June 2024 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

June 2024 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List

Below are links to articles and blog posts primarily covering COVID-19 and the mRNA vaccines mandated for the general population as a supposed cure. Because of the many problems associated with them, people are questioning the entire mRNA vaccine schedule. (Vaccine, Big-Pharma, Pandemic, and other health-related articles of significance will also be posted here.)

(From time to time, article links will also be provided for other vaccines or pharmaceutical products that the general public should be aware of.  Health-related subjects of importance will also be covered, including articles relating to the World Health Organization, Health and Human Services, and the National Institute of Health. – If something seems hard to believe, I don’t include it until I see similar reports from other sources.)

Hopefully, you will take the time to read some of them, which should open your eyes to the reality of the Deep State,  Progressive Elite, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and others that have gaslighted the public on this subject area with the help of the Mainstream Media.

Liken the process of becoming better informed to working on a giant puzzle. As you read more and more about what is going on, things begin to fall into place and you finally see the big picture.

You can use your browser’s search function to find articles of particular interest to you. Hold down the CTRL/CMND key at the lower left of your keyboard and simultaneously press the F key. Then enter a word in the pop-up box at the top of your screen. This will show you each article with that word in the title. Then click the up or down arrow to see other articles with that title.

New article links added today for previous dates are identified with => “Updates For This Date Are Above This Note

Click Here For The May 2024 COVID-19 and mRNA Article Reference List

Click Here For COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Charts, Data & Related CDC Information

Click Here To See The Current Conservative Article Reference List

June 30, 2024

Sonia Elijah: An Israeli Study Explains How Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA Shot Causes Menstrual Irregularities – This ground-breaking mechanistic paper comes after numerous observational studies have reported on menstrual irregularities (such as prolonged and heavy bleeding) experienced by women, following the Covid mRNA shots. The following studies cited in the Israeli paper, confirm the link…

A Midwestern Doctor: The Great Cholesterol Scam and The Dangers of Statins – Exploring the Actual Causes and Treatments of Heart Disease. – There is a large body of evidence showing that there is no association between the two and that lower cholesterol significantly increases one’s risk of death…

Epoch Times: GoodRx Says Drug Prices Rose Nearly 40 Percent Over The Past Decade, Surpassing Inflation Rate – One in four Americans have at least one drug prescribed that their insurance policy does not cover. – “Healthcare is often paid for by insurance, but more of the cost burden has been shifted to the consumer as prescription insurance coverage gets more complex and more restrictive,” GoodRx stated.

Where Are The Numbers: An Italian study shows a reduction in life expectancy associated with increased COVID-19 vaccination has been published – The Italian study of vaccine effectiveness is based on data sourced from the Italian National Healthcare System, from the province of Pescara, Italy, and comprises just under one million people of all ages.

Dr. Peter McCullough: A NEW BREAKING Publication, Are COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy as Safe and Effective as the U.S. Government, Medical Organizations, and Pharmaceutical Industry Claim? – I am pleased to share this manuscript as the first in a three-part series exposing the harms of COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women, babies in the womb, and infants. The project was led by obstetrician/gynecologist Drs. James Thorp, Dr. Daniel McDyer, and Kimberly Biss.

June 29, 2024

Slay Magazine: A Bombshell Study Directly Links Covid Shots to The Sudden Deaths Surge – The study was conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, PhD, Professor of Psychology and mathematician Professor Matthias Reitzner. – During their analysis, they found that the COVID “vaccines” themselves are causing the surge in sudden deaths, and not the virus.

Jonathan Engler: Nearly 1% of healthy non-elderly (average age 39) died within a year of receiving the bird flu vaccine. – This was not included in the published paper. – There are serious reporting inconsistencies in the bird flu vaccine trials.

2nd Smartest Guy: A New Study Shows That Covid Injections Cause Brain Damage? – The alarming new study finds a potential link between mRNA injections and Alzheimer’s disease. – Time and time again, things that were previously called a ”crazy conspiracy theory” have been proven to be true. – For example, a recent peer-reviewed study found that 74% of sudden deaths were likely because of the covid injections!

June 28, 2024

Epoch Times: The CDC Recommends The New COVID-19 Vaccines For Everyone 6 Months and Older – The Updated vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna will target the KP.2 variant, while an updated shot from Novavax will target the JN.1 variant and are expected to be available in September.

Slay Magazine: The Australian Government Has Been Hiding Deadly COVID Shot Side Effects Since 2021 – In early 2021, Australia’s TGA became aware that mRNA lipid nanoparticles from COVID-19 injections would spread to vital organs. – The TGA is Australia’s equivalent of the U.S. FDA – The agency found traces of the mRNA lipid nanoparticles in the brain, liver, and ovaries of those who had received the shots…

Dr. Rima E. Laibow: Use Gene Therapy to Correct The Damage Done By Gene Therapy, What Could Possibly Go Wrong? – Dr. Peter McCullough has been a courageous voice shouting out the horrifying dangers of mRNA jabs, but now he wants to play with your RNA to fix messing with your RNA in the first place. – No, No, No, No!!!!!

Behind the FDA Curtain: The New Long COVID Definition and Its Impact on Vaccine Injury Reporting – The NASEM report recently defined Long COVID (LC) as “an infection-associated chronic condition (IACC) that occurs after SARS-CoV-2 infection and is present for at least 3 three months as a continuous, relapsing and remitting, or progressive disease state that affects one or more organ systems” and are increasingly becoming understood to overlap those of COVID-19 vaccine injury…

June 27, 2024

Epoch Times: The New COVID-19 Variant Has Potential to Infect Some People More Easily According To The CDC – The agency stated that there is no evidence that LB.2 can cause a more severe version of the disease.

The Canadian Independent: a Canadian Armed Forces member who provided documented medical proof of serious injury after getting a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination was denied compensation by Veterans Affairs Canada. – Veterans Affairs Canada’s denial letter acknowledges that Christensen’s client developed brain abscesses, sarcoidosis (an autoimmune condition), and left limb paralysis following a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, explicitly recognizing that these injuries are medically documented as being linked to the vaccine…

Sharyl Attkisson: The Biden Administration Pressured The FDA and Ignored Risks During The Initial Covid Vaccine Phase – Consequently, the FDA went beyond its regulatory authority to change its procedures, cut corners, and lower agency standards to approve the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and authorize boosters. – This approval enabled the Biden Administration to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine, despite concerns it caused injury among otherwise healthy young Americans…

Trust The Evidence: The Kansas Attorney General Report – We’ve extracted the main points from their case against Pfizer. – Having an anger management strategy handy while reading this is recommended. – 1, Pfizer misled the public. – 2, Pfizer used confidentiality agreements to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine. – 3, Pfizer used its confidentiality agreements with the US government and others to conceal, suppress, and omit material facts relating to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine…

Sasha Latypova: Gene therapies are futile and deadly. – There Is No “Off-Switch!” – The train wreck continues, As mRNA is poison and cannot be made into medicine. – No scientific experiment was conducted to produce the paper suggesting deactivation. – It was a fantasy story consisting of several unsupported assertions and cartoons piled on top of each other. It didn’t even qualify as a reasonable hypothesis!

American Thinker: Buckle Up, The CDC Lays Its Groundwork for Next Pandemic – What disease are we supposed to be desperately afraid of this election cycle? – Nicole Acevedo is the latest fear porn reporter and cites an array of statistics to prove the CDC’s thesis on the dangers of Dengue Fever…

Jonathan Engler: The Weirdest Virus Ever – Doesn’t anybody care about the logical flaws in the establishment narrative? – We are told that one virus spread around the world causing a pandemic, but nobody argues against the proposition that there is a multitude of differences between places in terms of cultures, political, health, and social care systems…

June 26, 2024

Steve Kirsch: Rasmussen survey shows extreme buyer remorse for COVID-19 shots – COVID-19 shots more than double dementia risk and cause permanent brain damage. – The Hulscher paper on autopsies of people who died after getting a COVID-19 vaccine shows the shot killed 74% of the cases where they did an autopsy – Bird flu, they are trying to panic people again…

California Globe: Newsom may have officially ended the COVID-19 State of Emergency, but his “SMARTER” Plan should give you chills, as he stated “We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies.” – SMARTER stands for Shots, Masks, Awareness, Readiness, Testing, Education and Rx. – Remember, last year Newsom asserted his SMARTER Plan “is not just for COVID-19.”

