Big Tech

How Biden “Suddenly” Won The 2020 Election

How Biden “Suddenly” Won The 2020 Election The short video below provides a montage of comments regarding irregularities in the 2020 Presidential election counts. Then this just broke -> The Swamp Ran Deep As Trump’s Then White House Lawyer Admits to Engineering Plot To Prevent Investigating 2020 Election Fraud – Trump’s White House lawyer admitted […]

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There Is A Serious Need To Protect American AI Development Programs

There Is A Serious Need To Protect American AI Development Programs I worked in the high-tech development arena in “Silicon Valley” for many years. Consequently, I followed Marc Andreessen’s assent from the co-developer of Mosaic, the first widely used web browser with a graphical user interface, to entrepreneur and ultimately premier venture capitalist. I respect

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We Have To Do Something About Google

We Have To Do Something About Google by Roger L. Simon Roger L. Simon is an award-winning novelist, Oscar-nominated screenwriter, co-founder of PJMedia, and now, editor-at-large for The Epoch Times. This particular edition is an experiment that I don’t expect to repeat often. Still, the subject matter—the danger of Google—is so great and has recently

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How Deep Is the Rabbit Hole?

How Deep Is the Rabbit Hole?   By Jeffrey A. TuckerEpoch Times Commentary   This weekend, the New York Times (NYT) revealed that the CIA has been deeply involved in Ukrainian politics for a decade, mucking around with politics and engaging in provocations against Russia. We already knew that from everything that non-mainstream commentators have been saying

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February 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

February 2024 Conservative Article Reference List Below are links to primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is happening in America and worldwide. Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines will provide enough insight into the article’s content.

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