The heart of Blue whale is of such tremendous dimension that a small child could swim through its veins.
How do you call the dot over i and j – it’s “title”.
And what about the metal part of a pencil? – it’s “ferrule.”
A group of flamingos is a “flamboyance”.
And a group of pugs is a “grumble”.
Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
Cookie Monster’s name is Sid.
Donald Duck has a middle name?! Yup, it is “Fauntleroy.”
The Humpty Dumpty rhyme never says he’s an egg.
What is a “philtrum”? Check out the pointer at the pic below.
Banana is a berry, strawberry isn’t.
This is how cashews grow.
It is impossible to hum while holding your nose. Go ahead, try it
There’s a greater probability of dying by a coconut falling on your head than being attacked and killed by a shark.
Horses never breathe through their mouth
You may think they are, but ponies are not baby horses
People who make more money prefer their toilet paper to roll over the roll compared to people with less income who prefer it to go under.
Gnurr is that lint that you find at the end of your pockets
Flamingos are pink because of what they eat. For example algae and shrimp that contain carotenoid pigments