Slay Magazine; Pfizer’s ‘Clear Effort to Conceal & Mislead’ about Side Effects of Covid Shots – Kansas AG Kris Kobach says investigators uncovered evidence that Pfizer “knew of multiple side effects” related to its Covid mRNA shots and did not disclose them.” More than that, “They said there are no side effects in particular cases, when in fact they knew about them and had data indicating those side effects.”

Kingston Report: The FDA was MANDATED to Deliver ‘Safe and Effective Vaccines’ – The 2 most senior FDA officials on vaccine research abruptly announced their ‘retirement’ the same day the FDA approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccines.’- Senator Thomas Massie is holding a hearing today to uncover what happened behind closed doors resulting in the abrupt departure of the agency’s most senior officials on vaccine safety.

Brownstone Institute: The WHO’s On First – There’s a new game that is coming to every town and city on Earth, and it’s being played in the Global Public Health baseball arena. The team to beat is the Biomedical State and here’s their starting lineup. – Pitching, the public health bureaucracy. – Catching, the military and scientific research institutes. – On First Base, the World Health Organization. – On Second Base, the pharmaceutical industry. – Playing Shortstop, Legacy media and Big-Tech…

Megan Redshaw: Possibly The Most Important COVID-19 Lawsuit Was Just Filed Against The GovernmentA novel lawsuit takes a bite at the apple in hopes of striking down the blanket immunity granted to pharmaceutical companies during COVID-19, whose products left countless Americans injured or dead. – The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the PREP Act, which grants broad legal immunity to entities involved in developing, distributing, and administering COVID-19 countermeasures, including vaccines…

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea: Clifford Carnicom has done earth-shaking work that increases our understanding of the rubbery clot phenomena. – Over the past 6 months, he has cultured from human blood the polymers that are creating the rubbery clots – the very clots that are killing the vaccinated with the COVID-19 mRNA shots…

June 25, 2024

Kingston Report: The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were Designed to Cause Severe Disease and Be Resistant to Antibodies – Per data published by the inventors of the spike protein, the antibodies produced by the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were purposefully designed to cause disease and unable to protect against infection.

Slay Magazine: Scientists Raise Alarm over Surging Neurological Deaths Among Young People – Perhaps most alarming is the impact on younger individuals, particularly those who had received Covid mRNA shots. – Those aged 15-44, typically considered in the prime of life, suffered a huge increase in neurological disease-related deaths after receiving the injections.

Doctor Peter McCullough: Association Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of Alzheimer’s Disease – I have multiple patients who appear to develop a rapid decline in cognitive function after COVID-19 vaccination. The Spike protein is produced in large quantities and for a long duration of time after mRNA injection has been found in the brain at autopsy. Additionally, the Spike protein can fold and create amyloid plaques, which are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Finally, the fraud leading to COVID-19 vaccine licensure and the supposedly legal imposition of vaccine mandates has been exposed by Congress – The Biden Administration Pressured The FDA and Ignored Associated Risks During Initial COVID Vaccine Phase – Representative Thomas Massie’s Subcommittee on the Administrative State released a 700-page report on White House-FDA conspiracy to illegally license experimental (EUA) vaccine in August 2021

Dr. Mark Trozzi: A delegation of Canadian MDs and scientists present scientific information to help explain the dramatic rise in unexplained deaths of children in Alberta by more than 3000%. – They provide the critical knowledge needed to ensure informed consent or informed refusal of modified mRNA C-19 injections, commonly referred to as COVID-19 “vaccines”. – Selected presentation and the full event video are provided…

Steve Kirsch: German CDC documents show politics drove their COVID response, not science – The health authorities deliberately lied to the public about COVID because they didn’t want to lose the respect of the lawmakers. They knew that COVID was LESS dangerous than the flu!!

June 24, 2024

Julian Gillespie: Unveiling The Hidden Truth,  Pt2 – What Millions Of Australians Didn’t Know – Another brief video on the GMO proceedings and the efforts by authorities to make it all go away

Kingston Report: Testimony on the Creation of Infectious Bioweapons and COVID-19 – In 2016, Professor Ian Lipkin, Professor of Epidemiology, Neurology and Pathology at Columbia University, joined Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, at a forum to discuss the history and future of pandemics. Fast forward, 8 years later, world-renowned pathologist, Dr. Steven Quay testified in front of the Senate last week regarding the creation of the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen.

The Vigilant Fox: The Truth About Chemotherapy – Dr. Paul Marik, a renowned critical care physician, has shed light on the harsh realities of chemotherapy’s ineffectiveness in treating cancer. He revealed that only “about 5% of all cancers are curable with chemotherapy.”

Slay News: Prominent Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle declared that “Everyone involved” in pushing the COVID mRNA shots onto the public committed “crimes against humanity.”Professor Boyle, a bioweapons expert, wrote the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act which was passed by Congress and signed into U.S. law in 1990. – “It was a Nuremberg crime against humanity.” – Boyle also responded to the Kansas lawsuit against Pfizer describing the case as “promising.” 

Epoch Times: Today, SCOTUS justices rejected appeals brought over COVID-19 vaccines by Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.- The top court rejected an appeal seeking to overturn lower court rulings that said CHD and its members lacked standing to sue the FDA over its emergency authorizations of COVID-19 vaccines for minors.

Dr. Peter McCullough: 6 Key Talking Points on the Current Bird Flu Situation – 1. The practice of culling (mass destruction of entire healthy flocks) when a PCR test is found positive to “eradicate” the virus is futile and may work to constrain the food supply. – 2. H5N1 host range expansion into migratory birds and mammals likely occurred as a result of gain-of-function serial passage research and a lab leak…

2ndSmartestGuy: The Scamdemic Bird Flu – There are certainly pharmaceutical companies that would benefit from a human bird flu pandemic, but the industry might make even more money “preventing” a human pandemic by vaccinating farm animals, especially the world’s 33 billion chickens…

Dr. Meryl Nass: Building the bird flu narrative in cows at the state and local level – The FDA and USDA are not allowed to go onto farms and start testing healthy cows, so they have developed “guidance” documents and nearly a billion dollars is offered to allow them to start the process – It appears that it is now time for the double whammy of a pandemic that seriously interferes with access to food: eggs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, beef, milk, cheese, cream, and yogurt…

Megan Redshaw: Diseases Increase ‘Exponentially’ With Each Added Vaccine Given to Babies – This first-of-its-kind study blew the lid off the infant vaccination schedule – Drs. Karl Jablonowski and Brian Hooker decided to do what no U.S. health agency has ever done or will ever do – They analyzed data from Florida and found that each additional vaccine “exponentially” increased respiratory, developmental, and infectious diseases in infants.

June 23, 2024

Kingston Report: Back in 2016, Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance explained how EcoHealth Alliance collaborated with colleagues in China to create the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen, and it’s not a gain-of-function ‘virus’…at least not how most people think of a virus.

The Vigilant Fox: UK Politicians Abandon Ship on “Safe and Effective” Narrative – Instead of claiming the shots are “safe and effective,” they now refer to them as “the best solution.” – This shift in language is a clear sign that the reckoning for the jabs is imminent, and officials are now scrambling to evade accountability.

