August 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

August 2024 Conservative Article Reference List

Below are links with summaries of primarily Conservative, Libertarian-leaning articles and/or blog posts that I have found to be enlightening with all that is happening in America and worldwide.

Scan the list and read what catches your eye; for some, just reading the headlines and summaries should provide enough insight into the article’s content.

(Some articles may appear to be outlandish, but are also believable so I leave it to readers to decide for themselves and many things we considered to be conspiracy theories in the past are now turning out to be true.)

You can use your browser’s search function to find articles of interest to you. Hold down the CTRL/CMD key at the lower left of your keyboard and simultaneously press the F key. Then enter a word in the pop-up box that appears toward the top of your screen. This will show you how many articles there are with that word in the title. Then click on the up or down arrow to see each article title.

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August 31, 2024

American Thinker: Stop Illegals from Voting – Someone who is in our country illegally and has violated our laws should not possess a government-issued ID that allows them to vote. – A handful of House Republicans are hoping to attach the new SAVE act to the upcoming continuing resolution to be passed September 30. The act would mandate all states to ensure that only U.S. citizens vote in the November elections…

Center For Immigration Studies: Illegal Immigration Is Expensive – The Biden-Harris administration is handing out hundreds of millions to bail out localities reeling from the crisis it created. – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced on August 28 that it will hand out an additional $380 million to localities through its Shelters and Services Program (SSP)…

American Thinker: Globalism Is Economic Slavery That Leads To Future Dystopia – Imagine life in the not-too-distant future. – You have never owned anything. – Each month, a digital account associated with your digital ID receives some central bank digital currency units. – If you do something that the government deems contrary to your well-being, your social credit score decreases, and a fraction of your discretionary income disappears in thin air…

Townhall: What Most Of The Media Neglected to Mention About the Politician Who Murdered a Journalist – The New York Times, NBC News, ABC News, Rolling Stone, and The Hill all made no mention of the killer’s Democrat party affiliation when covering his conviction.

Powerline: The Week in Pictures: Kamaladammerung Edition – Now we have Kamala Harris saying, “My values haven’t changed.” – Yes, ma’am, that’s exactly what we’re afraid of.

August 30, 2024

The Center Square: FK Jr. removes his name from most swing state ballots to help former President Donald Trump win the election. – Four of seven consensus swing states, that, account for 93 electoral college votes, agreed to scrub his name from the ballot come November. – They are Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada.

American Conservative: Brazil suspended Elon Musk’s social media app 𝕏 in the country on Friday. – Musk called Moraes an “evil dictator cosplaying as a judge” a day before the order was issued. – Moraes also announced that Brazilians caught using the service illegally will face fines of up to $9,000 a day. – An estimated 40 million people use 𝕏 in Brazil. 

New York Sun: Three Years After Kabul Fell to the Taliban, Threats to America Are Rising – The terrorist groups operating out of Afghanistan are powered by fresh foreign funding and military equipment. – The 21 terrorist organizations now coalescing in the country pose a growing threat to America, and democratic resistance forces in Afghanistan are warning of a possible attack worse than 9/11...

Gateway Pundit: The Feds Are ‘Trying To Squeeze’ Special Forces Vet and January 6 Prisoner Jeremy Brown Into A Plea Agreement To Conceal His Discovery So Now Are Threatening a Seditious Conspiracy Conviction – He NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6 and his crime was, in reality, refusing to be an FBI informant – MSG (Ret.) Green Beret Jeremy Brown recorded a conversation he had with two JTTF agents who came to his door in December 2020…

NewsMax: Former President Donald Trump said he will unfreeze a moratorium on the federal death penalty to help fight crime if he returns to the White House. – Trump declared that re-instituting the death penalty would be a first-day priority.

The Daily Fetched: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s VP pick, Nicole Shanahan, dropped a brutal ad highlighting the growing “Trump Derangement Syndrome” epidemic affecting the political landscape. – The 2-minute video paints a picture of those who have contracted TDS, showing the signs of infection by overlooking critical issues facing the country because they hate Donald Trump so much…

Zero Hedge: 7 Signs That The Mainstream Media Is Flat Out Lying To Us About The State Of The Economy – #1 Survey after survey has shown that the economy is the number one concern for American voters during this election season, so if the economy was in good shape, we would not be getting these results. – #2 At this point, the economy is in such rough shape that even Dollar General customers seem to be running out of money. – #7 Last, but certainly not least, total household debt in the US has soared to a level that we have never seen before...

Zero Hedge: Tulsi Gabbard Reveals The Real Reason Behind Endorsing Trump – “To put it simply, the choice for the American people is a choice with Donald Trump, a man who values peace, prosperity, and freedom, with a proven record that shows that. – On the other hand, VP Kamala Harris’ record shows an increasingly tyrannical government undermining our freedoms.

Slay Magazine: ABC Rejects Kamala Harris’ Last-Ditch Effort to Change Rules for The Coming Debate With Trump – Harris, wanted ABC to allow the candidates to sit throughout the debate, bring notes along, and keep the microphones live rather than cut them off once each candidate’s time had expired. – Each candidate will be allowed a water bottle, a pen, and paper.

Front Page Magazine: Kamala’s California is a Center of Political Corruption – Over the last 10 years, 576 public officials in California have been convicted on federal corruption charges, according to Justice Department reports, exceeding the number of cases in states better known for public corruption, including New York, New Jersey, and Illinois. – “When a political party enjoys that much uncontested power, there’s no penalty for stepping over ethical or legal lines” – What do all those places have in common?…

The Center Square: Canada officials express alarm about terrorism threats, warning Americans about the impact on the US – Nearly 1,100 known, suspected terrorists have been apprehended at the northern border, equivalent to a U.S. Army battalion – A Canadian House of Commons hearing was held Wednesday to investigate how the Trudeau government granted citizenship to a member of ISIS who allegedly plotted a terrorist attack against Canadians.

New York Sun: Prices Rose another 2.5% in July, Higher Than Fed’s Target, as The Central Bank Eyes A September Rate Cut – Despite the apparent end of high inflation, Americans are unhappy with today’s sharply higher average prices for such necessities as gas, food, and housing compared with their pre-pandemic levels.

Last American Vagabond: Whether Through Biden, Harris, or Trump – Digital IDs Are Coming to America – Biden’s plans pertain to infrastructure for digital driver’s licenses, with similar moves made by former President Donald Trump under the guise of fighting illegal immigration. – The draft viewed by NOTUS calls for federal and state governments to accelerate the adoption of so-called mobile driver’s licenses as the first step…

American Thinker: Congress Doesn’t Need The FBI – Two things are becoming abundantly clear regarding the “investigation” into the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. – First, nobody trusts the FBI.  – Secondly, everybody is complaining that the FBI is stonewalling and withholding information about the alleged shooter, and therefore, the entire sordid event is quickly turning into a Kennedy assassination–conspiracy…

American Thinker: Pro-lifers who withhold their votes from Trump will learn the hard way how badly that will backfire – One of the more disappointing things about American politics is how much time is often spent debating policies that have no actual chance of ever being enacted in the first place. – Such is the case with the recently “proposed” federal abortion ban that has sent a large number of pro-life Republicans into a tizzy…

Slay Magazine: Most Americans See Kamala Harris as Deceptive and Trump as Authentic – 53% of Americans and 54% of registered voters believe that Vice President Harris primarily tells people what they want to hear, rather than expressing her true beliefs, with only 35% of Americans and 39% of registered voters feeling that Harris is sincere when she speaks. – 51% of all Americans and 53% of registered voters view Trump as sincere, believing that he truly stands behind his statements…

The Federalist: If Donald Trump’s Sex Life Is Fair Game For The Coming Election, So Is That Of Kamala Harris – You don’t get to insist Donald Trump’s private peccadilloes are a criminal matter while being silent about the corrupt relationships of Kamala Harris, the Clintons, and so many others…

Slay Magazine: The Supreme Court Blocks The Biden-Harris Plan to Pay Off Student Debts with Taxpayer Money – The promise from Kamala comes after the Supreme Court shut down a second attempt by the Biden-Harris administration to pay off billions of dollars in unpaid student debts. – The ruling is a blow to Harris’s presidential campaign because Harris has a support base of young liberal voters who are more likely to have college debt.

Washington Free Beacon: The Democrat National Committee endorsed a plan that would offer amnesty to illegal aliens who were deported under former president Donald Trump and invite them back to the United States. – The official Democratic Party platform supports the passage of the U.S. Citizenship Act, a bill that was sent to Congress by the Biden-Harris administration on January 20, 2021. 

The Center Square: Over $47 million in federal taxpayer dollars is going toward service programs in Arizona as the state continues to facilitate migrant requests for transportation to other parts of the country, albeit fewer than before. – The funds are part of $380 million in supplemental funds for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and United States Customs and Border Protection for the Shelter and Services program, which a news release states is used for “food, shelter, clothing, acute medical care, and transportation to noncitizens” that are waiting for their immigration court date in the U.S. 

American Thinker: Carbon Offsets Have Always Been Just Another Global Warming Scam. – They are just worthless pieces of paper that allow rich people and companies to pretend that they are reducing their carbon footprint. – Anyone with a brain could recognize that buying a carbon offset credit from Tesla or some other green company did not reduce the amount of carbon that a jet, house, yacht, mansion, or factory emitted…

August 29, 2024

Epoch Times: The FBI Shares New Details From The Investigation Into The Trump Assassination Attempt – Thomas Crooks spent months planning an attack, looking at various potential targets before settling on Trump, FBI officials said on Aug. 28. – Crooks searched for Trump’s campaign events as early as September 2023, and looked at information about bomb components as early as 2019 FBI officials said…

Conservative Playbook: 99% of The Murdoch Family’s News Corp Employee Election Contributions Went to Democrats – So what can we learn about political donations when looking at it from a corporate angle? – This graphic shows the top 12 companies by employee election contributions in 2024, based on data from Quiver Quantitative. – Netflix, 100% – Alphabet, 83%, Arista Networks, 99%…

Zero Hedge: After tumbling in April, and rebounding modestly in June, analysts expected a continued gain in pending home sales in July, but it didn’t happen. – Moments ago the NAR reported that in July, Pending Home Sales tumbled 5.5% MoM, a huge miss to the 0.2% expected gain, and down from a 4.8% increase in June.

National Review: The Adept Mr. Vance Hasn’t Made A Single Misstep. – Vance has been doing multiple events every day, out on his own. (Tim Walz, in contrast, has been a trained seal standing behind Kamala Harris the entire campaign). – Vance constantly engages with the press in lengthy unscripted interactions and does sit-down interviews with hostile outlets.

Townhall: New surveys from Emerson College Polling/The Hill show a toss-up election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in swing states. – The Republican presidential nominee is up in Wisconsin (49 percent to 48 percent), Arizona (50 percent to 47 percent), and North Carolina (49 percent to 48 percent). Harris, meanwhile, is ahead in Georgia (49 percent to 48 percent), Michigan (50 percent to 47 percent), and Nevada (49 percent to 48 percent). The race in Pennsylvania is tied at 48 percent.

Slay News: Senator Ted Cruz blasted Kamala Harris for setting up a “softball” sit-down with CNN’s Dana Bash as her first interview with the media since launching her campaign. – Cruz noted that the interview is re-planned, and will be pre-recorded to enable them to edit to remove the “word salad” and “things that are dumb” that Harris says. – The senator further argues that the interview is “propaganda” that only serves to further gaslight the American people.

American Thinker: In San Diego’s back county, illegals attempt to hijack two school buses loaded with children – Are the Harris-Biden open borders now Latin-Americanizing the U.S.? – That’s what it looks like with this heinous and underreported incident in San Diego’s back county not far from the U.S.-Mexico border…

California Globe: Governor Newsom’s Venezuela-Like Price Control Proposal on Oil Industry – With the California Legislature set to adjourn Friday, Newsom is threatening to call a special session if lawmakers don’t pass his Venezuela-like price controls proposal for the oil and gas industry, his latest proposal to control California’s petroleum industry.

Sharyl Attkisson: The Biden administration lost track of tens of thousands of children who crossed into the US illegally – From 2019 to 2023, ICE transferred over 448,000 UCs to HHS but failed to track many who missed their immigration court dates, with more than 32,000 UCs missing their hearings. – ICE also did not consistently notify HHS when UCs missed court and did not issue Notices to Appear (NTAs) for over 291,000 UCs. Here is their full memorandum…

American Thinker: A Recent Study Shows That Illegal Aliens Cost Taxpayers $150 Billion in just one year. – Leftists tell you that illegal aliens pay taxes, too, so “quit yer whining’” about their being expensive. – The problem is that they’re taking way more than they’re returning, and most of the cost is being borne by state and local governments…

Slay News: Government Documents Show That Canada Is Secretly Euthanizing Veterans – Several veterans came forward saying that their caseworkers told them they should apply for MAiD. – The majority of the veterans were dealing with acute post-traumatic stress disorder. – However, rather than offer the vets a long and costly treatment, the Canadian government’s socialized healthcare system is pushing for euthanasia as a more cost-effective solution.

August 28, 2024

Townhall: Trump Takes the Lead While Harris Can’t Answer a Simple Interview Question – In a new Polymarket poll, Trump holds a two-percent advantage over Vice President Kamala Harris (50 to 48 percent). The same survey also found that Trump’s chances of winning crucial swing states are much higher than Harris’s. – When asked, Harris couldn’t explain Trump’s policies, going off into a tangent about her tried and true argument of diversity and race.

Western Journal:   More than a month after the failed attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life, clear photographs of the shooter’s gear and weapon have been released to the public. – The photos seem to confirm a report of what happened on July 13 as law enforcement took Crooks down…
Washington Free Beacon: The West Bank, Once Quiet, Is Now Flooded With Iran-Backed Terror Groups – Iran has spent the last decade quietly smuggling advanced weapons into the West Bank to arm more than two dozen militant factions responsible for a spate of recent terror attacks, experts say, culminating on Wednesday in a massive Israeli military operation to root out Tehran’s proxies…
Daily Caller: Gold Star families, who lost their children during the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, invited Trump to their Arlington National Cemetery ceremony, but officials tried to block his entry. – Speaker of the House Mike Johnson had to intervene to get Trump into Arlington National Cemetery for the third anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal with Gold Star families, a family told the Daily Caller. – “This administration interfered with the tributes to the 13 fallen. – In its war on Trump, it made the Gold Star families collateral damage,” according to Representative Darrel Issa.
Vigilant News: The RFK Jr. Interview They Don’t Want You to See – In an explosive new interview, Kennedy told Dr. Phil, “We have the sickest children in the world.” – “When I was a kid, about 6% of American children had chronic disease. Today, it’s 60%,” he lamented…

Washington Examiner: The bipartisan House task force investigating the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump is ramping up its efforts with a sweeping records request to both the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service – The task force requested access to documents detailing the preparation and security decision-making in the hours leading up to the rally as well as agents’ responses once the shooting began…

Slay Magazine: Dan Bongino Slams The Secret Service Over The Trump Assassination Attempt: ‘Disgusting!’- Bongino noted that the corporate media had appeared to quickly lose interest in the story even though the security failures that day could have much broader implications in the future.

Epoch Times: The Supreme Court on Aug. 28 turned down President Joe Biden’s request to reinstate a $475 billion student loan relief plan weeks after an appeals court blocked the program. – Justice Brett Kavanaugh referred the application to the full court which denied it. – No dissents were recorded.

American Thinker: Mainstream Media, Enemy of the People – The word ‘bias’ is inadequate to describe what the mainstream media has devolved into. – The members of the media don’t simply prefer Democrat actions, they are Democrats. – They must be seen as a department within the party whose job is to glorify everything the party does and denigrate anyone who stands against it.

American Thinker: How did the DNC learn to use lawfare? – It all starts in the law schools – The DNC is effectively a large law firm that operates by mimicking or mirroring an irregular intelligence organization by disrupting normal institutional purposes and functions and replacing them with its backdoor influence or control…

Zero Hedge: Several States Refuse To Remove RFK Jr.’s Name From Ballots, Hurting Trump – After Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropped out of the presidential race last week and threw his support behind former President Trump, several states have refused to remove his name from the ballot after he announced he would do so in about 10 swing states. – “Our polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in the battleground states, I would likely hand the election over to the Democrats, with whom I disagree on the most existential issues,” Kennedy said just before endorsing Trump…

Washington Examiner: The GOP-led House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the CEO of a political consulting firm that employs the daughter of the judge who presided over former President Donald Trump‘s New York hush money trial. – The committee’s inquiry, led by Chairman Jim Jordan, scrutinizes Judge Juan Merchan over an alleged conflict of interest surrounding his daughter’s work.

American Thinker: Democrats lie about Trump at Arlington and the withdrawal from Afghanistan – The lies are necessary to cover for the fact that the survivors of the withdrawal and the family members of those who died want nothing to do with Harris or Biden – It all started simply enough when family members of those who died asked Trump to participate in the Arlington ceremony on Monday…

American Spectator: When You Think About It, Trump Is Running For A First Term, Not A Second – This is because he was undermined every step of the way during his first term. – In addition to Covid information silencing, let’s remember that polling following the 2020 election showed that some number near 10 percent of the votes Joe Biden garnered in that election would not have been available to him had the Hunter Biden laptop story been given its due amount of oxygen.

Conservative Brief: Former Independent presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump, whom he endorsed last week after dropping out of the race, has tasked him with helping pick people who will help run a new administration should the 45th president become the 47th president.

Townhall: Homeland Security Hands Out More Money for Illegal Immigrants – DHS announced on Wednesday the allocation of over $380 million going towards the care of illegal immigrants living in communities consumed by the Biden-Harris administration’s border crisis…

Breitbart: Socialist Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro designated strongman and long-suspected drug lord Diosdado Cabello his minister of the interior on Tuesday to supposedly “bring peace” to the country. – Maduro also appointed Cabello his “vice president for citizen security, political, and peace.”

FAR: Out Of The Shadows, We’ve Been Lied To – Despite YouTube’s efforts to hide it, Out of Shadows amassed more than 18.6 before they completely shut it down. – I found it again on Rumble and in light of so many things that have happened since then, it is even more eye-opening now.

August 27, 2024

Western Journal: Republican AGs Celebrate As A Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden-Harris Admin’s ‘Illegal Executive Amnesty Program’ – The lawsuit brought by 16 Republican state attorneys general makes claims that “are substantial and warrant closer consideration than the court has been able to afford to date.” – The lawsuit also shows that the Biden program makes a mockery of Kamala Harris’ claims to be tough on border security…

Townhall: As the Harris campaign tries to go about changing the rules for the September 10 Donald Trump said on Tuesday afternoon that they have “reached an agreement” for that debate with ABC News. – “The Rules will be the same as the last CNN Debate and will be ‘stand up,’ and Candidates cannot bring notes, or ‘cheat sheets.”

FOX News: Trump being indicted a second time in the election subversion case brought by special counsel Jack Smith – The new indictment keeps the prior criminal charges but narrows and reframes the allegations against the Republican presidential nominee after a Supreme Court ruling that conferred broad immunity on former presidents. – The superseding indictment is unlikely to go to trial before the November election.

Breitbart: Trump Responds to Jack Smith Filing A Superseding Indictment – Trump described the updated indictment as an effort by Smith to bring back “a dead” witch hunt, and added that the updated superseding indictment had “all the problems of the old indictment,” and “should be dismissed.”

Vigilant News: In a striking interview that was released Tuesday evening, Donald Trump sat down with Dr. Phil to discuss the attempt on his life, the “coup” against Joe Biden, what RFK Jr. means for a Trump administration, and more. – Reflecting on the miraculous head-turn moment, Trump told Dr. Phil that he believes God spared his life not just to save America but potentially to save the entire world.

Conservative Compass: Elon Musk Drops a Bombshell By Asking Whether Zuckerberg’s Meta Actions Violated the First Amendment. – The central question now is whether the government’s actions constitute a violation of the First Amendment. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech of the press.

Epoch Times: The Israel Defense Forces report that a hostage who had been held in captivity for 326 days was rescued “in a complex operation in the southern Gaza Strip.” – The IDF said Qaid Farhan Alkadi, 52, is in stable condition and had been taken to a hospital for medical checks. – “His family has been updated with the details, and the IDF is accompanying them,” it said.

Resist The Mainstream: A Trump Rally Counter-Sniper Agrees With House Republicans’ Of Their ‘Evidence Tampering’ Claim – A SWAT counter-sniper assigned to the Pennsylvania rally where former President Donald Trump narrowly escaped assassination last month concurred with Republican lawmakers on Monday, acknowledging that there had been an “unusual” pattern in the handling of evidence following the fatal shooting.

The Federalist: Attorney General Merrick Garland Makes An Example Of J6 Protesters To Shut Up Anyone Else Who Might Question Elections – Garland boasted on Friday how his office has prosecuted nearly 1,500 Americans for protesting the 2020 election, warning others they may face similar lawfare should they raise any concerns about the administration of the upcoming November election.

Zero Hedge: Morgan Stanley Indicated That A Trump Victory Means A Stronger for the US Dollar – The most important driver of dollar strength under either candidate will be Trade and Geopolitics; Monetary policy does not matter as much – If Trump wins the Fiscal expansion will be bigger than if Harris wins. It will be positive for the dollar based on how the money will be spent under a Republican administration…

Resist The Mainstream: A DNC Volunteer Recounts Moments That Led Her to Ditch Harris – “When I was there, I didn’t feel any connection to real America or the place that I come from,” she stated, highlighting the gap between the party’s elite and the working class. – Instead of addressing concrete policy proposals, Evan claimed the speeches were filled with “generic platitudes” such as “joy and respect and integrity,” which she found lacking in practical significance for voters grappling with financial hardships.

Epoch Times: Trump Adds RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard To His White House Transition Team – Trump declared, “We look forward to having their powerful voices on the team as we work to restore America’s greatness.” – The announcement was made after Kennedy said Trump had made the offer if the Republican presidential candidate wins another term in office.

Zero Hedge: A series of bizarre developments over the last few weeks suggest that Britain’s financial system approached collapse, probably as a consequence of Ukraine’s debt default. – The stabbings of three young girls (6, 7, and 9 years of age) that happened in Southport, UK on 29 July unleashed widespread rioting and clashes in Britain, notably between the immigrant Muslim community and what PM Keir Starmer called, right-wing thugs. – Rather than appealing for calm, the government’s messaging is aimed at intimidating the population…

Western Journal: RFK Jr. Tells Tucker Carlson Mike Pompeo Held Trump Back, ‘Begging’ Him To Not Release The JFK Assassination Files – According to Kennedy, this cover-up was ostensibly done to hide the CIA’s involvement in the JFK murder plot. – President Trump introduced RFK Jr. by saying that if elected, he plans to establish a commission to declassify the remaining documents about the JFK murder in 1963…

Powerline: Let’s go Krazee – In the classified Mar-a-Lago documents matter, Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the case under the Constitution’s appointments clause. – She held that Krazee-Eyez Killa Jack Smith lacks the legal authority he is wielding as Special Counsel in the case. – Yesterday Smith filed his challenge brief in the Eleventh Circuit, accessible online here. – Andrew McCarthy reviews the bidding, and it’s almost funny…

Zero Hedge: It’s A Bipartisan Miracle! – This is your daily reminder that the establishment is one big club (and you ain’t in it!). – More than 200 former aides to George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain, and Mitt Romney have offered their full-throated support for Vice President Kamala Harris. According to The Hill, most of the group also endorsed President Biden in 2020…

Powerline: Gabbard Unsheathed – Former Democratic Rep. and Dem presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard endorsed President Trump yesterday afternoon at a National Guard Association event in Detroit. – She landed a knockout punch (from the left) on Kamala Harris’s candidacy in the run-up to the 2020 presidential campaign…

Western Journal: Could Mark Zuckerberg Admission Regarding Biden’s Damning Actions on Facebook Sink Kamala Harris? – Mark Zuckerberg is acknowledging the truth of the role his social media giant played in censoring reasonable information and viewpoints regarding COVID-19, as well as the role President Joe Biden’s administration played in pressuring Meta to censor that information…

News Busters: Google is actively assisting Kamala Harris in maintaining her media honeymoon by keeping users in the dark about her radical policy views, including her support for abolishing ICE and threatening to end private health insurance. – The study revealed a staggering bias in Google’s favoring of left-leaning media by a nearly 10:1 margin in both Google Search and the Google News tab…

American Thinker: RFK, Jr. Lays Down His Marker – His speech endorsing Donald Trump and subsequent appearance at Trump’s political rally in Arizona solidify a fundamental transformation of the November election. – Moving forward, substance is not on the Democrats’ side. – They wield power through targeted propaganda disseminated through allies in the mass media. – But, beyond smoke and mirrors, the party is nothing more than an institution void of any purpose other than the pursuit of power.

