The World’s Richest Man Built The Entire Healthcare System To Keep People Sick
There has been considerable controversy over Donald Trump’s nominating Robert Kennedy Jr. for Secretary of Health & Human Services. Things are totally out of control, and the health of people in America is at an all-time low. As with other cabinet nominations, it is clear that Trump is pushing for big changes and is nomination champions he believes will bring about the kind of change that people just voted for. Keep this in mind. Loud cries from the left and RINO Republicans show us Trump’s selections are excellent ones.
The world’s richest man built the entire healthcare system to keep you sick.
He transformed healing into a profit-driven machine and, for the most part, buried natural medicine in the process.
This man is John D. Rockefeller, and here is the dark story of how he did it:
In America:
• 41.9% of people are obese
• 70 million suffer from gut issues
• 48% have cardiovascular diseases
• 6 in 10 adults have one chronic disease
There is clearly something rotten in the healthcare system, with its roots stretching back to Rockefeller…
In the early 1900s, Rockefeller’s ruthless tactics, like bribery and price-fixing, gave his Standard Oil control of 90% of US oil production, making him the richest man ever, worth over half a trillion today.
As the oil industry boomed…
Rockefeller found himself with an excess of petrochemical byproducts. The solution?
Turn these waste products into the building blocks of a new industry: Pharmaceutical drugs.
But there was a problem ↓
Natural medicine was popular at the time.
Many doctors and medical schools were using holistic practices as treatment and cure.
It was Rockefeller’s biggest threat because he could not patent the natural remedies.
So, he decided to “kill” his competition.
He hired Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910.
This report “concluded” that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America and that all the natural healing modalities that had existed for hundreds or thousands of years were unscientific quackery AND SHOULD BE LABELED “ALTERNATIVE.”
The first step? Takeover of medical schools.
He leveraged his tax-exempt foundations to offer irresistible donations to the nation’s top medical schools.
This came with strings attached—adopting an exclusively allopathic-based curriculum.
What does that mean?
Allopathic medicine treats symptoms with drugs and surgery, not root causes or prevention.
Conversely, holistic methods address the underlying issue and cannot be patented.
Petrochemical drugs, however, could be patented, mass-produced, and sold at high prices.
Here is the kicker:
Rockefeller’s father, William, was a criminal—selling snake oil, opium elixirs, patent medicines, and other miracle cures.
John D. leveraged his family’s medical background to create a profitable, multi-generational enterprise.
The numbers don’t lie:
America has the highest health expenditure but the lowest life expectancy in the entire world.
Meanwhile, Big Pharma is a $1.5 TRILLION business. And it is booming every year.
Bill Gates is also the biggest Death Panel proponent, which perfectly slots right back into the whole technocratic NWO global depopulation agenda as foisted on the world by the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate and their partners-in-crime, the WEF, UN, WHO, CFR, “nonprofits,” NGOs, et al.; to wit:
Also, note that the entire education system has been profoundly corrupted by the Intelligence Industrial Complex and their Medical Industrial Complex assets working alongside the likes of the Rockefeller and Bill Gates foundations to ensure that the average American is brainwashed into a docile wage slave and “income” tax mule that consumes processed foods daily, Mockingbird MSM disinformation, deadly vaccines, and other BigPharma drugs en route to a premature death that in turn ensures the discharge of their social security and pension benefits as their generational wealth is further eroded via more taxes, with whatever is left passed on to the indebted heirs that will yet again be taxed.
This is the vicious doom loop of socially engineered slavery partaking in mass ritual bio-suicides as they are herded toward a social credit score system where A.I. will algorithmically determine food rations, UBI, and ultimately who lives and dies at precisely which times.
They are failing.
They are exposed.
In the end, good usually defeats evil, eventually.