Steve Kirsch: I finally heard back from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department – Months ago I asked them to explain why 98% of the people diagnosed with COVID were vaccinated. – In short, the vaccine made it more likely you got COVID. There is simply no other way to interpret the data. – I wanted to know why the PHD said nothing to warn the public.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Innate and Adaptive Mechanisms of Immune Dysregulation with COVID-19 Vaccination – It should be no surprise that allergic dermatitis, mast cell activation syndrome, asthma, increased frequency of upper respiratory illnesses, and other syndromes consistent with immune system dysregulation occur after COVID-19 vaccination.

Lumen News: Medical Freedom Doctors Respond to Ex-CDC Director’s Alarming Prediction Bird Flu Will ‘Very Likely’ Become Pandemic – Three internationally known physicians who have regularly called for an end to the government’s COVID mandates for shutdowns, mask-wearing, and mRNA injectables represented as “vaccines,” said the ominous predictions about bird flu amount to fearmongering.

Dr. Meryl Nass: The BMGF funded a comprehensive review of emergency authorization procedures for pandemic vaccines. – Forewarned is forearmed.So they junked the term “mock-up vaccine” and replaced it with pre-pandemic vaccines or pandemic preparedness influenza vaccines. – A better terminology to use to hide the fact your mock-up vaccine is just a pretend vaccine.

Washington Examiner: The Pentagon does not know how much money went to Chinese labs, including Wuhan – The Office of Inspector General was tasked in the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act to submit a report to congressional defense committees on the amount of federal funds awarded by the department, directly or indirectly, to Chinese research labs that could have resulted in the enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential.

June 22, 2024

The Vigilant Fox: We Now Have Proof That The COVID “Vaccines” Damage Cognition – Countless people have observed their loved ones becoming “more compliant” and “broken” after the shots. – This was deemed a “conspiracy theory,” but now we have the data to back it up.

Slay Magazine: A Government Whistleblower Says Covid Shots Were Planned A Long Time Ago – The entire exercise over the last four and half years was intentionally misleading the population into taking something through coercion that would not have otherwise ever been accepted. – “Since 2002, there has not been a coronavirus but rather an engineered pathogen,” Dr. David Martin said...

Jonathan Engler: The deeper you look at PCR testing the worse it looks. – Manufacturers were recommending a degree of amplification which meant that any results obtained were essentially meaningless. – Even if they had not, and even if the PCR testing was saying anything useful about contagiousness, could it be justified, scientifically, morally, or ethically? – It could not.

American Conservative: Rand Paul Was Right About Covid and Fauci – Nearly three years ago this month, Anthony Fauci said, “Senator Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about.” – Now that Paul has been proven right about so many of his critiques of Covid policy, his critics don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to say that Anthony Fauci was ever wrong. That any of his or the CDC’s policies were ever incorrect. They certainly don’t want to say that they were wrong.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Chinese Single Immunization with H5N1 Virus-like Particle Vaccine Protects Chickens Against H5N1 Influenza but Enables More Viral Shedding – Poultry Vaccine Backfires with High Shedding Rate of Vaccinated Birds – Poultry Farmers are finding out that culling and vaccination of poultry may be futile as migratory waterfowl spread H5N1 from farm to farm…

June 21, 2024

Brownstone Institute: Fresh off the back of Anthony Fauci and his former agency being accused of lying to lawmakers and covering up the origins of COVID-19, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is embroiled in another scandal. – This time, an explosive report by US congressional investigators found the NIAID tried to hide plans to conduct gain-of-function (GOF) research on a lethal strain of the monkeypox virus.

The Vigilant Fox: A Groundbreaking Study Discovers ‘Off-Switch’ for mRNA COVID-19 Injections“Without any way to turn off the messenger RNA, we think every single messenger RNA shot, because it’s been made synthetic and resistant to human breakdown, is going to make people progressively sick. – We have to find a way to get this out of the body.” – In a recent preprint study, Dr. McCullough and his team presented a novel approach using small interfering messenger RNA (siRNA) and RIBOTACs to bind and deactivate the mRNA from these vaccines, allowing the body to clear it out.

Dr. Joseph Sansone: Kansas Versus Pfizer: Good, But Not Good Enough – The case is great, but the Kansas Attorney General’s office falls short in two areas. – There are no indictments, and the mRNA Nanoparticle injections are not being removed from the market.

Kingston Report: Pfizer Called The Shots – Discussion on the details of the lawsuit filed this week by Kansas AG Kris Kobach charging Pfizer under Kansas Consumer Protection laws. – Because of the contract that Pfizer signed with the U.S. government, and it looks like Trump had his fingerprints all over it, Trump broke Pfizer’s liability shield so that the contract could be used as a weapon for state prosecutors and Americans to sue Pfizer if they did anything wrong; if Pfizer tried to defraud us.

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Vaping Is Linked to Brain, Artery, and Lung Damage – Unlike traditional smoking, vaping does not involve burning tobacco, leading many people to believe that it’s less harmful to your health mistakenly. – The average vape pod contains as much nicotine as 20 cigarettes, and its e-liquid concoction is dissolved in an oily base, which poses additional risks when inhaled…

June 20, 2024

Epoch Health: A First-of-Its-Kind Study Explains Why Some People Don’t Get COVID-19 – The study, published in Nature, was a human challenge study conducted by researchers from the UK and the Netherlands and is the first of its kind wherein participants were deliberately exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.- Even when exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus intra-nasally, people with faster or more subtle immune responses didn’t become infected.

The Truth Barrier: A Paper That Lancet Published Proving Sudden Deaths By Covid Shots and Later Pulled Under Pressure By Pharma, Has NEW Publisher – “There’s Going To Be A Tsunami of Evidence.” – 74% of sudden deaths are due to the COVID-19 vaccine according to a previously censored paper…

Just The News: The Biden administration is seeking to delay until at least 2026 the release of COVID-19 vaccine safety data that has been kept outside the government’s normal adverse events reporting system. – Gene Hamilton, America First Legal’s general counsel and VP dismissed the government’s request as a delay tactic that will keep patients who might consider getting additional vaccine boosters from having full data to make an informed decision…

Michael Darby In Australia: Murder by Vaccine – Steve Kirsch provides irrefutable mathematical evidence. – In how many Australian nursing homes did how many patients suffer early death? – Here’s official US government data, all in plain sight so that you can decide for yourself. – This data is simply impossible to explain if the vaccine reduced the risk of death.

Clotastrophe: The People’s Blood Clot Survey – “We The People” Can Help By Completing This Important Survey. – Tom Haviland has been successful in creating two worldwide embalmer blood clot surveys. – For photos of the clots that have been removed from the living and a link to the video of one of the whistleblowers, please see this post…

A Midwestern Doctor: We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition – The COVID-19 vaccines excel at causing damage to cognition, and many of us have noticed both subtle and over-cognitive impairment following vaccination. – Recently large datasets emerged which show this phenomenon is very real and that the severe injuries we’ve seen from the vaccines (e.g., sudden death) are only the tip of the iceberg…

Steve Kirsch: New Zealand data leaked by Barry Young shows a 27% increase in all-cause mortality over 12 months if you got the Covid-19 vaccine. – It’s amazing nobody noticed as it took just 2.7 seconds for Oracle to run the query that shows this…

Courageous Discourse: HHS Will Likely Declare a Bird Flu Public Health Emergency in Coming Months – Educating the public is the best way to prepare for Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex skulduggery. – Government policies force total extermination rather than waiting to see if it is needed. – The trouble with ignoring a problem—even if the problem is largely the fabrication of unscrupulous actors—is that it leaves the public in a state of ignorance about what we are dealing with…

June 19, 2024

Steve Kirsch: Official US government data, “gold standard data,” shows that the mRNA vaccines didn’t save any COVID-19 lives at all, None. – If anything, the data shows that the vaccine made you more likely to die from COVID. – To the estimated 21 million people who were killed or seriously injured, you should know it was all for nothing.

