
What Radical Islam and the Woke Have In Common

You would think that the Islamist extremists and leftist radicals would have nothing in common. Noted human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains why this is no longer the case in this eye-opening video. The parallels she draws are enlightening, to say the least.  Her script for the video: There were many American heroes

What Radical Islam and the Woke Have In Common Read More »

Stakeholder Capitalism And Why It Is Dangerous?

What is Stakeholder Capitalism and Why is it Dangerous? BY DILLON – ON JANUARY 19, 2021 – IN LIBERTY, MONEY, REGULATIONS, THE STATE Stakeholder Capitalism is one of those ideas that works great on a t-shirt and makes people feel more clever than they actually are. Stakeholder Capitalism is the theory that firms should be accountable to their stakeholders instead of their shareholders.

Stakeholder Capitalism And Why It Is Dangerous? Read More »

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