COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

Below are links to articles and blog posts primarily covering COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines mandated for the general population as a supposed cure. Because of the many problems associated with them, people are questioning the entire mRNA vaccine schedule. (Vaccine, Big-Pharma, Pandemic, and other health-related articles of significance will also be posted here.)

(From time to time, article links will also be provided for other vaccines or pharmaceutical products that the general public should be aware of.  Health-related subjects of importance will also be covered, including articles relating to the World Health Organization, Health and Human Services, and the National Institute of Health. – If something seems hard to believe, I don’t include it until I see similar reports from other sources.)

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September 17, 2024

Slay Magazine: A Bombshell Study Warns of ‘Self-Assembling Entities’ in Bodies of Those Vaccinated For Covid. – Their study discovered that they form “synthetic” nano-structures in the bodies of people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.” – The shocking discovery of these “artificial constructions” was revealed in the long-term study’s recently published paper.

Slay Magazine: Florida’s Department of Health just issued a bulletin warning members of the public not to take COVID mRNA “booster” shots because they are not effective against the current dominant strain of COVID. – The bulletin goes on to advise doctors to research the efficiency of the injections against the current strains and the side effects related to the “vaccines.”

September 16, 2024

Epoch Times: The Origin of COVID, Beyond The Natural and Lab Theories – The COVID-19 virus’s unprecedented features—pathogenicity and transmissibility—are beyond what any virologist or doctor has previously encountered. – There are currently two prevalent theories: One involves natural origins, and the other involves lab derivation. Many have overlooked alternative possibilities that lie beyond the natural and lab-based explanations.

Updates For This Date Are Above This Note

September 15, 2024

Sharyl Attkisson: An Update on the Amish Approach to Covid – The Amish population largely rejected public health recommendations during Covid but fared no worse in terms of health impact than the rest of the country that masked, isolated, and vaccinated.

Updates For This Date Are Above This Note

September 14, 2024

Sharyl Attkisson: Follow the Science – Today, most countries have officially determined that most kids don’t need COVID-19 shots, but in the U.S., the CDC still recommends them for babies and children six months and older. – Maddie de Garay may have been the first child injured by COVID-19 vaccines. At age 12, she entered Pfizer’s clinical trial at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Within hours of her second experimental vaccine dose on January 20, 2021, her health fell apart…

Epoch Times: A military that refuses to fight tyranny is just a traitor’s tool – Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin mandated the COVID-19 vaccine, even though young, healthy people in the military population had no issues with the virus. – These generals did what they were told. – They pushed the vaccine on their troops, even though, at that time, the data clearly showed the COVID-19 vaccine was killing and maiming countless people around the world…

September 13, 2024

Defender: The WHO Approves First Mpox Vaccine for Adults in Africa, Then Says Babies Can Get It, Too, Despite No Clinical Trials – The WHO said that while Bavarian Nordic’s MVA-BN vaccine is not licensed for people under age 18, it may be used in infants, children and adolescents “in outbreak settings where the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.”

Brownstone Institute: Global Convergence and the Coronavirus Trigger – The Covid story is much more complicated than people initially understood. – Some of the main components of the biodefense/pandemic preparedness public-private partnership reveal this complex’s size. – If SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan hadn’t been the culprit, it would have been a different triggering event somewhere else, and the global pandemic response would have been the same.

American Thinker: A new study claims that ADHD drugs are making our kids crazy. – If you want to stop school shootings, make public education less boring (especially for boys), and stop medicating our children into madness. – Whenever law enforcement releases information about the drugs in a school shooter’s system, and the media dares report that information, we learn that these children (usually boys) are on a cocktail of psychotropic drugs…

September 12, 2024

Slay Magazine: HealthBone-Chilling News for the COVID Vaccinated – The terrifying new syndrome can strike anyone of any age who takes the shot and manifests several days or weeks after vaccination. – Side effects include malaise, chronic fatigue, peripheral nerve dysfunction, dysesthesia, motor weakness, pain, vasomotor dysfunction, cardiovascular impairment, cognitive impairment, headache, and visual or acoustic dysfunctions.

Slay Magazine: Bill Gates Calls for Supposed ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ to Be Censored in Real-Time Using AI – Gates argues that critics of official narratives regarding vaccines must be silenced to convince skeptical or unwilling members of the public that experimental injections are “safe and effective.” – Gates was less forthcoming about who he believes should have the authority to decide what those rules are.

