was not a given for everyone

WSJ: Thomas Barrack was acquitted Friday of charges that he illegally lobbied the former president and his administration on behalf of the UAE – Matthew Grimes, his co-defendant in the trial, was also found not guilty

The race to succeed  House Speaker Pelosi is already underway – House Majority Whip James Clyburn and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries during the summer congressional recess after overhearing Rep. Adam Schiff might be interested

November 3, 2022

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has been denied access to the search warrant affidavit which justified the seizure of his cell phone at the hands of the FBI – Lindell’s phone was taken at a Hardee’s drive-thru in Minnesota in September

The U.S. and South Korea issued a joint warning to North Korea on Thursday, warning that any use of nuclear weapons would result in ending Kim Jong Un’s regime

Russia issued new warnings and threats against Norway, a founding member of NATO, for its role in expanding NATO operations in the Arctic region – “Any future “unfriendly actions will be followed by a timely and adequate response”

Democrats Refuse to Learn From the Failure of Engagement With China – A soon-to-be-released book shatters the “China illusion” upon which this strategy is founded

The Return of Bibi Netanyahu – In Israel, just as in the U.S., the Right typically tends to perform better when the public votes on issues about the economy and, above everything else, crime, public safety, and national security

Former President Trump is elevating his language, further signaling his intentions to announce a run for president in 2024, with advisers and allies indicating they believe it is not a question of “if” he announces, but “when”

CBS Shows John Fetterman’s Gigantic Computer System He Needs *With Stenographer Typing Out Questions in Real Time* To Be Able To Understand What Is Being Said – Fetterman can barely speak after his massive stroke in May

From Senegal to NYC: The latest sign of Biden’s open-borders insanity – The illegal migrant mix has grown beyond the waves from Mexico and Central America – More than 730,000 migrants last fiscal year are from the rest of the world

Will Michigan Become the Most Extreme Pro-Abortion State? – Proposal 3 would allow the state to regulate abortion only after “fetal viability” and in cases of a baby surviving an abortion, there are no protections for the life of the baby

The DOJ took down a national catalytic converter theft ring responsible for funneling tens of millions of dollars in stolen components through a metal refinery – A total of 21 defendants have been charged in two separate indictments

The man who allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi is an illegal immigrant, U.S. officials have confirmed – ICE lodged an immigration detainer on Canadian national David DePape according to the Department of Homeland Security

Stanford/ Hoover Institution Report: The rate at which companies have been leaving California has risen dramatically since 2018, with 153 company headquarters relocations in 2021, more than doubling the 75 that left in 2020

ZH: Transgender Groups Claim Their Voting Rights Will Be Restricted By State ID Laws – The push against identification at the polls has been aggressive, with Democrats making up the bulk of people in opposition

Fortress Unionism – Despite shrinking ranks, labor groups are thriving financially, biding their time for when they can spend money in an ideal future, with a friendly administration in DC rewriting much of American labor law in their favor

A New Study Details How Media And Big Tech Censored Doctors and Scientists Who Challenged The COVID Narrative – It details their experiences and how they responded to efforts to suppress them

Dov Fischer: Benjamin Netanyahu Appears Set For A Dramatic Comeback – Over the past three years, Israel has had more elections for its head of government than any other country – It’s a democracy on steroids

Benjamin Netanyahu has won the fifth Israeli election in as many years and will form a new government in the coming weeks

3 More Major Wars That Could Suddenly Erupt in 2023 – #1, It’s good that Netanyahu will be Prime Minister of Israel, but it brings war between Israel and Iran closer as he formerly pledged he will never allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons…

WSJ: The Messy Unwinding Of The New World Order, In Chart Form – This post-Cold War order promised a globe stitched together by markets and cooperation among participating nations, but has fallen into disorder and left the world with rising inflation, trade conflicts military confrontation and gnarled supply chains

How Long Will It Take to Get Battleground-State Election Results? – Differing election laws in each state mean that in some races we may not know who won, and by extension, which party will have control of the Senate, for days

America Is On The Cusp Of A Fundamental Transformation – Since being installed as president, The Biden administration has done an insane number of things that simply make no sense from a logical or rational perspective

A Critical Group of Voters Shift Right by 27 Points, Spelling Doom for Democrats – 74% of white suburban women feel the economy is “heading in the wrong direction,” with 54% believing the country is already in a recession

The RealClearPolitics model shows the GOP will control the Senate with 54 seats, as compared to Democrats’ 46 seats, and predicts Republicans will now likely take seats in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire

7 facts Biden ignored about Social Security in his speech to Florida retirees – The Democrats’ plan for SS would require raising SS’s payroll tax from 12.4% to 16.7%, in addition to the proposal’s tax increases on people making over $400,000

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, funded by Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to a George Soros-backed nonprofit group that may have illegally failed to disclose its lobbying activities

Now the Disgraced COVID “Experts” Want Amnesty? – “The experts” failed us when we needed them most. Then they demonized us for doubting their “expertise.” And now they admit they weren’t “the experts” at all — only “well-wishers”

Democrats Turn 2022 Into “1984” – Among others, there is the recent example of their framing the vicious attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband by a mentally ill drug abuser being the fault of Republicans

The White House Deletes Their Tweet After It Gets Fact-Checked By TWITTER USERS – Twitter added a “context notice” explaining that Social Security increases are automatically given based on the rate of inflation

The Latest Scheme To Rig Michigan Elections – Proposal 2, known more commonly as the Promote the Vote initiative, is a cauldron of potential election malfeasance, that if passed, will become embedded in the state’s constitution

The Feds Take Aim Amazon CEO’s Remarks on Unions – People realize the Biden administration is tipping the scales on behalf of labor unions – Amazon empowers employees, if they see something they can do better they meet in a room, decide how to change it and then change it – “That type of empowerment doesn’t happen when you have unions”

The Topic of Education Is Making Gretchen Whitmer Sweat in her Gubernatorial Race – To parents, the quality of their children’s education has a way of mobilizing voters, and, right now, Michigan parents are pretty fed up

Only a Nonpartisan, Color-Blind Military Can Protect Our Republic – Our Disunity Is a National Security Threat As The Military Now Reflects The Selfishness and Fragmentation Of Our Culture

The Slow, Lingering, And Painful Death Of Our Public Library System – A sad transformation is now taking place because our public libraries are now being transformed into de facto homeless shelters

The San Francisco DA Won’t Release Police Bodycam Video or The 911 Calls From The Attack On Paul Pelosi – No security camera footage has been made public either

GOP Senator Rand Paul put President Joe Biden on notice on Fox News saying he will introduce legislation in the next session to block the federal government from colluding with big Tech to censor Americans

ZH: The Era Of All-Powerful Central Banks Is Over – Their policies have pushed wealth and income inequality to extremes that have destabilized the planet’s social, political, economic, and environmental spheres

Pfizer Uncovered: The Ultimate Goal of COVID Shots Was To Prevent Financial Loss – They chugged along year after year, trying to recoup losses until governments’ response to a coronavirus outbreak became a game-changer for them

Hollywood Power Brokers Are Mugged by Reality – The L.A.’s mayoral race pits a black congresswoman endorsed by Obama against a billionaire developer – Lots of people are saying, “I’m voting for him, but I’m not telling anyone”

Sharyl Attkisson: Snowflake Syndrome – What will these crybabies do when they have to support themselves in the real world?

If You Believe – The government, their media mouthpieces, and certainly the CIA, FBI, DHS, etc. in D.C. created the term “Conspiracy Theorists” as a way to cover up their diabolical “Deep State” plots to control things from behind the curtain

November 2, 2022

Joe Biden delivered a divisive speech, attacking Trump and “MAGA Republicans” while warning of delays in counting midterm votes – “We don’t settle our differences in America with a riot, a mob, or a bullet, or a hammer,” he said

Twitter Erupts in Speculation After Noticing Strange Marks on Biden’s Hand – Most people said it looked like either an IV mark or an infected wound

It Is Time To Vote Against Covid Insanity – Now is the time for all smart, sensible, and informed Americans to think about the need to NOT vote for Democrats in the House and Senate races!

The severe measures imposed on society in response to the COVID-19 pandemic were based on wrong assumptions and, as it turned out later, were ineffective in stopping the spread of the coronavirus

It Only Took Tucker Carlson 47 Seconds to Destroy the Democrats’ Paul Pelosi Narrative With His “Who Exactly Is David DePape?” – Carlson pushed back against claims the man accused of attacking Paul Pelosi is a right-wing extremist

The left-wing Washington Post on Wednesday published an op-ed calling for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to rule themselves out as presidential contenders for the Democrat nomination in 2024

Elon Musk will reportedly eliminate half of Twitter’s workforce on Friday as he tries to make the company profitable –  Bloomberg News reported that Musk is cutting 3,700 of the company’s 7,500 employees

It Isn’t Just Congress: A ‘Red Wave’ Is Hitting Social Media, Too – With the likely restoration of hundreds if not thousands of suspended accounts, America’s thriving online opinion community is about to have part of its political and free speech ecosystem restored

The San Francisco DA shoots down “public interest” so won’t release bodycam footage from the attack on Paul Pelosi  – “For us, revealing that evidence through the media is just not what we think is appropriate”

The FBI, San Francisco Police, and San Francisco DA Won’t Confirm Whether a. 3rd Person Opened the Door at Pelosi’s Home – There is a lot of misdirection and speculation about the attack on Paul Pelosi in his home while his wife was away

California Governor Newsom’s Failed Policies are on the November Ballot – State-created water shortage, a violent crime spike, a growing vagrant homeless population, an abortion sanctuary state, indoctrination center public schools…

California Doctors Sue Governor Newsom and the Medical Board over the New Law Censoring Medical Advice – Attorneys say AB 2098 is unconstitutional and in violation of the 1st and 14th Amendments

4 Reasons the Official COVID Narrative Is Falling Apart – It’s becoming clearer that the most influential health authorities around the world are blatantly lying to the public, given the current status of scientific and medical information

The Federal Reserve raised its short-term borrowing rate by 0.75% point to a target range of 3.75%-4%, the highest level since January 2008 – Fed Chair Jerome Powell reiterated that there may come a time to slow the pace of rate increases

The Death of George Floyd: The Real Timeline – In a “False Flag” operation, no one ever truly knows the extent of the orchestration, but the suspicions never die

Fetterman Tries to Explain What Inflation Is – He Ends Up Accidentally Making The Perfect Case for Why He Should Not Be A US Senator

Joe Biden will deliver an unscheduled DNC speech at Union Station near the Capitol – Biden’s speech will be delivered from Capitol Hill because, “that’s where there was an attempt to subvert our democracy,” a White House official says

The US is on high alert after receiving intelligence shared by Saudi Arabia that an attack by Iran on targets within its kingdom is imminent

Is Leftwing Journalist John Nichols the Infamous January 6 “Scaffold Commander”? – There are videos of him coordinating protesters to enter the Capitol Building, yet he has never been identified nor has he been arrested

Through Twitter, Democrats telegraph their last-ditch plan to save their midterms – IT TAKES TIME TO COUNT ALL THE VOTES

The US Cybersecurity Head Says There Will Be Errors and Glitches During Midterms – “We don’t work with the platforms on what they do around content as that is entirely their decision and it is their terms of service”

Big Tech Isn’t A Victim In The Biden Regime’s Free Speech Crackdown, It’s An Eager Collaborator – Government works with the world’s biggest tech companies to remove, manage, curate, and otherwise censor what Americans can see and say online

Media Research Center: Google punishes Republicans who speak out against Big Tech – Google severely buried or did not even display several Republicans’ campaign websites if they have acted aggressively toward Big Tech

It’s the Covid Response, Stupid! – The government’s authoritarian mandates and shutdowns overreach has shifted voters’ allegiances and redrawn the political map

The Mainstream Media Ignore Waukesha Parade Murder Trial Because It Exposes Democrats’ Deadly Criminal Justice Reform Policies – Darrell Brooks is the personification of the failure of leftist criminal justice reform, and covering his trial would have exposed this devastating truth

Dr. Phil:?Hell No” You Wouldn’t Get on a Plane If John Fetterman Was the Pilot – During an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” Dr. Phil explained “the problem begins with his brain”

A Proposed MAGA Manifesto – A list of policies “MAGA” advocates support, and by extension, what the Biden administration finds so unbearable that the policies on this list must be eliminated from public discourse

Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm – Loaded ships are waiting off the coast of CA as there aren’t enough trucks that meet the state’s emission standards to unload them, and it will get worse in 2023 when more rules kick in

WSJ: White Suburban Women Swing Toward Backing Republicans for Congress – A New Wall Street Journal poll shows this key group of midterm voters favors the GOP by 15 percentage points

Duty and Democracy: What good is the government? – What good is Congress, our federal legislature, if it doesn’t insist that the laws it has passed be enforced?

Israel election: Preliminary results show Netanyahu poised to return to power – Final results could be dramatic with official counts showing the highest voter turnout since 1999

Liz Cheney’s Endorsement Is The Political Kiss Of Death – Cheney has a habit of not only praising all the wrong people but also aligning herself with politicians that voters can’t accept

Lenin is Educating Your Children – My Father’s school was filled with Italians, Jews, and others, mostly poor, first-generation immigrants, but parents expected quality education, and they got it – Today, society demands Equity instead

The Madness of Lori Lightfoot and Chicago’s Violent Crime – Regular visits to cwbchicago.com reveal a comprehensive chronicle of murders, robberies, assaults, carjackings, drag races on city streets, and other crimes

ZH: What’s Throwing The US Diesel Market Out Of Whack: A Primer – Inventories of ultra-low-sulfur diesel, heating oil, and other distillates are at their lowest levels for this time of year since before the EIA started tracking them 40 years ago

The Pfizer Way: Produce the Sickness And Then Sell the Cure – Pfizer’s shots may cause myocarditis and blood clots, but Pfizer has drugs for that!

The CDC replaced the word “woman” with “pregnant person” in their flu vaccine guidance – Woman, mother, and she/her pronouns were all replaced with gender-neutral language such as “pregnant people” and the gender-neutral pronoun “their”

November 1, 2022

Musk Was Right: Bombshell Leak Reveals Fired Twitter Exec Vijaya Gadde Met Routinely with the Biden Administration to Discuss Censorship Plans – Gadde is a member of an advisory committee of the DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court has ordered state election officials not to count mail-in and absentee ballots arriving in envelopes that are undated or incorrectly dated – The Tuesday ruling is a victory for Republicans

Officials Across US Are Spreading Misinformation on COVID-19 Vaccines – Their claims include unsupported or misleading statements about vaccine effectiveness and safety and don’t provide evidence backing their claims

The Pentagon says an American “defense attaché” of military personnel is on the ground in Ukraine to ensure that weaponry and ammunition supplied at U.S. taxpayer expense do not end up on the black market

The Future of US Charter Schools Rests With the Supreme Court If the ACLU lawsuit succeeds, charter school children will become vulnerable to the same indoctrination public school children suffer from today

Several Senate races once thought to be comfortable Democrat victories are now neck and neck as outsider Republican candidates, many backed by Donald Trump, defy elite expectations after being dismissed by leaders of both parties

Pelosi’s Ex-Neighbor Reveals The Constant Security She Saw at The Speaker’s Mansion – In Campbell’s experience, the Pelosi family security detail was present outside their home regardless of the Speaker’s whereabouts

Nancy Pelosi “won’t release home-security footage” as Democrats demand the GOP take the blame – “Nothing to do with lowering the rhetorical temperature or averting violence”

The Pelosi Home Has A Live CCTV Security Feed To The Capitol Police, Who Say They Weren’t Were Not Watching During The Attack, But There is a Recording

ZH: Lockdowns: The Great Gaslighting – More than two years since the lockdowns of 2020, the political mainstream, particularly on the left, is just beginning to realize that the response to Covid was an unprecedented catastrophe

WSJ: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Orders Election Officials to Disallow Ballots With Missing or Incorrect Dates – The ruling came in a case brought by state and national Republicans

Laundering With Immunity: The Control Framework, Part 1 – 76 International organizations and banks enjoy immunities, privileges, and tax exemptions as do GAVI, Big Pharma, and CERN

Elon Musk Announces That The “Lords & Peasants System” on Twitter Is About to Get a Radical Change – Power to the people! Blue for $8/month,” Musk tweeted on Tuesday afternoon

Sharyl Attkisson: The head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Rochelle Walensky has tested positive yet again for Covid-19 – Walensky initially tested positive for Covid-19 on October 21

Unexplained Excess Deaths Are on the Rise – A half-million excess deaths in the US are unaccounted for and the usual suspects do not add up to that many – These numbers cannot be dismissed. The sample sizes are too big

“Pandemic Amnesty”? Not a Chance – How about a COVID reckoning instead along with a red wave to get it rolling?

Remember the good ole days… way back in 2020… when the United States was an energy exporter and the average gas price was $2.17 per gallon?  – Today, the US – and indeed the world – is in a self-inflicted energy crisis

Justice Roberts blocks the House committee from obtaining Trump tax returns – Trump says that the panel’s attempts to obtain his returns are purely political – The stay is temporary and will last until the court considers a final decision

The Mainstream Media’s Delusional Midterm Coverage – Yet Gallup concluded “The Democrats are especially vulnerable this year because the national mood is as bad, if not worse than it has been in any recent midterm election year”

A recent Media Research Center study of 115 election stories from ABC, NBC, and CBS found that 87% treated Republicans negatively, even though the party controls neither the White House nor any chamber of Congress.

Ten more House seats in reliably blue districts have been shifted in the GOP’s favor just one week ahead of Election Day, spelling trouble for Democrats in areas where President Joe Biden cruised to victory in 2020

A week before the midterm elections, President Joe Biden heads to Florida to prop up two trailing Democratic candidates while bypassing several swing states with more competitive races

Democrats are not poised to do well in Florida next week and may not do well there for some time – Since the 2020 election, Democrats have lost more than 330,000 registered voters in the state while GOP registrations have surged

The Toxic Duo: Few Democrat Candidates For Office  Want Joe Biden Or Kamala Harris To Campaign With Them

The GOP needs to have a net gain of at least five seats in the House if it wishes to take the majority, but predictions released on Tuesday indicate that the party may have a 19-seat majority after election night, bringing its total to 236 seats

Democrats Show Desperation In The Home Stretch – Instead of presenting a hopeful campaign, as President Ronald Reagan did in 1984, Democrats are offering nothing but fear of and loathing for their Republican opponents

The FBI Agent who First Censored Hunter Biden Story Is Now Playing a Key Role in The Administration’s “Misinformation” Strategy

Federal agents have been maintaining a direct line of communication with Facebook and Instagram to directly request the censorship of any posts they don’t like, despite overwhelming backlash for their control of social media

ZH: Musk Neutered Twitter’s “Ministry Of Truth” Ahead Of Midterms – He cut the number of employees who can access censorship tools from hundreds to around 15 people, reducing their ability to influence discussion on the platform…

Elon Musk is to meet the EU’s internal market chief in Brussels after the European Bloc demanded that Twitter continue to censor content it deems problematic

A top House Republican investigator is calling on Twitter owner Elon Musk to hand over all company records related to the social media giant’s decision to suppress stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive ahead of the 2020 election

The Deep State is alive and well – It appears that Democrat voters, the media, and now even Democrat politicians are becoming useful idiots of a Deep State that harnesses their respective influences to change America to its liking

Tucker Carlson explains why the Democrats must rely on censorship to maintain political viability – “These are the times that bring out the best and the worst in people, the stressful situations when their true nature shines through”

JD Rucker: Trevor Loudon’s Proposal to Eliminate Foreign Infiltration Is So Radical, It Could Work – He reveals some of the Senators who are compromised by the Chinese Communist Party and also happen to be on the ballots next Tuesday

Sharyl Attkisson: The Biden Admin. reportedly failed to cooperate with IG probe into botched Afghanistan withdrawal – Why did the FBI raid the home of an ABC News producer reportedly investigating this?

The Press Has Officially Lost Its Grip On Reality – Journalists these days bemoan the adherence to “both sides” reporting and too often, they say, it misleads readers into thinking there are two legitimate sides to the subject at hand

Why Lifelong Democrats in Oregon Say They’re Ready to Vote Red – “Look outside. You see the homelessness, people dying in the streets from overdoses, and people having psychotic breaks. It’s in shambles. It wasn’t always like this”

ZH: Bolsonaro Supporters Block Roads As Brazilian President Silent After Election Loss – Bolsonaro has still not acknowledged his loss with any public statements over a day after Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was declared the winner

The Paul Pelosi Attack Suspect Hit with 2 Federal Charges, Then San Francisco DA Adds 6 More – The combined maximum sentence on those charges is 50 years in prison

Southwest Employees Are Rattled by Southwest’s Big-Brother-Style Policies – Restrictions are tightened despite a court ruling in an employees case involving social media posts

October 31, 2022

Xi’s CCP or CCP’s Xi, Which Is It? – Recognizing the nature of the Chinese Communist Party is a prerequisite for curbing its influence

Pelosi’s Attacker’s Websites Were Fakes, So Is This A False Flag Operation By Democrats? – What evidence did they have that DePape is conservative? – Two alleged websites were created on Friday and then deleted on Saturday, plus more…

The Scandal-Ridden SFO FBI Field Office Is Involved in The Pelosi Investigation –Given their highly partisan nature, there is no reason to believe FBI brass will do anything more than run a cover operation for the Pelosi’s

Tucker Carlson Discusses Leaked Documents Reflecting Direct DHS Portals to Social Media Companies

The Delusional Democrats Won’t Learn Anything on Nov. 8 as they try to make mental incapacity stylish – How many Americans don’t fit into one of the categories of depressed, frustrated, angry, or maybe all three?

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Facebook Hired Ex-CIA and FBI Agents to Censor Content That Deviates From The Official Narrative – So many ex-government workers are now employed by FB that it’s difficult to view Meta as a private company

California’s Parent Revolution Will Impact Midterm Election Outcomes – The realization that California schools had become indoctrination centers stunned millions of parents

Elon Musk Uncovers Bombshell Against Twitters Board of Directors – Twitter’s Board and Law firm may be in very big trouble for withholding information from him and the court

Sharyl Attkisson: According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans have as little optimism as they have had at any time in nearly three decades about young people’s chances of having greater material success in life than their parents

Are These Biden’s Mysterious ‘6 Republicans’? – Biden has claimed that “6 Republican senators came to me since I’ve been president and said, ‘I know you’re right, but I just can’t vote with you because I’ll get defeated in a primary”

I&I/TIPP Poll: Can Midterm Election ‘Red Wave’ Heal Divided America? – Just 28% said the nation was “united,” compared with 69%, or more than two to one, calling the nation “divided” 

Faulty FBI Data Obscures Successful Defensive Gun Use – The crime data for 2021 is a mess, with almost 40% of law enforcement agencies around the country not submitting any data to the FBI

A Bold New Campaign Ad Questions When Racism Against Whites Became OK – America First Legal is the answer to the ACLU and is committed to an unwavering defense of true equality under the law through relentless litigation and oversight

The Role of Biological Warfare in China’s Drive for Global Hegemony – Remember above all that the PRC declared a “people’s war” against the U.S. in May 2019

The War Over Ukraine: Will It Go Nuclear? – The chance that Russia will go nuclear in Ukraine is as close to zero as it can get

U.S. Marshals Arrested True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and board member Gregg Phillips for contempt of court after they refused a federal judge’s order to release the name of a confidential source for their documentary

WSJ: Higher Interest Rates Are Fueling Losses at the Federal Reserve – The central bank is now paying out more in interest expenses than it earns in interest income

Starting in 2020, DHS began meeting with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, and more every month to coordinate “content moderation” efforts – Before 2020, it was reported that DHS also did this 

Obama struggled to make a case for the Democrats – Let’s examine/fact-check the many claims Obama made during his recent rally

A new CBS News Battleground Tracker/YouGov poll found that a whopping 79% of Americans believe the country is “Out of Control” ahead of the mid-term elections, with 21% responding that they feel things are “Under Control”

Independents’ Day: A new poll shows that Republicans are dominating Democrats with a key voter bloc – Republicans lead Democrats among independent voters 49% to 33%, a 16-point advantage, in the poll conducted from Oct. 26-28

Portland Is Facing A Homelessness “Catastrophe” – Oregon has among the highest homeless populations in the nation per capita, according to DHM Research

Scary high inflation is causing our beloved Halloween candy staples to be more expensive than ever – Twix Is Up 53%, Skittles Up 41%, and Reese’s Up 35%

Dear Supreme Court Justices, There’s No ‘Equal Protection’ If Universities Can Rate Skin Color In Admissions – SCOTUS hears oral arguments Monday in the cases of Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. University of North Carolina

Progressives Do Not regret their censorship of social media – Twitter is a relatively small social-media service, but it’s the playpen of the mainstream media and where journalists and other media figures go to discover the “conventional wisdom”

They’re Turning Our Kids into Orwell’s Dogs – In the US and the wider Western world, history and culture are being erased, children are taught to hate their home nation as they erase history and transform culture to conquer us

Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Kari Lake for Arizona Governor – “They used to fight for liberty, but now they put woke ideology over everything – It’s not about right or left, but about common sense solutions”

ZH: “Let’s Get Out Of NATO”: Discontent Soars Across Europe As Russian Sanctions Backfire – Sanctions against Moscow have entirely backfired, sparking the worst cost-of-living crisis for Europeans in a generation

Determined to use their oversight authority to ensure election integrity, House Republicans are deploying dozens of trained observers to key races around the country while dispatching letters putting federal and state officials on notice

January 6 Did Not Attack Paul Pelosi – But why let the facts get in the way of a good narrative after a nut job viciously attacked the elderly husband of the speaker of the House?

The attack on Paul Pelosi is falsely called “political violence” from the right, while real political violence from the left is ignored – Unlike the media narrative, the real problem is the upsweep in violent crimes and threats of crimes to the right

Independent Journalist Glenn Greenwald Explains Why Journalists Are Terrified to Question Paul Pelosi Narrative – Due to the possibility that asking questions could put their careers at risk

ZH: Five Lingering Questions About The Bizarre Paul Pelosi Attack – #3, Is it normal for glass to be on the outside of the home as a result of a forced entry into the home

Brazil’s conservative President Jair Bolsonaro has been beaten in the nation’s presidential election by the notoriously corrupt far-left socialist challenger Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the country’s closest race in decades

Governor Newsom campaigned on housing production, an issue important to many Californians, but despite some accomplishments, the housing crisis is worse now than when he took office

A Potentially Lethal New Super Strain Of COVID Has Been Created In A London Lab – Renowned Molecular Biologist Dr. Richard Ebright describes the development as pure “insanity”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: An Unholy Alliance, “Faith Leaders” Are Pushing Big-Pharma’s Fraud – According to Walmart, many of the company’s most successful vaccination clinics have been held after Sunday services

October 2022 Covid-19 and mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

October 30, 2022

The Supreme Court Is Taking On Race-based Case Right Before Midterms – Sentiments are that race shouldn’t matter at all and that a student’s achievements should be the measure of admission to colleges and universities

Joe Biden lost no time in blaming “ultra-mega-semi-fascist-MAGA Donald Trump supporters” for the strange attack on Paul Pelosi in his San Francisco home early Friday and Barack Obama did the same,

Victor Davis Hanson: Permissible and Impermissible Incendiary Speech? – For many on the Left, what most see as incendiary and violent rhetoric is simply contextualized as the necessary talk of social justice

Sharyl Attkisson: Senators Grassley and Johnson are sharing with the DE US Attorney’s office documents and banking records they obtained during their multi-year investigation into the Biden family’s foreign business entanglements

Musk Begins Releasing Internal Notes from Twitter Executives Highlighting Their Intent to Hide True Their “Objectives and Key Results” The During Lawsuit

FB’s parent company Meta is labeled a “train wreck” by financial analysts as the Big Tech giant saw $700 billion wiped from its market value in just one year – Meta reached its peak high of more than $1 trillion in September 2021

On Second Thought, Just Throw Plastic Away – Even Greenpeace now admits the obvious, that recycling doesn’t work

A 2019 coronavirus ‘simulation’ was planned at a Davos meeting – The pre-pandemic drill took place weeks before the first COVID case in Wuhan, China

Is This Biden’s Worst Gaffe Yet? – Mortified Silence Ensued at a Major Democrat Party Event as Joe Took To The Stage and Bragged, “We Went to All 54 States”

ZH: What Happens When Inflation Hits 8%… And What Must Happen For Inflation To Fall – It would be unusual to see inflation now fall back as quickly as consensus believes over the next 2 years

Pennsylvania has allowed at least 249,000 unverified voters to receive mail-in ballots due to an odd process for verifying the identity of those requesting mail-in ballots where people vote first and verify their identification later

The Survey of Black Voters, conducted by theGrio and KFF and published on Wednesday found that only 17% of black voters say they support defunding the police

Devin Nunes: Reports of the demise of John Durham’s special counsel investigation are greatly exaggerated – Reports signaling the demise of John Durham‘s special counsel investigation are greatly exaggerated, says Devin Nunes, who believes Republicans winning back power in the midterm elections will provide the prosecutor’s endeavor a new lease on life

THE DOPE ON DePape – Neighbors described DePape as a homeless addict with a politics that was, until recently, left-wing, but of secondary importance to his psychotic and paranoid behavior

In covering the DePape story, amnesia overcomes at least 5 staffers at the New York Times – Not a word about horrific attacks on others, this is called “lying by omission”

What’s Biden hiding on the infant formula shortage? – The Biden administration doesn’t want us to know how it’s investigating the baby formula crisis, probably because it played such a big role in making it happen

October 29, 2022

A Disturbing Movement Is Picking Up Steam On The Left, Letting Noncitizens Vote – Left-wing activists are going all-in with their demands to let noncitizens vote, and Washington, D.C., just took up the charge

The FBI has asked a federal court to seal the evidence they have from murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich’s laptop for 66 years, despite previously claiming that the information doesn’t exist – The FBI refused to hand over the evidence in violation of a court order

What’s Worse: Big Government, Big Tech, or Both? – When the federal government gets together with social media giants to censor critics of the government, is that free speech or censorship?

New Twitter CEO Elon Musk is reportedly set to cut up to 50% of the workforce at Twitter after taking over the company late this week, and layoffs are expected to begin as soon as this weekend

Less than 24 hours after Elon Musk took over Twitter, a fact-check was placed on one of Joe Biden’s @POTUS tweets because… he’s lying

Be Wary of Compelled Woke Speech in Medicine – A recent study revealed that 72 percent of leading medical schools in the United States probe applicants for their views and experiences related to “diversity, equity, and inclusion”

ZH: Facebook’s parent company Meta has been ordered by a WA State court to pay $25 million in fines after it found that the social media platform violated Washington’s political disclosure law 822 separate times between 2019 and 2021

WSJ: Where Are Markets Headed? Six Pros Take Their Best Guess – Heavyweights in the world of finance describe their view of the future amid lots of uncertainty and they agree the wild ride isn’t over yet

Israeli President Isaac Herzog plans to share intelligence about Iranian drones being used by Russian forces in Ukraine when he meets with Joe Biden – There are similarities between drones shot down in Ukraine and those Iran tested in 2021

The Washington Free Beacon has compiled volume 17 of their “Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week” series – “Moment” has silently morphed into “moments” as we achieve exit velocity

In Arizona, US District Court Judge Michael Liburdi declined an emergency injunction request from two progressive groups that sought to prevent ballot drop box monitoring for the midterm elections

The Simmering DeSantis-Trump feud is set to explode after rally snub – Their aides downplay such tensions, but actions contradict their words – Trump just announced a joint rally in Miami next weekend with Sen. Marco Rubio but not DeSantis

A Leaked FBI Pamphlet Lists “Misinformation” And “Disinformation” As “Election Crimes” – “DISINFORMATION” – False or inaccurate information intended to mislead others… “MISINFORMATION” – False or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally

Florida Moves to Ban Puberty Blockers and Transgender Surgery for Minors – The validity of gender reassignment surgery and puberty blockers as a treatment for gender dysphoria remains deeply contested

Proof that Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools – The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research commissioned a study of a national sample of 1,505 18- to 20-year-olds who were still in high school or had just graduated

John Daniel Davidson: An Open Application To Serve On Twitter’s Content Moderation Council – Why me? Because my Twitter account has been locked since March for saying that Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health in the Biden administration, is a man

Toxic English Departments and the Students Who Now Avoid Them – Here is what now passes as a semester course in English literature (English 214) – (Trigger Warning: Take a deep breath and try to get through this; it won’t be easy)

Has Criminal Justice Reform Caused The Us To Be Less Safe? – Over the past two years, the U.S. has experienced the largest crime surge in decades – A former public defender and a public safety expert weigh in

Sharyl Attkisson: Analysis reveals nutrition group has close ties to food, pharma industry – “That the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics was a part owner of ultra-processed food companies should go down in the conflict of interest Hall of Fame”

Why Are Farmers Defying Bans to Cultivate GM Crops? – GM crops give higher yields, are resilient to deadly plant diseases, and can withstand tough environmental conditions


October 28, 2022

Ben Shapiro: To understand the insane Left-wing media and Democrat angst over Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, you have to understand the history of monopolistic legacy media dominance in this country – Until the 1990s… 

Save your child’s life: Vote Republican in midterms – Wayne Allyn Root jabs the CDC over their vaccine recommendation for America’s students

“Things That We Have Never Seen Before’ – Pollsters Tell Sean Hannity That Black And Hispanic Voters Are Moving To The GOP In Droves

The European Union’s Digital Markets Act will force Big Tech platforms to break open their walled gardens in 2023 – This is a new reminder that Europe has regulated tech companies much more actively than the US

Halloween Is Almost Upon Us: Seven spooky charts in a scary year for markets – With rising inflation and the cost of living crisis, 2022 has been a scary year for everyone

U.S. LNG Cannot Replace The Russian Natural Gas That Europe Has Lost – Europe has relied on U.S. LNG imports to offset the loss of Russian gas, with nearly 70% of U.S. LNG exports heading to Europe in September

A Whistleblower Details How The FBI Allegedly Made Jan. 6 Higher Priority Than Child Pornography – “I was told child pornography was a local issue and that domestic terrorism, specifically January 6th, was the higher priority”

Heritage Report: Our Military Is In Decline – Biden gets the blame for the military’s woes, and rightly so

China’s hypersonic missile program is much more sophisticated than Russia’s and is designed to directly threaten the continental US – The US lacks the early warning and air defense systems needed to detect and destroy them

Elon Begins Making Massive Change At Twitter – Brings Tesla Engineers To Re-write Twitter Code – “Hours before being fired by Elon Musk, Twitter lawyer Vijaya Gadde was photographed glaring at her new boss in an awkward meet-up”

A Federal Judge threatens “2000 Mules” investigators with jail – True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and researcher Gregg Phillips must identify their source in their investigation of the election software company Konnech by Monday or face jail

David DePape, the Man Arrested For Attacking Paul Pelosi – He appears to have a history of affiliations with nudists and conspiracy theorists, and sometimes strange beliefs that fall all over the cultural and political map

Look at the Extreme Social Decay in Many of the Largest Cities in America – To get a feel for what is going on, just walk the streets of our major cities., and you don’t even need to go to the “bad areas” to see the extreme social decay

ZH: The number of people that define themselves as unaffiliated to a party or as “politically independent” is growing in the United States, raising the question of whether the highly polarizing two-party system is still working

ZH: The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Blocks GOP Rep Mayra Flores’ Request To Join – The official website of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus gives no hint that it’s a Democrats-only club

ZH: The Island of Hawaii is on high alert as earthquake swarms continue around Mauna Loa – Scientists are worried about an eruption but not sure if one is imminent as magma churns underneath, generating dozens of quakes daily

Chief Bill Scott of the San Francisco Police Department on Friday identified the suspect in the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband as 42-year-old David DePape – No motive for the attack has been determined

An Astonishing call for censorship of Justice Amy Coney Barrett by 500 publishing industry figures – Her crime? Signing on to the majority opinion in the Dobbs case, overturning Roe v. Wade, and returning abortion to the states

WSJ: Elon Musk Moves Swiftly to Put Imprint on Twitter After His Takeover – Completion of deal for social-media platform spurs widespread reaction ranging from enthusiasm to concern

The DOJ outlined steps it will take on Election Day to ensure a fair election process, but a government watchdog is warning that the plan leaves out critical details that open the door to selective enforcement against red states

A House Democratic Aide was Fired after her Ties to the Chinese Embassy were Revealed – Representative Don Beyer, who has been hawkish on China, moved swiftly to remove her after being notified of the activity by security officials

The FACE Act Is Unconstitutional And It’s Past Time Congress Got Rid Of It – Just this year, the DOJ has indicted 22 peaceful pro-life protesters, trumping up bogus charges based on the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act

Washington Post media reporter Erik Wemple admitted that he and others at the far-left outlet lacked the courage to tell truths that might anger the left

The Kari Lake Campaign Has Questions After a Local Media Outlet Called Her Race…12 Days Early – Declaring Her Democrat Opponent The Winner

The Other Red Wave – You haven’t heard as much about the battle for the House because a GOP takeover of the House of Representatives has been almost a foregone conclusion, and this is the first House election after a round of redistricting

Elon Musk FIRES top Twitter execs as he takes charge – Musk entered the San Francisco headquarters ahead of the $44 billion deal closing, and was faced with skeptical employees worried for their jobs and the company culture

After his purchase of Twitter was completed, it was revealed that Elon Musk is preparing to reverse lifetime bans, paving the way for the return of Donald Trump, Milo Yiannopoulos, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, and others

French President Emmanuel Macron Admits Half The Crimes In Paris Are Committed By Foreigners – But Macron is still pushing for more mass immigration despite data showing the tremendous crime rate of foreign nationals

ZH: The Semiconductor Shortage Just Quickly Became An Inventory Glut – This means that the years-long hold-up for chips looks like it has officially come to an end

Biden’s Border Crisis Is Much Worse Than You Think – DHS’s CBP agency reported they “encountered” almost 2.8 million illegal border crossers in the past fiscal year, up from 1.9 million in the previous period, which is more than four times the number in President Trump’s last year in office

A 14-year-old Vermont student was SUSPENDED and her father, a coach at the school, was FIRED for complaining about a trans pupil in the girls’ changing room

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Your Digital ID of the Future Has Arrived – The ID2020 Alliance is a public-private partnership founded by Bill Gates’ GAVI: The Vaccine Alliance, The Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, Accenture and Ideo.org

October 27, 2022

Radical Gender Ideology Invades Small-Town Schools – When the school called his 14-year-old son to the principal’s office for refusing to say a female student was a boy, Matthew Duncan decided he’d had enough

Democrats Race To Save a Blue State Gone Purple – Democrats could lose a state they’ve won since the late 1980s, Oregon

Xi Jinping’s Rising Dictatorship May End Up Benefiting The US – China’s leader steals the Communist Party’s show at its National Congress

Major Crisis Begins: We were warned about the diesel fuel shortage – The U.S. is facing a diesel crunch just as demand is surging ahead of winter — with only 25 days of supply left, according to the Energy Information Administration

Joe Biden on Wednesday said that it will take time before inflation will ease for most Americans as polls show how price pressures continue to be a pressing issue ahead of the 2022 midterms

Kayleigh McEnany Declares the Only Thing That Can Stop Biden from A2024 Campaign, And It’s a Catch-22 – The escalation of congressional investigations into his son, Hunter Biden

George Soros Gave $17.6M to a Lefty Group Pushing Facebook, TikTok to Censor So-Called Election Disinformation

A new whistleblower document obtained by Project Veritas has revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is targeting election crimes relating to “misinformation” and “disinformation” ahead of the midterm elections next month

Environmentalists and trucking industry groups sparred with regulators today over a proposal to phase out CA’s big rigs and other trucks with internal combustion engines and force manufacturers to speed mass-production of electric trucks

A judge in Wisconsin on Wednesday rejected a request to allow election officials to count mail-in ballots with incomplete addresses on them

Mail-In Ballot Total Surges Past 10 Million Across US Ahead of 2022 Midterms – Another 5 million or so have voted early and in person, research from the U.S. Elections Project shows

The FBI has evidence that a former secretary for Hunter Biden was employed by the Chinese Communist Party before working for the Biden family business when it struck a lucrative deal with an energy firm…

The Biden Administration Prioritizes Migrant Movement Over Security – It is clear that neither Washington nor Mexico City is serious about a common security strategy

The China Lie Exposed – On Monday, the Hang Seng plummeted 6.4% (equivalent to a 2,000 drop in the Dow Jones index), for the largest one-day drop since November 2008, so the Hang Seng index is now officially flat since 1997

WSJ: Three Arrests, Two Superpowers, and a Secret Prisoner Swap – Detention of  Meng Wanzhou, CFO of China’s Huawei Technologies to stand trial in the US provoked a standoff between global rivals and opened an acrimonious new era

Senator Ted Cruz: While Nixon Failed in Making DOJ, FBI His Party’s Political Arm, Obama, and Biden Succeeded – They’ve turned the intelligence community into political enforcers in a way that’s never happened in our country

The Democrat-Media Complex’s “Save our Democracy” Farce – Unfortunately, the Democrats were not “saving our democracy” when they did aa of these things…

SCOTUS Justice Elena Kagan Blocks A January 6 Committee Request For Phone Records – She temporarily blocked them from accessing phone records of Dr. Kelli Ward and Mark Ward – The appeal painted the case as potentially setting a dire precedent

Public Citizen’s cowardice shows that the rules don’t apply to Stacey Abrams – She’s better at funding lawsuits than at winning them and is on track to lose the governorship in two weeks for the second time in two election cycles

The Democrats’ “Democracy” vs. the GOP’s “Republic” –  One of the Democrats’ recent sound bites is that Republicans want to destroy our democracy – If so, then how do Democrats answer these relevant questions?

The Biden Administration Is Still Using PPP against Critics of His Illegal Student-Loan Order – PPP was explicitly designed as a bailout, while the student-loan program was explicitly designed as . . . well, as a loan program

A New Democrat Conspiracy Theory Just Dropped: Poll Watchers Are A Threat To Our Democracy – If Democrats get beat at the ballot box next month, the media are preparing to pin all major election losses on nonexistent voter intimidation

ZH: Musk To Advertisers, “This Is Why I Bought Twitter” – I acquired Twitter because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated healthily, without resorting to violence

Hundreds of woke Twitter employees have deserted the company and gone to work for Google and Meta over the past few months in anticipation of Elon Musk taking over the company, according to a Business Insider report

40% of Hispanics and 21% of Blacks are now backing the Republican party – The issue of inflation and the feeling the WH hasn’t done enough to address it is helping Republicans score significant inroads among Hispanic and Black voters

ZH: After Sending Out 240,000 Unverified Ballots, Pennsylvania Now Warns Of ‘Delays’ Counting Midterm Votes – Here We Go Again!

Even the New York Times Notes California’s Bullet Train Is Going Nowhere – Will this high-speed rail system do anything other than squandering more than 100 billion taxpayer dollars?

Victor Davis Hanson: The Switcheroos of the Two Parties – The old Democrats have faded away after being overwhelmed by radicals and socialists, which explains why they will lose in the mid-terms

A recent New York Times article was exceptionally misguided – Titled “Nuclear Power Still Doesn’t Make Sense,” it is, in fact, the article itself that doesn’t make sense

Where the Boys Aren’t – Culture wars over gender are obscuring the deepening educational struggles of today’s young males

Biden puts U.S. children at grave medical risk – As a pediatrician (and cardiologist) for nearly fifty years, I cannot remain silent while Biden, an unlicensed, untrained, wanna-be physician, practices bad medicine on our nation’s children

Rural areas in 24 states are to receive $759 million in grants for high-speed internet –The grants are part of the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure law, with $65 billion being geared toward high-speed connectivity

The WHO Assembles Superpowers With “One Health Plan” – The World Health Organization already has too much power; this new initiative will only give it more

October 26, 2022

ZH: THIS MOVE By Xi JUST ASSURED AN INVASION OF TAIWAN  – Xi just opened the CCP conference on Monday with the statement that the control of Hong Kong is now “complete” and that “Taiwan is next”

Reuters: The average interest rate on the most popular U.S. home loan rose to its highest level since 2001 – The average contract rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rose by 22 basis points to 7.16% for the week ended Oct. 21

Newt Gingrich’s Midterm Prediction – “Pick your fights, stick to them until you have convinced the country, and then you’ll win a crushing victory”

Bloomberg: Colleges Should Bring Back Testing Requirements – Plummeting student performance shows the consequences of abandoning standards

Elon Musk Posts Video at Twitter HQ After Changing Bio: ‘It’s Happening’ – Musk’s sense of humor was firing on all cylinders Wednesday, as he changed his Twitter bio to read, “Chief Twit”

Rush Limbaugh’s Widow Confirms Death Certificate Rumor That Left-Wing Media Will Hate – Rush’s death certificate lists his occupation as the “Greatest radio host of all time”

Democrat blows the whistle on a ballot harvesting scheme – A former candidate for Orange County commissioner described a widespread vote trafficking operation in the Orlando area, authorities see enough evidence to warrant a criminal probe

Rey David Marquez-Jimenez, a 22-year-old Mexican illegal immigrant has pleaded guilty to attempting to murder a Border Patrol agent after crossing the U.S. border, according to the Justice Department

ZH: Ukraine Tells Their Refugees “Don’t Come Home Until After Winter” – At least one-third of all power stations in the country have been damaged or destroyed by Russian strikes, causing rolling blackouts

The Biden Administration Quietly Negotiates A Plea Deal With The 9/11 Terrorists – “We plead them out, taking the death penalty off the table in hopes that a military commission will sentence them to life in prison”

Democrat President Joe Biden is “complicit in six alleged white collar crimes” including “tax evasion, using nonpublic info for financial gain and illegally utilizing his alias email,” a bombshell watchdog report has revealed

Our US-UK Special Relationship Faces A China Test – Beijing’s ability to draw American allies into subordinating economic entanglements is a threat that is arguably even greater than that which the Soviet Union posed

Voting for War: Liberals are worried an election might get in the way of their crusade – Democrats have long been the party of federal client classes, and when they run out of clients they invent new classes subject to their patronage

Biden Is Destroying Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve – The Reserve consists of these four sites with a combined storage capacity of 714 million barrels of crude oil and is the largest strategic oil reserve in the world

The New Democrat Strategy Before The Midterm Elections: Deny crime exists – But there’s still one more tactic that liberals can always be counted on to use, calling their opponents racist for bringing up crime

Two prominent polls released in the past week reveal that Americans’ trust in the “Mainstream Media” is at a near-all-time low, with a significant majority believing that it is a threat to freedom

The Main Stream Media Threatens Democracy –The MSM is no longer a purveyor of truth, but rather a developer of narratives — and they’re shameless about it

Now We’re ‘Mega’ MAGA Republicans – Joe Biden would have us believe MAGA Republicans are a splinter group, ideologically possessed and willing to engage in any form of confrontation and violence to advance their agenda

What the polling tells us about the state of the races – Republicans seem to have momentum, both in House and Senate races according to Nate Silver’s models and forecasts at fivethirtyeight.com

UK-NHS: Children displaying transgender tendencies are likely going through a “phase” that they may come out of as they age and therefore most should not be subjected to transition therapies

In the New Hampshire Senate race, Don Bolduc maintained his opposition to McConnell for GOP Senate leader just days before the Senate Leadership Fund pulled millions from the race

ZH: New Home Sales Plunge In September As Mortgage Rates Resurged – August saw new home sales explode a stunning 28% MoM as homebuyers rushed to buy on the brief respite in the explosion of higher mortgage rates…

Biden and Biden’s America Compared to Trump and Trump’s America, Part 2 – Tax and Spend versus Invest and Build, Idealism versus Pragmatism, Failing versus Thriving, etc.

Politicians love to come up with clever acronyms that make bad legislation sound like something voters want – That’s exactly what they did with the so-called “SAFE-T Act” in Illinois

Oregon Voters Say They Hav Lost Patience With The Democrats – “When I drive through Portland, I’m scared”

America is in the throes of a cultural and political war over gender ideology with high-profile conflicts over everything from school curricula to athletics to pronouns – Among the most explosive battles is that over transgender children

Voters who think that putting Republicans in control of the House and Senate will make a big difference for the economy are in for a rude awakening – The Biden administration just unleashed their “10,000 Commandments” document

Why Are US Workplace Participation Declining And Fertility Rates Falling? – Amidst a downhill employment trend for men aged 25-54, employers are reportedly begging for workers, while the fertility rate is well below the replacement level

California might levy a new tax on gas companies – Here’s what there is to know

ZH: Visualizing All The Metals We Mined In 2021 – “If you can’t grow it, you have to mine it” is a famous saying that encapsulates the importance of minerals and metals in the modern world

John Soloman: Oz shines while Fetterman falters in a Pennsylvania debate critical to determining control of The U.S. Senate

The debate between Democrat John Fetterman and Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz on Tuesday night shifted the betting odds 20 points in favor of Oz, according to PredictIt betting market

The Media’s Cover-Up of John Fetterman – No amount of spin can undo what voters witnessed on the debate stage last night in Pennsylvania

A jury found Darrell Brooks Jr. guilty on several criminal charges, convicting him of killing six people after driving an SUV into a crowd at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, last November

October 25, 2022

Joe Biden Breaks The Record for Political Lies About Economics – He is spending billions of your dollars to cut Democrat losses in the midterms

Pew Research: 95% of Americans Are Concerned About Food Prices – 73% are “very” concerned and 22% are “somewhat” concerned, while a combined 93% are “very” or “somewhat” concerned by the rise in gasoline prices

“Woke,” Twitter Employees Panic and Issue List of Demands for Elon Musk – Musk told investors in his deal to buy Twitter that he planned to get rid of most of the social media company’s 7,500 workers, leaving around 2,000

The New Gatekeepers – How the major institutions of American society all came to sing in the woke chorus, and what can be done about it – Unlike a generation ago, young Americans typically must pass through three gateways, to be economically successful

Biden’s DOJ  Announced an Urgent “National Security” Meeting Ahead of 2022 Midterms – Many are wondering if this is a move by the Justice Department to block the Elon Musk deal to takeover Twitter based on National Security grounds

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is on the Ropes in New York – If ever there was a year for a Republican to win this statewide election, 2022 would be it

The Commie “Bay Bridge” Is Here in California – The next earthquake could send it all crashing down because California politicians rejected federal funding that required the use of steel manufactured in the United States

ZH: Dr. Oz’ Odds Of Winning PA Soar After Historic Fetterman Debate Meltdown – Fetterman appeared unable to put together nearly a single coherent sentence throughout the entire debate

Herschel Walker Surges in Georgia – According to a new poll, Herschel Walker has taken the lead in the race

Sharyl Attkisson: According to a recent Gallup Poll, 54% majority of Americans say the federal government has too much power, while 39% say it has about the right amount of power and 6% say it has too little

Unilever in the United States has issued a voluntary recall of several brands of dry shampoo aerosol products due to “potentially elevated levels” of benzene, a human carcinogen

A Former Top Levi’s Executive Comes Clean And Reveals How ‘Woke’ Mob Hijacked Corporate America – People populating these companies are now led by ‘I’m not your dad, I’m your friend’ CEOs

Reuters: Elon Musk has notified co-investors who committed to help fund his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) that he plans to close his buyout of the social media firm by Friday

WSJ: Ukraine Presses The West for Billions in Economic And Military Aid After The Russian Attacks on Their Infrastructure –  Weeks of strikes have left the country struggling to produce enough electricity

At 9 P.M. ET, The Crowd Interrupted Trump to Sing National Anthem at Rally – Could This Explain It? – In 2021 Marjorie Taylor Greene revealed the Jan. 6 political prisoners sing the national anthem every night at 9 p.m. in their prison cells

The 2022 Election is the Opening Salvo in the Repudiation of America’s Elites – They betrayed and broke faith with the Americans through their infatuation with Barack Obama and near-psychotic obsession with defeating Donald Trump

Midterm ‘spoilers’: Here are the candidates who could upend key races in Oregon, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona

The governors who could be moved out of their mansions in 14 days – While some governors are assured victories, such as Gavin Newsom and Kay Ivey, other governors may have to pack up their bags if they end up losing


Dov Fischer: Inflation? What Inflation? Crime? What Crime? Porous Borders? Gas Prices? – The Democrat playbook is willful denial

Democrat candidates facing what looks like a reckoning in two weeks are struggling to find closing messages on the economy that acknowledges the deep uncertainty troubling the electorate while making the case they hold the solutions

US Business Activity Deteriorates Even Faster as Biden Touts A “Historically Strong” Economic Recovery – The S&P Global flash U.S. Composite PMI Output Index fell to 47.3 this month – A reading below 50 indicates private sector contraction

The Student Loan Giveaway Already Has Been Spent – The federal debt is on the ever increase, from $28.4 trillion at the end of FY 2021 to $30.9 trillion at the end of FY 2022, which is 127% of GDP, higher than at the end of World War II

Whatever Happened to the Antiwar Left? – Now, as we face the prospect of new global conflict, it is everyone else’s turn to say “Not In Our Name”

An Alabama Federal Judge Strikes Biden DOJ’s Burdensome Bully Tactics Against Opponents Of Trans Surgeries For Kids – The  Eagle Forum and Southeast Law Institute’s victory is proof the battle can be won

We Need an Ethical Definition of Death – The history of death determination in the context of organ donation can be described as an indoctrinating attempt to settle a moral controversy

The Democrat Dilemma, What to Do about Joe – For anything beyond a temporary removal, Congress must approve by 2/3s of both chambers and a few Republicans could oppose removal just to see the Dems squirm for a couple of years

ZH: House Democrats Walk Back A Letter To Biden Urging Ukraine Negotiations After The White House Reaction – “We’ve been very clear on the matter, Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine”

ZH: Joe Biden Unleashes A “New Era” Of SPR Releases As Weapon In Crude Markets “To Manipulate An Election” – “Draining oil from the strategic reserve is a short-sighted and dangerous choice that imperils our energy security”

JD Rucker: 12 Reasons Why It Is Impossible For Any Rational Person To Be Optimistic About The US Economy At This Point – Things haven’t looked this bad for the U.S. economy since 2008

Democrats are now hostage to the transgender extremists, and it is going to cost them dearly – Fear of the extremists keeps veteran Democrats from openly repudiating positions that are very unpopular with voters

A national digital ID system for US citizens is becoming a reality following a vote by the US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to advance the Improving Digital Identity Act – Digital IDs are vulnerable to attack

Why some progressive Democrats are urging Biden to rethink his Ukraine strategy – “The alternative to diplomacy is a protracted war, with both its attendant certainties and catastrophic and unknowable risks”

Biden and Biden’s America Compared to Trump, and Trump’s America, Part 1 – Globalism versus Patriotism, Dementia versus Acumen, Corruption versus Righteousness, Redistribution versus Hard Work, etc.

Voters Throw CBS A Curve – A “Face the Nation” focus group featuring a Republican, Democrat and an independent unanimously agreed that “woke culture” has become a prime concern for parents raising children in America

Violent Crime Is Driving a Red Wave – Two weeks before the 2022 midterms, fear of crime is second only to inflation and recession concerns. Both issues – personal security and economic security – affect voters directly

Falling test scores illustrate the disaster of distance learning – Chalk this up once again to Democrats’ obsession with rewarding political allies at the expense of the public

Big Banks And Credit Card Giants Just Green Lighted A Plan To Track Your Gun-Store Purchases – While the sales code itself might not be dangerous, the way gun control advocates want to use it certainly is

Republicans are mobilizing for an escalating and prolonged battle against the IRS and its Democrat-backed plans to hire tens of thousands of more employees with money from the climate and health bill signed by President Joe Biden

California Governor Gavin Newsom is spending more time and money on two ballot measures and a possible Presidential run than on his reelection campaign

“Misguided” Government Policies Worsen The US Homelessness Crisis – Ignoring untreated mental illness combined with substance use disorders, “Housing First” at best, is an expensive short-term band-aid that only addresses the symptoms

THE COSTS OF COVID SHUTDOWNS, PART 2 – The U.K.’s Daily Mail, one of the world’s top news sites, published a major story yesterday on the economic damage inflicted by covid shutdowns in the United States

That COVID Vaccines Cause Death Can Be Proven – There are various ways to show that COVID vaccines can kill people. Likely the best is conducting a very good autopsy

The head of the FDA’s vaccine division suggested that it may be time to move on from using mRNA COVID-19 vaccines – The two most commonly used vaccines, made by Pfizer and Moderna, use mRNA technology

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Do You Understand Your Risk of Dying From COVID? – Emerging evidence suggests the shots are causing immune deficiency in some people, thereby actually raising their risk of dying from SARS-CoV-2 infection

October 24, 2022

A New Email Reveals The Answer to The Establishment’s Efforts to Oust Trump – New details in the Danchenko trial exhibits suggest that the FBI intentionally targeted Trump on false Russia Collusion charges

Lawsuit: 67 federal agencies pushing Big Tech to censor Americans – SenatorTed Cruz pointed out that Obama put “hard-core partisans” into career positions at the DOJ, the FBI, and more, and that now has “metastasized under Biden”

The U.S. attorney for D.C. says he plans to double January 6 prosecutions in the coming months – Meanwhile, tone-deaf GOP politicians prepare to feed the hand that bites them

A New York State Judge Delivers A Massive Blow To New York Democrats’ Plan To Use A COVID “Emergency” For Mail-In Ballots – “Allowing New Yorkers to vote by mail due to fear of COVID-19 is unconstitutional”

Texas National Guard soldiers apprehended or encountered more than 103,000 illegal foreign nationals in the Rio Grande Valley alone since last year – They entered between ports of entry, guided by cartel operatives to cross the Rio Grande

Conrad Black: All indications now are that the Democrats are finally about to pay for using “Trump Hate” as a substitute for governing for two years, just as for four years before that they used “Trump Hate” as a substitute for normal opposition

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is on the Edge of Defeat According to the Latest Poll and Projection

Hillary Clinton already accusing ‘right-wing extremists’ of stealing 2024 election – “Right-wing extremists already have the plan to steal the next presidential election and they’re not making a secret of it”

Has Google been knowingly acting as an arm of the Democrat Party? – A new lawsuit against the Big Tech operation accuses its officials of suppressing one side of the political debate

The USArmy is spending millions upon millions of tax dollars on a variety of weapons including nanotechnology and quantum mechanics, which just so happens to be a key component of Big Pharma’s latest “vaccines”

Wind energy executives are skeptical of the Biden administration’s plan to significantly expand offshore wind power in the next several years due to rising costs and the slow permitting of offshore leases, according to the Financial Times

In their only scheduled debate, Governor Gavin Newsom and his challenger Brian Dahle clashed on abortion rights, homelessness, public schools, the state budget, and more, but neither landed a knockout punch

Stacey Abrams’ “Voting Rights” Group Was Caught Funneling Millions to Her Campaign Chair’s Firm – Abrams’ radical “nonprofit” Fair Fight Action has paid a whopping $9.4 million to the law firm Lawrence & Bundy

A new study finds Dr. Fauci’s ‘fingerprint’ on the origin of COVID virus – “All of it says, my God, there was a big, very risky research agenda underway”

A Judge Strikes Down The Vax Mandate For  New York City Employees – “The city’s vaccine mandate is unconstitutional, violates the separation of powers … arbitrary and capricious”

Joe Biden’s DOJ delays handing over court-ordered records on Biden’s executive order on March 2021 – Executive Order 14019 asked all 600 federal agencies to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.”

Maricopa County Arizona officials expressed that they are concerned over increased reports of voter intimidation at ballot boxes after two armed “vigilantes” were found outside a ballot box on Friday

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas unilaterally ruled in favor of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), temporarily halting him from testifying in the Fulton County, Georgia, 2020 election investigation

Liz Cheney’s Plan To Divide The Republican Party Has Failed – Separating Republican officials from their growing coalition of voters and the issues they care about have been the D.C. establishment’s goal for years, but it’s not working


5 Charts Expose 1 Big Pelosi Lie – “When you bring down unemployment, inflation goes up” –  A Nancy Pelosi, Oct. 18 interview

Joe Biden finally goes fully delusional and says he got the student loan bailout ‘passed by a vote or two’ – This is not just one of the lies that Joe Biden likes to spin, this is scary delusional incompetence on the part of a President of the US

One Simple Question Republicans Can Ask for Assured Victory in November – “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

WSJ: Builders Say They’re Ready for This Housing Market Slowdown – “I’ve Learned My Lesson.” The meltdown of 2007-09 fostered less risky tactics and not as much debt

Signs of the Red Wave Approaching – The hidden conservative vote, now officially recognized by pollsters and referred to as Partisan Non-Response Bias, means Democrats want to talk to the pollsters, and Republicans don’t

Political Polling Lessons From Rush Limbaugh – Up until the final four weeks before election day, the goal of mass-market pollsters is not to provide an accurate reflection of public opinion, it is to shape public opinion

Rishi Sunak Will Be Prime Minister – Sunak is an acolyte of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and even gained the tacit endorsement of the Chinese Communist Party as a leadership candidate

ZH: European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that the bloc would give Ukraine 18 billion euros next year while it continues fighting Russia

Where Most Aid To Ukraine Comes From – The United States has pledged more than 52 billion euros in military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine since the war began in February 2022

Putin’s Nuclear Paradigm – Cold War doctrines no longer explain Russia’s behavior – Conventional strategic nuclear thinking suggests Putin would never use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, but what if he is following a new paradigm?

Washington’s Whoppers on the War in Ukraine – Defenders of Ukraine might be surprised by the country’s anti-democratic tendencies – The notion that Ukraine is a democracy—much less a liberal democracy—is belied by extensive facts

Sacramento’s 50th Murder of 2022: Dangerous Times in California’s Capitol City – San Francisco does not have our gun violence and Chicago does not have our transients

Is There a Red Wave Coming to California in November? – “2022 is an opportunity for conservative and common sense voters”

Hospital Email Reports an Increase in Stillbirths, COVID-19 Vaccine Suspected – Since the rollout of the vaccines, the fetal death rate has skyrocketed from its pre-COVID-19 vaccine average of one to two every three months in this hospital alone

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s COVOD 19 Case And The Professor Of Epidemiology – This White House is too cozy with Pfizer. They spend too much time talking to Pfizer and too little time talking to experts in evidence-based medicine

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A Scandal Beyond Your Wildest Nightmare – The premise behind COVID shot mandates and vaccine passports were that by taking the shot, you would protect others, as it would prevent infection and spread of COVID-19 –  But They Never Tested For Transmission

The CDC’s Child Vaccine Move Puts Democrat Candidates on the Hot Seat – Its Committee on Immunization Practices voted to add COVID-19 vaccines to the regular immunization schedule for all children, starting at the age of 6 months old

A Swedish study has demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering a person’s DNA

October 23, 2022

There Is Less Than 1 in 100 Million Chance That COVID-19 Has A Natural Origin – The three authors examined tiny fingerprints left behind in the process in which viruses are assembled in laboratories

Military Whistleblowers Sound Alarm on ‘Devastating’ Consequences of Pentagon’s Vaccine Mandate

The US Medical Licensing Exam Gets a Woke Makeover – Switching the USMLE Step 1 from a three-digit score to a Pass-Fail grade brings up an obvious question – How will competitive specialties select their top-tier candidates now?

Dominion Voting Systems CEO Caught in Major Lie on ’60 Minutes’ on His Voting Machine Capabilities – Poulos told a disinterested and gullible Anderson Cooper that Dominion machines cannot switch votes

Victor Davis Hanson: Will “Democracy Die in Darkness” After November? – Democrats will soon be chanting that democracy is dying because they are terrified that it is thriving as never before

Crime And The Border: We should not be introducing criminals or deadbeats into our society, legal or illegal – In a return to the issues of yesteryear, once again crime is a major concern of voters -It’s like 1988 all over again

Democrats Whistle Past the Graveyard – They now insist that split-ticket voters will save them in the midterms

The Unbearable Lightness of Charlie – One last look at Charlie Crist, the Amazing Shrinking Challenger To Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Representative Henry Cuellar (D-TX) whose district is on the U.S.-Mexico border, acknowledged that the border under the current Democrat administration is not secure

Newt Gingrich: GOP Could Gain Up to 7 Seats in Senate, 50 Seats in House – With November 8th fast approaching, Democrat optimism appears to be fading as GOP candidates close in on key races across the country

Liz Cheney Says January 6 Committee Will NOT Allow Trump Testimony to Be Televised – She Says He Will Testify Before Her Under Oath

The Crowd Erupts At Trump Rally After Trump Makes Presidential Announcement – An October poll showed that 78% of Republicans want to see the former president run for the Oval Office again

Former White House physician and current Texas Republican Representative Ronny Jackson suggests that the 46th president has turned the White House into an “assisted living facility”

Biden Gives A Four Word Answer On What He Will Do If Republicans Take Over – “Veto Anything They Do”

Why The Censors So Fear Information Freedom – Never before have we had such access to so many varied information portals, which creates a major problem for ruling-class elites who once enjoyed complete hegemony over the public mind

ZH: “There Is Too Much Debt In The World, So They Must Inflate It Away, Which They Will Do – “That Pretty Much Sums Up The Only Thing You Need To Know On This Subject”

Sharyl Attkisson: Senator Grassley has requested records from the FBI related to Biden family dealings with foreigners and companies connected to the communist Chinese regime, indicating potential or alleged criminal activity

Sharyl Attkisson: Interview With FBI whistleblower Special Agent Steve Friend – “I refused to participate in heavy-handed FBI raids on Jan. 6 suspects”

Sharyl Attkisson: Interview With FBI whistleblower Special Agent Steve Friend – “FBI managers get bonuses for domestic terrorism cases’”

California Governor Gavin Newsom officially called for the resignation of LA City Council members Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo following the leaked audio where they participated in a closed-door meeting where racist comments were made

WSJ: Boris Johnson Drops Out of the U.K. Prime Minister Race Giving Rishi Sunak the Edge – The former treasury chief could win as soon as Monday after a large number of Tory lawmakers said they wouldn’t back Boris’s return to power

ZH: These Global Cities Show The Highest Real Estate Bubble Risk – Toronto, Frankfurt, Zurich, Munich, Hong Kong…

Is A Peter Thiel–Backed Dating App Right for Conservatives? – Can the use of an app to look for a date, even a values-centered one like “The Right Stuff,” beat traditional dating?

An 18-Year-Old Formerly Healthy Tennis Player Suffers”Sudden Cardiac Arrest” – A teammate and Coach Rush to Save His Life

Steve Kirsch: A Covid Vaccine Check – This list of sanity checks provides objective evidence about the reality of what is going on

Steve Kirsch: The COVID vaccines are adversely affecting women’s reproductive health as shown in these graphs – Due to underreporting, compared to previous vaccines, the discrepancy here may be 5.4X larger than they appear

Spike Protein Disrupting Immunity in Millions After COVID Infection or Vaccination – The spike proteins cause inflammation, turn off type 1 interferon response, and reduce autophagy all of which add up to a dysregulated immune system

Video footage emerging from China’s new congress has stunned the world as it shows Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictator Xi Jinping forcibly purging his predecessor from the room

Time to ditch Mitch – Where is McConnell spending his funds? – Why of course in Alaska on Sen. Lisa Murkowski who voted to impeach Trump and is running against the Trump-endorsed GOP challenger Kelly Tshibaka

Trudeau is placing a nationwide freeze on the sale, purchase, and transfer of handguns, effective immediately, and sidestepping legislators and political opponents in parliament

The Best Political Ad Ever – It was an ad for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and featured his wife Casey

The Great Disconnect: Will This Be the Death of America? – When I was a kid, we recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer at the start of each school day and most people went to church on Sunday

Why Florida’s Surgeon General Is Not Recommending mRNA COVID Vaccines for Healthy Young Men

October 22, 2022

THE COSTS OF COVID SHUTDOWNS – It was obvious early in the covid epidemic that the benefits of lockdowns were speculative and hypothetical, while the costs were large and undeniable

The Biden Pentagon Has a New Mission, The Safeguarding Of Abortion Access in America – Less than three weeks before Election Day, and yet we have another lawless Biden administration stunt

RealClearPolitics’s Senate Projection: Three battleground Senate races move to the GOP, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada – Also, FiveThirtyEight tightened its projections for the Senate amid a deluge of polling showing the Republicans gaining

Any state that requires COVID-19 vaccination to attend school will face a lawsuit from ICAN – The Informed Consent Action Network has pledged to finance up to 50 lawsuits and  financially support a challenge against any state

Putin Quietly Makes a Menacing Move – The creation of his new “Coordination Council” is an ominous throwback to the Stalin era is not getting the attention in the West that it should

U.S. military forces are “fully prepared” to cross into Ukraine to fight a war against Russia. – The Army’s 101st Airborne Division, who boast the “Screaming Eagles” moniker, has been deployed to Europe for the first time since World War II

“I will probably have to do it again,” Trump said in regards to running for president in 2024 – But first, he said, the GOP has to win the midterm elections

A U.S. District Court Judge Blocks Los Angeles County’s ‘Unconstitutionally Vague’ Eviction Moratorium – “There’s no rational basis for the County keeping its eviction moratorium in effect for nearly three years”…

ZH: Visualizing 20 Years Of Top Trending Google Searches

A Judge is About to Rule on Pfizergate Case to Hold Big Pharma Accountable for Their Covid Vaccine Fraud

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky just announced that she has COVID-19 – Walensky received the bivalent booster exactly one month ago at a CVS pharmacy – It’s time she is honest about her bad evidence and poor leadership

An Alberta doctor is calling on the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) to look into what he says is a significant jump in doctors’ “sudden deaths” after 80 doctors die following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines beginning in December 2020

Steve Kirsch: VAERS Myths Busted – There are more reports for these vaccines because there are more events observed, which proves the vaccines are unsafe

The red wave is building – It’s less than three weeks out from the midterm elections and the polls are moving in one direction, even MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough “senses” the shift in voter sentiment

A federal judge has ordered Dr. Anthony Fauci and several other top Biden administration officials to face deposition under oath in a Big Tech censorship case – The case has uncovered evidence of alleged federal government collusion with Big Tech companies to censor users

It is easy to see why people have come to believe that the once-vaunted justice system in the US has become two-tiered; one for favored elites and one for those the elites loathe – There are countless examples of this

Decoding the sentencing of Steve Bannon and the subpoena to President Trump – More proof that the U.S. is drifting away from the representative democratic values on which it was founded

The DOJ asked Congress for more than $34 million in new funding to continue its January 6th investigation – The budget will fund 130 employees, including 80 federal prosecutors, to aid in the unprecedented investigation

Kari Lake has the media’s number – Lake, who worked in the media for 30 years, knows all the tricks and traps practiced by the modern version of the fourth estate

A Major Fertilizer Producer Slashes European Output as Energy Crises Worsens – Yara International ASA has announced  Thursday that third-quarter ammonia output was slashed due to skyrocketing natural gas prices

ZH: Despite serving as prime minister of the United Kingdom for a mere 45 days before resigning in humiliation, Liz Truss can now tap a lifetime allowance of up to $129,000 a year.

Marco Polo Report On The Hunter Biden Laptops

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: DIS-TRUSS-TED EDITION – The spectacular downfall of Prime Minister Liz Truss is the story of the week

October 21, 2022

Fauci and Baric’s Fingerprints on Pandemic Bug – Critics have long asked why the NIH would fund experiments by UNC-Chapel Hill to develop a technique for hiding evidence of human tampering in laboratory-created super viruses

Homicide rates are surging in major cities run by Soros-backed DAs – Less than three weeks before Election Day, a new study shows killings are on the rise, while polling indicates crime remains a top issue for voters

Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance: COVID-19 Vaccines 4X+ The Myocarditis Risk than The Background Population – “Extremely High Myocarditis Death Odds”

WSJ: Biden’s Student-Loan Forgiveness Program Temporarily Halted by Appeals Court – Millions of borrowers have applied for the program, which would grant up to $20,000 in loan forgiveness for eligible applicants

Ballot trafficking is already an issue in the 2022 midterm elections – Stories of real ballot harvesting are happening, while the lapdog media focuses on discrediting the people who want integrity back in our electoral system

Biden’s Lies About Energy Can No Longer Be Ignored – Biden continually tells the American people, “I didn’t do it!” In fact, yes he did. And he still is

ZH: Internet Sting Operation – “J6 DELETED” Exposes How Twitter Manipulated The Jan. 6 Narrative “In Real Time” – As Sullivan noted, “the one who drives the narrative, drives the outcome”

Sharyl Attkisson: How important is religion in the US? – A recent Rasmussen survey found that 69% of American adults consider themselves religious, including 24% who say they’re very religious

Mike Pence hints he would NOT support Trump in 2024 if he runs for president – Says “there might be somebody else I’d prefer more” when pressed for an answer

The Department of Justice is hiding records about Biden’s order telling federal agencies to develop plans to interfere in state election administration


Fauci’s Calendar: What Was He Doing in the Months Before the Pandemic? – OpenTheBooks.com finally got the National Institutes of Health to release Dr. Anthony Fauci’s work calendar and here’s what it shows

Steve Kirsch: A new study shows that nearly everyone getting the mRNA COVID vaccines are experiencing some amount of heart damage – If the YouTube video has been banned and no longer works, click here to view it on Rumble

These Are The GOP Governors Dismissing COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for School Entry – Five Republican governors announced their states will not require COVID-19 vaccinations for children to attend public school

Much of the conversation surrounding mRNA “vaccines” revolves around their impact on humans, – A recent mass Covid “vaccination” campaign of an Australian cattle herd resulted in 35 of the 200 vaccinated animals dying immediately

Stanford tells doctors to give false information to overcome vaccine hesitancy – Here is the Stanford course used to train doctors worldwide on how to overcome vaccine hesitancy

Meet the 15 CDC Members Who Voted to Add The Deadly COVID Shots to Kids’ Vaccine Schedule – These ACIP members, people hiding in plain sight, have just condemned many children to death

The Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Former President Donald Trump – The subpoena requests Trump appear on Nov. 14 to provide testimony in Washington or by video conference

How Does This End? – Even if Ukraine wins all territory but Crimea on the battlefield and through negotiations, many of the pre-war questions remain unsettled

Congress Is Trying to Ram Through $50 Billion More for Ukraine Before The GOP Takes Control of the House – Yet another indication that elected senators and representatives no longer view the American people as their top priority

Boris Johnson is one of the leading contenders vying for the job as U.K. prime minister despite having been ousted from office just three months ago upon losing the support of his party, reports said Friday

WSJ: Federal Reserve officials are barreling toward another interest-rate rise of 0.75 of a percentage point at their meeting on Nov. 1-2 and are likely to debate then whether and how to signal plans to approve a smaller increase in December

Joe Biden’s Low Approval Rating Stings Democrat Candidates – Just 39 percent of voters approved of President Joe Biden 18 days from the election, a Civiqs poll found Friday. Fifty-two percent disapproved

Joe Biden Seems To Suggest The Wife Of Ailing John Fetterman Would Replace Him – She Would Make A “Great Lady In The Senate”

The complete and total failure of the Jan. 6 committee – Democrats say 9/11 is “nothing” compared to Jan. 6 –  No wonder their party is cruising toward an epic beating this November

Steve Bannon sentenced to 120 days for defying Jan 6 committee and released pending appeal –  Bannon was found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress, regarding his refusal to comply with subpoenas from the Committee

How Wildly Soft Mainstream Media Coverage Keeps Democrats Oblivious to the Real Political Environment – The crowded media environment means there’s always someone willing to say Democrat candidates are doing okay

Senator Rick Scott, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman, says Republicans are on track to hold at least 52 seats and predicts the party even has a chance to gain a 55-seat majority in November

18 Days Out On Facebook: Trivial news stories trend as “TOP Stories” while the US is plagued with inflation, an illegal migration crisis, crime waves, and the deadly fentanyl drug making its way across the country’s southern border

The State Department is planning a massive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion focused event expected to involve more than a dozen federal agencies and up to 50,000 government employees ignoring a world on the brink of a nuclear showdown

ZH: The Biden Admin Reportedly Unaware Of “National Security Review” Of Musk Ventures – “It does seem fanciful that the U.S. Government would view Twitter as a national security asset”

Bans On Gas-Powered Cars Are An Attack On Working Families – In the push to compel what they say is a “sustainable” energy future, progressives are willing to hurt their constituents, even those struggling to get ahead economically

Parents need control, not just “a voice” – Public schools continue to push pornographic materials to even the youngest students, and seem more energetic than ever to teach anti-American propaganda and Marxist theories

A Virginia Teacher Reveals The Left’s Next Public School Quest For Students – Convincing Autistic Kids They’re Trans

Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group Poll: 78.7% of all voters “believe underage minors should be required to wait until they are adults to legally use puberty blockers and undergo permanent sex-change procedures”

Nearly 80 Percent of Americans—Including Most Democrats—Oppose Puberty Blockers for Minors

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has directed the Department of Defense (DoD) to “ensure access to reproductive health care” for its service members, including paying them to travel to get an abortion

Unvaccinated Single Women Are Saying “No” To Vaccinated Single Men – Their overriding concern is the possible harmful effects of this vaccine that may ultimately enter these women once the raincoat comes off

Proof Dr. Fauci Covered Up The Biggest Medical Mistake In History – The COVID vaccine antibody has no path into the lung and Fauci, along with many other people were alerted to this fact, but they all ignored it

An NZ Funeral Director Confirms UK and US Embalmer Reports That 95% of Corpses Had Received A Covid “Vaccination” Within 2 Weeks of Death

October 20, 2022

Yes, Critical Race Theory Is Being Taught in Our Schools – A new survey of young Americans vindicates the fears of CRT’s critics

Fox News: American Petroleum Institute President and CEO Mike Sommers – “We need to have that SPR in place and at the right levels dealing with the current geopolitical situation we’re in today”

People Dying in Their Sleep Are Linked to The Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist – Sudden unexplained age-inappropriate deaths seem to be happening more than usual, both in the US and elsewhere

TikTok’s parent company in China planned to use the platform to track the location of specific American citizens – ByteDance’s Internal Audit and Risk Control department were tasked to do it according to a report in Forbes

WSJ: The Student-Loan Forgiveness Program Clears A Hurdle as a Judge Rejects the GOP Bid to Block It – Republican officials from six states don’t have legal standing to mount a challenge to the debt cancellation, the judge ruled

Elon Musk Plans To Give Pink Slips To 75% Of Twitter Employees – The company already planned a significant staff reduction, however, the $800 million planned reduction in payroll expenses  would cut just 25% of their workers

Gatestone Institute: The Green Energy Profiteering Scam – “Green” Profits Can Only Rise if Citizens’ Freedoms Fall – When governments limit drilling and mining for hydrocarbons in the ground, they manufacture scarcity

Will a GOP House Majority Put the Brakes on Ukraine Escalation? – McCarthy says Republicans wouldn’t write a “blank check.”

Kari Lake Unloads an Array of Truth Bombs Against the Jab – “You see these soccer players who have the healthiest hearts on the planet, and they’re dropping dead on the field — after these shots”

A year-long exploration of Hunter Biden’s laptop has yielded a 630-page report that its authors say documents 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations by President Joe Biden’s son and his business partners

Computer Store Owner Sues Hunter And The Biden Campaign For Defamation – “Now that the world has a better understanding of the legitimacy of the Hunter Biden laptop story, it is clear that there was a concerted effort to kill the story by defaming John Paul and others

House Judiciary Committee: A former top FBI official will testify the Biden administration pressured agents to label cases as domestic extremism or a white supremacist threat, even if they did not meet that criteria, to match Joe Biden’s rhetoric

NYT/Siena Poll: Fully 84% of registered voters named the Mainstream Media as a threat to Democracy and nearly 60% of voters called the MSM a “major threat”

Steve Kirsch: The median IFR for kids is just 0.0003% – If your kid gets COVID, the risk is 3 in 1 million that your child will die from COVID, and that is likely an over-estimate because today all early treatment protocols are suppressed worldwide

Steve Kirsch: The ACIP committee approves mRNA vaccines for the childhood schedule 15-0 – This allows the EUA to end, but provides full immunity protection forever for the COVID vaccine manufacturers

An officer abruptly censored a Naval Academy midshipman’s questions about the Navy’s COVID vax mandate, and experimental shots documented to injure and even kill people – The scene was caught on video and posted online

WSJ: U.S. Home Sales Dropped for Eighth Straight Month in September  – The slowdown in the market is expected to continue as mortgage rates approach 7% and up from about 3% a year earlier

Biden’s Energy Advisor Admits The Regime Wants To Limit Oil Production “To Accelerate The Transition” – While asking oil companies to increase production now and tapping more reserves to bring gas prices down before mid-term elections

Joe Biden Gaslights Over Soaring Energy Prices –  Joe Biden always manages to disgust, and yesterday’s thrashing performance on energy prices was no exception

How Biden Invited His Own Midterm Rebuke – They front-loaded their agenda with their most ambitious and controversial proposals and along the way, antagonized the opposition and alienated independents, along with some Democrats

The US has ‘abundant evidence’ Russia is using Iranian drones – The U.S. joined the U.K. and France in raising the issue of Iran supplying the “kamikaze” drones at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council

John Durham Exposed the FBI’s Misconduct – It was the bureau’s malfeasance that was really on trial, and the verdict on that, emphatically, is guilty

Learning from China’s Record – Beijing’s Taiwan approach, i.e. peace as bait and force in the making, is consistent with the behavioral pattern of the Chinese Communist Party

Woke Activist Generals Are Transforming the Air Force Academy – In September, the US Air Force Academy class of 1972 met for its 50th-year reunion – Compared to our experience, the Academy of today is virtually unrecognizable

Five Republican state treasurers have pressed AT&T in a letter over its removal of the One America News Network (OANN), calling it “apparent censorship of political discourse” driven by partisanship

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Anti-White Race Hate From MSNBC Hosts Joy Reid and Tiffany Cross – He even challenged his audience to tune into the rival cable news network to see for themselves

Jeff Bezos has a grim warning about where the economy is heading – The  US economy has met the rule-of-thumb definition of a recession,  two consecutive quarters of negative growth, and has contracted at a 1.6% annualized rate

Trump Embarrasses the “Elites” – Despite the best efforts of a Deep State–supporting, fake news–peddling, globalist-puppeteering Axis of Evil dedicated to his disposal, former President Trump still stands

British Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned and is bowing to the inevitable after a tumultuous six-week term in which her policies triggered turmoil in financial markets and a rebellion in her party obliterated her authority

Brexit leader Nigel Farage hinted at a potential political comeback on Wednesday evening following a dramatic evening in Westminster that ultimately precipitated the downfall of Prime Minister Liz Truss

Pork Producers Say California Regulation Challenged in Supreme Court Would Impose Huge Costs – “There’s no way to make it happen and there would be multiple farmers in the same situation”

ZH: “We Peaked A Little Early” – Democrats’ Hope Turning To Despair – Their abortion-issue hopes proved overblown, as a mere 5% of likely voters say abortion is their top concern, according to the latest NYT/Siena College poll

So-called “Environmental Activism” has become an extremist front for imposing far-left nihilism under the ruse of a “climate emergency”

6 Main Factors Increase Risk of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury – Varied Loads In Vaccine Batches, Genetic Factors, Underlying Chronic Diseases, Immune Deficiencies, Vitamin Deficiencies, Age, and Sex…

6 claims lodged with the CICP have now been determined to be eligible for compensation, a Health Resources and Services Administration official told a meeting on vaccines and all the claims are related to COVID-19 vaccines

JD Rucker: I’m seeing a terrible trend in which many who have fought against the jabs in the past are either being silenced completely or bowing out of the fight – It’s time to double-down instead

October 19, 2022

“A Reappraisal is Long Overdue’ – Mainstream Scientists, Doctors, and Parents Speak Out About Harms Caused By The COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. Paul Marik: Ivermectin Is Key for Early COVID-19 Treatment – The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which Marik helped start, features ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in its early treatment protocol

It’s Beginning: Arizona Ballot Stuffer Caught Covering Up License Plate – A War with the Mules who stuff ballot boxes is underway around the country as early voting has started, and activity around the ballot drop boxes has increased

Victor Davis Hanson: Who Denies Election Results? – There is nothing “unprecedented” about challenging election results, while for Democrats, there’s nothing unprecedented in trying to manipulate them

The Swamp’s Border Crisis Shadows and Fog – To spin, distort or conceal key facts about our immigration problems is to engage in a blatant lie. Politicians who push that lie should pay a heavy electoral price

First Lady Realizes Joe Is A Train Wreck After His Latest Public Humiliation – “Biden is so gone that he will read ANY WORDS they put on the teleprompter in front of him. “report fraud D-O-T F-T-C dot gov”

ZH: Democrat Senator Mark Warner admitted that President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package was too big and that the Federal Reserve took too long to raise interest rates

The Biden Administration’s Tone-Deaf New Labor Rules – In proposing a new Department of Labor regulation that quashes independent contracting, they are ignoring the many hard lessons learned from California

If Durham Is So Worthless, Why Is the Ruling Class Worried About His Final Report? – His critics crow over his losses but fear his future findings so much that they are already calling on the Biden DOJ to block them

Generation X to Democrats: Eat My Shorts! – We want an America that’s fun, happy, and free—the country we grew up in and that we crave for our children

There’s Nothing ‘Happy’ About International Pronoun Day – The cynical circumstance around its support is what I call the social justice industrial complex

Dov Fischer: Don’t Be Fooled,  Polls Often Are Wrong But Can Influence Elections Unfairly – When polls overestimate a candidate’s strength, they get more money, volunteers, and enthusiasm

The Don’t Even Go There – The National Institutes of Health now blocks access to an important database if it thinks a scientist’s research may enter “forbidden” territory

Award-Winning Journalist And Investigative Reporter Gordon Meek Is Missing Since The FBI “Seized Classified Docs” in A Home Raid – Rolling Stone reports that he has not been seen since agents raided his apartment in April

Bad Medicine: The Doctor Granting Fetterman Clean Bill of Health Is a Campaign Donor – Dr. Clifford Chen has given tens of thousands of dollars to Democrats, including Fetterman

Cal-Maters: Your questions about California’s gas rebate are answered here

A peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warns about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology, showing existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated, and harmful to human health and wildlife

Oops, we forgot to fix the supply chain – Some experts say it never really broke

A Top cardiologist ties “unexpected” deaths and collapses to COVID shots – “I have to urgently inform doctors, patients and members of the public about my findings”

The CDC votes to add Covid-19 vaccine to ‘Vaccines for Kids’ program The 15-0 vote took place during Wednesday’s committee meeting – A vote will be held on Thursday on whether to include the vaccine in children’s immunization schedules

WSJ: As Covid Hit, Washington Officials Traded Stocks With Exquisite Timing – Some sold in January 2020 when the government began mobilizing against the threat and others bought shares as a market-rescue plan was taking shape

Putin’s three-pronged strategy to survive the winter in Ukraine – TERROR, CONSCRIPTS, And COLD: As Russia continues to target Ukrainian power plants with Iranian-supplied drones, the outlines of Putin’s strategy become clearer

The IRS Releases Inflation Adjustments for 2023 Taxes: Here’s What It Means for You – Many taxpayers may now fall into lower tax brackets

Prices at the pump continue to be a political liability for Democrats with three weeks to go before the crucial midterm elections

Democrats launched feigned local news outlets in key swing states to push party-aligned content ahead of the midterm elections – At least 51 apparent local news outlets have cropped up in the last year across 10 battleground states

Eight things that killed the Democrat Party – The old Democrat Party has been replaced by a radical Libertine Party, full of radical sexual, cultural, and economic ideas that have all but killed their chances of getting legitimately elected again

The Media Shame Durham After Danchenko Verdict – Judge: Because Danchenko’s relevant exchanges with Dolan were via email, it was true that Danchenko had not “talked” with him about the material contained in the dossier

What’s worse than an uninformed electorate?  – The single-issue (S.I.) voter – Perhaps the most volatile single-issue rearing its ugly head this election year is one familiar to all of us, that of abortion

Trafalgar/Daily Wire Poll: Kari Lake is up by three points over Democrat Katie Hobbs – This same poll also shows Republican Blake Masters surging against incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly for Arizona’s U.S. Senate race

A Supermarket Merger Is Not A Threat To Humanity – The glaring problem with big government intervention is hypocrisy –  The federal government boasts of being the largest purchaser on Earth as well as the largest employer

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Mass Monitoring: A Digital Dictatorship on the Horizon? – The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) — is now well on its way to being up and running, with a $1 billion budget from Congress

Given this bleak medical landscape, one would expect ACEP to be tackling America’s biggest health problems at their annual meeting – NOT 1. Maintaining COVID pandemic billing profits, 2. Climate change, and 3. Racism in medicine

In a rare moment, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admitted that COVID is akin to seasonal flu and that only older people and those who have compromised immune systems need to get vaccinated

Steve Kirsch: Two top cardiologists implicate COVID vax in all unexplained heart attacks since 2021 – The odds are that the vaccines played a significant role in their deaths

October 18, 2022

An Obama DOJ official urges a Durham report “pause” as he warns the findings may “unfairly tarnish” FBI officials

Why DeSantis Should Not Run in 2024 – The hatred of Trump has nothing whatever to do with his “rage tweets,” but has everything to do with his actions in office – He fights the established, corrupt uni-party way of doing things

WSJ: Igor Danchenko Acquitted of Lying to FBI About Trump-Russia Dossier  – Acquittal of the consultant for the “Steele dossier” marks a second trial loss for John Durham’s inquiry into FBI probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election

Special Counsel Durham Will Still Publish A Report After Three Years, Two Not-Guilty Verdicts

Pacific Legal Foundation filed suit against the U.S. Department of Education to block its illegal move to cancel more than $500 billion in student loan debt

GOP generic-ballot rating jumps to 8-month high just before Election Day — Unexpectedly

L.A. prosecutors: China had back-door access to U.S. election data through an app for poll workers called PollChief – “This is probably the largest data breach in the United States history”

The Biden administration is kicking the tires on an oil-product export ban, a policy that would undermine the president’s own foreign affairs platform and that would fail to deliver the cost savings it promises

Chinese Refiners Are Betting Big On European Fuel Demand – Europe will be hoping that China’s domestic demand remains weak, as it could become a key source of oil products over the winter

ZH: China has decided to seize Taiwan on a “much faster timeline” than previously thought, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Monday after China’s leader Xi Jinping reiterated his intent to take the island, by force if necessary

An investigation published by The Washington Post on Tuesday shows that at least 15 retired American generals and admirals have worked as paid consultants for Saudi Arabia’s ministry of defense since 2016

A California law that provided names and other information about gun owners to researchers analyzing the effectiveness of gun violence restraining orders were blocked by a judge, who ruled it may violate the privacy rights of gun owners

As Democrats head into an election disavowing their prior claims to “defund the police,” major Democrat-run cities have significantly fewer police than they did a few years ago, a Daily Wire analysis of federal data found

A CDC committee will likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companies’ mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules

The complex myriad of symptoms in people suspecting of COVID-19 vaccine injury has been given a new name and an extensive treatment protocol – “Post-COVID-19 vaccines syndrome”

An alarming spike in the deaths of young Canadian doctors since the COVID-19 vaccine was mandated for healthcare workers demands an investigation, a physician and cancer researcher told the Canadian Medical Association

The Science Behind Florida’s Recent Recommendation Against mRNA COVID Vaccines for Men 18–39

The Heritage Foundation’s 2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength found our military is “weak” and “at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests”  – This is the first time in the index’s nine-year history that the country has been rated so low

Whatever Happened to ‘Armageddon’? – The short-attention-span theater of the mainstream media works in Biden’s favor as most people simply forget that a week and a half ago, he warned that the world “faced the prospect of Armageddon”

CBS Poll: Most Americans believe the economy is going downhill fast and that the Biden administration is to blame – 70% of voters believe Biden’s policies are responsible, with 45% saying he is to blame “a great deal”

The season of the Democrat debate dodgers – Democrats have their fingerprints on most hardships Americans are suffering, consequently, high-profile Democrats have refused to participate in debates against their GOP challengers

Meet the Real Kari Lake: Arizona’s GOP Gubernatorial Nominee’s Journey from Beloved News Anchor to Dynamic MAGA Candidate

ZH: Inflation Becomes The Leading Global Concern In 2022 – This chart visualizes just how much can change in the space of two years

Biden is about to imperil national security by draining Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gasoline prices just before the midterms

Details revealed during the Danchenko case provide ample proof that politics, not a legitimate purpose, prompted the FBI’s launch of Crossfire Hurricane

ZH: First Images Of Blown Up Nord Stream Reveals A 50 Meter Missing Section Of Pipeline – Swedish and Danish authorities said seismic devices in the Baltic Sea region recorded the magnitude of those explosions at M2.3 and M2.1

Democrats are starting to see their trans extremism as a problem at the ballot box –  By defining themselves as change agents against “unfairness”, they hitched their political fate to greens, socialists, and especially the LGBTQ++ sexual left

A new study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that transgender women maintain physical advantages in strength and heart and lung capacity years after their transitioning

The Threat of Civil War in Europe – Europe’s wealthiest nations face rising risks of civil unrest over the winter, including street protests and demonstrations, due to high energy prices and mounting costs of living

Brexit champion Nigel Farage has said that, following the “globalist coup” against the very moderately free market conservative Liz Truss, the Conservative (Tory) Party serves no purpose

Two Algerian migrants have been indicted for the rape, torture, and murder of a 12-year-old girl named Lola who was discovered dead on Friday in the courtyard of the building where she lived

A caravan of about 2,000 migrants reportedly reached the Honduran-Guatemalan border over the weekend and is heading toward the United States – The caravan consists of mostly Venezuelan migrants

What You Need to Know About Fentanyl – For a drug dealer, fentanyl has some attributes that compare it favorably to heroin: Fentanyl is more potent, has higher profit margins, and is easier to transport…

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced an eventual end date of February 28, 2023, to the COVID-19 state of emergency on Monday, stopping the statewide order just short of three years

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The V-Safe Database Confirms The COVID Shots Are Hazards – The CDCs formula used to trigger a safety signal is seriously flawed – The more dangerous a vaccine is, the less likely a safety signal will be triggered

October 17, 2022

The Biden administration is running an elaborate propaganda campaign to “educate” Americans on the importance of getting inoculated against Covid

PayPal and all others need to stay out of the social credit business – Against all those who would use the “misinformation” as an excuse for suppression of free speech and tyranny, this must be said: It is not a crime to be wrong

The Senate’s version of the 2023 NDAA will include $10 billion in military aid for Taiwan, Defense News reported on Monday – The $10 billion would be given to Taiwan over five years in the form of Foreign Military Financing

WSJ: Brace Yourself for a Republican Wave – As voters shift their attention to the economy and crime, polls begin to indicate a major GOP advantage

Democrats All but Admit Their Economic Policies Didn’t Work – The Inflation Reduction Act Comes Back to Bite the Democrats

Public disapproval of President Joe Biden is seemingly hurting the Democratic Party and the president has scored in some polls as even more unfavorable than former President Donald Trump

OPEC+ member states lined up on Oct. 16 to endorse a steep production cut agreed upon this month following accusations from top Biden administration officials against the Saudi government

There Is No Strategic Ambiguity in China’s Approach to Taiwan – At the 20th Party Congress, Xi said, “The wheels of history are rolling on towards reunification”

Newt Gingrich: Everything Big Government Socialism touches turns into a disaster – Pick any issue, infrastructure, public health, dealing with COVID-19, and, of course, education where he cites this from Baltimore

Moderate Democrats Don’t Exist, Just Look At Joe Manchin – His “permitting reform” plan was just a sop to the “renewables” crowd who bankroll that party

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has proposed that former Trump adviser Steve Bannon serve six months in jail and pay $200,000 for defying a subpoena by the House of Representatives Jan. 6 committee

The FBI’s Million-Dollar Men – Three high-profile trials are shining a much-needed light on how the bureau uses highly paid informants as political hitmen

The United States government is actively selling potential surveillance devices to American military personnel and families on military bases that are directly manufactured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

A major New England grid operator said it is preparing for a possible strain on the grid amid a surge in demand for natural gas that threatens to reduce supplies

Much of the world is struggling with energy supplies as winter fast approaches – China ordered its state-owned natural gas importers to stop selling liquefied natural gas to Europe and other parts of Asia so it will have enough fuel for winter

An FBI whistleblower that refused to participate in SWAT team raids on Jan. 6 suspects says the bureau is breaking its rules and using excessive tactics against people who may be innocent to ensure “the process is the punishment”

Top House Democrats Maxine Waters and James Clyburn have continued to shell out tens of thousands of dollars in campaign funds to their family members ahead of the November midterm elections

Steve Kirsch: Why solar is NOT the solution to the energy crisis – Next-generation nuclear power is clean, efficient, and environmentally friendly. Most of the waste products can be recycled over and over and the remaining part is short-lived

“The Real Anthony Fauci,” a full-length feature documentary based on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s runaway bestseller, will be available to watch free — for 10 days only — beginning Oct. 18 at 12:01 a.m. Eastern

A new study confirms the Covid death risk is near zero for the vast majority – The Covid vaccines, mandates, lockdowns, and school closures were unnecessary

Dr. Anthony Fauci falsely claimed that he had “nothing to do” with the nationwide school closures during Covid that have caused consequential damage to the country’s youth

Boston University Created A New COVID Strain That Has An 80% Kill Rate For Mice – The scientists also infected human cells with the hybrid variant and found it was five times more infectious than Omicron

Xi Jinping’s Ideological Ambition Darkens China’s Economic Prospects Many economists predict slower growth, in part due to Xi’s focus on Communist Party control

Donald Trump, The Great Disrupter, crashed the D.C. Establishment party, and they hate him for it – Now there’s a new generation of leaders emerging, ones that will replace the RINOs and carry the mantle of Trumpism into the future

The Oct. 13 vote by the House Jan. 6 Committee to subpoena former President Donald Trump is a political ploy intended to help foster the general impression that Trump has too much “baggage” to run for office again…

The FBI has “voluminous evidence” of “potential criminal conduct” by Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden related to his overseas business dealings with China and Ukraine, as well as James Biden, the president’s brother

NYT/Siena Poll: The Political Environment Is Turning Toward Republicans – 49% of likely voters said they planned to vote for a Republican to represent them in Congress on Nov. 8, compared with 45% who planned to vote for a Democrat

A recent New York Times/Sienna College poll found that 51 percent of independents intend to vote for the GOP in the coming mid-term elections

The Official “Chuck Norris Approved TOP Choices” For The Midterms – A few years ago in a column I titled, “Why I switched from the Democrat to the Republican Party” I explained all of it

The National Debt Elephant in the Room – As President Bill Clinton’s consigliere James Carville quipped during one of Clinton’s presidential campaigns, “It’s the economy stupid” and 30 years later the economy is still an important issue

There is now a 100% probability of a recession in the US by October 2023 according to economic modeling by Bloomberg released on Monday – That is up from 65% for the same period in the previous iteration of the model

Durham’s In-Your-Face Danchenko Gambit – He exposed the malfeasance of FBI brass and exposed the organizational structure of the whole Russia investigation from the FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane through to the Mueller Inquiry

Americans Are Making Huge Sacrifices As Bidenflation Rises To 12.8% – But President Biden says, “Our economy is strong as hell”

Joe Biden cost the average American $34,000 in retirement savings in 2022 – We already know that he has cost Americans an average of $6,000 in paycheck power due to out-of-control inflation

A Democrat Pollster Reveals Democrats are in Deep Trouble –  A professor’s tweet-storm on a Harris-Harvard survey shows Democrats are silent on critical matters, and noisy on nonsense issues

Sharyl Attkisson: According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans continue to lack faith in the federal government, with low levels of trust in all three branches of government

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans overwhelmingly believe that the US has a serious problem controlling its southern border as a record flow of illegal immigration leaves many scratching their heads over whether immigration laws are enforced at all

States Seek to Depose Fauci And Other Top Officials in a Big Tech–Government Censorship Case – Emails and other documents uncovered in discovery have revealed an “enormous and far-reaching” censorship enterprise

Where Higher Education Went Wrong: Today’s colleges and universities have become credentialing factories and garner contempt for the demographically inferior – Part of the trouble is that we have lost our respect for honest manual labor

Fact Check: Obamacare Has Failed – Eight Years In And Obamacare Premiums Have Tripled – Underreported was that 90% of those on Obamacare received subsidies to buy coverage, anywhere from 1% to 100% of the premium

Kanye West has secured a deal to buy free speech social media platform Parler – Parler’s current owner announced it had reached an agreement in principle to sell the “pioneering un-cancelable free speech platform to West

October 16, 2022

A wall of legislation is working its way through state legislatures to limit mRNA experimental injections being presented as vaccines – The public is no longer buying it because it is waking up to the reality of the damage being inflicted

Team Biden displayed some rare honesty Thursday, essentially admitting President Biden is fine with high gasoline prices — He just doesn’t want them to hurt Democrats in the midterms

High Inflation Erodes Minority Support for the Democrats – These voters don’t need a government report to tell them what it costs to live

Biden, OPEC+, and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un – In His Quest For Energy Ruination Joe Biden Is Cutting Off His Nose To “Punish” The Saudis

Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) skipped the debate against her Republican challenger Yesil Vega after joining a lawmaker pushing to jail parents who do not affirm children’s transgender identities

Victor Davis Hanson: The Tentacles of the Social Media Octopus – The sharper wits of Silicon Valley know that if the public sees their products as toxic extensions of left-wing groupthink, the majority of Americans will shun them

The Justice Department’s War with the First Amendment – The Justice Department and courts apply free speech precedent selectively, depending on who and what cause benefits from the exercise of the right

A phony “charity” that has been collecting donations for Hurricane Ian victims has been exposed as a shill to raise money for Democrat politicians in Florida – The scam was revealed by DeSantis’ War Room

Christine Drazan Is in The Hunt – Thanks to a well-run campaign and her Democrat Opponents’ missteps, Oregon’s Republican gubernatorial candidate is in striking distance of victory in November

Signs of a Seismic National Shift and a Red Tidal Wave Americans Rejected Impotence In 1980 – Something comparable is afoot this election year

Sacramento County Election Officials are Registering Homeless Drug Addicts to Vote – Isn’t it outrageous that they are registering people to vote who can’t even take proper care of themselves?

The Establishment is Still Terrified of Donald Trump Far from being a threat to American democracy – Trump and his movement represent an unvanquished pocket of democratic resistance to the bureaucratic tyranny of globalism

Steve Kirsch: Dr. Ryan Cole is the only pathologist in the country willing to test for Covid vaccine “fingerprints” – He’s looked at 3 cases of unexplained death so far and all three implicated the vax

Steve Kirsch: Covid Vaccine-Regrets: The Masses Are Realizing They Made a Mistake and Are Getting Scared  – These two articles need to be shared because now more than ever we have an opportunity to wake even more people up

ZH: Two weeks after Pfizer CEO bailed on EU testimony in the wake of a report highlighting a ‘secretive’ vaccine deal between himself and European Commission President, the EPPO has opened an investigation into the EU’s Covid-19 vaccine purchases

U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bombers will lead fighter jets from Belgium, Germany, and 12 other countries across Europe’s skies on annual nuclear exercises Monday, amid reports Russia has increased the number of strategic bombers close to its border with NATO-member state Norway

Most CEOs say they are preparing for a recession in the US – 98 percent of CEOs say they are preparing for a U.S. recession in the recent Conference Board Measure of CEO Confidence survey

Worse Than Socialism? – Another set of ideas that have helped inflict considerable damage on the American economy is reemerging and is best labeled as “Corporatism” – Examples of full-blown corporatism include distinctly authoritarian regimes such as Mussolini’s Italy, Dollfuss’s Austria, and Franco’s Spain until the mid-1950s

Pritzker, Democrats and the Safe-T Act – They Are Releasing Violent Criminals Upon the People and Pretending There is No Cost

Florida’s relocation program for illegal immigrants that paused while the state dealt with Hurricane Ian’s damage will resume in December – DeSantis Now Intends To Ship Migrants to Delaware and Illinois

Elon Musk publicly expressed alarm over his name and profile appearing to have been added to a well-known Ukrainian “kill list”, following outrage from Kyiv over his “Russia-Ukraine peace poll” and  threats to cut funding for Starlink

October 15, 2022

Igor Danchenko Trial Revelations: Team Mueller’s Obstruction –The Mueller Special Counsel refused witness interviews that would have implicated itself

The FBI Ordered Informant Igor Danchenko to Erase All Evidence on His Phone Showing His Role in Their Attempted Coup on President Trump

Seven Reasons the 2020 Election Never Should Have Been Certified that Ronna Romney McDaniel Refuses to Address – A Message to GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel: Don’t Tell Republicans to Vote Early – Please Wise Up

The Courts Could Allow Chemical Castration of 10-Year-Old Son But Not A Haircut – Texas father Jeff Younger is prepared to file a federal lawsuit if his ex-wife moves to CA to take advantage of the state’s new transgender sanctuary law

Steve Kirsch: What The Data Tells Us  – This 52-slide deck presented at the FLCCC conference on Oct 15, 2022, summarizing some of the most important statistics for the vaccines on safety and efficacy and it got a standing ovation

January 6th Footage debunks the insurrection narrative and shows Pelosi breaking federal law – Curiously, Pelosi, and others concluded, even before the Capitol break-in, that Trump was to blame to prevent him from running in 2024

The January 6 Committee Ends with a Whimper – From start to finish, the committee has been an extended exercise in empty political theater

The Democrat Socialists of America-LA has big plans to take over the governance of Los Angeles – Someone from this political org is probably involved in the leaking of the LAtinX Scandal conversation, and the online site Knock-LA has just unveiled a few more

Paul Ryan: Donald Trump Will Not Be the Republican Nominee in 2024 – Ryan claimed that Trump is only the de facto leader of the GOP because “everybody’s afraid of him”

A majority of voters in Senate battlegrounds states are dissatisfied with the direction of the nation after nearly two years of Democrats controlling the administrative state, legislative branch, and executive branch of the federal government

How midterm elections influence the next presidential race – President Joe Biden is often compared to Jimmy Carter, but his best midterm election scenario is to be another Ronald Reagan

To understand the woke, you have to understand The Culture of Narcissism – The nature of the Left in 2022 is rooted more in psychology than political science. Specifically, liberalism is suffering from narcissism

New Orleans The Nation’s Murder Capital – If New Orleans wants to address its crime problem, it has to be willing to prosecute criminals, support its police officers and not look for ways to usurp their authority and endanger their lives

How Boys Learn to Become Men – Left to fend for themselves, the claws of social media, television, video games, and the internet have grabbed hold and corrupted many at a time when they are most vulnerable to outside influences

Becket Fund for Religious Liberty Poll: A Vast Majority of Voters Oppose Sexually Explicit Books in Public School Libraries

Is the Climate Being Engineered? – For a few years, researchers have collected video footage of aircraft with visible nozzles being turned off and on and even uncovered films of World War II B-17s turning off a sprayed dispersion

New research conducted by Moderna and Kaiser Permanente reveals that the company’s mRNA-based Covid-19 “vaccines” cause the immune system to turn against itself in just a few months

Sharyl Attkisson: Projections in the US for uptake of new Covid-19 booster are off by more than 90% – CDC data shows only 11.5 million eligible people have received an updated booster, less than 5% of the 240 million people who qualify

The EU has come under fire after it emerged that the bloc bought 4.5 billion doses of COVID-19 for its 450 million population – European Parliament member Mislav Kolakusic is demanding answers and blasted the deal as the “biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind”

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: EFFING-BIDEN EDITION – You just knew that as soon as Biden got caught (deliberately?) on a hot mic saying “No one f**ks- with a Biden,” someone would go out and f**k with Biden

October 14, 2022

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Paxlovid and Heart Medications Don’t Interact Well – These five major cardiovascular drugs were pointed out as ones that don’t interact well with Paxlovid

“Vaccine Hesitancy” Is One Of The World Health Organization’s Top 10 Global Threats – But Flu Shot Data Tells a Different Story

Trump writes blistering Jan. 6 committee response, doesn’t say if he’ll testify – Trump mocks TV ratings for committee’s broadcast, defends his actions on Jan. 6

Election Integrity Experts Identify Privacy Flaw Affecting All ICP/ICE Dominion Voting Systems Across 21 States – AND NO, IT WON’T BE PATCHED BEFORE THE MIDTERMS

This Is Why Growing Racial Discrimination Is So Dangerous – The trend, spurred on by VP Kamala Harris tears at our already tenuous social fabric

There Will Be No Civil War Here – The only one that could happen is between the Left whose particular play is resentment and violence

Hiding Hunter’s Laptop – The tale of the epic conspiracy and effort the political Left and their Trump-hating friends on the Right put into hiding Hunter’s laptop to get Trump and obfuscate Biden family corruption

FBI Refuses to Hand Over Evidence on Seth Rich Murder, Thus Violating A U.S. District Judge Court Order

A “Wild Ride” Begins With A Court Clash Over The First US Law To Ban Child Transgender Surgeries – A Constitutional test of the Arkansas law will set precedent and cause ripple effects

A federal appeals court on Wednesday paused enforcement of a Texas law that restricted the ability of social media outlets to censor user content, pending review by the U.S. Supreme Court

George Soros Gave $30M to Big Tech Groups Urging Them To Censor So-Called Disinformation Before The Midterms

ZH: Elon Musk Demands Pentagon Foot Starlink-Ukraine Bill After Being Told To ‘F**k Off’ – Starlink is essential to the Ukrainian military, so one would suspect that the Pentagon would pick up the tab if the US proxy war against Russia is to be successful

ZH: The head of the American Enterprise Institute says US-Saudi relations are “likely unrecoverable,” after the White House ‘personalized’ last week’s OPEC+ decision to cut production, according to an expert cited by Bloomberg

ZH: Wawa Calls It Quits On Its Hometown City, Shuttering Two More Philadelphia Stores Due To “Safety Challenges” – They don’t see the point of staying open in a city where its stores are constantly being looted and ransacked

ZH: This Year, India Is Expected To Overtake China As World’s Most Populous Country – United Nations data is used to determine which countries have the largest share of the planet’s eight billion people

ZH: In a move that already has gun-control enthusiasts clutching their pearls, a judge on Wednesday ruled that a federal law barring possession of a gun with a removed serial number is unconstitutional

VAERS data released Friday by the CDC show 1,437,273 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 31,470 deaths and 261,738 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Oct. 7, 2022

The Unvaccinated Deserve Reparations – Those who refused Covid shots endured vitriolic attacks by their government and peers, were labeled as antisocial, and denied access to society, with many losing their means of income

End This Covid-Emergency Farce –The government’s pandemic powers just got extended another 90 days

No, the ‘Main Character of 2022’ Is Not Donald Trump – It’s convenient for the Democrat Party that publications such as Politico have decided that “Trump is the main character of 2022,” and not, say, Biden, or Pelosi, or Schumer

ZH: Putin Signals Readiness To Deescalate Russian Airstrikes On Ukraine – He said that while Russia is not seeking to “destroy” Ukraine, he still has “no regrets” about ordering the invasion

Biden Flunks Another Inflation Exam – In the 21 months since Biden took office, the Consumer Price Index has shot up 13.5% – That compares with 4% in the first 21 months of the Trump administration

ZH: The Era Of Cheap Food And Cheap Gasoline Is Over – We have entered the greatest energy crisis that any of us have ever experienced, and it isn’t going to go away any time soon

Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is not reducing inflation – They knew the risks they were running when they advanced inflationary policies such as Biden’s so-called American Rescue Plan

Donald Trump’s response to the Democrats’ January 6 Committee that officially subpoenaed him to testify before Congress – Trump said  he will accept the subpoena and is happy to testify, provided he can do it on live TV

The Biden Administration’s Custom-Gun Grab – President Biden assumed the power to legislate where only Congress may do so

Biden’s Absence from Democratic Campaign Rallies Matters – Biden’s light schedule and absence from campaign rallies are extremely significant

Two leading Republicans wrote a letter Friday to the National Archives demanding communications and documents addressing the possibility Democrats pressured the institution into investigating former President Donald Trump

ZH: The FBI Paid Danchenko Over $200K: Day 3 Trial Summary – The FBI Agents and Analysts come across as arrogant,  from my reading of the transcripts

The German government set to burn nearly €6 billion worth of expired face masks during the energy crisis – What does a Green nation do when they can’t get fuel? Well, they burn chemically-laden and toxic masks of course!

Republican Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) is demanding that PayPal hands over its communications with Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration regarding the online payment service’s “disinformation policy”

Irreversible Damage – If you have a school-age daughter or granddaughter you need to be aware of what’s happening in our schools!

Sharyl Attkisson: The CDC forced to turn over ‘v-safe’ data on Covid-19 vaccines – The new data raises some alarming questions

Dr. Joseph Mercola: How Cancer Deaths From the COVID Jabs Are Being Hidden – Before eliminating the safety signal, data from the DMED showed cancer rates among military personnel and their families tripled after the rollout of the shots

Sharyl Attkisson: According to Rasmussen Reports, 92% of American adults believe homelessness is a serious problem in America, including 65% who say the problem is “very serious”

This is how much money you’ll get from the California gas rebate – Here’s who is eligible for a 2022 gas rebate, how you will get it, when and how much you should expect

A new California program to pay residents $1,000 to not have a car, a watchdog reports – “It’s going to cost taxpayers in California nearly a billion dollars, about $900 million,” Andrzejewski explained

CA’s New Water Supply Allocation Falls Victim to CRT – Three strategies. One — integrating racial equity and measuring impact, Two — creating, maintaining space for inclusion and belonging, and Three — activating BIPOC community wisdom and sharing power

It’s Not That Boys Are Dumb – A new, feminized higher education environment has changed its priorities

October 13, 2022

AOC Hosts A Town Hall in the Bronx – Jaws Drop When The Camera Turns and Exposes How Many People Were In The Audience to See Her

A Virginia Democrat’s Bill Would Criminally Prosecute Parents Who Don’t Affirm Their Kids As Transgender – Previous attempt at the bill was co-sponsored by a senator who served jail time for having sex with a teenager

Joe Biden Accused of Election Interference – Saudi Arabia said the U.S. urged it to postpone its decision to cut oil production by a month – Such a delay could have helped reduce the risk of a spike in gas prices ahead of the U.S. midterm elections in November

The Biden administration just released its 2022 National Security Strategy – It is committed to wokeness, diversity, equity, and inclusion and is fundamentally a domestic political document as it only lightly addresses China and Russia

Five Quick Things: Quid Pro Joe Needs Impeaching Plus: OPEC embarrassment, Fetterman’s fumbles, sticking it to the Yalies, and more

The January 6 Committee voted to issue a subpoena compelling former President Trump to appear before that body. The committee, seating only two members of the GOP, both of whom are outgoing, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, voted to subpoena Trump

First Task for the new GOP Congress: Subpoena the Jan. 6 Committee Authoritarianism in Congress must be dealt with

FBI headquarters not only pumped up the Russiagate scandal knowing none of the “evidence” held up but helped deep-six actual evidence of Hunter Biden crimes that tainted now-President Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election 

The Supreme Court Denied Trump’s Bid to Restore The Special Master’s Review of Classified Documents  – This order leaves in place the Appeals Court decision to remove classified documents from the special master’s review

Charles Dolan, a longtime associate of the Clinton family, admitted under oath on Oct. 13 that he lied when he said he spoke to a Republican friend about GOP drama – “I lied. I got it off cable news”

After rejecting a controversial proposal in Huntington Beach, the California Coastal Commission green lights another in Dana Point – While environmentalists raised concerns, the commission calls it a well-planned project

The FDA and CDC Authorize New COVID Boosters for Kids as Young as 5, With No Data And No Independent Review – No clinical trials complete yet, but vaccines ready to ship “immediately”

Who Benefits When The Pharma-Funded FDA Fast-Tracks Drugs and Vaccines? – According to experts, the push to get drugs fast-tracked has clear advantages for Big Pharma, but iffy benefits for consumers

Scientists Sound Alarm As Gates And The WEF Promote Gene-Editing Technology for Everything From Fake Meat to Designer Babies  – Scientists interviewed by The Defender warned about the technology’s flaws and risks

Steve Kirsch: The Israeli Ministry of Health confirmed to Reuters that the leaked vax safety video is legit – Top Israeli researchers told the Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) that they are lying about the safety of the COVID vaccines

Iran’s streets have been taken over by a sweeping revolution that erupted after the killing of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the Iranian “moral police” – Joe Biden has ended the need for a discussion by releasing $7 billion of its frozen funds in South Korea for a prisoner exchange deal with the United States

WSJ: Inflation Sits at 8.2% as Core Prices Hit A Four-Decade High – The Consumer-Price Index’s rise eased slightly in September, but the core index marked the biggest increase since 1982

The Inflation Report Dashes Democrats’ Last Hope of Changing Economic Narrative – Both the headline and core inflation readings are about 0.2% higher than expected, which might not sound like a lot, but over a month, it’s a pretty big miss

The Social Security Announces Biggest Payment Hike in 40 Years – The Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will be 8.7 percent for 2023 – Medicare premiums are going down and Social Security benefits are going up

The Unending “Emergency Powers” Enable Authoritarian Behavior Such As Suspending Elections – The United States will be operating under a falsified state of emergency through yet another hotly contested election

An NBC News reporter faces backlash for reporting factually about Fetterman’s mental health issues resulting from a stroke – It’s almost as if they are saying, “How dare the GOP use the media to their advantage? That is our privilege only”

Following CA, the Biden Administration wants to outlaw gig work in America – Should their proposal become policy, workers must be regular employees, no longer free to continue their job as independent contractors

Eisenhower’s Warning About the Military-Industrial Complex – He told us it could endanger our democratic liberties and he was spot on

How Many Violent Crimes in the USA Involve a Gun? – To accurately gauge this, aggravated assaults (66% of violent crime) must be considered, but the anti-gun crowd ignores this because guns aren’t used 72% of the time

The Danchenko Trial Is a Window on the Corrupt Ruling Class – We will soon learn even more disgraceful details about the Steele Dossier

Galganov: Believe It Or Not, the LEFT is on the Ropes; Exhausted, Beaten, Battered & Devoid of any Hope on November 8, 2022 – They Know they will be Slaughtered at the Polls In-Spite of all What the LEFT will Do to Lie & Cheat . . .

PayPal is reportedly offering account holders $15 to prevent them from closing their accounts after the platform shamefully threatened to steal their money if they express the ‘wrong’ opinion

Moral Relativism Has Replaced The Collective Soul Of America – Moral relativism is the idea that there are no absolute rules to determine whether something is right or wrong and “progressives” are adept in using it to reshape America

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs, believe the Nord Stream pipelines were struck by the U.S. to damage the Russian economy, that sanctions have failed to accomplish

Sharyl Attkisson: The FDA has refused a FOIA request to release the autopsy results of people whose deaths were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) after receiving a Covid-19 shot

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Scientists Find Antibodies (TAU-1109 and TAU-2310) That Neutralize All COVID Strains – They  believe, with effective antibody treatment, “we will not have to provide booster doses to the entire population every time there is a new variant”

October 12, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard Sounds The Alarm on Clinton And Other Democrats: If You Go Against Them, “You’re Dead, You’re On The S**t List” – “The party is being led by people who have gone insane with this ideological fanaticism”

Possible Peace In Ukraine? – Recent statements have suggested the outlines of what such a settlement might look like, but unfortunately, those outlines are tragically like the ones that existed on the eve of the war

CNN Anchor, Jake Tapper, Asks Biden to His Face About Criminal Charges for Hunter – Watch His Telling Response

The producer price index increased 0.4% for September, compared with the Dow Jones estimate for a 0.2% gain –  Excluding food, energy, and trade services, the index rose 0.4% for the month and 5.6% from a year ago

How to Lose Friends and Influence Over People A decade of Obama-Biden foreign policy has broken the Middle East – It was the Obama administration that decided to give Vladimir Putin a foothold in the eastern Mediterranean

Sharyl Attkisson: It is assumed that Hispanic voters support open borders, but according to Rasmussen Reports and Numbers USA, 52% of Hispanic likely US voters say the government is doing “too little” to reduce illegal border crossings

The War for “Information” Freedom On The Internet Has Just Begun – Without Google, Facebook, and Twitter to corral free thought and information exchange, Information Gatekeepers could never push censorship so openly

The Pfizer executive’s admission in testimony before the European Parliament that their vaccine was never tested during clinical trials for the ability to prevent transmission of COVID-19 was completely ignored by mainstream media

Steve Kirsch: In this video one of the world’s most respected vaccinologists admits that there are no benefits to the Covid vaccine boosters – He’s not taking the boosters, so why should you?

Pfizer Taps Marvel’s Avengers to Push COVID Boosters to Kids – Marvel this month released a customized Avengers comic book urging them to become an “everyday hero” by staying up-to-date with the latest Pfizer COVID-19 boosters

Former French Presidential Candidate Shocks the World – “Macron and Most MPs Are Not Vaccinated”

Suppression Campaign – The American Medical Association asks the federal government to prosecute critics of radical gender medicine for children

California’s Misinformation Epidemic Pt. 1 – Tiger groups working for the vaccine {industry} selected CA to be the means via which to perform their aim of standard obligatory vaccinations for your complete American inhabitants (Updated)

Newt Gingrich: Tulsi Gabbard’s Departure Is Bad News for Democrats – “The fact that that she’s leaving the Democrat Party is a sign that more will depart”

InfoWars host Alex Jones’ civil trial concluded on Wednesday, with a jury ordering Jones to pay a total of $965 million to fifteen families for “defamation damages” and “emotional stress damages”

What are the chances of an exchange of ‘low-yield’ nuclear weapons with Russia? – We have arrived at the precise moment that Republicans warned about four years ago about the wisdom of fielding a new lower-yield nuclear weapon

Videos: Biden Gibbers, Drops Cheat Cards And Declares There Is No Recession – “It’s going to bring a billion, a trillion, 750 million dollars, billion dollars, off the sidelines

ZH: Biden Says Recession Possible But “Very Slight” And He Can Beat Trump Again – The NYT engaged in damage control, calling Biden’s demented torrent of fabrications and lies “folklore, with dates that don’t quite add up…

The Treasury Department inspector general is to audit DeSantis migrant flight spending to supposedly determine whether any federal money was spent inappropriately

The U.S. Government Developed A Key Green Technology And The Biden Admin Gave It To China – China is now building one of the largest battery grids in the world using the technology

CNN to Fire A “Big Name” Star: “He Does Not Have a Place in the New CNN” – The only CNN stars that fit the bill are Jim Acosta and Anderson Cooper

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was alerted to the fact that no Haitian migrants were “whipped” hours before a White House press conference and went on to describe the incident, which didn’t happen, as “horrifying”

Inflation, as measured by producer wholesale prices, came in a bit hotter than expected at 8.5% for the year ending in September, according to a report Wednesday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

A federal judge is set to hear arguments Wednesday on whether to stop the Biden administration from moving forward with plans to cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt for more than 40 million people – Legal experts say the case may pose the greatest threat of delaying or halting the implementation of the program

Tucker Carlson explains Tulsi Gabbard’s departure from the Democrat party – His review of her dramatic entrance to the national stage as a 31-year-old Congresswoman from the nation’s most liberal state was invaluable

A Take on Trump and Tulsi – If ever there were an awesome intersectional ticket asset, Gabbard is it, but prospects wilt if Trump and DeSantis don’t reach some kind of agreed strategic vision for a Republican future long before 2024

Europe Is Facing The ‘Worst Energy Crisis in Decades’ without Russian Oil – In December, a European ban on most crude imports from Russia will come into effect – EU leaders must find new sources of crude oil ahead of a dark and cold winter

The Media’s Misguided Love Affair with John Fetterman – Their profiles usually start with Fetterman’s height, size, shaved head, tattoos, and how he dresses. Yes, Fetterman looks like he spent his younger years working in a steel mill

WATCH: Fetterman slurs words in an interview as questions about health continue – The interview on NBC News Tuesday only raised more questions about Fetterman’s health and ability to serve if elected next month

Wasn’t Legalizing Pot Supposed To Reduce Crime? – Black market growers use banned, lethal pesticides and unchecked chemicals,” and “small farms operating legally are unable to sell their crops, pushing them closer to financial ruin

The Democrat party demonizes firearms and those who choose to own them, yet Americans are leveraging their constitutional rights to protect and defend themselves – This is clear due to the shift in sales from long guns to handguns that are designed for personal protection

Get ‘Em Young Using Predictive Programming In Cartoons, And Why Your Awareness Is Power – But My Superhero Husband isn’t the first LGBTQ cartoon, nor will it be the last, for as long as the masses allow their children to absorb the promotion of sodomy…

A Wisconsin school district passed a policy that requires parental permission for a student to change what pronouns and the name they go by at school – Critics of the policy said it threatens student’s mental health and safety if they are not ready to reveal their gender transition to their parents

New Study: Babies Born In Lockdown Are Less Likely To Speak Before Their First Birthday – Observational research finds that pandemic restrictions stunted several development milestones in children

October 11, 2022

JPMorgan Chase’s CEO issued a dire warning about where the U.S. economy is heading. – Jamie Dimon warned that America is on track for a “very, very serious” economic crisis

How Republicans Can Earn National Supermajority Status – Republicans need to make radical assertions if they want to appeal to serious conservatives and attract independents, which shouldn’t be difficult as telling the truth is a radical act.

The Sources of Chinese Conduct: Leninist Politics and Marxist Economics – Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd echoes George F. Kennan’s famous 1947 article on the Soviet Union

Kari Lake is in a Statistical Dead Heat in Arizona – The scrappy, Trump-endorsed political newcomer just might win the governor’s seat

Former President Donald Trump railed against Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s effort to cement a GOP minority the Kentucky lawmaker can control as opposed to a Republican majority that would threaten his leadership

Biden’s Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, Sucks This Much – Democrats show how empty their hand truly is by playing the race card over and over again

The Justice Department (DOJ) asked the Supreme Court Tuesday to reject former President Donald Trump’s bid to have the court intervene in a dispute over documents seized from his Mar-a-Lago resort two months ago

Gladstone Institute: The End of Debate – Disinformation is the ultimate ad hominem argument and has become the first resort of echo chamber establishments that have lost the ability to debate because they don’t understand how anyone can or should be allowed to think differently than they do

NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns told MSNBC Tuesday that Democratic Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman had difficulty understanding her questions during an interview

Sharyl Attkisson: Facing multiple legal challenges, the WH released a preview of the application form for Biden’s one-time student debt relief cancellation. The application, accessible on cell phones as well as computers, will be published in both English and Spanish and require entering a Social Security number

Mark Robinson: From ‘dirt poor’ to lieutenant governor via viral video – After he decided to make his views on gun control heard at a meeting of the Greensboro City Council in North Carolina, his passionate speech went viral on Facebook

ZH: NASA’s Suicide Spacecraft Changed Asteroid’s Path As Planetary Defenses Strengthened – NASA’s strategy could be a future strategy to defend the planet

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Trail of Blood From the COVID Jabs – Two doctors claim they’ve discovered a way to test for spike protein in human tissue, and they’ve found spike protein in individuals who were injured or died from the shots

Biden’s railway deal to avert a nationwide strike spiked by the union – The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division of the Teamsters rejected the deal on Monday, expressing discontent with the number of paid sick days

Biden Is Utterly Failing to Deter Putin – People around the world know he is weak and fearful – Nuclear blackmail must not be allowed to succeed or Russia, China, and Iran will use it to our detriment for decades to come

Biden Promises Ukraine’s Zelenskyy Advanced Air Defense Systems After Russian Missile Attacks- “President Biden pledged to continue providing Ukraine with the support needed to defend itself”

Democrats and mainstream media are now openly realizing that Biden’s dementia is a problem – Surely, Biden’s puppet masters realize harder-hitting criticism from elite media lies ahead if Biden doesn’t voluntarily give his 2nd term quest

As Trump Rallies Republicans Across The Country For Midterms, Where’s Joe Biden? – The Democrats don’t want Joe Biden anywhere near their candidates, and it’s obvious why

There Are Signs The Red Wave Is Gathering – I continue to notice that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are nowhere near the campaign trail with other Democratic candidates

The Supreme Court on Tuesday backed the Republican position when it vacated an appeals court decision that required Pennsylvania to count mail-in ballots, even if there is no date on the envelope

RNC Ads: Biden’s new IRS team would fill most stadiums – RNC spokeswoman Emma Vaughn said in a statement, “Democrats would rather fund an army of IRS agents and raise taxes rather than keep Americans safe”

Another Lawless Act by Biden: Obamacare Edition – When the Biden “fix” was initially proposed, the text of Obamacare clearly says that the affordability threshold applies to an individual rather than family insurance…

While Joe Biden may be a part of the political party that thinks gender is limitless and people are whatever they say they are, the administration doesn’t allow woke gender ideology to interfere with one thing, the military draft

WSJ: Saudi Arabia Defied U.S. Warnings Ahead of OPEC+ Production Cut – Riyadh dismissed American officials who said the output reduction would be perceived as siding with Russia, in a new blow to relations

Biden Proposes To Make The Energy Situation Worse – “Continuing Gulf Coast exports is essential to efficiently rebalance markets, reducing global supply by limiting U.S. exports will only aggravate the global supply shortfall”

WSJ: Government Officials Invest in Companies Their Agencies Oversee – Hidden records show thousands of senior executive branch employees owned stocks in companies whose fates were directly affected by their employers’ actions

What Will Happen to America If Trump Wins Again? The WP’s liberal “Experts” freak out – The DC Swamp believe they have a right to run the federal government, so no wonder they hate Trump because they hate democracy

The Democrats are proposing the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022 – In their response to Republicans questioning 2020 Presidential election results this Democrat-sponsored bill proposes to make it more difficult to contest an election

WSJ: Crime Ads Play A Big Role in The Competitive House Race – Senate Races Voters’ public-safety concerns rise following a surge in violence since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic

The Drift Toward “Democrat Despotism” – “Popular tyrannies” seek to outlaw or delegitimize oppositional political parties

Americans Must Permanently Marginalize the Adolescents of the Far Left – Marginalizing via ridicule and isolation will cause these Marxists to crumble, so without their legions of foot soldiers they will be unable to transform the nation

New York’s Progressive Equity Agenda Creeps Forward – Ballot measures in November, while largely symbolic, would lay the philosophical groundwork for actual redistribution based on racial profile categories

New York City Mayor Eric Adams signed the Times Square gun ban into law Tuesday, just days after U.S. District Court Judge Glenn T. Suddaby issued a temporary restraining order against several of New York’s newest gun controls

A Venezuelan Gang Crosses Biden’s Open Border – The Tren de Aragua rose to power in Nicolas Maduro’s Anarchy-Tyranny, and now they’re in Florida

The Department of Homeland Security agencies issued more than 255,000 smartphones to illegal aliens during the fiscal year 2022. at an annual cost of $89.5 Million according to data on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement website

Arizona Republican Blake Masters Calls Out Democrat Mark Kelly’s Border “BS”: ‘He Deserves to Lose’ – Kelly’s words translate to “I’m not in the business of having any independence of mind, I’m a rubber stamp for Schumer and Biden”

Tulsi Gabbard’s October surprise: Bye-bye, Democrats! – She not only quit the Democrat party, she explicitly stated that she did so because the party has become so awful and anti-American that she can no longer remain

ZH: The Real Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine – Multiple sources reported they had a deal worked out that Putin would leave Ukraine under the condition that Ukraine guaranteed autonomy for the Donbas region and never join NATO

ZH: Europe Lashes Out At The Fed For “Bringing Us To A World Recession” – “We have to follow the Fed because otherwise, our currency will be devalued – “These increased interest rates will bring us to a world recession”

ZH: Will Germany sink the EU? – Someone blew up Nord Stream  – The  German economy depended on this resource for nearly 60% of its industrial production, as $2 trillion of German value depended on $20 billion of Russian gas

ZH: About 70% of Europeans use NatGas to heat their homes – Some 40 million people now burn wood to heat their homes – The new demand for this heat source has doubled the price of wood pellets per ton to 600 euros in France

Republican state treasurers pull $1 billion from BlackRock over its anti-fossil fuel policies – They believe that the investment firm is placing its climate agenda above its responsibility to its shareholders

ZH: Global semiconductor stocks were hammered Tuesday in a worsening US-China tech war – Acceleration of the chip rout wiped out $240 billion from the sector’s global market value since Thursday, according to Bloomberg data

ZH: The IMF Urges Policy-Makers Not To “Pivot”- The IMF cut its forecast for global growth next year to 2.7%, from 2.9% seen in July and 3.8% in January, adding that it sees a 25% probability that growth will slow to less than 2%

PayPal Can’t Be Trusted and Shouldn’t Be Used – It’s already warned its customers that it’s contemplating outright theft of their property – In the long run, no company like that should survive

Dr. Oz’s Hail Mary: Get Black Voters to Turn on Fetterman – An ad from an outside group isn’t designed to get Black voters to give Oz a look, it’s just supposed to hurt Fetterman…… And it is

Among the provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act passed by the Democrats is an extra $80 billion for the IRS – This is the weaponization of the IRS and there is no doubt this manpower increase will be used to increase their harassment

SCOTUS rejected a petition on Tuesday over whether fetuses are entitled to constitutional rights – Alito wrote that the Supreme Court is not in a position to decide “if and when prenatal life is entitled to any of the rights enjoyed after birth”

Lancet Commission Report: 6 Reasons The COVID Response Was “A Massive Global Failure”

A Pfizer Director Admits To European Parliament the “Vaccines” Were Never Tested For Their Ability To Stop Covid-19 Transmission – The only shocking part of this video is Pfizer finally admitting to what we knew all along

The CDC has been performing abstractions on reports of post-vaccination myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, submitted to VAERS, but the agency is saying that federal law prevents it from releasing the results

U.S. Big Pharma Partners With A Chinese University Tied To Military and Espionage Efforts – The school is the alma mater of regime leader Xi Jinping and hosts a “Marxist” journalism school

CAN WE HAVE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE COVID SHUTDOWNS? – From early in the covid epidemic, it’s obvious the shutdowns ordered by nearly all governors and many municipalities did little good and caused tremendous damage

October 10, 2022

J.D. Vance Silences His Doubters By Demolishing Tim Ryan During Debate – Throughout the night, on every issue, Vance had a counter to Ryan, showing that he came well-prepared

20 states have deployed military troops to the Southern border since Joe Biden took office – Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, and South Carolina

Trump Warns We’re Risking World War III: “Stupid People” Don’t Have a Clue – “We must demand the immediate negotiation of a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, or we will end up in World War III”

Colorado officials claim they “accidentally” sent approximately 30,000 postcards last month to noncitizens instructing them how they could register to vote

The Lockdown queen in free-fall: Whitmer drops 30 points as Election Day nears – Republican governor candidate Tudor Dixon now just single digits behind

Veteran International Journalist: An energy crisis manufactured by the globalist agenda to rapidly transition from oil and natural gas to green energy will lead to famine and freezing across Europe – “We’re actually beyond the precipice at this point”

Biden’s pardon of federal pot possession cases is a smokescreen – Biden and his fellow Democrats face a dilemma, continue hammering the theme that law enforcement is racist or position themselves as guardians of law and order?

The PayPal Fiasco Was No Accident – Something as critical as the AUP would have to go through many layers of compliance bureaucracy – It’s likely the user protest and big selloff in PayPal stock made the crucial difference

The Evidence Was There Before FDA Approval – “If you take that vaccine, you’re [400%] more likely to die from a fatal cardiac arrest over the next six months than if you don’t” – When Pfizer went to the FDA to get their license, they failed one critical data point, all-cause mortality

A vaccinated Army pilot was reprimanded and denied promotion for questioning the Covid vax – “After a second Inspector General complaint he was exonerated and they are not removing those things,” which “will kill his career”

Waking Up The Sheep: A group exposes deadly hospital COVID protocols – Many families who have lost a loved one to COVID-19 blame hospital protocols rewarded by federal funding that ban certain treatments while promoting others

The effectiveness of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine remained above 50 percent after 150 days against BA.1, a subvariant of the Omicron virus variant, but against more recent strains, the effectiveness turned negative

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why Is Fauci Continuing to Fund EcoHealth Alliance? – Numerous experts have called on Congress to issue a subpoena to investigate this risky gain-of-function research

Trump-backed Tshibaka projected to defeat 20-year incumbent Senator Murkowski, an election forecaster says –  Alaska Senator Murkowski has been under fire since voting in favor of the impeachment of former President Trump

ZH: Russia Launches Large-Scale Strikes On Some 20 Ukrainian Cities In Response To “Terrorist” Crimea Bridge Blast –At least 100 strikes were carried out, with many cruise missiles launched from Russian warships in the Black Sea

The Biden Administration’s Willful Ignorance About US Nuclear Capabilities – The issue is not whether Putin will use nukes, it’s how Biden will respond if he is urged to conduct a U.S. nuclear response to a Russian tactical strike

Stephen Moore, Senior Economist at FreedomWorks: 7 Ways America Is Being Destroyed – #7-Weaponize Government Agencies by Imprisoning or Punishing Your Political Enemies’

I&I/TIPP Poll: 64% Of Voters ‘Concerned’ Over Biden’s Mental Health – These worries aren’t partisan, with a majority of all political groups, including Democrats, now expressing concern

Two Minutes of Joe Biden Wandering Around Looking Lost – He does not seem to realize where he is and what is going on at any given moment and typically concludes his public appearances by wandering around looking lost

America’s energy chaos is Biden’s fault, so as we pay at the pump, will Democrats pay in the midterms? – Biden’s war on American energy has him begging foreign countries for oil instead of drilling in America

California Governor Newsom is calling for a Special Session to address “the greed of oil companies” due to high gas prices – If he were to suspend the states’ special blend requirements and allow gasoline to flow in from other states, prices would fall in California (and rise a bit elsewhere)

The Polls are Lying – Democrat media and their polling industry allies are driving the false narrative that Democrats will defy both history and their historically awful record and do fairly well in the midterms, particularly in Senate races

Herschel Walker is new to the political “October surprise,” but like past challenges he has faced, he is charging forward in his Senate race undaunted by recent media attacks

ZH: No Pivot? The Bank of England Says Rate Hikes Will Continue – Price inflation along with a slowdown in GDP is culminating in stagflation-type conditions in many countries

With ESG, Everyone is a Climate Activist – Under the thumb of the UN and WEF, the Biden administration and corporate boardrooms across America have thrown their lot behind the practice of stakeholder capitalism

The Media’s ‘Far-Right’ Obsession – Research shows the media is far more concerned about right-wing extremism than its left-wing counterpart

Star professor sacked from NYU after students complain of their poor grades for not measuring up – Students now have all the powers that leave educators with no choice but to appease the students to retain their employment

Young women increasingly identify as “liberal” – According to Gallup poll data, roughly 44% of women ages 18-29 identified as liberal in 2021, compared to only 25% of men

How the Enemy Plans Disasters – The more likely scenario is that the Plandemic originated from a globalist elite cabal comprised of the seemingly unlikely team of the Deep State, CCP, and globalists in organizations such as the WEF and Council for Inclusive Capitalism

Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn: The Pandemic Is Not Over And Excess Deaths Tell True Story – The vaccines ruin people’s immune systems and damage their blood, so people are dying from various ailments and diseases, including cardiac problems

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo: An 84% Increase In Cardiac-Related Deaths Occurred One Month After Receiving An mRNA COVID Vaccine

Covid-19 “vaccines” are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on – Using EUDRA and VAERS data as a base, as many as 20 million people have died so far from the shots and another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries

You know that reality cannot be denied when the New York Times runs a story about the near impossibility of California ever finishing its elusive high-speed or “bullet” train

California Senator Shannon Grove Schools Governor Newsom on the Democrats’ High Gas/Oil Costs – “Your policies have created this problem & the pain at the pump that is hurting every single California family”

Congenital syphilis rates soar across California as public health funding dwindles – The number of congenital syphilis cases has ballooned to rates not seen in two decades

California is a hotspot for catalytic converter theft – Will these four new laws make a difference?

October 9, 2022

The UN Human Rights Vote Reveals China’s Power and the West’s Decline – Reports show which countries fear China more than they respect the United States

Can the FBI’s Reputation Sink Any Lower? – Attention will be on Igor Danchenko this week, but he’s not the one who should be nervous – Comey and his HQ team worked overtime to mislead the public through sustained and deceptive leaks

Democrats Are Afraid to Debate GOP Opponents – Some are simply refusing to defend their records in any public forum

Lifelong Democrat and Former Deputy Mayor of Philadelphia Endorses Oz Over Fetterman, Cites Safety of His City – “Our city has become increasingly dangerous and Fetterman’s policies on crime will make things much worse”

Victor Davis Hanson: Ukraine and the Malevolent Legacy of the Obama-Biden Administration – The United States is shackled by a near decade of Russian reset and the aggression it invited on February 23, 2022

After the report of PayPal’s new terms allowing the company to fine users $2,500 if they deem them guilty of spreading “misinformation,” the company has now walked back the new policy and even claimed it was announced “in error”

Kaiser Permanente finds that triple-vaccinated are more likely to get COVID than unvaccinated – They are not only more likely to be infected with COVID-19, they are more likely to suffer severe illness and die from the disease

Senator Hassan Backs Out Of The New Hampshire Debate With Her Republican Challenger – Senator Hassan will only participate if it is “a stand-alone forum, not a debate”

5-years after the term “Steele dossier” entered the political lexicon, think tank analyst, Igor Danchenko, who contributed to research about Donald Trump and Russia will go on trial Tuesday for lying to the FBI about his sources of information

Those who f—ked with Joe Biden – “Beware of imbeciles who are unaware of their imbecility”

David Weiss, the US attorney who holds Hunter Biden’s fate in his hands – The FBI believes it has collected enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with crimes related to tax fraud and lying about his drug use

Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake was removed from the audience at a town hall before her Democratic opponent Katie Hobbs took the stage, as Hobbs continues her refusal to debate Lake

The National Guard lost about 7,500 members over the past year and could lose even more due to potential future discharges of up to 14,000 soldiers amid the U.S. military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, according to reports

The  LA Times published an unusually candid analysis – California’s policymakers, given ample warnings about the state’s vulnerability to high gas prices, have failed to do anything to address the basic problems that cause them

Are The “Good Americans” To Join Their Russian and German Counterparts in Infamy? – Today’s Democrat party garners almost half the votes in any given national election, yet the Radical Leftists of their party make up no more than perhaps 10% of professed Democrats

Thirteen judges say ‘no’ to Yale law graduates – The storied and prestigious school, possibly the most prestigious in the country, has become a haven for woke intolerance of the most infantile sort

ZH: Here’s Where US Nuclear Bombs Are Stored In Europe – The bases in question are Kleine Brogel in Belgium, Büchel in Germany, Aviano and Ghedi in Italy, Volkel in the Netherlands, and Incirlik in Turkey

Is it time to ditch PayPal? – They just announced an updated Acceptable Use Policy that says, if you advance “misinformation” or present a risk to a user’s “wellbeing,” they can take $2,500 from your account

Joe Biden hands Mexico’s human-smuggling cartels a $13 billion “bonus” –  Have you ever wondered who gets rich from Joe Biden’s policy of open borders?

What the heck is wrong with Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot? – Major companies and well-to-do taxpayers are fleeing the city due to the crime there

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The War on Ivermectin – The outcome could have been much different – and many lives saved – if Big Pharma hadn’t been so successful at suppressing this generic pharmaceutical that was found to work against COVID-19

October 8, 2022

The West is on the road to energy ruin Green policies have crippled Europe – If we don’t change our ways, they will do the same to America

What Lurks Below The Surface All Around The World Is A Reason For Concern – As bubble assets deflate, prices of goods and services may have started an inflationary cycle of a magnitude that the world has never experienced before

The White House is spending $265K on staff to deflect a Hunter Biden probe – Should the GOP regain control of the House their primary directive will be to run comms and defense for the administration from an approaching blizzard of subpoenas

All Of President Biden’s Disconnects – The best that can be said about him is that he’s consistently wrong

Florida Is Not Purple — Regardless of the Dems’ Wishful Thinking – GOP candidates solid in the Sunshine State

A Watchdog files lawsuits over voter registration duplicates, found millions lacking required ID – One voter with duplicate registrations, “is in a mental hospital, is a convicted child sex offender” and somehow managed to cast two ballots

FLORIDA: COVID VACCINES ARE DANGEROUS TO YOUNG MEN – Analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination

First the Pandemic, Then the Purge – A Coast Guard technician is about to lose his job because he won’t get the jab

JD Rucker: China Stockpiled PPE Months BEFORE The Covid Release – Many have suspected that China and possibly others released Covid-19 intentionally and knew what would happen long before 12/2019, Now, We Have Evidence

State Supreme Court Rules Two Major Voting Methods Are Unconstitutional – Delaware’s Supreme Court ruled on Friday that new state laws allowing universal voting by mail and Election Day registration are unconstitutional.

ZH: Your Next Pain Will Be Soaring Electricity Costs As Energy Crisis Comes To America – The impact of higher natural gas prices, by extension, means higher power prices

ZH: These Are The World’s Most-Surveilled Cities – Los Angeles Made The List At #10

ZH: US-bound travelers who have been to Uganda within the previous 21 days will be redirected to five major American airports to screen for Ebola after the CDC issued an alert to healthcare workers to raise awareness about the outbreak

Gender Dysphoria Diagnoses for Children Soared 70% in 2021 – Was this the result of the Obama administration pushing insurance providers to cover transgender-related medical procedures earlier?

Ukraine knocked out a critical bridge connecting Crimea to Russia’s mainland – Ukrainian officials celebrated the destruction of the bridge, signaling that more attacks may be looming

Gas prices rising again and Biden’s accountability and credibility are falling again – While gas prices falling it was great and all due to Biden – Now that prices are rising again by as much as 60/ gallon in some areas last week alone, he will not take the blame

Drill, Baby, Drill –The only surprising thing about the production cuts announced by OPEC+ (a grouping consisting of OPEC and fellow travelers including, critically, Russia) is that they had not been agreed to before now

How Liberals Respond When You Try to Debate Them – It is called the Pavlovian Liberal Didactic – If pressed further after giving several PLD responses, they will respond by calling the conservative a racist, misogynist, xenophobe, transphobe…

If ordinary taxpayers fail to file returns, congressional Democrats hire 87,000 new IRS agents to punish them. Yet if the IRS destroys 30 million “tax information” returns without even processing them, they block attempts to demand an explanation

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why Doctors Are Lying to You About The Covid Vaccines – Doctors are afraid to speak out about COVID treatment and the dangers of the COVID shots because they can lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative

About Those Electric Car Mandates

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: PUERTO RICAN EDITION – President Biden traveled to Puerto Rico, where his tutorials in street smarts from Corn Pop came in handy

October 7, 2022

POSOBIEC: “The Biden administration made a secret deal with OPEC when they first started emptying our strategic oil reserve – OPEC reneged because it made no sense – Biden gave away all of his leverage when he cut US oil production

New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams wants $1 billion from other Americans to subsidize the city’s economic strategy of importing penniless immigrants for use by New York’s business leaders

Gatestone Institute: China is doubling down on its efforts to influence state and local government leaders in the US by exploiting the existing web of regional and local US-China relations, according to the U.S. NCSC

ZH: Several robotics companies, including Boston Dynamics, pledge not to weaponize their robots, but Chinese firms could care less and have created a scary drone that carries a robot war dog equipped with a machine gun

Ukrainian Refugees Tell Their Stories – Interviews in Kraków offer a collective portrait of their experience

A Capitol Police Officer Told Agents That Oath Keepers Shielded Him, Sealed FBI Record Shows – An FBI document kept from the public under court seal undermines the government’s seditious-conspiracy case against the Oath Keepers

Alaska’s Ranked-Choice Voting Was a Fiasco, So Nevada Should Take Note. – It forces voters to strategize like game theorists

The Post-Pandemic Proves the Left Is a Monster – Its ideology is crazed, deformed, and incongruous – The pandemic allowed us to see the true face of governments and showed they are incompetent and unable to react promptly 

ZH: Gallup conducts an annual poll to find out which high-profile federal agencies and departments have the highest favorability scores with the U.S. public – In the latest installment, only four out of the 10 agencies included were rated positively by at least 50 percent of respondents

Jeffrey Epstein Victims Put Bill Clinton On Notice, Saying Ghislaine Maxwell Has Until June 2023 To Cooperate And Reduce Her Sentence

The suspect accused of killing two people and injuring six others during a stabbing rampage on the Las Vegas Strip is a Guatemalan national who entered the US illegally – He has a criminal record in CA but is unknown to border officials

A Wisconsin judge is prohibiting voters from canceling their original absentee ballot and casting a new one- in practice known as ballot spoiling. According to a Republican election, an ‘integrity group’ it is illegal to correct a ballot

California Governor Gavin Newsom called a special legislative session on rebates to offset high gas prices funded by a windfall profits tax on oil companies. The session will be on Dec. 5, timed with the swearing-in of the new Legislature

ZH: Is Democracy In Decline? – One way to approach this question is to look at the evolution of both democratic societies and autocratic regimes around the world

The Lockdown Effect – Record numbers of children are being hospitalized with colds after their immunity was weakened by social distancing and masks, a CDC report reveals

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The FDA And CDC Urge All Adults to Get 5th COVID Shot Despite No Safety or Efficacy Data – The emergency authorizations for the boosters are based on preliminary test results from only eight mice, and that data hasn’t even been made public

A recent peer-reviewed study using a Dark-Field microscope shows blood samples develop abnormalities after people are vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccines – Researchers report “strange phenomena in the blood

TICKING TIME BOMB: A Swedish study presents evidence that the mRNA COVID “vaccines” progressively increase hospitalization and death risk over time

Steve Kirsch: Florida study shows mRNA COVID vaccines kill kids  – Their analysis found an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination

Steve Kirsch: Australia has solved the vaccine hesitancy problem by offering a free funeral gift card with your vaccine if you die from the vaccine, so now, you have no reason to say No right, but your next of kin still has to apply

Outrage Erupts After Police In New York Reveal The Suspect In A Woman’s Murder Had Just Been Released From Jail Despite Facing 5 Serious Charges

The FBI team that was in communication with Facebook before the social media company censored the original Hunter Biden laptop story has been identified, according to a new court filing

Democrats have set up a network of quasi-local fake news websites to spread pro-Democrat messages in swing states – The network encompasses at least 51 local news outlets across 10 swing states…,

Well-Off Young Professionals Are Fleeing CA and NY, With Many Heading to the Red States – More conservative states, with fewer taxes, lower crime, higher quality of life, and lower businesses expenses are winning out over blue states

A federal judge in Texas struck down federal guidance exempting LGBT employees from workplace policies on bathroom use, dress codes, locker rooms, and pronoun usage

ZH: Zelensky’s Call For NATO “Preemptive Strikes” On Russia Is An Attempt To Spark WW3 According To The Kremlin

THE BIDEN COVERUP – It’s not the Hunter Biden case, it’s the Joe Biden case and the rest is the saga of a corrupt and degraded reprobate – Reading between the lines, one can only see the coverup of the Biden family corruption at work

Former AG Jeff Sessions: ‘A Larger Number of Criminals’ Are Crossing the Border – In poor countries, they don’t keep people in jail for 30, 40 years, they’re glad to help them get out of their country

Kanye Accuses The Kushner Brothers of Sabotaging Trump – “After talking to them, and finding out other pieces of information, I was like wow, these guys might have been holding Trump back”

The World Economic Forum Biometric ‘Digital Identity Project’ Given $106M Boost by Trudeau’s Canadian Government – The WEF is a formal partner of the Canadian government for its Known Traveler Digital Identity Project

Plot Twist: Elon Musk Says Twitter Is Now Refusing to Accept His Offer to Buy Company – New legal filings suggest that, despite publicly accepting Musk’s offer, Twitter is refusing to move forward with the deal behind the scenes

Sharyl Attkisson: According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 62% of likely U.S. voters believe violent crime is getting worse and expect the issue to be important in next month’s midterm elections

The U.S. economy added 263,000 new jobs in September, down from an upwardly revised print of 537,000 in August, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The market had forecast 250,000 new jobs last month

CA Governor Gavin Newsom, OR Governor Kate Brown, WA Governor Jay Inslee, and BC Premier John Horgan Sign A Climate Agreement….To ‘Dominate – “This is not about electric power, it’s about economic power”

Californians have the highest gas prices in the entire nation thanks to the state’s “windfall gas tax profits” – California’s average price per gallon of gas is $6.392, so Californians are paying a $2.55 premium on gas in many locations

ZH: As Biden Welcomes Venezuela Oil, He Prepares To Block All US Offshore Drilling – Fox Business reports that the Biden administration is nearing a decision on the future of federal offshore fossil fuel drilling and hasn’t ruled out a complete block on new leases

Howard Galganov: Poland Went Hard Right, As Hungary, England, Sweden and to Some Extent France And Now it Looks like Israel’s Netanyahu will be Back in Power – So After 2-Years Of Biden You Don’t Think America’s Going To The Right?

Four Californian Water Agencies Offer Federal Government Massive Colorado River Water Cuts – They are offering to conserve 130 billion gallons, of water annually from Lake Mead for the next four years

ZH: Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams has declared a state of emergency after the ‘sanctuary city’ was unprepared to provide sanctuary to migrants arriving from Texas and elsewhere

ZH: “Quiet Quitting” Isn’t Just About Jobs; It’s About A Crumbling Economy – The movement away from putting career first and sacrificing to get ahead financially is global

A GOP Candidate Is Getting 24% of The Democrat Vote And Is Set to Win A Seat Held by Democrats since 1992 – Allan Fung is running for Rhode Island’s seat in Congress that’s being vacated by Democrat Rep. Jim Langevin

Why do union workers vote against their self-interest – Unions, as with many other disparate, “intersectional” groups, have for years been a consistent voting bloc for the Democrat party but are they better off due to Democratic policies?

Mattias Desmet On Mass Formation Psychosis –  There was silence in the press when my book The Psychology of Totalitarianism was translated into ten languages and there is the tragicomic attempt to burn me at the stake

Your Streaming Services Have a New Way to Keep You Loyal – They’re Teaming Up In a crowded marketplace, Amazon, HBO Max, and other streamers explore discounted packages and bundling partnerships with rivals

Hurricane Ian reveals another problem with electric vehicles – A top Florida state official warned Thursday that firefighters have battled several fires caused by electric vehicle (EV) batteries waterlogged from Hurricane Ian

Steve Kirsch: Kaiser Permanente admits that the COVID vaccines make you more likely to be infected after 150 days  – So you’ll likely need a shot every six months for the rest of your life or you’ll be more at risk than the unvaccinated

October 6, 2022

Intercept Report: US Special Operations Forces are on the Ground in Ukraine – The presence is part of a broad clandestine operation that includes the CIA

A leading eco-modernist disputes the widespread claim that renewables are a cheap and clean energy source, arguing it’s the complete opposite – Renewable energy production, when deployed at scale, is more expensive

Republicans Should Slowly Back Away From Ukraine – Following John Bolton toward nuclear armageddon seems like … a bad idea

At a fundraiser for the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, Joe Biden spoke of nuclear “Armageddon” in a warning about an escalation in Russia’s war in Ukraine

If Chris Wray is the chief of the enforcement arm of the Democrat Party, once known as the FBI, then Steven D’Antuono is his hatchet man – It’s no coincidence that his name appears prominently in the most brazen anti-Trump stunts conducted by the FBI in the past two years

Are Democrats Allowed to Replace Biden With a White Guy? – California’s governor is a leading contender for 2024, but there’s a problem, he has XY chromosomes, is of European ancestry, and is attracted to women

Joe Biden’s anti-drilling policies have cut oil supplies as much as the decision Wednesday by OPEC+ to slash two million barrels of oil production, an analysis by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity shows

Joe Biden’s quiet admission that the full cost of his student debt cancellation scheme will be included in the 2022 fiscal year budget and that it will be financed entirely by debt is a reckless budgetary gimmick and a “grave error”

Trump’s CNN Lawsuit Shows Freedom of The Press Does Not Include The Right to Libel – It’s an opportunity for the Supreme Court to right wrongs that enable our shameless Fourth Estate

Biden’s new State Department special representative for subnational diplomacy, who has urged Americans to “embrace China,” has worked with two prominent Chinese Communist Party front groups regarded as CCP influence organs 

Illinois police reform act will eliminate cash bail and make the streets less safe – State’s Attorney Kim Foxx could use Illinois police reform as another way of putting criminals first when the Orwellian-named “SAFE-T Act” goes into effect

The Twitter v. Musk trial has been paused to let Musk close the deal – It will be “stayed until 5 p.m. on October 28, 2022, to permit the parties to close on the transaction”

665 FBI employees left the agency after misconduct investigations: whistleblower disclosure – The allegations and records paint a disgraceful picture of abuse that women within the FBI have had to live with for many years

Jennifer Margulis examines the likely motivations of those who lied to the public about the COVID vaccines – A fish can’t see the water it swims in – They have too much skin in the game  – Their oversized egos won’t let them stop lying

Americans Injured by the COVID-19 Vaccines Have to Prove Causation to Receive Compensation – Without the development of a vaccine injury table by the HRSA, the burden of proof lies with the petitioner and not the government

Biden accuses Russia of siding with OPEC and turns to Venezuela for oil – The New York Times: This move by oil producers exposes the failure of Biden’s “Fist-bump diplomacy”

Republicans targeted Joe Biden following reports he is considering providing significant sanctions relief to Venezuela’s government to allow Chevron to resume pumping oil there, clearing the resumption of crude exports to the West

Don’t Buy the Narrative on Ukraine – The West’s party line about a struggling Russia and a resilient Ukraine overlooks several hard realities

As Nuclear War Looms: Does Russia Have a Right to its Own Monroe Doctrine? – It Isn’t a good idea to essentially tell a man who controls 6,200 nuclear weapons, and who our pseudo-elites may label  as“crazy,” you want to kill him

What caused Russia’s war in Ukraine? – NATO, Ukraine, and Borders – Putin wants to restore what he calls the “Russian world,” and, as he has approached the age of 70, he has been thinking about his legacy

LOL: Elon Musk Claps Back At RINO Senator Graham In a Pointed Tweet – After Graham publicly sparred with the soon-to-be CEO of the social media behemoth, it opened the door for Musk to step in and state his position plainly and firmly

Suddenly, Democrats aren’t concerned about the 25th Amendment – During Donald Trump’s time at the White House, Democrats claimed he was unstable and a threat to national security and wanted to use it

It Begins: “Project Icebreaker” Is the One-World Currency Test-Run of CBDCs in 3 Western Nations – They are the pathway for the Globalist Elite Cabal to achieve their coveted one-world currency that is controlled by the powers-that-be

If Democrats can hold on to slim leads in AZ, GA, and PA in November, they will barely maintain their 50-50 control of the Senate, due to Kamala’s51st vote – Looking to 2024, the odds of the Democrats keeping the Senate look even slimmer

The Feds reportedly have “sufficient evidence” to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and making false statements regarding a gun purchase –  Whether he will ultimately be charged is up to Trump-appointed US Attorney David Weiss

Hurricane Ian and the Ukrainian money pit expose the depths of anti-American sentiment on the left – Although this likely isn’t ground-breaking news to any Constitutional conservative, these recent events highlight how deep the hatred runs

Biden Claims Hurricane Ian Proves Climate Change, Despite Hurricane Expert’s Dismissal – The Biden administration’s top hurricane expert, however, has rebuked such claims due to a lack of evidence

Isn’t it strange that some of our smartest people are socialists? – This is more than odd because whenever socialism has been tried, it has been a dismal failure, not only economically, but also in terms of the number of innocent people killed

Covid Emergency Rule Is Killing Small Businesses – While most governors have taken steps to let their emergency powers expire, over a dozen states still live under COVID-19 disaster declarations

The family of a 20-year-old nursing student who died suddenly last week is blaming COVID-19 vaccination mandates for the loss of their loved one

The Collectivist War on the Independent Middle Class – There are two middle classes in America: the servile middle class and the independent middle class – The politicization of the servile middle class has become apparent for all to see…

Tucker Carlson: ” The Only Pipeline Attack Explanation Allowed Is The One The Biden Regime Wants You To Believe” –  “You’re required to believe that Putin took out Russia-owned infrastructure, so you must!”

ZH: The Biden administration is buying up $290 million in anti-radiation drugs for use in “nuclear emergencies” amid escalating tensions with Russia and heightened threats of a nuclear war

Biden’s Shortsighted Energy Policy Reaps Wretched Dividends – Did OPEC+ aim to weaken President Biden before the midterms?

ZH: Economic War Breaks Out As “OPEC+ Takes On The Entire West” – OPEC saw right through the Biden admin’s idiotic idea that it will somehow fund OPEC capital spending if only OPEC ignores its own best interest and helps Democrats

Under Bidenomics, A ‘Soft Landing’ For Economy Is No Longer Possible – Economist Larry Summers, who advised Presidents Clinton and Obama, said a soft landing is “really quite unlikely” – Most economists of our acquaintance agree

7 Fundamentals Before the Coming Midterm Elections – When in doubt, stick to these fundamentals for balance and clarity

The CCP Runs a Police Outpost in NYC as Part of their Global Network of Transnational Repression

ZH: Initial Jobless Claims Suddenly Jumped Last Week – Last week saw claims increase from a revised lower 190k to 219k, which up-ticked the 4-week average for the first time in 8 weeks

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overruled former President Barack Obama, affirming a lower court decision declaring the DACA program unlawful – The court did allow the program to remain in place for existing DACA recipients

California Will Transition Kids by Force – Progressives use the state to push transgenderism and will separate fathers from sons and mothers from daughters in the name of transgender ideology – Will conservatives respond?

Amid mounting questions over an FBI warning that prompted FB to suppress a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, the federal agency now faces a lawsuit seeking to compel it to publicize conversations it had with the social media giant

FBI Agents Accuse President Biden of Pressuring The FBI to Fabricate “Extremist” and “White Supremacist” Cases

Armed and Beltway-ish: More Federal Bureaucrats Are Authorized to Pack Heat – 200,000+ federal employees have been granted authority to carry guns and make arrests, more than the 186,000 Americans serving in the U.S. Marine Corps

WHAT OUR GOVERNMENTS ARE DOING TO US IS CRIMINAL – More Than Term Limits . . . Mandate Responsible Voting

The Coming Anti-Americanism – Europeans are facing economic collapse due to the energy crisis — and many are not primarily blaming Russia

The Never-Ending Persecution Of Jack Phillips – He only refuses to create specialty items from scratch that feature any message that conflicts with his religious beliefs, but will sell other items to anyone entering his Masterpiece Cakeshop

There’s no doubt that electric and self-driving vehicles are the future – However, it’s possible that politicians and policymakers are moving too fast and, in doing so, they may be putting the public in danger

WSJ: Joe Biden Is Pardoning People Convicted of Simple Marijuana Possession – Opinion polls have found this move popular among a majority of Americans, during the final weeks of close campaigns for the House and Senate

October 5, 2022

The America First Legal public interest law firm announced they filed a lawsuit against the FBI over its alleged collusion with Big Tech to suppress information about Hunter Biden’s business dealings contained on his “laptop from hell”

Two doctors have filed a federal lawsuit against the Medical Board of California and the state Attorney General over a freshly signed law that aims to punish physicians for spreading supposed Covid-19 “misinformation” or “disinformation”

Iranian Schoolgirls Tear Off Their Hijabs And Raise Their Middle Finger To The Ayatollah – Protests in Iran grew larger and louder this week, despite regime efforts to dismiss the movement as a Western propaganda effort or crush it with force

Don’t Close the Doors to Russia’s Refuseniks – Europe is concerned about absorbing more immigrants, but trying to stop the exodus will only help Putin and hurt the West

The U.S. Secret Service insisted that no records exist of who President Biden has met with at his Delaware residences during his presidency – The New York Post requested the information as part of the FOIA but had its appeal denied

Justice Clarence Thomas has given the Biden administration until early next week to respond to a legal filing from Donald Trump asking that a special master be allowed to review dozens of documents seized in the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago

Ex-Hunter business partner Tony Bobulinski takes on the Biden machine – Biden’s “No one f–ks with a Biden” statement can be read both as a message to embolden the loyal and a threat to potential whistleblowers and other traitors

The Question That Terrifies Democrats Again – Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Two Years Ago? – Rents Are Up, Wealth Is Tanking, And Savings Are Depleting

Victor Davis Hanson: An Epidemic of Cognitive Impairment? – Why is the supposed party of youth dominated by such frail and forgetful elderly people?

Sharyl Attkisson: Reflecting on Midterm Issues with Dr. Ben Carson as he gives  reflects on midterm issues and the possibility of a second Trump term

The Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy Survey, Released Yesterday, Shows DeSantis With a Double-Digit Lead Over Former Democrat Representative Charlie Crist, as Ballots Start Going Out

Biden to continue depleting US oil reserves as OPEC slashes production – Biden said that more oil would be released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve “as appropriate to protect American consumers and promote energy security”

SCOTUS vacates controversial Massachusetts gun control law – The law places strict restrictions on the ability to purchase and possess handguns, including the need for a license to purchase or possess a pistol

Oregon voters could make political history next month in the race for governor – The Emerson College poll released Tuesday found Republican Christine Drazan leading Democrat Tina Kotek 36 percent to 34 percent

Adults Today Care Too Much What Young People Think – Desperate not to be put in the “old” category, grown-ups are unwilling to impart wisdom or exert badly needed parental authority

Joe Biden’s Big Lie About Contraceptive and Abortion “Access” – He outrageously equates it with taxpayer financing of “reproductive health care”

Global Warming to Alternative Energy Sources Is One Big Scam – Harris: The 1.2-degree temperature rise and change in CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide levels worldwide since 1880 are minor and do not represent a threat to the planet

Peer-Reviewed Study: 94 Percent of Vaccinated Patients With Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood – The study was published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research this past August

Steve Kirsch: Why did the CDC hide the v-safe data from the American people for almost 2 years? – Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we’ve ever created, that’s why

Major paper: Scientists doubt Pfizer’s claims about vaccines – Die Welt reports the scientists are demanding an independent review of the studies that led to the approval of the BioNtech/Pfizer and Moderna shots

3 New Studies Add to Mounting Evidence That COVID Vaccines May Not Be Worth the Risk – One about thyroid eye disease and one about encephalitis highlighted negative health outcomes and a third study suggested the COVID-19 vaccine provided only 15% protection against the risk of “long COVID.”

Steve Kirsch: A new study shows a simple nasal wash reduces the risk of being hospitalized for COVID by >8X – Which indicates that the entire response to the pandemic was unnecessary and harmful

Elon Musk Is Right, The Russia-Ukraine War Needs To End – Musk understands what many commentators don’t: The war will end in a negotiated settlement or it will escalate, possibly into nuclear war

WSJ: The WTO Sees A Sharp Slowdown in Global Trade, Pointing to Possible Recession and Lower Inflation – Slowing demand in the West and the travails of the Chinese economy are weighing on imports and exports of goods

The final take on the disastrous Mar-a-Lago raid and its noxious aftermath – the latest in a series of “killing blows” aimed at Donald Trump and the movement he created — is that Trump must run once again for president and must win

In a stunning interview with Tucker Carlson last night, Tony Bobulinski explained how the FBI fixed the 2020 election by hiding information on Biden family corruption from the public

The mainstream media worries as Elon Musk closes his deal to buy Twitter: “Be afraid, be afraid” – NBC News reporter Ben Collins suggested the purchase could affect the 2022 midterm elections

Voters anxious over pocketbook issues are also growing jittery about violent crime, and the FBI confirmed some of their greatest fears today by showing a jump in murders and car thefts

Can Republicans Ever Fight Big Tech? – These new bills didn’t save the world or anything; the bills the House just passed are small, procedural, and bureaucratic. Nevertheless, they are very important

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News recently that conservative victories in Brazil, Italy, Sweden, Hungary, and more are proof that the “Great Movement” he leads is spreading worldwide

Donald Trump is suing CNN for defamation and demanding $475 million in damages – His lawsuit has nothing to do with the law. Instead, it helps Trump mobilize his supporters as he looks toward a 2024 presidential run

ZH: The WH Panics As Gasoline Prices Rebound, Mulls Export Ban, Blasts OPEC+ “Hostile Acts” – OPEC+ could be on the verge of one of the largest production cuts in 2 years, a move WH officials would undoubtedly have a “panic attack”

Senator Marsha Blackburn: Because of the Biden administration’s energy policies, and the large American debt that is held by OPEC member nations, the US has “no leverage” with the organization to urge it to avoid cutting production

The OPEC+ alliance of crude-producing countries has agreed on deep cuts to oil output, providing a likely floor to falling prices and delivering a blow to President Biden’s pleas for the cartel to boost production to help quell soaring inflation

US Refiners Urge Biden Not to Impose Gasoline Export Ban but Instead Focus on Boosting Domestic Energy Production

Convention of States and the Trafalgar Group Poll: Most Voters Oppose Efforts to Ban Gas-Powered Vehicles – Over 40% of the poll’s respondents said that “increasing domestic oil and gas production” is the best solution

After These Revelations, Who Will Defend Big Tech Now? – The Foundation for Freedom Online found that the focus on attacking domestic speech accelerated in the run-up to the 2020 elections…

SCOTUS Orders Lower Court to Reconsider Gun Control Law in Massachusetts – “The constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not a second-class right,’ subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees,” said Justice Clarence Thomas in the majority opinion.

Globe Exclusive: Interview with Lanhee Chen, Candidate for State Controller – “The last thing we need as California’s fiscal watchdog is someone who extolled the virtues of socialism”

ZH: Now That Twitter Belongs To Elon, Here Is What He Will Do To The Platform In His Own Words – “Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app”

Chris Cuomo drew dismal ratings in his new prime-time show’s debut  – After returning to prime-time cable news Monday night as the host of NewsNation with only 147,000 total viewers, according to cable news ratings

This Is FAR Outside Of Medical Norms: Until You Can Prove Safety, You CANNOT Justify Vaccine Mandates – Steve Kirsch: “I did a calculation … So you killed 150,000 to maybe save 10,000 lives”

COVID Mandates Are Being Lifted But Still Continue, So End The “National Emergency” – Many companies are dropping mandates involving COVID inoculations as the fight for bodily autonomy persists elsewhere, including the armed forces

October 4, 2022

Unsettling Research Links COVID Vaccine to Parkinson’s – Studies paint a concerning chain of evidence suggesting COVID vaccine-produced spike proteins can affect brain health and Pfizer knew, here is their document

American Board of Pain Medicine: There Is A Sharp Rise in Marijuana-Related Psychosis – Cannabis products are produced to have extremely high percentages of THC

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said during a Tuesday morning news conference that three of the four people arrested on charges of looting were illegally residing in the United States

Why Elon Musk is right! – Don’t kill the messenger, but listen: America’s approach to this tragic war in Ukraine requires an urgent if not creative adjustment because Putin is not following the script the U.S. has written for him in Ukraine

Germany’s divisive “double ka-boom” on energy – Scale and timing of Berlin’s support package risks undermining EU unity

Why The U.S. Will Not Ban LNG Exports – An analysis found that curbs on exports would fracture U.S. relations with its key ally, the European Union

Meet John Fetterman: America’s Weirdest Senate Candidate Ever – Fetterman is plainly and undeniably the weirdest major party nominee to the U.S. Senate that America has ever seen

Hospital Workers Speak Out About COVID Protocols From Coast to Coast – CDC and NIH protocols were given to upper hospital administration that then handed them down to clinicians, so if nurses or doctors stepped outside the protocols, they would no longer be shielded from liability under the PREP Act

The Right Response to Mandates, Propaganda and Censorship – Dr. Meryl Nass shares astonishing figures on the blatant PCR testing and case count frauds that occurred during the pandemic

Donald Trump said Monday that the greatest threat facing the U.S. right now is nuclear war – He commented during an interview with radio host Joe Pagliarulo, who subsequently shared a video of the exchange on Rumble

A New Video Confirms That Democrats Invented Election Denial – Matt Orfalea gives a devastating indictment of the Left’s rampant, widespread, and profound refusal to accept Trump’s presidency

Why Is Putin’s Army Inept? – For 50 years Western powers have been developing superior weapons while the Russians have been copying filched weapons that, by the time they are brought back to Russia, are likely already dated

WSH: Donald Trump Asks The Supreme Court to Intervene in The Mar-a-Lago Documents Fight – The Former president’s lawyers ask the court to expand the role of the court-appointed special master

A Republican Congressional Candidate Flips the Script on The Debate Moderator When Asked, “Is Joe Biden President?”

The US national debt surpassed $31 trillion for the first time in history due to Biden administration spending, according to Treasury Department – After passing the $30 trillion mark just nine months ago in late January

Ex-Hunter Biden business partner: The FBI “altered history” in the handling of the laptop before the 2020 election – Tony Bobulinski suggested a net 21,500 voters in 3 states could have flipped the election to Trump in the absence of Hunter’s story suppression

Tucker Carlson cites Blinken’s “admission” of responsibility for Nord Stream destruction – Carlson already had speculated  it was the Biden administration was responsible for putting Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines out of commission

Fetterman cast the lone vote in a failed bid to free a man convicted in the first-degree murder of a high schooler – Fetterman’s effort to commute Alexis Rodriguez’s life sentence failed in December 2021

The Truth About Communism: What Every Person Needs to Know – Communism Promises a Utopia, but Delivers a Nightmare! – Do some of these things sound familiar in the world we are living in today?

The Globalist Climate Agenda is a Crime Against Humanity – It is more than a misguided but well-intentioned mistake. It is a brazen lie, promulgated by some of the most dangerous people who have ever lived

Criminal Neglect – Newly released numbers from the National Crime Victimization Survey confirm that violent crime in urban areas is rising dramatically

The Second Amendment Puts Safety First – People kill people, guns do not – Gun ownership by good people deters crime

Several Postal Workers Arrested In Connection To $1.3 Million Fraud And Identity Theft Scheme – Investigations into the USPS and its employees, practices, and possible corruption has been ongoing since 2020

Biden’s Education Secretary: “Students Need Access To Abortions To Thrive In School And In Life”

Two doctors call for an investigation into the Federation of State Medical Boards’ funding and whether ties to Big Pharma are behind their attacks on physicians who question the government’s COVID-19 narrative

The U.S. Air Force Academy fired instructor Sandra Miarecki, Ph.D., for “undermining the chain of command” during the academy’s implementation of what she and others believe was, and still is, an illegal COVID-19 vaccine mandate

Steve Kirsch: 12 reasons why universities need to drop their COVID mandates now – Many universities are still mandating that students get vaccinated and boosted. The scientific evidence is crystal clear on boosters: they are unethical

The CDC Forced to Reveal They Had 71 MILLION Symptoms Reported to Them Following Covid Jabs – It’s now crystal clear why the CDC fought with every ounce of legal clout they have to keep their V-Safe data secret

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has sent a warning to the United States of “possible nuclear war” if Ukraine is allowed to join North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

From Superpower to Paper Tiger: Part Two – This is a recipe for losing the next big war

Glenn Greenwald: No One Talks About Ending Ukraine War For Fear Of Being Labelled A “Traitor” – It’s a “dangerous delusion” to dismiss Putin’s nuclear threat

President Donald Trump is considering Sarah Huckabee Sanders to be his running mate for his 2024 election run, according to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, who has a long relationship with Trump

A Bombshell Dominion “Error Code” Was Uncovered in 97% of Georgia Counties – Open records requests reveal 64 of 66 Georgia counties have the same unsolved “Tennessee Error” that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots

Donald Trump: Joe Biden Is “Jailing Political Opponents Just Like the Soviet Union and Now Russia” – The former president slams the criminalization of his party by the Biden Administration

Real Clear Politics Poll: Biden Approval on The Issues Of The Economy, Foreign Policy, Inflation, Crime, Immigration, Ukraine, and the Direction of the Country

ZH: The UN Demands All Central Banks Stop Rate Hikes And Switch To Price Controls Instead

The Progressives’ 100 years of war on the Constitution would have been futile without SCOTUS’ complicity, by justices who abandon their oaths to support and defend the Constitution and, instead, reimagine it as a living document

The Ghouls Descend On Florida Only to Be Disappointed – Democrat operatives disguised as journalists blame Ron DeSantis for a hurricane

Democrats: Importing racism, sexism, and terrorism – Anyone questioning the goodness of migrants is silenced as a racist, so many don’t know the migrants themselves are a continuous source of racists, sexists, and terrorists

Democrats spit on family values –It should be abundantly clear to all Americans by now that the Democrat party’s agenda is to destroy the nuclear family by any means necessary

The Climate Crisis Of 536 AD – The left’s global warming obsession is largely based on U.N. predictions assigning unrealistic increases in global temperatures and sea level due to increasing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere

California ‘Inflation Relief’ Checks Will Go Out Later This Week – According to the agreed-upon package, those making up to $75,000 a year, or joint filers who make up to $150,000, will get $350 each

ZH: Twitter Stock Soars After Musk Reportedly Willing To Consummate Deal At Original Price – The original offer price of $54.20 a share, valued the company at $44 billion

Please Don’t Ask My Pronoun – Pronoun mania has taken over the country, with the first order of business at the start of a new semester being for children and teachers to proclaim their pronouns

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion – This 55-minute film shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: “We Own the Science and the World Should Know it” – That is according to the United Nations,  and “Big Tech” knows it

Retired Coast Guard Vice Admiral Pens An “Open Letter” On Covid Vaccines, Calling On Other Flag Officers To Fight The Mandate

A Chinese biotech outsourcing company (CXO) with military ties recently purchased a large piece of land in Levy County Florida to build a monkey breeding and quarantine facility

October 3, 2022

A Former Pentagon Advisor Says the US Likely Attacked Nord Stream Pipelines to Isolate Germany and Prevent Them From Bailing On The War In Ukraine – “You have to look at who are the state actors that can do this”

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, a new report says a train transporting equipment related to the nuclear weapons division of the Russian Defense Ministry has been seen on the move

U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sept. 30 that the Biden administration takes Putin’s nuclear speeches seriously but currently he doesn’t see the possibility of a nuclear escalation

Jeffrey Sachs: The Rest Of The World Thinks The U.S. Probably Sabotaged The Nord Stream Pipeline, But It Doesn’t Show Up In Our Media

Median home prices in the United States fell 0.98 percent in August after falling 1.05 percent the month before, marking the largest monthly decline since the collapse of the 2000s U.S. housing bubble

The Biden Administration’s Manipulated Energy Policy Demonstrates Ignorance of History – We could end up being heavily dependent on China, which of course, like Russia, would use energy policy for leverage

The U.K.’s turmoil was a warning to Republicans about what not to do – A Margaret Thatcher she is not, but Liz Truss, the U.K.’s new prime minister, billed herself to the public as that

Conrad Black: American Democracy Is in Extremis – 19 actions challenged the constitutionality of the voting and vote counting changes, particularly in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin

Watch: The Moment Trump Catches A MAGA Hat And Then Pen Out of Thin Air – Biden Could Never Do That

Trump Sues CNN for $475 Million in Damages, Brings Receipts to Prove His Case – Saying the network is actively working against his potential 2024 campaign, Trump filed a lawsuit Monday against the network over its coverage of him

DeSantis Blows Up Latest Media Spin On His Hurricane Ian Preparedness – Perhaps the fact that DeSantis has been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate has something to do with the truly amazing irrelevant question

Doctors Speak Out Against “Medical Totalitarianism” as Newsom Signs Bill That Punishes Doctors for COVID “Misinformation”  – The  bill subjects doctors to discipline, including the suspension of their medical licenses, for sharing “misinformation” or “disinformation” about COVID-19 with their patients

Dr. Joseph Mercola: More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab Does More Harm Than Good – A renowned cardiologist calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good

The National Institutes of Health funded a malaria vaccine trial study that used genetically modified mosquitoes to “vaccinate” humans – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has close ties to this research

The U.S. Supreme Court declined MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s bid to fend off a defamation lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems filed over his claims about the 2020 presidential election

Toyota President Rains on Newsom’s Parade As He Delivers Bad News on His 2035 Deadline for Gas Car Ban – The universal use of electric vehicles will take much longer than Governor Newsom plans

Governor Newsom Calls for a Tax on ‘Windfall Profits’ on Oil Companies After Abandoning The Gas Tax Pause – Says he’s returning profits to Californians after passing “sweeping climate change” bills further restricting oil and gas extraction

I wanted to leave California before it was cool – We can’t pretend that the problems ravaging the state are anything new

A new NBC/Telemundo poll shows that Latino support for the Democratic Party has dropped by 50 percent in the last 10 years

Steve Kirsch: Proof that the CDC is deliberately ignoring the safety signals from the COVID vax – Objective proof of total ineptitude by the CDC and the medical community in monitoring the safety of the COVID vaccines

Newly obtained emails show the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made a false statement on COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring in 2021, months before agency officials gave false statements on the matter

Russia’s retreat from a key logistics hub in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region is not only another embarrassing defeat for Russian President Vladimir Putin but may also mark a fundamental shift in momentum in favor of Ukraine

Elon Musk Overshadows Joe Biden – He Offers A Reasonable 4-Point Peace Deal for Russia and Ukraine Peace

ZH: A Shocking Letter Reveals UK Blackout Fear As NatGas Supplies Could Be Cut In An “Emergency” – Bloomberg Opinion’s Javier Blas revealed a photograph of a letter focusing on technical changes in the UK electricity market

ZH: With three of the four pipelines delivering Russian natural gas to Europe out of commission, Hungary is now the only EU member state still receiving Russian gas

The Reckless Inauthenticity of Joe Biden – Obsessed with dismantling the Trump legacy, he is deliberately charting a radical course that is proving ruinous to the country – America is burning, and Joe Biden doesn’t seem to care

Aides in the Biden administration fear Hunter and President Joe Biden’s shady business activities could doom the president’s potential campaign in 2024

Oops: Biden’s student loan bailout still mostly helps high-earners, a nonpartisan analysis confirms – “The Administration’s proposal is costly, inflationary, will drive up higher education costs, and delivers the majority of the benefits to those in the top half of the income spectrum”

Battle for the House: These deep blue seats could flip red in November’s midterm elections – Republicans need a net gain of just five seats in the 435-member House of Representatives to win back the majority

‘There’s no there, there: Fetterman’s problems go beyond his health – None of his speakers, or Fetterman himself, addressed the issues that polls show to be of utmost importance to the voters in this state — inflation, increasing crime, and the drug epidemic

A senior aide for the congressional January 6th committee is a former advisor for a consulting firm tied to Hunter Biden and his work with the controversial Ukrainian energy company Burisma

Human Smuggling by Plane is Becoming More Common as Migrants “Try to Avoid Detection” – Over the last 30 days, Texas DPS has stopped three human smuggling attempts via plane at different airports in the same area of the Rio Grande Valley

The Biden Justice Department released fired FBI special agent Peter Strzok’s termination letter as part of its efforts to fight the fired special agent’s attempts to subpoena former President Donald Trump

Kanye West Steals Show in Paris, Wears ‘White Lives Matter’ Shirt at YZY Season 9 Presentation – The critics on the Left are not happy with West, also known as Ye, as he continues to push back against the “woke” agenda

Warning Signs Are Flashing at the Gas Pump Once More – Gas prices are up about eleven cents a gallon in the past week or so and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is at its lowest point in nearly forty years

Gas prices hit a record high in Los Angeles County of $6.466 per gallon on Monday morning, soaring past the previous record set during the nationwide price surge this past spring

If Facebook, Twitter, And Google Hide Information On Behalf Of The World’s Rulers, Elections Are A Scam – In the name of ‘saving democracy,’ the global ruling class is making sure nobody’s votes count but theirs

Melissa Fleming, the UN Secretary for Global Communications, and a World Economic Forum member, openly boasted about how Klaus Schwab’s group works with Big Tech companies to bury information deemed to be undesirable

Big Tech’s election influence under fire from GOP members – As the 2022 midterm elections approach it’s being accused of using its power to suppress an ideology with which it disagrees again

Mamma Mia MAGA – The left loosely defines “fascist” as anyone they disagree with, from parents attending a local school board meeting to Donald Trump’s voters, and now, it’s Giorgia Meloni

The Seth Rich Case: The FBI’s Other Laptop Scandal – The tale of two laptops, one tale is very damaging to the Democrats, and the other potentially so – What they have in common is that the FBI did its damnedest to bury both


Gladstone Institute: They Are  Redistributing Wealth, Not Fighting Inflation – The Inflation Reduction Act doesn’t reduce inflation, it gooses it – The IRA is another inflationary leftist spending boondoggle that throws billions at green energy…

Air Force Academy Woes Highlight The Collapse of Military Values Under Diversity Mania – Previous values of integrity, service, and excellence have been replaced with the military’s new value system of diversity above all

NYU Students Punch Down at Adjunct Professor – Celebrated Maitland Jones Jr. had high standards, so some of the most privileged people on planet earth organized a petition and got him fired

Bombshell Texts Show Milwaukee Mayor Colluding With Democrats To Rig 2022 Election – Texts between city officials and leftist nonprofit workers indicate that the city of Milwaukee is working to “fortify” the 2022 midterms

What is the Republican B-Team Thinking? – Let’s interrogate the ambitions of Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Glenn Youngkin, Nikki Haley, and Ted Cruz

Capitalism and Anomie – With big corporations taking overt liberal political stances on hot-button social issues, many who stand on the other side have started to question the neutrality of the market economy

How SFO Can Solve Its Homelessness Problem – The city’s political class thinks homelessness is primarily caused by insufficient housing, but in truth, homelessness is more often caused by substance abuse and mental illness

The Biden Admin Showered Millions Of Dollars On The Government’s “Misinformation” Czars After The 2020 Election

I&I: Obamacare Mandates Continue To Stifle Innovation – The “preventative services” mandate is still in place, and that’s bad news for patients trying to find affordable health plans

Newly Obtained Emails Shed More Light on CDC’s False Vaccine Safety Monitoring Statements – The CDC has made false statements three times this year on PRRs, initially saying such analysis was outside the agency’s purview

ZH: The Swedish Public Health Authority has stopped recommending healthy children between the ages of 12 and 17 receive the COVID-19 vaccine

Sharyl Attkisson: A federally funded study released Tuesday reported a “positive association” between “vaccine-related aluminum exposure” and “persistent asthma” in children 24-59 months old

October 2, 2022

King Charles III has decided not to attend the international climate change summit in Egypt next month, fueling speculation that the new monarch will have to rein in his environmental activism now that he has ascended the throne

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A New Communistic Law Forces Doctors to Promote Big-Pharma Products – A proposed law in California gives the state power to revoke a doctor’s medical license if they spread what they deem as “misinformation”

The death toll from Hurricane Ian continues to rise – Authorities confirm 87 people are dead in the latest reports, as power outages have complicated rescue efforts

If you think Putin is a global threat, then we need to talk about Xi Jinping – With repression at home and aggression abroad, the imperial ambitions of China’s ‘paramount leader’ should worry the world

OPEC+ will consider an oil output cut of more than a million barrels per day (BPD) when it meets on Oct. 5, OPEC sources told Reuters on Sunday

Vice President Kamala Harris was seen ignoring what appears to be a rogue reporter at a gala over the weekend after he asked her to clarify her comments on “equity” affecting the Biden administration’s distribution of Hurricane Ian relief

ZH: Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a Friday joint press briefing that the damage and disruption to the pipelines are being seen in Washington as a “tremendous opportunity” to greatly reduce European energy imports to Russia

ZH:  Who Profits From Pipeline Terror?  – Secret talks between Russia and Germany to resolve their Nord Stream 1 and 2 issues had to be averted at any cost…

The Feds Paid Companies to Silence Trump, His Family, and Supporters on Social Media Around The 2020 Election

Here come the Hispanic Republicans – Latinos are voting exactly like an earlier wave of immigrants

Five cases to watch as a conservative Supreme Court begins its new term – Environment, Affirmative Action, Election Law, Voting Rights, and LGBTQ Discrimination

New York State’s Democratic Crime Syndicate – Could it be that the governor thought sweetheart Covid hand sanitizer deals would keep her hands clean

A Radical Step in the Right Direction – Arizona’s universal school-choice program will improve students’ educational options—public and private

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) researchers are preparing to publish a study on a set of data that identified four potential issues in elderly persons after they receive COVID-19 vaccination

JD Rucker: The FDA Quietly Released a Study on Adverse Reactions to Pfizer Jabs 14 Months AFTER They Knew There Were Problems – Big Pharma knew what they were doing and their puppets in the FDA, CDC, and NIH knew too

KTG: The Pfizer mRNA Spike Protein Found in Deceased Man’s Brain and Heart – “We know it goes to the brain, heart, it produces the spike protein, which damages those cells causing inflammation and damage to blood vessels…”

Steve Kirsch: A new peer-reviewed paper confirms the COVID vaccines kill brain cells and heart cells leading to death – It also shows the COVID vaccines, and not COVID, is causing myocarditis and encephalitis leading to death

Steve Kirsch: Elevated troponin levels post-vax – Some hospitals are now doing these tests on everyone and the numbers are surprisingly high –  Nobody is talking about this and I wonder why?

Widowers Allege COVID-19 Treatment Protocols Led to Their Wives’ Deaths – “This would become the first of many lies from the hospital staff,” Matthew Cresto told The Epoch Times

Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance Was Just Awarded Another NIH Grant To Study Bat Coronaviruses – By this point, it should be getting fairly clear that Covid-19 more likely than not came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology

WSJ: Hurricane Ian’s Death Toll Rises as Recovery Efforts Begin – Conditions remain dire in some areas along the Florida coast and on barrier islands, such as Sanibel and Pine Island, according to Governor Ron DeSantis

In hurricane chaos, Florida’s Ron DeSantis emerges a leader – As Florida began to dig out from its horrific encounter with Hurricane Ian, Governor Ron DeSantis demonstrated what a real leader looks like


The Biden administration has targeted four Republican lawmakers before November’s midterm elections, arguably with mixed effect – Kevin McCarthy,  Rick Scott, Lindsey Graham, and Ron Johnson

Federal Economy Minister Robert Habeck expressed concern over the looming energy crisis this winter, telling German media that the situation was extremely tense and there is a possibility that Germany may run out of gas

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has bailed on an appointment to testify before the European Parliament’s special committee, where he was expected to face tough questions over secretive vaccine deals

Informed Dissent Needs to Collide with Newsom’s Attack on Informed Consent – Let’s analyze the gift of lies and deception surrounding AB 2098

Full Moon Shining Through Arc de Triumph – The moon aligned perfectly with the monument, hanging just below the great arcades of that magnificent ode to revolutionary freedom

Sharyl Attkisson: – Judicial Watch has filed a FOIA lawsuit against the DOD asking for Air Force Academy records regarding “systemic racism,” and records related to the teaching of critical race theory at the Air Force Academy

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why Additional Engineered Planned Pandemics Are Pretty Much Guaranteed – Francis Boyle shares his views on the latest efforts to instill fear in the public, this time about monkeypox and the WHO

October 1, 2022

Enemies list? A Fed-backed censorship machine targeted 20 news sites –  Just the News, New York Post, Fox News, Epoch Times, and Breitbart were identified among the “most prominent domains” flagged by the Election Integrity Partnership and its collaborators

Stacey Abrams loses Georgia voting rights lawsuit on all counts – In 2018, Stacey Abrams lost the Georgia gubernatorial election to Brian Kemp and then refused to concede, and then filed a lawsuit

The US Army fell 25% short of its recruitment goal this year despite an effort to make up the widely expected gap in a year when all the military services struggled in a tight jobs market to find young people willing and fit to enlist

WSJ: Elon Musk Unveils a Prototype of Tesla’s Humanoid Robot Optimus and Says It Will Cost Less Than a Car – The prototype is seen as the CEO’s effort to shape the perception of the company as more than just a car maker

Kellyanne Conway, who managed former Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, told CBS News on Friday that Trump has his sights set on the White House in 2024 and that, within weeks, he might officially throw his hat in the ring

Leftists and RINOs Start Normalizing Election Result Delays Ahead of Voter Fraud Actions – We’re being prepped with propaganda so most Americans will expect the delays that are necessary to enable voter fraud activities

A Canadian Rebellion Is Spreading Like Wildfire – Three Provinces Are Openly Defying Trudeau’s Gun-Surrender Order

It Is Time to Outlaw Counting by Race? – Reversing the stipulations of many government programs by outlawing their acceptance methodology would be a big step in ridding ourselves of such mischievous overreach

The Regret, Repentance, and Redemption of Dr. Aseem Malhotra – Back when the vaccines were being rolled out, the eminent UK cardiologist encouraged people to accept them, but further research reversed his opinion

ZH: A Deepfake Bruce Willis To Return To Movie Screens – Willis is the “first Hollywood star” to sell the rights of his digital twin in perpetuity

A Man Plugs His New $80k+ Electric Truck Into His House and Finds Out It Will Take Over 4 Days to Fully Charge – Level 2 chargers deliver much more electricity than your regular home circuit can deliver

ZH: Range Anxiety: How Far Can An EV Go On One Charge? – 33% of new car buyers chose range anxiety, the concern about how far an EV can drive on a full charge, as their top inhibitor to purchasing electric cars

Ian downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone as it lashes the Carolinas – Florida officials report more deaths

Joe Biden Was Wildly Wrong About Ian’s Death Toll And Here’s Why It Matters – No. Ian won’t be the “deadliest” in Florida’s history. And if Biden had any understanding of history, he’d have known that it wouldn’t be

This Is Not about the Migrants Bussed to Democrat-controlled sanctuary” areas – It’s about Democrats pulling out all the stops to hamstring Governor DeSantis who could well be the Republican presidential nominee for 2024

Turned on Trump: The Republicans backing Democrats candidates over MAGA candidates – Former President Donald Trump has played a major role in the midterm elections by endorsing a slew of Republican candidates

California’s Assault on the US Constitution California – Governor Gavin Newsom just signed into law the notorious AB 2098, which muzzles doctors from telling patients the truth about COVID and the vaccines

California Governor Newsom Signs Bill Forcing Doctors to Push Covid Vaccines – AB2098 declares that a physician or surgeon commits professional misconduct if they disseminate “misinformation or disinformation” about the nature and risks of COVID-19, its prevention and treatment, and the development, safety, and effectiveness of the vaccines

The Matt Gaetz Case Is Not the Only Reason the FBI Needs an Overhaul – “What the FBI did to Matt Gaetz is precisely what it did to Donald Trump”

Unsurprisingly, the House Of Representatives fails to pass a bill barring lawmakers from stock trading

Lawyers And The Democrat Party – Trying to win and push their agenda at any cost creates the polarization and hatred that now fills our country and leaves no room for common sense or legitimate debate

Durham Prosecutes FBI Informants While Protecting Their Handlers – He has investigated or indicted several unscrupulous anti-Trump informants, but he has spared the FBI agents who handled them

ZH: House Oversight Committee Republicans want to know what Attorney General Merrick Garland is planning on doing to combat the recent cyberattacks against Christian-based websites and donation portals

ZH: The Crisis That Everyone In Europe Is Talking About Is Barely The Start Of Things To Come – It isn’t just an energy crisis here, there is something (a lot) more to it: capitalism vs socialism/communism

ZH: How Do Americans Spend Their Money, Based On Their Generation? – Unsurprisingly, spending habits vary wildly depending on age

Pelosi says that DeSantis should stop sending illegals to the north because Florida farmers “‘need them to pick crops” – The video of her lurching through her remarks with bizarre hand gestures is worth watching

Giorgia Meloni’s stunning victory in Italy sent shockwaves throughout the establishment in Europe and the US –  Nearly every media report has compared her to former Italian dictator and fascist Benito Mussolini

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: CAT 5 BIDEN STORM EDITION – So let’s see: Biden wonders where a dead congresswoman is, while Vice President Harris lets slip where her real political loyalties lie—North Korea

September 30, 2022

Friday, Joe Biden signed into law a bill that finances the federal government through mid-December and provides another $12.3 billion infusion of military and economic aid to Ukraine, averting a partial government shutdown

Kamala Harris says climate crisis aid should be given out “based on equity” to “communities of color” and women

Snowden Didn’t Flee to Russia: Obama Trapped Him There – Putin’s grant of citizenship prompts reiterations of a widely-embraced falsehood

The Feds used a private entity to target millions of social posts in 2020 – Biden’s administration gave millions to groups after the election – EIP says it had a 35% success rate in getting tech platforms to label, remove or restrict content

In June, approximately 85% of the population of Canada had had at least two shots, but 92% of all COVID deaths were in the fully vaccinated — 92% – So this is clearly a pandemic of the vaccinated

Facts And Nothing But The Facts – Under the guise of public health, the legal infrastructure is presently being laid for one-world tyranny courtesy of the fleece-garbed wolf known as the World Health Organization

Friday, Vladimir Putin signed a decree annexing four Ukrainian territories into the Russian Federation – Condemned by Western powers, the order will impact the disputed regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia

ZH: Washington’s dunderheaded intervention in the intramural spat between Russia and Ukraine and the accompanying global Sanctions War is surely the stupidest, most destructive project to arise from the banks of the Potomac in modern times

Mexico Is Losing the Fight Against Drug Violence – Closer security cooperation with the US is necessary to protect communities on both sides of the border

CCW: For Protection Of Life, But No Longer Property – If one cannot protect one’s property, is it really owned at all?

