July 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

July 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

Below are links with summaries of primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is happening in America and worldwide.

Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines and summaries should provide enough insight into the article’s content.

Hopefully, you will take the time to read some of them which should open your eyes to the reality of the #DeepState and those promoting the #NewWorldOrder as well as consistent #MediaBias, ongoing #FakeNews, and #Gaslighting, as well as the relentless attack on American values by Liberals and the #Progressive Left.

Liken the process of becoming better informed to working on a giant puzzle. As you read more and more about what is going on, things begin to fall into place and you finally see the big picture.

(FYI – I occasionally include links to articles that although not very newsworthy are so silly and/or outrageous that they need to be seen to show the level of idiocy that exists in the world these days. Additionally, some articles may appear to be outlandish, but are also believable so I leave it to readers to decide for themselves and many things we considered to be conspiracy theories in the past are now turning out to be true.)

You can use your browser’s search function to find articles of interest to you. Hold down the CTRL/CMD key at the lower left of your keyboard and simultaneously press the F key. Then enter a word in the pop-up box that appears toward the top of your screen. This will show you how many articles there are with that word in the title. Then click on the up or down arrow to see each article title.

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July 31, 2024

Jordan Schachtel: The Biden-Harris Administration agrees to let the 9/11 plotters live after striking a plea deal. – This is an unbelievable betrayal. – The pre-9-11-01 era was such a peaceful time compared to today. – Those good times left the American people so caught off guard regarding the ideology that inspired the likes of Osama bin Laden and his allies…

Issues & Insights: Is Hamas a legitimate political party, or a terrorist organization? – It’s important because much of U.S. policy depends on the answer. – American voters have a resounding response: By nearly eight to one, they say Hamas is a terrorist group, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

Vigilant News: It Only Took One Day to Debunk This Secret Service Phony Narrative – Today, an explosive video reveals a person running on the roof in plain sight minutes before Crooks opened fire. – “Shooter, no elbows, you barely make out the crown of his head,” Rowe testified. – This newly-surfaced video shows someone moving straight up, making it hard to understand why snipers didn’t spot him.

Vigilant News: New Shocking Footage Shows Someone (Crooks?) Running on the Roof Moments Before Trump Was ShotThe video was filmed by James Copenhaver, who got shot twice and was critically wounded.

Fox News: Trump assassination attempt – Iran threat prompts questions about gunman’s un-cracked encryption – Thomas Matthew Crooks’ encrypted communications remain inaccessible to FBI investigators.

Western Journal: Bombshell New Footage Reportedly Shows Trump Shooter Was Visible From Stage, Running Across Roof – The figure is very small in the video, making it difficult to identify if the figure is Thomas Matthew Crooks, who tried to assassinate Trump from the roof of an American Glass Research Building in Butler, Pennsylvania. – However, no other individuals were reported on the roof at the time the video was taken.

Epoch Times: The Biden Administration Announces New Rules That Will Make Millions More Eligible for Student Debt Relief. – If finalized, the proposed rules would bring the total number of borrowers eligible for debt forgiveness to more than 30 million. – The DOE said that if the rules are approved, the proposed relief would automatically apply to eligible borrowers.

The Daily Signal: Biden’s Illegal Title IX Rule Is Set for Enforcement – This year will bring one massive change to schools and colleges across the country. On Aug. 1, President Joe Biden’s Department of Education is set to enforce its massive rewrite of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972—the simple, 37-word statute that bars sex discrimination in any federally funded education program.

Dov Fischer via American Spectator:  Millions of Jews Agree With Trump’s Criticisms of the ‘Crappy’ Ones – We just say it nicer, and rabbis like me have been publishing it for years. – President Trump is 100 percent correct when he says that a Jewish voter who now votes blindly Democrat, just by course of habit and not by carefully comparing the Trump record with the Obama and Biden records, needs to have his head examined.

American Spectator: Online Readers Wallow in Misinformation – From Too Many Gatekeepers to Too Few, As Online Mockery Hinges On Fabrication – Something is amiss, big time. – The Vance example serves as a reminder of the dangers of a world without editors, but also of the reality that many people just don’t care if the misinformation they are enjoying is untrue. – Whatever one’s views of Vance, he really shouldn’t be subject to salacious hoaxes…

Epoch Times: U.S. District Judge Peter G. Sheridan Strikes Down New Jersey’s AR-15 Prohibition and Upholds The Ban on Large Capacity Magazines – The ban on AR-15s cannot stand because it is inconsistent with America’s historical tradition of gun regulation, Judge Sheridan wrote….

The New York Times: As War Gets Bleaker, More Ukrainians Appear Open to a Peace Deal – Most Ukrainians still oppose ceding any territory to Russia, b But polls and recent remarks by the country’s leaders highlight a palpable shift in the conversation around peace talks.

Fox News: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran, Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard announced Wednesday, but nobody immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. – Israel was immediately blamed for the assassination after pledging to kill Haniyeh and other Hamas leaders over the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack on the Jewish State.

Breitbart: Hamas terror organization political chief Ismail Haniyeh, who was reportedly killed early Wednesday, had called on Muslim leaders worldwide to “hold on” to the October 7 “victory” and “build upon it.” – He also appealed for monetary support for Gaza — which he described as “financial Jihad” — while declaring “the time has come for the Jihad of the swords.”

Russia Overnight Launched The Single Biggest Drone Attack On Kyiv Since War’s Start – The major new assault appears retaliation and ‘punishment’ from Moscow for a Ukraine cross-border operation that happened Sunday, reportedly resulting in damage to two Tu-22M3 bomber planes parked at an airfield in Murmansk, in Russia’s far north.

Zero Hedge: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Tuesday overturned a lower court’s decision requiring Texas to relocate a 1,000-foot floating barrier in the Rio Grande, installed to prevent illegal border crossings. – The Fifth Circuit found that the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas had abused its discretion when it ordered Texas to relocate the buoys from the river last summer.

Fox News: Statistician Nate Silver released his first election model on Tuesday that considers the fact that Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democratic nominee. – Silver noted that although Harris is favored to win the popular vote, she is “a modest underdog to Trump in the Electoral College, risking a repeat of the popular vote-Electoral College split that cost Democrats the 2000 and 2016 elections.”

American Thinker: President Trump’s latest long interview this week on FOX News puts more of his thinking on the record – Subjects covered include, Kamala Harris, the assassination attempt, the Olympics, his legacy, and other topics were covered. – On whether he will debate Vice President Kamala Harris, “The answer is yes I’ll probably end up debating her and think the debate should take place before the votes start being cast.”

Breitbart: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe during a Senate hearing Tuesday refused to pinpoint who denied requests by former President Donald Trump’s security detail over the last two years. – Senator Ted Cruz asked Rowe about a July 20, 2024, Washington Post report alleging that “top officials of the U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional resources and personnel” sought by Trump’s detail in the past two years.

American Conservative: Donald Trump’s Narrow Window to Spread the Truth About Harris – A key factor in Trump’s favor is that Harris is a genuinely radical left candidate—more so than any of her competitors (who had soundly bested her in the polls before the 2020 voting started), more so even than Bernie Sanders, whom the party establishment united against in March of that year…

Breitbart: It’s official. Vice President Kamala Harris will be the only candidate on the DNC virtual roll-call ballot for president after her effortless rise to become the party’s standard-bearer. – Her unchallenged solo position comes after party elites successfully pushed President Joe Biden to one side and installed her unopposed as the presumptive candidate in the 2024 race for the White House.

National Review: The Kamala Harris Psyop – Her manufactured stardom is the final test for liberal groupthink. – She dropped out of the 2020 Democrat primary before a single vote could be cast for lack of support, pledged to sign the Green New Deal, encouraged donations to a bail-reform group that released violent criminals, including sex offenders, back onto the streets, and the list goes on…

Issues & Insights: – The NY Times manages to sabotage its Kamala Harris reporting with this line: “Video clips of her old statements and interviews are being weaponized as Republicans aim to define her as a left-wing radical who is out of step with swing voters.” – Seriously? Showing video clips of Harris when she last ran for president constitutes “weaponizing” them?

National Review: Kamala Harris Is a Threat to America, and She Can’t Disguise It – For Kamala Harris, the newly anointed one, there is no part of the American system or compact that’s not up for grabs. – She revealed everything you need to know about her regard for checks on executive power during a 2020 primary debate…

New York Post: The ‘Bidenbucks’ Plan Uses Native American School Children In Their Voter Registration Scheme – The Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Education is feverishly scheming to use students in bureau-operated Native American K-12 schools to carry voter registration cards home to their parents.

July 30, 2024

Epoch Times: Police Snipers Noticed Trump Shooter Nearly 2 Hours Before His Assassination Attempt, Texts Reveal – Police noticed Thomas Matthew Crooks acting suspiciously 1 hour and 45 minutes before he shot at former President Donald Trump. – Senator Chuck Grassley published several text messages sent by a counter-sniper of the Beaver County Sheriff’s Office indicating that he noticed Crooks acting suspiciously near the rally site at 4:26 PM…

Real Clear Investigations: Democrats vs. The Man Who Could Get to the Bottom of the Trump Shooting, DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari – He has already opened two investigations but some Republicans are concerned because, they say, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has stonewalled Cuffari on other internal examinations – including one that might have revealed Secret Service lapses that might have prevented the attempt on Trump’s life.

Sharyl Attkisson: Most voters say they think this year’s election could be impacted by cheating according to the latest Rasmussen Reports and Heartland Institute survey. – They found that 62% of likely voters say they are concerned that cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 election, including 37% who say they are “very concerned.”

American Thinker: The media’s focus on candidates shouldn’t obscure the real issues in this election – The media would have us believe that this race is between Kamala the Magnificent and Trump the Dishonest along with Vance the Weird. – The real issue is whether America reverts to the constitutional, traditional values norm or opts for economic and cultural Marxism.

Daily Signal: Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe was directly involved in denying additional security resources and personnel, including counter snipers, to former President Donald Trump’s rallies and events—despite repeated requests by the agents assigned to Trump’s detail in the two years leading up to his July 13 attempted assassination – Rowe succeeded former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who resigned last week after bipartisan calls following her widely panned testimony before the House Oversight Committee.

Daily Signal: 6 Takeaways From The Senate Hearing on The Trump Assassination Attempt – ‘Cannot Defend Why That Roof Was Not Better Secured’ – The FBI’s Detailed Time Line – Cruz, Spokesperson ‘Lied on Behalf of the Secret Service’ – ‘No Explanation’ for Why Shooter’s Drone Worked and Secret Service’s Drone Had ‘Technical Difficulties’…

Slay Magazine: The notorious Venezuelan street gang, Tren de Aragua, has given its illegal alien members in America the “green light” to murder cops, federal authorities have warned. – The shocking threat was revealed in a bulletin by the Colorado Information Analysis Center. – The notice warns that a police department in New Mexico has received information from federal partners that members have been ordered to attack police officers in Denver.

Daily Signal: The Miller House Bill Would Codify Sex as Male and Female, Not Gender Identity or Expression – “To prevent further efforts to undermine the long-standing meaning and understanding of sex—male, female, and related terms—Congress must reaffirm and codify the meaning of these terms.”

Slay Magazine: Georgia Democrats Warm to Ditching Voting Machines: ‘Bad Guys’ Are ‘Interfering with Them’- Georgia Democrats are now backing calls from the state’s Republicans to replace Dominion Voting Systems machines with paper ballots. – The bi-partisan push is a rare example of agreement since the 2020 election deepened partisan divisions on how America should vote.

Just The News: Kari Lake wins Republican nomination for Arizona Senate, and will face Democrat Gallego in the fall. – Republicans are hoping to flip the vulnerable Senate seat after Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema announced she would not seek reelection.

Celia Farber: Venezuela Is In A Full-Scale Counter-Communist Uprising – Maduro Banners Set On Fire And Chavez Statues Toppled As Protesters Breach Barricades To Maduro’s Home – Maduro Has Activated Military Crackdown – Anthony Blinken Is “Concerned” About Venezuela’s Election Results Which Is Said To Be WORST Election Fraud In History.

Zero Hedge: Despite a recent influx of more Western weapons, including some of the first US-made F-16 fighter jets having been delivered in Kyiv, Russian forces have made significant gains in the Donbas, specifically in the region west of Avidiivka, several media outlets have reported. – Currently, Ukrainian troops are being encircled in the Pokrovsk direction, war maps show.

Courageous Discourse: Cops Were Around The Building With Weapons Drawn Two Minutes The Before Shooting – A New Video Shows Police Knew Of A Clear And Present Danger Long Before Shots Were Fired. – 1). Did the local police detail TRY to alert the Secret Service to get Trump off stage or at least to hit the deck? – 2). If so, were local police not provided access to the radio channel used by the Secret Service at the event?…

Epoch Times: The New Secret Service Director Announces Changes In The Wake of Trump Assassination Attempt – Acting Director Ronald Rowe Jr. said that he traveled to the site of the July 13 rally in Butler, PA, where former president Trump was shot by a man who fired from the roof of the nearby AGR building. – “What I saw made me ashamed”…

Conservative Brief: The Secret Service Delayed Trump’s Nashville Speech After Another Major Security Lapse – Two credentialed and screened attendees were removed from the venue for not following proper entry protocols. – It was later determined that there was no protective interest with these individuals and there was never a threat to the former president.

Western Journal: A Furious Secret Service Sniper Demands 4 More Resignations And Expects Another Assassination Attempt Soon – He will continue to call out the Secret Service failures on that day until “5 high-level supervisors (Cheatle equals 1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions.” He said snipers who worked the Trump rally on July 13 “DID THEIR JOB with their hands tied.”

The Center Square: Former President Donald Trump blasted Facebook and Google Tuesday after Facebook admitted it had censored photos of Trump’s assassination attempt, images widely seen as a major moment and rallying point for the Trump campaign. – Also, users on X, formerly known as Twitter, began posting online this week that Google searches for Trump’s assassination, including the photo, were not being autocompleted like other searches.

Front Page Magazine: Israel Takes Out The Top Hezbollah Terrorist Behind US Marine Barracks Bombing – The Marines lost more people that day than at any time since Iwo Jima and the number of Americans murdered that day by a terrorist group was a record that would stand until September 11. – They did the job Biden wouldn’t do.

American Thinker: The Democrat Party, Controlled By The Obama-Led Marxist Faction, Is the Greatest Threat to America. – Barack Obama and his henchmen deliberately fanned the flames of race and identity politics to further divide the citizenry and, used their Marxist foot soldiers to foment riots in a calculated Nazi-inspired tactic of further intimidating and marginalizing the “old guard” hierarchy of the party.

The Center Square: The FEC Complaint States The Biden-Harris Campaign Committed An ‘Unprecedented Violation’ of the Law – When Biden announced he would not seek re-election, weeks before being nominated at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, his campaign war chest of $96 million was transferred to Kamala Harris after a name change on FEC paperwork.

Zero Hedge: A recent Rasmussen poll has found that a majority of Americans want Joe Biden to resign the presidency with immediate effect. – The poll reveals that 52 percent of Americans also believe that Biden is not capable of finishing his term and needs to go now, even though that would mean a President Kamala.

American Thinker: The Olympic committee bans Israel’s yellow ribbons but approves Hamas propaganda – First, there shouldn’t be a “Palestinian” delegation because there is no Palestinian nation. – Second, there are no “Palestinian” people. – Nevertheless, the IOC decided to allow these so-called “Palestinian” people to send a delegation to the 2024 Olympics. – Bombs dropped over a sunny sky as children played football, the powerful reference on the shirt worn by Palestine’s flag-bearer Waseem Abu Sal…

Western Journal: Numerous Are Athletes Fleeing The Olympic Village For Hotels As Woke Virtue Signaling Creates Nightmare Conditions – Geothermal cooling that doesn’t work, instead of traditional air conditioning. – Busses that feel like saunas. – Dreadful plant-based food offerings and the list goes on…

Slay Magazine: Two male boxers have been cleared to fight against women at the 2024 Paris Olympics, despite previously failing gender tests. – Imane Khelif, of Algeria, and Lin Yu-Ting, of Taiwan, were previously banned from the world championships after it emerged they were trying to hide their male gender to compete as female.

Trending Politics: Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced on Tuesday that he has obtained a court order that will force the current administration to take congressionally appropriated cash and use it to finish the border wall that was started by former President Donald Trump to prevent illegal immigrants from flooding into the United States. 

American Conservative: Secure the Mexican Border by Using Section 212(f) – Applying Section 212(f) of U.S. immigration law to suspend the legal movement of Mexicans into the U.S. is one of the president’s most effective tools to leverage border security cooperation. – Section 212(f) is a powerful presidential tool, enacted by Congress to allow the executive, for national security, to specifically link a disastrous international situation to the legal movement of a foreign population group.

American Thinker: Kamala-Gate, The Harris Deception That Doomed Dozens of January 6 defendants – Countless defendants had their sentences impacted for supposedly having breached Harris’s space. – Not until November 4, 2021, was it revealed that Harris was never “evacuated,” because she was not in the Capitol or on the Capitol grounds on January 6 at any time during the protest.

Western Journal: Top VP Contender North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper Withdraws from Kamala Harris’ Shortlist – “This just wasn’t the right time for North Carolina and for me to potentially be on a national ticket,” Cooper declared.

Lumen News: The UK’s High Court Rules The Order Protecting Children from Puberty Blockers Is Lawful – They upheld the Tory emergency order protecting minors from puberty blockers.” – The AAPS applauded the ruling noting that “Giving minors drugs that will interfere with their normal development and likely sterilize them is criminal.”

July 29, 2024

Western Journal: Biden Says Speaker Mike Johnson Is ‘Dead on Arrival’ After The GOP Leader Vows to Kill The Proposed SCOTUS Reform – Lame duck President Joe Biden lashed out at House Speaker Mike Johnson on Monday after Johnson indicated Biden’s plan to change the rules for appointing Supreme Court justices has no chance of passing the House…

American Spectator: ‘Our Coming Democracy’ Is on Display in Venezuela – You’ll be forgiven if you think users of the term in Maduroland and Kamalaland have much in common. – It was fairly readily apparent that the Maduro regime in Venezuela would not allow itself to be turned out of power. That party has been running sham elections for the bulk, if not the entirety, of this century as it has destroyed the rule of law…

Washington Free Beacon: Before She Was Border Czar, Kamala Misappropriated Millions in Federal Grants Meant To Combat Border Crimes – A DOJ audit from Harris’s district attorney days suggests she has long struggled with border issues. – A DOJ inspector general audit report found that none of the cases that Harris’s office filed for reimbursement were eligible under the program, so the city of San Francisco was forced to pay back the improper funding claims.

Jordon Schachtel: Congress gave Kamala Harris $42.5 billion to fix the internet, and then the money disappeared – President Biden stressed that he wanted to create “jobs connecting every American with high-speed Internet, including 35 percent of the rural America that still doesn’t have it.” – Instead of helping to build out American broadband access, Harris allocated her time and energy to internet DEI programs.

American Spectator: Kamala Harris and the Too-Late Solution – Not to spoil the vice president’s big Middle East plans, but the two-state solution will not happen. – Obama spent eight years pressuring Israel to give those Arab Muslims anything they asked for. They never had so pliable a White House. But they opted instead to keep going to war. They elected a lifelong Arab terrorist, Abu Mazen (also goes by Mahmoud Abbas), as head of the “Palestine Authority.”

American Spectator: Kamala’s Useful Idiots – Why are some conservatives trying to whitewash Harris’ record on crime? – The most that could be said of Harris’ past as an occasionally tough-on-crime prosecutor is that it was ideologically incoherent — characterized by the same finger-in-the-air political opportunism that Harris used to maneuver to the top of her party’s presidential ticket.

American Spectator: When Grandparents Are Called to Parent – One more reason the left is going after J.D. Vance. – The attacks on Vance and his family history have recently escalated as the left is now claiming that Vance is using his chaotic family situation to call for strengthening traditional families, at the expense of women.

Epoch Times: Biden Proposes to Reform The Supreme Court With Term Limits And Immunity Limits – According to a White House official, President Biden will call for Congress to back term limits for Supreme Court justices and a code of ethics enforceable by the legislative branch.

Zero Hedge: Sanctions Did Not Destroy Venezuela… Socialism Did! – Venezuela’s GDP plummeted by more than 55%, while the GDP for their region grew by 25% – The Puebla Group “supervising” elections is like Pablo Escobar overseeing the fight against drug trafficking. This infamous organization defends all communist murderous dictatorships and looks to the other side when human rights and freedom of expression are attacked in socialist regimes.

Geller Report: Major Election Fraud in Venezuela Elections – Today is a dark day for democracy in Latin America. – Nicolas Maduro has stolen another election from the Venezuelan people & the Biden-Harris admin helped him do it by fueling his power with sanctions relief & appeasement. – Maduro has now activated the Venezuelan military to block people from voting because the turnout for the opposition is HISTORIC!

Resist The Mainstream: January 6er John Strand, Freed After SCOTUS Ruling, Recounts His Horrific Time Behind Bars – He was placed in solitary confinement twice during his incarceration and blocked from access to his attorneys along with access to any information about what was going on and why it was happening to him…

Townhall: New Text Messages Reveal Another Troubling Update on Trump Assassination Attempt – An officer leaving after a shift change noticed a young man with long stringy hair sitting on a picnic table near the warehouse and at 4:26 p.m. texted his colleagues about the man… – Taken together, the text messages provide the most detailed picture yet of the hours before the assassination attempt. They reveal that the gunman, later identified as Thomas Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pa.

Blaze Media: Local law enforcement provided radios to the U.S. Secret Service for cross-agency coordination during the July 13 Donald J. Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, but the Secret Service never used them, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson said on July 28. – The communications problems before and during Trump’s appearance at the Butler Farm Show Inc. fairgrounds had fatal consequences, Johnson said.

Sharyl Attkisson: The Updated Timeline of The Trump Assassination Attempt – Former President Donald Trump’s security detail constantly complained they were not being given enough resources and personnel by the Secret Service. – Saturday, July 6: Suspected shooter Thomas Crooks is believed to have visited the Butler, Pennsylvania rally site. – Crooks conducts a Google search for “how far away was Oswald from Kennedy.” – Thursday, July 11: Gunman Thomas Crooks is identified as a person of interest…

Townhall: Is Google Trying to Bury the Trump Assassination Attempt? – It doesn’t show up in the autocomplete prompt on Google when you type ‘Trump assassination’ into the search bar. – Also, if you type ‘assassination attempt” into the Google search bar, it shows ten individuals but excludes Trump.

Breitbart: Democrat lawmakers are anxious about Kamala Harris’s ability to defeat former President Donald Trump on election day, just 99 days away. – As the “honeymoon” phase of the Harris campaign appears to be wearing off, unease is penetrating the Democrat party over Harris’s radical-left record, her lack of political capital in blue wall states, and the challenge she faces of campaigning on the Biden-Harris administration’s economy.

Hot Air: Kamala Is Segregating Her Supporters For Action, Literally – First there was “White Dudes for Harris,” then the “White Women for Harris” Zoom call. – They are calling J.D. Vance “weird,” and, to them, he is because he is quite normal…

The Vigilant Fox: Amazon Just Went Full-On 1984 – If you thought Google’s censorship was bad, wait till you learn what Amazon has done. – They just removed a 4-year-old book, titled “Kamala Harris & The Future of America, An Essay in Three Parts,” from their catalog. – The book was originally published in 2020 and censored in 2024 when Kamala was named the Democrat Presidential Candidate. The book goes over the life story and political background of a woman he considers to be the most dangerous potential US President in history.

Resist The Mainstream: Social media giant Meta is now censoring any images of the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. – Meta is one of many companies attempting to censor content related to the July 13 shooting where 20-year-old Matthew Thomas Crooks opened fire on a Trump rally held in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Dallas Ludlum: Exposing Democratic Lies and Misinformation About Project 2025 – The deliberate misrepresentation of Project 2025 by Democrats and their media allies is a calculated strategy to confuse and scare voters. – It is essential to recognize the distinction between Project 2025 and Trump’s Agenda 47 and to hold those spreading these lies accountable for their deliberate attempts to mislead the public.

Emerald Robinson: Democrats Must Rig Public Perception Of The 2024 Election First! – Are people dumb enough to believe that Kamala Harris is suddenly in a polling dead heat with Donald Trump? – And so it goes like this, Lie #1: It’s going to take days, and possibly even weeks, to count the 2024 election results. – Lie #2: J. D. Vance told a “cat lady” joke and so the American people switched from Trump to Kamala Harris. – Lie #3: Kamala Harris is in a dead heat with Donald Trump right now…

Western Journal: Michelle Obama Drops Celebrity-Packed Election Ad Just Days After Backing Kamala Harris – The cringeworthy ad, which was released Sunday, shows Obama pretending to call several friends, including Retired soccer player Megan Rapinoe, actress Kerry Washington, NBA stars Steph Curry and Chris Paul, TV producer Shonda Rhimes, country music singer Reyna Roberts, and to top things off, “Nonbinary” social media personality Bretman Rock

American Thinker: Mark Levin Had The Best Analysis Yet Of Kamala HarrisLevin’s unique value lies in bringing his vast knowledge of politics, the law, and the Constitution to bear on subjects he focuses on. He is also an excellent communicator – She’s a “Marxist” and a “totalitarian” as the FOX News host nailed it with a video compilation of her own words…

Dr. Rima E Laibow: Fair and Balanced, Here You Go! – Kamala Harris Presented in What We All Want, An Accurate Campaign Ad! – It MIGHT be a parody, but it looks pretty accurate to me!

Washington Free Beacon: Kamala Harris Touted The $5B Electric School Bus Program And Three Years Later, It’s Produced Just 60 Buses. – One of Kamala Harris’s highest-profile responsibilities as vice president has been spearheading the federal government’s billion-dollar efforts to deploy thousands of electric buses across hundreds of school districts nationwide. But years into the program, only a small fraction of those projects have been completed while dozens of school districts have withdrawn from the program altogether.

Washington Free Beacon: Meet Kamala Harris’s Radical Pastor – Harris and Brown, the longtime pastor of San Francisco’s Third Baptist Church, have known each other for nearly a quarter century, and the two have remained close throughout her vice presidency. – Less well known, however, is Brown’s history of radical, anti-American remarks that have elicited blowback even from San Francisco Democrats, including former House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Townhall: The Top Five Lies the Media Spread to Help Kamala Harris…So Far – They scrubbed her GovTrack page because it had evidence pointing to Harris’ leftist tendencies. – The first is her not being the “border czar,” even though every media outlet reported otherwise. – Another one is that Harris never supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund…

The Federalist: Targeting Law Professor Turley Again Proves NewsGuard Is A Powerful Scam – There is a fundamental problem with NewsGuard’s self-proclaimed unbiased ratings. – It flows from the secretive methodology it uses to select articles for review.

Center For Immigration Studies: Texas’s Operation Lone Star Shows that Deterrence Works – The New York Post reported earlier this month that DHS is flying illegal migrants apprehended in San Diego to Texas for supposed detention and removal because the department lacks holding space in California...

California Globe: Governor Gavin Newsom’s $20 Per Hour Fast-Food Minimum Wage Is Tanking the Industry – ‘Some have had to lay off staff completely, a prospect many had warned about when Newsom signed the bill into law. – A recent survey of 200 fast-food companies found that 89% of those eateries polled have already been forced to reduce scheduled hours for their employees, less than a year since it was passed…

July 28, 2024

Hot Air: The US Ordered The Evacuation of All Citizens in Lebanon – But they are on their own in getting out. – The US Embassy advised that amid heightened tension in the region, some airlines are adjusting their flight schedules in Lebanon…

Resist The Mainstream: A SWAT officer who was part of a local team assigned to former President Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania where he was shot said there was no contact between his team and the U.S. Secret Service who were assigned to Trump’s protection.  – The team from Beaver County said that his team was “supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service members whenever they arrived, and that never happened.”

Trending Politics: A new report from veteran journalist Seymour Hersch indicates that former President Barack Obama conspired with top Democrats to threaten President Biden with invoking the 25th Amendment if he did not drop out of the race. – VP Kamala Harris reportedly agreed with the idea and gave Democrat leaders “the OK.”

Victor Davis Hanson – America’s Lab Rats? – Many Americans feel that the country has become unrecognizable due to decades of globalization and a technological revolution that has eroded middle-class livelihoods and deepened social divides. – The universities, media, administrative state, entertainment industry, high tech, and the federal government became a geographical force multiplier of the growing economic and cultural divide…

Powerline: How the Left Censors the News – NewsGuard has been in the news lately. – It is a left-wing anti-“misinformation” operation that purports to rate websites according to supposed objective criteria. – It is indeed a joke, and like the rest of the Left’s censorship apparatus, far from being objective as its criteria are those of the Left.

Breitbart: Conservatives Flip Kamala Harris Allies’ Claims that JD Vance Is Weird Back In Democrat Faces – They show lots of examples that show Democrats are the weird ones…

Powerline: How Bad Is Kamala? – The Trump campaign has *pounced* on Kamala Harris’s pro-crime record, including her enthusiastic support for a Minnesota group that bailed out murderers, rapists, arsonists and rioters. – This Trump ad on the subject is excellent…

American Spectator: Is Janet Napolitano Fit to Investigate the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump? – Let’s recall her record as DHS boss and President of the University of California, not to mention the Anita Hill hearings. – Also, following the lead of President Obama, Napolitano deleted the word “terrorism” from the DHS lexicon and purged experts showing the connection between militant Islam and terrorism…

California Globe: CARB Regulates Truck Sales to Zero – If you want to buy a tractor-trailer, you can, just not in California, thanks to the California Air Resources Board. – It should be noted that newer trucks in the Central Valley emit cleaner air than they take in while driving, that’s how clean the engines being made now are. – However, that’s not clean enough for CARB, which is hellbent on electrifying everything in the state, no matter what.

City Journal: Girling the Boy Scouts – Progressives notch another victory in their war on American institutions. – They now have a Chief Diversity Officer & VP of DEI. – All Eagle Scouts must earn a badge in DEI. – The word “boy” has been routed from the organization’s promotional materials and replaced with “youth,” as in: “For more than 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath.”

Epoch Times: Israel Says A Hezbollah Rocket Attack On A Soccer Field In Golan Heights On Saturday Killed 12, Mostly Children, Is Raising The Specter of War With Lebanon – Israeli adviser Dmitri Gendelman called the attack a major escalatory move and vowed that it would be met with a stern response.

Powerline: Trump in St. Cloud – The line to see President Trump speak at the Herb Brooks National Hockey Center in St. Cloud last night stretched for over a mile. It filled the arena, so thousands were left to watch outside. – Trump called Kamala Harris “her own worst enemy,” and said, “I had God with me’ during the assassination attempt.”…

Breitbart: JD Vance Roasts Kamala Harris in Minnesota – “I saw the other day, Kamala Harris questioned my loyalty to this country,” Vance told the crowd. “That’s the word she used, loyalty. And, it’s an interesting word. Semper Fi. Loyalty. Because there is no greater sign of disloyalty to this country than what Kamala Harris has done at our southern border. And, I’d like to ask the vice president what she has done to question my loyalty to this country?”

National Review: Inventing Kamala – Even crazier than Harris’s political ascent are the press’s efforts to reinvent her for the general election, fashioning her into a completely unrecognizable version of the woman who first came to Congress in 2017. – Journalists are not merely bending the facts or misrepresenting truths for the VP’s general-election glow-up, some have resorted to outright lying…

Washington Examiner: What else Democrats are lying about, Part 4, Most things – Afghanistan, Voting Rights, On Israel, and Republican Corporate Tax Policy, to name a few.

New York Post: 3 Palestinian terror suspects caught after crossing the border illegally as overwhelmed agents warn, ‘I probably let terrorists in.’ – One of the migrants had “salacious photos” on their phone that included a picture of a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle, federal law enforcement sources said. – In addition to the three Palestinians, federal authorities caught one migrant from Turkey who was also suspected of having ties to terror groups.

Front Page: Treasury Sec Yellen Wants $3 Trillion a Year to Save Our Planet – Americans are getting poorer. Globalists are getting richer. – Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Saturday that the global transition to a low-carbon economy requires $3 trillion in new capital each year through 2050, far above current annual financing, but that filling the gap is the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century…

Breitbart: Organizers of the opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games have issued a non-apology apology for any offense “taken” by Christians from a drag queen parody of Jesus’ Last Supper. – “Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group,” declared Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps regarding the ceremony, which many — including the French bishops’ conference — have deemed a “mockery” of Christ’s Last Supper.

Breitbart: Tommy Robinson Was Arrested Under UK ‘Anti-Terror’ Laws After Screening His Banned Film “Silenced,” His Supporters Claim. – “We can confirm that Tommy Robinson has been detained by police using powers afforded to them under the Terrorism Act 2000. – “That’s right, you read that correctly, Tommy is being held by police using counter-terrorism legislation.

July 27, 2024

Breitbart: The Olympic organizers’ decision to allow a drag queen parody of the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies in Paris on Friday has cost them an American sponsor. – C-Spire, a Mississippi-based phone service company, announced its intent to withdraw its advertising from the XXXIII Olympiad.

