This article was originally published in Understanding The Threat by John D. Guandolo
The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and Taliban Are All Fighting Together
by John D. Guandolo
On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks by the Islamic jihadis of Al Qaeda against the United States, we find prominent Muslim Brotherhood leaders in America attempting to draw a distinction between themselves and the Taliban, claiming they are not alike.
We will take a moment to repudiate any attempt by U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leaders to draw such a distinction as an artificial and fraudulent claim.
It is UTT’s intention to never allow the MB to get away with lying to the American public, and this is no exception.
Summary of UTT’s Analysis
- Al Qaeda joined the Taliban when they repeatedly swore bayat (allegiance) to its leaders.
- Al Qaeda is, therefore, the External Operations arm of the Taliban.
- Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood are functionally “joined at the hip” across the globe in their united objective of imposing “allah’s divine law”/sharia on every human on earth.
- Ergo, the Muslim Brotherhood is in league with the Taliban via providing aid, comfort, and support to Al Qaeda, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, and the jihadi group guilty of the 9/11 attacks upon America.
Taliban & Al Qaeda
The Taliban in Afghanistan meets all of the legal requirements to be designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization, yet the U.S. government refused to do so for years because it feared FTO designation would hinder discussions between them and the U.S. and/or Afghan officials.
It is important to note the Taliban in Pakistan, Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), and the Afghan Taliban’s military wing, the Haqqani network, have both been designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) by the U.S. government.
The Taliban waged war for years against U.S. forces alongside Al Qaeda, and gave safe harbor to Osama bin Laden and his Islamic jihadi fighters.
Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda fighters swore bayat – an oath of allegiance – to Mullah Omar, the previous leader of the Taliban. Since that time Al Qaeda leaders and commanders have repeatedly sworn allegiance to Taliban leaders.
Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood
Al Qaeda was born out of the Muslim Brotherhood. Osama bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam, the founders of Al Qaeda, were both Muslim Brotherhood members before they were killed. The regional Al Qaeda commanders and the current Al Qaeda Emir, Ayman Zawahiri, are Muslim Brothers.
Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood have the same objective – to impose “Allah’s divine law”/sharia on the entire earth.
The disagreement between Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is one of timing and tactics.
Al Qaeda made clear 11 years ago (July 2010) the global jihad was underway and the Muslim Brotherhood better get in line with the kinetic war. The Muslim Brotherhood did get in line, and in January 2011 the world watched as the Muslim Brotherhood launched a large-scale revolution in the Middle East designed to overthrow all regimes not imposing Islamic Law/sharia.
When Muslim Brother Muhammad Morsi was the President of Egypt, reports indicate he spoke with and had a relationship with Muhammad Zawahiri, the brother of Ayman Zawahiri, the Emir of Al Qaeda.
Just as the Bolsheviks disagreed with the tactics of the Menshaviks during the Russian Revolution, so too does Al Qaeda disagree with the manner by which the Muslim Brotherhood proceeds in the global jihad.
Like the Mensheviks, the Muslim Brotherhood believes in the slower subversion of society.
Like Bolsheviks, Al Qaeda wants revolution now!
Muslim Brotherhood’s Partnership with Al Qaeda and Support for Violent Jihad
When U.S. military forces killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the Muslim Brotherhood issued a statement honoring bin Laden by addressing him as “Sheikh” and added: “The Muslim Brotherhood affirms that legitimate resistance against the foreign occupation of any country is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws… As long as the occupation remains, the legitimate resistance will remain…”
It is interesting to note that key U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organizations made public comments about Osama bin Laden as well, including the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS).
The Muslim American Society (MAS) issued a press release on May 4, 2011 entitled “Agree to Disagree About the Death of Osama bin Laden” in which Khalilah Sabra wrote on behalf of MAS: “Osama bin Laden cared unrelentingly about the Afghan Muslim children in the same way he cared about his own children…He was a visionary who believed in the possibility of an Islamic state in Afghanistan.”
During a CNN online chat on 10/18/01, Ingrid Mattson, the President of the largest Islamic organization in North America at the time, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), defended the 9/11 attacks on the United States by Al Qaeda stating:
“Many Muslims feel the acts of September 11 were warranted…I think that not many Muslims, only a small number of Muslims throughout the world would support Osama bin Laden’s tactics. A larger number share the grievances that he has voiced.”
On May 22, 2008, the Arabic media outlet posted a detailed interview of the Supreme Guide (leader) of the International Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Akef.
During the interview, Akef was asked if he believed Al Qaeda’s leader Osama bin Laden was a “terrorist” or “jihad fighter” Akef replied, “Without a shadow of a doubt – a jihad fighter.”

The leading Islamic jurist for the International Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi, told the media outlet Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London) on September 2, 2004: “The abduction and killing of Americans in Iraq is an obligation so as to cause them to leave Iraq immediately.”

Shaykh Abd-al-Majid Al-Zindani, a leader of the Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood’s Al-Islah political party, was designated a Specially Designated Global Terrorist in 2004 because of his close relationship with Osama bin Laden, and his work recruiting Al Qaeda members and procuring weapons for the group.
Zindani helped coordinate the 2000 attack by Al Qaeda on the USS Cole in Aden, Yemen which killed 17 U.S. Navy sailors.
Mohammad Jamal Khalifa was a senior Muslim Brotherhood leader and the brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden. Khalifa was arrested in 1994 for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Violence is an inherent part of Muslim Brotherhood doctrine.
The By-Laws of the International Muslim Brotherhood (IMB) identify the IMB as an “International Muslim body which seeks to establish Allah’s law (sharia) in the land….the Islamic nation must be fully prepared to fight the tyrants and enemies of Allah as a prelude to establishing an Islamic state.”

