June 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

June 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

Below are links to primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is happening in America and worldwide. Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines will provide enough insight into the article’s content.

Hopefully, you will take the time to read some of them which should open your eyes to the reality of the #DeepState and those promoting the #NewWorldOrder as well as consistent #MediaBias, ongoing #FakeNews, and gaslighting, as well as the relentless attack on American values by Liberals and the #Progressive Left.

Liken the process of becoming better informed to working on a giant puzzle. As you read more and more about what is going on, things begin to fall into place and you finally see the big picture.

(FYI – I occasionally include links to articles that although not very newsworthy are so silly and/or outrageous that they need to be seen to show the level of idiocy that exists in the world these days. Additionally, some articles may appear to be outlandish, but are also believable so I leave it to readers to decide for themselves and many things we considered to be conspiracy theories in the past are now turning out to be true.)

You can use your browser’s search function to find articles of interest to you. Hold down the CTRL/CMD key at the lower left of your keyboard and simultaneously press the F key. Then enter a word in the pop-up box that appears toward the top of your screen. This will show you how many articles there are with that word in the title. Then click on the up or down arrow to see each article title.

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June 30, 2024

Epoch Times: The US State Department Updates Their Travel Advisory to Israel – The United States also warned people against traveling to Lebanon, given the country’s mounting tensions with Israel. – “Terrorists and other violent extremists continue plotting possible attacks in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza and may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities,” the department stated.

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Set for July 1 Ruling on Trump Immunity Case – The most significant—and controversial—decision involves whether former President Donald Trump should be declared immune from prosecution concerning election-related criminal charges brought by special counsel Jack Smith.

American Spectator: Jill Biden, The Enabler-In-Chief – The video moment of the night was of her escorting Joe Biden off the CNN Debate stage while refusing to escort him off the world stage. Yet, following a train wreck so bad that Pete Buttigieg took another paternity leave to avoid it, the First Lady doubled down by excitingly telling the President, “You answered every question!”

Epoch Times: GoodRx Says Drug Prices Rose Nearly 40 Percent Over The Past Decade, Surpassing Inflation Rate – One in four Americans have at least one drug prescribed that their insurance policy does not cover. – “Healthcare is often paid for by insurance, but more of the cost burden has been shifted to the consumer as prescription insurance coverage gets more complex and more restrictive,” GoodRx stated.

City Journal: California vs. Landlords – Between squatters and rent control, Golden State property owners are under siege. – Many of California’s rental housing woes trace back to the so-called Tenant Protection Act of 2019. The law requires landlords of properties more than 15 years old to have one of several specified “just cause[s]” for removing a tenant—even if he has stayed past the end of his lease…

National Review: In the Pacific, China Isn’t Just Threatening Taiwan – The Crisis in East Asia may hit the Philippines first and America must deter it. – Their aggression menacingly accelerated just last week when eight Chinese Coast Guard vessels attacked a two-boat Philippine naval resupply mission to the Second Thomas Shoal, a disputed atoll firmly within Manila’s exclusive economic zone…

Sharyl Attkisson: The Top 9 ‘CornPop’ Sized Whoppers Biden Told During First Debate – “Losers and Suckers” – “Losers and Suckers” – “Inject Bleach” – “Fentanyl is Down” – “No Loss of US Troops” – Illegal Immigration is “40% Lower” Than Under Trump – Trump Called Nazis “Fine People” – There are “No Late-Term Abortions” – Biden is “Endorsed by Border Patrol” – Biden “Lowered Cost of Insulin to $15”

Powerline: AN OPEN SECRET – Mark Halperin specializes in reporting on insiders and cultivates sources on both sides of the aisle. – Last Friday morning he convened a panel to conduct a post-debate analysis of the debate. – His opening remarks are telling and the reactions from panel members on the Left are quite telling, especially the first one…

Jordan Schachtel: Corporate media is the central party to the Biden cover-up – Our wholly corrupt and deceitful media remains committed to obfuscating the truth to protect the ruling class. – Our media overlords decided that we weren’t allowed to know who was picking up that 3 AM phone call in the event of a national emergency. – They still won’t inform us about who is really in charge…

American Thinker: Will Obama Be Involved In Replacing Biden? – For the past 7 1/2, Obama’s post-presidency has been a great unwritten story. – Staffing at the Biden White House supports that Biden’s first term was Obama’s third. – Susan Rice, Neera Tanden, Samantha Power, John Kerry, Antony Blinken, Robert Malley, Wendy Sherman, John Podesta, Anita Dunn, and Bob Bauer — from domestic to foreign policy to political operatives, the Biden administration has been a reformulation of the Obama world…

American Thinker: Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter – Fundamentally transforming a country ain’t easy, just ask Barach who truly hates the US and has been running the show for twelve consecutive years now, yet has still not fully succeeded in turning America into a third-world s-hole. – Will the stupidity of the U.S. electorate lead to the election of Michelle Obama and the death of the American dream, or will we finally smarten up?

American Thinker: Can Biden Be Replaced – It is probably already too late. – Along with the factors previously discussed, major party registration deadlines, primaries, and delegates, even more major obstacles have arisen. – Critical swing states, Wisconsin and Nevada, have election laws preventing any presidential candidate from being replaced on the ballot after a certain date. – Both Wisconsin and Nevada are necessary for a potential Democrat victory.

American Thinker: An Economic Crisis Point – It’s election year and Democrats want the biggest tax increase in history and are threatening that if Republicans don’t agree to tax the rich into oblivion, they’ll allow the Trump tax cuts to expire. – Anyone who learned his multiplication tables knows that we have a spending (and debt) problem, not a tax problem, with federal debt now approaching $35T, and expected to top $50T by the end of this decade…

National Review: Republicans See Their Odds Improve in the Race for House Control – They already had the edge, but post-debate questions about Biden’s fitness for office could further help the GOP down-ballot.

American Thinker: Boston to migrants: ‘Mi casa NO es tu casa’ – Even the hardcore leftist Boston mayor can no longer abide migrants sleeping in her airport. – Migrant families will soon be banned from sleeping overnight at Logan Airport in Boston, – Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey announced Friday that sleeping at the airport will be prohibited starting July 9.

June 29, 2024

Slay Magazine: Ex-CIA Director Michael Morell Admits Letter Falsely Labeling Hunter Biden’s Laptop as ‘Russian Disinformation’ Was a Political Move – It was intentionally crafted to produce a “talking point” for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential debates because the revelations on Hunter Biden’s laptop were too explosive.

Issues & Insights: How Did The Army Of Debate ‘Fact Checkers’ Miss This Giant Biden Whopper About Inflation? – There was no inflation when I became president, you know why? – The economy was flat on its back. – Actually, the economy was going gangbusters when Biden took office. – The nation’s GDP was just inches away from a full recovery by the time Biden took office, as the chart below shows…

Slay Magazine: Nate Silver Predicts 66% Chance for Trump’s Victory in November – His model is based on 40,000 simulations, and considers a variety of factors including polling demographics and historical voting trends. – Despite this, Biden is slightly favored to win the popular vote, according to Silver’s analysis.

Zero Hedge: The Experts Are Wrong About Inflation Under A Trump Presidency – New tariffs in the next 12 months will be deflationary, not inflationary – The backdrop now for the next big rise in tariffs under Trump in the first half of 2025 shows that the global economy is now much weaker than in 2018. – Unlike 7 years ago, it will take far less to push the world into a deflationary recession where China will not be able to push the global economy higher, and Trump’s new tariffs will be just the straw that breaks inflation’s back.

American Spectator: We Now Have Proof that Wikipedia is Biased – That could be a major problem as it will be a source of data as artificial intelligence is trained. – Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow and research scientist David Rozado demonstrates that Wikipedia routinely confers more positive treatment upon leftist politicians, institutions, and media sources than on their right-leaning counterparts.

Gatestone Institute: The Obama and Biden Administrations Pave the Way for a Nuclear-Armed Iran – The lack of stringent enforcement and verification measures has allowed Iran to accelerate its nuclear activities “under the radar.” – Iran’s continued development of ballistic missile technology and its persistent test firings of missiles, both in clear violation of UN resolutions, have been largely overlooked…

American Thinker: Five Actions By Democrats That Sunk Ukraine – 1994: Bill Clinton and denuclearization. – 2009: The Failed Russian Reset by Hillary Clinton. – 2016: The Russia Collusion Hoax – 2021: Biden reversed Trump’s energy policies. – 2022 onward: The Biden Administration continues to give Ukraine what it has given but on a “too little, too late” basis…

American Thinker: What price Trump? – Trump is a modern Churchill, pugnacious, defiant, patriotic, and ready to win. – Trump is telling Americans exactly what they need to hear, right now, versus a deceptive fantasy about some new imaginary world. The U.S. is under attack on all flanks, and especially within, and as Trump consistently repeated, the country is on the verge of potential war and collapse from other groups that want to destroy it…

American Greatness: Media’s Lies About Biden’s ‘Mental Fitness’ Finally Caught Up To Them – From the outset, Biden’s handlers have kept him hidden away inside the confines of the White House or at far away Rehoboth Beach, which was deliberate. – Perhaps the most terrifying part of all of this is that our adversaries saw a weak, frail, and cognitively impaired man who made very little sense and had to be led off the stage by his wife.

Powerline: BIDEN’S DEMENTIA – It is clear that President Biden is suffering from some form of age-related dementia and everyone can see it. – Thus everyone could see it during the debate with President Trump this past Thursday evening. – The Wall Street Journal puts it less bluntly…

National Review: Why Joe Biden? – Because Democrats wanted to stay in power and propping him up, as impossible as that has now become, seemed to be the best plan back then. – Biden’s closest aides and the top Democrats with whom they are in constant communication know better than anyone in America that the president cannot function, but rather than ease Biden out they decided they had to try to drag Biden across the finish line. – Because the Democrat Party is a trainwreck…

Breitbart: Senator Tommy Tuberville – “American people have finally found out what’s been going on for the last three-and-a-half, four years. Somebody behind the scenes like the Obamas, the Clintons, Schumer, and Pelosi, they’re running our country and Joe Biden has been a puppet president.” “He’s the same as he’s been.” “He’s gotten a little bit worse, but it was a disaster.”

American Thinker: Now for the sit-down, as Obama, Klain, and Biden meet to discuss a replacement, Kamala becomes Fredo – Dougie Kass, “I am hearing that Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with President Biden today. – Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs and Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement.” (Whitmer and Newsom are). – “Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton will host the Bidens tomorrow.” – “It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is canceled.”

American Thinker: Joe Biden Is Not The Problem – Anyone who thinks Joe Biden is making policy decisions, or setting the direction of the White House is smoking dope. – It is not Joe’s supposed policies that have failed the American people, but rather LEFTISM. – Most people are concerned about immigration, inflation, jobs, the economy, Social Security/Medicare, foreign entanglements, abortion, crime, and public safety. So it doesn’t matter much who takes Joe Biden’s place on the ticket…

Breitbart: Sixty-eight percent of independent voters want President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race after his disastrous debate performance, a JL Partners poll found on Friday, while 32 percent said he should remain the Democrats’ nominee.

FAR: The Real Costs of America’s Border Crisis – This analysis by the Heritage Foundation provides detailed insights into the true cost of runaway illegal immigration into America. 

Zero Hedge: Amid the ongoing blizzard of propaganda about the “energy transition” and the tired antics of the goobers from Just Stop Oil, the Statistical Review, published by the Energy Institute, KPMG, and Kearney, provides a much-needed reality check to the narrative being promoted by major media outlets, academics, and the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex. – This is where the world’s power generation comes from…

California Globe: Just How Deranged Was Governor Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Campaign Speech? – His pre-recorded speech wasn’t addressed to the people of California but was very clearly a campaign job application for the rest of the country, which explains why it was his fairytale, accented with fairy dust and unicorns.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, THE MOST SCHADENFREUDEY EDITION EVAH! – This week began auspiciously with the landslide defeat of the egregiously pro-Hamas “Squad” member and fire alarm expert Jamaal Bowman, and it only got better from there.

June 28, 2024

Wall Street Journal: Democrats Can’t Avoid the Biden Problem – The debate showed without a doubt that President Biden isn’t up to four more years in office. – For the good of the country, more even than their party, Democrats have some hard thinking to do about whether they need to replace him at the top of their ticket…

Wall Street Journal: The World Saw Biden Deteriorating While Democrats Ignored the Warnings. – European officials expressed worries about Biden’s focus and stamina long before Thursday’s debate. – The loudest public alarm about Joe Biden’s mental acuity came in February with the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s report, a document he produced after spending five hours interviewing the president that revealed Biden displayed significant memory problems…

Zero Hedge: 21 Facts The Biden Administration Doesn’t Want You To Know – 1. It takes the typical U.S. household $1,069 more a month just to purchase the same goods and services that it did three years ago. – 2. Two-thirds of the respondents to one recent survey indicated that they had to take action to deal with rising financial stress within the past year, which included “cutting back on spending, skipping monthly bills, or taking an additional job”. – 3. Home insurance rates have risen by 38 percent since 2019. – 4. Home rental prices are up 30 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House…

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court Expands Cities’ Power to Remove Homeless Camps – The Supreme Court loosened the restraints on city officials confronting homeless encampments, overturning a lower court that found it unconstitutional to penalize people for sleeping in public when they have nowhere else to stay. – When Grants Pass appealed to the Supreme Court, its plea was supported by large urban centers with more generous approaches to homelessness, including Los Angeles and San Francisco, which argued that they need greater flexibility to clear encampments.

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court on Friday limited the Justice Department’s ability to use an Enron-era obstruction of justice statute to prosecute some people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. – The decision is expected to ripple through lower courts and could upend hundreds of other Jan. 6 cases…

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court Pared Back Federal Regulatory Power – Justices abandon a 1984 precedent giving agencies leeway to interpret their agency’s powers. – By abandoning the doctrine called Chevron deference, the justices have given parties unhappy with agency decisions more opportunities to overturn regulations by persuading federal judges that officials exceeded their authority.

National Review: SCOTUS Overturning Chevron Is Functionally Bigger Than Overturning Roe – Since it was decided in 1984, Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. has been central to the massive expansion of the administrative state. – This is a huge win for those of us alarmed by the growth of government specifically when it comes to actions taken by the executive branch that have never gone through Congress.

There are more articles below than I would normally list for any given topic, but each one of these offers important insights regarding the Presidential Debate last night.

WSJ, Peggy Noonan: The Most Important Presidential Debate Ever – It was an unmitigated disaster for Biden and a rout for Trump. – Democrats will now have to face reality.- From the moment he shuffled out with a soft and faltering gait, you could see how much Biden has declined. – In the split screen, when not talking, Mr. Biden’s face seemed to freeze, sometimes in unfortunate loose-jawed expressions. – Mr. Trump came across as calm, sure-voiced, focused. – He was low-key but high-energy and obeyed the rules, amazingly, to his benefit…

Just The News: Biden’s Bad Night – Mumbles, Blank Stares, and Big Bumbles at Debate Give Trump a Path to the Finish Line – Trump leveraged the debate format to focus concisely on inflation and immigration while Biden stumbles on troop deaths, Medicare and “badly” hurting blacks.

Western Journal: A Body Language Expert Was Devastated While Watching Biden on Stage – “It was as if everything were in slow motion” – “His fingers and his lack of illustrators when he was talking, he was like a frozen statue up there on the stage, so it was quite painful to watch.” – A New York Post instant survey of reactions showed that as of Friday morning, out of 3,340 people responding, 82.5 percent said Biden should drop his campaign for a second term, while 17.5 percent said he should press on.

Twitchy: A CNN Host Was SHOCKED As Biden Knew ‘Every One of These Questions Was Coming’ But STILL Blew It – At this point, it’s generally agreed in all but the most loyal of Biden super-fan circles that the president lost Thursday night’s debate, and badly.

American Thinker: The Bizarre Debate Performance of Joe Biden – How could someone oscillate so wildly between coherence and confusion, articulate one moment, and speaking gibberish the next? – It’s almost as if he was receiving some form of assistance through a hidden hearing aid or another device. – Trump did an excellent job within the boundaries and didn’t need any extra time. – Joe Biden self-destructed sufficiently while the entire world watched.

Western Journal: Frank Luntz’ Focus Group of Undecided Voters Were Overwhelmingly Swayed by The Debate. – After the first commercial break, I asked my focus group how many of them were more convinced to vote for Joe Biden. Zero raised their hands, with half saying they voted for Biden in 2020. – After the second commercial break, I asked how many were more convinced to vote for Donald Trump. 10 of 14 raised their hands, even if they didn’t like Donald Trump. – One even said: “I don’t even know if Biden can make it to November!”

American Thinker: Joe Biden’s biggest lies from last night – Since the mainstream media won’t do a fact check on Joe Biden, I will do it for them. Here is a small sample: #1. He claimed the border patrol endorsed him, but the exact opposite was true, with the Border Patrol Union quickly fact-checking him to make sure his lie was killed, and quickly…

Zero Hedge: Maybe the polls have been accurate after all. Everyone still expects Biden to win the vast majority of black votes, but even a relatively small drop in the votes of the Democrats’ most loyal demographic could be enough to sink Biden in November – Judging by the posts by black accounts on X on Thursday night (a sample of which appears below) Biden’s disastrous debate performance may have cost him even more black votes.

American Thinker: The Debate Was Orchestrated Sabotage Of Biden By The Democrat Party – The spin doctors and real doctors during the debate prep week had to see how far gone Joe was before they sent him out. – This was pure sabotage and set the stage to replace him on the ticker. – The Democrats have no compunctions about throwing one of their own under a fleet of buses…

Bari Weiss: They Knew Biden is no longer fit to be president and last night’s debate exposed the lies we’ve been told. – Last night, many of the same people who say they are shocked by Biden’s showing were exactly the people who have been covering for him. – Replace Biden. – The Democrat Convention doesn’t begin until August 19, so Biden still has time to pull an LBJ.

Politico: Panicked Democrats Start Looking For Alternatives To Biden – Three strategists close to three potential Democratic presidential candidates said they were bombarded with text messages. – They were among more than a dozen Democrats who spoke with POLITICO, most of whom were granted anonymity to speak freely.

American Spectator: Gavin Newsom Is on Top of the World – Now that Joe Biden has revealed the full extent of his cognitive decline to the American public, Democrats know that they will face almost certain failure come November unless they can swap him out for a different candidate. – Newsom has walked a fine line, doing everything possible to raise his national profile while at the same time ingratiating himself with Democrats and the Biden campaign...

The Daily Fetched: Gavin Newsom was asked about rumors circulating that he would be Joe Biden as the Democratic Presidential nominee after the president’s car crash debate performance on CCN. – Newsom, who attended the debate, was asked, “Are you going to be the next Democrat nominee?” – Newsom quickly responded, “No, our nominee is Joe Biden and I am looking forward to voting for him in November.”

American Thinker: And The Memes Flowed After Biden’s Debate train wreck – Biden certainly made it easy for them. – Here are some especially good ones…

Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America: Nuclear War Is On The Ballot In 2024 – US taxpayers recently learned the Biden Administration secretly shipped a “significant number” of long-range missiles to Ukraine.- It is unclear when Ukraine first used the ATACMS long-range missiles, but Zelenskyy reported using them as early as October 2023. – The US is still the prominent player and the best country to facilitate the negotiations to end this conflict. – President Trump is the only Western world leader who has loudly advocated for the end of the Ukraine war.

Gateway Pundit: Jack Smith’s January 6 Case Against President Trump Is Torpedoed After The Supreme Court Overturns 1512(c)(2) Obstruction Charge – Jonathan Turley, “This is a big win for Trump as well. It knocks out a substantial part of the case of Jack Smith against the former president and it also knocks out hundreds of convictions.”

American Thinker: Decoding New York’s Legalese Shows President Trump Was Wrongly Prosecuted and Convicted – The wording of state statute seems to suggest that Trump’s convictions must be reversed – Clearly, receiving invoices and writing checks are not falsifying business records, but the major problem with this case is that the prosecution, the judge, and the jury have conflated the personal accounts of Donald J. Trump with the enterprise business accounts of the Trump Organization.

FAR: Resurfaced Video of 28-Year-Old Benjamin Netanyahu’s Eerie Prediction – Netanyahu makes some chilling observations on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and what he predicted would happen in the future.

American Thinker: Is There A Solution to Create Peace in the Middle East? – Golda Meir once famously said, “We will have peace when Arab mothers love their children more than they hate us” – It is impossible to have peace with people who are dedicated to your death, so, the first thing that must happen to create a long-lasting peace is to destroy Hamas. – If Gaza is separated from the West Bank, a three-state solution becomes possible rather than the unworkable two-state solution that so many politicians keep fighting for…

Gatestone Institute: What I Saw at a Terrorist Rally Outside a Synagogue – Despite knowing that a terrorist rally was planned outside a synagogue, the LAPD allowed terrorist supporters to take over the entire sidewalk, leaving only a narrow lane for attendees to walk through to get inside – The LAPD brought out their riot gear, but allowed the radicals free rein and waited as long as possible before taking any action. – Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up, they maced their first Jew…

Zero Hedge: 4 In 10 Americans Will Stay Put This Summer As Money Is Tight – With everyday purchases like food, gas, and utilities have become much more expensive over the past two years, many families are forced to reconsider their holiday plans, if not to scrap them altogether. – According to Deloitte, people from households with an income of $50,000 or less make up 19 percent of the traveling public this summer, down from 31 percent last year…

Breitbart: Tractor Supply Backs Away From Its Leftist Agenda Due to Customer Pressure – The company has vowed that from now on it will make sure its activities are linked directly to its business operations. The company then shared a list of actions it would take. – #4. Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment…

June 27, 2024

Western Journal: Biden Does A Debate Face-Plant as He Walks Onto Stage, Leaving Everyone Baffled Before The 1st – Though it’s difficult to make out, Biden appears to have been saying “It’s great to be here, thank you.” – That was far from the only concerning sign from Biden during the debate. – Many prominent voices took to social media to comment on these optics.

Breitbart: Fact Check: Joe Biden said the “Border Patrolmen endorsed” him for president in this year’s presidential election. – VERDICT: False. An official with the National Border Patrol Council, representing Border Patrol agents, said the union had not endorsed Biden and would “never” endorse him.

Breitbart: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a press conference on Wednesday that Moscow is preparing to sign a “big treaty with Iran.” – She implied the Iran treaty might be even more expansive than the security pact Russia signed with North Korea, which caused great alarm among the free world and considerable unease in China.

Gatestone Institute: After six months of Iran using its Houthi Jihadis to impose a blockade near Yemen while defying Biden to do anything about it, the Islamic global terror state is moving on to a Somali blockade. – Current reports suggest that the Houthis, an Iranian Shiite terror group, is negotiating to provide weapons to Yemen’s Al-Shabaab, a Sunni Jihadist group allied with Al Qaeda, to expand Iran’s control over shipping.

Epoch Times: Supreme Court Limits SEC’s Enforcement Powers – In a 6–3 decision the Supreme Court ruled against the Securities and Exchange Commission’s use of in-house administrative courts, holding that defendants who face civil penalties must receive a jury trial under the Seventh Amendment of the Constitution.

Center Square: AB 1955, introduced by Member Of The Assembly Chris Ward of San Diego, would ban parental notification policies, and expand resources for LGBTQ+ students and families. – The California legislature erupted in chaos before it passed a ban on parental notification for gender change requests from TK-12 students. – If signed by the governor, the bill would render moot the parental notification policies that have been adopted by many California school districts.

Victor Davis Hanson: Stop the Ukrainian Meat Grinder? – Both Russia and Ukraine are underreporting their losses, with hundreds of thousands of additional casualties following 28 months of fighting. – As the war nears two and a half years, certain facts are no longer much in dispute. – The only practicable way to avoid another near-one million dead and wounded would be a settlement, however unpopular…

New York Sun: Biden Will Allow Iran To Run Absentee Voter Stations on American Soil for Islamic Republic’s ‘Sham Elections’ – Iran’s rigged election includes six candidates who were cherry-picked by the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei – The Administration plans to set up more than 30 stations in New York and Washington.

Just The Facts: Critics Fail to Debunk Explosive Study on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens – Based on 2022 survey data and an enhanced version of a stress-tested methodology from a scholarly journal, our study found that about 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the U.S. are illegally registered to vote. 

Zero Hedge: 11 Signs That The US Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Biden Says And Most People Think – #1 Just like in 2008, delinquencies are on the rise. – #2 The commercial real estate crisis just continues to escalate. – #3 When banks get into trouble, they start shutting down branches. – #4 Big companies are laying off workers from coast to coast. – #5 The Dallas Fed Services Index has now been in negative territory for 25 months in a row…

Washington Examiner: On Thursday, SCOTUS struck down an EPA rule regarding power plant pollution, in yet another blow to Biden administration policies – Justices voted 5-4 to block the EPA’s so-called “good neighbor” plan, which sought to strictly limit ozone pollution from power plants and other industrial sources in 11 U.S. states, including air pollutants the agency said can drift downwind into other states and cause additional harm.

Breitbart: Three Hoaxes to Watch Out For in Thursday Night’s Debate – The Russian Disinformation Hoax, The Inflation Hoax, and The Threat to Democracy Hoax…

Washington Examiner: Ahead of Thursday’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Trump’s campaign has launched a new website to “fact check” Biden along the way. – On Thursday morning, Trump’s team launched factcheckbiden.com to give real-time updates and fact-checks if Biden is caught lying. – The presidential debate will take place Thursday at 9 p.m. ET, on CNN.

Zero Hedge: The Biden campaign has refused to agree to a drug test ahead of his debate with Donald Trump later today. – While Trump has offered to submit to a drug test if his opponent also does so, the Biden campaign is having none of it.

Washington Examiner: Republicans seem more poised than Democrats or independents to tune into the presidential debate. – 75% of Republicans say they are likely to watch the debate, compared to 61% of Democrats and 58% of independents, according to a Syracuse University-Ipsos poll.

Front Page: Why Did the FBI Turn Off Cameras During Trump Raid? – What was it that the was FBI afraid of? – Eric Trump previously said that the FBI asked them to turn off surveillance cameras during the raid and that they refused, subsequently catching agents entering restricted parts of the estate. – Jack Smith said the cameras were turned off “out of concern for agent safety.” – So what exactly was the nature of the threat to the agents from the cameras being on?…

Breitbart: Inflation Is Revised Higher On The Eve of Trump-Biden Debate – The Bureau of Economic Analysis said that the personal consumption expenditure price index rose at an annual pace of 3.4 percent in the first three months of the year, far greater than the 1.8 percent recorded at the end of last year and up from the 3.3 percent estimated in the prior report issued in May.

American Thinker: The Fed Doesn’t Fight Inflation – Inflation is the culmination of government policies that intentionally perpetuate inflation to enable the government to default unlawfully on its otherwise unsustainable debt. – From day one, the Biden administration has flooded the economy with borrowed money, such as transfer payments, subsidies, and grants designed to secure the political support of favored constituencies…

American Thinker: About Those 16 Economists That Are Terrified of a New Trump Term – Recently, these Nobel Prize-winning economists released a letter saying that if Trump wins the election, his policies will cause rampant inflation, and we’re supposed to panic. – The originator of the letter claiming Trump will cause inflation is a member of the global elite and fights for one world under communism. – Stiglitz does NOT represent America…

American Greatness: Cultural Marxism, A Century Old and Thriving – The Marxist notion that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world is still very much with us. – DEI, CRT, BLM, gender indoctrination, wokeism, etc., fade in and out of the news cycle, but they have established a secure foothold in the nation’s culture, notably in our schools…

American Thinker: What to Expect From Tonight’s Presidential ‘Debate’ – Part of America’s kabuki “democracy” requires that only rabid Marxist Democrats be allowed to host forums for political candidates vying for office. – It doesn’t make any sense and generally guarantees that Republicans end up debating the moderators as much as they debate their opponents on stage…

Breitbart: Google is up to its regular election tricks – According to a Media Research Center investigation when searching for a candidate name with “presidential race 2024,” Joe Biden’s campaign website is the top result, while Donald Trump’s campaign website doesn’t even appear on the first page.

