New World Order

Understanding The World Health Organization

Understanding The World Health Organization The W.H.O. is run by a revolutionary Marxist from North Africa, put in charge by Red China, and determined to destroy the United States and freedom world-wide. The largest, most comprehensive global Communist power grab ever seen is occurring as we speak, and most people have no idea that it is even […]

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Plandemic, Part 1 & 2

Plandemic, Part 1 & 2 By Dr. Joseph Mercola This documentary was originally released in 2020 and has broad implications for events surrounding government shutdowns, worldwide vaccine mandates, and other things related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Summary: “Plandemic — Indoctornation” reveals the driving forces behind the vaccine agenda. It looks at the roles of

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Xi Van Fleet on Maoist Revolution and Cultural Marxism in North America

Xi Van Fleet on Maoist Revolution and Cultural Marxism in North America “From a very early age—kindergarten—we were taught that our parents are just biological parents and the real parents are ‘the Party,’ and Chairman Mao. And so, if there’s a conflict between choosing your parents or the Party, you should always, always choose the

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The Stupidity Of American Voters

The Stupidity Of American Voters This is old news now and unfortunately forgotten by most. I remember how incensed I was about the Obamacare farce and just came across these probably forgotten articles in Forbes Magazine that explain the lies and deceit behind the passing of Obamacare. Click on the headlines below to see the

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Inside the Darién Gap – A Muckraker Report

Inside the Darién Gap – A Muckraker Report This report exposes key information essential to understanding the US southern border crisis in its entirety. This investigation by proves that the implosion of the United States’ southern border is the intentional result of careful planning and is part of the United Nations “2030 Agenda for

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