Conservative Brief: Trump Leads Harris By 3 Points Nationally In New Head-To-Head Poll – “Rasmussen’s findings are an outlier among recent national polling. – The conservative-leaning firm has often been at odds with other top pollsters.

National Review: Seven Theories of Press Complicity with the Harris Campaign – Why are they doing it? – Why is the national political press all-in for Kamala Harris, to the point where outlets such as Politico and Axios are de facto spokespersons for the Harris campaign? – 1. Simple partisanship. – 2. Identity politics. – 3. Their hate for Trump…

American Thinker: Is America Reaching a Suicidal Level of Complacency? – The worst president in modern history has passed the baton to an even worse candidate, Kamala Harris. – They ask us to sacrifice our freedom because CO2 is killing us, though it’s essential for life, Speech is violence, yet actual violence requires context, All races are equal, yet some are incapable of achievement without government intervention. – The narrative makes the gullible “feel good” about sacrificing their rights for centralized control…

American Thinker: In This Momentous Election, It’s Now Or Never – The crumbling of America, told first through the metaphor of a breaking dam.- The metaphor here is America. Its haters never had a good alternative to it (socialism is not a good alternative), and the lovers took it all for granted. – And so it crumbled slowly at first, and then all at once. – This is how countries fall; slowly at first, and then all at once. – Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, and many others show this to be true…

American Thinker: Why Tulsi Gabbard’s Trump endorsement matters – Democrats’ abuse of power is the driving force here. – The real significance of her Trump endorsement was justice, the same as the reasons RFK, Jr. decided to endorse Trump in this election, justice in response to Democrats’ ever-growing abuse of power.

American Thinker: Economic Lies and Presidential Politics – Democrats are selling credulous Americans a big lie when it comes to why they’re facing generational inflation woes. – Inflation, as the name implies, is an increase in the money supply, period. – There is only one entity that can increase the supply of money, the federal government. – States can’t do it, cities can’t do it, not even the super-rich, like Warren Buffett can do it…

Epoch Times: Epoch Times: The RNC Is Suing The City of Detroit, Alleging The City Did Not Hire Enough Republican Poll Watchers – Detroit appointed seven times more Democrat poll watchers than Republicans for its primary election, the Republican complaint states.

American Greatness: The Democrats’ Mixed Messages – We should never forget that for all their propaganda on Democracy, they oppose Trump because he aims to undo this arrangement, restore accountability, and transfer power back to the American people.Back in 2020, the party’s leaders stopped a Bernie Sanders’ victory and rallied around Joe Biden because he could be presented as a likable moderate from PA. – This invented campaign persona bears little resemblance to Biden as then presented and was another classic “bait and switch.”

Daily Signal: What Is Secret Service Hiding About Trump Assassination Attempt? – It’s been six weeks since the attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and the American public’s questions about the nature of the attack and the security failings that led to Trump’s brush with death largely remain unanswered. – Jason Chaffetz, who once chaired the House Oversight Committee thinks the failures are structural, due to poor recruitment and training…

Slay Magazine: Facebook to Continue Using ‘Fact-Checkers’ to Censor Content, despite Zuckerberg’s Vow to End Censorship – In recent years, these “fact-checkers” have unfairly targeted conservative viewpoints, leading to many fleeing Facebook for more free speech-focused alternatives such as Gab, Truth Social, or Elon Musk’s X. – According to Meta, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads will continue to “work with independent third-party fact-checking organizations.”

Sharyl Attkisson: A proposed law to compensate victims of illegal immigrant crimes – Following trips to the border and meetings with immigration officials and federal judges, U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) introduced the “Allocating Liability to Illegal Entrants in National Courts (ALIEN) Act. – The legislation, if enacted, would fully empower federal judges to award damages to victims of illegal immigration for harms they have suffered.

City Journal: Scientific institutions have traditionally flourished by recruiting the most proficient researchers and promoting vigorous competition as they freely debate and test their theories. – Now, younger professors, administrators, and journal editors are more likely to champion the DEI regime, as they value ethnic and gender diversity over originality and productivity, and they are far more eager to silence and punish scientists daring to challenge progressive orthodoxy.

American Thinker: One of America’s most famous race hustlers is accused of plagiarism – The greatest part of this is that she’s accused of stealing from non-white Asian scholars! – According to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis…

August 26, 2024

Associated Press: Former Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard has endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential bid. – This furthered her shift away from the party she sought to represent four years ago and linked herself to the GOP nominee’s critiques of Vice President Kamala Harris and the chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal.

Epoch Times: Trump Suggests He Might Pull Out of ABC Debate With Harris – Donald Trump suggested on Sunday evening that he may skip a Sept. 10 ABC News debate with Vice President Kamala Harris amid dueling statements issued by both campaigns about whether the microphone should be muted. – ‘Why am I doing it? – Let’s do it with another network,’ he said Monday.

Daily Signal: Dan Bongino, Radio talk show host and former Secret Service agent, predicts another “incident” with the Secret Service, claiming that the agency is worse off today than it was before the assassination attempt against Donald Trump on July 13 in Butler, PA. – After Congress began to ask then-Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle about the assassination attempt, Cheatle resigned, leading Ronald L. Rowe Jr. to step in as interim director…

Daily Signal: The Secret Service has a “culture of deception,” according to former Representative Jason Chaffetz. – “What they tell the public has routinely been inaccurate, if not an outright lie,” said Chaffetz, a visiting fellow with The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. – He made his remarks in a panel discussion, “The U.S. Secret Service Before, During, and After the Assassination Attempt of President Trump,” on Monday in Washington, D.C.

Washington Free Beacon: Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris ‘Never Once Reached Out’ to Relatives of Soldiers Killed in Bungled Afghanistan Withdrawal, Families Say – They just want to pretend it didn’t happen,’ says Gold Star aunt Cheryl Juels.

Trending Politics: Independent presidential candidate Cornel West has exposed a desperate attempt by the Democrat Party to bribe him into dropping out of the 2024 race. – The scholar and activist revealed during an interview that Democrat leaders reached out to him with offers of positions and resources if he would back down, particularly in support of Kamala Harris’s campaign.

American Spectator: Google Controls the Internet – The Internet is currently controlled through searching, and if Google single-handedly dominates the means through which searching works, then Google effectively controls the Internet. – One private company should not have control of the internet. – Our freedom of thought has never been so completely threatened…

Daily Signal: The Biden-Harris Admin’s Odd Choice for Nuclear Security Agency – Historically, Nair is an unusual choice for the NNSA, which she joined in February. Among other things, she has advocated expanding the role of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” known as DEI, in nuclear security.

American Conservative: Tim Walz’s Crab-Bucketing of Vance – There’s a simple reason why the Democrats hate the Republican VP candidate’s Yale degree. – He is the symbol of a kid who beat all odds and made it.J.D. Vance’s saga is an American success story, one that would have gotten several movies during the 80s to show how you don’t need a daddy government to succeed.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Quiet Before the Storms in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan? – Amid doubts about Biden’s ability to effectively lead the U.S. in his remaining months as president, our enemies abroad may see an opportunity to alter the global balance of power. – Because of the happenings described below, we are entering a very dangerous five-month period…

Zero Hedge: Russia has once again launched large-scale drone and missile attacks targeting energy sites across Ukraine, including in the capital of Kyiv, resulting in three civilian deaths, emergency authorities said. – A total of 15 of Ukraine’s 24 oblasts came under the early morning attack, including by cruise missiles and Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, according to the country’s Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

Zero Hedge: In a strategic move that puts pressure on Ukraine in response to its ongoing Kursk incursion into Russia, Belarus has built up its troops along parts of its southern border with Ukraine. – A Sunday statement by Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded that Belarus pull back its forces or risk further escalation and “tragic mistakes”.

American Thinker: The Iranian regime’s new reformist president reveals the ugly truth about his cabinet members – Masoud Pezeshkian, from Tabriz, revealed that under the rule of the Supreme Leader, the parliament, government, elections, and other institutions are completely hollow and artificial, serving as nothing more than a cardboard facade to hide the reality of a medieval absolute dictatorship…

Geller Report: French Police Arrested An Algerian Muslim Migrant In The Recent Synagogue Car Bombing and Arson Attack Where Police Were Wounded – New details about the synagogue fire today reveal the perpetrator set fire to SEVERAL DOORWAYS of the building and the cars outside. – The man tried to burn Jews alive in their house of prayer. – We can’t look away from antisemitism, and neither should you.

Trending Politics: The father of Trump shooter Thomas Crooks is lawyering up as the FBI probe expands into what his family knew and when, following the July 13th assassination attempt. – Matthew Crooks, 53, and his wife have hired powerhouse Pittsburgh law firm Quinn Logue as it prepares to answer pointed questions from the Bureau about how the 20-year-old gunman was able to evade online dragnets searching for individuals suspected of taking future violent action against former President Donald Trump…

JD Rucker: 7 Election-Stealing Events to Watch for Before November – We already know they’re going to do the standard stuff, but will they take it up a notch or two, or ten? – War, some say this is the most likely scenario given the events unfolding overseas. – A Terrorist Attack, as we’re starting to get into more likely scenarios because the border invasion has allowed an unknown but large number of terrorists into America. – A Plandemic, with most saying that Monkeypox is being positioned as Big Pharma’s next money-printing scam. – Then there are the coming mast protests…

The Federalist: The House Oversight Chair Threatens Subpoenas If White House Doesn’t Cough Up Its‘Bidenbucks’ Plans – The Biden-Harris administration appears to be stonewalling a congressional probe of its secretive executive order directing every federal agency to register and mobilize voters…

The Daily Fetched: Trump Shares Details on Elon Musk’s Planned Role in His Next Administration – “He is a brilliant guy and what he really would like to do is get involved in cutting some of the fat and he does know how to do it,” Trump said of Musk.

Presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump would, if elected, veto a national abortion ban, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) said on Aug. 25. – “If you’re not supporting it as the president of the United States, you fundamentally have to veto it,” Vance, Trump’s running mate, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Emerald Robinson: Democrats Warn OF 70 Days Until Civil War – Prominent Democrats are warning you that Trump will never be allowed to win the election in every interview they do. – Very few of the nitwit GOP pundit class will to themselves that the Biden regime has total control of the federal government, which means that the national security state will not only turn a blind eye to election fraud but will aid and abet it wherever it helps Democrats. – The FBI is already getting ready to help the Biden regime of course…

The Federalist: RFK Jr.’s Speech Wasn’t Republican Or Democrat But Rather, American – The reasons Robert Kennedy Jr. gave for limiting his campaign and endorsing Donald Trump aren’t matters of partisanship or policy, but a matter of survival for our constitutional republic as he excoriated the Democrat Party, U.S. government, and our supposedly free press during his Friday press conference…

American Thinker: Political Earthquake As Trump and RFK Jr Signal The End Of The Democrat Party As It Now Exists – Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or only getting your news from the national socialist media, you know that everything has now changed. – These days the un-Democrat party has gone so much to the dark side of red (as in communistic red) that they have to work constantly to keep their true motives hidden…

Western Journal: The Democrat Party’s Secret Border Deal With Mexico – Some agreement was struck between Blinken, Mayorkas, and López Obrador late last year regarding bussing, but it does not appear voters will be told what was in the deal or how long the deal is supposed to last. An anonymous White House official did tell the New York Times that, “the U.S. does not dictate what measures Mexico should take to curb migration.” But whatever vague terms the Mexican government agreed to, they are following through.

Liberty Daily: Governor Greg Abbott Purges Over a Million Voters From Texas Voter Rolls, Including Thousands of Noncitizens – The number includes hundreds of thousands of deceased individuals, hundreds of thousands on the suspense list, and more than 100,000 individuals who failed to respond to an address confirmation notice, among other people who were deemed ineligible.

Western Journal: The Harris team is fighting against muted microphones at the ABC debate after Biden previously requested the rule change – It appears that the Harris campaign wants the rule change because it thinks Trump could say something outlandish if he loses his composure.

National Review: We Have Two Republican Parties, But Unfortunately Seem Destined To Never Meet Due To Primary Voters – In the first group, we have the national party, which is an aimless joke and in the second, we have the state parties, which may be the most effective and accomplished political outfits in the world and are driven by an agenda that would have been easily recognizable as “conservatism” at any point in the last 50 years…

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump honored 13 fallen American service members from the Biden Administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal during a wreath-laying ceremony Monday at the Arlington Cemetery. – Trump laid the wreath and placed his hand over his heart as a bugler played Taps in honor of those lost on August 26, 2021, during a Kabul airport attack.

Western Journal: Boeing Employees Are ‘Humiliated’ as Elon Musk’s SpaceX Steps in to Save The Stranded Astronauts – NASA has decided Elon Musk’s SpaceX offers a safer route to bring back to Earth two astronauts who have been stuck on the International Space Station for months. – Steve Stich, NASA’s Commercial Crew Program manager, said talks between NASA and Boeing “came down to a little disagreement about risk analyses.”

Zero Hedge: Macron Widely Mocked For Saying Telegram CEO’s Arrest In France Was ‘Not Politically Motivated’ – Several prominent tech entrepreneurs and public figures, for example, Elon Musk, have decried the move as selective persecution against a known advocate of untethered free speech…

Interest Of Justice Official news was just released from the French prosecutor hell-bent on taking down Telegram founder Pavel Durov. – He is being charged with 12 counts that include, Complicity by web-mastering an online platform to enable illegal transactions. – Refusal to communicate, at the request of competent authorities, information…

Resist The Mainstream: Chris Pavlovski, CEO of the major social media platform Rumble, has publicly declared his departure from France, citing escalating threats against his company and fellow tech executives. – Pavlovski, who is known for his staunch advocacy of free speech, used his social media presence to broadcast his departure, calling Europe “communist” and condemning recent actions taken by French authorities against technology leaders who support free speech…

Front Page Magazine: A Foundation Has Been Bribing Cities to Free Criminals – Come to an elected official and offer his office $625,000 to change a policy and that’s bribery. – The MacArthur Foundation had been providing sizable amounts of money to the SF DA’s office to keep criminals on the loose. – Now the MacArthur Foundation warned that it wouldn’t provide $625,000 to the DA’s office until it shows it is “fully committed to the goals and strategies” of the foundation.

Washington Free Beacon: The Biden-Harris Administration Warns Kindergartners Climate Change Will Leave Entire US Cities Underwater – NASA’s “Climate Kids” webpage offers fun environment-related educational activities, films, and video games for children in kindergarten. It also warns children that the world is undergoing cataclysmic warming, sea levels are rising, global ice coverage is diminishing, and their future may very well be doomed.

The National Pulse: Here Is A Full List of America’s Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States – The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has created an interactive map showing the sanctuary states, cities, and counties established across the United States. – Illegal aliens are encouraged to settle in these areas, where state and local authorities limit cooperation with ICE and other federal bodies responsible for immigration control and deportations.

Daily Signal: – What Watered Down Wine and Inflation Have in Common – That’s essentially what the Federal Reserve has done by creating trillions of dollars in just a few years to finance the runaway deficit spending we’ve seen in Washington.

American Thinker: Enough With The ‘Very Fine People’ and Other Democrat Lies – How ironic that Democrats call Republicans ‘Nazis’ yet themselves follow the Goebbels Nazi propaganda playbook to the letter. – Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. – Democrats and their media lapdogs know this very well and apply it assiduously as fodder to the uninformed…

Dallas Ludlum: The Death of Meritocracy And Why Woke Culture is Destroying America – How Identity Politics and Cancel Culture Threaten Our Nation’s Core Values – Woke ideology, with its roots in identity politics and social justice movements, originally sought to address genuine issues of inequality and injustice. However, what began as a movement to promote inclusivity and diversity has morphed into something far more authoritarian, the assault on free speech and cancel culture…

American Conservative: Ending Birthright Citizenship Is Harder Than It Appears – Trump’s campaign promise faces an uphill battle. – All of this could affect birth tourism. – If Trump were to follow through on his plan to issue an executive order on day one, here’s how it might unfold…

American Thinker: Kennedy Endorses Trump While The Media Endorses Kamala – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was clear at his first press conference after withdrawing from the presidential race. – Three major issues compelled him to leave the Democrat Party and endorse Donald Trump for president: “Free speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our children.”…

California Globe: California Democrats Plan to Release Their ‘Worst-of-the-Worst’ Murderers After 25 Years – ‘SB 94 would break the promise made to victims that society would never see these criminals on our streets again.’ – Why would any state lawmaker, sworn to uphold the California and United States Constitutions, support this lawlessness as Democrats in the California Legislature are?

American Thinker: The results are in, so how much will wind energy cost this one state’s consumers? – As an astute person accurately quipped, the entire progressive energy movement ought to just be referred to as the “Green Grift” agenda. – Are you ready to have your electricity bill quadrupled, your taxes increase, and your dollar further devalued? – If so, vote the Harris-Walz ticket!

August 25, 2024

Epoch Times: Israel And Hezbollah Exchange Rocket and Missile Fire, And Strikes Have Ceased For Now – IDF says earlier jet strikes thwarted an even bigger attack, as Hezbollah announced retaliation for the killing of its military commander last month.

American Spectator: Biden’s Phantom Truce – Biden needs to lean on Hamas and make clear to the world that they are the ones who started it, but unfortunately, he won’t. – The result of all of Biden’s diplomacy has been that the United States is now ignored by both sides in every effort to settle the Gaza war. Biden has done nothing to obtain the release of the American hostages Hamas still holds…

American Spectator: RFK Jr. Grants Liberals Their Death Wish – RFK Jr. has turned the tables on the liberals who treated him with undisguised contempt. – Team Biden worked diligently in every state to block Kennedy from ballots. As liberals squawked “DEMOCRACY!,” they relentlessly engaged in lawfare to prevent voters from the democratic option of voting for Kennedy.

Gateway Pundit: HUGE! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Teases That More Big Names Are Coming Out for Trump — “Wait Until You See the Next Additions to Trump’s Unity Government.”

Conservative Brief: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has filed a motion indicating that he will not oppose a request from attorneys representing former President Donald Trump to delay sentencing in his hush-money case. – Some people suspect Bragg’s decision could be politically motivated.

Epoch Times: RFK Jr. Loses Secret Service Protection After Suspending Campaign and Backing Trump – Kennedy was denied Secret Service protection five times by the Department of Homeland Security before receiving it after the assassination attempt on Trump.

Breitbart: According to the CBP Nationwide Encounters report, during the first ten months of Fiscal Year 24, which began in October 2023, Swanton Sector agents apprehended 15,612 migrants who illegally crossed the border from Canada into Northeastern New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. – This is up 197 percent from the 5,257 arrested during the same period in FY23.

Zero Hedge: Will the next Black Swan event come from an attack on the US Dollar? – We are seeing little or no coverage regarding the attack on the US Dollar initiated by the BRICS Alliance. – Their master plan is to remove the US Dollar as the Global Reserve Currency. – According to BRICS, the GDP of their nations accounted for 31.5% of the Global GDP as of 2023, and the alliance is growing. – The IMF stated that the BRICS nations still have a significantly higher growth forecast at 3.6% compared to the G7 Nations average of 1%.

The Guardian: Israel launches strikes into Lebanon ‘to remove threats’ after Hezbollah fires hundreds of rockets in a major escalation – Defense Secretary Austin reaffirmed the United States ironclad commitment to Israel’s defense against any attacks by Iran and its regional partners and proxies...

Townhall: As the Israel-Hamas war rages on, nearly ten months after the terrorist group first launched strikes on the nation, Hamas official Ghazi Hamad doubles down on his idea that the deadly October attack was needed to undermine Israeli ties with Arabs. – During a recent interview, Hamad described the terrorist organization’s attack on Israel as a “great success,” in which 1,200 people were killed, more than 5,000 were injured, and hundreds were taken hostage. 

Center Square: Three Years After America’s Withdrawal, The Taliban Rules Afghanistan – Robert Greenway, a former top intelligence and national security official in the U.S. government for decades indicated that Biden left them “as the best armed terrorist state in the history of the world.” – The Taliban held a military parade featuring U.S. military equipment earlier this month.

Just The News: Trump can now deploy ex-Democrat ‘power rangers’ RFK Jr., Musk, and Gabbard to prod bigger exodus – When Robert F Kennedy Jr. formally divorced the party his family once ruled as kingmakers, he opened the door for more Democrats to follow suit in embracing Donald Trump in 2024 and creating a “unity party” where Americans can disagree and debate without destroying each other.

American Thinker: Mainstream Media Misinformation, Mendacity At PBS – PBS recently reported that, via a phone call, former President Trump urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to delay a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas until after the 2024 presidential election to benefit himself politically. – As it turns out, that wasn’t true in any way, shape, or form.

American Thinker: The Death Of Truth Is Killing America – Civilizations die when people lie as often and as profoundly as Democrats do. – Lies abound, Men can be women, men can menstruate and nurse babies, America is racist, and the incompetent should be elevated while the competent get shoved off a cliff. – Universities are indoctrination camps that say Trump threatens democracy, but Democrats can fix what’s wrong…

American Greatness: The Left’s Swift Shift After RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement – Kennedy’s indictment of his former party, along with his endorsement of Donald Trump, has sent shock waves through the chambers of the self-appointed elite who would rule us. – “The DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based on nothing,” Kennedy said, “No policies, no interviews, no debates, only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly-produced circus.”

American Conservative: What No One Said at the DNC – Democrats are selling old goods in a new package. – They are now portraying Trump and Republicans as angry, pessimistic, unpatriotic characters who think that America is losing (and therefore needs to be made great again) versus the joyful, optimistic Democrats who want to protect the American way and the peaceful transfer of power.

American Thinker: Amazingly, the United States GDP is $16 trillion per year, and our national debt is now $35 trillion. – Our biggest national expense is the interest service on that debt. – But few people know that $36.8 trillion represents all the money in the world. – Think about that…

Forbidden News: Censorship Industrial Complex Expert Mike Benz Explains Telegram CEO’s Arrest – Pavel Durov recently appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to talk about how the FBI had tried to infiltrate Telegram to install backdoors so that they could collect all of their data and spy on anti-Globalists dissidents and the like.