September 11, 2024

Slay Magazine: Covid-Vaxxed Kids Are 45 Times More Likely to Die Than Those Unvaccinated With The Covid Vaccines – The shocking figures were revealed in a UK government report. – The admission was quietly revealed in a section of the report compiled using data from the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Brownstone Institute: Big Pharma’s Rap Sheet – Let’s look at the history of illegal and fraudulent dealings by players in the pharmaceutical industry. This industry has way more power and influence than we give them credit for. – A 2020 peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association outlines the extent of the problem. The group studied the type of illegal activity and financial penalties imposed on pharma companies between 2003 and 2016…

Slay Magazine: Canada’s ‘Pandemic Bill’ Will ‘Regulate’ Meat Production and ‘Promote’ Insect-Based ‘Foods’ – Once passed, the legislation, Bill C-293, will give Trudeau’s Liberal Party sweeping powers to regulate the food supply to allegedly “prevent” as well as “prepare” for a future pandemic. – The bill, titled “An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness,” is now in its second reading in the Canadian Senate and is expected to pass.

September 10, 2024

Sharyl Attkisson: The CDC recently concluded investigations related to the spread of monkeypox during air travel in the US between July 2021 and August 2022. – The CDC concludes there is a low risk of getting monkeypox by flying on an airplane with infected people.

The Defender: Teen Brains Aged Faster During Lockdowns, And It Was Worse for Girls – The National Academy of Sciences found that accelerated brain maturation was particularly pronounced in teenage girls, with a mean acceleration of 4.2 years in females compared to 1.4 years in males. – The teenagers’ brains demonstrated signs of cortical thinning, “a natural process that happens with age and that can be accelerated by stress.”

Slay Magazine: The Covid ‘Vaccines’ Are Linked To An Excess Death Surge In Austria – Government data shows that the nation’s excess deaths only surged among the population after people were given Covid mRNA “vaccines,” and not during the height of the pandemic. – In Germany, Dr. Reitzner also identified a direct correlation between the increases in excess mortality and COVID-19 vaccinations…

Slay Magazine: Dr. Drew Pinsky warns evidence suggests that both monkeypox and the bird flu “must be” bioweapons. – He concluded this because both viruses appear to have been manipulated using illegal gain-of-function research. – His remarks follow a similar warning from a top lawmaker in the EU, Christine Anderson, who blew the whistle in an open letter to her “fellow citizens.”…

September 9, 2024

The Defender: ‘Vaxxed 3 Exposes Widespread Injuries And Deaths Following COVID Shots And Hospital Protocols – A new documentary, “Vaxxed 3: Authorized to Kill,” premiering on Sept. 18, compiles clips from over a thousand interviews with everyday people, medical professionals, whistleblowers and others whose lives were devastated by injury and death following COVID-19 vaccines and hospital treatment protocols.

The Defender: The FDA Blew Off Scheduled Meetings With COVID Vaccine Injury Victims – Private emails obtained by Children’s Health Defense via a FOIA request reveal more evidence that government officials knew of and were concerned about COVID-19 vaccine adverse events but eventually stopped corresponding with vaccine injury victims.

Sharyl Attkisson: Big Pharma owns “The Science,” and we must take it back. – The Antimicrobial Resistance Congress was held this week in conjunction with the Disease Prevention & Control Summit in Philadelphia. – The keynote address was delivered not by a scientist or policy wonk but rather by the chief medical adviser of Recce Pharmaceuticals, an Australian biotech startup…

American Thinker: The CDC Is Pushing COVID Vaccines On Six-Month-Old Babies – Although, over the past four and a half years, there has been a proliferation of articles and published research that chronicles the side effects of the mRNA Covid vaccines. – Unsurprisingly, the CDC continues to assert that COVID vaccines are “safe and effective.’ – The Hippocratic oath should cause them to argue against spiking children who are too young to sound the alarm for themselves.

