50 Random Facts You Probably Don’t Know
Some of these may be out of date, but its fun to see them anyway.
- 78% of NFL players are bankrupt two years after finishing their careers.
- 60% of NBA players are bankrupt within five years of leaving the league.
- Male koalas have two penises. Female koalas have two vaginas.
- In Utah, it is against the law to fish from the back of a horse.
- If you put a can of Diet Coke in water, it floats. Regular Coca-Cola sinks.
- According to Utah law, a husband is responsible for any criminal act his wife commits while in his presence.
- Apparently, if you eat a Polar Bear’s liver, you will die of a vitamin A overdose.
- The number one tire manufacturer in the world? LEGO.
- If you combine all the ants in the world, they’ll weigh about the same as if you combine all the people.
- The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down.
- Because news traveled so slowly back then, slaves in Texas didn’t know they were free for more than two months after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
- Talk about pressure. Female ferrets die if they can’t find a mate after going into heat.
- There are 18.6 million vacant homes in America. There are 3.1 million homeless people.
- Humans have had dogs as companions and workers for over 14,000 years.
- A snail can sleep for more than three years at a time.
- Mumbai’s air quality is so bad that it’s equivalent to smoking 2½ packs of cigarettes daily.
- Everyone on earth can wiggle their ears, but if you don’t learn how early on, the muscle atrophies, and you can’t learn any longer.
- Richie Ashburn hit a foul ball that hit a fan in the stands. As they were carrying her away, he hit another one, which struck her again.
- More than 13,000 years of human life have been spent watching the Gangnum-Style video.
- In 1938, Time Magazine named Adolf Hitler Man of the Year.
- Your fingernails grow faster in cold weather.
- Four out of five people over the age of 100 are women.
- Moles can dig more than 300 feet in a single night.
- The average person eats about 60,000 pounds of food in their lifetime. That’s six elephants, in case you were wondering.
- no word rhymes with “month.”
- The Mississippi River once started flowing backward after an earthquake.
- The Ribbon Worm will eat itself if it can’t find food.
- If three people are involved in a duel, it’s not a duel. It’s a truel. I’m not making this up. It’s truel!
- The first engines put into Fords? They were made by Dodge…
- Jimmy Carter once left nuclear launch codes in his dry cleaning. Oops.
- Cows can walk upstairs but not down again.
- People with more intelligence also measure more zinc and copper in their hair.
- Every year, millions of trees worldwide grow where squirrels forgot their buried nuts.
- Baby rabbits are called… kittens.
- Smallpox does not exist anywhere on Earth except in a laboratory.
- The brain can’t create a new face. It only remembers faces you’ve seen somewhere before. This includes in your dreams.
- Nachos were invented by a guy named Nacho.
- If you love ice cream and eat a lot of it, chances are you’ve had plenty of beaver anal gland extract.
- Speaking of dreams, did you know that 12% of people dream in black and white?
- There is a significant population of people in Argentina who speak Welsh.
- Ulysses S. Grant tried to have the Dominican Republic annexed so that a special haven could be set up for blacks to get away from the Klu Klux Klan.
- The American Sports industry is worth $422 billion annually, and over 1 percent of Americans work in it.
- Wikipedia banned the Church of Scientology from editing any articles.
- Farts measure more potently in the shower than they do outside it.
- There is a conspiracy theory that the Smithsonian Institute covered up the discovery of remnants of an Egyptian Civilization in the Grand Canyon.
- Two days after their deaths, ants give off an odor other ants pick up on. They then pick up the ant and carry it to an ant graveyard.
- Birds cannot live in space because they can’t swallow without gravity.
- Freddie Mercury refused to have his teeth worked on because he was afraid it would change his voice.
- ‘Rubber Duckie’ by Ernie on Sesame Street won a Grammy nomination in 1970. And reached #16 on the charts.
- In 1995, the winner of the $1 million Monopoly game piece at McDonald’s sent it to St. Jude’s in an anonymous letter.