WelcomeTheEagle88: The CDC assured the public that COVID-19 vaccines do not cause fertility issues and that any menstrual irregularities are minor and temporary, but the V-safe free-text entries CDC was forced to produce by a court order show exactly the opposite! – ICAN’s review of the free-text records produced to date, which are only a small fraction of the total set to be released by the CDC, reveals at least 500 reports of miscarriage and more than 2,000 reports of menstrual disturbances. – Here are a few examples:

Epoch Health: Early treatment with higher doses of the SSRI fluvoxamine may reduce COVID-19 clinical deterioration, mortality, and “Long COVID” complications. – An antidepressant commonly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may significantly reduce the risk of clinical deterioration in COVID-19 patients, according to new research published in Scientific Reports.

Dr. Peter McCullough: BREAKING Publication, COVID-19 Vaccines Are A Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes – An Unacceptable Hazard for Blood Clots to the Brain – I have several patients who have suffered multiple strokes after COVID-19 vaccination…

The Canadian Independent: Three years ago, after the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, Canada launched its Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP). – Updated June 2024 numbers show that the VISP has now paid out just over $14 million in compensation to 183 Canadians. -To be approved for compensation, a medical review board must determine that “there is a probable link between the injury and the vaccine, and that the injury is serious and permanent.”

Kingston Report: Why 5 STATES ARE SUING PFIZER BUT NOT Moderna – Pfizer conspired with individuals from HHS, the media, universities, social media platforms, and others to manipulate the American people into receiving an injection that they would have otherwise declined if Pfizer had accurately disclosed their COVID-19 mRNA clinical data and adverse events reports to the public and US government.

2nd Smartest Guy: The Blood Supply Is Contaminated – Spike Protein and Amyloid Aggregates Were Found in Recipients of mRNA Transfusions – Two years ago this Substack warned that the entire blood supply could have very well been contaminated by the Modified mRNA poison “vaccines,” and associated cytotoxic spike proteins (SP2)…

Washington Examiner: The congressional COVID-19 origins investigation so far – Republican subcommittee staff confirmed the investigation into Fauci’s leadership and role in the debate over COVID-19 origins is still ongoing, even after his public testimony. – The 15-month investigation has uncovered significant findings regarding potentially dangerous coronavirus research funded by NIH at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China where the outbreak originated in late 2019.

The Great Wakeup: Unmasking COVID-19 Deceptions, Part III – A Q&A with Dr. Peter McCullough, Internist, Cardiologist, and Chief Scientific Officer of the Wellness Company – This is a 4-part series. In Part III below, we discuss the implications of the failed WHO Pandemic Treaty, the role of private corporations and government actors in manipulating public opinion, and how individuals can best prepare their bodies and minds for future medical crises…

June 18, 2024

Dr. Peter McCullough: Febrile Seizure Risk after Vaccination in Children One to Five Months of Age – It is estimated that the childhood lifetime risk of a febrile seizure is 2-4%. With each seizure, there is a concern for neurological damage and the development of future problems including epilepsy and neuropsychiatric syndromes including autism spectrum disorder. – The CDC Study Confirms Early Combination Vaccination is the Problem.

The Defender: There is a ‘1 in a Billion’ Chance COVID Emerged From Nature, A Scientist Tells Lawmakers – The COVID-19 lab leak theory is far from being a myth or conspiracy theory as is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a bipartisan hearing. – The Chinese government refuses to release key data from the Wuhan Institute of Virology from around the time COVID-19 emerged…

Wall Street Journal: The Real COVID Failure – It’s super fast spread told us early the virus was unstoppable and likely lab-modified. – Americans by now had experienced the disease and realized it was far from unendurable. The lockdowns were needless destruction and vaccine mandates were not going to stop the spread…

Slay News: Top Investigator: ’80 to 90% of Deaths Attributed To Covid-19 Are Fraud’John Beaudoin, Sr. reveals that the vast majority of people who have COVID-19 listed as their cause of death died from “drug overdoses and car accidents” in addition to old and sick people who were “mistreated by hospitals.” – He analyzed the death certificates of 1.4 million Americans, which he says “represents 5% of the U.S. population.”

Kingston Report: The 9th Court Rejects ‘Safe & Effective Vaccine’ Claims as Indisputable – The 9th Circuit recently ruled that Americans have the right to challenge the government’s claim that mRNA injections are ‘safe and effective vaccines’ and to seek compensatory damages in court.

Kingston Report: Kansas AG Kris Kobach brought 9 Counts against Pfizer for conspiring with the Media, Universities, the lobbying group BIO, and the US government, including HHS, to generate billions of dollars in revenue by willfully concealing material evidence and misrepresenting the fraudulent safety and efficacy claims of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA injections to Kansas residents.

Forbidden News: The World Council for Health Is Calling for a Complete Moratorium on Childhood Vaccines – The childhood vaccine schedule is not what was formerly thought, so this international body, is calling for a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines. – Vaccines are piling up one after another and being given in multiple salvos. – There are now safety events that we learned…

Dr. Peter McCullough: The CSL Seqiris Audenz Vaccine Is Poorly Effective Against Legacy Bird Flu – This Antigen Vaccine Is Not Tested Against The Current Strain of Avian Influenza – The EU will sign a contract on Tuesday to secure over 40 million doses of a preventative avian flu vaccine for 15 countries with the first shipments heading to Finland…

Courageous Discourse: Bird Flu, Separating Fact from Fiction and True Danger from Fear-mongering – The McCullough Foundation has just produced a 25-minute video about the latest variant of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, and how the U.S. and E.U. governments are responding to it. We believe there is growing evidence that this variant of bird flu is becoming the “Disease X” the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex has been warning about in recent years…

June 17, 2024

No College Mandates Newsletter: Our New Tool to Help You Navigate College Visits This Summer – There are only 25 colleges still requiring students to take COVID-19 medical treatments before fall 2024. – However, healthcare student, mandates persist at the large majority of colleges due to the requirements of the clinical rotation facilities where students must attend practicums to graduate.

Dr. Meryl Nass: The CDC provides their take on the efficacy of their recommended seasonal flu shots – They use the best-cherry-picked study each year for the last 15 years

The Canadian Independent: The Australian Senate hears testimony from a woman who was severely injured after her third Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. – Kara Potter says she developed pericarditis, which spread from her heart to her lungs and brain. – As a result, she has been chronically ill and is now disabled.

Sonia Elijah Investigates: A Bombshell Study Showing 3 Million Excess Deaths In 47 Countries Faces Retraction – In their paper, the authors dared to note an inconvenient truth: “Although COVID-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the COVID-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well. – The Mostert et al. study is not the first to be censored because it dared question the safety of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’.

Where Are The Numbers: Don’t dare to suggest COVID vaccines may have contributed to excess deaths – A paper on excess mortality by Dutch researchers has recently been published in the British Medical Journal and is being attacked…

Slay News: A large-scale study of two million vaccinated people has uncovered evidence that Covid mRNA shots trigger psychiatric adverse events. – The peer-reviewed study was conducted by top Korean scientists and published in the world-renowned Nature Journal. – The study looked into serious adverse events (AEs) of a psychiatric nature linked to COVID-19 vaccination…

June 16, 2024

Slay News: Elite Scientists In Japan Link Sudden Cardiac Deaths to The mRNA Shots – The trio of heavy-hitting physician-scientists running the Shiga University of Medical Science, Department of Legal Medicine in Japan found that Covid mRNA shots were responsible for the deaths of those they examined. – The Japanese team analyzed deaths between May 21 to March 2022 and found that cardiac deaths spiked after people received Pfizer’s mRNA injection…

Vigilant News: Ex-CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield Says There WILL Be a Bird Flu Pandemic, saying, “It’s not a question of if, but more of a question of when.” – “It’s going to be quite complicated” because “bird flu has a significant mortality when it enters humans, probably somewhere between 25% and 50% mortality.”