Zero Hedge: In a major vote of confidence for Elon Musk’s SpaceX, NASA has awarded the private space company a contract worth nearly $1 billion. – The contract is for developing a “Deorbit Vehicle,” which will be responsible for steering the International Space Station out of orbit by the end of the decade.

Resist The Mainstream: Tucker Carlson Obliterates Two Reporters After They Ask Him Misleading Loaded Questions – The video went viral on social media Wednesday night, with various X spaces launching where users discussed Carlson’s masterful clap back to the reporter’s questioning. – Carlson himself would later share the clip, writing, “Meet the Australian media,” to highlight the reporter’s loaded questions.

FAR: Full Video of Tucker Carlson Responding to Julian Assange’s Release During His Australian Speech – He also answers questions from an adversarial press corps and Tucker does not back down from the Liberal press that tries to put him on the spot.

American Thinker: So what exactly was LA’s ‘ethics and integrity’ chief doing when she illegally downloaded 1,600 police records? – She was plotting to put 1,600 cops on a bad-cop blacklist to ruin their careers. – In the world of Soros district attorneys in big blue cities, it’s amazing what passes for ‘ethics and integrity’ in policing the police. – Fox News’s Bill Melugin got ahold of the actual arrest affidavit of Diana Teran, the top deputy to DA George Gascon…

Issues & Insights: Donald Trump said if he’s elected one of his first orders will be to eliminate the Department of Education. – Not a bad start, but he should quickly move on to the Department of Energy – In “business” since 1977, DOE actions have not generated, in any way that we can satisfactorily verify, a single watt of energy for consumers.

California Globe: An Overview of California’s Energy Economy – California energy is unaffordable, unreliable, and going to get worse if the legislature doesn’t prioritize it. – The state’s default policy is to create energy scarcity to protect the environment, and in the process, they are pursuing impractical, grotesquely expensive projects that have the ironic side effect of harming the environment far more than helping the environment…

Breitbart: The Cost of Living in Democrat-Run California Caused An Exodus of Film and TV Workers – The Los Angeles Times focuses on three people who have fled, people who had been making a pretty good living in some form of movie or TV or video production. – If there’s a single theme in their stories, it’s that everyone cannot cover the insanely high rent costs…

California Globe: The ‘Journalism Usage Fee’ Bill Passes Senate Judiciary Committee – California AB 886 would specifically have digital advertising companies, such as Google or Facebook pay a “journalism usage fee” to outlet owners each time local news articles are used by the companies that also sell advertising along with it.

New York Post: A Texas mom claims she was kicked off a United plane for accidentally misgendering a flight attendant – Jenna Longoria was boarding her flight at SFO when she says she slipped up and addressed a United crew member by the wrong pronoun – “When [the flight attendant], who identifies as a woman, gave me our boarding passes, I said, ‘Thank you, sir,’ That is it…

June 26, 2024

Gatestone Institute: The World’s Most Dangerous Delusion, Biden Thinks China Wants Stability – China has weaponized almost everything. – In 1999, two Chinese air force colonels, Qiao Liang, and Wang Xiangsui, in Unrestricted Warfare, listed 24 methods of warfare and advocated the use of all of them against the United States.

Powerline: THE ISIS 400? – This NBC News report is getting a lot of attention from conservative news sites: “DHS identifies over 400 migrants brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network.” – The report is based on a leak from “three U.S. officials.” – I assume the leak came not from Biden appointees, but from others…

Tablet Magazine: Biden’s Phony Saudi-Israeli Peace Deal – The point of the U.S. deal isn’t peace, it is to prevent the two American allies from coming together while subordinating them both to Iran. – The Biden administration’s regional policy is charged with completing the project initiated by Barack Obama. – The endgame is to fold traditional U.S. partners into a new Middle East hierarchy dominated by the Islamic Republic of Iran…

Just The News: New evidence turned over to Congress disputes Hunter Biden’s testimony about a controversial firm – Hunter Biden claimed he was not an active participant in the Burnham Asset Management venture. – That turns out to be not true, evidence shows.

Doctor Aaron Kheriaty: “The Supreme Court Punts on Technicalities” – The court found that the states and individual plaintiffs lack standing to seek an injunction against the government. – The case will now move to the trial phase at the District Court, where we will seek additional discovery and continue to expose the government’s elaborate censorship machinery.

Conservative Brief: The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass a key piece of legislation that will bolster the country’s nuclear energy sector. – The 88-2 vote sends the bill to President Joe Biden’s desk. – Senators Ed Markey from Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders from Vermont opposed the measure.

CNBC: America’s drinking water is facing attack, with links back to China, Russia, and Iran – Taking out critical national infrastructure has become a top priority for foreign-linked cybercriminals. “All drinking water and wastewater systems are at risk — large and small, urban and rural,” an EPA spokesman said.

American Spectator: Two Big Media Mistakes This Week Already – It’s pretty clear that the most biased journalists are oblivious to the fact they are pushing their agendas. – Network biggies see it as their job not to report, but to purge…

California Globe: Newsom may have officially ended the COVID-19 State of Emergency, but his “SMARTER” Plan should give you chills, as he stated “We can use these strategies and systems for future emergencies.” – SMARTER stands for Shots, Masks, Awareness, Readiness, Testing, Education and Rx. – Remember, last year Newsom asserted his SMARTER Plan “is not just for COVID-19.”

Geller Report: There Is No Famine In Gaza – “The study stated that assumptions the previous projection had made about the amount of food that would enter the territory turned out to be wrong and that the supply of food to Gaza has increased instead of decreased.” – Gaza’s markets are full of food, there is no famine in Gaza. – There is hot weather today in Deir al-Balah market, Central Gaza Strip, but plenty of food and good prices, Timestamp 6 hours ago…

Breitbart: Donald Trump is the stronger candidate to protect democracy, a Washington Post poll found Wednesday, undercutting the Biden campaign’s leading reelection pitch. – Polling of six swing states that Joe Biden won in 2020 shows that voters believe Trump is a greater defender of democracy than Biden, outpacing Biden by 11 points.

The Daily Fetched: Elon Musk Defies CNN’s Demands to Censor Debate Streams noting that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Does Not Apply – The news comes after CNN began contacting social media companies, telling them to censor conservative news outlets and accounts during the debate. – Musk responded, “The public has a right to see Presidential debates however they would like. DMCA does not apply.”

The Daily Fetched: CNN and Big Tech Prepare for a FULL CRACKDOWN on Conservative Sites During The Thursday Debate – CNN has gone a step further in making sure the upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump is as unfair as possible by ordering social media companies to limit the reach of conservative news outlets during the broadcast…

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out a lawsuit alleging that Biden administration officials unlawfully pressured social media platforms to remove content flagged as disinformation, ruling that neither the two states nor five private parties who brought the claim had any right to get their allegations before a judge.

National Review: Garland’s Justice – Basically, Jack Smith does not qualify as an officer of the United States, the status needed to wield federal prosecutorial power as an ultimate decision-maker – His appointment was strictly a political gambit to enable Garland and his boss, President Biden, to project the fiction that Biden and his DOJ are not the guiding forces behind the administration’s prosecutions of Biden’s opponent, Trump, in the 2024 election…

Washington Examiner: Nobody cares who Trump picks as his running mate – Just 12% of Republican and Democrat likely voters said Trump’s pick would make a difference to them on Election Day. – Trump plans to announce his selection at the Republican National Convention, though there was one report this week that he could name his choice on Wednesday or Thursday before he debates Joe Biden.

American Conservative: Assange Is Free, But The Feds’ War On Free Speech Continues – Assange has been in the federal crosshairs ever since his organization, Wikileaks, released scores of thousands of documents in 2010 exposing lies and atrocities regarding the Afghan and Iraq wars, thanks to leaks from Army Corporal Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning. – Unless we presume politicians have a divine right to deceive the governed, America should honor individuals who expose federal crimes.

Zero Hedge: – Assange was required to pay $520,000 to the Australian government for the “forced” chartering of flight VJ199 to travel to Saipan and Australia – An anonymous Bitcoin Holder donated over 8 Bitcoin, worth around $500,000, to help Assange’s family pay off the debt incurred for his charter jet and settlement expenses…

American Thinker: Israel Exposes UN and UNRWA Hamas Collusion – Has UNRWA been deeply infiltrated by designated terrorist organizations? – New intelligence exposed the involvement of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employees in the Oct. 7 massacre, along with the deep and systemic infiltration by terror organizations, particularly Hamas, into the ranks of UNRWA.

Townhall: Late Tuesday Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared “gun violence” a “public health emergency,” giving the federal government, and more specifically the Biden administration, more authority to tread on Second Amendment rights. – Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are vowing to fight back against the power grab.

American Thinker: Where Are The Supposed “Good Guys” In The FBI and DoJ? – If you are willing to look the other way then you are not an “honest, hard-working, patriotic American.” – Take Mar-a-Lago and Roger Stone for example. – More firepower and equipment were used in arresting Roger Stone than was used in the attack on Osama bin Laden and somehow it was all magically captured on film by CNN. – Then there was the Mar-a-Lago raid, with lethal force authorized…

Breitbart: California Governor Gavin Newsom ignored his state’s nearly $50 billion budget deficit in his annual “State of the State” address, but focused instead on attacking Republicans and conservative media. – Rather than appear before a joint session of the State Legislature, as is customary, Mr. Newsom prerecorded his speech and posted it on social media, directing his message at least as much to a national audience as to Californians…

American Thinker: Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why? – One must understand how voter registration data works to appreciate just how serious this change is. – Dates and Voter ID are no longer sequential. Dates are now scrambled, making it harder to verify authenticity…

Zero Hedge: – US new home sales were expected to dip 0.2% MoM in May, but instead crashed 11.3% MoM, which is the biggest MoM drop since Sept 2022. – The median new home price fell 0.9% YoY to $417,400, the lowest since April 2023.

American Greatness: The Day Democracy Died in California – The Taxpayer Protection Act, a product of private grassroots groups, is dead. – And with it, direct democracy, California’s last, best hope, is also dead. – The state legislature can raise taxes if they can get 2/3 of the state senate and 2/3 of the state assembly to vote in favor of the increase. – That’s easy as Democrats control 78% of the seats in the assembly and 80% of the seats in the senate.

California Globe: In California, using someone’s pronouns isn’t just about respect, there are protections under the law! – Except for a few circumstances like record keeping, people have the legal right to be called by their chosen name and pronouns at work, whether they’ve been legally changed or not. – To support this, the CA vs. Hate Resource Line and Network was created…

Issues & Insights: A bill in California would require all EVs to be capable of bidirectional charging. – With “bidirectional charging” if the grid gets overloaded, all you have to do is tap into an EV vehicle’s battery reserve. – Try to imagine this in the real world, when your car is viewed as a public asset. – You plug your car in your garage overnight to prepare for a long trip and wake up to find the battery nearly empty.

New York Post: Admiral Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, pressured medical experts to nix age limit guidelines for transgender surgery according to email excerpts between WPATH members included in an Alabama court filing. – WPATH guidance recommended age minimums of 14 for hormone treatment, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation, and 17 for genital surgeries.

June 25, 2024

Brownstone Institute: Is the Global Inflationary Depression Already Here? – Getting the inflation data wrong is only the start of the problem. – We are lucky if any government data even adjusts for the wrong numbers, so we’ve got a serious problem. – The mainstream data being dished out daily by the business press is fake. – Imagine these charts redone showing inflation in the double digits as it should be.

American Thinker: Obama rolls up his sleeves and gets busy cleaning up Joe Biden’s mess of a campaign – The puppet theory is pretty real these days – Obama’s role includes consulting with O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign chair, and Anita Dunn, a Biden aide who worked with Obama. – He advises on digital budget strategy, assists in hands-on-public relations work with Hollywood celebrities, and fundraises for the president…

Breitbart: A CBS News/YouGov poll published this week shows former President Donald Trump is making gains with black voters. – Support from the black community is now at 23 percent, which is nearly double from 2020.

Epoch Times: The House Passes A Bill to Counter Beijing’s Forced Organ Harvesting From Falun Gong Practitioners – If signed into law, it will require the United States to shun any cooperation with China in the organ transplantation field and to deploy targeted sanctions and visa restrictions to address the persecution of Falun Gong on the international stage.

Western Journal: Justin Trudeau Suffers Shock Defeat and Faces Avalanche of Calls to Resign – His name was not on the ballot, but Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being cited as the big loser after his Liberal Party suffered a defeat in a special election to fill a seat in Canada’s Parliament…

National Review: The Fall of Jamaal – Jamaal Bowman has been on tilt for years. – The fire alarm–yanking, rape-denying, would-be Torah scholar of New York’s 16th district has been soundly defeated in his Democratic Party primary by Westchester County Executive George Latimer.

California Globe: With Their Move to Marin County The Newsom’s Grifted Sacramento Home Is Back in the News – Governor Newsom and his family will officially be moving back to Marin County, with the governor dividing time between Sacramento and Marin. – His office said that Mr. and Ms. Newsom want their children to have continuity in their education, starting with a $60,000 per year high school for their oldest daughter in Marin starting this fall.

Western Journal: Cyber Gang LockBit Claims To Have Breached The Federal Reserve, Holding Countless American Banking Secrets For Ransom. –“It’s unusual for ransomware groups to successfully breach such significant institutions without swift retaliation or acknowledgment,” Ferhat Dikbiyik, chief research and intelligence officer for the risk management firm Black Kite said, “The size of the alleged breach and the dramatic narrative could very well be part of a broader strategy to instill fear and re-establish dominance in the cybercrime ecosystem.”

Townhall: The gag order imposed on Donald Trump by NY Judge Juan Merchan in the case brought against him by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been partially lifted.  –  Trump can now speak about witnesses and jurors, but not prosecutors, court staff, or their families, until after sentencing.

Trending Politics: Special counsel Jack Smith has publicly acknowledged for the first time that prosecutors and FBI agents altered boxes of evidence obtained from Mar-a-Lago during a search for classified documents. – The admission, made in filings Monday, confirms the reporting of investigative journalist Julie Kelly who previously flagged ominous yellow and red cover sheets were inserted by the FBI into boxes of documents…

Western Journal: The Biden administration’s scheme to pay off student loans with taxpayer dollars was partially blocked by two different federal courts Monday night. – Specifically, judges in Kansas and Missouri ruled in favor of Republican lawsuits levied against the administration’s so-called Saving on a Valuable Education Plan.

Conservative Brief: The U.S. Supreme Court has announced more opinion days this week, which came as a surprise. – The nation’s highest court added Thursday and Friday to its schedule, in addition to the session that was supposed to happen on Wednesday – The longer plan makes people wonder if the court wants to speed up decisions in several important cases.

Issues & Insights: Google Doesn’t Want You To Know The Truth About Heat Waves And ‘Climate Change’ – Last week, we published an editorial arguing that government data didn’t support various claims about climate change, predicting Google would demonetize it, and we were right. – Shortly after that article was published, Google’s AdSense informed us that it had “disabled ad serving” on that page because the article contained “unreliable and harmful claims.”

The Federalist: Californians With No Driver’s License Or SSN Can Use A Credit Card Or Gym Membership To Vote – When I called the California secretary of State’s office for clarification, the woman told me she had been informed not to speak to the press, and gave me an email address to try.

Zero Hedge: There Is A Retirement Nightmare As Hordes Of Older Americans May Need To Go Back To Work Just To Survive – Millions upon millions of retired Americans are finding their monthly SSI payments are not enough as the cost of living spirals out of control, with 44 percent of retired Americans thinking of going back to work because they need more money to survive…

American Spectator: Trump vs. CNN and Biden – This debate isn’t about Trump and Biden but rather about a news agency covering up its unhinged hostility toward Donald Trump – If ever there were an example of how not to set up a televised presidential debate, CNN has just vividly provided that example…

American Greatness: Exposing a Fragile Biden – It remains to be seen how CNN intends to put its thumb on the scale, but even in the face of such interference, I suspect Trump will do circles around the mediocre figurehead now in the Oval Office. – Some aspects of the debate will work to Trump’s advantage as Biden appears even more lethargic and weak than he was in 2020…

American Thinker: Former White House physician to three presidents, Representative Ronny Jackson, M.D., identified several medications that Biden may be using to mask his mental and physical deterioration and he came out in support of drug testing the two debaters before Thursday’s prime time CNN debate. – There are all kinds of new drugs out there specifically for Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s and drugs that just increase alertness, like Adderall and other types of amphetamine-type drugs, maybe Provigil…

Breitbart: Donald Trump Agrees to Drug Test if Joe Biden Does – Former President Donald Trump on Monday continued to press President Joe Biden to take a drug test before Thursday’s debate on CNN.

American Thinker: The problem with “replacing Joe” is that there exist things called “rules.” – Among other things, the deadlines for filing as a presidential candidate for one of the major parties have long passed. – It’s time to drop “replacing Joe” in the same round file as the “calling off the election” trope. It confuses the issue, frightens the naïve, and displaces rational consideration of possibilities.

American Conservative: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he will not accept a ceasefire deal that ends the war in Gaza, dashing the possibility that Biden’s ceasefire proposal would be accepted. – The Israeli prime minister, however, still said that he would still be interested in a “partial deal” for the release of hostages, while still allowing fighting to continue.

American Thinker: How did we get Jack Smith in the first place? – Jack Smith argued he is an ‘inferior officer.’ – During his second stint as A.G., Barr appointed special prosecutors, but they were already U.S. attorneys sanctioned by the Senate – Another problem with Smith’s argument is that the law that he cites in Cannon’s court was allowed to lapse in 1999…

American Thinker: Julian Assange and The Washington Post’s deep-telling on itself – You honestly have to wonder what’s in it for these “reporters” to spin things for the people with whom they’re supposed to have an adversarial relationship – Heck, I remember that very paper making some hay with leaked information in the 1970s, let’s see, what was that? I’m sure it will come to me. Yes, something about a gate, and a throat that was deep. – That’s it, Watergate!

American Thinker: An Election Validity Group Filed A Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania – They claim that various government departments and officials, including AG Merrick Garland and the DOJ, are not performing their duty to follow existing laws that safeguard our elections. – These include; only properly registered voters shall cast votes, only votes properly cast are counted correctly, all voting systems are compliant with all critical infrastructure requirements, and every ballot is correctly and uniformly processed…

Front Page: Governor Newsom Cuts Scholarships for Students To Give Freebies to Illegal Aliens – Homelessness is among those investments seeing major budget wins, with an extension of a local homelessness program that got the green light for a sixth round of $1 billion in funding.

American Thinker: The 2024 Election and the Economic Future of America – Since 1984 inflation has gone up 202.3%. – The only viable solution to our headlong rush into insolvency and chaos is to soundly defeat the Democrats in 2024 and follow the lead of Javier Milei of Argentina by severely curtailing government spending, reforming entitlement programs, and focusing on policies to dramatically accelerate economic growth.

American Conservative: Historian Niall Ferguson launched his new column at the Free Press with a banger, “We’re All Soviets Now.” – His comparison of the United States in 2024 to Russia in 1987 offended Jonah Goldberg and Noah Smith, among others, but their criticism of Ferguson got it backward, the only problem with his column is that it didn’t go far enough. – Gerontocratic leadership, bloated government, lack of institutional trust, high death rates, and “a bizarre ideology that no one believes in.”

Powerline: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ARE OVERPAID – Governments are the greediest institutions in our society, and government employees use their power to, among other things, overpay themselves. – The data show that taxpayers pay public sector employees 23% higher salaries and a whopping 79% higher benefits than private employers and this doesn’t even include the value of lifetime tenure…

New York Post: Little Jocelyn Nungaray fought back against her attackers after she was lured under a Houston bridge and assaulted for two hours,  — leaving scratch and bite marks on one of the illegal migrants who is accused of killing her, prosecutors revealed Tuesday. – Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, still had the marks Jocelyn left on him when he was arrested, Assistant District Attorney Megan Long said in a Harris County court.

Breitbart: Donald Trump, Joe Biden’s Medicare Advantage Cut a ‘Total Betrayal of Seniors’ – Biden’s move would impact more than half of Medicare enrollees, as many American seniors now look to Medicare Advantage for their healthcare needs. – American seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage could see their supplemental benefits reduced or cost-sharing increased by $33 a month in 2025, according to experts.

Sharyl Attkisson: A worker at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center in Arizona has been arrested for stealing items that provide access to the center, just ahead of the county’s upcoming primary election. – Maricopa County has been at the center of various election irregularities and disputes, including the 2020 presidential election when Joe Biden made an unusual, overnight, come-from-behind victory over Donald Trump.

Breitbart: A CBS News/YouGov poll published this week shows former President Donald Trump is making gains with black voters, with support at 23 percent, nearly double from 2020.

Slay Magazine: World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has told global elites that ushering in the globalist agenda will require humanity to be forced into a “collaboration” with the unelected organization. – During his opening remarks at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions he argued that “economic growth,” and a more “peaceful” future will come from reducing population numbers and embracing innovation such as artificial intelligence while using the green agenda to advance policy change…

City Journal: The Enduring American Car – Unfortunately for regulators and activists, 98% of all cars on the roads today have engines, and gas-powered vehicles still account for 97% of all annual car purchases. – Advocates claim that EVs will soon be as cheap as conventional cars, but supply-chain realities render that wishful thinking…

FAR: Sharia Law Explained In Detail: – What is Sharia? Why is it so controversial and why do Sharia laws vary in different countries? – In less than ten minutes, Palki Sharma explains the history, interpretations & debates over the Sharia.

June 24, 2024

Daily Caller: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange struck a deal Monday with the Biden administration to obtain his release. – The 52-year-old reported agreed to the single criminal count of violating the U.S. espionage law. – Video footage posted online captured the Wikileaks founder boarding a jet in England where he will return to his native country, Australia.

American Spectator: Will a Bad Debate From Biden Make Newsom the Nominee? – The debate will put Biden’s diminished mental acuity on full display. – If the need for a replacement Democrat nominee arises, the person who has best positioned himself to take Biden’s place, and cunningly so, is California Governor Gavin Newsom…

Davis Thomas Roberts: Is America On The Brink of a Cataclysm? – Trump’s July 11th Sentencing Provides The Ingredients for Violence & Chaos – Democrats reek of desperation. – For Democrats, it will be incumbent on Judge Merchan to sentence Trump to a jail term to prevent them from the horror of another Donald J. Trump presidency. – Consider these 6 clues: Trump’s Dramatic Rise in the Polls, Trump As A “Convicted Felon” Backfires, Biden’s Deteriorating Cognitive State…

The Center Square: The Feds bust Sinaloa Cartel associates, Chinese-linked money launderers in California – Here is another federal case that highlights how Mexican cartel operatives in the U.S. are partnering with the Chinese underworld to traffic illicit drugs and launder the proceeds…

DNYUZ: It’s All Happening Again, The Supply Chain Is Under Strain. – Stephanie Loomis had hoped that the chaos besieging the global supply chain was subsiding. The floating traffic jams off ports. The multiplying costs of moving freight. The resulting shortages of goods. All of this had seemed like an unpleasant memory confined to the Covid-19 pandemic. – No such luck.

Breitbart: CLAIM,  President Biden and fellow Democrats claim crime is down based on a recent FBI report. – VERDICT, False as Biden and his fellow Democrats do not mention that thousands of police precincts are not reporting crime data to the FBI.

Doctor Robert Malone: The UN states, “We must all work to eradicate (hate speech) completely. – The UN’s global “plan” to eradicate free speech – The Secretary-General António Guterres then states that each nation already has an obligation under international law to censor as well as propagandize.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Logic in All their MadnessThe Biden administration and its handlers knew that most of their policies would prove unpopular and might even jeopardize Biden’s reelection. – However, they were confident that changes of such magnitude would either make America become, in the infamous phrase of Barack Obama, “fundamentally transformed” or force the next Republican administration to adopt such tough medicine that would prove untenable politically and would still prove almost impossible to undo…

Zero Hedge: How Will Russia Retaliate For The Attack On Sevastopol? – Several open-source intelligence analysts have suggested the missiles were observed and may have even been directed by a U.S. Air Force surveillance drone operating nearby at the time. – Likely Russia is gearing up to pummel multiple sites across Ukraine and will try to go after bases hosting foreign military equipment and arms storehouses.

Dr. Paul Alexander: ‘The Kremlin has accused the U.S. of ‘killing Russian children’ after a Ukrainian attack on occupied Crimea with long-range missiles supplied by Washington and said there will be ‘consequences’. – Moscow summoned the U.S. ambassador to issue a formal warning, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov issued a public statement slamming the U.S. for a ‘barbaric’ strike on Sevastopol, a strategic port city on the Black Sea. 

Townhall: Over the weekend a pro-terrorism mob descended on a Jewish neighborhood in Los Angeles. – Dressed in Islamic keffiyeh and holding Palestinian flags, the mob proceeded to attack the Adas Torah synagogue and Jews outside of the building. – Biden finally put out this statement. – Notice he didn’t call for any punishment of the violent terrorists…

Geller Report: L.A. Democrat Mayor Told Police to “Stand Down” in Face of The Jew-Attacks by Hamas Terror Mob – The fact that LA’s mayor initially told the police to stand down is breathtaking, but bear-spraying worshipers try to reach their synagogue is going way too far…

Just The News: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said “The intense phase of the war against Hamas is about to end,” after which IDF will shift focus toward Lebanon in the north. – “It doesn’t mean that the war is going to end, but the war in its current stage is going to end in Rafah.” – “We will continue mowing the grass later.”

Zero Hedge: Court Document Shows Biden’s DHS Group Used January 6 To Justify Supercharged Surveillance Of Trump Supporters – According to these new documents, one group member noted that “before January 6th” (under the Trump administration), analysts thought that “it was inappropriate to collect” intelligence on Americans.” – After Jan. 6, however, they observed a change in collection and reporting methods.

Breitbart: During this week’s Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Representative Ronnie Jackson, a former White House physician, speculated that Joe Biden’s absence from the public scene the week before the debate was not solely for debate prep, as his campaign has suggested. – He feels it is possible Biden’s medical staff was trying to determine the right mix of performance-enhancing drugs for the presidential debate later this week.

Western Journal: Representative Ronny Jackson of Texas, who served as White House physician under Barak Obama and Donald Trump, said Sunday that Joe Biden should take a drug test before Thursday’s debate with Trump. – “Will we see Sleepy Joe, who lives in the White House Basement, or Jacked-Up Joe who made an appearance at the State Of The Union???

New York Post: The CNN presidential debate co-host moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper have a long history of blasting Trump, including with Hitler comparison. – A CNN spokesperson told The Post that there are “no two people better equipped” than Tapper and Bash to moderate the debate.

Breitbart: Barack Obama is anxious about President Joe Biden’s chances of reelection, so he has “increasingly involved” himself in the Biden campaign. – Obama’s involvement reportedly began after Biden campaign officials realized in late 2023 that they would face former President Donald Trump in a historic rematch.