2nd Smartest Guy: They Have Been Caught Red Handed Fauci, Gates & Moderna are responsible for the COVID Pandemic – The U.S. D.O.D issued the ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID was even known to exist. – The contract was part of a larger project for a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine,” suggesting the permanent U.S. Government was at the very least aware of the alleged virus before it spread through Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

Brownstone Institute: Early in the pandemic, President Donald Trump and White House senior official Peter Navarro arranged the donation of 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to America’s strategic drug stockpile to combat COVID-19. – Following Trump’s proposal, HCQ suddenly came under an unwarranted full-scale attack from federal officials, the press, so-called “fact-checkers,” and university professors…

Slay Magazine: A celebrated professor of evolutionary biology, Dr. Bret Weinstei,n revealed that Covid mRNA shots are “bioweapons” that can target entire populations by “triggering the immune system to stand down” during a recent interview with podcaster Joe Rogan. – Weinstein was discussing biological weapons when he explained that Covid mRNA “vaccines are also the product of bioweapons research.”

California Globe: Mainstream Media Is Pushing Covid Fear Again – ‘From the outset, it was clear that the COVID-19 vaccines would NOT prevent infection by or transmission of SARS-CoV-2’ – This headline from the Orange County Register oozes fear porn: California’s COVID booster rates are dismal as new shot debuts, so more sickness is ahead. – Get the shot, an epidemiologist advises, because ‘You could be saving your own, or someone else’s, Nana.’…

September 8, 2024

The Canadian Independent: The New Canadian Pandemic Act has the potential to infringe on civil liberties, violate individuals’ health privacy, grant broad powers to the Minister of Health, and much more. – Bill C-293 has passed its first reading before the Senate and aims to establish robust measures to mitigate future pandemics. – However, a closer look reveals several concerns related to government overreach…

Steve Kirsch: A VA whistleblower exposes that the official VA medical claims data showing the COVID shots are a healthcare disaster – The VA strongly recommends the COVID-19 vaccine and doesn’t warn veterans about the safety signals it knows about. – Apparently, not giving veterans informed consent on the shots is not a problem for them.

The Canadian Independent: Donald Trump says that if re-elected, he and RFK Jr. will “take on the corruption at the FDA, the CDC, the World Health Organization, and other institutions of public health.”

Peter McCullough: The Spike Protein Exhausts Cardiomyocyte Mitochondria – This Is The Fundamental Explanation for Post-Exertional Fatigue in Long-COVID – Van Huynk et al. have demonstrated in cultured human cardiomyocyte that the S1 segment of the Spike protein at 72 hours essentially exhausts the mitochondria…

September 7, 2024

Steve Kirsch: RFK Jr’s 12-part plan to make America Healthy againChronic diseases have reached crisis proportions, and Kamala Harris seems uninterested in the issue. 

Steve Kirsch: Singapore Ministry of Health actions are killing the people of Singapore – The evidence is crystal clear. However, people in Singapore are completely oblivious to what is going on. If they post this article, they can be put in jail…

2nd Smartest Guy: The Intelligence Industrial Complex, Vaccines, Money Laundering & Depopulation – The latest Society of Actuaries Group LIfe COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report shows that life expectancy just before the pandemic was on a steady incline, then suddenly dropped…

Steve Kirsch: Do Vaccines Cause Autism? – Finally, there is a definitive answer! – Enter the brave souls and legends who dare to speak out against the vaccine industry, such as Dr. Andrew Wakefield, The OG vaccine whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson, The CDC insider who spilled the beans, and Dr. Judy Mikovits, The scientist who exposed the dark underbelly of vaccine research…

Julian Gillespie: A New Australian Covid Documentary & Update On The GMO Case – This is a new short documentary that explores the issues of DNA contamination, regulatory failure, and the resistance evidenced by Australia’s judiciary and chief law officers towards examining the GMO nature of the drugs under Australian law, and how this involves ongoing serious criminal offenses…

Steve Kirsch: Official data from British Columbia shows the COVID-19 vaccine is killing people – When the data started to show this on all government tracking sites, they began taking them offline. – In this post, I will memorialize the data for everyone to see and show you the calculations you have to make that show the harm of the COVID shots…

Laura Kasner: How the White Blood Clots are Formed – A Bombshell Report and Photo of a Nineteen-Inch Clot – Dr. McMillan introduces a paper just written by a team of scientists who have been studying the “white fibrous clots” to determine how/why they are forming in the veins and arteries of both the living and the dead.