A Midwestern Doctor: The Importance Of Healthy Regular Bowel Movements – As one becomes older, it often becomes one of the primary concerns of everyday life. – Current research shows constipation hospitalizes 92,000 Americans each year and results in 1.3 million visits to American emergency rooms. – Chronic constipation is linked to a variety of progressively more severe illnesses including diverticulitis, kidney disease, gastric and colorectal cancer, ischemic colitis, and Parkinson’s disease…

June 15, 2024

The Truth Barrier: Denial Breaks Down, As Swedish Media Finally Run Front Page Stories Of Two Deaths Caused By Moderna Shots, One, A 13-year-old Boy, Was Referred To By The Medical Prosecutor As Involuntary Manslaughter – Preliminary research revealed that the story had been reported first in the early winter of 2023, by Epoch Times Sweden, and CDH Europe.

Zero Hedge: According to a new study, people with a history of COVID-19 infection are better protected against common colds than people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. – Infection and vaccination triggered similar antibody responses in study participants. – Still, T-cell responses targeting endemic coronaviruses, which cause some common colds, were found only in people with past infection with COVID-19, which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2.

Dr. Robert Malone: Psychological Bioterrorism – An address to the “No to Agenda 2030” conference in Rome, Italy – In my opinion, the promoted fear of the current “Avian Influenza” strain is one example of “Disease X,” which the WHO has been warning of. However, “Avian influenza” is not the threat to human health that it is being promoted to be…

The Vigilant Fox: A Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate – “I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person before being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine … I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily,” declared Mike Yoha, his voice trembling with emotion…

Informed Choice: The Narrative in mainstream media is changing about the COVID jabs…or is it? – What will they do in 4 weeks when Avian Influenza panic starts? – I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them-but hopefully, reports like this one will wake people up.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Here is a complete article-by-article analysis of the adopted IHR and how it differs from what was proposed by WHO in February 2023 – This should make it clear to all what a disaster we would have faced had the WHO’s February 2023 version passed.

June 14, 2024 

Slay News: World-renowned pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has raised the alarm over soaring numbers of “sudden deaths,” cases of “autoimmune disease,” and “runaway turbo cancers” he’s seeing among those vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots. – He spoke out to warn the public that cases of turbo cancer among the Covid-vaxxed are going to continue rising for many years to come…

The Defender: Most Studies Show COVID Vaccine Affects Menstrual Cycles – Assessing the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on menstrual cycles is important, because the menstrual cycle is a significant indicator of women’s health, according to the authors of a review published in BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, who found most studies show the vaccine affects cycles.

Just The News: Fifteen months after caving to pro-mask public figures by applying a scarlet letter to its research questioning the effectiveness of masks against influenza and COVID-19, over the strident objections of its authors, whose critics declared victory, a U.K.-based international research collaborative funded by American taxpayers has reached an anticlimactic conclusion. – Masks make ‘little to no difference.’

Covid Chronicles: The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Is Caught Lying and Withholding Important Public Health Data. The BC Centre for Disease Control Discovered COVID-19 Shots Were More Than Sixteen Times More Dangerous Than Flu Shots But Never Disclosed this Publicly.

VaersAware: BOMBSHELL, Finally The Analysis Proving VAERS Does Not Publish All Legit Reports Received! – In the VAERS submission process, the submitter is issued a Temporary ID# upon submission that is then emailed to them. – However, the submitter must also request a Final Published ID# under a separate email request back to [email protected] for updating to [email protected]. – This is the first step of how the VAERS scam works and how the CDC/FDA can game the system…

Dr. Pierre Kory: Pathologists Are Unaware Of The Pathogen Killing The Vaccinated, A Consequence Of Medical Journal Censorship – I recently met with a “system” pathologist. Our conversation revealed a disturbing example of the deadly consequence of the immense and pervasive censorship of “inconvenient science.” – How did “they” pull this off? – In my opinion, there were four main tactics or dynamics that led to this calamity…

Zero Hedge: Bird Flu, Fear, and Perverse Incentives – A 59-year-old man died in Mexico in late April having been bed-bound for weeks and suffering from type-2 diabetes and chronic renal failure, so he was at high risk of respiratory virus infection. – It became newsworthy, and the World Health Organization thousands of miles distant even released a media statement because recent advances in genetic sequencing allowed the presence of Type A (H5N2) influenza virus, a type of bird flu, to be reported in a single clinical sample a month later…

Dr. Meryl Nass: The USDA is testing mRNA vaccines in cows starting now to protect them from bird flu. – Do you want mRNA or the proteins it induces in your milk or meat? – With the mRNA vaccine “platform” you will never be able to verify purity. – Perhaps that is why it is being used!

June 13, 2024

Epoch Health: The CDC Says A New COVID Variant KP.3 Is On The Rise Across the US – However, weekly deaths and virus-linked hospitalizations are at the lowest point since the pandemic started in early 2020, the agency said.

Jordan Schachtel: The “experts” and bureaucrats on the FDA’s totally-not-compromised-by-Big Pharma vaccine committee have declared that there is a need for a 10th COVID shot in the Fall. – Yes, for those who adhere to FDA and CDC recommendations, people who stay true to “the science” will soon roll up their sleeves for a 10th Covid mRNA shot…

The Canadian Independent: An Australian Senate committee reveals that COVID-19 vaccines had an “adverse event reporting rate 23.79 times greater per 100,000 doses than all other vaccines combined.”

The Great Wakeup: Unmasking COVID-19 Deceptions, Part II – A Q&A with Dr. Peter McCullough – People have asked me, “How does bird flu land on a farm in West Texas?” The answer is migratory mallard ducks and other migratory waterfowl. So yes, a bird flu pandemic may be imminently ushered in by human agency. – Thankfully, it’s unlikely to significantly jump to humans, even as gain-of-function research continues.

Dr. Robert Malone: This Is The Last Straw, NIAID Must Be Shut Down – For nearly a year and a half, HHS, the NIH, and NIAID misrepresented and deceived the Committee by repeatedly denying that the potentially dangerous monkeypox experiment was proposed and approved. – HHS, the NIH, and NIAID still maintain the riskier research project was never conducted. However, no documentation or any other evidence has been produced to substantiate their claim.

June 12, 2024

Brownstone Institute: A very interesting study appeared last week by two researchers at Harvard and Stanford who looked into the pandemic policy response around the world to examine the effects of government policy in response to the COVID-19 virus. – After vast data manipulation, the researchers reluctantly come to an incredible conclusion. Nothing that governments did had any effect. – There was only cost, no benefit, everywhere in the world.

The Defender: The Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Is Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate – Many VAERS reports list “age unknown” for people who were injured or died following a COVID-19 vaccine. – VAERS analyst Albert Benavides said a closer look at the report summaries often reveals the victim’s age — yet VAERS doesn’t update the reports to reflect this. – If it did, the number of child death reports after the vaccine would be much higher.

Kingston Report: While ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ were originally hailed to be life-saving medical countermeasures, by the end of 2023 global excess mortality in highly vaccinated populations rose to more than 3 times than that of COVID-19 itself per a recent 3-year meta-analysis. – This exhaustive analysis represents an astonishing 1.19 billion persons across 29 nations (14.7% of the global population).

Megan REdshaw: Data Show Nearly 2 Million Adverse Events, 37,600 Deaths Following COVID Vaccination – The Latest CDC data on adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination show nearly 2 million adverse events and tens of thousands of deaths.

World Council For Health: ‘The Dam Has Broken.’ Mainstream Media Reports on Study Showing COVID Vaccines Likely Fueled Rise in Excess Deaths – Data from 47 countries in the Western world showed excess mortality has remained high over the past three years, according to a new BMJ study. – The authors called for a thorough investigation.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir Fails to Improve Long-COVID – Paxlovid, the Pfizer drug combination of nirmatrelvir and ritonavir is a dual action antiviral agent that had mixed results in acute COVID-19 and a CDC Health Advisory slapped on it for prolonging the COVID-19 illness with rebound – The STOP-PASC Randomized Clinical Trial.