American Thinker: Democrat-Dominated Professions Are Untrustworthy – Which political party dominates the more trustworthy jobs And which one…doesn’t? – Professions with the most Democrat representation include, Union Organizers, Data Scientists, Environmentalists, Social Workers, and High School Teachers…

August 24, 2024

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Sunday that it had hit “thousands” of Hezbollah rocket launchers in southern Lebanon in a pre-dawn preemptive strike to thwart an attack on Tel Aviv. – Lebanon reported one dead in the attack.

Epoch Times: A U.S. military drone strike has killed a senior leader of Hurras al-Din, an al-Qaeda-aligned group in Syria, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said in an Aug. 23 statement. – The strike targeted Abu-‘Abd al-Rahman al-Makki, a prominent figure within the group’s Shura Council responsible for overseeing terrorist activities from Syria, per the announcement.

Breitbart: Democrat politicians nationwide are trying to put many illegal migrants into apartments and homes that would otherwise go to young Americans. – In California, Democrats in the state Assembly have passed legislation that would create homebuyer tax breaks for illegal migrants who walked through weak border controls.

New York Post: Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at a Paris airport – Telegram emphasizes users’ privacy, which has drawn criticism from many governments. – It has also become a major source of information in the Russia-Ukraine war. – Durov has maintained that Telegram is a neutral social media platform and not a “player in geopolitics.” – He is being charged because “On his platform, he allowed an incalculable number of offenses and crimes to be committed, for which he did nothing to moderate or cooperate”… ”

Resist The Mainstream: NASA officials announced that the two astronauts with Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft, who have been stranded on the International Space Station, will not be returning until 2025. – Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were originally intended to only be on the ISS for eight days after launching on June 5.

Slay Magazine: The Washington Post Admits Biden’s Inner Circle Kept Cognitive Decline Hidden from The American People – The admission is a striking reversal after the Democrats’ allies in the corporate media spent years downplaying concerns about Biden’s fitness. – The Washington Post also indirectly implicated Vice President Kamla Harris in the cover-up.

Megan Redshaw: Why RFK Jr. Is Suspending His Presidential Campaign, The Full Transcript – In part, “Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon, well, nothing. There are no policies, interviews, or debates — only smoke, mirrors, and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus.”…

American Greatness: ‘Strategic Vagueness’ is the Democrats’ New ‘Switcheroo’ – “Strategic vagueness” is merely the latest entry in the left’s lexicon to gloss an ancient political tactic to make it appear novel and, for some reason, more digestible. – Now, the Democrat elite confronted an equally daunting task: transforming their anointed candidate into presidential timber in the eyes of the general public.

American Thinker: The Democrat Party was Never Democratic – Democrats abhor true democracy and project their sins onto their opponents. – The Democrats’ Jim Crow era has been superseded by their communist flirtation, initially introduced by Bill and Hillary Clinton, then more thoroughly under Obama. Controlling Blacks and native Indians expanded into controlling all. – Communism’s essence is the acquisition of power via fraud if elections fail…

Breitbart: The left-wing New York Times is warning Democrats that “joy” is not a political strategy that will put Vice President Kamala Harris (D) in the White House. – “The Times analysis found Harris was the ‘most risky’ and least viable candidate, while Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA), in contrast, would be the most likely to beat former President Donald Trump,” the outlet said in July…

New York Sun: The Fate of Afghanistan’s Leaders and America’s Missing Millions of Dollars Three Years After The U.S. Withdrawal – This incident was merely a glimpse into the vast systemic corruption that permeated Afghanistan for 20 years. So, three years on, what became of these once-storied leaders? – Was anyone ever held accountable for the millions in missing funds squandered throughout the war? – Tragically, the answer is no…

American Spectator: Noise in the Classroom – We need education to be a haven from politics, not an engager in it. – Politics In the Classroom Is Just Distractive Noise – Schools Should Be a Refuge From Politics and Shouting…

Powerline: The Week in Pictures: It’s Deja Obamavu All Over Again – Democrats think they’ve recaptured the Beatlemania cultural sensation surrounding Obama’s arrival and triumph in 2008. – But all the media exertions and messaging (Joy! Vibes! Forward! New Shep Fairley poster!) have managed to do is recreate The Monkees…

August 23, 2024

Geller Report: A NEW Secret Service Whistleblower Reveals The Trump Protection Team Was Denied Additional Manpower Before The Assassination Attempt – Did the head of the embattled U.S. Secret Service lie to Congress when he testified that all manpower requested to protect former President Trump had been approved for the event where the GOP presidential nominee came within centimeters of being assassinated? – Senator Josh Hawley wants answers…

American Spectator: This Is No Longer The Presidential Race You Think It Is – Now it is about the deep state. – He’s still very much an outsider figure in American politics. – RFK Jr. continues to lean left on most issues, but the ones where he and Trump have found common cause are only “conservative” in the sense that they’re issues that the Democrat Party has run so far away from the national mainstream that a liberal like Kennedy can only find an alliance with Republicans…

The Vigilant Fox: RFK Jr. Suspended His Campaign and Throws His Support Behind Trump – Key takeaways in under five minutes. – The first thing Kennedy did when he took the stage was to declare that the Democrat Party now represents the exact opposite of democracy by subverting it under the guise of “saving it…

Just The News: Trump unveils two initiatives he would start if elected in November – A presidential commission on assassination attempts, tasked with reviewing and releasing the remaining documents on the assassination of John F. Kennedy and also the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. – The other project will be a panel of experts that will work with JFK Jr. to investigate the cause of an increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases.

Epoch Times: Sixteen states are suing the Biden administration over its new program that shields hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from deportation. – The program grants parole to many illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens and “is designed to circumvent the statutory requirements that unlawfully present aliens may not adjust their status within the United States but must instead depart and apply for an immigrant visa at a U.S. embassy or consulate overseas.”

Zero Hedge: Next Monday, Musk’s SpaceX will usher in a new era of commercial space exploration when a Falcon 9 rocket ferries four astronauts to space via Dragon capsule under the Polaris Program to test and develop new spaceflight technology. – The Polaris Dawn mission will be the first crew to perform a spacewalk from Dragon, fly higher in Earth’s orbit than anyone since the Apollo program, test laser-based Starlink communications, and research to help provide insight on human health during long-duration spaceflight missions…

Breitbart: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has stated he is suspending his campaign but not ending it. – He is urging residents of blue states to vote for him but throwing his support behind former President Donald Trump in battleground states.

Epoch Times: The Fed’s Jerome Powell Signals A Rate Cut: – ‘Time Has Come for Policy to Adjust’ – Inflation and labor market data indicate that the U.S.  economy experiencing an evolving situation. – He stopped short of announcing the timing and pace of interest rate cuts, reiterating that Fed decisions will be data-dependent.

American Greatness: Trump and Vance Explain How They Will Handle a ‘World on Fire’ at Their North Carolina Rally – Their speeches at Asheboro contrast Trump’s strong mastery of the global threats facing this nation and Harris’s profound national security inexperience and incompetence. – An important item was rebuilding the U.S. military and restoring weapons and ammunition arsenals. He criticized the Biden/Harris administration for depleting these arsenals to send vital American weapons to Ukraine.

American Thinker: Donald Trump’s first comments about Kamala’s convention speech in a live interview last night on FOX News – The following excerpts of Trump’s interview have been edited and condensed for content and clarity. – It was a lot of complaining. She didn’t talk about China. She didn’t talk about fracking. She didn’t talk about crime. She didn’t talk about 70 percent of our people are living in poverty…

Conservative Brief: Trump Leads Harris By 3 Points Nationally In New Head-To-Head Poll – “Rasmussen’s findings are an outlier among recent national polling. – The conservative-leaning firm has often been at odds with other top pollsters. – In 2016, it was among the closest firms to the final result.

Just The News: Forty-seven percent of voters think illegal immigration will increase under a Harris presidency. – The poll also showed that 60% of those surveyed believed that illegal immigration would likely decrease under GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. 

Breitbart: Democrats proclaim that their convention’s theme is “joy,” but that feeling does not translate to Americans suffering from the Biden-Harris administration’s inflation. – Data from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics show that grocery prices jumped 22 percent from January 2021 — when President Joe Biden and Harris first took office — to July 2024.

Trending Politics: In a pivot from his previous public disagreements with former President Donald Trump, Georgia governor Brian Kemp officially endorsed the former president for the 2024 election which is a significant turnaround in a relationship that was once fraught with public disputes and disagreements. – Well, Sean, look, we gotta win. We gotta win from the top of the ticket on down,” Kemp said on Fox News.

Breitbart: Comedian-actor Rob Schneider is urging fellow supporters of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to vote for former President Donald Trump in November, saying they need to reject the authoritarianism and failed policies of the Democratic party as embodied by Kamala Harris.

The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office has arrested Ronald Lee Syvrud after conducting a manhunt in Arizona for the convicted sex offender who allegedly threatened to kill former President Donald Trump. – Syrvud is the subject of numerous outstanding warrants for his arrest, including those for a DUI in Wisconsin and a hit-and-run in Arizona, according to Sheriff Mark Dannels of the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office. – Additionally, he is being pursued for neglecting to register as a sexual offender.

American Thinker: The DNC’s Chicago look gives us a very clear choice – With progressive Democrats, a more horrible, negative, and essential reversal of all of America’s eminent history of liberty and justice, for all looms. This is our clear choice. – America’s moral rot, celebrated by the MSM and the Dems this week, is close to complete—if they have their way…

American Greatness: RFK Endorsing Donald Trump, The Next Unexpected Twist – It terrified the Dems to have RFK Jr. in the running, so they rigged the rules, banned him from state ballots, and vilified him as extreme. – In a race that has been marked by an assassination attempt and the Democrat front-runner being forced out, will RFK’s surprise endorsement of Donald Trump have the most impact?

Zero Hedge: According to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, “The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy independence is an important and broadly supported institutional arrangement that has served the American public well.” – According to Professor Thomas J. Weber at Pace University Lubin School of Business, this is nothing but a myth. – Webster argues that the relationship between the Fed and the U.S. government is more like a captive’s relationship with his captor…

American Conservative: The Tulsi Gabbard Episode Shows the Surveillance State Strong and Stupid as Ever – Gabbard, an outspoken opponent of America’s forever wars, is reportedly being stalked by TSA air marshals as part of the agency’s Quiet Skies covert operation targeting suspected threats to aviation. – Senator Rand Paul and others are calling on the Transportation Security Administration to account for their long history of abuses…

American Thinker: Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism – The speed with which Great Britain abandoned her long, painful journey to individual liberty is a stark warning for America. – London, home to 20% of England’s population, has gone from approximately 80% native white British in 1991 to approximately 36% in 2021. The native population has surely shrunk more since then. – Seeking to curtail what it claims is misinformation and incitement regarding knife attacks and other crimes, British citizens may be committing a crime by reposting, repeating, or amplifying a message that supposedly stirs up racial/religious hatred…

August 22, 2024

The Center Square: Donald Trump accused VP Kamala Harris of overseeing an invasion at the southern border during a news conference Thursday in southern Arizona alongside the families of murder victims allegedly killed at the hands of foreign nationals in the U.S. illegally. – Harris “has overseen a nation-wrecking border invasion,” Trump said at the Arizona-Mexico border.

Epoch Times: 55 to 60 Were Arrested During Violent DNC Protests At The Chicago DNC – Three journalists were among those taken into custody, according to Superintendent Larry Snelling. – The Epoch Times witnessed multiple arrests as pro-Palestinian demonstrators, many with their faces obscured, physically clashed with law enforcement on Madison Street.

American Thinker: It may be possible to stop Democrats from creating post-election votes for Kamala – This proposal falls into the category of things so obvious that no one ever thought of them before. – Currently, if a Republican precinct quickly and efficiently counts its votes and then announces that Trump won in that precinct by, say, 200 votes, a Democrat precinct in the same state can suddenly shut down and manufacture 210 votes for Kamala. However, if the Republican precinct sits on its final vote count until every precinct is ready to disclose results, that cheating is impossible

The Daily Signal: 10 Takeaways From Final Night of Democrat National Convention – Harris’ ‘Unlikely Journey’ to Democrat Nominee – Harris Spokes Broadly About Policy Agenda, Avoiding Specifics – Teachers Union Leaders Rally Against The Trump-Vance Ticket – Wisconsin Senator Misrepresents Trump’s Position on Social Security – Senate Hopefuls Make Their Pitch – Elizabeth Warren Contrasts Harris, Trump in Appeal to Working-Class Voters…

The Daily Signal: 5 Massive Lies Told At the Democrat National Convention – A Nationwide Abortion Ban If Trump Elected – Trump Would Ban In Vitro Fertilization – Many speakers condemned Project 2025, an initiative led by The Heritage Foundation in partnership with over 100 other conservative organizations. – Another familiar talking point, was accusing Republicans of banning books. – Harris has repeatedly suggested that the real culprit behind rising prices is corporate greed or “price gouging,” and this theme has repeatedly emerged at the DNC.

Jordan Schachtel: Who is running the country right now? – We have no idea, but it’s certainly not Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. – Nobody outside of the upper echelons of the Washington D.C. political elite seems to know. – Some reports indicate that select elements within the White House Domestic Policy Council and the National Security Council — along with prominent outside donor and institutional forces — are calling the shots in the Biden Administration…

The Federalist: Democrats’ Fundraising Machine Draws Accusations Of ‘Potentially Illegal’ Schemes – Attorneys general and House committees are investigating Act Blue’s activities, including allegations of ‘smurfing,’ a cute blue way of describing political money laundering by breaking up large transactions into smaller ones. – It may involve widespread mail and wire fraud and the fraudulent use of the identities of unwitting public members…

Epoch Times: U.S. Supreme Court justices have narrowly voted to approve a request from the Republican National Committee – Justices in a 5–4 vote agreed to reinstate a part of Arizona law that requires officials to reject state registration forms from voters who did not provide proof of citizenship. – The restoration is in effect pending the case’s outcome in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Zero Hedge: Hamas: ‘No Israeli Withdrawal, Then No Ceasefire Deal’ – Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement released a joint statement on Thursday, confirming they will reject any agreement that does not include an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. – The joint statement was issued following a meeting between PIJ Secretary-General Ziad Nakhala and Hamas Shura Council head Mohammad Darwish in Qatar’s capital, Doha.

Zero Hedge: Ukraine’s military has for the first time openly acknowledged it is using US-provided HIMARS rocket systems to attack Russia and destroy its major infrastructure, especially bridges, inside its territory. – Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces made the admission in a Wednesday post to its official Telegram account, writing: “Where do Russian pontoon bridges ‘disappear’ in the Kursk region? Operators … accurately destroy them.”

The Daily Wire: Would-Be Trump Assassin, Cook, Had Encrypted Messaging Accounts On Platforms In 3 Foreign Countries, According to Representative Mike Waltz – “Why does a 19-year-old kid who is a health care aide need encrypted platforms not even based in the United States?” – Waltz, a retired Green Beret, then ripped the FBI and Secret Service for not releasing more information from the investigations into the attempted assassination.

Geller Report: A Congressional Task Force Investigating the Trump Assassination Attempt Concludes the Killer, Thomas Crooks, Did Not Alone – Representative Waltz said that he doesn’t know how federal law enforcement can confidently say that Crooks was acting alone if they can’t answer other questions like why he had foreign encrypted messaging accounts. – His comments came after it was revealed that Iran was also plotting a separate attempt on the former president’s life around the same time that Crooks carried out his attack. – And Why do they keep using a little boy picture? – They always do that with lefty murderers.

Real Clear Politics: Three weeks ago, Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe angrily pushed back on senators’ calls to immediately fire or discipline key agents directly responsible for the security failures that led to the assassination attempt against former President Trump at last month’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. – Since that time, Secret Service leaders have placed several members of the Pittsburgh Field Office on administrative leave, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

Yahoo Finance: At least three banks managed to obtain key payroll numbers Wednesday while the rest of Wall Street and the general public were kept waiting by a government delay that whipsawed markets and sowed confusion on trading desks. – When the data was finally released around 10:30 am, it showed payrolls will likely be revised down by 818,000 for the 12 months through March, the steepest markdown to the job numbers since 2009.

Zero Hedge: Fed Chair Powell is likely to signal a 25 bps rate cut for September. – The recent deterioration in economic data has raised our confidence that the US economy is sliding into a recession or at least a significant slowdown in the second half of the year.” – Therefore, we have decided to cluster the four rate cuts we forecasted from September 2024 through June 2025 in the upcoming four scheduled FOMC meetings: September, November, December, and January…

American Thinker: Will RFK Jr. Endorse Donald Trump? – Will he, or won’t he? By the time this piece is published, we may already know. But there’s more to the story, and the odds are in Trump’s favor. – In a caustic comment to ABC News, Kennedy suggested the Democrat convention and its presidential nominee Kamala Harris were anything but democratic. “I think it was a coronation, it’s not democracy. Nobody voted. Who chose Kamala?

Western Journal: Kamala Harris’ Lead Vanishes, Hit Hard by New Polls as Trump’s Momentum Takes Over – A recent survey conducted by Navigator Research published Tuesday shows the race is essentially tied across Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. – Trump is ahead of Harris by one percentage point in Arizona (46 to 45 percent) and two points in Pennsylvania (46 to 44 percent), while the other three states are tied.

Townhall: After weeks of silence from Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and a campaign website that failed to inform voters of her policy positions, the Trump campaign stepped up and did the work for her. – The Trump campaign unveiled a website,, that takes visitors to a page about how “Kamala Harris’ dangerous policies are nothing to laugh about.”

Center Square: Rising grocery store prices over the last few years aren’t the fault of farmers or “greedy” corporations, a conservative North Carolina research organization concludes in a new documentary series and report. – Instead, higher energy prices and more regulations are the culprits, according to the John Locke Foundation documentary series Sowing Resilience.

John Daniel Davidson: The DNC Has Just Been One Long Litany Of Stupid, Obvious Lies – The biggest lie of all is that Vice President Kamala Harris bears no responsibility for Joe Biden’s failed presidency. – By running a campaign almost completely devoid of policy substance or any real interaction with the news media, consisting mostly of staged videos of Harris and Walz yukking it up on the campaign trail or delivering speeches via teleprompter at highly controlled rallies, Democrat Party leaders are essentially running a psyop on the American electorate.

American Thinker: Biden’s ‘Very Fine People’ Among Hamas Supporters – Hamas committed an act of war against the United States when it murdered American citizens and took others hostage. – If Harris and Walz need the kind of vote these “Palestine” supporters can deliver, and especially in the swing state of Michigan, they do not need your vote or mine.

Heritage Foundation: This Special Report documents how costly green policies will make America dependent on China and harm American energy, economic, and national security. – The U.S. is currently one of the world’s largest energy producers, and this should be a significant advantage over China, which is the world’s largest energy importer. – But China is trying to turn the tables by dominating the green energy infrastructure mandated by American politicians and to which the American Left is addicted.

Victor Davis Hanson: Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’ –  The Party that had proclaimed democracy dies in darkness now favors the shadows as the preferable means to obtain and retain power—whether by ignoring primary voters, open conventions, or transparent venues with the voters.

Zero Hedge: Is America’s Future Walgreens Or Costco? – Costco and Sam’s Club are raking in record profits while CVS and Walgreens are closing hundreds of stores across the country. – Why? Well, for one, they have different business models. – The former seeks to exclude bad customers while the latter seeks as many customers as possible who are willing to walk through their doors…

August 21, 2024

Breitbart: Donald Trump left the podium behind bulletproof glass during a rally in North Carolina on Wednesday to check on a supporter who passed out. – The rally was Trump’s first outdoor event since surviving last month’s attempted assassination. – Republicans praised the president’s courageous willingness to leave the safety of the glass after nearly losing his life at a Pennsylvania rally.

Gateway Pundit: Tonight at the Democrat National Convention, former president Bill Clinton lied to the crowd saying that Joe Biden ‘voluntarily’ gave up power, which has been a running theme at the convention. – Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone knows that Joe Biden was forced out of the race by Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and other power brokers in the party.

Epoch Times: RFK Jr. to Address His ‘Path Forward’ on Aug. 23 as His Campaign Weighs The Future – Running mate Nicole Shanahan said Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considering ‘joining forces’ with former President Donald Trump.

Epoch Times: Donald Trump and JD Vance Pledge to Reduce Crime and ‘Re-Fund The Police’ – The 2024 Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees are amid a battleground-state sweep, focusing on a different theme each day.

Epoch Times: DHS has unveiled a new rule that the government estimates will protect about 550,000 illegal immigrants from being deported. – DHS officials are using the powers to grant protection to some illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens, as directed by President Joe Biden.

Epoch Times: The Social Security Administration Distributed Almost $72 Billion in Improper Payments – The issue of improper payments is not plaguing the SSA alone. A March report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that for fiscal year 2023, the federal government made $236 billion in improper payments, of which roughly $186 billion was accounted for by just five programs: Medicare, Medicaid, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and Paycheck Protection Program Loan forgiveness.

Western Journal: An aggressive nuclear China is at the heart of America’s new nuclear strategy, which President Joe Biden secretly put in place in March, according to a new report. – The New York Times said the plan, which is so secret no electronic copy is ever shared, fears a coordinated axis of destruction involving China, Russia, and North Korea. – The new strategy marks a stark change from what it previously had been for decades…

Townhall: Trump Campaign Highlights The ‘Most Outrageous Moments’ From Day Two of The Democrat National Convention – The campaign went on to list 24 of the “most radical, extreme, and outrageous moments” from the convention’s second night. – Pro-Hamas rioters crashed Democrats’ morning meeting, burned an American flag, and clashed with the law. – Speakers attempted to paint Kamala as tough-on-crime but ignored the reality of her “progressive,” soft-on-crime past…

Just The News: One month after Biden dropped out, Harris has yet to hold a press conference – By contrast, former President Donald Trump has several press conferences, including one at his Bedminster, N.J., golf resort last Thursday and one the week prior from his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Just The News: Polling showing Harris in lead flagged by industry experts for skewed voter samples – “So what they’re doing is they’re polling fewer Republicans. – They’re polling a disproportionate number of Biden 2020 voters in these states that were dead even,” pollster John McLaughlin said. – There does not to be any consensus on any polls’ accuracy.

Slay News: The Trump Campaign Was Forced to Cancel Events Before The Assassination Attempt after The Secret Service Denied Requests for Additional Security – New information is continuing to emerge to shed light on the failings of the Secret Service in the run-up to the failed assassination attempt of President Donald Trump.

Slay News: Donald Trump has said that he is “open” to having Robert F. Kennedy Jr. join his next administration. – Trump’s remarks come after Kennedy reportedly said he reached out to Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s “highest intermediaries,” who showed no interest. – Polling has shown that Kennedy draws more votes from Trump in some swing states.

American Thinker: 10 Lies Leftists Are Telling You – Lie #1: Joe Biden was a great president, a dedicated public servant who put country first and stepped aside so that Kamala Harris’s brilliance could save our democracy. – Lie #2: Man-made climate change will make the Earth unlivable for humans. – Lie #3: Democrats love black people. – Lie #4: Diversity is our strength. – Lie #4: Gender is fungible. – Lie #5: Life begins at birth. – Lie #10: The U.S. economy’s great; you just don’t know it…

Hot Air: Homeland Security Has Lost HOW Many Unaccompanied Minors? – According to the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security, the number appears to be over 300,000 unaccompanied children who have disappeared into the United States, although there is some uncertainty because ICE and other agencies in the federal government don’t communicate on such matters.

