Big Tech

Victor Davis Hanson: Brace Yourself for What’s Coming in 2024

Victor Davis Hanson: Brace Yourself for What’s Coming in 2024 This clip of Victor Davis Hanson warning about what will happen during the 2024 election went viral on social media over the weekend VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: They look at Trump as a vampire and they put a stake in his heart but they’re afraid that […]

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Nay Joe! America The Beautiful

Nay Joe! America The Beautiful The “Nay Joe” video below addresses serious concerns about what is happening in America as a result of the “Progressive Left” pushing us closer and closer toward Communism. Hopefully, people are waking up and will vote the Leftist scoundrels and RINOs out of office. RECENT POSTS TAGS

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Thoughts On Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address

Looking Back On Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address I vividly remember watching Donald Trump as he gave his “Inaugural Address” to the citizens of America and the world at large. As I watched and listened, I could not help but notice the hate in the eyes of many who were there on that important day in

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A Plea to George Will and Die-Hard Never Trumpers

A Plea to George Will and Die-Hard Never Trumpers I grew up in Sherman Oaks in what is known as The San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles County. During my school years, I had many friends who were Jewish, as did the woman I am still married to many years later. We were very

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Plandemic, Part 1 & 2

Plandemic, Part 1 & 2 By Dr. Joseph Mercola This documentary was originally released in 2020 and has broad implications for events surrounding government shutdowns, worldwide vaccine mandates, and other things related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Summary: “Plandemic — Indoctornation” reveals the driving forces behind the vaccine agenda. It looks at the roles of

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