
Conservative Article Reference List

Conservative Article Reference List Below are links with summaries of primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is happening in America and worldwide. Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines and summaries should provide enough insight into […]

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The Harris/Walz Information Page

The Harris/Walz Information Page Kamala Harris didn’t make the national news much, except for various articles about her often outlandish comments and cackling laugh until she ran for the Senate and later became the official Democrat nominee for the 2024 Presidential race. The mainstream media is doing everything possible to present her in the most

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The Difference Between Me And Trump Haters

The Difference Between Me And Trump Haters The difference between me and people with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They see Trump’s arrogance, I see Trump’s confidence. They see Trump’s nationalism, I see Trump’s patriotism. They hear Trump’s unsophisticated words, I hear Trump’s honesty. They see Trump’s racism, I see Trump’s words being misconstrued and twisted by

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Why the Ruling Class Fears Democracy

Why the Ruling Class Fears Democracy By Ramesh Thakur A perfect storm of crises has been building. It comes from still bubbling rage with governments for their single-minded obsession with COVID and the lasting damage caused by lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates. To make things worse, the media amplifies government fear-porn and social media platforms for

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If We Lose John Locke, We Lose America

If We Lose John Locke, We Lose America Most of us learned the key ideas of the Declaration of Independence in school: that “all men are created equal,” are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and that the government’s job is “to secure these rights.” This was a radical departure from the way

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