Justin Hart: The Truth About Covid – They shut you inside of your house, closed down your business, barred your church, and kicked your kids out of school. – It is thought to be “novel” because prior infections of other pathogens do not seem to create antibodies to tackle this newfound disease within the human body. – The ramifications of a man-made virus set loose upon the world by accident or on purpose should frighten us more than the virus itself.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Concerns Over The Cardiac Side Effects From Monkeypox Vaccination – This Review Cites Heart Toxicity with All Three Products – The review by Shreshtha et al. indicates heart damage from Monkeypox vaccination may come from an off-target attack on the heart by antibodies raised by the vaccines…

September 6, 2024

Steve Kirsch: Senator Ron Johnson has asked the FDA and CDC for data showing that COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe. – He just sent this extraordinary letter to the CDC and FDA, asking them for numbers that will reveal how deadly these shots are. – You will love the letter he sent. – I can’t wait to hear their response!

The Defender: Pfizer Deploys A Mobile ‘School of Science’ to Teach Kids the ABCs of Pandemics and Vaccines – Students enter the Pfizer trailer for an “escape-room-like” experience, working with Pfizer employees on a pandemic tabletop exercise ending in how to make a vaccine to distribute globally. – “It just feels so wrong,” a teacher — told The Defender.

Interest Of Justice: Here we go again, Are They Sending Signals To Support Another Plandemic? – Hospitals in the United States will soon be required to report hospital admissions related to COVID-19, restoring a mandate lifted earlier this year, according to federal officials. – The new rules go into effect on November 1.

Welcome The Eagle 88: VAERS Now Commits Collusion By Deleting Hidden RSV Baby Deaths In Their September Update! – I reported in last month’s VAERS update the manufacturer was cross-walking RSV death and injury reports into VAERS as RXV (Rotavirus) reports into VAERS…

Dr. John Campbell: This is from peer-reviewed literature from scientists in Japan and South Korea.  –They took COVID-19 vaccines, mostly Pfizer and Moderna, and cultured them, incubated them to try and duplicate the conditions in the human body, and found nano-structures had developed. – Hopefully, you will watch this video or be allowed to watch it on YouTube in case they take it down…

September 5, 2024

Daily Signal: New Data Prompts Sen. Ron Johnson to Seek Answers on COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths – “The Czech data evidences the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (Spikevax) increased all-cause-mortality (ACM), as measured over 12 months from the time of vaccination for every age, compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (Comirnaty)”…

Brownstone Institute: Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Has Plummeted – A new paper in JAMA analyzed survey respondents in the US over the period right after the Covid pandemic started in April 2020 and through early 2024. – It reveals a significant decline in trust in physicians and hospitals, dropping from 71.5% in April 2020 to 40.1% in January 2024…

Celia Farber: The Simplified Dossier On The Reiner Fuellmich Case by Salatino and Terribilini – He is being detained under terrible conditions for reasons that have nothing to do with what he is accused of. – He dared to speak the truth about the COVID-19 vaccines, the PCR tests, and the supposed pandemic, so he is now paying dearly for it. – He is, without any doubt, a political prisoner!

Steve Kirsch: In the Netherlands, they keep two sets of books for the COVID vaccines – The dataset they give researchers has people vaccinated and died removed to make the vaccine seem safe. – Dutch health authorities don’t seem to have a problem with that…

Sasha Latypova: My Re-Published Article on The Poison-19 Shots During Pregnancy – This is an update of my September 2, 2022 article. – I have written extensively about Pfizer’s and Moderna’s nonclinical studies that revealed clear harm for pregnancy and neonatal development. The studies were in the FDA’s possession when the shots were authorized, yet the FDA chose to ignore the safety signals…

The Defender: Ketamine Poses Serious Risks for Pregnant Women – Ketamine, which can be addictive, “readily and rapidly,” crosses the placental barrier and can cause serious birth defects if taken by pregnant women. – Its use is on the rise, but prescribers are failing to warn women of the possible risks, a new study found…

September 4, 2024

Steve Kirsch: Insight into what US House members are thinking about COVID-19 vaccine injuries – Unfortunately, I don’t think you’ll be surprised by these six takeaways. – 1. There is no appetite to remove vaccine liability protection because too many members depend on the drug companies’ support. – 3. There are only six members of Congress who have realized that the vaccine harms > their non-existent benefits…

Vigilant News: A Disturbing COVID Vaccine Reality Unfolds on Children in These States – Dr. McCullough says “hundreds of unnecessary childhood deaths” have occurred “as a result of the vaccine.” – Equally troubling, he explains, “There is at least one paper suggesting that the genetic code of Pfizer or Moderna may be installed into the baby’s genetics permanently…

