Big Pharma

A Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccines Affect Cells

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, told health officials that his patients were suffering adverse effects from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body The spike protein […]

A Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccines Affect Cells Read More »

Some Of The Unintended Consequences Of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID

This article originally appeared in the Rio Times and is extremely informative. I came across it by chance, as it was not picked up by the Corporate Media in America. Worse than the disease? Reviewing some possible unintended consequences of mRNA vaccines against Covid-19  There has been considerable chatter on the Internet about the possibility

Some Of The Unintended Consequences Of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID Read More »

COVID Is In My Office Daily – What I See As A Clinical MD killed the original link – So I am reposting in my continued effort to spread the truth. This was retrieved from The WaybackMachine Internet archive via this link which is still there as of this writing: This is from a comment posted at Naked Capitalism by a doctor who is a regular commenter there We

COVID Is In My Office Daily – What I See As A Clinical MD Read More »

Dr. Dan Stock: The Futility Of Mask Mandates and Government Covid-19 Protocols

In Dr. Stock’s 6 minute talk addressing the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana, he describes, in his expert opinion, the ineffectiveness and misdirection of the current Covid disease response in schools. I’ve read hundreds of articles and watched numerous videos on the subject and the solid facts Dr. Stock packs into six minutes is

Dr. Dan Stock: The Futility Of Mask Mandates and Government Covid-19 Protocols Read More »

Pathologist Explains Impact Of COVID Vaccines On Human Organs

Presenter: Dr. Ryan Cole, MD, FCAP, AP/CP/DP Where are the autopsies of people who have had COVID vaccinations and why is this information being hidden? Dr. Ryan makes several observations, asks key questions, and shows solid evidence of what these COVID vaccines do to human organ tissues. When you do an autopsy you get all

Pathologist Explains Impact Of COVID Vaccines On Human Organs Read More »

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