Vacine Hesitant

The Truth About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis

As a young male with a platform, it’s my responsibility to give voice to the voiceless. Rav Arora The following essay has been rigorously fact-checked by Stanford medicine professor and infectious disease expert Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. The scientific claims regarding post-vaccine myocarditis are fully in line with the current medical literature. Over the past several months, […]

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Pfizer CEO On The Effectiveness Of Their Vaccine

This video is no longer generally available to the public! Pfizer filed a copyright claim to have it taken down so it couldn’t be shared widely. In the video, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says “Two doses of the vaccine offers very limited protection if any.” It is no secret that they are trying to hide

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COVID-19: A Second Opinion – Updated

Recently, Senator Ron Johnson moderated a panel discussion with various medical professionals to discuss several topics related to the Covid pandemic and how it is being handled by the Biden Administration. A group of world-renowned doctors and medical experts provided a different perspective on the global pandemic response than is being presented by the mainstream

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