The Defender: 5 Scientific Findings Explain Link Between Aluminum In Vaccines and Autism, So Why Do Health Agencies Ignore Them? – The trigger for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, according to Handley, is immune system activation that can alter the developing brain when the activation occurs either in a pregnant mother or a young child…

Steve Kirsch: COVID-vaccinated kids are dying regularly from cardiac arrest – It’s baffling that they try to normalize this as always happening. – It was never a thing before the COVID vaccines rolled out.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Take your Pandemic Treaty and Shove it – 26 Republican governors say, “We Will Not Comply with A One World Government Control Over Health.” – Members of the WHO gave themselves until next May to finalize a pandemic treaty after failing to agree on one last May. – This statement should be the final nail in the Pandemic Treaty’s coffin.

September 3, 2024

Slay Magazine: A renowned Gastroenterologist has raised the alarm after discovering that Covid mRNA shots destroy the human immune system and cause autism in children by killing essential gut bacteria. – Dr. Sabine Hazan tested the microbiomes of doctors before and after COVID-19 vaccination to analyze the impact of the mRNA injections on their gut bacteria. She discovered that bifidobacteria, which is vital for the immune system, were being killed off.

Cynthia Salatino and Seba Terribilini: DR. REINER FUELLMICH IS A POLITICAL PRISONER – His investigations led to the conclusion that the COVID “emergency” was never about public health, as there was no pandemic – He recognized the COVID crimes against humanity and together with three other lawyers he created the “CORONA INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE” in Berlin, whose aim was to shed light on the actions of governments, institutions, the medical community, etc. in the context of the C-19 pandemic.

The Defender: There Are No Licensed COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months – According to the latest CDC guidance, 9-month-old babies must receive multiple doses of an unlicensed mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to be considered “up to date” with their COVID-19 vaccination.

World Council For Health: 3% Of People Vaccinated Against COVID-19 ‘Died Suddenly’ According To Researchers From The German-Jordanian University and The University of Petra. – This translates to an estimated 6.67 million deaths among the 230 million fully vaccinated Americans. – Most deaths were reported to occur shortly after the first dose of the vaccine, with the authors emphasizing that the first three days post-vaccination are crucial for monitoring the health status of vaccinated individuals…

Dr. Peter McCullough: Vaccination Fails to Reduce Long-COVID – Shots Numerically Increase Post-Acute Sequelae Encounters Despite A Heavily Biased Mayo Study – This reduced the number of vaccinated who developed long-COVID. Despite this bias, vaccination failed to reduce long-COVID, and data showed higher case counts and proportions among the vaccinated…

Steve Kirsch: If the COVID shots are so safe, why have over 80% of NHS employees refused to take another booster? – I asked several AI models what this means. – Maybe someone should do a scientific study on why, if the COVID shots are so safe and effective, 80% of the NHS employees won’t take any more jabs. – It is time to stop blindly following the prevailing narrative.

Reform Pharma: The CDC Pushes Triple Vaccination of Pregnant Women Despite Lack of Any Safety Data – The agency has cast science aside to market the new experimental COVID-19 vaccine, influenza shot, and Pfizer’s RSV vaccine during pregnancy.

September 2, 2024

Exposing The Darkness: The Australian Government Database Exposes Huge Death Toll from COVID Vaccines – The data shows a shocking 139,000 reported injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine and accounts for 20% of all recorded side effects from all medicines for the past 50 years. – In Japan, meanwhile, thousands of doctors and university professors have protested against the government’s rollout of Bill Gates’s deadly new “Replicon vaccine” for COVID-19…

Dr. Chris Flowers: Japan Is Open To The Truth About The Covid Shots – Maybe as a country, they will be able to have an impact, unlike all our testimonies so far in Western nations, where there have been no consequences for Gain of Function research or injury – The upcoming International Covid Summit 6 in Tokyo in 3 weeks is an amazing opportunity to MAKE A CHANGE in that part of the World.