Zero Hedge: Autism and ADHD Rates Explode While Public The Health™ Establishment Shrugs – 6.7 in 1,000 children were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2000 – That number rose to 27.6 in 1,000 children by 2020. – This means that currently 1 in 36 children in the U.S. get diagnosed with ASD, up from 1 in 150 children 20 years ago.

June 11, 2024

Jonathan Engler: Introducing The People’s Vaccine Inquiry – The UK Government wants to bury this…but it’s not going away. – Fed up by the UK Government kicking the issues around the COVID “vaccines” into the long grass, a bunch of us have come together with our initiative, loosely modeled on the Canadian version. – There’s also a section for taking action by downloading a template letter and sending it to your GP.

Zero Hedge: THE COLLAPSE OF THE European Union & Misinformation – Our view is not only probable but now imminent. – Take a look at this chart of unfunded pension entitlements in major European countries between 300% and 500% of GDP. – Mix this in with collapsing demographics and you have a recipe for debt disaster – With the formal withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine, it’s appropriate to remind people of this double-page spread in The Times from March 2021 that hailed the AstraZeneca vaccine as 100% effective…

Dr. Robert Malone: The WEF and the COVID-Crisis Totalitarianism – The US Government continues to promote uptake of the genetic COVID-19 vaccine “boosters” despite the documented poor effectiveness, clear lack of safety, and rapid deterioration of immune response to yield “negative efficacy”. – But, of course, corporate media, the “medical freedom movement” and public attention have largely shifted to other topics. – If you want to understand the reality of all that is going on, this is a must-read…

A top doctor has spoken out to warn the public that bird flu has been weaponized in bioweapon labs to make the virus more transmissible between humans. – Dr. Victory explains that bird flu should not be able to be transmitted between humans. – However, she warns that scientists have “manipulated” the virus using gain-of-function research in bio labs…

Slay Magazine: Dr. Kelly Victory, a leading emergency medicine and disaster specialist, says her studies have uncovered such conclusive evidence that she can “guarantee” that avian influenza was “manipulated in a laboratory” – “Bird flu should not be able to be transmitted between humans., but scientists “manipulated the virus using gain-of-function research in bio labs.”

The Interest of Justice: Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a Federal Register Notice announcing the Emerging Drug Safety Technology Meeting (EDSTM) program, which will be administered through the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research’s (CDER) newly established Emerging Drug Safety Technology Program (EDSTP). – OK scientists – call the FDA – they are claiming to want to foster ‘engagement’, so you BETTER TAKE EM UP ON THIS ONE!! Get in there and keep us safe from EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES!

Dr. Meryl Nass: The H5N8 Bird Flu vaccine is shipping to the EU – Up to 40 million doses of an untested vaccine designed for a disease that does not exist. – These regulators are acting like criminals if you examine their marketing authorization…

Dr. Meryl Nass: I did not make clear how bad the risk management plan (RMP) was for the H5N8 Sequirus bird flu “vaccine” so let me lay it out with the entire plan before you. – First off, you can see the page is about the H5N8 vaccine but much of the required material is from the H5N1 vaccine, which no one even bothered to adapt…

FAR: Self Assembly Nanotechnology Greg Reese Report Compilation – Greg Reese has done some fantastic segments on the Nanotechnology research. – This is a touchy topic and was once considered a conspiracy theory by many, but more and more information is emerging, almost daily, showing that it is the truth. – Here is a compilation of his short clips put into a video that shows them back to back.

June 10, 2024

WelcomeTheEagle88: My VAERS Update On New Data Published June 7th, 2024 – This report above basically proves the fraud and collusion VAERS & manufacturers are perpetrating. – Throttling, uncounted death, hiding dead kids, high percentage of permanent disabilities, and Schmeling’s Denmark Study…

American Spectator: Health ‘Experts’ Knew Covid Wasn’t Dangerous To Most Americans, But They Locked Us Up Anyway. – To begin with, numbers buried within an early document provided crucial context showing that “approximately 80 percent of laboratory-confirmed patients [in China] had mild to moderate disease [and recovered].” – The “experts” knew this novel disease didn’t pose a threat to most people, yet they recommended unprecedented and severe containment measures…

Slay Magazine: Oncologists around the world are continuing the raise the alarm as a growing number of new studies confirm that COVID mRNA shots cause cancer – Two new studies have just added to the swelling body of evidence showing that the injections trigger the rapid development and spread of cancer.One study revealed that the spike protein from Covid mRNA shots elicits gene-interrupting activity that inhibits a crucial protein that is used for tumor suppression.

Slay Magazine: The Australian Senate has just launched a major inquiry into the nation’s soaring numbers of excess deaths among the widely vaccinated population. – The country has suffered staggering losses since the mass vaccination program was launched in 2021. – Australia led the world in tyrannical lockdowns and vaccine mandates during, and after, the pandemic and has one of the highest rates of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in the world…

Epoch Times: A federal appeals court has revived a lawsuit challenging the COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed by the LAUSD, noting that the record does not clearly show whether the vaccines prevent the transmission of COVID-19. – The Health Freedom Defense Fund and other challengers to the mandate asserted that it violated the due process and equal protection rights of district employees, in part because the vaccines, unlike traditional vaccines, “are not effective” in preventing infection…

Dr. Peter McCullough: The mRNA-LNP Vaccines, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Scathing Review from Thomas Jefferson University Questions the Dangerous Mechanism of Action of mRNA Vaccines – Recent peer-reviewed research studies, a wide variety of continuously increasing case reports, and publicly available adverse events databases cast doubts on the safety and effectiveness of these products.”

HART Canada: The People’s Vaccine Inquiry launched TODAY! – The UK Covid-19 Inquiry was established by the UK Government to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and supposedly to learn lessons for the future but for unclear reasons has been postponed until 2025. – The People’s Vaccine Inquiry brings together several expert groups who were invited to give evidence to the Covid-19 Public Inquiry Module 4 (Vaccines) and other groups with relevant expertise – Please share these testimonials far and wide…

Dr. Robert Malone: Center Right Surges in European Elections – During the time of the US Biden Presidency, in close alignment with US/NATO policies, the majority of the ruling coalitions across Europe have moved far to the left – Last week’s European Parliament elections were a stunning setback to the narrative of the unstoppable momentum towards globalism, centralized planning and command economies, and suppression of national identities and cultures.

Brownstone Institute: If you hear your pharmacist, physician, or academic dean parrot the malignant regurgitated trope of “Ivermectin doesn’t work for Covid” or that there is “no evidence” or “no data” to support ivermectin’s use in Covid-19, send them this meta-analysis summary and annotated bibliography of over 100 studies…

June 9, 2024

Kingston Report: A Pfizer FDA Study Confirms That 75% of Boosted Children are COVID-19 Infected – Healthy children were not at high risk for COVID-19 infection. – Pfizer and the FDA have provided more incriminating evidence validating HFDF’s accurate claim that COVID-19 injections are not vaccines and in fact, cause SARS-CoV-2 infection in previously healthy children and adults…

Clotastrophe: EMBALMER BLOOD CLOTS – YES, THE CLOTS EMBALMERS ARE FINDING ARE REAL – WARNING! Some of these videos and photos are very graphic.

The Canadian Independent: Canadian Armed Forces documents show over 800% increase in adverse event reports after the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out. – The types of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and injuries that were reported included deep vein thrombosis, tachycardia, anaphylaxis, seizures, excessive menstrual bleeding, shingles reactivation, spontaneous abortion, myocarditis, pericarditis, menstrual cycle issues, Guillain-Barré syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, Bell’s palsy, hemochromatosis, thyroid mass, heart palpitations, transverse myelitis, peri-myocarditis, and many others.

