Deep State

Why Is The CDC Creating A Secret National Database of Households With Unvaccinated Children?

The CDC has outlined a plan to set up COVID internment camps in every US city and has apparently started secretly building a database of US households that have unvaccinated children present. Disguised as a national “immunization survey,” the CDC is collaborating with NORC at the University of Chicago to place phone calls to households across America, asking […]

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Corporate Media View Of Election Integrity Before 11/2020

If you haven’t noticed that The Left’s narrative regarding election fraud was much different before the November 2020 Presidential election than it is now, then read some of the stuff below. Here are 4-years of articles addressing the cybersecurity nightmare that is the modern U.S. election system, leading up to what they now call the

Corporate Media View Of Election Integrity Before 11/2020 Read More »

Trickle Down Economics – Gaslighting At It’s Best

As Joe Biden and his cronies push tax increases and other hidden forms to increase their taxation take, you are seeing more and more articles published on why Trickle Down Economics doesn’t work. Thomas Sowell, now 91, is known as an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. In this

Trickle Down Economics – Gaslighting At It’s Best Read More »

DHS Training Course: Prepare For Mass Public Quarantine Of Unvaccinated Rural Americans

This article originally appeared on USSA News The Department of Homeland Security has a training course available to law enforcement, health care workers, and other government employees that details how to prepare and execute a mass public quarantine of unvaccinated individuals in rural areas of the United States. If you are still stuck in the

DHS Training Course: Prepare For Mass Public Quarantine Of Unvaccinated Rural Americans Read More »

9-4-2020: The Coming Coup? – Democrats Lay The Groundwork For Revolution

The odds are if you search Google for the article titled “The Coming Coup” by Michael Anton, which was published on The American Mind before the 2020 election, you will have trouble finding it if you are able to find it at all. As you read it, you will quickly understand why. The prediction he

9-4-2020: The Coming Coup? – Democrats Lay The Groundwork For Revolution Read More »

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