Vacine Hesitant

Dr. Discovers Troubling Finding Of Autoimmunity In Vaccinated Patients

Dr. Nathan Thompson: “My jaw dropped when I tested someone´s immune system after their 2nd vaccination” SINCE ALL DOCTORS CAN DO THIS – If you have been vaccinated tell your doctor to test you NOW, especially if you have received a second shot! Tell them you need the test described, for if this is verified […]

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DoD Data Analysis Reveals Accelerated ADE In Those Vaccinated

By Michelle Edwards  A Department of Defense (DoD) program called “Project Salus” analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older and found that most COVID-19 hospitalizations are among fully vaccinated patients, with numbers increasing as the weeks pass. In cooperation with the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC), the study was presented by DoD partner Humetrix. Alarmingly,

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Stunning Data from Never Before Seen Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking System The slides used in the above video presentation are provided after the summary description below. Attorney Thomas Renz Releases Stunning Data from Never Before Seen Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking System Thanks to a Whistleblower that came forth to Attorney Thomas Renz, the public is now seeing, for the first time ever, hard data from the

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A Daughter Speaks Out For Her RN Mother

There is so much censorship of information regarding COVID-19 on the Internet these days that the young lady in the video below used a novel approach to pass this information on to the public on behalf of her Registered Nurse mother that taught nursing at the university level and now works in an aged facility

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