Center For Immigration Studies: Sanctuary Map Update, About 170 Locations Have Been Added – New information obtained from ICE has enabled the Center to update its map of sanctuary jurisdictions. – Some are within states with anti-sanctuary laws  – The states with the most jurisdictions added to the map are Virginia, North Dakota, Nebraska, New York, and Minnesota.

Front Page Magazine: The Media Fails to Report A Hamas Suicide Bombing That Targeted A Synagogue – The same media machine that treats every Israeli strike on terrorists as a war crime shrugs at every Islamic terrorist attack. – In the middle of the so-called ‘ceasefire’ negotiations, Hamas and Islamic Jihad tried to carry out a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv Israel.

Lawyer List: A Climate Minute, The Great Barrier Reef Has Never Looked Better – The measuring institute stopped publishing their reef-wide index to the world when things got too good. – Their 2024 report, published this week, mostly talks up all the potential problems. The graphic here is the best reef-wide estimate given their data and its health is good…

Yahoo Finance: Schwab today released additional findings from its 2024 Modern Wealth Survey. – This year’s study reveals that Americans now think it takes an average of $2.5 million to be considered wealthy, which is up slightly from 2023 and 2022 ($2.2 million).

Just The News: Ford Motor announced Wednesday it has scrapped plans for a large electric SUV. – The reversal will reportedly result in $1.9 billion in write-downs and special charges. – Ford’s course change comes amid lower-than-expected demand for electric vehicles, The Wall Street Journal reported.

August 20, 2024

Epoch Times: Israel recovered the bodies of six hostages, who were abducted during the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas terrorists, from a tunnel in the Khan Younis area of southern Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Tuesday. – The IDF did not say when or how the hostages died.

Center Square: Every year, the United States has allowed between 1.47 million to 1.86 million noncitizens to receive food stamps from the federal government at a taxpayer cost of almost $3 billion a year. – That is according to annual reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for its Supplement Nutritional Assistance Program.

American Thinker: Joe Biden data strikes again as he claims ‘500,000 EV stations’ were built under his command. – Allow me to help Snopes and Politifact out and give this a “pants on fire” label. 500,000? – Try a celebrated total of a meager seven.

Epoch Times: US Plans to Start Recycling Nuclear Waste – ‘Used nuclear fuel is only waste if you waste it,’ the communications director at a recycling company says. – Despite growing recognition that nuclear energy may be the most viable solution in America’s quest for reliable low-carbon electricity, the nuclear power industry is struggling to overcome major hurdles; among them, what to do with radioactive, spent fuel.

Slay Magazine: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan has revealed that the independent presidential candidate is considering plans to “join forces with Donald Trump” to stop the Democrats from winning the election in November. – Shanahan made the comments during an interview published on Tuesday.

Zero Hedge: Donald Trump has pledged to reduce energy costs by half within his first year in office if elected. – Trump plans to achieve this by canceling electric car mandates and reversing green energy policies. – Trump’s energy plan focuses on boosting U.S. oil and gas production while criticizing wind and solar power.

New York Sun: The Press Delivers 84 Percent Positive Coverage for Harris, 89 Percent Negative on Trump, Analysis Finds – Despite the honeymoon, public sentiment may not align with the narrative from the press. – “As the Democratic National Convention begins, the Big Three evening newscasts have promoted her to give Kamala Harris the most positive start to a general election campaign of any presidential nominee in recent memory…

Red State: JD Vance Tears Into Andy Beshear Over His ‘Disgusting’ Rape Comment About Vance’s Family – During a segment of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear seemed to suggest/insinuate that a member of Vance’s family should experience rape so they could better understand the supposed need for abortion to be legal. – Vance, responded by saying “It’s very weird to have a guy whose first job was at his dad’s law firm and who inherited the governorship from his father criticize my origin story.”

Robert Inlakesh: The US Biden administration is claiming that the latest round of Gaza ceasefire negotiations have been the most productive in months. – However, the deal that is currently on the table, after the Israeli government has additional conditions that go well beyond what was previously agreed to, no longer even makes the agreement worthy of the title “ceasefire”.

Breitbart: Antony Blinken Leaves Israel Empty-Handed as Hamas Rejects The Biden DNC Ceasefire Deal – Blinken did not specify why the current talks are the “last opportunity” for a deal. Pressed by reporters on Monday, he offered only that “intervening events come along that may make things even more difficult if not impossible” if the parties wait longer to hash out an agreement.

Townhall: Unemployment Has Been ‘Revised’ and the Numbers Are Not Good – The Bureau of Labor Statistics has “revised” job growth numbers from the first quarter of 2024, which showed there were up to a million jobs that didn’t exist after all.

Western Journal: Biden Flies Into a Rage During His DNC Farewell Speech and Tells Numerous Lies – With his characteristic blend of angry incoherence and diabolical dishonesty, the president delivered a performance worthy of Hell’s basement. – Biden said women are without electrical [power?] – Border crossings are down – Repeated the “Fine People” hoax as well as the suckers and losers hoax and screamed at the audience.

Western Journal: Kamala Harris to Snub First Debate, so Trump Announces Alternate Plans – “Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the Fox News Debate on September 4th,” Trump advised. – “I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record-setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in,” Trump continued, “Rather than the debate on September 4th, I have agreed to do a Tele-Town Hall, anchored by Sean Hannity, for Fox.

Breitbart: Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, says their campaign is considering joining forces with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump. – “If we’re splitting hairs, I would say that I trust the future of this country more under the leadership of the Trump and the Theos and the JD Vances than I do of the Harrises and Reid Hoffman,” Shanahan added…

Breitbart: Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk announced on Monday that he would be willing to serve in Donald Trump’s administration. – In a post on X, Musk shared a photo of himself standing at what appeared to be a podium with the words “D.O.G.E.” – Underneath were the words “Department of Government Efficiency, followed by I am willing to serve.”

The Federalist: The Biden-Harris Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday requested the U.S. Supreme Court “deny” Republicans’ bid to enforce an Arizona law requiring individuals to prove they’re U.S. citizens when registering and voting in elections. – The Biden-Harris administration was among several left-wing parties to sue Arizona over the law shortly after its passage in 2022.

Center For Immigration Studies: Northern Border Migration Surges as The DHS Struggles to Keep Up – In July, the handful of agents left defending that undefended border apprehended more than 3,000 illegal entrants there, more than in all of FY 2022 (2,238) or FY 2021 (916). – Why aren’t we simply turning third-country migrants around?

New York Post: The migrant crisis that has engulfed the US is a decisive issue in the November election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. – In this special video panel report, The Post’s journalists who have been on the front lines of the emergency explain how we got to this point. – Over 9 million people have poured over the country’s borders — never-before-encountered levels of immigration — since Joe Biden took office…

The Daily Signal: 3 Themes That Set the Tone for the DNC on Night One – They Are Betting Big on Gender Politics – Create Chaos on the Right – Out With the Old, And In With the New – Nearly an hour in, Biden finally decided to hand Harris the baton as promised. The president said he knew Harris would make a good president “because like many of our best presidents, she was also a vice president.”

The Vigilant Fox: The Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moments at the DNC Tonight – Joe Biden battles the teleprompter and loses. – Michigan governor accidentally EMASCULATES Tim Walz on MSNBC – With a straight face, Jill Biden says she watched Sleepy Joe “dig deep into his soul and decide to no longer seek re-election.” – Joe Biden says with a straight face: “We finally beat Big Pharma!” after mandating government-paid COVID shots for millions of Americans…

American Thinker: Kamala’s Elephant In The Room, Or The Issue That Won’t Go Away. The price of food or that weekly purchase that we all make. – The typical U.S. household now requires $1,095 more each month (equivalent to $13,140 annually) compared to three years ago. The amount varies by state. – VP Harris may pretend to feel our pain or to propose silly solutions to ease it but it’s the same old inflation that is crushing our wallets.

American Thinker: Democrat Crime Rate Gaslighting – Were one to listen to the Democrat/socialist/communist media, one would rejoice at the dramatic drop in crime in America’s blue, Democrat-ruled cities under the enlightened Harris/Biden Administration. – However, residents of those cities, aren’t rejoicing, because reality is quite the opposite…

American Thinker: Four New Themes For The Democrat National Convention – The DNC’s theme for Monday is “For the people,” so why not name it “For the American people”? – Rather than a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” theirs is one where the “[Democrat] dictatorship of the proletariat” quells human spirits and subdues American exceptionalism…

American Thinker: Trump’s Environmental Triumph Resulted From His Policies That Delivered Clean Air, Water, and Economic Growth – Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by significant strides in environmental protection. Contrary to the narrative pushed by some of his critics, Trump’s environmental policies were not about neglect but about smart, effective stewardship. – In 2019, Trump’s America achieved the largest decline in carbon emissions of any country globally…

FAR: Who Controls America? – The Deep State, the CIA, but also very powerful lobby groups such as AIPAC or arms lobby groups along with narrative controls by US government or corporate-owned/funded: media, think tanks, various educational institutions, the entertainment industry (soft power), and NGOs…

Front Page Magazine: Britain’s far-left government, under prime minister Keir Starmer, is preparing to introduce a blasphemy law that will criminalize criticism of Islam, following civil unrest sparked by uncontrolled illegal immigration and the Islamization of the United Kingdom. – The National Secular Society (NSS) warned Tuesday that “adopting an ‘Islamophobia’ definition will inflame, rather than dispel, community tensions and division”…

August 19, 2024

Epoch Times: Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that the current push for a cease-fire and hostage deal in Gaza is likely the final chance to end the war soon. – “This is a decisive moment, probably the best, maybe the last opportunity to get the hostages home, to get a cease-fire, and to put everyone on a better path to enduring peace and security.”

City Journal: Between Chaos and Consensus – The Democrats gather in Chicago to anoint Vice President Kamala Harris as the candidate of “change.” In one of history’s ironic echoes of 1968, Harris bears some resemblance to Hubert Humphrey: heading into Chicago as the vice president to an incumbent who decided not to run for reelection. – Harris has tried to avoid Humphrey’s fate by becoming, in a phrase, unburdened by what has been—distancing herself from both Biden’s record and her past policy positions.

Western Journal: The DNC projected various messages onto Trump Tower in Chicago Sunday night, on the eve of the party’s convention. – One message read, “Trump-Vance ‘Weird as Hell.’” – DNC spokesperson Abhi Rahman happily declared, “While [Democrats] are joyfully celebrating in Chicago, residents of Chi-town are seeing a special message projected on Trump Tower.”

Breitbart: General Motors (GM) will lay off about 1,000 software employees, including 600 workers in Warren, Michigan, and others in California and Texas. – On Monday, GM executives announced the layoffs, which will impact more than one percent of the automaker’s salaried workforce worldwide.

Epoch Times: National Public Data Confirms Hackers Stole Social Security Numbers – About 1.3 million people were affected by the breach, although a lawsuit alleges 2.9 billion records were compromised. – The incident is believed to have involved a third-party bad actor that was trying to hack into data in late December 2023, with potential leaks of certain data in April 2024 and summer 2024.

Epoch Times: The US, Egypt, And Qatar Near A Final Gaza Cease-Fire Proposal – It remains to be seen if Hamas, which has not attended the negotiations, will ultimately accept the latest proposal. – The proposal builds on areas of agreement over the past week, and bridges remaining gaps in the manner that allows for a swift implementation of the deal,” the White House said on Aug. 16…

Zero Hedge: Ukraine Must Pay Germany Back For Damage From the Nord Stream Bombing Demands A Bundestag Lawmaker – Ukraine did it. – Russia did not do it. – And yes it had the involvement or at least foreknowledge of the CIA.

Representative Elise Stefanik: Numbers Don’t Lie: Women Thrived Under Trump, But Suffered Under Biden/Harris – The median income for women increased every year during the Trump administration, reaching the highest on record in 2020. – Real average weekly earnings increased 8.2% under President Trump yet decreased 3.9% under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The Federalist: Ignoring Joe Biden’s Corruption Tells The World America Is Corrupt – The nearly 300-page report on Biden family corruption matters for many reasons, the most important of which is to restore America’s standing in the world. – Large Foreign Payments While Obama’s Vice President – Big Romanian Payoffs While Decrying Corruption – Multiple Payoffs from Foreign Adversary China – Democrat Corruption In Now War-Torn Ukraine…

Breitbart: The Democrat Party released its official platform on Sunday night, to be voted on at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and it calls for reelecting President Joe Biden, who was still the candidate at the time the document was finalized in mid-July. – “President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job,” it says. – You can read the full, 91-page document here.

The National Pulse: The 2024 Democratic Party Platform opens with a “land acknowledgment,” stating that the United States of America was established on territory stolen from the Native American tribes. – The DNC pays our respects to the millions of Indigenous people throughout history who have protected our lands, waters, and animals…

Breitbart: Kamala Harris has hired disgraced “Russia collusion” hoaxer Marc Elias to help lead her massive team of election lawyers as they prepare to fight former President Donald Trump and the Republicans over voting results. – Elias will join a team of lawyers that is reportedly ten times larger than the team of 600 lawyers that then-candidate Joe Biden boasted he had hired in the summer of 2020 to challenge election results in close contests nationwide.

Breitbart: House Republicans 292-Page Report Finds That Joe Biden Committed Impeachable Offenses – If Speaker Johnson launches House impeachment proceedings, it would throw a new wrinkle into the presidential election cycle by forcing Democrats and Vice President Kamala Harris to spend time and energy defending an outgoing president. – It is unclear how great of a defense Harris and fellow Democrats would mount in light of Biden’s decision not to seek reelection.

American Thinker: It Is Time for Never Trump Republicans to Put On Their Big Boy Pants – We are not choosing a prom date, a spouse, a roommate, or a valentine, but rather the leader of America and the free world. – Don’t they realize that the current Democrat presidential ticket is two Marxists? – They want to command and control all aspects of American economics and life and will weaponize the government even further to achieve their Orwellian dystopia…

American Greatness: J.D. Vance’s Promise – J.D. Vance’s candidacy for higher office brings opportunities for breakthroughs in America’s 50-year losing battle against drug and other substance abuse. – To fulfill its promise, the Trump-Vance administration must support policies, programs, and principles that helped make J.D.’s own remarkable story possible…

Washington Examiner: Five things that stand out in the Democrat Party platform – It was not revamped for Harris as the nominee – Trump is mentioned more than four times more frequently than Harris – Increased border focus – Attacks on the Supreme Court – The platform supports Israel despite expected protests.

American Thinker: It’s All About the Revolution – Let’s Explore These Ten Techniques Marxists Have Been Using To Increase Their Influence – Manipulation of Language – Rewriting History, Gaslighting, DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) – Identity Politics – Disinformation and Obfuscation – Oppressor vs. Oppressed – Entryism – Degrowth – Playing the Victim

USA Today: The DNC trots out Obama, and Clinton to gaslight voters about Harris. – Democrats are a dishonest mess. – Even if the DNC is a hot mess, it will be framed to look positive. – How do I know? – Because it’s been happening since Joe Biden went downhill during his debate with Donald Trump.

American Greatness: Kamala is Cooked – Kamala has not reinvented herself. – She’s still the same politician who had to bow out of the 2020 Democratic Primaries in December of 2019 because she was polling in the low single digits. – Kamala’s “surging” poll numbers are a lot of hot air. – A close analysis of the data shows that Donald Trump continues to maintain a dominant position in this election.

August 18, 2024

The Daily Signal: ‘IF HE WANTS TO WIN…’ Victor Davis Hanson’s Advice for Trump – “Show everybody who [Harris] is and why she won’t run on her record and why she won’t tell us that she’s still proud of being a radical.” – Importantly, he noted, Trump should avoid ad hominem attacks, insults about Harris’ identity, and her sordid affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

American Spectator: Is Israel Deterring Iran? – Don’t let the quiet fool you. Iran,  Hizballah, or both will strike Israel again when they believe the time is ripe. – Neither side — Israel on the one hand and Iran and Hamas on the other is interested in a cease-fire at this point. – The August 7 anointment of Yayah Sinwar as the sole leader of Hamas means that Iranian control of Hamas will be complete as long as Sinwar is alive.

American Thinker: Will Democrats Repeat the Fraud of 2020? – Because a second victory will require more than just ‘winning hearts and minds.’ – The real plots have a much more direct impact on the election results rather than just swaying voter perception. – We are now being told although we may not have live access to election night results—an unprecedented situation in American history, especially just four years after a highly controversial election—we can trust the results whenever they eventually appear on our television sets without question…

Just The News: Authorities and businesses brace for up to 100,000 pro-Palestine protestors at Democrat convention – “I think people need to see it as the equivalent of the 1968 DNC in Chicago,” said Deanna Othman, a resident of Little Palestine, a Chicago neighborhood with a substantial population of Palestinian-Americans.

National Review: The Failure of Fact-Checking in an Election Year Is Especially Painful – The rubric is ‘Heads Democrats win, tails Republicans lose,’ and we see it repeatedly. – It sure is interesting to watch reporters go from “None of that is true” to “Who is to say who stole from whom?” in the blink of an eye…

The Daily Fetched: Don Lemon Was Stunned after Interviewing New Jersey Voters – Most of Them Support Trump – Don Lemon was in for a rude awakening when he decided to interview people in New Jersey about who they would be voting for in the 2024 election. – The former CNN host hoped to find voters who did not support Trump, but his effort bore no fruit.

Just The News:  The weekly Global Antisemitism Report published by the Combat Antisemitism Movement analyzed 113 incidents that targeted Jewish victims worldwide and found that 57.5% of the perpetrators were identified as far leftists, 22.1% of them were Islamists, 11.5% were unknown and 8.9% were done by far-right extremists.

August 17, 2024

Zero Hedge: New Video Appears To Show DC Police Units Planting J6 Pipe Bomb – The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement planting the bombs. – Shortly after 12:51 pm a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. [Video Below] A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, and then walks to the bench with the bag…

Zero Hedge: Here’s Why The US Is Playing Dumb About Knowledge Of Ukraine’s Plans To Invade Kursk – Maintain Plausible Deniability For Escalation Control – Avoid Embarrassment & Responsibility Once Ukraine Fails – Propagate David-vs.-Goliath Optics For Boosting Morale…

Breitbart: Planned Parenthood to Offer Free Vasectomies And Abortions During DNC – PPGR, which is part of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, is described as being “the leading provider, educator, and protector of sexual and reproductive health care in the St. Louis region, Missouri Ozarks, and beyond”

Just The News: – A California sheriff offers a mic-drop story about the difference between Harris and Trump when it comes to cops – Sheriff Mike Boudreaux said with no media present, Trump thanked him and other members of law enforcement for their service and understands they have a tough job. – Kamala and her people used them for a photo op, then left without saying a word…

Revolver: President Trump held a rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA and he took the wood to Kamala Harris, declaring that “she went full communist.” – Comrade Kamala’s latest laugh line? She’s going to fix the economy on “Day One.” – He brought along a former resident from Venezuela to explain what Americans can expect if Harris is elected president…

Zero Hedge: As the United States continues its rush to shutter the nation’s remaining coal plants, energy analysts are debating what should fill the gap to meet the growing need for electricity. – Increasingly, many are pointing to nuclear energy as the solution. – According to the Department of Energy (DOE), nearly one-third of existing U.S. coal plants are scheduled to be shut down by 2035.

Breitbart: Dozens of teens and young adults targeted multiple Los Angeles 7-Eleven stores in a series of brazen robberies on Friday, just hours after California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a package of bills to combat smash-and-grab theft around the crime-ridden state. – Approximately 20 to 30 youths stormed into three 7-Eleven locations within a two-mile radius of each other, grabbed whatever merchandise they could get their hands on, and fled on bicycles, NBC Los Angeles reported…

Western Journal: A Preliminary Report Finds Thomas Matthew Crooks Was ‘Fragged,’ And His Rifle Likely Disabled After A SWAT Operator’s Incredible Shot – The shot, fired by a local law enforcement sniper, was incredible. – The ninth shot fired that day came from a SWAT team member from Butler County. – It did not kill Crooks directly but struck the stock of his rifle and “fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up.” – The shot is also believed to have disabled the rifle’s buffer tube, a critical component in the weapon’s cycling function…

Geller Report: The US Postal Service Has Become a Critical Arm of the Democrat Election Fraud Machine – The new mission of the USPS is not to deliver mail but to deliver fraudulent mail-in ballots and ensure the Democrats steal. – USPS facilities are failing to follow proper Election Mail procedures.

Page Six: The illicit drug world in LA is revealed after the ketamine arrests in Matthew Perry’s death – Matthew Perry’s drug dealer will leave Hollywood celebrities and power players “quaking in their boots” if she names people as part of a plea deal. – Two of those charged in the “Friends” star’s death are medical doctors, while another, Jasveen Sangha is referred to in her indictment as ‘The Ketamine Queen’, who only dealt with “high-end” people and “celebs”.

Powerline: The Week in Pictures, Return of the King (on Twitter) – Trump made his triumphant full return to X, formerly Twitter this week, attracting by some estimates over 1 billion views worldwide.

August 16, 2024

Zero Hedge: Hezbollah Reveals A Massive Underground Missile Base – The massive tunnel network underneath the Gaza Strip used by Hamas has long been known about, but much lesser known is Hezbollah’s network of tunnels under southern Lebanon. – On Friday, Hezbollah released a new video featuring a highly secretive underground facility from which its tens of thousands of missiles can be launched and stored…

Zero Hedge: Israel just upped the ante in its showdown with Iran amid ongoing concerns that an attack from the Islamic Republic could still be imminent in retaliation for the July 31st assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.- Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Friday that he expects not only the US but also its allies Britain and France to assist in offensive operations against Iran if it attacks…

The Daily Signal: The Supreme Court Upholds The Injunctions Blocking The Biden-Harris Administration’s Transgender Title IX Rewrite – The Supreme Court on Friday upheld two lower courts’ temporary injunctions blocking President Joe Biden’s rule applying federal civil rights law to transgender issues in education, including school bathrooms and women’s sports…

The Epoch Times: Russia/Ukraine War Takes New Shape as Surprise of Kursk Blitz Fades – Nine days into their surprise Kursk attack, Ukraine has claimed a 444-square mile swathe of Russian borderland. – Russian military leaders suggest they are now regaining their composure and are no longer taking offensive actions on the Kursk front but are now starting to dig in…

American Thinker: Another Terrorist Has Been Caught At The Border – As has been said, “Leave the door open and the flies come in.” – A Palestinian migrant whose name appears on a terror watchlist for using “explosives/firearms” was caught at the southern border Monday. – Border Patrol agents caught Omar Shehada, 35, at the border in Santa Teresa, New Mexico…

Slay News: Republicans Demand Answers as Fraud Is Exposed in Biden-Harris Immigration Parole Program – The scheme has allowed 30,000 illegal aliens per month into the United States from Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. – An internal investigation by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) found that sponsors used the same 100 physical addresses for 19,000 forms. – Many sponsors used fake zip codes and Social Security numbers, including numbers belonging to dead people.

Trending Politics: Congressman Clay Higgins is exposing the FBI for quietly releasing the body of Trump shooter Thomas Crooks for a private cremation by his family just days after the event. – He remarked that the Bureau actively impeded his investigation into whether a post-shooting autopsy report about how Crooks died was accurate…

Zero Hedge: China Launches Own Version of Starlink To Challenge US Dominance In Space – China launched a low-orbit satellite constellation capable of surveilling every corner of the earth. – Chinese military researchers analyzed various capabilities of Starlink in 2022. They wrote that Starlink poses “potential dangers and challenges” to the CCP. The researchers called on the regime to develop new countermeasures that would include abilities “to disable some Starlink satellites and to disrupt the constellation’s operational system.”