Powerline: Red States vs Blue, It’s No Contest – People flee blue states for red states. – Not all, of them are conservatives seeking a more pleasant home. Higher taxes and more sluggish economies are an important factor. – When we look at the top five and bottom five states over that time, we see that Florida gained the most and California lost the most…

Conservative Brief: Former Staffers Describe Kamala Harris As ‘Soul-Destroying Bully’ Who Left Them In Tears – Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office remain in a job. – The rest either quit or were fired, according to an analysis by non-partisan watchdog Open The Books.

Trending Politics: Michigan Auto Workers Stun CNN Reporter When They Say America Is ‘Ruined’ If Kamala Wins – UAW President Shawn Fain has stated that the union will be withholding its endorsement of Harris for the time being, while the Republican National Convention recently made history when Teamsters President Sean O’Brien became the union’s first ever leader to address the RNC.

Conservative Brief: The Kamala Harris Campaign Makes Startling Admission About Trump After CNN Fact Check – CNN fact checker Daniel Dale said that a campaign official for Harris admitted to branding all of former President Donald Trump’s policies as part of Project 2025, which he has no connection to because they believe it is working with potential voters.

Zero Hedge: – In Her Own Words, Kamala Harris’s Radical Vision For America – While the left tries its hardest to recast Kamala Harris as a moderate Democrat, quietly scrubbing her public record over the past 5 years, her actual positions have always been radical.

Michael Darby in Australia: Kamala Harris Part 2, Dedicated to the impoverishment and enfeeblement of the United States of America – Kamala Harris and Her Rotten To The Core Record on Energy – Yes, it is possible to be worse than Biden and worse than Newsom

American Spectator: Anti-Catholic Kamala – She has a long history of anti-Catholic rhetoric and policies. – First and foremost, Harris is one of the most pro-abortion politicians to have ever served in any branch of the U.S. government. – During her tenure as vice president, Harris became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion mill…

Just The News: Despite mounting proof that offshore wind hurts whales, the media, feds, and activists deny harm. – A Rutgers professor emeritus of computer science used computer software to show the location of whale deaths directly corresponding to the traffic of vessels used in offshore wind development.


New York Sun: Trump Returns Today to North Star State With Running Mate Vance in Effort To Swing Democrat-Leaning State – Trump’s political director has called Minnesota a battleground where the GOP nominee compared favorably to President Biden, his opponent at the time, and said that the campaign would make a push for the state.

American Thinker: The Biden Departure Explanation That Wasn’t – Even a double layer of spray-on tan couldn’t hide Joe Biden’s deterioration. – Rather than explaining why he withdrew from the presidential race, it was a campaign/State of The Union speech with a weak endorsement of Kamala Harris.

American Thinker: Don’t be fooled by Kamala’s pro-Israel platitudes. – She is pro-Iran and pro-Hamas. – The evidence doesn’t lie only in the events of the last few days. – It’s clear from Kamala’s long history of actions and statements regarding Iran, Islam, and Israel.

Lumen News: A new Rasmussen Reports/Heartland Institute survey released Wednesday finds 62% of American likely voters are concerned cheating will affect the 2024 election. – “The fact that more than 60% of likely voters are concerned about election integrity should be a massive wake-up call to all those who refuse to admit that potential cheating in elections is a major problem,” said Chris Talgo, editorial director of The Heartland Institute.

American Thinker: Democracy And The Donor Class – Among recent political events, perhaps the most notable has been the power of a small group of super-rich Americans to exercise outsized political influence. – The malicious nature of “big money” has now been sanitized, so these days the super-rich bestowing millions are innocuously labeled “the donor class,” a term suggesting high-minded charitable giving.

American Thinker: Kamala Harris Would Have Us Choose Between Two Visions Of America – The one, that Democrats/Socialists/Communists are calling MAGA, would supposedly take America back to the evil, racist, sexist, whatever phobic past. – The other, Kamala’s vision, will take America into a brave, glorious progressive future, but just what is the “progress” that she seeks?

Breitbart: Kamala Harris Turns to Hollywood Hype Machine Amid Alarming Election Poll Numbers – The vast Hollywood machinery of corporate executives, publicists, celebrity influencers, and entertainment “journalists” is being mobilized to help Kamala Harris win in November, with a special focus on targeting minority women, according to multiple reports.

New York Post: Two frontrunners have emerged in the race to be presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s second in command:  Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Arizona Senator Mark Kelly. – They each represent 2024 swing states Democrats badly need to win in November. – “Shapiro is toward the top,” said one insider familiar with the back and forth.

Not The Bee: Astronaut Mark Kelly, one of the favorites to be Kamala’s VP pick, literally owns a spy balloon company funded by a Chinese venture capitalist. – Tucson-based World View, cofounded by now U.S. Senator Mark Kelly in 2012, received venture capital from Tencent, among the largest tech companies in China, both in 2013 and 2016. – Tencent, like most Chinese tech giants, has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

American Thinker: A recent CNN poll found that nearly 40% of Americans worry about how they’re going to pay their bills under this Democrat administration. – More Americans worry about their ability to remain solvent under Biden-Harris than they did during the Great Recession.

Breitbart: Border Patrol agents in the Swanton Sector of the U.S.-Canada border have apprehended more than 15,000 migrants so far this fiscal year, more than the previous 13 years combined, according to U.S. Border Patrol reports. – The astounding record of migrant apprehensions this year reflects the vulnerability of our northern border with Canada.

American Greatness: A Wee Bit of Swagger on the Campaign Trail? – So long as Mr. Trump, his party, and his supporters continue to stress this election is about policies and not personalities or politics, they will prevail. – This is not a case of overconfidence. – It is a case of having confidence in the wisdom of the American people…

National Review: How Alvin Bragg’s Case Helped Torpedo Anti-Trump Lawfare – The unexpected spotlight on the Manhattan case had the effect of discrediting the entire enterprise in the public mind. – It turned out that Biden had committed the same Espionage Act offenses as Trump. – There was decades’ worth of evidence, sufficient to show the president was guilty as the day is long…

Washington Examiner: The Paris Olympics is under fire from Republicans after hosting a controversial drag parody of a moment Christians consider sacred. – As viewers tuned in to watch the Paris Olympic’s opening ceremony, many decried a segment that depicted a scene from Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Da Vinci’s famous painting of a Biblical event revered by Christians depicts Jesus Christ’s disciples gathered around him as he reveals who will betray him.

American Thinker: More California Restaurant Closures – Tender Greens and Tocaya both file for bankruptcy, citing the new $20/hour minimum wage law – First it was Pizza Hut nixing all its delivery drivers as it “braced” for the new law. – Then it was the closure of Foster’s Freeze in Lemoore, which had been a neighborhood favorite for around 35 years. – Gavin Newsom’s minimum wage bill is the blight that keeps on rotting.

American Thinker: FBI’s Strzok-Page lovebirds get $1.2 million because they’re so special, but heaven help you if your name is Trump! – The DOJ has agreed to settle claims by former senior FBI special agent Peter P. Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who had sued saying the government violated their privacy rights when it leaked their politically charged text messages criticizing Donald Trump…

Powerline: The Week in Pictures: Queen Kamala I Edition – The media is going the extra mile, and then some, to give “fake news” a bad name with its wholesale revisionism of Kamala Harris’s record.

July 26, 2024

Trending Politics: President Donald Trump announced that he will be making a return trip to Butler Township in PA for another rally after surviving an assassination attempt earlier in July, but why? – He is going to hold a rally in honor of former firefighter Corey Comperatore who died in the shooting on July 13.

Just The News: The FBI officially admitted on Friday night that former President Donald Trump was hit by a bullet during an assassination attempt on his life earlier this month. – This is after FBI Director Christopher Wray testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday that he was not sure what hit Trump during the July 13 shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Daily Signal: Representative Bennie Thompson Scrambles Amid Calls to Boot Him From Committee Investigating Trump Assassination Attempt – He introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act in April, which would revoke Secret Service protection for Donald Trump.

Zero Hedge: Former President Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on Friday, just after the Israeli leader met with President Biden and VP Harris. – Trump claimed in the context of the meeting that a major war in the Middle East – and even possibly a “third world war” – will break out if he doesn’t win the election.

Epoch Times: The French High-Speed Rail System Is Paralyzed After A Massive Attack Of Arson and Vandalism Ahead of The Olympics – Hundreds are stranded ahead of the games, with the rail operator advising people to postpone their journeys and avoid going to stations.

Townhall: Ronny Jackson Pushes Back on the FBI Director’s Claim That Trump May Not Have Been Shot – He used to be Trump’s White House physician, has reviewed Trump’s medical records, has checked the former president out since the assassination attempt, and says otherwise.

New York Sun: Trump Rages Against FBI Director Christopher Wray, Insisting a Bullet Hit His Ear — With a Doctor’s Note To Prove It – “No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard.” – “There was no glass, there was no shrapnel,” Trump said.

Zero Hedge: President Biden Claimed The US Isn’t At War As He Bombs Yemen. – About a half hour before Biden delivered his address, US Central Command announced that it launched new strikes targeting the Houthis in Yemen. Since January, the US has carried out hundreds of strikes in Yemen as part of a new war that has not been authorized by Congress.

Wall Street Journal: Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris for President – The former first couple waited for the Democratic Party to unite before backing the vice president.

Tablet Magazine: Learn This Term ‘Whole of Society’ – You cannot understand what’s going on with American politics today without it. – The term was popularized roughly a decade ago by the Obama administration, which liked that its bland, technocratic appearance could be used as cover to erect a mechanism for the government to control public life that can, at best, be called “Soviet-style.”

Townhall: A Horde of Officials at the Supposedly Apolitical DOJ Just Endorsed Harris – They did it in a letter thanking President Joe Biden for his service. Biden dropped out of the 2024 race on July 21. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is a signatory on the letter, which also served as an endorsement of Kamala Harris for president.

Michael Darby in Australia: Kamala Harris Is Dedicated to the impoverishment and enfeeblement of the United States of America. – The mainstream media, the PR department for the Democrat party, is going full blast to transform the most radical United States Senator and Vice-President in recent memory into a moderate Democrat. – It’s rather a simple matter, nonetheless, to use the mainstream media’s descriptions of Kamala Harris, along with her own words to illustrate just what an extremist she is on energy issues, such as…

Geller Report: 76% of ALL Personal Income Tax Goes to Servicing the $34 trillion National Debt – Who in their right mind would vote for more of this? – And Kamala is campaigning on more insane, communist spending.

Zero Hedge: Bidenomics Failure Worsens As Credit Card Delinquency Rate Hits 12-Year High – The damage to the working poor and middle class has already been realized and the pain is creeping toward high-income classes. – The Goldman report noted that “account holders who are behind in payments, have larger balances left unpaid.”

Issues & Insights: Harris’ Rent Control Support Clashes With Even Progressive Economists – The Biden-Harris administration’s proposal would seek to condition tax credits received by so-called corporate landlords – defined as those renting out 50 units or more – on a restricted rent increase of 5%. Yet what the administration seems to ignore is that rent control has been met with criticism across the spectrum, including by progressives.

Western Journal: Presidential Debate Plans Fall Apart After The Trump Campaign Deems It ‘Inappropriate’ – Biden’s people picked the dates. The networks. The format. The location. And he put them out there in a video that was a double dog dare to the Trump campaign to take it or leave it. – Biden is now out of the running so Trump said he wasn’t going to commit to a second debate with Harris under the current rules, considering she isn’t even the formally elected nominee yet.

Emerald Robinson: Can Kamala Harris Legally Serve As POTUS? – America’s foremost constitutional scholar Dr. John Eastman says, “Probably not.” – Here’s his legal reasoning: at the time of Kamala Harris’ birth, her parents were not U.S. citizens, they were foreign students. – Her mother’s visa was expired. – She was then the daughter of two non-citizens. – Therefore, Harris is not eligible to hold the office of President.

The Federalist: The Media Won’t Tell You Political Corruption Defined Kamala Harris’ Affair With Willie Brown – Harris admits her career benefited significantly from said relationship and other Democrats shared the perception she did not earn her positions. – Harris, a lawyer who initially failed the bar exam, can only say that she “brought a level of life knowledge and common sense” rather than actual qualifications to the positions Brown appointed her to…

American Conservative: A Tale of Two Kamalas – For all the happy talk, Democrats must be (or should be) wondering, deep within the recesses of their collective psyches, Will we be getting the Harris of History or the Harris of our Imaginations? – Because one is radically different from the other, as seen below…

American Thinker: I can’t trust Kamala Harris, and neither should you! – Kamala Harris’s political career is fraught with controversies that highlight serious ethical failings. From leveraging personal relationships for political gain through quid pro quo, or at least abuses of power, to inconsistent policy stances and a troubling record as California’s top law enforcement official, Harris’s actions raise significant doubts about her fitness for leadership.

Conservative Brief: VP Harris’ Prior Comments On ICE Come Back To Haunt Her – Kamala Harris, as a U.S. senator from California, once suggested that agents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are comparable to the Ku Klux Klan – Biden assigned Harris the role of “Border czar” in March 2021, just a few months after the two of them took office as the “Biden-Harris administration,” and a video clip of the exchange from 2018 is currently making the rounds on social media.

Western Journal: The Context Around JD Vance’s ‘Childless Cat Lady’ Remarks Surfaces, Showing The Media Owes Him an Apology – Vance specifically used the phrase “miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made.” In other words, he meant to refer to a certain kind of person who remained childless by choice. He even mentioned Buttigieg, which proved that he did not have only women in mind. – Filipkowski then distorted Vance’s words to mean not women who regret a choice but all “women who haven’t given birth.”

National Review: VP Candidate Governor Andy Beshear Is Anything but a Moderate – He has radically progressive social views and a contrived record of compromise with Republicans in Kentucky. – His faux moderation conceals these views and shifts blame onto Kentucky conservatives. – His self-touted economic record is also questionable. – He oversaw two major disaster relief plans while in office, but he resisted widespread calls for audits of both programs.

National Review: Ranking Kamala Harris’s Veep Options – I decided to stick with the simplest criterion, which running mate helps get Harris to 270 electoral votes. – If you take a look at that electoral map, for now, the map still looks tough for Democrats. – Two figures who deserve honorable mentions, and/or ought to get vetted are Governor Wes Moore of Maryland and Governor Tony Evers of Wisconsin…

National Review: American Life under Liberal Conformism – Liberal opinion conformity is driven by something more than the pressures of social media and the way they hypercharge opinion-sharing and make it obvious where the wind is blowing. – It is driven by the unprecedented levels of cynicism, cowardice, and insecurity of the liberal opinion-forming class itself and embodies a generation of people who have had the least amount of moral formation in our history.

Conservative Brief: Tucker Carlson’s Podcast Rockets To No. 1 In America – Former Fox News star Tucker Carlson has reached another career milestone, more than a year after his former employer unceremoniously dropped him despite having the network’s top-rated program. – Carlson’s podcast has soared to the No. 1 spot on Spotify, surpassing “The Joe Rogan Experience,” which had previously held the top spot on the platform for years.

American Greatness: Why Netanyahu’s U.S. Visit Mattered – The visit was historic because Netanyahu became the first world leader to address a joint meeting of Congress four times. – Netanyahu’s visit countered the Biden administration’s inept policies on the war in Gaza and Iran by shoring up support for Israel in Congress and with the American public.

Powerline: Harris Appeals To Democrats’ Hamas Wing – The political calculations and sympathies with Israel’s adversaries underlie her remarks after meeting with Netanyahu. – Hamas disappears from the equation. – Her statement reeks of the hostility to Israel that the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party openly displays. – She “hears” them.

Zero Hedge: Netanyahu Is Angry After His Meeting With Vice President Harris – Netanyahu’s criticism stems from Harris speaking as if a ceasefire and hostage exchange would mark the end of the war in Gaza, whereas Israel’s position has all along been that counter-Hamas operations could resume even if a hostage deal is reached.

Center For Immigration Studies: The Affirmative Asylum Backlog Exceeds One Million for the First Time – ‘Affirmative’ claims are generally made by aliens already lawfully present in the U.S., not at the border or as a defense against removal. – The affirmative asylum docket and corresponding processing time estimates have grown alarmingly since President Biden took office…

The Center Square: FACT CHECK: Biden’s claim that illegal border crossings are lower than Trump’s is false – Accounting for all the data, including new ways the Biden administration is allowing foreign nationals to enter the country, the claims are verifiably false. – As The Center Square has reported every month since early 2021, after Biden took office, the number of illegal border crossers has increased, not gone down.

American Thinker: A World of Illusions – Elites seek to centralize power and rig the system. Their goal is open-ended Democrat rule, which is their declared “democracy.” – Every statist regime since the October Revolution has claimed that tyranny is democracy and Trump is the lead horseman of their Apocalypse.

American Thinker: Freeing America From The Shackles Of Big Government – Once, when we were free, we were the greatest nation on earth; now, we are a small nation with a big government. – Today, 70% of the federal government spending is on things that involve income distribution. Whether Social Security, healthcare, food stamps, Head Start, or myriad other programs. – Since 1969, federal regulation in the US has quadrupled as there are four times as many pages of regulations…

American Thinker: ESG gets a rebrand as ‘transition investing’ – BlackRock began renaming Environmental, Social, and Governance earlier this year and is now calling it ‘transition investing.’ – The company recently updated its climate and decarbonization stewardship guidelines. The document makes no mention of ESG, but it shows in many ways, that the world’s largest investment manager with $10 trillion in assets under management is still pursuing many of the same goals.

July 25, 2024

National Review: The Self-Aggrandizement of Jill Biden And The Tenure of Dr. President – The American people deserve to know what has been happening behind the scenes of this obfuscatory administration, and the major role played by one person in particular, that of First Lady Jill Biden. – Jill Biden and her aides “created a cocoon” around the president “that initially seemed earnestly protective, but now appears potentially deceptive.”

Epoch Times: “We believe, based on what we’ve seen, that his father, after purchasing the gun, legally sold the gun to his son,” Mr. Wray told members of the House Judiciary Committee in Washington. – The shooter’s father, Matthew Crooks, bought the gun, an AR-style rifle, in 2013 and sold it to his son in October 2023, according to the FBI

Epoch Times: President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met at the White House on July 25 for a one-on-one meeting to discuss the ongoing Israel–Hamas war and U.S.–Israel relations. – Vice President Kamala Harris also met with Mr. Netanyahu on the afternoon of July 25.

National Review: The Short Goodbye, How Biden’s Withdrawal Resets The Race – Right now, Democrats are excited about Harris in a way they never were about Biden. – The headline writers need to take a deep breath as Harris is not a guaranteed winner. – On the contrary, she enters the race with several liabilities and has a lower favorability rating than either Biden or Trump. – She is also gaffe-prone…

Natural News: FUNDING FRAUD – A Phoenix woman tells James O’Keefe that ActBlue made 20 separate unauthorized donations in her name to Kamala Harris – This begs the question of how many thousands or millions of fraudulent donations have been made through ActBlue.

City Journal: Kamalanomics – The presumptive presidential nominee is certainly not moderate. – In her time in the Senate, Harris positioned herself on the far left of a Democratic Party already moving sharply to the left. According to DW-NOMINATE, a measure that compares the votes of senators and representatives and ranks members from -1 (most liberal) to 1 (most conservative)…

Just The News: Kamala Harris’ direct connection to Bidenflation due to her tie-breaking Senate vote for approval of the stimulus package – VP Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate for the first COVID-19 stimulus package in 2021 that led to inflation, in what critics call a sign of what’s to come in a possible Harris administration.

Epoch Times: A 134-Year-Old American Furniture Chain Is Closing Down All 553 Stores – Furniture retailer Conn’s filed for bankruptcy and is shutting down outlets nationwide after experiencing a slowdown in recent years due to inflation and interest rates, which adversely affected its growth and operations.

Zero Hedge: Discount retail chain Big Lots is shuttering more than 50 stores across California following a drop in customer spending and economic challenges. – Big Lots said in a June filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that it plans to open three stores nationwide this year and close 35 to 40. –
Before the announcement, Big Lots had 1,392 stores throughout the United States.

California Globe: The California Supreme Court Ends Legal Snafu Over Gig Drivers And Upholds Proposition 22 – Drivers at Uber, Lyft, and others are not employees, California’s Supreme Court rules – In November 2020, California voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 22, to exempt all rideshare drivers from being classified as employees.

City Journal: J. D. Vance and the Emerging Counter-Elite – Donald Trump’s selection of Ohio senator Vance as his running mate has generated much commentary. – Vance sacrificed his respectability within a certain stratum, assumed considerable risk by moving toward Trump, and, in my view, was genuinely convinced that the establishment, both Left and Right, had exhausted itself and had to be opposed…

Trending Politics: The Secret Service DECLINED Drones From Local Law Enforcement For The Trump Rally Senator Josh Hawley revealed that his office received whistleblower allegations indicating that the night before the rally, the Secret Service was repeatedly offered the use of drones by local law enforcement partners. – Hawley demanded answers and more transparency from the department after the critical lapse in security preparations in a detailed letter addressed to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

Victor Davis Hanson: Coup, Upon Coup, Upon Coup – In 2020, covert actors manipulated the Democrat primary to ensure Joe Biden’s nomination over Bernie Sanders and later controlled his presidential agenda. – Ultimately they reportedly threatened candidate Biden with a complete loss of any further campaign funding and raised the specter of invoking the 25th Amendment to end his presidency—should he not suddenly withdraw from the race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as his surrogate on the ticket…

American Thinker: Biden’s Platitudes vs America’s Truths – Biden’s goodbye speech said nothing about the Democrats’ real agenda for Americans. – The moderate middle needs to recognize that personalities are less important than the policies of the candidates because the choice is stark. – Democrats constantly claim they are protecting democracy while they are working to destroy it…

American Thinker: The press gins itself up to hurl Kamala Harris’s record down the memory hole – Suddenly, Harris was no longer the most left-leaning member of the Senate, and lo and behold, was never the border czar, either. – It’s clear they’re trying to erase that from the Internet, in a bid to clean up Kamala for voters, presenting the Berkeley, California native as a ‘moderate’ much as they did with Joe Biden himself in 2020…

Issues & Insights: Already our friends in the mainstream media and the Democratic Party’s ever-ready spin-doctors are telling American voters that presumed presidential candidate Kamala Harris is not the extremist she’s portrayed to be by the wicked right-wingers. – There’s nary a policy area that Harris has come into contact with, while in the White House, as a member of the Senate, or in California state government in which she hasn’t taken a position on the far-extreme of the spectrum, whether it’s immigration, medical care and insurance, foreign policy, abortion, or whatever…

Just The News: Six Democrats joined Republicans in the House to pass a resolution “strongly condemning” Vice President Kamala Harris, currently the top 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, for her performance as the border czar. – The resolution, introduced by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., the House Republican conference chair, formally condemns Harris and the Biden administration for failing to “secure the U.S. border.”

Washington Examiner: In three surveys since she became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Harris has failed to overtake former President Donald Trump. – Instead, the race remains where it has been for months. –The latest Rasmussen Reports poll that was taken over the past three nights shows Trump leading Harris with likely voters 50%-43%, well outside the margin of error.

Washington Free Beacon: Inside Kamala Harris’s Plan To End Cash Bail and ‘Transform The Criminal Justice System’ – Harris wanted more restrictions on cops and fewer restrictions on criminals, a memo from her 2020 campaign shows…

The New York Post: Trump says the 25th Amendment should not be invoked against Biden, claiming that ‘dangerous’ Kamala Harris is ‘worse than Biden is.’ – I believe she’s a San Francisco radical. I believe she’s much worse and a way worse candidate than he is and she’s not doing very well,” he added.

Townhall: – A campaign official for Vice President Harris ADMITTED to CNN that her campaign is deliberately choosing to lie about Project 2025. – Dale specifically targets Harris’ categorization of Republicans wanting to cut Social Security, a common tactic for Democrats to turn to, including for the 2022 midterms.

American Thinker: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Gave A Magnificent Speech To Congress – The ovation when Bibi walked to the podium and stood there went on so long that Speaker Mike Johnson finally had to gavel it to an end. – Democrats know that Muslims will not vote for Democrats if they seem to support Israel and that’s where Netanyahu’s delicate shiv came in. – Practically the first point he made in his speech was to express gratitude for Biden’s unwavering support for Israel, so where does that leave Kamala who chose not to be there?

Just The News: Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says news reports that he is contributing $45 million a month to a pro-Donald Trump political action committee are false. – Musk said he is donating to America PAC at a “much lower level” than $45 million each month.

American Thinker: It’s Far from Over – If you’re tempted to think that Democrat disarray puts 2024 in the bag for Trump, think again. – This is because they still control the commanding heights.  – Additionally, those in power now are ruthless, corrupt, and inhuman; they control the media, the tech companies, and most of the levers of control in our current government. –  They live for power and will do and say anything to keep it.

Slay Magazine Judge Green Lights Trump’s Defamation Lawsuit against ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Who Falsely Asserted That Trump Was Found “Liable For Rape.” – Stephanopoulos repeatedly promoted the false smears on his show, even after being corrected by Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC), whom he was interviewing at the time.

American Thinker: Is everything kosher about the $126 million that poured in for Kamala? – There are suspicious anomalies in the Democrats’ fundraising that require investigation into possible campaign fraud. – ActBlue, the clearing house for all donations to Democrat parties and causes has long had fundraising practices that make money laundering easier by allowing donations from unverified credit cards, untethered to the cardholder’s name and address which means there’s no way at all to know who these donors are… 

American Conservative: Are Conservatives Finally Back? – It has been a long time since I dared to feel as exuberant for a conservative revival in America as I do right now. – The Republican nominee for VP is the most intellectually developed conservative on a major party ticket in the last three decades and Corporate America seems to finally understand that half the country doesn’t want their beverage company to be a full-fledged culture warrior…

American Thinker: How far will the left go to eliminate Trump? – Everything the left has thrown at former president Trump has failed to stop his march toward a second term in the White House. – Sadly, I can’t help thinking that the Butler, PA shooting has Deep State fingerprints on it. – We must remember that these people are insanely desperate to stop the man who will dismantle their plans to bring our country to its knees.

ArnGrimR: Guideline For Assessing Theories On The Trump Assassination Attempt, Reconciling ALL The Facts – There are a plethora of voices doing research into the Trump shooting in Butler, PA. – How can we assess those theories, not being experts or having direct access, to specialized equipment or knowledge? – Here is a little chart to help…

American Thinker: Whistleblowers reveal a ‘disturbing loss of trust in the FBI’ with local law enforcement agencies refusing to work with the bureau – The whistleblower report draws on testimony from more than 30 ‘independent, highly credible law enforcement sources and sub-sources’ across the country who ‘do not trust the FBI because they believe the FBI in recent years has been operating as a partisan federal agency motivated by a political agenda

ArnGrimR: Israel and the Palestinian Conflict, part 6, Duplicity as an art form – Billions of dollars have been sent to the Palestinian people and authorities, based on what appear to be falsehoods and propaganda. – This begs the question, what has Hamas done with all the billions of dollars in aid given to Gaza? – It is not just that they funneled all that aid money and bags of cement into their military installations, in, under, and near civilian buildings, but they systematically dug up steel water pipelines to turn them into rockets…

Epoch Times: A Federal Appeals Court Rules That The FCC’s Universal Service Fund Is An Illegal Tax – The court held that because the FCC relied on for-profit telecommunications companies to determine the USF surcharge, it functions as a tax that voters did not approve and so is unconstitutional.

Powerline: THE DAILY CHART SHOWS THAT BIG LAW IS BIG LEFT – The proposition that our legal system is politically biased looks a lot more plausible when you look at the distribution of campaign contributions to the two political parties from the leading “Big Law” firms in the country. The partisan tilt is so extreme that it is scary…

Center For Immigration Studies: Massachusetts, A Case Study in Mass Immigration and the Welfare State – Taxpayers in Massachusetts have spent more than $1 billion to date on the emergency shelter system that has been overwhelmed due to thousands of newly arrived migrants, some who entered illegally and some who arrived under one of the Biden administration’s controversial parole programs. – State budget officials expect they will have to spend another $1.8 trillion in the next two years…

The Vigilant Fox: Jordan Peterson Draws Chilling Comparison to Today’s “Gender Affirming Care” Atrocities – If you only have three minutes to watch Joe Rogan’s podcast today, this is the three minutes you need to see.

Zero Hedge: – Governor Newsom Issues An Executive Order For California Cities To Remove Homeless Encampments After The Supreme Court Ruling – The order directs state agencies to remove thousands of tents and makeshift shelters along freeways, shopping center parking lots, and city parks – and puts the decision in the hands of local authorities…

Woke Spy: The “Best Political Website Ever” Has Just Launched… – I don’t know how long this will last, but if you try to visit Biden.com it is redirected to the URL https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSaB1b7WQAAEFFZ?format=jpg and shows this. -Take a look:

July 24, 2024

Resist The Mainstream: Donald Trump’s shooter researched details about Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassination of former President John F. Kennedy before attending the Butler, Pennsylvania rally, the FBI director revealed on Wednesday in a congressional hearing. – “We’ve just in the last couple of days found that from our review … analysis of a laptop that the investigation ties to the shooter reveals that on July 6, he did a Google search for ‘How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?’” Christopher Wray said.

The Daily Signal: During His Dropout Speech, Biden Calls for ‘Supreme Court Reform’ – Reports last week said Biden would push term limits for Supreme Court justices. He has previously resisted efforts in his party to “pack” the high court by adding more judges to the current nine to achieve favorable outcomes for liberals. – Biden didn’t specify either Sunday or Wednesday night why he is stepping aside, despite widespread concerns about his declining mental acuity.

American Thinker: Obama Decided Biden’s Fate and The Democrat Elite Got Their Way – In the wake of their own six squandered months and a week’s uninterrupted streak of Trump momentum, and Biden’s disastrous debate performance, the Democrat elite returned to their effort to remove Biden from the ticket, but this time, sans subtlety and the slower pace. – They will use whatever means they must to maintain power.

Fox News: The web page that rated Kamala Harris the ‘most liberal’ senator in 2019 suddenly disappears – Harris was ranked ‘most liberal compared to all senators’ in a 2019 report card published by GovTrack – The web page with the ranking, which was widely covered in news reports during the 2020 election, was recently deactivated, so the link now displays a “Page Not Found” message.

Michael Darby in Australia: Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech To Congress – Watching him deliver his address to Congress was to ­behold a master politician in ­action, a cut above almost any other leader in the world. – The eloquence, perfect rhetorical timing and power of his ­roughly hour-long speech couldn’t be denied, and one ­delivered in English, too, which is not even his native language…

Vigilant News: Search Engine Manipulation and the 2024 Presidential Election – A noticeable bias in the search results related to Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged. – When searching for negative news or criticisms about her, users are often met with overwhelmingly positive or neutral content. – This raises important questions about the role of search engines in shaping public perception and controlling the narrative.

Dov Fischer via American Thinker: The American people are NOT too smart to be fooled because at least half are, by definition, below the midline fools shown by the fact that they elected Carter, Obama, and Biden. – When considering Kamala, American voters will have to decide, Do I want a president for the next four years who: Has lied to me for four years without blinking an eye, about Biden’s discombobulation – Has expressed support for reducing police funding, plus eight more important fact that include…

Western Journal: Obama Is ‘Very Upset’ with Kamala Harris Because He ‘Knows She Can’t Win’ as Democrats Suffer An Internal Battle – According to an inside source close to the Biden family who spoke to the New York Post, Obama thinks that Harris can’t win against GOP nominee Donald Trump and “was shocked” to learn that Biden endorsed her so shortly after he announced he wasn’t running on social media on Sunday…

Politico: Obama is ready to throw his full support behind Harris – The former president’s backing could come as soon as Thursday. – His backing could help activate and sustain energy — and fundraising — for Harris’ campaign. And he’s likely to get on the campaign trail for Harris once she is officially the presumptive nominee…

Western Journal: Kamala Isn’t Locked in Yet – 5 Dark Horse Candidates Could Knock Her Out And One Is Incredibly Dangerous – Democrats are considering some sort of competitive nomination process either ahead of or during the Democratic National Convention, which is set to begin on August 19 in Chicago. – Senator Joe Manchin of WV, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Senator Raphael Warnock of GA, and don’t rule out Hillary Clinton.

American Thinker: Ten Days That Changed the World? – It didn’t take long for the New York Times to proclaim Kamala Harris is the candidate of “joy.” – Actually, Kamala represents everything that is wrong with the contemporary Left. – She is the American version of the radicalized postmodern Left pushing a frightening mix of wokeism, sentimental politics, socialism, and sectarianism.

Townhall: Terrorist Protesters Storm Union Station in DC and Burn American Flags – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress that was boycotted by a large swath of Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, who opted to speak with a college sorority in Indianapolis instead…

Tablet Magazine: Iran Is Still Trying to Kill Certain American Officials – Iran has repeatedly threatened former senior Trump administration officials, citing their supposed role in the 2020 strike that killed Iran’s Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, the No. 2 official in Iran. – These former officials appealed for help to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Their letter to Garland, which they sent a full 18 months ago, remains unacknowledged, they confirmed.