James Roguski: Discussing the IHR Amendments, 3 – The amendments to the International Health Regulations must be understood and rejected by every nation on earth. – Several videos are provided…

Woodhouse 76: The Whistleblower: My Reactions to the Sworn Testimony of Dr. James Miller – I agree that Dr. Miller is in a whistleblower position, although my observations, reactions, and questions are different from MW’s. – I may update this page with additional reactions. For the time being, I focus on the late 2019/early 2020 timeframe…

June 8, 2024

Slay Magazine: America Is Facing Its Worst Heart Failure Crisis in History, Experts Warn – A recent bombshell study has confirmed that COVID mRNA shots are the sole cause of the soaring cases of heart failure among children. – Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been soaring around the world since the COVID-19 injections were rolled out to the public in early 2021…

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Post-COVID Jab, Cleaning Up The Mess – There is growing evidence suggesting that COVID-19 vaccinations can cause new-onset autoimmune diseases, including kidney disease, joint disease, and liver disease. – A paper from 2023 suggests targeting several different processes to reduce symptoms associated with both vaccine injury and long-term COVID-19. – These include: Establishing a healthy microbiome…

Kingston Report: The 9th Circuit Court Rules COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are NOT Legally Vaccines Because They Are A Treatment, Not A Preventative – “The right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions and the case merits are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”

Dr. Peter McCullough: A Landmark Victory for Physicians and Patients, and the First Amendment, in AAPS v. ABIM – The Appellate Decision Sides with Physicians’ Rights to Free Speech On The Early Treatment of Acute COVID-19 and Vaccine Safety.

June 7, 2024

Steve Kirsch: NOBODY can explain what happened at Apple Valley Village – Apple Valley Village Health Care center had a 0% COVID death rate before the shots rolled out, but a 30% death rate from COVID **AFTER** the supposed “lifesaving” vaccines rolled out. – Nobody can explain it.

Jonathan Engler: This testimony regarding remdesivir is the most damning I have ever read, in a very crowded field. – The testimony extract is from testimony from an American doctor working in Everett, Washington, James Miller – Standard treatment was actively avoided here “because she was nice” – indicating that the doctors knew that per protocol they ought to be giving treatments that they knew to be harmful…

National Review: Everything You Need to Know about Bird Flu – How worried should you be about the Bird Flu? – Not that worried as there’s no good reason now to say, “Here comes Covid 2.0.” – The first thing you should know: There are many kinds of viruses that get labeled “bird flu” in headlines…

June 6, 2024

The Vigilant Fox: The former CDC Director under the Trump administration, says there was a “huge influence by the pharmaceutical industry” to get everyone vaccinated. – Dr. Redfield wanted to prioritize shots for the elderly, but “that’s not what happened.” – What’s also disturbing is that when the Biden administration came in, the CDC “stopped tracking people that were infected that were previously vaccinated.”

Dr. Joseph Sansone: The Law Professor who Wrote the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act Provides an Affidavit that COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction. – Dr. Boyle provided the affidavit in a Florida case involving an Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus that seeks to compel Governor DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of ‘COVID-19 injections’…

Issues & Insights: Government agencies rely on PCR tests as they ramp up testing for bird flu, but critics argue the technology will likely lead to false positives, just as it did with COVID-19 because it was never accurate as a diagnostic tool. – As early as December 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that using a high-cycle threshold would lead to false-positive results…

Sharyl Attkisson: The World Health Organization (WHO) claims the death of a Mexican man who had been otherwise very sick with chronic diseases and bedridden for weeks, and who had no known exposure to animals was the world’s first human bird flu death. – Details follow from the WHO…

Where Are The Numbers: More people are now asking, was there ever a true pandemic? – With both origin stories now crumbling, it opens space for another discussion as to whether SARS-CoV-2 was exploited to create the appearance of a pandemic precisely because it was known to be already endemic…

Dr. Peter McCullough: The OpenSAFELY Study Shows COVID-19 Vaccination Are Useless and Harmful in Ages 5-15 years – The Huge Oxford Study Finds Myopericarditis Occurred Exclusively in Those Who Were Vaccinated…

VAERS Aware: BOMBSHELL STUDY: 3 MILLION EXCESS DEATHS IN 47 COUNTRIES – What about the other 188 countries? – Researchers from The Netherlands analyzed all-cause mortality reports abstracted from 47 countries using the ‘Our World in Data’ database. – Only countries with all-cause mortality reports available for all three consecutive years (2020–2022) were included…

Julian Gillespie: Australian DNA CONTAMINATION Is Confirmed in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines – After many Australian labs refused to conduct testing, we arranged to have Australian vials tested in Canada, by David Speicher PhD, the first author on the paper confirming excessive DNA contamination of Canadian vials – They Are NOT Safe for Humans – How could our politicians say this was safe & effective?…

Trust The Evidence: Exploring regulatory data sets of the Comirnaty vaccine, 11b – What do the MHRA package insert and SmPC report about the outcomes that matter? – For instance, the patient information leaflet in the UK states, ‘The vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies and blood cells that combat the virus, thereby offering protection against COVID-19.’ However, it does not elaborate further on the vaccine’s effectiveness…

Wood House 76: Presentation to Senator Ron Johnson’s Staff,  “New York City Spring 2020: Mass Casualty Event Without Proof or Explanation” – 3) To reiterate, our emphasis was on the federal government’s claims about the New York City Spring 2020 event, we agree with Senator Johnson’s recent suggestion that federal health agencies are hiding things…

Dr. Joseph Sansone: National ARM’s Grand Jury Petition ‘Vaccine’ Crime Evidence Is Being Sent to The Louisiana and West Virginia Governor and Their Attorneys General – Crimes include, murder, racketeering, biological weapons laws violations, treason, and genocide…

Informed Choice: So, you’re willing to give ‘them’ another go? – Do you think that this Bird Flu push might not be a lie like COVID was? – If you are going to react with fear; give in to the masks, distancing, and other rules that are right around the corner, just go away. – When I see headlines like the one above, the first question that comes to mind is, which half?…

James Roguski: The USA’s National Statement – The United States Mission to Geneva published the following official statement regarding the adoption of the amendments to the International Health Regulations. – The United States is honored to co-sponsor this IHR resolution and support the adoption of an INB decision. We are confident that the new package of IHR amendments and continued work towards a pandemic agreement will have a positive impact on improving our collective preparedness and response…

June 5, 2024

Restoring America: Dr. Fauci, your lies altered childhoods – In his testimony to the House Oversight Committee on Monday, Fauci admitted that the restrictions that were coming from the CDC in 2020 were not backed by scientific evidence or clinical trials. – This is both saddening and infuriating. – Millions prepared for the worst while trusting Fauci, following the CDC guidelines, and reconciling the loss of normalcy…

Disinformation Chronicle: Buried among two days and 523 pages of testimony, filled with “I can’t recall” over 100 times when the inquiry got too close to tying him to a possible lab accident in Wuhan, Anthony Fauci admitted he misled the New York Times, just like he misled Congress during a Senate hearing when he said he didn’t fund dangerous gain-of-function studies in Wuhan…

Vigilant Fox: Political commentator Tucker Carlson explained this point brilliantly while on The Shawn Ryan Show. – He recalled how he “didn’t know that the COVID-19 vaccine wouldn’t work” or that “it would cause harm” when it first rolled out. But he did know that “the people selling it were liars.”

Slay Magazine: A Scientist Blows The Whistle on a Cover-Up of a Study Showing Covid Shots Cause Cancer – Newly unsealed emails have backed up the allegations, revealing the peer-reviewed study was shut down and hidden from the public. – The study was conducted in October 2021 by Dr. Hui Jiang of Stockholm University and Dr. Ya-Fang Mei of Umeå University.

Karen Kingston: Early Signs that COVID-19 Propaganda Used Fear to Exert Authoritarian Power and Induce Human Rights Violations – By convincing citizens to concede to participate in self-harm with mRNA nanoparticle injections, those who claim to be our protectors and partners are destroying our nation.