Trump scores Another Win In The Mar-a-Lago Case – Special Master Raymond Dearie had sought earlier to require that Trump substantiate his claims that the FBI planted evidence during the Mara-A Lago raid

Poll: Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz Surges, Democrat John Fetterman Slides in PA Senate Race – Independents are breaking for the Republican candidate at a substantial clip

Kari Lake is being hidden from the public’s eye because corporate media and Washington, D.C. establishment are terrified of what a tough-as-nails conservative governor could do in another crucial swing state

The Dow tumbled 500 points on Friday to end September down nearly 9% – Stocks fell in choppy trading Friday as Wall Street closed out a terrible week, month, and quarter that brought the S&P 500 to a new 2022 low

As climate change alarmists try to link the storm that hit Florida with human-caused global warming, geologist and climate expert Gregory Wrightstone refutes such claims, saying the number of storms actually drops as oceans warm up

The man who ran over a Republican teen in North Dakota is now charged with felony murder – New criminal charges against him include Murder, which is a Class AA Felony, and Duty in an Accident Involving Death or Injury, a Class B Felony

Governor Newsom Signs a Bill to Allow Millions of Convicts’ Criminal Arrest Records To Be Sealed – It is interesting timing as Newsom is also allowing 76,000 inmates, including violent and repeat felons, to leave prison

Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill on Thursday making California a “sanctuary state” for families seeking medical services related to children’s “gender transitions” as other states restrict those procedures

Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, told the House of Representatives committee investigating the U.S. Capitol breach that she has not influenced her husband’s judicial decisions

Customs and Border Protection recorded an average of 7,300-7,500 daily migrant encounters at the southwest border by the end of September – This constitutes the worst September for migrant border crossings in U.S. history

In a stunning departure from typical pro-immigration liberal talking points, Bill Clinton astonishingly admitted to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that a nation can only take so much

Senator Ernst introduced legislation Friday to prohibit federal funding to EcoHealth Alliance – NIH Director Collins and Anthony Fauci have ignored inquiries regarding a 2014 grant ultimately awarded to the Wuhan Institute of Virology

The CDC said that a possible norovirus outbreak sickened at least 222 rafters and backpackers who visited Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona recently

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Fifth COVID Shot Recommended Without Safety or Efficacy Data – It will cause 18-98 serious adverse events for each hospitalization it prevents, yet Biden just ordered 171M doses based on a study of 8 mice …

As Gates Doubles Down on Digital IDs, Critic Warns of “Gravest Technological Threat” to Liberty –  The Gates Foundation announced $200 million in new funding in support of “global health and development projects” that include creating a global digital ID system

U.S. Pension Funds Could Be About To Implode – Fed policy is a case of too much, too late as the Fed, as it always does, overshoots its mark, and does so at the wrong time

John Daniel Davidson: It’s Not Crazy To Think Biden Sabotaged Nord Stream To Deepen US Involvement In The Ukraine War – Escalating with Russia might be Biden’s only chance to save his failing administration, so don’t put it past him

A Federal judge ordered The FBI to release the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop – Rich’s death was officially labeled by police the result of a failed robbery but the secretive behavior of the FBI has continued to raise suspicions

If This Is The Democrats’ “Winning’ Message, They Deserve To Lose… Big Time – What they are telling us, vs. reality

Is California a Luddite Conspiracy? – 6 days after CARB voted to ban future sales of traditional gasoline cars, the state sent out Flex Alerts asking Californians to refrain from charging their electric cars during peak energy use hours

Islam: The Omitted Verses – Hopefully I won’t have to spend my golden years deprogramming my son from false information being conveyed by the schools. I am trying to avoid this by keeping informed about what they are teaching

September 29, 2022

Live updates: Ian weakens to a tropical storm as it pummels Florida

Florida Governor Ron Santis provides an update on Hurricane Ian – He says reports of hundreds of deaths  are “not confirmed”

Will Republican Candidates Deny America the Senate? – It’s time for a new strategy: Vote for the candidate who deserves your vote

What Is the Biden Admin Hiding on Federal Voter Mobilization? Every agency — From the Department of Justice to Defense to Agriculture — is attempting to mobilize voters

The Biden administration quietly issued an update to its student loan forgiveness plan, drastically scaling back eligibility the same day that six Republican-led states filed a lawsuit against Biden, claiming his student loan forgiveness plan is illegal

Could the TWA 800 Cover-Up Finally Come Undone? – There is “overwhelming evidence” that was uncovered by Stalcup through his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation in Massachusetts federal court

A Judge Orders FBI to Produce Information From Seth Rich’s Laptop – “The FBI has fought tooth and nail to conceal evidence about Seth Rich, so Judge Mazzant’s order is a major victory”

It”s Time to Investigate the FBI’s Sketchy CHS Program – Confidential human sources serve an important purpose in the modern-day FBI to advance a political narrative beneficial to the Democrat Party and Biden regime

Obama 2.0 – It seems Barack Obama Is BACK…as the “Shadow President”

The Biden Admin Gives $41 Million in Contracts to a Soros-Linked Group to Help Illegal Aliens Fight Deportations

The Senate GOP Judiciary Committee to Investigate ‘Excessive’ FBI Raid of Pennsylvania Pro-Life Activist’s Home

Joe Biden is preparing to sign an executive order protecting 600,000 illegal immigrants from deportation – The move is being made in advance of a decision from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals regarding the future of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program

Jim Jordan: The FBI is engaging in a “purge” of conservative employees and retaliating against whistleblowers –  Whistleblowers within the FBI have come to congressional Republicans with allegations of FBI misconduct

Anthony Fauci’s Net Worth Has Increased Over 70% to $12.7M Since The COVID Pandemic A Report Says – YET ANOTHER MIRACULOUS SALARY GAIN FOR A SO-CALLED PUBLIC SERVANT

The “Global Walkout” Campaign Calls for “Unified Pushback Against Globalist Agenda” – Every Sunday at 8 p.m. London time, they will announce a new “step” or action people can take to extricate themselves from the globalist agenda… 

Vaccine Failure Is Not a Reason to Celebrate! – Reporting on a new study, U.S. News & World Report published an article, “Breakthrough Infections After COVID Vaccine Can Help Prevent Future Illness,” which spins vaccine failure as a reason to celebrate

Steve Kirsch: Medical examiners were told to lie on death certificates – In Massachusetts, the state DPH)told medical examiners that if the person died with COVID, to list COVID as a cause of death, which is a violation of federal law

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: COVID-19 News Round-up and Corruption in Science – “If we had only known” – There is yet more evidence trickling in that the peer review system is completely corrupted

The implosion of COVID Mania, Part 2 – Public scrutiny increases despite mainstream media stories as official COVID narratives are increasingly detached from reality

The FDA is refusing to release the results of autopsies conducted on people who died after getting COVID-19 vaccines – A safety advocate says that it could release the autopsies with personal information redacted, but they refuse to do so

European officials observed Russian ships near the site of underwater explosions that may have caused leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines earlier this week, according to reports

The Biden administration declares war on the U.S. energy sector – Whether global warming alarmists like it or not, it is not possible to replace the 60% of electric power production in the US with alternative energy sources by 2030

Joe Biden’s mental faculties are declining before our eyes – “She was at top of mind…” That’s how the WH is attempting to explain his inquiry about the whereabouts of Jackie Walorski who passed away in August

Did The Global Pivot Back To QE Just Begin? – The Bank of England has officially capitulated and started QE again. Will the Fed follow? If so or if not, what does it mean for equities?

ZH: Powell’s Plan Is Not Working As Initial Jobless Claims Plunge To 5-Month Lows – Presumably this means higher and longer rate hikes are to come…

A Final GDP reading shows the US economy shrank 0.6% in the spring, cementing the start of a recession  – Economists expected the final GDP reading to be unchanged at 0.6%

DeSantis: MAGA Understudy or Saboteur? – Trump could decline to carry the torch forward and pass it to DeSantis or he could carry the torch he lit, and DeSantis gets in line, preparing for twelve years of MAGA dominance

ZH: Searches For “Real Estate Market Crash” Are The Highest In Internet History – U.S. home prices continued their deceleration in July at their fastest rate in the history of the index

GOP Senators Baffled By Mitt Romney’s Ploy To Oust Mike Lee And Maybe Thwart A Majority – If Democrats pull off an upset in Utah it would have profound consequences for the control of the Senate

Progressive “De-Prosecutors” Disrupt Our Criminal Justice System – “They believe it is excessively punitive, racially biased, and irredeemable, so they are trying to undermine it from the inside”

The Scheming Of Bill Gates And Anthony Fauci – In a report published in Politico, US and European officials and global health specialists admitted that Bill Gates is running the global COVID response

The Inflation Reduction Act is expensive and will produce no meaningful temperature reduction – Even if it is implemented globally, and none at all if implemented mostly by the U.S., EU, and a few other countries

Controversy is swirling over a new study on the impacts of surgically removing breasts from biologically female patients as young as 13 who have been struggling with gender-related distress

September 28, 2022

Harvard/Harris Poll: 56 percent of Americans “have doubts” about Biden’s mental capabilities to serve as President, while 63 percent of people said that Biden is “too old” to be in charge of the White House

Elon Musk Puts YouTube on Notice – He hints at Possible Partnership with Burgeoning Rival Video Platform Rumble

The US Coast Guard Discovers 3 Chinese and 4 Russian Military Vessels Operating in a Single Formation Off  North of One Of Alaska’s Bering Sea Islands Earlier This Month

Victor Davis Hanson: The Thinnest Veneer of Civilization – We are in a great experiment in which regressive progressivism discounts all the institutions and methodologies of the past that have guaranteed a safe, affluent, well-fed, and sheltered America

US Military Base Schools Are Indoctrinating Children in Left-Wing Ideology – Claremont Institute: Classes from the DoDEA teach radical activism, gender ideology, and hiding gender questions from families

CA Governor Newsom Vetoed Bill to Limit his Emergency Powers – The purpose behind the bill was to clarify the broad ambiguities of the Governor’s authorized powers and ensure that these powers are limited and focused

Democrats released their proposal to ban stock trading by members of Congress, senior government officials, and U.S. Supreme Court justices, with the measure seeking to cut conflicts of interest...

After its driest three-year stretch on record, California braces for another year with below-average snow and rain – Conditions are shaping up to be a recipe for another drought year

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: The FDA is using the COVID-19 Vaccines as a “Platform Technology” for mRNA Vaccine Trials – This shows idiocy and malfeasance  as well as complete regulatory capture

An analysis of reports in a database run by the CDC and the FDA found 648 cases of side effects in breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine, including three deaths

A federally funded study released Tuesday reported a 36% “positive association” between “vaccine-related aluminum exposure” and “persistent asthma” in children 24-59 months old

A large NIH study found that women of childbearing age who got the Covid vaccine are at heightened risk of 14 different conditions including miscarriage, fertility issues, fetal cardiac arrest, and menstrual abnormality

Steve Kirsch: The data says you should never breastfeed your baby after you’ve been vaccinated – The CDC says it will protect your baby, but they have NO risk-benefit study that was ever done to prove it

Donald Trump and the Future of Western Civilization – He is the only Western leader that  pointed out that the duplicity of the globalists and total reliance on unreliable renewables would greatly weaken economies

I&I/TIPP Poll: Trump Suffers Zero Electoral Fallout From FBI’s Mar-A-Lago Raid – If anything, he gained support, while other potential challengers slipped

The final hearing of the Jan. 6 Committee show trial got postponed – The nation will soon be focused on hurricane Ian and it gives them an excuse to hold their hearing just before the November midterms

The Climate Crisis Lie – Plenty of climate scientists have doubts, but they have to keep their doubts hidden because they are employees of large institutions and they have families and mortgages

A Responsible Citizens and an Immoral Agency – Ignoring Mark Houck’s offer to appear voluntarily, the DOJ made a show of deadly force by sending 20 heavily armed agents to Houck’s residence at dawn

How Young Is Too Young for Sterilization? – An influential transgender advocacy group releases its new recommendations based on politics—not science

Sharyl Attkisson: Sen. Marsha Blackburn is asking the FDA to provide information about the use of certain puberty blockers in children who suffer from gender dysphoria and wish to resemble the opposite sex

Mask Proponents Are Not Happy With the CDC’s Updated Guidance – The new guidelines turn away from a universal recommendation that everyone wear “source control” in healthcare settings

September 27, 202277

This Student’s Side Project Will Help Decide Musk vs. Twitter – The number of bots on Twitter is a key issue, but nobody knows how to count them, but this system seems like it could help

Biden’s DOT Approves Nationwide EV Charging Network, But Not All States Are Happy

Hurricane Ian to Make Landfall Earlier Than Expected as 2.5 Million Evacuate in Florida – The Category 3 storm is forecast to make landfall on Wednesday evening

In midterm elections when a president has had more than 50% job approval, his party lost an average of 14 seats – When his approval has been less than 50% his party has lost an average of 37 seats

Morgan Stanley’s Chief U.S. Equity Strategist Michael Wilson said that he’s convinced a corporate earnings recession is coming and it could be worse than a “normal” recession

ZH: Futures Tumble After Report Apple Backs Off Plans To Increase iPhone Production – An anticipated surge in demand failed to materialize

A Pennsylvania pro-life activist’s arrest puts the DOJ and FBI’s injustice and contempt on full display –  They are guilty of unequal application of the law in the arrest of a pro-life activist in Pennsylvania

The “T” Piggybacking on the “LGB” – Polls show Americans across political persuasions have major reservations about “gender-affirming” care for minors and teaching gender-identity ideology in schools

Donald Trump Scores Federal Appeals Court Win Against Rape Accuser – The 2nd Circuit Court panel ruled Tuesday that a lower court erred when it determined Carroll could sue Trump personally

AT&T Immediately Blocks New Conservative Site, TheRonald.win – Overt censorship is not a new tactic of the left but it seems to go into overdrive leading up to an election

Will Libertarian Candidates Again Deny the GOP the U.S. Senate? – The more powerful the Libertarian Party becomes, the more certain it is that they will turn America over to the Democrats

Running for U.S. Senate, Dr. Oz reveals the reason for his Turkish dual citizenship – It allows him to retain the authority to make decisions for his mother, an Alzheimer’s patient, who lives in Turkey

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Google isn’t just censoring information via its search engine – While about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts, the delivery rate is HALF of the other email providers such as ProtonMail

A Former Vaccine Advocate Exposes Big Pharma’s Corrupted State of Medicine in a Masterful Presentation –  “The overall net effect of the pharmaceutical industry in the last few decades is very negative”

Mother Blames “Vaccinated Blood” for the Death of Her One-Month-Old Baby – “He got a blood clot instantly after receiving his transfusion, a blood clot that no blood thinner could resolve”

ZH: Ukraine’s President Vladimir Zelensky boasted in a CBS “Face the Nation” interview airing Sunday that Washington is providing him with a whopping $1.5 billion per month for state coffers

INFLATION, BIDEN STYLE – The Biden administration has provided us with the worst inflation in 40 years – We see it every day, on top of the impact of a decline in real wages

The “Inflation Reduction Act” bill was not titled “The Green New Deal Bill” as American voters would not have approved spending $375 billion on the economy-destroying left-wing religious cult’s climate agenda

Fake charities are spending millions to help Democrats win elections – The partisanship of these “civic participation” nonprofit groups has been an open secret for decades

The FBI Seized 86 Million Dollars In A Raid On Innocent Americans’ Safe Boxes After Duping Judge For Warrant – It appears holding cash makes you a presumptive criminal, and Americans should be worried about that

Can America Successfully Isolate Anyone? – Russia, Iran, and Venezuela—demonstrate the difference between the claimed and actual capacity of the U.S. to lead the isolation of its opponents

ANALYZE THIS – The Congressional Budget Office has set forth the direct economic cost of the illegal Biden student loan giveaway in a letter to Senator Richard Burr and Representative Virginia Foxx


September 26, 2022

President Joe Biden’s approval rating sank below 40% in a poll released Sunday, appearing to contradict various reports of the president making a “comeback” among voters

From Superpower to Paper Tiger: Part One – What Biden is doing to our military should be a crime

Oil Prices Are About To Reverse Course – Oil prices are down because many traders and investors are bracing for a recession

The U.S. government has acknowledged for the first time that five FBI confidential informants were involved with the Oath Keepers

The FBI Changes Total Number of Documents Seized From Trump’s Estate – 63 additional documents or photographs without classification markings were taken from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort than previously listed

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Hidden Danger of COVID Shots – Due to a process known as “immune imprinting” we could well be facing the “dark winter” President Biden warned would befall us

The BIDEN ECONOMY: Bonds are at a 49-Year Low And Stocks Are Having Their Worst Year Ever!

The country is melting down under the flames of historic inflation, rampaging crime, record gas prices, and unprecedented invasion at the border – Yet all Biden and Democrats want to talk about is “abortion rights”

Progressives only care about crime after they have been robbed – Or are about to lose an election

The Oath Keepers “had no plan” to attack the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes III also warned his members that afternoon, “whatever you do, don’t try to enter the Capitol”

Democrats Set to Bring Hillary Roaring Back as Replacement for Biden – Political consultant Dick Morris, who advised former President Bill Clinton, recently made this prediction

Investigations of the Clinton Foundation were shelved by the corrupt and partisan DOJ, FBI, and IRS leadership – This demonstrates a two-tier justice system with exemptions for the political elite

The Left’s ‘Psychological Strategy’ for Cultural Dominance – Information dominance is about controlling the narrative by volume and defining the meaning of words, thoughts, and, therefore, options…

The USPS was caught tracking mail of 2nd Amendment advocates – They “monitored protesters across the country, snooping on Americans focused on issues involving guns and President Biden’s election”

The U.S. Air Force Academy defends teaching cadets to avoid “gender-specific terms” such as “mom” or “dad,” saying that “inclusive language” is important to its mission of training leaders capable of winning wars

JD Rucker: 5 Reasons Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Worse Than You Probably Realize – Most people are aware they are very bad, but some may not realize just how bad they are

ZH: A New York judge has ruled that polyamorous relationships are entitled to the same legal protection as opposite-sex or same-sex 2-person marriages

A federal court in Texas is giving the CDC until Friday to release the first batch of data on adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination collected by the agency via its V-safe app

ZH: The Dystopian Vision Of California’s Health-Information Police – AB 2098 empowers the Medical Board of California to go after the licenses of physicians who disseminate “misinformation” or “disinformation” regarding Covid-19

In a peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, Dr. Malhotra calls for the immediate end of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and the “pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines”

ZH: Canada to Drop Vaccine Mandate at its Border – They will also no longer mandate that visitors must provide a negative test and self-report any potential symptoms of COVID-19 upon entry…

A fired pediatric nurse tearfully testifies of vaccine-induced myocarditis in kids – “I am the face of your COVID misinformation”

Incentivized to KILL: Prescribe Remdesivir, and We’ll Give You a 20% Bonus – Throughout this COVID nightmare, several backward policies crushed the Hippocratic Oath and all that it means to be a doctor

Ukraine Can Win This War – The experts said Ukraine was ill-prepared and ill-equipped because Russia’s military was simply too powerful, but they were wrong

Are you better off than you were two years ago? – Elections are not won or lost not by either of the party’s base, but rather by those independent voters in the middle

The federal deficit is now out of control – Since the CBO’s statement in late July, the deficit problem has become more acute as the United States is hemorrhaging debt

3 Strategies Democrats Will Use to Win the Midterms – Everyone knows that presidential approval is the number-one determining factor for midterm outcomes, so why are Democrats so smug

George Carlin At His Best – #11 Couldn’t be truer these days as George was always spot-on with his observations

Italy’s 1st woman premier was confirmed – Giorgia Meloni declared “We defend God, country, and family built on opposition to gender ideology and the LGBT lobby alongside support for strong borders”

Is this the end of the European Union as we knew it? – Sunday, Italy voted and Monday, George Soros’s “global order” is history as he, along with his puppets in the European Parliament, lost the election

Did the FBI Finally Go Too Far? – With the Saturday arrest of pro-life activist Mark Houck?

September 25, 2022

Sharyl Attkisson: One in three Americans gets a college degree, but has that made us better equipped to earn a living? – Some lessons to consider from the  Amish – Well worth 8-minutes of your time

Dr. Joseph Mercola: I predicted this ‘no testing required’ formula would spread beyond COVID shots, and  the executive order Biden just signed shows it is about to happen – The development of genetic engineering technologies and techniques

Special Master Gives Trump a Minor Victory – He does not have to disclose the names of lawyers and employees who will get access to documents and materials seized during last month’s raid to the DOJ

Victor Davis Hanson: Remembering Hate Speech – What we used to know as “hate speech” is now presidentially acceptable speech, and what has followed from it should be no surprise

ZH: A new Rasmussen/RMG Research poll has found that a majority of Americans believe illegal immigrants should be sent to sanctuary cities instead of forcing border states to shoulder the burden

Will There Be Further Movement Rightward? – What to look for in the new Supreme Court term

Dr. Pierre Kory: Peer-Reviewed Studies on Ivermectin Showing Statistically Significant Benefits For The Treatment Were Taken Down And Retracted “Without  Any Explanation”

Dr. Paul Marik: If the vaccines are so dangerous, why aren’t more doctors speaking out? – When he started speaking out, he was retaliated against by the medical community

A Pro-Vaccine Immunologist Gets Jabbed Then Starts Feeling Worse – A follow-up CT scan showed in only a few days, his cancer had grown so fast that lights were showing up all over his scan

Democrats appear eager for someone other than Joe Biden to be the party’s 2024 presidential nominee with 56% of registered Democrats voters and Democrat-leaning voters wanting another candidate

Cheney will do “whatever it takes” to prevent a Trump 2024 nomination – She said during the Texas Tribune Festival that she will leave the GOP if Trump wins the nomination

Trump or DeSantis? Why not both? – To allow the media to be arbiters of what is cringe-worthy is old-school fretting that will not be helpful next time around

Fair Trials Are Impossible for January 6 Defendants – Judges on the D.C. District Court have denied every change of venue motion, absurdly insisting residents of a city that voted 93 percent for Joe Biden in 2020 can be fair and impartial

California drivers are paying about $2 per gallon of gasoline more than the national average price, with prices soaring even as the national average has steadily declined from its record-high level in the spring

Governor Newsom signed a bill Friday that will remove the word “Squaw” from all geographic place names in California, declaring the term “racist and a sexist slur,” leaving the town of Squaw Valley in an uproar

Governor Newsom signed a law Friday expanding the ability of illegal aliens to obtain state identification and tightening restrictions on state cooperation with federal immigration authorities to bar even health and safety exceptions

Those who argue for censorship fear the compelling nature of the adversarial point of view –Their dictatorial game was always about whether free-thinking individuals could be herded like human livestock

Prop. 30 Will Split California’s Ruling Elite – If it passes, taxpayers will pour tens of billions into EV technology that will be obsolete within a decade or two

The Biden administration just launched the “Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights” to address what officials say are the disproportionate harms inflicted on low-income areas and communities of color by pollution and climate change

Sneaking anti-Semitism into school curricula – If Israel didn’t want to share the land with the Palestinians, they could have wiped out all the Palestinians long ago

The hidden truths about electric cars – There are no emissions directly from an E.V. itself, but there are many from mining operations for their batteries, which is not generally publicized

Aren’t we lucky that both the mainstream and social media blocked the Hunter laptop story? – Biden’s margin of victory in three swing states was less than a percentage point, making tech censorship a pivotal factor in the outcome

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tests positive for COVID-19 for the second time in two months

September 24, 2022

Joe Biden Takes Off For Another Weekend Vacation in Delaware – Biden Has Spent 40% of His Presidency on Vacation with No Visitor Logs

China underscored its commitment to its claim on Taiwan on Saturday, telling world leaders that anyone who gets in the way of its goal to reunify with the island would be “crushed by the wheels of history”

The Alleged Oath Keepers Jan. 6 Radio Traffic Is, In Reality, A Recording of People Watching TV

US-China Strategic Rivalry Escalates Over Chips, Foreign Businesses Caution Investing in China – With the passage of the U.S. CHIPS Act, on Sept. 6, the U.S. DOC released its “Strategy for the CHIPS for America Fund”

Biden Department of Justice? – Hardly It’s going after the conservative Eagle Forum of Alabama because the group supported a state law to prohibit gender-altering medical treatment for minors

Allies of former President Donald Trump are creating a new super political action committee (PAC), MAGA Inc., that is expected to act as the key vehicle for his midterm spending on candidates he endorses

Planned Parenthood Stealth-Edits Their Website To Match Stacey Abrams’ “Heartbeat” Claim – “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks,” said Abrams”

Over 98% of Eligible Americans Say NO THANKS to the Updated Covid-19 Boosters Three Weeks Into The Rollout – “The fact that the Wall Street Journal is even reporting this is powerful”

Vaccine Mandate Ruled “Invalid” for Police Association Members in New York City – As it applies to members of the PBA, it is “invalid” and fired cops must be given back their jobs

Government Researchers Determine That The Annual Flu Shots Are Not Effective in The Elderly, After All

If China invades Taiwan to unify it with the mainland, the United States will go to war to defend Taiwan and send U.S. troops to fight the invaders – That is the commitment made last week by Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s Old Man Filter Goes Haywire Again – “It’s Elton John’s fault we are spending $6 billion in taxpayer dollars on HIV and AIDS this month”

Joe Biden’s mistakes are no laughing matter – Biden and the Democrats declared war on fossil fuels, ignoring the fact that fossil fuels are the basis of prosperity in the USA and other countries

Biden tries happy-talk about the “transitory” economy as elections loom – When the WH is talking about soft landings while the Federal Reserve chairman is using the word “pain,” that’s not always the way to bet

Newt Gingrich: The Biden Administration May Be “The Most Disastrous Since Buchanan” – “What the Republicans in the House have done is they’ve matched up solutions against Biden’s Democratic failures”

Is Biden deliberately destroying America’s military defenses? – The Air Force Academy is offering a new fellowship program for “gender minorities” only, with straight men explicitly excluded

California is losing residents and Gavin Newsom has lame excuses – The real problem is that Newsom wants to run for president in 2024, but he has to do it as the governor of a failing state

A gay man condemns transgender education – “If I tried to teach your children about my sexuality, I would be arrested. Yet when the school board does it. it’s education”

The same ideology underlying the demands of student radicals and the university’s subsequent reformations is now forming and re-shaping American K–12 education

A U.S. presidential administration teamed up with Black Lives Matter (BLM), an unscrupulous, failed, corrupt organization that promotes violence, to carry out the world’s largest racial hoax

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: MARTHA’S VINEYARD SEQUEL – You know a political stunt has landed when the new news cycle and the more important memosphere are still obsessing over it a week later

September 23, 2022

Poll after poll after poll shows inflation is currently the voters’ top concern – It could well be that inflation, and the chain of events set off by inflation, will be the driving factor in the 2024 presidential election, too

Dr. Mehmet Oz released his health records as he maneuvers to keep questions about Democrat rival John Fetterman’s recovery from a stroke front and center in the hotly contested PA US Senate campaign

Who Is Our Real President? – Is it Joe Biden or the staffers who keep walking back his comments?

The California Air Resources Board voted to end the sale of gas furnaces and gas water heaters by the year 2030

The Israeli MoH commissioned researchers to analyze adverse event reports submitted by Israelis and the researchers presented findings from the new surveillance system in an internal June 2022 meeting

150+ scientists who worked in a top U.S. national security laboratory were hired by the CCP to do research much of which has directly advanced Chinese military technology and threatens U.S. security

John Daniel Davidson: The Border Crisis Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg – Amid record numbers of illegal border-crossers, a much larger “Cartel Crisis” looms in Mexico, with dire implications for the United States

House Republicans created a town hall to explain how their Commitment to America agenda would help Americans and earn their trust as they strive to gain the House majority

Donald Trump: The upcoming midterms are a “referendum” on President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and the “radical left Democrat Congress that is destroying our country”

There are two kinds of voter fraud, one is obvious – Welcome to Massachusetts, World Headquarters for Insidious Voter Fraud – The Democrats are the perpetrators and the Republicans are their victims

Castrating Your Child’s Future – What sort of psychopath terminates her child’s future by chemically castrating and surgically butchering him?

The special master has allowed Donald Trump to identify the materials that Trump claims were “planted” by investigators and gave him until Sept. 30 to answer the question of whether or not the FBI lied

An FBI whistleblower who alleges the bureau has been diverting resources to create a false political narrative that America has a violent domestic extremism problem has been suspended

As sham investigations against conservatives in the MAGA movement begin to ramp up before the 2022 mid-term election, the Democrat machine suffered a huge loss today: prosecutors will not seek charges against Trump-endorsed Matt Gaetz for sex trafficking. The bogus allegation arose in 2020

ZH: The Fed Is Finally Seeing The Magnitude Of The Mess It Created – Powell has finally come to terms with the fact that inflation is not transitory—as the Fed long insisted—and is now impossible to deny

Republicans will immediately move to reverse the Biden administration’s hiring of 87,000 IRS agents if they flip the House in the upcoming midterm elections, the top Republican in the lower chamber says

California Withholds Release of Presumably Poor Student Test Scores Until After The Election – “California Superintendent of Instruction Tony Thurmond does not want to be held accountable for the results”

Sharyl Attkisson: US home sales record 7th straight monthly drop – The Fed’s aggressive monetary policy tightening, marked by oversized interest rate increases, has weakened the housing market considerably

Pharmaceutical giants including Pfizer and Moderna are refusing to share data and technology from their COVID-19 vaccines with researchers studying alternative treatments for the virus

Social media is filled with videos showing long lines of cars at border crossings and airports, as thousands of Russian men subject to Putin’s “partial mobilization” elect to flee the country instead

The 11th Circuit’s unconstitutional ruling against Trump – SCOTUS made clear that the president himself, not any other part of the U.S. government, has the final say over what constitutes a classified document

There is no widely accepted scientific definition of when a pandemic starts or officially ends – Ending it is a political decision, and Joe Biden has made it

Australia in 2022 has so far seen an increase in deaths from cancer, dementia, and diabetes – The findings from the ABS come after elective surgeries were suspended during the pandemic years over concerns hospitals could not cope with the volume of extra patients

The first Hunter Biden whistleblowers memos unmask lucrative gas deals with China – Internal company memos show Hunter’s effort to score American LNG ports, gas deals, and drilling ventures for Beijing

The Latest Survey About Trump Isn’t Shocking at All – The media and deep state have gone so far off the reservation in their attempts to destroy him that their credibility has been destroyed

Let’s Go Grocery Shopping To Fact-Check Biden’s Inflation Is Up “Hardly At All” Claim – Among the basic items in this shopping survey, prices were up an overall average of 70% since the Trump midterms

Biden Is Mostly Mum on Student Debt Relief While Traveling Country

The Biden administration may try to oust World Bank head David Malpass, who took office during the Trump administration because they believe he’s weak on climate

The Gift of Odysseus: Ranked Choice Voting – Subversive electoral schemes like ranked-choice voting are allowed to take root because conservatives have been asleep at the wheel

The Current Crime Wave Is Unlike Any Ever Experienced In America – No longer limited to dark corners or deserted parking lots, it’s now occurring in the middle of the regular hustle and bustle of our daily lives

Unpacking the deadly discipline problem facing administrators and  teachers in our public schools – They are powerless due to a lack of support, equity, and outright fear

Insidious Voter Fraud – The Democrat-dominated Massachusetts State Legislature passed a new law that gives drivers’ licenses to illegal immigrants and automatically registers them to vote at the time they get their license

Where have all the white supremacists gone? – Democrats purposely lie about the number, reach, and threat magnitude of white supremacists just so they can stay in power

Fraudsters may have gotten away with tens of billions of dollars in financial aid during the Covid pandemic by filing claims in multiple states and using the social security numbers of dead people

September 22, 2022

A new 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial poll shows Trump-Endorsed Kari lake leading Democrat Katie Hobbs by close to five points just over a month before the November 8 General Elections

Parents want to know why California public school teachers won’t just let their kids be kids without forcing a sexual agenda on them in grade school, middle school, and high school

Republican governors have transported10,000+ migrants to Democrat strongholds this year, sparking a political firestorm over immigration policies less than two months before November’s midterm elections

The Special Master judge in former President Donald Trump’s records case has proposed that a government official swear that the government properly listed all items taken from Trump’s home in August

Trump Reveals A New Item The FBI Probably Took – His will is missing and he thinks the Justice Department has it

Sharyl Attkisson: Anatomy lesson: Redefining the word “migrant” – Today, resources are often used as tools to redefine and manipulate words to the liking of governments, corporations, or other propagandists

Democrats Continue Their Lies About Police Deaths on January 6 –  Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Congressional Democrats fuel a false narrative intended to stoke outrage

DEMOCRATS MOVE TO CRIMINALIZE OPPOSITION – The DOJ has issued subpoenas to a large number of people who were associated in some way with the Trump campaign or his administration

Nearly half of DEMOCRATS feel less safe since Biden took office – Overall, nearly 7 in 10 Americans have that concern

EU Members Are Divided on Giving Asylum to Russians Fleeing Mobilization – The Baltic states and the Czech Republic have said they won’t accept Russians looking to avoid getting drafted

Despite numerous editorials from local newspapers across Pennsylvania, as well as the Washington Post, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman’s campaign still refuses to release updates on his medical condition

Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia Is Coercing Parents – In-house CHOP training videos teach staff how to coerce parents into accepting gender transition for their kids

A Canadian woman who died within 15 minutes of receiving a COVID-19 booster shot was in good health, according to her daughter – Meanwhile, Canada is lifting its requirement that anyone entering the country must be “fully vaccinated”

Fauci Blames ‘Divisiveness in Society’ for COVID-19 Policy Confusion and Admits to ‘Draconian’ Measures – Hospitals were being “overrun” and we were forced to take “draconian” steps

The Gates Foundation is funding studies on how to manipulate people to receive “future” COVID-19 vaccines despite studies continuing to show links between the vaccine and myocarditis

This Is Disturbing: The Covid mRNA Shots Could Be Weakening Peoples’ Immune Systems for Generations – “People who take the vaccines are not the same”

Is the Spike Protein Changing Our Gene Expression? – Several studies indicate they can damage human cell mitochondria, suppress the human immune system, form amyloid-like proteins, and cause abnormal blood clots

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Suppress, Silence, Skew and Censor – HealthCare Ethics Committee Forum: Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-perceptions of researchers and practitioners

A Top Florida Democrat Endorses Ron DeSantis, Says “Too Much Is on the Line” – DeSantis is running against Democrat Charlie Crist, the former governor of Florida, in the state’s gubernatorial race

Top ICE Official Makes Harrowing Admission – From 2008 through 2016, ICE removed never less than 230,000 illegal immigrants per year, however, in 2021, under Biden, they  only deported 55,598

The Department of Homeland Security has reportedly verified that the Venezuelan government is releasing violent criminals from its prisons and sending them to the United States

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is being investigated by the DOJ over alleged identity theft and damage to a protected computer relating to an alleged breach of voting machines in Colorado, court documents show

Americans are set to fork out an extra $11,500 this year if they want to enjoy the same standard of living they maintained in 2020, according to new estimates from NerdWallet

The Bill Barr Comes to Trump’s Defense Over NY AG’s Lawsuit – “By all accounts, James’s move appears to be a political hit job”

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Rejects Trump’s Special Master Review And Instead Trust The FBI Completely – Rather than continue to fight this losing and expensive battle, Trump should pivot to the midterms and take his case to the public

Fact-checking under President Trump was a bustling business, but under Biden, fact-checkers have simply checked out in terms of scrutinizing the many ways that he is misleading the public

The “DeSantis Is Worse Than Trump” Campaign Begins – The only reason to do so now is that his recent actions have raised his profile nationally and increasingly endeared him to conservatives

Kari Lake offers a master class in avoiding the media’s ‘gotcha’ questions – “Kari, a lot of people of color feel like they are unfairly targeted by police”

Steve Kirsch: I formally asked the CDC to answer a few easy questions – I filled out the official media request form on their website and here is what I asked them

September 21, 2022

Ron DeSantis has smashed fundraising records and has now raised more money than any governor in U.S. history. This has fueled major speculation that DeSantis is eyeing a run for president in 2024

The US Power Grid Needs Trillions in Upgrades to Accommodate Future Renewable Energy Demands – Even using nuclear energy as a crutch, the cost of upgrades needed amounts to $4 trillion

Why Does The National Education Association, The Country’s Largest Teachers Union, Want Kids To Learn Butthole-Licking? – Documents show their LGBTQ caucus provides lesson plans in perversion

A POLITICAL MYSTERY – Why do Democrats insist that little children be indoctrinated in transgender ideology?

The Democrat-dominated House Oversight Committee on Tuesday shot down an effort by the committee’s Republicans to get their hands on documents about the Biden family’s overseas interests

The Federal Reserve raised the benchmark federal funds rate by 75 basis points on Sept. 21 and indicated that further big increases were likely at two remaining meetings this year

Trump Torches Biden with Truth Bomb Regarding Where He Sat at Queen’s Funeral – “This is what’s happened to America in just two short years,  No Respect!”

Clown Show: Attorney General Letitia James Announces A Lawsuit Against Donald For Inflating Net Worth – Something That’s Already Been Debunked

Trump Reveals the Moment He Knew NY The Attorney General Would Bring A Case Against Him – “I never thought this case would be brought — until I saw her really bad poll numbers”


Biden Says Deporting Illegal Immigrants to Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua Is “Not Rational” – “There are fewer immigrants that are coming from Central America than from Mexico, it’s a different circumstance”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott revealed that more than 11,000 illegal immigrants have been bused to the cities of New York, Chicago, and Washington D.C. this year

A Grassroot Election Integrity Movement Sweeps The Battleground States – Led by the Election Integrity Network, a project of the Conservative Partnership Institute, a Washington-based non-profit

In the aftermath of an exposé by Matt Walsh, Tennessee’s Governor Bill Lee has called for an investigation of the Pediatric Transgender Clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville

Mosby’s Final Insult to Baltimore – She freed a convicted murderer on her way out the door

A New Book Exposes Hard Truths About The Covid-19 Vaccines – The result of the mismanagement of the pandemic, surging infection rates, and ongoing reports of vaccine safety issues have led more people than ever before to question current public health policies

Steve Kirsch: Alarming Evidence Of Harm – Here is a short collection of evidence showing the COVID vaccines are not “safe and effective” – They are the most deadly vaccines we’ve ever produced

People With Jobs Are Becoming Disabled at Alarming Rates – Each one is a tragedy, but that’s just a tiny fraction of the actual number because there’s a significant underreporting factor in VAERS

There Is A Wave of Mainly Heart Deaths In England and Wales That Tops 17,800 But The Government Still Won’t Release Data by Vaccination Status

A Doctor Finds “Rectangles and Inverted Pyramids” in Degraded mRNA Vaccines – He used an electron microscope to analyze Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines exposed to room temperature for weeks or months

The mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed on the Head Start program was struck down by a judge who said the mandate is clearly outside the power of the agency that promulgated and enforced it

One Small Step For Man…Closer To World War III – Putin escalates his troop engagement and nuclear rhetoric, Xi continues to urge “prep for war” and Jerome Powell is hours away from continuing to raise interest rates at breakneck speed

Putin Accuses the West of “Nuclear Blackmail” and Announces Conscription to Boost The Russian Army

Vladimir Putin’s decision to mobilize a portion of the reserve forces to join the fight in Ukraine is an indication of manpower losses according to the White House

Western Sanctions Against Russia Spark Mayhem In Shipping As A New Threat Emerges – Concerns are growing that the limited availability of LNG vessels this winter may cause cargo disruptions

11 Republican attorneys general filed an amicus brief in support of former Donald Trump in his legal battle over the FBI raid of his Mar-a-Lago home, denouncing the search as a “ransacking” at the hands of the Biden administration

Difficulty and Opportunity Lie Ahead – Normally, a  government fracturing from its ranks would immediately seek to forge unity and common national purpose among its zen, but not the Biden administration

Tucker Carlson: The Great Replacement Theory Was Supposedly A Conspiracy Theory – Now It Sounds More Like a Statistical Fact

Why has President Biden opened our southern border? – That wasn’t quite the question that he took on his way out the door of his remarks on the DISCLOSE Act yesterday (transcript here), but it was close

Questions The Media Should Be Required To Answer (But Can’t or Won’t) On Caring For The Illegal Immigrants Crossing Our Borders

Google Rigged The 2020 Election – A Senior Google engineer leaked 950 pages of internal documents that prove Google used censorship, blacklist, and machine learning algorithms to rig the 2020 election

The FBI just made the best case for dismantling itself – Tucker Carlson recently covered some disturbing allegations from an FBI whistleblower about their avoidance of investigating sex crimes against children

The war isn’t against ‘fossil fuels’ but rather the people – Here are several points the media doesn’t want us to see

Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar explains why his polls show Republicans competitive even in some of the bluest places

“The Pandemic is over” is not just another Biden gaffe – What about vaccination requirements requiring Federal workers and contractors being required to prove they are vaccinated…

Colleen Huber NMD: Since the dawn of COVID my patients and Substack readers have expressed dismay over how idiotic doctors seemed to have become – Here’s how it happened and who was involved

The Jab Put Me on a Journey I Didn’t Expect, Or Want – This is my COVID story, which is more about what the vaccine did to m than the virus

Healthy, Successful People Are Suddenly Dying Off Faster Than the General Population – Most of them were forced to take the jab to keep their job

Dr. Joseph Mercola: COVID-19 is a war against the public, to force us into a New World Order, a One World Government run by a globalist cabal, where “biosecurity” is the justification for the removal of Constitutional rights and freedoms

Criminals Won’t Give Up Their Guns – This gentleman tells it like it is and without using a teleprompter

September 20, 2022

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld a new Texas law – HB 20 requires social media platforms such as Twitter, Google (including YouTube), and Facebook to stop censoring viewpoints they don’t like

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan: A Whistleblower Claims The FBI Is Diverting Resources from Child Trafficking Cases to Investigate Jan. 6

The U.S. Government’s Vast New Privatized Censorship Regime – Censorship of wrong-think by Big Tech at the behest of the government is government censorship, which violates the First Amendment

Ripping Off the Racial Preference Veil – Hiring a “diversity candidate” under a preference regime almost always means not hiring a more qualified non-diverse candidate

A grand jury subpoena indicates that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is conducting a criminal investigation into the activities of those questioning the integrity of the 2020 presidential election

Biden Arrives Late for Queen’s Funeral, Then Viewers Notice Where He’s Sitting – 14 rows back with the leaders of the Czech Republic and Switzerland as an apparent result of the tardiness

Special Master in Trump Case Says He Doesn’t Want to See Records Marked Classified – “Let’s not belittle the fact that we are dealing with at least potentially legitimately classified information”

Ron DeSantis Receives Thunderous Applause After OBLITERATING Biden’s Open-Border Policy – “When Biden is flying these people all over the fruited plain in the middle of the night, I didn’t hear a peep out of those people!”

Here’s How Much a New Monthly Mortgage Will Cost – Mortgage rates surpassed 6 percent last week for the first time since 2008

Why the Middle Class Is Being Destroyed – The emergence of a cognitive elite and  the almost total convergence of intellectuals with the financial elite explains the coming extinction of the middle class

This video from the South China Morning Post shows a row of electric buses in China combusting rather dramatically – Would you have a chance if it were in service and you were on board?

The use of face masks in classrooms made “no significant difference” in COVID-19 infection rates, according to a new study

Steve Kirsh: How do we sway the minds of people who refuse to see the negative Covid data? – The problem is getting people to consider the possibility that they have been lied to and fooled

After Biden Declares COVID-19 Pandemic “Is Over,” Fauci Interprets “What He Meant” – Biden”s comment to the CBS show prompted Democrats to scramble to shape the narrative around his messaging

Moderna’s updated COVID-19 vaccine was found to not be more effective at preventing COVID-19 infection, according to a new study

The “Big Guy” Resurrects Big Brother NewSpeak – The Democrats’ goal, aided and abetted by the complicit legacy media, is to resurrect Big Brother’s tyranny

13 True Facts from the “My Son Hunter” Movie – Although the movie takes some artistic liberties, many scenes portray true accounts of the Biden scion’s life

The depths of the Bureau’s depravity know no bounds – What kind of things would brand an American citizen as a possible terrorist threat? A stated belief in the Second Amendment, for one

John Daniel Davidson: Sorry, There’s No ‘Smoking Gun’ In Martha’s Vineyard, Just A Lot Of Left-Wing Condescension – The notion these migrants were tricked into traveling to Massachusetts is the height of leftist contempt for people they claim to champion

Judging by the intensity of the Left’s indignation over Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s decision to fly four dozen immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, last week, it’s safe to say he struck a nerve

The latest poll from the midterm battleground of Georgia shows most Republican candidates in the Peach State pulling away from their Democrat opponents with fewer than 50 days until the general election

Green Energy Transition Hits the Wall – The prospect of a cold winter without Russian gas in Europe seems to be the one thing that the Global Warming scientists didn’t think about in planning their glorious Great Leap Forward to the green energy transition

While Battling Sanctuary City Officials, Abbott’s Texas Lead Expands – Governors Abbott, Ducey, and DeSantis are forcing Democrats to taste a small fraction of what their failing policies have been wreaking in their states for the better part of two years

Democrats desperate to hold onto their emergency COVID-19 powers are hitting the airwaves to walk back comments made by Joe Biden over the weekend that the “pandemic is over”

Steve Kirsh: Dr. Paul Offit, one of the world’s most respected vaccine experts says to wait and see before getting the new Covid booster that has only been tested on mice

Shades of Mengele – Dr. Fauci falsely claimed that Hydroxychloroquine was ineffective against COVID-19, but while he promoted potentially lethal injections for average Americans, government elites received restorative cures

Advocates for people injured by COVID-19 vaccines are meeting with federal officials to discuss the problem and the need for compensation for vax-injured people and survivors of those who have been killed by the vaccine

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Latest COVID Shots Sold as Genetic Software Update – For each hospitalization prevented, the jab will cause 18 to 98 serious adverse events…

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Dr. Malone’s attorneys sent cease-and-desist letters to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Rolling Stone, and The Scientist

September 19, 2022

A Natural Gas Shortage Is Looming For The U.S. – While natural gas prices in the United States fell after a railway strike was averted last week, it looks likely that prices both at home and abroad will spike this winter


The Cartoon Fall of the House of Cheney – Maybe this is a man who long lost touch as he represented a “heartland” that year after a year lost a little more heart

“It’s Not Just a Decline, It’s an Absolute Implosion” – Steve Cortes on Biden’s Devastating Housing Numbers Released this Morning

Joe Biden declared that the pandemic is over which could render his decision to forgive trillions of dollars of student loan debt unconstitutional as he used the COVID-19 emergency to legally justify the move

Biden Breaks from Decades of US Policy with Single Interview Answer – The U.S. previously retained a longstanding policy of “strategic ambiguity” on Taiwan intended to keep China in the dark 

The Justice Department Is Desperate to Conceal “Classified” Records – It’s all just another campaign of deceit—with reliable assistance from the national news media—to get Trump

These Five Senate Seats Could Flip in the November – Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona

Central Bank Digital Currencies are the Bullet Train to Digital Concentration Camps – “If you can empty or freeze  bank accounts at will, and tell people what they can and cannot spend money on, you’ve got complete control”

Trump Returns to Mar-a-Lago, Reveals ‘Place Will Never Be the Same’ After Raid – “The residence “was ‘ransacked,’ and in far different condition than the way I left it”

Igor Danchenko Confirms He Was Paid by FBI for Years – He provided information to dossier author Christopher Steele and was relied upon to build other cases and open other investigations

Marilyn Mosby: the Rise and Fall of a Radical District Attorney – Mosby faces federal charges for fraud and perjury, but her tenure provides a lesson in how the left-wing movement to “reimagine” policing and the criminal justice system has destroyed many once-great American cities

Gavin Newsom Vows to Run for President Under One Likely Condition – If Joe Biden does not seek a second term

Human Composting Is Now Legal in California – AB 351 was signed into law! It legalizes “human composting” as an after-death option

Woman Injured by Pfizer Shot Forced to Get Vaccine Despite Pre-Existing Heart Issue – Now she can’t work at all

In the wake of military setbacks, Putin threatens more destruction – “Indeed, we were quite restrained in our response, but that will not last forever,” If the situation continues like that, our response will be more impactful”

Liz Cheney Refuses to Go Away And Announces Huge Decision – She is expected to introduce a bill next week that will put up new hurdles to challenging electors and may also limit the role of the vice president

The truth about leftists is coming out – Ever since Obama crept into national politics, we’ve seen the inner workings of the left and progressives for what they are: socialists and communists, which is ultimate control by government, so that elites can rule

ZH: Biden Declares The COVID Pandemic “Is Over” – If “the pandemic is over” then all of the President’s emergency powers predicated on a pandemic, all COVID vax mandates, the emergency powers of every governor, Emergency Use Authorizations, and the PREP act should all be voided tomorrow

Cleanup1 on Aisle 46: Joe Biden makes a mess of his 60 Minutes interview – He made one mess after another, which has put his White House staff into full walk back, spin, and damage control mode

The Economy Weakness Is Broadening Out From Low-Income To Middle-Income Consumers – For higher-income households, which represent a large share of national income, financial conditions aren’t tightening, they’re easing

Martha’s Vineyard freak-out: Ignoring the real problem – Everything the Biden administration has done since Day One has been to increase the incentive for would-be immigrants to cross illegally into the U.S.

Who Is Spreading Misinformed Disinformation? – Quotes put that show just how important it is to automatically agree with whatever our masters in the mainstream media/government suggest to us, NOT

September 18, 2022

New High-Speed COVID Boosters Are Here, And Without Human Testing – Let that sink in, the new BA.4/5 bivalent vaccines have only been tested in mice, not humans – Will they work, and for how long?

The World Economic Forum’s Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved – The “Great Reset” is at its heart a program for driving political power away from individual citizens and toward the controlling interests of a small international class of financial elites

Academic Administrators Are Strangling Our Universities – A parasitic class of self-righteous bureaucrats has taken over campus life

The Political War President — Trump, Live From Ohio and he hasn’t lost a step – The other side has crossed the Rubicon. They’ve done more than insult us. They’ve threatened us

Few Trust The DOJ, Which Is Why Court Should Reject Its Request To Freeze The Special Master – That outcome will be the only way to regain the trust of the American people

Top Obama Propaganda Flunky Caught Attempting to Pay for Jan 6 TikTok Disinfo Campaign – USING A CHINESE COMMUNIST-OWNED COMPANY TO SPREAD FALSE ELECTION INFORMATION 

Times/Siena College Poll: Voters view the economy as the most important issue – Roughly 52% of voters said that they trust Republicans to manage the economy, compared to 38% for the Democrats

Americans Will See Right Through Biden’s Economic Falsehoods and Vote Accordingly – You cannot tell the public that there is no inflation when prices for food, groceries, electricity, natural gas, and cars are rising sharply

Martha’s Vineyard Newspaper Lists 50 Job Ads Despite Claims of No Work on Island For Migrants Bussed Out Of Area

Victor Davis Hanson: Equal Justice, They Said – We are now a revolutionary society in decline using the courts, prosecutors, the administrative state, and the law itself to punish political enemies, help friends, and declare such asymmetry “social justice”

The Jan. 6 Committee Released an Alleged Violent “Walkie-Talkie” Recording from J-6 Protests — BUT THEY LIED AND GOT CAUGHT – The People on the Call WERE NOT EVEN AT CAPITOL!

The January 6 Committee will hold at least one more hearing and release an early report into its “findings” before the 2020 midterm elections, in what is probably the least surprising “October surprise” in American political history

Goldman Sachs cuts its 2023 outlook for US growth – Goldman sees another huge interest rate hike coming this week, projecting the Fed will raise by another 75 basis points

One underappreciated economic indicator is deeply negative – The NAHB announced last month that homebuilder confidence has fallen for eight straight months

Dan Bongino: The left’s police state is here – Bongino raises concerns over the White House calling for censorship of free speech

WSJ: Electric Bills Soar Across the Country as Winter Looms – Rising natural-gas prices are expected to make it more expensive to light and heat homes in the coming months

A DC firm with Clinton ties is operating a ‘grassroots’ scheme in the shadows – In 2020 alone, Arabella doled out nearly one billion dollars, with a majority of the money going to “left-leaning and [other] politically active nonprofits”

The For-Profit D.C. Firm Staging America’s ‘Grassroots’ Movements – Supposed spontaneous local protests are funded and staffed to a large degree by a “dark money” network controlled by Arabella Advisors

Tucker Carlson: Martha’s Vineyard GoFundMe for illegal migrants won’t go to them – It is being added to a reserve being built up to assist situations like this in the future, like a university endowment

The NYT led its edition, on Constitution Day, with a front-page article identifying “twin threats” to democracy: not one from the right and one from the left, but rather 1) Republicans and 2) Republican-appointed judges

Retaining election records from the 2020 election – Does the number of people who voted in the 2020 general election equal the number of ballots cast?  – The AFPI says the records that would answer the question do not exist 

SHAPES OF THINGS: FACEBOOK EDITION – “Government censorship should scare us just as much as COVID once did”

Are US Firearm Deaths Overstated? – Per the CDC, only 1% of all deaths in the U.S. for all age groups in 2020 were by firearm. Doesn’t a 99% deserve an A+?

Policing in Democrat-run cities: Don’t say we didn’t warn you – Police departments in big cities are adopting an unofficial “react after the crime” policy instead of being proactive and trying to prevent crimes from occurring

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF), is now collapsing visibly, as its supporters and indeed some of its leaders distance themselves from it like rats from a sinking ship

Potty training: The transgender movement wants to change your bathroom habits – Don’t use urinals because it triggers transgender men

Why Are Schools Asking Children about Their Sexual Histories? – School surveys have become another means of indoctrination, so parents are right to push back

The Conservative Review’s Interactive Scorecard – Conservative Review calculates a Liberty Score for members of Congress based on their voting records – A look at the scores leads to despair for true conservatives

September 17, 2022

Why Does the Omicron Booster Contain the Wuhan Strain? – Overstock and Wastage of the Original Vaccines Is The Real Reason Behind Bivalent Vaccine Development

Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin sat on a report from the DOD’s Inspector General for three months – The report related to actions by the military indicating that its COVID mandates violated the law

Democrat DC Mayor Bowser: “We’re Not a Border Town. We Don’t Have the Infrastructure to Handle This Type of Immigration to Our City… We’re Not Texas”

Illinois’ no-cash bail law will turn the state into “The Purge” – The Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act will eliminate cash bail for the majority of defendants charged with criminal acts

A new conservative website was released called The Ronald. It’s a high-tech version of the old-style aggregators, and every single post on the site is generated by its readers. It’s a genius spin-off of a forum and news site merged and a slight hint of social media with the users’ profiles

Honoring the world’s greatest governing document, the U.S. Constitution – The Constitution is the world’s shortest, with only 4,543 words, each protecting us from authoritarianism by the government

The Special Master Calls The DOJ And Trump Lawyers To New York ForA Preliminary Conference – Trump has repeatedly said he previously declassified everything in his possession before leaving office

Wish You Weren’t Here – In a single stroke, Ron DeSantis tore the mask off the hypocrisy of the smug faces of the liberal elites who love crowing about the virtues of “diversity” and the evils of “whiteness”

Governor Newsom’s Adolescent Put-Downs of Florida Governor  DeSantis – Is the United States threatened because Governor Ron DeSantis sent 50 illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard?

A Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Social Media Companies in Free Speech Censorship Fight –  “We reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say”

Inconvenient Data: Canada Purges the Evidence That More Shots Are Leading to MORE Death, Poof! Gone! Data deleted – They can’t allow you to make a negative association with the covid vaccines

The FDA Just Fast-Tracked a Vaccine for Alzheimer’s – Fast-tracking a vaccine that’s targeting an isolated element of Alzheimer’s disease that is not the underlying cause is destined to be a massive disaster

Putin Tells Allies “No Hurry” In Ukraine, Warns Of “More Serious” Action To Come – “We’re are quite restrained in our response to this, for the time being, but if the situation continues to develop in this way, the response will be more serious”

Patrick J. Buchanan: Vladimir Putin’s Narrowing Options – In the last week, the Russian army in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine was driven out of some 2,200 square miles of territory, whose soldiers are now two miles from the Russian border

The 9/11 Conundrum: Terrorists Who Should Be Put to Death but Can’t Be Tried – The outlines of a plea deal are easy to see but, for many of us, impossible to swallow

The extent of a years-long misinformation campaign by the FBI and Justice Department regarding the alleged main source of disgraced Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier has been laid bare by John Durham’s latest court filing

According to both current and former rank-and-file FBI agents, Joe Biden is so desperate to prove that “White Supremacists” are a huge threat to America that he’s been pressuring agents to make up cases

The 5th Circuit says tech companies can’t use the 1st Amendment to censor speech – The law held that social media companies cannot censor views with which they disagree (invariably, views opposing Democrat actions and ideas)

California Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday announced a sweeping package of what he called the country’s “most aggressive” climate measures to “accelerate the state’s transition” to non-conventional energy sources

The Conservative Review interactive scorecard gives A through F grades to every person in Congress – People with an A are highly committed to individual liberty – Those who have an F are pure statists

WHEN THE AXIS TILTS – The Martha’s Vineyard’s migrant meltdown illustrates the efficacy of a few of Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals – Governors Abbott and DeSantis have put several of Alinsky’s rules in play, including…

Hold the open-borders Democrats accountable – This uncontrolled influx is a long-term project of the Democrats to inundate swing states with these migrants who, they think, will ultimately be Democrat voters

Border towns can’t foot the bill for DC-created immigration chaos by themselves – If we are going to leave the border open the obligations to care for those who enter cannot be borne solely based on a community’s proximity to the border

50 migrants arrive at Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence and 4 more buses to NYC – Kamala Harris accused Republican governors of “dereliction of duty” after previously claiming “the border is secure”

Despite the spin, Republicans do have a path to winning the Senate – They need to win five of the eight Senate races rated as toss-ups by RealClearPolitics: Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: MARTHA’S VINEYARD EDITION – The spectacle of the left’s reaction to a mere 50 “migrants” turning up in Martha’s Vineyard has to be the most satisfying since Nixon’s Christmas bombing of Hanoi in 1972

September 16, 2022

The Safety of Hundreds of Millions Hinge on Data From 8 Mice?  – The FDA’s authorization of a vaccine containing the BA.4/5 subvariants based on partial data from another vaccine containing the BA.1 subvariant’s mRNA sequence is baffling

WARNING SIGNS: Estimated GDP by Atlanta Fed CRASHES 1 FULL POINT This Week! – Both the Atlanta Fed and the Blue Chip Consensus have taken deep dives in the past several days

Governor Baker of Massachusetts on Friday announced plans to deploy at least 125 National Guard troops to relocate the 50 illegal migrants that were flown into Martha’s Vineyard to a military base on Cape Cod one day after their arrival

Parmvir Singh: Say His Name – This store clerk gave the thieving thug everything he demanded, was compliant, and posed no threat at all to him, but the thug shot him simply because he, the thug, is an animal

ZH: Violence In California Reaches “Epidemic” Levels As Our Society Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us – What is happening in California is going to happen to the rest of the nation if we do not take urgent action to turn things around

The EU is Speeding Towards Digital ID Systems for Tracking Citizens – The European Digital Identity integrates personal identifiers including birth certificates, medical documents, bank accounts, tax returns, education status, and prescriptions

Democrat lawmakers have introduced legislation that would prevent stock trades by members of Congress and their families, and it is obvious that the political moves are jabs at radical Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Donald Trump’s lawyers have rejected an offer from the NY AG’s office to settle a hotly contested civil investigation into his real estate business, paving the way for a lawsuit accusing him of fraud, according to three people familiar with the case

ZH: The US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens – Disqualification rates for potential recruits jumped from 30-40% (pre-Covid) to a whopping 70% this year due to obesity, low test scores, and/or drug use

Steve Kirsch: The 10 Biggest Globalist Lies That MUST Be Annihilated – We need to focus more on the things that make a substantial impact – Lie #1: “The Covid Vaccines Are a Little Effective and Mostly Safe”

Steve Kirsch: Why the Israeli Ministry of Health didn’t share their safety data – After they learned the vaccines were unsafe in March 2022, they said it was simply a manpower/budget issue that they weren’t able to inform the public

ZH: Delivering his most upbeat message since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, said that the end of the pandemic was finally near

Coleen Huber NMD: A Dr. Sues Medical Board that Stole His License – Paul Thomas MD dared to publish health outcomes comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children so the Oregon Medical Board stole took his medical license

Health Authorities ‘Strongly’ Advise Against Two COVID-19 Treatments – The warnings came as part of an update to the WHO’s  “living guideline” on COVID-19 drugs, published in the BMJ

A Taiwanese Study Finds The Chinese Herb Peimine (Zhabei A in Chinese)Stops Coronavirus From Penetrating Cells and Works Against Mutant Variants

This Is What We Know About the Special Master Named to Review Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Documents – He is one of the few judges who both sides want to appear in front of and is held in the highest regard by attorneys

At a summit at the White House on Thursday to address “hate-fueled violence,” President Joe Biden denounced white supremacists and urged lawmakers in Congress to end special immunity for social media companies

Secretary of State Blinken announced that the United States will send a further $600 million worth of military equipment to Ukraine – The latest drawdown of U.S. military inventory is the 21st authorized by Blinken since September last year

The Bidenomics Sham Is Collapsing – New data from the Atlanta Federal Reserve’s GDPNow data set shows the economy is tanking

WSJ: FedEx Stock Tumbles More Than 20% After Warning on Downward Shipping Trends  – The global shipping giant’s results should loom large over the coming earnings season

Trump Scores Two Huge Victories In Fight For Special Master – Trump’s win shouldn’t be a loss for the DOJ unless they played fast and loose – The “Detailed Inventory” must represent the full accurate extent of the property seized

Far-left agitators shut down TPUSA Tomi Lahren’s speaking event at the University of New Mexico – The event was canceled after Lahren was barricaded in a back room for 45 minutes, and she left under police escort

Germany seizes control of 3 Russian-owned oil refineries ahead of the looming EU deadline – The oil companies will be put under the control of Germany’s Federal Network Agency

Rasmussen Poll: Fifty-two percent of likely voters approve of Texas moving illegal aliens to “sanctuary cities” with only 39 percent disapproving

Martha’s Vineyard deports 50 illegal migrants to the Cape Cod military base after the billionaire’s haven declared a “humanitarian emergency” and went into meltdown following DeSantis’ decision to send them there

Poll: JD Vance grows lead over Tim Ryan in Ohio Senate race – The latest polling hints at growing momentum for the Republican candidate, expanding his lead from a month ago when he led Ryan by only 3 percentage points

Republican voters who refuse to vote hurt everyone else – People who advocate not voting are advocating surrender to the leftist mob and surrender to Democrats who have ruined a perfectly good country

U.S. Oil Reserves Are Disappearing – They Have Reached Their Lowest Levels Since the 1980s

Will Anyone Like It if Biden Ends Fossil Fuels? – Pursuing an “end to fossil fuels” as national policy willfully ignores an inescapable fact about air travel, electric airliners do not exist and it is unlikely they will ever be practical

ZH: US Energy Producers Send Ominous Warning To Europe – “No Bailout Is Coming, Not on the oil side and not on the gas side”

With the FBI seizing phones and computers, Congress should act – What about the people who lack the means to instantly replace a seized computer or telephone when the FBI refuses to return it for days, weeks, months, or years?

A Delaware Judge Rules Democrats’ Vote-By-Mail Law Unconstitutional And Prohibits It In November – Republicans say mail-in ballots without signatures and without any idea of where they are coming from is a problem

A plea bargain in a bribery case involving a USC official and a former local city council member could ensure that evidence implicating Los Angeles mayoral candidate Representative Karen Bass (D-CA) is not revealed

Complications due to mRNA vaccines have been anticipated going back 15 years – When the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, it was already known that the toxicity of the spike protein and the toxicity of another component of the vaccine could cause complications such as inflammation, blood clots, and disruption of the immune system

Many More Will Die Unless We Stop The Covid Vaccinations – It is critically important for the public to understand that the COVID vaccines that the vast majority of people have taken are the root cause of increased death rates

September 15, 2022

Americans Make Enormous Sacrifices While Bidenflation Continues – Prices have risen by 12.6% under President Biden’s administration

Judge Cannon rejects Biden DOJ’s request for a partial stay, and appoints Judge Raymond Dearie as special master – Dearie’s job will be to comb through everything that was seized and suss out what is and is not admissible

ZH: Forecasting The Midterm Elections – It takes 218 votes to control the House, so if Republicans hold the seats they have and pick up just seven seats from Democrats, they will control the House

The Biden Administration Intentionally Weakening Military – Other countries recognize that the Biden administration is weak and indecisive on many issues, not just how the U.S. military left Afghanistan

The Fascist Attack on Mike Lindell – The FBI becomes the Stasi – What Facebook and Twitter did could easily be called rigging an election and Lindell is right to question all of this without fear of being harassed by the FBI

Illegals outside of Kamala’s house tell the TRUTH about the border – The border is wide open

Illinois Governor Pritzker issued an emergency disaster proclamation after hundreds of migrants bused in from Texas – Around 75 National Guard troops were activated as part of the emergency proclamation to provide resources to migrants

“Texas doesn’t own your body” – Gavin Newsom’s campaign launches new billboards in anti-abortion states

California Governor Newsom asks The DOJ to consider “kidnapping” charges after GOP governors ship migrants out of their state and investigate possible illegal acts by Gov. Ron DeSantis and Gov. Greg Abbott

California proposes a mandate to phase out diesel trucks – CA would require new trucks to be zero-emissions in 2040 – Large companies could gradually convert fleets, but truckers worry about the costs and practicality of electric trucks

The Unidentified and Uncharged Instigator in the Oath Keepers Case – With the reputation of the DOJ and the FBI in shreds, it is reasonable at this point to suspect that any unidentified participant could have easily been a fed

In the largest study to date on myocarditis deaths related to COVID-19 vaccination, researchers found that 100 people in England died of myocarditis soon after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine

Transplant recipients are rejecting their new organ after receiving a vaccination against COVID-19, adding another challenge for the vaccinated population, according to the new study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine

A 17-Year-Old Student Suffered A Serious Heart Attack After Finishing A Cross Country Race – Doctors Found Two Blood Clots That Completely Blocked His Right Artery And Are Baffled on Exactly What Happened

Fauci, the Master Bureaucrat, Says It’s Not His Fault – He appears to be the main architect of American lockdowns and vaccine mandates and was doing several media appearances a day for the better part of two years

In a report of its two-year investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet concluded it’s possible the virus originated in an American lab

Senator Ron Johnson: Biden lied to Americans about COVID the vaccine – Big Tech executives silent when asked if they would censor president Biden’s misinformation

Major U.S. railroads and unions secured a tentative deal after 20 hours of intense talks brokered by the Biden administration to avert a rail shutdown that could have hit food and fuel supplies across the country and beyond

WSJ: Mortgage Rates Top 6% for the First Time Since the 2008 Financial Crisis – Already, higher rates are forcing some would-be buyers to continue renting or to skimp elsewhere

The Tide Turns in Ukraine – Over the last ten days, Ukrainians have achieved astonishing gains over the Russian army – What comes next will be critical as the history of warfare has shown that an army is at its most vulnerable in retreat

Russia abandoned “high-value equipment” during the Kharkiv area retreat – Ukraine’s 2nd counteroffensive resulted in recapturing more land than Russia had taken from April through August that occupies significant portions of the south

A recent report claims that Facebook has been spying on the private messages of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they express anti-government sentiments or question the 2020 election

90% of the Republican Party does nothing to oppose the Biden regime’s destructive policies and works with the Democrat Party to maintain the corrupt status quo from which they all so greatly benefit

Who was Behind the January 6 Events? – The target is not so much Trump and the MAGA movement, but the idea that electoral votes could be legally contested on a joint session of Congress

Voter Fraud: The Bottom Line – Why does the Democrat Party oppose free, fair, and credible elections?” –  The short answer is that Democrats are much better at cheating and rigging elections than Republicans

Chuck Schumer privately told other Democrat senators he expects their party will lose the House, contrasting Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s public optimism about maintaining a majority

Democrats vs. Democracy Biden’s warning that democracy is under threat is a projection – The US is not a democracy but a constitutional republic whose citizens employ democratic elections to choose their representatives

By Backing MAGA Candidates, the Democrats Embrace High-Stakes Risk – They will probably beat them in the general election, but with Biden’s approval rating so low and inflation high there’s never a 100 percent chance of victory

Americans Are Piling On More And More Debt – Americans cope with rising prices and prop up the sagging economy by using their credit cards to borrow at an excessive rate because they don’t have any other way to make ends meet

Putin will be meeting Xi Jinping in person next week to solidify Russia’s relationship with China –  The meeting is notable because it is in person, and because Jinping “has not left China since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020”

ZH: “Where Does The Buck Stop” As Yuan Tumbles Below 7 Per Dollar – If and when heavyweights China and Japan fully commit, that could be enough to finally stop the buck

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Federal officials in the Biden administration held secret illegal meetings with social media companies to suppress free speech and to ban or de-platform those who share opposing views about COVID and the vaccines

An Iowa judge ruled on Tuesday that a teenage human trafficking victim must serve five years of closely supervised probation and pay $150,000 in restitution to the family of her accused rapist, whom she stabbed to death

A Woman Escapes COVID-19 Hospital Treatment Protocols, And Says Others Not So Lucky – She is one of the few who has lived to tell her story about what she witnessed on the inside with COVID-19 hospital treatment protocols

MonkeyPox FearPorn Update – Overhyped pretty much as predicted. Yet again, when will they ever learn?

The Trump-Hillary Double Standard: For Her, the FBI Helped Obstruct Its In-House Investigation – The leniency accorded to Clinton contrasts with recent moves by Attorney General Merrick Garland to aggressively investigate Donald Trump

A Whitepaper Shows Durham Isn’t Bringing Collusion Hoaxers To Justice – His team has known of these discrepancies for years but has failed to hold responsible those who used the CIA to target a political opponent with false smears

Why Hispanics are leaving the Democrat Party – The Party’s soul has new ownership that is the property of atheistic, wealthy, woke white people and has moved so far leftward and so fast that no one in the country can keep up

California’s Senate passed a bill that, if signed into law, will give CA courts “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over any child who travels to the state seeking gender transition surgeries and cross-sex hormones, regardless of state residence

Attention Conservatives: They’re Coming For Your Podcasts Next – The liberal Brookings Institution just released what it calls “a tool to monitor political broadcasts” on increasingly popular podcasts – To combat supposed “misinformation”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent two busloads of illegal economic migrants to Vice President Kamala Harris’ official home in D.C., just days after she insisted that “the border is secure”

Candace Owens Threatened With CPS and Misdemeanor Charge – This is more situational ethics and there is little concern over these medical issues from the people who claim that women have a choice over their bodies

I’m an NCAA champion female swimmer and we have to protect girls and women from Biden’s destruction of Title IX – I saw a 6’4 biological male with male parts in our women’s locker room, which  confirms Lia Thomas is a male

A non-partisan ethics watchdog group demanded an investigation into PA’s Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who is running for the open U.S. Senate seat, for allegedly failing to properly disclose all of his assets, which he is legally required to do

Californians Adjust To Their New Life In Texas – Our oldest daughter and her husband escaped California and moved to West Texas a couple of months ago – They are not woke or Liberal, so I know they will get a kick out of this short video

September 14, 2022

A Federal Judge Releases New Portions of Mar-a-Lago Affidavit – Biden’s DOJ Went After Trump’s Video Surveillance Cameras – They demanded approximately six months of footage, from Jan. 10, 2022, to June 24, 2022

Donald Trump has said that Mike Pence will not be his running mate should he run for the presidency again in 2024 – Trump is expected by many observers to launch a third campaign for the presidency in 2024

Trump-Endorsed Karoline Leavitt Runs Away with New Hampshire’s District 1 Primary Win Despite $5 Million in Smear Ads by Kevin McCarthy and GOP Elites! – Trump Congratulates Her!

The Energy Market’s Next Crisis: Oil Tanker Shortages – Demand for tankers has been on the rise since the European Union slapped sanctions on Russia in the spring

NOT Building Trump’s Border Wall Will Cost Taxpayers $5.4 Billion This Year Alone – The Biden administration has been spending around $3 million a day to pay DOD contractors not to finish construction on the southern border wall

Joe Biden’s Transportation secretary wants feds to ban gas cars nationwide ASAP – “We’ve got to make sure that this happens quickly enough to beat climate change”

Electric Cars Are Not “Zero-Emission Vehicles” – The notion that electric vehicles are “zero-emission” is rooted in a deceptive narrative that ignores all pollutants which don’t come out of a tailpipe

Florida governor DeSantis sent two planes full of illegal migrants to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, a state that has supported the Biden administration’s open-border policies

Lori Lightfoot, the GOAT of Hypocrite Sanctuary Mayors – If Chicago’s mayor is truly committed to her city’s sanctuary status, then she should welcome arrivals from Texas without complaint


COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Is Estimated to Turn Negative Over Time in Children – Effectiveness peaked at 60-70% several weeks after the first dose, then dropped nearing zero at week 18 for previously uninfected children

Denmark ends COVID vaccinations for people under 50 – Berenson reports that Denmark did not explicitly say the risks of mRNA jabs now outweigh their benefits for healthy people under 50, but that view “is implicit in the announcement”

Steve Kirsch: I found an honest vaccine scientist – He said that for medical intervention, you have to show the benefits outweigh the risks – These mRNA vaccines don’t meet this bar for people under 70

“Conscientious Objection” Is Reason Enough to Refuse mRNA Vaccines as Preventive Treatment for COVID-19 – These experimental formulations are closer to gene therapy platforms rather than the long-established and familiar vaccines”

The FSMB has taken a stand against what it refers to as “the dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and disinformation” by healthcare professionals going so far as to recommend disciplinary action and state policy changes

ZH: Ukraine wants a “NATO-Esque” bloc to call upon to defend their borders with Russia – Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev warned it is “really a prologue to the Third World War” if it gets enacted and a nuclear holocaust would be the result

The Biggest Looming Crisis You’ve Heard Almost Nothing About – Starting sometime Friday U.S. freight-rail workers could go on strike or experience a lockout, and the economic consequences for Americans could be far-reaching

WSJ: Railroad Union Says Workers Voted Against A Proposed Labor Deal As A Strike Looms – Freight railroads, union leaders are meeting in Washington to avert a possible strike

Why does Biden want to sell warplanes to unfriendly nations? – Increasingly, however, the Biden administration seeks to do just that

As the sweeping Inflation Reduction Act seeks to spend some $369 billion toward energy and climate programs over the next 10 years, those green initiatives will mostly benefit family members of top officials with ties to the Chinese regime

As if inflation brought on by government overspending weren’t high enough already, a new study shows that Joe Biden’s illegal migrant surge is costing taxpayers $20.4 billion a year, or the equivalent of $9,232 for each illegal migrant

Joe Biden shrugged off the latest unexpectedly high inflation numbers on Tuesday even as they triggered a sudden plunge in the stock market – “I think we’re going to be fine”

Trafalgar Poll: Coward Congressional Republicans Are Focused On The Wrong Issues – American priorities for  the 2022 midterms are #1 Border security, then China threat, then more oil production, Police funding, and a fix for Biden inflation

Disturbing Footage Shows Camouflaged Group Descending Southern Border Wall to Enter US – The Border Patrol has apprehended more illegals at the border than in any other year of American history in 2022

The Global “Green Energy” Push is Causing Fertilizer Shortages and Threatening The Human Food Supply – Over 80 percent of the global sulfur supply currently comes from the desulfurization of fossil fuels

A survey conducted on behalf of the Swedish online newspaper Bulletin found that 79% of people who arrived in Sweden as refugees, supposedly fleeing war or persecution, have returned to vacation in their home country since arriving there

Justice Delayed Is Justice Debauched – On Valentine’s Day 2018 Nikolas Cruz entered his Parkland, Florida, high school, systematically executed 17 classmates and staff with a semi-automatic rifle, and wounded 17 others, three critically

Attacking the Rule of Law – The mismatch between constitutional and particular incentives provides an opening for the ideological opponents of the Rule of Law to gain allies among those who can profit by undermining it

Joe Biden’s FTC Is Out of Control – Khan and fellow leftist crusaders to abandon the quantifiable agency standard of protecting consumers for a vaguer goal of protecting “the public” – This allows them to pursue Biden’s woke agenda

Sharyl Attkisson: A Pentagon watchdog opens a review of Afghanistan vetting failures – The Biden Administration evacuated 324 individuals into the US who appeared on DoD’s watchlist, which includes known suspected terrorists

ZH: Germany Calls For A “Refugee Summit” As New Migrant-Wave Strains Cities & States – A leaked report shows a 47 percent increase in illegal migration to Germany so far this year

How Big Tech Helps To Turn Kids Trans – Digital spaces are ever more designed to promote sexual and transgender content

Gallup Poll: More Americans are now smoking more marijuana than cigarettes – Only 11% of Americans surveyed said they smoked cigarettes compared to 45% in the mid-1950s

September 13, 2022

Ron DeSantis Is Conservatism’s Future – The Florida governor’s speech at NatCon3 shows that common-sense populism is where the GOP must stand

The Golden State is losing its luster – A troubling new report labels physical and sexual violence in pandemic-era California a statewide “epidemic” Indicating violence is on an alarming rise

U.S. stocks finished sharply lower Tuesday, with all three major indexes posting their worst daily drop since June 2020 –  High U.S. inflation has proven hard for the Fed to tame. The DJIA fell about 1,276 points, or 3.9%, ending near 31,104

Larry Kudlow: The highest inflation in 40 years is deeply embedded in the economy and spreading – This is due to several years of excessive federal spending, regulating, taxing and money-printing

A rail strike shutdown looms large even as Congress steps in – A “Cramdown” remedy has little chance of resolving the impasse according to John Brennan III, a former senior counsel for the Union Pacific Railroad

Tucker Carlson exposes the crime levels in Chicago and other inner cities, saying Democrats need to be held responsible for the collapse of law and order on city streets  – “The federal government also played a role”

The FBI seizes My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s phone – The seizure of Lindell’s cell phone comes amid a rise in the agency’s targeting of Trump allies, and this is not the first time his records have been subpoenaed

Brave Whistleblowers Are Exposing How The FBI IS Out To Get Trump – Senator Ron Johnson says the allegations shared with Congress indicate a level of “corruption” within the FBI and Department of Justice that needs to be ‘exposed

The FBI Paid For Russian Disinformation To Frame Trump, Plus 7 Other Takeaways From Durham’s Latest Court Filing – They made Danchenko a confidential human source, providing him and the FBI’s use of him “national security” cover

Biden’s White House Takes the Bait on Lindsey Graham’s Proposed Abortion Bill – Its denunciation of the bill reveals its extremism

The Supreme Court will consider the challenge to the University of North Carolina and Harvard’s race-based admissions procedures – The arguments will be heard on Oct. 31 by the nation’s highest court

22 Governors Are Fighting Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan – “Only 16-17 percent of Americans have federal student loan debt, and yet, the plan will require their debts be redistributed and paid by the vast majority of taxpayers”

The city of El Paso is increasing its program to send migrants to New York City – The contract was approved Monday and calls for as many as four buses a day through December 2023, with most going to NYC

Sharyl Attkisson: The Military illegally denying religious exemptions for Covid vaccine – The military “reviewed” and denied 4,500 applications for religious exemptions in one 90-day period – Federal law and policies require individualized reviews

Dr. Joseph Mercola: US Life Expectancy Falls Again in a “Historic” Decline – Even small declines  of a tenth or two-tenths of a year mean that on a population level, a lot more people are dying prematurely than they really should be

The COVID mRNA Reckoning Is Long Overdue – The damage done to children is manifest

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Natural Immunity Protects You More Than Three mRNA COVID Shots – Yet, health officials and Big Pharma are committed to a never-ending rollout of boosters, and now “updated boosters” coming out in Fall 2022

Vaccine-Linked Myocarditis Deaths for First Time – Myocarditis is defined as inflammation of the myocardium, the middle layer of the heart muscle – The CDC has not publicly spoken about death as a possible outcome of myocarditis

The Rockefeller Foundation, the NSF, and other nonprofits are pouring millions of dollars into “Behavioral Psychology Research“ to increase the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines by countering supposed misinformation and disinformation

Ken Starr, whose investigation of Bill and the Whitewater scandal that uncovered Bill’s affair with Monica Lewinsky and led to his second impeachment, died Tuesday at a Houston hospital due to complications during surgery

Tucker Carlson Goes There: Runs Entire Segment on John Fetterman’s Weird Neck Lump – Is this the reason John Fetterman always wears bagging hoodies?

JD Rucker: John Fetterman’s Radical Marxist Wife Is the REAL Play In PA –  They’re Looking ahead at the possibility of having a mentally impaired Senator, so some believe the Democrats are crazy – In reality, they have a very ugly plan

Malia Cohen, a Democrat running for California State Controller Studied Socialism in Venezuela on a Trip in 2006 – “The last thing we need as California’s fiscal watchdog is someone who extolls the virtues of socialism”

The Democrats’ Empty Celebrity Candidates – The GOP and the Democrats have celebrity candidates, but if defeated, the GOP’s celebrity candidates are likely to go away – Can Democrats say the same?

WSJ: U.S. Inflation Remained High in August – Consumer prices excluding food, and energy rose sharply, showing broad price pressures strengthened

Thousands of Biden supporters will join the president at the WH to celebrate the passage of the “Inflation Reduction Act,” the same day the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a report showing inflation had continued to rise in August

The demonization of Americans continued on the anniversary of 9/11 when DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas suggested the biggest terror threat was ‘domestic extremists’ radicalized by “false narratives propagated on online platforms”

Tucker Carlson warns that Biden is actively criminalizing political opposition – As all totalitarian regimes do, Biden is using the instruments of government to persecute his political opponents

The January 6 Pipe Bombs Get Curiouser and Curiouser – The DNC has two CCTV cameras that surveil the area, so making the recordings public from these cameras on January 5 and 6 would make clear what happened

Who Will Save Americans From A Weaponized IRS? – The IRS is more than a mere revenue collector for the federal government. It has often been used as an instrument of intimidation, even terror, against political foes

Republicans, don’t get rid of Trump – In 2025 and thereafter, a second-term Trump should rely on his VP to drain the swamp and focus on making the MAGA program a permanent fixture of the freedom-loving American people

Claremont Institute Delivers Historic Remarks on the Virtues of President Donald Trump –  He is a fighter and that is what you need when dealing with cut-throat Democrats that will do almost anything to gain and maintain power

Why Trump will run again – He views this as his obligation to the greatest country on Earth that supplied him with so much. He made America great again, and now needs to finish flushing that nasty national toilet and Take America Back Again

Senator Graham’s Preemptive Surrender on Abortion – Graham would make that triumph short-lived and impose a one-size-fits-all Washington solution that would pull the rug out from under the pro-life movement

Twitter shareholders approve Elon Musk’s bid to buy the company – The vote comes as Musk seeks to scrap the deal alleging the company was not as forthcoming as it should have been with its explanation of the fake account calculation

Super-lawyer Leslie McAdoo Gordon calls out our broken legal system – Our legal system is costly, inefficient, unfair, and at the mercy of judges more interested in politics and ideology than in justice and following the letter of the law

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan called the leaking of the draft abortion opinion “horrible” and signaled there will be an update by the end of the month on the high court’s efforts to track down the leaker

ZH: US Consumer Prices Rise For 27th Straight Month – This tug of war between goods moderating and services remaining strong and both moved up. .. The Fed is going to be looking at this with a lot of concern

For The Love Of God, Would You Please Stop Being Stupid? – Republicans did not fight in Alaska to prevent ranked-choice voting, so the Democrat who got 40% votes won over the Republican candidate who got 60% of the vote

The Man Accused of Beheading A Woman Is an Illegal Alien Previously Convicted of Child Rape – Jose Rafael Solano Landaeta, 33, was arrested and charged after killing his ex-girlfriend, 27-year-old Karina Castro outside her apartment

When you are sick, do you want Dr. Woke or Dr. Smart? – Nearly three-quarters of these institutions — and 80% of the top 10 — ask applicants about their views on diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and other politicized concepts

California Governor Newsom launched a new abortion website Tuesday that will serve as a one-stop shop for those seeking to end their pregnancies, whether they are residents of the state or not, and even if they are illegal aliens

Something Is Seriously Wrong With John Fetterman – Tucker eviscerated him for being a man who lived off his parents for decades and managed to do what so many Democrat politicians have done over the years, and that is to fail upward

ZH: Germany’s Power Grid Faces Collapse As Millions Stock Up On Inefficient Electric Heaters For The Winter – Europe will be short on natural gas supplies this winter and over the next several winters

Nearly every major fact-checker has completely ignored Karine Jean-Pierre’s statements since taking over for Psaki –  PolitiFact has done just two fact-checks, while others have done zero

The FBI Refuses to Release Documents Detailing Their Relationship with Dead Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein – It’s likely the records might embarrass them as the DOJ and FBI have been known to abuse the FOIA law to their advantage

The CDC Admits It Gave False Information on COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring – The CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started in February 2021

Mom Demands Autopsy After Her Healthy 18-Year-Old Son Dies Suddenly – He was a lifeguard and reportedly a healthy young man with a normal lifestyle

The CDC has issued an alert to doctors and parents about a rare respiratory disease that is affecting children – The enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) virus has similar symptoms to influenza or the common cold according to health officials

September 12, 2022

‘Who Could Have Foreseen This?’– Oregon Decriminalizes Hard Drugs And Has A Massive Increase in Overdoses – In February of 2021, ballot Measure 110 decriminalized the use of hard drugs in the state

I&I/TIPP Poll: By 2-To-1, Voters Call Biden MAGA Remarks Divisive – Most Americans think President Biden’s rhetoric is divisive, threatens free speech, and misuses his office

Communist China’s Plot for World Domination – Ian Easton sounds the alarm about an existential threat to our way of life

Trump and the Secret Documents – Whatever they amount to, FBI raids and likely indictments of the former president are political actions as bogus as the efforts to impeach him

Oz Opponent’s Commutation of Convicted Murderer Becomes an Issue – Pennsylvania Senate race: Fund the police — but release the convicted killers?

A 5-point plan to secure a Republican majority come November – Kevin McCarthy’s “Commitment to America” is going to be a wonderful contrast with the negative attacks and failed performance of Biden and the Democrats, so talk about it

ZH: A Perfect Storm Is About To Hammer The Dollar – The coming Fed pivot will come not because an “inflation target has been hit” but because the dollar is soaring, and recently hit an almost daily all-time highs

The U.S. annual inflation rate came in at 8.3 percent in August, higher than the market forecast of 8.1 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This is slightly down from the 8.5 percent reading in July

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has agreed to one of the special master nominees proposed by former President Donald Trump’s legal team to review documents seized by FBI agents from Mar-a-Lago

Tucker Carlson, obtained a copy of the DOJ subpoena issued to at least 35 Trump allies – With this information fresh in hand, he let America know what was contained within it on his show Monday night

The DOJ escalates Jan. 6 probe, targets Trump allies ahead of midterms – They subpoenaed several Trump associates as part of an ongoing probe that critics describe as an intimidation campaign meant to instill fear in Trump supporters

A Troubling clue emerges about Biden’s ‘secret’ election-takeover plan – Biden’s directed the heads of all government agencies to send the White House their “strategic plan” to actively promote “voting rights”

Joe Biden Gets Lost Again, Has No Idea Where to Go After Cancer Moonshot Speech – Biden’s speech was full of gaffes and awkward moments

Dobbs Was Definitely Worth It – There’s little evidence the Dobbs decision is sinking Republican chances as we continue toward the mid-terms

There Is A Need for a Gubernatorial Debate Between Gavin Newsom and Brian Dahle –  A debate would allow Californians to hear perspectives they don’t usually hear

Age is the most important risk factor associated with deaths in individuals who have received COVID-19 booster shots – Compared with a 50-year-old, the “hazard ratio” or “HR” for an 80-year-old individual was 31.3 percent

EIN Presswire Shuts Down Naomi Wolf’s Account Without Notice, A Closer Look at Their Background Is Very Revealing – The Chairman of Newsmatics, which owns EIN served as a political strategist for deep swamp radical Democrats

Alabama Prepares to Use A New Execution Method on a Triple Murderer – Nitrogen hypoxia causes death by replacing oxygen with nitrogen has also been authorized in two other states for executions but never used

The tide has turned in Ukraine’s favor – Military experts are gushing over Ukraine’s military advances over the past 72 hours – They broke through Russian lines in the Kharkiv region, reclaiming 1,200+ square miles of occupied territory

WSJ: Russia Withdraws More Forces From Northeast Ukraine as Kyiv Presses Advance – Following strong gains in recent days, Ukraine’s progress slows as it begins to consolidate control

The Danger from a Wounded Putin – Every Russian defeat makes Putin and his cronies more desperate to salvage something out of this wide-ranging military debacle

Joe Biden’s Trip to the Queen’s Funeral Gets Complicated as British Officials Tell Him He Has to Take the Bus Along With Other Visiting Dignitaries

On 9-11, In Response To A Question From Liberal Media Host Chuck Todd, Kamala Harris Compared the Islamists Behind the September 11 Attacks To The Threat Of Trump Supporters

Defensive gun use is 4 times more common than violent gun crime, according to a comprehensive survey – This survey once again proves that the right to bear arms in self-defense is a clear net positive for society

Joe Biden’s DOJ Doesn’t Want To Disclose ‘Classified’ Mar-A-Lago Documents, Except Through Selective Leaks To Leftist Media – Their latest motion suggests the Biden administration is all-in on pursuing a criminal case against Donald Trump

The National Archives REFUSES to Turn Over Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential Records on Meetings with Hunter and James Biden – The SAME National Archives behind the raid on Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago – The Swamp is deep and wide

Biden Quietly Loosens The Tech Export Rules Relating To The Chinese Communist Firm Huawei – This Was Done Just Days After Their Lobbyist Tony Podesta’s Brother John Podesta Joined The White House

Childish voters get what they deserve – The willingness to wait “Marshmallow Test” turned out to be an extraordinarily good predictor of children’s life outcomes

Fired CNN host Brian Stelter lands a new teaching job at formerly prestigious Harvard University – He will host discussions on “threats to democracy,” the university announced Monday

Electoral Fraud Goes Mainstream – The Heritage Foundation recently added 9 new cases to their Election Fraud Database, bringing the total number of entries of proven instances of voter fraud in their database to 1,374

The House returns to Washington facing the prospect of a funding bill crisis to avert a government shutdown – Some Democrats refuse to approve the Schumer-Manchin deal easing oil and gas permitting

The Democrat establishment wants a one-party system – Their most audacious election-denying disinformation campaign was the Trump-Russia collusion hoax

Why Joe Biden can’t change course on greenie madness – For the past two decades, the career of Biden’s newest political appointee, John Podesta, seems inextricably tied to the reclusive foreign billionaire Hansjörg Wyss

Could This Be What Putin and the Mullahs Are Cooking Up? – Within a week of Putin’s visit to Iran, Gazprom announced it would reduce “the daily throughput” of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany to 33 million cubic meters…

It’s Presidential Poker And The Intelligence Community Is Playing For Keeps – Without revealing the documents’ contents the DNI gets to say how bad things could be, and your role as the public will be to believe them and vote accordingly

ZH: The US Navy’s “Death Star” Destroyer Will Be Armed With Laser Guns And Hypersonic Missiles – “They will be commissioned in the mid-2030s and will launch us into the next generation of ships”

Obama Says We’re “Better Off” Under Biden – Let’s review just how much “better off” we all are thanks to Biden and his fellow Democrats

ZH: Why This Recession Is Different – There are now various structural dynamics that won’t go away in a few months or years

ZH: Swiss Social Media Abuzz Over ‘Rat Out Your Neighbor’ Energy Use Posters – There are new drastic measures to reduce its gas use this winter, including fines and up to three years in prison for citizens who violate new regulations

The world is grappling with the worst energy crisis in generations however the U.N. has warned Europe that a return to fossil fuels in response to soaring prices and winter shortages must not be considered under any circumstances

ZH: A meeting of European Union energy ministers on Friday has suggested that each EU country implement strategies to reduce overall electricity consumption by a minimum of 10 percent

ZH: Europe’s Newest Nuclear Reactor Eases Finland’s Power Problems – The reactor in the Olkiluoto #3 plant exceeded the landmark 1,000-megawatt power mark on Friday, easing the strain on Finland’s electricity grid

Musk’s lawyers sent a 3rd termination notice to Twitter to end his acquisition deal, objecting to Twitter paying a severance package to its former security head Peiter Zatko in June because it violated a clause in the acquisition agreement

The Woke Plot Against Academic Freedom – Today, if an academic says the “wrong” thing, they can be fired or even physically attacked

Governor Newsom Pays Unions Back for Saving Him From the Recall – He is rewarding labor with hundreds of thousands of new members (Fast food workers), and signed legislation providing tax credits for union dues of its members

Ranked Choice Voting Leaves Behind A Rank Odor – Alaska’s experiment in voting had its intended result, the defeat of  Sarah Palin and the election of the first Democrat member of Congress from the state in more than 50 years

Oberlin College has finally agreed to pay out over $36 million in damages to Gibson’s Bakery for defaming the small family business as racist because they dared to stop an underage black student from stealing bottles of wine

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A Data Leak Reveals Disturbing Facts About mRNA Instability – Health officials don’t want individual vaccine vials examined by independent scientists because they are all different and the mRNA in the shots is not intact

Lawsuits were filed on September 7th against three California health care providers on grounds they used failed Ebola drug Remdesivir on patients without getting informed consent, resulting in the wrongful deaths of several patients

According to a recent “World Economic Forum” (WEF) article – “As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent”

From AOL To Google: Visualizing The Most Popular Websites From 1993-2022 – This stunning animated graphic provides a historical look at the evolution of the internet, showing the most popular websites over the years

September 11, 2022

Can California make its power grid 100% green? – Tuesday’s test of the power grids came just days after SB1020 passed at Governor Newsom’s behest to speed up California’s conversion to a carbon-free electrical grid by 2045

What Trump Should Do Now – To achieve greatness, he needs to step aside and indicate he will make an endorsement after the debates. He will then become the founder of a movement, not just another ambitious politician

GOP Leader Says Homes of Trump Supporters May Soon Be Raided by FBI – The FBI is ready to serve warrants – “Three of our clients … did either get search warrants or subpoenas, and these subpoenas are extremely broad”

In October 2020 and January 2021 General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called his communist Chinese military counterpart and provided him with warnings of U.S. military intentions and actions

As global threats grow, concerns mount that Pentagon is deprioritizing war fighting – China cares very little about whether its sailors have access to educational opportunities or whether their spouses can transfer their work skills…

U.S. military prosecutors are reportedly negotiating potential plea deals with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other conspirators imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay – The timing of this news, today, should be alarming to many

Residents of Seattle Washington’s Chinatown are fighting back against city officials over their plan to build a homeless megaplex in the center of their neighborhood

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released new data suggesting that cases of post-COVID-19 vaccine-linked heart inflammation among young males have risen

A Canadian Nurse Details Dangers of Covid Vaccines – We quickly started to see issues such as miscarriages and myocarditis. We’ve seen Guillaume Barré and Bells Palsy before with other vaccinations, but not at this level or rate”

9/11/2001: Do Americans Know All That Happened This Terrible Day? – Do our schoolchildren know or understand the attackers were Islamic jihad terrorists and what jihad is, or what the objective of the 9/11 attacks was?

September 11th – Never Forget – On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States

9/11- Never Forget – We are hated by fanatic Muslim extremists, but unfortunately, we cannot identify many of them who walk among us, or on their way through our porous Southern border

How the TV Networks Hid the Twin Towers’ Demolition on 9/11 – 36 Mainstream Media Voices Reported Explosions That Betray Narrative of Fires Bringing Down the Towers

Republicans push to restrict mail-in voting ahead of November – At least 18 states, most of which are run by Republican-controlled legislatures, have placed new limits on mail-in voting in an attempt to fight voter fraud

The Biden Administration Is Engaged in a Massive Censorship Campaign – In a federal lawsuit, discovery reveals a multi-agency effort to censor and suppress voices that disagree with the Biden administration’s policies

The DoJ Argues that the Intelligence Community Overrides the Judiciary – Why is the DOJ so desperate to prevent a Special Master, even one with security clearance, to view those documents the department asserts are classified?

Americans are fed up with Biden and a majority want him impeached – It matters that a Rasmussen Reports survey shows that 50 percent of Independents would like to see Joe Biden impeached

Could It Be The Covid Shots? Deaths are soaring in an area with a 95% COVID vaccination rate – Australia drew global attention for its strict Covid measures

“Nothing To Do With Man” – Astrophysicist Says Climate-Cultists “Are On A Gravy Train” To Make Money as climate and weather are dictated primarily by cyclical activity on the surface of the sun and not carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

September 10, 2022

Joe Biden’s Justice Department is proposing that a Democrat donor and former Clinton-appointed judge serve as “Special Master” in the Trump Mar-a-Lago investigation

A Huge Twist in Eliza Fletcher Case – It’s Beginning to Look Like She Wasn’t His Only Recent Victim

Tulsi Gabbard: The Biden administration is “weaponizing” federal agencies against political opponents –  That problem has grown gradually over several years, from Obama all the way through to the current administration

ZH: Twitter Ramps Up Its Wrong-Think Apparatus Ahead Of Midterms – Twitter will be “pre-bunking” election claims during the 2022 midterms and expanding their “Birdwatch” fact-checking program

Massive Increases in U.S Natural Gas Exports are Driving Up U.S. Energy Prices – The author accurately refutes the notion that exports do not drive-up domestic prices

23 House Democrats Request $50 Million to Cope With The Illegal Immigrants Bused From Texas and Arizona

“Unethical” and up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease – A team of nine experts from Harvard and Johns Hopkins has published research about the COVID-19 vaccines and why mandating vaccines for college students is unethical

The FDA Refuses to Provide Key COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses – In their most recent response, the FDA records office indicated that it would not provide any of the analyses, even in redacted form

The Department of Justice and attorneys for Donald Trump submitted a list of potential nominees to be appointed as the special master over the investigation into classified documents found at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago home

“Irrefutable Proof” That mRNA Vaccines Cause Vascular and Organ Damage – mRNA vaccines don’t stay at the injection site, but instead travel throughout the body and accumulate in various organs

The COVID policies—shutdowns and lockdowns; “stay home, stay safe;” mandatory masking, social distancing, testing, and vaccines; and so on—perpetuated by the American left and those like-minded were the greatest demonstration of fascism the United States has ever known

ZH: Rigged, Pfizer Clinical Trial Hid Injuries – Maddie de Garay signed up for Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot trial when she was 12; previously a healthy preteen, her life has been forever changed due to health problems caused by the shots

Why are Children Coming down with Monkeypox? – Monkeypox sores anywhere on a child are a clear indication that sex with minors has occurred — but it is being effectively censored by the mainstream media

A Woman Was BEHEADED In Broad Daylight In California and The Suspect Was Known To Law Enforcement – The man, who appears to have been in a relationship with the victim, fled but was arrested blocks from the scene

It’s (Almost) Always the Feds: How the FBI Fabricates Schemes To Entrap Would-Be Radicals – The FBI’s long history of using informants and manufactured plots to prosecute perceived extremists

Inside the saga to uncover who spilled Supreme Court’s Roe secret – It’s been 131 days since a Supreme Court draft opinion signaling the overturning of Roe v. Wade leaked to the press with no signs as to where it originated from

Credit card firms will code gun and ammunition purchases, making them easier to track – The decision comes a week after NY and California asked American Express, Mastercard, and Visa to support a new merchant category code

Governor Newsom Signs The Extreme Heat Warning and Ranking System Bill into Law – “It isn’t about climate change – it’s just simply about hotter temperatures and putting out a system to help warn people”


September 9, 2022

The disturbing news that there were ’35 FBI raids’ on Trump allies yesterday amid a nearly complete media blackout is even worse than we thought – A new Tucker Carlson report out Friday night puts that figure potentially even higher

European governments, citizens gear up for worsening energy crisis – Protests over high energy bills have erupted in several European cities

Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller on Friday echoed recent sentiments from his colleagues, saying he expects a big interest rate increase of a .75 percentage point later this month

ZH: The “Scariest Paper Of 2022” Reveals The Terrifying Fate Of Biden’s Economy: Millions Are Predicted To Lose Their Jobs – “To bring price increases down to 2%, we may need to tolerate unemployment of 6.5% for two years”

More than 185,000 illegal immigrant arrests were made at the U.S.–Mexico border in August, according to provisional U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics

The California Air Resources Board has bolstered its climate roadmap with several new strategies, including offshore wind development, climate-friendly housing construction, cleaner aviation fuels, and reducing miles traveled in vehicles

Why doctors aren’t speaking out Written by a doctor – Everyone should read this. We are headed for a perfect storm with escalating health needs and a shortage of doctors because of how we treat them

America’s Frontline Doctor Simone Gold Was RELEASED From A Florida Prison EARLY After Being Imprisoned For Walking Inside The US Capitol on January 6

Big-Pharma’s Criminal Business Model Benefits The US Government –  The DOJ has levied billions of dollars in fines against pharma companies that support government budgets but dose nothing’s done to reform their criminal behavior

Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, said that Fauci’s comments about having no time for clinical trials on new Covid vaccines were “reckless” since regulators didn’t rush to have vaccine companies update the vaccines during previous periods, such as when the Delta variant was dominant in 2021

The Heritage Foundation released its inaugural ranking of the states concerning school choice and educational outcomes on Friday – Florida came in 1st place, followed by Arizona…

In their court filing arguing against the appointment of a special master, The DOJ claimed former President Donald Trump’s team may still be holding onto allegedly classified records following last month’s raid on his Mar-a-Lago

WSJ: King Charles III’s Reign Dawns as Britain Mourns Loss of Queen Elizabeth II – Under leaden skies, thousands gather at Buckingham Palace to pay respects to U.K.’s longest-serving monarch

Are Democrats looking to provoke riots by arresting Donald Trump? – They need an incendiary event to cause normally calm Republicans to riot, so they may arrest the former president and march him in leg irons in front of TV cameras

One of Trump’s longtime allies now seeking to boost other 2024 contenders – The Club for Growth conducted polling to examine how Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) would fare against Trump in a GOP primary

The Media Give Democrats A Pass On Utility Failure Disasters – Too many in the media are willing to lament infrastructure problems and issues like “environmental racism” right up until that discussion involves Democratic Party culpability

ZH: The Fed Is About To Start Losing Money; What Does That Mean? – The most obvious impact is the US government will see a reduction in revenue which will increase the federal budget deficit

California’s Net-Zero Energy Model Is Already A Disaster — So Why Should The Rest Of The U.S. Copy It? – What business would want to relocate there or expand there if it can’t be guaranteed a steady, reliable supply of reasonably priced energy? 

The GOP’s Unifying Midterm Strategy Should Treat Democrats’ Green Agenda As A Culture War – The left’s agenda is increasingly entangled with the interests of elites, from environmentalism to student loan bailouts to marriage to policing

WEF Globalists Crown a ‘Great Reset’ King in England – #TheGreatReset initiative is designed to ensure businesses and communities put sustainable business practices at the heart of their operations 

Welcome to the Green New Deal, California – California is following in the footsteps of Germany, which over the past 10 years closed down most of its nuclear power plants and engaged in national decarbonization of the economy

A Legal Immigrant’s Defense Of The MAGA Vision For America – An uplifting and unifying vision of America

September 8, 2022

The Florida First Freedom Alliance presented evidence to election officials and law enforcement officers that more than a thousand mail-in ballots were voted from undeliverable addresses in Orange County in the Aug. 23 primary election

CDC Data Show ‘Local and Systemic Reactions’ Were Reported in More Than Half of Children Following COVID-19 Vaccination – The CDC collected the information with the help of a program called V-Safe

Joe Biden and his handler Dr. Jill traveled across town to sign the condolence book for Queen Elizabeth at the British Embassy in Washington DC – His handlers wrote down his message on a card before he signed the condolence book

WSJ: The DOJ to Appeal A Judge’s Order Appointing A Special Master in Trump Mar-a-Lago Probe – Prosecutors also ask the judge to put on hold part of the order blocking the government from using seized materials in a criminal investigation into the alleged mishandling of classified documents

William Barr: The New Alyssa Farah – The ex-AG wants to portray himself as an expert in all things classified and pre-judge Trump’s guilt. But when he could have shown that mishandling classified material is a serious crime, he punted

The FBI Raid Backfires – Trump Celebrates After Document Shows Precisely What He Has Said – In a new statement, Trump revealed that among the seized items were his medical records, which show he is in excellent health

Adam Kinzinger Hit With Cease And Desist For Abusing His Position To Attack A Private Citizen

Environmental, Social, and Governance: The Left’s Latest Destructive Tactic to Bully Business – Rating corporations by their adherence to wokeness is an outrage, any way you look at it

The Biden Administration Rolls Back Trump ‘Public Charge’ Green Card Regulation – The rule rolls back regulations considering supplemental public health benefits such as Medicaid and nutritional assistance as part of the public charge 

A new peer-reviewed study concluded that the mortality rate in people who used ivermectin regularly was 92 percent lower than in non-users and 84 percent lower than in irregular users

Jan. 6 Prisoners and Families Expose The Brutal Truth About The Jail Lockdown And Guard Attack Because An Inmate Didn’t Wear A Mask When Leaving His Cell To Get Medications About 25-Feet Away

Parents sue to block schools from secretly “transitioning” kids Class poster – “If Your Parents Aren’t Accepting of Your Identity, I’m Your Mom Now”

Donald Trump Mourns Death of Queen Elizabeth with Stirring Message

Trump and Biden Both Released Statements on Queen Elizabeth’s Death, But There’s a Shocking Difference – Unlike Trump, in his statement on the Queen’s passing, President Biden failed to mention God once

WSJ: Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96 – Britain’s longest-serving monarch became a symbol of stability in a fast-changing world

Who is in line for the throne after Queen Elizabeth II’s death? – Her son Prince Charles is the immediate heir followed by Prince William, then by Prince George. After that, it’s Princess Charlotte, followed by Prince Louis of Cambridge

Will King Charles III do his duty and abandon politics? – The royal family’s immediate problem is that his comfort with political intervention, ie. global warming, is incompatible with his new responsibility to stand aside from politics

The Strange Case of Ghislaine Maxwell – Are we as a people willing to ignore our government’s complicity in protecting the anonymity of the powerful and elite they know to have participated in the sex trafficking of children

ZH: Moments ago the ECB hiked its deposit rate by 75bps from 0% to 0.75bps – This is the first time European rates are positive in over a decade (since July 2012)

Australia Is The First To Warn A Pivot Is Coming – RBA Governor Philip Lowe said further rate increases would be needed to contain inflation but the RBA Board was not on a pre-set path and was aware rates had already risen sharply

Joe Biden Is Now Compromised: A Hunter Email Surfaces About Introducing Business Associates To Top CCP – Details like this about the Biden family would cause anyone else major problems

End Biden’s suppression of oil and gas leases – According to WSJ analysis of Interior Department data,  Biden has leased fewer acres of federal land for oil and gas production than any other president going back to the Kennedy era

The Political Party Built On Lies – The Democrat tower of lies have been constructed with the help of the media, which are mostly no longer objective, or even pretend to be, and are instead now propagandists for the party they are loyal to

If You Want to Win the Midterms Listen to Ron DeSantis – DeSantis is no Elmer Fudd hunting wabbits – He’s smart, tough, relentless and he’s right on the issues that are important to most Americans, that’s why he wins

John Fetterman, the Democratic nominee in the state’s high-profile U.S. Senate contest, on Wednesday said he’ll debate Republican rival Mehmet Oz after a Pennsylvania newspaper questioned if he was not fit enough for office

Restaurant owners took steps to block AB 257 law on Wednesday, California’s new fast food worker law, by filing a referendum request with the California Attorney General – Wages could rise to as high as $22 an hour under the law

Will Californians Freeze In The Dark? – A major problem will arrive around the winter solstice, as solar energy plants can’t provide full “installed generating capacity” due to the low elevation of the sun at LAN and the shortened daylight hours

ZH: Elon Musk got a huge boost from former Disney CEO Bob Iger, who revealed he backed out of a 2016 deal to purchase Twitter because a “substantial portion” of the social media platform’s users were bots and “not real”

Citizens for Sanity Ad Attacks Woke Leftist Politicians – They released a powerful ad on the devastating impact woke leftist politicians have had on so many of America’s big cities

The 1776 Project PAC Triumphs Yet Again – This group is helping to flip school boards’ red

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Scientists Recreated The World’s Deadliest Flu Virus – They wanted a more dangerous version of the Spanish flu so they can make better vaccines for it, even though it no longer existed in nature

Conservative Country Music Star Jason Aldean CANCELED By His Publicity Team Over His Wife’s Comments – “I want to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase, as I love this girly life”

After Denying Student Learning Loss, UTLA Opposes Teaching Days to Catch Kids Up – The same teachers’ union that kept L.A. schools closed, denied learning loss exists – Now, it stands in the way of helping students catch up

More States Move Toward Banning Gas-Powered Vehicles – Oregon will update its Advanced Clean Cars II law proposal to include a gas-powered vehicle ban in 2035 and Washington will adopt a version of California’s rule by year’s end… outright ban soon

September 7, 2022

The Energy Transition Could Be Derailed By A Looming Copper Shortage – If copper shortfalls follow projected trends, climate goals will be “short-circuited and remain out of reach

Young Adults Are Dying in Record Numbers, but Not From COVID-19 – One-off news articles about high-profile athletes, actors, and celebrities dying only tell part of the story.

After a federal judge required that a special master be appointed to oversee the documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago, the contents of those documents were leaked to the Washington Post

Eyes Are On Newsom as CA Looks to Pass A Law to Punish Doctors for COVID “Misinformation” – AB 2098 awaits his signature and will subject doctors to disciplinary action, including loss of their licenses to practice in medicine in CA 

THE UKRAINE GRIFT –We know plenty of aid is going to waste, but we don’t know how much we have already or will yet commit. However, some estimates can be made

A new nuclear deal between the US and Iran is off the table and will not be signed in the “foreseeable future” – This message was conveyed to Israeli during recent conversations with President Biden and other US officials

Victor Davis Hanson: The World Wants No Part of Woke, But It’s Glad Our Military Does – China can likely sink any $12 billion American aircraft carrier and its 5,000 diverse “they/them” crew that dares to venture into the Taiwan strait

Europe is importing over a million barrels of Russian oil per day, before the EU-wide embargo on Russian crude imports comes into effect – Oil prices have fallen and Europe is taking advantage of those lower prices to stock up now

California Praises Residents for Reduced Energy Use Following Their Emergency Text Message Tuesday – Energy supplies have been limited by state carbon-free goals that have shut down a lot of necessary energy plants

The Washington Free Beacon reports that the Biden administration is spending $3.6 million “to deploy vending machines filled with drug supplies in rural Kentucky” – The goal is to “reduce stigma for drug users,” the report explains

The CA Teachers Union Did Opposition Research on Parents Who Wanted Schools to Reopen During COVID – “Dedicating personnel to politically target moms and dads protecting their children is startling and disgusting”

A federal judge ordered Biden administration officials to hand over all relevant emails sent by either Dr. Fauci or WH press secretary Jean-Pierre to social media platforms regarding misinformation claims and social media content censorship

“We Need More Details” – Fauci Emailed Collins About The Chinese Laboratory Before A Secret Call – Fauci repeatedly stated he thought the virus started naturally

Lake Mead Is Draining, Not Climate Changing – The media is promoting disinformation on the cause of the reservoir’s record-low level

A study by well-known American and British scientists has found the experimental mRNA Covid shots are nearly 100 times more likely to cause a student serious injury than prevent hospitalization with COVID-19

How FEMA Tried to Bribe Ernest Ramirez to Change His Son’s Death Certificate to COVID – The autopsy showed heart enlargement – The teenager’s heart was twice the size expected for his age. He died within five days of the shot

Vaccine injury is very expensive: Vaccine injury in children roughly doubles educational costs and vaccine injury in all ages massively increases healthcare costs –  That’s why it’s Big Pharma’s business model

The UK Government BANS COVID Shots for Children 11 Years Old and Younger – Why? perhaps because Amy Kelly exposed the shots “literally harm the chances of your little boy to grow up normally as a male human adult”

Apple Is Killing the Password: Here’s Everything You Need to Know – With iOS 16 and macOS Ventura, Apple is introducing passkeys—a more convenient and secure alternative to passwords

ZH: A majority of Americans, 56.8% think Biden’s declaration of war on Trump voters was a “dangerous escalation in rhetoric” which was “designed to incite conflict amongst Americans,” according to a new poll by the Trafalgar group

Did The Trump Raid Make Bill Barr Forget About All The Deep-State Deceit? – Barr’s opinion rests on the assumed veracity of leaks, spin, and misleading narratives

A Judge Orders Fauci And Other Top Officials to Produce Records for A Big Tech–Government Censorship Lawsuit – Some of the officials refused to cooperate, among them,  Fauci, who serves as director of NIAID 

Today, the highly anticipated theatrical film My Son Hunter has opened to rave reviews and leftist panic, as the movie’s trailer has crested to over 4.5 million cross-platform views and climbing

PA Senate Candidate John Fetterman’s Fitness for Office Is a Legitimate Issue – He still has trouble speaking as a result of his stroke and has used closed captioning to help understand what media interviewers are saying to him over Zoom

The IRS Commissioner’s Warning of Audits to Come – Instead of fixing our tax code we’re empowering the IRS to step up its enforcement game

U.S. Border Patrol agents caught 10 illegal immigrant sex offenders, four gang members, plus a murderer, and seized a slew of deadly drugs in the last three days, according to the latest report from Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz

Democrats Copy The Tactics Of Famous Fascists – The Biden administration’s threatening, intimidating, and jailing of its opposition set the backdrop for Joe Biden’s extraordinary speech on September 1, when he stated, “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic”

How Bad Is It And How Bad Is It Going To Be? – What The World Badly Needs Now Is A Two-Fisted Street-Fighter and the only person with that type of Attitude & Ability . . . Is None Other Than Donald J. Trump

January 6 was Not a Real Insurrection, I Know Because I Lived Through One – What distinguishes a true insurrection from a riot is the end goal. An insurrection, by definition, has a goal of dismantling the ruling government

FNC’s Carlson: ‘Our Entire Country Will Be Memphis if We Don’t Put a Stop to This Insanity’ – We should respond with as much force as is required to protect innocent citizens

The Real State of the Consumer – Many consumers’ real wages are declining, so to compensate they are increasingly relying on savings and credit which both have limits. Unfortunately, many consumers are likely at or near those limits

Behind the “Grid Emergency” – The ideology that has captured politicians and regulators is climate change. CA has been more aggressive than any other state in setting renewable energy targets, currently aiming to be 60 percent reliant on renewables by 2030

Days after signing a greenie law mandating that Californians buy only electric cars by 2035 and calling it a model for the nation, Gavin Newsom pleads with Californians to turn off their electricity to prevent the electrical grid from blowing out

Donald Trump’s Rally in Pennsylvania – A Pivotal Moment In History – Maybe now more than ever, it’s clear to him — and all of us — that he is fighting to protect every one of our little Mar-a-Lagos

Dopes and Dupes – In immigration, perhaps more than any other policy issue we get to consider the relationship between bad actors and sheer stupidity, as the American immigration system is, in its current makeup, irreparably broken

Is the tide turning in Holland In Favor Of Dutch Farmers? – We are getting strong graphic evidence that the entire green agenda is deadly and will leave us sweltering in the heat, freezing in the cold, afraid in the dark, and, invariably, starving

According to a WPA Intelligence survey, 22% of Democrats think that “some men can get pregnant” and it is not surprising that 36% of White, college-educated Democrat women think men can get pregnant

“Civil Rights” and community leaders refuse to address the disproportional abuse and injustices of Mayor Bowser and  D.C. schools via mandated COVID vaccines – Community leaders’ silence confirmed injustice is typical

A Teacher In Ireland Arrested And Jailed For Refusing To Use Student’s Preferred Pronouns – The self-described devout Christian teacher was first suspended from teaching for not using the pronoun “they” instead of “he” for a student

September 6, 2022

Higher Educations’s New Woke Loyalty Oaths – A ballooning number of hiring and tenure decisions require candidates to express written fealty to favored political doctrines

A Former Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based on False Narratives – “The environmental movement has become more of a political movement than an environmental movement” he said

What, exactly, is the Biden administration’s purpose? – What is its agenda besides a haphazard rehashing of Absolutely Everything Progressives Have Ever Thought Of?

8 hours of torture: Jan. 6 prisoner repeatedly maced by “bully guard” – There have been many reports of abuse unleashed against those arrested for something nothing more than being at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

World Economic Forum Futurist: “We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population” – Klaus Schwab’s eugenicist lieutenant, Yuval Noah Harari – the Himmler to his Hitler – said the quiet part out loud in a recent TED interview

EVs Facing Total Scarcity of Their Most Critical Component – Spells Disaster for Biden Goals – “There’s going to be a real crunch to get lithium. We don’t have enough in the world to turn that much-needed production in the world by 2035”

More embalmers report they have seen the emergence of bizarre “fibrous” clots in a substantial portion of their cases since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines – Preliminary research suggests they are produced by spike proteins

Adults Aged 35–44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer According To Life Insurance Data – Death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 were 100 percent higher than expected in July, August, and September 2021

U.S District Court Orders Biden Officials to Turn Over Big Tech Collusion Docs, Including Dr. Fauci’s – More than 50 Biden officials in 12 federal government agencies were exposed for colluding with Big Tech to censor their political opponents

College Aid Could Top $270 Billion A Year – Biden’s student loan bailout is likely to be $1 trillion over the next decade, on top of the massive amounts of money taxpayers already fork over each year to subsidize college education

Canadian Policy Would Reduce Global Emissions by One One-Thousandth of a Percent And Cripple Their Agriculture Industry – Trudeau plans to cut his country’s fertilizer emissions by 30 percent by 2030

International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors find damage to Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia buildings housing “fresh” nuclear fuel and radioactive waste  – The UN report details the threat to Ukraine’s nuclear security amid the Russian invasion

A Body Found in Tennessee Confirmed as Missing Heiress Eliza Fletcher – This development comes after Cleotha Abston, a 38-year-old male, was charged in connection to Fletcher’s kidnapping and tampering with evidence

Tuesday Trafalgar Group Poll: Fifty-six percent of general election voters view President Joe Biden’s speech, where he cast Republicans as “threats to the foundations of our republic” as unacceptable

Special Counsel John Durham Must Choose: Risk A Russia Hoaxer’s Second Acquittal Or Expose More Deep-State Dirt – Will Durham highlight the complicity of the deep state in the Russia collusion hoax? If not, it might cost him

Joe Biden was behind the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid all along – Page #2 & #3 of Judge Cannon’s ruling cites a quote from the DOJ’s legal filing that Biden ordered the NARA to provide access to the FBI to review the Trump records

Special Master Order Reveals Biden’s Direct Involvement In Trump Raid And Six Other Bombshells – #1. President Biden Was Directly Involved – #2. The Timeline of the Trump Targeting Is Suspect

Trump’s rally in PA, was a pivotal moment in history – Supporters came not only from around the Commonwealth but from across the country – When Trump came out on stage faces lit up as we listened in rapt attention

As in 2020, Trump speaks to tens of thousands while Biden speaks to tens – Trump is still filling stadiums, and Biden, with his supposed “81 million votes,” still can’t fill a high school gym

Senator Lindsey Graham suggested Donald Trump could be posed to make “one of the greatest political comebacks in American history” should he decide to run for president in 2024 and has a “pretty good chance” at winning the election

ZH: “Putin Has Pushed Europe Into An Inflationary Depression And Currency Collapse” – Russia has made it clear that unless sanctions on it are dropped, no gas will *ever* flow through Nord Stream 1 again

Will it be a long, cold, lonely winter for Europe? – Will America observe and learn from the European’s folly or foolishly follow the same failed energy path?

ZH: 12 Numbers That Show We’re Getting Close To An Economic Crash As The Fall Approaches – That we are seeing so many parallels between what is transpiring now and what transpired 14 years ago should deeply alarm all of us

Amazon has put a halt to some of its planned facilities in the US and Europe, according to a consulting firm – In April, Amazon reported its slowest growth in roughly two decades as revenue fell by 3%, the worst performance since 2016

Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” achieves a new, unenviable level of deception – It increases inflation rather than reduces it as the bill is primarily a further expansion of Washington DC’s regulatory control of healthcare

Money Trouble at the Fed – M2 was moving steadily along until a little uptick around 2009, but ever since it has increased faster than before the Great Recession – What will be the consequence of suddenly holding M2 constant?

Earnings Decline: There Is Likely A Ways To Go Before We Are Done – We previously noted that earnings estimates were overly optimistic and would need to come down to align with economic realities. That process has now begun

WSJ: Schools Are Back And Are Confronting Severe Learning Losses – States have directed billions to tutor students and other efforts to reverse the pandemic declines in reading scores but have little sense of what works

A plea for help from Chicago comes although only two buses have arrived from Texas, totaling around 125 people who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border and were then processed and released by Border Patrol

The FERC Gaslights America – Our power grid is in shambles, and our ability to consistently meet changing demand has been weakened as intermittent sources like wind and solar have steadily displaced ultra-stable sources like nuclear and coal

Title IX Expansion Tramples The First Amendment – New federal guidelines curtail speech with one little phrase, “creating a hostile environment”, The DOE is using Title IX to curtail freedom of thought and speech in educational environments

President Biden’s Student Loan Debt Relief Is Just the First Step – The Democrats’ long-term goal isn’t just to cancel the debt, it is free higher education for all who want it

The economy appears headed for a hard recession landing – To achieve its goal, the Federal Reserve must thus continue to raise rates aggressively, another 150 basis points and more

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis holds a commanding lead in his reelection campaign against Charlie Crist – “The governor led 50-42 among the 94% of poll respondents surveyed in English, and 38-29 with the 6% surveyed in Spanish”

The Slight, Slow Improvement in the Prognosis of Dr. Oz – If recent polls are accurate, Oz finds himself in the odd position of winning self-identified independent voters, but still trailing overall because he hasn’t unified Pa Republicans behind him

CA’s new law regulating fast-food wages will destroy jobs – It’s a targeted bill that sets a fast-food industry minimum wage, and it’s a big one: almost $7 higher than the regular state minimum wage

The CDC passed misinformation to Facebook as the partners worked to combat misinformation, according to newly released emails, in the most recent example of CDC officials making false or misleading claims

A new lawsuit filed in Los Angeles on behalf of parents seeks to immediately halt any plans to bring back an indoor mask mandate on school children, claiming that the Department of Public Health “is using erroneous hospitalization metrics”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The New COVID Vaccines Have Only Been Tested on Mice, Without Safety or Effectiveness Data Based On Human Trials – Antibody levels tell us nothing about its effectiveness

Biden officials say annual COVID-19 shots are now the norm with the latest boosters – Current NIAID director Fauci said COVID-19 shots updated for new variants would be recommended once a year rather than every six months or so

29 MORE Reasons (Not) To Inject Your Child –  Inspired by Margaret Anna Alice’s  “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” 

A first-in-in-the-nation bill that would protect kids’ privacy online passed out of the California Legislature – Here’s what it does, and what happens next

Why Federal Legalization of Cannabis Is Finally Here – On July 21, 2022, three senators sheepishly launched federal cannabis legislation into the future, with the introduction of the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act

September 5, 2022

Studies show blood damage in those who got COVID vaccinations – Frightening research results are coming out of Italy and Germany – If you have had a COVID vaccine/booster, what this article presents may cause you stress and anxiety

Federal Judge grants Trump’s Special Master request for review of the material confiscated by the FBI/DOJ during the Mar-a-Lago Raid – Parties have until September 9th to submit a filing that includes special master candidates

FBI agents in August seized medical documents and financial information from former President Donald Trump when they raided his Mar-a-Lago resort, a new court filing revealed on September 5th

Federal agents who are investigating former President Donald Trump may still be working on the case despite being exposed to potentially privileged information, according to a new court filing

Former Feds Give The Justice Department a Bad Name – The nonstop partisan gaslighting justify accusations by Trump and his supporters that the Justice Department largely exists to criminalize political dissent in America

No, Trump’s Presence In The Midterms Is Not “Risky” For The GOP – Without Trump, The GOP Struggles To Turnout Voters

Maryland Democrat Representative Raskin Admits Democrats Are Fascists – Two of the hallmarks of a fascist political party are one, they don’t accept the results of elections that don’t go their way, and two, they embrace political violence

Industry And Infrastructure Are Collapsing By The Day Across Europe And The US – Three of the pillars that allow modern society to function are being severely crippled by economic sanctions and sky-high energy prices across Europe

The Prominent Investigative Reporter Who Spearheaded Coverage of the 2017 Las Vegas Massacre Was Found Dead Outside His Home – Jeff German was found stabbed to death and his killer remains at large

Governor Newsom Signs Legislation to Unionize CA’s 556,000 Fast Food Workers – A new “Fast Food Council “will set minimum health, safety, and employment standards across California’s fast food industry

ZH: The Commodity Crisis Has Unfolded for Europe. Who’s Next? – On Friday, G7 nations announced they had come up with a worldwide scheme to impose price caps on Russian oil

Constitutional law professor and commentator Jonathan Turley: Conservatives law students fear losing their freedom of speech  – “A question I never heard from students is now routine”

TIPP Poll Asks: Does America Have A Two-Tier Justice System? – Many Americans, mostly in the center and right, believe they are treated unfairly by the media and the law

Sharyl Attkisson: The federal government is spending billions to promote electric vehicles, but most Americans still view them as impractical – Recent Rasmussen polling shows only 28% of American adults think electric cars are practical

Joe Biden doubled down on his ‘Battle for the Soul of the Nation’ speech from hell last week, tweeting on Sunday that “MAGA proposals are a threat to the very soul of this country”

It Seems Like Biden Wants To Reelect Trump – What we need is a president who wants to do the hard, necessary work of uniting

Joe Biden Has Spent 40% Of His Time As President On Vacation – He’s been away 23 days just in the past month

The Missing Laborers – The U.S. economy is in the peculiar situation of relying on a shrinking workforce to serve a growing population

ZH: Europe’s Energy Crisis Was Created By Political Interventionism – An energy policy that bans investment in some technologies based on ideological views and ignores security of supply is doomed to a boisterous failure

An Australian Bank Chain To Stop Lending For Gas-Powered Cars In 2025 – Loans Will Then Only Be Available For Electric Vehicles

California Goes Over the Edge – 1st it was the electric auto mandate with an inadequate electrical power grid and now it’s the Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act

TikTok is now a marketing tool to coax children into the “trans” abattoirs – The agenda to mangle our youth is brazenly promoted, particularly on social media – Children are to be cherished and protected

John Daniel Davidson: The Transgender Movement Isn’t Just Targeting Kids, It’s Targeting Families – The point isn’t just to break down the “gender binary” it’s to break down the family toward the goal of reshaping society

Mayor Lori Lightfoot lashes out at Texas Governor Abbott after 50 more migrants are bussed to Chicago – Lightfoot accused Abbott of using the illegal migrants as human pawns and said he is “manufacturing a human crisis’

Students at colleges in Washington, D.C., are facing significant COVID-19-related restrictions compared to their counterparts in Virginia and Maryland, even as the coronavirus continues to recede from the public consciousness

Challenge Big Pharma and Go to Jail – At least 83 governments worldwide have used the Covid-19 pandemic to justify violating the exercise of free speech and peaceful assembly, according to Human Rights Watch

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Four large systematic meta-analyses show that low vitamin D levels raise your risk of COVID while higher baseline levels and/or supplementation lower all risks by 1.5 to three times

Victor Davis Hanson: What One Had To Believe To Believe Jussie Smollett’s Story – During a speaking engagement, he let loose with a two-minute comedy riff that had his listeners convulsed with laughter

September 4, 2022

California Extends Its “Flex Alert,” Warning Drivers Not to Charge Their Electric Cars – The alert has been in effect for several days in the midst of a heat wave that is slated to last through Labor Day

50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot – A handy list of reasons you’ll want to rush your child to the nearest injection site stat, NOT!

The Origins of Woke – A forgotten satirical book from the nineties predicted our current “cancel culture”

ZH: Biden Puts The ‘Total’ In Totalitarianism – America has come perilously close to the edge of the point of no return…

Glenn Greenwald’s Prediction in October 2020, ahead of the elections and after the mainstream media and Deep State takedown of the Hunter Biden laptop story Is Spooky Accurate – He Nailed it, unfortunately

BIDEN KEEPS HIS PROMISE TO SCREW AMERICAN MOTORISTS – WSJ chart shows the Biden Administration leased far fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II

The Biden Administration’s Border Cover-Up Becomes A Border Standoff – A reporter and the WH press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre get in a row over the administration’s denial of the crisis

Donald Trump: “This election is a referendum on skyrocketing inflation, rampant crime, soaring murders, crushing gas prices, millions and millions of illegal aliens pouring across our border, race and gender indoctrination…”

Anticipation for Trump 2024 Run Builds up at PA Rally – An energized crowd packed the 10,000-seat Mohegan Sun Arena on Saturday night as Trump arrived in the battleground state to rally for Republican candidates and his supporters

COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Trump and Biden Both Hold Rallies in Wilkes-Barre — TRUMP FILLS THE ARENA WITH AN OVERFLOW CROWD – Biden Can’t Even Fill A High School Gym

China Moves to Buy Off Africa – Here Is more evidence of its “world-island” ambitions

Margaret Thatcher-Style Leader Likely to Become The New UK Prime Minister – “She is a limited-government, low-tax politician who believes in reining in the role of the state”

More Than Half of Babies, Toddlers Surveyed Had ‘Systemic Reaction’ After COVID-19 Vaccine – Parents reported 6 percent of young children were unable to do normal activities after the second dose

The Bed Bath & Beyond CFO Plunges to Death From NYC Skyscraper Following Mass Layoffs – On Friday police responded to a 911 call and found a 52-year-old man dead near the building who appeared to suffer injuries from a fall

The Bed Bath And Beyond Executive That PLUNGED To His Death From A NYC Skyscraper Faced A Massive Lawsuit For Stock Price Manipulation

Taiwan warns that China aspires to open a “naval outpost” in Nicaragua as part of a plan to dominate the Indo-Pacific – Taiwanese Vice Foreign Minister Alexander says “They have a very large plan”

WSJ: Federal Oil Leases Slow to a Trickle Under Biden – The President cites climate change and spurns resources his predecessors, Donald Trump, relied on to boost U.S. energy production

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday revealed that FBI agents “rifled through” former First Lady Melania Trump’s closet and “even did a deep and ugly search of the room of my 16-year-old son, Barron”

WSJ: Consumers Feel Worse Now Than They Did During The Covid Lockdowns – Sentiment has fallen to levels typically associated with worse financial and economic conditions than today’s

So was it presidential historian Jon Meacham who wrote Biden’s Mussolini Meltdown speech? – The visuals and speech didn’t help Biden any politically, and the internal polls must have been horrific

The recipe for a Democrat October surprise – The corrupt mainstream media are already working overtime to set the stage by playing up the “civil war” potential and predicting violence from “white supremacists and far-right extremists”

Never has the “buck stopped” with Biden as he’s always had a scapegoat for his disasters. First, it was Putin; now, it’s MAGA Republicans, but in reality, it is his failed policies and incessant WH disinformation

Biden Sr. Advisor Keisha Bottoms: The so-called “MAGA Republican agenda” has “no place” in American democracy – “The MAGA agenda has been about misleading people, it’s about putting out information that inflames people”

The Rise of the Unprincipled Left – The left’s principles are not grounded in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Leftists regard those documents as mere quaint relics of a bygone past

Another BLM Leader Is Accused Of Fraud – Black Lives Matter leader, Shalomyah Bowers, purportedly siphoned more than $10 million of donors’ money

A Heartbroken Grad Watches The Woke Descent Of The US Naval Academy – There is so much wrong with having midshipmen, future naval leaders, indoctrinated with woke inclusion and diversity

The Latest Attack on Proposed “Sites Reservoir,” Not Enough Water – Drawing 1.0 million acre-feet or more from the Sacramento River to fill the Sites Reservoir during wet years, and over a half-million-acre feet even in dry years, would not significantly reduce the flow of water into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

The Curse Of Cultural Marxism – Pat Condell makes the point that Progressivism is Marxism attempting to wear a liberal mask, and failing – His analysis is excellent and very thought-provoking

September 3, 2022

Canada’s rules for tourists entering Canada are being cited as a reason Americans are not visiting  – The focus of concern is the ArriveCAN app, according to CBC as Canada requires visitors to be vaccinated against Covid for entry

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A hospital study published in June 2022 revealed that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mouthwash, gargle, and nasal rinse protected against COVID-19 better than the jab

Russia Shuts Down Nord Stream 1 INDEFINITELY – The entire western world is going to start feeling massive pain thanks to weak, ignorant, narcissistic European leaders who balked at sensible advice given to them by President Trump

Tim Pool, the host of the popular “Tim-Cast” IRL podcast, heralded the production of My Son Hunter as an important example of creating cultural content to compete with and dissent from the woke corporate entertainment establishment

ZH: California Governor Newsom Reaped $10.6 Million In Campaign Cash From 979 State Vendors Who Pocketed $6.2 Billion – Newsom has embraced the highly unethical practice of soliciting campaign cash from state contractors

Judge Denies Steve Bannon’s Request For New Trial – He was on trial in July for two misdemeanor charges related to him not showing up to testify before the committee in charge of investigating the Jan 6th events at the U.S. Capitol

Embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses and are speaking out  – They have been seeing them starting from either 2020 or 2021

SHEDDING CONFIRMED: mRNA-Generated Covid Spike Proteins Found in Skin Lesions MONTHS After “Vaccination” – Did Pfizer and Moderna create ZOMBIE injections that simply do not die?

17 states with vehicle emission standards tied to CA rules face weighty decisions on whether to follow CA’s strictest-in-the nation new rules that require all new cars, pickups, and SUVs to be electric or hydrogen-powered by 2035

Biden’s great walk-back only manages to remind us again “who he is” – It is pretty clear that his “soul of the nation” Independence Hall speech didn’t go over the way he thought it would go over with American voters

US Treasury says the request for Hunter Biden records must come from a Democrat-led committee, not Republicans – That could change if Republicans take the majority in Congress this November in the Midterms

The Green Surrender – I sometimes wonder which policy of President Biden‘s has been or will be the most destructive of them all as there are so many possibilities, but at the top of the list is his Progressive energy policy that weakens America

Winners and Losers in the Ukraine War – Perhaps we ought to invest as much time and energy trying to end this war as we do to defeat and humiliate Russia

WSJ: Enough, Bosses Say: This Fall, It Is Time to Get Back to the Office – After more than two years, corporate leaders say time is up on avoiding in-person work

Claremont Review of Books Essays: Why Are We in Ukraine? – A steep bill comes due for decades of democracy promotion

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: LENI RIEFENSTAHL EDITION – Who thought the setting and lighting for Biden”s speech was a good idea? The millennials who run the WH may live in a media-academic bubble, but can they be that clueless?

September 2, 2022

Police Captain Identified Who Beat A Woman with Metal Baton Nearly to Death and Bashed Her in the Face on Jan. 6th – Not once does the DOJ report describe the brutal pummeling she received at the hands of the Capitol Police officers

Steve Kirsch: Israel didn’t start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program – They gathered 6 months’ worth of data and found that the vaccines weren’t safe … so they lied to the world about it

CA Lawmakers Just Passed Two Bills to Punish Physicians and Curtail Free Speech,  AB 2098 and SB 1018 – Physicians would be punished for doing what they believe is best for their patients and sharing legitimate information

Joe Biden’s “Ghost” Gun Ban Lasted Less Than 1 Minute – Retailers require separate component orders or refuse to sell all four component packages to the same customer so that no single retailer ever actually sells a “firearm”

Civiqs Poll: 69% of Voters Say Joe Biden’s Economy Is Fairly Bad or Very Bad – The Civiqs tracking model captures the shifts in attitude of various groups over time across all 50 states and Washington, D.C.

CNN White House Correspondent Leaves The Network Just Hours After Strongly Backing Biden’s Aggressive Rhetoric – John Harwood has been described by multiple outlets as having a significant pro-left bias

Sharyl Attkisson: Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley want to know why the FBI has interfered in their investigation of Hunter Biden – “The FBI has consistently failed to respond in full to requests and provide critical records”

According to Virginia Democratic Representative Elaine Luria, the Inflation Reduction Act is in reality a huge environmental bill that includes a lot of things, such as the tax credits necessary to make these kinds of developments

Minutes Before Biden Gave His Vile Speech, Bannon’s House Was Swatted – The practice of calling officers to a home under pretenses in the hope that harm will come to them has become known as “swatting” 

ZH: CNN Caught Color-Shifting Biden’s Hell-Red Rant Mid-Speech – The optics were so bad that CNN shifted the color from blood-red to a ‘less Hitlery’ pink in the middle of Biden’s speech

Watch: Kari Lake Epically Shuts Down Journalist in 90 Seconds – During her response to Biden’s national address Thursday, she was asked by a left-leaning reporter about the results of the 2020 election

Democrat Hobbs formally refuses to debate Kari Lake in the Arizona governor race –Hobbs’ campaign says she wouldn’t participate in something that will make Arizona “the butt of late-night TV jokes”

Biden Gives Clinton and Obama Insider John Podesta Control Over Nearly $370 Billion in ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Funds – He will chair the President’s National Climate Task Force

Fossil Fuels Are Vital to Human Flourishing – Oil, coal, and natural gas have enabled billions of people to climb out of poverty and enjoy longer, higher-quality lives

There Is no longer evidence to suggest anyone should get the COVID-19 vaccines, a British mathematician said as the UK government rolls out another booster campaign ahead of the winter season

Covid-19 “Vaccines” Reprogram the Immune System to ATTACK Important Organs – Science continues to prove what many have speculated about – Will corporate media, Big Tech, and government continue to keep people in the dark?

A secondary analysis of the data from the original clinical trials for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines has found that those vaccinated were at higher risk of serious adverse events than the unvaccinated placebo group

ZH: These Are The Most Popular Fast Food Brands In America – A graphic uses data from a report on America’s top 50 fast food chains by Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) Magazine

Over 1,000 reports of adverse events have been lodged with U.S. authorities following COVID-19 vaccinations being given to children aged 5 and younger

Former President Donald Trump reiterated Thursday that he would pardon some Jan. 6 defendants and revealed he’s “financially supporting” some of them. “I mean full pardons with an apology to many,”

In a rare primetime address, President Joe Biden accused former President Donald Trump and so-called “MAGA Republicans” of having an “extreme ideology” that effectively threatens “the very foundations of our republic”

Biden’s “Democracy” Lecture Reminds Americans How Relentlessly Democrats Undermine It – Biden and Democrats are guilty of all of the sins against democracy he blames Trump and “MAGA Republicans” For

Joe Biden Isn’t Qualified to Lecture Us on the Soul of the Nation – He and his handlers are hard at work tearing the country from its moral base

Hours before Biden’s broadcast that declared anyone who disagrees with him to be a violent extremist, his Press Secretary told reporters that those who do not agree with “the majority” are exhibiting “an extreme way of thinking” and must be treated as a threat

America: Amid a Communist Revolution – Following the playbook of past communist revolutions, erasing our history began immediately with the destruction of historical statues and monuments by Antifa and BLM mobs, the unofficial paramilitary arm of the DNC

“Let’s Go Brandon” Chants Grew Louder as President Biden Attacked MAGA Americans in A Dark Philadelphia speech – “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic”

Donald Trump responded to Joe Biden’s bizarre speech, in which he angrily denounced over 74 million Americans as ‘extremists,’ by suggesting Biden “must be insane or suffering from late stage dementia”

Biden’s hateful rhetoric against Americans presents the GOP with a sterling opportunity – Whenever political leaders lose all political capital due to their misgovernance and have no real issues to campaign on, they often resort to the symbolic

While Republicans have roundly criticized President Biden’s so-called “soul of the nation” speech as unnecessarily demagogic and divisive, many Democrats and liberal commentators have praised it as an optimistic and inspiring pre-election battle cry

The FBI Used A Phony Photo to Try and Frame “Neatnik” Trump – Who removed those documents from whatever container they were in and spread them all over the floor to mislead the public?

Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski reportedly fears the recently departed former FBI agent Timothy Thibault buried the information he conveyed to the FBI about his Chinese business dealings with the Biden family

5 Times The Anti-Trump FBI’s “Trust Us” Promise Fell Apart – After the lies exposed during SpyGate, the DOJ and FBI’s current entreat to an angry public to “trust them” will be rightly ignored

When candidate Joe Biden promised that he would unite the country if elected, did he think he could do it by alienating roughly half the population? Or he would unite the Democrats and independents against the “MAGA Republicans”?

FBI agents seized over 11,000 documents and photographs without classified markings from the home of former President Donald Trump, according to an inventory released on Sept. 2.

ZH: The WH received Tehran’s awaited response to prior US stipulations regarding the final text of a restored nuclear deal – The initial reaction strongly suggests that negotiations are once again in peril even as the deal is at the “finish line”

Over 50 Biden Administration Employees Across 12 US Agencies Involved in Social Media Censorship Push – They publicly pressured social media companies to take action against a group of officials dubbed the “disinformation dozen”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday said that illegal aliens apprehended along the U.S.-Mexico border are now also  being bused to Chicago in addition to New York City and Washington as a result of Biden’s “open border policies”

Democrats across the U.S. are using the proceeds of the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to pay for things not intended – Democrats across the U.S. are using the proceeds of the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to pay for things not intended

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, at least 1.1 million incarcerated criminals were given checks for COVID stimulus money as a result of Joe Biden’s stimulus bill, with the final total amounting to about $1.3 billion

This New Ivermectin Video Is A Must See – It is only 13-minutes long and shows how NIH deliberately twisted the facts to make it look like the drug didn’t work while the media slammed it with repeated claims of being a horse de-wormer

Ivermectin Vindicated Two Years Too Late: Horse Paste Has Officially Been Listed as an Antiviral COVID Treatment on the NIH’s Website – The suppression of this drug “is one of the greatest stories of our lifetime, and we’re not going to let it go”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture – Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020

ZH: Around 22,000 households in Colorado lost the ability to control their smart wi-fi connected thermostats after the power company seized control of them during a heatwave

A California Backlash over Order Not to Charge Electric Vehicles During Heatwave – Electric car and zero emissions supporters say car buyers are looking elsewhere

September 1, 2022

Does the Republican Party have the courage to fight – It’s become clear the DOJ and FBI are little more than politicized, corrupt, and weaponized agencies of the government that exist to go after the Left’s political opponents

630 Days Later: Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday that Florida is suing the Biden administration as a last resort so that it can implement a plan to import prescription drugs from Canada

Why Did the FBI Raid Mar-a-Lago? – Trump’s ‘stash of supposed nuclear secrets’ is this summer’s Kremlin collusion conspiracy, but this latest chapter of Russiagate may end with a bang

The Florida judge presiding over Donald Trump’s request to appoint a “special master” did not issue a ruling after the hearing but plans to unseal an inventory of what agents took, as well as a status report from the investigative team

WSJ Opinion: American Federation of Teachers chief Randi Weingarten Flunks the Pandemic – National test results reveal the damage resulting from school closures

The COVID-19 Vaccines Didn’t Work, so CDC Changed the Definition of Vaccines – Tech companies quickly censored and de-platformed doctors who discussed potentially-effective treatment options as any scientific debate was silenced

The FDA authorized updated COVID-19 vaccine booster shots despite no clinical trial data being available for the modified formulations – They granted emergency use authorization to Moderna and Pfizer for the updated boosters

We Beat Big Pharma on Its Home Turf — A California Grassroots Movement Stopped The Teen Vaccine Consent Bill – Senator Wiener will not put his teen vaccine consent bill up for a vote because it does not have enough support

China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Demands A U.S. Response – Although China announced that it banned this hideous practice in 2015, transparency is lacking and mounting evidence indicates that it continues

Amazon Is Under Investigation for a String of Warehouse Deaths as Scrutiny Grows – Warehouse deaths are worrying in light of complaints over high heat and the pace of work, advocates and workers say

Former US Intel Chief: The FBI ‘Didn’t Find What They Were Looking for’ in Trump Raid – The DOJ’s arguments against appointing a special master “tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for”

The Biden administration is blocking DeSantis from letting Floridians access cheaper medication – The governor’s office has been waiting 630 days for approval from the FDA for its proposal to import cheap, safe medications from Canada

WSJ: Service Is Slow – Luggage Is AWOL – Blame the Influx of New Hires – The U.S. economy has recouped the 22 million jobs lost early in the pandemic, but the tight labor market is burdening many employers with unseasoned staff

After Alaska, where ranked-choice voting is headed next – Ranked-choice voting allows voters to list a second choice and third choice (and beyond) on their ballots rather than forcing them to select one candidate but is complicated to tabulate

Inflation remains the top issue for Americans heading into the 2022 midterm elections, while only one percent of voters said the economy is in “excellent” shape, according to a Wednesday Quinnipiac poll

The cost of attending a four-year college has more than doubled over the last two decades, along with student loan borrowing – Experts are skeptical the loan forgiveness plan announced by the Biden administration will change things

The top schools in the country are weeding out applicants who are NOT sufficiently devoted to the leftist creed of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), according to a new report released by the non-profit organization, Do No Harm

Arizona’s leaders blow off Biden, and build the border wall themselves – Texas has been leading the charge, and now Arizona is stepping up to the plate

A recent court filing submitted by former President Donald Trump’s lawyers said the Department of Justice (DOJ) never contacted his lawyers after FBI agents took documents during last month’s raid on his Mar-a-Lago residence

ZH: There’s No Alternative but Total Systemic Collapse – Nearly a month after Jerome Powell said, “We have moved to the neutral rate,” the Fed is now singing a different tune. What’s behind the switch?

ZH: A Fed Paper Admits The Central Bank Can’t Control Inflation; Finger-Points At Federal Government – In plain English, the central bank can’t stop inflation when the federal government needs inflation to survive

The Stock Market Rout Has Only Just Begun – “Mean reversion,” the rule that all things eventually revert to normal, in the case of the stock market means it will be “painful” at best due to previous QE & Zero Interest Rate Policies

Nikki Haley Reveals Who Leaked Her Group’s Donor List to Press – The same liberal that is targeting Donald Trump, New York Attorney General Letitia James

Border Patrol agents have described White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as “extremely dumb” or flat-out lying following her claims earlier this week that migrants are not “walking across” the southern border

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced numerous new gun controls going into effect in her state Thursday and made clear her belief that good guys with guns do not stop bad guys

More Bad News For The Eco-Radicals – For the first time in more than 80 years, the Atlantic Ocean hasn’t produced a named storm between July 3 and August 31

California Democrats in the State Assembly and State Senate have advanced legislation that would make the state a sanctuary where out-of-state parents can take their children to undergo sex change procedures

A California School District Textbook Claims There Are EIGHT Genders – The different ‘genders’ that the book lists include agender, androgynous, bigender, cisgender, gender fluid, gender non-conforming, and gender questioning

Big Tech Takes On Truth Social – It wasn’t a matter of “if,” but “when” and “how” big tech would target Donald Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social – But Now, Truth Social has been barred from the Google Play Store

It’s Newsom’s Call Now: Tracking California bills passed in the 2022 legislative session – Here are some of the interesting and consequential bills that CalMatters is tracking

Democrat Chicago Mayor Lashes Out After Border State Begins Bussing Illegal Migrants to Chicago – Another sanctuary city mayor is being forced to put their money where their mouth is concerning illegal aliens invading America

Newsom Declares A State Of Emergency And Signs An Executive Order To Boost Electrical Resources Across The State in Preparation For A Coming Heat Wave – Newsom “is only doing it for an emergency and to save his skin”

An Unhappy Labor Day for California Workers – “California state lawmakers just can’t keep their laws off our livelihoods”

Joe Biden Doesn’t Say Unfunded Mandate, But Now It Is – The Biden administration has announced its intent to stop paying for COVID vaccines and treatments

Officials from the Biden WH and other federal agencies repeatedly colluded with social media companies, including Twitter and Facebook, to censor COVID-19 stories – This was unearthed through a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry in May

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Promoting Unlicensed Vaccines is Lawbreaking – These reformulated mRNA vaccines were added on by amendment to the existing EUA by the FDA without first being tested in humans

A California bill that would have allowed vaccines for teens without parental consent made it to the final days of the legislative session, but it failed to pass as some legislators saw the bill as an “overreach” undermining parental decisions

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Government Health Care Kills More People Than It Helps – Despite widespread failures and blatant corruption within the CDC, the NIH, and the FDA, HHS is asking for a bigger budget

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Identifying Discrimination – UC Berkeley is targeting religious and conservative students over vaccine compliance

Will I Ever See the $36 Million Oberlin College Owes Me? – My family was falsely accused of racism by a powerful school in a small town. Our business was destroyed and we won our case, but the school is refusing to pay

August 31, 2022

Joe Biden Isn’t Qualified to Lecture Us on the Soul of the Nation – Because Joe and his handlers are hard at work tearing the country from its moral base and all the revelations about the stupid and horrible things Joe Biden has done

FBI employees have “lost confidence” in Christopher Wray, and call for him to resign – Agents are saying that Wray has lost control of the agency and that they do not see how he can continue in his position

JD Rucker: Were Ghislaine Maxwell and “A-17” the Real Reasons for the FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago? – This may be the most off-the-wall conspiracy theory I’ve researched in a long time, but so far a lot of it makes sense

The Right Needs to Stop Being Principled Losers: Part II – Unprincipled bullies keep behaving badly until they get their comeuppance – Republicans need to give the Left a taste of its own medicine when they regain House control in 2023


Florida Rated #1 In Fiscal And Economic Freedom – Polls show that DeSantis’ no-nonsense style of drawing hard lines is noted and appreciated by conservatives

ZH: The Housing Market Set For Turbulence As Searches For ‘Sell My House’ Hit A Record High – Google data reveals searches for ‘sell my house’ exploded by 147% in the US as of July 2022, the highest level in internet history for America

Californians were asked to keep their AC at 78 and nix electric vehicle charges to spare grid, as the state braces for a period of excessive heat expected to last through Tuesday

A New Bill Proves California Democrats Learned Nothing From AB 5 – With AB 257, they’re now taking aim at fast food industry jobs

California Governor Newsom Addressed the People Wednesday on “Extreme Heat” and The Wobbly Electricity Grid – He offers conservation tips while blaming fossil fuels rather than his climate change policies

Boston Children’s Hospital and Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. have generated a massive uproar due to their marketing of “gender-affirming” hysterectomies for young women caught up in the swirl of gender confusion

Steve Kirsch: Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people – The CDC has been hiding the Social Security Administration’s death master file recently obtained from a whistleblower – Which is why it’s hard to see what is happening

Covid “Vaccines” Cause Massive Blood Damage – Bypassing the innate immune system with lipid nano-particles and the subsequent encoding and transcribing of spike proteins has proven to be toxic and damaging to the cardiovascular system and the immune system

Steve Kirsch: Here’s how the vaccine is causing those weird “blood clots” – “The spike protein is acting as a prion concerning hemoglobin molecules and consequently porphyria is being induced”

The California Legislature Passed A Bill Targeting Doctors Promoting COVID-19 “Misinformation” – Misinformation is defined as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care”

Brown University Is Not Denying A Student Was Hospitalized With Heart Inflammation After A COVID-19 Vaccination – Several records seem to line up with the hospitalization the cardiologist described, including a case reported to VAERS

Thomas Jefferson University Study: Inflammatory mRNA Nanoparticles Inhibit and Alter Immune Response – LNPs are shells of lipids that envelope mRNA to prevent degradation and detection by our body’s immune system

Remember all of these things they did when you vote in November – Common sense and actual science went out the window and were replaced by fear-based political positioning and mandates that just about destroyed our country

The Master Key to the Senate – The national GOP may need Blake Masters, who is running for Senate in Arizona, more than Blake Masters needs the national GOP

Save Our Political System: Impeach and Convict Joe Biden – In this country, Congress makes the laws — so it must reassert this authority

A Federal Judge Blocks The “Assault Weapons” Ban in a Colorado County; Others Agree to Stop Enforcement –Interestingly, the federal judge who blocked the “assault weapons” ban, was appointed by President Joe Biden

Electric vehicle pioneer Elon Musk on Monday called for more drilling and exploration of fossil fuel resources in the immediate future, warning that humanity could be in trouble if the transition to lower-carbon energy sources is rushed

Trump and Obama — Democrats use Nazi techniques to alter history – Democrats are masters at employing Nazi Machiavellianism, and frequently point the finger at the Right for being guilty of spreading misinformation

Our Politically Driven FBI – In essence, Hunter Biden is what Democrat fever dreams depicted Donald Trump to be, with the porn tapes, payments to Russian accounts, and the dingy financial ties to corrupt and anti-American governments

Some Universities Are Still Requiring the COVID Shot – In light of what we now know about the COVID vaccines, Attorney John Allison’s analysis should be mandatory reading when deciding where to send a child to a university or college

The DOJ Responds to Trump’s Request for Special Master – The DOJ urged a judge to reject the request, arguing Trump lacks the legal standing to ask for a special master and that he is not entitled to the relief he seeks

The DOJ Releases Pics From Mar-a-Lago Raid In An Attempt To Smear Trump – They spread them on the floor in a sort of perfect way that appears to many that it was a staged photo-op for the media

ZH: Shocked Europeans in the UK and Ireland are posting viral photos of extremely high energy bills amid the ongoing (and worsening) energy crisis – Several were from small business owners who are getting absolutely crushed

Russia Officially Halts Natural Gas Flows Via Nord Stream 1 – Fears mount across the EU that Russia will delay flows beyond September 3rd as the Kremlin continues to use natural gas as a weapon against Western sanctions

The Shocking Disclosure That Took Place At “The Pit” – Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips described what they found last year on an unsecured server in China: The personal information for 1.8 million US election workers…and more

Who is “They” – Mapping the institutions and actors involved in the global Iatrogenocide

Biden’s Student Debt Cancellation Farce – As the Department of Education, Nancy Pelosi, and others have stated, Biden does not have the authority to do this and his executive order may be struck down by the courts

Newly released CDC data shows a total of 1,379,438 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between 12/14/2020 and 8/5/022 to VAERS, an increase of 7,964 adverse events over the previous week

August 30, 2022

Biden’s Most Enduring Legacy? Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are coming fast – You need to prepare because they’ll mark a major victory in the war against cash and your privacy – This is why

Speaking from PA on Tuesday, Joe Biden issued a message to brave right-wing Americans saying that they “need something a little more than a gun” to fight against the US, giving the example of an F-15 as something to use instead

General Mark Milley should be court-martialed – Due to his most egregious examples of treasonous subversion by a commissioned officer since Benedict Arnold

Exhibit Q: Elon Musk Cranks Up Effort to Scrap Twitter Deal With Explosive New Claims – Exhibit Q details claims made by Peiter Zatko, who made a series of explosive claims, including that Twitter was “lying about bots to Elon Musk”

California to punish doctors who spread what state bureaucrats deem as Covid ‘misinformation’ – Punishments could include suspending or revoking a doctor’s license to practice medicine in the state

AG Merrick Garland Threatens DOJ Employees About Contacting Congress – This is no coincidence as Trump and others are asking for the good guys in the DOJ to share with Congress corrupt actions taking place in Biden’s corrupt DOJ

Obama-Era ‘Sisters’ Circle Trump – Will the trio of Susan Rice, Avril Haines, and Lisa Monaco get their target? – Just like the Russiagate scandal, the entire exercise is in service of destroying Donald Trump personally and politically

The Right Needs to Stop Being Principled Losers – Because “The Left” in contrast, is all about gaining and holding power, and that’s why they so often win

Joe Biden Buys The Vote – Graduates with college debt are expected to pay Biden back at the ballot box – All this controversy about student loans, but rarely do you hear a university official complaining about student costs

Oops: Zuckerberg Should Have Kept Quiet – The GOP Calls For The Meta CEO to Turn Over Hunter Biden FBI Related Communications

A federal court on Tuesday canceled a hearing over Trump’s election lawyer John Eastman’s attempt to reclaim his seized phone after the corrupt Justice Department obtained a second search warrant which undermined Eastman’s case

Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz admitted under oath that there’s a crisis at the southern border, attributing the illegal migrant surge to President Joe Biden’s policies, according to a deposition

Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Say Biden Admin Lying About New IRS Agents – Most voters believe the IRS will target the middle-class, small businesses, cash, tip workers, or political opponents

One of Lois Lerner’s lackeys from the Obama-era IRS Tea Party scandal will be leading the Biden administration’s expansion of the IRS with the stated goal of hiring 87,000 new agents

JD Rucker: The Seismic Shift in the “Vaccine” Narrative Is Happening to Sell Pandemic Treaty 2.0 in December – The WHOy and WEF will demand the WHO become the sole decision-makers about all things pandemic-related

Jean-Pierre Proves How Clueless The WH Is on The Border Crisis As Fox News Reporter Peter Doocy Sets Her Straight – “How come migrants are allowed to come into this country unvaccinated, but world-class tennis players are not?”

Despite An IG Warning, The Biden Admin Triples Budget for The Problematic “Weatherization” Program – Previously. audits uncovered fraud, embezzlement, shoddy work, inflated expenses for parts and materials, sketchy billing, kickbacks, etc.

The CA Legislature Passes a Bill to Unionize Fast Food Workers, so get ready for more expensive, “slow food” – Here comes another of the many anti-business bills responsible for chasing businesses out of California

We’re Coming For Them: “They Will Not Be Able to Hide from the Courts” – The swine flu program was halted after approximately 55 million doses and 25 deaths, but in 2021 after just 90 days, are 1223 confirmed deaths are okay?

The Ukrainian Black Hole, Negligent Discharges, and Misplaced Nukes – Billions of American dollars were sent to provide military arms for Ukraine while our government has no idea where the money or weapons are going, and wait until you see why

Joe Biden Unintentionally Displays The Scam Of Socialism – Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth

ZH: US Home Price Growth Slowed In June And Is The Weakest In 13 Months – Tampa, Miami, and Dallas reported the highest gains but all major cities have seen their price growth peak, with West Coast prices fading the fastest

Zuckerberg’s Admission Of FBI Meddling In The 2020 Election Is Much Bigger Than It Seems – Zuckerberg’s admission reveals a deeper scandal: It was the FBI and not social media that stole the election from Donald Trump

Unelected Bureaucrats Unilaterally Impose the Green New Deal – We must elect congressmen or legislators that pledge to dismantle the bureaucratic schemes that are currently in place, not merely hold the line

How do climate doomsayers explain the current state of Arctic ice? – Summer temperatures in the Arctic remained at levels similar to the 44-year average of 1958–2002, with no marked increase in warming

ZH: Questioning Zoltan’s Claims – Investors assume globalization is Too Big to Fail, but globalization is not a bank in need of a bailout, it needs a hegemon to maintain order. Today, Russia and China are challenging the U.S. hegemon

Kash Patel: The Same Russiagate Crew Is Running The FBI Mar-a-Lago Document Investigation – Russiagate documents have never been publicly released after NARA took possession of them in January and were supposed to be given back 

More Problems Emerge With The Mar-a-Lago Affidavit – There are some very strange anomalies in the available portions of the redacted affidavit purporting to justify raiding the property of a former United States president

Republicans Respond After A Top FBI Agent Reportedly Resigns – Senator Grassley signaled that he would continue to press the FBI for any “political bias,” adding that the “effort to revive the FBI’s credibility can’t stop with [Thibault’s] exit

A Litany of Failure: Assessing the results due to progressive criminal-justice policies – Re-empower the police to protect law-abiding citizens, arrest violent offenders, prosecute them vigorously, and incapacitate them with stiff sentences

WSJ: How Two Mexican Drug Cartels Came to Dominate America’s Fentanyl Supply – The Sinaloa and Jalisco organizations are a dominant source of the synthetic opioid, a leading cause of the U.S.’s record overdoses

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Ban The Covid Jab for Pregnant Women NOW – The VAERS database listed 4,941 miscarriages post-COVID jab, yet the fetal death reports for all other vaccines reported to VAERS in the last 30 years is 2,239

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an Obama appointee, on Monday rejected a case to block New York City’s fundamentally unethical and scientifically obsolete COVID-19 vaccine

An Ex-Transgender Teen Recounts The “Horrifying” Experience of Transition Surgery – Chloe was 15 years old when she agreed to let a “gender-affirming” surgeon remove her healthy breasts, a life-altering decision she now deeply regrets

Elon Musk’s lawyers have sent a second deal termination to Twitter citing the damning allegations made by a whistleblower as reasoning for pulling out of the $44 billion acquisition deal Musk first moved to cancel in July

August 29, 2022

A High Percentage of COVID Deaths Had 3rd Shot, More Excess Deaths After 4th Shot – Once people catch on to the correlation, governments stop updating the data

House Republicans introduced a bill blocking taxpayer funds from supporting the activities of the WEF, the corporate-dominated non-governmental organization promoting global governance and centralized, undemocratic authority

When Dirty Joe and the Democrats Turned Truly Dangerous – Joe Biden appeals to the worst impulses of his base, and they think the rest of us are supposed to just take it?

Swatter Taunts Police And FBI After Targeting Marjorie Taylor Greene With Fake 911 Call – “Give All This Information To The FBI. I Am Ready For Them To Try And Find Me”

A senior FBI official has abruptly resigned after coming under congressional scrutiny for suspected political bias in handling the investigation of Hunter Biden’s laptop computer – Timothy Thibault was forced to leave his post

Release the Entire FBI Mar-a-Lago Affidavit We need to see the whole document to know the truth

Joe Biden’s Justice Department on Monday asked the court’s permission to file a 40-page response to Trump’s request for the appointment of a special master

Trump Wants Redo of 2020 Election ‘Immediately’ Over New FBI Revelations – “So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI buried the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election knowing that, if they didn’t, ‘Trump would have easily won …”

John Eastman’s Best Defense – His legal advice to Trump after the election was not disingenuous – He carried out the assignment with due regard to the higher political interest of the country without diminishing his client’s claims

A Newly Obtained Document Outlines Biden Administration’s Plan to Give IDs to Illegal Immigrants – The pilot program  would give some illegal aliens a card with a photograph, security features, and a quick response (QR) code

I&I/TIPP Poll: Only 34% Agree Biden Has Lived Up To His Vow To ‘Unify’ All Americans – 74% of respondents described the U.S. as “Divided,” versus just 24% who called it “United.” The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points

Fauci Is Stepping Down Because “His Presence Is No Longer Politically Sustainable” – According to the lead attorney in several major cases brought against the CDC, the DHSS, the DOD, the Biden administration, and Fauci himself

Tucker Carlson Highlights the False Premise of the Demand Inflation as Energy Becomes Scarce and Economic Collapse Looms – Central banks are intentionally reducing economic activity to support having scarce energy production

Germany, Once Hailed as “The First Major Renewable Energy Economy” Is Now Collapsing Into Power Poverty – The world is currently in a crisis of too many renewables

71 Members Of Congress Have Violated A Law Designed To Prevent Insider Trading – The STOCK Act, was passed by Congress in 2012, but unfortunately, lawmakers who violate the STOCK Act only face a small $200 fine

The CA Assembly Passes A Bill Making The State A Transgender ‘Refuge’ For Kids And Parents – SB-107 appears to be a response to other states’ actions to limit the ability of parents to subject their children to transgender medical treatment

WSJ: NASA’s Artemis Launch Has Been Postponed Due To An Engine Problem On The Moon Rocket – NASA says it needs time to determine why one of the engines didn’t get to the proper temperature range needed to attempt liftoff

The Left Avoids The Cold Hard Numbers – PA’s Wharton school concluded the Biden student loan bailout will cost from $600 billion to a $1 trillion+, much more than the $300 billion figure that was thrown around before the decision

Confronted by a Fox News producer with the fact that the government has not provided concrete information regarding where the money will come from for the student loan forgiveness plan, VP Harris dodged the question

The Missing Republican Agenda – Republicans are running against an all-Democrat government that has produced record inflation, falling real wages, etc. but are doing little to explain what they would do differently if they took power

Do Americans Want Warp-Speed Boosters? – These boosters have been tested only on mice, not on humans and that’s why some doctors think that it’s fair to extrapolate safety data from previous shots to this updated one

Good riddance Tony Fauci: He likely did more harm than good and we are worse off due to his actions – His dishonesty these past few years has tarnished beyond any recognition the credibility of the health agency he served

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Documents Have Already Been Examined by The DOJ – The DOJ and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence are now facilitating a classification review of materials recovered during the search

It Would Be ‘Incredibly Unusual’ for The DOJ to Charge Trump After Not Charging Hillary Clinton or James Comey –  Representative Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee

The Redacted Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Confirms Biden’s DOJ Fished For A Crime To Pin On Trump – Manipulating the criminal code to find a basis to search the home of a political enemy represents an appalling weaponization of the criminal justice system

The Absurdly Redacted Trump Raid Affidavit Debunks “Trust The System” Talking Points – Unredacted lines indicate the raid was spurred by “a CBS News article that a truck was present at Mar-a-Lago in the final days of Trump’s presidency”

They Will Need To Prove Intent at Mar-a-Lago – To establish many crimes the accused must have not only committed some objectively criminal act but he had to have done it with a criminal purpose in mind

Joe Biden accuses others of what he is guilty of – He referred to the GOP as the “ultra-MAGA party” and called their political philosophy “semi-fascism” – So what exactly is fascism and how is it related to the America of today?

Democrats Are Demanding An Extra $50 Million For Food Programs For Illegal Immigrants – This is to a baseline of $150 Million

The Economic News Is All Bad, And The Public Knows It – Reporters and analysts describe the U.S. economy as “mixed” but the public knows it’s all bad because Biden’s policies are hitting Americans right in their pocketbooks

A public school teacher violates the code of conduct and gets a $190k payout – If it wasn’t clear before that school board elections are the most important local races this November, this story out of Sacramento might change your mind

ZH: Is The Food Crisis Over Or Just Getting Started? – The UN stopped destroying the world for a brief few minutes to publish a piece justifying their behavior and explaining the “benefits” of the famine they’ve engineered

ZH: Ford Hikes Mustang Mach-E Price By As Much As $8,000 – It may not even be eligible for the new tax credit until 2024, due to requirements that 40% of the vehicle’s components are made in North America or by a US trading partner

What Happened To The $650 Billion In Special Drawing Rights Issued In 2021? – Paltry SDR trading volume over the past year confirms the flaws of this asset that is mainly used to grease the IMF’s wheels of bureaucracy

The iPhone turns 15: A visual history of every model to date 21  – The Verge breaks down the notable features of every iPhone release since 2007

August 28, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson: The Strangest Thing About Trump – Of the last three presidents, he was either the most indifferent or the most obstructed when it came to using government agencies for partisan political advantages or to neuter enemies

An Ex-FBI Intelligence Chief Says DOJ Has ‘No Case’ Against Trump – “A criminal violation only exists if it can be established that the person being investigated was not authorized to possess, store, transfer or copy those documents”

The Primary Architect of The Trump Targeting Operation Surfaces on ABC News – Mary McCord’s “obstruction of justice” angle is a repeat of the threat used by the Deep State to keep the criminal conduct of the DOJ-NSD from being exposed

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz Weighs In with A Warning About Trump Affidavit – It Fails ‘Nixon and Clinton Tests’ – “By the DOJ’s regulations, you don’t seek a search warrant unless that’s the only way you can get the material”

Lawyer: My January 6 Clients Are Being Tortured – “For the first time in U.S. history, the political party in power is hunting down and jailing members of the opposition party for political dissidence, and . . . torturing them in jail”

Conservative groups and AG’s plot legal strategy to overturn Biden student debt relief – The Biden administration didn’t go through Congress because they wouldn’t get enough support from centrist Democrats for it to become law

Certain states may tax students canceled student debt – Thirteen states, including New York and Virginia, treat forgiven debt as income, which means it is subject to state taxes

Latinos to the Rescue of America – They are the last, best hope to stop the leftist threat  and have moved en masse to the GOP in the two years since the enemy took over the United States

The Democrats’ Momentum Mirage – Despite all their balderdash and bluster, they’re headed for a midterm drubbing as it is blindingly obvious that Biden’s approval rating will never come anywhere near 50 percent during the next 80 days

The Left Suddenly Discovers Free Speech to Force Transgender Indoctrination on Children – Red states, however, are working hard to protect little kids

Sharyl Attkisson: A Rasmussen Poll finds that if the elections for Congress were held today, 47% of likely U.S. voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 42% said they would vote for the Democrat

An outlandish new Illinois sex ed law – Mandating by the end of fifth grade, students should be able to “distinguish between sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ” …

Steve Kirsch: Over 30 deaths of young, healthy Canadian doctors cannot be explained any other way than they were killed by the vaccine – Stew Peters looked into the deaths of Canadian doctors after the vaccine mandates were rolled out

JD Rucker: A 47-Year-Old Dolphins Executive Latest Victim of the New “UCOD” Pandemic: Unknown Cause of Death – How much correlation do we need before people start waking up to the actual CAUSE of these deaths?

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Courage to Face COVID-19 – The American Board of Internal Medicine is threatening to revoke Dr. McCullough’s certification because he “made public statements that may lead to someone not taking a vaccine”

WSJ: An Inventory Pileup And Uneasy Shoppers Put Retailers in Jeopardy – Chains have a glut of goods heading into a big sales period just as some shoppers are pulling back

Kevin D. Williamson: The Biden Administration’s Student-Loan Wipeout Sticks It to the Poor – The move rewards the Democrats’ upper-middle-class constituents at everyone else’s expense

Student loan transferral ought to be the nail in the coffin for Democrats – Why would you want to pay for this agenda if you are among the following people?

Before the October Surprise comes the August-September PSYOP polls – “November realities are going to be a lot friendlier to Republicans than August mainstream news media fantasies”

In The 1930’s Germany Gave Us Hitler, And Now They Want To Gave Us Klaus Schwab – America Became The Country Europe Is Not –  If Europe Wants To Commit Continental Suicide We Don’t Have To Follow

WSJ: The Latest Covid Boosters Are Set to Roll Out Before Human Testing Is Completed – The FDA and vaccine makers say they are confident that shots targeting Omicron sub-variants will work safely

August 27, 2022

Democrats Obstruct Their Electric Vehicle Push With Surprising New Tax Credit Requirements – “The $7,500 credit might exist on paper, but no vehicles will qualify for this purchase incentive over the next few years”

JD Rucker: A Federal Judge Begins The Process to Appoint A Special Master to Review Items Taken From Mar-a-Lago to ascertain if the FBI breached privileges given to current and former presidents…

The Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Acknowledges Trump Admin. Official’s Claim That President Trump Previously Declassified Seized Docs – Page 19 of the affidavit may point to the can of worms that the Department of Justice

A “Critical Factual Error” by The FBI Raid Affiant Could Blow The DOJ’s Case Against Trump – The search warrant  stated “I do not believe that any spaces within the PREMISES have been authorized for the storage of classified information”

Kash Patel Denounces The Biden Administration for Keeping His Name in The Redacted FBI Trump Warrant Affidavit – Patel is one of only two people identified by name in the affidavit, most of which was redacted

ZH: The FBI Responds To Zuckerberg’s Claim It Helped Suppress Hunter Biden Laptop Story – The FBI stated to media outlets Friday, saying its warning to FB was of a general nature and did not include a call to action

Internal emails at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reveal that the agency is continuing to knowingly release COVID-positive border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States

The only school district in the US to require public school covid vaccinations just caved – Muriel Bowser’s Washington DC stunt has imploded

The Ukrainian Woman Who Impersonated a Rothschild at Mar-a-Lago Is Almost Certainly a Deep State Plant – She has passports for the US, Ukraine, Russia, and Canada which indicates that this woman is a US Intel asset

Ukraine’s nuclear company Energoatom on Saturday said there is an increased risk of dangerous hydrogen or radioactive leaks at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP) after it was damaged by shelling in recent weeks

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Friday struck down a Biden administration statute that forced doctors to perform medical procedures, including gender-transition procedures, against their religious beliefs

Roger Kimball: Biden’s Debt Transference and Enforcement Arm – Work hard. Save your money. Pay your debts. Then get saddled with someone else’s debts because you didn’t have the foresight to be improvident at the opportune moment

Why did the FBI redact the Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit? – Ironically, the DOJ redacted its reasoning for redacting nearly the entire search warrant affidavit

Trump Lawyers: The redacted search warrant affidavit made public on Aug. 26 shows why an independent party needs to be appointed – “The few lines that are unredacted raise more questions than answers”

A New Convention of States-Trafalgar Poll Reveals Just How Much Damage FBI Sustained In Public Trust After their Raid On Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Home – Less than half of Americans in the United States have a favorable view of the bureau

The Plot Thickens in the Case of Ashley Biden’s Diary – The ramifications of the DOJ pursuing a journalistic enterprise, Project Veritas, on theories of criminal liability should have set off alarm bells throughout the press, but they are silent

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Rejected Trump’s Application to Trademark “Truth Social” – The federal agency denied the former president’s request to grant a trademark for Truth Social, claiming it could cause confusion

Why Democrats Don’t Cry ‘DINO’ – I never hear the term DINO, (Democrat in Name Only) because the Democrats are too smart for that

Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes expressed hope that his platform’s success in promoting John Rich’s hit song “Progress” could be repeated with the rollout of the new film My Son Hunter


August 26, 2022

WSJ: Why the Energy Transition Will Fail – Regardless of facts or feelings about the climate, there are many reasons why wind and solar power are not replacing fossil fuels – Wind and solar are also no substitute for nuclear power

Gatestone Institute: The “Great Reset”: A Blueprint for Destroying Freedom, Innovation, and Prosperity – To persuade Westerners to give up more and make do with less, the WEF and its globalist allies promise Westerners a future Utopia

WSJ: The Mar-a-Lago Affidavit: Is That All There Is? – The redacted 38-pages add to the evidence that the FBI search was all about a dispute over documents

The Mar-A-Lago Affidavit Reads As If They Were Confiscating Russiagate Evidence – There are a whopping 413 redacted lines

No One Left to Trust – The Mar-a-Lago raid isn’t the only reason the public has good reason to knock the FBI

CONFIRMED: The FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Prevent Voters From Learning About Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Why Isn’t Salman Rushdie’s Attacker a Household Name? – Biden’s lackeys, the media, are suppressing discussion of the violent attack by Islamic extremist Hadi Matar

ZH: T-Mobile has teamed up with Elon Musk’s SpaceX to beam cell service via Starlink satellites to “most places in the US,” including more than half a million square miles of dead zone areas not covered by cellular networks

ZH: Uranium: The Fuel For Clean Energy – Global demand for electricity is set to grow around 50% by 2040 – Nuclear power is the only energy source of low-carbon, scalable, reliable, and affordable electricity worldwide

Netflix Eyes A $7-to-$9 Price for Its New Ad-Supported Plan  – Netflix is targeting about four minutes per hour of ads at first and for now, they are not planning on putting commercials on after their own shows

A Washington D.C. superior court judge ruled Thursday that the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate that was imposed on city employees is unlawful – This was in response to a lawsuit filed by the DC Police Union and other groups

The British Government Has Begun Paying $140,000 for COVID-19 Vaccine Damage Victims – WHICH SEEMS TO BE GETTING NO COVERAGE IN THE AMERICAN MEDIA I WONDER WHY

The vast majority of the COVID-19 hospitalizations in spring 2022 were among vaccinated people according to the CDC – Researchers analyzed data from a CDC surveillance network comprised of hospitals in 14 states

A new study has found that Pfizer’s COVID-19 oral antiviral pill Paxlovid appears to provide little or no benefit for younger adults ages 40-65

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Moderna sues BioNTech/Pfizer? – Moderna, BioNTech, Pfizer, and CureVac can “practice” those inventions because the patents have expired, not because they are the original inventors, so there is no basis

WSJ: The Mar-a-Lago Affidavit Says FBI Search of Trump Home Was Prompted by Prior Discovery of Top-Secret Documents – Boxes retrieved from Trump’s home earlier in the year contained national defense information, according to the heavily redacted affidavit

After Joe Biden declared that MAGA Republicans are “semi-fascists” and “a threat to our democracy,” charging they “embrace political violence,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to explain what Biden meant

ZH: Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign rejected an offer to buy the diary of President Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley, and instead urged the would-be sellers to surrender it to the FBI

Is Biden even able to bail out student loans? – Legal experts have reported that although Biden may have some authority to postpone payments, he doesn’t have the power to cancel debts

Investigation Into U.S. Election Software Company Uncovers Chinese Coders –  A deep dive into a Michigan election company’s patents, employees, domain registrations, and internet archives reveals a disturbing Chinese connection

Operation Eagles Wings is recruiting, training, and deploying citizens in local elections across AZ, FL, GA, IL, MI, PI, TX, VA, & WI – To mobilize people to serve as poll watchers, poll workers, and election judges for the 2022 election

“Someone Wanted to Get Me Killed”: Rep. Greene Responds to Being ‘Swatted’ 2 Nights in a Row – A week earlier she proposed the “Protect Children’s Innocence Act” making it a class C felony for anyone to knowingly perform medical treatment on a minor meant to alter their biological sex

Jerome Powell on Friday delivered a stark message on the state of the U.S. economy – Inflation remains painfully high, and cooling it will require forceful action that could soon bring “pain” to households and businesses nationwide

Sharyl Attkisson: A recent Rasmussen poll found 62% of likely U.S. voters think the problem of bias in the news media is getting worse and just 10% believe the media bias problem is getting better, while 26% say it’s about the same as usual

Karine Jean-Pierre throws out a rough $24B a year estimate for the student loan handout plan – Critics have argued Biden’s student loan handout program will contribute to already record-high levels of inflation in the US

Whether PPP Loans Were “Really” Cash Transfers Isn’t Relevant – No one changed the parameters of the loans. No president walked in and unilaterally transferred the responsibility of PPP payments to other businesses

A Retired FBI Agent Demands: Christopher Wray Must be Fired – Part III

A Judge Orders Twitter to Share Its’ User Audit With Elon Musk In Two Weeks, But Stopped Short Of Demanding All Requested Data Be Provided  – Twitter had initially claimed that the data didn’t exist and it would be hard to recreate it

Steve Kirsch: Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time – Here’s what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren’t able to speak out directly

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The CDC Backtracks on COVID Guidance as Damning Studies Mount – The CDC is now advocating for taking personal responsibility and for everyone to decide for themselves

A Pfizer Vaccine Whistleblower Responds to Motion to Dismiss Her “False Claims” Suit – “A drug company cannot induce the taxpayers to pay billions of dollars for a product that honest data would show poses more risks than benefits…”

Falling Life Expectancy Is Driven By Flailing, Failing Federal Health Baloney-autocracy – A new National Center for Health Statistic report shows life expectancy declined in all 50 states and DC in 2020” 

The District of Columbia will require all students age 12 and over to show proof of vaccination to attend classes – The District no longer has any system in place to provide remote schooling for unvaccinated students, nor has plans to

August 25, 2022

Biden Isn’t ‘Forgiving’ Loans, He’s Unconstitutionally Breaking Contracts – The debt already exists, it has been lent and spent, and those who borrowed the money of their own volition have already received services. This debt isn’t cancelable

Peter Doocy Gets Biden Education Secretary to Admit What We All Know About Mass Student Loan Cancellation – “The people that already paid their student loans …They don’t get anything out of this deal…That’s right”

Meta/FB CEO Mark Zuckerberg has revealed that the FBI appealed to his social media platform to censor stories such as those related to Hunter Biden’s hard drive during the 2020 presidential election, effectively swaying the election

FBI Search Warrant Affidavit for Trump’s Home to Be Made Public By August 26, at noon – U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart said he reviewed redactions to the affidavit proposed by the government and found they were proper

No, Biden’s Student Loan ‘Forgiveness’ Is Nothing Like PPP Cash Transfers From The Government – PPP loans were enacted by the government to stave off economic ruin it had initiated

Joe Biden’s Vulgar Acts with Ashley Biden Confirmed as an FL Pair Pleads Guilty to Theft of Diary – With the outcome of the case, the government has confirmed that this disturbing personal memoir indeed belonged to Ashley Biden

The U.S. Western District Court of Michigan Rejects Democrat Official’s Attempt to Keep 26K Dead People on Michigan Voter Rolls

Washington Post Opinion: California’s plan to ban new gas-powered cars is misguided – The proposal is a classic exercise of hubris

Governor Newsom Announces $694 Million for a New Project HomeKey – Housing Units Many are upset about the price tag for Project Homekey, which ballooned to $3.75 billion

Libs Of TikTok: Boston Children’s Hospital admits to performing hysterectomies on trans minors – “Gender-affirming hysterectomy” is a fancy euphemism for the carving out of a girl’s reproductive system because she’s confused about her identity

The Chinese Communist Party will likely become the beneficiary of President Joe Biden’s push to fill U.S. streets with electric vehicles, according to 16 Republicans on the House Oversight Committee

Biden’s Recession Confirmed in Latest GDP Report – The American economy shrunk at -0.6% in the second quarter of 2022 according to Thursday’s revised estimate released by the government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis

Job Creators Network explores legal challenges to block the Biden student loan bailout – Group President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz called the loan bailout “illegal” and said it would add to the national debt and fuel inflation

The Biden student loan handout to cost roughly $500B, according to Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Biden’s plan calls for canceling up to $20,000 in student debt for every American

WSJ: DOJ officials filed what are expected to be significant redactions shortly before the noon deadline set by Judge Bruce Reinhart, who approved the warrant for the August 8 search of Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach, Florida

The DHS announced it has eliminated the controversial Disinformation Governance Board, months after it was paused amid widespread concern it would be weaponized against dissenting voices and become a tool for censorship

The IRS will waive penalties levied against taxpayers who failed to file their 2019 and 2020 returns on time during the COVID-19 pandemic and will also issue over $1.2 billion in refunds or credits to taxpayers who received the fees

Does Fauci Care? Many Facts Provided Here On Dr. Death’s Guidance and the Irreparable Harm Done – Megyn Kelly brings it home with one last outcry. “‘No irreparable harm was done, Really, Dr. Truth?”

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: COVID-19 Vaccines and Informed Consent – To be able to give informed consent a person needs to be informed about both the risks and benefits of, and alternatives to the proposed treatment

A new group of parents, students, and others has formed to fight COVID-19 vaccine mandates at U.S. colleges.  – “No College Mandates” is pressuring schools to rescind mandates, which have been imposed in schools across the country

Howard Galganov: Why The Spending Orgy? – The Strategy Of MARXISM (Communism) . . . Is to Overwhelm the System in Every Way Imaginable, which Includes Flooding the Border, Bloating the Government & Collapsing the Economy

ZH: Into The Black Hole – Six Months Of War In Ukraine With No End In Sight – Russia is slowly and systematically advancing, while the Ukrainian military is being ground down in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine

ZH: Has Ukraine News Fatigue Set In? – Data from Google shows that the war has already been shifted out of focus for most Google News users

Joe Biden and high-profile Democrats received tens of millions of dollars from the higher education sector over the last few campaign cycles, before the president announced his student loan forgiveness program on Wednesday

Biden’s Student-Debt Decree Is Wrong on Every Level – The lucky few who just so happen to have student debt at this arbitrary moment in time will get a windfall at the expense of everyone else

Biden to the working class: Drop dead – His student loan bailout is illegal, inflationary, and immoral, all at the same time. It is also divisive

Student Debt ‘Forgiveness’: Biden’s Illegal, Inflationary, Inequitable Attempt To Buy Votes – After leaking it would amount to about $10,000 per eligible student, the WH made it $20,000 instead, doubling the damage that will ensue

Something’s missing in the Mar-a-Lago coverage – As a former president, Donald Trump has both a TS/SCI personal clearance and the same level of facility clearances for his various locations

Senator Rand Paul slammed Anthony Fauci for not accepting responsibility for the COVID school lockdown two years earlier, contrasting the United States to countries that did not shut down schools and vowed accountability from Fauci

Detailed Timeline Of The Trump Raid – Infographic

ZH: At least 20 million households — or about 1 in 6 American homes — are behind on their power bills as soaring electricity prices spark what is said to be the worst-ever crisis in late utility payments, according to Bloomberg

ZH: Oil Spikes As OPEC President Hints At Possible Production Cuts – The idea appears to be gaining momentum as Azerbaijan, Libya, Algeria, and Congo all support the idea to reduce volatility and add stability to the oil market

ZH: What’s Worse Than Inflation? Depression + Inflation – If “markets” controlled by the rich are allowed to distribute essentials, the result will be civil disorder and the overthrow of regimes

In 1965 Paul Harvey wrote a piece titled, “If I were the Devil” – It was a commentary on what Harvey would do if he were Satan and wanted to destroy America – Nearly 60 years later, most of what Harvey predicted has come to pass

FBI Whistleblowers: In 2019, local leaders told FBI agents, ’you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop’

A Retired FBI Agent Demands That Christopher Wray Must be Fired – Part II

The Chicago Public Schools website features an appalling video justifying burning and looting – The school system has every incentive to try to redirect anger over its failures to educate onto society as a whole, specifically to white racism

The deep, dark history of gender madness in schools – Where did the gender-as-a-social-construct idea come from, anyway? – You will be surprised when you discover the truth!

The Same ACLU that previously opposed the administration of a drug to chemically castrate sex offenders, is now advocating for children to be able to take the chemically castrating drugs as puberty blockers

August 24, 2022

Michelle Malkin on the Mitch McConnell/Elaine Chao “Swamp duo” – Lie down with McChao and you’ll get bit

Shock Poll: 8 in 10 Think The Biden Laptop Cover-Up Changed The 2020 Election Outcome – Most following the story want the AG to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the laptop-related issues

Joe Biden announced Tuesday he was sending another $3 billion of US taxpayer dollars to Ukraine for their war effort – The Ukrainian Parliament Voted to Give Themselves a Raise thanks to US Taxpayers As The Country Bans Free Speech and Targets “Information Terrorists”

The Justice Department on Wednesday released a 2019 memo that revealed why former President Donald Trump should not be prosecuted for obstruction of justice in connection to then-special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation

Border agents in So. California arrest what appear to be smugglers while a crowd on the Mexican side of the border cheered – The Border patrol agents are now being investigated by the FBI to see if they were too rough on the smugglers

One Year Later, America’s Leaders Still Haven’t Answered for Afghanistan – Did they give privilege to political considerations over strategic ones?

Victor Davis Hanson: Will Republicans Win Back Congress? – If Republican candidates run on what the Left has done to America in under two years and offer systematic solutions, they will win, otherwise, they will flounder

President Obama engineered a federal takeover of the student-loan industry 12 years ago – The failure of his scheme finds confirmation in President Biden’s executive fiat that waives student-loan repayment to the federal government

Biden lacks authority for student debt handout, Pelosi warned last year – Last year, Pelosi poured cold water on the idea, saying that such a move was something reserved for an act of Congress, not the executive

WSJ: Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan, What There Is To Know – What the president’s plan means for the millions of Americans with student debt

TUCKER CARLSON: Biden student loan handout is a reward for political donors – Tucker shreds Biden’s student loan debt handout plan

A Retired FBI Agent Demands That Christopher Wray Must be Fired – Part I

Whistleblower Claims FBI Leaders Delayed Key Investigation – The FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election—potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop in Dec. 2019

Obama Quietly Works Behind The Scenes With Holder’s Army Of Election Workers To Skew The Midterms – Holder calls for poll workers, rather than to adhere to fair rules and ethics, to be a force against Republican efforts for that integrity

ZH: Rent Problems Escalate For Small Business Owners – 40% Can’t Pay – Additionally, the 40% rent delinquency rate is the highest in nearly 18 months, reflecting all of the forces hindering the recovery of many small businesses

An amendment that would have held drug dealers accountable for fentanyl deaths was rejected by the California Senate on Wednesday

California to unveil a plan that will see gas cars BANNED by 2035 – The ban will go into effect despite auto industry leaders warning that there may not be enough cars or charging infrastructure, or rare minerals for this even to be possible

Twitter Back-Channeled With CDC To Coordinate Censorship – Twitter just reportedly suspended another doctor who sought to raise concerns over Pfizer Covid records

Amazon’s Robot Workforce Is Set to Doom the American Worker – If we don’t act now, human labor will soon be a thing of the past

Constitutional Lawyers: The Mar-a-Lago Warrant Had No Legal Basis – Trump’s possession of the documents is entirely consistent with federal law giving former presidents access to them, regardless of the statutes the FBI used for justification in its warrant

WSJ: Jerrold Nadler Defeats Carolyn Maloney in The New York Democrat House Primary Matchup – New York Rep. Mondaire Jones loses to Dan Goldman in crowded Democrat congressional primary

Not-Quite-As-High Gas Prices Are Not the Same As Low Gas Prices – Yet another case of media voices who parrot Democrats choosing to see what they want to see

WSJ: Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan to Cancel Up to $20,000 in Debt for Millions – The administration’s plan, long-sought by advocates, will face legal hurdles and some political blowback ahead of the midterm elections

Biden’s Student-Debt Bonfire Is a Classist Message to the Un-Credentialed: Screw ’Em – Scranton Joe is taking cash from the people he cynically pretends to care about and giving it to the people he really cares about

China’s Rise As An Economic Power Has Been Driven By Leftist Democrats In America – China now has the most companies on the Fortune 500 list

Trump Is Right. Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Spent Decades Getting “Rich On China” – The McConnell and Chao families have cultivated a relationship that enriches the couple and grants status to the Chaos’ shipping company

Is this the Public Image the FBI Wants? – In a recent Rasmussen poll, 53% of Americans agreed with the statement that there is “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo”

Tea Party Patriots Action, an influential conservative group, has filed a federal complaint against the Obama-appointed magistrate who approved the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s home, the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida

Marjorie Taylor Greene SWATTED at Home at 1 AM – “Swatting” is the action of someone making a false report of a serious emergency so that a SWAT team will go to a person’s home to frighten, upset, or cause problems for that person

Mike Lyons Military Analyst: It’s Coming Down To Trench Warfare – Winter is coming, and Russia has no control over the main domains in Ukraine

CA DA: Over 70% of those released under $0 bail policies go on to commit an additional crime – The CA policy came without state legislation mandating it and has been reversed – In New York and Illinois, no cash bail was mandated by state law

CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen, who for two years was one of the strongest advocates for masks and masks in schools, now admits that forcing her child to wear one harmed his speech development

In 25 states in recent months, vaccinated people are more likely than those that are unvaccinated to become a COVID-19 case, be hospitalized, or die from Covid

ZH: Tsunami Of Shutoffs: 20 Million US Homes Are Behind On Power Bills – Neada: Electricity prices increased significantly since 2020 after a decade of stagnation and the rise has resulted in billions of dollars in overdue power bills

August 23, 2022

WSJ: Washington’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution by Leaks – The Justice Department wants the search affidavit secret while details are spilled to the press – It sure looks like someone is prosecuting the case through the media

A federal judge on Aug. 23 ordered Donald Trump to provide more evidence in his bid to get back materials seized by the FBI – Trump wants an independent party to separate privileged items and a more detailed inventory list…

Cataloging The Biden Administration’s Lies About The Border – This chart compares monthly “apprehensions” at the border under Biden with the average monthly apprehensions from 2012 through 2020

The Soros-Funded Voter Registration System ‘ERIC’ Used in Dozens of States Is Politically Compromised – Grassroots organizations have been sounding the alarm over ERIC, which is utilized in 31 states

A Cost-of-Living Crisis Hits US Households – Everything is piling from soaring food prices to rising utility bills to increasing shelter costs – The WH claims that the country is not facing an economic downturn but it feels like a recession for millions

After about nine hours of deliberation over two days, a jury found Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. guilty of the 2020 kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction

From Clitoridectomies to Chemical Castrations: Call the Left’s Sadism What It Is – Children are being exploited and their bodies mutilated, all to serve a leftist ideology

WSJ: The FBI Agents That Visited Mar-a-Lago 2 Months Before Raid, Said “It All Makes Sense” – Trump’s filing claims that after one agent saw a storage room, they told Trump’s team: Thank you, you don’t need to show us the storage room, but we appreciate it

WSJ: Business activity in the U.S., Europe, and Japan fell in August pointing to a sharp slowdown in global economic growth as higher prices weaken consumer demand and the war in Ukraine scrambles supply chains

WSJ: Joe Biden Is Planning On A Student-Loan Announcement Wednesday – People in his administration have been weighing eliminating some debt and extending a pause on payments

Cataloging Joe Biden’s Lies About The Border – As soon as Biden took office, the number of foreigners crossing the southern U.S. border illegally exploded

Fraudster Hit with Big Punishment for $25 Million Gaetz Family Extortion Attempt – Drama surrounded Republican Representative Gaetz after investigations began in 2020 to look into whether he possibly violated sex trafficking laws

An Army medical officer who discovered a sudden increase in diseases coinciding with reports of side effects alongside COVID-19 vaccines that the Army dismissed as a data glitch faces involuntary separation for disobeying COVID-19 protocol

Covid-19 fraud is one big reason why the public doesn’t trust their government – A recent government report revealed that COVID-19 relief efforts led to possibly the largest amount of fraud in the history of America

ZH: Is A Great Reset Of Monetary Policy Coming After The Massive Money Supply Expansion? – Countries are partaking in a de-dollarization initiative. The Fed is assessing a central bank digital currency

ZH: The Average US Household Pays 47% More For Electricity Than A Year Ago –  Natural gas prices are soaring and electricity prices are rising. How much more are you paying?