Washington Examiner: Netanyahu blasts anti-Israel protesters before a divided Congress as ‘useful idiots’ – “I have a message for these protesters: When the tyrants of Tehran who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting, and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots,” Netanyahu said.

Daily Signal: Hundreds of Signs Were Ready For Anti-Israel Protesters Gathered at The Capitol for The Netanyahu Visit – They were provided by The Party for Socialism and Liberation, The ANSWER Coalition, and Shut It Down for Palestine…

Western Journal: Gnawing away at the official version of events as told by former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said the rooftop used by Thomas Matthew Crooks to shoot former President Donald Trump was left unguarded despite plans to have officers stationed there. – “Whistleblowers tell me law enforcement personnel were STATIONED to the roof the day of the Trump rally, but abandoned it, citing the heat”…

Western Journal: The confirmation that law enforcement not only had eyes on Crooks because of his behavior, but were comparing photos before the shooting raises more questions about how the assassination attempt was allowed to go so far, and with such deadly results.

Epoch Times: FBI Director Says Gunman Flew Drone Near Stage Hours Before Trump Shooting – Christopher Wray discloses new details on the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the shooting at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. – The director said his understanding was that Crooks’s last interaction with his father was to tell him that he was going to the gun range.

Vigilant News: Representative Lou Correa, a top House Democrat, revealed this week that he spoke with local officials in Butler, Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump was shot earlier this month who voiced concerns about the official narrative being delivered to the public. – He said, “I had local law enforcement officers, local electeds coming to me, whispering to me, ‘There’s more here to the story.’ – ‘We need to talk about the things that happened.’ – “To have people that were on the ground concerned, afraid of stepping forward is unacceptable”...

Epoch Times: House Republicans Raise Concerns About Supreme Court Justices’ Security After Trump Shooting – In a letter, House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland asking for a staff-level briefing on measures being taken to enhance security around the nine justices.

Forbidden News: This is bodycam footage released by Senator Chuck Grassley from the Trump Pennsylvania rally on July 13th. – The video was obtained from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit, in compliance with congressional requests. – In the footage, the men were discussing how they had noticed Thomas Crooks earlier before the incident unfolded.

Western Journal: The Secret Service Tells Trump to Change His Rally Plans – The Greatest Political Show on Earth is being told to move indoors. – The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the Secret Service has long disliked Trump’s outdoor rallies, finding them “onerous” because of the level of protection needed.

American Thinker: Congress Must Appoint An Independent Investigator For The Trump Assassination Attempt – Currently, Congress seems content to allow the FBI to investigate what happened. – This is the wrong approach because the government has an incentive to hide its failures. – When it comes to the attempt to assassinate Trump, especially given the U.S. Secret Service’s known failures, there must be an independent investigation.

Washington Examiner: Former President Donald Trump has said he will stop holding outdoor rallies as part of his presidential campaign. The decision comes almost two weeks after Trump was nearly killed during an assassination attempt on July 13 at an outdoor rally this month in Butler, Pennsylvania. – Two sources familiar with the operations of Trump’s campaign acknowledged the former president’s plan to shift to indoor venues

The Daily Fetched: Donald Trump said he is prepared to conduct mass deportations if he takes back the White House. – Trump’s remarks came as millions of illegal aliens continue to pour into the U.S. through Joe Biden‘s open border. – During an appearance on Fox News with host Jesse Watters, Trump noted that former President Dwight Eisenhower “did the largest deportation ever in this country.”

National Review: Enter Harris, Stage Left – Democrats are euphoric about having replaced Biden with Harris, but her radical progressive record and historic unpopularity will be a lot to overcome. – Harris is still a representative of the most unpopular administration in modern history; she is still more disliked than any vice president since polling began; and she is still a California progressive whose voting record in the Senate was to the left of Bernie Sanders.

American Conservative: California Republicans Warn the Nation About a Harris Presidency – As rumors wafted from Capitol Hill to the convention floor in Milwaukee before Biden’s exit, The American Conservative spoke to California delegates at the RNC about the prospects of California Democrats, Harris, and Gov. Gavin Newsom in a matchup against Trump. – Dysfunction in the Golden State speaks more eloquently than any attack ad could.

American Thinker: Hello, Hyperinflation – If You Like Bidenflation, How About Hyperinflation? – Kamala Harris’s agenda is to tax and spend bigger – Harris has no original economic ideas whatsoever, let alone any understanding of economics. – Harris is signaling that even as Democrats play defense on Biden’s mixed economic record, she’s eager to go on offense for the next four years…

Washington Free Beacon: 7 Hoaxes That Were Pushed by ‘The Truths We Hold’ Author Kamala Harris – Jussie Smollett – Horse-riding border agents whipped Haitian migrants – ‘Forced sterilizations’ at Trump-era immigration detention facility – Michael Brown’s ‘murder’ – Julie Swetnick and other Kavanaugh accusers…

New York Post: When VP Kamala Harris made her first and only trip to the US-Mexico border, federal agents on the front lines were instructed to completely sanitize the area to hide the true severity of the crisis from cameras, even going so far as braiding the hair of unaccompanied minors. – Harris, whose first big job as the nation’s No. 2 executive was to control the flow of migrants across the southern border, went to the border near El Paso, Texas, on June 25, 2021, after pressure from Republicans over her handling of the crisis…

American Thinker: A recent Wall Street Journal article is the latest to reveal that Democrats have known almost since the beginning of the Biden administration that Biden had dementia. – When Biden campaigned this year on his glorious legislative accomplishments, that was a lie. He’d done nothing. He was just a figurehead, while the real executive authority lay with unnamed, unknown, and unelected people.

American Thinker: In the battleground state of Wisconsin, a recent poll shows that 59% of state residents reject a ban on gas cars. – Are we about to see a war on car ownership like never before?

Washington Free Beacon: Environmental groups represented by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s environmental justice council are among the largest beneficiaries of the president’s environmental programs, collectively receiving hundreds of millions of dollars, according to a database review of federal grants…

July 23, 2024

Breitbart: Vice President Kamala Harris is the least “electable” among potential Democrats to replace President Joe Biden atop the 2024 ticket, top writers of the New York Times found Monday. – The report underscores Democrats’ lack of a democratic process to select a new de facto nominee — all while nullifying about 14 million votes that were cast for Biden during the Democrat primary.

Epoch Times: Kamala Harris delivered a speech at her first campaign stop on Tuesday, speaking before a large crowd of supporters in Wisconsin. – By the time she took the podium, Ms. Harris had already secured the commitment from more than half the presidential convention delegates, virtually cementing her path to the Democrat nomination.

Trending Politics: The Trump Campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday accusing them of violating campaign finance laws by transferring Biden’s campaign funds to the Harris Campaign. – “Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash…

Wall Street Journal: In Her Campaign Debut, Kamala Harris Steers Left – The implicit message of her first big campaign rally was, that they don’t need swing voters. – One of her vulnerabilities in November is that voters might view her, and not without reason, as more of a left-winger than Mr. Biden.

Resist The Mainstream: Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday. – Harris has been accused of “high crimes and misdemeanors” by the conservative representative, stating that she “has willfully and systemically refused to uphold Federal immigration laws, in that: In her conduct of the Office of Vice President of the United States, Kamala Devi Harris… has willfully prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice.”

National Review: If We Ignore the Biden Medical Cover-Up, We Will Be Condemned to Repeat It – This is the fourth time in the last century that the White House has lied egregiously to voters about the health of their president. – Just as they failed to do for much of his presidency, the mainstream media haven’t been very eager to probe the White House’s narrative or question whether it’s the full story.

Daily Caller: It Turns Out The Feds Do Have Transcripts Of Biden’s Talks With Biographer From Classified Docs Probe – DOJ’s disclosure that it does have transcripts of Biden talking with Zwonitzer contradicts its June assertion in court that “we don’t have some transcript that’s been created by the special counsel” and comes the day after Biden decided to quit the 2024 presidential race.

Dennis Prager via Daily Signal: Who the Democrats choose to run for office doesn’t mean a damned thing. – All that matters is that he or she is a Democrat because the left-wing party is the problem. – It’s not Joe who had to go, but he’s now gone and it makes not one bit of difference. – “The destructive, dangerous Democrat Party has to go.” 

CNBC: U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned following widespread outrage over how her agency failed to prevent the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally earlier this month. – Cheatle’s resignation came a day after she was blasted by members of a House committee at a hearing on the Secret Service’s actions leading up to Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler Township.

Jordan Schachtel: President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas, police sources say – Air Force One “flew so fast the plane shook” on its way back to the East Coast. – On Wednesday, Biden was scheduled to deliver the keynote at the UnidosUS annual convention at the MGM Grand. – President Biden did not appear at the convention, or any of his scheduled events later that afternoon. Instead, he left town, departing Las Vegas on Air Force One for Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where he remains.

The Free Press: The Curious Case of the Missing President, Plus – On Monday afternoon, Joe Biden’s doctor composed a memo designed to reassure the American people saying Biden tested positive for COVID six days ago and has completed his tenth dose of Paxlovid. – He wrote, that “his symptoms have almost completely resolved” and reiterated that Biden “continues to perform all his presidential duties.” – After that letter was released, everyone still had the same question, Where the hell is the president?

Zero Hedge: Is President Biden Alive? – Ever since dropping out of the presidential race on Sunday via a letter with a signature that has been in question and conspicuously lacking the seal of the White House or the President of the United States, President Joe Biden has failed to turn up anywhere in person. – The swift decision to drop out of the race, combined with the announcement last week that Biden tested positive for Covid and would “self-isolate” —which incidentally came out after Biden said he would consider dropping out if it were due to a ‘medical condition’—combined with endless unproven rumors swirling on social media about a medical emergency, have left people no choice but to sadly consider a worst-case scenario.

John Daniel Davidson: With Joe Biden Out Of Sight, We Effectively Have No President Right Now – It’s not just that Democrat Party elites ended Biden’s reelection campaign, they also ended his presidency. – The danger this poses to America’s national security is obvious. But it’s also dangerous domestically, as we try to make sense of an assassination attempt that came within millimeters of killing President Trump last Saturday…

National Review: Biden Passes the Torch As A Voice On A Speakerphone – This is how Biden’s presidency ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper. – Democrats, and the media, are much more fired up over Harris’s vision than they were about President Old Guy’s – Meet, or Re-Meet, Kamala, who once used $750,000 in federal funds to create a job-training program for illegal immigrant criminals…

National Review: Kamala Harris Becomes The Presumptive Democratic Nominee after Clearing The Delegate Threshold – Harris received support from numerous state Democratic delegations on Monday, clearing the required threshold to win the party’s presidential nomination next month, a rapid consolidation that will likely prevent a chaotic primary process in the wake of Biden’s withdrawal.

The Federalist: Kamala Harris’s office has had a staggering 91.5 percent turnover rate since she became vice president, an investigation from government watchdog organization Open The Books revealed on Monday. – Of the 47 staff members hired when Harris took office in 2021, only four reportedly remained in her employment as of March 2024. – The report comes as Biden’s X account announced he will “stand down” from his reelection campaign and “fully support” Harris as the new nominee.

American Thinker: Trump reveals even more about the assassination attempt in FOX News Watters interview – WATTERS: When you were down by the podium, we heard a lot of kerfuffles and you said something about shoes, TRUMP: Yeah, Well, they wanted to put me on a stretcher and I said, I’m not going on a stretcher. – WATTERS: Mistakes were made. They were monitoring this guy for an hour beforehand. TRUMP: Yes. WATTERS: No one told you not to take the stage? TRUMP: No. Nobody mentioned it. Nobody said there was a problem…

Western Journal: The details remain elusive for now, but the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has revealed that in 2023, a cellphone that had been where would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks lived and worked was near an FBI office in Washington, D.C. – “We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates.”

American Thinker: Kimberly Cheatle gets an F+ – Cheatle successfully stonewalled every serious question, refusing to provide any details that would illuminate the source of the Secret Service’s miscues and failures in Butler, Pa. – What we have seen over the recent months is evidence of a growing contempt by federal bureaucrats for the congressional committees that are tasked with overseeing their activities…

Issues & Insights: In Hiding Biden’s Decline, Democrats Showed They Are A Party Of Liars – Up until the June 27 debate with Donald Trump, the Democrats and their media division kept assuring us that Biden was fine. – While his inner circle insisted that he was fit right up to the point that he dropped out of the race Sunday, others in his party and much of the press began to turn on him before the debate was over.

Breitbart: Prominent BBC presenter Justin Webb accused the White House of covering up President Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline and suggested that the Democrats were not truthful to the American public. – “There was no question” that the Democrat party tried to deceive the people about the president’s condition.”

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump leads Vice President Kamala Harris in 13 national polls published in July. – The surveys indicate Harris might not have any better chance of defeating Trump than President Joe Biden did. – Harris’s favorability rating is one point less than Biden’s, RealClearPolitics polling average found.

Just The News: Kamala Harris’ record as vice president and in California statewide office shows a long history of scandal and management failings that are certain to draw scrutiny in the presidential race. – Before she was Joe Biden’s understudy for the last four years, Kamala Harris ran departments as a California prosecutor and senator. Often, scandal and failings followed in her wake…

The Daily Fetched: Lawmakers Shatter Kim Cheatle’s ‘Sloped Roof’ Excuse after Visiting Trump Assassination Attempt Site – After visiting the site in Pennsylvania, lawmakers walked out on the roof from which the shooter fired at Trump. – After a thorough investigation, lawmakers obliterated Cheatle’s excuse for not stationing Secret Service agents on the roof…

American Spectator: It; ‘s The End of the Road for The $230 Million Gaza Pier – The Biden administration’s $230 million Gaza pier, which took months to build and only operated for about 25 days, is being quietly shut down and moved to the Ashdod corridor. – The pier faced numerous issues throughout the entire operation which have severely limited operations.

The American Mind: The Palestine End Game – The invention of permanent refugee status guarantees perpetual war and misery. – The Palestine Liberation Movement was founded to ensure that the Middle East could not stabilize as long as it contained a Jewish state. – Everything ever done in the name of Palestine has been in service of that goal…

July 22, 2024

Western Journal: A Reported 4x as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot – “Who decided to deploy 12 post standers to the casino, where the first lady was having a 400-person dinner, and only three people from the Pittsburgh field office to the 20,000 person-plus Trump rally?” Representative Timmons asked. – Cheatle only said, “The allocation of resources is decided based on the availability of personnel and their location and where they are…

Celia Farber: Things Just Got Weirder – Biden Supposedly On The Speaker Phone With Harris, But It Doesn’t Sound Like Him – Netanyahu Arrives For State Visit And Demands A Meeting With Trump – WH Flags Are At Half Mast – The Nation Asks “What Is Going On?” And There Are No Questions Answered…

Epoch Times: Who Might Harris Choose as Running Mate? – Here’s a List of Candidates. – Democrats from battleground states, such as Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona, will be closely watched. – Others include Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear and Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina. – Other notable names mentioned include Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Maryland Governor Wes Moore. However, both have stated that they are not interested.

Courageous Discourse: A Conspiracy for All to See – Senator Ron Johnson’s preliminary findings leave only one plausible conclusion. – It seems to me that the only plausible explanation for these findings is that the Secret Service deliberately withheld security from former president and current presidential candidate Trump…

Just The News: Two House Republicans on Monday are seeking the impeachment of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle after she testified in front of the House Oversight Committee. – Cheatle has come under intense scrutiny after a shooter attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump on July 13, but the director has defied calls to step down so far. 

The Daily Signal: Two of America’s biggest banks just warned of incoming disaster. – Even poker-faced Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is starting to crack, sprinkling his usual sweet nothings with warnings that the Fed’s close to being forced to restart the money printers despite galloping inflation.

Wall Street Journal: VP Kamala Harris marched toward securing the Democratic presidential nomination Monday following President Biden’s decision to abandon his re-election bid, as the party coalesced around her to take on Donald Trump this fall. – Harris consolidated support from delegates who will determine the nomination at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Breitbart: Working- and middle-class Americans are competing for jobs against more than 30 million migrants, including legal immigrants, visa workers, and illegal aliens, the Pew Research Center revealed. – The latest from the Pew Research Center shows that as of 2022, more than 30 million legal immigrants and illegal aliens were in the United States and holding American jobs — a 20-percent increase over the last 15 years.

The Daily Signal: 23 Takeaways From Secret Service Director’s Testimony Before House Oversight Panel – ‘Nine Days In, And You Have No Answers’ – ‘It Wasn’t Me’ Isn’t an Adequate Answer – Representative Burchett Calls Cheatle A ‘DEI Nightmare’ – The Shorth Height Of Some Agents Guarding The Protectee – “How long do we have to wait before you give us credible answers?”…

Dr. Meryl Nass: Snippets from Kimberly Cheatle’s testimony today to make you mad – A look at the questions the Secret Service director has not answered. – Why did the Secret Service not station an agent on the warehouse roof that the gunman used as a sniper’s perch? – How many Secret Service agents were assigned to protect President Trump in Butler, Pa. – Why did the Secret Service allow former President Trump to take the stage, despite people in the crowd pointing out a gunman on the warehouse roof?…

The Canadian Independent: WATCH: Rep. Nancy Mace tells Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle that she is “full of sh*t” while questioning her during Donald Trump attempted assassination hearing today after she refuses to answer direct questions or says she would have to check…

Western Journal: An Official Report on The Trump Assassination Attempt Has Been Released and Provides ‘Chilling’ Details. – 1. The Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to SWAT and sniper teams on the morning of July 13, 2024. – 2. Local law enforcement said communications were siloed and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with the Secret Service. – 3. Local law enforcement notified those in command about Crooks before the shooting. – 5. Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement…

Trending Politics: Documents obtained from whistleblowers testifying about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump have revealed that the Secret Service provided significantly more resources to First Lady Dr. Jill Biden that same day, bringing into question why agents were diverted after death threats emerged against the former president.

Front Page: Ex-Obama Official Linked to Cartel Drug Smuggling Picked to Investigate Trump Assassination Janet Napolitano’s Back. – Napolitano, Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, was at the nexus of the investigation over Fast and Furious, an Obama administration program that helped smuggle guns to cartels to impose gun control on Americans that backfired and led to the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Epoch Times: Secret Service Director Cheatle Admits A ‘Significant Operational Failure’ in Trump Assassination Attempt – As the Director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse,” Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle told the House Oversight Committee in prepared remarks after she was subpoenaed, adding that the shooting was the “most significant operational failure in decades.”

National Review: Kimberly Cheatle Is Why No One Trusts Anything – What is it that makes Cheatle so indispensable? – Is she some unique talent? – Is she pursuing some transformational agenda, besides the DEI stuff? – Is she going to clean up what’s wrong with the agency? – If so, what exactly was she doing before this point?

National Review” The End of an Error – He didn’t do it on camera, we didn’t hear his voice and we didn’t see him at all on Sunday.I’m going to put down a marker, Joe Biden’s in much, much rougher shape, both physically and mentally, than anyone at the White House has been willing to admit. – The message from the White House is that Biden’s health is fine, and simultaneously that no, no one is allowed to see him, even though he’s announcing a complete reversal on his position for the past three years…

The Daily Fetched: Donald Trump has been sounding the alarm about Joe Biden‘s health for years, and is now calling for an investigation into the president’s doctors for lying to the American people about his mental decline. – The Biden team and the media have spent the last three years gaslighting the American public about the president’s physical and cognitive state…

Issues & Insights: Kamala Harris Will Be Burdened By What Has Been – There is a four-minute video on YouTube showing nothing but Vice President Kamala Harris repeating this empty phrase: “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” – But no matter how many times she utters this idiotic mantra, Harris will be heavily burdened by the disaster that has been the Biden administration.

The Daily Fetched: Elon Musk Blisters Kamala Harris on X after Biden Drops Out – “Imagine 4 years of this …” Musk posted on X Sunday evening, along with a video of a masked Kamala Harris announcing, “I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit.”

Front Page Magazine: The Real Problem With Kamala – The real issue is that Kamala displays leadership kryptonite. – Her original presidential campaign dissolved into infighting between her staff and her sister and then she dropped out of the race before she could even contest a primary. – As vice president, she not only made zero impact on anything, but her office staff abandoned ship. – The only thing she made into a signature issue was opposing Israel over the war with Hamas…

New York Post: Biden reportedly delayed dropping out partly because he doubted Kamala Harris’ chances against Trump – Biden and Harris spoke repeatedly over the phone in the hours before the bombshell announcement was made public, sources said.

Epoch Times: After Biden Exits The 2024 Race, Harris Scores Commanding Endorsements – The list of endorsements included the chairs of all 50 state party chairs, convention delegates from at least four states, and some of the biggest names in the party, including the Clintons, the governors of California, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and Democrat mega-donor Alex Soros.

American Thinker: Biden’s Parting Gift to the Democrat Establishment – Did Biden throw a grenade into the Democrat big tent? – He emphatically endorsed Kamala Harris to replace himself on the ticket. He simultaneously ended his political future while severely wounding the enemies who conspired against him. – While Barack Obama praised Biden’s choice to exit the race, he, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer have all declined to endorse Kamala Harris as of this writing.

American Thinker: The Fracturing of the Democrat Party – The 2024 election is critical to the future but in particular the Democrat Party as the cracks in the façade will begin to irreversibly widen, and finding a Biden replacement will exacerbate the tension between their two factions. – If Biden is too mentally incompetent to run for president, how can he continue in office? – The answer is, to issue pardons for himself and his family after November 5, 2024.

Epoch Times: Secret Service Director Cheatle Is ‘Eager to Cooperate’ With An Independent Review – The director is due to appear before the House Oversight Committee to testify on the agency’s security plan for the Trump campaign rally. – “I look forward to the panel examining what happened and providing recommendations to help ensure it will never happen again,” the director said.

Victor Davis Hanson: A Decade of Conspiracists? – Can we cease the charge of Trump the fascist since it has not only been proven false but has revealed far more about the authoritarian and conspiratorial nature of the accusers than their target? – Never in the history of the republic have the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Pentagon so vastly exceeded their constitutional and legal parameters or violated the careful guardrails between civilian and military…

Breitbart: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make the case Wednesday to Congress, and the American people, that Israel should be free to defeat Hamas, and Iran, without the constraints imposed by the Biden administration. – The Biden Administration has withheld a variety of weapons from Israel, openly and covertly, and has told Israel to refrain from certain military operations, such as the attack on Hamas in Rafah, which Israel has, at times, disobeyed.

Breitbart: Two Israeli hostages were declared Monday to have been murdered in Hamas captivity in Gaza – Alex Dancyg, 75, a Holocaust educator from Kibbutz Nir Oz; and musician Yagev Buchshtav, 35, from Kibbutz Nirim.

July 21, 2024

Epoch Times: Trump’s Shooter Wasn’t a Member of Rifle Team and Wasn’t Bullied According To His School – Bethel Park School District refuted reports about the would-be Trump assassin. – Thomas Crooks was never a member of the school’s rifle team and we have no record of him trying out,” their statement reads.

The Federalist: Democrat’s soft coup against President Joe Biden after his senility became a political liability, culminated with Biden announcing he would no longer seek the party’s nomination. – But if Biden cannot run for office due to the severe cognitive decline displayed during the debate, then dropping out of the nomination process isn’t enough, because if he is too senile to run for president, he is too senile to remain in office.

National Review: Joe Biden Should Resign the Presidency – Time and again, Biden has been confused in public, and we are now getting disturbing reports of his not recognizing friends and Democrat lawmakers in private. – It is possible to imagine a president who could serve for another six months but not another four and a half years, but this does not apply to Biden.

Wall Street Journal: What Happens Next Now That Biden Has Dropped Out? – Democrat delegates who pledged to vote for him now become ‘uncommitted’ – Now comes the difficult task of installing a replacement. – The Democratic National Convention begins on August 19. – Democrats could pick their nominee at the convention or virtually beforehand.

Epoch Times: The DNC Seeks Candidate ‘Who Can Defeat’ Trump After Biden Drops Out – ‘This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the party,’ DNC Chairman Jamie Harrison says. – “Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people.”

Trending Politics: The List Of Potential Harris VP Picks Has Been Revealed – Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper.

National Review: The Failure of Lawfare Exposed Biden – The lawsuits, the timing of their commencement, and the drive to schedule trials following the campaign calendar rather than the due process of law were no accident. – The point was not just to destroy Trump’s candidacy; it was to produce a historic, months-long drama that would keep Biden and his deterioration out of the public eye.

American Spectator: Destroying Our Criminal Justice System – The ails of our criminal justice system center on the failure to check abuse by politicized prosecutors. – Last year, the Los Angeles Times editorial board went so far as to say that the Republican opposition to Democrats’ “reforms” presented a threat to democracy.- Any resistance to these narratives is chalked up to right-wing obstruction…

Epoch Times: New Hampshire Bans Transgender Procedures for Children And Reserves Girls’ Sports for Those Born Females – The governor also signed a bill allowing parents to opt their child out of instruction related to sex and gender.

Center For Immigration Studies: A Shocking Report on Illegal-Immigrant Child Sex Crimes in Baltimore County, Md. Show Disparities In Prevalence And Sentencing – “Nearly 10%” of Child Sex Cases Involved Illegal Immigrants from Central America…

Wall Street Journal: At Approximately 2 PM Eastern Time Joe Biden Has Dropped Out of The 2024 Presidential Race And Endorsed Kamala HarrisHe is ending his campaign amid Democrat concerns over his age and abilities – Biden said he would speak to the nation later this week in more detail about his decision.

The Canadian Independent: Bill and Hilary Clinton endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nominee after U.S. President Joe Biden announces he is dropping out of the presidential race.

Wall Street Journal: Joe Manchin Calls on Biden to ‘Pass the Torch’ – Previewing the potential fight to come, Manchin also broke with some other Democrats and called for an open process to pick a new nominee, a further sign that the party has no clear consensus on what it would do if Biden does step down.

JD Rucker: Political Suicide, Why Only Two Democrat Candidates Are Being Seriously Considered to Replace Joe Biden – It’s not Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, or even Gretchen Whitmer. – Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton have been the most common names being proposed in the last few days as replacements for Biden because neither has a political future whether they take over the nomination or not…

JD Rucker: Rumors are circulating across social media that Kimberly Cheatle, the diversity hire who is currently Director of the U.S. Secret Service, will resign on or around Monday. – Generally, we do not publish rumors except there doesn’t seem to be a path forward for Cheatle or the White House following the nearly successful assassination attempt against Donald Trump just over a week ago. They had one job and failed miserably at it with only a miraculous move at the last moment to keep Trump alive.

Townhall: Trump Reveals Chilling Details of Would-Be Assassination – During Trump’s first sit-down interview after last week’s failed assassination attempt, the former president said he was left in the dark about the 20-year-old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who fired shots just moments after Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania.

Powerline: GRAND IN GRAND RAPIDS – President Trump held his first post-convention rally before a full house in a packed auditorium last night in Grand Rapids. – A week after the attempt on his life, Trump was in his usual form, talking for nearly two hours. – He’s not sure who his opponent will be, yet he seems ready for whoever the Democrats serve up…

American Greatness: The Chosen One – J.D. Vance is uniquely capable of giving voice to an entire disaffected generation or two and permanently transforming America’s cultural and political landscape. – Trump would be wise to give J.D. an outsize role on the campaign trail and an even more outsize role in the presidential administration that is to come.

The Daily Fetched: The Lincoln Project Co-Founder Says The ‘Biden Team Gaslit America, So Trump Is Going to Win’ – “In fact, he’ll win with a MAGA House and Senate.” – According to the RealClearPolling average of polls, Trump bow leads Biden by 3.0% in a national head-to-head matchup…

Wall Street Journal: Tracing the Trump Gunman’s Final Months and Days – Thomas Matthew Crooks appeared to be a bright engineering student even as he hatched a plot for a violent end – Few of Crooks’s friends and acquaintances appeared to know of his shooting prowess, even though he frequently went to the shooting range with his father, whose AR-15 rifle, purchased years earlier, he would ultimately use in the attack…

American Thinker: Getting To Ground Zero In The Assassination Attempt Investigation – For Congress to get to the bottom of the assassination attempt against Trump, it must ask the right person the right question, and Kimberly Cheatle is not the right person to ask – Ground Zero of the information food chain regarding this event is the SS sniper who killed Crooks and that is who Comer should commence his examination with.

American Thinker: There Are So Many Questions For Secret Service Director Cheatle – Should SS agents be able to holster their handguns? – How many SS agents were in fact, present? – It has been reported the SS operated no drones that day, if not, why not? – Shouldn’t any SS agent seeing someone using a rangefinder at such a site think they were setting up a killing shot?…

American Thinker: A ‘Livable America’ According to Radical Leftists – The radical left has been warning us that if President Trump returns to office, life in America will not be livable. – Whoever believes this must also believe, or pretend to believe, that America is more livable when the following conditions are in place: Immigration laws are blatantly violated, Cities under Democrat mayors make the list of worst in the country to live in…

American Thinker: Trump and Vance Raised Questions About the Failure of The Secret Service to Protect Former President Trump – The breaking news from the interview clips is that Vance said “I don’t trust the [FBI] bureau leadership,” but left out the part where he said, “but I certainly think there are a lot of good field agents, guys on the ground… – The full interview will be run on Watters World, July 22 on the FOX News channel.

The Daily Signal: A Top Pediatrician Promoting Trans Procedures for Texas Kids Is Now High-Ranking NIH Official – Chief pediatrician at Texas Children’s Hospital Catherine Gordon resigned in April 2022 after just seven months in her role, shortly after Governor Greg Abbott forced the hospital to pause attempted sex-change procedures on children, such as puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries.

July 20, 2024

New York Post: Secret Service officials repeatedly rejected Donald Trump’s request for additional security in the two years before last weekend’s assassination attempt. – The ex-president, asked for more agents and magnetometers at large public events he attended, as well as extra snipers for outdoor venues, four insiders told The Washington Post, which first reported the damning revelation.

Trending Politics: Fox News Confirms There Was A Third Shooter At Trump Rally – New details have emerged on the Secret Service counter-sniper who was able to neutralize would-be presidential assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks with a “one in a million” shot immediately after the gunman opened fire.

Trending Politics: Two New Theories Arise That May Explain How Trump Shooter Got Rifle Onto Roof – One source who had been briefed on the investigation stated that it is believed Crooks hid the rifle behind an air-conditioning unit he used to climb on top of the AGR International Building – Another theory contends that the rifle was hidden in the gunman’s backpack.

Epoch Times: Former White House physician and current Representative Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) issued a statement providing details about former president Trump’s injuries sustained in the shooting. – “The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear.” – “There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear.” – “The swelling has since resolved and the wound is starting to granulate and heal properly.”

Western Journal: The Condition of Trump’s Ear Injury Is Finally Revealed – The Hole Is Gigantic In Relative Terms – A hole with a 2 cm diameter equates to a surface area of about 3.14 which constitutes roughly 6.4% of the total ear surface area.

Center Square: Tens of thousands turn out for Trump-Vance rally in Michigan – “We’re here because we’re tired of our country going to crap,” an Indiana truck driver said. “I don’t like the gas prices, that our food prices are going up. I don’t like the fact that nowadays it’s OK to wave the LGBTQ flag and the Palestinian flag, but you’re burning the American flag. We’ve got wars, and all our money is going to Ukraine, and you’ve got homeless Americans, homeless veterans. Trump can stop that.”

Trending Politics: The Washington Post is reporting that “top officials” with the Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional security made by former President Donald Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to the attempt on his life in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13. – Agency higher-ups cited several reasons when denying the requests, including lack of resources and staff.

American Thinker: Biden is reportedly flying into rages – He’s like a wounded monster of Democrats’ own making; artificially stitched together, rotting, braying, and lashing out. – That’s some candidate to present to the public, and as of this writing, he’s not leaving. – If Biden does stand down, it’s not likely that any one candidate will have an absolute majority when the elected delegates are initially polled…

Red State: Obama Lied to Everyone About Biden’s Senility at The Infamous L.A. Fundraiser – Obama and his underlings lied to everyone. – They didn’t just abstain from commenting on Biden’s troubles at the fundraiser. – They came out publicly and countered them. They claimed that anyone who pointed out his senility was pushing disinformation, giving the press everything they needed to run with the “cheap-fakes” nonsense.

Zero Hedge: Eric Weinstein, former managing director of Thiel Capital, “It’s The Communism Stupid” – He believes the Democrat Party, by embracing progressive causes, is inadvertently promoting a communist agenda aimed at destabilizing capitalism and American society. – This view, although not widely accepted by corporate media, is a pivotal factor in Trump’s surging support.

JD Rucker: “Project 2025” Is Corporate Media’s Hail Mary – This is “The Big Lie” during this middle phase of the election cycle. – Donald Trump has renounced Project 2025 on multiple occasions. So has J.D. Vance. Yet corporate media continues to gaslight the American people with constant articles about how awful it would be if Trump wins because of Project 2025…

Washington Examiner: Democrats begin to plant seeds for open convention – Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) became the second Democratic senator to call on Biden to step aside on Thursday. He’d like to see an open nominating process at the convention in Chicago next month, and he’s not endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris at this time, according to his office.

