No Bama

Tucker Carlson: The Framing Of Michael Flynn

Michael Flynn, a retired lieutenant general in the U.S. Army and the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was the national security advisor early in the Trump administration. President Trump offered Flynn the position on November 17, 2016. He resigned on February 13, 2017, amid reports that he did not provide Vice President Mike […]

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Fixing California – A Nine-Part Series In American Greatness

On June 30, 2021, Edward Ring published his first of nine articles on “Fixing California” on the Conservative American Greatness website, titled “The Themes That Make America Great. Edward Ring is a contributing editor and senior fellow with the California Policy Center, which he co-founded in 2013 and served as its first president. He is

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9-4-2020: The Coming Coup? – Democrats Lay The Groundwork For Revolution

The odds are if you search Google for the article titled “The Coming Coup” by Michael Anton, which was published on The American Mind before the 2020 election, you will have trouble finding it if you are able to find it at all. As you read it, you will quickly understand why. The prediction he

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The Overblown COVID-19 Pandemic

As a retired marketing executive, I have a strong background in statics. In fact, I Aced my college stats class and used what I learned extensively in later years. I find it interesting that the mainstream media and Progressive Left constantly use scare tactics to coerce people into getting vaccinated by reporting large numbers that

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