Walk Away

The Media Is Lying To You About George Floyd And Ma’Khia Bryant

By  Candace Owens The DailyWire After a jury ruled Tuesday that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was guilty of murder, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thanked George Floyd for “sacrificing” his life, claiming that his name will “always be synonymous with justice.” “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice,” Pelosi said in front […]

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Documentary: The Trump I Know

President Donald Trump is the most well-known person in the world. Everyone seems to have an opinion of him – but who is he really? A Hollywood filmmaker strikes up an unexpected friendship with Lara Trump and then introduces him to the women in the Trump family, administration, campaign, and business. Some are the children of immigrants,

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The 2000 Mules Documentary – By Dinesh D’Souza

2000 Mules documents research from True the Vote, a conservative election intelligence organization that has compiled evidence of organized ballot trafficking in at least 6 states: Georgia Arizona Pennsylvania Wisconsin Michigan Texas In Georgia for example, True the Vote alleges there were 242 traffickers who made 5,662 trips to ballot drop boxes between the early morning hours of 12 AM and 5 AM, potentially

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Red States Top Blue States For Low Taxes And Best Economies

In a clear example that shows conservative economic policies work the best, a new “Rich States, Poor States” document shows that Republican-controlled states are doing far better than those dominated by Democrats. In its 15th annual report, timed around Tax Day, the American Legislative Exchange Council reports that eight of the 10 best states are

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