Tired of the Rank and File – We hear this a lot: “The rank and file are fine. It’s the leadership that’s bad.” That’d be nice if it was true. But it’s not

The California Senate Voted Down An Amendment to a Bill To Make Human Trafficking a Serious, Violent Felony – The AB 2167 amendment was voted down 31-8 along party lines

So where do NEA teachers’ union dues end up? – The tax documents further reveal that the NEA gave millions to liberal groups in addition to the cash it gives to teachers’ associations throughout the US

Tucker Carlson: What Else Has Dr. Fauci Lied About? – FNC’s Tucker Carlson reflects on the news that Fauci intends to retire from his government position at the end of the year

ZH: A Whistleblower Reveals Twitter Hid Deficiencies” As Musk Subpoenas Dorsey & Ex-Security Chief – Document alleges executives prioritized user growth over reducing spam and rewarded executives large cash bonuses for growth

New whistleblower allegations could factor into Twitter vs. Musk trial – Twitter’s former security chief alleges that the company is hiding the ball when it comes to spam and bots

SELECTION CODE: The Documentary – Follows the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her county’s Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election…. 

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has not held an on-the-record press briefing since August 9 . . . and nobody in the White House press corps or general public seems to be all that bothered by it

Why haven’t politicians learned defunding police doesn’t work? – The West Hollywood City Council passed their budget, which included less funding for the sheriff’s department, with a 3-2 vote

August 22, 2022

Conrad Black: The FBI Goes Rogue – The regime has its man—all it needs now is to find a crime

Sky News Australia: Another hot minute of Joe Biden being “thoroughly disorientated” – Joe Biden might be the most powerful man in the world but “I think we all know” someone else is pulling the strings, Sky News host Rita Panahi says

The Biden WH facilitated the DOJ’s criminal probe against Trump by scuttling Trump’s Executive Privilege claims – “I have decided not to honor the former President’s protective claim of privilege,” wrote acting National Archivist Debra Steide

Sources close to former President Donald Trump have confirmed that the General Services Administration (GSA) packed the boxes of documents he took with him to Mar-a-Lago, not political staffers

WSJ: The Trump Search Warrant Had No Legal Basis – A former president’s rights under the Presidential Records Act trump the statutes the FBI cited to justify the Mar-a-Lago raid

WSJ: Trump Filed A Lawsuit On Monday Challenging The Mar-a-Lago Search by The FBI – The Former president seeks appointment of a special master to review seized material and calls for a freeze in examining it

Trump Derangement Won’t End With Trump – Already, progressives are branding the GOP’s next generation as “a threat to democracy”—does this sound familiar?

“No Man Left Behind” – US Team of Veterans Rescued 17,000 US Legal Permanent US Residents in Afghanistan After Joe Biden Abandoned Them Following Surrender to Taliban

The non-profit group Citizens United filed lawsuits on Aug. 17 against the U.S. Department of the Interior and Department of State over their failure to provide records related to Biden’s “Promoting Access to Voting” executive order

Elon Musk Subpoenas Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey – To produce documentation relating to Twitter’s use of any other user metric other than mDAU (monetizable daily active users) that monitors active users on the social media website

Twitter Commits Blatant Election Interference — Takes Down GOP Candidate Dr. Drew Montez Clark’s Account ONE DAY BEFORE THE PRIMARY ELECTION

“The Best Vaccination Is To Get Infected Yourself” – A Viral 2004 Video Resurfaces Of Anthony Fauci Praising Natural Immunity

Dr. Fauci announced Monday he would retire in December – His timing could not be more impeccable as it looks all but certain that the GOP will soon have the authority to begin investigating Fauci’s handling of the COVID pandemic

Once battling Dr. Fauci in the White House situation room, former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro says Fauci is a flight risk and his passport needs to be taken away for his role in the COVID-19 pandemic

A new study found that the severity of COVID-19 is highly correlated with the concentration of the Myl9 protein in the blood – This could help hospitals determine which patient groups should be prioritized for admission and discharge

The Worst Mayor in America – People who live in the New Orleans suburbs call her LaToya the Destroya due to the abject destruction she has wrought over the city’s business community

Three Courts Rule Against Governor Newsom And State Government in Covid Business Lockdown Orders – Courts ruled that the government may have overstepped authority when they followed Newsom’s Shut Down Orders

ZH: California’s Unemployment Fund is Underwater And Far Exceeds All Other States – None of the other states come close to California’s negative $19 billion balance

ZH: Customs and Border Protection agents seized 1.57 million fentanyl pills and 114 pounds of cocaine hidden within secret compartments of a tractor-trailer – The vehicle was attempting to cross into Arizona at the Nogales Port of Entry

How to Spot Fake Reviews on Amazon – With fierce competition between third-party sellers, it can be tough to find genuinely good products. These tips can help

U.S. government officials have not presented sufficient evidence to keep a key document related to the search warrant executed at former President Donald Trump’s home shielded from the public, a federal judge ruled on Aug. 22

They Don’t Just Dislike Us; They Hate Us – How deep does their Hate go? We’re about to find out because Biden, the Deep State, and the Democrats just authorized 87,000 more IRS agents to show who’s really in charge of Washington

The “Broken” and “Famously Undemocratic” U.S. Constitution “Stands In The Way” Of “Real” Freedom and Democracy, According to a New York Times Op-ed by Two Ivy League Law Professors

NBC Poll: 74% of Americans say the US is on the wrong track  – More than half of the poll respondents are”worried that America’s best years may already be behind us”

Mike Pence Is Wrong. The DOJ And FBI Rot Spreads Way Deeper Than Garland – He is still trying to sound reasonable by saying the GOP shouldn’t criticize the FBI, but the bureau is saturated with political bias that must be expunged

Donald Trump The Dynasty Slayer – “Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by the American People… The DC establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason and that is to protect and enrich itself”

The Democrats’ Absurd Justifications for Doubling the IRS – They want you to believe the 87,000 new IRS employees will sweep the nation to be “more helpful” and “more responsive” and in the end, “Americans will be grateful”

Where an expanded IRS is likely to focus its efforts – They will have its collective sights set on states such as Texas and Florida, where people have fled to from the Blue States, and it won’t only be “the rich” who feel the pressure

Why Americans need guns – An obvious reason is the movement by the Left to defund and weaken our police. Also, in many Democrat-run cities police are hamstrung by bad policies and Soros-backed DAs who don’t prosecute crimes

The Evil of the Anti-Liberty Left – No one outside the ruling class would want any part of the Lefts Socialist National Agenda, so they must lie if they are to have any level of success

Zuckerberg’s Meta is going all in on censorship as the midterm election nears – Meta, the corporate parent of Facebook has announced its plans to control the flow of information on the site where many voters get their news

Gatestone Institute: Biden Drops Crucial Demands to Get The Iran Deal Done – The international community is certain that this regime is lying and engaged in all forms of deception to achieve its goals without meeting international demands

It’s Time To Defund The Consultant Teacher Trainers – More than half of Americans who are familiar with CRT say they have a “very unfavorable” opinion of it and 55 percent think teaching CRT is “bad for America”

While New York Burns, Migrants Get Free Phones, Food, Supplies, and Healthcare – New Yorkers are on their own unless, of course, they are a migrant

The massive scale of pandemic fraud is a warning – Billions in pandemic aid fraud occurred, so Federal officials must pursue these cases and figure out a better way to prevent such fraud before the next crisis or disaster happens

Fauci Announces He’s Stepping Down And Speculation About the Timing Erupts – In an interview, Fauci said if he stayed, he expected a contentious year if Republicans, with whom he has sparred, gain a majority in either house of Congress

Freeing A 4-Year-Old Child From Mask Wearing – A viral video of a suffocating child provoked new public outrage after it was posted online, so the school district dropped their mask policy

Steve Kirsch: Inside the mind of one of my very smart pro-vax friends – It’s 100% based on deference to authority. Ask them for data to back up their claims and they stop responding – This is why we need to protect doctors who speak out

Paul Joseph Watson: The World Economic Forum Suggests There Are “Solid, Rational” Reasons For Children to Be Microchipped  – He predicts they will become fashion accessories

The Monkeypox Deception – 99% of all cases are in men. 94% reported recent same-sex intimate contact and  nearly 75% of the cases were from those who had two or more partners in the 3-weeks before the onset of symptoms

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Untested Bivalent COVID Jab Being Rolled Out – The Spikevax bivalent shot is already out of date, as both strains that it includes are no longer in circulation anywhere in the world

August 21, 2022

A Report Critical of Group That Manages Voter Rolls in 33 States – ERIC, says it is nonpartisan, but Verity Vote says it is connected to left-leaning backers and engages in a host of troubling practices that could sway elections across the nation

Jared Kushner: Donald Trump “drives his enemies so crazy, they always over-pursue him” – “They accuse him of breaking norms, but what we’ve seen constantly over time is that they break all the norms to try to get Trump”

The left’s mask slips on brazen Trump bias – “Now that the Orange Hitler is lining himself up for a second tilt at the presidency, it’s OK to suspend democracy again to stop him”

Anonymous Leaks And Shoddy Journalism Add Smoke To The Circumstances Surrounding The Trump Mar-a-Lago  Raid – A case study of the public’s lack of trust in the news media

Liz Cheney’s Defeat Taught Her Nothing – The voters of Wyoming have spoken, but Liz refuses to listen

Democrats vs. The Republicans: Who Will Self-Destruct First? – The onus will be on the Democrats if the GOP can show some smarts, which unfortunately is never a given

Victor Davis Hanson: The Worst and the Stupidest? – Our elites are now viewed with the well-deserved disdain they have earned on their own merits. And they are none too happy about it

ZH: Weaponizing The Bureaucracy – Militarized civilian forces that look like, dress like, and act like the military are armed with guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment with authorization to make arrests using trained military tactics

How the Supreme Court Blocked Congress’s Effort to Redeem the Administrative State – Why would they thwart numerous attempts by Congress and the courts to rein in the growing powers of unelected bureaucrats in the administrative state?

Andrew Warren’s Florida: Where the Law Doesn’t Apply – We’re getting a much clearer picture of why Governor Ron DeSantis sacked Tampa State Attorney Andrew Warren

ZH: Electricity shortages amid a severe drought are now the biggest threat to economic growth – The Chinese yuan fell on Friday to the weakest since September 2020 and investors only see more downside ahead

FAIR: A total of 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “got-aways” who evaded apprehension and have since disappeared into American communities, have entered the country by the end of July

The Russiagate binder has unreleased messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page – There remains an air of mystery about the documents covered by Trump’s 11th-hour declassification memo issued on January 9, 2021

Trump plans to take legal action against the DOJ and FBI – When they ratified the Bill of Rights, they explicitly banned general warrants, requiring that all search warrants must be specific

Are The Left’s Green Pet Projects Delaying The Next Energy Breakthrough? – Biden’s latest green boondoggle funnels money to known energy losers while curbing the technologies that could prove truly transformative

Kevin D. Williamson: The Left’s Opt-In Totalitarianism – Pressuring opponents into silence doesn’t make their views disappear – Children and adult idiots operate under the idea that if they close their eyes the room becomes empty

A Federal Judge Permanently Blocks Biden’s Oil and Gas Leasing Pause – The injunction applies to the 13 states that sued the Biden administration over the moratorium in March 2021

Joe Biden’s Historians Hurt America, Dishonor Their Profession – To them, history is not so much a guide as an instrument in service of ideology

WSJ: Spam Texts Are Surging. Here’s How to Avoid Being Swindled – Scam robotext messages have exploded, but you can protect yourself by not clicking links, never texting back, and turning on your phone’s unknown-message filter

Make Big Tech play fair – Google is one of the most powerful businesses on Earth and controls what news you see and when you see it. It did not become this powerful by playing fair

NPR/Ipsos Poll: Over half of American adults believe it is either completely or somewhat true that the U.S. is experiencing an invasion at the southern border and that some migrants bring fentanyl and other illegal drugs with them

DACA 2.0: Biden releases 250,000 unaccompanied migrant children into the US – Children are apprehended by Border Patrol and swiftly released to sponsors across the country, not returned to their home countries

Stupid Bureaucrat Tricks: New York tries to get rid of migrants seeking services through red tape – A mere 4,000 of them have created massive problems for them and there’s no sign the situation will get any better

Comirnaty and Spikevax Become Available for 1st Time in the United States – Comirnaty is the approved version of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Spikevax is the approved version of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine

A 97-Year-Old Veteran Recounts A Top Secret Aerial Battle Hidden From The American Public for Decades

August 20, 2022

Joe Biden Enlists China-Owned TikTok to Partner with Federal Voting Assistance Program in 2022 Midterm Elections – Trump wisely issued three Executive Orders banning American businesses from working with TikTok (or WeChat)

Researcher claims TikTok able to track users’ keystrokes –These revelations come as Congress explores what actions to potentially take against TikTok when it comes to privacy

Russia is set to hold war games in Venezuela which is sending alarming signals throughout Latin America – The games also reflect Maduro’s diplomatic gamesmanship with the United States

Summer of Rage, Part VI: The Biden Administration Ignores Systematic Attack on Religious Communities in Wake of The Dobbs Leak – Dozens of acts of violence, destruction, and harassment on anti-abortion Christians and conservatives

The Internal Revenue Service is recruiting college students by giving them a taste of what it feels like to take down a small business tax evader, such as a landscaper in this scenario

Victor Davis Hanson: As President Joe Biden’s polls stagnate and the midterms approach, we are now serially treated to yet another progressive melodrama about the dangers of a supposed impending radical right-wing violent takeover

JD Rucker: RINO Leader McConnell Disses America First Candidates so Donald Trump Lights Him Up – In the case of Mitch McConnell, he may be worse than Democrats because he does real damage to the Republican Party

House Republicans:  The Biden Administration is planning on using AMTRAK to transport illegal aliens to American towns across the country – They blame Biden’s urgent need to end Title 42 for the massive spike of illegals crossing the border

ZH: CNN Boss Chris Licht’s efforts to restore credibility to the far-left, ratings-challenged network are far from over – If talent cannot adjust to a less partisan tone and strategy, they could be ousted

American Farmers Are Killing Their Crops and Selling Cows – According to a survey from the American Farm Bureau Federation, drought conditions have put the production of beef, dairy, wheat, vegetable, fruits, and nuts at serious risk

ZH: Where Will The World’s Next 1,000 Babies Be Born? – Every four minutes, approximately 1,000 babies are born across the globe. But in which countries are these babies the most statistically likely to come from?

Washington is running out of your money to spend – The just-passed Inflation Reduction Act is one of the largest revenue-raising bills ever passed and budget tricks are legion, so let’s look under the hood at the issues at play

Mitch McConnell is unwilling to help floundering MAGA candidates – Tucker Carlson pointed out that Mitch McConnell would rather hand the country over to the Democrats than risk Republicans having to take any leadership roles

Trump to Make First Punch, Says ‘Major Motion’ to Come After FBI Raid – His move will hinge on the argument that the FBI violated his Fourth Amendment rights and the search was too broad

Sharyl Attkisson reveals how low the FBI will go – Courageous journalist Sharyl Attkisson testifies to a congressional hearing about the depths to which the FBI has sunk in its attempts to discredit one of its most effective critics

Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal: One Year Later – Biden’s actions in Afghanistan went against the advice and wishes of congressional leaders, military and intelligence experts, and even his closest advisors and cabinet officials

A man is competing in the Ladies Professional Golf Association – In 2010, the LGPA decided that it didn’t mean it when it said “ladies.” If you think you’re a “lady,” as far as the LGPA is concerned, you’re in

Transgender teen athletes will be able to compete against girls in Utah after a court stunningly reversed a previously implemented ban. – The decision was made just ahead of the school year resuming in the state

Dr. Charles Hoffe: Covid Vaccines & Mandates – The BIGGEST Disaster in Medical History!

Steve Kirsch: Podiatrist says death and devastating injuries linked to the COVID-19 Vaccine in 80% of his elderly patients A podiatrist contacted Wayne Allyn Root to disclose his personal experience – What he said is stunning

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: HORNLESS RINO EDITION – Sometimes I wonder if “RINO” is too mild a term for lukewarm Republicans. After all, actual rhinos in the wild have horns and can do real damage if provoked

August 19, 2022

Gordon Chang: China Is Preparing To Go To War And It Could Happen Quite Soon – Chinese academics privately say the ongoing expulsion of foreign colleagues from China’s universities appears to be a preparation for hostilities

If You Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt This Laundry List Of Corruption Should Make You Think Again – A look at the FBI’s last six years shows a distinct pattern of irredeemable corruption

ZH: These Are The 10 Biggest Military Spending Nations In The World – As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has continued, military spending and technology have come under the spotlight as the world tracked Western arms shipments

ZH: China’s Endless COVID Hysteria Is A Dark Experiment In Social Conditioning – Open authoritarian systems require dramatic participation by the people being controlled

Spygate Docs and Trump’s RICO Lawsuit: The Real Reasons Behind the FBI Raid – It was driven by intelligence community fears over information that was contained within those documents relating to the RussiaGate hoax

The FBI division overseeing the investigation at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence is also a focus of John Durham’s investigation of the bureau’s alleged abuses of power and political bias during its years-long Russiagate probe of Trump

The ABC, CBS, and NBC Evening News Shows Ignore Poll Showing 62% of Americans Think U.S. Is in Recession for Over a Week

ZH: Something Is Looming Geopolitically, And We Better Take It Seriously – Western Europe, North America, and Australia/New Zealand, are trying to lower economic activity to meet their intentional drop in energy production

The World Economic Forum this month published an article calling for an online censorship system powered by a combination of artificial and human intelligence that one critic suggested would “globalize” the “search for wrong-think”

Biden Sticks Taxpayers with a Large Bill to Build a Fence Around His Beach House

Judge Blocks Military From Discharging Marines Who Object to COVID Vaccine Mandate on Religious Grounds – As of that date, just 11 requests for religious accommodation have been approved, after zero were approved before February

Apple Inc. and a top U.S. cybersecurity agency are urging iPhone, iPad, and Macbook users and administrators to update their iOS software amid recently discovered security vulnerabilities

AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine caused the “catastrophic brain injury” that resulted in the death of a 48-year-old U.K. rock singer two weeks after he got the vaccine, an inquest concluded

A Bombshell Study Reveals That Those Who Have Been Vaccinated Are 5X More Contagious Than Those Unvaccinated 10 Days After A Covid Infection

After the Manitoba, Canada, public health agency reported data showing those fully vaccinated for COVID-19 are at higher risk of dying from the virus compared to unvaccinated individuals, health officials stopped reporting on the data

“Smoking Gun”: A New Actuarial Report Reaffirms the Trail of Death Caused by Vaccine Mandates

Growing scientific evidence suggests that Monkeypox is being spread via sexual intercourse between men, as opposed to skin-to-skin contact as stated by public health officials

A British-born member of the terrorist group known as the ISIS “Beatles” has been sentenced to life in prison for killing four American hostages – He was not given the death penalty as part of a deal with the UK to allow his extradition to the US

The Remarkable Apathy about Biden-Family Corruption – Biden’s renewed engagement with China’s leaders also brings us back to an infamous, mysterious, wildly under-examined phrase in our national life: “Ten Percent ForThe Big Guy”

“We’re Thinking…A Potential RICO Case Involving Hillary Clinton Was the Reason The FBI Raided Mar-a-Lago” – Rinehart was one of the judges that recused himself and 44 days later he signed the warrant for the FBI to then go into Mar-a-Lago

The Trump Raid Judge’s Order Helps The DOJ Drag Out The Political Persecution Of Its Biggest Foe – It is unlikely the public will see the search warrant affidavit anytime soon, especially if the prosecutors play an expected delay game

Inflation Is Quietly Stripping Us Of Our Private Property Rights – If you have less purchasing power to buy discretionary items then, by proxy, you have less private property

Fed officials are weighing how big of a rate hike to enact in September – Federal Reserve officials are discussing a third aggressive interest rate hike, with the major debate being just how large

Companies plan to scale back after a year of frenzied hiring – PwC polled more than 700 U.S. executives and about half of respondents are preparing to reduce headcount, or already have, while 52% have implemented hiring freezes

A federal judge placed a permanent injunction against President Joe Biden’s pause on federal oil and gas leasing in 13 states, following up on a temporary injunction placed on the Biden order last summer

U.S. Petroleum Reserves Hit Lowest Level In Decades Ahead Of Winter Months – At least five million barrels have found their way to nations such as India, the Netherlands, and Italy, as well as a Chinese oil company with links to Hunter Biden

Come On, Mitch McConnell, Republicans Need You To Step Up And Lead – As the top elected Republican in the country, Mitch McConnell must immediately and dramatically improve his performance

An Australian senator makes an impassioned case against the globalist agenda – The World Economic Forum is steeped in authoritarianism and Marxist ideology creeping into governments worldwide. To quote Schwab himself, ‘We penetrate the cabinets

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Who Is Behind the Trusted News Initiative (TNI)? – The Washington Post, Reuters, The AP, AFP, the Financial Times, and the EBU, along with Big Tech partners Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Microsoft

Global warming is the greatest scientific fraud in history – Sometime during 1979–1998, an unbiased climate scientist at the U.N. IPCC should have observed that the temperature of the troposphere had significantly cooled while the concentration of CO2 had increased, contradicting the fundamental precept of the global warming hypothesis

Dr. Robert Malone Sues Washington Post for Defamation – A Jan. 24 WP article says Malone offered “misinformation” when he said during a speech that the COVID-19 vaccines “are not working” against the Omicron virus variant

The Biden administration will soon stop footing the bill for COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and treatments, shifting that burden to insurers and the private sector – The DHS will meet with stakeholders later this month to work out the details

The CDC’s Big Fail On COVID-19: So Where Is The Real Accountability? – Our government did this. Its inept COVID response is the main cause of our current economic sickness and changing a few rules won’t erase this

The U.S. Government Deleted Covid-19 Data at Behest of Chinese Researchers. Now, a Judge Has Ordered NIH to Turn Over Missing Docs

A Utah judge blocks a bill banning transgender girls from female sports – As a result, the state will form a backup process that allows a commission to decide whether transgender girl athletes can compete on a case-by-case basis

August 18, 2022

How Much Of The U.S. Has China Already Infiltrated Right Under Our Noses? – Through land grabs, media partners, and spies, the Chinese assault is less of a swift invasion and more of an endless infiltration

Details of New Iran Nuclear Deal Approved by Iran – An Iranian source told says there are 21 guarantees to discourage the US from withdrawing from the deal again

The Inflation Reduction Act Is An Orwellian Abomination – In addition to being the most egregiously misnamed act in memory, the dishonest statements made by its Democrat supporters have been breathtaking in their brazenness

The Major News Networks Have Spent A MEASLY 298 Seconds on The Hunter Laptop Story Since The New York Times Finally Acknowledged Its Existence On March 16, 155 Days Ago

Rogue Agency – Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants -Not the latest iteration of the “X Files” but the real-life drama of the FBI-concocted scheme to “kidnap” Whitmer in 2020

The Death of the Bush and Cheney Political Dynasties – Republican primary voters in two years will have an opportunity to decide whether the party’s future is best represented by Trump himself or some variation of “Trumpism without Trump”

WSJ: Don’t Count Out Crime as a 2022 Midterm Issue – Cashless bail, ‘defund the police’ and unsafe streets add up to danger at the polls for Democrats

President Trump’s Policy Victories, From A to Z – No one can say he didn’t deliver with these 26 wins for conservatives

An Interesting Move – Trump Discloses The Declassification Memorandum of “Materials Related to FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation”

Judge to unseal partial Trump affidavit and gives the DOJ 1 week to respond – The entire affidavit sought in the case will not be sealed, with Reinhart giving federal authorities one week to submit proposed redactions

Bill Clinton’s sock drawer and the FBI’s raid Mar-a-Lago – “The decision to segregate personal materials from Presidential records are made by the President, during the President’s term, and in his sole discretion”

Trump Says He Declassified FBI Crossfire Hurricane Materials in January 2021 – “I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents about the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax”

The FBI was reportedly seeking documents President Donald Trump believed would exonerate him from Russian collusion claims and other election-related charges when agents raided his Mar-a-Lago residence

The latest data release shows nearly 1.81 million arrests of illegal migrants at the southern border through July – With five months left to be accounted for in 2022; the year is well on pace to break the 2 million mark

Brian Stelter is OUT at CNN after the network cancels his Reliable Sources program – “He is everything that reminds the new owners of the Zucker era they desperately want to get past”

1,200 scientists, scholars: “There is no climate emergency” – “Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions”

The United Nations recruited 110,000 “digital first responders” during the pandemic to battle what they deem “misinformation” on social media platforms and internet forums, according to the global body’s communications director

Pelosi, Kardashian’s and other celebrity companies got millions in forgiven Paycheck Protection Program loans – PPP loans cost taxpayers $953 billion, and a University of Texas study estimated that around $76 billion was fraudulent

A Federal Appeals Court Rules Transgenderism Is Protected as a Disability – “We see no legitimate reason why Congress would intend to exclude from the ADA’s protections transgender people who suffer from gender dysphoria”

Steve Kirsch: The data shows the more you vax, the sicker you are – If you took 100% of the vaccines they want you to take, you’re about 10X more likely to have medical issues. That’s not a typo: 10X, not 10%!

New and Recurrent Cancers After Receiving MRNA Vaccines, Studies Suggest Immune Changes – It is a known fact that everyone can have cancerous cells; what matters is whether the immune system can keep the cancer cells in check

Life Insurance Companies See A Staggering 40% Increase in Death Benefit Payouts – “We”re seeing the highest death in the history of this business and the data is consistent across every player in that in that business”

WSJ: Fauci and Walensky Double Down on Failed Covid Response – Lockdowns were oppressive and deadly. But U.S. and WHO officials plan worse for the next pandemic

Who is Winning the Russo-Ukrainian War? U.S. and allied policymakers must resist Ukraine’s attempts to replace unpleasant facts with comfortable fantasies

Fox News host Tucker Carlson opined Monday that President Joe Biden’s Justice Department indictment of Donald Trump is inevitable. He added his expectation that Republican lawmakers will still be insisting there is nothing to see, move along

Peter Strzok Remains Exhibit A of the FBI’s Politicization – He is still popping off after his stupendous act of partisan hackery

When President Joe Biden Tuesday signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, his signature opened the door to reinstating the largest oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history that was blocked by a court due to climate impact concerns

Bari Weiss: A Conversation With Larry Summers (The Economist Who Predicted Our Current Mess) On Inflation And “The New McCarthyism” – Larry Summers is one of the most important economists in the world

ZH: “We’re Witnessing A Housing Recession”: Existing Home Sales Crater 20% In July As Affordability Collapses

Thoroughly Thumped Trump Must Pass The Torch To A New MAGA Champion – While Donald Trump masterfully seized the levers of power and influence, he never knew how to effectively wield them to hold off the swamp still swarming him

It’s The Culture Of The IRS To Target The Most Vulnerable Taxpayers – The CBO estimates their new investment in the IRS will generate an additional $203.7 billion over the next 10 years which casts doubt this will only impact the super-wealthy

Dark-Money Groups Push Vote by Mail  – The Audacious Project is another left-wing attempt to make voting by mail permanent

Biden turns Border Patrol into migrant doorman service – Has the Border Patrol gone from a guardian of America’s borders to a valet service for illegals?

California parents’ frustrations over everything from COVID school closures to the power of teachers’ unions are driving them to run for school boards – Some are motivated by controversies such as critical race theory and LGBTQ+ education

The California High-Speed Rail Authority approved the continued construction of the network into Merced and Bakersfield – Originally estimated to cost $33 billion in 2008, costs are now projected to be $113 billion

The Biden administration quietly ends COVID-19 testing targeting unvaccinated fed workers – Agencies will no longer conduct “serial screening testing” based on vaccination status and whether employees are up to date on their shots

August 17, 2022

A Trump Attorney Confirmed FBI Raided Melania Trump’s Closet And Would NOT Allow Her To Observe Them – The agents “told me I have no legal standing to be there,” Bobb said

The ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Contains a Pricey EV ‘Gift’ to Canada That Has Trudeau Celebrating – The bill includes a $7,500 tax credit for all EVs built in North America, which includes Canadian and Mexican car factories

Study: Most People Infected With Omicron Didn’t Know It – Cedars-Sinai Researchers Find That 56% Of People With Covid Were Unaware They Were Infected With Virus That Causes COVID-19

The Fed will KEEP raising interest rates after seeing “little evidence” that inflation is easing and predictions are that it will remain high for some time

IRS Recruitment or Police Academy? New Photos of Agents’ Training Are Troublesome – Of the 4,600 guns in the IRS arsenal, 3,282 are pistols, 621 are shotguns, 539 are rifles, and four are revolvers, along with 15 automatic weapons

A lawsuit challenging San Diego’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for municipal employees will move forward after a federal judge on Tuesday rejected the city’s request to dismiss the complaint

Challenging The COVID-19 Vaccine Narrative – The mRNA mechanism sets in motion a process that can affect the DNA of the person and impact multiple organs in unwanted ways, causing a heart attack, cardiac arrest, myocarditis, or pericarditis…

Moderna documents regarding their COVID vaccine trial on animals, obtained via a FOIA request by Judicial Watch, showed that some of the offspring of rats that were injected with Moderna’s mRNA shot developed rib malformations

Superpower in Its Downfall’: China Celebrates The Anniversary of Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster – Hailing the debacle as the death of American “hegemony” and humiliation the United States will never overcome

The fundamental transformation of the US envisioned by the radical Left is being implemented by an all-too-willing Democratic Party – On all fronts, both domestic and foreign, Democrats are pushing this country into a downward spiral

ZH: The recent raid by the FBI on former President Donald Trump’s residence has solidified Trump’s hold on the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, according to conservatives and analysts

Trump Exposes Laughable Demand The FBI Made During The Raid – “In the Raid of Mar-a-Lago, the FBI demanded that all security cameras be turned off. What is that all about? We said no!”

FBI’s ‘overly broad’ collection of evidence slammed in wake of Trump raid – Trump’s attorneys have a platform to argue that the scope of the Mar-a-Lago search was overly broad

These Two Amendments Are Trump’s Friend Right Now – Trump has three claims under the Bill of Rights, under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments To Overturn This Outrageous Search

​In The Latest Anti-Trump Operation, The DOJ And Media Deploy The Same Old Russiagate Tricks – The DOJ and FBI think they can execute the same game plan they did for the last six years without the public noticing, b they can’t

Tucker lambastes the FBI’s Whitmer kidnapping plot entrapment – He focused on revelations about the FBI’s conduct which led to their announcement that the FBI had arrested a paramilitary cell that planned to kidnap the Governor

Redefining ‘Recession’ for the Little People – The reason that the Bidenistas are so intent on redefining the word “recession” is that there is another economic indicator that cannot be redefined, and that is “price inflation”

Sarah Palin advanced to the general election for her state’s at-large seat in the U.S. House — with a special election to fill the remainder of the late Rep. Don Young’s term still in the balance

The era of Donald Trump has brought a great many changes to the political world since 2016 – The year 2023 will be no different as the dynasties of Bush, Cheney, McCain, and Clinton will hold no quarter in either statewide or national office

Liz Cheney’s graceless concession speech following her landslide defeat in the Wyoming primary – Cheney said she “will do whatever it takes” to deny Trump a return to the Oval Office

Former President Trump suggested that the Jan. 6 committee should be dissolved, following the defeat of Representative Liz Cheney in a GOP primary on Aug. 16, calling the vote a “referendum” and that “the people have spoken”

ZH: Liz Cheney wants Americans to ‘unite’ across party lines to prevent Donald Trump from regaining the White House following her devastating defeat in Wyoming’s primary on Tuesday

Only Two of The Ten Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump Remain – Dan Newhouse (Washington) and David Valadao (California) survived their primaries, but Valadao didn’t face a Trump-endorsed challenger

What is school choice? – How school choice programs take shape legislatively can vary substantially, but they usually come in the form of one of three programs: a voucher system, education savings accounts, or a tax credit scholarship

How schools spend their billions in COVID-19 relief funds – The push to spend COVID-19 relief funds on teacher salaries and bonuses has come in part from teachers’ unions, which played an outsize role in keeping many schools closed

Kevin D. Williamson: Gun Manufacturers Like Smith & Wesson Are Not the Problem – Rifles whether AR-15s or other types typically show up in something on the order of only 2 percent of all homicides

Steve Kirsch: What happens when the evidence is clear the spike protein from the COVID vaccines remains in your body and the CDC has to admit they were wrong? – They just delete their inaccurate statement and say nothing. Nothing!

CDC director Walensky orders a reorganization, saying their COVID response did not meet expectations’ – Walensky says the CDC changes are meant to help the agency release data quicker and make guidance easier to understand

Bloomberg UK: Apple Targets Sept. 7 for iPhone 14 Launch in Flurry of Devices – New products are expected to reach stores later that month The iPhone 14 Pro line to get camera upgrades, speedier chip

August 16, 2022

Musk Finally Getting What He Wants After Judge Orders Release of Key Information That May Change Everything – Information from Twitter’s former head of consumer product, Kayvon Beykpour, must be released

The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated – Mandates are now becoming a thing of the past, thanks to brave freedom fighters who dared to say NO

The FBI Who Cried Wolf – The bureau’s Mar-a-Lago raid reeks of secret-police tactics as it attempts to destroy Trump

ZH: A former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower has said that the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will see the government target middle-income Americans with increased scrutiny and audits

Job One For The GOP: Kill The Inflation Reduction Act – Republicans, or some sharp attorneys who understand how harmful the IRA is, should seek relief through the court

A Top Biden Adviser’s Consulting Clients Stand To Benefit From New Gov’t Spending – White House Senior adviser Anita Dunn consults for companies and trade organizations that have benefited or could benefit from federal funding

Dennis Prager: The moral difference between the Christian and Muslim worlds – Rushdie is in a hospital, where his prognosis as of this writing is partial paralysis and the loss of an eye. What was Rushdie’s “crime”? He “insulted” Islam

Documents Show Ray Epps Told FBI He Expected Bomb Attack Near the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 – Epps admitted to trespassing and directing protesters to go into the Capitol. ‘I wish I could take that back,’ he told agents

Liz Cheney Loses Wyoming Primary to Trump Endorsee Harriet Hageman – Cheney fell into disfavor with the GOP and her constituents, 70 percent of whom voted for Trump for being among the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump

Palin In, Cheney Out? – A die-hard Republican and an out-of-place Never Trumper compete in two very different House races

A Conservative Media Executive Nails The “Panicking” DOJ on 3 Big Lies Related To The Mar-a-Lago Raid

Donald Trump Reveals Who Likely WOULD NOT Be His Running Mate In 2024 – Mike Pence would be too much of an obstacle for his MAGA following and  doesn’t think the people would accept it

Project Veritas releases Biden’s DHS/FBI intelligence bulletin smearing conservatives as “Domestic Violent Extremists” after the raid on Mar-a-Lago

WSJ: Biden Signs Bill Aimed at Lowering Drug Costs, Boosting Renewable Energy – Democrats are banking on the law to boost their November election prospects

Green Fascists Are Destroying the World – The green agenda needs to become the topic of open, honest, balanced, and very public debate

The REAL reason transgender groomers are targeting America’s children – David Kupelian explores what’s actually behind today’s massive LGBT recruitment craze

Elon Musk Is Finally Getting What He Wants – Judge Orders The Release of Key “Bot” Info That May Change Everything

(Virtually) Here to Stay – With remote work the new normal, cities must adapt to remain competitive

Dr. Syed Haider Warns of Suspicious Pattern Behind Monkeypox Outbreak – The development of the monkeypox outbreak seems identical to the way COVID-19 was introduced to the world

The First Ever Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Against Vaccine Mandates is Reached in the US – Illinois’ NorthShore University HealthSystem will now pay over 10 million dollars to compensate those who they fired for being unvaccinated

ZH: Smith & Wesson’s CEO Blames Progressive Lawmakers “For Surge In Violence And Lawlessness” In US Cities – The cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies

“The list you don’t want to be on” – These are the top ten worst states in America to be a cop in

Steve Kirsch: AT&T phone reps are required to be vaccinated even though they work from home – AT&T requires all such workers who work exclusively at home (and are never in the office) to be fully vaccinated

The Democrats have reason to fear Trump – They fear President Trump because he is the only person willing and able to stand up to the swamp in both parties, expose their greed and corruption, and put the people first

AG Garland reportedly waited weeks to approve the search warrant of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago private residence – The decision had been the subject of weeks of meetings between senior Justice Department and FBI officials

Trump spy chief rejects the DOJ argument on keeping Mar-a-Lago affidavit secret – Insisting the redactions necessary to mitigate harm to the integrity of the investigation would be so extensive as to render the remaining unsealed text useless

Judge Reinhart to hold a hearing to unseal the Mar-a-Lago affidavit on August 18 – The affidavit backing up the warrant was not made public, and the DOJ does not want it released, Trump has insisted on seeing the justification for the search

Eric Trump Says He’ll Release FBI Raid Surveillance Tape – The younger Trump says the video will be released “at the right time”

The DOJ Admits It Acted Outside Scope ‘Authorized’ By Court When Seizing Trump Passports – “We now have confirmation the FBI and DOJ over-collected evidence, meaning it collected evidence not covered by the search warrant”

Tucker Carlson is back from vacation and breathing fire about the Mar-a-Lago raid – He called out the Biden administration’s open, illegal, and unconstitutional war against, not only Trump but anyone connected with Trump

Morning Consult/Politico Survey:  The raid further energized Trump’s supporters, expanding his lead over Governor DeSantis by 10 points with an overall lead of 40 percentage points, if the primary election were to take place today

Rich Lowry: Merrick Garland Is on a Path to the Abyss – An indictment of Trump would be one of the most consequential acts by the Justice Department in decades, and Garland has a flagrant conflict of interest

Too many Republicans are as useless as the Democrats – Most of them are participating members of the swamp that Trump promised to drain

John Daniel Davidson: America’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal Last Year Was Entirely The Biden Administration’s Fault – They turned a challenge into a crisis and a crisis into a catastrophe, then he lied about it

WSJ: The United States Approves Nearly All Tech Exports to China, Data Shows – Critics say the Commerce Department-led export controls the process and it needs an urgent overhaul, while others say the U.S. needs allies on board first

WSJ: The FDA Clears Hearing Aids for Over-the-Counter Sale With Some Available By mid-October – The hope is this will widen their availability in ways that could bring down costs and encourage the development of better devices

Florida won’t be a “woke dumpster fire”: DeSantis’ teacher recruitment plan – He proposes 3 initiatives to get more teachers by offering incentives for veterans and first responders who have a bachelor’s degree to become educators

Another 199,976 economic migrants arrived at the southern border in July, ensuring Biden’s 2022 migration exceeds the total 2021 numbers, even though August and September numbers have yet to be added

ZH: Housing Starts Crater In July As Bottom Falls Out Of The Market – In absolute SAAR terms, housing permits dropped to the lowest level since Sept 2021 while start collapsed to levels not seen since Feb 2021

PolitiFact Fails Miserably at Fact-Checking Matt Gaetz’s Claim About The IRS Stockpiling Guns and Ammo – “There was a report that showed over 10 years, the IRS stockpiled $11 million worth of ammunition”

The establishment media has been downplaying Representative Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) chances of reelection Tuesday after months of hyping the pro-impeachment Republican who is vice chair of the partisan January 6 Committee

“And Then There Were None” – That was a pretty gutsy thing to do: vote to impeach a president of your party after he won 70 percent of the vote in your state

How About a Climate Change Policy That Likes America? –  A little jiu-jitsu to expose just how awful the environmental Left is

Steve Kirsch: Do you know how many people have been killed worldwide by governments from the COVID shots? – It’s around 12M, 40X the number of Americans who were killed in WW II and more than double the number killed by COVID

COVID-19 lockdowns could be responsible for claiming 20 times more lives than they were advertised to save, according to a new analysis published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Lawsuits Are Coming for Entities That Don’t Change COVID Mandates After CDC Update – “We don’t have a new lawsuit in the works yet, but if colleges, universities, or public employers do not respond to the new CDC guidance the way that they should be, then we would certainly tee up a new lawsuit”

Medical Freedom Group: California’s Proposed Vaccine Laws Will Circumvent Parental Rights – The State Legislature is quietly introducing new proposals giving the government more control over the medical system

Sharyl Attkisson: A judge in the Eastern District of Virginia has ordered the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to provide unredacted copies of certain documents to ascertain whether NIH improperly redacted them

A Minneapolis School District And Union Agree To Release White Educators First – When drawing from an unimpressive talent pool there are inevitably layoffs, as deluded school leaders always think the solution is in the next round of hiring

California schools face a lot of changes – “Everything Everywhere All At Once” could describe the many changes confronting schools as they welcome students back to campus after more than 2-years of pandemic-disrupted education

Four things to know about Colorado River Water  – California gets the most of any state, Rivers, and reservoirs are at a historic low, the Colorado River is critical to the Imperial Valley, and Southern Californians could face more restrictions

August 15, 2022

An IRS that’s armed and dangerous – If you have a conservative voice in this country or you have any affiliation with the Republican Party or donate to Republican candidates, they are coming after you

The FDA Buried Their Heads in the Sand as 44% of Their Pregnant Vaccine Trial Participants Suffered Miscarriages –  “These are monsters! They’re monsters!”

A homeless scumbag beats an elderly man and steals his wallet at a Hollywood restaurant – A video shows the hero who chases after him and holds him down until the police arrive

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee wrote AG Garland, FBI chief Christopher Wray and WH Chief of Staff Ron Klain telling them to produce all of the documents used to assemble the FBI’s raid on Donald Trump’s residence

It’s Inevitable: Trump Will Be Indicted – Americans should prepare for the spectacle of Donald Trump pleading not guilty to charges brought by the Biden Justice Department

Dr. Simone Gold says her “spirits are high” as she endures solitary confinement for entering the Capitol – “I have noticed activity in the prison that makes me fearful for my safety,’” said the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors

Representative Jim Jordan: 14 FBI Whistleblowers Have Come Forward – “They are telling us … what’s going on and the political nature now of the Justice Department … talking about the school board issue, about a whole host of issues”

“There’s no reason for these shots” – The CDC’s case for Covid vaccination mandates crumbles  as overwhelming evidence forces the government to walk back its “guidance”

A Deeper Dive on CDC’s Exit Strategy – The CDC never had an exit strategy from lockdowns and mandates but they eventually found one in the form of a heavily footnoted and opaquely written reversal, published by this bureaucracy

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Tests Positive for COVID-19 – Bourla 60, says he has received four doses of his company’s COVID-19 vaccine, which has proven to be increasingly ineffective against infection

Unintended Consequences: “You Have to Analyze All-Cause Mortality” Because, when you do, you may discover, “The Covid vaccines are doing more harm than good”

Pfizer Documents and Real-World Data Both Show That Covid Jabs Are Already Causing Mass Depopulation – Excess deaths continue to spike in nearly every industrialized country that pushed the shots on their populations

“Save Our Allies” co-founder: “It would take 140 years” to finish Afghanistan rescues at the current pace – Chad Robichaux explained why America is “not a safer place” after the Afghanistan withdrawal on “Fox & Friends First”

Adam Schiff Was Stumped When Asked Why The DOJ Waited 18 Months To Raid Trump’s Home – If what they were looking for within those files is such a risk to national security

“Mark Levin: “The Ruling Class Is in Revolt” – “They Are Completely Rogue and Totally Out of Control” – He likened the Trump raid and others by the DOJ to what was seen out of the old Soviet Union and “Marxist” governance

Records Suggest A Backbench Bureaucrat’s Partisan Grievance Spurred The FBI’s Nakedly Political Raid On Trump – The purpose of the grand jury investigation and the raid on Mar-a-Lago was to get Donald Trump, not documents

Understanding the legal process behind the Mar-A-Lago raid and where things are headed – The DOJ will probably indict Trump for something and attempt to have a jury trial in Washington DC shortly before the 2024 election

“Ultra MAGA” The GOP Plots Revenge for Mar-A-Lago Raid – What will the GOP response be to the latest attempt to take down Trump?

An anti-Trump Republican group is spending millions of dollars in advertising over the next month amplifying the events of Jan. 6 to shrink former President Donald Trump’s base ahead of the 2024 presidential election

I&I/TIPP Poll: Despite Biden Denials, Most Say We’re In A Recession And Government Is To Blame – Fully 62% believe the U.S. is in recession, including a tri-partisan majority of Democrats (51%), Republicans (74%), and independents (56%)

Is A “Cash Free” Central Bank Digital Currency Roll Out Coming To Us In December? – Between the WEF, World Bank, the Fed, and the Biden-Harris regime, it seems everyone with power wants it to happen

The Green War on Clean Energy: Radical environmentalists fight against the very technologies that would cut carbon emissions – The biggest roadblock that they have thrown in front of cutting emissions is their opposition to nuclear energy

Whatever Happened to Climate Change on the Campaign Trail? – Democrats everywhere ran on climate in 2020. Now they’re practically running away from it

A Basic Math Exercise Undoes Global Warming Hysteria – Why are they pushing to convert to electric vehicles (since it won’t help in their prescribed timeframe) to solve an “existential problem”? – We have to “follow the money” to find out

The Battle for Our Children and Their Minds – The bypassing of parents, as an expedient to the control of young minds, is a major component of the left’s Great Reset of capitalism

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The UN Penalizes Criticisms Against The Elitist Takeover – According to the U.N., a story only qualifies as truthful if “The sources are backed by fact-checking sites” which we now know are all bought and paid for

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Sounding the Alarm: Normalizing the Jab with Lies – Endless mRNA vaccines are in the works, as the CDC and FDA play “hide the data”

Monkeypoxing Around with ‘Don’t Say Gay’ – Monkeypox is not a novel virus and generally is not fatal, instead it is a nuisance disease that is quite selective as to who it afflicts

August 14, 2022

The Biden Regime Issues A ‘Threat Assessment’ for Domestic Terrorists Acting Out Against Trump Raid at Mar-A-Lago – The joint intelligence bulletin admits there are no current, specific, credible threats to any of their employees or locations

Congress and Biden Undermine the American Dream – Massive trillion-dollar spending bills continue to pass through Congress, the implementation of which creates demand for goods and services with no supply, ergo more inflation

Sharyl Attkisson: New DOD whistleblower reports allege that the Biden Administration failed to properly vet individuals evacuated from Afghanistan – According to a letter from 3 Senators sent to DoD Acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell

A GOP report reveals new details of the Biden administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal – The fact that President Biden’s circle went outside his process to get help shows just how badly they planned and executed the U.S. retreat

There Were No Classified Documents at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Lawyer Certified in June 

Trump said privileged material was taken during the FBI raid on his property and demanded it back – “They took boxes of privileged ‘attorney-client’ material, and also ‘executive’ privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken”

Victor Davis Hanson: Why Merrick Garland Is Losing the People – Is the attorney general disingenuous or simply naïve? – Also, Garland has failed to explain why he had sought out a particular federal magistrate to approve the warrant 

Has Biden Crossed the Rubicon? – Politically motivated gangsterism will only backfire, though at what price?

A Top Democrat Throws Cold Water On Biden’s 2024 Prospects – Biden is not running for reelection in 2024, according to a comment by Democrat New York Representative Carolyn Maloney in an interview published Saturday with The NYT

“I think it’s BS,” said tennis great John McEnroe of the CDC vaccine mandate that continues to keep un-vaccinated Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic from playing in the United States, potentially including the upcoming U.S. Open

On August 10, during Tucker Carlson Tonight, Steve Kirsch went off-script and stunned the world by sharing the unfiltered truth – Fox News “Can’t” Verify Steve’s Data,  because then all of that drug company advertising from Pfizer will go away

JD Rucker: Border Crisis Videos and Stats For One Single Town Are So Shocking That Even Elon Musk Chimed In – The more people learn about the border, the more concerned they become

If Texas Border Towns Can Handle Surge of Illegal Aliens, Why Can’t New York City? – They want it to appear they are overwhelmed to get the federal government to block Texas from sending any more buses their way

ZH: How Your Carbon Footprint And Your Carbon Wallet Are Going To Work In The Dystopian World That World Economic Forum Has Planned For You – Let me introduce you to Barbara Baarsma. Barbara is the CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank

Republicans who backed push almost all falter in primaries – So far, seven out of the 10 Republicans in the House who voted to impeach Trump will not return to Congress next year. Three of the seven lost a primary, while four opted to retire

“Witch Hunt”: Trump Criticizes Biden The White House Over Mar-a-Lago Raid – “Does ANYBODY believe that the White House didn’t know about this?”

This Might Be The Most Concerning Part About FBI’s Mar-A-Lago Raid – Anti-liberty leftists are authoritarian fascists at heart, and their actions against president Trump are merely a hint of what they will do to the rest of us if they stay in power

If Trump Decides to Not Run in 2024 – Since the days of Nixon, the Democrats and their media allies have been spiteful in their attacks on Republican presidents. The only difference is now they no longer pretend

How to break up the FBI –The FBI is beyond redemption.  It needs to be dismembered and its remains scattered to the four winds.  This article will offer suggestions on how to do so

The IRS sequel to Lois Lerner will be extra-ugly – Only this time instead of the Tea Party, they intend to come after all and any opposition to the regime

Now it’s “mega-floods” – Something you don’t see in Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists articles is  evidence that they researched or asked any questions, as facts have been irrelevant to most of the media for a long time

ZH: Heating Your Home Will Hurt This Winter As Natural Gas Prices Climb – This week, natural gas was $8.20 an mcg, (1,000 cubic feet), the price paid to gas producers, set by Henry Hub and it is the highest in 14 years

An In-Depth Look Into the Covid 19 Narrative – Who’s controlling it, and how it’s being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet

August 13, 2022

Steve Kirsch: My interviews with Ryan Cole, Deb Conrad, and Gina Doane: Want to know why nobody is seeing any deaths from the vaccine? – It’s because they aren’t looking! These two 90-minute interviews will explain it in detail

A federal jury has found that a Democrat super political action committee (PAC) defamed Roy Moore, a former sheriff and U.S. Senate candidate – The Jury Awards Moore Over $8 Million in The Defamation Case

Have the Cheneys Forgotten the Deep State Hit on Scooter Libby? – Self-awareness is not one of Liz or Dick Cheneys’ strengths

Merrick Garland Caught Hiding Three Day Delay In Execution Of Trump Warrant – The sitting President holds declassification power, and if Trump declassified the documents, as he states he did, they are not classified any longer

The Mar-a-Lago Wave – The FBI raid on Trump’s estate has increased the chances of a red wave in November

The FBI seized privileged Trump records during the raid; The DOJ opposed a request for an independent review –  Some records seized at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home were covered by attorney-client privilege, according to sources

Donald Trump Had a Standing Order for Automatic Declassification of Documents When Taken To Mar-A-Lago

JD Rucker: The Feds Who Raided Mar-a-Lago Are Under Investigation Durham for The Russiagate Hoax – The report is wrong, the FBI is stupid, or the Deep State is so comfortable with their power they don’t care what the people think

The Pelosi-Biden Inflation Bill Passed with 35 Percent of the House Voting Remotely and the CBO Not Finished Scoring Its Impact

ZH: DC Mayor Muriel Bowser renewed her call for U.S. military assistance to deal with the surge of illegal immigrants the nation’s capital has encountered after governors of border states began busing the immigrants to the city

West Point cadets’ COVID vaccination religious exemptions were denied en masse, and they were given a day to respond –  Pressuring cadets over a weekend to limit their ability to consult with attorneys or medical professionals

American Revolution 2.0 – This is not a political party issue, this is an American freedom and governance issue for the next decade. Bad actors must be replaced and hopefully punished

ZH: Pro-Antifa California Teacher Who Vowed To Turn Students Into ‘Revolutionaries’ Is Paid To Resign – He was given three years of pay by his school district to resign, according to a report

Dr. Peter McCullough: Subclinical Myocarditis Is A Silent Killer – “There Is No Heart Damage That’s Mild or Inconsequential and as many as 1 in 43 children may have it

Andrew McCarthy Comments: Today he devotes his weekly NRO column to the unsealed Trump search warrant. Andy’s  response to my notes on the warrant – This is about as close to a general warrant as it gets

The Trump Warrant Furthers The Justice Department’s January 6 Investigation – Already, we can see that the investigation is far broader than just the mishandling of classified information

WSJ: The FBI Says It Recovered 11 Sets of Classified Documents During The Search of Trump’s Residence –  Trump allies claim the former president declassified the documents the FBI recovered from Mar-a-Lago

The FBI Agent Who Signed Trump Raid Receipt Also Involved In January 6 Investigation – Special Agent Jeremy Linton, who signed the receipt of documents for the Mar-A-Lago warrant, signed an affidavit in the case of Tommy Allan

Don’t abandon Trump because you have a DeSantis in your back pocket – We must stand up and speak out to defend this one man who has sacrificed so much for our Republic or we’re no longer the kind of people who deserve a Republic

JD Rucker: Discreetly Deleted From CDC Website: “mRNA and the Spike Protein Do Not Last Long in the Body” – Now, the CDC seems to be admitting one of its biggest claims is false

Dr. Joseph Mercola: How the Global Takeover Mirrors the Hijacking of Medicine – Identify a problem or shortcoming (whether true or fabricated), pronounce a solution, then tear down the old system and replace it with a new one

Here Are The 128k Emails From Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Knucklehead Of The Week: After Mar-a-Lago Raid, Entire GOP Has Trump’s Back, With One Exception… Chris Christie – Chris Christie’s career as a politician was doomed before his comments on Tuesday

Governor Newsom Issues Proposal to Keep Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Running Into the 2030s – “The power plant is in good health and has been chugging along quite well”

August 12, 2022

Trump spy chief on classified documents: “Virtually impossible to prosecute” – “Trump possessed the ultimate declassification authority, shielding him from liability”

Cleaning house at the FBI and Justice Department – The Mar-a-Lago raid has finished off public trust in federal law enforcement

The 7-page warrant that authorized the FBI to search former President Trump’s property was unsealed Friday showing that Trump is under federal investigation for obstruction of justice and other alleged violations

The FBI search warrant obtained by The Federalist authorizes confiscation of every record Trump ever saw when he was president

The Biden administration, in what could be one of the Democrats’ last-ditch attempts to prevent Trump from running again in 2024, is working on an “espionage” case against him, based on documents FBI agents seized from his home

The FBI seized what they are calling classified records from Mar-a-Lago during the search of Trump’s residence – Trump declares all records were “declassified” when he was President and that the FBI “didn’t need to seize anything”

On Friday, Trump said that the allegedly classified materials the FBI sought in the agency’s raid of Mar-a-Lago were “all declassified.”-  “Number one, it was all declassified material” 

ZH: Public Trust In The FBI Is Plunging – According to the most recent survey by Gallup on the topic, public trust in the FBI has fallen in recent years

Marjorie Taylor Greene announces articles of impeachment against AG Garland – For endangering, compromising, and undermining the justice system of the US by facilitating the persecution of Joe Biden’s political rival, Donald J. Trump

The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act” is set to squeeze $20 billion from working and middle-class Americans with new funding for increased Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates

ZH: The New Real Hoaxes –The investigative reporting by these two news organizations [the New York Times and the Washington Post] was so thorough and groundbreaking that it turned up things that were not even there

The FBI Is Now Threatening To Audit Conceal Carry Permit Holders – Missouri AG Eric Schmitt said that “he had been told that FBI agents planned to visit several county sheriffs departments in August to audit concealed carry weapons permits”

The Biden Administration And Wall Street Impede New Oil and Gas Investments – Banks, federal agencies, and ESG investors handicap the expansion of America’s energy supply

The SEC’s Proposed Climate-Change Rules Would Cripple Public Companies Is disclosing emissions for investors necessary? Helpful? Of course not — but that’s not the point

Pesticide residues were detected in 59% of U.S. food samples tested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in its most recently completed annual testing program, the agency revealed in a new report

Children and teen vaccination rates began plummeting with the onset of the pandemic, and as concerns surfaced around the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, some parents also began questioning the need for the long list of other vaccines

WSJ: China’s Xi Jinping Plans to Meet With Biden in First Foreign Trip in Nearly Three Years – The Chinese leader, who has remained at home during the pandemic, is organizing a visit to Southeast Asia, say people familiar with the matter

FROM ZERO TO NERO, MEDIA EDITION – Biden and his flacks promoted the idea that inflation had dramatically fallen to 0 percent last month, while the inflation ignited by the Biden administration stares us in the face every day

The Downside for Garland in Speaking – People most wanted to hear from the AG yesterday was why it was supposedly necessary to proceed with a highly intrusive, historically unprecedented search of a former president’s home at this point

Trump Responds to Nuclear Documents Reports – “The nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax, two Impeachments were a Hoax, the Mueller investigation was a Hoax, and much more”

Hillary Clinton is very relevant right now – Anyone who thinks that the FBI and DOJ’s credibility can survive in the eyes of the average American if it prosecutes Trump on very, very similar mishandling-of-classified-documents charges that Hillary avoided with nary a slap on the wrist is naïve to the point of lunacy

Gaslighting Is Democrats’ Real Economic Policy – The deceptively named bill and its tax increases could not come at a worse time as our nation enters a recession, another topic on which Democrats have attempted to gaslight Americans

Does Donald Trump Have Jeffrey Epstein’s List of Clients? – Trump must know something because the Swamp has done everything to the man short of assassinating him

Kash Patel: After Trump The Raid, America’s Justice System Is Below Third-World Standards – The President is the “final arbiter of classification authority” and has “a unilateral authority to classify and declassify documents by just saying so”

Trump Wanted the American People to See the Truth In The  Docs, So the FBI Came For Them – Kash Patel explained “the classified materials found at the Palm Beach property are misleading because the documents were already declassified”

WSJ: Trump Won’t Oppose The Release of The Search Warrant – The Justice Department asks a judge to unseal the warrant FBI agents used to search the former president’s Mar-a-Lago home

ZH: The GOP Launches Probe Over FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid – The way the National Archives and Records Administration has treated far clearer violations committed by politicians and officials who are not Republicans

Trump Lawyer Alleges Democrats ‘Create Fear’ via Report on FBI Seeking Nuclear Weapon Documents in Raid – “The pathetic presser that Merrick Garland held for three minutes was insufficient, so they had to create fear”

Five Quick Things: The FBI and the Consent of the Governed – The Left and the Biden regime have destroyed the legitimacy of our government

Just Say No to a Banana Republic – Whatever the result of the raid on Mar-a-Lago, Trump will not be ineligible to run in 2024 on that basis

Mar-a-Lago reminds us of all the previous ethical failures of the DOJ – No matter how obvious the unequal treatment is, or how seriously some disregard the rule of law, the media and the Democrats continue with their fiction that “no one is above the law”

John Daniel Davidson: The 2024 Election Is Being Rigged Right Now In Plain Sight – The FBI raid on Trump’s home isn’t just about prosecuting the former president for Jan. 6, it’s about fixing the next presidential election

The GOP Needs To Get Rid Of McConnell, Not Trump – The future of the party can only have one leader, and we’d best not dispense with our best fighter

Is Chuck Schumer ‘the Big Guy’ over at the New York Times? – Somehow, the staff know that they need to ‘run by” anything that might be controversial with Chuck Schumer in the Senate

ZH: The IRS Sparks An Uproar Over Job Posting – “Major duties” of the job include “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary”

Defund The FBI! – It has become, instead, the intelligence arm and domestic enforcer of the far left – Replace it with a new agency that respects the Constitution and holds itself accountable

August 11, 2022

On suspense file day, state legislators killed dozens of bills, including some controversial proposals on health care costs, social media regulation, pay transparency, climate change, and much, more

A handful of California cities and counties would operate supervised injection sites if Gov. Gavin Newsom signs the legislation. The details of how the centers operate will be largely up to local officials

Trump Jr.’s Fiancée: The FBI May Have Planted ‘Listening Devices’ During Raid – Lawyers for the former president previously said that FBI agents would not allow Trump’s team to observe or supervise their search of Mar-a-Lago

WSJ: The Payback for Mar-a-Lago Will Be Brutal – What went around Monday will come around hard for the Democrats when Republicans control the Justice Department and FBI

A Destructive Piece of Legislation – The House of Representatives should reject the Inflation Reduction Act, which will harm Americans by reducing pharmaceutical R&D and expanding needless Obamacare subsidies

When We Need More Border Patrol, the Swamp Hires More IRS Agents – By adding more agents to target U.S. citizens rather than foreigners who break our immigration laws, the swamp sends a clear signal of its priorities

So Long, Marylin Mosby – In Baltimore, law-abiding citizens reject a leftist, pro-criminal prosecutor—and stand up to the race hustle

Wyoming Primary Election Survey:  Conducted by the University of Wyoming’s Survey & Analysis Center, it shows Cheney is now trailing by nearly 30 points with 27.8 percent compared to Hageman’s 57.4 percent among likely GOP voters

Newsom unveils long-term strategy to bolster California water supply – Warns the supply will shrink by 10% due to climate change, he sets targets for recycled water and increased storage, but deadlines are distant, details are scant

The CDC revised its COVID-19 guidance on Aug. 11, stating that the United States should move away from quarantines and social distancing and focus on treating severe cases of the Covid virus

The 23 authors of an Aug. 8 study of adolescents in Brazil and Scotland found Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine efficacy waned “from 27 days after the second dose” – They recommended more research be done on the need for boosters

The CDC said that they did not conduct any abstractions or reports through October 2021, but that “an association between myocarditis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was not known at that time” – That statement was false

Amid bipartisan outrage over the FBI raid of former President Trump’s estate, Attorney General Merrick Garland broke his silence Thursday, declaring in live televised remarks, that he approved the decision to seek a search warrant

WSJ: Attorney General Merrick Garland Asks Court to Release Trump Search Warrant Garland says he requested the warrant be unsealed because of “substantial public interest” in the matter

WSJ: The FBI Quest for Trump Documents Started With Breezy Chats And A Tour of a Crowded Closet – Why interactions between the FBI and the Donald Trump team have soured remains a mystery

Four Possible Reasons The FBI Raided Former President Trump – #4, The FBI launched a fishing expedition at Trump’s Florida home

Poll: The FBI’s ransacking of Trump’s home is going over badly with the public – The White House pretends they knew nothing, even though a raid of this kind would normally require the approval of the highest offices in the land

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday afternoon revealed more details on the circumstances surrounding the FBI’s Aug. 8 raid of his Mar-a-Lago home after full cooperation on records way back in June

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: A Report Alleges The FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents

WHAT WERE ONCE RAIDS ARE NOW SEARCHES – Coordination among the authorities and their mainstream media operatives is so blatant one might conclude it to be laughable

The FBI Has Reestablished Trump as the Alpha Dog in the Republican Party – Who could be in a better position to capitalize on outrage over the FBI searching Trump’s home than Trump himself?

Trump’s odds of winning in 2024 surge and DeSantis is also rising – While Trump and DeSantis are seeing a good boost in 2024 betting odds, both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are far behind in the odds

Washington DC’s Incurable Case of Trump Derangement Syndrome – Its warped conception of Donald Trump led to the outrageous FBI raid on his home

Questions grow on Trump raid after grand jury subpoena revelation and extensive cooperation – Trump got a grand jury subpoena, gathered documents, turned them over, and allowed agents to search the storage locker the FBI later raided

The FBI Mar-A-Lago Raid Shows The Utter Insignificance Of January 6th Committee – The raid was political, and it’s unthinkable that Biden’s political apparatus hadn’t been consulted and their stamps of approval given beforehand

Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Breaks Down The FBI Raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home

The absurdity of the NY AG’s investigation of Trump’s valuations of his properties – The New York Attorney General, Federal Justice Department, and other Democrats have been targeting Trump in search of any sort of a crime

Trump provides a learning moment about ‘taking the Fifth’ on his requested deposition – Attorney General Letitia James openly campaigned on the policy of “Get and Destroy Trump”

Democrat Operatives Control Voter Rolls In 31 States – The Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC, was sold to states as a quick and easy way to update their voter rolls

Incumbent House members are on track to lose the most primaries in the 2022 midterm election cycle in decades – So far, 11 House members have lost their primaries, including seven RINO Republicans and four Democrats

House GOP leadership race puts McCarthy and Scalise alliances to the test – The race heats up ahead of the Republicans’ likely takeover of the lower chamber next fall

Senator Mike Lee’s HOUSES Act would make housing affordable at no cost to the government – In 1998 Bill Clinton signed the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act, allowing competitive auctions of underutilized federal lands

The Democrats’ Inane Stock-Buyback Tax – We already have a tax on stock buybacks, ranging from 15 percent to 37 percent and it’s called the “capital gains tax” or, for short-term gains, the “income tax”

Sharyl Attkisson: The purported Hunter Biden emails that have been the topic of so much discussion can be found here, along with an included search tool

No More TV for Children: Francine Tells Muffy Why She Should Wear a Mask – Steer your kids far away from the propaganda machine

Its about two months before Social Security’s cost of living adjustment is announced, but based on current inflation there will likely be a roughly 9.6% increase next year, which amounts to a $158.98 uptick a month for the average retiree

Fast Fiber Networks Have Quietly Won the Broadband War – Thank subsidies and our pandemic-era data appetite. No wonder Google Fiber has restarted its expansion plans

August 10, 2022

Judge Orders Department of Justice to Respond to Requests to Unseal FBI’s Trump Warrant – “On or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 15, 2022, the Government shall file a Response to the Motion to Unseal”

Trump’s Lawyer Breaks Silence And Says Trump Was ‘Shocked’ at FBI Raid Because He Thought He’d Complied With The Investigators’ Previous Requests

Victor Davis Hanson: FBI, R.I.P.? – This federal agency has become dangerous to Americans and an existential threat to their democracy and rule of law

Trump Skewers NY AG Letitia James from Inside Her Own Office After He’s Called In for Deposition – Trump pointed to James’ legal pursuit of him as the latest development in a partisan “witch hunt” targeting him for political purposes

Amid spreading alarm about the IRS stockpiling ammunition the tax collection agency is listing a job opening for a Criminal Investigation Special Agent who must must “be willing to use deadly force, if necessary

Soldiers for the Gender Revolution – Left-wing activists have smuggled radical gender theory into more than 4,000 school

Is Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism? – The Putin regime is evil, but it is not a sponsor of terrorism

29% of Young Pfizer COVID Vaccine Recipients Suffered Heart Effects – “Young people receiving any of the vaccines based on mRNA technology, both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, should be monitored for side effects”

“We Have a Corrupt Medical System in This Country”: Sen. Ron Johnson – Over two years of pandemic oversight, Johnson said he’s witnessed money being put before public health

Without Clinical Trials, The FDA Authorizes Modified Monkeypox Vaccine And Expands Eligibility to “High-Risk” Children

Inflation in the US rose at 8.5 percent in July compared with a year earlier – Inflation has hit American families hard by raising prices for everyday necessities like food, gasoline, housing, transportation, and utilities

The Federal government can’t seem to get out of bed with China – When it comes to the theft of intellectual property, some argue that the U.S. is its own worst enemy as it either squanders or surrenders its technical advantages

Trump, China, and the emerging reign of terror – As James Madison warned us, “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy”

US State Department: The Chinese Regime Commits and Enables Human Trafficking – Forced labor in China is so prevalent that it amounts to a “government policy or pattern”—conducted by CCP officials at all levels

Donald Trump derided claims by the White House that it had no advance knowledge of the FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate, asserting that “Biden knew” about the “coordinated attack” – “We are no better than a third world country”

Donald Trump released a dramatic political video, hours after the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, in which he laments the “declining” state of America and says it’s “time to start talking about greatness for our country again”

John Daniel Davidson: Under Biden’s DOJ, The Rule Of Law In America Has Become A Farce – Biden’s DOJ and FBI will do anything to keep Trump from regaining the White House, even if it means imitating Nicaragua

Mitch McConnell must not be Senate Majority Leader after the midterms McConnell despises Trump and the MAGA movement and would love to see all of it brought to an end so they can go back to business as usual

The details remain unclear following the FBI raid of Trump’s residence – This is “unprecedented”, especially for a non-sitting President  who has indicated he might run again according to a former FBI special-agent-in-charge

Welcome To Biden’s Police State, Part III – Imagine, if you can, the reaction if the Justice Department had, in President Donald Trump’s second year in office, orchestrated a raid of Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, N.Y., home

Donald Trump Must Be The 2024 Republican Nominee – I’ve written twice that Donald Trump should not be the next Republican nominee, but it’s time to bury the “Democrat” Party and Donald Trump is the right undertaker

50 Radical Policies in the Inflation Reinforcement Act – The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022” will drive us deeper into the Biden-caused recession by raising taxes on American families, manufacturers, and energy producers

The Mar-a-Lago Raid is a Preview of a Rigged 2024 Election – The Democrats will attempt to prosecute their way to victory

Expect the IRS to Turn the Dogs Loose – Honest individuals and businesses alike are drowning in the flood of so-called tax reform and constant changes to the point where they cannot quickly and easily ascertain their legal responsibilities

The Green War on Dutch Farmers Should Concern Everybody – Green activists are trying to do to agriculture what they have been doing to the power grid and the oil and gas industry

August 9, 2022

Monmouth University Poll: “The sensational revelations during the hearings do not seem to have moved the public opinion needle on Trump’s culpability for either the riot or his spurious election fraud claims”

Jonathan Turley: The Whole Enchilada – Pundits Wrongly Claim the Mar-a-Lago Raid Could Disqualify Trump from Future Office

The FBI Waited for a Very Specific Moment to Conduct The Mar-a-Lago Search – They considered the political risk of handcuffing Trump and avoided raiding the home until the former President was at Trump Tower in New York City

There is concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers searching could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours

The FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago Reeks of Secret-Police Tyranny – We now have a two-track justice system: impunity for Democrats and persecution for Republicans

The FBI’s Trump Home Raid Improperly Intrusive, Circumstances Indicate – “The FBI wouldn’t let anybody see what they were doing”

ZH: The Judge Who Signed Mar-A-Lago Search Warrant Exposed As Associate of Jeffrey Epstein – If the FBI raid on Trump’s residence was rife with corruption, details from the search warrant authorizing it should clear any doubt

WSJ: The FBI’s Dangerous Trump Search Merrick – Garland is taking the U.S. down a perilous path

FBI Seizes, Donald Trump Ally, Representative Scott Perry’s Personal Cellphone a Day after The Trump Mara-Lago Raid

Nancy Pelosi: “China is one of the freest societies in the world, don’t take it from me, that’s from Freedom House, it’s a strong democracy, courageous people”

Watch: It Only Takes 4 Seconds for Biden to Seemingly Forget He Just Shook Chuck Schumer’s Hand

What to Expect If the 2024 Election Is Trump vs. Newsom – If you want to make America great again, or, for that matter, if you want to just make America affordable again, it’s not a difficult choice

While the World Health Organization pushes ahead with plans to enact a new or revised international pandemic preparedness treaty, the World Bank and other organizations are advancing new vaccine passport regimes

Corona Investigative Committee Founder Exposes The Lies Behind The COVID-19 Pandemic – “Never before in the history of humanity have we seen almost all of the countries in the world go together in lockstep”

All This Fear for Monkeypox? Stand Up and Say NO to the Next Plandemic – “We know these declarations of emergency always precede the next wave of tyranny”

Monkey Business on Monkeypox – That such a bizarre illness could provoke such risible rhetorical and mental gymnastics by our elite institutions to stick to the narrative proves how successful its crafters have been

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday unilaterally extended her unconstitutional proxy voting scheme…again citing Covid and said that a “public health emergency is in effect”  – It will be extended until September 26, 2022

California Legislative Analyst’s Office Report Details Astounding Failures within Newsom Admin’s Unemployment –  Department Payments were delayed for 5 million workers and improperly denied for 1 million more

Governor Newsom to California Legislature: Act fast to enact new climate change targets

Chuck Schumer Sorta Gives the Game Away on FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid During Rachel Maddow Interview – Republicans are “gonna pay a price for this in the election,” noting Democrats should use the raid “as an issue” in the coming months

Andrew McCarthy: The FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid: It’s about the Capitol Riot, Not the Mishandling of Classified Information – The Democrat base badly wants Trump to be charged with felonies

Hillary Clinton Protege Marc Elias Boasts About The Real Motive Behind The FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid – The main purpose is to keep Trump from being able to run again and that’s it in a nutshell

Bruce Reinhart, the most likely judge behind the warrant authorizing a raid on Donald Trump’s estate is an Obama donor and former attorney who represented employees of convicted sex offender and notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

To understand how deep the corruption is at the Department of Justice, and not just at the top, all one needs to do is compare the treatment of former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger and former President Donald Trump

The Raid On President Trump’s Home Is A Wake-Up Call – It will go down in history as the day America realized that Marxism has infiltrated our federal government when Biden used his DOJ as a weapon against a political opponent

Members of the GOP are demanding answers after former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was raided by the FBI on Monday and called for an “immediate briefing” on the matter in a letter to FBI director Christopher Wray

House GOP leaders have pledged to take action on the “weaponized politicization” of the DOJ “when Republicans take back the House” in the midterm elections after federal agents raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property on Monday

Clinton-linked lawyer says Trump could be barred from re-election after the FBI raid – Elias cited U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071 as the former president continues to drop hints that he will soon announce plans to seek a second term 

Three quick thoughts on the Mar-a-Lago raid – #3 even if Trump was convicted of mishandling documents that would not disqualify him from running for president, the Constitution sets the requirements for who is qualified to run for president

Former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich issued a stark warning Monday night following the raid of President Trump’s home, noting that if federal agents can do that, imagine what they can and will do to everyday Americans

Trump posts campaign ad-style video to Truth Social following FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago Donald Trump’s campaign ad-style video is just the latest hint that the former president may be building up to a run for the White House in 2024

It’s Official, The FBI Is The Democrat’s Stasi – The Nazis Had The Gestapo . . . The Russians Had The KGB . . . The East Germans Had The Stasi – And Now The Democrats Have The FBI

ZH: The Government is Hiding a Dark Secret About the Economy – According to recent headlines, the U.S. added 528,000 jobs last month. Unfortunately, most if not all of them were created in a spreadsheet, not the real economy

ZH: Democrats finally passed the “Inflation Reduction Act” which Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called “one of the most significant pieces of legislation passed in a decade” – Bloomberg compiled this list of winners and losers

Joe Manchin May Have Just Cooked His Goose – If it turns out Manchin inadvertently did something to hurt energy jobs, his reelection prospects in 2024 are bleak

“Wokeness” in the military is worse than many of us realize – They used to teach that America was a shining light among nations, but now they routinely denigrate America, deriding its institutions and inherent value

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: “If you control the food supply, you control everything” – we can insist that our politicians fight against the more draconian aspects of agenda 2030

August 8, 2022

The head of the preeminent scientific journal The Lancet’s COVID-19 origins Commission is ‘convinced’ that the virus came out of a lab and says that a real investigation is being blocked

The FBI raid on Trump the compound stands in stark contrast to Clinton’s treatment years earlier – Legal experts question why the FBI conducted the raid and didn’t use a subpoena, especially when Hillary Clinton’s lawyer got to hold classified materials in his safe

The 50 most radical policies in The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act” – A big threat not to Americans’ pocketbooks but to our “way of life

The Los Angeles Times gaslights Trump supporters in fake news experiment – They used fake test stories to is if their coverage could decrease or increase his electability – The ruse worked on some readers, the Times said

Joe Kent WINS Washington Primary Against Trump-Hater Jaime Herrera Beutler Who Voted To Impeach Trump

Dr. Toby Rogers: The CDC’s failure to use multivariate analysis shows the total depravity of the vaccine program – Their studies are so crude they would fail any Statistics 101 class in any college in America

More than a month after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended COVID-19 vaccines for very young children, only a small percentage have received the vaccine, according to federal data

Vaccines Are Bringing Back a Nearly Eradicated Deadly Virus – This may come as a surprise, but in fact, polio cases have been on the rise globally since 2016, and this resurgent outbreak is related to the use of vaccines

Scientists put lie to Fauci’s claims on U.S. involvement in Wuhan  – Chuck Norris spotlights Senate hearings on taxpayer-funded gain-of-function research

ATR: Here are several taxes included in the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” that passed the Senate on Sunday, that Democrats now hail as a “climate” bill, since the Congressional Budget Office says it will hardly reduce inflation

Even Bernie Thinks the Inflation Reduction Act Is a Fraud – The title of this bill, like many passed by Congress, misleads more than informs. And that’s no accident

No electric vehicles on the market today qualify for the new EV tax credit – Batteries to have at least 40 percent of materials sourced from North America or a US trading partner by 2024 to be eligible for a $7,500 tax break

Democrats Refuse To Ban Middle-Class Tax Hikes In The New Spending Bill – Small-business owners, cash-heavy businesses, and those who can’t afford legal teams are easy targets for the new IRS agents and their audits

Joe Manchin Was All Talk – When push came to shove, the West Virginia senator failed to follow through on his stated commitment to fiscally responsible policy-making

ABC News-Ipsos Poll: More than two-thirds (69 percent) of American adults believe the U.S. economy is deteriorating, according to the poll published three months before the midterm elections in November

I&I/TIPP Poll: A 59% majority now say they are “very concerned” (36%) or “somewhat concerned” about Biden’s mental health. – That compares with just 39% saying they are “not very concerned” (18%) or “not at all concerned” (21%)

Should Ron DeSantis Wait His Turn? – No politician with presidential aspirations ever benefited from waiting until the iron cooled to strike and polls of the general public show a much closer race, two years out between Trump and DeSantis

The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To “The Regime” Is How The Republic Ends – A two-tier justice system is not a justice system. It is a totalitarian system. Its purpose is not justice but population control

Nancy’s Pointless Trip to Taiwan – Nancy Pelosi decided to spend her summer vacation stirring up the entire Pacific theater to satisfy her ego

The September Surprise – Come late September, when the Jan. 6 Committee releases its final report, these are the headlines that will be splashed across the country, rehashed endlessly on cable, and will dominate social media feeds

ZH: Farage Warns, If America Falls To Marxists, Western Civilization Will Follow – Democracies such as the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia, are experiencing a Marxist threat similar to the one facing America

Last week, FB and its fact-checking partners began applying a warning label to some posts claiming that the American economy had entered a recession, deeming them false and warning that further such posts would result in sanctions

Some People Must Be Feeling Betrayed – They followed “the science” and got the Covid vaccinations that have caused serious side effects, such as myocarditis, fertility and menstrual changes, a rise in cancer, and  the new SADS

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma and The Vaccines – Senator Ron Johnson provides an excellent summary of what has happened with Covid, the lockdowns, etc. over the past two years

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently added a warning to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, more commonly known as “puberty blockers,” indicating that they pose serious risks to the youth who take them

Pay attention to what’s happening to Dutch livestock farmers – The government is planning to seize 20% of livestock farms, all in the name of climate change

The TWA Flight 800 Whistleblower Is Legit – The tragedy that followed would likely have been averted had not an air traffic controller held the Paris-bound TWA 800 at 13,700 feet to allow US Air 217 heading north to pass safely overhead

August 7, 2022

The Senate passes the Inflation Reduction Act – VP Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote and the bill as amended was passed and will now be sent to the House of Representatives

Senate Democrats blocked a measure to include in their “Inflation Reduction Act” which required President Joe Biden to preserve the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Title 42 authority at the United States-Mexico border

Manchin, Sinema, and the Oldest Profession – They pretended to be principled moderates but were just haggling over price

Why Didn’t South Korea’s President Meet With Nancy Pelosi? – Nobody wants to antagonize China

Democrats Staging An Illegal Federal Takeover Of Elections – In May 2021, Biden signed an executive order directing federal agencies to create a strategic plan on ways they can promote voter registration and voter participation

Musk Says He Might Revive Twitter Deal If Key Condition Is Met – Twitter simply needs to provide their method of sampling 100 accounts and how they confirm them to be real

Dr. Bryan Ardis, CEO of Ardis Labs: The antiviral medication remdesivir has played a controversial role in the COVID-19 treatment protocols used by hospitals that many families allege resulted in the death of their loved ones

Deborah Birx’s Guide to Destroying America – The former White House coronavirus coordinator’s monstrous autobiography explains how lockdowns happened

Answering a reporter’s question, Former President Donald Trump said that if he returns to the White House in 2025 he’ll rehire the service members who lost their jobs by refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine

Meet the DeSantis spokeswoman who’s striking fear in media – Christina Pushaw: “Conservatives must reject the media’s framing of an issue when it’s inaccurate or blatantly partisan”

Wayne Allyn Root: Yes, Trump-DeSantis Would Be a Great GOP Ticket in 2024, But It’s Not Possible – Trump is precluded by the rules of the electoral college from running with DeSantis because they reside in the same state

Steve Kirsch: Fourteen young Canadian docs die after getting the shot – This is a list of just the docs my doctor friend heard about passively – In the past 30 years, he’s never heard of a single death like this, not one and now there are 14

The Senate takes dozens of politically charged votes in marathon “Vote-a-Rama” – LIVE UPDATES

WSJ: Senate Democrats Close In on Passing The Climate and Tax Bill – After clearing a procedural hurdle Saturday, Democrats are poised to pass the legislation on Sunday

Kevin D. Williamson: We’re In Real Trouble! – More work with less income – The share of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one continues to decline because we have a growing population with a shrinking workforce

JD Rucker: Trump Dominated CPAC’s Straw Poll, but Guess Which 2024 “Frontrunner” Finished TENTH – And it makes total sense

The Biden administration’s farcical climate policies will devastate farmers and exacerbate food shortages – And this is at a time when food prices are rapidly rising and food processing plants are rapidly disappearing

A New Low in the Radical Left’s Culture War: The Weaponization of Food – New FDA regulations use school-lunch funding to force schools to choose between the laws of man and those of God

Did the FBI Swing the 2020 Election? – The election was far closer than the media has usually admitted. and there were plenty of dubious factors that could have tipped the scales for a Biden victory

Black Privilege Does No One Any Favors – In too many cases, the sole criterion for University admission and/or hiring is skin color, not competence

Schools have made considerable efforts to incorporate aspects of critical race theory into math curricula – By modifying achievement standards and student expectations with a push to view mathematics through a racialized lens

More evidence on then-VP Biden’s meetings with Hunter’s business associates – You must unwind things a little bit to understand what was going on as Hunter always had a lot of balls in the air, making it hard to track any individual ball

August 6, 2022

North Korea Is Reportedly Ready to Send 100,000 Troops Storming Into Ukraine – Russia would supply grain and energy to its struggling economy in return

CBS News Exposes The Ukraine Weapons Scam: “30% Maybe Reaches Its Final Destination” – Their documentary looks into what has happened to the military weapons that have been given to Ukraine

The latest iteration of the Senate Democrats’ reconciliation bill, known as the “Inflation Reduction Act,” would raise taxes on thousands of small and mid-sized businesses across the country, according to Americans for Tax Reform

Trump easily wins a Texas CPAC 2024 GOP presidential nomination straw poll; DeSantis second – Trump captured 69.1% of ballots cast, and DeSantis received 23.7% in the anonymous straw poll

To Dick Cheney and His Ilk: It’s Not About Trump – It’s about the voters they hate and long ago abandoned – Republican voters have a choice between people who actively hate them or someone who will at least try to represent their interests

Biden expected to extend the Covid emergency through the 2024 elections – “It will end whenever the emergency ends,” said a Biden senior official

ZH: ESG Is A Leveraging Tool For The Woke Communist Takeover – Leftists couldn’t stifle the rise of conservative liberty advocates without consolidating their control in the open, and corporations are a big part of that strategy

Portland’s mayor admits homicides have increased 200% over last year – About 200 people in the city of 650,000 are driving the vast majority of gun violence in Portland, yet he is going after legal gun owners that are not the problem

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its monkeypox advice to suggest people most at risk, men who have sex with men, “take a temporary break” from those behaviors to help “contain … the outbreak”

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Does Paxlovid Escape Mutations? – President Biden’s two-and-a-half-week Covid-19 “rebound” marathon

Study: Risk of Heart Inflammation Remains Elevated After COVID-19 Booster – The adjusted risk after a Pfizer booster was three times higher among the boosted, and four times higher after a Moderna booster

Are Health Officials Backtracking on COVID-19 Narratives – Fauci and Birx also made statements showing their “open” minds regarding a laboratory leak as a possible explanation for the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

WSJ: Beijing Simulates A Taiwan Attack as Chinese Exercises Extend Into 3rd Day – A large number of Chinese aircraft and ships crossed the midway mark of the Taiwan Strait that separates the Chinese mainland from Taiwan’s main island

The Ukraine War: Biowarfare and the Theft of Billions – For years, Ukraine was recognized as one of the most, if not “the” most, corrupt nation in Europe and it held on to that reputation up to the day Russia invaded it

Bill Maher: “The Taliban are completely back in charge and they reneged on everything they ever said they were going to do” – “Women are back to being third-class citizens and they’re letting the terrorists move back into downtown Kabul”

Our Deal with the Chinese Devil – Most people realize that China has eaten our lunch – What most don’t know, however, is that China was a reluctant participant early on, with every subsequent action enabled by us!

The Biden administration is about to spend $1 billion more in US taxpayer-funded aid on Ukraine – This would bring the total amount given by the Biden administration to $8.8 billion 

Meet the Democrats Who Could Replace Joe Biden – Even though at this moment, in theory, Joe Biden is going to run for re-election

Increasing The IRS Annual Budget By Seven Times Doesn’t Add Up – It looks more like Biden and his pet Congress critters are about to fund a war on We the People

The Man-Made Climate Change Hoax – Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry testifies before the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Sub-Committee regarding Climate Change

Of course, it was an illegal alien who committed these vile, grotesque crimes – A 12-year-old kidnapped girl gnawed through her restraints, escaped, and brought the authorities to the home of José Paulino Pascual-Reyes


August 5, 2022

The Growing Threat From North Korea – China’s urging “flexibility” on North Korea appears to coincide with the Chinese Communist Party’s ambitions in the region

FBI: Despite Some Of The Strictest Gun Laws In The Nation, California Had the Most Active Shooter Incidents in 2021 – The state has been in the top spot in three of the past five years

Poll Challenger Fired From Detroit Counting Center For Challenging Ballots And Internet Connection – He was also told that the law doesn’t matter in this room, only their rules

The Inflation Reduction Act won’t do what its title promises and will likely make inflation worse – The “inflation reduction” label is being used to justify a hodgepodge of special interest spending that has absolutely nothing to do with inflation

Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that the department will reengage with Russia regarding a prisoner swap following an announcement from a top Kremlin official who said the country was “ready” for such talks

The Florida prosecutor suspended by Governor Ron DeSantis on Aug. 4 was defiant in his first remarks since the move –  He vows to continue serving in his position despite the suspension

WE’RE FED UP! Harriet Hageman Stars in BEST CAMPAIGN VIDEO IN WYOMING HISTORY — Bye Bye Liz Cheney!

Joe Biden met Chinese energy execs with ties to Hunter at the White House in 2014 – Four days after the Chinese businessmen met with Biden, one of the executives reportedly sent a gushing email to Hunter regarding his sports car

Rasmussen Poll: Nearly 60 Percent of Americans Think The Democrats Ran The Economy “Straight into the Ground”

Inflation Reduction Act: This monstrosity belies its billing, beginning with its fraudulent title – According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, it would pour $485 billion of high-octane moonshine atop today’s inflationary inferno

YouGov: Only 12% believe the Schumer/Manchin/Sinema bill will reduce inflation – In fact, only one in five Democrats think the title of Schumer’s reconciliation bill is honest

Sen. Joe Manchin is getting “blasted” by his constituents in West Virginia for agreeing to support President Biden’s so-called Inflation Reduction Act, according to aides of the senator

Biden’s EPA Announces ‘Flyovers’ of Key US Oil- and Gas-Producing Region – This announcement means the Biden administration will continue to target the oil and gas industry

Children’s Health Defense Poll: 10 Percent of Americans Regret Taking The COVID Vaccine And 15 Percent Have a New Medical Condition After Taking It

The VAERS database reveals a 10,000% increase in cancer reports due to COVID vaccines – Cancer reports after COVID shots over the last 20 months with the same query of all FDA-approved vaccines throughout the last 30 years

New research helps to explain why countries with the highest vaccination rates are experiencing the highest numbers of what they call “breakthrough infections,” as well as reinfection with other variants of COVID-19

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Mistakes in the Biden Era: The Definitive List (Updated)

ZH: Wall Street Reacts To Today’s “Phenomenally Strong” Jobs Report – This is a phenomenally strong jobs report, way stronger than forecast and more than the expansion of the average payroll for the year through June

White House Adviser: Americans Who Think We’re in a Recession Are Just Confused – “The reason they feel that way is because of high inflation rather than economic fundamentals or a shrinking economy”

WSJ: China Boasts of Their Ability to Blockade Taiwan as Their Military Exercises Continue – Beijing highlights unprecedented operation against the self-ruled island in response to Pelosi’s visit

China has halted dialogue with the United States on several areas including climate change and the military in retaliation for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan earlier this week.

PELOSI SNUBBED: South Korean President Skips Out on Meeting with US Speaker – He Didn’t Want to Interrupt His Vacation

WSJ: Russia Is Open to Talks on Brittney Griner Prisoner Swap, Kremlin Official Says – Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says, ‘We are ready to discuss this topic’

Two GOP senators have urged the  DOD to immediately investigate whistleblower allegations that hundreds of Afghan evacuees who appeared on official watchlists were not properly vetted before they were released into the United States

Brittney Griner’s sentence is a disgrace, but Viktor Bout must not be released – Putin must not be vindicated in his belief that it pays to take Americans hostage

The Leader of the Opposition – Will conservatives look back on the last two years and longer and recognize that DeSantis was their leader even while Trump was still in office?

Trump-backed Kari Lake Wins Republican Primary in Arizona

After Arizona’s primary, Senator Mark Kelly is starting to sweat – He will face off against Trump-endorsed Republican Blake Masters who won in a cakewalk

Abbott begins busing illegal immigrants to NYC after Mayor Adams gaffe – Adams inaccurately claimed Texas and Arizona were busing migrants into his city because local police do not cooperate with federal immigration police

Republicans vote unanimously to hold 2024 convention in Milwaukee – Milwaukee is the only city with an approved draft agreement with GOP’s national committee after Nashville’s Metro Council voted down a deal earlier this week

Senator Chuck Grassley’s Questioning Of Wray Suggests Biden Scandal Is The Tip Of The Deep-State Iceberg – During Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, four exchanges proved intriguing — and potentially insightful

Ted Cruz Questions The FBI Director On Document Claiming Patriotic Symbols Are Extremist – “You don’t include things like Antifa, you don’t include things like Black Lives Matter. Instead, you identify patriotic Americans as a suspect”

FBI Director Christopher Wray puts on a disgraceful display – Lots of questions, but not many answers

WHAT’S UP WITH THE OIL MARKET? – Inventory data continues to be very bullish

The Real Story of January 6 – An Epoch Times Documentary – Reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people

Biden’s Open Border Is Inhumane for Migrants and Americans Alike – It Is official, the Biden administration has set a record for the most border encounters in a fiscal year and there are still months to go for this number to grow

Musk’s countersuit against Twitter says he and Wall Street were misled: report – The trading of lawsuits comes ahead of a scheduled trial set for October in a Delaware court

Say, Whatever Happened To That New COVID Surge Everyone Was Freaking About? – As recently as two weeks ago, the big story of the day was the coming surge of a new, highly infectious COVID variant, called BA.5

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why Are COVID Patients Treated With an HIV Pill? – Use of the HIV drug has reignited interest in early evidence suggesting SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon that has been augmented with parts of the HIV

August 4, 2022

Jan. 6 prisoner: Ray Epps recruited me – “Why is he not in jail for obstruction of Congress or seditious conspiracy?’

Hospital Patients Need an Advocate to Fight the ‘White Coats’ in the Medical Establishment, A Former Nurse Says – Many family members believe their loved ones died in the hospital because of the COVID-19 treatment protocols 

Senator Kyrsten Sinema offered her support Thursday for a deal struck by Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer on the healthcare, tax, and climate spending bill, giving the reconciliation bill a path forward in the evenly divided chamber

We Need Trump and DeSantis – It’s less important which one runs in 2024 than that one of them does — and wins

Regime Critics Risk Losing Their Tax-Exempt Status – The message from the California government is clear: defiance of the regime will strip you of your nonprofit status

Woke Capital Pleads With Supreme Court to OK Racial Discrimination in Education – The companies say they need affirmative action to recruit a diverse workforce

What do you call a governmental system that partners with, funds, markets, distributes, and mandates a private biological product and then absolves government officials and the partner company of all liability for death and illness?

Monkeypox: The Real ‘Don’t Say Gay’ – Some PC political figures are fixated on a different threat: stigma

The Biden administration declared a public health emergency for monkeypox on Aug. 4 in a bid to unlock funding and more powers to deal with the virus, which officials say is primarily spreading among homosexual males

Why Is Everyone Talking About the Claremont Institute? – The hit pieces from the left are coming fast and furious – They must be worried

China Has Established a “Blockade” Around Taiwan and Plans to Shoot Missiles Directly Over the Island – In the western world, news sources are using the term “blockade” over and over again to describe what China is doing right now

President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly pushing Democrats to halt a pro-Taiwan bill amid increased tensions between the U.S. and China, Bloomberg reported Thursday

From 7-11s to train stations, cyber attacks plague Taiwan over Pelosi’s visit

Amid heightened tensions following the visit of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taipei, the communist Chinese regime on Thursday fired ballistic missiles near Taiwan’s northeast and southwest coasts

WSJ: Jackie Walorski, Indiana Congresswoman, Killed in Car Crash – The Republican lawmaker, two of her staffers, and one other person died in a head-on collision in Indiana

Elkhart County Sheriff Update: Walorski’s car was the one that crossed the road’s centerline causing the crash

Just how bad is the grossly misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” of 2022? – The IRS about to go into full beast mode and target the middle class, particularly small business start-ups

WSJ: Mortgage Rates Dropped Below 5% for First Time Since April – Rates hit 4.99%, falling swiftly from a 13-year high of 5.81% in June

Never Forget the Government’s J6 Political Prisoners – Reffitt was sentenced to more than 7 years even though he didn’t engage in violence, nor enter the U.S. Capitol, but for “hyperbolic statements” secretly recorded in his home by his son

Emails Show Hunter’s Lucrative Ukraine energy company deal was for him to get US officials to persuade national leaders to “close down” criminal “cases/pursuits against” the firm’s primary owner, a corrupt oligarch with ties to Russia

Florida Governor DeSantis Canned Progressive, Soros-Funded State Attorney Andrew Warren – DeSantis suspended Hillsborough County State Attorney for violating his oath of office, and making himself “above the law”

Ron DeSantis Is Right on the Executive Duty to Enforce the Law – Some may claim the Florida governor is engaging in a power grab, but as the state executive, he’s standing up for a core rule-of-law value

CNN’s rating collapsed as they look for new revenue, including extending the brand in China  – Annual profits haven’t sunk below $1 billion since 2016 and viewership is about 639,000 in the prime time hours slot, down 27% from last year

The Former WH Chief Was Secretly ‘Listening to All’ of Donald Trump’s Calls – The revelation so concerned Trump that after Kelly left, he issued an order to prevent any other senior White House staff from eavesdropping on his calls

Release the Tape: Here Is Definitive Proof That The FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage of Jan 6 “Pipe Bomber” – The reason the FBI has been hiding this key camera footage of the pipe bomber for 18 months is, for now, is a matter of speculation

Rasmussen Poll: Almost 40% Of Democrat Voters Say The Democrats Have ‘Run The Economy Into The Ground’ – And almost half of Democrat voters also said they believe the economy is in a recession

Corporate America Isn’t Certain It Can Afford to Be Woke Anymore – Throughout the year, we’ve seen small but curious signs that corporate America is less interested in being woke than it was a few years ago

A Desperate Regime’s Hollow Claims at the Gas Pump – Average gas prices always drop a bit in June and July because of the costly annual EPA-mandated May switch to the summer blends in our over-regulated big cities

NOT AGAIN!! The Big Steal Is Underway In Dry Run Tested Last Night In Swing State – DETROIT: At least 50 percent of absentee ballot envelopes not verified

Victor Davis Hanson: Why We Lost Trust in the Expert Class – Elite experts and highly degreed professionals massaged and warped their knowledge to serve their ideological masters rather than the truth

Walmart’s corporate layoffs this week suggest the labor market could be slowing as fears of a recession mount – “We’re updating our structure and evolving select roles to provide clarity and better position the company for a strong future”

Sharyl Attkisson: 86 Percent of Clinical Trials Are Funded by Big Pharma – After the trials are completed, peer reviewers for journals only see summarized data without ever seeing the actual data from the clinical trials themselves

DeSantis: Doctors need to be accountable for child mutilation – One reason transgender madness has spread is that the medical establishment is all in even though no medical study shows gender dysphoria is more than a mental illness

ZH: Senator Rand Paul – Congress Is Not Allowed To Know About ‘Top Secret’ Gain-Of-Function Research-Committee – “We don’t know members’ names, that they ever meet, and we don’t have any records of their meetings”

Red States Won The COVID Fight, Hands Down – Democrat-governed Blue states were still 1.3 million jobs short of where they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. Red states, led by Republicans, had managed to add 350,000 jobs

ZH: WNBA star Brittney Griner was sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison after being convicted for “drug smuggling” related charges – Six months ago she was caught entering a Moscow airport with Cannabis vape cartridges

The Decline and Fall of Newspapers – In our country of 332 million people, not one has a print circulation of more than 1 million and only nine have more than 100,000 subscribers. Only one of the largest 25 showed an increase in circulation

August 3, 2022

Ashli Babbitt, Betsy Ross Flag and Liberty Tree Tied to Violent Extremism in Leaked FBI Bulletin – The “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide” was leaked to Project Veritas, which released images of the bulletin on its website

Taiwan Suffers Consequences from China Immediately After Nancy Pelosi Departs – China imposed economic sanctions on Taiwan in response to Pelosi’s controversial visit to the island

An Earthquake throughout the nation: Trump candidates score big wins – Trump-backed candidates won key Republican primary contests Tuesday night in Arizona, Michigan, and Kansas

The DOD ‘Wiped’ Phones of Senior Trump Officials So Their Jan. 6 Communications Are No Longer Accessible – They acknowledge they were wiped as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by American Oversight

Biden Signs An Executive Order Promoting Abortion – The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to “consider action advancing access” to abortions, including via Medicaid for women who travel out of state to obtain one

As Kansas Goes, So Goes the Country? – The Democrats complacently think so, but their woke abortion zealotry will still cost them in the fall

The Arizona GOP Primary Shows The Party’s Rightward Turn – Blake Masters and Kari Lake are very different from previous Arizona Republicans

Bloomberg: Biden’s Border Fiasco Is Expanding – Through inattention and ineptitude, the US president’s administration is fueling migrant misery and domestic anger

Congressional Meddling Won’t Put More Planes in the Sky – Democrats would be better off pledging never to bail out the airlines ever again. because it won’t fix cancellations and flight delays, but taxpayers won’t in the process be fleeced

Trump-backed Primary candidates won several key GOP contests in Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, and Missouri – Trump candidates won over Pence candidates in high-profile races, giving the MAGA movement a November mid-term boost

Contrary To Mainstream Narrative, Black Americans Want Criminals Behind Bars – They are suffering the consequences of progressive Democrats’ anti-police “soft on crime” policies that were supposedly going to help their communities

In ‘Damning’ Capitol Hill Testimony, Scientists Contradict Fauci’s Claim That NIH Never Funded Gain-Of-Function Research

WSJ: The U.S. Senate Ratifies Adding Finland and Sweden to NATO  – The resolution passed 95-1 as senators emphasize the expansion’s importance to American security worldwide

STUNNING! 80.0% of In-Person Voters in Maricopa County on Election Day Voted Republican – Only 23.4% Voted Democrat – This is great news, but the county’s mail-in ballots are 10 times this amount

San Diego County Is Preparing To Install 12 Free Narcan Vending Machines To Combat Opioid Overdose Deaths – They are intended as a preventative measure for overdoses rather than the need for an emergency response

A study on the efficacy of shutting down bars and restaurants to stop the spread of COVID-19 found it was “not an efficient way” to decrease virus transmission, concluding that it “does not contribute to the suppression of SARS-CoV-2”

Twitter Censors Top Israeli Biological Research Scientist After He Says The Monkeypox Outbreak May Be Connected to mRNA Shots – Shapiro played a central role in the original development of Israel’s BriLife COVID-19 vaccine

Oberlin College, Facing $36 Million Penalty for Defamatory Woke Activism, Dives Deeper Into Wokism – The historically liberal Oberlin College, located in Oberlin, Ohio, is still refusing to pay up for defaming Gibson’s Bakery as racist in 2016

400 Million Cut Their Ties With the Chines Communist Party in Defiance of Communist Control – The Party’s history of killing during its ruling of China has left generations of families broken and scarred

The White House admits that al-Qaeda is in Afghanistan even though Biden said the group was gone last year

Peter Schiff: This Recession Is Just Getting Started – When you inflate the money supply, prices go up – Two negative quarters are “a minimum for a recession” plus an increase in unemployment is coming and the labor market isn’t strong

ZH: Pay Attention; This Is Not The ’70s – There are two schools of thought on the issue of transitory versus persistent inflation – This article compares the two to help appreciate how inflation might behave in the coming months and years

JD Rucker: Kari Lake Wins Nail-Biter in Arizona Despite Clear Mail-In Ballot Fraud – For a while, it looked like they might accomplish their goals and install Karrin Taylor Robson as their Uniparty Swamp nominee

Peter Meijer of Michigan, who voted to impeach Donald Trump over the Capitol attack, will not return to Congress next year – He lost his primary on Tuesday to a Trump-backed election denier

Climate Emergency? What A Crock, Part 2 – Former broadcast meteorologist Anthony Watts declares there is “widespread corruption and heat biases found at NOAA stations in 2009”

The CDC Claims The Link Between Heart Inflammation and COVID-19 Vaccines Wasn’t Known for Most of 2021 – Their false claim is in response to a FOIA request for reports from a CDC team focused on analyzing this risk

The most recent VAERS data shows that a 9-year-old died in California two weeks after getting one dose of a Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine – The female child had no listed preexisting conditions and was not hospitalized

ZH: As Monkeypox Spreads, Mortality Remains Low – While countries like India, Brazil, and Spain have reported the first deaths in connection with the virus, mortality is not a concern yet

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: COVID-19 Vaccines Hinder the Immune System, Lead to More Severe Illness – People who have received several COVID-19 vaccine boosters increasingly end up in the hospital with severe COVID-19 symptoms

August 2, 2022

Newly Discovered Emails Confirm Joe Biden Obstructed Justice For His Son’s Foreign Business Deal – Persuading people to “close down” criminal “cases/pursuits against” the firm’s primary owner, a corrupt oligarch with ties to Russia

In the aftermath of Biden reporting he ordered a military drone strike that killed al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, a report has emerged that Biden has paid, over the last year, about $1 billion to the Taliban

What the Biden Administration Wrought in Afghanistan – Taliban rule wrecked the economy; denied women educational and employment opportunities, access to health care, and freedom of movement, and killing of at Afghan security forces

ZH: The “experts” nail it again! – Pelosi knows there are consequences to her visit – China made it very clear that they do not want her going to Taiwan and tensions are already high between the US and China, so this trip certainly won’t help

China Furious After Pelosi Lands in Taiwan And  Promises “All Necessary Measures” To Defend Itself – China accuses Pelosi of undermining U.S.-China relations and encouraging the “separatist forces for “Taiwan independence”

The investigator hired by Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos to probe the 2020 election in Wisconsin was ordered by a federal judge on Monday to pay $163,000 in fees to attorneys for the watchdog group American Oversight

Famous liberal makes a big prediction: Liz Cheney to come out as Democrat – Alan Dershowitz thinks she may even run for president against Donald Trump

WSJ: The Justice Department Files A Lawsuit Challenging Idaho’s Abortion Law – The  DOJ says the Idaho law conflicts with federal law covering hospitals that receive Medicare

Zoltan Pozsar: Powell Will Push The Economy Into A “Depression” To Curb Inflation – US society can be fixed by realigning incentives, motivations, and beliefs, The Fed will do what is right even if it collapses the US political system

Is California headed for an economic downturn? – Some cautionary economic signals are gaining strength in California just a month after Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers adopted a record-breaking $308 billion budget

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Aftermath of the COVID Shots – Testimonies from the COVID vaccinated that have been injured

Why Is the WH Griping about Zelensky Now? – Possibly the Biden administration wants the Ukraine-Russia war to end and Zelensky isn’t playing ball or they foresee the war going badly and are preparing to use Zelensky as a scapegoat

The US takes out al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri in ‘successful’ Afghanistan counterterrorism operation – Biden announced Monday that the US killed al Qaeda leader Zawahri in a drone strike, saying “justice has been delivered”

Looking beyond the killing of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri – This proves that Afghanistan has once again become the headquarters for Islamic terrorists.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan despite continued threats of violence from the CCP –  The visit comes amid a multi-national tour of Southeast Asia that will also see her visit Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan

Why in the world would the Speaker of the House choose to visit Taiwan and provoke China now – Becoming the most senior U.S. official to visit Taiwan since Newt Gingrich in 1997, when China was far weaker economically and militarily?

Is Tucker Carlson right that the Biden administration is provoking a hot war with China? – For all the huffing and puffing, China probably does not want a war

Beijing announced new military drills in the waters surrounding Taiwan following Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s arrival on the island

Taiwan’s major airports received nine threats, including bomb threats, on Tuesday alone in anticipation of a reported, but yet unconfirmed, visit by U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to the island nation this week

Joe’s Green Machine – The Inflation Reduction Act is bad for America, but it will shore up support for the Biden administration among the party’s left-wing

WSJ: The Demand for Workers Fell in June to The Lowest Level in Nine Months – Despite the decline, total job openings remain well above the number of available workers

Major U.S. news outlets including CNN, CNBC, and the Associated Press recently met with Chinese Communist Party propagandists flagged by the U.S. government for seeking to “malignly influence” U.S. politics

Up next: Redefining the definition of what a “depression” is –  Joe Biden and his administration are good at two things,  lying and transitioning, and their recent attempt to redefine the word “recession” is downright scary

A Bad Deal with Saudi Arabia – Rather than succumbing to intense U.S. pressure and support sanctions by increasing oil production, Saudi Arabia has aided Russia by more than doubling its imports of Russian oil

The Corruption of the World Health Organization – Did the World Health Organization follow public health principles when recommending the global Covid-19 response? – Were they guided by science or by private corporate interests?

ZH: The Labor Market Cracks As Job Openings Suffer Third Biggest Plunge On Record – The largest decreases in job openings were in retail trade (-343,000), wholesale trade (-82,000), and state/local government education (-62,000)

Jesse Watters: Joe Biden Just Proved He Is Compromised – He spells things out clearly in this 8-minute video

Inside Liz Cheney’s Coordinated Effort To Prevent Troop Deployment Before Jan. 6 – Before Liz Cheney claimed President Donald Trump took no action on the National Guard, she coordinated a campaign to prevent deployment

Ohio’s Political Transformation – The former swing state is no longer up for grabs as the victory of Donald Trump endorsed J. D. Vance in Ohio’s Republican Senate primary demonstrates the state’s ongoing shift

Sharyl Attkisson: Multiple FBI whistleblowers are raising alarms about tampering by senior FBI and DOJ officials – These investigations include election and campaign finance probes and investigative activity involving Hunter Biden

GEICO Closed All 38 Offices In California – As of Monday, GEICO has not released the reasons why the offices closed or if the offices in any other states will close shortly

Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis – In the days leading up to the mandate, transportation officials were frantically looking for a rationale for it, but they came up short

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Shocking Testimonies From the Covid Jab Injured – It’s been shown with controversial topics like abortion and the border crisis that hearing from the people most affected by problems can change hearts and minds

An Elderly Shop Owner Sends 4 Robbery Suspects Fleeing to the Hospital After Pulling Out His Shotgun – “He Shot My Arm Off!”

August 1, 2022

Rasmussen Poll: Donald Trump Opens A Six-Point Lead Over Joe Biden in A Hypothetical 2024 Rematch

The FBI Twice Interfered in the 2020 Election to Sabotage Trump, So Now What? – The evidence is amassed and verified with the only unknown being what Republicans will do next

The Democrats’ Looming Trial and Conviction of Donald Trump – A regime in deep trouble will resort to its worst instincts and ambitions

Zawahri’s Kabul death raises questions about al Qaeda’s presence in Afghanistan after the US left it to the Taliban – Some had predicted after America’s hasty withdrawal last year that al Qaeda would return to the country

Bloomberg: The New Chips Act Could Become a $280 Billion Boondoggle – Without added reforms and careful oversight, Congress’s gift to the semiconductor industry could make things worse

The “Inflation Reduction Act” Will Throw Fuel on the Flames of Stagflation – More government spending on more useless projects will only make it worse

Court orders Google to turn over docs on choking free speech competition  – A US District Judge says factual record could show “all of the interrelated conduct” is relevant to Rumble’s claim that Google “self-preferences” YouTube

The Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling recently in favor of veterans who want to file lawsuits to reclaim their prior jobs with state employees in the case of Torres v. Texas Department of Public Safety

The governors of blue states Illinois and California on Monday issued proclamations declaring states of emergency in response to the 2022 monkeypox virus outbreak currently spreading primarily among the LGBT population

The IRS Stockpiles More Than 5 Million Rounds of Ammunition – Republican lawmakers want to stop the agency from purchasing more

This Is What Happens When a Government Runs a Cellular Network – Proposals to nationalize wireless networks in the U.S. should learn from Mexico’s disaster

The ‘Deleted Text’ Scandal Democrats Want You to Forget – Recalling the case of 23 FBI cell phones wiped clean while in the possession of Robert Mueller and his team – There is something oddly familiar about this deleted text scandal

A New California Poll Cleverly Conflates Climate Change, Drought, Wildfires, Oil and Gas Industry – Support for climate change policies differs by party

JD Rucker: Epstein Island Is the Perfect Representation of the Two-Tiered Justice System – There is evidence of pure evil committed by powerful men of the world sitting in someone’s safe, vault, or hard drive that we will never likely see

Why ESG is sinister – Financial products that promise to take ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) factors into account, as well as the bottom line, have become big business in a very short space of time

Dr. Robert Malone: Gaslighted, Ridiculed and Defamed, But Not Discredited – Like others who tried to share truth and opinions that differ from the official COVID-19 narrative he’s been viciously attacked by media

Russia is reallocating a large number of forces to the South in Ukraine – Their forces have had limited success in recent weeks in the Donbas offensive in the east, while Ukraine intends on attempting to retake the Southern city of Kherson

WSJ: Nancy Pelosi Plans to Visit Taiwan Despite The Warnings From China – The U.S. House speaker plans meetings with Taipei officials, raising the prospect of increased tensions with Beijing

As Sino-American relations are dropping to an all-time low amidst boiling tensions in the Taiwan strait, the USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Group returned to the South China Sea – Taiwanese forces have been recalled from leave, and Air Defense Forces have been briefed to “prepare for war”

The head of Taiwanese tech giant TSMC warned an invasion of the island would render his factory “not operable” as tensions rise ahead of a potential visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – “Nobody can control TSMC by force”

I&I/TIPP Poll: Biden’s Vow To ‘Unite’ Us Is Another Broken Promise – Americans aren’t feeling unified these days, with just 27% of those queried describing the country as “very united” (10%) or “somewhat united” (17%)

House Incumbents Who Voted to Impeach Trump Face A Tough Primary in Washington – While they fight to remain in Congress, four other House Republicans who joined the Democrat effort to impeach Trump have opted to retire

Catch-and-release for all as Biden now seeks to allow online asylum applications from anywhere in the world – As if anyone needed more proof that the humanitarian disaster at the border is intentional and planned by his administration

President Biden is the Clown-in-Chief of the big circus that is the Biden administration – Biden and these senior administration officials are not serious people and have manifested as political hacks

Schumer has out-maneuvered McConnell on all three of these key legislative packages during the 117th Congress – The Debt Limit, The Chips Bill along with The Infrastructure and Reconciliation Program


Taxation With Zero Representation: Absolute Control Through Central Bank Digital Currency – “If they don’t want you to be able to use your money more than 5 miles from your home, that’s it, your money will turn off 5 miles from your home”

The DoJ’s Brazen Corruption – Ever Since President Trump’s election, the animating principle of the Justice Department has boiled down to one rule: “get him.” Reffitt’s is just another body the Department plans to climb over to reach Trump

A Declaration Of Dissolution: Wisconsin Supreme Court Fires The Starting Gun – A court confirms the 2020 election was “illegitimate” and the demands for sufficient evidence of voter fraud to reverse the outcome were a red herring

Yes, there was Russian influence in the 2016 election – A Russian national orchestrated a foreign malign influence campaign using various U.S. political groups to sow discord, spread pro-Russian propaganda, and interfere in elections

The fight against Great Reset communism is a struggle that many Americans did not see coming – Consequently, they are just now “awakening” to the massive globalist threat of the World Economic Forum’s planned New World Order

The Vaccine Auto-immune Connection – Nearly identical amino acid sequences are observed between autoimmune disease epitopes and the biological material in which vaccines have been cultured – What are the odds?

A Minnesota Principal pushes trans book on 5-year-olds and all hell breaks loose – “Please know this is not a required reading for students, it was simply meant to be a suggestion for families who are looking for these types of resources”

Parents need to regulate their children’s online use as transgender influencers continue to thrive on social media apps like Tik-Tok – Social media apps today are full of pornography, sexual images, and radical LGBT content

Fox News Goes To The ‘Dark Side’, Bans Trump From Appearing on Network – This appears to be part of a ploy to hobble Trump’s chances at re-election in 2024

States Take the Initiative – The already-high-stakes 2022 election season will also feature a host of state ballot measures on hot-button issues

AMLO Won’t Play Ball – Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is making the border crisis worse and despite the White House spin, border infrastructure is not the same thing as border security

Los Angeles Ends Citizenship Requirement for Government Jobs – People in the United States illegally can now work for Los Angeles County with no requirement to provide proof of citizenship

ZH: Will The Inflation Reduction Act Of 2022 Do Anything At All? – What About Deficit Reduction? Color me skeptical, especially their 30-year projections

ZH: If Volcker Were Alive Today, He Would Be Appalled – He is widely credited with employing the harsh policies that ended the high levels of inflation seen in the United States during the 1970s and early 1980s

Marbury v. Biden Will Joe Biden defy the Supreme Court? – By issuing an Executive Order to make abortion pills accessible nationwide despite the existence of state laws restricting such drugs

Amazon has revealed that it is now hiring at the slowest pace since 2019 and has cut over 100,000 employees globally in the June quarter – This is likely due to the dramatic economic slowdown since 2021

Unrest Builds In The Leftist Paradise Of Cuba As Crumbling Economy Yields Severe Shortages – When forced to explain the utter failures of communism over the years, leftists claim, “Well, they just didn’t implement communism properly”

For Those That Think Electric Vehicles Are The Answer – Take a moment to read this short true story regarding a farmer in the Midwest

‘Resist, Wake Up, Stop Obeying’: A Holocaust Survivor Draws Parallels in Current Society to Nazi Germany – “I did not obey authority, and it saved my life”

The Biden Administration Declares ‘Open Season’ on Religious Hospitals Objecting to Gender Transitions – They claim the ACA provides “all the authority” it needs “to punish groups that don’t perform gender transitions and abortions”

July 31, 2022

January 6 Will Go Down as a Disaster for Democrats – A Harvard report on the 417 January 6 protesters arrested on federal charges finds only 8 percent of them qualify as “insurrectionists”

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis president warns the current rate of inflation is troubling and will spread across the country – “We keep getting inflation readings, new data and we keep getting surprised it’s higher than expected”

Victor Davis Hanson: Are the New Progressive Rules Reciprocal? – Will the radical Left really wish to live by its own novel normality when it loses power after the midterms?

The FBI and Director Christopher Wray are in for a rude wake-up call over Hunter Biden investigation – House Oversight Committee members will grill him on the mounting evidence that something is very rotten inside the agency Wray runs

A Zogby survey found that 17% of adults who received at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine were diagnosed with a new condition within weeks to months after getting the shot – The figure was 15% for those who received one shot

The Myth and Grift of Long COVID – Official definitions aside, to have “long COVID,” there’s absolutely no need to ever have had acute COVID

Why Did Biden Get COVID Twice After 4 Shots, Paxlovid? – If you, or friends and family, are worried about contracting COVID, you’ll want to know this first

Scientists Question Pfizer’s Paxlovid Data On Rebound Cases as Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 Again

A Newborn Baby’s Arm AMPUTATED After Mom Took Covid “Vaccines” and Baby Suffered Blood Clots in the Womb

The LA School District Faces Lawsuit After Son Was Bribed With Pizza Into Getting COVID-19 Vaccination – One of the ladies told him to sign my name and sign his name and he is now experiencing ill health

These 2 Republicans Voted for Radical ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban – The bill passed the House on a thin 217-213 vote

Arizona IT and Elections Expert: The Elections Assistance Commission Was Aware That Machines Could Be Hacked in Minutes – CISA issued a “Security Advisory“ that listed mitigation steps that CISA recommends be followed

Is it time to shut down the royal houses of Europe? – Six of Queen Elizabeth’s realms, Belize, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, and St. Kitts and Nevis are on the verge of giving the old dame the heave-ho

Is Nancy Pelosi Bluffing or Did She Cave? Taiwan Is NOT on Her Asia Itinerary – When news broke that Pelosi was going to China, China threatened to attack her plane if she tried to visit – Has her bad plan been reconsidered?

Senator Ron Johnson expects a “deal” to conceal Hunter Biden’s indictment – “They may indict Hunter Biden, but they’ll probably seal it and do a deal to seal all the information, so the American public will never get the full truth”

WSJ: How the Covid-19 Pandemic Changed Americans’ Health for the Worse – Heart disease and drug overdoses are among various afflictions exacting a higher toll than before

ZH: Why The EU Could End Within A Year – Germany was, until recently, the industrial motor of the EU, with the most to lose from reduced and far costlier energy supplies; but this has now happened, and will escalate in the coming winter

ZH: No Farmers = No Food = No Life – Current policies in many parts of the world place a priority on climate change for realizing a green new deal – More negative pressure on farmers and the food system is asking for a catastrophe

The ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Is A Lie, Pure And Simple – President Joe Biden claimed last week that “this bill will reduce inflationary pressure on the economy,” but it won’t and was never meant to

What Do The Facts Show? The Data Behind Manchin and Schumer’s “Inflation Reduction Act” Contradict The Name

The World Economic Forum attacks the idea of private property, and natural rights – For example, it suggests the dramatically expanded use of “car sharing platforms” that let users briefly rent vehicles rather than own them

Click Here For Coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 Charts, Data & CDC Information

July 30, 2022

Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 Again And Returns to Isolation – Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House physician, said in a letter that it’s a rare “rebound” case that usually is observed in a small percentage of patients treated with Paxlovid

The Biden administration confirmed a plan to give ID cards to illegal immigrants – The pilot program from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is aimed at modernizing “documentation provided to some noncitizens”

The US Postal Service Announces A New Election Division To Handle Mail-In Ballots – The USPS says that the creation of the division will help the service better respond to issues with election mail in every community

The Globalist World Economic Forum urges people to give up car ownership – A spokesperson explained, that it is “part of a broader transition from ownership to usership”

So Where Is Our Food Going to Come From? – Climate Change Stupidity Is Going to Kill Us  – Don’t you find it strange that all of these governments are obsessed with targeting food production?

Study: COVID shots are linked to an increase in overall deaths – The lead researcher, Andre Redert, said the result is “alarming and calls for more research on the effect of current covid vaccines on all-cause mortality”

A host of The Hill’s morning show says she abruptly resigned because she was blocked from taking part in a recent interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser

Obama Appointed Judge Doesn’t Recuse Himself Then Gives Dr. Simone Gold A Harsh Sentence – The judge once asked her out and was denied, and now he sentences her to 60 days in prison for a public trespassing misdemeanor

Elon Musk Hits Back At Twitter With lawsuit Of His Own – Musk’s countersuit was likely filed under seal because it includes information that Twitter shared with Musk under a non-disclosure agreement or other restrictions

A Maricopa County 2020 election report from Verity Vote used public records requests to discover that more than 20,000 ballots were illegally counted – Arizona’s 2020 Presidential Election was decided by less than 10,500 votes

ZH: California Recession Incoming – The CA Department of Finance calculated the personal income tax (PIT), “Cash receipts for June were $3.345 billion below the forecast of $16.939 billion.” The actual receipts were $13.594 billion

The Los Angeles City Council Votes 11-1 To Keep The Eviction Moratorium in Place – Landlords plead for relief as more are being financially hurt

A California Superior Court Judge Overturns San Francisco Law Allowing Noncitizens to Vote – New York City’s identical law was recently struck down by a judge

China’s Warning Exposes Biden’s Weakness – If anyone had any doubt that America’s “unipolar moment” is over, the Xi–Biden phone call regarding Taiwan and a possible Pelosi visit confirms it in the worst way

Democrats are increasingly vocal in discouraging President Biden from seeking reelection in 2024, but there is disagreement about whether his making a one-term pledge could help the party before the elections this November

Democrats and the FBI Collude Again on a Russia Smear against Republicans – This time, they’ve been able to turn Democratic collusion with foreign powers into an illusion of disinformation

Biden ‘quietly’ filling holes in the border wall in Arizona … but not in Texas – If Biden’s administration cared about migrant safety and border control, why aren’t they completing the entire border wall, instead of just a few parts of it?

JD Rucker: Democrats’ Hypocrisy Over Border Wall Is Enlightening – If this wasn’t an election year, the Democrats would still be fighting against building the border wall, but they’re facing electoral extinction, so suddenly they want the wall

Just Who Is This Gavin Newsom Guy? – He seems like an ideal liberal candidate, until you look at the effects of his policies – His gubernatorial term has been disastrous for the state, and his behavior less than exemplary

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse? – Bankers are destroying the global financial system to replace it with social credit scores, digital identities, and CBDCs to control individual finances and freedoms

Propaganda and Disinformation in the INFO Age – Soviet programs using denial, deception, disinformation, and propaganda worked, but few understand how they all worked together to feed into Reflexive Control (R.C.) operations

Ketanji Brown Jackson will rule on one affirmative action case despite her recusal pledge – She will weigh in on a lawsuit surrounding alleged discriminatory college admissions practices

When Will There Be, If Ever, a COVID-19 Truth and Reconciliation Commission? –  As those in positions of power will certainly resist one

While we remain complacent, the Caliphate marches on…in Houston – No country can survive a huge fifth column dedicated to its destruction, Islam is not shy about the fact that it’s dedicated to defeating every non-Muslim nation

Queer TikTok video ‘educator’ proclaims preschoolers need to be taught about gender and sexuality – We’re Queer Kid Stuff! An edutainment company that brings LGBTQ+ and social justice media to kids and families!


July 29, 2022

Jan 6th Committee Producer Posted About Assaulting Trump Supporters With a Car, As AntiFa Rioted Through D.C. – This is the latest piece of evidence undercutting the alleged independent, nonpartisan efforts of the committee

Biden plans to spend $90 a barrel on oil to replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve even though Democrats in Congress halted President Trump’s plan to do that when the price was less than $19 a barrel

The House of Representatives voted to pass an assault weapons ban, with legislators narrowly approving the bill with a 217-213 vote – The legislation will now head to the Senate, where it’s unlikely to break the filibuster

The Biden Administration to Complete More of Trump’s Border Wall Project Tow Close 4 Gaps – After spending millions last year to halt construction of the wall

Elon Musk Countersues Twitter, Files Response in Lawsuit – “The core dispute over false and spam accounts is fundamental to Twitter’s value. It is also extremely fact and expert intensive, requiring substantial time for discovery”

Twitter Censors All Content From The Epoch Times – The social media company ‘must explain itself for this outrageous act of censorship,’ Senator Marco Rubio says

With One Logical Question, FL’s Dr. Ladapo Shows Why He’s the Best Surgeon General in the Nation – “How can you force people to take a vaccine to stop transmission when that vaccine is not effective at stopping transmission?”

ZH: “Paving The Road To Hell”: Digital ID Systems Could Lead To Severe and Irreversible Human Rights Violations – The actual and potential” human rights violations arising from the digital ID model can be “severe and potentially irreversible

On Criminal IN-Justice – For example In NY, about 3.5% of street segments see about 50% of the city’s violent crime; and for over a decade, a minimum of 95% of shooting victims are either black or Hispanic (with most of them male)

Defining Recessions Down: Biden’s Pollyanna Act To Redefine What Recession Is Now Won’t End Well – This is gaslighting at its best

Former Trump attorney general Bill Barr is publicly urging incumbent Biden attorney general Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel in the ongoing Biden investigation, which is said to focus on the president’s son Hunter

Biden’s Cabinet: Let us Count the Ways – His collection of incapable, bumbling cabinet members is an assemblage of special-interest box-checkers chosen for their demographic makeup, instead of needed expertise and experience

Pay Attention To The Dutch Farmer Protests Because America Is Next – The same climate policies that are set to destroy private agriculture in the Netherlands are eventually coming to America

A recent University of Chicago Institute of Politics poll showed most Americans think our government  and mainstream media are corrupt and rigged against them – Based on this poll, they are mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore

A Massive Chinese Debt Bomb Is Set to Explode as Mortgage Holders and Suppliers Refuse to Make Payments on Their Loans –This is a jarring case study of what happens when a Ponzi scheme goes into reverse

The GOP Has Threatened Trump, If He Announces A 2024 Run They Will Stop Paying His Legal Fees – The Old Guard likes their hold on power at the local, state, and federal levels, and corrupt actors have invaded the GOP at all levels

Trump Warns Something Worse Than A Recession Is Coming – “Where we’re going now could be a very bad place” –  “We’re going to have a much bigger problem than a recession, we’ll have a depression”

The bill Manchin and Schumer agreed on has nothing to do with inflation – The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is crammed with the very same spending, corporate welfare, price fixing, and tax hikes that were part of Build Back Better

WSJ: Kyrsten Sinema Is A Critical Vote on Manchin-Schumer Climate and Tax Deal  – The Arizona centrist senator has forced changes in past Democratic packages

Democrats in Congress have proposed a new spending bill that would allocate $80 billion for the sole purpose of expanding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), ostensibly to fight inflation by raising government tax revenues

ZH: The Flaw In Biden’s Electric Vehicle Charger Plan – “There is no way to build out the infrastructure needed to charge vehicles without private investment – To just do it with public money, that’s not going to happen,” Doug Kantor said

Representative Jordan Lays Out 8 Different Lies from the Jan. 6 Committee – They lied about Kerik’s travels, Loudermilk and the tours he gave to constituents, Jenna Ellis’s documents, the note Cassidy Hutchinson said she wrote

Health Care Workers Who Sued Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Win $10 Million Settlement – About a dozen workers  lodged the suit in October 2021, arguing that the facility was illegally not granting religious exemptions to the mandate

It was never a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ and official public health data prove it – People who’ve received four doses or more are around 100 times more likely to be hospitalized than those who are unvaccinated against COVID-19

Fully vaccinated, Claire Bridges, a previously healthy 20-year-old model from Florida tested positive for COVID-19 – Her symptoms started with severe leg pain, then myocarditis and multiple organ problems, so her legs had to be amputated

Will California declare a monkeypox state of emergency? – On the same day L.A. County decided not to mandate masks, San Francisco declared a state of emergency over monkeypox


J.D. Vance Is Right on E-Verify – His support will give him a leg up in the Ohio Senate race – E-Verify is an online system run by the federal government that enables employers to confirm the immigration status of every person they hire

July 28, 2022

Americans Are Asking If Biden Has Body A Double After His Face Looks Totally Different in 2 Separate Videos Posted on The Same Day

They Can’t Let Him Back In – Anti-Trump hysteria is not about Trump – Our rulers’ wealth and power rise as a result of open borders, trade giveaways, and endless war. Trump, at least in principle, and often in practice, threatens all three

Sharyl Attkisson: Confidence and trust in the news media is at an “all-time low point” – Just 16% of U.S. adults now say they have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in newspapers and its even lower at 11% for television news

Xi Warns Biden Over Taiwan in 2-Hour Call – Xi reportedly told Biden that it was the duty of “the two major powers” to manage global security and urged Biden not to view the CCP through the lens of “strategic competition”

The Budget Office Debunks Biden’s Claim He ‘Reduced’ The Deficit – The CBO report predicts a dramatic long-term increase in the federal deficit, debt, and spending

Biden’s ‘Biggest Fear’ for Ukraine War Just Happened – Vladimir Putin’s Russia has further tightened the flow of gas being fed to the European Union as the cold northern European winter looms mere months away

Suspicions Rise After Officials Notice Disturbing Travel Patterns in Federal Reserve Employees – Trips to China and reports of their employees’ “close ties” to the People’s Bank of China

Adam Schiff Is Maneuvering for a Monumental Change in The House and a Huge New Role for Himself – He has been positioning himself to become Speaker and Nancy Pelosi’s successor as House Democrat leader

DC mayor requests National Guard activation to deal with the flood of illegal immigrants in the city  – “In the last month the pace of arriving buses and the volume of arrivals have reached tipping points”

Mid-afternoon Thursday, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced it is “pausing” the latest mask mandate – not canceling, but “pausing” – Perhaps exposing the fraud is what we needed!

Sharyl Attkisson: The Average expected retirement age among non-retirees is now 66, vs. 60 in 1995, And the average retirement age among retirees is up to 61, from 57 in the 1990s 

SCOTUS Restores Religious Liberty – The Court’s religion cases concern more than the activities of religious people; they relate to speech in general and to Americans’ ability to express their most profound sentiments and thoughts

A U.S. District Judge Orders The Air Force Not to Punish Members Seeking Religious Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

The Regime Wants You to Get Monkeypox – Rather than face disapproving comments from gay activists, public health experts, the media, and politicians prefer to let a deadly disease turn into an epidemic

Are Over Half a Million Americans Dead from the Covid Vaccines? – Nobody Wants to Debate Steve Kirsch About This,  “Instead of killing one person per million, you’re killing somewhere in the order of 1000 people per million”

A woman had acute kidney renal failure soon after receiving her first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine – This injury adds to evidence that these vaccines may promote the development of autoimmune diseases, or worsen existing cases

Doctors Said the Vaccine Was Safe – Doctors will need someone to blame so they will say“we were just following orders,” when the whole truth comes out – So where have we heard that before?

After Killing The Delta Tunnels in 2019, Gov. Newsom Resurrects the Behemoth Jobs Project – He is ignoring that California voters passed more than $30 billion in water bonds to build additional water storage and two new reservoirs

It’s Not a National Model, It’s a National Warning – Gavin Newsom’s rhetoric doesn’t match California’s declining reality as people are voting with their feet to reject Newsom’s model and heading to the very states that he criticizes

Amazon Makes a $3.9 Billion Bid to Buy A Healthcare Chain – This proposed acquisition gives Amazon too much power in the healthcare sector and raises a host of concerns around privacy and the future of Medicare, critics say

American citizens have long been the largest segment represented in Mexico’s vital tourism industry, but the trouble now seems to be with the Americans who aren’t leaving and the locals in Mexico City particularly are getting fed up

Argentina’s Government Collapsing And People Are Refusing to Work Amid Major Subsidy Cuts – Only 43 percent of adults have a job, as inflation soars above 60 percent

We’ve got confirmation that Joe was ‘the Big Guy’ all along – Meanwhile, Merrick Garland is seriously contemplating indicting Donald Trump for daring to do what Democrats did in 2000 and 2016, question an election’s validity

The DOJ May Have Obstructed Important Biden Corruption Investigations – It appears the FBI either improperly withheld information or presented inaccurate information to the U.S. attorney’s office in Pittsburgh and possibly also Delaware

More than 50 Republicans insist Biden submit to a cognitive test – All presidents, “regardless of gender, age, or political party,” should follow the example set by President Donald Trump and “document and demonstrate sound mental abilities

WSJ: What’s in Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer’s Reconciliation Deal on Climate, Health, and Tax Policy? – The two Democrats agreed on an inflation bill after months of negotiations, reviving crucial parts of President Biden’s agenda

Say It Ain’t So, Joe – Senators Schumer and Manchin announced an agreement on a slimmed-down Build Back Better Package, absurdly renamed as an inflation fighter. How shameless can you get? How stupid do they think we are?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appears to have been caught flat-footed by a deal between Manchin and Schumer  a  bill dubbed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a scaled-back alternative to the Build Back Better Plan

FBI: The man charged in the attempted assassination of Kavanaugh hoped to kill three Supreme Court justices – The FBI said Roske looked up terms such as “most effective place to stab someone” and “quietest semi auto rifle”

Capitol Police Use of Force Reports Expose Brutality of Unprovoked Attacks Against Jan. 6 Protesters – Conflicting timeline reports and identical language used by numerous officers in separate reports raise questions

Governor DeSantis takes a stand against the scourge of ESG – Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) is a metric that measures whether a nation or corporation can demonstrate the maximum amount of corporate virtue-signaling

The Bankruptcy of ESG Is Being Exposed – The claim that ESG comes at “no cost” and involves no trade-offs ought to ring some alarm bells as basic laws of economics tell us that there is no such thing as a free lunch

Watch! As Crime Skyrockets And Democrats Deny Blame, Remember What They Said About Police [Video] – There is no better example of gaslighting by today’s Democratic Party than when it comes to the issue of “Defund the Police”

The Uvalde City Council in Texas announced Tuesday that it will investigate every city police officer who responded to the Robb Elementary School massacre – We will act on it, and we promise that to you,” City Council member King said

Why Trump Is Essential To The MAGA Movement – He is a fighter and that is what you need when dealing with cut-throat Democrats that will do almost anything to gain and maintain power

Democrats Are Dangerously Close To Changing Laws So Our President Is Elected By Popular Vote – The left’s push for a popular vote for the presidency directly undermines the electoral system established by our Constitution

ZH: A reporter made Joe Biden’s Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre look like a total fool Wednesday by expertly exposing how she and other Biden minions are attempting to redefine what a recession is to claim America isn’t in one

 A second consecutive quarter of negative GDP growth officially signals the U.S. has entered a recession – U.S. GDP decreased by 0.9% in the second quarter of 2022  and also shrank in the first quarter of 2022, by 1.6%

Lots of People Saw This Recession Coming – Once the U.S. experienced one quarter of declining GDP, there was always a good chance that the next quarter would be lousy as well because inflation continued to rage out of control

ZH: Pelosi ‘Appears To Have Taken Advantage’ Of Inside Information: Former Dallas Fed Chief Fisher – “Clearly people have taken advantage of inside information forever”

ZH: The Fed Just Got Rid Of “Forward Guidance” Because It’s Making It Up As It Goes – This frees up the Fed to make more last-minute decisions

No, We Don’t Spend ‘Too Much’ On Health Care, Here’s The Proof – Household Disposable Income Comparison Provides The Proper Context

The Coordination Was Explicit – Public and private censorship during the pandemic was partly due to explicit coordination between the CDC and the social-media networks

How bad is monkeypox? – The WHO & FDA want to leverage their latest virus into another round of pandemic fear porn – Since we cannot trust them or their spokespeople, now is a good time to review what official research tells us

Why Is The CDC Hiding Excess Death Data? – There are 50,000 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) & cancer deaths that have gone missing

Anthony Fauci Is STILL Funding China’s Military-Run Labs With U.S. Taxpayer Cash – The National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant database shows two studies that have received funds from Fauci’s agency in 2022 so far

COVID Vaccine-Induced Infertility? – Every Man and Woman Should Be Concerned – The Spike protein “almost certainly is causing death and destruction of those precious ovarian cells”

JD Rucker: New documents obtained by America First Legal show how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) worked directly with tech giants to crush dissent against the COVID-19 vaccine regime

The Global Air Travel Logjam Stumps Airlines, Disrupts Countless Summer Travel Plans – To prevent issues, savvy travelers are increasingly entrusting delivery services like FedEx or UPS to transport luggage to their destinations

NCAA swimmers felt ‘extreme discomfort’ sharing locker room with Lia Thomas – Earlier this week, the NCAA announced Thomas would not be eligible for Woman of the Year honors

California Homelessness Worsens And Governor Newsom Looks To Shut Down Its Oakland Encampment – Like bees are attracted to honey, it is the state’s welcoming public policies of tolerance and assistance that are the true draw

California’s Oil and Gas Workers Send Warning to States About Newsom’s Devastating Energy Policies – Industry workers want to caution others about the impacts his policies have had on California communities and their careers”

July 27, 2022

With The Push For More Green Energy, Plan For A Dark Future, And Sheltering In Place – Weather-dependent sources of power are not dispatchable, as they cannot be turned up or down based on demand like nuclear or fossil fuel systems

The Biden Administration Is Using The DOJ to Launch A Criminal Investigation Into Trump – Even though the FBI found little evidence that the attack on the Capital was the result of a coordinated plot to overturn the election results

One of Hunter Biden’s former business partners referred to Joe Biden as “the Big Guy” in a panicked message the same day The Post broke the news of the infamous laptop from hell left behind by the president’s son

Victor Davis Hanson: The Ukrainian Verdun – The United States is nearing a gut-check on Ukraine as the war increasingly will depend on endless U.S. aid and escalation

Trump Reveals Why He ‘Can’t’ Leave Politics – I had a “much simpler” life away from politics but can’t stay away “because I love our country, and I can’t do that because I love the people of our country, so I can’t do that”

WSJ: Joe Manchin Reaches A Deal With Chuck Schumer on The Energy, Healthcare, Tax Package – The  announcement comes after the West Virginia senator blocked earlier legislation over inflation fears

How West Virginia v. The EPA Changed the Administrative State – It represents a sophisticated attempt to balance the requirement that Congress make major policy decisions with the needs of the modern administrative state

JD Rucker: Following Revelation of a Blacklist and “Vogue” Photoshoot, Is the Zelensky Fraud Finally Being Recognized by the Masses? – More Americans are realizing he’s not the paragon of freedom that we’ve been told he is

“This Is Not Science!” – Dr. Naomi Wolf Reveals the Tactics Pfizer Used to Overtly Skew Their Clinical Trial Data – “They didn’t let them report the actual side effects”

In Portland, Oregon, The Sexual Revolution Starts in Kindergarten – The city’s public schools teach K-5 students to subvert the sexuality of “white colonizers” and begin exploring “the infinite gender spectrum”

California’s Minimum Wage Certified to Be $15.50 on January 1 – Inflation has grown so dramatically that this increase to $15.50 is required by the 2016 law

With a decision expected tomorrow on whether Los Angeles County will re-impose an indoor mask mandate due to COVID-19, the cities of Long Beach, Pasadena, and El Segundo said they would not follow such an order

A new lawsuit filed on behalf of parents seeks to immediately halt any plans to bring back an indoor mask mandate on school children, claiming that the Los Angeles Department of Public Health “is using erroneous hospitalization metrics”

Joe Biden’s Justice Department has opened an investigation into Trump’s actions to “overturn the 2020 election results” – The Biden Regime is jailing its political opponents and now they are investigating a former US President

Justice Clarence Thomas would be forced into semi-retirement under the Democrats’ Newly Proposed Supreme Court legislation – The measure aims to have justices serve a maximum of 18 years on the court

Conflicts of interest aside, the Biden corruption investigation exceed the capabilities of the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office – If any single one of the dozens of issues had been alleged about the Bush or Trump families, a special counsel would have been appointed immediately

The first report of the week does not go well for President Biden – US consumer confidence declined in July to the lowest level since February 2021 on dimmer views of the economy amid persistent inflation

ZH: Inflation or Recession, Which Concern Is Driving The Market? – Jerome Powell can tackle inflation but risk a recession and lower stock prices. Or he can try to avoid a recession and risk persistently high inflation

ZH: FOMC Preview: Here’s What The Fed Will Do Today – The Fed will likely reiterate that any future rate decisions will depend upon their assessment of the economic outlook, particularly inflation

The Federal announced it would increase its interest rate target by three-quarters of a percentage point – They typically raise rates by just 1/4%, so the move signals that the Fed remains desperate to slow down price growth

ZH: Yellen: “Recession” Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means – The gaslighting and ignorance of the “experts” and the policymakers in 2008 provides helpful context to attempt to control the narrative over what a recession is

WSJ: The US Senate Approves A $280 Billion Bill to Boost U.S. Science, Chip Production – The Chips act goes to the House, where speaker Pelosi has promised quick action

I was wrong about Trump – I was wrong. I allowed my distaste for Trump’s personality to override his considerable virtues

The 42 Policy Proposals Donald Trump Outlined at The America First Summit in Washington D.C.

The Demise of American Citizenship – These so-called undocumented immigrants are becoming legally indistinguishable from citizens as they openly reside in 500 sanctuary jurisdictions

Yep, it’s true! They’re coming for your guns – If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard a thousand times: all they want is “commonsense,” “sensible,” or “reasonable” gun control… Except they never define those terms — on purpose

22 states sue the Biden administration over their transgender rule for school lunch programs – They argue the school lunch decision misinterpreted the 2020 Supreme Court case, Bostock v. Clayton County, which expanded the definition of sex in employment law to include gender identity and sexual orientation

Sharyl Attkisson: The Top ranked hospitals in the US for 2022-23

I&I/TIPP Poll: Voters Give Biden Team Of Advisers Failing Grades – Respondents were asked to assign a grade of A (excellent), B (good), C (average), D (poor), or F (unacceptable). The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.5% points

Small Businesses (Still) Can’t Afford ‘Build Back Better’ – Congress continues with a slimmed-down version of the Build Back Better legislation, which threatens to worsen the inflationary spiral creaming workers and their employers alike

What beachfront property mortgage loans tell us about global warming – If the market believed in global warming and rising sea levels, there would be no market for loans on oceanfront properties, at any interest rate

Critics roasted Biden’s chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci after the NIAID chief falsely claimed he never advocated for lockdowns, deeming him the “biggest cheerleader” for such restrictions, rules, and invasive mandates

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Biowarfare and the Brave New World – I was asked by a Newsmax producer to comment on two recent articles, So, unfortunately, this is not Fear-Porn, and the threat is real

Republicans Need to Investigate the Pandemic Response – Millions of people deserve to have someone in public life affirm that they weren’t crazy and that public health organizations intentionally misled them

Scientists announced Monday that the terrifying insects’ official moniker, “Asian giant hornet,” has been changed to “northern giant hornet” — in what they say is an effort to prevent anti-Asian hate crimes

July 26, 2022

OAN is at risk of being completely blacklisted by the corporate left after Verizon Fios, the largest pay-TV network still carrying OAN, effectively blacklisted the conservative channel following pressure from leftist advocacy groups

The Chinese government carried out a decade-long information theft campaign against the Federal Reserve – Top Federal Reserve Officials With Known Links To China Still Have Their Jobs

ZH: The Fed Hikes 75bps: What Happens Next Has Wall Street Hopelessly Split Tyler – What the Fed says at Wednesday’s meeting is going to matter much more than what they do

6 terms Biden has redefined to further his agenda, and stigmatize opponents – From “recession” to “disinformation,” the president and his team have weaponized language for political purposes

The Biden Administration to Sell 20 Million More Barrels of Oil From Strategic Petroleum Reserve – According to a notice of the sale filed on July 26. Interested parties were told to submit offers to the U.S. Department of Energy by Aug. 2

Two more Texas counties declare invasion at the southern border – Parker County and Atascosa County became the seventh and eighth Texas counties to make this declaration

A New TPUSA Straw Poll Finds Gov. Newsom is Seen as the Democratic Candidate For a Republican to Beat in 2024  – Trump receives nearly 80% of the vote as the GOP candidate to beat

Trump Should Announce His Candidacy Before the Midterms – Trump’s announcement and presence during the last two months of the midterm campaign would be a stark reminder of “What Was” compared to “What Is”

City of Broken Windows – Baltimore’s tragic record provides clear evidence that disorder breeds more disorder—and even death

The Dehumanizing Tyranny of Densification – The movement to increase the population density of cities and reduce rural populations is already enshrined in California law and is rolling quietly across the rest of the nation

Another Fauci flip: We were ‘always aware’ of natural immunity to COVID – He contradicted his researchers in the promotion of vaccine

A US Senator Asks CDC to Clear Up Conflicting Statements on Vaccine Safety Research – Neither the CDC nor Walensky have responded to the requests for comment

A New Study Shows How Much ‘Pathogenic’ Bacteria & Fungi are on Most People’s Masks – “Nature” has published research showing that masks can harbor bacteria and fungi, in some cases harmful, even if one changes the mask daily

The Beverly Hills City Council Votes Unanimously to Not Enforce The Los Angeles County Mask Mandate – More lawmakers continue to announce opposition to the new mandate

California Readies New Approaches for Concealed Gun Carry – California lawmakers are throwing everything at the wall to see just what will stick, knowing full well that many of their efforts will not pass muster before the courts

What’s REALLY behind today’s youth transgender craze? – Child sexual abuse on a scale never seen or even imagined, before in America

The National Tragedy of Hunter Biden’s Laptop – How a country’s political corruption, institutional decay, and moral decline can be summed up in one sad family saga

Chief Just Roberts Lobbied Justice Brett Kavanaugh and possibly Justice Amy Coney Barrett to Save ‘Roe’ – That Became All But Impossible After The Leak

Biden Officials Attempting To Change The Definition Of ‘Recession’ … It’s not a recession, it’s a “transition” what once constituted a recession, two continuous quarters of negative GDP growth, somehow doesn’t apply anymore

The FBI’s False Labeling Of Biden Laptop As Disinformation Is Even Worse Than It Seems – It’s no longer just about the Bidens’ but about law enforcement and intelligence communities who put our country at risk by failing to do their jobs

President Trump Authorized National Guard for Jan. 6, But Congress and DC Did Not Request Its Use, – Under the law, a president cannot order the National Guard for domestic deployment; local officials must request it

Indications are that the Pentagon worked with the DOJ and the FBI in the lead-up to President Trump’s January 6 rally that ended with Antifa activists and other agitators enticing people into the Capitol –  That’s a big no-no if true

Cell towers containing equipment by Chinese telecom giant Huawei are capable of intercepting and blocking high-level U.S. military communication and relaying it to China

The New York Post and Wall Street Journal Get Trump All Wrong – And then there are the Jan. 6 editorials from the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal

Teacher Grooming Remains A Real Issue Despite The Media Caricatures – Over 140 educators have been charged with sexual misconduct-related crimes against students this year alone

‘You Will Own Nothing, And Like It’ — The Real ‘Clean Energy’ Future – If you like socialism, you’ll love it because it involves a radical transformation that brings the end of private ownership of things like cars, phones, laptops, etc 

What Greenies don’t get about volcanoes, oceans, and the weather is that Recurring Ice Ages, not global warming, pose the greatest threat to life on Earth. Man’s coal, cars, and cattle are puny compared to what volcanos and nature can do

Why Saudi Arabia is buying Russian oil – Oil is sold on a global market, so restricting sales via refusing to buy oil from one producer like Russia does not mean that the Russian oil stays in the ground or accumulates in storage facilities

The William F. Buckley Legacy: Now It’s Controversial on the Right? – The New Right has turned on him because they don’t understand what coalition conservatives are

The All-Out Commitment To Destroy Fossil Fuels – Investment in all phases of the industry has dropped sharply in recent years, due to government interventions and the takeover of the Wall Street energy narrative by the ESG nonsense

In a recent interview, Fauci said he has an “open mind” but still believes that Covid occurred naturally – Former CDC Director Robert Redfield rejected Fauci’s claims

Three Reasons the CDC Is Sacrificing Kids for Big Pharma – #2, Big Pharma wants permanent immunity… for themselves, and getting the jabs approved for children will extend their protections against lawsuits indefinitely

The FDA recently added a warning to the labeling of puberty blockers—saying the drugs may cause a series of symptoms in children that include headaches, pressure buildup inside the brain, and vision loss

California Threatens New Indoor Mask Mandates as The Other States Mostly Ignore Them – How can Gavin Newsom think he is a viable Presidential candidate as California prepares to go into lockdown mode again?

July 25, 2022

The Biden regime is planning to hand out ID cards to illegal aliens who invaded the country so that it is easier for them to access housing, healthcare, transportation, and other benefits

Here Are Some Of The Extremist Votes The Senate Democrats Can’t Run From If The GOP Nationalizes The Fall Races

Canadian ministers told federal government officials on Friday that Prime Minister Trudeau’s plan to limit fertilizer used on farms as a way to reduce Canada’s carbon emissions will ultimately undermine the nation’s food security

Use-of-Force Expert: Ashli Babbitt Was Murdered on January 6 – There was no video evidence to indicate Byrd should have felt his life was in danger or that he was at risk of serious harm from the 5-foot 2-inch, 110-pound woman

A Robot Dog Outfitted With A Machine Gun Autonomously Lights Up Targets On A Firing Range – A glimpse of the Globalist’s vision for Agenda Dystopia 2030, and, unsurprisingly, it’s nothing short of a “Black Mirror“style nightmare

SCOTUS and media silence: Whatever happened to the leak probe? – Chief Justice Roberts promised an investigation and the pool of suspects is small, the justices themselves and their clerks, three months later, and still nothing 

Several whistleblowers within the FBI are alleging that the bureau and the Department of Justice have selectively observed federal guidelines, launching investigations into conservative-aligned figures without sufficient basis to do so

A doctor punished for criticizing COVID vaccines sues hospital for $25 million – “The way they came after me to news media and social media platforms was unprofessional, unprecedented and against the spirit of bylaws of their bylaws”

Republicans Probe Biden’s Firing of Judges Appointed by Donald Trump – It appears as if Biden is taking his ‘marching orders’ on border issues from NGOs who are demanding more access to the USA for all the world’s migrants

42% of Women With Regular Cycles Are Bleeding More Than Usual And those who aren’t supposed to be bleeding are, oddly, now bleeding – The NIH confirms that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to a small increase in menstrual cycle length

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: The PANDA WHO Review – A must-read by anyone interested in public health, global COVID-19 WHO policies, and the full extent of the corruption by the WHO, global leaders, and governments

Willing Accomplices in The Greatest Crime of Our Lifetimes – It is worth watching every minute of Tucker’s monologue because the truth is in plain sight; we only need to have the willingness to look for it

ZH: Delusional Biden Admin Front-Runs A Recessionary GDP Print… By Redefining Recession – It’s not a recession until the White House gives economists on its payroll permission to declare it a recession

ZH: A Flood Of Repossessed Vehicles Poised To Hit The Used-Car Market – Now is one of the worst times ever to buy a car. Wait six months or a year and things will be different

Biden takes a victory lap on gas despite families paying $120 more monthly than one year ago – The national average price of gas is $4.36 per gallon as of Monday, according to AAA, 38% higher than it was one year ago

WSJ: What Does Gas Cost Today Where You Live? – An interactive map of the current average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in each state

The White House’s new Deputy National Cyber Director – Former Google executive, Camille Stewart Gloster, specialized in removing “disinformation” from their app store, and in her spare time rants about “systemic racism” in America

Biden’s LGBT Executive Order Seen by Some as an Attack on Civil Rights – The order describes conversion therapy as “efforts to suppress or change an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression”

In Show Of Pro-Abortion Brutality Governor Whitmer Just Slashed Care For Pregnant Women From Michigan’s Budget – Hiding behind activist judges, her budget vetoes show she and fellow Democrats value abortion over women

Climate Emergency? What A Crock – Thankfully Biden did not declare a climate emergency last week as his Democrat colleagues urged him to do – Just because much of the country has been hot, it doesn’t mean the entire Earth is on fire

The Distinction between Hyperventilation and Actual Evidence – The Jan 6 committee’s goalposts keep shifting and have changed into accusations of obstruction of Congress, seditious conspiracy, conspiracy to defraud, or dereliction of duty

Recently, the people of Sri Lanka showed the world what a real insurrection looks like because they are starving – A result of disastrous farming policies enforced by that country’s government, ostensibly to counter “climate change”

Ranchers Are Selling Off Their Cattle in Unprecedented Numbers Due to the Drought, and That Has Enormous Implications for 2023 – North Texas has become the epicenter for this rapidly growing crisis

Preferred Pronouns and More: What I Saw at The National Education Association Convention – Nearly half of the motions dealt with identity politics, social justice, and ways to promote the goals of the Democrat Party

A Former Olympian Swimmer Says The Trans Hate Mob Has ‘Made My Life A Living Hell’ – Former swimmer Sharon Davies says standing up for women’s rights in sports has led to death threats and left her financially destitute

ZH: A “Women’s Bill Of Rights” Has Been Introduced To Counter Transgender Ideology – “Gender ideology is just one strand of a much bigger, radical, Marxist agenda, and that is critical theory,” Carrie Sheffield said

Monday Morning Consult Poll: Senator Lisa Murkowski, who is supported by Senator Mitch McConnell is underwater with Alaska GOP voters as the primary nears – Trump-endorsed Kelly Tshibaka has a higher approval rating from voters

What Else California Could Have Done With the High-Speed Rail Funds – That California’s High-Speed Rail network is not going to be built is at this point, a given

Parents Push Back Against Pharma and the FDA and Steer Their Children Far Away from These COVID Jabs – EUA approvals mean nothing when 98% of parents stand up and say, “not for my child”

The Novavax vaccine contains armyworm and baculovirus proteins and a bit of their DNA too, which is included in each dose – Also, the Novavax company has no manufacturing plant, so the vaccine is made at the Serum Institute of India

The FDA Violated Own Safety and Efficacy Standards In Approving Covid-19 Vaccines For Children – The evidence they used for those decisions violates at least three safety and efficacy standards from earlier FDA publications

The COVID-19 vaccination rates for small children have already peaked just weeks after two of the vaccines were authorized for the age group – According to an analysis of CDC data by the Kaiser Family Foundation

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Covid Jabs Impact BOTH Male and Female Fertility – Many countries are now reporting sudden declines in live birth rates, including Germany, the U.K., Taiwan, Hungary, and Sweden

Wayne Allyn Root: A Sampling Of Truths About The COVID Vaccines

Sharyl Attkisson: Even though scientists say the Covid vaccines have proved stunningly disappointing in terms of preventing infection or the spread of Covid, the CDC just approved another Covid-19 vaccine, one from Novavax

When employers steal wages from workers – This is done when employers deny workers overtime premiums, ask them to work “off the clock” or take their tips

July 24, 2022

“I don’t question Biden’s Covid diagnosis at all, But Think They Are Just Trying to Hide Him” – Greg Gutfeld Suspects Something Wrong with Timing of Biden’s COVID Diagnosis

As Biden’s COVID Symptoms Multiply, So Do The Lies About His Condition – He has fooled us again and again during his 50-year career in politics and has become infamous for gaffes, blunders, and outright lies… And they continue

The Return of the Marlboro Man – Physically and spiritually strong men preserve the nuclear family, society, and the nation, so they must be the first element destroyed to achieve the“liberal world order”

The Guilty Verdict In Bannon’s Trial Likely To Be Overturned – Dershowitz, “Entirely predictable and entirely in violation of the Constitution as the only provision of the Constitution which appears twice is trial by jury, and in front of a fair jury”

Democrats Discover Another ‘Threat to Democracy’ – SCOTUS will hear the Moore v. Harper case during their next term regarding improper interference by state courts in congressional elections

From oil to monkeypox, truth is elusive to mainstream media – More people than ever realize the media are gaslighting us, but I wonder if they know just how much

American Frontline Doctors: An AFLDS Issue Brief for Citizens and Policymakers – If you’re looking for an interesting story, the monkeypox virus isn’t it -The real story is about manipulating human beings using fear Read on to see exactly how this is being done

It’s Time to Award the Covid Nobels But they shouldn’t go to you-know-WHO – Anders Tegnell, the state epidemiologist of Sweden kept calm and while leaders elsewhere crippled their societies, he kept Sweden free and open

Baltimore’s Progressive Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Was Defeated In Her Reelection Bid – Her opponent, Ivan Bates criticized her on the campaign trail over what he called the mismanagement and incompetence of her office

The Scandal of Liberty in Shasta County – The Guardian, to its alarm, discovers democracy in California’s far north, but it sounds to me like a place where the spirit of American liberty is in very good health indeed

With Strategic Petroleum Reserve at its lowest level since 1985, the US sells stockpiled oil to China – Every House Democrat voted against a ban on selling oil from the SPR to China

Victor Davis Hanson: How To Erode the World’s Greatest Military – Alienating half the country is not a wise strategy for military recruitment as the U.S. Army met only 40 percent of its 2022 recruiting goals

In the first five months of the year, England’s “fully vaccinated” population accounted for more than 90 percent of the deaths attributed to COVID-19, according to official government data

A Toddler And a Non-Resident Infant In The US Tested Positive for Monkeypox and CDC Chief Says Both Had Contact with Gay Men – The infant was “transiting” through the US when the test was done that confirmed Monkeypox

If you have been paying any attention at all to academia in this country, you know it has entered a dark age, neglecting what was once described as its function – A place for the sifting and winnowing of ideas

Trump Electrified 5,000-Strong Young Conservatives At Summit With Hint of a Presidential Run – He railed about the policies of his successor, Biden, and he touted his administration’s policies and accomplishments during his 4-year term

Some Lessons from January 6 Committee Finale – First, the Democrats of both parties are interested only in convincing people not to ever vote for Trump again

JD Rucker: Three Doctors Die Within Four Days Shortly After Hospital Begins Injecting Staff With Fourth Covid Shots – This story broke yesterday, so we attempted to confirm it, but nobody in the Mississauga hospital system is willing to confirm or deny any of it

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The mRNA Platform Inventor Sifts Through the Lies – The CDC and FDA are also ignoring the reality of immune imprinting, which is causing COVID-jabbed individuals to contract COVID more frequently, and repeatedly

Mark your calendar for Liz Cheney’s downfall – Trump somehow manages to bring out the worst in his enemies, and while Neither Trump nor Biden is on this year’s ballot, they both loom large over the impending contests

The Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary redefines what a ‘female’ is – They added a new definition for “female” which reads: “having a gender identity that is the opposite of male”

July 23, 2022

A Top US Officer Reveals the Frightening Way China Has Developed as Pacific Threat – U.S. military officials have said Beijing wants to be ready to make a move on the island by 2027

COVID Response Coordinator Gives A Strange Update On Biden’s Health Following COVID Diagnosis – Has an official statement made an American President sound weaker than the White House doctor saying Biden, ‘cleaned his plate’ and held it up to show him?

Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Should Be Happy With Biden – They should be ecstatic because Joe Biden has given them everything they wanted

About 45 percent of small business owners in the United States are freezing their hiring of new workers because of high labor costs and skyrocketing inflation, according to the Alignable July Hiring Report

The Jan. 6th committee just got more bad news – Nielsen figures show their latest primetime hearing brought in only an estimated 17.7 million viewers,11% lower than their first hearing which brought in less than a normal night for the network

A January 6 Defendant Dies by Suicide While Awaiting Sentencing – By late June, around 840 individuals were arrested in connection with the Jan. 6 incident. Over 300 had pleaded guilty, with 80 receiving jail time

Dr. Birx Says The COVID-19 Vaccines Were Never ‘Going to Protect Against Infection

ZH: The Talented Mr. Pottinger – The US Intelligence Agent Who Pushed For The Lockdowns

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Monkeypox or Moneypox? – Tedros overrules his panel and declares Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

The first major peer-reviewed study of monkeypox infections has found that the virus is primarily transmitted through the sexual activity of gay and bisexual men in the United States and around the world

The Backlash against progressive, Soros-backed DAs continues as violent crime soars – Nationwide, prosecutors are under fire for being soft on crime while criminals devastate major cities

ZH: Mapped: The Top US Exports & Imports By State

ZH: Land Of Waste: American Landfills By State – Each American produces a whopping 1,700 pounds of waste every year, making the United States the world’s most wasteful country

Hunter Biden Is Poised To Receive A “Generous” Plea Deal – He Will Likely Avoid Indictment

The Democrat narrative about Ohio child rape victim completely falls apart – As more facts come out about the case, it appears to be more of a tale of federal, state, and county officials protecting illegal aliens that ought to be deportable

Big Government Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry – So they will never apologize for ordering shutdowns that were only supposed to last two weeks, But Didn’t

The World Health Organization said this morning that the expanding monkeypox outbreak in more than 70 countries is an “extraordinary” situation that now qualifies as a global emergency

Dr. Joseph Mercola: This Can Prevent COVID-19 Infection – A hospital study published in June 2022 revealed that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mouthwash, gargle, and nasal rinse protected against COVID-19 better than the jab


July 22, 2022

States must stand up against the Biden administration’s moves for a takeover of elections –‘ Bidenbucks’ are being used to run up the tally of Democrat voters before the midterms

Hunter Biden Hasn’t Been Charged For Same Crimes Others Are Facing Up To 10 Years For – Hunter Biden appears to have violated the same firearm crimes that have sentenced several individuals to years in prison

“If I Go to Jail, I Go to Jail. I Will Never Back Off — I Support Trump and the Constitution!” – Steve Bannon BROUGHT THE FIRE on Tucker Carlson Following The Friday Court Verdict

Legal Expert Mike Davis: The Judge Screwed Up By Not Allowing Steve Bannon to Put Up a Defense in Court — This Case Will End Up at The Supreme Court

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people vaccinated against COVID-19 remained contagious with the virus for a longer period than their unvaccinated counterparts

Putting “Long COVID” in Perspective – It’s more complex than the public discourse suggests because we don’t even have a proper definition for long COVID

Biden Administration Policies Enabled Migrant Kids As Young As 12 To End Up Working At A Hyundai Auto Manufacturing Plant In Alabama

WSJ: Steve Bannon Found Guilty of Contempt of Congress – A Jury determined former Trump adviser defied a subpoena issued by the House Jan. 6 committee

Is the Government Directing Big Tech Censorship? – Details in a federal district court case suggest government-directed censorship on social media and the most comprehensive interference in a domestic election in the history of the nation

Digital ID Systems Could Lead to Severe, Irreversible Human Rights Violations –  Open debate is needed “with full transparency and involving all relevant stakeholders”

The Economist Plotting the Brave New World Order – You’d think that the experiences of communist regimes in the 20th century would’ve made every sane person in the Western world immune to this prattle about planned economies

Supreme Court Blocks Biden Admin Policy Narrowing Detainment, Deportation of Illegal Aliens

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, appointed by Barack Obama, has claimed at a conference that the court must follow “public sentiment” in its decisions or it risks losing its legitimacy

Dr. Anthony Fauci will receive a tax-paid annual federal retirement pension benefit of $414,667—more than the President’s $400,000 annual salary—if he leaves the civil service in January 2025, as he has said he plans to do

Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed several studies that suggest COVID-19 vaccines weaken the immune systems of vaccinated individuals on Thursday’s episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight”

Dr. Deborah Birx: I knew shots would not prevent COVID infection – “I think we overplayed the vaccines”

Wayne Allyn Root: 33 Dead & Sick Friends Since Our Wedding Only 8 Months Ago – All 33 Were Vaccinated – This Is A “Vaccine Death & Disease Cluster” – The Covid vaccine is dangerous and deadly

Border Patrol Agents Call Out Biden Admin Officials as ‘Liars’ Over Recent Border Security Claim – 200,000 migrants entered the U.S. per month for the past four months

Californians still won’t get a chance to vote on a minimum wage hike this November, after a judge ruled late today that the campaign was at fault for missing a key deadline to get the measure on the ballot

California’s Electric High-Speed Rail: No Power, No Money, No ‘High Speed’ – If it is ever fully built, California’s High-Speed Rail would be the largest public works project in state history

Hollywood Is a Horrifying Hell Scape – The Land of Make-Believe has been abandoned to its very real vices

A Shocker Out of NASCAR – No institution is out of the reach of the woke pandemic, not even a Southern fried one like NASCAR, which has let it out that it will be launching an electric car racing series next year

ZH: The Texas GOP Training 5,000 Election Workers, Poll Watchers To Improve Election Integrity – Poll watchers will observe the conduct of the election and report irregularities and violations of the Election Code

ZH: These Are The 20 Nations With The Fastest Declining Populations

Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees – If reelected in 2024, Trump plans to cut about 50,000 government employees to rein in unelected technocrats that have great influence over policies impacting American workers

During an exchange with Senator Josh Hawley, the head of the Transportation Security Administration, David Pekoske, admitted that hundreds of illegal aliens have been allowed to board planes using arrest warrants as identification

Take a look at some of the outtakes of Trump’s speeches from the January 6 committee – The footage makes Trump look good and reminds us of the good old days when we had a president whose cognitive abilities were fully functional

Trump gave an order to make sure the Jan. 6 rally was a safe event, a Pentagon memo shows – Gen. Milley’s recollection undercuts the months-long effort by Democrats to suggest Trump wanted to incite violence

Former First Lady Melania Trump Breaks Silence on Jan. 6 –“Ms. Grisham was not in the White House on January 6, and her behavior in her role as Chief of Staff ultimately amounts to dereliction of duty”

Donald Trump, but with softer edges: Kari Lake makes her pitch for Arizona governor – Former president Trump is headlining a massive rally for Lake Friday night in Prescott Valley, one of the state’s most conservative areas

WSJ: U.S. Business Activity Slid Into a July Contraction – Purchasing managers’ surveys indicate the sharpest pullback for the U.S. economy since early in the pandemic, with the eurozone and other economies also showing weakness

The Ridiculous New Covid Panic – Joe Biden has Covid and earlier this month, Dr. Anthony Fauci, an 81-year-old, also had Covid – Neither experienced even remotely serious symptoms, so why can’t we just move on?

A Chinese Intelligence Operation in America’s Great Plains? – One such spying outpost, an agro-industrial plant of China’s Fufeng group, is in the development stages on American soil in Grand Forks, North Dakota

Democrats double down on selling American oil to China – That should tell you all you need to know about Democrats’ priorities – They want to Make America Prostrate Again

Who Gains from Ukraine? – Ukraine earned the title of the most corrupt country in Europe for a reason and since winning independence, corruption has been the predominant pursuit in Ukraine

The US is Already in World War IV – The success in the infiltration and Psychological Operations of The WEF and the CCP are widespread but poorly understood – A substantial course change for America is long overdue

ZH: The man who attempted to assassinate Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) was charged with attempted assault in the second degree – David G. Jakubonis, of Fairport NY, was then released on his recognizance hours after the attack

WHO IS DAVID JAKUBONIS? – Not much is known about him, but Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul viciously smeared her opponent in the gubernatorial race, Lee Zeldin as a “dangerous far-right extremist” and published his campaign schedule

Russia And China Officially Announce A “New Global Reserve Currency” Challenging The Dollar – And as often happens with consequential news in the United States and the West, no one has noticed and no one seems to care

Biden’s Approval Rating Hits a New Low That Is Fueled by Democrats Jumping Ship – Only 36 percent of Americans now approve of the job that Biden is doing

Is The Joe Biden Crime Family Finally Breaking Apart? – It’s become increasingly obvious over the years that Joe Biden has far more to answer for than Hunter does

Joe Biden’s Game-Plan That Will End Women’s Sports Is Right Out Of The Marxist Playbook – One Montana mother asked plaintively, “why don’t we have to go with the science on this issue?”

The vaccines don”t prevent Covid transmission per WH sources – Yet, Novak Djokovic, a 35-year-old athlete in excellent physical health, is being prevented from entering the US to compete in the upcoming US Open tennis tournament

Preparing For The Real Threat: The Ascendance of Globalism – Their agenda involves shutting down the productive economy (in the name of saving Mother Earth) and reducing the global population in the process

A House Agriculture Committee member wants Bill Gates to testify over his massive farm purchases – The Microsoft billionaire has bought thousands of acres of farmland across several states

Ivermectin vs. Paxlovid – This is how you know you are living in an upside-down world

The NIH accidentally unmasks an official who hid Chinese-submitted coronavirus data in March 2020 – The agency then asks a court to seal records related to the FOIA lawsuit that name the NIH “curator” 

July 21, 2022

Biden’s pathetic anti-crime package is an empty press release – His new $37 billion anti-crime plan is a grab-bag that wouldn’t help reduce crime

ABC, NBC, and CBS have given Hunter Biden a pass despite a federal probe into his tax affairs reportedly reaching a “critical stage” as corporate media organizations continue to look away from damning news related to the president’s son

Hunter Biden Was Involved in A Russian Deal to Sell Oil to China – The Biden family made millions when they aligned their financial interest with China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin

An Experiment in Chaos – Oregon’s decriminalization of drug possession is proving disastrous as Police in Portland report that all categories of crime jumped in reaction to Measure 110

The House Judiciary Committee Moves Forward On Assault Weapons Ban with Zero Republican Votes –  A crime to “import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon or large capacity magazine

The Biden administration’s “climate agenda” is a “hoax” that is designed to increase government control over Americans, according to Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow at the Energy and Environment Legal Institute

A National Farmers Group President Sends Warning to Biden: ‘We’re Heading for a Food Shortage’ – Farmers paid less than $400 per ton for fertilizer just a year ago, and now they are paying $1,100 per ton

The Next Big Government Scheme Is Taxing You for Every Mile You Drive – It’s an underhanded way to decrease your carbon footprint and Virginia is the latest state to initiate such a program, purely voluntary, of course … for the moment

Top-ranking Biden officials and five social media giants have 30 days to respond to subpoenas and discovery requests in a lawsuit alleging they colluded to suppress freedom of speech “under the guise of combatting misinformation”

Joe Biden, Hurricanes, and the Depleting Strategic Petroleum Reserve – House Republicans call for an SPR investigation

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: TrialSite News Truth Bombs – Pfizer and Moderna Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud Along With HHS Administrative State Collusion

Fight The Climate Change Hoax – The Global Oligarchy of Elites is now prioritizing Climate Change to create fear, and to continue their Covid-Hoax-Enabled control and Freedom restrictions

Guns and Grandpas We need a nation of decent law-abiding Americans who can control themselves as well as their aim – Once upon a time in America, young boys learned to shoot, brace yourselves snowflakes, at school. Yes, school

If Democrats suffer significant losses in November’s midterm elections — as widely expected — and Republicans take control of both the House and/or Senate, President Joe Biden will likely face impeachment proceedings by Republicans

Trump or DeSantis: Who Is the Man for the Times? – Trump did not slink away after the 2020 presidential election,  and as a result, he is even more powerful than he was before

Rasmussen Poll: Voters say ‘No’ to 2024 retreads, especially Hillary Clinton – Even those who almost won their party’s nomination are getting the cold shoulder, including Senators Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders

WSJ: The Heat Wave Sends Natural-Gas Prices Soaring – Futures have climbed 48% in July as power plants guzzle this fuel to keep air conditioners humming

WSJ: The House passed a bill that would protect access to contraception on a federal level, as Democrat lawmakers say they fear the recent Supreme Court Dobbs ruling

SCOTUS Ruling On Indiana Parental Notification For Abortion Law – Patients under 18 years old must notify a parent or guardian to get an abortion unless a juvenile court rules otherwise

Workers in the Red States Are Quitting Their Jobs at Higher Rates and That May Be a Good Sign – Employee quitting rates tend to be higher when workers are confident about finding another job, which demands a robust economy

Public education is as bad as, if not worse than, you’ve heard – If things have gotten too extreme for a declared leftist in a blue state then they have moved so far left that it is no longer anything approaching a functional educational entity

We, the people, want the truth! – In 2022, many questions hang over America with no answers, and the journalists who are supposed to bring us the facts refuse to investigate, even worse, they seem to want to keep the truth from us

Justice Won’t Be Served In SpyGate Without Durham Investigating More Human Sources – Rodney Joffe  deserves a close look, and it appears Stefan Halper and Christopher Steele received, as most, a glance in their directions

Saving the Planet, or Themselves? – The real danger lies in useless spending on climate change that will bankrupt societies and make it impossible for their people to protect themselves

California’s AB5 Regulation Triggered A Truck Driver Protest, Which the Supreme Court Refused To Review – The state is about to get the labor law it wants and deserves, along with the consequences, good and hard

Crap Economics – The current fertilizer crisis is as sure a sign as any that our overlords have no idea what they are doing

‘This Is Very Dangerous’: If You See Folded Money on the Floor Like This, Do Not Pick It Up—Here’s Why – The paper bills could be lethal envelopes carrying deadly fentanyl, which can kill with just one dose

Dr. Birx’s Book, Silent Invasion, Damages Trump and Disqualifies Pence – Not much reading between the lines is needed to realize that Birx and her task force buddies did everything they could to lie their way into a COVID-19 lockdown

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Scamdemic 2.0: BA.5 Is the “King” of Coronavirus Variants – While the most infectious of Covid variants, it is also considerably less deadly than the original Wuhan Covid strain

ZH: ECB Preview: Their First Rate Hike In 11 Years And Another Major Policy Mistake – Discussion will be over 25bps or 50bps

ZH: The Number Of Americans Filing For First-Time Unemployment Claims Soared To 251,000, an 8-Month-High Last Week – The highest since Nov 2021

Why The Labor Shortage Isn’t Going Away – There are multiple systemic reasons including demographics, the rigged economy, extremes of inequality, limits of technology, and lifestyle/health issues

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Want Their Old Fossil-Fuel Economy Back – 57% either said they disagreed with Biden’s policies and want more and cheaper energy

Most Americans Think The Economy Is Currently In A Recession – Believing the economy is in recession, they are taking steps to make do with their paychecks, which haven’t kept up with inflation

ZH: Occupancy is an engine for local economies – Unfortunately, There’s An Amazing Glut Of Office Space In Every Major Metro Area

Leftist Judges Rule Alex Jones May Not Discuss The 1st Amendment, Say He Is Innocent, or Claim The Court Case Rigged – Effectively, they ruled he is guilty before proven guilty and will instruct the jury to determine just how guilty he is

ZH: The White House is reporting that 79-year-old President Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 this morning – He is fully vaccinated, twice boosted, is experiencing very mild symptoms, and has begun taking Paxlovid

Forget Fake News, News Blackouts Are More Dangerous – Several conservative news and/or opinion websites have pointed out that the mainstream media has ignored important news events or details

Starbucks Faces Consequences of Wokeness – CEO Howard Schultz abdicates responsibility while accusing city Democrats of abdicating responsibility for his store closings

CA’s teacher shortage forced many school districts to hire teachers who aren’t fully credentialed or are teaching out of their subject areas – Many of them are teaching classes at schools with high percentages of low-income students

July 20, 2022

Wayne Allyn Root: These Things I Know To Be Truth – Get Ready for Liberal Heads to Explode

ZH: Congress Pushes Ahead with its Digital ID Effort – One application of digital ID that highlights how the technology could be used against citizens is highlighted in the EU’s recently passed Digital Services Act

The California EPA Asserts A Shockingly Broad Domain Over Private Property – Jared Blumenfeld, Secretary for Environmental Protection tells well owners they now must install meters and pay for the well water on the property

Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn commented on current university teacher education programs – Exposing the cronyism and professional incest that has emerged between university graduate programs and university bureaucracies

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is helping fund the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Science and Technology, assisting the brutal regime in its efforts to lure foreign scientists in to boost China’s scientific advancement

New details from Sunday’s mass shooting at a Greenwood, Indiana mall – Elisjsha Dicken fired at the Greenwood gunman from 40-50 yards away with his 9mm handgun, and hit him with the first shot, quickly followed by seven more

Mystery solved: The DOJ secretly thwarted the release of Russia documents declassified by Trump – They used last-minute privacy concerns to halt their release, then ignored a direct order from the president to make them public

The Hunter Biden probe reaches a ‘critical stage,’ as officials weigh possible charges – A source says officials are weighing possible charges for tax violations, foreign lobbying, and false statements

Biden’s Green Energy Future Relies Too Much On China’s Solar Boondoggle – The hoped-for transition to producing electricity from renewable sources can’t happen without cheap Asian-made solar panels being allowed into the US

Biden announces executive actions on ‘climate crisis – It includes $2.3 billion in funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program

GM Is Moving Their Electric Car Manufacturing Jobs to Mexico After Biden Praised Them Over Tesla

The UNs’ 2030 Agenda for sustainable development informs government policies to restrict farming and transform the food systems in different parts of the world – Instead of being independent nations, now we will all be interdependent

The “Russia collusion” case takes an abrupt turn – Halper’s lawyer told his client ‘may have made clear misstatements to the FBI’

Facebook May Have Your Medical Records – FB may be collecting sensitive health data in insidious ways, including tracking you when you’re on hospital websites and even when you’re in a personal, password-protected, health portal

Antibodies From Vaccines Interfering Instead of Neutralizing Because of Spike Protein Changes – The antibodies triggered by COVID-19 vaccines are interfering with people’s immune systems as newer virus variants emerge

Public Health Officials running the COVID circus have failed our country – Our government wants to sweep the whole stinking mess, that is rotting from the inside, under the rug and only question is, will they get away with it?

A lawsuit accuses the government of stonewalling because officials won’t release documents about potential conflicts of interest involving Christine Grady, chief of the NIH Department of Bioethics and wife of Dr. Anthony Fauci

What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You – Advisors to the CDC on Tuesday unanimously recommended Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine, claiming the unvaxxed are the product’s “primary target population”

JD Rucker: 4 Ways the Globalist Elites Are Ramping Up The Great Reset Ahead of Midterm Elections – Winning the midterms for Democrats is part of it, but there’s a bigger agenda at play

Sure, Ron DeSantis could beat Donald Trump in 2024 – Is Donald Trump’s lock on a third presidential nomination all that secure? Recent polling suggests the answer is no

Vote by Mail Expands in the East – States in the South and Midwest are making it harder to vote at home, while those in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic are making it easier

Election Heroes Are Stopping Fraudulent Voting – Democrat-leaning organizations run voter registration drives in edge communities, collecting identities they expect will never vote as placeholders later used by vote-harvesters

Post-Pandemic, a Strong Majority of Americans Favor a Constitutional Amendment That Further Limits Federal Government Spending and Control

The Judge In The Stefan Halper Case Drops A SpyGate Bombshell – Halper Likely Lied To The FBI On Purpose

Social media are showing signs of plans to turbo-charge the censoring of conservative voices — particularly ones who criticize Democrats — leading up to the midterm elections

Here’s the Proof the Squad’s Fake ‘Arrest’ at the SCOTUS Protest Was Staged – Ilhan Omar’s communications/strategy adviser Jeremy Slevin, also arrested with the Democrats, gave the game away before the arrests

Presidential emergency powers are a serious problem – News is coming out that Biden is planning to use emergency powers to promote abortion and to implement the “Build Back Bankrupt” agenda he cannot get through Congress

Democrats are using the latest heat wave to push Biden to declare a climate “emergency” so he can bypass the legislative branch because Joe Manchin won’t sign onto a bill that includes carbon emission mandates

The Bottom Is Falling Out for the Biden Administration – It has reached the point that Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon are now making jokes about Biden’s age and unpopularity

The Secret Service Texts That Would Prove The J6 Committee’s ‘Star Witness’ Lied About Trump’s Limo Driver Attack Have Disappeared

Kevin D. Williamson: The Dog Ate Their Accountability – From sea to shining sea, ‘delete, delete, delete’ has become standard operating procedure for government officials seeking to evade public scrutiny

Morning Consult/Politico Poll: 78 Percent of Voters Say Joe Biden’s America Is on the Wrong Track – A majority of voters believe he is unfit to be president and doubt his mental ability

At least 181 K-12 teachers, principals, and staff have been arrested for child sex crimes in the United States so far this year on a litany of charges, including sexually assaulting students and possessing child pornography

Bannon Makes A Major Statement During The Trial That Triggered His Prosecution – He did not ignore the subpoena but rather Bannon’s team was still in negotiations with the Jan. 6 committee, which was a surprise to many people

Gavin Newsom Measures the Drapes in the White House While Keeping California Under A State of Emergency – Newsom is hedging his bets, but he hasn’t ever been tested

ZH: Existing Home Sales In The US Plunge In June As Affordability Collapses – Analysts expected a decline of 1.1% MoM in June, but were severely wrong in magnitude as existing home sales slumped 5.4% MoM in June

Legislative Republicans called Tuesday for an independent state audit to find out “why the California DOJ briefly published the personal identifying information of 240,000+ concealed carry weapon license applicants late last month

Why Vaccinated People Are Getting COVID at Higher Rates Than The Unvaccinated? – This is an excellent summary of most things I have read from prominent experts on this subject over the last two years

Fraudulent Fauci Is Protected By His Wife! – The Cesspool for Conflicts of Interest That Is the NIH “No university, no IRB would allow an advisory committee to make decisions with all that conflict of interest”

The Vast Majority of CDC Workers Work Remotely – Of their approximately 12,679 full-time workers, 78 percent are either not working in person at all, or are only doing so part of the time

Rationalizing Transgender Sports – Whatever you choose as your explanation, the fact remains that empirically, in the trans domain, trans-women outperform cis women and trans-men do not outperform cis men

The Great American Doctor Shortage – As national health declines, this country is utterly failing to train new medical professionals – The doctor shortage is not only a matter of quantity but is also becoming a matter of quality

AR-15 and AK-47 rifle sales surge to 24 million – According to NSSF, it  is popular in part due to its “accuracy, reliability, modularity and low recoil.”

July 19, 2022

Gavin Newsom won’t save the Democrats – Reality will catch up with America’s Great White Hope as things have not been particularly good for the minority Californians he was voted in to look after

A panel in the Department of Homeland Security has issued a memo that essentially rebukes Joe Biden for his agenda to create a “Disinformation Governance Board” and impose its ideologies on Americans

Fauci Responds to Reports on Him Leaving And Says He’s ‘Not Going to Retire’ – He is going to step down from his current position

The CDC Blatantly Uses Weekly Reports to Spread COVID Disinformation – They were flawed to an extent suggesting more than mere incompetence or negligence, they were deliberate attempts by the CDC scientists to mislead the public

A New Study By The University of Southern California and the University of California–Davis Adds to The Growing Body of Evidence Suggesting Mask Mandates Are Ineffective

WSJ: Netflix Loses Nearly 1 Million Subscribers, But Vows Rebound – The streaming giant says the launch of an ad-supported tier along with a password-sharing crackdown will happen next year

WSJ: Ukraine Faces Difficulties Getting Western Weapons to the Front Lines – The country has been given multiple complex systems with not much in common

Authorities identified the three victims killed in an Indiana mall shooting Sunday, their disturbed killer, and the hero bystander who shot him dead and likely saved countless others from being gunned down

The Left’s Blackmailing of Biden has Unleashed National Chaos, Stagflation, and Systemic Uncertainty – Now we know what happens when a truly compromised president succumbs to extortion from both domestic and foreign interests

Joe Biden and Hunter’s Colombia connection – It’s hard to imagine a son traveling all around the world trading on his father’s name and position and the father not knowing a single thing about it as Joe Biden claims

As much as the media and Democratic leaders try to hide the issue, not only are most voters paying attention to first son Hunter Biden’s money scandals, but they believe Joe Biden cashed in and that they won’t face any charges

ZH: The place where Joe Biden face-planted into the concrete falling off his bike last month has been named ‘Brandon Falls’ on Google Maps

A federal court has granted a request by Missouri and Louisiana officials to obtain information and documents from top-ranking Biden officials over its alleged collusion with social media giants to censor and suppress free speech

Kari Lake Delivers Receipts Showing RINO Arizona GovernorDoug Ducey Is Doing the Swamp’s Bidding

Mike Pence Campaigns AGAINST Donald Trump And Kari Lake In Arizona, And Cheerleads For Establishment Candidate

The Blue-State War on Nuclear Power – The irrational and ideologically driven effort to decarbonize without using nuclear energy is a fool’s errand, but some countries are reconsidering

Democrats Won’t Wake Up To Their Self Destruction – We’re talking about people who always find new ways to believe that “true socialism has never been tried”

The Most Self-Destructive Force in the World – Those that pursue the green agenda impede human endeavor while doing next to nothing to impact global temperatures

A New York Supreme Court Judge ruled that Governor Kathy Hochul’s “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulations are unconstitutional, “violate NY State law and therefore are null, void and unenforceable as a matter of law”

After intense backlash from local bodega workers and city tabloids, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg dropped all charges against bodega clerk Jose Alba, who was acting in self-defense when he fatally stabbed a man who was attacking him

WSJ: The Twitter-Musk Trial is Set for October in The Lawsuit Over The Stalled $44 Billion Takeover – A Delaware Chancery Court judge grants the social-media platform’s request to fast-track the proceedings

Elon Musk Planning Countersuit As Way to Blow Up Twitter Deal – “The core dispute over false and spam accounts is fundamental to Twitter’s value”

National Security Concerns Mount as a Chinese Company Builds a Major Plant Near North Dakota Military Base – Why did they choose a location near a base that houses sensitive drone, satellite, and surveillance technology

Moderate Democrats will play a key role in the coming midterm election and very likely handle the U.S. House to the Republicans, according to analysts – The main reason for the rebelling moderates is President Joe Biden’s policies

The Great Reset Starts with Farms – Heads of state are embracing the World Economic Forum’s agricultural agenda. Will farmers be able to push back?

ZH: The Real Policy Error Is Expanding Debt And Calling It “Growth” – Waste is not growth, and neither is the unlimited expansion of debt and speculative bubbles

ZH: Nuclear fusion research has attracted more than $2.8 billion in new investment over the past year – The industry is quickly gaining traction as scientists hone in on breakthroughs

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Big Pharma is pushing legislation that would require premarket approval for dietary supplements – In short, this would require supplements — which are food — to undergo the same approval process as drugs

Sharyl Attkisson: Autism rate jumps more than 50% in 5 yrs: 1 in 30 US kids has autism – It estimated there was a 52 percent increase in ASD diagnoses among children and adolescents in the U.S. during 2017-2020

Colleen Huber NMD: The Tyranny Pilot Project At My Clinic?? – I know that doctors in California are losing their medical licenses for writing medical exemptions, but this is why I do not fear losing my Arizona medical license for writing them

The Epoch Times sought the names of employees on three CDC teams charged with analyzing data from VAERS, including a team that looks at data about post-vaccination heart inflammation – The CDC denied the request in full

Some activists and anthropologists are pushing those within the field to stop identifying human remains as male or female – They are suggesting scientists might not know how people identified themselves while they were alive

LA County will probably issue an indoor mask mandate by the end of the month – Officials say they’re just following the guidelines, but have no regard for freedom and refuse to acknowledge the data that show mask mandates are useless

Data Shows California Exodus Isn’t Subsiding, It’s Accelerating – The state that was by far the biggest draw of California residents was Texas, the destination for more than 7,500 California families during the four years in the study

July 18, 2022

Yes, Things Are Really As Bad As You’ve Heard – A Leftist Schoolteacher Struggles To Say Aloud the Things He Regularly Witnesses That Are So Outlandish They Sound Like They Were Made Up By Right-Wing Provocateurs

Nearly 400 officers were on site in Uvalde before a single person finally breached the school and took down the shooter who had barricaded himself inside. Their inaction resulted in the death of 19 children and two teachers

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is withholding records related to high-profile investigations, including the probe into President Joe Biden’s son, according to a new lawsuit

INVESTIGATION: Hunter Biden Frequently Met With Joe Biden After Foreign Business Meetings – Hunter”s calendar on his laptop revealed locations and dates of meetings and interactions with international leaders and businessmen

We Finally Know Who The Uvalde Police Chief Was Calling During The Shooting, And It Will Make You Sick to Your Stomach – Rather than send in the officers who were on standby he chose to negotiate with the gunman

Congress Can No Longer Hide Behind the EPA – Each branch of government must stay in its lane and consider some of the problems that occur when you treat CO2 as a pollutant

White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci revealed that after about five decades in the federal government, he’s planning on leaving his position by the end of President Joe Biden’s term

Dr. Deborah Birx admits she deceived Trump to push COVID measures – “I couldn’t do anything that would reveal my true intention”

The Borg of the Gargoyles – How the government, Big Tech, the financial community, and law enforcement converged into an all-knowing criminalization complex, and how to resist it

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that the ballot drop boxes used in the 2020 election were illegal and harmed Wisconsin voters – The media has spun the opinion as a mere change of rules concerning future elections

Kamala Harris and Governors Gavin Newsom and Jared Polis are among a group of Democrats who are making moves their associates say appear to be steps to prepare for a White House run if Joe Biden opts not to seek a second term

Truckers Lane: The U.S. Supreme Court Rejects The Plea from Trucking Companies – The Questions Surrounding California’s AB5 Law

The Progressives’ Carpet Bombing Of America – The push by the government for “equity” – the assurance of equal outcomes – may be the napalm of this campaign

Federal prosecutors drop charges against Colbert team members arrested at Capitol – They were invited by Congressional staffers to enter the building in each instance and were never asked to leave by the staffers

Dr. Toby Rogers: Trans messaging is too sophisticated to be the work of a small sexual minority dealing with severe health issues – It appears to me that someone else is driving these messaging campaigns, so the big question is who?

Oil Jumps After Biden Fails to Win Saudi Pledge to Pump More Crude

CNBC All-America Economic Survey: Biden’s economic approval rating is at 30%, a decline from April of 5 percentage points – When looking at the same survey from last summer, it stood at 42%

Sri Lanka Is Just The First To Topple In Globalists’ Green Energy House Of Cards – Riots, famines, societal collapse, and cultural invasion — the globalist agenda has created the perfect storm for national instability

Gallup: Confidence that TV and print media are delivering trustworthy news has plummeted to the lowest level in nearly 50 years – Those expressing “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in print news are 16% and just 11% for TV news

Is Liz Cheney toast? – A Casper Star-Tribune poll shows Cheney losing big with Hageman’s support at 52% and Cheney’s at 30%, with minor candidates or undecideds making up the rest of the total

A good guy with a gun stopped an armed bad guy on a murderous rampage – He began to shoot into the mall, killing three people and injuring two others. Fortunately, a 22-year-old man with a legal gun and a good eye killed the shooter

The Acting Police Chief During Uvalde School Shooting Has Been Placed on Leave After Report Details ‘Systemic’ Failures

Greg Abbott’s ‘publicity stunt’ busing illegals from Texas to Washington, D.C. … is working – The DC Mayor is effectively saying as she complains that she wants Texas to pay all the costs of illegal migration, instead of her city

Joe Biden uses $171M in taxpayer money to help illegal aliens break the law – The Soros-related organization arrangement lasts until March 2023 but can reach as high as $983 million if renewed until March 2027

Inflation Has Now Devoured All of Biden’s COVID ‘Rescue’ Checks – Despite repeated WH promises that it would not happen, the CPI shot up 8.3% in the first half of this year and June’s reading showed year-over-year inflation at 9.1%

The 2024 Horserace is Underway, Who are the Favorites? – A Siena College poll finds 64% of Democrats, not even waiting for the midterm election results, want their candidate in 2024 to be someone other than Biden

Green Energy Threatens Reliability of Texas, US Electric Grids – Why did energy-savvy Texas build an electric grid dependent on such unreliable energy sources? Renewable energy subsidies have totaled about $23 billion in Texas

ZH: Russia’s Gazprom Reportedly Declares Force Majeure, and Will Halt Gas Flows To Germany Indefinitely

ZH: The Countries Most Reliant On Nuclear Power – Germany’s nuclear share is the lowest on the list, last year hitting just below 12 percent of total electricity generation

“A How-To Guide in Using Covid To Subvert a Democratic Superpower from Within” – Multiple sources over the weekend dug into Birx’s new book and some common themes were uncovered

The Return Of Covid Fearmongering – How seriously should we take Long Covid?

