Big Tech

National Review: Donald Trump and the Supreme Court

National Review: Donald Trump and the Supreme Court By PETER ROBINSON of The National ReviewJanuary 22, 2024, 3:40 PM Between now and the spring, the Supreme Court will rule on at least three cases involving Donald Trump. Two questions: What should the Court’s rulings be? What will they be? To answer those questions and more, […]

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What Really Happened to George Floyd?

Minneapolis in flames two days after George Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020. (Photo by Stephen Maturen via Getty Images) What Really Happened to George Floyd? Coleman Hughes on some inconvenient reporting that suggests Derek Chauvin is not a murderer, but a scapegoat.  By Coleman Hughes It has been almost four years since George Floyd’s death

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Japanese Scientists Find Indisputable Evidence that All COVID Variants Are Man-Made

Japanese Scientists Find Indisputable Evidence that All COVID Variants Are Man-Made by Republican Voice A stunning Japanese study that has evolved from preprint to peer-reviewed publication suggests that all COVID-19 variants were engineered in biolabs and intentionally released upon humanity. First released in August 2023, the study, conducted by renowned Japanese virologists Professors Atsushi Tanaka and

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“Nobody is Safe Until We’re All Safe”

“Nobody is Safe Until We’re All Safe” I recently came across the video below, which reminds me of a spooky chorus of possessed zombies in a horror film. When it comes to COVID and pushing the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and other pharmaceuticals during the orchestrated pandemic, the propaganda capacity of the unified mainstream media/PR

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The Year That Expertise Collapsed

The Year That Expertise Collapsed   By Jeffrey A. TuckerEpoch Times Commentary  Getting sick and getting well is part of the human experience at all times in all places. As with other phenomena of human existence, that suggests there is a great deal of embedded knowledge on the topic woven into the fabric of our lives. We

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