Big Pharma

November 2023 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

November 2023 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List Below are links to articles and/or blog posts primarily covering COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines mandated for the general population as a supposed cure. Because of the many problems associated with them, people are now starting to question the entire mRNA vaccine schedule. (Vaccine, Big-Pharma, Pandemic, and other […]

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Nay Joe! America The Beautiful

Nay Joe! America The Beautiful The “Nay Joe” video below addresses serious concerns about what is happening in America as a result of the “Progressive Left” pushing us closer and closer toward Communism. Hopefully, people are waking up and will vote the Leftist scoundrels and RINOs out of office. RECENT POSTS TAGS

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Plandemic, Part 1 & 2

Plandemic, Part 1 & 2 By Dr. Joseph Mercola This documentary was originally released in 2020 and has broad implications for events surrounding government shutdowns, worldwide vaccine mandates, and other things related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Summary: “Plandemic — Indoctornation” reveals the driving forces behind the vaccine agenda. It looks at the roles of

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October 2023 Conservative Article Reference List

October 2023 Conservative Article Reference List Below are links to primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is happening in America and worldwide. Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines will provide enough insight into the article’s

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October 2023 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

October 2023 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List Below are links to articles and/or blog posts primarily covering COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines mandated for the general population as a supposed cure. Because of the many problems associated with them, people are now starting to question the entire mRNA vaccine schedule. (Vaccine, Big-Pharma, Pandemic, and other

October 2023 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List Read More »

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