ZH: As Mask Mandate Looms, LA Hospital Officials Mock The COVID “Media Hype” – Of those who are admitted, they’re 90% of the time not admitted due to Covid, and only 10% of our Covid-positive admissions are admitted due to Covid

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Pfizer Made Insane Profits From the Pandemic – Kaiser Health says the COVID-19 pandemic has been a real boon to Pfizer, not only in terms of profits but given unusual weight in determining U.S. health policy

Death by Vaccine – A massive increase in deaths reported to the VAERS – An increase so massive that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history

Monkeypox: What You Need to Know – At the moment unless you are a gay man with multiple anonymous or casual sexual partners, you are probably not at much risk

Women Don’t Matter – Former college athletes slam Lia Thomas’s NCAA nomination

Paul Harvey’s “If I Were the Devil” – Essentially, everything he mentions in this radio broadcast from 57 years ago has come to pass

July 17, 2022

NIH Emails Show Fauci’s Department Not Only Knew About Gain-of-Function but Raised the Alarm Years Before The Outbreak

Sharyl Attkisson: About 87% of 650 children tested had detectable levels of glyphosate in their urine, according to a new analysis by the CDC – Food was identified as the main route of exposure for the children, aged 18 and under

On the heels of Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid signing a joint declaration vowing to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, a senior Iranian official said the Islamic Republic already can make one

ZH: Destroying The Planet To Save Ukraine? – Before the West came to Ukraine’s defense, Ukraine was held in low regard by Europeans, viewed as a kleptocracy run by corrupt oligarchs with only the faintest hint of the rule of law

Joe Biden’s America: Trans Soldiers Are Given Special Privileges in the US Military While Christian Soldiers are Persecuted – The left continues its assault on our country, our culture, our history, and our way of life

A 77-page report released by the Texas state House of Representatives said there were systemic failures on behalf of some 400 enforcement officers who responded to the May 24 mass shooting at a school in Uvalde

Amid low morale fostered by “bad science,” frustrated and alarmed experts with the NIH, CDC and FDA are quitting, creating serious staffing shortages, reports Johns Hopkins University professor Dr. Marty Makary

INSIDE THE BIDEN FAMILY BUSINESS – Their business is corruption and the cover-up remains operative with reporters like Thompson and Tani, who don’t want to admit that 150 is one helluva lot of Suspicious Activity Reports

WSJ: Inflation Has Outpaced Wage Growth And Now It’s Cutting Into Spending – Sales are sluggish compared with how much prices have risen, except when it comes to dining out

WSJ: Federal Officials Are Preparing to Lift Interest Rates by Another 0.75 Percentage Point – Policy makers are leaning against a full-point increase despite the June inflation surge

The Biden and Democrats set to sharpen ‘ultra-MAGA’ attacks as a third Trump Presidential bid looms – Democrats are “desperately” looking for anything, or anyone, to distract the public from the “dismal” economy

KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON: Joe Manchin Didn’t Kill the Democrats’ Climate Agenda – The Democrats’ climate agenda is not on ice because of Joe Manchin it is on ice because it is not a very good agenda

It doesn’t cost $100 million to train 30 Ukrainian fighter pilots – Why do we need this extra $100 million on top of all the other funding headed their way?

COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Effectiveness Quickly Wanes – After 150-plus days, the effectiveness dropped to just 12 percent

WSJ: SIM Cards Are Going Away And That’s a Good Thing – Already popular in Europe and Asia, eSIMs let you connect to a wireless telephone network without a physical card

A 27-Year-Old Transgender Inmate Was Moved to Youth Facility After Impregnating Two Female Inmates at a Women’s Prison – Demi Minor, 27, is serving a 30-year sentence for manslaughter

July 16, 2022

The CDC Directs Kids To Secretive Online Chat Space To Explore Sex Change Operations, Polymorphous Relationships, Having Multiple Genders, and The Occult

Bowing Again to Manchin, Biden Tells Dems to Pass Pared-Down Economic Package Fast

Zogby Poll: The Democrat base abandons Biden – 64% of Democrats hope he doesn’t run for reelection and 94% of younger voters (a group he won by 24 percentage points in 2020) agree

ZH: Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China – Staple crops such as wheat are in poor condition and are in sharp decline among major exporters including Ukraine, the US, and India

ZH: These Are The Countries With The Highest Default Risk – Bloomberg’s Sovereign Debt Vulnerability Ranking is a composite measure of a country’s default risk and is based on four underlying metrics

Senator James Lankford: The Biden administration “not only doesn’t want to stop illegal immigration, they’re trying to accelerate this” –  “They’re not working to stop it but rather working to make it more efficient”

Roger Kimball: Regime Propaganda, Ray Epps, and the New York Times – To understand what the Times is up to, one needs to approach its stories as one would approach those emitted by the Soviet Union or other totalitarian regimes

The Words of the Woke: The woke’s impulse to control language stems from narcissism and insincerity – Almost anyone who writes on the topic of free speech today mentions George Orwell, and for the best of reasons

Former Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Rejects DOJ Plea Offer – Navarro had pleaded not guilty to two misdemeanor counts of contempt of Congress and refused to cooperate with the January 6 committee’s probe

Ted Cruz Finds Child-Sized Wristband at the Border and Unveils Cartel Scheme Enabled by Biden – The  bands are used by the different cartels to determine which of their human cargo is fully paid up and which still owes a debt

GLOBAL FREEDOM DAY 7/23/22 – People all over the world are having their Freedom destroyed by Government Actions establishing a New World Order, based on World Economic Forum principles and guidelines

ZH: A Major Study Confirms COVID Vaccines Alter Women’s Periods – 42% of women with regular menstrual cycles said they bled more heavily than usual after vaccination while 14% reported a lighter period

ZH: The Feds Pile Up Vaccine ‘Adverse Event’ Reports And Decry Scaremongering – Yet the VAERS database compiled more than 1.3 million “adverse events” running the gamut from mild to severe, including 29,000 deaths

Corey Digs: I Have Nothing To Hide – I once dreamt of having a beautiful home in the country, raising a few children, and living life to the fullest, but now I own nothing, and I’m happy as I have nothing left to hide

The Center for Organizational Research & Education: California has spent up to $500 million on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in its local government, K-12 school districts, and higher education between 2020 and 2022

JD Rucker: A Campaign Insider Claims Jill Biden Gave Joe Pills Before Public Appearances: He Was “Like a Child” Otherwise – Does this surprise anybody?

Why Should We Believe Biden? – Biden’s rhetoric feels performative as he recycles the standard lines not to state policy or rally public opinion but simply so he can move on to the next question

Joe ‘Mr. Magoo’ Biden: The Magoo cartoons were high-quality award-winning works – Biden’s presidency can be described by substituting “high-quality” with “low-quality” although “Cartoonish” may be an apt descriptor

The media, seeing a political opportunity, turn on Biden – The media collectively embraced activism, and the New York Times has led the way

The January 6 Committee’s Bid to Prove Trump Criminally Liable for Violence Falls Short – If anything, the panel has bolstered Trump’s defense rather than undermining it

Let’s Teach Joe Biden Why the Palestinians Are Not like the Irish – In simple terms, the Irish have almost nothing in common with the Palestinians — not in their history, not in their culture, and certainly not in their situation

ZH: Nancy Pelosi Urges Support Of $50 Billion ‘CHIPS’ Bill Hours After Disclosing $8 Million Nvidia Stake

Ivana Trump’s Death Determined to Be Accidental, Medical Examiner Says – Ivana Trump died Thursday due to blunt force trauma and injuries to her torso from a fall

Environmental Extremists Unleash Their Fury Against SUVs – The tree huggers are now becoming car-killers as the eco-extremist Tyre Extinguishers activist group struck in three cities across the country on July 3 and July 8

The New Batteries That Will Make You an Electric Car Believer – Sodium-ion batteries ignore temperature changes that bedevil current EV batteries, charge many times without degradation, naturally extinguish, and are not a toxic headache

San Francisco Pays $60K Per Tent Supporting Homeless and Crime – Their homeless can sleep in one of 260 tents, with three meals per day, security, and bathrooms provided 

Another Kamala staffer jumps ship – Her chief speechwriter, has jumped ship, and is getting the hell out after less than four months on the job

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Will 100 Million Die From Covid Injections by 2028? – Some think there may be nothing to be concerned about while others say we should be talking about billions dead from the jabs – It’s probably in between

July 15, 2022

Starbucks CEO Says Stores Are No Longer Safe in Democrat-run Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, L.A., and D.C. – They will close permanently six stores in Seattle, and six more in the Los Angeles area, along with two stores in Portland, etc.

Could a California labor law derail the supply chain? – On Monday, truckers are expected to protest AB 5 at the Port of Oakland, as they did Wednesday at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

Saudi Crown Prince MBS Laughs at Biden to His Face as He Begs for More Oil – Biden took a tour of humiliation in Saudi Arabia on Friday, as part of a Middle East trip that had earlier included stops with Israeli and Palestinian leaders

ZH: An unfavorable midterm election scenario is taking shape for Democrats as inflation and gas prices remain very high and left-wing news outlets begin turning on the Biden administration, according to analysts and pollsters

The Latest Poll Has Liz Cheney Down 22 Points in The Wyoming Race Against Trump-backed Challenger Harriet Hageman – Cheney is a top cheerleader for Pelosi and one of the top people running the January 6 Committee

John Solomon: There are now 21 confirmed illegalities and irregularities from the 2020 election that undercut the claims of bureaucrats, journalists, and Democrats that the November 2020 general election was flawless

Two Senators want answers from Milley about a plan to ‘usurp’ presidential power – They are waiting for Milley to answer questions about a report that charges he attempted to usurp control of the American government briefly from Trump

A new twist in J6 investigation: Missing Secret Service texts – The Secret Secret deleted its text messages from that time, after being asked for them

House Democrats push assault weapons ban – The bill makes it illegal for anyone to import, sell, manufacture, or transfer semi-automatic rifles with a detachable magazine or fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds

The Stealth Attack on ICE: The Left seeks abolition by other means, ex-agency boss warns – “They are abolishing ICE’s mission, making the agency ineffective,” said Tom Homan

WSJ: The House Passes Bills Protecting Abortion Access in First Votes After Supreme Court Ruling – The legislation is not expected to advance in Senate as House Democrats try to draw a contrast with Republicans ahead of the midterms

20% of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Are Related to Cardiac Disorders – VAERS data show 1,341,608 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,460 deaths and 243,466 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 8, 2022

A few years ago westerners touted the Chinese as the way to go and the example of world economic success – Today the country’s economy is falling apart in large part due to its dependence on the real estate sector

California’s AB 5 bans work by many independent contractors – The law has been brutal to independent truckers, forcing them either to work for someone else, to re-form their businesses completely, or quite impacting the supply chain

The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About The Massive Protests Going On Around The Globe – As of July 5, Carnegie had recorded protests of more than 120,000 people in France, 100,000 in Spain, 10,000 in Greece…

Former WH physician Ronny Jackson says that Joe Biden “won’t finish his term” because “his mind is too far gone” –  Jackson served as the personal physician to both Barack Obama and Donald Trump

Patrick Byrne on His December 2020 White House Meeting With Trump – Patrick Byrne met with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office on Dec. 18, 2020, to urge him to investigate allegations of election fraud

Mike Pence has got some explaining to do – Dr. Deborah Birx admits she sabotaged the Covid policies of President Trump and claims she did so with the tacit approval of then-VP Mike Pence, who was appointed the Covid point man

NOT THIS YEAR! – If there is any year for patriots to say, “Hell no, we won’t vote for House Never-Trump RINOs,” it’s the 2022 midterm election

Biden committed to providing hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to the Palestinians at a meeting with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on his Israel trip while reaffirming his commitment to the “two-state solution”

Manchin says he won’t support the climate and tax provisions in Schumer’s sweeping Democrat reconciliation bill

You’re Being Lied To! The Truth About Bidenflation And Its Consequences – The price shock is tanking Americans’ view of the economy and risks pushing the Fed into moving aggressively to cool inflation, possibly triggering a recession

ZH: Is Recession Imminent? Spending Is Fueled By Debt As Personal Savings Run Dry – The US personal savings rate is near a five-year low as pandemic fiscal stimulus savings run dry

ZH: Los Angeles Port Boss: Fix Rail Service Or Risk “Nationwide Logjam” – The Port of Los Angeles released record results for June on Wednesday,  Neighboring Port of Long Beach followed suit with its records later in the day

Tesla is asking its customers in Texas to avoid charging their electric vehicles during peak times to avoid putting added stress on Texas’ power grid as the state faces an ongoing heatwave

Confidence in Public Schools Crashes to 28% – That’s a drop of 13 points in only two years, down from a high of 62% in 1975

Homeschooling as a Safe Haven – Homeschooling is no longer a niche education alternative, but rather a sanctuary where children can learn math, science, English, and history without being sexualized

The DEA seizes million fentanyl-laced pills in record-breaking drug bust – The seizure is the largest ever made by the DEA in California, according to the agency

The new “988” federal number debuts across the country this weekend is an alternative to 911 for people experiencing mental health emergencies – Advocates say it makes it simpler for people to reach Suicide Prevention call centers

A judge in the Canadian province of Alberta has ruled that a woman did not have her rights violated when she was denied an organ transplant due to not being vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus

New Cases of Mental Disorders Emerged after Vaccination – So far, a total of 10 pieces of medical literature have reported cases of newly developed mental illness after the patients were inoculated with the COVID-19 jabs

July 14, 2022

While Guilty for Sex Trafficking, Ghislaine Maxwell Takes The Fall for The Alleged Sexual Blackmail Operation Run by Western Intelligence Agencies – So whatever happened to the tens of thousands of hours of videos seized by the FBI

WSJ: The 2022 Referendum on Crime – District-attorney primaries show that voters are fed up with left-wing prosecutors

Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana Trump, the mother of his three eldest children died on Thursday – She was 73 and her cause of death was not announced

A federal district court blocked the Biden administration from enforcing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate on thousands of U.S. Air Force service members who remain unvaccinated after having opposed the shot on religious grounds

RINO’s wanted Joe Biden and worked hard to get him, so they got Joe Biden – They claim to be Republicans, and now the results produced by all those Never Trumpers in the anti-Trump Republican Accountability PAC are in

What is Adam Schiff Hiding? – Schiff tucked an amendment into the National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit any evidence collected in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act from being used in investigations – Why?

The Electoral Count Act: A bipartisan group of U.S. senators is ‘very close’ to brokering a historic deal that would make it extremely difficult for Americans to challenge the results of contested elections

The Hidden Agenda Behind the NY Times’ Desperate Puff Piece on Ray Epps – It is important to note that the piece contains no explicit denial by Epps of association with military intelligence, DHS, JTTF, or any cutouts or intermediaries

Working Class and Hispanic Voters Are Losing Interest in the Party of Abortion, Gun Control, and the January 6th Hearings – White College-Educated Voters, On the Other Hand, Are Totally On Board

Austria’s Medical University of Innsbruck: Paxlovid “overuse in low-risk people can breed resistance and spawn new virus mutations”

Sharyl Attkisson: The Feds are withholding info about the deletion of Covid genetic data – The NIH has admitted in the lawsuit that it failed to meet deadlines required by FOIA in responding to Empower Oversight’s request

Coffins for Children Are Ordered in Bulk For The First Time in Over 30 Years – A Toronto-area casket manufacturer has seen a dramatic rise in orders for smaller-sized coffins since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

HERE WE GO AGAIN: Los Angeles County Enters CDC’s “High” Covid Alert  Stage – Mask Mandate Will Kick in On July 29

The WH Diversity Hire’s Utter Incompetence Highlights Identity Politics Failure – Karine Jean-Pierre is the most monumental failure at the podium in recorded history – Her answers baffle reporters, and even made colleagues wince

Trump on a 2024 White House bid: “I’ve already made that decision” – Trump’s third bid for the White House appears to be a matter of when, not if, according to multiple recent reports

AOC says Capitol Police were ‘opening the doors’ for Jan. 6 rioters – She tore into U.S. Capitol Police for failing to forestall the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, alleging some officers were sympathetic to the event

House Democrats Are Slammed for Passing ‘Orwellian’ Measure Regarding ‘White Supremacy’ in the Military – The Democrat-majority House of Representatives is expected to pass the NDAA this week

ZH: Initial Jobless Claims Soars To Highest Since Nov 2021 – 244,000 Americans filed for unemployment benefits for the first time last week, which is the highest since November 2021…

ZH: It Is Official: A Crash is Coming – The financial system is now screaming “RECESSION!” as the yield curve, which is perhaps the single best predictor of recessions in the world indicates

WSJ: People Have Money but Feel Glum, So What Does That Mean for The Economy? – Strong job market and savings have shielded consumer spending so far, but it is endangered by inflation that has some households running scared

Producer prices soared by 11.3% in June over a year ago as consumers continue to struggle with skyrocketing prices for just about everything

China Urges World to Disregard Protesters Storming Banks for Cash – Roughly 1,000 people in Zhengzhou, China demanded several rural banks release millions of dollars of deposits after unceremoniously freezing them in April

China’s Global Times described Joe Biden’s visit to the Middle East on Wednesday as an attempt to go “cap in hand” asking Gulf states to produce more oil, a mockery of Biden’s inability to harness his leadership to lower fuel prices

China is set to report a grim second-quarter economic performance on Friday, adding to concerns about the prospect of a global recession, after coronavirus lockdowns in major cities hobbled trade and daily life

Cataloging Biden’s Ineptitude On Inflation – Here is a handy chart showing the annualized rate of inflation each month since January 2020

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on July 13 said he’d favor former President Donald Trump over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis if both run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024

Joe Biden’s embarrassing first day in Israel – Catching his gaffes, blunders, dementia, and lies can be amusing but it’s extremely disturbing that the man at the head of the American government is a demented liar who gets worse every day

Gas-Station Owners Aren’t the Enemy – Biden’s demagogic attacks on retailers betray a fundamental misunderstanding of the gas market — and of price changes more generally

Biden Begs The Middle East Nation To Give Us Oil After He Throttled U.S. Energy – The trip represents an about-face from the president who campaigned in 2019 on making the Saudi state out to be the pariah that they are

Twelve Serious Questions Regarding Happenings Over The Next Twelve Months – #4. When will President Biden pardon his son Hunter?

The Trucker Convoy Protest Against AB5 Causes Traffic Jam at a Crucial Port – The law, backed by labor unions, sought to reclassify many independent contractors as employees and resulted in many workers seeing their hours cut or laid off

The Party of Violence – Democrats are openly the party of violence and death – Their policies fail so they must advocate violence to get them implemented

HISPANIC VOTERS ON THE MOVE – Shifts in the demographics of the two parties’ supporters — taking place before our eyes are arguably the biggest political story of our time

Flashback: Zuckerberg Warned That Covid-19 Jabs Are “Experimental” and “Unproven” – The concerns that he expressed back then are the concerns that users are not allowed to express now, lest they get banned

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Why is USG rewriting the history of the mRNA vaccines? – State-sponsored media and the US Government is erasing the Covid vaccine inventors from history

New York Supreme Court: The New York COVID-19 Quarantine Rules Are Unconstitutional and Illegal

Birth Rates Drop Post Vaccine as the WHO’s goal is coming to fruition – New data show steep declines in births, so people who hope to have children should avoid the vaccine magic juice when it has already been shown to be toxic

Should NATO Admit Sweden and Finland? – Putin’s war on Ukraine has changed the debate about Sweden and Finland’s potential admission to NATO

July 13, 2022

China uses AI to ‘improve’ courts with JUDGES forced to submit a written explanation to the MACHINE if they disagree – China has been developing a ‘smart court’ system since at least 2016

Police in San Jose, CA, found an underground homeless encampment with rifles and thousands of dollars worth of stolen goods – The shelter was in Coyote Creek and Wool Creek Drive according to the San Jose Police Department

9.1 Percent Inflation Is the Bill for Trashing Our Currency – Government greed did this

Ship of Fools: 62 Percent of Biden Officials Who Handle Economic Policy Have Zero Years Business Experience Per Report by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity

Just 18% of Americans say President Biden should run for reelection in 2024, according to the latest Yahoo News/YouGov poll — This is the lowest number to date as nearly two-thirds (64%) say he should bow out

Biden’s cognitive decline, happening right before our eyes as he shuffles along, struggles to read teleprompters, and regularly makes gaffes or utters incoherent sentences, has drawn scrutiny to Washington’s cadre of aging lawmakers

Victor Davis Hanson: Gavin Newsom’s Weird Idea of ‘Freedom’ – Newsom resembles a pathetic owner of a once successful but now run-down, high-priced gas station without clients

Dov Fischer: On the Wisdom and Sensitivity of Dr. Jill Biden and Dear Uncle Joe – They have a history of comments and decisions rooted in a racist worldview

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans See The Jan. 6 Hearings As Politically Biased And Anti-Trump – The makeup of the committee has come in for ridicule since the two GOP members of the nine-member panel were handpicked by the Democrats

‘This Defies All Belief’: House Dems Block Measure Increasing Penalties for Child Sex Traffickers – They appear to be unconcerned about the optics of shutting down efforts to increase penalties for child sex traffickers in an election year

Biden May Choose Salmon Above Americans Which Will Jeopardize Power Supplies in the Pacific Northwest – And worsen the supply chain crisis

Dutch Dairy Farmer Faces Having to Cull 95 Percent of his Cows – People living further from areas protected under Natura 2000, a European Union (EU) agreement for species and habitat preservation, can own more cattle

Republicans Are Favored to Win the Senate – Republicans need to net just one seat to win control of the Senate

JD Rucker: The Monster Who Raped the 10-Year-Old Ohio Girl Is an Illegal Alien – Now Watch the Story Vanish While leftists demonically cheer about the news there was a 10-year-old girl who was raped

The DEI Regime of Corporate America – Every Fortune 100 company has now adopted “diversity, equity, and inclusion” programming

A federal court has granted the request of two attorneys general for discovery and documents from top Biden officials and social media honchos so they can get to the bottom of their collusion efforts to suppress and censor free speech

Mexico’s President Urges Americans To Buy Cheaper Gas Across The Border During WH Visit – But even if gas is considerably cheaper than in the US, crossing the border to fill your gas tank isn’t as practical as it might seem

Speaking during a Fox News interview, Fauci said “one of the things that’s clear from the data [is] that … vaccines—because of the high degree of transmissibility of this virus—don’t protect overly well, as it were, against infection”

At least 260,000 American troops — or about 13 percent of the 2.1 million total force — are not fully vaccinated despite a Biden administration vaccine mandate for the military, and many of them could face discharge

The Woke Democratization of Monkeypox – Public-health bureaucrats again favor waging PC campaigns over informing and protecting those at risk – Early data suggest that men who have sex with men make up a high number of cases

ZH: US Consumer Prices Soared In June As Americans’ Real Wages Fall For 15th Straight Month – The CPI soared 9.1% YoY (vs 8.8% expected and 8.6% prior)

WSJ: U.S. Inflation Hits New Four-Decade High of 9.1% – Prices are up broadly across the economy, with gasoline far outpacing other categories

ZH: The US Bureau Says “Leaked” 10.2% CPI Report Was Fake, So Here’s What To Expect – The US CPI report will be the main highlight tomorrow, and will also serve as what JPMorgan calls a “market clearing event”

Why It Has To Be Trump In 2024 – Dick Morris, an American political author, commentator, former pollster, and political campaign consultant, gives 4 main reasons for this

The January 6 Committee Avoids Probing Security Failures As Their Hearing Finally Covers The Capitol Riot – Why is the committee soliciting testimony from former D.C. government employees instead of the Capitol Police Intelligence Unit?

Here’s who will lead House investigations of Biden if Republicans win the majority and their likely targets

Tucker Carlson’s latest on Green Energy is mandatory viewing – Biden has unchallenged executive powers and the EPA has unlimited regulatory power as the Democrats are relentlessly clamping down on our available energy supplies

Kevin D. Williamson: The (Political) Assassination of Joe Biden – Progressives that believe Joe Biden is the Democrats’ problem are fooling themselves

The Biden Administration’s New HHS Guidance Shoehorns Unfettered Abortion Into Existing Law – Their sleight-of-hand is telling to those well-versed in the rhetoric of abortion apologists

Proxy advisors are at the root of misleading ESG claims – It originated so corporations could show they are responsible actors, but now functions as a credit score where those who don”t play the game are denied access to investor capital

No wonder Americans are so confused when the media intentionally lies while burying truthful stories – Here are some of the lies the media intentionally spreads as they push the leftist agenda and seek to destroy anyone who gets in their way

Pew Research: Most liberal reporters OK with news bias – Asked about equal coverage for all sides, 69% said that “it is not always deserved”

The New SF DA Brooke Jenkins Announces Large Reversal of Boudin Policies Over Drug Arrests  – The City to once again crack down hard on drug dealers

Biden’s million-dollar salary gal, Pamela Karlan, exits the DoJ one step ahead of a FOIA release – It seems the Biden administration has figured out a way to make “sacrifices” something just the little guy does

Biden’s Energy Department Drag Queen Gets A Top Secret Q Clearance Alongside A Six-Figure Government Salary –  SAM BRINTON IS AMONGST THE TOP ONE PERCENT OF EARNERS ON THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PAYROLL

The LA County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal to give themselves the power to remove law-and-order Sheriff Alex Villanueva from office – He refused to enforce Covid mask mandates and would not enforce their vaccine mandates

The WHO has reconfirmed its status as a politically driven globalist body by officially stating that there are more than two biological genders and intends to update its “widely-used gender mainstreaming manual”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Dutch Farmers Rise Up Against Food System “Reset” – The decision to decimate cattle farming in the name of environmental protection rings hollow in the face of looming food shortages and potential famine worldwide

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Is Paxlovid Triggering Covid Mutations? – The drug that has been touted by Anthony Fauci and others may not only be ineffective. It may make people sicker, and even worse it may be helping Covid mutate

Happy 80th birthday, Harrison Ford – On his 80th birthday, let’s revisit some of Harrison Ford’s underrated films, in no particular order of importance

July 12, 2022

Taxes will go up for millions of lower- and middle-income taxpayers under the House Democrats’ version of Biden’s Build Back Better plan, according to two new analyses by the non-partisan professional staff of the congressional JCT

The Video Footage Is Finally Released from The Uvalde Shooting And It Shows Exactly What Officers Did

Three Illuminating Quotes About the War in Ukraine – From the earliest days of the invasion it was clear that the western world was being smashed with a deluge of propaganda unlike anything we’ve ever seen before

ZH: Why All The Attacks On Dissent? – It’s not just alternative media sites like ZeroHedge or Mercola. Mainstream media turns on their people the second they ask the wrong questions

The ‘Chekhov’s Gun’ of Political Intimidation – Having brought the weapon of political intimidation onto the stage, the Left intends to use it at every turn. Groups like Shutdown D.C. and Ruth Sent Us are just the latest examples

Twitter sues Elon Musk over his attempt to back out of $44 billion deal – The legal battle has officially begun

Joe Biden is bragging about the “record” number of foreign visa workers his administration has brought to the United States to compete for working and middle-class jobs against unemployed Americans

Liz Cheney Epitomizes Never Trumpers’ Betrayal Of Our Nation – Like the rest of the Never Trumpers, Cheney’s campaign is about destroying the GOP, not ‘saving’ it

Democrats Prepare a Mid-Term October Surprise to Influence the Election – Before the 2020 election, Democrats used the threat of COVID as an excuse to push through election law changes in a variety of states, will this happen again?

It Doesn’t Start With Guns – Our country’s problem with violence is much deeper, so if you want to bring civility into our public places, you can start with our culture. Clean it up

ZH: London’s Heathrow Airport asked airlines to stop selling summer tickets as travel chaos worsens amid severe staffing shortages – The new limit will be 100k daily passengers meaning 4k passengers will be cut from flights daily

Dr. Robert Malone warns of immune imprinting after Fauci pushes for second COVID-19 vaccine boosters for all Americans aged 5 and older – “I couldn’t design a vaccine if I wanted to, to be more likely to drive immune imprinting”

Joe Biden’s director of the Centers for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, has unleashed a new demand – for seniors to get their second booster shot against COVID-19 “right away”

Our Future Is At Stake: The Climate Agenda’s True Power & Supreme Court Ruling on EPA – The Case Against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a Nutshell

Small business sentiment plunges to a 48-year low as inflation worries mount – 34% of small business owners said rising prices are their single most important problem

ZH: The Euro Tumbles To Dollar Parity For First Time Since 2002 – The weakness of this single currency reflects concerns over European gas supplies from Russia and an economic slowdown

ZH: China And Russia Want To Replace US Dollar With BRICS Currencies – BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, they held a summit on June 23

Meet Joe Biden: The New 1968 Lyndon Johnson – Once again, a once-popular Democrat president whom Democrats loved because, if nothing else, he was not Trump, is in increasing trouble with his party and their media allies

Use the RICO Act to get to the bottom of Seth Rich’s Murder – The DNC refused to give the FBI physical access to their servers. Why? Instead, CrowdStrike was hired by the DNC to do the forensic investigation of the servers

The Jan. 6 Committee is abusing its power by asking inappropriate questions about Americans’ beliefs and associates, and publicly portraying witnesses who exercise their Fifth Amendment rights as guilty — all to put on a show trial

In October 2021, 67% of Republicans said Donald Trump “should run” for president again in 2024, and today, 66% say the same – To put it another way, the Rigged Kangaroo Court Known As The January 6 Committee, is a total flop

Gallup Poll: Trust In The Media Hits A Historic Low – The criminal justice system and banks are more trusted than the media at this point

Democrats would abolish SCOTUS – A new Rasmussen Reports survey found that 39% of Democrats would let the U.N. reverse SCOTUS decisions it viewed as human rights violations. A Roe vs. Wade reversal could fall into that category

The Global Warming Golden Goose – In his farewell address, President Eisenhower warned against the scientific-technological elite being dependent upon government grants and feared they would warp public policy for their benefit

The global warming fraud is revealed in a single graph that compares the predicted temperatures of the global warming models with the actual temperature record

ZH: Two months ago Biden read off of a teleprompter: “We’ve built a strong economy with a strong job market” – Two months later, cash-strapped Americans are using micro-loans to afford gas and groceries amid crippling inflation

Tucker Carlson: Forget the hookers and crack and focus on the first family selling us out to China – This is damning material, but nobody in law enforcement seems to care – Will “the Big Guy” ever be held to account?

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Says What the Rest of Us Have Been Thinking About Blackmailed Beijing Biden

Democrats Want To Dump Biden, But They Have A Problem; A Major Problem, And It’s Related To His Replacement

There Is No Despot So Tyrannical As A Green Politician – These political officials don’t care about the effects of their tyranny because they are so dedicated to demonstrating before the world their great green credentials

The girlfriend of a thug who was stabbed to death by a New York City bodega worker he was attacking WON’T face charges for knifing him three times because “prosecutors say she was defending her beau”

Sacramento Homeless Grows As City/County Spend Million$ More on Accommodating Them – “If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it”

Twenty Questions For Your Favorite Leftists That They Will Never Answer? – #5. Why are all your gun laws aimed at law-abiding citizens rather than criminals?

Jill Biden spoke at a Latinx IncluXion Luncheon in San Antonio yesterday – Relating the diversity of the community as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as breakfast tacos didn’t go over well

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Update regarding Omicron BA.5 – Why is Dr. Anthony Fauci and the HHS Administrative State So Wound Up about Boosters?

Dr. Joseph Mercola: How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You – One of the ways masks cause harm can be attributed to the “Foegen effect”

Amazon Threatens Local Restaurants – Amazon’s new partnership with GrubHub to provide free delivery for “Prime” members will make it harder for small restaurants to compete with deep-pocketed chains

July 11, 2022

Hunter Biden’s payments to a Ukrainian woman linked to an Eastern European escort ring were flagged by JPMorgan Chase in late 2018 and early 2019 in a report filed with the federal government, according to a new report

JD Rucker: The Planned Demolition of the Biden Regime Is Happening in Real-Time  – If we look at the big picture things are not going well at all for them

Political Analyst Dick Morris makes stunning 2024 prediction for Trump – “He has never, for a moment, taken his eye off the ball” – “He will be the Republican nominee and he will win”

As Whitmer Plays the Victim, the DOJ Moves to Conceal More Evidence – It appears that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and possibly one of her top advisors, were accomplices, not innocents, in a “foiled” kidnapping plot

Top ‘7 whoppers’ that have come from Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 committee – The Democrats’ political agenda ‘has showcased numerous false allegations’

The January 6 Trial Is Blown Wide Open By An FBI Informant Who Proved The Proud Boys Are Innocent – Exculpatory evidence proves the DOJ was aware that a group of Indicted Proud Boys were innocent, yet being prosecuted anyway

Oath Keepers founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes III challenges the Jan. 6 Committee to let him testify on a live broadcast so he can pit the truth as he sees it against the committee’s “pack of lies – Public televised testimony is the only condition

Newly obtained emails confirm that the CDC changed its definition for both “vaccine” and “vaccinated” because people were pointing out that definitions did not seem to apply to the COVID-19 vaccines

The  U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday granted full approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents 12 through 15 years old

“We Didn’t Make It For The Critics” – The Author Of “The Terminal List” Responds To ‘Triggered’ Critics Trashing The New Chris Pratt Series

ZH: The  WaPo and NYT Go For Biden Blood In a Scathing Moment Of Honesty – Over the past month or so, mainstream media has overtly abandoned  Biden – the man they relentlessly shilled for during the 2020 election

The January 6 Committee’s Gamesmanship on Cipollone’s Testimony – The January 6 committee publicly presents only what it wants you to hear, not everything it is learning

World Economic Forum: Gas Prices Must Go Even Higher to Save Democracy – The WEF released a position paper Monday that inexorably links two claimed global crises as one – “climate change” and the “decline of democracy”

Flight prices are set to rise even further as fuel prices continue to soar, Willie Walsh, director-general of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), has warned

Many of the top jurists in our country care no more about election integrity than the Democrat politicians trying to sell the myth that the 2020 election was spectacularly safe and error-free

The Biden Regime and Feds are Buying Cell Phone Location Data on Millions of Americans From Brokers – The Same Type of Data Used by ‘2000 Mules’ Investigators – Little is known about the specifics of how this data is being used

GOP Lawmakers Blast Return Of Swampy ‘Slush Fund’ Settlements Under Biden’s DOJ – The White House plans to revive “slush fund” settlements, wherein federal agencies redirect taxpayer dollars to third-party interest groups

We Finally Have A Guilty Verdict In The Migrant Whipping Story But It Isn’t Border Patrol, It’s The Media – The media that lied to cover up Biden’s border crisis

Do Democrats have any comprehension of how intentionally destructive their energy policies are, or do they care at all? – These are just some of the things that make absolutely no sense at all

The Second Great Inflation – When Biden announced his plan, economists and prominent Democrat ex-officials strongly warned that implementing his program would have inflationary consequences, but the administration ignored them

Look Deeper, And The Jobs News Under Biden Sucks – The unemployment rate tracks only those who are looking for work or who have a job

The Age of Donald Trump – He has as much clout today in America that only the most notable presidents in American history have ever seen and could become a seminal figure in American history on a par with Washington and Lincoln

Left-wing activist group ShutDownDC put out a call on Twitter offering $50 & $200 bounties for information relating to sightings of justices Roberts, Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, and Barrett

How To Recognize Civilization When You See It – We are living in an age when civilization itself is under attack — or at least Western civilization, which has made the fruitful lives we lead today possible

Turning Point USA, an advocate for conservative values in high schools & colleges, took a chance on expanding during the COVID-19 shutdowns, and it paid off as donations, revenues, and influence jumped, according to their financials

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Systemic Harms to our Children – On protecting our youngest peoples from our government – Face masks disrupt holistic processing and face perception in school-age children

The Covid Vaccines and Infertility – Why are birth rates plummeting in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, and Taiwan — nine months after mass covid vaccination?

July 10, 2022

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda – The World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation

CIVIQS Poll: Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks to Historic Low of 29 Percent – Five presidents have sunk into the 20s; Harry Truman (22%), Richard Nixon (24%), Jimmy Carter (28%), George H.W. Bush (29%), George W. Bush (25%)

The U.S. Department of Energy is sued over Biden’s ‘political’ oil-reserve releases – The SPR was created for real emergencies, “not falling poll numbers caused by failed energy policy”

Transgender, Black, and Homeless Voters All Say They Regret Voting For Biden – Many feel he is exploiting their identities, playing on sympathies, manipulating talking points, and ignoring real problems

It has been roughly four months since Russia invaded Ukraine – The United States has spent more money keeping Russia at bay than it did in the first five years of the Afghan conflict

Steve Bannon Tells The January 6 Committee He Will Waive Executive Privilege, But Wants to Testify in Public

Elon Musk responds with laughing meme to the Twitter lawsuit over broken buyout – Twitter has reportedly retained lawyers to sue Elon Musk for moving to drop his $44 billion takeover of the company

Dov Fischer: Abortion Sounds So Much More Soothing Than ‘Infanticide’ – Of course women have bodily rights

The recall L.A. County DA George Gascon effort hit a huge milestone as the L.A. County Registrar-Recorder confirmed the collection of 715,833 signatures, far more than the 500,000 required to put the matter on the November ballot

The U.S. has passed what’s become a critical EV tipping point – 5 percent of new car sales powered only by electricity. This threshold signals the start of mass EV adoption, the period when technological preferences rapidly flip

Anatomy of a Vile Bit of Propaganda – The story of a 10-year-old who was raped and had to travel to Indiana from Ohio to get an abortion was highlighted in multiple media everywhere and used to discredit the Supreme Court justices

One week’s headlines reveal deep and pervasive dysfunction in American culture – They revealed some of what has gone dangerously wrong in American culture

A retired general is under investigation for insulting Jill Biden – What’s fascinating is the difference in how the Pentagon treats Volesky and what past retired Generals and Admirals have gotten away with when the president was Trump

ZH: Asked to assess public health recommendations aimed at limiting Covid-19 spread, only about half of Americans now think masks and vaccines have been very effective or extremely effective, according to a Pew Research poll

July 9, 2022

The DHS anticipates as many as 161,000 children coming across the border without a parent or guardian this year, surpassing last year’s record, according to federal data obtained by the Washington Examiner

Washington Post fact-checkers are unable to verify the abortion story Biden has been telling about a 10-year-old needing an abortion and having to travel across state lines to get it

The Trumped Up J6 Hearings Pump Trump Up – If Trump is the candidate, Americans will vote for him not despite January 6, but in part because of it—especially the deep-state response to it

The short-lived “Disinformation Governance Board” reminds us that DC is now dangerously out of touch – In 1964 as many as 77 percent of Americans trusted the federal government to do the right thing almost always or most of the time

Joe Biden Signs Emergency Executive Order On Abortions – He is directing his staff to convene volunteer lawyers to provide women and providers with pro bono legal assistance to help them navigate new state restrictions 

JD Rucker: DC Has Spent More on Ukraine This Year Than the First 5 YEARS of the War in Afghanistan – There’s a difference between supporting the Ukrainian people and wasting taxpayer dollars to fuel corruption and a lost cause

The Economist Who Correctly Predicted Inflation Is Now Predicting More to Come – Based on their calculation, economists expect inflation to continue, though somewhat diminished, for perhaps two more years

Why Exactly Do Babies and Toddlers Need COVID Vaccinations? – The clinical trials did not prove the injections are safe and effective for babies and toddlers, In fact, quite the contrary

Uptake of COVID-19 vaccines has been low so far in young children, with a small fraction of those newly eligible for a vaccine receiving one, according to new data

U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine advisory panel member: It ‘Felt Like the Fix Was In’ Before FDA Panel Voted to Reformulate COVID Booster Shots

The protection against severe illness from so-called natural immunity remains superior to the protection bestowed by COVID-19 vaccines, according to a new study

Ten Times the White House Refused to Answer Questions About Hunter Biden –  Biden and his staff refuse to answer any questions about Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business dealings and information found in his abandoned laptop

Democrats position themselves to primary Biden in 2024 – Several top Democratic politicians are positioning themselves for the 2024 election

Jobs data show two post-COVID Americas – Democratic states have yet to recover the jobs they lost in the pandemic, yet states that voted for Trump in 2020 have recovered every lost job and added almost half a million besides

Read Elon Musk’s Letter to Twitter Calling Off $44 Billion Buyout – “Twitter has not complied with its contractual obligations, Musk has sought the data on the prevalence of fake or spam accounts on Twitter’s platform”

‘The Purge Is Coming’: Twittersphere Explodes After Elon Musk Tanks $44 Billion Deal

Is the EU driving the first nails into the Green Energy coffin? – Suddenly, Europeans realized that, just as Trump had said, they had made a terrible mistake when they closed down their coal plants and relied on Russia for their energy

Dr. Joseph Mercola: If you think Blackstone & BlackRock are just greedy, think again – They manage enough resources to make money regardless of where the economy goes, their goal is to control, and they’re pushing The Great Reset

Critical race theory, transgenderism, and ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ are destroying our military – Military recruitment in the US is way down at the same time as the Biden Administration is driving out their so-called “White supremacists”

Trans Skepticism Goes Mainstream – American liberals are now increasingly willing to speak out against transgender orthodoxy

And We Remain Silent – This Harvard student condemns Anti-Americanism in her senior speech

Studies Show Americans Were In Even Worse Health Than We Thought Going Into COVID – Only 1 in 5 U.S. residents had ‘optimal heart health and just 1 in 7 had ‘good cardiometabolic health


July 8, 2022

Representative Gohmert: ‘Violations of American Rights’ of Jan. 6 Prisoners ‘Mind Blowing’ – “It’s about vengeance. It’s about intimidation and the tactics that we’ve been seeing from this DOJ and the disregard for rights…”

Everything You Need to Know About Abortion Laws In All 50 States – Abortion laws are rapidly changing across the U.S.

Being “dad deprived” is a leading factor in males’ increased mental illness, addiction, and suicide – Evidence includes mass shootings in 53 developed countries to boys and men who lacked a father figure

ZH: A Biden Communications Staffer Lies About His Extremely ‘Senior Moment’ With The Teleprompter – Then White House Lies Too

The Media Pushes the Lie That Women Will Be Prosecuted for Having Abortions – It’s a deceitful political ploy to rile up anger and fear

Trump in 2024? You Can Bet On It! – After another two years of the current disaster, people will be begging for someone to get things back to normal, and that someone will be Donald Trump

U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals: Joe Biden’s administration cannot ignore federal law that says authorities must arrest, detain, and remove illegal aliens convicted of certain crimes and/or aliens who are ordered deported

The first Russian ‘doomsday’ submarine, armed with underwater nuclear drones, was put into active service in a ceremony Friday in the northern Russian city of Severodvinsk, the headquarters of their Northern Fleet

Why Ukrainian Refugees Are Different From Third-World Migrants – The reception accorded Ukrainian refugees cannot become the template for all migrants

ZH: China Holds War Drills Around Taiwan “Directed” At A US Senator’s Visit – China’s Defense Ministry, “China firmly opposes the visit by a US senator which severely damages the relationship of the two countries and two militaries”

Justice Kavanaugh forced to leave steakhouse after leftist ShutDownDC group protests outside – The protesters received a tip that Justice Kavanaugh was dining out at Morton’s

Call Your Local “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” Council What it Is: The Commie Thought Police

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has filed to exit from his multi-billion-dollar deal with Twitter over concerns about its spam bots, a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing shows – Twitter will sue

Twitter Is in SERIOUS TROUBLE – Filing Materially Inaccurate Representations with the SEC Could Be Entity Ending

70,000 Self-Employed Truckers in California Face Shutdown – A new statewide worker classification law designating them as employees will impact the supply chain in a bad way

The numbers are in and red states are winning – People are moving away from California and into Florida and Texas

Two Prominent senators who have investigated Hunter Biden’s various international business schemes for months are demanding that the DOJ investigate whether he financed a “prostitution or human trafficking ring” that is tied to Russia

Joe Biden to Sign Major Abortion Executive Order Amid Pressure from the Left – His administration said the executive order would be “safeguarding access to reproductive health care services, including abortion and contraception”

The US FDA Allows Pharmacists to Prescribe Pfizer’s COVID-19 Pill Paxlovid – It was cleared for use and free in the US since December, but fewer than half of the nearly 4 million courses distributed to pharmacies have been administered

Here We Go Again: The New “Ninja” COVID Variant Is “The Most Dangerous One Yet” – The reality is that people who have gotten three and four shots are the ones filling up the hospitals because unvaccinated people don’t get that sick

A 16-Year-Old High School Student Rescues 3 Drowning Teens and 1 Cop as a Car Sinks, After Saying “I Can’t Let None of These Folks Die”

A Couple Towed A Trailer Behind Their $80,000 Electric Truck And Had to Stop Every 100 Miles on Their 2,700-Mile Trip

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated in a shooting while giving a speech on a street in Nara in western Japan Friday – The suspect reportedly told police that he was dissatisfied with him and wanted to kill him

Biden did not weigh in with a response until nearly half a day after he was shot and then hijacks the assassination of Shinzo Abe to lament “gun violence”

A conservative legal group has filed an unprecedented 11 Freedom of Information Act lawsuits claiming that President Joe Biden and his staff are hiding their “woke Marxist agenda” and the impact it will have on the nation

A big story the mainstream media doesn’t want to tell you about – Illegal alien invaders planned a July 4 terror attack with assault weapons…  Why isn’t this big news?

The Biden administration sold roughly 1 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese state-controlled gas giant which Hunter Biden had a stake in as recently as 2015

The Inevitable Fed-Induced Recession – As the Federal Reserve continues to tighten rates in response to inflation, it seems that we may already be in the midst of a recession

Gallup Poll: Confidence in American Institutions Plummets – Congress calls half of the country deplorable insurrectionists and runs social engineering experiments only deranged and misguided atheists would approve of

McConnell’s Disastrous Culture War Surrender Is Wrong On The Year, Issues, And The Nature Of The Fight – His goal is to “downplay contentious issues on which suburban voters may be more sympathetic to Democrats”

ZH: Wall Street Stunned As June Payrolls Unexpectedly Smash Expectations As The Labor Force Shrinks And The Household Survey Tumbles

Glenn Greenwald Slams Hunter Biden Laptop Coverup As “Biggest Media Fraud” In A Decade

The recent surge in myocarditis and pericarditis cases is not associated with a natural Covid-19 infection – For those who were not vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, we observed no increase in the incidence of myocarditis or pericarditis

Dr. Joseph Mercola: How Vaccine Trials Routinely Rig the Results – The fact that 3,000 of the 4,526 children (aged 6 months through 4 years) enrolled in Pfizer’s pediatric COVID trial were excluded is a huge red flag

Twitter Sale ‘In Serious Jeopardy’ After Elon Musk’s Team Comes to Troubling Conclusion About Company’s Data – Twitter personnel have not been cooperative and their data is not verifiable

July 7, 2022

How California’s legal cannabis dream became a public health nightmare – It’s a class B drug in the UK but in this US state it’s led to spiraling addiction, psychotic illnesses, and hospitals facing a deluge of poisonings

The FBI, MI5 Issue Dire Threat Warning About China In First-Ever Joint Statement – The agency chiefs said that China is “covertly applying pressure across the globe” in an attempt to undermine the West and the U.S. in particular

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday issued an executive order instructing the Texas National Guard to capture illegal immigrants in the U.S. and take them back to the southern border

Republican Voters Want ‘Blood’—After the Durham probe ends with a whimper and House Democrats ratchet up their public pursuit of Trump associates, the Republican base wants action, not more sternly worded letters

WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? – The DOJ Denies FOIA Request on Ray Epps and Why He Was Removed From FBI Most Wanted List – Epps interviewed with reporters on Jan. 5th after urging the crowd to enter the US Capitol the next day

JD Rucker: The Coverup Begins: Adam Schiff Files an Amendment to NDAA to Hide Democrat Wrongdoing Ahead of The Midterms  – His dirty deeds have hit ludicrous speed with his most recent coverup attempt

Dutch farmers are protesting new climate policies they say will force them to kill off livestock and drive them out of business – Policies which some argue also will drive up consumer food prices and contribute to the global hunger crisis

Police Open Fire on A Dutch Farmer Claiming His Tractor Was Coming at Them – But Video Tells A Different Story

The Epidemic Of Fatherless Boys Is Unraveling Our Society – Boys who have an absent father are less likely to graduate college, more likely to idle in their 20s, and more likely to go to jail

The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) Files Its First Lawsuit Against Hospitals Denying Transplants to Unvaccinated Patients


Jake Sullivan’s $600 Billion Blunder – The National Security Adviser’s tactless approach and skewed views on continuing the Ukraine conflict will almost certainly leave America footing the bill

Will $5/Gal Gas Be The Death Knell For Biden’s ‘I Did That’ Presidency? – Gasoline prices have soared 108% since he became president, promising to wage war against the oil industry as part of his 10-year, $1.7 trillion “climate action” plan

The Biden Administration has “been flying or driving minors from Texas shelters to other states for abortions

Good Government Groups Ask State Officials To Stop Biden’s Federal Takeover Of Elections

Follow the COVID $$$$$ – If the COVID-19 vaccines have been a disappointment from a public health standpoint then why is Big Pharma as well as its government allies in the FDA, CDC, and NIH still pushing them on the public

Representative Chip Roy Questions Top Texas University Scientist Over Links to Wuhan Lab – Why does the “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU), contain a so-called “memory-hole” provision

Why Biden’s gun control solutions can’t possibly work – If you want to see just how ineffective a gun ban would be, all you need to do is take a glimpse at a recent FBI report and consider how constitutional carry would thwart crimes

MONTANA FOR ME, BUT NOT FOR THEE – Having sought to pick a fight with Ron DeSantis, Gavin Newsom has been exposed yet again as a lowdown hypocrite of the kind we love to hate

Germany Labels Journalist ‘Criminal’ & Seizes Her Bank Accounts For Ukraine Reporting – They closed her YouTube channel, blocked her PayPal account, and sentenced her to three years in prison without a trial 

Why I’m Giving Up Tenure at UCLA – The ideological takeover of my now woke university has ruined academic life for anyone who still believes in freedom of thought

July 6, 2022

A plan to mandate COVID-19 vaccine shots for hundreds of thousands of students in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) will remain on pause after a judge ruled on July 5 that the district lacks the authority to do so

Director-General of the Danish Health Authority Admits Vaccinating All Kids was a ‘Mistake’

IT’S HAPPENING, HE’S BACK! – President Trump Releases a Video of His Revamped Plane — It Includes SECRET PHOTOS of TRUMP 2024 FLAGS in The Background!

His father enabled the suspect in the July 4 massacre to buy guns after police had flagged him as a ‘clear and present danger’

A Uvalde Police Officer Had Sights on The Gunman Before He Entered School – He didn’t pull the trigger as he waited for permission to shoot, then when he turned back to address the suspect, he had entered the west hallway unabated

Tucker Carlson: Biden Selling U.S. Emergency Oil Reserves to China is Impeachable And Possibly An Indictable Offense

Joe Biden knew about his son’s corrupt foreign business dealings and covered it up – A ‘Smoking Gun’ Voicemail to Hunter is Evidence America Was Sold Out to China!

Sheer craziness: Biden makes deported illegals eligible for citizenship  – They were previously required to wait up to 10 years outside the country, but no longer

The Labor Dept. Made $77.2 Billion in Improper Unemployment Insurance Payments in 2021 – And published an unknown payment rate of 0.21 percent, which resulted in estimated unknown payments amounting to $865 million

An Uruguayan Judge Demands That Government and Pfizer Turn Over Documents as The Court Considers A Request to Halt COVID Vaccines for Kids

A New Study Proves Once Again School Mask Mandates Were Useless for Stopping Covid – The new study reinforces the conclusions of more sweeping studies, such as one published in “The Lancet” in May

It’s Time To Act America – Here are just some of the things going on right under our noses

America-Bashing at TIME and the L.A. Times – How else to commemorate the Glorious Fourth?

Journalists’ Test To Tow A Camper Behind An Electric Truck Ended in a Stunning Failure When They Only Made it 85 Miles

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) announced on Tuesday that they will be applying to receive funds from a federal government program to remain open well past the current 2025 shutdown date

Judges and other officials from 4 Texas counties declared an invasion at the southern border because of the severe challenges they’re experiencing as a result of escalated illegal immigration under the Biden administration

More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency reserves release to lower domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month – The oil released was always destined for the highest bidder 

The DOJ Sues Arizona Over A Law Stopping Illegal Aliens from Voting in Elections – The law requires voters to provide proof of U.S. citizenship to vote in the country’s elections

I&I/TIPP Poll: Just 34% of Americans say they trust the “traditional” or established news outlets, while 58% say they have no trust and only 12% describe themselves as having “a lot of trust” in them

The Biden Administration Sets Its Sights on K-12 Education – The 14 members of The National Parents & Families Engagement Council (NPFEC) shows it represents a small segment of elitist, left-wing views

The former football coach of the suspect in the Highland Park, Illinois, parade shooting says he remembers all kinds of red flags, but not about the alleged shooter –  It was the suspect’s parents who made Jeremy Cahnmann nervous

When Gun Laws Don’t Prevent Gun Crime – Because mass shootings, relatively speaking, are so rare and so unpredictable, and because America is so free, mass shootings remain one of the most intractable forms of crime

With its New Gun Law, New York is Just Begging to Get Slapped Down – New York’s new gun law is an in-your-face, single-finger salute to the Supreme Court in response to the Bruen decision

LIBS OF TIKTOK: I Exposed the Progressive Left With Their Own Words and Actions and “They Are Furious”

Student Reflections: Looking Back on School during the COVID restrictions – 7 out of 10 public schools reported that more of their students are seeking mental health services

COVID-19 Fatigue: California County Health Departments Push For More 17 and Under Vaccinations with a New Variant  – The announcement only adds to growing COVID-19 fatigue across California

WSJ: Covid-19 Vaccine Doses, Once in High Demand Are Now Being Thrown Away – Drugmakers and health authorities are discarding tens of millions of doses

Colleen Huber NMD: Soon pharmacists, and perhaps physicians, will be pressured to give COVID vaccines and/or other mRNA injections – Here are some thoughts on the time-honored stance of conscientious objection

The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent, and the Physician-Patient Relationship – Physicians should not recommend vaccines when complete transparent data are not publicly available and appropriate testing was not completed

July 5, 2022

ZH: Why is the IRS Armed to the Teeth? – As of 2019, the IRS had amassed 4,600 firearms and over 5 million rounds of live ammunition to arm its Criminal Investigation Division

Joe Biden Breaks Another Precedent – At this point, it would be surprising if he passed on any opportunity to trash conservatives

The White House dodges questions on a voicemail Joe Biden allegedly left for Hunter Biden on business dealings – Hunter Biden is currently under federal investigation for his tax affairs predicated by suspicious foreign transactions

The Biden administration sues Arizona over a law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections – The Justice Department contends Arizona’s H.B. 2492 violates the National Voter Registration Act and the 1964 Civil Rights Act

How Much Fossil Fuel Is Left? – Fossil fuel powers the economic engine of civilization, and without energy, civilization dies, and in 2020 fossil fuels continued to provide more than 80 percent of all energy consumed worldwide

The Highland Park July 4 shooting suspect was charged with 7 counts of first-degree murder – “These are just the first of many charges that will be filed and I want to emphasize that there will be more charges,” said States Attorney Rinehart

Judge J.P. Boulee of the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia upheld the parts of Georgia’s Election Integrity Law challenged by an organization that sends prospective voters prefilled absentee ballot applications

Germany went all-in on green energy and now its economy is on the brink of collapse – They are preparing for a recession after pouring billions into woke policies

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Have You Seen This Warning Hidden Inside Your Cellphone? – It advises you to keep the device at a certain distance from your body to ensure you don’t exceed federal safety limits for radio frequency (RF) exposure

The lawyer representing whistleblower Brook Jackson said Pfizer is arguing the court should dismiss the lawsuit alleging fraud in Pfizer’s COVID-19 clinical trials because the U.S. government knew about the wrongdoings but continued to do business with the vaccine maker

“The Whole Narrative Is Crumbling” as the Wall Street Journal Sounds off on the FDA – “We’re having people that have been so into the narrative break ranks now that it does cause hope that we’re finally getting there”

The FDA says COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers need to update fall boosters to target BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron sub-variants, a day after the WH announced a $3.2 billion vaccine deal with Pfizer to include new boosters for sub-variants

A Wall Street Journal editorial board member questions the motives behind the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to extend the emergency use of Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines to infants and toddlers

Dr. Toby Rogers: Even when one realizes that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, the rest of the story still does not make sense – So I turn to you dear reader to help fill in the gaps

Harvard-Harris poll: Six in ten Americans doubt Biden’s “mental fitness”

Only 18 percent of independents approve of President Joe Biden’s job performance, while 68 percent disapprove and 13 percent neither approve nor disapprove, according to the CIVIQS average as of July 3

There are “well-founded concerns” that President Biden may be compromised by China because of revelations from Hunter Biden’s laptop involving contacts with Google executives and top U.S. officials engaged with China policy

Joe Biden rambled about something his grandmother used to say to him while wrapping up a July 4th speech, Jill reminded him to say ‘God Bless America’, which he still didn’t do – Instead, he said “god protect our troops

Biden’s EPA snubs its nose at SCOTUS – The EPA is preparing to cite the United States’ largest oil field for violating ozone pollution standards, a move that will threaten the end of oil and gas production in the region

The Biden Administration And Universities Launch A Sneak Attack On Free Speech – The First Amendment supersedes the authority and whims of the Department of Education

WSJ: The Red States Are Winning the Post-Pandemic Economy – Workers and employers moved away from the coasts to the middle of the country and Florida, sparking swifter recoveries there

Iran, Russia, and China are gearing up to run a series of major war drills in Latin America in a show of force meant to signal how these militaries can reach the United States

The Highland Park Shooter Was Known to Law Enforcement – How many times are we going to hear that regarding a mass shooting? He had mental health problems going back to middle school

Police reveal the Highland Park suspect fired 70 rounds using an illegally purchased rifle and wore women’s clothing during the attack specifically to help cover up his face tattoos

JD Rucker: There is massive gaslighting to try to tie suspected mass murderer Bobby Crimo III to the MAGA movement. This is based on minimal evidence while evidence to the contrary is tremendous

Huge Find on Street Where Police Say Jayland Walker Fired at Them Changes Everything – Video footage shows a muzzle flash from a gun spotted on surveillance video, and the sound of a gunshot can be heard on the officer’s bodycam footage

The Biden Administration will allow some migrants with terrorist ties into the country, raising security concerns – The new administration rule could potentially endanger Americans, security experts warn

The 2022 House Midterm Elections By The Numbers – The six meaningful midterm numbers below should help historically ground your anticipation of what is likely or unlikely to happen in this year’s House elections

EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT WATERGATE IS WRONG, PART 2 – We draw some parallels to the January 6 investigation today, noting what social scientists might call “pattern recognition”

HHS secretary Xavier Becerra ‘exploring’ abortion facilities on federal land

Sharyl Attkisson: A proposed bill would prohibit the IRS from acquiring ammunition – Representative Matt Gaetz recently reported on the IRS purchase of $725,000 worth of ammunition

The Green Agenda Is Taking Us Backward – The narrative says EVs are greener but that’s because the true believers just look at tailpipe emissions, they don’t consider pollution generated by the manufacturing process

Come And Take It!  –  A Remarkable Number Of Americans Now Willing To Resist Federal Tyranny – 28% of Americans said that it might “soon be necessary to take up arms” against the US government, according to a new poll

Elizabeth Warren Wants Federal Abortion Camps On Native Lands In Red States – Native Americans are not rushing to help build abortion destination villages on tribal lands. And why should they?

A Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Vaccine Effects – The DMED, one of the best databases in the world, shows a dramatic increase in medical visits for malignancies, neurological and autoimmune diseases, and infertility

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Will Pfizer Be Charged for Mislabeling Vaccine Side Effects? – Pfizer classified almost all severe adverse events that occurred during its Phase 3 trials as unrelated to the injection

Starting Tomorrow, All New Vehicles in the EU Will Have Surveillance Black Boxes – Greasing the skids for speed-limiting technology

July 4, 2022

The Covid-19 Vaccines cause AIDS – Here Is All Of The Evidence

WSJ: Why the Rush for Toddler Vaccines? – Covid was a health emergency for adults in 2020, by contrast, the urgency now feels like it is political

The Biden Administration’s Liberal World Disorder – This is what arrogance, incompetence, and ideological blindness gets you

Here’s What We Know About The Alleged Highland Park Parade Shooter – Social media users re-posted the suspect’s last Facebook post from May 29, 2021, which says, “You’re all sinners”

THE ETERNAL MEANING OF INDEPENDENCE DAY – Abraham Lincoln’s speech of July 10, 1858

Another January 6 Lie: There Was No ‘Armed Mob’ – If January 6 was truly so bad, why do they have to keep lying about this and other things?

Liz Cheney and the Corruption of the Establishment – The un-American targeting of Trump and Trump supporters

How The Declaration Of Independence Inspired George Washington’s Underdog Army To Win – Deeply moved by the power of the Declaration’s words, George Washington ordered copies sent to all generals in the Continental Army

Biden and Mayor Pete have found the solution to flight delays and cancellations – Destroy the fossil fuel industry as fast as they can

The Guatemalan President Suggests Biden Is Letting Drugs In from Venezuela to ‘Negotiate Oil’

Joe Biden’s Job Approval Hits A New Low – It’s sunk to a negative 27 percent

This July 4th – If you want to talk about the corporate media’s waning influence over public opinion… Donald Trump is currently the most popular politician in America

Will Transgendered Athletes Now Give Back Their Medals and Titles? – IOC, Scientific papers show people who have undergone male puberty retain significant advantages even after taking medication to suppress their testosterone levels

A sprawling, privately run detention center in the wind-swept California desert town of Adelanto could house nearly 2,000 migrants facing the prospect of deportation – These days, though, its nearly empty

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why the Ukraine War Is a Scam – Most wars are a means to an end, and that end is corporate profits. The Ukraine conflict appears to be more of the same, as NATO warns we should expect a long, protracted war

July 3, 2022

Independence Day 2022 Is The New 1776 – America was founded as a Constitutional Republic with a defined role for our Federal and State Governments (including the Rule of Law), and a defined Citizen’s individual Bill of Rights

Victor Davis Hanson: Who Are the Real Insurrectionists? – In truth, “insurrection” has been fueled by the Left since 2015

The Real Reason American Military Recruitment Is Failing – Who would want Joe Biden as their commander-in-chief?

A PINCER MOVEMENT TO DUMP BIDEN IS TAKING SHAPE – The left’s move to force Biden to step aside will have three parts which you can expect to show up every week in the news cycle, accelerating after the midterm election

ZH: Reset This! – The “Great Reset of Capitalism” is the brainchild of the World Economic Forum, which hosts an annual conference in the Alpine village of Davos, and the goal, as always, is power—the eternal fixation of the socialist Left

ZH: The SCOTUS Marshal sent letters to Maryland Gov. Hogan, Montgomery County Executive Elrich, and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin demanding they put an end to picketing and “threatening activity” outside SCOTUS justice’s homes

ZH: The Cyberspace Administration of China issued new regulations on June 27 requiring all online platform operators to authenticate users’ identities and verify the account information submitted by users during registration

Dov Fischer: Kill the Babies and Hold the Formula – In their disturbed thinking, Democrats are confident abortion will forever save them from any political setbacks related to all the things going wrong in America because of their actions

From Burning American Flags to Pride Flags – I bet they would be willing to declare it a hate crime to burn a Gay Pride flag

Rape, Extortion, And Death As Migrants Pay Inhumane Prices To Reach Biden’s Open Border – Front-line officers say Democrats have created a humanitarian crisis with policies that put the vulnerable in hands of heartless cartels

Text Messages Show Cassidy Hutchinson Referring To January 6 Committee As ‘BS’

Biden Picks An Anti-American For Presidential Medal Of Freedom – Ignoring Rapinoe’s incessant hypocrisy and lack of intellectual consistency, describing her as a “prominent advocate for gender pay equality, racial justice, and LGBTQI+ rights”

DeSantis Fires Back After Gavin Newsom’s Pathetic Anti-Florida Ad Is Revealed

Dementia Joe and Gruesome Newsom Wanted This: Video Shows Tesla Charging Station Lines in California – It takes 40+ minutes to charge a Tesla at a Supercharging station vs. the four to five minutes it takes to fill up a gas tank

Court Document Reveals Likely Cause of Texas Mass Human Trafficking Deaths – A Malfunctioning Air Conditioning System

Idiot Biden’s Attack on Gas Station Owners – The U.S. Government Makes Nearly 5 Times as Much per Gallon on Taxes than Gas Station Owners Do in Profit

Jeff Bezos Responds After Biden Demands Gas Stations Lower Prices – When 40 percent of the dollars in the world were printed in one year, inflation sets in, and prices skyrocket

Rush toward green energy has left the US ‘incredibly’ vulnerable to summer blackouts – Expert says renewable energy doesn’t work and could lead to more blackouts

ZH: The FCC granted Elon Musk’s SpaceX permission to provide Starlink high-speed satellite internet to users in vehicles, vessels, and aircraft, potentially improving dial-up level speeds on commercial jets and cruise ships

President Biden has proposed blocking all new drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as the world cries out for more energy from more sources far from Russia, the Middle East, and the OPEC oil cartel

Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen should be fired – They are supposed to be economic experts, yet they continue to show their pure ignorance on what causes inflation or when it will occur

WSJ: Americans Have Had It With Inflation – Consumers are cutting back on spending as they contend with historically high gas prices and increasing inflation

How the Constitution Advances the Common Good – Conservatives shouldn’t move beyond our Constitution, but through originalism, they should seek another, worthy task, Its Restoration

As the Supreme Court comes to recess after a groundbreaking term, newly sworn-in Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson will face a litany of significant cases when the high court returns in the fall

A SCOTUS Guide for the Perplexed – You don’t have to be a constitutional law scholar to wade through all the footnotes, citations, and legal disputations because Francis Menton has done the heavy lifting for you

Tyranny through Complexity – The U.S. Constitution has only 4,400 words, yet every two-year Congress since WWII has enacted 4-6 million words in new laws – If a law can’t be written in a single sentence, it has no business restricting Americans’ liberty

Kevin D. Williamson: Lessons from the Left’s Implosion – When all your power is invested in a handful of institutions, losing one is a devastating setback; far better to eschew fanaticism and build a broad-based movement

California’s latest plan for illegal aliens will cost it a lot of money – Last week, California became the first state not only to guarantee free health care for all low-income immigrants but also to ensure that this promise extends to illegal aliens

July 2, 2022

The Biden Administration Blocks Offshore Drilling, Limiting Oil Production, After Begging Oil Companies To Produce More and Attacking Gas Stations

Bank of America Issues Chilling Forecast: No GDP Growth – Their previous estimate was for 1.5 percent growth

ZH: 33 Problems With The Media In One Chart – Harmful practices and negative externalities occurring in the media ecosystem

Elon Musk Breaks His Unusual Silence After More Than A Week – He is negotiating right now with Twitter about a lower price and his lawyers have essentially told him to lay off Twitter while this negotiation goes on

ZH: Leaked Documents Reveal Wide Scope Of China’s Human Rights Violations In Xinjiang – One document contains a “shoot to kill order” for watchtower guards, confirming that these work camps are indeed prisons

The House Appropriations Committee has approved a ban on sending funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab at the heart of the controversy over the origin of the virus that sparked the COVID-19 pandemic

New York Law Now Requires Social Media Background Check for Handgun Permits – Concealed carry license applicants must list any social media accounts they’ve used in the last three years in their application

Dozens of sailors confirm their warships were swarmed by “at least 100” otherworldly UFOs, as their accounts contradict the Navy chief’s effort to dismiss them as drones – They possessed unexplainable capabilities far beyond traditional drones

ZH: Several NYC Election Sites Had ‘No Republican Ballots’ During Last Week’s Primary – The Board of Elections botched everything from polling locations opening late, to missing equipment, to unannounced relocations of voting sites

A Seattle man was arrested for reading the Bible in a park as a “Gay Pride” event was taking place – He was on public property reading aloud, without the benefit of amplification, when he was rousted and then arrested by Seattle’s Finest

“Our Country’s Gone To Hell” – A 100-Year Old WWII Veteran Who Fought In The Battle of Guadalcanal in1942 Breaks Down in Tears in a Heartbreaking Interview 

ZH: 86 percent of student debt borrowers say Joe Biden’s campaign pledge to cancel at least $10,000 of college debt affected their decision-making – A big majority think he’ll do more than that

New York Moves to Nullify Supreme Court Decision Upholding Gun Rights – NY Senate Bill S51001 defines nearly every public area except for a road or sidewalk as a “sensitive area” where a permit holder is forbidden to carry concealed

Kinzinger Undermines the January 6 Committee – The anti-Trump Republican foolishly brands a Secret Service agent a liar on Twitter, amid the fracas over Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony

The Endangered Democratic Dozen – These are the top Republican November 2022 campaign targets

Texas Democrat Sheriff: Law Enforcement Leaders See ‘Complete Absence from Washington’ on Border

Poor Cassidy Hutchinson: Naïve, used and abused, or shamelessly ambitious? – Her “testimony” was fraught with “I was in the vicinity of a conversation,” “I heard something to the effect of,” “ I overheard,” she could testify only to hearsay

WSJ: Crypto Currency’s Domino Effect Is Widening, Threatening More Pain – Losses are blowing holes in balance sheets and pushing firms in the industry to near bankruptcy

A complete list of the US companies sponsoring abortion tourism

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Former Pfizer Exec: Leaky “Vaccine” Was Intentional – The use of the spike protein in the shot was diabolical, as 90% of the immune response mounted after natural COVID-19 exposure is not to the spike protein

Good Samaritans Rescue An Old Man And His Houseboat


July 1, 2022

Financial Times of London: A soft landing is becoming a distant dream – Airplane metaphors do little to disguise the fact that central bankers are struggling with the inflationary overshoot

Gavin Newsom Signs More Gun Control Legislation – Refers to AR-15 as a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”

The Army Announces That Beginning July 1, 2022, Unvaccinated National Guard and Reserve Soldiers Won’t Drill or Be Paid

The Texas Supreme Court blocked a lower court order late Friday night that said clinics could continue performing abortions, just days after some doctors had resumed seeing patients after the fall of Roe v. Wade

China, Not Russia, Still Poses the Greatest Challenge to U.S. Security – Preventing China from establishing this hegemony over Asia must be the priority of U.S. foreign policy—even in the face of what is happening in Europe

Emerson Poll: No Democrat Bounce from The Roe Repeal – Voters continue to disapprove of Biden and favor Republicans

California is now the only state to offer free healthcare to low-income illegal immigrants – The budget allocation will give an estimated 764,000 people free healthcare coverage at an annual cost of $2.7 billion annually, beginning in 2024

A Massive Migrant Caravan of Thousands of Military-Aged Males March to US Border After The Supreme Court Overturns Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger’s Vendetta Politics – The January 6 Committee is running a Stalinesque show trial against Trump and his supporters as Cheney gives it the old college try as she pursues her anti-Trump vendetta

SCOTUS will hear a major case on election integrity that promises to strip away the ability of states to rig elections via the courts or executive decrees – Moore v. Harper, is docketed to be heard in the nation’s highest court next session

ZH: US Oil Drillers Are Running Out Of Spare Well – US producers have been restarting projects that had stalled, but they’re starting to run low on these extra wells, which could limit future domestic production

WSJ: Biden’s People Seek to Block New Offshore Drilling in The Atlantic & Pacific – Their 5-year drilling plan could allow limited new oil leasing off Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico even though the oil industry sought more significant expansion

The Biden Administration Must Think $5 Gas Isn’t Painful Enough – The EPA Is Attacking America’s Largest Oilfield by considering an “ozone violation designation” for portions of the Permian Basin, the largest oil field in the US

A second Joe Biden presidential run could spell disaster for the Democrats, not to mention the rest of the country – Polls have shown repeatedly that Americans aren’t happy with what he’s doing to the country

Central banks’ only real option for tackling inflation is to reduce demand – But even as interest rates rise, a recession can be avoided if policymakers recognize the large role that supply-side measures must play in restoring price stability

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls A For Committee to Investigate Epstein/Maxwell Clients – Highlights The Clinton Foundation Involvement

DESPITE EVERYTHING, VOTERS PREFER TRUMP TO BIDEN – After years of non-stop hysteria from the Left, you would think Donald Trump would be–politically speaking–deader than a doornail

Today, the Biden administration ordered 2.5 million more doses of the monkeypox vaccine. In contrast, the CDC said it was seeking to expand the vaccine for children, despite no known cases yet in children in the U.S.

The $3.2 Billion Taxpayer-Funded Deal With Pfizer Will ‘Enrich Shareholders of Most Profitable Industry in History’ – Biden’s administration to purchase 105 million doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine with options to buy up to 300 million doses


Robert W. Malone MD, MS: VAERS Analysis Shows That COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities A Thousandfold And Fetal Abnormalities A Hundredfold

Author Matt Palumbo details billionaire George Soros’s connection to American politics and illustrates how Soros controls not only what is written about him, but also influences how the American public perceives news events

The proposal to boost California’s minimum wage to $18 won’t go on the ballot – An initiative bankrolled by a wealthy investor and backed by a slew of labor organizations failed to qualify for the November ballot for lack of signatures

Google will begin deleting location history data for users who visit abortion clinics or fertility centers to address concerns that law enforcement would weaponize the information in states where abortion is now illegal or restricted

Two cases regarding lower court rulings on abortion bans and a third abortion-related case were thrown out of the Supreme Court on Thursday as a result of Roe v. Wade being overturned

SCOTUS followed up its June 23 ruling recognizing a constitutional right to carry firearms in public for self-defense, by reversing federal appeals court decisions that upheld gun restrictions in California, New Jersey, Maryland, and Hawaii

The January 6 show trial is partly about persecuting political opponents – It is also about covering up the truth that the 2020 election was irregular, faulty, and not the perfect election in the history of humanity

The Biden administration tells Americans to suck it up on that $5 gas – “This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm”

The WH Press Corps Demands The Biden Admin Change Unprecedented Restrictive Rules – One of the top grievances listed in the letter was the White House’s method for deciding which reporters have access to specific events

Which Crisis Will Be The Next To Catch Biden ‘Off Guard’? – 500+ days into his presidency, he has an unblemished record of being “caught off guard” by every major crisis that has engulfed the country since January 2021

Who’s Actually In Charge? – Throughout his 18 months as president, Biden has been confused, uncertain, sluggish, and behaves as if he is guided by unseen forces as he moves on a course set by hidden captains

Immoral Democrats Make Excuses, Blame Others, and Divide – Many Americans believe elected officials put their interests ahead of the country’s, and the idea of a “moral politician” in D.C. strikes most Americans as laughable

ZH: The Fed Is Quietly Handing Out $250 Million To A Handful Of Recipients Each Day – The Fed’s QE may be over, and QT may be just starting (it won’t last long), but don’t think the Fed free money giveaway is ending any time soon

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Trump-endorsed candidate Harriet Hageman traded barbs over the 2020 election and the January 6 riot at the Capitol during a debate on Thursday evening

40,000 Unvaccinated National Guard Members Set to Be Fired! – Medical tyranny is alive and well in the American military – This is an outrage that will weaken our nation, but that seems to be the plan for the Biden regime going forward

1,000 Covid Vaccinated Athletes That Collapsed, Died, Or Developed Heart Problems Or Blood Clots

The California Nanny State Invades Household Kitchens And Gives Orders On Handling Food Scraps As Covered In Senate Bill 1383 – At some point Californians have to wake up and demand sanity from their legislators and bureaucrats

Despite its relentless promotion in virtually every sector of society, belief in the reality of trans ideology is falling amongst Americans, a new Pew Research poll shows

Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused the Supreme Court Thursday of instigating a “coup” and called for it to be completely abolished in a series of rants on different subjects

June 30, 2022

THE BIDEN ECONOMY  Is Officially in Recession – A Key Fed GDP Tracker Turns Negative

The Credibility of the January 6 Committee Implodes  – The Secret Service refutes their “star” witness Cassidy Hutchinson

Dan Bongino Uses A Video to Explain Why Cassidy Hutchinson’s Story Can’t Possibly Be True

Liz Cheney’s Debate Thursday Night Closed to the Public Because She Is So Hated By Voters – She is running for reelection but rarely travels back to Wyoming because she’s too busy leading the January 6 Committee’s show trials

Joe Biden said Thursday that U.S. drivers will continue to pay record-high gas prices for “as long as it takes” to stop Russia’s war in Ukraine, acknowledging that consumers are unlikely to see relief at the pump anytime soon

A Tale of Two Crises: The Gas Pump and the Border With Biden, it’s always the worst of times

The American People Won in West Virginia v. The EPA – The Supreme Court guts the administrative state

Was This the Most Significant Case of the Historic Supreme Court Term? – SCOTUS defends Congress from the EPA and other bossy bureaucratic behemoths

JD Rucker: Regime Apparatchik Lets the Cat Out of the Bag, Admits “Liberal World Order” Is Behind the Insanity – Any “world order,” whether it’s a New World Order or a Liberal World Order, invokes the tenets of globalism

Former President Trump said he’s not ruling out Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as a possible running mate in a potential 2024 presidential bid

Judge Clears Trump Of Contempt Charges – As a result of a New York judge’s ruling on Wednesday, Trump is no longer deemed to be in contempt of court for failing to deliver the documents demanded by NY Attorney General James

‘Space Is A War Fighting Domain’: U.S. Space Force Activates New Unit Within Branch – Recent reports show both China and Russia have used anti-satellite capabilities

Biden Jumps The Gun Again: Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema Will Not End Filibuster to Pass Abortion Legislation

Evidence keeps piling up that Joe Biden lied about his family’s foreign influence-peddling scheme that reaped tens of millions of dollars for his son and brother and potentially put at risk America’s national security

ZH: Poland Completes The Belarus Border Wall To Repel the Middle East And African Migrants

Beginning this fall high schools in California can’t start before 8:30 a.m. and middle schools can’t start before 8 a.m. under a 2019 first-in-the-nation law forbidding earlier school start times

A New Disney Series Features a Robot Getting Tampon Advice From a Trans Man – Disney wants to promote trans ideology and at first it is through the background characters

WSJ: The Markets Head Toward The Worst First Half of a Year in Decades – Investors gird for more volatility; almost everything, from stocks to bonds and crypto falls to the start of 2022

At the NATO Summit in Madrid on Thursday, President Biden called for eliminating the filibuster in the Senate to pass legislation that would make a right to abortion the law of the land

Ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee Representative Jim Jordan unloads on all the lies being told during the January 6 Committee hearings

Fighting the Title IX Menace – Biden’s new regulations would destroy female-only sports, spaces, and services, betraying the original purpose of Title IX

WSJ: President Biden endorsed making an exception to filibuster rules to pass legislation codifying Roe v. Wade into law, an effort that would likely face obstacles because of key Democrats’ opposition to the move

The Big Picture Reason Why The Left Is Violent About Roe’s Demise – Karl Marx saw “class” as the struggle to be pushed – That struggle no longer works so they now focus on group identity and fomenting hatred and division between groups

WSJ: The Supreme Court Limits The Power of The EPA and Other Regulatory Agencies – The high court says the agency overstepped its authority in restricting greenhouse gas emissions in a ruling with ramifications for other regulators

WSJ: The Supreme Court agreed to consider a major election-law case that will examine whether state lawmakers have the authority to adopt voting rules for federal elections without oversight by state courts

Google Intercepted 100% of RNC Donation Emails on Biggest Donation Days of Month – for 7 Months Straight – They were categorized as Spam by Google algorithms

John Daniel Davidson: The January 6 Committee Is Causing Never Trumpers To Lose Their Minds – So many right-of-center commentators want so badly to be liked by the left they’re willing to ignore the truth about the committee

The Democrats’ Crime Problem – Their unwillingness to get serious about this surge is going to cost them dearly

ZH: On Thursday night, Fox News host Tucker Carlson laid bare the Biden administration’s escalating war against its political enemies – “Here’s a list of the things they’ve done because no one has assembled them,” said Carlson

ZH: Initial Jobless Claims Are At 5-Month Highs As Layoffs Accelerate – In the past week, companies including Netflix Inc. and Tesla Inc. have laid off hundreds of employees amid concerns about the economic outlook

ZH: Welcome To The Recession: Atlanta Fed Slashes Q2 GDP To -1%, Pushing First Half Into Contraction – Confirming the economy is in a technical recession

ZH: The Biden administration said it has signed a new agreement with Pfizer and partner BioNTech for 105 million doses of their COVID-19 vaccine for a fall vaccination campaign, with the deal worth $3.2 billion

Americans Are ‘Collateral Damage’ In Democrats’ Insane War On Energy – 83% of U.S. households are cutting their spending and travel due to soaring inflation, and energy costs have spiked nearly 35% in the past year

Trust in Government Is Lower Now Than After Watergate Scandal – The government’s role is to encourage civil society and listen to what it has to say, while largely staying out of the way

The Boulder Valley School District in Boulder, Colorado, says transgender students have a “right” to be addressed by their preferred pronouns and that a person’s failure to do so violates school district policy

ZH: SCOTUS ruled in favor of the Biden administration, which sought to end the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy requiring asylum seekers to wait in Mexico until their case is heard, instead of being allowed to await their hearings in the US

ZH: Why The Housing Bubble Bust Is Baked In – The source of the current housing bubble is the explosion of financial speculation fueled by central bank policies

Fauci Gets COVID Again After Taking Paxlovid and It’s Worse Than His First Go Around – Quadruple vaccinated Fauci says he had recovered from his initial bout of COVID-19 earlier this month, testing negative after taking Paxlovid

Germany’s experience with Covid vaccines suggests they increase the Omicron infection rate – Former East Germany is outlined in green on the map and you will note it has a lower infection rate than former West Germany

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why Three COVID Jabs Are Worse Than Two – COVID-19 is more than twice as prevalent among the boosted, compared to those who quit after the initial series

Fix Fatherlessness And You’ll Fix America – A child who grows up without a father in the home is more likely to experience homelessness, commit a crime, serve time in prison, abuse drugs, drop out of school, or be obese…….. 

The owner of 13 Businesses Pulls His Company from Chicago Amid Their Crime Crisis: ‘Enough Is Enough’ – Suffering from a 35 percent increase in crime over a year ago, business exits are on the rise

A New Generation Discovers Thomas Sowell – There are several Millennial and Generation Z  individuals reacting to excerpts from books by, or old long-form interviews featuring him that have been posted To YouTube

Fragile students just need a hug – Neglected children are more likely to be woke

California ballot measures: What you need to know – This November is no different. Voters will be asked to consider about 10 thorny policy proposals, from abortion to zero-emission vehicles

June 29, 2022

Do mask mandates work? – Bay Area COVID data from June says no!

The Great Reset in Action: Ending Freedom of the Press, Speech, and Expression – At the recent WEF meeting in Davos, it was stated that “freedom of speech is not the same thing as a free for all,” so “we will need a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online

The Sinister Link Between Biden’s Admin and a Soros-Funded Group – Is President Biden’s new proposal to push transgender participation in sports for public schools just following marching orders from George Soros’ activist empire?

California legislators are considering a bill to require websites and apps to authenticate the age of users before allowing them access – Lawmakers say this is aimed at protecting children, but it would in effect end online anonymity in the state

When will California’s ‘inflation relief’ payments go out? – The payments are set to start in late October, reports Nexstar’s California Capitol Bureau and all payments should be issued by early next year

California sending out ‘inflation relief’ checks of up to $1,050 – Here’s how much you’ll get

Biden Announces Major US Military Expansion in Europe – The U.S. will now have a permanent troop presence in Poland and will add 100,000 troops to what it now has in Europe

Now 85% of American adults think the country is on the wrong track under Joe Biden and 79% say the economy is poor in yet another dire poll

The sanctuary state of California will make history by becoming the first state in the nation to give food stamps to illegal aliens

Poll: Republicans Still Leading Generic Congressional Ballot – For those that thought that the Supreme Court sending abortion back to the states would be a game-changer in the midterms, they would be sorely mistaken

Justice Stephen Breyer sent a letter to President Biden saying he will be retiring effective Thursday at noon – Breyer will be replaced by Ketanji Brown Jackson, – The court is slated to issue its final opinions of its current term on Thursday

HHS Sec Almost Leaks Illegal Plans for Abortion, Clams up When He Notices A Camera – I Can’t Say It now, We’re Being Recorded

The Party of Death in All Its Ugliness – These post-Roe comments of Democrats confirm their moral bankruptcy

Pro-Choice Advocates Should Aim Their Rage at Harry Blackmun – He cobbled together an outrageously weak hunk of juridical gobbledygook

Are We A Republic, or a Juristocracy? – More significant than the immediate consequences of recent Supreme Court decisions may be the Court’s effect on how Americans understand their country

The Best Takedown of the CDC’s ‘Politicized’ Covid Response You’ll Ever See – The FDA, NIH, and CDC together with The WHO cooperated to restrict, demean, and deprecate the use of multiple currently available licensed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19

Big Tech banned claims online that the vaccinated could spread Covid – Now the government admits their claims were “Hope” not “Science” – That’s the problem with Big Tech being chosen as arbiters of truth

Dr. Toby Rogers: On June 28, the FDA decided that henceforth THEY will choose the variants for reformulated Covid-19 shots and NO clinical trials will be conducted to evaluate safety – Because Of The Science, NOT!

Buzz Hollander MD: The “Safe and Effective” Moderna Covid Vaccine for Infants Might be Neither – The more I look, the less I like their safety data

A January 6 witness ludicrously claims Trump tried to choke his Secret Service agent – There’s good reason for hearsay’s inadmissibility, hearsay is inherently unreliable, especially against eyewitnesses

With the help of former President Donald Trump, Republican Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois defeated a long-time incumbent who had voted to create the House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion

Tucker Carlson: We’re finally getting to see what the Democrats’ planned utopia looks like – Fact after fact on what led us to where were are today

ZH: How Representative Is The G7 Of The World It’s Trying To Lead? – G7 countries currently represent 43 percent of the world economy, down from nearly 70 percent three decades ago

It looks as though the war is widening in Ukraine – There is little, if any, movement toward a negotiated solution to the war

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Did The Rockefeller Foundation Predict the Future? – “Reset the Table” was published just one month after the World Economic Forum (WEF) officially announced its plans for a “Great Reset”

Beware America, Gavin Newsom Is Running For President – It’s no secret that he’s been groomed for White House occupancy by rich, progressive San Francisco elites

The media is aggressively pushing the Trump-against-DeSantis narrative – Fears in the minds of Democrats that Trump will be re-elected in 2024 haven’t allayed

The Biden Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rolled out a new website aimed at helping people find access to contraceptives and abortions, following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade

How Much Rising Mortgage Rates Could Cost Homebuyers in California – The national average 30-year fixed mortgage rate is now approaching 6%, up from just 3.79% in January

The Sexualization of Children – Who should decide when and how to discuss issues like sex and gender with young children?

In the wake of the US Supreme Court upending Roe v. Wade’s federal abortion protection, California is moving to codify the life-ending procedure through a ballot measure amending the state’s Constitution

Sharyl Attkisson: A Rasmussen Poll shows that most Americans view Covid-19 danger as ‘mostly over’ and the vaccination of kids as ‘unnecessary’

June 28, 2022

The Army Drops High School Diploma Requirement as They Face Unparalleled Challenges Under Biden’s Administration – In addition to lowering almost every single physical qualification for recruits to pass their initial training

The California Attorney General’s office leaked the names and addresses of the state’s legal gun owners – It was posted in publicly-accessible files to the California Department of Justice’s 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal

The FB Oversight Board, colloquially known as the “Facebook Supreme Court,” received more than a million appeals from FB and Instagram users hoping to overturn censorship by the company, according to the Board’s first annual report

Another J6 Trump ‘Bombshell’ Outed as a Hoax! – “The lead agent, and the presidential limousine driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that President Trump never lunged for the steering wheel”

Cassidy Hutchinson’s BS About Guns On January 6 – I filmed the entire event at the Ellipse where Trump spoke, and after at the Capitol Building. Not a single person had a gun except for the police and Secret Service – Here are the videos

A Former January 6 Key Witness Unexpectedly Dies Hours Before Special Hearing – Stenger had called for an investigation into the role of “professional agitators” during the incursion

The Federal Reserve is likely to reverse course and continue to print substantial amounts of money because doing otherwise would threaten the federal government with insolvency, according to macroeconomic analyst Luke Gromen

What Caused The 2020 Homicide Spike? – The Black Lives Matter protests and subsequent  pullbacks by police

US Consumer Confidence Slumps to Lowest Level in 16 Months – Consumers’ grimmer outlook was driven by increasing concerns about inflation, in particular rising gas and food prices

More than 100 sheriffs in Georgia have blasted Stacey Abrams, the Democrat’s candidate for governor there, for her participation in a group that advocates their defunding

A California Sheriff is Infuriated: A Tulare County court ordered the release of two drug traffickers from Washington State less than a day after they were arrested with over 100,000 fentanyl pills

Why Big Pharma Is Desperate to Get COVID Shots Into Babies – Once the vaccine is on the childhood vaccination schedule, the vaccine makers are permanently shielded from liability for injuries and deaths that occur in any age group

The Moderna Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Risk by 44 Times in Young Adults According To A Peer-Reviewed Study –  The risk was 13 times higher with the Pfizer vaccination

AB 2098: California Doctors Who Spread Supposed COVID ‘Misinformation’ Risk Losing License to Practice – Use of the stigmatizing label ‘misinformation’ in a medical disciplinary environment is both anti-scientific and unethical

A bill negotiated by environmentalists, the plastics industry, and lawmakers is likely to keep a California recycling measure off the ballot – The bill passed a key committee two days before the deadline to withdraw the ballot initiative

Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 in prison Tuesday for her role in helping powerful pedophile Jeffrey Epstein abuse young girls, capping off a dramatic fall from grace for the British socialite turned-convicted sex-trafficker

A case before SCOTUS that started years ago as a battle over how much authority the EPA has to force power plants to cut down their pollution, but it’s turned into a bigger fight over how much power federal agencies should have

Russian missiles destroyed a crowded shopping mall with more than 1,000 people inside in central Ukraine on Monday, but the Russian Ministry of Defense claims they struck a nearby weapons depot

Macron Gives Biden Painful News About His Arab Oil Strategy as Cameras Are Rolling – “Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan told me I’m at a maximum capacity and the Saudis can only increase by 150 thousand barrels per day”

The Left-wing Insurrection Intensifies – For 1.5 years, the Left and its media allies have peddled the narrative of a Republican insurrection. Meanwhile, Democrats and their supporters burn federal courthouses, attack property rights, etc.

Wyoming Voters Fed Up With Cheney As Polls Show She’s Down Double Digits In Her Bid For Re-Election

TYRANTS USE DEMOCRACY TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY – What The Left Have Achieved In America Is Nothing New . . . It Is A Repeat Of Tyrannical Societies Throughout History

John Eastman, former President Donald Trump’s election attorney, accused the federal government of unlawfully seizing and searching his phone and would provide a copy of the search warrant, according to a new court filing Monday

The Oath Keepers FBI Interviews Contradict Their Indictment Charges – May 2021 interviews with Indiana leader say there was no plan to attack The U.S. Capitol or interfere with the transfer of power

What’s next for the anti-liberty left’s gun confiscation agenda? –  Bluntly speaking, their non-solutions will lead to more mass murders, so they are going to be agitating again in the future, but that was always part of the plan, wasn’t it!

The Phantom Hunt for the Supreme Court Leaker – The longer the investigation goes on without any conclusion, the more people will suspect that identifying the leaker would compound the damage already done to the Court’s reputation

ZH: COVID Falls From G7 Agenda And Now It’s Russia, Russia, Russia – The Infection Fatality Rate of Covid was way too small to warrant all the doom-mongering as the vast majority of people have nothing to worry about from the virus

ZH: The “Soft Landing” Myth, Inflation Will Be Around a Lot Longer – The Fed has done next to nothing to stop inflation as rates are at levels you would usually find during easing cycles and their balance sheet is ~$9 Trillion

Unions Have No Qualms Making Supply Chains Worse – A glance around the world shows that organized labor in the transportation sector is emboldened and willing to strike

The ESG recession – The ESG movement and related anti-fossil fuel movements have promised to run the fossil fuel industry out of business and discouraged investment in growing the fossil fuel industry

ZH: Another Food Processing Plant Shutters Operations, Adding To Long List Of Closures – The reason for the closure was not disclosed and has caught local officials by surprise

How Will The United States Re-arm After Our Extreme Support For Ukraine? – Weapons are a limited resource, and it takes time to produce more. How will we replace the ones we sent to Ukraine?

Texas Governor Abbott lashes out after 46 migrants found dead in tractor-trailer: ‘These deaths are on Biden – Abbott blamed Joe Biden’s border security and immigration policies

Tucker Carlson’s opener from Rio – Tucker launches a major expose into China’s influence in Brazil, but his lead-in on abortion is a must-watch as he asks, why has it gone from “safe, legal, and rare” to something to be celebrated?

Antifa’s Violent Attacks On Pregnancy Clinics Continue – The ‘night of rage’ appears to be turning into an entire Summer, again and Democrats still refuse to condemn the violence

As the national debate over teaching gender ideology to children in schools rages, some schools are putting in restrictions while others are doubling down

The Left Aborts Its Right To Be Called Tolerant … Or Intelligent – Here are several examples why

Democrats Say They Could Erect ABORTION TENTS In National Parks And Hand Out Abortion VOUCHERS – They want to create slush funds of tax dollars to pay for women to travel to federal-owned land for unconstitutional procedures

The California Assembly Passed an Abortion Rights Constitutional Amendment Bill for The November Ballot –  ‘SCA 10 is extreme, even for a state like California’

China’s Economy Is Collapsing And Here’s Why You Should Worry – Xi Jinping, however, wants to march on neighbors, so peace in Asia depends in considerable measure on whether the Chinese people can restrain him

June 27, 2022

The 29-year-old transgender skateboarder who beat teenage girls at a NY City women’s competition this past weekend is in-fact a former Navy man, and father of 3 that was also rejected from the Olympics for his high testosterone levels

The Witch Hunt Never Ends – The company that is in the process of merging with Trump’s social media platform Truth Social  and board members of DWAC are all under federal investigation and have received subpoenas from the SEC

Presidential Greatness Arrives for Trump – A historic record of appointing constitutionalists to the federal bench finally overturned Roe vs Wade

A Former White House Staffer Confirms The January 6 Committee Lied About The DOJ Attorney – ‘This isn’t about truth, but about making it impossible for conservatives to enter and leave government successfully’

Democrats suffer a 30-year high for House retirements, setting the stage for a Republican ‘Red Wave’ and bad news for Joe Biden

China’s COVID Surveillance State and Its Western Imitators – The pandemic may be retreating, but Big Brother isn’t

China’s Share of Ukraine – It’s on permanent standby, neutralizing Ukraine’s cyber efforts and acting as Putin’s silent partner

ZH: The BRICS Summit Reaffirms That Russia Is Not As Isolated As NATO Suggests – There will be no breakup with Russia and BRICS markets will continue to remain open to them

I&I/TIPP Poll: Will The New Gun Control Bill Do What The Public Wants? – While they get the most media coverage, “semi-automatic” rifles, even if banned, would likely have little impact on overall gun deaths

Non-binary Pronouns Are Conquering the West – George Orwell outlined this concept in “The Principles of Newspeak,” his appendix to 1984. Referring to the official language of the dystopian nation of Oceania

The WHO Is Behind The FDA Scheme to Skip All Future Clinical Trials for COVID Vaccines – The “Future Framework” comes from them and the Gates Foundation is their biggest voluntary contributor so he is likely running the show

Federal Vaccine Mandate Blocked Again as Appeals Court Dissolves Earlier Ruling – The vaccine mandate for federal employees will remain blocked at least until a September court hearing

Cracks are developing in the FDA’s “Future Framework” narrative – Even the NY Times voices doubts about this Kafkaesque scheme to abandon science in the name of progress

There Is No Safety Data to Back CDC’s Recommendation on Co-administering COVID-19 Injections and Other Vaccines in Children On The Same Day – Yet, the CDC went ahead admitting that there was a lack of safety data

China’s Killer Doctors  –  The People’s Republic of China’s lucrative transplant industry kills donors by removing their organs – Since the 1990s it has been well known that the PRC traffics organs from executed prisoners

CA’s new budget includes another round of tax rebates – Here are other highlights of the agreement, including spending to support abortion access, extending the social safety net, and more money for schools and small businesses

Gov. Newsom and Legislative Leaders Announce $17 Billion Inflation Relief Package – Californian households to receive up to $1,050 in relief checks and 23 million people are to be covered

Biden At 500 Days – On virtually every point of domestic and foreign policy, Joe Biden’s administration has been a flop – Biden predicted Republicans would have an “epiphany” after Trump left office, but that has not materialized

It is far more than just pain at the gas pump – Biden and his administration have no idea what the overriding American national interest is or what our national security strategy should be in Ukraine, Iran, China, or anywhere else

Huckabee: There is a ‘specter haunting’ U.S. threatening ‘to destroy American normalcy’ – The threat is from the Democrat Party, which seeks to subvert American law and order and use it as a tool to suppress their political opponents>

Covid Vaccines and Infertility – Birth rates are plummeting in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Taiwan nine months after mass covid vaccinations<

YouGov/CBS News Poll: Most Americans Are ‘Concerned’ About Their Ability to Afford ‘Day to Day Things’

A Mississippi Republican That Supported Formation Of The January 6 Commission Faces A June 28 Runoff – He lost the initial June 7 primary election, receiving just 46.9 percent of the vote to his opponents 47.5 percent, forcing the runoff

WSJ: Sanctions Push Russia to First Foreign Default Since Bolshevik Revolution – A debt default has been long in coming since Western sanctions created payment obstacles Moscow couldn’t overcome

CLASSLESS Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Incites Concert Crowd…Shouts: “F**k You, Clarence Thomas!” – One Month After She Made “Call to arms” Against Supreme Court

ZH: G7 Is Set To Impose “Price Caps” On Russian Oil, But It Is Unclear What This Is Suppose to Do – Using a price-capping scheme, Europe will limit the availability of shipping and insurance services needed for its worldwide transport 

ZH: There was an unexpected jump in new home sales and larger than expected drop in existing home sales in May, as homebuilder sentiment soured and mortgage rates and applications soared

As an American, I fear for our children’s and grandchildren’s future – Four clear examples of troubling trends

Portland is about lawlessness, not the Dobbs decision – Portland is exhibit #1 on what happens when a local government or an impotent governor decides that people can destroy property or burn buildings in the name of something

GOP Gaining 1 Million+ Voters as Democrats Bleed Support – Democrats are now happily switching to Republicans, voter registration analysis released Monday shows

The New York Supreme Court has struck down a New York City law, passed by Democrats late last year, that sought to give municipal voting rights to nearly a million foreign nationals

The Proud Boys gave their members directions to obey police lines and avoid other protesters on January 6

Most Hospital Operation Prices Are Not Compliant With Transparency Rules – The CMS hospital price transparency rule states that all hospitals must provide a list of standard charges for all services and items online in a downloadable format

The Biden Administration Pays Big Bucks For Pfizer’s Latest Flop – They are paying $10.6 billion in taxpayer money for Pfizer’s unoriginal and ineffective Covid-19 drug, Paxlovid

Border Patrol: Big Tech Platforms Being Used To Recruit Child Smugglers – Authorities have arrested drivers working on behalf of TCOs as young as 13 years old

Mayra Flores Responds to Video of Pelosi Elbowing Her Daughter – “I am so proud of my strong, beautiful daughter for not allowing this to faze her. No child should be pushed to the side for a Photo Op, PERIOD!!”

Mainstream Media is no longer trying to deny their hostility toward Republicans – And those in the media wonder why so few people trust them now?

SCOTUS Tosses Victory to High School Football Coach Who Lost His Job Over Praying At The 50-Yard-Line

As California vows to protect abortion rights, it lacks the data that would help estimate how many out-of-state women may seek services –  Currently, the state does not collect abortion data, including comprehensive numbers

California is working on denying gun permits based on a person’s “ideological viewpoints”

America’s Frontline Doctors: Free Doctor Gold – How Did This Happen?

The Middle Class Needs to Start Thinking About Asset Protection – Do it before creditors start coming after your money because if you wait too long, it might be too late

June 26, 2022

Massive Recall Announced Due To Potential Fire Hazard – Solar LED Market Umbrellas” produced by SunVilla Corp. and sold at Costco

Dov Fischer: When the Fetus Has More Brains Than ‘Pro-Choice’ Demonstrators – Roe v. Wade was so poorly constructed, so bereft of case law to sustain it that it waited patiently for Donald Trump to reach the WH and begged to be overruled

The Roe Decision Won’t Save the Democrats – The vast majority of voters have more important things to worry about than abortion

Why The Biden Administration’s Green Energy Policy Will ‘End in Tears’ – Some wind and solar power lessons to be learned by America based on the experiences of Germany’s ‘Energiewende’

Concerned Generals Who Graduated From West Point – Write a letter protesting against mandatory vaccinations, CRT classes, sanitary conditions, progressive political activism, and other “woke actions,” in the military academy

Biden G-7 Statement: The US aims to raise $200 billion in private and public funds over five years to fund needed infrastructure in developing countries under a G-7 initiative aimed at countering China’s  Belt and Road project

Biden G-7 Statement: His administration pledges $200B to a new Global Infrastructure Partnership that includes major health projects like a massive vaccine plant to produce “hundreds of millions” of doses for Covid-19 and other diseases

Donald Trump shreds top “conservatives” – “Where do these people come from? They have no idea what the MAGA movement is, and even less of an understanding of America First”

Project Veritas: Democrat Senate candidate urges leftist ‘sleepers’ to ‘run as Republicans – “We need them to run as the other side, even though they for our side, we need people to run as Republicans in these local elections”

Let Musk and Market, Not Regulation, Fix Social Media Sites – Regulating social media will always play into the Left’s hands

Tom Cruise’s Anti-Woke ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Sets Box Office Record, Passes $1B Mark – It is the studio’s highest-grossing original release at the domestic box office behind Titanic

CA threatens to punish physicians who dissent from the approved medical agenda regarding COVID, according to a former professor at the UCI School of Medicine and currently a senior scholar at the Brownstone Institute

Dr. Joseph Mercola: COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Are Gene Therapy – They fulfill all the definitions of gene therapy and none of the definitions for a vaccine

Loss of Social Bonds Leads to Mass Formation Psychosis, Enabling The Rise Of A Totalitarian State – When many people feel disconnected from their social environment they become prone to fanatical belief in an unreasonable narrative

William Barr: Public Schools Are Now So Hostile To Christians, They’re Unconstitutional – Religious devotion, the keystone of ordered liberty in the West, has been under systematic assault by anti-religious “atheocracy”

Outrage Ensues As A Trans Woman, 29, Defeats a 13-Year-Old Girl In a New York City Skateboarding Championship

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Testimony and Remarks, Pandemic Response In preparation for Texas Senate hearings testimony on June 27th

Dr. Toby Rogers: Newly released documents show that the W.H.O. is orchestrating the FDA’s scheme to skip all future clinical trials for Covid-19 shots – Injections forever with no safety data brought to you by the WHO, Gates & CCP

Sierra Pacific, California’s largest private landowner, closes all forestlands to the public indefinitely due to wildfire, drought danger

ZH: Biden will attend the Gulf Cooperation Council meeting in Saudi Arabia next month, with the explicit goal of convincing the GCC to increase the production of crude oil as a tool to reduce gasoline prices in the U.S.

Sharyl Attkisson: The Biden administration is ‘obstructing’ an Afghan investigation – The Biden Administration’s obstruction of the Special Inspector General’s investigation is unprecedented

A mass exodus from the Democrats’ America – What towns and cities gaining population generally have in common both before and during COVID-19 is that they live under laws made by Republicans


The Biden administration signed a five-year contract to take over a facility and will begin housing unaccompanied migrant children smuggled by cartels across the southern border in a North Carolina community

THE O’KEEFE PROJECT – What did O’Keefe do wrong? What makes it a federal case? This much is clear to me: the Biden Justice Department is out to get James O’Keefe

Dr. Toby Rogers: They Are Pushing Covid Shots For Kids To Eliminate The Control Group – The FDA is willing to sacrifice the health of 19 million little kids to cover up the evidence of a crime

A New Museum Bears Witness to Communism’s Horrors and Honors Its Victims – In total, more than 100 million have been killed under communist regimes in the past 100 years

At Least 15 Shot Friday into Saturday Night Across Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

June 25, 2022

The CDC Confirmed A Post-Vaccination Death From TTS Blood Clotting Two Weeks Before Finally Alerting The Public

Up to 40,000 Unvaccinated Army Guard Troops are at Risk of Being Dismissed as the Vaccine Mandate Deadline Looms

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Mistakes in the Biden Era, The Definitive List (Updated)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is using the recent Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade to assert his role as a future national leader of the left and the Democratic Party  – Possibly with a view to a forthcoming run for president

Donald Trump Basks Victory at Rally After Supreme Court Dobbs Decision – Trump praises Supreme Court Justices for not being intimidated by Left-Wing Violence and condemns Democrats for not speaking out about threats more strongly

Undoing the Supreme Court: Pelosi leads Democrats in an effort to codify Roe v. Wade into law – “Our summer of rage has just begun,” vowed the Women’s March, a left-wing advocacy organization. “We’ll see you in the streets”

‘We are Proud Antifa Scum’ –  Radical Activists Publish SIX SCOTUS Justice Addresses And Launch An Intimidation Campaign

The Pentagon has announced that it will refuse to recognize any abortion laws springing from the Supreme Court’s decision that there is no guaranteed right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution

Leftists’ Turn Their Rage on Former Heroes Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Barack Obama in the wake of Roe Ruling – Ginsburg was sick for many years but did not leave the court until she died in 2020

The Biden Administration Is Erasing Immigration Court Cases To Provide ‘De Facto Amnesty’ – Federal prosecutors are to throw out backlogged cases, which could “effectively pardon 1 million people by 2024

Airlines Say An Understaffed FAA Is Responsible For “Crippling” East Coast Traffic – In response to Buttigieg’s warning  that they faced federal government action, presumably including fines, over mounting flight cancellations and delays

ZH: The World Is Failing In Both Energy Affordability And Climate Goals – Nearly half of the $2B increase in investment in 2022 is likely to be eaten up by higher costs rather than bringing additional energy supply capacity or savings

Biden’s Gas Tax Non-Relief – The president’s plan is woefully inadequate, or as some might say, A Complete Joke

Government transparency dims under The Biden Administration – The DOE has withheld records sought under a FOIA request from November and the Department of the Interior has taken down its litigation transparency website

The Ahistorical Secularism of Justice Sotomayor – She takes her cue from the ACLU, not the Founding Fathers

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: The TruthLion Cometh – Testimony and emerging scientific data regarding the Covid genetic inoculations reveal the truth

Plandemic 2.0 Must Be Stopped – Awareness is building that the Covid-19 Pandemic was a “Government Take-Over” We must stop government overreach and people must be held accountable

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Immune Imprinting, Comirnaty and Omicron (part 2) – More details emerge on why the mRNA vaccines are not preventing Omicron infection

Roe Was Never Real Law – A controversial subject that should never have been wrested from the people in their states has now been returned to them

WSJ: Overruling Roe v. Wade, 50 years in the making – The culmination of a conservative judicial movement that rejected the interpretation of constitutional rights underpinning the 1973 decision, taking far longer than many expected

WSJ: Where Abortion Is Legal and Where It Loses Its Protections Without Roe v. Wade – Abortion access across the U.S. now depends on state laws

Are you now or have you ever been a supporter of Donald Trump? – Obviously, the primary purpose of the pseudo-hearing is twofold: Destroy Trump and keep the January Sixth narrative alive, until the November primaries

WSJ: Iran Nuclear Talks Will Resume Soon, Says EU Foreign-Policy Chief – Further negotiations will begin in the coming days, according to Josep Borrell, after talks broke off in March

Biden heads overseas, leaving a world of trouble at home – He is leaving for Europe this weekend for high-stakes meetings with G-7 and NATO allies and partners as Russia notches advances in Ukraine’s east

The Biden administration is quietly dropping charges against tens of thousands of unvetted illegal border crossers and visa overstayers, leaving them with clean records and incredibly, the “right” to apply for green cards and U.S. citizenship

A Father Makes all the Difference – The rise in school shootings correlates with the destruction of the family and the declining number of fathers in the home, with the consequent decline in the moral values of young people

ZH: Satellite imagery revealed that the United States is constructing a new military facility in the Pacific – Possibly preparing an alternative landing site for The US Air Force should their military bases on Guam become inoperable

The FDA’s Proposed “Future Framework” Is The Worst Idea In The History Of Public Health – If approved on June 28, all reformulated Covid-19 shots will skip clinical trials

Covid Vaccines and Fertility – Why is there a substantial decrease in births in Germany and Switzerland – nine months after the beginning of covid mass vaccinations?

New Monkeypox Study Holds Possible Clue to Fast Spread of Virus – Researchers say they have discovered that the virus contains an unusually high number of mutations, which may represent “accelerated evolution”


June 24, 2022

According to a massive survey that looked at the state of media all across the world, America has the least-trusted media on Planet Earth

In a statement released by California Governor Gavin Newsom, the states of California, Oregon, and Washington have come together to guarantee access to abortions for women in the U.S.

What Russia Just Announced About 2 American POWs – Suggesting they are mercenaries, so wouldn’t qualify for the protection of the Geneva Conventions afforded lawful combatants

Obama Calls on Shock Troops to Protest Following Supreme Court’s Decision to Overturn Roe v Wade – “Join Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion troops on the front lines”

Thanking Trump and What Reversing Roe Really Means – He governed as the best pro-life president ever

Mad Maxine Watters Endorses Judicial Nullification and Confrontation – A voice of insanity at a critical moment in our country’s history

Crowds of protesters gathered in America’s major cities to protest the Supreme Court decision on Friday to overturn Roe v. Wade – Traffic in Los Angeles was forced to a standstill as pro-abortion protesters mobbed the freeway

Merrick Garland launches legal insurrection against the US – “We respectfully disagree with the SCOTUS conclusion that the 2nd Amendment forbids NY’s reasonable requirement  for self-defense need to get concealed handgun permits”

Nancy Pelosi Readies New Articles of Impeachment Against Trump, Says ‘Third Time’s The Charm – “Sixteen months is too long to go between Trump impeachments,” she told her Democratic caucus in a secret meeting

ZH: Did Durham Play Us For A Fool? – The federal government doesn’t really investigate itself to successfully prosecute Democrats

The director of the CDC on June 23 falsely claimed that COVID-19 was one of the five top causes of death for children since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic

ZH: Here Comes Deflation: Toyota Asks Suppliers To Lower Prices As Volumes Ramp – Toyota has a history of asking suppliers to share price savings that occur as a result of buying in volume

Activists’ Ideological War On Energy – As they engage in a relentless disinformation campaign to hide the challenges of renewable energy sources, that without sufficient fossil fuel or battery backup will produce rolling blackouts

California tax relief: What’s in the tentative deal? – It includes payments of as much as $1,050 to California residents, but officials caution that the deal isn’t final

Goldman/JPM on Gas Tax Holiday: Don’t Bet on It  – Why Gas A Panic Could Be Worse Than The Toilet Paper Panic

WSJ: The House Approves A Landmark Gun Bill After The Senate passed the measure with bipartisan support – The House follows suit and sends it to President Biden’s desk

SCOTUS Strikes Down Roe v. Wade  – The ruling also reversed the 1992 companion precedent known as Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which held that states can’t impose significant restrictions on abortion before a fetus becomes viable for life outside the womb

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, in issuing an order Friday striking down Roe v. Wade, said that abortion presents a “profound moral question” and notes that the “Constitution does not refer to abortion”

Abortion Laws On A State by State Basic – What Overturning Roe v. Wade Means in Your State With the Supreme Court ruling, access to abortion has shifted dramatically in many US states

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Are Your COVID-injected Friends and Family Members Brain Damaged? Neurological damage is slow to manifest – The list of complications, conditions, and diseases resulting from the COVID shots is nearly endless

Sneaky Joe’s new plan to steal the midterms – The Biden administration doesn’t want the public to know about their federal takeover of election administration – Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail

Read the Communist Manifesto and you will feel you are reading the marching orders for the Modern Left – It is virtually a complete list of their grievances, such as victimhood, religion, borders, the family, private schools, and private property

Rand Paul: The Gun Control Bill Was Kept ‘Secret’ And Senators Not Allowed Time To Read It – “There doesn’t appear to be a willingness or time provided to read, understand, debate or amend this bill”

6 Ways Mitch McConnell Betrays the Republican Base – I wish we could find an effective way to compel Republican senators to move on from McConnell (and his lackeys) as their leader

The Biden Administration’s Revised Title IX regulations will change the rights of the accused on college campuses, change how children as young as 5 years old are allowed to speak and who is allowed to participate in women’s sports

Putin didn’t cause the gas price to rise – The cost of gasoline was $2.096 a gallon on Election Day 2020 – The date of the invasion of Ukraine was February 24; at that time the price had risen to $3.517 a gallon

Economic Sanctions On Russia: Mission Failed – When you strike at a king, you must kill him.” The West failed to kill the king; if history is any guide, he will come back with a vengeance

ZH: Inflation Is Causing More Americans To Be Nervous About Their Savings – The rise in everyday living expenses due to inflation throughout the country has forced Americans to reassess their household budgets

ZH: Where Things Are At With Elon Musk’s Twitter Purchase – For Musk, three issues need to be resolved: fake accounts, shareholder approval, and debt financing

Ukraine’s Refugees And The Breakup Of The West – The balance of power in Europe is shifting as displaced Ukrainians flow westward

California children’s hospital transgender youth center offers treatments to patients as young as age 3 – UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals says it’s prioritizing “social justice and health equity

The Biden administration declares war on nicotine while giving addicts crack pipes by allocating $30 million for a “harm reduction” program that distributes crack pipes so drug addicts so can use illegal drugs “safely”

Divers Spot Humpback Whale Trapped in Driftnet, Cut Her Free — And Then She Waves ‘Thank You’

June 23, 2022

They Biden administration ordered Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to develop a housing “equity” plan to hand out down payment money and provide lower interest rates based on race, for buyers with bad credit scores, etc.

Ray Epps Was Worried The Fast-Moving January 6 Crowd Might Interfere With ‘The Plan’  – Man also witnessed Epps directing group that removed 2-by-4 lumber and a long cardboard tube from utility hatch at U.S. Capitol

Biden’s FBI raids Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark, GOP officials, and staffers in multiple states – This comes as the Jan 6 Committee is scheduled to hold their hearing on Jeffrey Clark the same day the story was leaked to The New York Times

The Senate passes a bipartisan gun control bill – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the Safer Communities Act was the first major gun safety legislation to be passed since the Brady Bill in 1994

Joe Biden showed off a card at a WH meeting that gave him simple instructions on what to do or say –  Among the directions on the cheat sheet, captured in a Getty Images photo, was “YOU take YOUR seat” after entering the room

Biden’s Green Hypocrisy – The president’s attempt to lift the federal gas tax exposes the hollowness of climate-change rhetoric

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Deal With the Devil – Xi has emulated Mao in both the political power he has accumulated within China and the aggressive approach to the outside world

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shoulders much of the blame for the security breakdown at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a preliminary report from Republican investigators Reps. Jim Banks and Rodney Davis determined

Running Dry in the American West – The drought is especially pronounced in the Colorado River Basin, which supplies water to 40 million people across nine states and irrigates 4 million acres of farmland

Electricity use would surge under California’s new climate plan – California’s sweeping climate plan would increase electricity consumption by as much as 68% by 2045 – which would put an immense strain on the power grid

Legislators, Newsom negotiating behind closed doors over energy deal – The Newsom administration is making the inclusion of certain energy provisions a high priority in the negotiations over his revised budget

In a pathetic bid to reclaim her congressional seat, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney is mailing instructions to Wyoming Democrats on how to vote for her in the state’s upcoming Aug. 16 primary

Are BlackRock and a Mysterious Figure Named “Kimberly Lang” Running the U.S. Government? – When someone is meeting with leaders in and out of our nation almost every day at the White House, there’s a reason to be concerned

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Immune Imprinting, Comirnaty and Omicron (part 1) –  More details emerge on why the mRNA vaccines are not preventing Omicron infection – They are not working, and they are not completely safe

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows two doses of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine yield negative protection against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, while a previous infection without vaccination offers about 50% immunity

Media, Health Officials Should ‘Just Tell the Truth’ About COVID Shots for Kids –  Vinay Prasad, M.D. called out the “lies and exaggerations” about COVID-19 vaccines and kids being spread by media and public health officials

Rumors will swirl swiftly after an Arkansas judge sealed the death records of an aide to former President Bill Clinton – The Little Rock, Arkansas, businessman reportedly introduced then-President Clinton to disgraced billionaire Jeffrey Epstein

Yes, The Biden Administration Is Hiding Its Plan To Rig The 2022 Midterm Elections – The White House is refusing to share details about its coordinated efforts to engage in a federal takeover of election administration

The Supreme Court Strikes Down The New York Law on Carrying Concealed Weapons – In the widest expansion of gun rights in a decade, the decision puts in question similar laws in at least eight other states and DC

A WELL-DESERVED 2ND AMENDMENT GUT PUNCH TO THE LEFT – This Judgment Didn’t Give The People More Rights . . . It Restricted Government From “Infringing” On Citizen’s Rights

Fed Chairman Powell throwing Biden under the bus – “Would you say the war in Ukraine is the primary driver of inflation?” “No. Inflation was high before the war in Ukraine broke out”

WSJ: Mortgage Rates Continue Rising, Hitting 5.81% – Some lenders are already quoting rates of 6% or more

Clarence Thomas: Expanding The Administrative State Comes At The Expense Of The Constitution – “The whole point was to keep the government in this box … the structure was the main way to protect your liberty”

REDISTRIBUTION, THE ILLEGAL ALIEN EDITION – Suspected illegal immigrant flights are impacting almost every state in the country. They often land in the dark of night at small airports and change airports once locals catch on

Under Biden’s DHS, all dissenters are now ‘domestic extremists’ – By linking border policy opponents to “domestic violent extremists,” the WH can now weaponize its federal security agencies to target them for harassment and persecution

Does the J6 Committee threaten our democracy? – Several House rules were discarded to ensure the right narrative prevails, including jettisoning minority party voices and seemingly lacking any legislative purpose for the Committee’s existence

WSJ: Nuclear Power Is Poised for a Comeback –  The Problem Is Building the Reactors as countries have lost their expertise in building nuclear plants after shunning them for years

Tucker Carlson: We have a Uniparty system in and outside of DC in which the Republican Party does nothing to stand against the Biden regime’s policies – They may object on small issues, but they are all in on the big ones

Red Wave? Please! Don’t Forget What George Wallace Said Back In The Day – “There is not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties, Democrats and Republicans”

The Federal Gas-Tax Holiday Is a Trap – It would set up a real regulatory basis for hounding retail sellers for alleged “price gouging,” thereby intensifying the assaults on the energy sector

ZH: BIDEN’S GAS TAX HOLIDAY IS DEAD ON ARRIVAL IN CONGRESS – Here Is What Biden Actually Could Do To Lower Gas Prices… But Is Blocked By Environmentalists


Dov Fischer: How Israel’s Government Collapsed as Biden’s Soon Will – When Never Trumpers and Never Netanyahus coalesce with the Left, chaos, and instability ensue, and what follows are collapsing governments

ZH: Biden’s Economic Adviser Asserts That More Government Spending Will Solve Inflation Crisis – Apparently, Americans just don’t understand a good thing when they see it?

ZH: Their Inflation Solutions Are Even Worse Than The Problem – The inflation-fighting plan announced by the White House mostly involves spending more money

Did SCOTUS Just Tip Its Hand For a Friday Drop of Roe v. Wade Decision? – Normally, the Supreme Court does not issue opinions on Friday, but their official website indicates that this Friday opinions will be issued

Trump: “SCOTUS must find reveal and punish the leaker” – “Go to the reporter who received the leak,” he said, calling it “a tremendously serious matter that has never happened, to anywhere near this extent, before”

Restoring The Founders’ Vision Of Religion – The SCOTUS ruling in Carson v. Makin helps restore the meaning of the First Amendment

The Inconvenient Truth About COVID-19 Relief Scandals – It’s very clear now what a scam and waste so much if not all of COVID spending amounted to

A Red Flag for Red Flags – This would allow almost anyone to accuse a gun owner of mental instability, suspected violent tendencies, affiliation with a violent organization, etc., that might conceivably lead them to use a gun against others

The Senate ‘gun safety’ bill is worse even than I thought – Most provisions are useless and it’s unlikely the face-saving demands in the provision funding red flag laws would matter, as judges will rule for seizing guns to be on the safe side

Biden Tries to Dupe Parents – Fearing backlash in the fall, Biden forms a bogus “council” to bamboozle them at the Department of Education

The Candidate That Almost Beat DeSantis May Now Be Headed To Prison – Allegedly, Gillum and Lettman-Hicks diverted money from his political committee to pay Gillum directly, defrauding campaign mega-donors and other organizations

The Push For Permanent Vote-By-Mail – A progressive activist you’ve never heard of sits at the center of efforts to remake the American election system

June 22, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson: Why the Left Will Cut Biden Loose – Democrats will soon find no further reason to cover for Joe Biden’s own serial abhorrent personal behavior on matters of financial probity, sex, race, and truthfulness

The Jan. 6th Committee is More Dangerous to Democracy Than Jan. 6th – We’re less than two weeks into their televised kangaroo court during which they’ve already admitted they do not plan to make any criminal referrals to the DOJ

The ‘I Guess We Should Do Something’ Gun Control Bill Does Little But Erode Rights – In their rush to ‘do something,’ Republicans are supporting a vague, open-ended bill that will almost surely be abused

Sizing Up The Proposed Gun Bill – The Senate’s compromise legislation would likely have a modest impact—on both firearms violence and Second Amendment rights

Retired US Major General Vallely: People Have to Stand Up Before We Have A Civil War – He is concerned about a potential communist takeover and also about the mandatory COVID vaccination of all members of the military

A Warning Was Just Issued Of Biden’s ‘Five Stages Of Grief’ – Some suggest that the crises America is going through are not by accident but by design so socialists can implement their Green New Deal

Inflation as a Political Power Play Gone Wrong – As a result, the West’s authorities now face an impossible choice: push conglomerates and states into cascading bankruptcies or allow inflation to go unchecked

ZH: Russia is done with the West and the divorce is nearly complete –  In the past few days we’ve heard from all major Russian leaders the same thing –  “The West will play by our rules now”

Clarence Thomas: How liberal policies have killed black communities

An analysis of Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccine trials found the mRNA shots are more likely to land a recipient in the hospital than to protect against a severe adverse event

Reactivation of The Chickenpox Virus Following COVID-19 Injections is on the Rise – Federal health authorities, however, say there is no connection between the vaccinations and shingles

A Pfizer and Moderna Analysis Re-do – Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an absolute risk increase of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 (95% CI 2.1 to 22.9)

A study published last week in Environment International showed 29 endocrine disruptors — at levels more than 100-fold greater than acceptable exposure rates — in the urine samples of 98 Danish men

A senior Army official says the U.S. Army is strongly considering pushing the June 30 deadline for compliance with the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate far into the future, but will not announce the date change until closer to, the new deadline

Sharyl Attkisson: The watchdog group Judicial Watch has obtained over 600 pages of records that reportedly reveal “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) instruction is taking place at the US Military Academy, West Point

The Rise & Risks of Central Bank Digital Currencies – Issues raised in the House Committee hearing on CBDCs included risks to the public of mass surveillance and targeting of citizens who are critical of the regime

Bill Gates Buys Massive Amount of Farmland in North Dakota, But the State AG Just Stepped in – Gates’ position as the single largest owner of American farmland puts him in a unique position to potentially harm ranchers and cattlemen

The 2,670-mile Freedom March of James Topp from Vancouver, BC to the Nation’s Capital in Ottawa is close to completing for Canada Day. He is gaining significant Citizen Support which will help in forming a new Canadian Citizens Coalition

The dirtiest and cleanest beaches in California, according to Heal the Bay

The Senate compromise ‘gun safety’ bill is here – At a first hasty glance, it does seem that Republicans at least tried to insert some level of protection

Here Are the 14 Republicans Who Just Voted to Advance the Senate Gun Control Bill Opposed by the National Rifle Association – The 64-34 vote was the first procedural hurdle facing the legislation

Most independent and Republican voters believe that the government would ultimately abuse “red flag” laws, according to a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Wednesday found

J6 Committee, Spare Me Your ‘Insurrection’ Hysteria – Democrats and the MSM tried to distract and avoid truthfully reporting on Biden’s disastrous administration. If there was enough evidence of criminality to indict Trump, it would have happened already

NPR visits a swing district — and much to its surprise learns that voters don’t care about the Democrats’ January 6 hearings – Nobody cares about the January 6 shit show while inflation is ravaging the country

Rasmussen Poll: Only 11 percent of Americans believe the Biden administration’s narrative that Vladimir Putin is to blame for record-high gas prices, with the majority blaming Biden’s poor energy policies instead

Inflation: Raise rates or sell assets – Powell needs to begin quantitative tightening and sell off the Fed’s balance sheet, but Chuck and Nancy want to continue the borrowing and spending, and expect the Fed, to keep printing the money

Here are five unassailable reasons that justify impeaching Joe Biden – This is not meant to be a complete list, but it will do for starters

What do rising mortgage interest rates mean? – Your loss of purchasing power goes to the government when it uses the newly created money, via inflation, to buy things that it could not otherwise afford

Biden to Ask Congress to Suspend Gas Tax for 3 Months Amid Soaring Energy Prices – Amounting to a reprieve of 18 cents a gallon on gas and 24 cents a gallon on diesel through the end of September

JD Rucker: Biden’s Travel Crisis: Over 1,000 Airline Pilots Protested in Impressive Display of Coordination and Solidarity – They expressed various messages highlighting the challenges they’re facing

A new study on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine showed that men receiving the jab suffered a sustained loss in sperm count. – The news comes after years of mockery by corporate media outlets over the concern, as well as false “fact checks”

Memo To The Clintons: Please Go Away And Don’t Come Back –  The Clintons are back at the top of the news, claiming in recent separate interviews that we are at risk of “losing our democracy”

A New Bloomberg Study Estimates A 72% Chance the Fed’s Rate Hikes Will Trigger Recession by 2024 – The report came out just as the Federal Reserve made its largest hike in interest rates since 1994 in an attempt to cool down inflation

The Real Question Is… Why Would Pelosi Welcome an Attack on the Capitol on January 6? – So many still unanswered questions

Milton Friedman – “There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch”

JD Rucker: ANOTHER Young Professional Athlete Dies Mysteriously and Nobody’s Mentioning the Covid Vaccines – Just yesterday, similarly-aged former NBA player Caleb Swanigan died of “natural causes”

June 21, 2022

ABC/Ipsos Poll: Just nine percent of Americans are following the January 6 committee’s televised hearings “very closely” – The partisan Committee will delay its congressional hearings for several weeks

There Are Still Pioneers in America And Cole Summers Was One – By 10 years old, the Utah boy had bought and was running a 350-acre farmstead. This is what it looks like to be unafraid to try

The real cause of recent flight delays – The primary cause is not weather or similar routine disruptions, but ripple effects caused by vaccine mandates demanded by the Biden administration and the Democrat Controlled Congress

Biden lets in 1 million illegal border crossers or perhaps 2 million – Court filings in the case are giving us the best picture yet of what the Biden administration is doing on the U.S.-Mexico border. And the news is very, very bad

Biden’s Relentless War on the Border Targets Law Enforcement, Not Illegals – While Biden gives illegals free cell phones and tickets to ride virtually anywhere in America, he punishes diligent Border Patrol agents for doing their jobs


Democrats are supposedly very serious about inflation – But one of the biggest drivers of inflation, at least according to the most recent Consumer Price Index report, has not elicited even a peep from the political class: the soaring cost of housing

ZH: EIA: US Refining Capacity Sinks To Near Decade Low – Falling this year to 17.94 million barrels a day as of January 1, down from 18.09 million BPD on January 1 last year. U.S. refining capacity is now the lowest it’s been since 2014

The Fed’s Controlled Demolition To Leave Workers With Less Bargaining Power – Employees will be worse off as the number of open positions evaporate amid the ongoing (but soon to change) shortage

Biden wants money to fend off a second pandemic and says all American babies should get a Covid vaccination – “We don’t just need more money for vaccines for children, we need more money to fend off the second pandemic” 

Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children – Two-thirds of the children dropped out of the vaccine trials!

In response to a Freedom of Information Request, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week admitted it never analyzed the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System for safety signals for COVID-19 vaccines

The case reports included in Pfizer clinical trial documents, released June 1 by the U.S. FDA, reveal a trend of classifying almost all adverse events — and in particular severe adverse events — as being “not related” to the vaccine

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) violated drug reimbursement rules for low-income patients in a blistering decision that the media is largely ignoring

Gun bill details agreed to by a bipartisan group of four key Senate negotiators  – A final gun bill text released in wake of several mass shootings, could pass before July 4

Trump-endorsed Katie Britt defeats Rep. Mo Brooks in the Alabama Senate Republican run-off

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) pledged on Tuesday to sell out the American people by trying to advance amnesty for illegal aliens after striking a deal on gun control

Hard-Left @FiveThirtyEight declares Biden the most unpopular president in recorded history at this point in his tenure – More so than any of his predecessors where polling data exists, going back nearly 90 years

Deutsche Bank says the US is heading for a deeper recession than previously expected, with unemployment set to jump – Since the Fed hiked interest rates by 0.75% last week, more Wall Street analysts agree

SCOTUS: The First Amendment Bans States from Excluding Religious Schools from School-Choice Programs – A huge victory for religious parents to educate their children in the school of their choice on the same terms as non-religious parents

SCOTUS: With only 13 opinions left to hand down before the end of the term, a consequential ruling over abortion access will likely be one of the last decisions announced before the high court’s July recess

SCOTUS rejected Bayer’s appeal to shut down thousands of lawsuits claiming that its Roundup weedkiller causes cancer – This lawsuit had served as a test case for thousands of similar lawsuits

WSJ: U.S. Existing-Home Sale Prices Hit Record of $407,600 in May – Home sales decline 3.4% as mortgage-interest rates climb

New York’s attorney general Letitia James has President Trump in a Catch-22 – She has accused him of following the rules of accounting, which she claims is a violation of the law

Twitter’s board of directors unanimously recommends Musk’s takeover bid – Elon Musk’s deal would take Twitter private at $54.20 a share

Elon Musk Says 3 Issues Must be Resolved Before Twitter Buyout Can Move Ahead – Experts Say Zero Chance Deal Closes as Currently Structured

ZH: Ukrainian authorities have banned the country’s main opposition party and seized all its assets – This undermines the narrative that President Zelensky is presiding over a beacon of democracy

ZH: Oil Jumps, Crack Spread Near A Record After The Market Ignores The Latest Idiocy From The Biden Administration

ZH: The Netherlands is following in the footsteps of neighboring Germany and lifting a cap on production by coal-fired power stations to prevent a winter energy crisis amid a drop in gas supplies from Russia

ZH: DEFCON 2… Or Cutting Off The Nose To Spite The Face – I remain extremely worried about food inflation

ZH: We Now See The Fed Moving Toward An Attempted Controlled Unwind Position – Inflation is forcing central bankers to allow price discovery

An 18-year-old explains why young White men are becoming radicalized – It’s almost like the goal of the left is to demoralize and demonize young men — the group most likely to challenge our ruling class

Gallup Poll: The Number Of Americans Who Believe In God Takes A Dive – The Gallup poll found young adults and people on the left of the political spectrum is where a belief in God is declining

The Progressive Grievance Parade – Young woke progressives are exceptionally hard to work with, and they see each other that way, so a staff of young woke progressives makes progressive organizations nearly impossible to manage

Gun arguments are similar to identity scrums; facts, research, and science do not matter – Few rifles, including the AR-15, are used for murder as the weapon of choice for more than half of the nation’s homicides is a semi-automatic handgun

Sharyl Attkisson: Republicans raise ethics concerns over Biden student loan forgiveness – The WH proposal is to reportedly forgive at least $10,000 in student debt for millions of federal student loan borrowers with household incomes up to $300,000

JD Rucker: Covid Jabs INCREASE The Risk of Infection According to New England Journal of Medicine – This isn’t news to those who have been paying close attention, but that it’s finally getting acknowledged is a breakthrough

Democrats loathe Lauren Boebert, an outspoken supporter of Trump, gun rights, and an opponent of vaccine mandates, abortion, and green energy mandates – Here is a hit piece ad against her, which Google’s YouTube has no problems with

The Liberal Mind In Action – Somehow, I am not surprised they would do something like this

John Daniel Davidson: Border Dispatch, Part II: ‘The Cartel Controls Everything Here Now’ – The ongoing border crisis has transformed illegal immigration into an industrial-scale international smuggling black market

Our military exists to defend America against foreign enemies, whether the battle is fought overseas or ends on American soil – Unfortunately, as we face today’s various threats, our Navy is focused like a laser on pronouns

Tip of the invasion iceberg: DHS released nearly 100K, illegal aliens, in just one month – This is, in fact, a controlled and purposeful mass migration, although there are many more that got away by funneling through our border during the chaos

The Lies Behind Lab-Cultured Fake Meat – It is produced from animal tissue cells grown in a fetal bovine serum made from the blood of cow fetuses and relies on the slaughter of cows and unborn calves, which are drained of their blood while alive

A Japanese Court Ruled That Gay Marriage Is Not Protected By Their Constitution And Said Marriage Is For Bearing And Raising Children, In Their Ruling To Uphold Their Gay Marriage Ban

A kidnapped Florida man saved himself by driving erratically to get pulled over by the police – After a search of the vehicle, officers found guns, knives, and large amounts of cash

BIG TECH Big Tech’s Sticky Fingers Are Still at Work in Washington – Predatory infringement works as a business strategy because Big Tech has lobbied its political allies in Washington to rewrite the patent laws in its favor

The Disaster Continues: CNN Ratings Keep Falling At Historic Levels – CNN is in lock-step with the Democratic Party, acting as essentially another branch of their communications department

June 20, 2022

5 Reasons a Republican Congress Must Subpoena Adam Schiff – Schiff has been the main culprit in the abuse of congressional powers to persecute the opposition

Liberated Ethnic Studies Comes to California K-5 Classrooms  – The foundations of ‘teaching hard history’ are identical to the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory

Biden and the Loss of Respect for America – Putin’s contempt for Biden has been confirmed

The Democrat Incendiaries – From Schumer to “Jane’s Revenge” to Joe Biden, they are setting the stage for political violence in reaction to a final ruling in Dobbs that could overturn Roe vs Wade

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review a dispute over voter ID laws in North Carolina just months before November’s crucial midterm elections

A Police Report Proves Plainclothes Electronic Surveillance Unit Members Were Embedded Among Jan. 6 Protesters –  Embedded ESU members wore a specific “bracelet on their left wrist identifying them as MPD personnel”

Five major cities are on track to surpass their 2021 homicide totals – Numbers spiked 25% in Milwaukee, 13% in DC and Atlanta, and more than 7% in Baltimore and Los Angeles

The Assault on Children’s Psyches – California’s ethnic-studies curriculum is fueling a mental-health crisis among teenagers, schools compulsively tell children how awful it is to be white and white people enjoy unearned privilege

WSJ: Semiconductor Dependency Imperils American Security – The U.S. Innovation and Competition Act is only the first step in preventing Chinese dominance

Merrick Garland’s shameful inaction  – His failure to prosecute pro-choice extremists that harassed SCOTUS Justices is indefensible

Conrad Black: The Trump Haters Are Now Desperate – Americans remember that he was a very successful president, despite unrelenting partisan harassment, much of it illegal, so barring terrible tactical errors, of which he’s capable, Trump will be back

Ghislaine Maxwell Touted Her Connection to Bill Clinton As A Reason For A Lesser Sentence Because She Helped Launch His Global Initiative

DeSantis: ‘There Is No Proven Benefit’ For Babies To Get COVID Jabs, ‘We Recommend Against It’  –  Florida will not require infants to receive COVID-19 vaccines, and he stressed that his government recommends against it

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – Underlying factors include undiagnosed myocarditis, inflammatory conditions, and other conditions that cause irregularities in the electrical system of the heart, thereby triggering cardiac arrest

The first interior image released in the Uvalde school shooting shows officers with more firepower than previously believed – Officers stood in a hallway armed with rifles and at least one ballistic shield

Nearly three-fourths of NIH grantees fail to properly report their researchers’ ties to foreign countries and companies, according to an investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector-General

A Freedom Manifesto – We are defending the Freedom to live, love, raise families, be safe, speak openly, educate our children, prosper, and pray without Government Tyranny; and we are peacefully joining together to “Take Back Our Lives”

CA Democrats Abandon Gas Tax Holiday And Announce A New Committee to Investigate Gas Price Gouging –  Californians don’t need another dead-end study, they need relief now

California lawmakers on Monday finally sent Governor Gavin Newsom a hot potato of a bill that would bar police from making arrests on a charge of loitering for prostitution, nine months after the measure passed the Legislature

What La Niña means for California’s summer – Now it’s summer, California’s driest season and drought conditions are only expected to worsen as NOAA is predicting a hotter-than-average summer for the entire state

The radical left targets Amy Coney Barrett – Pro-choice activists protested outside her house over the weekend, donning fake-blood-stained clothes and holding baby dolls

The misleadingly named “Civics Secures Democracy Act” (CSDA) reintroduced in Congress will allow the administration to push CRT on public schools – The $6 billion grant creates a de facto national curriculum, just like Common Core

January 6 Was Not A Coup Attempt – There had to have been a realistic path by which some action on that day could have resulted in Donald Trump remaining president of the United States

D’Souza’s Mules Left Tracks -It provides compelling evidence of a massive, centrally coordinated conspiracy to commit vote fraud, prima facie evidence of central organization and management

Jesse Watters Reveals Who Is Actually Running America

A WH Health Official Made A False Claim About COVID-19 Vaccines  Saying No serious Vaccine Side Effects – Severe allergic reactions, blood clotting, heart inflammation, and paralysis are among the serious side effects that have been reported

Who foments violence in America? – Criminals run free in Democrat-run cities throughout the country as Soros-backed D.A.s allow the homicidal, drug-addled among our increasingly violent population to run free to do what they do

Biden pledged that the U.S. will collaborate with foreign and domestic partners to ensure that refugees stateside have access to healthcare and shelter, and opportunities to pursue livelihoods and education that allow them to rebuild their lives here

Biden is making already-high gas prices higher – Demand destruction or demand slowdowns will not a fix this problem – There is only one long-term fix to this problem, and that is an increase in investment in production

Professor of Economics: The Biden Administrations Sanctions on Russia and Anti-Oil Policy Give A Competitive Edge to China – They’re now shipping much more of their fossil energy to China and India, who are willing still to deal with Russia

ZH: Inflation Is Dominating Headlines, But Deflation Is What Investors Should Fear – We need to look at the difference between the consumer price index (CPI) and the producer price index (PPI)

I&I/TIPP Poll: 64% said Biden “is responsible for inflation” choosing either “very responsible” (38%) or “somewhat responsible” (26%). – 25% answered “not responsible”, with 17% saying “not very responsible” and 8% saying “not at all responsible”

Average monthly car payments hit a record high in May as the cost of new vehicles soared – In part due to higher interest rates and a dwindling supply chain as the average price of a new vehicle rose to $47,418

A brave nurse describes the devastating carnage related to forced Covid vaccinations she witnessed in Australia

THE O’KEEFE PROJECT: TUCKER GOES TO TOWN – He opened his show Friday evening with an 18-minute segment on Ashley Biden’s diary, and while it has seems that the government is out to get O’Keefe, it hasn’t panned out for them

The war on America’s suburbs has opened a new front – Buried in President Biden’s proposed budget for 2023 is a $10-billion bribe for suburban communities to remove zoning barriers to high-density housing

Disney’s Woke ‘Lightyear’ Bombed All over the World – Do you have any idea how insane and out-of-touch Disney must be to invest $300 million in a movie that includes homosexuality? And not just any kind of movie—a kiddie movie

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Most Journalists are Scientifically Unqualified – Why does anyone rely on reporters to interpret scientific articles?

More than half a dozen affordable housing projects in California are costing more than $1 million per apartment to build, making it harder to house the growing numbers of low-income Californians who need help paying rent

Juneteenth: Only 24 States Give Workers Day Off Since Biden Declared Federal Holiday in 2021 – Only 60 percent of Americans in 2022 are aware of why the day was designated a holiday, up from 37 percent in 2021

June 19, 2022

The CDC says “severe reactions” to the COVID vaccines are rare. – However, a new poll of Americans shows that 1% of people who get the jab (2M Americans over 18) are so seriously COVID vaccine-injured that they are unable to hold a job

THE NEXT WAR? – It is very likely the case that the next major war has started. No, not the Russia-Ukraine War, which could yet spread to the rest of Europe if we’re unlucky we are talking about an Israel-Iran War

Dov Fischer: How Donald Trump Saved the GOP – Unlike all his Republican predecessors since Ronald Reagan, he fought for his beliefs and was never afraid, and in so doing, he gave a dead party new life

Lawmakers see major security hole after 15 suspected terrorists cross the border  – Agents are overwhelmed processing the nearly quarter-million illegal migrants who are crossing monthly so more dangerous players are sneaking across undetected

Tucker Carlson: What Should Be Done to Colbert’s Staffers Arrested Inside The Capital After Hours Without Authorization – They should be locked up in “solitary confinement” for 1 1/2, based on the precedent set by the treatment of Jan. 6 prisoners

Joe Biden’s Energy Jihad – Biden, “I want you to just take a look, I want you to look into my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we are going to end fossil fuel and I am not going to cooperate with them”

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden and Oil: Destroy America to Save It – Our current oil shortage didn’t arise from a foreign war, but from a deliberate policy to curtail oil production to force a more rapid transition to battery-powered transportation

RENEWABLES ARE GOING NOWHERE – The fundamental problem with wind and solar power is that they generate electricity less than half the time, and as a result, the ballyhooed “green revolution” has fizzled

Joe Biden’s approval rating is down to the lowest in his presidency, at only 32 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval, according to the CIVIQS rolling job-approval average as of Saturday

Compassion Is Conservative, Contempt Is Communist – Educated, white, suburban women thought they would have a friendly grandpa when they voted for Joe Biden, instead, they’ve lost their 401Ks and they have to buy expensive groceries

ZH: Fed up with the red tape or troubled by their country’s trajectory, one in four American expatriates are either planning to renounce their citizenship or seriously considering it

Texas Republicans passed a resolution on June 18 stating that President Joe Biden was “not legitimately elected,” and that “substantial” election fraud in key metropolitan areas influenced the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden

Health experts claimed the FDA “fully approved” the Pfizer Inc.-BioNTech COVID-19 shots called Comirnaty, but Pfizer now revealed they won’t be available,  ever! – So Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot has been for emergency use, and experimental

The Lords of Scarcity – Corporations and financial special interests have long realized that environmentalism is a means to control markets and capital – These water owners are the Lords of Scarcity, and California is their citadel

An appellate court has ruled that an insured restaurant can seek COVID-19 shutdown damages – The Oceana Grill had originally lost their request to seek damages from its insurer, but that decision has now been reversed on appeal

ZH: The Criminal Order Beneath The ‘Chaos’ Of San Francisco’s Tenderloin – Crime in the Tenderloin is out of control, everyone knows it’s organized and cartel-backed – They don’t think it’s worth it to stop it, because nothing’s going to change 

FINA Restricts Transgender Swimmers: Lia Thomas Banned from Women’s Events Under New Standard – The new policy dictates that transgender swimmers must “have completed their transition by age 12 to be able to compete”

WSJ: Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal have dramatically raised the probability of recession, now putting it at 44% in the next 12 months – A level usually seen only on the brink of or during actual recessions

Texas ‘Triple Threat’ Leads Hispanic Voters’ Seismic Shift Toward GOP – Republican Mayra Flores’s special election victory Tuesday is the latest of the mounting evidence that Hispanic voters are inching away from the Democrat Party

A Trump 2024 launch before November could become a problem for the GOP – An early candidacy would dilute Republican messaging focused on Biden and boost moribund Democratic enthusiasm, shrinking the size of the red wave

Kevin D. Williamson: Here Comes Fiscal Armageddon – Without some serious policy changes, we won’t stave off a catastrophic economic crisis forever

Rep. Matt Gaetz: Biden’s IRS Spent Approximately $700,000 on Ammo ‘Between March and June 1’ – He painted a dire scenario where the government reduces ammunition production “and, on the other hand, [soaks] up the supply of it”

Does Nuclear Energy Have a Future in the US? – Outside the US, nuclear is entering a golden era, especially in China – According to the U.S. Department of Energy, GENERATION IV plants “offer impressive safety features, are easy to construct and affordable to maintain

Anti-Trump Peggy Noonan is out of control – The gist of her recent column was to advise Mr. Trump’s voters to abandon him in 2024 because he “would surely lose”

Colleen Huber NMD: Unvaccinated Kids Are Alright – Old dogma, made new again, asserts that COVID itself has caused injuries that are more likely attributed to lockdowns, masks, and the vaccines themselves

SCHADENFAUCI – Fauci’s terror campaign pushed that Covid-19 was the end of the world unless we ceased all social and economic interaction, locked ourselves in the basement indefinitely, and wore six multiple masks

Meet Kitty Demure, a drag queen who tells the truth about drag and children – Not all drag queens want to perform in front of children

June 18, 2022

Three things Biden has done that increased gas prices – Drilling leases, chocking regulations, and negative rhetoric

The Deeply Satisfying Destruction of the Ruling Elite They’ve earned every humiliation that’s coming to them – The recent San Francisco recalls could be but a small taste of what’s coming in November

ZH: Our Economy In A Nutshell – The economy has reached an inflection point where everything that is unsustainable finally starts unraveling, as the days of cheap energy disappear

ZH: House Democrats Propose A 1,000% Tax On AR-15s – Which would of course mean only people with lots of money, such as drug dealers and rich people, could afford them while punishing lower-income Americans

Sharyl Attkisson: Senator Johnson says data from The Department of Veterans Affairs shows Covid vaccine & mandates are ineffective

A Possible Link of Neuromyelitis Optica After A COVID-19 Vaccination – It occurs in healthy individuals around two weeks after Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines. Patients already affected experience an exacerbation of symptoms

Tucker Carlson Hits Joe Biden on His Use of FBI as “Secret Police” to Bury Details of Showers With His Young Daughter

Did Ashley Biden reveal her father, Joe, is a creep to the point of pedophilia? – It’s no secret that Joe Biden has an unwholesome obsession with little children, especially little girls as can’t seem to keep his eyes, his hands, or his nose off them

Sharyl Attkisson: The DHS’s Disinformation Governance Board was planning to serve as a central clearinghouse to respond to matters that the government unilaterally deemed to be mis-, dis- or mal-information (MDM)

How Trump Became the Only One – The biggest unintended consequence of “The Left” trying to turn the world against Donald Trump by constantly dwelling on him is that he is the only one whose name everyone in the world knows

The D.C. Swamp hates Trump because he represents the real America – Why was it necessary to pack the January 6 Committee with Trump haters? The answer: Because Trump is an existential threat to the DC swamp!

WSJ: The Crypto Party Is Over – The cryptocurrency industry was built on swagger, enthusiasm, and optimism. All three are in short supply these days, as losses and layoffs mount

ZH: A Housing Crash Imminent Is As Mortgage Rates Explode Price Cuts Soar And Buyer Demand Collapses – 30Y mortgage rates soared to above 6%


June 17, 2022

Biden abuses Defense Production Act for solar panels – The Defense Production Act is supposed to promote the national defense, not used by the president authoritarian to temporarily nationalize select industries for political purposes

ZH: Why Food Inflation Is Only Getting Started – The US has just experienced an 8.8% increase in food prices, but this doesn’t take into account the spiraling costs farmers are now experiencing and will be passed along as we move forward

In Battle Against Soaring Inflation, Fed Chief Powell Is Out-to-Lunch – Some Fed officials had questionable stock-trading activity dating back to 2020 and the start of a massive quantitative easing (QE) program

Read a transcript of Elon Musk’s first Twitter all-hands meeting – Topics ranged from layoffs to aliens to who will be CEO and what will change once he takes control

The January 6 Committee’s Bogus Insurrection Incitement Charge – Trump did no such thing, and whatever happened at the Capitol that day, calling it an insurrection has always been a stretch of ludicrous proportions

A Cretinous Beltway Reproduction of a Stalinist Show Trial  – Are January 6 Committee Members Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger accomplices after the fact?

One Year Later: 5 Republicans Who Voted for Trump’s Impeachment Have Learned What It Cost Them

The Age of Active Shooters – There are sensible answers to a senseless problem – We know beforehand who is going to commit these acts because they invariably exhibit a network of behavioral cues that scream trouble

A Tyranny Brews In DC – One of the hallmarks of authoritarianism is the crushing of free expression – speaking against the state is not allowed. What, then, are we to make of the Biden administration’s efforts to silence Americans?

The New White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse – With amorphous powers similar to the Disinformation Governance Board, the task force has until Dec. 13 to tackle the issue, which includes working with Big Tech 

ZH: A Deflationary Tsunami Is On Deck: A “Tidal Wave” Of Discounts And Crashing Prices – “We are likely to see a tidal wave of discounts that carry us through December because 2022 inventory orders have already been placed”

ZH: China Launches 3rd, Most Advanced Aircraft Carrier, Making PLA Navy ‘World’s Largest Multi-Carrier Force – The Type-003 carrier is comparable in size to the U.S. Navy’s Nimitz and Ford classes

ZH: Only 28% Of Americans Support Trans Athletes Being Allowed To Compete In Female Sports – The WP/University of Maryland survey asked whether “transgender women should not be allowed to compete in college or professional sports

1.3 Million Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines, VAERS Data Show, as CDC Meets to Rubber-Stamp Shots for Kids Under 5 – Includes 28,859 deaths and 238,412 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 10, 2022

More Vaccine-Injured Pilots Speak Out as Groups Pressure Airlines And Regulators to End Mandates – Pilots discuss COVID-19 vaccine injuries and the “hostile” industry environment injured and unvaxxed pilots must navigate

Rand Paul slams Fauci for ‘not having any evidence to back their recommendation for Covid boosters for kids

A New Dating App For Young Conservatives Made By Former Top Trump Aide John McEntee – The Right Stuff, promises to help young conservatives, primarily in large liberal cities, to meet and date each other

Pablo Nava-Jaimes, 31, whose bail was cut from $5 million to $100,000 after firing ten rounds at police officers while fleeing in a 100-mph car chase is an illegal immigrant who has been deported seven times

The Gun deal in jeopardy after senators fail to agree on gun confiscation red flags – Republicans walked out of the talks on Thursday evening after hours of negotiations

Biden a large illegal migrant caravan move into the U.S. with no effort to stop it, but  Texas’s governor, isn’t – Abbott and his Mexican counterpart in Coahuila, signed a security agreement two months ago to keep the border area secure

Biden’s Oil Tantrum – Environmentalist activism is one of the reasons for declining refinery capacity in the U.S. – refineries can’t be built in places where people live, and they can’t be built in places where people don’t live, so they just don’t get built

The European Union’s executive arm on Friday recommended making Ukraine a candidate for EU membership, a morale booster, and a first step on what is expected to be a long road for the war-torn country to join the 27-nation bloc

ZH: Hold On To Your Seat! – The S&P is in “bear market” territory, a decline of 20% or more from recent highs. – Since WW II, there have been 14 bear markets, with a median loss during these bear markets of 30%, and they lasted about a year

The establishment media this week finally slammed President Joe Biden for his war on American oil amid average national gas prices upwards of $5.00 per gallon

ZH: “The Country Is Going To Learn That A Recession Is Worse For Votes Than High Inflation” – Maybe, hiking 75 bps into a rapidly weakening economy isn’t the best idea

WSJ: Recession Fears Surge Among CEOs, Survey Suggests – More than 60% of executives see a recessionary period in the next 12 to 18 months, according to the Conference Board survey

The Senate Armed Services Committee panel advances an $858 billion bill that supports Ukraine and Taiwan, boosts munition production, kills the A-10, and requires women to register for the draft

The January 6 Committee Completely Ignores Clear Evidence Of Mass Illegal Voting, Systematically Broken Election Laws – In its attempt to blame former President Donald Trump for the crimes committed on January 6, 2021

VP Kamala Harris to lead the Biden’s latest disinformation task force, which appears to be disguised as programs and policies – White House officials claim it is intended to protect “political figures” and journalists from “misinformation” as well as “abuse”

Sharyl Attkisson: Why America doesn’t trust the CDC – Here’s one example illustrating why

The Democrat Party Finds a Scapegoat at our Seaports – Shipping lines aren’t in the business of moving freight anymore as they are in the business of moving equipment in 20, 40, and 45 containers that most cargo is shipped in

ELON MUSK MEETS THE TWITTER CREW – “I think it’s essential to have free speech, multiple opinions should exist on Twitter to make sure that we do not sort of driving a narrative”

Five SpaceX Employees Who Publicly Complained About CEO Elon Musk Just Paid the Price – “Your Fired”

Must-see TV: A new TV ad holds Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer accountable for his threat to Justice Kavanaugh

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks has been ordered to be extradited from Britain to the US to face charges of espionage and hacking – Assange was on the run for seven years before his incarceration in a London prison

The troubling implications of Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s hot mic revelations regarding The troubling consequences of Jake Sullivan’s hot mic revelations

June 16, 2022

Dr. Joseph Mercola: 97.8 Percent of Mass Shootings Are Linked to This – This debate leads them away from the elephant in the room and one of the fundamental issues  — Mental health and anti-depressant prescription drugs

ZH: California’s latest attempt to Drive Business out of the state – Detailed pay data reports based on race, ethnicity, and sex within each job category would be submitted and also made available to the public under SB 1162

Bidenflation blast: Dow falls below 30K while mortgage rates skyrocket – Yesterday’s ‘unexpected’ report on a drop in consumer spending in May doesn’t help with investor confidence, either

A Blight on the Presidency and our Nation – The Biden administration’s executive order encouraging “Affirming Care” and gender transition is final confirmation that the support for procedures deforming and sterilizing children goes to the top

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was at a loss to explain how the new internet policy task force formed on Thursday is any different than the dissolved Ministry of Truth

Why Is Merrick Garland Smiling?  – The unprecedented collaboration between the Justice Department and Congress to target political foes of the regime endangers the rights of hundreds of Trump-supporting Americans

Exxon Mobil fired back at Biden’s letter calling on U.S. energy producers to bring “near-term solutions” to address rising gas prices – “In the short term, the U.S. government could enact measures often used in emergencies”

Pfizer will stop enrollment in a clinical trial for Paxlovid, its COVID-19 antiviral pill for standard-risk COVID-19 patients after the latest results suggested the drug did not reduce symptoms or hospitalizations and deaths to a statistically significant degree

Don’t read this if you’re vaccinated – A new Science Magazine paper suggests the vaccines are useless if not harmful against Omicron – Breakthrough Omicron infections occur their T-cell response is biased toward earlier versions of Sars-Cov-2

38,983 Deaths and 3,530,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in The European Database as Mass Funeral for Children Who Died After Pfizer Vaccine Are Held in Switzerland

Vaccine Response to COVID-19 Was Pre-Planned – There were 1,223 deaths within 90 days of the release of the Pfizer program, worldwide – The standard is typically 50 deaths for some widely used product, [and it’s] taken off the market”

The Biden administration plans to extend the emergency declaration over COVID-19 before it expires, a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) official indicated on June 16

‘A Great Night!’: Trump Celebrates Primary Wins in Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina – Former President Donald Trump was excited to see many political candidates he endorsed have secured victory in recent primary races

A Teen Who Allegedly Opened Fire at High School Released on Bail Less Than 24 Hours After Incident – The teen was arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm, disturbing school activity, and also possessing a dangerous weapon

California would be the first state to require gun owners to buy liability insurance to cover the negligent or accidental use of their firearms if lawmakers approve a measure announced Thursday

How I Almost Didn’t Graduate From Stanford Due To Their Covid Booster Mandate – I haven’t lived on campus since November and Stanford announced its booster mandate in December

The Biden Recession Has Arrived – Bad fiscal policy, bad monetary policy, and terrible energy policy created this record-high inflation, so let’s review just some of the economic carnage of recent days

A New Poll Is Going to Make Democrats’ Heads Explode – They have been trying to save themselves by smearing Republicans, but when it comes to the “preservation of American democracy,” American people prefer the Republicans

Joe Biden must reject China’s illegal claim over the Taiwan Strait – Escalating its global assault on democratic sovereignty and international law, China has now declared sole ownership over the Taiwan Strait

Gaslighting: Former President Barack Obama installed propane tanks at his Martha’s Vineyard property as he backs green initiatives amid rising gas prices in the US

The Biden Administration’s Perpetual Search for Scapegoats – Everyone knows why Biden wants to blame oil barons for his disastrous energy policy and why he wants to shift attention from the crisis at the border to nonexistent Border Patrol agent crimes

The January 6 Committee’s ‘Criminal Referral’ Kerfuffle – Rest assured that the politically fraught and not entirely coherent meanderings of a congressional committee’s “criminal referral” will carry little if any weight

John Daniel Davidson: Border Dispatch, Part I: ‘Everyone Who Arrives Here Has Paid’ – In the dangerous and volatile border towns of northern Mexico, a black market for illegal immigration is exploding

Only about 30% of U.S. adults believe transgenders should be allowed to compete in female sports at the professional, college, high school, or youth levels, according to a new poll from the Washington Post-University of Maryland

Liz Cheney is given a 10% chance of winning reelection to her current office – Before she voted to impeach the 45th president, Donald Trump, Cheney had a 26% disapproval rating, but that number now sits at 72%

President Joe Biden and his staff are considering declaring a public health emergency if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court, according to a new report

Extreme acts of alleged attempted murder and vandalism are cropping up ahead of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling – Some prominent Democrats are working to instill subtler but more prolific fears with their messaging about the case

The Communist Plot behind School Shootings – Evidence of the moral bankruptcy and hollowing out of the American home with similar profiles of the shooters found profiles in the school shootings at Uvalde, Parkland, Sandy Hook, and many other places

On Gun Control and Mental Health, Who Decides Who’s Crazy? – Inevitably, such “solutions” do almost nothing to solve the and instead burden Americans with a host of new problems that are often much worse than the original

Major Baby Formula Plant Forced to Shut Down Less Than Two Weeks After Reopening – At the time of the shutdown, the plant was making EleCare specialty formula, intended for children who can’t tolerate other formulas

The Supreme Court ruled that illegal immigrants can be detained indefinitely without a bond hearing and federal judges cannot grant immigrants class-wide relief in a pair of opinions issued Monday

Sharyl Attkisson: Experts say Covid-19 measures compromised immune systems causing children. to face ‘multiple viral infections’ at once

JD Rucker: Why Did 49 Governors Pre-Order Deadly Covid Jabs for Kids Under 5?  – DeSantis won’t get with the program but the real question is why the 49 other governors have, especially Republicans

A Rare Brain Disease Developed After COVID Vaccination Has a Surprisingly High Mortality Rate – Recently, adverse brain and neurological events brought about by vaccination are gradually attracting the attention of scientists

Senator Rand Paul Presses Fauci on Royalty Payments – ‘Why Don’t You Let Us Know?’ – Recently disclosed information showed that Fauci was one of several hundred scientists at the NIH to receive royalty payments

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: ARPA-H, a branch of the IC within NIH – Intelligence Community infiltration into the health research bureaucracy continues

Yes, transgender transformation is child abuse – How is permanently altering a child’s body based on the child’s “feelings” not child abuse? So if a child “feels” like jumping off a cliff, do we let him?

Biden Energy Secretary Tells Americans To Stop Complaining Because BRAZILIANS Have To Pay Same Amount For Gas – Shut up and buy an electric car, says former electric car company director and electric car stock millionaire

Californians, gas prices are set to tick up due to a scheduled increase in the excise tax rate, – This will add nearly 3 cents per gallon, as drivers are already paying an average of $6.44/gallon of regular gas, compared to the national average of $5.01

Biden, Pelosi, and other top Dems sent kids to private school but oppose school choice – Many private schools stayed open while public school systems across the country closed in-person learning for entire semesters, even years

Trump’s Predictions On What Biden Would Do If Elected Were Spot On! – This video cleverly pairs a Biden speech with interlineations from statements that Trump made about Biden while on the campaign trail

In Congress, it’s time for Change! – Mitch McConnell is 80 years old and a RINO and Kevin McCarthy is a soft conservative or most likely RINO and Paul Ryan wannabe

The Abundance Choice, Part 15: Our Fight for More Water California’s first water plans exemplified the best of that century’s ideas and potential

June 15, 2022

The Great Reset: Turning Back the Clock on Civilization – Globalists, who are obsessed with societal control, decided to take advantage of the pandemic to increase their authoritarian power

On Wednesday, Biden issued an executive order promoting transgender procedures for children, calling them “gender-affirming care”  – To “fight back against the onslaught of hateful anti-LGBTQI+ legislation that we’re seeing in the states”

The Fed hiked interest rate by 75 basis points, the highest increase since 1994 – The increase comes following the monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics report released last week that showed inflation had risen 8.6 percent from May the year prior

ZH: The Bank That First Correctly Predicted A 75bps Hike Now Sees 50bps In July Due To A Economic Slowdown

ZH: ‘Big Oil’ Responds To Biden’s Threats – 10 Things You Can Do To Ease Gas Prices

Victor Davis Hanson: What the January 6 Committee Might Have Been – A real committee would also investigate the other, far more extensive and more lethal riots on iconic federal property months earlier

With Progressives In Charge, Stein’s Law Gives Way To Murphy Corollary -t is not inconceivable that Stein’s Law will give way to a Murphy’s Law corollary: if anything is going wrong, immovable progressive policymakers can make it worse

The Los Angeles DA George Gascon recall group says it has collected the required signatures to put the matter on the ballot  – Gascon has come under fire as crime continues to plague LA County and even his prosecutors speak out

The Supreme Court Again Strikes Down a California Arbitration Decision – As a result of the SCOTUS decision, a PAGA plaintiff’s claim can be compelled to arbitration

Governor Newsom and Fellow Democrats Are Fast-Tracking New Gun Control Bills – ‘Our policy leaders advertise ‘gun-free zones’ inviting those people to do what they do’

What the Victory of Mayra Flores Portends for the Democrats – The Hispanic Republican won in a blue congressional district by repudiating Biden’s agenda

“Stopped While Black” Becomes a Legal Defense – The Washington State Supreme Court makes it harder for cops to detain nonwhites

Biden Is Quietly Hosting Defund The Police Groups At The White House – Control over police departments is a tenant of the left’s Marxist Revolution, without these co-conspirators, Biden is all alone in the world

Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for COVID-19 – Fauci, 81, is “fully vaccinated and has been boosted twice,” the statement said. He is “experiencing mild symptoms” and will isolate, it added

An FDA Advisory Panel Recommends Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines for Babies and Toddlers – The FDA has yet to choose whether to accept the recommendations, but it is expected to do so

The Evidence Is Clear: Healthy Children Simply Don’t Need COVID Vaccines – Epidemiological evidence shows infants, children, and adolescents never needed COVID-19 vaccines and certainly do not need them now

The Capitol Police were first warned about possible violence two weeks before Jan. 6 – Emails, intel documents flagged social media posts on Dec. 21, 2020 warning of troubling threats

Religious Schools Are Progressives’ Next Target – Catholic and Jewish educational institutions are not invulnerable to CRT and related pathologies

Biden Sends Threat Letters To Big Oil: Help Ease “Putin Price Hike” Or Face Our Tools

The U.S. government is set to release another 45 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve over the coming months as part of the Biden administration’s efforts to combat nationwide shortages and sky-rocketing gas prices

Biden announces $1.2B in additional Ukraine aid The U.S. will provide additional artillery, coastal defenses, and advanced rocket systems

A must-see video revealing Trump as the prophet of what to expect from the Biden era – Trump predicted it, then Biden fulfilled the prediction, and hopefully, the American people learned a lesson

The Jan 6 committee flouts the rules of Congress to deliver its propaganda – When a congressional committee seeks to use the implied authority to compel testimony, it must respect the Separation of Powers

An Implicit Admission That The ‘News’ Is Slanted – A study by George Mason University economics professor Tim Groseclose reckons that media bias is worth 8 to 10 percentage points to the Democratic candidates in a typical election

The Top 5 takeaways: What you missed from last night’s primaries – Voters in four states headed to the polls Tuesday night, determining several contested races in key states that might sway control of Congress in November

Seventy-nine buses of migrants have been transported to Washington DC under the Abbott-Ducey initiative – Yuma has seen migrants from all over the world illegally cross the border over the past year

The perils of anti-democratic Red Flag Laws – A judge will be able to order the seizure of firearms merely based on the suspicion that owners of firearms will use them to hurt themselves or others

Joe Biden is either stupid or thinks you’re stupid – How else does anyone explain a speech like this, to the supposed working stiffs of the AFL-CIO Tuesday?

With gas at an all-time high of $5.014 a gallon and inflation at 8.6%, the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s subcommittee charged with looking out for consumers will hold its first hearing of the year to discuss Pet flea collars

Even With The Media Tossing Her Softballs, Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Can’t Get The Bat Off Her Shoulder – There’s no other way to say it: She is really bad at her job

Elon Musk Says He Voted for Republican Mayra Flores Who Responds with a Welcome to All Democrat ‘Walk Aways’

The South Carolina Republican Who Voted to Impeach Trump Loses His Seat – The Trump-backed conservative Russell Fry defeated incumbent Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) in South Carolina’s primary Tuesday

Shocking Microscopy Photos Of Blood Clots Extracted From People That Suddenly Died – I believe these structures  are the result of mRNA protein synthesis instructions that have been injected into people under the false umbrella of “vaccines”

In the Transgender Debate, It’s Language vs. Reality – Transgender activists seem to think that by changing the language used to define sex, they can change reality

The Zombie War against Covid – The last remaining restrictions on leading a normal life is a national embarrassment

June 14, 2022

Real estate firms Compass and Redfin announce layoffs as the housing market slows

Senator Ted Cruz Confronts FBI Official Point Blank About the Feds’ Role in the events of January 6 – “No, sir,” Sanborn responded. “I can’t, I can’t answer that”

Biden Admits His Plan To Destroy Oil Industry In Leaked Video – Joe Biden in 2020: “No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. No more drilling including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill period. It ends”

Tucker Carlson: New Biden Regulations are Putting American Travelers at Risk and Forcing Thousands of Flights to be Canceled

Washington Post: Markets and households lose faith that Fed can handle inflation – Most Americans expect inflation to get worse, according to a Post-Schar School poll

Ballotpedia: Pelosi has more bad news – In total, 55 members of Congress will not seek re-election, including 6 senators and 49 representatives. Among the 49 members of the House not running for re-election, 32 are Democrats

The red wave is starting early for Republicans – The GOP just flipped the Texas 34 special election seat, the seat is in a direct Biden won by +13 – Republican candidate Mayra Flores defeated Democrat candidate Dan Sanchez

An Election Scandal in Kansas May Be Underway in the Other States – Leftist groups are trying to influence elections when voters aren’t looking — and some in government are playing along

Bill Barr’s Detachment From Reality – Yes, there were problems in the 2020 election, for instance………..

Iran appeared to be readying for a space launch Tuesday as satellite images showed a rocket on a rural desert launch pad, just as tensions remain high over Tehran’s nuclear program

The Daily Caller contacted all 50 Senate Democrats repeatedly and asked if they would support President Joe Biden in his 2024 presidential bid. Five Senators said “Yes”

The House of Representatives approved a measure that extends security to family members of Supreme Court justices after Democrats failed to get a provision they wanted into the legislation

Chinese authorities thwarted a protest planned by hundreds of bank depositors seeking access to their frozen funds  – They did that simply by flipping the health code apps on the phones of the protesters from green to red

Young males suffered heart inflammation at higher rates following a booster dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to newly released data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Early COVID Treatment works – Yet more examples Two independent Italian teams validate earlier reports

A survey of monkeypox cases by the UK Health Agency has found that 151 out of 152 participants are men who “identify as gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men”

High Prices Due To A Recently Enforced California Law Is Killing Bacon and Eggs – Animal rights groups like PETA are making our food “ethical” which means expensive

A Federal Judge finds Apple may have benefited from a gift card theft scheme by allowing thieves to steal gift card codes and make purchases in apps where Apple gets a cut of the proceeds

On Monday, Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States responded to the partisan January 6 committee’s baseless charges he was at the center of a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government

The partisan January 6 Committee postponed Wednesday’s scheduled hearing – This comes after members disagreed Monday evening on whether or not former President Donald Trump would be referred to the DOJ on criminal charges

The moment Hunter Biden says his father will do anything he tells him to – Hunter recorded himself boasting that his father will adopt political positions at his command

Where’s Ray Epps? – Videos capturing Ray in D. C. on January 5-6, 2021, show him as a mover and a shaker, and like the fictional Mission Impossible character, Ethan Hunt, the FBI and DOJ disavow any knowledge or connection with him

The Democrats’ Kamala Harris Problem – She’s the Democrats’ single best argument for trying to prop up Joe Biden, No Matter What

It is time to admit that the American left is malevolent – The bottom line is the Democrat party has become a criminal organization committed only to getting and keeping power

If you want federal gun control intervention, here’s an idea for you – Make localities’ and/or states’ receipt of federal funds contingent upon their successful enforcement of violent-crime laws — in particular, gun laws

ZH: The Worst-Case Market Scenario Begins To Materialize – Central banks last week reminded us that inflation is their prime concern, with activity/growth and markets a lesser consideration, this is behind the latest selloff in equities

Bidenflation Accelerates – Prices charged by U.S. businesses were up 10.8 percent in May compared with a year ago, the sixth straight month of the government’s producer price inflation gauge running at or above 10 percent

ZH: Peak Inflation Was A Fairytale Just Like Transitory Inflation – Prices rose in all 11 CPI categories (Click The Link To See The Charts) Nine of those 11 categories charted price increases above the 12-month average

ZH: The Market Is “On The Edge Of A Huge Collapse” – Inflation and prices keep rising at close to 20% while at the same time, the majority of Americans can’t pay for food, energy, and gas without diving deep into their credit card limits

Chevron CEO: There May Never Be Another Oil Refinery Built in the US Again – There hasn’t been a new refinery built here since the 1970s and the federal government’s current policy is to reduce the demand for oil

Americans Strongly Oppose Including Men in Women’s Sports – Transgenders competing against women at the professional, college, and high school level

Republican senators pressed for a hearing on Biden’s “Truth Ministry” on Tuesday – New documents revealed that it planned to spy on the public and even included a “domestic terrorism branch” to look into election “misinformation”

The Abundance Choice, Part 14: Infinite Abundance – This phrase epitomizes the ongoing promise of CA’s tech culture. Despite the political shortcoming CA may suffer, its technology sector continues to set the pace for the rest of the world

The California Legislature Approves $300 Billion+ State Budget Proposal – The budget is slightly more than Gavin Newsom’s $300.7 billion budget he sent in last month, but with many differences on where the money is going

ZH: Elon Musk To Take Questions At An All-Employee Twitter Meeting This Week – It will be a virtual meeting and it is planned for Thursday morning

A new study set to be published later this week has found that thanks to social isolation caused by lockdown, many children entering elementary school are unable to say their name

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Even Pro-Vaxxers Can’t Believe the FDA Is Making A Covid Jab Decision Based based On Only 1,678 Children, With 10 Who Got Sick, Which Pfizer Claims Is An 80.3% Effectiveness Rate

What Is ‘Paxlovid Rebound,’ And Should It Concern Us? – In a small number of patients treated with Paxlovid, an improvement of symptoms while taking the drug, only to have them return after completion of the five-day course

Amazon confirms it will finally launch its Prime Air drone delivery service in California later this year in Lockford, CA – The latest MK27-2 drones can carry loads as heavy as five pounds in packages

June 13, 2022

The January 6 Pilot Flopped – The ratings show that America is not enthralled, despite unprecedented coordination on behalf of the mainstream media to synchronize coverage of the Democrats’ mock-documentary

All Stock Market Gains Erased Since Biden Took Office – The S&P 500 took a sharp downturn, closing on Monday 151 points below where it was in January of 2021

The Fed is likely to boost interest rates by three-quarters of a point this week – Bond yields on the 10-year Treasury shot up to 3.37%, while the 2-year yield, which most closely tracks Fed intentions, accelerated to 3.34%

AAA reports a national average of $5.014 per gallon — California’s prices greatly top the national averages with an average for a gallon of regular gas at $6.436 per gallon, and a gallon of diesel at $6.991

Biden’s Approval Hits Yet Another Record Low as Gas and Food Hit Record Highs – At this point, Americans don’t believe Biden gives a damn and a big part of that is the lack of response from Biden and the Democrats

Five questions you won’t hear from the January 6 Committee – #1 To FBI Director Wray and Attorney General Garland, answer Yes or no answer to this question, Did Ray Epps work for or with the federal government?

Representative Jim Jordan Says The House January 6 Committee Altered Evidence And Is Showing Nothing New – They had to issue a statement saying, “We regret the error,” which is government-speak for, “We got caught lying”

A January 6 Prisoner Who Was Denied Cancer Treatment Is Now In Dire Straits – Not only were conditions sub-human in the January 6 pods but they were equally and even more so in other parts of the jail

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Origins and Trajectories of the COVID Phenomenon – The philosophical foundation of the PANDA group, one of the leading international teams (A long article with lots of insights)

Bankrate Study: The LA metro area is the worst city for first-time home buyers in the US, with Riverside and San Jose joining LA in the bottom five – LA was ranked worst due to low-average incomes and high housing prices

State energy officials warned that CA will likely have a shortage of electricity this summer – So why are local and state regulators trying to force Californians to rely on increasingly unreliable electricity sources?

Biden To World: Russia, Oil Sheiks, And China Control The U.S. Economy – Biden Goes Begging on His Knees to Country He Spurned

WSJ Poll: The S&P 500 Falls Into Bear-Market Territory as Stocks Drop – Investors raise bets on aggressive Federal Reserve interest-rate increases after U.S. inflation data

The J6 Committee’s Real Target Is You – The D.C. Establishment is deathly afraid of the patriotic Americans that support Trump and is desperate to divide, distract, and dilute

Stocks Open With 5th Largest ‘Sell Program’ In History – Bloomberg notes that sell programs of this size are typically not single events and tend to happen in clusters hat probably means stocks might be in store for bigger losses

Are Sanctions Hurting Russia? – So far, sanctions have done little to alter Putin’s geopolitical calculus or undermine his domestic support

Gas prices continued to climb on Monday, reaching a record high for the sixteenth consecutive day, AAA data shows

When Democrats Want Gun Control, It’s Not to Protect You – The reality is that America does not have a gun problem, America has a societal problem

The RINOs are out in force on the ‘framework’ for new gun laws – Contrary to leftist and RINO promises, there is no such thing as perfect safety. Everything comes at a cost and those costs must be balanced

Top Democrats Want Biden Replaced On the 2024 ticket

Why Democrat Poll Numbers Are Worse Than You Think – For some strange reason, their polls have been undercounting Republicans

Republicans: To Win the Midterms, Hit Black Lives Matter Where It Hurts – Sun Tzu’s Art of War: Attack what the enemy cannot defend and defend what the enemy cannot attack

January 6th Committee Ratings: The Democrats Threw A Party, And Nobody Came – As bad as the numbers look, in reality, they are even worse because primetime typically have even higher ratings

Why Are So Many Farms And Food Processing Facilities Going Up In Smoke? – The actual number we are aware of listed here is very high and makes one ask, what the hell is going on here?

It’s the Mental Health System, Stupid – According to Johns Hopkins University: “An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older — about 1 in 4 adults — suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year”

June 12, 2022

HELP WANTED Signs Everywhere, But Where Are the Workers? – Are they disabled? Or are they dead? This question may sound sensational but hear me out

Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report – The report was prepared to determine whether sufficient pharmacovigilance data exists on WHO VigiAccess, CDC VAERS, EudraVigilance, and UK Yellow Card Scheme to establish a safety signal on Covid-19 vaccines

The US economy is already entering a recession, according to an economist specializing in how sentiment affects markets – A large amount of poorly invested capital will be wiped out and those historically resistant to crises are in jeopardy

A ‘Surprise Witness’ Called by J6 Committee Reveals Big Conflict for Liz Cheney – He’s currently advising Rep. Liz Cheney’s opponent, Harriet Hageman – Could this be some form of intimidation

Dov Fischer: Sex, Lies, Videotape & Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Jan. 6 Hearings The law is a complicated matter. But it acquires allegiance to the pursuit of truth. Nancy Pelosi’s committee of frauds does nothing but traduce the truth

Five important numbers that tell the story of Biden’s presidency – From inflation to illegal immigration, Americans not only disapprove of Biden’s job performance but also think the country is on the wrong track

BofA Declares A ‘Technical Recession’ – U.S. annual inflation up to 8.6 percent in May, the highest level in 40 years, as key drivers show no signs of abating. Markets now anticipate a more aggressive response from the Federal Reserve

Food prices set to soar even MORE –  Kraft, Tyson, and McDonald’s owners say higher fuel, labor, and ingredient costs will be passed on to customers

Rasmussen Reports:  55% of American adults say they think it is likely the US will enter a 1930s-like depression over the next few years and that includes 25% who say they think another Great Depression is “very likely

California’s Crazy Vote Count Is a Warning to the Other States – In election integrity, California ranks 49th in the nation with all 22 million registered voters — including those listed as “inactive” — automatically getting ballots in the mail

A pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole, who heads one of America’s leading labs is finding unusually long blood clots, as long as one foot, as well as mushy and inflamed  organs in the bodies of deceased people who received COVID-19 vaccines

A survey of 300,000 people who didn’t get the COVID-19 shots revealed the unvaccinated didn’t place a disproportionate burden on health systems and experienced very low rates of hospitalization and severe COVID-19

UCLA Study: Nearly half of the 1.6 million Americans who identify as transgender are teenagers or young adults, and some of the highest rates of youth transgenderism occur in blue states

It’s alive? Google’s A.I. said to become ‘sentient’ A top engineer was placed on leave after going public with his bombshell

WSJ: Earnings Are Under Threat, Another Blow to Sagging Stock Market – Microsoft, Target warn results will be lower than expected as forecasts are trimmed across industries

WSJ: Senators Reach Framework for Legislation Addressing Gun Violence The bipartisan agreement focuses on mental health, school security, red-flag funding, juvenile records

The Democrat Party: ‘A Criminal Organization’ – Again, we see the force of criminal justice brought harshly to bear on one side, even for legally protected conduct, while the worst criminal behavior that advances the Democrat party’s interests is ignored

Google, the wokest of companies, settles a huge gender discrimination claim – Under the terms of the agreement, Alphabet will pay $118 million to 15,500 women who worked (or work) for the tech giant

Teaching The Virtues Of Resistance To Communism – Communism is the deadliest ideology, by far, that has ever plagued the planet. Its practitioners have killed more than 100 million people worldwide

The January 6 House Committee repeats the Trump ‘Stand by, Proud Boys’ myth – Trump asks, “What do you want to call them? Give me a name. …” indicating that he doesn’t know specifically who Chris Wallace is talking about

Kevin D. Williamson: The January 6 Hearings Are a Story without a Hero – This is fundamentally a political and moral problem rather than a legal one

Sharyl Attkisson: Atlanta-based Northside Hospital is the first health system in the nation to be fined by CMS for violating federal price transparency laws – Northside was fined more than $1 million

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has jumped to a commanding lead in the early results of the Alaska primary for the state’s only House representative – 48 candidates are campaigning for the job

Summit of the Americas: Joe Biden turns America into a beggar – When your standards are that low, and the declaration is non-binding, sure, anyone can get uniformity

The Left Owns Too Much Cultural Ground Without The Few Conservative Harbors Like Fox News Giving It Away – Fox aired a segment about a family who transitioned their now-14-year-old daughter when she was only 5 years old

COVID UPDATE: THE TRUTH! – This pandemic is one of the most manipulated events in history, characterized by an unending stream of official lies, from government bureaucracies, medical associations and boards, the media, and international agencies

HELP WANTED Signs Are Everywhere – Where Are the Workers? – The May 2022 US News and World Report jobs report listed a record 11.5 million available job positions available – twice the number before the pandemic

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Technocracy, It’s Now Crucial to Understand What We’re Up Against – Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function

Sheriff Issues Urgent Warning Against Picking Up Folded Dollar Bills: ‘This Is Very Dangerous’ – Individuals picked up some bills and found a white powdery substance between the folds that turned out to be methamphetamine and fentanyl

ZH: Visualizing The Global Decline Of Fertility Rates – Over the last 50 years fertility rates have dropped drastically around the world. In 1952, the average global family had five children—now, they have less than three

June 11, 2022

Press Release: Independent Pharmacovigilance Report Confirms Evidence for Recall of Covid-19 Vaccines – Adverse Reactions for Novel Covid-19 Vaccines More Numerous Than for Similar Products by Factor of Between 10 and 169

An Increasing Number Of Democrats Express Doubt Over Party’s Future With Biden And Are Concerned About GOP Momentum Moving Toward The Mid-Terms

CDC Wants Its COVID Regime Made Permanent – The bureaucracy has now codified rules into a new online tool that instructs cities and states precisely what they are supposed to do given a certain level of community spread

China’s defense minister threatened all-out war over Taiwan’s independence during a meeting between top Chinese and American military officials at a meeting of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chinese Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe

Elon Musk’s Starlink Makes China Very Scared – Musk’s SpaceX company is the only thing keeping the U.S. in the Space Race with China

DC Is Lying To You About Inflation, The Real Annualized inflation just peaked at 17% – The Fed altered its CPI model in 1980 to no longer measure a constant “basket of goods” but instead a strategic group of goods

Why the Skilled Trades Are Essential for a Free People – A cultural shift away from teaching the trades and a growing lack of qualified talent to perform vital work has helped make America more passive and dependent

Patrick J. Buchanan: A Countdown For Joe Biden – How can the aging president expect his agenda to survive the coming midterms? And here are some of the reasons why!

The Biden Admin Suffers ‘Massive Defeat’ as Federal Judge Strikes Down Attempt to Abandon Immigration Enforcement – Unless they had recently entered the U.S. or been identified as a potential threat to public safety or national security

The State of Logistics in a Supply Chain Crisis and Struggling Economy – Destruction of demand is making it harder for the industry to recover as inflation and other economic woes put a strain on Americans’ pockets that impact consumer spending

Roger Kimball: The ‘Get Trump’ Show – It is never the pretext—assumed Russian collusion or protests at the Capitol—that is at issue, but rather the alleged unacceptability of Trump and all he stands for

The FBI knew the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was utter BS even as it suggested otherwise to Congress, the courts, and the public early in 2017 – Evidence revealed by special counsel John Durham proves it beyond dispute

What Biden and the IRS Are Conspiring On Is Big – The IRS is to create a new government health care subsidies affordability test that the CBO and health experts estimate will likely cost taxpayers $225,000 per person covered

The Largest Pork Company in the US Shuts Down Its California Plant Due to High Costs – Their utility costs in California were 3.5 times higher per head than those in the 45 other plants in the country run by Smithfield

ZH: Starbucks CEO Considers Walking Back ‘Open Bathroom’ Policy To Protect Customers – “Increasing threats to public safety and an expanding mental health crisis make it difficult for employees to manage stores under these policies”

ZH: Why Progressives Love Government “Experts” – As long as we defer to this unelected ruling class of “scientists and scholars,” the Progressives have won

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky Says Monkeypox Is Not Airborne – No deaths have yet been associated with the disease

The Covid-19 Resurgence in the Fall Will Be Caused by “Vaccinated” People – It doesn’t matter how many vaccines people get. They will still get sick because the vaccines are not doing any good in the first place

JD Rucker: Elon Musk Exposes the Pure Hypocrisy in the Manufactured Gender Debate

How “A Bug’s Life” Revealed the Immorality of Socialism – There is no ethical or moral reason why somebody should work tirelessly to support a bunch of bureaucrats, and the 1998 Pixar hit seems to grasp this

The Iran Crisis Is Here – As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, this week Iran escalated its war against the West – Biden must abandon his quest for a nuclear deal

WSJ: Gasoline Prices Reach $5 a Gallon Nationwide for the First Time – The rise in fuel costs is expected to persist throughout the summer as U.S. consumer inflation hit its highest level in 40 years and crude oil prices remain high

A New Poll Finds Most Americans Believe Biden Administration Is Intentionally Letting Gas Prices Rise – To get the country off of fossil fuels

The Biden administration’s feckless diesel policy – How can these leftists not realize that America runs on diesel fuel in the over-the-road trucks that deliver our food, pharmaceuticals, building supplies, and even the gasoline

The FBI warned Friday it will not “tolerate violence, destruction, or interference with government functions, or trespassing on government property” after an armed man was arrested near SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home

LA Times: Air quality worsens as the drought forces California growers to burn abandoned crops

The Show Trials Begin – Democrats knew Trump was going to win an overwhelmingly on November 3, 2020, and conceived an intricate, nationwide plan to steal that victory, with the Jan. 6 Committee, they are hoping to complete the cover-up

The real surprise in the January 6 TV show trial – How thoroughly corrupt, complicit, and in cahoots with the Democrats and how thoroughly on board with this charade America’s so-called journalistic establishment has revealed itself to be

Noted Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz: Regarding The Primetime January 6 Televised Broadcast – They Defrauded Viewers – Trump Committed NO CRIMES!” 

What the January 6 Committee Hearing Left Out – This is not a traditional investigation, much less a fact-finding exercise – Imagine a criminal trial in which only the prosecution got to call witnesses

TV Ratings for Jan. 6 Hearing: Viewers Changed the Channel in Droves – Each of the three major networks that aired the hearing ended up with a smaller audience than if they had simply provided their usual news content

Observing Our Way to Third-World Elections – Could you continually review eight signatures every five seconds? The only thing observers can do is stand like statues i.e., quietly observing the process and obvious fraud

Sharyl Attkisson: Recently revealed records show the Department of Justice (DOJ) recommended “that the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia declined for criminal prosecution in the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt”

The newly formed Dissident Project seeks to connect those who have fled socialism with America’s young people to learn about the “evils of socialism

Top Gun And American Decline – The film shows an America in which every catastrophic policy decision of the last 40 years never occurred

More trouble for Biden: Nuclear threats emerge from North Korea and Iran – Since he was inaugurated in January 2021, there has been a constant barrage of bad news from both within and beyond the U.S.

Joe Biden effectively tells Americans to ‘lie back and enjoy’ his new round of Bidenflation – The inflation report came in, and once again, it was worse than the last one

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Are You Prepared for the Coming Food Catastrophe? – Across the world, experts and analysts are now warning of skyrocketing food prices and catastrophic food shortages

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: CAROWNERVIRUS EDITION – With gasoline now above $5 a gallon nationwide, the Bidenistas are doubling down on telling everyone that they should drive electric cars

June 10, 2022

Downtown S.F. on the brink: Before the pandemic, office work was responsible for a whopping 72% of the city’s gross domestic product – Workers were heavily concentrated in the Financial District, the Market Street corridor, the Embarcadero, and Mission Bay

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A Large Study From Israel Show That The Pfizer Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Threefold – Other elevated risks were also identified, including swollen lymph nodes, appendicitis, and herpes zoster infection

Altercation: What the Death of Newspapers Means – What fills the void is what’s threatening democracy

Jan. 6 Hearing Review: A Tour De Force That Demands To Be Seen On The Largest Screen Possible – The Babylon Bee Nails The Stupidity of The January 6 Committee’s Prime Time Special

Brett Kavanaugh — and America — Dodges a Bullet –  A foiled plot to assassinate the Supreme Court justice exposes the Democrats’ double standards on political violence

DEMOCRATS PUT OUT A CONTRACT ON JUSTICE BARRETT – The attempt on Kavanaugh’s life has only emboldened the Democrats’ efforts to intimidate conservative justices

Amid Our Energy Crisis, A Mysterious Explosion Occurs In Texas That Takes One of The World’s Largest Natural Gas Liquefaction Plants Offline

Joe Biden misleadingly claimed Friday that inflation had gone down “if you did not count food and gas,” even though overall inflation went up

LA Times: What inflation looks like in Southern California – Shoppers are cutting grocery budgets, businesses are scaling back operations and low-wage workers are seeing their paychecks eaten away at the gas pump

The Cost of Forced Unionism Soars by Over 50% – Year after year, far more taxpayers have been leaving forced-unionism states than have been moving into them

The Likely Next House Administration Panel Chair Delivers A January 6 Committee Document Preservation Demand to Preserve All Records

Transgenderism and the Therapeutic Attitude – Matt Walsh’s What Is a Woman? skewers the irrationalities of “gender ideology”—but a broader belief system that underpins it will be harder to defeat

An electoral court in Brazil has said it will strip election winners of office, including the president if they are deemed to have shared “disinformation” during the campaign – The Big Question Is, Who Decides What Is “Disinformation”?

85% of Top Economists Reject Elizabeth Warren’s Latest Foolish “Price Gouging Prevention Act” Proposal, A New Survey Finds

ZH: According to a new report by Accountable.US, the top 10 public apartment companies saw net income collectively rise 57% to about $5 billion

Uvalde school police chief: Uh, I didn’t know I was in charge at the scene

The White House Earmarks $10 Billion for More COVID Vaccines as The CDC Says 82 Million Doses Were Wasted Since The Rollout

The Murder of Wisdom? Before social media, at least you couldn’t put a television on the table when out dining with friends – Now you can watch the boob tube in the palm of your hand

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, this week Iran escalated its war against the West – Biden must abandon his quest for a nuclear deal

The mullahs have reportedly removed 27 cameras intended to let the IAEA think it is monitoring their dearly beloved nuclear program – The IAEA has gone so far as to censure Iran over its lack of cooperation with nuclear inspectors

Tucker Carlson calls out lies about Jan. 6 – Democrats claim it was an attempt to overthrow the government as the U.S. economy careening toward a devastating recession at best and has never in its history been closer to a nuclear war

The Other Front in Biden’s War on Driving – Ultra-high gas and car prices are not enough; his administration also wants to stop road construction

Biden Is an Old Man Overwhelmed by Events – He is holding the most taxing responsibility on the planet at a time of international peril and profound discontent in the country

Biden polls his worst yet – The RealClearPolitics average of the polls it studies fell to 39%, “the lowest of his presidency.” Rasmussen put his disapproval rating at 59% today, 1 percentage point shy of the Democrat’s worst

The Biden Administration Overrules Trump Policy on Palestinians – A dramatic yet partial reversal of Donald Trump’s closure of the consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem by opening a “U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs” in the city

ZH: The Biden administration has finally dropped a Covid-19 testing requirement for travelers entering the country – Airlines and others in the travel industry have pushed Biden to drop testing for months

JD Rucker: The Pentagon Quietly Reveals How Many Biolabs They Have in Ukraine and It’s a Lot More Than Their Original Claim of Zero – Buried in the Pentagon’s release, they have 46 “peaceful” Ukrainian labs in operation

SPEAKING OF DISINFORMATION – We haven’t heard much about the “whistleblower” who has stepped forward with documents that belie the Biden administration’s line about its Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board

Politico/Morning Consult Poll: A plurality of Americans say economic issues will be the top set of problems on their minds when they cast their votes in the upcoming midterm elections

“Warning Flags Are Everywhere”: Kenny Polcari On The ECB, Inflation And U.S. Stocks – “We’ve gone from ‘transitory’ to ‘prolonged’ inflation…”

WSJ: U.S. Inflation Hit 8.6% in May – Energy, groceries, and shelter costs drive the fastest rise in consumer-price index since December 1981

ZH: A Shocked Wall Street Reacts To Today’s “Scary” CPI Print – Year over Year headline CPI inflation reached a new 40-year high of 8.6%

ZH: There are several signals that the US economy is getting weaker even as inflation gets stronger – In other words, we are hurtling toward stagflation

ZH: Expect Still Higher Food Prices Globally – Talks between Turkey and Russia aimed at providing safe passage for Ukraine’s grain harvest failed

ZH: Since January, the price of a 20-pound box of avocados from Michoacan, Mexico (the central hub of Mexican avocado production), has risen from $20 to now $50, a mind-numbing 150% jump

Reactions to Jan. 6 Presentation Indicate The Committee Failed Miserably – It took 9 minutes for the hearing to show something other than a politician delivering a teleprompter speech

The House committee’s grand unified theory of Jan. 6 – You knew something was up when the leaks about the House Democrats’ Jan. 6 committee began to change a month ago, and then came the downplaying

The Jan. 6 committee: An exercise in brainwashing the American people – It seems the hearings are a desperate attempt to brainwash the American people into delegitimizing the Republican Party

JANUARY 6, 2021 . . . THE CONTINUING COUP D’ÉTAT AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP – The LEFT Are So Terrified Of A Return Of Trump – They Will Do Whatever Nefarious Thing They Can To Stop Him

Liz Cheney is 28 POINTS behind her GOP primary opponent Harriet Hageman – Recent polling show she is not going to have that job much longer

Democrats Target Another Black Republican Candidate With Massive Spending Campaign – The last thing they want is for the multi-billionaire Pritzker, whose family owns the Hyatt hotel chain, to have to face off against a black Republican

The Democrats’ ‘Insurrection’ Against The Supreme Court – Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals, “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to infuse voters against evidence of your guilt”

TGIF: Political Violence Edition – The attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. – The January 6th committee. – And cockroaches

The Truth About Gun Control, Guns and Crime Control – They are trying to curtail a constitutional right by violating other constitutional rights

In a vote on June 6th, Portland, Maine residents learned that they’d be paying an additional 4.8% on their property tax bill so that federally-placed asylum seekers could remain and live in their crumbling city free of charge

Redfin: The median monthly rent surpasses $2,000 in the U.S. for the first time – That’s 15% higher than the same time last year

The three phases of transgender ‘progressivism’ – #1. “It’s not happening and is a harmful right-wing conspiracy theory” #2. “It’s happening and it’s good that it’s happening” #3. “We’re making it mandatory for your children”

The Paul Pelosi DUI arrest: The Napa County DA’s office refuses to release body cam footage taken during the investigation – He was arrested on May 29 by California Highway Patrol

June 9, 2022

Democrats Don’t Just Fail To Apologize For Violence That Pushes Their Agenda, They Actively Incite It – Disagree with Democrats and you’re an insurrectionist. But if you’re a Democrat inciting violence, you get away with it

Russiagate Misunderstood – The FBI was Hillary’s collaborator, not her victim – When is a lie not a lie? When it’s a cover story

Mexico’s Summit of the Americas Boycott Casts A Cloud On The Biden Summit – Is Mexico’s attempt to embarrass the United States, its largest trading partner, motivated by rising Chinese influence in the region?