Headline USA: A Startup Organization Is Creating A List of Seditious Civil Servants Who Might ‘Resist’ Trump – ‘You don’t get to make policy and then say, “Hey, don’t scrutinize me.” – With a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, their goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.

National Review: Merrick Garland’s Special-Counsel Appointment of Jack Smith Is in Peril – In the coming weeks, there is a very real possibility that the federal district court in Florida will rule that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Jack Smith as a special counsel violated the Constitution’s appointments clause. – If so, it is likely AG Garland would have to reassign the case to a district U.S. attorney appointed by President Biden and force Garland to abandon his independent-prosecutor deception…

Emerald Robinson: Democrats Know They Must Cheat To Win Elections – There’s only one party that needs drop boxes, ballot harvesting & Antifa activists posing as poll watchers just to stay competitive – The authentic and total disdain for the Biden regime can be felt viscerally at any gathering of more than two people in America right now. – In fact, 59% of American voters have no problem telling pollsters that Biden didn’t beat Trump in a fair election — because they can do so anonymously…

Breitbart: The Trump campaign ripped CNN on Monday for abruptly ending its interview with Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt. – CNN’s Kasie Hunt abruptly ended the interview when Leavitt highlighted CNN’s Jake Tapper’s long history of criticizing former President Donald Trump. – Tapper is co-hosting Thursday’s first presidential debate…

American Conservative: The Misdirection of the Hunter Biden Verdict – Admitting to fibbing on a gun form distracts from the real concerns about the Biden family. – No court is set to look at what Hunter did to amass his millions while a crack addict and no court is set to look at the slimy connections between Hunter’s made-and-spent fortune and his dad…

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden administration approved more than 1,000 fewer oil permits in its first three years than the Trump administration did in the same timeframe. – Interior Department documents directly contradict the drilling permit data the agency has shared with the public, which environmental groups have used to argue for more restrictive federal oil and gas policies.

Washington Free Beacon: From 2011 to 2024, the U.S. government awarded $2.6 million over 151 separate transactions to Innomics, a Massachusetts-based subsidiary of the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) Group. – This is a Chinese gene harvesting powerhouse that the Pentagon lists as a “Communist Chinese military company” for its alleged role in supporting Beijing’s ongoing genocide against the Uyghur ethnic minority.

American Greatness: Biden’s Border Invasion is Worse Than You Thought and His Wimpy Executive Orders Aren’t Gonna Cut It – The floodgates were opened to millions of illegal aliens who have flooded our communities with crime, poverty, and violence, and it’s getting worse. – Welcome to IllegalAlienCrimes.com, a brand-new, ever-growing website devoted to exposing the monsters in your midst—so you can take action with your local sheriff and representatives…

American Thinker: A proper framing for November 2024 – As the left continues to double down on the weaponization of government against its political opponents, the frame for the 2024 election emerges clearly. – Which is more important to you, your distaste toward one individual or the love of your country? – Unless an unmistakable message is sent in November that this weaponization cannot stand in the Land of the Free, we will lose our democracy…

American Thinker: Trump 47’s Agenda – A recent 49-minute Trump interview provides a window into Trump’s agenda. – Trump has adopted politically astute positions for issues across the board. – Democrats are trying to drive away as many constituencies as possible, while Trump practices unification. – When Trump warns what will happen if he is not elected, no one doubts him.

Powerline: TIME TO PULL THE FIRE ALARM – This video clip captures the degraded madness of Representative Jamaal Bowman’s rally with Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in the South Bronx yesterday. – Was Bowman trolling for illegal votes?

Breitbart: The Center for Future Mobility surveyed electric vehicle (EV) owners all around the world and found 46% of American EV owners regret their purchase and are “very likely” to switch back to internal combustion engine-powered vehicles. – Philipp Kampshoff, leader of the consulting firm told Automotive News he was surprised by the 49% number in the US, “I didn’t expect that,” I thought, ‘Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.’”

The Daily Fetched: The New Cross-Dressing WH Associate Communications Director Is Exposed – It’s all there, anti-police, pro-illegal immigration, pro-Russia Hoax, and pro “gender pronouns,” along with a sincere belief in systemic racism, Trump’s white supremacism, and the wonders of intersectionality, into which he folds a rant against racism, homophobia, police brutality, and, somehow, health care. – And then there’s Cherry’s hatred for Israel, something he once proudly displayed…

Breitbart: Pro-abortion organizations and activists have stealthily turned to ballot measures in the hopes of shoring up the growing abortion complex in the shift from federal to state power. – Left-wing activists in at least 11 states have launched efforts to place abortion on the ballot in November and proposed constitutional amendments have officially qualified for the ballots in five of those states.

Dr. Owen Anderson: How many genders does ASU require employees to believe in? – ASU has something called “Safe-Zone” training.“Homophobia” and “transphobia” are terms used to insult anyone who, for scientific or religious reasons, believes that there are two genders and that persons cannot change from one gender to the other.

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court Will Weigh Bans on Transgender Medical Treatments – The Justices agree to hear a Biden administration challenge to a Tennessee law banning gender-transition care for minors. – The DOJ argues that the measure violates the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection, contending that the law bans medical treatments only if they are used to treat gender dysphoria…

Resist The Mainstream: Conservative Retail Giant, Tractor Supply, Goes Woke and Promotes an LGBT Agenda – On social media, CEO Hal Lawton shared that the company now provides training for employees on LGBT issues, provides funding for pride, drag shows, and sex changes, hosts LGBT events and decorations in the workplace, as well as basing its hiring around DEI instead of qualifications.

June 23, 2024

Western Journal: Here’s the Condition that May Be Causing Biden to Freeze Up and The Obama Incident Has Democrats Terrified – Medical doctors are speculating that President Joe Biden may have Parkinson’s disease based on his instances of freezing at public events. – Biden, 81, has had three high-profile examples of this in the last several days…

Epoch Times: The US Supreme Court Still Has 6 Blockbuster Rulings to Issue – The high court tends to release all its decisions for a term by the end of June, and only several days remain in the month. – Federal Agency Power, The Trump Immunity Case, Social Media Contact By the Government, Other Social Media Issues, Emergency Abortions, and The Jan. 6 Obstruction Clause.

Epoch Times: Supreme Court Holds 6–3 That Certain Visa Decisions Cannot Be Challenged – The issue was ‘consular non-reviewability,’ the legal principle that a consular official’s denial of a visa cannot be fought in court. = The Supreme Court on June 21 denied an appeal aimed at allowing U.S. citizens whose spouses were denied immigrant visas an opportunity to challenge those denials in court.

Center For Immigration Studies: Latest CBP Stats Show New Record for Southwest Border Port Encounters – ‘CHNV’ and ‘CBP One’ paroles hit one million, but you’ll likely only hear part of the story elsewhere. – CBP has been using the term “encounter” to refer to both aliens apprehended by Border Patrol agents between the ports of entry and aliens deemed inadmissible at those ports by CBP officers. – This report covers both…

Slay News: Illegal aliens across the country are being given voter registration forms by welfare offices without being asked for proof of citizenship. – Voter registration forms are used to obtain welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, and in many cases mail-in ballots. – There is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of U.S. citizenship. – The forms are available in every state except Arizona.

Zero Hedge: California Data Reveals Most Of The Reported Job Gains For 2023 Were Fake – According to the LAO, after the fourth quarter revisions, calendar year 2023 saw essentially no net job growth (+9,000 jobs overall).

California Glove: While crime escalates, California public schools fail students, homeless drug addicts live on city streets, already high energy costs are climbing higher, gas prices are the highest in the nation, grocery and food costs are horrendous, California’s Democrat lawmakers – responsible for all of this – are teasing out reparations – for blacks in a state that supported the Union during the Civil War.

City Journal: How DEI Corrupts America’s Universities – The ideology of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” is not what it purports to be. – DEI employs a propagandistic language to conceal its real intentions and is in fact, the opposite of what it appears to be. – In practice, members of certain groups get favored treatment and others disfavored treatment: in short, inequality is justified under the ideology of “equity.”

Epoch Times: Immigration and the Economy, It’s A Complicated Picture – Highly-educated immigrants are beneficial to the U.S. economy, a new study suggests – “More educated immigrants indeed have more positive effects, that’s where the distinction between legal and illegal immigration comes into play.”

The New York Sun: Thousands of Iran-Backed Terrorists Prepare to Join Hezbollah in Lebanon as Signs of a Wider War Against Israel Grow – Israeli officials are threatening a military offensive in Lebanon if there is no negotiated end to push Hezbollah away from the border…

American Spectator: Biden’s Title IX Expansion Is Rejected by the States – The Biden administration’s expansion of Title IX has NOT been well-received. – Ten states have already successfully obtained preliminary injunctions against the Biden administration’s new expansion of Title IX, and 26 attorneys general are now challenging the expansion in seven lawsuits.

National Review: The Media’s Gaslighting on Biden’s Decline Is This Election’s Laptop Cover-Up – Don’t believe the evidence right in front of you, they say. Sound familiar? – There was never a legitimate reason for members of the press to have dismissed the laptop story out of hand, especially because those who pushed the “Russian disinformation” theory never bothered to provide evidence beyond “Trust me, bro.”

American Thinker: Will the Supreme Court Affect the Debate? – This week, the Supreme Court issued two opinions that do not bode well for the outcome of the NY case brought by Alvin Bragg. – All the cases have substantial infirmities, so Trump can certainly argue the cases are not evidence of his wrongdoing, but rather evidence of the Democrats’ use of lawfare to punish him and remove him from the election contest.

Slay Magazine: Judge Cannon Grills Jack Smith over AG Garland’s Involvement in Anti-Trump Case – As Smith was not an employee of the DOJ and was a private citizen, he required Congressional approval to be set up as a special counsel. – AG Merrick Garland ignored this requirement and bypassed Congress by appointing Smith. – However, Judge Cannon appears receptive to the arguments from Trump’s lawyers.

Zero Hedge: What Will Happen To Inflation Under A Trump Presidency – Trump’s team has two bills in mind, a border security and immigration package and an extension of his 2017 tax cuts. It is unclear how much time this would take, and it also depends on the election outcomes in the Senate and the House of Representatives. – Therefore, it is also unclear how much time it will take Trump to impose a universal tariff and additional tariffs on Chinese imports…

Breitbart: Seven Years Later, Snopes Finally Says Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’ – The false claim was central to President Joe Biden’s election in 2020. He used it to launch his campaign in April 2019, claiming he had been inspired to run against President Trump because the latter called neo-Nazis “very fine people.”

Washington Examiner: If there was any doubt that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg was a corrupt law enforcement official who abuses his office to prosecute his political enemies and protect his allies, it was eliminated Thursday when his office dismissed trespassing charges against 30 anti-Israel protesters who had been arrested after occupying a building on the campus of Columbia University.

Resist The Mainstream: The Supreme Court’s Latest Ruling Upholding a Law That Bars Domestic Abusers From Owning Firearms Spells Disaster For Hunter Biden – Jonathan Turley explained that Hunter, who was convicted for false statements on a gun form and possession of a firearm as a drug addict, was most likely relying on the Court striking down the law as the basis for an appeal.

Adam Molon: Joe Biden’s Bureau Of Prisons Is Botching Trump’s First Step Act And Costing Taxpayers Billions OPINION – Instead of projecting inmate FTCs as its own 2022 Program Statement requires, the BOP continues to rely on an antiquated “earn as you go” algorithm that vastly undercounts inmate FTCs.

June 22, 2024

The Gateway Pundit: Kash Patel Drops a Bomb Announcing That A British Court Revealed Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016, Which He Has Hid For Years! – Kash Patel: Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House had in his possession the Steele Dossier before he had [Devin Nunes] and I launch Russia Gate Investigation, and never told us…

National Review: Ahead of First Presidential Debate, Trump Says He’s Picked A Running Mate – Trump told reporters he’s chosen his running mate for the 2024 campaign but has not told the candidate yet. The vice-presidential choice will be attending the debate between Trump and President Joe Biden set to take place next week, Trump said.

Zero Hedge: Gaps In Electoral College Tiebreaker Rules Could Bring Constitutional Crisis – In the event neither candidate reaches the requisite 270 electoral votes, Americans would witness the first “contingent election” in 100 years. Per the 12th Amendment, the president would be chosen by the House of Representatives, and the vice-president by the Senate. In both chambers, votes would be cast by the newly-elected Congress that first convenes in January.

American Spectator: Joe Biden Will Not Be the Nominee,  And Hunter’s Conviction Is His Golden Parachute. – We can expect an announcement from the White House, that all of the family’s problems, Hunter’s conviction being only the latest, convinced Joe that his immediate priority is to “help his family heal,” to “be there” for his son, to focus on the family. – He will leave the nomination to the convention, without recommendation.

American Conservative: Documents released Thursday by America First Legal show that a Department of Homeland Security group proposed that Americans report each other to federal law enforcement. – The documents released were after the AFL had sued the DHS over the creation of a “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group”…

American Spectator: How Many Vegas Voters ‘Reside’ in Bars and Strip Clubs? – PILF’s communications director travels around greater Las Vegas searching for voters registered with home addresses at a 7-11, a Walgreens, a Sonic restaurant, several bars, the UFC Performance Institute, a mortuary, and even vacant lots full of sand and cacti. – Democrat authorities in Nevada must halt their relentless malfeasance and sanitize their soiled voter records.

Zero Hedge: Where It’s Hardest To Tell Truth From Fake News On Social Media – Specifically, Statista’s Anna Fleck notes that TikTok and X are the hardest social media platforms for identifying whether news content is trustworthy, followed closely by Facebook and Instagram…

Gatestone Institute: Iran Mullahs Drastically Speed Up Their Nuclear Program, US Administration Sits Idly By – IAEA inspectors confirmed that, for the first time, Iran has commenced the process of feeding uranium gas into three cascades of advanced IR-4 and IR-6 centrifuges at its Natanz enrichment facility. – By waiving sanctions on Iran, the Biden administration has effectively provided financial support amounting to an estimated $100 billion to the mullahs…

Breitbart: The Establishment Freaks Out as Nigel Farage Suggests NATO Expansion ‘Provoked’ Russian War in Ukraine – “I stood up in the European Parliament in 2014 and I said, and I quote, ‘There will be a war in Ukraine.’ Why did I say that? It was obvious to me that the ever-eastward expansion of NATO and the European Union was giving this man a reason to his Russian people to say, ‘They’re coming for us again,’ and to go to war.”

American Thinker: Debate Questions That The Moderators Should (But Won’t) Ask Biden – We know that CNN will attack Trump for J6 and “election denial” while lobbing softballs at Biden, but it doesn’t have to be that way. – These 6 questions ought to be asked of Biden, but realistically, there is about as much chance of an MSM representative asking one of them as President Trump getting a fair trial in New York or Georgia…

National Review: Independent Voters Are Key to The 2024 Presidential Election – So far in the 2024 campaign, Donald Trump has enjoyed consistent support from independents despite losing their votes by 13 points in 2020. – For example, the April New York Times/Siena poll had Trump winning likely voters overall by one point and likely independent voters by four points…

Townhall: More than 30 tons of fentanyl have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since President Joe Biden took office, causing a full-scale invasion at our nation’s border. – According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), fentanyl is being manufactured in foreign countries, primarily China, and then smuggled into the U.S. through illegal aliens…

American Conservative: Rand Paul Was Right About Covid and Fauci – Nearly three years ago this month, Anthony Fauci said, “Senator Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about.” – Now that Paul has been proven right about so many of his critiques of Covid policy, his critics don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to say that Anthony Fauci was ever wrong. That any of his or the CDC’s policies were ever incorrect. They certainly don’t want to say that they were wrong.

American Thinker: Bannon Case Tests Speaker Johnson’s Loyalty to the Constitution – If there’s a case screaming “selective prosecution,” it’s the “contempt of Congress” cases against Bannon and Navarro. – Recently, Congressman Thomas Massie suggested that the House of Representatives should retroactively withdraw the subpoena against Steve Bannon. This would nullify Bannon’s D.C. jury conviction for “contempt of Congress” and offer Bannon’s lawyers a chance to vacate Bannon’s prison sentence. – Massie is right, and here’s why…

American Greatness: Kamala Harris Is January 6’s ‘Dog That Didn’t Bark’ – Kamala Harris’s silence about her presence near a pipe bomb at the DNC on January 6 and the subsequent media and official confusion, raises questions about possible complicity and misinformation. – Despite her penchant for self-dramatization, Kamala Harris has still not barked, neither has Biden and their silence suggests a familiarity with the bomber. – If they do not know his exact identity, they both strongly suspect he is a friend of the family.

American Greatness: Reject Myopic Thinking, Not Mr. Trump’s V.P. Choice – While many potential running mates have been posited, not all have been positively received. – A vote against Mr. Trump based upon who he selects for his running mate, is a vote for the left’s radical, extreme, and dangerous “fundamental transformation” of America. – The MAGA movement argues that this is the most important presidential election in a generation or more…

California Globe: California Supreme Court yields to Newsom and Legislature, removes Taxpayer Protection Act from November ballot – The court put politics ahead of the state Constitution. It is now obvious that all three branches of California’s government — executive, legislative, and judiciary, believe the government may decide how much money it needs and raise taxes accordingly, and the voters may not constrain them.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: GRILLED CHEESE EDITION – It is an axiom that the left can’t meme, but we learned this week that the left can’t grill, either…

June 21, 2024

Wall Street Journal: Will Debt Sink the American Empire?After growing for decades, this year the U.S. debt will roughly match its GDP. – Throughout history, nations that blithely piled up their obligations have eventually met unhappy ends…

Western Journal: The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Friday that U.S. citizens do not have a constitutional right that requires admitting their noncitizen spouse into the country. – The high court’s ruling came just days after President Joe Biden issued an executive order granting protection to illegal immigrant spouses of citizens.

The Daily Signal: Why We’re Adding Far Fewer Jobs Than the White House Claims – New data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia shows recent job growth has been 80% less than previously estimated. – Instead of the 1.6% growth rate previously estimated, their analysis showed an anemic 0.3% annualized rate. – That difference of just 1.3 percentage points may not sound like much, but it’s a significant gap…

Zero Hedge: UN Chief, ‘Total Lawlessness’ & Looting Has Made Gaza Aid Delivery Nearly Impossible – “On the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom Crossing, where over 1,000 trucks are awaiting collection and distribution… there are hundreds of aid pallets awaiting collection and distribution by the UN aid agencies,” Major General Ghassan Alian of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has announced.

Western Journal: Reports of violent crimes and felonies allegedly committed by illegal immigrants seem to appear by the day. – According to WXIN-TV in Indianapolis, law enforcement officials in Missouri have charged five illegal immigrants with felony kidnapping and child endangerment for their abduction of a 14-year-old girl…

Western Journal: Two illegal immigrants from Venezuela, caught by Border Patrol agents and released into the United States earlier this year, face capital murder charges in the strangulation death of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray of Houston. – Another grieving family member has had to call upon faith to find strength in the wake of an unimaginable loss that could have been prevented if only federal officials served Americans’ interests rather than their own…

Resist The Mainstream: The internet erupted in fury over the Associated Press’ carefully selected use of the word “men” instead of “illegal immigrants” to describe the two suspected killers of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

Zero Hedge: “Never Would Have Happened,” Trump’s Explosive Interview – Trump made an appearance on Sacks’ Craft Ventures co-founder David Sacks podcast on Thursday, covering a wide range of topics from taxes and tariffs to energy to artificial intelligence to foreign policy decisions to Ukraine to China to Covid to immigration and many other issues the Biden administration seems to be failing on.

Zero Hedge: A bipartisan working group to address China’s role in the fentanyl epidemic has been established by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party. – The Fentanyl Policy Working Group, announced by the panel on June 20, will be in charge of creating legislation and raising public awareness through committee events to expose the CCP’s role in the fentanyl crisis in the United States and combat the threat.

American Greatness: Title IX, Victory, and Home as Multiple Courts Rule Against Biden – All courts to review the Education Department’s Title IX actions, including the rule, have found them unlawful. – Between June 13 and 18, four federal courts sided against the Biden Administration.

CBS News: The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal law that prohibits people who are subject to domestic violence restraining orders from having firearms, ruling that the measure does not violate the Second Amendment. – The court ruled 8-1 that a person found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another may be temporarily disarmed.

Powerline: IS ANTI-ZIONISM ANTI-SEMITISM? – This past Monday the Munk Debates convened at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto to argue the proposition that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. – Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff brilliantly argued for the proposition…

Powerline: WHY NETANYAHU CALLED OUT BIDEN – Earlier this week Prime Minister Netanyahu called out the Biden administration for withholding the tools of war from Israel. Below is a brief video of Netanyahu’s statement. – Netanyahu added more in an interview yesterday with Jake Sherman.

Issues & Insights: Biden’s Fiscal Crisis Is Far Worse Than We Thought – The CBO now projects that this year’s federal deficit will top $1.9 trillion, $408 billion higher, a 27% increase over what the CBO thought just four months ago. – Here’s what caused the sudden, sharp jump. $145 billion for student loan bailouts, $22 billion for interest on debt, and $60 billion in discretionary spending, mainly to help finance the war in Ukraine. – Biden’s policies will add $3.7 trillion to the deficit in seven years.

American Thinker: Captain Biden and His Economics Crew Tempted Fate – Two major miscalculations Biden initiated during his administration transformed President Trump’s workable, term-ending inflation rate of 1.9% to President Biden’s parabolic three-and-half-year aggregate levels of 20% plus. – #1. Biden’s disastrous energy-related executive orders to stop the Keystone XL pipeline construction dead in its tracks…

Breitbart: Eighty-seven percent of Americans believe Joe Biden’s policies either hurt or had no impact on inflation, the number one issue among respondents, a Monmouth University Poll found this week. – Under Biden’s leadership, costs soared across the board by about 20 percent. – The increased cost of goods appears to be a top reason Biden is losing support among demographics that typically vote Democrat…

Zero Hedge: Biden Is Hemorrhaging Voters In All Demographics, With Women’s Support At A 20-Year-Low – Four years ago, Biden led Trump by 13 points among women, but Trump has gained 21 points. – The Times notes “Overall, twice as many women say they were better off financially under former President Trump.”…

National Review: Texas Must Win Its Fight against Biden’s Targeting of Republicans – One of the most underreported stories of the Biden administration has been its hypocritical crusade to cut safety-net health-care funding by targeting red-state programs in Florida, Missouri, and Texas while increasing federal funding in blue states like California. – The Biden administration has centralized control of the program into the hands of D.C. bureaucrats at CMS and gave them power to apply different standards to different states…

Center For Immigration Studies: Biden Has Paroled In Two Million-Plus Inadmissible Aliens – One every 28 seconds in FY 2023, an alternative immigration system premised on the narrowest of authorities. – Parole is a “legal fiction” because aliens allowed to “enter” on parole are treated as if they never left the port of entry. – It started by paroling in illegal migrants apprehended at the Southwest border even though Congress requires them to be detained…

Slay News: The two illegal aliens arrested for murdering a 12-year-old Texas girl were apprehended by the Border Patrol, and then released into the US. – After being set free, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were arrested for brutally strangling Houston child Jocelyn Nungaray to death. – Both Venezuelan migrants entered the United States illegally by crossing the open Southern Border.

Geller Report: Undercover Footage Shows A Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is a Biden Policy – Project Veritas provides an inside look at the Biden Administration’s disastrous handling of the mass illegal immigration crisis. – On camera, we have a Biden State Department official admitting the true reason the Southern Border has been left wide open is to change the demographics of the United States…

American Thinker: Can America defend itself against border terrorists? – Eight million migrants later and still counting, criminals, terrorists, and human traffickers still pour in, most being young single males. – To allow illegal aliens to work here and not pay taxes is almost as bad as allowing them to stay and registering them to vote and receive health care. – Illegal migrants are here illegally and should not be allowed to stay unless they go through the citizenship process, which to Democrats is asking too much.

American Thinker: Your government was fixing to auction off your real estate, including national parks, farmlands, precious ecosystems, and natural resources to the highest bidder before the proposed rule was yanked – Using 2020 figures, the US government owns around 640,000,000 acres or 28%. – In January the NYSE withdrew its request to establish the NAC designation…for now. – Yet tyrannical and unconstitutional rules, once proposed, are like bed pennies, they’ll crop up somewhere, so let this serve as a warning…

Gatestone Institute: California Legalized Marijuana And The Cartels Took It Over – Governor Gavin Newsom paradoxically promised to close the budget deficit with $100 million in drug revenue – California seized over $300 million in illegal pot this year and uses satellite imagery and heavily armed raids to fight untaxed marijuana. – Despite all those efforts, illegal marijuana has won and legal marijuana has lost.

American Thinker: ‘No Tax On Tips’ Reveals The Chasm Between The Left and Right – President Trump’s ‘no tax on tips’ proposal may be more of a game-changer than the leftist elites believe. – President Trump comes from the hotel business and the building trades, so he knows how much tips matter, and his voters know that these workers value those tips a lot more than the federal government values its revenue…

American Thinker: The EU Parliament Elections Are Far Right, Is That Right? – The press is going into hysterics with its use of “far-right” to describe conservatives winning office. – The term “far right” lately has become just one of the many buzzwords left-leaning media outlets like to use. – What do you think or feel when you hear the words “Nazi,” “racist,” or “sexist”? – Why are they doing that?

American Thinker: Alvin Bragg drops all charges against Columbia’s pro-Hamas vandals who took custodians hostage – While he spent millions prosecuting President Trump on charges of his invention and pontificated about the law applying equally to everyone, he kind of had other ideas about Jew-hating pro-Hamas vandals who took over a building at Columbia University this past spring, trashed it with thousands of dollars of property damage, and took three custodians hostage.

Zero Hedge: The Government Wants To Nationalize Second Mortgages, So What Could Possibly Go Wrong? – Recently, Freddie Mac sought approval to purchase and guarantee second mortgages in the US. – The business case for this proposal is deficient so I will discuss the economic and political premises behind this move and its possible consequences. – First of all, Freddie Mac’s proposal should be seen in the context of an ongoing housing bubble combined with all-time highs in consumer debt…

Slay News: A Bill to Advance Nuclear Power Passes the Senate in 88-2 Vote – The legislation, part of the Fire Grants and Safety Act, will help facilitate a necessary upgrade to nuclear for America’s power grid and the world’s. – There seems to be less trepidation about possible nuclear disasters like Chornobyl and Fukushima happening in the U.S.

June 20, 2024

The Heritage Foundation: Chinese Handcuffs, Don’t Allow the U.S. Military to Be Hooked on Green Energy from China – America’s energy network is brittle in some regions and unable to adjust easily to surges in demand. In wartime, the consequences of such weaknesses could be an inability to sustain military combat operations and the inability of wartime industry to keep America safe…

The Guardian: Ukraine and its supporters are pushing the White House for a stronger pledge to bring the country into NATO at the 75th anniversary July summit in Washington. – Their push is understandable, but this is a dangerous idea that would commit the US to a long-term defense of Ukraine, while creating a major vulnerability for NATO, which would end up weaker, not stronger, than today.

Breitbart: On Thursday, DHS) released May figures showing Biden’s parole pipeline is continuing to release tens of thousands of foreign nationals into the U.S. interior via the southern border and commercial flights every month. – Biden’s parole pipeline has brought more than a million foreign nationals to the US since its inception in January 2023,  importing about one migrant for every three American births.