Gateway Pundit: Here We Go, The DNC Rules Committee Outlines A New Voting Process That Will Move to A Virtual Roll Call to Nominate Joe Biden to Prevent A Embarrassing Public Display – The Democratic National Convention is scheduled from August 19 to 22 in Chicago.

Zero Hedge: While Joe Biden is decidedly ‘dug in’ and isn’t going anywhere, Democrats, the party of ‘democracy is on the ballot,’ are plotting a ‘loophole’ if Biden refuses to step aside or drop out of the race. – Given that Biden won nearly all the pledged delegates in the primary, those delegates can say that Biden no longer “reflect[s] the sentiments of those who elected them,” and can dump him at will…

Zero Hedge: A well-timed distraction? Or is it real this time? The White House says Iran is on the verge of being nuclear weapons capable. – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Friday that the Islamic Republic will have enough enriched uranium for producing fissile material to achieve a nuclear weapon within just “one or two weeks.”

The Reece Report: There Is Evidence of Multiple Shooters at The Trump Assassination Attempt – So we have more questions and no official answers – According to the sound analysis of Mike Adams, there were at least three shooters. – “I think round one is probably Crooks. Round two is Crooks. Round three is Crooks. I think these three rounds are Crooks. It’s my guess. Rounds four and five are from the same distance as Crooks but they are not Crooks…

American Thinker: Secret Service Threat Standards – When authorities first observed Crooks carrying a golf range finder Saturday, he was perceived as a “person of interest” but not a “threat,” authorities said Thursday. – Fox News reports before he mounted the roof, he hid his rifle, though there is no inkling of where or how he did that. So they didn’t see him until he was on the roof with the rifle? – Various other sources suggest SS or other agency counter snipers had him in their sights, or at least their spotting scopes, for from three to 20 minutes before they fired…

American Spectator: The Secret Service Needs a Red Team – Why Did Nobody think to ask the important questions before last week’s rally? – Red teaming, when properly done, challenges the basic assumptions of any plan, but nobody likes to be red-teamed. – The Trump assassination attempt is a case in point. – Secret Service planners supposedly assumed that the outer perimeter of the rally site would be secured by local law enforcement…

Fox News: Representative Sheila Jackson Lee has passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer – Representative Jackson Lee leaves behind her husband and two children.

American Thinker: Project 2025, Videos That Refute The Leftist Lies – Whenever confronted by the truth, leftists will always fall back on their one true talent; lying through their teeth. – To refute their abject lies and projections, it’s best to turn to facts. – This is why I have sourced several videos that explain the project they demonize, with links to the forward and the plan itself.

American Thinker: Donald Trump Versus American Socialists – The times have changed, and the modern Democrat party is not the party of John Kennedy. – Barack Obama, a devoted Marxist, converted the Democrat party into a socialist cartel and put the country on its way to a “fundamental transformation” to socialism. – Democrats now profess that America’s existing institutions—marriage, religion, the free-market economy, the judicial system, and the reliance on individual liberty—are outmoded, unfair, and discriminatory…

American Thinker: Who Can Donald Trump Count On? – When the going inevitably gets tough, who can a future President Trump look to for support? – Trump can’t trust the GOP, the CIA, the FBI, and many in government high places. He should also be wary of the National Archives as well, for helping to put his family at risk of deadly force. – As the late, great Rush Limbaugh pointed out, the only group supporting once and possibly future President Trump is the many, many millions of Trump voters and supporters, the latter group growing larger by the day…

American Thinker: A recently revealed Duke University School of Medicine DEI plan from 2021 asserts that concepts such as “individualism” and “timeliness” can be a part of “white supremacy culture.” – Individualism is, by definition, not a white supremacy culture … or part of any group’s culture, ethos, or standard. It is, however, the key to a rich and rewarding life and society…

National Review: The Fantasy Fiction of Anthony Fauci – His autobiography is a train wreck of a book. – Friends, indeed good friends, reviewed an early draft and persuaded him to bring in a “collaborator” to fix it. – Many of Fauci’s anecdotes are unintentionally revealing about his character

Slay Magazine: An appeals court has blocked the implementation of Biden’s SAVE student loan forgiveness plan. – The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has halted the plan while it considers the merits of a lawsuit by conservative states against the initiative. – The court was responding to a lawsuit against SAVE by Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES: SLIPPERY SLOPE EDITION – Speaking of slippery slopes, the slide has been polished, greased, and sprayed down, but Joe Biden refused to ride it down…

July 19, 2024

Epoch Times: Biden Announces His Return to The Campaign Trail Next Week – ‘The stakes are high, and the choice is clear. Together, we will win,’ the president said in a statement.

American Thinker:  Did Jill Biden get the Secret Service’s ‘A’ team, leaving President Trump with just its farm team? – Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on Friday that most of the security personnel at former President Donald Trump’s Saturday campaign rally had been “unprepared and inexperienced” DHS personnel rather than actual members of the U.S. Secret Service…

Breitbart: Nine Secret Service Failures that Nearly Led to Former President Donald Trump Being Assassinated – 1. The rooftop that Crooks fired at Trump from was an obvious security risk. – 2. The Secret Service allowed local law enforcement to be placed inside the building instead of on the rooftop. – 3. There was a lack of security on the building on the ground, allowing Crooks to access the rooftop. – 4. Local law enforcement first spotted Crooks near a magnetometer with a range finder around 3 p.m., about three hours before Trump spoke, but then was lost track of…

Wall Street Journal: Trump Gunman Flew Drone Over Rally Site Hours Before Attempted Assassination – This discovery adds to the growing list of stunning security lapses that almost led to the former president’s killing. – The predetermined path, the officials added, suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site…

City Journal: How The Secret Service Failed – What Disaster Science Tells Us about the Trump assassination attempt – The House Oversight Committee and other investigators should take lessons from disaster science to help guide inquiries that do more than give politicians 90-second clips on TikTok. Here are some questions Congress and other investigators should ask. – How unusual were the various decisions made on July 13? – What competing goals might have undermined the agency’s focus? – Is the Secret Service ignoring the “weak signals” of trouble?…

Western Journal: Democrat Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker pushed back on Biden’s Green Energy plan by signing the Safe CCS Act, which places a two-year moratorium on the construction of carbon dioxide pipelines until either July 2026 or until the Federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issues revised safety regulations on carbon capture projects.

Conservative Brief: According to a recent AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll, over 60% of Democrats think Kamala Harris would be a fine president. – Approximately 20% of Democrats don’t think she will, and an additional 20% say they don’t know enough to comment. – Many Democrats have openly and privately turned to Harris to replace Biden as the party’s presidential nominee since Biden’s disastrous June 27 debate…

Mark Halperin: Democrat Sources Say Biden Will Step Aside – Multiple sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden. – Plans indicate he will announce his withdrawal from the nomination as early as this weekend, with Sunday being most likely. – He will not resign from the presidency nor endorse Kamala Harris.

Mark Halperin: – Nancy Pelosi is forcing Biden’s hand. – She’s gone out of her way so far to make this process as painless for him as possible but knows him well enough to know that he is one of the world’s worst and slowest decision-makers. – The message is clear, do what needs to be done now Joe, or the level of pain will be ratcheted up. – Over the balance of July, Joe Biden can do this his way or Pelosi’s way, the hard way or the easy way…

Trending Politics: Family members surrounding President Joe Biden are reportedly past the point of encouraging him to run out the clock on Democrats’ calls that he exit the race. – Instead, they are working with the embattled leader to plan when and how he ends his reelection campaign in the coming days. – NBC News reported that some of the president’s closest family members, including First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and his son Hunter Biden, are working with the patriarch to manage a departure on his terms.

Washington Examiner: Might Democratic front-runners be hesitant to join a Harris ticket? – There has been ample speculation on who Harris could take as her vice president, any of those candidates would have to deal with being on a ticket that has similar polling to Biden at the moment. – Governors Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) are both reportedly not interested in being Harris’s No. 2. – Both names have been regularly floated as future presidential candidates, though they’re unlikely to go for it this cycle since Harris is positioned better.

Epoch Times: Donald Trump Vowed To Be A President For All Americans In His Convention Acceptance Speech – “The discord and division in our society must be healed.” – “I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America because there is no victory in winning for half of America.” – “We rise together, or we fall apart.” – Before delving into that political vision, former President Trump described his experience on July 13…

Zero Hedge: Trading Trump, Is This The Real Reason The Valley Boys Love Trump? – The probabilities show a 75% probability of Trump winning the US election on Nov 5. – The Trump Odds vs. the S&P, a lot of this stuff is getting priced into the market already. – The US yield curve has steepened with a rising probability of a Republican win…

Issues & Insights: Is This The End Of The Road For Today’s Democrat Party? – It has been completely overrun by its America-hating, DEI-ESG-CRT-socialist-Marxist-spewing radical fringe – Republicans wrapped up their hugely successful convention, and calls for President Joe Biden to step down are accelerating. – Donald Trump made one key decision this week that could seal the party’s fate. – Trump is grooming the next generation of leaders who can carry his vision forward as evidenced by his pick of JD Vance for his VP…

Vigilant Fox: Tucker Carlson Rocks the Stage with An Epic Speech and Gets A Standing Ovation – This ten-minute global address is quickly going viral.

The Federalist: Trump’s Triumph At The RNC Suggests Something Bigger Than Politics Is Unfolding In America – The whole convention had an air of myth, of the spirit of divine providence and a palpable sense that, as one commentator put it, we are “caught in the tide of larger shores.” – Earlier in the day, the convention opened with a prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, a traditional Catholic prayer for protection against “the wickedness and snares of the devil.” – Later, the Reverand Franklin Graham offered a prayer for the nation and Trump…

The Federalist: Donald Trump Enters Fall Election With The Big Tent Republicans Failed To Build For Decades – Trump has made inroads with minority voters without alienating the party’s white base because the former president’s activism is genuine. – The party’s extended reach was exemplified by Rose, a rapper and television personality who addressed the Republican convention on the first day, saying “I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re black, white, gay, or straight. It’s all love,” she said. “And that’s when it hit me: These are my people. This is where I belong.”

Peggy Noonan’s WSJ Opinion Piece: The Republican National Convention Is a Trumpian Triumph – A movement that was a joke nine years ago is a party now and its members are certain they will win. – If I say the Republicans had a stupendous convention I am not saying I am Trumpist. – The Republican National Convention: It was stupendous, a triumph from production through pronounced meaning and ability to reach beyond the tent, and it moved me…

American Conservative: Why Did Trump Give A Long Winded On and Off Script Speech? – This speech was not just about striking a contrast with Biden, however. It was a rebranding for Trump, and a neutralization of another Donald Trump, the one Democrats have tried to establish in voters’ minds. – This Trump showed he is not a dangerous person. – Trump was genial and jokey the whole time he gave his speech, with no anger, and no thunder.

American Spectator: The Chosen One – Our current problems may seem dire, but J.D. was made for this moment. – Vance can usher in a new American epoch of cultural restoration. – Ultimately, as the now clear heir to the throne in a post-Trump Republican Party, J.D. Vance will have a unique opportunity to effectuate transformative change in American political life by scrambling arbitrary old political lines and building a durable, generational coalition of the broader center.

American Thinker: Trump’s Resilience And The Inevitable Endpoint of Democrat Politics – Whether it’s gaslighting, demonizing their political opponent, or their propensity for violence, Saturday’s attack on Trump was consistent with ongoing Democrat rhetoric and actions. – As every day goes by, we find out more about the utterly absurd events that put Trump at risk. – We discovered that the DEI clown running the Secret Service diverted Trump’s usual detail to protect her patron, Jill Biden, leaving Trump with the practice squad…

Resist The Mainstream: ‘Freak’ Reason Hero Firefighter Was Shot, Killed During Trump Rally Revealed – Comperatore, a former chief of Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company, had moved to the front row with his wife and two daughters just moments before the former president was scheduled to speak.

Washington Free Beacon: A conspiracy theory has run unabated in Democratic circles following the assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump on Saturday. – It proposes that Trump staged the shooting for a photo op, that the wound on his ear was caused by something other than an assassin’s bullet, and that he was never in mortal danger. – It’s a baseless conspiracy theory disproven by reams of documentary evidence and eyewitness accounts, but it’s a belief held by one-third of the Democratic electorate.

American Thinker: The Trump Conspiracy! – There are two primary possibilities: (1) The Secret Service, top to bottom, is incredibly, wildly incompetent. – (2) Elements of the Secret Service, without direction or with direction from higher authorities, have been creating vulnerabilities with plausible deniability, like sloped roofs, hoping someone would take advantage of those obvious vulnerabilities and kill Donald Trump. – One can go a bit further when you take a closer look…

Trending Politics: After receiving a subpoena from the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Kimberly Cheatle has agreed to testify before the committee on Monday concerning the recent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. – “Kimberly Cheatle will testify before the House Committee on Oversight on Monday,” said Secret Service Chief of Communications, Anthony Guglielmi, on Friday.

Slay Magazine: In a disturbing new twist regarding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a bombshell report has revealed that the building used by the shooter is owned by World Economic Forum board member Larry Fink’s investment company BlackRock. – Furthermore, the building is managed by former executives of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. – During Trump’s rally last Saturday, a gunman was able to scale the roof of the building, unchallenged by police or Secret Service, and take clear shots at the 45th president.

Trending Politics: Josh Hawley Drops A BOMBSHELL About Trump’s Rally Security, The People Assigned Were ‘Not Even Secret Service’ – The whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not USSS agents but instead were drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). – This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these types of events, according to the allegations.”

ArnGrimR: New Facts And Old Fakes, The Trump Shooting Revisited – An incredible amount of information keeps surfacing, and every new bit confirms, refutes, or amends the ideas we’re forming about this assassination attempt. Let’s take a look at some of it. – Trump got hit with the first shot, which was very well-aimed. Using pictures taken from Trump’s right, by press photographers stationed there, the following sequence, immediately following each other, right before and when the first shot rang out, graphically shows how leaning forward and turning his head saved his life…

Vigilant Fox: “The Official Story of a Lone Gunman Is COMPLETE BUNK” – Even CNN acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.” – Dr. Chris Martenson meticulously breaks down the damning audio evidence. – The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and now brilliant minds are using their heads to uncover what happened that day…

American Thinker: A Victory for Honest Elections – Achieving large-scale fraud requires two things: Mail-in ballots and outdated voter rolls. – This Arizona win for the Republicans did not make national news, nor did it make local news, but it should have. People are fighting to improve the integrity of elections and they are the same people fighting to help elect Donald Trump…

American Thinker: Why The Trump Campaign Won’t Commit To A VP Debate Date – How can they agree to a vice presidential debate date when no one knows who the Democrat nominee will be?

New York Sun: Is Biden Funding the Taliban? – Auditors warn that there’s no way to be sure that the money President Biden sent to Afghanistan didn’t go to the Taliban. – That’s the upshot of a new report issued by the president’s special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, operating under the moniker Sigar. Two bureaus under the State Department failed to adequately vet nearly $300 million in aid disbursed in Afghanistan over eight months in 2022...

KTLA-5: Political commentator Lou Dobbs has died at the age of 78. – Former President Donald Trump, whom Dobbs publicly supported, announced his passing. – “The Great Lou Dobbs has just passed away — A friend, and truly incredible Journalist, Reporter, and Talent” – No cause of death has been given.

California Globe: Gavin Newsom’s ’10 Ways California Leads the Nation’ is Orwellian – California may be leading the nation off the cliff into 3rd world status.Newsom claims California simply has no peers, across the spectrum and made these claims in an email Thursday. – Women have “reproductive freedom” in the abortion sanctuary state. – Having “health care access” is providing it for free to all lower-income California residents and illegal immigrants.” – “California continues to lead the nation in celebrating people for who they are, being a sanctuary for people seeking gender-affirming care, reproductive health care, and seeking to enshrine LGBTQ+ equality”…

New York Post: A failed software update grounded flights, knocked banks offline and media outlets went off the air worldwide early Friday. – The global crisis was triggered when US cybersecurity company CrowdStrike deployed a faulty software update to computers running Microsoft Windows. – Microsoft said the underlying cause of the global outage had been fixed as of early Friday morning…

Lawyer Lisa: MOST IMPORTANT CLIMATE MINUTE EVER, AS THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT THEORY IS BUSTED!! – This is due to the failure to recognize the behavior of IR active gas molecules [like water vapor and CO2] – Given that the Earth has managed itself without man’s intervention over the epochs, it should not surprise us that Le Chatelier’s principle is at work. – Climate change is natural. (And out of mankind’s control!)

July 18, 2024

Washington Free Beacon: House speaker Mike Johnson vowed on Thursday to arrest any anti-Israel congressional officials who disrupt or get “out of hand” during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming floor speech to a joint session of Congress. – Johnson’s comments come as hundreds of left-leaning congressional staffers, and some Democrat lawmakers vowed to protest or boycott Netanyahu’s address on July 24.

Tablet Magazine: It Wasn’t Trump or Biden That Normalized Political Violence in America – With the Democrat Party’s internal upheavals about replacing the incumbent, the left has openly acknowledged that the shadow presidency isn’t a MAGA conspiracy but fact. – All the party’s chatter is centered on Obama, identifying him as the man holding the party’s reins and directing its messaging…

The Federalist: If Democrats Want A New Nominee, They Need To Use The 25th Amendment – Democrats want to have their cake and eat it too, by getting rid of Biden the nominee but keeping Biden the current president, but that’s not how it works. – The only acceptable excuse for rejecting Democrat primary voters’ decision is if Biden is constitutionally unable to serve as president.

The American Mind: Eff Bee Why – The FBI, our premier federal law enforcement agency can’t be trusted to investigate major crimes. – The nation remains on edge, awaiting more information regarding the motive of Donald Trump’s would-be assassin. – Many serious questions have emerged, but we may never get answers regarding the shooter’s intentions and access because the lead agency responsible for investigating, the FBI, is utterly unreliable and aggressively politicized, with a decade-long track record of deliberately obfuscating the motivations, such as…

Epoch Times: The Secret Service Was Told That The Local Police Lacked The Manpower to Secure The Building Used by The Trump Shooter – Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi confirmed this account and said that stationing a patrol car and an officer outside of the building was part of the agency’s advanced security planning proposal.

Vigilant News: The Trump Shooter Used 3 Encrypted Accounts OVERSEAS to Communicate – Who was Crooks communicating with? – Police found a cell phone and a bomb detonator next to Thomas Matthew Crooks after a Secret Service sniper fatally shot him on a rooftop outside of Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally. – The media is trying to paint Crooks as a ‘lone wolf’ and ‘domestic terrorist’ but there is no way he acted alone…

American Thinker: The Democrats’ greatest fear is coming true, Black men and young people now like Trump – While Trump is nowhere near a majority with either group, his inroads into the Democrats’ hold over them could be the difference between winning and losing. – The men whom the NYT interviewed felt betrayed by the Democrat party (as well they should, for the party has used and abused them), but most were pragmatists: Ultimately, they thrived under Trump and have not done so under Biden and results talk.

AXIOS: Behind the Curtain, Top Democrats Now Believe Biden Will ExitSeveral top Democrats privately told us the rising pressure of party congressional leaders and close friends will persuade President Biden to drop out of the presidential race, as soon as this weekend. – The pressure to step aside as a candidate has been rising to intolerable levels, especially over the past few days. – Democrats fully expect polls after the Republican National Convention to show a possible blowout that could bring down Democrats in Congress, too.

Issues & Insights: Cackling While America Burns – While there’s not a single person on any list of possible replacements who wouldn’t continue the decline of the U.S. under Biden, one stands out as more frightening than the rest, and that is Kamala Harris. – There’s an easy explanation why Harris is one of the most unpopular vice presidents. – She is an unserious person and a classic nitwit…

Trending Politics: Trump CRUSHES Biden-Harris In First Major Post-Shooting Poll – Emerson College on Thursday released results showing President Trump leading the Democrat incumbent 44% to 38% national, the largest lead he has held all year in the first poll conducted since he was nearly killed in an assassination attempt on Saturday.

American Thinker: Tonight, The ‘Blue Collar Billionaire’ On Stage At The RNC As Donald Trump Will Deliver The Most Important Speech Of His Career – In the view of some seasoned observers, Trump’s speech tonight could be even more significant than other famous speeches from the past as he stands at a potential game-changing pivot point in modern American party politics.

American Thinker: JD Vance’s Stellar VP Night At The RNC – He came across as easygoing and natural, with none of the phoniness of the pro politicians and might even be a better speaker than President Trump. – He touched all the necessary bases in criticisms of Joe Biden’s policies and their destructive effects in the heartland, while not sounding judgmental or angry. – He will make a superb veep and understudy for Trump, far superior to Mike Pence.

American Conservative: JD Vance Highlighted The Past And Looked To The Future in His RNC Stemwinder – The Ohio Senator and VP candidate attacked the failed elite consensus and contrasted it with the populist policies of Trump. – Vance’s actionable message throughout was clear, “Donald Trump represents America’s last best hope to restore what—if lost—may never be found again.”

Epoch Times: The DNC Says Virtual Vote to Nominate Biden Will Happen in August – The co-chair of the party’s rules committee confirmed during a news conference that the voting won’t take place before Aug. 1. – Mr. Walz said the DNC needs to complete it ahead of the convention to ensure the signatures are on ballots in all 50 states, including Washington, which has an Aug. 20 certification deadline.

Townhall: After DHS said it would launch an investigation into the Trump assassination attempt, Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill have also launched separate investigations and have called on Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to testify on Monday, July 22. – According to House Speaker Mike Johnson, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is attempting to block Cheatle from testifying.

Bill Rice, Jr.: A ladder could be a smoking gun for the assassination attempt – Plenty of salient questions remain unanswered. – The first key and still-unanswered question is whether the ladder depicted in these photographs is the one that allowed the shooter to gain access to this building, because other published reports, citing authorities working on the investigation, maintain the shooter gained access to the roof of the building via an air conditioning unit…

American Thinker: DEI and the Secret Service – Dark clouds of DEI initiatives are hovering over the nation’s foremost federal law enforcement agency. – The visuals of Donald Trump surviving the assassination attempt shocked the world, but after the relief that he was safe, there was perplexity caused by videos of what seemed like female agents struggling to function properly despite the urgency of the situation…

Resist The Mainstream: Sources close to the investigation revealed that the Secret Service received a warning about Thomas Matthew Crooks, designating him as a “threat” merely 10 minutes before Trump’s appearance. – This shocking information emerged during a stunning Senate briefing by the Secret Service on Wednesday.

American Thinker: Inexplicable Facts Lead To A Plethora Of Theories On The Shooting – I’m not accusing anyone in the Biden government of enemy action or claiming any specific theory is correct. However, I am noting that, with this level of weird incompetence and easy opportunities for an assassination attempt, a lot of people are saying that the given explanations seem so impossible that many believe the only probable explanation for what happened was enemy action, with the enemy being someone (or several) within the Biden administration.

Resist The Mainstream: Two men critically injured during the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump have shown signs of improvement. – James Copenhaver, 74, and David Dutch, 57, were both admitted to Allegheny General Hospital in critical condition following the shocking incident. – They have now been upgraded to “serious condition,” according to an Allegheny Health Network official.

American Thinker: The Democrats’ Jihad against Donald Trump – The evolution of jihad against Trump occurred predictably, from less bloody to more bloody methods – There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the anti-Trump hysteria in the disinformation media and the assassination attempt. – The assassination ultimately revealed President Trump’s character to those who have yet to comprehend it…

Breitbart: The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits unexpectedly soared last week. – The Department of Labor said Thursday that new claims for unemployment benefits rose by 20,000 to 243,000 last week. – Continuing claims, which are reported with a one-week delay, rose by 20,0000 to 1,867,000. This is the highest since November of 2021.

California Globe: The Golden State Insurance Crisis As Californians Are Getting Insured Right Out of Their Homes – The real responsibility for California’s high insurance premiums lies in state politicians and the governor’s policy decisions. – Most insurers say because of California’s high cost to rebuild, they can’t keep premiums artificially low any longer. – Insurers are now asking for a 34% increase in premiums in California.

Michael Shellenberger: The media headlines have it wrong when they claim that California Governor Gavin Newsom’s new law protects children by stopping public schools from outing their new gender to their parents. – It does just the opposite, by making children vulnerable to irreversible and lifelong medical abuse and mistreatment. It is all based on the pseudoscientific idea that some children are born into the wrong bodies and that we can change a person’s sex through drugs and surgery…

Zero Hedge: The International Space Station (ISS) is coming down. – NASA and SpaceX leaders announced their plan on July 17 to retire the ISS safely while maintaining an uninterrupted human presence in low Earth orbit. – Using the $843 million contract it won in June, SpaceX will create a one-off variant of the Dragon Cargo spacecraft that will direct the ISS into a controlled re-entry over a still-undecided area of ocean by 2030.

July 17, 2024

Western Journal: A Plastic Surgeon Reveals Surgery to Repair Trump’s Ear, But Will Trump Do It? – Trump lost the top third of his right ear to a bullet that came within an inch of ending his life on the stage in Butler County, Pennsylvania. – That portion of the ear “is one of the easier areas to reconstruct,” Dass told the Daily Mail. – The operation itself would take one to two hours and require only a local anesthetic, meaning Trump would be awake for the work and cost about $10,000.

Western Journal: The Video of Trump Arriving at The ER After Being Shot Is Thrilling and Heartbreaking at the Same Time – The 46-second clip showed people inside a waiting room, peering out the window at a black SUV parked at the emergency room entrance with red and blue lights flashing. – The concerned spectators were heard exchanging tidbits of information and talking about Trump’s injuries…

Just The News: At least six major security failures at Trump rally leave more questions for investigatorsOnlookers warned police about a suspicious individual. – A local officer saw Crooks with a rifle. – Multiple security officers spotted the suspicious individual before the shooting. – The SS and the FBI confirmed Crooks was identified by law enforcement much earlier than originally expected. – Local police warned USSS that they didn’t have enough resources. – They allowed Donald Trump to remain on stage despite the threat.

Breitbart: The Butler Township Commissioner Says Local Police Were ‘Strictly’ Tasked with Traffic Control – “When you look at Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police, Butler County Sheriff’s Department, the Butler Township police only responsibility was traffic detail, and I’m not going to comment on any other entity that was there, but I want to set the record straight,” he said, noting comments from many who are placing blame on local officers…

Breitbart: Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Mayorkas Is ‘Stepping In and Slowing the Process of Information’ About The Attempted Assassination of Trump – Greene explained that these agencies “cover up the information, and then they create the narrative that they want the public to know.” – “I believe we’re seeing the Biden administration and the intelligence community are starting to build the narrative that they want, and then they’re going to feed that information and try to control it as usual.”

Daily Signal: Speaker Johnson Is Setting Up A ‘Special Task Force’ To Investigate The Trump Assassination Attempt – “The answers that they are providing to us thus far are not satisfactory,” he said. – “So I announced this morning that we are gonna set up a special task force, a precision strike on this, it will be a bipartisan investigatory group and they will have subpoena authority. – We’re going to get down to the bottom of this quickly.”

Epoch Times: Joe Biden Tests Positive for COVID – “I tested positive for COVID-19 this afternoon, but I am feeling good.” – The president canceled all events and headed to his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Epoch Times: Federal Prosecutors Begin Dropping Jan. 6 Obstruction Charges After Supreme Court Ruling – Supreme Court justices ruled that charges brought under the obstruction law must meet certain criteria. – Defendants in other cases, and multiple people who have been convicted and are awaiting sentencing, have asked judges to consider the effect of the ruling.

The Daily Signal: 9 Takeaways From Night 3 of Republican National Convention – Jackson: Trump ‘Took a Bullet for Our Country’ – Kai Trump Recalls Hearing of Her Grandfather’s Shooting – Vance Outlines Biden’s History of Failures – Peter Navarro: ‘I Went to Prison So You Won’t’ – Gingrich Accused Biden of a ‘Make-America-Weak Ideology’ – Burgum: A Warning of ‘Biden Blackouts and Brownouts’…

City Journal: A Golden State Realignment? – As Governor Gavin Newsom’s signing of a bill barring parental notification of children’s gender transitions makes clear, progressives still dominate California, but signs point to a potential shakeup. – Residents have lost confidence, as only 40 percent approve of the activities of state legislators. – Some 62 percent told pollsters the state was headed in the wrong direction, up from 37 percent in 2020. – Four in ten are considering an exit.

RVM News: The Secret Service Cover-Up Coming From The Top – Dan Bongino Drops Bombshell with Stunning Revelation on Secret Service Failures Surrounding Trump Shooting – The rooftop from which the failed Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks fired shots, was supposed to be covered by law enforcement personnel. – Bongino revealed he was told this by an “unimpeachable source” knowledgeable about the situation.

Epoch Times: The DHS Inspector General Has Opened An Investigation Into Secret Service Lapses at The Trump Rally – The investigation aims to evaluate the Secret Service’s “process for securing former President Trump’s July 13, 2024 campaign event, but no start date was given. – The attempted assassination has raised questions about how the shooter, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, managed to position himself on a rooftop with a clear line of sight of former President Trump.

Washington Examiner: Don Jr. Basks In TheVance Spotlight After The VP Tug Of War – He spent months correcting what he calls the “lies of omission” from Republicans who wanted to keep Vance from becoming VP. – Vance had important allies in his corner, among them ex-Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson and entrepreneur Elon Musk, but Donald Trump Jr.’s unique access to his father allowed him to steer the conversation back to Vance each time boosters for the other leading contenders had the former president thinking twice about his decision…

Townhall: In His NAACP Speech, Biden Calls to ‘Lower the Temperature’ and Then Proceeds to Blast Trump – “Just because we should lower the temperature, doesn’t mean we should stop telling the truth,” Biden said, before claiming “Donald Trump’s presidency was hell for Black America.” – At another point, Biden argued the George Floyd protests were peaceful and questioned Trump calling for the National Guard…

Daily Mail: Trump shooting victim’s wife reveals details of her heartwarming phone call with the former president after refusing to speak to Biden – “He was very kind and said he would continue to call me in the days and weeks ahead” – “I told him the same thing I told everyone else, that he left this world a hero and God welcomed him in” – “He did not die in vain that day.”

Daily Mail: The Trump Shooter’s Bomb Plot – Cops found a remote detonator next to Thomas Crooks’ cellphone minutes after they shot him dead and the FBI found bombs in the car he parked next to the rally. – Four days after the shooting, law enforcement has not commented on what they believe Crooks may have been planning to do after the shooting with the Secret Service facing increasing scrutiny for their inability to secure the event…

Courageous Discourse: SS Director Cheatle’s Statement Has Zero Credibility – Secret Service personnel knew the building to the north was not secured and they did nothing to correct the breach. – From their vantage point on the barn roofs, the counter snipers could see that there were NO SENTRIES on the building to the north. They could also see the bystanders on the ground to the left of the building, frantically gesturing towards the roof for minutes before Crooks reached the ridge and fired the shots.

American Thinker: The Secret Service Story is Starting to Stink, Big Time – While the men and women surrounding Trump when the shooting occurred did the right thing, it’s beginning to look as if no one else in the US Secret Service did. – It’s beginning to look as if I was far too quick to give thanks that “the Secret Service is, apparently, not as corrupt as the FBI.” – We’re now learning, among other things, that Trump’s Secret Service detail was made up of second- and third-stringers, with more experienced agents having been pulled away to protect “Dr.” Jill Biden…

National Review: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Must Resign – Let us also not forget that in addition to a bullet grazing Trump’s ear, there were multiple casualties. – No matter what Cheatle says, there is simply no excuse for a stunning failure that, but for a stroke of luck or act of God, would have ended up with Trump’s death, and all of the political and social turmoil that would have come with it…

National Review: The Democrat National Committee Rushes to Nominate a Deteriorating Joe Biden – DNC chair Jaime Harrison is going at it, hammer and tongs, with independent analyst Nate Silver on whether the DNC needs to formally nominate Joe Biden as its candidate before the convention, with “plans to hold virtual roll call as early as July 21.” – There is something almost comical about the frantic effort to ensure the Democratic Party nominates Biden after all we’ve seen over several weeks…

American Greatness: Trump And The Fate Of Western Civilization – Trump represents a movement that is bigger than him, and bigger than MAGA. – The people in these movements all share at least two common grievances: they don’t want their national cultures destroyed, and they don’t want their standard of living destroyed. – In every country where these movements have arisen, that is exactly what is happening, and it’s happening fast.

Powerline: A CRY FROM THE HEART – Madeline Brame was only one of the excellent speakers at the Republican National Convention last night, but she stood out. – The New York Post covers her remarks, but I have posted the six-minute video of her talk below. – She’s not having any of that “lowering the temperature.” She is righteously angry with Alvin Bragg. – She testifies: “My eyes have been opened.”