Brownstone Institute: – The Trajectory of Emergency Lands on Price Controls – Rationality took a back seat to political expediency back then because Nixon was in a panic, but is Kamala? They keep telling us that inflation has cooled to the point that it is nearly gone. – Why, then, is she engaged in this plot to impose nationwide price controls? – Are we doomed to watch the same old errors unfold before our eyes, in a natural trajectory of folly from money printing to inflation to price controls?…

The Daily Fetched: Trump to Be Protected by Bulletproof Glass at All Future Outdoor Rallies – Trump aides said he wanted to do more outdoor rallies again, including a return to Bulter, PA, where he was almost assassinated. – However, Trump said he did not want to go on a stage outside again without the protective glass. – The glass needs to be brought in on trucks and vans.

New York Post: Donald Trump announced his White House transition team Friday. – The team will include Linda McMahon and Howard Lutnick as co-chairs, Senator JD Vance and his eldest sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. – McMahon is a former professional wrestling performer and business executive who served as Trump’s administrator of the Small Business Administration during his first term.

Just The News: Trump just defined what separates him and Kamala Harris – With food props that adorn every American’s kitchen table, he used a press conference to drive home what the real cost of the Biden-Harris economic agenda is to ordinary Americans to display inflation’s true impact. – “Grocery prices have skyrocketed,” he declared, rattling off official government statistics that show cereals are up 26%, bread up 24%, butter up 37%, baby formula up 30%, and eggs up 46%. – “How can a family afford that?”

The Wall Street Journal: How the Biden-Harris Economy Left Most Americans Behind – A government spending boom fueled inflation that has crushed real average incomes. – Kamala Harris plans to roll out her economic priorities in a speech on Friday, though leaks to the press say not to expect much different than the last four years. – That’s bad news because the Biden-Harris economic record has left most Americans worse off than they were four years ago, and the evidence is indisputable.Alternate Link If Access Denied

New York Sun: ‘Knock, Knock,’ Guess Who Could Show Up at America’s Door After Venezuela’s Stolen Election – Leaders of other countries of the Americas, to Canada from Chile, are bracing for another wave of Venezuelan emigrants. During the Maduro decade, economic mismanagement was so acute that one-quarter of the population — 7.7 million people — walked out…

The Federalist: A Majority Of Postal Facilities Audited By Inspector General Failed To Follow Election Mail Procedures – The audit’s findings identified three primary areas of concern; Lack of Compliance With Election Mail and Political Mail Policies, ‘Operational Risks’ To ‘Timely Processing and Delivery of Election Mail’ and USPS Operations Could Threaten Election Security…

August 15, 2024

Epoch Times: Key US Manufacturing Gauges Contract in August, Signaling A Broader Industry Slowdown – The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Empire State Manufacturing Survey—a monthly survey of 200 companies—contracted for the ninth consecutive month in August as business activity in the state weakened. – Experts, however, still anticipate an ‘industrial renaissance’ amid public and private investment.

The Center Square: Families are spending 22% more on household goods than in 2021 – This means that families have a 22% increase in cumulative inflation since January 2021, putting North Carolina 1.5% higher than the national average. – Over that same period, inflation has cost each household nearly $26,000 more than they would have spent…

The Vigilant News: General Flynn recaps how COVID-19 was used as a bioweapon to influence the 2020 election. – “The whole purpose of covid was to make sure that the 2020 election was in the bag… once they did that, the real part of covid, the introduction of covid, of the bioweapon by China, was to ensure that we could change our election system and process.”

American Spectator: Remembering A Reagan Warning – A presidential announcement in 1979 carried a message relevant today for Trump – Our leaders tell us that the America of the coming years will be a place where because of our past excesses it will be impossible to dream and make those dreams come true. – I don’t believe that. And, I don’t believe you do either. – The people have not created this disaster in our economy; the federal government has overspent, overestimated, and over-regulated…

Sharyl Attkisson: ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Was One Of The Biggest Hoaxes Of Our Time – It’s been ten years since the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, launched violent riots and a movement that is largely based on misinformation to this day. – Brown’s hands weren’t raised. – Brown did not say “Don’t shoot.” – Brown was not shot in the back, he was shot in the front. – Brown was attacking police officer Darren Wilson. – “Eyewitnesses” quoted uncritically in the media were lying since they couldn’t have seen the events. – Conclusion, We were played.

Sharyl Attkisson: Election integrity concerns have focused on illegal voting by non-citizens, and most voters say they suspect it may be happening in their state. – The latest Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 55% of likely U.S. voters say they believe non-citizens are illegally registered to vote in their state, including 32% who say it’s very likely…

American Conservative: As the Kursk offensive heads into its second week, Ukrainian forces now claim to control nearly 30 Russian villages comprising 1,000 square miles of Russian territory. – What is the point of this campaign, if not just to prolong the war?

Zero Hedge: The New ‘Official’ Nord Stream Sabotage Narrative Says Zelensky’s Top General Went Rogue – Volodymyr Zelensky initially approved the plan, according to one officer who participated and three people familiar with it. But later, when the CIA learned of it and asked the Ukrainian president to pull the plug, he ordered a halt, those people said,” the report says. – Valeriy Zaluzhniy, still moved ahead with a high-risk plan funded by businessmen to the tune of $300,000 and involving a rented yacht with a six-member crew which included experienced civilian divers…

Washington Examiner: Trump’s attorneys have requested a delay in his September 18th sentencing due to concerns about a conflict of interest with Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter’s work at a Democrat marketing firm and because of the fast turnaround time from Merchan’s anticipated ruling on presidential immunity on Sept. 16 to Trump’s sentencing hearing two days later. – His attorneys also said the current sentencing date comes after early voting in the election has already started, had the air of election interference.

Resist The Mainstream: The EU Disavows Politician Who Threatened Elon Musk – EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, found himself at the center of a diplomatic storm after sending a strongly-worded letter to Musk. – In an unprecedented rebuke, Brussels has distanced itself from Breton’s actions, claiming he acted without approval from European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

Resist The Mainstream: A Secret Service Agent Left Her Post Guarding Trump to Breastfeed – This occurred five minutes before the Republican nominee’s motorcade arrived. – The unnamed Atlanta Field Office agent was found in the room with two of her family members.

Slay Magazine: Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance has declared that he wants a “real” debate with Democrat opponent Tim Walz, rather than the “fake news media garbage” that is normally shoveled onto the American people. – Vance said he believes there should be more than one debate between him and Walz because Vance said he believes there should be more than one debate between him and Walz, stating “More debates will allow Americans to see a contrast between the two campaigns.”

The Federalist: The Democrats Are Laying The Groundwork To Prosecute, Sue, And Threaten Swing-State Officials Into Certifying The November Elections – Wielding prosecutions and threats of lawsuits, the Democrats’ message is clear, rubber-stamp election results or else.

Trending Politics: Corey Lewandowski, who has served as an informal adviser to former President Donald Trump during his initial campaign, is set to join the senior leadership team of Trump’s current campaign – Among the new appointees is Tim Murtaugh, former communications director for Trump’s 2020 campaign. Also joining the team are Alex Pfeiffer and Alex Bruesewitz, both of whom held significant roles in the Trump-aligned MAGA Inc. super PAC, with Bruesewitz boasting a substantial social media following.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Weird, Creepy, Surreal, and Dangerous, 2024 Campaign – Ten unanswered questions that illustrate how and why we’ve entered this bizarro world: 1. How can Kamala Harris merely promise us fixes to come in 2025 for inflation and an open border when she is still vice president for another six months? – Why can’t she enact her proposed solutions to these problems (which she helped create) right now?…

Fox News: The DOJ amazingly located the Biden biographer transcripts created by Robert Hur that watchdog Hur used in part in concluding Biden is a ‘well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ – Officials wrote that in their prior June court appearance they attested that Hur’s office did not have a verbatim transcript of any Zwonitzer-Biden recordings.

The Liberty Daily: Vast Stretches of America Are so Depressed That They Look Like Something Out of a Horror Movie – The wealthy are doing just fine at the moment, but they don’t seem to understand that much of the country is deeply hurting right now. – ‘Empty streets and closed shops stretch as far as the eye can see, and it’s like life just stopped.’

Geller Report: Harris-Bidenomics Result In Massive Layoffs At America’s Biggest Companies – Cisco Systems will be laying off 7% of the company’s workers – Intel’s layoffs, announced Aug. 1, will result in some 15,000 employees losing their jobs. – Paramount Global started cutting some of its workers on Tuesday after previously disclosing late last week it had plans to slash its U.S.-based workforce by 15%. – And then there is Stellantis, Fastly, Axios, and Sonos…

Townhall: Last week the DOJ announced indictments for several Smartmatic executives in a Philippines election bribery and money laundering scandal. – Smartmatic is a major voting machine company used by governments around the world for elections, including the United States. – On Tuesday, Smartmatic President Roger Pinate turned himself in to authorities in Florida and was released on an $8.5 million bond.

Epoch Times: The EU Warns It May Take Measures Against X Over Musk’s Interview With Trump – ‘There is a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content in EU in connection with events with major audience around the world,’ Thierry Breton, the commissioner for internal market wrote – Breton did not elaborate on the measures the EU could take. However, in previous warnings to Musk on separate issues, Breton warned that X could be fined up to 6 percent of annual revenue.

American Thinker: UCLA appeals a federal judge’s injunction barring it from discriminating against Jewish students – The leadership of America’s elite higher education is clearly in crisis, faced with a strong anti-Israel and antisemitic faction among both faculty and students. – Here is what the judge ordered UCLA to do: [1.] Defendants [UCLA officials] … are prohibited from offering any ordinarily available programs, activities, or campus areas to students if Defendants know the ordinarily available programs, activities, or campus areas are not fully and equally accessible to Jewish students…

August 14, 2024

Just The News: House Oversight Chairman James Comer says the House has proof extra security was not given to the Trump team before the attempted assassination – Comer went on to say that the Secret Service as an agency needs to be reformed. – “I [would] like to remind people that the Secret Service has 8,100 employees and they have an annual budget of $3.1 billion but what we’ve seen over the past decade … they’ve started farming more and more of their responsibilities out to state and local police,” Comer said.

Breitbart: Taliban celebrate 3 years since Afghanistan takeover with military show – The Taliban’s armed forces towed Soviet-era tanks and artillery pieces through the former US air base in Bagram, where Chinese and Iranian diplomats were among hundreds who gathered for the parade and speeches. – The former Bagram base once served as the linchpin for US-led operations against the Taliban for two decades.

The Vigilant Fox: RFK Jr. Drops MASSIVE Truth Bombs About Free Speech – Few have ever said this so succinctly and so clearly. – The government is not stealing your tongue and/or Donald Trump’s tongue or Elon Musk’s tongue because they’re scared that he’s going to tell lies.” – “They’re stealing his tongue because they don’t want him to tell the truth,” Kennedy said. – “That’s what they’re scared of. They’re terrified of the truth. – They’re not terrified of lies… It’s the truth they don’t want you to hear,” Kennedy continued.

Breitbart: Senator JD Vance is pressing Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to agree to a second vice presidential debate, making the case that “the American people deserve as many debates as possible.” – It remains unclear if Harris will commit to further debates against Trump. – “Harris agreed to debate on September 10 on NBC News but refused to comment on whether she would participate in the other two.”

Western Journal: Trump Pulls Out Tic Tacs Onstage to Make a Devastating Point About Inflation Due To The Biden-Harris Administration – While getting into spreadsheets, studies, and expert opinions is one way to deem President Joe Biden’s administration a failure, the other way is to fill your car up with gas, buy groceries, and check on what interest rates your bank is offering…

Just The News: A hackers’ confab showed the vulnerabilities in election machines amid testing concerns ahead of November – Increasing the use of voting machines after the 2000 election “didn’t fix the Bush v. Gore problem,” but rather “just made our elections less transparent,” according to Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project and a former Kansas attorney general…

Epoch Times: Mississippi and eight other states sued the Biden administration, claiming an executive order on voter registration unlawfully favors Democrats. – The lawsuit claims that the executive order turns federal agencies into voter registration entities, bypasses transparency, and is driven by partisan motives.

American Spectator: From GDP to Reality, Putting the $35 Trillion Debt Into Perspective – Pundits seek to diminish the severity of the national debt. – By shifting the discussion away from the current national debt and toward debt-to-GDP ratios, pundits seek to obfuscate the underlying problem, which is that Congress cannot keep its fiscal house in order, which should be alarming to all people.

American Spectator: Poor, Poor, Pitiful Joe – Joe Biden is frustrated that Barack Obama wouldn’t tell him to his face that he should leave the race. – He’s angry with Nancy Pelosi and views her as ruthless for ushering him out the door. – And he’s still miffed at the role Chuck Schumer played, too.

Breitbart: Hamas Launched Rockets at Tel Aviv From A Protected Humanitarian Area In The Gaza Strip – Two rockets were launched from Gaza toward Tel Aviv on Tuesday, the first time Israel’s major coastal city had been targeted since May. – This is further proof of the degree to which Hamas is violating international law and endangering civilians.

Breitbart: The Biden administration on Tuesday approved more than $20 billion in new weapons sales to Israel, brushing aside pressure from rights activists to stop arms deliveries over the death toll in Gaza. – The sale comes as Biden has pressed Israel and Hamas to reach a ceasefire after 10 months of bloodshed, although the weapons would take years to reach Israel.

The National Pulse: Cops Arrest Over ONE THOUSAND Anti-Mass Migration Protesters. – Over 1,000 people have been arrested in connection with the disorder in Britain following the deadly mass stabbing of multiple young girls by a migration-background teenager in Southport, England. – The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) boasts that 1,024 people have been arrested, and 575 have been charged.

Zero Hedge: One Step Away From The Biggest Oil Shock In History – The Strait of Hormuz is the world’s single-most important energy corridor, and there’s no alternative route. – More than 40% of global oil exports (around 21 million barrels) transit the Strait daily. – Iran has been crystal clear that it will close the Strait in the case Israel or the US attacks it. – In other words, Iran holds a knife to the throat of the global economy.

Center For Immigration Studies: The Insecure Border and the Heightened ISIS Threat to the Homeland – Conservative estimates indicate that 88.5% of all illegal migrants encountered by CBP there (more than four million aliens) have been released into the United States under the current administration, a figure that doesn’t include two million others who evaded apprehension and entered illegally, known as “got-aways”. – In March, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned the Senate that “dangerous persons” were among those crossing the border…

American Thinker: The Butler Body Cam Footage – There’s a lot that can be learned from police body-cam footage of the response to the Butler assassination attempt. – What the new footage tells us, simply put, is that chaos was queen on July 13th. – Following the shooting, there is absolutely no sign of planning, procedure, or even simple competence among the law enforcement personnel present.

American Thinker: Of Course, They Tried To Kill Trump – Famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes would often note “’When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Very powerful people within the government — and perhaps outside too — want him dead and he can’t remotely depend on his government provided “protection” to do their best to protect him.

Western Journal: Left Wing PAC, End Citizens United, Wants The Feds to Punish Musk For Talking to Trump – “Their complaint states that the resources X Corp. owner Elon Musk dedicated to hosting Donald Trump for a campaign event was an impermissible corporate in-kind contribution that violated campaign finance laws.” – Needless to say, the post from Musk offering the same type of two-way conversational interview wasn’t included in the complaint, as if it weren’t relevant in the slightest way.

The Vigilant Fox: An Eye-Opening Experiment: During An Impromptu Interview, Every Person in Lowe’s That Was Asked The Same Question Politely Supported Trump – The One Declared Harris Voter Said He Would “Shoot” Trump If He Were Present – Why are Democrats always so violent?

Powerline: Now It Can Be Told! – NYT reporter Ken Vogel Revealed That “Hunter Biden Sought State Department Help for Ukrainian Company.” – Subhead: “After President Biden dropped his re-election bid, his administration released records showing that while he was vice president, his son solicited U.S. government assistance.”

American Thinker: Deep State Plutocrats Have Nowhere to Hide – No wonder the plutocrats call President Trump an “authoritarian.” He wants to be president, rather than play president. – He’s a direct threat to their unaccountable and unconstitutional Deep State, and now that they’ve exposed themselves, there is nowhere left for them to hide.

Brownstone Institute: Our Government’s “Whole-of-Society” Rule – The term was popularized roughly a decade ago by the Obama administration, which liked that its bland, technocratic appearance could be used as cover to erect a mechanism for the government to control public life that can, at best, be called “Soviet-style.” – To make sense of today’s form of American politics, it is necessary to understand a key term. It is not found in standard US civics textbooks, but it is central to the new playbook of power: “whole of society.”

The Daily Fetched: Following former president Donald Trump‘s interview with Elon Musk on Monday, which has now garnered over a billion views, left-wing outlet CNN was caught desperately trying to stop the video’s momentum. – The network was caught selectively editing a portion of the Monday interview to make it seem like both Musk and Trump thought the World War II bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were no big deal…

Howard Galganov: HOW MUCH POWER DO YOU THINK A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT COULD WIELD? – Do You Remember the Covid Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations & Jailable Offenses for Ignoring Non-Constitutional Government Mandates Issued by all Levels of Government? – That’s How Much Power The One World Government Will Wield. – The World Is A Mess & It Can Only Get Worse Or Better By The Politicians We Choose To Elect, So Remember That On November 5, 2024.

Zero Hedge: Core Consumer Prices Hit New Record High, Up For 50th Straight Month – Following last month’s ‘deflationary’ print (-0.1% MoM), analysts expected headline CPI to rise 0.2% MoM and they were spot on, shifting the YoY CPI print to 2.9% (from 3.0%) – the lowest since March 2021…

The Daily Fetched: The last remaining Denny’s restaurant in San Francisco has closed after being inundated with non-paying customers who fled the eatery before settling the bill. – Denny’s is the latest amongst dozens who pulled their retail outlets from the crime-ridden city. – The last Deny’s in nearby Oakland closed its doors earlier this year, also because of crime.

Western Journal: An Ohio police officer has been indicted on a murder charge after a woman who refused police commands to exit her vehicle was shot dead as she rolled her car into the officer. – Blendon Township Police Officer Connor Grubb was charged with four counts of murder, four counts of felonious assault, and two counts of involuntary manslaughter. – The video posted to X shows the car moving at him, followed by one shot.

Real Clear Science: Every Leading AI Large Language Model Leans Left Politically – LLMs’ growing power and omnipresence mean that they exert increasing influence on society and culture. – So it’s of great import that these artificial intelligence systems remain neutral when it comes to complicated political issues. – Unfortunately, according to a new analysis recently published in PLoS ONE, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

August 13, 2024

The Daily Signal: Dissension and ‘Toxicity’ Plagued Trump’s Secret Service Detail Before Assassination Attempt – Rancor, recriminations, and serious formal misconduct complaints have plagued all levels of the Secret Service detail assigned to protect former President Donald Trump over the past year, distracting the team from its core mission of protecting Trump. – On May 15, the top two leaders of Trump’s detail sternly dressed down the entire 60-member staff in a virtual meeting…

Zero Hedge: Trump Wins Over Another Silicon Valley Democrat – Ben Horowitz, in particular, seemed like an unusual Trump supporter, coming from a liberal Jewish background. – Now it looks like Trump has another, thanks to his X space with Elon Musk last night: Zynga founder Mark Pincus…

Center Square: 84% of Americans oppose illegal immigration and want troops sent to the border. – Two new recent polls support this trend, although polls have consistently shown that Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Vice President Kamala Harris’ job as “border czar.” – The ratio of opposition/support to illegal immigration has “remained broadly unchanged for decades,” Napolitan News Service says.

Jordan Schachtel: Media gatekeepers are losing control over the conversation, and robust censorship is their only chance to regain power. – For inspiration, they look far eastward to the censorship machine devised by China. – Before the Musk/Trump conversational interview, the lunatics in the corporate press and governmental bodies around the world took measures to attempt to pressure Musk into canceling the Spaces interview, and Thierry Breton, a high-ranking European Union commissioner, even threatened Mr. Musk with sanctions…

New York Post: The Elites decide Hunter Biden can finally be a scandal now that Joe is out – Emails reveal that Hunter, while his father was VP, wrote a letter to the US ambassador to Italy, asking for introductions to help the Ukraine gas company Burisma land a lucrative contract with Italy. – That’s why Burisma was paying Hunter $1 million a year to sit on its board, not for his energy expertise or work ethic.

The Western Journal: A Conservative Professor Scores Multimillion-Dollar Win After A Years Long Battle with A California College – In 2021, Matthew Garrette, then a tenured history professor at Bakersfield College in California’s Kern Community College District, sued the district claiming in federal court that it had violated his First Amendment rights for retaliating against him for his opposition to campus racial diversity policies.

Western Journal: An American carrier strike group is being redeployed to a new area of operations ahead of a war that looks almost certain. – Warships will be joined there by a nuclear submarine that can bring a knockout punch to any fight. – These powerful naval assets are being moved to the military’s Central Command area, which covers the Middle East and much of Central Asia. – The number one command priority of the force is to “deter Iran.”

FAR: Trump Returns To The X Social Platform – Donald Trump was permanently banned from Twitter, now X, on January 8, 2021. – Musk reinstated Trump’s account shortly after the acquisition, so a recurring question that continued popping up was whether Trump would return to X, even though he had created his social platform, Truth. – That question was finally answered yesterday when he posted this on X…

The Vigilant Fox: The Must-See Moments From The Elon/Trump InterviewAll the key takeaways in under 5 minutes. – In a live interview that captured the attention of millions, Elon Musk and Donald Trump discussed the state of America, touching on issues ranging from censorship to border security to political lawfare to the attempted assassination of Trump.

The National Pulse: Kamala Harris‘ campaign cheered on a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) targeting X as it disrupted a conversation between Donald J. Trump and tech mogul Elon Musk. – DDoS attacks involve flooding websites with bogus bot or botnet traffic to sabotage their functionality or knock them offline altogether…

Western Journal: The Trump-Musk Interview Shattered Viewership Milestones with Numbers the Mainstream Media Could Only Dream Of Achieving – “Combined views of the Musk/Trump conversation and subsequent related discussion by other accounts now totals approximately a billion,” Musk indicated. – Musk delivered that update at 2:43 a.m. ET on Tuesday. Thus, by the end of the day, the conversation’s reach could soar well into the billions.

Breitbart: Americans want their government to help revive the American Dream that helped the Baby Boomers, Donald Trump told Elon Musk in their August 12 conversation on X. – “It’s about the American dream,” Trump told Musk. “You don’t hear about the American dream anymore, Elon, you’re the American Dream in the truest sense, but you don’t hear about the American dream anymore...

Zero Hedge: A $150,000 House In 1988 Now Costs $707,500; Thank You, Fed! – The Fed has grossly distorted the housing market and no fix is in sight as a couple of images explain. – This is a mess entirely of the Fed’s making and it’s what happens when the Fed, and economists in general do not count home prices in the inflation rate. – Home prices are not directly in the CPI or PCE. the latter being the Fed’s preferred measure of inflation.

