Vacine Hesitant

Why Is The CDC Creating A Secret National Database of Households With Unvaccinated Children?

The CDC has outlined a plan to set up COVID internment camps in every US city and has apparently started secretly building a database of US households that have unvaccinated children present. Disguised as a national “immunization survey,” the CDC is collaborating with NORC at the University of Chicago to place phone calls to households across America, asking […]

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Vaccine Hesitancy By Level Of Education

According to a new paper by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, this does not paint the full picture. The researchers analyzed more than 5 million survey responses by a range of different demographic details, and classed those people who would “probably” or “definitely” not choose to get vaccinated as “vaccine-hesitant.” In some respects the findings

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VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Data Through August 8, 2021

571,830 Total Reports of adverse effects* * Note: Only between 1-10% of adverse events are actually reported into VAERS. BROKEN DOWN BY AGE 0 – 17 YEARS OLD: ▪️21 Deaths ▪️200 Life Threating ▪️71 Permanently Disabled 18 – 29 YEARS OLD: ▪️108 Deaths ▪️726 Life Threating ▪️919 Permanently Disabled 30 – 49 YEARS OLD ▪️447

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