The Federalist: RNC Unity Night Features Powerful Speeches From Americans Suffering Under The Biden Administration – The real stars of Tuesday’s lineup were the average Americans who shared their stories of loss and pain under Democrat President Joe Biden and his leftist policies. – ‘Our Baby Was Gone’ – ‘Say His Name’…

Breitbart: Fact Check, Democrats Try to Smear J.D. Vance as Antisemitic and Anti-Israel – CLAIM: J.D. Vance backs antisemitic “replacement theory,” votes against Israel, and won’t oppose antisemitism. – VERDICT: FALSE. All of these are lies circulated by pro-Israel Democrats losing the battle within their party. – The fact that Democrats have to stoop to gross distortions and outright lies to cast Vance in a way designed to frighten Jewish voters away from voting Republican suggests they are rather desperate and have little material to work with…

American Thinker: JD Vance Is The Perfect Pick – Did Vance always like Trump? No. But did Trump make the right call in choosing him for V.P.? Absolutely. – J.D. Vance was there through it all. Right alongside us, he has become a fighter for election integrity and putting America First. He has decried weaponizing the justice system for political purposes. He is against men competing in women’s sports and has strongly opposed killing the unborn…

American Thinker: Joe Biden’s Migrant Crime – Joe Biden’s “migrant crime” trend continues to surge, so it’s only appropriate we brief ourselves on the latest developments; I’ve got three in particular to mention this time. – Random killing sprees, Drunkards killing first-graders, and “Colonialism” revenge stabbings…

American Thinker: Make The Democrats Tell You What Their Party Stands For, Because “Never Trump” Is Not A Platform. – Democrat policies are notoriously designed to keep the poor and the little guy/gal at subsistence levels, just enough money to keep them voting Democrat. – Democrats should be asked if they are better off now than when Trump kept inflation and unemployment exceptionally low, and don’t let them change the subject…

Zero Hedge: CNN Admits Trump On Course For Landslide Win – CNN’s John King highlighted Tuesday how Donald Trump is on course for a historic landslide victory in November, and could get as many as 330 electoral votes (only 270 are needed to win).

Resist The Mainstream: Don Jr. Details The Role He Wants if His Dad is Re-elected – Trump Jr. emphatically stated to Fox News in an exclusive interview that he doesn’t want an official role in a future Trump administration. – He intends to wield “veto power over the RINOs” – “I just want to stop the bad guys from ever getting into those positions of power, that’s the only thing I want.”

American Thinker: The Disturbing Silence of Biden’s Cabinet – You’d think Biden’s top people would rush to defend his mental stability instead of responding with complete silence. – The silence is deafening and deeply concerning. Biden holds the nuclear codes, yet Lloyd Austin at Defense prioritizes political considerations over national security. If even a hint of doubt exists about the president’s capacity to perform his duties, it becomes a matter of urgent national interest…

Slay Magazine: A prominent New York attorney Adam Cohen has spoken out to dispel the false claims being pushed by the Democrats and their corporate media allies regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity. – Cohen believes the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity has limited scope for Trump…

FAR: California’s Endless Budget Pit – Recently there has been a lot of news coverage on California’s budget problems, which is not a new thing in the state. – The proliferation of Government at all levels in our lives here is beyond imagination. – It is not until you see it all laid out before your very eyes that you can come to realize that spending is totally out of control and most of these 230+ agencies have access to our pocketbooks in one way or another…

July 16, 2024

ArnGrimR: – The Trump Assassination Attempt, Separating Fact From Fiction In DetailMy students know that I love teaching history by maps because they provide so much information – When talking about the events, we need to visualize the place where the event we are talking about took place and its relation to other relevant places…

Epoch Times: A Breakdown of the Assassination Attempt Against Trump – A detailed look at how events unfolded when a shooter tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally.

New York Post: The Iran Assassination Plot against President Trump – US officials received intel about a sinister Iranian plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump just weeks before a deranged gunman shot at the GOP nominee at a Pennsylvania rally over the weekend. – The threat prompted the Secret Service to boost its protection around the 78-year-old, two US officials said — though the additional resources didn’t prevent Saturday’s shooting, which does not appear connected to the rogue nation’s plans.

Western Journal: A former Army sniper made a CNN host queasy by suggesting that the possibility of a setup in Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump should not be automatically ruled out. – Republican Representative Cory Mills of Florida, a former Army sniper, noted that all of what appear to have been errors that took place Saturday could be something else.

Zero Hedge: Democrats Lost Silicon Valley By Drifting Too Far To The Left – The grandson of communists, just compared Biden’s policies to those of the Soviets persecuting the kulaks. – Andreessen and Horowitz say that Biden’s proposed tax on unrealized capital gains would put their firm and most technology startups out of business.

New York Post: Donald Trump and the GOP are shifting to a party for the working class – Trump remains the ultimate capitalist, but a change is emerging before our eyes at the Milwaukee convention. – One whose primary focus is the well-being of working-class Americans…

American Spectator: On JD Vance and His Critics – Trump’s running mate is a MAGA convert and that’s a great thing. – Vance represents a large segment of the center-right sphere that was not on board with Donald Trump during the GOP primaries and I can understand why because I was part of that group. – Now you can call me a disaffected conservative because I’ve moved on from that and I call myself a revivalist, rather than a conservative at all…

Vigilant News: The Real Architects of Division: How the Media and Democrats Fueled Political Polarization – Truth in the Face of an Assassination Attempt. – Perhaps the most egregious aspect of the media and Democratic campaign against Trump has been the incessant and irresponsible comparisons to Adolf Hitler and fascism. Such rhetoric is not only historically inaccurate but also dangerously inflammatory. – There have been many misquotes and misrepresentations…

American Spectator: It’s Time to Fix Incompetence in the Pentagon – Confidence in our military is in decline for good reason. For instance, the debacle of the U.S. withdrawal from the Afghan theater rests with the careerist generals who meekly acquiesced to the State Department’s insistence on using the Kabul airport rather than the more defensible Bagram airfield as an embarkation location. – Anyone who could read a map should have seen disaster looming…

City Journal: A Bet Against the “Energy Transition” – Modern civilization depends on abundant, affordable, and reliable energy. Policies that ignore this won’t turn out well. – Hydrocarbons still supply over 80 percent of America’s and the world’s primary energy needs, roughly the same proportion as two decades ago. But that fact understates the reality. Hydrocarbons are used, in one way or another, in everything we build and use to sustain civilization…

The Washington Post: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans. – He is also weighing whether to call for a constitutional amendment to eliminate broad immunity for presidents and other constitutional officeholders, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations…

Conservative Brief: JD Vance Reveals What Trump Told Him – “He just said ‘Look, I’ve gotta go save this country. I think you’re the guy who could help me in the best way, you can help me govern. You can help me win, you can help me in some of these Midwestern states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and so forth,’” Vance said.

Epoch Times: 39 Things to Know About JD Vance, Trump’s VP Running Mate Pick – 1. He’s 39 Years Old – 2. He’s a Catholic – 3. He’s Married to Usha Chilukuri Vance – 4. The Couple Has 3 Children – 5. He’s Considered a Populist Conservative – 16. He’s a Marine Corps. Iraq Combat vet – 19. He Was an Editor of the Yale Law Journal – 24. He Wasn’t Always Pro-Trump – 25. His Views Evolved After Trump Took Office – 26. He Voted for Trump in 2020…

Dov Fisher via American Spectator: The Democrats’ Panic Reveals Vance’s Strength – Trump’s choice could be a genius political move. – When word spread that President Trump chose J.D. Vance, the Ohio senator’s outstanding qualities and resumé stood out: he graduated college in only two years and with summa cum laude (the highest academic distinction); then he graduated from Yale Law School, the institution that, along with Harvard, has become the incubator of almost all Supreme Court justices in the past two generations…

Issues & Insights: Isn’t This What The Left Wanted? – Editor’s Note: Google is restricting its AdSense network ads from running on this page because it deems this editorial “shocking content.” Pointing out that the left has fantasized about Trump’s murder, which someone then tried to carry out, seems to be verboten by the Goebbels at Google – At the institutional level, the Democrats and their political machine have to now rethink how they will campaign for the next 16 weeks. – Will they again ratchet up their rhetoric to the frenzied level they had reached just last week?

Western Journal: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Calls the 30 Minutes Between Noticing and Neutralizing Shooter ‘a Very Short Time’ – Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is a woman who has a lot to explain, and it turns out she’s not very good at explaining it. – Cheatle, as you may have heard, was the subject of criticism in the wake of an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Washington Examiner: Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle says the ‘sloped roof’ where the Trump gunman sat deterred the agency from securing the location. – After ABC anchor Pierre Thomas asked Cheatle if the roof should have been secured, the Secret Service director deflected the question. – “That building, in particular, has a sloped roof at its highest point,” Cheatle told Thomas. “And so there will be a safety factor that will be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof…

The Federalist: Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Enable An Assassination Attempt – They kept the rooftop open, watched the shooter, kept Trump on the stage, and didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot. And we’re supposed to believe it was an innocent oopsie? – They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months. – With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.

American Thinker: The Stakes Are Higher Than Ever: Choosing Trump for America’s Future – The guy who pumped his fist into the air after getting shot in the ear and surviving a bullet meant for his brain is the one you want answering tough phone calls about international relations. – Under Trump’s last administration, the United States regained its standing in the world. His policies were rooted in the belief that a strong America leads to a stronger global community. By prioritizing our allies’ fair contributions to collective defense, Trump effectively advocated for peace through strength…

Zero Hedge: Demand For The Truth Is On Fire As 𝕏 Usage Hits Another All-Time High Following The Trump Assassination Attempt – On X, users were fed raw, unfiltered footage and commentary from unbiased reporters and citizen journalists who revealed details about the assassination attempt. – At the same time, it took legacy media hours to catch up. – In fact, the way Americans receive their news is drastically shifting to X, as the demand for truth and transparency soars…

American Thinker: The Legacy Media Has Passed the Point of No Return – A massive poll of 20,000 participants undertaken by the Knight Foundation and Gallup found that Americans’ hope that the media is objective was lost by 2020. – 84% laid a moderate or a great deal of the blame for partisan hostility at the feet of the media. – 82% believed news outlets deliberately “misrepresent the facts” or “make them up entirely”. – 79% said media outlets try to persuade people to adopt a certain opinion about an issue or an individual…

American Thinker: The Left Has Sold Out to Evil – Nothing more perfectly represents this long leftist trend than the message that Reid Hoffman’s advisor, Dmitri Mehlhorn, sent out after the attempt on Trump’s life. – I know I am prone to bias on this, but this is a classic Putin play and given the facts seems more plausible. Look at the actual shot. Look at the staging. Look at how ready Trump is to rally; this pampered baby shit his pants when an eagle lunged at his food…

Powerline: NURSING HOME NIGHT OUT – The White House has posted the transcript of President Biden’s remarks at Renaissance High School in Detroit this past Friday evening. – Biden said things such as “Trump is even more dangerous now. No, I’m serious. He’s unhinged.” – Look, he says, if he loses, there will be a “bloodbath” when he loses. – And the United States Supreme Court said there’s virtually no limit on the power of a president. – Trump said if he wins, he’ll be a dictator on day one…

Forbidden News: There are 3 Eyewitnesses to a SECOND Shooter in the Water Tower Have Emerged, AND POSSIBLY A THIRD – “The claim that Cheatle was Senior Director of Global Security at Pepsico would seem at odds with the current Director, Timothy McCormick, who has had that position since 2014, so her bio was modified. – “If Crooks turned his rifle on the police officer who was ‘vaulted’ onto the roof, why didn’t the counter-sniper, who was watching Crooks through his scope, shoot Crooks then? – I don’t usually put links like this up, but there are too many things that don’t add up, so you can decide for yourself …

Dr. Robert Malone: Assassination and the Banality of Evil – Incompetence vs Malice. – It’s always hard to differentiate. – In my opinion, the “banality of evil” lies at the intersection of Incompetence, Nefarious Scheming, and Complex System dynamics, as illustrated by the above Venn diagram. – A sniper even took a picture of the suspect with a rangefinder and radioed to the command post before the Trump assassination attempt, CBS reports…

Dr. Peter McCullough: Detailed Analysis of Trump Assassination Attempt – A critical evaluation of video recordings and witness testimony of the incident – Multiple commentators have proposed that the counter-snipers on the barn did not have a clear line of sight on the assailant. This is contradicted by the fact that at least one of the counter-snipers did—AFTER the assailant fired multiple shots—succeed in shooting the assailant in the head. – Instead of one “Zapruder film,” we now have hundreds of videos of the incident, shot from multiple locations and angles, so we don’t have to rely solely on the mainstream media for reporting…

JD Rucker: The Three “Other” Reasons They Want to Stop Trump at All Costs – The main reasons your neighbors don’t like Donald Trump are obvious, but the real reasons the powers-that-be don’t like him are completely different. – Globalism Can’t Afford Another Speedbump – Covering Up Their Sins Is Almost Impossible – The Demonization of America First Patriots Must Continue Unabated…

American Conservative: The Missed Opportunity for Peace at NATO’s Washington Summit – The Biden administration is committed to continuing its errors in Ukraine – For decades, Russian officials made it clear that putting Ukraine in NATO would cross a red line. – William J. Burns, then U.S. ambassador to Russia and the current CIA director, candidly asserted in 2008 that, Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all redlines for the Russian elite (not just Putin).

National Review: The Stunning Arrogance of the Biden DOJ’s Response to Judge Cannon’s Dismissal – AG Merrick Garland could easily restart the Mar-a-Lago documents case by assigning it to a district U.S. attorney, but instead, he’s appealing Judge Cannon’s ruling. – A big part of a judge’s job is to vindicate the constitutional presumptions in favor of the defendant, hence, competent prosecutors must anticipate that judges are going to rule against them on many close calls…

The Center Square: Likely voters across the country continue to be most concerned about inflation, the economy, and illegal immigration. – This fresh data comes even as experts say inflation is slowing, indicating that Americans are still feeling the pinch of high prices. – Before the weekend assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, found that likely voters said inflation/price increases (45%), illegal immigration (36%), and the economy/jobs (28%) were the issues.

Slay Magazine: Democrat Senator ‘Gold Bar Bob’ Menendez Has Been Convicted on All Charges in His Federal Corruption – The decision comes after a grueling nine-week complex trial in Manhattan. – Menendez pleaded not guilty to federal charges that he accepted an array of bribes in exchange for helping foreign governments.

California Globe: A bill to require the state to give an annual report on the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday – Assembly Bill 2570 would have required that the annual Department of Housing and Community Development report to the Governor and both houses of the Legislature, which covers the operations and accomplishments during the previous fiscal year of the housing programs administered by the department, and included an evaluation of the HHAP program.

California Globe: Governor Newsom just signed Assembly Bill 1955 that prohibits schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused” or “transitioning” to the opposite sex. – Assemblyman Ward’s rationale for authoring AB 1955 was so trans kids would not be “outed” by teachers at school. – Ward conflates gay kids with trans kids as if they are just the same.

Austin American Statesman: Elon Musk announced that SpaceX HQ is moving to Texas and X headquarters is moving to Austin – “Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas.” – The legislation Musk commented on was AB1955 which limits schools from creating rules that require parental notifications if a child identifies as transgender…

July 15, 2024

Courageous Discourse: ABC News is reporting that the building on which the gunman (identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks) perched when he shot at Trump was the “police tactical staging area” for providing event security. – Note that the barn roof on which the counter-snipers were positioned was higher than the low roof on which the would-be assassin was perched…

Western Journal: The Shooter Was Spotted Up to 30 Minutes Before He Fired – It was Reported Multiple Times and Photos Were Taken, Yet No One Stopped Him – Crooks even pointed his rifle at a police officer – It was 26 minutes later that Trump was shot through the ear…

Epoch Times: Secret Service Director ‘Absolutely’ Plans to Stay After Assassination Attempt on Trump – It’s still unclear how 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to evade security and carry an AR-15 rifle to a rooftop overlooking the rally. – The incident left one person in the crowd dead, two wounded, and former president Trump—the now-confirmed GOP nominee for president—with a bullet wound in his right ear. The shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was also killed.

Western Journal: Watch Trump’s Visibly Emotional Walk-Out – His Ear Is Covered As The Damage Is Worse Than Thought – Trump supporters did not expect to see the former president at the RNC on Monday night.

Epoch Times: Trump Secured The Republican Presidential Nomination – Former President Trump also announced his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio).

The Vigilant Fox: – Tucker Carlson Reveals Stunning Insights on J.D. Vance – If you were having doubts about J.D. Vance, this short video should make you feel a heck of a lot better. – Tucker: “Every bad person I’ve ever met in a lifetime covering Washington was aligned against JD Vance.” – Now, that’s saying something…

Tablet Magazine: I Had A Few Drinks With JD Vance Back In 2021 – One of the things he said was, that Israel is a country and a nation that doesn’t hate its people, and that’s a good thing. – He also said, “Translating the impulse of the multiracial, multicultural middle class turned working class—there’s a lot of work to do,” he said. “But the instincts of the middle-class Black voter, the middle-class white voter, the middle-class Latino voter, are the same.” – And what are they? “We love our country, but we don’t want to live in a shithole.”

Wall Street Journal: Elon Musk Has Said He Is Committing Around $45 Million a Month to a New Pro-Trump Super PAC – Other backers of America PAC include Palantir Technologies co-founder Joe Lonsdale and the Winklevoss twins.

Epoch Times: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Confirms RFK Jr. Will Get Secret Service Protection – The secretary announced this on July 15, two days after an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

American Spectator: Kamala Kamala Chameleon, The Shameful Pretender – Whereas Biden is a pathological liar, Harris lies even more frequently and severely. Biden sometimes knows he is lying, sometimes believes his yarns, and sometimes does not even know what he has said. By contrast, Harris always knows she is lying, has no moral compass, and is purely evil deep in her soul.

Townall: U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) was revealed as Donald Trump’s running mate on Monday afternoon as the Republican National Convention got underway in Milwaukee, bringing the 2024 VP stakes to a close and finalizing the GOP ticket ahead of November’s election. – Trump announced the pick in a post on Truth Social…

Zero Hedge: Watch, A New Video Shows Trump Shooter Climbing To Roof And People Warning The Police – The video evidence confirms that security teams on the scene of the Trump rally in Butler, PA were warned well ahead of time that Thomas Crooks, the alleged would-be assassin, was climbing to the roof of the nearby AGR building…

Zero Hedge: 10 Burning Questions That Every American Should Be Asking About The Trump Shooting – #1, How did the shooter get so close without being seen by the Secret Service? It is being reported that he was able to crawl onto a roof that was just 130 yards away from Trump – #2 Why weren’t security personnel on that roof? Every roof that had a direct line of sight to Trump should have been covered, and a former SWAT commander is saying that what we just witnessed was “a fundamental security failure”…

The Daily Fetched: The Secret Service Deflects Blame onto Local Police for Not Securing Roof Where Shooter Tried to Assassinate Trump – Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the agency is responsible for security within a designated perimeter around the event...

The Daily Fetched: Former Secret Service officer Dan Bongino is perhaps the most well-placed person to comment on the failures surrounding the assassination attempt against Donald Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. – Bongino called the incident “an apocalyptic security failure” by the Secret Service and called for the resignation of its Director, Kim Cheatle. – “I could tell you stories for days about her putting politics ahead of presidential protection,” he said…Bongino called the incident “an apocalyptic security failure” by the Secret Service and called for the resignation of its Director, Kim Cheatle…

Fox News: Trump breaks his silence on the assassination attempt – “I’m not supposed to be here, I’m supposed to be dead” – “The doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle.” – Trump also said, “By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God I’m still here.”

American Spectator: WE HAVE A Compromised Secret Service – The agency has sacrificed its basic mission on the altar of DEI. – All agents wear the typical Secret Service outfits, but to an impartial observer, the female agents do not appear to have the same poise, confidence, and strength as the male agents around them. – Why, because the Secret Service has highlighted “diversity” as a key priority, and its director, Kimberly Cheatle, hired by President Biden in 2022, pledged to increase dramatically the number of women in the ranks.

Washington Examiner: Donald Trump is calling on the Secret Service to give independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. protection after the former president was the victim of an assassination attempt over the weekend. -Kennedy has previously been denied Secret Service protection, but the Department of Homeland Security has said it is processing another request for the heightened protection. – Trump said it was “imperative” that Kennedy be given Secret Service protection.

Slay Magazine: In the wake of the historic failed assassination of President Donald Trump, Texas state lawmakers are demanding the resignation of Representative Jasmine Crocket after the Democrat congresswoman pushed to have Trump stripped of his Secret Service protection. – Crockett was one of eight Democrats to sponsor H.R. 8081, the ‘Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act,’ targeted Trump after his conviction in a New York court in April.

Powerline: YOU MAY THINK YOU HATE THE MEDIA. . . but you can’t hate it enough. – When I first started seeing clueless mainstream media headlines pop up on Twitter Saturday afternoon I assumed most of them were fakes, attempts at bad satire, or the Babylon Bee trying to get ahead of things. – But No, These Are Real: CNN, Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally – Trump rushed offstage after loud noises heard at PA rally…

John Daniel Davidson at The Federalist: There Can Be No Unity With The Violent Democrat-Media Industrial Complex – You can’t incessantly use rhetoric designed to incite violence and then call for calm when violence inevitably erupts. – President Biden has spent the last few years declaring over and over that Trump is a “threat to democracy.” – Some are outraged about Biden’s recent call with donors when he said it’s “time to put Trump in the bullseye.”…

National Review: What on Earth Is Going on over at MSNBC With Morning Joe Pulled Off The Air? – If Mika and Joe couldn’t be up to the challenge of discussing events without the sort of rhetoric that would shame an entire nation, to say nothing of a network, then how on earth would it be any less so tomorrow?

American Spectator: Why J.D. Vance Is Trump’s Ideal Running Mate – Vance would steer the ticket in an “America first” direction. – It is not just the mainstream media that is afraid of Vance. It is also the establishment Republican donor class, who have voiced serious concern over what his promotion to the vice presidency would mean, ideologically, for the future of the party…

Western Journal: As it becomes clear that former President Donald Trump will survive his wounds and recover quickly, the focus of Saturday’s assassination attempt shifts to how this could have happened, particularly on the watch of the Secret Service. – It was reported Saturday that resources within the Secret Service were diverted away from the presumptive GOP nominee’s detail and were instead deployed to protect First Lady Jill Biden as she campaigned for her husband, President Joe Biden, the same day.

Epoch Times: The Secret Service Says The Republican National Committee Security Plan Has Been ‘Strengthened’ In The Wake of Trump’s Assassination Attempt – The director’s recent comments were made after the agency previously said no changes had been made in the wake of the shooting…

The Daily Signal: A federal judge in Florida on Monday dismissed the criminal classified documents case against former President Donald Trump, saying the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith as a prosecutor for the case violated the appointments clause of the U.S. Constitution. – Judge Aileen Cannon granted Trump’s motion to dismiss the case, ruling that when Attorney General Merrick Garland nominated Smith, he violated the Constitution’s appointments clause, which states that “Officers of the United States” must be appointed by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Liberty Daily: The DOJ Tries to Salvage J6 Charges After Facing a Major Blow at the Supreme Court- “The DOJ is not happy about the Fischer decision and is currently strategizing ways to circumvent the Supreme Court’s ruling,” criminal defense attorney David W. Fischer wrote Wednesday for Declassified with Julie Kelly. “For example, in certain cases, the DOJ may attempt to recharge using corrected charging language in indictments…

George Christensen: The Enabled Trump Shooting Was “Either Malice Or Massive Incompetence” – Here is Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s expert opinion on events surrounding the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump. – Erik Prince isn’t just some armchair speculator, he’s a former Navy Seal and the founder of the private mercenary force Blackwater. – “Isn’t that interesting? Allowing what was going to be a kill shot (and ended up being a kill shot for a rally audience member) before killing the gunman.”…

American Spectator: Democrats Have Less Than a Week to Replace Biden – Will he remain the Democratic nominee? – In just six days, on July 21, Biden is expected to be virtually nominated as the DNC’s official presidential nominee.

Breitbart: Watch Leftists March Against The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee

Breitbart: Erik Prince, the entrepreneur who founded Blackwater and other military companies, said Monday that the Pentagon had blocked him from giving Israel technology to flood the Hamas tunnels in Gaza. – He had been willing to donate the necessary equipment, “fully funded,” to Israel, but the Department of Defense rejected his involvement. – “It was blocked by the Pentagon,” he said.

Breitbart: Project 2025 Is The Victim Of The ‘Greatest Misinformation Campaign Since The Russia Hoax’ – Conservative author Mollie Hemingway observed that Democrats and the media had turned Project 2025 into a target. – “Ninety percent of the characterization is false,” Dans said, noting that Project 2025 was not a secretive effort but one that had involved 110 conservative organizations…

Center For Immigration Studies: What The Data Tells Us About Immigration Under President Biden – I prepared the PowerPoint below for a recent presentation, and it can serve as a primer and overview of the current state of the issue. – The central topic is the unprecedented increase in the foreign-born population since President Biden took office due to policy changes undertaken by his administration…

Jonathan Turley: Elon Musk is Right, End the Online Censorship Racket – Few Americans have ever heard of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, let alone understand how it shapes what they read and hear in news and commentary, but that may soon change. – An alarming new report from the House Judiciary Committee details this organization’s work to censor conservative and opposing viewpoints in the media by targeting figures such as Joe Rogan and entire social media platforms such as X (formerly Twitter)…

Issues & Insights: Another Biden ‘Achievement,’ Interest Payments Are Now The Second Largest Federal Spending Category – According to the latest monthly report from the Treasury, the federal government spent $682 billion in “net interest” payments so far this fiscal year (which ends Sept. 30). – That’s more than they spent on “health” ($670 billion), national defense ($644 billion), and income security, which includes payments to the poor ($508 billion).

California Globe: Multiple media sites confirmed on Thursday that X, formerly Twitter, is looking to sublease its 800,000-square-foot headquarters at 1355 Market Street and 1 Tenth Street, indicating a possible move outside of San Francisco soon. – The state would lose out on a lot of tax money if they left California, they could hope that X is looking at a cheaper office space in the Bay Area, or even looking at LA…

Zero Hedge: The US Court of Appeals for DC rejected a challenge from DISH Network and DarkSky, which sought to halt the deployment of SpaceX’s second-generation Starlink network in low Earth orbit. – The issue was a December 2022 FCC approval of SpaceX’s 7,500 next-gen Starlink satellites. Dish and DarkSky argued these new satellites would produce too much light and potentially disrupt astronomy and wildlife.

July 14, 2024

New York Post: Trump ‘saved his own life’ during the shooting according to ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino – Bongino excoriated the Secret Service for an “absolutely catastrophic” failure during Trump’s rally in Butler, Penn. and surmised that the former president’s decision to duck was live-saving. – “I can tell you, and confirm from the horse’s mouth, from multiple people, not just one…there have been repeated requests to increase his security footprint but to no avail…

Newsweek:  Donald Trump is significantly more likely to win the 2024 presidential election after an apparent attempt to assassinate him on Saturday left him injured, according to leading bookmaker William Hill. – On Saturday, before the assassination attempt, Trump’s odds of winning the 2024 presidential election were 8/15 (65.2%) according to the U.K.-based betting company. However, after the shooting, this was changed to a 4/11 (73.3%) chance of Trump achieving victory.

The Daily Signal: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Puts The Focus on Diversity – There were also some concerning videos of Secret Service agents who appeared not to know what they were doing as Trump, struck in the right ear by a bullet, was shielded and escorted away from the rally stage. – Dan Bongino: “The failures are profound and questions must be answered about ground surveillance, air surveillance, post-stander support, and counter-sniper advance work and response…

Epoch Times: Melania Trump Issues A Statement After The Assassination Attempt on Husband – In a lengthy statement posted to social media, Ms. Trump wrote, “When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized that both my life and Barron’s life were on the brink of devastating change”…

The Daily Signal: GoFundMe for Trump Rally Shooting Victims Raises More Than $3 Million – The fundraiser titled “Support For Butler PA Victims – President Trump Authorized” was started by Meredith O’Rourke, the Trump campaign’s national finance director. The campaign raised over $2.4 million by Sunday afternoon, surpassing the $1 million goal, according to the fundraising site, and is now at $3.8 million…

American Spectator: Protestors Prepare for the 2024 RNC – Despite orders from the court, protestors gear up to enter restricted areas at the RNC. – In March 2024, the city approved a public security map that outlines a “Pedestrian Restricted Perimeter” where only credentialed attendees may enter, and a surrounding “Vehicle Screening Perimeter” where pedestrians may come and go as they please but vehicles will be examined…

Dr. Robert Malone: A PsyWar Trump Assassination AttemptThis has the most comprehensive information and photos on the Trump assassination attempt at the moment.

Center Square: Former President Donald Trump said Sunday morning that it was “God alone who prevented” his death after he survived the Saturday evening assassination attempt. – Trump said that the country should “stand united” and not allow evil to win. – “Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.”… 

Revolver: The Dark Questions We Don’t Want To Ask, But Have To Ask, About The Secret Service – You’ll never guess what agency they’re under, The Department of Homeland Security. – It is simply unfathomable how the Secret Service sniper didn’t see Trump’s would-be assassin–and that there wouldn’t have been a Secret Service agent posted where the would-be assassin was in the first place. – Look at the image again and reflect on whether it makes any sense…

Resist The Mainstream: Breaking Report, Attempted Trump Assassin Identified – Elon Musk: “The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign.” – An eyewitness informed the police and Secret Service about a suspicious man on a roof with a rifle and was ignored…

Just The News: Warning signs about Secret Service emerged months before Trump assassination attempt – Long before the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday night there was a harsh light focused on the Secret Service. – The presidential security agency was already facing difficult questions about its capability, training, recruitment, and emphasis on diversity. – Secret Service agents reportedly were even circulating a petition raising questions about their management a few weeks ago.

Zero Hedge: Until a few hours ago, nothing has surfaced both the illegitimacy and fundamental dishonesty of the corporate media cartel quite like the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at the campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. – Early on, the mainstream media wouldn’t even admit it was an assassination attempt. – CNN: Trump injured in an incident at the Pennsylvania rally. – The Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at a rally…

Forbidden News: In Times Square, None of the Jumbotrons Reported On The Attempted Hit Job On Trump – THE “PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE HAS BEEN SHOT, AND NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF IT IN THE CENTER OF TIMES SQUARE.” – The New York Times referred to a “shooting” and CNN initially reported that Trump was “injured” and did not use the words “assassination attempt” until the FBI officially announced that, indeed it was. – If anybody has any doubt about the depth of the censorship and propaganda that we are living in the 21st century, in 2024, have no doubts, anymore.

Victor Davis Hanson: Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left – Since at least 2016 there has been a parlor game among Leftist celebrities and entertainers joking (one hopes), dreaming, imagining, and just talking about the various and graphic ways they would like to assassinate or seriously injure Trump: By slugging his face (Robert De Niro), by decapitation (Kathy Griffin)…

Slay Magazine: Police Were Warned About Trump’s Shooter Several Minutes Before Shots Were Fired, Witnesses Reveal – A video shared on social media shows a live BBC News interview from Saturday with a witness. – The man says he tried to warn police before the assassination attempt on Trump. – He also claimed the Secret Service “blew his head off,” referring to the shooter.

Zero Hedge: Several Reactions To The Assassination Attempt On President Donald Trump – It may seem odd to start a post about an assassination attempt on the current frontrunner to be America’s next President by talking about a photo, but in this case, it’s warranted. As Russell Brand and others noted, barring a heroic amount of ballot stuffing by the Democrats, that photo may be a deciding factor in the election…

National Review: An Iconic Image – Donald Trump has never been more authentically admirable than at the moment someone came within an inch of blowing his head off on national television. — Donald Trump says “Wait, wait, wait.” And Trump reaches up over their protective shield to throw a set of fierce, proud fist-pumps in the air…

Breitbart: What We Know About The Trump Rally Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks – Not much because the FBI only identified him by name. – This graphic shows the shooter was approximately 450 feet from Trump on a nearby rooftop

American Thinker: Providence and President Trump – While talking, Trump asked his tech crew if they could pull up a chart reflecting the rate of illegal immigration during the Trump presidency versus the rate of illegal immigration during the Biden presidency. – At that moment, Trump cocked his head forward and to his right, toward his speaking material. – If he had not been leaning forward, looking toward an impromptu image at his right, there would have been a tragic outcome as you can see in this image…

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump issued a message of faith on Sunday following an assassination attempt that almost succeeded during a rally in Pennsylvania, urging Americans to remain strong and determined. – “Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening,”  and then said…

American Thinker: Alive By An Inch – Newt Gingrich said that the fact that the assassin missed was a providential act and it was. – An inch and we’d be talking about a man being killed. – This is from Michael Goodwin says it all: They called him an illegitimate president. – They said he was a threat to democracy and had to be stopped. – They unleashed a legion of agents to investigate him, searched his home, and broke historic barriers by indicting him. – Then they rigged a trial in a bid to put him in prison. – They called him un-American and worse…

New York Post: The FACE OF AN ATTEMPTED ASSASSIN – Thomas Matthew Crooks, the gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump during a Pennsylvania rally on Saturday, has been pictured for the first time. – Crooks, 20, was on the roof of a manufacturing plant over 130 yards away from Trump’s rally at Butler Farm Showgrounds on Saturday when he took fire at the former president, grazing Trump’s ear and killing one rally attendee.