Sudden vaccine deaths are so common now they’ve been assigned a SYNDROME: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) – The medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy young people at an alarming rate, so did this to distract people from the truth

10,000 Reasons Pelosi Is to Blame for Security Failures on Jan. 6 – Instead of addressing her willful negligence, she is pointing her finger at the person whose help she ignored, President Donald Trump

Biden ‘Jokes’ About Sending Political Opponents to Jail – The FBI Ends Up Doing It the Very Next Morning When They Arrested a GOP Candidate For Governor In Michigan

Biden Glitched so Badly During His Interview That Jimmy Kimmel Had to Cut to a Commercial – Kimmel, wise enough to see the train wreck unfolding before him, did his best to carry Biden throughout the interview

ZH: The Housing Market: Could This Be Worse Than 2008? – Nick Gerli, in his interview with Wealthion, alludes to several figures which spell future trouble for the residential market

WSJ Opinion: The Boiling Over of America Even California voters are fed up with progressives. And the Supreme Court faces a mounting crisis

Doctors are now saying that COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer, and not just at the site of injection, but throughout the body due to toxic spike proteins that travel to cleansing organs

The Latest Pfizer Doc Dump Indicates That mRNA Covid “Vaccines” Will Result in Depopulation – Data on Flu injections during pregnancy and lactation show that 90% of pregnant women who took the shot ended up losing their babies

Our Freakout Nation – America is in the midst of a nervous breakdown and becoming increasingly defined by a burgeoning victimhood culture

The State Department Is About To Announce A New Worldwide Chief – As part of its Equity Action Plan, the State Department will announce on June 17 a Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice

A nonprofit group that boasts of stripping advertising dollars from Breitbart News and other conservative sites says it now is targeting Fox News’ online presence – Boasts of causing Breitbart to lose 90% of ad revenue in 3 months

OBAMA WAS IN ON IT: More Information Comes Out Showing That Obama Was Behind The Russian Collusion Hoax

What the Real Stats Say About Black and White Crime: The Woke Crowd Will Hate Every One of These – White people are not the biggest source of hate crime or interracial violence in the U.S.

A Michigan County Limits In-Person Responses To 911 Calls After Blowing Through Gas Budget – Deputies have been instructed  to attempt to manage whatever calls are acceptable over the phone

A Thousand Oaks CA animal shelter to require those adopting pets to support gun restrictions – At the end of May they added the question, “Where do you stand on gun control?” to their standard adoption interview for potential pet owners

The Abundance Choice, Part 13: The Lords of Scarcity Often the motive for the land buyers isn’t even to grow food, but merely to acquire the water rights – Energy scarcity in CA is the result of political choices, driven by economic special interests

The Biden Administration Makes Available 10 Million Doses of COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5 — Before FDA Authorizes Shot

The FDA Is Sued Over Hiding Records From Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Approval – Lobbyists from pharmaceutical companies including Moderna have entrenched themselves within Washington, D.C.

A new CHD Films documentary, “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” exposes a World Health Organization program resulting in the sterilization of African women without their knowledge or consent

Gas Prices Soar to a National Average of $5 per Gallon – The $5.00 mark has never been reached before and a JPMorgan commodities analyst predicts gas prices may increase to more than $6.00 per gallon before Labor Day

If You’re Reading This, You’re Ready to Resist Tyranny – Great Reset. Green New Deal. Build Back Better. New World Order. Bilderberg. Davos. Council on Foreign Relations. WHO. These secretive global societies and their goals are daunting

To slow the catastrophe plunge he’s seen in his approval rating from American voters, now under 40%, he is threatening to use “executive orders” to reverse a likely Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade

Republican candidate for Michigan governor Ryan Kelley was just arrested by the FBI on misdemeanor charges related to his involvement on Jan. 6  – He was seen at the Capitol on that day but says he never entered the building

The January 6 Committee’s Futile Prime-Time Political Ad – Desperate to avert a midterm disaster, Democrats have decided to play their Trump card, but it won’t work

JD Rucker: According to Congressman Troy Nehls, The Prime Time January 6 Witch Hunt Is ALL About Stopping Trump 2024 – This is all about winning elections, not keeping people safe

Five Questions That Must Answered Before The J6 Committee Begins Its Theatrical Production – #5. Were FBI Informants Present On Jan. 6? If So, How Many, and What Did They Do?

Senators Grassley and Hawley demand details on the Disinformation Board after a whistleblowers revelations revealed its true objectives – Was the Board another attempt by Washington to criminalize political opposition?

Top People at NIH Getting Big Bucks From Secret Royalty Checks, Probe Reveals – Through FOIA, Open the Books discovered payments totaling more than $134 million were paid to more than 1,600 executives, scientists, and researchers

ZH: The Labor Market On Edge: Jobless Claims Jump Most Since Last July, Hit 5-Month High – The jobs market is cracking, with initial claims jumping from 203K to 229K

ZH: The Inevitable Recession – A recession seems inevitable even if the US can absorb the eternal shocks to the supply side of the economy, the central bank’s response to the wage-price spiral will cause a recession from within

ZH: More Members Of White House Press Team Departing As Biden Approval Rating Hits Record Low – Biden’s diminishing standing should be alarming to Democrats working to hold control of Congress in the midterm elections this fall

Is Joe Biden’s most important and closest adviser…Hunter Biden? – According to Australian columnist Miranda Devine, the person closest to Joe and the one giving him the most political coaching is Hunter!

An Illegitimate Court Gets Ready To Convene – Congressional committees do have the power to investigate, yet, they can only do so in pursuit of a “legislative function,” e.g., to enact new rules, regulations, or policies

Why Peter Navarro is on the Biden Administration’s Hit List – In the chaos of the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential Election he organized, clarified, and presented a myriad of evidence of voting irregularities in six swing states

The Senate Seats Most Likely to Flip in 2022 – This is shaping up to be a worse environment than either of the last three midterms, all of which were nightmares for the party in power

Former FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress’s ‘Gang of 8’ Over Russiagate, a Recently Discovered Lisa Page Memo Reveals

The WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’ – They plan to track your carbon footprint and want to track where you travel, how you travel, what you eat and any other resources you might use in your day-to-day life

Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund Report – The 75 Soros-Linked Radical US Prosecutors Who Are Wreaking Havoc in American Cities

Twitter again yields to Elon Musk – If they don’t provide the requested information and Elon Musk walks, the Board of Directors can expect a massive shareholder suit against them

Facebook, now Meta, Is Hit With 8 Lawsuits Claiming Its Algorithms Hook Youth and Ruin Their Lives

June 8, 2022

The COVID Vaccines Linked to New Type of Incurable, Fatal Degenerative Brain Disorder – Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)

Federal law enforcement is a real threat to our republic –  Unequal and unfair application of justice brought about by the politicization of federal law enforcement

Larry Elder: Voters’ Top Reason for Disliking Trump Because He “Mocked” A Disabled Reporter Turned Out to Be a Total Media Fabrication

The CDC scrubbed a recommendation from its website that U.S. travelers wear masks to protect against monkeypox – Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services doubled its order for monkeypox vaccines

Steve Kirsch: Twitter banned me for life for saying the COVID vaccines cause Prion diseases – I was right. They were wrong. This should be a stopping condition for the vaccine, but they will ignore it

House Democrats blocked a bill to provide more security for SCOTUS justices and their families – It passed unanimously in the Senate, yet Speaker Pelosi refuses to bring it up for a vote despite the foiled plot to kill Justice Kavanaugh

The Jan. 6 Show Trial Won’t Play in Peoria – No amount of insurrection theater will distract Americans from our very real and immediate economic problems

Andy Biggs: Why I Won’t Testify Before the Illegitimate January 6 Committee – Even people who attempt to cooperate are attacked, and when documents are given to the committee they are leaked, and in some instances doctored

Orange County D.A. Spitzer Sails to Victory, Signaling the Beginning of the End of the Soros-funded Criminal Justice Reform

Victor Davis Hanson: The Subordinate Citizen – Americans feel that ordinary citizens like themselves who follow the rules are treated more harshly by their government than are both noncitizens and our progressive elites

Dov Fischer: On Guns and Democrats: Schumer, How Would You Like It If Someone Tried to Reap Your Whirlwind?  – Schumer bears enormous co-responsibility for the attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh

Liberalism’s Phony Solution to Gun Violence – It pushes for more laws while destroying the civil society that makes citizens virtuous enough to follow them

Trump’s Pentagon first offered the National Guard four days before Jan. 6 riots – A memo shows the Official Capitol Police timeline validates the Trump administration’s account and shows the Democrats’ fateful rejections of the offers

Mexico Vows To Tank The US 2022 Election – The President of Mexico anticipates he and Mexico will have a potent influence on the 2022 mid-term elections

Jesse Watters Drops Bombshell Live On Air About Paul Pelosi’s Arrest – Nancy Pelosi’s husband was arrested by the CHP at the end of May for drunk driving, but her nephew, Governor Gavin Newsom was able to get the charges dropped

In a letter to the FBI’s director Tuesday, Ohio’s GOP Rep. Jim Jordan claimed the FBI is purging agents for conservative views, just two days before the hearings on January 6 begin

Rash Optimism on Social Security’s Solvency – A careful look reveals that Social Security’s future remains grim

Bill Gates: We didn’t know COVID targeted elderly sick people! ‘We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate’

Where’s the Emergency? – 18 Congress Members Demand Answers as the FDA Prepares to Approve COVID Shots for Kids Under 5

Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome that has caught the eye of epidemiologists who have documented an alarming rise in excess deaths they believe is connected to the COVID-19 vaccines

The CDC Changes Monkeypox Mask Recommendation Amid Criticism – About 35 cases have been reported across 14 states and Washington, D.C

Americans will pay $450 more for gas in 2022 than they did last year on an inflation-adjusted basis, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimated this week

The House on June 8 voted to pass the “Protecting Our Kids” Act, a Democrat-sponsored omnibus package of gun control legislation, and now heads to the Senate, where it is doomed  o overcome the 60-vote filibuster threshold

Soros Backed Prosecutors Run Half of America’s Largest Jurisdictions  – The Progressive megadonor funneled more than $40 million to elect 75 prosecutors in the last decade

Tucker Calls Liberal Recruiter Threatening Ottawa Truckers ‘Satanic’

A new UK poll released shows U.S. sentiment toward the Ukraine crisis – More Americans believe that it would be better for them for Biden to be removed than Putin and Russia is only seen as the fourth biggest international threat

Democrats Hit Panic Button As Florida Keeps Getting Redder – That Has Never Happened Before

The Formula Crisis Takes an Economic Toll on Families in Gas Money and Wasted Hours – The shortage comes as inflation is squeezing household budgets, and hits low-wage workers especially hard

168,000 deleted files recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop – The existence of recoverable deleted user files adds another layer of authenticity to the hard drive

Please stop these ten bad bills in Sacramento – Here is what you need to do

The clear threat against SCOTUS, to which Biden’s DOJ turned a blind eye, escalated to its inevitable next phase with the arrest of a California man early this morning for allegedly plotting to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh

Nicholas John Roske was arrested outside Brett Kavanaugh’s home with a chilling arsenal of weapons

McConnell to Pelosi: Stop Dragging Your Feet on The Bill to Protect Supreme Court Justices and Their Families

The Big National News Waiting to Drop on Friday Morning – The May 2022 Consumer Price Index data are scheduled to be released on June 10, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time

If Biden Intended To Destroy America, What Would He Be Doing Differently? – Deliberate and intentional, two words you can expect Republicans to utter a lot more as they make the case that what ails America now isn’t an accident

A Democrat senator says it doesn’t matter — to her — how high gas prices are now that she finally has an electric car

Domestic Solar-Energy Companies Are Upset by Biden’s Plan to Boost Domestic Solar Energy – They Are Bringing a Lawsuit Because Of His Action To Waive Tariffs On Solar-Energy Imports From Southeast Asia

ZH: Consumers are being squeezed by negative real wage growth and inflation at 40-year highs and as a result, consumer sentiment is declining, and personal consumption habits are changing as people struggle to help make ends meet

ZH: Shocking Consumer Credit Numbers: Everyone Maxing Out Their Credit Card Ahead Of The Recession – Any model that projected that US spending will be fueled by “savings” can now be trashed

Progressive America is the Twilight Zone – America’s accelerating tumbling is the handiwork of a corrupt, ideologically driven, incompetent — dare say, venal — elite

The dystopian state of our nation – We now are confronted with the result of at least fifty years of the left’s official campaign against all things traditionally American

In reversal, Twitter plans to comply with Musk’s demands for data – The billionaire is in a protracted battle with the company over information about spam and fake accounts

The Fatal Flaw In Matthew McConaughey’s ‘Common Sense’ Gun Plan – It would be outlandish to hand the power to restrict gun rights to institutions that have deliberately destroyed the rule of law in this country

What Terrorists Learned from Covid – A conventional bomb can kill hundreds or even thousands, but a biological weapon can surreptitiously invade, spread, mutate, and kill millions

The NIH deleted a webpage from 2004 detailing research into vaccine efficacy against the monkeypox virus which included Anthony Fauci praising the findings as “important” and referencing a potential “bio-terror threat involving smallpox”

There are solid societal root causes for our rising violence and criminality – The gradual weakening of consequences for bad behavior has reached the point where they threaten the very fabric of society

A June University of Sydney study highlighted concerning trends of increased screen time, alcohol use, and poor sleep for teenagers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, indicating the increase has implications for teens’ long-term health

Mexico waves through a 15,000-strong migrant caravan – The Mexican government has offered work visas to migrants, which would allow them to travel freely through the country

Republican Lanhee Chen is leading the statewide race in California for the office of Controller, which oversees public funds, as of primary election results reported Wednesday morning

Progressive San Francisco DA recalled by voters in one of the nation’s most liberal cities – Mayor London Breed will be tasked with finding a new district attorney for San Francisco

Opponents of Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón warned Tuesday evening that he will soon be “walking the same plank” as San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who was recalled by voters by a wide margin

JD Rucker: Water, Energy, and Medicine: The Resources Being Using to Build Control Mechanisms – For the New World Order  to achieve its vision of The Great Reset, essential resources need to be completely under their control

A new poll by YouGov finds that 73 percent of Trump voters believe that Democrats are “trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color” who overwhelmingly vote for Democrats

I’m a female collegiate athlete fighting for the future of women’s sports – Women racers can’t  physically compete against trans athletes, but they don’t have a choice but to compete

The FBI Is Hit with $1 Billion Worth of Lawsuits from 90 Women, Including Olympic Gold Medalists – The FBI knew that Larry Nassar was a danger to children when his abuses were first reported in September 2015

June 7, 2022

The Biden Administration is Expected to Reinstate Price Controls, Bringing Back 1970s Gas Lines, Experts Warn – The legislation grants the president the power to declare an energy emergency for up to 30 days, with the option to extend the declaration

Over the last month (WTI) crude oil prices have surged nearly 20 percent to around $120 per barrel. Despite soaring energy prices, U.S. output is still below pre-pandemic levels, with analysts pointing to DC and cash discipline

Nancy Pelosi and the Dems’ Jan. 6 dog & baloney show – They’re going to make it hard for you to refuse to watch their performance because all their media handmaidens have signed on to provide live coverage

Jan. 6 hearing is to spotlight President Trump saying ‘stand by’ Proud Boys – The partisan panel claims ‘conspiracy’ after FBI found no evidence of an organized plot

Bannon subpoenas Pelosi and House January 6 committee members – His attorneys are seeking to challenge the makeup of the House select committee, question lawmakers’ motives for targeting Bannon, and argue executive privilege

John Solomon: Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence and security failures – Widespread ineptitude and inadequate riot squads and the closing of the open-source intelligence unit may have contributed to the tragedy

ZH: Beware Of The Hidden Messages From The War-Games Conducted by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a Washington-based think tank

What a surprise: Rebekah Jones, once hailed as a “whistleblower” hero for claiming Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis had fudged the state’s COVID-19 numbers, has been revealed as a complete fraud

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) vaccine advisory panel voted on Tuesday to recommend the emergency use of Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine – The advisory voted 21–0 with one abstention

Studies suggest a link between a rapidly progressing, incurable, and fatal prion disease known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and COVID-19 vaccines

ZH: Youth Blood Harvesting: Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ That Is Now Vindicated as Fact – It is no longer a “conspiracy theory” because the gatekeeping corporate media now acknowledges it

Sharyl Attkisson: 15 evidence-based reasons why Johnny Depp won his lawsuit against his ex-wife, Amber Heard

Apple recently began testing future iPhones with USB-C charging ports and now is scrambling (amid supply chain disruptions) as new European regulations mandate all smartphones and other electronic devices to use USB-C chargers

A Jan. 6 Committee Adviser Confesses: ‘”There Is No Smoking Gun” That Trump Planned The Capitol Riots – In fact, Riggleman confessed there was no direct evidence showing the riot was even a premeditated attack

Devin Nunes: The unusual circumstances surrounding Peter Navarro’s arrest at the airport provide more proof it’s all for Jan 6 primetime ratings

A CNN data reporter lays out a devastating case why Republicans are in the ‘best position’ to dominate midterm elections

Why Handwritten FBI And DOJ Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge – The notes reveal the FBI either lied or U.K. intelligence fed information to the U.S. agents investigating Donald Trump and his associates

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a “heightened” terrorism advisory ahead of the Supreme Court’s expected reversal of the nation’s landmark Roe vs Wade abortion rights ruling

WSJ: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in Senate testimony that she expects inflation to remain elevated, underscoring the challenge facing the U.S. economy and the Biden administration as inflation runs at its highest rate in decades

Canadian Center of Science and Education: Based On Ten Cost Factors, Energy Transition to Wind and Solar Is More Expensive and Environmentally Nonviable

Why Donald Trump Should Not Run for President in 2024 – Even though he was the right president at the right time and will go down in history as among the nation’s indispensable presidents

Be aware of the coming major attacks on free speech from Democrats – Democrats know that, as the country and the world lurch from bad to worse under their aegis, their hold on the country is weakening

What the January 6 Committee Hearings Won’t Cover – For example, it is doubtful the committee will release 14,000 hours of surveillance video that shows what happened inside and outside of the Capitol building on January 6

The New York Times on Tuesday admitted the Democrats’ upcoming January 6 Committee hearings are an attempt to “recast” the party’s failing midterm election message against Republicans to help Democrats “to stay in power”

The Biden administration releases 7,000 COVID-infected illegal border crossers into McAllen, Texas – Leftists claim the illegal migrants with COVID being admitted are asked to move to quarantine units, that are reportedly full at this point

Obama Approved Accusing Russia of DNC Hack Before The FBI Received DNC Server Images


Exhausted Russian fighters complain of conditions in eastern Ukraine – Long deployments and a lack of training, support, food, and equipment are all impacting morale as the war drags on

WSJ: Chernobyl Workers Pick Up the Pieces After Russian Occupation – Catastrophe was averted, but employees at the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster say the facility was ransacked and poop was left everywhere

HOW THE LEFT LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING… …and love domestic terrorism – A couple of domestic terrorists are getting their day in court and it is enlightening to see how the Justice Department is handling their prosecution

Will the Supreme Court put a stake through the heart of gun control? – Coming this June is the Bruen case, which should strike down the granddaddy of all American gun control laws: New York’s 1911 Sullivan Act

Hollywood’s China Breakup Is Long Overdue – Why should the American movie industry keep placating a cultural pariah?

JD Rucker: Democrat Deep State Collusion – Crooked Hillary’s Former Attorney Michael Sussmann had a special KEYCARD that allowed him to Get Into FBI Headquarters whenever he wanted

ZH: Goldman Again Hikes Oil Price Target, Now Sees Barrel Hitting $140, Up From $125

ZH: California Lawmakers Want To Buy Up Water Rights And Cut Farming To Stave Off Drought

Have We Become Amerika? – Unlike the Americans in the the1987 television miniseries “Amerika,” we didn’t surrender to the Soviets, we have simply handed power over to the radical left

The Biden Administration’s CDC: Put The Masks Back On For Monkeypox – The U.S. has only 31 confirmed cases of monkeypox

ZH: Nuclear Energy Is More Relevant Now Than Ever – Global energy market is in turmoil, with electricity bills around the world soaring and scant options when it comes to securing new supply

Responding to questions about record-high gas prices Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre completely copped out by saying that Americans aren’t as bad off as people in Europe where prices are higher

June 6, 2022

SCOTUS Overturns a 4th Circuit Ruling, Unanimously Strikes Down Part of Bankruptcy Law – When Congress boosted bankruptcy fees but exempted filers in Alabama and North Carolina, it violated a uniformity requirement in the U.S. Constitution

Burger King in Austria found a new way to endorse “Pride Month” with their new “Pride Whopper” – This new whopper has two identical buns on top and bottom to signal equality for all

The New Russian Offensive Is Intended to Project Power It Cannot Sustain – One of its main purposes for Moscow is to create the impression that Russia has regained its strength and will now overwhelm Ukraine. That impression is false

Democrats hired James Goldston, who served as president of ABC News when it allegedly quashed reporting of accusations against Jeffrey Epstein, to “produce” the Prime-Time Jan. 6 Committee hearings

Liz Cheney and the Cult of Washington Insiders – The corrupt January 6 committee goes public

NBC Poll: “Fewer Americans Now Say Trump is Responsible for Jan. 6” – The Percentage Drops to 45%

Tucker Carlson: Peter Navarro’s arrest is a huge step toward the politics of the third world – Carlson argues that the left is using the judicial system for political revenge

Warnings From Watergate for the January 6 Committee – Fifty years later, Democrats are up to their dirty “select committee” tricks again

Wall Street Journal-NORC Poll: Economic Gloom Hits Worst Level in 50 Years – Eighty-three percent of Americans describe the state of the economy as poor or not so good

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Are Disgusted With Big Media – 56% have either “little trust” or “no trust at all,” for an overall negative trust reading of -19 points. An abysmal reading considering the informational role the media play in our daily lives

Pew Research Center: Americans’ Views of Government: Decades of Distrust, Enduring Support for Its Role – 65% say most political candidates run for office “to serve their interests”

They Don’t Want You to Watch What Is a Woman – Matt Walsh’s blistering critique of transgender activism has the Left in full cancel mode

The Federal Government’s Study Concluded Its Ban on ‘Assault Weapons’ Didn’t Reduce Gun Violence – Other studies, including two published in 2020, reached similar conclusions

The Biden Administration Is Accelerating Obama’s Push for a ‘Woke’ Military Which Is Undermining Combat Readiness According To Analysts

Instead of funneling resources to alleviate the pain of soaring gas prices in the U.S., the Biden administration has turned its focus to solar and clean energy – Biden will authorize the Defense Production Act to boost domestic manufacturing of solar panels

It’s Not Just Gas Prices… Electricity Rates Are Up 77% to 233% in the Last Year as Democrats Declare War on the US Middle Class

The Abundance Choice, Part 12: Numbers Don’t Lie – Wind, solar, geothermal, and tidal power will not be sufficient to replace existing electricity generation in California

Another Bizarre Fire: Tens of Thousands of Chickens Killed in Massive Farm Fire In An Egg Processing Plant In Wright County, Minnesota

“Masks Don’t Stop Viruses …and It Turns Out They’re Harmful” – Dr. Simone Gold from America’s Frontline Doctors

Consumers can expect food prices to increase by as much as 8 percent in 2022 due to the war in Ukraine, higher interest rates, and avian flu, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2022 Food Price Outlook

5 Reasons America’s Birthrate Is Plummeting – 44 percent of non-parents between 18 to 49 say it is not, or not at all likely they will procreate

ZH: As a stagflation storm looms over the UK economy, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) chairman warned of a tsunami of ~500,000 small business closings without new support packages from the government

A Cancer Trial Using Monoclonal Antibody Finds Remission in Every Patient – Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer” was conducted among 12 rectal cancer patients, all of which had a “clinical complete response

The family of a onetime Clinton family associate is working to keep concealed the circumstances of his recent death, adding fodder to the longtime suggestions that the “Clinton Body Count,” as Wikipedia describes it, has risen again

The Immoral Heart of Biden’s Student Loan Cancellations – They undermine the spirit undergirding our political community

CDC Study: Reports of Melatonin Poisonings in Children Surged 530 Percent Over 10 Years – “Increasing use of over-the-counter melatonin might place children at risk for potential adverse events”

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Mistakes And Supposed Corrections in the Biden Era – The Definitive List

The Terrifying Reality about School Shootings – Don’t you find it illogical that the California Legislature ended a standing legal requirement that school employees report threats of violence

Three progressive prosecutors in California will be put to the test on June 7 – All 3 are founding members of the Prosecutors Alliance, a first-of-its-kind prosecutor organization pushing progressive changes in the CA criminal justice system

An ABC News survey has concluded that Joe Biden is a “serious drag on Democratic candidates nationwide,” as his approval numbers on all major issues are “badly underwater”

9 Big Things We Learned From The Michael Sussmann Prosecution – While we have learned much from the Sussmann prosecution, we still don’t know whether Durham intends to hold the Crossfire Hurricane team responsible

Abbott Restarts Its Baby Formula Plant – The Crisis-Inducing Government FDA Shutdown Was Likely Needless In The First Place

Is The Red Wave Starting In California? – A ghastly result in the Golden State on Tuesday could spell not just trouble for President Biden and the Democratic Party, but impending doom

Wokeness, the Highest Stage of Managerialism – Well-educated progressives wield institutional power to impose a new political and social order

Musk accuses Twitter of ‘resisting and thwarting’ his right to information on fake accounts – Musk reserves the right not to complete the deal according to his attorney

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), spoke with several union leaders one day before tightening school masking guidelines

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The War Against the Unvaxxed Will Not Be Forgotten – Fabrications are used to brainwash the public into hating truth-tellers and anyone who points out discrepancies in the narrative

June 5, 2022

22,000 Workers want raises while the shippers want robots – The supply chain hinges on the bargaining table in San Francisco, where the union representing all West Coast dockworkers is hashing out a new contract

Brandon Strikes Again As Gas Prices Double on Sleepy Joe’s Watch! –  Forget talk of World War III. His real war is the War on Oil

No One Knows How to Tackle Inflation – It’s worth remembering that everything that has happened recently—the 2008 recession and the current inflationary episodes—happened at the hands of the supposed experts

Hillary Clinton’s Role in the Russia Smear – The Sussmann trial provides more evidence that she directed the effort

Guns Are Not The Problem It’s The Culture, Stupid – Gun violence is the penalty for our failure to uphold a moral functioning society

Dov Fischer: To Purgatory With Black Lives Matter and With Critical Race Theory – Where is the will in our land to challenge and resist tyranny’s encroachments?

Victor Davis Hanson: The Sovietization of American Life – Behind our disasters looms an ideology, a creed that ignores cause and effect in the real world without a shred of concern for the damage done to those outside the nomenklatura

Most cases of monkeypox have been in gay and bisexual men, the UK’s Health Security Agency announced Friday –  “Investigations to date have identified links to gay bars, saunas and the use of dating apps in the UK and abroad”

Sharyl Attkisson: The unintended consequences of Covid-19 vaccine policy – Why mandates, passports, and restrictions may cause more harm than good

It was a fun ride for the Democrat Party, but recent polling shows that black voters are abandoning support for the Biden administration in droves, joining Hispanic voters as minority groups turn against the Democrat presidency

America’s great cities are gripped by decline and disorder – Voters have had enough of “progressive” leaders who are presiding over spiraling violence and crime

Despite a setback at the WHO’s 75th annual meeting in Geneva in late May, the push to further empower the United Nations agency is moving ahead, remaining a major threat to U.S. national sovereignty and self-government

At least two states are pressing forward with legislation that would allow trained school teachers to carry firearms on public school grounds in the wake of the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas

Two new clinical studies have begun to establish an alarming link between an incurable, degenerative brain disease called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and the experimental Covid-19 vaccine

Former President Donald Trump endorsed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for another term in Congress – Trump gave his endorsement of McCarthy on Sunday

ZH: Onshoring Semiconductor Capacity Is Crucial To National Security – A steady source of uninterrupted, trusted chips is necessary for the security of the nation

The Abundance Choice, Part 11: The Desalination Option – If you’re trying to eliminate water scarcity, desalination is an option you can’t ignore

California Is No. 1 in Gun Control and Yet No. 1 in “Active Shooter Incidents”

ZH: Visualizing The World’s 50 Biggest Data Breaches From 2004–2021 – As we become increasingly reliant on technology and data stored online, data breaches have become a threat to users, businesses, and government agencies

Jonathan Turley: Are Democrats Ensuring Their Destruction With Their Jan. 6 Committee Moves – Knowing they will get wiped in the midterms, the only thing they have left is using the committee hearings to smear Republicans

Five things to know before the Jan. 6 panel hearings start on prime-time TV

Disarming Victims Is a Dumb Way to Fight Crime – How can it be “common sense” to adopt the same policies that have made Chicago; Washington, D.C.; and Detroit human target galleries?

Feckless Biden Says Americans Have to Get Ready for More Blackouts as Energy Infrastructure Nears Breaking Point – The reliability crisis could create dangerous outages in Texas, California

Don’t Fall for the ‘Price Controls Worked Before’ Argument

We Would Do Well to Remember What Happened on June 4, Given the Threats We Are Now Facing – “Radicals” are no longer “radical” but the driving force of the Democratic Party

It’s not the guns that kill; it’s culture-fueled anger – Rational thinkers know that guns are not the problem, angry people and some with mental instabilities are the problems

From deaths due to vaccine-induced myocarditis to a significant increase in heart attack risk among youth, the risks tied to COVID-19 shots continue to grow while their effectiveness in children reached an embarrassing low

Remote work may not be working anymore – A growing number of corporate executives want to put an end to the work-from-home revolution, but workers are used to the flexibility and they have the leverage to demand it

The Naked Truth about Energy Transitions – Energy sources have historically taken decades to transition from old methods to new technologies. How do you deal with the lack of petroleum byproducts?

June 4, 2022

The CDC Announces Indoor Mask Mandate Recommendations for 13 Northern California Counties – “In the home stretch like this with people just beginning to recover financially, it may do more harm than good”

Ketanji Brown Caught on Video Applauding Pervasive ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban – During her confirmation hearings, she sought to appear neutral on issues that might come before the court after she replaces retiring Justice Breyer

Sharyl Attkisson: A Recent Gallup Poll Indicates Economic Confidence is at its lowest level since ’09

How Biden’s Response to the Baby Formula Shortage Made Things Worse – In a famous lecture, economist Ludwig von Mises showed how government intervention begets more intervention

Poll: ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary Convinces Voters, Including Democrats’ – 77% of those Likely U.S. voters who have seen it say the movie strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud

Elon Is Asking Some Big Questions About the Media, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell – Why haven’t we seen the client list from Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?

Washington Post/Ipsos Poll: Poll: Black Americans Are Fed Up With Joe Biden – They are bolting away from Biden in herds, and it’s unlikely the president will win them back

Five Medical Schools Violating Federal Law With Scholarships Offered to Select Races

Pinkerton: All of America Must Be a Hard Target to Prevent Mass Shootings – We Can Defend What We Choose to Defend

Can Reservoirs Be Part of the Solution? – An examination of what Californians intended to build in 1957 to achieve water abundance, compared to how it might be possible today, uncovers some encouraging insights

Drug overdoses spike 700% after Oregon decriminalizes the use of illegal drugs – Officials admit the failure of promised treatment-center alternative

House Representative Chris Jacobs (R) of NY announced Friday that he would not be running for re-election – He believes his endorsement of gun control policies destroyed his chances of winning the Republican primary

Yet Another New Study Shows Covid Jabs Cause Incurable Prion Disease, But The Media and Governments Continue to Ignore This So They Can Perpetuate The Universal Jab Agenda

U.S. Officials Admit They Have Lied About Ukraine Success and Russian Failures

The Democrat and RINO Full Court Press on the Second Amendment

The worst shortage you haven’t heard of – DEF is required by the EPA in diesel engines manufactured after 2010 to reduce vehicle emissions and truckers are reporting increasing DEF shortages around the nation

Immigrants are replacing American health care workers fired over vaccine mandates – They are cheaper and have far less negotiating power since their immigration status requires employment

The Biden administration arrested former Trump official, Peter Navarro – He refused to testify before the January 6 commission, which is arguably improperly constituted and therefore lacks the power to issue subpoenas

A Democrat finally says out loud what they all think about the Constitution – “Spare me the bullshit about constitutional rights”

June 3, 2022

Val Kilmer recently returned to the big screen in Top Gun: Maverick, but cannot speak due to throat cancer complications. The solution? An AI system that perfectly recreated Kilmer’s voice

Biden’s Victory Over Fossil Fuels It goes hand in hand with his victories on the inflation front

Rasmussen: Poll: Republicans Continue to Lead, Gain Momentum on Generic Congressional Ballot

ZH: Americans Will Never Forget The Historic Economic Collapse During Joe Biden’s Presidency – What we have been through already is just the beginning

ZH: Will Trump Run? – A historic blowout will spur Trump. In the end, even if most Republicans would prefer he not run, they will likely vote for him over any hard-left alternative

ZH: The Top 10 Creepiest & Most Dystopian Things Pushed By The World Economic Forum – #4 “Recalibrating” freedom of speech

WSJ: David McCormick Concedes to Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania GOP Senate Primary  – This sets the stage for an apparent contest against Democrat candidate John Fetterman that could determine Senate control

The Biden administration finds a back door to shut down gun sales! – There is a 500% increase reported in retail closures as they are forced out of business over technicalities, as small as typographical errors in paperwork

5 Things Patriots MUST Do Now to Stop Biden and McConnell From Passing More Gun Control  – They’re calling it “common sense” but on the leftist’s scale, today’s common sense is tomorrow’s gun confiscation plan

Here We Go: California’s Alameda County Reinstates Indoor Mask Mandate Due to ‘Rising Covid Cases’

Pfizer quietly admits it will never manufacture the original FDA-approved COVID vaccines – The company claims it is manufacturing Comirnaty product with a new formula

VAERS data released Friday by the CDC show 1,287,595 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,532 deaths and 235,041 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022

3 COVID Stats — What They Tell Us and How They Divided Our World – Based on interpretations

Staff with the U.S. FDA on Friday flagged the risk of heart inflammation following the administration of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, although they concluded the shot reduces the risk of mild-to-severe COVID-19

Menstrual Irregularities, Uterus Shedding Cases Spike After COVID Vaccine Rollout: Peer-Reviewed Study –  ‘What we’ve seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg’: Dr. Northrup

White House: COVID-19 Vaccination for Children Under 5 May Start by June 21 – 10 million doses would be initially released

CDC: Current Monkeypox Cases Suggest Community Transmission – Cases have been confirmed in nine states in the US: California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New York, Utah, Virginia, and Washington

Joe Biden Surrenders to Saudi Arabia – Less than three years after he pledged to make Saudi Arabia a pariah state for killing and dismembering Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi

Employers Added 390,000 Jobs in May; Unemployment Steady at 3.6% – Jobs grew at the slowest pace since April of last year, hinting that the labor market is starting to cool

Who Killed Seth Rich? – With new information and the demise of the Russian Collusion narrative, it’s time for a new look at the untimely death of Seth Rich

Former Attorney General William Barr called the Russiagate “a dirty political trick” against former President Donald Trump and criticized the justice system as “rigged” to target Republicans

Elon Musk Makes ‘Rare’ Endorsement of Political Candidate – He is endorsing LA mayoral challenger Rick Caruso in a rare backing of a political candidate

Why The Special Counsel Needs To Fight For More Spygate Documents, Stat – Certain documents will likely reveal Fusion GPS peddled Danchenko’s lies directly to reporters

The Davos Meeting Is Over But the REAL Meeting of Globalist Elites Just Started – The Bilderberg Group began its annual meeting today, and you won’t hear much about it, but their agenda is quite interesting

So the Washington Post’s pooh-poohing of the ‘2000 Mules’ documentary on voter 2020 fraud gets a little comeuppance in Arizona – Unfortunately, (for them) yesterday’s news from Arizona tells a different story

ZH: Where Military Aid To Ukraine Comes From – Primarily The US

ZH: The Biden administration is considering a proposal to tax oil and gas windfall profits to provide a gas subsidy for American consumers struggling with high energy prices

ZH: Elon Musk To Slash Tesla Jobs, Has “Super Bad Feeling” About Economy

WSJ: Biden Urges Crackdown on “Assault-Style” Weapons Following Mass Shootings As talks continue in Senate

How “Rockefeller Medicine” Is Now Killing Us All – Since then corporate interests have established near-total control of the medical field, both though pharmacology and through their impact on medical education

Will Monkeypox Replace COVID as the Next Great Democrat Scam? – The evidence of the COVID scam is incontrovertible, they lied to us  fabricating life-or-death medical threats to justify a massive power grab, knowing it was no more dangerous to most Americans than the seasonal flu

The Great Reset Snakes Are Slithering Together in Davos – The World Economic Forum is an organization that profits from famine and disease; it uses tragedies and fear to further its agenda

On Gun Control – Whenever someone constantly complains about something but refuses to take any steps to remedy the situation, you know that they already have a plan in mind and do not want other measures to derail that plan

Homeschool Students Soar Above Pre-Pandemic Levels as Public School Enrollment Drops – Since the onset of COVID-19, parents have taken the reins of their children’s education and made homeschooling mainstream

Biden threatens to starve schools that don’t adopt the trans agenda – This may put schools in states with bills protecting women’s spaces and sports in a difficult position

June 2, 2022

Just What Exactly Is the US End Goal in Ukraine?  – Biden and other liberal internationalists seem committed to no-questions-asked, no-strings-attached, and possibly indefinite funding

Joe Biden unleashed another passionate call for gun control, using the bully pulpit of the White House to make his case – Biden Says Radical Gun Control Should Be ‘Central’ to Voting in November

Yes, They’re Coming for Your Guns – What the un-American Left wants is to destroy the American people’s right to self-defense

Yes, Biden deserves blame for inflation – He has mismanaged what should have been a slam-dunk recovery

The CEO of JPMorgan Chase warns an economic ‘hurricane’ is coming

A new study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that people who report symptoms of a medical condition known as “Long Covid” may be suffering from depression and anxiety, particularly in women

True The Vote Drops NEW Bombshell VIDEO of Whistleblower – “You have to give your ballot opened to them so they can see who you are voting for, or who you supposedly have to vote for”

The CEO of the Parlor social media platform warns that tech layoffs are ‘just beginning’ – Sixty-six tech firms laid-off employees at the highest rate since 2020 in April

Los Angeles DA George Gascon ‘overstates his authority,’ can’t ignore California 3-strikes law – The court ruled Thursday as the embattled district attorney faces a second recall effort


WSJ: John Durham vs. the Beltway Swamp – Michael Sussmann’s trial showcased the incestuous culture of elite Washington

Bill Barr says Trump should not run for president again in 2024 – He would be a 78-year-old lame duck the day he took office

Another Justice Department Fail: The Flynn Unmasking – Classified information was leaked to the media by several Obama intelligence officials, but no one will be punished

California Progressives Use Reparations Their Report to Enact Intersectional Agenda – The Democrat task force asserts California is racist

The media’s role in creating mass shooters gets less attention than it deserves

The WEF Launches ‘Metaverse’ Initiative and Predicts Digital Lives Will Become ‘More Meaningful to Us Than Our Physical Lives’  – Corporate are stakeholders jockeying for a role in defining, developing, and profiting  from the technology

The Depp-Heard verdict is the defeat of the toxic #MeToo Movement

Pfizer asks the FDA to clear COVID shots for babies – While science shows kids don’t need jabs, vaccines are ineffective, risky

Peer-Reviewed Studies Confirm The Vaccines and Mask Mandates Did Not Stop COVID Spread in Schools and Universities –  ‘These school and university mandates beg the question: what are they hoping to achieve?’

You may commute over one of these structurally deficient bridges in California – The ARTBA trade group  said in its 2022 report that 5.8% of California’s bridges can be categorized as “structurally deficient.” That’s 1,493

WSJ: OPEC and Russia-led Group Agree to Increase Oil Production – The partners known as OPEC+ agreed to a bigger-than-expected oil-production increase of 648,000 barrels a day in July and August

Six critical questions that need answers as investigators probe the Uvalde police response to the school shooting

The Real Reason Why Mass Shooters Kill – These shooters, mass murderers, a majority of the terrorists, and essentially all violent criminals (plus many drugs addicts and a majority of the homeless) share one quality, they are all fatherless

Kevin D. Williamson: The Gun-Control Delusion – Democrats dream of banning particular kinds of firearms, but it is not going to happen as this issue has, in fact, already been litigated by the Supreme Court

JD Rucker: Is This How They Stole Arizona in the 2020 Election? – One does not need to watch 2000 Mules see how the 2020 election was stolen because buried reports by corporate media outlets like the AP show it clear as day

Open primaries open the door to suspiciously fraudulent victories – California has a total of 26 candidates running for governor in its June 7 primary: four Democrats, 11 Republicans, eight independents, and two Green Partiers

The California Reparations Task Force released their first report documenting the harm made against African-Americans in CA since 1850 and calling for reparations to be given to all slave-descendent blacks in the state

The Party’s Over! Musk Tells Employees To Get Back To Work Or Get Another Job – “Anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum (and I mean *minimum*) of 40 hours per week or depart Tesla

What’s going on with the electric power situation in the United States? – Even Texas is expecting rolling blackouts. This is an energy state with abundant natural gas

Joe Biden is sleepwalking into a summer energy crisis – His administration is dismissive of warning signs that the nation’s electrical grid can’t handle the summer heat

ZH: The Food, Fuel, & Inflation Crises All Stem From Globalist Policies

Joe Biden said on Wednesday it was unlikely his administration would be able to bring down the cost of inflation, including gas and food prices, any time soon

Harvard-Harris Poll: Most Americans Reject The Idea Of Kids Choosing Their ‘Preferred Pronouns’ – Predictably, 61 percent of Democrats are in favor of children using preferred pronouns

The WHO Plan For 10 Years Of Pandemics – Shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened

Millions Face Severe Hunger as War, Drought and Bad Government Policies Exacerbate Global Food Shortages

Are They Unsafe At Any Speed? – Electric Cars Keep Catching On Fire

June 1, 2022

Gas prices are through the roof – That’s just how the Biden administration wants it

All Eyes Are On Arizona’s Blake Masters as He Surges Ahead in Heated Senate Race – The Trump endorsement stands as the most powerful force in American electoral politics

The Daily Wire came under a sustained DDoS attack during the world premiere of “What is a Woman?” It was intended to disrupt people’s ability to access the highly anticipated film

The Uvalde PD and Independent School District police force are no longer cooperating with the Texas Department of Public Safety’s investigation into the massacre at Robb Elementary School and the state’s review of the response

JD Rucker: Three-Minute Video Depicts Clear Evidence Joe Biden Was Involved in Hunter’s Shady Business Deals  –  He’s always been directly involved, albeit shielded from the outside

Victor Davis Hanson: Trumpology – The path to the 2024 presidential election will be shaped entirely by how things look for Donald Trump in the wake of the 2022 midterms

N.Y. Times makes bombshell admission about masks and COVID – The data show that in U.S. cities “where mask use has been more common, Covid has spread at a similar rate as in mask-resistant cities”

Microplastics used to make surgical masks were found in 11 of 13 lung surgery patients. Data demonstrate how these particles may cross into the bloodstream and could enter organs, the brain, and developing babies

The COVID Cult Did Lasting Damage to Our Kids – In the spring of 2020, Dr. Jeanne Noble witnessed an uptick in teens and adolescents going to the emergency room in mental health distress

THE GEEK IN PICTURES: A RAMBLING POTPOURRI  – An overdue look at what is going on through charts and graphs, with no particular main theme

ZH: The monkeypox virus has sprung up in countries around the world, including in places where the virus does not usually exist

Climate TRACE: A Framework for ESG Initiatives and Social & Climate Credit System – This colossal data-collection project aims to replace the current self-reporting system of greenhouse gas emissions by countries and companies

The election integrity group True the Vote presented AZ lawmakers with cell phone tracking data showing ballot traffickers visited drop boxes in two of the state’s largest counties no less than 5,700 times during the 2020 election

REVEALED: Anti-Trump Shadow-Money Fueling Idaho Politicians — Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Pouring into Idaho from Out-of-state

‘Lia’ Thomas Is a Con Man It is a fraud from which our insane culture has no defense – “Trans people don’t transition for athletics,” said swimmer “Lia” Thomas this week in his first televised interview.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed is facing widespread criticism after announcing a plan to end homelessness in the city…but specifically for transgender people

Recently uncovered records documenting the Maricopa County 2020 general election show that while more than 20,000 ballots were transported from the USPS after Election Day, they only rejected 934 late ballots 

Justice Alito Blocks Appeals Court Ruling That Could Decide PA Primary – He blocked the decision of the federal appeals court that ordered the counting of undated ballots, that were received on time, in the Pennsylvania election

The Illegal immigrant population soars to 11.6 million – Biden’s open borders policies have led to a more than 10% surge in the United States’s illegal immigrant population, according to a new review of federal data

Biden Names Two GOP Senators Ready to Cave on New Gun Control Bills – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator John Cornyn have indicated they would support working with Democrats to craft new gun bills

48 Senate Republicans Tell Schumer They Will Block Any Bill Undermining The Hyde Amendment – The Hyde Amendment ensures that U.S. tax dollars are not spent on abortions

ZH: The world faces a “much bigger” energy crisis than was experienced in the1970s – “Back then it was just about oil, but now we have an oil crisis, a gas crisis, and an electricity crisis simultaneously”

ZH: No, OPEC+ Isn’t About To Break Up And No, Saudis Aren’t About To Pump More Crude Oil

Biden’s Energy Inflation Is No Accident – In a press conference last week Biden praised the escalating price of gasoline as a positive step toward realizing the Democrat Party’s dream of enacting the Green New Deal

The Congressional Budget Office confirmed that Joe Biden is blameworthy for the record-high inflation that is punishing workers – Further, this nonpartisan source says that Biden’s preferred fix, raising taxes, will only make the economy worse

Biden’s pathetic inflation plan – It is striking how meager Biden’s anti-inflation three-part plan is with shades of President Ford’s “Whip Inflation Now” plan back when inflation was at 12 percent

ZH: NATO countries have significantly reduced their troops in recent decades – Germany and Italy have reduced their troops the most, but other countries with large troop contingents have also reduced them significantly, including the US

The Special Counsel Proved The FBI Belongs To The Swamp – The speed with which the acquittal came, coupled with the in-court testimony and evidence exposed by the special counsel throughout the prosecution prove the FBI isn’t America’s anymore

The Abundance Choice, Part 9: Can Reservoirs be Part of the Solution? – The 1957 California Water Plan called for the construction of 376 new reservoirs to be constructed in addition to those already built

Extreme drought could cost California half its hydroelectric power this summer – Nearly 60 percent of the state is experiencing ‘extreme’ drought or worse

I&I/TIPP Poll: Another Biden Fail – The Unity Index Shows Divisions Among Americans Are Deepening

Parents Are Distressed Due to Mandatory Child Vaccination in California Schools – Parents are considering moving to other states or homeschooling after their medical exemptions are revoked

It is hard to fathom why the Jews, thought by many to be so intelligent and overrepresented in science, medicine, literature, music, and sociology, would embrace Democrat ideology to plant the seeds of their own economic and cultural destruction

Israel’s new laser-based air defense system will cost just $2 per interception, the country’s leader announced Wednesday – The enemy can invest tens of thousands of dollars per rocket while we will spend $2 on the electricity to intercept that rocket

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Masking: More Harms than Good? – Isolating children from the microbial world promotes the development of chronic diseases

Sharyl Attkisson: The IRS squanders $1B in erroneous pandemic credits that they won’t try to recoup – Ineligible individuals include potential nonresident aliens

Sharyl Attkisson: Lia Thomas, a male swimmer who has ignited international controversy and debate, now aspires to compete in the Olympics on the women’s team – Thomas made that declaration in a television interview on ABC

Reparations Task Force To Release First Report on Harms Made Against Black Californians – The 500-page report will documents wrongs made against African Americans from the pre-Civil War era to the present day

May 31, 2022

The Jury Acquits Clinton Campaign Attorney Sussmann, But Prosecutors Prove Corporate Media Guilty – The United States v. Sussmann exposed that Hillary Clinton holds full responsibility for the Russia collusion hoax

Sussmann and the Bias of D.C. Juries – Tuesday’s verdict comes as no surprise to those who know the truth about the Watergate trials

Drain the Swamp, Move Them Out – It’s the only way to prevent more travesties like the Sussmann case

The White House Supply Chain Advisor Is a World Economic Forum Climate Change Activist Who Worked at Hunter Biden’s Think Tank

Mass Shootings: The Media Misinformation Campaign – The Gun Violence Archive misrepresents shootings in the U.S. to serve the Left’s political ends

The FBI Maintains a Workspace, Including a Computer Portal. Inside the Law Firm of Perkins Coie – The Ramifications Are Significant!

House Republicans Introduce Legislation That Would Imprison Supreme Court Leakers  For Up To Five Years

Without Fossil Fuels, There Is No Need For Electricity – What about all of the products made from crude oil derivatives after the production of fuels for automobiles?

The Carbon Tax Pipe Dream, It’s a masochistic one, to boot – While any carbon tax would increase energy prices (about 80 percent of U.S. energy depends on carbon-based fuels), some tax proposals are decidedly worse than others

How Advertisers’ ‘Invisible Strings’ Control What You Read and Watch – Research reveals corporate media has spent decades burying stories in deference to big-money advertisers

Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 Court Wins Are Needed – Thousands of 18-wheelers, 4-wheelers, cars, motor homes, and farm tractors converged on Ottawa from every corner of Canada for over a week-long protest

CDC Director Walensky: Pfizer’s COVID-19 pill Paxlovid can lead to a rebound in symptoms – “We haven’t yet seen anybody who has returned with symptoms needing to go to the hospital, so generally, a milder course”

A UK study by the University College London has confirmed “small but significant” cases of the serious Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), a rare neurological disorder associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine for COVID-19

At least 21 black staffers have departed the White House since late 2021 or are planning to leave – Claiming they are hamstrung by a work environment where they’re excluded from making decisions and denied opportunities for advancement

The Devils Of Davos – Here’s a quick rundown of a few of the most noxious ideas that emerged from last week’s meeting, which was promoted as “the starting point for a new era of global responsibility and cooperation”

It’s not Putin anymore: Joe Biden has a new plan to fight inflation with … more inflation – Be nice to the Fed and inflation will go away. Trust the experts, same as we trust the experts on COVID and global warming, right? 

BIDEN’S TRAIN-WRECK ECONOMY – Their “transition” statements help define how Mr. Biden and the Democratic Party want American workers to live into the far future and buying into this “transition” will be the party’s pitch to voters this fall

Canada plans to follow in the path of the world’s worst dictators – Drastic anti-gun legislation introduced that, if passed, will mean “it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada”

Hunter Biden’s laptop confirmation substantiates Big Tech’s bias – Joe Biden knew far more about and was more involved in Hunter’s business affairs than h

Supposed “Accidental Fires” Continue to Happen at Food Processing Facilities All Over the United States

The New York Times Confesses Covid Hysteria Has Given a Generation of Kids Crippling Anxiety and Massive Learning Loss

With each passing day news related to the COVID, shots grow worse – The injections don’t prevent COVID — or even its spread — has been known for months, and post-injection problems encompass almost everything that can go wrong

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Monkey Pox Update – There has been a significant development – Will the blatant fear-porn ever stop? The controlled media have no shame

Why I’m Not Getting A COVID Vaccination

JD Rucker: California to Make Prescribing Ivermectin for Covid a Crime – They are so desperate to get everyone jabbed they are doing everything in their power to prevent people from receiving drugs that reveal Covid is treatable

California Faces Worst Drought Since 1895 – California’s two largest reservoirs are at “critically low levels And It Is Threatening Food And Power Supplies

Top doctors told the New York Times that transgender swimmer Lia Thomas still has an unfair advantage over biological females despite the athlete having undergone testosterone suppressing therapy

Click Here For Coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 Charts, Data & CDC Information

May 30, 2022

Looming Price Hikes on Food Set to Hit Americans This Fall – Economic reports are indicating that Americans are already unable to keep up with inflation

Secretary of State Blinken ‘Blinks’ in Our Eyeball-to-Eyeball China Challenge – He sees full well what China is up to yet thinks appeasement and détente will somehow save the day

Former Attorney General William Barr said he believes special counsel John Durham is uncovering “seditious” activity

SCOTUS Set To Deliver Game-Changing Ruling On Gun Control – High court observers believe that the decision will likely strengthen and expand individual rights to own firearms under the Second Amendment

Joe Biden pushed for more gun control on Memorial Day – He told reporters “The Constitution and the Second Amendment were never absolute”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to freeze the sale, importation, and transfer of handguns in Canada – He says it isn’t a full ban, but it will significantly restrict the number of handguns in circulation

JD Rucker: 7 Control Factors Being Established to Lay the Foundation for The Great Reset – Never have we seen so many attacks from so many different fronts at the same time and this is happening for a reason

‘Operation Lost Souls’ Brings Home 70 American Children, Missing Youths Found as Far Away as Mexico – The pandemic made it easier for children to be lured from their homes

Steve Kirsch: Do 9 people dying a day from COVID in California justify emergency powers? –  So the question to ask lawmakers is how low do daily deaths have to go before this is no longer an emergency

There is a way to stop school shootings – We could learn a lot from Israel, a country that takes the protection of children so seriously

The Facts on Arming Teachers – To “arm teachers” doesn’t mean giving every teacher a gun as the left alleges, it means allowing teachers who are already trained and have concealed carry permits to be armed in schools

Voters in swing House districts are fixated on rising inflation and rising gas prices, according to fresh Republican polling – This highlights the difficult political challenges confronting Democrats ahead of the midterm elections

WSJ: Many Americans hoped this would be the first normal summer after two years of Covid-19 disruptions – A chronic labor shortage means it probably won’t be

God Bless America: Land That Some Loathe – A growing lack of patriotism among young people does not bode well for our future and our institutions of higher education are exacerbating the crisis

Joe Biden’s Administration Plans to Boost Ties with Palestinians Instead of Reopening The U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem

U.S.-proposed amendments to international health regulations governing response to pandemics and the new global pandemic treaty on the agenda of the WHO’s general meeting pose a threat to our countries’ sovereignty

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Monkey Business Behind Monkeypox Propaganda – Why all the hysteria over a typically mild infection that often resolves in three to four weeks without treatment?

ZH: Soaring commodity prices have been financially devastating for households, devoting larger and larger shares of disposable income to pay for energy

Top Gun, Maverick…The Right Stuff Redux…Is A Good Thing! – It is hard to imagine the Joe Biden inner circle, cowards that they are, ever approving a mission like the one in this new film

Sharyl Attkisson: The head of Facebook’s fake science fact check group, Science Feedback, is ‘hiding in Paris, terrified of appearing in court’

Memorial Day – In Honor Of Our Fallen Heroes

Now the Biden administration wants you to pay for ‘compassionate reassignments’ – The Army would allow Alphabet People in the military to transfer bases if they take offense at “discriminatory” laws in their current locality

Lessons From Uvalde: Manpower Means Little Absent of Courage – So many mistakes and critical errors enabled this monster to carry out his evil and deadly mission with too much success

Why young men become shooters – They are outcasts with feelings of alienation and resentment over their lack of social success

Rand Paul Slams The “Democrat Plan To Brand Police, Soldiers As White Supremacists And Neo-Nazis” – Senator labels Biden’s “Domestic Terror Bill” Blocked By Republicans In The Senate, “insulting”

A Yahoo News/YouGov poll has found that 61 percent of Trump voters think Americans are being deliberately replaced with immigrants as part of a political agenda

May 29, 2022

Russia conducted another test launch of their hypersonic Zircon cruise missile yesterday in the White Sea – The 3M22 Zircon  can be remotely steered in flight to avoid missile defense systems or change targets as required

A former top ICU nurse at UCSD is one of the most COVID-vaccine-injured people on Earth – She was one of the first there to receive the vaccine  and less than an hour after her first Pfizer dose, her face was paralyzed

Victor Davis Hanson: What Now, Ukraine? – We are on new ground, in which a nonnuclear Western ally may now seek to destroy a nuclear Russia’s assets on Russian soil or in neutral or even Russian seas

Uvalde and the Lessons We Refuse to Learn – Schools can no longer be soft targets, institutionalization will need to come into play, and police will need to relearn what their job is

The Department of Justice will be investigating the police response to the Uvalde, Texas, shooting, it announced Sunday

Joe Rogan Warns Against Banning Guns And States The Obvious When He Says ‘Only Criminals Are Gonna Have Guns’

3000 doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians, and research scientists tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents the FDA tried to keep under wraps for 75 years

Biden’s War on Driving – High gas prices and car prices are part of their transition plan

How To Cut Crime In Jackson, Mississippi, The Murder-Capital Of America

ZH: What Happens To Markets After Peak Inflation: Goldman Answers – Overall, headline inflation is likely to be peaking

Dov Fischer: So Now the Snowflakes and Marshmallows Are Concerned About Cancel Culture Too? – Too many years of unfair treatment of conservatives in academia calls for an era of reckoning at universities

The CDC Raises Their Travel Alert for Monkeypox – Cases have been reported in Europe, North America, and Australia, with cases were reported among homosexual males

A New Study at ‘The Lancet’ Debunks Widely Cited CDC Study Justifying School Mask Mandates – The CDC cherry-picked data to support its mask mandates

The Shameful Six: Never listen to these people again – Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley Leads The List

Biden’s administration will continue exempting several China-made medical products from US tariffs even after the Chinese coronavirus crisis exposed the nation’s over-reliance on foreign countries for vital supplies

Most Of The Border Patrol Agents, Cops Who Responded to Uvalde School Shooting Uninvited from Biden Event – Despite being planned for a large open-space facility, administration officials cited inadequate space as the reason

The truth about the Russia Hoax is oozing out at the Sussmann trial – Can we trust our mainstream media outlets to be impartial?

Trump Blasts “Biden’s Breathtaking Failure” and Salutes “Ultra MAGA Country” – “The contrast between the Trump administration’s success and Joe Biden’s breathtaking failure could not be starker”

Mainstream Media Miss: A pistol-packing woman neutralizes rifle-wielding ‘active shooter’ and saves countless lives

Regarding the Uvalde shooter, are we being told the truth? – Where was Salvador Ramos born? The silence about Salvador Ramos’s origins is deafening, so why is this?

A Tale Of Two Texas Towns, Garland & Uvalde – There are ~400 million guns in America. The thugs in MS 13, Aryan Nation, Black Guerrilla Family, Hell’s Angels, etc. will never give up their weapons, so please don’t ask me to give up mine

Left’s Narrative Pushing Gun Control Omits Cases Where Guns Save Lives – “They only care about certain deaths”

The Problem With School Shootings Is Societal – Back in the 1950s there were riflery classes after school where students learned to shoot, learned gun safety, and nobody worried about school shootings

Kevin D. Williamson: Explaining the Gun Debate – Questions and answers on all aspects of this combustible issue

Cheerleading White Decline: How the Left Became Enthralled with Demographic Change – “More Mexican-Americans mean more political power for us,” Perez told the Atlantic Monthly in 1978

Biden’s New USDA Rules – “The Biden administration is once again blaming businesses for higher consumer prices when their policies have created inflation throughout the economy”

Trump’s congressional allies have ramped up their efforts to oust Rep. Liz Cheney, with multiple high-profile conservatives traveling to her home state to boost her primary opponent, Harriet Hageman

Up, Up, and Away: U.S. Gas Prices Hit Another Record-High – Bounced to a fresh record-high again Sunday, touching an all-time peak of $4.61 per gallon, more than 50 percent higher than the cost of a gallon a year ago

Bloomberg says Biden is out of options to lower the inflation caused by high gas prices – The people there are as stupid and incompetent as Biden, all his Cabinet members, most of the media, and other Democrats

Governor Youngkin is right: Lowering standards in the name of equity harms minorities the most

Uneasy Bedfellows – The Democrat Party’s goal of cementing a permanent majority through demographic change and immigration policy is what happens when assumptions about the seriousness of the relationship are taken too far

Davos Reveals Building Blocks For “Green” Social-Credit System – A company is working on an app that could track an individual user’s carbon footprint

Bigger Is Not Better – The Democrat vision for America is for an ever-expanding federal government giving cradle-to-grave shepherding to the American people

Mitch McConnell takes on MAGA Republicans – A few days back, the Senate approved $40 billion in aid to Ukraine; the vote was 86 to 11. The only “no” votes were from a few GOP senators

Kamala Harris’s awkward moments, a non-exhaustive list – Harris, whose communications shop has experienced quick-clip turnover, raised eyebrows this week with more clunky speech-writing and awkward delivery

Recently Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon released this list of nearly 70 pieces of their satire that he says have come true –  “Jesters do oft prove prophets,” Dillon remarked, quoting from William Shakespeare’s King Lear

May 28, 2022

Dan Bongino: Pretending that guns caused the Texas school shooting is not being ‘serious about the problem’ – The ‘Unfiltered’ host reacts to the Uvalde school shooting

The “School shooting” definition has recently been changed to make it look like they are more frequent now

Mortgage Payment Costs Rise 45 Percent This Year, Worsening Home Affordability – If the Fed keeps raising rates, mortgage payments for a typical home will be $800/month more, according to an estimate

“2000 Mules” Investigator Gregg Phillips Drops a Bomb: Investigators Discovered A Multinational Player and Federal Agencies Involved in the Operation – A “Multinational Deal Involving Billions of Dollars”

California’s drought has caused entire towns to sink nearly a foot in just one year – This map shows where

JD Rucker: Absolute Failure: Uvalde Was Part of AI Program to Root Out Potential School Mass Murderers

‘We Felt Like Cowards’: Police Officer Reflects on the Delayed Officer Response at Uvalde School Shooting – They were told to Stand Down

JD Rucker: Corporate Media Ignores Armed Woman Stopping Mass Murderer Because it Betrays Their Gun Control Narrative – Emotions are high following Uvalde and Buffalo. This is the time when gun-grabbers get their loudest

Texas Governor Abbott Says New Laws to Be Passed After Elementary School Shooting

World Economic Forum Leader: Globalists need more power to counter growing COVID skepticism – ‘We’re in danger of losing this moment for transformative change’

Republican Senator Rick Scott of Florida is taking steps to ensure the World Health Organization cannot gain enough power to dictate policies to the U.S. government in the event of a global health pandemic

It’s Finally Happened: A Call Rings Out for Bill Maher to Be Fired – He’s finally done it, he has gone too far for some on the Left

A Major League Baseball Team Will Be Funneling Money to Groups That Support ‘Gender Transition’ Surgeries for Kids

A DISNEY INSIDER REVEALS ALL; “THERE’S A BIGGER AGENDA INVOLVED” – They have bearded men in dresses serving guests lunch

Can America’s Colleges and Universities Be Saved? – Some key reforms could restore accountability in higher education, making colleges affordable and focused on actually educating students

Over 1.2 million students left public schools since the pandemic, with numbers still declining in Democrat strongholds – Conversely, there was very little public school attrition in states that did not lockdown

ZH: Concerns Over Egg Shortages Grow – Due to inflation and supply chain issues made worse by avian flu

ZH: Which Countries Trust Their Government (And Which Ones Don’t?) – In many countries around the world, vast portions of the population do not trust their government

Hope for the Vaccine Injured – The same medical establishment that denied the existence of effective treatments for COVID in their push for vaccines now works against those injured by them. But there is hope

Texas Governor Greg Abbott said he was ‘misled’ about the police response to the school shooting in Uvalde, and is ‘livid about what happened’

The Uvalde Outrage – As many as 19 police officers were gathered in the school’s hallway or nearby shortly after noon, but they made “no effort” to breach the classroom door

This state is an object lesson in how to have fraudulent elections – In New Mexico, it’s almost impossible to prove voter fraud – and that’s exactly what the Democrat-controlled state legislature wants

Gallup Poll: 83% of Americans are unsatisfied with the direction of the U.S. – This marks a six-percentage-point decline in satisfaction since April and is the lowest measure since the U.S. Capitol riot in January 2021

It Is Obama’s Fault! – Our current period of political turmoil can be considered to have begun with the presidential election of 2008 and the meteoric rise of a virtual unknown from the Illinois state Senate

Liberals push Biden to go even further on student loan forgiveness and enact a student loan debt forgiveness plan that goes far beyond his campaign pledge

Pfizer Study Data Reveals 82% of Vaccinated Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages, So They Stopped Counting  – Honest companies will adjust to the numbers, Pfizer simply manipulates the numbers to match their goal

The best indication that the woke cartel has gone berserk is its removal of Tesla from the S&P 500’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Index. – This latest rebuff proves that “ESG is a scam.”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Have Authoritarians Used ‘1984’ as a Handbook? – Government is gaslighting the public with their creation of false narratives, rewriting history, and refuting what are obvious facts

Former AG Bill Barr says Hillary Clinton engaged in a “seditious” conspiracy against Donald Trump and named Special CounselDurham to investigate an apparent “dirty political trick” to paint Trump as a Russian stooge

Preventing “The Tyranny of the Majority” – The Founders were determined to forestall the inherent dangers of what James Madison called “the tyranny of the majority,” so they constructed something more lasting, a Republic

Tucker Carlson puts the spotlight on Elizabeth Warren, as he outlines the destructive nature of the Biden’s economic and energy policies – Warren is an academic, and everything she created and advocated comes from a theory

Biden’s Disinformation Board may be ‘paused,’ but that’s a sketchy claim – Chertoff and Gorelick are the typical dreary variety of Washington insiders who give the impression that they are “serious” people

The Abundance Choice, Part 8: The Union Factor  –The power of environmentalists in California is strangling the state’s economy


May 27, 2022

Law enforcement sources say a retired federal agent was in a chat room with the killer and was given advance notice of what he was planning to do at least 30 minutes beforehand – The former agent never informed authorities

A Teacher’s Fatal Mistake Allowed The Uvalde Shooter Instant Access to The Locked-Down School – The  teacher propped open the entry door used by the shooter

Detailed Timeline: What Really Happened in Uvalde, Texas? – How did an 18-year-old man, with no known employment, living with his grandmother afford body armor, guns, and ammo that are valued at $6300 to $8,000?

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is spending border wall funds, previously allocated by Congress on addressing “life, safety, [and] environmental,” issues

‘Let’s get this done’: Border agents took matters into their own hands to stop the Texas school killer that was hiding in a closet – Because the local police department would not take action

Trump says ‘existence of evil’ is why law-abiding Americans need Second Amendment – Trump praised the NRA for its work in training Americans to safely defend themselves

Why the vast majority of doctors failed the public on COVID – They are deeply indebted due to the loans taken out to enable their expensive education, and have no practical choice other than to comply with the mandates imposed on them

A roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice

Cook Political Report Shifts Midterm Forecast in Favor of Republicans – Democrats are increasingly unlikely to avert a red wave this November

The Left Is Chaos Incarnate – Whether they are in power or out, the Left produces division and discord not only as a tactic, but also as a product of its spiteful, envious, and hateful ideology

L.A. is banning most gas appliances in new homes – a policy that’s expected to result in most new homes and businesses coming equipped with electric space heaters, water heaters, and stovetops

Biden’s Chief Climate Officer and Deputy Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development was a fellow at the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, founded by World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab

A dozen liberal groups that pressured Twitter advertisers to boycott the platform in response to Elon Musk’s plans to acquire it received money from entities backed by Bill Gates and George Soros

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia Calls Out Two Top Republican Traitors – Republicans are “merging with Democrats” and doing very little to oppose Biden and Democrats

An Environmentalist-Industrial Complex Undermines the Abundance Choice  – A pathway out of the gloom and doom narrative that is the currency of environmentalists in the world today. And that was unforgivable

Leaked audio: China is planning the invasion of Taiwan – The recording is of a top-secret meeting of China’s People’s Liberation Army leadership

Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) has sunk 30 points behind Donald Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman in the Wyoming GOP primary, a Club for Growth poll found Thursday

Wind and Solar Will Have to Wait Inflation is putting many things on hold

Made In America: Goods Exports By State  – After China, the U.S. is the next largest exporter of goods in the world, shipping out $1.8 trillion worth of goods in 2021 – an increase of 23% over the previous year

ZH: The Uvalde Shooter Fired Gun For 12 Minutes Outside School Before Entering – Ramos began Tuesday morning by shooting his grandmother in the face, then using her truck to drive to the school

What You Need To Know About Monkeypox – The Fear and Control of Yet Another ‘Pandemic’ – Cases are being disproportionately detected among gay and bisexual men, with the outbreak is linked to sex at raves in Spain and Belgium

Rand Paul: ‘Elitists Want A One World Government And This Is Not A Conspiracy Theory’ –  “It’s in their mission statement and is everybody’s worst nightmare”

CBO debt estimates undercut Biden’s big deficit-reduction claims – Biden bragged about reducing the deficit by $1.5 trillion from 2021 to 2022, but that still leaves an annual debt of nearly $1 trillion that will only increase over time

The Biden Administration Plans to Cancel $10,000 in Student Debt Per Borrower – The plan would apply to Americans who earned less than $150,000 in the previous year or less than $300,000 for married couples filing jointly

Biden is trampling on separation of powers – The Biden administration is so hungry for power that it would encroach on the powers the Constitution reserves to the judiciary. He views separation of powers as a threat to his authority

Mitch McConnell Bragging About Defeating GOP Opponents Of Biden’s Foreign Policy Was Ill-Advised – Voters across the political spectrum are souring on the Biden-McConnell foreign policy approach toward Ukraine

The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People – Making us biologically dependent on Big Pharma’s “artificial immunity service” is bad for the people but sadly good for business

The Folly of Student Loan Cancellation – Yet more politically motivated spending of money we don’t have

Candace Owens: The Media Is Lying To You About George Floyd And Ma’Khia Bryant – He had a lengthy and serious criminal record that included nine arrests over a decade which resulted in multiple stints in prison

Bill Barr: Whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice – It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office”

Biden’s New Boondoggle – A potential trade deal with 12 Indo-Pacific countries threatens to further hurt the American middle class

‘Woke’ U.S. Companies Relearn An Old Lesson: Profits Before Politics – Americans don’t like their cherished cultural, personal, religious, and moral beliefs belittled, diminished, and ridiculed by corporations they do business with

More Blackouts Are Coming This Summer. Here’s How To Prepare – The risk of blackouts is up in many parts of the US. Get ready by gathering a few essentials beforehand

May 26, 2022

Will housing prices recede? Don’t bet on it – Prices have gone down two times in the last 100 years – way back during the 1930s and again in 2008, and the market snapped back fairly fast after 2008

The California drought could nearly halve hydropower output, boost electricity prices

WSJ: The Uvalde Shooter Fired Outside School for 12 Minutes Before Entering – Residents express anger and frustration as police detail new timeline of the mass shooting

A woman fatally shot a man who was firing an AR-15-style rifle into a crowd of people that had gathered for a party in West Virginia – “Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night”

Biden Goes Around Congress, Signs Executive Order on So-Called Police Reform – Biden said it will “increase accountability, ban chokeholds, restrict no-knock entries, and more for federal law enforcement officers

Chuck Schumer BLOCKS school safety bill—says “gun legislation” is the answer

A Texas Department of Public Safety Official Says Cops Were Reluctant to Take Out The Uvalde Shooter Because ‘They Could’ve Been Shot’

Trump 2024 Is Almost Certainly Happening, His Associates Say –  And The 2020 Election Will Be Front And Center

White House: ‘No one better’ than Susan Rice to lead the gun effort – “We have a whole-of-government approach that Ambassador Susan Rice is leading, along with other departments,” Jean-Pierre added

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Gets Incredible News – Fox News has hit 65 consecutive weeks as the most-watched cable news network and he has played a huge role in helping reach that accomplishment

JD Rucker: Debunking the Lie That Cities, States, and Countries With Strict Gun Control Laws Are Safer – In all my years covering politics, I’ve never seen a more intense push for gun control by Democrats and corporate media

Protestors Against WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Rally Outside UN Headquarters

Moderna dumps 30 million unwanted COVID vaccine doses – Pfizer’s CEO says 7 billion doses are left unused because people misinformed

California Is Poised to Adopt The ‘Medical Misinformation Bill’ Targeting Alternative COVID-19 Protocol Advice

Gas prices reached a nationwide average of $4.60 per gallon on Thursday as they maintain an upward climb with record-setting prices each day for more than two weeks straight, according to AAA’s gas tracker

Do We Know Who Is Winning In Ukraine? – We underestimated the Ukrainians and overestimated the Russians, but now we seem to be doing the reverse

The Shooter Of The Goldman Sachs Analyst Had 19 Arrests, With 2 Open Cases – He was Let Out on $1 Bail Before NY Subway Shooting

Biden Says “The Second Amendment Is Not Absolute” – “There have always been limitations, when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon”

FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Again Repeats His False Claim that Early Americans Could NotBuy Cannons

The central question nobody asks when discussing school shootings is – Why are kids shooting up schools? Schools are the target. Schools are the objective. Schools are the focal point, But Why?

“Most Election Fraud Involves Absentee Ballots and Drop Boxes” – Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission

The True Evil of the World Economic Forum – When the wealthy and powerful sing the praises of “international cooperation,” they are almost always sticking it to ordinary people

Is the COVID Pandemic about to Get Ugly? – COVID mass vaccinations have been a medical disaster because they allow high levels of transmission of the virus and block our innate and naturally acquired immunity

“Long Covid” has long been the media’s justification for people to get vaccinated for Covid-19 – A recent NIH study has thrown into question whether the vaccines have a strong efficacy against “long Covid”

Mask mandates caused higher COVID-19 death rates, according to the bombshell claims made in a new medical journal report analyzing fatality rates across the state of Kansas

ZH: An Obamacare ‘Time Bomb’ To Hit Right Before Midterms – A temporary pandemic relief program aimed at lowering healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act is set to expire

The Elites Have Every Intention Of Controlling Our Lives – “We are developing an ability to measure a person’s whole carbon footprint,” Where and how they are traveling, What they are eating, and What they are consuming”

The Sinister Roots of Build Back Better – Instead of rights, needs are emphasized, which is consistent with the Communist Manifesto, a key principle of which is “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

ZH: The UK’s NHS Just Edited Their Monkeypox Page To Make It Scarier – They removed,  “It does not spread easily between people” and “It is usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment”

Homeschooling And Public School Enrollment – The percentage of children being homeschooled has nearly tripled since mid-2019 and by May of 2021, more than 1 out of every 12 students were being homeschooled

The Abundance Choice, Part 7: An Environmentalist Juggernaut – Environmentalists seem to oppose all new water infrastructure, everywhere

May 25, 2022

Sharyl Attkisson: A Summary of ‘2000 Mules,’ the documentary about 2020 election fraud

Joe Biden Waves the Bloody Shirt – Gun-free zones make the work of madmen and predators so much easier

Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden’s Cabinency of Dunces – The common denominator to these appointees is ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetence

The California Farm Water Coalition Warns The Domestic Food Supply Is In Peril Due To The State Cutting Water – California farms produce over half of the country’s fruits, nuts, and vegetables

11 Statistics That Show How U.S. Consumers Are Faring in This Rapidly Deteriorating Economy – #6 Millions of American families are struggling with rapidly rising food prices

The Inflation Ratchet – Governor Gavin Newsom wants to battle inflation by giving Californians even more government cash, which is exactly what’s driving the current bout of inflation

The Sussmann Trial Is a Window on Comey’s Clown Show – It shows the FBI’s top brass to be partisan dolts

Big Pharma Greed Led to Baby Formula Crisis – The formula shortage is not due to “Putin’s price hikes” or migrant babies stealing our formula, but rather the powerful corporations that cornered the market on formula

Fauci’s researchers find natural immunity superior to the vaccines – The study data indicate COVID shots weaken the immune system

The Biden regime is pushing the WHO to approve its amendments to the WHO treaty that would give them power over the US during any WHO declared pandemic – The Smaller Member States Are Objecting to Its Passage

Over 500 Military Service Members Sue the Government for Mandating a Vaccine that Was Not FDA Approved and Should Not Have Been Administered

18 Major Airlines to Be Sued Over COVID Vaccine Mandates – “This case is about whether Americans should be required to choose between their livelihoods and being coerced into taking an experimental, dangerous medical treatment”

Everything We Know About the Monkeypox Outbreak so Far – Monkeypox is a viral disease from the same family as smallpox but is less severe

The history of school shootings is mind-blowing – Kids brought guns to school until the 70s with no problems.  There were only 3 school mass shootings between 1903-1966, so what happened?

The TX School Shooter Cut His Face with Knives, Creeped Out Co-Workers, and Used BB Gun to Target Random People

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Highly-Anticipated Election Has Been Called In Arkansas – The odds are good that Sanders will win the general election in November and become Arkansas’ next governor

Biden plans to sign an executive order on policing – In addition to procedural rules, all federal agencies would be required to establish a national registry that will keep track of officers who were discharged for misconduct

Top House Republicans are demanding answers from the FBI after court-ordered information came to light showing that the federal agency had collected the information of over 3 million Americans without a warrant

Supervillains Gather in Davos – Why can’t our leaders imagine anything other than a future of privation and control?

Rasmussen Poll: Election Integrity Is a Major Concern for Midterm Election Voters

I&I/TIPP Poll: The Real Reason Why The Disinformation Governance Board Got Cancelled – 55% said they had “little trust” or “no trust at all” in it compared with 42% with “a lot of trust” in the board

Warning: Biden Is Already Plotting To Restart His ‘Disinformation Board’  – No lousy idea ever dies in Washington. Once it takes root, it will reemerge in another form

The Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money – Biden and fellow Democrats weren’t kidding about their pledge to transform public institutions into gender dysphoria contagion zones

Senators Demand All Internal Records On Biden’S ‘Ministry Of Truth’ – So that we can learn why the Department ever thought creating a disinformation board would be a good idea”

ZH: The Air Is Coming Out Of The Housing Bubble – New single-family home sales from March were down 26.9% year on year, dropping to the lowest level since the lockdown in April 2020

ZH: The US Middle Class Is Shutting Down While Spending By The Rich Remains Robust

The WHO is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response  – Bill Gates is building a pandemic response team dubbed the “Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization” or GERM Team

Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money – Biden and the Democrats weren’t kidding about their pledge to transform public institutions into gender dysphoria contagion zones

Will Taxpayers be Robbed (Again) in 2022? – Historic budget revenues present historic opportunities for Sacramento politicians to shortchange taxpayers


Salvador Ramos, Uvalde School Shooting Suspect: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

ZH: The NYC Subway Shooter Who Killed A Goldman Sachs Analyst Had “About 20 Prior Arrests”, Including A Murder Charge From 2017

Gun Rights Are More Important Than False Security And Appeasing Leftists – The political left obsesses over getting their hands on the 2nd Amendment and molding it to their will or ideally, erasing it forever

May 24, 2022

Americans should start preparing for huge swaths of the nation to succumb to power outages this summer as the left works to end coal plants and force us into “green” energies that are woefully inadequate to fuel our economy

Nearly 300 Life-Saving Drugs are in Short Supply because Big Pharma Makes Too Little Profit – Patients and their physicians face shortages of critical medications including chemotherapy drugs and IV nutrition for premature babies

Echoing President Biden’s comments, two European leaders at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos described the record gas prices as part of a “painful” period of “transition” to alternative energy that should not be resisted

Amid charges of ceding U.S. sovereignty to the WHO, 12 of the 13 amendments submitted by the Biden administration for a vote in the World Health Assembly this week in Geneva have been removed from consideration

The Monkeypox ‘Games’ Could Lay Groundwork for WHO Pandemic Takeover – The World Health Organization will be convening an emergency meeting on the virus and its global spread

Dr. Robert Malone – COVID-19 can be treated and prevented with vitamin D, according to the pioneer of mRNA vaccine technology and president of the Global COVID Summit

CA Senate Passes ‘Transgender-Inclusive Health Care’ Bill – All health plans are already required to cover “gender-affirming care”

The Abundance Choice, Part 6: Biased, Hostile Media – One of the core premises of the modern environmentalist movement, backed by the media, is the belief that a middle-class lifestyle is unsustainable

Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene easily won the Republican primary. defeating several Republicans vying to unseat her, particularly Jennifer Strahan, the founder of a suburban Atlanta health care advisory firm

An alleged ISIS member who planned to assassinate George W Bush was arrested – Shihab Ahmed Shihab wished to kill Bush due to his role in the Iraq War

Hunter Biden’s laptop is 100% authentic, forensic examination concludes – A copy of Hunter Biden’s hard drive obtained by the Washington Examiner is indisputably authentic

John Daniel Davidson: If Biden Won’t Counter China, There’s No Point Committing To Defend Taiwan – Defending Taiwan from China means reversing three decades of strategic incoherence and waging a cold war on Beijing

FBI Agent: Top FBI Officials Hid Sussmann’s Identity from Agents Working Trump-Russia Case – Senior FBI leadership placed a “close hold” on the source’s identity, limiting its distribution

Angry migrants protest for their ‘right’ to be in the US illegally – Some 60,000 would-be illegal border-crossers amassed at the U.S. border, say it’s now a “right.”

Left-Wing Prosecutors Prepare Plan B on Roe – We’ve reached the point where candidates who are running for law-enforcement offices are making explicit pledges on which laws they will and won’t decide to prosecute if elected

Joe Biden let the veil slip Monday, telling reporters gathered at a press conference in Tokyo that unaffordable gas prices in the U.S. are part of a deliberate “transition” to green energy – “We’re going through an incredible transition”

As The Biden Economy Descends, These Are The Things Americans Are Doing To Cope?

ZH: Inflation Concerns Are Soaring Around The World – A graphic representation is provided

WSJ: The Fed Searches for the Magic Number to Cool a Red-Hot U.S. Housing Market – The central bank must decide on an interest rate that will cap sky-high price growth without triggering a painful economic slowdown

ZH: The mainstream is concerned about the Fed pushing the economy into a mild recession –  Peter Schiff appeared on NTD News to talk and said the recession is already here and it’s not going to be mild!

The Biden Admin Takes Steps Toward A Digital Dollar – Critics call the prospect a frightening “means of control”

Has equality been lost to equity? – Rather than being judged on merit, equity demands that individuals become nameless, faceless members of predetermined identity groups

The Apocalyptic Global Food Crisis That We Were Told to Prepare for Has Already Started in 2022 – We were heading toward a global food crisis even before the war in Ukraine erupted

This Is The Worst Possible Time For Feds To Mess With Lending Standards – A federal agency is considering a proposal that would abolish the proven standard upon which the mortgage industry relies to determine creditworthiness

ZH: WHO Says Monkeypox ‘Can Be Contained’ As the US Distributes Vaccines

ZH: What Weapons Are Banned Or Restricted In War? – It wasn’t until the 19th century that international agreements were made to legally regulate the types of weapons that are allowed (and banned) in wars around the world

Who Is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus? – The Director-General of the World Health Organization

A gun-rights group’s ATF report accuses the agency of making an ‘illegal gun registry’ – Senator Ted Cruz says The Biden administration has “managed to politicize and weaponize nearly all federal agencies against conservatives”

NAU requires students to take 4 “Diversity Perspective” courses and loads the courses with ideological propaganda – Requirements follow a concerted effort to weave diversity, equity, and inclusion into the fabric of the institution

Their troop request costs NSBA more members – 30 states have “distanced themselves from the NSBA’s letter” and 24 states have chosen to “withdraw membership, participation, or dues from NSBA”

Shhh! Democrats Don’t Want You To Know What’s Happening With Arctic Sea Ice – There is a lot more ice than any “expert” ever predicted

Parents will be able to SUE tech firms for $25,000 if their children become ‘addicted’ to social media under a California bill

May 23, 2022

Governor Newsom Is Still Agitating for Urban Water Restrictions While Ignoring That 50% Of The State’s Water Is Sent to the Pacific – CA reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply and were filled to the top in June 2019

FiveThirtyEight Daily Polling: At This Point, Biden Is the Least-Popular President Since World War II

Experts Issue a Warning as Biden Eyes Draining Nation’s Emergency Heating Oil Stockpile – In an attempt to curb the worsening supply shortage of the key fuel in New England

Early demands from the NSBA to the WH called for the deployment of the National Guard and the military police to monitor school board meetings, according to an early draft letter the organization’s independent review

General Flynn Exclusive: I Visited the Border and Saw What Biden Is Prepping – 25,000 migrants are now waiting in Mexican shelters just south of the border for Title 42 to end

JD Rucker: 7 Likely Monkeypox Scenarios for the Globalist Elites- If they want to use the threat of a fresh pandemic to scare the world into panic just as they push for the Pandemic Treaty and hold their meeting in Davos

A Davos Guest Calls For ‘Recalibration’ of Freedom of Speech – To combat “online violence” and “increasing polarization”

The WHO is Set to Officially Recommending Every Country Adopt COVID Lockdowns in Abrupt Change to Policy – They are moving from being notably anti-lockdown to suddenly being pro-lockdown

As Monkeypox Cases Spread, A Report Shows The Gates Foundation, WHO, and Big-Pharma Execs Took Part in A Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’

A Fox Poll Reveals Who Republicans Want As Trump’s ‘24 Running Mate If He Decides To Run – DeSantis

Another January 6 Lie: No ‘Recon’ Tours on January 5 – If January 6 was so horrific, comparable to 9/11 and other deadly terror attacks, why do Democrats keep lying about what happened?

Top AA Pilot Suffers Cardiac Arrest Post COVID Vaccination – He believes it is connected to the J&J vaccine he was forced to take to keep his job, even though he had natural immunity from previously contracting the virus

Pfizer Says 3 COVID-19 Shots Are Effective for Young Children, So They Will Push The FDA to Authorize it

A Covid-19 test called Cue is being promoted by companies like Google, the NBA, Netflix, and others to get people accustomed to constantly checking themselves for viruses and sending their health data directly to the government

A Disinformation Operative Who Attacked Musk’s Free SpeechPush for “Free Caught Red-Handed – Renée DiResta is closely associated with one of the most explosive and aggressively covered-up influence operations of the century.

The House of Representatives recently passed a new bill that would greatly enhance the federal government’s ability to spy on Americans in an alleged effort to combat “domestic” terrorism – The “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act”

Gas Prices Jump 33 Cents in the Past 2 Weeks – Some Analysts See A National Average of $6 per Gallon by August

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec was detained in Davos, Switzerland on Monday, on day one of the World Economic Forum’s annual convention – Police say he was told that they looked “suspicious” because they were filming at the entrance

Biden says the US will ‘militarily’ defend Taiwan against China if they invade – “That’s the commitment we made”

ZH: White House officials walk back on Biden’s remark that the US military would intervene to defend Taiwan in any attack from China – Comments that appeared to break from the longstanding US policy of “strategic ambiguity”

“NEVER AGAIN” Isn’t A Catchall – Neither Trump Nor Musk Will Come At Their Common Anti-Freedom Enemies Together – But Come They Will!<

Biden seems to want monkeypox to be the next pandemic – Europe has identified 100 cases and the United States has identified only two cases (out of a US population of roughly 330 million people)

World Health Organization: Monkeypox outbreak is primarily spreading through sex – The most recent surge in cases appears to have been spread among men who have sex with other men

A U.S. Navy board rules in favor of an officer that refused a COVID shot – He successfully argued the order to receive the experimental COVID 19 injection wasn’t lawful because the military had not made any FDA-approved version of the shot available<

The Big Lie about Georgia Voting Has Been Shredded – But the perpetrators of the falsehoods will never admit they were wrong

A Play-By-Play Of The Special Counsel Criminal Case Heading Into Week Two

A growing share of Americans wants immigration levels to be reduced, according to a new poll from Politico and Harvard University’s medical school

Drain The Swamp – The only way to drain a swamp is to fill it in. Let that sink in

The Wuhan Bio Lab Carried Out Gain Of Function Research On Monkeypox Virus – To make it more lethal to humans, according to a report citing the peer-reviewed journal

Monkeypox Outbreaks Being Linked to LGBT Pride Parade – It is spreading across Europe in ways that puzzle experts who say its pattern is different from how the disease spreads in Central and West Africa, where it is more commonly found

ZH: Is A Recession On The Way Or Has It Already Started?  – Ignore Janet Yellen’s soft landing thesis. There are only two realistic choices…

A New Kind of Child Abuse – Raising a child who acknowledges his birth sex is the normal way of things, but sexually obsessive “progressive” parents are interfering with and sidetracking this normal process

Impeach Hillary Clinton In 2023 – Congress has authority to extend the impeachment process to officials who are no longer in office”

California Globe Interview With President Donald Trump, Part 4 – Energy costs, high home costs, soaring inflation, endorsements

The Great Reset Documentary Series – It is a big challenge to get the masses to understand the threat of the World Economic Forum’s grand plan, The Great Reset

Where’s The Promised Transparency In Drug Pricing? – Researchers looked at 25 of the top cancer medications and found that  clinics charged private insurers anywhere from 118% to 634% above what it cost them to acquire the drug

Parental pushback against sexualizing public school children is working – Hardcore ideological teachers may not wait to be fired but might leave voluntarily

How Really to Be an Antiracist – Teach black kids to read

May 22, 2022

Steve Kirsch: Ten different surveys all show the vaccines are not “safe and effective” — not even close – How anyone can prove to themselves that this is the case 

WSJ: The Pentagon Is Weighing Deployment of  Special Forces to Guard The Kyiv Embassy – The Administration weighs the desire to avoid escalating military presence against the security of U.S. diplomats in the conflict zone

This Opinion Just In: 2,000 Mules Offers Vivid Proof of Vote Fraud – Official, taxpayer-funded cameras captured one mule after another traveling from one ballot box to another ballot box to deposit successive fists full of ballots

Goldman Sachs economists believe the chances of the economy entering a recession in the next two years are still low – “A recession is not inevitable, but clients constantly ask what to expect from equities in the event of a recession”

Biden’s World: WHO’s on First – Another trifecta of coming disaster from the Biden team, including shortchanging Ukraine and a return to Blackhawk Down

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), a regulatory body that manages grid stability, warns that half of America could be impacted by mega-droughts, heatwaves, and reduced power generation

Bill Maher: “If this spike in trans children is all biological, why is it regional? – Either Ohio is shaming them or California is creating them”

‘The City’s Case Against Us is Crumbling’: NYC Retreats on Firing 4,650 NYPD Who Refused the Jab as Crime Surges

New York City is Inflating ‘Covid Hospitalizations’ Over 100% to Justify Its Authoritarian Response – Almost half were admitted for other reasons, then tested positive for Covid

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending that all domestic travelers undergo COVID-19 testing before and after they travel—regardless of vaccination status

Belgium has become the first country in the world to introduce a mandatory 21-day monkeypox quarantine for those who contract the virus after several cases were found – A White House official warned Sunday that more U.S. cases are likely

WSJ: Small Businesses Lose Confidence in U.S. Economy – Entrepreneurs’ outlook drops to all-time low levels reached early in the pandemic

Elon Musk’s Prediction For November Red Wave That Captures The Mood Of Millions Of Voters – The Democrats have gone so incredibly far to the left fringe that they’re unrecognizable, put on the brakes now!

Bill Maher Nails LGBTQIA+ Supremacy Agenda: The Left Is Engaged in “Culture Wars Using Children as Cannon Fodder”

Obama Supercharged the Left’s Embrace of Censorship – He and like-minded opponents of free speech have had little trouble refocusing their efforts on rebranding their animus for “fake news” as some sort of national security imperative

The Real Intentions Durham’s Sussmann Trial – He is using the case to test certain evidentiary parameters before bringing indictments against many higher-up figures in the DOJ, FBI, and elsewhere

It’s Time to Boot Turkey from NATO – A NATO that includes Sweden and Finland but excludes Turkey is preferable to one that includes Turkey but excludes Sweden and Finland

The #MeToo movement has claimed a brilliant scientist – One case may have long-lasting repercussions for Americans’ health and well-being

ZH: The WSJ reports that millions of Americans with subpar low credit scores are falling behind on payments,  an ominous sign the ‘strong consumer’ narrative is cracking

Chicago Logic: Don’t Fix The Skyrocketing Murder Rate, Just Use Tax Dollars To Pay For Funerals

NYC Mayor Eric Adams reveals how out-of-touch Democrats are – Adams is not that accomplished. He’s adept at running for office but not necessarily at getting things done

An Autopsy Confirms a British Mother Died of Acute MYOCARDITIS After Getting a Pfizer Covid Shot

May 21, 2022

AZ Governor Ducey signed legislation that prevents state health officials from adding a COVID-19 vaccine to the list of required school vaccinations and bars face mask mandates in any buildings operated by state or local governments

A 36-year-old chess prodigy built software to identify undervalued homes for hedge funds and private equity firms and speedily buy them, beating out everyday local home buyers

The Supreme Court could rule on Roe v. Wade on Monday – The Biden admin is preparing for nationwide violence 

Patrick J. Buchanan: Quo Vadis, Mother Russia? – If we isolate Russia, and push it out of the West, Moscow has only one direction in which to go—east, to China

The Axis Strikes Back: Exposing the domestic Nazi-Soviet Pact now menacing the people of America – National Socialism would have been inconceivable without Marxism

DeSantis Makes Announcement About 2024 Presidential Election – Perhaps

ZH: “No Quick Fix” – Severe Pilot Shortage Reduces Flights, Sends Ticket Prices Soaring – Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are proposing legislation to increase the retirement age for airline pilots from 65 to 67

With electric cars, the nexus between leftist ideals and reality is shrinking – According to research from Green Car Reports, that trendy, expensive E.V. brings pollution to new highs rather than reducing it

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Mistakes in the Biden Era: the Definitive List – #1 to #45

Pfizer Moves to Dismiss Lawsuit From COVID-19 Vaccine Trial, Citing ‘Prototype’ Agreement – A whistleblower alleged that Pfizer and partners violated clinical trial regulations and federal laws, including the False Claims Act

ZH: ‘Imagine The Compliance,’ Pfizer CEO Pitches Davos Elites On WiFi Microchip Pills – Ingestible computer chips that signal authorities when a drug has been digested

‘There Will Be Blood’: Elon Is Preparing for Battle With ‘Hardcore’ Lawyers – When Elon Musk announced he would be voting Republican in the future, he said he knew that the Democrats would be coming for him now

Biden signed the $40 billion aid package for Ukraine during his trip to Asia – The funding is intended to support Ukraine through September, and it dwarfs an earlier emergency measure that provided $13.6 billion

WSJ: To See Food Inflation at Work, Look Inside Your Bag of Potato Chips – Prices of potatoes, cooking oil, gas for frying and packaging all soar: ‘Every single input cost has risen’

The midterm elections matter – The day before Joe Biden entered the Oval Office, America was a net energy exporter with a rapidly growing economy, despite the effects of the Democrat-demand for lockdowns

Hillary Factor: Evidence now shows the false Russia collusion story began and ended with Clinton – Sussmann trial testimony confirms earlier CIA and FBI evidence that Hillary approved dirtying up Trump with unproven Russia allegations

BIG ARIZONA FRAUD UPDATE: Law Enforcement Raids Nonprofits In ‘2000 Mules’ Ballot Trafficking Investigation – “And Like Tweety Birds, They Sang”

A courageous archbishop finally takes on Nancy Pelosi – Until she repudiates her support for abortion, she should not be admitted to Holy Communion in her home base of SFO nor present herself to receive the Eucharist

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: MONKEY POX: Truth vs Fear-Porn – Classical public health measures readily control it. It does not have a high mortality rate

CDC: A Young Boy Died With Evidence of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination – He experienced fever 12 days after getting his first dose A day later, he experienced abdominal pain and vomiting and died that day

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Thousands of Deaths and Adverse Reactions Deleted From VAERS – About 2% of all COVID vaccine-related reports are deaths, and about 5% of death-related reports are being deleted

An Automobile ‘kill switch’ law to spy on and control Americans – Government officials could conceivably use these switches—or hackers—to seize control of one’s car without permission or oversight


May 20, 2022

ZH: The Dow Suffers Longest Losing Streak In 99 Years – US Macro Surprise data slumped for the 5th straight week, back into negative territory at its weakest weekly close since Nov 2021

A federal judge on Friday temporarily blocked the Biden administration from ending the Title 42 public health order on May 23

Tucker Carlson Warns America That Biden is About to Hand the WHO Immense Power Over Our Lives – “Under this treaty, the World Health Organization can establish vaccine passports and regulate travel

Hunter Biden Saga: NBC News joins NYT, WaPo, and Politico in verifying the laptop dismissed as Russian disinformation – In 2020 MSNBC repeatedly derided Biden’s laptop story as an illicit Kremlin operation

Amid pushback from parents and Republican leaders, Disney has launched a “Pride Collection” initiative, which includes an LGBTQ pride-themed line of plush toys marketed to young children

Sharyl Attkisson: Pilots and scientists sound an alarm to the FAA on Covid vaccine-injured pilots – The pilots have joined 17,000 doctors and scientists who make up The Global Covid Summit in submitting a letter to the FAA

New CDC data show 1,268,008 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,141 deaths and 230,364 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 13, 2022

13-year-old students were separated in class according to their level of privilege – See the worksheet they followed to step forward or backward based on their responses to the “privilege” questions

Monkeypox Was a Table-Top Simulation Only Last Year – There’s never been a global outbreak outside of Africa until now—in the exact week of the precise month predicted by the biosecurity folks in their pandemic simulation

Democrat Legislation Could End Gun Sales To All Current Firearm Owners Forever – As a result of the proposed law, gun ownership will move from being a right of citizens to being a privilege granted by the government

The Controversial BLM co-founder doled out $8M of the group’s money for a Canadian mansion, financial records show

California Businesses Launch Campaign Against Retail Theft and Property Crimes – CARRT is advocating for California lawmakers to act now to undo the damage done by Proposition 47

The Abundance Choice, Part 5: California’s Fractured Farmers – They face a hostile, do-nothing legislature, a hostile press, and an environmentalist movement that wants to eliminate most of them

Election Fraud in 2022? – Democrat politicians and media allies are dumping the evidence in 2000 Mules down the memory hole just like the censors in George Orwell’s novel 1984

Why Is Joe Biden Still President? – The fading Biden, who is little more than a puppet to the somewhat more sentient beings around him, is a threat to national security

Biden plans include policing for pronouns nationwide Warning issued after Wisconsin school accuses 3 students of “sexual harassment” for not using classmates’ preferred pronouns

The Democrats’ Cynical ‘Greedflation’ Narrative – Many of the Democrats who are scapegoating greedy businesses for inflation do not believe it…….. But they hope you will

Biden Gas Crisis Spiraling: California tops $6 as Pumps in Washington State-Run Dry – Some Stations Add Fourth Number To Pumps in Preparation of Double-Digit Gas Prices

Another leftist ‘narrative’ implodes Latino support for Biden skids to 26%  – It seems that all those “racists” who support Republicans and Donald Trump now include a majority of Hispanic voters

First World Countries Don’t Have Baby Formula Shortages – When asked about what the Biden government was doing about the shortage, Jean-Pierre laughed nervously and offered nothing useful

CNN Poll: Nearly All Americans are ‘Concerned’ or ‘Scared’ for Future of the Country Under Biden

Monkeypox: That unasked question – Long a disease seen chiefly in parts of tropical Africa, it has now made appearances in the U.S. continental Europe, Canada, and the U.K., all at approximately the same time

JD Rucker: Pfizer’s CEO Announces Trackable Chip in Pills – If you tell an average American Big Pharma wants to put trackable chips in your pills that send a signal letting them know you’re compliant, they’ll think you’re crazy

How will raising corporate taxes and increasing government spending lower inflation? – I have yet to see a government program that raises subsidies that also lowers costs

The Abundance Choice, Part 5: California’s Fractured Farmers – They face a hostile, do-nothing legislature, a hostile press, and an environmentalist movement that wants to eliminate most of them

An election integrity group is suing NJ Secretary of State Tahesha Way for allegedly violating the National Voter Registration Act by refusing to disclose documentation explaining how election officials resolve duplicate voter registrations

ZH: The conventional wisdom at this time is that most of the world has moved on from the pandemic (except for China); therefore, supply chains will return to “normal -” Unfortunately, this is not the case

ZH: Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food-rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs – The realization of a long-standing agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people”

A Reluctant Witness Devastates Defense Claims In Special Counsel Criminal Case – James Baker’s testimony yesterday in US v. Sussmann was devastating to the former Clinton campaign attorney both in substance and in circumstance

The White House’s Covid Czar Makes Grim Prediction That Americans Will Need Endless Vaccines

May 19, 2022

12 Nightmarish Economic Trends That We Should Expect to See During the 2nd Half of 2022 – #12 Many are warning that a recession is either already here or will arrive soon

Last June’s evaluation of the mental health of the suspect in the Buffalo supermarket mass shooting on Saturday found that Payton Gendron was not dangerous to anyone at that time, according to the Broome County DA

A GOP Congressman Exposes How Formula The Bill Does ‘Nothing to Put More Formula on the Shelves’

After sending America’s baby formula supply to the southern border for the children of migrants and creating a shortage, Biden invokes a communist takeover of the food supply

The Globalists: Here is the full roster of Davos 2022 attendees – The World Economic Forum is the ideas and narratives shop for the ruling class, and Davos is where it all goes down

Radical Gender Ideology Is Still Spreading in Schools – It’s no longer about teaching children about the world but confusing them about their own identities

The Rare Monkeypox Virus Arrives And Vaccines ‘Miraculously’ Ready – A new revised WHO agreement aims to give Bill Gates and Gavi de facto pandemic and surveillance governing power over all 198 member states in the next pandemic

The most powerful evidence yet that mRNA vaccines hurt long-term immunity to Covid after infection – A bombshell study from the National Institutes of Health and Moderna, no less – should end the debate

COVID Vaccine Blood Clot Issue ‘May Be in the Hundreds,’ but ‘Heart Issue Is in the Thousands’ – A Heart specialist sees many more cases of heart inflammation since the COVID vaccine rollout

From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery and his work with a Chinese 

The decennial count of America’s population drastically undercounted the number of people who live in six states, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday, putting at risk billions of dollars in potential federal funding over the next decade

The left hates Elon Musk because he’s a twin threat – He can’t be controlled, and he doesn’t tolerate BS

More Americans applied for jobless aid last week as the nation grappled with skyrocketing prices for gas and other necessities –  Applications for unemployment benefits rose by 21,000 to 218,000 for the week ending May 14

Facebook secretly planted op-eds in local papers to lobby against tech reform

San Francisco Firefighters Who Refused Coronavirus Vaccine Are Being Axed

Oregon County Suing Voter Integrity Group To Stop Examination Of 2020 Ballots, Yet Admits Systems Can Be Hacked!

Louisiana’s Governor, John Bel Edwards, Wednesday reversed the state’s vaccine mandate requiring students to be fully vaccinated beginning the 2022-23 school year

A New San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Poll Finds 67% of City Voters Favor Recalling DA Chesa Boudin – The percentage in favor barely changes from polls earlier in the year

Nadler in Fight for Survival, Scrambling to React to Massive Court Decision – Under new congressional district lines he has been moved out of the safety of his old seat and thrust into fighting a primary in a new district

WSJ: The Ukraine Aid Bill Passes Senate With Bipartisan Support – Some Republicans have balked at the size of the economic and military aid package, which is nearly $40 billion

Stop the Denial: Ukraine Is a Proxy War That Will Lead to Wider World War – Russian soldiers are being killed by Western assets. Some pro-Ukraine people might ask why this is a problem?

ZH: The Ongoing Surrender “On Far Bigger Scale Than Kyiv Has Acknowledged” At Azovstal – More than 1,700 soldiers have left the plant

Energy Officials Warning Of Widespread Summer Blackouts Due to Closure of Fossil Fuel Plants – Blackouts could hit much of the Midwest and West this summer, according to the North American Electric Reliability Corp

Law enforcement officials are investigating threats that radical abortion promoters plan to burn down or storm the SCOTUS building and murder justices and their law clerks when the court’s ruling is released

Though dozens of media outlets claimed otherwise this week, the Georgia State Elections Board has not debunked any assertions made in the recently released “2000 Mules” documentary

The DHS hired the co-author of the PATRIOT Act, the harshest crackdown on civil liberties in modern American history, and an official under Bill Clinton to head the Disinformation Governance Board during its “pause”

ZH: US stock futures slumped again, extending the brutal selloff that erased $1.5 trillion in market value on concerns about everything from slowing growth, to Chinese lockdowns, to soaring inflation and tightening monetary policy

IBD/TIPP: Economic Optimism Has Collapsed Under Build-Back-Better-Biden – Only 18% of the adults surveyed say their earnings have kept pace with inflation

ZH: Rabobank: If You Thought People Were Angry In 2016, Just Wait – Try making everyone –even billionaires!– much poorer all at once too, because that is what is happening

Treasury Secretary Yellen Utters The Dreaded “S” Word: Stagflation – America’s top finance official is carefully reintroducing the term Stagflation, for the first time in 50 years

ZH: Is The Housing Crash Starting? – Last week, we shared extensive empirical evidence that the US housing market is starting to crack when we quoted regional managers from John Burns Real Estate Consulting

Democrats are in Disarray: Vulnerable Members Want Leadership Change – Internal Polling Looks Bleak

Biden desperately needs more oil, so why is he canceling drilling leases? – Will any partisan Democrat act in the national interest at a moment when national security conflicts with the party’s extreme climate alarmism

Marc Elias threw special counsel John Durham’s trial against Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann into disarray over comments seemingly hinting at the accused’s possible decision not to testify

California Globe Interview With President Donald Trump, Part 3 – “It’s the most fertile ground in the country, and the farmers can’t farm because they have no water”

ZH: Turkey demands that Sweden hand over and extradite “terrorists” in its midst before seeking to join NATO – “Swedish & Finnish diplomats shouldn’t bother sending delegations to Turkey unless they stop supporting the Kurdish PKK”

Documentary: The Trump I Know – Through the eyes of people that know him, get a glimpse of the Trump they know. The one mainstream media tries its best to hide

Smuggling in Radical Instruction – New York educational authorities attempt to introduce divisive racial concepts via “transformative social and emotional learning”

Texas’ law, HB 20, reaffirms a basic legal principle – Some companies, given their scale and the role they play in facilitating access to speech and commerce are legally required to treat all people equally

JD Rucker: Debunking Rumors That Bill Gates’ and the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is a Nothingburger – The reality is it’s a major threat that needs to be stopped

Democrat senators are pushing to require would-be gun buyers to first acquire a license to purchase from the DOJ – They are led by Senator Cory Booker and they are pushing the Federal Firearm Licensing Act

May 18, 2022

0As Expected, Joe Biden Was Despicable In Buffalo – He veered into loathsomeness when he decided that an appearance just a few days after a terrible mass murder would be the perfect opportunity to score political points

Putin’s plan to starve the world – Ukraine farmers are being killed and their barns looted

WSJ: Stocks Skid After Disappointing Retailer Earnings – The Dow drops more than 800 points amid cost concerns at Target and Walmart

Jeff Bezos Is Right about Joe Biden and Inflation – The Biden Administration’s proposal to fight inflation by raising corporate taxes makes no economic sense

JD Rucker: Biden’s Ministry of Truth “Paused” Which Means It’s Dead – On Monday, DHS decided to shut down the board, and Tuesday morning, Jankowicz had drafted a resignation letter in response to the board’s dissolution

Replacement Theory vs Replacement Facts – Americans are not being replaced so much as self-extinguishing due to low birth rates that are well below replacement level in every country that is sufficiently urbanized

A Former Trump Aide Posts Online a Searchable Database Containing More Than 120,000 Emails From Hunter Biden’s Laptop – Among the emails in the database is the infamous “10 for the big guy” message

What’s Driving Biden’s Embrace Of Illegal Immigration? – All the tools, skills, and financial means required to implement strict border enforcement are available, which the current administration continues to ignore gleefully

The UFO hearings reveal a disturbing issue – When asked about the 1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base incident, the deputy director of naval intelligence, said he knew nothing of the event, other than that from outside official channels

Who Cares What the WHO Says? – The proposed amendments by the U.S. do not degrade US sovereignty, and they do not obligate the U.S. to accept any such public health emergency declaration by the WHO

Lawyers Cause Homelessness – Pro Bono litigation is not always “for the public good” – The “unavailability” of shelter space is a central theme in the litigation and the crux of the Ninth Circuit’s flimsy decision

Shady Trial lawyers Are Diverting Your Tax Dollars for Radical Left Schemes – With the partisan hijacking of consumer protection in furtherance of a left-wing political agenda

Donald Trump Torches Liz Cheney: ‘She’s Worse Than Any Democrat’ – It appears that Cheney’s biggest political mistake was taking on Trump

Problem Solved: How To End Gun Violence Immediately – The term “Gun violence” separates the human element from the deadly actions

ZH: Twitter Board ‘Intends To Close The Transaction’ With Musk Despite The Spam Controversy

I&I/TIPP Poll: Will 2022 Vote Be Fair? – Nearly A Third Of Americans Say No

Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer lied to the FBI on behalf of her campaign and wanted to spark an “October Surprise” – Lawyer Michael Sussmann’s trial began Tuesday in Washington

Spygate Conspirators Start Selling Their Hoax To A Washington DC Jury, But The Facts Don’t Fit – The evidence on all fronts suggests their proclamations are untrue

Last week Representative Lauren Boebert took to the House floor and eviscerated the Democrat’s Disinformation Tzar, Nina Jankowicz

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Will a Weaponized Bird Flu Become the Next Pandemic? – The U.S. and other countries have already started stockpiling H5N1 vaccines

Chicago Politicians Unleash the Furies on the City – An recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal explained what is happening to the once-great city of Chicago

Netflix to Fire Another 150 Employees as their Subscriber Base Continues to Decline – Wokeflix is going the way of CNN+

How to stop children from being indoctrinated – Woke textbooks should be laughed at — not censored

May 17, 2022

Russian Military Analyst Goes Rogue on State Propaganda TV – Casualties of the disastrous “special military operation” now range in the tens of thousands, with Russia only able to secure one major Ukrainian city

Alberta Premier touts energy security, pitching a new pipeline to US Senate – “We find it inexplicable that Biden has been more focused on encouraging additional OPEC production than Canadian production”

D’Souza Announces ‘2000 Mules’ Returning to Theaters Nationwide After Strong Sales – It is going back to theaters as a normal release

The CEO of Wells Fargo warned Tuesday that there is “no question” that the U.S. economy is going to get worse before it gets better

Sharyl Attkisson: The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction released his interim report analyzing what went wrong in August of 2021 when the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces collapsed

Why Won’t India Condemn Putin? – The generally pro-Western country can only disappoint on the question of Ukraine – The Reason, China, and Pakistan

California Globe Interview With President Donald Trump, Part 2 – “We created the strongest economy in history – there was never an economy like this”

A federal judge temporarily blocked Biden administration mandates that would force nonprofit and for-profit religious employers and health care providers to pay for and perform transgender medical procedures and counseling

JD Rucker: The REAL Threat From the Pandemic Treaty That Most Are Completely Ignoring – There hasn’t been nearly enough attention being paid to the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty

How Dare DeSantis Pick on Communism?  – He signed the “Stop WOKE Act,” which prohibits any teaching that could make students feel they bear personal responsibility for historic wrongs because of their race, color, sex, or national origin

Elon Musk Suggests Biden Isn’t the ‘Real’ President – “The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter”

Elon Musk Identifies Three Things Are Ruining California and calls California a ‘one-party’ state that’s hostile to business and innovation

Elon Musk is intrigued by Project Veritas’ reporting about Twitter’s ‘commie’ culture – “Is this legit?” asked Elon. “You’re damn right it is,” responded Project Veritas

Elon Musk Switches to GOP for First Time in His Life – “I have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats, historically”

As Musk Calls Out Twitter Over Fake Accounts, An Audit Reveals That Half of Biden’s Followers Are Fake

The Biden administration will ease sanctions on Venezuela to facilitate oil imports  – This marks a turning point in Washington’s pressure campaign on Caracas

17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda – The United Nations set out with a goal in 2015 to “transform our world” and “reimagine” it the way they see fit

Day 1 of Special Prosecutor Durham’s Michael Sussmann Trial

Trump Announces Forthcoming Book About the 2020 Election – “Crome Of The Century”

White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci on Tuesday said it’s “very tough to tell” whether shutdowns of schools over the CCP virus had a positive impact – “Only Time Will Tell”

A Major funder of the Wuhan lab told Fauci’s agency COVID would end at 20,000 cases – FOIA docs show EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak frequently communicated with NIAID officials, passing along talking points for Fauci

According to data released by the CDC, higher COVID-19 case rates have been recorded among fully vaccinated children than unvaccinated in the age group 5-11 since February

The FDA Dumps More Pfizer Documents – Why Were So Many Adverse Events Reported as ‘Unrelated’ to Vaccine?

Statistical analysis shows that NOBODY under 60 should take the COVID vaccine – This is based on over 1,500 death reports we’ve received so far. Download our data yourself and analyze it and see if you agree

A new tool shows places with the highest wildfire risk in California using Zip Codes

Hunter Biden’s laptop repairman says the FBI ‘didn’t seem interested in reviewing his laptop hard drive

Video Shows Massive Line of Teslas Waiting to Charge At A Public Station – 25 Wait in Line as It Takes Over 1 Hour to Charge

Human-level artificial intelligence is close to finally being achieved, according to a lead researcher at Google’s DeepMind AI division – “Now it’s all about making these models bigger, safer, compute efficient, faster at sampling, etc”

Coyotes scavenge for washed-up fish, the earth bed cracks, and sunken boats and bodies resurface – Photos of Lake Mead show drought’s devastating effects on U.S.’s largest reservoir

U.S. Officials: The China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 That Nosedived Into Ground Was Intentionally Crashed

Senator Marco Rubio – What’s Next in Ukraine? – Americans Deserve a Plan – President Joe Biden should not assume Congress will rubber-stamp his next request. America cannot afford an endless, undefined commitment

Have We Reached Peak China? – Events of the last year have revealed significant vulnerabilities within the country, which could foreshadow a period of economic stagnation, reminiscent of what Japan began to experience in the 1990s

Nancy Pelosi reveals the Democrat campaign strategy for the midterms – They are going to mount a campaign of demonization, dehumanization, and delegitimation against their political opponents

12 Charts That Explain Why Economic Confidence Is Dark – The data points to a recession on the horizon, but the big question is how soon?

The Real Reason Diesel-Fuel Costs Are Rising – The U.S. started 2021 with the lowest annual capacity in 6- years and refinery capacity didn’t expand much during 2021, as the U.S. has built only one new oil refinery since 1977

The Global Fertilizer Crisis – There’s a chance things get much worse for America’s farmers before they get better

Two key NIH executives in positions of influence on decisions about who gets grants from the agency received a total of 77 previously undisclosed royalty payments from outside firms between 2010 and 2014

The Pentagon announces new office to review ‘frequent’ UFO sightings – Alleged UFO sightings are “frequent,” a Defense Department official told lawmakers during a hearing on Capitol Hill

WSJ: Elon Musk Says Twitter Deal Can’t Move Forward Without More Clarity on Fake Accounts – Twitter needs to clarify how many accounts are fake

Twitter employees do not believe in free speech – Conservatives are willing to engage in the give and take of an open society with free speech. Leftists, however, hate that and will shut it down for everyone

CULTURE A Tale Of Two Mass Shootings – Both shooters were violent extremists, but the media tied only one of them to a mainstream political party. Can you guess why?

If the alleged Buffalo killer’s “manifesto” is authentic, he was deep into communist ideology and now is an authoritarian leftist – Why is this being kept under wraps and not being reported?

When the People Tasked With Protecting Our Children Are Villains – Extended school closures appear to have done much more harm than good, and administrators probably could have recognized this by the fall of 2020

WSJ: Pfizer’s Covid-19 Booster Is Cleared for 5- to 11-Year-Olds – Under the FDA’s authorization, the children can get the third dose five months after they receive their second shot

Critical Race Theory has infected 80% of the top U.S. medical schools – Our medical establishment is in the process of absurdly identifying “racism” as the major determinant in health care outcomes

A Large San Diego-to-Tijuana Drug Tunnel Uncovered, Re-sparking Border Drug Smuggling Concerns – The tunnel ran one-third of a mile underneath the border

May 16, 2022

The Brainwashing of America – We have committed menticide by surrendering our ideals, our values, and our way of life to awful people with awful ideas, awful looks, and awful music

The Biden administration reverses Trump policy, and sends troops to Somalia – An official said that the plan with this new deployment is to bring “the threat to a level that is tolerable”

Ultra-MAGA? More Like Ultra-Incompetent – The leftists on “Team Biden” can’t even deliver good spin anymore

Three Big Questions, One About Trade, Another About U.S. Foreign Policy, and A Third About The Federal Deficit That the American Establishment Got Wrong –  Who benefited from the obvious nonsense

The California exodus is worsening and the New York Times’s explanation is hilarious – Be sure to use the link at the end of the story to see a list of companies that fled California

Gas prices rocket to ANOTHER record high – The national average soars to $4.48 per gallon but hits $5.98 in some states as costs soar 40 cents in one month and $1.43 in a year, with California leading the pack

Is He Expecting Legal Trouble? – Joe Biden Hires Top-Rated White-Collar Crime Lawyer Ahead of Possible 2022 Red Wave

The White House Takes Steps to Ease Infant Formula Shortage But Fails to Address Industries Monopoly Problem – It is dominated by only three companies

Joe Biden’s Price Hike – Vladimir Putin deserves the blame for a lot of things, but not our skyrocketing inflation

California Globe Interview With 45th President Donald Trump, Part 1 – “I happen to think California is one of the most corrupt states in the nation for election fraud”

Melania Slips And Revealed Trump’s Plan – As part of her first sit-down interview since Trump’s departure, Melania indicated she might be OK with a second term in the White House, which reveals what may be in Trump’s mind

Trump must post on Truth Social before posting on Twitter, according to an SEC filing

A viable Twitter deal is “not out of the question” at a lower price, Elon Musk said at the 2022 All-In Summit Monday, as he’s continued to express skepticism about the company’s estimate of spam and fake accounts

The FDA Reached An Agreement With The Top Baby Formula Maker to Reopen A Plant – The Sturgis, Michigan was closed after it was subject to a federal investigation over alleged bacterial contamination

Sharyl Attkisson: A Wisconsin middle school is charging three boys with sexual harassment for calling a classmate the “incorrect pronouns” – The boys used a biologically correct pronoun rather than “they/them,” the student prefers

Rheumatologist: 40% of my 3,000 vaccinated patients reported some sort of injury – 5% are still suffering some level of adverse effects from their COVID shots

“Countries with high levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage” – A new studies data and analysis instead discovered a “moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths”

No Data Supports A Threat of ‘White Supremacists’ – Joe Biden will use the blood of innocents to paint millions of Americans as “white supremacists” and wannabe terrorists simply for supporting the opposite political party

What the Murderer’s Manifesto Really Said (and Didn’t Say) – Pundits are scrambling to make this horrific act represent the people on the other side of the ideological spectrum

Prevention Duty – We need to get better at identifying and stopping mentally disturbed individuals before they perpetrate tragedies

Former Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein said that people should be prepared for an economic recession amid elevated inflation and record-high gas prices

Now We Are Being Told to Expect Food and Diesel Shortages for the Foreseeable Future – All over the planet, food production is being crippled by an unprecedented confluence of factors

Things are looking extremely grim for the Democrats – Hart Research, a Democrat-run polling organization’s recent poll showed that 75% of all voters believe that the country under Joe Biden is heading in the wrong direction

Warriors v. Warmongers – The America First Candidates Are Using Ukraine AGAINST Washington’s War Machine

WSJ: A California Superior Court Judge Strikes Down California Law Mandating Women on Boards – The  decision follows a similar ruling last month on a separate law requiring racial or ethnic diversity on boards

SCOTUS struck down a restriction relevant to candidates who loan large sums of money to their political campaigns, marking a win for Senator Cruz who challenged the Federal Election Commission’s campaign finance rules

The Supreme Court ruled against a Georgia-based immigrant who has spent decades in the United States but faces the threat of deportation due to checking the wrong box on a driver’s license application

The Comeback Of Rand Paul – Asking pertinent questions about the $40 billion blank check to the Ukrainians is just one of several savvy moves by the Kentucky senator on the political rebound

RINO AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich Colluded With Feds To Prosecute Pro-Trump Citizens In AZ After The 2020 Election But Fails To Prosecute REAL Election Crimes

Rick Caruso’s Campaign For Mayor Of Los Angeles Is a Sign America’s Political Ground Is Shifting

Not a Single Voting System Testing Lab Used in the 2020 Election Was Accredited According to the Law at That Time – One Lab Never Was Accredited (Part II)

This Week’s Spygate Trial Is Bad News For Hillary Clinton – Despite machinations attempting to hide the full truth of how Spygate conspiracies to entrap Donald Trump were spun, lots will come out into the open

How FBI Spy Stefan Halper Helped Put Two Bushes in the White House – Halper allegedly played an instrumental role in belatedly securing for George H.W. Bush a last-minute spot on the Republican ticket

Lawyers for Radical Change – Nowadays, lawyers are a force for often-radical progressive change. Nothing symbolizes that shift better than the American Bar Association

Seizing the Narrative – Why don’t Republicans talk about the most critical and visible issues in front of the electorate at any given time

The Crypto Plunge Exposes the Democrat’s Folly of Taxing Unrealized Gains – What happens when those unrealized gains disappear after they’ve been taxed

When AG Garland’s goon squad came for parents – 3 separate instances in which counterterrorism statutes were used to open investigations into parents whose only crime was speaking at a public event about their local school

Donald Trump’s Bold Prediction About Elon Musk And Twitter’s Future – “There is no way Elon Musk is going to buy Twitter at such a ridiculous price, especially since realizing it is a company largely based on BOTS or Spam Accounts”

ZH: After three decades of operations. New York Times reports McDonald’s will sell its Russian book of business to a local buyer – The stores will be “de-arched,” meaning the new buyer will no longer use the McDonald’s logo

Sharyl Attkisson: 16 national healthcare organizations are asking HHS to maintain the Covid-19 public health emergency – The organizations cited the continued risk from Covid-19 variants, as well as rising case rates in the U.S.

JD Rucker: Was it the Jabs? Two Prominent Democrats Suffered Strokes  – There are no coincidences. Considering the spike in strokes since the jabs rolled out, we can put 2 and 2 together

5 Lies Abortion Supporters Spread About Overturning Roe And How To Counter Them – More than 63 million children have had their lives legally taken by abortion since 1973 under Roe

May 15, 2022

Canceling federal oil-lease sales exposes Biden’s utter malarkey regarding fossil fuels – “Kiddo,” he told an activist on the campaign trail in 2019, “look in my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we are going to end fossil fuel.”

Russia has likely lost one-third of its combat forces in Ukraine, UK Defense Ministry says – Russian forces also face ‘low morale and reduced combat effectiveness,’ the report said

JD Rucker: With Finland and Sweden joining NATO, World War III May Be Right Around the Corner – Everything we’ve seen so far has not weakened Russia nor ended the war, unless World War III was the goal all along

Biden’s Afghanistan Failure Continues – The terrorist clock is still ticking in Taliban land, but that’s of no concern to our nation’s president

Inflation: The Price You Pay for Biden’s Delusions – Our president’s proclivity for self-deception is wreaking havoc on the economy

Assassinating Elon Musk? – Musk is the last of the Great American Tycoons and he has all the right enemies to prove it

Why the January 6 Committee Will Ride Pelosi to a Mid-Term Landslide – She thought her January 6 committee would ride her party to an election landslide in November 2022. It sure will, but not as she planned

Confirmed: The Buffalo Killer Wasn’t Conservative – He Despised Fox News, Greg Gutfeld, Ben Shapiro, and Rupert Murdoch

Governor of Colorado Jared Polis Confirms The State Will Allow Late-Term Abortions And Defends Third-Trimester Abortions

Democrats Are Using Stalling Tactics To Stop A Bill That Would Provide SCOTUS Justices Home Security

Elon Musk Issues Warning on Twitter Algorithm as Company’s Legal Team Reaches Out – How to switch back to “latest tweets first”

Trump Media and Technology Group’s Bold New Move – They are hiring staff for a new video streaming platform that will compete with those such as Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+, called Trump Media and Technology Group+, or TMTG+

The Biden Administration Is Removing 5 Organizations from Terror Blacklist, Despite Thousands of Deaths

Are Jews a Race Under U.S. Law? – How the US has attempted to settle the question of whether antisemitism is racism or mere animus

Sharyl Attkisson: How could ‘Web3’ break the Big Tech monopoly? – This new, decentralized, and blockchain-backed version of the internet is worth talking about, according to a May 10 Harvard Business Review article.

$40 Billion for Ukraine? Not Hardly – The declared amount is a bit disingenuous as less than $8 billion is to be fully expended this year

Anti-Trump Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski Just Dealt a Devastating Blow – “I may not be re-elected,” Murkowski told the New York Times about the possible end of her 20-year Senate career

The Biden administration warns of a new COVID wave… just in time for fall midterm elections – Without offering up any information to support the claim they projected that up to 100 million Americans could get infected

Big Pharma Owned Republican, Running For The Republican Nomination For Governor in Oregon, LIES To Try To Defend Her Record Of Democrat Capitulating

Shy Autistic Boy Overcomes Anxieties After Seeing “Let’s Go Brandon” Flags

Meet the Retired Officer Who Died Unloading His Gun Into the Buffalo Shooter But Couldn’t Overcome His Armor

Liberals Finally Admit That California Is Shrinking But Still Will Not Accept The Fact That They Are The Cause Of People Fleeing The State

May 14, 2022

A Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin was reportedly secretly recorded telling a Western businessman that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “very ill with blood cancer”

ZH: As gas prices continue to break records, the Biden administration’s cancellation of two lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and one lease sale in Alaska’s Cook Inlet has drawn clashing responses

Napkin Math to Explain Inflation – Spending and printing money does not, and did not, stimulate the economy. It is the root cause of inflation, however

SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas called the leak of the draft Roe v. Wade opinion a major violation of trust that has “fundamentally” changed the high court 

Our increasingly ugly inflation problem is a perfect illustration of Biden’s uncanny ability to get everything everywhere wrong all at once – The Biden administration’s first response to any problem is to pretend there is no problem

Former Pfizer VP: People Who Pushed Idea of Universal Vaccination Are “Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity” – “Since the infection fatality ratio of COVID-19 has not been high, the vaccines should not have been mandated”

A Pulitzer Prize-Winning Health Journalist Revealed the Real Purpose of Masks in 2018: Fear!!

The White House backtracked Saturday from its Friday claims that there was no COVID-19 vaccine available in the United States when Joe Biden took office

CDC:  The covid vaccine was 60 percent effective two to four weeks after 12- to 15-year-olds got the second dose, but the effectiveness quickly plummeted, hitting 20 percent around month two and zero around month five

JD Rucker: Why Volodymyr Zelensky’s Upcoming Virtual Appearance at Davos Is a Bigger Deal Than Most Realize  – We may be seeing the first public round of the next step of The Great Reset

Sharyl Attkisson: 10 ways information shapers have infiltrated our institutions – See the full article by going to the May 10th link

Car thieves are using a two-person-team system that, with the help of relay devices allows them to pop the locks on cars with keyless entry and then – if the vehicle has a keyless start – drive off

Moscow threatens to respond if NATO moves nukes any closer to its borders – The Russian foreign minister also said he did not see a reason for Finland and Sweden to join NATO

Western Weapons in Ukraine Are Being Sold On via an Encrypted Messaging App – It is unclear whether they are being sold by Ukrainians or by Russians who have collected them throughout the war

A ‘Perfect Storm’: A Sharp Rise in Home Prices And Increasing Mortgage Rates That Are Driving Working Americans out of the Market

This week’s White House Report Card finds Joe Biden trying to explain away the woes of the country and his administration, but fewer people are listening to what they know are lies

A poll analyzing voters who supported former President Donald Trump in 2016 before casting a ballot for Biden in 2020 has found just 3 in 10 would back Biden the next time around

Price Controls: An ‘Absurdity’ for the Generations – Advance reaction to the regime that Pelosi wants to put in place, an act of remarkable economic destructiveness, but will most likely play well politically (as she undoubtedly hopes)

Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden Is In ‘No Hurry’ to Fix The Baby Formula Shortage Problem

Joe Biden has a new explanation for inflation, “Let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share” – Shortly before that, Biden was blaming oil companies for high inflation in the economy

Data Confirm The Experimental COVID-19 Genetic Therapy Injections Must End – They cause far more harm than good and provide zero benefits relative to the risk for the young and healthy


May 13, 2022

Joe Rogan On Jan 6 Capitol Protest – “How About The F*cking FBI Agents Who Were Inciting Violence? They Had People That Were There. For A FACT, We Know That.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats will be targeted with subpoenas by House Republicans should the GOP take back control of the lower chamber in the upcoming midterm elections

‘2000 Mules’ investigator: Georgia officials intimidating my witnesses – ‘” I believe that somebody’s going to get killed if they’re not careful

A new Homeland Security Department memo acknowledges that drug cartels control the human trafficking corridors to America and are profiting from the porous southern border under President Joe Biden

ZH: What You Must Understand to Survive the Changing New World Order – The MIB (Military Industrial Banking) complex has been using technology to easily transfer wealth from everyone else to themselves

China may be killing as many as 50,000 concentration camp victims yearly to surgically remove and sell their organs, according to one of the world’s leading experts on China’s forced organ harvesting industry

We’re through the acute phase,” Malone, a scientist who helped invent the messenger RNA technology, said on NTD’s “Capitol Report.” “This is no longer a global health crisis or even a national health crisis.”

Pew Research: COVID Has Virtually Disappeared as a Major Concern For Americans – Their new poll of Americans finds COVID to be the least of their concerns out of a list of 12 different subjects

Cancers, Hepatitis, Bell’s Palsy, Herpes: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Warns ‘Vaccines’ Problems Will Worsen – He is adamant that pregnant women and children should not be vaccinated under any circumstances

Second and third doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine only protect the Omicron variant for a few weeks, according to peer-reviewed research published today in JAMA Network Open

According to federal data, an increasing number of COVID-19 deaths are occurring among individuals in the United States who have been vaccinated.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it does not have documents backing its claim that COVID-19 vaccines do not cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19

The ZH: TheAmerican Cities Where Rents Rose The Most – Amid a historic stretch of inflation over the last year, the cost of housing (especially rent) has been one of the most significant pressures on household finances

ZH: Mapped: Solar And Wind Power, By Country – Wind and solar generate over a tenth of the world’s electricity. Taken together, they are the fourth-largest source of electricity, behind coal, gas, and hydro

Senator Rand Paul Delays The Vote on the $40 Billion Ukraine Package – He calls for Spending Oversight to ensure an inspector general can monitor exactly how the billions of dollars are being spent

How Mark Zuckerberg Used a Tax-Exempt Foundation to Help Biden Fix the 2020 Election, And Got Away With It

THERE WILL BE BLOOD! – Progressive activists have long fallen on the tactic of resorting to violence, destruction, and even bloodshed to get their points across

Small business owners are increasingly pessimistic about U.S. economic conditions and overwhelmingly support an expansion of domestic fossil fuel infrastructure, the latest polling data showed

ZH: “Are We There Yet”: Has The Market Hit Peak Capitulation – “True capitulation happens when love breaks down and investors sell what they love,” understanding that some equities are more rate-sensitive than others

ZH: “Diesel To Be Rationed On East Coast This Summer” Warns US Oil Billionaire – “Right now, inventories are low and we may see a shortage in coming months”

We Are Not in Control After May 22 – The Biden administration is surrendering our sovereignty to the WHO and the UN. When they declare a medical emergency, they will control all health-related operations in the United States

A fine example of why NYT reporting is not to be taken seriously – “Neighbors said a man fatally shot by the police during an exchange of gunfire that also wounded an officer was troubled but seemed unthreatening

Trump Discourages Pennsylvanians From Voting for Barnette – “Kathy Barnette will never be able to win the general election against the radical left Democrats”

California Governor Newsom Unveils $18.1 Billion ‘Inflation Relief’ Package Proposal – Over half will go towards tax refunds and direct relief via checks, with all registered vehicle owners getting $400 checks

A California regulator rejects building a desalination plant despite their historic drought

A Bill to let 12-Year Olds Get Vaccine Without Parental Consent Passes The California State Senate

Something is killing off large numbers of 25- to 54-year-olds in the US and the powers that be in government and the media pretend it isn’t happening, with no visible effort to study the alarming statistics

Major Medical Mystery: Why Some People Despite Exposure Don’t Get COVID – Two potential explanations may explain why some people could have a much greater resistance to SARS-CoV-2

The D.C. Federal Court Agrees To Let The Spygate Cabal Hide Some Of Their Emails From The Grand Jury – Prosecutors are now limited in what they may elicit from witnesses granted immunity in exchange for their testimony

Many Roads Lead to Critical Race Theory Indoctrination – This is a hijacking of educational subject areas by the orthodoxy of political correctness and racial animus

The Democrats’ War On Children – They like to preface policy debates with phrases like “it’s about the children,” but one look at what they have done since 2020 shows their real concerns are anything but the children

The baby formula supply in eight states has been more than cut in half as the national formula shortage affecting helpless babies and their parents continues to worsen

The House is launching an investigation into the ongoing baby formula shortage, pressing the four largest domestic manufacturers for documents and information about the steps they are taking to alleviate the crisis

Sharyl Attkisson: Reuters data tech: I was fired for showing police do not kill more black suspects than white ones – Reuters repeatedly published false information saying the opposite

Common Sense: This Week in Self-Foot-Shooting –  Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Congress, Bill Gates, and Lufthansa

Sixteen months into Biden’s tenure, though, the situation at the U.S. border with Mexico is far worse, and the administration’s efforts to improve conditions in migrants’ home countries have not amounted to much

Elon Musk says Twitter takeover ‘temporarily on hold’ – They need to validate details supporting the calculation that spam/fake accounts do indeed represent less than 5% of users

ZH: Twitter Shares Rebound As Musk Says He Is “Still Committed” To Deal – Two weeks ago Twitter reported disappointing earnings and admitted that it was “overestimating” millions of users since 2019

Sharyl Attkisson: The 25 most common passwords

May 12, 2022

INFOGRAPHIC: Durham’s First Trial: The Michael Sussmann Case – A comprehensive timeline of Sussmann’s activities before and after the 2016 election

10 more appropriate questions to ask Americans about abortion –  Progressive friendly poll queries by the mainstream media are protecting Democrats and engendering fear

Meet the Head of Biden’s New “Disinformation Governing Board” – Nina Jankowicz is a veteran information warrior, but her “experience” working with StopFake should have set off alarm bells

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blamed the continued record surge in gas prices on “exploitation” by oil companies, and touted a bill that would essentially allow the president to control gas prices

San Diego County has adopted a new definition of “woman” that would reportedly allow male-to-female transgender residents to demand inclusion as women in jails, homeless shelters, and domestic violence shelters

American Spectator: Joe Biden Versus We the People – Inflation, illegal immigration, allegations of domestic terrorism — is Biden trying to lead our country or destroy it?

Joe Biden’s Economic Advisor Said There’s “Nothing Better Than” The Chinese Communist Party’s Economic System

Victor Davis Hanson: Imagine the Unimaginable – Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory and all these catastrophes are self-induced. They are choices, not fate!

Sen. Rand Paul: Sending 60 Billion Dollars to Ukraine Makes No Sense – We Cannot Save Ukraine By Dooming The U.S. Economy

British scientific Journal Of Nature: COVID vaccines raise the risk of cardiac arrest by 25% in youth

James Corbett: I Read Bill Gates’ New Book, “How to Prevent The Next Pandemic,” So You Wouldn’t Have To  – “It’s just as “infuriating” as you’d expect”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Remdesivir Is ‘Disastrous’ as COVID Treatment, But the Government Pays Hospitals to Use It  – It routinely causes severe organ damage and, often, death

Fusion GPS must hand over docs to Durham, but he can’t use them at next week’s trial

California’s Minimum Wage Is Going Up Again – Next January, compliments of Senate Bill 3, all employees will be guaranteed $15.50/hour even if they work for “small employers

The infant formula shortage is a national crisis – This has occurred for more than a year now and was severely exacerbated by a February recall of powdered formulas manufactured in one of Abbott Nutrition’s plants

Ambassador Michael Carpenter is raising concerns that Russian forces could annex the Ukrainian city of Kherson, which is in the southern part of the country near the Crimean Peninsula

Russia is withdrawing some of its troops after suffering “heavy losses” claimed the UK’s Ministry of Defense, as “Ukrainian forces counterattack north of Kharkiv, recapturing several towns and villages towards the Russian border”

Netflix tells woke employees to accept free speech or find another job – “If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you,” a memo states

Twitter’s CEO Fires Two Executives and Stops New Hires to Cut Costs Ahead of the Elon Musk Takeover

Four-year-olds at an Alert Bay, British Columbia school were sent home with a masturbation assignment – Yes, you read that right!

Do You Qualify For Some of Apple’s $14.8M iCloud Settlement? – The tech giant was accused of surreptitiously storing iCloud subscribers’ data on third-party servers

WSJ: Ukrainian Forces Hold the Line in Donbas as Western Heavy Weapons Join the Battle – With Russia failing to achieve a strategic breakthrough, a long and bloody battle for eastern Ukraine looms

WSJ: Kevin McCarthy Subpoenaed by The Jan. 6 Committee – They also seek to compel depositions from Reps. Scott Perry, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs, and Mo Brooks

Tucker Carlson, President Trump, and Governor Ron DeSantis are the troika of leadership for the MAGA and America First movement

Wholesale inflation climbed 11% in April, remaining at a near 40-year high – Economists expected the producer price index to show prices climbed by 10.7% in April

ZH: The Mother Of All Collapses Has Begun – The Fed claims it can tackle inflation without triggering a crisis. Good luck with that!

The Fed claims it can tackle inflation without triggering a crisis. Good luck with that!

This Is The Worst Possible Timing for an Infrastructure-Spending Spree – The Biden administration authorized all of this money to be spent, but not a penny has been spent yet and costs are skyrocketing

What happens after our housing bubble collapses? – The political motive for screwing up the real estate market derives from a knee-jerk tendency to pander to the inner-city minority population

Biden’s America: The Land Of Plenty Shortages – “Supply chain issues, product recalls and historic inflation” are driving the baby formula crisis 

‘Supply Chain Disruptions’ Are Not An Accident, Rather The Logical Result Of Stupid Lockdowns – The cowardly politicians who enabled the foolish lockdowns should not blame the results on anything but themselves

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Global COVID Summit Declaration IV – A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to End the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity

The Biden Administration, failing to get its legislative agenda passed through Congress, has resorted to using a regulatory “backdoor” route to implement many of their so-called “green energy” policies and restrictions

The Leftwing Insurrection – They peddle insurrectionist language and promote the idea of American illegitimacy to endorse insurrectionist behavior—“in the name of democracy”

A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has shot down a California ban on sales of semiautomatic rifles to young adults

A peek into how educrats indoctrinate our children – An “Advisory” is the umbrella covering for Left-Leaning non-academic instruction that is to be given to students

The acting director of the NIH confirmed during congressional testimony that their officials deliberately withheld crucial information about early genomic sequences of the COVID-19 virus on the orders of Chinese scientists

A professor who advocated for longer lockdowns in his role as a SAGE government advisor now admits that the negative impacts of lockdowns were never included in SAGE modeling and that they should have been

Resistance Grows to the UN WHO’s “Global Health” Power Grab – Proposed changes by the Biden administration, would enable them to carry out its mandates without approval or consent of the targeted nation

Illegal migrants detained by the Southern border patrol are the first to get ‘pallets’ of hard-to-find baby formula

May 11, 2022

Biden’s agonizing food inflation – Joe is prioritizing climate preservation over your ability to feed your family

A Denver Colorado HVAC Company Refuses to Take Downtown Jobs, Citing ‘Needles, Human Feces, and Vans Getting Broken Into’

Elon Musk May Have a Point About Trump’s Twitter Ban – “It’s probably not a good idea for important platforms to be in the business of frequently banning users for life”

Senate fails to advance a bill to guarantee abortion access nationwide – Joe Manchin joined with all Senate Republicans in sinking the abortion codification bill

Schumer: I’m totes comfy with intimidation campaigns aimed at SCOTUS justices’ homes

Trump-Appointed Judge Extends Order Preventing The Biden Regime from Rolling Back Title 42 and Opening The Borders to an Illegal Migrant Horde

Imagine the Unimaginable – When revolutionaries undermine the system, earn the antipathy of the people, and face looming disaster at the polls, it is then they prove most dangerous, as we’ll see over the next few months

An auditor That Dismissed 2020 Fraud Failed to Declare THOUSANDS of Dollars received from the Zuckerberg Election Interference Fund

With gas prices soaring to all-time highs, it was announced tonight that the Biden Administration has issued fresh cancellations of oil and gas leases in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico

Don’t Bend to Calls for a Global Tax Cartel – Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wants to impose a global minimum tax

Trump Officials Prepare for A Huge Border Move After The November Red Wave Announce Unheard of New Ways to Lock Down The Border

Cancel the Higher Education Cartel, Not Student Debt – Canceling student debt would be robbing the poor to pay the rich

An FBI Whistleblower Leaked A Document Showing The Bureau Targeting ‘News Media’

The European Union and the United Kingdom Join The U.S. in Launching Online ‘Disinformation’ Policies, Prompting Concerns About a ‘One-World Governance’ of Social Media

Google uses ephemeral methods that leave no paper trail, making it difficult to prove they are manipulating us in ways we can’t counteract, according to the American Institute for Behavioral Research & Technology

Michigan State Police Seize Voting Machines From 2020 Elections

Electricity, Diesel, and Biden’s Beloved GREEN Energy Are Nearing Collapse – If any of our major energy infrastructures fail, it will be cataclysmic – Unfortunately, we’re seeing possible failure on multiple energy fronts

Grocery Store Prices Up 10.8%, Most in Nearly 42 Years as Americans Face Higher Prices on Hamburger Meat, Baby Food, Chicken, Bacon, Soup, and Coffee

Top Democrat leaders with oversight of the National Institutes for Health (NIH) are keeping quiet about the $350 million in secret payments to agency leaders like Dr. Anthony Fauci and hundreds of its scientists

Meet the Doctors Who Were Punished or Threatened for Questioning the COVID Vaccines

Biden recently signed into law a requirement that all vehicles produced after 2026 be fitted with a remote kill switch – Electric vehicles are already equipped with this capability via internet-connected “superchargers”

Are AR-15 Rifles a Public Safety Threat? Here’s What the Data Say – Not Really

ZH: Global stocks of refined petroleum products have fallen to critically low levels as refineries are unable to keep up with surging demand, especially for the diesel-like fuels used in manufacturing and freight transportation

Worse Than Expected: Consumer Prices Up 8.3% in April

Faced with terrible economic news, Biden had a few things to say – It’s unlikely that his incoherent, weird remarks, and passing the buck, calmed anyone’s fears

I&I/TIPP Poll: Who Wants To Forgive Student Loans?  – Some Surprising Findings As Most Americans Like The Idea, Despite Its Potential Drawbacks

Biden’s Disinformation Czar Demands The Power to Edit Other People’s Tweets – She wants to turn Twitter into Wikipedia

Fact-Checker Fail: 2000 Mules vs. the Media – In a familiar pattern, left-wing fact-checkers try to hide the damning proof of election fraud in the 2020 election presented in Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules

COVID-19 Cases In California Remain Low Despite Upticks in Some Variant Cases in the Past Few Weeks  – New variants could continue to cause small surges throughout the rest of May

May 10, 2022

What Is Web3? – This new, blockchain-based web includes cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs, decentralized finance, and more – It promises to transform the experience of being online as dramatically as PCs and smartphones did

Sharyl Attkisson: 10 ways information shapers have infiltrated our institutions

A New Mexico Audit Identifies A Feature in the Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by the Machines Itself

The House Approves A Ukraine Aid Package but No Deal in The Senate – The package proposes about $40 billion in military and economic aid as Ukraine battles invading Russian forces

The 2,000 Mules Documentary Will Infuriate You – Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie provides convincing evidence of ballot trafficking n the 2020 Presidential election

Job Approval Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Underwater in 46 States — Including Dark Blue California

Central Bank Digital Currency: Biden’s Latest Plan for the Surveillance State – Why not leave digital currency to the free market? You know why

CalPERS audit found a widespread violation of laws meant to curb pension ‘double-dipping’ – They found violations in the use of retired annuitants at 72% of the 61 local government agencies it audited

Merrick Garland Provides Criminal Illegal Aliens with New ‘Mental Health’ Card to Get Out of Deportation

The Decline of a Democratic Super Lawyer Marc Elias – The left’s go-to attack dog, is laughed out of court, accused of lying to the special counsel, and on the losing end of several voting-rights cases

Biden Reveals A Bold New Plan to Fight Sky-High Inflation – Blame The GOP for Not Having A Plan to Fight Inflation

Gas prices in the U.S. just hit a record high and are now almost 50 percent higher than a year ago – An increase of four cents in one day and 17 cents in the past week

Biden Shuffles Away When asked How Long Americans Should be Prepared to Pay High Prices at the Pump

The Dangerous ‘Disinformation’ Smear – Information the Left doesn’t want you to have

Elon Musk on Tuesday suggested he would lift Twitter’s ban on former President Donald Trump after closing a deal to purchase Twitter and take it private

New homes built in California starting in 2026 need to be powered by all-electric furnaces, stoves, and other appliances if California is to meet its ambitious climate change goals over the next two decades

More Masks, More Covid – A New Study Shows Masks Did Worse Than Nothing Against Coronavirus

The Democrats Aim to Spend $60B More Taxpayer Dollars During 40-Year-High Inflation

The Democrats’ Shameless Filibuster Warnings – This time, they are scaremongering about the fallout from a Roe ruling

Americans have become progressively worried about their finances over the past year, according to a new poll from Gallup released on Monday

A Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, and Others at The NIH

What the California Attorney General Candidates Are Saying About Propositions 47 and 57

Gas Prices Reach A New Record High – Gas prices jumped 5 cents overnight and a whopping 17 cents in the past week

Housing Bubble 2.0? Correction Fears Intensify as Price, Median Income Gap Widens – Prices advanced 14.2 percent year-over-year to $425,000 and experts suggest that the busy spring buying season will be notably competitive

New High-Level DOJ Notes Reveal The FBI’s Panic After Trump Tweeted He Knew He Was Being Spied On

The “2000 Mules” Documentary Grosses Over $1 Million in 12 Hours  – A big milestone for alt-tech, free speech, and independent creators

If We Cannot Secure Voting, We Will Perish – Dinesh D’Souza’s film, 2000 Mules, was just released, and it is jaw-dropping. The level of questionable practices and outright cheating is staggering

The 2000 Mules Documentary By Dinesh D’Souza – Compelling evidence the 2020 presidential election was rigged and stolen from Donald Trump, and this is only the tip of the iceberg

True the Vote is about to drop an information bomb regarding election fraud – In a few weeks, it will make available to the public every single bit of information it has regarding the drop-box fraud

Elon Musk: Twitter Has ‘Strong’ Left-Wing Bias

Howard Galganov: RINOS Are More Dangerous Than The Democrats – The LEFT’S Most Potent Weapon to Deal with the Conservative Republicans will be the Sell-Out (RINO) Republicans

Under the Biden administration, more than 90 federal agencies have pledged their commitment to equity by adopting action plans that put gender, race, and other such factors at the center of their governmental missions

Dr. Joseph Mercola: What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty

May 9, 2022

What’s Chief Justice Roberts Waiting On? – It’s been a week and his inaction on Dobbs is dangerous

Republicans Are Downplaying the Dobbs Opinion and That’s the Wrong Strategy – They need to match the Democrats’ resolution and passion

Judge Amit Mehta’s Kangaroo Court – Mehta is not the only judge on the D.C. District Court to express open contempt for Trump and his supporters—but he is by far the most powerful

ZH: The Great Bloodbath Has Arrived – The stock market is now in very serious trouble and the bond market is NOT calming down

Hindenburg Research: Musk Holds All The Cards: We See a Significant Risk That The Twitter Deal Gets Repriced Lower

Stagflation, Another Blast from the Past – The “Misery Index” is currently just over 12 percent, and that’s being generous given how the government calculates inflation

The Biden Administration’s ‘Disinformation’ Board Is A Tool Straight From Soviet Russia’s KGB – They re-defined disinformation, sanitized the term of its KGB roots, and expanded the definition by applying the label to Americans

In a letter to U.S. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, 20 state attorneys general demanded DHS immediately disband its Disinformation Governance Board and “cease all efforts to police Americans’ protected speech”

The Five Worst Prosecutors in America – These familiar names are inexperienced, contemptuous of the law, more concerned with criminal defendants than their crime victims, and arrogant to the extreme

The protests at Justice Kavanaugh’s home “were one of the scariest things I’ve ever witnessed,” says reporter – Blair, a news producer at The Daily Signal, who called the demonstrations an “attempt at intimidation”

The Left’s Addiction to Violence – The causes change as the decades pass while the leftist urge to inflict violence continues

Biden’s real options on abortion if Roe goes are ‘extremely limited,’ his allies say

The Biden administration’s small business budget references environmental initiatives more than 20 times, yet makes no mention of inflation’s impact on businesses—Which shows a disconnect between the WH and the public

The WHO Treaty is a Paper Tiger – A Constitutional attorney explains why the Biden administration lacks authority to subordinate the US Constitution by abdicating US sovereignty to the WHO

JD Rucker: Buried Bombshell, A New Israeli Study Shows A Massive Spike in Heart Attacks Among the Young and Jabbed – There’s always some bombshell on other topics that keep the “get vaccinated” narrative going

Data released from the US suggests that those who have taken both shots of the COVID-19 “vaccine” are developing AIDS, which aligns with data from the UK and New Zealand

New Data from Walgreens Reveals The Unvaccinated Have the Lowest Positivity Rate for COVID While  Triple and Double Vaccinated Groups Have the Worst Rate

WSJ: Covid-19 Cases Rise in Parts of The U.S. With High Vaccination Rates – New England and Puerto Rico also have rising hospitalization after faring better than much of the country previously

US Regulators Prepared to Clear COVID-19 Vaccine for Young Children Despite Substandard Efficacy – A clinical trial concluded its efficacy in preventing infection was below 50 percent

Ahead of Pride month, Target is launching a line of “gender-affirming” products including “compression tops” and “chest binders, undergarments that conceal breasts, and “packing underwear” that conceal male genitals

Enough Fraudulent Votes Have Been Identified to Change The 2020 Election Outcome: Dinesh D’Souza – ‘I’m putting this information out because I want the American people to be the jury’

After 2000 Mules Premiere, True the Vote Promises to ‘Pull the Ripcord’ and Release ALL the Data

ZH: Retail Is Puking: “This Is The 5th Biggest Selling Day On Record” – Morgan Stanley cautioned that retail demand has begun to slip, and retail will likely be less supportive of the broader equity market going forward

ZH: Goldman Trader: “The Set-Up For An Equity Market Crash Is As High As I Have Seen It”

ZH: US Shale Swings From Losses To Record Cash Flows

Trump Drops First Ad On Truth Social To HUMILIATE Biden – Time will tell after this social media rejiggering but one thing is certain and that’s he is laying the foundation an epic political comebacks

Joe Biden Appears Lost on Stage as Kamala Harris Delivers Remarks at the White House

Bill Barr Slams Biden Admin’s Response To The Leak of Supreme Court Draft – “A Crime Was Done And The Administration Response Has Been Appalling”

FDA: Americans Should Now Treat COVID-19 Like the Common Flu – The virus “will likely circulate globally for the foreseeable future, taking its place alongside other common respiratory viruses such as influenza

Sharyl Attkisson: Internal CDC documents show Representative Massie ignited a firestorm when he contacted them to point out serious Covid vaccine disinformation their top officials and vaccine scientists had signed off on

Sweden Suffered Fewer Deaths Per Capita Than Much of Europe Despite Their Refusal to Enforce Strict Covid-19 Lockdowns

ZH: Health Authorities Tracked Movements Of Canadians Via Cellphones During The Covid Pandemic

Pandemic Recovery Rankings For The U.S. – California Not Doing So Good, With Major states like New York and California are still struggling to recover

Obama appointed Judge Christopher Cooper’s efforts to counter the impact of the case on Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party extend beyond declaring the ‘co-conspirator’ exception off limits

House Conservatives Ready A Law-and-Order Agenda Ahead of the Midterms – They cataloged all GOP arguments about crime in the last 2-years and distilled them into a memo to lay at the feet of President Biden

Quinnipiac University Poll: Hispanic Voters Are Losing Faith in the Democratic Party – Only 26 percent of Hispanic survey participants approved of Joe Biden’s job performance

Biden disinformation chief Nina Jankowicz pushed Trump-Russia collusion claims – She has an extensive history of promoting baseless collusion claims including allegations now scrutinized by special counsel John Durham

Missouri and Louisiana Attorneys General sue Biden over suppression of free speech – Colluding with  Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to censor and suppress speech under the guise of combating dangerous misinformation

What Parents Need to Know About the Increase in Mysterious Hepatitis Cases in Children

Alabama Becomes The Latest State To Ban Gender-Affirming Care For Minors

Elon Musk Predicts The End of Japan, Eventually – Due to their rapidly declining birth rate

A Little Truth About Micro-plastics – U.S. is at the bottom of the polluter list, “dumping less than 1% of the plastics that end up in the oceans annually”

WSJ: AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, Others Commit to Low-Income Broadband Program – Providers will help offer high-speed internet to millions of households under the infrastructure law

May 8, 2022

Emerald Robinson: I Was Right About Luciferase – Dr. Ralph Baric used Luciferase to track mRNA according to the NIH website

JD Rucker: Of all the various bad things George W. Bush did, making John Roberts Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is among his worst – Now, Roberts is trying to preserve Roe v. Wade

Justice Alito and his family moved to an undisclosed location – On Saturday, pro-abortion activists in Virginia and Maryland assembled at the homes of the justices

The Madison headquarters of Wisconsin Family Action, an anti-abortion group, was reportedly set on fire late Saturday night or early Sunday morning after vandals threw what is believed to be a Molotov cocktail at the building

Elon Musk Sounds the Alarm After Threat From Russian Official For Providing Starlink Access To Ukraine –  ‘If I Die Under Mysterious Circumstances

Victor Davis Hanson: The Exasperated American – Will the voters channel their furor at Biden’s regime of lies into an unprecedented turnout at the polls in November?

JD Rucker: Reality vs. Illusion: People Have Been Robbed of Their Ability to “Decipher Fact From Fiction” – CIA Director, Casey reportedly told Reagan ‘We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false’

Electricity Shortage Warnings Grow Across U.S. Power-grid operators caution that electricity supplies aren’t keeping up with demand amid the transition to cleaner forms of energy

Investigator Gregg Phillips: FOX’s Lawyers Are Keeping “2000 Mules” Off of the Channel – Although Tucker Carlson did invite True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht on his program the day after the movie premiere at Mar-a-Lago

This 2000 Mules Documentary Provides Compelling Evidence The 2020 Presidential Election Was Stolen From Former President Trump – Full Video

George Soros Drops $1 Million Into Stacey Abrams’ Campaign for Georgia Governor

Perdue hits GA Governor Kemp on $1.5 billion to a Soros-linked company saying, “This may be the worst deal I’ve seen in my business career,” who headed two Fortune 500 companies before entering politics

The Black nationalist suspect in the NYC subway attack was indicted on terrorism charges – If convicted, Frank James could be sentenced to life in prison. James had posted on social media about his militant black nationalist views

Kevin Morris, a Hollywood entertainment attorney and novelist who earned a fortune representing the co-creators of “South Park” footed Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes totaling over $2 million

Ghislaine Maxwell Sentence Lowered by Ten Years –The Judge Says Five of the Guilty Counts Were ‘Repetitive’

The ‘2000 Mules’ documentary proves there was massive election fraud – It explains how leftist organizations used activists to stuff ballots in the 2020 election and the 2020 Georgia run-off

The Pentagon Is Accused of Spending $224 Million on Bioweapon Programs in Ukraine

Soros floods cash into the Arkansas prosecutor race

The war against Russia in Ukraine – Many people believe that the Obama-Biden administration is using the war against Russia in Ukraine to acquire political capital, even though the war does not concern the USA at all

The Roe Demonstrators: Where Did They Get That Idea? – Courts have recognized that the State “has a legitimate interest in protecting its judicial system from bullying if the US government chooses to do nothing

Elon Musk Issues Warning to Twitter Employees – “Work ethic expectations would be extreme, but much less than I demand of me”

The Entire BDS Movement is a Fraud – An enabler is not an accomplice or an accessory, but rather somebody who whitewashes and otherwise excuses the behavior of the violent criminals involved

May 7, 2022

The Jan. 6 Committee Drops its Request for A Select Trove of Documents From Trump’s Lawyer

Biden Institutes Rules Forbidding US Soldiers from Non-Official Travel to Israel – They can apply for an emergency approval however it is unlikely to be approved as requests must be made 30 days in advance

Apple Mail Now Blocks Email Tracking – If you don’t like marketers (or anyone else) knowing when and where you read your email, Apple’s feature will help you reclaim some privacy

Sharyl Attkisson: Republican senators request records related to reported Ukraine-Democrats’ role in 2016 anti-Trump efforts

Biden’s Disinformation Board Co-Chair Formerly Worked for George Soros – Fact-checking organizations backed by Soros include the left-leaning Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Network and U.K.-based Full Fact

A Federal Appeals Court Reinstates Florida’s Election Integrity Laws

The Forever War Revisited – American support for Ukraine is chasing an elusive, vaguely defined victory similar to the fruitless 20-year American commitment in Afghanistan

Pro-abortion activists descend upon homes of SCOTUS justices – Activists had vowed to protest outside the homes of those justices who were part of the majority opinion drafted by Justice Samuel Alito

PATRICK J. BUCHANAN: The Alito 5 Must Stay The Course – This is what a vast slice of the party and the conservative movement has fought for, worked for, marched for, and prayed for, for half a century

A CNN poll shows those who support overturning Roe are twice as likely to vote in midterms – According to the results, Republicans may be more willing to vote now than they were at the beginning of the year

Elon Musk and Twitter Are Sued by a Florida Pension Fund Seeking to Delay the $44 Billion Takeover

Marjorie Taylor Greene Won’t Be Barred From Holding Office, Georgia Official Rules

The Justice Department Threatens Oath Keepers with Life in Prison – “The US takes the position that the most analogous offense to seditious conspiracy is ‘Treason,’” warns federal prosecutor Kathyrn Rakoczy

ZH: Where The Press Is The Most (And Least) Free

ZH: Hospital Workers Are Fleeing High Housing Costs: Where Are They Moving?

Clarence Thomas Delivers a Message to Roe v. Wade Leaker – “We are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don’t like”

Elon Musk plans to FIRE 1,000 Twitter staff, quintuple revenue, get 69 million users paying $3 a month, and cut reliance on advertising income, presentation to investors shows

Biden’s Thug Government – Democrats don’t care about politically motivated violence, American institutions, or the Constitution

Monstrous Jen Psaki All But Admits White House Condones Doxxing Supreme Court Justices

Nancy Pelosi is threatening Supreme Court Justices with an escalating public pressure campaign after a draft majority opinion leaked indicating it would overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Desperation and Despotism in Shanghai – Residents have been confined to their homes, unable even to buy food or medication

As if we didn’t need yet another government agency in this age of behemoth federal spending, the Biden administration has saddled the U.S. with a new one, the Office of Environmental Justice

Preventable Deaths and D3. The Ugly History of Vitamin D3 and Fauci’s pro-vaccine Bias

A Teacher Brags About Many of Her Past Students Telling Her They’re Now “Queer” Like Her Because She’s Their “Safe Place”


May 6, 2022

Unruly air passenger incidents fall after the mask mandate was struck down on April 18 by a federal judge in Florida

Supply chain disaster! Baby formula vanishes from store shelves Online $43 cans now selling for $100

Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’ – Pilots injured by COVID-19 vaccines said despite a “culture of fear and intimidation” they are compelled to speak out against vaccine mandates

Key Excerpts from President Trump’s Speech in Pennsylvania – “Biden Didn’t Get Votes – He Got Ballots…The Only Way They Win Is to Cheat in Elections”

Revolver Exposes How the Ministry of Truth Plans to Hide Immigration Failures and Label Open-Border Critics “Disinformation Agents”

Who Funds the Campaign to Smear and Pressure Elon Musk? – The Democratic activist troika fighting his Twitter acquisition has identified a new front in the battle to turn American life into a perpetual partisan apocalypse

When Republicans take the House, we’ll finally get answers about Hunter and Joe Biden

JD Rucker: Our Economic World War Is About to Get Even Hotter – It’s easy to see war as simply a mechanism of guns and missiles. But the foundation of nearly all wars is economic, and what we’re facing today is no different

ZH: Life Expectancy Continues To Fall In The EU – In 2020 the average years of life for somebody born in the 27 countries dropped from 81.3 to 80.4. In 2021, this fell again by another 0.3 years

You Won’t See Biden Holding Media Events in Oval Office for One Devastating Reason – He needs a teleprompter

ZH: 80 ‘Suspicious Actors’ And ‘Material Witnesses’ Under Scrutiny By Jan. 6 Defense Attorneys

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk refuted reports claiming that former President rump had secretly urged him to acquire Twitter – “This is false. I’ve had no communication, directly or indirectly, with Trump”

The January 6 Committee Loses A Key Witness After A Stunning Disagreement – Rudy Giuliani wants to record the video so they can’t quote him out of context

The night I met Hunter Biden – Mac Shop owner John Mac Isaac recounts a fateful encounter in an exclusive excerpt

Facts Matter: Synthetic mRNA Suppresses Immune System, Possibly Leads to Cancer, Blood Clots, Fertility Issues, Spontaneous Abortions: Dr. Malone Interview

California says it needs more power to keep the lights on – It lacks sufficient capacity to keep the lights on this summer and beyond if heatwaves, wildfires, or other extreme events take their toll

Ukraine: The Great American propaganda war – Are Americans aware the US government engineered the 2014 overthrow of their duly elected president, installed a puppet government, and has been arming and training neo-Nazis there for years, in blatant violation of the Leahy Law?

John Daniel Davidson: If The U.S. Is Giving Ukraine Real-Time Battlefield Intel, Congress Needs To Vote On It

Is the left agitating for war with Russia so it can further cement domestic tyranny? – It is certain that locking horns with Russia could be used to further curtail America’s civil liberties

Are the Democrats planning a conflict with Russia before their November shellacking? – Former President Eisenhower: “Beware of the military-industrial complex,” the alliance between governments, arms manufacturers, arms dealers, and mercenaries

House GOP lawmakers say whistleblowers have alleged the FBI is trying to terminate employees that participated in the Jan. 6, 2021 rally. “They did not enter the US Capitol nor been charged with any crime”

“The White House has largely abandoned using the Oval Office for press events –  Because it can’t be permanently equipped with a teleprompter,” a Thursday Politico article admitted

Former AG Barr: “Whether it is a crime or not,” Barr said of the Biden case, the people can “see what it was, which was shameful self-dealing by that family.”

ZH: Buckle Up For A Crashing Economy And More Inflation – Jerome Powell hinted inflation might be a problem last August, so here we are in May and the Fed hasn’t done anything substantive so now it may be too late

Biden Siphons The US Strategic Petroleum Reserves for Europe WITHOUT AUTHORITY

The U.S. Economy Added 428,000 Jobs in April, With Unemployment at 3.6%, But The Participation Rate Fell

ZH/Rabobank: The Last Thing The Polarized US Needs Is A Spike In Food Prices And A Collapse In 401Ks – It’ll Probably Get Both As So Many Things Are In-Play

ZH: U.S. distillate fuel oil inventories fall to a 14-year low as refiners prove unable to satisfy strong demand from freight carriers and manufacturers sending diesel prices surging and pulling crude prices higher

Justice Alito’s Opinion Is Brilliant and Shrewd – What he penned starts by making the argument that Roe itself was wrongly decided and vindicates the predictions made by Justice Scalia’s fiery dissent in the Casey case in 1992

The WH Won’t Condemn SCOTUS Doxxing – Psaki, “For all those women, men, and others who feel outraged, who feel scared, who feel concerned, he hears them, he shares that concern and the horror he saw in that draft opinion”

Justice Alito’s ruling is what most people want on abortion – 64% of people in the United States believe Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban law is either the right call or too lenient on the ability to get an abortion

California is poised to have nearly 30% of abortion clinics in the US if Roe is overturned – California seeks to become a sanctuary for women wanting abortions ahead of the expected Supreme Court ruling

THE SILENCE OF THE WH – Law School Professor Jonathan Turley discusses the erosion of traditional norms otherwise applicable to the Supreme Court as he calls out Democrats and their allies among the Democrats’ media

The Ridiculous Charge that the Supreme Court Might End Interracial Marriage? – There is no reason to assume that Republicans would want to end marriage between people of different racial groups

The noose tightens around Hillary Clinton – A former FBI former intelligence chief says he’s convinced Hillary’s 2016 campaign used “contrived disinformation” to mislead Americans into believing Trump was a Russian asset

Rules For Conservative Radicals – The left has mastered the art of the pressure campaign, now it’s time the right learned from them. The first question in launching a pressure campaign is: What do you want?

ZH: Five Steps To Save Free Speech On Twitter: A Musk Roadmap – The greatest asset that Musk brings to Twitter, beyond deep pockets and deep faith in free speech, is his legendary creativity

A Whistleblower Exposes 3 Big Issues in Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials – Falsifying the data, Early unblinding of the trial, affecting the accuracy of the results, and very slow to respond to adverse events

The FDA Restricts J&J’s COVID-19 Vaccine Over Risk of Blood Clots – TTS, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, a rare form of blood clotting

Sharyl Attkisson: Top officials at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say Americans may need an annual Covid-19 shot, just like getting an annual flu shot

The American Bar Association endorses dropping the LSAT for law school admission

A Teen Bagger Pays for Struggling Grandma’s $137 Grocery Bill, Says, ‘Something Just Told Me To’ – Finally, A Happy Story

A Carnival Cruise Ship With Fully Vaccinated Hit With A COVID-19 Outbreak – It’s not clear how many passengers or employees contracted the virus as a spokesperson for the company did not elaborate when asked for a figure

EV charging guide | What to know when buying an electric car – There are lots of new terms and specs to know. Here’s what it all means and how long it takes for a charge

May 5, 2022

Apple, Google, and Microsoft want to kill the password with the “Passkey” standard – Instead of a password, devices would look for your phone over Bluetooth

THE JOE BIDEN ECONOMY: Markets Rocked – DOW Down More than 1,000 Points – NASDAQ Down 5%

The Pentagon describes the Russian offensive as stalled on all fronts in Ukraine – Russian forces appear to be consolidating northern forces in an area southeast of Izyum but have been unable to break through any Ukrainian lines

Army Chief of Staff General James McConville admitted Thursday during a Senate hearing that the Army’s recruiting difficulties and its plan to reduce numbers accordingly would leave their force too small

Psaki Confirms Biden Meant It When He Called A Large Portion of Americans an ‘Extremist Group’ – He used a new way to attack conservatives, Republicans, and Trump supporters by calling them “ultra MAGAs”

Top Obama-Biden advisor and Mao Tse Tung admirer Anita Dunn returns as a Senior Adviser to Biden as the regime braces for a GOP investigation of Joe Biden, the White House announced on Thursday

The latest survey shows likely voters, by a 2-to-1 margin, do not want Biden to run again – Even more embarrassing, Donald Trump in a 2024 matchup is up 50% to Biden’s 36%

Janet Yellen: Biden’s Spending ‘Did Feed’ Inflation – It s an unintended consequence of the Biden administration attempting to avoid a sharp economic downturn and facilitate full employment

Even the Late Justice Ginsburg Knew Roe v. Wade Was Garbage – We tried to do too much, too fast, and essentially made every abortion restriction in the country at the time illegal in one fell swoop leaving it open to fierce attacks

WSJ: Peggy Noonan, The End of Roe v. Wade Will Be Good for America – The mistaken abortion decision was a product of vanity, it roiled and distorted our politics and poisoned our culture

Senator Schumer says the Senate will vote next week on codifying ‘abortion rights’ into law – “I intend to file cloture on this vital legislation Monday, which would set up a vote for Wednesday,” said Schumer

Nina Jankowicz Voiced Fear of ‘Free Speech Absolutists’ Like Elon Musk After Starting Her Job for The DHS Disinformation Board

Elon Musk’s 18 equity investors that are helping him fund his Twitter takeover

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: Davos Man, his World Economic Forum, and his Servants – Who are the ones trained to serve these self-appointed globalist overlords?

A ‘Perfect Storm’ Is Hitting US Crop Planting – Due to soaring fertilizer costs and chemical shortages, and protracted drought conditions, farmers are now planting different and smaller quantities of certain crops

Biden has picked Karine Jean-Pierre to replace Psaki – She comes with a long leftist history of work for MoveOn.org, the ACLU, and MSNBC, and also checks the boxes in two categories, she’s LGBT and black

The new WH press secretary sparks a fresh ethical dilemma for CNN As the Psaki replacement Karine Jean-Pierre’s partner is CNN political reporter Suzanne Malveaux, as critics liken conflict of interest to the Chris Cuomo scandal

Obama and Biden Are Mostly to Blame for the $1.6 Trillion Student Debt Crisis – “This is far worse than the Savings and Loan crisis, or the sub-prime auto crisis and even the subprime mortgage crisis”

Education Lawmaking in CA is Overshadowed by Teachers Unions – These unions and progressive partisans make the far left’s political call for limiting big money in politics a hypocritical, gaslighting act

2000 Mules Documentary Shows How The 2020 Election Was Stolen – Using state-of-the-art technology, it makes the case that the election was perhaps the most unsecure election ever, and was stolen from former President Trump

Mitt Romney on Trump: ‘If He Decides to Run In 2024, He Will Be the Nominee’

The Dow Plunges 1,100 Points in a Widespread Sell-Off Led by Tech Stocks

Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group Poll: The Economy Is The Top Issue In The Upcoming Midterm Elections

ZH: “It’s A Bloodbath” – Markets Everywhere Reverse All Federal Open Market Committee Moves – Movement is escalating across every asset class

ZH: US Productivity Just Crashed By The Most Since 1947 As Labor Costs Explode – US Unit Labor Costs surged 11.6% in Q1 as business output declined by 2.30% Quarter over Quarter

ZH: Jamie Dimon Warns Turmoil In Commodity Market Could Get “Much Worse” – “There’s “a chance” of a policy mistake that could trigger a punishing recession”

Rabobank: Sorry, Boy And Girl Geniuses, But How Does Inflation Go Down If Commodity Prices Keep Going Up

A Massive fence was erected around the Supreme Court building and justice cancels public events amid protests  – The fence suggests authorities may be concerned about threats to the court or justices following the leaked Roe v. Wade draft opinion

A Liberal group calls for protests at conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes  – The group says they will visit the homes on May 11, But Publishes Addresses Ahead Of Schedule

What a post-Roe America will look like  – It is unlikely many red states will outright ban abortion as left-wing pundits, politicians, and activists suggest and true-blue states will make abortion very permissible

Adam Schiff uses the Roe v. Wade leaked draft to call for court-packing: ‘I don’t care how the draft leaked’ The Democrat also accused some justices of lying about their stance on Roe v. Wade

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Says Biden Will Continue To Call Americans Who Do Not Support Him ‘Extremists’ Biden proclaimed that “MAGA is the most extreme political organization” in history

Disney Is Facing Financial Disaster As Anti-Woke Backlash Builds Across The Country

Rasmussen Poll: 56% Of Likely Voters Say Biden Is A ‘Weaker’ Commander-in-Chief Than Other Recent Presidents

‘That Doesn’t Feel Like $150 Worth of Groceries’ – A bag of groceries isn’t included in what’s called the “core inflation” measurement as the BLS and the Federal Reserve, use measurements that make it appear as if inflation is not as bad as it it

Bannon Makes A Massive Prediction That Sends Shockwaves Through The Democrat Party – “Democrat President Joe Biden will be impeached”

ZH: Twitter Tops $50/Share As Musk Reports $7 Billion In Equity Backing From Ellison, Fidelity, Qatar & Others

Elon Musk Fires Back After Soros-Backed Groups Target Him – Musk responded by posting an article exposing the donors as Soros backed, and replied to a post from Soros’ Open Society Foundation telling the nonagenarian to message him to talk

‘I’m on the Warpath!’ Elon Musk Is Expected to Axe Twitter’s Censorship Team and Become CEO After He Takes Full Control Of The Company

The New Minister of Truth Blows Any Remnant of Credibility She May Have Had by “Debunking” The Existence of Deep State

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Is Threatened with Prison Time If ‘Ministry of Truth’ is Illegal and is Not Abolished

Everyone Is Smart, Except Trump – Don’t let the above title fool you. Putin would never consider invading Ukraine if Trump were still in office

The Fantasy World of the United Nations – Ukraine President Zelensky told the UN it was an utter failure. and that if it couldn’t work to end Russian aggression it should dissolve itself

A Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID

May 4, 2022

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas wants voters to believe that the southern border is secure. But the available data shows the exact opposite. The border is wide open — and migrants know it!

The Supreme Court draft decision was leaked to energize The Democrats’ base, a former Clinton adviser says – The SCOTUS leak will help bring some suburban women back to Democrats. a top pollster says

WSJ: The Abortion Disinformation Campaign – Don’t believe the claims that other rights are in jeopardy if Roe v. Wade falls as the leaked opinion explicitly distinguishes this case from cases on unrelated social topics

Pro-abortion activists call for violence amid SCOTUS Roe v. Wade draft leak – “If they do this, yeah, that would be the time where rioting would be okay. I got the pitchforks, you get the gas and the torches,” a male activist said

Conservative Justices Didn’t Lie About Roe at Their Confirmation Hearings – Even though Democrats are now claiming they misrepresented their views about its precedent

Victor Davis Hanson: Losing the People? Then Change the Rules – The Left sees success only through altering the rules of governance or changing the demography of the electorate—or both

The Case Against the Border Wall Is Crumbling – As the chaos of the last year has proven beyond a doubt, America needs a wall on its border now more than ever

John Durham scores two major court wins ahead of Clinton lawyer’s trial –The trial judge compels Fusion GPS witness to testify, agrees to review memos Michael Sussmann’s defense lawyers claim are covered by the attorney-client privilege

Musk Wants Some Answers: ‘Where Is The Epstein/Maxwell “Client” List? – Shouldn’t at Least One of Them Go Down!?’

The U.S. Should Not Be Funding The WHO Follies – Two recent transgressions show that the bureaucrats there are not getting any smarter

D’Souza’s Film Takes Proof of 2020 Election Fraud to Mass Audience – The documentary exposes illegal vote trafficking in battleground states during the 2020 election and is now showing in more than 250 theaters

Rumble and Locals to provide censorship protection for the “2000 Mules” documentary – Election fraud claims are widely censored elsewhere

The Future of the GOP – The Old Guard/Never Trumpers wanted the talk of immigration, trade protectionism, and America First to go away, but it hasn’t, and the problems Trump identified have gotten worse because they have no solutions

A Bill to Dissolve Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Disinformation Board Hits the Senate

Safe and effective? FDA excluded pregnant women from the COVID vaccine trial

Seven Democrat Senators Join Republicans in Vote to Overturn Biden Admin’s Toddler Mask Mandate

J.D. Vance’s Trump-like effect – Vance’s victory deals a body blow to a small but noticeable resurgence of anti-Trump — or post-Trump — sentiment in the GOP

An MIT study ties COVID shots to cardiac arrest among youths – Based on an analysis of data from one of the world’s most highly vaccinated nations, Israel

Brandon Straka Joins Tucker Carlson: Describes Horrific Treatment He Suffered for Attending The J6 Protests and for Starting The Hugely Successful Pro-Trump #WalkAway Movement

The FDA Is Investigating Reports of COVID Relapses Following Use of Pfizer’s Pill

A new study based on Moderna’s Phase 3 clinical trial data suggests recipients of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine may be more likely to suffer repeated infections, perhaps indefinitely

JD Rucker Will The Coming Abortion Riots Be More Destructive Than the George Floyd Summer of Love? – We are about to see the worst rioting our nation has seen in decades

Little Scrutiny Two Years After Gov. Newsom’s Odious $1B China BYD Mask Deal – A new report entangles State Controller in first mask deal with the newly-formed company

ZH: Russia Again Warns Any NATO Vehicle Entering Ukraine With Weapons Will Be Destroyed – The warning comes after the US has led the way in pumping billions in military aid to Kiev

The Federal Reserve Hikes Rates by 50 Basis Points, the Most Since 2000 – A additional 50 basis point hike is ‘on the table’ at the next meetings, says the Fed

Consequences of the stolen 2020 election are increasingly catastrophic – From “Rigged” to “Zuckerbucks” and now the release of Dinesh D’Souza’s film, 2000 Mules

Joe Biden: The ‘MAGA Crowd’ is the ‘Most Extreme Political Organization in History’

The Case of Roe v. Reason – The Constitution is not a genie that grants wishes, and the Supreme Court is not there to defer to what any majority demands

ZH: “It’s Not The Economy; It’s The Central Banks, Stupid!” – They have only one real job and that is to protect economies from the ravages of Galloping Inflation

WSJ: Fed Meeting Latest News: Powell Set to Raise Interest Rates a Half Percentage Point – Full coverage of the Federal Reserve’s May meeting

Another Biden Record: The US Trade Deficit Surges to $109.8 Billion, The First Time Ever It Topped $100 Billion in One Month – It sliced 3.20% from the GDP in the first quarter, contracting at a 1.4% annualized rate

ZH: The US Trade Deficit Explodes To A Record High In March – The gap in goods and services trade grew 22.3% to $109.8 billion

ZH: ADP Signals Weakest Job Gains In April Since COVID Lockdowns – Analysts expected strong gains in employment for April, but they were disappointing, gaining only 247k jobs, the lowest since April 2020

Democrats’ craziness Over Roe v. Wade’s – Biden’s ever-changing abortion positions while never admitting the Supreme Court’s role isn’t to make policy but is, quite simply, to determine what’s constitutional and what is not

Politico/Morning Consult Poll: Democrats do not have a majority consensus among voters to enact abortion legislation – Only 47 percent say they support codifying Roe v. Wade

Illegals mass at the border in anticipation of Biden’s plan to scrap Title 42 – Seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how is the best time to make their move

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Prefer Trump Over Biden On 2024 Presidential Ballot

Clean Sweep: All 22 Trump-backed Candidates Win Primaries in Ohio and Indiana

Trump goes 55-0 with no endorsements lost – According to an early tabulation candidates he endorsed have all won or moved into the runoffs

The Next Senator From Ohio – J.D. Vance Vance’s comfortable victory in the Republican primary demonstrates how much, thankfully, the party has been remade by Donald Trump

The repairman who revealed Hunter Biden’s laptop sues Adam Schiff, CNN, Politico, and The Daily Beast for defamation of character

Elon Musk called for an investigation into left-wing organizations pressuring advertisers to boycott Twitter if he changes the social media firm’s content moderation policies after it was announced he would purchase the platform

The Regime Fears White Americans Will Outfox the “Affirmative Action” Scam – They are hostile to people resembling great Americans of the past with their anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-rural, and anti-middle class agenda

5 Ways Democrat Policies Work To Destroy Children’s Lives – #4. Teaching Self-Hate

10 More States Report Mysterious Hepatitis Outbreaks in Children – The CDC ruled out any potential links to COVID-19 vaccines, saying that the vast majority of the affected children with acute hepatitis were not vaccinated

The European Union is aiming to set up a medical super-database containing the medical information of citizens from across the multinational bloc

A Manufactured Food Shortage? – “Coincidences” Keep Happening at Food Plants and Bird Farms Across America We’ve been called “alarmists” by corporate media, but odd events keep hitting our food supply chain almost daily

A pre-med biology student of Union College in New York was given 3 days to leave for refusing to get a third COVID booster shot after experiencing serious adverse reactions from a second Pfizer booster

May 3, 2022

PayPal’s IndyMedia Wipeout – A series of moves against media outlets by PayPal shows the next step in speech control, confiscation. Why won’t the company answer questions on its rationale?

WSJ: J.D. Vance Wins Ohio’s GOP Primary for U.S. Senate in a Sign of Trump’s Influence – The ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ author had struggled to gain traction with voters before the former president’s endorsement

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told congressional staffers that the agency’s Disinformation Governance Board lacks a charter and has yet to hold its first meeting

With 63 Potential Leakers, Calls Grow to ‘Figure Out Who Is Responsible’ for The SCOTUS Leak Related To The Dobbs v. Jackson Abortion Case

What Americans Think about Abortion – An earlier Gallup poll found that only 28% of Americans favor abortion in the second trimester, and only 13% in the last three months of pregnancy, with 60% OK with it in the first trimester

The Supreme Court leak is the Democrats’ dirty May surprise for 2022 midterms – Forget inflation, open borders, the murderous crime surge, Ukraine — look over here at this shiny new object. And get mad as hell

Wayne Allyn Root: The Roe vs. Wade Leak Isn’t an Accident, It’s a Distraction – Look What Else Just Happened

Dov Fischer: The SCOTUS Leak: As My Thoughts Focus Differently From Others – It won’t change much, despite confirming our dim views of the Left’s respect for constitutional norms

The Largest Chinese Aircraft Carrier Fleet Ever Assembled Is Seen Near A US Navy Base In Japan – A week after they reportedly shadowed a U.S. Navy destroyer conducting a freedom of navigation exercise in the Taiwan Strait

Durham Alerts Judge to Federal Ruling Against Hillary Clinton – The Clinton campaign and the DNC paid fines after a federal body found probable cause that they violated election laws

WSJ Poll: Hillary Clinton and the Durham Inquiry – The trial starting in 12 days won’t reveal why she launched the Russia collusion hoax, but perhaps it was fear related to her email scandal while secretary of state

A Week of Liberal Losses in the Ongoing Culture War – Conservative victories over Netflix, Disney, Subway, and more

Pfizer released its quarterly earnings report on Tuesday, showing better-than-expected results with strong sales of its antiviral drug Paxlovid and the company’s vaccine for the Covid-19 virus

The CDC on Tuesday said that it still recommends that people wear masks on planes, trains, airports, and other modes of public transportation, despite a court last month ruling against the agency’s rule

Mike Rowe Says Truckers He Knows Are Paying $1,200 Per Fill-Up and Don’t Believe The ‘Putin Fuel Price Hike’ Narrative – Rowe said the cost of fuel “touches every single thing that matters in this country”

Dinesh D’Souza: The Democrats’ 2020 election narrative is ‘blown out of the water’ as their ‘Most secure election ever’ claim meets hard evidence in the movie ‘2000 Mules’

A Study of 23 Million People Shows The Risk of Developing Myocarditis After Getting COVID Vaccinations

Is Bird Flue The Next Hyped Pandemic? – What About The Government Patent Application for a “New DNA Vaccine” For H5N1?

WSJ: A Leaked Draft of Supreme Court Opinion Indicates Roe v. Wade May Be Overturned – The draft opinion, published by Politico, represents an extraordinary breach of the court’s private deliberations

Bari Weiss: The Shocking Supreme Court Leak – The most obvious take here is that the Democrats were in for a bruising in the midterms and this was leaked by a liberal to galvanize Democrats

Chief justice John Roberts has ordered police to investigate the source of a “draft” opinion that was leaked to the press indicating the court’s majority is ready to overrule Roe v. Wade and return regulation of abortion to the states

Governor Newsom vowed Monday evening to build a “firewall” around California via a state constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion as a right, after a draft Supreme Court decision reversing Roe v. Wade was leaked

The Hunt for the Suspect in the Supreme Court’s Opinion Leak is Fully On

A Trump endorsement helps far more than Biden’s – According to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 59% of GOP voters said they would be “more likely” to “vote for” a candidate endorsed by Trump

The CDC tracked 20+ million US phones to monitor COVID lockdown compliance according to a new report

House Republicans Introduce Legislation To Defund Biden’s Disinformation Board – President Biden should dissolve this board immediately and entirely. If he won’t then Republicans will”

OPINION: Joe Biden’s War on Energy Has Weakened America – Long before the war in Ukraine, Biden hobbled American Energy Independence

ZH: “The End Of Euphoria” – The Earnings Season Turns Dire As Corporate Sentiment Plummets – It’s not just guidance that is imploding: according to B of A’s Predictive Analytics team, corporate sentiment sharply fell this quarter

ZH: Xi’s Lockdowns In China Will Pull The Rug Out From Under US Truckers This Summer

Democrat Stacey Abrams Got ‘Special Treatment’ to Use Taxpayer Dollars to Grow Her Wealth

Frightening Stats On Illegals In California – For example, 29-percent of the inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens

WSJ: Immigrants to Get Extension for Expiring or Expired U.S. Work Permits – Most will be able to keep working as the government processes a huge backlog of permit applications

D.C. public schools command 4-year-olds to identify the ‘Racists’ in their families – The pattern is very clear — adopt our fanatic view of America as a racist hellhole or you are the Klan

Here Are All the Biden Border Policies That Have Illegals Heading North

The Covid-19 “Vaccines” Create BOOM in the Blood Clot Removal Industry

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Do the Covid Vaccines Kill More People Than They Save?

Sharyl Attkisson: Solar Mandates – California became the first state to require solar power on all new homes. This is important not just for the Golden State, but because it is seen as a prototype other states will likely copy

Click Here For Coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 Charts, Data & CDC Information

May 2, 2022

The New York Times’ Pathetic Hit Job on Tucker Carlson Fails Miserably – Accuracy isn’t the point at America’s benighted “newspaper of record”

California’s gas tax will increase on July 1 – This will cost you an additional 3-cents per gallon on top of the current $1.18 per gallon in taxes and fees estimated in a Stillwater Associates study released late last year

SCOTUS Leak Decried By Court Watchers – The most likely motivation is to pressure the Court and push legislation in Congress on a federal abortion law before the midterm elections and will likely renew the call for court-packing

Videos: Protesters swarm US Supreme Court after overturned Roe v. Wade draft opinion leaks

Here are the 26 states where abortion will likely become illegal if SCOTUS overturns Roe vs Wade

A New Gallup Poll Reveals Dwindling Public Confidence in Biden’s Economic Leadership – The Biden administration has little to show as economic conditions in the U.S. worsen

The January 6 Committee Targets GOP Donors Ahead of The 2022 Elections – Democrats are using every governmental, legislative, and legal weapon at their disposal to destroy them in court and the court of public opinion

California wants to keep $300 billion in spending a secret – Controller Betty Yee says her office does not keep a central database with all the checks written by over 500 state agencies

ZH: Is the Bank of Russia Part of the Global Military Industrial Banking Complex

New polling shows that 84% want voter ID, and huge percentages of black and Hispanic voters are behind the surge in support as the nation readies for the fall congressional midterm elections

The Biden administration appears to have abandoned its effort to ensure all migrants apprehended by immigration authorities are inoculated against COVID-19, just a month after the White House said vaccines would be mandatory

We Should Have Been Terrified When Barack Obama Said On The World Stage – “America Is Not An Exceptional Country” – And What Was The Response To Obama’s Dropping Of The Gauntlet? – SILENCE!

Tucker Carlson Responds to The 20,000-Word NY Times Story Calling Him An ‘American Nationalist’ – He won’t read and isn’t planning on reading several New York Times articles about his career and program content

A Democrat lawyer is blamed for undermining both the 2016 and 2020 election results – ‘Elias seems to have a monopoly on the Democratic political machine’

What Pfizer, J&J COVID Vaccine Animal Trials Reveal About Shots’ Potential Impact on Major Organs

For the first time, a federal health panel has recommended against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, despite reports that it’s successfully been used to treat the illness

The Canadian Government Is Euthanizing People Who Have Nothing Wrong With Them – One woman’s case shows how Canada’s euthanasia laws enable suicide on demand

A New York Times obituary whitewashes the life of terrorist Kathy Boudin, The mother of controversial San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin

Guess How Many Copies of Jill Biden’s New Biography Sold Last Week – Only 250 people bought a copy of the book in the first week it was out

ZH: Speed-Limiters Will Be Equipped In All-New EU Cars Beginning Next Month – The speed limiter will send haptic, audio, and visual warnings until you start driving within the speed limits

The Press Fumbles Again On Ukraine – Coverage of the Ukraine crisis has been as biased as anything in the run-up to previous wars

An updated look at Russia’s military capabilities 10 weeks into the Ukraine war – Russia has committed roughly two-thirds of its ground combat strength since the start of its war in Ukraine

Our Federal courts are saving Biden from himself – They stopped him from moving ahead with several more actions that could make his political situation even worse

Why The Hillary Clinton Campaign Can’t Hide 38 Documents From The Special Counsel – Hillary Clinton’s campaign payments to Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump were not treated as legal expenses

Those who speculated about Putin’s health may have been correct – However, one should remember that Fidel Castro lived several years after rumors about his illness and death started circulating

The Impending Economic Crash – As Alexander Hamilton pointed out in the Federalist Papers nearly two centuries ago, “A power over a man’s subsistence amounts to a power over his will”

Of interest, this week is the two-day Federal Reserve policy meeting, with markets expecting the central bank to press ahead with a sharp rate hike and formally announce the launch of a much-anticipated balance sheet runoff

CEOs Now Increasingly Fear Caving to Woke Employees After Florida Pushes Back Against Disney

Biden’s transgender decree – One way to shut down debate on this is to declare that there is no debate on the subject, as Biden officials declare”gender-affirming care” essential for young people

Do We Draw the Line at a US Ministry of Truth? – This aspiring Progressive dictatorship is getting more desperate and increasingly dangerous

Mayorkas’s oily assurances about his Disinformation Governance Board fall flat – Mayorkas found himself scrambling to spin this hideous new speech enforcer, claiming it was not as Orwellian as any normal person would think

Who else should serve on the Government Disinformation Board? – Might they will ask the likes of Bill & Hillary Clinton? Adam Schiff? James Clapper? James Comey? Hunter Biden? Jussie Smollett? Pinocchio? Beelzebub?