Dr. Robert Malone: This interview with Chris Cuomo and Dr. Robert Redfield is fascinating. – Remember, Dr. Robert Redfield was in the top leadership position at the CDC in the Trump White House. – There is lots of excellent information in here—lots of information that needs to be repeated over and over. – Dr. Redfield’s oral history of what happened in the White House is critical to this story…

Jordan Schachtel: Deborah Birx proposes weekly testing for every cow in America to stop bird flu – What is motivating these truly insane suggestions and demands? – The good news for Birx is that she would never let facts and scientific evidence get in the way of her ill-advised ideas…

Dr. Robert Malone: WHO IHR Modifications Were Illegally Approved. – “Article 55” explicitly requires that “the text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly. – In blatant disregard for established protocol and procedures, sweeping IHR amendments were prepared behind closed doors, and then both were submitted for consideration and accepted by the World Health Assembly quite literally in the last moments of a meeting that stretched late into Saturday night, the last day of the meeting schedule.

June 4, 2024

Washington Times: Dr. Anthony Fauci Unmasked – Using the power of hindsight, it is important to review Dr. Fauci’s policy prescriptions so that we’ll be better able to judge how to handle the next widespread outbreak of flu-like symptoms. – Leftists crafted a cult of personality around Dr. Fauci, and we are now learning that, aside from his role, there were a lot of bad actors in his orbit…

New York Post: Partisan cover-up of the COVID-19 pandemic leaves us exposed to the next outbreak. – Why were US taxpayers funding research on Wuhan coronaviruses in Montana? – Ironically, some of the greatest clues to the origins of COVID-19 have emerged from US government documents. – The Wuhan lab’s 2018 DEFUSE grant was a cookbook for genetically engineering COVID-19…

The Defender: ‘The Dam Has Broken’ As Mainstream Media Reports on a Study Showing COVID Vaccines Likely Fueled Rise in Excess Deaths – Data from 47 countries in the Western world showed excess mortality has remained high for the last three consecutive years, according to a study published Monday in BMJ Public Health. – The authors called for a thorough investigation.

The Canadian Independent: A new email reveals that Dr. Anthony Fauci was notified in March 2020 that hydroxychloroquine was effectively used to treat the coronavirus in China…

Dr. Peter McCullough: On June 3, 2024, former NIAID Director and presidential advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci were on Capitol Hill to answer questions from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. – Democrat members poured praise on Fauci for “being a hero” and “saving millions of lives” while questions from Republican congressmen were pointed and accusatory…

Dr. Meryl Nass: The Dam Has Broken. – The UK’s Telegraph says COVID shots “may be to blame for the increase in excess deaths” – Penned by Sarah Knapton, Science Editor, who has written truthful articles about COVID and deaths before…

Epoch Times: There Is An Elevated Risk of Epilepsy and Appendicitis in Children After COVID-19 Vaccination – Researchers analyzed records from more than 5 million children and found Pfizer recipients were also more likely to suffer from demyelinating disease or heart inflammation…

The Canadian Independent: The Public Health Agency of Canada is distributing mail-outs to conduct a large-scale study to determine whether citizens have become more vaccine-hesitant after the COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 – Published evidence suggests the current outbreak came from a laboratory – We have been told that government agencies are going onto poultry and dairy farms and performing mass PCR testing. With positive tests, large numbers of birds are being culled—intentionally destroyed. So far, only three human cases have been reported, all of them mild. Where is the current strain coming from? How is it spreading?…

The Free Mind: Beverley Turner on conspiracy theories and the importance of knowing what you stand for. – We found ourselves aligned early in 2020 on issues such as lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates, what enabled you to see through the lies we were being told, and what gave you the confidence to speak up?…

The World Council for Health Issues Notices of Invalidity, Dispute, and Objection on the WHO and the UN – On Saturday night, June 1, 2024, in profane proceedings at the 77th World Health Assembly, a small number of member state delegates sat in stony silence as resolution after resolution was passed without a single objection. – We call on all governments to reject the WHO’s abuse of law and sovereignty…

Steve Kirsch: How many kids under age 21 did the COVID-19 vaccines kill? – We know there were no benefits, so how many kids, aged 20 and under, died from the COVID-19 shots? – PLEASE HELP ME FIND OUT.

June 3, 2024

James Lyons-Weiler: A MAJOR COLLABORATIVE STUDY FINDS THERE IS ONLY RISK AND NO BENEFIT – THE STUDY SHOWS 100% OF MYOCARDITIS IN KIDS IS FROM COVID-19 shots. MEANWHILE, EFFECTIVENESS DATA SHOW NO BENEFIT TO KIDS. – The study Links COVID-19 mRNA Shots, Not Infection to Heart Failure in Children. This MASSIVE study also shows no benefit in the reduction of infection…

Epoch Times: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination: NHS Preprint – Adolescents had a higher incidence of post-vaccine myocarditis and pericarditis than children.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Moderna Receives U.S. FDA Approval for mRNA RSV Vaccine mRESVIA – Approval of Synthetic mRNA Product for Public Use Was Provided With No Genotoxicity, Oncogenicity, or Long-Term Safety Studies…

The Canadian Independent: An Ohio State University Hospital study finds a ‘significantly higher’ COVID-19 mortality rate in vaccinated patients compared to unvaccinated patients. – The study, which examined 152 patients over a two-year period who were admitted to the hospital for severe COVID-19 between May 2020 and November 2022, found that “Among COVID-19 patients, the mortality rate was significantly higher among Vax vs. NonVax patients.”

Western Journal: Representative Rich McCormick of Georgia leveraged his medical credentials and experience to provide perhaps the best summary of so many things many of us figured out about the pandemic. – He torches Fauci Over His Comments About Making People Get Vaccinated – “And it’s been proven,” Fauci is heard to say on the recording, “that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bulls***, and they get vaccinated!”

The Daily Signal: 7 Highlights as Fauci Testifies Under Oath on COVID-19 – ‘Regulatory and Operative Definition;’ Fauci fielded questions from several lawmakers on National Institutes of Health grants to the EcoHealth Alliance – Trust the Expertise;’ Rep. Michael Cloud, R-Texas, pressed Fauci about accountability for COVID-19. – ‘Open Mind’ on the Lab Leak; Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., pressed Fauci on whether he tried to suppress the lab leak theory, quoting him…

Jordan Schachtel: Fauci is the single most destructive force of the 21st century, and he must be held accountable – Fauci’s record as the coronavirus point man in two White House administrations is clear and undeniable. – He made incredibly destructive decisions knowing that it would result in massive, unprecedented chaos, and the ruin of millions of American lives and livelihoods knowing that there was no scientific basis for any of it, but he professed otherwise…

Dr. Meryl Nass: The IHR as amended yesterday is benign. – I highlighted relevant changes to assist readers in confirming this. – Everything in plain text is UNCHANGED from the 2005 (existing) version of the IHR. Everything bolded (except section headings) is new language (= amendments).

June 2, 2024

Jonathan Engler: Did testing and euthanasia protocols help create the appearance of a sudden-spreading deadly novel virus? – The evidence gets stronger for those of us who care to look. – Some people were onto the midazolam/euthanasia story from very early on…

Lawyer Lisa: LION ALERT CANADIAN CLASS ACTION FOR VACCINE INJURIES – A law firm based in Alberta has filed a national class action lawsuit against the federal government over injuries from the COVID-19 vaccines. –
The lawsuit, which still needs to be certified by a court, potentially covers the whole country except for Quebec, which has its civil law system, said Leighton Grey, a lawyer at Grey Wowk Spencer LLP.

June 1, 2024


James Roguski: The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted – The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. – We the People have suffered a stunning defeat as the battle continues…

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: The Demise of the AstraZeneca Jab – The company’s admission that its jab can cause blood clots, leading to its removal from the market, is a significant development. Our newest guest author, Jon Fleetwood, has provided an insightful piece on this matter for The Tenpenny Report…

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