Deep State

Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma and The Vaccines

  Robert W Malone MD, MS   The American Conservative (TAC at Hillsdale College in DC) recently hosted a panel discussion featuring Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Peter McCullough on “Crony Capitalism, Big Pharma and Vaccines. ” The video above is the introductory speech given by Senator Ron […]

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Why Trump Is Essential To The MAGA Movement

Some people want Trump without any vices, which I find totally idiotic. He is a fighter and that is what you need when dealing with cut-throat Democrats that will do almost anything to gain and maintain power. Tom Klingenstein recently gave a speech titled “Trump’s virtues.”  It was masterful and made a distinction between Trump’s

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Jesse Watters Reveals Who Is Really Running America

Jesse Watters outed the “shadow president” of the United States and her role in President Biden’s potential displacement in 2024 in Tuesday’s opening monologue of “Jesse Watters Primetime.” This is not news to me because it has been my opinion for quite a while. JESSE WATTERS: If the Democrats want to survive, someone has to convince

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The WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  STORY AT-A-GLANCE Each year, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend a week in Davos, Switzerland, discussing their visions of the future and how to impose their ambitions on the rest of the world They believe the future is theirs to create. They believe they, the attendees in that room, have all

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The Great Reset Snakes Are Slithering Together in Davos

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The Great Reset involves the demolition and radical overhaul of several interlocking pillars of civilization: technology, society, economy, environment and geopolitics. Food and health also fall within these categories Through control of these core pillars, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its globalist allies intend to seize control of

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