Vacine Hesitant

Not Seen On The Six O’clock News

For those that read the latest newsworthy articles via links on my Conservative Article Reference List what you see in the short video below will not be a surprise. The mainstream media in the United States is not reporting on the widespread uprisings around the world as people march against the draconian actions their governments […]

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Australia’s Covid Quarantine Camps

Towards the end of November, the Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole. Howard Springs Quarantine Facility

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Evidence They Knew Covid Jabs Would Kill Thousands

 Links are provided at the bottom of the page. It’s the 29th November 2021 and the extent of the conspiracy to suppress the truth and to promote a deadly covid jab is becoming clearer by the day. In February 2021, Pfizer and the FDA knew the covid-19 jab was going to kill or main

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The War On Covid Ends When We Acknowledge. . . .

The war on COVID ends when people in the United States realize and/or acknowledge: The Covid virus does not spread asymptomatically. There is no significant difference in COVID-19 transmission between those vaccinated and unvaccinated. The vaccines don’t protect against serious cases of Covid or death. Lockdowns don’t work and are harmful to people and the

The War On Covid Ends When We Acknowledge. . . . Read More »

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