Big Tech

Doctors And Other Professionals Trying To Bring You The Truth On Covid

Here’s a list of various doctors trying to bring you the truth at great cost to themselves. There are two Nobel Peace Prize winners and one nominee on this list. Search for them on uncensored search engines and platforms such as: Duck Duck Go Rumble Bitchute Odysee Brighteon Telegram Unlike what you have been “told” […]

Doctors And Other Professionals Trying To Bring You The Truth On Covid Read More »

Dr. Peter McCullough’s Dismantles the Covid Narrative With Joe Rogan

The good doctor lays out the Plandemic simply and devastatingly in this brief video, along with an abundance of evidence. Here are links to the resources Dr. McCullough mentions in the video below: Pamela A Popper & Shane D Prier – COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What’s Next Peter Roger Breggin &

Dr. Peter McCullough’s Dismantles the Covid Narrative With Joe Rogan Read More »

The Global Elite “Covid Hoax” To Take-Over America Is Happening

This blog post appeared originally yesterday on the website and is such an excellent piece of work that I am reposting it here to assure wider coverage. is an excellent source of information for people who love America and all that makes it the best country in the world. If it is not

The Global Elite “Covid Hoax” To Take-Over America Is Happening Read More »

Plandemic 1, 2 & 3 – The Great Awakening, Indoctornation & Sneak Peek of Release #3

Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., spent twenty years at the National Cancer Institute, working with Dr. Frank Ruscetti, one of the founding fathers of human retrovirology, and has co-authored more than forty scientific papers. She co-founded and directed the first neuroimmune disease institute using a systems biology approach in 2006. Dr. Mikovits is a modern-day Rosalind Franklin,

Plandemic 1, 2 & 3 – The Great Awakening, Indoctornation & Sneak Peek of Release #3 Read More »

An Official SOS From The People Of Australia

This video showed rapid growth and had over 131,000 views on YouTube, but viewership suddenly declined, so it appears Google algorithms and throttling are the cause. The next step will most like be to delete it, so the video below was taken from It’s time for our international friends to recognize that Australia is

An Official SOS From The People Of Australia Read More »

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