Welcome The Eagle 88: Regarding The VAERS August Round-up Published August 2nd – New data coming this Friday, September 6th. – What is maddening overall in the VAERS data is just how much it is shrinking and how much the death reports are being throttled all at the same time! – Let’s dive in and peel the onion…

Steve Kirsch: The New Zealand COVID-19 vaccine data shows that the mRNA shots make you more likely to die – The NZ data, when analyzed using a gold-standard methodology used by the UK government, clearly shows that the vaccines are increasing all-cause mortality in those who were vaccinated. It’s no more complicated than this…

Slay News: Top Japanese Scientists Warn of A Heart-Related Deaths Surge in Covid-Vaxxed Teens – The researchers analyzed official U.S. government data for citizens aged 0 to 64 years old. – The data was extracted from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), with researchers looking at data for U.S. citizens for 2022…

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea: The Dangers Of Vaccine Shedding-Live and GMO – How Much Risk Do The Vaccinated Children And Adults Pose To Everyone? – Studies have shown that vaccinated children are much sicker than the unvaccinated. – I first wrote about the dangers of COVID-19 injection shedding in June of 2022...

Steve Kirsch: Legal Updates Regarding The US and New Zealand – Kansas is the first of 5 states to file suit against Pfizer. – Meanwhile, in New Zealand, they’ve spent $2M to prosecute whistleblower Barry Young and $0 to analyze their official data for safety signals. – They will stop at nothing to put Young in jail even though he’s being charged with a crime he did not commit…

The Canadian Independent: Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 vaccine adverse event summary mentions that 8% of the reports were categorized as “other serious or unexpected events,” including “recurring cancer.” – See the area highlighted in red or see for yourself on page 4 via this provided link…

Slay News: A leading oncologist has drawn attention to a major study that confirmed ivermectin is successful in treating multiple cancers after testing its use against 28 types of the disease. – The study found that ivermectin was successful in treating all of the cancers it was tested against. – While some cancers were more resistant to ivermectin than others, the drug still proved at least useful and also helped to improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

September 1, 2024

Vigilant News: Pfizer Launches A Bone-Chilling New Plan – PfizerForAll™ is a direct-to-consumer platform that helps Pfizer monetize the sniffles, but with better margins, because it cuts out the doctor-patient relationship. – Pfizer has seen a 50% drawdown in the total value of the company’s shares since the peak of the Covid hysteria era. – Instead of going to your doctor, Pfizer asks you to schedule an appointment for $35 with a Pfizer-approved telehealth consultant (not a doctor, but merely a “licensed healthcare provider”)…

Dr. Meryl Nass: David Bell expands on the confirmed Moneypox numbers and the false emergency – BTW, It is only an STD if lesions are confined to the genital area. If it is elsewhere, it spreads like chicken pox/shingles, which is more likely the type of spread seen in Africa.

Slay News: A Top Oncologist Raises An Alarm, As Every New Cancer Patient Is Now Under 45 – A growing number of experts are demanding answers as aggressive turbo cancers continue to surge to unprecedented levels in young people. – Two shocking new reports from the American Cancer Society have revealed that various forms of the deadly disease are surging among younger citizens. – The U.S. has the sixth highest rate of early-onset cancers – disease in people under 50 – with 87 cases per 100,000 people younger than 50 years old.

Steve Kirsch: After three years of doing this, I’ve compiled a list of 4 methods to extract the truth about the safety and efficacy of the COVID shots. – Under oath in Congress, Under oath in a court of law, A press interview where the media relations department has consented to the interview, and find retired doctors who don’t mind losing all their professional friends…

Dr. Peter McCullough: Most Variations in All-Cause Mortality Is Explained by Mass COVID-19 Vaccinations – Now an analysis from Allen indicates that all-cause mortality is up in heavily vaccinated Australia and that at least two thirds in the variation per region is explained by mass COVID-19 vaccination…

Slay Magazine: Dutch Scientists Are Under Attack for Exposing Links Between Covid Shots and The Excess Deaths Surge – The paper, published in the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ Public Health), has also been targeted with withdrawal requests. – According to the Dutch scientists, their study has been targeted by “pharma shills” because it “wrongly inferred” that COVID-19 shots are responsible for the excess deaths spike.

Slay Magazine: Police Data Shows Sudden Deaths Surging In Scotland After The COVID Shots Were Rolled Out – Notably, the first spikes occurred in April and May of 2020 – shortly after the public was forced to stay inside their homes due to mandatory lockdown orders issued by the government. – The records then show a massive third spike in sudden deaths in December 2020 – the same month Covid mRNA “vaccines” were rolled out in the UK.

Epoch Times: The FDA issued a new rule that mandates checking identification for all people aged under 30 who are trying to buy tobacco products like cigarettes. – The verification requirement was previously in place but was previously applied to people 26 years of age or younger.


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