Victor Davis Hanson: Anatomy Of A Full Leftwing Meltdown – The media is afire with warnings of the impending Trump “dictatorship”. – The Left feels it may be heading to a historic 1972 McGovern-like or 1980 Carteresque blowout. – It knows that a first-term novice Trump had a successful four years, and that he now is savvier four years later—and far more likely and able to overturn the entire four-year Biden catastrophe…

American Spectator: SCOTUS Takes on Congressional Malaise and Executive Branch Overreach – Over the past century, we’ve witnessed a disturbing trend of legislators increasingly delegating much of the authority to set the laws that govern the land to the executive branch, which includes unelected officials at administrative agencies. – We might be only one Supreme Court decision away from Congress being obliged to write better and more explicit statutes.

American Spectator: Joe Biden’s Executive Amnesty Is Illegal, Unjust, and Self-Defeating – This week Joe Biden joined his former boss in unilaterally promulgating a mass amnesty for the ages, this time, for an estimated half million illegal aliens now married to U.S. citizens – Biden’s amnesty is blatantly, flagrantly, and offensively unconstitutional…

New York Post: China has been buying up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US, raising national security fears over potential espionage or even sabotage. – The Post has identified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are near land bought up by Chinese entities and could be exploited by spies working for the communist nation. – They include some of the military’s most strategically important bases…

Washington Examiner: The NRCC outpaces The DCCC for the first time in 2024 following Trump’s post-conviction fundraising records – The latest report brings the NRCC to $147.4 million raised so far this cycle, roughly $9.5 million more than the previous presidential cycle. The record-breaking haul leaves the NRCC with $64.6 million cash on hand, closing the gap between its Democratic counterparts.

Center Square: The City of San Francisco faces a $3 billion deficit over the next 4 years, but still hands out raises – The city has about 30,000 employees who work for more than 30 unions. – All of its recent contract negotiations provide a wage increase of at least 13% over three years, which amounts to more than $100 million in additional costs. – Union contracts include a guarantee that every city employee will make no less than $25 per hour.

Breitbart: Homes Are Unaffordable Unless You’re Homeless in L.A. – “In nearly half of their metro areas, buyers must make more than $100,000 to afford a median-priced home; in 2021, that was the case in only 11% of markets,” the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies found. – It’s serendipitous that on the day we learned that NPR is finally aware of the devastation Biden has wrought on our economy, we discovered that Los Angeles is building luxury homeless shelters…

The Vigilant Fox: Has The Great Reset Has BACKFIRED? – Tucker Carlson’s latest guest, Neil Oliver, explains why he thinks it has and he does it brilliantly. – Their overreach has finally sparked widespread skepticism about various subjects, including Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digital IDs, 15-minute cities, The prevailing climate change narrative, Anti-meat messaging, Conventional medicine, All vaccines, and the integrity of the electoral process itself...

Western Journal: The Trump Campaign Drops the Hammer on Kamala Harris With A Brutal Reminder of Why She Is Loathed – Kamala was selected as Biden’s VP in part because of her younger age so that America would be reassured that if it elected a cadaver-in-waiting, there was a youthful, energetic, cogent young(ish) woman “waiting in the wings” to continue the work he was elected to do…

The Daily Signal: A Manhattan Institutes Study Found That Wikipedia Is Biased in Favor of Liberals – The study analyzed the sentiments of 1,628 words that were used about political topics and found that Wikipedia generally uses more negative terms about right-leaning public figures, and less when referencing left-leaning figures…

The Daily Signal: University of Arizona DEI Urges Students to Treat Bugs Like ‘Marginalized’ Groups – According to a new report from the Goldwater Institute students who enroll in an entomology course at UofA are directed to “reflect in personal writing assignments on the assumptions that inform popular attitudes towards insects, identifying ways that attitudes of othering interfere with self-identity and foster systems of privilege or oppression/marginalization.”

Washington Free Beacon: Senator Tom Cotton says the Biden administration stopped fast-tracking weapons to Israel in early January after a pressure campaign from Democrat lawmakers who oppose American support for Israel’s war to eradicate Hamas. – Cotton’s letter comes days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly accused President Joe Biden of withholding U.S. weapons and ammunition the Jewish state is relying on to eradicate Hamas in the Gaza Strip and combat a growing threat from Hezbollah on its northern border.

Breitbart: Israel reiterated Thursday that its goals for the war in Gaza include the “dismantling of Hamas’s governmental and military capabilities,” after a controversy over a military spokesman’s comments. – Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said Wednesday that it would be impossible to destroy Hamas ideologically and that pretending otherwise would be fooling the public.

New York Post: US officials believe that as few as 50 of the 116 hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip are still alive. – The assessment indicated that 66 of the remaining hostages are now dead. – Israel previously estimated that 41 remaining hostages were no longer alive, while Hamas has insisted that it does not know how many hostages are alive or dead.

New York Post: More than 1,500 migrants from the ISIS hotbed country of Tajikistan are known to have crossed the border between October 2020 and May 2024. – The small Central Asian country, which borders both China and Afghanistan, has become a major source of terrorists for ISIS-K, which was responsible for a massive attack on a concert hall in Moscow that killed 145 people and wounded hundreds more in March of 2022.

Issues & Insights: Biden’s Immigration Policy Is Disaster By Design, Not By Accident – It’s almost as if he wants America to disappear.- When it comes to immigration, Biden ignores the law and uses presidential command in its place. – The result is chaos on our border and, increasingly, on our streets as city after city suffers from rising illegal immigrant crime, and it’s going to get worse…

Tipp Insights: Biden’s Immigration Policies Fuel A Safety Crisis In American Communities, While Friendly Corporate Media Plays Defense for Biden – Biden’s point man for immigration, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, mirrors Biden’s refusal to acknowledge failures or take responsibility. – But Americans know the truth and the table below underscores the importance of immigration in the coming election.

Breitbart: Joe Biden enters Camp David in Maryland on Thursday to begin a full week of preparing for his contest with former President Donald Trump in the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign. – Biden and his team of advisers will use the secluded rural setting for intensive preparation and coaching in the days before heading directly to the June 27 debate hosted by CNN in Atlanta.

The Daily Fetched: Elon Musk Says He’s Been Targeted for Assassination Twice This Year – It’s no surprise Musk has become a target, given that he is the most outspoken high-profile figure, aside from former president Donald Trump, against corruption that aligns with conservative values. – Since Musk purchased Twitter in 2022, he has raised awareness on issues such as election fraud, vaccine safety, censorship, and illegal immigration…

Washington Examiner: The Supreme Court upholds the Biden-backed tax on foreign corporate investments – The law imposes a one-time levy on undistributed profits from U.S. shares of foreign corporations majority-owned by U.S. residents, and it is expected to generate $340 billion.

Zero Hedge: The top court in New York state just declined to hear former President Donald Trump’s appeal of a gag order relating to his falsification of business records case. – Trump’s appeal of Judge Juan Merchan’s gag order was “dismissed without costs” so the gag order will remain meaning he still cannot make public comments on certain individuals connected to the case.

Zero Hedge: Political Correctness Enables Killings – Before the savage attack, no one seems alarmed at all by the big black woman walking around with a large knife in her hand. – Decades of antiracist indoctrination have deadened away situational awareness. – We’re trained to not notice because noticing alarming things can lead to causing a scene, or at least a very embarrassing situation, and at worst make you lose your job.

Brownstone Institute: The 3 Drivers of US Consumer Spending Have Hit a Wall – In short, consumer spending over the past year has been propped up by 3 things, their incomes, savings, and new debt. – Now we’re at the end of the road…

National Review: The U.S. faces a deficit of $1.9 trillion for the 2024 fiscal year, up $400 billion from February estimates. – The bulk came from an increase in spending on student loans debt-forgiveness action, higher-than-expected spending on Medicaid, and the recently passed foreign-aid bill, all of which added to an already grim fiscal outlook.

Geller Report: Michigan state Senator Jim Runestad is furious today after Democrats passed a new bill that changes a 70-year-old law, and now prevents the Board of Canvassers from investigating election fraud. – He declared that “Democrats mean to legislate and legalize their election fraud leaving ‘we the people’ with no redress to their totalitarianism.”

Victor Davis Hanson: How California’s Paradise Becomes Our Purgatory – How and why did California end up as a warning to Western civilization of what might be in store for anyone who followed its nihilism? – To begin with, at a time of an over-regulated, overtaxed, and sputtering economy, Newsom spent lavishly on new entitlements, illegal immigrants, and untried and inefficient green projects…

California Globe: If you think California has descended into Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell, you’d be right – California’s Democrat politicians have abdicated their governing responsibilities to state and local agencies, leaving politicians free to pass dangerous social and environmental justice legislation, which only serves to destroy what is left of the California experiment, once known lovingly as the California Dream. – See all of these examples…

Zero Hedge: Gavin Newsom’s Oakland, California Was Transformed Into A War Zone On Juneteenth – What appears to be gang-on-gang violence sparked an insane shootout on city streets. In a state governed by radical leftist Gavin Newsom, where common sense law and order are seemingly absent, such scenes are becoming more frequent. – Oakland has been plagued with illegal sideshows, where out-of-control youth drive recklessly on city streets and, in some instances, light cars on fire and loot stores.

Breitbart: Taxpayers Spend $600k per Unit for A Homeless High-rise in L.A. – There are 278 units in the 19-story Weingart Tower, intended to help people currently without shelter on Skid Row. – The building will have an entire floor of offices for case workers, in addition to a list of impressive amenities including a gym, art room, music room, computer room, and library. – The per unit cost is higher than the median price of a condominium in Los Angeles, which was $564,520 at the end of 2023.

American Thinker: 2024 Is There For Trump’s Taking – It is obvious to all who look objectively that the Democrats are conflicted. – They are stuck with Joe and have few competent replacements. – Any decision to bribe Kamala for example, to become governor of California, could fail or be met with powerful resistance because she is a woman of color. Stay tuned, it’s Trump’s to lose…

Breitbart: Independent Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. will reportedly not make the debate stage next week with former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden in Atlanta, Georgia. – He will most likely fail to satisfy CNN’s stringent ballot access requirement by Thursday.

American Thinker: The Navy’s 20th-century war plan for Taiwan – When it comes to Taiwan, there has been a very definite theatre upgrade over the last war. The last war had three theaters: land, sea, and air. The next war will have at least five theaters (land, sea, air, space, cyberspace), perhaps even six if we include “psychic” space, for which theatre we read China is preparing. – Perhaps its focus on DEI has diminished its ability to focus on its real job.

American Thinker: Biden’s DACA – Another president wants to go around Congress and provide amnesty. – Biden’s order is about adults who did not take advantage of rules that already exist. – In other words, you can leave and come back legally to rejoin your spouse. – So what are the chances that this order will end up in the courts?

Gateway Pundit: California’s $20 Minimum Wage Forces 91-Year-Old Owner to Shut Down Iconic Hollywood Arby’s After 55 Years, it Was The ‘Final Nail in the Coffin’ – “With inflation, food costs have skyrocketed and the $20-an-hour minimum wage has been the final nail in the coffin,” Husch said.

American Thinker: The West’s War on Critical Thinking – The most effective deterrence to the threat of foreign propaganda is an informed and intellectually nimble citizenry. – But the only way to dupe citizens into accepting domestic propaganda is to repeat lies, censor dissent, and suppress the human mind’s capacity to think.

The Federalist: Yes, Parents Should Know If Their Child Is Gay – Children need their parents to put boundaries for protection around them, boundaries LGBT activists relentlessly work to remove. – Parents need to be ready to protect their kids, help them through severe emotional struggles, and keep them away from outside influences that want to isolate them.

Townhall: A New Research Paper With A Coverage Map Shows Which States Were Affected by Pollutants From East Palestine Train Derailment – “In total, we estimate at least some impact on portions of 16 states and one-third of the population of the US, and likely impacts to southern Ontario, and many of the Laurentian Great Lakes,” the researchers wrote.

June 19, 2024

Resist The Mainstream: Biden’s DOJ Is Moving Ashli Babbitt’s Wrongful Death Suit From Her Home Town to Washington, DC – The new presiding Judge, Jia  Cobb was appointed to the bench in November 2021 by the Biden administration. – Judicial Watch filed its $30 million wrongful death lawsuit against the U.S. government on behalf of Babbitt’s husband and estate back in January.

American Spectator: Will California Voters Finally Rebuke Newsom? – Their chance will come in the form of a ballot measure to overturn parts of Proposition 47, a 2014 initiative that reduced theft and drug possession offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. – Last week, California’s secretary of state certified that the measure will appear on the November ballot.

Washington Examiner: San Francisco has become a nightmare – San Francisco’s slow descent from one of the most beautiful cities in America to an apocalyptic hellscape is depressing, but it was all a result of policy decisions. The city’s voters keep electing people who will continue to go down the path of destruction, so any proposed solution will only fall on deaf ears.

The Center Square: Americans say inflation is making it harder to make ends meet according to a new poll from Monmouth University showing 46% of Americans are “currently struggling to remain where they are financially.” – That figure is the highest point recorded by this pollster since Joe Biden took office and far higher than during his predecessor’s term.

Fox Business: FCC commissioner Brendan Carr says the Biden administration’s signature high-speed internet program from 2021 has not connected anyone – He is blaming the Biden administration for the lack of high-speed internet projects that were approved under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, comparing the situation to the absence of electric vehicle charging stations that were also supposed to be built with the funds.

Fox News: The risk of a terror attack on US soil is rising to an alarmingly high level, experts warn – The porous southern border has allowed millions of unvetted people to enter the US, raising chances of a major terror event. – “We are in a period where several factors are combining to make a terrorist attack on the homeland far more likely than it perhaps had been,” says Paul Mauro, a retired NYPD inspector who worked in counterterrorism for nearly 15 years.

New York Post: The White House has canceled a meeting with Israel to discuss the growing threat from Iran, retaliating against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his claiming the Biden administration was delaying weapons deliveries. – Israeli government spokesman David Mencer acknowledged in a briefing Wednesday that the meeting had been canceled.

Zero Hedge: Expensive Incompetence – A vivid metaphor for American global geopolitical incompetence is about to float off into the sunset, as the White House is poised to give up on the $230 million Gaza aid pier it built to alleviate an Israel-imposed humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. – Disassembly could begin in July, officials told the New York Times.

Zero Hedge: Putin & Kim Sign Pact Vowing Mutual Defense If Attacked – Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is calling it a “breakthrough document” while Kim Jong Un is hailing the “strongest ever treaty” which will hasten the start of a “new multipolar world,” but the BBC is calling it an “ominously ambiguous commitment” between “pariahs in arms”.

Reece Report: Illegal Immigrants Are Being Housed and Trained at American Universities – Launched by the U.S. Department of State in January 2023, The Welcome Corps allows colleges and universities to provide U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants by enrolling them in degree programs that will foster more ‘diverse and inclusive campuses.’ – If you were destroying America from within, how would it look different?…

Western Journal: Trump Calls Out ‘Democrats’ New Form of Cheating’ – Democrats refuse to put teeth in federal laws that bar illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections, according to former President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans. – Trump referred to a New York Post report on illegal immigrants registering to vote.

The Federalist: Democrat Fixer Marc Elias’ Firm Steps In To Stop ‘Disastrous Election System’ Fix – Leftist groups argue that forcing Nevada election officials to follow the law and clean up dirty voter rolls will ‘threaten’ voting rights.

American Thinker: How many of the 500,000 newly legalized US citizens will vote this November? – Biden’s recent executive order them mass amnesty and is a blatant election-year maneuver to secure votes. – By shielding them from deportation and providing them with a pathway to permanent residency, Biden is ensuring a significant boost in voter support, particularly from Hispanic and Latino communities.

Resist The Mainstream: An online network managed by a self-proclaimed agent of the Chinese government reportedly helps illegal immigrants enter the U.S. by evading border authorities. – The network utilizes a Telegram channel titled “American Self-Guided Tour Channel.” The channel hosts over 8,000 members and provides documents detailing specific routes...

Zero Hedge: Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary asserts that the asylum system was “a complete scam” and that such individuals “are not refugees.” – The airline boss was asked how people can arrive in Ireland on Ryanair flights without proper documentation or being able to prove their identities. – “Yeah because they flush them down the toilet, they arrive at Dublin airport and they flush them down the toilet,” he responded.

American Thinker: America is Riding on this Supreme Court Decision – The Justices have an opportunity to save free speech and, ultimately, free elections in America. – At the end of June, the high court will be focused on cases from Missouri and Texas that aim to prevent social media outlets and the Biden Administration from censoring and banning users based on their political views…

June 18, 2024

Reece Report: Illegal Immigrants Are Being Housed and Trained at American Universities – Launched by the U.S. Department of State in January 2023, The Welcome Corps allows colleges and universities to provide U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants by enrolling them in degree programs that will foster more ‘diverse and inclusive campuses.’ – If you were destroying America from within, how would it look different?…

Daily Signal: Don’t Let the Left Ruin Juneteenth’s True Meaning – Until the past four years, Juneteenth was an uncontroversial celebration of American freedom and the end of slavery in Texas. – Then the Left co-opted Juneteenth to push for radical racial policies such as reparations and exclude most Americans from its celebration. – As a result, many conservatives now oppose the federal holiday...

New York Post: The Democrat majority-controlled FCC is helping George Soros fast-track the takeover of the nation’s second-biggest radio network. – The network reaches 165 million monthly listeners and includes a handful of conservative shows from hosts including Sean Hannity, Dana Loesch, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, and Erick Erickson. – But their influence is likely to be muted if the billionaire takes over…

Breitbart: Rafael Grossi, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said on Monday that former President Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear deal with Iran “exists only on paper and means nothing.” – “Nobody applies it, nobody follows it. There have been attempts to revive it here in Vienna, but they failed for unknown reasons.”

American Spectator: Who Said That Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick Was ‘Murdered’? – His falsely reported ‘death by fire extinguisher’ was no accident. Congress needs to find out who started the bogus narrative. – A lawsuit forced the medical examiner to reveal the true cause of Sicknick’s death, specifically two strokes at the base of his brain stem caused by a clot. Sicknick died a “natural death” on January 7. 

Just The News: Due to Bidenomics, more companies are announcing bankruptcies, and shuttering operations, citing inflation – Retailers are closing nearly 3,200 stores this year, according to a recent analysis from CoreSight Research. The closures are a 24% increase from 2023. – Out of the 3,200 being closed, the majority are being closed by roughly 30 retailers, with Family Dollar closing the most of over 600, according to the data.

Hot Air: The CBO said on Tuesday that the U.S. national debt is poised to top $56 trillion by 2034, as rising spending and interest expenses outpace tax revenues. – The mounting costs of Social Security and Medicare continue to weigh on the nation’s finances, along with rising interest rates, which have made it more costly for the federal government to borrow huge sums of money.

American Thinker: The Lawfare Warriors Are Now Coming For Musk- The SEC has spent the past couple of years investigating Musk’s purchase of Twitter. – Now The WSJ suggests the agency is getting closer to making a formal case, and floats the notion that it could cost Musk his role as the CEO of Tesla, as well as the chief technical officer at Twitter/X…

Western Journal: The Once-Promising Electric Vehicle Company Crashes and Burns – In what was arguably the least surprising news ever for those of us who follow the automotive industry, Fisker, the second eponymous heavily hyped electric vehicle startup created by the former BMW and Ford designer, filed for bankruptcy protection late Monday, according to Reuters.

American Spectator: Another Hurdle for the Electric Vehicle – The truth about battery-powered cars (EVs) is finally being emitted. One of these truths, a “hurdle for EV adoption,” is their plummeting resale value. – How about more than 30 percent in just one year? That’s about five times as much loss in over 12 months as you’d typically lose if you bought a conventional gas-powered vehicle.

New York Sun: Donald Trump Denounces Jack Smith as ‘Totalitarian’ After The Special Counsel Moves Aggressively To Gag Him From Criticizing The FBI – The 45th president accuses the special counsel of a ‘shocking display of overreach and disregards for the Constitution.’

Zero Hedge: Peace Through Strength, The Stark Contrast Between Trump And Biden – As the White House presses Israel to agree to a ceasefire that will allow the terrorist group Hamas to regroup and attack Israel again in the future, it’s worth taking stock of the mess Joe Biden has made of the Middle East, especially compared to Donald Trump’s record…

Slay News: According to a new report, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer plan topple Biden before he can run for re-election. – The bombshell report follows earlier reporting from Slay News about plans to replace Biden. – Republican Representative Anna Pauline Luna revealed earlier that lawmakers on Capitol Hill are being told that Biden will be replaced as the Democrats’ presidential nominee.

Breitbart: Hunter Biden’s lawyer invoked President Joe Biden’s position as vice president in what appeared to be an attempt to discourage further scrutiny from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) into its investigation of a tribal bond scheme that implicated Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer, according to the House impeachment inquiry…

Fox News: Biden announces sweeping protections for illegal immigrant spouses of US citizens expected to impact over half a million immigrant spouses – The new rules, include that spouses of Americans must have resided in the U.S. for 10 years or more and be legally married to a U.S. citizen while satisfying other immigration requirements…

The Federalist: Biden’s Executive Actions On The Border Are Making The Crisis Even Worse – The order was a fig leaf to cover what amounts to Biden’s ongoing open-border policy and was so riddled with exceptions and loopholes, that anyone could see it was a political stunt. – The radical open-borders ideologues who run the Democrat Party will never tolerate a secure border.

National Review: Yes, We Need ‘Camps’ for Illegal Immigrants Because Detention Is A Key Part of Enforcement. – The less inflammatory synonym for “camps” is enhanced ICE detention space, but that doesn’t have the same ring. – The word entered the bloodstream with the publication of a New York Times article last November headlined, “Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans.”

Zero Hedge: A new poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago shows that only 28% of Americans have a lot of trust in higher education. – Academia has continued to alienate much of the country as an orthodox echo chamber. – As with media outlets, the result has been falling interest and trust in these institutions.

Zero Hedge: A West Virginia judge ruled in favor of four middle school girls who had refused to compete against a trans-identifying athlete during track and field championships. – The teens had protested by purposefully scratching during the shot put competition, leading to school officials banning them from future competitions.

American Greatness: Stumbling Into Nuclear War – Today our compliant media, an ignorant public, and an arrogant ruling class have combined to render the risk of nuclear war higher than it was at any point during the Cold War. – The Russian flotilla’s visit appears to be an intermediate step, one designed to communicate a message: we can hurt you too. – It is too public to be the foundation of a sneak attack, but the risk of such an attack is very real.

American Thinker: Ukraine’s Suicidal Nationalism – The country’s hatred for Russia and its despotic tendencies caused it to squander its enormous resources and become a nation dependent on foreign interests. – Unfortunately, Ukrainian leaders either failed to grasp or intentionally ignored that the Ukrainian economy was closely intertwined with the Soviet Union’s economy…

American Thinker: Israel and “Proportionality’ – Proportionality is a principle of the laws of war that seeks to limit damage caused by military operations and requires that a combatant balance the harm it expects to inflict upon its enemy against the harm it expects to prevent by reducing its enemy’s capability of inflicting harm. – In no wars other than those involving Israel does the world impose a standard of civilian-death ‘proportionality.

Western Journal: The Biden Administration Is Accused of Intervening to Kill Bipartisan Bill Aimed at Holding White House Accountable – Democrats repeatedly accused former President Donald Trump of using his office to advance his family’s business interests, absent much evidence. – However, the proposed ethics reform will potentially die on the vine because the White House folks don’t want the House Oversight and Accountability Committee looking into the Biden family…

Washington Examiner: These four things that could still shake up the presidential race – Barring some unpredictable external event, like a foreign policy crisis or natural disaster, or a health event for one of the elderly major party candidates, a few opportunities remain to shake up the race. – They include The Debates, The Conventions, Trump’s Sentencing, and Hunter Bidens tax deal…

American Spectator: They’ll Try To Steal It, They Have To. – Last week wasn’t a great one for Joe Biden and his handlers as Biden went from one public appearance disaster to another. – For the past 15 years, Democrats have been about one thing and one thing only, returning more of their ballots to the vote-counters than the Republicans. – But those numbers in the black communities of those swing states, are a real problem.

American Thinker: Juneteenth is yet another Biden payoff – It is a safe bet that if CNN wandered around the streets of D.C., or anywhere, asking folks what event in ‘history’ Juneteenth respects, the empty stares and open mouths would astound – Tomorrow’s ‘holiday,’ we can probably confirm, has something to do with Biden’s DEI priorities, which is to say, his priorities for keeping his Left and his ‘Liberals” in the Democrat fold — or the stock pen.

American Spectator: Oh, You Thought This Was About Basketball? – As a white, well-spoken, nice-looking Catholic girl with a boyfriend and a loving, healthy family, Clark was under the impression that being good at basketball was the only thing required for success in the league and a positive reception in its orbiting media appendages. – The WNBA is not fundamentally about basketball, but rather being black, lesbian, left-wing, and hostile to the broader society that sustains it…

American Thinker: Dumb and Dumber – Here it comes and it won’t be a surprise for anyone paying attention. – It turns out that Johnny can’t read and probably Mary, too, so here is the story, K-12 public education has failed to prepare incoming college students how to write at the public level, so many universities are providing remedial writing classes to college students…

Lawyer Lisa: Climate Minute, Introducing Joseph Fournier – I am a big fan of his research, Mainstream Ocean Carbon Cycle Models. – He reviews natural vs anthropogenic influences and guess what came first? – Did CO2 come first or are humans to blame? – He concludes that CO2 follows climate and Natural processes…

The Federalist: A Judge Puts Freedom Of Press On Trial The In Nashville Trans Shooter ‘Manifesto’ Battle – The documents published in recent weeks paint a picture of a deeply disturbed 28-year-old woman who identified as a man. – Hale appeared to be immersed in trans indoctrination, self-loathing, and rage…

June 17, 2024

Post Millennial: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blamed “deepfakes” on Monday for the videos of President Joe Biden looking confused at recent events.  – During the response to the question from reporters, she also referred to the videos as “cheap fakes.” 

Just The News: The FBI learned as far back as 2016 that Hunter Biden and his partners had plotted to set up a new venture in tax-friendly Liechtenstein that would be capitalized by a whopping $120 million investment from the controversial owner of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings – This has been kept from the American public for eight years…

Epoch Times: A federal judge on Monday issued an order temporarily blocking the Biden administration’s new Title IX transgender rule in an additional six states, a rule that sparked controversy for changing the definition of “sex” to include “gender identity” and giving female-identifying male students access to girls’ lockers and bathrooms.

Breitbart: Boys across six states have left girls in the dust and taken track & field titles and other placing positions from them despite being a tiny percentage of high school athletes. – The five boys who claim to identify as girls have won titles in Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Oregon, and Washington, according to the Washington Times…

Revolver: There are over 20,000 unsubstantiated ballots in GA’s 2020 original results from tabulators that “do not exist” according to the Rossi/@KevinMoncla complaint. – Fulton County provided “proof” that they exist, except their proof showed they used serial numbers for DIFFERENT machines. – There’s a word for this and it is FRAUD…

Epoch Times: The Price of Everything, and the Value of Nothing – Inflation over the last three years has been devastating. It’s all the more frustrating that during those years, we kept being told that it is transitory, softening, calming, cooling, settling down, and essentially not much of a problem anymore. – As we look back now, we know that it was never true…

Breitbart: 12 Years of DACA Show That 68K Illegal Aliens Were Awarded DACA Status Despite Prior Arrests – During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last month, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan warned lawmakers against passing amnesty for the roughly 800,000 illegal aliens enrolled in DACA today…

Nearly half a million Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans who don’t qualify for visas have been let into the country anyway under Biden’s legally dubious direct-flight program. – But they’re not just coming from those four countries, but also from 73 others, including many stable and prosperous ones, undercutting the rationale offered for the program offered by the administration.