The last people anyone should trust to tell or determine the truth are journalists and government officials – They want to silence anyone who disagrees with what they say

How Republican Senators Can Defund Biden’s Dystopian “Disinformation Board”

JD Rucker: BlackRock and Vanguard Are Nearly in TOTAL CONTROL of Food Production and Distribution in America – It’s time to stand up and point a spotlight on them

ZH: Is Housing A Bubble That’s About To Crash? – Some geographical areas could see 50% declines in price while other areas experience 50% increases, regardless of mortgage rates or Fed policy

Inviting Inflation and Energy Dependence – A new proposal for a “border carbon adjustment” tariff disguised as a carbon tax comes at a particularly bad time

The US Faces Looming Catastrophe as The Price of Diesel Fuel Hits An All-Time High, Threatening The Trucking Industry

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS EVEN MORE UNPOPULAR THAN DEMOCRATS – A new Pew Research Center survey finds that the public opposes race-based college admissions by a whopping 74 percent

While former President Trump was trying to tackle COVID-19 in 2020, the “swamp” or the “deep state” was working against him, using flawed data to tarnish him, locking down society, and keeping schools closed

Another Look at Covid “Vaccine” Studies – At risk are those of advanced age, are obese, or with severe chronic comorbidities – Without these characteristics, the risk of dying from Covid is very low and very close to Zero

Providence Health System Study: Natural Immunity Lasts Longer Than Protection Provided By The COVID-19 Vaccines

A Maskless Dr. Fauci Hangs Out With Leftist Media Puppets At Crowded Dinner Party  – Of course, the servants were masked

ZH: A Panicked CNN Guest Wonders “How We’re Going To Control The Channels Of Communications In This Country”

5 Reasons Joe Biden Can’t Force Taxpayers To Pay Other People’s Student Loans – #1 You Can’t Forgive Loans You Don’t Own

Biden’s Loan Forgiveness Fraud – One of the biggest recent declines in Biden’s support is among Americans of college-age and slightly older, the very group most likely to have a pile of student loans

Twitter Bans Mike Lindell’s New Twitter Account After 4 Hours

Brownstone Institute: It will take years to understand why CDC officials and top White House pandemic adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, were allowed to make decisions that are contrary to established pandemic response policies

May 1, 2022

Firefighters Respond to Industrial Fire at Perdue Farms Facility – Another day, another fire at a food processing plant

Ukraine Now Admits ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ Was ‘Essential’ Propaganda to Boost Morale – CHALK UP ANOTHER VICTORY FOR THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS

The Researcher Featured in ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary Explains How Local Election Fraud Was Grown to National Scale

Inflation Can’t Be Censored – High prices broadcast the bad news every time we buy something and they are skyrocketing

Former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard Says Biden Is Just a ‘Front Man’ for True Power Behind ‘Ministry of Truth’ – Former President Barack Obama

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas said recently that since Sept 2021, DHS has been preparing to start handling and processing 18,000 illegal aliens per day – 540,000 a month – as soon as CDC Title 42 is lifted

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas defends his agency’s move to create a so-called Disinformation Governance Board after it faced widespread criticism that it was tantamount to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”

Dov Fischer: Why Our Currently Red States Must Enact Dramatically Conservative Laws and School Curricula – As even woke liberals flee blue states for saner pastures, there need to be ways to keep red states red

Victor Davis Hanson: The New Disinformationists – We have seven more months before the midterms, so expect more disinformation ministries, censorious czars, and hack grandees to emerge

How a top Democrat lawyer undermined both sides’ confidence in U.S. elections – Marc Elias was a central player in both the 2016 Russia collusion hoax and the 2020 campaign to upend voting laws in midstream

Biden jokes about his low approval and ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ during his White House Correspondents’ speech – He also threw some punches at one of his favorite targets, former President Trump

Christian champion James Dobson: The worst offender seeking to pervert and harm our kids is not a corporation or a school board, it’s our current president and his administration

Why Biden’s Hispanic support has collapsed – 50% of Hispanics disapprove of the president’s handling of immigration, and 31% strongly disapprove

Report: Putin Suffering from Cancer, Neurological Disease – Now That Video Makes Sense

JD Rucker: Inflation, Food Shortages, and Supply Chain Collapse – Skyrocketing Diesel Fuel Cost Is the Existential Threat Nobody’s Talking About

Why are Public Bureaucrats Issuing Mask Mandates Again? – To protect the CDC’s public health authority

A Family Leaving Disney World Comes to Terrifying Realization, They Immediately Begin Emptying Their Pockets – Someone hid an AirTag on a family member and was tracking them

Pfizer Announces Paxlovid is Not Effective at Preventing Covid-19 Infection Through a Household Contact – AFTER The Biden Administration Purchases 20 Million Doses

Russia Is Now Openly Discussing NUKING London, Berlin, and Paris

Newt Gingrich predicts GOP could pick up historic 70 House seats

Biden’s Ministry of Truth will spy on American citizens

Beware the European Union’s New Internet Regulations

Pelosi, Schiff, and McGovern bring a bad smell to Ukraine

More proof that public schools are sexually grooming kids

May Day – American Freedom is being crushed by our evolving Progressive/Marxist Government-  How We Got Here and What must we do?

April 30, 2022

Trump grand jury ending in N.Y. with no charges against ex-president  – The Manhattan DA says the probe isn’t over, but people familiar with the situation cite concerns about witnesses

Durham unmasks the alliance between media, Democrat dirt diggers that triggered the false Russia story

NATO Fighters Scrambling, Intercepting Russian Jets on Multiple Fronts

ZH: The People Behind DHS’s Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board”

Governor Newsom Considers Keeping Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Open Past 2025

They Tried to Stick Florida with Disney’s Billion-Dollar Debt, Then DeSantis Delivers the Bad News

WSJ: Ukrainians Suffer Gas Shortages After Russian Strikes on Fuel Infrastructure – Thousands are struggling to fill up their cars as they return to their homes after Russia shifted its geographical targets

With Biden Reckless and Congress AWOL, Will the Supreme Court Save ‘Remain in Mexico’? – Don’t Count On It!

Politico’s article about the White House media is an eye-opener – They are no longer true journalists, “speaking truth to power,” challenging dishonest political narratives, and serving the public interest

Three times the White House Correspondents’ Dinner has created controversy

Did Senator Mitch McConnell want a riot on January 6? – McConnell was as desperate as Democrats to get Biden into the White House after the election ended

Rasmussen Poll: Most say ending the mask mandate was a ‘good decision’

The Proposed Student Loan Forgiveness Isn’t Just Insanely Expensive, It’s Immoral


Click Here For Coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 Charts, Data & CDC Information

April 29, 2022

The Clinton campaign seeks to block Durham’s access to Perkins Coie documents

While Bill Gates Was Trying to Get Rid of Meat, Elon Musk Was Literally Stopping a Russian Electronic Warfare Attack

The specter of recession and war settled over Washington on Thursday, on top of inflation that has already cut into the public’s standard of living and increased its worries about the future

JD Rucker: The Real Reason We “Suddenly” Have a Ministry of Truth in America – People are pointing their fingers at Biden and the Democrats for the newly created “Disinformation Governance Board.” But they’re just pimps

Leftist Democrat Hysterics Reveal Their Greatest Fear – Their primary method of preserving control is no less than it was during the Cold War, by only allowing “approved” information

Here’s Everything the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About Nina Jankowicz, Biden’s New Minister of Truth

California to expand Medi-Cal for undocumented immigrants beginning in May

Devin Nunes Worries Attorney General Merrick Garland May Try to Bury Durham Report

A Cop’s View of the Federal Takeover of the Police – Local police forces are succumbing to leftist indoctrination, funded and advanced using federal taxpayer dollars. Here’s what to look out for and how to push back

ZH: China And Russia’s “Space War”: Where Does The US Stand?

WSJ: The FBI Conducted Potentially Millions of Searches of Americans’ Data Last Year – These searches in national-security investigations came without warrants and should stoke privacy concerns in Congress

A Big Win in a Long War – Elon Musk’s battle with Twitter was a major victory. But it is only part of the eternal war between self-anointed elitists and the people over free speech

Dr. Richard Urso: Why The Increase in Reactivated Viruses Following COVID-19 Booster Shots? – The reactivation of latent viruses may be the cause of long COVID and other disorders

The Latest VAERS Data show a total of 1,247,131 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 27,532 deaths and 224,766 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 22, 2022

ZH: 71% Of Elementary School Math Textbooks In Florida Contained ‘Woke Indoctrination’

A federal judge on Friday upheld Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking conviction – the top count she was convicted of at trial but tossed two of the three conspiracy counts against her because they charge the same offense

ZH: US Hotel Room Rates Hit Record High Prices Despite Occupancy Remaining Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

Inflation rose to a 6.6% annual rate in March in the personal consumption expenditures price index, 0.3 percentage points higher than in the previous month and the fastest pace of inflation since January 1982

This Scary Experiment Explains Our Two Years of COVID Hell – The Asch Conformity Experiment. As implied, the goal of the experiment was not to get to the truth. It was to get conformity. Only conformity is allowed

Chipping Away At The Bill of Rights – The 1st Amendment includes freedom of speech, religion, and the press. The 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms, is now restricted by statutes written specifically to inhibit ownership

Should we be alarmed by Biden’s new Disinformation Governance Board? – Since Musk announced his Twitter intentions liberals have been in full meltdown mode because he pledged to defend free speech

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas admits that the illegals he releases will ‘undoubtedly’ commit crimes against Americans

Mayorkas looks to divert Veteran Administration funding o provide better care for the tens of thousands of illegal aliens streaming across the border

Biden’s student debt cancellation plans: Who benefits and who is burdened?

GOP Primaries Will Test Trump’s Continuing Sway Over The Republican Party

Days after the re-election of globalist President Macron the French government announced a new digital identity app for citizens to access private & public services, in line with the push for digital identity systems in Europe

What Would Rush LimbaughSay? – He warned that the Democrats would go so far off the socialist deep end that America would fracture and not be able to tolerate it without falling apart

New Data On The Biden Economy Is Bad News For Americans And Catastrophic News For Democrats – Gross domestic product unexpectedly declined at a 1.4% annualized pace in the first quarter

ZH: The Fed’s Favorite Inflation Signal Hits 40 Year High As Savings-Rate Crashes – This is the 6th straight month of rising incomes and 3rd straight month of rising spending

Welcome To Stagflation – On top of the spending spree Biden and Congress went on last year, Biden’s budget calls for $72.7 trillion in spending over the next decade, averaging more than $1.4 trillion in higher annual spending

ZH: Futures Slide As Amazon and Apple Slump, With The Nasdaq Set For Its’ Worst Month Since November 2008

ZH: Elon Musk Sold $4 Billion Of Tesla Stock Following The Twitter Deal – Terms of the Twitter deal require him to come up with about $21billion in cash, although it is not expected to close for another six months

How the World Economic Forum uses Newspeak to Wage War – Newspeak is a military-grade methodology of “hacking” our instincts and tricking us into acting against our own best interests

The CNN+ Debacle Somehow Gets Worse – The Platform Shutting Down Even Earlier Than Previously Announced

According to the latest report from the European Union’s Earth observation program, Arctic sea ice is just 3 percent below its 30-year average – Climate change alarmism debunked

New January 6 Body Cam Videos Show A DC Police Officer Assaulting An Unconscious Protester A use-of-force expert says the DC Metro Police officer committed a felony in the attack on Rosanne Boyland

April 28, 2022

Joe Biden’s All-Hat National Defense Strategy – Put simply, the Biden administration’s approach combines the worst of both schools of thought

Biden Spins Economic Shrinkage by Issuing Statement – Declaring that everything is just fine, blaming the shrinking economy on what he called “technical factors,” throwing in Russia and COVID-19 for good measure

Congress Should Reject Biden’s $33 Billion for Ukraine – We are broke, on the brink of recession, and why should we let rich Europeans off the hook while losing sight of the direct threat from China?

Republicans Jump To 10-Point Lead In The Generic Ballot Test, A New FDRLST/Susquehanna Poll Shows

Amazon Reports $3.8 Billion Loss in Q1 – The e-commerce giant was swamped by higher costs to run its warehouses and deliver packages to customers

Senator Murkowski, R-Alaska, acknowledges she might lose her reelection bid to her Trump-endorsed GOP challenger

The US abandoned $7B in military equipment in Afghanistan ahead of the Taliban takeover – An indeterminant amount of weapons and munitions were left to the Taliban with the collapse of the Afghan government

Former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s ‘Exhilarating’ Insurrection – When it comes to January 6, there are no coincidences

A Nation Poll: It’s A Broken System: “Republican Leaders Privately Hate Their Own Voters, and the Feeling is Mutual – You “can’t govern this way especially if you ever want to get anything done

Trump joins TRUTH Social: ‘I’M BACK! #COVFEFE’ – Trump told Fox News on Monday he would not return to Twitter

Twitter Employees’ Feelings Over Sale to Elon Musk: From Hateful to Apprehensive to Happy – ‘We’ve been working hard to cull hate speech through everything from tweet removal to banning people’

Elon Musk Just Released Statement On Hunter Biden’s Laptop – “Suspending the Twitter account of a major news organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate”

Questions for Elon Musk – How Will he make Twitter great again?

Musk’s One-Word Response to Biden Admin’s Newly Created ‘Ministry of Truth’ – “Discomforting”

Tucker Carlson On Joe Biden’s New “Ministry of Truth” – This is the point where we have to draw the line (Video)

Biden’s Ministry of Truth – Taking a page from Mussolini and Orwell as Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating a ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

The government’s campaign against misinformation is disinformation – Laura Hollis asks: Was Obama’s speech at Stanford a warning, or instructions to his minions?

True the Vote founder: Public will see evidence of a plot to steal 2020 election – ‘The facts are the facts, and you cannot look away’

Get Woke and Go Broke: Layoffs Begin at Netflix After Their Stock Shares Crater

Female athletes and lawmakers organize against Biden’s plans to redefine ‘sex’ and erase campus due process – A college volleyball player fears the NCAA and the power that they have over her because of her scholarship

When sex education becomes a crime against children – There’s a reason parents are rallying behind Ron DeSantis and Glenn Youngkin

San Francisco’s “Housing First” Nightmare – Stuffing people who need drug addiction or mental-health treatment into free or low-cost housing has proven to be disastrous

WSJ: Biden Asks Congress for $33 Billion to Support Ukraine – The package includes $20 billion in military and security assistance to maintain the flow of weapons and ammunition to Kyiv

Joe Biden unveils a new plan to saddle Americans with $1.6 trillion in student loan debt – What’s a failed president to do but dole out goodies, and some big ones, in a desperate bid to win back younger leftist voters

Biden drives the economy into the worst quarter since the full-blown COVID pandemic – Shrinks 1.4% when experts forecast growth

Biden’s Economy is the Definition of Stagflation – The definition of stagflation is growth below its long-term trend and inflation above trend and that’s what we now have

Biden Finally Unites The Country! Nobody Wants Him As President Any More – Our April I&I/TIPP poll found that only 29% of Democrats want Biden on the ticket in 2024, and only 12% want Harris

ZH: The Russia Hoax: A Durham Staffer Accidentally Reveals Emails Showing Coordination Between Fusion GPS And The Media

Say Goodbye to the Big Scheme: Sussmann Judge Excludes Hillary Tweets

The Only People More Corrupt Than Joe Biden Are The Journalists Covering Him – They don’t ask certain questions because they know they won’t like the answer, or because they know the answer and don’t want others to hear it

DHS secretary Mayorkas announces an Orwellian ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ with a leader who dismissed Hunter’s laptop as disinformation

ZH: Oops! Our Bad! – IMF Director Kristalina Georgieva Admits “We Printed Too Much Money”

Newt Gingrich: The Democrats’ hold on the Black community is ending – Their old, tired, knee-jerk accusations of racism have finally been exposed for the lies they are

‘What I’ve Seen in the Last Two Years Is Unprecedented’: Physician on COVID Vaccine Side Effects impacting Pregnant Women – Former Pfizer VP: ‘Adverse impacts on conception & ability to sustain a pregnancy were foreseeable’

Nearly 400 employees at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, according to data obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times

A total of 22 countries around the world have dropped mask mandates since January this year – Debates over masks have returned to the United States after a judge struck down a federal mask mandate for interstate travel

Those That Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You! – Most assets are owned by BlackRock and Vanguard who have own nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms, and secretly wield monopoly control over all industries

ZH: Twitter Misses Revenues, Admits “Over-Stating” Millions Of Users

ZH: Is Twitter “Burning The Evidence? – Conservative Twitter users have noticed a massive uptick in followers and engagement following Musk’s Twitter acquisition, while leftists on the platform are experiencing the inverse

20 Years Ago, Alex Jones Warned About Exactly What We’re Seeing Today – A tyrannical organization, The New World Order, is pushing for worldwide government, a cashless society, open borders toward total and complete tyranny

Victor Davis Hanson: Tearing Down the Silicon Valley Wall – Left-wing Mark Zuckerberg’s FB has roughly 15 times the capitalization of Twitter and an audience of 2 billion users, over seven times larger than Twitter’s 271 million………..

A Delaware judge on Wednesday sided with Tesla CEO Elon Musk in a $13-billion lawsuit brought by the electric vehicle maker’s shareholders that accused him of coercing the company’s board into buying SolarCity

New York State’s top court throws out the Democrats’ gerrymandered congressional redistricting plan

Bidenflation Isn’t Our Only Problem, We Don’t Have Enough Labor? – Between 9% & 26% of the workforce participation decline from Feb. 2020 to Jan. 2022, for those aged 25 to 34, is due to a rise in Opioid and Meth dependency 

They’re Paneling Paradise to Put Up Solar — a Lot – Their pathway to a green future involves taking millions of acres of pristine wilderness and turning them into fields of windmills and hot expanses of glistening panels

ZH: A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy – It can”t occur without dramatically undermining our economy, lifestyle, and security, and not at anything remotely approaching a reasonable cost

April 27, 2022

A Russian Oligarch with A Hunter Biden Connection Avoids The Sanction List – Someone Has Some Explaining To Do

Putin’s Dangerous Escalating Rhetoric – Cornered or not, he’s very dangerous and a desperate Vladimir Putin is a scary prospect

WSJ: How Badly Will the Democrats Lose the Midterm Elections? – A long list of variables will determine if 2022 is more of a freeway pileup or Krakatoa

D’Souza’s 2020 election fraud documentary film ‘2,000 Mules’ is set for release – Here’s where you can watch

The Unhappy Political Marriage of Joe and Kamala – It is hardly the first in the history of the Democratic Party

Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs Bill Creating Nation’s First Office of Election Crimes and Security – Ballot harvesting ‘is now a third-degree felony,’ DeSantis said

How The Media Built The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Narrative – Even before Florida governor Ron DeSantis (R.) signed the Parental Rights in Education bill last month

Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ – The news comes two days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk secured a $44 billion deal to buy Twitter

The Inflation Draining Your Wallet, Grocery Cart, And Gas Tank Is Far Steeper Than 8 Percent – Wages can’t keep pace with rising expenses, meaning “Bidenflation” is skimming off the top of Americans’ paychecks

GOYA Foods CEO Sounds The Alarm On The Coming Food Crisis – He’s referring to rice, grains, beans, and other staples of a regular dietary regimen

2020 election: Wisconsin finds ‘many pieces of evidence that indicate foul play’ – Their review gets extended with former state Supreme Court justice at helm

A NEW Controlled Food System Is Now In Place – The food industry is already monopolized by 10 companies, the majority of which include Vanguard and BlackRock as top shareholders

Dov Fischer: The Modern Exodus: California Streaming’ … to Florida, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada – The middle class that bears the weight of the socialist economy and the coarse woke culture are leaving in droves

Shrugging at Drought – The zany California Coastal Commission wants to scuttle a desalination plant that could meet 16% of Orange County’s water needs over concerns about plankton and “environmental justice”

Biden 11th Circuit Court Pick Scorched For Her Southern Poverty Law Center Work – Senator Hawley, I can’t believe you’ve been nominated’ ‘I have to tell you, I find your answers absolutely extraordinary’ and not in a good way

Just one day after the FDA revived its war against COVID-19 treatment ivermectin, calling it a “horse dewormer,” Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a law allowing residents to access the treatment without a prescription

Lawmakers Push FDA on COVID Shots for Infants and Toddlers As Pfizer Asks FDA to Authorize Third Shot for Kids 5 to 11

The FDA Rubber-Stamps Remdesivir for Infants Without Any Evidence of Safety orEfficacy

Denmark Suspends It’s COVID Vaccine Campaign As The European Union Is Set to End Mass Testing

White House Visitor Logs Reveal Meetings Between Hunter Biden Business Partner and Joe Biden

Attorney-General Garland: There Will Be No Interference Allowed In Our Hunter Biden Investigation

ZH: The Political Class Is Starting To Get Spooked By Biden’s Wobbly Economy – There Is No Place Left To Hide?

ZH: Expect the Unexpected from the Fed – Markets are expected to decline further as earnings continue to be announced

ZH: The Fed Crashes Plane En Route To “Soft Landing” – While stock and bond prices have been falling simultaneously, the Federal Reserve has not yet begun carrying out its emergency flight plan

Tucker Carlson Hammers House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy As A Puppet of the Democratic Party

Oops: Congressman Caught On Tape Explaining How “Special Interest Groups Run Washington” [WOW]

The World Economic Forum: A Trade Organization on Steroids – People need to recognize the true nature of this opponent

Report: Google Turns Off Its ‘Newspeak’ Correction Tool (For Now) – “We’re looking more carefully at the inclusive language suggestions and have paused those for further review”

How the elites lost the Twitter war – There are two reasons for the excitement. The first is related to Musk himself: his perceived character and affiliations

Elon Musk’s Response to a Russian Collusion Hoaxer Currently Working at Twitter Points to Big Changes Coming

TO THE LEFT, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IS THE GREATEST THREAT TO THEIR FORM OF DEMOCRACY – If I Was A Purveyor Of The LEFT, I Too Would Be More Worried Than Just Somewhat Now That Musk Owns Twitter

ZH: Leaked Audio From Twitter Executives Reveals Their Scramble To Cope With The Musk Takeover

Prominent conservative figures have seen massive leaps in Twitter followers since Elon Musk’s takeover, with many questioning whether it reflected a sudden lifting of long-suspected shadowbans

‘It Doesn’t pass the smell test: Twitter offers a cagey explanation for the mysterious conservative surge – Trump Jr.: ‘Wonder if they’re burning the evidence before new management comes in?’

The Biden administration will comply with the court order blocking the removal of Title 42 border restrictions – Biden’s fellow Democrats were critical of his plan to end the restrictions

See If You Can Follow Yellen’s Bouncing Inflation Ball – What’s troubling is the fact that Biden’s Treasury secretary has been so utterly clueless about inflation since joining his cabinet

JD Rucker: How to Bring Your “Normal” Friends and Family to Understand the Globalist Agenda

The Kansas Senate on Monday overrode Governor Kelly’s veto on The Fairness in Women’s Sports Act – A bill banning biological male athletes from competing in women’s school sports across the state

Kremlin: The Danger of Nuclear War Is ‘Serious and Real’ – NATO Is Engaging War With Russia Using Ukraine as a Proxy, Russia Says

Russia Ratchets Up the Pressure – Cuts Off Gas Pipeline to Poland

ZH: Russia Says It Destroyed “Large Batch” Of Weapons With Ship-Launched Missiles – Shipped to Kyiv by outside Western countries

ZH: Putin Warns Of “Quick Response” If West Intervenes In Ukraine – Putin tells countries that are now attempting to intervene in various ways that Moscow will “quickly” respond in kind with devastating strikes

Fauci: Pandemic’s over – The COVID-19 virus is no longer a novel organism – The CDC estimates most Americans have now been exposed to it, meaning we are much more capable of mounting an immune response

The University of California Announces Free Tuition For All Californian Native American Students Beginning This Fall

California wants something out of its remaining businesses for nothing – A hard 32-hour cap on the regular workweek. The proposed law would require businesses with more than 500 employees to pay overtime beyond 32 hours worked

April 26, 2022

Musk’s Twitter takeover reveals the left for what it is – Their outsized panic over Musk’s takeover shows they always felt Twitter to be a key part of its ecosystem, as they despise transparency and free speech in the political realm

President Biden’s financial records reveal he received $5.2 million in unexplained income

A Secretive Soros-funded group works behind the scenes with the Biden administration on policy –Governing for Impact’s internal memo says they have implemented more than 20 of their federal agenda items

Georgia’s elections chief hints at an organized effort behind their ballot harvesting and the registration of non-citizens

Elon vs. Obama, Choose Your Fighter – If Obama or Biden was serious about curtailing the tech oligarchs’ power they would put aside the culture war rhetoric and use antitrust laws to break up the tech monopolies

WSJ: How Elon Musk Can Liberate Twitter – The site needs moderation, but there are ways to do that while abolishing viewpoint discrimination

John Durham Drops Bomb – Lying Adam Schiff Was Involved in Russia Collusion Sham Way Back in July 2016

Elon Musk revealed more details on coming changes at Twitter after it was confirmed that the company had accepted his buyout, with plans including new features and ways to enhance trust in the platform

Mitch McConnell reportedly said he was “exhilarated” that Donald Trump had “totally discredited himself” just hours after the Capitol riot on January 6th

JD Rucker: The Top 7 Causes of the Coming Food Shortages in America – Some are skeptical that it’s all part of a “conspiracy theory” to intentionally bring down western society. but I beg to differ

The FDA renews its ‘horse’ smear as ivermectin trends on new Twitter

Sharyl Attkisson: According to a recent Rasmussen poll, Illegal immigration has soared to record levels since President Joe Biden took office, and a majority of voters believe that’s not a coincidence

Sharyl Attkisson: Exclusive Summary of Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns (UPDATED)

Receipts of a USAID grant agreement from 2020 show the federal government sent millions of taxpayer dollars in funding for abortion and population control propaganda disguised as overseas COVID-relief grants

Southern California Water Officials Declare Water Shortage Emergency For the First Time Ever And Restrict Outdoor Watering

Twitter Accepts Elon Musk’s $44 Billion Takeover Bid – The Elon Musk List of Changes That Are Known At This Time

Elon Musk Conquers The Twitterverse – Our chattering class claims Musk is a supervillain, but the truth is simpler: He wants free speech and They Don’t

‘A Monstrous Win For Free Speech’ – Conservatives Cheer Musk Buying Twitter

The Far-Left Idiots Freak Out as Their Bots Jump Ship After Musk Buys Twitter – Perhaps these bots are getting out now before Musk takes over as he has mentioned getting rid of these fake accounts

Jack Dorsey Throws Support Behind Musk After His Twitter Takeover Was Approved – ‘Elon Is the Singular Solution I Trust’

The Bad, The Ugly, and The Ignorant Reactions to Elon Musk’s Purchase of Twitter – It was the darkest day on Earth since the net-neutrality repeal, or it seems that way, judging by the hysterical reaction of the mainstream media

Here’s How Elon Musk’s Free-Speech Gambit Can Succeed – The richest man in the world has thus far impressed, but the Twitter fight poses a real challenge

A spokesman for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson demands that Elon Musk keep Twitter “responsible” through content censorship by following the country’s censorship laws when it comes under his control

Fraud is the Only Issue – Things are not going well for the Democrats. It’s difficult to cite a time in post-WW II America when so many things on so many fronts went this badly this quickly, and the voting public knows it’s their fault

The War America Should be Fighting – The U.S.-Mexican border exists in name only because Joe Biden and his people erased it in  a wanton act of disregard for the welfare, safety, and security of Americans

The Rising Storm Disney Can’t Wish Away – Corporate activism exposes companies to costly legal action, as shareholders and employees will surely notice

The Biden administration is closing off almost half of the 23-million-acre NPRA from oil and gas drilling, overturning a Trump-era policy that would have allowed oil development on more than 80 percent of the reserve

ZH: The Latest Durham Filing Destroys Hillary And The DNC’s Attempt To Block The Documents Behind The Russia Hoax

Democrats Have Nothing To Offer Voters So They’re Banking On Smearing And Censoring Their Opposition

Levi Strauss & Co. president and CEO Chip Bergh has made advocating progressive politics a corporate priority, stating that business leaders “have a responsibility” to create change

Biden reveals his first pardons and commutations of his administration – They include the sentences of 75 nonviolent drug offenders

ZH: New Home Sales crashed 8.6% MoM (vs -0.6% expected) which drags new home sales down to 12.6% YoY

ZH: US Home Prices Rose At Fastest Pace Ever In February… Right Before Rates Exploded

Fauci Lets His Megalomania Show – He does have the mindset of an authoritarian

April 25, 2022

Biden canceling 2 nuclear weapons endangers America: There is a ‘thin line between political incompetence and treason’ – America hasn’t tested a nuclear weapon since 1992, nor designed or developed new nuclear weapons

The NY Post Publishes Devastating Claims – Thousands of ‘Ballot Mules’ Delivered Tens of Thousands of Votes for Biden?

WSJ: State Judge Holds Donald Trump in Contempt and Imposes Sanctions for Noncompliance in New York Probe – Fines Trump $10,000 a day for failing to give documents to the state attorney general

Musk Releases First Statement After Twitter Takeover, Reveals Future of the Company – Fittingly enough, Elon did so in a tweet

Everything Elon Musk has said he wants to change about Twitter

I&I/TIPP Poll: Who The Democrats Want In 2024 – Right Now, Anybody But Biden

BIDEN’S DECLINE – Something is wrong with President Joe Biden, and everyone knows it

Jim Jordan reacted to Hunter Biden’s business partner Eric Schwerin reportedly visiting the WH 19 times when Joe Biden was serving as VP – Seems Like Joe Biden ‘Was Really Involved with This Entire Family Enterprise’

Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Trump Would Have Prevented War but then suggests that would have been a bad thing

There’s a reason Democrats are so desperate to stop Marjorie Taylor Greene – She speaks the truth clearly and loud

Special counsel John Durham has issued trial subpoenas for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Fusion GPS, and Perkins Coie as he continues to prosecute his findings

The 2000 Mules Election Fraud Documentary Trailer Adds Even More Anticipation that the Movie Could Help Save America

Is there a link between the COVID vaccine and liver disease in children? – The possible danger of severe liver disease from mRNA vaccines was being considered a year ago

The Globalist Tyranny We Saw With COVID Was Mild – Wait And See What Happens If The Get Control Of The Monetary System

Sharyl Attkisson: Major US airlines say they’ve reached a turning point in financial recovery

A Cop’s-Eye View of Seattle’s Undoing – ‘We were hated. We were literally hated overnight’

Chronic Shortages of a Few Items Now Will Evolve Into Chronic Shortages of Hundreds of Products Later in 2022

Six years of BLM Killed More Blacks than 86 Years of Lynchings – The puzzling question is not what caused the murder surge, but why the people most victimized by it are so heavily devoted to the policies that caused it

41 Shot and 7 Killed During The Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

April 24, 2022

The Twitter board is in final negotiations with Elon Musk – Twitter’s board of directors met on Sunday to discuss selling the social media platform to him and could finalize a deal as soon as this week, or even Monday

The Mouse That Misstepped – Walt Disney would be appalled at his company today, For decades it  represented wholesome entertainment for children and catered to the tastes of the middlebrow American

A STOLEN ELECTION: State Totals Minus Illegal Ballot Trafficking Numbers Give President Trump Decisive Victories in AZ, GA, MI, PA, and WI

THE BIG LIE: The Most Obvious Reason the 2020 Election Was Stolen – Democrats Attack, Block and Threaten to Sue All Efforts to Uncover Election Fraud

A New Poll Finds Kamala Harris’s Approval Rating Is 18 Points Lower Than Joe Biden’s

GOP Gains Could Be Twice What the “Cook Political Report” Predicts – Establishment pundits wildly underestimate the degree to which COVID policies have hurt Democrats

ExxonMobil seems to have been inspired by Florida’s war on woke Disney as they make a swift about-turn

JD Rucker: Speculation Grows That Rash of Food Facility Fires Are Intentional – There have been more fires and other major accidents at food processing facilities in the last few weeks than in the previous decade

What the Fake Gulf War Atrocity Allegations Can Teach Us About Ukraine – Americans should reflexively distrust every claim about “Putin’s war crimes.”

Visitor Logs Show Joe Biden Met with Hunter’s Business Partner at the White House

L.A.’s Transit System Is a Criminal Cesspool – Riders want security, more visible cops, and more police on buses, trains, and stops

The Cause of Spike in Homeless Deaths in LA During First Year of Pandemic Revealed – Drug overdoses remained the top cause of death with deaths increasing 78 percent from the pre- to post-pandemic onset year

Will Russia Attack Poland Next? – According to the Australian version of 60 Minutes, Poland is taking the possibility of a Russian attack very seriously

Ratcliffe predicts still-classified documents will blow Durham inquiry wide open – A great deal more Russiagate intelligence remains shrouded from public view and will stun the nation

Six AWESOME Bills Signed Into Law By Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Would you be surprised to learn that Biden lied about Hunter’s business dealings?

Our Medical Dictator – Fauci, substantially affects the policies of the CDC, which controls the policies of the various private sector hospitals, which controls the policies of the local doctors and their medical practices

Stats in Scotland Show Cardiovascular Problems Have Surged Since the Covid Vaccines Were Rolled Out

April 23, 2022

The damning first dose of Covid vaccine data was known as early as May 2021

More Secret Gender Transition Closets Discovered in Public Schools – Groups fear parents are being kept in the dark

Most Identify The Economy as the Top Issue Determining How They Will Vote in the Future Election

California’s New Food Waste Law Is Backfiring – Compliance is proving to be both expensive and confusing

Over 50,000 Americans 65 and over died within two weeks of getting Covid vaccinations – The biggest cover-up in medical history continues and the true scale of associated deaths may never be known

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, One of the most talented vaccine creators in the world warns that the coming onslaught of COVID-19 “vaccine” injuries and deaths will be so large that a total collapse of the health system is inevitable

ZH: A very important question we need to be asking ourselves at this point in history – How much are we as a society willing to sacrifice so that the US government can win a propaganda war against Vladimir Putin?

ZH: The economically-Free States Are Recovering Rapidly, But Not High-Control States – For example, two states with the severest lockdowns, California and New York, are also experiencing two of the worst job recoveries

ZH: Satellite Maps Show Us That Shanghai’s Supply Chain Is At A Standstill

ZH: Visualizing The TimeSpiral Evolution Of Earth Since The Big-Bang

ZH: “I’m So Bearish, Even I’m Miserable”: One Bank’s Clients Crack – Yet The Real Selling Is Only Just Starting

The Secret Service Denies A FOIA Request Claiming No Visitor Logs Exist for The Delaware Locations of His Residence Where Biden Conducts Business

The attorney generals of Texas and Missouri are pushing back against what they say is another attempt by the Biden administration to thwart border security efforts in Texas using the Endangered Species Act

Joe Biden Announces Woke New Direction for US Military’s Combined Assets – Will spend billions of dollars to make “EVERY vehicle in the United States military … climate-friendly

Russia Turned a Bucha Building Into an Execution Site and Underground Prison – It was one of the first sites where Ukrainians were questioned, tortured, killed, or detained, according to residents and officials

The deadly cost of illegal aliens in America

You are not paranoid about the escalating leftist indoctrination in schools – Kindergartners read books that affirm transgender conversions, look at photographs of boys in dresses, and perform a rainbow dance

Joe Biden talks about climate, not crime, during his visit to crime-plagued Seattle

While Elon Musk was attempting to restore free speech on Twitter, he was also humiliating the Russian military juggernaut – Starlink to the rescue

Durham’s Investigation Is Finally Getting Interesting – Reading the Clinton tea leaves in the Sussmann prosecution

Trump’s Truth Social Announces Major Upgrades – Successfully migrating its website and mobile applications to Rumble’s cloud infrastructure

Connecting the Dots on Early COVID Treatments – Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin are among the most frequently mentioned drugs for early treatment


April 22, 2022

Disney LOSES nearly $50 billion in stock value since waging war against Florida’s anti-grooming law – Disney’s stock pummeling happened as DeSantis revoked Disney World’s special self-governing status

House Republicans appear to be in no rush to consider dumping Kevin McCarthy over his double-speak reaction to the Jan. 6 riots and tapped comments that former President Donald Trump should “resign” over the affair

Democrats: We’ll Keep Border Barriers If Republicans OK More Legal Migration

Joe Biden’s Confusion And Delusions Go Into Overdrive During His Visit To Portland

ZH: Communist China Has Thrown Out The Old Rules of War – Consider just a small number of these things the Chinese Communists have already done

ZH: China On The Verge Of A Major Food Crisis, Part 2: Water – The fact these plans will wind up making it worse is just icing on the cake

WSJ: Trump Says McCarthy Relationship Not Damaged – Newly released audio revealed GOP House leader had said he would advise Trump to resign after Jan. 6 riot

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed a legislature-passed bill to dissolve Walt Disney World’s self-governing status in central Florida

Disney Stock Tumbles Amid Fallout From Florida Controversy

The War for Workers – Employee shortages are sparking increasingly aggressive efforts by regions and employers to lure talented people

FedEx Founder and CEO Lays Out Just How Democrats Caused the Current Inflation Spike – “It’s a combination of a lot of things that began with the pandemic and then all the stimulus payments”

Fauci: I corrected Trump on COVID ivermectin ‘to maintain my integrity ‘I had to do something that was not pleasant and not comfortable’

21% of the Deaths Reported to VAERS After COVID Shots Occurred Within 48 Hours of Their Vaccination

COVID Vaccines Provide Meager Benefit to Young Kids, CDC Report Shows — Media Get It Wrong Again

Dr. Peter McCullough: The pilot’s heart attack after a COVID shot fits a ‘pattern’ – American Airlines captain charges FAA, airlines, and feds for ‘covering it up

Exposing America’s Ballot Trafficking Cartel – Part IV – Discussion on Brian Kemp blocking investigations and the NGOs and non-profits behind the nationwide organized criminal ballot trafficking ring

ZH: Woke Twitter Elitists Are Too Stupid To Realize Elon Musk Is Trying To Save The Platform

California breaks ground on largest urban wildlife crossing – The $90 million bridge will be located in Southern California

Somebody In The White House Just Hit The Panic Button – Biden just announced that he’s opening federal lands to oil drilling again

Interest rates are rising quickly – This is how those rising rates are set to increase federal spending and as well as deficits

ZH: Where Military Aid To Ukraine Comes From – The U.S. government has committed to providing the most arms, weapons, and other equipment by an enormous amount, compared to others

ZH: The Implications Of A Potential European Ban On Russian Oil Imports – Russia is the world’s second-largest petroleum exporter. About 5mb/d of crude oil and petroleum products are exported to Europe

18 House Republicans have demanded that Twitter’s board preserve all records related to Elon Musk’s buyout offer – Suggesting they will conduct a congressional probe if Republicans regain control this fall

Heart Inflammation Is More Prevalent Among Those Vaccinated Than Those Unvaccinated – According to a new study of tens of millions of Europeans

COVID-19 is becoming milder, but the left stays as toxic as ever – As any truly knowledgeable and honest doctor or virologist will tell you, viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 mutate like crazy and evolve rapidly and in a predictable manner

The County of Los Angeles reinstates the mask mandate aboard public transit, rideshare, and LAX despite the latest federal rules

Towards the WEF “Great Reset of Misery” – The WHO could declare a worldwide pandemic for the common flu, as they did with Covid-19, a virus never isolated or ID’ as anything other than the SARS virus that hit China from 2002 to 2004

Kara Dansky: Everything You Need To Know About The Transgender Phenomenon – She tells Tucker Carlson that the situation happening in New Jersey is happening in most states and Washington, D.C.

Amid growing grooming concern about libraries connecting children to sexually explicit activities, the American Library Association doubles down by picking a ‘Marxist Lesbian’ as its President

Obama talks about disinformation and calls for social media censorship as the keynote speaker at a one-day symposium, titled “Challenges to Democracy” 

The Consumer Welfare Standard is under siege after 40-year dominance of antitrust – Developments in both parties now threaten to dislodge it

April 21, 2022

Donald Trump Is Right: Piers Morgan Didn’t Study the 2020 Election – Here is just a part of the slew of information Piers could have looked at before he sat down with the former president

SECRET RECORDING: Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He Would Tell Trump To Resign In a Shocking Leaked Audio

What Trump Got Right About Central Europe, Ukraine, and the Politics of Security – His administration strengthened relations with key partners, and now the Biden Administration has lost them all

Defund the Capitol Police – While purporting to defend “Members of Congress, the U.S. Capitol, and democracy,” They act as a narrative enforcer for Democrats and have morphed into Pelosi’s own little Secret Services

Elon Musk Sounds the Alarm on Biden’s Inflation, Saying ‘The Official Numbers’ Are Wrong – Prices have gone up as suppliers are requesting 20 to 30 percent cost increases for parts along with supply chain issues

ZH: Are Soaring Food Inflation And Rolling Blackouts The Start Of Next Emerging Market Meltdown? According to Bloomberg, this could be the beginning innings of a crisis last seen in the 1990s that toppled governments.

Joe Biden on Thursday announced another $800 million in military aid for Ukraine, including heavy artillery – This  brings the total U.S. military aid since Russia invaded on Feb. 24 to around $3.4 billion

The Secret Service Says It Does Not Track Who Meets With President Biden At His Delaware Residences – Biden spent roughly one quarter of the first year of his presidency at his homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach

ZH: New World Disorder: What The UN Vote On Russia Reveals About Global Politics – Fear and food are more important to many developing nations than democratic ideals

WSJ: Revolt in Disney’s Florida Kingdom – The companies alienating push into Florida politics is a warning for other would-be woke CEOs

WSJ: Fusion GPS’s ‘Attorney-Client Privilege’ Cover – The opposition-research firm tries to dodge a subpoena by claiming it contributed to legal advice

Florida House passes bill stripping Disney of self-governing status – The bill now heads to the governor’s desk

Major US Airlines to Allow Passengers Barred Over Mask Violations to Fly Again

21 people nationwide face criminal charges for their alleged participation in various healthcare-related fraud schemes amounting to $150-million by exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the DOJ

CNN’s streaming service, CNN+, will shut down just one month after it was started, the company announced on April 21 – Customers of the streaming service will receive prorated refunds

Chris Wallace left Fox News to join CNN+ because he couldn’t handle certain people like Tucker Carlson, so now he is out of a job

A Microchip Implanted in Your Hand,  Why Worry?  – It holds your digital identity, health data, and finances and operates using either near-field communication or radio-frequency identification

Dr. Ryan Cole: Synthetic Material Inside MRNA Vaccines Causes Spike Protein Production to Possibly Last for Months

Hillary Clinton is Backing a Global Censorship Bill That Would Change the Internet Forever – The shadowy online censorship bill called the Digital Services Act is gaining traction in the European Union

Refusing What We Are: The Evil of Children’s Transgenderism – It’s difficult for us to acknowledge the enormity of the crime committed against our children because it’s hard for us to acknowledge how deeply we have failed

ZH: “So Not Even A Fly Can Escape”: Putin Declares Mariupol ‘Liberated’ And Orders Besieged Steel Plant Sealed Off

ZH: Musk Files 13D Signaling Tender, ‘Funding Secured’ – The Reporting Person is seeking to negotiate a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Twitter and is prepared to begin such negotiations immediately

Is DeSantis going to be the one who finally breaks Twitter? – He may be riding to the effort with a shareholders’ suit accusing the board of directors of breaching its fiduciary duty

The Unexpected Reset is Coming – In the 2022 midterms, we are likely to see a historic “No!” to the left-wing agenda causing unsustainable inflation, unaffordable energy, war, spiraling crime, and racial hostility

Will America’s Open Borders Disaster Doom Democrats In 2022? – In March alone, the U.S. stopped 221,303 crossings along the Southwest border, a 33% jump from the month before

ZH: Peter Schiff: Real Incomes Collapsing At An Unprecedented Rate – Americans are earning more, but inflation is eating up their rising wages, and then some

Beware of Price Controls – As inflation wreaks havoc on the economy, Democrats and some Republicans want the government to embrace this failed Nixon-era policy. They are starting small, but watch out

ZH: Stockman Exposes The “Inflationary Hell” That’s About To Break Loose – Meanwhile, just like that, the price of oil recently hit $130 per barrel

ZH: Americans Are Spending More, Getting Less, & Borrowing More To Pay For It – Retail sales in March were 7% higher than last year, but thanks to inflation, they didn’t get as much bang for their buck

Muslim Riots Engulf Sweden For Nearly A Week, Yet Corporate Media Remains Silent

The Wuhan Institute of Virology has the right to ask a partnering lab, Galveston National Laboratory, in the U.S. to destroy all records of their work, according to a legal document obtained by U.S. Right to Know

Pelosi’s Capitol Police Trigger Unnecessary Panic in D.C. – The aircraft in question was the U.S. Army’s Golden Knights’ parachute demonstration into the Washington Nationals’ baseball stadium

Audio of the Trump interview tells a different story than the explosive Piers Morgan promo – The good news is that the interview was taped by Trump’s people as a means of keeping Piers Morgan honest

‘Just The Beginning’: Trump Releases Big News On Durham Probe – The CIA knew as early as 2017 that the Trump/Russia collusion data was not ‘technically plausible’ and was ‘user-created’

Newly Obtained Emails Raise Questions About DOD Involvement In Spygate – Why did DARPA claim no DARPA-funded researchers assisted the FBI’s or Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation of the DNC hack?

Sharyl Attkisson: A National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform Study Shows Over half of D.C. area gun violence is committed by a ‘small number of very high-risk individuals’

Elon Musk Again Sounds The Alarm Over Depopulation – “Most people in the world are operating under the false impression that we’ve got too many people, and the birth rate has been dropping like crazy”

Tesla 1st Quarter Earnings Are  7 Times More Than Year Ago, Based On Strong Sales – Despite global supply chain kinks and pandemic-related production cuts in China

California’s Assembly Judicial Committee Passes a Bill To Allow the Firearm Industry to be Sued by Governments and Victims – Laws should instead focus on the operator of the gun not those in the firearm industry

American Legislative Exchange Council – Red States Top the Blue States For Low Taxes And Best Economies

April 20, 2022

The Biden administration ignores the Remain in Mexico policy – With justices set to hear arguments next week, the feds only put a minuscule 0.1% of illegal aliens into the required border program last month

A MA teacher who told parents about their daughter’s purported gender “transition” was fired, even though the parents had told the school district not to have any gender-oriented conversations with their daughter

Russia launches a diabolical new ‘Satan’ missile – The newest version is a 16,000-mph vehicle capable of carrying up to 12 or 15 nuclear warheads

More than 300,000 votes were unverified in Georgia’s Fulton County in 2020 a new complaint alleges –  Joe Biden won the state by 11,779 votes over former President Donald Trump

Florida Strikes Biden and Disney – DeSantis’ state stands for freedom

Victor Davis Hanson: How America Became La La Land – Nothing seems to be working, yet no one seems to care

Jen Psaki Reveals the Actual Reason Behind Appealing the Mask Mandate Ruling – To Preserve the CDC’s ‘Authority’

FDA official: We can’t keep ‘boosting’ for COVID-19 – Dr. Peter Marks sees 4th shot as ‘stopgap measure’

The DOJ is appealing a judge’s ruling that ended a federal mask mandate on public transportation and planes after the CDC determined the mandate was still necessary

WSJ: Russian Offensive Bears Down on Donbas as West Races to Supply Ukraine With More Weapons – Ukraine is reinforcing units as it also counterattacks southeast of Kharkiv

Russian forces carry out more than 1,000 strikes in eastern Ukraine – Moscow announced it had used missiles, artillery, and warplanes against military targets, including ammunition warehouses and command centers

LIVE VIDEO: Chechens & Russian Army Battle Azov & Ukraine on Mariupol Frontline

Our Nightmare on the Border – Locals Are Left to Fend for Themselves as The Surge of Migrants Overruns Ranches and Towns

Saudi Ruler Screamed at Top Biden Official, Told Him to ‘Forget About’ Boosted Oil Production – Another foreign policy faux pas as Biden’s people damage our relationship with the powerful oil-rich Arab kingdom

A prominent election forecaster shifts 11 House races — all going towards Republicans

The Regime Media’s Quandary: If They Expose Biden They Exonerate Trump – How do they avoid exposing Biden’s lifelong corruption and failures without the public comparing the two men, their families, and their accomplishments?

Florida moves to revoke Disney’s privileged tax status – It will go to the Florida House tomorrow, where it will likely pass, as the Republican Party currently holds 78 seats in the House, to the Democrats’ 42

New Documents Suggest Democrats Sicced The CIA On Their Domestic Enemy, President Trump

Black Hole: CNN Admits the US “Doesn’t Know” What Happens to Weapons Sent to Ukraine – The Biden administration is about to send another $800 million

JPMorgan: The European Union To Impose Full Embargo On Russian Oil Next Week, Which Will Send The Price Above $185

ZH: One-Third Of Ukraine Farmland May Go Unplanted As Russia Begins Its ‘Second Phase’ Of War

The IMF has become the most recent global body to release a warning regarding potentially forthcoming global food shortages, saying that vulnerable nations are at risk of civil unrest amid supply issues

Iran’s Desperate Quest for A-Bombs – The mullahs’ have spent $ billions funding their war agenda while most Iranians live in poverty, but if they fail to wage wars outside Iran they will have to fight for their survival

Triggers don’t pull themselves – Guns are a lot simpler to focus on than the tangled web of human behavior, and Democrat propagandists rely on simplicity, not complexity

Biden’s Child Allowance Made Tax Season Worse – Biden’s now-expired government child allowance disrupted a longstanding tax benefit

A British judge approved the extradition of Julian Assange to the US to face spying charges – The case will now go to Britain’s interior minister for a decision, although he still has legal avenues for appeal

The Tennessee Republican Party Removes Three Candidates From The Ballot for Their US House Seat

Mainstream Media won’t do research or ask questions about global warming claims, so I will do their job for them – There have been several warming and cooling periods throughout Earth’s history

Sharyl Attkisson: A Brown University study finds that infants born during the pandemic produced significantly fewer vocalizations and had a less verbal back-and-forth with their caretakers compared to those born before Covid

The CDC dropped all countries from its top COVID-19 travel advisory warning – Many countries that were labeled “Level 4” are designated as “Level 3: COVID-19 High” or “Level 2: COVID-19 Moderate”

Dr. Urso: mRNA Vaccines Lead to Spike Protein Entering The Nucleus, A Rise in Vascular Events, Along with A 40 Percent Increase in ‘All Causes Deaths’

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: The Vaccine Injury Compensation System for COVID has Failed – The national system has not paid out on a single claim

April 19, 2022

Woke Racism – In the name of equity, a group of large publicly traded companies has decided to engage in explicit race discrimination against their customers

Axios Report: Democrat Insiders Grow Alarmed as All Signs Point to Their ‘Worst Trump Nightmare’ Becoming A Reality

Trump Reacts To Bombshell Arizona 2020 Election Fraud Report – Poor chain of custody, bad signature verification, and much more

The Biden Administration’s Rollback of A Trump-Era EPA Rule Will Add Years to Some Projects and Double Costs

BLM was silent when confronted with data showing a massive 2020 spike in Black murder victims – Black murders spiked by 32% in 2020 compared to 2019, and by 43% that year compared to the 10-year average

Hispanic Voters Are ABANDONING Biden In Droves, Announcing “We Need A Wall”

42 people on the U.S. government’s terror watch list have been arrested attempting to enter the United States illegally since President Joe Biden took office, according to federal data

All 26 Republican governors have launched an initiative to help secure the southern border as the U.S. braves for a tripling in migration once the Biden administration ends pandemic-era Title 42 next month

The Shots Have Failed, So Let’s Amp Up The Global Vaccination Rates! – African countries have done well during the pandemic without high rates of vaccination, but the Biden regime won’t stand for that

Musk Twitter Takeover Officially Underway as New ‘Complex’ Plan Revealed After Cryptic Tweet – $50-billion,  “The co-investors will be combined have more equity than Musk, but he will be the biggest single holder”

The Flow of Fentanyl into American Communities Quadruples Under The Biden Administration

JD Rucker: With Covid Hysteria Waning, RINO Georgia Governor Uses Supply Chain Emergency to Expand His Power

The U.S. Air Force launched a new initiative called “Airmen’s Time” – Leaders at all levels are to prioritize time to elevate connection, growth, and enhance the well-being of individual Airmen while building unity within teams

LEAKED RECORDING: AstraZeneca CEO: Millions of Immunocompromised People Can’t Be Vaccinated… Antibody Treatment Has Enormous Potential

ZH: Cognitive Biases: Three Common Types Are Explained and Illustrated

Joe Biden Directly Confirms He’s Running for a Second Term

WSJ: The Biden Administration Aims to Expand Access to Student-Loan Debt Forgiveness For Millions of People – This Move by the Education Department would overhaul the program aimed at helping lower-income borrowers<

John Solomon: ‘History Has Evolved,’ Now We Know Hunter’s Laptop Is ‘Worse’ Than We Thought – His laptop provides an inventory of how President Joe Biden and his family mixed public service for private gain

A brave judge ends the federal mask mandate – The CDC exceeded its mandate when it issued its mask mandate without allowing any public participation or comment under the Administrative Procedure Act

Masks Are Now Optional on These Airlines After The Biden Administrations Mandate Was Struck Down

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A Staggering Number of Athletes Collapsed This Past Year – Even a mainstream media sports channel in Australia speculated that these health issues could be linked to COVID-19 shots

A fed-up sheriff running for Congress tells off The Sacramento Bee newspaper epically – ‘They would rather bend a story to fit their narrative than report facts’

ZH: Forget About A Soft Landing, What’s The Shape Of The Recessions Hard Landing?

ZH: 3 Factors That Are About To Make The Coming Food Shortages Even Worse

ZH: The Odds Of A Nuclear Deal With Iran Are Shrinking Every Day – Without addressing the future role of Iran in the Middle East, no real nuclear deal can be signed

America Should Be Realistic About India – If the Biden administration continues targeting India with moral lectures or more, the U.S. may not have a regional balancer in the Indo-Pacific to contain China’s rise

Sharyl Attkisson: The 2020 Midterm elections are coming up in November with Republicans long predicted to make significant gains. However, they have lost about 20% of their large lead over Democrats

Forget the red wave, we need a MAGA tsunami – What is the purpose of taking back Congress if we have most of the same spineless leadership as before?

Florida Governor DeSantis announced on Tuesday that the state legislature will consider a proposal to eliminate Disney’s special tax and governing jurisdiction in his fight against Disney’s woke politics

What Elon Musk Could Do to Buy Twitter Despite Its ‘Poison Pill’ – It’s about the value of the company, not the number of outstanding shares

Elon Musk Posts A Cryptic 3-Word ‘ Elvis Song Title’ Tweet That Could Be A Hint At His Possible Next Move

It’s Not Just Elon: The Left Whines ‘Threat To Democracy’ Whenever There’s A Threat To Their Regime

YouTube Removes Tucker Carlson Interview A With ‘De-Transitioned’ Woman – Big tech doesn’t want anyone hearing an opinion that deviates from happy rainbow fantasy land

Washington Post Reporter Taylor Lorenz called a  ‘hypocrite’ for ‘doxing the ‘Libs of TikTok’ creator

Outgoing WH press secretary Psaki’s use of her official position to disparage the competitor of her prospective future employer warrants an investigation by the Office of Government Ethics and the Department of Justice

April 18, 2022

Paxlovid is currently being used to treat mild-to-moderate COVID-19; the treatment costs $530 per person. However, it is being distributed for free by the U.S. federal government

With Around $20 Billion in Aid to Ukraine – How Much Was Provided to Ukraine and How Much Went to “The Big Guy”?

Golden/TIPP poll: Most Americans STILL approve of Florida’s anti-grooming law despite the left’s smear campaign – 57 percent support the anti-grooming law, and 47 percent believe “Don’t Say Gay” is misleading

Red states top blue states for low taxes and best economies – A new “Rich States, Poor States” list shows that Republican-controlled states are doing far better than those dominated by Democrats

Mainstream media covers up pilots’ cardiac arrest because they don’t want to create vaccine hesitancy – Not a SINGLE mainstream media story about the vaxxed airline captain suffering cardiac arrest minutes after landing

Steve Bannon Drops New Bombshell On Hunter Biden – Bannon relates that information from the laptop indicates that Joe Biden himself took 50% of some transactions as well as a 10% cut in CEFC transactions

Former Leader of the CA State Senate – “There’s nothing Democrats can do to stop Latinos from abandoning Biden in droves. When he and his party chose socialism and wokeism over the American Dream they lost us”

The Raskin-Kinzinger January 6 Scam – American Spectator’s Melissa Mackenzie has documented what Kinzinger’s January 6 Committee is all about

Second Global COVID-⁠19 Summit Announcement: A Joint Statement Between the United States, Belize, Germany, Indonesia, and Senegal

The Supreme Court Just Gave A Trump Era Tax Policy A Huge Win

United Informs Employees “Our Airline Is No Longer Enforcing The Federal Mask Mandate”

The Trafalgar Group: At least two-thirds of the voting population have doubts as to whether the Biden family’s business dealings with China have left the president “compromised”

US Natural Gas Prices Are The Highest Since 2008 – The latest surge in prices comes as Europe seeks to replace Russian natural gas with natural gas from other countries, including the United States

The White House Quietly Resumes Scheme to Shuffle Migrants from Border to American Interior

Texas Governor Abbott Signs Agreement With 4th Mexican governor as part of his commitment to secure Texas’ shared border with Mexico

Famous Democrat consultant Naomi Wolf: The FDA knew the vaccine was not safe and effective and ‘They rolled it out anyway’

Dr. Ryan Cole: The mRNA Vaccines Produce Persisting Spike Protein That Is Likely Causing Clots, Heart Inflammations, And Cancers

Holding WHO Accountable For Their Actions – Unless effective oversight can be ensured for the World Health Organization, the United States, its leading funder, should withhold support

The U.S. Supreme Court refused on April 18 to hear a New York City vaccine mandate challenge from teachers, meaning the mandate will be allowed to stand

A federal judge has nullified the CDC’s mask mandate on public transportation, including airplanes – U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball ruled the CDC did not sufficiently justify its mask mandate or follow rule-making protocols

How Democracies Spy on Their Citizens – Pegasus, the world’s most notorious commercial spyware usually arrives via WhatsApp or SMS messages that appear to come from known contacts

Terror at our Southern border: Agents caught 23 people on the US terror watchlist crossing the border in 2021, including suspects from Saudi Arabia and Yemen

ZH: CIA Bombshell, The Sussman Data Was “User Created” – Confirms that they essentially spied on President-Elect Trump

3 Blockbuster Revelations From The Latest Durham Special Counsel Court Filings

the CIA has known Trump-Russia collusion data is not ‘technically plausible’ since 2017 according to Durham

Five associates of Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign are invoking the Fifth Amendment and refusing to cooperate with Special Counsel Durham, according to a filing in federal court revealed later Friday in DC

Ex-Federal Reserve Official Says Stimulus Spending Main Cause of Red-Hot Inflation, Not Supply-Side Bottlenecks

Food Prices Are Expected to Skyrocket – On average, food prices were one-third higher than in March 2021. In the U.S., food prices rose 9% in 2021, and are predicted to rise another 4.5% to 5% in the next 12 months

WSJ: A Hot Economy And Rising Inflation: The Fed Has Never Successfully Fixed a Problem Like This – The Central bank says it is possible, but many factors are out of its control, and ‘they are strikingly behind’

The Sad Truth: America Has No Energy Policy – FACT: Pipelines are the safest, most effective method of transporting oil and gas and the only secure method of transporting natural gas

Ukrainian Official: Mariupol ‘Doesn’t Exist Anymore’ After Russia Blockade

Exposing Some Myths About the Ukraine War – Fake atrocity claims have often been a way to inflame people to support a war, so could the Bucha accusations be the latest example

ZH: Russia Expands ‘Powerful’ Cruise Missile Strikes To the Western City Of Lviv – Which has for much of the war been considered relatively ‘safe’ compared to the eastern half of the country

ZH: Shanghai Residents Clash With Police Over Neighborhood Quarantine Centers Under Construction Using Seized Apartment Buildings

Why the left so fears Musk – They oppose freedom of expression because their ideas are not only deeply deficient and obscure but extremely dangerous

Musk Makes Big Twitter Announcement: The Salary For Board of Directors Will Be $0 If I Take Over – That’ll Save $3M Per Year

Musk’s Bid Reveals Twitter Is The Poison Pill That Needs To Be Cured – He’s performed one of the greatest public services in recent memory by exposing the lengths the Davos et.al. are willing to maintain their power

Dorsey Rips Twitter Board for ‘Dysfunction’ After Musk Accuses It of Failing to Represent Shareholders – Silicon Valley proverb: “Good boards don’t create good companies, but a bad board will kill a company every time”

Musk Makes the Mask Slip – The Tesla CEO’s bid to buy Twitter has prompted many prominent figures to admit bluntly that they oppose free speech

The Lead Advisor To Globalist Klaus Schwab You’ve Never Heard Of – Historian and author Yuval Noah Harar is one of the key players in the globalist Great Reset agenda

ZH: If The Fed Is Fighting Inflation Why Is The Balance-Sheet Still Expanding? – Quantitative Easing has slowed down, but their balance sheet expansion hasn’t stopped

Failed Nation-Building In Mexico – The “Merida Initiative,” launched in 2007-08, aimed to help Mexico rebuild weak institutions like its police and courts and to assist Mexican security forces in fighting drug cartels

Confessions of a Disney writer – They’ve had issues with sexualizing children for a long time, and executives know by showing “queerness,” they are modeling queerness and encouraging kids to imitate that behavior

April 17, 2022

Sinking the Moskva  – Some data points so far on Putin’s war on Ukraine

Ahead of Title 42 lifting, Biden creates ‘exception’ to let illegal migrants into the U.S. early – A memo sent to the Border Patrol creates widespread exemptions to health rules starting Thursday

Killing Keystone: Biden’s First Day in Office Started the Obliteration of Our Economy – In 2018 America became a net exporter of oil for the first time in decades, but in 2021 we returned to becoming a net importer of oil

How Gas Prices Could Come Down Fast – All that’s needed is for Biden to reverse some of his disastrous regulatory decisions

Democrats are blocking Republican efforts to upload the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop in a searchable digital format into the congressional record

Elon Musk: Counterrevolutionary? – If he can acquire Twitter it will be another victory for a movement that began in 2021

This Is How They Steal Votes: Remote Scanners Track Orange County Ballots at Drop Boxes – Why Not Just Collect Them Daily?

While the Biden administration pushes for tighter gun control in America, the national news media ignores Chicago where strict gun control is already in place and yet shootings are incessant

Rasmussen Poll: A slim majority of the public, 51%, says stricter gun control laws would not likely prevent mass shootings

California Has New Trucking Regulations That Will Help Make Matters Worse – The state issued sweeping environmental regulations to reduce fossil fuel emissions throughout the state

WSJ: Russia Calls on Ukraine’s Surrounded Mariupol Forces to Surrender Port city on verge of capture by Russian forces – The Ukrainian president describes the situation as ‘inhuman,’ urges more talks

Three Absolute Truths Brought To Light As A Result Of The Russia-Ukraine War

LIVE UPDATES: Ukrainian Foreign Minister: The Situation in Mariupol May Be The ‘Red Line’ in The Path of Negotiations

ZeroHedge: Pavlo Kyrylenko, Ukraine’s governor over Mariupol said Friday that the city of Mariupol has been effectively “wiped off the face of the earth” after weeks of relentless shelling and missile strikes from Russian forces

Representative Darrell Issa, ‘We have the laptop” GOP, boasting of the Hunter Biden ‘treasure trove’

The judge in a January 6 case should be disbarred – One of the most visible signs of federal government corruption is the treatment of January 6 prisoners, who have been deprived of their rights under the Constitution

A left-wing group is trying to disqualify Trump supporter, PA State Senator Mastriano from the state governor’s race because he allegedly participated in an “insurrection” by supporting the former president’s reelection bid

The DuckDuckGo Search Engine CEO Announces Changes to their Internet Search Algorithms to Promote Approved Content

Shawnee State University in Ohio to Pay $400,000 to the Professor Punished for Refusing to Use a Student’s Preferred Pronouns

JD Rucker: Controlling the gun narrative is key for leftists that want to control our access to guns – This is why they widely broadcast shootings where gun laws are minimal and ignore out of control cities like Chicago

The Green US Supply Chain Climate Change Rules That Are Set to Unspool and Rattle the Global Economy

ZeroHedge: An MSNBC Blast From The Past – It’s Our Job To Control How People Think… Not Elon Musk’s

Biden’s COVID-19 Czar – Lockdowns and limiting gatherings are no longer necessary to curtail the spread of COVID-19

The State and Local Leaders Who Aren’t Ready to Give Up Pandemic Power – Ruling by decree over an extended period during the pandemic “is part of a broader move to condense power to the executive branch”

Six Really Dumb And Annoying Leftwing Activists – #2: Idiot-savant, former bar-tending Marxist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Are you sure you want a government crypto-currency? – The God-like power to control and cancel personal bank account transactions is the stuff of serious totalitarian control

The FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Vaccinations Caused Immunosuppression – Pfizer trial data also revealed natural immunity was as effective as the jab, and that shot side effects were more severe in those under 55

Data From Governments and Universities in the US and Several Countries Show The Covid Vaccines Are Neither Safe Nor Effective, So They Should Not Be Used

COVID Vax Mandates Are Wreaking Havoc in the Military – Irrefutable evidence of vaccine adverse events for military members that got vaccinated and expulsion for those who don’t pose a real threat to our defense capabilities

ZeroHedge: How Much Radiation Is Emitted By Popular Smartphones? – Most people spend 5-6 hours on their phones each day – Given they emit a tiny amount of radiation, we’re exposing ourselves to radiation for hours each day

April 16, 2022

Smoking Gun Found on Laptop – Growing evidence shows President Biden and his son Hunter mixed all kinds of personal and business dealings with each other, including Hunter paying his Dad’s bills

Biden’s New Battle Cry for the War on COVID – Extension of the mask mandate for planes and public transit

China’s Shanghai Lockdown Is Set to Strike a Blow to Economy – Factories have suspended production. Truckers are stuck on highways. Containers are piling up at ports. Shipping vessels have been waiting to unload

While millions of Ukrainians have fled their country since the start of the Russian invasion, nearly a million refugees have also returned to Ukraine as tensions ease in some areas of the country

Ann Coulter Blasts Republicans for Obsessing Over Ukraine Instead of Paying Attention to our Southern Border

California Voters List Crime and Gas Prices as Their Top Voting Issues Ahead of Midterms

California software billionaire Dan O’Dowd wants to destroy Elon Musk, but he could end up endangering the Democrats’ Senate plans

WSJ: Decade-High Mortgage Rates Pose A Threat to the Spring Housing Market – Demand remains strong, but borrowing rates are climbing at the fastest pace in years

Central Bank Based Digital Currencies Are Doomed To Fail – People remember how Canada treated people who donated to the Trucker Demonstration and how easily the government can exercise control via their money

Palestinian Authority reports that revealed payments to terrorists are now hidden – This Middle East power is accused of withholding required documents

Why Academia Is Preying on Freethinkers – They don’t truly believe in diversity

Lia Thomas and the Contradiction Between Liberty and Equality – A tyrannical view of equality yields subjugation and mediocrity

JD Rucker: Fairfax County Virginia Received Over $1.2 Million From Zuckerberg in The 2020 Election – Does This Explain the Three 300,000 Biden Ballot Drops on Election Night?

ZeroHedge: Long COVID-19 Linked To Alzheimer’s-Like Brain Changes A Study Suggests

Biden Secretly Resumes Charter Flights of Migrants Overnight – Another group of young, undocumented immigrants from El Paso, Texas landed at the Westchester County Airport on Thursday night

Durham: Former Clinton Campaign Lawyer Michael Sussman Made False Statements to Second Government Agency – The CIA

New court documents in the downtown Sacramento shooting that killed six people and wounded a dozen others reveal that three of the dead had been involved in the gang dispute that led to the massive shootout,

Rasmussen Poll: Independent voters largely say they do not think their Congressional representative is the best man or woman for the job

An unexplained increase in severe liver infections among children has now spread around the world and is sparking an international investigation

CDC Study: Remote Learning Hurts Children’s Mental Health – Researchers noted that increasing school “connectedness” can reduce substance use among students

ZeroHedge: Ford’s F-150 Lightning Electric Pickup Truck Has Finally Arrived

ZeroHedge: US Wind Electricity Generation By State, Mapped – Wind doesn’t blow fairly across the nation, so which states are contributing the most to U.S. wind energy generation?

California Assembly Bill 2932 Proposes A Mandated Four-Day Workweek –It applies to all businesses in the state with 500+ employees

Zelensky says between 2,500 and 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died – A fraction of Russia’s casualties amid the surprising Ukrainian resistance

The cartels Are Preparing for Influx of People Never Seen Before – Border Patrol agents and TX police officers are bracing for as many as 500,000 illegal immigrants to enter TX in the Rio Grande Valley Sector once Title 42 is lifted

An industry Insider Suggests The US Government Plays A HUGE Role In Twitter – “There is no business model where Twitter is financially viable to operate, UNLESS the tech architecture under the platform was subsidized”

Is CNN’s Brian Stelter about to get the boot? – ” Discovery management “very much considers him a Zucker henchman, embarrassment” and believes he is “a negative partisan lighting rod and distraction going forward”

Dr. Vernon Coleman: We Have 8 Months – The Great Reset is much further along than most people realize. The covid fraud, the net-zero fraud, the sanctions against Russia, the transgender controversy with worse to come

The Democrats’ big lie about puberty blockers being harmless and helpful – “The kids who took puberty blockers or hormones experienced no statistically significant mental health improvement during the study”

Vitamin D: The Pac-Man of Viruses, Bacterial Infections, and Cancer Cells – Knowing your vitamin D levels is critical, especially if you have cancer.

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Pulled For K-12 Students Until July 2023 – The delay is the latest in failed efforts to make K-12 vaccines mandatory in California

How Dangerous Are Masks for Children? – The potential danger of the chlorine, polyester, and micro-plastic components of the face masks that have become part of our daily lives due to the Covid-19 pandemic


April 15, 2022

Wayne Allyn Root: Their plan to destroy America: The Cloward-Piven and Obama – This is the third term of Barack Obama who is is the ventriloquist with his hand up puppet Biden’s back, making Biden’s mouth move

China is taking a high-profile step to bolster its territorial claims by sending its most advanced fighter jets to patrol the East and South China Seas

The Pathological Nature of Wokeness – Leftist cancel culture is being driven by the emotionally deranged agenda of teenage girls

Maxine Waters Paid Her Daughter Another $24k In Campaign Cash During The Most Recent Quarter – This is Added To The $1.2M In Previous Payments

Biden’s Chief Pollster John Anzalone Warns that ‘Most Americans Are Pissed and ’Says Democrats Are Facing ‘A Sour Environment’

Biden’s New Battle Cry for the War on COVID – Bureaucrats will always default to the safest option no matter what the political, social, or economic costs to society

The Biden administration resumes oil and gas leases on federal land at a dramatically reduced scale

18-month, data-driven probe concludes 2020 election was stolen – Smartphone pings, video reveal at least 4.8 million fraudulent votes

Twitter’s Board of Directors Refuses to Allow Shareholders to Vote on Elon Musk’s Buyout – They May Now Be Sued

Elon Musk is considering bringing in partners on his Twitter bid – Sources say he might team up with Silver Lake Partners, which he was planning to co-invest with him in 2018 when he was considering taking Tesla private

How Musk Might Finally Dynamite Cancel Culture – Even when it seems like woke pressure completely dominates, there are still ways to fix things

California’s Vanished Dream, By The Numbers – California is in a state of existential crisis, losing both its middle-aged and middle class, with its poor population facing dimming prospects

Donald Trump Endorses Populist J.D. Vance in Ohio Republican Senate Primary Race

JD Rucker: An Insane Spike in Heart Attacks & Strokes Prompts German Emergency Services to Demand Suspension of Covid “Vaccine” Mandates – The American media talk about this because they don’t want you to know

Black Swan Event? Top US Fertilizer Producer Hit With Rail Delays To Midwest – This couldn’t come at the worst time as the Northern Hemisphere spring planting season is underway

CDC Data: More Than 1 Million COVID Vaccine Injuries, Nearly 27,000 Deaths Reported to VAERS

A New Study Provides Yet More Evidence That The COVID Lockdowns Didn’t Work – Politicians decided to play God and that decision proved disastrous

Joe Biden Is Not Normal – His rocky, uninspired performances have now become the norm

Expect the left to exploit another emergency to avoid midterm defeat – True Liberal Naomi Wolf admits what we’ve all suspected, the anti-liberty left is going to use a crisis to cheat in the coming midterm elections

The Biden administration’s open border policies have let in more than 1.5 million illegal immigrants, enough to double the size of Dallas or San Diego, according to a former immigration judge

YouGov/The Economist Poll: A Plurality of Americans Say Inflation Will Be ‘Worse’ in 6 Months

Russia may have defaulted on its debt for the first time in 100 years- Russia tried to service its debt in rubles when it was mandated that payment be made in dollars, according to Moody”s

OUR GERIATRIC POLITICAL CLASS NEEDS TO GO – If they were forced to retire at age 70, then 71% of U.S. Senators would be out of a job

Los Angeles Residents got What They Asked For – Out Of Control Criminals Who Aren’t Afraid

Tucker Carlson Outlines How Twitter Is “Where Elite Opinion Is Incubated” – He Calls Elon Musk’s attempted take-over the “single most important development for free speech in the modern history of the United States”

Has Elon stumbled onto Twitter’s scandals? – Twitter’s been lying to shareholders, regulators, users, and Congress about its censorship abuses, so have a keen interest in keeping Musk from further exposing their fraud

Elon Musk Responds to Reports Twitter Mulling ‘Poison Pill’ Tactic to Foil His Takeover Bid

An Air Force Master Sergeant Facing Court-Martial After Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine – Possibly the first U.S. service member to be sent to court-martial, lawyer says

Warner Brothers removed gay dialogue from a movie per China’s request’ – Would WB have made the same “nuanced” cuts to appease American Christians?

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Dismantling Google’s Transhumanist Agenda – They can already alter reality and brainwash the population via data collection and the manipulation of information

Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak Demands Nearly $1 TRILLION To Fund ‘Pandemic Prevention’ Efforts – THIS CCP’S CHOSEN ONE IS MAKING DEMANDS OF AMERICAN TAXPAYERS AGAIN

Advocates Say Girls Are Main Target of Transgender Movement – The most prevalent belief is that the LGBTQ agenda is selling the power of becoming a dominant male to girls

Some Kamala Harris Profound Thoughts

California Senator Dianne Feinstein, 88, says she will NOT step down before her term ends in 2024 despite fears from Democratic colleagues she is ‘mentally unfit to serve’

April 14, 2022

Study: The Media Buries Murderers’ Race, Unless They, Are White – White offenders’ race was mentioned in roughly 1 out of every 4 articles, compared with 1 in 17 articles for black offenders and 1 in 33 articles for Hispanics

The Mainstream Media Downplays Accused Brooklyn Subway Shooter Frank James’ Hatred Of Whites

The Civilizational Suicide of ‘Criminal Justice Reform’ – Our criminal justice system is not failing for the reasons “reform” proponents claim. We don”t suffer from an over-incarceration problem, but rather from an under-incarceration problem

The government didn’t miss inflation, they ignored it – The Biden administration knew it was printing and spending too much money

Joe Biden referred business dealings and mingled finances with Hunter – Messages show Joe asked Hunter about “future earnings potential” in messages that conflict with Democrats’ earlier portrayals of the first family’s financial affairs

Inflation Is America’s Payment for the Fed’s Money Printing Addiction – The money printing junkies will shake us down for cash as long as we allow them to

ZeroHedge: The U.S. government is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones who must foot the bill for the government’s fiscal insanity

The Biden Regime Reacts Angrily to Elon Musk Trying to Buy Twitter – They Launched Investigations From Multiple Agencies To Stop Him

One of Twitter’s largest corporate shareholders, Vanguard Inc., has upped its stake in Twitter to leap past Elon Musk as the largest single shareholder.

Musk Reveals During TED Talk That ‘There Is A ‘Plan B If Twitter Rejects His Offer To Buy The Company – When asked what his backup plan is, Musk said he would discuss that at another time

Vivek Ramaswamy identifies who is behind Disney’s gay agenda – Stakeholders BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard Group are ‘quietly whispering’ in the ear of the company’s CEO

Tucker Carlson: If You Think These Price Increases Are Putin’s Fault, Then You’re a Moron

ZeroHedge: How Many People Live In A Political Democracy Today? – Governments come in all shapes and sizes, but can ultimately be divided into two broad categories: Democracies and Autocracies

Pfizer and BioNTech today plan to apply for Emergency Use Authorization of a COVID-19 booster dose for healthy 5- to 11-year-olds based on the results of a small study that has not been published or analyzed by independent experts

Even Kamala’s home state has turned on her – Only 35 percent of California voters are happy with Harris’ performance and 45 percent are dissatisfied with her

These Are The 41 US Lawmakers That Were Not Sanctioned By Russia Amid Mounting Tensions Over Moscow’s Invasion Of Ukraine

Do ‘Dark Tetrad’ Personality Traits Drive Some To Buy Crypto? – “Dark Tetrad” is a psychological term used to group four personality traits – Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy (together known as the “dark triad”), plus sadism

Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter at $54.20 per share and take it private – Musk said the takeover attempt is “not a threat, it’s simply not a good investment without the changes that need to be made”

The Musk Takeover Bid Terrifies the Pro-Censorship Blue Checks – For them, ‘democracy’ means ‘more content moderation,’ a.k.a., crushing all dissent

Will Prominent Banned Public Figures Return if Elon Musk Buys Twitter? – ‘Those that were de-platformed could see a sensational comeback

Satellite imagery proves vital to understanding the war in Ukraine – A company that has become pivotal is Maxar Technology, which has four satellites in orbit that provide “sub-meter and sub-50 centimeter imagery

RNC Votes to Withdraw From Commission on Presidential Debates – “The commission is biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins”

Joe Biden’s public approval craters to 33% and will get worse – Most independents can’t stand him, but most of the bleeding is coming from Hispanics, so with inflation a linchpin for Hispanic votes, how’s it going to go for him down the road?

Democratic Insiders Quietly Admit Longtime Progressive Senator Dianne Feinstein Is in Serious Mental Decline

Donald Trump plans to endorse JD Vance in the contentious Ohio Senate GOP primary

ZeroHedge: Newsquawk US Market Open – TWTR soars on Musk’s offer, while DXY & Debt retreat further -Key risk events are expected

ZeroHedge: US Retail Sales Growth Slowest In 13 Months As Online Spending Plunged – Retail sales year-over-year is decelerating dramatically (up only 6.9% Year over Year

ZeroHedge: The War On ‘Woke’ Capitalism Has Begun – The Five Big Takeaways from #Bitcoin2022 Miami – #3 There can only be one

ZeroHedge: While simultaneously ending all COVID restrictions for migrants crossing illegally into the United States, Joe Biden’s CDC has extended mask mandates for Americans on planes and public transport

The Doctor Who Exposed Fauci’s Fallacies and Got Harassed and Fired from HHS for Telling the Truth – Show the essential elements of the destructive deep state

The US Could Be Headed for Recession According To A Research Fellow In Economic Policy At The Heritage Foundation

What is Biden’s Iran Envoy Hiding? – Malley has not appeared before Congress for a public hearing for an update on the negotiations. He served in the same capacity under Obama and negotiated the first failed Iran nuclear deal in 2015

Yes, Iran’s IRGC is a Terrorist Organization – Joe Biden would be making a grave mistake by delisting Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) from the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) blacklist

Farewell, Gilbert Gottfried – Gilbert Gottfried, a great and fearless man of comedy, died this week, and it’s a major loss

China’s Shanghai Lockdown – What we are witnessing in Shanghai is the final, total failure of lockdowns as a pandemic-control measure

Unapologetic Black Coach Tony Dungy Smokes Out Obama’s Betrayal of Black America – It’s not socioeconomic, racial, or education, it’s none of that. 95% percent of these young boys in prison grew up without their dad

A 2nd Bus Carrying Illegal Immigrants From Texas Arrives Near The US Capitol

Disney’s CEO Gets Devastating News After Viral Videos – A new Trafalgar poll reveals that Americans are not happy with Disney after the company embraced the LGBTQ movement and tried to bully parents

Disturbing trends in progressive support for abortion – To avoid slipping into a savage, pre-modern world in which human lives are routinely sacrificed, we must speak out and act against this death cult

Florida Governor DeSantis has signed legislation to protect unborn babies, banning abortions after 15 weeks

California’s Air Resources Board introduced a new zero-emission vehicle regulation proposal late on Tuesday, which, if passed, would increase new zero-emissions vehicle sale minimums to 35% by 2026, up to 100% by 2035

The Self-Oppression of Identity Politics – Which story will define and inform your life?

Teacher Tells Kindergarten Students When Babies Are Born, Doctors ‘Guess’ The Gender – Saying the usually guess correctly, but when they make an incorrect guess, that’s when a person is called cisgender or transgender

Transgender Activists Use Unreliable Surveys To Emotionally Blackmail America – Two major studies cited as settled fact didn’t survey children of the age affected by Florida’s bill, nor are they validated by other objective studies

April 13, 2022

Exposing America’s Ballot Trafficking Cartel – True the Vote used two petabytes of data, ten trillion cell phone pings, and four million minutes of surveillance video to uncover a nationwide organized criminal ballot trafficking ring

The Biden Administration Can’t Shield Us from ‘Billionaire Tax’ Fallout Another – Biden initiative is asking for trouble

The prosecution of Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael Sussmann, charged with lying to the FBI during the Trump-Russia investigation can move forward, a judge ruled Wednesday after denying a bid to dismiss the case

Obama Wants the ‘Contest of Ideas’ Rigged – Via systematic effort to promote false information or suppress true information for political gain, financial gain, enhancing power, suppressing others, or targeting those they don’t like

Russia’s Coming Digital Iron Curtain – Their internet may soon have more borders, following the lead of China, which was the first authoritarian country to realize that the internet could be curated, rather than blocked

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Ends His Controversial Grants to Election Offices

“Better Nate Than Ever” is being called Disney’s “gayest kids movie yet,” and it comes at a time when Americans are dumping the entertainment giant because of its rampant support for LGBT causes

Dov Fischer: Hey Little Kids, Let’s Talk About Penises and Vaginas! – In today’s modern classrooms, with first- and second-graders

The Centers for Disease Control has released a new report revealing the United States sustained a surge in sexually transmitted diseases during 2020 – putting the levels at a 30-year high

A Department of Fair Employment and Housing Employee Alleges Gov. Newsom Interfered in Activision Case  – Newsom also allegedly fired DFEH Chief Counsel over decisions around the case

Sharyl Attkisson: Decoding Covid death narratives – Since they don’t make logical sense, this resource can help you decode the narratives

6 Double Standards Public Health Officials Used to Justify COVID Vaccines – The official COVID-19 narrative has been inconsistent, hypocritical, and/or contradictory as they created the illusion their narrative was logical and sensible

Is The STEM Teaching Philosophy Being Politicized? – You better believe it and for proof, you need to look no further than UC Santa Cruz……….And then keep looking

WSJ: The U.S. Expands Flow of Intelligence to Ukraine as White House Sends More Arms Increased – U.S. intelligence will enable Ukraine to target Russian forces in Donbas and Crimea, and try to take back territory

The Biden administration extended the federal transportation mandate for two weeks, which will force passengers to mask on airplanes, trains, and at transportation hubs while the CDC monitors Covid

Joe Biden’s approval rating is down to the lowest in his presidency at only 38 percent approval and 53 percent disapproval shown by the latest CNBC All American Economic survey released on Wednesday

America’s small business owners’ confidence dropped in March, according to the NFIB, with a growing share of owners reporting that their single biggest problem was inflation

140,000 migrants are heading toward the U.S. – Mexican officials warned the Biden administration that lifting Title 42 on May 23 will create complete ‘chaos at the border’

Texas delivered on its promise to bus migrants to DC released by the Border Patrol into their border communities. – The first charter bus pulled into the DC dropping off migrants between the Capitol and Union Station

JD Rucker: The Black Supremacist is in Custody After Massive Manhunt Following Terrorist Attack on a NY Subway – Now, we’ll see how far corporate media is willing to go to bury his Black Supremacist history

Green-Lighting Infanticide in California – California Assembly Bill (A.B.) 2223 is the most egregious of the fourteen new abortion bills this year in California, so it mustn’t become law

A New York Times Report Reveals That The White House Is In Chaos Over The Border Crisis

Ten Steps Leading To Totalitarianism – How much progress have they already made?

Yes, government schools have a huge pedophile problem – The fact that the data for this alarming study are more than two decades old is even more shocking

A New York Times columnist has again confirmed that social conservatives were right – Educators are pushing LGBT ideology on students

Why Hispanics have given up on the Left – But can conservatives win Latino support without Trump?

Boys will be girls: Restoring toxic masculinity – One reason for the proliferation of the fragile, flaccid male is male role models are often absent in the home. Boys imitate what they see, and sometimes all they see is feminine behavior

Stunner! Male cops in the UK can now strip-search females, on one condition – They must identify as female

Current Mortgage Interest Rates on April 13, 2022 – Rates Move Upward Again Today, a few notable mortgage rates ticked up. See how that could affect your mortgage payments

ZeroHedge: Living standards in Britain continue a death spiral as wages fail to outpace inflation amid soaring energy costs – Bloomberg said average earnings, excluding bonuses, for February dropped 1.3%, the most since 2013

ZeroHedge: With inflation running at four times the Fed’s 2% objective, the Fed is anxious to reign it in, but the bond market and economy warn the Fed to be careful

ZeroHedge: Producer Prices Soar At A Record Pace And The ‘Pipeline’ Suggests That The Peak Of Inflation Is Far Off

ZeroHedge: Are We Worrying About The Wrong Things? – We agonize over debt, the dollar, inflation, and growth, while the important things are Energy, Food, and Commodities, and how we pay for and get them

The Biden administration’s E15 fuel announcement will backfire – Here are some reasons why

What is E15 gas? Some FAQs answered as Biden green-lights E15 fuel – Here are the pros and cons

Google Declared War On The Most Accurate Pollster In America – With their response to an I&I/TIPP Poll showing nearly two-thirds of registered voters believe decisions about COVID restrictions were driven by politics, not science

The Plantation: Then vs. Now – Candace Owens issues a wake-up call about the Democrats To The Black Community

California’s War On Business Enters New Phase – A bill currently being debated would require any business with 500 employees or more to pay their workers 150% of their normal pay for all time worked beyond 32 hours in a week

Beverly Hills bandits are targeting the city’s rich and famous for their designer handbags and watches – 221 follow-home robberies have occurred in just four months

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Why the New World Order Wants Programmable Currency – A programmable currency would give the central banks unprecedented and previously unimaginable power over individual spending

California’s Vanished Dream, by the Numbers – Amid the exodus among those who can afford it, and with its appeal diminished to businesses, the state continues to inspire optimism among progressive boosters

April 12, 2022

WSJ: Media Bias and Hunter’s Laptop – The press won’t claw back its credibility until it admits why it buried the story that first surfaced in the fall of 2020

Mexican drug cartels have conducted more than 9,000 drone flights into U.S. airspace in the last year to surveil American law enforcement and security operations in the southern border region

A French journalist who returned from Ukraine after arriving with volunteer fighters told broadcaster CNews that Americans are directly “in charge” of the war taking place on the ground

WSJ: This Isn’t Putin’s Inflation – The price increases began long before Russia invaded Ukraine and they will be hard to stop

THE DEMOCRAT’ WIPEOUT: IT’S NOT JUST THE MIDTERMS – The important point is not their unpopularity at the moment, it is the structural challenge they face in the Senate

Has the Right’s March Through the Institutions Begun? – Elon Musk’s potential hostile takeover of Twitter is only one data point in a growing trend

The Disney Dilemma – What happens when a legendary entertainment enterprise abandons its legacy and its audience for an ideology?

Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘donations’ rigged the 2020 election – These types of donations have to stop to have free and fair elections

Trump Had Every Reason to Endorse Dr. Oz – When you get a handful of lemons as we have with the Republican primary in Pennsylvania, you make lemonade, and Trump is making sweet lemonade out of them

JD Rucker: The “Person of Interest” in Brooklyn Terrorists Attack Is a Black Supremacist – If he is the guy, Corporate Media coverage will fade away at the point they realize the alleged terrorist does not fit their narratives

Putin Says Russia Will Triumph in Ukraine – Russia’s economy is on track to contract by more than 10 percent in 2022, the biggest fall in GDP since the years following the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union

Russia’s Sandworm Hackers Attempted another Blackout in Ukraine – The attack was the first in five years to use Sandworm’s Industroyer malware, which is designed to automatically trigger power disruptions

The US Tells Its Non-Essential Diplomatic Staff to Leave Shanghai as Their Lockdowns Drag On

WSJ: New York Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin Resigns After Corruption Charges – He was arrested in connection with an alleged bribery scheme and coverup said to occur during his vetting for office

There is a push to Decertify the Wisconsin 2020 election Vote after an Audit Revealed Zuckerbergs’ fraudulent activities

Legal Notice to the WHO: No thanks – The WHO put forth an international agreement for pandemic action that would give the WHO the authority to dictate health protocols to sovereign people and sovereign nations

Infections, Hospitalizations, Deaths Increase in Canada for the Doubly and Triply “Vaccinated” as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement Takes Hold

Girls Are Developing GENITAL ULCERS After Getting Pfizer The Covid-19 “Vaccine”

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill into law banning abortion in nearly all cases –The legislation only permits abortion during medical emergencies threatening the life of the mother

America’s Reliance On China For Pharmaceuticals Could Result In Ukraine-Like Drug Shortages – People who think that such shortages could never happen here should be aware that we are already experiencing them

Can Gavin Newsom Save California from a future existence like ‘1984’? – Trend lines in California governance continue to point in the same depressing dark direction

Our Dystopian Future Where Women and Men Just Don’t Want Children – Perhaps it’s time that women and men gave the good, old-fashioned nuclear family unit a try

The Biden administration asked an appeals court to reinstate the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate following a critical legal victory last week, while their COVID-19 coordinator wants to prolong the mask mandate

Senator Manchin Torches Biden’s Putin Price Hike Inflation Excuse  – “Let me be clear, inflation is a tax, and today’s historic inflation data tells another chilling story about how these taxes on Americans are completely out of control”

‘Who the hell is in charge?’ Americans dump Disney as the company goes ‘woke’ – ‘Attempting to ideologically and sexually groom our children is a recipe for brand destruction’

Another Democrat Pushed Conspiracy Dies As U.S. Border Agents are ‘Cleared’ of Migrant ‘Whipping’ Claims

Senator Romney said recently that he is not sure if he will seek reelection to the Senate in 2024  – Possibly sharing the ballot with former President Donald Trump if he runs for president again

There Is A Massive Police Response  To A Manhattan NY Subway Station – Multiple People Shot And Explosive Devices Located

The Russian Way of Brutality – Moscow’s savagery in Syria, among other places, foretold its tactics today and they have found just the man to lead their ongoing assault on Ukraine, General Aleksandr Dvornikov

WSJ: Ukrainians Use Drones, Facial-Recognition Software as They Investigate Alleged War Crimes –  Prosecutors gather evidence in the killings of hundreds of people in Bucha

Will China and Russia Become Official Allies? – The U.S. and Western allies recoil at their growing cooperation

ZeroHedge: Africa Is Becoming China’s “Second Continent” As The US Lags Behind The Efforts – America cannot ignore Africa. Africa’s challenges, opportunities, and security interests are inseparable from our own

ZeroHedge: “US Consumer Prices Soar At Fastest In Over 40 Years – The shelter index was by far the biggest factor in the increase

ZeroHedge: Is Deflation Next And Will The Bullwhip Do The Fed’s Job On Inflation? – The surge of inventories and declining freight costs/capacity imbalances will be deflationary

With the CPI hitting 8.5%, Jen Psaki’s bid to blame Putin gets old fast – They want us to believe our $21.4 trillion economy is subordinate to Russia’s feudal and stunted $1.65 trillion economy

Threats and Name-Calling: The Democrats’ Midterm Strategy – A scorched-earth national campaign is likely to burn down the Democrat Party instead of its intended victims

Tucker Carlson Warns That Shanghai-Like Brutal Lockdowns Are Coming To America – “If you want to know what the future looks like, and what they are doing to maintain political control, look at China and shiver”

Joe Biden Claims The 2nd Amendment “Didn’t Say You Can Own Any Gun You Want” – He repeatedly lies during his gun control speech

After the Sacramento gangland shooting, who should be deprived of guns? – It stands to reason that Democrats will seize any opportunity, no matter how bereft of logic, to grab guns because that’s what they do

CA school enrollment drops further and the ‘experts’ are befuddled – Ignoring mask mandates, vaccine mandates, Zoom classes, CRT in the classrooms, drag queen story hour, and people fleeing the state for economic reasons

America Moving From A Permission Society To A Repressive Regime – Democrats that dominate policymaking in DC believe there is nothing so private that they cannot regulate and nothing so personal that it can’t be intruded upon

WSJ: The Inflation Election of 2022 – Which politicians will be held accountable?

CNN’s long history of pushing disinformation, here are five examples – One false story by the network led CNN to give a massive payout to Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann

Batteries Don’t Make Electricity, They Store Electricity Produced Elsewhere – The Green New Deal is more destructive to the Earth’s environment than meets the eye

Earth day is coming up, so what were the predictions were 52 years ago – Billions would die soon because of a disastrous ice age – The warnings were 100% wrong because they were WAGS instead of based on scientific data

WSJ: The EPA Will Allow More Ethanol in Gas This Summer in Bid to Tame Prices – Existing rules ban gasoline made of 15% ethanol in summer to cut pollution from the more volatile mix

Against the Convention of States – What exactly do proponents think will result from a COS, as a runaway convention is completely possible

Despite 15 Democrat Lawmakers Announcing They’ve Got Covid, A New Poll Shows Most Americans No Longer Care

April 11, 2022

Naomi Wolf Fires a Warning Shot – A Resounding Defeat of Biden at Midterms Will Not Be Allowed, So Look for an Impending Emergency to Unfold

Yahoo Confirms Huge Hunter Biden Story On Weapon Sales to Africa, Chinese Intel, $1M Retainer – Hunter Biden knew he was working with associates who were high up in Chinese intelligence circles

The Russian Military Says It Destroyed The S-300 Missile Systems in Ukraine

LA Times Editorial: Truth is one of the casualties in the Sacramento shooting – “the perpetrator” was able to do it because he was released from prison years early by Newsom’s soft-on-crime parole board despite DA warnings

A George SOROS-FUNDED CIRCUIT ATTORNEY WALKS! – Kim Gardner Faces NO CONSEQUENCES After She Admits to Wrongdoing in Greitens Case With Records Showing 62 Acts of Misconduct

Massive Covid Disinformation Campaign claims “Vaccines are Safe and Effective And There is no Early Treatment” – Nothing could be further from the Truth

Fauci: Now Up to Americans to Assess Their Own COVID-19 Risk – “This is not going to be eradicated, and it’s not going to be eliminated,” Fauci told ABC’s “This Week” about the CCP virus

When will Fauci and liberal leaders apologize for the millions of lives damaged by pointless COVID restrictions? – Fauci finally admitted to the nation that the pandemic is now endemic

ZeroHedge: All The Latest News And Developments From The Ukraine War As Of April 11

WSJ: Ukraine’s Zelensky Calls for More Military Aid Ahead of The Battles in Their Eastern Regions – French gendarmes arrive in Ukraine to assist in war-crimes investigations

Dov Fischer: Your Guide to How Biden, Pelosi, and AOC Screwed Up the Economy – From our runaway inflation to exorbitant gas prices

A study Performed by The Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University Reveals Google’s Gmail System in the 2020 Election Had an Anti-Conservative Bias that Got Worse as Election Approached

Building a Bleak New “Green” World – Without (quite) saying the underlying message is that there will be “nudging” and “discouraging” in addition to mandates, subsidies, and “or” taxes

Russia Is Making Even More Money on Energy under Our Sanctions Regime – Russia expects to earn $9.6 billion in additional revenue from energy sales in April due to high oil prices while leveraging loopholes for oil sales to Europe

Another suspicious pile of cash from China turns up at the University of Pennsylvania, where the Bidens just happened to host a ‘diplomacy’ center

A Key Argument For Michael Sussmann’s Defense Has Already Crumbled – Sussmann sent an incriminating text to Baker at 7:24 p.m. on the night before the meeting at which he handed the Alfa Bank material to the then-FBI general counsel

Dig, Baby, Dig! – Production of so-called “Green” machinery and energy devices consumes large amounts of materials with an excess amount of waste and America is dependent on unreliable foreign sources for far too many of them 

ZeroHedge: Hedge Fund CIO: “We Have Never Experienced An Economic Cycle That Looks Anything Like This” – When I look at supply and demand in oil, grains, base metals too, there’s an undeniable tail risk here

ZeroHedge: Russian Oil Continues To Flow To India And China – Russia’s Urals crude is trading at discounts of more than $30 per barrel

ZeroHedge: Hudson: The Dollar Devours The Euro – America’s plan to block Nord Stream 2 as part of its aim of blocking Western Europe (“NATO”) from seeking prosperity by mutual trade and investment with China and Russia

ZeroHedge: Biden To Announce New “Ghost Gun” Rules At Rose Garden Ceremony Today

China Continues To Grow Its Influence in the Pacific – It is a component of its Belt and Road Initiative

Sharyl Attkisson: Republican senators led by Ron Johnson are demanding an immediate hearing be called to address the consequences of the Biden Administration’s termination of Title 42 on May 23

Former Obama DHS Head Jeh Johnson Warns Of A “Major Influx” Of 18,000 Illegal Immigrants PER DAY If Biden Lifts Title 42

Could a New Pakistani Government Forge Greater Ties With the U.S.? – The Pakistan Muslim League could emerge in control

Law students who oppose the twin constitutional pillars of free speech and the sanctity of contracts should never work as lawyers and journalism students who oppose free speech should also never work in a professional newsroom

THE REAL HUNGER GAMES, WE’RE PLAYING-IT – People Want their Countries & Freedoms Back, and Have Enough with Open Borders, Mandated Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations, Lawlessness, Double Standards & Contrived Racism

The Biden administration is prepared to extend the federal mask mandate further for transportation networks, according to White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha

Why American Teens Are So Sad – The four main forces propelling the rising rates of depression among young people – Social media use is up, Sociality is down, it’s a stressful world, and modern parenting strategies

The World Reacts To Musk Not Joining Twitter’s Board – By not joining the board, he is not restricted on how much of the company he can buy and could not say much about the company publicly if he is on the board

ZeroHedge: Having deleted several ‘interesting’ tweets on the strategic direction of Twitter, Elon Musk has filed a 13D explaining he may buy more stock and offer his opinions to the board and management

I&I/TIPP POLL: Is There Trouble In Mouse-Land? – ‘Woke’ Disney Takes Huge Hit In The Publics Trust

April 10, 2022

“We the People Will Not Comply!” – Thousands Join “Defeat The Mandates” Rally Against Covid-19 Mandates in Los Angeles on Sunday

The Food Inflation Rate Has Now Reached 12.6% PER MONTH As Corporate Media Blames Putin And Not The Governments Money Printing

How the Governments Push for ESG and A Digital Dollar Will Control You – ESG is a social credit system that subjugates corporate product quality to leftist values and the digital dollar will destroy the Bill of Rights

Musk Drops the Hammer on Twitter – Tweets “Exactly” to Carl Icahn clip, “Fire 12 Floors of People” quote

The Biden family scheme unravels – The identity of the Big Guy has become a topic for the Delaware probe

Is Obama orchestrating a way to legally slither back as president? – ‘Each new outrage outstrips the one before it’

Biden takes another step ‘in the wrong direction’ – Apparently, he and his advisers believe borrowers need an indefinite amount of time to grasp the notion that they might eventually be responsible for their student loan debts

A Convoy of Chinese Air Force Cargo Planes Landed in Europe and Observers Noticed Frightening Details – They may have been equipped with live countermeasures in anticipation of some sort of potential threat

Victor Davis Hanson: The Debasement of our Professional and Political Classes – Leftist professionals debase themselves for short-term political gain, in furor at their bogeyman Trump, or their anger at the unwashed

A California Senate committee advanced Senate Bill 923, the Transgender Inclusive Care Act, which would force all health care providers to promote what they define as “gender-affirming care”

WSJ: Ukraine and Russia Gear Up for the War’s Biggest Battles – Officials expect large-scale tank and artillery battles; it “will remind you of the Second World War,” says Ukraine’s foreign minister

Bill Clinton’s supreme NATO screw-up comes back to haunt us – Clinton was convinced that Boris Yeltsin would continue Russia along the path toward democracy and cooperation with the West

ZeroHedge: NATO to begin engaging in the Asia-Pacific region both practically and politically in light of Beijing’s growing influence and coercion and its unwillingness to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

The US to Replenish Slovakia With Patriot Air-Defense System After It Donates S-300 to Ukraine

ZeroHedge: Biden’s Regressive Inflation Tax & The Money Illusion – The poor are suffering most from inflation, even though their wages have risen by the largest percentage

Biden’s Unfolding War on Religious Hospitals – His HHS is moving to tighten the regulatory screws on them by making Obamacare even worse

Be wary about purported new info from Hunter’s hard drive – Maxey’s claim he recovered an additional 450 GB from a copy of the drive is false because the original image didn’t have this amount of storage capacity

Six RINOs That Must Be Ousted In 2022

Has the FBI ever before looked this pitiful? – They have become the secret police of the Democrat party and shown partisan colors, overlooking obvious Democrat criminality while chasing Trump and his supporters

Elon Musk: The Disruptors’ Disruptor – Hopefully his investment in Twitter can help kick the censors to the curb

Labor Unions (Quietly) Admit the Jones Act Is Contributing to America’s Supply Chain Problems

April 9, 2022

BRICS Ministers of Finance Hold a Meeting – It Is Time to Replace Western Financial Trade Mechanisms and Remove The Dollar

Support grows among Republicans for naming a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden – House Republicans say they are concerned the DOJ “has a conflict of interest that could prevent a fair and impartial investigation”

Rand Paul: Did Nancy Pelosi Receive Monoclonal Antibodies? – Suggesting there is a possibility of a double standard for Democrat politicians vs. the public for receiving monoclonal antibodies

America’s Crime Epidemic: 16% say they or a family member has been a victim in the past year – The trend in 2022 is pointing up, and crime statistics are shocking

ZeroHedge: China’s corporate insiders are cheating small American investors out of billions of dollars through advance information that enables lucrative trades just before the stock price falls

Former President Donald Trump called on Republicans to make it unlawful for employers to fire unvaccinated employees if the GOP regains a majority in Congress after the November midterms

Hunter Biden frequently covered family expenses, texts reveal – His access to lucrative financial opportunities came with expectations — including kicking back as much as 50% of his earnings to his dad Joe

General Milley Admits It ‘Certainly Is Possible’ That Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle Influenced Putin on Ukraine

Another Biden threat to American energy security – He delayed plans to sell offshore leases in federal waters

Former Attorney General Bill Barr told Fox News on Friday that Special Counsel John Durham has made significant progress in investigating the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation

America is still paying the price for Hillary Clinton’s treachery – The reasons will be better understood in hindsight, but it’s likely the 2016 presidential campaign will be seen as an inflection point

Trump’s approval ratings are better than Biden’s at similar points in their presidencies

Pew Research Center: 7 In 10 Americans See Russia As An Enemy Since Their Invasion Of Ukraine

ZeroHedge: The Anatomy Of Big Pharma’s Political Reach – They keep telling us to “trust the science,” but who paid for it?

How Black Lives Matter became big business – BLM has raised a lot of money and done a lot of damage

The Biden administration moves to stymie new charter schools – The achievements of charters threaten their monopoly on public education dollars and most charter school teachers aren’t unionized

Applying International Standards to 2020 Elections – What if we applied the principles of election integrity we expect from other countries to the United States?

WSJ: China Is Accelerating Its Nuclear Buildup Over Rising Fears of a U.S. Conflict – Beijing believes the U.S. could turn to nuclear weapons in a war and the Ukraine invasion underscores the value of a robust arsenal

Trump Haters Impeached Him For ‘Inciting A Riot – Now They’ Are Claiming The Riot Was Premeditated

WSJ: Zelensky Calls the Russian Strike on a Ukrainian Train Station a War Crime – Russia is repositioning forces and Ukraine is trying to evacuate civilians as both sides brace for battle in Donbas

A Harbinger for America: The European Union Is Allowing the Linking of Face Recognition Databases to Create a Mega Surveillance System

The Democrats’ Worst Nightmare: DeSantis Isn’t Just Destroying Them With Policy And Polling – This week he added another category in which he’s dominating: Fundraising

In Michigan, a jury punished FBI entrapment in the Whitmer kidnap plot case – It was the FBI agents and informants who put together the militia groups and took the lead in planning the fake kidnapping

A Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About US Biolabs in Ukraine – Russia’s accusation that Ukraine is conducting U.S.-funded bioweapons research appears to be accurate

Why the Classroom Activists Never Give Up – “The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” – Abraham Lincoln

A Recent Johns Hopkins Study Blasts The COVID Lockdowns – “We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality”

ZeroHedge: It Was The Lockdowns, Not The Pandemic That Created The Havoc

Disney’s Networks Will Air A PSA Featuring A Transgender Child

There is an explanation for Disney’s war on children – Disney’s Business Model is Turning Kids into Dysfunctional Adults: Its customer base isn’t kids. It’s messed up adults

Rasmussen Poll: Americans side against Disney’s new gay and transgender advocacy


April 8, 2022

Putin’s Press Secretary Makes Stunning Admission in an Extraordinarily Revealing Interview – They didn’t anticipate the resistance they would face, nor were they properly prepared for a long slog

Former CBS journalist Lara Logan said that she was forced out of Fox Nation after she made public comments about White House COVID-19 advisor Anthony Fauci last year

Former Dems Re-Registering As Republicans At Surging Rate In Key Battleground State of Pennsylvania

WSJ: The Return of the Old American Right – The Trump GOP resembles the party of Calvin Coolidge in its commitment to economic protection, restricted immigration, and non-intervention abroad

A Jaw-Dropping 769 Young Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – Considering the timing and the universal push for Covid jabs, all signs point to one culprit: the experimental vaccine

A 7-Foot Robot at Dallas Love Field Airport Watches for Unmasked Travelers, Will Notify Law Enforcement of Potential Crimes

Hunter Biden And ‘The Big Guy’ Are In Real Trouble – Emails showed that CEFC, a group with ties to Xi Jinping and China’s military, paid Hunter and his associates millions of dollars to grow their presence in America

ZeroHedge: Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have blocked a Republican-backed subpoena to compel Hunter Biden to testify as a witness

Trump Says The Trump Says Secret Service Blocked Him From Joining Jan. 6 Capitol March

As Promised, Buses Are Being Dispatched to Send Illegal Immigrants from Texas to Nation’s Capital

The Blueprint Elon Musk Should Follow to Make Twitter Great Again – Musk’s stake is four times that of Jack Dorsey’s and twice the size of that held by Elliott Management, which forced out Jack Dorsey as CEO last year

The Jury acquits 2 in the Whitmer case and a mistrial was declared for 2 others – They had been accused of plotting to kidnap the Michigan governor

Representative Matt Gaetz says that the Florida legislature should end Disney’s $600 million tax cheat loophole

Colorado’s New Abortion Law Is The Most Radical In The Nation – It allows abortion of viable babies, for any reason, until crowning

VAERS Data: Cardiac Disorders Account for 20% of 1.2 Million Injuries Reported After Getting COVID Vaccinations

A Suspect Arrested in Connection with The Sacramento Shootings Served A Reduced Sentence And Was Back On The Street Because of New California Law

Exposed: The Russian Companies That Will Get Billions From New Iran Nuclear Deal – A US government document shows Russia’s top state companies stand to cash in when sanctions are dropped

WSJ: Russian Missile Attack Kills Dozens at a Railway Station in Eastern Ukraine – Moscow pressed its offensive in the Donbas area as Kyiv assessed the scale of damage around the capital

How the U.S. Paid for Putin’s War on Ukraine – Did the US inadvertently finance Putin’s war on Ukraine with short-sighted, politically motivated, and irrational energy and climate policies?

The State Department Failed To Prevent The War, Will It Now Prevent Peace? – The keynote address entrepreneur and investor David Sacks gave at the “Up From Chaos” conference

The Jury in the Whitmer kidnapping case is deadlocked on some counts – The Judge tells the jury to keep deliberating after reaching a partial verdict

CNN’s Brian Stelter Flounders After A College Freshman Calls Network a ‘Purveyor of Disinformation’ at Live Event And Then Asked A Question That Stelter Never Did Answer

New Capital Gains Proposal Would Fleece The Middle Class – Biden is calling for an unprecedented 20% minimum tax on unrealized capital gains for high-net-worth households

How big could the Red Tsunami in the House get this year? – There are not as many competitive seats in the House as there used to be, so a more modest wave is predicted

These 5 States Will Have Highest Tax Burdens in 2022, New Analysis Reveals – Don’t be surprised if the states topping this new list start losing people to states that don’t take as much of their money

The Convention of States Is Gaining Ground – America’s Founding Fathers knew any form of government they created would become corrupt so provided for a Convention of States to curtail government corruption

ZeroHedge: US Gas Production Set To Fall On Lack Of Pipelines

ZeroHedge: The Fed Won’t Be Able To Shrink Its Balance Sheet – They plan to reduce their balance sheet by about $3 trillion over a 3-years which would leave it at $6 trillion, up by $2 trillion from its pre-pandemic level

Developing: Two Suspected Foreign Agents Allegedly Infiltrated Jill Biden’s Security Detail

Seriously? Mitch McConnell Just Announced Support For This Big-Time Anti-Trumper Liz Chaney

The Biden Family Investigation – Parts 1 To 3 – Prepared Floor Statements by Senators Grassley and Johnson Before The US Senate On March 28, March 29, and April 6, 2022

Dr. Lee Merritt: The Fourth Stage of the DNA WAR Against Humanity – “We can deal with the spike protein with ivermectin, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chelation, [intravenous] glutathione – there are lots of things we can do”

George Soros Is Funding 13 Radical Democrats Running for Congress in 2022

April 7, 2022

Gallup Poll: Most Americans remain dissatisfied with the direction of the US

Ignored by Corporate Media: U.S. Counties With Highest Vaccination Rates Have The Highest Covid Rates

Trump Reveals What Would Stop Him From Running in 2024 – If poor health should become a factor

Another January 6 Narrative Goes Boom – Capitol Police did let the protesters into the building

Five Quick Things: A Ketanji Brown Jackson Sandwich for Everybody – Along with a much-too-liberal helping of Swamp Sauce

Biden’s crisis of crises – Several examples of the insanity, incompetence, and destructiveness that historians will someday write defined the “Biden Disaster”

All the “Big Guy’s” Bag Men – As the Biden gang’s corruption is exposed, the kingpin shouldn’t feel too secure in his seat of power

Nancy Pelosi Flips Out After House Republicans Subpoena Hunter Biden to Testify Before Congress – Due to mounting evidence that Hunter Biden is involved in international crimes that implicate the president

Following an internal outcry from Twitter employees over Elon Musk becoming a stakeholder, Twitter’s CEO announced that they will be holding a question-and-answer “town hall” with Elon Musk

At the very last minute, Georgia’s corrupt Governor and Lieutenant Governor stepped in and blocked an election integrity bill that would make major positive changes to the state’s election process

The BLM Founders’ Mansion Marxism – Patrisse Cullors is yet another example of Marxist greed

‘This Raises Serious Questions’ – BLM Paid $5.8 Million For LA Mansion From BLM-Linked Developer Who Paid Just $3.1 Million For It Only 6 Days Earlier

American Thought Leaders: Dr. Robert Epstein Discusses Big Tech’s Manipulation Machine and How to Stop It In An Interview With Jan Jekielek

The Hypersonic Missile Program Delay Puts The US Further Behind Russia and China

The Weapons Industry Sees the War in Ukraine as a Goldmine – Arms companies are exploiting Russia’s invasion to push a military spending frenzy

JD Rucker: Politicians and Pundits Pushing for U.S. Military Intervention in Ukraine Are Working for the Biggest Beneficiary of War – The Military-Industrial Complex is pushing hard for U.S. intervention in Ukraine

NBC News on Wednesday evening casually admitted that the “intelligence” Biden released claiming Russia was planning a false flag operation as a pretext to invade Ukraine was fabricated out of thin air

Fox News Reporter Benjamin Hall Lost Limbs and One Eye No Longer Works After He Was Attacked Three Weeks Ago While Covering Ukraine – He lost half a leg on one side and a foot on the other

Attorney generals for 15 states are urging the Department of Education to give up on its agenda to redefine “sex” to include gender identity under Title IX, the federal civil rights law governing equality in education

FDA Advisers Oppose Repeated COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters – The FDA wants to decide on whether to select strain-specific boosters by June

FDA Vaccine Advisors Discuss The Waning Efficacy of Covid Boosters But Ignore Pleas by The Vaccine-Injured

A US Appeals Court Clears Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Employees

WSJ: The Ketanji Brown Jackson Confirmed as Supreme Court Justice – The  Senate narrowly approves the first Black woman to be nominated to the high court

Is ‘The Big Guy’ In Big Trouble? – Based on what we know so far about his influence-peddling, President Biden could be in a world of legal trouble

A whistleblower who has fled the US vowed to drop ‘450 gigabytes of deleted material’ from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop – He says he also gave the WP, NYT, and Senator Grassley and says they sat on it for months

Joe Biden’s Son Hunter and Brother James Had 150+ Transactions Involving Global Business Flagged as Concerning By U.S. Banks

Rasmussen Poll: Americans Want Trump Back As President in 2024, Including a Whopping 1 in 5 Democrats

Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Committee Is Following The Same Pattern As The John Doe Investigation of Wisconsin Governor Walker – Prosecutors targeted him and conservative organizations in the state, along with his supporters

WSJ: The Senate Votes 100-0 to Strip Russia of Favored Trade Status, Back Biden Oil Ban – The legislation will need to be approved by the House before going to President Biden’s desk

Zelensky said his country will emerge from the rubble a ‘big Israel.’ What did he mean? – The war would never really be over, and Ukraine would be on a permanent war footing, just as the Jewish state is

The attorney representing the Navy SEALs’ religious exemption lawsuit, said the “religious hostility” being displayed by the military’s leadership is of great detriment to morale and consequently, national security

ZeroHedge: Initial Jobless Claims Crash To 2nd Lowest Level On Record (55 Years) – The lowest level since the week after Thanksgiving in 1968 (which is typically a seasonal dip)

Militant BLM Embraces  Full-Blown Marxism – When they identify anyone making unfavorable remarks they contact accomplices at the social platforms who shut them down. They even hire private investigators to go after them

ZeroHedge: US Jet-Fuel Inventories Sink To A 17 Year Low – Soaring Costs May Spark Ticket Price Inflation

Back In The Jimmy Carter Days When Comedians Made Jokes About Inflation Caused By The Democrats

European Environmentalists Have Made Energy Independence Impossible – Solar and wind do not reduce dependency on Russian natural gas – They are necessary but volatile and intermittent

The “Green New Deal” U.S. Supply-Chain Rules That Are Set to Unspool and Rattle the Global Economy

Crowd-Pleasing Absurdities – An inside look at the insanity of the 2022 Sexual and Gender Minority Health Symposium, hosted by Duke University

April 6, 2022

An item-by-item look at how much more expensive your groceries are, due to inflation – Food-at-home prices are expected to increase an additional 3% and 4% by the end of 2022

Local Elections Signal Red Tsunami? – A white male Trump supporter ousted a woke Democrat white female, who had tried to defund the police department

Barack Obama’s humiliation of feeble ol’ Joe Biden – Whoever in the White House set this up must hate Joe Biden

The Scandal Obama Still Won’t Acknowledge – He made Hillary’s “Russia-Gate” dirty trick against Trump possible

Our Leaders Aren’t Just Incompetent, They Are Saboteurs – They are motivated to satisfy the agenda of their radical, anti-borders activist base – The best interests of the country and citizens aren’t even on their radar

Why Home Prices Rise and Could Fall So Very Fast – It’s straightforward, the market reveals what people can afford

Australia, The U.K., and The U.S. Announce A Partnership to Develop Hypersonic Missiles – AUKUS member nations take steps to extend their defense alliance

Victor Davis Hanson: Can Ukraine Ever Win? – There is as yet still no deterrent force that can stop Russia’s bombs and missiles and disrupt Vladimir Putin’s nihilist strategy

ZeroHedge: While You Were Distracted By Will Smith, International Elitists Met At The World Government Summit – “Great Reset” Founder of the WEF. Schwab gave a talk entitled, “Our World Today, Why Government Must Act Now”

Elon Musk Sends Brutal Message To WaPo Who Claimed His Twitter Ownership Was Bad News

Orwell 2.0 – A new California bill would let government regulators determine health misinformation, and then empower the attorney general to sue social-media companies

A review of Maricopa County’s mismanaged 2020 election by Arizona’s attorney general is raising new questions about the final vote in a state Donald Trump was expected to win but lost to Joe Biden by 10,457 ballots

A dozen times Joe Biden played a role in his son Hunter’s business dealings

WSJ: THE House Votes to Hold Dan Scavino and Peter Navarro in Contempt of Congress – These Trump allies declined to respond to subpoenas from the January 6 congressional panel 

A Federal Judge Acquits A January 6 Defendant After A Video Shows Police Allowing Him Into Capitol

The January 6 Case Acquittal Is ‘Enormously Important’ – Alan Dershowitz Says: ‘If That’s The Rule, We Will Win’

Texas Governor Abbott says his state will provide border communities with charter buses to transport migrants to the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. – So the Biden administration to ‘immediately address their needs

A newly released memo from the U.S. State Department reveals that government officials knew early on that the COVID pandemic likely originated at a lab in Wuhan, China

Who Picked Peter Daszak As A the COVID Investigator? – The Chinese Communist Party, Of Course, just as you might have suspected

A 34-Year-Old Man Died After Getting A Pfizer Shot – His Mother Shares The ‘Ridiculous’ Letters She Received From The CDC

An FDA Document Dump Reveals that Natural Immunity Works and Pfizer Knows It

A Large Israeli Study Finds That Protection Against COVID-19 From A 4th Shot Drops Quickly

The Supreme Court Reinstates Donald Trump-Era Rule – The rule limited the power of states and Native American tribes to block pipelines and other energy projects

WSJ: The Fed Signals A1/2% Rate Increases Could Be Warranted at Coming Meetings – Minutes show that central bank officials spelled out a plan for shrinking their $9 trillion asset portfolio next month to help cool inflation

Police Say At Least 5 Shooters Were In The Gang Related Gunfight That Killed 6 and Wounded 12 In Downtown Sacramento

A Cleveland Hospital Refuses To Do A Father-to-Son Kidney Transplant Because The Father Is Not Vaccinated For COVID

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official on April 6 defended the agency’s recent decision to authorize fourth COVID-19 vaccine doses for millions of Americans without convening its expert advisory panel

WH COVID-19 response coordinator: It is in the United States’ “national interest” to get the entire world vaccinated for COVID-19, coming after senators dropped a provision that would provide global funding in a spending package

On Russia and China, Welcome Back to the 19th Century – Lessons of 19th-century diplomacy are relevant today, yet there is little sense that the Biden administration or many European leaders grasp their significance

DEA Administrator: “China provides chemicals to Mexico’s criminal drug networks that are then mass-producing fake prescription pills that are sold as though they’re prescription drugs, but have been laced with fentanyl”

ZeroHedge: Ukraine Receives Tanks From Czech Republic After Reports Of US ‘Quietly’ Assisting

Whitewashing Ukraine’s Corruption – The country is not a symbol of freedom and liberal democracy

The Quislings Turn on Zelensky – Some have picked a bad time to speak out against the president of Ukraine

Ukraine Aid Reaches High Point as The Czech Republic Becomes The First Country to Send Tanks – Other countries have avoided the move to avoid provoking Russia

The Sham Jan 6 Committee Grilled Ivanka Trump for Eight Hours Tuesday Looking for Any Angle to Prevent President Trump from Running in 2024

Numbers indicate a coming recession – The last time the country faced a similar circumstance was in 1981. The resulting high-interest rates took too much demand out of the economy, and a rather severe recession followed

Biden’s hidden amnesty is already underway – Last year his administration resettled more than 146,000 unaccompanied alien children into the U.S., a number larger than the population of many U.S. cities

Ending Title 42 Is Biden’s Most Unpopular Move Yet – 56% of U.S. voters oppose the White House’s plan to remove pandemic-era border controls

Yes, Democrats Do Want to Groom Your Children – How twisted and sick do you have to be to want to talk about sex to a classroom of five-year-olds?

The Results Are In, Republican Election Integrity Efforts Work – Democrats’ dubbing of anyone who opposed their anti-election integrity efforts as “racist” hasn’t aged well. Take voter ID laws, for instance

Our Southern Border Is About To Explode – Federal authorities are making preparations not to arrest, detain or deport record numbers of illegal border-crossers, but to process them quickly and release them into the US

Joe Biden’s Released Tax Returns Don’t Explain Millions In Income, So Where Did It Come From?

Tucker Carlson:  ‘Like A Pack Of Wild Dogs, Democrats Have Decided To Kill Off Weak Biden’ “It is his turn to be eliminated” – Go to 3-minutes and 10 seconds into the video

Proof emerged from the White House that Biden’s presidency is over – At a reception held in Obama’s honor, not only was Obama the magnetic force in the room, but he also made it clear to all that they should shun Biden

The White House finally responded to questions about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop Wednesday – They have no intention of commenting on it

Peter Schiff: We are heading toward a recession, but it’s not going to solve the inflation problem, so in reality, we’re heading for stagflation

Durham’s evidence creates a timeline of the relentless Democrat efforts to sell the Russia collusion hoax – He lays out how the Clinton campaign, lawyers, researchers, and activists flooded the government with allegations, hoping some might stick

The Great Reset Explained – You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy About It!……

Twitter Releases A Statement Saying It Will Continue To Censor and Never Reinstate Trump, Despite Elon Musk’s appointment to its board

Here Comes Another Climate Deadline That Will Pass Without Notice – More than a half-century of global warming warnings have come and gone with the sky exactly where it was on the first Earth Day in 1970

Big Pharma Advertising Dollars Are at an All-Time High – Over the past year, the U.S. government spent $1 billion to push COVID jabs, while calling for the censorship of anyone who dared to address the risks of the vaccines

The State and Local Leaders Who Aren’t Ready to Give Up Pandemic Power – Ruling by decree over an extended period during the pandemic “is part of a broader move to condense power to the executive branch

The COVID-T Variant Looks Deadly to Personal Freedoms In California – The collection of bills exposed here show that legislatures have an unlimited appetite for punishing people into compliance

FDA Floats Moving COVID-19 Vaccines to Flu-Like Model – An orderly and transparent process for changing the composition of the COVID-19 vaccines, with the process ideally being adopted by countries around the world

The University of California is making ‘Anti-Racist’ Education a prerequisite for Admission – Applicants must take ethnic studies or “anti-racist” course in high school before applying for admission to the university

April 5, 2022

Dozens Of Disney Employees Have Been Arrested For Child Sex Crimes-  The arrests were for a variety of sex crimes against children, including trying to meet minors for sex and possessing child pornography

The 2nd and 3rd Suspects in the Sacramento Shootings Were Arrested While Politicians Agitate for Gun Control –  The police activated gang teams to investigate the shootings

According to Mortgage News Daily, the average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage just crossed 5% – The first time it has crossed that threshold since 2011, except for days in 2018. It stood at 3.38% one year ago today

New investments flooding partisan media platforms are starting to restructure America’s internet business around a deepening political divide – This is happening within the U.S, splitting the online world into red and blue sectors

The transgender study cited by Biden recently was funded in part by a manufacturer of the controversial drugs used in gender reassignment!

The Biden Sent Nearly $1 Billion to Afghanistan Since Taliban Takeover – The Taliban’s greatest asset isn’t opium, it’s our foreign aid

Pfizer Hired 600+ People to Process Vaccine Injury Reports – During the three months following authorization of its COVID-19 vaccine, with plans to hire 1,800 more by June 2021, newly released documents reveal

CDC Director Walensky Announces Sweeping Review of Agency – We will develop new systems and processes to deliver our science and program to the American people, along with a plan for how CDC should be structured

Biden Reportedly Wants to Put His Political Opponents in Jail – Biden himself wants the Department of Justice to indict Donald Trump for his actions on January 6

What Did Joe Biden Know and When Did He Know It? – Surely he didn’t believe that his son Hunter was going sightseeing when he hitched a ride to China on Air Force Two in 2013

Mayorkas’ Leaked Title 42 Plan Ensures Migrants Get “Any” Way to Stay – They are allowed to apply for a wide variety of relief or protection including asylum, withholding of removal, etc.

26-Year-Old Dandre Johnson Was Arrested in Connection With Sacramento Mass Shooting – The morning of April 3 that left six people dead and more wounded in downtown Sacramento, California

Republicans Warn of ‘Biggest Migration Crisis in U.S. History’ as Joe Biden Nixes Title 42 – Republicans accused him of “destroying” the country with a “full-scale invasion,” and warning of an impending “migration crisis”

Can Elon Musk Save Free Speech Online? – Before buying 9% of Twitters’ stock he conducted a poll in which he proposed “free speech is essential to a functioning democracy” and asked his 80 million followers whether they “believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle”

Elon Musk Fires Warning Shot Against Big Tech Censors As He Joins Twitter’s Board of Governors – He may hopefully help put an end to some of The Lefts’ chicanery, at least on one social media platform

ZeroHedge: The US Services Surveys Disappoint In March – Confirming A Rise In Prices That Is The “Sharpest On Record”

ZeroHedge: Is This Putin’s Inflation?  – No, Homegrown Modern Monetary Theory Shows Who Is To Blame

ZeroHedge: It’s Official, Deutsche Bank Is The First Bank To Forecast A US Recession In Late 2023

Rabobank: Can You See The Fat Tail Risks? – The US Treasury just halted dollar debt payments from Russian government accounts at US financial institutions

An Appellate Court Reinstates The Louisiana Attorney General’s Lawsuit Against Zuckerberg’s Election-Meddling Group

A Radio Station Fired A Conservative Host for A Hilarious Joke at Kamala’s Expense  – A Cumulous Media Network company’s officials said her joke was “racist”

IT’S TIME TO RALLY IN CALI – The state legislature just drafted some of the most draconian vaccine mandates in the country. If these bills become law in the next few weeks, this would set a bad precedent for the rest of the nation

Putin’s Dangerous New Strategic Doctrine – How Putin has broadened his justifications for resorting to nuclear war

WSJ: Ukraine’s President Zelensky Calls for Removing Russia From U.N. Security Council After Alleged War Crimes – He says newly discovered atrocities could be worse than those in Bucha

Welcoming The Ukrainian Stranger – The titanic problem of the Ukrainian refugee crisis, as seen from the border

The Atrocities in Bucha Prove That Putin’s Goal Is to Destroy Ukrainians – The genocidal horrors they committed on Ukrainian soil will be written into history textbooks

Only Well-Armed Ukrainian Resistance against Russia Will Achieve Peace in Ukraine – The world and Ukraine would not be better off if Ukraine just lost faster

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy: Ukraine Is Unlikely to Take Back The Crimea–Donbas Corridor Through Military Means

A New Disaster is Unfolding in Chernobyl – The strontium 90 & cesium 137 that seeped into the ground are still there. Putin’s troops disturbed it by digging 6-foot-deep trenches and bulldozing deep into the dirt to push up protective berms

Tucker Carlson Tonight: How ‘5G’ is Globalist Lynchpin for ‘Total Social Control’ – “The possibility of a Chinese company having access to the core of Western telecommunications systems has raised many questions” 

John Durham: Ex-Clinton Lawyer Michael Sussmann Allegedly Lied to FBI in Writing

Senators Strike Deal to Reallocate $10 Billion in Unspent COVID-19 Funds – The funding comes from unspent COVID funds primarily from the Democrats’ American Rescue Plan

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Data Reveal 7 in 10 ‘Vaccinated’ CDC Employees Got Covid

The Bonfire of the Binaries – Roughly 280 bills designed to preserve the male-female binary are either approaching the starting line or already coursing through state legislatures

Records show Hunter Biden sought to cash in with oligarchs during the first Russian war on Ukraine that occurred in 2014

Who Is The “Big Guy” reemerges in The Hunter Biden grand jury – SO the question on the minds of most rational Americans is Has Joe Biden been pulled into Hunter grand jury probe? Because that would be bad

Peter Schweizer: ‘This is a Biden family scandal and it involves Joe Biden’ – Schweizer addresses the identity of  “The Big Guy”‘ in The Hunter Biden email

Joe Biden’s Reversal On Sexual Exposure For Kids Shows Just How Extreme The Democrat Party Has Become – In 1994, he voted for an amendment far more draconian than he now claims Florida’s child protection law to be

Don’t Believe That America Can’t Be Turned Into A Socialist Nightmare

A Mom’s Fight to Save Her Daughter from Transgender Orthodoxy at a Wisconsin School – She and her husband ultimately sued the school district alleging that district leaders had violated their constitutional rights as parents

WSJ: The Biden Administration to Extend Student-Loan Payment Pause Through End of August – The Extension could be announced as soon as Wednesday

The CDC Massively Violates Its ‘Pledge’ To Americans So Why Should Anyone Trust It Now? – Three recent events should make it abundantly clear that the answer is no.

Black Lives Matters purchased a $6 million Southern California house from donations last year, – This is in addition  to the three other houses in the LA area group leaders have bought since last year

April 4, 2022

A New San Francisco Fed study shows Biden owns our economic disaster – Put in concrete terms, a recent Bloomberg calculation translates this to an added $433 per month in household expenses for 2022

Is the US Dollar Under Attack? – Can the new China-Russia alliance destabilize the post-World War II order led by the United States?

Elon Musk Goes Viral with 3-Word Tweet After Becoming Largest Twitter Shareholder – After Elon Musk purchased a large chunk of Twitter shares and gave rise to speculation that a plot of dimensions unknown is afoot

The red States Lead Economically, Despite What Biden Says – States with Republican governors took 15 of the top 20 spots for jobs recovered since the onset of the COVID pandemic, and 17 of the top 20 have GOP-led legislatures

Let’s cancel Biden’s “New World Order” – On March 21, shortly before leaving for his NATO summit in Europe, Joe Biden told the Business Roundtable about “a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it”

Not A Single Senate Democrat Was Willing To Define What A Woman Is – When they were called and asked that question by someone from the Daily Caller

The Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked 11-11 on approving SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson – She will not get a favorable recommendation but Schumer can call a floor vote to “discharge” her from the committee

Biden blocked a black woman from Supreme Court 17 years ago – However, Democrats now claim racism, sexism behind opposition to Jackson

Senators Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski joined fellow Republican Sen. Susan Collins in declaring their intent to vote in favor of confirming Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court

Hungary’s PM Orban was elected to 4 more years – He says his enemies are “the left at home, the international left, Brussels bureaucrats, the Soros empire, international mainstream media, and even the Ukrainian president”

‘Biden Can Replace Him’: Liberals Call For Firing Of Attorney GeneralMerrick Garland – Because he hasn’t gone after Donald Trump

Dr. Peter McCullough: “Beyond Any Shadow Of A Doubt, The Vaccines Are Causing Large Numbers of Deaths” – Excess deaths in the US are at all-time highs and the numbers continue to get worse, especially for young Americans

CDC & U.K. Data: The COVID vaccines are also failing to prevent deaths  ‘So what DO they do, and WHY are we using them?’

The COVID Vaccines Don’t Prevent Transmission, Severe Illness, or Deaths – Data Show All you have to do is look at high-quality epidemiological data to get to the truth

CDC Data: Counties With Highest Vaccination Rates See More COVID-19 Cases Than Least Vaccinated

The NIH Working to Keep Taxpayers in the Dark by Stalling on Providing Fauci Documents – “They’re not complying with the open records law and won’t disclose Fauci’s income”

The Feds Intentionally Poisoned Americans During Prohibition, But You’ve Never Heard about It – During the Prohibition Era, the federal poisoning program killed at least 10,000 people, according to some estimates

Oreo commercial asks viewers to embrace homosexuality – “Coming out doesn’t happen just once, it’s a journey that needs love & courage every step of the way, so share our new film and let someone know you’re their #LifelongAlly”

WSJ: Congressional Negotiators Settle on $10 Billion for Covid Tests and Treatments – The Funding package is smaller than the White House requested and excludes money for poor nations

ZeroHedge: Seven Worst-Case Scenarios From The War In Ukraine – Most conflicts end quickly, but this one looks increasingly like it won’t, and the repercussions could range from global stagflation to World War III…

WSJ: Ukraine’s Zelensky Vows to Hold Russian Forces to Account After Their Bucha War-Crime Allegations – Biden called for a war-crimes trial, and the Ukrainian president said ‘evil has come to our land’

Focusing On Russia Instead Of China Would Be The US’s Biggest Foreign Policy Mistake Ever – China is almost incomparable in size and power next to previous US rivals such as Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and even the USSR

The Media ‘Caught in its Cover-Up’ of Hunter Biden’s Laptop Story – The NY Post’s early reporting on it was promptly suppressed by social media sites including FB and Twitter, the latter of which also locked their account for 2+ weeks

Compromised Joe Biden Cannot Lead America Or The Free World Must Go! – Last week the Russian government held a press conference airing accusations of breathtaking corruption on the part of Joe Biden and his family. The incriminating evidence presented came straight from the hard drive that belonged to Hunter Biden

Democracy Institute Poll: More Americans Would Rather See Joe Biden Removed from Office Than Putin – Also, 57% disapprove of the Biden presidency and 70% believe the United States is “heading in the wrong direction”

Taxpayers are shelling out more than $30k+ a month so the Secret Service can rent an estate in Malibu to protect Hunter Biden, who is living nearby in a “resort-style” home

Biden’s Wealth Tax Is Class Envy Hiding Economic Malpractice – He is likely staring these days at the rising budget deficit along with his desire to spend far more money than the US Treasury has in its coffers

Trump Endorses Sarah Palin for Alaska Congressional Seat – “There will now be a true America First fighter on the ballot to replace the late and legendary Congressman Don Young”

Three Republican states sue to stop Biden admin’s lifting of Title 42 border policy – The administration announced that Title 42 will end in May

SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson rejects America’s very foundation – Senator Ted Cruz served her with a set of written questions, two of which revealed Jackson’s constitutional nihilism

The Civil War For America’s Banks – Progressives have pushed the major banks into left-wing activism, shunning industries including oil and gas producers and gun manufacturers, and fighting conservative state laws on issues like abortion

Joe Biden’s DOE is expected to finalize changes to Title IX rules in the coming weeks to expand the definition of discrimination beyond sex to also include sexual orientation and gender identity in college sports

Why the LGBTQ+ are so aggressively fighting Florida’s anti-grooming law – Emboldened  by progress, they don’t even try to hide it and their writing about sex ed is full of Marxist terms: intersectionality, equity, and justice being three examples

I&I/TIPP POLL: Will Hunter Biden Scandal Further Erode Americans’ Trust In Media? – This is what people think now

Elon Musk Takes Action to Rescue Free Speech from Big Tech By Buying A Large Stake in Twitter – He is now the social media giant’s largest stakeholder, according to the Financial Times

The World Reacts To Musk Not Joining Twitter’s Board – By not joining the board, he is not restricted on how much of the company he can buy and could not say much about the company publicly if he is on the board

ZeroHedge: The Global Order Has Cracked – Those who have benefited from it are doing everything in their power to patch the cracks, while those who chafed under the old order’s chains seek a new order that suits their interests

ZeroHedge: Do Stock Splits Create Value? – We are talking about the recent flood of stock split announcements that lifted the shares of such tech giants as Amazon, Google, Tesla, and, most recently, Gamestop

UK Education Ministry Ofsted: The Development of Young Children ‘Regressed’ During COVID Lockdowns

VAERS Data Analysis: Numerous Health Problems Likely Due to COVID-19 Vaccines Than Coincidence – A  million reports of various health problems and more than 21,000 death reports since the introduction of the vaccines in late 2020

CDC: American drug-related overdose deaths are soaring from fentanyl – This powerful synthetic drug originates from China and enters the United States through its unsealed border with Mexico

April 3, 2022

Former AG Barr Stopped Investigations into a Trailer Load of 288,000 Ballots into PA from NY in the 2020 Election – Barr Refused to Provide Whistleblower Protection and now the USPS Won’t Provide Investigation Report, So What Gives?

Biden’s Big Lie Budget – He has the guts to claim it ensures our safety and security around the world

Miranda Devine: Joe Biden ‘is in bed’ with The Chinese Communist Party – The journalist who exposed Hunter’s laptop tells what the story they are trying to hide is all about

A ‘Bombshell’ Hunter Biden Text Reveals Joe Biden Made Him Give Him ‘Half’ His Salary for Over 30 Years

Does Joe Biden Think He’s America’s Jailer? – According to a recent report, he would like to put Donald Trump behind bars. Shouldn’t he be more worried that he, or his spoiled son, could be the ones to suffer that very fate?

Gordon Chang’s Warning: China is taking over the Pacific – The security deal with the Solomon Islands is just the latest step

Donald Trump: Biden’s Afghanistan pullout made Putin think he could take Ukraine

Will the Democrats Accept the Midterm Results? Nancy Pelosi is already saying democracy is in danger if the GOP wins majorities in Congress

Victor Davis Hanson: The Nihilism of the Left – In pursuit of its utopian omelet, the Left cares little about the millions of middle-class Americans it must break to make it

Republicans Can Still Stop the Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination – Jackson’s confirmation is being hurried to a Monday committee vote ahead of the Easter recess, so what’s the rush?

IT’S OPEN SEASON ON COPS – In the first quarter of 2022, 101 police officers were shot in the line of duty, 17 fatally. That represents a 43% increase over the same period in 2021 and a 63% increase over 2020

Dov Fischer: We Also Are at War as LGBTQ and Other Extremist Cultural Enemies Seek to Destroy Our Way of Life – We are fighting for our kids and against Phony Disney, Sleepy Joe, Dopey Kamala, and Grumpy AOC

‘We’re Going to Fix It’: Trump All But Declares 2024 Candidacy During A Fiery Michigan Speech

ZeroHedge: Pollsters Are Humiliated As Two Pro-Putin Parties Win Avalanche Victories In European Elections

Biden uses Sacramento shooting to push gun control agenda – ‘We must do more than mourn; we must act’

JD Rucker: In One Tweet, Lauren Boebert Blows Apart the Biden Regime’s Justification for Lifting Title 42 – Title 42 makes sense with or without the pandemic

Recently Unredacted Documents Prove That Pfizer and The FDA Knew That Antibody-Dependent Enhancement Was Occurring in Vaccinated

New China COVID-19 Outbreak Case Numbers Dwarf Anything from 2020 – The Entire City of Shanghai Is Locked Down

20 Facts About the Emerging Global Food Shortage That Should Chill You to the Core – Rationing has already begun in Spain and Greece

The descent of New York – From rising crime to a post-Covid creepiness, the city feels like it’s falling apart

Renewable Energy Is an Abundant Source of Self-Deception – Perhaps the Real Collusion is with Leftist Environmental Groups and Russia

Inflation, Invasion, and Crime – The Biden-Obama Gang decided to spend more money on interest group welfare and crony capitalist pork-barrel projects and drill for far less energy here to become more dependent on the energy production of our enemies

Russia’s New Iron Curtain – As Putin makes war on Ukraine, he is also imposing a deepening degree of censorship on Russians

Human Rights Watch says the Russian military has committed ‘apparent war crimes in Ukraine

ZeroHedge: Central Banks: Who Needs Them? (Spoiler Alert: No One) – The alleged legitimacy of central banks rests on these three fundamental goals that they share around the world

Global Food Crisis: Russia Threatens to Limit Vital Agri Supply to ‘Friendly’ Countries Only

J.D. Vance: ‘Ridiculous Notions of Gender’ Threaten US Leadership of Free World GOP Senate candidate criticizes D.C. establishment for ‘moralistic instead of strategic’ foreign policy

Senator Rick Scott’s Failure to Launch Could Be the GOP’s Blessing in Disguise – His presidential ambitions appear DOA, which may be just as well, given that he’s the man in charge of winning Republicans back the Senate

Unlike Ukraine, An Invasion of Taiwan May Spur US Military Intervention – Due to Taiwan’s geographical location and Its dominance of global semi-conductor chip manufacturing

A turning point in Ukraine – While the Russians enjoyed superiority in numbers in February, the Ukrainians have since enlisted the help of most of their adult male citizens

5 bombshell videos on COVID-19 – These five videos offer invaluable insights into the COVID issue

Los Angeles County’s Barbara Ferrer Warns of Future Masks and Restrictions as Covid Cases Level Off and Deaths Plummet

April 2, 2022

Trading Realpolitik for a Puppet Show – The Biden Administration’s lies, errors, and miscalculations over Russia will probably hurt the American people more than Putin

Kash Patel said the fact that the Hilary Clinton campaign is paying a penalty to Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an admittance of guilt

The Supreme Court Upholds Equality in the Voting Rights Act, But Not Equity in Voting  – The Court wisely overturned a dubious and racialized distortion of the Constitution

ZeroHedge: “A Paradigm Shift Western Media Hasn’t Grasped Yet” – Russian Ruble Relaunched, Linked To Gold & Commodities – Since gold trades in US dollars, this sets a floor price for the ruble in terms of the US dollars

Klaus Schwab’s WEF to ‘Deeply Affect Our Energy and Supply Chains’ This Year – Schwab said America is his biggest problem because so much of our population doesn’t buy into the climate hoax

ZeroHedge: What Is The “Great Reset” And What Do The Globalists Want? – Full centralization, to erase the idea of free markets and allow a handful of people to micromanage trade and business

What California’s Vaccine Mandates Mean for Liberty – Extending a public emergency and instilling mass fear are effective techniques for amassing power

ZeroHedge: These Are The Richest People In The World In 2022 – The 10 richest people in the world control $1.3 trillion in wealth

The Ukraine war proves it: The West needs to end its reckless war on energy – Energy prices were surging well before the war, largely thanks to the West’s attempts to do away with its fossil-fuel industries

Battered by COVID-19, waves of illegal immigrants, and fears of even larger surges ahead, Customs and Border Protection officers have a new burden: they must now be sure to use proper pronouns for LGBTQI+ migrants.

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Results Not Strong Enough to Warrant Authorization for Children – Experts Company says substandard results of COVID-19 vaccine trial expected

The Similarities Between CRT and Prison Gang Culture Can Help Predict Where CRT Can Leas Society

The Democrats Have A Pedophilia Problem – This is not guilt by association, innuendo, or conjecture as there is a firmly established pattern of facts

Ron Johnson’s unanswered corruption questions from 2020 loom large over Joe Biden – The unknowns: Did the president benefit in any way from his son’s overseas business deals, what did he know and when did he know it?

Biden Runs Out of Gas – The president has an unerring instinct to make problems worse and none of the policies he has enacted throughout his short presidency have alleviated the problems they were meant to solve

Democrats Have Painted Themselves into a Corner – The destruction that Democrats have unleashed on America is mind-boggling

The Lawyer Who Has Examined Hunter Biden’s Finances Predicts The President’s Son Will Be Indicted

The Man Who Exposed Hunter Biden’s Laptop Shares Disgusting Details Of How He Was Treated, With His Business Physically Targeted

Psaki is leaving the White House, and not a minute too soon – She is a master liar; that is precisely what her job has required, given the current administration and that MSNBC has hired her is exactly what one would expect

Psaki’s reported MSNBC deal fraught with ethical landmines according to experts – “A serious conflict of interest can arise when a sitting press secretary leverages her position to negotiate employment with a media outlet”

Who will be the next White House press secretary? – While the White House hasn’t publicly identified any likely successors, there are several candidates already on staff who might receive consideration

Were You Better off With Trump? – Whether you believe that 2020 election fraud speaks for itself or not, you must admit President Trump’s 2020 performance was better than any Republican’s in history

the Biden Administration Reverses Trump’s Fuel Efficiency Rules – New Vehicles Must Average 49 Miles per Gallon by 2026

Do Most Americans Accept the Woke Agenda? – Progressivism has morphed into our newest religion and it is “an authoritarian movement that wants total compliance with its dictates”

ZeroHedge: How Are Food Prices Being Covered On Television News? – Throughout the pandemic, Fox News has led the coverage of increasing food prices

This Is Why Your ‘Locally Butchered’ Beef Might Come From China – Deceptive Label Claims You Should Be Aware Of 

Did the CIA Prompt the War in Ukraine to Establish a New “Threat” of “Domestic Terrorists” – This would be beneficial to current attempts by the Biden regime to label and demonize anyone on the right as “domestic terror threats”

California’s Water Crisis Lingers as Gov. Newsom Vacations in Costa Rica – Right now, California is facing a severe water shortage that is government-made

A Los Angeles judge ruled Friday that the California landmark law mandating that corporations diversify their boards with members from certain racial, ethnic, or LGBT groups is unconstitutional

The Night Watchman & The Department Of Energy – The DOE was instituted on 8/04/1977 – THEIR CHARTER WAS TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL

Will Smith Resigns from Motion Picture Academy Amid Chris Rock Assault Backlash – Smith said in a statement, he would “accept any further consequences the Board deems appropriate”


April 1, 2022

A New Google Docs feature is on the way to flag “potentially discriminatory or inappropriate language” – This new feature is designed to influence what people write

The White House refused to rule out Joe Biden issuing a presidential pardon for his son Hunter or his brother James as federal investigations continue over their foreign business dealings

A Transgender Cyclist Was Booted from Championship Race After The Female Opponents Threaten Boycott

Zelenskyy says Ukraine ‘will not accept any outcome’ besides ‘victory’ and that giving up territory is ‘out of discussion’

JD Rucker: Who Is Running the Country?  – The only thing we know for certain is that it’s neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris in charge and the closest thing to a right answer is that it’s a combination of some or even all of these ten entities

November’s Expected Red Tsunami Must Adopt the America First Plan – We need an America First Plan, And We Need It Now!

NBC Exposes Joe Biden Taking Hunter on China Trip in 2013 So He Could Meet Business Associates – It’s amazing what corporate media can dig up when the deep state sets its mind to getting rid of the sitting president

A NY Judge Strikes Down Mayor Adams’ Mask Mandate for Toddlers: ‘Arbitrary, Capricious and Unreasonable’

Galganov: While They Played Hardball We Threw Lobs – Today Is April 1, 2022 – April Fool’s Day . . . Make No Mistake About It – We Are All Being Played For Fools

‘The Inflation Tax’ Will Cost Families This Many Thousands This Year – A Bloomberg Analysis Warns There goes $433 a month from your family’s budget

Dozens of members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have gone to a federal appeals court to blast Joe Biden’s mandate that took over state tax-setting authority during the COVID-19 pandemic

Sarah Palin announces her run for Congress in Alaska and joins a crowded field looking to replace late the Representative Don Young

Los Angeles will pay 1,000 residents picked at random to receive $36,000 universal income over three years in a new trial program – Households need to earn less than $96,000 and not receive government handouts

The U.S. Army Is Short on Qualified Recruits So Reduces The Number of Soldiers – ‘There is a sense among the American public that the military is becoming increasingly political… ‘

There Wasn’t a Single New Car on the Lot When I Bought My Car – Modern cars are filled with semiconductor chips—and the world is experiencing a serious shortage of them right now

Ford Announces A Major Vehicle Recall For 700,000 Vehicles – The recalled cars might have either a faulty part that could cause oil leakage or a software bug that could inhibit safe braking

Unemployment dropped faster than the Fed or White House expected – The unemployment rate was 3.6% in March and joblessness is at its lowest level since just before the COVID-19 pandemic struck, when it was about 3.5%

More Bad Census News For the Blue States In America – Big blue states (New York, Illinois, and California) stick out along with D.C. and Hawaii as the top five slots on the list in lost population

Biden Is Doing Everything Possible To Avoid Opening American Energy Production – He just ordered an unprecedented release from the emergency oil stockpile to avoid promoting long-term sustainable energy production

The Biden administration is preparing to offload a million barrels per day of crude oil over the next six months, worth tens of billions of dollars – The government could have earned billions more if Trump’s administration had been able to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 2020 when oil was selling for a period at or below $20 per barrel

Ivanka Trump fills five C-130s to provide more aid to Ukraine – In addition to already helping deliver 1 million meals to Ukrainians stuck in the war-ravaged nation

CNN Confirms: The Supposed Trump Phone Call ‘Gap’ of Missing 7 Hours on Jan. 6 Turns Out to Be a Hoax

fWith crime up and ridership down, the LA MTA struggles to move homeless people off their trains – Officials fear it is preventing a rebound in ridership when record-high gas prices might otherwise lure commuters into mass transit

WSJ Poll: Support for A 15-Week Abortion Ban Outweighs Opposition – A majority think abortion should be legal in most cases, but many people back the 15-week ban being considered by The Supreme Court

Four states are working to be abortion “sanctuaries” if the 1973 Supreme Court decision creating a nationwide right to abortion is overturned, as many expect – Colorado that is leading that race, according to an NPR report

Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg denies any wrongdoing following the announcement of an upcoming documentary film that details the leftist’s $400 million effort to bolster then-candidate Joe Biden in the 2020 election

International Monetary Fund: Sanctions Against Russia Threaten to Weaken the Dominance of the Dollar – They may result in a more fragmented international monetary system

Biden’s Lack Of Any Strategy For Ukraine Shows He’s Got None For U.S. National Security Either – His uneven response to the Ukraine war is sowing confusion among allies and signaling weakness to our chief adversary, China

The Weakest Presidential Line Of Succession Ever – There is little if any appreciation of the unprecedented vulnerability of the United States due to those further down in the line of succession

Biden, the Ersatz President – Trump was a results president while Biden and the Democrats show a flurry of meaningless activity that plays well to the media and their supporters, but amounts to nothing of positive significance

Biden’s border surge plan is worse than it looks – He plans to drop Title 42 COVID restrictions on illegal entrants on May 23, then the human waves are expected to at least double from what was seen last year

The Biden Administration’s New Transgender Equity Plan – Big changes implemented through the Department of Homeland Security and State Department. Passports will now offer an “X” option and TSA body screeners are being reformed.

Who will vote to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson? – Every senator on the committee who casts a vote to confirm her will be officially subscribing to her surrender to the woke mob and her extreme judicial philosophy

JD Rucker: The Utter Lunacy of the LGBTQIA+ Supremacy Agenda – It was never my intention to cover so much about Cultural Marxism, but it’s become such an important topic that patriots need to pay attention

Arizona governor Doug Ducey signs a bill to protect minors from medical experimentation – It prohibits medical practices that: “Instill or create physiological or anatomical characteristics that resemble a sexual identity different from the individual’s biological sex

ZeroHedge: Ukrainian Forces Reportedly Blow Up Fuel Depot On Russian Territory In “Daring Cross-Border Attack” – In the city of Belgorod, situated roughly 40 miles north of the border with Ukraine

More Rumors of Psaki’s Departure Slip Out: Will She Go? – Jack Posobiec, “Jen Psaki is looking to make the jump to the MSM because she wants out of the cleanup crew job”

ZeroHedge: “Fertilizer Costs Are Out Of Control” – US Farmers Ditch Corn Crops For Soy To Save On Costs

DeSantis Hints at Possible Repeal of Disney’s ‘Special Privileges’ authorized by the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act – He said, “I don’t think we should have special privileges in the law at all”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki plans to leave the White House in May to host a show on NBC’s Peacock streaming platform, according to a report

Dr. Joseph Mercola: How the Spike Protein Hurts the Heart – It Damages Endothelial Cells and Hurts The Heart

Dr. Fauci Silenced All Wuhan Lab Leak Theories After Being Schmoozed by Gain-of-Function Researcher Peter Daszak

March 31, 2022

ZeroHedge: Is Russia The Real Target Of Western Sanctions? – If anything, the sanctions seem to be at best rather impotent, and at worst amazingly counterproductive

At the World Government Summit, an economist says the financial world order is about to shift dramatically as we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce blockchain

The Hunter Laptop Story Confirms That We Need To Rein in Big Tech or Cease To Be a Free People – The upcoming elections are crucial

Rudy Giuliani cites evidence of Joe Biden-led ‘racketeering’ enterprise – The Former prosecutor says it’s stronger than evidence against the Mafia

Dob Fischer: The 10 Plagues of Biden the Schlub – From unnecessary deaths in Ukraine and Afghanistan to AOC-Pelosi’s toxic “green” climate nonsense, cackling Harris, and runaway inflation, plus more

Here is the full list of 51 deep state “intelligence” officials who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop to try to defeat Trump in 2020

Even The Big Media Can No Longer Ignore The Biden Family’s Corruption – Both the New York Times and Washington Post admit that Hunter Biden’s lost laptop is real, not a “fake” or a Russian fabrication

More Scandals Envelop the Scandalous FBI – For years, congressional Republicans promised to hold FBI officials culpable for various scandals but failed to act

The border: ‘There is no imaginable scenario’ to avoid another disaster – With 1 million in just the first half of the year, and with the peak migration months not yet begun, the Border Patrol is overwhelmed

The Biden Administration is in Talks to a Provide Smartphone App to Illegal Migrants so they can Pre-Register Before Entering the US Illegally

‘Shellacking’: An NBC anchor sounds an alarm for Democrats over the 2022 midterm election as he forecasts major losses

US Department of Health & Human Services: Castrations/Mastectomies Okay for Transgender Minors – They are all-in on radical transgender ideology, encouraging early body-changing medical interventions as “gender-affirming” care

The White House pushes for minors to undergo body mutilation surgery, to erase women’s sports, and for late-term abortion – “These laws are unacceptable and we won’t stop fighting for justice and equality,” wrote Psaki

WSJ: Positive Drug Tests Among U.S. Workers Hit A Two-Decade High – Fewer employers tested applicants for marijuana last year than in 2020 as companies grappled with nationwide labor shortages

The map of our DNA is finally complete. Here’s what that means for humanity – The previously missing bits could offer insights into human development, aging, and diseases, as well as evolution and migration patterns

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines showed “reduced effectiveness” against the Omicron variant among children 12 and older, according to a study published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine

The Greatest Fraud in Modern History: Multiple Studies Show The COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Stop Infections, Transmissions, Hospitalizations, and Death – So Why The Mandates?

JD Rucker: Don’t Let the Truth About Covid ‘Vaccines’ Get Swept Under the Rug – There has been a PAUSE in Pandemic Panic Theater, but it behooves us to prepare for when they rear their ugly heads again

WSJ: Ukrainian Troops Push Forward as Russian Forces Regroup – Western officials say there are signs Russian President Vladimir Putin isn’t being told the truth about the war’s progress

ZeroHedge: the Hunter Biden Dam Is About To Burst?  – The Washington Post and CNN Go Scorched Earth Over ‘The Laptop From Hell’

Bruce Willis Needed An Earpiece To Remember Lines, His Dialogue Was Shortened Because He Couldn’t Remember His Lines And He Allegedly Fired A Gun Prematurely On Set<

Donald Trump: The Fines Paid by the Clinton Campaign and DNC Show Corruption – The operation “was done to create a hoax and is only beginning to be revealed and it must never be allowed to happen again”

WSJ: Biden to Tap Strategic Oil Reserves, as Crude Prices Drop –The President plans to use up to 180 million barrels of reserves over six months in unprecedented government intervention in oil markets

ZeroHedge: The Kremlin Warns Poland Over Becoming ‘NATO’s Front Line’ – The Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman suggested this is “dangerous” even for broader European security, in what appears to be a veiled threat

ZeroHedge: The Ruble Regains 100% Of Its Loss After Russia Invaded Ukraine, But Why? – Here are the theories on what is really happening…

Inflation hit the highest rate in 40 years in the gauge favored by the Federal Reserve –This raises worries about price hikes and adds urgency to the central bank’s efforts to tighten monetary policy

‘Unhinged’ And ‘Abnormal’: The Fed Warns Of A Housing Bubble As The Average Cost Of New Homes Hits A Record High

ZeroHedge: “Do You Feel Lucky?” – 8 Reasons To Question The Market’s Recent Rip – Amid an utter shit-show of macro, micro, political, and geopolitical chaos, the S&P 500 is less than 4% from its record closing high

Trump Interview: The US Is Now “Like a Third World Country” as the Supply Chain Crisis Gets Even WORSE – Throughout our entire economy, there are shortages, delays, and backlogs

ZeroHedge: 22,000 Union Workers At 29 West Coast Ports May Strike – The international supply chain crisis that has impacted U.S. logistics firms, retailers, and consumers could intensify this summer

JD Rucker: More Evidence of Ray Epps activities on January 6th Makes Us Even More Curious Why He’s Walking Free While Others Are Jailed

Biden’s Dishonest Budget – In unveiling the budget this week, the White House released a ‘fact sheet’ filled with misleading deficit claims

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signs a new voter ID bill requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote, setting up a court battle

The Abortion Vote That Could Haunt Democrats in November – Democrat senators are unprepared to defend their support for a bill that would strike down popular state parental-consent laws

Russian troops are beginning to pull out of Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear facility and are moving into Belarus, a Pentagon official said on Wednesday

Putin Forces Germany to Rethink ‘World’s Dumbest Energy Policy’ – Simultaneously abandoning nuclear power and phasing out coal has left Germany more dependent on Russian natural gas than ever before

Trump was right about energy – Green energy solutions aren’t ready for prime time and while his insights and warnings went unheeded, his message is now getting a hearing on Wall Street

The US Imposes Sanctions on Multiple Entities Accused of Supplying Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program

Reality Check: The Increasing Cost of Papering Over Obamacare’s Problems – The law has failed to fulfill numerous promises and expectations

A Memo To Democrats – Everything gets paid for somehow, and now Americans are about to learn the hard way about the actual cost of those stimulus checks Democrats championed over the past two years

Inflation: The Result of Sticker Shock on Government Spending – It wasn’t caused by supply-chain problems as the white house would have you believe

Democrats And Media Ignore Child Sex Crimes To Protect Ketanji Brown Jackson – In every single child pornography case handled, she went below the minimum recommendation, and below the prosecutor’s request

Just in time for the midterms, Biden sets off the mother of migrant surges – The U.S. Border Patrol expects a record number of migrants from 157 countries to cross our border illegally, most presenting spurious claims to “asylum.”

JD Rucker: Now Is the Time to Rid Ourselves of RINOs – In past elections, many Republicans were conned into thinking the only way to beat Democrats was with milquetoast centrists. That attitude can no longer be allowed to prevail

CNN Is Eyeing Layoffs Following The Embarrassing Failure of Their New Streaming Service

At long last, the mainstream media are paying some attention to the obvious corruption of President Joe Biden’s family and its many business partners, which include the Chinese government and Russian oligarchs

Joe Biden Applauds Transgenderism with Launch of New ‘X’ Gender Marker – The new “X” gender marker will appear on U.S. passport applications beginning on April 11

A Federal Judge’s Opinion on Trump Reveals The Judiciary’s Reliance on Media Propaganda – He presents a picture of the 2020 election reading like a Nancy Pelosi press release, presenting as facts things that are just not true

A significant increase in Russian oil imports by India could expose New Delhi to a “great risk” as the US prepares to step up enforcement of sanctions against Moscow, a senior official said

Say what? Kamala Harris tosses word salad after meeting Jamaican prime minister

What the Forever Crises Are Really About – These forever crises have certainly become more acute and part of public consciousness since COVID, but go back long before COVID and these crises always demand totalizing responses

ZeroHedge: The Media Is The Number One Cause Of War Since 1898 – When a young entrepreneur had an idea: thrill readers with tales of death, destruction, and brutality in the Cuban War for Independence against Spain

DisneyWoke: The Decline of a Great American Company – The Walt Disney Company has been a vocal critic of Florida’s new law stating classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3

The English Versions of Fauci Are Even Worse Than The American Ones – The Imperial College of London is kind of a Fauci cubed, based on its constant fear-mongering and bad research models

Click Here For Coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 Charts, Data & CDC Information ACT

March 30, 2022

Senators Release Bank Records Showing Payments to Hunter Biden From China

Victor Davis Hanson: History Should Be Our Guide in Ukraine – Ukraine can defeat Vladimir Putin’s expeditionary army if the West remembers that history is not on Putin’s side

Donald Trump would beat Biden by six points and Kamala by 11 if the election were held today

The Justice Department Is Preparing A ‘Disclosure’ on Jan. 6 Instigator Ray Epps – The guy who brazenly told protesters to “go into the Capitol” before the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion

Disney Is Interested in Your Kids – The entertainment company pledges to embed radical sexual politics in its children’s programming

Dr. Joseph Mercola: A new study shows a link between artificial sweeteners and cancer, even after controlling for factors known to contribute to cancer, including age, weight gain, physical activity, and family history of cancer

The BA.2 Omicron Subvariant Estimated to Account for Majority of COVID-19 Cases in the US

The WSJ Misleads Public on Ivermectin, Ignores Latest Revelations About ‘Hidden Author’ Who Undermined Its Efficacy

CDC: Americans Who Received J&J Single-Shot COVID Vaccine May Need mRNA Booster

The Biden administration has launched a new resources website for COVID-19. COVID.gov provides links to locations with free N-95 masks and COVID vaccines, and ways to get mail-in COVID tests.

The number of refugees who have fled Ukraine has now surpassed 4 million, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency

WSJ: Russia Plays Down The Progress in Peace Talks and Intensifies Attacks in Eastern Ukraine – Russian forces also struck around Kyiv, while Ukraine said it fought off advances in the eastern Donbas region

Gallup Poll: Inflation, At It Highest In Almost 40-Years, Is The Top Economic Concern for Americans

WSJ: The Biden Administration to Lift The Title 42 Border Policy – The pandemic-era policy that allows migrants to be turned away at the border will end May 23

Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine Announces Her Support for Controversial Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson

President Biden reportedly plans to invoke wartime powers to increase domestic production of critical minerals needed to build batteries for electric vehicles and other types of energy technologies

Deeply Partisan Federal Bureaucrats Selectively Enforce The Laws, Eliminating Equal Justice For All – Effectively canceling Americans’ ballots by blocking policies their elected officials voted for

How does the FBI ‘lose’ a laptop like Hunter Biden’s? – The FBI’s assistant director for cybersecurity told Congressman Matt Gaetz he had no idea where Hunter Biden’s laptop, entrusted to FBI custody, actually is

The Biden Administration Stifled A Congressional Investigation Into CDC And Teachers Union Collusion – During the pandemic’s peak, the CDC colluded with the AFT to create a teachers-union-friendly plan to return to classrooms

Senator Cruz: ‘The Democrats Are Panicking’ – All of their policies have been disastrous.”

The Federal Election Commission fined The DNC and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign for The Trump dossier hoax

The Attacks On Clarence And Ginni Thomas Are Merely Latest In A Decades-Long Smear Campaign – Not only are the attacks purely political, but they’re also deeply hypocritical

Are We Sure The 2020 Election Was Clean? – Biden carried Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin by only 313,253 votes. Take out Michigan, and the gap was 159,065.

Election Watchdog Finds 137,500 Ballots Unlawfully Trafficked in Wisconsin – Ballot trafficking is an activity in which absentee ballots and votes are solicited, sometimes in exchange for money or other valuables

ZeroHedge: Ukraine Has “Essentially Agreed” To The Core Russian Demands Of Not Joining NATO, According To The Kremlin

ZeroHedge: A Fed Liquidity Drain Is Coming – Inflation is running hot, and the Fed is projecting seven rate increases this year alone

ZeroHedge: The Final Q4 GDP Estimate Is Below Expectations On Weak Consumption As All Attention Now Turns Toward A Looming Recession

ZeroHedge: The Driving Rebound To Pre-Pandemic Levels In The US Intensifies Pressure On Oil Supplies

Soros bankrolled prosecutors are murdering criminal justice reform – Just a few short years ago, there was clear bipartisan agreement on commonsense criminal justice reform

Senior Disney programming executive Latoya Raveneau, in a secret company video, admits to queering child programming for years – Chris Rufo somehow got his hands on these three videos, all of which are very disturbing

Bruce Willis was diagnosed with aphasia and is stepping away from acting – Aphasia is a medical condition that can affect a person’s ability to speak, write and understand language, both verbal and written

JD Rucker: The Most Visited Website and Popular App Is the Ultimate Grooming Tool, Yet Nobody Notices – Parents think TikTok is a harmless distraction for their kids, but it’s arguably the most dangerous app ever made

On The Yale Law School Debacle – On March 10, a group of approximately one hundred Yale Law School students disrupted a debate on free speech at the School

Socialism Discourages Work and Creates Poverty – Socialism diminishes people’s incentive to work to improve their circumstances by depriving them of the fruits of their efforts

Meet Earendel, the most distant star ever detected – The star, imaged by the Hubble telescope, shone just 900 million years after the Big Bang

The number of people in U.S. hospitals with COVID-19 is at its lowest point since the early days of the pandemic in the spring of 2020

The Chilling Reason They Won’t Declare the Pandemic Over? – The WHO wants to make its pandemic leadership permanent, and is proposing a new pandemic treaty they hope will be accepted by enough member countries to become a reality by 2024

Fauci says he is not ‘going to be able to determine if lockdowns were worth it –“I don’t think we’re ever going to be able to determine what the right balance is”

The W.H.O. Warns That Social Surveillance Must Remain Even as Coronavirus Cases Plunge Globally

A Doctor Detects ​MAC Addresses in COVID Vaccinated Individuals ​Using Bluetooth Applications

Colleen Huber NMD: Vitamin D beats the vaccines against COVID – The vaccines only work on adaptive, not innate immunity while vitamin D stimulates, coordinates, and strengthens the entire immune system. (Part 3 of a series)

March 29, 2022

The incoherence at the heart of NATO – It spent years stoking a conflict with Russia it had no intention of fighting

Trump Doctrine 2.0: The former president says he’s not interested in the House speaker’s job and knows what the next president needs to do on inflation, crime, the border, Russia, and China.

The Future of Trumpism: The greatest threat to Donald Trump’s hold on the GOP comes from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who may be more into MAGA than the MAGA king himself

The New York Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ – Forensic Analysis Concludes The Hunter Biden Email Are 100% Authentic

Matt Gaetz enters Hunter Biden’s laptop into the congressional record – “What now you’re telling me right here is that as the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber, you don’t know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago?”

Seventy-Two Hours – A week ago, a handful of strangers volunteering with the Aerial Recovery Group walked across the border of Poland into Ukraine to rescue as many orphans as they could and this is how they did it.

Emboldened Enemies and Disappointed Allies: America’s Decaying Status in the Middle East – The image of the US in the Middle East eroded enough over the past year to embolden its enemies and demoralize its allies

Joe Manchin Drives a Dagger Through the Heart of Another Hare-Brained Biden Scheme – On Tuesday, the senator put an end to Biden’s proposed tax on millionaires’ unearned income

WSJ: The FTC Sues Intuit Over Its TurboTax Ads Offering Free Tax Filing – The agency calls its marketing practices deceptive and Intuit says allegations aren’t credible

Big Tech Let SEVEN Dictators Post, Including Vladimir Putin, Yet They Still Ban Donald Trump

The Progressive Left’s Latest Move to Destroy America: “Project 65” Seeks to Kill All the Trump Lawyers By Canceling Them – Their purpose is to file bar complaints against 111 lawyers wherever they are licensed

Trans ideology will destroy women’s sports – Allowing biological males to compete against women is a license to cheat

JD Rucker: Zelensky Claims the Way Europe Can Stop the Russian Invasion Is if They Go Green  – Says fossil fuel sales allowed Russia to be bold. Therefore, going green will help end the war

PART 2: Victor Davis Hanson on Russia-Ukraine ‘New World Order,’ Biolabs, and Other War Messaging—Is This a WWIII Moment?

The Exodus From US Cities Is Gaining Speed –  Americans are fleeing highly-regulated, highly taxed areas and flocking to freer states

The NFL Goes Full Woke With New Rule For 2022 – Lawsuit maintains minorities are not equally represented in key positions

A far-reaching vaccine bill introduced in the California Legislature this year will not move forward after the proposal to require all workers to be inoculated against COVID-19 was shelved on the eve of its first hearing

A Newly Introduced CA Abortion Bill Could Legalize Infanticide For Several Weeks After Birth – It specifically includes the term “perinatal death” which would allow delivered babies to be terminated at the will of their mothers

Buried Halfway Into a 40-Page Report, WHO Reveals New Vaccine Side-Effect Many Have Yet to Recover From – The World Health Organization said it is looking into reports of hearing problems stemming from the vaccines

Heart Damage Found in Teens After Second Pfizer Shot – More than two-thirds of adolescents with COVID-19 vaccine-related myopericarditis had persistent heart abnormalities months after their initial diagnosis

Vaccine Passports Are Just One Way BlackRock and Vanguard Profit From Pandemic As They Orchestrate Them

A U.S. District Judge Blocks COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Entire Navy

FDA Official: A Fifth COVID-19 Vaccine Shot May Be Needed in Fall

Fauci: Americans Should Be ‘Prepared for Possibility’ of COVID-19 Restrictions

Follow the Science, or Follow the Money?  – Following the money has been the key to uncovering the corruption surrounding COVID-19 measures, but now it may be the key to providing a solution to it

One of the former CIA officers who signed a letter claiming stories about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden were disinformation says he helped swing the 2020 election from former President Donald Trump

Heritage Election Integrity Scorecard – Scores And Evaluation Criteria Are Provided For All Fifty States

Russia to Cut Down on Military Activity Near Ukraine’s Capital – According to The Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation

WSJ: Ukraine Proposes Neutral Status With Guarantees, and Zelensky Seeks More Western Help – Cease-fire talks advanced as deadly Russian strikes continued and Ukrainian forces pushed back Moscow’s troops near Kyiv

Russians Know Death, Unlike Any Other People – Russia is a culture of death. The Russian people have been through hell unlike any other since 1914. No country compares to this level of violence. None!

Ukraine war: In a co-ordinated move, four EU countries are expelling more than 40 Russian diplomats suspected of spying

ZeroHedge: The West Is Suspicious That Latest Russian Compromise Offers Are A “Tactical Exercise To Play For Time”

Donald Trump calls on Putin to release info on Hunter Biden’s dealings with oligarchs – “I think we should know that answer,” America’s 45th president says

Biden’s Regime-Change Talk Is Worse Than a Simple Gaffe – What he seems to have in mind is not so much regime change as regime decapitation, getting rid of Vladimir Putin but leaving the rest of the Moscow machinery in place

Will The GOP Establishment Enable Another Disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal? – The U.S. team not only failed to get Iran to give up the sunset clauses, reports from the negotiations indicate they have made further concessions

Senator Grassley Unveils Explosive New Docs That ‘Undeniably’ Show Strong Links Between Biden Family and Communist China – He promised they were just a ‘taste’ of what he and his colleague Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) have in store

Florida and 20 other states sue the Biden administration over the transportation mask mandate – The other states include AL, AK, AZ, AR, GA, ID, IN, KS, KY LA, MS, Missouri, MO, NB, OH, OK, SC, UT, VA, and WV

Joe Biden’s New Pentagon Secretary Nominee Is A Former Pfizer’s ‘Global Project Lead’ That Blasted Conservatives as ‘Nut Jobs’ – This LGBT activist has a long history of political activity

ZeroHedge: Inflation Expectations Hit Record Highs As Conference Board Survey ‘Hope’ Crashes To 8-Year-Lows

It’s the Inflation, Stupid – Increased prices are a daily lived reality, and no amount of White House spin is going to change that

ZeroHedge: US Home Prices Re-Accelerate In January (Ahead Of Mortgage Rate Spike)

Lies, Damned Lies, And Biden’s Budget – Biden’s right that his $5.8 trillion budget sends a clear message. The message is that he will say and do anything, no matter how disconnected from reality it is.

Biden’s Latest Tax Folly To Tax Imaginary Income – It would force households worth more than $100 million to pay a 20 percent tax on all of their income, including unrealized capital gains on at least their liquid assets

ZeroHedge: Job Openings Stubbornly Stuck At All-Time High, 5 Million More Than Unemployed Workers

Bari Weis: How Big Tech Is Strangling Your Freedom – A conversation with entrepreneur and investor David Sacks on protecting civil liberties in the digital public square

How Much Energy Will the World Need? – Contrary to headlines claiming that we’re rapidly transitioning away from fossil fuels, it’s just not happening (This Is A Must 5-Minute Watch)

The Most Dangerous Class –As Greta Thunberg and her legions remind us, young, discontented people have tended to push toward the extremes

The Black reparations panel could decide who gets compensation – Governor Newsom signed legislation creating the two-year reparations task force in 2020, making California the only state to move ahead with a study and plan

Free Speech Above All – The cancel culture war has gotten out of control on many levels and must be checked

Google CEO Caught Funneling Money To Biden’s White House Employees – OTSP employees were indirectly paid by Eric Schmidt according to Politico

The FDA and CDC pharmacists, physicians, and nurses have violated sacrosanct academic oaths and state licensure obligations to protect their patients’ safety – Will they try the Nuremberg defense of “just following orders?”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Boosters Stop Boosting After Only 4 Months – Regulators are already hinting that a fourth COVID-19 shot may be necessary

JD Rucker: The FDA and CDC Are Quietly Shifting To A “Three Dose Primary Series” of Covid Jabs – The first booster will now be considered part of the initial vaccination requirements to receive the  label of “fully vaccinated”

A ‘100 Percent’ Vaccinated Cruise Ship Hit With COVID-19 Outbreak – Princess Cruises confirmed that the Ruby Princess reported a COVID-19 outbreak before docking in San Francisco

March 28, 2022

Biden’s Handheld Notecard at Press Conference Reveals His Humiliating Instructions for Handling ‘Tough’ Questions

WSJ: Biden at the Improv: Ukraine and the Dangers of Foreign Policy by Open-Mic What if someone takes seriously his talk of U.S. troop deployments or regime change in Russia?

The GOP Must Promise Inquisitions, Not Meaningless Task Forces – The January 6 committee has crossed a massive line in the sand with its attacks. Republicans need to respond accordingly. Policy task forces just won’t cut it

Google flushes President Trump from its memory banks  – This is insane, pathetic, and yet predictable

Pandemic Lessons Learned: The CDC Versus Natural Immunity – The CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) published on Jan. 28 indicates natural immunity alone provides the best protection

The tragic folly of lockdown – Data on excess deaths show that countries that locked down hard fared no better than those that didn’t

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: When is mRNA not really mRNA? – Gene Therapy, Transhumanism, and the origins of mRNA as a drug or vaccine

JD Rucker: Public School Indoctrination Is Real: A 4th Grade Teacher in Austin Told Her Peers 63% Of Her Class Came out as LGBTQIA+ – There’s no way this would occur without attributing it to either indoctrination or an outright lie

IRS Gave Stimulus Money to Dead People – Even After Error Was Identified

Pelosi Unilaterally Extends Unconstitutional Proxy Voting Scheme Through May 14

The Battle rages over Newsom’s fix for the 51-cent California gas tax

The Supreme Court said Monday it would review a challenge to a California law that set certain conditions for pork sold in the state

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to meet him face-to-face to reach an agreement to end the war

WSJ: Ukraine and Russia Prepare for Talks in Turkey as Russian Missiles Hit Cities – Ukrainian forces fight to recapture territory and brace for renewed Russian attacks as Moscow shifts its focus to Ukraine’s east and south

Biden’s $5.8 Trillion Budget Calls for Funding the Police, Taxing Rich, Countering China

Political Blackmail Empowers the American Left – Less than seven percent of American voters identify as being “very liberal,” yet, thanks to the unbridled use of political blackmail, they have set the agenda since 2009

Hunter Biden’s Laptops Are Now An Active National Security Threat – An urgent concern for the country is the continuing threat to our national security posed by a compromised President Biden

A Liberal Activist Judge ruled Monday that former President Donald Trump “more likely than not” tried to obstruct Congress on January 6, 2021, and that therefore lawyer John Eastman must hand over emails to a House inquiry

A New NBC News Survey Finds Biden Approval at 40 Percent With Loss of Women, Blacks, Independents

NBC Poll: Eight In Ten Americans Worried Biden’s Bumbling Will Lead To NUCLEAR WAR – Biden approval falls to a record low amid Russia regime change call

Biden’s Ad-Libbing Becomes More Dangerous – The Dangers of Off-the-Cuff Foreign-Policy Comments

Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators suffered poisoning symptoms – The alleged attack is believed to have been the work of hard-liners in Moscow attempting to sabotage peace talks

The Joe Biden administration has eliminated United States tariffs on more than 350 products made in China, nearly all of which could be made in the U.S. or other countries

I&I/TIPP Poll: Only 34% Agree Biden Has Lived Up To His Vow To ‘Unify’ All Americans

What Happens After The Midterms When a GOP Majority Can Investigate the Jan. 6 Committee?


Who caused inflation? – The great economist Milton Friedman once stated, “Business people don’t produce inflation for the straightforward reason that they don’t have a printing press in their basement.”

ZeroHedge: The Kremlin Threatens To Halt Supplies As G7 Ministers Reject Their “Unacceptable” Demand To Pay For Gas In Rubles

How Presidents Influence Gas Prices – These are the factors that make up the retail price of gasoline

No, We Won’t Indulge Your Insanity – On trans and much else, National Review bucks the new orthodoxies

Elon Musk May Be About To Develop A ‘Free Speech’ Twitter Alternative – “Am giving serious thought to this”

California Small Businesses are in Dire Straits – Sadly, COVID-19 isn’t solely to blame. as businesses were fleeing or shutting their doors for good, and California’s workforce was shrinking, long before the pandemic

A Former News Executive Reveals the Government ‘Warning’ Given to Networks to Air Covid Propaganda – Adhere to the government’s pandemic narratives or risk consequences such as losing broadcasting licenses and other reprisals

How many COVID booster shots will finally be enough? – Vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna are all in for more boosters as more shots translate into more billions to the company and more C-Suite billionaires

The Totality of California’s Proposed COVID Laws Would be Most Aggressive In the Nation – Taken together, these bills are alarmingly authoritarian

Fauci’s COVID-Origins Allies, the EcoHealth Alliance, Boosted Investment Income by 350% Since Pre-Pandemic Time – This controversial coronavirus-linked firm boosted income by nearly 500 percent in recent years

Robert W. Malone MD, MS: The illusion of Evidence-based Medicine – How the government stopped worrying and learned to love propaganda

Dr. Joseph Mercola: How the Pandemic Was Fabricated – Deaths were initially exaggerated for political — both national and geopolitical — purposes, and now they’re being downplayed for the same reason

March 27, 2022

What Is Biden’s Ukraine Policy? – So far it comes down to speaking loudly but carrying a small stick

Glenn Greenwald: Biden’s Reckless Words Underscore the Dangers of the U.S. Using Ukraine As a Proxy War  – Unintended escalation from miscommunication & misperception can be as bad and Biden is the perfect vessel

Who’s Running the Biden Regime? – Are you sleeping better knowing Joe Biden is your president?

The White House Ordered Not to ‘Destroy Any Evidence’ of ‘Collusion in Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal’

Shutting Canadian Pipeline Would Cost US Consumers $23.7 Billion More in Fuel Costs – The Decision on a pipeline upgrade with a concrete-lined tunnel is pending in the courts

Victor Davis Hanson: The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left – When ideologues demand power but cannot achieve it politically because they are cruel ideologues, expect more of their insanity to follow

The Ketanji Brown Jackson SCOTUS Hearings Typify Our Debased Political Discourse – Serious policy debates aren’t possible if basic terms no longer have commonly accepted meanings

Oscar Night — A Witches’ Sabbath for Conservatives As Fewer and fewer are bothering to watch

Steve Kirsch: A doctor claims the blood of COVID-vaccinated people has a strange artifact he has never seen before… mine included! – The question is, what is that artifact?

Some kids are happy to ditch the mask at school, others struggle with the transition

The FDA Tells Doctors in 8 States to Stop Using COVID-19 Treatment – Sotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat COVID-19, can no longer be used in CN, ME, MA, NH, NJ NY, RI, and VT

Trump Rally: Matt Gaetz Promises to Nominate President Trump as Speaker of the House in Jan. 2023 to Replace Pelosi

“Over The Next 300 F****** Years”: President Trump Lands Hilarious F-Bomb, Drops Jaws In Rally Speech

Joe Biden’s agenda: The cruelest act against humanity in the modern age – War, supply chain issues, energy shortages, and inflation makes it impossible for poorer nations to pay for equipment, supplies, food, and fertilizer

The Hunter Biden Laptop Whistleblower John Paul Mac Isaac — A Breitbart News Interview

JD Rucker: China & Russia Were Prepared for the Global Economic Crisis They Prompted the West to Initiate – We may never know if the West was complicit or simply fell into the trap, but it doesn’t matter at this point

Russia Is Screwed – In the short to medium term, Russia is fairly screwed. But in the long term, Russia is really screwed

Is This A Manufactured World Crisis? – Few people today ask the most important question about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

ZeroHedge: The Biden Administration’s Nuclear Deal – “This Isn’t Obama’s Iran Deal. It’s Much, Much Worse”

ZeroHedge: What Is Holding U.S. Nuclear Energy Back? – There is a popular misconception about how quickly major capital allocation and operating decisions can be reversed

ZeroHedge: Farmers Are On The Brink – We begin with the price of fertilizer, which has been soaring to record highs across the globe

ZeroHedge: Unbeknown To Most, A Financial Revolution Is Coming That Threatens To Change Everything – Around 90 central banks are either in the process of experimenting with or are already piloting CBDCs

March 26, 2022

The Beau Biden Foundation rakes in millions and spends a fraction of it on kid programs

The Corruption of the Biden Administration Is Now in Plain Sight – There is an inevitable price to pay for tolerating corruption

Biden To Unveil New Minimum Tax Targeting Certain Americans – The ‘Billionaire Minimum Income Tax’ plan under President Biden would establish a 20 percent minimum tax rate on all American households worth more than $100 million

The Economically Illiterate Biden Regime Proposes a Billionaire Tax in Hopes It Will Save Them in the Midterms

The White House walks back Biden’s apparent call for regime change in Russia – The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region

For Both the Woke and the Un-Woke, Ketanji Brown Jackson Failed the Newspeak Pop Quiz Senator Blackburn Administered

‘Doesn’t Sound Very Balanced’: Elon Musk Hints He May Launch ‘New Platform’ To Take On Twitter

An Interesting Map Showing Countries That Support Western Government Sanction Against Russia vs. Those That Do Not

Sharyl Attkisson: An Emerson College poll shows that Trump beats Biden by 12 pts in a hypothetical 2024 match-up

Fox News Host Jesse Watters Says He’s ‘Hearing’ That Hunter Biden Will Be Indicted

JD Rucker: What if Russia Only Wants Us to THINK Things Are Going Poorly in Ukraine? – Now that we’ve heard the narratives, I’m even more convinced we’re not being told the truth

Victor Davis Hanson on Russia-Ukraine: – What are Vladimir Putin’s goals? Why are the left and corporate media so unified when it comes to Ukraine and how does China’s communist leadership view the war?

JD Rucker: Apple Prepares for The Great Reset With Plans to Make You Rent Your iPhone  – Those who are familiar with The Great Reset may recognize what this really means for the future

The CDC And The Other Three Top Health Agencies Won’t Provide Employee Vaccination Data From 2022 – An appeal questioning whether the CDC properly responded to the FOIA request was lodged and is pending

Sharyl Attkisson: Experts Say Omicron variant likely came from a lab – Scientists examining the virus concluded “vast” genetic mutations likely occurring in a lab setting are what makes it spread so quickly

Judge Tosses Maryland Congressional Map Over ‘Extreme Partisan Gerrymandering’ – The new map left Democrats with an estimated advantage in every single one of the eight congressional districts

How Russia’s War on Ukraine Will Change the World – An assessment of the ongoing conflict and its implications, one month in

Tucker Carlson: Thanks to resident Biden’s policies, we may soon not have enough food

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Emails Reveal He Helped Secure Funds for US Bio Lab Contractor In Ukraine

Ukraine on Fire: A 2016 Documentary by Oliver Stone – Ukraine, being surrounded by greater powers on all sides, had to master the art of changing sides

ZeroHedge: Visualizing The Link Between Soaring Food Prices And Political Instability – The war in Ukraine has had immediate repercussions for food markets due to their role as major exporters of essential agricultural products

ZeroHedge: Where Governments Have The Tightest Grip On The Internet

Steve Kirsch Testifies About The Spike in Deaths Since The Covid Vaccines Rolled out – “This is the biggest killer of mankind and the worst coverup in human history.”


March 25, 2022

California’s big cities are shrinking – Last year the state of California announced its first population decline in state history

An Ex-FBI Agent Admits to Wildly Crooked Action Against Republican Governor but Has Punishment Immediately Suspended

A Federal Judge Sees Trump Winning in 2024: ‘He Could Be A Sitting President Again’ – This could impact whether or not he should turn over his tax returns to Congress

Morning Consult/Politico Poll: If Donald Trump runs for president in 2024 most Republican voters want Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis as his running mate

ZeroHedge: A Map Of Gas Prices Across America As They Reach All-Time Highs

Biden Breaks His Campaign Promise And Reverses Course on His Nuclear Weapons Position

Russia says it has completed the first phase of its military operation in Ukraine and will now focus on the eastern Donbas  – Moscow’s strategy might be shifting due to military losses and a stalled campaign

Ukraine’s Crisis Get More Attention From U.S. Elites Than Their Own Nation’s Border – 200,000 Russians invaded Ukraine, give or take. That same number illegally pours across our southern border every month

Ketanji Brown Jackson Tries a Smooth Explanation for Her Treatment of Child Pornographers, But 1 Word Shuts It Down

Senators Cruz and McConnell reveal their decision on Jackson’s Supreme Court nomination – NO!

Will An Oversupply Of Foreign EV Vehicles And Lack Of Demand Set Off The Next Global Financial Shock?

664 Reports of Myocarditis in 5- to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots, VAERS Data Show

The Kansas Senate Votes to Allow Doctors to Prescribe Ivermectin, HCQ for COVID

The Other Reasons Gavin Newsom and CA Dems Won’t Pause the Gas Tax – Along With The Real Reason

Trans Women Are Men And Pretending Otherwise Is Cultural Insanity – There is ZERO scientific evidence to support the notion of gender self-identification

WSJ: The U.S. to Sanction Companies Providing Technology for Russian Military and Intelligence Services

The Inflation Disaster Is Collateral Damage From Lockdowns – The story unfolds over two years but the line of causality is direct

SCOTUS, on Friday, blocked a lower court order that prevented the Navy from regulating the deployment of 35 Navy SEALs and other special operations forces who declined to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

Politico/Morning Consult Poll: A majority of Republicans say they would support former President Trump in the 2024 GOP primary

4 Big Takeaways From The New York Times’s Attempt To Control The Hunter Biden Narrative

The Democrats’ dishonest attacks against Clarence and Ginni Thomas

The US and Allies Have Declared A Hybrid ‘Total War’ on Russia – To destroy, to break, to strangle the Russian economy, and Russia as a whole

Rabobank: This Is The Market’s Worst-Case Scenario – Many things are covered in this treatise

Bloomberg: The Kremlin may be limiting its key Ukraine military objectives to taking full control over the Donbas region

The Biggest Lies (So Far) Surrounding Russia And Ukraine

Biden Can’t Remember Who He’s Talking With, Even When Sitting Right Next To Him – While addressing soldiers in the Army’s 82nd Airborne while in Poland he implied they would be going to Ukraine

Biden Weighs Another SPR Release (Even Though The Last One Backfired Spectacularly)

There’s a Dollar Shortage – Last week the Federal Open Market Committee announced they were embarking on the first tightening cycle since December 2015

4 Big Takeaways From The New York Times’s Attempt To Control The Hunter Biden

SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas Released From Hospital – No details were provided

Trump sues Hillary, her indicted lawyer, James Comey, Christopher Steele, and the DNC – “Under the guise of ‘opposition research, they nefariously sought to sway the public’s trust,” says the lawsuit

Donald Trump Jr. Partners With A Former President Trump’s Spokesperson to Take on BigTech – Their “MxM News” aggregation app is purported to deliver mainstream news without mainstream bias

Ketanji Brown Jackson is facing growing Republican opposition to putting her on the Supreme Court

Mitch McConnell finally has his say about Ketanji Brown Jackson

Violent Crimes Are Up 60% in Los Angeles According to The Latest LAPD Data – There has been an increase in the levels of violence and firearm use during robberies

THE JAMES O’KEEFE PROJECT: ALL IS IN ORDER EDITION – If I were Judge Torres, I would feel that the government has been inexcusably disingenuous and if I were O’Keefe I’d be worried about what comes next

Uncovering the Corona Narrative – Wolf Economic Forum Ernst Wolffs’ answer to the big questions that have plagued all of us

80% of Last Week’s Covid Deaths in Los Angeles County were of Vaccinated Individuals

Brownstone Institute: Fauci Finally Admits Natural Immunity – What’s critical here is his offhand remark about a prior infection that was tossed off as if: “Everyone knows this.” If so, it is no thanks to him, the CDC, or WHO

Why Aren’t The FDA And CDC Informing The Public About Documented Adverse Events After mRNA Injections?

Biology for me but not for thee – Although 5,577 biologists’ scientific opinion was that life began at conception, biologist, University of TX professor Sahotra Sarkarcalled the collective opinion “problematic”

March 24, 2022

WSJ: Ketanji Brown Jackson and ‘Dark Money’ – The Supreme Court nominee’s hearings expose the hypocrisy of Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s crusade against it

Joe Biden’s Stunning Income Jump While His Son Hunter Was On The Board Of Ukraine’s Top Energy Company – Before he left office as VP his combined income with wife Jill was under $400,000. From 2017 to 2019, they amassed over $16 million in wealth

Why Staggering Casualties Have Russia in Dire Straits – The U.K. is predicting that Russian troops could be encircled

Financial Times: The hidden risks of rising rates and high house prices –  Property market trouble could exacerbate other economic headwinds

The Dead Consensus of the Dying Democrats – Their increasing inability to answer basic questions about their positions shows they’ve lost the plot and view everything in terms of who’s being systematically oppressed

Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect

Another Loser Lawyer Fails in The Political Pursuit of Trump – His enemies repeatedly misconstrue their fantasies for objective reality

The FBI’s “FAFO” Kidnapping Plot Unravels – Americans want to believe they handle their authority with care, rather than recklessly ruining lives to advance a political agenda, But They Don’t!

First Liberty Constitutional Lawyer: Ketanji Brown Jackson Can’t Uphold Constitution if She Thinks It’s Racist Because Of Her Support For Critical Race Theory

National Association of Realtors: Pending home sales, a leading indicator of the health of the housing market, declined for the fourth straight month

Sharyl Attkisson: Governor DeSantis declares Florida native Emma Weyant winner of women’s 500-yard freestyle over Lia Thomas

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Ten Lives That Were Changed Forever Because Of COVID Shots

CDC Data: COVID-19 Infection Rate in Ages 5–11 the Same for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

95% of Committee Members Advising on U.S. Dietary Guidelines, Amounting To Nearly $100 Billion Annually, Had Ties to Big Pharma, And Big Food

Homelessness Is Not About Housing – Michael Shellenberger skewers the Left’s narrative on homelessness and urban disorder

The US unveils fresh sanctions on Russia targeting defense companies and hundreds of lawmakers – Sanctions come during pivotal Biden, NATO summit

WSJ: Biden Calls for Russia to Be Expelled From G-20 and pledges the U.S. to take up to 100,000 refugees, increases aid to Ukraine at gatherings for NATO, G-7, and EU

Victor David Hanson: The Real ‘Reset’ Is Coming – President Joe Biden believes the Ukraine war will mark the start of a “new world order.” 

A Russian Warship Featured in Propaganda Goes Up in Flames After Ukrainians Strike

For some reason, Russia is not taking General Mark Milley’s phone calls

Joe Biden Braces America for The Great Reset: “About Food Shortage… It’s Gonna Be Real”

Trying Trump by Resignation Letter Is Disgraceful – The leaked judgments of a dissenting Manhattan prosecutor can’t be allowed to negate the presumption of innocence to which every American is entitled

Donald Trump filed a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and other key players in the Russiagate controversy, charging they conspired to create a “false narrative” when they tied his 2016 campaign to Russia

The No-Fly Debate – We have been there before. Repeatedly

Democrats Propose Inflationary Bill To Offset Inflation – Everyone Gets $100 A Month

Bidenomics Drags America Deeper Into Its Post-COVID Morass  – The Heritage Foundation’s 2022 Index of Economic Freedom shows us where America stands

Democrats Need COVID to Stay in Power – They  trade in multi-category victimhood and create taxpayer-funded Government programs to “cure” the problems they’ve identified and hyped for each group of victims

SUPREME COURT: A Big “No” On Ketanji Brown Jackson – Jackson was selected because she was, 1) African-American, 2) a woman, and (most important of all) 3) a leftist.

Tucker savages Ketanji Brown Jackson, transgenderism, and tech tyranny

America’s Great Constitutional System: How to Fix What the Woke and Progressives Have Corrupted  – Nothing will improve unless Congress rejects its cowardly ways and again lives up to its constitutional responsibilities

Power Trip: “Dr.” Jill Biden’s Petty, Two-Tier System In The White House

Iran Nuclear Deal 2.0 – It’s Even Worse Than the First One

The White House Says The US To Welcome Up To 100,000 Ukrainian Refugees

The White House Says The US To Welcome Up To 100,000 Ukrainian Refugees

The Biden Administration Is Cooking The Books On Illegal Immigrant Arrests

CEOs of 10 major airlines and cargo operators including American, Southwest, JetBlue, and FedEx tell Biden to DROP ‘outdated’ mask mandates

Brain Threat From COVID Vaccines – Evidence accumulates of potential and actual damage to the human brain caused by the mRNA COVID vaccines

4 Teens Charged with Murder After Carjacking of Elderly Woman Takes Disastrous Turn After She Was Dragged Down The Street

March 23, 2022

Before Going to War, Consider Who’s in Charge – Let’s not go charging into the valley of death with our junto of fatuous fanatics in command

Biden Supreme Court Nominee Says She Does Not ‘Quite Remember the Basis’ for Massive SCOTUS Decision


The Supreme Court Decision on Redistricting Leaves Democrats Reeling

Uranium, oil, and technology: How Russia got stronger as the Biden’s and Clinton’s got richer

Democrats plot to halt our inflated gas prices by printing more money – They don’t seem to ever learn Econ 101, do they!

