Big Tech

Plandemic – Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Summary Mikki Willis’ documentary “Plandemic” was released on May 4, 2020, and has since been viewed over 1 billion times, despite being universally censored. “Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation” has been viewed more than 200 million times. Many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, but the evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all and wast was […]

Plandemic – Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 Read More »

Obama Urged Government Censorship The Week Before The DHS “Disinformation Governance Board” Launch

WATCH PUBLIC’S NEW MINI-DOCUMENTARY LEIGHTON WOODHOUSE AND MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER On April 27, 2022, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it had created a “Disinformation Governance Board,” ostensibly to protect national security by fighting disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation on social media. Critics denounced it as a “Ministry of Truth” straight out of “1984” and

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11 Revelations From Pfizer’s Vaccine Documents

Dr. Naomi Wolf: This Is The Greatest Crime Against Humanity In History During her speech at Hillsdale College, she shared what she learned after reviewing various Pfizer documents. Pfizer knew their gene-based injections had negative efficacy as early as November 2020 Shortly after the release of the COVID injections, Pfizer moved to hire 2,400 full-time

11 Revelations From Pfizer’s Vaccine Documents Read More »

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