Newsweek: A recent poll found that a majority of Hispanic people favor the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. – The CBS News/YouGov poll found that a majority of registered voters (62 percent) would favor the government starting “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally.” – Thirty-eight percent said they would oppose it.

Slay News: Representative Anna Pauline Luna (R-FL) says that lawmakers on Capitol Hill are being told that Joe Biden is going to be replaced as the Democrats’ 2024 presidential nominee and added that “we’re hearing” VP Kamala Harris is planning to run for governor of California. – Jesse Watters asked her to confirm, saying “So you are hearing also in D.C. that Joe Biden isn’t going to be the Democrat nominee?” – “Correct,” said Luna.

Geller Report: Biden Regime’s MASS AMNESTY is a Mass ILLEGAL VOTER Scheme – Illegal immigrants allowed in by Biden’s border chaos are showing up at government offices to sign up for benefits and services, and when they do they’re being prodded to sign up to vote. – Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on the state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.

Gatestone Institute: How Communist China Plans to Rule the Rest of the World – The CCP seems to have been buying up America. – “China owns $870 billion in U.S. Treasuries that finance our debt. Additionally, they either own or have a huge portion of the Chicago Stock Exchange, AMC movie theaters, General Electric’s appliance division, General Motors, and Smithfield Foods just to name a few...

Courageous Discourse: US and EU Reject Putin’s Peace Proposal – Are Americans and Europeans willing to die for Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia so that these provinces—inhabited largely by ethnic Russians who speak the Russian language—may remain a part of Ukraine?

The Jerusalem Post: Israel’s war cabinet ‘dissolved – No new cabinet will be formed following the exit of Gantz from the existing war cabinet, PM announced. – “The cabinet was in the coalition agreement with Gantz at his request,” Netanyahu reportedly told the Security Cabinet. “As soon as Gantz left – there was no need for a cabinet anymore,” Netanyahu explained.

American Thinker: If there’s any doubt the Biden re-election campaign is fighting the last war, look no further than the internet response to Joe Biden’s blank stare that led him to be quickly led off the stage by Obama, with Biden’s internet legions quickly riding to his rescue. – Here’s what happened over the weekend…

Victor Davis Hanson: How Left-wing Conspiracies Work – When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning that what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left has already been doing. – Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern of these left-wing conspiracies, beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas…

American Thinker: Do the Plotters of the ‘51 Intel Experts’ Coup Deserve Prison? – On the day the Post story broke, representatives from the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force met with Facebook execs. As would later be confirmed at a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing, the FBI knew that the laptop was, in fact, Hunter Biden’s. – They cannot get the election back, but they can get justice. If prison seems an extreme remedy for the conspirators, it pays to remember that 40 government officials were indicted or imprisoned for Watergate.

American Thinker: The Censorship-Industrial Complex and How It Has the Internet in its Grip – When the internet-backed World Wide Web was created in 1989, it democratized information and connectedness. – But governments and the elites that control them were quick to move in, sensing the threat to their authoritarian instinct. – The question, of course, is who decides what amounts to disinformation, harassment, and illegal or harmful content…

American Thinker: It looks like ICE is losing almost all of the illegal aliens Mayorkas let in – It used to be that those who sought asylum as refugees had to make their case before being released, unsupervised, into America – Nobody knows how many illegal aliens have entered America since Biden took office. Including known entries and estimating of “gotaways,” it’s something in the range of 5-8 million.

Western Journal: Angel Reese Viciously Slaps Down Caitlin Clark During Brutal Flagrant 1 Foul as Rivalry Heats Up – “WNBA player Angel Reese viciously elbows Caitlin Clark in the head as she goes in for a layup. – Reese could be seen completely missing the ball and making contact with Clark’s head instead. – Where were Caitlin’s teammates?

June 16, 2024

The Economist: Donald Trump has a clear lead over Joe Biden – Trump has about a 3 in 4 chance of winning, while Biden has a 1 in 4 chance – Our model is updated every day and combines state and national polls with economic indicators to predict the election results across the country. To work out the probable electoral vote totals, we run over 10,000 simulations of the election. The chance of a tie in the Electoral College is less than 1 in 100…

American Spectator: The US vs. China, There Is No Moral Equivalence – China’s geopolitical rise, which the United States aided and abetted for decades, was not a response to American hegemony. – It is built into the communist worldview and China’s historical DNA and any attempts at moral equivalency cannot change that reality.

Resist The Mainstream: Jack Smith’s Potentially “Unlawful” Appointment Could End His Prosecution Of Trump Before It Gets Off The Ground – Smith was appointed by AG Merrick Garland, but was not nominated by the president nor confirmed by the Senate. – “The Appointments Clause does not permit AN AG to appoint, without Senate confirmation, a private citizen and like-minded political ally to wield the prosecutorial power of the United States,” Trump’s legal team argued…

American Spectator: Biden’s Border Crisis Comes Home to Roost – We are at risk of becoming a failed state, open to terrorism, sabotage, and other acts against us. – Last week eight illegal aliens, all military males from Tajikistan, were arrested in three U.S. cities and accused of being members of ISIS who were planning terrorist attacks against the United States. – There’s a lot to parse out in that event…

American Spectator: Is Illegal Immigration the ‘Great Replacement’? – If it isn’t, the complete inversion of our immigration system lacks a logical explanation. – It is obvious now that these successive waves of mass migrations have been encouraged and well-orchestrated by the very people paid to prevent illegal entry into the United States. – To add insult to injury, all this has been done at taxpayers’ expense…

American Spectator: The Green Version of Socialism – Biden’s version is typical in its display of arrogant self-righteousness matched by colossal economic ignorance. – Meanwhile, the green agenda is rushing our society toward an unnecessary economic crisis made more tragic because of an oh-so-avoidable humanitarian crisis caused by green policies unfairly crushing the poor…

Western Journal: A Former Democrat Donor From California Explains Why He is Now Backing Donald Trump – Silicon Valley Executive Jacob Helberg says that “it’s time to make a change” from President Joe Biden’s “radical progressive” governing to former President Donald Trump. – When asked why he changed, he says that the Democrat Party has been hijacked by a woke theology and that Biden has spent the last three years trying to cater to the radical left…

Wall Street Journal: A Voter Revolt Grows in California – Governor Gavin Newsom and Democrats in Sacramento try to block anti-tax and anti-crime initiatives from the November ballot. – Law enforcement, businesses, and local elected officials across the Golden State are campaigning to roll back parts of Prop. 47. That’s the 2014 initiative that made misdemeanors of drug possession and theft of less than $950 in goods. – Supporters including Newsom said it would save money by reducing incarceration…

Daily Mail: The top ten states Americans are flocking to in droves to benefit from a much lower cost of living – and then the ten they are leaving – Florida is the #1 state people are flocking to and California is the number one state people are fleeing from…

Breitbart: Vice President Kamala Harris promised another $1.5 billion in direct U.S. aid for Ukraine on Saturday at a peace summit in Switzerland. – The funds are to be made available through the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

National Review: The Media’s Coverage of the Gaza War Is Completely Backward – Hamas is treated as a credible source, even a partner in news gathering. – It’s trusted to provide accurate information and to adhere to international norms regarding humanitarian treatment and the rules of engagement. – Israel, on the other hand, is treated as a bad-faith actor, with every statement being doubted. – Some journalists appear to even operate from a position that can best summed up as, ‘when in doubt, then assume Israel has committed a crime against humanity.

Zero Hedge: I’m Sick Of The “Grotesque Game Of Pretend” Being Played Around Joe Biden – They’re kidding, right? – That “Joe Biden” is capable of being president? – And not just for another four-year term, but right here and now? – This has got to be the most pitiful case of national gaslighting since 218-AD when the Romans installed 14-year-old Heliogabalus to front for their empire…

Hot Air: The Media’s Plot To Question Trump’s Cognition is in Full Swing – It is clear that most of the mainstream media despises Donald Trump and they are terrified by how well he’s doing in the polls. – But no amount of leftist spin is going to convince people that Trump is dealing with cognitive decline and nothing is going to rehabilitate Biden’s reputation in that regard either. – The two men are competing on entirely different levels.

National Review: Economic Change and Biden’s Hostility to Fossil Fuels Are Setting up an Electricity Crisis – While the war on fossil fuels is making real gains the effort to deploy renewable substitutes is failing catastrophically. – The nation’s grid regulators are already sounding the alarm. – Add soaring demand, and America is facing the worst energy shortfall in its history.

Breitbart: Some of Hollywood’s brightest stars headlined a glitzy fundraiser for President Joe Biden on Saturday night at the 7,100-seat Peacock Theater in Los Angeles that raised $28 million and hoped to energize would-be supporters. – George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Barbra Streisand were among those who took the stage…

Washington Examiner: Biden warns that next president could appoint two Supreme Court justices at a glitzy LA fundraiser – The president made the remarks while appearing alongside Obama and talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, who was moderating the discussion.

American Thinker: Summer Surprise, The Looming Biden Last Minute Replacement – Michelle Obama might qualify, but the going wisdom suggests that she’s not interested, and has never governed or served in any political office. – But there is a candidate that few are talking about, and who is well-positioned to replace Biden, J.B. Pritzker, the Democrat governor of Illinois.

American Thinker: Are You Wondering About An October Surprise? – An October surprise is coming, but earlier than October. – For D.C. elites, Russia’s looming victory in Ukraine is unacceptable.- A crisis that coincides with the autumn presidential election may prove too tempting to resist. – Never let a crisis go to waste, they say, or when there’s no crisis handy, why not create one when necessary?

American Thinker: Be Prepared For The Coming Chaos – The Democrats, the deep state, and their media enablers are all in rough shape and have no other way out but to fall back on their usual criminal methods of retaining power. – I’m not far off the mark when I suggest that Democrat-run institutions and cities, which regularly tolerate, if not encourage, violent demonstrations by demonstrably linked green, pro-Palestine, Antifa gangs, are setting the stage for November’s elections…

Townhall: An illegal immigrant from El Salvador was arrested for raping and murdering a Maryland mother of five. – Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez was taken into custody on Friday after law enforcement agents found him in Tulsa, Oklahoma. – Gahler suspects that Martinez-Hernandez fled to the United States after killing a young woman in El Salvador in January of 2023.

American Thinker: Is an electric vehicle collapse inevitable? – Americans know EVs don’t meet their needs, and at an average price over $60,000, they’re $30,000 or so more expensive than most Americans can afford. – Americans can, however, count on the government to screw everything up, so there may be hope of the entire EV edifice collapsing before it bankrupts automakers and the entire country.

American Thinker: The Real ‘Replacement Theory’ – There is a conflict in this country between Americans of all races and ethnicities who share common American values and the de facto domestic enemies of the United States who do not. – These enemies include white nationalists, black nationalists like Black Lives Matter, as well as Hamas sympathizers and water carriers.

Breitbart: The Court Moves on Alex Jones – A Texas judge decided the fate of Infowars host Alex Jones’ assets on Friday – The mandated liquidation will force the sale of Jones’s assets, including a multimillion-dollar ranch, other properties, cars, boats, and guns worth around $8.6 million. – However, Lopez ruled against a liquidation of Jones’ company Free Speech Systems, which owns the Infowars brand.

Just The News: Several reports indicate that America has a fatherhood crisis – Young men from non-intact families are more likely to end up in prison or jail, drop out of high school, or not graduate from college – This is compared to young men raised by their married biological parents with their father living in the home, a new Institute for Family Studies report argues.

June 15, 2024

Hot Air: Hamas has rejected the latest ceasefire deal proposed by the Biden administration and Israeli officials claiming Israel is still ignoring their key demand to exit Gaza permanently. – The most important demand from the West is for Hamas to release its hostages, but they cannot say how many hostages they could release because they have “no idea” how many of them are still. 

Hot Air: Ukraine Rejects Putin’s Peace Terms – Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and begin negotiations if Kyiv started withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO. – Ukraine responded by calling Putin’s proposal “manipulative” and “absurd.”

Breitbart: Donald Trump described Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as being “maybe the greatest salesman of any politician.” – While speaking at Turning Point Action’s “People’s Conference,” in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, Trump criticized President Joe Biden for “wasting money at levels never seen before” and putting money into the Green New Deal.

Jonathan Turley: The corruption of Attorney General Merrick Garland – It is these things that have occurred in the last six months that leave some of us shaken, given our early faith in Garland. – Garland now appears entirely adrift in his department. – While mouthing platitudes about being beyond politics, he continues to run interference for the Biden White House…

Zero Hedge: The Biden Construct Exhorts A Spineless Press Corps – In this, Our Sacred Democracy™, reporters don’t ask questions they are not granted permission to ask beforehand so that the correct response can be printed in bold 72-point font on a notecard for Biden to try to read. – “The White House Correspondents’ Association is objecting to the notion that reporters agreed to any restrictions on the types of questions they could ask of President Joe Biden at a press conference earlier today at the G7 summit in Italy.

Slay News: A top study confirms that fearmongering claims made by the United Nations (UN) to support the “climate crisis” narrative are a hoax and are directly contradicted by data. – Despite claims from the UN and other unelected globalists, the study has found that alleged “climate disasters” are not increasing. – In fact, eminent Italian researchers Gianluca Alimonti and Luigi Mariani found that the environment has been significantly improving in recent years, with climate-related events decreasing.

The Vigilant Fox: Elon Musk Issues Urgent Warning to Humanity – Speaking on the critical issue of declining birth rates, Musk insisted that we should be “very concerned” as these rates are “accelerating in most countries.” The implications, according to Musk, are dire. – Musk stressed that the survival and expansion of humanity are essential for the continuation of civilization and consciousness…

Courageous Discourse: The Selective Service Act Amended To Require Registration of Women. – The Gigantic DoD social experiment expands in earnest. – Given the sheer size of this social experiment, I find it ironic that the Committee Chairman, Jack Reed, is from the state of Rhode Island—the smallest state in the Union, smaller than the King Ranch in Texas.

Townhall: The Biden administration has once again failed to live up to its January 2021 promise to be the “most transparent” in U.S. history, this time by withholding a mandated report on Iranian sanctions, along with any waivers on Iranian sanctions, from Congress. – The report is required from the Treasury Department through a provision in the national security supplemental legislation…

Washington Examiner: CNN announced the rules and additional details for its June 27 presidential debate, setting the stage for the event less than two weeks away. – Notable details include the absence of a studio audience, muted microphones except when a candidate is given time to speak, and each candidate’s presence at a uniform podium. – No props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, though candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water. – RFK Jr. will most likely not be included.

Tipp Insights: Bidenflation At 19.4% Hammers Americans And Is Crushing Their Purchasing Power – This is déjà vu of Carter’s re-election bid. – “Bidenflation” is likely a top voter concern, and the President must take responsibility. – This is the fifth consecutive month of an increase. – Annualized Bidenflation is steady at 5.8% and core prices are stubborn at 3.4%…

Gatestone Institute: As Enemies are encircling the US, the US Administration Wants Israel to Surrender to Terrorists – Russian warships are docked in Cuba, as China is building a major deep-water port in Peru that could serve the Chinese military, while the US administration is pressuring only Israel to allow the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas to win the war it launched against Israel on October 7…

National Review: No Haven for Hamas, End The Cease-Fire Talk, And Let Israel Defeat Hamas. – There is something absurd about the latest offer in general. – It rests on the assumption that Hamas is a legitimate negotiating partner with an interest in ending the war. – Such an assumption is worse than false, it is insane and Blinken knows it…

National Review: The FEC Commissioner Blasts DOJ’s Silence as Bragg Contorted Federal Law to Get Trump – If the defendant had been anyone other than Trump, the Justice Department would have zealously guarded its exclusive power to enforce campaign finance law. – The best evidence of Biden’s collusion in the Manhattan prosecution of Trump is that the Biden DOJ didn’t lift a finger to stop it…

American Thinker: Let’s get some new allies – Here’s an idea, how about a new foreign policy alliance with Great Britain, Argentina, Italy, and Hungary that emphasizes Western values? – This strategy will serve a dual purpose. – The first is to strengthen Western allied economic and technological leadership against foreign adversaries…

American Thinker: Social Security payments are expected to face ‘steep cuts’ not that far down the road. – The head actuaries for Social Security and Medicare testified before a House panel on Thursday about the two safety net programs’ looming financial woes that could see key trust funds depleted in roughly a decade, which would leave beneficiaries facing a benefit cut if the funding gap isn’t resolved by Congress.

American Thinker: The Problem of Academic Management – American business is in big trouble, and this is the cause. – The most obvious change that “academic management” has brought is, of course, anti-white, anti-male, and anti-heterosexual discrimination. -Most Americans are all for equal rights and fair treatment, but discrimination is punishing innocents to reward non-victims.

American Thinker: The Democrat Party, Still Evil After All These Years – Polling clearly shows that American citizens don’t agree with Democrats’ policies on almost any major issue, whether from crime to border control or from the economy to transgender “affirming care” for minors. – Yet Democrats often win a majority of the popular vote in national elections, a fact that is, at minimum, “curious” and troubling.

American Thinker: ‘Are You Moving Out Of California?’ – Texas is great, but it’s running the risk of becoming Californicated. – Consider that much of the Texas population increase is occurring in its liberal cities, which include Houston, El Paso, Dallas, Eagle Pass, San Antonio, Austin, and Laredo, Texas is still nirvana compared to California and other blue states, which is why so many conservatives move there.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: STOCK UP ON CRAZY PILLS – Isn’t it time for a sequel to “Being There,” since we have someone in the White House who makes Chauncey Gardner look like Napoleon or Bismarck?

June 14, 2024

Epoch Times: THE DOJ Won’t Pursue Criminal Contempt Changes Against Garland – An official from the Department of Justice (DOJ) told House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) in a letter that Attorney General Merrick Garland will not be prosecuted for contempt of Congress because his refusal to hand over audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with a prosecutor did not amount to a crime.

Epoch Times: A Tech Insider Explains Why Some in Silicon Valley Are Turning to Trump – In his 2021 book, “The Wires of War,” Mr. Helberg detailed his concerns about former president Trump. – Yet in recent weeks, Mr. Helberg, now an adviser to Palantir CEO Alex Karp, has come forward as a vocal supporter of former President Trump…

The Epoch Times: The Recent Supreme Court Ruling Makes It Harder for Illegal Immigrants to Oppose Deportation – The law requires that illegal immigrants be given a written notice to appear (NTA) that must set out, among other things, the time and place at which proceedings will be held. – ‘This reading aligns with common sense,’ Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the majority in a decision that could have big implications for deportation proceedings.

Epoch Times: House Passes $883 Billion Annual Defense Bill With Culture War Amendments That Are Certain To Put The House On a Collision Course With The Democrat-Controlled Senate. – The final tally of the vote on the National Defense Authorization Act was 217–199 with six Democrats voting in favor and three Republicans voting against.

Western Journal: In a ruling that impacts Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho, U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty demolished the rule issued by the Department of Education that decided that Title IX should be used to force schools to give in to the demands of transgender students. – The rule would allow students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity…

Western Journal: Biden’s Failure: US Taxpayers to Spend Another $22M to Repair Gaza Pier – The $320 million pier had supposedly been fixed and ready for action last Saturday after breaking apart under moderate seas and partially sinking in late May. However, it only managed to stay open for a single day before that darned water stopped cooperating again.

Zero Hedge: The Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto Is Released Despite FBI Resistance – When “nearly four dozen pages” of the murderer’s diary were finally released last week, the mainstream media completely ignored it. – The Tennessee Star’s parent company, Star News Digital Media, successfully filed two lawsuits to obtain the diary.

The Daily Fetched: Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the Republican Party has become a “cult to a thug” with insecure voters who fall for Donald Trump’s lines. – “I do wish there would be an intervention from his family, assuming they loved him, that they would intervene, that the Republican Party would have an intervention, they have become a cult to a thug.” – She continued…

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court Strikes Down The Bump Stock Ban – “We conclude that semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a ’machine gun‘ because it does not fire more than one shot ’by a single function of the trigger,’” Justice Clarence Thomas said in the court’s majority opinion. – The vote was 6–3, with Justice Sonia Sotomayor writing a dissent joined by the other two liberal justices.

Geller Report: A suspected jihadist was caught near La Guardia International Airport as new details of averted ‘disaster’ are revealed. – The suspected jihadist was ordered held without bail on Thursday, as disturbing new details of the case emerged in court. – In all, the prosecutor said nearly a dozen weapons, an NYPD bullet-proof vest, and 179 rounds of ammunition were found inside the black Ford Explorer…

New York Sun: Europe Is Waking Up to Communist China Space Threat While America Struggles To See It – China is accused of seeking to ‘become a national security leader in space, to use space to support military operations and gain space superiority as a domain, especially over the western Pacific.’

Washington Free Beacon: Provide No Haven for Hamas – Hamas isn’t a state worthy of recognition, but rather a terrorist entity governing a population through fear, terror, and zealotry. – End the ceasefire talk and let Israel defeat Hamas – Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s eighth trip to the Middle East since the terrorist atrocities of October 7, 2023, has gone about as well as the previous seven. That is to say: Not well at all.

Just The News: The House of Representatives passed a resolution Friday that automatically enrolls young men for selective service, and expands the mandatory draft ages by one year, to men aged 18-26. – Young men are already required to register for selective service if they are between the ages of 18 and 25, but the new resolution would enroll them automatically.

Zero Hedge: Full-Blown Financial Warfare – Since Western citizens are growing tired of sending tens of billions of dollars to the most corrupt country in Europe, the G7 came up with a novel way of “lending” Ukraine another $50 billion. – Everyone knows that Ukraine would never pay this money back, the plan is for the money to be repaid from interest on frozen Russian assets held by the West.

Zero Hedge: Major Red Flags Are Popping Up For Banks, Small Businesses, And Retailers – The FDIC’s most recent report tells us that there are 63 “problem banks” in the United States, and collectively our banks now have 517 billion dollars in unrealized losses. – A new survey reveals that over two-thirds of small business owners are terrified of the state of the economy under Joe Biden’s watch, fearing that current conditions and ongoing downward trends will lead to them having to close their businesses…

Powerline: MEANDER IN CHIEF – The New York Post cover story features President Biden wandering away from his colleagues at the G7 summit in southern Italy yesterday. – Biden and his colleagues attended a skydiving demonstration. – After the demonstration, the windmills of Biden’s mind appeared to grind to a halt…

American Thinker: Donald Trump and the Resurgence of the West – The West is currently populated with patronizing, oblivious, and callous leaders, so it will take a different kind to bring the West back to greatness. – Four overriding factors must be addressed if Western civilization is to survive. – First, the degeneration and collapse of societies and subsequent acceptance of evolving autocratic police states…

American Greatness: What Trump and His People Need to Know About January 6 – With the media currently in quiet retreat, Trump supporters have the opportunity to take the offensive, but to do so they need to know some basic facts about January 6. – The provocateurs who started the action did not hear Trump speak. – The police response inflamed the protestors. – Police action led to the death of three protestors. – The treatment of those arrested has been horrific...

American Thinker: The Feds Are Itching to January 6 Us Again – Propaganda, as with all forms of cognitive warfare, succeeds with the repetition of lies and the suppression of inconvenient truths and their plan almost worked. – A lot of Trump voters became noticeably quiet right after January 6, 2021. – It’s important to stand back and appreciate the immense corruption and orchestrated evil that went into this destructive process…

American Thinker: If Trump Wins In November, Watch Out! – Don’t put it past the far-left ruling class to try a Hail Mary play to stave off total defeat, and then turn around and accuse those who simply want normalcy of extremism. Authoritarians think it’s their birthright to rule over everyone else, and they will do anything to maintain that rule. – That’s what makes them so desperate and dangerous…

The Federalist: The State Department Won’t Say If It’s Colluding With Big Tech To Censor Speech Ahead Of 2024 Election – The agency’s silence on the matter came after The Federalist asked about the new “Ukraine Communications Group” launched by the US and Poland that seeks to counter Russian “disinformation” about Moscow’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. – The FBI confirmed to The Federalist last month it has resumed communications with social media platforms ahead of the 2024 election…

Zero Hedge: Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets – Fuselage maker Spirit is investigating the source of the titanium and whether the metal meets aviation standards. The big question is if the metal used in critical parts of the airframe is structurally sound enough to last the projected life spans of the jets. If the metal is tested and found to be below aviation specs, the parts must be removed and replaced.

The Federalist: If the Americans that were written about in ‘Detrans’ weren’t victims of Democrat actions, their plight would be all over Hollywood, “60 Minutes,” PBS, and mainstream media. – There’s more than enough in the sad stories of young Americans reverting transgender body modifications and personas to attract entire teams of investigative reporters and creatives for years…

Breitbart: California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) was called out Thursday by journalists who disputed his claim that the California National Guard was on the border with Mexico intercepting the flow of illegal drugs like fentanyl. – Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, who reports regularly from the border, challenged Newsom, saying that he had not seen a single California National Guard soldier in the border regions where migrants are walking into the U.S…

June 13, 2024

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s proposal will offer an amnesty, and quick access to green cards, to perhaps one million migrants. – Biden is expected to make the announcement Tuesday at a planned White House event marking the 12th anniversary of the [2012] DACA program, which shielded more than 800,000 [younger migrants] brought to the U.S. as children…

Red State: So far this is still Unconfirmed, but Egyptian Media Sources are beginning to report that tonight’s Israeli Strike on the Town of Janta in Southern Lebanon has resulted in the Elimination of Hashim Safi Al-Din, the Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council and the most Senior Official in Hezbollah besides Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah.

Epoch Times: G7 Leaders Reach A Deal to Unlock Frozen Russian Assets To Support Ukraine – The leaders agreed to provide at least a $50 billion loan to Ukraine, backed by profits from frozen Russian assets.

Real Clear Investigations: Searching for the Truth About the Raid at Mar-a-Lago – Top DOJ officials are downplaying recently disclosed documents showing FBI agents were authorized to use deadly force during their 2022 raid of Donald Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago. – A recently discovered DOD memo suggests that the federal government already had copies of the documents in Trump’s possession, further raising questions about the need for the raid. – Many on the right see the Mar-a-Lago raid as part of a broader effort by the Department of Justice to intimidate its political enemies…

Conservative Brief: Donald Trump Urges Supreme Court To Act Before His July Sentencing – Trump’s attorney and legal spokeswoman recently provided a big update on the Manhattan trial. -During an interview on Newsmax, Alina Habba criticized the Democrat-dominated justice system in New York City as “third world.” She suggested that the judge presiding over her client’s hush money trial routinely infringes upon Trump’s constitutional rights to a fair trial.