Joe’s Little Big Guy – Apparently Hunter’s story wasn’t Fit To Print until now, well out of the shadow of the 2020 election

Obama’s 3rd Term and the Destruction of the American Polity – An attempt to sabotage federalism in favor of a vast federal bureaucracy along with regulations and laws produced and upheld by a cadre of antisocial, power-mad elitists

The Pre K-12 School Where Judge Jackson Sits on Board Pushes Cultural Marxism on Kids

ZeroHedge – “Gas Stations Will Run Dry” – A Catastrophic Scenario For Diesel Is Emerging According To World’s Biggest Energy Traders

Climate change: An Ideologically Driven Movement – In the mid-1970s, scientists and the media overwhelmingly supported global cooling with the same vigor

WSJ: Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Worsens, as Biden Heads to Europe – The U.N. chief calls war unwinnable and decries Russia’s assault on the Ukrainian city of Mariupol

The underdog bites back – Ukraine mounts a counteroffensive to thwart Russian advance on Kyiv

Biden’s Colossal Misreading of Putin’s Motivations in Ukraine – He is following the Russian “grand narrative” of war  that glories in the heroic fighting of its brave soldiers and civilians in the face of hardship and the drudgery and horror of war

A secret plan for a “Peacekeeping Mission” involving 10,000 NATO troops from different countries to enter Ukraine and impose a limited no-fly zone is allegedly being prepared by the Polish government

ZeroHedge: Russia To Demand “Hostile States” Pay In Rubles For Gas – Putin also said that Russia will continue supplying contracted volumes, will only change the payment currency

What Is A Social Credit System And How Scary Is It? – We Can Look To China For Some Answers – “The social credit system is an important part of the Socialist market economy system and the social governance system

CBDC Caution: A central-bank-issued digital dollar could enable a dark future – China has pioneered the development of a CBDC and even begun putting it into limited circulation and testing its cross-border functionality

A Tech Crash: What’s Next? – Profitable vs. unprofitable tech and Chines tech

Conservative Vs Progressive And Left Vs Right – There’s A World Of Difference

First, They Came For Our Cars – A pair of principles that drive the political left, never letting a crisis go to waste, and using prior acts of government-imposed restraints to gradually but methodically steal liberty

ZeroHedge: Lithium Prices Have Nearly Doubled In 2022 Amid An Insane Commodity Rally – The energy transition is driving the next commodity super-cycle

ZeroHedge: Peter Schiff Warns, Beware Of Gold Scams –  Gold is an important part of an investment portfolio, but when buying gold, you don’t want to overpay and you need to be on the lookout for scams

Vitamin D and The Human Immune System – Generally Vitamin D is essential to human immune function and for adequate production of many of the body’s hormones and we need it to survive

March 22, 2022

The Coming Disaster – America is waking up, but slowly. It’s two years until the next presidential election. Welcome to the most dangerous two years in American history

Hunter Biden to be indicted – His laptop reveals president Biden is compromised

Sharyl Attkisson: The White House counsel is silent on Joe Biden’s use of private email to his son Hunter

January 6 Defendant Couy Griffin Found Guilty on One Charge and Acquitted of Other – “If I was anywhere except DC, I would say, Go with a jury trial as you can’t get a fair jury trial in DC if you’re someone like me, a strong conservative”

Government Controlled Central Bank Digital Currency: An Extinction-Level Threat Against Liberty – By definition, they are programmable and would be a horrible example of how technology can enslave mankind in a Utopian nightmare

Biden’s Supreme Court nominee refuses to define the term ‘woman’ – “Can you provide a definition?” Jackson responded. “No, I can’t.” “You can’t?” Blackburn asked. “Not in this context,” Jackson said. “I’m not a biologist”

Ketanji Brown Jackson Has Absolutely No Idea When Human Life Begins – “Um, I Don’t Know”

Ketanji Brown Jackson Calls Illegal Aliens ‘Noncitizens’ in her Senate Hearing

Ketanji Brown Jackson Refuses To Weigh In On Packing The Supreme Court With Judges

Seven Times The Babylon Bee Reported History Before It Happened – #7, Anything Leftists Disagree with Is Violence (And Will Get You De-platformed)

A Reporter Posts A Video of Trying to Charge His Tesla To Show Why Electric Cars Won’t Quickly Solve The Gas Issue – Who needs the laws of physics, economics, infrastructure, or plain old common sense?

Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff: The current scientific paradigm needs to change to lessen reliance on journals and major funding entities such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – “The scientific structures are broken”

Why Some People Won’t Get Infected, Even After The Covid Virus Was Injected Directly Into Their Noses

Bill Maher Says Democrats Are Causing ‘Exodus’ from California – “There’re Too Many People with Their Hand Out”

Disney Launching Task Force to Make More LGBTQ+ Content for Children and Families

Secret Service Agent Testifies on Mike Pence’s Location on January 6 – Said she was with Pence, his wife, and their daughter when they were evacuated from the U.S. Capitol building

Former AG William Barr argued the efforts of former intelligence officials to cast doubt on Hunter Biden laptop revelations, suggesting Russia involvement, “probably affected the outcome” of the 2020 presidential race

The Redesigned Iran Nuclear Deal Faces Bipartisan Hesitancy – Even Democrats are hedging their bets

Trump Was Right: The Political Establishment Is Utterly Corrupt – The media got swept up in lies on the Hunter Biden scandal

Biden says the quiet part out loud – He doesn’t know his limitations, he’s headstrong, and he’s garrulous, so is prone to spilling the beans on New World Order plans when he’s been briefed about the schemes they are implementing

The Democrats’ radical undemocratic agenda – The Congressional Progressive Caucus released a document outlining policies Democrats failed Congress to pass and now want Biden to use presidential power alone to implement them

HOW TO MAKE CRIME VANISH – Just stop collecting and reporting crime data!

The NCAA Swimming Championship Was a National Scandal – At this year’s NCAA swimming championships, organizers allowed a biological male, Lia Thomas, to compete against female athletes based on transgender status

8 Joe Biden Scandals Inside Hunter Biden’s MacBook That Corporate Media Just Admitted Are True

JD Rucker: The NY Times Admitted the Truth About Hunter Biden Because They Know Something Is About to Happen – Most likely it’s an indictment of Hunter Biden for tax evasion and possibly for money laundering

Pressure Is Mounting On Joe Biden After The NYT Acknowledges Hunter Biden’s Laptop – Now that it has been confirmed, his administration, and others, are refusing to answer questions about it

Porn star Stormy Daniels is ordered to pay Trump $300,000 in legal fees after the court rejected her appeal in the failed defamation suit she brought

Study: Medical Marijuana Leads to Addiction And Not Shown to Be Effective – Activists use the drug’s alleged medical benefits to lobby for legalized recreational use

The lady should answer a few key questions – Don’t expect anyone to appear out of the blue with a story about what Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson did when she was 17 or some crazy college parties that she went to

Senator Chuck Grassley Nails Democrats for Hiding Records on Ketanji Brown Jackson – When she was the vice-chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission under Barack Obama during the period 2010 to 2014

Senators Signal The Three Issues That Will Define The Ketanji Brown Jackson SCOTUS Nomination Hearings

A Trump-Hating Backer of Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee Is Married to the Top January 6 Prosecutor – Fatima and Matthew Graves are an example of how high-powered interests in DC seek retribution against their political foes

Zelensky Calls for Direct Talks With Putin and Says Ukrainians Must Vote on Terms of Peace Deal

10 Reasons to Question the “Putin vs Davos” Narrative – All we can do is look at the facts and try to piece together a picture of what may be happening, and when we do, it’s rather clear that the “Putin vs Davos” narrative fails to hold up

The Ukrainian Bio-labs Are Linked to The EcoHealth Alliance That Helped Create and Unleash COVID-19

ZeroHedge: Rabobank Is Seeing A Struggle For A New World Order – We are talking about future price controls, rationing, barter, countertrade, and offsetting

Ukraine,  the Great Reset Laboratory of the Global Tech Elite – In the middle of a war, Ukraine has been stealthily working hard on being the first nation to implement virtually all the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset key hallmarks

Joe Rogan Exposes The West’s Complete 180 Turn On “Corrupt” Ukraine – “They were talking about the massive corruption of Ukraine and now, all of a sudden, they’re looking at it like they’re heroic allies against the Russian scourge”

Microsoft Legal Documents Show The Biden DOJ Was Spying on Project Veritas Journalists – They Hit This From A Federal Court Judge

THE O’KEEFE PROJECT: SURVEILLANCE EDITION – The SDNY first obtained a warrant and grand jury subpoena for documents from Microsoft in November 2020, some two weeks after the election

ZeroHedge: Soft-Landing Chances Are Slipping Away According To Bonds – “Every Fed hiking cycle in the fiat high debt era has led to some kind of financial crisis somewhere across the world”

Peter Schiff: The Fed Will Raise Rates… Until It Can’t – The Fed will raise rates as many times as it can without hurting the economy, hopefully, without crashing the markets

ZeroHedge: Goldman Sachs Now Sees The Fed Hiking 50bps In May And June, A First Since 1994

ZeroHedge: This Is April 2020 But In Reverse – One Bank Warns We Are About To Witness A Historic Short Squeeze Eruption In Oil

Free stuff for the homeless doesn’t work out the way Oakland’s ‘tiny houses’ advocates thought it would – A fire followed by an explosion Monday morning incinerated three tiny-home shelters at a city-run transitional-housing site

There’s a cultural revolution occurring in America’s legal system – Last week more than 100 Yale law students made it impossible for someone with the “Alliance Defending Freedom”, to speak (ironically enough) about free speech

The Handling Of COVID Proves Politicizing Everything Breaks Everything – It’s time we confront our leaders

It’s time to stop viewing Disney as family-friendly – One creepy thing about Disney is the number of their stars who were sexually abused or exploited, whether by Disney employees or by other people in their orbit during their Disney years

COVID mandates causing first responder shortages – The LA County the Board of Supervisors recently authorized the county administrator to fire 4,000 sheriff’s deputies for refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19

New Taxpayer-Funded Ads Push COVID Shots for Young Kids – The advertising campaign features leading healthcare professionals urging parents to vaccinate their young children against COVID

March 21, 2022

Invasion of the Fact-Checkers – Who are you going to believe, the Democrat Party’s new official-unofficial, public-private monopoly tech platform censorship brigade, or your own misinformed, disinformed eyes?

Trump is Still Not Using His Own Social Media App a Full Month After Its Launch – He has reportedly complained about the fumbled rollout of TRUTH

There are more VAERS-reported vaccine-related deaths in our military than deaths due to COVID

Rasmussen Poll: Forget Red Waves, We’re Talking Red Landslides, Everywhere – If the election were held today, 50 percent of likely voters would choose the Republican candidate compared with 39 percent for the Democrat

Who Is Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson? – Easily confirmed, a scenario that seems likely, the American people still have the right to know the kinds of jurists the Biden administration is seeking to appoint

JD Rucker: Biden Confirms He’s a Puppet of His Globalist Masters – You’re a supposed conspiracy theorist if you think our leaders believe in a “New World Order” of a globalist government, yet time and again, they admit it

China has fully militarized at least three of the islands that the regime built in the disputed South China Sea, says Admiral Aquilino, commander the of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

A Chinese state-run company linked to Hunter Biden recently partnered with Saudi Arabia’s leading petroleum and natural gas company to collaborate on energy production

Russia Deploys Weapon That Can Melt Internal Organs and Flash Burn Anything Within 300 Yards – Thermobaric rockets that are fired from a weapon known as the TOS-1A Solntsepek

A Military Defense Expert Spots A Massive Issue with Russia’s Trucks Indicating The War Could Be About to Change

Komsomolskaya Pravda, a pro-Kremin outlet, claimed that 9,861 Russian soldiers had died in the country’s invasion of Ukraine and that 16,153 had been injured

WSJ: EU Support Grows for a Russia Oil Ban Over The Ukraine War – As Moscow’s assault continues with no peace deal in sight, European capitals consider a move that was once off the table

The Kremlin Reveals Why Russia Won’t Observe Ceasefire Amid Talks With Ukraine – “Any pause is used by the nationalist units to regroup and is used to continue attacks against the Russian military”

The Russian campaign in Ukraine is stalled, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin proclaimed while suggesting that Moscow’s forces are continuing to take heavy losses

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that Joe Biden’s recent comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin have strained ties between the two countries to “the verge of breaking”

Biden on track to boost Iranian oil and impede Israeli gas exports to Europe – This feeds concerns among experts that his administration rewards foes and punishes friends in the Middle East

Stagflation: Economists expect elevated inflation and declining GDP growth – The majority of surveyed economists do not agree with many of Biden’s major spending items

The FDA Schedules Meeting on Additional COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters For April 6th

Video Flashback: Pre-Election Day On 60 Minutes – Trump Nails The Hunter Biden Story, And Leslie Stahl Lies Big-Time

FLASHBACK: MSNBC, CNN, and CBS told their viewers the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation as Liberal pundits were quick to label the laptop “unverifiable,” “disinformation,” and “disgusting”

Former CIA Covert Operations Officer: No one in the media, government or intelligence community has apologized or taken responsibility for claiming the story was a “Russian plant”


The January 6 Suicide Victim Was Told “He Would Not Receive a Fair Trial in This Town” – Matthew L. Perna’s aunt and federal lawmakers sound the alarm on the treatment of January 6 defendants and detainees

A Great Reset Is Already Underway In Utah Via A Mega-Shift In The Metadata Trade – For Western oligarchs, the Sino model means better control, hegemony, and wealth concentration

Canada Government Data: Triple-Vaxxed More Than 5 Times Likely to Die of Covid – Fewer people are paying attention to the jabs or Pandemic Theater thanks to the redirection of attention to Ukraine. Could this be why they shifted?

Coroner: A Woman Died of Rare Brain Bleed After Getting A COVID-19 Vaccination

Dr. Bhattacharya: Fauci’s Comparison of The Great Barrington Declaration Authors to AIDS Deniers Is Utterly Shocking

WSJ: The U.S. Sending Soviet Air Defense Systems It Secretly Acquired to Ukraine – The Pentagon over the years has acquired Soviet equipment as part of a clandestine program, and now such weapons are going to Ukraine

Ukraine Sees Signs of Belarus Planning ‘Direct Invasion – Belarus shares a lengthy border with Ukraine and is a Putin Ally

JD Rucker: Zelensky’s Martial Law Moves Show A Huge Disconnect Between the image Being Portrayed Of Him And The Reality Of His Actions – Something Is Amiss


Why we should all care that ‘Yankee Wally’ was yanked off YouTube – This small YouTube channel, with only 47,000 subscribers, covered matters of significance to the United Kingdom, specifically the line of succession

I&I/TIPP POLL: Are You Better Off Than A Year Ago? – By 4-To-1, Americans Say “No!”

March 20, 2022

Victor David Hanson: Conspirators in Their Own Words – Noble left-wing ends always justify their odious means, in this case by projecting their conspiracist efforts by smearing others who are innocent as conspiracists

Perception Matters: Why Didn’t Putin Invade Under Trump? – Liberals loved to attack Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump as warmongers. Whether in Moscow or Tehran, that image made an impression

Joe Biden’s War – The fate of the world is in the hands of a man who is literally and demonstrably weak-willed and a mentally disabled dimwit

Ukraine President Zelensky announces a ban on 11 political parties claiming the opposition parties have ties to Russia

There Is No Peace in Sight for Ukraine – Putin means to continue the war until Zelensky’s government is toppled and a pro-Russian government is installed in its place

United Nations: Over 3.3 million have fled Ukraine since the war broke out. and nearly 6.5 million people have been internally displaced

Russia’s hypersonic Kinzhal missile strike claim is a dud, defense experts say – “I would not see it as a game-changer,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said of the alleged launch

Fauci: The US Not Likely to See Surge From New COVID-19 Subvariant

Journalists, or PR Agents? – Why science reporters don’t report fairly on the origins of Covid-19

COVID Lockdown Mania vs the People – Unfortunately, the suffering continues in the form of PTSD and addiction

WSJ: Petty Thieves Plague San Francisco and “These Last Two Years Have Been Insane” – Small-business owners have been hit particularly hard by additional security and repair costs

Joe Biden’s Choleric New COVID Czar – Dr. Ashish K. Jha is a vicious enforcer of establishment coronavirus orthodox

WHAT MOTHERS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE COVID “VACCINES” FOR CHILDREN – Most healthy infants and children with COVID disease either have no symptoms or much milder symptoms than adults, which last about a week

JD Rucker: There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia – The sheer numbers truly took me by surprise

Midterm Elections Could Shake California as Citizens Respond to Crime Wave – Where California will play host to at least eight key U.S. House races

Putin sends a chilling message with his use of a hypersonic missile in Ukraine – He is ruthless, cold-blooded, and is willing to use weapons for which we have no adequate defense

Ukraine: Zelensky Uses Martial Law to Ban His Main Opposition Party In A Crackdown on “Division”

WSJ: The Pentagon’s Work With Ukraine’s Biological Facilities Becomes A Flashpoint in Russia’s Information War – Moscow falsely accuses the U.S. of funding biowarfare in Ukraine despite the Kremlin once benefiting from the program

The New York Times Signals the End of Biden’s Road – The difference between a conspiracy theory and “so it happened, get over it” is about six months

WH Press Secretary Psaki Rushes to Shut Down Reporter Who Brought Up Hunter Biden: “I Think We’re Done Here!”

What if we just stop producing fossil fuels? – Implementing a Green New Deal without a viable master plan is a fool’s folly

The White House goes back to well on COVID funding as critics question plans – The WH asks Congress to approve $15.6 billion in new COVID-19 spending, making the case in a March 3rd document titled “Meeting Urgent Needs”

March 19, 2022

The DOJ Claimed Kamala Harris and VP Pence Were in the Capitol on Jan 6 During the So-Called Riots – It Turns Out that Likely Neither Was the Case

Economist, Harvard Professor: I Haven’t Seen Any ‘Serious Support’ for Biden’s Claim Oil Companies Are Profiteering

Russia Uses Hypersonic Ballistic Missiles in Ukraine for the First Time To Destroy Ukrainian Military Assets

Russia’s Flawed Victory Vision – The Russian-Ukrainian divergence goes way back and try as he criminally might Putin cannot rewrite history

Ukraine’s Baby Farms – Europe’s poorest country has a large surrogacy industry and is one of the relatively few countries that offer surrogacy services to foreigners, and the questions it raises are only heightened by this war

The Hunter Biden Disinformation Campaign – It wasn’t Russian propaganda, it was Democrats and the media trying to hide the truth

The American People Will Not Stand for a Submissive Iran Deal – Bumbling Biden may not be able to pull off what a smooth-talking Obama could

Biden’s Handlers Are Preparing to Eject Him, Along With Kamala – They must replace him, otherwise, they risk being replaced, which would be intolerable

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Data Reveal Disturbing Trend From COVID Jab – COVID-19 Shots Are Affecting Fertility

Dr. Collins, A Top NIH Official, Was Blindsided by The First Questions His Great Barrington Declaration Takedown’ Email

Swim Parents: “Inclusion” For Lia Thomas Tramples Inclusion For Our Biologically “Female” Daughters

A Viral Twitter Poll Demolishes Joe Biden With 85% Of Responders Giving Him An “F” – While the results of the poll were epic, the comments were almost as goo

WSJ: The Month Companies United Against Russia’s War – After the Ukraine invasion, CEOs moved with unusual speed and a sense of collective action to evacuate employees, shut factories, and rewrite the rules

I guess that’s why people don’t trust corporate media anymore – Because they saw how the media performed in 2020 and believe that the scales were tipped to protect Biden

Hunter Biden’s emails expose the Big Tech threat to truth and democracy

Biden And Ukraine: Do We Not See The Corruption? – Maybe wagging the tail of that Ukrainian dog wasn’t such a bright idea after all

What Can Republicans Do about Biden’s Russia-Engineered Iran Nuclear Deal II? – If they can illuminate the risks of engaging in commerce with our Iranian nemesis, many businesses will decide those risks are not worth taking

China May Find That Taiwan Is A Hard Nut To Crack – They would be facing the armed forces of ASEAN plus American and British forces currently in the region

Decision Time: Green Energy Or Starvation? – The intellectuals in DC did not factor in the hunger of humanity when the plan was created to divert attention from their political miscalculations at home

How today’s ‘Diversity’ damages our military – We have moved the goalposts to a place where equal racial and gender outcomes determine the final score

Connecting The Numerous Dots On COVID-19 – The origin of SARS-CoV-2 is yet to be definitively resolved, nevertheless the following facts are indisputable and raise many questions

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: PUTIN US ON EDITION – Everything used to be Donald Trump’s fault, but now everything is Putin’s fault

March 18, 2022

WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki Spars with New York Post Reporter Asking About Hunter’s Laptop From Hell and The Biden Crime Family’s Deals with Russian Oligarchs

Biden blames Putin for high gas prices — Here is the timeline that proves it’s his fault

The House of Representatives Gives President Authority to ‘Sanction Virtually Anyone, Anywhere In The World’ in Russia Sanctions Bill

Spies who lie: 51 ‘intelligence’ experts refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story – They are the supposed nonpartisan group of top spies looking out for the best interest of the nation

ZeroHedge: Mail Voting And Election Legitimacy – Although a feature of elections in some parts of the US for years, the phenomenon of mail-in-ballot voting exploded in the 2020 presidential election

Rasmussen Reports: “The 2022 midterm elections are now 235 days away and Republicans have an 11-point lead in their bid to recapture control of Congress”

The New York Times Admits That America Has a Free Speech Problem – “Many on the left refuse to acknowledge that cancel culture exists at all,” laments the paper

What’s Happening in Ukraine? – If we don’t stop Putin indirectly in Ukraine, we might well have to face him on the battlefield

ZeroHedge: A Recent History Of US Sanctions On Russia – When a direct military confrontation is off the table, how should countries respond to acts of foreign aggression?

ZeroHedge: Russia Pipeline Gas Flows To China Have Increased Since The Ukraine War Began

ZeroHedge: The Dominance Of The U.S. Dollar Is Fading Right Before Our Eyes – Saudi Arabia, has reportedly embraced the idea of accepting Yuan instead of dollars for Chinese oil sales

ZeroHedge: All The World’s Military Personnel, Mapped – Between ongoing armed conflicts to the building of defenses preemptively, many countries have amassed significant militaries to date

One-Third of ‘Ukrainian Refugees’ Arriving in France Are Not Ukrainian – They include people from Algeria, the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Indians, Kyrgyzstan, the Congo, Cameroon, Pakistan, Nigeria, and China

Dr. Peter McCullough: One mRNA, One Spike Protein, and Unlimited Ways to Die – In the first 90 days of public use, there were reports of 1,223 deaths yet they did not report this to the public or pull the product off the market

Fauci Is Considering Retirement And Will Receive The Largest Federal Retirement Package in History

The longest-serving US congressman Don Young dies at age 88 midair on a flight from LA to Seattle – The Alaska representative served his state for 25 years and had filed for reelection

Sharyl Attkisson: Pilots from ten commercial airlines, representing six states, are suing to block a fourth extension of requiring mandatory masking on flights, citing personal health concerns and aviation safety issues

Their Mind Control and Your Great Reset – There’s an old saying that what you don’t know can’t hurt you, but in our world today, what you don’t can hurt you and it is

ZeroHedge: 6 Years Of Being Manipulated By Manufactured Waves Of Outrage – Once corporate media identifies a trigger, it focuses on it for weeks or months on end, as that frenzy is used to move certain agendas forward

483 More Deaths After Taking COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, as Pfizer and Moderna Push for More Boosters

ZeroHedge: Credit Agencies To Remove “Tens Of Billions Of Dollars” In Medical Debt From Reports Due To Covid – The CFPB says that, currently, $88 billion in medical bills is spread across 43 million credit reports

“2nd Is Now The New First Place” – The Athlete Who Came in 2nd After Competing Against Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas

Duck-Duck-Gone? – Where can users find a search engine that both respects their privacy and rejects censorship?

Russia’s Long-Term Threat to the West = Eastern Europe Is Likely to Have Tense Borders for Generations

The US Move Against Russian Gold Reserves May Signal An Impending Monetary Reset –  Along with recent comments by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell are bringing this possibility into the spotlight

The International Energy Agency Calls for Urgent Restrictions on Domestic Oil Supplies – The IEA issued a 10-point plan to drive “changes in the behavior of consumers” and reduce gas demand at the pump

Why California has the highest gas prices in the nation – A unique combination of emission regulations, higher gas taxes, and the Golden State’s status as a “fuel island”

Turbulence for U.S. Domestic Travel as Biden Inflation Ramps Airline Ticket Prices – Ticket prices could increase between five and 10 percent in coming weeks as oil costs continue to climb

Pelosi and Buttigieg Want to Solve Inflation With, You Guessed It, More Spending – Pelosi recently brought “Build Back Better” up again when discussing ways to bring down inflation

Six Bullets That Explain The Russia Collusion Hoax’s Plot To Take Down Trump – These basics provide all the information needed to understand SpyGate and to see why it far surpasses the Watergate scandal

Motoring may be set to see a Great Reset in 2035 as the German government announces they want an EU-wide ban on the sale of gas and diesel cars

The CDC Removes 24% of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Plus Thousands of Others – “Data on deaths were adjusted after resolving a coding logic error,” the CDC says on its website

Anthony Fauci Talks Retirement As Demands For His Resignation Grow This Week – “I Can’t Stay at This Job Forever”

JD Rucker: Is Zelensky The New Fauci? –  I’m not convinced that he’s not just a “New Word Order” pawn with Klaus Schwab and George Soros pulling his strings

THE POST COMPUTES ON THE NYT – All The News That’s Fit To Print…..Once Joe Biden Is Elected

Merrick Garland Has Turned the Department of Justice into a Left-Wing Blog – Biden’s Justice Department is now all lefty politics all of the time

In the latest Rasmussen Reports “Presidential Tracking Poll,” 60% said they disapproved of the president, while 38% said they approved

Another sign the Democrat establishment fears DeSantis more than Trump – Thomas B. Edsall’s Latest Column

Three Ways That Most “Conservative” News Outlets Are Compromised – We have to fight against corporate conservative media sites that guide patriots in the wrong direction

THE MADNESS OF VLAD THE INHALER – Putin is willing to destroy Ukraine to express his love for the Russian people

The US Must Face an Existential Threat, but It’s Not Climate Change – Oil was likely a factor in the Russian risk analysis that led to Russia’s war with Ukraine

United Nations: UN: Over 3.2 million refugees have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion began

Biological weapons of mass destruction – How the government manipulated people during the COVID-19 pandemic may also give us some insight into the reasons Biolabs exist

Bari Weiss: The Disinformation Edition – Hunter Biden’s laptop,  Lia Thomas’s win,  Melting Teddy Roosevelt……. And more

Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, apparently has a soft spot for child predators

An NHS hospital in Britain told police that the rape of a woman on one of their single-sex wards by a trans patient “could not have happened” as there was “not a male” at the scene

Transgender Confusions – A series of court rulings illustrate how bad ideas travel from fringe academic theory into law and policy

Tennis icon Martina Navratilova said that transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, a biological man living as a woman, should have an “asterisk” next to his name

Regarding Mitt Romney – His latest betrayal came during a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing on Tuesday

March 17, 2022

Biden’s Low-Energy Policy – The long-term danger in the president’s antipathy to fossil fuels

HOOVER INSTITUTION: A Short Course In Oil Economics – It’s time to look at some basic facts about oil prices and oil markets

Biden’s Low-Energy Policy – The long-term danger in the president’s antipathy to fossil fuels

Jen Psaki Is Suddenly Tight-Lipped About Hunter Biden’s Emails After The New York Times Finally Confirms It

The New Hampshire House Passes Bill Allowing Pharmacists to Dispense Ivermectin Without a Prescription

The New York Times Confirms The Legitimacy of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

WSJ: House Passes Legislation to End Normal Trade Relations With Russia – The measure could result in higher tariffs on some imports from Russia and Belarus

Foreign nationals traveling to aid Ukraine’s war effort are reportedly being duped into signing indefinite service contracts – Ukraine’s Army denies such allegations, but fails to provide contrary evidence

Five Quick Things: The Lies of the Times – The Left learns some things you already knew about Hunter’s laptop, Randi Weingarten’s IQ, and more

Will the Next J6 Trial Expose Another Justice Department Lie? – Lies related to the whereabouts of VP Harris and former VP Pence on January 6 are coming to the fore

House Democrats Just Blocked the American Energy Independence from Russia Act – As a first step the bill that would have restarted the Keystone XL Pipeline, ensuring America’s energy independence

Another Young Star Is Sidelined With A Blood Clot and Nobody’s Looking at the Jabs as the  Cause – How many of these incidents, including deaths, need to occur before enough people demand to know the truth about these so-called Covid-19 “vaccines”?

Biden’s New COVID Coordinator Wants Vaccine Passports – Claims “We Aren’t Anywhere Near The End of This Pandemic”

A Federal Judge Dismisses Felony Obstruction Charge in Second Jan. 6 Case in 8 Days

Four Disney World employees have been arrested in a six-day undercover sting by the Polk County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office

Fauci Has Vanished from the Face of the Earth – Fauci’s time is up, he should have been yanked off the stage months ago

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is spending at least $1 million a month to build his social media empire, with 2 apps he hopes will rival YouTube and Facebook – Frank Social and Frank Speech

Will Joe Biden Oversee The Collapse Of The U.S. Dollar? – It’s vital to think through the consequences of the dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency

Almost Two Years After The 2020 Election, The New York Times Discovers Hunter Biden’s Laptop And That Corruption Investigations Are Real

Victor Davis Hanson: 10 Realities of Ukraine – We should not rehash the past but learn from it and thereby ensure Vladimir Putin is defeated now and deterred in the future

The number of Russian troops killed three weeks into Moscow’s war on Ukraine has reached 14,000, according to the Ukrainian military

How Zelensky Plans to Counterattack to Win the War – Putin should be shaking in his boots

Zelensky Outlines Demands for Ukraine–Russia Negotiations

If Russia is “The Enemy,” then why is it making bank on Biden’s beloved Iran deal? – Among other things

The Saudis Are Right to Leave Biden Out to Dry – His lack of consistency when it comes to Saudi Arabia is dumb and dangerous

The FBI’s Key Russia-Gate Spy Made Bizarre Resume Claims – Given the secret nature of his work, it is not surprising that Stefan Halper’s exact role in these scandals is still debated by insiders and historians

How much of your money is the government blowing? – To start with, $200 billion or more in suspected COVID-19 assistance fraud

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Ivermectin Decreases Mortality – While widely vilified as useless, dangerous, or both, studies have repeatedly demonstrated its usefulness against COVID-19

Vitamin D vs Infections, Part 1 of 5  – The immune system vs SARS-CoV-2, (Part 1), vitamin D’s role in innate immunity (Part 2), adaptive immunity (Parts 3-4), and dosing (Part 5)

Free speech and media power – Can you be heard? No, you can’t. Therefore, you are politically irrelevant

Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Record on Sex Offenders Raises Concerns in the Senate

Carbon-Free Nuclear Power – There are now 93 nuclear reactors in 56 plants that are located in 28 states

U.S. intelligence officials are bracing for a massive influx of more than 170,000 migrants at the Mexico border if COVID-era policies that allow instant expulsions during the public health emergency are ended

March 16, 2022

Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines are the greatest fraud in history –  This is a loss of trust in all institutions

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on March 16 that World War III may have already started amid the Russia–Ukraine conflict.

A Proposed ‘Fifteen Point Peace Plan’ in The Russia-Ukraine War Is a Total Defeat for Putin, but Zelensky Is Biding His Time

Team Biden Runs the Syria Playbook on Ukraine – Their horror over Putin’s war is not just performative, but also functional in the service of realigning with Iran

Bari Weiss: Things Worth Fighting For – What we can learn from President Zelensky

A Ukrainian Counterattack Leaves Russian Helicopter Fleet in Smoldering Ruins

The Fed Raises Interest Rates for The First Time Since 2018 to Fight Inflation –  Federal officials project six more rate increases this year

It Is The Season To Deal With RINOs! – The battle for conservatism will be won or lost in the primary elections, which occur weeks or months before the general

Dr. Joseph Mercola: According To A UK Government Report, 9 in 10 COVID Deaths Are in Vaccinated People

Adam Carolla Offers A Disturbing Explanation For The Government’s Masking of Kids – “Crate Training, so before they learn how to be brave, they’re being broken and trained to be fearful”

Dr. Mathew Maavak: The Depopulation Blueprint – Viruses, Vaccines, VAIDS and WW3

The CDC Warns They Would Lose Access to Key Data If The Emergency Declaration Ends

Corey Diggs: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 9: Timeline, 580+ Players, and Conclusion

The War on Innocence – A Kentucky summer camp teaches “sex liberation,” “BDSM,” and “self-pleasure” to minors

Biden’s priority is to contain the war in Ukraine –  While Putin is aiming to win it

Why Russia Invaded Ukraine – These four points can help people better understand what is happening

A Hard Look at the Risk of a Putin-Ordered Tactical Nuke

Russia loses a FOURTH general and seven SWAT fighters from an elite unit under Putin’s direct control 

‘Protect our sky’: Zelensky calls for a no-fly zone as Congress gives him a standing ovation

Ukraine Declares A German Journalist a ‘Russian Terrorist’ As Her Reporting Undermines Western Narratives

Washington DC Is Ramping Up Its Campaign To Draw NATO Into The War With Russia

The Reality of What Is Happening on the Ground in Ukraine – Russians are offering to end the conflict if six major conditions are met…

ZeroHedge: Large Polish Cities Reaching “Capacity” As UN Says Over 3 Million Refugees Have Fled Ukraine

Know the pedigree of the Republicans representing you – Are They RINOs?

The US Senate approved a bill to make daylight saving time permanent – The House of Representatives, which has held a committee hearing on the matter, must still pass the bill before it can go to Biden for his signature

Biden Blames Putin For Gas Prices, But Data Doesn’t Lie

ZeroHedge: A North Korea Missile Test-Launch Ends In Disaster After Exploding During Booster Phase

ZeroHedge: FOMC Preview: The Feds First Rate Hike Since 2018

Saudi Arabia is thinking about abandoning the dollar – The fact is that the Saudis do not trust Biden’s America

Evidence has come to light strongly indicating that the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are not really “vaccines” in the medical and legal sense of the word, but rather “experimental gene therapies”

Pfizer and partner BioNTech approached U.S. regulators Tuesday renewing their call for authorization to administer a fourth coronavirus shot as a booster for seniors

British Airways has become the world’s first major airline to remove mask mandates onboard the aircraft for passengers from Wednesday, in a move shortly followed by Virgin Atlantic

Finally, The DoJ pursues COVID-19 relief fraudsters – They brought criminal charges against more than 1,000 individuals, alleging the theft of more than $1 billion

What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda

March 15, 2022

Putin Signs Law to Seize Foreign Aircraft Amid Crippling Sanctions

Russia Announces Sanctions Against Biden, Blinken, And Other Top Officials

When the establishment cries treason – Mitt Romney calls Tulsi Gabbard ‘treasonous’ as war becomes an excuse for the lazy

Thailand Paid $45 Million in COVID Vaccine Injury Claims, While the U.S. Has Paid $0

Biden’s Dishonest Attempt To Pin Inflation on Putin – The White House’s latest attempt to scapegoat rising prices ignores everything that happened before the past three weeks

Pfizer and FDA Documents Contradict The Official COVID Vaccine Safety Narrative — Is This Fraud?

Ukraine President Zelensky: Ukraine Must Recognize It Will Not Join NATO

Putin Could Go Nuclear: World War I and the lesson of unintended consequences – Does anyone seriously believe that if Putin won control over Ukraine tomorrow, that would end this madness?

Proof positive that China is a bigger threat than Russia – China’s economy is many times the size of Russia’s and it manufactures much of the world’s modern consumer goods

The botched assessment of Ukraine’s will to fight mirrors our Afghan intelligence failures

The Biden administration gears up for midterm elections as Democrats fear for their majorities

Florida to Make Possession of More Than Two Voter Ballots a Felony

ZeroHedge: Peter Schiff Warns Tucker Carlson – Inflation Only Has One Way To Go, UP!

Supply Shocks Are Not Inflation – We must keep in mind that inflation is caused by monetary factors, not supply constraints

Biden reassured Democrat donors Monday that he will use his executive powers to act on climate change, even as energy prices are at record highs

Producer prices were up 10 percent compared with a year ago for the second month in a row, recent data shows

UK Energy Bills Are Rising 14 Times Faster than Wages Amid Their Green Push And Sanctions For War

While all eyes are on Ukraine, China continues undermining America’s wellbeing

Putin’s excuses for starting the war are fake – Russia has always been hungry for surrounding lands, especially those with arable fields and warm water or North Atlantic ports

Rumble Promotes Oliver Stone’s ‘Ukraine on Fire’ Documentary Censored by Google/YouTube

What Republicans Need To Do To Truly Take On Big Tech – Conduct hearing and ask censorship questions to the mid-level content managers, not the CEOs or team leads, and make CEOs personally responsible for document discovery

The Unseeing Years – Russia’s Ethnic Cleansing of Crimea Russia has persecuted the Crimean Tatars

ZeroHedge: The US Tells Europe That Russia Wanted Armed Drones And Beijing “Responded Positively”

Why Did Putin Invade Ukraine? – 8 differing but complementary theories that try to explain why Putin invaded Ukraine

European Energy Independence Is Impossible with Their Current Policies

Globalists Aim to Take Over Health Systems Worldwide – The CCP would play a prominent role through its control over the UN and WHO and through its close relationships with globalists like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc.

COVID Care Fiasco – In Late 2020, Dr. Hill and Dr. Lawrie completed separate analyses that showed a real benefit to using Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID, with a reduction in deaths as much as 60 to 85%

March 14, 2022

Pelosi Refuses to Hand Over Emails and Videos from Jan 6 Claiming “Sovereign Immunity”

“Ukraine is a Done Deal. It’s Flattened and They Lost” – Steve Harrigan from FOX News Upon Return from Ukraine

10 Signs The War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Great Reset – #8 Digital IDs are a central plank in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda

House GOP demands investigation into alleged Russian influence in US environmental groups advocating against US fossil fuels

The Architects of Our Present Disaster – We have moved on from mass psychosis over vaccines to mass psychosis over the urgent need to go to war with Russia

It’s time DC to suspend and ultimately repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard – Over time, the program intended to encourage new clean-energy sources evolved into a policy that pays farmers and refiners to turn food into fuel

Fox News host revealed that colleague Benjamin Hall was injured while covering the conflict near the capital city of Kyiv

Rand Paul brings legislation to fire Fauci, eliminate his job by reorganizing the NIAID

Pfizer and The FDA Hid Data Showing Their Clinical Trials Failed – A Former BlackRock investment advisor says Wall Street lost faith in Pfizer and Moderna stocks when Pfizer and the FDA tried to hide their clinical trial data

From 2-Weeks To Flatten The Curve, To Two Years – March 16, 2020, isn’t just a day that will live in infamy, it marked the beginning of the largest crime against humanity since the last world war

Senator Johnson Seeks Information on the Spike in Disease Rates in the Military Database

Germany’s Largest Insurance Company Fires The CEO Who Released COVID Vaccine Injury Data To The Public And Then Scrubs The Data From Their Website

Manchin Sinks Biden Federal Reserve Nominee Who Drew Republican Boycott – Bloom Raskin, is an advocate for using it to promote green energy policy instead of maintaining maximum employment and keeping inflation in check

California Schools Are Ignoring Unsuitable, Graphic Sex Curriculum and Student Sexual Harassment

Landlords, law enforcement groups show growing concern over illegal immigrants receiving California state IDs

Dov Fischer: Media Manipulation Infers Putin’s Ukraine Invasion is Evil, but Warring on Israel and Armenia is OK – It’s automatic to feel a bond with Italians and — especially — Armenians

The Winner in Ukraine Won’t Be Russia or America,  It Will Be China – A seat at the European table won’t be too much to ask for the man who saves Europe from nuclear war

Russian officials claim the country can pay off foreign currency debt but will do so using the yuan

WSJ: Russian Forces Kill Civilians, Loot for Supplies in Occupied Ukraine, Residents Say – They are detaining elected officials and looking for pro-Russian collaborators as protests continue

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is slated to address Congress virtually this coming Wednesday

MASSIVE Conflicts of Interest at the NIH Exposed – One of the primary vehicles for kickbacks and fraud seems to be foundations associated with federal agencies

Researchers: There Is An Overwhelming Need to Investigate COVID-19 Vaccine Related Tinnitus

A Researcher Tells Durham He Saw Holes In The Alfa Bank Hoax Before Democrats Shopped It To The FBI

Governor Abbot: Texas Is Restarting The Border Wall Project Along Our Border That Was Cancelled by Biden

Quinnipiac Poll: Most Democrats are delusional & unpatriotic – Democrats care more about their party than their country

ZeroHedge: Is Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Bad News For China’s Belt And Road Ambitions? – CCP officials proclaim solidarity with Russia but are not following up in substance

ZeroHedge: Following the introduction of sanctions against Russia by a large number of countries, more than 330 companies have announced their withdrawal or suspension of activities there

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Thanks Zuckerberg For Helping Him Win the Propaganda War – “It is also a fierce battle in the informational space”

ZeroHedge: The Latest News And Developments From The Ukraine War

Rasmussen Poll: 70% Favor increased U.S. oil and gas production

I & I Editorial Board: Google Attacked Us For Reporting The Result Of Our Poll Calling It “Harmful information”

Game Changer? – The Convention of States Movement Is Building Momentum

Democrat leadership has devalued America beyond recognition – Unless we change, this idiocy will be our downfall as a country

How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World – An Epoch Times translation from the Chinese version of the book

The Are Grooming Our Children And We Need to Fight Back – Sexual orientation instruction is no longer about the birds and the bees, as children are now being taught that you can be anything you want to be

The Continued Politicization of COVID – What they don’t say is that it’s not medical science that they are following but instead political science

Mask Mandates Dropped, how about Vax Mandates? – Informed consent requires agreement with full disclosure of risks, benefits, and alternatives, the PREP Act limits liability for death or serious injury caused only by “willful misconduct”

Mask Theater Is Alive and Well in Los Angeles – Children in L.A. can now go to athletic events, the movies, and the supermarket without masks, but that freedom ends at the schoolhouse door

I&I/TIPP Poll: 65% Say The Recent Lifting Of COVID Restrictions Is Driven By “Politics, Not Science”

March 13, 2022

US official: Russia is seeking military aid from China – The prospect of China offering Russia financial help is one of several concerns for President Biden

Victor David Hanson: Volodymyr Zelensky’s Classical Choices – Is it to be Salamis, Thebes, Thermopylae, or Melos?

ZeroHedge: While everyone is focusing on the Russian war in Ukraine, Saudi Arabia on Saturday carried out a mass execution of 81 people for a wide range of what they are calling “terrorism” related crimes

The Tragic Shooting of an American Journalist in Ukraine Was Likely Committed by Ukrainian Forces, Not Russians

‘I Was Embarrassed’: Democrat Strategist Doug Shoen Calls Kamala Harris’ Performance In Europe “Tragic”

Jury Hit with Stunning New Information: FBI Fed Drugs to Alleged Whitmer Kidnapping Plotters Before the Tapes Rolled

George Orwell Was Right – From free speech to “spheres of influence” to our passion for endless war, we’ve become the double-thinkers his book, “1984” predicted

ZeroHedge: Why Are Leftists And Elitists So Happy About Skyrocketing Gas Prices? – Many policies being presented as solutions to Russian oil sanctions and energy inflation are identical to policies that were part of the Green New Deal

Amazon is relocating 1,800 employees out of downtown Seattle due to the spiking crime rate

San Diego police and the county Sheriff’s Department are losing officers and deputies faster than they can hire them

The EPA Restores CA’s Authority to Set Auto Greenhouse Gas Emission Rules, Likely to Exacerbate Gas Price Increases

Pfizer CEO said on March 13 that a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine would be necessary – Claiming it would continue to reduce hospitalizations

New data suggests that two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine don’t provide much protection for children 5 to 15 years old against the Omicron variant

The CDC’s silly stalling on flight masks – The TSA announcement comes as virtually all states and major cities have dropped their indoor mask mandates in response to plunging numbers of COVID-19 cases

At Least 12 Missiles Hit Iraq’s Erbil Near US Consulate – A spokesman for the Kurdish regional government said there were no casualties

WSJ: Russian Missiles Strike Ukrainian Military Training Base Near Polish Border

ZeroHedge: Why Sanctions Don’t Work, And Why They Mostly Hurt Ordinary People

ZeroHedge: Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine – “They Are Legitimate Targets”

The Unsung White House Official Who Warned President Trump in 2017 that the Deep State Was Trying to Prematurely End his Presidency

Justice Thomas Issues a Grave Warning About the Future of SCOTUS: ‘The Institution Is Going to Be Compromised’

ZeroHedge: Idiocracy: CDC Lowers Expectations For Child Development, Raising New Questions for Parents

Drivers Send A Message at The Pump About Rising Gas Prices – Decals of a finger-pointing President Biden, with the words “I did that!” in big, bold print, have been appearing on fuel pumps across the country

The 6 Worst Quotes From VP Kamala Harris – #6: “Ok, **giggle, giggle**  A friend in need is a friend indeed”

U.S. consumer sentiment, measured by the University of Michigan, has fallen to its lowest level in almost 11 years, while the Treasury secretary predicts persistent high inflation for the year ahead

The CDC is Still Lying About Masking Kids in School – Its Latest ‘Study’ is Destroyed by National Data

PLANET LOCKDOWN – Brave souls dared to speak the truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same

A Growing Number of Countries Identify Cases of the Deltacron Variant – Experts haven’t seen any difference in its characteristics and haven’t seen any signs that it causes more severe cases of COVID-19 than Omicron

March 12, 2022

Biden Authorizes $200 Million in New Military Aid for Ukraine For Training And Weapons

Middle Eastern mercenaries are now being recruited to help Russia overcome stout Ukrainian resistance

Elon Is Right: Nuclear Is the Answer With nuclear power, the West would be self-reliant for its energy needs

U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Adam Conrad: “I’ve Never Seen Morale So Low’” – Conrad, like many servicemembers across the military, faces the risk of losing his job if he does not accept the CCP virus vaccine

Perhaps Tucker Carlson’s most profound monologue ever – Without a single pause, the Biden administration slipped effortlessly from COVID emergency powers and is, instead, assuming war powers, even though we’re not at war

A Wall Street Journal poll contains bad news for the Democrats – Americans mostly think they’re doing a bad job and it appears that large numbers of Blacks and Hispanics are shifting their allegiance to the Republican Party

GEFIRA: Western Media “Are Either Delusional Or Lying Through Their Teeth” – The West is ready to go to war with Russia so long as it has… Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, Lithuanian, Latvian, or Estonian soldiers at its disposal

ZeroHedge: A Visual Guide To Europe’s Member States – There are four major treaty groups, namely the European Union (EU), NATO, Schengen, and eurozone

How DC is Spending Your Money – The media is focused on Ukraine, Congress has been pushing their $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill, their last chance to push their agenda before the GOP is expected to take over early next year

An illegal immigrant murders 4 in a jurisdiction where the sheriff was sued for reporting alien criminals to the feds

Bill O’Reilly’s Assessment Of The Biden Administration – He is spitting mad about the things that Biden and his administration have done since he took office, to ruin our economy and humiliate us on the world stage

ZeroHedge: Mapped: Where America’s Truckers Live, By State – Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) was used to create two separate heat maps

Learning loss will be a lasting legacy of COVID mandates – They sacrificed children’s well-being for a nonexistent benefit


March 11, 2022

Obama’s White House Doctor Calls For An Immediate Biden Resignation – “He Is Not Cognitively Capable Of Leading”

The top 5 states with the most expensive average cost of regular gasoline are led by Democratic governors and Democratic-controlled legislatures

Congress Just Gave Itself A 21% Pay Raise With Omnibus Bill As Surging Gas Prices AndInflation Hurt Americans

The White House Posts A Graph About US Natural Gas Production That Blows Up in Its Face When People Notice 1 Big Detail – The Ending Date

ER Doctor: Parents Should Ask These Questions Before Giving Their Child a COVID-19 Vaccine – #1, “Is there a mortality benefit for these vaccines for your child?”

7-Year-Old Died of Cardiac Arrest 13 Days After Pfizer Shot – VAERS Data Shows 1,168,894 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 25,158 deaths and 203,888 serious injuries between 12/14/2020, and 3/4/ 2022

CEO: Pfizer to Ask US Regulators to Authorize Second Booster Due to Waning Effectiveness

Oligarchs Want Us to Power Down So They Can Power Up – The ruling oligarchy that is blocking energy development will destroy the middle class and impose neo-feudalism

Corey Diggs: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 8: Surveillance, Data Mining, and Social Score for All

Californians Can Weigh In on PG&E’s 22% Proposed Rate Hike with The CA Public Utilities Commission – This increase is on top of the 9% increase for PG&E electricity we were hit with on March 1

Ann Coulter: Do These Black Lives Matter to L.A.’s Idiot D.A.? – Whatever happened to that story about Sandra Shells? She was the 70-year-old nurse killed by one of Los Angeles’ many “unhoused” drug-addicted psychopaths

Russian Strikes Hit Western Ukraine Airfields As Their Offensive Widens

WSJ: In Kharkiv, Survivors Make Their Stand – Nobody Wants the Russians’ Missiles struck apartments, museums, and libraries, as residents tend the wounded and sift through debris, trying to reclaim their city

United Nations: The number of refugees who have left Ukraine has reached 2.5 million as Russian forces continue their assault across the country

Unlike Past Conflicts With Russia, Escalation In Ukraine Risks Pulling The West Into War – Policymakers in DC need to think carefully about whether or not we should escalate our involvement in Ukraine

Are We At War? – That question is not ours to answer but rather Vladimir Putin’s, but we should be damn sure we’re ready for whatever he decides

The WHO Has Recommended That Ukraine Destroy The ‘High Threat Pathogens’ at Their U.S.-Funded Biolabs

Russia has requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council Friday  – Will present what it claims is evidence of U.S. involvement in “military biological activities” in Ukraine

Putin Warns That Any Attempts to Prevent Exports of Fertilizers, Oil, Gas Will Have “Serious Consequences”

The Iran Nuclear Talks Abruptly Suspended – Russia Slams As “Dirty Misrepresentations” That It Sabotaged The Deal

21 Key U.S. Natural Gas Producers Were Hacked Just Before Ukraine Invasion – Was This A Warning Shot?

WSJ Poll: Biden and Democrats Lose Ground on Key Issues – The president’s handling of the Ukraine crisis hasn’t boosted his overall political standing as voters worry about inflation

Biden Frets About Republicans Taking Congress And Warns Democrats About The Forthcoming “Sad, Sad Two Years”

John Kerry Promises The U.N. $10 Billion In US Taxpayer Dollars Annually For The Supposed “Climate Crisis”

The Inflation President, AKA Joe Biden, brings inflation to another 40-year high!

Americans are not buying Biden’s “Vlad did it” story about high gas prices

Biden’s Crypto Executive Order Weighs Climate Change And Ponders A Digital Dollar

Issues & Insights: Gasoline Prices Headed Right Where The Democrats Want Them

DeSantis Rips ‘Woke’ Disney After CEO Attacks Florida’s Parental Rights Bill – Called out Disney’s hypocrisy, characterizing it as a greedy company willing to die on the hill of transgenderism while coddling Communist China

Project Veritas has another mind-boggling video of an NYT reporter – Rosenberg says he works with government officials to create fake stories to generate excitement in the national media, stories such as the so-called pee tape

Early jail release motions spiked 900% at the height of the COVID pandemic

Why Health Officials Stopped Reporting Covid-19 Deaths – All “cause of death rates” show the number dying in 2021 after the release of the vaccine far exceeds the all-cause death rate in 2020 during the height of the infection

The Massachusetts Public Health Department announced Thursday that the state would lower its COVID-19 death count by 3,700 due to new measuring criteria being implemented

Nearly 2.8 Million Birds Have Died in the First Month of America’s New Bird Flu Pandemic – Mostly Chickens & Turkeys

March 10, 2022

WSJ: The Senate Passes a $1.5 Trillion Spending Bill That Includes Aid for Ukraine – The Omnibus bill now heads to Biden’s desk ahead of the government shutdown deadline

Biden’s Real Problem Isn’t His Russian Oil Policy, But His American One – His anti-American green energy policies are an obvious failure, but you can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Trump Is Right: Dictators Are Smart – Both Trump and Reagan were hit for recognizing this Russian reality

No Quiet Place Left on Earth – President Zelensky’s soaring optimism has given way to the reality that America isn’t coming to help, Ukraine is on its own, and Vladimir Putin is only getting started

Robert W Malone MD, MS: Ukraine Biolab Watchtower – An attempt to triangulate something approximating truth about Ukraine and Biolabs

Blackout Policy – As energy prices soar, certain states press on with anti-fossil fuel strategies that are at odds with reality

The Biden Administration Is Extending The Public Transportation Mask Mandate For One Month, Through April 18th

United Airlines to Let Workers Who Didn’t Get COVID-19 Vaccine Return to Work

Under President Trump, We Had a Wonderful Life – Who wouldn’t prefer a reality that kept Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, North Korea, and Iran in check, and brought stability to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords?

John Solomon: Donald Trump’s Truth Social propels conservatives’ reach past Twitter in few short weeks – Examples explode of the same message getting far more engagement on the new platform than on legacy social giant

Why Did the World Economic Forum Just Remove their Cyber Polygon Page From Their Website? – What is it about the cyber-pandemic brainchild that suddenly made them erase history?

“The California Way” Touted by Gov. Newsom is His Way, Not the People’s Way – The opinions of those in power carry the most weight as citizens’ concerns are eclipsed

Swedish researchers found 5G radiation causes “microwave syndrome” symptoms – The study also confirmed that non-ionizing radiation well below levels allowed by authorities can cause health problems

America’s Next Urgent Public Health Crisis Is Here – Suicide rates are high on the list of causes of death in America according to the National Institute of Mental Health

Straight People Excluded from The West Hollywood Guaranteed Income Program

The Stench of Spygate – The more we learn about the Obama administration’s spying on Trump, the worse it looks

The Special Counsel’s Office Is Investigating The 2016 DNC Server Hack – Interestingly, why is Durham concerned with the DARPA connection and the DNC hack or hacker in the first place?

Three Reasons Why Trump Shouldn’t Run for President in 2024 – #3, The Rise of Ron DeSantis

The RNC Sues January 6 Panel – To stop them from unlawfully seizing confidential information about internal activities of the Republican Party and millions of its supporters, which is completely unrelated to the attack on the Capitol

Inflation Reached 7.9% in February, With Consumer Prices The Highest in 40 Years – Gasoline prices up an unadjusted annual increase of 38%, with groceries up 1.4% over the prior month for an annual rate of 8.6%

The GOP Expects Midterm Sweep as Gas Prices Spike – When President Trump left office, gasoline cost an average of $2.42 per gallon across the nation

The Most efficient vehicles of 2022 – Broken down by powertrain, fuel economy, and annual fuel costs

Hawks, Or Pigeons In A Bad Mood? – How is it possible that Russia and China have gained a strategic advantage over the United States in hypervelocity glide vehicles, missile defense, and other key aspects of military technology?

Washington DC’s Hypocrisy In Yemen  – They criticize Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine but enable the UAE and Saudis to wage war in Yemen

ZeroHedge: US Consumer Prices Are Rising At Their Fastest Pace In Over 40 Years – Real wages (average hourly earnings) dropped on a Year over Year basis for the 11th straight month

Thursday Navigator Survey: Joe Biden Fails to Focus on Top National Issues, Jobs and the Economy

American Psychological Association’s Annual “Stress in America” Poll: Spikes as Americans Report High Levels of Stress Due to Rising Prices

Lawmakers Load The $1.5 Trillion Bill with Pork Barrel Spending – It Includes 142 Earmarks for Chuck Schumer Alone

The Omnibus Bill Funds Border Security For 8 Foreign Nations –  But it includes no new funding for US border security

Harris X Poll: A Majority Of Americans Blame Joe Biden For Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine – 62% said they believe Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if President Trump had been reelected

DuckDuckGo, an alternative to Google, announced it will be “down-ranking” sites associated with “disinformation,” along with adding “information boxes” to “highlight quality information”

Dov Fischer: Ukraine, Zelensky, Putin, and Armageddon – On the Limits of Sympathy Putin is not a madman, he’s a murderer who knows what he wants

Russian government officials on Thursday said its economy is in “shock” after heavy sanctions and after several Western corporations pulled out of the country in recent days after the Ukraine conflict

Biden’s Big Energy Lies Exposed – Energy prices began rising virtually from Biden’s first day in office, more than a year before Putin invaded Ukraine

Why the push to destroy the fossil fuel industry when past predictions of doom have been completely wrong? – Government policies should be based on factual scientific data instead of easily manipulated computer models

ZeroHedge: “It’s Appalling”: In A Hilarious Reversal, The Biden Administration Now Slams Shale For Not Raising Output

Texas Democrats Tell Biden To Drill – Most likely,  these Democrats are not alone on this matter

Democrats Can’t Solve America’s Energy Problems Because They Don’t Recognize (Accept) That They Caused Them

Newsom’s Latest Gaslighting – As a cutback in Russian oil imports sends California’s already high gas prices beyond $5 a gallon, Gov. Gavin Newsom doubles down on shuttering the state’s oil and gas industry that creates 150,000 jobs

ZeroHedge: A Major European Trucking Firm Was Hit With A Fuel Shortage After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

The “Hobbes Index” Is Making A Comeback Under Biden – The “social contract,” process by which members of a society surrender some of their liberty to a higher authority in exchange for that authority’s protection of their rights

2005 Agreement Between The US And Ukraine Establishing Bio-Weapons Labs In Ukraine

Biden’s undersecretary of state for political affairs admits that Ukraine possesses at-risk bio lab facilities

U.S. Funds Ukrainian Former Bioweapons Facility Handling ‘Dangerous Materials – The lab’s scientists said they work without Western-style safety equipment

“The Least Woke City in America” – Miami’s increasingly conservative political culture reflects the influence of immigrants fleeing socialist dystopias

A Wisconsin school district says that parents are not ‘entitled’ to know what their kids’ declared gender identity is

The Trans Movement Is Failing Where the Gay-Rights Movement Succeeded – By abandoning the libertarian “live and let live” approach, transgender activists are alienating Americans

Studies Cited To Support Gender-Bending Kids Are Largely Junk Science – Flaws extend beyond small sample size, with the largest studies the weakest, often consisting of little more than online surveys with a self-selecting sample

Strangely, The IRS Goes After The Little Guy – 54-percent of all correspondence audits last year targeted the small proportion of returns with gross receipts of less than $25,000 that claimed an earned income tax credit

The Biden Administration Is Extending The Transportation Mask Mandate – Despite waning Omicron variant transmission rates and the relaxation of mitigation measures in red and blue states alike

Spain Study: Mask Mandates Did Not Lower COVID-19 Case Rates or Transmission

Novak Djokovic Withdraws From All Tournaments In The US Due To The CDC’s Covid Vaccination Rules

SARS-COV-2 Vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease – There are several mechanisms by which these vaccines could lead to severe disease, including autoimmune

The Lancet Paper On Adverse Covid Vaccine Events are not Insignificant – Don’t let legacy Mainstream Media Fool You

March 9, 2022

Rumble uploads Oliver Stone documentary ‘Ukraine on Fire’ after YouTube censors it

A Federal Judge Orders Biden To Stop Mass Release of Illegal Migrant Children At Border

Democrat’s Freak Out After Tucker Raised Questions About Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee Is Qualified

Disney Caves to Leftists: Pledges $5 Million to LGBTQ Groups over Florida Bill Barring Sexuality Instruction for Kids

John Solomon: Ballot Bombshells – 20 episodes that expose fraud, illegalities, and irregularities in the 2020 election

White House Sends Out Official News Release, It Completely Blows Up in Joe Biden’s Face – “Gas Prices Are Going Up and It’s Russia Is Responsible”

Trump Responds to Record High Gas Prices with a 5-Word Question for Americans – “DO YOU MISS ME YET?”

Jen Psaki Lashes Out at Media for Reporting on Pentagon-funded Ukraine Biolabs

Was Nancy Pelosi Drunk at Her Latest Presser? – This is the person who controls the nation’s finances, and she can’t even be bothered to know the dollar amount of the bills she supports

The House passes a $1.5 trillion spending plan – Ukraine aid is in and COVID funding out, with bipartisan support it passed 361-69

ZeroHedge: Mapped: 200 Years Of Global Political Regimes, By Country – Where do civilians get a say in how the government is run?

The Navy Refuses to Deploy Warship While Commander Remains Unvaccinated – After a Florida federal judge ruled that the Navy and Marine Corps cannot remove its officers for being unvaccinated against COVID-19

Beef Is Now A “Luxury Meat” – Goldman Sachs Says To Brace For “One Of The Largest Energy Supply Shocks Ever”

Ukraine Bans The Export of Oats, Millet, Sugar, Wheat, and More as War Rages With Russia

Wheat Prices Soar in Countries Dependent on Eastern Europe for Grain

The Biden administration deployed a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about COVID-19 vaccines and to censor negative coverage with corporate media cooperation

Pfizer Knew Its mRNA “Vaccine” for Covid “Leaked Into Ovaries” but Covered It All Up – A court-ordered Pfizer to release 55,000 pages of documents about its Covid-19 “vaccine,” and the bombshells are dropping

A doctor’s alarming observations are sufficient to halt the COVID vaccines in the US – Based on this doctor’s meticulously chronicled observations of adverse events the vaccines should be immediately halted worldwide

The Holy Covid Trinity Unravels – Lockdowns, vaccines, and boosters wildly failed to live up to their promise

The Harris County, TX elections commissioner is resigning after 10,000 uncounted ballots for last week’s primary were discovered, according to an announcement posted online on Monday

Young students have suffered ‘alarming’ drops in reading skills during the pandemic – One-third of the youngest school kids are behind on reading benchmarks, appreciably higher than before the pandemic

An Ongoing National Crisis – The homicide surge continues, while mainstream commentators misdiagnose the causes

Sharyl Attkisson: Most say, Lia Thomas, a man, should not be allowed to compete in women’s swimming competitions

Social-Justice Lingerie: Victoria’s Secret ditches physical beauty for left-wing activism – Behind the scenes, they use politics to redirect attention from their business practices

The national average price of gas hits a record high for the third straight day, rising nearly 60 cents in one week

WSJ: A Russian Airstrike Hits A Maternity Hospital in The Ukrainian City of Mariupol – Kremlin’s forces inch forward in their effort to encircle the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv

JD Rucker: Russia Appears to Be Preparing for a Massive Cyberattack To Cripple the Internet – In 2019 Putin signed the “Sovereign Internet” bill that gave Moscow “legal” authority to quarantine Russia’s internet from the rest of the world

Poland Calls Blinken’s Bluff And Exposes Fracture in NATO Alliance – Poland announced it would release “immediately and free of charge” its entire MiG-29 fleet of 28 aircraft to the United States for transfer to Ukraine

The Pentagon Says Poland’s Offer Of Fighter Jets For Ukraine ‘Not Tenable’

ZeroHedge: A Zelensky Aid Says Ukraine Ready For “Diplomatic Solution” But Won’t Trade a “Single Inch” Of Territories

Russia Tells the US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons In Ukraine Bio-Labs”

Russia’s Defense Ministry acknowledged that some conscripts were taking part in the conflict in Ukraine after Putin denied such reports and said only professional soldiers were sent to fight

Putin snickers: Guess who owns a big chunk of Venezuela’s oil? – The preponderance of evidence suggests that Russia owns a big chunk of it

U.S. Magistrate Judge Slams DOJ for violating rights of capitol riot defendant – It isn’t a secret that the US Government is struggling in defending its charges against detainees

General Flynn: “There’s a Cold, Dark Monster Standing Before Americans” – To beat it, our citizens need to act as a counterweight to the theft of our rights and liberty and must engage in our country at every level doing these things

Here’s the truth on Ukraine, as far as I can tell –  First, and most importantly, virtually no one in the US has got this right, including conservative outlets and pundits

Energy Industry Heads Call Out Biden The Administration’s Misinformation On Record High Prices – “We need some clarity, just in the regulatory sense, that this administration is behind domestic energy production”

Biden’s War with Prices – With the prices for food, fuel, and so much else rising so fast, now is the time for Americans to consider whether they can afford to continue paying the price for the Biden presidency

Maybe due to the war in Ukraine, it is time to give up on ethanol –  As the “breadbasket of Europe” is engulfed in war, maybe we can find better uses for our corn

The Industry Calls on The Biden Administration To Lift Its Moratorium on New Oil and Gas Leases

If You Thought The COVID Thought Police Were Bad, You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet – Big Tech is now sharpening its algorithms to go after the next target, imposing speech codes regarding “climate science”

Senator Jordan: The NSBA Colluded with the Biden Administration to “Intimidate and Silence Parents” With The Assistance Of Federal Law Enforcement

The Vaccines, Masks And Staying At Home Did Not Make A Major Difference In COVID Case Rates, Says The NYT

Dr. Robert Malone: COVID-19 vaccines may enhance the disease because they target an old version of the Covid

Why Is CDC’s Walensky Refusing To Answer These Critical Questions From Senator Johnson, Regarding Covid?

What Physicians Say in Private About COVID Vaccines – Their private exchanges on social media suggest there is a growing silent minority of physicians who disagree with official policy yet are unwilling to speak out for fear of retribution

Totalitarianism And The Face Mask War – The face mask conflict has been raging for nearly two years and while it shows some signs of weakening, it remains one of the most intense points of division in America

Teachers Nationwide Implement A Race-Inclusive Curricula Trained By Black Panthers – Video obtained by reporters shows tools and materials to help educators prepare kindergarteners to become “social justice warriors”

Lawmakers reach a deal on $1.5 trillion spending bill to avoid a shutdown – It includes $13.6 billion in aid to Ukraine and European allies along with $15.6 billion for COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and treatments in the US and abroad

Hunter Biden still listed as part-owner of a Chinese firm despite his divestment claim

Are Mexican Cartels Terrorist Organizations? – Federal law offers a tool in the fight against cartels that Trump almost invoked before his advisers convinced him to back down

The California Way Isn’t as Rosy as Governor Newsom Touted in his State of the State – California is the highest in everything including taxes, gas prices, unemployment, housing costs, the homeless, and poverty rate

WSJ: Biden to sign an executive order on Wednesday instructing federal government agencies to study possible risks related to the explosion in popularity of cryptocurrencies and consider the creation of a U.S. digital currency

Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes are set to be released in California and Florida to reduce the number of real, disease-carrying invasive mosquitoes

Developing: A CNN Disaster Reported – Multiple Stars Face Hatchet as New Management Plans A Talent Purge

March 8, 2022

Clarence Thomas Takes Another Swipe at Big Tech’s Section 230 Immunity – “We should address the proper scope of immunity under §230 in an appropriate case”

The last Woolworth’s lunch counter in the US is in Bakersfield CA – Restoration work is slated to start as early as this summer, this state and national landmark has been “moving along smoothly” albeit with “lots of boxes to check”

The Cold Reality of Abandoning Russian Gas – Immobility, empty bellies, and cold hearths for relying on Putin’s petroleum

Remember That The Biden’s Are Trash – He’s as terrible a president as he is a grandfather

Pulitzer Prize-Winning NYT Reporter: There Was January 6 Media Coverage ‘Overreaction,’ The FBI Was Involved, And The Event Was Not Organized Despite The Ongoing Narrative

Capitol Hill’s dangerous kangaroo court – Seven of its nine members are Democrats while Republican Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are rabidly anti-Trump

Biden’s Pathetic Response to Putin: ‘It’s Perfectly Normal’ – He keeps insisting that sanctions are working. Does the president protest too much?

Ukraine: China to the Rescue? – Xi could be the ultimate winner of Putin’s war

Putin’s War – He has united most of the world and all of NATO against him

Russia’s suspicions about the US-funded bio laboratory program in Ukraine are being heightened by a recent acknowledgment by Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based Bio Lab Handling Dangerous Pathogens – This linked article raises serious questions about US government activity in Ukraine stretching back almost two decades

Dennis Prager: This Invasion Is Brought to You by Western Environmentalists – These environmentalists are, intentionally or not, in collusion with Vladimir Putin to undermine America and the West

WSJ: Biden’s U.S. Oil Embargo – His assault on domestic energy works against his ban on Russian imports

Oil Consumption Is About Progress and Global Warming Is About Alarmism – There is NO threat that “Systematic Climate Change” is going to change our lives one iota, much less ruin the planet

WSJ: What Kind of Justice Will We Get With Ketanji Brown Jackson? – She should be asked at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings about her views on crime and if Democratic efforts have harmed public safety

Senators Cruz and Johnson Say The People’s Convoy Is “Fighting for Freedom” After Meeting Leaders Of The Capitol Hill Convoy That Traveled to The DC Area From California

The Senate Passed Bipartisan Postal Service Overhaul Measure designed to save billions of dollars in costs that now goes to President Biden’s desk – It includes repealing a requirement that the USPS pre-fund retiree health benefits

Dr. Peter McCullough: Findings From Early COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Are Potentially Alarming – “This is getting into human chromosomes”

New Pfizer data kills the case for universal child Covid vaccinations – The trial in NY yielded disappointing results

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said she expects COVID-19 to become seasonal like influenza

Tuesday Politico/Morning Consult poll: Less than 25 percent of voters strongly believe President Joe Biden is mentally fit, healthy, and stable

WSJ: Ukraine Evacuates Civilians From Besieged Sumy While Millions Remain Trapped by Fighting With Russia –  Mariupol faces humanitarian crisis as Russian attacks kill civilians throughout Ukraine; Biden bans imports of Russian oil

In a nod to Russia, Ukraine says it is no longer insisting on a NATO membership

WSJ: Biden Bans Imports of Russian Oil, Natural Gas Deliberations about imposing a ban ramped up as lawmakers of both parties called for action on the issue

Biden blames oil companies and Putin for skyrocketing gas prices and not his policies

Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During The Ukraine Crisis – Persian Gulf monarchies have signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen and elsewhere

Biden’s Energy-Policy Bind – Should the United States throw a lifeline to the worst tyrant in the Western hemisphere to undermine an even worse tyrant in Europe?

Donald Trump On The National Average Gas Price Breaking A Record High – “Miss Me Yet?”

What Putin Knew – Europe made a poor decision to forget the incredible power of oil, gas, and coal and to ignore the centrality of energy to geopolitics, just like the US is doing

ICUMI: A UFC fighter makes a stunning statement about the US and the Ukraine war

Yes, If America Is Ever Invaded, You Must Take Up Arms and Fight – When asked whether they’d flee or fight an invading force, far too many Millennials and those considered to be Gen-Z give the wrong answer

Energy CEOs Call Out Biden Administration for Using a ‘Complete Red Herring’ to Explain Oil Policy

What China Is Learning From Putin’s Ukraine Invasion – The lesson for Beijing may be to wait a bit and see what happens after the Ukraine war


The First January 6 Criminal Trial Leads to a Conviction on All Counts – The  Jury finds Guy Reffitt of Texas guilty of obstruction, gun crime and threatening his children

The Postal Service Reform Act Is a Bad Deal – The bill contains only the most tepid reforms. Universal delivery mandates are unchanged, and so is the basic legal and labor structure of the USPS

Republicans Are Successfully Blocking Biden Nominees – His SCOTUS Pick Could Be Next

To Punish Putin, U.S. Firms Develop Social Credit System For Russia That Would Make Him Proud

The Crude Hypocrisy And Rot Of Green Politics – “We have the energy, the resources, and the technology, and while we’re a million barrels short a day right now, we could just ramp up like that”

Why are gas prices so high? – We had high demand and a strong economy throughout Trump’s first three years, before the virus, yet we did not have high oil prices, because we achieved energy independence

The Looming Food Crisis – The coming surge in food prices will devastate the global poor

ZeroHedge: “One Of The World’s Largest Energy Supply Shocks Ever”: Goldman Raises Oil Price Target To $135

ZeroHedge: Canada Says Its Oil Could Replace US Imports Of Russian Crude, All It Would Take Is Approval Of The Keystone XL Pipeline

ZeroHedge: Gold Soars To $2,063, Just One Cent Away From New All-Time High Due To Uncertainty Related To Russia-Ukraine

‘Half The Country’ Did Speak The Covid Truths CDC Director Walensky Insists “Nobody Said” – And They Were Smeared

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Great Reset’s 5G Cyborg Ecosystem – The Difference Between Identification and Digital Identity, That Enables Total Control Through Digital Identities

The COVID Vaccine is a Civil Rights Issue – How is it that Congress is exempt from the so-called vaccine?

Dr. Robert Malone: Ivermectin Is Associated with Decreased Mortality as well as improved outcomes – I’m not holding my breath for apologies from medical boards, along with legacy and social media<

The Looming Food Crisis – The coming surge in food prices will devastate the global poor

The anti-groomer law banning gender identity indoctrination in Florida’s pre-K through third-grade classrooms was approved Tuesday by the state’s Senate and has been sent to Republican Governor Ron DeSantis for signing

Oxford University Study: Even Mild Cases of COVID-19 Can Lead to Brain Changes

Queen Elizabeth Makes Monumental Decision After 70-Year Reign: ‘It Makes Sense’ – Windsor Castle, which has been her weekend home and the place she spends certain holidays will now be her permanent residence<

California may require transgender indoctrination for all healthcare workers

Juror No. 50 Pleads the Fifth And Is Granted Immunity in Maxwell Trial – Juror No. 50 stated publicly he was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and had made this known to his fellow jurors during deliberation<


March 7, 2022

The Difference Between mRNA Injections and Vaccines

Devin Nunes touts Trump’s Truth Social as a success – “People are coming in droves and continue to sign up. “We are letting them on as quickly as we possibly can,” Nunes said

Top female scientist canceled over her 13-year-old ‘Michael Jackson’ Halloween costume

Protecting Our Children: How Radical Gender Ideology is Taking Over Public Schools & Harming Kids

The 55,000 FDA-released vaccine-related documents contain a glaring omission – They are missing the hundreds of millions of dollars the FDA receives from Pfizer each year and there’s no record of it

The third round of talks between Russia and Ukraine concluded with “small” and “positive” developments, said a Ukrainian negotiator on Monday

American Military News: The Pentagon released an update on the Russian war status – Bullet points provided

WSJ: Putin’s War Will Get Uglier – He won’t give up power without giving repression every chance to succeed

How Biden’s Climate Change Policies Are Fueling Putin’s Imperialistic Ambitions – Our government says NO to increasing domestic oil production but YES to importing oil from authoritarian regimes<

This Deal Is Illegal – Critics Warn New Iranian Nuclear Deal Will Pave Way to Atomic Bomb

Iran was plotting the assassination of John Bolton, and others, while the Biden administration negotiating the nuclear deal

The Biden Administration Courts Venezuela, Iran, and Saudi Arabia for Oil While Ignoring U.S. Producers

Ukraine And The Great Energy Reset – If there were ever a time for energy realism, it is now – – As Elon Musk Recently Stated, “I hate to say it, but we need to increase oil & gas output immediately”

JD Rucker: How George Soros & Klaus Schwab Conned Americans Into Unwittingly Backing The Great Reset – The last thing we need for the United States are actions that further destabilize American and global economies<

Dan Bongino warns that credit card companies could cut off enemies of the political left – Not a conspiracy theory

Quinnipiac University National Poll: A majority of Democrats say they would flee the US during an invasion, but a majority of Republicans say they would remain and fight

The FBI Goes on Trial in the Whitmer Kidnap Plot Case – The FBI will be on trial just as much, if not more, than the four men who stand accused

The Trucker Convoy Delays and Avoids Entering D.C. Out Of ‘Safety’ Concerns – We are fearful of them trying to do to us what they did to those involved in the January 6th incident

On Monday, the Biden administration appealed a lower court decision barring the U.S. Navy from enforcing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate against Navy SEALS to the U.S. Supreme Court

Florida officials on March 7 said the state would be the first to formally recommend that healthy children shouldn’t get a COVID-19 vaccine

CDC Director Walensky admitted health officials relied too heavily on vaccines as a “cure-all” for COVID and said vaccine makers didn’t warn the agency that the vaccines would be less effective against potential variants

A Frontiers in Virology Study Claims The COVID-19 Spike Protein Sequence Is A ‘100% Match’ to The Sequence Patented in 2016 by Moderna

American Medical Association: The Biden Administration “Test to Treat” Plan Sets A Dangerous Precedent  – It bypasses physicians and lets pharmacists dispense Pfizer and Merck COVID-19 antivirals directly to patients

Donald Trump’s Bold Prediction from 2020 Comes True as Americans Live the Reality of Joe Biden’s America

Never Trumpers: The Real Putin Republicans – The invasion of Ukraine didn’t happen under Trump

Florida Governor DeSantis Goes Into Seek-and-Destroy Mode on Journalist at a Live Press Conference – When the journalist attempted to ask him a “Gotcha” question about the press’s imaginary “Don’t Say Gay” legislation

Over 30,000 Notarized Lawful Affidavits Were Delivered to Washington State Officials – Governor Inslee’s Office and other Officials Refuse To Receive Them

Legalized Sports Gambling in California? Bet on it! – Competing ballot propositions likely to be decided by voters

Russia Says It Will Stop Military Operations “Instantly” If Four Conditions Are Met

JD Rucker: The Sudden Jump From Demonizing the Unvaccinated to Demonizing Russia Is Why You Should Question Everything – What our government and corporate media are doing should strike that skeptical nerve in lucid Americans 

Satellite Photos Show Activity at North Korean Nuclear Site for the First Time in Years

How Obama “reset” our missile shield to the delight of his corporate buddies and Putin

I&I/TIPP Poll: 56% Blame The Biden’s Administration’s Afghan Debacle For Ukraine Invasion, Fear Putin Will Use Nukes

Marco Rubio Slams The Biden Administration’s ‘Secret’ Oil Meeting with Venezuelan President Maduro

Biden Gets An Unexpected Blow A Week After His SOTU – A Washington Post/ABC News poll found that a majority of adults in the US believe he is mentally unfit to serve as president along with the lowest job approval since taking office

All of the Russian troops that had been amassed at the border have now entered Ukraine, according to a senior defense official

What is the strategy to avoid WWIII? – Putin, like Hitler, was open about his plans, yet our State Department and intelligence officers failed to convince the Biden administration to assume a more aggressive posture regarding Russia

Deputy Minister Marcin Przydacz: Poland Will Not Send Its Fighter Jets to Ukraine Amid Russia Conflict

ZeroHedge: Here Is A List Of All The Latest News And Developments From The Ukraine War

With Ukraine, Israel Must First Consider Its Security – A situation considerably worsened thanks to Obama and Biden’s Mideast policies

These two videos give a military perspective on what’s happening in Ukraine

Ukraine: India’s Balancing Act – Despite closer ties with the US, India is wedded to Russia in ways its national security cannot do without

Russia: Countries Allowing Ukraine to Use Their Airfields ‘May Be Regarded’ as Entering The Conflict

The US Gives Poland Approval to Send Fighter Jets to Ukraine: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday

ZeroHedge: UK Dock Workers Refuse To Unload Russian Ships Over Invasion Of Ukraine

More Than 3000 Americans Want To Join Ukrainian Army – As Russia warns anyone helping Ukraine will be considered as entering the war

ZeroHedge: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Global Hackers Are Banding Together To Disrupt Russian Military, Banking, And Communication Networks

Kyiv claims to have destroyed dozens of Russian helicopters overnight, retaken a city, and killed 11,000 troops while Russians have captured no significant territory sparking hopes Ukraine could win the war

ZeroHedge: European Natural Gas Jumps 64% As Chance Of Russian Energy Ban Ignites Mayhem

Yes, Biden’s climate policies empowered Putin – Some Democrats don’t see the link between domestic oil production and national security

Addict, Degenerate and Bagman of a Corrupt Family Enterprise Exposed – The book Laptop From, covers the life of the Biden family and focuses on the life of Hunter during the period exposed in the laptop: 2005 to 2020

Sharyl Attkisson: According to a Pentagon audit, Afghan refugees were not fully vetted and pose “security issues”

The COVID Vaccines – What Happened to “Safe and Effective”? – “Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years and involving a combination of public and private involvement”

Are witnesses being intimidated? – As Pfizer releases under court order its list of adverse events post-vaccination, the Surgeon General makes a demand that may have a chilling effect on free speech and courtroom testimony

A Dad That Was Facing Jail Time for Going Maskless, While Social Distancing In An Wide-Open Field,  Watching His Son’s Game Wins His Court Battle – He Now Has Further Plans for The School District

Pfizer Vaccine Study’s Massive List Of “Adverse Events of Interest” Released – Updated

The Pfizer Shot Protected Fewer Than 2 In 10 Kids, According To The NY Health Department

California doubles down on COVID legislation with eight bills in all, and each one is a misinformed boondoggle

The Supreme Court Rejects New York School Workers’ Attempt to Block Vaccine Mandate

As Digital Passports Quietly Roll Out in 21 States, With More On The Way, The Real Danger Goes Far Beyond the Jabs

The Markets, Not More Middlemen, Will Lower Drug Prices – The Democrats’ proposed solution in Build Back Better is government-imposed price-setting masquerading under the term “negotiation”

March 6, 2022

The Russian tanks and missiles besieging Ukraine are threatening the food supply and livelihoods of people in Europe, Africa, and Asia that rely on the vast, fertile farmlands of the Black Sea region known as the “breadbasket of the world”

Oregon Legislature Passes Bill Declaring “Racism” a “Public Health Crisis” – The Measure Will Allocate Millions of Dollars to “Serve Specific Populations Based on Race”

The Biden administration gives their approval for NATO to send fighter jets to Ukraine

The United Nations: Russian Forces Switch Off The Networks at The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine

Victor David Hanson: Vladimir Putin, the Latest of the Failed Irredentists – In response to Putin’s irredentist schemes, the surreal Left has alternately appeased him and angrily denounced the critics of their appeasement

Visa And Mastercard, The Two Biggest Payment Platforms In The World, Abruptly Suspend All Operations in Russia

JD Rucker: Putin Being the Bad Guy Doesn’t Mean Zelensky Is a Good Guy – Volodymyr Zelensky has been well documented as a puppet of George Soros

The US trucker convoy drives laps around the DC Beltway – They planned to circle the interstate twice and then return to Hagerstown, Maryland, to regroup

The Capitol Police Issues Emergency Declaration Over The Trucker Convoy – The emergency declaration allows police to ask for help from the National Guard in addition to permitting payment for officers’ hotel and food costs

The National average gas price jumps over $4 for the first time since 2008 – California leads with an average of $5.288 per gallon while Missouri currently has the lowest average price at $3.599 per gallon

The Price Of Oil Per Barrel Doubles From What It Cost A Few Months Ago – As the Biden’s administration considers an embargo on Russian oil

JAMA Pediatrics Study: Pfizer Shot Makes Teens 7 Times More Likely to Suffer Myocarditis – The study argued that the vaccination policy “for adolescents should consider the trade-off between risks and benefits”

Teachers Say American Children Are Losing Motivation and Creativity

Russia’s envoy to the Iran nuclear talks said on Saturday that Tehran “got much more than it could expect” in the latest iteration of the nuclear deal

Without cutting off the import of Russian oil and gas, the US is funding Russia’s invasion with about $75 million a day

Upwards of 1.5 million Ukrainians were estimated Sunday to have been displaced by Russian invasion forces – i

ZeroHedge: The US Tells All Americans To Leave Russia “Immediately” After Putin Dials Up Threats

Russia-Ukraine Negotiations to Resume Monday After Partial Humanitarian Ceasefire Breached

About That Ukraine Nuclear Reactor – There is no way it could have Blown Up

The Six Biggest “Fake News” Stories About The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

A Wisconsin Special Counsel Alleges Massive Misconduct Occurred In The 2020 Election In A 136-Page Interim Report

Crime and homelessness are among the top concerns of California voters — Democrats ignored them at their recent statewide convention, preferring instead to focus on what they called Republican-led attacks on “democracy”

What’s a university for, if not to question ‘the science’? – Imagine offering a million dollars to anyone willing to debate you on the mRNA vaccines and having no one take you up on your offer

Is It Intentional or Simply Ignorance?  – Worst of all is our unnecessary, self-inflicted end to energy independence

Shocking Numbers out of Ultra-Vaxxed Israel Debunk the Notion that Adverse Reactions to Covid Jabs are “Rare” – Doctors were instructed to downplay potential adverse reactions because it would be terrifying if people knew the truth

March 5, 2022

A Sky News reporter was SHOT in the BACK by a Russian HIT SQUAD that target them in Ukraine

CNN, ABC, CBS, BBC, And Bloomberg Cease Live Ukraine Broadcasting – This is in response to the Kremlin introducing a new law that would jail anyone spreading fake news or misinformation about the invasion of Ukraine

The NY Times: New York DA’s Probe of Trump ‘Unraveled’

Thousands of Vehicles in The Truck-Led Convoy Gather in Maryland, The Last Stop Before DC Region – The People’s Convoy is calling for an end to the federal government’s COVID-19 emergency powers

Bayer Executive Says mRNA Vaccines are Gene Therapy – The video of the October 2021 speech is making rounds on social media again

A Midwestern Doctor: Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines I Have Come Across – “I have spent the last year working to document this. It is a lot to take in but I feel it needs to be said”

A Trio of New Studies Revives Question: Should Children Get a COVID-19 Vaccine?

California’s Green Energy Mania Prices Electricity Like a Luxury Good – With predictable blackouts, unreliable electric grid, the state is creating dreadful imbalances that will lead to energy rationing

Iowa State Lawmakers Finally End the Madness, Ban Trans Athletes from Competing in Female-Only Sports

The White House has ‘lost control on the Hill’ over Russian oil ban – Biden carved out an exemption on Russia’s oil and gas sector, which accounts for 36% of the country’s revenue

The Russia-Ukraine ceasefire falls apart; B-52s spotted near Ukraine as Putin warns against a no-fly zone

ZeroHedge: Putin Will Declare War On Any Country Creating A Ukraine No-Fly Zone “That Very Second”

How “Social Justice” is Killing the Military – And military members are voting with their feet

ZeroHedge: Inflation Is “Imposing Real Hardships” On Everyday Americans; $10 Toothpaste & $4 Gas

Ukraine War Fever Could Kill GOP Midterm Chances – This war is just a convenient way to move the Democrat’s hate/blacklisting/virtue-signaling supremacism to another cause now that the COVID moral panic has run its courses

ZeroHedge: Will The World Soon Be Ready For Central Bank Digital Currencies? – The IMF Thinks So And Is Thoroughly On Board

Canada Was a “Beta Test” for Despotic Government, Big Tech, and Banks – “And They’re Coming Here Next’”

I Signed Up to Study Journalism – What They Taught Me Was Activism

March 4, 2022

Russia Strikes Back Against Western Sanctions, Threatens World Food Supply By Halting Their Export Of Fertilizers

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Ukraine’s NATO Membership “Will Not Take Place”

Sharyl Attkisson: ‘Ukraine on Fire’: What’s not getting reported

Putin Calls on Countries to Normalize Relations With Russia

The Reality Of The Situation In Primary Colors – The savage Russian invasion of Ukraine has called a distracted and divided world back to the basics of life and death

COVID Vaccine Bombshells You Probably Missed – When a critical mass of Americans realize what has been done to them, there will need to be a reckoning

Trump Was Right Again: The U.S. Subsidizes Europeans’ Healthcare and Defense  – Biden’s State of the Union pitch to lower drug prices won’t change that

Senate conservatives threaten to hold up government funding over the vaccine mandate

The Biden Administration Demands That Big Tech Platforms Tell It Who’s Spreading Supposed COVID “Misinformation”

‘Absurd’: John Durham Filing Roasts Ex-Clinton Lawyer’s Attempt To Get Indictment Dismissed

Biden Announces New Rules for Federal Purchases to be Considered ‘Made in America’ – Under the current rule, 55 percent of a product is needed to meet the requirement; the change will increase that number to 75 percent by 2029

A New International Study Buries Cloth Masks as ‘Effectively Useless’ Once-and-For-All – The journal article was produced by British physicists with affiliations at the U.K., German, and French universities and laboratories

Dr. Robert Malone: The CDC Got Caught Hiding Data Showing Vaccination Might Increase Risk of Omicron Infection

Dr. Peter McCullough: Independent Evaluation is Needed of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data

New Data Show the Exodus From Public Schools Is Continuing – It’s not just families fleeing district schools for other options, teachers are leaving too

GOP Lawmakers Renew Their Push for a 6 Month Gas Tax Moratorium – With a $60 billion surplus in California “the government has already taxed us too much”

WSJ: Russia’s Shelling of Ukrainian Nuclear Plant Sparks Alarm – The attack raises concerns about the risk of environmental disaster, as Russian forces shift to more indiscriminate tactics after meeting strong resistance

The Russian Army Suffers ‘Major Demotivator’ as Their Top General Is Killed By A Sniper’s bullet

As War Rages in Ukraine, Biden Heads Home To Delaware – He has spent 35 weekends at home since taking office

Biden’s effort to restore Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran may be finished soon, according to the State Department

Biden’s Dangerous Iran Deal would be bad enough had Biden simply revived the disastrous Obama-era deal. But his negotiators are somehow managing to make it substantially worse

Poll: America does not trust Biden’s effort to negotiate a secret new Iran nuclear deal – They fear it more than Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell: Ukraine Invasion May Speed Up China’s Plan to Insulate Against The US Dollar

The Supreme Court reinstated the death sentence of convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

The Democrat Party is on the wrong side of borders, law enforcement, parents vs. teachers, inflation, CRT, cancel culture, lockdowns, masks, individual freedom, gasoline prices, pipelines, along with a president who has dementia

American Service Members Are Now Being Subjected to Gender Pronoun Training And When To Offer Soldiers Gender Transition Surgery

Biden blatantly lied about Trump’s tax cuts during his SOTU – His blunder on the potential effects of Build Back Better pale in comparison to his outright lie regarding his predecessor’s tax cuts

The great weasel-word gaslight: The Jan. 6 commission finds nothing on Trump – Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 commission is starting to look stupid

The hidden agenda behind Joe Biden’s ‘black female’ Supreme Court pledge – This is not just an effort to protect a party that’s bleeding from a loss of conservative blacks, but also an attempt to insulate the nomination from the normal process

Boris Johnson says ‘the security of the whole of Europe has been put at risk’ by Russia’s attack on Ukrainian nuclear power plant as Putin’s men spark blaze and seize control of the complex

Be skeptical about media coverage of Ukraine – The prevalence of articles that show the Ukrainian side in good light makes it clear who the creators are and support the adage that truth is the first casualty of war

ZeroHedge: wo Oil Price Scenarios: One Bad, And One Catastrophic – Russian Urals crude was offered at a price more than $22 below spot by oil trader Trafigura and still could find no bidders

LIVE UPDATES: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg says the military organization will not police a no-fly zone over Ukraine and warns that such a move could end in a widespread war in Europe

ZeroHedge: There Are So Many Holes In The SWIFT Sanctions On Russia, They Are Useless – SWIFT is the international payment system. Cutting off a top country from SWIFT access is a very big deal

Ukrainian Experts Suggest 5 Potential Outcomes For the Russian Invasion – Scenario 5: Rebellion From Within

ZeroHedge: A US State Department Official Warns That President Xi Will Face “Serious Consequences” If China Helps Moscow Avoid Sanctions

13 states sue the Biden administration for any communications on FBI surveillance of parents protesting school boards

The US Senate Passes Bill to End COVID-19 National Emergency – The White House said President Joe Biden would veto the bill if Congress approves it

Has anyone heard from Anthony Fauci lately? – It’s as if Joe Biden and his administration suddenly found Fauci’s narratives inconvenient

It’s Time To Kill This Big Fat Lie Once And For All – In the SOTU, Biden claimed that his “American Rescue Plan” was one of the “few pieces of legislation” to have “done more at a critical moment in our history to lift us out of a crisis”

Pfizer Vaccine Study’s Massive List Of “Adverse Events of Interest” Released – Now we know why Pfizer and the FDA wanted to delay the release of adverse events data of their COVID vaccine for almost 50 years, until the year 2070

New Zealand: Bricks and ‘Explosives’ Fly as Police Attack Anti-Mandate Protest with Water Cannons

March 3, 2022

Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Contrasts Biden’s State of the Union with Trump’s in 2020 – “It Makes You Realize How Far We’ve Fallen”

Wayne Allyn Root: Here’s The Shocking Reason Why Putin is Invading Ukraine – He knows the center of Biden’s corruption was in Ukraine and Biden is weak

We Chartered an Airplane to See the American “Peoples Convoy” From Sky And Interviewed Truckers at Rally

Biden’s Bizarre SOTU Proves He’s Unfit for Office – A majority of Americans now believe he’s unable to serve effectively as president

Tucker Carlson: If Jackson’s A ‘Top Legal Mind’ In The US, ‘What Were Her LSAT Scores?’

SCOTUS Is Under Pressure to Overturn Roe v. Wade – It Should Be Up to The People At The State Level

The January 6 Committee Lies in its Court Filing – Its claim of “good faith” is patently untrue

Fear Of Donald Trump Kept Putin From Invading Ukraine – The art of statecraft boils down to whether a president projects American strength that deters adversaries or projects American weakness that emboldens our adversaries

Military Analyst BILL ROGGIO: Putin is NOT crazy and the Russian invasion is NOT failing – The West’s delusions about this war and its failure to understand the enemy will prevent it from saving Ukraine

ZeroHedge: An ever-expanding list of public companies, including Apple, Exxon, GM, and Nike, are proudly announcing they are cutting ties to Russia as its invasion of Ukraine brings condemnation and sanctions.

A European Intelligence Official Warns Russia Is Planning Public Executions After Cities Are Captured

General Flynn: How We Can End the Ukraine Crisis Today – The key to unlocking this crisis is the Budapest Agreement

ZeroHedge: Reality Check: A “No-Fly-Zone” Over Ukraine Means WW3 – A no-fly zone is a declaration of war. It does NOT save lives. That’s a lie to trick stupid people into calling for escalation.

Tucker Carlson: Why didn’t we see this coming? – If the future of Europe and the world hung in the balance, as now so obviously it does; of course, the Biden administration would not have sent Kamala Harris to fix it, cuz that’s not her job

2 Million Children Must Be Jabbed to Prevent 1 ICU Admission – Children under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID infection if not vaccinated

FL to Allow Doctors to Use Off-Label Drugs for Early Treatment of COVID-19 – Health care practitioners are encouraged to provide early treatment for COVID-19 patients with federally approved generic drugs that they find will work

The People’s Convoy Sets Out From CA to DC – The general sense of the crowd was that the pandemic was over, COVID was endemic, yet government officials are slow to lift restrictions because they benefit from them

ZeroHedge: “We’re Now Living Out The Minority Report” – ATF Unofficially Declares Solvent Traps To Be Suppressors

Trump, Truth Social, and the Dispossessed – The art of a social media comeback!

Why America Needs Donald Trump – With the crises facing America, the question of foreign policy leadership is crucial

Lindsey Graham, Introduces A Resolution To Hold Russia Accountable For War Crimes Committed During The Invasion of Ukraine

Ukraine and Russia Agree on ‘Humanitarian Corridors’ for Civilians During Second Round of Talks, But No Cease-Fire

It’s Terrifying When You Connect The Dots – WHAT TIED THIS EPIPHANY TOGETHER FOR ME . . . IS UKRAINE

ZeroHedge: Russian Forces Lay Siege To Ukrainian Seaports As 2nd Round Of Ceasefire Talks Begin

Ukrainian forces are attacking the stalled 40-mile-long convoy that is attempting to converge on the capital city of Kyiv, the chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine said

China’s Dry Run – Putin’s war is a valuable case study for Xi, so a cynic might suspect Xi Jinping encouraged all this

ZeroHedge: Where Ukrainian Refugees Are Fleeing To – Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Moldova carry the brunt of the refugee wave

Understanding the military realities regarding Ukraine – Putin has definite objectives in the eastern half of the country and has been planning his angle of attack for a long time

ZeroHedge: This Is Economic War And Central Banks Are Our Paladins – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has crystallized what was already a gathering inflationary tsunami and will likely trigger a recession as supply chains break again

While all eyes are on Ukraine, Biden’s administration is selling out to Iran – Misdirection is used for magic tricks, but it can also be used to hide insidious political behavior

Democrats Advance Their Radical FCC and FTC Nominees to the Senate for Confirmation

Gas prices have spiked again and may continue as the national average hit $3.72 – The Biden administration’s stance regarding fossil fuels is driving surging oil costs

House Democrats Block A Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline and Promote ‘American Energy Independence From Russia’ 

Multiple Truck Convoys Converge in Indiana for A Large Rally While En Route to Washington DC – ‘The American people are waking up and they’re marching east’

Victor David Hanson: The Biden Inflation Octopus – Democrats will suffer historic losses in the November midterms due to out-of-control inflation, and for several reasons

ZeroHedge: Zoltan Pozsar Warns Russian Sanctions Threaten Dollar’s Reserve Status – Russia has long been aware of the potential risk involved in holding dollars as reserves

ZeroHedge: Could The Ukraine Crisis Trigger An Oil Super-Cycle? – The world is short on spare oil production capacity,  despite attempts to ignore it on the part of some governments of large consumer countries

Sorry, Mr. President, But Inflation Isn’t Due To ‘Greed’ – Biden’s proposals will, if anything, make the problem far worse

WSJ: The January 6 committee asserted in a court filing Wednesday that President Donald Trump and some of his allies might have committed crimes by seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election

Biden only mention ‘climate’ twice in his State Of The Union speech, but his two mentions were absurd

March 2, 2022

The Supreme Court could be leaning towards cutting back on the Environmental Protection Agency’s power to make climate control decisions – This could greatly damage President Joe Biden’s climate plans

Russia said it was ready Wednesday for the second round of peace talks with Ukraine — While giving a chilling warning that a third world war would certainly involve nuclear weapons

ZeroHedge: Ukraine Learns The Value Of An Armed Citizenry, But Far Too Late

Chinese officials reportedly asked Russia to delay Ukraine invasion until after Winter Olympics – When President Vladimir Putin had met with President Xi Jinping on February 4, shortly before the opening ceremony of the games

The Biden Admin Offers Worst Possible Excuse to Keep Keystone Pipeline Buried – Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg: We Don’t Want ‘Permanent Solutions’ to Energy Crisis

Manchin Crushes Biden’s Dreams Of Reviving Build Back Better

DRILL, BABY, DRILL: Representative Lauren Boebert Goes Viral for the  Dress She Wore to Biden’s SOTU

Why did the US embassy’s official website just REMOVE all evidence of Ukrainian bioweapons labs?


It’s Time for a Jan. 6 Amnesty, Mr. President – What happened to Matthew Perna must not be allowed to happen again

Biden’s Supreme Court Pick, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Shielded A Top Clinton Aide Amid The Email Scandal

A Recently Deceased Trump National Security Council Official Received A Report That Indicates There Were Multiple Shooters Along With ANTIFA And ISIS Involvement In The Las Vegas Shooting Massacre

The NRA just won a significant victory in court today with a New York state judge refusing to allow the state’s AG to dissolve their business and shut them down

What Makes a Good Judge? – The progressive emphasis on Ketanji Brown Jackson’s racial background and legal-defense experience misses the mark

Israeli Survey: Covid Booster Shots Are Causing More Injuries Than Previously Thought

The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths – COVID Deaths Have Been Vastly Overcounted

Official data: Fully vaccinated people account for 9 of 10 COVID deaths – This report from England demolishes any remaining argument for getting Covid shots

California legislators propose a new slate of eight COVID-19 vaccine laws – Would be the most aggressive state approach to vaccines in the nation

Does Biden’s Promise to Deploy a New “Vaccine” in 100 Days During His SOTU Mean a New Covid Variant Is Already in the Works?

These UCLA student interviews about Biden’s accomplishments as President are both funny and telling –  They love Joe, but can’t identify anything he has accomplished, although give ample time to answer

The U.S. Senate on March 2 approved a resolution that would block enforcement of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers across the country.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday said that these three rapid COVID-19 tests should not be used because of the potential for producing false results

The CDC No Longer Recommends Universal Contact Tracing And Case Investigation

CNN Hires The Colbert Producer as Its New President – This tells you all you need to know about the state of the media

Los Angeles County to Finally Drop Indoor Mask Mandate Friday – LA County becomes one of the last regions in the state to drop restrictive indoor mask mandates for unvaccinated citizens

While Oregon’s indoor mask mandate lifts in ten days, the vaccine requirement for state employees will remain in place for at least the rest of the month

California Governor Gavin Newsom Creates A New Government Program to Fight Supposed COVID ‘Propaganda’ – Public health has become merely an excuse to accrue power

The Soft Disarmament of San Jose’s Gun Insurance Requirement – One of the council members wondered “how we can require a specific type of insurance that does not exist”

WSJ: A coalition of state attorneys general is launching an investigation into TikTok – They are seeking information about whether and how the video-sharing platform contributes to online harm to children

The State Of The Union Is A Disaster, So Biden Gave A Campaign Speech Instead – After a year in the Oval Office, Biden has nothing to show but a column full of ‘L’s’ and a teleprompter full of more empty promises

McLaughlin & Associates: National Survey Results – General Election Likely Voters Trends & Analysis

WSJ: Ukraine’s Kharkiv Front Line Holds Despite Russian Bombardment – The police headquarters and university building in the second-largest city hit as Ukrainian officials say the invasion’s civilian death toll has reached 2,000

An assassination attempt against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by Chechens has been foiled, a top Ukrainian official said

Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, warned Wednesday that a third world war would be “nuclear and destructive” amid his country’s invasion of Ukraine

We were sent as cannon fodder. We’re killing peaceful people – Weeping Russian POWs say they had no idea they were being sent to war and were made to attack people that were just defending their legitimate territory

Reports in Ukrainian media suggest that a Russian attempt to land troops near the coastal city of Odesa failed, with Russian marines refusing to attack in an act of mutiny

‘Madman Putin’: The Globalists’ Misinformation Play – The invasion of Ukraine was a pre-announced, rational act of a strongman who felt increasingly encircled and threatened by what he deems to be an antagonistic military block

ZeroHedge: The Operator Of Nord Stream 2 Fires All Employees After US Sanctions – Nord Stream 2 said that “We cannot confirm the media reports that Nord Stream 2 has filed for bankruptcy”

China says it is willing to mediate between Russia and Ukraine after saying it ‘deeply regretted’ the war – A sign that Beijing’s support for Putin is wavering

ZeroHedge: People in the NATO-member state of Czechia have been warned that they could face up to three years in prison if they express support for Russia on social media

Zuckerberg’s declared ‘bribery’ by a special counsel in Wisconsin – His nearly $9-million grant of funds directed solely to five Democratic strongholds in Wisconsin violated the state’s election code’s prohibition on bribery

The most striking aspect of Biden’s State Of The Union speech was how often he seemed to be echoing Donald Trump –Suddenly Joe Biden became our America First President, right before our eyes

JD Rucker: Three Things Biden Did NOT Mention During SOTU Speech Reveal the Democrats’ Election Strategy – Democrats know they’re on the ropes with the midterm, so he highlighted one thing while ignoring two others

Does Anyone Believe Biden’s ‘Rescue’ Plan Worked, Besides Biden? – If you think about it, what Biden said is that Americans need relief from Biden’s “rescue”

ZeroHedge: Short of an official request, the White House is now encouraging U.S. drillers to produce more crude

The Plandemic Proves That Democracy Is an Illusion – A key part of the dissent-crushing system is the surveillance apparatus that has been erected

On global warming, journalists are very consistent: They never ask questions – As always, the media automatically regurgitate dire reports they are given without asking any questions or doing any research

March 1, 2022

A Federal Appeals Court Court Denies Biden Administration Attempt to Impose COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate on Navy SEALS

America’s Emerging Energy Crisis –  The warning signs are everywhere, as we stumble toward an energy crisis that is likely to be far more severe and long-lasting than the upheavals of the 1970s

17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech

‘A Pound of Ukrainian People’? – 10 Brain Freezes in Joe Biden’s State of the Union Delivery

Biden’s unserious State of the Union – It turns out his “Buy American” is just a stalking horse for Biden’s real agenda, trying to get the massive social spending package associated with “Build Back Better” passed

Biden’s Final Words at State of the Union Address Are Leaving Americans Very Confused – “We can do these things,” “It’s within our power, and I don’t see a partisan edge to any one of those four things”

Elon Musk Hits Joe Biden Hard After His State Of The Union Speech – Noting his decision to ignore Tesla in favor of Ford and GM’s new electric vehicle ventures over Tesla who has made double their investment

Gallup Poll: 78% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going

Biden’s Worst Days are Yet to Come – His big speech foretells of big problems that are coming

The Biden Administration Cut The Line from SOTU Speech Endorsing A Ban on Congress Trading Stocks

The Increased Cyber Warfare Threat from a New Sino-Russo Alliance As NATO forces assemble to address the Ukraine crisis, a new Sino-Russo partnership may initiate a series of cyberattacks more destructive than any in global history

Representative Ted Deutch, of Florida, Won’t Seek Re-Election – The 31st House Democrat To Retire From Congress

California’s $5-7 per Gallon Gas and Energy Costs Will Get More Expensive – What the country needs isn’t ‘alternative’ energy or new austerity measures; It’s a government that promotes energy development

WSJ: Oil Tops $110, Stock Futures Edge Up Ahead of Federal Reserve Chairman Powell’s Testimony and OPEC

Lund University Study: Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA

A whistleblower lawsuit alleging fraud during Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trials is moving forward after a district court judge unsealed the complaint that includes 400 pages of exhibits

New York State Department of Health: The Pfizer Vaccine Is Only 12% Effective in Kids 5 to 11

Wisconsin special counsel bombshell: 91 nursing homes had 95-100% voter turnout in 2020

Ukraine Demonstrates the Need for Gun Protections – It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war

California is being sued by a Christian physician for forcing doctors to help with suicides

WSJ: Russia Targets Civilian Areas in Ukraine – Threatens Kyiv After Missile Strike on Kharkiv and shifts to heavy bombardment of cities after failing to achieve a quick victory, warning of plans to hit intelligence facilities in the capital

The West’s Green Delusions Empowered Putin – While we banned plastic straws, Russia drilled and doubled their nuclear energy production

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin fumes as the US buys 500,000 barrels of Russian oil a day amid the backdrop of the Ukraine war

Over 140 diplomats walked out of the United Nations General Assembly as a Russian official attempted to defend his country’s invasion of Ukraine.

Ukraine Says it Has Now Been Invaded by a Second Country – Belarus, which has been a strong ally of Russia, have joined in the invasion Russia launched last week

In Leaks About Failed Russian Diplomacy, Biden Exposed Dangerous Weakness On China

A Russian column bears down on Kyiv, raising fear for civilians

Russia Says It Will Strike Sites in Kyiv After Ukraine Reports Deadly Attacks in Kharkiv

Ukraine Crushes Three Great Myths About Russia – Russia expected to waltz into Ukraine, but it didn‘t

While a large Russian convoy that stretches 60 km is getting closer to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and fierce battles are taking place in several other cities, the Ukrainians continue to fight for their country

Biden plans hopeful address against the backdrop of war, inflation, and pessimism

If You Want to Constrain Putin, Do the Obvious – Stop making economic concessions to Russia, ratchet up sanctions, and bolster U.S. defense capabilities

The Inflation Conundrum – A lot can be done to restrain prices that don’t sandbag the recovery with higher interest rates

Former Attorney General Bill Barr outs himself as an establishment swamp creature – Barr’s criticisms about Trump seem to arise from the fact that Barr and Trump didn’t get along

How The U.S. Federal Government Fuels Child Smuggling And Trafficking

This Is Why Our Monetary System Is A Giant Ponzi Scheme – Money allows us to produce and consume not just in the present but across time

Is America Paying Attention? – What We’ve Learned From The Freedom Convoy, Ukraine, And The Situation With China

Dr. Robert Malone: A peer review example on the “Effectiveness of the BNT162b2 Covid vaccine among children” – Having written hundreds of requested peer reviews, I am offering this unsolicited one

It turns out that the Pfizer vaccine is almost entirely ineffective in children ages 5-11, according to the latest batch of trial data released by the vaccine giant

Felicity Ace, which was carrying approximately 4,000 VW Group cars sank with its cargo – If you were holding out for a happy ending, sorry!

February 28, 2022

Governor Newsom: Masks will no longer be required for unvaccinated residents beginning Tuesday, March 1st

An Arizona Senate study estimates 200k ballots were counted in 2020 with mismatched signatures – The estimate is more than eight times the number of mismatches acknowledged by the county

George Soros Speaks Out on Ukraine, But Here’s The Real Reason Why – Through the organizations financed by him, Soros can influence economic and political life in all of Ukraine

The US Trucker Convoy Swells as It Moves Across The Country to Washington DC

The Biden Administration Relies on Russia To Finalize The Iran Nuclear Deal as Putin Is Invading Ukraine

US troops are deployed and a fence was built for Biden’s State of the Union Address – Welcome To Kabuki Theater Washington DC Style

War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless – Claims about the war, no matter how unverified rapidly spread, while dissenters are vilified as traitors or Kremlin agents

Europe’s Wakeup Call – The Ukraine invasion has reshaped the balance of power on the Continent

Russia Issues A Warning to Countries Supplying Weapons to Ukraine

7 Major Failures of the Biden Presidency – #3. Return to Energy Dependence

Former Hunter Biden business partner sentenced to prison for his role in a scheme to defraud Native American tribe

Blowout: The GOP Bounces To Historic Lead on 2022 Ballot in New Poll

BIDEN’S DISMAL SOTU ADDRESS PROSPECTS – The WH is likely frantically re-writing the speech in light of the Ukraine crisis, and pondering how to exploit it for some marginal and symbolic steps to relieve the pain at the gas pump

Who Is Responsible for the Suicide Death of Matthew Perna? –  For the first time in over a year, Joe Biden’s Justice Department has nothing to say about a January 6 defendant

Gerrymandering Fuels More Radicalized Primaries – Uncompetitive congressional districts fuel partisan polarization and democratic dysfunction

NY Times: Democrats Flip to Republican in a ‘Political Upheaval’ of Border Towns

THE LONG KNIVES NEVER WENT AWAY AGAINST TRUMP – But At Least Today . . . We Have A Better Idea Of Who Are The Bad Guys & Who Are With Liberty

SIX More Trucker Convoys Plan on Merging With ‘The People’s Convoy’ When It Reaches Indianapolis – Organizers Expect Over 10,000 Vehicles to Join the Already 3,000-Strong Group

World Bank: There Will Be Alternatives To Russian Gas In Five Years

Another FDA Blunder – How the Food and Drug Administration botched the vaccine-approval process for young children

Dr. Robert Malone: Propaganda, Corporatism, and the Hidden Global Coup – Le Bon and Goebbels teach us about modern State and NGO-sponsored Propaganda during COVID

In A Coordinated Move California, Oregon and Washington Are Ending Mask Mandates in Schools

How Congress Could Make The Chip Shortage Worse – Recently the House of Representatives passed a piece of legislation known as the COMPETES Act

Walling Off Washington From the Great Unwashed The Beltway braces for an imminent invasion … of American citizens

Navigating City Services for The Homeless – There’s always more government money in others’ misery

The American Federation of Teachers recently inked a deal with NewsGuard — A for-profit “fact-checking” company with deep ties to Big Pharma — to help students in U.S. classrooms “navigate a sea of online disinformation”

California will drop school masking requirements after March 11, leaving the decision up to districts and local jurisdictions, state officials announced Monday

Russia–Ukraine Ceasefire Talks End With No Agreement

The State of the Union Is Rife With Disunity and Division – The Associated Press Rips Biden Before His Tuesday Speech

Just 23% of Democrats would choose Biden for a second term, who faces a ‘landslide’ loss to Trump

The US Trucker Convoy Swells as It Moves Across Country to DC – The largest truck convoy in the United States has grown in size since departing California and is attracting thousands of supporters as it makes its way to the East Coast

Texas Ranchers Reject Biden Administration’s Aid Offer For Damage By Illegal Border Crossers As A Political Stunt’ – “Don’t have high hopes we’re going to get money or that it’s going to work because of the way they’ve worded it”

Sunday Harvard/Harris Poll: Only 36 Percent of Voters Say Joe Biden Is  Fit Enough to Lead The Nation

Embattled Ukraine moved to solidify its bond with the West Monday by signing an application to join the European Union, while the first round of Ukraine-Russia talks aimed at ending the fighting concluded with no immediate agreements

Slow Joe digs in against opening up US energy production to checkmate Russia – He has the solution on the table, but instead of taking that solution, he is sticking to his green energy policy “priority.”

Analysis: The Push for Green Energy, Not Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, Is Driving up Oil Prices and Threatening Security – One can conclude that renewables serve best as supplemental energy sources, but certainly not primary sources

Ukraine and Russia meet for talks as ruble tanks, thousands flee, and Kyiv remains free

Watching the Russian Economy Collapse before Our Eyes – At one point, “The ruble plunged to a record low of less than one U.S. penny” — at one point 118 rubles to a dollar, before recovering to 84 rubles to a dollar

Hungary blocks lethal weapons from passing through their country in-route to Ukraine

Russia, Ukraine meet for talks while Russia shells Ukraine’s second-largest city: LIVE UPDATES

ZeroHedge: The US and Germany Continue To Allow Gas Transactions With Russia Despite SWIFT Ban

ZeroHedge: The US Bans Transactions With Russian Central Bank, Freezing Nearly Half Of Russia’s $630BN In Reserves

ZeroHedge: Putin’s “Billions” In Hidden Wealth De-Fang The US and European Financial Sanctions

ZeroHedge: FEMA WARNS, In Case Of Nuclear Explosion, Be Sure To Maintain Social Distancing And Wear A Mask

4 New Things We Just Learned About Special Counsel Durham’s Investigation – #4. It’s Not Just the FBI and CIA We’re Talking About

The Enormous Cost Of Biden’s Weakness – “If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.” University of Toronto Psychology Professor Jordan Petersen

The Media want you to be afraid that melting ice has caused a one-inch rise in oceans over the last hundred years – Does anyone believe such a minuscule amount is measurable, let alone that it can be attributed to humans?

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Want Merit, Not ‘Woke’ Politics, To Decide College Admissions – The older the respondent, the more likely they were to support meritocratic admission over income, race, gender, and other factors

The Plandemic Enters Final Stage, With The Real Purpose Exposed – What’s happening in Canada should be a sobering wakeup call for the whole world

How Pandemic-Era ‘Stimulus’ Screwed Americans While Boosting The Rich – Stimulus Payments Directly Caused the Current Inflation

A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – Pushing the narrative, “Even as the Omicron loosens its grip, destinations still require travelers to show proof of vaccination, and paper CDC vaccination cards are not cutting it”

Hoover 2022 Poll: How Do We Perceive Each Other From A Political Standpoint?

The Congressional Black Caucus Partners With A CCP Influence Group – Leading lawmakers are partnering with the most genocidal regime on the planet

Click Here For Coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 Charts, Data & CDC Information ACT

February 27, 2022

Dov Fischer: Putin’s Invasion During Biden’s Watch Was Both Predictable and Logical – That is the price people pay when they treat presidential elections cavalierly: a world up-ended, jobs lost, an economy ruined, etc.

Victor David Hanson: The Crowded Road to Kyiv – To retain our deterrence abroad, we must tighten our belts at home, pump oil and gas, start to balance our budget, junk wokeism as a nihilist indulgence, and recalibrate our military

Under the Biden Administration, “We’re being lied to daily” – “We Are Still Buying Crude Oil from Putin and Wiring Him Money Every Day” says American Billionaire John Catsimatidis

Trump Wins CPAC’s 2024 GOP Presidential Nomination Straw poll, With DeSantis Coming In Second

Trump Calls on Republicans to Launch Select Committee to Investigate Hunter Biden and Biden Family Corruption

The World’s Largest Cargo Plane, An Antonov An-225, Destroyed at an Airport Near Kyiv, Ukrainian Government Says

Russia Is Selling Crude Oil at Massive Discounts as The Regional Conflict Turns Away Their Regular Trading Partners

Belarus is preparing to deploy troops to Ukraine in support of Russia – Some Russian troops came into Ukraine through Belarus last week

Democrats Will Try to Retcon Their Response to COVID-19 But Don’t Let Them – Retcon, the depiction of events, as in a television series or comic book, that entail a revision of the narrative or storyline that was presented earlier

JD Rucker: Trump Calls for a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT of FB and Zuckerberg – Many who believe the 2020 election was stolen have given up hope. But the truth continues to come out and more are starting to question the results

The Capitol physician lifts Congress’ mask mandate – This new guidance comes as coronavirus cases are now plummeting in D.C. and nationwide

It’s Lady and the Trump for 2024 presidential election – Trump gave his strongest hint yet, in a speech to CPAC conservatives Saturday, that he plans to run for president in 2024

Poison Control Centers Warn About a Toxic Chemical in At-home COVID-19 Test Kits – BinaxNow, BD Veritor, Flowflex, and Celltrion DiaTrust COVID-19 rapid antigen kits all contain sodium azide, so must be used with care

Ukraine to Putin: Never Again – Credible accounts indicate that Putin may have blundered and faces a stronger defense than he (or the Biden administration) imagined possible

WSJ: Ukrainian Forces Hold Kyiv as Talks With Russia Are Planned – Russian troops face fierce resistance in Ukraine as Western responses against Moscow mount and Putin puts nuclear forces on alert

Heavy Fighting as Russian Forces Battle for Control of Ukraine’s Second City, Kharkiv

Putin has just ordered his nuclear deterrent forces status to be raised to ‘special combat readiness’

Ukraine Agrees to Talks With Russian Delegation at Belarus Border

ZeroHedge: Standing Up To Putin Means Ditching Net-Zero – Expanding pipeline infrastructure is critical to American energy security

High gas prices? Yep, Biden really did that – It’s not political hyperbole. He did it, and it all started the first week of his presidency. Let’s go on Memory Lane with this editorial on Tipp Insights

Against Judge Jackson – When judges follow the law as it is written, we have the rule of law, but when judges follow their own sensibilities and moral intuitions, then we have a judicial oligarchy

Sharyl Attkisson: According to a recent Rasmussen poll, most voters expect crime to be an important issue in November

Leftist Journalism is Coming to a Town Near You! – Via Report for America, an initiative of the Ground-Truth Project

The COVID narrative continues, regardless of facts – The most important things I learned in school were how to reason, think for myself, and to cherish the freedom to do both, but this seems to have become “unpopular”

Dr. Joseph Mercola: What You Need to Know About Vax Passports, Digital IDs, CBDCs – If we accept vaccine passports, we’re basically giving our consent to everything that comes after

February 26, 2022

Elon Musk answers Ukrainian vice prime minister’s plea to switch on his Starlink satellite network so locals can access the internet even if Russia destroys local telecom systems

Is science dead? I think so – I asked to give a talk about COVID at MIT, but they couldn’t find a faculty member to sponsor it as they apparently don’t allow viewpoints that challenge the mainstream narrative

SCOTUS hears GOP push to defend Trump-era public charge rule – Arizona AG calls Biden moves ‘unprecedented’

Elon Musk says SpaceX will rescue ISS if Russia tries to drop it from orbit after threats by Putin’s space chief

The World Council for Health Reveals A Spike Protein Detoxification Guide

Washington State Orders Teachers to Hide Kindergarteners’ Their Gender Transition From Their Parents

Stunning Discovery – Evidence Suggests the U.S. Intelligence Community Baited Russia in December by Telling China Ukraine Was Coming Into NATO, Knowing They Would Pass The Information On To Russia

Putin is ‘prepared to lose 50,000 troops’ intelligence chiefs claim as leaked document reveals Moscow is bracing for ‘medical emergency’ from their Ukraine invasion

4 Historical Maps That Explain The USSR – Visual Capitalist’s Nick Routley uses historical maps from three specific eras to build context for how the USSR was structured

The U.S. Has Betrayed Its Guarantee With Ukraine – Biden’s attempts to seem formidable are transparently hollow

Did Donald Trump Just Confirm He is Running in the 2024 Presidential Election?

Peter Schweizer: Russian Oligarchs Holding Assets for Putin ‘Probably Have Some Very Embarrassing Material on Hunter Biden’

As War Rages In Ukraine, President Biden Heads Home To Delaware For The Weekend

The World Economic Forum Board: Al Gore, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister, BlackRock CEO & More – They have been vastly successful in implementing founder Klaus Schwab’s vision through “stakeholder capitalism”

NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist Poll: Most Say Biden’s First Year In Office Was A Failure

Germany to Send Anti-Tank Weapons and Missiles to Ukraine in a Major Policy Reversal

NATO Warns Russia of ‘Article 5’ Counter Attack – If Moscow’s attack against Ukraine spills over into other European nations who are member states of NATO, it will force the intergovernmental military alliance to take counteraction

Russia Threatens Military ‘Consequences’ for 2 More Countries – Warning Finland and Sweden will face “severe military and political consequences” if they attempt to join NATO

Biden’s pro-migration homeland security agency, headed by Alejandro Mayorkas, is quietly preparing to open the nation’s borders and jobs to economic migrants that claim to be stateless

Trump speaks at CPAC, says Putin is ‘playing Biden like a drum’ – “The real problem is that our leaders are dumb. Dumb, so dumb” he said

The Clinton Campaign’s Two-Pronged Plan To Create The Trump–Russia Collusion Narrative – The Plan Set in Motion Right After Trump Became Presumptive Nominee

Pandemic Lessons Learned: Omicron Versus Bill Gates – Almost from the beginning of the pandemic, we were told that the only way out was via vaccination

Heart Problems, Covid Infection, Long Covid and Covid Vaccinations – Micro Blood Clots Connect Them All

The CDC says it is no longer requiring students and others on school buses to wear masks, but is keeping the mask mandate for all other forms of public transportation in place

Dr. Robert Malone: Don’t be Brain Dead – Think for yourself, as one must use critical thinking skills even when outside your core competencies

If You Voted For Biden, All Of This Is On You – Most Of The Republican Party, Like Canada’s “Conservatives”, Are Part Of The Problem – Not Part Of The Solution

Reading the Tea Leaves on Ketanji Brown Jackson – Foes of religious freedom and supporters of abortion cheer her nomination

WSJ: Ukrainian Forces Repel Russia’s Attack on Kyiv And Prepare for Next Assault – Thousands of civilians take up arms to help defend the capital, while Russian forces face fierce resistance throughout Ukraine

Protect Taiwan the Eisenhower way – Eisenhower parked the Seventh Fleet in the waters between mainland China and Taiwan. If China were to invade, then it would have to run over this fleet

Vladimir Putin did exactly what he warned us he would do if we didn’t rule out Ukraine as a future NATO member

The amazing story of the Russian tank and the little car – Sometimes, happening are not what they seem to be

SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, a politician in robes – Biden has delivered exactly who the left demanded

Please Stop Donating to the Worst Charity in America – Research about panhandlers shows that as a group 92 percent admit to being addicted to drugs and alcohol

Democrats are using the 14th Amendment to threaten Republican candidates – In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment was amended to add Section 3, also known as the Disqualification Clause

Oddly, the FDA went through all the trouble of approving two Covid-19 vaccines, Comirnaty and SpikeVax, but they haven’t allowed them to be given to people in America – Now we know why

COVID-19 PUBLIC FORUM – Local experts with experience treating Shasta County COVID-19 patients for the past two years provide an overview of options for early treatment and answer questions


February 25, 2022

Putin Just Woke A Sleeping Giant Who Just Launched War Against Russia – The hacker group Anonymous has declared a ‘cyber war’ against his government

Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble – By tying itself to a reckless and dangerous America, the Ukrainians made a blunder that client states will study for years to come

Dr. Peter McCullough: Autopsies Reveal Clear and Convincing Evidence of Deaths Due to COVID-19 Vaccinations

A 21-Year-Old Med Student Severely Injured by Pfizer Vaccine Still Waiting for Response From Government Compensation Program

An 8-year old boy died from multisystem inflammatory syndrome 7 days after Pfizer vaccine, VAERS Report Shows

NATO has activated elements of the 40,000-troop NATO Response Force warning “The Kremlin’s objectives are not limited to Ukraine”

The White House asks Congress for $6.4 billion to aid Ukraine – $2.9 billion for security assistance, humanitarian aid, economic stabilization needs, and $3.5 billion for the Pentagon’s response to the crisis

Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll: President Biden’s approval rating has hit a new low of 38 percent

Why They Can’t Make Trump Go Away, A Post-Mortem Of A Failed Hit – Essentially, Trump’s victory in 2016 was a defeat of the Washington establishment, including the leadership of both the Democrats and Republicans

ZeroHedge: Did We Provoke Putin’s War In Ukraine? – When Putin demanded that the U.S. rule out Ukraine as a future member of the NATO alliance, the U.S. archly replied: NATO has an open-door policy

Pressure builds on Biden to reopen the Keystone XL Pipeline amid the Ukraine crisis – We don’t need to shut down Russian energy production, we need to open up our own

Pfizer is Funding Facebook’s Fact-Checking Partner. – Another conflict of interest emerges, as Big Tech takes Big Pharma cash to censor critics

California Lawmakers Propose Bills to Punish Doctors That Speak Against COVID Government Treatment ‘Consensus’ – One bill aims to stop ‘COVID Misinformation’ from doctors and the second bill is aimed at censoring online platforms

Democrats Announce They Now Have the Votes to Pass The Reparations Bill – Although House Democrats think they can pass the bill in the House, its fate in the Senate is less certain

A Slow-Motion Disaster – The Network Sunset Of 3G Will Wreak Havoc For Millions Of Vehicles On The Road

Duped: The Biden Whitehouse Pled with China to Stop Russia, Then China Gave Biden’s Military Intelligence Straight to Putin

Rasmussen Poll: Six-in-10 Democrats: Defending Ukraine border tops US border

The Ukrainian Capital Rocked by Explosions as Russia Intensifies Attacks – Airstrikes hit cities, tanks roll in and casualties mount and the West pledges further action against Moscow

Russia, feeling its oats, turns on Israel – On Wednesday, even as Russian troops were massed on Ukraine’s border, the U.N. Security Council found time to hold a debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

ZeroHedge: “Nothing Compares To The Chaos We’re Seeing Now”: Tanker Rates On Russian Crude Routes Soar Six fold In One Day Amid War Fears

The bombs are real, but what’s coming out of Washington DC is pure theater – If you want to hurt Russia you would  block Russia from selling fossil fuels, and ramp up energy production in America to Trump-era levels

A Lesson from Ukraine — Don’t Give Up Your Guns or  Nukes)

The Video of Trump Talking to NATO That Annihilates the Left’s Narrative That He Enabled Putin where he lambasts Germany and others in NATO for enabling Vladimir Putin and Russian

Did Justin Trudeau Just Destroy “Social Credit System” Logic? – The PRC-CCP and WEF strategy to weaponize banking has a big downside

How Democrats are dealing with the Joe Biden Fiasco – They’ve quit reading the news, as a new poll from Gallup and the Knight Foundation shows Democrats are 35% less likely to monitor national news than a year ago

ZeroHedge: US Pending Home Sales Plunge In January As Mortgage Rates Soar – Pending home sales are down 9.1% Year Over Year

Trudeau’s Wedge – The trucker protests and the government’s response have deepened Canada’s political divide, so much has happened that a brief recap is appropriate

The mullahs’ regime of terror has sparked covert resistance units that arise daily

WSJ: Biden to Nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court – She now serves on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit,

ZeroHedge: The World Has Changed… And Changed Utterly – We are likely on course for massive disruption, inflation, rising geopolitical crisis and uncertainty, and a high probability of stagflation

Apparently, The Science Is Now Changing – The  CDC to finally “loosen” mask guidelines after worried Democrat governors bail

Lancet Study: Rare Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Detected in The Vaccinated 12-20 Age Group

The Courageous Doctors Who Fought The COVID Farce And Paid The Price – They have been censored, insulted, and lost their jobs and/or certification simply for doing what health care workers have done throughout the centuries

February 24, 2022

Biden’s Press Conference is a Total Disaster, Completely Blows Up in His Face – The World Sees How Weak He Is

Biden Reiterates: No US Troops Will Fight Russia in Ukraine

Bad Vlad and Joe the Schmo – Do you suspect Ukraine presently nurses a case of buyer’s remorse over the millions of dollars it paid Hunter Biden? Maybe spend that money on an M1 Abrams next time

Social Media Reacts to Biden’s Latest Failure With Ukraine: “You Have to Own This — All 81,000,000 of You”

Putin’s Declaration of War Against Ukraine Was Taped Days Earlier – Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta says it was recorded on Monday, amid his statements of troop withdrawals and a desire for a peaceful diplomatic solution

The Truth About Ukraine – Obama’s theory was simple, “Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one, so Russia will always be able to maintain escalatory dominance there”

You’re On Your Own: The State Dept. to Americans in Ukraine – They are advised to “remain vigilant and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness”

Chinese Military Aircraft Enter Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone Following Ukraine Invasion – Taiwanese air assets were scrambled in response

Bowing to China, Shipping Carriers Refuse to Transport U.S. and California Goods – This export crisis and imbalance of trade hurts American workers, businesses, security, and American goods

The Biden Administration Ends The Trump-Era “China Initiative” in the Name of Political Correctness

Joe Biden Is Worse than Putin – Ukraine is none of America’s business – George Washington: “America should avoid “habitual hatred or habitual fondness” toward other regimes to avoid enslaving itself to foreign interests”

On the Eve of the Show Trials – The first trial of a January 6 defendant is set to begin next week. But jury trials should expose the government’s weak case against most of them

Trudeau’s Tyranny and the War on Civil Society – The convoy embarrassed the elite and challenged their authority. And for that Trudeau made them pay and sadly, other Western elites will follow

The Undeniable Common Sense of Border Walls – Walls are not immoral and they are not xenophobic – They are indicators of a government that values its nation and its people

24 School Districts in 10 California Counties Disregard The State School Mask Mandate

400,000 Cases of COVID Vaccine Injuries Found in Data Analyzed by German Health Insurer – Data collected from more than 10 million people suggests COVID vaccine side effects are “significantly” underreported

Pfizer Steps Up Advertising for Its ‘Blockbuster’ Drug to Treat Heart Conditions, Including Those Caused by COVID Vaccines

New Zealand High Court: The Vaccine Mandate Is Not ‘Demonstrably Justified,’ And A Breach of Rights – The Police and defense force staff challenge is upheld

WSJ: Russia Invades Ukraine Latest News: Biden Addresses Nation – Full coverage of the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn Flynn Exposes The Truth About Putin’s Real Plan And Says It’s Time to Pray

Only A Quarter Of Americans Want Major Involvement In Ukraine/Russia War – Only 36-percent of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of this crisis

WSJ: Ukraine: What Happens Next? – WSJ’s Executive Washington Editor Jerry Seib talks with WSJ Moscow Bureau Chief Ann Simmons

Dov Fischer: Putin, Biden, Trump, Hunter, Obama, Hillary, NATO, Zelensky and Impeachment, Etc. – It took only one year for our fearless leader to plunge us into chaos on a global scale

The Secret Service says it can’t find Hunter Biden’s travel records for 2010, 2011, or 2013 when Joe Biden was the VP

This Single Photo Captures the Desperation of Ukrainians Like No Other – Ukrainians flee before the country is again under Russian domination

WSJ: The Ukraine Crisis Kicks Off New Superpower Struggle Between The U.S., Russia, and China – Beijing and Moscow now hold a stronger hand in confronting the West than during the Cold War

Bombs rain down on Kyiv and America gets ready for Putin’s wrath while Hunter Biden enjoys his money – They knew this would happen and that is why Ukraine and Georgia pleaded for NATO membership in 2008

Does America need Trump back in the White House? – Perhaps these unfolding events would not have occurred had Trump been in the White House

China rejects calling Russian incursion into Ukraine an ‘invasion’ – Chinese officials advised their citizens in the country to stay home and away from the fighting.

European allies declare Russia’s attack on Ukraine a threat to NATO territory – Poland and the Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania invoke the Article 4 provision to spur additional fortifications for those nearest to the war zone

ZeroHedge: Global Stocks and Futures Crash; Nasdaq Is In Bear Market, While Oil Soars Above $105 On Russia Attack

America’s Military Aircraft Readiness Has Tanked Amidst a Focus on Woke Politics – Trump-administration targets were dropped as the military focused more on Marxism

WSJ: Russia Begins Military Operation in Ukraine – Biden calls move an unprovoked attack, pledging further action against Moscow; Kyiv says an initial wave of strikes targets military installations, airfields, and government facilities

ZeroHedge: Ukraine Central Bank Freezes FX Market, Limits Cash Withdrawals; Russia Intervenes To Rescue Ruble As Their Credit Risk Explodes

Russia launches a full-scale attack in Ukraine, dozens dead: LIVE UPDATES – Vladimir Putin threatened “consequences you have never seen” to any country that tries to interfere

ZeroHedge: Most People Have No Idea How Much Stocks Are Likely To Crash

Republican Lawmakers Demand Details About U.S. Funding Of Migrant Shelters In Mexico – The Biden administration is sending U.S. taxpayer dollars to northern Mexico as part of the reinstated Migrant Protection Protocols

ZeroHedge: How President Eisenhower Predicted Fauci – If it wasn’t obvious before, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that science has become thoroughly politicized

Leader Of Trucker Convoy To DC Has A Message For Biden: ‘End The Mandates’ – “We are coming peacefully, and we’re going to do this lawfully and constitutionally,”

Scientific Fraud and the CDC – ‘These are the people that are entrusted to tell us the truth’

CDC Data: Vaccinated People Are More Likely to Contract COVID-19 and Go to Hospital in Recent Weeks

Biden’s CDC must make COVID data public – The CDC has been refusing to release granular data about Covid-related topics despite collecting and possessing this information for more than a year now

The Covid Cartel Lied And People Died And Now They Say It’s All Your Fault – Americans were manipulated and turned against each other to hide government mismanagement, while many died unnecessary deaths

A German Health Insurer Reveals An ‘Alarming’ Underreporting Of Covid Vaccine Side-Effects

If Lockdowns and Mandates Failed, Why Are They Still Pushed? – The Brownstone Institute compiled more than 400 studies showing that lockdowns, restrictions, and closures failed to do what was promised

Canceling an Online Subscription Shouldn’t Be a Nightmare – What you need to know about the ‘Dark Pattern’ tactics many companies use to keep people from canceling

February 23, 2022

Let’s Hope The Special Counsel (And Others) Are Investigating The People Who Watch You Online – A revelation buried in a cache of documents opens a new and potentially important investigative corridor for Special Counsel John Durham

Tucker Carlson: Ukraine is not a democracy – It’s a State Department client state

Ann Coulter: Stop Talking About Ukraine, Republicans! – Republicans should be talking about the issues Democrats are trying to avoid

Victor David Hanson: Putin’s Predictabilities – It is easy to predict what the Russian president will do in any given situation, but Biden is making it easier for Putin to act with aggression

Putin Humiliates Biden, But Trump Only Needed These 4 Words to Prevent Russian Invasion – “You Can’t Do It”

Trump Warns ‘China Will Be Next’ – They will go after Taiwan, Trump replied: ‘Not with me, they wouldn’t have

Leaders of Two Ukrainian Breakaway Separatist Regions Ask Putin for Help

Trudeau to revoke Emergencies Act after convoy blockades end

The Manhattan DA’s Trump Investigation Appears to Have Cratered – The former president isn’t out of the woods yet, but it appears a clearing has opened before him

WSJ: Democrats Deserve to Lose the Midterm Elections – A political fix for November won’t repair the damage progressives have done to the U.S.

Los Angeles County to Lift Indoor Mask Mandate Beginning on February 25th – But it only applies to businesses that verify all of their customers 5 years and older have been fully vaccinated

Will a Post-COVID-19 Government Be Held Accountable? Unelected officials control our lives without answering to anyone

Los Angeles is spending up to $837,000 to house one homeless person

Governments Suppressed Effective COVID Treatments and Targeted Physicians Who Prescribed Them – While knowing  about chloroquine and other treatments they had figured out for the 2003 SARS epidemic and the 2012 MERS epidemic

The Fight for Curriculum Transparency – Parents have the right to know what public schools are teaching their children

Patrick Davis, A Twenty-Five Year CNN Operations Manager Joins Project Veritas as Executive Producer

Biden Orders More US Troops to Eastern Europe as Russia Evacuates Embassy

Russia Responds To Biden Sanctions – America’s Citizens Will Feel ‘Consequences’ Of Us Raising The Cost Of Gas

The Treason of the Ruling Class – Our country is inexorably and stealthily marching toward a tyrannical one-party socialist oligarchy beholden to a globalist agenda

Biden sits in silence and picks his teeth after being asked if he underestimated Putin

Joe Rogan: Biden Is “Basically A Shell” And “Can’t Talk Right Anymore” – Anyone who now cannot see it is “out of their fucking mind”

McConnell Breaks With GOP, ‘Not Complaining’ About Biden’s Pledge to Nominate Black Woman to SCOTUS Without Considering Other Qualified Candidates

Cheney Trailing In GOP Primary, Top House Republican Endorses Her Challenger

Senator Rick Scott’s promising 11-Point Plan to drain the swamp and fulfill the MAGA agenda

John Durham just sent a strong message to the attorney general and the country

Leftists Want To Control Your Money So They Can Control You – The convenience of moving money around effortlessly comes at the cost of possibly losing control over it

Why banks are fighting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) legislation – The legislation interferes with the free market and the government is meddling with how a private business operates

The Real Cause Of Inflation Is Insane Deficit Spending – Inflation Is a Monetary Policy Phenomenon

WSJ: Some Companies Ditch Annual Raises and Review Worker Pay More Often – A once-a-year pay cycle is no longer enough, employers say, as high inflation and strong demand for workers drive up wages

The Interior Department delays its oil and gas leasing program after a federal judge blocked Biden’s administration from using a tool that estimates the social cost of carbon dioxide emissions

Location Data Of ‘Freedom Convoy’ Donors Posted On Google Maps – Provides locations of donors throughout the Canadian province, with each pin listing their names, donor ID, email address, and the amount they donated

Excitement as The ‘People’s Convoy’ Releases Official Route – Will ‘Freedom’ Truckers Pass Through Your City?

California Doctors Warn Against The Proposed COVID-19 Censorship Bill – It threatens their medical licenses for spreading “COVID-19 misinformation” with no definition of what misinformation includes

Has Anyone Seen Anthony Fauci Recently? – Once prominent on virtually every media outlet available, he seems to have disappeared without a trace

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said that males ages 12 to 39 can extend the time between the first and second doses of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to mitigate the risk of developing myocarditis

America Has Two Major Political Parties: The Republicans And The Authoritarians – 87% of Republicans disapprove of Trudeau’s “war on dissent,” while only 8% approve, and overall, 55% of Americans disapprove of his actions

POLITICS The Left’s COVID Insanity Is Creating A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity For Conservatives

Life Insurance Companies Wouldn’t Consider COVID Vaccinations The Same As Suicide, Would They? – Remember this, these mRNA vaccines are still experimental

A New Study Finds Covid-19 Jabs Offer ‘Virtually No Protection’ Against The Omicron Variant

American Freedom 2022 Action Objectives – We must stop these travesties, obtain justice for victims, and punish the guilty to protect loved ones’ and assure our children’s destiny

Frackers Are Returning to Abandoned Oil Patches in Droves – For consumers, high oil prices are a headache; for drillers, they are an opportunity

Accounting for Afghanistan – Analysts said a chaotic withdrawal would embolden adversaries, including Russia

There Has Been A 75% Increase In Unaccompanied Minors Breaching U.S. Border Under Biden

Starting in 2022, Social Security’s full retirement age reached its maximum, 67 years old, for those born in or after 1960


February 22, 2022

The Biden administration’s drilling freeze makes us poorer and less safe – Turning off America’s oil spigot puts America at the mercy of other nations

Senseless: A young mother of four that worked as a Uber driver was executed by a thug after begging for her life

17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Declare “COVID National Emergency Over” and Call on Congress to Restore Our Constitutional Democracy by Ending The Emergency Powers – It is no longer necessary to protect public health

The First LA County Homeless Count in Two Years Starting Tuesday – The results of the count will have massive financial and political implications

The Rape of Ukraine – Taking Putin’s grievances seriously would be nothing more than a death wish for a return to the terrible 20th century

Biden imposes sanctions on Russian banks, elites, and their families, in response to Ukraine’s invasion

House Republicans are scheduled to pick up at least ten House seats due to Democrat retirements alone, according to an analysis by left-leaning Punchbowl News

The Supreme Court Denies Trump Request to Withhold White House Documents From Jan. 6 Select Committee 

The Emergencies Act grants Trudeau the authority to impose martial law, brand Canadians as enemies of the state without trial, seize their bank accounts, and make them political prisoners for a decade

A Coalition of Senate Republicans Introduce A Bill to End Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for International Truckers

CA Lawmakers Target Kids and The Working Classes for Mandatory COVID Vaccines – Why no such requirement for California’s largest-in-the-nation population of welfare recipients and homeless?

The World Economic Forum pushes a digital ID system that will determine access to services The system proposes monitoring online behavior, purchases, biometrics, and more

The Final Viewer Numbers for the Beijing Olympics Are In And It’s a Bloodbath for NBC – Viewership was down 42 percent from the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea

Biden Just Told a Monster Whopper That Both Sides Missed – When he was growing up, the price of gasoline was flat and it was cheap, here are the charts that prove it

Russia-Ukraine: President Biden to speak soon on the Russian invasion – WATCH FOR LIVE UPDATES

Gallup Poll: Biden is underwater on all key issues and support from independents is halved

The Biden Administration Pumps Up Gas Prices As They Try To Scapegoat Everything From Lockdowns To Russia – They just filed an appeal that will delay new oil and gas leases on federal land

An unstoppable peaceful protest on 18 wheels – The #12NoonTruckStop, where at 12 noon each day, truckers pull to the side of the road for 12 minutes

Washington DC prepares for the US ‘Freedom Convoy’ – Officials request National Guard troops  and tow trucks spotted near the National Mall

The White House Announces Sanctions on Ukraine’s Contested Areas After Putin Recognizes Them as Independent – The US says more measures to come

WSJ: The White House Calls Russian Moves an Invasion After Initially Refraining From Using The Term – Officials have said recently they wanted to deploy sanctions in a way that would retain leverage against Russia

ZeroHedge: Russia Warns Of “Brave New World” Of Higher Gas Prices After Germany Halts Nord Stream 2

Putin is Playing Biden like a Fiddle – Putin doesn’t need a full-scale invasion, because his approach is strategic

Putin Couldn’t Care Less about Biden’s Sanctions – A problem with using economic sanctions as deterrence is that eventually, you’ll run into a hostile foe or force that does not care about trading with the U.S. or even money at all

Putin Brings Up An Old Clinton Discussion in An Explosive Speech – ‘Something I’ve Never Talked About Publicly’

Vindman and the rest of the Trump-hating Ukraine cabal have much to answer for – Their actions helped get Biden elected and he projects an image of feebleness and inattention

Trump Launches Truth Social Media App: Everything You Need to Know – Tops Apple’s App Store despite a buggy rollout

America’s Redistributive Welfare State – There is more government provided aid to the poor in the U.S. than in Europe

Dr. Jordan Peterson Tells Fellow Canadians They Have No Idea What Was Done to Them – When Parliament approved the Emergencies Act to continue with the support of the New Democratic Party

Another misleading narrative, compliments of the 1619 Project, to make your kids hate America

Joe Biden’s Ambassador to Germany Returned to The US on a Commercial Flight Because Kamala Harris Refused to Let Her Fly Back With Her On Air Force Two

What’s Behind the New AIDS Scare? – The timing of AIDS-related articles and announcements is indicative of a coordinated PR campaign, which must have a specific purpose

February 21, 2022

Hours after officially recognizing the independence of separatist regions in eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian forces to enter the regions for supposed “peacekeeping”

Russia has lists of Ukrainians ‘to be killed or sent to camps’ following a military occupation

Trump Will Dominate CPAC – The media’s claims that his star is falling are laughable

Trudeau Style Tyranny Is Already Here As freedom-lovers recoil at Trudeau’s crackdown, Americans worry it could happen here but It already has

It’s No Coincidence So Many Things Have Gone So Wrong in So Little Time – Liberalism thrives on chaos. As long as there is chaos, Liberals can claim to be the solution, regardless of whether they are the cause of the chaos

Canada’s Parliament approves Trudeau’s use of Emergencies Act in response to freedom protests – The vote was 185 in favor to 151 against and was split along party lines

Hunter Biden Still Under Federal Investigation: Mother of His Child Testifies Before Grand Jury in a Secret Probe

We the people, demand to see the data! – The CDC is withholding evidence concerning COVID vaccine safety that is scientific fraud

WSJ: Ukraine Calls for U.N. Security Council Meeting as Russian Forces Mass on Borders – Russian President Vladimir Putin says he is weighing whether to recognize two pro-Russian breakaway republics

Byron York’s Daily Memo: A guide to Clinton dirty tricks – Three examples, the dossier, Alfa-Bank, and the data-mining operation in which Clinton sought to push false or unverified stories to the press

JD Rucker: Brandon Straka Is Doing What EVERY Conservative Organization Should Do – Many have found themselves beholden to Big Tech tyrants. While some play ball he is fighting back

The CDC Has Withheld COVID Data From Americans To ‘Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy’ – The data are “not yet ready for prime time”

Carnegie Mellon University Survey On Covid Vaccine Attitudes and Vaccination Status – I just took this survey and apparently, so have 27, 450,000 other people

Chinese Chess – China is subverting the rules-based order because it is the United States’ order, not just because

Trump’s Truth Social App Launches on Apple’s App Store on Presidents’ Day Holiday

Tensions bubble between House Republicans and The Capitol Police – Republicans point their fingers at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat leadership in Congress for what is going on

The Next Step For The World Economic Forum – As a person who spent my professional career in pharmaceutical and vaccine development, the concept of going from scratch to a ready-to-use vaccine in a few months is preposterous

Bidenflation Runs Hot, Sending Rents Soaring Across the Country

Charts that show how fossil fuels have fared under the Biden administration

Both Ford and General Motors tell car dealers to stop ripping off customers by selling cars above their MSRP

4 Special Counsel Revelations That Tie Spygate To Hillary Clinton’s Campaign – #4, Joffe’s Pro Bono Support of Clinton

War of the States – In the battle for jobs and people, Republican governors challenge the Biden agenda with tax-cutting and deregulation while several Democratic strongholds have initiated big tax increases on individuals and firms

Everything that’s wrong with American education summed up in a single image

I&I/TIPP Poll: Media Gets Failing Grades Once Again For Their Coverage Of Major Issues and Divisiveness

ZeroHedge: Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent

Canada is turning into a police state before our eyes – In totalitarian countries, one of the ways you control people is to keep them perpetually off-balance

Canadian Premier Sues Trudeau over Use Of The Emergencies Act: ‘There Is No Insurrection’ – Alberta Premier Jason Kenney warns prime minister abused his authority

Los Angeles County threatens suspensions for unvaccinated firefighters at FUTURE dates because the county currently doesn’t have enough vaccinated, able-bodied workers

Funeral Home Stocks Surge, Death and Disability Payouts Soar – Data analysis of mortality rates before and after COVID-19 shots became widespread found that death rates worsened in 2021 after the shots became prevalent

With no public announcements, both the FDA and NIH are studying neurological problems that have appeared in people after receiving the Covid vaccines

CDC Study: Hospitalizations of Children Dropped During TheCOVID-19 Pandemic

The Truth About Covid Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis – The authors find higher rates of vaccine-induced myocarditis than myocarditis from infection in males ages 16 – 39 across multiple vaccine doses

Fortress Australia Lowers Their Drawbridge to the World And Reopens Their Borders After Their Two-Year Isolation

New Zealand has gotten more totalitarian about COVID – Their latest initiative is fining people for refusing COVID tests

How rare are vaccine side effects? Not very rare at all – The CDC and WSJ both say serious side effects from the COVID vaccines are extremely rare, but they are lying. Now we have unassailable proof from the Israeli government!

Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris brings it to Munich – With little to do in the Biden administration, she has now taken five trips abroad, embarrassing herself and her country across the globe

February 20, 2022

The New York Times: The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects – The agency has withheld critical data on boosters, hospitalizations, and, until recently, wastewater analyses

Asian Americans are leaving the Democrat Party – In the quest to turn American public life into a battle between oppressor and oppressed, the country’s fastest-growing group occupies awkward territory

Biden-Pelosi Democrats’ Seven Deadly Sins – They’ve set America back terribly, but in nine months we’ll see if any of the damage can be reversed

BLM co-founder is slated to deliver the keynote address at an event this week hosted by students in the LAUSD who have pushed to defund school police

ZeroHedge: Trump’s “Truth Social” Platform Set For President’s Day Release In Apple App Store

Sorry Democrats, Your Problem Isn’t Messaging  – Voters know the difference between specious talking points and effective policies

Victor David Hanson: The Gathering Storm in the West – Few are listening anymore to the clueless Justin Trudeau’s and bumbling Joe Biden’s and all the toxic hypocrisies they embody

The Trudeau Government Moves to Make Expanded Surveillance Powers over Financial Transactions ‘Permanent’

The New Ottawa police chief says that freedom protesters will be punished both financially and criminally

Ottawa Police Criticize Misinformation as Video of Mounted Officers Bowling Over Disabled Protester Goes Global

Freedom protests spread across Canada after Trudeau’s crackdown  – Protesters took to the streets in Calgary and Toronto in opposition to COVID-19 restrictions

JD Rucker: U.S. Military Vaccine Mandates Only Cover “FDA-Approved” Jabs Which Are NOT Available Yet

Do you want Klaus Schwab’s New World Order? –The time for a final decision is arriving quickly

American Truckers are launching The People’s Convoy, a peaceful and unified transcontinental movement February 23 from Adelanto Stadium in Southern California

Biden Extends US National Emergency Over COVID-19 – It will be extended beyond March 1, citing what he called a “risk to the public health and safety”

The Capitol perimeter fence erected after January 6 demonstration will be reinstalled ahead of Biden’s State of the Union as the truckers’ Freedom Convoy heads for Washington

China’s Olympic propaganda show ends in global shame – It was fitting that China’s hopes of putting on the perfect Olympics would ultimately be dashed by its new partner in crime, Russia

Make these the last genocide games – It is not surprising to see NBC News parrot the CCP’s preferred talking points

There Is No ‘Ukraine Crisis’ – There is a Russia crisis, and more specifically a Putin crisis as the war has already started, so it is time for us to decide what, if anything, we are going to do about it

WSJ: Russia Extends Its Belarus Drills for Thousands of Troops as Ukraine Violence Escalates – Belarus says combat readiness training will continue, citing an uptick in violence that Moscow blames on Ukraine

A Social Credit System Arrives in Canada – Justin Trudeau just created a caste of economic untouchables. Can we stop this dystopian policy from taking hold in America?

After their big show of force against the demonstrating truckers, Trudeau’s regime bruits make some Emergency Act powers permanent

Canadian Reporter Issues Warning About What He Is Happening in Canada – 5-minutes of truth that needs to be seen

The Power of the Powerless Is Real – The growing tyranny in the West has not just happened overnight

The  World Economic Forum Introduces Its Communistic Digital Identity Scheme – A global social credit system that will give them the power to control citizens and punish those they deem “untrustworthy”

Guilt by Redaction: The Ludicrous FOIA Release by The NIH Shows The Wuhan Virus Complicity MUCH BIGGER Than Most Realize – For a “health” agency to redact over 90% of a document means there’s a cover-up

Six Things Clarified By The Durham Probe – #1: Depending on where Durham’s probe finally lands, the political fallout from the scandal could be monumental

A school board member wants to arrest a mom who exposes her mask hypocrisy at a school board meeting

The CDC and FDA Are Quietly Studying Reports of Covid Post-Vaccination Neurological Issues

PROOF: COVID Vaccines Have Induced Deaths – Detailed autopsies performed by medical examiners indicated an excessive inflammatory response resulted in the myocarditis that was found atypical

An Easy and Effective Shield to Protect From Covid-19 – A simple mouth and nose spray containing povidone-iodine

February 19, 2022

Update on Disabled Woman Reported ‘Dead’ After Being Trampled by a Horse at Freedom Convoy Protest – She’s Alive

A Rebel News Reporter Was Assaulted by Ottawa Police –The Canadian government recently condemned Cuba for violation of free speech yet, they’re engaged in the most heinous suppression of speech and press in their history

‘The Worst Experience of My Life’ – Early Vaccine Adopters Suffer Injuries, Struggle to Get Proper Care

JD Rucker: Bill Gates Hints at The Next Evil Plan: “We’ll Have Another Pandemic and it Will Be a Different Pathogen Next Time” – Gates does not say things that aren’t intentional and well-practiced

The Democrats know stripping election safeguards would extinguish fair elections, but that’s their intent – A roadmap for Republicans to stop the ‘Right to Cheat’ bill and save our democracy

Joke of the Day – ‘Vulnerable’ Senate Democrats Up For Reelection Propose Cutting The Federal Gas Tax

America Is Not Divided; It’s Being Hijacked – We must break the propaganda spell and realize that we have the strength of numbers on our side

Biden Declares A ‘National Emergency’ Ahead of The Freedom Convoy Heading Towards Washington D.C.

Trudeau Goes Full Fascist – Police Announce An ‘Enemies List’ for Freedom Convoy Protesters Who Stood Up for Their Rights

A Canadian Pastor Is Imprisoned for Talking to The Truckers – Sent to jail and denied bail for a peaceful speech he gave to the freedom convoy

The Biden administration has been quietly laying the groundwork to release prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay detention center and at least move closer to being able to shut it down

Epstein associate Jean-Luc Brunel was found hanged by his bedsheets in his prison cell

The Location of Kamala Harris and Mike Pence on January 6 Becomes A Key Part of Efforts to Fight Prosecutions

The Growing Danger of the Sino-Russian Alliance – It may be too late to stop them

ZeroHedge: Due To Intensified Shelling Ukrainian Separatist Leaders Declare ‘Full Military Mobilization’

ZeroHedge: Russia’s Friends And Foes

Are we on our way to an even worse Iran nuclear deal? – The outcome will follow almost a year of negotiations in Vienna between the U.S., China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, and Iran

The Two-World Anti-China Strategy – The Chinese government is already compelling key firms to become less reliant on American financial markets

Welcome to the Swamp, Mr. Durham – Roy Cohn, the notorious rogue lawyer, and Donald Trump confidant, famously said, “Don’t tell me what the law is, tell me who the judge is”

Federal Appeals Court: United Airlines Vaccine Mandate ‘Coerced’ Employees Into ‘Violating Their Religious Convictions’

As the Olympics close, Russia thwarts Biden’s efforts to focus on China

The Ivy League makes female swimming athletes ‘third-class citizens’ – USA Swimming cited the biological advantage men have over women when the organization announced its changes to policies regarding transgender athletes

Canadian Protestors Are Trampled By Royal Mounted Police Horses, 100 Arrested

Tyrant Trudeau shows his true colors – His claim to fame wasn’t based on his record or his talents, it was instead based on a famous father, virtue signaling, and being a subscriber of the groupthink

The false claim that Trump was in wrongful possession of confidential documents – The problem, which the AP reluctantly concedes is that, as President, he had the final say over what’s classified

Vaccine Mandates Remain Because Four Republican Senators Skip Senate Vote

Attorney Thomas Renz Says Prosecutions Are Coming for the Covid Plandemic Masterminds Who Committed Crimes Against Humanity

New York Won’t Enforce COVID-19 Booster Mandate for Health Sector Over Staffing Concerns

The COVID Criminal Network Leads to the Gates of Hell – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation appears to be near the top, or the center, of this COVID “Plandemic” network

DC should cut ties with the shady Black Lives Matter organization – If all of these states now see that BLM is a scam, then why is Washington clinging to the ugly block lettering of the ad hoc landmark that was created in the organization’s honor


February 18, 2022

Santa Monica To Take Down Its Chess Park Because Of Rampant Antisocial and Criminal Behavior

The U.S. Will Be A Net Oil Importer Again In 2022 – The total crude and petroleum products trade market shifted in 2020 when the U.S. became a net petroleum exporter

Thousands of semi-truck drivers are expected to take part in a California to DC “People’s Convoy” to protest government COVID-19 mandates – The convoy starts Wednesday, Feb. 23, says organizer Maureen Steele

A Pentagon IG report says 50 Afghan evacuees brought to the US had ‘potentially significant security concerns’  – The US agencies ‘did not use all available data when vetting Afghan evacuees,’ Pentagon watchdog finds

The ABA Just Mandated “Wokeness,” But Republicans Have An Ace Up Their Sleeve to Save America’s Law Schools

A Clinton Campaign Alum Tried to Suppress The Story of a Facebook Colleague Sexting a 13-Year-Old – Andrew Pusateri told a reporter that the story of his colleague Jeren Miles sexting a child was not newsworthy

Special Counsel John Durham Comes Out Swinging, Responds to Clinton Campaign Lawyer’s Motion to Dismiss

“Democrats Are in Search of Their Next Scam” – President Trump Responds to Latest Fake News on National Archives

WSJ: March 2020: How the Fed Averted Economic Disaster As markets plunged – Powell and his colleagues vastly expanded the reach of the central bank, with detrimental implications that will be felt for years to come

A Man Was Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Murder A Political Candidate – 2 Days Later  BLM Bailed Him Out

Electric cars burning aboard a ship full of Porsches, VWs, Bentleys – Lithium-ion batteries in the electric cars on board have caught fire, and the blaze requires specialized equipment to extinguish it

Twitter’s Flawed Justification for Censorship – The platform plays an important role in public discourse, so should stop creating and enforcing ambiguous content restrictions

Covid is Getting Less Deadly All the Time According to LA County Public Health Data – Perhaps it’s time to get rid of emergency health orders for good

Autopsies of two teenage boys that died days after getting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine prove it caused their deaths

ZeroHedge: Bill Gates Credits Natural Infection With Doing “A Better Job” Of Bolstering COVID Immunity

Pfizer Suffers A Black Eye as Drug Regulators In India Bar Their 2.8 Billion People from Company’s COVID Vaccine

Nearly 24,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Have Been Reported to VAERS, Data Show

The US reaches 73% immunity to the omicron variant – Health experts caution that immunity levels could wane over time

WSJ: U.S. Officials Warn of An  Imminent Russian Invasion of Ukraine With Tanks, Jet Fighters and Cyberattacks –  Prospects for averting war appear dim, officials say as the Biden administration works to arrange new talks with Russia

The worst Olympics in history is coming to a close – Even NBC seems to have had it with the IOC’s incompetence and longstanding blind eye to corruption

5 Media Lies About The Latest Durham Special Counsel Revelations

The Biden Administration looks to pressure investors away from fossil fuels via climate disclosures

Trudeau is destroying Canada’s banking system – Investors around the world are now thinking there is no way they will entrust their money to a Canadian bank

ZeroHedge: Shocker From Fed Repo Oracle Zoltan Pozsar – Powell Must Crash The Market

The GOP looks to go on offense at the state level with a curriculum transparency push in dozens of state legislatures

The World Health Organization warned Friday the global Covid pandemic isn’t over until it says so! –  Too many countries are moving too quickly in lifting public health and social restrictions!

The Left’s Orwellian Newspeak: the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Delusion – The purpose of “Newspeak” is to eliminate words that might cause an individual to think about ideas contrary to the state’s agenda and authority

Remembering Rush Limbaugh – Rush was one of those who very early on saw through the phoniness and the pretentiousness of self-righteous liberals

Signs Of Normal In California – A wave of recalls in San Francisco, and a heel-turn on Covid-19 policy, signals a dramatic tack away from the left

Police Escalate Arrests in Ottawa as Protest Organizer Says Leaving Is Safest Option – This article will be updated throughout the day

The CDC Quietly Changes Its Guidelines on Children’s Age-Specific Speech Expectations Following Two Years of Devastating Masking Policies

THE WALENSKY TAPES – It is long past the time that it should be criminal to force kids to wear masks as the price of the ticket for attending school, the damage being done is incalculable

Who’s Is Best Situated to Figure Out the Truth about COVID? – The Great Barrington Declaration had to be censored as no one should be allowed to question federal policy!

Mandatory Vaccinations Are Impacting Military Readiness Which Could Backfire On The Biden Administration

As Arte Johnson On Laugh-In Used To Say, “Very Interesting” –  Exposed, the FDA and Big Pharma

ZeroHedge: Why Does Trudeau’s Protest Prohibition Order Specifically Exempt Refugees, Immigrants, & Ethnic Minorities?

Pushing College For Everyone Makes Americans Poorer – Here’s What We Need Instead


February 17, 2022

The New Politics of School Choice – It is surging in popularity as parents become more activist

What Reforming the Electoral Count Act Can Do and Can’t Do

Journalists On The Ground Reveal How American Media Is Botching Coverage Of Russia – Blindly relying on “U.S. intelligence sources,” faulty translations, outdated context, and botched vocabulary

Trudeau’s Justice Minister Says Being Pro-Trump Is a Factor for Your Bank Account Being Seized by Government

A ‘Perfect Crime’ That Leaves No Survivors – Investigators Detail China’s Grisly Organ Harvesting Industry

Trump comments on the ‘now-uncovered espionage campaign’ of the Democrats and ‘mainstream media’ cover-up of ‘Hillarygate’ is a ‘crime’

WSJ: Who Are Those ‘Techies’ Who Spied on Trump? – ‘Benevolent posse’ or partisans for Hillary Clinton? John Durham has the answer

America’s Ruling Regime Doesn’t Fear Disinformation – It’s The Truth Being Revealed That They Fear

Judicial Watch Settles North Carolina Voter Roll Lawsuit After State Removes Over 430,000 Inactive Names From Rolls

Democrat leaders are reluctant to halt California looming July gas tax hike

A NY Judge Orders Donald, Ivanka, Don Jr. to Answer Questions Regarding The Trump Organization Under Oath

WSJ: The Senate Passes A Stopgap Funding Bill After Rejecting GOP Amendments – The Legislation extends government funding for three weeks

The Flight of Big Tech – Lethargic, overcapitalized, and resigned to Chinese dominance, Silicon Valley is losing its productive talent to the Midwest and South

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association sues the government after Justin Trudeau invokes The Emergencies Act

‘The People’s Convoy’ Organizers Unveil Their Plans – The convoy will kick off on Feb. 23 from the Barstow area in California, and head eastbound toward Washington D.C.

Freedom Convoy co-organizer Chris Barber was arrested by Ottawa Police on Thursday

Gain-Of-Function Research: The EcoHealth Alliance Intelligence Collection Scam

YouTube to censor “new misinformation” preemptively – They plan to use machine learning to become “faster and more accurate at catching what they declare are viral “misinformation” narratives”

A Vermont mother believes her daughters will be coerced into getting the COVID vaccine, so asked Dr. Malone what he would do – Here’s her letter, and Malone’s response

California’s El Dorado School District Caves After Students Demonstrate Against Masks During Mass Walkout

Los Angeles County Sheriff: The Vaccine mandate is ‘a backdoor way to defund’ police by the Board of Supervisors

CA Governor Newsom Unveils His New ‘SMARTER’ Endemic COVID-19 Plan – The plan emphasizes vaccines, masks, awareness, readiness, testing, education, and drug treatments

BREAKING: Artillery Shelling Reported in East Ukraine Amid Conflicting Statements

Biden Says Ukraine Invasion Risk “Very High” – Russia Expels US Deputy Ambassador and Demands the US Leave Eastern Europe

Trump Promises “Justice Is Coming For Hillary Clinton” – “Why isn’t the media asking who gave Crooked Hillary Clinton’s “plumbers” their orders?

The Durham scandal: The sheer dishonesty of the media is astounding – It’s as if the journalists have never heard of the Clintons or the Obamas

Rudy Giuliani: I Have About ‘1,000 Pieces of Evidence’ Stashed in My Den Against Hillary Clinton

Clinton Campaign Lawyer Sussmann Files Motion to Dismiss The Durham Prosecution

The Pennsylvania Mail-In Voting Law Suffers Another Defeat in Court – Issues an order that a previous ruling rendering the law null can take effect starting in March

Will the Democrats Undermine the Midterms? – It would not be surprising if the January 6 Commission releases a report accusing key Republicans of crimes and even go so far as to brand some actions as treasonous

Representative Jim Jordan Responds to The House Committee Request – He Rejects The Legitimacy of The January 6 Committee Investigation

Kari Lake: “We’re Going to Blow Up These Tunnels Under the Border Wall… and I Don’t Care If There’s a Drug Trafficker in the Tunnel When We Take it Down”

The Vanishing American Work Ethic – As a result of the pandemic, ‘Now Hiring’ signs proliferate in most restaurants, grocery stores, and small businesses, but most go unanswered

An FDA Official Says The US Government Plans to Push Annual COVID-19 Shots

COVID has always been about control and was never about the virus – One explanation for their recent bizarre behavior could be the bombshell report from Project Veritas where FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole exposes their plan

A Federal Judge Rules in Favor of An Air Force Officer Who Defied The Vaccine Mandate On Religious Grounds

How Former President Eisenhower Predicted Fauci – He advised vigilance against the “danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite”

This Is Stupid – This Is Dangerous – This Is Wrong – I urge you to listen carefully to what this Canadian pilot says and take heed, as his warning should not be ignored

Canada’s Top Banks Mysteriously Go Offline Days after Trudeau said he would invoke emergency orders to crack down on demonstrators by freezing their bank accounts

The Forced Vaccination Policy In Austria Has No Impact On Their Vaccination Uptake

The Mask Debacle – How partisan warfare over mandates became a central feature of the pandemic and now is not just partisan, but also splitting the Democrat party

Air Travel Faces Long-Haul Flight To Recovery – Passenger traffic remained 58.4 percent below pre-pandemic traffic last year, highlighting how long the road to recovery still is

February 16, 2022

Who’s in Charge of the $60 Million in BLM Assets – Several Clinton associates have taken up key positions at BLM

Victor David Hanson: Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Masterpiece – Will the people ever understand how false information was seeded throughout the government and media in a conspiratorial effort to destroy a sitting president?

Hillary Clinton Responds to John Durham Court Filing – TOTAL DENIAL

Spying Isn’t Spying If Democrats Do It – They react with total arrogance to the latest John Durham report

Joe Biden Reaches Blowout Territory in A New Poll Showing A 34-Percent Approval Rating

Dov Fischer: A Guide to the Absolute Idiocy of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Her lack of critical analysis or insight is maddeningly manifest

Securing The Border – Texas Governor Abbott To Use 1,700 Surplus Border Wall Panels To Build Texas Barrier

The Danger To Democracy Comes From The Left – Voting is the most important citizen act in a democracy so proper identification should be a necessity

Fox News Power Rankings for 2022 – Where the Senate and governor’s races stand

The Biden Administration Defies A Court Ruling Again And Opts-Out Of Holding Oil Drilling Sales

Trudeau’s Justice Minister Says Being “Pro-Trump” is a Factor That will Decide if Your Bank Account gets Frozen Under Emergency Orders

Two Young Boys Found Dead in Bed after Second Pfizer Shot – Medical researchers discovered the risk of myocarditis in young men increases after each Pfizer injection, especially after the second dose

Corporate Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports Brought to You by BlackRock and Vanguard? – They have ownership stakes in most of the large employers that mandated COVID vaccines 

JD Rucker: Insurance Companies Increase U.S. Mortality Expectations by 300,000 Due to Covid and  The Vaccines – They told us to “follow the science, but perhaps a better indicator would be to follow the money

The CDC Is Not Changing Mask Guidance Despite Plunging Cases and Hospitalizations

The CEO of YouTube Recommends Governments Pass Laws Giving Them More Control Over Online Speech

Former Harvard Professor Martin Kulldorff: ‘Science and Public Health Are Broken’ – “The key thing was to break the pretense that there was scientific consensus for these lockdowns—which there wasn’t.”

Corey Diggs: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 7: Legislation and Billions in State & Federal Funding

Two intriguing points about the Durham allegations – It’s possible he can show there are internet data the Hillary camp exploited, such as emails or shared documents, plus & Latham & Watkins is a dangerous law firm+

Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer Asks The Court to ‘Strike’ ‘Factual Background’ in Durham’s Latest Filing

WSJ: Biden Orders The National Archives to Release Trump White House Visitor Logs to The January 6 Panel – Says Donald Trump’s claim of executive privilege isn’t justified

Global Oil Inventories Are Exceptionally Tight As Economies Recover – More production is needed

Russia Says Their Troops Near Ukraine Will Return To Their Normal Positions In 3 To 4 Weeks

NATO: Russia Is Still Adding Troops Near Ukraine – Russia says it’s returning more troops to their bases

SCOTUS And Justice Clarence Thomas Seem Poised To End Affirmative Action

“Who Is Footing The Bill?” – Prince Andrew Settled With Epstein Accuser And Brits Want To Know If They Are Paying For It

New Poll: An Overwhelming Majority of Democrats Want Hillary Clinton Questioned Over Trump Spying Scandal

Biden Demands An Additional $30 Billion for Pandemic Spending While $350 Billion Still Remains Unspent

How COVID Patients Were Over-Treated to Death – Patients killed by inappropriate medical protocols, and have no say-so in the treatment they receive

‘The World’s Done with It’: Ontario Canada Premier Ford Drops A Truth Bomb on Trudeau’s Covid Dictatorship

It’s not law yet, but there is legislation in California that requires all workers, even independent contractors, to take the Covid vaccine

Sharyl Attkisson: A White House email shows Facebook and the CDC Foundation formed a ‘social media alliance to drive the uptake of vaccines’

San Francisco Stunner – Voters Overwhelmingly Back Recall of Progressive School Board Members

February 15, 2022

The Lancet Publishes Medical Prof’s Warning That Natural Immunity Has Made Vaccine Mandates Irrelevant

When Justin Trudeau Said He Admired China’s Dictatorship, Canadians Should Have Believed Him

There Is No Valid Reason to Withhold More Than 14,000 Hours of January 6 Video – Defense attorney says “the Government doesn’t want the public to see that the vast majority of what went on was very peaceful”

The Borscht Belt Theory of Immigration – The Biden administration has allowed them to vanish into the illegal underground economy, so there is little chance that illegal immigrants will ever be apprehended or deported, as the law requires

Jim Jordan: Elias Is Directly Involved With The Spying on Trump – ‘The Democrats’ key lawyer, their number one election lawyer, was involved in spying on the sitting President of the United States… ‘

Hillary-Gate: Trump Was Right – Truly astonishing foolishness and a truly astonishing cover-up attempt

Why Putin Won’t Wage a Big War in Ukraine  – He won’t start a major war if he thinks he has a chance to force Ukrainians to surrender, and for that, he needs the Western leaders to help

As China and Russia Plot The New World Order, Academics, and Mainstream Media Look the Other Way – Conspicuously absent is any mention of their growing friendship and their mutual antagonism toward the U.S.

GOP senators demand a vote to defund the vaccine mandates before funding the government

California is lifting its mask mandate on Wednesday, February 12 – However, masking is still required in certain settings such as K-12 schools

California high school students stage a mass walkout over the district’s mask mandate

New poll: An overwhelming majority of Canadians want all COVID restrictions dropped

Triple “Vaccinated” Deaths Skyrocketed 495% in January – 80% of All New Covid Cases Are Fully Jabbed

Protesters descend on Canadian Embassy in New York to oppose Trudeau’s crackdown on freedom protests

Project Veritas BOMBSHELL – FDA Executive Officer Says Biden Wants Everyone Jabbed YEARLY

Biden Admin’s COVID-19 Vaccine Deadline Went Into Effect for Most Healthcare Workers On Monday, February 14

What Are You Hiding, Joe? – The Biden Administration Begs Court to Bury A Bombshell Report on Dominion Voting Machines

A Witness Reveals in 2016 Presidential Campaign Hillary Used a Wheelchair, Couldn’t Walk a Block and Had a “Med Bag” with Her at All Times

A New UC Berkeley Poll Finds Governor Newsom Losing Ground With Voters – The significant drop in quality-of-life throughout the state is now reflecting poorly on the governor

WSJ: Senate Republicans Block Vote on Biden’s Fed Nominees  – Registering their opposition to the candidacy of Sarah Bloom Raskin as a top banking regulator

New data from Edmunds is full of shock value – 82% of American buyers paid over MSRP for a new car in January

The American Government Explained – Benjamin Franklin: A Republic If You Can Keep It

Are the JFK assassination lies finally coming apart? – Solid evidence shows that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone and that Kennedy was killed by a bullet fired from in front of his limousine

Joe Biden’s Economic Strategy Explodes Public Opposition to Open Door Migration – A huge 22-point shift in public opinion on preferred immigration levels

TechnoMetrica Poll: Two-Thirds Of DEMOCRATS Want The Hillary Spying, Fake Russia Charges Investigated – “Right now she is a certified political criminal”

Durham’s Jaw-Dropping Revelations – One characteristic of the Russiagate bombshells is that the mainstream press simply doesn’t cover them

The Silent Coup – The Deep State, including the Fourth Branch of government (the intelligence apparatus), went after Trump from the moment he came down the escalator

No-Excuse Absentee Voting Allows Special Interests To Manipulate Voters – Remote Electioneering attempts to influence or solicit votes among absentee voters between the time they receive their absentee ballot and the time they submit it

Are You Better Off Than You Were A Year Ago? – When Ronald Reagan was running against Carter in 1980, he asked Americans this question 

Elon Musk donated $5.7 billion to charity last year – It is one of the largest philanthropic donations in history

New York Representative Kathleen Rice joins growing the ranks of retiring House Democrats before the mid-terms

California is blackmailing students into getting vaccinated – The message seems to be that if enough children are vaccinated, then the masks can be removed

UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies Poll: Over half of Californians believe the state is going in the wrong direction

Reveling in the free life outside of California – No random garbage, no potholes, and not one homeless person

The Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index – Norway, Not USA, Is The ‘Greatest’ Democracy In The World

US Producer Price Inflation Unexpectedly Remains Near Its Record Highs In January

Russia Withdraws Its Troops From Ukraine Border After Media Said Invasion Was Imminent – “Western propaganda failed,” claims the Kremlin

Swamp Thing: Who is Colin Kahl? – Kahl and his sidekick Jake Sullivan both have a history of dirty tricks against President Trump and his administration

Tucker Carlson: “February 14, 2022 — The Day That Canada Abandoned Democracy and Became a Dictatorship”

Trudeau’s State Media Labels ‘Freedom’ A “Far Right” Concept – CBC piece claims freedom is now a “malleable term” and is “open to interpretation”

Ottawa Police Chief Resigns as Canada’s ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protest Persists – Chief Sloly had faced criticism from both sides regarding his handling of the trucker protests

Triple “Vaccinated” Deaths Skyrocketed 495% in January – 80% of All New Covid Cases Are Fully Vaccinated

Freedom Convoy Organizers Say They Notified Police After Being Told “Nefarious Elements” Plan To Discredit The Protest

Systemic Voting Issues In Pennsylvania’s Delaware County Are Even More Extensive Than Previously Known

Can Super-Shots and ‘Morality Pills’ End COVID? – The Worst Design Flaw in Medical History – Codon optimization is KNOWN to create completely unforeseen side effects

The Mandates Are Leaving Europe – Is Freedom Winning?

Follow the “Diversity” – New analysis quantifies the politicization of federal science grants

Was Bob Saget’s Death an Accident or NOT? – Doctor Says Skull Looked Like It Had a Baseball Bat Taken to It

86% Of White-Collar Workers Want A Permanent Hybrid Workweek Or They Will Quit

A rocket on course to crash into the moon is a China rocket not a SpaceX rocket as first reported

February 14, 2022

It took only 32 deaths to halt the 1976 Swine Flu shot campaign – Now, even though the VAERS database is run by the CDC and FDA, more than 23,000 deaths related to the COVID-19 vaccines have been reported

Reasons to Criticize Biden’s Intelligence on Russia – Overestimating the risk can be a self-fulfilling prophecy

Gas-Price Change, Not ‘Climate Change,’ Is What Matters to Americans – From the beginning, the Biden Administration has been hostile toward the fossil-fuel industry and has done the bidding of its environmental extremist supporters

Donald Trump: ‘I Was Proven Right About the Spying, and I Will Be Proven Right About The 2020 Election!’

“He Going to Deliver And IS Unraveling The BIGGEST Political Scandal in US History” – KASH PATEL DROPS Some BOMBS And Says Durham Interviewed 24 People So Far

The Latest Durham revelations put Biden’s national security adviser in an uneasy light – Jake Sullivan testified in 2017 it was “absurd” to suggest the Clinton campaign spread “fake Russian information.” Court evidence says otherwise

Todd Starnes: If They Could Spy on the White House, Then They Could Have Stolen the Election

The January 6 Pipe Bombs Look Like Another FBI Hoax – No one still trying to convince the public that two pipe bombs were planted near the Capitol in advance of January 6 can be believed

The Turtle Just Doesn’t Get It – Mitch McConnell refuses to change with the times, as his Cheney/Kinsinger comments show, so now it’s time to change him

Pelosi Is Forced to Backtrack After Stock Trading Revelations – She vigorously defended the policy of allowing members of Congress to trade stocks while in office as her wealth increased

Toronto Sun Editorial: Trudeau has gone too far – His unjustified invoking of the Emergencies Act is deeply problematic and will have long-lasting consequences for the country

Why Liberals Are So Afraid of the Truckers – When real labor awakens to the true parasitic nature of the Left, the whole system comes crashing down

Clinton Nominated U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff Says He’ll Toss Palin’s NY Times Libel Case Before Jury Verdict

California Health Secretary Ghaly Announces School Mask Mandate Will Stay in Place Until March

California Reinstates COVID Paid Sick Leave in Early Budget Action – COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave is required to be set forth separately from paid sick days

How the CDC Abandoned Science – Mass youth hospitalizations, COVID-induced diabetes, and other myths from the brave new world of science as political propaganda

Sharyl Attkisson: Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns – Updated

Where’s Hillary? – Hillary Clinton is in big trouble, the question now is what kind of felony charges are coming, if any

Fix the January 6 Committee – As presently constituted it is a panel of implacable Trump enemies tasked to portray the Capitol riot as the Battle of Fort Sumter and has been dismissed by much of the country

Then-Director Of National Intelligence John Radcliffe Told Special Counsel Durham: There Is “Enough Evidence To Indict Multiple People”

Biden Administration: The Ukraine Invasion Is Not ‘Imminent,’ Just ‘Imminent Enough’

Ukraine Wants Meeting With Russia to Discuss Border Troop Buildup

A Federal Judge Blocks A Key Biden Climate Change Executive Order Issued On His First Day In Office – It would factor in an alleged “social cost” for emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide when policymakers create rules

‘A very scary concept’: Energy ministers fearful of oil prices surpassing $100 a barrel

The Biden administration’s immigration policies choose to serve illegal immigrants instead of American citizen’s interests

A Pennsylvania Senate Candidate Airs “Let’s Go Brandon” Ad During Super Bowl

Thirteen police officers in different parts of the country were shot during a 24-hour time frame last Friday

Maskless Super Bowl Marks Our Return to Normalcy – This collective moment was a warning to the Covid regime that its strictures won’t stand much longer

Super Bowl Mask Hypocrisy On Display While Kids in School Still Have to Suffer – Virtually no one was wearing a mask,  particularly celebrities, including LeBron James, Mark Wahlberg, Sean Penn, Magic Johnson, and Matt Damon

All The Maskless Celebs At Super Bowl 2022, Along With Some Of Their Old Posts That Didn’t Age Well

2022 Super Bowl disappointments – Not much unity at the Super Bowl. But diversity exists there

Lt. Col. Allen West Leads Incumbent Greg Abbott in The Texas Gubernatorial Race

Trudeau plans to invoke Emergencies Act in response to protests – The Act grants cabinet ability to take special temporary measures that may not be appropriate in normal times

Justin Trudeau Tanks in the Polls with Both Supporters and Opponents of The ‘Freedom Convoy’

TD Bank Freezes Bank Accounts Connected to ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protest – TD Bank was put “on notice that their actions are improper and disappointing”

The Province of Ontario to Lift Vaccine Passport and All Capacity Limits March 1 – Capacity limits are lifting for restaurants and gyms this week

The Ruling Class And The Covid Coup – You don’t have to wade through the 280 pages of “The Great Reset” to appreciate how eagerly Covid and its sinister possibilities have been embraced by the upper reaches of our power structure

I&I / TIPP POLL I&I/TIPP Poll: As The SCOTUS Decision Looms, The Abortion Issue Still Sharply Divides Americans

Used Cars Are Surging In Price – The 10 Models That Are Leading The Price Explosion

The FDA Needs Reform and Biden’s Nominee Is Not the Person to Do I – Even Bernie Sanders says that Califf “would not be willing to stand up to the greed and power of the pharmaceutical industry”

WSJ: The U.S.- Canada Bridge Reopens After Police Clear Protesters

Both the left and the right now see Justin Trudeau as a pure tyrant – No matter the insults that are leveled at Trudeau, it appears that the Canadian people got the leader they deserve

European Energy Prices Soar As Western Media Hypes Imminent Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

A New Study Confirms Ivermectin Outperforms Other Options – Researchers used computational analyses to evaluate the performance of 10 medications against the Omicron variant

I Was Levi’s Brand President. I Quit So I Could Be Free – I turned down a $1 million severance in exchange for my voice

JD Rucker: The Pandemic Endgame: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Deciphers the Transhumanist Goals of Schwab and Gates And  Explains How We Win in the End

The Plan to Turn You Into a Genetically Edited Human Cyborg – In the transhumanist view, the human body is a “platform” that can be augmented in myriad ways, physically, psychologically, and socially

February 13, 2022

Democrats Declare An ‘Unconditional War on Racism’ – Establishing a $70bn “Department of Reconciliation” as a new federal agency

John Durham’s Explosive Motion – Once again Donald Trump has been proven right

John Durham: Democrats Paid to ‘Infiltrate’ President Trump’s White House Servers – Sussman “repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations”

How Biden and the Democrats Reignited Inflation – Their wild spending created excess demand during a major supply chain disruption

Declassified War Reports Break Just Days After The White House Claims They Don’t Exist – Part of the overall Abbey Gate investigation report that focused on the bombings that killed around 170 Afghans and 13 U.S. service members

China Aims To Be “World’s Most Influential Power” – The US Warns In New Indo-Pacific Strategy Release February 11

Five Rings or Fifth Columnists? – When Olympic athletes can pick and choose country affiliations it undermines the nation’s political principles welcoming diversity and multiculturalism among the cosmopolitan and fashionable elites

GiveSendGo is Hacked and Taken Offline And The Freedom Convoy Was Threatened with A Hate-filled Manifesto — Then They Posted the Personal Information of Freedom Convoy Donors Online

Jaw-Dropping Satellite Images Show Massive Reason Why the Winter Olympics Shouldn’t Be in China – Fake Snow

Is The White House Ukraine Crisis Manufactured? – Pelosi says if Russia doesn’t Invade Ukraine it proves the strength and brilliance of Joe Biden’s policy

Making Sense Of The Ukraine Standoff – Putin intends to assure that if Ukraine invades Donbas, the residents in Donbas will win

Newsom wants to end school masks, but California’s powerful teacher’s union says not yet – Democrats are caught in the middle of school the masking wars, and some blue states are lifting the rule

Washington’s COVID Scam Killed Medical Freedom And American Freedoms – COVID is simply the new flu, as the risk of COVID death for the general population is approximately 0.17% and even lower for children

Sharyl Attkisson: 60% of Americans dissatisfied with government’s regulatory involvement – It’s the lowest point since 2016 when Gallup first began tracking this measure

Durham’s allegations make Watergate look like small potatoes – But is his investigation just another cover-up operation?

US Taxpayer Dollars Are Flooding Back Into Afghanistan – For an ill-fated or wasteful list of humanitarian aid

February 12, 2022

California’s Homeless Housing Scam – Los Angeles is more than just a progressive failure, it is a false beacon to every troubled individual in America and tempting them with a lie

Trump demands prosecutions and reparations after explosive revelations in Durham court filing – “This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate”

Thousands Pour Into Ottawa Amplifying the Voice of Protest Around the Capital – Demanding an end to COVID-19 mandates and restrictions

Moderna’s CEO Just Dumped $400 Million in Stock and Deleted His Twitter Account

The Clinton campaign paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower and White House servers to link Trump to Russia

Bill Gates’ ‘deeply troubling’ ties to China – An excerpt from ‘Red-Handed’ by Peter Schweizer

The Biden Administration Urges an Obama Appointed U.S. District Judge Not to Allow Release of a ‘Secret Report’ on Dominion Voting Machines

John Durham Drops a ‘Shock and Awe’ Filing About Government Spying on Trump – More evidence of just how corrupt the DOJ and FBI are

The Surveillance & Political Spying Operations Highlighted by John Durham are the Tip of the Iceberg – Obama and Holder took the DOJ and FBI and retool them to only targeted one side of the political continuum

The US State Department is requiring Americans fleeing Ukraine to show proof of vaccination to enter Poland despite Poland not requiring proof of vaccination for travelers

“We’re At End Days Here” – The US Faces A Rampant Shortages Of 116 Different Pharmaceutical Drugs

JD Rucker: Dr. Li-Meng Yan Reveals CCP Plans to Spread A Hemorrhagic Fever Bioweapon Via Olympics – She Says the Cure is a Johnson & Johnson drug called Darzalexe

Excessive Show Of Force Used Against Truckers On Ambassador Bridge – Police wore black uniforms with yellow vests and were accompanied by tactical teams and snipers

Maru Poll: The freedom trucker protesters may spell the end of Trudeau’s career – Only 16 percent of Canadians would vote for him based on his actions over the last two weeks

The consequences of “Defund the Police” – This woke slogan caused mayhem in America’s working-class communities

Oakland California Truckers Are Overwhelmed By A Looming CARB Rule And Supply Chain Obstacles

The 20 Internet Giants That Rule The Web – The internet giants that evolved to stay on top and the ones that faded away

Canadian Police Begin Their Operation to Force A Shut Down of the Freedom Convoy – Snipers Have Been Spotted

Justin Trudeau Sends Police With Military Equipment to Take Down The Peaceful Canadian Border Bridge Protesters

Vote Every Single Democrat Out in November – America and the world will be better for it

Both The US & Russia Evacuate Their Embassies In Kyiv, Ukraine As The Crisis Enters Uncharted Territory

Putin Has Bigger Plans Beyond Ukraine – Are Northern Kazakhstan, Georgia, and other post-Soviet states next on the list?

NBC Admits The Genocide Games Are A Major Rating Bust: ‘For Us, It’s Been Difficult, There’s No Way Around This’

Boost gas production to avoid European-style energy crisis, the industry tells Biden

WSJ: The Hidden Ways Companies Raise Prices – Businesses pass their rising costs on to consumers with new fees, truncated services, and reduced contents in packaged goods, which don’t always show up in inflation data

‘Smear’: The Left Targets Clarence Thomas’ Wife as The Court Considers Overturning Roe vs Wade

The Supreme Court Rejects An Effort to Block Vaccine Mandate for NYC Schoolteachers Without Religious Exemptions

Jon Stewart: “Who Gets To Decide What’s ‘Misinformation’?”

According To The Department of Homeland Security – Mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) is being caused by “Domestic Terrorists” – Free Speech ends here

The COVID-19 Round Table in DC With Senator Ron Johnson – Early Treatment Is Critical, but People Are Silenced

Elon Musk Issues A Dire Warning About National Debt – The national debt is severely understated because the federal government does not acknowledge increases in future obligations

First-Time Homebuyer Affordability Worsens As Mortgage Rates Jump The Most Since 2013 Taper Tantrum

A New Threat to Life: The Internet of Underwater Things – Development of “smart oceans” is a part of the overall agenda of financialization of nature

Bertha Benz: The Journey That Changed Everything –  In a time when the word “car” was not even heard yet, and people relied on horses to pull their wagons, one woman challenged the status quo

Children have difficulty recognizing people who are wearing masks, according to a new study

The Omicron Variant Prevented More Deaths than the Vaccine this Winter, According to LA County Public Health Statistics

If you own a gun in California, prepare to give up your privacy if you have a kid living in your house

How to destroy the New World Order leaders’ power over you – A few ideas on how to remove your clicks and communications from plain site


February 11, 2022

Ben Shapiro: Biden’s Inflation Is Only The Beginning – The Real Problem Is Far, Far Worse

75% Of Californians Want Politicians To Share Vax Status: Survey

Ministry of Truth: Apple Makes It Harder for Ex-Employees to Get Jobs by Erasing Their Job Title At The Company

Congress is promoting a book club meeting in honor of Angela Davis, the radical communist activist who was involved in a California terrorist attack carried out by the Black Panthers

Poll: Most U.S. Voters ‘Support Removing Soft-on-Crime District Attorneys

YouTube’s Olympics Highlights Are Riddled With Propaganda – Their search engine is funneling sports fans into watching political content about China

The GOP Surges To A 6-Point Generic Ballot Lead In A New FDRLST/Susquehanna Poll

Our Greatest Domestic Threat Are Pro-Government Extremists – Republican leaders should vow to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and commence a clean sweep of the swamp’s pro-government extremist

Nebraska Joins The Call For A Convention Of States To Amend US Constitution And Rein In The Federal Government

Sharyl Attkisson: Trump speaks out on even more voter fraud in Wisconsin; Maggie Haberman’s made up stories and Pelosi’s out of control January 6 committee

California is considering a new law that would require all workers to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19

“An Absolute Mad Rush”: Californians Explain Why They’re Fleeing The State

Global Freedoms Hit ‘Dismal’ Record Low Amid The Covid Pandemic

Convoy Protesters Near Alberta Border Crossing Unite to Face Down the Police As All Link Arms and Refuse to Budge When Officers Arrive to Begin Making Arrests – The vastly outnumber police relent and leave

GiveSendGo Defies Fascist Canadian Govt. Order to Freeze Freedom Convoy Trucker Funds – GiveSendGo says there is no jurisdiction over their company in Canadian courts and that the Freedom Convoy will receive its funds as normal

Canadian Province Ontario Declares State of Emergency as GiveSendGo Defies Order to Withhold Donations to Truckers

NBC’s Disinformation on Academic Transparency – Parents deserve to know what their children are being taught in school in an era when public schools are increasingly incorporating the discriminatory tenets of CRT into all aspects of pedagogy

Republicans Introduce Brutal ‘HUNTER’ Act After Biden Moves for Taxpayer-Funded Crack Pipes

The White House says the Biden administration is preparing for a potential CA to DC trucker convoy

Study: Natural Immunity Protects Well Against Severe COVID-19

Since When Are Nurses the Enemy? – Healthcare professionals have been warned not to discuss any of the mistreatments, nor of the crippling side effects of the vaccines, strokes, neurological disorders, seizures, or heart attacks

JD Rucker: ‘This is Information Warfare’ – Dr. Malone Exposes The ‘Top Owner of Spotify Is Also A Top Owner of Moderna’

Family to File A Lawsuit After Tragedy Strikes A Heartland American Minutes After Receiving A COVID Jab

A 6-Year-Old With Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis is ‘Unable to Walk,’ as Reports of Deaths, Injuries After COVID Vaccines Climb Steadily

Robust Covid-19 Booster Protection Wanes After Four Months According To The CDC

The FDA Postpones Meeting on COVID Shots for Kids Under 5 After Pfizer Says Not Enough Data – Children’s Health Defense is asking everyone to send a message to the FDA asking the agency to Protect the Kids

The FDA Authorizes Emergency Use for A New Monoclonal Antibody Drug Amid $720 Million Deal

The Biden Administration Buys 600,000 Treatment Courses of New COVID Antibody Drug That Works Against Omicron

Authoritarian Science and the Case For Effective Use Of Hydroxychloroquine – The approach to medical information increasingly taken by authorities and the media is damaging to public health and scientific inquiry

Tottenham Hotspur Prepping Bid to Host Super Bowl in London in 2026 – They alrehostosts two regular-season NFL games per year

The CEO of major German medical manufacturer Dräger Suggests No Public Health Care for The Unvaccinated

Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee Say The  CIA Has a Secret Program That Collects Data on Americans

Bodycam Footage Shows The Capitol Police Striking The Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Died on January 6

Shoplift Has Reached Crisis Proportions – “It’s out of control, it is just out of control says” Lisa LaBruno, SVP of operations and innovation at the Retail Industry Leaders Association

If The DC Elites so Fear Trump, He Deserves Four More Years – Watching McConnell and his power bloc genuflect in support of Democrat and Deep State lies is truly revolting

This Time Is Different, The Fed’s Next “Minsky Moment” – The Fed must now choose between supporting asset prices and maintaining stability or combating inflation which is a lose-lose proposition

The bad inflation numbers are even worse than the government says – In 1990 & 1980 the government changed how it is calculated, so it would be over 15% using pre-1980 metrics and over 10% using pre-1990 metrics

Conservatives Were Right All Along – Expanded unemployment benefits kept millions of Americans from returning to work even as employers were desperate to hire workers

Why Is The Fed Suddenly Holding An Unscheduled “Expedited, Closed” Board Meeting On Monday?

