Every day come rain or shine, little Loxley Whitsett waits for her two big sisters to get off the school bus. And every time they come down the steps, she goes running to meet them with hugs and a huge smile.
The heartwarming moments captured in the video show just how close the three siblings are. The video went viral as soon as their mom thought to post them on social media; the clips show how Loxley, now age 3, started toddling down the drive as soon as she could walk, garnering more than 3.4 million likes.
“I was extremely shocked to see how viral the videos went on TikTok,” mom Robin Whitsett told The Epoch Times. “I knew the videos were sweet but they are also everyday life for us.”
“I knew the videos were sweet but they are also everyday life for us.”
(Courtesy of Robin Whitsett)
Robin, 38, is a group fitness instructor at the local YMCA. She is married to her high-school sweetheart and the family lives in Sellersburg, Indiana. Lily, the eldest daughter, is 12, Lilah is 10, and Loxley, the youngest, is in preschool. When Loxley’s older siblings returned to school after the summer break in 2019, Loxley had a hard time adjusting to them not being home.

“Her personality is extremely loving and she’s very interactive with her older siblings,” said Robin. “As a way for her to cope with her missing them, we began to watch for them to get off the bus.”
At first, before she could walk properly, Loxley would watch from the window, or her mom would hold her. Later, when she was steadier on her feet, she’d venture outside.

“If it’s raining, or snowing, she’s normally more excited to wait outside since she gets to wear rain boots or use an umbrella, or play in the snow.”
Lily and Lilah are always equally excited to see their little sister waiting for them, and Robin started recording their daily interactions “because it was so sweet.”
“I think what makes the videos so adorable is their equal love for one another,” Robin said. “As a mother, it makes me extremely proud that they are so close to one another.”

Having their third child far apart in age from the older two caused Robin and her husband some concern as to how the girls’ bond would be. They needn’t have worried. On the contrary, Robin said she’s “honestly shocked” at how much her older daughters care for Loxley.
“Much to our surprise, they are very close. They are always together when the girls aren’t at cheer practice,” said the mom. “Their favorite activity is having a ‘dance party,’ where my middle daughter makes a snack board for everyone and they turn on a disco light and dance to music.”
As soon as Lily was old enough, she took a local babysitter’s course to become CPR certified so she would know how to care for Loxley in an emergency.
“I thought her gesture of wanting to do this showed just how motherly she is for her younger sibling,” Robin said. “I honestly didn’t realize that most siblings aren’t as close as my three daughters are.”