The Daily Signal: No More Business as Usual As Republicans Ratchet Up Pressure in Senate – Six Senate Republicans are vowing to exact revenge for the Biden administration’s use of lawfare to target a political opponent. – Their target, is the 44 nominees of President Joe Biden who are awaiting Senate confirmation…

American Thinker: When Republicans whine about Trump’s ‘character’ – Paul Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump because of his character, so I would ask him to explain how the following numerous things that Biden has done, or said, show that he has good character…

AmericanWire: Citizens Against Government Waste published its annual “Congressional Pig Book,” and it’s a doozy. – Published annually since 1991, the “Congressional Big Book” contains a compilation of all the wasteful “pork-barrel” projects in the federal budget pursued by both Democrats and Republicans. – Susan Collins (R-Maine) led the passel with 231 earmarks costing $575,580,000, and coming in second place, Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who received 185 earmarks costing $466,370,279…

American Thinker: Tyson Foods recently fired more than 1,000 Americans from a pork plant in Iowa as the company employs illegal aliens for other factory positions. – Now the company is expected to open many job positions in New York and is reportedly seeking 52,000 illegal immigrants to be employed…

Slay Magazine: Disgraced actor Kevin Spacey has admitted during a new interview that he and former President Bill Clinton were surrounded by “young girls” when they traveled with Jeffrey Epstein on his private jet. – Many of Epstein’s victims have said that the jet, which was fitted out with beds, was where much of the abuse took place…

Gatestone Institute: Iran’s Attempts to Attack Israel Must Be Confronted – There is massive evidence that the Biden administration would like to see Netanyahu removed and that someone more “compliant” to the wishes of the US replace him – a new Israeli prime minister who would not object to Hamas continuing to rule the Gaza Strip after the fighting ends…

Breitbart: A new poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) reveals that 67% of Palestinians still support the October 7 terror attacks, and the same proportion believe that Hamas will win the war with Israel – The proportion of Palestinians who support the October 7 attack has fallen only 4% since a similar poll in March.

Townhall: The Stunning Inside Story of Israel’s Daring Hostage Rescue – Israel’s daring rescue of four hostages being held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza last week involved undercover surveillance and a raid straight out of an action movie — and a new report reveals how Israeli forces infiltrated the city of Nuseirat, located the hostages, and exfiltrated them under heavy fire from an unexpectedly large number of terrorists…

Victor Davis Hanson: The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism – Woke jihadism is not an ecumenical concern for the oppressed, the occupied, the collateral damage of war, or the fate of refugees. Instead, it is a romanticized and repackaged anti-Western, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic jihadism that supports the murder of civilians, mass rape, torture, and hostage-taking. – The more violent campuses and streets become, the more clueless the mobs seem about the cascading public antipathy to what they do and what they represent…

Geller Report: Saudi Arabia Ends Its 80-Year Petrodollar Deal with US, Dealing A Massive Blow to US Global Economic Dominance – Mainstream Media is not reporting that Saudi Arabia will now sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars. – Trump has said the dollar is collapsing and would no longer be the world standard… he warned us.

The Daily Caller: Donald Trump gathered Thursday morning with House Republicans to talk politics and strategy just five months out from the election – During Trump’s remarks, he mentioned The Washington Post’s readership is down 50% and was met by cheers.- Trump then mentioned that he plans on doing 100 “tele-town-halls” for House candidates, and called them a “secret weapon,”…

American Thinker: Sorry, Nancy, Trump Had No Role In Inciting The January 6 Riot – Nancy Pelosi is doubling down hard on the leftist J6 narrative as new evidence comes to light. – At 1:38, Trump tweeted, “Please support our local police and law enforcement. – Nancy, the Capitol was your responsibility. – It is hard to tell where incompetence leaves off and conspiracy begins, but you’re not going to find the answer if you don’t look.

National Review: Garland Contempt Clash Only Proves Special Counsel Was Never Independent – Hur’s work is directly attributable to Garland. – The AG is not withholding Hur’s work. He is withholding his work because Garland is asking Congress to trust him that the transcript, which is not the real evidence of what Biden said in the interview, is fair and accurate…

Issues & Insights: When Will The Ministry Of Truth Shut Down The ‘Lying’ Biden Ads? – Joe Biden’s reelection ad campaign contains a boatload of misinformation and disinformation. – Will the censors shut it down? – Will the media alert their readers and viewers to the falsehoods? – We all know the answers to those questions.

The Federalist: A CBS News/YouGov Poll found that  62 percent of registered voters favor, “in principle, a new government program to deport all [foreign nationals] living in the U.S. illegally.” – This includes backing from 88 percent of Republicans, 60 percent of independents, and 38 percent of Democrats…

Breitbart: A CBS News poll found that only 7% of voters believe President Joe Biden’s economy is “very good,” while 63 percent say the economy is in very or fairly bad shape. – Five percent are unsure.

Townhall: The Biden Administration’s Latest Plan to Fight ‘Climate Change’ – The Pentagon, located right across the river from Washington D.C., is entertaining a proposal to load up the campus with Chinese-manufactured solar panels. – The Pentagon is one of 31 government sites that are receiving $104 million in Energy Department grants…

Zero Hedge: Initial Claims Surge To 10-Month Highs As California Joblessness Soars – Did we suddenly get a peek at economic reality? – The number of Americans applying for jobless benefits for the first time surged last week to 242k (up from 229k and well above the 225k exp). – That is the highest since August 2023…

Western Journal: The chairman of the Committee on House Administration has subpoenaed 14 members of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet to obtain information about how each has implemented or plans to implement Biden’s Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting.”

Washington Free Beacon: Biden wants half of all U.S. car sales to be electric by 2030. – The Biden Administration’s EV Push Faces Legal Challenge From A Wide Industry Coalition of Industry Associations Representing Energy Producers, Consumers, Auto Dealers, Farmers, and Convenience Stores. – According to the petitioners, the EPA overstepped its congressional authority when issuing the regulations that ultimately serve as a de facto ban on traditional gas-powered passenger cars…

Washington Free Beacon: Biden Blocked Solar Panel Tariffs To ‘Accelerate Domestic Production’ – Two Years Later, China Is Even More Dominant. – ‘It will take months, if not years, to fix this horrible policy failure,’ an American solar company CEO says. – “Never again should another American president intentionally subvert U.S. law and give China a free pass to continue illegal trade activity that is directly harming American manufacturers and workers.”

The Federalist: If you’re looking to artificial intelligence for answers to election-related questions, chances are you’re getting the wrong answers. – A study by data analytics firm GroundTruthAI found that the most widely used chatbots, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini 1.0 Pro, provided incorrect information more than a quarter of the time. 

American Thinker: – The Bidens are a dysfunctional family of grifters. – They went to great lengths to cover their illegal tracks by setting up countless LLCs and assorted bank accounts. – The family has lived far beyond the means of a senatorial or vice-presidential salary for decades. – For fifty years, Joe Biden has been a thug, a plagiarist, and a criminal. He is a pathological liar, as even the New York Times has noted…

American Thinker: See You In September, Hunter – The obvious problem is that his next case gets closer to his father and maybe his uncle. – How did this troubled man with no experience in any business background generate this kind of money flow? What was he selling or what talent was he bringing to the table? The answer is a five-letter word, or “Biden.”

Washington Examiner: How Biden could keep Hunter out of jail without breaking no pardon pledge – President Biden could issue a commutation for his son if Judge Noreika gives him a “truly draconian” sentence that goes beyond the typical sentencing guidelines.

Western Journal: Allan Lichtman, a historian who has called nine of the past 10 presidential elections said it is far too soon to tell if Donald Trump’s convictions will change the course of the presidential election because the real impact of voters will not begin to show itself until next month. – “We’re not going to know much until the sentencing hearing on July 11, right before the Republican convention,” Lichtman said.

American Thinker: The Needed FBI Housecleaning – When institutions like the FBI can’t be trusted, can tyranny be far behind? – Who are the agents facing suspension and ruin? – Apolitical men and women who play it straight, the kinds of people the FBI once sought and promoted. – The DOJ is systematically cleansing the FBI of honest, apolitical agents, people who are dedicated to equal justice for all regardless of political belief…

American Thinker: My Attempted Testimony at the John Eastman Disbarment Trial – Originally, I was one of seven “experts” selected by Eastman and his attorney, Randy Miller. As experts, we would be able to give our opinions regarding the integrity of the election. – In the end, the judge would not let me testify. Why? Because I sounded more like an expert than a fact witness. – When a judge is hostile, the defendant cannot win.

American Thinker: How the Obama-Biden Machine Intimidated Jews to Hate Trump – Democrats convinced many Jews that Trump was racist and an antisemite in 2017? – Beginning before Trump’s inauguration as 45th POTUS, hundreds of bomb threats were made against Jewish community centers and schools in the U.S. – The media unanimously declared that these threats came from white supremacists in the U.S., allegedly emboldened by the election of President Trump…

Slay Magazine: The Leader of The Satanic El Salvadorian MS-13 Crime Gang Has Been Arrested in Texas – He is accused of helping operate the criminal organization in El Salvador, Mexico, and the United States.

The Daily Signal: SCOTUS ruled Thursday that pro-life doctors do not have standing to challenge the FDA’s removal of safety restrictions on abortion drugs. – The court issued a unanimous ruling in two combined cases that deal with the FDA’s regulation of abortion drugs. – Justice Brett Kavanaugh delivered the opinion of the Court…

Washington Examiner: The Lia Thomas madness is finally over – Mediocre swimmer Lia Thomas learned Wednesday that he cannot compete in swimming competitions that would qualify him for the Olympics, finally ending a years-long saga that saw him win an NCAA women’s championship. – Thomas, a biological male who identifies as a woman, made a mockery of women’s swimming when he decided to transition in the middle of his collegiate career at the University of Pennsylvania.

The Free Press: On Derek Chauvin, George Floyd, and Reasonable Doubt – It’s not enough for a majority of the evidence to indicate guilt, and it’s not enough if the defendant’s guilt is “highly and substantially more likely to be true than untrue.” That is the “clear and convincing evidence” standard. – Rather, “beyond a reasonable doubt” means that “there is no other reasonable explanation that can come from the evidence presented at trial” other than the defendant has committed the crime in question…

Slay Magazine: A new study has revealed that fake “meat” products such as Bill Gates’lab-grown “beef” are linked to cardiovascular diseases and heart failure-related deaths. – Ultra-processed products that are plant-derived, insect-based, or lab-grown, carry an increased risk of heart failure and death…

Take Back Our Tech: Microsoft Recall On Copilor+ Computers Will Copy Everything You’ve Ever Typed – Recall will continuously take screenshots of your PC every 5 seconds, creating a searchable database of your activity. It will also store everything you have ever typed in plain text, yes, including sensitive passwords that are copied and pasted. – We recommend you do everything you can to avoid Recall when it is implemented and to disable it in Windows 11 soon.

June 12, 2024

Just The News: Hunter Biden’s court-verified laptop files will be at the center of his upcoming tax trial. – The mainstream media and Permanent Washington called the laptop a hoax and “Russian Disinformation” for more than a year. – What was once called a conspiracy theory turned out to be true, and the abandoned laptop’s contents will continue to plague the first son at his next trial.

Epoch Times: The House voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena to produce audio tapes of President Joe Biden’s interviews with special counsel Robert Hur. – In a mostly party-line 216–207 vote, the House passed a measure to recommend criminal charges for Mr. Garland.  – Republican, Ohio Representative. David Joyce voted against the resolution.

Epoch Times: The Fed Keeps Rates Unchanged At A Range Of 5.25 Percent to 5.5 Percent, But Signals 1 Rate Cut Sometime This Year – Fed policymakers say ’there has been modest further progress’ toward restoring price stability.

The Kennedy Beacon: The Federal Election Commission Informed CNN That Kennedy Must Be Allowed Into the CNN Debate With Trump and Biden. – NewsNation reported that the FEC told CNN it would violate campaign finance law if Kennedy was kept off the debate stage. – Kennedy filed an FEC complaint alleging that CNN, Biden, and Trump flagrantly violated the Federal Election Campaign Act’s requirement that media broadcasters use “pre-established” and “objective” criteria to determine candidate participation.

FOX11: California voters will once again decide on the fate of Proposition 47. – On Tuesday, the Secretary of State’s Office said the initiative became eligible for the November 5 General Election after receiving enough valid petition signatures. – Prop 47, which voters passed in 2014, loosened the penalties for drug and theft crimes in California and has been blamed for the state’s rampant theft problems.

KQED: San Francisco supervisors on Tuesday declared the city a sanctuary for transgender people, joining Sacramento and West Hollywood as the first cities in the U.S. to do so. – The city is now officially a place of safety for transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, and Two-Spirit people according to the declaration.

American Spectator: Elon Musk and OpenAI Are at War And Your Data Is at Stake. – Musk doesn’t like Apple’s new partnership with OpenAI. – Musk informed the world, “If Apple integrates OpenAI at the OS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies.” – “Visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage,” he said. – That might seem a little extreme, but Musk’s concern is data privacy…

Epoch Times: SCOTUS announced it will not consider whether to take up a Republican challenge to President Joe Biden’s controversial executive order that escalates government involvement in the voter registration and voter mobilization process until Sept. 30. – The presidential and congressional elections are scheduled for Nov. 5, so the Supreme Court will probably not take any action in time to affect the election results.

FAR: Tucker Carlson Uncensored: Steve Bannon Responds to Being Ordered to Prison – How would you react if you have been made a political prisoner? – Steve Bannon tells Tucker: “We’re being oppressed by an illegitimate regime that usurps power… [But] they will never break me. Ever. And frankly, I will be just as proud to serve my nation as a political prisoner in a federal prison for a misdemeanor by Nancy Pelosi as I was to serve my nation [in the Navy].”

American Thinker: Jihadi indoctrination of American children is active and spreading – We have witnessed indoctrination taking place in America’s elite universities, creating a conveyor belt of brainwashed Hamas-supporting activists. – Now Jihadi indoctrination has got the hooks in Oregon, and Jihad proponents have big plans to spread this to California…

Zero Hedge: 8 Suspected Illegal Alien Terrorists Arrested In New York, Philadelphia & LA – For nearly a quarter-century, Americans have been subjected to mass surveillance via the Patriot Act. Yet, while the government violates the privacy rights of Americans with warrantless surveillance, the safety of the country is being undermined by top left-wing officials flooding the open southern border with millions of illegal aliens, some of which are known terrorists and or terrorist-linked.

Washington Examiner: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg “coordinated” with President Joe Biden‘s campaign to influence the 2024 election, according to a new Federal Election Commission complaint. – America First Legal, which is led by former Trump White House adviser Stephen Miller, filed an administrative complaint with the FEC this week against Bragg and Biden’s campaign committee, Biden for President, alleging violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

Washington Examiner: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declined to engage with reporters on multiple occasions Wednesday when pressed on Hunter Biden’s Tuesday conviction, including whether the president is considering commuting his son’s sentence.

American Thinker: Don’t Over Rely on National Presidential Polls – Opinion polls are a snapshot of public sentiment and preferences. – Don’t focus solely on the headline-grabbing national polls. – Although they are useful regarding high-level sentiment and trends, that’s not how presidential elections are decided.

Washington Free Beacon: Joe Biden’s aggressive climate regulations targeting fossil-fuel-fired power plants will create widespread electric grid instability and lead to mass blackouts impacting millions of Americans, according to a recent study commissioned by North Dakota’s state government. – The research, conducted in May by the firm Always On Energy Research, concluded that the Environmental Protection Agency’s recently finalized regulations are not technologically feasible…

American Thinker: Massive Government Spending Equals Broken Elections – When you follow the money, you end up somewhere ugly – Our new government now has a finger in every aspect of our lives. – Lobbyists and activists constantly pressuring our elected officials to spend tens of billions of dollars for their businesses or causes…

Washington Free Beacon: White House ‘Equity’ Requirements Are Holding Back EV Charging Station Construction – In 2021, the Biden administration pledged it would build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2030, but so far, it’s built seven. – Shortly after taking office, Biden signed an executive order mandating that the beneficiaries of 40 percent of all federal climate and environmental programs should come from “underserved communities.”

Zero Hedge: Our Apocalyptic ‘New Normal,’ The Most Global Conflict Since WWII, Most Billion-Dollar Disasters Ever, & Most Hungry People In History – The traumatic events of the past several years have left deep scars, and there are many that prefer to ignore the apocalyptic things that are happening in the world because it is just too much for them to handle emotionally.

Slay News: The United Nations (UN) is calling on the governments of “sovereign” nations around the world to introduce sweeping new regulations that will allow globalists to apply strict controls and limits on the water supply. – The unelected bureaucratic agency argues that rationing water is part of its agenda for supposedly “securing climate justice.”

American Thinker: Donald Trump’s bold investment in American workers paid off – Trump’s administration took decisive action to preserve American jobs and protect against the influx of cheap foreign labor. – Here are some more of those pesky economic stats to show your liberal-minded friends before November…

National Review: California Gas Prices Are Set To Go from Bad to Worse as Democrats Move to Tighten Environmental Regulations – Gas prices could increase by as much as 47 cents per gallon by 2025 and by 52 cents by 2026, according to CARB’s September 2023 report on the potential impact of the proposed LCFS amendments.

S Karol Paul: Joe Biden Builds Green New Deal Projects On the Ashes of Blue-Collar Factories – Cleveland-Cliffs, America’s largest flat-rolled steel producer in North America, was betrayed not once, but three times by Joe Biden, all in a matter of months. First, he allowed Cleveland-Cliffs to lose out on acquiring U.S. Steel to a foreign state-backed company…

National Review: Your tax dollars will subsidize a solar company cutting down thousands of protected and rare Joshua trees and destroying habitat to make way for a massive energy project in California. – The 2,300-acre Aratina Solar Project west of Barstow is intended to generate 530 megawatts of electricity. – Avantus, the company behind the project, has received over $1 billion in federal money in the last decade and $124 million in federal money in 2023 alone.

Breitbart: A Federal Judge Shields Texas from Biden’s Pro-Transgender Regulations – “Joe Biden’s unlawful effort to weaponize Title IX for his extremist agenda has been stopped in its tracks,” said a statement from Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General. “Threatening to withhold education funding by forcing states to accept ‘transgender’ policies that put women in danger was illegal,” said Paxton, who filed the lawsuit…

Washington Examiner: Top seven takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries in South Carolina, Nevada, and more – Congressional primaries in Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, and South Carolina are once again proving how hard it is to unseat incumbent lawmakers. – Reps. Nancy Mace (R-SC), Joe Wilson (R-SC), and Susie Lee (D-NV) all beat back competitors in their party primaries…

Cal Matters: Which lobbying groups get their way most often in the California Legislature – Progressive groups, labor, and civil rights organizations do well, while anti-tax, business, and police fare poorly, according to a CalMatters Digital Democracy analysis…

The Daily Fetched: Federal judge Robert Hinkle struck down Florida’s law banning children from undergoing sex changes, including puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones, if a parent consents to treatment, saying the law discriminates against minorities and women…

California Glove: California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced his support Monday for “justice-involved individuals’ need for safe, affordable HUD-Subsidized housing with housing providers’ interest in maintaining the safety of their tenants and staffs.” – Most Californians would tell AG Bonta and Governor Gavin Newsom, “just keep them in prison,” which is also known as “safe, affordable housing.”

June 11, 2024

Western Journal: ‘Necessary Sacrifices’: Leaked Messages Show Hamas Leader’s Sick Strategy Relies on Civilian Casualties – No one should be shocked to learn that the Palestinian terrorist group has been inflating its casualty numbers to pass along to the establishment media with the hope of making Israel look bad.

Epoch Times: Why Nearly Half of US Online Job Postings Are Fake – Amid complex hiring processes, a shadow is spreading in the American business world. Companies are using fake online job openings to project an image of growth, keep existing employees motivated, and cultivate a pool of possible future candidates with no intention of hiring, according to research.

Breitbart: 75% of American Job Growth Has Gone to Migrants Since 2019 – The Center for Immigration Studies analysis shows the extent to which President Joe Biden’s agenda to grow the labor market with mass immigration — rather than enticing Americans on the sidelines back into work has been largely executed.

American Thinker: With Hunter Biden found guilty, expect Democrats to use that verdict against Trump – The reality is that Hunter Biden received due process of the law – On the other hand, Trump received the full Soviet treatment.

Zero Hedge: THE COLLAPSE OF THE European Union & Misinformation – Our view is not only probable but now imminent. – Take a look at this chart of unfunded pension entitlements in major European countries between 300% and 500% of GDP. – Mix this in with collapsing demographics and you have a recipe for debt disaster – With the formal withdrawal of the AstraZeneca vaccine, it’s appropriate to remind people of this double-page spread in The Times from March 2021 that hailed the AstraZeneca vaccine as 100% effective…

Epoch Times: The Jury Finds Hunter Biden Is Guilty on All 3 Charges in his Gun Trial –  Hunter Biden next faces a September court date in California over tax evasion charges.

Townhall: Let’s Rewind The Clock, The DOJ Did Their Best To Keep Hunter Out of Trial – While prosecutors from the Department of Justice ultimately tried the case against Biden, they were finally forced to do so after an unprecedented, sweetheart plea deal on two misdemeanors fell apart last summer. – The plea agreement included immunity from future charges on separate investigations into tax fraud, evasion, and Foreign Agent Registration Act violations.

Townhall: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre canceled a scheduled briefing with reporters Tuesday after President Joe Biden abruptly changed his schedule for travel to Delaware.  – Biden headed back home for a family meeting in the aftermath of Hunter Biden’s felony convictions, which were handed down by a jury earlier in the day. 

Gatestone Institute: The World Plays ‘Pretend’ as Iran Burns Down Middle East – World leaders are not demanding that Iran or its proxies stand down. – The main reason Ireland, Norway, and Spain have recognized a borderless Palestinian terrorist state is that they do not have to live with the consequences…

American Thinker: Why should Israel sign on to Biden’s hideous ceasefire deal? – Joe Biden has a way of giving ceasefires a bad name. – There are no security guarantees for Israel in this one and it’s a formula for another attack down the


The Geller Report: Six Islamic State (ISIS) Terrorists Arrested in Operation in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia – It’s official. Per reporting from NYP, Biden is releasing suspected Islamic terrorists into the US. – Part of Biden’s policy of mass releasing fighting-age single adult males from 100+ nations, including from the Middle East/Asia. – 1K mostly adult men released daily in San Diego alone…

National Review: The New Consensus against Hostage Rescues – Israel pulled off a hostage rescue that deserves to go down in the annals of extraordinarily daring, highly successful military operations, yet it is being condemned for it. – If Israel can’t even bring home its own without international condemnation, the world is truly upside-down, the way Hamas wants it…

American Thinker: Compromise Is Not In The Palestinian’s Vocabulary – History is instructive here. – Since the inception of the Zionist movement, the leading proponents, from Leo Pinsker and Theodore Herzl to Zeev Jabotinsky, sought to effect a compromise with the Arabs in Palestine (later to be known as Palestinians)…

National Review: Rescuing Hostages Is Good, Actually – The video of music festival attendee Noa Argamani screaming for help as she was being dragged away on a motorbike to captivity in Gaza was one of the enduring images of October 7. – Her rescue in a daring raid by Israeli special forces over the weekend that also saved three other hostages provided a much-needed morale boost for Israelis, who for eight months have been fighting a costly war against Hamas with most of the world against them…

American Thinker Trump’s VP Selections Rated – V.P. vetting paperwork has been sent out to the following people: Here are the positives and the negatives for Doug Burgum, Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance, Tim Scott, Byron Donalds, Elise Stefanik, and Ben Carson…

American Thinker: There Is A War On America! – It isn’t a threat of nuclear missiles from some foreign adversary like Russia or China, nor is it about Ukraine, Gaza, or Taiwan. – This war rages right here on American soil and is being fought by home-grown and sometimes hidden armies dedicated to destroying all that is right and good for America and frankly, the rest of the planet…

Western Journal: The Biden Administration Celebrated Juneteenth on White House Lawn And It Didn’t Take Social Media Long to Notice Something Was Wrong With Joe – People were dancing and swaying to the music, except for Joe, who seemed to be off in a world of his own…

Western Journal: Bill Maher Says WNBA Players Hate Caitlin Clark Because She’s White and Not Lesbian – Two other matters surrounding the foul thrust it into the national consciousness. – First of all, Angel Reese, a rival of Clark’s during their college days and a teammate of Carter’s on the Sky, could be seen celebrating the needless foul on the sideline…

American Greatness: Biden and the Left Demonize Trump Supporters – Anti-Trump rhetoric has always existed alongside rhetoric demonizing his supporters. – Biden’s talk of Our Democracy™ is a smokescreen. – He and the broader left have no faith in the electorate, voting, or majority rule, as well as absolute hatred for at least a plurality of voters.

American Thinker: Combatting the ‘Long Count’ and ‘Bogey’ – Once the polls close and Democrats determine the bogey, they continue counting, either by repeatedly scanning the same [Democrat] ballots or by bringing in additional pre-printed ballots from outside until enough ballots are “counted” until they’ve assured a Democrat victory…

The Daily Fetched: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director Chris Wray appeared visibly uncomfortable during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing last week when asked whether any of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s associates are still under investigation for possible sex trafficking of minors…

The Daily Signal: 15 Things I Saw at the 2024 DC Pride Parade – Five Military Branches – DC Fire Department and EMS – DC Metro Police – Nudity – Mocking Religion – A Child Drag Queen Book – Anti-Israel Protesters…

June 10, 2024

Western Journal: Joe Biden Drops to An All-Time Low Approval Rating – Prominent Pollster Nate Silver Suggests His Dropout ‘Threshold’ May Have Been Hit – Biden’s approval rating stands at a mere 37.6 percent, with a disapproval rate of 56.6 percent…

Epoch Times: UN Security Council Passes Resolution Affirming Biden-Proposed Gaza Cease-Fire Deal – Phase one of the deal would last at least six weeks and involve “a complete cease-fire; a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza; a release of some hostages—including women, the elderly, the wounded—in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.”

Vigilant News: New Footage Shows Pelosi Taking Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol on Jan. 6 – It was ALWAYS the PELOSI INSURRECTION. – New footage was released on Monday from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol.

Epoch Times: EU Elections, The Winners and the Losers  – After polls closed in all European Union countries, the center-right group in the European Parliament that currently holds the most seats gained the most, while the centrist Renew Europe group and the Greens group lost the most seats in the union’s parliament. – The biggest winner was the National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, which dominated the French polls, causing President Macron to call a snap national election.

Dov Fischer: Biden’s Lawfare Against Trump Isn’t Following Their Intended Script – It is fascinating to watch the corruption of justice turn on its corrupters. – The Democrats’ brilliant foolproof lawfare strategy was structured to tie up Trump through November and pile on him guilty verdict after guilty verdict. – So now people are forced to recognize the unappetizing reality that, with this Democrat Lawfare like that of Stalin’s NKVD and KGB, and like Hitler’s People’s Court under the Honorable Judge-President Roland Freisler, tyranny is here…

Breitbart: Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents arrested more than 3,000 migrants in May, setting a new record for the Canadian border sector.- The arrests bring this fiscal year’s total to more than 10,000, another sector record. – Migrant apprehensions in the Swanton Sector rose exponentially during the Biden era. Garcia reported that the apprehensions during April exceeded the annual totals of FY21 and FY22 combined.

Daily Caller: Evidence Mounts That Biden’s Executive Order Isn’t Stopping Illegal Immigrants From Flooding Over Border – “Biden’s executive order is a facade, offering the illusion of security while doing nothing to address the real issues at our borders,” Jim Desmond, a San Diego county supervisor, said on Monday. “This past weekend alone, thousands of individuals entered San Diego County, exacerbating the alarming number of over 151,000 street releases this fiscal year.”

