30 Dr. Great Seuss Quotes
30 Dr. Great Seuss Quotes Read More »
I just watched Django Unchained for the third time and would be surprised to find myself watching it again somewhere down the road. It’s a great movie because of the plot-line, characters and the actors that gave such vivid performances. If you saw the movie and enjoyed it, here is some information I believe you
Interesting Facts About “Django Unchained” Read More »
When I was in high-tech, I visited New York City once or twice a year to attend conferences and stayed at the Plaza Hotel on a couple of occasions. The rooms were pretty nice, but not what I would call outstanding. Of course, I stayed in less expensive rooms that were within travel budget guidelines.
Secrets Of The Plaza Hotel Read More »
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow, and So It Goes takes a nostalgic look back in time and makes you realize how much things have changed over the years. If you are over the age of 50, chances are this video will trigger fond memories from your past. Technology has changed dramatically over the last few decades,
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Read More »
In my opinion, Jonathon Winters is one of the best comedians of all time. One of Winters’s most famous appearances was on The Jack Paar Program, where he was given a stick and asked to improvise. Winters then created a series of scenarios in rapid succession where he goes fishing, fights bulls, and reports to