Western Journal: Elon Musk Makes Offer to Kamala Harris After Trump Interview Is Widely Received – Anytime Vice President Kamala Harris feels like speaking to a massive audience, she is welcome to do so, X owner Elon Musk said Tuesday. – “Happy to host Kamala on an X Spaces too,” Musk posted on X Tuesday morning. – A person on X remarked, She should take you up on this offer, but she likely won’t. – She hasn’t done anything in 22+ days. – She’s not capable of doing it and her handlers will never let it happen.

Breitbart: Donald Trump Discloses That Kamala Harris Will Not Sit with Any Real Journalists, Agreeing To Only ‘a Soft Democrat Interview.’ – Kamala Harris, will not agree to an actual real interview at all during the campaign, only “a soft Democrat interview” with someone like ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

The Federalist: The Press Won’t Discuss Real Campaign Issues, Because They Don’t Want Trump To Win – The press is hoping you won’t notice they’re covering for Kamala Harris by not covering her record on real issues such as inflation, immigration, education, crime, taxes and so on. – Kamala Harris could not survive the scrutiny of a real presidential campaign, and the media know this. They figure they can skate by with three months of embarrassingly puffy coverage and fool just enough voters with the talk of “vibes” and “joyful” campaigning because vibes are all the Harris campaign has.

American Thinker: Trump’s Social Security proposal could be his biggest political weapon – In what even the New York Times admits could be a game-changer, Trump has proposed ending income taxes on Social Security benefits. – This proposal speaks directly to millions of Americans who feel the sting of being taxed twice on the money they’ve worked their entire lives to earn.

Powerline: Media Bias? – Let’s Call It by Its True Name, Regime Propaganda – John and Scott below provide examples of the media’s slavishness to the Democratic Party, which is now so obvious that attributing it to bias, or calling it “fake news,” clearly doesn’t go far enough. – Let’s call it for what it is, regime propaganda, worthy of the old Soviet Union, or Orwell’s no longer fictional world as depicted in his novel, 1984.

Real Clear Investigations: The Secrecy of the President’s Family ‘Doc’ Raises the Question As To Whether We Getting the Full Story on Joe Biden’s Cognitive Health? – Even as the public has long expressed concern about the 81-year-old president’s mental capacities and Democratic Party leaders pressured Biden to drop his bid for a second term, O’Connor has repeatedly given his boss a clean bill of health. – The position of WH physician is intended to be non-partisan, however, O’Connor has donated thousands of dollars exclusively to Democratic politicians and causes, including Joe Biden’s campaign.

American Thinker: The Obama Effect – Although Obama works hard to look like he’s not directly involved in the things he’s engaged in at the highest levels of government, anyone who has followed his machinations knows that there are no coincidences regarding the former president. – To advance those tactics worldwide, between 2016 and 2024, Obama traveled the globe as a supposed unofficial ambassador of goodwill…

Townhall: A Haitian Illegal Flown Into The US by The Biden-Harris Administration That Reportedly Raped a Massachusetts Teen Was Released on $500 Bail Despite An ICE Detainer – A detainer is a request by which authorities alert ICE about an individual they believe to be subject to deportation so they can take the individual into federal custody and deport that person.

The Daily Fetched: Tulsi Gabbard To Sue Biden Admin after Being Put on ‘Terrorist Watch List’ – Quiet Skies is extremely resource-intensive. – Not only do people on the list get enhanced scrutiny and searches, but they are also followed by police at the airports, and armed Air Marshals follow them on flights because the target is deemed a security risk. – Gabbard was put on the Quiet Skies list the day after she criticized the Deep State on Fox News.

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea: “The Subversion Process” – Former KGB Staff Member In Charge of Psychological Warfare and Propaganda Yuri Bezmenov Explains What Has Been and Is Now Happening To The United States. – This paper describes some of the forces and techniques influencing and practiced by ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the Democrat Party, Marxists, Leftist Media, and other detractors of the United States…

Brandon Smith: What’s Happening In Britain Is Proof That The Globalists Plan To Use The Massive Migrant Influx Against The West – The common claim within the Liberty Movement is that this is all part of the “Cloward-Piven Strategy”: A social engineering method which uses large scale relocation of migrants into a society to destabilize that nation. The goal is to import people with an incompatible or hostile ideology and, eventually, the target culture will break down and be forced to accept a new system of governance…

The Liberty Sentinel: Is WWIII Imminent? – The Globalists’ War on Freedom Exposed – In a must-see new presentation, journalist Alex Newman exposes the Deep State’s push for war and the establishment’s love for the Chinese Communist Party.

Epoch Times: Job Security Concerns Grow As The Probability Of Finding New Employment Dips – A Federal Bank of New York survey shows rising job insecurity and growing debt concerns, signaling increasing challenges for US consumers. – American consumers have become more pessimistic about the prospect of finding a new job after losing their current one as the perceived probability of finding new employment fell by a 0.9 percentage point, to 52.5 percent in July…

American Thinker: Airline tickets have largely defied the national inflation trend and kept consumers seeking out travel opportunities. – Flights are somewhat affordable. – The reason for this is the industry trend toward flexible pricing and a “take it or leave it” approach to both amenities and baggage. – The FTC’s proposed Rule on Unfair or Deceptive Fees will likely mean higher prices and fewer choices for consumers.

American Conservative: Unfree Britain Cracks Down on Protesters. – It’s unfair, but the fact is that the native British majority is the only ethnic group in the country not allowed to demonstrate, or as the government puts it, to riot. – As Britain is descending into ethnic balkanization, English people should be able to do the same thing every other group does: sow a little rowdiness in the streets, then reap government favors both rhetorical and material…

The Hollywood Reporter: Once a Cash Cow, Cable TV Is Now Roadkill. – Is there a Fire Sale Next? – The decline has been driven by cord-cutting, but in recent quarters the cable business has faced a double whammy: Not only are subscribers declining faster than carriage fees are rising, but advertising dollars are fleeing TV – As Paramount and Warner Bros. Discovery take massive hits to their businesses, executives will need to make difficult choices in managing the decline.

August 12, 2024

Western Journal: The European Union Attempted to Scare Elon Musk Into Censoring Trump Ahead of Blockbuster Interview – Officials in the European Union especially don’t want Trump to gain any ground heading into November because he might make other NATO countries pay their fair share when it comes to defending themselves. – This is something Trump has talked about time and time again. – Trump is a threat to their corrupt systems just as he’s a threat to many corrupt systems stateside.

The Daily Signal: 7 Takeaways From Trump’s ‘Conversation’ With Elon Musk – The Need For A ‘Government Efficiency Commission’ – More Of A Believer After Surviving His Assassination Attempts – Why ‘Illegal Immigration Saved His Life’ – How Democrats forced Biden out of the 2024 race – Our Current Defective Government – An ‘Iron Dome’ for America – President Biden’s Current ‘Vegetable Stage’

American Spectator: What Happened to All the Polling? – It certainly appears as if polling firms are making a concerted effort to depress Trump support. – One of two things has happened, either these organizations have stopped polling, or they’ve chosen not to release the results of surveys they did perform for obvious reasons. – That was a question Rasmussen Reports asked on X/Twitter Monday. – Most followers think it’s the latter.

American Spectator: Don’t Dismiss the Trump Assassination Attempt – To date, explanations from the Secret Service and the FBI smell like a cover-up. We need to know more. – There are sinister possibilities that should be thoroughly investigated, and I am dubious that even a “bipartisan” congressional investigation will get to the bottom of it. – The next administration should appoint a distinguished special prosecutor to investigate whether crimes were committed, and if so, by whom. – If the Russia hoax needed a special prosecutor, these events most certainly do.

Turfseer: A Chilling report from Holland’s Geert Wilders – The Europe you knew is changing. – Throughout Europe, a new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. – There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe, with larger congregations than there are in churches. – The Muslim war against Israel is not a war against Israel, it is a war against the West…

Connie Shields: Would You Enroll Your Child In A Marxist Classroom? – What if I told you that you already have? – In recent years, educational institutions have increasingly become battlegrounds for ideological conflicts, with various political and philosophical doctrines vying for influence over curricula. – One of the most contentious ideologies to emerge in these debates is Marxism, a worldview rooted in the theories of Karl Marx that emphasizes class struggle, economic determinism, and the eventual establishment of a classless society…

Western Journal: A Judge Rules The CDC Has ‘Likely’ Been Violating Federal Law for Years After A Conservative Group Sounds Alarm – A federal judge ruled that the huge federal agency has engaged in “likely unlawful” practices when it comes to retaining the emails of low-level employees. – It was discovered that after 90 days, it wasn’t retaining them at all.

The Center Square: California Governor Gavin Newsom issued a video blaming oil companies’ “greed” and “price gouging” for the state’s gas prices, which, at an average of $4.60 per gallon, are $1.16 above the national average. – However, Newsom’s energy commissioner disagrees, noting in May testimony that no “price gouging” has been found and that “increasing supply in the market” would best “protect consumers.”

Liberty Daily: U.S. military forces are shoring up in the Middle East in anticipation of an Iranian-led attack against Israel, the Pentagon confirmed on Sunday evening. – Iran and Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terror group in Lebanon, have been adamant that they intend to launch an attack against Israel soon, although the timing or the level of the possible attack is unclear.

Zero Hedge: Hezbollah has fired dozens of rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel, calling it retaliation for Israeli attacks last week. – Israel’s military says its Iron Dome defense system intercepted some, but not all, of the projectiles. – In the overnight and early morning hours Hezbollah pounded northern Israel and Western Galilee with at least 30 rockets.

Zero Hedge: Trump Posts On X After His Big Return Ahead Of His “Unscripted” Interview With Elon Musk Tonight – The interview on X is set to begin live-streaming at 8 pm Eastern, 5 pm Western, Musk wrote on X, “This is unscripted with no limits on subject matter, so should be highly entertaining!”

Zero Hedge: Joe Biden’s Freudian Slip, “If Trump Wins,” There’ll Be No Peaceful Transfer Of Power – Biden’s remarks during an interview with CBS News. – “Are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in January 2025,” Biden was asked. -“If Trump wins, no, I’m not confident at all,” he responded.

The Western Journal: Donald Trump Hits Biden’s DOJ with An Enormous Lawsuit That Alleges Protocols Were Violated Amid ‘Political Persecution’ As A Result Of The Raid Of His Mar-A-Lago Residence – Trump is suing for $100 million according to the notice of intent to sue that gives the Justice Department 180 days to respond before the case goes to a U.S. District Court in Florida. – “You have clear evidence that the FBI failed to follow protocols, and the failure to follow protocols shows that there was an improper purpose,” Trump’s attorney Epstein said…

Trending Politics: BREAKING, Trump OFFICIALLY Returns To Twitter/X With EPIC Video – Earlier on Monday, campaign advertisements styled as posts were running under President Trump’s namesake account @realDonaldTrump but were not appearing on his timeline, leaving supporters guessing about whether he was making an official return or simply promoting his campaign on the social media platform that helped launch him into the White House.

The Daily Fetched: Google Finally Admits to Censoring Search Results When Queried About The ‘Trump Assassination Attempt’ – The counsel for Google parent company Alphabet told the House Judiciary Committee that its autocomplete algorithm prevented users from seeing search results about the attempted Donald Trump assassination attempt at a Butler, Pennsylvania, rally on July 13 due to a prohibition against searches for political violence.

Zero Hedge: These Six Drivers Are Gone, And That’s Why The Global Economy Is Now Toast – 1) China’s industrialization. – 2) Growth-positive demographics. – 3) Low interest rates. – 4) Low debt levels. – 5) Low inflation. – 6) The Tech productivity boom – so what we now have is a hyper-centralized, hyper-connected (i.e. tightly bound), hyper-globalized, and hyper-financialized global economy of extreme fragility…

Lawyer Lisa: Australia Goes Full Tilt 1984 – Sometimes there are no coincidences. – Australians will be required to submit their ID to access the internet, with police given access to their social media, including private messaging tied to their social credit score.- Also, Canada is legislating prison for speech when they don’t like what is said…

The Daily Fetched: JD Vance, “The Trump Administration Will Start Mass Deportations with 1 Million.” – ABC Anchor Jonathan Karl remarked, “You said he said he’ll start with the easy ones, the criminals, people who commit crimes, deport them, but deporting 15 million to 20 million people, how do you do that? – “We have to start with the fact that we have a wide-open southern border because our border czar set a lot of open border policies.”

Western Journal: CNN Interviewer Dana Bash Didn’t Like It When JD Vance Turned the Tables on Her Defense of Tim Walz – Vance responded and then continued by wisely putting the focus on the Harris/Walz campaign running a shallow campaign.

Slay Magazine: CNN’s Brianna Keilar has been forced to walk back her defamatory statements after she used false claims to smear Republican vice presidential nominee Senator J.D. Vance – Keilar deceitfully told her audience that Vance had embellished his military service.

Wall Street Journal: Inflation Hurts Most For The Things We Can’t Skimp On – Costs for child care, rent, and car insurance are up, with housing costs stretching people thin. – Inflation might be easing, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way. – Prices for many of the things that are hard to do without are still posting eye-watering increases as shown in this graph…

National Review: The Media Have Forgotten Why They Exist – Large swaths of the national media believe that their job, at this moment, is to tell you how awesome the presidential and vice-presidential candidates are, instead of pointing out their records and policies. – The Media Thinks Their Job Is to Sell Democratic Candidates, Not Hold Them Accountable…

Victor Davis Hanson: Our Three Silent Mice – The president, the Democrat presidential candidate, and their VP nominee all either cannot or will not speak casually and publicly to elected representatives, reporters, or the American people. – Biden was forced, to abdicate from his impending reelection nomination. Since then, we have yet to see nor hear much from our sitting President. He has vanished, poof, gone. – So, for the present, no one knows who is in charge of the United States…

American Thinker: We Need a Badass in the White House – Trump is willing to fight, unlike most elected Republicans and surrogates. – This is why Trump remains popular to this day, despite the fierce opposition, including a recent assassination attempt. – Who is America’s advocate? – Who is fighting for the Constitution, the rule of law? – Who wants America put first rather than last?

Issues & Insights: Postal Leadership Needs To Get A Grip On Reality – It continues to lose money and yet the “USPS currently plans to purchase 66,000 EVs over the next five years, as part of a nearly $10 billion spending plan. – In total, the agency expects to purchase 100,000 electric and gas-powered delivery vehicles through 2028.” That’s a lot of dough, and the losses will continue once these EVs take the streets.

The Daily Fetched: Delta Airlines to Drop ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ Because It’s Too ‘Offensive’ – Delta Airlines Chief Diversity Officer Kyra Lynn Johnson, “We’re beginning to take a hard look at things like our gate announcements,” Johnson explained in a video posted over the weekend.

National Review: An Unconstitutional Agency May Finally Meet Its End – A district court’s challenge to the structure of the NLRB could affect not just labor regulations but the administrative state as a whole. – Such a ruling would be transformational. If there were no agency to administer the National Labor Relations Act, almost all laws that apply to private-sector labor relations would become unenforceable.

The Daily Signal: Veterans Affairs Resources Are Being Diverted to Help Illegal Aliens – Hundreds of thousands of initial medical exams, with follow-up exams, hundreds of thousands of prescriptions being filled, dental appointments, and vision appointments. – The care that the detainees are getting is better than a lot of what the veterans are getting and without all the hoops to jump through because they get access to this once they’re detained…

American Thinker: The Economic Benefits of Trump’s Safer Society and Why His Policies Outshine Harris’s Promises – The choice for America’s leadership is clear, and the contrast between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris represents a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. – In evaluating who should lead us, it is crucial to reflect on the tangible results and the vision each candidate offers, such as these…

American Conservative: The Democrats’ Favorite Game Is Manipulation – There’s very little that is democratic about the Democrat Party these days. – Dirty tricks have long been a part of politics, but in the last decade, Democrats have turned the propaganda machine up considerably. – 2015 was a pivotal one in that it presented to the American people a massive plot to undermine Trump as a candidate for president based solely on direct lies. – Russiagate was comprehensive in scope, touching not only on candidate Trump but also on his advisors and key staff…

Study Finds: How FOMO is Burning out America’s Workforce – FOMO, or the “Fear of Missing Out,” has become a significant phenomenon in the workplace, particularly in the context of hybrid and remote work environments, because it can impact employee engagement, mental health, and overall productivity.

August 11, 2024

Epoch Times: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Aug. 10 indirectly acknowledged for the first time that Ukraine is conducting a military offensive in Russian territory amid Moscow’s reports that forces have launched attacks in the Kursk region since last week. – Ukraine’s military is trying “to push the war out into the aggressor’s territory,” Zelenskyy said, according to a transcript.

Just The News: The U.S. intelligence community now reports Iran may have resumed its nuclear weapons program. – In July 2024, ODNI updated Congress on Iran’s nuclear weapons program under the Iran Nuclear Weapons Capability and Terrorism Monitoring Act of 2022. – This marks a shift from ODNI reports to Congress dating back to 2019.

Just The News: The chairman of the House Administration Committee says his investigation into one of the Democrats’ most successful political action committees has pivoted to whether foreigners may be laundering money into the 2024 election. – Representative Bryan Steil said his committee has identified individuals who claim they did not make the donations attributed to them in Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports filed by ActBlue.

Wall Street Journal: Why Trump Voters Fear Speaking Out – Anthony Constantino, the owner of a custom printing company in Amsterdam, NY supported Donald Trump, then boycotts and death threats followed…

American Spectator: China’s Potential for Pharmacological Warfare – China plays a significant role in the supply chains of many American companies due to its low-cost structure and cheap labor. – Unless steps are taken, our access to life-saving drugs could be seriously compromised.

City Journal: Unemployable – A growing number of Americans aren’t simply out of a job, they’re no longer fit for work. – Expanding government benefits correspond with the declines. – Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income (for nonworking adults without income), support more and more Americans. – Disability rolls have shot from 1.5 million in 1970 to 7.6 million today and would be even higher except the federal government stopped processing disability applications during Covid…

Just The News: “Eighty-four percent of voters say that illegal immigration is bad for the United States.”  – The Napolitan News Service analysis of 1,000 registered voters also showed that only 12% believe it is good for our nation…

Breitbart: Former Olympic boxer and Olympic boxing trainer Rafa Lozano says that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who won the gold medal in the women’s welterweight boxing event at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics was considered too dangerous for women to train with during a recent boxing retreat in Spain. – The Spanish boxer and trainer said that allowing Khelif to box as a female in the Paris Games was “unfair.”

American Thinker: This Coming Presidential Election Is Not about Trump or Harris – It is extra-important that voters know what they should vote for or against. – It’s about America’s Future, Not Trump or Harris – Biden/Harris have repeatedly pushed for restrictions on the Second Amendment. – Prices and inflation have skyrocketed on Biden/Harris’s watch. – Biden, Harris, and Walz have all equivocated on Israel’s right to defend itself against the same violent, depraved Dark Age ideology that gave us 9/11…

American Thinker: Do We Want To Go From A Republic to Tyrannical Democracy? – Leftists like to demonize the concept of a republic and vie for pure democracy, but our nation’s founders blanched at the latter for good reason. – Keeping our republic will require educating all Americans about the facts of our founding principles and form of government. A good start would be to throw out race-based Marxist, education-lite social studies and return to indoctrination-free classical education with American history and civics.

2nd Smartest Guy: Free Speech is Under Siege in Starmer’s UK – Prime Minister Keir Starmer, is encouraging police to use the full force of controversial British laws to crack down on social media posts. – The push for more online censorship has spanned many years, and different governments in the UK have gained new momentum with the recent protests and riots.

August 10, 2024

Western Journal: Alex Soros Is Taking Over His Dad’s Role and His Plans Make George Look Downright Wholesome – Since Alex Soros took over his father’s political operation he has pumped tens of millions of dollars into an array of efforts to sway the 2024 election, financial disclosures show. – The PAC’s spending under Alex signals somewhat of a departure from how his father operated it, with less focus on criminal justice and a greater emphasis on helping Democrats keep the White House…

Epoch Times: 15 States Sue to Block The Federal Government From Expanding The Affordable Care Act to Cover Illegal Immigrants – The lawsuit alleges that the new rule defies existing federal laws defining eligibility for public benefits. – “Illegal aliens shouldn’t get a free pass into our country,” Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, who is leading the coalition of states, said in a statement.

American Spectator: Reducing Our Fossil Fuel Capacity Helps Our Adversaries – Depletion of America and the West’s fossil fuel-producing capacity. – At the same time, Russia and China are building theirs, which is a prescription for geopolitical disaster. – The ability of Russia to wage war on Ukraine and for Iran to war against Israel depends almost entirely on both nations’ selling (sanctioned) oil to China, their biggest customer.

Just The News: Biden’s Energy Department claim that it replenished the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is misleading – Biden drained 40% of the nation’s energy stockpiles, more than 250 million barrels of oil. – How can the DOE now claim that only 40 million barrels it has purchased would refill it?

Zero Hedge: According to a recent report, around half of OECD countries are earning less now than they had before the pandemic. – As Statista’s Katharine Buchholz reports, when considering hourly real wages – wages adjusted for inflation – people in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and many European countries now have less money at their disposal than roughly four years ago.

Zero Hedge: As 20% of California suffers in poverty amid soaring power bills, soaring homelessness, businesses fleeing the state, and sky-high taxes, one might expect the state’s leadership to focus on solutions. – Instead, Governor Gavin Newsom has taken a rather unconventional approach: hiring a celebrity photographer, Charles Ommanney, with a $200,000 annual salary to enhance his public image.

Zero Hedge: Records show Trump shooter Crooks became a member of Clairton Sportsmen’s Club last August and visited there at least 43 times, the last visit being the day before he tried to kill Trump. – Of his 43 visits, Crooks might have had company at least four times…

Townhall: Did the Secret Service Get Busted for Peddling Another Lie About the Trump Assassination Attempt? – Acting Director Ronald Rowe visited the site and delivered testimony to a joint Senate Homeland Security and Judiciary Committees hearing. – Yet, the diagram he offered on the line of sight has drawn new scrutiny from Senator Chuck Grassley…

Slay Magazine: A federal judge has ordered the DOJ to respond to wrongful death charges from the family of Ashli Babbitt. – Babbitt is the 35-year-old Air Force Veteran who was shot dead by a Capitol Police officer on January 6th, 2021, and the only person who died during the Jan. 6 protests at the U.S. Capitol. – Judge Ana Reyes gave the DOJ until September 6 to answer charges of assault and battery, negligence, and wrongful death in the $30 million case.

Breitbart: The Department of Homeland Security is building what critics are calling a “ghost mode operation” so migrants can more easily stay in the United States after they are released from federal custody at the southern border. – The little-known pilot program, operated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is meant to reduce the frequency with which migrants released into the U.S. interior from the border must report to an ICE field office…

American Thinker: The New Bread and Circuses – Conservatives say Americans must “wake up” if we’re to save our country, however, that implies that the people are asleep and unaware of increasing government oppression. – I submit that those who are oblivious to America’s increasing tyranny aren’t asleep, but rather much like citizens of ancient Rome, they’re distracted and placated…

American Thinker: Illegals And The Resulting Attacks On U.S. Citizens – Ever since President Joe Biden decided to be more “relaxed” with his border stance, the country has fallen into chaos. – Take these for example, a 21-year-old illegal by the name of Jose Aguilar-Martinez stole the vehicle of 54-year-old Melody Waldecker and ran her over during the theft, killing her as a result…

American Thinker: The Greatest Hoax Of All Time – The Left, as embodied today by the Democrat party, is telling everyone that the United States is a systemically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, capitalist hellhole that must be torn down and rebuilt in its image if it is redeemable at all. – This, of course, is the opposite of the case.