The Daily Fetched: The County of Los Angeles Is About To A 19-Story $165 Million Luxury Apartment Building With 278 Units for Homeless People – Amenities within the building include a Café, Courtyard, Gym, an Art room, and a
Soundproof music room – Homelessness in LA has seen a nine percent year-over-year and 10 percent rise in the city, according to the 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count.

Zero Hedge: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported that global food prices increased for the third consecutive month in May. – This rise was driven by higher prices for cereals and dairy products, which outweighed declines in sugar and vegetable oil prices. – The re-acceleration of food price growth should be a cause for concern among policymakers.

Breitbart: 77% of Americans say politicians use transgenderism to distract voters from important political fights. – In response to a second poll question, only 16 percent of respondents said extra attention to transgenderism is good for society.

Gatestone Institute: Palestinian ‘Civilians’ Are Complicit in Hamas Crimes – The Palestinian families can hold only themselves accountable for the scores of Gazans who died during the rescue operation. Those families were not coerced or threatened into keeping the hostages inside their homes. The exact opposite is true: They were delighted to help Hamas because they support the terrorist group…

Washington Free Beacon: Israeli Soldiers on The Front Lines Say Biden’s Peace Plan Is Forcing Them To Fight Forever War – War-weary Israeli reserve soldiers from across the country say that Biden’s diplomacy is dragging out the Gaza war he is pressing Israel to bring to an end. – By restraining Israel, they said, Biden is preventing the Jewish state from defeating or deterring its genocidal enemies…

Slay Magazine: The Biden Administration Considers Bypassing Israel to Negotiate Directly with Hamas – U.S. representatives would negotiate with Hamas through Qatari representatives. – Israel’s discussions have been similarly taking place.

Washington Examiner: The House GOP jump-starts push to hold Garland in contempt of Congress – The vote to hold Garland in contempt comes after the top Justice Department official rejected a subpoena from House Republicans to provide access to audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with former special counsel Robert Hur. The committee subpoenaed Garland for those tapes in February to investigate Biden’s handling of classified documents.

Fox News: CBS host shocked by a poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants – ‘What exactly do people think they’re supporting?’ Margaret Brennan asked during ‘Face the Nation’

The Daily Fetched: Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe revealed that several high-ranking FBI personnel are getting ready to flee the US if Donald Trump returns to the White House in November. – He sats said the intelligence community members are worried Trump will prosecute them for their participation in several hoaxes, such as the “Russian collusion” lie, and falsely labeling Hunter Biden’s laptop from Hell as “Russian disinformation” before the 2020 election.

The Federalist: Tucker Carlson Is Going On A National Speaking Tour – When asked if the tour was a way to get around government information gatekeepers, Carlson replied, “Of course! The one thing Google can’t control is a live event.” – Publicly confirmed onstage guests will include Kid Rock, Donald Trump Jr., Marjorie Taylor Greene, Roseanne Barr, Vivek Ramaswamy, Russell Brand, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Charlie Kirk, Megyn Kelly, Kevin Roberts, and Dan Bongino, with more speakers to be added…

Dr. Robert Malone: Center Right Surges in European Elections – During the time of the US Biden Presidency, in close alignment with US/NATO policies, the majority of the ruling coalitions across Europe have moved far to the left – Last week’s European Parliament elections were a stunning setback to the narrative of the unstoppable momentum towards globalism, centralized planning and command economies, and suppression of national identities and cultures.

American Thinker: Gaslighted Again: After Biden announces border crackdown, The Border Patrol was told to go back to catch-and-release – Less than a week after Biden announced ‘consequences’ for illegal border crossers, a memo shows it is business as usual at Biden’s open border. – The reporter for the story, Anna Giaritelli, posted the memo here…

Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Knows Leftism Doesn’t Work – Do not expect the radical left to survey the wreckage of socialism and communism in history and accept that statism impoverishes people and erodes their freedoms. – If Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us—and soon.

National Review: California’s Minimum-Wage Disaster – One of the fundamental principles of economics is that if the price of something goes up, people will buy less of it. Californians are now learning the hard way that this principle applies to labor just as much as it does to any other good or service. – In reality, instead of a seat at the table with higher wages, thousands of workers are now unemployed.

American Thinker: Rejecting the Status Quo Is the Only Way to Survive – Whatever “Big Government” says, believe the opposite. – For instance, Obama promised that socialized medicine would lower health care costs without benefiting illegal aliens; a decade and a half later, the only people who can afford Obamacare are the illegal aliens who get it for free! – Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer passed an “Inflation Reduction Act” that has done nothing but exacerbate inflation…

Washington Examiner: President Joe Biden has done more to promote transgender ideology than any president, ever, and it’s backfiring big time. – This year, 65% of those surveyed said whether someone is a man or a woman is determined at birth, up from 54% in 2017, which is a serious change…

Townhall: Late last week, the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) and other health policy groups and conservative organizations called on medical professionals to stop providing so-called “gender-affirming” care for children. – The ACP and other groups, which will go by “Doctors Protecting Children,” published a declaration on their stance…

Geller Report: Teens Were Arrested For Scooter Tire Marks on Pride Mural Painted On A Street While The Biden Regime Defends Hamas Rioters Who Desecrate Historic Statues and Scream About Killing Jews – America has crossed the Rubicon. – Why do the Democrats paint Pride murals on streets if they don’t want people driving on them?

American Thinker: The Swamp’s Rational Hatred for Donald Trump – D.C.’s elite don’t hate Trump just because he loves America, but because he shines a harsh light on them and the things they have done. – To understand why he was and is so different, look at these people at the Swamp’s heart: Nancy Pelosi, 84, has spent 47 years in politics. She was a political science major with no experience in the private sector. – Chuck Schumer…

American Thinker: Did Dobbs abort the Left’s common sense and lead to the recent attacks on Justices Alito and Thomas? – My impression is that the Left knows that they can’t win anything without friendly judges carrying their water. – This is why they want to pack the court and fill it with judges who legislate with their opinions. It’s not going to happen and that’s why their rage burns on.

The American Conservative: Will the First Amendment Save Assange? – The Justice Department previously told a British court the First Amendment doesn’t apply to anyone “concerning the publication of illegally obtained national defense information giving the names of innocent sources to their grave and imminent risk of harm.” – The UK has extracted promises that prosecutors would recognize speech protections for the Wikileaks founder.

June 9, 2024

Epoch Times: China Tightens Its Grip on African Media And Is Pushing Anti-America Messaging – The CCP’s official mouthpiece is in at least 40 of Africa’s 54 countries, while Voice of America has one bureau left on the continent. – The U.S. government has done little to counter China’s dominance of African media landscapes. – On the contrary, budget cuts have forced the U.S. government’s international broadcaster, Voice of America (VOA), to shutter African bureaus and severely limit reporting from staff and freelancers on the continent…

BBC: Europe’s Night Of Election Drama – France’s President Emmanuel Macron has called a bombshell snap parliamentary election after being defeated by the far right in the European elections in a night of drama that overall saw the center-right tighten their grip on the EU Parliament. – France’s result was one of the big gains that Europe’s far-right parties had expected, and confirmation came with all the exit polls giving National Rally more than 30% of the vote, double that of Mr. Macron’s centrist Renaissance party.

Zero Hedge: The Biden administration just signed an economic suicide pact that would require the US and six other Western democracies to shut down their coal power plants by 2035, while China, India, and the rest of the world currently have more than 1,000 new coal power plants in the planning or construction phase. – The no-coal pact allows all nations but the Suicidal Seven to continue using as much affordable coal power as they like.

The Daily Caller: Forget Stoves, The Biden Administration Is Working Overtime To Phase Out All Your Gas Appliances – The DOE released a report in April describing all of the ways it would like to decarbonize America’s building stock in the coming decades by pushing electric vehicles, electric appliances and substantial changes to how the utility industry operates. – The Biden administration has also banned the use of natural gas in new federal buildings starting in 2030…

Slay Magazine: Joe Biden Is Mulling A Plan to Grant ‘Amnesty’ to 1 Million Illegal Aliens – Amid mounting pressure from the leftist wing of the Democrat party, reports suggest that Biden is considering a deportation shield for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens already living in the U.S.

Breitbart: This Is Why These 5 Big-Name Celebrities Regret Endorsing Joe Biden in 2020 – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Radio host Charlamagne, Rapper Cardi B, Actor Michael Rapaport, and Director Oliver Stone…

Gateway Pundit: Watch Caitlin Clark Respond, With Class, To The News That She Did Not Make The Olympic Team – Shame On These Five Selfish Women Who Crushed Her Dream – The greatest collegiate player in history, who broke nearly every Men’s and Women’s basketball scoring and assist records while at the University of Iowa, was excluded from the Olympic team. – However, Pot-smoking Brittney Griner, who has only played in one game and scored 11 points this year, made the team…

Breitbart: One of the Israeli Hostages that was Rescued yesterday during the Joint Operation in Central Gaza, 26-year-old Noa Argamani was being held Captive in the Home of Abdallah Aljamal, a Photojournalist and Writer/Editor for both Al-Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle. – During the Operation, Abdallah and several Members of his Family were Killed while attempting to Prevent the Rescue of Noa.

Zero Hedge: “Zero Tolerance” As Germany Will Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing – “Anyone who threatens our freedom and disturbs our peace should be afraid,” Scholz said in a Thursday speech at the Bundestag, where he announced that foreigners who commit serious crimes in Germany are no longer welcome – regardless of whether they’re refugees or seeking asylum…

Issues & Insights: Have *Any* Jobs Been Created Under Biden? – “The great American comeback continues,” Biden enthused. “On my watch, 15.6 million more Americans have the dignity and respect that comes with a job.” – The truth is that the job growth under Biden is much closer to zero than it is to 15.6 million and perhaps a loss of 6.2 million jobs…

Slay Magazine: Joe Biden Apologizes to Ukraine after Zelensky Complains about Lack of Support from American People – Since the endless war between Russia and Ukraine first started in 2022, American taxpayers have been funding the conflicts with hundreds of billions of dollars in aid. – For Ukraine’s leadership, however, it is never enough…

Slay Magazine: Judge Merchan Reveals That A Mistrial Is On the Table after a Juror May Have Leaked Trump’s Verdict Early – The evidence was a post to the court system’s Facebook page that suggested juror misconduct…

New York Sun: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Polling at 15 Percent, Edging Closer To Qualifying for the Presidential Debate – The American electoral system makes it hard for third parties to thrive, but still, it is possible to have a significant impact without coming close to winning…

Sharyl Attkisson: ‘The McAllen Project’: New Forensic Details on How the Government Spied on Me and My CBS Computers – Here are never-before-released details of the behind-the-scenes investigations – It all began
when I heard a noise coming from my personal Apple desktop computer in the small office adjacent to my bedroom. It was starting up on its own, actually, by someone else, somewhere else…

Just The News: Ten states ban ranked-choice voting as others push for it in November ballot measures – While 10 states have banned ranked-choice voting, six other states will have ballot measures in November proposing a switch to RVC. – RCV is an election process whereby if no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, then a runoff system is triggered.

Breitbart: The U.S. journalists who are ignoring the displacement and demotion of many U.S. professionals by millions of imported visa workers are suddenly complaining about the inflow of British journalists into their top media jobs. – “UK media execs are being handed some of the biggest jobs in U.S. journalism,” said a critical article in the media-industry site, The Wrap.com…

California Globe: California Democrats are so disturbed that the proposed ballot initiative to amend and fix Proposition 47 will qualify for the November 2024 ballot, they are planning to put a “poison pill” amendment provision in the bills in their “retail theft package,” to provide that the bills would be repealed if approved by voters in November. – Assembly Democrats are attempting to commandeer the initiative, with Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas throwing his weight behind the package of bills aiming to thwart serial retail theft.

June 8, 2024

American Thinker: The Clooney Shakedown of Biden Gets Worse as Biden Caves to Clooney on the ICC – If there are any questions as to why the U.S. has lost respect in the world because of Joe Biden, here’s another example. – Yes, fundraising was involved. – The Mercury News, or, Bay Area News Group, reports that indeed, Clooney’s still coming to that fundraiser for Joe Biden.

Western Journal: The Bar Owner Who Declared June ‘Heterosexual Awesomeness Month’ Details Incredible Response – Despite the pushback leftists gave, the promotion has been a resounding success for the bar. – The owner, Mark Fitzpatrick, says there has been a massive outpouring of support from the community and people are going out of their way to visit his bar…

Western Journal: A New California Tax Scheme Would Charge Citizens Based On Miles Driven And The Rate Could Be Based on Car’s Fuel Efficiency – There is already a pilot program in motion, called the 2024 Road Charge Collection Pilot…

Zero Hedge: How Homicide Rates Have Changed Since 2012 By US State – This graphic, via Visual Capitalist, from USAFacts examines the age-adjusted homicide rates by state from 2012 to 2022, and how they’ve changed. It uses CDC data available for 46 states, with no data available for New Hampshire, North Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming. – Mississippi tops the list…

New York Post: Four Israelis held hostage by Hamas were freed in a daring raid in central Gaza on Saturday. – Noa Argamani, 25, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andri Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 40, were all rescued, the IDF said after the mission. – The hostages were rescued during a “complex” operation at two locations in Nuseirat, central Gaza…

Zero Hedge: Putin Calls ‘Bulls**t’ On Supposed ‘Plans’ To Attack NATO and Says He’s Not Brandishing Nuclear Arms – Putin: “Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as a plank? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?”

American Thinker: Russian warships are set to visit Cuba and the Biden administration is not alarmed – Don’t they remember the Bay of Pigs? – For the Biden administration to not see the significance of this action is evidence of yet another failure, in a long list of failures, of their short-sighted and incompetent foreign policy…

Tipp Insights: Americans’ Top Priorities And The Direction Of The Country – Over one-third prioritizes the economy as the country’s most important issue. – Immigration/border security and national debt/federal government spending are the other top concerns. – Nearly two-thirds express dissatisfaction with the direction of the country…

Breitbart: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has agreed to testify before a Republican-controlled congressional subcommittee, but likely not until after former President Donald Trump is sentenced in July – House Judiciary Committee chairman, U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, wrote Bragg in late May after Trump’s conviction in his hush money trial, accusing him of having conducted a “political prosecution” and requesting his testimony at a hearing June 13…

American Thinker: Are We No More Than Spectators? – The Marxist Left feels no need to hide its true intentions of fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a communist welfare state, – The agents of destruction (the Marxist Left) have seized control of all levers of power, social and institutional. One after another the avenues of redress of grievances have been shut down…

American Thinker: Prices Are Never Going Down – Two years ago, inflation peaked at around 9%, and today, it’s hovering around 3%, so why haven’t prices come down? – A common misconception often fueled by the crowd on the left alleges corporate greed, but inflation isn’t the price level, it’s the rate of increase in prices. – A reduction from 9% to 3% doesn’t mean that prices will come down 6%; now they will go up another 3%...

American Thinker: The Evidence Is In, Progressivism Is a Mental Illness – Here’s how, with many examples, to understand the shambolic, emotion-driven mentality of Democrats. – For example, We see psychological displacement when progressives transfer blame for crime from criminals onto cops, with demands to defund, abolish, or even kill the police…

American Thinker: A New Era for the DoJ – Once back in the White House, Donald Trump will have a mandate like no other to address the cesspools of legal corruption across so many states and cities. – Trump 2.0 already has the tools to “clean house,” promising to implement the Schedule F appointment regulations, allowing him to replace 20,000 civil servants and thousands of these could be DoJ lawyers…

American Thinker: In New York, you can illegally trespass into this country, take money that you didn’t earn for hotel rooms, food, and spending money, take advantage of taxpayer-funded services like public school and county health services, then march for the abolition of ICE and block public streets. – But, you cannot unfurl a flag in support of President Trump and a fair justice system while marching on public streets…

Gateway Pundit: HERE YOU GO, Caitlin Clark’s Stats PROVE She’s Leading MOST OLYMPIANS in MOST CATEGORIES! – But Team USA veterans were concerned about how Caitlin Clark’s millions of fans would react to her likely limited playing time on a stacked Olympic roster…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, BANANA PEELS TIME – I get the comparisons being made between the Biden regime and banana republics of old, especially since this is an insult to several former banana republics…

June 7, 2024

Zero Hedge: The U.S. economy seems to be cracking finally. – This month a slew of retailers such as Target, Lowe’s, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Best Buy, and Foot Locker reported negative year-over-year sales comps, and that’s before adjusting for the inflation that makes them 3% to 4% more negative in “real” terms…

Center Square: A new Emerson College poll found that former Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felonies in New York hasn’t dented his support with voters. – Forty percent of voters said Trump’s criminal conviction of 34 felonies does not impact their vote this November. – Another 33% said it makes them less likely to support Trump and 27% said it would make them more likely to back Trump.

Zero Hedge: The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All – The MIC was born after World War II from the “conjunction of an immense military establishment,” the Pentagon, the armed forces, intelligence agencies, and others, “and a large arms industry.” – Those two forces, the military and the industrial, united with Congress to form an unholy “Iron Triangle” or what some scholars believe Eisenhower initially and more accurately called the military-industrial–congressional complex…

Zero Hedge: SpaceX shares spiked higher Friday, with sellers reporting increased demand due to the success of the Starship test launch. – SpaceX is privately traded and operates several business lines, including satellite communications, human spaceflight, and custom hardware build-outs for SpaceX companies.

New York Post: Former President Donald Trump has claimed President Biden is being controlled by “very evil forces” with a “sick ideology.” – Trump dropped the claim during a wide-ranging interview with Dr. Phil Thursday when the TV psychologist asked him about the “darkest” moments he’s faced in the wake of his historic criminal conviction and a slew of other ongoing legal battles.

Fox News: The judge presiding over former President Trump’s New York criminal trial notified his defense team on Friday of a comment on the court’s public Facebook page that implies one of the jurors discussed the guilty verdict with family before the trial concluded. – Fox News obtained the letter Judge Juan Merchan shared with Trump’s defense attorneys and Manhattan prosecutors. 

Zero Hedge: Is Fast Food Affordable Anymore? – A Detailed Look At Menu Prices Over The Years – From 2014 to 2024, average menu prices have risen between 39% and 100%, outpacing inflation during the given period. – McDonald’s menu prices have doubled (100% increase) since 2014 across popular items, the highest of any chain analyzed…

Powerline: Hezbollah is attacking Israel with rockets and other munitions across its northern border, and has displaced some 80,000 Israelis from their homes. – Ambassador Oren states that the dire situation in Israel’s north is “unknown” while photos of President Biden and Secretary Blinken appear on the screen. For sure they know all about it, but they don’t want Israel to deal with it…

Breitbart: Half of all the Hamas terrorists in Gaza have been killed during the war, according to Reuters, citing U.S. officials Thursday, and most of the remaining ones are holed up in the town of Rafah, where Israel has been advancing slowly. – Israel estimates that it has killed roughly 15,000 Hamas terrorists, which falls within the range of U.S. estimates…

Breitbart: Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress on July 24 at the behest of U.S. congressional leaders. – “I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world,” Netanyahu said.

Issues & Insights: Shades Of Richard Nixon – Biden Refuses To Turn Over His Potentially Devastating Audio Tapes of His Interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur – The Biden administration argues that there’s no reason to turn over the tapes since the transcripts are already out. – But last Friday, the administration admitted that the transcripts had been altered.

Issues & Insights: In No Way MAGA, RFK Jr. Is Far To The Left Of Biden – Flying in the faces of those who find charm more persuasive than facts, however, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., despite the independent image he has fashioned for himself, is such an extreme radical that he might as well sign up with the far-left Squad in the House of Representatives, alongside Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) of the Bronx, Ilhan Omar of Minneapolis, Ayanna Pressley of Boston, and Rashida Tlaib of Detroit.

National Review: Some Voters Want an Outlaw – By treating Donald Trump as a unique outsider threat to the way things run, Democrats are burnishing his populist bona fides. – One problem for Democrats is that all the extraordinary measures used against Trump ended up repairing his credibility with a certain set of voters who want something more than an average Republican…

California Globe: Why Tech Giant David Sacks is Endorsing Donald Trump as 47th President – ‘We can’t afford another four years of Bidenomics’ – Thursday evening David Sacks and his wife held a fundraiser in San Francisco for 45th President Donald Trump. They raised $12 million towards the election of Trump as the 47th President, as RNC member Harmeet Dhillon announced. – Donald Trump has announced that they have raised a whopping $400 MILLION since his conviction!!!!

American Conservative: Here’s How The Polls Are Reacting to Trump’s Conviction – The former president’s conviction hasn’t changed much if anything. Why? – It’s the swing states, stupid, and early polls suggest Trump’s conviction hasn’t changed things anything in these crucial states…

American Thinker: Should Garland be charged with lying to Congress? – Merrick Garland dares to say that no one is above the law, then goes and makes a fool of himself during sworn testimony. – Why would the Justice Department withhold the transcripts from its interview with Biden? It is a lie when Garland says it is to protect future investigations—it is a political decision.

Sharyl Attkisson: Top Republicans uncover records allegedly showing FBI obstruction of justice under the Obama-Biden Administration – Then-Secretary of State John Kerry allegedly blocked multiple FBI arrest operations against people linked to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. – That was to spur further negotiations on the stalled, controversial Iran nuclear deal with the US.

American Thinker: California’s Sleazin’ – Gavin Newsom virtue-signaled by signing off on a law to deliver free health care for millions of illegal immigrants this past year. – He then tried to stick the federal government with the $52.7 million bill, that is, until he got caught.

Western Journal: National Banks Close 79 Branches Over Six Weeks – More than 400 brick-and-mortar branches have been shuttered this year by JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, BankUnited, BMO Bank, Citizens Bank, and Inwood. – California saw the greatest number of closures...

Slay News: Hundreds of Michigan residents were registered to vote on dates that were after their deaths. – The discovery was revealed in a recent filing by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF). – According to the PILF, 334 deceased Michigan registrants are listed on government records as registering to vote after their date of death.

June 6, 2024

Townhall: Joe Biden’s Last-Minute Executive Order to Secure the Border Fails On Day One – CPB sources reported a daily addition of approximately 4,000 illegal migrants in a single day as well as 1,500 crossings at designated ports of entry. – President Biden’s executive order would shut down the border if daily crossings exceeded 2,500 over a weeklong average, opening up only after a consistent reduction to 1,500 or fewer.

Scott McKay at American Spectator: 5 Quick Things on Joe Biden’s Explosive D-Day Evacuation – This presidency has officially gone to s**t. – 1. Lies Stink, and So Do Biden’s Trousers – Macron was left to glad-hand with American D-Day veterans who didn’t look overly excited that their president staged what looked like his second evacuation in five minutes…

Conservative Brief: Former AG Bill Barr Predicts Trump Conviction Will ‘Be Overturned – “When people were talking about it, I said that the case was an abomination, and I didn’t think it was going to be brought at the end of the day because it was so vaporous.” – “I think the Justice Department knows that the facts alleged in this case would not have constituted a federal campaign violation,” Barr added.

Western Journal: The Trump Conviction Deals A Fatal Blow to Biden – As New Data Arrives, It Makes Blue States Look Like Swing States – In Virginia, which hasn’t been a swing state in the presidential election since the George W. Bush years, Trump and Biden are in a dead heat. – Biden won that state by over 10 points in 2020…

Epoch Times Former advisor to President Donald Trump has been ordered to surrender to prison by July 1 to serve a four-month sentence he received after being convicted of contempt of Congress for violating a federal law called Section 192, which prohibits defying congressional subpoenas. – Mr. Bannon could seek a stay of his order. If a stay is granted, that could delay the surrender date.

The Center Square: Blaze Pizza joins other businesses leaving California for ‘growth’ elsewhere – Blaze Pizza’s move that will reduce its state corporate tax rate by more than a third. – Blaze’s relocation follows Rubio’s announcement it is closing 48 California stores, shedding an estimated 1,250 jobs. – A report from the Hoover Institution found California lost nearly 10,000 more fast food jobs after the state’s $20 per hour fast food minimum wage law was signed into effect last fall.

The Daily Fetched: Former Border security leaders with careers spanning decades have warned President Joe Biden’s “border security” plans will facilitate more illegal immigration, with over two million migrants flooding into the U.S. a year. – Former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan: “The border will never be ‘shut down’ under this executive action but rather will legalize an unjustified level of open borders”…

American Thinker: Today is D-Day – On this date 80 years ago, as our nation was immersed overseas in the deadly World War ll, President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the nation, asking for prayers and strength for the forthcoming battles.

Breitbart: Joe Biden used his speech at commemorations of the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, to attack Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “tyrant,” and to urge the world to “save democracy in our time.” – The latter statement evoked Biden’s rhetoric on the campaign trail, where he has cast former President Donald Trump as an enemy of democracy…

The Daily Fetched: Jill Pulls Biden Away from D-Day Event After He Mysteriously Bends Over and Crouches – Jill Biden appeared to cover her face, unsure of what to do as her husband looked like he downloading a diaper. – While Macron stopped to greet other attendees, Biden seemed confused, looking left and right as if unsure of his surroundings. – Macron looked over and gave Biden a thumbs up, seemingly concerned about his counterpart’s state…

The Daily Fetched: Former White House physician for Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump has said that Joe Biden’s mental decline is a national security concern amid reports the president is struggling to function behind closed doors. – Representative Ronny Jackson made the remarks after the Wall Street Journal reported that Biden has struggled so much at times that officials have wondered if he’s even awake…

New York Post: President Biden claimed Thursday that he has “known” Vladimir Putin “for over 40 years” — even though Russia’s president served as an undercover KGB intelligence officer through the entire 1980s. – “I’ve known him for over 40 years. – He’s concerned me for 40 years. – He’s not a decent man”

Zero Hedge: The US is preparing to announce a new $225 million weapons package for Ukraine, two weeks after the last package, which was at $275 million. – A few weeks before that, in early May, the US administration rolled out $400 million in defense aid. – Consequently, it appears the White House is planning to apportion new packages about every two or three weeks.

Zero Hedge: In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden’s authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. – White House officials alerted members of Congress to the Russian move on Wednesday.

Center Square: The Trump campaign has requested personal information from 8 high-ranking GOP members, giving insight into who the former president is most seriously considering to be his running mate. – Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, Florida Representative Byron Donalds, New York Representative Elise Stefanik, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do with the Prosecutions of Donald Trump – The five criminal and civil prosecutions of Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them. – It is past time for the media and Democrats to drop the ruse of Biden’s “neutrality and admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them…

Breitbart: A Week After The Phony Felony Convictions, Trump Still Leads Biden – After a group of political lynchers who called themselves a jury made the “convicted felon” talking point official, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party we call the corporate media went to work. – These are the same serial liars responsible for pushing past hoaxes such as The Russia Collusion Hoax, the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax, The Jussie Smollett Hoax and the list goes on…

American Spectator: President Biden Distracts Americans And Turns on Israel With A New Ceasefire Proposal – With America focused completely on Trump’s conviction under the stealth version of the 1798 Sedition Act, the Obama-led whizzes in charge of our foreign policy let Old Joe read out a grand new proposal for a Gaza ceasefire, a new version of the same old thing. – Obama’s fingerprints are all over this beauty…

American Thinker: Yellow Streak Running – Former FBI deputy chief McCabe says FBI agents are scared of going to jail if Trump is elected – There’s a reason federal agencies used to stay out of politics, but it appears the Obama generation never thought it meant them. – Don’t commit the crime if you can’t do the time…

American Thinker: The Monstrous Lie of White Privilege – No single concept has done more to harm our societal fabric than the claim that alleged white privilege has intentionally stolen another group’s freedom, economic prosperity, and free agency. – Everything about claimed White Privilege in 2024 is false, but it’s a lie that has real-world consequences for blacks, whites, and America as a whole…

American Thinker: Trump Brings Home The Bacon – When former (future) president Trump discusses Biden’s inflation, he emphasizes the price of bacon. – Sure, milk, eggs, chicken, bread… just about everything in the grocery store is exorbitantly priced, but it’s the price of bacon that hurts most for many…

American Spectator: Is California Trying to Kill Its Tech Economy? – Europe’s stringent tech regulations could be coming to California – One of the key reasons the U.S. tech industry has soared while Europe has wallowed is that the United States has traditionally taken a lighter hand toward regulation.

