Big Pharma

A Daughter Speaks Out For Her RN Mother

There is so much censorship of information regarding COVID-19 on the Internet these days that the young lady in the video below used a novel approach to pass this information on to the public on behalf of her Registered Nurse mother that taught nursing at the university level and now works in an aged facility

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Richard M. Fleming PhD, MD, JD: Vaccine Chasing

Dr. Fleming On Vaccine Chasing With the waning success of the Drug Vaccine Biologics and the Pressure Selection of Delta and other variants, the World braces as the unvaccinated are blamed for the failure of the Mass Vaccination program. A critical look at the published data reveals a quite different picture. When you keep hearing

Richard M. Fleming PhD, MD, JD: Vaccine Chasing Read More »

Dr. Robert Malone: Ivermectin, Escape Mutants, And The Faulty Logic of Vaccine Mandates

In this second interview, Epoch Times Senior Editor Jan Jekielek talks with Dr. Malone about Ivermectin, Escape Mutants, and the Faulty Logic of Vaccine Mandates.  At their core, vaccine mandates are not just unethical and divisive, but also “impractical and unnecessary,” says Dr. Malone. You can watch the first part of this episode here. Below is

Dr. Robert Malone: Ivermectin, Escape Mutants, And The Faulty Logic of Vaccine Mandates Read More »

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