American Spectator: ‘An Existential Threat to Democracy’ – Given the flood of dangerous rhetoric from Leftists, the shooter could have easily thought he was protecting our democracy from a Hitler-like dictator. – When a political party, its leaders, its spokespersons, and its echo chamber in the mainstream media repeat over and over again that Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy,” a “fascist,” a wannabe “dictator,” and compare him to Adolf Hitler, what do they expect their followers will do? Someone attempted to assassinate former President Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Epoch Times: Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at a Pennsylvania Rally – An assailant fired several shots at former President Donald Trump during a rally on July 13, piercing the former president’s right ear, killing a man in the stands, and critically injuring two others. – The former president was airlifted to a nearby hospital and was in good health. – His jet departed Pennsylvania minutes before midnight, according to a flight tracking website. – A video later posted by one of his press aides shows the former president walking down the stairs to the tarmac in New Jersey.

The Daily Fetched: It Took Joe Biden Nearly 2 Hours to Condemn Trump Assassination Attempt – “I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally as we await further information,” Biden said in the statement. – “Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety.’”

July 13, 2024

Resist The Mainstream: Breaking: Video of Man Who Shot Trump Reportedly SurfacesThe shooter is believed to have taken up a position approximately 125 yards away from Trump’s podium, on top of a building across a field from the former president and is believed to have fired on the president from this vantage point on top of the building…

Breitbart: LIVE UPDATES, The Secret Service Rushes Trump out of Pennsylvania Rally After Shots Fired – The FBI has officially confirmed that the dead shooter’s name was Thomas Matthew Crooks. They released the following statement: The FBI has identified Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the subject involved in the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania. This remains an active and ongoing investigation…

George Christensen: A plot to have Trump shot? – Nation First asks if it was more than just a lone gunman – Eyewitnesses reported seeing the shooter armed with a rifle and alerted law enforcement, but their warnings went unheeded until the shots were fired. – The incident has raised questions about the security measures in place, and speculation about potential collusion or negligence by federal agencies.

Daily Signal: 16 Photos From The Trump Assassination Attempt – Former President Donald Trump was shot by a gunman Saturday evening while speaking on stage at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, 33 miles north of Pittsburgh, authorities said. The pops of a gun could be heard as Trump ducked to the floor of the stage and Secret Service rushed to cover him.

Western Journal: 5 Days Ago Biden Said ‘Put Trump in a Bullseye’ – Gunshots rang out Saturday during a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump was wounded and was bleeding from the right side of his head near his ear. – Reports indicated that the shooter was later killed.

The Federalist: Do Democrats And The Corporate Media Have Blood On Their Hands In The Trump Attack? – ‘They have some people whipped up to such a frenzy where they think there’s going to be a dictatorship if Trump wins.’ – “I repeatedly hear Democrats in Washington, D.C, talking about Donald Trump being a threat to our democracy,” said Rep. Tom Tiffany, who represents Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District. “It is repeated all the time time. I hear every day that Donald Trump is a threat. It’s amped up at such a level that some people are going to take it seriously.”

The Federalist: Democrats Started Trying To Strip Trump’s Secret Service Protection Just Months Before This Shooting – Democrat Bennie Thompson, the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act (HR 8081) on April 19.

Western Journal: CNN Can’t Help Themselves And Immediately Insult Trump After The Shooting – According to CNN, Trump simply fell off the stage. Here was the outlet’s headline — “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally.”

Daily Signal: The director of the U.S. Secret Service is facing heightened scrutiny following Saturday’s assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump. – An eyewitness at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, told the BBC that he warned police about the gunman before Trump was shot at approximately 6:15 p.m. The interview, which was shared widely on social media, sparked outrage.

The Daily Signal: Former President Donald Trump spoke out Saturday evening after an attempt was made on his life at a Pennsylvania rally. – “I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania.” – The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., told ABC News that Trump is under observation, but in “good spirits” and is “never going to stop.”

Epoch Times: – Since the primary election results were made binding in 1972, the primaries nearly always produce a clear winner, which makes the convention vote mostly a formality. – Even so, the official nomination is left to the convention because it’s possible that the primary elections won’t produce a winner. – Republicans will also nominate a candidate for vice president and have always deferred to the presidential nominee’s choice of a running mate…

Dr. Robert Malone: Big Brother is Watching You; So Where is the Outrage? – Journalists such as Michael Shellenburger, Matt Taibbi, and myself continue to expose corruption, censorship, and fraud. – Elon Musk has confirmed that the following text, as well as this short video from Michael Shellenberger, are both true…

Epoch Times: Don’t Expect Home Prices to Go Down Anytime Soon, Say Experts – Lack of inventory and high interest rates will continue to push home prices up into 2025, experts say. – 30 percent of homes sold garnered over-asking prices and bidding wars persist, with properties typically receiving three offers…

Sharyl Attkisson: Most voters question whether Biden is in charge at the White House – According to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey, just 38% of likely voters say they think Biden is performing the job of president, down from 40% a year ago – 52% say they believe others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes and another 10% say they are not sure.

The Federalist: The 15 Lies That Biden Told During His ‘Big Boy’ NATO Press Conference – “Overall, prices fell last month.” – While discussing the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, Biden contended “there is a growing dissatisfaction in, on the West Bank, from the Palestinians, about Hamas,” and that the terrorist group “is not popular now.” – Blaming his travel schedule as the cause for his poor debate performance against Trump. – Biden distorted comments about NATO Trump issued at a recent rally in Florida…

Washington Times: The Republicans are debating whether to push for Biden’s removal or let Democrats squirm – About 20 Democrat lawmakers have publicly called on Biden to step aside, creating an intraparty windstorm as the party actively reconsiders their presidential ticket just weeks ahead of the nominating convention.

American Thinker: The Folly of Basing American Gaza Policy on False Hamas-Reported Casualties – The Biden administration claims that “too many” people are dying in Gaza, but this conclusion is based on false casualty information and statistics provided by Hamas itself. – It is convenient, albeit tendentious and unethical, for the Administration to accept Hamas propaganda as the driving force to pressure Israel to stop defending itself.

American Thinker: What if the U.S. had been told to stop fighting Japan during WWII, the way Israel is being told to stop fighting Hamas? – No matter its stated reasons, the Biden administration, advised by its historically anti-Israel Department of State, is putting severe pressure on Israel to stop fighting Hamas in Gaza, without permitting it first to achieve its war aim of destroying this threat to its existence. – They are doing it without regard for the consequences to Israel, its population, and the Western world.

New York Post: Joe Biden looks exhausted, so here are the tricks his team uses to obscure his blunders – He uses cheat sheets to stay on track, but that is just the beginning. – When he travels on Air Force One, Biden now uses extra short steps to minimize the likelihood of stumbling- Teleprompters hand-hold him through many public appearances – Stabilizing shoes reduce the likelihood of an unsightly spill. – Staffers, walk alongside President Joe Biden to help detract attention from his stiff gait…

American Thinker: Democrats publicly declare their intent to commit election fraud – Democrats are flooding the country with millions of immigrants, dispersing them throughout the nation, to boost their representation in Congress where needed – Their refusal to support a requirement of proof of citizenship to vote proves is their total abrogation of the Constitution, and their total acceptance of Obama’s promised “transformation of America” agenda.

American Thinker: Obama’s Idea of ‘Democracy’ – Ever since he dazzled the world with speechifying on behalf of the common man at the 2004 Democrat convention, Barack Obama has been pushing a version of “democracy” that is different. – Judging from the sentiments expressed in his July 4th communiqué, the former president is either unaware that America is a constitutional republic or unequivocally invested in incrementally imposing majority rule upon a defenseless minority by issuing warnings that “democracy” is in peril.

FAR: How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies – After looking into key figures involved in the Spygate scandal, like Nellie Ohr, James Comey, John Brennan, and Christopher Steele, this is the information Diana West uncovered about their embedded ideological beliefs.

American Thinker: The ‘Largest ever’ carbon vacuum nicknamed ‘Mammoth’ goes online, promises to remove 1/1,000,000th of annual emissions with a hefty price tag. – Climeworks is part of three megaton direct air capture hub proposals in the U.S., all of which were selected by the US Department of Energy for public funding for a total of more than 600 million USD. – Somehow the company received three out of three contracts, snagging more than half a billion dollars of taxpayer money. – This smells like cronyism to me.

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, ANYWAY. . . – So this was the week Joe Biden and the Democratic machine, looking for a squirrel, any squirrel, discovered Project 2025, which—horror of horrors!—proposes conservative ideas for America…

July 12, 2024

Epoch Times: President Joe Biden announced on July 12 that Israeli and Hamas negotiators have both agreed to a framework for Hamas to release hostages and for both sides to impose a cease-fire in the ongoing Israel/Hamas war. – Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office further said Israel would not allow weapons to flow into the Gaza Strip from Egypt or “the return of armed terrorists and the entry of war materiel to the northern Gaza Strip.”

American Conservative: Elon Musk Throws His Weight Behind Donald Trump – The exact figure donated by Musk to the Trump-aligned America PAC has not been released. – The disclosure of his donation is more evidence of Musk’s alignment with the American right. – As money continues to pour in for Trump, Democrat donors announced Friday they would withhold the $90 million promised for Biden’s campaign, citing the debate debacle.

Nate Silver: The case for, and against, Kamala Harris – It is clear that a lot of Democrats were rooting for President Biden to flub last night’s press conference.- Let’s be honest, she’d probably be an underdog but she’s still a better option than Biden. – I don’t think you should just totally ignore the polls, so here’s what they say — every poll we could find since the debate that has tested Harris against Trump…

Breitbart: The prices paid by customers of businesses in the United States unexpectedly surged in June, undercutting confidence that inflation might be waning. – The producer price index (PPI) rose 0.2 percent last month, according to data released by the government on Friday, and was twice the increase expected by economists.

Tipp Insights: Americans Feel The Heat As Bidenflation Climbs Toward 20% – This key voter concern can’t be hidden and is unlikely to cool – Bidenflation at 19.5% is squeezing Americans’ wallets – This is the sixth consecutive month of an increase – Inflation improvement is an illusion due to the base effect – Annualized Bidenflation is at 5.7% – Core inflation remains stubborn at 3.3%…

Issues & Insights: The Green No Deal – Given how much renewable energy has been promoted, dressed up, coddled, favored, and subsidized over the last decade or two, it would be understandable to believe that a green transition is well underway. – Don’t be fooled by this foolishness, oil and gas are still king.

Slay Magazine: A Federal Judge Rules Gender Is ‘Unambiguously Binary’ – The ruling comes after the Democrats have increasingly pushed that sex is something fluid that can be changed at will. – Human sex is defined at the chromosomal level and no amount of surgery, drugs, or false pronouns can ever change that.

Sharyl Attkisson: Is our news more biased than ever? – Hatred of the news media may be at an all-time high, and a majority of voters say the media bias continues to get worse. – A recent Rasmussen Reports survey found that 61% of likely voters believe the problem of bias in the news media is getting worse, slightly higher than our December survey.

Zero Hedge: “Project 2025” Is Just “Project 1981” – First off, it’s the least surprising thing in the world that the preeminent DC think tank of the “Conservative Movement” would merge itself to the maximum extent possible with the branding and sensibility of Donald Trump, the current undisputed ruler of the “Conservative Movement,” such as it exists.

Zero Hedge: A Big Wreck Is About To Happen At The Intersection Of Artificial Intelligence Boulevard And Net Zero Avenue – The Energiewende and all the other green energy scams are about to be slowly shuttled aside because we need massive amounts of new energy that these schemes cannot deliver.

National Review: Maybe Biden Isn’t Such a Kind-Hearted, Wise Statesman after All – Only a few weeks ago the party line was that Joe Biden was getting better with age, wiser and more self-restrained — before he suddenly and unexpectedly became a monster. – Of course, nothing has changed about Biden in recent months, except his ever-downward polling.

Washington Examiner; House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries met with President Joe Biden on Thursday to discuss a path forward for the party heading into November as a growing number of Democratic lawmakers call on the president to withdraw from the race. – At least 18 House Democrats have called on Biden to withdraw from the race over concerns about his age and whether he could carry out another four years in office…

American Thinker: Did Biden Release His Delegates Last Night? – During his press conference at the NATO Summit, President Joe Biden appeared to release his Democrat convention delegates, as seen at 54:20 into the video. – When asked if his delegates are free to vote their conscience Biden responded, “Obviously, they’re free to do whatever they want. … Tomorrow if all of a sudden I show up at the convention and everybody says we want somebody else, that’s the democratic process…

Zero Hedge: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky while attending the annual NATO summit in Washington as a special guest has admitted that from Kiev’s point of view, it can never get enough weapons from the West. – He said Tuesday night at a side event to the NATO forum that Ukraine has not yet received enough weapons to defeat Russia.

American Thinker: America’s refusal to support Israel at the United Nations is cowardly and immoral – In U.S. experience, the way to win a war is to fight it with all necessary force, whether or not the threat to America is existential; why doesn’t Israel have the same latitude?

Breitbart: Israel Defense Forces discovered a command center this week used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists within the Gaza City headquarters of the UN’s Relief and Works Agency. – Israel has long insisted that UNRWA supports terrorism in general, and maintains that several UNRWA employees participated directly in the October 7 terror attack. – Terrorists have repeatedly used UNRWA facilities to launch attacks and store weapons.

Breitbart: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated Friday that Israel has no intention of withdrawing from the Gaza-Egypt border, known as the Philadelphi corridor, in a hostage deal, despite media reports to the contrary. – He has instructed the negotiating teams accordingly, made this clear to US representatives this week, and updated the Security Cabinet to this effect last night.

Zero Hedge: Below are the population changes for all U.S. states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico, ranked from declines to gains in ascending order in 2023 – New York leads, followed by California, then Illinois, Puerto Rico, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Hawaii, and West Virginia…

California Globe: California Price Fixing Minimum Wage Hurts the Young and the Poor – Newsom’s PaneraGate scandal is an admission that California’s arbitrary minimum wage laws hurt all businesses – “The ones who remain employed will receive higher wage rates, but fewer will be employed.” This is a fact, well-proven in fact, by the late economist Milton Friedman.

Zero Hedge: AT&T has revealed a massive hack of customer data for the second time this year. This latest batch of customer data includes “records of customer call and text interactions” that occurred “between approximately May 1 and October 31, 2022, as well as on January 2, 2023,” the company wrote in a regulatory filing Friday.

Breitbart: A recent study conducted by the FTC and international consumer protection networks has uncovered alarming statistics on the prevalence of “dark patterns” in subscription-based websites and apps. – One of the most prevalent dark patterns identified in the study was “sneaking,” a tactic used by 81 percent of the analyzed platforms. This technique involves the inability to disable automatic subscription renewals during the initial sign-up or purchase process.

July 11, 2024

Washington Examiner: No successful two-term president has ever sought to control his party after leaving office as forcefully and deviously as Barack Obama has. – Obama, with dwindling subtlety, has sought to command and control the Democrats ever since quitting the White House in 2017. There has been much reporting about his holdover staff steering President Joe Biden. The same people visit Obama’s grand home in the Kalorama district of Washington, D.C., presumably to receive their marching orders.

Washington Free Beacon: Lowlights From Biden’s ‘Big Boy’ Presser – Here are some of the most concerning highlights from President Joe Biden’s Thursday night press conference, during which he vowed to stay in the race. – Biden said he’s “taken three significant and tense neurological exams,” but he failed to complete the sentence without stumbling through it. – It is a sad thing to watch…

Washington Free Beacon: President Biden’s high-stakes press conference at this week’s NATO summit was a triumph for his challenger, former president Trump.  – Biden’s performance did nothing to resolve the Democratic Party’s dilemma over his status as its 2024 presidential candidate. – The press conference supplied Biden’s internal critics with ammunition against his candidacy, such as when he misidentified Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.”

New York Post:  President Biden stunned journalists Thursday by confusing Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump at a closely watched press conference shortly after he mixed up Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky at a different event. – “Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I think she’s not qualified to be president.”

Townhall: CNN Has a Damning Report About What Went on During Biden’s Cabinet Meetings – “The entire display is kind of an act, as “They would come and say, ‘Hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes, and ask this question. What are the bullet points you’ll respond with?’” – One Cabinet secretary told CNN they are uncertain of Biden’s condition because they so rarely see him. – In fact, the last full Cabinet meeting took place on October 2, 2023…

Townhall: Pelosi and Obama Are Colluding to Get Biden to Exit the Race, But There’s One Problem – The last thing Obama wants is for Trump, whom he despises, to be able to say something along the lines of ‘even Biden’s former boss, Obama, wants him out.’

Hot Air: The GOP-led House Oversight Committee subpoenaed three senior White House aides Wednesday, demanding they sit for depositions regarding President Biden’s health. – The subpoenas signal the Republicans’ desire to investigate whether some of Biden’s closest aides essentially have hidden the 81-year-old president’s true condition, in a probe that could drag through the Nov. 5 election.

Conservative Brief: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre admitted on Tuesday that she had been mistaken when she stated that neurologist Dr. Kevin Cannard, a specialist in Parkinson’s disease, had not examined President Joe Biden in January. – There has been speculation within the medical community that he suffers from Parkinson’s.

Tablet Magazine: We talked to some members of the Israel Defense Forces Egoz unit, an elite commando unit specializing in guerrilla warfare, special reconnaissance, and fighting in complex terrains, and asked them about their near-death experiences after going into Gaza after Oct. 7. – This 5-minute video will take you breath.

New York Sun: Chinese Communist Soldiers Train in Belarus, the Kremlin’s Satellite in Eastern Europe and a Stone’s Throw From NATO – Code-named Eagle Assault 2024, the exercise commenced immediately after Belarus joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a Russo-Chinese counterweight to the North Atlantic Treaty. – Polish analysts find the location of the training exercises more than coincidental. Thirteen miles to the west of the Belarusian training base is the Polish rail hub of Malaszewicze…

JD Rucker: Elon Musk Drops a Bombshell About European Commission’s Attempt to Bribe Him – They desperately want to control the narrative and it seems that Elon Musk is standing in their way. – “The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us,” he said in a post on X. – “The other platforms accepted that deal. 𝕏 did not.”

Townhall: The latest survey from Gallup on the topic of immigration found that 55% of Americans, the highest percentage since October 2001 immediately following the terrorist attacks of September 11, want less immigration.  – Just 16% of Americans said there should be more immigration.

Conservative Brief: A federal judge has ruled that Ohio’s strict voter ID law, which includes a photo provision, is constitutional and has rejected a challenge to it. – In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Donald Nugent, a Clinton appointee, found that the Ohio photo ID requirement, in particular, “imposes no more than a minimal burden, if any, for the vast majority of voters.”

Jonathan Turley: “The First Amendment is Out of Control” Academic and Media Figures Are Rallying Against Free Speech – The current anti-free speech movement in the United States has its origins in higher education, where faculty have long argued that free speech is harmful. – Starting in secondary schools, we have raised a generation of speech phobics who believe that opposing views are triggering and dangerous…

American Thinker: American School Children Are Intentionally Dumbed-Down Every Day – For instance, children are falsely told that the government can control the climate, including temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity. – They are taught to repeat what they are told instead of to ask questions and do research. – Then they are chastised as stupid, anti-science, and climate deniers if they dare to disagree…

Committee To Unleash Prosperity: Trump Is The First Presidential Candidate in History to Endorse “Universal School Choice” – While we are nonpartisan and don’t take sides in party politics, we generally like the Republican Party policy platform for 2024. – One plank of the platform that made us jump out of our chairs and perform cartwheels of celebration is Universal School Choice.

Breitbart: Chuck Todd and Jonathan Martin Now Admit That Democrats Have Worried About Biden’s Decline ‘for Years’ – They said Biden’s decline was an “open secret” and a “simmering conversation.” – Todd, “I haven’t had Biden on Meet the Press since June of 2020; and that was interview when he was in his basement.” – He hasn’t done a Sunday show since then, they were not putting him out for years….

National Review: Dead Campaign Walking – Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?” That was the question Julián Castro addressed to his opponent Joe Biden during the Democrat presidential primary debate in September 2019. – Everyone saw what was happening to the former VP back then, but once Biden had the Democratic nomination locked up, nobody on his side spoke of it again.

National Review: Joe Biden won’t pull out, so the only way Biden won’t be the nominee is if 1,968 Democrat convention delegates can be persuaded to nominate someone else. – Apparently, the Biden campaign realizes this so fearing a floor revolt against his nomination, President Biden’s aides are telephoning individual delegates to next month’s Democrat National Convention to gauge their loyalty to the president…

New York Post: An embattled President Biden is set to stage a “big-boy” press conference Thursday afternoon, the first since his disastrous debate performance threw his 2024 re-election campaign into utter disarray. – He plans to close out the NATO summit in Washington with a rare, solo news conference as he scrambles to prove to the American public that he’s capable of serving another four years. 

Epoch Times: The House Passes A Bill to Require Proof of Citizenship for Voting in Federal Elections – The measure is unlikely to pass through the Senate, and the White House is opposed to the bill.

American Thinker: The Three Phases of the Ukrainian War, Euphoria, Apprehension, and finally Despair. From the euphoria that characterized America’s and NATO’s view of the war to the current situation, there’s been a clear trajectory. –  – The US and its NATO partners are delusional and fail to realize that they are facing an unwinnable situation. It is an immutable fact that a nuclear-armed state cannot be defeated…

Epoch Times: Fearing The New Panama President Will Block A Key Route to the US, Migrants are Flooding The Darién Gap – The US pledged to support Panama in deportation flights for illegal immigrants on their way to the US border. – On July 1, the same day that he took office, Mr. Mulino forged a deal with the United States to pay for repatriation flights for migrants entering Panama on their way to the United States.

American Conservative: The Case for J.D. Vance – Trump should redouble his appeal to the voters who backed him in 2016. – Trump needs a vice president who will support his agenda, not the neoconservatives’. – The best VP for a second Trump term, for reasons of substance and electoral advantage alike, is Ohio’s Senator J.D. Vance—hands down…

American Thinker: J.D. Vance Will Be Trump’s VP Choice According To A Highly-Placed Reliable Source In Trump’s Orbit – While political predictions can be perilous, this one deserves reporting now – According to media reports, Trump’s choice for his VP running mate will be announced at the latest on Monday morning, July 15, the opening day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Victor Davis Hanson: Our Brezhnev, Our Pravda, Our Soviet Union – The media did its best to continue its Orwellian ruse, but like the late-stage Leonid Brezhnev, Biden is now a president in name only. – He has outsourced his administration to a vestigial hard-left apparat from the Obama years, so what is next for our increasingly Soviet state?

American Thinker: Steve Bannon and Ignatius of Antioch – Can the Deep State shut down Steve Bannon? – It doesn’t seem that way. – Bannon’s America First ultra-MAGA bazaar combines Judeo-Christian nationalism, sealed borders and sovereignty, ending foreign wars that only benefit the military industry and its sponsors, and deconstruction of the administrative state…

Townhall: The June Inflation Report Is Here – The inflation rate dipped 0.1% in June but the Consumer Price Index showed prices have increased 3.0% in the last 12 months – Core CPI inflation, which excludes more volatile food and energy costs, increased last month with prices rising 0.1% for an annual advance of 3.3%. – Among the costs still rising faster than the headline and core CPI numbers in the last year are electricity (+4.4%), transportation services (+9.4%), and shelter (+5.2%).

American Thinker: More Bad News on the Electric Vehicle Front – Aside from the lackluster sales figures and alleged scams, the EV industry is facing several vexing problems that seem almost insurmountable at this point. – For instance, over this summer alone, there have been numerous reports of people being trapped inside EVs due to dead batteries…

July 10, 2024

Western Journal: ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Drops a 9-Word Bomb on Biden, Making Joe Look Even Worse – He was supposed to serve up softballs to President Biden on Friday, but it didn’t work – On Tuesday he candidly revealed what he thought about the president’s performance over the past few weeks, “I don’t think he can serve four more years.”

The Daily Signal: A Weekend at Biden’s – Conservative media feel vindicated to finally see the legacy media admitting what we’ve been covering all along, that Biden’s mental state is a serious problem, and it may even be disqualifying. – The legacy media looked for an excuse to be “duped,” not because they are gullible, but because the issue of Biden’s mental acuity is politically inconvenient…

Resist The Mainstream: Biden’s Support Has Declined in New York, Putting The Democrats Into a Panic – The Empire State has been blue for decades so the Biden campaign ignored campaigning heavily in the state that always votes liberal. – Political consultants are now in panic mode, trying to convince the Biden campaign to focus attention on New York.

Lumen-News: The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) filed a federal lawsuit in conjunction with seven states against Biden’s HHS over its rule mandating that states and healthcare providers promote and provide young people with experimental medical interventions consistent with so-called “gender-affirming care.” – ACPeds filed this lawsuit because doctors should never be forced to violate their sound medical judgment and perform life-altering and sterilizing interventions on their patients.

The Daily Signal: Here’s How Many Democrats Voted Against Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote – The Republican-controlled House voted 221-198 Wednesday to require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections, with five Democrats voting for the legislation, and 198 Democrats voting against it.

Gateway Pundit: House Defeats Resolution Holding Garland In Contempt – The Four GOPers Who Voted NO are Representatives David Joyce (OH-14), Michael Turner (OH-10), Tom McClintock (CA-04), and John Duarte (CA-13) – The measure would have fined Attorney General Garland $10,000 per day for refusing to hand over the tapes of Special Counsel Hur’s Biden interview.

Epoch Times: The U.S. annual inflation rate eased for the third consecutive month and came in below the consensus estimate, offering the Federal Reserve further evidence that progress is being made in returning to the central bank’s 2 percent target rate. – Gasoline prices have fallen while shelter costs remain elevated…

Dr. Robert Malone: The House Judiciary Report Shows I am Being Censored by the Largest Corporations in the World – The House Judiciary Committee released an interim staff report on how GARM and its members are colluding with other companies to censor not only hate speech but to censor speech that they don’t like. – For some reason… this report from the House Judiciary Committee neglects to emphasize the links between GARM, The World Federation of Advertisers, and the World Economic Forum…

Liberty Daily: Elon Musk announced that social media platform X will sue ‘perpetrators and collaborators‘ who have colluded to control online speech, as revealed on Wednesday by an interim staff report released by the House Judiciary Committee. – “Having seen the evidence unearthed today by Congress, 𝕏 has no choice but to file suit against the perpetrators and collaborators in the advertising boycott racket,” Musk wrote, adding “Hopefully, some states will consider criminal prosecution.”

Vigilant News: The Untold Purdue Pharma Story That CNBC Kept Hidden – This sinister move led to “hundreds of thousands of deaths across this country.” – It turns out that there is a non-addictive formula for the opioid drug Oxycontin, but Purdue Pharma blocked anyone from making it by filing a patent on it. – From 2016 to 2018, Dr. Martin tried to break this story to CNBC, but they refused to publish it, deeming it “not newsworthy,” but likely loss of ad revenue was the real reason…

Breitbart: The Biden Administration Flooded An Ohio Town with 20,000 Haitian Migrants, Ten to a Bedroom – Residents of the west-central town of Springfield, Ohio, are demanding that their city council do something to stem the tide of the Haitian immigrants that have flooded the city, especially in the aftermath of the death of a child in a school bus accident caused by a migrant driving illegally.

Vox Popoli: The Doability of Mass Deportation – The Dominican Republic’s mass deportations of Haitians prove that it is very easy, humane, and practical to deport even large numbers of immigrants if a ‘Clown World Government’ doesn’t stand in the way. – In the Dominican Republic, national sentiment helped Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona successfully win the 2020 Presidential election on a platform of ending Haitian migration and cutting through red tape to deport those already in the country, which he did in great numbers.

Center For Immigration Studies: CIS Submits Formal Comment on The Watered-Down Biden Administration Asylum Regulation – The submission explains the strategy’s flaws and offers alternatives to improve border security

The Associated Press: A U.S. Coast Guard cutter on routine patrol in the Bering Sea came across several Chinese military ships in international waters but within the U.S. exclusive economic zone, officials said Wednesday. – The crew detected three vessels approximately 124 miles (200 kilometers) north of the Amchitka Pass in the Aleutian Islands, the Coast Guard said in a statement.

Associated Press: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is now planning to address former President Donald Trump’s nominating convention next week, an apparent reversal from just one day earlier when he was expected not to give a speech. –DeSantis’ speaking role at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee was confirmed Wednesday by a person familiar with the schedule who spoke on condition of anonymity because the schedule has not yet been released.

Breitbart: George Clooney was all smiles at his recent Hollywood fundraiser for Joe Biden, where he and Julia Roberts raised a record sum for the president’s re-election campaign. – Now, in a dramatic about-face, Clooney has withdrawn his support for Biden and is spilling the beans about what it was like behind the scenes, in a NYT Op-Ed, saying the Joe showed clear signs of cognitive decline at the celebrity-filled event last month and can no longer win in November…

The New York Times: George Clooney, “I Love Joe Biden, But We Need a New Nominee.” – “I love Joe Biden as a Senator, as a Vice President, and as President.” – “But the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “big F-ing deal” Biden of 2010 or even the Joe Biden of 2020″…

Wall Street Journal: Nancy Pelosi Signals Biden Should Re-Examine His Decision to Stay in Race – The former speaker urges colleagues to hold their fire until after the NATO meeting concludes – “It’s up to the president to decide if he’s going to run,” Pelosi said in a recent interview. – “We’re all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short.”

Breitbart: Hunter Biden is reportedly the “acting chief of staff” to President Joe Biden, usurping Jeff Zients in that designated role. – The Biden family, which made millions from foreign business deals while Joe Biden was in and out of office, is helping to keep Biden in the race, a source told the Daily Beast on Wednesday:

Breitbart: The Biden Campaign Is ‘Demoralized’ Following Recent Damaging Leaks – The leaks include: Biden weighing dropping out of the race, Biden’s nap schedule, Staffers supporting VP Kamala Harris, Aides attacking Biden’s character, Barack Obama raising concerns about Biden’s political viability, and Biden skipping a 2022 meeting with the German chancellor so he could sleep, sending Secretary of State Antony Blinken in his stead.

Zero Hedge: The Next Event In Biden’s Dementia Decathlon, His Solo Press Conference On Thursday Could Seal His Fate – Little attention has been paid to the fact that Biden will conduct a rare solo press conference on Thursday — facing a press corps that’s been re-programmed and switched from Biden-protection to Biden-scrutiny…

American Thinker: The main reason Joe Biden should not be president – Yes, Joe Biden is physically and mentally unfit for the office of U.S. president, but even if that were not the case, the mainstream media have spent years pretending it wasn’t, his, and his party’s, policies are not popular with the American electorate, especially when it comes to immigration and the economy…

Zero Hedge: American-made F-16 fighter jets are currently on their way to Ukraine – President Biden confirmed alongside European allies that “The transfer process for these F-16s is now underway.” – The program, one year in the making, included training Ukrainian pilots at sites on US soil and in Europe. – “Those jets will be flying in the skies of Ukraine this summer…

Zero Hedge: Is This The End Of Restaurants As We Know Them? – Since the start of 2024, numerous well-known restaurant chains listed here have announced sizable closures and incrementally more drastic restructuring efforts. – The total and annual percentage changes in the index prices of six key ingredients of restaurant and diner menu items, from 2010 to 2020 and then from 2021 to the present, are shown below; in most cases, over the last three years, prices have risen at multiples of their annual increases over the prior decade.

Breitbart: Steve Bannon Speaks from Behind Bars – Democrats Sticking with Biden Means ‘We’ve Got the Candidate We Want On The Other Side’ – Bannon argues that despite the political disaster for Democrats that Biden remaining the nominee for president presents, the nation faces a serious national security crisis with Biden still president when it is obvious that he is not able to execute the duties of the position…

America Greatness: Why Gavin Newsom, or Any Politician Like Him, Must Never Become U.S. President – Under Gavin Newsom’s watch, the state is devolving into feudalism: a massive underclass that can’t survive without government assistance, supervised by an elite minority – Newsom and his ilk are telling California’s middle class that what they have attained is socially unjust and ecologically unsustainable…

Center For Immigration Studies: Fact Check, Reuters Is Wrong Because Biden Is Not Deporting More Illegal Aliens Than Trump Did – Conflating “returns” and “removals” is a trick that Obama pulled too. – To understand how Reuters supports its claim, it’s necessary to understand the difference between a “removal” conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and a “return” conducted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)…

Reece Report: Illegals Are Getting SSNs Within Four Months of Their Border Crossing – Reportedly, over the past few years illegal immigrants have been given US bank debit cards from the United Nations worth some one-point-six billion dollars. – Also, Catholic Charities have been managing the illegal invasion at the southern border, spending millions while profiting billions, and local police admit that they are under their direction…

Just The News: The leader of the World Federation of Advertisers’ Global Alliance for Responsible Media falsely claimed it did not direct its members to blacklist Twitter after Elon Musk purchased the platform, since renamed X, according to a House Judiciary Committee GOP interim staff report. – The report documents how GARM “participated in boycotts and coordinated action to demonetize platforms, podcasts, news outlets, and other content that GARM and its members deem disfavored”

Tech Crunch: Elon Musk does not owe ex-Twitter staffers who were let go after he took control of Twitter $500 million in severance. – U.S. District Judge Trina Thompson dismissed the class action lawsuit in San Francisco on Tuesday. –
Judge Thompson said ERISA protections did not apply because Musk’s company notified employees shortly after the October 2022 takeover that fired employees would only receive cash payouts. – Because of this notice, the mass firings that occurred in November were not under Twitter’s previous severance plan, according to the judge.

