New World Order

Who Controls America

Who Controls America Who controls the USA? – A simplified guide in a Q&A format. Q: Who controls the USA? A: The Deep State, the CIA, but also very powerful lobby groups such as the Israel lobby group AIPAC or arms lobby groups Q: Whose interests do the CIA, the Deep State, and those lobby […]

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VP Pick Tim Walz Headlined A Chinese Communist Party Influence Group’s 2019 National Convention

VP Pick Tim Walz Headlined A Chinese Communist Party Influence Group’s 2019 National Convention Natalie Winters Walz spoke alongside the president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), which leads a billion-dollar Chinese influence operation flagged by the U.S. State Department for “directly and malignly influencing” American politicians. U.S. officials added the

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Arctic Sea Ice Soars To Its Highest Level In 21 Years

Arctic Sea Ice Soars To Its Highest Level In 21 Years by Chris Morrison of the Daily Sceptic The dramatic, yet largely ignored, recovery in Arctic sea ice is continuing into the New Year. Despite the contestable claims of the ‘hottest year ever’ (and even hotter in 2024), Arctic sea ice on January 8th stood at its

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July 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

July 2024 Conservative Article Reference List Below are links with summaries of primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is happening in America and worldwide. Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines and summaries should provide enough

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A World Without Fossil Fuels

A World Without Fossil Fuels This Prager University-sponsored video is six months old and what is said is as true today as it was back then. Environmentalists advocate for a world without fossil fuels. But what would the real-life consequences be? Would it even be a world you would want to live in? Transcript The

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