Mandatory Masks

Plandemic 1, 2 & 3 – The Great Awakening, Indoctornation & Sneak Peek of Release #3

Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., spent twenty years at the National Cancer Institute, working with Dr. Frank Ruscetti, one of the founding fathers of human retrovirology, and has co-authored more than forty scientific papers. She co-founded and directed the first neuroimmune disease institute using a systems biology approach in 2006. Dr. Mikovits is a modern-day Rosalind Franklin, […]

Plandemic 1, 2 & 3 – The Great Awakening, Indoctornation & Sneak Peek of Release #3 Read More »

Not Seen On The Six O’clock News

For those that read the latest newsworthy articles via links on my Conservative Article Reference List what you see in the short video below will not be a surprise. The mainstream media in the United States is not reporting on the widespread uprisings around the world as people march against the draconian actions their governments

Not Seen On The Six O’clock News Read More »

The War On Covid Ends When We Acknowledge. . . .

The war on COVID ends when people in the United States realize and/or acknowledge: The Covid virus does not spread asymptomatically. There is no significant difference in COVID-19 transmission between those vaccinated and unvaccinated. The vaccines don’t protect against serious cases of Covid or death. Lockdowns don’t work and are harmful to people and the

The War On Covid Ends When We Acknowledge. . . . Read More »

An Official SOS From The People Of Australia

This video showed rapid growth and had over 131,000 views on YouTube, but viewership suddenly declined, so it appears Google algorithms and throttling are the cause. The next step will most like be to delete it, so the video below was taken from It’s time for our international friends to recognize that Australia is

An Official SOS From The People Of Australia Read More »

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