The Vigilant Fox: Watch Ben Shapiro Tear Into The Censorship Cartel In His Fiery Congressional Testimony – Five minutes of rapid-fire fact after fact. – “In the name of the Constitution and the name of democracy, this should stop.”

American Thinker: The Silence Of The Bells In Europe – People who want to exercise their freedom of speech share this fate of church bells in countries succumbing to Islamism, they fall silent. – Those, who urgently warned against the consequences of unrestrained immigration on culture and social cohesion in Europe, were initially shamed for supposedly exaggerating and running scare campaigns. – Unfortunately, however, their predictions have proven to be correct.

American Thinker: Too Many New Rights? – A flood of newly created rights is eclipsing the natural rights that our Founders instilled. – The criminal justice system is on its back today, with fewer than 3% of federal and 2% of state prosecutions going to trial. – This is because the system is overwhelmed, so some innocent defendants accept plea deals because they can’t afford to defend themselves, or to reduce uncertainty…

Western Journal: A rancher previously charged with the fatal shooting of an illegal immigrant who encroached on his Arizona ranch will not have to face trial again. – An Arizona Superior Court judge on Tuesday dismissed second-degree murder and assault charges against George Alan Kelly “with prejudice.” – This ruling means the rancher cannot face charges again, closing a final chapter in a case that began over a year ago.

Page Six: Hillary Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin and billionaire Alex Soros are engaged – Sources say Soros popped the question six weeks ago, and the couple were spotted recently celebrating the happy news in Italy. – “The best way I can describe the relationship is effortless,” according to a friend of Abedin’s for over 15 years.

July 9, 2024

Zero Hedge: Parkinson’s expert Dr. Tom Pitts, says that Joe Biden has several “hallmarks” of the disease after news broke in the last few days that a Parkinson’s specialist has visited the White House at least 8 times in the past year. – “Do you notice anything that gives you a red flag, as a doctor?” asked host Tom Llamas. – “Oh yeah, I see people like him 20 times a day in the clinic, I mean, it’s ironic because he has the classic features of neuro-degeneration in his word-finding difficulties,” Pitts replied…

Washington Examiner: A Case Study On Who Enabled Biden – The Murray episode is an example of how Democrats enabled Biden, even as the president became less and less able to hide his infirmities. When the Wall Street Journal collected firsthand observations of the president displaying cognitive deficiencies, Murray mocked the paper and denied there was any problem…

Washington Free Beacon: The Iranian government is organizing and paying anti-Israel protesters in the US as part of a campaign meant to sow division across the country ahead of the 2024 elections. – Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines: “Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza, using a playbook we’ve seen other actors use over the years…

Wall Street Journal: The U.S. and six other allies warned that a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group poses a threat to their networks. – This is an unusual coordinated move by Western governments to call out a global hacking operation they say is directed by Beijing’s intelligence services. – Tuesday’s advisory was a rare instance of Washington’s major allies in the Pacific and elsewhere joining to sound the alarm on China’s cyber activity…

Breitbart: As Chinese companies test their autonomous vehicles on American roads, concerns are growing about the vast amounts of data these “rolling surveillance devices” are collecting and the potential national security implications. – Fortune magazine reports that in recent years, Chinese-owned companies have been quietly testing their self-driving cars on American roads, particularly in California.

Politico:  Former South Carolina Gov. NIKKI HALEY is releasing her 97 delegates and urging them to vote for DONALD TRUMP at next week’s Republican National Convention.

American Spectator: Do Anti-Trumpers Still See Biden as a Viable Vehicle? – Polling suggests he’s barely even a viable candidate. – According to RealClear Politics’ polling on July 9, in a two-way race, Biden registers just 44.0% and in a five-way race, he comes in at just 37.9%. – His job approval is only 38.9% and his favorability rating is only 39.7%.

Wall Street Journal: The Great Democrat Lawfare Bust – The indictments against Trump have backfired in a big way – Is there a hall of fame for political backfires? – Democrats cheered on the prosecutions of Mr. Trump, hoping they’d guarantee his defeat, but instead they energized his re-election effort…

Zero Hedge: MSM Launches ‘Muh Russia’ Election Narrative As Brands Collude To Silence Dissent – The officials didn’t mention Trump by name but said that Russia’s current activity—described as covert social media use and other online propaganda efforts—mirrored the 2020 and 2016 election cycles…

Wall Street Journal: Democrats Huddle in Washington as Biden Teeters at Top of Ticket – Democrat lawmakers’ panic over President Biden’s prospects at the top of the ticket and what his sinking fortunes could do for House and Senate races hit a crescendo Tuesday…

American Spectator: Democrats Oppose The SAVE Act, Which Requires Voters to Prove Citizenship – House Democrats and The White House claim the act will be an “extreme burden” on Americans. – As of this writing, no laws require applicants to provide proof of citizenship on federal voting registration forms. – The National Voter Registration Act only requires applicants to check a box on the form indicating they are U.S. citizens.

The Federalist: There’s Only One Reason Democrats Oppose Requiring Proof Of Citizenship To Vote – Representative Bryan Steil reminds anyone who will listen that Democrats already support foreign nationals voting in local elections, as they are allowed to do in Washington, D.C – Not surprisingly, just 28 of the 500-plus foreign nationals voting in last month’s D.C. primary elections registered as Republicans, according to The Washington Post…

The Daily Signal: The House is poised to vote Wednesday to ensure that only U.S. citizens may vote in federal elections, despite a veto threat from President Joe Biden. – It’s already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, but “there is no mechanism to ensure that only those registering or voting are citizens,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said Tuesday in a press conference…

City Journal: Inflation Lessons Unlearned – A new White House proposal won’t help lower Americans’ grocery bills. – The administration’s plan has two decisive flaws. First, it will harm small grocers who don’t have economies of scale. – Second, the plan fails to recognize that food prices, driven skyward by previous rounds of federal spending, have since stabilized…

The Daily Signal: FACT CHECK, Does Project 2025 ‘Terminate the Constitution’? – Before debunking Biden’s claims, it makes sense first to explain what Project 2025 is. – That strategy is designed to bolster the will of the people, as it allows the people’s elected representative—the president—to bring the fourth branch of government to heel and to implement the policy agenda that the American people voted for. – Here are the biggest whoppers the Biden campaign tells about Project 2025: 1. It ‘Terminates the Constitution’…

Dr. Steven Hatfill: An American Hero Continues To Languish In Prison – While Fauci gets a book deal and glorifies himself, Peter Navarro is currently in a Federal Penitentiary under the misdemeanor charge of Contempt of Congress for claiming Executive Privilege and refusing to testify to yet another biased Democrat House Committee. – This is how the Democrats use their unrelenting “law-fare” quest to maintain power.

Epoch Times: What the SCOTUS Decision on Homeless Encampments Means For California – The state has the highest homeless population in the country, estimated at more than 180,000 people, and had a negative 0.58 percent growth rate in 2023, due to negative domestic migration. – With a $1.3 billion budget and around 1,000 fewer homeless people, the city’s overall reduction averages to around $1.3 million spent per person helped out of homelessness.

California Globe: The Sacramento City Attorney Threatened Target That It Will Face Fines For Reporting Too Many Retail Theft Incidents. –  The SacBee reports “The alleged warning issued by Sacramento city officials and similar actions by other cities across the state prompted lawmakers to add an amendment to a retail theft bill that would outlaw such threats made by authorities.

Business Insider: The scary new ways you’re about to get overcharged for purchases made online – In the algorithmic age, pricing variability is increasingly creeping into digital commerce, with charges going up and down in real-time. – What’s far more disturbing is the rise of personalized pricing, digital retailers’ practice of exploiting your data to charge the precise price you’re willing to pay, which might be different from what the guy next to you on a plan would pay…

Zero Hedge: Joe Rogan Explains The Border Crisis – It’s a simple 5-step plan that is becoming more and more obvious every day – Open the border to the Third World – Give them aid and free housing – Oppose “racist” Voter ID laws – Rig it so they’re able to vote – The result, permanent one-party rule…

Geller Report: Biden and his regime oppose the SAVE ACT, which requires proof of U.S. citizenship to vote. – This is his only path to reelection at this point. -“It should alarm every American citizen that the sitting President of the United States, who has opened our border to over 9 million illegals, just announced that he would veto our bill to prevent noncitizens from voting.” Speaker Mike Johnson

National Review: The Natural Response to Biden’s Condition – The takeaway is obvious, or should be. – If a long period of rest and preparation brought us that version of Joe Biden on debate night, then his physical and mental capacities are simply not reliable enough for him to continue in the presidency…

The Western Journal: Biden’s Doctor Releases A Letter As Parkinson’s Discussions Escalate – The White House physician re-quoted a Feb. 28 letter saying “‘There were no findings… – On Monday, WH press secretary KJP had a combative exchange with reporters on the issue. – “Has the president been treated for Parkinson’s? No. Is he being treated for Parkinson’s? No, he’s not. Is he taking medication for Parkinson’s? No,” she said, adding she would not discuss visits for “security reasons.”

American Greatness: The Worst of All Worlds For Democrats – A dis-unified Democrat Party played a clever game in 2020, and now it is backfiring. – They were able to rig things one time and pull an incompetent and incapable candidate over the finish line, but now the guy they installed won’t leave…

American Thinker: Trump’s first extensive interview since the debate – Trump offered a limited critique of Biden’s debate performance in an interview Monday night with Fox News, eschewing any mention of a serious condition or any attacks on his mental fitness. – Trump appears to understand that sometimes, less is more. – ‘When your opponent is self-immolating, the wise thing to do is stay out of his way,’ said former White House correspondent Ron Fournier.

American Thinker: Illegals are indeed getting immediate Social Security, contrary to Democrat claims – Illegals can get SSI pretty easily for lifetime benefits based on being unemployable, having no English skills, having no marketable skills, having no education, and not being retired. – Who needs U.S. citizenship, or for that matter, legal authorization to live in the U.S. when you’ve got Joe Biden’s open borders?…

Breitbart: The IDF scored a major victory in recent days in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, where soldiers discovered and demolished six terror tunnels that included weapons and valuable troves of intelligence. – One of the tunnels is considered the “flagship” tunnel of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad…

Just The News: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump violated his constitutional and legal rights, according to a report released Tuesday by the GOP-led House Judiciary Committee and its Weaponization Subcommittee.  – The report also targets Judge Juan Merchan, who presided over the so-called Trump hush-money trial.

American Thinker: France Is At A Crossroads – The rather prideful insecurity of the man who resides at the Elysee Palace is symptomatic of the crisis in which France now finds itself. – The French Republic doesn’t seem able to muster the will to find a way out of its systemic crisis. – It knows it needs to change, but it seems to want to do it without changing anything.

Cal Matters: California’s ‘weak’ job market propped up by public money as private sector sheds jobs – Gains in the public sector and other jobs largely supported by public money have cloaked a dismal California labor market, which has seen a big decline in private-industry jobs since their post-pandemic peak, a new analysis shows.

California Globe: U.S. Business Bankruptcies Are Up 40% Since January 2023, With Small Biz up 60% – Companies headquartered in California accounted for over 20% of all filings. – “Overall commercial filings increased 39 percent in April 2024 to 2,569 from 1,846 in April 2023,” ABI said.

July 8, 2024

Just The News: Whereas Donald Trump as the 2016 Republican presidential nominee battled the GOP establishment over changing the party’s direction and in 2020 faced substantive internal resistance during his reelection bid, he now appears as the 2024 nominee to have won control of a party apparatus willing to embrace his policy platform and earnestly support his efforts.

Western Journal: Trump’s VP Pick to Be Made Next Week, And These 2 Big Names Are in Front for the Job – According to the New York Post, the stretch run in the VP race is between Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, with Senator Marco Rubio of Florida given an “outside shot.”

Epoch Times: President Joe Biden stated in a letter to congressional Democrats on July 8 that he is determined to stay in the 2024 presidential race. – He urged them to band together and move forward as a unified party. – “I want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere, I am firmly committed to staying in this race…

Zero Hedge: The Editor at Large for the Wall Street Journal, Gerry Baker, says: ‘We’ve been “gaslit’ and deceived” for years, “all in the name of ‘democracy’”. – That deceit “collapsed” with the Presidential debate, on Thursday’. – “Biden succeeded because he made toeing the party line his life’s work and ascended the greasy pole by slavishly following his party wherever it led…

American Spectator: Biden Is Outing the Mainstream Media – The mainstream media, which dominates the news, deliberately and willfully hid the truth of Biden’s deteriorating cognitive condition from the American people. – If It Lied About Biden, Why Trust Anything Else the Media Says?

Dov Fischer/American Spectator: The Biden Obsession, He Should Quit, But Won’t Quit, Should Quit, Won’t Quit and Plan B has come crumbling down. – The Original Democrat Plan Was Biden – That was their plan, wasn’t it? We can’t discuss the economy because it went down the toilet along with so many other things…

City Journal: Why Is Biden Hanging On? – Replacing him before the convention would pose significant problems for the Democrat Party’s leadership. – If Biden bows out before getting nominated, one can easily imagine a host of candidates emerging to replace him, leading to a free for all…

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has extended and re-designated a so-called “temporary” amnesty to 4,000 Yemeni nationals living in the United States, ensuring they are not deported and can hold American jobs.

American Conservative: Stephen Miller, Former Senior Advisor to President Donald Trump Says The Biden Administration Is Bringing The ‘World’s Predators’ Into America – Miller singled out the Biden administration’s policy on resettlement for “mass releasing” military-age illegal aliens and preventing their removal until after a subsequent criminal conviction…

Breitbart: Only 36 percent of Americans are confident about the value of a college education, a confidence level that has declined from 57 percent in 2015. Most Americans, meanwhile, say they believe higher education in the U.S. is headed in the “wrong direction.”

City Journal: The White House’s Transgender Tangle – New evidence suggests that the White House is taking its marching orders on so-called gender-affirming care for kids from transgender interest groups. – A messaging blunder revealed that the Biden administration likely knows that gender hormones and surgeries for kids are unpopular but fears that saying so will alienate the powerful organizations that support these controversial procedures.

Epoch Times: A Warning Has Been Issued to iPhone Users Because Hackers Are Targeting Apple IDs In A New Cyberattack Wave One such SMS message observed by the cybersecurity company and sent to iPhone users read: “Apple important request iCloud: Visit signin[.]authen-connexion[.]info/iCloud to continue using your services.”

Resist The Mainstream: Top Democrats Want Biden Out by End of WeekThey are enlisting everyone from the Obamas to congressional leaders to persuade Biden to step down by the end of this week. – They want Biden out by Friday and are hoping he will endorse Harris as his successor to prevent a fierce battle for the nomination at the Democrat Convention in Chicago.

The Free Press: What Was a Parkinson’s Doctor Doing at the White House? – Has the reason for Joe Biden’s obvious physical and mental decline been hiding in plain sight? – Two July 6 reports suggest the president has been seeing a movement disorder doctor for months. – The doctor in question is Kevin R. Cannard, a neurologist and retired Army colonel…

American Thinker: Joe Biden Has Alzheimer’s – A highly credentialed physician presents these seven signs of the degenerative brain disease, which leaves no doubt that we’re being led by a man who needs to be in a nursing home.

New York Post: Joe Biden’s staff provides him with instructions ‘on how to enter and exit a room’ with large print and pictures ahead of events – Documents obtained by Axios on Sunday show how his staff helps guide Biden, including his specific path to a podium when he appears at functions.

Victor Davis Hanson: Bidengate and the Doom Loop – The more Biden avoids the media, the more the public considers him an inadequate president. – Yet the more he might welcome more exposure, the more his ensuing dementia becomes apparent. – Biden’s dementia has now become so overt and so impossible to hide that the Democrats’ entire “crooked deal” they orchestrated has blown up in their faces…

National Review: It’s Come to This, Democrats Must Rely on the Good Judgment and Discernment of Joe Biden – On Meet the Press yesterday, Adam Schiff didn’t call on Joe Biden to drop out, but instead, strongly hinted he should exit the race. – Why would he do this, though? – A characteristic of Biden’s presidency has been a rigidity that prevents him from acknowledging disasters…

Washington Examiner: In anticipation of congressional Democrats returning to Capitol Hill after the July 4 recess, Joe Biden sent his colleagues a letter advising them he intends to remain their nominee. – “It’s time to come together, move forward as a united party, and defeat Donald Trump,” Biden wrote Monday. “The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now,” Biden wrote. “It’s time for it to end. We have one job. And that is to beat Donald Trump.”

American Thinker: Trump just isn’t that mean – The “Trump as bully” meme is simply another sleazy media effort to slime an opposition leader, of the kind we have seen repeated endlessly. – Let’s compare him to a few others in the pantheon of the American presidency such as Andrew Jackson, Harry Truman, and Lyndon B. Johnson…

National Review: ‘Read My Lips, I Lied’ – Gavin Newsom promised Californians there’d be no new taxes to fix the state’s historic deficit. One new tax is already squeezing the state’s businesses. – By defaulting on $20 billion in federal Covid-era unemployment insurance loans, Newsom triggered an automatic hike in federal payroll taxes paid by California employers.

The Federalist: Meet The Shadowy Left-Wing Nonprofit Harvesting Voter Data To Juice Democrat Turnout – While Conservatives have mostly failed to recognize the necessity of such operations, leftists haven’t. – Unlike their opponents, Democrats have amassed a well-funded machine that’s accumulated their party massive electoral wins in recent cycles, even as the head of their party remains widely unpopular among the American electorate.

Zero Hedge: Things have gotten so utopian in the state of California, that delivery drivers are being accompanied by armed guards due to “crime concerns” while they are out making deliveries. – One company, Core Mart, is hiring guards to escort drivers. – This means it likely made more financial sense to pay for new security staff than it did to continue to allow drivers to get robbed (and inventory lost) as was happening…

The Daily Fetched: As New York City continues to be swamped by illegal immigration, hotels are set to rake in more than $1 billion for converting their building into migrant shelters, all at the taxpayer’s expense. – There are almost 200 migrant shelters currently in operation across the Big Apple, according to a report from the New York Post.

Slay Magazine: California Admits Their 2023 Job Gains Data Was Faked – The data since January 2024 has not yet been re-benched, which means that the figure includes the Early Benchmark Revision for these recent months are growing at the same rate as the official CES estimates. – However, it is certain that once the next set of revisions comes in, California will not have generated any actual job growth for the second year in a row.

July 7, 2024

Wall Street Journal: President Biden faced new calls from prominent Democrats to exit from the race, as he hit the campaign trail Sunday to try to dispel mounting concerns over his fitness for office and chances of defeating Republican Donald Trump. – In a private meeting of senior House Democrats, several attendees said Sunday that they believed Biden should step aside, according to people familiar with the matter.

Resist The Mainstream: On Sunday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer unveiled bombshell accusations against Joe Biden’s White House physician, revealing that he has been involved in the Biden family’s business dealings. – Comer’s main query relates to whether or not O’Connor’s medical assessments can be trusted, given his work with the Biden family through the company Americore.

American Thinker: You have to look at San Francisco to understand what a leftist future holds for America – Whether you like leftism or not, one of the most admirable things about leftists is that they have shown to be long-term planners. – Conservatives dream of quick fixes, but leftists put systems in place and then patiently wait for them to come to fruition. – San Francisco perfectly illustrates how this works…and it goes back to the 1960s…

Zero Hedge: A Bombshell NYT Expose Details War Crimes By American-Led Volunteer Force In Ukraine – A military correspondent with The New York Times has issued the newest bombshell report this weekend which shines a spotlight on not just Ukrainian troops but American and foreign fighters who’ve volunteered with pro-Kyiv forces and have committed potential war crimes.

Zero Hedge: NATO will unveil a plan to help prepare Ukraine to assume the responsibilities of membership in the alliance during its annual summit in Washington, next week. – The deliverable is not a membership plan outright but will consist of “standing up an entire command” to ensure Ukraine can fully contribute to NATO if it does join…

Zero Hedge: It’s the economy, stupid – How worried should we be? – Macro surprises turn negative across major economies with US economic surprises reaching the lowest since August 2022. – The Atlanta Fed revised its GDPNow down to 1.5 percent from 1.7 pct. This is the lowest estimate thus far in the quarter and dramatically below the +4 percent readings in mid-May.

Townhall: The Moment Cameras Reveal Joe Biden’s True Self – Racist Joe Biden completely ignores the only Black girl in the crowd, but happily takes a selfie and talks with every White in the crowd.

Washington Examiner: Voters don’t get to choose whether they want to live under Republican or Democrat Party rule for almost four months, but people are already voting with their feet, they have been for years, and their choice is clear: people overwhelmingly want to live in Republican-run states. – The latest data come from the Internal Revenue Service which released the most current migration data on June 27.

National Review: American History Has Been Captured by the Left, Not the Right – The contemporary U.S. national media and academic professors lean roughly 93% to the left, and this has been the case for some time. – Within secondary schools, two popular curricula currently in use come from the 1619 Project and Marxist, Howard Zinn himself…

American Greatness: Stephanopoulos & Biden, And the Lord Almighty – George Stephanopoulos’s interview with President Biden was painful to watch—unless, probably, you’re Donald Trump. – Most Republicans probably want Biden to stay in the race because it seems likely, at least now, that Trump can beat him.

American Thinker: A Replaceable President – It’s the operatives who are irreplaceable, and they want to keep it that way. – The evidence begins with a Washington Post article last week, one of many that aired criticism of members of Biden’s inner circle, chief among them Anita Dunn and her husband Bob Bauer, for mis-preparing Biden for the debate or for shutting out post-debate dissenting voices despite what was now, essentially overnight, described as his dementia.

American Thinker: The Main Problem Democrats Have With Replacing Biden – It’s not the decision itself that is the problem, rather it’s what taking that step will reveal about the Democrat party. – Anyone who hasn’t kept up with current events will suddenly wonder why Joe’s resigning, and when the facts are exposed, all of the Democrat’s lies will be exposed…

Dallas Ludlum: Is the U.S. Presidency on Autopilot? – Inside Biden’s Troubling Mental State – Concerns over President Joe Biden’s cognitive health have been amplified by his performance in the recent debate and public appearances, where moments of confusion and verbal slips have become more frequent and pronounced. – Who Are The People That Are Running the Country?

American Thinker: Joe: Take the Damn Cognitive Test – Nate Silver lists the signs that a party is getting rid of a president under the 25th Amendment and says we’re about halfway up the ladder. – I’m seeing all this right now, not yet as a march to the 25th Amendment removal from office, but certainly to get him to withdraw from the 2024 race.

American Thinker: With the election nearing, Facebook censorship is increasing – Facebook is using a superficially new approach this time. – The new approach holds that conservatives who post statements that are popular with conservatives are improperly seeking “likes” and “follows” so the result is the same,  Conservative ideas are being silenced.

FAR: Donald Trump’s Agenda 47 – The components reflect Trump’s commitment to his base and his vision for America’s future. – Ending Veteran Homelessness in America, No Welfare for Illegal Aliens, The American Academy, America Must Have the #1 Lowest Cost of Energy and Electricity on Earth…

National Review: Progressive Dark-Money Groups Settle on 2024 Strategy, Supreme Court Alarmism – Left-wing dark-money group, Stand Up America is launching a $1 million digital campaign to urge progressives to pledge to be a “Supreme Court voter,” suggesting that if Biden is reelected, he could have the opportunity to replace multiple SCOTUS justices.

Breitbart: Americans Aren’t Buying EVs: Electric Vehicle Adoption Continues to Stall Out – The EV revolution is encountering significant hurdles as consumers grapple with high costs, infrastructure challenges, and geopolitical tensions, potentially slowing the transition from traditional gas-powered cars, according to a report by Fast Company.

July 6, 2024

American Spectator: Under The 25th Amendment, The Acting President Is Not President – An Acting President exercises the “powers and duties” of the presidency but does not hold the office of the presidency, which means that Harris cannot nominate a new vice-president, as Section 2 states: – The vice-president can only become President under Section 1…

Epoch Times: Judge Pauses Deadlines in Trump Classified Documents Case to Consider Immunity Arguments – Judge Aileen Cannon agreed on July 6 to grant a partial pause in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial after his legal team requested on grounds that they should be allowed to argue the merits of the U.S. Supreme Court’s immunity decision before the trial moves forward.

Epoch Times: The US Increases Scrutiny Over Chinese Land Purchases Near Military Bases – States and federal governments are increasingly concerned over real estate purchases made by foreign nationals from adversarial countries.

Conservative Brief: Trump Distances Himself From ‘Project 2025,’ An Increasingly Controversial Slate Of Alleged Policy Objectives For His Next Term. – “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are ridiculous and abysmal.”

American Spectator: The Palestinian Authority Is Jihadist Too – Not only does the PA support terrorism and the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks, but it also rejects the existence of a Jewish state. – Despite much of the world believing in a two-state solution, the PA wants to conquer all of Israel…

Just The News: Stats show illegal drug trafficking rampant in the US, despite the Biden administration’s vow to combat it. – About 38,000 deaths tied to fentanyl were reported during the first half of the year 2023. 

American Thinker: The Diagnosis is In, and Joe’s Not Going to Get Better – Neurologists frequently make diagnoses by observation. Most movement disorder diagnoses are made by direct observation or patient and family descriptions. – Based on what we have seen and heard, Mr. Biden has Parkinsonism, an umbrella term that refers to neurologic conditions that cause these symptoms, which he regularly displays…

Alex Berenson: URGENT, A Parkinson’s disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023The President’s physician and a nurse who coordinates his care scheduled the meetings with Dr. Kevin R. Cannard. – Before last July, he had come only once during Joe Biden’s administration.

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden‘s sit-down interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News sparked shocked reactions among the network’s pundits this week.  Biden came across as old, feeble, and an overall weak candidate. – The interview came just 24 hours after Biden declared he was not dropping out, promising his supporters he would “beat Donald Trump again in 2020.’

The Daily Fetched: Growing concerns about President Joe Biden’s cognitive capabilities, fueled by his dreadful debate performance, have prompted CNN to call for him to undergo cognitive testing finally. – Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN‘s chief medical correspondent, is now calling on Biden to undo cognitive testing, something that former president Donald Trump has been requesting for years.

Epoch Times: A district judge has granted Texas and Montana’s request for a preliminary injunction against the federal government’s attempt “to impose a sweeping new social policy” that allows for Title IX coverage for gender identity. – 
The ruling follows others in which federal judges have halted Title IX revisions to a halt.

American Thinker: The Collapse of DEI – DEI is dying because conservative activists and public interest groups are campaigning hard against it. – These programs were all the rage as little as a year ago, with every corporation, university, or institution needing to have its own DEI officer or department that would virtue-signal compliance with various mandates…

Issues & Insights: How Did 250,000 Reported Jobs Suddenly Vanish This Year? – Did the economy create 206,000 jobs last month? – That’s what the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday. But don’t believe it. Under President Joe Biden, the BLS has been consistently inflating monthly job growth numbers…

American Greatness: The Free-Market Rejects EV Mandates – The California EV mandate alliance could be collapsing right before our eyes. – California is the only state uniquely permitted to issue its own vehicle emissions standards under the Clean Air Act. – 15 other states and the District of Columbia follow CARB rules. – Now, Connecticut has followed Virginia as the second CARB state to reject California’s EV mandate. – It’s interesting to note that Virginia and especially Connecticut have been reliably blue…

American Thinker: Economic Stability Is At Stake, Why Trump’s Border Policy Matters – As a political and economic analyst, these are some of the reasons I find myself compelled to advocate for the candidacy of Donald J. Trump – As voters weigh their decision, the choice is clear: Trump offers a proven track record of success in confronting the challenges facing our nation, whereas his opponent represents a return to failed policies and bureaucratic inertia…

Powerline: THE WEEK IN PICTURES, ORANGE MAN REVOLUTION EDITION – It looks like America is undergoing its own Orange Revolution.

July 5, 2024

Powerline: IT’S OVER: ONLY THE WHEN AND HOW ARE TO BE DETERMINED – Well, Biden says he’s not going anywhere. – He has now reached the “I am not a crook” and “Let others wallow in Watergate” stage of this saga. – Nate Silver, You could debate the exact order of these 14 events, but right now we are about halfway there…

American Thinker: Democrats Are Cycling Through Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s Five Stages Of Grief – They are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Despair, and finally, Acceptance when individuals embrace mortality, the inevitable future, or other tragic events. – Is schadenfreude bad those whose misery you’re enjoying truly had it coming?

American Spectator: Jack Smith and the Hijacking of January 6 – In his indictment against Trump, Smith distorts the timeline of events and Trump’s words with impunity. – In his indictment of Trump, special counsel Jack Smith charged Trump both with doing too much and doing too little. – This combination led to one count of “conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding” and a second count of “obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding.”

American Spectator: Senility, the Press, and a Tale of Two Presidents – The media pegged a lucid President Reagan as a dementia sufferer, but now cover for an often addled Joe Biden. – Two years after the end of his presidency, Ronald Reagan was interviewed on a hostile CNN by Larry King. – Reagan thoughtfully responded to his questions not just in phrases or sentences, but in full paragraphs…

Wall Street Journal: Biden Forcefully Rejects Efforts to Push Him Out of Race – ‘I am running and going to win again,’ the president told a Wisconsin rally – “Guess what, they’re trying to push me out of the race. Well let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying in the race,” Biden said, reading from a teleprompter.

Western Journal: On Friday, President Joe Biden committed to a second debate with Donald Trump. – Speaking to reporters before boarding Air Force One after a campaign event in Madison, Wisconsin, Biden was asked about debating Trump again. – “I hope he’ll debate me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t,” Biden said.

Zero Hedge: The HuffPo Encourages Biden Campaign To Openly Push Disinformation Using AI – In a bizarre op-ed, Huffington Post writer Kaivan Shroff suggested that Joe Biden and his campaign should consider using artificial intelligence to dupe the American people into voting for him.

Zero Hedge: The Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Unstaffed Drop Boxes Ahead Of 2024 Election – Well, well, well, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, with its new liberal majority, issued a ruling on Friday that reinstates the use of unstaffed drop boxes ahead of the 2024 election.

Center For Immigration Studies: Post-Debate Poll Reflects Voters’ Fears of Migrant Crime, Terrorism – Democrats aside, the electorate can see the costs and threats and are fed up with the political games…

Geller Report: – “Burn it down!” – American Flag BURNING Hamas Mobs Terrorize NYC Streets During Their July 4th Hate March – If you think this is just about the Jews (as if that is somehow OK), you are deluded, because they are so coming for you too.

Zero Hedge: 10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching – Politico reported that Israel and Hezbollah have both “drafted battle plans”, and the Biden administration is convinced that “intense fighting is likely to break out” – NBC News reported that the U.S. is moving military assets into position so that they can be “ready to evacuate Americans” once an all-out war erupts between Israel and Hezbollah. – It is said that Joe Biden is thinking about approving a plan that would “allow US military contractors to deploy to Ukraine”…

Fox News: Trump Challenges Biden To A Second Presidential Debate, But There’s A Catch, This Time No Moderators – Trump requested a “no holds barred” and “all on” discussion with Biden about the future of the country. – A spokesperson for Biden’s campaign did not immediately respond to Fox News for a comment.

Zero Hedge: “It’s Just My Brain,” Biden Defends Health As Democrat Governors Call For Resignation – Biden didn’t convince the governors that he should still be running. – Despite all that negative feedback, Biden seems intent on remaining in the race…

Resist The Mainstream: Biden Describes Himself as a Black Woman During Radio Interview – “By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman… to serve with a black president,” he said to Philadelphia’s WURD.