American Thinker: On June 4, the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research released their second annual survey on Americans’ attitudes toward electric vehicles, which showed yet again that most Americans do not intend to buy electric vehicles soon. – People say they are too expensive, take too long to charge, they prefer gas engine vehicles and…

American Thinker: Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook block on conservative political speech just recurred. – Here are several examples of what has happened to me and others in the recent past…

Lumen News: A coalition of doctors and other professionals representing numerous healthcare groups urged the medical organizations in the United States to “immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.”

Dr. Owen Anderson: Parents and Students are rejecting ASU – I address my substack to parents and potential students who need to know what ASU professors and administrators are pushing in the classroom. – When they find out what is going on, they decide that ASU is not for them…

The Federalist: Pride Events Aren’t Safe For Work Or Children, And That’s A Huge Tell – Why do queer people get a complete pass to be blatantly, publicly, sexually creepy in ways we never, ever tolerate for heterosexuals? – If you doubt what is going on, try going into a Target or public library during June. – You don’t even have to be in Hollywood like these “Pridesters” below to be forced to explain to your preschooler what gay sex is…

June 5, 2024

American Thinker: Judge Merchan may need to rethink his obvious desire to imprison Trump – Indeed, Democrats are facing a situation in which all options are bad…for them. – Given that all of these options are a problem for the Democrats, what’s left? – The best that Democrats can get out of this is to call Trump a “convicted felon,” which they’re currently working to death…

Epoch Times: US Job Openings Are At The Lowest Since February 2021, Falling 33 Percent in Past Two Years – There are currently more unemployed individuals available per job opening, indicating a cooling labor market…

Zero Hedge: We’ve been pounding the table on two very simple facts, that not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs “gained” in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden “recovery” has been, about to be revised away, but more shockingly, all the job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens, as we first pointed out more than a year ago…

Zero Hedge: As expected, the far-left ACLU announced its intention to sue the White House after Joe Biden announced a new executive order that would ostensibly reduce access to the asylum system for illegal aliens. – According to Axios, the ACLU had made preparations for such a lawsuit even before Biden officially announced the executive order, which he signed on Tuesday.

The Vigilant Fox: First, Tucker Carlson interviewed Javier Milei, then he interviewed Vladimir Putin. – Now he has released a highly-anticipated interview with El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele who has taken several firm actions and positions that make him a target of the left-wing media. They include Tough-on-crime actions – Investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials from previous administrations and support for free-market policies…

Liberty Daily: Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has been caught red-handed violating state law by appointing 13 agency heads without the Senate’s approval, according to a ruling by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Scott Blaney. – This ruling could ignite a new round of political gamesmanship as Hobbs tries to get her agency heads past the Senate’s scrutiny. 

City Journal: In Portland, The Intifada Begins in Kindergarten – The local teachers’ union encourages students to resist “Zionist bullies.” – Portland, Oregon, has earned its reputation as America’s most radical city. Its public school system was an early proponent of left-wing racialism and has long pushed students toward political activism…

Zero Hedge: The NY Times Confirms The ‘First’ Ukraine Strike On Russia Using US Long-Range Missiles – “Yehor Chernev, the deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s committee on national security, defense, and intelligence, said on Tuesday that Ukrainian forces had destroyed Russian missile launchers with a strike in the Belgorod region, about 20 miles into Russia.”

Gatestone Institute: Israel Is Helping The Palestinians More Than Those Who Condemn Israel – Many [Arab and Muslim states]… might feel obligated officially to support the Palestinians and a “two-state solution,” but behind closed doors will admit that a Palestinian state is the last thing they want…

Zero Hedge: It has been more than a year since the regional banking crisis exposed vulnerabilities in the financial system. – A new FDIC report showed that the banking sector is still grappling with ballooning unrealized losses. – There are a high number of “problem” banks, and various challenges that could worsen from high inflation and interest rates during the first quarter…

Epoch Times: Experts Weigh In on Trump’s Options for Appeal After Conviction – The jury instructions, indictment, testimony, and the judge’s background have all prompted speculation about a possible appeal. – The Appellate Division of the First Judicial Department will likely be the first to decide whether to take on the appeal.

Dennis Prager: America Has Its First Show Trial To understand the damage done by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan, and the Manhattan jury in the Donald Trump corporate records trial, one must first understand the most important rule of modern life: Everything the left touches, it destroys. – The DOJ and the American legal system are only the most immediate examples. – Here are 25 other examples…

Slay Magazine: Constitutional law scholar Professor Jonathan Turley predicts that Trump’s guilty verdict will be overturned by the Supreme Court, but warns that the high court won’t rule on the case “before the election.” – The George Washington University Law professor says Trump’s trial is full of “reversible error.”

American Spectator: Trump Is a Much Better Candidate Today Than He Was Yesterday – The convictions will mean more money and more support for the former president. – The Democrats seem to have forgotten the most important thing: they don’t have a problem with Trump, they have a problem with the millions of Americans who freely and willingly want to vote for him, and want to vote for him enthusiastically.

Resist The Mainstream: Former President Donald Trump officially rallied his supporters to embrace mail-in ballots and early voting for the upcoming November election. – His announcement came with the launch of an initiative called “Swamp the Vote USA.” – Former President Donald Trump officially rallied his supporters to embrace mail-in ballots and early voting for the upcoming November election. – His announcement came with the launch of an initiative called “Swamp the Vote USA.”

Real Clear Politics: 2024 Surprise, Virginia Is Turning Toward Trump – Trump is in a position to win “NeverTrump Republicans” — or NearlyNeverTrumpers — for the first time, while Biden is losing ground with the rural and working-class whites Democrats still need to win in places like Virginia.

Mark Halperin: The TRUMP VERDICT POLL AND FOCUS GROUPHere is the full package. – I think the package of a poll and focus group that 2WAY did with Wick Insights provides one of the best perspectives so far on the impact of the Trump criminal conviction on the voters who will decide who wins the election.

Washington Examiner: A prosecutor for Bragg wrote a letter to Judge Juan Merchan asking for the order restricting Trump’s speech to remain in place through a July 11 sentencing hearing and additional post-trial motions which could place Trump in a bind as he prepares to debate Biden in late June. – Trump on Tuesday asked the judge to remove the gag order just days after he was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records in New York.

Conservative Brief: Lawyers for Donald Trump have begun the process of appealing his 34 felony convictions stemming from a guilty verdict last week in his so-called ‘hush money’ trial in Manhattan. – The process isn’t likely to be a slam dunk for Trump, considering the incestuous political nature of the Democrat-heavy environment in New York, which includes the selection of appeals court judges.

Epoch Times: The Georgia Court of Appeal ordered on June 5 a stay on all proceedings in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s case against former President Donald Trump and eight codefendants, challenging the district attorney’s ability to prosecute the case. – This comes as the court has agreed to review whether Ms. Willis should be disqualified…

Epoch Times: The federal judge overseeing one of the criminal cases against Donald Trump has decided to open up an upcoming hearing to outside parties as she considers whether special counsel Jack Smith’s appointment was valid. – U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon said three outside experts will be able to make their cases for up to 30 minutes each during the hearing slated to take place in federal court in Florida on June 21.

The Federalist: America’s Corrupt Political Class Should Be Prosecuted, Not Trump – A former member of the US Attorney’s Office in New York wrote about a popular training exercise among the staff: Name a famous person and then tell the junior prosecutors to figure out a plausible crime that could be pinned on him. – The junior prosecutors win the game by finding the most obscure offense that fits the character of the celebrity and carries the toughest sentences…

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden Admits Kamala Harris Was Chosen As His VP for ‘Racial for Gender Identity’Reasons, Not Her Qualifications – “To me, the values of diversity, equality, and inclusion are literally, and that’s not kidding, the core strengths of America,” Biden said in Philadelphia. – “I’ve tapped into the full talents of our country, and it starts at the top our the vice president.”

Breitbart: An FBI Witness Confirms in Court That No Tampering Occurred with Hunter Biden’s Laptop – The testimony debunks longstanding claims by Hunter’s associates that the laptop’s data was subject to “hacking” and “manipulation.”

Western Journal: Joe Biden Gets Confrontational as He Sits Down for A Rare Time Magazine Interview, Telling A Reporter, ‘I Can Take You’ – There were numerous points in the interview where Biden lost his train of thought, mumbled incoherently, and interrupted himself…

Breitbart: In a sign that hiring may be slowing down, U.S. businesses added just 152,000 new jobs in May, marking the smallest increase this year, according to payroll giant ADP. – Economists had forecast a higher figure of 175,000.

Post Millennial: Over 500 noncitizens registered to vote in the local DC elections, with only 28 as Republicans – On Tuesday, thousands of Washington, DC residents cast their ballots in the district’s local elections. For the first time, however, United States citizens were not the only ones allowed to do so after a new law that came into effect this week extending the ability to vote in local elections to noncitizens.

American Thinker: Was Lee Harvey Oswald Framed By The Government? – A Forged Object In An X-Ray Says ‘Yes. – Dr. Mantik’s optical density proves that the 3.5 mm object superimposed in the JFK A-P autopsy skull X-ray adds evidence to the conclusion that the U.S. government from the first moments after the assassination planned to frame Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) as the lone gun assassin…

American Thinker: Trump gave America energy independence and Biden took it away – Under Trump, the US proudly held the title of the world’s leading producer of both oil and natural gas. – The numbers speak volumes: record-high natural gas production, a three-year streak of being a net natural gas exporter, and an export capacity nearing 10 billion cubic feet per day…

American Thinker: Biden’s border ‘crackdown’ is a con job based on another Biden bait-and-switch. – His new executive order will still allow millions of illegal aliens to enter America annually. – Biden de facto nullified America’s immigration laws, an unconstitutional and tyrannical act. Unsurprisingly on his watch, illegal immigration soared. This one chart alone tells the tale…

American Thinker: The Real Threat To Democracy – Democrats are famous for claiming their adversaries are doing whatever malign actions they are guilty of themselves. – Let’s make a distinction between two flavors of democracy, Democracy, rule by the people, or, “Democracy,” rule by Democrats,  via specific members of the Democrat party…

American Thinker: NASA discovers that 80% of ‘global warming’ in last ten years was caused by ‘net zero’ policies – But don’t worry, they say the increase is only… “transient.” – It’s also important to keep in mind that man cannot create atoms. – It’s physically impossible to increase the level of atmospheric CO2 beyond what it was at some point in time in the past when life on this planet already existed…

American Thinker: An Out-of-Control Administrative State Turns a Parking Lot into a Mine by declaring the company’s sporadic coal hauling brought it under MSHA’s jurisdiction and the trucks and the parking lot constituted a coal mine.- For too long, bureaucrats, unelected and unaccountable to the people, have operated outside the restraints of the democratic process, willfully plying the interests of pressure groups and working to further political agendas…

American Thinker: January 20, 2025 – The events depicted below are intended to be fanciful—or are they? – 9:00 AM: Donald Trump sits in the Federal Correctional Institution in the Town of Mount Hope, NY, his loyal Secret Service crew rotating shifts ever since his November landslide victory as a precaution against him being “Epsteined”…

Western Journal: With the backing of former President Donald Trump, former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy walked away with the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat in Montana currently held by Democrat Jon Tester. – Sheehy received 73.6 percent of the vote with 86 percent of the results reported and won every county…

Western Journal: House Republicans sent criminal referrals for James and Hunter Biden to the U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday, accusing both of lying to Congress during testimony during the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

Zero Hedge: 3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With The Big Push For Electric Vehicles. – #1: EVs Are Not Green – #2: EVs Can’t Compete Without Government Support – #3: EVs Are About Controlling You and EVs Are Spying Machines. – Also, the electricity consumption per household would be equal to an additional 25 refrigerators if the average US home adopted EVs…

California Globe: Diversity Of Thought Is A Fantasy for CSU Students – ‘Of all the assignments I’d expected, the academic challenges I’d anticipated, this was never on the list.’ – On the first day of school, my professor passed out over twenty copies of a letter he’d received from Representative LaMalfa during the COVID-19 pandemic. – Our assignment was to note the rhetorical devices being used by LaMalfa, particularly logical fallacies…

California Globe: California Democrats Are Pushing A Bill to Require CSU, UC, and Community Colleges to Hire ‘Undocumented Non-citizens.’ – Hiring illegal aliens on campus would violate the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. – AB 2586, the “Opportunity for All” bill “would allow students equal access to campus job opportunities, regardless of immigration status at the University of California, California State University, and California Community Colleges”

Daily Mail: The ugly truth is that Caitlin Clark is the victim of jealous, race-baiting WNBA bullies who can’t stand to see her win. – That Carter appeared to mutter ‘Yo bitch’ just before slamming into Clark made the cheap hit even more jarring. – TIM HOWARD says this is how she should fight back. – The greatest athletes of all time rise to the occasion so that’s why there’s only one way for Clark and her teammates to respond and that’s by winning…

June 4, 2024

Red State: Senile Biden’s Interview With TIME Goes Way Off the Rails; He Even Challenges the Reporter to a Fight – If you want to know why the Department of Justice is doing everything it can to block Joe Biden’s special counsel interview from seeing the light of day, the interview he just did with TIME provides all the reasoning necessary.

Western Journal: Donald Trump responded to Biden’s border plan, saying, “Millions of people have poured into our country — and now, after nearly four years of his failed, weak, pathetic leadership, Crooked Joe Biden is pretending to finally do something about the border. – But in fact, it’s all show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks.”

The Daily Signal: Biden’s Edict on Southern Border Is an Election Year Stunt, Republicans Say – Joe Biden signed an executive order Tuesday giving himself the authority to close the border when the seven-day average of daily border crossings between ports of entry exceeds 2,500. – Biden is drawing on the authority in Title 8 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to temporarily close the border.

Washington Free Beacon: Documents Show Biden’s Immigration Executive Order Is Full Of Loopholes – Even after the border is allegedly shut down some migrants may still enter the United States. – Any “noncitizen,” the memo states, may be permitted to enter under “urgent humanitarian” conditions. – Migrants who claim they’re afraid to return to their home country could avoid deportation.

Wall Street Journal: Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping – Participants in meetings said the 81-year-old president performed poorly at times while the White House said Biden is sharp and his critics are playing partisan politics. – Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy; “I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I’d go to his house,” he’s not the same person.”

Western Journal: AG Merrick Garland Scrambles When Pressed About Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Letitia James During His House Hearing – Garland sidestepped several questions and ultimately claimed the DOJ had not been involved with civil and criminal cases targeting Trump in New York and Georgia…

Just The News: House investigators have obtained evidence showing that former President Donald Trump’s Secret Service driver wanted to quickly refute testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson alleging a struggle in the presidential limousine during the Capitol riots but the Democrat-led January 6 committee rebuffed him for months.

City Journal: Didn’t Earn It – For more and more Americans, these words spell out the real meaning of DEI. – Americans have now experienced a half-century of programs and policies promoting reverse discrimination. They’re sick of pretending that it’s not happening…

City Journal: Joe Biden’s Destructive Pot Gambit – The White House is set to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug. – Shortly before Barack Obama left office in 2016, his DEA reexamined marijuana’s schedule classification and agreed with Congress’s 1970 designation. – Unlike today, the DEA wasn’t then under a de facto presidential order to find a particular result…

American Spectator: Gavin Newsom Is Not Having a Good Time – Amid the budget disaster, even progressives are turning against him. – The disparity between tax revenues and spending is so vast that the entire system — celebrated by liberals as a model of progressive governance — is a house of cards. – And it was all built by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who chose extravagant progressive policies over maintaining a sustainable budget.

American Spectator: A Short History of Democratic Party Lawfare – The party’s use of the criminal justice system to maintain political power dates back to slavery. – Democrat Party officials imposed “Jim Crow” laws in many states of the Deep South as part of a deal for not continuing to challenge the controversial presidential election of 1876. – Democrats insisted on an end to Reconstruction, which allowed them to pass and enforce various segregationist laws.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Here’s Why Carbon Offsets Are a ‘Scam’ — Many of the world’s largest companies rely on carbon offsets to reach “net zero” emissions goals. – However, investigations reveal that more than 90% of these offsets are likely “phantom credits” that allow corporations to continue polluting while claiming to lower their carbon footprints…

Resist The Mainstream: More than one million United Methodists have left the church in response to new rules permitting gay pastors and same-sex marriages during a conference in early May in North Carolina. – This departure dealt a significant blow to the United Methodist Church, as the Ivory Coast division is its largest overseas jurisdiction, representing about 12 percent of the global membership.

American Conservative: The West Should Be Receptive to Russia’s Openness to Talks – The Kremlin has issued a flurry of statements in the past few weeks that suggest that Russia is ready to negotiate a diplomatic settlement to the war in Ukraine. – There is no reason not to believe in the existence of a viable diplomatic solution.

Gatestone Institute: Who Is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests; Are They Aiming to Take Down America? – Terrorists and their billionaire, as well as less-affluent supporters, are actively conspiring to destroy the US with the backing of foreign powers – What is even more jarring is that the Biden administration, and therefore taxpayer money, is also funding the protests, through the Environmental Protection Agency…

Zero Hedge: Joe Biden Backhands Bibi Saying, There Is ‘Every Reason’ To Believe Netanyahu Is Prolonging War For Political Survival – One question that remains is what Biden plans to do about it. Will he bring real pressure to bear on Netanyahu or will this just stop at negative words?…

Townhall: Despite White House’s Opposition, House Passes Roy’s Bill Sanctioning ICC With Bipartisan Vote – Representative Roy made clear in summing up the bill that “at stake right now is the critically important issue of ensuring we protect America’s interest!”

Breitbart: Witness Erika Jensen, an FBI agent, confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop during the second day of his gun trial on Tuesday. – Breitbart News’ Emma-Jo Morris, formerly of the New York Post, first reported the “laptop from hell” story in October 2020. It was immediately spun by the establishment media as “Russian disinformation.”

Breitbart: Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday during a House, hearing refused to say whether he would provide Congress with any Justice Department correspondence with local prosecutors going after former President Donald Trump. – Garland denied there was any collusion between the Biden DOJ and state and local prosecutors going after Trump, such as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D), Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D), and New York Attorney General Letitia James (D).

Dallas Ludlum: The Biden Administration’s Destructive and Dangerous Lawfare Offensive – Multiple sources detail how the Biden administration has coordinated efforts to indict Trump, ostensibly to prevent him from reclaiming the presidency. – Their Actions are Tearing Away at the Fabric of Our Republic…

The Vigilant Fox: Dr. Phil Delivers Message Everyone Needs to Hear – Dr. Phil says he is “not into politics,” but the recent lawfare against former president Trump has compelled him to break his silence. – “We are not some banana republic, for God’s sake!” – “What are we gonna do next, have a Putin poisoning posse and start finding political opponents foaming at the mouth at home, not so mysteriously dying in their la-z-boy recliners?”

American Conservative: Here Are the Connections Between the People Behind Trump’s Prosecutions – Conspiracy is a strong word, but the interlocking cliques are undeniable. – This disjuncture between the cases’ strangeness and their weakness may not be a coincidence but may function to mask a more familiar Washington story, a group of interconnected partisans hounding a president and corrupting American law.

Epoch Times: Biden to Sign Order to Close Asylum Processing When Daily Illegal Crossings Average 2,500 – This new rule does not apply to those who use one of the lawful pathways to come into the United States.

Western Journal: Former President Donald Trump is calling for the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in his Manhattan business records case, so the Democrat-led state can be stopped from interfering anymore in the 2024 election. – He’s right, enough is enough.

Epoch Times: As Climate Lawsuits Ramp Up Against Oil and Gas, So Could Energy Costs – States are not just suing oil and gas companies; they are also lodging climate-related lawsuits against food companies. – Analysts say multiple goals are driving these suits to put them out of business…

Zero Hedge: Here Is The “Unexpected” Reason Why The Fed Could Rush To Cut Rates As Soon As Possible – Now, fresh data from the Bureau of Labor Services reaffirms that the monthly non-farm payroll prints likely overstated job growth by at least 730,000 last year, in line with the Philly Fed estimate, with hiring maybe even falling below zero in October.

American Greatness: Disney is one of America’s most woke companies. – It sees itself as being out in front on cultural and social issues, especially where Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are concerned. – This has been a huge issue in America’s—especially American parents’—loss of trust in the House of Mouse. – Hubris and arrogance are leading to the destruction of a great American company.

Lawyer Lisa: Why will minors ALWAYS BE AFFIRMED? – Because otherwise if you attempt to ‘convert’ the minor to cis-gender to align with the gender at birth you will go to jail. – Consider stats that show a large proportion of gay adults are often subjected to gender hormones and surgeries as minors.

California Globe: Los Angeles County: Least Prepared County in the Entire Country For A Natural Disaster – Six of the top 8 least prepared counties are in California – Claimguide used community resilience, social vulnerability, and overall inherent risk of natural disasters in the county as metrics. While many areas had worse social vulnerability with poorer areas and worse community resilience with bad recovery abilities, L.A. County managed to score low enough across all three metrics to be the only county in the country to get a score of 100, the worst possible score…

June 3, 2024

City Journal: The “Indoctrination” Of New Hires – Documents from the University of Oregon reveal the school’s troubling hiring policies. – All departments seeking to hire new faculty to create an “Institutional Hiring Proposal.” – A template is provided, with a series of questions about the proposed position that requires every department to address concerns related to “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”…

The Daily Signal: America Is Under Attack – This is not a war with Russia or China. It is not an amorphous war on terror or a war on drugs. This is a war from within. – Right now, a president, who record numbers of Americans don’t think even won the last election—and for good reason—has ordered the legal, intelligence, and law enforcement services of this country to arrest and detain his chief political rival…

Epoch Times: The Trump Verdict Seen as ‘Pivotal Moment’ for Undecided Voters – Lawyers, pollsters, and politicos weigh in on how they think the New York jury’s decision will affect the 2024 presidential race…

Epoch Times: Speaker Johnson Urges Supreme Court to Overturn The ‘Dangerous’ Trump Guilty Verdict – ‘I think they’ll set this straight, but it’s going to take a while,’ Mr. Johnson said of his expectations for the verdict to be overturned.

Epoch Times: Trump Addresses Possibility of Prison Sentence, ‘I’m OK With It.’ – Meanwhile, fundraising continues to skyrocket for the Trump campaign and exceeds $200 million according to the latest information.

Epoch Times: Demand for Trump Merchandise ‘Exploded’ After Conviction, Retailers Say – “The demand for anything and everything Trump has just exploded,” Mr. Kligman told The Epoch Times on May 31. “I mean, it is nuts, and we’ve never seen anything close to what we are witnessing right now.”

American Spectator: Hillary Mislabeled Steele Dossier Payments as ‘Legal Fees’ – If Trump was convicted of disguising campaign expenses as legal fees to influence an election, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s analogous conduct should have resulted in similar treatment by our justice system. It did not because our two-tier system of justice brought no criminal charges…

Epoch Times: Joe Manchin Leaves The Democrat Party And Registers as an Independent – ‘Today, our national politics are broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground,’ Sen. Joe Manchin said.

Lawyer Lisa: Our elite 1% answer a Rasmussen poll honestly and indicate it’s OK to cheat to win elections – The difference between the responses from average Americans vs. the elite 1% is truly shocking…

CBS News: A Biden executive order restricting asylum processing along the U.S. border is expected on Tuesday. – The sweeping move is expected to allow U.S. immigration officials to quickly deport migrants who enter the U.S. illegally, without processing their asylum claims, when border crossings surpass a certain threshold…

Post Millenial: 2024 presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump said that he would declassify documents surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, 9/11, and the President John F. Kennedy assassination over the weekend. – He committed while sitting down with Fox & Friends Weekend for an interview, “Would you declassify the 9/11 files,” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy asked, to which Trump responded “Yeah.” 

PJ Media: While everyone was distracted by Donald Trump’s New York State convictions for what was, in truth, a couple of federal misdemeanors, the New York Post revealed that President Joe Biden has been quietly “operating a program of ‘mass amnesty’ for migrants.” – In operation since 2022, Biden’s stealth amnesty program means that illegals — so-called asylum-seekers — have been “removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities.”

Post Millennial: A Georgia appeals court has set an October hearing to determine whether Fulton County DA Fani Willis may stay on the RICO case she brought against President Donald Trump and 18 other co-defendants. – A challenge was brought to her remaining on the case due to revelations that she had an affair with one of the attorneys she brought onto the case.

Gateway Pundit: A New Video Exposes How The Capital Police Orchestrated Stampede that Killed Roseanne Boyland on January 6 – This video shows irrefutable proof that Roseanne Boyland was NOT killed from a drug overdose (as the corrupt DC Coroner’s Office reported) but died because of a stampede organized by Capitol Police…

American Spectator: Pride Month Is Awful. – Well, we’re a couple of days into the annual festival of malignant narcissism that is Pride Month — a 30-day bacchanal of corporate virtue-signaling and cranky anti-normal bigotry the majority of the population is growing weary of and is beginning to despise…

The Center Square: San Diego-based Mexican fast food chain Rubio’s Coastal Grill is shutting down 48 California locations, citing the “rising cost of doing business” as a factor in its rationale. – Business leaders point to the state’s $20 per hour fast food minimum wage, which took effect in April, as a major new pressure point for businesses operating in the state. 

June 2, 2024

American Spectator: With All Eyes on Gaza, Hezbollah Attacks From the North – Through its proxies in Lebanon and the West Bank, Iran has laid the groundwork for continual war against Israel.

Epoch Times: Childcare costs in the United States increased nearly twice as fast as overall inflation over the past three decades, according to a recent report by accounting firm KPMG. – Expenses related to child care now account for up to a fifth of a family’s income. – Worker shortages in the childcare sector are “acute.”

June 1, 2024

Gateway Pundit: Politico Calls Alvin Bragg the ‘Reluctant’ Prosecutor of Trump, Even Though He Ran on Doing It – The Politico piece is pure garbage, praising Bragg for his assault to secure justice…

Epoch Times: The US Secret Service Reacts to Trump’s Criminal Conviction – The agency said that “today’s outcome has no bearing on how the United States Secret Service carries out its protective mission.”

Gateway Pundit: The White House Admits in Federal Court They ‘Doctored’ Joe Biden’s Special Counsel Testimony Transcript to Make Him Appear Less Incompetent – The blatant alterations were made to artificially inflate Biden’s competence during his five-hour interrogation about his mishandling of classified documents.

Jessica Hockett: A Timeline Of COVID-19 Events – The Young and Healthy Are at Risk – Tracing the launch and deployment of a U.S.-based narrative that became part of The New York City Pandemic Show script – This is a draft timeline I plan to keep updating with additional healthcare worker voices, official statements, and “sentinel” examples of young COVID deaths in New York City that were reported in spring 2020.

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