Walk Away

An Official SOS From The People Of Australia

This video showed rapid growth and had over 131,000 views on YouTube, but viewership suddenly declined, so it appears Google algorithms and throttling are the cause. The next step will most like be to delete it, so the video below was taken from Rumble.com It’s time for our international friends to recognize that Australia is […]

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What Radical Islam and the Woke Have In Common

You would think that the Islamist extremists and leftist radicals would have nothing in common. Noted human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains why this is no longer the case in this eye-opening video. The parallels she draws are enlightening, to say the least.  Her script for the video: There were many American heroes

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Trickle Down Economics – Gaslighting At It’s Best

As Joe Biden and his cronies push tax increases and other hidden forms to increase their taxation take, you are seeing more and more articles published on why Trickle Down Economics doesn’t work. Thomas Sowell, now 91, is known as an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. In this

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DHS Training Course: Prepare For Mass Public Quarantine Of Unvaccinated Rural Americans

This article originally appeared on USSA News The Department of Homeland Security has a training course available to law enforcement, health care workers, and other government employees that details how to prepare and execute a mass public quarantine of unvaccinated individuals in rural areas of the United States. If you are still stuck in the

DHS Training Course: Prepare For Mass Public Quarantine Of Unvaccinated Rural Americans Read More »

Fixing California – A Nine-Part Series In American Greatness

On June 30, 2021, Edward Ring published his first of nine articles on “Fixing California” on the Conservative American Greatness website, titled “The Themes That Make America Great. Edward Ring is a contributing editor and senior fellow with the California Policy Center, which he co-founded in 2013 and served as its first president. He is

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