Peter McCullough, MD Testifies About Covid-19 Treatments & Vaccines

THIS VIDEO IS PROFOUND AND A MUST-WATCH! – Reference Documents Provided Below The Video

Dr. Peter McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center.

Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with over 1000 publications and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

He is the most published scientist in the history of his field.

When the COVID crisis hit, Dr. McCullough began studying the medical literature to find treatments, and began to treat his patients with current drugs “off label,” because his patients who were testing positive for COVID were sent home from the hospitals and told to wait two weeks, with no treatment options.

Dr. McCullough was then the lead author in a study published in the American Journal of Medicine that summarized existing drugs already approved and in the market that had success in treating COVID-19 patients.

At that time, according to Dr. McCullough, there were over 50,000 papers on COVID in the peer-reviewed literature, and none of them dealt with how doctors are supposed to treat COVID.

After publication, it became the most cited study dealing with COVID, and people were contacting Dr. McCullough from all over the world seeking help in treating COVID patients.

He took a few slides from his presentation and decided to publish a YouTube video on it, to help spread the word that there were effective treatments for COVID.

It soon went viral, as could be expected when one of the most respected doctors in the world was presenting effective treatments of COVID, and within about a week YouTube took it down, stating that it violated the terms of their community.

Senator Johnson from Wisconsin then got involved, and arranged for Dr. McCullough and others to give expert testimony in Senate hearings in November of 2020, explaining that people did not have to die from COVID because effective treatments existed.

This life-saving information was being censored in the corporate media, and was being removed by Big Tech in social media.

Dr. McCullough himself is a COVID survivor, and used these treatments personally, and for his family members.

All of this information was explained by Dr. McCullough recently in a Texas Health and Human Services Senate hearing (video below).

Dr. Peter McCullough explains in testimony to the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services (around March 10-11, 2021) that known successful treatments of Covid were censored from the media causing many Covid deaths. Medical bureaucrats such as Anthony Fauci were focused on Big Pharma vaccines, not on treatment, according to McCullough and other medical experts

Peter McCullough, MD: COVID-19 has always been a treatable illness. When doctors treat patients who are over 50 early on, that have medical problems, with a sequenced “multi-drug approach” using readily available drugs there is an 85% reduction in hospitalizations.

Important Reference Documents:

0 thoughts on “Peter McCullough, MD Testifies About Covid-19 Treatments & Vaccines”

  1. Pingback: June 2021 Political Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  2. Pingback: 2021 List Of Important Articles On COVID-19 & Treatments | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  3. Why isn’t this main stream? Why are vaccine mandates all people talk about? How might the vaccine harm people? Why did Dr. McCullough call it phase 2 of a chemical warfare attack? I work in a senior community. The residents know I’m not vaccinated and many are either worried sick about me or they are losing respect for me. I am so tired of being on the fence. But, I too cannot understand why Covid at home treatments were banned. My husband had Covid in October and when he got the diagnosis the response from the U of M was exactly as described. No treatment. Call if you feel worse. By God’s grace he had a mild case even though he just regained his sense of taste and smell these nine months later. He got tested for antibodies this week and he doesn’t have any. Does that mean he’s not immune? Help. I need real answers, real information.

    1. Debbie, I feel for you. I’m retired, 77, and won’t be getting the vaccine. All you can do is arm yourself with the facts. Each day I put out a list of articles worth reading, many of which address issue surrounding the vaccines that have not gone through normal testing. Lots of people are having strong reactions after getting vaccinated and some are dying. The media is hiding this stuff. If you look on the right side of my page you will see July Conservative Article Reference List, which is updated daily. Here is a link.

      1. Thank you for your response. I am reading the articles provided. I do not understand why the vaccine is being pushed without any acknowledgment of the treatments that are available early in the disease process. It is curable. The fear mongering is unbearable. Can’t any public figures speak up? There should be an outcry. Thank you for your help, Gary.

  4. Can someone find the full video of this? I believe the last part has been scrubbed. In this same video, the Chairwoman basically says that her husband got Covid, and because of her position, she was able to talk to her doctor and get these generic drugs Dr. McCullough talks about. WHY can she get them and we can’t? Can someone find the whole video?

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