Cars were very colorful and some were even pastels or pink.
We would get dressed up for birthday parties and sometime there was even a pony.
We would play in the street and our parents didn’t worry about us being kidnapped.
Gas was really cheap. A dollar or two would get you pretty far and the attendant even washed your windows and checked your oil. (I know, this was my summer job when I was in high school.)
When TV stations went off the air they would show a test pattern.
Hula hoops were the rage.
Girls passed notes all the time. Today the text each other.
These coolers were filled with ice-cold circulating water, so the drinks almost hurt when you first took a swig.
You could find most anything at a five and dime store. I used to go to them with my Nana, would would always get me something.
If you were lucky, you had a TV in the living room. Black and white at first, then color that wasn’t really very good. Wow, how things have changed.
Records were a major form of entertainment for kids of all ages.
Yes, things were a lot simpler, AND SAFER, back then.