National Review: The Supreme Court’s Trump-Immunity Decision Was a Public Service – While the Court’s decision may be to preserve Trump’s freedom from jail, its greater consequence is to protect the liberty of us all. – The Court majority saw as its grander purpose the protection of the office of the presidency from a Congress and a partisan successor who would use the law to undermine the institution…

American Spectator: They Lied to Us! – Never forgive, and never forget, what these lying miscreants have done. – The corporate media, whose 21st-century raison d’etre is propping up the Democrats and punishing the Deplorable Republicans, often joins the fray. – When Robert Hur declined to pursue charges against Biden due to the fact he “would likely present himself to a jury as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the media denounced Hur as a “Trump plant”…

American Thinker: Were You At The Park Avenue Four Seasons When He Froze? – Several people ‘who are very close to President Biden are adamant that what we saw the other night at the debate is not a one-off – In the last six months particularly, there has been a marked incidence of cognitive ­decline.’ – Recently, Carl Bernstein said that all of Joe Biden’s crew knew a lot more about his condition than they let on…

American Greatness: Americans Want to Know Who is Really in Charge in the White House – Are nameless White House advisers essentially acting as president and implementing their radical-left policies without Biden’s knowledge and beyond the reach of congressional oversight? – Whether Biden remains in office for the remainder of his term or lets Harris take over, our country faces a leadership crisis that puts U.S. national security at serious risk… 

Townhall: Former Obama administration official Van Jones said in an interview this week that Democrats are discussing “how” to replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee, “not whether.” – Jones made the remarks in an interview with CNN’s Jim Sciutto.

American Thinker: The Democrats’ Road to Removing Joe Biden Via The 25th Amendment Has Many Obstacles – After actions by VP Kamala Harris and a majority of cabinet members, Congress then has twenty-one days to decide by a two-thirds vote of both Houses whether Biden is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office. – This is a steep climb, but here’s how the numbers could theoretically work…

National Review: Kamala Harris Helped Cover Up President Biden’s Infirmities – The Democrats can’t fix this problem by swapping Biden for Harris, because Harris is embroiled in the conspiracy, by participating in the biggest political cover-up in American history…

National Review: What Biden Has Done to the Border Doesn’t Stop There – His policies have led to a situation in which cartels prosper, immigrants’ lives are commoditized, and Americans suffer. – Among other things, President Biden ended Title 42, a policy instituted during the pandemic that allowed the U.S. to turn away more than 60 percent of migrants at the southern border, amounting to nearly 2 million people over two years…

Slay Magazine: SCOTUS set in motion a process that may lead to the removal of Special Counsel Jack Smith. – The decision has halted Smith in his furious push to prosecute President Donald Trump. – While the court’s ruling is likely to delay Smith’s January 6 trial past the 2024 election, the Justices also entertained arguments that the special counsel wasn’t appointed legally in the first place.

Washington Free Beacon: Schumer’s Shell Game – A new dark money group that has been blanketing swing state airwaves with ads supporting vulnerable Democratic senators has taken steps to conceal its ties to Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer – The Schumer-linked PAC is the latest instance of Democrats relying on dark money while claiming to oppose it…

The Vigilant Fox: Joe Rogan Exposes Disturbing Contrast in Government Spending – Rogan asked why the U.S. government could send $175 billion to aid Ukraine but couldn’t spare $5 billion to help Maui rebuild after devastating forest fires ravaged the island. – People who lost their homes received a mere $700. – So, why was Maui abandoned? According to Joe and many others, it’s because the entire situation is a blatant land grab…

American Thinker: You Just Might Be A Democrat If, Part III – If you think imprisoning your political opponents is the best way to “save a democracy.” – If you think that the sun isn’t a big factor in heating the earth, but your neighbor’s lawn mower is. – If you think only white people can be racist because of the color of their skin. – If you have three forms of ID, but think that it would be too difficult for most black folks to obtain even one to vote in elections…

July 4, 2024

Reuters: Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he believed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was sincere about wanting to end the war in Ukraine, but that he did not know how Trump planned to do so if elected. – “I am not, of course, familiar with possible proposals for how he plans to do this. This is the key question. But I do not doubt that he means it sincerely, and we support it (the idea of ending the war).”

Epoch Times: U.S. District Judge Louis Guirola has ruled that the federal government can’t enforce its reinterpretation of Title IX protections to include gender identity revisions. – Judge Gurioloa wrote that HHS officials began expanding the definition of Title IX protections in 2016 to include “discrimination based on gender identity” to fit in with Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)…

The Daily Fetched: Joe Biden has declared he will stay in the presidential race despite his disastrous debate performance and growing calls for him to step aside. – In a conference call on Wednesday, Biden asserted, “I am running. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end, and we’re going to win.”

National Review: An Unaccountable Government Threatens Us Once More On This Fourth of July – It is long past time for Congress to reassert the powers the Founders gave us to restrain federal agencies. – In the Constitution, the Founders enshrined our rights and formed a nation with three separate but equal branches of government. – Nearly two and a half centuries later, this carefully constructed balance of power has been upended by an army of federal bureaucrats, who have usurped the power our Founders gave “we the people” through their elected representatives…

Just The News: ‘The The Biggest One Yet’ – The Title IX gender identity rewrite blocked nationwide under new SCOTUS CHEVRON precedent – A Trump appointee took two business days to apply a ruling ending so-called Chevron deference to block Department of Education regulation redefining “sex.” The Title IX administrator group warns members to be ready for an immediate reversal.

American Thinker: Happy Independence Day! – America is unique because it was not formed around historical geography, tribalism, religion, or race, but around the idea that the government serves the people and not vice versa. – The documents embodying this profound idea are the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. – By slowly and steadily taking over America’s institutions, leftists have done enormous damage to America’s principles…

FAR: The Declaration of Independence – When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation…

FAR: PragerU Launches A Founding Fathers Video Series – “Uncover the fascinating history of America and our Founding Fathers you didn’t learn in school by signing up for PragerU’s Founding Fathers 101,” the organization said in its statement announcing the launch of their free “Founding Fathers 101” video series and e-book.

Breitbart: Google’s ultra-woke AI chatbot Gemini answers questions about America’s founding documents and Founding Fathers with anti-American bias, according to research from the Media Research Center (MRC). – When asked, “Should Americans celebrate the Fourth of July holiday?” Gemini replied that the question was “complex with no easy answer.” – There were similar responses to other questions, such as please identify the “good guys” in World War II…

American Thinker: The Next Six Months May Be The Most Dangerous Of Our Lifetime – There’s a lot at stake for the Deep State, and we can only hope that its members retain some basic morality and human decency. – By controlling the Deep State, the Dems still have many levers to pull in their quest to avoid a second Trump administration. – The spooks at the FBI and CIA understand that there may be an existential struggle, so expect them to increase covert influence operations…

Forbidden News: Eleven Indications That Power Is Being Returned To The People – 1) Biden imploded on live TV for the entire world to see. – 2) The Chevron doctrine was overturned – 3) The Supreme Court’s Immunity Ruling. – 6. SCOTUS just ruled that the Obstruction statute used to persecute Jan Sixers and Donald J. Trump is not lawful. – 7) Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, and the fake doctors who pushed the dangerous MRNA COVID-19 Vax exposed...

July 3, 2024

American Conservative:  – Organized by Stephen Wertheim, a senior fellow with the Carnegie Endowment, 60 experts have signed a letter published Wednesday warning against the use of next week’s upcoming NATO summit to push Ukrainian NATO membership. – The letter says including Ukraine in the pact would give Kyiv a security guarantee that could lead to World War III and commit the U.S. to fight against Russia in any future Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Western Journal: A Leaked Private Democrat Poll Shows That Biden Is Heading for A Battleground State Disaster As Blue Strongholds Are Now in Play – The nonprofit OpenLabs polling in the 72 hours after the Atlanta debate could not have been comforting for the Biden team. – 40 percent of voters who supported him in 2020 now think he should withdraw from this year’s race…

American Spectator; Unprecedented Congressional Action May Overturn Steve Bannon’s Arrest – The latest victim of political lawfare. – Last week, the Congressional Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group voted to invalidate all findings of the Jan. 6 committee, declaring it illegitimate and all subpoenas issued by the committee invalid. – Speaker Johnson announced that the House would submit an amicus brief on behalf of Bannon to the Supreme Court to appeal his conviction…

American Spectator/Dov Fischer: Kamala v. Jill, The Ugly Catfight Ahead If Biden Is Somehow Re-elected As He Will NOT Serve Out His Term – Dr. Jill is politically smarter than Hillary or Michelle ever was. – Two deeply ambitious women, no different from Hillary and Michelle but better positioned by the vacuum at the top, with diametrically opposing interests will be left on the central stage in Washington to duke it out.

Epoch Times: Federal Reserve Officials Warn of Rate Hikes If Inflation Persists – Officials noted that they are not ready to cut interest rates until they have obtained “greater confidence” that the inflation rate is heading toward the central bank’s 2 percent goal.

Epoch Times: The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a legal challenge to the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to issue workplace safety standards. – Justice Clarence Thomas dissented and Justice Neil Gorsuch noted that he would have been willing to take up the case that is focused on paring back government power.

Epoch Times: After the Supreme Court ruling last week that dismissed an appeal over Idaho’s abortion law, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Director Chiquita Brooks-LaSure sent letters to hospitals saying that they have a legal requirement to perform emergency abortions.

The Daily Fetched: Biden’s Advisors Leak Disturbing Information on His Mental Decline to The New York Times – Biden appeared “confused, listless, or would lose the thread of conversations” and he often has expressions of “blank-stared confusion.” – “His lapses seem to be growing more frequent, more pronounced, and more worrisome.”

Fox News: Biden’s Future Is In Question Ahead Of A Meeting With Democrat Governors – More Democrats are demanding he step aside following his disastrous debate performance last week. – Biden is scheduled to meet with the nation’s Democrat governors on Wednesday.

Breitbart: Seventy-two percent of voters believe Biden should not be running for a second term, up nine points from February, a CBS News/YouGov poll found Tuesday. – The survey is also one of the first post-debate polls that Democrat operatives and donors will study to determine the extent of the damage to Biden’s candidacy following his debate performance…

Western Journal: Hunter Biden’s New White House Involvement Causes Staffers to Ask ‘What the H*** Is Happening?’ – Hunter Biden has been participating in White House meetings. – His role began Monday when he joined his father, President Joe Biden, at the White House after a weekend stay at Camp David in Maryland.

Breitbart: President Biden told an ally he is weighing whether to drop out of the presidential race, the New York Times reported Wednesday. – However, WH spokesman Andrew Bates claimed the leak was “absolutely false,” saying “That claim is false, and if the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment we would have told them so.”

National Review: – Ever since Biden clinched the Democrat nomination in 2020, the media have been covering up his declining mental state. – The appropriate question back then wasn’t whether he was too old, but whether he would be fit to serve over another four to eight years under the stresses of being president. – Nonetheless, the media is now finally ready to cover Biden’s mental decline.

American Thinker: Let’s Test Joe – Every congressional Republican and honorable Democrat needs to immediately put an end to all legislative activities until Biden shows he is mentally competent to remain President. – Nothing should be allowed to proceed in Congress, with a stop to everything. – For the love of the country this needs to be done now, not next month or next week, but NOW!

Zero Hedge: Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft – If we had allowed the Vax passport policy to take hold, our liberties would have been officially erased forever. – A lot of people woke up during that period and realized that an attempt at a totalitarian state in the US was not only possible, it was happening right in front of them. – That said, the same people are still in power today and those people are looking for another avenue to institute sweeping controls on the populace.

Gatestone Institute: The Big Lies About Israel – For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations and mainstream media alongside NGOs pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and using it as a “weapon of war.” – Now, it turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a “weapon of war.”

Breitbart: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said Wednesday that Hamas remains the obstacle to a hostage deal because the terrorist group insists on an “unacceptable” clause that would force Israel to end the war. – The clause would not just end the current conflict, but would supposedly prevent Israel from attacking Hamas if it violated the terms of the deal.

American Thinker: How it all went down in Israel on October 7, 2023 – This is one of the most thoroughly documented terrorist attacks in history. – Hamas terrorists, equipped with GoPro cameras, filmed their barbarity and Hamas posted videos of the slaughter on Telegram – Hamas leaders were able to keep their murderous operation secret by refraining from using cell phones and passing instructions via live messengers. – To relieve the economic pressure on Gaza, the Israeli government allowed thousands of Gazans to get permits to work in Israel. – Hamas used these workers as spies – At 6:30 A.M., Hamas launched over 3,000 rockets from Gaza at the adjacent Israeli communities in what amounted to a diversionary attack. – At the same time, its Nukhba terrorists went on to tear down the fence with bulldozers and trucks…

Washington Free Beacon: A Recent Survey By Pollsters Affiliated With Hebrew University of Jerusalem Shows A ‘Complete Collapse’ of Israeli Left Since Oct. 7 – These findings help explain why the Biden administration has so far failed to persuade Israel to end its war to destroy the Palestinian terror group Hamas in Gaza and recommit to a two-state solution. – “People on the right warned us that the Palestinians don’t think the way we think and don’t care about peace for their children.” – “They only care about eliminating us,” criminal attorney Debbie Sharon said…

American Thinker: The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our Intel AgenciesJ. Michael Waller’s new book, “Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains”, details the willful deception practiced by American intelligence agencies. – Big Intel is a dire warning that this Marxist subversion of intel might be worse than the damage wrought by the most destructive spy discovered in the FBI, Robert Hanssen, who died in prison last year…

Western Journal: Ivanka Trump reportedly will attend the Republican National Convention this month to watch her father accept the GOP presidential nomination but otherwise won’t take part in the proceedings or future events. – Ivanka announced in 2022 that she wanted to focus on raising her children and avoid direct involvement in politics, which she said can be toxic and ugly. – “Politics is a rough, rough business, and I think it’s one that you also can’t dabble in. I think you have to either be all in or all out,” Ivanka said…

Center Square: Biden’s White House Spending Dwarfs That Of His Recent Predecessors of Both Parties – “Biden employs 152 more staffers than Trump and 97 more than Obama at the same point in their respective presidencies.” – Jill Biden’s staff is at 24 employees, while First Lady Melania Trump had 11 staffers. – The federal government as a whole has grown under Biden’s watch, not just the White House.

Epoch Times: We Broke Down the 10 Biggest Cities – We looked at the rates for murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and car theft, the crimes most reliably reported to the police. – Los Angeles, Pop. 3.8 Million is following a similar trajectory to New York City. – Crime surged in 2020 and continued to rise until 2022, aside from murder, which peaked in 2021 with 401 fatalities—the worst since 2006…

Sharyl Attkisson: Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennesee) is seeking a full account of the eight Tajikistani nationals who were allegedly released by the Biden administration and subsequently arrested by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for alleged terrorist ties to ISIS. – According to Blackburn’s office, the Biden administration is currently releasing illegal immigrants from adversarial countries, including Russia, that do not give the US access to pertinent criminal background check information…

New York Post: A disturbing video shows four recent Venezuelan migrants beat and rob a Chicago straphanger – The men, who had only been in the country for a few months at most before the attack, were arrested about 45 minutes later. – At a Tuesday court appearance in Cook County, a judge remanded Carreno-Carreno, Loyo-Rodriguez, and Guasamucare Garcia and cut loose Gutierrez Sierra with electronic monitoring. – Their next hearing is Aug. 28.

July 2, 2024

Tablet: American by the Grace of God – Becoming an American, to us, is not a universal right but rather it’s the most supreme privilege imaginable, an invitation to write a sentence or two in the greatest story of the modern era, the story of American exceptionalism. – Which is why this Fourth of July, our festiveness is marred by anger, because everywhere you turn these days, America—its symbols, and its spirit—is being not just trashed, but attacked with intent to destroy…

American Spectator: Does The 25th Amendment All Of A Sudden Becomes Very Good Politics? – Republicans are calling for Democrats to get rid of Biden, but they won’t. – To do so would make Kamala Harris the acting president and, most likely, Biden’s successor as the Democrats’ presidential nominee. – Nobody in the Democrat Party, save for its black female voters without which the Democrats can’t win elections, wants Harris atop the ticket.

Conservative Brief: The DNC is considering whether to formally nominate Joe Biden as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate in July, nearly a month ahead of the party’s formal convention, to ensure he gets on the ballot in every state. – Bloomberg News noted that the DNC may nominate Biden by mid-July as a way of tamping down talk of replacing him on the ticket after his dismal debate performance.

RVM News: Judge Merchan Has Delayed Trump’s Sentencing In The Manhattan ‘Hush Money’ Case Until September 18, 2024 – The defense cited the Supreme Court decision in Trump v. United States, 2024 WL 3237603, as the basis for their motion.

American Spectator/Dov Fischer: Democrats Can’t Stand Trump’s Constitutional Immunity Even Though The SCOTUS Ruling Is A Total No-Brainer. – Their dishonesty and cynicism sometimes are just too much for a person who endeavors to live his life devoted to the truth. – It is because of the Schumers and Ocasios that our Founding Fathers made Supreme Court justices and all federal judges lifetime appointments…

Politico: Democrat Lawyers Are Getting Ready, ‘If Trump Wins There Will Be Chaos’ – Democrat Attorney Generals around the country are already gearing up for the possibility of a second Trump administration by beginning to map out an aggressive legal strategy to fight him again in court, this time with a fresh sense of urgency. – They are exploring hiring outside experts and dispatching staff to study areas of the law anticipated to come under attack, like reproductive health, immigration, and the environment…

Western Journal: China Is on the Move – A Satellite Spots A In Cuba, 70 Miles from A Major U.S. Base – Satellite imagery shows what appear to be structures designed for the capture and analysis of foreign electronic signals. – The photos show antenna grids, administrative and housing areas, solar farms, and evidence of underground facilities.

American Thinker: The Un-American Attacks on Caitlin Clark – What does prejudice look like? – Follow the WNBA for a real-time lesson on how hating someone solely because of their skin color hurts everyone involved, the person who is the target of that hate, her teammates, and the businesses that support the venture…

California Globe: Governor Newsom Cancelled Plans for a Competing Reform Proposition 47 Crime Measure on The November Ballot – A very recent poll said Newsom was 5 points weaker than Biden against Trump – Some Democrat staffers say polling shows the pounding Newsom and the Democrat legislators were taking was ‘unsustainable.’ – Another Capitol staffer said, “It must be interfering with his effort for Presidential run.”

Courageous Discourse: I Find The Pandemic Response To Be The Most Demoralizing Event in U.S. History – For a large percentage of the populace, trust in the U.S. government was greatly destroyed by the actions taken by the government. – 1). Lab creation of SARS-CoV-2. – 2). Fraudulent concealment of the virus’s true origin. – 3). Suppression of early treatment to pave the way for the rapid rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. – 4). Totally useless but extremely destructive lockdowns…

Geller Report: U.S. military bases throughout Europe have been put on heightened alert status due to a potential terrorist attack. – “There is credible intel pointing to an attack against U.S. bases over the next week or so,” resulting in U.S. bases raising the status of the alert level to, “Force Protection Charlie,” which means the Pentagon has received credible intelligence indicating some form of a terrorist attack is in the works.

Wall Street Journal: Rudy Giuliani Has Been Disbarred by New York’s Supreme Court – The court cited the former New York mayor’s false and perjurious statements related to the 2020 election

Epoch Times: How the Supreme Court Decision on Presidential Immunity Could Impact Trump Cases – The court remanded the case for the district court to “carefully analyze” whether the indictment’s remaining allegations are free from official acts and ruled that testimony or private records probing the president’s or his advisers’ official conduct may not be used as evidence at trial.

Townhall: New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his prosecution team have agreed to delay the scheduled sentencing for former President Donald Trump on July 11 after the Supreme Court ruled Monday U.S. presidents have immunity for “official acts.” – On Monday night Trump’s legal team filed a letter with Judge Juan Merchan to have 34 convictions in the case tossed out, citing the Supreme Court’s opinion. 

Politico: ‘We’ve all enabled the situation’ – Democrats turn on Biden’s inner sanctum post-debate – The senior team’s management of Biden has grown more strictly controlled as his term continues. – Throughout his presidency, Joe Biden’s small clutch of advisers has built an increasingly protective circle around him, limiting his exposure to the media and outside advice to manage public perceptions…

Mark Halperin: Where Joe Biden Starts and Ends – Politico shatters the silence…far too late…. – This essential reading Politico story is historic (and hilarious and sad) for many reasons. – The piece should have been written — COULD HAVE BEEN WRITTEN! — by Politico and every other major news organization in the country for around two years, or more.

New York Post: Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein claims Biden’s staffers have witnessed up to 20 ‘marked incidences of cognitive decline and physical infirmity’ in the ailing president in the last 18 months. – Bernstein told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Monday that the 81-year-old commander-in-chief’s close circle were not strangers to the “horror show that we witnessed” during his disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump.

Breitbart: Forty-one percent of Democrat voters want President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race – A Monday USA Today/Suffolk University poll found, while only 51 percent want him to remain on the ticket.

Breitbart: Comedian Bill Maher is pushing for an open Democrat National Convention and is backing California Governor Gavin Newsom to replace Joe Biden as the party’s nominee for president. – Bill Maher argued that an open convention in August would help stoke Democrat enthusiasm at a time of deep anguish within the party following Biden’s catastrophic debate performance last week.

Zero Hedge: US Job Openings Unexpectedly Surge, Driven Entirely By Government Jobs – When you look at the composition you see that of the 221K total increase in job openings, virtually all, some 179K, were government jobs, which as everyone knows, are not real jobs but are simply parasites on taxpayers and create no actual economic output.

Western Journal: Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki has surrendered. – Ending months of back-and-forth, Psaki has agreed to be interviewed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee as it investigates the August 2021 U.S. exit from Afghanistan.

American Thinker: How Trump Derangement Syndrome Destroyed the Democrats – Lawfare has backfired spectacularly. – People see through it, and many realize that the Democrats are the true threat to Democracy. – Ballot harvesting in the six key swing states was particularly easy because those states did not require the voter to provide ID. – We have a pretty good estimate of the magnitude of this cheating, thanks to True the Vote…

American Thinker: CNN sounds the alarm on our lurking ‘$91 trillion debt problem’ – The “pandemic” was so costly because the government tyrannically mandated private businesses to close up shop, just as long as they were small, middle-class establishments and not the mega-corporations, and then spent trillions of dollars to “stimulate” the economy. – The idiocy doesn’t stop there though…

A victory for the presidency – The Court’s decision in Trump v. United States is a clear recognition of the presidency’s unique role in our system of government. – The implications are far-reaching and profound. It ensures that presidents can make difficult decisions without fear of legal reprisal, allowing them to act in the best interests of the nation.

Washington Examiner: Here’s what could get tossed from Trump’s indictment after the Supreme Court ruling – The ruling was a massive blow to Smith’s case, which could look like a shell of its former self once the lower courts have sifted through it to align it with the Supreme Court’s guidance. – Below are examples of alleged acts in Smith’s indictment that are now in jeopardy: Trump’s exchanges with DOJ officials, Trump’s exchanges with Jeffrey Clark, Trump’s alleged pressure on Pence…

American Thinker: Amy Coney Barrett’s ‘Trojan Horse’ – Justice Barrett’s comments have created a critical, largely overlooked opening for Democrats and their Special Counsel. – Barrett hinted that if prosecutors concentrate exclusively on Trump’s private acts, they might succeed in their legal efforts against him…

Brownstone Institute: Assange and the Whistleblowers That Could’ve Been – What the world desperately needs is far more brave whistleblowers.- The reasons this has not occurred are, of course, obvious with the main reason being that the people who could disclose important information about government or Deep State crimes are simply terrified to do this…

The Daily Fetched: Venezuela’s Murder Rate Has Fallen to a 22-Year-Low after Biden Imports Their Criminals to The U.S. – Since Biden took office, more than 10 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. – Now, many of those unvetted criminals are roaming free in the United States…

Breitbart: Biden Signs Election-Year Deal to Close Panama’s Darien Gap Migrant Pathway – Panama’s President Mulino vowed to crack down on the dangerous route for people headed to the United States southern border in a move that will enhance efforts by the Biden administration to counter the unpopular optics of an out-of-control border during the election year.

Washington Free Beacon: Biden’s Climate Crackdown on Heavy-Duty Trucks Will Threaten Food Production – A coalition of more than 150 House and Senate Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to withdraw a slate of environmental regulations targeting heavy-duty trucks – Less than 1 percent of new truck sales are now electric…

Slay Magazine: Legal scholar Jonathan Turley has revealed that the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the Jan. 6 defendants has now “downgraded” the charges related to the Capitol protests to merely “trespassing.” – Turley, a professor at George Washington University Law School, was responding to the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling striking down the use of a 2001 statute to charge hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants with obstruction of a legal proceeding.

Slay Magazine: A batch of secret documents has just been unsealed by a Florida judge that includes transcripts of a 2006 grand jury investigation into Jeffrey Epstein. – The transcripts delve into allegations of sex trafficking and rape against the late financier and also expose deep ties between Epstein and former President Bill Clinton, revealing their relationship was much closer than previously claimed.

Forbidden News: Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Behind The Carpet Bombing Of Cities With Chemtrails That Look Like Contrails – Former Pilot #2 Testifying in Court: I’m here to give you testimony that Chemtrails, they’re not contrails, are indeed real. They’re spraying almost every day…

Pirate Wires: California’s Impending Tax Apocalypse – California relies disproportionately on a tiny handful of ultra-wealthy households so what happens if high taxes cause them to leave the state? – How long can the state continue to rely on these contributors to fund a dysfunctional set of expenditures ranging from the non-existent $100 billion high-speed rail line to the nearly $6 billion per year homeless services industry, which attracts and traps homeless transplants, helping them get high until they die?

Justin R. Hope: Wikipedia and the Deep State Are Determined to Obscure the Truth – As an example, I attempted to change one word on Pierre Kory’s Wikipedia page, replacing the word erroneous with controversial. – To my astonishment, my edits were overwritten within 5 minutes by an editor I refer to as ASOP. – ASOP has no healthcare expertise but is a Computer Scientist who undid my edit claiming the American Journal of Therapeutics is not a reliable source…

Dr. Owen Anderson: ASU has an entire School dedicated to Social Transformation. – They link COVID and white supremacy even though there is no proof given to make this connection, that is just an assertion.- When you look at their web page it gives a list of words to describe what graduates of the school can do for work and the first word is ‘activist.’

July 1, 2024

Just The News: Lawsuits across six battleground states will significantly impact the November election as laws regarding mail-in balloting are challenged. – In the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, lawsuits that have either concluded or remain ongoing over laws about mail-in and absentee ballots are shaping how votes will be counted in the general election.

Western Journal: Trump Hasn’t Changed One Bit As New Info Confirms A Phone Call He Made 10 Minutes Before Trump Hasn’t Changed One Bit: New Info Confirms Phone Call He Made 10 Minutes Before The Debate – Trump placed a phone call to the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, the 12-year-old girl who was found dead of strangulation in a creek in Houston on June 17.

Western Journal: Tucker Carlson Dropped A Bombshell ‘from an Unusually Good Source’ Noting That Obama’s Sabotage of Biden Is Underway – “Obama is telling people Biden can’t win, and he is therefore in favor of an open convention. Obama will not say whom he supports, nor as of yesterday afternoon had he met personally with Biden to deliver the message”…

The Center Square: California Governor Gavin Newsom touted the state’s job growth in his State of the State Address last week, but a new report from a state agency found the state’s private sector employment has been declining since 2022, with public sector hiring accounting for the entire state net increase in jobs. 

Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court Limits Prosecutions of Ex-Presidents For Official Acts, Casting A Cloud Over Charges Against Donald Trump – The Supreme Court ruled that former U.S. presidents retain significant immunity from prosecution for acts taken while in office, a decision that could hamper efforts to prosecute Donald Trump for his alleged attempt to subvert the 2020 election.

Just The News: Former President Donald Trump on Monday suggested that the Supreme Court decision finding that the president enjoys broad immunity for official acts, but not unofficial acts, ought to spell the end of his myriad legal woes, including cases unconnected to special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution.

Zero Hedge: At the Camp David gathering on Sunday, Joe Biden’s extended family urged him to ignore the growing number of voices asking him to quit the race, with many blaming his disastrous debate on his advisors. – The two that most forcefully encouraged him to continue were Jill and Hunter, the two people whose opinions he reportedly values most.

Breitbart: Joe Biden backers have reportedly devised a public relations campaign to help him remain the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee after his disastrous debate performance last week. – The public relations campaign follows a two-day huddle with family members at Camp David to reportedly discuss Biden’s precarious political position.

The New York Sun: Gretchen Whitmer Warns The Biden Camp That Trump Has Already Won Michigan – Democrat donors and party activists have been calling on the Michigan governor and other state chief executives to make a bid for the nomination after Mr. Biden’s debate performance.

Washington Examiner: The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday demanding that a court order the Justice Department to release the audio recording of special counsel Robert Hur‘s interview with President Joe Biden. – The lawsuit also demands the DOJ provide recordings of an interview that Hur conducted with Biden’s ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer.

The Daily Fetched: Former Obama administration official Van Jones said that if Joe Biden remains in the race and wins against Donald Trump, Kamala Harris will likely become president. – Jones said “It’s hard to imagine” the same president that “you saw yesterday” at the debate “making it four-and-a-half more years.”

Breitbart: The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday about the constitutionality of new Florida and Texas laws that limit content moderation on social media platforms. – The Court unanimously vacated and returned both laws to the lower courts.

Zero Hedge: A startling moment in the CNN debate last week was after moderator Jake Tapper, said with a straight face that grocery prices were up by 20 percent since President Biden was elected. – The trouble is that this fits with no one’s experiences. – People on social media are posting receipts such as these showing grocery prices up by anywhere between two and 10 times that rate.

Center For Immigration Studies: Biden’s Parole in Place Scheme Will Create a Mayorkas Marriage Fraud Mill – President Biden’s and Alejandro Mayorkas’ parole in place (PIP) scheme is designed to launder the immigration status of over half a million illegal aliens who, as of June 17, have lived continuously in the U.S. for at least 10 years and have married U.S. citizens.

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden Administration If Flying Some Cameroonian Migrants Deported During Trump’s Administration Back Into the US – The decision to fly back the previously deported Cameroonians is the latest instance of the Biden administration reversing its predecessor’s immigration initiatives…

Epoch Times: A law enabling Oklahoma officials to order illegal immigrants to leave the state was blocked on June 28 by a federal judge, who said the statute is likely unconstitutional. – Oklahoma House Bill 4156 allows state charges to be brought against illegal immigrants who are found in Oklahoma and requires those convicted to leave the state within 72 hours.

Epoch Times: In response to court rulings blocking key elements of the federal government’s new student loan repayment program, the Biden administration will be giving about 3 million borrowers a reprieve from their monthly payments. – The payment pause is similar to the COVID-19 student loan relief that lasted for 3 1/2 years during which borrowers didn’t have to pay monthly bills and interest didn’t accrue.

The Federalist: The Democrats and Media Aren’t Upset Biden Is Senile, They’re Mad They Can’t Hide It Anymore –The only reason anyone ever believed Biden was up to the job is that they were lied to, even though most Americans have always understood Biden exhibited signs of dementia before he ever became president. – Had they been honest about how obvious Biden’s condition was a year ago, they might have a winning candidate in the running right now.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Lies We Have Lived Through – First of all, after last Thursday’s debate, Biden laid to rest the Democrats’ lie that he was robust and in control of his faculties. – He demonstrated to the nation that he is a sad, failing octogenarian who could not perform any job in America other than apparently the easy task of President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief in charge of our nuclear codes.

American Thinker: Obama’s Chickens Come Home To Roost – How ironic that Obama, the mastermind of the imminent ‘death’ of the GOP in 2008, is now the man who is most likely responsible for the pending electoral bloodbath in November. – Indeed, the Democrat chickens have come home to roost. It could not have happened to a more deserving group.

American Thinker: Donald Trump Understands War – Trump, “If I’m president, I will have that war settled in one day, 24 hours – Hubris and boastfulness, possibly a little, but there is no doubt in my mind that he means exactly what he stated, and there is historical precedent for his proclamation. – He understands our adversaries and is pretty good at keeping them in check…

Courageous Discourse: The Texas Supreme Court upheld the statewide ban on age < 18 years transgender programs by a vote of 8-1 in a challenge from a lower court. – The Challenge to the Enforceability of The State Bill Was Denied

American Conservative: Questioning Trump on Immigration from the Right – In a move that is self-defeating and exposes the fundamental problem with America’s immigration system, Donald Trump proposed “automatically” giving green cards to foreign nationals who graduate from a U.S. college. – Trump’s proposal has obvious flaws, but it can be a first draft for a better system.

Zero Hedge: While some Western countries have ramped up sanctions against Hezbollah amid their daily missile fire on northern Israel, the Arab League, which is akin to an ‘Arab UN’ will no longer classify the Tehran-backed group as a terrorist organization.

The Interest of Justice: The Tennessee ‘Chemtrail’ Ban Goes Into Effect Today – The law forbids the intentional injection, release, or dispersion of chemicals or substances into the atmosphere to affect temperature, weather, or sunlight within the state.

Just The News: The Justice Department is offering Boeing a plea deal in connection with its investigation and potential criminal charge for the company into crashes in 2018 and 2019 of its 737 Max aircraft. – Under the proposed agreement, if Boeing pleads guilty to a conspiracy charge, it would pay a fine and enter a three-year probationary period where an independent monitor would conduct an audit.

Washington Examiner: Nearly 1 in 5 charging stations in the United States are considered faulty, and electric vehicle drivers are struggling with pricing models and finding stations in “charging deserts,” a new study outlines. – This study from Harvard University released last week outlines the various hurdles EV drivers face with charging infrastructure across the country. 

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