Powerline: The Week in Pictures: Who Is Tim Walz? – To paraphrase Butch Cassidy’s famous epistemological query to Sundance, “Who is this guy?” There are several heuristics offered.

August 9, 2024

The Western Journal: New Footage Shows Local Police Desperately Trying to Stop The Trump Shooter While The Secret Service Sat Directly Below Him – Every new piece of evidence that trickles out to the public seems to raise suspicions rather than provide more answers.

Townhall: Police Audio Suggests Joe Biden Suffered a Medical Issue in Las Vegas Last Month That Wan’t Related To Covid – Las Vegas police were dispatched to close roads so the president could seek treatment at the University Medical Center – The president was then taken to Air Force One, remaining in Delaware until he quit the race on July 21. – Don’t you think this White House would tell us if this was merely COVID-related?

Heritage Foundation: Having Trouble Paying Your Bills? – Meet the Culprit. – Trillions in runaway spending have been financed with borrowed money, much created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve. – Kamala Harris was a supporter of every other major spending bill signed into law by Biden, all of which supercharged inflation. – As vice president, she presides over the U.S. Senate and can cast tie-breaking votes, which she has done more than any other vice president in history.

Just The News: IRS whistleblower claim that evidence on Hunter Biden swept under the rug is bolstered by a court filing – The specter of potential FARA violations has hung over Hunter Biden’s business deals while an IRS whistleblower testified that his team of investigators were blocked from looking into them further.

American Spectator: Gavin Newsom’s Fast Food Minimum Wage Law Is AB 5 All Over Again – Newsom’s attempts to micromanage businesses have resulted in catastrophe for California workers. – Fast-food workers, who were told that they would benefit from the $20/hour legislation, are facing layoffs, reduced hours, and business closures.

City Journal: In Compliance—Out of Business – California looks to pass a digital-accessibility law that will put onerous mandates on small businesses and likely force many offline altogether. – AB 1757, currently held in suspension by the State Senate Appropriations Committee, would make businesses—and the web developers and Internet vendors who help them set up shop—vulnerable to devastating lawsuits if they find themselves out of compliance with complex technical guidance intended to make websites usable for visually impaired people.

Townhall: The rooftop of the building, which overlooked the rally area and was less than 200 yards from the stage, was left unprotected, allowing shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks to scale the structure and open fire on former president Trump – Based on new evidence, local police were supposedly told by the Secret Service that they would handle covering this structure…

Geller Report: A Fuming Police Officer Says He REPEATEDLY Told The Secret Service to Secure Trump Shooter Building Days Before Rally As Well As The Day Of The Rally. – “They’re like, yeah no problem. We’re going to post guys over here.”

Breitbart: A significant majority of U.S. voters continue to show strong support for Israel over Hamas, with most demanding the removal of the Islamic terrorist organization from Gaza and advocating for conditional ceasefires based on key concessions, according to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll. – The survey of nearly 2,200 U.S. voters shows that 7 in 10 voters only favor a conditional ceasefire with Hamas contingent on the release of hostages, as well as the terror group vacating power in Gaza.

The Daily Fetched: Nancy Pelosi casually took credit for ousting Joe Biden in the Democrat Party coup during a recent interview. – During the run-up to Biden’s ouster, he suddenly caught COVID and mysteriously became “receptive” to being replaced by Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee. – Pelosi, along with Obama and Schumer, spearheaded the operation to get rid of Biden.

The Daily Fetched: An Illegal Migrant from Venezuela Committed 22 Crimes in Just 6 Months, But Has Still Not Been Deported – Daniel Hernandez-Martinez, a suspected member of the “Tren de Aragua” gang, was not detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) until his seventh run-in with police. – “The Biden-Harris Administration released Daniel Hernandez-Martinez into the United States without any legal justification,” the report reads.

August 8, 2024

Western Journal: New Trump Shooting Video Confirms Secret Service Knew 4 Days in Advance About The Building The Shooter Used – Body camera footage released from the Butler, Pennsylvania, police department includes an officer saying that he had warned the Secret Service four days before former President Donald Trump’s rally on July 13 about the danger posed by the building the would-be assassin used.

Wall Street Journal: Video Footage Shows Police at Trump Rally Airing Frustration With Secret Service – Police body-cam footage obtained by the Journal reveals moments after the former president was shot.

Breitbart: Trump Tells Breitbart He’ll Solve Ukraine-Russia War ‘Before I Get to the White House After I Become President-Elect’ – “I want to see it settled,” Trump said. “I want to get it done.” – Trump said he knows Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and believes he can negotiate peace to end the “death” and “destruction” if elected again on Nov. 5.

Conservative Brief: Donald Trump announced that he will be interviewed by billionaire tech and media mogul Elon Musk next week. – Donald Trump, “ON MONDAY NIGHT I’LL BE DOING A MAJOR INTERVIEW WITH ELON MUSK — Details to follow.”

Redstate: A recently surfaced recording of a Zoom call between the Biden/Harris team from 2020 reveals alarming evidence of the team’s intentional targeting and manipulation of voters and relentless bullying of media outlets to control information about Biden’s mental decline.

Epoch News: Trump and Harris Agree to Sept. 10 Debate, ABC News Confirms – Trump suggested two additional debates, one on Fox on Sept. 4 and one on NBC on Sept. 25.

Washington Examiner: Jumbled polls show Trump up, due to a surge in millennials and Generation X – CNBC and Rasmussen Reports have new data on Thursday giving Trump an edge, with CNBC attributing his lead to growing concerns about the economy and a surge of support from middle-aged voters. – CNBC said Trump leads by 2 points, 48%-46%, within the margin of error.

Zero Hedge: Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced early this week that his government had received $3.9 billion from the United States through “direct budgetary aid” – funds given from the US and disbursed directly to Kyiv through the World Bank. – “This is the first tranche of direct budget support from the United States in 2024. In total, Ukraine will receive $7.8 billion in direct budgetary assistance from the United States this year…

Trending Politics: Hunter Biden Was Paid $3 Million By A Romanian Oligarch While Joe Was VP – Officials with the office of special counsel David Weiss indicated on Wednesday that Hunter Biden was working at the direction of a wealthy Romanian oligarch who hired him to influence his father and the White House on policies that would be beneficial, a reminder that the embattled first son’s criminal matters won’t be disappearing just because Joe Biden isn’t running for reelection.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Harris Flop Would Be Scarier Than Her Flip – The Harris-Walz message is clear, “To run America for the next four years, they must lie and deceive you for the next three months.” – Biden talked about “unity” and “competency but as soon as he was elected he became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term. – So, for now, Harris and her new vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz, will smother all their cherished left-wing positions—at least until after November 5th.

National Review: How Kamala Suddenly Became Great – She is great because she’s the Democrat nominee but not the Democrat nominee because she’s great. – By fast-forwarding past the primaries and caucuses, Kamala went directly into a race with Trump, where the media is inevitably deeply committed to her. – She simply ascended, yet she is being treated like she swept through the primaries

Washington Examiner: Vance comes into his own as Trump’s attack dog – Vance received high marks for his solo press conference in Detroit and remarks to reporters as he approached Vice President Kamala Harris’s plane at the airport in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. – Vance later noted, “She pretends to be one thing when she’s in front of one audience, then she pretends to be something else when she’s in front of another audience.”

Forbidden News: Stock Market Expert Edward Dowd Says Minion Billionaires Are “Nervous” So Are Bailing-Out of the Globalist Agenda –He sees billionaires bailing out after they saw the complete lawlessness of the Trump convictions in New York and realizing that they could be next.

August 7, 2024

Resist The Mainstream: President Donald Trump has taken the lead among Jewish voters in traditionally Democratic New York, according to a recent Siena Research Institute poll.  – This development marks a significant shift in the political landscape as the 2024 presidential race heats up.

American Spectator: The Secret Democrat Cabal’s Openly Anti-American Agenda Is The True Threat To Democracy. – In short, their agenda is to terminate the American Republic as established by our Constitution. – Democrats want power, while the Founders sought to protect us from the depredations of unchecked political power. – The whole purpose of the Constitution was to place limits on the powers of government to dnd the rights of individuals to live freely and decide how to maximize their well-being under a system of impartial laws.

American Thinker: The Trump Assassination Attempt, So What’s with the Crime Scene? – There are some bizarre and concerning issues popping up regarding the chain of custody for the would-be assassin’s body. – Is anyone surprised that the autopsy is considered a Commonwealth secret?

The New York Sun: Ukraine, in a First, Sends Its Forces To Invade Russia, in the Kursk Region, Where History Stirs Dark Memories – The goal of the invading Ukrainians may be to create such insecurity that the Russians have to devote precious manpower to defend the border as Ukraine has no territorial claims on Russia.

National Review: JD Vance is “bracketing” Harris and Walz this week. – He is going to the cities they’re hitting with his events. – Today’s in Philadelphia was quite good, I thought. – He had an appreciative crowd to back him up but took questions from the media and handled them all quite effectively.

Breitbart: A Texas trooper arrested a confirmed Tren de Aragua member who was released by the Biden-Harris administration for alleged smuggling of persons. – The Venezuelan gang member was wearing an ICE tracking device at the time of his arrest. – This was his second arrest on human smuggling charges.

Thomas Klingenstein: After ‘Chevron’: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire? – Bradley C.S. Watson sees a potential problem with the Court’s overturning of Chevron: It takes the power wrongly delegated to unelected bureaucrats and returns it, not to the people and their representatives, but to the judiciary. And if history is any lesson, Watson warns, then federal judges can hardly be trusted as champions of the Constitution.

Townhall: NIH Pumps Millions Into Children’s Hospitals to Study the ‘Benefits’ of Puberty Blockers – Three major U.S. children’s hospitals, which all house gender clinics, are co-conducting this clinical study: Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio; Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, Illinois; and Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C.

American Thinker: The Mainstream Media Still Turn Tricks For The Democrat Party – Six organizations control 90% or more of all the “news” we read, watch, and listen to! – They include: GE (Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures, Focus Features, et al) – NewsCorp (Fox News, Wall St. Journal, NY Post…) – Disney (ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, Marvel Studios…) – Viacom (MTV, Nick Jr., BET, CMT, Paramount Pictures…) – Time Warner (CNN, HBO, TIME, Warner Brothers… and CBS (Showtime, Smithsonian Channel,, Jeopardy, 60 Minutes…)

American Thinker: Greenhouse Gases Are a Scientific Myth – Combustion of natural gas (methane) produces CO2 and H2O, the two building blocks of photosynthesis and organic life on this planet. – It is harmless and most likely beneficial to the environment. – Wait until you see how bad the original experiment justifying global warming was…

Sharyl Attkisson: Excessive Internet usage impacts key parts of the teenage brain – A 2023 Statista survey found that U.S. teenagers spent an average of 4.8 hours on social media platforms daily, with girls spending an average of 5.3 hours compared to 4.4 hours for boys. – Researchers defined internet addiction as an inability to resist the urge to use the internet, which negatively affects mental well-being, as well as aspects of social, educational, and work-life…

American Greatness: California Adopts Six Million Children – The government in the Golden State has seized the traditional role of parents. – On July 15, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955 into state law. – This deplorable legislation bars school districts from requiring staff to notify parents if their child decides to change their gender. No other state in the country has passed such a drastic law.

August 6, 2024

Western Journal: Google Helped Steal 2020 and 2022 Elections And Now Evidence Shows There Is A New Plan to Stop Trump in November – Late last week, multiple outlets including NBC News and the New York Post reported on election-related Google search results seeming to favor Vice President Kamala Harris over her opponent, former President Donald Trump.

Resist The Mainstream: The DOJ Files Charges Against Pakistani Man for Plotting to Assassinate Trump – According to federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, the 46-year-old is accused of traveling to New York City to work with a hitman to carry out the plan in late August or early September.

Breitbart: A New YouGov Poll Finds That 63% Say Economy Is Going Badly Under The Biden-Harris Administration – The poll is significant because 82 percent of respondents also said Vice President Kamala Harris’s policies are “entirely” or “mostly” the same as President Joe Biden’s, underscoring who voters will hold responsible for their economic situation.

Western Journal: A ‘National Security Nightmare’ – The Biden-Harris Admin Released Nearly 100 Illegal Immigrants on Terror Watchlist Into US Among the millions of illegal immigrants that have crossed the southern border supposedly seeking asylum, 250 remain on the terror watchlist. 99 of those are now running around freely in our communities. They hail from 36 countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan and Yemen.

The Naked Emperor: The UK Prime Minister To Create A “Standing Army” To Deal With The “Far-Right” – Plus there will be a crackdown on online freedom of speech. – Many of these protests began after a deranged 17-year-old lunatic stabbed and killed three young girls who were taking part in a Taylor Swift dance class…

The San Francisco Standard: SF plans to bus more homeless people out of town. – Destinations of homeless people between September 2023 and Aug. 2 under San Francisco’s Journey Home program show that other California cities were number one, followed by Oregon, Nevada, Texas, Ohio, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, and Indiana.

Breitbart: Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist group launched a series of drone and rocket attacks into northern Israel on Tuesday morning and then warned that was just the start. – Hezbollah said it launched a swarm of attack drones at two military sites near Acre in northern Israel and also attacked an Israeli military vehicle in another location, Reuters reported.

Modernity News: The BBC Described The Violent Birmingham Riot as “Largely Peaceful” – Despite a mob attacking innocent people, and reporters as well as besieging a pub. – Last night, we saw more unrest in several locations across the country, but the broadcaster was seemingly loathe to focus on what happened in England’s second-largest city, Birmingham.

The Vigilant Fox: Secret Service Whistleblowers Describe The Butler Trump Rally as a ‘Free-for-All’ Security Nightmare – According to the whistleblowers… it all comes down to the lead site agent.” – Nobody was fired and the lead site agent responsible for the Trump security disaster continues to oversee security for political events.

Breitbart: Multiple reports Tuesday morning indicated Kamala Harris has personally chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her vice presidential running mate for the White House in 2024. – The Harris campaign reportedly plans to announce via a video message before the rally, though the exact timing remained unclear.

American Greatness: Hillbilly Apprentice, An Interview With Trump’s Running Mate JD Vance – A man from the bottom is now on the top, as Vance is the vanguard of the new right, a kind of populist conservatism unconcerned with the niceties of long-established GOP orthodoxy. – Charlie Kirk, the political activist who lobbied hard to make Vance the party’s vice presidential nominee, calls him “the perfect complement” to former President Trump…

Townhall: Democrat Representative Raskin Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About – Even if voters unquestionably elect Donald Trump as President, no matter the margin, and even if the election is universally accepted as free and fair, top Democrats are calling on Congress to block certification of the results on January 6th, 2025 using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, also known as the Insurrection Clause or Disqualification Clause…

Glenn Ellmers: Inequality As a Left-Wing Principle – The noxious agenda of equal outcomes leads to a suffocating project of social engineering: ethnic and gender parity, biological males in women’s sports, and the repudiation of merit (or even effort) as “systemic racism.”

Resist The Mainstream: SCOTUS Rejects Missouri’s Effort to Delay Trump’s Sentencing for New York Conviction – The Supreme Court has delivered a blow to Missouri’s efforts to intervene in the prosecution of former President Donald Trump. – This latest development in the ongoing legal saga surrounding the former president highlights the complex interplay between state and federal jurisdictions, First Amendment rights and the prosecution of high-profile political figures.

Jonathan Turley: The House Moves Forward With its Investigation of Blacklisting Company GARM. – Media rating systems are being used to target advertisers and their revenue sources. – GARMs rating system is an insidious form of blacklisting by working to strangle the financial life out of sites by targeting their donors and advertisers.

Zero Hedge: Jim Quinn Examines What Everybody Knows – The dice have been loaded for decades. – They have used every crisis they create to abscond with more of our liberties, freedoms, rights, and wealth. – Even though the ignorant masses are kept distracted on behalf of their Deep State masters, they know something is amiss. – Their goal is to mentally overwhelm us and force us to acquiesce to their degenerate dogma through fear, peer pressure, propaganda, cancellation, the threat of imprisonment, and so much more…

Epoch Times: Federal Court Rules Against Google in Landmark Antitrust Case – Federal District Judge Amit Mehta ruled that Google violated antitrust laws by maintaining its monopoly power in the markets for general search services and general search text advertisements. – Google engaged in anti-competitive practices by establishing exclusive agreements with browser developers, mobile device manufacturers, and wireless carriers.

Slay News: The IBA Confirms The 2 Supposed ‘Female’ Olympic Boxers Are NOT Women, ‘These Boxers Are Male’ with XY chromosomes. – Despite both boxers previously failing IBA gender tests, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has permitted them to fight against biological females.

Zero Hedge: Federal Air Marshal Whistleblowers Divulge That Tulsi Gabbard Is Actively Under Surveillance Via Quiet Skies Program, a surveillance program with its own compartmentalized suspected terrorist watchlist. – It is the same program being weaponized against J6 defendants and their families. – Quiet Skies is allegedly used to protect traveling Americans from suspected domestic terrorists.

Zero Hedge: Maricopa County Is Sued After Refusing To Remove Illegals From Their Voter Rolls – America First Legal (AFL) has filed a lawsuit against Maricopa County, Arizona recorder Stephen Richer for allegedly refusing to verify the citizenship of voters registered in the county.

Townhall: A Major Children’s Hospital Is Hosting Workshops on How To Best Transition Kids – Dr. Rebecca Wood Persky’s comments are too outlandish to summarize, so you will have to read this one to get the full impact…

August 5, 2024

American Thinker: The markets plunge after Joe Biden claims he ‘cured’ the economy, with AI Czar Kamala Harris nowhere to be found – Kamala Harris’s economy would be the same as Joe Biden’s economy because they will have the same people running it. – Losses steepened on the Dow Jones Industrial Average as the closing bell approached Monday, with blue chips falling more than 1,000 points…

RVM News: A financial expert and market analyst predicts that the Federal Reserve will be compelled to implement an emergency rate cut before its scheduled September meeting to mitigate the recent significant sell-off in equities. – Robert Prechter, founder and president of Elliott Wave International, conveyed his concerns during an interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox Business News.

Washington Free Beacon: Nearly 100 Illegal Immigrants on Terror Watch List Were Released into US Under The Biden, Harris’s Watch – The report came just days after the House passed a resolution—in a 220-196 vote with six Democrats in favor—condemning Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, for her failure as “border czar” to secure the U.S. southern border.

The Federalist: ‘Schoolhouse Rock’ Forgot To Teach Kids About The Administrative State – The truth about “Schoolhouse Rock!” illustrates another notable feature of our law today. – Not only have the last few decades witnessed a shift in power from local to federal authorities, but even within Washington, a dramatic transfer of power has taken place from elected representatives to unelected agency officials.

American Spectator: The Tories’ Immigration Policies Spawned This Britain Chaos – Despite promises to control immigration, Britain is now a different nation than it was when the Tories took power in 2010. – As the protests turned violent in more than a dozen towns and cities — “injuring dozens of police officers, looting businesses, targeting mosques and setting fires outside a hotel that housed asylum seekers”…

Slay News: California Regulators Propose Taking Control of Oil Refineries to Tackle Price Hikes Amid Their Green Agenda Push – The proposals were revealed in a new report released by the taxpayer-funded California Energy Commission. – The CEC expects some of California’s nine oil refineries to be shuttered due to falling demand as the Golden State continues to pursue its green agenda.

Dr. Meryl Nass: The UN’s New World Order, coming in September is labeled The Summit of the Future – The Summit is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on delivering a better present and safeguarding the future. – Buzzwords include, international consensus; international cooperation; agreed goals; mending eroded trust; safeguarding the future; leaving no one behind, and global governance...

Breitbart: Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock Index Plunges 12.4% As Investors Dump A Wide Range Of Shares – Monday’s decline was the second largest percentage loss in a single day and the largest ever loss in terms of points.

Wall Street Journal: Is This 1987 All Over Again, So What’s Driving the Market Meltdown? – Financial markets are supposed to capture the wisdom of the crowd, but on Monday the crowd ran in all directions.- The selloff was triggered by Friday’s jobs data prompting a sudden switch in the economic narrative from soft landing to hard landing. News that Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway had sold half its Apple shares and boosted its cash pile added to the pain…

Jordan Schachtel: Black Monday Is Brought To You By Bidenomics, Japan, and The Kamala Factor – Why is your portfolio crashing? Here are some answers. – The $20 trillion Carry Trade reversal carries perhaps the most significant weight. – Some Wall Street analysts say The Fed didn’t act quickly enough to hike rates, and likewise, didn’t act quickly enough to lower rates. – And when sentiment is bearish, markets suddenly stomach the possibility that a braindead, anti-human progressive called Kamala Harris may assume the presidency.

New York Post: The stock market braces for a bloodbath as Dow and Nasdaq futures plunge following Japan meltdown, stoking fears of a US recession – The Tokyo-based Nikkei index suffered its worst single-day retreat since the infamous “Black Monday” crash of 1987 — closing 12.4% lower.

Trending Politics: Wall Street’s ‘Fear Index’ Rises To Startling High As Global Markets Crash – Wall Street’s primary index gauging volatility in the market has reached its highest level since Covid-19 shuttered the entire global economy, suggesting catastrophic times are ahead in the not-too-distant future.

The Daily Fetched: The State Department Gave Taliban $239 Million After A Vetting Procedures ‘Glitch’ – A July 2024 report from the government watchdog, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), identified at least 29 grants where the Taliban received funds that were supposed to be used for counterterrorism measures.

Real Clear Politics: Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and others in top agency leadership positions wanted to destroy the cocaine discovered in the White House last summer, but their Forensics Services Division and the Uniformed Division stood firm, rejecting the push to dispose of the evidence. – Multiple heated confrontations and disagreements over how best to handle the cocaine ensued after a Secret Services Uniformed Division officer found the bag on July 2, 2023…

Victor Davis Hanson: How Trump Can Win—or Lose—the Election – Moving forward, Donald Trump needs to focus his attack on the disastrous Biden governance of the last four years. He needs to make Harris own it and contrast it with 2017 through 2021 and what will follow in 2025.

Resist The Mainstream: Former military sniper Nick Irving has raised alarming questions about the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, pointing to what he describes as glaring security failures. – He also worries that another assassination is imminent, given the lack of concrete information from officials regarding what exactly happened, paired with zero known steps about how to prevent a new threat to the president’s life in the future.

American Thinker: The New Secret Service Director Is Worse Than The Old One – Senator Cruz, “I believe that Secret Service leadership made a political decision to deny requests for additional security.” Things got heated when he pressed acting director Rowe for answers…

American Thinker: Did Complacency Almost Get Donald Trump Killed? – Complacency is perhaps the most dangerous form of incompetence. – The calamity of errors on July 13th is so unimaginable, that it has invited speculation of deep state conspiracies from the “Epstein didn’t hang himself” crowd. Given our government’s behavior over the past 10 years, who can blame them?

New York Post: Chinese-made humanoid robots raise alarms in Congress of a possible ‘stealth army on our land.’ – Advanced Chinese-made robots with eerily lifelike capabilities are poised to enter the global market so some US lawmakers are demanding that they be banned in the US. – Various Chinese companies are producing humanoid robots capable of carrying boxes, moving at high speeds and even replicating human facial expressions.

