Big Tech

COVIDLAND Part 1 And Part 2

Episode 1: The Lockdown On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic under the pretense of a deadly novel coronavirus that they falsely claimed had a death rate of 3.4%, which is closer to .26% of those infected and more often for older people in the population with co-morbidities. Another consideration

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Totalitarianism: Can it happen in America?

What does totalitarianism look like? In the 20th century, it took the form of secret police violently silencing anyone who spoke out against the government. Now, it is being presented to us with a different face — But one we should be very wary of just the same. Rod Dreher, author of Live Not By

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Everything You Need To Know About Covid

For those familiar with this site, the people in the video compilation below will look familiar. They are all renowned experts in the fields of epidemiology and medicine who have put themselves out there to bring the truth about Covid/SARS-CoV-2 and what are being called vaccines but are not actually vaccines in the traditional sense,

Everything You Need To Know About Covid Read More »

Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone

When the vaccine industry interests that pull strings with government and Big-Tech go “All-In” to censor information, you should make it your business to learn more about what it is they are trying to hide from you. Ask Yourself: Why don’t they want me to have access to this information so I can make up

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