The Arabic phrase “Against them make ready” in the Muslim Brotherhood’s logo is a reference to chapter 8, verse 60 of the Koran which reads: “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah…”
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Creed reads: “Allah is our goal, the Prophet is our guide, the Koran is our law, JIHAD is our way, and dying in the cause of Allah is our highest aspiration.”
Click here to watch thousands of Egyptians openly shout the MB creed with then-President of Egypt Muhammad Morsi.
Inherent to the Muslim Brotherhood’s operational structure is their military wing called their “Special Section.” The Special Section, also known as the “secret apparatus,” conducts acts of terrorism including assassinations, bombings, and the like.
There is substantial evidence the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood has an internal security apparatus, a Special Section, and training camps inside the United States.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a “Terrorist” Organization
The designated Foreign Terrorist Organization HAMAS is an inherent part of the International Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas is the “Palestinian” branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Because of the large body of information about the Muslim Brotherhood’s ties to Al Qaeda and the MB’s willingness to use violence when the timing is right, as demonstrated by the small amount of evidence in this article, several bills have been filed in the U.S. Congress in the last 7 years to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a “Terrorist Organization.”
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN) filed a bill in 2014, Senator Ted Cruz (TX) filed a bill in 2015, and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) filed a bill in 2019.
It should be noted the Muslim Brotherhood has been designated a “TERRORIST ORGANIZATION” in numerous countries around the world.
In a February 2003 decision, the Russian Supreme Court described the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization and banned it from operating in Russia.
In 2013, an Egyptian court banned the Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt after the government officially declared it a terrorist organization.
On March 7, 2014, Saudi Arabia designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group.
The Cabinet of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) published a list of terrorist organizations which includes the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.
Muslim Brotherhood – Al Qaeda – Taliban: All in the Same Family
Why is it important to understand the close operational ties between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda’s allegiance to the Taliban?
The Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood all have the exact same objective.
These groups all work daily to overthrow all un-Islamic governments in order to establish an Islamic State under “Allah’s divine law”/sharia.
The same Muslim Brotherhood which gave birth to Al Qaeda and continues to work with it, is the same Muslim Brotherhood that created and operates nearly all of the prominent Islamic organizations in the United States.
As a matter of fact, the man who created and led more Islamic/Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the United States than any other Muslim was Abdurahman Alamoudi. This Muslim Brotherhood leader – Alamoudi – was the Islamic Advisor to President Clinton and created the Muslim Chaplain Program for the Department of Defense, among other things.
Alamoudi was sentenced to 21 years in federal prison in 2004.
Alamoudi was a financier for Al Qaeda.
Anwar al Awlaki was a prominent Muslim Brotherhood jurist in the United States and the Imam of one of the most influential Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Centers/mosques in America – the Dar al-Hijra Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia.
Awlaki was killed by a U.S. drone strike in 2011 because he was the leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen.
Numerous Muslim Brotherhood organizations and mosques have hosted events with Al Qaeda speakers over the years including Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman – “The Blind Sheikh” – and others.
Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) supports Al Qaeda and in 2004 was discussing how to support Osama bin Laden. See the graphic below.
Muslim Brotherhood in America
Who established the first national Islamic organization in the United States (1963) called the Muslim Students Association (MSA)?
The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
Who controls the Interfaith Outreach in the U.S.?
Muslim Brotherhood groups ISNA, IIIT and CAIR (Hamas).
Who established Sharia Compliant Finance in the United States, including on Wall Street and inside major international banks?
The Muslim Brotherhood’s leading jurist Yusuf al Qaradawi.
Who hosts “Muslim Day” at state capitals across the U.S. every year?
The Hamas/MB terrorist organization doing business as CAIR.
Who owns thousands of properties across the United States upon which various organizations work daily to overthrow the U.S. government and prepare for war against the United States?
The Muslim Brotherhood’s bank is called the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).
UTT encourages readers to take 5 minutes and see how many properties in your county are owned by NAIT.
The designated Foreign Terrorist Organization HAMAS is an inherent part of the International Muslim Brotherhood.
In fact, evidence entered into the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history – US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), Northern District of Texas (Dallas), 2008 – demonstrated the International Muslim Brotherhood ordered all of its affiliates across the globe, including the United States, to establish Palestine Committees/Sections to serve as local nodes for the terrorist group Hamas.
The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood established the U.S. Palestine Committee which then created 4 Hamas organizations. They were: Occupied Land Fund (which became the Holy Land Foundation), United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
CAIR still operates in the United States.
Along with Hamas/CAIR, here are a few of the many other Muslim Brotherhood groups operating in America:
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and their “relief agencies” Helping Hand and ICNA Relief, Muslim Students Association (MSA), International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), Diyanet Center of America, U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA), Muslim American Society (MAS), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA), American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), the Muslim Brotherhood controlled Islamic centers/mosques (majority of the 3000+ in America), and many others.
These organizations and their affiliates constitute a massive jihadi network that promotes and supports violent jihad while simultaneously advancing significant non-violent lines of operations in support of their ultimate objective – an Islamic State under sharia.

The same Taliban jihadis now enforcing sharia in Afghanistan going door to door killing people are no different from the suit-wearing jihadis leading the prominent Islamic organizations in the United States.
The only difference is timing and tactics.
When you hear CAIR, ISNA, USCMO, your local Muslim Brotherhood mosque, or any other MB groups publicly speaking out in an attempt to distance themselves from the Taliban, remember the truth of who they really are and know they are lying.
This same Muslim Brotherhood has its tentacles in local communities across America. It is high time We the People rip them out.
Join us at Understanding The Treat to learn how to lawfully destroy this cancer and take back your community.
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