Sheer Lunacy: Biden calls for huge new government Build Back Better spending to beat inflation – Ignoring the fact that “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon,” as Milton Friedman put it

Why Beijing’s Olympics are Downright Dangerous – The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is like the 1936 Berlin Olympics as each event is being used to showcase the host country’s glamour and fearful power

US Secretary of State Blinken: China is seeking to institute a new world order characterized by illiberalism that will allow it to dominate the world

Enes Kanter Freedom, the NBA’s leading voice on human rights and loudest critic of China’s genocide against its Uyghur Muslim population, finds himself at least temporarily out of the league after the Houston Rockets waived him on Thursday

Thank NATO for the New Russia-China Pact – While the U.S.-led NATO alliance was pursuing its muddled approach to Russia, Russia and China started patching up the holes in their relationship

Buried News: China setting up an airstrip close to Hawaii – China plans to upgrade an airstrip and bridge on the small island of Kanton, southwest of Hawaii

The US Immigration Agency Changes Its Mission – Removes Key Phrases “administering the nation’s lawful immigration system and securing the homeland,” that dilute its mission

Sharyl Attkisson: The Feds are being sued for information about US tax money spent to help illegal immigrants via Catholic Charities

Were Masks A Waste Of Time? – Endorsement of masking by medical bodies and public health authorities worldwide entailed the abandonment of a longstanding view that masks were a useless and even harmful intervention

Super Bowl Workers Concerned About Mandate Enforcement – ‘There is no way we will be able to comply, it won’t even be close’

Authors of Barrington Declaration Speak Out – By having everyone isolating at home and avoiding contact with others, herd immunity is postponed and the pandemic is prolonged

A Teacher Films Her Students’ Reaction After Hearing their Slave Masks Are Coming Off

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Says Restrictions Are Necessary to Prevent Further Restrictions – In other words, sacrifice your freedoms to get your freedoms back

Truck Drivers Are the Atlas that Finally Shrugged – If you want to know who keeps our world turning, it’s truck drivers, because nothing moves without truck drivers, absolutely nothing

The Workers’ Revolution Is Here, and Liberals Hate It – Trudeau’s government has maneuvered itself into a class conflict that can rapidly get out of control, Bonne chance!

Secret Recording: Canada Ontario Premier is About to Give Freedom Convoy a Huge Victory – “We’re pulling these passports,” Doug Ford says, “We’re going to get back to normal”

Trudeau warns that a trucker convoy crackdown is coming following a late-night meeting

Did Any Of The COVID Mandates, Closures, Lockdowns Do Anything? – Evidence is piling up that they were ineffective

Pfizer CEO On The True Effectiveness Of Their Vaccine – “Two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection if any”

Documents Published Wednesday by a Prominent Medical Journal Expose Efforts By Big-Pharma To Kill Africa’s COVID Vaccine Project

February 10, 2022

The Navy Releases Timeline For Mysterious 2019 “UAS Warship Swarm” Off CA – An official unredacted presentation shows how an encounter with the swarm went down, as well as an infrared image supposedly showing the vehicles

Former Senior FDA Official: Manufacturers And The FDA Are Negligent In Not Investigating Covid-19 Vaccine Risks To Heart Health

WSJ: California’s Laughing Rail Stock – The bullet train’s price tag goes up again, this time to $105 billion

It’s Time to Cashier McConnell – He is positioning his party to condemn itself for a protest objecting to an election that has, for 71 percent of Republicans, the obvious appearance of mass corruption

‘The Worst 1st Year of a US President’ – The Major Networks Ignore This Apocalyptic Biden Polling

LGBTQ Picture Books for Young Children – Teachers are requiring them in their curriculum, with so many written that it has emerged as a subgenre in its own right

The rapid rate of rising prices overwhelms wage hikes – The last month Trump was in office, inflation was just 1.6%

The Biden Economic Fiasco Is Manmade – He Did That in Three Ways

License to Misinform – Gavin Newsom defends California’s lockdown policies by using dodgy data

We Still Don’t Know How Many Crimes Bail Reform Caused – Misleading and incomplete data stymie an important public-safety debate

Truckers Winning and Trudeau Losing – 4 Canadian Provinces Roll Back COVID Mandates Amid The Freedom Convoy

JD Rucker: The Totalitarian Canadian Government BLOCKS GiveSendGo Donations From Going to The Freedom Convoy Truckers With The Help Of Their Superior Court

California Senators and Assembly Members Are Exempt From The COVID Vax Mandate, but Capitol Staffers Must Get Boosters – Capitol Staff from both parties are not happy with this unfair arrangement

These Are The Countries Where COVID-19 Vaccination Is Mandatory

A New York State Appeals Court Temporarily Allows New York Times to Publish Project Veritas Documents – The rationale for the decision wasn’t given by the Democrat-appointed Justices

What Role Did Hillary Clinton “Fan Boy” Adam Parkhomenko Play in The Joe Rogan Hit? – PatriotTakes and Meidas Touch have been fighting relentlessly to make the Rogan story as viral as possible

Why wouldn’t the U.S. military be furious with the Biden Administration’s Afghanistan disaster? –  We are finally getting the truth about what happened in Afghanistan and as some of us suspected, it’s not a pretty story

United Nations: ISIS-K has nearly doubled in size following the Taliban prison releases

The DC Metropolitan Police Beating of An Unconscious Trump Supporter Was Ruled ‘Objectively Reasonable,’ Department Rules Internal Affairs Bureau conducted a probe in response to a police-brutality complaint

The US Congress passes bill easing sexual misconduct complaints at work

Annual inflation reaches 7.5 percent, highest rate since February 1982

WSJ: Higher Inflation Is Probably Costing You $250 a Month – Those feeling the price squeeze the most are Millennials, Latinos, and the middle-class Americans

Bidenflation: American Families Face Steeply Higher Prices on Beef, Bacon, Chicken, Fish, and Even the Kitchen Table

Biden’s oil nightmare – If you think the highest overall inflation rate in 40 years is bad, get ready for the real shock coming to a gas pump near you

North American Automakers Shutter Production Amid Canadian Trucker Blockade

The New High-Level Biden Nuclear Energy Hire Is A Drag Queen Who Wears Stilettos to Work, Discusses Sex With Animals, And Calls NIH Chief ‘Daddy Fauci’.

Justin Trudeau Under Fire: He Faces The Second Day of Insults and Heckles in the Canadian Parliament

Unilever Reveals “Shocking” Margin Outlook Blamed On Soaring Commodity Costs – Global investors are on the edge of their seats this morning ahead of the inflation data from the US

A Color Map of the Fronts of World War III – The Reds, Greens, and Blues have infiltrated Western societies and gained substantial influence and control over politicians, institutions, the media, and Big Tech while the Whites remain passive

What the Truckers Want – According to interviews with some 100 of the protestors gathered in the Canadian capital, what’s happening is far bigger than just the vaccine mandates

Is America Next? – Biden Stares Down Possibility of Massive Truck Protest Just Like the One in Canada

The ABA Is Forcing Wokeness on Law Schools – Their race-focused educational mandate is being forced on law schools through the American Bar Association’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions

The Mystery of the Migrant Kids the Feds Are Spiriting Into the U.S. Interior – Because they don’t want to attract attention

The Pentagon Is Now FLOODING Its Own Medical Database With Fabricated Injuries for the period 2016-2020 to Make The Explosive Covid Vaccine Injuries of 2021 Look “Normal”

The US Appeals Court Said On Wednesday It Will NOT Reinstate Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Federal Employees

The ‘Open Everything’ Meltdown Exposes the Covid Psychosis – We are about as protected as we’re ever going to get

Sweden Declares the Pandemic to be “Over” – The Country that refused to impose strict lockdown rules exits COVID-19 nightmare first

According To 130+ UK Doctors – Failed COVID Policies Caused “Massive” Harm, Especially To Children

How Vaccine Discrimination Caused Dangerous Hospital Care Shortages In Wisconsin – The depths of Covid corruption at Gundersen Health System can’t fit on one page, and that one hospital is just the tip of the iceberg

Prosecuting Fauci and cohorts for COVID-related crimes – Neither of the two most important Nuremberg Code standards were adhered to by medical professionals & governmental officials who mandated the COVID-19 experimental vaccines

Gavin Newsom refuses to say whether his kids are vaxxed – The Sacramento press corps won’t ask and we know why

Denial of Natural Immunity in Vaccine Mandates Is Unprecedented – New data from the CDC show that prior COVID-19 infection, i.e., natural immunity, is more protective than COVID-19 injections

The Doctor Who Discovered The Omicron Variant Says She Was Pressured to NOT Reveal it Was Mild, but she declined

Scientists In Hungary Discover Genetic Material Suggesting COVID Came From Chinese Lab Soil sample  – Contradicts the animal to human explanation

More European Countries Role Back Their COVID-19 Restrictions – With France, Greece, and Portugal Being The Latest

The Democrats’ Sudden Flip-Flop On COVID – It Isn’t  ‘The Science,’ It’s Just Plain Old Politics

Sharyl Attkisson: With the deadline looming, DC Police fight the Covid-19 vaccine mandates

BLM is imploding – The states of CT, MN, MD, NJ, NM, NV, and VA have all revoked BLM’s charitable registration, while CA and WA are threatening to hold the nonprofit’s officers personally liable for its lack of financial transparency

February 9, 2022

Law Licenses Suspended for The McCloskeys – The Missouri Couple Who Held Off Protesters Outside Their Home

Fertilizer Prices Spike and Chinese Import Reliance Threatens US Agriculture Security – Fertilizer prices have risen more than 100 percent for all major nutrients required for crop production since September 2020

ARE YOU A  TOP TERRORIST THREAT TO AMERICA? – The feds consider the proliferation of what they consider false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions, a clear threat

The DHS: Americas Thought Police – The transition from tracking terrorism to chasing thought crime has a major advantage, it exonerates U.S. counterterrorism officials from the meddlesome job of catching actual terrorists

Biden Pays Army Salaries to an Iranian Ally –The new salary assistance program for the Lebanese military is ‘cleverly’ structured to evade U.S. law

Sharyl Attkisson: Due to a significant backlash from the public and lawmakers, the IRS will no longer require taxpayers to send a “video selfie” to verify their identity, to access online services

‘Something Isn’t Right’: Dozens of Lawmakers Call on Joe Biden to ‘Immediately’ Undergo Cognitive Test

Is Biden’s Midterm Going to be Obama 2.0? – A Red Wave is likely this November that will flip both the House and Senate

The COVID pivot: Democrats do a 180 on their pandemic response and attempt to rewrite history before the upcoming mid-term elections

The U.S. ‘Poised’ to Be First to Give The Dangerous Pfizer Shot to Infants and Toddlers

A GOP Representative Says Staff Made Chilling Discovery in His Office Mail, Then Realized What Biden’s DOJ Had Done

The CDC refuses to update its mask guidance or indicate when it will – When asked about guidance on masking they deferred to local leaders

HERE’S THE LIST: 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events

COVID Cruelty – Evidence shows the line between being overly cautious and just plain cruel has been crossed repeatedly

Secondary vaccine effects that are shown in the Pfizer Preprint – Here is a retrospective study on the data that I collected

California Assemblyman James Gallagher Voted in as Republican Minority Leader

The Freedom Convoy Protest in Ottawa Is Protected by the Charter, Legal Group Supporting Truckers Tells Police

CPAC 2022 Is Vitally Important for the West – The mission: rescue back our freedoms from the clutches of the Left

The Biden family is a criminal enterprise as defined in the RICO Act – A continuation of the DC swamp’s business as usual of interconnected organized crime activity

The Capitol Police have been fully weaponized against Republicans – For those who think that January 6 was an entrapment scheme, it would appear that the Capitol police were part of the plan

The Capitol Punishment 2021 Documentary Updated – Told through the eyes of the people who were there on the ground, true story of what happened on January 6, 2021

A Very Strange Fellow Is Our Joe – Our more than slightly off-plumb president is a fount of odd and counterintuitive claims

“A Global Entity Of Forced Thought” – Project Veritas Releases A Video Detailing The ESPN’s “Toxic” Workplace

Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Business

The science of COVID has not changed at all, but the polling sure has – Democrats representing the bluest parts of the country and their allies in the media have done one of the most stunning about-faces in recent memory

COVID-19: A Second Opinion Updated – A group of world-renowned doctors and medical experts provided a different perspective on the global pandemic response

The Science On Covid And Masking Kids Hasn’t Changed, Only The Politics Has

The seven Liberal states announcing an end to their mask mandates

Governor Youngkin the Conqueror – His effort to make masking optional in Virginia schools scores a big win in the state senate

The Charade is over: New South Wales and Israel data confirm that the fully vaccinated and boosted are the vast majority of deaths and serious cases of so-called COVID-19

Anthony Fauci & His Bioethicist Wife Christine Grady Argued for LOWER Care Standards in A Recently Unearthed Paper

L.A. County Supervisors Vote to Start Firing 4,000 Unvaccinated LASD Police Officers

Coronavirus  is in Retreat: Global Case Counts Plunge 17% in Past Week

Across America, teachers are going to war against students over wearing masks

California Governor Newsom is determined to keep children in masks – While he goes about bare-faced whenever and wherever he pleases

Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index: Used Car Prices Arrive At Yet Another Major Inflection Point

How Fact-Checking Is Controlled and Faked – It is one part of the campaign to control what you see online, and therefore what you think and how you perceive reality

TRUTH Social’s Goal is To Become America’s “Big Tent” social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology – Click Here To Sigh-Up

Can the GOP Become the Party of the Working Class? – Marco Rubio is betting on it

WSJ: The White House Approves Plan to Help Americans Leaving Ukraine if Russia Attacks – U.S. troops will set up checkpoints and tent camps inside Poland’s border to help Americans who leave Ukraine

What’s the Deal With Mike Pence? – He has sold out Trump, The MAGA Nation, and the America First agenda

February 8, 2022

A view on Beijing’s Winter Games – China says the Olympics must be about sport alone, but the CCP is using this event to breed a nationalist ethos to cement its legitimacy

A DHS Terrorism Bulletin Warns of Terror Threat From People “Spreading False Narratives” That Undermine Trust in Government

Fusion GPS Didn’t Only Work on Steele Dossier, They Worked on Nearly Every Key Anti-Trump Narrative Coming from DOJ and The Mueller Gang

Eileen Gu’s Olympic Gold for China Thrust Her Questioned Citizenship Status Into the Spotlight  – Amid ongoing political tension between the country where she lives and the country she represents at the Winter Games

Another $5 billion added to the cost of California´s long-delayed high-speed rail line – Estimates just released show it could take $105 billion to finish the route from San Francisco to Los Angeles

The Blue Stack Strikes Back At Rogan – The welding of media, government bureaucracy, big corporations, and banking together into a partisan weapon to punish dissenters points the way toward an ugly future

Ouch: Just 8% watch CNN ‘every day’ – A combined 71% said they are in the “occasional” to “never” watch category

A Leaked Email Exposes The Plot to Get Warrants Against Unmasked Students in Loudoun County

Revenge of the Covid Moms – “This is the year that parents say: You’re either with us or against us”

Please Don’t Call This ‘Science’: How The FDA And CDC Justified The Approval of Moderna’s Spikevax

INFOGRAPHIC: Approved and Non-FDA Approved COVID-19 Treatments

A Renowned Physician Experienced in Investigating Biological Warfare Challenges Her Medical Board’s Misinformation Allegation

Saskatchewan, Canada to End Vaccine Mandates on February 3 – Masking will no longer be required starting March 1

Alberta, Canada To Scrap Vaccine Passport Program And Announces A Path To Lifting ‘Almost All’ Restrictions

The Freedom Convoy Is Producing Results As Mandates and Restrictions Are Dropping Across Canada

Border Patrol Union: Lucky If We Seize 5 Percent Of Fentanyl Pills Coming Across Border

A College Kid Cracks The Code To Track Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg’s Private Jet Flights

The 2022 Oscars nominations say it all about the sorry state of cinema – They spotlight the Oscars’ utter irrelevance

You Have Probably Notices All The Interracial Couple TV Commercials That Skew American Demographics

NBC’s ‘Cataclysmic’ Olympics-Coverage Flop – The Associated Press elaborates: “Through the first four nights of competition, NBC is on track for the lowest-rated Winter Games in history”

Why Is Biden Undermining the Ukrainian Resistance? – Putting personal politics first or endorsing a New World Order?

Billionaire Peter Thiel To Leave The Facebook Board To Help “Advance The Trump Agenda”

Canadian Elites Created The Ottawa Crisis And Have No Idea How To End It – Mainstream media has been telling us Hungary and Poland are incubators of authoritarianism but we should have been worried about Canada and Australia

The Trudeau Government Threatens to Criminally Target Americans Who Donated to the Freedom Convoy 2022

Trudeau faces the heat for not meeting with the Freedom Convoy protesters and his comments have raised criticism regarding his approach

Woke Hiring by Airlines is A Scary Business – To see how this might impact safety one only needs to examine third-world airline safety records

Pelosi’s Capitol Cops Tried to Sneak Into GOP Congressman’s Office Dressed as Construction Workers And Illegally Took Photos of Legislative Documents Of Representative Troy Nehls from Texas

Joe Rogan Should Take Rumble’s Offer – Spotify has been trying to have its cake and eat it too, which isn’t good enough

What If We Have a Booming Economy and Nobody Shows Up? – Plunging Labor-Force Participation Rates Is A Big Problem

Why A 50% Decline Will Only Be Considered A Market Correction

Britain’s largest supermarket chain warned “the worst is yet to come” on food inflation as the cost-of-living crisis pulverizes the working poor

Which European Countries Are The Most Dependent On Russian Gas?

The Inconvenient Truth About Electric Vehicles – By Executive Order and an associated Action Plan, Biden’s administration calls for 50% of all new vehicles sold in America by 2030 to be EVs

The Biden administration wants to make life easier for minority crack addicts – Their theory is if the drug addicts have a nice safe place to shoot up, fewer of them will die

More and more Democrats embrace ending mask mandates as new omicron cases plummet across the US

Biden’s People Reverse Course To Redefine COVID Hospitalizations – Hospitals to retroactively separate cases of those hospitalized because of COVID-19 from those who were hospitalized for other reasons and later test positive for the virus

Austrians Are Being Stopped Randomly By Authorities And Forced To Prove They Are Vaccinated – It is now ILLEGAL in the country to be unvaccinated

A Vaccine Wake-Up Call From Our Friends In Canada – EXPOSED, suppressed statistics on the shocking increase in vaccine injuries among young and otherwise able-bodied soldiers

Robert W Malone MD, MS: A Health Public Policy Nightmare – The vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers… protein production of the spike is higher than those of severely ill COVID-19 patients!

Pfizer Seeks COVID Shot Authorization for Children Under 5 – Even though their data raise massive safety concerns, as they received 42,086 injury reports, including 1,223 fatalities in the first 2.5 months of their COVID jab rollout for adults

FDA and CDC Duplicity on Covid-19 Vaccines – Was their motive to protect the Big-Pharma from exposure to liability and a tsunami of litigation?

The Chilling Effect Of Big-Tech Censorship – Often defined as “a usually undesirable discouraging effect or influence”

Rumble’s Special Purpose Acquisition Company Explodes Higher After Their CEO Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million “To Make The World A Better Place”

The Mask Debate is Over: The NYT Retreats on School Masking as Democrat Governors Scrap Their Mandates

The Newsom Administration Announces An End of Statewide Mask Mandate on February 15th – Residents “are just tired of the mask mandate after two years”

Senator Ron Johnson asks where 40,000 illegal immigrants are –The roughly 80% of aliens that received a notice to appear (NTA) after receiving a notice to report (NTR) between March 21, 2021, and December 5, 2021”

Why The Joe Rogan-Spotify Fight Will Define Free Speech For Us – The left wants him canceled because he supposedly aired misinformation about COVID, even though he didn’t

February 7, 2022

Is China Using COVID Quarantines to Rig the Winter Olympics? – Athletes Blow the Lid

Over half the deaths that were seen by this funeral director were likely caused by the COVID vaccines – He is not alone in seeing this as all his other embalmer friends are seeing it too

Arizona’s AG Says His State Is Under ‘Invasion’ From Illegal Migrants, Threatens To Defy Biden And Defend The Border

Kill the vax mandates with a truck blockade of the Super Bowl – Wayne Allyn Root has a Step 2 should stopping the big game not cause politicians to back off

Why Weren’t These Vaccines Put Through the Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology, Asks a Former Pharmaceutical Research Scientist

The Pentagon’s RESPONSE to the explosive DOD medical data is an even bigger story than the data itself

The Russia-Ukraine crisis – China is America’s biggest enemy, US foreign policy should be based on what’s best for preserving American freedom and prosperity

There Is No Shot at a Fair Trial For The January 6 Defendants – Biden’s DOJ relies on the Beltway trifecta, partisan federal judges, news outlets, and prospective jurors to codify its punitive prosecution and criminalize political dissent

Destruction of Traditional Culture Is Key to A Successful Marxist Revolution – Traditional culture, institutions, and values prevented communist revolutions in advanced capitalist societies

Why Those Supposed ‘Transitory’ Supply Chain Issues Will Be Here for a While – To quote General Omar Bradley, “amateurs talk about strategy, professionals talk about logistics”

‘God-Given Rights’: Truck Drivers Plan Big California-to-DC Convoy to Protest COVID Mandates

Conrad Black: What To Do With the Left After Their Coming Spanking – Soon wokeness, American self-hate, foreign appeasement along with the indulgence of criminal and corrupt organizations like Black Lives Matter will end

Devin Nunes and Trump Media and Technology Group Take on Silicon Valley – Nunes’ goal is to make Truth Social the central node in a pro-free speech communications infrastructure

Rumble CEO Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million and Emphasizes “This Is Totally Legit”

Vulnerable Democrats Begin Distancing Themselves from Biden as The Midterms Loom – At least two Senate Democrats stand to lose their seats in swing states

There Is Outrage as Biden Gives A Soros Nonprofit $164 Million to Help Criminal Migrants Escape Punishment

Biden To Set Free Would-Be 9/11 Hijacker – Another terrorist imprisoned in Guantanamo to walk free

A Federal Court Judge Temporarily Blocks Pfizer’s Motion to Intervene in The Vaccine Information Case

The LA County Sheriff’s Department Could Lose 4,000 Employees Because of Their COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Office For National Statistics – Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine increases Children’s risk of Death by 5100% – The difference in death rates among those vaccinated against Covid-19 and their unvaccinated counterparts in England and Wales

INSANE: The Austrian Government Authorizes Dystopian Vaccine Registry and Imposes COVID Restrictions Through January 2024 – Will Begin Pulling Drivers Over at RANDOM and FINING UN-BOOSTED Citizens Next Month

JD Rucker: Roger Stone Plans to Sue the RNC for Enabling the 2020 Election Theft

Horowitz: The Pentagon’s RESPONSE to the explosive DOD medical data is an even bigger story than the data itself

Four Republican Attorney Generals will investigate GoFundMe following removal of the Canadian trucker fundraiser – West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey was the one to get the ball rolling

Rumble’s Offer To Joe Rogan – It’s a serious offer, but here are questions as to whether Rogan could even take

The Biden agenda is dead, dead, dead – On CNN’s State of the Union program Joe Manchin said, “Build Back Better, as it has been presented over, what, the last seven, eight, nine months, that bill no longer will exist”

Trump On the First Thing He Would Do If He Is President Again – Restart wall construction on the southern U.S. border

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Don’t Agree That Biden’s Supreme Court Pick Must Be One Gender And One Race

Teachers call in sick to protest their new conservative school board in Colorado

Tickets to this year’s Super Bowl most expensive on record – The average price of a ticket to this year’s Super Bowl is about double that for Super Bowl LLI, the last championship the Rams competed in back in 2019

We need criminal control, and fast – Remember, the problems are in cities run by Democrat mayors and city councils

New Jersey’s Democrat Governor Phil Murphy announces an end to their school mask mandate

Whistleblower Videos Show Systemic Issues With Pennsylvania Elections

Israeli Police Hacked Phones Without Authority to Target Netanyahu – The Evidence Would Be Inadmissible in U.S. Courts

Put Fauci in the crosshairs – It would be marvelous if he were held accountable in the mother of all class-action lawsuits

Covid-19 Restrictions Remain Frozen Under Joe Biden Even Though Some Democrat Governors Loosen Their Mandates

Australia Is Finally Ready To Reopen To Tourists After Their 2 Years Of COVID Lockdowns

Russia, Ukraine, and the price of oil – Sanctions won’t help as oil is a fungible commodity so there will always be a market for Russian oil somewhere

Victory: The Freedom Convoy Successfully Pressures Canadian Province Alberta Into Dropping Covid Restrictions

Micro Blood Clots: How Both Covid AND mRNA “Vaccines” Harm and Kill People

Vaccinated Middle School and High School Athletes Performed Worse Than The Un-Vaccinated Control Group

The New Global Attack to Censor Dr. Mercola – The CCDH claims Substack content is “so bad no one else will host it”

February 6, 2022

Father-Daughter Dances Are No Longer Politically Correct – The NY Department of Education decrees that school culture should be supportive to all genders, including girls, boys, transgender, gender nonconforming, and so on

‘The Genocide Games’: NBC Bows to Communist China And Refuses to Run A Critical Ad from A US Congressman

Why Biden Will Pick a Radical Replacement for Breyer – Democrats needs a major confirmation fight with the Republicans to whip up their base

Mike Pence’s Former Chief of Staff Makes Major Admission About 2020 Election

The Revolution Has Come For Joe Rogan – The Biden Administration has adopted Taliban-Like tactics, calling for their critics to be silenced by the Administration’s corporate and media allies

Ben, who has been homeless in San Francisco for 7 years, says the “vast majority” are homeless due to addiction and just 6-7% are from the SFO area – Ben says he “boosts” (shoplifts) and breaks into cars to pay for his $60/day heroin habit

Big Tech vs the working class – GoFundMe’s withholding of donations to the Canadian truckers is a foul, classist attack on democracy

Ottawa Canada Police & SWAT Teams Raid The Freedom Trucker’s Camp Seizing Fuel Supplies of Peaceful Protesters

The FBI Was Just Caught In A Secret Plot Against Steve Bannon

The Xi-Putin Olympics Summit Is Clearly – And Primarily – Anti-US

More police officers killed in the line of duty under President Biden’s leadership than in prior years since 1995

The Cost To Launch Space Flights Before And After SpaceX Entered The Scene

The CDC Changes The COVID Vaccine Schedule For People With Weak Immune Systems to Address Heart Inflammation

More Important Ivermectin Study Results – Plus prescribing drugs “off label’ is important, and the “emergency” is over

Justin Trudeau Shows How Manipulative and Pathetic the Global Elites Are – “Every word he says he is a lie. A nose as long as the trucker‘s convoy.” Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

2022 Could Be “Even Crazier” Than 2021 For Supply Chains – Part 1 of an exclusive interview with shipping analyst J Mintzmyer

NY Times Warns: Republicans Can Use January 6 Committee’s Precedent to Pursue Democrats After Midterm Elections

What are Republicans really for? – Thirteen points that Republicans are for — or should be

Look with dawning horror at the presidential line of succession – Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Leahy all lead to disaster

California School District Threat – If Kids Protest Mask Mandate We Will Call Child Protective Services On Parents

The FDA and Doctors’ Group Reach Agreement on The Production of Pfizer Vaccine Documents


Covid Lockdowns Have Had Little To No Public Health Benefits – And have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted

February 5, 2022

Time Is Running Out for their COVID Coverups – Joe Rogan and Spotify aren’t in trouble for spreading false information but for embarrassing the media and government officials who themselves pushed false information

Los Angeles hires extra security and plans to fine unmasked Super Bowl fans $500

A U.S. Marine and NYPD Intelligence Officer: The “war on police” is very, very real – open your eyes, America

The Mob Keeps Coming To Silence Joe Rogan, But Joe Rogan Is Bigger Than The Mob, If He Recognizes It Or Not

China Olympics Disaster: Ratings Crater as Reporter Dragged Off Camera by Authorities While He Is Broadcasting On-Air

Democrats Are Responsible for the War on Cops – They have pushed the idea that criminals are the victims

Facebook Meta’s Shocking Internal Memo Regarding Their Approval of Human Smuggling Ads on FB

Biden Exhibits Symptom of Dementia, Speaks Complete Gibberish for 11 Seconds – Click on the Twitter Link

Republicans Defeated by Eric Holder’s Nationwide ‘Gerrymandering’ Plot

Trump Responds, Criticizes Pence Over Comments Regarding January 6

Thousands Converge in Ottawa as Trucker Convoy Protest Enters Week 2

Alex Berenson: Six critical questions about the Covid vaccines scientists need to answer ASAP

Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021

16 States File New Challenge to Biden Administration’s Health Care Worker COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

The First Casualty Of Resistance Is The Truth – THE MORE THEY LIE . . . THE MORE WE LEARN THE TRUTH

Regarding the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database Data Dump – Artifact, smoking gun, or something in between?

‘Let’s Make a Deal:’ The Newsom Administration Inks a Backroom Deal With Kaiser for Statewide Medi-Cal Health

NBC’s Opening Coverage of Genocide Games – 7.25 million viewers on NBC vs the previous low of 8.5 million for the final night of competition at last year’s Tokyo Summer Olympics

Sharyl Attkisson: Americans expect inflation to persist over the next six months according to a recent Gallup poll

Can the Border Patrol survive Joe Biden? – The Biden administration has transformed and imperiled the mission of the Border Patrol through migration policies that have led to a crisis at the southern border

Rush Limbaugh’s Lesson for Joe Rogan – Could you even imagine a scenario where aging rockers Neil Young and Joni Mitchell could team up and force Rush Limbaugh to make an apology, and possibly moderate his content going forward?

NATTERING NANCY’S NAUSEATING PALAVER – Advising Olympic athletes to shut up and play ball lest they offend their totalitarian Communist hosts

Big Data Leads To Social Cooling – If you feel you are being watched, you change your behavior and Big Data is supercharging this effect

Has the US Government Declared War on Its Citizens? – By devaluing its currency, pushing waves of migrants across its borders, undermining the security of its elections…

State Attorneys General are Now Looking Into GoFundMe for Seizing $10 Million from Freedom Convoy – To redistribute to charities of their choice

Why Ivermectin was Disappeared – It’s easy to suspect that the FDA, the NIH, and CDC understand the potential benefits of Ivermectin and other repurposed drugs, but realize the threat to Big Pharma to which they are financially entwined

The DC March to Defeat the Mandates – An estimated 30,000 to 50,000 Americans marched to the Lincoln Memorial, where dozens of speakers, scientists, doctors, academics, and media personalities gave a series of inspiring talks


February 4, 2022

EXCLUSIVE: Trump on Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘China Is Going to Have Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan

Is this the end of CNN’s left-wing bias? Billionaire Trump donor, who is the largest shareholder of the network’s new owner Discovery, wants to restore it to impartiality – And INSISTED on Jeff Zucker’s departure after his affair was exposed

Athletes Notice Incredibly Creepy People as They Wander Communist China’s Olympic Village

Hunter Biden’s ‘Disgusting’ Laptop: Repairman Reveals What Had Him Calling the FBI

WSJ: When Asked ‘What Are Your Pronouns,’ Don’t Answer – A seemingly innocuous question masks a demand for conformity with a regressive set of ideas

GoFundMe Steals The Money Meant For Canadian Truckers to Redistribute to Liberal Charities of Their Choice

Elon Musk slams GoFundMe as “professional thieves” – Point to their blatant hypocrisy due to their support for the non-peaceful CHAZ/CHOP occupation that took place in Seattle back in 2020

The Fake News Mainstream Media Including FOX News COMPLETELY Ignore D’Souza’s Earth-Shattering “2000 Mules” Documentary Trailer

The Great Power Competition: Mirroring Communist China – Suppose we had done to China what they have done to us?

World Food Prices Accelerating and Set For Record High – What’s noteworthy is that inflation isn’t hitting everyone equally

Spotify Takes New Action Against Joe Rogan – They appear to have removed approximately 70 episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience”

CCP Goons Drag Away A Dutch Reporter Doing A Live Olympic Interview – Apparently in a non-approved location

Opting Out of Whiteness For decades, immigrants fought to be considered white – Now that trend is reversing

We Now Know How Many Americans Biden Left Behind in Afghanistan – As many as 9,000

War Mania Leads The White House To Condemn A US Senator As A Russian Propagandist – They will not tolerate any dissent against their war messaging on Russia

Michael Avenatti faces 22 years after conviction for wire fraud and aggravated identity theft charges

Artificial Intelligence ‘Nanny’ Devices Are Being Created By Chinese Scientists To Grow Babies In Robot Wombs

Bad news for the vaccinated: The Omicron mRNA booster doesn’t work against Omicron In animal tests and produced FEWER antibodies to both Omicron and the original virus than a third shot of the original Moderna vaccine

Dr. Robert Malone: This Mass Formation Madness Must Stop – The effects of abuse, neglect, and harms done to children can and will pass through generations

The Vaccines Are Prolonging The Covid-19 Pandemic – People must be held accountable. It is even more criminal that millions of people have needlessly died worldwide because available early treatment was withheld 

‘Vaccine Mania’: Fauci and Big Pharma Detail Plans for ‘Indefinite’ Rollout of Shots – During a virtual meeting held on the first day of the World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda 2022

The ‘Science’ of Manipulation – There’s an entire field of research dedicated to developing messaging to persuade “vaccine-hesitant” individuals to get the COVID-19 vaccine – None of it has anything to do with the facts

Russian President Vladimir Putin & Chinese President Xi Jinping, In Lengthy Statement, Blast US “Antagonism” From Europe To Asia

Here’s a weird fact: All Chinese visitors to America might be spies – With increasing frequency, we’re seeing news stories about suspicions that Chinese visitors to the US, be they students or business people, are engaged in espionage

Russia has agreed to a 30-year contract to supply gas to China via a new pipeline and will settle sales in euros, bolstering an energy alliance with Beijing amid Moscow’s strained ties with the West over Ukraine and other issues

A shady funding network is pushing Biden’s hand for SCOTUS pick – Arabella Advisors may not be a familiar name, but chances are they fund one or more liberal causes you are familiar with

Democrats lack moral footing, and that is fine with them – Consider the Marxist revolutionary slogan, By any means necessary, or BAMN

WSJ: Mexican Border Arrests Hit New Record – Last Year U.S. agents made 1.9 million arrests during the surge in crossing attempts but released fewer migrants into the U.S. versus prior years

Here Is What’s Behind Today’s Stunning Payrolls Beat – This is the month when the BLS adjusts data for the past 10 years as part of its population estimates revisions, which impact both the Household and more important, Establishment, surveys

January Payrolls Will Be A Bloodbath – For at least the next 3-4 months we are living in the “economic weakness and that’s why several Fed officials have already made clear that they will discount weak data as temporary

Losing Control – Bad policy has unleashed violent criminals on New York City streets

Chesa Boudin is starting to sweat – As his office appears to now be a dumpster fire of controversies.

Democrats’ Quest For Zero Cancer Deaths, Road Deaths, And Covid Deaths – It must be nice to be a Democrat in 2022 as you don’t have to be constrained by the truth, reality, or the consequences of ignoring them – Isn’t postmodernism great!

The making of a modern Republican – Triggered by 2016, who had the power and who has the power NOW?

Are You Prepared For $200 Per Barrel Oil? – Remember, the solution to high oil prices…is high oil prices because high prices motivate oil producers to generate more supply and as supply increases, price decreases

Democrats Are Pushing Gun Registry as Precursor to Gun Ban – Even though Federal law explicitly prohibits the creation of a federal firearm registry

The bear awakens from a long, uneasy slumber and everything bubble related is now in trouble

Cheney and Kinzinger Suffer A Devastating Blow as The RNC Moves Forward with Censuring Them

The European Union Wants To Keep Vaccine Passports In Place For Another Year – Despite studies revealing vax passes have NO IMPACT on reducing infection rates, and despite multiple European countries SCRAPPING restrictions

How a War on Supposed ‘Misinformation’ Led To a Coronavirus Tragedy – Spectacular falsehoods, deep truths, and Canadian truckers are finally piercing the long-impervious Covid storyline

The Canadian Government Is Mulling Using Military Against The Freedom Convoy Protesters – Although Trudeau is worried about a confrontation between troops and citizens

Educational Elites Have Awakened a Sleeping Tiger – Predictably, many public schools kicked off 2022 by switching back to remote learning or canceling classes altogether which has pushed parents over the edge

Hundreds of Students Were Segregated in Gyms After Protesting School Mask Mandates – A parent says her son was forced to do homework outside in 43-degree weather

CNN Is In Talks to Pay Chris Cuomo $9M in Hush Money to Protect Zucker And The Network

February 3, 2022

It’s Back: Senators Want The  EARN IT Bill to Scan All Online Messages

Nancy Pelosi Tells US Olympic Athletes in Beijing not to Speak Out Against the CCP – “Do Not Risk Incurring the Anger of the Chinese Government”

The Big Lie of ‘Fake Trump Electors’ – The “scandal” that wasn’t”

How Democrats Plan to Use Gerrymandering in the 2022 Election to Keep Democrats in Majority and Pelosi Speaker

Democratic Senators Unveil A Horrifying Plan to Change Electoral Count Act – Change the 1887 Electoral Count Act to squelch challenges to election results

China’s Propaganda Games And I Won’t Be Watching – During the last few years the world has seen that China is an oppressive authoritarian communist state that has brutalized, spied on, murdered, and enslaved segments of its people

Made in China: On the Lab-Leak Origin of Covid – Plenty of evidence points to it

“Mask-Gate” and the Unserious Politicians Mocking the People – California is in a supposed “State of Emergency” and is hosting the Super Bowl

A Coalition of 49 GOP Lawmakers Pledge To Defund Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

Trump Says “We Can’t Let It Happen Again” – A new political ad is coming to TV soon, featuring Trump giving his “complete and total endorsement” to Brian Kemp” for Republican Governor of Georgia

An NIH Study Injected Puppies With Cocaine, Then Killed Or ‘Recycled’ Them For More Experiments

Their Empire’s Disintegrating – Canada’s Trucker Convoy Has Lit The International Freedom Fuse

The Fundraising Campaign for Canadian Truckers Is Halted by GoFundMe After Reaching Nearly $8 Million

An Aussie Freedom Convoy Update – Stay on message, avoid violence, don’t provoke trouble and retaliation, don’t provide bad narratives to the opposition

The FDA Used ‘Critically Flawed’ Risk-Benefit Analysis to ‘Justify’ COVID Vaccines for Children

A UK government report reveals that British children, 10 to 14 years old, are up to 52 times more likely to die after getting a COVID shot – If they get two jabs compared to those unvaccinated

12 Countries Roll Back Their COVID Restrictions And Israel Scraps Their ‘Green Pass’

Fired Pharmaceutical Workers Explain Why They Didn’t Get COVID-19 Shots – The training they received when first hired

Some Democrat-run Cities Have Decided to End Their Vaccine and Mask Mandates

Iowa’s Governor Announces End to COVID-19 Emergency Declaration – Shutting down vaccination & case count websites

A Democrat Senator Suffers A Medical Emergency – This Leaves The Biden Agenda & SCOTUS Plan Dead in the Water

President Biden delivers an empty message on crime that promises nothing that New York City needs

A Human Rights Group Comes Up with an Epic Way to Shame NBC Over its Coverage of The Beijing Winter Olympics

5 shocking incidents while Zucker lead CNN – From a liberal news outlet to a blatant tool for leftist politics

Trump on The Durham Probe: A Lot is Coming – It’s the crime of the century and changed everything, including the election

Newly Declassified Emails Show Trump Impeachment Witnesses Knew About The Biden Family Corruption

NYT: The U.S. Exposes What It Says Is A Russian Effort to Fabricate Pretext for Invasion

Nielsen/MRI Fusion: ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ Is The Most-Watched Cable News Show Among Democrats In A Key Age Group

A Geologist Insider Explains Why The Global Energy Crisis Is Going To Get Much, Much Worse

Peter Schweizer: That The New York Times Has Turned on Biden Family  is an Important Development

Biden’s doomed election plan: Downplay The Spike In Crime

Bidenflation – New orders for Goods Made In The US Plunged Twice as Much as Expected

Results From a Century-Long Experiment Eviscerate the Case for Climate Change Mandates – The fact is that the past century of warming has turned out well

Price Controls Always Backfire And Today Is No Different – Inflation is painful, but tackling it with terrible policy just adds insult to injury

Warner Media Knew About The Jeff Zucker-Allison Gollust Affair For FIVE MONTHS Before Suddenly Demanding The CNN Boss Resign

When Artists Become the Censors – The new moral majority comes for Joe Rogan

Spotify CEO defends their Joe Rogan deal in a tense company town hall – Daniel Ek says Spotify is a platform for Rogan, but a publisher for Gimlet

Like California, Facebook is losing people, do you wonder why? – Get woke and go broke applies even to the big boys

The one drug that Neil Young doesn’t want anyone doing – Young along with other has-been singers are not against all drug use, they just seem to want to focus on one drug and that is ivermectin

Tucker has a message for politicians trying to censor broadcasters – Weak people are for censorship

It is possible to clean out Washington DC’s deeply corrupt Augean stables – Here is how it might be done

This Short Video of Biden Trying to Walk, as Jill Helps, Makes Trump’s Ramp Incident Look Like He’s an Olympic Athlete

Dr. Robert Malone: The US Public Health Response has been a Colossal Failure As US Deaths keep piling up…

17-Year-Old Sean Hartman Was Killed By The Pfizer Jab – Twitter Removed His Dad’s Account For Speaking The Truth

An FDA document explaining why they approved Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine was removed from the agency’s website overnight

Italy’s COVID Despotism Just Got Worse – The unvaccinated are now forbidden from entering post offices to withdraw their pension, and they are to be allowed access to supermarkets only to buy “goods of primary necessity

US commandos killed Abu Ibrahim al Hashimi al Qurayshi, the ISIS leader successor of al Baghdadi in a raid in Syria

GoFundMe freezes Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ page after it raises $10 million –  Saying it wants to ‘ensure the funds are going to the intended recipients’

The Canadian Convoy Movement Goes Global — Is The Next Stop The U.S.?

When Do the Nuremberg 2.0 Trials Begin? – Senator Johnson’s panel discussion with renowned medical professionals was loaded with bombshell after bombshell

A 21-Year-Old Greek Soccer Player Suffered A Sudden Cardiac Arrest Five Minutes Into A Game And Then Died

Did The Whole ‘New New Thang’ Bubble Just Pop? – Meta’s collapse on the back of competition, regulation, and maturity

Johns Hopkins’s Center for Health Security Event 201 – Just A Strange Coincidence or NOT?

Censor This: Science Says Mask Mandates Don’t Work – According to a September 2021 article sourced with more than 50 peer-reviewed science journals


February 2, 2022

Donald Trump: ‘We Have to End the Mandates’ – The are wrong and should be rescinded

China Is Undermining The US Through Elite Capture – The CCP has co-opted many American elites in DC, Wall Street, corporate America, and the U.S. tech sector

Biden exposes the truth about what Progressives believe when he said “the Constitution is always evolving”

Prepare to slow down: States get infrastructure cash to use for automated speed cameras

The Biden Administration Calls for Further Clamping Down on Joe Rogan: “More Can Be Done”

Jeff Zucker Is Just the First CNN Domino to Fall With More Scandals Coming – Chris Cuomo has dirt on a lot of their people and he’s spilling the beans

A TALE OF TWO CITIES: Woke Santa Monica nose dives while Culver City ascends – Their vibrant downtown area (with no bums sleeping on the sidewalk) is full of activity and young people

BLM shuts down fundraising after CA threatened to hold the leaders personally liable over its lack of financial transparency

The CDC Admits Natural Immunity Trumps Vaccine Immunity — 5 Months After Touting Vaccines as Superior

All-American Company, Hershey, Fires Unvaccinated Employees and Asks Them to Sign 9-Page Agreement to Stay Silent

The Top 10 Reasons 200 Million Americans FALSELY Believe Masks and mRNA Vaccines Will SAVE Them From Covid

These 5 Studies Reveal a Disturbing Trend — Researchers Are Presenting Conclusions That Don’t Match the Data

The FDA Grants Full Approval of Moderna’s Spikevax COVID Vaccine — Another ‘Bait-and-Switch?’

New COVID Supplement Paid Sick Leave Is Coming in California Assembly Bill 84 

2 sisters on the way to school were targeted in a brazen robbery in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles

Nancy’s Plan For The State of The Union Address – It couldn’t get any more blatant as she has put forward a plan to limit actual in-person attendance to 25 people

Rasmussen Poll: Joe Biden is now in ‘the worst president ever’ territory

The Durham Investigation of Obamagate Is Expands – He gained access to a significant number of FBI internal affairs files

New York Post Editorial Board: It’s Time to Appoint a Special Counsel on Hunter Biden

Bombshell documents reveal the Big Lie behind the Trump Ukraine driven impeachment effort

It took just over 245 years but US debt just crossed above the$30 trillion mark for the first time

ADP Says Private Sector Jobs Fell By 301,000 in January – The leisure and hospitality sector led with 154,000 lost jobs, followed by trade, transportation, and utilities that lost 62,000 workers

The U.S. Is  Moving, Some Say Too Slowly, to Address The TikTok Security Risk – The Commerce Department proposes a rule to widen restrictions on Chinese apps

The U.S. Orders 3,000 Troops to Bolster European Allies in Russia-Ukraine Crisis – American soldiers will head to Poland, Germany, and Romania in the first major movement of U.S. forces in the standoff

America First Legal: This is how parents can use the provisions of the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment to view and expose critical race theory and other controversial student curricula

A lot of Republican congress members are trying to foil MAGA candidates

The Former Washington Redskins Football Team reveals its new name – The Washington Commandos

Denmark is the first European Union nation to lift COVID restrictions and fully open

The FDA Issues A Warning on 2 Recalled COVID-19 Tests – They are made by Empowered Diagnostics and aren’t approved by the FDA, even though the tests’ labels indicate that they are

The Great COVID Cover-Ups – The so-called COVID “vaccines” are not what they’ve been presented to be and the redefinition of what “vaccines” are is only the tip of the iceberg

The COVID Narrative is Falling Apart – Because of Alarming Side Effects, Athlete Heart Attacks, Current Vaccine Negative Efficacy, And Long Lasting Natural Immunity From Omicron

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell calls for end to masking in schools and a state of emergency wind-down

New Johns Hopkins Study: “Lockdowns Have Had Little To No Public Health Effects” And “Imposed Enormous Economic and Social Costs”

A Top Fauci-Linked U.S. Government Advisor Serves On A Chinese Communist Influence Committee

Psaki confirms suspicions about their monoclonal treatment shutdown – Their latest move was designed to chastise Florida and threaten other governors who challenge the administration’s strategy on COVID-19

In the San Francisco Bay Area, we’re at the breaking point – In addition to the Covid mandates, on an everyday level, we are surrounded by chronic misery

Sharyl Attkisson: Cartel criminals move humans across the border into the U.S, holding them like cattle in “Stash Houses” with poor and dangerous conditions

150 Meat Trucks Stranded At US-Canada Border As The Covid Mandate Protests Continue

Lia Thomas’s swimming future is now in limbo after new USA Swimming policy is put into place

February 1, 2022

Washington Post: Biden blocked the first Black woman from going to  the Supreme Court

Pelosi and Congress Claim Sovereign Immunity in Federal Court to Keep The January 6 Videos and Emails Secret

China: Epicenter of the Supply Chain Crisis  – Concentrating dependence on China upended our economy and added risk

The British Medical Journal Story That Exposed Politicized “Fact-Checking” – Fact-checkers that flagged Paul Thacker’s British Medical Journal article on Pfizer and Facebook admitted they police narrative, and not fact

The Geography of Containing China – Someone needs to teach Biden’s handlers how to read a map

‘The Evidence Is So Damning’: Anticipation Grows as Trump Weighs in on D’Souza’s Election Fraud Movie

Build Back Burner: Revival of Biden spending bill isn’t happening – Senator Manchin says no organized conversations are going on

YouTube Censors Livestreams of Canadian Trucker Protestors By Limiting Their Viewership For Being Too “Popular” 

The Pfizer vaccine for infants and children under five: 5 facts you need to know

Justice Breyer Retirement  Is A Triumph For Dark-Money Intimidation That Has Only Escalated In Recent Years

CNN President Jeff Zucker resigning over an undisclosed relationship with a fellow executive at the company

Scott Atlas’ new book exposes those in the Trump administration that screwed the American people during the COVID crisis

The ‘Freedom Convoy’ Vows to Stay in Ottawa Until The COVID Vaccine Mandates Are Lifted

After Trucker Convoy, Change May Be Coming in Canada — Now US Governors Want Action Too

Classified State Department email declared Hunter Biden ‘undercut’ U.S. efforts in Ukraine – Memo conflicts with Democrats’ official narrative that the president’s son had no impact on U.S. anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine

Leaked WH notes from a meeting the day before Kabul fell show how unprepared the Biden administration was to evacuate Afghan nationals who had helped the US in its 20-year war against the Taliban

Joe Rogan Up Against ‘Powerful Interests,’ as More Musicians Threaten to Remove Music From Spotify –

Shadowy Far-Left Groups Work Behind the Scenes to Silence Joe Rogan – Evidence emerges that the Rockefeller Foundation and Media Matters are pulling the strings

The Biden administration was slammed by Republicans for refusing to deport illegal immigrants who are convicted felons

The California Department of Justice threatens to hold BLM’s leaders personally liable over missing financial records

Is Governor Newsom’s Closure of San Quentin Abuse of Executive Authority? – This is just another example of Governor Newsom acting as a one-man legislature

Fat, Bearded Gentlemen Do Not Give Birth to Babies – If you thought that was obvious to most people, these pregnant man emojis will make you think again

Elon Musk’s teen tormentor is now exposing private jet movements of other billionaires after refusing his offer of $5k to quit

If you need proof Biden isn’t in charge of his administration, here it is – A mere 32 seconds’ worth of video depicting the end of Biden’s address to the nation’s governors proves that he is not in charge of his presidency

‘The MAGA Movement Is Here to Stay’: Donald Trump Has Already Raised A Whopping $122 Million

Russia And A New World Order – Putin Understands What Many In Washington, D.C., Refuse To, The Future Is Multipolar

FBI Director Christopher Wray: Threats From China ‘More Brazen, More Damaging’ Than Ever Before – “They identify key technologies to target,” then they throw every tool in their arsenal at stealing the technology to succeed in those areas.”

WSJ: Consumer Pessimism Grows as Inflation Accelerates – U.S. consumer spending is now being tested by Omicron’s persistence, waning fiscal stimulus, inflation, and stock-market volatility

The Biden Administration’s Home COVID Test Kits Were Funded By Blacklisted A Chinese Company Praised For ‘Obeying’ Communist Officials – Their choice of COVID test kits raises more alarms about Beijing’s influence over the White House

It’s Time for America to Leave NATO and for Europe to Resolve Their Internal Disputes – The U.S. needs to focus on the home front and the global hegemony Communist China is determined to achieve

Ilya Shapiro Is Placed on Administrative Leave For His Comment Regarding The Next SCOTUS Pick – Apologizing for the phrasing was not enough

Are the Gulf States finally getting fed up with the ungrateful Palestinians? – Something few Americans understand is that although they have supported them over the years, the Arab nations despise the Palestinians

This Is Not America, Part II – Today we see a nation sliding away from the ideals and convictions that set us apart

Corey Diggs: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 6: Private Sector Funders

Biden Picks The US Attorney Nominee to Replace John Durham

Soros Backed District San Francisco Attorney Chesa Boudin Is Responsible for a 344% Increase in Anti-Asian Hate Crimes – This is what happens when you don’t prosecute criminals and you lie about crime

Welcome To The United States Of Mayorkas – The Biden plan is to let in as many illegal aliens as possible and it’s working

What’s in a Schools Rating? – Two studies examine the information available to parents about public schools—and supply more questions than answers

The Transgender Movement is A Modern-Day Castration Cult – As a psychologist, I have become deeply antagonistic towards people that have targeted children for chemical and physical mutilation

Each year, The World Economic Forum (WEF) puts together its Global Risks Report – Which Global Risks Have Worsened During The Pandemic?

COVID Vaccines Cause ‘Irreparable’ Damage to Kids’ Brains, Heart, Other Organs – COVID vaccines provide no benefit to young children but they do pose many, and sometimes serious, health risks – Video included

The Lancet surrenders and declares the COVID pandemic is almost over – The omicron variant is far more contagious and far milder than previous variants, which is what happens when epidemics start to die down

Fauci Knew About The  Virus Lab Origin From Secret Teleconference And Still Pushed An Alternate Narrative

Journalists and other Democrats are thoroughly confused about who spreads misinformation about COVID – Here are some important facts we don’t see for some reason or another

The Revolt Begins: The Canadian Trucker Caravan Is Just The Start – America needs to reconnect with reality, and you can be sure that the process will be uncomfortable

A Freedom Convoy to drive from CA to DC to protest vax mandates is organizing – “Convoy To DC” has already garnered 103.9K followers, up from 67,000 on Sunday

It seems that Ivermectin is an effective COVID treatment – The left’s dismissal of all early treatments in favor of vaccines will go down as the greatest slaughter of Americans since the Civil War


Democrats trapped in their COVID hypocrisy theater – It’s not surprising that Newson and other Democratic royalty in attendance at the NFC championship game were all photographed not wearing masks

Profits Over People – Pfizer Pushes FDA to Approve Covid Vaccines for Children Under 5 Years Old

Reuters Blows Up The Media with a New Report on Ivermectin – Its ‘Anti-Viral Properties’ are Nothing New

JD Rucker: Big Pharma Profits Are Just Smokescreens Hiding the Real Covid-19 Scheme – People aren’t getting jabbed now because they fear Covid-19, but because it saves them from various levels of hardship

The Race Is On for an Omicron Jab – The definition of what it means to be “fully vaccinated” against COVID keeps shifting with the rollout of additional boosters

Networks like OAN should not be censored – DirecTV attributes the decision to a “routine internal review,” but it’s safe to assume that political activity is mainly responsible

January 31, 2022

“What Will the Cowards Who Sat and Did Nothing Say Now?” – President Trump Releases A Statement on The Upcoming Movie “2,000 Mules” That Exposes Democrat Ballot Trafficking

23 Former U.S. Senators & Congressmen Who Lobbied for Chinese Military or Chinese Intelligence-Linked Companies

With Launch of Truth Social, Trump’s Exile is Over – It could be the beginning of the Trump comeback

Biden Revives Secret Laws That Crush Everyday Americans – Revoking Trump’s good guidance executive order helps Big Business keep out competitors via barriers of entry

The IRS Issued A Grand Jury Subpoena to Hunter Biden’s Bank for Probe Into The Family’s China Connections

The CCP May Collect Top American Athletes’ DNA From Those Competing At Beijing Olympics, Experts Say

Conrad Black: The Russia Time Bomb – What is going on now is a farce, but also a time bomb, and because of the players and principles involved, if not managed carefully, like all time bombs, it could blow up

Newsom, Along With Other Liberal Politicians, Spotted Maskless at The NFL Game Despite Mandate

Oakland Votes to Require Proof of Vaccination at Restaurants and Businesses Starting February 1st – “If we don’t comply, we are fined and lose money; if we do comply, we lose money from people we have to turn away”

A New Drug for Seriously Ill COVID-19 Patients Shows Promise Under The Right to Try Act – ZYESAMI is now in clinical trials for the treatment of serious cases of COVID-19

Pfizer and the FDA  Ask the Court to Further Delay the Release of COVID Vaccine Safety Data

Children 6 months to be targeted for Pfizer’s COVID vaccine by end of February –They indicate three doses needed for the vaccines to be effective

Pfizer Set to Roll Out AN Omicron Shot in March – Experts Warn “We Can’t Vaccinate the Planet Every 4 to 6 Months”

Covid Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Injures A Record Number of Young People – Will The Shots Also Bankrupt Families?

Biden’s Administration Has Records on Nearly One Billion Gun Sales – Sparking fears of tracking millions of gun owners

Russia to Face U.S. in Rare U.N. Security Council Debate – This will enable Moscow to state its case publicly that NATO is threatening its security as the U.S. warns of risk for misinformation

Whoopi Goldberg for SCOTUS – Rush Limbaugh pointed out that Republican presidents tend to nominate accomplished legal scholars to the court, while Democrat presidents just go for reliable votes on important issues to them

ABC/Ipsos Poll: 76% Of Americans Oppose Biden’s Pledge To Only Consider A Black Women For The SCOTUS Vacancy

Teachers Are Quitting, and Companies Are Hot to Hire Them – Businesses eager to fill jobs are offering former educators better pay and more autonomy

I&I / TIPP POLL I&I/TIPP Poll: Trust In Media Collapse Continues As 2022 Begins

THE BORDER GETS WORSE AND WORSE –The Biden White House talks a lot about the border as the US-Mexico border deteriorates daily

Belt and Road Biden – How Hunter Helped China’s Hegemonic Scheme to Overtake the U.S.

Biden’s administration is pushing insurers to cover transgender surgeries that include genital, breast, and facial surgery, and hormone therapy, which would be considered “medically necessary” for those wishing to identify with the other sex

Is RFK, Jr. A Crackpot or Cassandra? – He recently came under fire for referencing the Holocaust in a speech, but today, the mechanisms are being put in place that will make it so none of us can run and none of us can hide

The Ottawa Police Service asked residents to stay home Monday as thousands of truckers gather in Canada’s capital to protest COVID-19 mandates

A woman from a communist country explains liberty to a Canadian reporter at the truckers “Freedom Convoy”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau trolls the truckers – He is flipping them the bird and escalating the situation

New Study: The Lockdowns Didn’t Work – For the Wuhan virus, the “cure” has indeed been worse than the disease

Covid Plandemic Lies 6 Months Later – This crisis has been manufactured by suppressing early treatment and not sharing essential information

A reminder why the Second Amendment matters – A smash and grab is thwarted by an armed jewelry store owner

Hey Black Lives Matter, It’s Our Turn To Demand – Here’s an example of the hypocrisy of BLM members

Fake News: Spotify Hasn’t Lost $2 Billion Because Of Neil Young – Spotify’s stock has increased in value since the Neil Young driven backlash

Click Here For Coronavirus – SARS-CoV-2 Charts, Data & CDC Information ACT

January 30, 2022

The Strategy Behind Biden’s Border Disaster – Prevent and discourage migrants from crossing the border in between ports of entry, while slowly rebuilding the government’s capacity for handling and then releasing asylum seekers into the US

Trump hints at 2024 White House bid at ‘Save America’ rally in Texas

DO REPUBLICANS LOVE TRUMP AS THEY ONCE DID? – Polling shows no, but still enough to nominate him in 2024

President Trump Releases A Statement Highlighting Former VP Pence Had Every Right to Not Certify The 2020 Election on January 6th, 2021

2000 Mules: Dinesh D’Souza Drops Trailer for Documentary Proving Massive, Widespread Voter Fraud – Dinesh D’Souza can get mass public exposure

The Cartels Have Operational Control of The US Border – They are making billions of dollars from drug trafficking and human smuggling as they exploit the U.S. border

The Mysterious Case of the Absence of Evidence – When a court declares by fiat that half of the electorate is imagining things, it undermines the very idea of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people

Joe’s Tail Wags Ukraine’s Dog – Biden thinks war talk and faux toughness can turn attention away from his doddering presidency

Victor David Hanson: Joe Biden and the Uses of Nihilism – America is battling an epidemic far worse than the Omicron plague as laws, rules, protocols, traditions, and customs are mocked and dismantled

The Canadian truckers “Freedom Convoy” sent Trudeau into hiding — And it just might help end the COVID mandates


The Federal vaccine mandate takes effect for health care workers in these 25 States

Biden’s Dormant COVID-19 Strategy – It hasn’t adapted to changes in the virus itself or the increasing number of treatment options

Tyrannical T-Mobile to FIRE Most “Unvaccinated” Employees By April 2 – But those working in stores are exempt

Dov Fischer: What Our American Woke Cancel Culture Has Taught Me About Nazi Germany and Terrified American Professors – Many are cautious to risk their well-being for others

The GOP can’t complain about Biden’s illegal immigrants when they’re not stepping up to the table to fight it

Mansion Marxists Black – Lives Matter’s founders are known for the property they like to buy,  but there’s more to BLM’s spending and it’s upsetting rank-and-file members

The FBI Comes Down on the Pelosi Family – A $1,500 check to a rugby club might bring the whole Pelosi empire crumbling to the ground

If Unrest Soars In America Will Looters Be Shot? – After people cross a tipping point, they probably would shoot

The Next CPI Print Is Critical For Stocks – Here’s What Is Pushing Inflation Higher

Six Takeaways From The Ongoing Ukraine Crisis – Biden has no balls. And Putin knows it

Why Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine bluff will probably fail – If he invades Ukraine, he will become a pariah to the Western world and a new cold war will descend on his relationships with European nations

When the people stop believing the government and the media – Propaganda of the media and progressives managing Biden no longer even attempt a veneer of plausibility, contradicting the everyday direct experiences of Americans

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau scurries out of Ottawa as the trucker’s vaccine mandate protest convoy arrives

The Omicron Variant Pushes Health Authorities Toward Learning to Live With Covid-19 – Nations are abandoning restrictive steps to contain the virus even as cases of the relatively mild variant surge

Joe Biden’s Department of Education Is Hassling Religious Colleges for Not Going Woke – They are opening “Title IX” investigations on them for maintaining moral standards

Trump Says Who He Will Pardon Next If He Is Elected In 2024

Reining in rogue progressive district attorneys and judges – They swear to uphold the Constitution of the US  and to faithfully discharge the duties of that office, and then they don’t

Sharyl Attkisson: A California man that identifies as a woman will serve a sexual assault sentence for molesting two girls in a facility with women and girls

Israel: A Profile in Covid Vaccine Strategy Failure and a Warning to the World – Even though Israel’s population is heavily vaccinated and boostered, the country is posting unprecedented case numbers

Chaos and Crime Are Not Homeless – Progressives’ paradise is paradise no more as they turn a blind eye to the lawlessness that bubbles up in America’s tent cities

Google Kicks Dan Bongino Off Their Ad Platform Days After Their YouTube Ban Of His Videos

China’s Not So Free, Money Trap – The New Silk Road is also called the Belt and Road Initiative

Biden’s List of Potential SCOTUS Picks ‘Expands to at Least 12 Candidates’

Biden’s pledge to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court is an insult to minority groups – It is gravely insulting to any individual to be openly acknowledged as a “diversity hire”


January 29, 2022

A Leaderless West Provokes Putin – Weak, dithering, and gullible leaders confirmed the predator’s instincts

A New Poll Shows Only 17% of Republicans and Right Leaning Independents Would Vote for a Candidate That Believes Biden Won The 2020 Election

‘Someone Opened the Doors From the Inside,’ A January 6 Declares A Defense Attorney Says

A Rancher Says POTUS Is the One Behind Skyrocketing Meat Prices, Not the Meat Packers He Blames – The real reason for price hikes are labor shortages, supply chain issues, and costly regulations

The Film “Unsilenced” Is a ‘Scathing Indictment of the CCP – Mike Pompeo recently watched the movie and called the film “a moving, honest, scathing indictment of the Chinese Communist Party”

“Black Lives Matter in Schools” Indoctrination Hits Grade School Students Next Week Nationwide – Students will be taught that the grievances of Black people are superior to the grievances of other races

An Oregon Elementary School “Queer Club” Presents To Classrooms Without Parental Knowledge Or Consent

The Great Censorship Boomerang – Suppressing negative information about a product doesn’t build trust, and much of the distrust surrounding the COVID vaccines can be traced directly back to the barrage of pro-vaccine misinformation

A Public Health Reckoning Is Coming – The last two years will reveal our expert class to be anything but objective, honest, and competent

‘It Makes No Sense’: A Canadian Premier Vows to End Proof of Vaccine Policy as Truckers Protest in Ottawa

Trump touts borders at home and abroad during his “Save America” rally in Conroe, Texas

Has Peter Strzok testified before Special Counsel John Durham’s grand jury? – What Durham has collected thus far

A Leaked Video Shows A Heated Showdown When Border Patrol Agents Confront Top Officials Over Biden’s Immigration Policies

71% Of Americans Believe ‘We Are Not Alone’ In The Universe – Hardline skeptics make up only a fraction of the representative sample surveyed

Hospitals Are KILLING Covid Patients by Refusing to Give Them Life-Saving Medications And Administering Remdesivir

Most Troops Seeking A Religious Exemption to The Vaccine Mandate Have ‘Sincere Belief,’ but are Rejected Anyways

What to make of the Biden administration secretly transporting illegal aliens into the US – They are invited explicitly or implicitly through various public forums then allowed into the country by opening up the border

The WH Confirms J. Michelle Childs is Being Considered to Replace Justice Breyer – Other judges under consideration include California Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger and U.S. Circuit Court Judge Kentanji Brown, Jackson

The Department of Agriculture issues a comical food price inflation report and forecast – Their latest report and analysis will only make people angry and cynical while fooling no one

Victor Davis Hanson: Why Putin Has Not Been Deterred – He sees polls showing that only 45 percent of Americans have confidence in their new politicized military

Visualizing The Russia-Ukraine Military Imbalance – The extent to which the smaller nation is outnumbered in virtually every area is concerning

The elites’ morally obscene response to the Canadian trucker convoy – After two years of draconian lockdowns and mandates, truckers are pushing back with a 45-mile-long convoy that pulled into Ottawa yesterday

Facebook is offering developing countries free access to the internet through Facebook – Is it a Faustian deal?

Even Hollywood is bailing on California now – Socialist blue-state policies with Soros backed district attorneys have been a disaster for the state and are making even Hollywood liberals want out

Joe Biden’s Problematic Pledge To Nominate A Black Female Justice – It is not  really about being black or female, it’s about consolidating power around leftist worldviews

Google Doesn’t Want You to Research Mass Formation Psychosis – If you now search on Google for “mass formation psychosis” it’s all been effectively buried by Big Tech

Operation Bear Hug Current Status – For Canadians or people that live near the US/Canadian border interested in the trucker blockade (Be sure to check out the categories at the top of the page)

January 28, 2022

The Ukrainian president chastises Biden on Russia – “I am based here, and I think I know the details”

The Widow of Slain NYPD Officer Gets Standing Ovation After Ripping Woke Manhattan DA in Powerful Eulogy Condemning His Soft On Crime Policies

Tag Team: Kamala eggs on illegal aliens from Honduras as Joe sneaks them in back home

Black Lives Matter will not confirm who controls its $60 Million slush fund and hasn’t filed a 2020 tax return with the IRS

A Gang Member Who Shot A Cop Bonds Out Of Jail After Getting An Advance On His Rap Record Contract

THE UNDERHANDEDNESS OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN ONE CHART – The favoritism shown to blacks, and obvious discrimination against Asians, has simply become too glaring to disguise anymore

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is Tanking – In the era of Trump’s Republican Party, RINO hacks simply won’t cut it, and it is clear to all that Abbott’s inner circle is chock full of them

An Expert Hacker’s 25,000-Word ‘Secret Report’ Threatens to Uncover Georgia’s Real Election Vulnerabilities

Jesse Watters reveals how five Democrat families used their “power and influence” to enrich themselves

Climate Change, the Flu, and the Death of Satire – Things don’t bode well for a woke society that takes everything so deathly seriously

Border crossings to break the record this year, with 2.1 million encounters expected

Justice Clarence Thomas Once Said the Quiet Part Out Loud Regarding Joe Biden: “No Idea What He Was Talking About”

Natural Immunity Lasts for at least 18 Months According To a Recent Study In Italy

The U.S. COVID Testing Strategy Will Extend Our Pandemic Nightmare – Biden’s massive increase in home-based rapid antigen tests will lead to a tsunami of false-positive as 70% of those who test positive will not have the disease

Senator Ron Johnson Held Panel Discussion on ‘COVID-19: A Second Opinion’ and The Data is Alarming

A U.S. National Institutes of Health Study Shows COVID Vaccines Lengthens Menstrual Cycles

Nearly 35,000 Reports of COVID Vaccine Injuries Among 5- to 17-Year-Olds, CDC Data Show

Fauci Says Kids Under 5 Might Need 3 Shots, as Sweden Says Benefits Don’t Outweigh Risks for Young Kids

Bacon Just Received Temporary Judicial Clemency in California – The rest of the country doesn’t appreciate California’s nanny regulations as they reverberate across the land

Canada Freedom Convoy 2022 – Things are starting to move to re-gain our Freedom and take our power back from evil governments: The Global Freedom War Has Started

The Biden administration briefed Wall Street banks on potential Russian sanctions – Citigroup, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs were briefed by members of the National Security Council

There’s a reason why Democrats have long controlled poll places – What ultimately matters is who counts the votes, and the next closest thing to counting the votes is being a poll worker

The Commonwealth Court Strikes Down Pennsylvania’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Universal Vote-By-Mail Law As Unconstitutional

Liberal megadonor George Soros pumps $125 million into super a PAC to help support Democrats in 2022 midterms

Why The Wall Street Journal Is Wrong About The 2020 Election – The main problem is not ‘mass voter fraud,’ but rather a privately funded ‘shadow campaign’ for Joe Biden within the formal structure of the election system

This Senate Rule Could Stop Democrats From Confirming Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee – The Senate is tied, which presents Republicans with an interesting procedural option of denying a quorum in the Senate Judiciary Committee

‘The Worst I’ve Ever Seen’ – Violence Against Law Enforcement Skyrockets in January

The realities of socialism should be taught in high schools by people who have lived under it and fled here – Anyone who believes they can make something work that has failed and brought human suffering every time must be delusional

Winter Olympics athletes in Beijing will also be trying to maintain any level of privacy as the government uses surveillance technologies, some deployed on their mobile phones via the MY2022 smartphone app, to monitor their communications

The Olympic Boycott(s) – Can more be done than a diplomatic boycott?

Elon Musk Labels Biden A “Damp Socket Puppet” And Tweets Support For Anti-Vaccine Mandate Truckers – “Biden is treating the American public like fools”

Why Does Mainstream Media Ignore The Biden Family’s Corruption? – In in a classic case of gaslighting as they pretend that nothing has happened

Mitch McConnell Along With Other Republicans Warn Against Letting ‘The Radical Left’ Hijack The Supreme Court Pick

The Suspected Houston Cop Killer Is an Illegal Alien, So The Mainstream Media Is Ignoring It

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Clobbers WH Press Secretary Psaki – She “Lies through Her Teeth Every Single Day”

The Big 2024 Lie – A Peek Inside the Ruling Elite’s Playbook to Kneecap Trump, Purge The Military, and Neutralize MAACT

The Fed’s “Favorite” Inflation Indicator Is The Highest In 38 Years – Personal Spending Drops Most Since February 2021

How Universities Will Sidestep SCOTUS on Affirmative Action – SAT ACTtest scores are now optional because too many of the “wrong” people score high and too many of the “right” people score low

CA State University prepares to drop SATs & ACTs saying the exams are unfair to the minority and low-income students

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Are We at the End of the Pandemic? – Vaccine-Induced Herd Immunity Is Called Out as ‘Myth’

Tribal Morality – The Difference Between Election Voting Fraud And Voter Suppression

You’ll stand up and cheer after seeing these Canadian trucker convoy videos

Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ Receives First GoFundMe Payment After Temporary Halt – The donations are expected to be dished out to the 50,000 truckers participating in the rally to  pay for their fuel, food, and hotel accommodations

Regarding Scientific Claims Of Post-Vaccine Myocarditis – The analysis understates the vaccine risk in specific demographics

Doctors are starting to challenge the dominant COVID paradigms – Doctors who deviate from that script are stigmatized and risk losing their license and livelihood

80% of Covid Deaths Involve Underlying Conditions, According to LA County Health Data for the Last Two Weeks 13 times fewer daily deaths per daily cases than last year

January 27, 2022

Americans Must Demand Closer Scrutiny Of Our Profligate Pentagon – The U.S. needs a robust national defense, but not such a robust Pentagon

China Began Subjecting American Diplomats To Anal COVID-19 Tests Right After Joe Biden Was Inaugurated

Meet the Capitol Police’s New Spy Chief – Acting as the Stasi of the Democratic Party, to collect dirt on Republicans under the pretense of national security and then leak gossipy details to an always-compliant news media

Tucker Carlson Exposes Major Attack On Democracy ‘Govt Betraying The American People’ – The Biden administration is helping cartels smuggle people – at taxpayer expense,

Yes, the Left Is Coming for Your Children – The costs of the transformation of public schools into woke social laboratories are coming due

Polls Show Popular Support for The Trucker Convoy in Canada Despite Trudeau’s Claim it Represents a ‘Fringe Minority’

Something Biden Wants You to Forget About Gas Prices – When gas prices peaked in November, they were roughly a dollar per gallon more than when Biden took office, so a 10-cent drop is no big deal

Hardly a Labor of Love – Membership in government public sector unions dropped sharply last year

Several European countries recently announced plans to ditch COVID restrictions, including masks, quarantine rules, and capacity restrictions at indoor venues

MILITARY MEDICAL SKYROCKETING DISEASE DATA LEAKED AS THE BIDEN REGIME CONTINUES DESTRUCTION  – The information has been gathered from a five year average of dozens of diseases and medical disorders

The Vaccinated account for 4 of 5 Covid-19 Hospitalized & Deaths in Scotland the past month; the majority Triple Jabbed

Walmart Installs Vaccine Passport Scanner Booths to Screen Customers – Welcome to the new normal in Canada

A New Harvard, Yale & Stanford Data Show 4 Out of 5 Americans Have Covid ‘Natural Immunity’ – The covidestim database is supported by a cooperative agreement with the CDC and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist

The US Is Developing A Vaccine Passport System Using Big Tech Partnerships – Some of the players involved have deep ties to multiple government agencies

Safety Data for Simultaneously Administering COVID-19 Vaccines With Other Vaccines for Children Unavailable

A Supreme Court Fiasco As Justice Breyer Makes a Demand On The Timing of His Replacement To Biden

Another $2 Trillion of Debt Added in 1 Year of Biden – At the moment, the Federal debt stands at $29,867,021,509,573.92

Chuck Schumer Helps Sign Ukraine’s Death Warrant – Slimy Connections Between Dem, Putin’s New Pipeline Surface

Black Lives Matter’s millions are unaccounted for after the founders quietly jumped ship

ICE reportedly releasing illegal immigrants with criminal histories into the US – ICE says all releases are done on a case-by-case basis and they consider all factors when doing so

‘He Stole from Me and Lied to Me’: Stormy Daniels Torches Her Old Attorney Michael Avenatti in Fraud Trial

American Action Summit to End Medical Tyranny – The fight isn’t over just because the Supreme Court shot down the OSHA rule. Medical tyranny is alive and well and will not stop until we stop it

Russia, Ukraine Agree To Uphold Donbas Ceasefire In Normandy Format Talks

Spotify Takes Down Neil Young’s Music After His Joe Rogan Ultimatum – The Folk-rock star had over six million monthly listeners on the service, which he blames for spreading fake info about vaccines

Why Spotify can’t afford to lose Joe Rogan – Here is the thinking behind an easy decision

Apple Hits Record iPhone Market Share in China After A Secret Deal with Government – A $275 billion deal to build “the most advanced manufacturing technologies” in the country

BETRAYING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE – Under cover of darkness, every night the federal government is transporting illegal migrants as fast as they can away from the border on secret charter flights

‘We Will Accept Tyranny No More!’ – Over 10,000 Canadian and American Truckers Protest Against Government Mandates


Will Covid Collapse the College Cartel? – New signs suggest that students are losing patience with Covid restrictions and wondering whether a college education is worth the trouble

It is no wonder we have so much corruption when most of the media willingly support corrupt people for president

Poll: Democrat Stacey Abrams Trails Both Republicans Brian Kemp, David Perdue in Georgia Governor Race

The Leftist Media Still Can’t Lay a Glove on DeSantis – They will certainly keep trying, but their attempts will be futile

What Did Hillary Clinton Know and When Did She Know It? – The Russiagate Evidence Builds

Any Excuse Serves a Tyrant – A Federal court rebukes two California counties’ effort to use the pandemic as an excuse to shut down gun stores, which was a transparent attempt to curtail Second Amendment rights

WSJ: Justice Breyer’s Retirement Could Reshape Supreme Court’s Liberal Wing – Departure of moderate, pragmatic justice leaves other liberals at crossroads on a court that has recently grown more conservative

Biden vows to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court ‘worthy’ of Breyer’s legacy

Justice Kamala Harris Will Never Happen – If you want a picture of a future in which Harris is wearing a black robe, imagine a cackling mediocre justice dissenting fruitlessly from the bench — forever

The FCC Bars China Unicom From Operating In the US After Lengthy National Security Review

The Rise of Blockchain Republics – This technology is the mother of all nuclear warheads against the Davos crowd’s dreams of a global empire and domination

The Deadly Fruits Of Media Conservative Censorship – “On Liberty,” the solution to misinformation is not censorship, that is, less speech, but more speech, more argument (in the logical sense), more discussion

SCOTUS must end anti-Asian discrimination by colleges and universities

Wall Street Banks Award Billions More In Bonuses To Top Earners – It’s all about stemming “defections”

We’ve seen the needle and the Covid vaccine damage that was done – The military’s DMED system went from a 5-year average of 38,700diagnosesiagnosis’ per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months among a predominately young population

Dr. Malone Shares the  ‘Risk’ Of Democrats ‘Universal Vaccination Strategy’ – “Continuing to pursue this strategy, particularly with omicron now, we risk driving the virus to a more pathogenic state that eludes an immune response

How evil do you have to be to suddenly pull treatment from ailing Florida COVID patients? – That’s what Joe Biden is offering Florida, a red state that voted against him in 2020

Super Bowl fans will have to wear face masks unless they’re eating or drinking and will be handed KN95 masks as the game is subject to California’s strict Covid rules

The FDA Asks Court To Delay The First 55K Batch Of COVID Docs – This should again bring into sharp focus why the government should never coerce or mandate anyone to get an unwanted medical product or procedure

Buyer’s remorse versus the State of California – A new proposed bill would require COVID “vaccination” for all the state’s schoolchildren, K-12, ostensibly to make schools “safe”

Why Are We Boosting Kids?  – The CDC and the FDA have ignored other countries as well as their own

Will The UK’s Return-To-Normal Force Biden’s Hand? – The calls to end COVID-related restrictions, to remove the elephant that has been sitting on the congested chest of the world, have grown louder and more insistent

CORONAVIRUS Scared, Stupid, And Easily Manipulated – What COVID Has Revealed About The Nation’s Young

The Biggest Lie: Health Officials Deny Even a Single Death From Covid Shots – As of January 7, 2022, the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has received 9,936 reports of death following the COVID jab in the US alone

WSJ: Which At-Home Covid Test Is Best for You? – PCR-Like Gadgets vs. Rapid Antigen Kits Detect and Cue Health bring fast and accurate molecular testing to your home

Medical Providers Public Forum In Shasta County, CA – Discussion of Covid Treatment, Vaccines, etc.

January 26, 2022

A Navy Pilot Crashes His Plane and Ejects After A Vax Reaction – The F-35C pilot neared the USS Vinson and “called the ball,” but also said he was experiencing sudden and intense chest pain

MILITARY HEALTH PROBLEMS SKYROCKET AFTER COVID VACCINATIONS – The data was presented by three whistleblowers within the US military

The Covid Narrative Falls Apart in South Africa – There is a clear downward trend in mostly-mild Omicron cases

An 11,000-Truck, 93-Mile-Long ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protests Canada’s Vaccine Mandate, as Government Digs in Heels

Progressives Against Transparency – The ACLU joins Democratic politicians in opposition to making school curricula available to parents

Californians Are Now Willing to Admit Why They Are Leaving – Even Hollywood’s tolerance for bad ideas has a limit

The Pelosi Family ‘Has Done a Lot of Business in China Since the COVID Outbreak’ And Won’t Allow Hearings on COVID Origins

Victor David Hanson: Why Putin Has Not Been Deterred – Exasperated Americans fear Vladimir Putin is deterred neither by sanctions nor by arms sales but merely follows his sense of cost-to-benefit self-interest

YouTube Permanently Bans Dan Bongino for Going Against COVID Narrative – So he moves his videos to Rumble.com

Pfizer Moves to Intervene in High-Profile Case Dealing With COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data – U.S. drug regulators try to slow-walk disclosure of data on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

The Global Freedom War Has Started – Current VAX policies and mandates (including masks) are not effective

House Democrats Won’t Release The Required Staff Reports In The January 6 Probe – They are stonewalling Republican attempts again to conduct legitimate oversight of the Capitol Hill security failures on January 6

The DC Capitol Police Are Spying on Members of Congress, and the Details Are Incredibly Disturbing

The US Trade Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for First Time Last Year According To Market Watch

NBC News: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is set to retire – His retirement is the first opening on the court since the 2020 death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Republicans are pressing the Biden administration to explain how the British terrorist who took four people hostage inside a Texas synagogue was allowed to enter the country in the first place, given the major flags in his background

Suddenly, It’s No Longer ‘Deeply Dangerous’ To Talk About Rigged Elections – As Biden predicts the next election can’t be trusted, based on far less evidence than Trump had

Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer said on FNC’s “Hannity” that China, Russia, and Ukraine “absolutely” have compromising intelligence on the family of President Joe Biden, which needs to be investigated

WSJ: Russia’s Attempts to Sanction-Proof It’s Economy Has Exposed a Weak Spot – Experts say the package of retributions drawn by the U.S. and Europe will inflict heavy damage despite Russia’s efforts to insulate its economy

Tucker Carlson was on fire about  America’s Southern border – The reason Russia is on Ukraine’s doorstep is Putin fully understands that Biden is weak

It’s Not Just Illegal Aliens Our Southern Border Guards Against – Former acting ICE director Tom Homan says Biden’s border policies are “killing people”

The Mainstream Suddenly Realizes Raising Interest Rates In A World Buried In Debt Might Be A Problem – Raising interest rates will drastically increase the cost of servicing all of that debt

Shareholder Capitalism v. Stakeholder Capitalism – Stakeholder capitalism is now being resurrected by a group of global elites that wish to use it to gain personally

The San Francisco DA’s Office Faces A Lawsuit in Federal Court Over Reducing A Violent Felony to Misdemeanor – The suit is not over money or compensation, but to have the DA’s office do their job’

A Vietnamese American, 69, left with PTSD after he was brutally attacked with a baseball bat in San Francisco’s Chinatown sues the DA for not prosecuting the father and son attackers with a hate crime

‘Heavy Dependence’ On Russian Gas Has Europe Scrambling for Alternatives Over Supply Fears

Just Like Afghanistan: Anger as Word of Biden’s Secret Warning to Americans in Ukraine Leaks Out

You might be a liberal if – A checklist of liberal beliefs to help readers gauge whether or not they’re a budding liberal

I Regret Getting the COVID Vaccine & Booster – I experienced and saw serious side effects from the vaccine

Shaky evidence backs Virginia and New York school districts keeping school mask mandates in place

The British Medical Journal Demands Access to COVID Vaccine Data, Slams ‘Morally Indefensible’ Pharma Firms – The  refusal to release data is an “unacceptable delay”

Today’s batch of COVID facts provides food for thought – Taken together, the reports create a powerful narrative

Bari Weis: Kids and Covid Roundtable via Zoom – Discussion about the consequences of our pandemic policies

COVID-19: A Second Opinion – Informative Excerpts and Complete Panel Discussion Hosted By Senator Ron Johnson

A Doctor’s Organization Has Treated Over 150,000 COVID-19 Patients With 99.99% Survival – Early treatment works

The Scientific Misconduct Story Behind The Use Of Ivermectin – Positive Studies Were Largely Barred From Publication

January 25, 2022

Biden sets yet another record at the southern non-border – 178,840 illegal migrants apprehended, beating the worst previous December by over 100,000

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces she will seek re-election

Joe’s Gaffes Now Matter – If he were Pinocchio his nose would be a mile long. Since he’s president, he risks starting a war

GoFundMe is withholding $4.7 million from the trucker convoy until a formal plan is presented

CA Governor Newsom Issues Legislative Proposal For Two More Weeks Paid COVID-19 Sick Leave –This will wreak havoc as businesses as they are still shelling out cold hard cash for these days off

A California court delays part of the pig welfare law that was passed to provide more humane treatment of farm animals

California-born skier Eileen Gu, 18, turned her back on Team USA to compete for China – Her sponsorship deals with American brands such as Cadillac, Tiffany’s, Visa, Therabody, Victoria’s Secret, and Oakley allow her to represent China

CNN Hosts Are Left Stunned as Guest Suddenly Destroys Biden in 66 Seconds – “He has no mandate to do much of anything”

Donald Trump and the Future of MAGA – Trump blew up the old model and has inspired a whole new younger generation of MAGA advocates, so it’s time for one of them to step up?

The 2050 ‘Net Zero’ Climate Target Will Cost $275 TRILLION – The ludicrous cost of the global plan has been laid bare for the first time

When Will People Finally See the Obvious? – Americans are waking up to the many ways the Left has lied to them over the last several years, but too many still believe the Democrats’ narrative about the 2020 election. Why Is This?

Victor David Hanson: What Are Republicans “For” In 2022? – Can Republicans move beyond just completing the original, necessary Trump agenda

A Generational Threat to Free Expression – Survey data show that Americans under 30 support cancel culture over liberty

Hispanics voters sour on Biden and Democrats’ agenda as the midterms loom – They care about the same things as most everyone else

WSJ: A Chance to Remove Race From College Admissions After equivocating for decades, will the Supreme Court finally declare that discrimination is illegal?

A New COVID-19 Sub-Variant Being Investigated, Detected in the US – There is still uncertainty around the significance of the changes to the viral genome, and further analyses will now be undertaken

The COVID 180 to Come? –Biden & Co. are heading for an electoral cliff with their COVID rhetoric, but will they see what’s coming and hit the brakes?

Despite The State Supreme Court Killing Their Mandate, The NYSED Sends Out A Memo Instructing Districts to Keep Masks on Kids

6 Pack: Pfizer and Fauci press forward Omicron-specific mRNA shots – Officially starting trials for an Omicron-specific COVID vaccine using their novel mRNA platforms

A Flawed CDC Study Wrongly Concludes COVID Vaccines Safe During Pregnancy

Republicans consider shutting down the government over a possible vax mandate – A Letter is circulating the Hill as the February 18 federal funding deadline approaches

Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Spectacular Failure of Covid Shots – Infection rates are rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in the unvaccinated of all ages

A Newly Proposed South Carolina Law Would Make It Illegal to Request a Person’s Vaccine Status

Do Lockdowns Reduce COVID-19 Mortality? – A new study released by Johns Hopkins University shows lockdowns have had little to no impact on COVID-19 mortality

OSHA Signals Continued Pursuit Of A Vaccine Mandate Despite Their Supreme Court Loss – Withdraw their emergency order impacting 85 million Americans, but will push for a permanent rule

Fox News shows the release of single adult migrants into the US – 178,840+ migrants were encountered in December

23 people charged with staging car crashes and collecting nearly $1 million – How does one fake 14 injury accidents? In ways both clever and not-so

Russia and China: It’s Complicated – As America loses confidence in its power, its adversaries band together

The Genocide Olympics – U.S. companies care more about money than mass atrocities

CAUGHT RED-HANDED: $6 Million Biden Family Deal Was with Ye Jianming Who Had Ties to the Spy-Linked ‘United Front’ Group

Now the UN is ‘helping’ rejected migrants recover ‘repressed memories’ to get asylum status – They are aiding and abetting illegal immigration into the U.S., and not for the first time

Insanity In New York – Each successive round of deinstitutionalization has released sicker—and potentially more dangerous—mental patients to languish on the streets and do harm to innocents near them

The First Lady Double Standard – When Joe Biden was elected, the fawning media coverage of his presidency-to-come was trumped by an even more powerful force: The “Dr. Jill Biden” news cycle

The FAA Warns Boeing 747S and 777S Are Prone To 5G Interference, indicating about 90% of the U.S. fleet is approved for flights as the rollout of 5G networks begins

US Home Prices Decelerate For 4th Straight Month In The US’s 20 Largest Cities

Bipartisan Attorney Generals Are Suing Google, Alleging Deceptive Practices for Tracking Users Without Consent

Fixing The Postal Service Without Breaking It – The postal reform bill has bipartisan support because it’s a good one

Joe Biden’s Gasoline Problem Is Back – Costly crude oil means runaway gasoline coming

When in the course of human events has a government with enormous power, along with those in complete control with seemingly unlimited authority, and dictatorial undemocratic values, done things like this?

Sharyl Attkisson: How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape – “Virtually every piece of information that can be co-opted has been”

Bari Weis: A Conversation With the Last Liberal Interventionist – Bernard-Henri Lévy on cultural relativism, isolationism, Pax Americana, the Enlightenment, Greta Thunberg, Eric Zemmour, Derrida, Covid, and much more

The Biden Administration Is Officially Withdrawing The OSHA COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Sharyl Attkisson: Representative Jim Jordan talks about doing business in DC while taking more than a few bullets for Donald Trump

The FBI Raids COVID a Testing Company Accused of Falsifying Test Results in $124 Million Cover-Up

An Australian epidemiologist and WHO advisor who called the non-vaccinated “self-centered,” diagnosed with a brain tumor – There is now abundant evidence showing that mRNA and viral vector DNA injections hasten cancer

Never Forgive or Forget the Enablers of the Destructive Covid Panic – Bureaucrats, politicians, and Democrat party mouthpieces along with the corporate media lied to us

Campus Covid Restrictions Harm Students – Imposing needless pandemic constraints on campuses from which they are exempt, university administrators are creating different, possibly worse problems

The Last Days of the Covidien Cult – This isn’t going to be pretty folks, as the downfall of a death cult rarely is

Dr. Mercola: The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots – Data analyses from around the world show a negative correlation between “vaccination” rates and worsening infection rates and other health trends

Was the Pandemic Caused by a Leaked Bioweapon or a Mishap in the Vaccine Race?

An “Anti-Vax” Olympic Gold Medalist Dies of COVID And The Tried To Hide That He Was Vaccinated

A Bombshell Cover-Up: Cancer Diagnoses in the Military Rose Over THREE-FOLD Since The Jabs Were Introduced

A Woman Who Came Into Contact With Escaped Laboratory Monkeys in PA Says She Developed Covid Symptoms

A Global Freedom Action Plan – The global effort has started to prevent governments from restricting freedom and controlling lives

January 24, 2022

Did the Justice Department Lie About Pence and Harris’ Location on January 6? – It’s an issue of myths, cover-ups, manufactured hysteria, and outright lies

What Does Vladimir Putin Have on Joe Biden? – Joe and Hunter Biden’s seedy involvements in Ukraine may have given the Russian leader all the ‘kompromat’ he needs to keep America at bay

Thanks to Hot Mic, Entire World Hears Biden Curse Fox Reporter Who Nailed Him with Tough Question

A Voter Shift Has Democrats on Edge At The Start of 2022- Prominent issues such as defunding the police, parents concerns about education and CRT, the failure to prosecute criminals, and the handling of the pandemic

Biden’s regulatory bender is crushing the US economy – The single most expensive rule change, by far, is a requirement that automakers meet an unrealistic 55 miles per gallon fleetwide average by 2026

WSJ: Grand Jury Approved to Examine Trump’s Efforts to Overturn Georgia’s 2020 Election Results

The Barbarians Have Breached The Gate – IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS . . . ACADEMIA HAS DONE ITS JOB

The Dissidents – A handful of scientists and doctors have spent the past two years speaking against mainstream public health approaches and scientific rigor about the pandemic response bureaucracy

30,000+ Demand End to Vaccine Mandates and Government Overreach at “Defeat the Mandates” Rally in DC

The FDA is now prohibiting Florida from using monoclonal antibody treatments – As it became apparent that the treatment was workings

Anthony Fauci Has The Audacity To Say ‘We May Need to Boost Again as COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Protection Wanes

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Former FDA Director, and Current Pfizer Board Member Suggests Ending Mask and Vaccine Mandates

Why are Non-COVID Deaths Spiking Among Prime-Age Americans? – Overall, there appear to be three distinct patterns in the data based on age

All you need to know about Covid vaccine failure in one chart simple chart from Denmark

Beijing Olympics organizers & Chinese authorities lower COVID testing standards, otherwise, there would be no Olympics

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reaches its final cosmic destination – The telescope traveled a million miles to its destination so now we wait for the first unfiltered images of the universe

WSJ: The Dow Drops more than 1000 Points Amid Market Fall – The Weekslong selloff continues amid nervousness over The Fed and Ukraine, punishing tech stocks and cryptocurrencies

ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: Why They Attack General Mike Flynn

China Launches Biggest Raid On Taiwanese Airspace Since October As CCP’s Pacific Perimeter Expands

Taiwan Intercepts A Massive Swarm Of Chinese Military Aircraft As ‘Weak’ Biden Tested Around World

The Confucian Model – The economic system behind East Asia’s rise represents an epochal threat to human freedom

Kirstie Alley Puts A Spooky Spin On Sundays Gigantic Anti-Vax Mandate Protest in Washington DC, “Liberals Better Listen Up” – It wasn’t just in the US, there were protests all over the world on Sunday

The Trump ‘draft executive order’ came from outside the White House – For the secretary of defense to “seize, collect, retain and analyze all machines, equipment, electronically stored information, and material records” from the election

The Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Challenges to Colleges Using Race in Admissions Process

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans Agree That McConnell, Pelosi, Fauci, And Breyer Should Ride Off Into The Sunset

Biden’s regulatory bender is crushing the US economy – More than three times the cost that President Barack Obama’s very left-wing administration imposed on families and businesses in its first year

The UK Begins Withdrawing Embassy Staff and Families From Ukraine and Issues a Travel Warning

Another Frantic Evacuation of Americans – For the second time in six months, the U.S. State Department is warning that it cannot evacuate U.S. citizens

The Europeans are afraid of Biden’s rush to war – The two biggest EU nations are trying to set up peace talks with Ukraine and Russia

“Dark Outlook”: Dismal NBC Poll Reveals Most Americans Think The Country Going “Downhill” And Is “Lost”

Car-Jackings Skyrocket by 510% in Democrat-run Cities amid Soft-on-Crime Policies Fanned by Criminal reform systems pushed by Democrats

During his Mark Levin interview, Peter Schweizer exposes $31 million in CCP money went to the Biden family, and more

The Biden Family Scored $31 Million from Deals with Individuals with Direct Ties to the Highest Levels of Chinese Intelligence

Is An Iron Curtain Closing Around America? – Our government is actively conditioning us to accept censorship

California’s death tax takes the greed of the government to another level

Gavin Newsom wants to open public food benefits to undocumented Californians age 55 and older

California lines up another assault against parents – A proposed bill allows children as young as 12 to consent to a vaccine without parental permission

All California schoolchildren must be vaccinated against COVID-19 under a new proposed bill

Disturbing vaccine data is coming from Scotland – What if you get more sick, not less sick, from Covid vaccinations?

UK Health Staff Hurl Scrubs at Downing Street in Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protest

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Says Annual COVID Jabs Would Be An “Ideal Situation”

Liars, Propagandists and The Great Reset – The Nature Medicine article is a glaring example of propaganda being promoted as science, and of science, in turn, being used for political aims

I Can PROVE ‘Transwomen’ Have an Advantage Over Real Women in Sports – Testosterone suppression robs a male athlete of much of his advantage, yet it’s clear that it doesn’t rob him of all such advantages

Lia Thomas Teammate Speaks Out: ‘Women Are Now Third-Class Citizens’

January 23, 2022

Professor Jordan Peterson and the crisis of totalitarian academia – Just as cascades of disbelief collapsed communist regimes, could our universities be next?

Biden’s Intolerable Limits on Americans’ Freedoms – No return to any sort of pre-COVID normal while Biden is in office

WSJ: The State Department Tells Families of U.S. Diplomats in Ukraine to Leave – Some U.S. Embassy staff members also have been authorized to depart

Families of US Embassy Personnel Begin Evacuating from Ukraine – As fears grow that Russia is on the brink of invading Ukraine

The U.S. Not in Position to Evacuate Citizens From Ukraine, The State Department Warns

Biden Is Considering Sending Thousands of Troops, Aircraft to Eastern Europe

Germany Shocks Alliance and Throws a Wrench into Ukrainian Defense – Due to their partnership with Russia in the controversial NordStream Pipeline

A New Video Montage Of NY’s Democrat AG Letitia James Shows She’s Been On Mission To Get Trump From Day One

The ‘Mystery Man’ Ray Epps Indeed Has a Proven Link to the FBI — It’s Just Not What Everybody Thought It Was

Victor David Hanson: Wokeism Is a Cruel and Dangerous Cult – It’s natural logic will destroy the lives of people of both genders, all races, and if need be of those of every age, all to leverage an otherwise unworkable ideological agenda

CA’s New Motor Voter Program – Every driver’s license application is required to include a voter registration application

Homicides Increased 94 Percent In Los Angeles County During The Last Two Years

Wayne Allyn Root: We are in a Civil War of Good vs Evil, and Democrats are the Confederate South – Democrats hate us- Republicans, conservatives, capitalists, and most intensely- the unvaccinated

Dr. Malone’s Message to Parents: If Your Child is Harmed By The COVID Vax “You Will Carry the Burden for the Rest of Your Life”

‘Every Time You Comply, You Get Weaker’ – RFK Jr. Electrifies Anti-Mandate Rally

Vax Data: Just 0.06% of Religious Exemption Requests Have Been Granted for U.S. Marines

FOIA docs reveal Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shots caused an avalanche of miscarriages and stillborn babies 

A Covid Origin Conspiracy? – Newly released emails make more plausible the contention that Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins presided over the suppression of the lab-leak theory for political reasons

How Covid Shots SUPPRESS Your Immune System – Two microRNAs, miR-148a and miR-590, are central in this process

The  Emergency Must Be Ended, Now – We can now treat the virus as a medical rather than a social matter and manage it in ordinary ways

The Economist/YouGov Poll: One-Third of Americans Say They Haven’t Gotten a COVID-19 Vaccine

This Year’s Covid-19 Surge is Ten Times Less Deadly Than Last Year’s – Using the last 6 weeks of data for LA County, there are 138% more cases than the same period last year, and yet only 14% of the deaths

Defeat The Mandates, An American Homecoming – Freedom to work,  travel, learn, question, speak, pray, And Say NO!

The 1/6 Select Committee Witch Hunt – The power it is claiming belongs to the Judiciary branch, not Congress, and the committee’s conduct presents a very serious and dangerous civil liberties violation

China’s Censors Ban Hollywood Films, That Don’t Subtly Support CCP Agenda, As Beijing Builds Its Own “Movie Empire”

Australian Open Fans Are Asked to Remove Their T-Shirts Asking ‘Where Is Peng Shuai?’

Fox News Poll: Voters are reluctant to give Biden a second term – Economic anxiety is higher than a year ago, and many feel the pandemic is still not controlled

Democrats are showing early signs of questioning the legitimacy of the elections in 2022 and 2024 – For four years, the media conducted a pervasive anti-Trump campaign

The Systematic Smearing Of The Police – Even though we give the police an impossible job (repeat: impossible) and then we put their every split-second decision under a microscope

Why Putin wants to invade Ukraine – Ukraine may be a poor nation but it is a nation rich in natural resources like mineral wealth and agricultural land

Sharyl Attkisson: Fact-Checkers Are Used to Confuse the Public – “Nearly every mode of information has been co-opted, if it can be co-opted by some group, [and] fact-checkers are no different”

South Dakota Governor Announces 2 Pro-Life Bills That Would Ban Almost All Abortions

Newsom Torched After Asking ‘What The Hell Is Going On’ With Train Thefts – Then apologizes for calling gang, gangs

American Megabanks Including Citi & JPM Order Workers Back To The Office In London & NYC – Done with pretending to care about COVID safety precautions

Six Very Large Companies That Are Continuing With Their COVID Vaccine Mandates Despite The SCOTUS Ruling

Dr. Meryl Nass Explains the Hideous ‘Bait-and-Switch’ Used to Protect Big Pharma While Conning People Into Getting Jabbed

Researchers Worry COVID Will Quickly Develop Resistance To The New COVID Therapeutic Pills From Pfizer And Merck

January 22, 2022

Five Frontline Nurses Speak Out About What Is Going On In Hospitals

A Professor’s Analysis Drops A Nuke on January 6 Insurrection Narrative –They Don’t Look Like Trump Supporters

Trump Is Right About Anti-White Discrimination – The media says it’s a right-wing conspiracy that whites are discriminated against in COVID treatment and, at the same time, tell you that it’s a good thing it’s happening

Joe Biden Bans Unvaccinated Truckers From Entering The US, Further Exacerbating The Supply Chain Carnage

Biden’s Press Conference Confirms He’s Not Fit to Be President – He may think he nailed it, but a replay begs to differ

The Coming Dethronement of Joe Biden  – The unnamed committee who runs the presidency is faced with a huge and delicate problem. It can’t last

The Los Angeles Unified School District to prohibit cloth face masks for students starting Monday – Must wear “well-fitted, non-cloth masks with a nose wire” at all times, including outdoors

Miles of Truckers: Canadian “Freedom Convoy” Tries to Save Our Supply Chain From Medical-Tyranny-Induced Collapse

‘Unseemly’: NPR Refuses to Correct Story After Supreme Court Deems It False – Sotomayor did not ask Gorsuch to wear a mask

Big Tech Forcing Australian Members of Parliament To Self-Censor  – To avoid triggering online censorship from platforms like YouTube and Facebook

THE GREAT RESET – The Federal Reserve Taking Next Step Towards Launching Digital Dollar

The U.K. Releases Bold Statement About Russia – The Kremlin plans to install pro-Russian leadership in Ukraine


Eric Adams must be NYC’s wartime mayor – Otherwise, his tenure will be a failure before it gets started, a casualty of mayhem, murder, and fear

Biden’s Got Big Trouble This Fall – Powerful Trump-Era Figure, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Hauls in a Jaw-Dropping Amount of Cash in her bid for Governor of Arkansas

Israel, One of Most Vaccinated Countries in the World, Sets A New COVID-19 Case Record

Joe Biden: 3 pipelines and 3 disasters – What is it with the confused Biden and pipelines?

The End Of Natural Population Growth? – The number of countries experiencing more deaths than births in a given year is steadily increasing

Six former Navy SEALs run for Congress with one goal: To take down Pelosi

WSJ: The Nanotechnology Revolution Is Here, We Just Haven’t Noticed Yet – For years, engineers have made microchips ever smaller and more powerful. Now they’re applying the technology to a host of miniature marvels

The US Now Requires All Foreign Travelers to Be COVID-19 Vaccinated When Crossing Land Ports and Ferry Terminals –  But COVID-19 testing won’t be required

The Pandemic’s Rightest Man? – Time and time again, Alex Berenson has been vindicated on Covid-19

You only thought you were vaccinated! – “Fully vaccinated” will now be called “up to date”

What Is Really In The Covid-19 Vaccines – These panel members’ answers are enlightening as they stick to the basics

The Top 10 COVID Villains of 2021 – When will these wrongdoers be held accountable for the death and destruction they have wrought on our world?

Will These People Be Charged With Genocide? – A slew of high-power figures that pushed to mandate experimental COVID jabs have been accused of several crimes, including crimes against humanity

Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat

The GOP Hasn’t Suddenly Discovered Its Spine – Republicans in Congress folded like a deck of cards in the face of the pandemic and they are still behind the ball

Who are the Oath Keepers? – A loosely-knit national organization created to resist violations of civil liberties by the government


January 21, 2022

Government Data: The Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome at an alarming rate

Very concerning data from Scotland – The COVID-19 age-standardized case rate is highest among the two-dose vaccinated and lowest among unvaccinated!

Women’s Rights v. Trans Rights – Where Are the Feminists and Why Aren’t They Speaking Out?

The TSA Admits It Allows Illegal Immigrants to Use Arrest Warrants as ID to Board Planes

Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes: Taking on Woke Big Tech the ‘Battle of All Battles’

Allen West, Trump’s Texas Torchbearer Overtakes Governor Abbott – Here’s Why

Biden’s Blunders Practically Beg Putin to Invade Ukraine – By words and lack of deeds, he has virtually given Russia the green light

There Is A Marxist Revolution in the Making in America, Expert Warns

Bill Maher Slams Fauci And Other Medical Doctors Over COVID Guidance And Predicts Trump Will Run in 2024

The Crisis in America’s Education Establishment Is Self-Induced If teachers want to uphold the honor of their vocation, they will have to join forces with parents against education bureaucrats

Antitrust Directives Will Not Cure Inflation – Inflation “is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon”

Dr. Robert Malone: The COVID Declaration Is Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors & Medical Scientists Around the World

Bari Weiss: Justice Sotomayor’s Inaccurate COVID Statements Are the Misinformation You’re Going to Believe if You Watch Cable News All Day

Ivermectin Could Destroy Justification For Lockdowns And Vaccine Mandates 

The CDC Director Admit ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Was a Big Lie, Here is the New Term They’re Using

The Sharyl Attkisson interview on media manipulation, mistakes, and Covid – How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape

Swiss Olympic Sprinter Gets Pericarditis After Pfizer Booster – 22,193 deaths and 1,053,830 adverse events reported following COVID vaccinations

A Criminal Complaint Filed In The Office Of The Texas Attorney General Alleges Murder and Crimes Against Humanity Related To The Covid Vaccines

6 People Present at Scene of Ashli Babbitt Killing Still Not Arrested by the FBI – The family asks for the public’s help identifying photos of witnesses from January 6

California Online Voter Registration – The electronic voter registration system must provide for immediate verification

A Culture of Corruption – In Baltimore, crime-tolerant state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby seems willing to break the law herself

Biden’s Approval Hits Two Record Lows After Disastrous Press Conference – He is is now upside-down by a whopping 14.8 points

Senator McConnell Slams Biden And Says The US Must Arm Ukraine – “Joe Biden’s remarks regarding Russia and Ukraine tensions are “bizarre and devastating”

A Trump-appointed Judge Blocks  Biden’s VAXX-Mandate on Federal Employees – “The President’s Authority Is Not That Broad”

The FAA’s beef with 5G: Airplane altimeters operate in the 4.2GHz to 4.4GHz range of radio frequency spectrum. The C-band of the spectrum the wireless industry is using for 5G is between 3.7GHz and 3.98GHz, which is right next door

The Democrats’ Election-Law Circus – The procedural radicalism and rhetoric of the Democrats is alarming

If Trump Had Greenlighted Russia To Invade Ukraine Like Biden Just Did, He’d Be Accused Of Corruption

WSJ: States Are Swimming in Cash Thanks to Booming Tax Revenue and Federal Financial Aid – NY, CA, and FL are among the states planning big one-time investments in worker bonuses, tax rebates, and paying down debt

Dr. Peter McCullough: The Vaccines Failed in Stopping COVID-19 So Mandates Must Be Dropped – “The vaccines themselves have now become obsolete as the virus continues to mutate”

The CDC Has Destroyed Public Trust By Pushing Obvious Covid-19 Falsehoods – Their claims are not supported by data

Preteens may be vaccinated without parent consent, the youngest of any state, under a proposed California bill

March with Us – Hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers gather in Washington for the annual March for Life, as they’ve done every year since 1974

Joe Biden’s Election Integrity Reply During His News Conference Puts The White House in Cleanup Mode

Bombshell Voter Fraud Information Surfaces From Wisconsin – 569,277 voters have 1/1/1918 as their registration date, amounting to 1 out of every 14 voters in the system

Voters Reject Hillary Clinton as a 2024 Presidential Candidate saying she would lose to Both Biden and Trump

No wonder most people don’t trust the media –They frequently bury truthful stories while endlessly running false stories

They Knew – The FBI And Corporate Media Lied About the Texas Synagogue Terrorist’s Motives

The FBI goes after a Democrat who opposes Biden’s border policies – It looks like the FBI and DOJ are going to investigate and arrest people that don’t support the Biden administration’s agenda

My Time In The Tank – It was clear that the deep state was all-powerful, and they wanted Roger Stone at any cost to get to the bigger target—Donald J. Trump

I love California too, but… – I hate the government and what they have done to my adopted home

Three Murders in Three Days – Plus, How the Texas Jews saved themselves; a billionaire’s false moral equivalence on China; and more

It’s Long Past Time to Start Asking the Right Questions About Crime in America – Murders have not spiked everywhere

We Must Save America Now – America can’t wait for 3-years until a new President is inaugurated in January 2025

Runaway immigration makes America poorer and less democratic – “How many people are too many?” is perhaps the most important question facing our country right now

The global warming question that can change people’s minds – “What is the ideal average temperature for the Earth”?

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Mistakes in the Biden Era: the Definitive List – Updated

America’s Supply Chains Are Already Extremely Fragile – 12 Signs That Food Shortages Are Already Here

Is COVID Jobs Recession About To Get Worse? – The US remains in a serious jobs recession, one that’s much different than any in modern history

Ireland drops most COVID restrictions in wake of ‘Omicron storm’ siting advice from public health officials

Extensive UK Over-Reporting Of Covid Deaths Found – Average age of Covid death in the UK in 2021 was 82.5 years

“The Virus Stops With Every Vaccinated Person” – Eight Quotes From The ‘Experts’ That Aged Horribly

January 20, 2022

The Plot to Sabotage Trump – Ex-staffers and Bushies schemed to stop him

Twenty-one days to brainwash your child – Students forced to take a “21-Day Equity Challenge” as part of the district’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion” curriculum

‘Let the 25th Amendment Discussions Begin’ – Biden’s News Conference Was A Total Failure as Reactions Roll In

The January 6 Committee Claims Absolute Power as it Investigates Citizens With No Judicial Limits – They plotted to obtain a citizen’s financial records with no possibility of judicial review

The Leftists Lose It After Sinema Shakes Hands With A Few Republican Senators

‘Gavin Should Be Ashamed’ – The DA brands woke California Governor Newsom ‘either ignorant or a liar’ after he supported laws that downgrade felonies but now blames police and prosecutors for the rise in crime

Nancy Pelosi May Rename Biden’s Stalled Build Back Better Package to Help It Pass Before Midterms

The Chinese Communist Party is Still Buying Up American Land – They are continuing their U.S. agricultural takeover, buying hundreds of thousands of arable acres across the nation

When progressives side with criminals – Democrat politicians are ignoring the daily murders and robberies and car-jackings of their poorest constituents

The Reawaken America Tour – Clay Clark Drops a Dozen Bombshells About the Plandemic

Victor David Hanson: Go bold, GOP – 10 commandments worth running on in midterm elections

WSJ: SCOTUS Permits Continued Enforcement of Texas Six-Week Abortion Ban – Denies abortion providers’ request to allow the challenge to proceed in federal court

Biden’s Best Argument Against Voting Security Bills Flatlines as Black Americans Speak Up – 79% of black Americans polled support voter ID

Biden’s first year: His biggest blunders – Crisis after crisis and instead of his promised unity we got divisiveness

WSJ: Biden’s First Year: The Goals He Hit and the Ones He Missed – Trillions in spending through Congress, but unable to accomplish his top social and climate priorities

Exclusive: General Flynn Tells The Western Journal in Next 24 Hours Massive Corruption Will Be Exposed

The Obedient Generation – A question of whether we are here for a purpose, or whether we are all alone!

WSJ: Putin Loves to Roll the Dice And Ukraine Is His Biggest Gamble Yet – His tolerance for risk is tested as he threatens a ground war unseen in Europe since the 1940s

U.S. Allows Baltic NATO Members to Send Arms to Ukraine – Decision will enable shipments of US-made anti-tank and air defense weapons to the Ukrainian military

The January 6 Narrative is Starting to Unravel – This began when many people began to suspect that the whole thing was a setup from the beginning and started looking into it

A Scandal For Every Month –The Biggest Botches, Failures, And Mess-Ups Of Joe Biden’s First 12 Months In Office

Oregon’s governor sued for allegedly violating state clemency laws while ignoring victim rights – Unlawfully freeing more than 1,000 inmates

The secret to achieving accountability for Facebook’s and Twitter’s censorship – They own whatever they do NOT Delete

WSJ: Senate Panel Approves Antitrust Bill Restricting Big Tech Platforms – The bill would make it illegal for Amazon, Google, Apple, and others to favor their products over their competitors

Economist/YouGov Poll: Majority of Americans Say America on the ‘Wrong Track’ One Year into Biden’s Presidency

The TSA’s stunning admission about illegal aliens allowed onboard American planes – They are allowed to fly even if the only identification they have is an arrest warrant or warrant of removal from DHS related to their illegal status

Hakeem Jeffries lets the cat out of the bag on the Democrats’ “Freedom To Vote” Plan – This takeover bill is “inspired by Cesar Chavez”

WSJ: Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Kuleba: Biden’s ‘Minor Incursion’ Comment Downplays Russian Aggression – Any aggressive moves by Russia should trigger an equal response

Center for Immigration Studies Senior National Security Fellow Todd Bensman Reports On The Wave of Illegals Headed Our Way From All Over The World

Inflation Wreaks Havoc On Economic Confidence In 2022 – The IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index swoons in January

Meet the 6 Navy SEALS running to defeat Nancy Pelosi

Biden’s Disastrous First Year As President Drives Voters Into The GOP’s Arms

A SENILE PHANTASM-AGORIA – The longer his press conference went, the worse he got

Will anyone ever ask Biden about Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago? – Weekend shootings have become as natural as hearing Cubs fans talk about waiting for next year

Defiant And Unapologetic: Biden’s Marathon Presser – Blamed Republicans and defended his first 12 months in Office

A Presumption Against Police: The New York Civil Liberties Union publishes a damning report on the NYPD – However, factual data refute its conclusions

Later This Month A US Army Guerrilla Warfare Exercise Will Be Conducted In North Carolina To Target “Freedom Fighters”

The Democrats’ Total War On Republicans Backfired – Resulting in a stunning 14-point shift in preference to Republicans

The IRS To Require Facial Recognition To View Tax Returns – By mid-2022, you can only log into irs.gov through ID.me

Asian Imports Take “Dramatically Longer” To Reach US As Bottlenecks Bite – 57% higher than at the same time last year

The Big City Prosecutors Backed by Soros – His money is used to elect “Progressives” to push “criminal justice reform”

DirecTV’s Plan To Remove One America News Faces Pushback From Senators – It has the appearance of targeting supporters of former President Donald Trump”

One of the World’s Oldest and Most Respected Medical Journals Just Called Out The Covid “Vaccines” and Treatment Shenanigans

How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally And Personally Profits From It

Fauci Helped Loosen Weak Rules For Risky Virus Research – With Fauci’s input, the review committee was stripped of its power to veto proposed research

REPORT: Mask Mandates Are Causing Over A 350% Surge In Childhood Speech Delays

After How COVID Was Handled, Never Again – Two years of COVID-1984 should have taught people that bureaucracies can never be trusted to police themselves for our protection

The Omicron Variant Evades mRNA Booster Protection, A South African Study Shows

China’s impossible COVID stats – Throughout the COVID crisis, China has been accused of suppressing their death toll

Overreach in Technology Regulation Carries Multiple Risks – California risks losing its historic commitment to innovation, consumers risk losing products and platforms that make their lives better

Special Council Durham vs. Horowitz: Tension Over Truth and Consequences Grips the FBI’s Trump-Russia Reckoning

Can Los Angeles Be Saved From Itself? – After the senseless deaths of  three people, L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva intervened and now the death penalty is on the table as a result of federal charges

Why the Covid vaccines don’t work – The original vaccines are now causing more harm than good

I’m A Triple-Vaccinated Pharma Executive – Here’s Why I Quit A High Paying Job Over My Company’s Vaccine Mandate

I’m a Public School Teacher and The Kids Are NOT Alright – They were taught to think of themselves as vectors of disease

Coming Clean: I’m Not Vaxxed And This Is Why – My experience of the pandemic in South Africa

January 19, 2022

The deep state is no conspiracy theory – Progressive monoculture has enveloped many of our private and public institutions and Aldous Huxley saw it coming

THE LANCET: COVID-19 will continue but the end of the pandemic is near

Public Health’s Truth Problem – Throughout the pandemic, medical and scientific institutions have disseminated dubious advice, flawed studies, and even outright falsehoods

How the Left Is Proving the DNC Was Not Hacked by Russia – The more that comes out about the Seth Rich case, the more plausible the “leak” theory becomes, and the more sinister the Clinton campaign and Comey appear to have been

The Brianna Kupfer murder: Alleged suspect Shawn Laval Smith arrested in Pasadena

Teachers Are Doing Violence to Books – When they teach  literature through the singular prism of race, class, and gender

WSJ: SCOTUS Rejects Trump’s Bid to Withhold Documents Related to the January 6 Probe

WSJ: Democrats Fail Their Push to Change Senate The Filibuster, Sinking Their Elections Rules 

Victor David Hanson: Is America Heading for a Systems Collapse? – As the 2022 midterm elections approach, who will stop our descent into collective poverty, division, and self-inflicted madness?

Let’s Double Our Taxes! – California Democrats propose a measure that would double our taxes to pay for “free” healthcare, but even they aren’t serious about it

Single-Family Housing Starts Crash as Bidenflation Sends Construction Costs Soaring For Home Builders

Thanks, Joe Biden: Starting This Weekend, Get Ready for Produce to Burn a Big Hole in Your Wallet

At Least 19 Federal Agencies Consider Tracking Religious Exemption Requests From Vaccine Mandates – “It is likely the Biden administration is using these agencies to stealth test a policy it intends to roll out across the whole government”

Truck Drivers Become Biden & Trudeau’s Worst Nightmare – By Disrupting the US-Canada Border to Protest Vax Mandate

It’s Official: Biden Now Leads Trump In The Number of COVID Deaths Occurring During Their Administration

Hidden on page 403 of The Infrastructure Law Is a Mandate for a Government Backdoor ‘Kill Switch’ for Cars

Jordan Peterson: Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto – The appalling woke ideology of diversity, inclusion, and equity is demolishing education and business

These 5 Public Figures Refused to Be Canceled By Me-Too and Woke Madness – More people should follow their example

California’s Proposed Education Funding Scheme Won’t Work – Guaranteed funding for failing schools is not the answer

It Was All About Politics, Not Science – The CDC Takes Radical U-Turn on Their Pandemic Narrative

The Pfizer-sponsored CDC Foundation partnered with Facebook to fund social media tactics to increase “vaccine uptake”  –  According to Messages to The White House that have been obtained

UK Doctor’s Research: Ivermectin is 62% Effective in Preventing Covid Mortality and 86% Effective in Preventing Infection

Covid Tyranny In Australia As Applied To Tennis Star Novak Djokovic of Serbia – A Thorough Analysis of What Happened

Bombshell CDC Study: Natural Immunity Provides Significantly More Protection Against COVID Than Vaccination Only

WSJ: Procter & Gamble Says Prices Will Keep Going Up – Quarterly sales rise 6%, led by health and cleaning products, with price increases accounting for half of the gain

The Synagogue Terrorist Malik Faisal Akram Was Booted by Nearby Mosque Just Days Before His Attack

The Defense in The Whitmer case seeks immunity for the disgraced FBI agents and informants in a rare twist

WSJ: Why The 5G Rollout Is Concerning Airlines and Flight-Safety Regulators – At issue is whether the new 5G signals affect aircraft equipment that helps planes land in difficult weather conditions and avoid crashes

Many of Santa Monica’s Homeless Are Armed – Enlightenment provided by interviewing a homeless person from the area

England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, And Work Restrictions

The Pandemic Narrative Undergoes Radical U-Turn – In recent days, the CDC has made a remarkable number of U-turns, completely reversing course on several of its narrative points

The system is set up for hospitals to profit from COVID – The numbers are staggering both in money hospitals took in and the very real possibility that their actions caused people to die

Focus on Herd Immunity, Not Vaccination Rates – They claim the 26% unvaccinated population put the 74% vaccinated population at risk

Biden’s Attack On Voting Rights Far Surpasses Trump’s Election Claims – In one week alone, President Biden eclipsed everything Donald Trump and his supporters said about the validity of the 2020 election

The Biden Administration Knew the Afghan Air Force Would Collapse after a U.S. Withdrawal

These Are The World’s Largest Nuclear Power Producers – Nuclear energy generation overall has seen a slowdown since its peak in the 1990s

FDA drug safety expert Dr. David Gortler: Vaccine manufacturers and the FDA are not providing adequate warnings about myocarditis risks

Tucker Carlson: Homelessness is a manufactured crisis – “A determined group of well-funded ideologues decided to make it easier to live on the streets in this country while doing drugs”

Biden Officials Defy Critical Civil Rights Law – In their latest attempt to be Woke, the FDA decreed racial minorities will get preference over Whites in receiving the limited supplies of critically needed COVID-fighting drugs

As U.S. Athletes Face Mounting Dangers in Beijing, Blinken Wastes Time in Kyiv – While the White House will be supporting the communist Olympics event by sending 46 diplomats to Beijing

Is This A plan to take down and reconstitute the world economy? – A global digital currency is the Holy Grail of complete and efficient governmental control over our lives

Peter Schiff: This Bubble Economy Is Going To Burst – The Federal Reserve won’t fix the inflation problem, but simply put, they will make it worse

The January 6 Committee Targets Eric Trump and Don Jr.’s Fiancée Kimberley Guilfoyle – This represents a fresh escalation as the select committee for the first time targets a member of Trump’s family

Wokeness Hits the Upper Echelons of the Air Force – The gist of the story is that the Air Force Special Tactics community encountered wokeness, but resistance in the lower ranks sparked a backlash

Even Without War, Russia Has Defeated Europe Already – The painful reality that while it is too weak to defend itself, it can no longer rely on the United States to come to its rescue

China Is Chipping Away At America’s Influence In The Middle East – The US withdrawal from Afghanistan was only the latest in a string of moves from the U.S. that served to reduce its influence in the Middle East

January 18, 2022

NYT: Congress Can Trade Stocks or Keep the Public Trust, But Not Both

A Republican revolution from below – A wave of new election integrity bills is being approved by Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country

Voter ID Requirements Make Sense – The “For the People Act” would enable widespread voting fraud

A New Level of Fake News From the Left Now they think they can predict the future for the coming midterms

The Supreme Court Rejects The Request to Block Federal Airplane Mask Mandate

Two more House of Representative Democrats announce they will not seek reelection – The total is now 28

California May Soon Double Its Taxes To Pay For Influx Of Illegals – Via higher income taxes on the wealthy, a payroll tax on large companies, and a new gross receipts tax

The Murdering Of Free Speech In America – House Democrats are getting closer and closer to the constitutional line, if they have not already crossed it”

Now You Can Rent a Robot Worker for Less Than Paying a Human Worker –  Automation is reaching more companies, imperiling some jobs, and changing the nature of others

‘Much Brighter Than Before’: COVID-19 Cases Plunge Across The US

WSJ: The U.S. Aims Sanctions at Pro-Russian Separatists as Secretary of State Blinken Plans Ukraine, Russia Meetings – Sanctions will freeze the assets of at least four individuals and could be announced as early as Thursday

Federal Reserve Signals Reduced Stimulus as Inflation Soars to 39-Year High – Will end their asset purchases in March and will be raising rates during the year

Stocks plummet as Fed gears up to raise interest rates for the first time in years

No, Our Politicians Are Not Mostly Good – DON’T PACK THE COURTS . . . PACK THE PRISONS!

Are You Enjoying Communism Yet? – Biden’s Economy Shows 3rd Largest Manufacturing Drop In History In January

We All Know It’s True: 58% of Voters Now Believe Cheating was Likely in 2020 Election — Up from 54%

The Biden Admin Sued over The Unlawful Funding for Palestinian Government that Supports Terror

A Federal Appeals Court Judge Delivers Big Win for Pro-Life Movement – Allows Texas Abortion Law to Remain in Effect

The Texas Synagogue Attack Smells Like More Evidence Of FBI Corruption

The Border Crisis Is Bad, But In Mexico, A Larger Crisis Looms – Mexico has serious problems with cartel-related crime and has for decades

The Fifth Time’s the Charm – An Israeli Trial Shows 4th Shot of Covid Vaccine Doesn’t Stop Omicron

Canada Eliminates Trucker Vaccine Mandate – Eliminating this unnecessary mandate for truckers was essential for Trudeau to hold on to the last of his constituents

Why Those Ruling Class Minions Are Suddenly Doing Damage Control On Covid – An Understanding of the Term ‘Limited Hangout’ Is Needed

Fauci Must Go – It is past time for public-health policy to shift by acknowledging that Covid-19 is now an endemic disease and, for the most part, a risk for individuals to manage

The Political Timing of Declaring The End of The Pandemic – What Biden and the Democrats are hoping for is a reaction of “thank you, thank you, thank you, you’re our savior

Is Government Competent to Spend More Public Money? – Some lessons from the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act

What Many On The Right Still Don’t Understand About “Trump Populism” – Trump supporters just want their country back

Boys swimming against girls is just not fair! – The NCAA and many states are doing nothing as sporting records, placement in championships, and Title IX for women and girls crumble into dust

Boycott the Beijing Olympics – Their purpose for these Olympics is purely political, to celebrate China’s way of life

No, the American experiment is not over – Leftists like to talk about the “American experiment” as something of a failure

CDC Wonder – The Top Ten Causes Of Death During 2020 – And Covid Is Not #1

Is It The End of Lockdowns in Britain? – Boris Johnson Looks to Scrap All Coronavirus Restrictions in March

Robert W Malone MD, MS: Behavioral control and the end of the American dream – Remember those Johns Hopkins Pandemic war games that occurred over decades?

January 17, 2022

Trump’s New Rally Walk-Off Song Gives a Strong Clue About His 2024 Plans

Senators Manchin and Sinema  refuse to eliminate the filibuster to pass a pair of election reform bills – So Democrats Whip Up Fear Of ‘Rigged’ Midterm 2022 Elections

Inflation, Along With The Supply Crunch And Omicron Push US Growth Forecasts Down

Poll: 59%of Democrats Favor Government Confining Unvaccinated Americans to Their Homes – “At all times except for emergencies”

Five nurses speak out about what is going on in our hospitals – If you think our healthcare system is well run and there is no corruption, you are in for a big surprise

San Francisco Chronicle: Omicron may have peaked in parts of the Bay Area as the California COVID surge slows

The Democrats Embrace Voter Intimidation – Informed people know that the Democrat’s voting rights bill is an attempt to codify corruption

Rasmussen Reports: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Report: A ‘Dreadful’ Border Error Allowed The Texas Synagogue Terrorist Into US

The new truck driver vaccine mandate is likely to make fruit and vegetables more expensive

Victor David Hanson: From the moment COVID-19 appeared, the pandemic became inseparable from politics

The 15 Worst Covid Lies That Have Been Completely Exposed for All the World to See – #14. The vaccines are 100% safe and effective for everyone

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Predicts ‘Return to Normal’ by Spring But Expects COVID-19 to Circulate for Years

COVID Con Part 2: Billions in pandemic relief funds went to everything but pandemic relief – They went to pension bailouts, critical race theory programs, and cash grants to illegal immigrants

Sharyl Attkisson: The hidden Covid-19 vaccine-injured (Updated)

The CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater – It’s always been more about showing compliance than keeping people safe

Gallup Poll: U.S. Political Party Preferences Shifted Greatly During 2021 – Shifts Follow Changes in Presidential Approval

Over a Million Americans Have Fled Blue States Due to High Rates of Crime, Taxes, and Economic Regulation

Crumbling Narratives Leave the Ruling Class with Everything to Fear – “Protection” in this racket means survival but not life, equity but not fairness, financial handouts but not prosperity, and politically correct narratives but no truth

The FBI reverses its position and now says the Texas synagogue hostage case was terror and the Jews were targeted

Gallup Poll: Throughout 2021, the country moved away from the Democrat party and towards the GOP by 14 points

Funny how similar Paul Pelosi, Jr.’s & Hunter Biden’s backgrounds are – Both have few qualifications but have endlessly used their parents’ powerful position to greatly enrich themselves with high-paying positions at corrupt institutions

A Video Shows Pennsylvania Official Admitting Election Laws Were Broken In 2020

A January 6 panel member floats 14th Amendment as a way to bar Trump from holding office again

Profiting From Doom: Globalist Elites Doubled Their Wealth During Covid Pandemic – The world’s 10 richest men increased their fortunes to $1.9 trillion, at a rate of $1.6 billion a day, over the past 12 months

Inflation Could Spell Doom For Wokeness – Voters have been conned into paying an inflated price for inefficient and ineffective policies

That scene at the L.A. Union Pacific rail depot is all about wokeness, not the weird things the press is cooking up

Union Pacific Weighs Avoiding Los Angeles as Cargo Theft Rises

US Futures And European Markets Rise After China’s First Rate Cut In 2 Years

Why Trump’s Pivot Away From Pushing the Jabs Is a Bigger Deal Than Most Realize

Conservatives Will Love the Precious Gift GE Just Gave to Each of Their 56,000 Employees – They are dropping their Biden inspired Covid vaccination mandate

DATA: Nearly 50% of Democrat Voters Want ‘Detention’ for the Unvaccinated

Did 270 doctors demand that Spotify censor Joe Rogan for COVID misinformation? – 270 “doctors” or “medical experts” (which implies doctors) who wrote that letter constitute less than 0.03% of America’s practicing physicians

A Big Pharma CEO Blows a Hole in Vaccine Mandates – “Limited protection if any,” is not a strong endorsement

Australia Is the Loser in Djokovic’s Deportation – The true test of any liberal democracy is how it treats dissenters

Being Jewish in an Unraveling America – The bad guy was killed. The good guys were saved. But the reaction to the hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas, should alarm American Jews

A new equity policy bars Seattle Police from some traffic stops and opens the door to more car theft

It Is Time to Face Reality About Covid Vaccine Effectiveness – Data-driven graphs tell the story

A Medical board suspends the license of a 25-year practicing doctor and asks for a psych evaluation because she prescribed ivermectin and HCQ for COVID and her public dissent from accepted Covid orthodoxy

Ivermectin Delivered by A Novel Product – If they get it into the market and get regulatory approval, it could compete against the COVID vaccines and avoid the need for the new Pfizer and Merck antiviral treatment drugs

Robert W Malone MD, MS: A Review of the Science – Exercise and vitamin D3 are beneficial, Omicron is mild in children and asymptomatic spread with Omicron is significant

Dr. Mercola: What You Need to Know About the COVID Shot, and More

The I-MASK+ Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

‘270 Doctors’ Called Out Joe Rogan – But Vast Majority Of Authors And Signatories Are Not Medical Doctors

The American Medical Association Falls to CRT – Their recent guide to anti-racism planning suggests that universities develop a scorecard “similar to the White Coats for Black Lives’ Racial Justice Report Card

A Football Coach Fired for Post-Game Prayers Gets Good News The Left Will Hate It – SCOTUS To Hear The Case

January 16, 2022

Biden on The Muslim Hostage-Taker: I Don’t Think There Is Sufficient Information to Know Why He Targeted That Synagogue

Ghislaine Maxwell to Expose Names of 8 Powerful Men Linked to Epstein’s Under Age Sex Crimes

Was Trump an Exception? – Republicans should focus on exposing Democrat scandals before The Left starts the mudslinging. The hell with striking a “positive note”!

Democrat Governors Using Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds to Fight ‘Climate Change

Conspiracies as Realities & Realities as Conspiracies – The Left has fought efforts to learn the full truth, as they project conspiracies to disguise conspirators

HHS Will Stop Counting COVID Deaths on Feb. 2 – How many people listed as dying of COVID were receiving treatment for another illness and only happened to test positive? This is a subject HHS does not want to discuss

Jeff Clark in His Own Words: Why I Fight to Honor Executive Privilege – The Constitution and the separation of powers are at stake

Kamala Harris Looks To Reset After Abysmal First Year As Vice President – The prospects of her being the head of the Democrat Party are looking bleak

The Biden Administration is Creating An Alarming List of Religious Americans

Goodbye Pandemic, Hello Endemic? – Things are looking very good for this recent prediction

Facebook & Google Made a Secret Deal To Corner The Digital Advertising Market – Zuckerberg Directly Implicated

Donald Trump delivered what sounds like a 2024 stump speech at his first rally of 2022

New VA Governor Youngkin Is All Business – 11 Executive Actions on His First Day as Governor & CRT is out in schools

The Left is trying to erase the meaning of American citizenship – Almost half of the people arrested for illegally crossing the border have been released into the US as a result of Biden orders

Tennis star Djokovic was ordered deported from Australia – Deprived of defending his Open title for failing to obtain a COVID-19 vaccine despite having natural immunity

The bail data debate: New numbers from New York show that supervised release is resulting in many re-offenses

CNN IS Tanking – Six Reasons For Its Failures

Robert W Malone MD, MS: Socrates, Thought Police, Ivermectin and Uttar Pradesh

‘It Is A Waste of Time’ to Keep Vaccinating People According To The  Ex-Head of The UK Vaccine Taskforce

January 15, 2022

The Truth About Vaccine-induced Myocarditis – I have a platform so it’s my responsibility to give voice to the voiceless

A Huge Crowd Attends The Trump Rally in Arizona – ‘Nobody’s Ever Had a Movement Like This’

The $94 Trillion World Economy In One Chart – The U.S., China, Japan, and Germany make up over half of the world’s GDP

Missing a Package? Far-Left Policing Policies Might Be to Blame – Deliveries are being intercepted by thieves at major ports across America, especially in Los Angeles. It’s no wonder when the penalties are rarely a deterrent

Freight Trains Are Openly Looted as They Pass Through LA – Police Frustrated with What’s Not Happening to Captured Suspects

FedEx Wants To Arm Cargo Planes With Anti-Missile Lasers – This could allow them to fly in highly contested air space that would usually be off-limits

Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Fauci Profited From The Pandemic

Report: Anthony Fauci’s $10M 2020 Investment Portfolio Includes Chinese Companies

Elon Musk Exposed the Pandemic Truth Right From the Very Beginning – In its third year it appears government officials are finally starting to listen to what he had to say

Dr. Joseph Mercola: More Children Die From the COVID Shot Than From COVID – Published research shows children are at risk for potentially lifelong health effects from the jab

Which Nations Have The Most ‘Powerful’ Passport? – Japan and Singapore, according to the Henley Passport Index

A tsunami advisory has been issued for the US West Coast and Alaska – In the wake of an undersea volcanic eruption near Tonga

Is Ray Epps the key to January 6, and uncovering a deep state conspiracy that many of us have suspected for years?

12 Charts That Show Why President Biden’s Ratings Are On Life Support – A first-anniversary performance report

Their agenda mostly shelved, Democrats tout few accomplishments – Their legislative agenda is now on hiatus

Ugly stuff on inflation is rolling out, thanks, Joe – PPI is now at 9.7%, which means that more price hikes are ahead as goods get to consumers who are spending less as a result

As if there weren’t enough Joe Biden calamities – Our unguarded interstate rail trade is facing unprecedented robberies as its cargo moves to its destinations

World Ranked #1 Serbian Tennis Star Novak Djokovic Detained AGAIN in Australia And Declared Public Threat

Democrats Are Attempting A Coup By Lawfare – One way to conduct a coup is to control who can run for elected office, for example, NOT Trump

7 Things We’ve Learned About the 2020 Elections – Proper elections require “transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability”

D.C. Democrats say I.D. will be needed to walk their streets, but are not needed to vote

Bombshell Admission: COVID PCR Tests Don’t Work – The CDC also admits the PCR cannot identify active infection or measure contagiousness

The WHO Recommends 2 New Drugs as COVID-19 Treatments – Baricitinib, an oral drug, and Sotrovimab that is administered as a single intravenous infusion

Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul, seems to have an affinity for corrupt businesspeople – He was involved in five companies probed by federal agencies but has never been charged himself


January 14, 2022

The Inside Scoop on McConnell’s Latest Scheme to Harm Trump and the MAGA Movement – Behind the scenes moves to  elevate candidates who are loyal to the Old GOP rather than the New GOP

A woman got charged $10,000 for a 1-mile S.F. cab ride – When she disputed the bill, things got even more outrageous

A Flurry Of Bad News For Democrats And Their Media Allies – The 2022 midterms will be a referendum on the current president, NOT the former one

COVID Shots Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease in Young People, MIT Scientist Warns

Myocarditis Tops List of COVID Vaccine Injuries Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds, VAERS Data Show

Failing as Predicted – Joe Biden’s Presidency is shaping up to be a historical disaster, with a collapse in confidence already well underway

It Sure Looks Like Putin Is Calling Biden’s Bluff – He doesn’t believe the US and NATO allies will do anything he’s not willing to endure

WSJ: The Putin Puzzle: Why Ukraine and Why Now? – Putin has a long history of using an aggressive foreign policy to bolster his standing in Russia

The Left Controls Almost Everything, So Why Are They So Afraid? – Perhaps knowing that their strength is a charade, it’s unstable, not organic, and coerced, so when it collapses, they fear it will collapse like a house of cards

DirecTV Cancels OAN after Joe Biden Orders Media Outlets and Tech Giants to Banish Voices that Deviate from the Regime’s Official Narrative

What Americans Lost When We Abandoned the Secret Ballot – Unintimidated voting no longer serves the purposes of the Democrat party so secret ballots seem as dead as whistle-stop campaigns

Gavin Newsom Proposes Billions for The Doomed California High-Speed Rai. Project

Big Brother Is Driving the Worker Shortage – When welfare pays more than work, why go look for a job?

How our universities became sheep factories – Our institutions of learning are now instruments of political indoctrination

A Chinese National Monsanto Scientist Pleads Guilty To Stealing Secrets For China

A retired U.S. Army Green Beret January 6 Defendant Says FBI Tried to Recruit Him to Spy on Oath Keepers

It Turns Out That States With The Highest Covid “Vaccination” Rates Are Seeing The Highest Surge in Omicron Cases

After The SCOTUS’ Covid Ruling, Companies are Ditching Their Vaccine Mandates Like a Bad Habit

Dr. Peter McCullough: The Official COVID ‘Narrative Has Crumbled’ – ‘The vaccines should be pulled off the market as evidence shows they are not solving the problem’

Was It Ever About COVID? – Hospitals Ask Infected Staff to Cut Sick Leave Short, Return to Work Amid Labor Shortage

Health Departments In Several States A Investigating Surge in Mortality Among 18–49-Year-Olds – The Majority Are Unrelated to COVID-19

Covid-19 Health Facts – Jan 14, 2022

Biden and the Democrats are colluding with Russia – The issue is Russia’s Nord Stream 2 energy pipeline and Democrats’ refusal to support sanctions against it

The US has intelligence that Putin will stage a ‘false flag’ attack on Russian troops to set up a pretext to invade Ukraine after talks between the US and Russia collapsed

A week of intensive diplomacy aimed at dissuading Russia from Ukraine invasion ends in a ‘dead end’

A U.S. Judge Refuses To Throw Out Prince Andrew’s Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Why Everything Is So Expensive – Don’t blame the checkout line for the inflated prices Washington’s debauchery is having you pay

TEAM DeSantis IS DEFIANT – ‘Florida Won’t Be the Biden Administration’s Biomedical Police’

Biden Is Out Of Touch With Reality On Inflation – Congress, which has already spent $6 trillion on post-COVID “stimulus,” wants to spend even more – doing further damage to our economy

Joe Biden Is in over His Head – Even those who rooted for him can’t ignore the evidence piling up and spilling out all over

Joe Biden promises on immigration after one year – Lead to chaos at the border and frustrated liberals

News-Nation/Decision Desk HQ Poll: Only 10% of Americans Trust The Media on COVID, 30% Trust Fauci Only, and 15.5% trust Biden

Biden abandons bipartisanship as agenda stalls – Comparing those opposing Democrat election bills to segregationists and Confederate leaders is outrageous

The RNC’s Ronna McDaniel is building a wall against illegal voters

A proposed antitrust bill would hurt Big-Tech – Legislation would forbid dominant online platforms from recommending or boosting their products and services

9 Times Senator Ron Johnson Triggered The Left — And He Turned Out To Be Right

Five Quick Things: The Vortex Emits a Giant Sucking Sound – How low will Joe go? No boosters for OSHA. Joy Reid loses it. Why can’t Mike Rounds emulate Rand Paul? And Finally, Kamala sinks lower than her boss

Bone-Chilling: Feds Launching ‘System’ to Collect ‘Religious Information’ on Unvaccinated Americans

The Best Path Forward for Omicron: Let It Rip – The freest policies are now necessarily the best policies

This is the dangerous assumption people are making about the COVID shots – Their manufacturing process is pristine

WSJ: Vaccine Makers Pursue New Omicron-Targeted Shots – U.S. officials say current evidence doesn’t support rolling them out and cite practical reasons not to

The Supreme Court’s Ruling On Vaccine Mandates Is Frighteningly Weak – Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh both acquiesced in the Biden Department of Health and Human Services’ power grab

Turning the Tables on Our Tyrants – Their Divide & Conquer Operation Wasted Because Un-boosted Now The Same As Un-Vaccinated

The “Experts” Catch Up To The Rest Of Us – In just a week, it has been amazing to watch the media narrative on Covid crumble

Democrats Move Away From Lockdowns Over Fears of Being Crushed Politically – “People have run out of patience”

Yachts To Be Exempt From EU’s Carbon Pricing Plan – The latest news shows just how pervasive the “green” hypocrisy is

January 13, 2022

Ann Coulter: The Great Epstein Cover-up, Part 2 – Now let’s look at the government’s long record of zealously trying NOT to unravel the case

Paul Manafort Breaks His Silence – Says The Mueller Team Wanted Him To Lie About Trump

All those cargo ships sitting in the San Francisco Bay are going away, maybe forever – Moving to the “Safety and Air Quality Area” 50-miles of the coast to leave bay waters open

A Democrat pollster explains Biden’s dishonest and divisive Georgia speech

Biden tells businesses to ignore the Supreme Courts Ruling and impose vax mandates anyway

Here Are the Justices That Handed Biden a Win for His Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers


16,000 Physicians Agree – Healthy children & COVID recovered should be excluded from vaccine mandates & social restrictions

Pfizer/FDA Corruption, Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Dangerous – Pfizer’s trials were a fraud, and the FDA knowingly approved it, putting millions of people at high risk

Hope Over Experience, Once Again – Biden’s new minority-loan program resembles past small-business financing failures, with the federal bureaucracy shipping $10 billion through the State Small Business Credit Initiative

Astrophysicists Release the Biggest Map of the Universe Yet – DESI and other gigantic cosmic maps serve as a reminder of how small humanity is in the universe

Stunning Videos Show The Dystopian Scene From Constant Train Burglaries in The Democrat Hellhole Los Angeles

SCOTUS blocks Biden’s workplace vaccination-or-test mandate but upholds healthcare requirement for certain healthcare workers

Sean Hannity: ‘I Hear Peter Schweizer’s Book Is Going to Be Massive!’ – “It discloses the secret deals wealthy Americans have cut to help China build its military, technological, and economic might”

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnel Fact-Checks Biden – His speech is as good or better than the various columns exposing the disgusting demagogy and outrageous falsehoods of Biden’s speech

‘Sinema Will not support’ filibuster change: Dashes Senate Democrats’ hopes

Filibusters, Voting Rights, Mexican Border, Car 54 Where Are You? – POTUS 46 isn’t getting the job done

Joe Biden’s poll numbers are bad, especially with a demographic he needs badly – Hispanics have given up on him

A ‘Gun at Every Door’: Border Rancher Sees 2,400 Percent Increase In Illegal Aliens on His Property

And Atlas Continues To Shrug – What was left out of Rand’s story is our current reality, the emergency that enables the elite cronies to herd the masses into de facto slavery

The Fed Works to Sabotage Sound Money – It should instead allow interest rates to be set by the market

Queen Elizabeth Strips Prince Andrew of All Military Titles and Patronages

Ten Statistics to Ruin Your Day – Plus a statistic for woke people that complain about microaggressions

‘If/Then’ is no Policy for Dealing with Russia – If/then relies on two things — first, that your adversary believes you and further, that he fears the consequences

Red-hot inflation eating away at most Americans’ wage gains – Wages for all employees fell 2.4% in December

Producer prices soared by 9.7% in December, the biggest gain on record – Inflation at the wholesale level before it reaches consumers

Government Stimulus Payments Stimulate Only The Government – Economies thrive on the frequency with which money circulates

The Perils of Non-Citizen Voting  – New York City’s new law could become a fiasco

The FBI’s Broken Relationship with Us – Something fundamentally changed in the last five years

The Revolution Is Underway But Nobody Recognizes It – The hubris of the ruling elites and their lackeys is off the scale

They’re building a concrete wall around the White House – Make of it what you will

House Republicans Raise $140 Million in 2021 Obliterating Fundraising Records

Hunter Biden’s Ex-Wife Is Releasing A Damning Memoir in Run-up To The Midterms

Homeschool Your Kids – 100 Reasons Why You Should Consider Doing It

The Make-a-Wish Foundation Denies A Wish to A 4-Year-Old Cancer Patient Over Non-Vaccinated Status

Progressive Democrats Push New Legislation To Get Every American Wearing An N95 Mask

Medical Supplies CEO: Government Control Led to Lack of Monoclonal Antibodies

The Nationwide Surge In Deaths Among People Aged 18-49 – A State by State Overview

Booster Bust: The Medical Community Changes Its Mind – The medico-scientific establishment are walking back boosters

San Francisco Adds New COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements – Vaccinations and boosters will be required for those 15 and up beginning February 1st

Robert W Malone MD, MS: “How Bad is my Batch” – The story of my vaccine injury

Melatonin Significantly Reduces Covid-19 Mortality

Prosecutors Added Dozens of Charges for Prime Suspect in Waukesha Parade Massacre – Declare His Actions Were Intentional

January 12, 2022

20 Law Enforcement Employees Sue LAUSD Over Vaccine Mandate

Everything you need to know about masks and P100 respirators – Cloth and surgical masks do absolutely nothing positive to protect from Covid and N95 masks aren’t much better

The Antitrust Case Against Facebook Draws Blood – The latest ruling by a federal judge is a milestone for the effort to regulate Big Tech

L.A.’s Billion-Dollar ‘Homeless” Failure – Misguided policy and poor financial management have marked the performance of the city’s well-funded Homelessness Services Authority

Joe Biden’s approval rating PLUMMETS to 33% – Majority think American democracy is on the brink of danger

Biden’s Banana Republic – His treatment of political opponents shows that he is crudely undemocratic

The Biden Variant — Not Omicron — Is Behind The Shortages And Empty Shelves Everywhere

Florida 2018: The Election That Saved America – The state was a breath away from becoming another California

110 Republican Lawmakers Call on Biden To Abandon Iran Nuclear Talks As Tehran expands weapons program

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says he won’t cooperate with ‘illegitimate’ Jan. 6 probe

Politicizing COVID-19 From the Start – Thousands of Americans have died needlessly because of weaponized disinformation about China’s culpability, vaccines, useful drugs, lockdowns, racial preferences, and long-term care facilities

A Top Immunologist Slams The  Global Response to COVID-19 – Eviscerating the disaster driven by “false propaganda”

A Federal Judge Rules The DOD Can’t Block Discovery of Evidence in The Military Vaccine Mandate Trial

European Union Regulators and the WHO Call for an End to COVID Boosters, Citing Evidence The Strategy Is Failing

Biden’s Disgraceful Voting Speech – To push two sweeping Democrat voting bills federalizing a swath of election rules, he  identified opponents of the bills as domestic “enemies” on par with some of the most reprehensible figures in U.S. history

Poll: A Majority of voters support keeping the filibuster – 53% of likely voters support the filibuster and 27% oppose it

WSJ: Why Biden and Democrats Are Pushing For The Voting Bills Against  All Odds – They believe left-leaning voters want to see them fight for them

Gallup Honesty and Ethics of Professions Survey: Reporters, Congress, and lobbyists do poorly – Those that should have the high standards are graded low in the survey

Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan step forward to fight Pelosi’s January 6 political witch hunt

The FBI refuses to deny any involvement in the events on January 6 – Ted Cruz’ questions are of pivotal importance

The Olympic Horror, & other things – If someone is neutral regarding both the persecutors and persecuted, they in effect  are siding with the persecutors

Biden’s Education Secretary Planting an NSBA Letter Takes A Page From The Russia Collusion Hoax Playbook – If corrupt federal law enforcement agencies can run a covert smear campaign against a U.S. president, they can do it to you

Senator Daines: Voting Rights Bill Would Ensure Democrat Control ‘Forever’ – Expanding voting rights about Democrats “wanting to grab more power” 

The ascendance of the inner-city predator – Never before have predators received affirmation from the criminal justice system

Bidenomics cost the average worker nearly two paychecks in 2021 – With the highest inflation rate since 1982

US Consumer Prices Soar At The Fastest Rate In 39 Years As Real Wages Tumble For 9th Straight Month

What To Expect From The December Inflation Report – The White House is bracing for a “brutal” inflation report

Tough Luck Zuckerberg: A US District Judge Rejects Facebook’s Request to Dismiss The FTC Antitrust Lawsuit

WSJ: Will Record Omicron Cases Cause a Surge in the Severely Ill? – So Far the rate of hospitalizations associated with Omicron doesn’t appear as high as with prior variants

Bari Weis: Bringing Sanity to the Omicron Chaos – Talking to three doctors who have been islands of reason in a sea of confusion

The Media Fakes The First ‘Omicron Death’ – Had underlying conditions and tested positive but can’t confirm OF Covid

SARS-COV-2 Vaccines & Neurodegenerative Disease –There are several mechanisms by which these vaccines could lead to severe disease

A Note to restaurants about having to ‘show our papers’ to enter your establishment – If you do we will go elsewhere

Ivermectin ‘Works Throughout All Phases’ Of COVID – According To Leaked Military Documents

Mass Formation Psychosis And The Coronavirus Narrative – A Definition and Discussion

Top Immunologist Slams Global Response to COVID-19 Pandemic – A shameful disaster driven by “false propaganda”

Fauci wriggles like a fish on a hook when questioned about DARPA documents

The ‘gender gap’ is in reality a ‘marriage gap’ – The gap shrinks to almost nothing when comparing married men to married women

23 Million Afghans On Brink Of Starvation As Mainstream Media Has ‘Moved On’

January 11, 2022

Is It Time To Sell Your Single-Family House In California? – What you should know about SB 9 and SB 10 that allow multi-unit and multi-story buildings on single-family lots across California

Stop Gigi Sohn Now: The Dangerous Radical Trying to Undo Free Speech for All Americans – A fellow with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations

Why Israel Should Not Engage With the Palestinian Authority – Until the PA stops inciting violence, it’s a waste of time

The Supreme Court Is Likely to Rule Against Biden Administration Vaccine Mandates – But will likely do so in a limited way

Biden’s Big Elections Lie – He has decided to preemptively undermine confidence in the 2022 and 2024 elections

WSJ: Biden Endorses Filibuster Rule Changes if Necessary to Pass His Proposed Voting Rights Legislation

Tucker Carlson: Why Won’t The FBI Deny That Any FBI Agents Or Informants Were Involved In Capitol Riot?

Who Is Ray Epps? The DOJ Won’t Say – Top federal law enforcement officials decline to answer numerous questions about him

Tucker Carlson Questions Sham 1/6 Committee’s Sudden Acknowledgement and Defense of Ray Epps: “It’s Clear the DOJ Had a Role on Jan 6th”

US Marshals are admitting the truth about the Jan. 6 jail

The Fairy Tale That Is California’s High-Speed Rail Project – Voters approved almost $10 billion in bonds in 2008 and were promised that it would be built without a tax increase and operated without a public subsidy

How High Will California’s Taxes Go Before There’s No One Left To Tax? – Taxes lawmakers are proposing to fund a universal health care system will likely drive even more Californians out of the state

Inside the Fight to Remove Sexualized Content From School Libraries – ‘I am sickened to think that there are books like this in any classroom of a middle school for any child to read’

Is There a Limit to The Amount of Leniency with Criminals Can We Afford? – Progressive prosecutors claim that a soft-on-crime approach will make us safer, but the evidence tells a different story

What Elon Musk Has Taught Us About The Left – Musk doesn’t play their game

‘Mass Formation’ Is a Two-Headed Coin – Mass-formation on one side is likely to increase anger in a destructive feedback loop

John Daniel Davidson: I’m Never Getting A Covid Vaccine, And I’m Not Alone – As more vaccinated people become infected with the omicron variant, we’re going to have to learn to live with Covid — and with each other

Robert W Malone MD, MS: A Tidal Wave of Documents on Gain-of-Function and the Leak of the Virus Stuff is starting to get interesting (and undeniable)

Proof That Fauci Lied to Congress? – Project Veritas documents show military officials rejected dangerous gain-of-function experiments that Dr. Anthony Fauci later funneled, through EcoHealth Alliance, to the Wuhan lab


An Autopsy Confirms That A 26-Year-Old’s Death From Myocarditis Was Directly Caused by Pfizer COVID Vaccine

The Capital Police Cop Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Was Cleared of Criminal Wrongdoing And An Without Interview Or Even A Statement

Ted Cruz grills the FBI on Ray Epps and asks if the FBI had any informants on January 6

Senator Joe Manchin Reiterates: It Takes Two-Thirds of Senate to Change the Filibuster Rules

Mystery Surrounds FAA Order To Halt All West Coast Air Traffic After A North Korean Missile Launch  – Aircraft across the western U.S. were simultaneously ordered by the FAA to land or stop on the ground without explanation

China Covid-19 Lockdowns Hit Factories and Ports in Latest Knock to Supply Chains – Toyota, Samsung, and Volkswagen are among companies with production impacted

VOTING RIGHTS, LIES & VIDEOTAPE – Biden and most Senate Democrats want to make “voting rights” a hill to die on

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell: Inflation Poses a Major Threat to Job Market – Will raise rates more than now planned if needed to stem surging prices

Trump Rises 6 Points in a Biden Rematch and Nearly Ties Hispanic Vote – 10 percent of voters prefer another candidate

Why it must be Trump in 2024 – DeSantis is a fine governor but has never garnered a single vote outside of Florida

Kevin McCarthy: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has no place in the modern Republican Party and they won’t be welcome when Republicans are back in power

Republican leaders in two powerful House committees demand that Fauci answer questions under oath regarding his knowledge and cover-up of the Wuhan lab leak and gain-of-function research used to create Covid-19

‘#ExposeFauci’ Trends After Military Documents Concerning Wuhan Research Made Public – Documents released by Project Veritas show that gain-of-function research was rejected by the military in 2018 as too risky

Project Veritas: Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath – Links to referenced documents are provided

Fauci shut down the lab leak theory despite notable scientists lending it credence, according to emails

The media spreads disinformation, campaigns for a powerful government run by leftists – Do we want Supreme Court justices who are so misinformed to determine our laws and rules?

Peter Schiff: The Fed Can’t Do What It’s Saying It Will Do About Monetary Policy

Hollywood’s New ‘Woke’ Diversity Rules – The old boys club is dead and a new one with litmus tests of its own is rapidly replacing it

Let’s not have a path to citizenship for illegal aliens – Many, if not most, of them, have engaged in federal felony identity theft to enroll in school, obtain employment, get a bank account, etc.

America’s U-Haul Revolution – It’s not a civil war as no shots fired, just people moving for personal freedom and growth

‘An Urgent Reset Needed’ – Democratic Insiders Come Forward To Admit Biden The Administration Has ‘Gone Backwards’ On COVID Policy

Is the tide finally turning? – Covid-Alarmists have already begun The Big Skin-Back – Their many lies for so long are becoming so obviously lies that they need to get ahead of the story

Why Is the FDA Hiding the Pfizer Vaccine Data? – The package inserts for medical professionals in the Moderna and J&J vaccines are intentionally left blank

Vaccinated Can Volunteer to Wear Colored Identity Wrist Ban to Prove Jab or Recovered Status in a German City

COVID: Sue the Person Denying Your Legal Rights – Taking legal action is the only recourse open to those bullied by unqualified HR mandate enforcers

An Airline Pilot Says 80 Percent of Fellow Pilots Will Refuse to Get Vaccine Booster Shots

Vaccine Apartheid: Was Making the Covid Vaccinations ‘Compulsory’ the Plan All Along?

The UK Government’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization Advised Against A 4th COVID Vaccine Dose

Professor: COVID Survival Rate For People Below Age 20 is 99.9987% & 97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive

Those Who Brutalized Children To Grab Power Aren’t Experts, They’re Evil – They could have told the truth back when it could have saved the generation that comprises the world’s future

The Truth About COVID Treatments & The Supposed Vaccines – One of the best things I’ve seen that summarizes the relevant facts in an easily understandable way

Sharyl Attkisson: What are the Biden Covid-19 vaccine mandates? – SCOTUS will soon decide on their constitutionality

Much of the Biden administration’s vaccination mandate about large private employers went into effect January 10, despite the fact it is currently facing legal challenges in the Supreme Court

The Covid Vaccine-Related Death Rate Is 21 Times Higher Than For All Other Vaccines!

January 10, 2022

California ‘gas tax holiday’: Newsom proposes a pause on the upcoming tax increase scheduled for this summer

The JFK Assassination: What’s In The Newest Batch Of Declassified Documents?

The Likely Cause of the Media Blackout on Imploding Whitmer Kidnapping Plot – It is impossible to report on the Whitmer case without connecting it to January 6

Jim Jordan Responds to J6 Committee Request – “This request is far outside the bounds of any legitimate inquiry, violates core Constitutional principles, and would serve to further erode legislative norms”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: I’m Kicking 3 Democrats Off Their Committees If Republicans Win Back House In 2022

Conrad Black: The Sinking Ship of the Democrat-Media Alliance –  They gambled everything on 2020 but tied themselves to a sinking ship

The California legislature is showing the nation what not to do with these five bad bills

Even Mark Zuckerberg is leaving California for Texas – Meta (formerly Facebook), announced it will lease offices in a massive new building in Austin, Texas

San Francisco Advises Resident To Not Call 911 Unless For A Life-Threatening Emergency – Hundreds of emergency workers are out due to COVID measures and precautions

Smash-and-Grab Retail Is Rising  – Store crime now plagues many communities across the nation

Governor Gavin Newsom’s Plan to Model California Gun Control Bill After Texas Abortion Law Just Happened


He once claimed their shots “100% effective” – Pfizer CEO now says 2 COVID shots “offer very limited protection, if any” against COVID-19

UK Health Security Agency: Tells The NYT That That Too Many Booster Shots Could Cause “Immune System Fatigue”

Wuhan Institute of Virology Job Applications Are Only Open To Candidates The CCP and ‘Willing To Serve Socialist’ Goals

NOW THEY TELL US! – The CDC and other government agencies grossly overhyped the Covid epidemic and many people suspect it was done intentionally

Sharyl Attkisson: ‘A Pandemic of the Vaccinated’ – The trend should have been just the opposite: more vaccination: fewer cases, illnesses, and deaths

A Research Study Funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Confirms the Safety of Continuous Administration of Ivermectin

2030 Psychological Agenda & Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Part 5 – The US Dept. of Education & Multiple Agencies Are Involved

Surveillance video shows shocking the moment mom a18-year-old throws her living newborn into a dumpster

Senator McConnell Gets Burned After Trying to Compromise With Democrats on The Electoral Count Act – But does National Review know it’s been burned?

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Lays Out GOP ‘Commitment to America’ – A Clear Contrast Between Republicans and Democrats for upcoming Midterms

Representative Jim Jordan Indicates He Won’t Cooperate With Jan. 6 Committee as It Is Not ‘Fair-Minded and Objective’

The ‘insurrection’ that never was – Last week’s spectacle was theater, intended to frame arguments that will be aimed at every single Republican for years to come

Google Want You to Know About ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’? – A search for it on Yahoo and Bing returns Malone’s article as the #1 organic result, but for Google, the article is not listed as one of at least the first twenty organic results

CDC Director Walensky Won’t Say How Many Americans Died “FROM” Covid vs. How Many Died “WITH” Covid

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Finally Admits The Truth About Covid Deaths! – “Over 75% occurred in people who had at least four co-morbidities, so they were unwell, to begin with”

Amy Coney Barrett Asks Key COVID Question During Oral Arguments on Biden’s Mandate – When does the emergency end?

Britain Will Lead World in Learning to Live with COVID – Prime Minister Johnson drafting plans to return to normality

America Is Angry…And Here’s Why – We have gotten away from the true vision of our Founders and Framers

Taxpayers Expecting a Big Refund Could Be In For a Nasty Surprise – Due to Child Tax Credit Eligibility Changes

I&I/TIPP Poll: Finally, Something Democrat And GOP Voters Agree On — Don’t Kill The Filibuster

Trump Drops Blistering New Response To People Blaming Him For The January 6 “Insurrection”

To Make America Great Again, Does Trump Need To Sit Out 2024? – Like it or not, Trump’s style of politics turns people off

Stock Market Speculative Mania – Was 2021 The Peak Or Will It Continue in 2022?

Constitutional Carry on the Move in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Nebraska, and Ohio

January 9, 2022

Robert W Malone MD, MS: MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS – Or Mass hypnosis, the madness of crowds

Thousands of people attend San Diego ‘Freedom Revival’ event to promote ‘Courage and Faith over Covid Fear’

Stanford Professors Lobbied the DOJ To STOP Fighting Chinese Communist Party Infiltration – CCP academics were exploiting American universities for intellectual property theft and espionage

The CDC Director Disputes Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s Claim About Children Seriously Ill With COVID-19

Victor David Hanson: What Makes Riots, Conspiracies, Cabals, and Insurrections ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’? – Shut up and keep quiet; that is all ye need to know

Dov Fischer on Kamala: It Is Frightening That Someone That Empty Is a Heartbeat From the Presidency – One heartbeat away used to be a cliché. Now it’s a Hard Truth

What Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said about the filibuster when the shoe was on the other foot

New Mayor Eric Adams Approves Massive Rule Change to NYC Elections – Citizenship not required to vote

California’s The Voter Bill of Rights – All voters must be citizens of the United States

Stop Calling It a ‘Voting Rights’ Bill – Proposed federal legislation doesn’t protect democracy. It protects Democrats

Former Border Commissioner: ‘We Have Lost Control of the Southwest Border’ – Pulling agents off the front line and leaving large swaths of the border unpatrolled is allowing illegals and drugs to easily flow in

WSJ: Omicron Makes Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Obsolete – There is no evidence so far that vaccines are reducing infections from the fast-spreading variant

The CDC Website Reveals Police Power Will be Used at Quarantine Stations for the “Benefit of Society”

This Washington State Bill Authorizes The Use Of A ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families

The Biden administration guidance prioritizes race in administering COVID drugs – New York and Minnesota among states prioritizing race in COVID treatment distribution

How Hollywood Used the “Pandemic” to Groom America’s Kids

What is the truth about January 6, 2021? – Unarmed and unorganized, the idea of calling it an “insurrection” is absurd

The Six Biggest Lies About January 6th by the left and their media accomplices

A Thought Experiment – “I Am Sidney Poitier” or How About “I Am A Woman”

The Progressives’ Logic of Build Back Better — And Its Inherent Dangers

WSJ: Americans’ Finances Got Stronger in the Pandemic – Stimulus payments brought millions out of poverty and allowed them to clear debt and households of all income levels built up savings

Gavin Newsom’s Abortion Sanctuary Policy Could Provide a Safe Place for Sex Traffickers

Sharyl Attkisson: The DOJ will not withdraw its controversial memo on targeting parents at school board meetings

Washington Post Editors: We Need Vaccine Passports, and Also to Rebuild Trust – See if you can spot the contradiction

CA Says COVID-Positive Health Workers Can Go Back to Work Amid Shortages – If The Don’t Show Any Symptoms

Are those that get Covid vaccinations harming their immune systems?

‘Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids’ – Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents on COVID-19 Shots

“I Do Not Want To Have A Vaccination” – A National Health Service Doctor Tells The UK Health Secretary On Camera

January 8, 2022

Manchin’s $1.8 trillion spending offer is reportedly no longer on the table

Jan 6, 2022 Mandate – Things that need to be done to make America Great Again

The Supreme Court signals that it could BLOCK Biden’s vaccine mandates

The January 6 Panel Announces It’s Biggest Move Yet – Mike Pence to Be Tapped

Republican Lawmakers Accuse Biden of Massive Border Cover-Up – The annual report from Immigration and Customs Enforcement Not Released

The Biden Administration Touts Vaccines for Children – Although 0.00% to 0.02% of Child Coronavirus Cases Are Fatal

The CDC May Be Committing Fraud with Its Reporting on Covid Deaths – Here’s Where They Seem to Admit It

COVID is ‘Big Business’ in California – Newsom Announces Another $2.7 Billion COVID-19 Emergency Response Package

CA Senate Going Back to Remote Voting for Members – It’s unconstitutional for legislators to cast votes by ‘calling it in’

A new big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse  not better (cases and deaths)

South African Study: Omicron May Signal End of Acute Pandemic Phase – A significant decline in in-hospital deaths and ICU admissions

Agricultural Pilot: People Injured by The COVID-19 Vaccine Are Being Left in the Dark

Despite continued idiocy, COVID sensibility is finally winning out

Sharyl Attkisson: Media Mistakes Made in the Biden Era: The Definitive List

MSM Is “Being Swallowed” By Joe Rogan – “He brings viewers wherever he goes, so he’s going to be tough to cancel”

Why The Kazakhstan Crisis Is A Much Bigger Deal Than Western Mainstream Media Is Letting On

A Yale transgender swimmer beats a Penn State transgender rival in a women’s Ivy League race

One Year Ago, Big Tech Declared Open War On America – Here’s What’s Coming Next

The fight over opening schools pits teachers unions against Democrats

The American public isn’t buying the Democrats’ Jan. 6 ‘narrative’ foofaraw, poll shows

A New study of Pfizer’s early COVID vaccine protocols has some disturbing findings

WSJ: New Omicron Studies Help Explain Why the Variant Is Mild but Spreads Fast

Surprise! – Los Angeles Parents Show Us a Way to Push Back on School On Covid Vax Mandates

Shareholders ask Google & YouTube to divulge how they take orders from Joe Biden’s White House on COVID Actions


Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials? – At the heart of this nonsense is political correctness in a form even  George Orwell could not have foreseen

Sharyl Attkisson: Danish Study – Omicron spreads faster than Delta among fully vaccinated and boosted

COVID CHRONICLES: A concise look at the pandemic, answering questions that have left many people scratching their heads – Free viewing until 1-10-22 – This article expires the evening of the 9th

New Research Shows Why the COVID19 “Vaccines” are Killing Professional Athletes – During intense play their cardiac muscles cannot pump enough blood to the whole body

Government Deception: Up to 3.8 Million ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Austrians To Be Declared ‘Unvaccinated’


January 7, 2022

All federal politicians are liars – Their programs promise to stimulate the economy and have failed or will fail in the case of BBB

Academia’s Real Race Problem – The use of racial preferences in university admissions

The Democrats’ Top Priority Before Fall Elections Is Rigging U.S. Voting Rules

REVEALED: Pfizer’s Link to the Wuhan Lab – The Big Pharma giant and the Wuhan Institute of Virology meet

America’s Omicron Wave Already Looks More Severe Than Europe’s

Trafalgar Group Poll: 76% of voters disagree with Pelosi think members of Congress have an ‘unfair advantage’ in trading stocks

The Newsmax Documentary ‘Day of Outrage’ Exposes Abuse of Jan. 6 Political Prisoners And The Media Lies Surrounding The So-Called ‘Insurrection’

What Role Did the FBI Play on January 6? – During the Trump era, Democrats and Republicans abandoned their traditional positions on federal law enforcement….. And with good reason

Prediction Consensus: What The Experts See Coming In The year 2022

Conservative Supreme Court justices grill Biden lawyer on OSHA vaccine requirement – Justices seem to be split along ideological lines on vaccine requirements

Rasmussen Poll: Vaccinated and Boosted Americans Are Most Concerned About Coronavirus

Research Indicates Vaccines Provide Reduced Effectiveness Against Omicron – The virus evolved in a way to dodge vaccine-induced immunity

Fact Check: Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Claims 100,000 Children ‘in Serious Condition,’ on ‘Ventilators’

The 7 Worst Lies Told by Liberal Supreme Court Justices during the Biden Vaccine Mandate Hearing

Federal Judge Issues A Stunning Rebuke to FDA for Trying to Cover-Up Pfizer’s Clinical Trials Data for 75 Years – “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people”

Sharyl Attkisson: How January 6 would be covered if we had a neutral press

Red Alert: If You See This AirTag Message Pop Up on Your iPhone, You Are Being Tracked

New data shows 51% of patients in NYC hospitalized *With* Covid not *For* Covid

MEDIA BLACKOUT: 5,000 Show Up Strong to the New York Capital to Protest Vaccine Mandates

Report: Omicron Could End Up Being Less Deadly Than The Seasonal Flu – Justification for maintaining restrictions is disappearing

Oregon Health & Science University Study: COVID-19 Vaccines Linked to Change in Menstrual Cycles

‘White Coats for Black Lives’ Calling the Shots at America’s Medical Schools

The Supreme Court Seems Skeptical of Biden Vaccination Mandates

The Four Horsemen of the Left’s Artificial Apocalypse – Tyranny exploding across the planet because everything necessary for a freedom renaissance is here

8 Times Left-Wing Protesters Broke Into Government Buildings And Assaulted Democracy – They have a long history of attacking, infiltrating, and occupying government buildings

If you want to dismantle society, start with dismantling law and order – Law and order is a dam consisting of many bricks, so if you remove them one by one you open the floodgates of chaos

Another Disaster: The U.S. Economy Added Just 199,000 Jobs in December And  Misses Expectations by 223,000

China Secures A Foothold In The Strategic Middle East Oil State Of Oman

Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Issues A Shoot-to-Kill Order to Quell Protests

Joe Biden’s most disgusting and dishonest speech – It was ultimately an argument for his right to power, by fair means or foul

The Covid-Vaccine Mandates Are Unprecedented – These requirements are not like anything we’ve seen before

Sharyl Attkisson: The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Biden vaccine mandate cases today

Ted Cruz goes on Tucker to try to walk back his statement regarding January 6

Trump social network TRUTH Social gets launch date – February 21, Presidents Day

A Federal Judge Rejects FDA’s 75 Year Delay On Pfizer Vax Data To License Their Vaccine – Cuts To Just 8 Months

Mass Formation Psychosis may explain America’s crazed COVID reaction – Societal disconnect leads to “free-floating anxiety”

Stigmatizing the Un-Vaxxed and Un-Boosted – You Cannot Comply Your Way Out of Tyranny

CDC Study: All Vaccinated People With Severe COVID-19 Had at Least 1 Risk Factor

More Children Die From the Covid Shot Than From Covid – Children are having “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shots

Five COVID Books You Must Read – These books stretch our minds, challenge our presuppositions, and lead us to a perspective on COVID-19 that is compatible with reality

Expect A “Blue Wave Of Gun Control” In 2022 – Governing By Executive Fiat. It’s something that the Biden Administration knows quite well

January 6, 2022

More Good News on Ivermectin – It’s on the World Health Organization’s list of essential drugs, but its benefits are being ignored by public health officials and buried by The mainstream media

Tucker Carlson Tonight – Video Of His Full Show Dedicated Information On “January 6th”

Population-wide Observational Study in Brazil: Prophylactic Use of Ivermectin Reduces COVID-19 Mortality, Hospitalization & Infection

Renewable: Lithium production promises a revival for California’s dying Salton Sea

Supplies Are Still Limited More Than a Year After Monoclonal Antibodies Were Authorized for Treating COVID-19

Medical Experts Reveal the Scientific Reason Why Covid Vaccines Cannot ‘Stop the Spread’ or Prevent Infection

Vaccines Don’t Stop Covid Outbreaks, They Cause More of Them – Areas being hardest hit by new “variants” and waves of disease and death are those that have the highest injection rates

Coronavirus: Scientists Uncover Why Some People Lose Their Sense of Smell

Texas Governor Abbott Sues the White House –  Tells The Texas National Guard Biden’s Not Their ‘Commander-In-Chief’

Masks, Vaccines, & Government Lies – 2022 is the Year of The Tiger, Hopefully in the US it will be the year of the truth

Canadian Study: Risk Of ICU Admission Or Death From Omicron The Variant Is 83% Lower Than From Delta

Democrats Call January 6 an ‘Insurrection’ – But Has a Single Capitol Rioter Been Charged with Sedition?

Why So Many Conservatives Blow Off the Left’s January 6 Rhetoric as Kamalarkey – All we need to know is that January 6 never was about an insurrection

FINAL THOUGHTS ON JANUARY 6 – Democrats want to discredit those who worry about election integrity

January 6: A Legacy of Troubling Questions – Our Political Divide Widens

WSJ: Biden Assails Trump in Speech Over January 6 Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election Results

JANUARY 6 PARTICIPANTS IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI – These 20 Individuals Appear to be Connected to Antifa and Other Far-Left Groups

Hollywood Producer and Director Nick Searcy Tells Sean Hannity the Sinister Plan Behind All the Media’s January 6 Lies


Democrats explore barring Trump from holding office through the application of an obscure portion of the 14th Amendment

Trump fires back at Biden after his January 6 speech –  “Biden, who is destroying our Nation used my name today to try to further divide America”

There Was No Insurrection But There Was A 2020 Coup – The cabal behind the coup didn’t have to affect 150 million votes. All they had to do was affect (or create) 100,000 well-placed votes, which is exactly what they did

A Known capitol riot leader got special treatment and spent one day in jail while 80 others languish in ‘DC Gulag’

The Democrats’ Problem With Democracy – Now, along with their media allies, they’re challenging elections before they happen

Are Democrat Efforts Regarding voting democratic? Certainly Not H.R.1 – Most people are aware of the Democrats’ constant attacks on states that have attempted to tighten their rules on voter identification and mail-in ballots

How to Explain to Your Child Why They Should Never Be a Democrat – Younger generations appear to want socialism

Voters’ Bottom Line To CEOs: Woke Leads To Broke – Business leaders should remember that before they choose to continue putting ideology first and their customers second

Federal authorities won’t say why armed Capitol rioters disappeared from FBI’s most wanted list

Judge Considers Tossing Ghislaine Maxwell’s Guilty Verdict and Re-Doing Trial After Sexually Abused As A Child Juror Blunder Is Discovered

NASCAR Bans Brandon Brown’s ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Sponsorship

Biden Plans Searing A Critique Of Trump And GOP As Democrats Make Jan. 6 All About Their Version of ‘Democracy’

Totalitarianism: Can it happen in America? – It is now being presented to us with a different face and we should be very wary of just the same

The Covid Vaccines are a Dud – They do not prevent the vaccinated from contracting or transmitting the virus

mRNA Scientist Dr. Malone Says Omicron Looks Like Something A Vaccine Designer Would Create on Purpose

NYC Is Turning COVID Treatment Into A Racial Hunger Games – The race of its citizens is becoming a major consideration in the distribution of life-saving coronavirus drugs

How Dr. Brian Tyson “persuaded” CVS to fill his ivermectin prescriptions – He retained an attorney to draft a letter that was hand-delivered to the pharmacy

Un-vaxxed Aussies In The Northern Territory Are Told They Won’t Be Allowed to Exercise or Go to Work

It’s Walensky Vs. Fauci After The CDC Director Says There Are ‘No Plans’ To Change Definition Of ‘Fully Vaccinated’

California Gov. Newsom Extends CA Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate to February 15th Because Of ‘Omicron’

California in Decline –  The state blames COVID for the latest population drop, but the real reason is the state’s miserable business climate and poor policymaking

Why Blue State COVID responses will keep pushing Americans to freer Red States in 2022 – People don’t like harsh government restrictions abetted by grinding official promotion of fear

The Time To Resist Vax Passports Is Now – Once QR code scanning becomes habitual, a social credit system is inevitable

January 5, 2022

Judicial Watch: New CDC Records Detail Agency Head Walensky Wanted Details of the Death of a Teenager Reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

Ann Coulter: The Great Epstein Cover-up, Part I – Didn’t it occur to the FBI to leave an agent behind to guard the CDs?

How to tell if someone famous died from the vaccine  – A handy guide for determining the probability the vaccine caused their death

Nancy Pelosi is Again Confronted on Not Giving Americans The ‘Full Story’ On The Happenings Of January 6

U-Haul Just Released Its Yearly Rental Report and The Biggest Losers Are California, Illinois, and Pennsylvania

Federal Reserve Minutes Point to Earlier Rate Hikes and Faster Balance-Sheet Rundown to Thwart Bidenflation

‘People Are Going To JAIL’ Over Massive Georgia 2020 Election Fraud Findings

Kyrsten Sinema Tells Chuck Schumer to Pound Sand and Leaves Democrats With Nowhere to Go On Filibuster Efforts

Who Are the Real Insurrectionists? – Stone-cold sober elites are systematically waging a far more dangerous and insidious revolution in the shadows than anything threatened by the American Right

State’s Attorney Jim Rowe – While responding to a ‘dogs barking’ call, an Illinois police officer begged for her life before she was fatally shot with her department-issued gun

Price of Dissent – A Reuters Corp. data scientist questioned the Black Lives Matter narrative, so the company fired him

AG Garland’s Remarks About Jan. 6 and ‘One Rule’ of Law Defy Belief – You can’t just lie to the public when they’ve been wide awake and have seen what’s happened over the past several years

Mayo Clinic Fires 700 Unvaccinated Employees Just Weeks After Nurses’ Warning Of Staffing Shortage

Insurance companies are reporting a “stunning” 40% increase in the death rate among 18- to 64-year-old adults compared to pre-pandemic levels

Government Data Reveals Over 946K People Suffered Injuries Or Death From COVID-19 Vaccinations – Well worth your 5-Minutes

Fauci Rolls Out a Telling New Term to Replace “Fully Vaccinated”‘ – “Keeping your vaccinations up to date”

Ontario (Canada) Admits 50% of “COVID” Hospitalizations Not From COVID, Death Count May Also Be Misleading

The Omicron Variant Is Less Likely to Cause Lung Damage or Death, Studies Find

The Whitmer ‘kidnapping plot’ disintegrating as FBI loses credibility  – Did the alleged extremists or the FBI fuel the plan

CNN’s 4th Quarter Primetime Viewership Collapses 73% to Just 642K

Legendary American Car Manufacturer to Go Full Electric, Will No Longer Offer Internal Combustion Vehicles

The CA State Water Board Announces Mandatory Water Restrictions For 2022 – Water experts say a better plan would be to wait to see what precipitation levels look like as a result of early record snowfall

Manhattan’s New Soros-Backed DA Orders Armed Robberies to Be Charged as Mere Misdemeanors

Joe Biden did it: Worse than Trump on economy and US might

New York Times telegraphs the left’s intent to use the January 6 anniversary to repress conservatives

The Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for ‘Insurrection’

The Top five mainstream media lies of 2021

Trump mysteriously CANCELS his January 6 press conference and reveals other plans

The DOJ Announces New Rule for Firearm Safety and Storage Taking Effect in February 3rd

Two brilliant doctors explain the reality of Covid happenings – Gain a deeper understanding of the duplicitous nature of the powers that be in manipulating the public about COVID

The Covid Truths Come Out –Once-taboo notions are now becoming mainstream

COVID Is Dead and Energy Is The New Crisis – The Consequences Of Energy instability Could Be Dramatic

Fauci Says ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Now Includes Having “Up To Date” Boosters

A New Report Says Omicron Infections Have a ‘Very Strange Symptom’ Not Seen in Other Variants – Night Sweats

Everything You Need To Know About Covid – With extensive links to Covid related articles and experts

Shaming as a COVID Strategy – Shaming exploits basic human vulnerabilities

Praise The Lord And Pass The Ivermectin – There is considerable medical research literature supporting its use

January 4, 2022

Blue America’s Messaging Problem – Try getting a woke person to say, “White people aren’t uniquely and inherently evil” or “the United States is no longer structurally racist” and then report back on how it goes

Coming Clean – My South Africa pandemic experience & the case for more inclusive conversations about Covid & the vaccines

Why Are They Changing the COVID Narrative? – Failure of these experimental shots is impossible to ignore at this point

Any Severe Covid Patient Can Produce More Virus Than All The Children in America – Children were never a danger to society

The FBI Trained for January 6 Days Before Capitol Riot and Deployed Secret Commandos with ‘Shoot-to-Kill’ Orders – Contrary to the narrative it was a spontaneous event that the authorities did not see coming

DEI Must DIE – The damaging “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” racket needs to be extinguished

Tucker Carlson Demolishes Biden’s ‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’ Canard

Democrats Use Jan. 6 Bloodlust to Push Fake Voting Rights Bill  – GOP and moderate senators should not cooperate

Big Left-Wing ‘Dark Money’ Groups Fund Schumer’s Secretive Anti-Filibuster Ally

Manchin rejects Build Back Better revival – ‘There have been no conversations’ ‘I feel as strongly today as I did then’

Joe Manchin Signals He’s Ready to Drive a Stake Through the Democrats’ Plan to Nuke the Filibuster

The 25th House Democrat won’t seek reelection in 2022

The Jan. 6 Committee Wants to Interview Sean Hannity Despite The Fact He Was Nowhere Near The Capitol Riot

The Manhattan District Attorney will stop seeking prison sentences in a slew of criminal cases

The Other Epidemic A new book documents the grim realities of America’s never-ending drug crisis

The Kids Are Unhappy Victims of the government’s misguided attempts to parent us out of the COVID crisis

Is Niacin a Missing Piece of the COVID Puzzle? – B vitamins can also play an important role, niacin (B3) in particular

COVID-19 Vaccine Creator: It is “not sustainable” to continuously provide booster doses to people twice per year

CDC: Omicron Now 95 Percent of All New US COVID-19 Cases Diagnosed in the Week Ended Jan. 1

22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must Do Something Now!

Narrative Smasher Dr. Malone Reveals How the Medical Community Has Felt About Fauci ‘for Decades’

Ted Cruz Predicts ‘Serious Investigations of the Biden Administration and Suggests ‘Multiple Grounds for Impeachment’

Propaganda and Gaslighting – How Our Government Is Handling January 6 Like China Handled Tiananmen Square

Senate Majority Leader Schumer exposes the left’s desperation to build fraud into our elections

Longtime Congressman Bobby Rush Announces Retirement, Joining 23 Other Democrats Leaving Congress

What If The Largest Experiment On Human Beings In History Turns Out To Be A Failure?

Rand Paul Vows To Bring Fauci To Justice If The GOP Wins Back The Senate In The Midterms

Why SCOTUS Should Nix Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

A lesson from Ronald Reagan on appeasing dictators – Tyrants respect only raw power, either the threat or its swift application

Biden declares war on ‘Big Meat’ – So Big Meat’s the bad guy in this inflation crisis, and Joe’s here to solve the problem

Verizon And AT&T Agree to a Two-Week Delay of Their 5G Rollout After Previously Rejecting Regulators’ Request

WSJ: Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes Found Guilty on Four of 11 Charges in Fraud Trial – Claimed to revolutionize the blood-testing industry

Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Duped the Establishment Elites with Rainbows and Unicorns

The Big Lie & Elastic Truth – Words are expected to mean whatever Democrats and their media enablers want them to mean

What Will Surprise Us In 2022? – The central bank regime incentivized speculation by rewarding those who borrowed and leveraged the biggest bets

There Was A BIG Parent Rally at CA Capitol Protesting Gov. Newsom’s Ongoing COVID School Mandates – Attorney says the ‘mandates’ are not mandates because they are non-binding

Democrat Governor of New York Admits COVID Hospitalization May Be Inflated By 50%, Announces Change in Counting

The NY Manhattan District Attorneys Suddenly Drop Four Different Criminal Investigations of Andrew Cuomo

Mass Psychosis: How to Break Free of Fear Addiction – Without fear, the mass psychosis ends

The CDC Admits That  61% Of Teenagers Hospitalized For COVID-19 Had Severe Obesity

Has Covid Run Its Course – This chart suggests the answer is YES!

Universities’ Covid Policies Defy Science and Reason Parents and students should challenge dogma with data like this

January 3, 2022

Now It’s Gotten Personal – Several of my loved ones have suffered seriously from the so-called ‘vaccines’

China mining social media such as Facebook and Twitter to harvest data on their western targets

Bernie’s Takeover Is Coming Soon – The Democrats are rapidly running out of ways to keep the Hard Leftists at bay

The Real Insurrection – The Black Lives Matter Riots and the corrupt January 6 Committee completely ignores it

Nancy Pelosi’s Subpoena Trap –  The January 6 Committee has swept aside any consideration of fairness – None of the Republican committee members were appointed consistent with the committee’s authorizing resolution

The Supreme Court Will Hold A Special Session on the Legal Challenges to Biden Vaccine Mandates

Chief Justice Roberts Rips ‘Inappropriate Political Influence’ Regarding The Supreme Court

A Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s COVID Vaccine Mandate for Head Start Teachers

Reports of COVID Vaccine Injuries Pass 1 Million Mark Yet The FDA Signs Off on Pfizer Boosters for Kids 12 and Up

2021 COVID-19 Recap: 200 Million Vaccinated, 450,000 Dead – Last year was deadlier and also more complicated

Denmark epidemiologist health chief says the Omicron variant is about to END the pandemic

Financial Times Editorial: The world must learn to live with Covid – There’s a good chance its global impact will ease

A Texas Federal Judge Blocks DoD from Disciplining Navy SEALs Who Refused Covid Vaccine on Religious Grounds

Sharyl Attkisson: Covid misinformation by reporters calling out others on Covid misinformation

Vaccine Microchip Developer: There’s No Stopping This Technology To Track Vaccine Status ‘Whether You Like It or Not’

Vindication: This Unprecedented WHO Failure Shows President Trump Was Right to Yank Its Funding

Schumer Vows Vote On Changing Senate Rules If GOP Continues To Block The Democrats Voting Rights Efforts

Far Left And More Temperate Democrats Are ‘Maneuvering’ to Replace Pelosi, The  Washington Post Reveals

6 important COVID related data points that destroy the prevailing narrative by the government and mainstream media

California Legislation to Change State School Funding Metrics From Attendance-Based to Enrollment-Based – School districts are losing millions due to a large number of COVID-19 related absences

Apple becomes the world’s first $3 trillion company as technology becomes central to post-COVID life

Will SCOTUS Side With Individual Liberty? – It’s ridiculous to think that they would come close to upholding the mandates

Did Gallup scrap its annual ‘Most Admired’ poll because Trump kept winning it? – As of 2020, President Trump was winning this annual poll, which they had conducted since 1946

Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump Fire Back After Being Subpoenaed by The New York Attorney General

WSJ: Why 2022 Is the Year To Get Your Dream Job – Savvy job seekers can get the career and compensation they want

FL Governor DeSantis blasts politicians’ who vacation in Florida while they enforce harsh restrictions in their states

Kevin McCarthy Regarding January 6 and Willfully Ignorant Republicans, Kevin McCarthy rrantheir committee like a criminal trial. It’s unconstitutional, but who will stop them?

The Feds Finally Admit to Running Secretive DOJ “Commandos” at the January 6 Trump Protests

Manchin Returns to the Build Back Better Negotiating Table with This One Demand – Either scrap the enhanced child tax credit plan in the bill altogether or lower the income caps on families qualifying for the program

The Washington Post: Nancy Pelosi is ‘Expected’ to Retire After the 2022 Midterms

Don’t Be Distracted By The Shiny Object – Some examples of stories the White House is trying to sweep under the rug

6 Basic Truths That Liberals Don’t Get And Never Will – #4. Racism cannot be eliminated with racism

The Historic LA landmark, Olvera Street, which was taken over by homeless encampments is now in cleanup mode

RFK Jr. Blows the Covid Narrative Out of the Water – “Nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism”

Charges Are Quietly Dropped Against Prison Guards Who Fell Asleep and Falsified Records at Time of Epstein’s Suicide

Yet Another Solar Scam – AI-enabled solar power turbines using supercritical CO2 are a mostly theoretical technology

The Coming Retirement Crisis Will Affect Everyone – Surging investment risk, an interrupted business cycle, and demographics are coming together to form the perfect storm

Both Verizon and AT&T Reject The Request From Regulators to Further Delay Their 5G Rollout

US Manufacturing The  Weakest Since Dec 2020 – New orders tumble as material shortages and supplier delay continue

I&I/TIPP Poll: Media Trust Took A Serious Beating In 2021 – The public is profoundly disappointed with their performance

Israel Records 1st Case of Patient With Both COVID-19 and Flu – It is being called ‘Flurona’

The FDA authorizes the use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine booster for children ages 12-15

Dr. McCollough: Viable and Effective Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Have Been Suppressed

Here Is The Powerful Pfizer Presentation That Got Dr. Robert Malone Kicked Off Twitter

The people dying are not the ones you think and for the reasons you think – The number of Americans dying since the vaccines were introduced is greater than before their introduction

Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone – What are the government, media, and Big-Pharma hiding from you?

From The CDC, As Predicted – The Un-Boosted Are No Longer ‘Vaccinated’

There Is More To Epstein Than Meets The Eye – IF DESPERATE ENOUGH . . . I GUESS ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE

All New Cars Sold in EU to Be Fitted With A Data Recording ‘Black Box’ – That will be accessible by law enforcement

The UK Government Sets The Stage For Fleets of Surveillance Drones – With PR stunt saying it’s about protecting women

Germany “Imperils” Their Power Grid By Closing 3 Nuclear Plants – Even though natural gas prices surge in Europe

Facebook ‘Permanently’ Locks Account of Conservative Children’s Book Publisher Heroes of Liberty

Californians Composting For Climate Change – Their new mandatory composting law just took effect January 1st

January 2, 2022

Big Tech site YouTube removed podcaster Joe Rogan’s interview with Dr. Robert Malone from its video-sharing platform

The Chair of January 6 Committee Reveals They Will Pursue New ‘Intelligence-Gathering’ Legislation – To attack Republicans with approaching the midterms

The Mainstream media begins their character assault on Ashli Babbitt ahead of the January 6 anniversary

2024 Watch: Donald Trump enters 2022 as the clear frontrunner for the next GOP presidential nomination

Massive explosions rock Gaza – The Israeli military said the strikes were in retaliation to rocket fire launched towards Israeli territory from the Palestinian enclave

Redistricting has given Democrats six seats ahead of the 2022 midterms – They benefit Democrats even though more people are moving to red states

Hillary Clinton: The Greasy Pole Beckons Again – If you thought we were finally rid of this shady character … think again

The Washington D.C. Jail Cuts January 6 Prisoners’ Communications After A Newsmax Interview

United Airlines Outsources Work to Potentially Unvaccinated London Flight Attendants – After placing roughly 2,000 unvaccinated US-based employees with religious and medical accommodations on unpaid leave

‘Back to the Future’ California Recap and 2022 Political Predictions – ‘Dr. Seuss prepared us for this year’

Victor Davis Hanson: The Truths We Dared Not Speak in 2021 – We are left only with ironies

Joe Rogan Joins Gettr – He should probably join Gab as well

This CNN Story Perfectly Captures The Mass COVID Neuroticism Of 2021

A Dutch anti-lockdown protester is MAULED by police dogs and hit with batons as riot cops battle to break up a thousands-strong march in Amsterdam against Holland’s strict Covid measures

When Dr. Grady Met Dr. Fauci – Anthony Fauci’s wife is Director of Bioethics at the NIH, and that’s a problem

Is Natural Immunity More Effective Than the COVID-19 Shots? – SARS-CoV-2 cases were higher in states where natural immunity was low but vaccination rates were high

Did Dismissals of Safe Outpatient Drugs Cause Needless COVID Deaths? – Dissenting Doctors Say Yes

Dr. Scott Gottlieb Gives An Unbelievable Confession –  ‘A Cloth Mask is Not Going to Protect You’ from an Airborne Virus

Fauci: The CDC May Add Negative COVID-19 Test to Quarantine Guidelines

The New Mayor’s ‘Next Step’ for Vaccine Mandates Should Scare the Hell Out of Anyone Still Living in New York City

Five major issues the military will face in 2022 – A few issues that will be high priorities for the DOD going forward

The Big Supreme Court decisions to watch out for in 2022

The Airline Industry Demanding FCC Delay of 5G Wireless Service Rollout Near Dozens of Major Airports

Six Reasons For Conservatives To Be Optimistic In 2022

It’s Official: California is Now a Universal Vote-by-Mail State – Makes It Easier for Democrats to Steal Elections

Chicago’s prosecutors keep dangerous criminals on the streets

Democrats to reduce penalties for drive-by shooters?

The Australian government quietly begins compensating people for adverse reactions to COVID vaccines – It was first announced November 17, 2021

Did banned mRNA vax inventor Robert W. Malone M.D. just break the Google algorithm?

Start The New Year Right – Stop Lying To People About Their COVID-19 Vaccine Being Administered Is Approved

Reverse the Brainwashing: How to End America’s Addiction to Fear – Without fear, they cannot rob us of our freedoms

Dr. Robert Malone On Mass Formation Psychosis: How Is A Third Of The Population Being Hypnotized?

COVID Lockdowns Are Hurting Children – The overall on children and adolescents is likely to be severe

The #1 reason the UN has no credibility whatsoever – Look who’s on the Human Rights Council

January 1, 2022

Trump Ally Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik Handed Over Memos to Jan. 6 Committee –  They Don’t Show What Democrats Hoped To Find

Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother says she won’t rat them out to receive a lighter sentence

Biden Federal Judge Nominee: ‘Proof of Citizenship’ is ‘Voter Suppression’ – The left-wing activist has a contentious past

Why is the placebo effect getting worse, but only in America? – The fact that it is getting stronger is not good

New Polling May Be the Death Knell for Biden’s Mandates – 53% prefer personal choice over 37% who prefer mandates

SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts: Judges Must be Ethical, Over 100 Caught Violating The Financial Interest Rule

Omicron Offers An Off-Ramp From Our Failed Pandemic Policy – Politicians will go to great lengths to avoid responsibility

Not So Crazy Now: Five theories that dropped the ‘conspiracy’ label in 2021

Conservatives must be ready to deal with the fact that Democrats will be cheating, where possible, in the 2022 midterms

Counting down Biden’s Biggest Wins and Losses from his first year in office

Democrats worry that 2022 won’t be merry and bright for Biden OR the Democrat party

HAPPY NEW YEAR – New laws take effect across the US on abortion, policing, and taxes

The New Year in Pictures: The World Ushers in 2022 With Scaled-Down Celebrations

COVID is a very useful disease for the bad guys – Communism can only survive through fear, cruelty, and coercion

Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Hollywood Hills elites are arming up – After decades of blaming guns on the streets for violent crime

The United States In 2040 – 10 predictions, although all bets are off if China and Russia realize how broken we are

The Covid Insanity Has to End – Strong-arming people into compliance with increasingly irrational protocols is not working

Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Data Cover-Up – The FDA did not follow up on his complaint or investigate the allegations

With a straight face, the IRS says criminals must now report their illegal earnings


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