No Bama

April 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

April 2024 Conservative Article Reference List Below are links to primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is happening in America and worldwide. Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines will provide enough insight into the article’s content.

April 2024 Conservative Article Reference List Read More »

Why Trump Won In 2016 And Will Again In 2024

Why Trump Won In 2016 And Will Again In 2024 This analysis by Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada, made a lot of sense to me five years ago and with all that is going on now, makes even more sense. The only thing I might add is my belief that his reference to

Why Trump Won In 2016 And Will Again In 2024 Read More »

Oregon Progressive Removed From Plane

Oregon Progressive Removed From Plane An old friend from back in my Toastmasters International days sent me this. I don’t know the vintage of this short video, but it appears this old gal hates Donald Trump, so the young man next to her got a mouthful for wearing a Trump shirt until the crew intervened.

Oregon Progressive Removed From Plane Read More »

Claremont Institute Chair Tomas Klingenstein Delivers Historic Remarks on the Virtues of President Donald Trump

Claremont Institute Chair Tomas Klingenstein Delivers Historic Remarks on the Virtues of President Donald Trump Some people want Trump without any vices, which I find somewhat idiotic. He is a fighter and that is what you need when dealing with cut-throat Democrats who will do almost anything to gain and maintain power. Some time ago,

Claremont Institute Chair Tomas Klingenstein Delivers Historic Remarks on the Virtues of President Donald Trump Read More »

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