Townhall: We Investigated a ‘Trans Kids’ Camp And Look Who’s Funding It. – The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, doing business as “Supporting and Mentoring Young Advocates and Leaders,” is a 501(c)(3) non-profit headquartered in the heart of Washington, D.C. – Tens of thousands of tax dollars, earmarked for ending gun violence in the nation’s crime-infested capital, were instead squandered on socially programming children as young as six-years-old to identify as “transgender” and even took steps towards “transitioning” them.

CFact: Recent setbacks in the fortunes of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing have not kept a bloc of deep-pocketed financial institutions from adopting policies fundamentally at odds with farmers’ ability to grow food, a coalition of state agricultural officials said in a Jan. 29 letter to six big banks. – The banks – Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo – are part of the U.N.-sponsored Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA).

August 4, 2024

Breitbart: Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned G7 leaders that Iran and Hezbollah could launch an attack on Israel within the next 24-48 hours. – Three people who were given the information say Blinken believes Iran and Hezbollah will retaliate in response to the deaths of Hamas’s political chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah’s second-in-command, Fuad Shukr.

American Spectator: Iran’s Khamenei Threatens Israel … and the West – Iran has learned that Israel’s and the US’s air defense systems can be overwhelmed, so Khameni’s new threats must be taken seriously.

Resist The Mainstream: The Vicious ‘Muslim Patrol’ Hunts White Brits Down – Journalist Andy Ngo has been at the forefront of the reporting on this “Muslim patrol,” and has documented instances of violence against native Britons accused of standing up against the immigrant wave.

Epoch Times: Trump Proposes A Debate Against Harris on Fox News But She Declines – Trump said that because Biden has dropped out of the race, their prior arrangement for a Sept. 10 debate on ABC no longer holds. – Harris responded by saying that she’ll be there on September 10th, as he agreed to previously.

Conservative Brief: Tesla CEO and X head honcho Elon Musk has decided to work hard to elect former President Donald Trump in a variety of ways. – In the most recent example of his efforts his Super-PAC is spending millions to collect voter data in crucial swing states.

American Spectator: Ranked-Choice Voting by Subterfuge – RCV disenfranchises voters and confuses election officials, so its supporters are desperately hiding these facts from the public. – RCV’s ability to upend would-be winners by trashing ballots is precisely why partisan elites have invested so much money in rewriting distant states’ election laws…

American Greatness: The Trump Assassination Attempt and the Kennedy Connection – Trump made a lot of enemies in government just as Kennedy had by trying to reform many of the same systems and angering many of the same moneyed interests. – It is not unreasonable to assume that the organized left operation that runs the federal government from the shadows of Washington, D.C. would be desperate enough to recruit an Oswald-like patsy to kill him and make sure he had the opportunity to do it..

The Daily Fetched: The Secret Service Mysteriously DELETED ALL Radio Recordings after The Trump Assassination Attempt – This is just another bizarre addition to the growing number of security lapses during the rally. – We still don’t know why the Secret Service would allow attempted assassin Mathew Crooks to fire off eight shots at President Trump before he was taken out.

American Thinker: The Coming Terrorist Attacks – Actual terrorist attacks are coming, while we are governed by America-hating useful idiots. – Iran and their Islamist terrorist proxies, consider America the “great Satan,” and Israel the “little Satan.” – They hate and want to murder us no less than they do Israel and the Jews. – We’re just less accessible, so they have sent terrorists, likely thousands, across our wide-open borders…

Breitbart: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Sunday that soldiers had uncovered a massive smuggling tunnel underneath the border between Gaza and Egypt in the area of Rafah, where the U.S. had cautioned Israel not to go. – The IDF vows to thoroughly destroy all the underground infrastructure on the Philadelphi Corridor and will act with determination to prevent their formation in the future.

Breitbart: Republican VP candidate Senator JD Vance said the Biden-Harris administration only backtracked on a plea deal for Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that killed thousands of Americans, after realizing it was a “political disaster.” – The plea deal took the death sentence off the table in exchange for guilty pleas to lesser charges and life in prison by Mohammed and his accomplices.

National Review: ‘Fact-Checkers’ for Harris Cover Up Her Inconvenient Record – The easiest job in American politics must be serving as a communications staffer for Democratic politicians because the media do your job for you every day. – In explaining its “mostly false” rating for Trump’s remarks on July 24, PolitiFact argues, “The Trump campaign points to statements by Harris in 2020 — not in 2024.” That was then. This is now!

Breitbart: England on the Brink – British Prime Minister Sir Kier Starmer has vowed that police have his full support in taking on “extremists” as anti-mass migration protests and riots have broken out across the United Kingdom following the mass stabbing at a children’s dance party

American Thinker: The Stranglehold of Censorship – With Artificial Intelligence we have finally arrived in a world of 24/7 censorship, a place where thought itself can be molded, and whole societies can be pushed or pulled like taffy in any direction or shape desired. If you doubt that this is occurring it is only because you are unaware of this influence, not because it doesn’t exist.

American Thinker: The Absolute, Extreme, Extraordinary, Weirdness Of The Left – What’s weird is men in women’s clothing, sometimes with mustaches, being placed in high positions in our government. – What’s weird is allowing children to access illustrated sexually explicit how-to books in school classrooms and libraries with emphases on gay sex. Mostly with young boys, and the list goes on…

Zero Hedge: The IRS Makes It Easier For Cash-Strapped Americans To Raid 401k, IRA Accounts – The new rules bring to life one of the provisions of the SECURE Act 2.0, a law passed at the end of 2022 that made many tweaks to retirement plans. With this one, retirement account owners can withdraw up to $1,000 for “emergencies,” and the IRS isn’t tightly defining that word.

August 3, 2024

Conservative Brief: Trump Scores Massive Victory From Supreme Court In The January 6 Case – On Friday, the court sent the case back to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to continue proceedings, which effectively vacated U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan’s decision that denied immunity.

Conservative Brief: Vets Are Furious After A Watchdog Group Reveals The Enormous Funds Being Sent To the Taliban – The group discovered that, via the United Nations, more than $3.8 billion in U.S. tax dollars have been sent into the nation.

Zero Hedge: Hezbollah in the overnight hours has launched dozens of rockets toward the Beit Hillel settlement in northern Israel, possibly over 50, triggering Israel’s Iron Dome anti-air defense system. – The sky has been lighting up over northern Galilee Sunday morning with the intercepts, as several social media videos show.

American Spectator: Working-Class Whites Are Anxiously Losing Ground – A Harvard study shows racial gaps shrinking, but confirms that the white working class is being left behind. – Working-class Trump supporters understand the current economic realities of the country much better than the mainstream media. – Black individuals who were born poor have gained ground while their white counterparts have lost ground…

Slay News: Claims That ‘Carbon Emissions’ Cause ‘Global Warming’ Are False – A comprehensive new study details a stochastic assessment determination of the sequencing of CO2 variations versus temperature variations since the 1950s, over the last 2,000 years (the Common Era), and throughout the last 541 million years. – The unimpeachable conclusion is that the causality direction – with the understanding that causes lead and effects lag – clearly shows the temperature changes lead and CO2 changes lag on yearly, decadal, and centennial/millennial scales.

The Center Square: Shoplifting rose 24% this year, with no end in sight – Several major stores, including CVS, Macy’s, Target, Walmart, and others have cited shoplifting when they closed down urban locations. – California has been the center of the shoplifting spree. – Shoplifting further drives up prices for Americans as stores have to make up for the lost inventory by increasing prices. But prices have already soared over 20% since President Joe Biden took office.

Western Journal: Embattled Olympic Boxer Imane Khelif Beats Another Female Opponent, Says ‘I Am a Woman’ Amid Gender Test Failure – Last year, Khelif was banned from fighting as a woman by the International Boxing Association because of the presence of an X and Y chromosome, hallmarks of being male.

Fox News: Trump agrees to debate Kamala Harris on Fox News – The Trump-Kamala debate will be held on September 4th in Pennsylvania – The moderators of the debate will be Fox News anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. – The debate rules will be similar to the rules of the June 27 CNN debate against Biden.

The Daily Fetched: Dan Bongino Reacts to A STUNNING Revelation Regarding The Trump Assassination Attempt – ‘How the Hell Do You Miss This?’ – “It is implausible” that Secret Service agents missed intercepting the gunman according to newly emerged cell phone footage of the man on the roof.”…

Townhall: As Time Passes, It Is Becoming Clearer That There Is A Cover-Up – The Recent Secret Service Presser Reveals More Damning Updates on Trump Assassination Attempt – Senator Mike Lee was among several Republican lawmakers who reacted to acting U.S. Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe’s press conference Friday when he said, “It is clear that the American people still have not been given the full story.”

The Vigilant Fox: Elon Musk Reveals 7 Reasons Why He’s Voting for Donald Trump – His list is pretty convincing. – 1. When Trump fist-pumped and shouted, “Fight!” shortly after getting shot in the ear. – 2. Musk seeks a leader “who is strong and courageous to represent the country.” – 3. He wants someone tough to deal with world leaders who are pretty tough themselves. – 4. Musk wants “a secure border as we don’t have a secure border.”…


American Thinker: The Establishment Ensures That Gaslighting Paves The Way To Marxism – Are you ready for three months of leftist rumors, innuendos, and gaslighting? The left knows that repeating horrendous falsehoods is how the gullible public accepts lies at face value. – Nazi Joseph Goebbels often comes to mind as the propaganda minister was an expert at understanding the principle of selling lies by continuing to repeat them…

FAR: Arctic Sea Ice Soars To Its Highest Level In 21 Years –  Last December, the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) revealed that sea ice recorded its third-highest monthly gain in the modern 45-year record.

Powerline: The Week in Pictures, Weird Edition – An instance of art imitating life in the Democrat Party, as the party of Dr. Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton, wants us to believe that J.D. Vance is the “weird” one.

August 2, 2024

Newsweek: Lloyd Austin Reverses Plea Deals for 9/11 Defendants Amid Backlash – In a memorandum released by the Pentagon Friday night, Austin informed Brigadier General Susan Escallier, the military official who signed off on the plea deals, that he was seizing control of the case and rescinding the agreements.

The American Mind: Attacking the Supreme Court – Delegitimization of the justice system is a key step toward progressive domination. – Last week, President Joe Biden proposed an 18-year term limit along with a new ethics code for Supreme Court justices. Additionally, repeal of the Court’s presidential immunity decision and Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris promptly agreed...

Western Journal: Donald Trump Droped An 8-Word Bomb After The Transgender Olympic Boxer Left His Female Opponent Brutalized – “I WILL KEEP MEN OUT OF WOMEN’S SPORTS!”

Epoch Times: Demand for household goods is at the same level seen during the financial crisis of 2008–09, the CEO of furniture and home goods company Wayfair said, as the firm continues to face challenges amid ongoing “macro headwinds.” – The Boston-headquartered company saw declines across the board in its fiscal second quarter, reporting a $42 million loss in the second quarter that ended June 30.

American Conservative: Why Middle-Class Americans Are Praying for a Trump Return – Only one candidate has promised to address America’s fundamental problems. – An important problem that often goes unnoticed is how the breakdown of family units is being facilitated by the state, in my case, the liberal uni party state of California. – The border crisis has played a huge role in the drug epidemic. It has not only led to increased rent, soaring house prices, and fewer jobs, but it has also enabled human trafficking and drug smuggling.

American Spectator: France Shows the World How to Ruin the Olympics – Consider these two images. First, the blasphemous inauguration with transvestites mocking the Last Supper. – Then there is the Italian boxer Angela Carini crying after receiving a brutal beating in 46 seconds at the hands of a boxer recognized as “intersex,” that is, being born with female genitalia but with XY chromosomes and in tests showing male testosterone levels.

Epoch Times: Breaking News, Kamala Harris Secures Enough Votes to Become The Democrat’s Presidential Nominee, The DNC Chair Says – The official delegate voting process will continue until Aug. 5, although Harris has met the threshold for nomination. – The DNC began its early virtual roll call of delegates at 9 a.m. on August 1 to nominate its candidate in time to meet ballot certification deadlines in multiple states that occur later this month.

Breitbart: Disaster: A Recent Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research Poll Finds That Few Americans Trust the Secret Service After Trump Assassination Attempt – Only around 30% of Americans are extremely or very confident the Secret Service can keep the presidential candidates safe. – The survey also found some 70% of Americans think the Secret Service bears at least a moderate amount of responsibility for the assassination attempt…

The Daily Fetched: A whistleblower said that Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe personally directed cuts to the Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), hindering the threat assessment team’s ability to perform essential security tasks in preparation for former President Donald Trump‘s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. – The news comes just days after Rowe and FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate testified before Congress over the state of their investigation into Trump’s assassination attempt.

Slay Magazine: Donald Trump has paid special tribute to the person who produced the chart that caused him to turn his head away from a would-be assassin’s bullet. – During his rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this week, Trump called the unnamed woman a “computer genius” and invited her on stage. – It was the first time Trump had held a rally in Pennsylvania since the failed assassination attempt last month.

Just The News: The Secret Service developed intelligence that there was a “high potential for violence” before the Jan. 6 Capitol riot but failed to share that information with its agents guarding Donald Trump, Mike Pence, or Kamala Harris that fateful day, according to a bombshell report delivered to Congress on Thursday that exposed a fresh round of failures by the presidential protection agency.

The Daily Fetched: J.D. Vance Flips The Tables on A Race-Baiting CNN Reporter – A CNN reporter asked Vance about the exchange between Trump and ABC reporter Rachel Scott who suggested Trump was an irredeemable racist. – “Look, all he said is that Kamala Harris is a chameleon. – “She was raised in Canada, she puts on a fake Southern accent.” – “She is everything to everybody and she pretends to be somebody different depending on which audience she’s in front of,” he said.

John Daniel Davidson: The Biden Administration’s Prisoner Swap With Russia Was Ridiculously Lopsided – It’s good news that three Americans have been released, but to achieve that the U.S. had to release actual Russian assassins and spies. – Among the Russians released from Western prisons, for example, was Vadim Krasikov, a Russian assassin who in 2019 killed a Chechen separatist commander in broad daylight in a park in central Berlin…

Breitbart: Disaster: U.S. Economy Added Just 114,000 Jobs in July, Unemployment Jumped To 4.3% – Economists had been expecting 180,000 jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.1 percent.

Zero Hedge: The private debt crisis is becoming apparent in America – Car repossessions jumped 23% during the first half of 2024. – Data shows that 1.6 million Americans will have their car repossessed by the bank before the end of the year, a slight increase from the 1.5 million autos repossessed in 2023 and a drastic upturn from the 1.1 million in 2021.

Zero Hedge: The Financial Strain On American Households Has Hit Retailers Hard – American consumers, increasingly overextended on credit card debt, and having depleted their pandemic-accumulated savings, have started to close their wallets to all but essential, non-discretionary purchases such as food and fuel. – This is in part a consequence of inflation and the rising interest rates used to combat it.

Trending Politics: Trump Reveals Surprising Phone Call With Zuckerberg And What He Said About The 2024 Election – Trump says Zuckerberg called him after the assassination attempt, said he isn’t going to support a Democrat, and apologized for Facebook and Instagram censoring the iconic photos of him with his fist raised.

Emerald Robinson: The FBI & CISA are telling you that “bad actors” will attack our voting systems, and these attacks will be successful so you won’t get timely election results. – CISA’s role is to supposedly safeguard our election systems so that the American public has access to election results. – Instead, CISA is sending out bulletins that it has already failed.

Epoch Times: The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Has Blocked The FCC’s Reinstatement of Net Neutrality Rules for Broadband Internet – The court found that several broadband companies will likely succeed in a legal challenge against reinstating the FCC rules that would classify broadband internet providers as common carriers and subject them to heightened regulatory requirements. – The court said, ‘Net neutrality is likely a major question requiring clear congressional authorization.’

Breitbart: Disaster: Chevron plans to relocate its headquarters from California to Texas, joining a growing list of companies bound for the Lone Star State citing excessive regulation as the reason for their departure. – The second-biggest U.S. oil company said Friday it would leave the state where it has been a fixture for almost 150 years following clashes with authorities over climate policies and penalties it has said render California “closed for business.”

The Heritage Foundation: Wind Turbines Are Not Green Nor Are They Reliable – 1. For every megawatt of power capacity, a natural gas power plant requires about 1 ton of critical minerals, while…onshore wind plants require 11 tons. – 2. Because the wind does not always blow, these turbines run at maximum power only about 35% of the time, which is very low compared with nuclear power plants…

Trending Politics: A second biological male boxer competing in the Paris Olympics female division decimated their opponent in the opening rounds of the match, reigniting widespread criticism of the event’s handling of transgender athletes one day after a similar boxing match incident.

August 1, 2024

Real Clear Politics: Senator Ron Johnson On The Assassination Attempt – “I Completely Understand The Suspicion That’s Out There, And It’s A Legitimate Suspicion” – During a recent guest appearance on SiriusXM’s ‘The Wilkow Majority’ he discussed people’s concerns about the lack of security for President Trump in Pennsylvania and whether the federal government will properly investigate what happened, exactly.

Daily Caller: Acting Secret Service Chief ‘Retaliated Against’ Agents Who Had Security Concerns At Trump Event, Whistleblower Claims – The whistleblower alleged that Rowe personally implemented “significant cuts” to the Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), which does advanced threat assessments for venues, and alleged that agents who expressed security concerns were “retaliated against”

Foundation For Freedom Online: The federal government is sending billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to four of the big six global advertising agencies, which include some of the leading architects of online censorship. – These multinational corporations have spent much of the last decade demanding online censorship of supposed “hate speech,” “disinformation,” and “harmful content” on social media platforms, all while being paid by U.S. taxpayers, who overwhelmingly support free speech.

Daily Caller: Within a fundraising update for July, Trump’s campaign stated they’ve pulled in a total of $138.7 million, thus providing a cash-on-hand total of $327 million. – The new numbers come after Trump was confirmed as the GOP’s presidential nominee at the Republican National Committee in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and notably after the failed assassination attempt against him in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Epoch Times: Israel Says It Killed Hamas Commander Mohammed Deif Via An Air Strike – Mohammed Deif was a top Hamas leader and is believed to have played a key role in directing the Oct. 7, 2023, attacks. – Hamas had previously denied that Deif was killed in the July 13 strike and has yet to comment publicly on the latest Israeli claims…

Zero Hedge: A video has emerged of wannabe assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks running across the infamous sloped rooftop from which he would subsequently try to kill Donald Trump while the former President was speaking. – Rather than army crawling, Crooks can be seen standing straight up and running across the top of the American Glass Research (AGR) building.

Slay Magazine: Trump Shreds A ‘Fake News’ Reporter During a Live Interview, And The Mostly Black Crowd Goes Wild After He Politely Puts Her Down – Without introducing the 45th president to the audience, Scott unloaded on Trump with a long-winded attack filled with false claims, starting with accusing Trump of lying and attacking the black community. – Trump then went on to explain the many things he has done for the black community…

Slay Magazine: Trump Vows to Eliminate Taxes on Social Security – Trump announced the plan on Wednesday, to a flood of support. – “SENIORS SHOULD NOT PAY TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY!,” Trump declared.

Townhall: Despite ongoing claims by Iran that Hamas Chief Political Officer, Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated by an Israeli Missile Strike, U.S. and Middle Eastern Officials are now reporting he was Killed by a Remote-Triggered Explosive Device that was Smuggled into the IRGC Guesthouse several months before the Assassination – The device was similar to the Remote-Triggered Machine Gun that was used by Mossad in 2020 that Killed the Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

American Conservative: The Ukrainian War Effort Is Going Nowhere Fast – Kyiv is suffering badly. Its manpower losses have been much greater than reported. A Ukrainian legislator admitted that his government “vastly downplayed the war’s true toll.” – The U.S. and Europe must wrap up their dangerous proxy war as soon as possible.

American Thinker: Putin just released American prisoners to help Harris’s campaign – Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former US Marine Paul Whelen, both of whom have been languishing in Russian prisons for years on trumped-up espionage charges, have been released. – Additionally, a host of Russians imprisoned in the U.S. are no longer in the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons database…

Breitbart: JD Vance Rips 9/11 Plea Deal: ‘Need a President Who Kills Terrorists, Not Negotiates with Them’ – “In exchange for removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment, these three Accused have agreed to plead guilty to all of the charged offenses, including the murder of the 2,976 people listed in the charge sheet,” said a letter that chief OMC prosecutor Rear Adm. Aaron C. Rugh signed, addressed to the September 11 victims’ families. – The letter upset many loved ones of the innocent Americans who perished at the hands of al-Qaeda, as well as Vance, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran.

Resist The Mainstream: Jack Posobiec Unearths Alleged Coverup by One of Harris’s VP Pick Frontrunners – Posobiec shared that a woman was “stabbed 20 times” back in 2011, “including twice while dead.” – “[The] coroner ruled it a homicide, then changed it to suicide.” – “This week, the PA Supreme Court announced it will investigate why Then-Attorney General Josh Shapiro upheld the lie,” noting more information was “to come.”

Just The Facts: The Federal Fiscal Burden Consumes 93% of America’s Wealth – The federal government has amassed $142 trillion in debts, liabilities, and unfunded obligations. – This staggering figure equals 93% of all the wealth Americans have accumulated since the nation’s founding, estimated by the Federal Reserve to be $152 trillion.

Victor Davis Hanson: Harris Is Recycling the 2020 Democrat Campaign – Kamala Harris will struggle to replicate Joe Biden’s 2020 election strategy in 2024 due to her inability to project a moderate image and her radical political history. – Without the excuse of COVID, Harris certainly will not agree to unscripted, ad hoc interviews with non-partisan journalists. – She is unable to speak extemporaneously and off the teleprompter without appearing childish, so her handlers will ensure few opportunities for Harris to burst into cackling or to stream her puerile musings about yellow school buses or kindergarten geography.

Breitbart: ‘I Have Never Been Hit So Hard in My Life’- An Italian Female Boxer Lasted Just 46 Seconds Against A Transgender Fighter Who Failed Gender Test – Twenty-five-year-old Imane Khelif was cleared to compete as a woman at the 2024 Olympics, even after being disqualified from the International Boxing Association (IBA) 2023 World Boxing Championships for failing gender-eligibility tests. – According to Reuters, Khalif was found to have elevated levels of testosterone

New York Post: Elon Musk And Riley Gaines speak out on Imane Khelif-Angela Carini Olympics boxing controversy – Carini’s coach, Emanuele Renzini, said she was warned by many not to fight the 25-year-old Khelif, who was disqualified from the 2023 World Championships due to failed gender eligibility tests. – “Many people in Italy tried to call and tell her: ‘Don’t go please: it’s a man, it’s dangerous for you,” Renzini told reporters.

Resist The Mainstream: A volleyball player who was left partially paralyzed after competing with a man who identified as a woman is condemning the Olympics after a female boxer was forced to quit her match against a man who also identified as a woman. – At 17, Payton McNabb was hit in the face after her transgendered opponent spiked the ball in her face, causing her to lose consciousness. 

The Center Square: The Biden administration’s Title IX rule is blocked in four more states, bringing the total to 26 – Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina are the latest states where the Department of Education cannot implement the updated rules that expanded federal sex discrimination protections to cover gender identity and pregnancy.

Zero Hedge: 70% Of Students ‘Believe Speech Can Be As Damaging As Physical Violence’- A new Knight Foundation-Ipsos study shows a decline in students’ views concerning the state of free speech on college campuses. – Only about half of students believe colleges should “allow students to be exposed to all types of speech even if they may find it offensive or biased.” — That percentage has decreased from 78 percent in 2016.

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